- A continuation of Sir Philip Sydney's Arcadia wherein is handled the loves of Amphialus and Helena Queen of Corinth, Prince Plangus and Erona. With the historie of the loves of old Claius and young Strephon to Urania. Written by a young gentlewoman, Meis A.W.
- Weamys, Anna, b. ca. 1630.
- 1651
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- A continuation of Sir Philip Sydney's Arcadia wherein is handled the loves of Amphialus and Helena Queen of Corinth, Prince Plangus and Erona. With the historie of the loves of old Claius and young Strephon to Urania. Written by a young gentlewoman, Meis A.W.
- Weamys, Anna, b. ca. 1630.
- Sidney, Philip, Sir, 1554-1586. Arcadia.
- [14], 199, [1] p.
- printed by William Bentley, and are to be sold by Thomas Heath, near the Pyazza of the Coven-Garden [sic],
- London :
- anno Dom. 1651.
- Mris A.W. = Anna Weamys.
- Leaf [par.]8 is blank.
- Annotation on Thomason copy: "Jan. Nou. 7."; between "n" and hyphen in "Coven-Garden" is a "t".
- Reproduction of original in the Folger Shakespeare Library.
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- A
- of
- Wherein is handled
- Queen of Corinth, Prince
- With the Hiſtorie of the LOVES of
- Old Claius and Young Strephon
- to
- Ʋrania.
- Written by a young Gentlewoman,
- Mris A. W.
- LONDON, Printed by William Bentley, and are to be
- ſold by Thomas Heath, near the Pyazza
- of the Coven-Garden.
- Anno Dom. 1651.
- To the two unparalleld
- and Patterns of Virtue,
- The Ladie ANNE PERPOINT, and
- Daughters to the Right Honourable
- the Marqueſs of
- IF I had not obſerved that
- the greateſt humilitie,
- reigns in the boſoms of
- the Nobleſt Perſonages,
- I ſhould not preſume to Dedicate
- this moſt unworthie Fabrick to
- your Honours; eſpecially when I
- conſider the poorneſs of my endeavours,
- and admire the Learned Sidney's
- Paſtimes; Whereof I beſeech
- you charitably to believe, that my
- ambition was not raiſed to ſo high a
- pitch, as the Title now manifeſts it
- to be, until I received Commands
- from thoſe that cannot be disobeyed.
- But however, if your Ladiſhips will
- graciouſly vouchſafe to peruſe ſuch a
- confuſed Theam, I ſhall harbour the
- better opinion of it, and ſhall acknowledge
- my ſelf, as in all Gratefulneſs,
- Your Honours devoted Servant, A. W.
- The
- to the ingenious
- MArvel not to find Heroick Sidney's
- renowned Fanſie purſued
- to a cloſe by a Feminine Pen: Rather
- admire his prophetical ſpirit now as
- much, as his Heroical before. Lo here
- Pigmalion's breathing ſtatue, Sir
- Philip's fantaſie incarnate: both
- Pamela's Majeſtie, and Philoclea's
- Humilitie expreſt to the life, in the perſon
- and ſtyle of this Virago. In brief,
- no other than the lively Ghoſt of Sydney,
- by a happie transmigration, ſpeaks
- through the organs of this inſpired
- Mine rva. If any Critical ear, disrealiſh
- the ſhrilneſs of the Note; let it
- be tuned to Apollo's Lyre, and the
- harmonie will ſoon be perceived to be
- much better; and the Ladie appear
- much more delightfull to her Muſidorus:
- So wiſheth
- Thine and Her ſervant, T. H.
- On the
- of
- By Miſtreſs A. W.
- NO thing doth greater disadvantage
- bring
- Than by too great commending of
- a thing;
- Thus Beauty's injur'd, when the
- ſearching eye
- Deceiv'd by others over flatterie:
- Finding that leſs, was magnify'd before,
- Thinks there is none, becauſe there is no more.
- Art ſuffers too by this, for too great praiſe
- Withers the greenneſs of the Poets Bays:
- For when mens expectations riſe too high,
- Ther's nothing ſeen or read will ſatisfie.
- This fault is epidemical, do but ore-look
- The Stationers Stall, 'tis ſpoke in ev'ry book:
- Where ſome are ſo voluminous become
- With Prefaces of this kind, as ſcarce a room
- Is left for th' Authours ſelf. But I can quit
- My ſelf of this, till now I never writ:
- Nor had I done it now, but that a She
- Did tempt my preſſing for her companie;
- From whence when ſhe's return'd, pray uſe her wel,
- She's young, but yet ingeniouſly will tell
- You prettie Stories, and handſomly will ſet
- An end to what great Sydney did beget,
- But never perfected, theſe Embryons ſhe
- Doth Mid wife forth in full maturitie.
- Nor is't, where things are left undone, a ſin,
- To ſeek to end what greater ones begin.
- Therefore who ere reads their ingenious ſtyle,
- Not with a Frown compare them, but a Smile.
- She does not write for Criticks, for who ere
- Loves for to be cenſorious, forbear.
- Then this of both, let nothing elſe be ſaid,
- This Sydney's ſelf did write, but this a Maid.
- H. P. M.
- To the Ingenious LADIE, the
- Authour of the Continuation of
- Sir Philip Sydney's
- FAir Authour! though your Sex ſecure you ſo,
- That all your Dictates will for Claſſick go:
- Yet to be lik'd thus onely, will ſound leſs
- Our Approbation, than our Tenderneſs.
- Becauſe the Civil World will judgement ſpend,
- That we are bound in Manhood to commend.
- Taking our praiſes level from that ſight
- Of what you are, more than from what you write.
- Whence Critick-wits this nice pretence will find,
- That we our Courtſhip ſpeak, but not our Mind.
- But when they ſingle each reſpect apart,
- Viewing the Virgin there, and here the Art:
- Their Prejudice will then to wonder reach,
- Not ſpent on both Ʋnited, but on Each.
- For though the Stars ſhine in a Beauteous Sphere.
- Yet are they not more Stars, for ſhining there:
- But would boast luſtre of as great a force,
- Though their containing Orbs were dim and courſe.
- F. L.
- On the Continuation of Sir Philip
- Sydney's ARCADIA.
- By Miſtreſs A. W.
- MƲch of the Terrene Globe conceal'd doth lie,
- Cheating the Searchers curious induſtrie:
- ARCADIA too, till now, but partly was diſcri'd;
- Sydney her beautie view'd, fell Love-ſick and dy'd
- Ere he could ſhow the world her perfect ſtate
- And glorie, interrupted by his Fate.
- Amazement at her Frame did him betray,
- In each rare Feature too too long a ſtay:
- Till being, benighted, left imperfect this
- Earth's Paradiſe, to poſſeſs me perfect is,
- In pitie o'th' loſs, and to repair't, believe
- His gallant generous ſpirit, a reprieve
- From's ſleeping duſt hath punchas't, Deaths malice
- Defying with a timely Metempſychoſis.
- He breathes through female Organs, yet retains
- His maſculine vigour in Heroick ſtrains.
- Who hears't may ſome brave Amazon ſeam to be,
- Not Mars but Mercury's Champion, Zelmane.
- And well he may: for doubtleſs ſuch is ſhe,
- Perfection givest' Arcadia's Geographie.
- Arcadia thus henceforth diſputed is,
- Whether Sir Philip's or the Counteſſes.
- F. W
- To Miſtreſs A. W.
- Upon her ADDITIONALS to
- IF a Male Soul, by Tranſmigration, can
- Paſs to a Female, and Her ſpirits Man,
- Then ſure ſome ſparks of Sydney's ſoul have flown
- Into your breaſt, which may in time be blown
- To flames, for 'tis the courſe of Enthean fire
- To warm by degrees, and brains to inſpire,
- As Buds to Bloſsoms, Bloſſoms turn to Fruit,
- So Wits ask time to ripen, and recruit;
- But Yours gives Time the ſtart, as all may ſee
- By theſe ſmooth ſtrains of early Poefie,
- Which lik
- •
- Rays of one kind may well aſpire,
- If Phoebus pleaſe to a Sydneyan fire.
- On the Continuation of Sir Philip
- Sydney's ARCADIA;
- By Miſtreſs A. W.
- LAy by your Needles, Ladies, take the Pen,
- The onely difference 'twixt you and Men.
- 'Tis Tyrannie to keep your Sex in aw,
- And make Wit ſuffer by a Salick Law.
- Good Wine does need no Buſh, pure Wit no Beard;
- Since all Souls equal are, let all be heard.
- That the great World might nere decay, the Main,
- What in this Coaſt is loſt, in that doth gain:
- So when in Sydney's death Wit ebb'd in Men,
- It hath its Spring-tide in a Female Pen.
- A ſingle Bough ſhall other Works approve,
- Thine ſhall be Crown'd with all DODONA's-Grove.
- A
- of
- Wherein is handled the
- Loves of Amphialus and Helen
- Queen of Corinth, Prince Plangus and
- Erona: With the Hiſtorie of
- the Loves of old Claius and
- young Strephon to
- Ʋrania.
- IN the time that Baſilius
- King of Arcadia, with Genecea
- his Queen, and his
- two renowned daughters,
- the Paragons of the World, Pamela
- and Philoclea, were retired from the
- Court to a private lodge amongſt the
- ſhepherds, there to refreſh themſelves
- with their pleaſant & harmleſs ſports.
- In the time that Pyrocles, ſon and heir
- to the good Evarchus King of Macedon,
- disguiſed himſelf to an Amazonian
- Ladie, for the love of his Venus,
- the ſweet Philoclea. And Muſidorus
- Prince of Thaſſalia disrobed himſelf
- of his glorions rayment, and put on
- Shepherds weeds, for the ſight of the
- ſtately Pamela. And when Cupid
- displayed his quivers throughout his
- circle, and brought the famouſeſt
- Princes in the world to adore his mothers
- beautie: Then Prince Plangus,
- ſon to the King of Iberia, at the firſt
- view of Erona, a Queen in Lydia, was
- made a Priſoner to her who was a Priſoner.
- And he whoſe reſolutions were
- altogether fixed on the rare beautie
- of Erona, reſolved with himſelf, either
- to releaſe his incomparable Jewel out
- of a dolefull Priſon, or elſe to looſe
- his life in the enterpriſe.
- Then he became an humble ſuitor
- to Artaxia, Queen of Armenia, under
- whoſe cuſtodie the fair Ladie was, telling
- her his life was bound up in Erona's.
- And then would he vow it was
- pitie ſo ſweet a creature ſhould paſs by
- the pleaſures of her life in ſo ſolitarie
- a place. And ſometimes he would
- pray for her, and then again he would
- praiſe her. But Artaxia would no
- ways be perſwaded to any compaſſion:
- the more he deſired, the more ſhe
- denied, which he perceiving, with a
- ſoft voice and deep ſigh, he brake out
- into theſe words,
- Great Queen, if my grief and
- groans cannot mollifie your heart, nor
- the rememberance that once I was
- your beloved Kinſman, nor yet the
- beautie of Erona can be a ſufficient remedie
- to cure your anger; yet call to
- mind ſhe was your royal Brothers
- Miſtreſs; and can you imagin that he
- would have endured the thought that
- Eronas bloud ſhould ſo innocently be
- ſhed! no, but aſſure your ſelf, that
- whenſoever a drop of it is ſpilt, out
- of his aſhes there will riſe a Revenger
- to root you out of your Kingdom.
- But Artaxia aroſe out of her throne
- with a gracefull Majeſtie, and did
- proteſt ſhe would be revenged on her
- brothers murderers: for, ſaid ſhe, although
- my brother did love and honour
- Erona too well, yet her hate of
- him was the cauſe of his being ſlain,
- and of his ſubjects overthrow. And
- Prince Plangus, if your affections be
- never ſo extreamly ſet upon Erona, yet
- I am reſolved to keep her life in my
- power. But becauſe you ſhall have no
- occaſion given you, to brand me with
- the title of Tyrant Queen, in the word
- of a Princeſs I do promiſe you, that if
- within two years after the day of my
- brothers death, you can procure
- Prince Pyrocles and Muſidorus to accept
- of a combat againſt two others
- of my chooſing, to obtain the libertie
- of Erona; if they overcome thoſe
- Knights of my electing, that day ſhall
- Erona be at her own diſpoſal: but if
- my Champions manifeſt their valour
- to that height, as to receive the victorie,
- the ſame day Eronas bodie ſhall
- be conſumed to aſhes, and I ſhall endeavour
- to gratifie their courage.
- Plangus joyfully accepted of this
- propoſition, ſince he could obtain
- no better. And well he knew the
- Princes cared not for their proud
- looks, nor feared the glittering of
- their ſwords; yet little did he know
- the craftineſs of Artaxia. But ſuch
- ſubtile Policie ſeldom ends with an
- happie concluſion.
- And now in hopes of a proſperous
- journey, he bends his courſe towards
- Greece, there to deliver his meſſage,
- upon which his life depended. But he
- had not travelled many days, before
- he had ſurpriſed a Letter, the ſuperſcription
- was to Plaxirtus, brother to
- Leonatus King of Paphlagonia; he
- without fear or dread, brake it open,
- and read it. He had no ſooner peruſed
- it over, but that he wiſhed it cloſed again.
- Then cried he out aloud, Can
- it be poſſible? is Artaxia ſuch a deceitfull
- Politician? can her lips utter
- that which is ſo far at diſtance from
- her heart? and can flattering make her
- ſeem the leſſe cruel? No ſure, her very
- name will be hatefull to all Poſteritie.
- See here, ſaith he to ſome of his
- ſervants that were with him, ſee
- here a Letter from Artaxia to Plexirtus,
- how ſhe praiſes him for a treacherous
- act, how ſhe condoles with him
- for the death of Pyrocles and Muſidorus,
- the two gloriouſeſt Princes that
- ever lived in the world; how ſhe promiſes
- him to end the Tragedie with a
- Comedie; ſhe tels him the Gods ſet
- to their help to revenge her brothers
- death; and then ſhe acknoledges her
- ſelf and her Kingdom his, according
- to her proclamation.
- Thus Plangus was breathing out
- his griefs, but had not altogether eaſed
- himſelf, before he was interrupted
- by a meſſenger, who not being accuſtomed
- to complements, came to him,
- and certified him that he came from
- Armenia, and that he was ſervant to
- that Nobleman, to whom Artaxia and
- he repoſed ſo much confidence in, to
- intruſt Erona to be under his charge;
- and that now, contrarie, to the Articles
- agreed upon between them, Plaxirtus
- had brought the news to Artaxia
- of the death of Pyrocles and Muſidorus,
- which had been procured by his contrivance;
- and ſaid he, ſhe hath married
- him in requital. And by this time
- he hath beſieged my Lords Caſtle
- where Erona is confined. Then my
- Lord having intelligence of it, immediately
- ſent me after you, to let you
- underſtand that he was not furniſhed
- with conveniences well enough to
- hold out long: therefore as you love
- Erona, ſo come with ſpeed to relieve
- her. Now I have finiſhed my meſſage,
- and I muſt be gone. So with
- leſs reverence than he uſed when he
- came, he haſtily went his way. Plangus
- being caſt into ſuch an aſtoniſhment,
- that he let him go at his pleaſure,
- without ſo much as inquiring after
- Eronas welfare. But at length,
- he rouzed himſelf out of his amazement,
- and then would have poured
- out his ſoul in complaints, had he not
- eſpied his news-monger galloping almoſt
- out of his ſight, then ſending his
- eyes after him, he made a virtue of
- neceſſitie, and contented themſelves
- that they were ſpectatours of the
- nimble Nag, which ſhewed his unwillingneſs
- to reſt his foot upon the
- ground, before he entered his native
- ſoil. This tempted Plangus to discover
- his fancie, which he did in theſe
- terms, certainly ſaid he,
- There is a charm in Beautie, that
- Beaſt do homage to, and muſt obey;
- that now makes the Nag to trip ſo
- faſt away to do Erona ſervice. Shall
- I then be worſe than a beaſt? no, although
- I cannot paſs along with thee;
- yet my heart ſhall always keep before
- thee. And dear Erona, though now I
- turn my face from thee, yet my deeds
- ſhall always declare to be for thee,
- and ſhall endeavour to clear the
- clouds that now obſcure thy brightneſs.
- Thus, between hope and deſpair, he
- mounted his horſe, and commanding
- his ſervants to follow him, he reſolved
- to go into Macedon, to report the news
- to Evarchus, of his ſons and nephews
- death. For he was perſwaded, that
- Evarchus would not be backward
- from bringing to due puniſhment the
- cauſers of his unſpeakable loſs. And
- by that means he thought he might
- handſomly ſhew his valour, and prove
- it upon his Ladies enemies. Yet ſometimes
- fears would make conſpiracies
- within him, and almoſt overwhelm
- him, untill he recalled his ſences, and
- conſidered, that it was not a daunted
- ſpirit that could ſerve Erona. Then
- ſetting ſpurs to his horſe, he travelled
- in a night and a day without once opening
- his lips; ſilence, in his opinion
- being the beſt companion to a troubled
- mind.
- But at laſt he entered into the pleaſant
- countrey of Arcadia, which was
- adorned with ſtately woods: No cries
- were heard there but of the lambs,
- and they in ſport too ſounded their
- voices to make their playfellow lambs
- anſwer them again in imitation of the
- like. And the abundance of ſhadie
- trees that were there, were ſo beautifull
- with the ſweet melodie of birds,
- that any one, ſave love-ſick Plangus,
- might think it a ſufficient harmonie to
- draw away their delight from any
- other vanitie of the world. Beſides,
- there were the Shepherds piping to
- their prettie Shepherdeſſes, whileſt
- they chearfully ſang to pleaſure them
- again. In this ſweet place, he ſat
- himſelf down, with an intention to reſt
- his wearied limbs under a branched
- tree, whileſt his ſervants refreſhed
- themſelves, & baited their horſes, but
- no eaſe could be harboured in his
- disquieted heart, his eys being no
- ſooner cloſed, but that he imagined
- he ſaw Erona burning in their unmercifull
- fire: at which ſight he ſtaringly
- opened them, and determined with
- himſelf, that ſince ſleep would procure
- no comfort to him, other then Tragical
- ſcenes, he would never enjoy any
- contentment before he had ſettled Erona
- in her throne in ſafetie.
- He had not been long in this perplexitie,
- before he was kindly examined
- the cauſe of his ſadneſs. Plangus
- hearing the queſtion, and muſing
- extreamly who it ſhould be that to his
- thinking ſhould ask ſo ſtrange an one,
- heaved up his head, which before he
- had careleſly held down, and ſeeing
- onely an ancient man attended by his
- two Daughters, and hoping he would
- be a companion ſuitable to his diſpoſition,
- he courteouſly anſwered him,
- that it would be but a trouble to him
- to underſtand the occaſion of his
- grief, for, ſaid he, it will be too melancholly
- a ſtorie to rehearſe to you,
- unleſs you were in a capacitie to help
- me.
- It is poſſible I might do you ſervice,
- replied the old man; for now you
- are in Arcadia, where I am King, and
- having retired from my Court to a
- private Lodge, which is ſeated in a
- Grove hardby, I with my two daughters,
- happening now to walk for recreation
- into this pleaſant place, and
- I perceiving you being a ſtranger, lying
- in ſuch a forlorn poſture, I muſt
- confeſs it was incivilitie in me to diſturb
- you, but my compaſſion would
- ſubmit to no cauſalities that could
- hinder my deſired knowledge. And
- now I hope it will be no inconvenience
- to you to relate your own Hiſtorie
- to me.
- But Plangus, with humble reverence
- excuſed his denial, and beſeeched
- Baſilius firſt to grant him his pardon,
- ſince it was a fault of ignorance,
- and not of perverſneſs. And that he
- promiſed himſelf, that he would chuſe
- rather to be his Chyrurgian to heal
- his wounds, than in the leaſt to marr
- or make them.
- Baſilius would ſuffer him no longer
- to go on with his frivolous civilities,
- and telling him they ſhould ſerve his
- turn, made him ſit down. Then Plangus
- related all circumſtances in the
- ſame manner, that afterward the divine
- Philoclea ſweetly declared to her lover,
- the admirable Pyrocles. And believe
- me, ſhe told it with more livelineſs
- and quickneſs of wit, than Plangus
- did himſelf: For oftentimes his
- thought was ſtrayed from his ſtorie,
- to ſigh, with gazing upon the ſplendor
- of Pamela and Philoclea, for he
- conceited that in their beauties he
- might ſee Eronas. But alas poor
- Prince! Cupid in that had blinded him,
- for although Erona might deſerve a
- large ſhare of praiſes, yet the two Siſters
- could not be paralelled. But
- when he had concluded his paſſionate
- relation, he earneſtly craved releafe
- of Baſilius: who anſwered him, that
- he governed a quiet and a peaceable
- Countrey, and that he ſhould very
- unwillingly teach his people the way
- of diſſention; but yet he would command
- a Guard of Arcadians to conduct
- him ſafe into Macedon.
- Plangus, in lowly ſubmiſſion, congratulated
- with Baſilius for that favour,
- believing that time and entreatie
- would amplifie his goodneſs, according
- to his abilitie. Then as he
- was appointing a place where the Arcadians
- ſhould meet him, his ſervants
- preſented themſelves to him, and certified
- him, that the day was far ſpent,
- and that it would be neceſſarie for him
- to go to the next town, and there to
- lodge that night. Plangus, very well
- liked of their advice, that he might
- have the more freedom to contrive
- his beſt way to act his part he had alreadie
- begun to play. Then after they
- had ended their ſundrie diſcourſes, he
- parted from Baſilius and the two ſurpaſſing
- ſiſters.
- Now Eronas beautie had grounded
- ſuch an impreſſion in his heart, that
- no other thought, but of her perfections,
- could enter into his. She was his
- Image, her he worſhipped, and her he
- would for ever magnifie. And untill
- he came near the Citie, he buſied his
- fancie in extolling his Ladie. But
- there he was received by the governour
- of the Town with as great gallantrie
- as could be expected, conſidering
- the ſhort warning Baſilius gave
- them, there wanting no coſt that
- might be pleaſing either to his eye or
- taſt. A ſtately ſupper being provided,
- which was garniſhed with a royal
- banquet, ſent from Baſilius; and all
- was finiſhed in ſo gorgeous a manner,
- that Plangus did aſſure himſelf he
- was no ordinarie, nor yet unwelcom
- Gueſt. But all the ſweet muſick with
- the plentie of delicates was no more
- to Plangus, than the rememberance of
- his own misfortune. Yet having a
- Princely care not to ſhow himſelf unthankfull
- to the meaneſt ſupporter of
- his undeſerved Feſtivals, he would
- oftentimes praiſe them for their bountie
- to him a ſtranger, and one that was
- no way able to make them the leaſt
- requital, but they replied, that his acceptance
- was as much, and more than
- they deſerved or expected. Then after
- they had a good while parlied together
- upon ſeveral occaſions, the Citizens
- returned to their houſes, and
- Plangus went to his lodging, then
- proſtrating himſelf before Cupid for
- his happie ſucceſs in fulfilling of his
- own deſires, beſeeched him to unite
- Erona's affection as firmly to him, as
- his was unmoveable to her; and that
- both might be ſo well preſerved, that
- at length they might enjoy the happie
- fruition of real friendſhip between
- him and Erona, at whoſe name he
- ended; and as if he received his life
- from thence, he fell into a little ſlumber,
- which continued for ſo ſhort a
- time, that when he awaked, the clouds
- were not ſeparated to give way to
- the approaching day, that was then
- extreamly wiſht for by him, who de
- •
- ermined
- to ſpend the hour-glaſs of
- his life in defence of his eſteemed
- miſtreſs.
