

“In which habituation to Obedience, truly, it was beyond measure safer to err by excess than by defect. Obedience is our universal duty and destiny; wherein whoso will not bend must break: too early and too thoroughly we cannot be trained to know that Would, in this world of ours, is as mere zero to Should, and for most part as the smallest of fractions even to Shall. Hereby was laid for me the basis of worldly Discretion, nay of Morality itself. Let me not quarrel with my upbringing. It was rigorous, too frugal, compressively secluded, every way unscientific: yet in that very strictness and domestic solitude might there not lie the root of deeper earnestness, of the stem from which all noble fruit must grow? Above all, how unskilful soever, it was loving, it was well-meant, honest; whereby every deficiency was helped.

Sartor Resartus Carlyle, Thomas 1836

…What an unweighed behaviour
hath this Flemish drunkard pick’d-with the devil’s name!
-out of my conversation, that he dares in this manner
assay me? Why, he hath not been thrice in my company!
What should I say to him? I was then frugal of my mirth.
Heaven forgive me!
Why, I’ll exhibit a bill in the parliament
for the putting down of men. How shall I be
reveng’d on him? for reveng’d I will be, as sure as his guts
are made of puddings.

The Merry Wives of Windsor Shakespeare, William 1597