MW One day as they all three together wentTo the greene wood, to gather strawberies,There chaunst to them a dangerous accident;A Tigre forth out of the wood did rise,That with fell clawes full of fierce gourmandize,And greedy mouth, wide gaping…
Tag: Merriam-Webster
MW Coole violets, and orpine growing still,/Embathed balme, and chearfull galingale,/Fresh costmarie, and breathfull camomill, /Dull poppie, and drink-quickning setuale*,/Veyne-healing verven, and hed-purging dill,/Sound savorie, and bazil hartie-hale,/Fat colworts, and comfórting perseline**,/Colde lettuce, and refreshing rosmarine. [* Setuale, valerian.][** Perseline,…
MW For look into the world, and you shall see men most part esteemed according to their means, and happy as they are rich: Ubique tanti quisque quantum habuit fuit. If he be likely to thrive, and in the way…
MW Our Theory of Gravitation is as good as perfect: Lagrange, it is well known, has proved that the Planetary System, on this scheme, will endure forever; Laplace, still more cunningly, even guesses that it could not have been made…
MW They were advised by various parts of the room in divers tongues to dream of their wives, to be careful of themselves in bed, to avoid catching cold, and to attend to a number of personal wants before retiring.…
MW And when the Company of Death arrivedAt twenty-hours,–the way they reckon here,–We say, at sunset, after dinner-time,–The Count was led down, hoisted up on car,Last of the five, as heinousest, you know:Yet they allowed one whole car to each…
MW The lord of day retired, when every bird,The plumy traveller of unbounded space,Claim’d the short hour of rest, could Labour’sShake from their freckled brows the evening dew,And homeward, blithesomely, return to quaffThe honey’d cup of joy? Could they suspireHealth’s…
MW I may conclude with Gregory, temporalium amor, quantum afficit, cum haeret possessio, tantum quum subtrahitur, urit dolor; riches do not so much exhilarate us with their possession, as they torment us with their loss. … “He came home sorrowful,…
MW Veracity in Hume. This man and this whale again came together, and the one vanquished the other. I say I, myself, have known three instances similar to this; that is in two of them I saw the whales struck;…
MW Plato, therefore, calls poverty, “thievish, sacrilegious, filthy, wicked, and mischievous:” and well he might. For it makes many an upright man otherwise, had he not been in want, to take bribes, to be corrupt, to do against his conscience,…