- By that time he had run over his
- thoughts to the end of his intended
- enterpriſes, Phebus ſpread his beams
- over his curtains, which caſt ſo great
- a reflection upon him, that though
- his eyes were ſtill diſſembling ſleep,
- yet the Suns brightneſs made him
- gaze about him, and ſeeing it ſo ſweet
- a morning, he believed it to be an emblem
- of his proſperous ſucceſs. In
- this perſwaſion he aroſe, and charging
- his ſervants to be in a readineſs, he
- walked into a Gallerie, where multitudes
- ſtood waiting for his preſence▪
- he kindly ſaluting them, and repeating
- his former ſpeeches of courteſie and
- gratitude, he commanded his man to
- bring out his Steed; and then taking
- his leave of the Arcadians, ſaving th
- •
- reſidue which Baſilius appointed t
- •
- wait on him, he raiſed himſelf upo
- •
- the beaſt, which gently received him
- as willing to bear ſo loved a burden,
- and ſprightly ambled along: but
- Plangus was forced to hold his bridle,
- and teach his Nag his bounds were
- no further than his Commiſſion, by
- reaſon of a calling from a young
- Shepherd, who ſpeedily running to
- Plangus, and in a breathleſs manner
- he certified him that he was ſent by
- his Lord Baſilius to excuſe his abſence,
- the occaſion being his retiredneſs
- to ſo private a place, that with
- no conveniencie he could entertain
- him there agreeable to his greatneſs,
- nor yet to remove ſo far ſo ſuddenly.
- Plangus requeſted the Shepherd to
- return his thanks and obedience to his
- Sovereign, and ſeeing it was a matter
- of no greater importance, he would
- endure no longer hinderances, but ſet
- ſpurs to his horſe and gallopped away
- with all expedition: but not without
- ſome turbulent paſſages that he was
- fain to endure, before he could attain
- to his deſired haven: yet at laſt he
- arrived under the Dominions of
- Evarchus in Macedon, where he was
- welcomed by a companie of dolorous
- perſons, who without entreatie would
- participate with him in his ſorrows:
- but alas! there were few comforters,
- all the people ſeeming like ſhadows,
- in regard of the miſs they had of their
- young Prince, who after he had
- brought ſo many Kings in ſubjection
- under his proweſs and valour, ſhould
- now himſelf be loſt, none knowing
- where or how; but perpetually hearkening
- to ſeveral relations, which put
- them into more fears and doubts every
- day than they were in before.
- Muſidorus wanted not bewailing
- neither; for well they knew Pyrocles
- life was bound up in his, and that he
- loved & reſpected the Macedonians as
- much for Pyrocles ſake, as he did the
- Theſſalians for his own ſake, and that
- they learned one another virtuous
- qualities, which were equally diſtributed
- between them; therefore the
- whole Kingdom groaned under burthenſom
- calamities for their witneſſed
- loſs: but by the enterance of
- Plangus, who was a ſtranger to them,
- their complaints were turned into
- whiſperings, and their ſighs into liſſtenings,
- all being earneſt to know
- who he was, and the cauſe of his
- Poſting from citie to citie towards
- the Court. Some would believe the
- worſt, and then would ſwear they did
- ſee ſadneſs in his face; others would
- perſwade themſelves, it was his haſtie
- travelling that made him ſeem careful
- But Plangus not ſtaying to hearken
- to their miſtruſtfull uncertainties, kept
- on his former pace, till he was come
- within a mile of the Palace, where he
- was ſtopped by one Kalodolus, an ancient
- ſervant belonging to Muſidorus,
- who hearing of the coming of a Forreigner,
- and infinitely longing to hear
- from his dear Maſter, and meeting
- Plangus, he fell down at his feet, and
- beſought him to have commiſeration
- upon him, and tell him of the ſafetie
- of Muſidorus.
- This requeſt ſilenced Plangus for a
- while, who could not imagin what
- reply to make to him: but having
- conſidered a little better of it, he
- brake his ſilence on this faſhion. Sir,
- it grieves me extreamly that I cannot
- give you ſuch ſatisfactorie anſwer as I
- wiſh I could: however do not afflict
- your ſelf, for I dare aſſure you that he
- is happie, being a more glorious
- Prince, and far greater than all the
- Kingdoms of the World could make
- him.
- Why? is he dead? ſaid Kalodolus;
- then all virtue is fled away: but I will
- follow thee Muſidorus, where ere thou
- beeſt, I will not ſtay behind. Then
- ſnatching out a Rapier from him that
- was neareſt him, he would have ſent
- his ſoul to Pluto, had it not been prevented
- by the quick eye of Plangus,
- who apprehending his danger, leaped
- upon him, and with violence wrung
- the Rapier out of his hand, but yet he
- would not be pacified for a time, nor
- perſwaded from practiſing his intended
- miſchief, till reaſon over-ſwaying
- his patience, made him becom a moderator
- of his own raſhneſs; for ſaid
- he, What good can my death do to
- Muſidorus? ſhall I my ſelf deſtroy, and
- do my Prince the wrong? no, I will
- live as long as fortune pleaſes, and
- guid my ſteps about the world, till I
- have found his Tomb, where I will
- ſolemnize ſuch Obſequies as may be
- thought worthy to be titled the Funeral
- of ſo worthy a Prince. Then I
- will weep my ſelf to tears upon his
- grave, to water that illuſtrious Plant,
- that certainly muſt needs ſpring up &
- flouriſh; for it is impoſſible ſo rare
- a thing can be obſcured in the earth.
- Here Kalodolus ſpeech was ſtopped
- by a floud, that would endure no
- longer to be hid within his aged carkaſs.
- And the noble Plangus anſwered
- him with ſighs, as if his heart
- would break: then they both lookt
- ſo ſtedfaſtly in pitie upon one another,
- that if a Painter had been preſent,
- he could not take, nor have a
- livelier Maſter-piece of ſorrow than
- this lover and ſervant repreſented,
- they being both void of comfort, and
- equally afflicted, until Plangus pluckt
- up his dead ſpirits, and adviced Kalodolus
- to ceaſe his complaints, and not
- to ſuffer grief to overrun his patience,
- for ſince Muſidorus was dead, the
- onely ſervice he could do for him,
- was to help forward the revenging of
- the Actors in his death. And then he
- required him to direct him the way to
- Evarchus: which command Kalodolus
- inſtantly obeyed. And guiding
- himt brough ſtately Courts, paved
- all with Marble, and compaſſed in
- with Marble pillars, that were adorned
- with ſuch goodly proportioned
- Statues, that had not Plangus been
- employed with matters of conſequence,
- he would not ſo regardleſly
- have paſſed by them, without prying
- into their Storie; which might perhaps
- have been beneficial unto him, to
- know the ſeveral tricks of warlike
- Hercules, as was there curiouſly engraven
- by famous Antiquaries. But
- Plangus thoughts were higher flown
- than theſe Portaitures could reach to;
- thoſe he valued like ſhadows in compariſon
- of his valiant enterpriſes, that
- artificially his invention would lay
- before him, as if it were accompliſhed
- alreadie. And in that unſatisfied perſwaſion
- he was brought to Evarchus,
- whoſe ſight awakened him from his
- fabulous fantaſie. And then with a
- ſad reverence he kneeled down.
- But the good King would not fuffer
- that, but lifting him up, he entreated
- him to uſe no ſuch ceremonies, but
- to diſcourſe that which he earneſtly
- wiſht to know without any delays. So
- Plangus being extream willing to fulfill
- Evarchus charge, though firſt to
- bring him by degrees to the hearing
- of thoſe mournfull tidings, he began
- with this Prologue:
- Moſt gracious Sir, did I not conſider
- your wiſdom in governing your
- paſſions, far ſurmounting other mens,
- I ſhould not ſo abruptly preſume to
- be the meſſenger of ſuch unfortunate
- news, as now I am. But ſince my life
- is hazarded in ſeveral reſpects, I know
- your goodneſs will no way perſevere
- againſt me, for neceſſitie hath no rule,
- and that is the reaſon which now inforces
- me to manifeſt that unto you,
- which I am loth to utter: But I aſſure
- my ſelf, that your Majeſtie will
- no way deſpiſe the ſovereign ſalve
- called Patience, that is a preſent Remedie
- for all afflictions.
- Know then, great King, that the
- mirrours of virtue, the famous Pyrocles
- your ſon, and Muſidorus your nephew
- are treacherouſly ſlain by the
- bloudie plot of Plaxirtus, falſe Brother
- to Leonatus King of Paphlagonia,
- and revealed to me by the ſurpriſal
- of a letter of congratulation from
- Artaxia Queen of Armenia, under
- whoſe power Erona Queen of Lydia
- is a priſoner; and without ſpeedie ſuccour,
- ſhe will be put to death in the
- cruelleſt way that can be imagined, by
- the ſame inſtruments that expoſed
- her Champions to theirs: But yet
- Sir, they have left behind them ſo
- pretious a name, that their adverſaries
- cannot blemiſh: and ſo long as
- their better part flouriſhes on earth,
- all the realitie that can be ſhewed for
- the leſſer, is to go on couragiouſly,
- and revenge your loſs, and to give
- Apollo thanks for their leaving ſo
- glorious a memorie behind them.
- Thus Plangus ended, without further
- mentioning Erona, until Evarchus
- grief was ſomewhat digeſted:
- which he did perceive extreamly to
- over-ſway him, by the changing of
- bloud in his face, that perpetually going
- and coming, would ſometime
- wax pale and wan; and then would
- fluſh, as if he threatened to make
- Plaxirtus ſmart for all his villanie.
- And in this conflict of ſorrow and
- anger he continued a great ſpace: but
- at laſt they both yielded to reaſon,
- and Evarchus wiſely became the
- Judge of the Seſſions; for ſaid he,
- It is Juſtice to bring murderers to
- their deſerved puniſhments. And becauſe
- you Prince Plangus teſtifie your
- ſelf to be ſuch an affectionate Friend
- to my dear Children, ſhew your ſelf
- one in their revenge; you I will entruſt
- to be the General of my Armie;
- prove as valiant now as you have
- ever done; let all your aim be at
- Plaxirtus; and if poſſible, convey
- him hither alive, that he may die a
- publick ſpectacle of ſhame and terror
- before all the People. And I give
- you free libertie to uſe your power in
- the releaſe of that diſtreſſed Ladie
- you ſpake of, for certainly their hearts
- are infinitely hardened for any miſchief:
- but for Artaxia, remember
- ſhe is a woman, and ſubject to degrees
- of Paſſion as well as man. But
- alas! ſhe deſired the deſtruction of
- Pyrocles and Muſidorus, and now ſhe
- hath rendered her recompence to
- Plaxirtus for that abominable deed.
- O the thought of that Action reaches
- further than my compaſſion: but I
- will reſign my power to you, therefore
- though you grow Victorious,
- yet ſtrengthen your ſelf with diſcretion,
- and let not raſhneſs nor faintheartedneſs
- prevail over you. Now
- go on with your intentions, and proſper,
- whilſt I end my days in ſolitarineſs.
- Evarchus had no ſooner done, but
- he bowed to the earth, as if he wiſht
- to be there quickly; and then after he
- had ſigned a Commiſſion for raiſing
- of an Armie, he withdrew into his
- chamber, and Plangus waited upon
- him to the enterance, and ſo they
- parted; one to temperate melancholly,
- the other to Hope intermixt with
- cares: for though Plangus was loaded
- with troubleſom imployments, yet
- thoſe he took for refreſhments, becauſe
- the foundation of them was laid
- for Erona's ſake. But Evarchus grieved,
- as he had too juſt cauſe, to think
- that he ſhould never more behold the
- joy of his heart again; and ſo he continued
- without the leaſt ſhow of a
- contented mind, yet not with a deſperate
- rage. A large and rare Theme
- might be Chronicled of his wiſely
- governed Paſſions; but that is too
- pregnant a virtue for my dull capacity
- to go on with.
- Therefore ſurrendering that to
- ſharp wits, I will onely mention Plangus
- happie ſucceſs that he obtained in
- Macedon; for in ſhort time he levied
- an Armie, ſufficient to conquer all
- Armenia, every one being deſirous to
- revenge their Princes quarrel, and
- thought it a preferment to be the
- meaneſt Souldier; then being all in a
- readineſs, they march away. But Plangus
- before he went, ſent his Ambaſſadors
- to Delphos, to know of the Oracle
- his Deſtinie, and juſt as he was managing
- his Armie, in their march they
- returned with this anſwer;
- That he ſhould be Victorious over his
- Enemies, if ſo be he would be vigilant
- in guiding his Forces in a way of deliberation;
- and not to venture to ſhew his
- Valour, in over-raſh attempts in a Bravado
- before his Miſtreſs, which oftentimes
- hath been the cauſe of the Routing
- a magnificent Armie: but he muſt
- remember the eyes of all the World were
- upon him as their Defence and Shield,
- whoſe wiſdom muſt preſerve them from
- their furious enemies.
- This Oracle infinitely comforted
- Plangus; and when he had given
- thanks to Apollo for his proclaimed
- proſperous Fortune, he kept on his
- march to Armenia; whom we will
- leave for a time.
- Now I will diſcover ſome Paſſages
- that paſſed between Amphialus
- Nephew to Baſileus the King of Arcadia,
- and Helena Queen of Corinth,
- how that after ſhe had carried him away
- in a Lighter from Arcadia, what
- bitter complaints ſhe made for him,
- untill ſhe had brought him to Corinth,
- that would be to pitifull a ſubject to
- ſtay on; therefore leaving that to ſeveral
- conjectures, I will onely rehearſe
- thoſe particulars that united thoſe
- rare Perſons together to both their
- abundant felicitie.
- When Helena had conveyed her
- beloved Amphialus to her renowned
- Citie Corinth, and lodged him in the
- richeſt furniſhed Chamber that could
- be deviſed, yet all ſhe thought too
- mean for ſuch an incomparable Gueſt:
- then ſhe adviſed with her skilfull
- Chyrurgeons how ſhe might have his
- wounds healed; and had always an eſpecial
- care to ſee the ſalves applied
- to them her ſelf; and when all was finiſhed,
- ſhe paſſed away the day with
- ſighs by ſenceleſs Amphialus, who lay
- ſo quietly, that for a great time none
- could perceive the leaſt motion of
- life in him: but at laſt the Chyrurgeons
- avouched they could find warm
- bloud ſtrive for life in his (now in all
- likelihood) curable wounds. Which
- ſpeech of theirs did make Helena waſh
- her fair face with her tears for joy,
- when before it had not touched a
- drop of water, from the time that ſhe
- found Amphialus in ſo wofull a condition.
- Then began ſhe to diſcourſe
- with him, as if he could mind her what
- ſhe ſaid.
- Tell me dear Amphialus, ſaid ſhe,
- what occaſion have I given you to
- make you hate me? have I not ever
- honoured and loved you far above
- my ſelf? O yes! and if I had a thouſand
- lives to loſe, I would venture
- them all for your ſake. But ſince that
- is a impoſſible thing, propound to
- me the moſt probable way for me to
- purchaſe you, and I dare undertake
- it, be it never ſo dangerous: But if it
- be the Princeſs Philoclea that lies as a
- block in my way, ſo that I muſt either
- continue where I am, or elſe
- ſtumble over it and be made quite
- hopeleſs yet let me counſel you as a
- faithfull friend, not to engage your
- affections to one that is ſo negligent
- of it, but rather beſtow it upon me
- that will accept of it. Oh hear me,
- and have pitie on me, O Amphialus,
- Amphialus!
- Then ſhe flung her ſelf down upon
- his bed, with a reſolution not to ſtir
- before ſhe had discerned ſome ſign of
- life in outward appearance. And as
- ſhe was earneſtly looking upon him,
- ſhe eſpied his eyes a ſtealing open; but
- immediately, with a long fetcht ſigh,
- he cloſed them up again, as grieving
- for their tenderneſs they could not
- gaze upon beautie. But Helena replying
- with twentie to his one, went on
- with her love-ſick ſpeeches.
- Alas poor Prince! ſaid ſhe, is it thy
- hard fortune to receive thy life again
- in ſighs? hath ſuch il-favoured ſpleens
- no place to ſettle in, but in thy noble
- breaſt, which ſhines in goodneſs?
- Chear up, dear Prince, and let not
- thy greateſt Foe find cauſe to tax thee
- with the leaſt blemiſh.
- Longer ſhe would have proceeded
- in her bemoaning of Amphialus, had
- ſhe not been interrupted by the Chyrurgeons
- that were in the chamber,
- and hearing her voice, came inſtantly
- to her, and kneeling down, intreated
- her to abandon the chamber, for as
- much as her preſence and complaints
- cauſed diſturbance in Amphialus, and
- procured nothing but that which was
- hurtfull to her own perſon: and then
- they aſſured her, that if ſhe would
- forbear his companie, they could
- perfect the cure in half the time, that
- otherwiſe they ſhould be conſtrained
- to be tedious in, by reaſon that her
- ſad ſpeeches would ground ſuch an
- impreſſion in him in his weakneſs,
- that it would be as much as their skil
- could reach unto, to keep his wounds
- from growing worſer than better.
- Theſe perſwaſions of the Chyrurgeons
- had a very great influence over
- Helena, and ſhe forſaking her former
- paſſions, guarded her ſelf with a long
- Robe of wiſe conſiderations, and departed
- his chamber without any ſhew
- of fondeſs, to the admiration of all
- beholders. Yet ſhe never neglected
- the care of Amphialus, but diligently
- enquired after his amendment, that
- ſhe might know all paſſages as punctually,
- as if ſhe had been with him.
- In this golden mean of Patience ſhe
- continued ſo long, till Amphialus had
- revived ſomewhat his decayed ſpirits,
- & the Chyrurgeons had ſo well overcome
- his wounds, that by degrees he
- was brought to walk about his chamber;
- but always he would be croſſing
- his Arms, knocking his Breaſt, and
- breathing ſpeeches to himſelf in ſo
- wofull a manner, as would make the
- hardeſt heart burſt into a deluge of
- tears. Yet all this time he never examined
- by what means he was conveyed
- thither, nor any other queſtion
- that concerned Helena's or his own
- condition. And ſo for a great while
- he impriſoned himſelf in ſuch ignorance,
- till by the coming of a young
- Gentleman, named Clytiphon, ſon to
- Kaleander, a Noble man of Arcadia,
- his concealed eſtate, and all other circumſtances
- that had happened in Arcadia
- from his departure from thence,
- were declared to Amphialus wonder
- and aſtoniſhment.
- For this Clytifon was ſent as an
- Ambaſſadour to Amphialus from his
- uncle the King of Arcadia, to congratulate
- with him for his recoverie, and
- to certifie him of his Coſins deliverance
- out of his Caſtle, by the proweſs
- of Prince Pyrocles and Muſidorus; and
- how they disguiſed themſelves for
- the love of Pamela and Philoclea, with
- all the ſeveral attempts that they practiſed
- to obtain their deſired enterpriſe.
- (As their bringing Amaxius to
- ſubmit to their mercie, Pyrocles having
- granted him his life on condition
- he would acknowledge it) and finally
- to give him notice, that the nuptials
- of Pyrocles and Philoclea, with Muſidorus
- and Pamela were onely deferred
- for the time they could hear from
- Amphialus. This was the chief of
- Clytifons Ambaſſage, which he carefully
- obeyed.
- But before he entered into Corinth,
- the Citie ſwelled with rumour, every
- one being greedie to know that
- which nothing concerned them. But
- Clytifon knowing it was not a time of
- dalliance, haſtened to the Palace,
- where he was waited for by Helena,
- whoſe watchfull eyes and attentive
- ears could not paſs by any ſuſpitious
- whiſperings, but would always make
- ſtrict enquirie of the cauſe of them.
- So now ſhe believing the credible report,
- would needs come down her
- ſelf, attended with a train of Ladies,
- to welcom the Ambaſſadour to her
- Court, when as ſoon as ſhe perceived
- a glimpſe of him, ſhe perfectly knew
- him to be that noble Clytifon, whom
- before ſhe had been beholding to for
- his excellent companie. Then whilſt
- ſhe was ſhewing her courteſie to him
- for his former civilities, he with an
- humble reverence, yet ſupported with
- a Garb of Majeſtie, came to her after
- the manner of an Ambaſſadour, and
- preſenting mightie high commendations
- to her from all the Princes that
- reſided in Arcadia, ſhe beſought him
- to accept of ſuch poor entertainment
- as her abilitie could make him. Then
- leading him into the Preſence (it being
- in the after-noon) ſhe commanded
- a delicate Collation to be ſet before
- him, which was fulfilled ſo quickly
- and ſo decently, that Clytifon could
- not chooſe but ſit and extol their
- comely order; and within a while fell
- to eating thoſe rarities that Helena
- had provided for him; but ſhe would
- not be perſwaded to taſt of any, her
- troubled mind was too full of jealouſies
- and fears, to think of pleaſing her
- appetite. Sometime ſhe mistruſted
- that Baſileus had ſent for Amphialus
- to be tried by the Law for his Mother
- Cecropia's ſtealing away his
- Daughters, that he might have a fair
- pretence to take away his life. But
- quickly ſhe vanquiſhed that doubt by
- another that ſhe imagined to be moſt
- probable, which was, that Philoclea's
- heart might be mollified, and that ſhe
- under-hand had made choice of Clytifon
- to be her Proxie, in wiſhing Amphialus
- to purſue his former Petition
- to Philoclea, that ſhe with the more
- modeſtie might grant him his requeſt.
- This fancie of Helena made ſuch a
- wound within her breaſt, that a thouſand
- of ſighs had free paſſage there,
- and in ſilence ſhe did think out her
- complaints; until Clytifon had disordered
- the artificial curioſities with
- taſting of their goodneſs, and had ſufficed
- his natural hunger. Then Helena
- taking him aſide from the companie
- that came to gaze upon him, with
- many ſhews of grief ſhe conjured him,
- that if ever he had been real to any
- friend, to ſhew himſelf one to her,
- who vowed faithfulneſs and ſecreſie:
- but yet if it were a matter of ſuch
- weightie importance, as he could not
- repoſe ſo much confidence in her, being
- a Princes of another Countrey,
- yet ſhe entreated him to certifie her
- whether it concerned Amphialus, or
- in his her own ruin.
- Clytifon had hardly patience to
- hear her out, but removed her fears
- on this manner: Chear up great
- Queen, ſaid he, thoſe cloudie ſhadows
- of discontent and fears never do good
- but hurt, and wrong your Beautie,
- that otherwiſe would be the ſweeteſt,
- and the ſingular Flower that could
- be found in the large Garden of the
- world. Chear up then and rejoyce at
- joyfull tidings: for to the amazement
- of all, the two ever bleſſed
- Princes, Pyrocles and Muſidorus, are
- by many ſtrange accidents found to
- be alive, though disguiſed, within my
- Sovereigns Lodges (from being gallant
- Souldiers) the one to a woman,
- the other to a comely Shepherd,
- which was brought to paſs by the induſtrie
- of blind Cupid, who takes
- pleaſure in wounding the beſt of undaunted
- ſpirits. But yet he hath dealt
- ſo favourable with theſe incomparable
- Perſons, that he hath equally
- wounded Pamela and Philoclea to
- them again: ſo that now Arcadia
- waits onely for the nuptials finiſhing,
- to be made happie in having ſo glorious
- a Prince to reign over them, and
- that is delayed onely for the time
- that they might hear from my Lord
- Amphialus.
