- The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents,
- Vol. II: Acadia, 1612-1614, by Various
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- Title: The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, Vol. II: Acadia, 1612-1614
- Author: Various
- Editor: Reuben Gold Thwaites
- Release Date: March 29, 2014 [EBook #45256]
- Language: English
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- Transcriber's Note.
- A list of the changes made can be found at the end of the book.
- Formatting and special characters are indicated as follows:
- _italic_
- =bold=
- ^{9} -us abbreviation
- ^{superscript}
- The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents
- 1610-1791
- Secretary of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin
- Vol. II
- ACADIA: 1612-1614
- CLEVELAND: =The Burrows Brothers Company=, PUBLISHERS, M DCCC XCVI
- BY
- _The Imperial Press, Cleveland_
- Translator from the French JOHN CUTLER COVERT
- Assistant Translator from the French MARY SIFTON PEPPER
- Translators from the Latin { WILLIAM FREDERIC GIESE
- Translator from the Italian MARY SIFTON PEPPER
- Assistant Editor EMMA HELEN BLAIR
- IX. Lettre au R. P. Provincial, à Paris. _Pierre Biard_; Port Royal,
- January 31, 1612 3
- X. Missio Canadensis. Epistola ex Porturegali in Acadia, transmissa
- ad Praepositvm Generalem Societatis Jesu. _Pierre Biard_; Port Royal,
- January 31, 1612 57
- XI. Relation Dernière de ce qui s'est Passé au Voyage du Sieur de
- Potrincourt. _Marc Lescarbot_; Paris, 1612 119
- XII. Relatio Rervm Gestarum in Novo-Francica Missione, Annis 1613 &
- 1614 193
- NOTES 291
- [Illustration]
- I. Photographic facsimile of General Map, from _Les Voyages du Sieur
- de Champlain_, (Paris, 1613) _Facing_ 56
- II. Photographic facsimile of Map of Port Royal, from _Ibid_
- _Facing_ 118
- III. Photographic facsimile of title-page, Lescarbot's _Relation
- Dernière_ 122
- IV. Photographic facsimile of plan of Fort at Port Royal, from _Ibid_
- _Facing_ 192
- Following is a synopsis of the documents contained in the present
- volume:
- IX. The indefatigable Biard presents, herein, a graphic recital of his
- work among the Acadian savages, and particularly his journeys into
- the wilderness. His report of a trip with a party of Port Royalists
- to French trading posts on the St. Croix and St. John rivers, to an
- Etchemin town probably on the site of the present Castine, Me., and to
- an English fishing station on the Kennebec, is full of interest.
- X. Herein, Biard sends to the general of his order a full report
- concerning: (1) New France, its physical characteristics, and its
- aborigines; (2) the circumstances attending the opening of the Jesuit
- mission in Acadia; (3) Fléché's work previous to the coming of the
- Jesuits; (4) visits to savage tribes by Massé and himself, with
- descriptions of conversions and baptisms, and a statement of the
- conditions and prospects of spiritual work among the aborigines.
- XI. Lescarbot's _Relation Dernière_ gives an account of Poutrincourt's
- voyage to New France, in 1610; of the conversion and baptism of
- the savage chief, Membertou, and others, by the priest, Fléché; of
- Biencourt's return to France; and of the experiences of Poutrincourt at
- Port Royal. The writer praises Poutrincourt for his exertions in Canada
- in behalf of both religion and civilization; and urges that he should
- be aided in his colonial enterprise, as a necessary basis for religious
- work in this portion of the New World. He gives a list of the sponsors
- of the baptized Indians, who included many of the French nobility
- and clergy. The life at Port Royal is pictured in some detail; its
- labors and privations are dwelt upon; and the customs of the natives
- described. Lescarbot does not fail, although cautiously, to exhibit his
- dislike of the Jesuits, and endeavors to show that their coming to Port
- Royal involved delay and expense to the colonial enterprise, thereby
- injuring Poutrincourt. Our author's closing chapter devoutly catalogues
- the "Effects of God's Grace in New France;" he describes how Providence
- cared for the colonists in their distress, saved them from shipwreck,
- kindly disposed the savages toward them and the Christian religion, and
- returned to the Frenchmen their ship, in time to prevent starvation.
- The rescue of Aubry is also mentioned.
- XII. The _Relatio Rerum Gestarum (1613 & 1614)_ opens with a
- description of New France, its geography, its climate, its peoples
- and their customs. The experience of the Jesuit fathers at Port Royal
- is related at length, from their own point of view. A description is
- given of the settlement of St. Sauveur, on Mount Desert Island, and its
- destruction by the Virginian, Argall. Then follows an account of the
- life of the Jesuit prisoners, in Virginia and England. The conclusion
- is reached that, despite these drawbacks, the Jesuit mission in Canada
- has made a hopeful beginning.
- R. G. T.
- MADISON, WIS., September, 1896.
- IX
- au R. P. Provincial à Paris
- PORT ROYAL, Janvier 31, 1612
- SOURCE: Reprinted from Carayon's Première Mission des Jésuites au
- Canada, pp. 44-76.
- [44] Lettre du P. Pierre Biard au R. P. Provincial à Paris.
- (_Copiée sur l'autographe conservé dans les archives du Jésus, à Rome._)
- PORT-ROYAL, 31 janvier 1612.
- Pax Christi.
- S'il nous failloit entrer en compte devant Dieu et Vostre Reverence
- du geré et negocié par nous en ceste nouvelle acquisition du Fils de
- Dieu, ceste nouvelle France et Chrestienté, depuis nostre arrivée
- jusques à ce commencement de nouvel an, je ne doubte point certes,
- qu'en la sommation et calcul final, la perte ne surmontast les profits;
- le despensé follement en offençant, le bien et sagement ménagé en
- obeyssant, et le receu des talents, graces et tolerances divines,
- le mis et employé au royal et amiable service de nostre grand et
- autant bening Createur. Neantmoins, d'autant que (comme je croy) nos
- ruines n'édifiroyent personne, et nos rentes n'establiroyent aucun,
- il vaudroit mieux que pour le malacquitté, nous le plorions à part;
- [45] pour le receu, nous imitions le metayer d'iniquité loué par
- Nostre Seigneur en l'Evangile, sçavoir est que, faisant part à autruy
- des biens de nostre Maistre, nous nous en faisions des amis, et que
- communiquant à plusieurs ce qui est d'édification en ces premiers
- fondemens de Chrestienté, nous obtenions plusieurs intercesseurs
- envers Dieu, et fauteurs de cet œuvre. Mesme que ce faisant, nous
- ne defrauderons en rien la debte, ainsy que fit le Censier inique,
- baillant à plusieurs le bien de Nostre Maistre avec profit, et
- peut-estre acquitterons par ceste œconomie une partie des redevances et
- de leur surcroy. Ainsy soit-il.
- [44] Letter from Father Pierre Biard to the Reverend Father
- Provincial, at Paris.
- (_Copied from the autograph preserved in the archives of Jesus, at
- Rome._)
- PORT ROYAL, January 31, 1612.
- The peace of Christ be with you.
- Were we compelled to give an account before God and Your Reverence
- of our administration and our transactions in this newly acquired
- kingdom of the Son of God, this new France and new Christendom,
- from the time of our arrival up to the beginning of this new
- year, I certainly do not doubt that, in the aggregate and final
- summing up, the loss would exceed the profits; the foolish cost
- of transgression, the goodness and wisdom of obedience; and the
- reception of divine talents, graces, and indulgence would exceed
- their outlay and use in the royal and agreeable service of our
- great and so benign Creator. Nevertheless, inasmuch as (I believe)
- no one would be edified by our losses, or greatly benefited by our
- gains, it is better that we mourn our losses apart; [45] as to our
- receipts, we shall be like the unjust steward commended by Our Lord
- in the Gospels, namely, by sharing our Master's goods with others
- we shall make them our friends; and in communicating to many what
- is edifying in these early foundations of Christianity, we shall
- obtain intercessors with God and supporters of this work. Yet in
- doing this we shall in no wise diminish the debt, as did the wicked
- Steward, giving out Our Master's goods with profit; but we shall,
- perhaps, by this prudence acquit ourselves of a part of the dues
- and interests. So be it.
- Aujourd'huy, 22 Ianvier, 1612, neuf [huict] mois sont passez dés notre
- arrivée en ceste nouvelle France. Peu aprés nostre arrivée, i'escrivy
- l'estat auquel nous avons retrouvé ceste Eglise et Colonie naissante.
- Voicy ce qui s'en est ensuivy.
- To-day, January 22nd, 1612, eight[1] months have passed since our
- arrival in this new France. Soon after that, I wrote you in regard
- to the condition in which we found this infant Church and Colony.
- Here is what followed:
- Monsieur de Potrincourt s'en allant en France le mois de Iuin dernier,
- laissa icy son fils Monsieur de Biencourt, ieune seigneur de grande
- vertu et fort recommandable, avec environ 18 siens domestiques, et
- nous deux prestres de la Compagnie. Or la tasche et travail de nous
- deux prestres, selon nostre vocation, a esté, et icy dans la maison
- et habitation en residant, et dehors en voyageant. Commençons, comme
- l'on dict, de chez nous, de [46] la maison et habitation; puis nous
- sortirons dehors.
- When Monsieur de Potrincourt went to France last June he left his
- son here, Monsieur de Biencourt, a young man of great integrity and
- of very estimable qualities, with about eighteen of his servants
- and us two priests of the Society. Now our duties and offices, in
- accordance with our calling as priests, have been performed while
- residing here at the house and settlement, and by making journeys
- abroad. Let us begin, as they say, at home, that is, at [46] the
- residence and settlement; then we shall go outside.
- Icy donc nos exercices sont: dire messe tous les jours, la chanter
- solemnellement les dimanches et festes, avec les Vespres, et souvent
- la procession; faire prieres publiques matin et soir; exhorter,
- consoler, donner les sacremens, ensevelir les morts; enfin faire les
- offices de Curé, puisque autres prestres n'y a en ces quartiers que
- nous. Et de vray, bon besoing seroit que fussions meilleurs ouvriers
- de Nostre Seigneur; d'autant que gens de marine, tels que sont quasi
- nos paroissiens, sont assez d'ordinaire totalement insensibles au
- sentiment de leur ame, n'ayans marque de religion sinon leurs juremens
- et reniemens, ny cognoissance de Dieu sinon autant qu'en apporte la
- pratique connue de France, offusquée du libertinage et des objections
- et bouffonneries mesdisantes des heretiques. D'où l'on peut aussy
- veoir, quelle esperance il y a de planter une belle chrestienté
- par tels evangelistes. La première chose que ces pauvres Sauvages
- apprennent, ce sont les juremens, parolles sales et injures; et orriés
- souvent les Sauvagesses (lesquelles autrement sont fort craintives et
- pudiques), mais vous les orriés souvent charger nos gens de grosses
- pourries et eshontées opprobres, en langage françois; non qu'elles en
- sachent la signification, ains seulement parce qu'elles voyent qu'en
- telles parolles est leur [47] commun rire et ordinaire passetemps.
- Et quel moyen de remedier à cecy en des hommes qui mesprennent
- (malparlent) avec (d'autant) plus d'abandon qu'ils mesprisent avec
- audace.
- Here then are our occupations: to say mass every day, and to
- solemnly sing it sundays and holidays, together with Vespers, and
- frequently the procession; to offer public prayers morning and
- evening; to exhort, console, administer the sacraments, bury the
- dead; in short, to perform the offices of the Curate, since there
- are no other priests in these quarters. And in truth it would be
- much better if we were more earnest workers here for Our Lord,
- since sailors, who form the greater part of our parishioners
- are ordinarily quite deficient in any spiritual feeling, having
- no sign of religion except in their oaths and blasphemies, nor
- any knowledge of God beyond the simplest conceptions which they
- bring with them from France, clouded with licentiousness and the
- cavilings and revilings of heretics. Hence it can be seen what hope
- there is of establishing a flourishing christian church by such
- evangelists. The first things the poor Savages learn are oaths and
- vile and insulting words; and you will often hear the women Savages
- (who otherwise are very timid and modest), hurl vulgar, vile, and
- shameless epithets at our people, in the French language; not that
- they know the meaning of them, but only because they see that
- when such words are used there is [47] generally a great deal of
- laughter and amusement. And what remedy can there be for this evil
- in men whose abandonment to evil-speaking (or cursing) is as great
- as or greater than their insolence in showing their contempt?
- A ces exercices chrestiens que nous faisons icy à l'habitation,
- assistent aucune fois les Sauvages, quand aucuns y en a dans le port.
- Ie dis, aucune fois, d'autant qu'ils n'y sont gueres stylés, non
- plus les baptisés que les payens, ne sçachant gueres davantage les
- uns que les autres faute d'instruction. Telle fut la cause pourquoy
- nous resolusmes dés nostre arrivée de ne point baptiser aucun adulte,
- sans que prealablement il ne fust bien catechisé. Or catechiser ne
- pouvons-nous avant que sçavoir le langage.
- At these christian services which we conduct here at the
- settlement, the Savages are occasionally present, when some of them
- happen to be at the port. I say, occasionally, inasmuch as they
- are but little trained in the principles of the faith--those who
- have been baptized, no more than the heathen; the former, from lack
- of instruction, knowing but little more than the latter. This was
- why we resolved, at the time of our arrival, not to baptize any
- adults unless they were previously well catechized. Now in order to
- catechize we must first know the language.
- De vray, Monsieur de Biancourt, qui entend le sauvage le mieux de
- tous ceux qui sont icy, a pris d'un grand zele, et prend chaque jour
- beaucoup de peine à nous servir de truchement. Mais, ne sçay comment,
- aussi tost qu'on vient à traitter de Dieu, il se sent le mesme que
- Moyse, l'esprit estonné, le gosier tary, et la langue nouée. La cause
- en est d'autant que ces sauvages n'ont point de religion formée, point
- de magistrature ou police, point d'arts ou libéraux ou mechaniques,
- point de commerce ou vie civile; et par consequent les mots leur
- défaillent [48] des choses qu'ils n'ont jamais veues ou apprehendées.
- It is true that Monsieur de Biancourt, who understands the savage
- tongue better than any one else here, is filled with earnest
- zeal, and every day takes a great deal of trouble to serve as our
- interpreter. But, somehow, as soon as we begin to talk about God he
- feels as Moses did,--his mind is bewildered, his throat dry, his
- tongue tied. The reason for this is that, as the savages have no
- definite religion, magistracy or government, liberal or mechanical
- arts, commercial or civil life, they have consequently no words to
- describe [48] things which they have never seen or even conceived.
- D'avantage, comme rudes et incultes qu'ils sont, ils ont toutes leurs
- conceptions attachées aux sens et à la matiere; rien d'abstraict,
- interne, spirituel ou distinct. _Bon, fort, rouge, noir, grand,
- dur_, ils le vous diront en leur patois; _bonté, force, rougeur,
- noircissure_, ils ne scavent que c'est. Et pour toutes les vertus que
- vous leur sauriez dire, _sagesse, fidelité, justice, misericorde,
- recognoissance, pieté_, et autres, tout chez eux tout n'est sinon
- _l'heureux, tendre amour, bon cœur_. Semblablement un loup, un renard,
- un esquirieu, un orignac, ils les vous nommeront, et ainsy chaque
- espece de celle qu'ils ont, les quelles, hors les chiens, sont toutes
- sauvages; mais une beste, un animal, un corps, une substance, et ainsy
- les semblables universels et genres, cela est par trop docte pour eux.
- Furthermore, rude and untutored as they are, all their conceptions
- are limited to sensible and material things; there is nothing
- abstract, internal, spiritual, or distinct. _Good, strong, red,
- black, large, hard_, they will repeat to you in their jargon;
- _goodness, strength, redness, blackness_--they do not know what
- they are. And as to all the virtues you may enumerate to them,
- _wisdom, fidelity, justice, mercy, gratitude, piety_, and others,
- these are not found among them at all except as expressed in the
- words _happy, tender love, good heart_. Likewise they will name to
- you a wolf, a fox, a squirrel, a moose, and so on to every kind of
- animal they have, all of which are wild, except the dog; but as
- to words expressing universal and generic ideas, such as beast,
- animal, body, substance, and the like, these are altogether too
- learned for them.
- Ajoutez à cecy, s'il vous plaist, la grande difficulté qu'il y a de
- tirer d'eux les mots mesmes qu'ils ont. Car, comme ny eux ne sçavent
- nostre langage, ny nous le leur, sinon fort peu, touchant le commerce
- et vie commune, il nous faut faire mille gesticulations et chimagrées
- pour leur exprimer nos conceptions, et ainsy tirer d'eux quelques noms
- des choses qui ne se peuvent monstrer avec [49] le sens. Par exemple,
- penser, oublier, se ressouvenir, doubter: pour sçavoir ces quatre mots,
- il vous faudra donner beau rire à nos messieurs au moins toute une
- aprés-disner, en faisant le basteleur; et encore, aprés tout cela, vous
- trouverez-vous trompé et mocqué de nouveau, ayant eu, comme l'on dit,
- le mortier pour un niveau, et le marteau pour la truelle. Enfin nous
- en sommes là encore, après plusieurs enquestes et travaux, à disputer
- s'ils ont aucune parolle qui corresponde droictement à ce mot _Credo_,
- je croy. Estimez un peu que c'est du reste du symbole et fondemens
- chrestiens.
- Add to this, if you please, the great difficulty of obtaining from
- them even the words that they have. For, as they neither know our
- language nor we theirs, except a very little which pertains to
- daily and commercial life, we are compelled to make a thousand
- gesticulations and signs to express to them our ideas, and thus
- to draw from them the names of some of the things which cannot be
- pointed out [49] to them. For example, to think, to forget, to
- remember, to doubt; to know these four words, you will be obliged
- to amuse our gentlemen for a whole afternoon at least by playing
- the clown; and then, after all that; you will find yourself
- deceived, and mocked anew, having received, as the saying is, the
- mortar for the level, and the hammer for the trowel. In short we
- are still disputing, after a great deal of research and labor,
- whether they have any word to correspond directly to the word
- _Credo_, I believe. Judge for yourself the difficulty surrounding
- the remainder of the symbols and fundamental truths of christianity.
- Or tout ce discours de la difficulté du langage, ne me servira pas
- seulement pour monstrer en quels efforts et ahan de langue nous sommes,
- ains aussy pour faire veoir à nos Europeans leur felicité mesme civile:
- car il est assuré qu'encore mesme enhanée,[I.] cette miserable nation
- demeure touiours en une perpetuelle enfance de langue et de raison.
- Ie dis, de langue et de raison, parce qu'il est évident que là où
- la parolle, messagere et despensière de l'esprit et discours, reste
- totalement rude, pauvre et confuse, il est impossible que l'esprit
- et raison soient beaucoup polis, abondans et en ordre. Cependant ces
- pauvres chetifs et enfants s'estiment [50] plus que tous les hommes de
- la terre, et pour rien du monde ne voudroyent quitter leur enfance et
- chetiveté. Mais ce n'est pas de merveille; car, comme j'ay dict, ils
- sont enfans.
- Now all this talk about the difficulty of the language will not
- only serve to show how laborious is our task in learning it, but
- also will make our Europeans appreciate their own blessings, even
- in civil affairs; for it is certain that these miserable people,
- continually weakened by hardships [_enhanée_],[II.] will always
- remain in a perpetual infancy as to language and reason. I say
- language and reason, because it is evident that where words, the
- messengers and dispensers of thought and speech, remain totally
- rude, poor and confused, it is impossible that the mind and
- reason be greatly refined, rich, and disciplined. However, these
- poor weaklings and children consider themselves [50] superior to
- all other men, and they would not for the world give up their
- childishness and wretchedness. And this is not to be wondered at,
- for, as I have said, they are children.
- Ne pouvans doncques pour encores baptiser les adultes, comme nous avons
- dict, nous restent les enfans, à qui appartient le royaume des cieux;
- ainsy nous les baptisons de la volonté des parens et soubs la caution
- des parrains. Et en cette façon, en avons jà baptisé quatre, Dieu
- mercy. Les adultes qui sont en extreme necessité, nous les instruisons
- autant que Dieu nous en donne le moyen; et la pratique nous a faict
- veoir, que lors Dieu supplée interieurement le défaut de son outil
- externe. Ainsy, une vieille femme dangereusement malade, et une jeune
- fille, ont esté receues au nombre des enfans de Dieu. La vieille est
- encore debout; la fille est allée à Dieu.
- Since we cannot yet baptize the adults, as we have said, there
- remain for us the children, to whom the kingdom of heaven belongs;
- these we baptize with the consent of their parents and the pledge
- of the god-parents. And under these conditions we have already,
- thank God, baptized four of them. We instruct the adults who are
- in danger of death, as far as God gives us the means to do so;
- and experience has shown us that then God inwardly supplements
- the defects of his exterior instruments. Thus, an old woman,
- dangerously ill, and a young girl have been added to the number of
- the children of God. The woman still lives, the girl has gone to
- Heaven.
- Je vis cette fille de 8 a 9 ans, toute transie et n'ayant plus que
- la peau et les os. Je la demanday à ses parens pour la baptiser.
- Ils me respondirent que si je la voulois, ils me la donnoyent tout
- à faict. Car aussy bien, elle et un chien mort, c'estoit tout un.
- Ainsy parloyent-ils, d'autant que c'est leur coustume d'abandonner
- entierement ceux qu'ils ont une fois entierement jugés incurables.
- Nous acceptasmes l'offre, affin qu'ils vissent la difference du [51]
- Christianisme et de leur impieté. Nous fismes conduire ce pauvre
- squelette en une cabane de l'habitation, la secourusmes et nourrismes
- à nostre possible, et l'ayant tolerablement instruite, la baptisasmes.
- Elle fut appelée Antoynette de Pons, en memoire et recognoissance de
- tant de benefices qu'avons receus et recevons de Madame la Marquise de
- Guercheville; et laditte Dame se peut resjouir que jà son nom est au
- ciel, car quelques jours aprés son baptesme, cette ame choysie s'envola
- en ce lieu de gloire.
- I saw this girl, eight or nine years old, all benumbed and nothing
- but skin and bone. I asked the parents to give her to me to
- baptize. They answered that if I wished to have her they would
- give her up to me entirely. For to them she was no better than
- a dead dog. They spoke like this because they are accustomed to
- abandon altogether those whom they have once judged incurable. We
- accepted the offer, so that they might see the difference between
- [51] Christianity and their ungodliness. We had this poor skeleton
- brought into one of the cabins of the settlement, where we cared
- for and nourished her as well as we could, and when she had been
- fairly well instructed we baptized her. She was named Antoynette de
- Pons, in grateful remembrance of the many favors we have received
- and are receiving from Madame la Marquise de Guercheville, who may
- rejoice that already her name is in heaven, for a few days after
- baptism this chosen soul flew away to that glorious place.
- Ce luy aussy fut nostre premier né, sur lequel nous avons pu dire ce
- que Ioseph prononça sur le sien, que Dieu nous avoit faict oublier
- tous nos travaux passés et la maison de nostre Père. Mais à propos de
- ce que les Sauvages abandonnent leurs malades, une autre occasion de
- semblablement exercer la charité chrestienne envers ces délaissés, a eu
- son issüe plus joyeuse, et profitable pour détromper ces nations. Cette
- occasion fut telle.
- This was also our firstborn, for whose sake we could say, as Joseph
- did about his, that God had made us forget all our past hardships
- and the homes of our Fathers. But in speaking of the Savages
- abandoning their sick, another similar occasion to exercise charity
- toward those who are deserted has had a more happy issue and one
- more useful in undeceiving these people. This occasion was as
- follows:
- Le second fils du grand sagamo Membertou, de qui nous parlerons
- tantost, appelé _Actodin_, jà chrestien et marrié, estoit tombé en
- une griefve maladie. Monsieur de Potrincourt, s'en allant en France,
- l'avoit visité, et, comme il est bon seigneur, l'avoit invité de se
- faire porter en l'habitation, pour y estre medicamenté. Je m'attendois
- à cela, qu'on [52] le nous apporteroit; mais on n'en faisoit rien. Ce
- voyant, pour ne laisser cette ame en danger, je m'y en allay de là à
- quelques jours (car il estoit à 5 lieuës de l'habitation). Mais je
- trouvay mon malade en un bel estat. On estoit sur le poinct de faire
- tabagie ou convive solemnel sur son dernier adieu. Trois ou quatre
- vastes chaudieres bouilloyent sur le feu. Il avoit sa belle robe soubs
- soy (car c'estoit en esté), et se preparoit à sa harangue funebre.
- La harangue devoit finir en l'adieu et comploration commune de tous.
- L'adieu et le deuil se clost par l'occision des chiens à ce que le
- mourant ait des avants-coureurs en l'autre monde. L'Occision des chiens
- est accostée de la tabagie et de ce qui suyt la tabagie, du chant et
- des danses. Après cela, il n'est plus loysible au malade de manger ou
- demander aucun secours, ains se doibt jà tenir pour un des manes ou
- citoyens de l'autre vie. Je trouvay donc mon hoste en tel estat.
- The second son of the grand sagamore Membertou, of whom we shall
- speak by and by, named _Actodin_, already a christian, and married,
- fell dangerously ill. Monsieur de Potrincourt, as he was about
- to depart for France, had visited him; and being a kind-hearted
- gentleman, had asked him to let himself be taken to the settlement
- for treatment. I was expecting this suggestion [52] to be carried
- out; but they did nothing of the kind. When this became evident,
- not to leave this soul in danger, I went there after a few days
- (for it was five leagues from the settlement). But I found my
- patient in a fine state. They were just about to celebrate tabagie,
- or a solemn feast, over his last farewell. Three or four immense
- kettles were boiling over the fire. He had his beautiful robe under
- him (for it was summer), and was preparing for his funeral oration.
- The oration was to close with the usual adieus and lamentations
- of all present. The farewell and the mourning are finished by the
- slaughter of dogs, that the dying man may have forerunners in the
- other world. This slaughter is accompanied by the tabagie and what
- follows it--namely, the singing and dancing. After that it is no
- longer lawful for the sick man to eat or to ask any help, but he
- must already consider himself one of the "manes," or citizens of
- the other world. Now it was in this state that I found my host.
- I'invectivay contre cette façon de faire, plus de geste que de langue,
- car pour la langue, mes interpretes ne disoyent pas la dixiesme partie
- de ce que je voulois. Neantmoins le vieil Membertou, pere du malade,
- conceut assés l'affaire, et me promit qu'on s'arresteroit à tout ce
- que j'en dirois. Ie luy dis donc que pour l'adieu et deuil moderé, et
- encores pour la tabagie, cela se pourroit tolerer; mais [53] que le
- carnage des chiens, et les chants et danses sur un trespassant, et
- beaucoup moins l'abandonnement d'iceluy, ne me playsoyent point; que
- plus tost, selon qu'ils avoyent promis à Monsieur de Potrincourt, ils
- l'envoyassent en l'habitation; qu'à l'ayde de Dieu, il pourroit bien
- encore guerir. Ils me donnerent parolle d'ainsy faire le tout; ce
- neantmoins, le languissant ne nous fut apporté que deux jours après.
- I denounced this way of doing things, more by actions than by
- words; for, as to talking, my interpreters did not repeat the tenth
- part of what I wanted them to say. Nevertheless, old Membertou,
- father of the sick man, understood the affair well enough, and
- promised me that they would stop just where I wanted them to.
- Then I told him that the farewells and a moderate display of
- mourning, and even the tabagie, would be permitted, but [53]
- that the slaughter of the dogs, and the songs and dances over a
- dying person, and what was much worse, leaving him to die alone,
- displeased me very much; that it would be better, according to
- their promise to Monsieur de Potrincourt, to have him brought
- to the settlement, that, with the help of God, he might yet
- recover. They gave me their word that they would do all that I
- wished; nevertheless, the dying man was not brought until two days
- afterward.
- Il prenoit des symptomes si mortels, que souvent nous n'attendions
- sinon qu'il nous demeurast entre les mains. En effet un soir, sa
- femme et enfans l'abandonnerent entierement, et s'en allerent cabaner
- ailleurs, pensant que c'en estoit vuidé. Si pleut-il à Dieu tromper
- heureusement leur desespoir; car, de là à peu de jours, il fut plein de
- santé, et l'est encore aujourd'hui (à Dieu en soit la gloire); ce que
- M. Hébert, Parisien et maistre en Pharmacie assés cognu, qui solicitoit
- ledit malade, m'a souvent asseuré estre un vray miracle. De moi, je ne
- sçay qu'en dire, d'autant que je ne veux affirmer ny le si ny le non
- en ce dont je n'ay évidence. Cela scay-je, que nous mismes sur le dit
- languissant un os des precieuses reliques du glorieux Sainct Laurens,
- archevesque de Dublin en Hibernie, que M. de la Place, digne abbé
- d'Eu, et Messieurs les Prieurs et Chapitre de laditte abbaye d'Eu nous
- donnerent de leur grace pour convoyer nostre voyage en ces quartiers.
- Nous [54] doncques mismes sur le malade de ces sainctes reliques,
- faisant vœu pour luy, et depuis il emmeilleura.
- His symptoms became so serious that often we expected nothing less
- than that he would die on our hands. In fact, one evening, his wife
- and children deserted him entirely and went to settle elsewhere,
- thinking it was all over with him. But it pleased God to prove
- their despair unfounded; for a few days afterwards he was in good
- health and is so to-day (to God be the glory); which M. Hébert,
- of Paris, a well-known master in Pharmacy, who attended the said
- patient, often assured me was a genuine miracle. For my part, I
- scarcely know what to say; inasmuch as I do not care either to
- affirm or deny a thing of which I have no proof. This I do know,
- that we put upon the sufferer a bone taken from the precious relics
- of the glorified Saint Lawrence, archbishop of Dublin in Ireland,
- which M. de la Place, the estimable abbé d'Eu, and the Priors and
- Canons of the said abbey d'Eu, kindly gave us for our protection
- during the voyage to these lands. So we [54] placed some of these
- holy relics upon the sick man, at the same time offering our vows
- for him, and then he improved.
- Par cet exemple, Membertou, le pere du guery, comme j'ay dict cy
- devant, fut fort confirmé en la foy, et à cette cause sentant le mal
- dont depuis il est decedé, voulut aussy tost estre apporté icy; et
- quoyque nostre cabane soit tant estroitte que trois personnes estant
- dedans, à peine s'y peuvent-elles remuer, neantmoins si demanda-t-il
- de grande confiance qu'il avoit en nous, d'estre logé dans l'un de nos
- deux licts; ce qu'il fut pour six jours. Mais après, sa femme, fille
- et brue estans venues, il cogneut bien de luy mesme qu'il falloit
- tramarcher; ce qu'il fit, s'excusant fort, et nous demandant pardon du
- continuel travail qu'il nous avoit donné jour et nuict en son service.
- Certes le changement de lieu et traitement ne lui allegea pas son mal.
- Par ainsy, le voyant sur son declin, je le confessay au mieux que je
- pus, et luy après (c'est tout leur testament) fit sa harangue. Or en
- sa harangue, entre autres choses il dict sa volonté estre d'avoir
- sepulture avec ses femmes et enfants, ez-anciens monumens de sa maison.
- Influenced by this example, Membertou, the father of the one who
- had recovered, as I have said before, was very strongly confirmed
- in the faith; and because he was then feeling the approach of the
- malady from which he has since died, he wished to be brought here
- immediately; and although our cabin is so narrow that when three
- people are in it they can scarcely turn around, nevertheless,
- showing his implicit confidence in us, he asked to be placed in one
- of our two beds, where he remained for six days. But afterwards
- his wife, daughter, and daughter-in-law having come, he himself
- recognized the necessity of leaving, and did so with profuse
- excuses, asking our pardon for the continual trouble he had given
- us in waiting upon him day and night. Certainly the change of
- location and treatment did not improve him any. So then, seeing
- that his life was drawing to a close, I confessed him as well as I
- could; and after that he delivered his oration (this is their sole
- testament). Now, among other things in this speech, he said that
- he wished to be buried with his wife and children, and among the
- ancient tombs of his family.
- Ie me monstray fort mal content de cecy, craingnant que les Françoys
- et Sauvages ne prinssent de la suspicion qu'il n'estoit mort gueres
- bon Chrestien. [55] Mais on m'opposa que telle promesse lui avoit esté
- faicte avant qu'il fut baptisé; et qu'autrement si on l'enterroit en
- nostre cimetière, ses enfans et amis ne nous viendroyent jamais plus
- veoir, puisque c'est la façon de cette nation d'abhorrer toute memoire
- de la mort et des morts.
- I manifested great dissatisfaction with this, fearing that the
- French and Savages would suspect that he had not died a good
- Christian. [55] But I was assured that this promise had been made
- before he was baptized, and that otherwise, if he were buried
- in our cemetery, his children and his friends would never again
- come to see us, since it is the custom of this nation to shun all
- reminders of death and of the dead.
- Je disputay contre, et avec moy M. de Biancourt (car c'est quasi mon
- unique truchement), neantmoins en vain; le mourant demeuroit resolu.
- Le soir assez tard, nous luy donnasmes l'extreme onction, puisque
- autrement il y estoit assez preparé. Voyez l'efficace du sacrement:
- le lendemain matin, il mande M. de Biancourt et moy, et de nouveau il
- recommence sa harangue. Par icelle il declaroit avoir de soy mesme
- changé de volonté; qu'il entendoit d'estre inhumé avec nous, commandant
- à ses enfans de ne point pour cela fuyr le lieu comme infideles, ains
- d'autant plus le frequenter comme chrestiens, à celle fin d'y prier
- pour son ame et pleurer ses pechez. Il recommanda aussi la paix avec
- M. de Potrincourt et son fils; que de luy, il avait toujours aymé les
- Françoys, et avoit souvent empesché plusieurs conspirations contre eux.
- De là à peu d'heures il mourut entre mes mains fort chrestiennement.
- I opposed this, and M. de Biancourt, for he is almost my only
- interpreter, joined with me, but in vain; the dying man was
- obdurate. Rather late that evening we administered extreme unction
- to him, for otherwise he was sufficiently prepared for it. Behold
- now the efficacy of the sacrament; the next morning he asks for
- M. de Biancourt and me, and again begins his harangue. In this he
- declares that he has, of his own free will, changed his mind; that
- he intends to be buried with us, commanding his children not, for
- that reason, to shun the place like unbelievers, but to frequent
- it all the more, like christians, to pray for his soul and to weep
- over his sins. He also recommended peace with M. de Potrincourt and
- his son; as for him, he had always loved the French, and had often
- prevented conspiracies against them. A few hours afterward he died
- a christian death in my arms.
- C'a esté le plus grand, renommé et redouté sauvage qui ayt esté
- de memoire d'homme: de riche [56] taille, et plus hault et membru
- que n'est l'ordinaire des autres, barbu comme un françoys, estant
- ainsy que quasi pas un des autres n'a du poil au menton; discret et
- grave, ressentant bien son homme de commandement. Dieu luy gravoit
- en l'ame une apprehension plus grande du Christianisme, que n'estoit
- ce qu'il en avoit pu ouyr, et m'a souvent dict en son sauvageois.
- "Apprend vistement nostre langue, car aussy tost que tu la sçauras
- et m'auras bien enseingné, je veux estre prescheur comme toy." Avant
- mesme sa conversion, il n'a jamais voulu avoir plus d'une femme
- vivante; ce qu'est esmerveillable, d'autant que les grands sagamos
- de ce païs entretiennent un nombreux serail, non plus pour luxure,
- que pour ambition, gloire et necessité: pour ambition, à celle fin
- d'avoir plusieurs enfans, en quoy gist leur puissance; pour gloire et
- necessité, d'autant qu'ils n'ont autres artisans, agens, serviteurs,
- pourvoyeurs ou esclaves que les femmes; elles soustiennent tout le faix
- et fatigue de la vie.
- This was the greatest, most renowned and most formidable savage
- within the memory of man; of splendid [56] physique, taller and
- larger-limbed than is usual among them; bearded like a Frenchman,
- although scarcely any of the others have hair upon the chin;
- grave and reserved; feeling a proper sense of dignity for his
- position as commander. God impressed upon his soul a greater idea
- of Christianity than he has been able to form from hearing about
- it, and he has often said to me in his savage tongue: "Learn our
- language quickly, for as soon as thou knowest it and hast taught
- me well I wish to become a preacher like thee." Even before his
- conversion he never cared to have more than one living wife, which
- is wonderful, as the great sagamores of this country maintain a
- numerous seraglio, no more through licentiousness than through
- ambition, glory and necessity; for ambition, to the end that they
- may have many children, wherein lies their power; for fame and
- necessity, since they have no other artisans, agents, servants,
- purveyors or slaves than the women; they bear all the burdens and
- toil of life.
- C'a esté le premier de tous les Sauvages qui en ces régions aye receu
- le baptesme et l'extreme-onction, le premier et le dernier sacrement,
- et le premier qui, de son mandement et ordonnance, aye été inhumé
- chrestiennement. Monsieur de Biancourt honora ses obsèques, imitant
- à son possible les [57] honneurs qu'on rend en France aux grands
- Capitaines et Seigneurs.
- He was the first of all the Savages in these parts to receive
- baptism and extreme unction, the first and the last sacraments;
- and the first one who, by his own command and decree, has received
- a christian burial. Monsieur de Biancourt honored his obsequies,
- imitating as far as possible the [57] honors which are shown to
- great Captains and Noblemen in France.
- Or, à ce que l'on craigne les jugemens de Dieu, aussy bien que l'on
- ayme sa misericorde, je mettray icy la fin d'un françoys, en laquelle
- Dieu a monstré sa justice, aussy bien qu'en celle de Membertou nous
- recognoissons sa grâce. Celuy-cy avoit souvent esvadé le danger d'estre
- noyé, et tout fraischement le beau jour de la Pentecoste derniére. Le
- bénéfice fut mal recogneu. Pour n'en rien dire de plus, la veille de S.
- Pierre et S. Paul, comme le soir on fust entré en discours des perils
- de mer, et des vœux qu'on faict aux Saincts en semblables hazards, ce
- miserable se print à s'en rire et moquer impudemment, se gaudissant
- de ceux de la compagnie qu'on disoit en telles rencontre savoir esté
- religieu. Il eut tost son guerdon. Le lendemain matin, un coup de vent
- l'emporta tout seul dehors de la chaloupe dans les vagues, et jamais
- depuis, n'est apparu.
- Now, that the judgments of God may be feared as much as his mercies
- are loved, I shall here record the death of a Frenchman, in which
- God has shown his justice as much as he has given us evidence of
- his mercy, in the death of Membertou. This man had often escaped
- drowning, and only recently upon the blessed day of last Pentecost.
- He showed but little gratitude for this favor. Not to make the
- story too long, the evening before St. Peter's and St. Paul's day,
- as they were discoursing upon the perils of the sea, and upon the
- vows made to the Saints in similar dangers, this wretch began
- impudently to laugh and to sneer, jeering at those of the company
- who were said to have been religious upon such occasions. He soon
- had his reward. The next morning a gust of wind carried him, and
- him only, out of the boat into the waves, and he was never seen
- again.
- Mais laissons l'eau et venons à la rive. Si la terre de cette nouvelle
- France avoit aucun sentiment, ainsy que les Poëtes feignent de leur
- deesse Tellus, sans doubte elle eust eu un ressentiment bien nouveau de
- liesse cette année; car, Dieu mercy, ayans eu fort heureuses moissons
- de ce peu qui avoit esté labouré du recueilly nous avons faict des
- hosties, et nous les avons offertes à Dieu. Ce sont, comme nous [58]
- croyons, les premieres hosties qui ayent esté faites du froment de ce
- terroir. Notre Seigneur par sa bonté les aye voulu recevoir en odeur
- de suavité, et, comme dict le Psalmiste, _veuille donner benignité,
- puisque la terre luy a rendu son fruict_.
- But let us leave the water and come on shore. If the ground of
- this new France had feeling, as the Poets pretend their goddess
- Tellus had, doubtless it would have experienced an altogether
- novel sensation of joy this year, for, thank God, having had very
- successful crops from the little that was tilled, we made from the
- harvest some hosts [wafers for consecration] and offered them to
- God. These are, as we [58] believe, the first hosts which have been
- made from the wheat of these lands. May Our Lord, in his goodness,
- have consented to receive them as fragrant offerings and in the
- words of the Psalmist, _may he give graciously, since the earth has
- yielded him its fruits_.
- C'est assés demeuré à la maison; sortons un peu dehors, comme nous
- avons promis de faire, et racontons ce qui s'est passé par le pays.
- We have stayed at home long enough; let us go abroad a little, as
- we promised to do, and relate what has taken place in the country.
- J'ay faict deux voyages avec M. de Biancourt, l'un de quelques douze
- jours, l'autre d'un mois et demy, et avons rodé toute la coste dés
- Port-Royal jusques à Kinibéqui, ouest-sud ouest. Nous sommes entrez
- dans les grandes rivières de S. Iean, de Saincte Croix, de Pentegoet
- et du sus-nommé Kinibéqui; avons visité les Françoys, qui ont hyverné
- icy cette année en deux parts, en la rivière S. Iean et en celle de
- Saincte-Croix: les Malouins en la riviere S. Iean, et le capitaine
- Plastrier à Saincte Croix.
- I made two journeys with M. de Biancourt, the one lasting about
- twelve days, the other a month and a half; and we have ranged the
- entire coast from Port Royal to Kinibéqui,[2] west southwest. We
- entered the great rivers St. John, Saincte Croix, Pentegoët,[3] and
- the above-named Kinibéqui; we visited the French who have wintered
- there this year in two places, at the St. John river and at the
- river Saincte Croix; the Malouins at the former place, and captain
- Plastrier at the latter.[4]
- Durant ces voyages, Dieu nous a sauvez de grands et bien éminents
- dangers, et souvent; mais quoy que nous les debvions tousjours retenir
- en la mémoire pour n'en estre ingrats, il n'est pas necessaire que
- nous les couchions tous sur le papier, de peur d'être ennuyeux. Ie
- raconteray seulement ce qu'à mon advis on orroit plus volontiers.
- During these journeys, God often delivered us from great and very
- conspicuous dangers; but, although we ought always to bear them in
- mind, that we may not be ungrateful, there is no need of setting
- them all down upon paper, lest we become wearisome. I shall relate
- only what, in my opinion, will be the most interesting.
- Nous allions voir les Malouins, sçavoir est, le [59] Sieur du Pont
- le jeune, et le capitaine Merveilles, qui, comme nous avons dict,
- hyvernoyent en la rivière S. Jean, en une isle appelée Emenenic, avant
- contremont le fleuve quelques six lieues. Nous estions encore à une
- lieuë et demye de l'isle, qu'il estoit jà soir et la fin du crepuscule.
