Our Recent Additions
- Jesus Praefigured; Abbot, George (Literature of the Sacred) 1623
- An Historical, Physiological and Theological Treatise of Spirits, Apparitions, Witchcrafts, and other Magical Practices; Beaumont, John 1705
- The Castle of Otranto; Walpole, Horace 1764
- From an Anthology, Some Imagist Poets, of 1915; Aldington, Richard 1915
- From an Anthology, Some Imagist Poets, of 1916; Aldington, Richard 1916
NOTE: “Give me a Quill Pulled from that Eagles Wing” is a quotation from Jesus Praefigured
GIVE me a Quill pul’d from that Eagles vving,
VVho soaring in the bosome of his King,
Saw those deepe secrets, which his Books descrie,
And vve admire, but cannot looke so high.
Fragment, Illustration, plate I, for The Castle of Otranto, printed in Berlin, 1794, by Horace Walpole. Illustration by Johann Wilhelm Meil (1733-1805), engraved by Johann Friedrich Bolt (1769-1836). *EC75 W1654 764cℓ, Houghton Library, Harvard University