- Helena's joy at the hearing of this
- news, was too great for my dull expreſſion,
- yet after ſhe had moderated
- her exceſſive mirth, and brought it
- within the bounds of reaſon, ſhe feared
- that Amphialus would be ſo overcome
- with deſpairing grief, that nothing
- but death could end his miſerie.
- Then fell ſhe at Clytifon's feet, and
- begged of him not to be over-haſtie
- in declaring his Ambaſſage to Amphialus,
- but to compaſs him in by degrees
- to the hearing of it. This requeſt
- of hers Clytifon courteouſly
- promiſed to perform. And ſhe guiding
- him to Amphialus chamber door,
- deſired him to walk in, and departed.
- But Amphialus eſpying Clytifon,
- and leaping upon him, and then lovingly
- embracing him, ſaid, How
- doeſt thou Clytifon? thou lookeſt as if
- thou meanedſt to chide me; but ſpare
- your labour, I will do that my ſelf,
- nay, and more if Philoclea would command
- it, let her deſire my heart and
- ſhe ſhall have it, and with mine own
- hand Ile pluck it out to give her, yet
- think it all too little to excuſe my
- crime. But ſhe is gratious and noble,
- anſwered Clytifon, and will be readier
- to forgive, than you can be to begge
- your pardon of her. But I will never
- preſume to aske forgiveneſs, replyed
- Amphialus, ſince I deſerve all puniſhments.
- Though you do, ſaid Clytifon,
- yet if you will preſent your ſelf unto
- her in an humble and ſubmiſſive way,
- and caſt off your former Suit, I durſt
- aſſure you ſhe would not onely grant
- your life, but would alſo receive you
- to her favour as her near Kinsman. If
- I could think ſo, replied Amphialus,
- I ſhould be highlie contented far above
- my deſerts or wiſhes, and ſaid
- Clytifon, would you be pleaſed to
- hear that ſhe were married to another
- or elſe likelie to be ſo ſuddainly? Yes
- with all my ſoul anſwered Amphialus,
- but yet upon condition, that it may be
- to her all flouriſhing happineſs. As for
- my own particular, that is the leaſt
- thing I regard or hope for, onely as
- I ſaid before, that the Princeſs Philoclea
- may be endowed with all felicity,
- that will procure to me an uncontrouled
- bleſſedneſs.
- Then Clytifon asked him if he
- would accept of him to be the bearer
- of a letter from him to Philoclea?
- which he promiſed carefully to deliver,
- if it were ſuch an one as might be
- received without ſcruple. Amphialus
- anſwered he would gladly write to
- Philoclea, but it ſhould no way be prejudicial
- to him, he intending onely to
- manifeſt his grief for her ill uſage in
- his Caſtle; and to let her know how
- readie he was to welcom any puniſhment
- ſhe would inflict upon him.
- Then after more ſuch ſpeeches paſſed
- between them, Clytifon rehearſed the
- truth of his meſſage. Which at firſt
- Amphialus heard with trembling, untill
- Clytifon remembered him of his
- former diſcourſe, that nothing that
- could make Philoclea happie, ſhould
- ever make him unhappie. Then rouſing
- up himſelf, he wiſhed Clytifon to
- leave him to his privacie, that he
- might have the more libertie to endite
- a letter worthie of her acceptance;
- Clytifon being to carrie it away
- the next morning. So he, without
- the leaſt contradiction, left Amphialus,
- who being alone fell into a paſſion
- (as afterward he confeſſed) that
- had almoſt made him ſenſeleſs, untill
- time that wears out all things, recaled
- his memorie back to him again,
- which firſt discovered it ſelf thus:
- Alas miſerable Amphialus! thou
- imployeſt thy ſelf to extol thy Rival,
- and meaneſt to make it thy recreation
- to do ſo always. Now I can remember
- the Amazon Ladie that fought ſo
- gallantly with me in the Arcadian
- woods, for the Princeſs Philoclea's
- Glove; what blows ſhe ſtrook at me,
- and with what nimbleneſs ſhe avoided
- mine, when I aimed at her in mine
- own defence. I muſt confeſs it daunted
- me to ſee a woman rant ſo over
- me, but yet it made me the more admire
- her valour, and brought down
- my former loftineſs, to wonder at my
- timourouſneſs. But ſince ſhe is discovered
- to be the noble Pyrocles, I ſhall
- be ſo far from hiding that disguiſed
- exploit of his, that I ſhall blazon it
- about the world in triumph, as an honour
- for me to be overcome by him;
- and it ſhall never be ſaid, that envie of
- my Rival ſhall make me obſcure his
- worth, for I ſhall applaud his wiſdom
- in making ſo rare a choice. Nor did
- I ever hear of any that could deſerve
- him better than the divine Philoclea.
- Then grieve no more Amphialus, at
- thy Ladies happineſs, ſince in hers all
- thine conſiſts; but prepare thy ſelf to
- obey her commands, be they never ſo
- contrary to thy nature.
- With theſe reſolutions, although
- with a ſhaking hand, he began to write
- his letters. But Clytifon, as ſoon as he
- came out of the chamber, was received
- by Helena, to whom he related
- Amphialus and his whole diſcourſe.
- And ſhe being in hope to
- make him a fortunate meſſenger for
- her proceeding, uſed him with all the
- courteſie that could be. And then by
- her favours ſhe enticed him to her
- bait, and made him as much her
- humble ſervant, as he was Amphialus:
- For then he had promiſed to be a
- nimble Poſt to them both: and he
- muſt be conducted to his lodging,
- and Helena to her cloſet.
- Where ſhe began too hard a task
- for her diſtracted mind, a letter ſhe
- did write unto Philoclea, but that did
- no way pleaſe her, it was not ſufficiently
- adorned with Rhetorick for ſo
- rare a Princeſs. Another ſhe did like
- reaſonable well, but that was ſo blured
- with her tears, that the beſt of
- eyes could not read it. More ſhe
- wrote, and found blemiſhes in them
- all. But at laſt being tired with ſcribing
- ſo long upon one ſubject, ſhe reſolved
- that the next ſhould go what
- ere it were, which in earneſt proved
- the worſt of all. But yet becauſe you
- ſhall underſtand the enditment of it,
- it is ſet down as enſueth. The Superſcription
- was,
- For the virtuous Princes Philoclea.
- Sweet Princeſs,
- DId I not hear in what raptures of
- happineſs your Divine ſelf is involved,
- or could I in the leaſt comprehend
- the ſplendor of your goodneſs to
- ſpread upon your diſtreſſed Coſin Amphialus,
- I ſhould willingly reſign up all
- my claim to felicitie, ſo that you, of farr
- worthier endowments, might enjoy it. But
- ſince it hath pleaſed the deſtinies to place
- you in the higheſt firmament of contentment,
- that you may with the more eaſe
- behold the calamitie of your Admirer,
- let me therefore intreat you to ſhew your
- compaſsion to him by mildneſs, and ſuffer
- his puniſhment, may be ſincere affection
- to me; and you will infinitely above
- meaſure oblige your devoted ſervant,
- HELENA of Corinth.
- Often did ſhe peruſe this Letter to
- find out cavils in it, until ſleep would
- endure no longer to be reſiſted, nor
- hindered from ſeizing on ſo pure a
- ſoul, which ſhe evidenced by letting
- her letter fall out of her delicate proportioned
- hand that held it: then fell
- ſhe into ſlumbers, and ſtarts would
- now and then afright her, but thoſe
- ſhe ended with ſighs, and fell aſleep
- again, and then ſhe paſſed away the
- remainder of the night with varietie
- of dreams, untill the approching day
- rouſed up her ſenſes, and remembered
- her it was high time for Lovers to be
- ſtirring. Then ſhe being always mindfull
- of ſuch obſervations, took her
- letter, and making it fortunate with
- her prayers, ſhe carried it into the
- Preſence, where ſhe ſtayed for Clytifon,
- who was receiving his farewel
- of Amphialus.
- For after Amphialus had finiſhed
- his humble ſuit, as he termed it, and
- had endured a tedious night, Clytifon
- muſt needs be ſent for to preſcribe the
- likelieſt medicine for a love-ſick remedie.
- Clytifon could not be asked
- an harder queſtion, for he himſelf
- would gladly have taken Phyſick, had
- he been ſure of the cure. Tell me
- Clytifon, ſaid he, is there no help for
- a troubled mind? no cordial to bring
- ſleep into theſe eyes of mine? If you
- will ſubmit your actions, replied Clytifon,
- to my approbation, I will ſet
- you in a perfect way of quietneſs,
- though it ſhould procure mine own
- endleſs miſerie. He deſerves no Phyſician,
- anſwered Amphialus, that will
- not accept of his advice, when it is ſo
- freely profered him. Know then, ſaid
- Clytifon, your onely way to obtain
- contentment, is to honour, nay, and
- love her who ſo entirely loves and reſpects
- you. O ſtay there, cried out
- Amphialus, and do not weigh me
- down with clogs of grief, I am ballanced
- ſufficiently alreadie, why do
- you with more burdens ſtrive to ſink
- me? nothing but Philoclea's commands
- I find can enter into my heart,
- and they may ſtrike me dead. Flie
- then Clytifon, flie as ſwiftly as Phoebus
- can, and make a quick return to let
- me know Philoclea's cenſure equal to
- my deſerts. With theſe words he
- gave Clytifon his letter, and with a
- ſad geſture turned away. But Clytifon
- without deferring went his way;
- though firſt he received Helena's, and
- with many proteſtations vowed to
- further her undertakings.
- And now I will leave theſe two
- lovers in longing expectation of his
- return, and will trace along with Clytifon
- to accompanie him, he being
- deſtitute almoſt of any comfort, by
- reaſon his affections were ſo extreamly
- engaged to Helena's beautie, that
- nothing but envious death could aſwage
- it. This cauſed ſuch a conflict
- to ariſe between Cupid's discharged
- Bowe, and Clytifon's making his own
- wounds to gape with contrarying the
- God of loves commands, and haſtening
- from the Miſtreſs of his deſires to
- gain her to another: that oftentimes
- he was turning back to diſcover his
- intentions to her. But this deſign he
- vanquiſhed by confuting himſelf.
- It is true ſaid he, I ride apace towards
- mine own overthrow; but ſince
- it was her charge, how dare I harbour
- a thought of refuſing? no it is her gracious
- pleaſure to vouchſafe me to be
- her Meſſenger, and ſhall I looſe her
- eſteemed favours, which I infinitly
- hazard if I do not manifeſt my faithfull
- endeavours in gaining Amphialus
- to be her Husband, but I will chooſe
- to be her loyal Servant, rather than
- to her ſweet ſelf an importunate Suiter.
- And I ſhould account my ſelf
- ever happie, could it lie in my power
- to further hers; but I am unworthy to
- receive ſuch a Title as a poor Inſtrument
- to redeem her Majeſtie to her
- former felicitie: however I will ſhew
- my willingneſs, by my nimbleneſs; and
- then teaching his Steed to give a gallant
- caper, he ſpeedily rode away,
- and without the leaſt hinderance he
- quickly ſet footing in the Countrey
- of Arcadia, where he was welcomed
- by Peals of Bels, and Shoutings of
- People, with varietie of ſports contrived
- by young children: beſides
- the pleaſant Shepherds blowed their
- pipes, whileſt the prettie Sheperdeſſes
- chanted out their praiſes of their
- great God Pan. All theſe harmleſs
- paſtimes were ordered ſo conveniently,
- that he might have a perfect view
- of them as he went by: and all was
- to declare the joy they conceived
- for Clytifon's ſafe return, whoſe ſtay
- they heard was the onely delayance
- of the Princes Nuptials. And as he
- rode along, the ſilly Lambs did welcome
- him with leaps, whileſt the Fox
- that lurked in his private corner to
- catch them, discovered himſelf to do
- homage unto Clytifon, and by that
- means loſt his game; yet he chearing
- himſelf up with hopes of a more plentifull
- prey hereafter, returned to his
- former craft, and received that misfortune
- as a juſt recompence of his
- careleſneſs.
- Thus Clytifon's thoughts were taken
- up by ſundrie objects, till he had
- traced along ground ſo far as to the
- Citie of Matenia: there he might ſee
- Noble Perſonages glorie with their
- imployment, and to eſteem themſelves
- to be regarded were they not
- ſet to work. There he might behold
- the Palace richly furniſhing, and all
- the houſes gaudily decking up. There
- he might hear of abundance of ſeveral
- inventions for Masques, & other
- curious ſights that might be delightfull
- to the eye. But Clytifon paſſed
- by all theſe rare Scenes, they being in
- compariſon of his fantaſie, by him
- reputed ſuperfluous.
- And now his eye was fixed upon
- the Lodge that ſhadowed the wonders
- of the world, and was ſeated about
- two miles diſtance from Matenia.
- Thither with eagerneſs he goes,
- where he was onely ſaluted by
- the diligent ſervants that directed
- him to the grove adjoyning to the
- Lodge, where the Princes juſt before
- were walked for recreation. Then as
- he went gazing about him, he diſcerned
- Evarchus King of Macedon, who
- ſignified his joy for his Sons and Nephews,
- to him, revived lives, by his
- lifted up hands and eyes, which with
- great devotion he rendered to the
- Gods in thankfulneſs.
- For it happened after Plangus departure
- from Macedon with an Armie,
- Evarchus fearing his love-lines would
- give opportunitie for ſadneſs to overcome
- his languiſhing ſpirit, made a
- journey into Arcadia to viſit his antient
- Friend Baſilius. And after many
- ſtrange accidents had apparently
- been discovered, as the famous Sir
- Philip Sydney fully declares, Pyrocles
- and Muſidorus were found to be alive;
- and now he tarried in Arcadia to ſee
- his bleſſedneſs compleated in their
- Marriages. And in the mean time he
- diſpatched a meſſenger to Plangus
- to encourage him with thoſe welcom
- tidings. And then the good
- King confined himſelf wholy to the
- continual praiſes of the Divine providence
- for his unlooked for comfort.
- And now ſtraying from the reſt of
- the Princely companie, he fell to his
- wonted contemplations, and never
- moved from his devout poſture, till
- Clytifon's ſuddain approach into his
- ſight, made him ſtart, and withall raiſed
- him.
- Then Evarchus examined him
- how the noble Gentleman Amphialus
- did? but Clytifon was ſo mightily
- daſhed with his diſturbing of Evarchus,
- that he let ſilence be both his
- Anſwer and Pleader for his preſumption,
- which Evarchus perceiving,
- brought him into that ſolitary Arbor
- where Pyrocles in his diſguizement
- had the priviledge to reſort: There
- ſate Baſilius with Genecea his Queen,
- and he lovingly condoling with her
- for her former ſufferings that ſhe was
- then a ſounding in his attentive ears,
- but at Evarchus and Clytifons enterance
- they roſe up, and graciouſly
- ſaluting Clytifon, they commanded
- him to repeat thoſe Adventures that
- had befallen him at Corinth, if they
- were remarkable; but Evarchus prevailed
- with them to have patience,
- that Philoclea, whom it moſt concerned,
- might hear as ſoon as any; then
- they all went to the young Princes,
- and found them ſo well imployed,
- that had they not eſpied them, they
- would in pitie have paſſed by, and
- not diſturbed them.
- Pyrocles and Muſidorus being ſeated
- upon a Fountaines brim, where in the
- middle Cupids Image was placed, ready
- the ſecond time to have wounded
- them; but they not minding him, ſtrived
- who ſhould with the comelieſt
- grace, and higheſt Rhetorick extoll
- their Miſtreſſes; whilſt the faire Pamela,
- with lovely Philoclea tied the
- trueſt Lovers knot in graſſe, that ever
- yet was tied; and now and then would
- pick a Flower to ſhew their Art, to
- tell the vertue of it; in theſe harmleſs
- pleaſures their Parents found
- them buſied.
- Then Baſilius cōming to Philoclea,
- told her that Cliftion had brought her
- news of her ſervant Amphialus, & ſhe
- modeſtly bluſhing, replyed, that ſhe
- ſhould be glad to hear of her Coſins
- health; then Baſilius deſired them all
- to ſit down, that they might lend the
- better attention to Clytifon; but he
- in reverence to his Soveraigne, would
- ſtand, till Baſilius lay'd his commands
- upon him to the contrarie: then Clytifon
- recounted all circumſtances ſaving
- that about himſelf, as I have ſet
- down; and when he had ended, he preſented
- Philoclea with Helena's & Amphialus
- Letters, which ſhe courteouſly
- received, & when ſhe had broken them
- open, ſhe read them, but with ſuch
- Cryſtall ſtreames all the time droping
- from her Roſie cheeks, that had
- Venus been by, ſhe would have preſerved
- them in a Glaſſe to waſh her
- faice withall, to make her the more
- beautifull; and then her Servant Pyrocles
- gently wiped them away; but ſeeing
- them yet diſtil, he was angry, and
- ſhewed it on this manner. It is a hard
- Riddle to me, ſaid he, that a Lover
- ſhould write ſuch a regardleſs Letter,
- to grieve and mar that face that he ſo
- much adored. He would longer have
- chid Amphialus, but that Evarchus
- adviſed him to take the Letter from
- his ſorrowfull Ladie, which ſhe willingly
- reſigned unto him; and he read
- as followeth.
- For the Incomparable PRINCESS,
- the Princeſs Philoclea.
- I Am confident, you have heard what
- affection I have harboured in my
- heart, your (though unknown to me)
- moſt barbarous uſage, and that I might
- clear mine innocence of ſuch an heinous
- crime, with what a Tragical act I heaped
- up miſerie upon miſerie, which hath
- infinitly overwhelmed my diſtracted
- ſoul; and now I onely reſt in expectation
- of your commands. I beſeech you
- let it be ſo pitifull, that it may procure
- eternall eaſe to my extream perplexity;
- and nothing can diminiſh that but
- Death by your appointment; and that to
- me ſhall be moſt welcom; and I ſhall
- account my ſelf happy in obeying your
- deſires at the laſt moment, which I vow
- to accompliſh what ere it be, with chearfulneſs;
- and with this undaunted reſolution,
- I will ever continue to be,
- Your faithfull, though unworthy Servant, AMPHIALUS.
- Whileſt Pyrocles was reading this,
- the ſweet Philoclea ſtopt the remainder
- of her tears, till ſhe had taken a
- view of Helena's. Then ſhe entreated
- her Pyrocles to read over her Couſin
- Amphialus lines to her again. And
- ſhe attentively liſtening to his paſſionate
- Phraſes, the ſecond time ſhe renewed
- her weeping deluge: but the
- ſtately Pamela ſaid, her Coſin did
- wiſely to caſt himſelf into the Power
- of her ſiſter, he knew her clemencie,
- and conſidered it was his ſafeſt way
- to do ſo, before he ſet footing in Arcadia.
- Then they all perſwaded Philoclea
- not to grieve for that which ſhe
- might remedie, and adviced her to go
- and write a letter to Amphialus, and
- in it to command him to put in execution
- Helena's demands. She immediatly
- aroſe, and at her riſing made
- the flowers to hang down their heads
- for want of her preſence: but her
- breath being a ſweeter perfume than
- the ſcent of the choiceſt Flowers,
- made her careleſs of their ſorrow; for
- ſhe not minding them, went her way;
- and Pyrocles, who could be as well
- out of his life, as from her company,
- followed after her, and would needs
- wait upon her to the lodge; and
- there he ſtaid till ſhe had written her
- Letter.
- Which ſhe had no ſooner ended,
- and Pyrocles peruſed, but that ingenious
- Clytifon was readie upon his
- Horſe to receive it, that he might
- with ſpeed convey it to Corinth.
- So after abundance of commendations
- from Philoclea to Helena and Amphialus,
- he parted, and without any
- remarkable Paſſage, he quickly attained
- to his journeys end: where he
- was received between hope and fear
- by Helena, who hearing of his return,
- withdrew into a private room, and
- then ſent for him; but as ſoon as he
- was entred into her ſight, ſhe cryed
- out.
- Good Sir, doe not break my heart
- with delayance; is there any poſſibility
- for me to live? if there be none,
- O ſpeak, that I may die! and end my
- fears: for if Amphialus doom be
- death; I am reſolved not to live one
- minute after him. But Clytifon, as
- deſirous to give her eaſe, as ſhe could
- be to ask it of him, anſwered, That
- now the joyfull time was near at hand
- that Amphialus and ſhe ſhould be united
- together, and ſhould flouriſh with
- all happineſs that could be imagined;
- I beſeech you do not flatter me, ſaid
- Helena, ſuch vain perſwaſions will do
- no good, but make my fall the higher,
- and ſo more dangerous. Madam, replyed
- Clytifon, let me beg the favour
- of you to believe me, and if
- I have told you any falſhood, ſay I
- was never truſtie to my Friend, and
- you cannot puniſh me more to my
- vexation: but here is a Letter from
- my Lord to Amphialus, that will verifie
- me of the truth: Upon this Helena
- was brought to believe that felicitie
- to her, that ſhe ſo long hath
- wiſhed for, and cauſed vermilion Red
- to die her cheeks in preparation to
- receive their welcom Gueſt: and then
- her earneſtneſs grew impatient of deferrings,
- ſhe longing to prie into Phyloclea's
- letters, therefore ſealing up
- her lips from further queſtions, ſhe
- directed Clytifon to Amphialus, and
- then ſhe left him.
- Amphialus in the mean time, whoſe
- bowels earned for Clytifon's return,
- liſtened to all whiſperings. So then
- he ſeeing the Attendants ſo buſie in
- their private diſcourſes, he enquired
- whether Clytifon was come? juſt as
- he entered his preſence. Then after
- due civilities paſſed between them,
- Clytifon delivered up his charge to
- Amphialus, who uſed many ceremonies
- before he would preſume to
- touch it; but when he was better adviſed,
- he joyfully imbraced it, and by
- degrees he intruded upon it, for firſt
- he brake the ſeal, and then he made
- his proteſtation.
- Now I do vow and promiſe before
- Cupid, whoſe dart hath ſo cruelly
- wounded me, and before Vènus, to
- whoſe beautie I am ſo much a ſlave,
- never in the leaſt to reſiſt Philoclea's
- lines; but I will ſhew my dutie to her
- by my willingneſs to obey her pleaſure.
- And you my Lord Clytifon,
- with this Noble companie are witneſſes
- of this my Proteſtation.
- Thus concluded he his ſolemn
- vow, and then he carefully unfolded
- the treaſure of his life, with a belief
- that every fold drew him nearer than
- other to Paradiſe: and when he read
- it, the curiouſeſt eye could not eſpie
- the leaſt motion of discontent to reſide
- in him; but he rather ſeemed as a
- Conquerour that had ſuddenly ſurpriſed
- unlookt-for comfort, which
- much conduced to the joy of the beholders.