- Ià les estoilles commençoyent à se monstrer, quand voicy que vers le
- Nord soudainement une partie du ciel devint aussy rouge et sanguine
- qu'escarlate, et s'estendant peu à peu en piques et fuseaux, s'en alla
- droict reposer sur l'habitation des Malouins. La rougeur estoit si
- esclatante, que toute la rivière s'en teingnoit et en reluysoit. Cette
- apparition dura demy quart d'heure, et aussy tost après la disparition,
- en recommença une autre de mesme forme, cours et consistance.
- We went to see the Malouins; namely, [59] Sieur du Pont, the
- younger, and captain Merveilles, who, as we have said, were
- wintering at St. John river, upon an island called Emenenic, some
- six leagues up the river. We were still one league and a half from
- the island when the twilight ended and night came on. The stars
- had already begun to appear, when suddenly, toward the Northward,
- a part of the heavens became blood-red: and this light spreading,
- little by little, in vivid streaks and flashes, moved directly over
- the settlement of the Malouins and there stopped. The red glow was
- so brilliant that the whole river was tinged and made luminous by
- it. This apparition lasted some eight minutes, and as soon as it
- disappeared another came of the same form, direction and appearance.
- Il n'y eut celuy de nous qui ne jugeast tel metheore prodigieux. Pour
- nos Sauvages, ils s'escrierent aussy tost: _Gara gara enderquir Gara
- gara_; c'est-à-dire, nous aurons guerre; tels signales denoncent
- guerre. Neantmoins, et nostre abord cette soirée, et le lendemain
- matin nostre descente fut fort amiable et pacifique. Le jour, rien
- qu'amitié. Mais (malheur!) le soir venu, tout se vira, ne sçay comment,
- le dessus dessous; entre nos gens et ceux de S. Malo, confusion,
- brouillis, fureur, tintamarre. Ie ne doubte point qu'une mauditte bande
- de furieux et [60] sanguinaires esprits ne voltigeast toute cette nuit
- là, attendant à chaque heure et moment un horrible massacre de ce peu
- de Chrestiens qui estions là; mais la bonté de Dieu les brida, les
- malheureux. Il n'y eut aucun sang espandu, et le jour suyvant, cette
- nocturne bourrasque finit en un beau et plaisant calme, les ombrages et
- fantosmes ténébreux s'estant esvanouis en serenité lumineuse.
- There was not one of us who did not consider this meteoric display
- prophetic. As to the Savages, they immediately cried out, _Gara
- gara enderquir Gara gara_, meaning we shall have war, such signs
- announce war. Nevertheless, both our arrival that evening and our
- landing the next morning were very quiet and peaceful. During the
- day, nothing but friendliness. But (alas!) when evening came,
- I know not how, everything was turned topsy-turvy; confusion,
- discord, rage, uproar reigned between our people and those of
- St. Malo. I do not doubt that a cursed band of furious and [60]
- sanguinary spirits were hovering about all this night, expecting
- every hour and moment a horrible massacre of the few Christians who
- were there; but the goodness of God restrained the poor wretches.
- There was no bloodshed; and the next day, this nocturnal storm
- ended in a beautiful and delightful calm, the dark shadows and
- spectres giving way to a luminous peace.
- De vray, la bonté et prudence de M. de Biancourt parust fort emmy ce
- fortunal de passions humaines. Mais aussy je recogneus assés que le feu
- et les armes estans une fois entre les mains de gens mal disciplinés,
- les maistres ont beaucoup à craindre et à souffrir de leurs propres. Ie
- ne sçay s'il y eust aucun qui fermast l'œil de toute cette nuit. Pour
- moy je fis prou de belles propositions et promesses à Nostre Seigneur,
- de ne jamais oublier ce sien benefice, s'il plaisoit faire qu'aucun
- sang ne fust respandu. Ce qu'il nous donna de son infinie misericorde.
- In truth, M. de Biancourt's goodness and prudence seemed much
- shaken by this tempest of human passions. But I also saw, very
- clearly that if fire and arms were once put into the hands of badly
- disciplined men, the masters have much to fear and suffer from
- their own servants. I do not know that there was one who closed
- his eyes during that night. For me, I made many fine propositions
- and promises to Our Lord, never to forget this, his goodness, if
- he were pleased to avert all bloodshed. This he granted in his
- infinite mercy.
- Il estoit trois heures aprés midy du jour suyvant, que je n'avois pas
- eu encores loysir de sentir la faim, tant j'estois empesché à aller et
- venir des uns aux autres. Enfin environ ce temps là, tout fut accoysé,
- Dieu mercy.
- It was three o'clock in the afternoon of the next day before I
- had time to feel hungry, so constantly had I been obliged to go
- back and forth from one to the other. At last, about that time
- everything was settled, thank God.
- Certes le capitaine Merveilles et ses gens monstrerent leur piété
- non vulgaire. Car nonobstant cet heurt et rencontre si troublant, le
- deuxiesme jour [61] d'après, ils se confesserent et communierent avec
- grand exemple, et si, à nostre départir, ils me prierent instamment
- trestous et par spécial le jeune du Pont, de les aller veoir et
- demeurer avec eux à ma commodité. Ie leur promis d'ainsy le faire, et
- n'en attends que les moyens. Car de vray j'ayme ces gens de bien de
- tout mon cœur.
- Certainly captain Merveilles and his people showed unusual piety.
- For notwithstanding this so annoying encounter and conflict, two
- days [61] afterwards they confessed and took communion in a very
- exemplary manner; and so, at our departure, they all begged me very
- earnestly, and particularly young du Pont, to come and see them
- and stay with them as long as I liked. I promised to do so, and am
- only waiting for the opportunity. For in truth I love these honest
- people with all my heart.
- Mais, départans un peu de pensée d'avec eux, comme nous fismes lors de
- presence, continuons nostre route et voyage. Au retour de cette rivière
- Sainct Jean, nostre voyage s'addressoit jusques aux Armouchiquoys. Deux
- causes principales esmouvoyent à cela M. de Biancourt: la premiere,
- pour avoir nouvelle des Angloys, et sçavoir si on pourroit avoir raison
- d'eux; la seconde affin de troquer du bled armouchiquoys, pour nous
- ayder à passer nostre hyver, et ne point mourir de faim, en cas que
- nous ne receussions aucun secours de France.
- But dismissing them from our thoughts for the time being, as we
- did then from our presence, let us continue our journey. Upon
- our return from this river Saint John, our route turned towards
- the country of the Armouchiquoys. Two principal causes led M. de
- Biancourt to take this route: first, in order to have news of
- the English, and to find out if it would be possible to obtain
- satisfaction from them; secondly, to buy some armouchiquoys corn to
- help us pass the winter, and not die of hunger in case we did not
- receive help from France.
- Pour entendre la première cause, faut sçavoir que peu auparavant,
- le capitaine Platrier de Honfleur, cy devant nommé, voulant aller
- à Kinibéqui, il fut saisy prisonnier par deux navires angloys qui
- estoient en une isle appelée Emmetenic, à 8 lieües dudit Kinibéqui.
- Son relaschement fut moyennant quelques presents (ainsy parle-t-on
- pour parler doucement) et la promesse qu'il fit d'obtemperer aux
- prohibitions à luy faictes, de point negotier en toute [62] cette
- coste. Car les Angloys s'en veulent dire maistres, et sur ce ils
- produysoyent des lettres de leur Roy, mais à ce que nous croyons
- fausses.
- To understand the first cause you must know that, a little while
- before, captain Platrier, of Honfleur, already mentioned, wishing
- to go to Kinibéqui, was taken prisoner by two English ships
- which were at an island called Emmetenic,[85] eight leagues from
- Kinibéqui. His release was effected by means of presents (this
- expresses it mildly), and by his promise to comply with the
- interdictions laid upon him not to trade anywhere upon all [62]
- this coast. For the English want to be considered masters of it,
- and they produced letters from their King to this effect, but these
- we believe to be false.
- Or Monsieur de Biancourt ayant ouy tout cecy de la bouche mesme du
- capitaine Platrier, il remontra serieusement à ces gens combien il
- importoit à luy, officier de la Couronne et Lieutenant de son pere,
- combien aussy à tout bon Françoys, d'aller au rencontre de cette
- usurpation des Anglois tant contrariante aux droits et possessions de
- sa Majesté. "Car, disoit-il, il est à tous notoire (pour ne reprendre
- l'affaire de plus hault) que le grand Henry, que Dieu absolve, suyvant
- les droicts acquis par ses prédecesseurs et luy, donna à Monsieur des
- Monts, l'an 1604, toute cette région depuis le 40^{e} degré d'élévation
- jusques au 46. Depuis laquelle donation ledit Seigneur des Monts, par
- soy mesme et par Monsieur de Potrincourt, mon très-honoré pere, son
- lieutenant, et par autres, a prins souvent reelle possession de toute
- la contrée, et trois et quatre ans avant que jamais les Angloys ayent
- habitué, ou que jamais on aye rien entendu de cette leur vindication."
- Ceci et plusieurs autres choses discouroit ledit Sieur de Biancourt
- encourageant ses gens.
- Now, Monsieur de Biancourt, having heard all this from the mouth of
- captain Platrier himself, remonstrated earnestly with these people,
- showing how important it was to him, an officer of the Crown
- and his father's Lieutenant, and also how important to all good
- Frenchmen, to oppose this usurpation of the English, so contrary
- to the rights and possessions of his Majesty. "For," said he, "it
- is well known to all (not to go back any farther in the case) that
- the great Henry, may God give him absolution, in accordance with
- the rights, acquired by his predecessors and by himself, gave to
- Monsieur des Monts, in the year 1604, all this region from the 40th
- to the 46th parallel of latitude. Since this donation, the said
- Seigneur des Monts, himself and through Monsieur de Potrincourt,
- my very honored father, his lieutenant, and through others, has
- frequently taken actual possession of all the country; and this,
- three or four years before the English had ever frequented it, or
- before anything had ever been heard of these claims of theirs."
- This and several other things were said by Sieur de Biancourt to
- encourage his people.
- Moy, j'avois deux autres causes qui me poussoyent au mesme voyage:
- l'une, pour accompagner [63] d'ayde spirituel ledict Sieur de Biancourt
- et ses gens; l'autre, pour cognoistre et voir la disposition de ces
- nations à recevoir le saint evangile. Telles doncques estoyent les
- causes de nostre voyage.
- As for me, I had two other reasons which impelled me to take this
- journey: One, to give [63] spiritual aid to Sieur de Biancourt and
- his people; the other, to observe and to study the disposition of
- these nations to receive the holy gospel. Such, then, were the
- causes of our journey.
- Nous arrivasmes à Kinibequi, 80 lieuës de Port-Royal, le 28 d'octobre,
- jour de S. Simon et S. Jude, de la mesme année 1611. Aussy tost nos
- gens mirent pied à terre, desireux de veoir le fort des Angloys; car
- nous avions appris par les chemins, qu'il n'y avoit personne. Or, comme
- de nouveau tout est beau, ce fust à louër et vanter cette entreprise
- des Angloys, et raconter les commodités du lieu; chacun en disoit ce
- que plus il prisoit. Mais de là à quelques jours, on changea bien
- d'advis; car on vid y avoir beau moyen de faire un contrefort qui les
- eust emprisonnés et privés de la mer et de la riviere; item que quand
- bien on les eust laissez là, si n'eussent-ils point jouy pourtant des
- commodités de la riviere, puisqu'elle a plusieurs autres et belles
- emboucheures bien distantes de là. Davantage, ce qu'est le pis, nous ne
- croyons pas que de là à six lieuës à l'entour il y ayt un seul arpent
- de terre bien labourable, le sol n'estant tout de pierre et roche. Or,
- d'autant que le vent nous contrarioit à passer outre, le troisiesme
- jour venu, Monsieur de Biancourt [64] tourna l'incident en conseil
- et se delibera de recevoir l'ayde du vent, à refouler contremont la
- riviere, pour la bien recognoistre.
- We arrived at Kinibéqui, eighty leagues from Port Royal, the 28th
- of October, the day of St. Simon and St. Jude, of the same year,
- 1611. Our people at once disembarked, wishing to see the English
- fort, for we had learned, on the way, that there was no one there.
- Now as everything is beautiful at first, this undertaking of the
- English had to be praised and extolled, and the conveniences of
- the place enumerated, each one pointing out what he valued the
- most. But a few days afterward they changed their views; for they
- saw that there was a fine opportunity for making a counter-fort
- there, which might have imprisoned them and cut them off from the
- sea and river; moreover, even if they had been left unmolested
- they would not have enjoyed the advantages of the river, since it
- has several other mouths, and good ones, some distance from there.
- Furthermore, what is worse, we do not believe that, in six leagues
- of the surrounding country, there is a single acre of good tillable
- land, the soil being nothing but stones and rocks. Now, inasmuch
- as the wind forced us to go on, when the third day came, Monsieur
- de Biancourt [64] considered the subject in council and decided
- to take advantage of the wind and go on up the river, in order to
- thoroughly explore it.
- Nous avions advancé jà bien trois lieuës, et le flot nous manquant
- nous estions mis à l'anchre au milieu de la riviere; quand voicy que
- nous descouvrons six canots Armouchiquois venir à nous. Ils estoyent
- 24 personnes dedans, tous gens de combat. Ils firent mille tentatives
- et ceremonies avant que nous aborder. Vous les eussiez parfaictement
- comparez à une troupe d'oyseaux, laquelle desire d'entrer en une
- cheneviere, mais elle craind l'espouvantail. Cela nous plaisoit fort,
- car aussy nos gens avoyent besoin de temps pour s'armer et pavier.
- Enfin ils vindrent et revindrent, ils recogneurent, considererent
- finement nostre nombre, nos pieces, nos armes, tout; et la nuict venuë,
- ils se logerent à l'autre bord du fleuve, sinon hors la portée, du
- moins hors la mire de nos canons.
- We had already advanced three good leagues, and had dropped
- anchor in the middle of the river waiting for the tide, when we
- suddenly discovered six Armouchiquois canoes coming towards us.
- There were twenty-four persons therein, all warriors. They went
- through a thousand maneuvers and ceremonies before accosting us,
- and might have been compared to a flock of birds which wanted to
- go into a hemp-field but feared the scarecrow. We were very much
- pleased at this, for our people also needed to arm themselves and
- arrange the pavesade. In short, they continued to come and go; they
- reconnoitred; they carefully noted our numbers, our cannon, our
- arms, everything; and when night came they camped upon the other
- bank of the river, if not out of reach, at least beyond the aim of
- our cannon.
- Toute la nuit ce ne fust que haranguer, chanter, danser; car telle est
- la vie de toutes ces gens lorsqu'ils sont en troupe. Or comme nous
- presumions probablement que leurs chants et danses estoyent invocations
- du diable, pour contrecarrer l'empire de ce maudict tyran, je fis que
- nos gens chantassent [65] quelques hymnes eclesiastiques, comme le
- _Salve_, l'_Ave Maris stella_ et autres. Mais comme ils furent une
- fois en train de chanter, les chansons spirituelles leur manquant,
- ils se jetterent aux autres qu'ils sçavoyent. Estant encores à la fin
- de celles cy, comme c'est le naturel du François de tout imiter, ils
- se prindrent à contrefaire le chant et danse des Armouchiquois, qui
- estoyent à la rive, les contrefaisant si bien en tout, que, pour les
- escouter, les Armouchiquois se taysoient; et puis nos gens se taysans,
- reciproquement eux recommençoyent. Vrayment il y avoit beau rire: car
- vous eussiés dict que c'estoyent deux chœurs qui s'entendoient fort
- bien, et à peine eussiés vous pû distinguer le vray Armouchiquois
- d'avec le feinct.
- All night there was continual haranguing, singing and dancing,
- for such is the kind of life all these people lead when they are
- together. Now as we supposed that probably their songs and dances
- were invocations to the devil, to oppose the power of this cursed
- tyrant, I had our people sing [65] some sacred hymns, as the
- _Salve_, the _Ave Maris Stella_, and others. But when they once
- got into the way of singing, the spiritual songs being exhausted,
- they took up others with which they were familiar. When they came
- to the end of these, as the French are natural mimics, they began
- to mimic the singing and dancing of the Armouchiquois who were
- upon the bank, succeeding in it so well that the Armouchiquois
- stopped to listen to them; and then our people stopped and the
- others immediately began again. It was really very comical, for
- you would have said that they were two choirs which had a thorough
- understanding with each other, and scarcely could you distinguish
- the real Armouchiquois from their imitators.
- Le matin venu, nous poursuyvions notre route contremont. Eux, nous
- ayans accompagnez, nous dirent que si nous voulions du _piousquemin_
- (c'est leur bled), que nous debvions avec facilité prendre à droicte,
- et non avec grand travail et danger aller contremont; que prenant à
- droicte par le bras qui se monstroit, en peu d'heures, nous arriverions
- vers le grand sagamo Meteourmite, qui nous fourniroit de tout; qu'ils
- nous y serviroient de guides, car aussy bien s'en alloyent ils le
- visiter.
- In the morning we continued our journey up the river. The
- Armouchiquois, who were accompanying us, told us that if we wanted
- any _piousquemin_ (corn), it would be better and easier for us
- to turn to the right and not, with great difficulty and risk, to
- continue going up the river; that if we turned to the right through
- the branch which was just at hand, in a few hours we would reach
- the great sagamore Meteourmite, who would furnish us with all we
- wanted; that they would act as our guides, since they themselves
- were going to visit him.
- Il est à presumer, et en avons de grands indices, qu'ils ne nous
- donnoyent ce conseil sinon en intention [66] de nous prendre aux
- filets, et avoir bon marché de nous à l'ayde de Meteourmite, lequel ils
- sçavoient estre ennemy des Anglois, et le conjecturoient l'estre de
- tous estrangers. Mais, Dieu mercy, leurs embusches se tournerent contre
- eux.
- It is to be supposed, and there were strong indications of it, that
- they gave us this advice only with the intention [66] of ensnaring
- us, and making an easy conquest of us by the help of Meteourmite,
- whom they knew to be the enemy of the English, and whom they
- supposed to be an enemy of all foreigners. But, thank God, their
- ambuscade was turned against themselves.
- Cependant nous les creusmes; aussy partie d'eux s'en alloyent devant
- nous, partie après, partie aussy avec nous dedans la barque. Neantmoins
- Monsieur de Biancourt se tenoit tousiours sur ses gardes, et souvent
- faisoit marcher la chaloupe devant avec la sonde. Nous n'avions pas
- faict plus de demy lieue, quand, venus en un grand lac le sondeur nous
- crie: "Deux brasses d'eau, qu'une brasse, qu'une brasse partout." Aussy
- tost: Ameine, ameine, lasche l'anchre. Où sont nos Armouchiquois? où
- sont-ils? point. Ils nous avoyent trestous insensiblement quittés. O
- les traistres! ô que Dieu nous a bien aydés! Ils nous avoyent conduicts
- aux pieges. "Revire, revire." Nous retournons sur nostre route.
- However, we believed them; so a part of them went ahead of us, part
- behind, and some in the barque with us. Nevertheless Monsieur de
- Biancourt was always on his guard, and often sent the boat on ahead
- with the sounding-lead. We had not gone more than half a league
- when, reaching a large lake, the sounder called out to us: "Two
- fathoms of water; only one fathom, only one fathom everywhere,"
- and immediately afterward, "Stop! stop! cast anchor." Where are
- our Armouchiquois? Where are they? Not one. They had all silently
- disappeared. Oh, the traitors! Oh, how God had delivered us! They
- had led us into a trap. "Veer about, veer about." We retrace our
- path.
- Cependant Meteourmite ayant esté adverty de nostre venue, nous courroit
- au devant, et quoyqu'il nous vist tourner bride, si est-ce qu'il nous
- poursuyvit. Bien valut à Monsieur de Biancourt d'etre plus sage que
- plusieurs de son esquipage, qui ne crioyent lors que de tout tuer.
- Car ils estoyent en grande cholere et en non moindre crainte; mais la
- cholere faisoit plus de bruit.
- Meanwhile, Meteourmite having been informed of our coming, came
- to meet us, and, although he saw our prow turned about, yet he
- followed us. It was well that Monsieur de Biancourt was wiser than
- many of his crew, whose sole cry was to kill them all. For they
- were as angry as they were frightened: but their anger made the
- most noise.
- [67] Monsieur de Biancourt se reprima, et ne faisant pas autrement
- mauvaise chere à Meteourmite, apprit de luy qu'il y avoit une route par
- laquelle on pourroit passer; qu'à celle fin de ne la pas faillir, il
- nous donneroit de ses propres gens dedans nostre barque; qu'au reste
- vinssions à sa cabane, il tascheroit de nous donner contentement.
- Nous luy crusmes, et pensasmes nous en repentir; car nous passasmes
- des haults et destroicts si perilleux que ne cuidions quasi jamays en
- eschapper. D'effect, en deux endroits, aucuns de nos gens s'escrierent
- miserablement que nous estions trestous perdus. Mais, Dieu mercy, ils
- crierent trop tost.
- [67] Monsieur de Biancourt restrained himself, and not otherwise
- showing any ill-will toward Meteourmite, learned from him that
- there was a route by which they could pass; that in order not to
- miss it, he would let us have some of his own people in our barque;
- that, besides, if we would come to his wigwam he would try to
- satisfy us. We trusted him, and thought we might have to repent
- it; for we traversed such perilous heights and narrow passes that
- we never expected to escape from them. In fact, in two places some
- of our men cried out in distress that we were all lost. But, thank
- God, they cried too soon.
- Arrivés, Monsieur de Biancourt se mit en armes, pour en cet arroy
- aller veoir Meteourmite. Il le trouva en son hault appareil de majesté
- sauvagesque, seul dans une cabane bien nattée le haut et bas, et
- quelques quarante puissans jeunes hommes à l'entour de la cabane, en
- forme de corps de garde, chacun son pavois, son arc et flesches à terre
- au devant de soy. Ces gens ne sont point niais, nullement, et qu'on
- nous en croye.
- When we arrived, Monsieur de Biancourt armed himself, and thus
- arrayed proceeded to pay a visit to Meteourmite. He found him in
- the royal apparel of savage majesty, alone in a wigwam that was
- well matted above and below, and about forty powerful young men
- stationed around it like a body-guard, each one with his shield,
- his bow and arrows upon the ground in front of him. These people
- are by no means simpletons, and you may believe us when we say so.
- Pour moy, je receus, ce jour là, la plus grande part des caresses;
- car, comme j'estois sans armes, les plus honorables, laissans les
- soldats, se prindrent à moy avec mille significations d'amitié. Ils me
- conduysirent en la plus grande cabane de toutes; [68] elle contenoit
- bien 80 ames. Les places prinses, je me jettay à genoux, et ayant faict
- le signe de la croix, recitay mon _Pater_, _Ave_, _Credo_, et quelques
- oraisons; puis, ayant faict pause, mes hostes, comme s'ils m'eussent
- bien entendu, m'applaudirent en leur façon, s'escriant _Ho! ho! ho!_
- Ie leur donnay quelques croix et quelques images, leur en donnant à
- apprehender ce que je pouvois. Eux les baysoient fort volontiers,
- faisoyent le signe de la Croix, et, chacun pour soy, s'efforçoyent à me
- presenter ses enfans, à ce que je les benisse et leur donnasse quelque
- chose. Ainsy se passa cette visite, et une autre que je fis depuis.
- As for me, I received that day the greater part of the welcome;
- for, as I was unarmed, the most honorable of them, turning
- their backs upon the soldiers, approached me with a thousand
- demonstrations of friendship. They led me to the largest wigwam of
- all; [68] it contained fully eighty people. When they had taken
- their places, I fell upon my knees and repeated my _Pater_, _Ave_,
- _Credo_, and some orisons; then pausing, my hosts, as if they had
- understood me perfectly, applauded after their fashion, crying _Ho!
- ho! ho!_ I gave them some crosses and pictures, explaining them as
- well as I could. They very willingly kissed them, made the sign
- of the Cross, and each one in his turn endeavored to present his
- children to me, so that I would bless them and give them something.
- Thus passed that visit, and another that I have since made.
- Or Meteourmite avoit respondu à Monsieur de Biancourt, que pour le
- bled, ils n'en avoyent pas quantité; mais qu'ils avoyent aucunes peaux,
- s'il luy playsoit de troquer.
- Now Meteourmite had replied to Monsieur de Biancourt that as to
- the corn he did not have much, but he had some skins, if we were
- pleased to trade with him.
- Le matin doncques de la troque venu, je m'en allay en une isle
- voysine avec un garçon, pour là offrir l'hostie saincte de nostre
- reconciliation. Nos gens de la barque, pour n'estre surprins, soubs
- couleur de la troque, s'estoyent armez et barricadez, laissans place
- au milieu du tillac pour les Sauvages; mais en vain, car ils se
- jetterent tellement en foule et avec si grande avidité, qu'aussy tost
- ils remplirent tout le vaisseau, jà peslemeslés avec les nostres. On
- se mit à crier: Retire, retire-toy. Mais [69] à quel profit? Eux aussy
- crioyent de leur costé.
- Then in the morning when the trade was to take place I went to a
- neighboring island with a boy, to there offer the blessed sacrament
- for our reconciliation. Our people in the barque, not to be taken
- by surprise under pretext of the trade, were armed and barricaded,
- leaving a place in the middle of the deck for the Savages; but in
- vain, for they rushed in in such crowds and with such greediness,
- that they immediately filled the whole ship, becoming all mixed up
- with our own people. Some one began to cry out, "Go back, go back."
- But [69] to what good? On the other hand, the savages were yelling
- also.
- Ce fut lors que nos gens se penserent estre veritablement prins, et jà
- tout n'estoit que clameur et tumulte. Monsieur de Biancourt a souvent
- dit et redit, qu'il eut maintes fois le bras levé et la bouche ouverte
- pour en frappant le premier crier, "Tue, tue;" mais que cette seule
- consideration, ne sçay comment, le retinst, que j'estois dehors,
- et par consequent que si l'on en venoit aux mains, j'estois perdu.
- Dieu se servit de cette sienne bonne volonté, non seulement pour ma
- sauveté, mais autant pour celle de tout l'esquipage. Car, comme tous
- recognoissent bien à cette heure, si la folie eust esté faicte, jamais
- aucun n'en fust eschappé, et les Françoys eussent esté descriés pour
- jamays en toute la coste.
- Then our people were sure they were captured, and there was nothing
- but cries and confusion. Monsieur de Biancourt has often said and
- said again, that several times he had raised his arm and opened his
- mouth to strike the first blow and to cry out, "Kill, kill;" but
- that somehow the one consideration that restrained him was that I
- was outside, and if they came to blows I was lost. God rewarded him
- for his good-will by saving not only me but also the whole crew.
- For, as all readily acknowledge at this hour, if any foolish act
- had been committed none of them would ever have escaped, and the
- French would have been condemned forever all along the coast.
- Dieu voulut que Meteourmite et quelques autres capitaines
- apprehenderent le danger, et ainsy firent retirer leurs gens. Le soir
- venu, et jà tous estans retirés, Meteourmite manda aucuns des siens
- pour excuser l'insolence du matin, protestant que tout le desordre
- estoit venu non de soy, ains des Armouchiquois; que mesmes ils nous
- avoyent desrobé une hasche et une gamelle (c'est une grande escuelle de
- bois), lequel meuble il nous renvoyoit; que ce larcin lui avoit tant
- despleu qu'aussitost aprés l'avoir descouvert, il avoit congedié les
- Armouchiquois; que pour luy, il avoit bon cœur, et sçavoit bien que
- [70] nous ne tuions ni ne battions point les Sauvages de par deçà, ains
- les recevions à nostre table, leur faisions souvent tabagie, et leur
- apportions plusieurs bonnes choses de France, pour lesquelles vertus
- ils nous aymoient. Ces gens, croy-je, sont les plus grands harangueurs
- de toute la terre; ils ne font rien sans cela.
- God willed that Meteourmite and some other captains should
- apprehend the danger, and so cause their people to withdraw. When
- evening came and all had retired, Meteourmite sent some of his men
- to excuse the misconduct of the morning, protesting that all the
- disorder had originated not with him, but with the Armouchiquois;
- that they had even stolen a hatchet and a platter (a great wooden
- dish), which articles he herewith returned; that this theft had
- so displeased him that immediately after discovering it he had
- sent the Armouchiquois away from him; that, for his part, he was
- friendly towards us and knew very well that [70] we neither killed
- nor beat the Savages of those parts, but received them at our table
- and often made tabagie for them, and brought them a great many
- nice things from France, for which courtesies they loved us. These
- people are, I believe, the greatest speech-makers in the world;
- nothing can be done without speeches.
- Mais, d'autant que j'ay faict icy mention des Anglois, quelqu'un peut
- estre desirera de sçavoir leur adventure, laquelle nous apprismes en
- ce lieu. Il est doncques ainsy, que l'an 1608 les Anglois commencerent
- à s'habituer en l'une des embouschures de ce fleuve Kinibéqui, ainsy
- que nous avons dict cy devant. Ils avoyent lors un conducteur fort
- honneste homme, et se comportoit fort bien avec les naturels du
- païs. On dit neantmoins que les Armouchiquois se craignirent de tels
- voysins, et à cette cause firent mourir ce capitaine que j'ay dit.
- Ces gens ont ce mestier en usage, de tuer par magie. Or la seconde
- année 1609 les Anglois, soubs un autre capitaine, changerent de façon.
- Ils repoussoient les Sauvages sans aucun honneur; ils les battoyent,
- excedoyent et mastinoyent sans beaucoup de retenue: partant ces pauvres
- malmenés, impatiens du present, et augurants encores pis l'advenir,
- prindrent resolution, comme l'on dict, de tuer le louveteau avant
- qu'il eust des dents et griffes plus fortes. La commodité leur en fust
- un jour, que [71] trois chaloupes s'en estoyent allées à l'escart en
- pescherie. Mes conjurez les suyvoient à la piste, et s'approchans
- avec beau semblant d'amitié (car ainsy font ils le plus de caresses
- où plus y a de trahison), ils entrent dedans, et au signal donné,
- chacun choysit son homme et le tua à coups de cousteau. Ainsy furent
- despeschez onze Angloys. Les autres intimidés abandonnerent leur
- entreprise cette mesme année, et ne l'ont point poursuyvie depuis, se
- contentans de venir l'esté en pescherie en cette isle d'Emetenic, que
- nous avons dit estre à 8 lieuës de leur fort encommencé.
- But as I have spoken here of the English, some one perhaps will
- wish to hear about their adventure, which was related to us in
- this place. So here it is: In 1608 the English began to settle at
- one of the mouths of this Kinibéqui river, as we have said before.
- They had then as leader a very honest man, who got along remarkably
- well with the natives of the country. They say, however, that the
- Armouchiquois were afraid of such neighbors, and so put the captain
- to death, as I have said. These people make a practice of killing
- by magic. But the second year, 1609, the English, under another
- captain, changed their tactics. They drove the Savages away without
- ceremony; they beat, maltreated and misused them outrageously and
- without restraint; consequently these poor, abused people, anxious
- about the present, and dreading still greater evils in the future,
- determined, as the saying is, to kill the whelp ere its teeth
- and claws became stronger.[5] The opportunity came one day when
- [71] three boat-loads of them went away off to the fisheries. My
- conspirators followed in their boat, and approaching with a great
- show of friendliness (for they always make the greatest show of
- affection when they are the most treacherous), they go among them,
- and at a given signal each one seizes his man and stabs him to
- death. Thus were eleven Englishmen dispatched. The others were
- intimidated and abandoned their enterprise the same year; they
- have not resumed it since, being satisfied to come in the summer
- to fish, at this island of Emetenic, which we have said was eight
- leagues from the fort they had begun building.
- A cette cause doncques, l'excès commis en la personne du capitaine
- Platrier par lesdicts Angloys ayant esté perpetré en cette isle
- d'Emetenic, Monsieur de Biancourt se delibera de l'aller recognoistre,
- et y laisser quelque monument de revindication. Ce qu'il fit dressant
- sur le havre une fort belle croix, avec les armes de France. Aucuns de
- ses gens luy conseilloyent qu'il bruslast les chaloupes qu'il y trouva;
- mais, comme il est doux et humain, il ne le voulut point, voyant que
- c'estoyent vaisseaux non de soldats, ains de pescheurs.
- So, for this reason, the outrage to which captain Platrier was
- subjected by these English having been committed upon this island
- of Emetenic, Monsieur de Biancourt decided to go and reconnoitre
- it, and to leave there some memento in assertion of his rights.
- This he did, erecting at the harbor a beautiful cross bearing the
- arms of France. Some of his crew advised him to burn the boats
- which he found there; but as he is kind and humane he would not do
- it, seeing they were fishermen's boats and not men-of-war.
- De là, d'autant que la saison nous pressoit, estant jà le 6 novembre,
- nous tournasmes nos voiles pour retourner à Port-Royal, passant à
- Pentegoët, ainsy que nous avons promis aux Sauvages.
- Thence, as the season was advancing, it being already the 6th of
- November, we turned our ships towards Port Royal, stopping at
- Pentegoët, as we had promised the Savages.
- [72] Pentegoët est une fort belle riviere, et peut estre comparée à la
- Garonne de France. Elle se descharge dans le Golfe françois (baie de
- Fundy) et a plusieurs isles et roches à l'endroit de son embouschure;
- de maniere que si on ne monte fort avant, on estime que ce soit
- quelque grand sein ou baye de mer, là où on commence manifestement à
- recognoistre le lict et cours de riviere. Elle a son large d'environ 3
- lieuës à 44 et demy degré de l'Equateur. On ne peut deviner quelle est
- la Norembegue des anciens, si ce n'est celle cy: car autrement et les
- autres et moy, nous enquestans de ce mot et lieu, n'en avons jamays peu
- rien apprendre.
- [72] The Pentegoët is a very beautiful river, and may be compared
- to the Garonne in France. It flows into french Bay [the bay of
- Fundy] and has many islands and rocks at its mouth; so that if you
- do not go some distance up, you will take it for a great bay or arm
- of the sea, until you begin to see plainly the bed and course of
- a river. It is about three leagues wide and is forty-four and one
- half degrees from the Equator. We cannot imagine what the Norembega
- of our forefathers was, if it were not this river; for elsewhere
- both the others and I myself have made inquiries about this place,
- and have never been able to learn anything concerning it.
- Nous doncques, ayans advancé dans le courant de cette riviere trois
- lieuës ou plus, rencontrasmes un autre beau fleuve appellé Chiboctous,
- qui du nord-est vient se jeter dans ce grand Pentegoët.
- When we had advanced three leagues or more into the current of the
- river we encountered another beautiful river called Chiboctous,
- which comes from the northeast to discharge its waters into the
- great Pentegoët.
- Sur le confluant des deux rivieres, y avoit la plus belle assemblée des
- Sauvages que j'aye point encore veue. Ils estoyent 80 canots et une
- chaloupe, 18 cabanes et bien environ 300 ames. Le plus apparent Sagamo
- s'appelloit Betsabés, homme discret et fort moderé; et, sans mentir, on
- recognoist souvent en ces Sauvages des vertus naturelles et politiques
- qui font rougir quiconque n'est eshonté, lorsqu'en comparaison ils
- regardent une bonne partie des Françoys qui viennent en ces quartiers.
- At the confluence of these two rivers there was the finest
- assemblage of Savages that I have yet seen. There were 80 canoes
- and a boat, 18 wigwams and about 300 people[6]. The most prominent
- Sagamore was called Betsabés, a man of great discretion and
- prudence; and I confess we often see in these Savages natural and
- graceful qualities which will make anyone but a shameless person
- blush, when they compare them to the greater part of the French who
- come over here.
- [73] Aprés qu'ils nous eurent recogneus, ils demenerent grande joye le
- soir à leur accoustumée, par danses, chansons et harangues. Et nous,
- bien ayses d'estre en païs d'asseurance; car entre les Etechemins, tels
- que sont ceux cy, et les Souriquois, tels que sont ceux de Port-Royal,
- nous ne nous tenons sur nos gardes non plus qu'entre nos propres
- domestiques, et Dieu mercy nous ne nous en sommes pas encores mal
- trouvez.
- [73] When they had recognized us they showed their great joy
- during the evening by their usual demonstrations; dancing, singing
- and making speeches. And as for us, we were very glad to be in a
- country of safety; for among the Etechemins, as these are, and the
- Souriquois, as are those of Port Royal, we are no more obliged to
- be on our guard than among our own servants, and, thank God, we
- have never yet been deceived in them.
- Le jour suyvant, j'allay visiter les Sauvages, et y fis à mon
- accoustumé, ainsy qu j'ay dict de Kinibéqui. Cela y fut de plus, qu'eux
- m'ayans dict y avoir quelques malades, je les allay visiter, et comme
- prestre, ainsy qu'est porté dans le Rituaire, recitay sur eux les
- sainct Evangile et Oraisons, donnant à un chacun une croix pour se la
- pendre au col.
- The next day I went to visit the Savages, and followed my usual
- custom, which I have described in speaking of Kinibéqui. But there
- was more to be done here, as they told me they had some sick; I
- went to visit them; and as priest, it being thus ordained in the
- Ritual, I recited over them the holy Gospel and Orisons, giving to
- each one a cross to wear around the neck.
- Entre les autres j'en trouvay un à leur mode estendu auprés du feu, les
- yeux et visage fort estonnés, suant à grosse goutte de la seule teste,
- qui à peine pouvoit parler, en un grand acces. Il me dirent qu'il
- estoit malade dés quatre mois, et que comme il apparoissoit, il ne la
- feroit pas longue. Or ne sçay-je quelle estoit sa maladie; si elle
- venoit seulement par intervalles, ou non, je n'en sçay rien: tant y a
- que le 2. jour d'aprés, je le vis dans nostre barque sain et gaillard,
- ayant sa croix pendue au col, et me fit recognoissance d'un fort bon
- visage, [74] me prenant par la main. Je n'eus moyen de luy parler,
- d'autant que lors on faisoit la troque, et à cette cause le tillac
- estoit tout remply des gens, et tous les truchemens empeschez. De vray
- je fus fort ayse que la bonté de Dieu commençoit à faire sentir à ces
- pauvres et abandonnées nations n'y avoir que tout bien et que toute
- prosperité au signe de la saincte et salutaire Croix.
- Among others I found one stretched out, after their fashion, before
- the fire, wonder expressed in his eyes and face, great drops
- standing out upon his forehead, scarcely able to speak, so severe
- was the attack. They told me that he had been sick for four months
- and, as it appeared, he could not last long. Now I do not know what
- his malady was; whether it only came intermittently or not I do not
- know; at all events, the second day after that I saw him in our
- barque, well and happy, with his cross around his neck. He showed
- his gratitude to me by a cheerful smile [74] and by taking my hand.
- I had no means of speaking to him, as the trading was then going
- on, and for this reason the deck was full of people and all the
- interpreters were busy. Truly I was very glad that the goodness of
- God was beginning to make these poor and abandoned people feel that
- in the sign of the holy and salutary Cross there was every good and
- every blessing.
- Enfin, pour ne redire souvent le mesme, et en cet endroit et en tous
- les autres où nous avons pû converser avec ces pauvres gentils, nous
- avons tasché de leur imprimer quelques premieres conceptions de la
- grandeur et verité du Christianisme, autant que les moyens s'en
- addonnoyent. Et pour le sommaire en un bloc, celuy a esté le fruict
- du voyage: nous avons commencé de cognoistre et estre cogneus; nous
- avons prins possession au nom de l'Eglise de Dieu de ces regions icy, y
- asseants le throsne royal de nostre Sauveur et Monarque Iesus Christ,
- son sainct autel; les Sauvages nous ont veu prier, celebrer, prescher
- par nos discours, les images et croix, la façon de vivre et choses
- semblables, (ils) ont receu les premieres apprehensions et semences de
- nostre saincte foy, lesquelles s'esclorront et germeront abondamment,
- s'il plaist à Dieu, quelque jour, y survenant un plus long est meilleur
- cultivage.
- Finally, not to continue repeating the same story, both in this
- place and in all others, where we have been able to talk with these
- poor gentiles, we have attempted to impress upon them some of the
- simplest conceptions of the grandeur and truth of Christianity, in
- so far as our means would permit. And to sum it up in a word, this
- has been the result of our journey. We have begun to know and to
- be known, we have taken possession of these regions in the name of
- the Church of God, establishing here the royal throne of our Savior
- and King, Jesus Christ, his holy altar; the Savages have seen us
- pray, celebrate the mass, and preach; through our conversations,
- pictures, and crosses, our way of living, and other similar things,
- they have received the first faint ideas and germs of our holy
- faith, which will some day take root and grow abundantly, please
- God, if it is followed by a longer and better cultivation.
- [75] De vray aussi, tel est quasi le principal fruict que nous faisions
- pour encores icy mesmes à Port-Royal, jusques à ce que nous ayons apris
- le langage. Cependant cela nous console de veoir ces petits Sauvageois,
- encores que non chrestiens, porter neantmoins volontiers, quand ils se
- trouvent icy, les cierges, les clochettes, l'eau benite et autre chose,
- marchans en bel ordre aux processions et enterremens que l'on faict.
- Ainsy s'accoustument-ils à estre chrestiens, pour en son temps le bien
- estre.
- [75] And indeed such is about all we are accomplishing, even here
- at Port Royal, until we have learned the language. However, it
- comforts us to see these little Savages, though not yet christians,
- yet willingly, when they are here, carrying the candles, bells,
- holy water and other things, marching in good order in the
- processions and funerals which occur here. Thus they become
- accustomed to act as christians, to become so in reality in his
- time.
- Il ne seroit besoin sinon que fussions meilleurs ouvriers de Nostre
- Seigneur, et n'empeschassions pas tant de graces d'iceluy sur nous
- et autruy, par tant de péchés et indignité. Quant à moy certes, j'ay
- grande occasion d'en battre bien rudement ma poictrine, et tous ceux
- qui ont le zele de charité en debvroyent bien estre touchés au cœur.
- Nostre Seigneur, par sa saincte misericorde et par les prieres de sa
- glorieuse mere et de toute son Eglise celeste et militante, en veuille
- estre fleschy à compassion!
- No need is felt except that we ought to be better workers for Our
- Lord, and ought not to divert from ourselves and others so many of
- his blessings by our many sins and great unworthiness. As for me,
- truly I have good reason to severely reproach myself; and all those
- who are imbued with earnest charity ought to be deeply touched in
- their hearts. May Our Lord, by his sacred mercy, and by the prayers
- of his glorious mother and of all his Church; both heavenly and
- militant, be moved to compassion!
