We ordered all the words in The Complete Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow by their frequency of occurrence (the content word vector). The first eight words are: 0.207 old0.174 man0.171 see0.168 day0.165 heart0.164 said0.160 come0.157 night Find the text…
Author: Anya
MW It made him feel, in the turbid coil of his fears and passions, like a muddy tramp forcing his way into some pure sequestered shrine… He came nearer, and looked at her, and she went to him. All her…
OED stromboli, n. Origin: Stromboli, the name of a 1950 Italian-American film < Stromboli , the name of a volcanic island in the Mediterranean, one of the Lipari Islands (see Strombolian adj.).The name seems to have been an attempt to…