- And when he had fully delighted
- his eyes with Philoclea's gracious
- lines, he changed his note from
- admiring her perfections, to blazon
- his now amorous Phraſes of Helena's
- worth; and then the ſweet behaviour
- of Helena to him in his calamitie extended
- to his memorie, which made
- him extreamly wonder at the hidden
- virtues of Philoclea's letters, for
- working ſo great a cure in his underſtanding:
- therefore now aſſuring himſelf
- the Gods had deſtined Helena to
- be his Spouſe, in purſuance of their
- pleaſure, and of his own happineſs,
- he ſent to her in an humble manner to
- entreat her companie. Which Meſſage,
- poor Queen, ſhe heard as joyfully,
- as ſhe could have done, had
- Mercury poſted from Heaven to bring
- her tidings of her transporting thither:
- but yet trembling poſſeſſed her
- delicate bodie, and would not leave
- her, before ſhe had preſented her ſelf
- to Amphialus; who taking her by the
- white, yet ſhaking, hand, gratefully
- thanked her for her many favours:
- and then telling her he ſhould ſtudie
- a requital, beſought her to hear the
- letter that his Coſin Philoclea had
- honoured him with. But Helena anſwered
- with bluſhes, whileſt he read
- the letter, thus,
- For her highly-eſteemed Coſin, the
- Worthie Coſin,
- MIght I partake with the Gods in
- their intereſt in you, I would not
- be kept in ſuch ignorance and amazement,
- as I am at this preſent; but I
- would throughly ſearch what juſt occaſions
- I have ever given you, to hazard
- your perſon with ſuch ſad apprehenſions
- of my anger, as I hear without ſpeedie
- remedie will deprive you of all future
- felicitie. But laying by all that ambitious
- thought, in earneſt, Coſin, I must
- needs tell you, how without compariſon
- it troubles me, that you ſhould think me
- ſo ſevere and unnatural, to torment
- you with a ſecond death, for that fault,
- which you have by ſo many evident
- ſigns manifeſted your ſelf to be innocent
- of, and if you had been guiltie as you are
- not, I ſhould rather chooſe to mitigate
- your crime, than any way to heighten it.
- But yet I will not profuſely let ſlip that
- advantage, which you have ſo freely
- left to my diſcretion, but will uſe it as
- an ornament to make you happie, yet not
- in way of authoritie, but as a Petitioner
- I humbly crave of you not to refuſe
- Beautie and Honor when it is ſo virtuouſly
- preſented to you by the famous
- Queen Helena, whoſe love-lines ſurpaſſes
- all others.
- Therefore if you eſteem of me, prove
- it by entirely loving of her, who, I am
- ſure, will endow you with all ſuch bleſſings
- as may enrich your contentment.
- And now with full ſatisfaction, that
- you will grant me my requeſt, I cloſe up
- theſe abrupt lines, and am immoveably,
- Your faithfull Coſin and
- Servant, PHILOCLEA.
- Here the ſweet Philoclea ended, and
- Amphialus with a low congee began
- to ſpeak to Helena in this manner:
- Fair Queen, what excuſe I ſhall make
- for my long incivilitie to your ſingular
- ſelf, I know not, nor can I imagin
- with what confidence to beg of you
- the perfecting of theſe compaſſionate
- lines; therefore for pitie ſake accept
- of my caſt-down eyes for my Soliciters,
- and let your goodneſs plead for
- my backwardneſs in ſubmitting to
- that duty of love to you, when the
- greateſt Princes tremble at your
- ſight, and worſhip you as their Image.
- Madam, ſuffer your Anſwer may be
- pitifull, ſince I acknowledge mine
- error.
- My Lord, replied Helena, there is no
- cauſe given here to induce you to renew
- your grief, if my yielding my
- ſelf to your noble diſpoſal may be
- valued as a ſufficient ſatisfactory Argument
- to eaſe you, that hath ever
- been my endeavor in all virtuous
- ways to compaſs.
- The more may be imputed to my
- unworthineſs, anſwered Amphialus;
- now I am ſurprized with ſhame in
- having ſo dull an apprehenſion, ſuch
- a ſtony heart to refuſe ſo rare a Perſon
- as your divine ſelf; but the Gods
- are juſt, for now the wheel of Fortune
- is turned, and if you pleaſe to revenge
- your wrong upon me the inſtrument,
- you cannot ſtab me with a ſharper
- ſpear, than your denial.
- Why, ſaid Helena, do you force me
- to repeat my real affections to you
- ſo often? is it your jealouſie of my
- conſtancie? if it be that, with thanks
- to my Goddeſs Diana, I avouch, that
- I never harboured the leaſt unchaſt
- thought to ſcandalize or blemiſh my
- puritie.
- Now I may clallenge you, replied
- Amphialus, for ſearching out new ſorrows
- to your ſelf; but pardon me
- dear Madam, for my raſh preſumption
- with chiding you for one fault,
- when I my ſelf am burdened with ſo
- many, and beleeve me, my higheſt
- ambition is to hear your heavenly
- voice ſound out the Harmonie of
- your love within mine ears; and
- when you vouchſafe me that, none
- can paralel with me in happineſs.
- Thus they paſſed away the day
- with theſe, and afterwards more fond
- expreſſions; and amongſt them they
- concluded to make a journey into Arcadia,
- & for the greater Triumph, to
- celebrat their nuptials with the other
- renowned Princes, now in the height
- of their ſuperfluous complements, the
- news of the happy ſucceſs of Philoclea's
- Letter had ſo ſpread about, that
- ſuch abundance of the Citie flocked
- to the Palace to ſee Amphialus, that
- Helena was forced to command the
- Officers, not to let any have admiſſion,
- until ſome important buſineſs,
- they were to conſult upon, might be
- accompliſhed; and then ſhe promiſed
- free Paſſage to all: This cauſed every
- one to retire to their houſes, and Helena
- and Amphialus after a while ſpared
- ſome time to adviſe with Clytifon
- to conſider of the probableſt way for
- them to go into Arcadia; the people
- of Corinth being in great expectation
- of their ſolemnizing the wedding
- there.
- Then Clytifon counſelled them on
- this manner. The ſureſt way that I
- can think on is, to lay open your real
- intentions to the Peers of your
- Land, that by degrees, it may be
- publiſhed to the Vulgar; alſo declare
- that you will not yield to any thing
- that may prove to their prejudice; but
- if they will not receive that as ſatisfactory,
- but argue that it is a diſparagement
- for their Country to ſuffer their
- Princeſs to depart from thence, and
- be tranſported into another, to have
- her marriage finiſhed; you may eaſily
- prevent their future diſlike of that
- particular; ſince the diſhonour of your
- Countrey concerns you moſt; and in
- all reaſon you ſhould have the moſt
- eſpecial care to preſerve it; you may
- pleaſe them with telling them, you
- do intend to make your Kingdom famous
- by the ſplendor of thoſe Princes
- that now reſide in Arcadia; and
- then you will ſolemnize your wedding
- with the ſame points that you uſe
- when you are there: and I am perſwaded
- their diſſentions will be quieted.
- The Counſel of Clytifon was no
- way rejected, but very well eſteemed
- by the Royal lovers, who ſhewed
- their thankfulneſs by the large
- Theams they made of their judgements
- to him: and then telling him,
- that they muſt ſtill be more obliged
- to him, they entreated him to let his return
- to Arcadia be a little ſooner than
- theirs, to give the Princely family
- intelligence of their following after;
- becauſe they were yet in their private
- lodge, it would not be commodious
- for them to come unto them unawares.
- Clytifon replied, That none
- ſhould do that Service but himſelf;
- then Amphialus told him it was high
- time for him to make good his words,
- for Queen Helena, and his own intention
- was to be at Matenia ſuddenly;
- thus after a few more ſpeeches
- paſſed, Clytifon took his leave, and
- diſpatched away with all expedition.
- In the mean time Helena gallantly
- played her game; for at the immediate
- time of Clytifon's departure from
- Corinth, ſhe proclaimed free Liberty
- for her Subjects acceſs unto her: then
- Amphialus and ſhe being arrayed in
- glorious Apparel, removed from
- their with-drawing Rooms into the
- Preſence, and there ſeated themſelves
- in the Throne: their Nobles coming
- to them in their ranks, and kiſſing
- both their hands, rendered in all lowly
- manner their joy for their Queens
- carefull choice, in making ſo brave a
- Prince their high Lord. Then Helena
- declared her mind to them as Clytifon
- adviſed her, which at firſt ſtartled
- them, but ſhe argued in her own defence
- ſo wiſely, that ſhe quickly confuted
- and pacified thoſe diſturbers.
- But after them came Knights, Gentlemen,
- Citizens, in ſuch abundance,
- that they confined the Princeſs to
- their patience for a Week together.
- Beſides, the Countrey Peaſants, and
- all ſorts of Mechanicks, that with
- admiration preſſed to gaze upon
- them. But when their tedious task
- was over, they ſpent ſome time in
- pleaſing their fancies with the contrivance
- of ſtately curioſities, for
- the honour of their Nuptials. Amphialus
- and Helena concurring ſo
- well together, that nothing was
- commended by the one, but inſtantly
- it was highly approved of and
- valued by the other. Which combining
- of theſe, was a rare example
- for the under-workmen, they endeavouring
- to follow their Superiours
- Rule, delighting in theſe fellows
- judgements, did to the lovers joy, unexpectedly
- finiſh their Art.
- Then all accommodations being
- prepared in a readineſs, they departed
- from Corinth, their pomp being thus
- ordered, Three Chariots drawn by
- ſix horſes apiece, came whirling to
- the gate, the firſt was for ſix Noble
- men being of Amphialus his Bedchamber.
- That Chariot was lined
- with green Figerd-velvet, richly fringed;
- ſignifying the Princes loves. The
- Horſes were black; to manifeſt their
- mourning for being ſo long exiled
- from their loves. The next Chariot
- was lined with white Sattin, embroidered
- with gold, that was to witneſs
- their innocencie, their love being virtuous:
- in that went ſix Ladies, attendants
- upon Helena. The third and laſt
- was for Helena and Amphialus, that
- was lined with blue, embroidered with
- Pearls and pretious Stones, the Horſes
- wore plumes of Feathers; the
- Coach-man, Poſtilian, and ſix Footmens
- liveries were blew, as an Emblem
- of their conſtancie, and embroidered
- as the Chariot was. On this
- triumphant manner they went to Arcadia,
- beſides an innumerable companie
- of Coaches and Horſ-men that
- belonged to the Court; which keeping
- on a moderate pace, in ſhort time
- fafely ſet footing there: and the flying
- report, that would not be ſtoped
- for any mans pleaſure, quickly
- gave notice to the Princes of Helena's
- and Amphialus being come.
- But they had before removed to
- their Palace, being in perpetual expectation
- of their companie: and to
- ſhew how glad they were to enjoy it,
- Muſidorus and Pamela, with Pyrocles,
- going altogether in a Coach, went
- out a good diſtance from the Citie
- to meet them: which they could
- hardly compaſs to do, by reaſon of
- the multitudes that went to ſee that
- magnificent Sight; until they had appointed
- Officers to beat a Lane: ſo
- that at laſt they made a narrow paſſage.
- It was an incomparable Sight
- to ſee Helena and Amphialus greet
- Philoclea? what low congies they
- made to her, as if ſhe had been their
- Goddeſs! whileſt ſhe courteouſly reverenced
- them again. Then Helena
- and ſhe ſtood admiring one anothers
- Beautie, till Amphialus had ſaluted
- the other Princes, and yet returned
- ſoon enough to break their ſilence.
- Ladies, ſaid he, there is no occaſion
- given to ſtir up ſadneſs in Rebellion
- againſt mirth & happineſs, for here we
- may ſee Love coupled together, when
- we have known by experiments it to
- have been disperſed by many ſtrange
- accidents. And moſt ſweet Princeſs
- Philoclea, by your gracious lines I am
- preſerved from perpetual miſerie, to
- enjoy a Crown endowed with all felicitie.
- But yet, Madam, all that I
- can do or ſay in requital, is to let you
- know that I am and ever ſhall be, your
- humble Servant.
- I beſeech you Coſin, replied Philoclea,
- do not your ſelf that injurie, to
- confeſs you were thruſt forward to
- your contentment. And ſeriouſly,
- when I obtained a ſight of this rare
- Queen, I was aſtoniſhed at your former
- backwardneſs. But ſince Cupid
- did play his part ſo cunningly as to
- make you blind, I am extream glad
- that I could be an inſtrument worthie
- to recover your decayed eyes and
- languiſhing ſpirits; and I am beholding
- to your goondeſs in obeying my
- requeſt. Here Philoclea ended; and
- Amphialus was furniſhed with a Replie.
- When Muſidorus brought in Pamela
- to Helena, whom ſhe civily welcomed
- to Arcadia; but upon Amphialus
- ſhe looked aloft, as not deſerving
- to be regarded by her. Which Muſidorus
- perceiving, he ſecretly perſwaded
- her to look favourably upon him.
- Whoſe advice was received by her as
- a command that ſhe durſt not withſtand.
- So ſhe altering her disdainfulneſs
- into chearfulneſs, bent her diſcourſe
- to Amphialus, that at laſt they
- grew excellent companie for one another,
- and ſo continued; till their
- thoughts were taken up with amazement
- at ſight of Clytifon, who came
- hallowing to them; and with ſigns
- pointed to them to haſt into their
- Chariots. But they not underſtanding
- his meaning, delayed their ſpeed,
- till he came nearer, and certified them
- that there was a Meſſenger come
- from Plangus to Evarchus, but he
- would not be perſwaded to deliver
- his buſineſs, before Muſidorus and Pyrocles
- were preſent.
- This newes ſtrook Pamela and
- Philoclea into an extremity of ſadneſs;
- for then Plangus ſtorie was renewed
- into their memorie, which
- made them ſuſpect it was ſome envious
- errand to ſeparate their affections;
- but their beloved Princes uſed
- all perſwaſions that might comfort
- them, and then led them to Amphialus
- Chariot, that being the largeſt,
- and in that regard the moſt convenient;
- they being too full of perplexity
- to minde matters of State,
- went altogether, that they might the
- better paſſe away the time with company.
- Then in a diſtracted manner they
- went to Matenea, and quietly paſſed
- through the Streets till they came to
- the Palace, where they had much ado
- to enter, by reaſon of the throng
- that was there making enquiries after
- the Armenian Meſſenger; yet at laſt
- the Princeſs obtained entrance; where
- Helena and Amphialus were with all
- reſpect welcomed by Baſilius and Genecea:
- and when many Complements
- were conſummate, they all went to the
- Preſence, where Evarchus and the
- Meſſenger were. Then Evarchus
- told them there was a buſineſs of conſequence
- to diſcover, and he wiſhed
- them to give audience to it; Then all
- noiſe being appeaſed; the Meſſenger
- turning to Evarchus, ſaid theſe
- following words.
- Moſt renowned King; Prince Plangus,
- Generall of your forces in Armenia,
- hath ſent me to recount unto
- your Majeſtie the truth of his proceedings
- ſince his departure from
- Macedon; which if your Majeſtie
- pleaſe to heare, I ſhall in a little time
- bring it about to his preſent Condition.
- Know then, Gracious Sir, Prince
- Plangus had hardlie ſet footing in the
- Armenian Land, before he was ſurpriſed
- by the unfortunate News of his
- Ladie Erona's being delivered up into
- the power of her Tyrannical enemies.
- You may imagine what diſcouragement
- this was to him at his
- firſt entrance, to be almoſt deprived of
- his chiefeſt victory: but yet he hid
- his grief, ſhewing his undaunted ſpirit
- to his Armie; he doubled their
- march, and at length overtook the
- Forces of the deceitfull Plaxirtus,
- and with loſſe of a few men, he ſo diſordered
- them, that he and all his Armie
- marched through the middeſt of
- our Adverſaries, whilſt they like
- frighted men ſtood gazing on us; yet
- we not altogether truſting to our
- ſafeties, to their amazement, placed a
- a reaſonable company in Ambuſh to
- hold them play, if they ſhould venture
- to fall on us; and we having Intelligence
- that Plaxirtus himſelf was
- but a mile before us, attended by a
- ſmall Guard, becauſe of his Confidence
- in his forces that were behind
- him, purſued him: & he not doubting
- but that we were of his confederacie,
- turned back his Horſe, and ſtaid that
- we might overtake him, thinking
- thereby to do us a favour: but Prince
- Plangus not having patience to ſee
- him ſo well pleaſed, galloped towards
- him; which Plaxirtus ſeeing, and
- knowing his own guilt, began to diſtruſt
- that then he ſhould receive a
- due reward; and then he cryed out,
- Are we freinds? Are we freinds? but
- Prince Plangus riding to him, claſped
- him about the waſt, and gallantly
- threw him off his horſe, and then anſwered
- him, That he ſhould be always
- his freind to do him ſuch courteſies
- as they were; which the Guard
- hearing, they ſhewed us that they
- were expert in running, though not
- in fighting, for in a moment they
- were all fled away: then Prince Plangus
- having his greateſt Adverſary at
- his feet, and ſtudying the moſt convenient
- way to fulfill your Majeſties
- deſire, to preſerve him alive, till he
- might be more openly put to death:
- juſt than a Trumpeter came to him
- from Artaxia, with a paper in his
- hand, which he delivered to Plaxitus,
- wherein Artaxia declared, That
- her Coſin Plangus, whom ſhe entertained
- civilly in her Court, was riſen
- in Arms againſt her, and had brought
- Forreigners to invade her Land; and
- that he had not onely forgotten her
- former kindneſs to him, but alſo broken
- the laws of Nature, ſhe being his
- neer kinſwoman; and not onely with
- her, but alſo with her dear and lawfull
- Husband Plaxirtus, whom he had taken
- and made a Priſoner; and ſhe further
- declared, That whatſoever cruelty
- be inflicted upon Plaxirtus, ſhe
- would do the like, or worſe to Erona.
- And if he did not quickly ſend her a
- ſatisfactorie Anſwer, ſhe would begin
- with Erona firſt, and make her endure
- the greateſt torments that ſhe could
- poſſibly, and live.
- This put Prince Plangus into a
- world of confuſed cogitations? for
- very unwilling he was to let go unrevenged
- the bloudy contriver of theſe
- Princes ſuppoſed murder: and if he
- did not in ſome degree yield to that,
- then this beloved Lady Erona muſt ſuffer
- thoſe intollerable tortures. But
- when he was in the height of paſſion,
- to think that from a victor he muſt
- become Slave, we might perceive a
- Traveller guided to us by ſome of the
- Souldiers. At that ſight Prince Plangus
- entreated the Trumpeter to ſtay
- till he had known the meaning of the
- ſtrangers coming. He was your happy
- Meſſenger, O King, that delivered
- the Queen Erona from miſerie. He it
- was that brought the joyful news of
- the ſafetie of theſe famous Princes to
- perplexed Prince Plangus. And that
- ſo well revived him, that after he had
- worſhipped Apollo for ſuch an unlookt
- for bleſſing, he chearfully
- dispatcht away the Trumpeter with
- his anſwer, that now the Treacherie
- of Plaxirtus was brought to nought,
- for Pyrocles and Muſidorus were miraculouſly
- preſerved, and lived to be
- examples of virtue: and if ſhe would
- ſtand to the former Articles, Plaxirtus
- ſhould be ſet at libertie, now the
- renowned Princes want your aſſiſtance
- in defence of the Ladie Erona,
- whoſe life is now in your power; for
- by me Plaxirtus an Anaxius challenge
- you to anſwer them in a Combat for
- the diſtreſſed Queen, and if you prove
- victorious over them, the ſame day
- Erona ſhall be freed from her impriſonment:
- but if the contrarie ſide prevail,
- at that time Erona muſt be put
- to death. Theſe are the Articles before
- agreed upon, and now the ſecond
- time reſolved on. If you will hazard
- your Perſons in the Quarell, the
- whole Kingdom of Armenia being in
- expectation of your valour, that may
- end the differences.
- Thus the Meſſenger concluded,
- and Pyrocles and Muſidorus ſent him
- back to Armenia, with promiſe of
- their ſpeedie following after him. It
- would have made a Rock, had it been
- by, burſt out in tears in reference to
- the companie. And had Narciſſus
- been never raviſhed with his own
- conceited beautie, yet had he been
- there, he would have wept into fountains,
- to ſee the beſt of Princes turmoiled
- in waves of affections: And
- Fortune deluding them, perſwaded
- them they were near refreſhment,
- when they were environed with their
- chiefeſt calamities. Here you might
- ſee Pamela with her Arms wreathed
- about Muſidorus, as if ſhe intended
- there ſhould be her reſt, till he had
- granted her requeſt, & her caſt-down
- eyes and weepings that bedewed her
- pure cheeks did witneſs her abundant
- ſorrow. But at laſt, wiping them
- away, ſhe conteſted with Muſidorus
- and her ſelf on this manner:
- Dear Muſidorus, do not part from
- her to whom you have ſo often
- plighted your faith. If you love me,
- as you vow you do, why will you abandon
- my preſence? oh do not break
- my heart with your inconſtancie, nor
- ſtain your other virtues with ſuch a
- crime, as never can be waſht away;
- therefore ſtay, or elſe confute me
- with your reaſon, and then I ſhall
- hate my paſſion, and contemn my ſelf,
- for valuing my intereſt in your affections
- above the main treaſure, ſo accounted
- by the heavenly and earthly
- ſocietie, in keeping an honourable and
- unblemiſhed reputation; which if you
- can do, and yet leave me, I will never
- ſhew my ſelf ſuch a ridiculous lover
- as to be your hinderance. My thrice
- dearer than my ſelf, replied Muſidorus,
- do not afflict me with the word Inconſtancie;
- if I were guiltie, then
- might you juſtly tax me with it. But
- far be the thought of infidelitie from
- me: and believe me Ladie, Plaxirtus
- cannot pierce his ſword deeper into
- my heart, than theſe ſharp words,
- which proceeded from your ſweet lips
- have done. But for my Combat in
- Armenia, that is ſo neceſſarie, that
- none can decide the Quarrel, unleſs it
- be my Coſin Pyrocles and my ſelf, by
- reaſon of Artaxia & Plaxirtus thirſting
- for our lives, they will never ſuffer
- Erona to be releaſed from priſon,
- before they have vented their malice
- upon us, in as great a meaſure
- as their abilitie can give them leave.
- And beſides, ſhould I refuſe, it would
- redound ſo extreamly upon my renown,
- that every one would be readie
- to object, that ſince a Woman prevailed
- over me, I am directly cowardized.
- And now, dear Ladie, I dare
- preſume you will rather let me venture
- my life in defence of ſo juſt a
- cauſe, than to let it go unrevenged to
- my deſerved infamie.
- Poor Pamela all this while ſeemed
- like one in a trance, not having power
- to contradict Muſidorus in his pleadings,
- nor yet able to ſubmit her yielding
- to them; but made her tears and
- ſighs her advocates, when he with all
- perſwaſions ſought to comfort her.
- And in the mean time the ſweet Philoclea,
- who lay grovelling at her Pyrocles
- feet, and would not be removed,
- expreſſed her grief in theſe
- mournfull complaints.
- Ah me! ſaid ſhe, that I ſhould be
- born under ſuch an unfortunate Planet
- of unhappie events that dayly afflict
- me! tell me, my Pyrocles the
- cauſe that makes you ſo willingly hazard
- your perſon in ſuch dangerous
- attempts? if you can tax me with any
- errors, to my ſelf unknown, that
- might work your displeaſure, O tell
- me what they are that I may mend,
- and ſtudie ſome eaſier waw to puniſh
- me than by your intended death. But
- if nothing elſe may reconcile me to
- you, yet ſhew your clemencie, and let
- your own bleſſed hand firſt end my
- miſerie.
- Here ſhe ſtopped, and perceiving
- Pyrocles to be in as amazed condition
- as ſhe her ſelf was, not knowing what
- to do or ſay to appeaſe her ſorrow, ſhe
- premeditated, that now or never was
- her time to keep him with her in ſafetie,
- and then ſhe ſuddenly aroſe from
- the ground, and ſtanding a while in
- great devotion, at laſt ſhe cried out;
- Now am I readie to receive thy
- harmleſs Spear into my heart, now
- ſhew thy love & pitie to me quickly,
- and preſerve me not alive to endure
- ſuch terrour as cannot be charmed away,
- unleſs you will promiſe me the
- enjoyment of your companie. But
- Pyrocles ſtarted up, and catching her
- in his arms, adviced her not to give
- way to ſorrow, the hater of Beautie,
- to rule over her; nor yet to miſtruſt
- ſhe ever offended him, but that ſhe
- was more pretious to him than the
- world could be; and that he made no
- queſtion but that he ſhould return again
- from Armenia to enjoy her with
- peace and happineſs.
