Note the new additions to our library. It is now possible to explore some of the Bible translations that preceded the King Jame Version, which you can also find in our library. (See our earlier post for an example of…
The Quran: English Translations
A number of different translations of the Quran are now available in our library. Compare the top ten most frequently used words (the content word vector) in these three translations: Translated out of Arabick into French. BY THE Sieur du…
Achilles Tatius: The loves of Clitophon and Leucippe, Translations 1638 & 1855
Two translations of Achilles Tatius’s The loves of Clitophon and Leucippe are now available in our library. The two translators write very different introductions (see below). The top ten most frequently used words in each translation suggest that the two…
Corinthians 13 – “It is not the object discovered that matters, but the light that falls on it.” – Definitions of Love (Continued)
The OED on the etymology and usage of ‘charity’: Two early types of this word appear in English: (1) cariteð , -teþ , (2) charité ; these are adoptions respectively of Old Northern French caritedh , -tet(þ) , (later, and modern Picard carité ), and the somewhat later central Old French charité (earlier charitet ); which…
MW From Lawrence: “I am a fool,” said Richard Lovat, which was the most frequent discovery he made. It came, moreover, every time with a new shock of surprise and chagrin. Every time he climbed a new mountain range and…
MW Shibboleth – from the Bible, via Milton (“Without Reprieve adjudg’d to death, For want of well pronouncing Shibboleth.“) and Byron (“Nay, it is their brotherhood, Their Shibboleth–their Koran–Talmud–theirCabala–their best brick-work, wherewithal They build more—“, “Juan, who did not understand…
MW Wherefore? Through lack of arms to fight the foe: We had no arms or merely lawful ones, An unimportant sword and blunderbuss, Against a foe, pollent in potency, The amasius, and our vixen of a wife. Well then, how…
Seventhly, is annexed to the Soveraigntie, the whole power of prescribing the Rules, whereby every man may know, what Goods he may enjoy and what Actions he may doe, without being molested by any of his fellow Subjects: And this…
MW As obscure and imperfect ideas often involve our reason, so, upon the same ground, do dubious words and uncertain signs, often, in discourses and arguings, when not warily attended to, puzzle men’s reason, and bring them to a nonplus.…
MW The best education in the world is still to seek, and while he had been getting such scraps of second best for them as he could, the world itself, nature, tradition, custom, suggestion, example and accident, had moulded them…