- Particulierement je supplie Vostre Reverence et tous nos RR. PP. et
- FF. de vouloir se ressouvenir, en vos meilleures devotions, et de
- nous, et de ces pauvres ames, esclaves miserablement soubs la tyrannie
- de Satan. Qu'il plaise à ce bening Sauveur [76] du monde, la grace
- duquel personne ne previent et de qui les liberalités sont tousjours
- par dessus nos merites, qui luy plaise, dy-je, regarder enfin d'un œil
- pitoyable ces pauvres nations, et les retirer tost dans sa famille, en
- l'heureuse franchise des fortunés enfans de Dieu. Ainsy soit-il.
- Particularly I beg Your Reverence and all our Reverend Fathers and
- Brothers to be pleased to remember in your most earnest devotions
- both us and these poor souls, miserable slaves under the tyranny of
- Satan. May it please this benign Savior [76] of the world, whose
- grace is denied to no one, and whose bounty is ever beyond our
- merits, may it please him, I say, to look down with a pitying eye
- upon these poor tribes, and to gather them soon into his family, in
- the happy freedom of the favored children of God. Amen!
- De Port-Royal, ce dernier de Ianvier 1612.
- Cependant que j'escrivois ces lettres, le navire qu'on a envoyé pour
- nostre secours, est Dieu mercy arrivé sain et sauf, et dans iceluy
- nostre Frere Gilbert du Thet. Celuy pourra sçavoir l'aise qu'en avons
- receu et recevons, qui aura cogneu les dangers et necessités où nous
- estions. Dieu soit beny. Amen.
- De V. R. filz et serviteur
- bien humble en Nostre Seigneur.
- [I.] Vieux mot employé pour signifier exténué de travaux.
- From Port Royal, this last day of January, 1612.
- While I was writing these letters, the ship which was sent to our
- assistance has, thank God, arrived safe and sound, and in it our
- Brother Gilbert du Thet. He, who knows the dangers and necessities
- we were in, will appreciate the joy we felt and that we feel at its
- arrival. God be praised. Amen.
- Of Your Reverence, the son and very
- humble servant in Our Lord.
- [II.] An old word used to signify weakened by hard
- labor.--[Carayon.]
- Voyages du Sieur de Champlain_ (PARIS, 1613).]
- X
- ex Portu-regali in Acadia
- Januarii 31, [1612]
- SOURCE: Reprinted from O'Callaghan's Reprint, No. 1.
- _Missio Canadensis_
- ex
- Portu-regali in ACADIA
- transmissa
- Ad Praepositvm Generalem Societatis IESV
- A. R. PETRO BIARDO ejvsdem Societatis
- [Illustration]
- _Secundvm exemplar emissum in_ ANNUIS LITTERIS _Anni_ CIↃ. IↃC. XI
- Ex Typographéo Mayeriana, apud Melchiorem Algeyer.
- _Canadian Mission_
- from
- Port Royal in ACADIA
- sent
- To the General of the Society of JESUS by Reverend PIERRE BIARD of the
- same Society
- _According to the copy published in the_ ANNUÆ LITTERÆ _of the year
- 1611_
- From Meyer's Press, at Melchior Algeyer's.
- [iii] Lectori.
- _POSTQUAM Patres Societatis_ Jesu _malevolentiam inimicorum suorum
- vicerant et in_ Galliam _reversierant, vocari videbantur aliò ad
- labores suos fructuosè collocandos._
- [iii] To the Reader.
- _AFTER the Fathers of the Society of_ Jesus _had overcome the
- ill-will of their enemies and again been admitted into_ France,[7]
- _they felt themselves called to other fields for the fruitful
- employment of their labors._
- _Multa erat in_ Novâ Franciâ _messis, ubi incolæ pene belluarum more
- sine Numinis cognitione vivebant._
- _A rich harvest was offered in_ New France, _where the natives
- lived almost like animals, without any knowledge of God._
- _Illûc igitur missi fuerunt duo Societatis sacerdotes, Patres scilicet_
- Petrus Biardus _et_ Enemundus Massæus, _qui in_ Acadiam _pervenerunt
- 22 Maii, Anno Salutis 1611. Septem per menses ibi commoratus_, [iv] P.
- Biardus _hanc epistolam, Superiori suo transmisit._
- _To that country, accordingly, were sent two priests of the
- Society, Fathers_ Pierre Biard _and_ Enemond Massé, _who reached_
- Acadia _on the 22nd of May, 1611. After remaining there seven
- months_, [iv] Father Biard _sent this epistle to his Superior._
- _Quatuor velluti in capita hæc litera divisa est, & narrat:_
- 1º. _Quid sit_ Nova Francia, _qualis regio, qui in eâ populi, quique
- mores._
- 2º. _Quo modo, quibusve auxiliis aut successu, Societas missionem illá
- in regione consecuta sit._
- 3º. _Quonam in statu rem Christianam his in locis offenderit Societas._
- 4º. _Quid a missionariis hactenus effectum seu potius attentatum sit._
- _The letter is divided, as it were, under four heads, and relates:_
- _1st. What New France is, the nature of the country, what tribes
- inhabit it, and their customs._
- _2nd. In what manner, with what help and with what success the
- Society secured a mission in that country._
- _3rd. In what condition the Society found the Christian religion in
- this region._
- _4th. What has been done by the missionaries thus far, or rather
- what has been attempted._
- _Licet epistola sub finem habeat:_ ultimo die Januarii CIↃ. IↃC. XI.
- _ia quidem aut error in anno est, aut P._ Biardus _secundum stylum
- veterem scripsit, nam debit esse annus_, CIↃ. IↃC. XII.
- _Although, the end of the letter reads: the last day of_ January,
- 1611,--_either there is an error in the year, or Father Biard wrote
- according to the old style, for the year ought to be 1612.[8]_
- [5] Missio Canadensis.
- Pax Christi.
- VOCAT NOS huius anni CIↃ.IↃC.XI. instans iam atqʒ vrgens exitus ad
- recognoscendum coram Paternitate vestra principium, quo primùm Societas
- in has nouæ Franciæ regiones delata est: multorum quoque beneficiorum
- cumulus, quo nos diuina largitas in his & auspicādis, & sospitādis
- initijs prosecuta est, hoc exigit, vt in hoc tanquam temporum anníque
- portu actionum nostrarū, & tanquam velificationis seriem relegētes,
- Chariss: Patres Fratrésqʒ nostros inuitemus, & ad gaudium pro ijs,
- quæ feliciter [6] in nobis diuina manus operata est, & scilicet ad
- gemitum pariter & orationem pro ijs, quæ in animorum salute procuranda,
- segniter ipsi nequitérque multa deliquimus. Quod enim diutius antè
- Societas multísqʒ conatibus intenderat, vt aliquam suis laboribus
- posset huic quoq; siluaticæ genti opem & lucem Euangelio inferendo
- affere, id hoc ipsa demum anno videtur, vt in tenui exiguóque principio
- satis feliciter, próque desiderio esse assecuta.
- [5] Canadian Mission.
- The peace of Christ be with you.
- The end of this year 1611, which is already so rapidly drawing
- near, invites me to write to your Reverence in acknowledgment of
- its beginning, in which our Society first penetrated into this
- territory of new France. The profusion of blessings and favors
- which the divine bounty has bestowed upon us while undertaking and
- sustaining this infant enterprise, requires that in this haven, as
- it were, of time and of the year we should, reviewing the course
- of our actions and the occurrences of our voyage, invite our dear
- Fathers and Brothers to share both in our rejoicing for those
- things which the hand of God has happily [6] effected through us,
- and, too, in our mourning and our prayers for our delinquencies and
- inefficiency in seeking the salvation of souls. The object sought
- by the Society for a long time previously and with many efforts,
- that it might in some degree impart help and light to this savage
- people also by its labors in bringing the Gospel among them, it
- seems at last to have attained in this year, with a small and
- slight beginning indeed, yet auspiciously and in accordance with
- its hopes.
- Atque hoc scilicet mihi iam narrandum est, exponendúmqʒ vestræ
- Paternitati, quæ & quanta sit hæc messis animorum, quidvé à magno
- Patrefamilias datum nobis hactenus, quid etiam porrò dandum speretur.
- Sed vt commodissimè tota mihi narratio decurrat, neq; decurrentem,
- vt fit, multa effugiant, in quatuor videtur velut capita rei totius
- expositio esse diuidenda. Exponā ergo primùm, quæ sit hæc noua
- Francia, quæ regio, qui populi morésque: tum deinde quomodo, quibusvé
- tandē auxilijs, aut successu Societas missionem in has regiones [7]
- obtinuerit. Tertiò quonam in statu rem Christianam in his terris
- offenderimus. Postremò quid à nobis effectum hactenus, seu potiùs
- quid attentatum sit ad diuinam gloriam. Hæc mihi videtur esse posse
- commodissima & sufficiens narrandorum omnium expositio.
- This also I must narrate and explain to your Reverence, of what
- nature and how numerous is this harvest of souls, and what has
- hitherto been given to us by our Heavenly Father, and what further
- gifts we may hope for in the future. But to facilitate my whole
- narration, and to obviate the possible omission of many details in
- its course, I think it best to divide the whole matter under four
- heads. I shall therefore first describe new France, the country,
- the natives, and their customs; next, in what manner, and with what
- help, and with what result, our Society secured a mission to this
- country; [7] thirdly, in what condition we found the Christian
- religion in this region; and, finally, what has been accomplished
- by us thus far, or rather what has been attempted for the glory of
- God. This appears to me a very convenient and sufficient summary of
- all I am to tell.
- Atque vt à capite ordiar explicémque primùm, quænam sit hæc Noua
- Francia, quod solum, quivé ritus gentis, credo non solùm Paternitati
- vestræ iucundum, sed nobis quoqʒ necessarium, regionem vniuersam
- accuratiùs describere. Nam cùm hic nobis ad laborandum campus
- assignatus, certum est, non posse nos à vestra paternitate dirigi
- pro occursuum varietate, nisi ea fines, adfractus viarum, viciniorum
- locorum distantiam, statum gentis & rerum, noverit.
- And, in order that I may begin at the beginning and explain first
- what sort of a land New France is, the nature of the country and
- the customs of the natives, I think it will be not only a pleasure
- for your Reverence, but also a necessity for ourselves that the
- whole territory be rather accurately described. For, since this
- is the field assigned to us for our labors, it is certain that
- your reverence cannot direct us in accordance with our varied
- needs without a knowledge of the extent of the country, of the
- impediments to travel, of the distance of neighboring settlements,
- and of the condition of people and things.
- Præterea tot video à Geographis antiquis errores tenebrásque in hanc
- cognitionem induci, vt nisi à nobis succurratur rerum non auditoribus
- sed spectatoribus, non possit non in nostris itineribus & vestigijs
- persequendis haud minùs à veritate, quàm à corpore cogitatio
- peregrinari. [8] Norumbegam illi nobis nescio quam, vrbésque & castella
- nominant, quorum hodie ne vmbra quidem aut ipsa vox extant.
- Besides, I find this matter involved in so much error and darkness
- by the older Geographers, that unless we, who know these things
- not from hearsay only, but are eyewitnesses thereof, come to the
- rescue, it is impossible that the mind, in tracing our footsteps
- and our journeys, should not wander as far away from the truth as
- it has to do from the body. [8] They speak of a certain Norumbega
- and give the names of cities and strongholds of which to-day no
- trace or even report remains.
- Verùm quod polliciti sumus exequamur. Noua Francia, vti nunc Galli
- vsurpant, regio illa est trans Oceanum Gallicum, quæ à quadragesimo
- primo gradu vsque ad quinquagesimum secundum latitudinis, aut etiam
- quinquagesimum tertium procurrit.
- However, let me fulfill my promise. New France, as the French now
- call it, is that territory across the French Ocean which extends
- from the forty-first to the fifty-second, or even fifty-third
- degree of latitude.
- Scio ab alijs multò latiùs fines regionis porrigi, ab alijs coarctari
- angustiùs, sed ego hîc non disputo: id solùm expono, quod nunc vti dixi
- communiùs vsurpatur, vel quod hoc terrarum Gallorum nauigationibus ab
- aliquot iam annis maximè frequentatum & vindicatum est, vel quod illud
- idem ferè antiquæ Franciæ parallelū æqualiter eam ab occidente respicit.
- I know that some extend the boundaries of this region much farther,
- while others restrict them more narrowly, but I am not arguing this
- point; I merely explain what is, as I have said, the prevailing
- interpretation of them, either because this part of the country has
- been for many years past particularly explored and claimed by the
- French, or because the parallels bounding this western region are
- almost the same as those of old France.
- Hæc igitur Noua Francia oram habet sanè multifariam, sinubus marinis
- fluminibùsque exesam, an fractuosam & recurrentem. Sinus duo sunt
- maiores, [9] vastíque; alter is, qui S. Laurentij gurges; alter, qui
- Francius appellatur.
- New France has an exceedingly varied sea-coast, indented by bays
- and rivers, broken and irregular. There are two principal bays [9]
- of vast size, one called the gulf of St. Lawrence, the other French
- bay.
- Námque à quadragesimo septimo gradu, vsque ad quinquagesimum primum,
- tellus velut gremium aperit; siue ad accipiendum introrsus Oceanum,
- siue ad exonerandum magnum flumen Canadan. Atque hic gurges S.
- Laurentij dicitur, cuius in introitu ingens illa adiacet insula,
- quam terras nouas Galli, Barbari Praesentis appellant moluarum
- piscatu celeberrima; oram sinûs fluminísque tenent Aquilonem versùs
- Excomminqui, siue, vt vulgus indigetat, Excōmunicati. Fera gens est,
- & vt dicitur Anthropophaga, quanquam & hi olim satis diu pacificè cum
- Gallis agitârunt, nunc irreconciliabiles cum his inimicitias exercent.
- Sequuntur interiùs, occidentem versùs Algonquini, pòst Montagnesij,
- intimi sunt ad capita ipsius magni fluminis Canadæ, Irocosij, qui etiam
- latè Austrum versus protenduntur.
- Indeed, from the forty-seventh degree as far as to the fifty-first,
- the land opens its bosom, as it were, to receive the Ocean into
- it, or to facilitate the outflow of the great Canadian river. This
- gulf is known as the gulf of St. Lawrence, in the mouth of which
- lies that enormous island which the French call newfoundland, the
- Savages Præsentis [Plaisance];[9] it is famous for its cod-fishery;
- the shores of the gulf and the rivers are occupied toward the
- North by the Excomminqui, or, as they are commonly called, the
- Excommunicated.[10] This tribe is very savage, and, it is said, is
- addicted to Cannibalism; although once in very peaceful relations
- with the French for a considerable length of time, it is now on a
- footing of irreconcilable enmity. There follow, in the interior,
- toward the west, the Algonquins; then the Montagnais; those
- dwelling at the head-waters of this same great Canadian river are
- the Irocois, whose territory also extends far to the South.
- Atque hi ferè Irocosij noti sunt Gallis duntaxat ob perpetua bella,
- quæ cum Montagnesijs, & Algonquinis fœderatis [10] & amicis populis
- geruntur. Iam verò Austrum versùs terra ab hoc S. Laurentij sinu
- paulatim vsque ad quadragesimum tertium gradum excurrit, vbi rursus
- altero sinu maximo inciditur, quem Francicum appellant. Hic gurges
- terras vastè exedens, seséque Aquilonem versùs & S. Laurentij sinum
- incuruans, velut Isthmum efficit; Isthmúmque adiuuat S. Ioannis
- longissimum flumē, quod orsum ab ipsa propemodum ora magni Canadæ in
- hūc sese Francicum gurgitem exonerat. Continet hic Isthmus leucas
- admodū quingentas circuitu suo, eúmque occupant Soriqui populi. In hoc
- Isthmo portus regalis est, vbi nunc degimus, ad gradum latitudinis
- quadragesimum quartum cum besse. Sed habet portus ostium suum (ne
- quis fallatur) non in Oceanum ad orientem obuersum, sed in sinum
- eum, quem dixi Francicum: ad Occidentem & septentrionem à fluuio
- Sancti Ioannis vsque ad fluuium Potugoët, atque adeò vsque ad flumen
- Rimbegui habitant Etheminquenses. Habet Rimbegui ostia sua sub gradu
- quadragesimo [11] tertio cum besse. Nec procul est Chouacoët, quod
- alterum est latus siue brachium terræ, quod sinum Frācicum excipit.
- Námque ad orientem est illud, quod promontorium sabulosum nominamus:
- ad Occidentem Chouacoët; vtrumque ad quadragesimum tertium eleuationis
- gradum, cùm tamen inter hoc atque illud centum leucarum intercapedo
- sit: à fluuio Rimbegui[IV.] vsque ad quadragesimum gradum latè
- possident, qui Armouchiqui appellantur. Atque hæc ferè partitio est
- regionis: itáque si numeres, populi erunt septem, linguâ inter se ac
- studijs discrepantes; Excommunicati, Algonquini, Montagnesij, Irocosij,
- Soriqui, Etheminquenses, & Armouchiqui. Sed ex ijs nec Excommunicati,
- nec Irocosij, nec Armouchiqui multum Gallis noti sunt. Reliqui quatuor
- in firmam iam videntur cum ijs amicitiam & cōsuetudinem coaluisse.
- Pernoctant ipsi nobiscum, nos cum ipsis vagamur, venamur, viuimus
- sine armis, sine metu; & quod adhuc apparuerit, sine periculo. Caussa
- frequentandi piscatio fuit Moluarum, [12] quibus hoc mare abundat,
- & pellium permutatio. Nam cùm ære, ferro, cānabe, lanâ, frugibus,
- atqʒ omni ferè artificio Barbari careant, hæc à Gallis accipiunt.
- Ipsi contrà, qui vnicus thesaurus est, pelles retribuunt. Est autem
- regio tota magnam partem perfrigida. Caussæ sunt plures; vna quòd
- valde aquosa est; nam præterquam quòd vndique ferè mari alluitur,
- fluminibus præterea & stagnis lacubúsque maximis abundat. Insulæ ita
- frequentes sunt, vt ora tota ijs intercisa, & tanquam baccata sit.
- Hinc sequitur nimirum, vt pruinosa sit, & tamē ventosa, sed flatu non
- nisi ferè algido. Altera est caussa frigoris, quòd inculta sit; nam
- cùm latè omnia silua vna contineat, nihil mirum est, si vix vnquam
- possit humus calefieri. Adde his, si placet, caussam tertiam, montes
- videlicet niuosos ac perpetuò rigentes, quibus dicimur ab Occidente ac
- Septentrione procul obuallari.
- These Irocois are known to the French chiefly for the perpetual
- warfare which they maintain against the Montagnais and Algonquins,
- allied [10] and friendly tribes. To the South, however, the coast
- gradually advances up to the forty-third degree, where once more it
- is interrupted by a very large bay called French bay. This gulf,
- advancing far into the interior, and bending toward the North and
- the gulf of St. Lawrence, forms a sort of Isthmus; and this Isthmus
- is completed by the St. John, a very long river which, taking its
- rise almost at the very banks of the great Canadian river, empties
- into this French bay. This Isthmus has a circuit of fully five
- hundred leagues and is occupied by the Soriquois tribe. In this
- Isthmus is port royal, where we are now sojourning, lying on the
- parallel of 44° 40'. But this port (to obviate misunderstanding)
- is not on the Ocean lying eastward, but on that gulf which I have
- called French bay. To the West and north, from the river of St.
- John to the river Potugoët,[3] and even to the river Rimbegui,[2]
- live the Etheminqui. The mouth of this river is in latitude 43°
- 40'. [11] Not far distant is Chouacoët,[11] which is the other
- shore or arm embracing French Bay. For to the east lies what we
- call cape sable, while Chouacoët lies toward the West; both are on
- the forty-third parallel, though they are separated by an interval
- of a hundred leagues. From the Rimbegui[III.] river to the fortieth
- parallel the whole country is in the possession of the tribe called
- the Armouchiquois. Such is the distribution of the territory.
- The tribes amount to seven in number, differing from each other
- in language and character: the Excommunicated, the Algonquins,
- the Montagnais, the Irocois, the Soriquois, the Etheminqui and
- the Armouchiquois. But of these neither the Excommunicated, nor
- the Irocois, nor the Armouchiquois are well known to the French.
- The remaining four tribes appear already to be united in firm
- friendship and intimacy with them. They stay over night among us;
- we rove about with them, and hunt with them and live among them
- without arms and without fear; and, as has thus far appeared,
- without danger. This intimacy arose partly from association while
- fishing for Cod, [12] which abound in these waters, and partly
- from trading in furs. For the Savages, who have neither copper,
- iron, hemp, wool, vegetables nor manufactured articles of any kind,
- resort to the French for them, giving in return the only thing of
- value they have, namely, furs. This whole region is for the most
- part very cold, owing to various causes. In the first place, the
- country is a very wet one; for, besides being washed on almost
- every side by the sea, it abounds in rivers and ponds and large
- lakes. Islands are so numerous that the whole shore is cut up by a
- confused procession of them, as it were. Moreover, though a land
- of frost, it is very windy, the wind being nearly always a cold
- one. Another cause of cold is the wildness of the country; for,
- being covered on every side by one continuous forest, it naturally
- follows that the soil hardly ever becomes really warmed through.
- A third cause is the mountains, covered with snow and perpetual
- frost, which are said to wall us in far away to the North and the
- West.
- Certè quidem ab ea parte non nisi gelu perflamur & niuibus. Alioqui
- sanè facies regionis est peramœna, pluribus [13] locis hospitem
- inuitans ac bene pollicens; & quod apparuit, si colatur, non infœcunda.
- Indigenæ rari sunt. Etheminquenses mille capita numerare non possent,
- nec multò plus Algonquini simul & Montanenses iuncti: Soriqui duo
- millia non conficerent: Itaque summùm quatuor capitum millibus tam
- vasti terrarum & littorum tractus non tenentur, sed percurruntur. Gens
- enim est vaga, siluestris, & sparsa, vt quæ venatu solo & piscatu
- viuat. Imberbes feré, & quidem statura cōmuni, vel paulò breuiore ac
- graciliore quàm nostri, at non degener tamen aut indecora; color non
- multùm fuscus, faciem vulgò pingunt, & in luctu atrant. Iuris amantes,
- ac vim latrociniùmque perosi. Quod sanè mirum est in hominibus, qui
- lege ac magistratu carent. Sui enim quisque dominus est ac vindex.
- Sagamos quidem habēt, hoc est bellorum ductores, sed quorum omnino
- precarium sit imperium, si tamen imperium appellandum est, vbi nulla
- est necessitas parendi. Sequuntur vel exemplo, vel vsu, vel affinitatis
- [14] aut generis conciliatione inducti, nonnunquam etiam certè cuiusdam
- potentiæ auctoritate: bella populatim gerunt, ob illatas priuatis
- iniurias. Genus totum vindictæ auidum; & vt barbarum, in victoriâ
- insolens, captiuorum capita tanquam opima spolia & torques magno gaudio
- circumferunt.
- We certainly get nothing from that quarter but piercing winds and
- snow-storms. Elsewhere, however, the appearance of the country is
- very pleasing, and in many [13] places inviting to the settler and
- quite promising; and, as experience has shown, it is not unfruitful
- if cultivated. The natives are not numerous. The Etheminqui number
- less than a thousand, the Algonquins and the Montagnais together
- would not amount to much more, the Soriquois would not amount to
- two thousand. Thus four thousand Indians at most roam through,
- rather than occupy, these vast stretches of inland territory and
- sea-shore. For they are a nomadic people, living in the forests
- and scattered over wide spaces, as is natural for those who live
- by hunting and fishing only. They are nearly all beardless and of
- average stature, or even a little shorter and more slender than
- we, but not degraded nor ill-favored in appearance; their color is
- not very swarthy; they commonly paint their faces, and, when in
- mourning, blacken them. They love justice and hate violence and
- robbery, a thing really remarkable in men who have neither laws nor
- magistrates; for, among them, each man is his own master and his
- own protector. They have Sagamores, that is, leaders in war; but
- their authority is most precarious, if, indeed, that may be called
- authority to which obedience is in no wise obligatory. The Indians
- follow them through the persuasion of example or of custom, [14] or
- of ties of kindred and alliance; sometimes even through a certain
- authority of power, no doubt. They wage war as a tribe on account
- of wrongs done to a private individual. The whole race is very
- revengeful and, after the fashion of savages, insolent in victory,
- carrying about the heads of their captives as trophies and spoils
- of victory.
- Et quidem dicuntur humanis carnibus non abstinuisse, ídque etiamnum
- perhibentur & Excommunicati & Armonchiqui facere: verum ab ijs, quorum
- est cum Gallis consuetudo, tantum scelus procul abest.
- They are even said to have been addicted to the eating of human
- flesh, and the Excommunicated and Armouchiquois tribes are said to
- have the same practice even now. Those, however, who are intimate
- with the French are far from being guilty of so great a crime.
- Religio tota certis incantationibus, choreis, & veneficijs constat;
- nimirum vt aut necessaria vitæ conquirant, aut inimicos amoliantur;
- suos habent Autmoinos, hoc est veneficos, qui malū Dæmonem consulant
- de vita & morte, futurorúmque euentis; & quidem sese illis mala
- bellua præsentem sæpe sistit, vt ipsi asserunt, vindictam annuit,
- renuítque, mortem inimicorum suorumvé, venationem prosperam, & cetera
- eiusmodi ludibria, quorum vt ne quid desit, [15] etiam somnijs fidem
- habent: si fortè super placito & bene auspicante somnio euigilauerint,
- consurgunt, vel de nocte concubia, & omen cantu ac choreis sequuntur.
- Templa, ædesvé sacras, ritus, cæremonias, disciplinam nullam habent,
- vti nec leges aut artificia politiamvé vllam, præter certos mores &
- consuetudinem, quorū sunt retinentissimi. Si quem Veneficus respondit
- ad certā diem moriturum, is deseritur ab omnibus; quin ipse adeò miser,
- vtpote iam mortis certus, vltro sibi inediam atque omnium incuriam
- indicit, credo ne videatur contra fatum pugnare.
- Their whole religion consists of certain incantations, dances
- and sorcery, which they have recourse to, it seems, either to
- procure the necessaries of life or to get rid of their enemies;
- they have Autmoinos, that is, medicine-men, who consult the evil
- Spirit regarding life and death and future events; and the evil
- spirit [great beast] often presents himself before them, as they
- themselves assert, approves or disapproves their schemes of
- vengeance, promises them the death of their enemies or friends, or
- prosperity in the chase, and other mockeries of the same sort. To
- make these complete they [15] even have faith in dreams; if they
- happen to awake from a pleasing and auspicious dream, they rise
- even in the middle of the night and hail the omen with songs and
- dances. They have no temples, sacred edifices, rites, ceremonies or
- religious teaching, just as they have no laws, arts or government,
- save certain customs and traditions of which they are very
- tenacious. If the Medicine-man predicts that a certain person will
- die before a fixed date, this man is deserted by all; and, in his
- misery, feeling certain of impending death, he voluntarily condemns
- himself to suffer hunger and complete neglect, apparently that he
- may not seem to contend against fate.
- Quin etiam si fortè ad præstitutam diem, vt sæpe fit, moribundus non
- videatur, pro se quisqʒ proximi vrceis frigidæ in ventrem miseri
- inuergendis celerant mortem. Hæc pietas est Sathanæ mancipijs: ita
- quoque nimirùm, quia semper fallax est, diuinus nunquam fallit; quāquam
- natio ista deceptrix aruspicum multum iam de auctoritate suá ab aduētu
- Gallorum amisit; passimque nunc quiritantur suos iam Diabolos viribus
- exidisse, [16] præut quidam ferūt Patrum suorum fuisse temporibus.
- Mortuorum ita cum corpore sepeliunt memoriam, vt ne nomen quidem
- deinceps audire sustineant. DEI quidem vnius supremi tenuem quandam
- habent cognitionem, verumtamen affectibus & vsu deprauati nihilo
- seciùs, vt dixi, Cacodæmonem etiam colunt; ob vitæ commoda, algoris
- & inediæ patientes sunt supra modum. Octo, decem dies, si fors ita
- exigat, feram ieiuni persequūtur, summis niuibus frigoribúsqʒ tum
- maximè ardet venatio. Et tamen hi ipsi Boreâ, vt sic dicam, & crystallo
- nati, vbi semel sub suis tugurijs cum præda consederunt, inertes
- illico, & cuiusuis laboris impatientes fiunt: feminis mandant omnia:
- hæ præter onerosam liberorum educationē, gestationémque, insuper feram
- ex eo loco vbi ceciderit, aduehunt: hæ lignatum & aquatum eunt hæ
- supellectilem conficiunt, curántque: cibos apparant, feras excoriant,
- pelles fullonis arte conficiunt, vestimenta consuunt, piscantur &
- conchas maximè ad cibum legunt, sæpe [17] etiam venantur: hæ canoas,
- hoc est cymbulas miræ celeritatis è cortice compingunt, tuguriola, vbi
- & quando pernoctandum est, ædificant: denique præter laboriosiorem
- venationem & bella nihil aliud quidquam viris est pensi. Hac de caussa
- plures ferè vxores quisque habet, Sagami maximè, vt qui potentiam
- suam & concursum pluriū tanquam clientium tueri nequeant, non solùm
- sine pluribus liberis, qui valeant ad terrorem & gratiam, sed etiam
- sine pluribus mancipijs, quæ necessaria vitæ officia & exequantur
- & tolerent. Nam feminas mancipiorum loco habent, tractántqʒ. Inter
- se mirificè liberales sūt, nihil quisquam aut fortunarum, aut sibi
- habere sustineat, quin partem maximā astantibus eroget, quin etiam qui
- Tabagiam agit, vt loquūtur, hoc est qui conuiuio alios excipit, non
- accumbit ipse cum reliquis, sed ministrat, neqʒ partem aliquam dapis
- residuam sibi facit, sed distribuit omnia, ita vt famem cogatur eo die
- conuiuator pati, nisi quis inuitatorū, ex eo quod sibi superfuerit,
- miseratus ei [18] retribuat. Et similis apparuit sæpe liberalitas in
- Gallos aliquo casu oppressos. Nam erga reliquos, aut hîc aut in nauibus
- agentes didicerunt à nobis non facilè quicquā gratis dare. Pedunculos
- capitis quæsitant, & in delicijs habent. In mendicando & postulando
- importunissimi sunt, & qui esse solent mendicorū & inopū mores, falsi,
- obloquutores, assētatores, vani. Gallos quidē atqʒ omnes gentes cùm
- semel saturi sunt, longè despiciunt, irridéntqʒ clanculum omnia;
- etiam religionē, quam susceperint. Tuguriola sua vbiuis facilè ac
- raptim sudibus ramificè ædificant, & aut cortice aut pellibus aut etiā
- tegete cōtegunt. Ignis in medio extruitur. Sed hæc iam satis supérque
- de regione & hominibus, maximè cùm accuratam regionis Chorographiam
- mittam; ex quo vno intuitu, quidquid de terrarum & maris situ dixi,
- liquidò apparebit.
- If, however, he does not appear to be in a dying condition by
- the time predicted, his friends and relatives even hasten his
- death by pouring jars of cold water over his stomach. Such is the
- piety of these servants of Satan. Thus, no doubt because he is
- always deceitful, the soothsayer never appears to deceive himself;
- although this lying race of prophets have lost much of their
- authority since the coming of the French, and now universally
- complain that their Devils have lost much of their power, [16] if
- compared with what it is said to have been in the time of their
- Ancestors. They so completely bury the very remembrance of the dead
- with their bodies that they will not even suffer their names to be
- mentioned afterwards. Of the one supreme GOD they have a certain
- slender notion, but they are so perverted by false ideas and by
- custom, that, as I have said, they really worship the Devil. To
- obtain the necessaries of life they endure cold and hunger in an
- extraordinary manner. During eight or ten days, if the necessity
- is imposed on them, they will follow the chase in fasting, and
- they hunt with the greatest ardor when the snow is deepest and
- the cold most severe. And yet these same Savages, the offspring,
- so to speak, of Boreas and the ice, when once they have returned
- with their booty and installed themselves in their tents, become
- indolent and unwilling to perform any labor whatever, imposing
- this entirely upon the women. The latter, besides the onerous rôle
- of bearing and rearing the children, also transport the game from
- the place where it has fallen; they are the hewers of wood and
- drawers of water; they make and repair the household utensils;
- they prepare food; they skin the game and prepare the hides like
- fullers; they sew garments; they catch fish and gather shellfish
- for food; often [17] they even hunt; they make the canoes, that is,
- skiffs of marvelous rapidity, out of bark; they set up the tents
- wherever and whenever they stop for the night--in short, the men
- concern themselves with nothing but the more laborious hunting and
- the waging of war. For this reason almost every one has several
- wives, and especially the Sagamores, since they cannot maintain
- their power and keep up the number of their dependents unless they
- have not only many children to inspire fear or conciliate favor,
- but also many slaves to perform patiently the menial tasks of every
- sort that are necessary. For their wives are regarded and treated
- as slaves. These Savages are extremely liberal toward each other;
- no one is willing to enjoy any good fortune by himself, but makes
- his friends sharers in the larger part of it; and whoever receives
- guests at what they call a Tabagie does not himself sit down with
- the others, but waits on them, and does not reserve any portion
- of the food for himself but distributes all; so that the host is
- constrained to suffer hunger during that day, unless some one of
- his guests takes pity on him [18] and gives him back a portion of
- what remains over from his own share. And they have often shown
- the same liberality toward the French, when they have found them
- in distress. For they have learned from us that, toward others
- than these, whether here or in the ships, nothing is readily given
- away. They hunt after the lice in their heads and regard them as a
- dainty. They are most importunate beggars and, after the fashion
- of beggars and needy people, they are hypocritical--contradicting,
- flattering and lying to achieve their ends. But when once they have
- gotten their fill they go off, mocking the French and everybody
- else at a distance and secretly laughing at everything, even the
- religion which they have received. They set up their tents easily
- and quickly in any place with branching stakes, which they cover
- either with bark or skins or even with mats. The fire is built in
- the middle. But this is enough, and more than enough, regarding the
- country and the people, especially as I send an accurate Map of the
- region, a single glance at which will make clear whatever I have
- said regarding the geography of land and sea.[12]
- NVNC ad id venio, quod secundo loco proposui, vt scilicet explicem,
- quanam tandem via Societas missionem in hanc prouinciam obtinuerit.
- Et quidem nostri [19] Burdigalenses pro suo animarum zelo à multis
- retro annis huc respectârant, huc intenderant, vt miseræ nationi opem
- ferrent: sed pios eorum & ardentes conatus, quos periculi facies non
- terreret, diu subsidiorum ad agendum inopia frustrata est. Restituta
- demum in Galliam Societate, agere seriò per P. Cotonum cum Magno
- Henrico cœperunt, sibi vt liceret in his quoque regionibus laborare,
- & amplexus est Rex Societatis amans tam piam & propensam voluntatem,
- sed nihilominus tamen vtilibus consilijs longa adhuc & odiosa mora
- interuenit. Nulli adhuc Galli regionem incolebant, commorandi animo, &
- qui antè à Rege missus fuerat, explorandi tentandíque caussâ, alienus
- à sacris nostris erat, & ijs postmodum rebus, non solùm infectis, sed
- etiam prope desperatis domum in Galliam redijt: iussit tamen Princeps
- inuictus ne desponderemus animum, mittendi solùm destinarentur,
- moniturum se cùm maturum foret; atque adeò vt arrha quædam esset
- sponsionis, pecuniam ex eo tēpore in [20] viaticum assignauit. Sed
- hæc agentibus, ecce pij Regis funesta mors intercedit. Nō defuit DEVS
- sub idem anni tempus: ad nouum regem nuntij rediêrunt ab eo, qui anno
- superiore in has sibi terras coloniā depoposcerat.
- Now I shall enter upon my second topic and explain by what means
- the Society finally secured the sending of a mission to this
- province. It is true that our adherents at [19] Bordeaux, in their
- zeal for the saving of souls, had looked forward to this, and
- had aimed at this for many years back, namely, at bringing help
- to this wretched race. But their pious and ardent efforts, which
- recoiled before no danger, were long frustrated by lack of means
- for prosecuting them. When our Society was at last re-admitted
- into France, they began to negotiate in earnest with Henry the
- Great, through Father Coton, to obtain permission to labor in
- these regions also, and the King, so full of good-will toward
- our Society, espoused this pious and important project; but,
- nevertheless, the taking of active steps was preceded by a long and
- vexatious delay. No Frenchmen as yet inhabited this region with the
- purpose of settling here, and such as had been sent by the King as
- explorers and in a tentative way, being indifferent to our holy
- aims, had soon returned to France, leaving these things not only
- unaccomplished but even almost hopeless. But our Prince, undeterred
- by these considerations, bade us be of good heart, and promised,
- if we would but designate those who were to be sent, that he would
- let us know when he deemed the time opportune; and, as an earnest
- of his promise, from that time forward he assigned to us a sum of
- money for the [20] voyage. But at this point, unhappily, occurred
- the tragic death of the King. Yet at this very season GOD came to
- our help. Some messengers came to the new king from the man who
- last year solicited the royal permission to found a colony in this
- country.
- Is est Ioannes Biencurtius, vulgò Potrincurtius, nobilis & magni animi
- vir. Ergo accepta occasione agitur cum Regina Regente Maria Medicæa,
- maximæ pietatis heroina, vt quæ maritus tanta virtute destinâsset,
- per eam efficerentur, daretur locus duobus è Nostris in eâ naui,
- quæ proximè huc esset ventura. Annuit Regina, munificéque respondit
- desiderio. Ergo statim ex Aquitania euocatus Sacerdos vnus, alter ex
- ipsa Francia desumptus. Sed ecce rursum moras, rursum sese Sathanas
- excitat. Dieppâ erat soluendum, & ea nauis, quæ huc vela faciebat ita
- erat mercatoribus Hæreticis obnoxia, vt sine ipsis commouere se non
- posset. Ergo ij simul ac Nostros vident, negant enimuerò præcisè sese
- passuros, vt rudens expediatur, si Iesuitæ nauigaturi sint. Obtenditur
- [21] Reginæ imperium, interponitur etiam Gubernatoris auctoritas.
- Itur, reditúrque ad Reginam, & ab ea literæ, mandatáque afferuntur,
- sed obstinationem hæreticam, vt Ecclesiæ, ita nec Regum frangit
- aut permouet auctoritas. Hæc peruicacia benignissimorum Principum
- illustriorē pietatam fecit. Namque Antonia Pontia Marchionissa
- Guercheuilia matrona clarissima, & vt appellant, filiarum Reginæ
- gubernatrix, vbi has tricas audijt, pro suo in DEVM & Societatem
- amore, non dubitauit à maximis quibusqʒ totius curiæ eleemosynam
- petere eo nomine, vt victâ hæreticorum contumaciâ Iesuitis liceret in
- has terras proficisci. Nec difficile ei fuit, in pia caussa suapte
- sponte propensam Catholicorum Principum benignitatem allicere: breui
- summa confecta est librarum quatuor millium. Ea & hæreticorum repulit
- iniquitatem, & Nostros in nauim non iam vt hospites, sed vt magna ex
- parte Dominos, potentésqʒ imposuit. Ita nimirum Christus, vt solet, per
- hostium impugnationem cōfirmauit suos, [22] per iniquitatem auxilijs
- necessarijs instruxit, & per machinationes, atque opprobria è tenebris
- atque ignobilitate vindicauit: ipsi gloria in sæcula. Amen.
- This man is Jean Biencourt, commonly called Potrincourt, of noble
- birth and a magnanimous man. Accordingly, seizing this opportunity,
- we made overtures to the Queen Regent, Marie de Médicis, that most
- pious and exalted lady, begging her to execute what her husband
- had so piously purposed by giving a place to two of our Fathers
- in the ship which was to sail shortly for this place. The Queen
- assented, and responded to our request most liberally. Accordingly
- one Priest was immediately summoned from Aquitaine, and another was
- chosen in France. But lo! Satan rouses himself again, and again
- interposes new delay. We were to sail from Dieppe, but the ship
- that was to bear us to this country was so completely under the
- influence of Heretical merchants that it could not stir without
- their consent. Accordingly, as soon as they saw our Priests they
- refused outright to let the ship sail if the Jesuits were to embark
- in it. The order of the [21] Queen was alleged, and the authority
- of the Governor was interposed. Recourse was had to the Queen, and
- letters and orders were obtained from her; but even Royal authority
- is, like that of the Church, unable to break or bend heretical
- obstinacy. This stubborn resistance lent all the more lustre to the
- piety of our benignant Rulers. For Antoinette de Pons, Marchioness
- de Guercheville, a most illustrious lady, and governess to the
- daughters of the Queen, on learning these petty hindrances did
- not hesitate, in her love for GOD and for our Society, to ask in
- his name for aid from some of the greatest men in the council of
- this realm, that the contumacy of the heretics might be subdued
- and the Jesuits permitted to sail to this land. Nor did she have
- any difficulty in gaining the good-will of the Catholic Princes,
- inclined of their own accord to sympathize with this holy cause;
- in a word, the sum of four thousand livres was collected. This
- not only put an end to the iniquitous resistance of the heretics,
- but gave our Priests the influence of Masters rather than of mere
- passengers in the ship. Thus, no doubt Christ, as usual, has
- strengthened his own followers through the attacks of enemies;[22]
- through their iniquity he has furnished aid to his own children and
- protected them from the darkness and the baseness of their foes,
- even through their intrigues and insult; his be the glory forever
- and ever. Amen.
- Dieppâ soluimus incommodissimo tempore, vigesimo sexto Ianuarij Anni
- huius CIↃ.IↃD.XI. Nauis erat non magna, & haud satis instructa,
- nautæ ex magna parte hæretici; & vt hyeme in procelloso mari, multis
- grauissimísqʒ tempestatibus perfuncti sumus, tenuítqʒ nauigatio
- menses ipsos quatuor. Ex quibus apparet, quàm multa omnis generis
- perferenda fuerint. Certè alter nostrûm magnam itineris partem
- æger, debilitatúsque iacuit. Conati tamen sumus consueta Societatis
- munia exhibere. Manè ac vespere ad orationem vectores conuocabantur
- quotidie: festis etiam officia quædam Ecclesiastica decantabantur;
- sæpe habebantur cohortationes piæ, interdum nonnullæ cum hæreticis
- disputationes: iurandi cōsuetudo & verborū lasciuia reprimebatur. Non
- omittebantur multa simul humilitatis, simul charitatis exempla.