- With theſe and many more ſuch
- expreſſions, he ſtrived to chear her up.
- But ſhe ſtill kept on bewailing her ill
- fortune, and would not be pacified:
- untill Muſidorus came to her and entreated
- her to go to her Siſter Pemela,
- and to ſhew her discretion by moderating
- her paſſion, that ſhe might be
- a motive to reduce her Siſter to follow
- her example, who now lay weltering
- in her tears. Theſe tidings perſwaded
- her to defer her own cares,
- that ſhe might in ſome meaſure work
- a cure in her ſiſter, whom ſhe valued,
- next to her Pyrocles, above all the
- world. And then ſhe would not delay
- the time with bemoaning herſelf, but
- haſtily went her way ſupported by the
- two illuſtrious branches of the forreſt,
- Pyrocles and Muſidorus.
- But as ſhe went there repreſented
- to her view the two antient Kings,
- Evarchus and Baſilius walking to and
- fro like ſhadows, and looked as they
- would have done, had one come out
- of the Grave to warn them to prepare
- themſelves in ſhort time to come
- to them. This doleful ſight had like
- to have prevailed over her, and made
- her fall into a Relapſe of paſſion; but
- the rememberance of the task ſhe was
- going about ſuppreſſed thoſe vapours.
- And being come withi the ſight
- of Pamela, whoſe deluge was ſtayd
- a little to pauſe, that it might iſſue
- more freſhly and eagerly at Philocleas
- preſence) whom as ſoon as ſhe
- eſpied, ſhe perceived her hidden diſcontent,
- and rebuked one this manner.
- Siſter, think not your diſſembling
- ſmiles can entiſe me to follow your
- example, for I can as perfectly ſee
- through you into your grieved heart,
- as if you were transparent, and know
- your pain that now you endeavour
- to conceal. Oh! leave theſe counterfeits,
- and you will be a farr more acceptable
- comforter unto me.
- Poor Philoclea could no longer
- withſtand the batteries of Pamela, but
- confeſſed her forced mirth, and then
- inſtead of aſſwaging, they augmented
- one anothers ſorrows with ſuch lamentable
- moans, that Pyrocles and
- Muſidorus were forced to give way to
- Sighs, till their thoughts were ſurpriſed
- by the coming of Clytifon, who
- brought them word, that the two
- Kings ſtayed at the door to ſpeak
- with them. Then they ſoftly went out
- of the Chamber, and were received
- by Baſileus and Evarchus, who told
- them, that ſince it ſtood ſo much upon
- their Honours to endeavour to redeem
- that diſtreſſed Ladie, they adviſed
- them not to linger in the performance
- of it, for nothing was in their
- way to cauſe any delay, and the ſooner
- they went, the ſooner by Apollo's aſſiſtance
- they might return: To whoſe
- mercie they recommended them, and
- commanded them, that when they
- had obtained a proſperous journey,
- and had vanquiſhed their enemies,
- not to be negligent in ſending them
- word of it, that they might be ſharers
- in their joy as well as their ſorrow.
- Then after both the Kings had made
- them happie with their bleſſings, they
- ſent them away.
- Though firſt Pyrocles and Muſidorus
- would needs take a review of their
- Ladies Pavilion, but not of their Perſons,
- out of conſideration that it
- would but double their affliction: and
- then reverencing the carpet on which
- they uſed to tread, they took their
- leave of the deſolate Chamber, and
- did reſolve to travel alone. Had not
- Kalodolus, Muſidoru's faithful Servant,
- made a vow that no occaſions ſhould
- perſwade him to leave his maſter again;
- ſo that Muſidorus, ſeeing there
- was no remedie, yielded to his deſires.
- Nor could Amphialus noble
- heart well brook to ſtay behind, for
- oftentimes he entreated them that
- he might go a ſecond for them, or
- elſe a ſervant to them. But they anſwered
- him that he could not do
- them better Service than to accompany
- his Coſins, and make much of
- them in their abſence: then, after they
- had accompliſhed ſome more Complements,
- they parted, Amphialus to
- his charge, and the Princes commited
- themſelves into the hands of
- wavering Fortune. Who having already
- ſhewed them her frowns, would
- now pleaſure them with her ſmiles,
- which firſt ſhe discovered by conveying
- them ſafely to Armenia, where
- they were wellcomed unanimoſly by
- all, but eſpecially by Plangus, who
- could hardly confine his joy within
- the bounds of reaſon.
- But the Princes being mindfull of
- his buſines, deſires Plangus to haſten
- their Combat, becauſe their Ladies
- were in a deſpairing condition of ever
- ſeeing them again, and they aſſured
- him they did not fear to enter within
- the compaſs of Plaxirtus, ſo long as it
- was by the publick agreement, and
- not by ſecret practices▪
- Plangus certified
- them that all things were prepared
- for their accommodation, and
- that they might, if they pleaſed, exerciſe
- their valour upon their enemies
- the next morning. And that two
- Scaffolds were erected, the one for
- Artaxia, ſhe intending to be a Beholder,
- the other for Erona, who is to be
- brought thither guarded as a Priſoner,
- and in her ſight there is a Stake in
- readines to conſume her, if they be overcome.
- This laſt he uttered in ſuch
- mournful expreſſions, that Pyrocles
- and Muſidorus vowed to ſpend their
- hearts bloud, but that they would releaſe
- & deliver Erona from the power
- of Artaxia.
- And before they would refreſh
- themſelves with Plangus entertainments,
- they dispatched a Trumpeter
- to Plexirtus and Anaxius to certifie
- them, they were come to anſwer their
- challenge, and had ſet apart the next
- morning for that purpoſe: the Trumpeter
- ſoon returned with this reply,
- that the ſooner it was, the more advantagious
- it would prove to them,
- and they would not fail to meet them
- at the place and time appointed. Thus
- they agreed upon the next morning;
- and when the Prince had partaked of
- Plangus Supper, they yielded to ſleep,
- which forſook them not till the promiſed
- time was near at hand.
- Early in the morning Plaxirtus and
- Anaxius puffed up with Pride; and
- not queſtioning but that they ſhould
- be Conquerours, put on their Armour,
- and mounting their ſteeds, galloped
- to the Liſt. And Artaxia, thinking to
- vent her ſpleen with gazing at the
- overthrow of the Princes, came to the
- Scaffold attired in all her coſtly and
- glorious apparel, and with as great
- a Train as ſhe would have had, were
- ſhe to have been ſpectator of her
- Husbands Coronation, King of Armenia.
- Within awhile was Erona brought
- guarded by a Band of Souldiers to
- her Scaffold, where ſhe might ſee the
- end of her miſerie by the Fire, or otherwiſe
- by Pyrocles and Muſidorus
- victorie: but ſhe, being wearied out of
- her life by ſundrie afflictions, looked
- as gladly upon the fiery Stake, as ſhe
- did upon her famous Champions
- who were then entered the liſt, and
- waving their ſwords about their
- heads; Pyrocles encountred Anaxius
- and Muſidorus Plaxirtus. Then entered
- they into ſo fierce a fight, that it
- goes beyond my memorie to declare
- all the paſſages thereof: but both
- Parties ſhewed ſuch magnanimity of
- Courage, that for a long time none
- could discern who ſhould be victors;
- Till at length Muſidorus gave a fatal
- thruſt to Plaxirtus, who being before
- faint with loſs of bloud, fell from his
- Steed, and in the fall claſht his Armour
- in pieces; and then his Steed, for
- joy that he was eaſed of ſuch a wicked
- burden, pranced over his disgraced
- maſter, and not ſuffering him to die
- ſuch an honourable death as by Muſidorus
- Sword, trampled out his guts,
- while Plaxirtus, with curſes in his
- mouth, ended his hateful life.
- Then Pirocles redoubled his blows
- ſo eagerly upon Anaxius, that he
- could no longer withſtand them, but
- gnaſhing his teeth for anger, he fell
- at Pyrocles feet and died. Thus pride
- and Treacherie received their juſt reward.
- But then Artaxia's glory was turned
- into mourning, and her rich attire
- into, rags as ſoon as ſhe perceived
- Plaxirtus wounded, his bloud guſhing
- out, his Horſe treading on him,
- and he himſelf dying with bitter
- groans and frantick ſpeeches, which
- he breathed out at his laſt moment
- for fear of further torments: ſhe tare
- off her hair, and rent her cloths in ſo
- enraged a manner, that ſhe drew all
- eyes from the corps in wonder and
- amaſement on her. Nor could any
- thing regulate her furie, but ſhe violently
- run down to the corps, and
- there breathed out her complaints.
- In which time Plangus called his
- Souldiers together, and went up to
- the other ſcaffold to releaſe Erona;
- though at firſt he was forced to make
- a way with his ſword, the Guard reſolving
- not to ſurrender her, till they
- had received a further command
- from Artaxia: but Plangus made
- them repent their ſtrictneſs, and ask
- Erona pardon for it. And after he
- was revived with a warm kiſs from
- her hand, he led her down to Pyrocles
- and Muſidorus: Who having forgot
- the former injuries Artaxia had done
- them, courteouſly perſwaded her not
- to bemoan him, whoſe memorie was
- reprochfull to all the world, for valuing
- his one deceitfulneſs above virtue;
- and then they told her, it would be
- more for her renown, to ſolemnize
- for him ſuch obſequies as are ſeeming
- for a Prince, he being of the race,
- although he learned not to follow
- their example; and then to proclaim
- her ſorrow for joyning with him in
- his miſchief. Many more ſpeeches
- they uſed to her, ſome to abate her
- grief, & others to aſſwage her malice;
- but at firſt ſhe would liſten to none;
- yet afterwards being better adviſed,
- ſhe ſent for two magnificent Hearſes,
- and before ſhe would ſuffer Plaxirtus
- his corps to be laid in, ſhe pronounced
- her reſolution on this manner:
- Since it hath pleaſed Apollo, who
- hath the Government of all things
- on earth, to ſuffer Plaxirtus to fall by
- your proweſs, I do here by this dead
- bodie vow to you, to end my life in
- Widowhood. And you Coſin Plangus,
- whom I have ſo infinitely wronged
- with this fair Ladie Erona, to you
- I do reſign up the Authoritie of my
- Kingdom, being, after my deceaſe, the
- lawfull Succeſſour. I ſhall deſire onely
- a competencie to keep me from famiſhment:
- but if theſe your valiant
- Champions will have you go to Arcadia,
- to finiſh your Marriage there,
- in that time I will be your truſtie Deputie,
- to order your affairs here in
- Armenia, until you return from
- thence. Then ſhe commanded the
- corps to be laid in the Hearſe, and taking
- leave of the Royal companie, ſhe
- went along with it.
- Now the Princes had time to take
- notice of Erona's ſadneſs. And Plangus,
- who had been all this time courting
- her to be his Miſtreſs, could obtain
- no favour from her, but far-fetcht
- ſighs, and now and then Chryſtal
- drops diſtilling from their fountains.
- Theſe apparent ſigns of her disconſolate
- mind, grounded a great deal of
- cares in the hearts of the Princes, who
- bending all their endeavours to inſinuate
- Plangus into her affections, they
- firſt ſifted her with theſe Queſtions;
- Whether her being preſerved from
- the crueltie of Plaxirtus, was the cauſe
- of her discontentment? or whether,
- ſhe grieved for her deliverance? and
- therefore hated them for fighting in
- her defence? Theſe Queſtions put
- Erona into ſuch Quondaries, that ſhe
- could not, for a while, determin what
- to anſwer. But at laſt ſhe pitcht upon
- true ſinceritie, and freely diſplayed her
- griefs to them, in theſe terms:
- Do not, I beſeech you, plead ignorance
- of that which is ſo palpable.
- Have you not heard how they tortured
- my Husband Antifalus to death?
- why then do you renew it in my memorie?
- which might have been prevented
- if you, Prince Plangus, had
- ſhewed your realitie to me, as
- you proteſted you would by Policie
- ſet him at liberty, but all
- was neglected and Antifalus was
- barbarouſly murdered, and yet you
- are not aſhamed to preſume upon
- my weakneſs, in pretending you
- are my Servant, that you may the
- ſecond time deceive me. Longer ſhe
- would have chidden Plangus; but
- that he falling down humbly begged
- ſhe would have conſideration upon
- him, and heare him. Then with ſilence
- ſhe admitted him, and he declared,
- how that according to his promiſe
- made to her Sacred ſelf, he did
- proſecute ſo faithfully, that he
- brought all things to a readineſs, and
- might have been perfected, but that
- the timorous Antifalus discovered
- the whole Plot the ſame night it was
- to be put in execution. And this without
- any ſcruple, he would take his
- oath was true. Erona conſidered very
- much of this ſaying of Plangus: and
- Pyrocles and Muſidorus watching their
- opportunity, juſt as ſhe was replying,
- interrupted her, and told her they
- were confident ſhe might give credit
- to what Plangus had ſpoken; and if
- ſhe durſt rely upon their advice, they
- would recommend him to her for
- her Husband, as ſoon as the greateſt
- Monarch in the world. Theſe Princes
- ſeconding Plangus in his excuſes,
- mitigated Erona's penſivenes, ſo that
- cheerfully ſhe yielded her ſelf to be
- at Pyrocles and Muſidorus dispoſing:
- for, ſaid ſhe, I am bound by ſo many
- Obligations to you, that I cannot
- ſuffer my requitall to be a refuſall.
- Onely I deſire that Prince Plangus
- may approve the truth of his words
- with an Oath, as he himſelf hath propounded.
- Which he willingly did
- upon that condition, and ſhe accepted
- of him as her betrothed Husband.
- And Cupid by degrees ſo skillfully
- drew her affection to him, that
- ſhe was as firmly Planguses, as ever
- ſhe was Antifaluses to the abundant
- joy of all their friends.
- Now Pyrocles and Muſidorus imployments
- being in every particular
- accompliſhed as well as could be
- wiſhed, They remembring the charge
- of Evarchus to them; together with
- the cares of their ſorrowfull Ladies,
- they preſently ſent a Poſt to Arcadia
- to ſignifie the news of their ſafety:
- but yet there remained the care of
- diſpatching their Armie into their
- native Countrey Macedon. And as
- they were conferring which way they
- might compaſs that matter of ſuch
- conſequence quickly, Kalodolus being
- at the counſel put in his verdict,
- which was liked very well, and inſtantly
- put in practice; for he having
- a ſpecial friend in whom he very
- much confided, he adviſed that he
- might be truſted to be General in
- Plangus room, that they might orderly
- go home, and after they were
- payd their due, to dismiſs them and
- let them go to their own Houſes.
- When all this was performed: they
- commanded all conveniences to be
- prepared for their own accommodation
- about their return to Arcadia;
- but for curioſities they would not
- ſtay for them, but limited a day for
- their departure. In which time Erona
- imployed her inventions about a Preſent
- for Pamela and Philoclea, which
- ſhe was verie ambitious of, they being
- the miſtreſſes of Muſidorus and Pyrocles,
- to whom ſhe acknowledged her
- ſelf infinitely engaged; and without
- delayance, ſhe ſet all her Maids to
- work the Story of their love, from the
- fountain to the happy concluſion:
- which by her buſie fancie ſhe ſhadowed
- ſo artificially, that when it was
- perfected, and ſhe had ſhewed it to
- the Princes, they vowed that had
- they not known by experience thoſe
- paſſages to have been gone and paſt,
- they ſhould have believed they were
- then in acting in that piece of workmanſhip.
- Now all the work was ended, their
- neceſſaries were in a readineſs, fair
- and temperate weather beſpake their
- fuller happineſs. All theſe ſo well
- concurring, enticed the Princes to begin
- their journey. And Fortune, dealing
- favourably, conducted them ſafely
- and ſpeedily to the Arcadian
- Court. Where they were received
- with ſuch joy by their Conſorts, and
- Parents eſpecially, and by all in general,
- as it would make two large a
- ſtorie to recount all their diſcourſes,
- with their affectionate expreſſions
- that paſſed between the Royal lovers.
- Paſſing by all other, give me leave
- to tell you, it was a prettie ſight to
- ſee the four Ladies, Pamela and
- Philoclea, with Helena and Erona, admiring
- one anothers perfections, all
- of them having the worſt opinions
- of themſelves, and the better of their
- neighbours. Therefore to decide the
- controverſie, Philoclea entreated her
- Pyrocles, to make a motion to Muſidoru's,
- Plangus, and Amphialus to
- ſpend their judgements upon them.
- Pyrocles immediately obeyed her; but
- eſteemed beſt of their own miſtreſſes.
- Pyrocles liked Philoclea beſt, became
- her ſparkling eyes, pure complection,
- and ſweet features were
- crowned with ſuch modeſt courteſie,
- that ſhe raviſhed all her Beholders,
- and perſwaded them they were in
- Paradiſe, when they were in her heavenly
- Angel-like companie, Earth not
- affording her fellow.
- Muſidorus avouched, his fair Pamela
- was always clad with ſuch a Majeſtie,
- as beſpake her a Queen in ſpite of the
- Deſtines; yet that Majeſtie was ſo
- well compoſed with Humility, that
- it ſeemed but an out caſe to a more
- excellent inward virtue.
- Then came Plangu's turn, who
- ſaid that in his judgement, Erona deſerved
- to be extolled in the higheſt
- meaſure, for though her ſplendor was
- ſomething darkened by her ſadneſs
- and ſufferings, yet under that veil her
- brightneſs did appear to ſhoot forth
- beams of goodneſs to every one that
- did approch her Preſence.
- Amphialus was laſt, who proteſted
- there could not be a lovelier creature
- than Helena was, ſo adorned with all
- gifts of Nature, that he verily believed
- if ſhe had tempted Adonis, as
- Venus did, he could not in the leaſt
- have denied her. And he aſſured himſelf,
- that by the determination of the
- Gods, they being in love with her
- themſelves, Cupid had ſtrook him
- blind, that in the mean time they
- might purſue their love; but ſeeing
- ſhe was reſolved to accept of no other
- but him, they for pitie ſake
- opened his eyes: and now he was amazed
- at his former perverſeneſs.
- This conceipt of Amphialus made the
- Ladies exceeding merrie. Till Evarchus
- came to them and ſpake thus:
- Young Princes, I came now to remēber
- you how often you have been
- by ſeveral accidents, fruſtrated of your
- deſired Felicity: you ſee a little blaſt
- alters your happineſs into a world of
- ſorrows. Therefore harken to my
- counſel, whoſe gray hairs witneſs my
- better experience of the world than
- your green years. Do not linger away
- the time in Courtſhip: that is as bad
- as to be careleſly raſh. Finiſh therefore
- the knot, that no croſſes or calamities
- can unfiniſh, without further
- deferrings.
- This command of Evarchus, did
- not at all displeaſe the four Bridegrooms.
- Nothing hindered now but
- their agreeing about the day; and that
- made no long diſputation neither, for
- two days following happened to be
- Pamela's. Birth-day, and that they
- concluded ſhould be the Bridalday.
- Now the night before theſe happy
- Nuptials, Erona preſented Pamela
- and Phyloclea with her rare piece of
- work, which they received with
- thanks and admiration; and for the
- honour of Erona (ſhe being the inventor
- of it) they cauſed it to be hung
- up by the Image of Cupid in the Temple,
- and after paſſed the night in quietneſs.
- Early in the morning the Sun ſhot
- forth his glorious beams, and awakened
- the lovers. But when they were
- up, he hid himſelf a while within the
- waterie clouds, weeping that they
- were brighter Suns than he: yet when
- they were gaurded with their nuptial
- Robes, he diſperſed the clouds again,
- and cleared his eyes, that he might
- with envie gaze upon their luſtre;
- and the Brides without diſdain yielded
- their beauties to his peruſal. When
- the Middle-day had almoſt run his
- courſe to the After-noon, the four
- Bride-grooms imitating one another
- in their Apparel, were all in gray
- cloth embroydered with gold, richly
- clad, yet not fantaſtick; in their left
- hands they held their ſwords, but in
- their right their Brides.
- Firſt went Muſidorus leading his
- fair Princeſs Pamela, whoſe comely
- behaviour and ſweet ſympathie, manifeſted
- her joy, that then Muſidorus
- and ſhe ſhould be ſo united to live
- and die together. Upon her head ſhe
- bare an imperial Diadem, which agreed
- comparatively to her ſtately
- mind. Her Garments were cloth of
- Tiſſue, that in a careleſs faſhion hanged
- looſe about her. And round her
- Neck ſhe wore a Chain of Orient
- Pearl. Upon her Alabaſter ſhoulders
- a blue Scarf was caſt, that being
- whirled ſometimes with the wind, did
- ſeem to blow her to Hymens Temple.
- Six virgin Nimphs attired in White
- attended on her. The two foremoſt
- perfumed the ayr as they went with
- their odiferous ſweets; but that was
- ſuperfluous, for Pamela's breath left
- a far more fragrant ſcent than the
- artificial curioſities could do; next to
- them followed two other Virgins
- with Holie-water in their hands,
- which they ſprinkled as they went, to
- purifie all ſinfull vapors; but that alſo
- was needleſs, for no harm durſt
- come near the Virtuous Pamela,
- whoſe looks could charm even wicked
- Fiends: then the two laſt followed
- Pamela, bearing up her train. Thus
- was ſhe guarded to the Temple with
- her beloved Muſidorus; and after them
- went Pyrocles and Philoclea, Plangus
- and his Erona, and Amphialus with his
- Helena, all in the ſame order as Muſidorus
- and Pamela: then the Prieſt united
- their hands, and as their hands,
- ſo their hearts together; and the former
- crueltie of Fortune was ever after
- turned into pitie.
- The Temple where theſe Nuptial
- Rites were thus celebrated, was ſcituate
- in a garden, or rather a Paradiſe
- for its delightfulneſs; the murmuring
- of the waters that flowed from a
- Fonntain at firſt entrance dividing,
- themſelves into four ſtreams, ſeeming
- to threaten, and yet enticing the
- comers to venter further; the Fountains
- bedecked with the Images of
- Diana and her Maids, the Goddeſs
- figured with an auſtere countenance,
- pointing to the luſt-full Venus, whoſe
- Statue at a little diſtance ſtood, as ſhe
- with lacivious actions endeavored to
- entrap the modeſt Boy Adonis, but
- Hymen on the other ſide diſputes,
- thoſe whom his Prieſts unite, cannot
- be ſtiled Venu's, but Diana's. The
- perfumed flowers grew ſo thick in the
- direct way to the Temple, that they
- ſerved for Carpets to conſecrate the
- Mortals feet before they approched
- into it: the Temple was built of
- Marble; the out-ſides adorned with
- Portratures of the Gods. Fortune was
- ſeated at the frontier of it, which at
- the leaſt motion of the beholder, repreſented
- a ſeveral geſture. And all
- the Gods, in their degrees, ſat preſidents
- to the obſervers.
- The inſide was not ſo uniform as
- artificial, it winding into ſeveral circles
- in the paſſage to the ſacred place:
- and all the way were emblems in Marble,
- of the calamities of Lovers before
- they can be ſet in Hymens Temple; many
- of them repreſenting the Princes
- ſufferings. The middle of the Temple
- is not ſo gorgeous as decent, where
- there met with the Princes, ſome of
- Hymens Officers attired in white robes
- trailing on the ground. Theſe preſented
- the Bride-grooms with Swords
- and Ballances, and their Brides with
- Lawrel; & when they had here ſounded
- a ſweet harmonie to Hymen, they
- went back from the Temple to the
- Court.
