Immanity, Cacoethes, Contretemps March 9, 2023March 9, 2023 adminWord of the Day -Well, my good lord, and as the only means To stop effusion of our Christian blood And stablish quietness on every side. – Ay, marry, uncle; for I always thought It was both impious and unnatural That such IMMANITY and bloody strife Should reign among professors of one faith.— (@QuotationsC) March 8, 2023 'Tis most true, tenet insanabile multos scribendi CACOETHES, and "there is no end of writing of books," as the wiseman found of old, in this scribbling age, especially wherein "the number of books is without number," (as a worthy man saith,) "presses be oppressed," and out of an— (@QuotationsC) March 8, 2023— (@QuotationsC) March 2, 2023