- We sailed from Dieppe in a most unfavorable season, on the 26th
- of January, of this year 1611. The ship was not large and was
- insufficiently equipped; the sailors were mostly heretics. As it
- was winter and the sea was stormy, we encountered many severe
- tempests and the voyage lasted four whole months, from which
- it is apparent how many sufferings of every kind we underwent.
- Indeed, during the greater portion of the voyage one or the other
- of us lay sick and debilitated. Yet we attempted to discharge
- the usual duties, of our Society. Morning and evening, every
- day, the passengers were called together for prayer; on holidays
- certain Ecclesiastical services were held, pious exhortations were
- frequently made, and sometimes disputations with the heretics
- took place. The habit of swearing and using obscene language was
- repressed. Nor were there wanting many examples of humility and of
- charity.
- [23] Denique illud DEI beneficio obtentum est, vt Hæretici, qui nos
- antè velut monstra è suorū videlicet ore Ministrorum reputabant, non
- solùm agnouerint suorum in hac re impostorum malitiam, sed etiam
- multis postea locis laudum nostrarum prædicatores extiterint; hic ergo
- summatim fuit noster in has terras ingressus.
- [23] Finally, with GOD'S blessing, we brought the Heretics, who,
- evidently through the preaching of their own Pastors, regarded us
- as monsters, to recognize the malice of these impostors in this
- matter, so that they afterwards on many occasions stood up to
- proclaim our praises. Such, in brief, was our voyage to this land.
- SEQVITVR iam ex initio propositis tertium, nimirum vt exponatur, quonam
- tandē loco rem Christianam his in locis offenderimus. Certé ante hoc
- tempus vix vnquam à Gallis vacatum fuit conuertēdis incolarum ad
- Christum animis. Obstabant multa. Nam & peregrinabantur huc tantùm, non
- cōmorabantur: & qui commorari voluerunt, tam aduersis conflictati sunt
- casibus, vt ei rei dare operam sanè multam non potuerint. Deuehebantur
- duntaxat interdum nonnulli in Galliam, ibíq; baptizabantur, sed ijdem
- vt nec satis instituti, & à pastoribus destituti, simul ac in has oras
- remigrauerant, ad solita prorsus & vsitata reuoluebantur. Appulimus
- huc nos [24] vigesimâ secundâ Maij, ipso sacro Pentecostes die, anni
- huius CIↃ.IↃC.XI. Quo duntaxat anno is, quem sæpius appellare necesse
- est, D. Potrincurtius ad sedes hîc domiciliúmqʒ figendum peruenerat,
- secúmqʒ Sacerdotem sæcularem aduexerat. Is Sacerdos per eum annum
- dicitur capita ferè centum baptimo initiauisse; in his celebrem inter
- Sagamos, & de quo nos infra plura dicemus, Henricum Membertou cum
- familia vniuersa, hoc est cum tribus liberis iam cōiugibus. Sed, vt
- fit, cùm nec Sacerdos ipse, nec alius quisquam linguam nôsset, nisi
- quātum attinet ad vitæ & mercimoniorum necessitatem, erudiri videlicet
- neophyti non potuerunt.
- NOW FOLLOWS the third of the topics proposed in the beginning--the
- setting forth, namely, of the condition in which we found the
- Christian religion in this country. Certainly before this time
- scarcely any attention has ever been given by the French to
- converting the souls of the natives to Christ. There have been many
- obstacles. For the French only wandered through these regions, but
- did not remain here, and those who wished to remain were harassed
- by so many calamities that they assuredly could not give much
- thought to this matter. Some natives, it is true, were occasionally
- brought to France and baptized there, but these not being
- sufficiently instructed, and finding themselves without shepherds
- as soon as they returned to these shores, immediately resumed their
- former habits and traditions. We landed here [24] on the 22nd of
- May, on the holyday of Pentecost of this year 1611. In this very
- same year Sieur Potrincourt, whom I shall have occasion to mention
- several times, had come here to establish himself permanently, and
- had brought a secular Priest with him. This Priest, it is said,
- baptized nearly a hundred persons during the year, among them one
- of the most celebrated of the Chiefs, of whom we shall have to
- speak again later, Henry Membertou, with his whole family, that is,
- three children already married. But, since neither this Priest nor
- any one else knew their language, save so far as pertains to the
- merest necessities of intercourse and trade, the neophytes could of
- course not be instructed in our doctrines.
- Baptismum accipiebant velut sacrum aliquod signum similitudinis &
- confœderationis cum Gallis. De Christo, de Ecclesia, de Fide ac
- Symbolo, mandatis DEI, oratione ac Sacramentis vix quidquam nouerant,
- ignari & crucis efformandæ, & ipsius nominis Christiani. Itaque nunc
- vulgò sciscitantibus nobis, Christianus es? negat optimus quisque, [25]
- scire se quid rogetur. Mutata interrogatione quærentibus, baptizatus
- es? Annuit vero ac propemodum sese iam Nortmannum pronuntiat; nam
- Gallos ferè omnes Nortmannos appellitant. De cætero nulla omnino in
- Christianis à Gentilium ritu mutatio. Iidem mores, consuetudo & vita,
- idem chorearum, rituum, cantuum, atque adeò veneficiorum vsus, prorsus
- antiqua omnia. De vno DEO & bonorum retributione docti sunt aliqua, sed
- quæ se ipsi semper ita audiuisse & credidisse profiteantur. Sacellum
- reperimus vnum valde angustum & miserum, sed nec profectò reliqua
- habitatio, vt in principijs, aut valde laxa aut commoda est.
- They accepted baptism as a sort of sacred pledge of friendship and
- alliance with the French. As regards Christ, the Church, the Faith
- and the Symbol, the commandments of GOD, prayer and the Sacraments,
- they knew almost nothing; nor did they know the sign of the cross
- or the very name of Christian. So, even now, whenever we ask any
- one, "Are you a Christian?" every one of them answers that he does
- not understand what [25] we are asking him. But when we change
- the form of our question and ask, "Are you baptized?" he assents
- and declares himself to be already almost a Norman, for they call
- the French in general Normans. In other respects there is almost
- no change from the religion of the Gentiles to Christianity. They
- keep up the same manners and traditions and mode of life, the same
- dances and rites and songs and sorcery; in fact, all their previous
- customs. Concerning the one GOD and the reward of the just, they
- have learned some things, but they declare that they had always
- heard and believed thus. We found one little chapel here, a very
- small and poor one, but the other dwellings also, as is to be
- expected among new settlers, are by no means large or commodious.
- Vnica hîc adest D. Potrincurtij familia, sine feminis capita sumus
- viginti. Nos duo é Societate tuguriolum habemus ligneum, in quo vix
- positâ mensâ commouere nos possumus. Et reliqua sunt huic certè
- habitationi ac nostræ professioni, hoc est, paupertati cōsentanea.
- Vtinam ab humilibus principijs exurgat aliquādo, & efflorescat salus
- animorum; [26] huc incumbimus, sed vt languidi cultores non magno
- successu, qualis tamen, quantúsque is fuerit, hoc mihi iam narrandum
- est, quoniam id iam explicui, quod tertium erat ex propositis,
- videlicet quonam in statu vineam hanc seu potiùs virgultum offenderimus.
- Sieur Potrincourt's family is the only one here; without the women
- we number twenty. We two of the Society have a wooden cabin in
- which we can scarcely turn around when we have a table in it.
- And everything else is certainly in keeping with our dwelling
- and our vocation in life, that is, poverty. God grant that from
- these humble beginnings may rise and greatly flourish the work of
- salvation; [26] to this we bend all our efforts, though, as we are
- but feeble workers, with no great success. What the nature and
- extent of this success has been I must now relate, since I have
- already treated my third topic, namely, the description of the
- state in which we found this vineyard, or rather this wildwood.
- PERVENIMVS huc (sicut antè numeratum est) vigesimâ secundâ Maij. Itaque
- non multo plus hodie, quàm septem menses hic commorati sumus. Per hoc
- igitur tempus, & domi aliqua gesta sunt, & foris. Domi primùm dedimus
- operam, vt pro nostris viribus officium Ecclesiasticum ne deesset. Nam
- Sacerdos ille, qui huc ante nos aduenerat, à nostro statim aduētu in
- Galliam sua ipse sponte & pro veteri desiderio remigrauit. Dominicis
- festísque diebus solemnem missam & vesperas decantamus, cohortamur,
- & nonnunquam procedimus, ipsis etiam nostrorum siluicolarum pueris
- cereos, vrceos, aut aliud quid pium, quando hîc adsunt, præferentibus.
- Ita enim paulatim nostris ceremonijs assuescunt. Solemnior ea processio
- fuit, qua [27] sanctissimum Sacramentum festo ipsi die cumtulimus. Ipse
- enim D. Potrincurtius sedulitatem in eo nostram collaudauit, sicut &
- in sacello, quantum potest, in tanta paupertate coornando. Et quoniam
- animaduertimus eos, qui antè baptizati essent, vix aliud quidquam cum
- baptismate, nisi periculum maius suscepisse, prolectationem illam
- proiectionémqʒ ad baptisma quomodocumqʒ offerendum reiecimus, in eóque
- perstamus, ne quis adultus ante necessariam suæ fidei professionísque
- cognitionem initietur. Ita cùm adhuc ignari linguæ simus, neque
- per vllum interpretem enuntiare sacra nostra, aut scriptis mandare
- potuerimus, quantacumque in eo sit opera, vti sanè posita est plurima
- cursus nimirum Euangelij in his hactenus hæret vadis ac syrtibus.
- Id suademus, vt infantes ad nos lustrandi afferantur, quod etiam
- DEI beneficio iam cœpit fieri. Duos baptizauimus, & tertiam puellam
- circiter nouennem. Hæc puella non magis morbo, quàm esurie neglectúque
- contabescebat; solet enim hæc natio facilè desperare medicinam, [28]
- & desperatos prorsum abijcere, vt antè dictum est. Ergo hanc ita
- depositam à cognatis deposcimus ad baptismum, illi verò perlibenter
- eam nobis concedere, non ad baptismum solùm, sed etiam ad voluntatem,
- vt quæ, inquiebant, instar iam esset canis mortui. At nos, vt specimen
- daremus Christianæ pietatis, in separatum eam transtulimus tuguriolum,
- ibíqʒ eam aluimus & curauimus ipsi sedulò, institutámque quantum
- extremo periculo conflictanti necesse esset, abluimus aquâ salutari.
- Nono demum pòst die abeuntem ad superos læta spe sumus prosecuti, cùm
- gauderemus cœlo iam nonnihil nostri laboris placere. Lætior exitus in
- alio fuit, sed exemplum non dissimile charitatis: hic est, secundò
- genitus celebris illius Sagami Membertou, quem antè diximus primū
- omnium Soricorum nostra sacra suscepisse.
- WE ARRIVED here, as already noted, on the 22nd of May. Accordingly,
- we have now sojourned here a little more than seven months. During
- this period we have accomplished some work both at home and
- abroad. Our first efforts we expended at home, so that, as far as
- it lay in our power, there might be no interruption of Religious
- services. For the secular Priest who had preceded us here,
- immediately on our arrival, of his own free will and in accordance
- with a long-cherished desire, had returned to France. On Sundays
- and holydays we celebrate solemn mass and vespers; we preach and
- sometimes have processions, the boys of our children of the forest
- carrying before us, when they are present here, tapers and censers
- and other sacred utensils. For thus, little by little, they become
- accustomed to our ceremonies. Our procession was, however, a more
- solemn one on the day of Corpus Christi when we carried about the
- [27] blessed Sacrament. Sieur Potrincourt himself praised highly
- our efforts in this, as well as in adorning our chapel as much as
- we could, in spite of our great poverty. Since we have observed
- that those who had been previously baptized had gotten scarcely
- anything else through their baptism than increased peril, we have
- restrained this eager inclination to administer this sacrament
- without discrimination, and we insist that no adult person shall
- receive it until he has the necessary understanding of his faith
- and his profession. So, as we have thus far been ignorant of the
- language and have been unable to explain our doctrines through any
- interpreter, or to commit them to writing, howsoever great a labor
- that may prove--and it will certainly prove a great one--the course
- of the Gospel is, up to this point, embarrassed by these shoals and
- quicksands. We try to persuade the savages to bring their babes to
- us for baptism; and this, with GOD'S blessing, they are beginning
- to do. We have baptized two boys, and a girl about nine years
- old. This girl was wasting away as much from hunger and neglect
- as from sickness; for this people very readily despair [28] of
- relief in sickness, and, as previously stated, soon abandon those
- whose recovery is deemed hopeless. Thus, when this girl was given
- up by her relatives, we asked that she be given us for baptism.
- They very willingly gave her to us, not only for baptism but to
- dispose of at our pleasure as being, they said, no longer of more
- value than a dead dog. But we, to show them an example of Christian
- piety, carried her to a separate cabin and there fed her and cared
- for her; and, after teaching her as much as was necessary for one
- struggling with death, we cleansed her with the saving waters. On
- her death, nine days later, we entertained the glad hope that our
- labor had found some favor in heaven. We soon found opportunity for
- another deed of charity not dissimilar to this, though its result
- was more auspicious. This was in the case of the second son of that
- famous Chief Membertou, whom I have already mentioned as having
- received our doctrines first of all the Soriquois.
- Huius ego filium extremo iam discrimine periclitantem inuisi: reperio
- pro more veteri de ipsius bonis tabagiam, hoc est epulum solemne,
- vt scilicet post epulas non sicut Iacob benediceret suis, [29] sed
- valediceret, ac deinde cōclamaretur, & cōclamato canes præmitterentur
- ad interitū. Increpaui ego, vt potui, per interpretē paganicos hos
- mores in iam Christianis. Benignè respōdit pater ipse Membertou
- neophytos se esse, verum imperarem; in mea potestate esse omnia. Negaui
- ego licitam esse illam occisionē canum, aut deplorati derelictionem;
- choreas, cantusvé funestos ægroto ipso inspectāte mihi non placere;
- ipsam alioqui tabagiam, & piam in extremis agētis consalutationem ac
- mandata permisi. Responderunt omnes sibi hoc satis esse, reliqua sese
- reiecturos. Cæterum D. Potrincurtij nomine ipsos inuitaui, vt ægrū
- in ipsius ædes deportarēt (aberat enim valde procul) sperare nos de
- misericordia DEI fore, vt conualescat, quò tandē intelligant falsas
- atqʒ impias esse, aut momorū suorū, hoc est fatidicorū denunciationes.
- Paruerunt illi, atqʒ ad nos depositum triduo pòst, hoc est semianimē
- detulerunt. Quid multa? Fecit dextera Dñi virtutem: non est mortuus,
- sed vixit; & nunc incolumis narrat opera [30] Dñi. Hoc exemplo commotus
- senior ipse Membertou cum eam invaletudinem sensisset, quæ postrema
- illi fuit, deportari ipse vltro, ad nos voluit, atqʒ adeò in nostrum
- ipsorum tuguriolū, & si placet, in lectum ipsum alterius nostrū. Ibi
- decumbentem quinqʒ dies prosecuti sumus omni nō solum officio, sed
- etiam famulatu. At sexto die cùm iam vxor eius aduenisset, & cerneret
- ipsa vix alteri nostrū, quo miserè humi decubaret, locum esse in
- tuguriolo derelictū, aliò suapte sponte demigrauit, vbi & piam mortē
- obijt. Certè hunc reperimus (quippe Domini primitias ab hac gēte)
- præter cæteros mirabiliter solitū intrinsecus adeò moueri, multò vt
- ipse plus de nostra fide conciperet, quàm quantū potuisset auditione
- accipere. Itaqʒ solebat ipse crebrò dictitare, valde optare se, vt citò
- linguā nossemus. Continuò. n. postquam id perdidicisset, se futurū apud
- gentem suam cœlestis verbi ac doctrinæ prædicatorem. Dederat ipse in
- mādatis, vt antiquo in monumēto cū demortua prius familia (quā sciebā
- paganicè obijsse) [31] sepeliretur. Ego rē improbaui, veritus scilicet,
- ne vel Galli, vel etiā Gētiles hoc interpretarētur in fidei nostræ
- iniuriā. Sed ille hoc respōdebat: ita sibi promissū fuisse, antequā
- Christo nomen daret, fore, vt locus cōsecraretur, & exemplū proferebat
- ex anteactis non dissimile; alioqui. n. cōtrà se vereri, si nostro in
- cœmeterio humaretur, ne sui deinceps locū refugerent, atqʒ ita nunquā
- ad nos redirent. Opposui ego contrà, ̄q potui, & mecū is, quo ferè solo
- vtor interprete, D. Biencurtius, fili^{9} D. Potrincurtij. Discessi
- mœstus: nihil. n. disputando profecerā. Extremā nihilominus vnctionem,
- ad quā paratus erat, non denegaui. Valuit vis Sacramēti: postridie D.
- Biencurtiū, mêqʒ magnopere aduocat, docet audiētibus omnib^{9} mutatā
- sibi sententiā, velle se nobiscū humari, suísqʒ ̄pcipere, ne ideo locū
- refugiant ex veteri errore, quin poti^{9}, è Christiani populi sapiētia
- magis ob eam ipsam caussam locū adament, frequenténtque; ad pias
- videlicet pro ipso preces effundēdas.
- I went to visit this chief's son, who was already at death's door.
- I found that, in accordance with their old custom, they were
- holding a tabagie, that is, a solemn feast for the distribution of
- his property, so that after the entertainment he might, not like
- Jacob give them his blessing, [29] but might bid them farewell,
- after which they were to bewail his death and then to offer up
- a sacrifice of dogs. I rebuked as well as I could, through an
- interpreter, these pagan usages among a people who were already
- Christians. The father himself, Membertou, answered mildly that
- they were but neophytes; that I had but to command and that
- everything lay in my power. I said that this slaughtering of dogs
- was wrong, as well as this abandonment of the sick man for whom
- they were mourning; I added that these dances and death-songs, in
- the very presence of the sick man displeased me, though I permitted
- them to hold their tabagie elsewhere, as well as to visit the dying
- man and learn his last wishes. All replied that this was enough
- for them, and that they would dispense with the rest. Moreover, in
- the name of Sieur Potrincourt I invited them to transport to his
- house the sick man (who was at a very great distance), and said
- that we hoped, with GOD'S mercy, for his recovery, so that they
- might thus learn at last that the predictions of their medicine-men
- or prophets are false and impious. They obeyed, and the third day
- after brought to us the sufferer, whose life they had despaired
- of, in a half-dying condition. God's right hand exerted its power;
- he did not die, but lived, and now, completely recovered, relates
- what [30] God has done for him. Moved by this example, the elder
- Membertou himself, when he began to suffer from that sickness which
- was to be his last, desired of his own accord to be brought to us
- and to be received into our own cabin, and even, if it pleased us,
- to occupy one of our beds. He lay there five days, during which we
- performed every friendly and even every menial office. But on the
- sixth day, when his wife had also come, and when she saw that there
- was scarcely room left for one of us to find a wretched couch on
- the ground in our cabin, he, of his own accord, went elsewhere,
- and there died a pious death. We found, indeed, that this man (the
- first fruits of the Lord among this people) was, beyond all others,
- wont to be so wondrously moved within, that he apprehended much
- more of our faith than he could have learned from hearing us. Thus
- he used to say frequently that he ardently desired that we might
- soon know his language. He said that as soon as he had learned
- them thoroughly he would become the preacher of this heavenly word
- and doctrine among his people. He himself had commanded that he
- should be buried in the ancient burial-place of his family, with
- those who were already dead (who, I knew, had died as pagans).
- [31] I opposed this, fearing, of course, that the French and even
- the Gentiles might interpret this as an affront to our faith. But
- he answered that it had been promised him, before he gave himself
- to Christ, that this place should be consecrated; and he cited a
- past example of something of the sort, adding that he feared, on
- the contrary, that if he were buried in our cemetery his people
- might thenceforth avoid the place and thus never return to us. I
- opposed all the reasons I could, and so did Sieur de Biencourt, the
- son of Sieur de Potrincourt, he being almost my only interpreter.
- I went off sadly, for I had accomplished nothing by arguing.
- Nevertheless, I did not refuse him the extreme unction, for which
- he was prepared. The power of the Sacrament manifested itself; the
- next day he called eagerly for Sieur de Biencourt and myself, and
- told us in the hearing of all the others that he had changed his
- mind, and wished to be buried in our cemetery; and to teach his
- people that they should not avoid the place in accordance with
- their old and erroneous notion, but rather, with the wisdom of a
- Christian people, should love and frequent it, in order to utter
- pious prayers for him.
- Pacem deinde cum Nostris iterum, [32] iterúmque commendauit, méqʒ adeò
- præeunte ac manum regente, singulis suorum pio more benedixit: nec lōgè
- pòst extinctus est. Funus curatum magna ad exemplum pompâ. Et certè diu
- inter hos populos tantæ auctoritatis Sagamus nō fuit. Quo magis est
- mirum, quomodo in eo semper inuictus consilio perstiterit, etiam ante
- conuersionem, ne plures vnquam simul vxores habere vellet.
- Then he recommended to them again [32] and again to maintain peace
- with us, and also piously gave his blessing to certain of his
- people, I dictating the words and guiding his hand. A short time
- after, he died. We deemed it well to celebrate his funeral with
- great pomp. And certainly there has for a long time been no Chief
- of such great authority among these people. What is still more
- remarkable is that he always adhered firmly to his resolution never
- to have more than one wife at a time, even before his conversion.
- Atque hæc domi gesta, nunc exeamus foras. Lustraui ego cum Domino
- Biencurtio magnam totius regionis partem, hoc est totum id, quod
- antiqui Norumbedam appellabant, flumina etiam ingressus sum præcipua.
- Fructus is extitit, vt & cognosceremus, & cognosceremur; ipsique
- siluatici, qui nunquam antea Sacerdotē, aut sacra nostra viderant,
- inceperint aliquid nostra de Religione apprehendere. Vbicumque ac
- quoties potuimus, infiniti pretij hostiam obtulimus Omnipotenti DEO,
- vt scilicet altari, tanquam sede sua posita, inciperet hoc sibi
- dominium seruator hominum vendicare; terrerētúrque ac fugarentur [33]
- vsurpatione sua laruales tyranni. Et astiterunt frequenter Barbari
- magno semper silentio ac reuerentiâ. Inuisebam postea ipsorum casulas,
- orabam, ægris manus imponebam, cruciculas æneas aut imagunculas
- donabam, ipsisqʒ de collo suspendebam, & quæ poteram diuina insinuabam.
- Excipiebant illi omnia perlibenter, signúmque Crucis me ducente
- conformabant, feréqʒ omnes pueri etiam me longè prosequebantur, vt
- ipsum sæpius iterarent. Semel contigit, vt quem ægrotum altero antè
- die inuiseram, propemodúmque depositum audieram, pòst cernerē vegetum,
- hilarémque, cruce sua gloriantem, & mihi vultu manúque gratulantem,
- vt suspicio magna sit, non solùm opem crucis sensisse, verum etiam
- agnouisse. Si quando in Gallicas naues incidebamus, vt sæpe incidimus,
- monita salutaria dabantur pro loci & temporis opportunitate: interdum
- etiam vectores expiabantur. Semel maxima quædam complurium mala, &
- animorum fortunarúmque labes auersa est per DEI gratiam: semel item
- [34] exitium certissimum, cædésque non paucorum. Reconciliatus quoque
- magni quidam Iuuenis & animi & spei. Is quòd sibi à D. Potrincurtio
- timeret, annum iam vnum cum Siluicolis eorum more atque vestitu
- pererrabat: & suspicio erat peioris quoque rei. Obtulit eum mihi DEVS,
- colloquor, denique post multa Iuuenis sese mihi credit, deduco eum
- ad D. Potrincurtium, non pœnituit fidei datæ, pax facta est maximo
- omnium gaudio, & Iuuenis postridie, antequam ad sacram Eucharistiam
- accederet, suapte ipse sponte à circumstātibus mali exempli veniam
- petijt. Iam verò vti superuacaneum est de nauigantibus dicere, quòd
- multa pericula mirabiliter euaserint; ita & de hîc commorantibus, quòd
- multa sustineant. Quod aqua bibatur, nulla querela est: siquidem cœpit
- iam nobis ante sex hebdomadas ita panis deficere, vt nunc detur in
- hebdomadam, quod antè dabatur in vnum diem. Nauim expectamus subsidio
- venturam. Interim Pistores ac Fabri magno scilicet nomine atque antiquo
- viuimus, & [35] incidimus quibus vterque in grauem ægritudinem, sed
- Dominus supposuit manū suam. Nam neque id diu fuit, & semper altero
- decumbente, alter stetit. Experimur sanè, quantum sit onus vitæ
- necessitas, dum lignatum, dum aquatum imus, dum coquimus ipsi nobis,
- dum indumenta aut lauamus, aut reficimus, dum sarcimus tugurioli
- labes, dum in reliqua corporis cura necessariò detinemur. Inter hæc
- dies nobis, miserè, noctésque depereunt; illa nos spes consolatur ac
- sustentat, fore, vt qui subleuat abiectos DEVS, vilitatem ipse nostram
- pro sua quandoque misericordia non despiciat. Quamquā certè dum in
- subsidiorum inopiam, dum in asperitatem regionis & gentis mores, dum
- in difficultates rerum, & coloniæ constituendæ, dum in mille pericula
- obicésqʒ vel maris vel hominum intendimus, somnium & idea Platonica
- videtur quod conamur. Demonstrarem hoc sigillatim, nisi hoc esset cum
- Hebræis exploratoribus magis pro humanis viribus, quàm pro diuino
- auxilio, nec minus ex [36] animi languore, quàm ex rei veritate
- dicere: Terra hæc deuorat habitatores suos; nos locustæ sumus, cùm hic
- monstra sint de genere Giganteo. Sed enim tamen, quanticunque sint hi
- Gigantes, præualebit ille Dauid in funda & lapide, qui conculcat terram
- in fremitu suo, & in furore obstupefacit gentes; ille IESVS hominum
- Seruator, qui benefacit terram & perficit eam, quantumcunque infirmata
- sit; ille verò, ille, vti speramus, benignitatis ac potentiæ suæ ducet
- esse, vt quod vaticinatus est Isaias, _Exultet solitudo & floreat sicut
- lilium_: quemadmodum sapientiæ paritérqʒ potentiæ suæ reputauit id,
- quod cernimus, vt cultissima imperia, atque omnibus elata viribus, &
- gloriâ; suæ cruci atque humilitati subiugarentur. Amen ita sit. Atque
- hoc nostrum votum adiuuent comprecatione sua cœlites omnes, atque in
- primis cœlitum Regina & præses; adiuuet Ecclesia vniuersa, speciatímque
- Ecclesiæ pars illa, cui Paternitas vestra nutu diuino iam diu præest,
- Societas, votum meum; adiuuet oro atque obsecro [37] Paternitas vestra
- omni ope, suámque nobis ad id benedictionem pijssimam, si placet,
- largiatur. E portu Regali in noua Francia vltimo die Ianuarij Anni
- _Vestræ Paternitatis filius ac
- seruus indignus_
- [IV.] _Sic._ pro Kinibequi.
- Such are the things achieved at home; let us now consider what has
- been done elsewhere. I have explored with Sieur Biencourt a large
- part of this whole region--all that portion, namely, which the
- old geographers called Norumbega, including the principal rivers.
- The result is that not only have we come to know the country, but
- also to be known ourselves, and the savages, who had never before
- seen a Priest or the rites of our Religion, have begun to learn
- something concerning it. Wherever and whenever we could do so,
- we offered the priceless host to the Omnipotent GOD, so that the
- altar might be as a seat dedicated to the savior of men, whence
- he should begin to extend his dominion among this people, while
- their own hobgoblin tyrants are stricken with terror and driven
- [33] from their usurpation. The Savages have often been present,
- always profoundly silent and reverent. Afterwards I would visit
- their huts to pray and to lay hands on the sick; I gave them
- little crosses of brass, or images, which I hung about their necks,
- and as far as possible I infused some religious notions into their
- minds. They received all these things very gladly, they made the
- sign of the Cross under my guidance, and nearly all the boys
- followed me a long distance in order to repeat it oftener. Once it
- happened that a savage whom I had visited a couple of days before,
- finding him sick and almost given up by his friends, as I heard,
- met me rejoicing and well, and glorying in his cross, manifesting
- his gratitude toward me with hands and countenance, so that I
- strongly suspected that he had not only experienced the help of
- the cross but even recognized it. Whenever we fell in with French
- vessels--and this often happened--salutary counsels were given
- to the men, in accordance with time and place; sometimes, too,
- the passengers made their confession. Sometimes calamities that
- threatened the welfare and fortune of many were averted through
- the grace of GOD; sometimes, too, [34] certain destruction and the
- slaughter of no small number. We have also succeeded in reclaiming
- a certain Young Man[13] of great courage and hope who, through fear
- of Sieur de Potrincourt, has roamed about for a whole year with
- the Savages, adopting their ways and dress--not without suspicion,
- too, of something worse. The LORD brought about a meeting between
- us. I spoke with him, and at last he confided himself to me. I
- brought him to Sieur de Potrincourt; he did not repent of having
- placed faith in me; peace was made, to the great joy of all, and
- next day the young man, before receiving the holy Eucharist, of
- his own free will begged the pardon of those who surrounded him,
- for his evil conduct. But as it would be superfluous to speak of
- the many perils so miraculously escaped by our vessels, so would
- it be to speak of the many sufferings of those who sojourn here.
- We make no complaint of having to drink water; as for bread, in
- less than six weeks the supply ran so short that now no more is
- allowed for a week than formerly for a single day. We are awaiting
- a ship that is to bring supplies. In the meantime, as Bakers and
- Artisans, a great and ancient quality withal, [35] we continue
- living here, but we have each fallen seriously ill; however, the
- Lord sustained us with his hand. For this did not last long, and
- whenever one of us was sick the other was well. We feel, indeed,
- how great a burden it is to attend to all these household duties,
- in going for wood and water, in cooking, in washing and mending our
- clothes, in repairing our cabin, and in giving the necessary time
- and attention to other material cares. Thus our days and nights
- wretchedly slip away; but the hope consoles and sustains us that
- GOD, who raises up those who are cast down, will some time in his
- mercy not despise our unworthiness. Though, certainly, when we
- consider our lack of resources, the trying nature of the country,
- and the manners of the natives, the difficulties incident to our
- undertaking and those incident to the establishing of a colony, the
- thousand perils and impediments interposed by the sea or by our
- fellow men, our enterprise seems but a dream and a Platonic idea.
- I might set forth all these things one by one, if this were not to
- imitate the Hebrew explorers, and rather with regard to our human
- strength than to God's help, and no less through the [36] faintness
- of our own hearts than in accordance with the truth of things, to
- say: "This land devours its inhabitants; we are locusts, while
- there are here monsters of the race of Giants." But yet, however
- great these Giants be, that David with the sling and stone shall
- prevail against them, even he who tramples the earth under foot in
- his anger, and in his rage strikes terror into the senses of men;
- that JESUS, the Savior of mankind, who blesses the world and leads
- it toward perfection in spite of all its shortcomings; he, even he,
- as we hope, will deem it a thing worthy of his love and his power
- that, as Isaiah prophesied, _The solitude should exult and blossom
- like a lily_; even as he deemed it good in his wisdom and his power
- that, as we see, the most civilized empires in the height of power
- and glory should receive the yoke of his cross and his humility.
- Amen, so be it. And may all heaven with its prayers further this,
- our hope, and above all the glorious Queen of heaven; and my own
- prayers be aided, too, by the universal Church and especially by
- that portion of the Church over which, in accordance with God's
- will, your Reverence has so long presided--the Society; and I
- also pray and beseech [37] your Reverence to further it with all
- possible aid, and to be pleased to bestow on us toward this end in
- all charity your benediction. From port Royal, in new France, the
- last day of January, 1611.
- _The son and unworthy servant
- of Your Reverence_
- [III.] _Sic._ for Kinibequi.--[O'Callaghan.]
- Index rerum ac nominum nunc primùm huic Epistolæ adjunctus
- ACADIA, _duo Societatis Sacerdotes illuc missi sunt_ iii
- _et ibi preveniunt_ 26
- _Algonquini gerunt bella perpetua cum Irocosiis_ 9
- _tribus Novæ Franciæ_ 11
- _et Montagnesii iuncti, multo plus mille capitum numerare non
- possunt_ 13
- _Anthropophagi, Excominqui et Armonchiqui perhibentur esse_ 9, 14
- _Aquitaniâ euocatus, Sacerdos ad Novam Franciam proficiscitur_ 20
- _Armonchiqui terram possident â fluvio Kinibequi vsque ad
- quadragesimum gradum_ 11
- _Anthropophagi perhibentur_ 14
- _Automoinos, vel veneficos, Barbari consulunt_ 14
- _Baia Fundij._ vide, _Sinus Francicus_.
- _Baptismum velut signum confœderationis cum Gallis Barbari
- accipiunt_ 24
- _Barbari lege ac magistratu carent_ [40] 13
- _Barbari quomodo vivunt_ 13
- _bella populatim gerunt_ 14
- _nec templa nec ædes sacras habent_ 15
- _cum corpore memoriam ac nomen mortuorum sepeliunt_ 16
- _Cacodæmonem colunt_ 16
- _tenuem cognitionem Dei habent_ 16
- _nonnulli in Galliam deuehuntur et ibi baptizantur_ 23
- _centum in Novâ Franciâ baptizati sunt_ 24
- _velut signum confœderationis cum Gallis baptismum accipiunt_ 24
- _Gallos Nortmannos appellant_ 25
- _canes immolant cum mors cuivis suorum appropinquet_ 28
- _Barbarorum Novæ Franciæ tribuum nomina_ 9
- _Novæ Franciæ numeri ac nomina_ 11, 13
- _pelles unicus thesaurus_ 12
- _vultus color et mores_ 13
- _in quo constat religio_ 14
- _in conviviis consuetudo_ 17
- _infantes baptizantur_ 27
- _P. Biardus invisit casulas_ 23
- _Bella Barbari populatim gerunt_ 14
- _Biardus, P. Petrus, in Acadiâ mittitur_ iii
- _casulas Barbarorum invisit_ 33
- _magnam Norumbegæ partum lustrat_ 32
- _quemdam iuvenem D. Potrincurtio reconciliat_ 34
- _Biencurtius, Ioannes, colonos pro Novâ Franciâ deposcit_ 20
- (vide _Potrincurtius_).
- _Biencurtius D. Potrincurtij filius, interpretis vices gerit_ 31
- _magnam Norembegæ partem cum P. Biardo lustrat_ [41] 32
- _Cacodæmonem Barbari colunt_ 19
- _Canadæ, Irocosii degunt ad capita magni fluminis_ 9
- _S. Ioannis flumen orsum suum habet propemodum ora fluminis_ 10
- _Canes, Barbari imminente morte assueti sunt immolare_ 28
- _Patres Societatis hunc morem increpant_ 29
- _Canoæ e cortice compinguntur_ 17
- _Chorographiam Novæ Franciæ P. Biardus proponit mittere_ 18
- _Choucaoët brachium est terræ quod sinum Francicum excipit_ 11
- _Color Barbarorum_ 13
- _Conviviorum apud Barbaros consuetudo_ 17
- _Cotonus P. veniam obtinet ut Societas Iesv in Novâ Franciâ
- laboret_ 19
- _Dei, Barbari habent tenuem cognitionem_ 16
- _Dieppam, duo Iesuitæ eunt ad conscendendum_ 20
- _et solvunt ab hac portu_ 22
- _Etheminquenses inter S. Ioannis et Kinibequi fluvios habitant_ 10
- _tribus Novæ Franciæ_ 11
- _mille capita numerare non possunt_ 13
- _Excominqui fera gens est et Anthropophaga_ 9
- _Excommunicati, nomen vulgus Excominquorum_ 9
- _tribus Novæ Franciæ_ 9, 11
- _Anthropophagi perhibentur_ 14
- _Expositio seu capita hujusce Epistolæ_ 6
- _Flumina Novæ Franciæ_ 9, 10
- _Fœmina apud Barbaros_ 16
- _locum mancipii tenet_ 17
- _Francici sinûs positio_ [42] 10
- _Galli, quæ regio ab illis Nova Francia usurpatur_ 8
- _Novæ Franciæ regionem non incolant_ 19
- _Galliam, Barbari devehuntur et baptizantur_ 23
- _Gallis, Irocosii et Armonchiqui non multum noti sunt_ 11
- _Gallorum numerus in Acadiâ_ 25
- _Geographi antiqui erroribus pleni_ 7
- _Guerchevilia, Marchionisa, pro Patribus Societatis navem emit_ 21
- _Gurges S. Laurentii_ 9
- _Hæretici in navem Iesuitas recipere nolunt_ 20
- _Henricus Rex, veniam dat Societati in Novâ Franciâ laborandi_ 19
- _mortuus est_ 20
- _Infantes Barbarorum baptizati_ 27
- _Insula Præsentis, Terra Nova Barbaris appellatur_ 9
- _Insulæ in Nova Francia frequentes sunt_ 12
- _Irocosii ad capita magni fluminis Canadæ iacent_ 9
- _perpetua bella cum Montagnesiis et Algonquiniis gerunt_ 9
- _tribus Novæ Franciæ_ 11
- _Isthmum, gurges S. Laurentii et sinus Francicus efficiunt_ 10
- _Kinibequi flumen._ vide _Rimbequi_.
- _Latitudo Novæ Franciæ_ 8
- _Leucas quingentas Isthmus continet_ 10
- _Linguæ indigenarum Patres Societatis ignari_ 27
- _Massæus, P. Enemundus, in Acadiam mittitur_ iii
- _Medicæa Maria, regina regens, Societati Iesv patrocinatur_ 20
- _mandat ut Patres in navem recepti sint_ [43] 21
- _Membertou, Henricus, Sagamus Soricorum, cum familia ejus,
- baptizatur_ 24
- _filius ejus ægrotus deportatus est in ædes D. Potrincurtii_ 28, 29
- _Sagamus, moritur_ 30
- _magnâ pompâ sepulitur_ 32
- _Moluarum, Terra nova celeberrima piscatu_ 9
- _Montagnesii, ubi habitant_ 9
- _tribus Novæ Franciæ_ 11
- _Montes Novæ Franciæ nivosi et perpetuò rigentes sunt_ 12
- _Mores Barbarorum_ 13, 16
- _Mortuorum memoriam ac nomen Barbari cum corpore sepeliunt_ 16
- _Nomina Barbarorum Novæ Franciæ_ 9
- _Nortmannos, Barbari Gallos appellant_ 25
- _Norumbega nihil est quam umbra et vox_ 8
- _Norumbegæ P. Biardus magnam partem lustrat_ 32
- _Nova Francia, quæ sit regio_ 8
- _numeri ac nomina tribuum Barbarorum in_ 11
- _quare regio perfrigida est et valdè aquosa_ 12
- _Societas Iesv permissionem obtinet laborare in_ 19
- _Novæ Franciæ chorographia à P. Biardo facienda_ 18
- _Novam Franciam Patres Societatis appellunt ad_ 24
- _Numerus Gallorum in Acadiâ_ 25
- _Panis in Portu-regali cœpit deficere_ 34
- _Patres Societatis Iesv in Portu-regali degunt_ 10
- _necessitates ac onera eorum_ 35
- _Pedunculos Barbari in deliciis habent_ 18
- _Pelles unicus thesaurus Barbarorum_ 12
- _Pontia, Antonia._ vide _Guerchevilia_
- _Pōtugoët fluvius_ [44] 10
- _Portus-regalis latitudo ac situs_ 10
- _Patres Societatis ibi perveniunt_ 26
- _Potrincurtius, D. Ioannes, colonos pro Novâ Franciâ poscit_ 20
- _in Novam Franciam pervenit_ 24
- _familia ejus unica est in Acadiâ_ 25
- _Patrûm sedulitatem collaudat_ 27
- _filius ægrotus Membertou deportatus est in ædes ejus_ 29
- _Potrincurtio D. quidam iuvenis reconciliatus est_ 34
- _Præsentis insula_ 9
- _Promontorium Sabulorum_ 11
- _Puella baptizatur_ 27
- _moritur in Sacerdotum tuguriolo_ 28
- _Religio Barbarorum_ 14
- _Rimbequi (seu potius Kinibequi) flumen_ 10
- _Sacerdos secularis centum ferè Barbaros in Novâ Franciâ baptizat_ 24
- _in Galliam remigrat_ 26
- _Sagami sunt bellorum ductores sed imperium eorum precarium est_ 13
- _S. Ioannis flumen sese in Francicum gurgitem exonerat_ 10
- _S. Laurentii gurges_ 9
- _Sinus Francicus_ 10
- _Societas Iesv, quanam viâ missionem in hanc provinciam obtinet_ 18
- _permittitur in Novâ Franciâ laborare_ 19
- _evocat duos Sacerdotes ut ibi proficiscantur_ 20
- _impedimenta quæ eis afferuntur_ 21
- _patres in Portum-regalem perveniunt_ 24, 26
- (vide _Patres_).
- _Somniis Barbari fidem habent_ [45] 15
- _Soricorum Sagamus Henricus Membertou_ 28
- _Soriqui ubi habitant_ 10
- _tribus Novæ Franciæ_ 11
- _duo millia non conficiunt_ 13
- _Tabagia, convivium apud Barbaros vocatur_ 17
- _Tabagiam, apud Barbaros mos est moribundis facere_ 28
- _Templa nulla Barbari habent_ 15
- _Terra nova, nomen suum apud Barbaros_ 9
- _Tuguriola fœminæ ædificant_ 17
- _quomodo ædificantur_ 18
- _Venefici apud Barbaros_ 14
- _potestas eorum_ 15
- _Vultus Barbarorum_ 13
- An index of matters, persons and places now for the first time added
- to this Letter
- [_Figures refer to original pagination.--Ed._]
- ACADIA, _two priests of the Society are sent thither_ iii
- _and arrive there_ 26
- _Algonquins wage perpetual war with the Irocois_ 9
- _a tribe of New France_ 11
- _and the Montagnais together cannot much exceed a thousand in
- number_ 13
- _Cannibals, the Excomminiqui and Armouchiquois are said to be_ 9, 14
- _Aquitaine, a Priest departs for New France, summoned from_ 20
- _Armouchiquois occupy the region from the Kinibequi river to the
- fortieth parallel_ 11
- _are said to be Cannibals_ 14
- _Autmoins, or medicine-men, the Savages consult_ 14
- _Bay of Fundy_, vide _French Bay_.