- Where you may conjecture with
- what joy they were received by Evarchus,
- Baſilius, and Genecia, they all
- pouring out their bleſſings upon them.
- Then paſſed they away the remainder
- of the day with all ſorts of Muſick,
- Dancing, and other varieties of mirth.
- Whilſt a famous Mask was preſenting
- in the greateſt glorie to the view
- of the Princes, and an innumerable
- companie of noble Perſonages: Mopſa,
- ſole heir to Damatas, who was by
- Baſilius favour, the Princeſs Pamela's
- Governour, when ſhe reſided in the
- Lodge, went to Philoclea, and wrying
- her neck one way and her mouth another,
- ſhe ſqueazed out theſe enſuing
- words. Fair Princeſs, I intend not
- to forget the promiſe you made me,
- when I told you a part of a curious
- tale, how you aſſured me your Weding
- Gown, if I would afford to finiſh
- my Storie on that welcom day: but
- now the greateſt part of the day is run
- away, and you are raiſed ſo high on
- your tip-toes, that you do not vouchſafe
- me to be in your books, but
- chooſe rather to gaze upon theſe
- ſtrange ſights, than to remember me,
- or your Gown. The ſweet Philoclea
- could not forbear bluſhing to hear
- Mopſa reprove her ſo ſharply; but to
- make her ſilent for the preſent, ſhe renewed
- her promiſe, and Mopſa very
- impatiently ſtayed out the vaniſhing
- of their Scenes; which when Philoclea
- perceived, ſhe ſmilingly led Mopſa by
- her hand into the middeſt of the Royal
- companie, where ſhe left her to exerciſe
- her diſcretion; and withdrawing
- at a diſtance from her, ſhe discovered
- to her Paramour Pyrocles, Mopſa's
- ambition, who immediately cauſed all
- noiſes to be huſhed, that he might
- with the greater attention hearken to
- Mopſa, and obſerve all her actions
- though never ſo abſurd. But Mopſa
- vallued not the laughter of her beholders,
- her little apprehenſion had
- alreadie ſeized on Philoclea's glittering
- Gown, and ſhe imagined it hung upon
- her mothie Karkaſs; and in that
- firm perſwaſion ſhe ſtood looking upon
- her ſelf like a Peacock, untill Pyrocles
- called to her, which made her
- skip, and rub her eyes before ſhe
- could diſcern her ſelf to be yet in her
- ruſtie Feathers. Yet afterwards, playing
- with her hands, for the more
- grace; ſhe brake forth into theſe enſuing
- words.
- It ſeemeth beſt to my liking to rehearſe
- the firſt part of my Storie in
- brief, that ſo ye may the better reliſh
- the Latter. There was a King,
- (the chiefeſt man in all his Countrey)
- who had a prettie Daughter,
- who as ſhe was ſitting at a window, a
- ſprightlie Knight came to her, and
- with his dilly Phraſes won her to be
- his own, and ſtealing out of her Fathers
- Caſtle, with many honey kiſſes,
- he conjured her not to enquire after
- his name, for that the water-Nimphs
- would then ſnatch him from her:
- howbeit one time, in a darkſom wood,
- her teeth were ſet ſo on edge, that ſhe
- asked, and he preſently with a piteous
- howling vaniſhed away. Then ſhe, after
- ſhe had endured ſuch hardſhip as
- ſhe never had endured in all her lifetime,
- went back to one of her Ants,
- who gave her a Nutt, charging her
- not to open it before ſhe fell into extremitie;
- from her, ſhe went to another
- Ant, and ſhe gave her another
- Nut, counſelling her (ſaid Mopſa) in
- the ſame words that her firſt Ant had
- done before her, and ſo ſent her packing:
- But ſhe one day being as wearie
- as my fathers black horſe is, when
- he hath rode a good journey on him,
- ſat her down upon a Mole-hil, and
- making huge complaints for her mishaps,
- a griſly old woman came to her,
- commanding her to open one of the
- Nuts; and ſhe conſidering, that of a
- little medling cometh great eaſe,
- broke it open, for nothing venter, nothing
- have, which Proverb ſhe found
- wondrous true; for within the ſhell
- ſhe found a paper, which diſcovered
- that her Knight was chained in an
- ugly hole under ground in the ſame
- wood where ſhe loſt him. But one
- Swallow makes no ſummer; wherefore
- ſhe cracked her other Nut, from
- whence there flew out gold and ſilver
- in ſuch abundance, that the old
- Woman falling down upon her
- ſtumps, ſcrambled up her lap full,
- and yet left the joyfull maid her
- load: Need makes the old wife trot;
- nay, it made both the old and young
- to trot, and to lug away their bags
- of money: and when they came to a
- lane with twentie ſeveral paths, the
- old Woman took her leave of the
- Kings dainty Daughter, bidding her
- lay down the money, and it ſhould
- guid her to her Knight: with that
- ſhe laid it down, and the money tumbled
- the direct way before her.
- At this paſſage Mopſa conceiting
- that ſhe ſaw Mammons treaſure ſo
- near her, opened her mouth, which
- was of a ſufficient wideneſs, and wadled
- along as if ſhe had been practizing
- to catch flies there: which if ſhe had,
- the priſoners might have recreated
- their wings within their priſon walls;
- they were ſo large. The princely Societie
- could not forbear ſimparing at
- Mopſa's raviſhment, and had burſt out
- into a publick mirth, had they not
- been ſurprized with a better object.
- Which at firſt view appeared to be
- the Goddeſs Flora and her Nymphs,
- their addorning imitating hers, but
- when they drew near, they diſcerned
- their errors, it being Urania, a fair
- Shepherdeſs, who might be very well
- taken for Flora; for although it was
- impoſſible for her to excel the Goddeſs
- in beautie, yet without controlement,
- in Pamela's and Philoclea's abſence
- ſhe might paralel the moſt tranſcendent:
- on either ſide of this Urania,
- there walked the two Shepherds,
- Strephon and Claius, with their
- eyes fixed on her in celeſtial admiration:
- their countenances reſembled
- deſpair more than hope, and earneſtneſs
- more than confidence: theſe addreſſed
- themſelves unto the Princeſs,
- leaving the prettie Sheperdeſs at a
- ſhort diſtance with her companions,
- who in Troops attended her; and proſtrating
- themſelves at their feet, they
- burſt out into bitter tears.
- Muſidorus, who was then raiſed to
- the height of temporal bleſſings, diſdained
- not to acknowledge them to
- have been the Founders of his happineſs,
- repeating in publick, how they
- had preſerved him from the dangers
- of the Seas: but Claius and Strephon
- could not ſuborn their weepings, but
- continued weltring in their tears,
- which aſtoniſhed and ſtrook a ſadneſs
- into the leaſt relenting ſpirits; all being
- ignorant of the Accident, except
- Muſidorus, who ſurmized the truth.
- Now whilſt they expected the iſſue,
- Mopſa laid hold on Philoclea, and
- with many a vineger look, beſought
- her to hear out her Tale: and for fear
- ſhe ſhould be deprived of her Gown,
- without depending on a replie, ſhe
- purſued her Storie in theſe her accuſtomed
- expreſſions. Leading her, ſaid
- Mopſa, to the very Caves mouth,
- where her Knight vented a thouſand
- grievous groans, then in her hearing,
- ſhe might then joyfully ſing, faſt
- bind, faſt find, for there the Witches
- bound him, and there his Sweet-heart
- found him, where they pleaſured one
- another with their ſugar-kiſſes; and
- after a good while, ſhe unchained him,
- and then they lovingly ſet them
- down and ſlept all night in the
- Cave, becauſe haſte maketh waſte;
- but the next morning, ſhe ſhewed
- him her monſtrous vaſt ſums of money,
- which ſo affrighted him, that he
- clinging his eyes faſt together, was
- not able to ſay, Both to a Gooſe hardlie:
- yet at laſt ſhe perſwaded him, and
- he peeped up, and waxed the merrieſt
- man upon earth when he had got
- himſelf free, and his Miſtreſs again
- with ſuch ſtore of Riches: for then
- the old woman, that had adviſed
- the Kings Daughter to open her
- nuts, and to lay down the money, appeared
- to him, and releaſed him of
- his Bondage by Witchcraft, for ever
- after: wherefore the Knight, and his
- own ſweet darling went back to the
- Kings Court, as jocundly as could
- be, and with ſome of their money
- they bought them a brave Coach
- and Horſes, juſt ſuch as are in my
- fathers ſtable at home, and in ſuch
- pomp they went to the King their
- Father, who entertained them bravelie,
- pleaſing them with delicate
- ſights, as Puppet-plaies, and ſtately
- Fairs; and their riches encreaſed daily,
- and they lived gallantly, as long
- as they had a jot of breath in their
- bodies.
- Thus finiſhed Mopſa her tedious
- Tale, which though it was very ridiculous,
- yet wanted it not applauſes
- from all the Auditors: and Philoclea
- in requital, preſented her with her
- Bridal Roabs, telling her, ſhe deſerved
- larger incouragements to elevate
- her wit; and more ſpeeches ſhe uſed
- in Mopſa's commendation, whoſe
- partial ſenſes were ſubject to believe
- all ſuch rare realities; in which blind
- opinion I will leave her;
- To return to the disconſolate
- Shepherds Claius and Strephon, who
- when they had wept their paſſionate
- Fountains drie, they looked about
- with adoration upon the prettie Urania,
- as the reviver of their languiſhing
- hopes, and Strephon yielding to
- Claius the preheminence by reaſon of
- his years, he with great reverence to
- Baſilius with the Bride-grooms and
- Brides,
- Thus ſpake; Dread Soveraign, and
- moſt Illuſtrious Princes, we beſeech
- you not to reckon it among the number
- of miſdemeanors, that we ſhadow
- the brightneſs of this Nuptial
- day with our clowdie Fortunes, ſince
- our aim is to diſperſe our envious
- miſts, and to make it the more glorious
- by celebrating a Feaſt; and
- though our triumph cannot amount
- to ſuch ſplendor as the four great
- Monarchs doth, whoſe flouriſhing
- Dominions can onely ſatisfie their
- gladneſs by their Princes pomp; yet
- harbour the belief (pardon me if I
- ſay amiſs) that our Bride may equal
- yours in Beautie, though not in rich
- attire, and in noble virtues, though
- not in Courtly accoutrements; her
- Soul, the Impartial Diadem of her
- delicate Bodie, is certainly incomparable
- to all other of her ſex, though
- heavenly. This Miſtreſs of perfections
- is Urania the Shepherdeſs, ſhe
- it is that cauſes my eyes to ebb and
- flow, my joynts to tremble at her
- looks, and my ſelf to periſh at her
- frowns; but I will not inſiſt too much
- (upon your Highneſs patience) on this
- Subject, her ſelf is an evident witneſs
- of all, and more than I have Charactered:
- and Gracious Sirs, as I am
- bound by all dutie and Allegiance to
- live under the ſervitude of my Lord
- Baſilius, as well as under his protection:
- ſo am I not confin'd from gratefulneſs
- to ſuch as will obliege me in
- this my proſtrate condition, or in any
- extremitie; for the Deſtinies have
- allotted ſuch cruel Fates to my
- Friend Claius and me, whoſe entire
- affections are never to be ſevered, that
- we both are ſlaves to Urania's pierceing
- Eyes! Oh we both are vaſſals to
- her devoted graces; yet ſo much do
- we eſteem of our unfeigned Friendſhip
- that we will rather abandon all
- happineſs, than to cauſe a discontent,
- or ſuſpition of our real wiſhes of one
- anothers proſperitie; out of which intention,
- we ſubmit to be ruled by the
- judgement of you, renowned Bridegrooms,
- whoſe prudence and juſtice is
- not to be ſwayed by any partialitie; to
- you it is that we do humbly petition,
- to diſtinguiſh which of us two may
- beſt deſerve to be admitted into Urania's
- ſpotleſs thoughts, as her lawfull
- Husband.
- Claius had not ceaſed his ſuit ſo
- ſuddenly, but that Strephon interrupted
- him thus abruptly:
- Good Claius, bar the paſſage of thy
- tongue, and grant me libertie to ſpeak
- and eaſe my fierce torment: the reverence
- I bear to your age, and my ſinceritie
- to your perſon, permitted you
- to disburden your fancie firſt, but not
- to deprive me of the ſame priviledge.
- Know then, moſt excellent Princes,
- that this incomparable Urania, (O her
- virtues cannot be expreſſed by humane
- creatures! for at the very mentioning
- of her name my tongue faltered,
- and my ſelf condemns my ſelf for being
- too preſumptuous, but yet this
- once we ſtrive againſt her powers that
- thus poſſeſſes me, and will not be perſwaded
- from telling you that) ſhe is
- compounded ſo artificially, as ſhe cannot
- be paralleld nor deſcribed; for believe
- it, ſhe is above the capacitie of
- the moſt ſtudious Philoſopher: and do
- not harbour, I beſeech you, a prejudicial
- opinion of her, under the notion
- of her entertaining two lovers at one
- inſtant, ſince it hath been always contrarie
- to her chaſt diſpoſition, to accept
- of the leaſt motion concerning a
- married life; and for Platonick Courtiers,
- her heavenly modeſtie is a palpable
- witneſs of her innocencie. Beſides
- the many dolorous hours that
- my friend Claius and I have paſſed away,
- our onely recreation we enjoyed
- being in recounting the careleſs actions
- ſhe uſed when we declared our
- paſſions, and commending our choice
- though ſhe was cruel. But when this
- your happie day was prefixed, ſhe ſhot
- forth beams of goodneſs on us, and
- in charitie ſhe concluded, that her intentions
- were far from our deſtructions;
- and ſince now ſhe perceived our
- lives were in jeopardie, and we depended
- onely upon her reply, ſhe would no
- longer keep us in ſuſpence, but was
- reſolved her Nuptials ſhould be ſolemnized
- on this day, following the
- example of the two Royal Siſters
- whom ſhe ever adored. And becauſe
- ſhe would not be an inſtrument to diſturb
- that knot of Friendſhip between
- Claius and me, ſhe referred her choice
- to your wiſdoms, worthie Sirs, the
- excellent Siſters Bride-grooms, you it
- is whom ſhe deſires to pronounce either
- my felicitie, or my overthrow.
- Then Strephon, cloſing his ſpeech
- with an innumerable companie of
- long-fetcht ſighs, departed to his
- Goddeſs Urania, who was environed
- by her fellow Shepherdeſſes, which in
- admiration, love, or envie ſtood gazing
- on her; but he preſſed through the
- thickeſt of them to do homage to her
- ſweet ſelf, ſhe looking on him careleſly,
- without either reſpecting or diſdaining
- him.
- But aged Claius had caſt himſelf at
- the Princes feet, where he pleaded for
- his own felicitie on this manner;
- Conſider my ancient years, and in
- compaſſion think how eaſily grief may
- cut off the term of my life; when
- youthfull Strephon may baffle with
- Love, and Court ſome other Dame,
- Ile finde him one who ſhal be as pleaſing
- to his eyes, as Urania is in mine;
- unleſs the fates have raiſed him to be
- my victorious Rival. But alas, O tell
- me Strephon! did I ever injure thee,
- that thou ſeekeſt my untimely death?
- haſt not thou ever been in my ſight
- as a jewel of an unvalued rate? why
- doſt thou then recompenſe me ſo unkindly?
- I know thou wilt argue, that
- the paſſion of Love with a Woman,
- and with ſuch an one as Urania is, cannot
- be contradicted by the neareſt relations.
- But I pray thee Strephon, cannot
- the importunities of me, thy Foſter-friend,
- regulate, nay aſſwage thy
- paſſions, to keep me from periſhing?
- Now Strephon, when he had revived
- his drooping heart, with peruſing the
- delicate Urania, and fearing that Claius
- was ſupplicating to Pyrocles and
- Muſidorus for her, he returned back,
- happening to come at the minute
- when Claius queſtioned him; to whom
- he thus replied: What the Gods
- have appointed, cannot be prevented,
- nor quenched by the powerfulleſt perſwaſions
- of any Mortal: and let that
- ſuffice. Claius being ſo fully anſwered
- to his conjecture, reſted ſilent to hear
- his ſentence. Strephon, who was of a
- more ſprightly conſtitution, recreated
- himſelf ſometimes with gloſing upon
- Urania, and then to obſerve the looks
- of the Princes as they were conferring
- together, about what to determin on
- concerning them. Beſides his Paſtoral
- ſongs that he ſounded in Urania's
- praiſe.
- But the Princes, who were then in
- ſerious conſultation, liſtened to Baſilius,
- who adviſed them in this manner:
- Deſpiſe not Claius his complaints,
- though he be afflicted with the infirmities
- of old age; youthfull Strephon
- may ſeem more real and pleaſing to
- the eye, yet Claius his heart, I am confident,
- is the firmeſt ſettled; Youth is
- wavering, Age is conſtant; Youth admires
- Novelties, Age Antiquities:
- Claius hath learned experience by age
- to delight Urania with ſuch fancies
- as may be ſuitable to her dispoſition;
- Strephon's tender years cannot attain
- to any knowledge, but as his own Genius
- leads him. Wherefore conſider
- before you denounce your Sentence,
- whether Urania may not be Claiu's
- Spouſe better than Strephon's.
- Pyrocles knowing that Baſiliu's aim
- was to plead in defence of Dotage,
- refrained to make any other reply
- than, What you command Sir, we
- muſt and will obey. For as he was
- both by Birth and Education a Prince,
- ſo had he not neglected to be inſtructed
- in the dutie of a Subject. Not
- that he was forced to acknowledge it
- to Baſiliu's as his due, any otherwiſe
- then as his goodneſs enduced him
- to; that he might be a pattern to draw
- the Arcadians to follow his example,
- they wholly determining to be ruled
- that day by Pyrocles and Muſidorus,
- who after Baſiliu's deceaſe was to be
- their ſucceſſive King. And they were
- not ignorant of the intimacie between
- his Coſen Pyrocles and him; wherefore
- they reverenced and obſerved
- both their actions. But the Princes
- Muſidorus and Pyrocles, to avoid the
- rumours of the People that thronged
- about them, to over-hear their
- reſolution concerning the Shepherds,
- retired to an Arbour-walk,
- where none but the ſweet ſocietie of
- Birds attented them: there Pyrocles
- ripped open his ſuppoſition to Muſidorus,
- which was to this effect.
- My dear Coſen, ſaid he, for of that
- honoured Title my memorie ſhall never
- be fruſtrated, doſt thou not imagin
- Baſilius guiltineſs, when he pleads
- for dotage ſo extreamly? he hath not
- unburdened his conſcience yet of his
- amorouſneſs of me in my Amazons
- Metamorphoſis: I know it ſtings
- him by the Arguments he ſupports.
- However he may ceaſe his fears of
- my discovering his courtſhip, for I
- have always perſevered in Allegiance
- and dutie to my Father, my King;
- nor do I doubt my failing now in
- thoſe Principles, ſince I have you my
- worthie Coſen ſo near me. Muſidorus
- embracing his Coſen, proteſted that
- he harboured the ſame fancie, and ſaid
- he, the ſtammering of his words declared
- the certainty: but did you not
- admire the heavenly behaviour of my
- Pamela to day, when ſhe aſcended into
- the Temple, how her ſoul ſeemed
- to flie with her body to that ſanctified
- place, as transported with entering
- into ſo holy an Habitation
- which was too ſacred for any other
- but her ſelf. And replyed Pyrocles,
- Philoclea might be admitted with her,
- whoſe Humility did ſeem to guard
- her, or elſe ſure ſhe had ſtumbled; ſo
- lightly did ſhe ſet her feet upon the
- Pavement, leſt ſhe ſhould profane
- it. And ſometimes dropping Agonies
- did ſo ſurprize her, that ſhe ſeemed
- to contemplate with divine myſterie;
- and then to look down upon her
- own unworthineſs with ſuch humbleneſs
- as made her moſt into tears,
- as it were for ſoaring above her elements.
- Whilſt the Princes were discourſing
- in commendations of their
- Brides.
- Claius in the preſence of Baſilius
- and the remaining Princes, fell down
- and fainted. Strephon ſtood thumping
- his breaſt, and crying, O Muſidorus!
- think upon us who ſuccoured you,
- and let not a third Rival deprive us
- of the incomparable Urania. This
- unexpected paſſion of the Shepherd's,
- aſtoniſhed the ſenſes of all
- the beholders: yet none were ſo ſtupid
- as to neglect their ſerviceable
- care: yea Urania her ſelf, though
- juſt before when Pamela and Philoclea
- ſent and entreated her company,
- ſhe had returned a modeſt refuſal; yet
- now perceiving Strephon's and Claiu's
- diſtreſs, ſhe tarried not to hear the
- news by Harbingers, but went the
- foremoſt to relieve them: upon diſtracted
- Strephon ſhe ſmiled, ſaying,
- Is Fortune thine enemie Strephon? but
- her voice ſounded ſo harmoniouſly
- in his ears, that he disclaimed all ſadneſs,
- promiſing himſelf the victorie.
- She then abſented from him, that ſhe
- might work as effectual and ſudden
- a cure upon aged Claius, who gaſtfully
- lay foaming on the ground, yet
- that terrible ſight was not ſo obnoxious
- to her as to overſway her compaſſion,
- ſhe pinched and pulled him,
- endeavouring to reſtore his life again;
- but nothing would recover him, until
- ſhe breathed on him with ſtooping
- near him, and pronouncing theſe
- words:
- Unhappie Claius, whoſe life depends
- upon a woman! this once look
- up, & ſpeak me blameleſs. Have not I
- ever abhord the thought of Strephons
- or your ruins? yes ſure, I have, & have
- dallied with you both, apprehending
- eithers danger, if I ſhould forſake
- one, and reſign my ſelf up to the others
- diſpoſal; neither have I regarded
- the piping of the Shepherds, nor the
- ſongs of the Shepherdeſſes: and on
- Feſtival days, when they have elected
- me Queen of their Triumphs, I have
- excuſed my ſelf, and retired into ſolitarie
- Groves, where I have ſpent the
- day in muſing upon my Lovers deſperate
- conditions, and ſtudying for
- the probableſt Antidotes that might
- cure their diſtempers, without blemiſhing
- mine own reputation. But
- that was ſo hard a task, that I could
- never accompliſh it. Claius age could
- not endure ſuch a penaltie as my denial
- without miſcarriage: and Strephon's
- working brain would not receive
- it without practicing a Tragedie
- upon himſelf. Wherefore I made
- patience my friend, and coyneſs my
- favourite, neither ſlighting, nor eſteeming
- their large alluſious of my
- Beautie and their Paſſion, which they
- oft repeated, until the reports of
- the conſummating of the Princeſſes
- Nuptials were confirmed. And
- then I reſolved, that as I abhorred
- murder, ſo I would no longer admit
- them into my companie, before the
- Prieſt of Pan hath united me to one
- of them, that then I might without
- derogating from my honour, by cenſorious
- ſuſpitions, enjoy the ſocietie
- of him whom the Princes ſhall ſelect
- to be my wedded Husband. So indifferent
- is my choice of theſe two
- conſtant Friends, and unmoveable
- Servants.
- Before Urania had finiſhed theſe
- words, Claius in a rapture of joy, rouſed
- up his drowned ſpirits. And then
- Urania retired back to her fellow
- Sheperdeſſes; but the Princes were
- ſo inquiſitive to know what acccident
- had brought Claius and Strephon into
- ſuch deſpairing Agonies, that they
- would not permit them to tender
- their ſervice to Urania at her preſent
- departure, for deſire of queſtioning
- them. Strephon made this
- quick replie; that a ſtranger preſumed
- to gaze upon Urania; and his
- feet going as nimblie as his tongue,
- he tripped after her, not asking leave
- of the concours of People that
- thronged about him.