- _Baptism is accepted by the Savages as a sign of confederation with
- the French_ 24
- _Savages, they have neither laws nor magistrates_ [40] 13
- _Savages, how they live_ 13
- _wage war as a whole people_ 14
- _have neither temples nor sacred edifices_ 15
- _bury the name and memory of the dead with their bodies_ 16
- _worship the Evil Spirit_ 16
- _have a slight notion of God_ 16
- _some brought to France and baptised there_ 23
- _a hundred are baptized in New France_ 24
- _receive baptism as a sign of confederation with the French_ 24
- _call the French Normans_ 25
- _sacrifice dogs when one of their people is about to die_ 28
- _Savages of New France, names of the tribes_ 9
- _of New France, their numbers and names_ 11, 13
- _hides their only treasure_ 12
- _their faces, color, and manners_ 13
- _in what their religion consists_ 14
- _their custom at their feasts_ 17
- _infants baptized_ 27
- _Father Biard visits their huts_ 33
- _Wars, the Indians wage war as a people_ 14
- _Biard, Father Pierre, is sent to Acadia_ iii
- _visits the huts of the Savages_ 33
- _explores a large part of Norumbega_ 32
- _reconciles a certain young man with Monsieur de Potrincourt_ 34
- _Biencourt, Jean de, asks for colonists for New France_ 20
- vide _Potrincourt_.
- _Biencourt, son of Potrincourt, serves as interpreter_ 31
- _explores with Father Biard a large part of Norumbega_ [41] 32
- _Evil Spirit, the Savages worship the_ 19
- _Canada, the Irocois live at the head-waters of the great river
- of_ 9
- _the St. John river takes its rise near the river of_ 10
- _Dogs, the Savages at the approach of death are accustomed to
- sacrifice_ 28
- _the Fathers of the Society blame this custom_ 29
- _Canoes constructed out of bark_ 17
- _Chart of New France, Father Biard proposes to send_ 18
- _Chouacoët is a promontory jutting into French bay_ 11
- _Color of the Savages_ 13
- _Feasts, customs of, among the Savages_ 17
- _Coton, Father, obtains permission for the Society of Jesus to labor
- in New France_ 19
- _God, the Savages have a slight knowledge of_ 16
- _Dieppe, two Jesuits go there to embark_ 20
- _and sail from this port_ 22
- _Etheminqui, live between St. John and Kinibequi rivers_ 10
- _a tribe of New France_ 11
- _cannot number a thousand_ 13
- _Excominqui, a fierce tribe, and Cannibals_ 9
- _Excommunicated, the, common appellation of the Excominqui_ 9
- _a tribe of New France_ 9, 11
- _are said to be Cannibals_ 14
- _Explanation, or heads of this Letter_ 6
- _Rivers of New France_ 9, 10
- _Women among the Savages_ 16
- _fill the place of slaves_ 17
- _French bay, its position,_ [42] 10
- _French, what country is called by them New France_ 8
- _do not settle in the country of New France_ 19
- _France, Savages brought there and baptised_ 23
- _French, the Irocois and Armouchiquois little known to_ 11
- _French, their number in Acadia_ 25
- _Geographers, old, full of errors_ 7
- _Guercheville, Marchioness de, buys a ship for the Fathers of the
- Society_ 21
- _Gulf of St. Lawrence_ 9
- _Heretics refuse to receive the Jesuits into their ship_ 20
- _Henry, King, gives the Society permission to labor in New France_ 19
- _his death_ 20
- _Infants of the Savages baptised_ 27
- _Island of Præsentis [Plaisance], Newfoundland is called by the
- Indians_ 9
- _Islands are numerous in New France_ 12
- _Irocois located at sources of great river of Canada_ 9
- _wage perpetual war with the Montagnais and Algonquins_ 9
- _a tribe of New France_ 11
- _Isthmus, gulf of St. Lawrence and French bay form_ 10
- _Kinibequi river_, vide _Rimbequi_.
- _Latitude of New France_ 8
- _Leagues, the Isthmus measures five hundred_ 10
- _Language of the natives, the Fathers ignorant of it_ 27
- _Massé, Father Ennemond, sent to Acadia_ iii
- _Médicis, Marie de, queen regent, extends her favor to the Society
- of Jesus_ 20
- _orders the Fathers to be received into the ship_ [43] 21
- _Membertou, Henry, chief of the Soriquois, is baptized with his
- family_ 24
- _his son being sick, is carried to the house of Monsieur de
- Potrincourt_ 28, 29
- _the Chief dies_ 30
- _is buried with great pomp_ 32
- _Cod-fish, Newfoundland celebrated for the taking of_ 9
- _Montagnais, where they dwell_ 9
- _a tribe of New France_ 11
- _Mountains of New France are covered with snow and perpetual
- frost_ 12
- _Manners of the Savages_ 13, 16
- _Dead, they bury their memory and name with them_ 16
- _Names of the Savages of New France_ 9
- _Normans, the Savages call the French_ 25
- _Norumbega is only a shadow and a name_ 8
- _Norumbega, Father Biard explores a large part of_ 32
- _New France, what sort of a country_ 8
- _number and names of its Savage tribes_ 11
- _why the country is very cold and wet_ 12
- _Society of Jesus obtains permission to labor in_ 19
- _New France, its chart to be made by Father Biard_ 18
- _New France, the Jesuit Fathers land in_ 24
- _Number of the French in Acadia_ 25
- _Provisions at Port Royal become scarce_ 34
- _Priests, the Jesuit, live at Port Royal_ 10
- _their needs and cares_ 35
- _Lice, the Indians regard them as a dainty_ 18
- _Peltries, the only treasure of the Indians_ 12
- _Pons, Antoinette de_, vide _Guercheville_.
- _Potugoët river_ [44] 10
- _Port Royal, latitude and location_ 10
- _the Jesuit Priests arrive here_ 26
- _Potrincourt, Sieur Jean de, asks for colonists for New France_ 20
- _arrives in New France_ 24
- _his family is the only one in Acadia_ 25
- _praises the zeal of the Fathers_ 27
- _the sick son of Membertou is brought to his house_ 29
- _Potrincourt, Sieur de, certain young man reconciled with_ 34
- _Præsentis [Plaisance] island_ 9
- _Sable, Cape_ 11
- _Girl baptized_ 27
- _dies in the cabin of the Priests_ 28
- _Religion of the Savages_ 14
- _Rimbequi (or rather Kinibequi) river_ 10
- _Secular Priest, baptises nearly a hundred Savages in New France_ 24
- _returns to France_ 26
- _Sagamores are leaders in war, but their authority is precarious_ 13
- _St. John river empties into French bay_ 10
- _St. Lawrence, gulf of_ 9
- _French Bay_ 10
- _Society of Jesus, in what way it obtained the sending of a mission
- to this province_ 18
- _is permitted to labor in New France_ 19
- _summons two Priests to go there_ 20
- _the impediments put in their way_ 21
- _the fathers arrive at Port Royal_ 24, 26
- vide _Priests_.
- _Dreams, the Savages have faith in_ [45] 15
- _Soriquois, their Sagamore Henry Membertou_ 28
- _where they live_ 10
- _a tribe of New France_ 11
- _do not number two thousand_ 13
- _Tabagie, feast among the Indians is called_ 17
- _Tabagie, a custom among the Savages held for the dying_ 28
- _Temples, the Savages have none_ 15
- _Newfoundland, its name among the Savages_ 9
- _Tents, the women set them up_ 17
- _how they are constructed_ 18
- _Medicine-men among the Indians_ 14
- _their power_ 15
- _Aspect of the Indians_ 13
- [Illustration: [_Facsimile of map of Port Royal, from "Les Voyages du
- Sieur de Champlain" (Paris, 1613)._]
- A. Le lieu de l'habitation.
- B. Iardin du Sieur de Champlain.
- C. Alleé au trauers les bois que fit faire le Sieur de Poitrincourt.
- D. Ile à l'entrée de la riuiere de l'Equille.
- E. Entrée du port Royal.
- F. Basses qui assechẽt de basse mer.
- G. Riuiere sainct Antoine.
- H. Lieu du labourage où on seme le blé.
- I. Moulin que fit fair le Sieur de Poitrincourt.
- L. Prairies qui sont innōdées des eaux aux grandes marées.
- M. Riuiere de l'Equille.
- N. La coste de la mer du port Royal.
- O. Costes de montaignes.
- P. Ile proche de la riuiere sainct Antoine.
- Q. Ruisseau de la Roche.
- R. Autre Ruisseau.
- S. Riuiere du moulin.
- T. Petit lac.
- V. Le lieu où les sauuages peschent le harang en la saison.
- X. Ruisseau de la trutiere.
- Y. Allée que fit faire le Sieur de Champlain.]
- XI
- de ce qui s'est Passé au Voyage du Sieur de Poutrincourt
- SOURCE: Reprinted from original in Harvard College Library.
- en la Nouuelle-France
- depuis 20. mois ença.
- _Par_ MARC LESCARBOT _Aduocat
- en Parlement._
- [Illustration]
- Chez IEAN MILLOT, deuant
- S. Barthelemy aux trois Couronnes.
- _M. DCXII._
- OF
- to New France, twenty
- months ago.
- _By_ MARC LESCARBOT, _Advocate in
- Parliament._
- JEAN MILLOT, opposite St. Barthelemy, at
- the Three Crowns.
- Relation Dernière de ce qvi s'est passé av voyage dv sieur de
- Poutrincourt en la Nouuelle-France depuis 20. mois ença.
- LE proverbe ancien est bien veritable, que les Dieux nous vendent
- toutes choses par labeur. Ceci se reconoit par experience ordinaire
- en plusieurs choses, mais particulierement au fait duquel nous avons
- à parler: auquel donne sujet par ses incomparables vertus le sieur de
- Poutrincourt, de qui les labeurs plus que Herculeans ont dés y a long
- temps merité vne bien ample fortune, & y eust donné attainte au temps
- de nos troubles derniers, s'il n'eust esté trop entier à maintenir le
- party qu'il auoit embrassé. Car le Roy le tenant en personne assiegé
- dans le chateau de Beaumont [4] lui voulut donner le Comté dudit lieu
- pour se rendre à son service. Ce qu'ayant refusé, il le fit toutefois
- peu après gratuitement voyant sa Majesté reduit à l'Eglise Catholique
- Romaine. Vray est que nostre feu Roy HENRI le Grand l'auoit obligé en
- vne chose, c'est d'avoir rendu par sa bouche ce temoignage de lui,
- qu'il estoit vn des plus hommes de bien, & des plus valeureux de
- son royaume. Suiuant quoy aussi apres noz guerres passées, lui qui
- naturellement est porté aux entreprises difficiles, fuiant la vie
- oisive, auroit recherché l'occasion de faire plus que devant paroitre
- son courage, honorer son Prince, & illustrer sa patrie. Ce qu'il
- auroit fait par la rencontre du sieur de Monts, lequel en l'an 1603,
- entreprenoit le voyage de la France Nouvelle & Occidentale d'outre mer,
- auec lequel il se ioignit pour y reconoistre vne terre propre à habiter
- & y rendre service a Dieu & au Roy. A quoy il a depuis travaillé
- continuellement & eust desia beaucoup avancé l'œuvre, si sa facilité
- ne se fust trop fiée à des hommes trompeurs, qui lui ont fait perdre
- son temps & son argent. Voire encore estant Gentilhomme indomtable
- à la fatigue, & sans crainte aux hazars, il se pourroit promettre
- vn assez prompt avancement à son entreprise s'il n'estoit troublé
- par l'avarice de ceux qui lui enlevent la graisse de sa terre sans y
- faire habitation, & avides des Castors de ce païs là y vont exprés
- pour ce sujet, & ont fait à l'envi l'un de l'autre que chacune peau
- de Castor (qui est le traffic le plus [5] present de ces terres) vaut
- icy auiourd'hui dix liures, qui se pourroit bailler pour la moitié,
- si le commerce d'icelles estoit permis à vn seul. Et au moyen de ce
- pourroit prendre fondement la Religion Chrestienne par dela; comme
- certes elle y auroit esté fort avancée, si telle chose eust esté faite.
- Et la consideration de la Religion & de l'establissement d'un païs dont
- la France peut tirer du profit & de la gloire, merite bien que ceux
- qui l'habitent iouïssent pleinement & entierement des fruits qui en
- proviennent, puis que nul ne contribuë à ce dessein pour le soulagement
- des entrepreneurs, lesquels au peril de leurs vies & de leurs moyens
- ont découvert par dela tant les orées maritimes, que le profond des
- terres, où iamais aucun Chrétien n'avoit esté. Il y a vne autre
- consideration que ie ne veux mettre par écrit, & laquelle seule doit
- faire accorder ce que dessus à ceux qui se presentent & offrent pour
- habiter & defendre la province, voire pour donner du secours à toute
- la France de deça. C'a esté vne plainte faite de tout temps, que les
- considerations particulieres ont ruiné les affaires du general. Ainsi
- est-il à craindre qu'il n'en avienne en l'affaire des Terres-neuves, si
- nous la negligeons, & si l'on ne soustient ceux qui d'une resolution
- immuable s'exposent pour le bien, l'honneur, & la gloire de la France,
- & pour l'exaltation du nom de Dieu, & de son Eglise.
- Last Relation of what took place in the voyage made by sieur de
- Poutrincourt to New France, twenty months ago.
- THE old proverb is true that the Gods sell us all things for work.
- This may be recognized in many of the ordinary events of life,
- but especially in the matter of which we are about to speak,
- and for which we have a subject in the incomparable virtues of
- sieur de Poutrincourt, whose more than Herculean labors have for
- a long time deserved a very ample fortune, which he might have
- succeeded in acquiring during our late struggles, had he not
- been too entirely devoted to the party which he had embraced.
- For the King, holding him besieged in person in Beaumont castle,
- [4] wished to give him the County thereof to attach him to his
- service. Refusing the gift at this time, he nevertheless accepted
- it freely soon afterwards, when he learned that his Majesty had
- embraced the faith of the Roman Catholic Church. It is true that
- our late King HENRY the Great had rendered him one service; that
- is, he had testified with his own lips that he was one of the
- most honorable and valiant men in his kingdom. Again, after our
- recent wars, being naturally attracted to difficult enterprises
- and shunning a life of idleness, he sought some occasion to more
- effectually show his courage, to honor his Prince, and to glorify
- his country. This he did by meeting sieur de Monts,[13] who, in the
- year 1603, undertook the voyage to New and Western France beyond
- the sea; and by associating himself with him, to find a suitable
- place where he could settle down, and there render service to God
- and the King. To this end he has labored continually ever since,
- and would have already greatly advanced the work, had not his
- amiable nature been imposed upon by dishonest men, who have been
- the cause of great losses to him in time and money. But, as he
- was a Gentleman not to be conquered by hardships, and fearing no
- dangers, he might have been sure of prompt advancement in his work
- had he not been hindered by the greed of those who robbed him of
- the fat of his lands, without making any settlement there. These
- people, eager to get the Beaver skins of that country, go there for
- no other purpose; and so compete with each other, that they have
- caused every Beaver skin (which is the chief traffic [5] of these
- regions) to be worth here to-day ten livres, when they might have
- been sold for one-half that price, if the traffic therein had been
- limited to one person. In this way the Christian Religion might
- have also been established there; and it certainly would have been
- greatly advanced, if such a course had been pursued. Also for the
- sake of Religion and of permanent colonization, from which France
- can derive both profit and glory, it is well that those who settle
- there should enjoy fully and wholly the advantages guaranteed by
- them; since no one does anything in this direction for the sake
- of the leaders of the enterprise, who, at the risk of their lives
- and their fortunes, have discovered coasts and interior lands
- where no Christian had ever been. There is another consideration
- which I do not wish to set down in writing, and which alone ought
- to obtain the above-mentioned privileges to those who present and
- offer themselves to settle and defend the province, and indeed
- to give assistance to the entire French colony over there. There
- has always been a complaint that affairs of general importance
- are ruined by giving too much attention to the consideration of
- personal interests. It is to be feared this may be the case in the
- affairs of the new World, if we neglect them, and do not encourage
- those who, with an unchangeable purpose, take great risks for the
- welfare, the honor, and the glory of France, and for the exaltation
- of the name of God, and of his Church.
- I'ay rapporté en mon histoire de la Nouvelle France ce qui est des deux
- premiers voyages faits outre mer par le sieur de Poutrincourt. Ici i'ay
- à écrire ce qui s'est ensuiui és voyages subsequens. Depuis quelques
- années une succession lui est echeuë a cause de Dame Iehanne de Salazar
- sa mere, qui est la Baronnie de Sainct Iust en Champagne. Les rivieres
- de Seine & d'Aulbe rendent le lieu de cette Baronnie autant agreable,
- que fort & avantageux à la defense. Là au commencement de Février mil
- six cens dix il fit partie de son equippage, y ayant chargé vn bateau
- de meubles, viures, & munitions de guerre, voire tellement chargé
- qu'il n'y restoit que deux doigts de bord hors de l'eau. Cependant la
- riviere estoit enflée & ne se pouuoit plus tenir en son lict à cause
- des longues pluies hivernales. Les flots le menaçoient souuent, les
- perils y estoient presens, mesmement és passages de Nogent, Corbeil,
- Sainct Clou, Ecorche-veau, & autres où des bateaux perirent à sa veuë,
- sans qu'il fust aucunement emeu d'apprehension. En fin il parvint à
- Dieppe, & apres quelque sejour il se mit en mer le 26. dudit mois
- de Février. Plusieurs en cette ville là benissoient son voyage, &
- prioient Dieu pour la prosperité d'icelui. La saison estoit rude, &
- les vents le plus souvent contraires. Mais on peut bien appeller vn
- [7] voyage heureux, quand en fin on arrive à bon port. [_Forbans, ce
- sont Pyrates._] Ils ne furent gueres loin qu'ils rencontrerent vers
- le Casquet vn nauire de Forbans, lesquels voyans ledit Sieur & ses
- gens bien resolus de se defendre si on les attaquoit, passerent outre.
- Le 6. de Mars ils rencontrerent vnze navires Flamens, & se saluerent
- l'vn l'autre de chacun vn coup de canon. Depuis le 8. iusques au 15.
- il y eut tempéte, durant laquelle vne fois ledit Sieur estant couché
- à la poupe, fut porté de son lict pardessus la table au lict de son
- fils. [_Su, c'est Midi._] Ce mauvais temps les fit chercher leur route
- plus au Su, & virent deux iles des Essores, Corbes, & Flore, là où
- ils eurent le rafraichissement de quelques Marsoins qu'ils prindrent.
- Et comme l'on dit que de la guerre vient la paix, Ainsi apres ces
- tourmentes ils eurent des calmes iusques au iour de Pasques Fleuries
- plus facheux que les tourmentes: car quoy qu'on soit en repos, il n'y
- a pourtant sujet de contentement: car les vivres se mangent, & la
- saison de bien faire se passe: bref vn grand calme est fort mauvais
- sur la mer. Mais cela n'est point perpetuel: & quelquefois (selon
- l'inconstance d'Eole) apres le calme suit vn vent favorable, tantost
- vne tempéte, comme il survint vn peu apres (sçauoir le lendemain de
- Pasques) laquelle fit faire eau à la soute, qui est le magazin du pain,
- ou biscuit. [_Peril d'vn charpentier._] Occasion que le Charpentier du
- navire voulant aller remedier au mal avenu, d'autant qu'en faisant ce
- qui est de son art il troubloit les prieres publiques qui se faisoient
- du matin, ledit Sieur lui commanda [8] de besongner par le dehors, là
- où estant allé il trouva le Gouvernail rompu (chose dangereuse) lequel
- voulant aller racoutrer, comme il estoit à sa besongne, il tomba de son
- echaffaut dedans la mer. Et bien vint que le temps s'estoit ammoderé:
- car autrement c'estoit vn homme perdu. Mais il fut garenti par la
- diligence des matelots, qui lui tendirent vne corde, par laquelle il
- se sauva.
- I related in my history of New France what happened in the first
- two voyages made by sieur de Poutrincourt to the lands beyond
- the sea. Here I shall give an account of what took place in the
- subsequent voyages. Some years ago an inheritance, the Barony of
- Sainct Just, in Champagne, fell to Sieur de Poutrincourt through
- his mother, Lady Jehanne de Salazar. The Seine and Aulbe rivers
- render the situation of this domain as beautiful as it is strong
- and eligible for defense. Here, in the beginning of February, one
- thousand six hundred and ten, he partly equipped his ship, loading
- it with furniture, provisions, and munitions of war; and, indeed,
- so freighted it down that the sides were only two finger-lengths
- out of the water. Meanwhile, the river had risen until it could
- no longer be confined in its bed, on account of the long winter
- rains. Often threatened by floods and by imminent perils in the
- passages from Nogent, Corbeil, Sainct Clou, Ecorche-veau and other
- places, where vessels were wrecked before his eyes, he was not in
- the least affected by fear. At last he arrived at Dieppe, and,
- after a sojourn there, he put to sea upon the 26th of this same
- month of February. Many people of that city wished him well in
- his voyage and prayed God for its success. The season was stormy,
- and contrary winds prevailed the greater part of the time. But we
- may indeed call a [7] voyage fortunate, which brings us at last
- safe into port. [_Forbans are pirates._] They were not far away
- when they met, in the direction of Casquet,[14] a ship of Forbans,
- who, seeing that the Sieur and his crew were all ready to defend
- themselves if attacked, sailed on past them. On the 6th of March
- they met eleven Flemish ships, and they saluted each other by a
- discharge of cannon. From the 8th to the 15th there was a tempest,
- during which the Sieur, who was lying down on the poop, was thrown
- from his bed, over the table, to that of his son. [_South, that
- is, Meridian._] This bad weather made them turn their route more
- to the South, where they saw two of the Essores islands, Corbes
- and Flore; and there they had some fresh food by catching a few
- Porpoises. And as, according to the old saying, peace follows war,
- so, after these storms, there were calms more trying than the
- tempests, until Palm Sunday; for then, although there was rest,
- there was no satisfaction in it, for the food was being consumed
- and the good season was passing away; in short, a great calm is a
- very harmful thing upon the sea. But it does not last always; and
- sometimes (according to the fickle moods of Æolus) after the calm
- comes a favorable wind, sometimes a tempest; as happened shortly
- afterwards (namely, the day after Easter), and this caused a leak
- in the soute, which is the storeroom for bread or biscuit. Now the
- ship's carpenter, who went to repair the leak, while doing what
- his trade demanded, interfered with the public prayers which were
- being offered in the morning, and the Sieur commanded him [8] to do
- his work outside. [_Peril of a carpenter._] He obeyed, and there
- found the Rudder broken (which is a very dangerous thing); wishing
- to readjust it, while he was engaged in the work, he fell from his
- scaffolding into the sea. And it was well that the weather had
- moderated; for otherwise there would have been a man lost. But he
- was rescued by the efforts of the sailors, who threw him a rope by
- which he saved himself.
- [_Voy l'Hist. de la Nouv. France liv. 4. chap. 12._]
- Le 11. de May la sonde fut iettée, & se trouva fond à 80. brasses:
- indice que l'on estoit sur le Banc des Moruës. Là ils s'arréterent pour
- auoir le rafraichissement de la pecherie soit des poissons, soit des
- oiseaux qui sont abondamment sur ledit Banc, ainsi que i'ay amplement
- décrit en madite Histoire de la Nouvelle France. [_Au méme liv. ch.
- 7._] Le Banc passé, apres auoir soutenu plusieurs vents contraires, en
- fin ils terrirent vers Pemptegoet (qui est l'endroit que noz Geographes
- marquent soubs le nom de Norombega) & fit dire la Messe ledit Sieur
- en vne Isle qu'il nomma de l'Ascension, pour y estre arrivé ce iour
- là. De ce lieu ils vindrent à Sainte Croix premiere habitation de noz
- François en cette côte, là où ledit Sieur fit faire des prieres pour
- les trespassez qui y estoient enterrez dés le premier voyage du sieur
- de Monts en l'an 1603. & furent au haut de la riviere dudit lieu de
- Sainte Croix, où ils trouverent telle quantité de Harens à chaque
- marée, qu'il y en avoit pour nourrir toute vne grosse ville. En autres
- saisons il y vient d'autres poissons. Mais lors c'estoit le tour aux
- Harens. Là mesme il y a des arbres d'inestimable [9] beauté en hauteur
- & grosseur. [_Ceremonies de funerailles._] Sur cette méme côte, devant
- qu'arriver au Port Royal ils virent les ceremonies funebres d'un corps
- mort decedé en la terre des Etechemins. Le defunct estoit couché sur
- vn ais appuyé de quatre fourches, & fut couvert de peaux. Le lendemain
- arrive là grande assemblée d'hommes, lesquels danserent à leur mode
- alentour du decedé. Vn des anciens tenoit vn long baton, où il y avoit
- pendues trois tétes de leurs ennemis; D'autres avoient d'autres marques
- de leurs victoires: & en cet etat chanterent & danserent deux ou trois
- heures, disans les loüanges du mort au lieu du _Libera_ que disent les
- Chrétiens. [_Matachiaz, ce sont carquans, echarpes, & brasselets._]
- Apres chacun lui fit don de quelque chose, comme de peaux, chaudieres,
- pois, haches, couteaux, fleches, _Matachiaz_ & autres hardes. Toutes
- lesquelles ceremonies achevées, on le porta en sepulture en vne ile à
- l'écart loin de la terre ferme. Et au partir de là tira ledit Sieur au
- Port Royal lieu de son habitation.
- [_See History of New France book 4. ch. 12._]
- On the 11th of May, the sounding lead was cast, and bottom was
- found at 80 fathoms; a sign that they were upon the Codfish Banks.
- There they stopped to obtain fresh food, either fish or birds,
- which are abundant upon these Banks, as I have described fully
- in my History of New France. [_In the same book ch. 7._] When
- the Banks were passed, after having encountered several contrary
- winds, at last they landed in the neighborhood of Pemptegoet, (the
- place that our Geographers designate by the name Norembega);[15]
- and the Sieur caused Mass to be said upon an Island, which he
- called Ascension, because they arrived there upon that day. Thence
- they came to Sainte Croix,[16] the first settlement of our French
- upon this coast, where the Sieur had prayers offered for the dead
- who had been buried there since the first voyage made by sieur
- de Monts, in the year 1603. Then they went up the river Sainte
- Croix, where they found such a great number of Herrings at every
- tide, that they had enough to feed a whole city. During the other
- seasons there are other kinds of fish, but at that time it was
- the Herring season. [_Funeral ceremonies._] Also there are trees
- there of [9] indescribable beauty, height, and grandeur. Upon
- this same coast, before reaching Port Royal, they saw the funeral
- ceremonies over the corpse of a savage who had died in the land of
- the Etechemins. The body was resting upon a plank supported by four
- stakes and covered with skins. The next day, a great crowd of men
- arrived, who performed their customary dances around the corpse.
- One of the old men held a long pole, upon which were dangling
- three of their enemies' heads; others carried other trophies of
- their victories; and thus they continued to sing and dance for
- two or three hours, chanting the praises of the dead instead of
- the _Libera_ of Christians. [_Matachiaz are necklaces, scarfs and
- bracelets._] Afterwards each one made him a gift of some kind, such
- as skins, kettles, peas, hatchets, knives, arrows, _Matachiaz_,[17]
- and articles of apparel. When all these ceremonies were finished,
- they carried him for burial to an isolated island, far from the
- mainland. And, leaving there, the Sieur sailed for Port Royal, the
- place of his residence.
- Le sieur de Poutrincourt n'eut à-peine pris haleine apres tant de
- travaux, qu'il envoya chercher Membertou premier & plus ancien
- Capitaine de cette contrée, pour lui rafrechir la memoire de quelques
- enseignemens de la Religion Chrétienne que nous lui avions autrefois
- [10] donné, & l'instruire plus amplement és choses qui concernent
- le salut de l'ame, afin que cetui-ci reduit, plusieurs autres à son
- exemple fissent le méme. Comme de fait il arriva. Car apres avoir esté
- catechizé, & les siens avec lui, par quelque temps, il fut baptizé, &
- vingt autres de sa troupe, le iour sainct Iehan Baptiste 1610. [_Liv.
- 5. ch. 5. pa. 638._] les noms desquels i'ay enrollé en mon Histoire de
- la Nouvelle France selon qu'ils sont écrits au registre des baptémes de
- l'Eglise metropolitaine de dela, qui est au Port Royal. [_Mission._]
- Le Pasteur qui fit ce chef d'œuvre fut Messire Iesse Fleuche natif de
- Lantage, diocese de Langres, homme de bonnes lettres, lequel avoit pris
- sa mission de Monsieur le Nonce du Sainct Pere Euesque de Rome, qui
- estoit pour lors, & est encore à Paris. Non qu'un Euéque François ne
- l'eust peu faire: mais ayant fait ce choix, ie croy que ladite mission
- est aussi bonne de lui (qui est Evéque) que d'vn autre, encore qu'il
- soit étranger. Toutefois i'en laisse la cõsideration à ceuq qui y ont
- plus d'interest que moy, estant chose qui se peut disputer d'une part
- & d'autre, parce qu'il n'est pas ici en son diocese. Ledit Seigneur
- Nonce, dit Robert Vbaldin, lui bailla permission d'ouir par dela les
- confessions de toutes personnes, & les absoudre de tous pechés & crimes
- non reservés expressement au siege Apostolique; & leur enioindre des
- penitences selon la qualité du peché. En outre lui donna pouvoir de
- consacrer & benir des chasubles & autres vétemens sacerdotaux, & des
- paremens d'autels, excepté [11] des Corporaliers, Calices, & Paténes.
- C'est ainsi que ie l'ay leu sur les lettres de ce octroyées audit
- Fleuche premier Patriarche de ces terres là. Ie di patriarche, par
- ce que communement on l'appelloit ainsi: & ce mot l'a deu semondre à
- mener vne vie pleine d'integrité & d'innocence, comme ie croy qu'il a
- fait. Or ces baptizailles ne furent sans solennités. [_confession de
- Foy de Membertou._] Car Membertou (& consequemment les autres) avant
- qu'estre introduits en l'Eglise de Dieu, fit vne reconoissance de
- toute sa vie passée, confessa ses pechés, & renonça au diable, auquel
- il avoit servi. Là dessus chacun chanta le _Te Deum_ de bon courage,
- & furent les canons tirés avec grand plaisir, à-cause des Echoz qui
- durent audit Port Royal, prés d'un quart d'heure. C'est vne grande
- grace que Dieu a fait à cet homme d'avoir receu le don de la Foy, & de
- la lumiere Evangelique, en l'âge où il est parvenu, qui est à mon avis
- de cent dix ans ou plus. Il fut nommé HENRI du nom de nostre feu Roy
- HENRI le Grand. [_Pa. 638._] D'autres furent nommez des noms du sainct
- Pere le Pape de Rome, de la Royne, & Messeigneurs & Dames ses enfans,
- de Monsieur le Nonce, & autres signalez personnages de deça, lesquels
- on print pour parrins, comme ie l'ay écrit en madite Histoire. Mais
- ie ne voy point que ces parrins se soient souvenus de leurs filieuls,
- ni qu'ils leur ayent envoyé aucune chose pour les sustenter, ayder,
- & encourager à demeurer fermes en la Religion qu'ils ont receuë: Car
- pour du pain on leur fera croire ce que l'on voudra, & peu à peu leur
- terre [12] estant cultivée les nourrira. Mais il les faut ayder du
- commencement. Ce qu'a fait le sieur de Poutrincourt tant qu'il a peu,
- voire outrepassant son pouvoir il en a ieusné par apres, comme nous
- dirons ailleurs.
- Sieur de Poutrincourt had hardly taken breath after so many labors,
- when he sent for Membertou, chief and oldest Captain of this
- country, to refresh his memory in regard to some of the principles
- of the Christian Religion, which we had [10] previously taught
- him, and to instruct him more fully in things which concern the
- salvation of the soul; so that, he being converted, many others
- might follow his example. As in truth it came to pass. For after
- having been catechized for some time, and his family with him,
- he was baptized, as were also twenty others of his company, upon
- saint John the Baptist's day, 1610. [_Book 5. ch. 5. page 638._]
- I have enrolled their names in my History of New France, just
- as they are written over there in the baptismal register of the
- mother-Church, which is at Port Royal. The Pastor who accomplished
- this master-piece [_chef d'œuvre_] was Messire Jesse Fleuche, a
- native of Lantage, in the diocese of Langres; [_Commission._] he
- is a scholarly man, and received his commission from Monsieur,
- the Ambassador of the Holy Father, the Bishop of Rome, who was
- then, and is still, in Paris. Not that a French Bishop might not
- have given it to him; but, as this one was chosen, I believe the
- said commission is as good from him (since he is a Bishop), as
- from another, although he is a stranger. However, I leave the
- consideration of this matter to those who have more interest in it
- than I have, it being a question that admits of dispute on both
- sides, since here he is not in his diocese. This Ambassador, called
- Robert Ubaldin,[18] gave him permission to hear confessions from
- all people over there, and to absolve them from all sins and crimes
- not strictly reserved to the Apostolic see; and to impose upon
- them penances, according to the character of the sin. Furthermore,
- he gave him power to consecrate and bless the chasubles, and
- other priestly vestments, and the altar furnishings, except [11]
- the Corporals, Chalices, and Patens. It is thus that I have seen
- it stated in the credentials granted to the said Fleuche, first
- Patriarch of those lands. I say patriarch, because that is what
- he was generally called: and this was an incentive to him to
- lead a life full of integrity and innocence, as I believe he has
- done. Now these baptismal ceremonies were not without solemnity.
- [_Confession of Membertou._] For Membertou (and consequently the
- others), before being introduced into the Church of God, made an
- examination of all his past life, confessed his sins, and renounced
- the devil, whom he had served. Then each one joined heartily in
- singing the _Te Deum_, and there was a joyful discharge of cannon,
- so that the Echoes lingered in Port Royal nearly a quarter of an
- hour. God has shown great mercy in granting that this man should
- receive the gift of Faith, and the light of the Gospel, at the age
- to which he has attained, which is, I believe, one hundred and ten
- years, or more. He was named HENRY, after our late King, HENRY
- the Great. [_Page 638._] Others were given the names of the holy
- Father, the Pope of Rome, of the Queen, of my Lords and Ladies, her
- children, of Monsieur the Nuncio, and of other notable personages
- over here, who have been chosen as godparents, as I have written in
- my History. But I do not see that these godparents have remembered
- their children, nor that they have sent them anything to support,
- aid, and encourage them in remaining firm in the Religion which
- they have accepted: for, if you give them bread, you can make them
- believe almost anything you wish; when, little by little, their
- land [12] is cultivated, they will derive from it their support.
- But they must be assisted in the beginning. Sieur de Poutrincourt
- has done this as far as he was able, even going beyond his means,
- for which he fasted afterwards, as we shall relate elsewhere.
- Trois semaines apres l'arrivée dudit Sieur en sa terre du Port Royal
- il avisa de renvoyer en France le Baron de sainct Iust son fils ainé,
- ieune Gentilhomme fort experimenté à la marine, & lequel à cette
- occasion Monsieur l'Admiral a honoré du tiltre de Vice-Admiral en la
- mer du Ponant és cótes de dela. Car ayant a nourrir beaucoup d'hommes
- au moins l'espace d'un an & plus, attendant vne cueillette de blez, il
- estoit besoin d'une nouvelle charge de vivres & marchandises propres
- au commun vsage tant de lui & des siens, que des Sauvages. Il le fit
- donc partir le 8. Iuillet, lui enioignant d'estre de retour dans quatre
- mois, & le conduisit dans vne Pinasse, ou grande chalouppe environ cent
- lieuës loin. En cette saison on a beau rire le long de la côte. Car il
- y a des iles en grand nombre vers le Cap Fourchu, & le Cap de Sable si
- pleines d'oiseaux, qu'il ne faut qu'assommer & charger, & avec ce le
- poisson y foisonne en telle sorte, qu'il ne faut que ietter la ligne en
- mer & la retirer. La contrarieté du vent les ayant plusieurs fois [13]
- contraint de mouiller l'ancre parmi ces iles, leur fit faire epreuve de
- ce que ie di. Ainsi ledit de sainct Iust s'en alla rengeant la terre
- l'espace de deux cens lieuës, iusques à ce qu'il eut passé l'ile de
- Sable, ile dangereuse pour estre basse & sans port asseuré, sise a
- vingt lieuës de la terre ferme vis à vis la terre de Bacaillos. [_Voy
- l'Histoire de la Nouvelle France liv. 4. Chap. 12._] Le 28. de Iuillet
- il estoit sur le Banc aux Moruës, là où il se rafraichit de vivres, &
- rencontra plusieurs navires de noz havres de France, & vn Anglois, d'où
- il eut la premiere nouvelle de la mort de nôtre grand Roy HENRI. Ce qui
- le troubla & sa compagnie, tant pour l'accident si funeste de cette
- mort, que de crainte qu'il n'y eust du trouble pardeça. Le Dimanche
- premier iour d'Aoust ils quitterent ledit Banc, le 20. eurent la veuë
- de la terre de France, & le 21. entrerent dans le port de Dieppe.
- Three weeks after the Sieur's arrival at his estates in Port
- Royal, he made up his mind to send back to France his eldest son,
- the Baron de sainct Just, a young Gentleman who is well versed in
- seamanship, and whom, upon this occasion, Monsieur the Admiral has
- honored with the title of Vice-Admiral of the Western ocean and
- its more distant coasts. For, being obliged to furnish food for a
- great many men at least during the space of a year and more, while
- waiting for the wheat crop, he needed a new supply of provisions
- and merchandise suitable for general use, both for himself and his
- people, and for the Savages. So he had him leave on the 8th of
- July, enjoining him to be upon his return voyage in four months;
- and he accompanied him in a Pinnace, or large boat, for about one
- hundred leagues. At this season it is pleasant to sail along the
- coast, for there are a great many islands in the neighborhood
- of Cape Fourchu[19] and Cape Sable, which are so full of birds,
- that all there is to do is to knock them down and reload; also,
- fish are so plentiful, that it is only necessary to throw out the
- line and draw it in. Contrary winds, having several times [13]
- forced them to cast anchor among these islands, this gave them an
- opportunity of verifying what I have said. So sainct Just continued
- to coast along for two hundred leagues, until he had passed Sable
- island,[20] a dangerous place because it is low and has no safe
- harbor; it is twenty leagues from the mainland opposite the land of
- Bacaillos.[21] [_See History of New France, book 4. ch. 12._] On
- the 28th of July, he reached the Codfish Banks, where he obtained
- fresh food and met several ships from our French ports, and one
- English ship, whence he received the first news of the death of our
- great King HENRY. This grieved him and his crew, on account of the
- sad circumstances surrounding the death, and because they feared
- trouble might arise from it. Sunday, the first day of August, they
- left these Banks; on the 20th they sighted the land of France and
- on the 21st entered the port of Dieppe.
- Comme le sieur de Poutrincourt suivoit la côte conduisant son fils
- sur le retour, il trouva quelques Sauvages de conoissance en vne ile,
- où ils s'estoient cabannez, faisans pécherie: lesquels ayant abordé,
- ils en furent tout ioyeux: [_Acte de pieté._] Et apres quelques
- propos tenus de Membertou, & des autres, & de ce qui s'estoit passé
- en leurs baptizailles, il leur demanda s'ils vouloient point estre
- comme luy, & croire en Dieu pour estre aussi baptizés; A quoy ils [14]
- s'accorderent apres avoir esté instruits. Et là dessus il les envoya
- au Port Royal pour estre plus à loisir confirmés en la Foy & doctrine
- Evangelique: là où estans ils furent baptizés. Cependant ledit Sieur
- poursuivoit sa route allant toujours avant le long de la côte, tant
- qu'il vint au Cap de la Héve, environ lequel endroit il laissa aller
- à la garde de Dieu ledit sieur de sainct Iust son fils, & virant le
- cap en arriere cingla vers la riviere dudit lieu de la Héve, qui est
- vn port large de plus de deux lieuës & long de six, cuidant y trouver
- vn Capitaine dés long temps appellé Martin par noz François. Mais il
- s'en estoit retiré, à-cause de quelque mortalité là survenuë par des
- maladies dysenteriaques. Depuis, ledit Martin ayant entendu que ledit
- Sieur lui avoit fait tant d'honneur que de l'aller chercher, il le
- suivit à la piste avec trente-cinq ou 40. hommes, & le vint trouver
- vers le Cap de Sable pour le remercier d'une telle visite. Ledit Sieur
- homme accort & benin le receut humainement, encores qu'auparavant en
- l'an 1607. il y eust eu quelque colere contre lui, sur ce que passant
- icelui Sieur par ledit lieu de la Héve foible de gens, & se voyant
- environné de trois chaloupes de Sauvages pleines de peuple, il les fit
- ranger toutes d'un côté. Sur quoy ledit Martin ayant dit qu'il avoit
- donc peur d'eux, il fut en danger de voir par effet que sa conclusion
- estoit fausse. [_Acte de pieté._] A cette derniere rencontre ledit
- Martin fut caressé & invité à se faire Chrétien, comme Membertou, &
- plusieurs autres: & [15] s'en aller au Port Royal pour y recevoir plus
- ample instruction. Ce qu'il promit faire avec sa troupe. Et d'autant
- que les Sauvages ne vont iamais voir leurs amis les mains vuides, il
- alla à la chasse, afin de porter de la venaison audit lieu: & cependant
- ledit Sieur s'avance & va devant pour les y attendre. [_Peril._] Mais
- étant environ le Cap Fourchu, le voila porté d'un vent de terre droit
- à la mer, & ce si avant, qu'il fut six iours sans aucune provision de
- vivres (que de quelques oiseaux pris és iles, qu'il avoit de reste) &
- sans autre eau douce que celle qui se recuilloit quelquefois dans les
- voiles: Bref sans rien voir que ciel & eau; & s'il n'eust eu vne petite
- boussolle il estoit en danger d'estre porté à la côte de la Floride
- par la violence des vents, des tempétes, & des vagues. En fin par son
- industrie & iugement il vint terrir vers l'ile sainte Croix, là où
- Oagimont Capitaine dudit lieu lui apporta des galettes de biscuit qu'il
- avoit troquées avec noz François. Et delà estant en lieu de conoissance
- il traversa la baye Françoise large en cet endroit de vingt lieuës, &
- vint au Port Royal cinq semaines apres sa departie où il trouva des
- gens bien etonnés pour sa longue absence, & qui desia pourpensoient vn
- changement qui ne pouvoit estre que funeste. C'est ainsi qu'au peril
- de sa vie, avec des fatigues & souffrances incroyables il va chercher
- des brebis egarées pour les amener à la bergerie de Iesus-Christ, &
- accroitre le Royaume celeste. Que si la conversion de ces peuples ne
- se fait par milliers, il faut penser [16] que nul Prince ou Seigneur
- n'a iusques ici assisté ledit sieur de Poutrincourt, auquel méme les
- avares vont ravir ce qui est de sa province, & sa bonté souffre cela,
- pour ne faire rien qui puisse aigrir les grands de deça, encores que
- le Roy luy ayant donné la terre il puisse iustement empecher qu'on ne
- lui enleve les fruits d'icelle, & qu'on n'entre dans ses ports, & qu'on
- ne lui coupe ses bois. Quand il aura de plus amples moyens il pourra
- envoyer des hommes aux terres plus peuplées, où il faut aller fort, &
- faire vne grande moisson pour l'amplification de l'Eglise. Mais il faut
- premierement batir la Republique, sans laquelle l'Eglise ne peut estre.
- Et pour ce le premier secours doit estre à cette Republique, & non à
- ce qui a le pretexte de pieté. Car cette Republique estant établie, ce
- sera à elle à pourvoir à ce qui regarde le spirituel. Retournons au
- Port Royal. Là ledit Sieur arrivé trouva Martin & ses gens baptizés,
- & tous portés d'un grand zele à la Religion Chrétienne, oyans fort
- devotement le service divin, lequel estoit ordinairement chanté en
- Musique de la composition dudit Sieur.
- As sieur de Poutrincourt sailed along the coast, while accompanying
- his son upon his return, he found some Savages whom he knew,
- encamped upon an island and engaged in fishing; [_Act of piety._]
- they were overjoyed at his arrival, and after some talk about
- Membertou and others, and about what had taken place at their
- baptism, he asked them if they did not wish to be like him, to
- believe in God and be baptized: this they [14] agreed to do after
- they had been instructed. And thereupon he sent them to Port
- Royal, where more time could be given to confirm them in the Faith
- and doctrines of the Gospel; they went there and were baptized.
- Meanwhile the Sieur continued on his way, always following the
- coast, until he came to Cape de la Héve, near which place he
- consigned his son, sieur de sainct Just, to the care of God; and,
- veering around the cape, he sailed toward the river of la Héve,
- which forms a port more than two leagues wide and six leagues
- long, expecting to find there a Chief, whom the French had for
- a long time called Martin. But he had gone away, on account of
- the deaths which had occurred there from some form of dysentery.
- Afterwards, this Martin, having heard that the Sieur had done him
- the honor of coming to visit him, followed him up with thirty-five
- or forty men, and near Cape Sable overtook him and thanked him for
- this visit. The Sieur, who is a pleasant and agreeable gentleman,
- received him kindly; although some time before, in the year 1607,
- he had been somewhat angry at him, because when he, (the Sieur),
- with only a few men, was passing this same la Héve, seeing himself
- surrounded by three canoes full of Savages, he made them all get
- in line upon one side. Thereupon, Martin having remarked that the
- Sieur was afraid of them, the former was, in fact, in danger of
- seeing that his conclusion was wrong. [_Act of piety._] At this
- last meeting, Martin was treated with great kindness, and invited
- to become a Christian like Membertou and several others, and [15]
- to go to Port Royal to be more fully instructed. He promised to do
- this and to bring all his company. And, as the Savages never go to
- visit their friends empty-handed, he went hunting, that he might
- get some venison for this occasion; [_Peril._] meanwhile the Sieur
- went on ahead, in order to meet them there (i.e. at Port Royal).
- But near Cape Fourchu, behold him carried by a land breeze straight
- out to sea, and so far, that he was six days without food (except
- some birds caught upon an island, which he still had), and without
- other fresh water than what he could sometimes catch in the sails;
- in short, seeing nothing but sky and water; and if he had not had
- a small compass, he would have been in danger of being carried to
- the coast of Florida by the violence of the winds, the tempests,
- and the waves. At last, owing to his good judgment and energy, he
- was able to land near the island of sainte Croix, where Oagimont,
- Captain of the place, brought him some sea-biscuits, for which
- he had traded with the French people. And thence, being familiar
- with the place, he crossed French bay, about twenty leagues wide
- here, and reached Port Royal, five weeks after his departure. Here
- he found his people wondering greatly at his long absence, and
- already meditating a change, which could not have been otherwise
- than disastrous. It is thus, at the peril of his life, and with
- incredible hardships and sufferings, he goes out to seek the lost
- sheep, to lead them back into the fold of Jesus Christ, and to add
- to the heavenly Kingdom. And if these people are not converted
- by the thousand, it must be remembered [16] that no Prince or
- Lord has, up to the present, given any assistance to sieur de
- Poutrincourt; the avaricious are even stealing from him the wealth
- of his province, and he permits this in his goodness, in order to
- do nothing that will exasperate the nobles over here; although, as
- the King has given him the land, he would be justified in refusing
- to others the fruits thereof, as well as entry into his ports, and
- the cutting down of his forests. When he has more ample means, he
- can send men into the more populous districts, where they must go
- in strength, and reap a great harvest for the extension of the
- Church. But we must first establish the State, without which the
- Church cannot exist. And for this reason the first help should be
- given to this State, and not to what has the pretext of piety. For,
- when the State is founded, it will be its duty to provide for that
- which is spiritual. Let us return to Port Royal. When the Sieur
- arrived there he found Martin and his friends, baptized, and all
- strongly imbued with zeal for the Christian Religion, listening
- very devoutly to divine service, which was usually sung to Music
- composed by the Sieur.
- Ce zele s'est reconu non seulement aux neophytes Chrétiens, comme nous
- particulariserons cy-apres; mais aussi en ceux qui n'estoient point
- encore initiés aux sacrez mysteres de nôtre Religion. Car lors que
- ledit Martin fut baptizé, il y en eut vn tout décharné, n'ayant plus
- que les os, lequel n'ayant esté en la compagnie des autres, se porta, à
- toute peine, en trois cabannes [17] cherchant ledit Fleuches Patriarche
- pour estre instruit & baptizé.
- This zeal is noticeable, not only in the Christian neophytes, as
- we shall state more in detail hereafter; but also in those who
- are not yet initiated into the sacred mysteries of Religion. For,
- as soon as Martin was baptized, there was one who was absolutely
- fleshless, having nothing left but bones, who, not having been with
- the others, dragged himself, with great suffering, through three
- cabins, [17] seeking the Patriarch Fleuches, to be instructed and
- baptized.
- Vn autre demeurant en la baye saincte Marie à plus de douze lieuës du
- Port Royal, se trouvant malade, envoya en diligence faire sçavoir audit
- Patriarche qu'il estoit detenu de maladie, & craignant de mourir, qu'il
- desiroit estre baptizé. Ledit Patriarche y alla, & avec vn truchement
- fit envers lui ce qui estoit de l'office d'un bon Pasteur.
- Another living at the bay saincte Marie,[22] more than a dozen
- leagues from Port Royal, being sick, sent posthaste to the
- Patriarch, to let him know he was detained by sickness, and fearing
- that he might die, desired to be baptized. The Patriarch went
- to him, and, with the help of an interpreter, did for him what
- pertained to his office as a good Pastor.
- Quant aux Chrétiens, vn desdits Sauvages neophytes ci-devant nommé
- Acoüanis, & maintenant Loth, se trouvant malade, enuoya son fils en
- diligence de plus de vingt lieues loin se recommander aux prieres de
- l'Eglise: & dire que s'il mouroit il vouloit estre enterré au cimetiere
- des Chrétiens.
- As to the Christians, one of these Savage neophytes, previously
- named Acoüanis, and now Loth, becoming ill, sent his son with all
- speed more than twenty leagues distant, to request the prayers of
- the Church, and to say that, if he died, he wished to be buried in
- the Christian cemetery.
- Vn iour le sieur de Poutrincourt estant allé à la dépouïlle d'un Cerf
- tué par Louïs fils ainé de Henri Membertou, comme au retour chacun
- s'estoit embarqué en sa chaloupe & voguoit sur le large espace de la
- riviere du Port Royal, avint que la femme dudit Louïs accoucha, &
- voyans que l'enfant estoit de petite vie, ils crierent hautement à noz
- gens _Tagaria, Tagaria_, c'est à dire Venez ça, Venez ça, si bien que
- l'enfant fut sur l'heure baptizé par le Pasteur susdit.
- One day sieur de Poutrincourt went to see the dismemberment of a
- Deer which had been killed by Louis, eldest son of Henry Membertou;
- and, when they had all embarked for their return and were riding
- upon the waves of the broad river of Port Royal, it happened that
- the wife of Louis was delivered of a child; and, seeing that it was
- short-lived, they cried loudly to our people, _Tagaria, Tagaria_,
- that is, "Come here, Come here." So the child was immediately
- baptized by the aforenamed Pastor.
- Cette année il a couru par dela plusieurs maladies de dysenteries,
- qui ont esté mortelles à ceux qui en estoient attaints. Est avenu que
- ledit Martin huit iours apres son baptéme a esté frappé de ce mal,
- dont il est mort. Mais [18] c'est chose digne de memoire que cet homme
- mourant avoit touiours le sacré nom de IESVS en la bouche. Et requit
- en ces extremités d'estre enterré apres sa mort avec les Chrétiens.
- Sur quoy il y eut de la difficulté. Car les Sauvages ayans encore de
- la reverence aux sepultures de leurs peres & amis, le vouloient porter
- au Cap de Sable à 40. lieuës dudit Port. Ledit Sieur d'autre part le
- vouloit faire enterrer selon qu'il l'avoit demandé. Là dessus vn debat
- se prepare. Car lesditz Sauvages prenans en main leurs arcs & fleches,
- vouloient emporter le corps. Mais ledit Sieur fit armer vne douzaine
- d'arquebuziers, qui l'enleverent sans resistance, apres leur avoir
- remonstré quelle avoit esté l'intention du decedé, & qu'estant Chrétien
- il falloit qu'il fust enterré avec ses semblables, comme en fin il fut,
- avec les prieres accoutumées en l'Eglise. Cela fait on leur bailla à
- tous du pain, & s'en allerent contens.
- This year the country has been visited, here and there, by
- dysenteric troubles, which have been fatal to those affected
- by them. It happened that Martin was stricken a week after his
- baptism with the disease, and died thereof. But [18] it is worthy
- of being remembered that this dying man always had the sacred name
- of JESUS upon his lips. In his last moments he requested that when
- he died he should be buried with the Christians. There was some
- trouble about this. For the Savages having still some reverence
- for the burial places of their fathers and friends, wished to take
- him to Cape Sable, forty leagues distant from the Port. On the
- other hand, the Sieur wished to have him buried according to his
- request. Thereupon a dispute arose, and the Savages, seizing their
- bows and arrows, wanted to take away the corpse. But the Sieur
- placed a dozen arquebusiers under arms, who carried it off without
- resistance, after he had demonstrated to them that this had been
- the intention of the deceased, and that, being a Christian, he must
- be buried with his fellow-Christians; and so he was, with the usual
- prayers of the Church. When this was done, they were all given some
- bread, and went away happy.
- Mais puis que nous sommes sur le propos des maladies & mortuaires, ie
- ne veux passer souz silence chose que ie ne sçauoy pas, & laquelle
- pour ne l'avoir veu pratiquer, ie n'ay point écrite en mon Histoire
- de la Nouvelle France. C'est que noz Sauvages voyans vne personne
- languissante de vieillesse ou de maladie par vne certaine compassion
- ilz lui avancent ses iours, lui remonstrent qu'il faut qu'il meure
- pour acquerir vn repos, que c'est chose miserable de touiours languir,
- qu'il ne leur sert plus que de fardeau, & autres choses semblables, par
- lesquelles ils font resoudre le patient à [19] la mort. Et lors ilz
- lui ôtent tous les vivres, luy baillent sa belle robbe de Castors, ou
- d'autre pelleterie, & le mettent comme vn homme qui est à demi couché
- sur son lict, lui chantans des louanges de sa vie passee, & de sa
- constance à la mort: A quoy il s'accorde, & repond comme le Cygne fait
- sa derniere chanson: Cela fait, chacun le laisse, & s'estime heureux
- de mourir plustot que de languir. Car ce peuple estant vagabond, &
- ne pouvant touiours vivre en vne place, ils ne peuvent trainer apres
- eux leurs peres, ou amis, vieillars, ou malades. C'est pourquoy ilz
- les traitent ainsi. Si ce sont malades, ilz leur font premierement
- des incisions au ventre, desquelles les Pilotois, ou de vins succent
- le sang. Et en quelque façon que ce soit, s'ilz voyent qu'un homme ne
- se puisse plus trainer, ilz le mettent en l'estat que dessus, & lui
- iettent contre le nombril tant d'eau froide, que la Nature se debilite
- peu à peu, & meurent ainsi fort resolument & constamment.
- But as we are now on the subject of sickness and death, I do not
- wish to pass over in silence a custom which I did not know about,
- and which, never having seen practiced, I did not speak of in my
- History of New France. It is, that when our Savages see a person
- gradually failing from old age or sickness, through a certain
- compassion they hasten his death; showing him that he must die to
- procure rest, that it is a wretched thing to languish from day to
- day, that he is only a burden to them, and offer other similar
- arguments, by means of which they make the sick man resolve to
- [19] die. And then they take away from him all food, give him
- his beautiful robe of Beaver or other fur, and place him in a
- half-reclining posture upon his bed, singing to him praises of his
- past life, and of his fortitude in death; to this he agrees, and
- replies with his last chant, like the Swan; When it is finished,
- all leave him, and he considers himself happy to die rather than to
- linger on. For these people, being nomadic, and not being able to
- continue living in one place, cannot drag after them their fathers
- or friends, the aged, or the sick. That is why they treat them
- in this manner. If they are sick, they first make incisions into
- their stomachs, from which the Pilotois,[23] or sorcerers, suck the
- blood. And, whatever the cause, if they see a man can no longer
- drag himself along, they put him in the condition above described,
- and throw upon his navel so much cold water, that Nature weakens
- little by little, and thus he dies with great steadfastness and
- fortitude.
- Ainsi en avoit-on fait à Henri Membertou, qui se trouvoit indisposé.
- Mais il manda au sieur de Poutrincourt qu'il le vinst voir ce iour
- là, autrement qu'il estoit mort. Au mandement ledit Sieur va trouver
- Membertou au fond du Port Royal à quatre lieuës loin de son fort,
- auquel ledit Membertou conte son affaire, disant qu'il n'avoit point
- encore envie de mourir. Ledit Sieur le console, & le fait enlever de
- la pour le mener avec lui. Ce qu'ayant fait, & arrivé audit Fort, il
- lui fait preparer vn bon feu, le couche aupres sur vn bon lict, le fait
- frotter, dorlotter, [20] & bien penser, lui fait prendre medecine, d'où
- s'ensuivit qu'au bout de trois iours voila Membertou debout, prest à
- vivre encore cinquante ans.
- This is the way they had treated Henry Membertou when he was sick.
- But he sent and asked sieur de Poutrincourt to come and see him
- that very day, otherwise he would be dead. At this request the
- Sieur went to seek Membertou at the farther end of Port Royal, four
- leagues away from his fort; to him the said Membertou related his
- story, saying he did not care to die yet. The Sieur consoled him,
- and had him lifted up and taken away with him. Then, when they
- arrived at the Fort, he had a good fire prepared for him, and,
- placing him near it upon a good bed, had him rubbed, [20] nursed,
- well cared for, and doctored; and the result was, at the end of
- three days, behold Membertou up and about, ready to live fifty
- years longer.
- On ne peut arracher tout d'un coup les coutumes & façons de faire
- inveterées d'un peuple quel que ce soit. Les Apôtres ni plusieurs
- siecles apres eux ne l'ont pas fait, témoins les ceremonies des
- chandeles de la Chandeleur, les Processions des Rogations, les Feuz
- de ioye de la sainct Iehan Baptiste, l'Eau benite, & plusieurs autres
- traditions que nous avons en l'Eglise, lesquelles ont esté introduites
- à bonne fin, pour tourner en bon vsage ce que l'on faisoit par abus.
- Ainsi iaçoit que la famille de Membertou soit Chrétienne, toutefois
- elle n'avoit esté encore enseignée qu'il n'est pas loisible aux hommes
- d'abbreger les iours aux vieillars, ou malades, quoy qu'ilz pensent
- bien faire, mais faut attendre la volonté de Dieu, & laisser faire son
- office à la Nature. Et de verité vn Pasteur est excusable qui manque à
- faire chose dont il n'a connoissance.
- You cannot all at once eradicate the deep-rooted customs and
- habits of any people, whoever they may be. The Apostles did not
- do it, neither was it done several centuries after them; witness
- the ceremonies of the candles on Candlemas, the Processions of the
- Rogation-days, the Bonfires of saint John the Baptist's day, the
- holy Water, and many other traditions that we have in the Church,
- which have been introduced for a laudable purpose, to convert to
- a good usage what had only been abused. So, although Membertou's
- family were Christians, nevertheless they had not yet been taught
- that it is not lawful for men to shorten the days of the aged, or
- sick, although they think they are doing right; but rather that
- they must await the will of God, and leave Nature to do her work.
- And certainly a Pastor is excusable who fails to do things of which
- he has no knowledge.
- Vne chose de méme merite avint en la maladie de Martin. Car on lui
- ietta de l'eau semblablement, pour ne le voir languir: & estant malade
- comme ledit Patriarche, & vn nommé de Montfort lui eussent pris à la
- chasse & fait manger quelques tourtres, lesquelles il trouva bonnes,
- il demandoit lors qu'on luy parloit de Paradis, si l'on y en mangeoit:
- A quoy on lui répondit qu'il y auoit chose meilleure, & qu'il y
- seroit content. Voila la simplicité d'un peuple [21] plus capable de
- posseder le royaume des cieux que ceux qui sçavent beaucoup, & font des
- œuvres mauvaises. Car ce qu'on leur propose, ilz le croyent & gardent
- soigneusement, voire reprochent aux nóstres leurs fautes, quand ilz ne
- prient point Dieu avant & apres le repas: ce qu'a fait plusieurs fois
- ledit Henri Membertou, lequel assiste volontiers au service divin, &
- porte toujours le signe de la Croix au devant de sa poitrine. Méme ne
- se sentant assez capable de former des prieres convenables à Dieu, il
- prioit le Pasteur de se souvenir de lui, & de tous ses freres Sauvages
- baptizés. Depuis le dernier bapteme duquel nous avons fait mention,
- il y en a eu plusieurs autres du 14. & 16. d'Aoust, 8. & 9. d'Octobre
- 1. de Decembre 1610. Et en somme ledit Pasteur fait estat d'en auoir
- baptizé sept vingts en vn an, ausquels ont esté imposez les noms de
- plusieurs personnes signalées de pardeça, selon l'affection de ceux
- qui faisoient l'office de parins, ou marines, lesquels ont baillé des
- filleuls à ceux & celles qui ensuiuent.
- Something similar was done in Martin's sickness. For they threw
- water upon him in this way, in order not to see him linger along;
- during his sickness, when the Patriarch and a man named de Montfort
- had caught for him, and made him eat some wild pigeon, which he
- liked very much, he asked them, as they were speaking to him about
- Heaven, if there would be any wild pigeon there. To which they
- answered that there was something better there, and that he would
- be happy. Such is the simplicity of a people [21] more fit to
- possess the kingdom of heaven than those who know a great deal,
- and whose deeds are evil. For they believe and carefully observe
- what is proposed to them, even reproaching our people for their
- carelessness, if they do not pray to God before and after eating;
- this was done a number of times by Henry Membertou, who likes to
- attend divine service, and always wears the sign of the Cross
- upon his bosom. Furthermore, not being able to formulate suitable
- prayers to God, he begged the Pastor to remember him, and all his
- brother Savages who have been baptized. Since the last baptism,
- of which we have spoken, there were several others, on the 14th
- and 16th of August, the 8th and 9th of October, and the 1st of
- December, 1610. And altogether the Pastor calculates that he has
- baptized one hundred and forty in one year, to whom have been given
- the names of many distinguished people over here, according to
- the inclinations of those who held the position of godfathers or
- godmothers: these have given godsons to the following.
- Monsieur le Prince de Condé.
- Monsieur le Prince de Conty.
- M. le Comte de Soissons.
- M. le Duc de Neuers.
- M. le Duc de Guise.
- M. le Prince de Ioinuille.
- M. le Prince de Tingry.
- M. de Praslin.
- M. Roger Baron de Chaource fils dudit sieur de Praslain.
- M. de Grieu Conseiller au Parlement de Paris. [22]
- M. Seruin Aduocat general du Roy audit Parlement.
- M. de la Guesle Procureur general du Roy audit Parlement.
- M. le Comte de Tonnerre.
- Messire Iessé de Fleuchey, Patriarche de Canada.
- M. Belot, dit de Monfort.
- M. de Iouy.
- M. Bertrand natif de Sesane, presens & assistans ausdits baptesmes.
- M. de Villars Archeuesque de Vienne Daulphiné.
- M. Descars Euesque & Duc de Langres.
- M. de Gondy Euesque de Paris.
- M. Dormy Euesque de Boulongne.
- M. de Braslay Euesque de Troyes.
- M. l'Abbé de saincte Geneuiesue fils de M. de Beauuais Nangis.
- M. Abbé de Cleruaux.
- M. de Vausemain Baron de Chapleine, Bailly de Troyes.
- Frere Claude de Vauuillier Penitencier de Molesme.
- M. Bareton Chanoine grand Archidiacre & Official de Troyes.
- M. Douynet, Chanoine & Promoteur audit Troyes.
- M. Megard, Chanoine & Thresorier de sainct Vrbain audit Troyes.
- M. Megard Licentié és Droicts, Chanoine en l'Eglise sainct Estienne
- audit Troyes.
- M. Fombert Chanoine en l'Eglise de Vienne.
- M. Guilliet Chanoine audit Viennes.
- M. Bourguignon curé de sainct Estienne au mont à Paris.
- M. Dauiau Vicaire & receueur audit S. Estienne.
- M. Rouure curé de Lantage.
- M. de Marquemont auditeur de Rothes à Rome.
- M. de Sauarre Conseiller au Parlement de Paris.
- M. Vigor Conseiller au grand Conseil.
- M. de sainct Iust.
- M. de Lantage-baratier, sieur dudit Lantage.
- M. Edme baratier son fils.
- M. de Lantage Mõtleliart.
- M. de Sainct Simon.
- M. de la Berge.
- M. Auguste du Boullot, sieur de l'Estain.
- M. Regnard Secretaire de la Chambre du Roy, & de Monsieur le
- Procureur general.
- Mons. Symony Sieur de Rouelle Aduocat à Langres. [23]
- M. Fombert Procureur en Parlement.
- M. Dauant President & Lieutenant general à Troyes.
- M. de Bobus Lieutenant Criminel audit Troyes.
- M. Bazin Procureur du Roy audit lieu.
- M. Parmentier Lieutenant de robbe courte audit Troyes.
- M. Iacquinet maistre des eaux & forests audit Troyes.
- M. Megard Lieutenant des Chirurgiẽs audit Troyes.
- M. Martin Lieutenant general au Marquisat d'Isle.
- M. l'Euesque Procureur audit lieu.
- M. Iamin Gressier audit lieu.
- M. de la Rue Vicaire de Virey soubs Bar.
- M. Belot thresorier extraordinaire des guerres en Guienne.
- M. Belot Commissaire des guerres.
- M. Belot sieur du Pontor.
- M. Belot Procureur au grand Conseil.
- M. Hardy Receueur des tailles au Mans.
- M. Marteau Secretaire du sieur Preuost Morel.
- M. Baiouë Gressier au bailliage de Monfort Lamaury.
- M. de Cresse Commis de Monsieur Estienne Controleur des bastimens
- du Roy.
- M. du Val Iuge & Garde de la Iustice de Lantage.
- M. de la Creuse Secretaire de Monsieur de Chastille.
- Iean, Mathieu & Gregoire de Fleuchey freres dudit Patriarche.
- Pierre Roussel son beau frere.
- Ferry Roussel fils de Gabriel Roussel dudit Lantage.
- Robert Roy, Sergẽt Royal Forestier de la forest de Romilly.
- Claude Iouguelat.
- Monsieur the Prince de Condé.
- Monsieur the Prince de Conty.
- M. the Count de Soissons.[24]
- M. the Duke de Nevers.[25]
- M. the Duke de Guise.[26]
- M. the Prince de Joinville.
- M. the Prince de Tingry.
- M. de Praslin.[27]
- M. Roger, Baron de Chaource, son of sieur de Praslin.
- M. de Grieu, Counselor in the Parliament of Paris.[28] [22]
- M. Servin, Advocate-general of the King in Parliament.
- M. de la Guesle, Procuror-general of the King in Parliament.
- M. the Count de Tonnerre.
- Messire Jessé de Fleuchey, Patriarch of Canada.
- M. Belot, called de Monfort.
- M. de Jouy.
- M. Bertrand,[29] native of Sesane, present and assisting in these
- baptisms.
- M. de Villars, Archbishop of Vienne, in Daulphiné.
- M. Descars, Bishop and Duke de Langres.
- M. de Gondy, Bishop of Paris.
- M. Dormy, Bishop of Boulongne.
- M. de Braslay, Bishop of Troyes.
- M. the Abbé of saincte Geneviefve,[30] son of M. de Beauvais Nangis.
- M. the Abbé of Clervaux.
- M. de Vausemain, Baron de Chapleine, Bailiff of Troyes.
- Brother Claude de Vauvillier, Penitencier of Molesme.
- M. Bareton, Canon, grand Arch-deacon and Official of Troyes.
- M. Douynet, Canon and Promoter at Troyes.
- M. Megard, Canon and Treasurer of sainct Urbain, at Troyes.
- M. Megard, Licentiate in Law, Canon in the Church of St Estienne
- at Troyes.
- M. Fombert, Canon in the Church of Vienne.
- M. Guilliet, Canon at Vienne.
- M. Bourguignon, pastor of Sainct Estienne au mont, Paris.
- M. Daviau, Vicar and receiver of St. Estienne.
- M. Rouvre, pastor of Lantage.
- M. de Marquemont, auditor of Rothes, at Rome.
- M. de Savarre, Counselor in the Parliament of Paris.
- M. Vigor, Counselor in the grand Council.
- M. de sainct Just.
- M. de Lantage-baratier, sieur of Lantage.
- M. Edme baratier, his son.
- M. de Lantage Montleliart.
- M. de Sainct Simon.
- M. de la Berge.
- M. Auguste du Boullot, sieur de l'Estain.
- M. Regnard, Secretary of the King's Chamber and of Monsieur
- the Procuror-general.
- Mons. Symony, Sieur de Rouelle, Advocate at Langres. [23]
- M. Fombert, Procuror in Parliament.
- M. Davant, President and Lieutenant-general at Troyes.
- M. de Bobus, Criminal Lieutenant at Troyes.
- M. Bazin, Attorney of the King at that place.
- M. Parmentier, Lieutenant of the short robe[31] at Troyes.
- M. Jacquinet, master of streams and forests at Troyes.
- M. Megard, Lieutenant of Surgeons at Troyes.
- M. Martin, Lieutenant-general of the Marquisate of Isle.
- M. l'Evesque, Procuror at that place.
- M. Iamin, Master of Rolls at that place.
- M. de la Rue, Vicar of Virey soubs Bar.
- M. Belot, treasurer extraordinary of the wars in Guienne.
- M. Belot, military Commissioner.
- M. Belot, sieur du Pontor.
- M. Belot, Procuror in the grand Council.
- M. Hardy, Receiver of taxes at Mans.
- M. Marteau, Secretary to sieur Prevost Morel.
- M. Bajouë, Master of Rolls at the bailiwick of Monfort Lamaury.
- M. de Cresse, Clerk to Monsieur Estienne, Controller of the King's
- buildings.
- M. du Val, Judge and Guard of Justice at Lantage.
- M. de la Creuse, Secretary of Monsieur de Chastille.
- Jean, Mathieu and Gregoire de Fleuchey, brothers of the Patriarch.
- Pierre Roussel, his brother-in-law.
- Ferry Roussel, son of Gabriel Roussel, of said Lantage.
- Robert Roy, Sergeant Royal, Forester of the forest of Romilly.
- Claude Jouguelat.
- _Quand aux femmes on a donné des filleules à celles qui ensuiuent._
- Madame la Princesse de Condé.
- Madame la Princesse de Conty.
- Mad. la Comtesse de Soissons.
- Mad. la Duchesse de Neuers.
- Mad. de Guise.
- Mad. de Longueuille. [24]
- Mad. de Praslain mere du Sieur de Praslain.
- Mad. de Praslain.
- Mesdamoiselles Catherine, Blanche & Claude filles dudit sieur de
- Praslain.
- Mad. la Comtesse de Tonnerre.
- Mad. Anne de la Val Dame de Ricey.
- Mad. Françoise de Faulch femme du sieur Delantage Baratier.
- Mad. Charlotte leur fille.
- Mad. de Grieu.
- Mad. de la Berge.
- Mad. de Sauare.
- Mad. Anne Arlestain femme du sieur de l'Estain.
- Mesd. Philippes & Charlotte de Arlestain ses sœurs.
- Madam. Regnard femme dudit sieur Regnard.
- Mad. Belot Tresorier.
- Madame Simony vefue de Monsieur Simony Procureur en Parlemẽt.
- Mad. de Beaulieu.
- Mad. Marguerite Simony.
- Mad. Hardy.
- Mad. Belot femme de Mõsieur Belot Procureur.
- Mad. Bajouë.
- Mad. Ieanne des Marets femme du sieur Megard Chirurgien à
- Troyes.
- Barbe Ramin mere dudit Patriarche.
- Barbe de Fleuchey sa sœur.
- Ieanne, Clemence Roussel & Valentine Drouin fẽmes desdits Fleuchey
- freres dudit Patriarche.
- _As to the women, goddaughters were given to the following._
- Madame the Princess de Condé.
- Madame the Princess de Conty.
- Mad. the Countess de Soissons.[24]
- Mad. the Duchess of Nevers.[25]
- Mad. de Guise.[26]
- Mad. de Longueville. [24]
- Mad. de Praslain, mother of Sieur de Praslain.[27]
- Mad. de Praslain.
- Mesdemoiselles Catherine, Blanche, and Claude, daughters of sieur
- de Praslain.
- Mad. the Countess de Tonnerre.
- Mad. Anne de la Val, Lady of Ricey.
- Mad. Françoise da Faulch, wife of sieur Delantage Baratier.
- Mad. Charlotte, their daughter.
- Mad. de Grieu.
- Mad. de la Berge.
- Mad. de Savare.
- Mad. Anne Arlestain, wife of sieur de l'Estain.
- Mesd. Philippa and Charlotte de Arlestain, his sisters.
- Madam. Regnard, wife of Sieur Regnard.
- Mad. Belot (wife of Treasurer.)
- Madame Simony, widow of Monsieur Simony, Procuror in Parliament.
- Mad. de Beaulieu.
- Mad. Marguerite Simony.
- Mad. Hardy.
- Mad. Belot, wife of Monsieur Belot, Procuror.
- Mad. Bajouë.
- Mad. Jeanne des Marets, wife of sieur Megard, Surgeon at Troyes.
- Barbe Ramin, mother of the Patriarch.
- Barbe de Fleuchey, his sister.
- Jeanne, Clemence Roussel, and Valentine Drouin, wives of said
- Fleucheys, brothers of the Patriarch.
- Voila ce que i'ay extrait d'un ordre confus des parins & marines,
- lesquels i'ay voulu coucher icy pour les inuiter a faire du bien à ceux
- qui ont eté baptizez soubs leurs noms, dont ie veux bien esperer méme
- de ceux de basse condition. Que si la conversion de ces peuples ne va
- par milliers, il faut considerer l'estat du païs qui n'est si frequent
- en hommes que noz villages de France. On pourroit faire plus grande
- moisson qui voudroit passer plus outre: mais il faut vouloir ce que
- l'on peut, & prie Dieu qu'il vueïlle faire le reste, puisque les hommes
- ont cette entreprise tãt à mépris.
- The above are the extracts I have made from a confused list of
- godfathers and godmothers, whom I wish to enumerate here so that
- they may do some good to those who have been baptized under their
- names, which I am willing to hope for, even from those of humble
- condition. And if the conversion of these people is not effected
- by thousands, we must consider the state of the country, in which
- there are not as many men as in our villages in France. A greater
- harvest could be reaped by those who could go farther beyond; but
- we must be willing to do what we can, and pray God that he may
- consent to do the rest, since men look upon this enterprise with so
- much contempt.
- La pieté du sieur de Poutrincourt veut que le premier exercice de la
- journée en ce païs là soit de prier Dieu, à l'imitation d'Abel, lequel
- (ce dit Philon) offrit au matin son sacrifice. Ce que ne fit Cain. Et
- les sages remarquent par la comparaison de Iacob qui receut la premiere
- benediction d'Isaac, laquelle fut plus forte que celle qui fut donnée
- à Esau: que ceux qui prient du matin, receuans la premiere benediction
- de Dieu, ont aussi plus grande part en ses grâces. C'est pourquoy
- vn illustre personnage de nôtre temps entre ses preceptes moraux &
- sentences vrayement dorees, a écrit.
- _Avec le jour commence ta journee
- De l'Eternel le sainct nom benissant:
- Le soir aussi ton labeur finissant,
- Louë-le encor, & passe ainsi l'annee._
- Sieur de Poutrincourt's piety requires that the first exercise of
- the day in this country be to pray to God like Abel, who (as Philo
- says) offered his sacrifice to God in the morning; which Cain did
- not do. And sages observe, by citing Jacob, who received Isaac's
- first blessing, which was stronger than that given to Esau, that
- those who pray in the morning and receive the first benediction
- of God, always have a greater share in his mercies. Hence an
- illustrious personage of our times has written, among his moral
- precepts and truly golden sentences;
- _With the light thy day beginning,
- Then praise the name of the Eternal One;
- Again at evening when thy work is done,
- Thus spend the year his praises singing._
- C'est ainsi que ledit Sieur en a fait, ayant exprés mené à ses dépens
- le susdit Patriarche, lequel ie voy par les memoires que i'ay ne
- s'estre iamais épargné à ce qui estoit de sa charge s'estant transporté
- quelquefois quatre, quelquefois douze lieuës loin pour baptizer des
- enfans de Sauvages, au mandement qu'ilz luy en faisoient, disans qu'ils
- vouloient estre comme Membertou, c'est à dire Chrétiens. Quelquefois
- aussi il a conduit sa troupe en processiõ sur vne montagne qui est au
- Nort de leur habitation, sur laquelle y a vn roc quarré de toutes [26]
- parts, de la hauteur d'une table, couvert d'vne mousse épesse où ie me
- suis quelquefois couché plaisammẽt: i'ay appellé ce lieu le mont de
- la Roque au pourtraict que i'ay fait du Port Royal en mon Histoire, en
- faveur d'un mien amy nõme de la Roque Prevost de Vimeu en Picardie, qui
- desiroit prendre là vne terre, & y enuoyer des hommes.
- The Sieur has done this, having brought here, expressly at his own
- expense, the aforementioned Patriarch, who, I see from memoranda
- which I have, has never spared himself in the performance of
- his duties, going sometimes four, sometimes twelve leagues away
- to baptize some of the children of the Savages, in answer to
- their requests, saying they wanted to be like Membertou, namely,
- Christians. Also sometimes he has led his band in a procession to
- a mountain North of their settlement, upon which there is a square
- rock [26] as high as a table, covered with thick moss, where I have
- sometimes enjoyed a pleasant rest. I have called this place mount
- de la Roque, in the sketch I made of Port Royal in my History,
- after one of my friends named de la Roque, Provost of Vimeu in
- Picardy, who desired to take up land there and to send over some
- men.
- Le second exercice c'est de pourvoir aux necessitez de la vie, à quoy
- il employa ses gens chacun selon sa vacatiõ, estant arriué à la terre,
- qui au labourage, qui aux batimens, qui à la forge, qui a faire des
- ais, &c. Le Patriarche susdit s'empara de mon étude, & de mes parterres
- & jardinages, où il dit auoir trouvé arrivant là, quantité de raves,
- naveaux, carottes, panais, pois, féves, & toutes sortes d'herbes
- jardinieres bonnes & plãtureuses. A quoy s'estant occupé, il y a laissé
- à son retour (qui fut le 17. de Iuin dernier) vn beau champ de blé à
- beaux épics, & bien fleuri.
- The second duty was to provide for the necessities of life, and to
- this end he employed his people, each according to his trade, as
- soon as they arrived; some were employed in tilling the ground,
- some in building, some at the forge, some in making planks, etc.
- The Patriarch took possession of my apartment, and of my parterres
- and gardens, where he says he found, at his arrival, a great many
- radishes, parsnips, carrots, turnips, peas, beans, and all kinds of
- good and productive culinary herbs. Occupying himself with these
- things, upon his return (which was the 17th of last June), he left
- a beautiful field of wheat with fine, well-flowered heads.
- Plusieurs autres se sont occupés à la terre, comme estant le premier
- métier & le plus necessaire à la vie de l'homme. Ils en ont (comme ie
- croy) maintenant recuilli les fruicts, hors-mis des arbres fruitiers
- qu'ils ont plantés, lesquels ne sont si prompts à cela.
- Several others were occupied in agriculture, this being the
- occupation of prime importance, and most necessary to human life.
- They have now (I suppose) reaped the harvest thereof, except that
- of the trees they planted, which are not so prompt in bearing.
- Quant aux Sauvages ils ne sçauent que c'est du labourage, & ne s'y
- peuvent addonner, courageux seulement & penibles à la chasse, & à la
- pécherie. Toutefois les Armouchiquois & autres plus esloignés plantent
- du blé & des fevés, mais ils laissent faire cela aux femmes.
- As to the Savages, they know nothing about cultivating the
- land, and cannot give themselves up to it, showing themselves
- courageous and laborious only in hunting and fishing. However, the
- Armouchiquois and other more distant tribes plant wheat[32] and
- beans, but they let the women do the work.[33]
- [27] Nos gens outre le labourage & iardinage, avoient l'exercice
- de la chasse, de la pécherie, & de leurs fortifications. Ils ne
- manquerent aussi d'exercice à remettre & couvrir les batimens & le
- moulin delaissez depuis nótre retour en l'an 1607. Et d'autant que
- la fonteine estoit vn peu eloignée du Fort, ils firent vn pui dans
- icelui Fort, de l'eau duquel ils se sont fort bien trouvez. De sorte
- que (chose emerueillable) ils n'ont eu aucunes maladies, quoy qu'il
- y ait eu beaucoup de sujet d'en avoir par la necessité qu'ils ont
- soufferte. Car le Sieur de Sainct Iust fils dudit Sieur de Poutrincourt
- ayant eu mandement de retourner dans quatre mois (comme nous avons
- dit ci-dessus) on l'attendoit dans la fin de Nouembre pour avoir du
- rafraichissement, & toutesfois il n'arriva que le iour de Pentecoste,
- qui fut le 22. de May ensuivant. Cela fut cause qu'il fallut retrencher
- les vivres qu'ils avoient en assez petite quantité. De manger toujours
- du poisson (s'il n'est bõ & ferme) ou des coquillages seuls sans pain,
- cela est dangereux, & cause la dysenterie, cõme nous avõs rapporté
- ci-dessus de quelques Sauuages qui en sont morts, & pouvons en avoir
- autre témoignage par les gens du Sieur de Monts, qui moururent en
- nombre de vingt la premiere année qu'ils hivernerent à Kebec, tãt pour
- la nouveauté de la demeure, que pour avoir trop mangé d'anguilles &
- autres poissõs. La chasse aussi ne se trouve pas à foison en vn lieu
- où il faut viure de cela, & où l'on fait vne demeure arrestée. C'est
- ce qui rend les [28] Sauvages vagabons, & fait qu'ilz ne peuvent
- vivre en vne place. Quand ils ont esté six semaines en vn lieu il
- faut changer de demeure. Ilz prindrent au terroir du Port Royal six
- Grignaces ou Ellans, cet hiver, dont ils en apportoient vn quartier
- ou moitié aux nótres. Mais cela ne va gueres loin à tant de gens.
- Le iour de Pasques fleuries le fils ainé de Membertou dit Louïs, en
- poursuivoit vn, qui s'estant venu rendre au Port Royal passoit l'eau,
- quand la femme dudit Louïs vint faire vne alarme en criant plusieurs
- fois, _Ech'pada, Ech'pada_, c'est à dire, Aux épées, Aux épées. On
- pensoit que ce fussent quelques ennemis, mais il fut le bien venu. Le
- Sieur de Poutrincourt se mit dans vne chaloupe pour aller au devant,
- & avec vn dogue il le fit tourner en arrière d'où il venoit. Il y
- avoit du plaisir à le cotoyer si proche de sa ruine. Si-tost qu'il
- approcha de terre, ledit Louïs le transperça d'une fleche, le Sieur
- de Iouy luy tira vne arquebusade à la téte, mais _Actaudinech'_ dit
- Paul fils puisné de Membertou lui coupa dextrement vne veine au col,
- qui l'atterra du tout. Ceci donna vne curée & consolation stomachale
- aux nótres. Mais cela ne dura pas toujours. Il fallut revenir à
- l'ordinaire. Et faut penser qu'en ce retranchement de vivres dont
- nous avons parlé il y eut de grandes affaires pour le chef, car des
- mutineries & conspirations survindrent, & d'vn costé le cuisinier
- déroboit vne partie de la portion des autres, & tel crioit à la faim,
- qui avoit abondance de pain & de chair dans sa [29] cellule, ainsi
- que s'est veu par experience. Ceux qui portoient le blé au moulin,
- de quinze boisseaux n'en rendoient que douze de farine au lieu de
- dix-huict. Et de la necessité d'autrui ils troquoient avarement des
- Castors auec les Sauvages. Neantmoins (par trop de bonté) tant de
- fautes leur furent pardonnées apres visitation faite. Pauvres sots qui
- font des conseils si legers, & ne voyent point ce qu'ils deviendront
- par apres, & que leur vie ne peut estre asseurée que par vn perpetuel
- exil de leur patrie, & de tout ce qu'ils ont de plus cher au monde.
- [27] Our people, besides the farm and garden work, passed their
- time in hunting, fishing, and in making fortifications. Work was
- not wanting also in repairing and roofing the buildings and the
- mill, abandoned since our return in 1607. And, as the spring was
- some little distance from there, they dug a well in the Fort, and
- found the water very good. So that (wonderful to relate) they had
- no sickness, although there was sufficient cause for it in the
- privations they suffered. For Sieur de Sainct Just, son of Sieur
- de Poutrincourt, having been ordered to return in four months (as
- we have said above), was expected the last of November, with fresh
- supplies; yet he did not come until the day of Pentecost, the
- 22nd of the following May. For this reason they were obliged to
- diminish their rations, of which they had rather a small quantity.