- But aged Claius, whoſe tongue
- was livelier than his feet, ſpake after
- this manner:
- My greedie eyes, ſaid he, being
- dazled with looking too long upon
- Urania, who is adorned with as glorious
- beams as Phoebus can boaſt in
- his brighteſt day; I yielded them reſpite,
- giving them leave to take a
- view of mortals, clearing their dimneſs
- with their equal light; but there
- I did eſpie an hautie Youth, who ſcoffingly
- ſtared upon me, ſeeming to
- call me inſolent, for ſtriving to purchace
- Urania, and conceiting himſelf
- to be worthier of her, he did ſo amorouſly
- ſeal his eyes upon her, that
- ſundry times he made her paint her
- cheeks with harmleſs bluſhes: and
- my jealous fancie comprehending no
- other reaſon, than that as he obtained
- free acceſs with his eyes, ſo he
- might with his perſon; I rendring my
- ſelf into the hands of cruel death.
- The Princeſs could no longer tollerate
- Claius in his ungrounded miſtruſts,
- but interrupted him, by enforming
- him that Baſilius had ſent
- for Muſidorus and Pyrocles; the Meſſenger
- happening to come at the immediate
- time when they were extolling
- their Miſtreſſes; but then they
- left off that ſubject till a more convenient
- hour, and applied their Anſwer
- to the Intelligencer, promiſing
- to follow ſpeedilie: yet contrarie to
- their reſolutions, they lingred in
- the way, a doalfull voice perſwading
- them to ſtand and hearken, which
- ſounded out theſe words.
- Faire Titan, why doſt thou deride
- me with thy ſmiles, when I do homage
- to thy reſplendent beams! and
- you pleaſant Bells, why do ye not
- compel your notes to ring me to my
- Funeral? for ſince ſhe is tyrannous,
- why ſhould I live to endure her torments?
- my Superiors triumph in
- their Loves: my Fellow ſhepherds
- can boaſt of theirs: it is wretched
- Philiſides, oh it is I that am ſingularlie
- miſerable, made ſo by a beautifull,
- yet cruel Miſtriſs; the Princeſs knew
- him to be Philiſides the deſpairing
- Shepherd by his ſorowfull ſubject;
- and he riſing from under an hedge,
- diſcovered himſelf to be the ſame:
- there the Princeſs leaving him in a
- forlorn poſture, haſtened to their other
- companie, to execute their Office,
- which they had agreed upon as
- they went: Claius and Strephon were
- amazed at their ſight, their fear commanding
- them to give way to ſorrow,
- but their hopes bad them both
- to burie ſadneſs in the lake of Oblivion:
- in this unſetled condition they
- continued not long, the diviſion of
- their thoughts being ſuppreſſed by
- the Sentence which Muſidorus uttered
- thus.
- An Oration might be acceptable to
- the ears of theſe Auditors, but that
- the Evening deſires me not to be tedious,
- eſpeciallie to theſe expecting
- Lovers: in compaſſion to you both,
- oh Claius and Strephon, I doe heartily
- wiſh there were two Urania's, and
- ſhould be exceeding well content, if
- ſome others were to decide this buſineſs,
- than my Coſen Pyrocles and my
- ſelf, he for my ſake being equallie
- oblieged with me to you for your unſpeakable
- courteſie to me when I was
- a diſtreſſed ſtranger, and incompaſſed
- by the frowns of Fortune; our affections
- to you both may be evenly
- ballanced, but your activitie cannot
- be juſtlie ſummoned together: Claiu's
- age manifeſts a dulneſs, and Strephon's
- youth his lightſomneſs; or elſe your
- worthieſt exploits, without diſputing,
- might conquer Urania. At this
- Claius, as if he had been revived, ventured
- to jump, but his heels ſerved
- him a trick, teaching him to kiſs his
- mother Earth, as more ſuitable to his
- ancient years than a young Shepherdeſs
- was: but he vexing at ſo publick
- a diſaſter, fell in a rage upon Strephon,
- who eſteemed it more Nobleneſs
- to hold his hands, than to recompence
- his blows, Claius holding in
- diſdain his backwardneſs, left his eagerneſs,
- and turning to the Princeſs
- with tears in his eyes, he beſeeched
- them, if it ſhould be his unhappineſs
- to be deprived of Urania, to grant him
- the priviledge of her preſence, though
- at as great a diſtance as poſſibly he
- could diſcern her, Strephon not
- knowing the ſubtiltie of Fortune, and
- doubting the worſt, deſiſted not from
- craving the like favour: the Princeſs
- mercifully yielded to their requeſts,
- and Muſidorus proceeded in his ſentence.
- Urania deſerves to poſſeſs the firſt
- lodgings of the wiſeſt hearts, ſhe is
- too pure to be a ſecond; out of
- which conſideration, we have reſolv'd
- that you ſhall both ſwear by the ſacred
- Name of Pan, whether you have
- ever been defiled with another object,
- or have been afflicted with Cupids
- dart, though in a virtuous way;
- which if you both can proteſt againſt,
- we will prohibit this invention, and
- determin on ſome other; and if but
- one can clear himſelf, he ſhall be acknowledged
- the fitteſt Husband for
- her
- Strephon without ſcruple offered to
- take his Oath; Claius, though he
- was enticed by the force of Beautie,
- yet his Conſcience withdrew him
- from perjuring himſelf, perſwading
- him to defer the time: the Princeſs
- perceiving his ſlowneſs, gueſſed the
- matter, and leſt he ſhould be ſurprized
- with the vanities of this world,
- they commanded him and Strephon
- to convey Urania to the Temple:
- Muſidorus and Pyrocles, with Pamela
- and Philoclea, and the other Royal
- Bridegromes and Brides, beſides the
- reſort of ſhepherds and ſhepherdeſſes
- attending on them: where being
- come, Claius and Strephon aſcended
- to the Altar, and with great reverence
- Strephon profeſſed his Innocence
- from Female Creatures, and
- withall his chaſte affection, which he
- conſtantlie bare to Urania: and Claius
- with jealous devotion affirmed that
- Urania was a precious Jewel, locked
- up in the Treaſurie of his heart, which
- none could bereave him of, unleſs
- they murdered him, neither ſpared he
- room for any other to abide there, but
- her Divine ſelf: yet he could not denie,
- but that in his younger days his
- indulgent Phantaſie had ſeized upon
- a Shepherdeſs, though not with anie
- other entire affection than as her prettie
- ſongs enveigled him; and ſince
- he had wholie abandoned her, and
- cleaved to Urania, the ſevereſt Juſtice
- could not make that a ſufficient
- pretence to give away his elected
- Spouſe.
- Thus Claius advocated for himſelf;
- but Pyrocles and Muſidorus cauſed
- ſilence to be made, and then Muſidorus
- ſaid;
- For as much as you have referred
- your ſelves, before evident Witneſs,
- to the judgement of Prince Pyrocles
- and my ſelf; who without any expulſion
- to your ſide, have ſincerelie beſtowed
- it upon you; we will admit
- of no addreſſes to recal our judgements,
- for that were to accuſe our
- ſelves of Infidelitie; but we will not
- ſee it put in execution: and S
- •
- rephon
- ſhall enjoy his firſt Love, the Shepherdeſs
- Urania, and Claius may dwell
- in the view of her, to ſave him from
- periſhing.
- Strephon, as a man who newly embraced
- a life ranſomed from the
- power of hatefull death, to inhabit a
- glorious Paradice, ſnatched Urania
- from out of the hands of amazed
- Claius, and in a raviſhment ran for
- the Prieſt of Pan, who in the mid'ſt
- of the throng, conſumated their Union.
- This laſt Couple wanted not
- aplauſes, though they were inferior
- to the other in dignitie; for Straphons
- comelineſs, and Urania's gracefulneſs
- ſeemed to adorn their harmleſs roabs:
- their becomming Modeſtie enthral'd
- the hearts of their obſervers, their
- courteſie conquered the eyes of their
- profeſſion, that beheld in what eſtimation
- they were with the Princes,
- and their happineſs equalled the
- greateſt Perſonages.
- But alas, in Strephon's felicity conſiſts
- Claiu's miſerie, his grief being ſo
- infinite, that his paſſages of tears was
- ſtopped, and a frantick Brain poſſeſſed
- him more than a Womaniſh
- ſorrow, againſt this life he exclaimed,
- Strephon and himſelf he abhorred,
- and endeavouring to ſet a Period to
- his afflictions, he brake out into theſe
- words: Proud love, who glorieſt in
- tormenting mortals, this once moderate
- thy rage by dispatching me
- quickly from under thy Tyrannie; for
- in what have I displeaſed thee, you
- cannot ſignifie, I have ſo faithfully
- ſerved to your crueltie. But now to
- gratifie me, you plunder me of my
- onely bleſſing, and yet in deriſion you
- make mee to live. But O Cupid! if any
- pitie or remorſe dares harbour in
- thee, as thou haſt deeply wounded
- me, ſo directly ſlay me, and I ſhall
- entitle thee mercifull. But if thou
- flieſt from ſuch a compaſſionate act,
- then Prince Muſidorus and Pyrocles,
- whoſe fame is enriched with goodneſs,
- repleniſh it more by my ſpeedy deſtruction
- and make me breathleſs.
- And Shepherds and Shepherdeſſes,
- let not the dreadfull Name of Tragedy
- affright you, my Death will be
- the obſequies of a Comedy; therefore
- if any ſpleen reign victor in you, revenge
- your ſelf upon me that am the
- moſt contemptible wretch.
- This Speech he uttered with ſuch
- diſtracted actions, that terrified
- the women and afflicted the men.
- But at appointment of the Princes
- they conveyed him to ſome private
- habitation, where he had attendants,
- who oftentimes prevented him from
- miſchieving himſelf. But for Strephon
- and Urania, the Princes ſolemnly
- invited them to their ſocietie for
- that evening, where at Pamela's and
- Philoclea's entreaties, they retiring to
- a pleaſant ſummer Houſe, Strephon
- rehearſed theſe paſſages concerning
- Urania, Claius, and himſelf, on this
- manner:
- To recollect Urania's virtues, or
- what ſurpaſſing beautie engaged Claius
- and me to be her ſervants, would
- be ſuperfluous, ſince her divine ſelf is
- preſent to merit divine, praiſes from
- the dulleſt ſpectators Onely firſt her
- prettie innocence withdrew our eyes
- from gazing on the ſtars, to ſalute
- her heavenly ſpheres that reflected
- upon us as ſhe paſſed by. For Claius
- and I having ſeparated our Flocks
- from our neighbouring ſhepherds into
- a freſh and ſweet paſture, where
- none frequented or trode the pleaſant
- graſs, but ſavage Satyrs, and dancing
- Fairies, we eſpied a Tree, whoſe flouriſhing
- branches ſeemed to fortifie
- themſelves againſt the heat of the
- ſun, and we enticed by the ſhadow,
- repaired to it: there we lay down,
- purpoſing to trie our skill in deſcribing
- the pitifull decorums of the
- ſhepherds that were inchanted by Cupids
- quiver, to adore the fair beautie
- of Mortals: but the wonderfull Juſtice
- of the higheſt Powers, taught us
- to acknowledge our frailtie, by inflicting
- the like puniſhment upon us:
- for as we were reproching their love-ſick
- infirmities, fair Urania, enduced
- by a Sparrow that flew from her
- when ſhe had courteouſly bred it up,
- purſued after it, to take it priſoner, her
- courſe bending towards us: but when
- ſhe had ſurprized it, ſhe confined it
- to a Paradiſe, putting it between the
- pillows of her Breaſt, and checking it
- no otherwiſe than with her harmleſs
- kiſſes, ſhe went away, leaving Claius
- and my carkaſs behind her, but our
- ſouls cleaved immoveably unto her,
- and fixing our eyes upon one another,
- as aſhamed of our prodigious
- cenſoriouſneſs of our Neighbours, we
- ſuffered not our lips to open, till we
- were acquainted with the ſubject that
- did triumph over us; but ſounding
- our Bell, we ſecured our Flocks, and
- haſtened to repoſe our ſelves upon our
- beds, but our memorie of the moſt
- Divine Urania taught us a more
- watchfull leſſon than drouſineſs: her
- Image, which was engraven in our fancie,
- disdained to be blurred by our
- forgetfulneſs, wherefore the reſtleſs
- night we paſſed over with ſighs, reviling
- the Fates for burying our felicitie
- in the depth of adverſitie, ſo hard
- and explete did we account it ever to
- obtain Urania; and though Claius
- and I were one anothers Rivalls, both
- aiming at one, yet did it not any way
- mittigate our friendſhip, I applauding
- Claius choice, and he mine; neither
- did we ignorantly admire our
- judgements, but did enquire, and receive
- the approbation of a multitude
- of Swains, who with abundant devotion
- extolled Urania's worth: yet
- Fortune, that favours not the pureſt
- ſouls, knit her brows, frowning upon
- our Goddeſs Urania, who mildly
- ſtrived to waſh them away with her
- Chriſtal tears: the occaſion I heard
- her whiſper out one time, when ſhe
- imagined little, and I reſided ſo near
- her, in theſe ſweetly expreſſed, yet
- dollorous words.
- Too great a burden for me to bear
- oppreſſes me, Antaxius is too officious
- in his love, I wiſh he were more
- calm; my Parents rigor is too too
- intollerable, unleſs my disobedience
- had been palpable; I have never offended
- them wilfully, no not in this
- their deſired Match, except they interpret
- my ſilence for a refuſal, that
- being the onely ſymptom of my diſcontent,
- nor do I reveal my affection
- to any but to thee my Sparrow, who
- canſt not diſcover it with thy chirping,
- and that note of thine is to me
- condoling, and chearfull; my
- disconſolate Heart not knowing
- how to value any other melodious
- ſounds: but alaſs my incredulitie of
- the divine Providence may juſtlie reprove
- and puniſh me; yet ſince I do
- humbly acknowledge thy alſufficiencie,
- let thy Mercie chaſtiſe me, and
- deliver me from the thraldom of Antaxius.
- Then wiping her bedewed eyes, ſhe
- aroſe, as confident her devout Prayers
- had conjured the Gods to pitie
- her diſtreſs, and beſeeching the Deities
- to make me their inſtrument;
- call'd after her. Fair Creature, pardon
- me if I profane your ſacred Title
- with a feeble one, ſince your humilitie
- vouchſafes earthly troubles to
- perplex you; and believe me, the Fabrick
- of this world is built upon divers
- motions, it can boaſt of no firm
- foundation; the rareſt Beauties in
- their age ſeldom eſcape advers Billows,
- and boyſterous winds, and without
- relying on a Rock, their periſhing
- is ſure: wherefore, ſweet Nimph,
- accept of me to be your Rock, and
- queſtionleſs you ſhall be preſerved
- from all tempeſtuous weathers.
- Urania truſting in no other Power,
- than what was celeſtial, looked up to
- the Element, where ſeeing no heavenlie
- Object, ſhe caſt her eyes down,
- fixing them upon me with ſuch bleſſedneſs,
- as ſtrook me to the ground,
- not being capable of aſſiſting my ſelf;
- however I fed upon her voice, which
- ſhe diſplayed in this language.
- What a preſumptuous mortal art
- thou to frame thy ſelf to be a God,
- that by ſuch a pretence thou mayſt
- inſult over me? For better Powers
- cannot ſupport me from furious
- ſtorms. This ſpoken, ſhe went away,
- as loathing the ſight of ſuch a blaſphemous
- ſerpent, as ſhe thought me
- to be. Which I perceiving, and rowſing
- my ſelf from out of a tranſe,
- I began to crie, O ſtay, ſtay, ſtay, but
- ſhe deaf to my perſwaſions, haſtened
- beyond the limits of mine eyes; but
- the rebounding of my words ſounded
- in the ears of the Paſtor Claius,
- who was with his and my Flock at a
- little diſtance from me. He harkening
- to my voice, and discerning me to
- wander out of the cloſe, his jealous
- brain ſuppoſed the reaſon, & walking
- as ſwiftly as his aged leggs would ſuffer
- him, he found me out, his inquiſitiveneſs
- enforcing me not to be
- niggardly in my anſwers, which were
- ſo tedious, that the Sun vaniſhed from
- our Horizon, as tired with our unneceſſary
- ſpeeches, and took his farewel,
- highing him to his Eaſtern home. But
- at length Claius and I yielding our
- ſelves to ſilence though not to reſt,
- experience had taught us to deſpair
- of ſleeping, until Cupids wounds wear
- curable. And early in the morning
- when the Sheperdeſſes had driven
- their Flocks into the Paſtures, we
- lingering with ours, that we might ſee
- the place made happie with Urania's
- abiding there, her Enimie Antaxius
- the wealthy Heardsman, driven by a
- flattering current of his ſucceſs, approched
- near us, not ſcrupulous in
- asking Urania's harbour: we making
- much of our opportunitie directed
- him the contrary way from her, to
- the Iſland of Citherea, her Parents
- dwelling there, onely they had truſted
- her with the Flock on this ſide
- the River, to feed them with a livelier
- paſture. But we proteſted to him,
- that in the morning we ſaw the Graſs
- to weep for her departure, and the
- ſeas dance with joy that ſhe relyed on
- their mildneſs. Antaxius eaſily believed
- our intilligence, and thanking us
- for it, he haſtened to overtake her: and
- we pleaſed with our proſperous ſubtletie,
- drove our Flocks to a Paſture
- adjoyning to Urania's, and entreating
- Pan to be their Guardian, we left
- them to trie Fortunes courteſie.
- Urania bluſhing at our preſence, at
- mine eſpecially, who had before abruptly
- aſſaulted her, ſeemed to rebuke
- me with it, as in earneſt ſo it
- did, my trembling witneſſed my guiltineſs,
- and my tears and ſighs my repentance:
- my ſlowneſs to utterance
- allowed Claius a convenient time to
- discover his paſſion to Urania, the
- policie uſed to Antaxius, he forbore
- to repeat, until my repentance had
- obtained a pardon, and then he related
- in what expedition we ſent away
- her undeſired ſuitor; which at firſt
- vaniſhed the red from her face, her
- fears uſurping in her tender breaſt,
- leſt her Parents ſhould doubt her
- ſafetie at Antaxius report. Yet when
- ſhe remembred her abſence might
- extinguiſh Antaxtus luſt, her vermilion
- came back to mixture, and adorned
- her, as deteſting to be deprived of
- ſuch an Alabaſter ſhelter.
- Claius made Poeſies in her praiſe
- to pleaſe her, dedicating to her ſervice
- all his ſtudies. My art in framing
- of Garlands, ſhewing the flowers natural
- curiouſitie in their varietie of
- ſhades, a device that ſets them forth
- moſt perfectly I did teach her; oftentimes
- preſenting her with the choiſeſt
- of my Flock, when ſhe would accept
- of them; and if Wolves or other ravenous
- beaſts had happened to lurk
- that way, I never left hunting them
- till their hands evidenced me their
- Conqueror, which I uſed to lay at
- Urania's feet; other tricks I invented
- to be admitted into her ſocietie.
- Here Strephon ſtopt: but the
- Princes entreated him to go on.
- Which happineſs of mine, ſaith he,
- continued not long without interruption.
- Antaxius learning that Claius
- and I pretended affection to Urania,
- he proudly landed at our haven, rudely
- carrying her away without reſiſtance.
- Her commands, that could not
- be diſobeyed, ordained the contrary.
- Then it was, moſt gracious Prince
- Muſidorus that you eſcaped the ſeas,
- O then it was that Urania floted on
- them, and we bitterly bemoaned our
- loſs. Certainly by the appointment of
- the Gods the Ocean waxed ſo calm,
- yet about where ſhe was embarqued,
- the waters murmured, and the winds
- ſweetly whiſtled, combining their
- voices ſo harmoniouſly, that ſhe
- might really believe, they conſpired
- to crown her with ſome unexpected
- bleſſing; as indeed ſo they: had for
- when we had conducted you to my
- Lord Kalenders houſe, we received a
- Letter from our adored Goddeſs.
- We might have been juſtly taxed of
- incredulitie at the firſt view of it, our
- rememberance of her uncivil Carrier
- demolliſhing all hopefull thoughts;
- but when we had more believingly
- read over and ſaluted thoſe heavenly
- lines, we taking a ſhort farewel of
- your Highnes, conformed our pace to
- our eagereſt diſpoſition, and came to
- the Sands againſt the Iſland of Citherea;
- where not caring for any other
- paſſage but Charon's Boat, we committed
- our ſelves to heavens protection,
- and fixed our eyes upon Urania's
- Iſland, leaping into the ſea,
- there we had like to have participated
- of Leander's entertainment, but
- our luckie Stars preſerved us to better
- fortune. The waves growing turbulent,
- the winds roared, the skies
- thickened, and all tempeſtuous weather
- threatened to combine againſt
- us. My Friend Claiu's faint limbs I
- was glad to ſupport with my tired
- ones, and we both had periſhed and
- reſigned our breaths to the Giver,
- but that the ſtorm forced a Bark to
- caſt Anchor, and harbour in our
- Coaſt, from whence we had not ſwom
- far, though the Billows had thrown
- us up and down, as contemning us for
- our preſumption in purſuing our
- loves to Urania, but the companie in
- the Bark, weighing our calamities,
- and their own too, ſhould they neglect
- ſo charitable an act as endeavouring
- to help us, imagining the Gods
- would be deaf to their prayers, if
- they were careleſs of ours: they let
- their ſails flie towards us, & lengthening
- the cord of their Cock-boat, they
- ſent it to us; we skilled in their meaning
- laid hold on it, and by degrees we
- purchaſed the in-ſides for our ſecurity,
- they pulling us to the Bark, helped
- us in.
- Where we were gazed on with aſtoniſhment
- by all; neither were our
- eyes indebted to theirs, ſo manie of
- Urania's Aſſociats did we eſpie in the
- Bark to look upon; and amongſt the
- reſt there was Antaxius: Oh Claius,
- hadſt thou been here, thou wouldſt
- have juſtified thy paleneſs, and my
- cholerick fluſhes, that with zeal
- ſtrove for Victorie over our haughtie
- Rival; who being vexed at the
- ſight of us, and minding nothing ſo
- much as our fatal ruine, ſtretched his
- voice, which was moſt hideous, to
- condemn us. What monſters are
- theſe, ſaid he, that you have had
- pitie upon? their Phiyſiognomies reſemble
- ours, but the ſhape is different;
- therefore hurl them overboard,
- leſt they do drown us with
- their Inchantment. The gulph of
- ſalt-Water that flew out of our
- mouths, and our wett garments that
- hung confuſedly, with his aggravations
- pierced into the ſtupid ſenſes of
- the Companie, who doubted whether
- we were very Claius and Strephon
- or no, yet dreaded to queſtion
- us: my anger for Antaxius unworthie
- affronting us, could not be moderated,
- but acting the fierceneſs of a
- Tygar, I fell upon him, and flung
- him into the ſea, where he deſervedlie
- taſted of ſuch pleaſures, as he had
- allotted for us: ſuch is the wiſdom
- of the higher Powers to recompence
- what is due.
- The affrighted People fled into
- their Cabins, the Pilot and Sailors
- forſaking their imployments, hid
- themſelves under the Decks: but all
- this time I never ceaſed to pray for
- Urania's ſafeguard, being ignorant of
- the chance that brought Antaxius
- thither, or where ſhe reſided; her letters
- ſignifying onely how much ſhe
- wiſhed to ſee us, our vowed friendſhip
- obliging her in all virtuous ways
- to honor us: but having quelled the
- courage of the Sailors, the ſtorm aſſwaging,
- we ſhewed our authoritie,
- commanding them to ſtrike their ſail
- to the Iſland of Citherea: and giving
- a viſit to our Priſoners in the Cabins,
- we intreated them to ſuppreſs all prejudicial
- conceit of us, who never intended
- to injure them, though we
- had revenged our ſelves upon Antaxius
- for ſcandalizing us, and perſwading
- them barbarouſly to murder
- us, under the pretence of Sea-Monſters:
- nor did we neglect to tell
- them how infinitly they would favor
- us, in relating what accident had inticed
- Antaxius to that Bark, without
- his Miſtreſs Urania, who was reported
- to be his onely delight.
- The young Shepherd Lalus, being
- preſent, interrupted me thus: Urania
- diſdains to be the Miſtreſs of ſo baſe
- a fellow, though his importunitie
- both to her neareſt relations, and to
- her divine ſelf, forced her to grant
- him the priviledge of Charactering
- her perfections in Poetrie, amongſt
- which he had declared his Luſt, ſhadowing
- it with the title of Love,
- when he might as well transform a
- Dove to a Kite, or a Wolf to a
- Lamb, as luſt to Love; Urania abhorring
- him for it, charged me, who am
- bound to obey her charge, to be urgent
- with Antaxius to come this voyage
- with me. I aſſaulted him with
- the queſtion; he thought it no ways
- requiſit for his proceedings, but at her
- perſwaſions he ceaſed to argue: This
- Voyage we intended for a chearfull
- one, but it hath proved a fatal one to
- him, though a fortunate one to Urania;
- for ſhe as far excels Antaxius in
- deſerts, as our Princeſs Pamela does
- Mopſa, Maſter Dameta's daughter.
- At this paſſage the Princeſs ſmiled,
- and Strephon bluſhed at his true, yet
- blunt expreſſion: but longing to be
- freed from Tautalogizing, his modeſtie
- not ſuffering him to Court
- Urania there, he perſiſted in his rehearſal.
- It afflicted me to reckon; O I could
- not reckon the number of Rivals
- that waited to fruſtrate me of my
- felicitie, all that ever beheld her, commended
- her, few they were that did
- not Court her, but moſt lived in
- hopes to enjoy her; however I diſſembled
- my grief, and congratulated
- with Lalus for his courteous relation,
- telling him, I had ſeen that Paragon,
- and did as much admire her, as I
- could any of her ſex, though my delight
- conſiſted chiefly in other recreations,
- than to extoll a woman. This
- drift of mine enticed him earneſtly to
- better my opinion, and in his higheſt
- Rhetorick, he laboured to inform me
- concerning the Paſſion of Love, that
- though it were mixed with bitterneſs,
- in conſideration of ſome griefs that
- follow it, yet ſeldom it is. but that
- the concluſion is happie. I making as
- though I liſtened not to his diſcourſe,
- ſung a ſong, the ſubject whereof tended
- againſt Love and Women: he encreaſing
- in his deſires to work my
- converſion, determined to bring me
- to Urania. I willingly ſeemed to
- yield to his requeſt, Claius wondred
- at my diſguiſed heart, yet held his
- peace, truſting to my poor diſcretion.
- Now the Sea-men, bringing us
- news of our ſafe arrival in the Ports
- of Citherea, we landed, releaſing the
- Bark; I could hardly confine my
- joy within ſo ſmall a compaſs as my
- heart, when I went upon the ground
- where ſhe had trode, and not reveal
- it; but I reſtrained it as much as poſſibly
- I could, ſlighting his deſcription
- of Urania's worth. But alas my
- hopes of the ſucceſs, my deſignment
- might have, was fruſtrated; upon ſo
- tottering a climat do we Mortals reſtleſs
- live, that when we think we have
- eſcaped the dangerouſeſt ſtorms, our
- feet ſtand upon the brims, ready to
- be blown down at evry flirt of wind,
- to the depth of miſerie.
- For Urania, my ſecret Jewel, and
- Lalus that reveiled me, was miſſing,
- not to publick Paſtorals, nor yet ſolitarie
- Retirements, but by the foul
- practiſes of a Knight named Lacemon,
- who violently carried her away from
- her ſheep, whilſt ſhe was complaining
- of Claius and my tedious abſence;
- the reporter of this dolefull News
- lay hid under a hedge, the gliſtering
- of rude Lacemon's Armour adviſing
- him to conceal himſelf; ſuch was the
- cowardlineſs of the ſimple Swain.
- Lalus would have murdered him,
- had not we by force withheld him;
- yet I made him feel the ſtroak of my
- Cudgel, to make him repent his folly,
- a poor revenge for ſo hainous a treſpaſs,
- yet that disburdened me of a
- greater, ſo ſubject are we in affliction
- to double our error with a crime
- more odious: Urania was loſt, yet
- the memorie of her Name, Virtue or
- Beautie could never be expired: neither
- did we linger in purſuance of
- Lacemon, nor in her ſearch, whoſe
- heavenly ſoul, as we imagined, muſt
- needs perfume and leave a ſcent
- where it had breathed, which was the
- ſigne that we beſought the Sacred
- Powers to grant, might be our convoy
- to her. Then Lalus departed
- from us, chooſing his path; Claius
- and I would not be ſeparated, if poſſibly
- we could avoid it. I know not
- whether this unwillingneſs to part
- with me proceeded from a jealous
- humour, his nature being always inclinable
- to it; but I am ſure, mine
- was real, doubting not, but what the
- Divine Providence had agreed on,
- ſhould be accompliſhed what ere it
- were.
- The byeſt ways, as we conceived,
- might be the likelieſt to find Urania,
- Lacemon having many: his felicitie,
- ſince he had deprived the Land of its
- Goddeſs, and we as deeply ingaged
- againſt him, our preſumptuous Rival,
- as any other, ſearched the moſt ſuſpitious
- Corners; but no tidings
- could be heard of Urania up the Iſland,
- where we had wandered, except
- profane ones; for ask the Swains
- that ſluggiſhly ſate nodding by ſome
- of their ſcattered ſheep, whoſe fellows
- had been devoured by Wolves,
- through the careleſneſs of their Shepherds,
- when we examined them concerning
- Urania, whom we deſcribed
- by her Praiers and tears made to a
- Knight accoutred in a Martial habit;
- their reply would be ſo abſurd, nay
- between ſleeping and waking, divers
- did affirm they ſaw her, directing us
- to unſeemly Mortals, who indeed had
- uſurped Urania's Name, though they
- came ſhort of her perfections. I cannot
- judge which was victor in me of
- Rage and Sorrow; furious I was at
- the counterfeit Urania's, and deſperate,
- deſpairing of ever finding the real
- one.
- At this paſſage Strephon burſt out
- into floods of tears, which he endeavoured
- to conceal, excuſing his too
- large rehearſal, & deſired to break off;
- but the Princeſs earneſtneſs to hear
- Urania reſcued from the power of Lacemon,
- induced him to proceed on
- this manner: My chollerick Paſſion
- I vented upon the ſtupid men, inſtructing
- them to entitle their Dames
- with ſome meaner Name than Urania,
- under penaltie of their lives,
- which they dearly valued: and then
- Claius and I renewed our languiſhing
- travels.
- When we had paſſed through the
- publick and remote places of the
- Iſland, meeting with no obſtacles in
- the way, either by Freinds or Enemies,
- we croſſed the Ocean, landing
- at the ſands over againſt the Iſland,
- we continued not there, though we
- could not determin where we had beſt
- continue, but a Pilgrims life we reſolved
- on, unleſs Uraina's unexpected
- ſecuritie ſhould forbid it; when therefore
- we had traced about the Confines
- of Arcadia, without any comfortable
- reports of her, we roſe with
- the Sun, to take a longer journey, but
- the tiredneſs of our legs prolonged
- the time, and ſo proved faithfull inſtruments
- to further our felicitie, by
- delaying our haſte: Upon a bank we
- ſate down, chaſing at the graſs for
- looking freſh and green in Urania's
- abſence; and Claius folding his arms,
- and caſting his eyes on the ground,
- as a fit object for him to view, eſpecially
- when he pitched on ſuch a ſubject
- as deſerved oppoſition, as he
- then did; uttering theſe words:
- Seldom it is, but the faireſt Phyſiognomies
- harbour the fouleſt ſouls,
- all reaſon proves it ſo; nay the Gods
- abhor partialitie; why then ſhould
- they adorn a Creature ſo richly ſurpaſſing
- above the reſt viſibly, and yet
- give her a foul anſwerable? Urania!
- O Urania! I will not, no I durſt not
- ſay unchaſte, though the Summers
- mourn not for her exilement, nor the
- Birds ceaſe from their various notes,
- which comfort we heretofore apprehended
- they made to invite Urania to
- reſide altogether in the Woods; nor
- yet the Shepherds refrain from their
- pleaſant ſports; nor do the Shepherdeſſes
- neglect their care of medicining
- their tender Lambs, to celebrate
- a Day in their bewailings.
- Age we reckon ſtands at the gate
- of Death: yet Claius years was a Target
- to defend him from it, otherwiſe
- I ſhould not have thought a replie a
- ſufficient revenge, which I did in theſe
- terms. A ſuſpitious head is as great
- a torment as I could wiſh to light upon
- Lacemon, beſides the unjuſtneſs
- of it, your uncharitable cenſures may
- too ſoon redound upon you, when repentance
- hath loſt its opportunitie to
- crave and receive a pardon: expoſe
- not your ſelf to that crime, which never
- can be purged away, ſhould it
- dammage the reputation of thoſe that
- imitate Diana's qualities in as great a
- meaſure as her Beautie; for if the
- Gods have beſtowed on them reaſonable
- ſouls, why ſhould we pine at
- their induſtrie to make them admirable:
- You argue, that the Summer
- keeps its natural courſe, though Urania
- is miſſing, which is a manifeſt teſtimonie
- of her virtues, boiſterous
- and cold weather being a foe to Travelers,
- but the warm Sun is delightfull;
- and the birds proudly chant their
- Tunes, for I am confident, they raviſh
- her far above the loftie expreſſions
- of Lacemon: neither wonder at
- the mirth and imployments of the
- Shepherds and Shepherdeſſes, for the
- Virgins are glad to exerciſe their inventions,
- to charm back the belief of
- Urania's loſs, ſo darkſom and odious
- is it to them, the Shepherds their Paramours
- foſtering (though with ſadneſs)
- their buſie fancies.
- Claius fixing his eyes on the ground,
- as convinced of his error, ſought not
- to frame an excuſe, yet to ſhew that
- Age had not deprived him of his ſenſes;
- he thus ſpake: An odoriferous
- ſcent ſeems to command me to reſt
- ſilent, and to bear the blame without
- controulment, and dreadfulneſs mixed
- with hope poſſeſs me. O Strephon,
- Strephon, faithfully conceal my follie,
- I beſeech thee.
- At this ſuddain Allarm, I gazed about
- me, an happie ſight, though an
- amazed one approaching near me,
- Urania it was, with her arms ſpread,
- and cryes in her mouth, which mentioned
- murder, her hair contemptibly
- hung about her, though delicate; and
- patience and anger ſeemed to combat
- in her roſie cheeks for the Victorie;
- but at the laſt, abundance of
- Chriſtal tears became the Arbiter,
- which when ſhe had vented; ſhe diſtributed
- to us theſe words:
- Never was I yet in the Turret of
- felicitie, but I have ſtumbled, and fell
- to the pit of adverſitie: Antaxius, in
- the Iſland of Citherea luſtfully expects
- me; and here, if I continue, the
- Furie Lacemon will overtake me; O
- whither ſhall I flie for ſafetie? my
- pitie would not ſuffer me to retain her
- in ignorance, wherefore I related Antaxius
- death: her ſilence ſeemed to
- condemn me of raſhneſs, for granting
- him no time of repentance; but
- my excuſe was prevented by the ragefull
- coming of Lacemon, who with
- eyes ſparkling, and Armour ſtained
- with bloud, an Emblem of the Tragedie
- he had committed, holding in his
- right hand a ſpear, and a ſhield in his
- left, he muſtered up to us; we nothing
- dreading, but Urania's trembleing,
- with our ſtaves, weak inſtruments
- (as he imagined) to reſiſt him,
- made towards him: he diſdaining
- Claius age, and my youth, exerciſed
- neither vigilance to withſtand our
- blows, nor ſtrength to repay them: I
- vexed at his ſo ſlight regard of my
- valour, and perſwading Claius to retire
- to Urania, who willingly yielded
- to my counſel; I renewed the incounter,
- and with ſuch fierceneſs,
- that Lacemon was forced to ſtand on
- his own defence; his want of experience
- might be the cauſe of his overthrow;
- for I am certain I can boaſt
- but of little that cauſed it, though the
- fortune of my blows proved fatal to
- him, thruſting him off his horſe, and
- beating out his brains: his life was
- ſo hatefull, that his death was welcomed
- by moſt, and commiſerated
- of none: Urania highly commended
- my action, too large a recompence
- for ſo poor a deſert, yet I thanked
- the Gods for giving me ſuch ſucceſs
- as ſhe thought worthie of her acceptance;
- and waiting upon her to the
- Iſland of Citherea, by the way ſhe
- yielded to our requeſt, gracefully delivering
- theſe words.
- The motions of this world I cannot
- comprehend, but with confuſion,
- ſo unexpectedly do they ſurprize me,
- Antaxius by Lalus inſtigations, truſted
- to the Seas fidelitie, your compulſion
- forcing them to deceive him,
- in whoſe baniſhment I ſent a Letter to
- you, wherein I acknowledged your
- ſincere affection, and by all the ties of
- virtuous friendſhip, conjured you not
- to denie me your Counſel or Companie
- in my extremitie; and happening
- to repoſe my ſelf upon the Clifts,
- my harmleſs Sparrow I ſet down at a
- little diſtance from me, learning it to
- come at my inducement, the prettie
- fool, with ſhivering wings aſpired to
- mount towards me; but the Tyger
- Lacemon, or Monſter, for his diſpoſition
- could never pretend to humanitie,
- being prepared in a readineſs to
- commit ſuch a treacherous act, came
- from a darkſom hole, ſuitable to his
- practiſes, and ſeized on me and my
- Sparrow for Priſoners, and conveying
- us to his provided Boat, we were
- ſailed over, and by him conducted to
- this Countrey of Arcadia, where in a
- Cave he hath encloſed me: and perceiving,
- that I conſorted with my
- Bird, and delighted in its Innocencie,
- a virtue which he mortally deteſted,
- he unmercifully murdered it, lingeringly
- tormenting it to death, whilſt
- my Sparrow with its dying looks,
- ſeemed to check me, for enduring its
- ſufferance without reſiſtance: thus he
- endeavoured to terrifie me with his
- crueltie, but if it were poſſible, it
- made me more enflamed to withſtand
- his aſſaults; neither threats, nor intreaties
- were wanting to tempt me to
- his baſe deſires, but I abſolutely refuſed
- him, till neceſſitie perſwaded
- me to trie the effect of Policie.
- His own reports ſignifying Phalantus
- Helena, the Queen of Corinths
- Brothers defiance to the Arcadian
- Knights, his Lance willing to defend
- his Miſtreſs Sorteſia's beautie againſt
- other Champions; I counterfeited
- earneſtneſs to Lacemon, in exerciſing
- his skill to purchaſe my glorie: he
- puffed up with hopes of future ſucceſs,
- conſidering it was the firſt time
- that I had imployed him, and ſo publicklie,
- with all expedition, haſted
- to the lodge with my Picture, where
- by a thruſt from off his horſe, he was
- made to leave my Picture to reverence
- Sortaſia's ſurpaſſing one; with a
- cloudie ſoul, he returned to me, I being
- compaſſed to ſtay within his
- bounds, ſo manie bars and bolts
- fruſtrating my eſcape; but by his
- muttering I diſcerned his diſcontent,
- an humour that beſt ſuited his condition:
- I ſtrictly examined concerning
- my Pictures triumph, and his Fortune,
- he ſtudying to delude me, replied,
- That buſineſs of importance
- had enforced Biſilius to defer the
- challenge for awhile, out of which
- regard, he, by the example of other
- Noble Perſonages, reſigned up my
- Picture to the cuſtodie of the Governor
- of Baſilius lodge, and ſhould be
- extremelie well pleaſed, if I would
- vouchſafe him my companie into the
- freſh aire; few perſwaſions ſerved to
- remove me from that ſtifling cave,
- beſides the hopes that I relied upon
- of your encountering Lacemon; but
- little imagined the Shepherd Lalus
- would be the firſt; kind Lalus! it
- was the leaſt of my thoughts of thy
- ſo chearfullie looſing thy life for the
- preſervation of mine; for when Lacemon
- had with boaſtings, for not being
- overcome by any of his ſubjected
- Rivalls, brought me near the confines
- of Arcadia, ſwelling with pride,
- his rough Arms rudely ſtriving with
- me: then it was that Lalus ſuccoured
- me with his own fatal ruine: for
- though I was by Lacemon deſguiſed,
- by his ſuggeſtion, I knowing no other
- ſigne, he diſcovered me to be Urania:
- his deſire to reſcue me from
- Lacemon, extinguiſhed the reprehenſion
- of his own eminent danger, his
- courage, though exceeding Lacemons,
- yet his ſtrength and ſhield was far inferior
- to him, in the heat of the blows,
- before conqueſt, was decided on either
- ſide; I fled from dreadfull Lacemon,
- His ſpeedie purſuance after me,
- might be a means to preſerve Lalus
- life, yet I doubt it, Lacemons bloudie
- Armour prenominating his wicked
- action▪ But I proteſt, that I had rather
- my skin ſhould imitate Pan's,
- and my complexion Vulcan's, than
- that any one Tragedie ſhould be
- committed in its defence.
- Fountains running from Urania's
- ſparkling eyes, ſtopped the remainder
- of her ſpeech. Lalus being my aſſured
- Rival, mitigated very much my
- ſorrow for him. However, leſt I
- ſhould forfeit Urania's favour, I ſeemed
- ſad, yet ſtrived with it, that I
- might be a more acceptable inſtrument
- to moderate hers. Neither was
- Claius negligent in his love, but with
- Rhetorical ſpeeches he ſought to win
- on her affections; and the Iſland of
- Citharea in awhile flouriſhed with her
- adored Goddeſs. Her Parents in
- heavenly raptures welcomed home
- their deareſt Daughter, keeping her
- watchfully under their eyes, and jealous
- of our depriving them of her the
- ſecond time, though we had ſafely
- delivered her into their hands. And
- Urania her ſelf ſuſpecting our often
- reſorting to her, might redound to
- her prejudice, made excuſes to abandon
- our companie. But death in a
- ſhort time appeared in his viſage to
- Urania's Parents, carrying them to
- the Elizian fields: ſhe then having the
- libertie to diſpoſe of her ſelf, which
- ſhe with confinement did, not delighting
- in the Paſtorals, nor yet in our
- ſocietie, until this happie Day was
- nominated. And now great Princes,
- I humbly beſeech you to pardon this
- my tedious Relation.
- The Princes courteouſly declared
- Strephon to be worthieſt of Urania,
- the particulars of his exploits witneſing
- it Baſilius on that day preferring
- him in his Court, honouring him
- with Knighthood, and both he and
- his Ladie Urania lived in great reputation
- with all, obtaining love and
- eſteem from the ſtatelieſt Cedar to
- loweſt ſhrub.
- But when Cynthia drew her curtains,
- cammanding the Princes to
- hide themſelves within their Pavilions,
- and they retiring to obey her;
- juſt then an unuſual voice ſounded to
- them, and cloſe behind it ruſhed in
- Lalus the Shepherd: anger compoſed
- with reverence beſet him, both being
- ſo officious, that reverence environed
- Paſſion within the compaſſe of civilitie,
- and Paſſion allowed Reverence
- to ſhew a prettie decent behaviour,
- though not affected; both dying
- cheeks with ruddineſs, whileſt he applying
- his ſpeech to Pyrocles and Muſidorus
- ſpake to this purpoſe:
- Great Princes, I will not preſume
- to queſtion your Juſtice, but your
- knowledge. It was I that gave Lacemon
- his deaths wound. Strephon did
- but leſſen his torments by quick diſpatching
- him when he fled from me,
- pretending Urania was his onely happineſs
- that he deſired to enjoy, and
- not my bloud.
- The Princes certifying Lalus, that
- other arguments enjoyned them to
- beſtow Urania on Strephon, they left
- him, but not ſo disconſolate for Urania's
- loſs, as to keep his eloquence
- from courting other Shepherdeſſes,
- in as high a degree as ever he did her.
- But aged Claius, having wreſtled
- with death all the night, not that he
- deſired to live, but unwilling to leave
- off calling on Urania, bleſſed Urania!
- yet in the morning he was overcome,
- reſigning up his breath with her name
- in his mouth. Baſilius had him ſumptuouſly
- buried, and Muſidorus cauſed
- a famous Monument to be built in
- his memorie. On the top of it, before
- the Sun had fully dried it, there
- was found Philiſides the deſpairing
- Shepherd dead, yet not by other practices
- than a deep melancholly that
- over-preſſed his heart: theſe lines
- were engraven on a ſtone that lay by
- him. Judge not uncharitably; but believe
- the expreſsion of a dying man;
- No poyſonous draught have I taſted of,
- nor any ſelf-murdering inſtruments
- have I uſed to ſhorten my miſerable
- life: for by the authoritie of the Gods,
- the time of my end was concealed from
- all but my ſelf. I am ſure it came not
- unwiſhed for, for why ſhould I live to
- be deſpiſed of her, whom above all the
- world I honoured? I will forbear to
- name her, becauſe my Rèval ſhall not
- triumph in my death, nor yet condemn
- me for coveting ſo rare a Perſon. My
- ambition is to have the tears of the Arcadian
- Beauties ſhed at my Funeral, &
- ſprinkled on my Hearſs; and when my
- bodie is ſo magnificently embalmed, let
- it be interred with Claius two Lovers,
- both finiſhing their lives for their Miſtreſſes
- ſakes, his is publickly known to
- be Urania, my Breaſt is the Cabinet
- where mine is fixed, and if you rip that
- open, you will find it; though perhaps
- not ſo perfect as I could wiſh it were, the
- Cabinet melting into tears for its unkindneſs.
- And now farewel all the
- world; and I beſeech the Divine Powers
- to bind Cupids hands from wounding,
- unleſs he have a certain ſalve to cure
- them.
- Thus died Philiſides; his Will being
- faithfully performed by the Princes
- and the beauteous Princeſſes, with
- Urania and other prettie Shepherdeſſes,
- needing no imprecations faithfully
- bemoan his death, burying him
- with plentie of tears.
- Thus were there Nuptials finiſhed
- with ſadneſs. But before the ſolemnities
- were quite over, there came more
- Princes that had partaken of the benefit
- of Muſidorus and Pyrocle's valour,
- with Preſents of gratitude for
- their Brides, Pamela and Philoclea.
- Then after all Ceremonies accompliſhed,
- they retired ſeverally to their
- flouriſhing Kingdoms of Theſſalia
- and Macedon, and Armenia, with Corinth,
- where they increaſed in riches,
- and were fruitfull in their renowned
- Families. And when they had ſufficiently
- participated of the pleaſures
- of this world, they reſigned their
- Crowns to their lawfull Succeſſours,
- and ended their days in Peace and
- Quietneſs.