- To always eat fish (unless it is good and firm) or shellfish
- alone, without bread, is dangerous, and causes dysentery, as we
- have observed above in regard to certain Savages who died of it.
- We can prove this also by Sieur de Monts' men, who died, to the
- number of twenty, the first year they wintered at Kebec, both on
- account of their change of dwelling, and because they ate too many
- eels and other fish. Furthermore, game is not always to be found
- in abundance in a place where people are obliged to live on it,
- and where there is a permanent settlement. This is what makes [28]
- nomads of the Savages, and prevents them from remaining long in one
- place. When they have been six weeks in a place, they are obliged
- to leave their habitation. This winter, in the neighborhood of Port
- Royal they took six Grignaces[34] or Elks, and brought a quarter or
- half of them to our people. But that did not go far with so many
- men. On Palm Sunday, Louis, the eldest son of Membertou, was on the
- trail of one which had reached Port Royal and was just crossing
- the river, when his wife caused an alarm by crying out several
- times, _Ech'pada, Ech'pada_, that is, "To arms, to arms." They
- thought it might be an enemy, but it was a welcome one. Sieur de
- Poutrincourt got into a boat to go and head it off, and, with the
- help of a big dog, made it turn back whence it came. There was some
- sport in chasing it so near its death. As soon as it approached
- the land, Louis pierced it through with an arrow, Sieur de Jouy
- discharged his arquebuse at its head, but _Actaudinech'_, or Paul,
- the younger son of Membertou, dexterously cut a vein in its neck,
- which completely finished it. This gave our people some game, and
- consolation to their stomachs. But it did not last always, and they
- had to come back to ordinary fare. You must bear in mind that,
- in this cutting down of supplies, of which we have spoken, there
- were great responsibilities for the commandant; for mutinies and
- conspiracies arose; and on the one hand the cook stole a part of
- what belonged to the others, while a certain one cried "hunger" who
- had plenty of bread and meat in his [29] cell, as has been proven.
- Those who carried wheat to the mill, from fifteen bushels brought
- back only twelve of flour, instead of eighteen. They also took
- advantage of the necessity of others, in miserly traffic in Beaver
- skins with the Savages. Nevertheless (through too much kindness),
- all these faults were pardoned after they had been looked into.
- Poor fools, who take good counsel so lightly, and do not see what
- will become of them afterwards, and that their lives can only be
- assured by a perpetual exile from their country, and from all they
- hold dearest in the world.
- En cette disette on eut avis de quelques racines que les Sauvages
- mangent au besoin, lesquelles sont bonnes comme Truffes. Cela fut
- cause que quelques paresseux se mirẽt avec les diligens a fouiller
- la terre, & firent si bien par leurs iournées qu'ils en defricherent
- environ quatre arpens, là où on a semé des segles & legumes. C'est
- ainsi que Dieu sçait tirer du mal vn bien; il chastie les siens, &
- neantmoins les soutient de sa main.
- During this scarcity they heard of some roots which the Savages
- eat in their time of need, and which are as good as Truffles.[35]
- To seek for these, some of the lazy ones, as well as the more
- industrious, began to dig; and did so well that, by working daily,
- they cleared about four acres, in which rye and vegetables were
- planted. It is thus that God can draw good from evil; he chastises
- his people, and yet sustains them with his hand.
- Quand l'hiver fut passé, & que la douceur du temps allecha le poisson à
- rechercher les eaux douces, on dépecha des gens le 14. Avril pour faire
- la quéte de cela. Il y a nombre infini de ruisseaux au Port Royal,
- entre lesquels sont trois ou quatre où vient à foison le poisson au
- renouveau. L'vn apporte l'Eplan en Avril en quantité infinie. L'autre
- le Haren, l'autre l'Eturgeon & Saumõ, &c. Ainsi furent lors deputez
- quelques vns pour aller voir à la riviere qui [30] est au profond
- du Port Royal, si l'Eplan estoit venu. Ils y allerent, & leur fit
- Membertou (qui estoit cabanné là) bonne chere, de chair & de poisson.
- Delà ils allerent au ruisseau nommé Liesse par le Sieur des Noyers
- Advocat en Parlement, là où ils trouverent tant de poisson, qu'il
- fallut envoyer querir du sel pour en faire bonne prouision. Ce poisson
- est fort savoureux & delicat, & ne fait point de mal comme pourroient
- faire les coquillages: & vient enuiron l'espace de six semaines en ce
- ruisseau: lequel temps passé il y a vn autre ruisseau audit Port Royal,
- où vient le Haren, item vn autre où vient la Sardine en méme abondance.
- Mais quant à la riuiere dudit Port, qui est la riviere de l'Equille,
- depuis nommée la riviere du Dauphin, au temps susdit elle fournit
- d'Eturgeons & Saumons à qui veut prendre la peine d'en faire la chasse.
- Quand le Haren fut venu, les Sauvages (selon leur bon naturel) firent
- des feuz & fumees en leur quartier, pour en dõner avis à noz François.
- Ce qui ne fut negligé. Et est cette chasse beaucoup plus certaine que
- celle des bois.
- When the winter was over and the mildness of the weather allured
- the fish to seek fresh water, upon the 14th of April, men were
- sent out fishing. There are a great many streams at Port Royal,
- and among them three or four where the fish swarm in the spawning
- season. One contains vast numbers of Smelts[36] in April. Another,
- Herring, another, Sturgeon and Salmon, etc. So some were then sent
- to the river at the [30] back of Port Royal, to see if the Smelts
- had come. When they reached the place, Membertou (who was encamped
- there), received them hospitably, regaling them with meat and
- fish. Thence they went to the stream called Liesse[37] by Sieur
- des Noyers, an Advocate in Parliament, where they found so many
- fish that they had to send and get some salt, to lay in a store of
- them. These fish are very tempting and delicate, and are not so
- injurious as shellfish are apt to be. They remain about six weeks
- in this stream; after that there is another small river near Port
- Royal, where Herring is found, also another to which Sardines come
- in great abundance. But as to the river of the Port, which is the
- river Equille, since named the Dauphin,[38] at the time of which
- we speak it furnished Sturgeon and Salmon to any one who would
- take the trouble to fish for them. When the Herrings came, the
- Savages (with their usual good-nature) let the French know it by
- signaling from their quarters with fires and smoke. The hint was
- not neglected, for this kind of hunting is much more sure than that
- of the woods.
- Il estoit le 10. de May quand la derniere cuisson du pain faite, on
- tint conseil de retourner en France, si dãs le mois n'arriuoit secours.
- Ce qui fut prest d'estre executé. Mais le iour de la Pentecoste [31]
- Dieu envoya son esprit consolateur à cette compagnie ja languissante,
- qui lui suruint bien à propos, par l'arrivée du Sieur de Sainct Iust,
- duquel il nous faut dire quelque chose: car ci-devant nous l'avons
- laissé au port de Dieppe, sans avoir veu ce qu'il a fait depuis.
- S'estant presenté à la Royne; elle fut merveilleusement rejouïe
- d'entendre la conversion de plusieurs Sauvages qui avoient esté
- baptizés avant le depart dudit sieur de Sainct Iust, dont ie fis vn
- recit public que ie presentay à sa Majesté. La dessus les Iesuites se
- presẽtẽt pour aller au secours. La Royne le trouve bon. Elle les
- recõmande. I'eusse desiré qu'avant partir quelqu'vn eust remontré à sa
- Majesté chose qu'elle n'eust fait que trop volontiers: C'est d'envoyer
- quelque present de vivres & d'habits à ces Neophytes & nouveaux
- Chrétiens qui portẽt les noms du feu Roy, de la Royne Regente, &
- de Messeigneurs & Dames les enfans de France. Mais chacun regarde à
- son profit particulier. Ledit sieur de Sainct Iust apres son rapport
- fait, pretendoit obtenir quelques defenses pour le cõmerce des Castors,
- cuidant que la cõsideration de la religion lui pourroit faire aisément
- accorder cela. Ce qu'il ne peut toutefois obtenir. Et voyant que
- cette affaire tiroit en longueur, & qu'il falloit aller secourir son
- pere, ayant mandement de faire en forte d'estre de retour dans quatre
- mois, il print cõgé de la Royne, laquelle luy bailla de compagnie
- deux Iesuites pour la conversion des peuples Sauvages de delà. Mais
- puis que le sieur de Poutrincourt avoit pris vn [32] homme capable
- à son partement, il me semble que ceux-ci (qui peuvent estre plus
- vtiles pardeça) se hasterẽt trop pour le profit dudit Sieur: Car le
- retardement écheu à leur occasion lui a prejudicié de beaucoup, & causé
- la rupture de son association. Et faut en telles affaires fonder la
- Republique premierement, sans laquelle l'Eglise ne peut estre, ainsi
- que i'ay des-ja écrit ci-dessus. I'en avoy dit mon avis audit sieur de
- Sainct Iust, & qu'il falloit asseurer la vie avant toutes choses, faire
- vne cuillette de bledz, avoir des bestiaux, & des volatiles domestics,
- devant que pouvoir assembler ces peuples. Or ceste precipitation pensa,
- outre la perte susdite, reduire la troupe qui estoit pardela à vne
- miserable necessité, n'y ayant plus que la cuisson de pain ja faite &
- distribuée.
- It was the 10th of May, when the last bread was baked, that they
- took counsel about returning to France, if help did not come within
- a month. This they were ready to do. But on the day of Pentecost
- [May 22nd] [31] God sent his consoling spirit to this company,
- already so disheartened, and it came to them very opportunely in
- the arrival of Sieur de Sainct Just, of whom we must say a few
- words; for awhile ago we left him at the port of Dieppe, and have
- not seen what he has been doing since. When he was presented to the
- Queen, she was wonderfully pleased to hear about the conversion
- of several Savages, who had been baptized before the departure of
- sieur de Sainct Just, an account of which I published and presented
- to her Majesty. Thereupon the Jesuits offered themselves to aid
- in the work. The Queen favored the plan, and recommended them. I
- should have been glad, if, before their departure, some one had
- suggested to her Majesty a thing which she would willingly have
- done; namely, to send some presents of food and clothes to these
- Neophytes and new Christians, who bear the names of the deceased
- King, of the Queen Regent, and of my Lords and Ladies, the children
- of France.[39] But every one looks out for his own interests. Sieur
- de Sainct Just, after his report had been made, meant to obtain
- protection for the Beaver trade, believing that considerations of
- a religious nature would easily secure this for him. However, he
- could not obtain it. And seeing that the affair was dragging on,
- and that he must go and relieve his father, having been ordered
- to so arrange affairs as to be back in four months, he took leave
- of the Queen, who sent with him two Jesuits for the conversion of
- the Savage tribes over there. But as sieur de Poutrincourt had
- taken an [32] able man at his departure, it seems to me that these
- men (who can be more useful here) were in too much of a hurry for
- the best interests of the Sieur; because the delay, which took
- place on their account, was very detrimental to him, and caused
- a dissolution of his partnership. In such undertakings the State
- must first be founded, without which the Church cannot exist,
- as I have said before. I expressed my opinion on this subject
- to sieur de Sainct Just, to the effect that it was necessary to
- guarantee a living before anything else, to obtain a crop of wheat,
- to have cattle and domestic fowls, before they could bring these
- people together. Now this blind haste came very near, besides the
- above-mentioned losses, reducing the company that was over there
- to misery and want, as they had nothing left but the one baking of
- bread, already made and distributed.
- Ledit Sieur de Poutrincourt s'estoit associé de deux marchans de
- Dieppe, lesquels voyans les susdits Iesuites, sçavoir le Pere Biar
- homme fort sçavant Gascon de nation duquel Monsieur le premier
- President de Bordeaux m'a fait bon recit; & le Pere Nemon prest à
- s'embarquer, s'opposerent à cela, & ne voulurent permettre qu'ils
- fussent du voyage, disant qu'ils nourriroient volontiers toute autre
- forte d'hommes, Capucins, Minimes, Cordeliers, Recollets, &c. mais
- quant à ceux-ci qu'ils n'en vouloient point, & ne pouvoient tenir
- leur bien-asseuré en leur compagnie. Que si la Royne vouloit qu'ils
- y allassent, on leur rendist leur argent, & qu'ils fissent ce que
- bon leur sembleroit. Là dessus voila vn retardemẽt. [33] Il faut
- écrire en Cour, remontrer à sa Majesté l'occasion de cela, demander de
- l'argent pour rembourser lesdits Marchans, faire des allées & venuës:
- cependant la saison se passe. La Royne leur ordonna deux mille escus,
- outre lesquels ils firent des collectes par les maisons des Princes,
- Seigneurs, & personnes devotes, d'où ilz tirent aussi de bon argent.
- Bref ilz remboursent lesditz Marchãs de chacũ deux milles livres, &
- se mettent en fin à la voile le 26. de Ianvier 1611. Le temps estoit
- difficile, la plus rude saison de l'hiver. Ils furent quelque temps en
- mer pensans combattre le vent, mais ils furent contraints de relacher
- en Angleterre, là où ils furent iusques au 16. de Février. Et le 19.
- Avril ils furent sur le grand Banc des Moruës, où il trouverent des
- Navires de Dieppe & de Sainct Malo. Et le 29. estans entre ledit
- Banc & l'ile de Sable, ils cinglerent l'espace de douze lieuës parmi
- des glaces hautes comme montagnes, sur lesquelles ils descendirent
- pour faire de l'eau douce avec icelles, laquelle se trouva bonne. Au
- sortir desdites glaces, fut rencontré vn Navire du Sieur de Monts,
- auquel commandoit le Capitaine Champlein, duquel nous attendons le
- retour, pour entendre quelque nouuelle découverte. Depuis lesdites
- glaces, ils en rencontrerent d'autres continuellemẽt l'espace de
- cinquante lieuës, lesquelles ils eurent beaucoup de peines à doubler.
- Et le cinquiéme de May, ils decouvrirent la terre & port de Campseau,
- duquel on peut voir l'assiette dant la grande Table geographique
- de mõ Histoire. [34] Là ledit Pere Biar chanta la Messe. Et depuis
- ils allerent cotoyans la terre, en forte que le 21. de May ils
- mouïllerẽt l'ancre à l'entrée du passage du Port Royal.
- Sieur de Poutrincourt had gone into partnership with two Dieppe
- merchants,[40] who, seeing the two Jesuits,--namely, Father
- Biar[d], a very learned man, a native of Gascony, of whom Monsieur
- the first President of Bordeaux has given me a high opinion; and
- Father Nemon [Ennemond],--ready to embark, they objected, and
- did not want them to go upon the voyage, saying that they would
- willingly provide for all other kinds of men, Capuchins, Minimes,
- Cordeliers, Recollets, etc.;[41] but, as to these, they did not
- want them at all, and could not consider themselves safe in their
- company; that if the Queen wished them to go there, let their
- [the merchants'] money be refunded, and they might do whatever
- they wished. Now there is a delay. [33] The Court must be written
- to, her Majesty must be informed of the situation, the money to
- reimburse the Merchants must be collected, and journeys must be
- made: meanwhile, the season is passing away. The Queen granted
- them two thousand écus, in addition to which collections were made
- from the families of Princes, Nobles, and people devoted to the
- cause, whence they obtained a great deal of money. In short, they
- reimbursed each of the Merchants two thousand livres, and at last
- set sail, the 26th of January, 1611. The weather was disagreeable,
- this being the roughest part of the winter. They were some time
- upon the sea, thinking they would be able to resist the winds,
- but they were compelled to put into port in England, where they
- remained until the 16th of February. And the 19th of April they
- were upon the great Codfish Banks, where they found some Ships
- from Dieppe and Sainct Malo. The 29th, being between these Banks
- and the island of Sable, they sailed before the wind a distance
- of twelve leagues, in the midst of ice, mountain high, upon which
- they disembarked to get some fresh water, which they found good.
- In emerging from this ice, they met one of Sieur de Monts' ships,
- commanded by Captain Champlein,[42] whose return we are awaiting
- to learn of some new discoveries. Afterwards, they continued to
- encounter other masses of ice, for a distance of fifty leagues,
- which they had much difficulty in outsailing. The fifth of May,
- they sighted the land and port of Campseau, the location of which
- can be seen in the great geographical Chart in my History.[43] [34]
- Father Biar[d] sang Mass there; then they sailed along the coast,
- so that the 21st of May they cast anchor at the entrance to the
- passage which leads to Port Royal.
- Le sieur de Poutrincourt avoit cedit iour fait assembler ses gens pour
- prier Dieu, & se preparer à la celebration de la féte de Pentecôte. Et
- comme chacun c'estoit rangé a son devoir, voici environ trois heures
- apres le coucher vne canonade, & vne trompette, qui reveille les
- dormans. On envoye au devant. On trouve que ce sont amis. Là dessus
- allegresse & rejouïssance, & actions de graces à Dieu en procession sur
- la montagne que i'ay mentionné ci-dessus. La premiere demande que fit
- ledit Sieur à son fils, ce fut de la santé du Roy. Il luy fit réponse
- qu'il estoit mort. Et interrogé de quelle mort, il lui en fit le recit
- selõ qu'il l'avoit entendu en France. Là dessus chacun se print à
- pleurer, méme les Sauvages apres avoir entendu ce desastre, dont ils
- ont fait le dueil fort long temps, ainsi qu'ils eussent fait d'vn de
- leurs plus grands Sagamos.
- The same day sieur de Poutrincourt had called his people together
- to pray to God, and to prepare themselves for the celebration of
- the Pentecostal feast. And, as each one had placed himself at his
- post of duty, suddenly, about three hours after bedtime, there is
- heard the sound of cannon and trumpet, which awakes the sleepers.
- Scouts are sent out; they are found to be friends. Then there is
- joy and gladness, and thanksgivings to God in a procession to the
- mountain of which I have spoken above. The first question which the
- Sieur asked his son, was about the King's health. He answered that
- he was dead. In reply to further inquiries, he told the story as he
- had heard it in France. Thereupon, they all began to weep, even the
- Savages joining in after they had heard about the catastrophe; and
- they continued to mourn for a long time, just as they would have
- done for one of their greatest Sagamores.
- A peine fut arriué ledit sieur de Sainct Iust, que les Sauvages
- Etechemins (qui ayment le sieur de Poutrincourt) lui vindrent annoncer
- qu'il y avoit en leurs cótes trois Navires, tant Maloins que Rochelois,
- lesquels se vantoient de le devorer ainsi que feroit le Gougou vn
- pauvre Sauvage. Ce qu'entendu par ledit sieur de Poutrincourt, il n'eut
- la patience de faire descharger le vaisseau nouuellemẽt arrivé, ains
- à l'instant méme alla ancrer au-devant desdits [35] trois Navires, &
- fit venir tous les Capitaines parler à lui, qui preterent obeïssance,
- & leur fit ledit sieur reconoitre l'authorité de son fils, comme Vic'
- Admiral esdictes terres du Ponant. Vn Navire Maloin voulant faire
- quelque rebellion, fut prins, mais ledit sieur selon sa debonnaireté
- accoustumée, le relacha, apres lui avoir remontré de ne plus venir
- en mer sans sa Charte partie. Là le pere Birat dit la Messe, & fit
- ce qu'il peut pour ranger vn chacun à ce qui estoit du devoir. Et
- particulierement il fit reconoître sa faute à vn ieune hõme qui avoit
- passé l'hiver parmi les hommes & les femmes Sauvages, lequel demanda
- pardon à qui il appartenoit, & receut la Communion de sa main. Cela
- fait chacun revint au Port Royal en grãde rejouïssance.
- Sieur de Sainct Just had hardly arrived, when the Etechemin
- Savages (who love sieur de Poutrincourt) came to announce to him
- that there were three Ships upon their coasts, from St. Malo
- and Rochelle, which were boasting that they would devour him as
- the Gougou[44] would a poor Savage. Upon hearing this, sieur
- de Poutrincourt would not even wait to have the lately-arrived
- ship unloaded; but straightway went and anchored opposite [35]
- these three Ships, and summoned all the Captains to come and
- speak with him. They obeyed, and the sieur made them acknowledge
- the authority of his son, as Vice-Admiral in the said lands of
- the West. One of the Malouin Ships, while trying to make some
- resistance, was taken, but the sieur, with his usual good-nature,
- released it, after having admonished it never again to come to
- sea without its Charter-party.[45] There Father Birat [Biard]
- said Mass, and did all he could to bring each one to a sense of
- his duty. In particular, he caused a young man to acknowledge his
- transgressions, who had passed the winter with the men and women
- Savages: he [the young man] asked pardon from him [Poutrincourt]
- to whom this was due; and received the Communion from his [the
- Father's] hand. After this they all returned to Port Royal, with
- great rejoicing.
- Le retardement susdit est cause que lesditz navires & autres estãs
- arrivés devant ledit sieur de S^{ct.} Iust; ils ont enlevé tout ce
- qui estoit de bon au païs pour le commerce des Castors & autres
- pelleteries, lesquelles fussent venuës és marins du Sieur de
- Poutrincourt si son fils fust retourné par-dela au temps qui lui avoit
- esté enioint. Et davantage on en eust sauvé pour plus de six mille
- escus que les Sauvages ont mangées durant l'hiver, lesquelles ilz
- fussent venus troquer audit Port Royal s'il y eust eu les choses qui
- leur sont necessaires. Vne faute aussi fut cõmise avant le partement
- de Dieppe par l'infidelité du Contre-maistre de navire, lequel ayant
- charge d'enruner (c'est à dire mettre dedans) le blé, le détournoit à
- son profit. [36] Ce qui ayda à la disette que noz François ont par-dela
- soufferte. Et neantmoins Dieu les a tellement sustentés, qu'il n'y a eu
- aucun malade: voire ceux qui en sont de retour se plaisent à cela, &
- n'y en a pas vn qui ne soit en volonté d'y retourner.
- In the delay previously mentioned may be found the reason why
- these ships and others, having arrived before sieur de Sainct
- Just, took away all that was valuable in the country as regards
- the Beaver and other fur trade, which would have reverted to Sieur
- de Poutrincourt's sailors if his son had returned from over the
- sea at the time stipulated. And besides, more than six thousand
- escus [écus] worth of peltries would have been saved which the
- Savages devoured during the winter, and which they would have come
- to Port Royal to exchange, had they found there what they needed.
- A wicked act was also committed before the ship's departure from
- Dieppe, by the Overseer of the boat, who, being charged to load
- [_enruner_] the wheat, appropriated it to his own profit, [36]
- which contributed to the scarcity which our countrymen suffered
- over there. And yet God so sustained them, that no one has been
- sick; even those who have come back, are fortunate in that respect,
- and there is not one of them who would not like to return to that
- country.
- Nous pouvons mettre ce que ie viens de dire entre les effects de
- la grace de Dieu: comme aussi les racines qu'il leur envoya au
- besoin, dont nous avons parlé, & sur-ce l'exercice des paresseux
- qui ne s'estoient voulu occuper à la terre, lesquels sans y penser
- en cultiverent vn beau champ en cherchant desdites racines. Mais
- particulierement encore l'exemption de maladies, qui est vn miracle
- tres-evident. Car és voyages precedens il ne s'en est iamais passé vn
- seul sans mortalité, quoy qu'on fust bien à l'aise. Et en cetui-ci non
- seulement les sains ont esté preseruez, mais aussi ceux qui estoient
- affligez de maladie en France ont la receu guarison. Tesmoin vn
- honéte personnage nommé Bertrand, lequel à Paris estoit journellement
- tourmenté de la goutte, de laquelle il a esté totalement exempt par
- dela. Mais depuis qu'il est de retour, le méme mal est retourné avec
- plus d'effects de douleurs qu'auparauant, quoy qu'il se garde sans
- aucun exercice.
- What I have just related may be attributed to the grace of God; as
- also the roots that were sent them in their need, which we have
- already mentioned; and furthermore, the exercise given the lazy
- ones who would not take part in tilling the soil, and who, without
- intending it, prepared for cultivation a fine field, while seeking
- for these roots. But more particularly the exemption from sickness;
- which is a very evident miracle. For, as to former sojourns,
- not one has been passed without some deaths, although they were
- well provided for. And in this one not only the healthy remained
- well, but also those who were afflicted with ill-health in France
- have there recovered. A witness of this is a worthy man named
- Bertrand,[29] who, at Paris, was daily tormented with the gout,
- from which he was entirely free over there. But, since he came back
- here, the same trouble has returned with more severity than ever,
- although he takes care not to indulge in excesses.
- [37] Mais qui ne recoignoistra vne speciale grace de Dieu en la persone
- dudit Sieur de Poutrincourt & ses gens, lors qu'il fut porté par vn
- vent de terre à la haute mer en danger d'aller voir la Floride, ou
- d'estre accablé des ondes, au retour de la conduite de son fils, ainsi
- que nous avons rapporté ci-dessus.
- [37] But who will not recognize God's peculiar grace in the case
- of Sieur de Poutrincourt and his crew, when, upon his return from
- accompanying his son, he was carried by a land breeze out into
- the open sea, in danger of making a visit to Florida, or of being
- overwhelmed by the billows, as we have stated above.
- I'appelle aussi miracle de voir que les pauvres peuples de delà ont
- conceu telle opinion de la Religion Chrétienne, que si-tost qu'ilz
- sont malades ilz demãdent estre baptizez, voire encore qu'ilz soient
- sains, ils y vont avec vne grande Foy, & disent qu'ilz veulent estre
- semblables à nous recognoissans fort bien leur defaut en cela.
- Membertou grand Sagamos exhorte vn chacũ des Sauvages à se faire
- Chretiens. Et tesmoignẽt tous que depuis qu'ils ont receu le baptéme
- ils ne craignent plus rien, ilz vont hardiment de nuict, le diable ne
- les tourmente plus.
- I call it also a miracle that these poor people have conceived such
- an opinion of the Christian Religion, that as soon as they are
- sick they ask to be baptized; and, even when they are well, they
- approach it with great Faith, saying they wish to be like us, fully
- recognizing their own shortcomings. Membertou, the great Sagamore,
- exhorts every one of the Savages to become Christians. All bear
- witness that since they have been baptized they are afraid of
- nothing, and go out boldly at night, the devil no longer tormenting
- them.
- Quand le Sieur de Sainct Iust arriva à Campseau, les Sauvages non
- baptizez s'enfuioient de peur. Mais les baptizés en nombre d'environ
- cinquante s'approcherent hardiment disans, Nous sommes tes freres
- Chretiens comme toy, & tu nous aymes. C'est pourquoy nous ne fuyons
- point, & n'avons point de peur: Et porterent ledit Sieur sur leurs bras
- & épaules jusques en leurs cabannes.
- When Sieur de Sainct Just arrived at Campseau, the Savages who had
- not been baptized ran away in fear. But those who were baptized,
- about fifty in number, approached boldly, saying, "We are thy
- brothers, Christians as thou art, and thou lovest us. Hence we fly
- not away and are not afraid:" and they carried the Sieur upon their
- arms and shoulders to their wigwams.
- Sur la fin du Printemps les enfans de Membertou estans allés à la
- chasse, en laquelle ilz firent long seiour, avint que ledit Membertou
- fut pressé de necessité de vivres, & en cette disette [38] il se
- souvint de ce qu'il avoit autrefois oui dire à noz gẽs que Dieu
- qui nourrit les oiseaux du ciel, & les bétes de la terre, ne delaisse
- iamais ceux qui ont esperance en lui, selon la parolle de nôtre Sauveur.
- Towards the end of Spring, when Membertou's children had gone
- hunting, where they remained a long time, it happened that
- Membertou was sorely pressed for food; and in this time of need
- [38] he remembered that he had formerly heard our people say that
- God, who feeds the birds of the air and the beasts of the fields,
- never abandons those who have hope in him, according to the words
- of our Savior.
- En cette necessité donc il se met à prier Dieu, ayant enuoyé sa fille
- voir au ruisseau du moulin s'il y auroit point apparence de pouuoir
- faire pecherie. Il n'eust esté gueres long temps en prieres que voici
- sadite fille arriver criant à haute voix, _Nouchich', Beggin pech'kmok,
- Beggin ëta pech'kmok_: c'est à dire: Père, le haren est venu; le haren
- certes est venu. Et vit par effect le soin que Dieu a des siens, à son
- contentement. Ce qu'il avoit vne autrefois eprouvé, ayant eu (ou les
- siens) à tel besoin la rencontre d'un Ellan, & encore vne autrefois vne
- Baleine échouée.
- So, in this necessity, he began to pray to God, after having
- sent his daughter to see if there were any signs of fish in the
- mill-creek. He had not been a long time in prayer, when lo, his
- daughter comes running back crying in a loud voice, _Nouchich',
- Beggin pech'kmok, Beggin ëta pech'kmok_; that is, "Father, the
- herring have come; the herring have come indeed." And he saw
- effectually, and to his satisfaction, God's care over his own.
- He (or some of his family) also had proof of this upon another
- occasion, in a like time of need, when he encountered an Elk, and
- another time a stranded Whale.
- Qui voudra nier que ce ne soit vn special soin de la providence de Dieu
- envers les siens, quand il enuoya au Sieur de Poutrincourt le secours
- desiré le iour de la Pentecoste derniere, duquel nous avons fait
- mention cy-dessus?
- Who will deny that it was a special manifestation of the providence
- of God towards his own, when he sent to Sieur de Poutrincourt the
- desired help upon the day of last Pentecost, of which we have made
- mention above?
- Ie ne veux rememorer ce que i'ay écrit en mon Histoire de la
- Nouvelle-France, livre 4. chap. 4. de la merveille avenuë au premier
- voyage du Sieur de Monts en la personne de Maitre Nicolas Aubri Prestre
- d'vne bonne famille de Paris, lequel fut se[i]ze iours perdu dans
- les bois, & au bout dudit temps trouvé fort extenué, à la verité,
- mais encore vivant, & vit encore à present, aymant singulierement les
- entreprises qui se font pour ce païs là, où le desit [39] le porte plus
- qu'il ne fit iamais, comme aussi tous autres qui y ont fait voyage,
- lesquels i'ay préque tous veux desireux d'y hazarder leur fortune,
- si Dieu leur ouvroit le chemin pour y faire quelque chose. A quoy
- les grans ne veulent point entendre, & les petits n'ont les ailes
- assez fortes pour voler iusques là. Neantmoins c'est chose étrange &
- incroyable de la resolution tant dudit Sieur de Monts, que dudit Sieur
- de Poutrincourt, le premier desquels a toujours continué depuis dix
- ans d'envoyer par delà: & le second, nonobstant les difficultez que
- nous avons recitées ci-dessus, n'a laissé d'y r'envoyer nouuellement,
- attendant ici le renouveau, pour aller revoir les gens. Dieu doint à
- l'vn & à l'autre le moyen de faire chose qui reüsisse à la gloire de
- son nom, & au bien des pauvres peuples que nous appellons Sauvages.
- I will not repeat what I have written in my History of New France,
- book 4, chap. 4, of the wonderful thing which happened, during
- Sieur de Monts' first sojourn, to Master Nicolas Aubry,[46] Priest,
- of a good family in Paris, who was sixteen days lost in the woods,
- and at the end of that time was found, very much emaciated, in
- truth, but still living; and he is living yet, and is singularly
- devoted to the enterprises being carried on in behalf of that
- country, whither his [39] desires more than ever attract him, as
- well as all others who have once made the voyage; these I have
- observed are almost all desirous of risking their fortunes there,
- if God would open up the way for them to do something. To this
- the great do not care to lend their ears, and the small have not
- wings strong enough to fly so far. Nevertheless there is something
- strange and incredible in the perseverance of both Sieur de Monts
- and Sieur de Poutrincourt; the former having continued to send
- expeditions over there for ten years; and the latter, in spite
- of the difficulties enumerated above, having recently sent over
- another one, awaiting here the return of spring, to go again to
- see his people. May God grant to both the means of doing something
- which may succeed to the glory of his name, and to the welfare of
- the poor people whom we call Savages.
- [40] Extrait du Priuilege du Roy.
- Par grace & Priuilege du Roy, il est permis à Iean Millot Marchant
- Libraire en l'Vniversité de Paris, d'imprimer, ou faire imprimer,
- vendre & distribuer par tout nostre Royaume tant de fois qu'il luy
- plaira, en telle forme ou charactere que bõ luy semblera, vn liure
- intitulé _Histoire de la Nouvelle-France contenant les nauigations
- faites par les François és Indes Occidentales, & terres-neuves de la
- Nouuelle-France, & les decouuertes par eux faites esditz lieux_, A quoy
- sont adjoutées _les Muses de la Nouvelle France_. Ensemble plusieurs
- Chartes en taille douce, où sont les figures des Provinces, & Ports, &
- autres choses seruans a ladicte Histoire, composée par MARC LESCARBOT
- Advocat en la Cour de Parlement. Et ce jusques au temps & terme de
- six ans finis & accomplis, à cõpter du jour que ledit livre sera
- achevé d'imprimer. Pendant lequel tẽps defenses sont faictes à tous
- Imprimeurs, Libraires, & autres de quelque estat, qualité ou condition
- qu'ils soient, de non imprimer, vendre, contrefaire, ou alterer
- ledit liure, ou aucune partie d'iceluy, sur peine de cõfiscation des
- exemplaires, & de quinze cens livres d'amende appliquable moitié à
- nous, & moitié aux pauvres de l'hostel Dieu de cette ville de Paris, &
- despens, dommages, & interests dudit exposant: Nonobstant toute clameur
- de Haro, Charte Normande, Privileges, lettres ou autres appellations
- & oppositiõs formees à ce contraires faictes ou a faire. Et veut en
- outre ledit Seigneur, qu'en mettant vn extraict dudit Privilege au
- cōmencement, ou à la fin dudit livre, il soit tenu pour deuëment
- signifié, cõme plus amplement est declaré par les patentes de sa
- Majesté. Donné à Paris le 27. iour de Novembre, l'an de grace 1608. Et
- de nostre regne l'vnziéme.
- Par le Roy en son Conseil.
- Signé, BRIGARD.
- [40] Extract from the Royal License.
- By the grace and Prerogative of the King, permission is granted to
- Jean Millot, Bookseller in the University of Paris, to print or to
- have printed, to sell and distribute throughout all our Kingdom,
- as often as he may desire, in such form or character as he may
- see fit, a book entitled, _History of New France, containing the
- voyages made by the French to the West Indies, and new countries of
- New France, and the discoveries made by them in said places_. To
- which are added _The Muses of New France_. Also a number of Charts
- in copper-plate, which represent the Provinces, Ports, and other
- things appertaining to said History, composed by MARC LESCARBOT,
- Advocate in the Court of Parliament. And this to remain valid until
- the expiration of six full and complete years, counting from the
- day upon which said book shall be finished. During said period of
- time, all Printers, Booksellers, and other persons of whatsoever
- rank, quality, or condition, are prohibited from publishing,
- selling, imitating, or changing said book, or any part thereof,
- under penalty of confiscation of the copies, and of fifteen hundred
- livres fine, one half of which is to be paid to us, and one half
- to the poor of the public hospital of this city of Paris, together
- with the costs, damages and interests of the aforesaid petitioner.
- Notwithstanding all cries of Haro, Norman Charter, Licenses,
- letters, or other appeals and counter-claims, opposed to this, now
- or in future.[47] And His Majesty also wills that in placing an
- extract from said License in the beginning or at the end of said
- book, it shall be regarded as a notice duly served, as has been
- more fully described in the patents of his Majesty. Given in Paris
- the 27th day of November, in the year of grace 1608, and of our
- reign the eleventh.
- By the King in Council.
- Signed, BRIGARD.
- [Illustration: [_Facsimile of Champlain's perspective sketch of fort at
- Port Royal, from "Les Voyages du Sieur de Champlain"_ (_Paris, 1613_).]
- A. Logemens des artisans.
- B. Plate forme où estoit le canon.
- C. Le magasin.
- D. Logemẽt du sieur de Pontgraué & Champlain.
- E. La forge.
- F. Palissade de pieux.
- G. Le four.
- H. La cuisine.
- O. Petite maisonnette où l'on retiroit les vtansiles de nos
- barques; que de puis le sieur de Poitrincourt fit rebastir et & y
- logea le sieur Boulay quand le sieur du Pont s'en riuint en France.
- P. La porte de l'abitation.
- Q. [K] Le cemetiere.
- R. La riuiere.]
- in Nova-Francica Missione, Annis 1613 & 1614
- SOURCE: We follow the general style of O'Callaghan's Reprint No. 6.
- The Title and Tabula Rerum are the work of that Editor. The Text is
- from the original volume of Annuæ Litteræ Societatis Iesu, Anni CIↃ IↃC
- XII, pp 562-605, in the Riggs Library, Georgetown, D. C. The bracketed
- pagination is that of the Annuæ; that in Roman, of O'Callaghan.
- IN
- Novo-Francica Missione
- ANNIS 1613 & 1614.
- [Illustration]
- _Ex Annvis Litteris Societatis_ IESV _impressis_
- Mission of New France
- _From the Published Annual Letters of the
- Society of_ JESUS
- 1618
- [iii] Tabvla Rervm
- Pag.
- I _QUID sit Nova Francia_ 1
- II _De climate_ 2
- III _De moribus gentivm_ 4
- IV _De prima exploratione Novæ Franciæ_ 4
- V _De situ, flvviis et incolis_ 5
- VI _De promontorijs, de quinqve Francorvm domicilijs_ 8
- _De ortu domicilij Sancti Saluatoris ad ostivm amnis Pentegoetij_ 9
- VII _Appvlvnt nostri ad Portvm Regalem_ 16
- VIII _De laboribus nostrorvm_ 17
- IX _De rebvs angvstis_ 25
- X _Patres radices legvnt et pisces ad svstentvm domicilij_ [iv] 36
- XI _Saussæus ex Francia solvit ad novas missionis sedes collocandas
- et Sancti Saluatoris domicilivm inchoat_ 37
- XII _De impetu Anglorum in missionem Sancti Saluatoris et de ruina
- Sanctæ Crucis et Regii Portis arcium_ 41
- XIII _Patres in Virginiam et inde in Angliam deportati_ 53
- XIV _Svmma rervm in Novo-Francica missione gestarvm_ 59
- [iii] Table of Contents.
- Page.
- I _WHAT New France is_ 1
- II _Climate_ 2
- III _Customs of the people_ 4
- IV _First exploration of New France_ 4
- V _Location, rivers, and inhabitants_ 5
- VI _The capes; the five settlements of the French_ 8
- _Origin of the settlement of St. Sauveur at the mouth of the
- river Pentegoët_ 9
- VII _Our fathers land at Port Royal_ 16
- VIII _Labors of our fathers_ 17
- IX _Their hardships_ 25
- X _The Fathers gather roots and fish for the support of the
- colony_ [iv] 36
- XI _La Saussaye leaves France for the purpose of establishing new
- missionary stations, and begins the settlement of St. Sauveur_ 37
- XII _Attack of the English upon the mission of St. Sauveur, and
- destruction of the forts of Ste. Croix and Port Royal_ 41
- XIII _The Fathers are carried to Virginia and thence to England_ 53
- XIV _Summary of occurrences, in the mission of New France_ 59
- [562] In Novam Franciam, sev Canadiam Missio.
- NOVA FRANCIA, Brasiliæ ac Peruuio continens ad Boream vastissima regio,
- Aquitanico Galliæ littori ad occasum obuersa, directas ab Occidente
- in Orientem, & contrà, lineas cum [563] nostra Francia communes
- habet; ab eaque non ita longo maris traiectu octingentarum, aut is
- vbi latissimus est, mille leucarum dirimitur interuallo. Ex huiusmodi
- oppositu & vicinitate nostratis Frãciæ, Nouam Franciam maiores eam
- appellarunt; cui nomenclationi & illa altera, rei maximè congruens,
- accessit ex euentu causa, quòd eam terrarum adhuc incognitam oram primi
- mortalium Franci nostrates deprehenderunt, crebrísque nauigationibus,
- centum eóque ampliùs abhinc annis, frequentarunt. Canadiæ verò nomen,
- quod vulgò vniuersam in eam regionem confertur, eius modò plagæ
- Septemtrionalis proprium est, quæ CANADÆ fluminis, & nobilis sinus,
- cui à Sancto Laurentio nomen est, copiosis aquis alluitur. Enimuerò
- vniuersæ Nouæ Franciæ amplitudo, nunc, ad Floridæ confinia, multò licet
- quam nuper contractior, vndequadragesimo tamen gradu, versùs Austrum,
- determinatur: vltráque nostratis Franciæ latitudinem non paucis leucis
- porrigitur: exinde autem ignotis adhuc finibus in Aquilonem, sicut
- & immẽsis tractibus in Sinicum mare ad Occidentem excurrit: quà
- denique Eurum spectat, nostro Aquitanico Oceano, Britannicóque, ipsi
- linearum parallelis obiecto, definitur.
- [562] The Mission in New France, or Canada.
- NEW FRANCE, an immense region adjoining Brazil and Peru on the
- North, and opposite the coast of Aquitaine in a westerly direction,
- is situated between the same parallels of latitude as [563] is our
- France; and is separated from it by the very moderate voyage of
- 800 leagues, or, where the ocean is broadest, of 1,000 leagues.
- Because it is thus opposite and near to our France, our ancestors
- called it New France; and for this nomenclature another especially
- appropriate reason occurred in the good fortune by which our
- French fellow-countrymen were the first to take possession of this
- hitherto unknown region, and visited it in frequent voyages more
- than a hundred years ago. But the name of Canada, which is commonly
- given to this entire country, belongs only to that Northern region
- which is washed by the abundant waters of the river CANADA,[48]
- and of the noble gulf which is called St. Lawrence. Indeed, the
- whole territory of New France, although now much more confined
- than formerly, towards the frontiers of Florida, is nevertheless
- bounded on the South by the thirty-ninth parallel, and extends many
- leagues beyond the breadth of our France. Moreover, it stretches
- with yet unknown limits towards the North, and in vast expanses to
- the Chinese sea on the West; finally it is bounded Eastward by our
- Aquitanian and Breton Ocean, lying opposite and between the same
- parallels.
- CAELI eadem omnino, quæ nostri Gallici temperatio, ex ea ratione
- Climatis eiusdem, quam indicauimus, inesse illi regioni debet, vti
- reuera inest. Soli autem quin par quoque sit ratio, nihil prohiberet,
- si iugis adesset campestris terræ cultura: & perpetuarum ferè siluarum
- abesset densa opacitas. [564] Nam opima omnino vniuersi terreni
- viscera, facilè prodit ingens arborum amplitudo, atque proceritas:
- summam quoque glebam vbertate multa pinguem, tota planitie camporum,
- hilariter herbescens terræ viriditas ostendit.
- THERE ought to be in that region the same sort of Climate in every
- respect as that of our France, from the fact, as we pointed out,
- of its similar situation, and this is actually the case. Moreover,
- there is no reason why the soil should not be equally fertile, if
- the cultivation of the plains were long continued upon the uplands,
- and if it were not for the dense shades of the almost unbroken
- forests. [564] For the subsoil of the whole country is very rich,
- as trees of immense size and height readily demonstrate. That the
- surface-soil is also endued with great fertility is shown by the
- pleasing luxuriance of the vegetation over all the plains.
- GENS ea distinctis lingua & sede multis populis continetur, nulla
- vsquam consiliorum aut fortunarum communione deuinctis: nulla nec lege,
- nec arte; nullo nisi piscatus, & venatus vitæ subsidio instructis:
- vix vlla Numinis cogitatione, aut salutis cura informatis: ad omne
- opus ignauis: stupidis ad artes, quæ ingenio aut memoria nitantur: in
- summa, belluinis pænè hominibus constat ea natio. Populus cum longinquo
- propinquóve populo vix habet commercium, nisi quod bello inferendo, aut
- defendendo potest interuenire. Immo, neque idem populus, eadem loci
- regione, ac tugurioram vicinitate iunctus, fermè vnquam coire solet,
- nisi vt de armis, aduersùm communes hostes capita conferat. Exterarum
- verò nationum Francicam vnam ferè suos in portus admittunt, Fibrinis,
- atque huiusmodi pellibus suis distrahendis, necessariáque veste, ac
- supellectile permutandis.
- THE people comprise many tribes diverse in language and situation,
- united by no mutual purposes or interests; possessing neither laws
- nor arts, and knowing no other means of gaining a livelihood than
- by fishing and hunting; having almost no conception of Deity or
- concern for salvation; indolent in every occupation, and dull in
- those pursuits which depend upon talent or memory. On the whole,
- the race consists of men who are hardly above the beasts. One
- tribe hardly ever has intercourse with another, either distant or
- near, except such as may arise in the prosecution of offensive or
- defensive warfare. Even the members of the same tribe, united by
- a common location and the vicinity of their dwellings, are seldom
- accustomed to meet together, except to take measures concerning war
- against a common enemy. Of foreign nations, the French are almost
- the only people whom they admit to their harbors, for the sake of
- disposing of their Beaver skins and other peltries, in exchange for
- necessary clothing and utensils.
- HANC noui orbis partem ex Francis nauarchis primi explorarunt Britones,
- anno quarto post millesimum quingentesimum; de qua vbi renunciauerant,
- eius repetendæ nauigationis, vel comites, vel æmulatores habuerunt
- deinceps frequentissimè, tum Normannos, turn cæteros Gallici Oceani
- accolas. Vndeuicesimo pòst anno, Ioannes Verazanus [565] Florentinus,
- vicesimo item, ac tricesimo quarto Iacobus Quartierus Gallus, Brito,
- cum imperio missi ab Francisco Primo, Gallorum Rege, ipsius auspiciis
- occupatam regionem illam, eius posterorumque Regum iurisdictioni
- vindicarunt, cuius possessionem, per interualla sussectæ aliæ atque
- aliæ Francorum expeditiones, in hanc vsque diem Gallorum Regibus
- asserere perseuerarunt. De nostris verò missi quoque sunt anno
- superiore, qui Henrici Quarti auctoritate populos, Francico nomini
- amicitia & Societate iunctos, ac reliquos etiam Canadios, Euangelij
- tanto sanctiore fœdere, Christo regum regi deuincirent. Quo de negotio
- antè quàm instituamus dicere, præter ea quæ generatim complexi sumus,
- necesse est de loco ac gente sigillatim quædam capita enucleatiùs
- explicemus.
- AMONG French navigators, the Bretons first explored this part of
- the new world in 1504;[49] and after they brought back reports
- of it, they had in subsequent voyages thither, many companions
- or rivals,--not only the Normans, but also other dwellers on the
- Sea-coast of France. In the nineteenth and also in the twentieth
- year thereafter, John Verazano, [565] a Florentine; and, in the
- thirty-fourth year thereafter, Jacques Quartier, a Frenchman of
- Brittany, were sent as commanders by Francis I., King of France;
- and, by the occupation of this region under his authority, brought
- it under the jurisdiction of that King, and also of his successors.
- Various French expeditions, sent out at intervals, continue to this
- day to maintain that possession for the Kings of France. Some of
- our brethren were also sent last year in order, by the authority of
- Henry IV., to unite the tribes joined in friendship and Alliance
- with the French, and also the remaining Canadians, by the far
- holier tie of the Gospel, to Christ, the king of kings. Before we
- begin to speak concerning this undertaking, we must, in addition to
- our general description, explain more fully some matters concerning
- the country and people.
- NOVA Francia Gallis adeuntibus gemino littore patet; altero, quod
- angusta fronte Oceano nostro, & Orienti obtenditur: altero, quod
- productiore tractu ad Floridæ vsque confinia Austro obiacet. Istud
- latus portubus, atque ostiis fluminum frequens est, quibus commodè
- penetrari possit in regionis mediterranea, & hàc ferè Galli terras
- illas ineunt: illud verò, Franciæ nostræ obiectum littus, quoniam
- oppositu ingentis insulæ, quam Nouam Terram appellant, importuosum pænè
- est, ea regione nostrates non subeunt. Eius orbis vastissimã planitiem
- ingentissimi aluei, aquis copiosissimum flumen irrigat, directo limite
- ab vltimo pænè occasu ad ortum, quoad angusto freto ad insulam Terræ
- [566] Nouæ, ipsiúsque insulæ oppositu, eius ostia in Austrinum littus
- inflectantur. Ei fluuio gentile nomen est _Sacqué_, Sanctum Laurentium
- Galli appellarunt; cuius caput ampliùs quingentis inde leucis indigenæ
- ab lacu in trecentas patente leucas repetunt. In hunc amnium principem
- alij amnes nobiles ab Aquilone influunt, nempe Saguenaiüm, Tergeminus
- amnis, seu tres amnes, simul coëuntes, Algomequium, & cæteri non
- pauci. Saguenaij quingentarum, Tergemini quadringentarum leucarum
- nauigatio longè porrigitur in Boream. E montibus, ad ripam Austrinam
- Saquéi amnis, transuersi feruntur in Meridianum Oceani littus alij
- quoque fluuij celebres; vnde populis, atque illius tractus regionibus
- plerisque gentilia ducta sunt nomina; sed eorum nonnullis sui moris
- appellationes Franci posteà indiderunt. Fluuij autem sunt hi ad Austrum
- conuersi, Sanctus Ioannes, Pentegoëtius, Quinibequius, Choüacoetius,
- Norembega, quem postremum amnem Champlænius eumdem ac Pentegoetium
- esse contendit. Populi trans Saquéum, Sanctúmve-Laurentium, versùs
- Aquilonem, non procul illius ostiis, sunt Canadij & Excomminquij: longè
- verò ab his, eadem Boreali ripa, versùs occasum, è regione Floridæ,
- incolunt Algomeguij, atque Ochasteguij. Cis Sanctum-Laurentium, in
- Australi ora degunt item Canadij, ad ipsum magni amnis flexum, ab
- Euro in Austrum declinãtis. Post eos ad Occasum vergũt Souriquij,
- Acadiæ regionis incolæ: deinde ad Pentegoetium, seu Norembegam
- fluuium, Pentegoetij: [567] ad horum dextram, Occasum spectantium,
- circa _Quebecum_ arcem, Montagnetij: post Pentegoetios recto tractu
- Eteminquij, ad amnem Quinibequium: inde Almochiquij ad flumen
- Choüacoetium, latissimis campis diffusi: denique inter Floridam,
- & Sacquéum magnum amnem, Iroquij campestribus, montosisque locis
- latissimè habitant. Reliquos Nouæ Franciæ populos multos, præsertim
- trans magnum Sacquéum amnem, Aquilonares, Galli nostrates non nisi
- ex auditione norunt. Ex notis autem, amicos, ac pæne Socios habent
- Souriquios, Eteminquios, Montagnetios, Almochiquios, Algomequios, &
- Ochasteguios: istis capitales hostes Iroquios, hostili quoque in se
- animo experiuntur, eo maximè nomine, quòd Iroquiis Galli cum ipsorum
- hostibus bellum intulerint. Horum quidem populorum soli agriculturam,
- inscienter tamen, exercent Almochiquij, Iroquij, & Ochasteguij,
- miliumque Indicum, & fabam Brasilicam ferunt.
- NEW France presents to the French, as they approach it, two
- coasts, one which borders with a narrow frontage upon our Ocean
- to the East; and another far longer, which extends Southward to
- the confines of Florida. The former side abounds in bays and
- estuaries, by which one may readily penetrate into the interior;
- by these routes the French usually enter these regions; but, since
- the other coast, lying opposite our France, is rendered almost
- inaccessible by the intervention of a great island which they call
- Newfoundland, our people do not approach in that direction. The
- immense plain in that quarter is watered by a river of vast size
- and mighty volume, its course directly eastward from almost the
- farthest west, until, by reason of the narrow strait at the island
- of Newfoundland [566] and the opposition of the island itself, its
- mouth is broadly curved towards the Southern coast. The native
- name of that river is _Sacqué_;[50] the French have called it
- St. Lawrence; its source the natives seek more than 500 leagues
- distant, in a lake 300 leagues in width. Into this main stream
- other noble rivers flow from the North, such as the Saguenay,[51]
- the Three Rivers,[52]--or three rivers flowing together,--the
- Algomequi,[53] and many others. These rivers are open for
- navigation far Northward--the Saguenay five hundred leagues, the
- Three Rivers four hundred leagues, From the mountains[54] upon the
- Southern bank of the Sacqué River other notable streams flow across
- to the Southern coast of the Ocean, and from these the native names
- for most of the tribes and districts of that region are derived;
- but upon some of them the French afterward conferred names after
- their own fashion. The rivers flowing Southward are the St. John,
- Pentegoët, Quinibequi, Choüacoet,[11] and Norembega, which last
- stream Champlain[55] asserts to be the same as the Pentegoët. The
- tribes across the Sacqué or St. Lawrence, towards the North, not
- far from its mouth, are the Canadis[56] and Excomminquis;[10] but
- at a distance from these, on the same Northern shore, toward the
- west, in the direction of Florida, dwell the Algomeguis[57] and the
- Ochasteguis.[58] Across the St Lawrence, on the Southern bank, the
- Canadi live also, directly at the bend of the great river, which
- turns from the East towards the South.[59] Beyond them, toward the
- West, lie the Souriquois, inhabitants of the country of Acadia;[60]
- thence, toward the Pentegoët or Norembega River, the Pentegoëts;[6]
- [567] to their right, looking Westward, about the fortress at
- _Quebec_,[59] the Montagnais; beyond the Pentegoëts; directly
- toward the Quinibequi River, the Eteminquis; then the Almochiquois,
- at the Choüacoet River, scattered over a very extensive region;
- finally, between Florida and the great Sacqué River, the Iroquois
- inhabit enormous tracts of both level and mountainous country.
- Many of the remaining tribes of New France, especially those of
- the North, across the great Sacqué River, our French countrymen
- know only from hearsay. Among those whom they know, however, they
- have secured as friends, and almost as allies, the Souriquois,
- Eteminquis, Montagnais, Almochiquois, Algomequois, and Ochasteguis.
- The Iroquois, who are deadly enemies of these tribes, prove
- hostile to the French also, mainly because the latter have waged
- war against them, in company with their enemies. Certain of these
- tribes--the Almochiquois, Iroquois, and Ochasteguis--practice
- agriculture, though unskillfully, and plant Indian corn and the
- Brazilian bean.[61]
- PROMONTORIA celebria Franciam Nouam ineuntibus Meridiano littore
- occurrunt, Britonicum, ad ipsa ostia magni amnis, hoc est Sancti
- Laurentij; ab hoc deinde Heuæum, Arietinum, Sabulosum, Bifidum,
- Sanctus Ludouicus, Album, Sancta Helena. Eamdem oram à Promontorio
- Britonico legentibus obuij fiunt portus, Campsæus, Sesambræus, Regius,
- Pulcher. Mediterranea verò per Sacquéum amnem, & Canadiæ fines subire
- volentibus, præteruehenda sunt, Britonicum, ad ostia eiusdem fluuij;
- Sanctus-Laurentius; Episcopium, [568] Chatæum, & alia nonnulla
- promontoria: Tadoussacus denique portus ad Saguenaij fluminis ostia
- Sacqéum ineuntis.
- NUMEROUS headlands meet those who approach New France by the
- Southern coast: Breton, at the very mouth of the great river St.
- Lawrence; next in order, La Hève, Mouton, Sable, Fourchu, St.
- Louis, Blanc, Ste. Hélène.[62] Those who coast along the same shore
- from Cape Breton meet the harbors called Campseau, Sesambre, Port
- Royal, and Beaubassin.[63] But those who wish to journey inland,
- beyond the borders of Canada, by way of the Sacqué river, must pass
- Cape Breton, at the mouth of the St. Lawrence; Cap de l'Evêque,
- [568] Cap Chat,[64] and some other headlands,--finally reaching
- Tadoussac bay, at the mouth of the Saguenay river, where it enters
- the Sacqué.
- Porrò in tam immenso terrarum ambitu, frequentibus expeditionibus,
- annis ampliùs centum, Franci domicilia omnino quinque constituerunt,
- quorum primum posuit Iacobus Quartierus posteriore sua nauigatione, non
- ad _Sanctæ Crucis_, quæ nunc est, importuosas angustias, & cautes: sed
- in iis pænè vestigiis vbi nunc est Quebecum, Sancta Cruce quindenis
- leucis citerius. Altertum Petrus du Gas, dominus de Monts, anno quarto
- supra millesimum sexcentesimum erexit, in angusta insula, inter
- Eteminquios, in Australi propemodum littore: cui domicilio ac insulæ
- nomen _Sancta Crux_ indidit. Idem eodem anno, in quasi peninsula, oræ
- Acadicæ, ad Regium Portum, eiusdem nominis exiguam arcem fossa & aggere
- munitam exstruxit. Portus Regius, & portui cognominis arx, sunt in ea,
- quam Franciam _Baïam_ vocant, centum quinquaginta leucis à Campsæo
- promontorio, leucas octo intra continentem. _Baïa_ scilicet Francis,
- sicut Hispanis, est amplior terræ sinus ad oram maris, aut fluminis
- maioris, angulato orbiculatóve recessu, influenti aquæ ad interiora
- continentis præbens aditum. In extremo Francico Sinu portus est
- octingentorum passuum ostio peruius, duas leucas longus, vnam latus,
- duûm millium capax maiorum nauium, cui ab nobilitate _Regius Portus_
- nomen à Champlænio Franco est inditum. Tertiam sedem quarto pòst anno
- condidit dominus de [569] Monts ad Quebecium cornu, in Australi ripa
- Sacquéi amnis, è regione Aurelianæ insulæ, in Montagnetiorum solo;
- quam arcem Champlænius, qui operi præfuit, Quebecum à soli nomine
- appellauit, & eodem pænè loco Sanctam Crucem Iacobi Quartieri arcem
- olim conditam fuisse obseruauit. Quinti & vltimi Francici domicilij
- fundamenta Patres nostri iaciebant, ad ostium amnis Pentegoetij, cùm
- ab irrumpentibus Anglis opere prohibiti, atque in captiuitatem contra
- fas, & ius gentium abducti sunt. Iis ad hunc modum præmissis capitibus,
- quæ alioqui moratura erant institutam rerum narrationem, ad susceptam à
- Patribus nostris Canadicam expeditionem stylum conferamus.
- Moreover, in this great extent of territory, by means of numerous
- expeditions and in more than a century, the French have established
- only five settlements;[65] the first of these was founded by
- Jacques Quartier during his last voyage, not at the inaccessible
- narrows and rocks of the place now called _Saincte Croix_,[66] but
- in almost the very spot where now stands Quebec, fifteen leagues
- on this side of Ste. Croix. Another was built by Pierre du Gas,
- sieur de Monts, in the year 1604, upon a small island, among the
- Eteminquis, close to their Southern shore, to which settlement and
- island he gave the name of _Saincte Croix_. He also in the same
- year, upon a sort of peninsula on the Acadian coast, near Port
- Royal, erected a small fort of the same name, defended by a ditch
- and a rampart. Port Royal, and the fort of the same name as the
- harbor, are on what is called French _Bay_, one hundred and fifty
- leagues from Cape Campseau, eight leagues from the sea. A _bay_
- among the French, as among the Spanish, is a large indentation
- in the land at the shore of the sea or of a great river, angular
- or round in shape, giving the waters entrance to the interior
- regions. At the head of French Bay is a harbor, reached by a
- channel three-quarters of a mile long; it is two leagues long and
- one wide, capable of receiving 2,000 large ships, and because of
- its majestic appearance was named _Port Royal_ by the Frenchman
- Champlain. A third settlement was founded by sieur de [569] Monts,
- four years later, at the point of Quebec, on the Southern bank of
- the Sacqué river, near the isle of Orleans,[67] in the territory of
- the Montagnais; Champlain, who was in charge of the work, called
- this fort Quebec, from the name of the district,[41] and observed
- that in almost the same place Jacques Quartier's post of Ste.
- Croix had in former days been built. Our Fathers were laying the
- foundations of the fifth and last French settlement at the mouth of
- the Pentegoët river, when they were prevented from prosecuting the
- work by a descent of the English, and carried off into captivity,
- contrary to justice and the law of nations. These details, which
- otherwise would have delayed the orderly narrative of events,
- having been thus first explained, let us devote our pen to the
- Canadian expedition undertaken by our Fathers.
- Potrincourtius Regij Portus castellum à domino de Monts sibi dono
- datum, eo ipso tempore, quo condebatur, ab Henrico Quarto petiuerat,
- eo iure, quo optimo, sibi asseri, vindicarique? ac eius non modò
- vindicias, sed nexum etiam impetrauerat. Secundum quod ius arcis,
- & imperij prætereà certis finibus in Noua Francia Potrincourtio
- attributi, Rex Patri Cotono significat, velle se vti Sociorum opera in
- Barbaris illis ad Christum adiugendis; proinde scriberet ad Generalem
- Societatis Præpositum suo nomine, vti designarentur Patres in eam rem,
- quos primo quoque tempore illuc mittendos ipse Rex ad se accerseret,
- annuis duûm millium Librarum vectigalibus illi Missioni attributis.
- Annus huius sæculi octauus agebatur, cùm Rex ita de Canadicis rebus
- decerneret, cuius tamen cogitationes grauioribus negotiis aliò
- seuocantibus, [570] eius quoque interueniente obitu, sed eorum maximè
- negligentia, qui Regio nomine Canadicam prouinciam, administrabant,
- nostrorum profectio in tertium pòst annum est dilata. Siue autem casu
- quopiam, siue hominum consilio, eam proferri trienni toto contigit,
- cùm iam in procinctu nostri essent; obortæ tamen subitò sunt eæ
- difficultates, quibus planum fieret, Cacodæmoni esse inuisa nostrorum
- in ea profectione consilia. Regina quingentos aureos nummos, ex
- defuncti Regis decreto numerauerat: Domina _de Vernueil_, _de Sourdis_,
- _de Guercheuille_, alia sacrum aræ instrumentum, alia linteam vestem
- copiosam, alia peramplum viaticum munificè contribuerant: Pater Petrus
- Biardus, & Pater Enemundus Massæus eò destinati animis ingentibus se
- comparauerant, vela & ventos auidè præstolantes. Status condictus dies
- vela faciendi eis conuenerat cum Biencourtio Potrincourtij filio, &
- Thoma Robinio, expeditionis ducibus, ad octauum calendas Nouembris
- anni decimi supra sexcentesimum; sed cùm eo die adfuissent, nauigium
- sarciebatur, & oscitanter quidem, in continenti; tantum aberat, vt
- idoneo commeatu & nauigationis, & Canadicæ familiæ instructum esset.
- Instaurandæ naui suas operas, materiamque locauerant Caluiniani
- duo, & quia Biencourtio ac Robinio ad operarum mercedem deerant
- facultates, Caluiniani mercatores certam nautici fructus partem pacti
- sibi erant, eóque nomine, pro dominis in ea naue gerere posse sibi
- videbantur Iesuitis igitur locum in nauigio [571] non futurum palam, &
- asseueranter edicunt, aut si futurum sit, ab illius operis redemtura,
- & cætera omni pactione se iamiam discedere: qua de sententia nec
- ipsius Reginæ auctoritas, ab Domino _de Cicoigne_, Dieppensis vrbis
- regio Præside, grauiter, seuereque denunciata, Caluini asseclas non
- potuit dimouere. Desperata res planè videbatur, quòd hæc vna modò
- nauis in Nouam Franciam anno illo adornaretur; & non paterentur duo
- illi Caluiniani vlla se ratione demitigari: quæ nostra destitutio
- Dominam Guercheuillæam, religiosissimam, & ingentis animi feminam,
- acriter pupugit; sed ea qua est sollertia, confestim ad manum habuit
- rationem, qua non iam vt vectores nos, sed vt partiarios, exclusis
- inhumanis Hæreticis, in nauem induceret. Quattuor igitur millium
- Librarum stipem de principibus viris ac feminis ex Aula, paucis diebus,
- corrogat, quantum erat opus ad nauem instruendam; eaque collate summa,
- Caluinianos illos duos nautica societate deiicit, simulque idoneam
- fortem constituit, vnde Canadicæ negotiationis præfecti perpetuam
- quotannis pensionem nostræ Missioni penderent. Sublatis itaque, illius
- feminæ industria, quæ nos morabantur impedimentis, ternis serè mensibus
- adornandæ naui consumtis, huius tandem sæculi anno vndecimo, ante diem
- sextum calendas Februarias, è littore Dieppensi, Deo duce, soluimus,
- totóque quadrimestri nauigantes Campsæum in portum, Australis littoris
- Nouæ Franciæ appulsi sumus; inde centum viginti leucarum vel maritima,
- vel terrestri via Portum [572] Regium lætantes iniuimus. Quæ sollemnia
- sunt Societatis hominibus in eo nautico cursu pietatis, demissionis,
- humanitatis erga omne hominum genus, hæc, tantò minùs ab nostris
- omissa sunt, quòd ingentis momenti expeditio instituebatur, & præter
- Caluinianos nonnullos, iis præfectis vel sociis rei nauticæ vtebamur,
- quos, nostræ consuetudinis ratione, omnino oportebat de Societatis
- Instituto rectiùs, quàm imbuti accesserant, imbui. Appellentibus nobis
- ad illius orbis littora nauigium, factus est obuiam Champlænius, cum
- cætera virtute, tum septenni iam illius maris nauigatione clarus,
- quem summo nostro stupore spectauimus aduersum glaciatas aquæ moles,
- ingentibus terræ collibus magnitudine pares, maximis animis, ac
- singulari industria & arte decertantem, interque illa pericula fortiter
- enauigantem. De Sancto-Laurentio, amne Canadiensium maximo, scribit
- idem Camplænius in nauigationum commentariis, eius summas aquas tribus
- totis in imum vlnis conglaciari Ianuario, & insequentibus mensibus
- duobus ab ostio sursum versùs, centum leucarum itinere, nec vltrà
- procedere rigorem aquæ, cum tamen nulla pars fluminis, directo alueo ab
- occasu in ortum manantis, sit Aquilonibus altera propior, aut montibus
- ad apricationem tectior. Addit etiam, ineunte Aprili, soluta glaciei
- tanta vi, Sancti-Laurenti laxissimum ostium congelatis molibus pæne
- obstrui, quas ait in altum mare longiùs prouectas, duodenis diebus,
- quotannis ferè liquari.
- Potrincourt had asked of Henry IV. the fort at Port Royal, because
- it had been granted as a gift to him by sieur de Monts at the very
- time of its establishment, which was perhaps the best reason he
- could give for advancing and maintaining his pretensions, and had
- obtained not merely a claim upon it, but its possession. Following
- the grant of this fort, and also the government of a definite
- territory in New France, to Potrincourt, the King informed Father
- Coton[68] that he wished to employ the services of our Brethren in
- bringing the Savages to Christ. He also desired him to write to
- the General of the Society, in his own name, in order that Fathers
- might be selected for this undertaking, whom the King himself would
- take measures to send thither at the first available opportunity,
- while an annuity of 2,000 livres was to be allowed the Mission. It
- was during the eighth year of this century when the King made this
- decision in regard to Canadian affairs; but, in spite of his plans,
- by reason of more weighty business which called his attention
- elsewhere, [570] and also the hindrance caused by his death, but
- especially because of the negligence of those who were managing
- the Canadian province for the Crown, the departure of our brethren
- was delayed until the third year thereafter. Moreover, either by
- some accident, or by the purpose of men, it came to be delayed the
- entire space of three years, although our brethren were already
- equipped. Such difficulties, also, suddenly arose as plainly showed
- that our plans for this voyage were displeasing to the Evil Spirit.
- The Queen had paid over 500 golden crowns, according to the decree
- of the late King; Mesdames _de Vernueil_, _de Sourdis_, and _de
- Guercheville_ had given generous contributions,--one, the sacred
- furniture of the altar; another, an abundance of linen vestments;
- the third, a very liberal allowance of money for the expenses
- of the voyage. Father Pierre Biard and Father Enemund Massé had
- been selected for the undertaking, and had prepared themselves
- with great courage, eagerly awaiting their departure. The day
- for sailing had been agreed upon by them with Biencourt, the son
- of Potrincourt, and Thomas Robin, the leaders of the expedition,
- for the 24th day of October, 1610; but, when they arrived upon
- that day, the ship was undergoing repairs, and that, too, in a
- negligent manner, upon the land; so far was it from being provided
- with suitable equipment either for navigation or for the Canadian
- colony. Two Calvinists had devoted their services and resources to
- the repair of the ship, and, because Biencourt and Robin lacked
- means to pay for the work, the Calvinist merchants had contracted
- for a specified portion of the profits of the voyage. By this
- right, as masters in the ship, they thought themselves able to
- declare, in the presence of the Jesuits, that there would be no
- place for them in the vessel; [571] and they emphatically asserted
- that, if it should be otherwise, they would straightway forsake the
- prosecution of the work, and all other business in their contract.
- From this resolution, not even the authority of the Queen herself,
- pronounced with dignity and severity by Sieur _de Cicoigne_, the
- royal Governor of the city of Dieppe, could move these servants of
- Calvin. The matter was apparently in a desperate condition, because
- only this one ship was that year being fitted out for New France,
- and the two Calvinists would not permit themselves to be moved
- in any respect. This difficulty of ours deeply pained Madame de
- Guercheville, a woman of extreme piety and great spirit; but her
- ingenuity speedily devised a method by which she might place us
- on the ship, not as passengers, but as partners, to the exclusion
- of the churlish Heretics. She therefore collected in a few days,
- from the leading men and women of the Court, 4,000 livres, as
- much as was necessary for fitting out the ship; and by raising
- that sum deprived the two Calvinists of a share in the vessel,
- establishing at the same time a sufficient capital from which there
- might each year be paid to the director of the Canadian undertaking
- an allowance for our Mission. When, therefore, by the diligence
- of this woman, the obstacles which delayed us had been removed,
- although nearly three months had been spent in equipping the ship,
- still, in the eleventh year of this century, on the 24th day of
- January, we set sail under the leadership of God, from the shore at
- Dieppe; and, after a voyage lasting in all four months, arrived at
- Campseau harbor, on the Southern coast of New France; at a distance
- thence of 120 leagues, either by sea or land, we joyfully entered
- Port [572] Royal. The exercises of the members of the Society
- in piety, humility, and kindness toward all manner of men, were
- especially observed by our brethren during that sea-voyage, because
- an expedition of great importance was being undertaken, and also
- for the reason that, besides a few Calvinists, we were associated
- with officers and seamen to whom it was absolutely necessary that
- we should, on account of our frequent intercourse, give more
- correct ideas concerning the Institutum[69] of the Society than
- they had formerly received. When we brought the ship to the coast
- of this region, Champlain[70] met us,--a man renowned not only for
- his valor in other respects, but also for his voyages in this sea
- for seven years past; whom, to our utter amazement, we have seen
- battling against masses of ice, equal in size to great hills upon
- land, with the greatest courage, and with remarkable activity and
- skill, sailing forth bravely amid all these dangers. Concerning the
- St. Lawrence, the greatest river of Canada, this same Champlain
- writes, in his commentaries upon his voyages, that its surface
- is frozen to the depth of three entire yards, during January and
- the two following months, to the distance of a hundred leagues
- upward from its mouth; and that the freezing of the water does
- not extend farther, although no part of the river, since it flows
- directly from west to east, is more Northerly than another, or more
- protected by mountains, so as to be warmer. He adds also that in
- the beginning of April, by the melting of so great a mass of ice,
- the broad mouth of the St. Lawrence is almost blocked with frozen
- masses, which, he says, are carried forth a long distance into the
- sea, and usually melt within twelve days, each year.
- APPVLSVS nostrorum ad Francicum Sinum, [573] Portumque Regium, in
- ante diem septimum calendas Quintiles, eumdemque Pentecostes sacrum
- felicissimo planè omine incidit. Nihil Potrincourtio accidere poterat
- allato commeatu opportunius, si tamen is amplus esset, vt quem rei
- angustiæ coegerant, Barbaris partem familiæ alendam diuidere. Vt
- ne autem instructiores à commeatu veniremus, fecerat tum nauigij,
- sexaginta dumtaxat doliorum, breuitas; tum plus instrumenti piscatorij,
- quàm cibariorum in nauem immissum; tum deniq; ab tricenis senis
- capitibus, quot vehebamur, grauior in nauticam penum illata solido
- quadrimestri labes. Quamobrem Potrincourtio sexaginta hominum
- contubernio, tenuissima re domestica, iam eum pæne ipsis initiis
- opprimente, maturè prouidendum fuit, ne Portus Regij penuaria cella
- in sequentem hiemem exhausta relinqueretur. Cuius procurationis, vt
- familiæ patrem decuit, sumto sibi onere, ipse in Galliam traiecturus,
- de Porturegiensi multitudine pæne quadragesimus medio Iulio soluit,
- exeuntéque Augusto Galliæ littori appulsus est, relicto Biencourtio
- filio, cum reliqua cohorte, qui Porturegiensi arci præsideret.
- THE arrival of our brethren at French Bay [573] and Port Royal
- occurred on the 26th day of June, and also,--certainly a most
- auspicious omen,--the sacred feast of Pentecost. Nothing more
- opportune could have happened to Potrincourt than the arrival of
- supplies, if only these had been abundant, since his privations
- had compelled him to place a portion of the colony to be supported
- among the Savages. Moreover, the fact that we had not come
- well-furnished with provisions was due, not only to the smallness
- of the ship, which was of only sixty tons burden, but also to the
- placing of more fishing tackle than provisions in the cargo; then,
- finally, by thirty-six persons, the number which was on board,
- there was a great consumption of the ship's stores during four
- entire months. Wherefore, Potrincourt, almost overwhelmed, at the
- outset, by the necessity of maintaining sixty men in this scarcity
- of provisions, was forced to take early precautions lest the
- meagerly furnished storehouse at Port Royal should be left bare for
- the coming winter. As behooved the father of the colony, he took
- upon himself the burden of managing this business, and resolved
- that he himself would cross over to France. With about forty of the
- people at Port Royal, leaving his son Biencourt in command of the
- fort there, and the rest of the company, he set sail in the middle
- of July; and, in the latter part of August, he reached the French
- coast.
- NOSTRIS interea, quod suarum partium esset, enixè satagentibus,
- cordi erat in primis popularis linguæ cognitio, quam Galli leuiter
- modò delibatam, si vnum exciperes, tradere præceptis, vsúve docere
- non poterant; vt vna dumtaxat reliqua esset ratio eius ab stupidis
- indigenis, non institutione, sed assidua consuetudine tandem
- exprimendæ. His itaque, muneribus, comitate, atque [574] omni
- officij genere conciliandis cùm nostri nihil non tentassent, parum
- aut nihil permouerunt. Enimuerò, præterquam quod minimè idoneis ad
- disciplinam magistris vtebantur, à quibus nihil expromeres, nisi
- affluẽter antè saginato aqualiculo, & quos moræ, vel non diuturnæ,
- impatientissimos idemtidem abs te abalienaret, auelleretque studiosa
- cuiusque rei percontatio: ipsa quoque linguæ conditio, idoneorum,
- ad res etiam vulgatissimas, vocabulorum indigentissimæ, nostrorum
- incensa studia destituit, & animos grauiter afflixit. Rerum scilicet,
- quæ sub aspectum, tactum, & reliquos sensus cadunt, ex Barbarorum
- responsis nomenclatio vtcumque deprehendebatur: sed earum quæ sensuum
- vim fugiunt, summa est apud eam gentem appellationum penuria, & alta
- quoque rerum ignoratio. Posterioris autem generis desperata disciplina,
- cum neque priorem Barbari aut possent, aut vellent tradere; vna
- reliqua spes erat in adolescente Gallo, vernaculæ linguæ bene perito,
- eximia humanitate, & comitate, quem etiam Pater Biardus non vulgari
- beneficio sibi demeruerat. Is erat Pontgrauæus, Pongrauæi filius,
- egregij viri superioribus annis cum Champlænio vices Domini de Monts
- in Francia Noua gerentis; quem adolescentem, decem & octo leucis
- Regio portu non longiùs, hiemare parantem, ad amnem Sancti Ioannis,
- summa ipsius voluntate, nullius incommodo, nostri eius institutione
- Canadicum idioma erudiẽdi adire cuperent. Verumtamen Biencourtius
- eius profectionis consultus, ac rogatus etiam à nostris, vt, eius
- bona venia, [575] proficere per Pontgrauæum in peregrino idiomate
- sibi liceret, cuius ignoratione, suæ nauigationis in Nouam Franciam
- fructu penitus exciderent: quòd ea communicatio cum Pontgrauæo
- nouarum rerum supicionem moueret Biencourtio, nihil impetrarunt.
- Tantisper ergo nostris has difficultates æquo animo tolerantibus, dum
- qua se aperiret via suo instituto conuenientior, Deus materiam non
- procul quæsitam subiecit, de grauiter ægroto. Henrico Membertouio,
- Sagamo, bene merendi; & corporis, & animi eius diligenter curanda
- salute. SAGAMO apud eam gentem cuiusque populi præses appellatur:
- Sagamon verò agebat inter Souriquios, in Acadia, Membertouius, ad
- Aquilonare latus Porturegiensis castelli, ad Sancti Ioannis flumen.
- Cùm tamen dysenteria cœpit tentari, degebat in _Baïa Mariana_, vt
- vocant, hoc est, in Mariano Sinu, Portum Regium inter, Meridianumque
- littus, vnde asportari se iusserat in arcem, vt medicorum nostrorum
- curatione vteretur. Angusta sua cellula eum nostri exceperunt,
- diebusque non paucis, absente ipsius coniuge, ac filia, diu noctuque,
- in grauissimo sordidi morbi fœtore, pro assiduissimis, & maximè
- sollicitis ministris ei libentissimè operam suam nauauere. Is vbi
- Confessione fuerat expiatus, Sacróque inunctus oleo, de sepultura sua
- egit cum Biencourtio, seque humari velle ait in maiorum suo sepulcro.
- Biencourtius, qui tanti rem esse non putaret, facilè assentiebatur;
- auditisque Patris Biardi contra suam sententiam rationibus, occurri
- posse incommodis censebat, si [576] sepulcrum illud ritu Christiano
- lustraretur; quæ Biencourtij opinio Membertouium tantò constantiorem
- in suo decreto cùm faceret, Pater Biardus neque id se illis assensurum
- confirmauit, & cur non assentiretur ostendit. Non dubium erat, quin
- si Sagamus in consilio perstaret, eiusque adstipulator fieri pergeret
- Biencourtius, offensionis atque turbarum inde quidpiam oriretur: sed
- huic malo Diuina occurrit prouidentia; postridie siquidem Membertouius
- sua sponte postulauit commune Christianorum cœmeterium, qua & in
- sententia mortem obiit; vti scilicet hoc suo facto fidem suam omnibus
- Christianis ac Barbaris testatam relinqueret, suffragiorumque Ecclesiæ
- fieret particeps. Magnus omnino vir fuit hic Sagamus, non suorum magis,
- quàm nostrorum iudicio, cuius eximiam indolem supra vulgare Canadiorum
- ingenium longè ideo extulisse visus est Deus optimus, vt hunc sibi
- iustas eius gentis primitias legeret. Ex octogenis ferè Nouo-Francis,
- quos ab ineunte Iunio anni sexcentesimi decimi, nulla planè imbutos
- catechesi, temere Baptismo impertierat Iossæus nescio quis, sui muneris
- parum intelligens sacerdos, vnus dumtaxat Membertouius, pro eo quantum
- suos omnes populares sagacitate & prudentia longo interuallo anteibat,
- sollerter dispexerat, quanti esset, Christianum non censeri quidem, sed
- reipsa idoneis eo nomine præditum moribus viuere. Et certè reliquis
- omnibus de illo octogenario belluinum à Baptismo viuendi morem perpetuò
- retinentibus, hic solus vt Christiano dignum erat, in [577] multa
- etiam ignorantia, priusquam eò nostri aduenissent, vitam cum laude
- traduxit. Primus omnium de Nouo-Francis salutaribus aspersus aquis,
- earum vim potentissimam ita scilicet visus est combibisse, vt ei nihil
- longius esset quã vt eos nãcisceretur magistros, quorum disciplina
- Christianis institutis eò vsque instrueretur, dum idoneus fieret,
- qui suos inter populares Apostolicum ageret doctorem. Ardentis huius
- desiderij locupletes testes nostri, has voces eius ex ore sæpenumerò
- exceperunt: Per Deum immortalem, date operam Patres, nostrum vt idioma
- breui perdiscatis, vti vobis doctoribus vsus, sicuti vos estis, ego
- quoque concionator, & docendi magister euadã, nostráque coniuncta
- opera Nouo-Francorũ gens vniuersa ad Christum traducatur. Hunc virum,
- vix quindecim mensibus, ex quo in Christianorum numerum venerat,
- superstitem, paucis diebus nostra institutione informatum, multæ tamen
- verè Christiani ac pij animi virtutes illustrem fecerant; quam scilicet
- tam vberem frugem singulares probæ indolis dotes in eo nuper, patriis
- etiam moribus viuente, præsagierant. Omnium prouincialium testimonio,
- quotquot multis antè sæculis floruerant, Sagamos hic vnus animi robore,
- muneris militaris scientia, clientelarum multitudine, frequentiáque,
- potentia, & gloriosi nominis claritudine inter suos, atque ipsos hostes
- facilè superauit. Quem celebritatis splendorem perpetuum non potuit,
- etiam inter Barbaros, nulla vllius rei doctrina imbutos, consequi,
- nisi ex certa fama, adeóque etiam notitia eximiæ in eo vigentis [578]
- æquitatis, atque temperantiæ. De temperantia quidem eius, vt prætereà
- nihil afferri possit, luculentum sanè fuit, sibi magnoperè moderantis
- hominis, documentum, perpetua in Membertouio monogamia, quo in genere
- solitarium verè phœnicem Nouo-Francia eum adhuc agnouit. Quod enim
- reliqui omnes indigenæ, sed Sagami præsertim, ex vxorum multitudine
- stirpis numerosam seriem expetunt summoperè, atque sperant, suæ
- vtique potentiæ singulare columen ac firmamentum; id vti more gentis
- vsurparet, adduci numquam potuit Membertouius, quòd altiore quadam,
- supra vulgus Sagamorum, sapientia perspiceret, grauiora inter discordes
- vxores, & earum liberos simultatum, sub eodem tecto, detrimenta
- existere, quàm emolumenta opum, & neutiquam consentientis potentiæ.
- Sollemne est illi genti, ex superstitioso ritu, quod genus omnes
- habent præcipuum, demortuorum neminem suo vnquam nomine appellare,
- sed aduentitium cuiuis, ex re nata, indere, quo cum perpetuo inter
- commemorandum denotent: quo ex more Henricum Membertouium ab virtutibus
- bellicis nuper clarissimum, congruenti eius laudibus nomenclatione,
- Magnum Imperatorem, suo idiomate, nuncuparunt.
- MEANWHILE, the greatest desire of our brethren, zealously occupied
- with the performance of their duties, was at the start to know the
- language of the natives, which the Frenchmen--caring but little for
- it, with one exception--could not impart by rules, or teach with
- advantage; so only one method remained, to learn it from the stupid
- natives, not by lessons, but by constant practice. Consequently,
- after our associates had made various attempts to conciliate the
- Savages, by gifts, by friendliness, and by [574] every sort of
- service, they accomplished little or nothing. For, besides the fact
- that they employed teachers not at all fitted for instruction,
- from whom nothing could be obtained unless their stomachs were
- first liberally crammed, and who, being very impatient of even a
- short delay, would often be distracted and drawn away from one by
- earnest inquiry about any subject: the very nature of the language,
- also, so deficient in words suitable for the expression of even
- the most common ideas, evaded the eager pursuit of our men, and
- greatly disheartened them. Of those things, indeed, which fall
- under sight, touch, and the other senses, the names were obtained
- from the answers of the Savages in one way or another; but for
- those things which elude the senses, there is the greatest scarcity
- of names among that race, and also a profound ignorance of the
- things themselves. The knowledge of the latter class was despaired
- of, since the Savages either could not, or would not explain the
- former; one hope remained, in a young Frenchman, fluent in the
- native tongue, of remarkable kindness and affability, whom Father
- Biard also had laid under obligations to himself by no ordinary
- favors. This was Pontgravé, the son of Pontgravé,[71] an excellent
- man, who in former years, together with Champlain, represented
- Sieur de Monts in New France; and this youth, who was preparing to
- pass the winter no farther than eighteen leagues from Port Royal,
- at the river St. John, our brethren were anxious to meet, with his
- own ready consent, and with inconvenience to no one, for the sake
- of the aid of his instruction in acquiring the Canadian language.
- Although Biencourt was consulted about this expedition, and also
- requested by our comrades that they might be allowed by his kind
- permission [575] to make progress through Pontgravé in the foreign
- idiom, by their ignorance of which, they were losing all the fruits
- of their voyage to New France,[72] they did not succeed; because
- such intercourse with Pontgravé inspired suspicion in Biencourt.
- While our brethren therefore patiently endured their troubles,
- until some path more suitable to their plans should be revealed,
- God placed within their reach the desired opportunity, for doing a
- kindness to Henry Membertou, a Sagamore who was dangerously ill, by
- caring diligently for the salvation of both his soul and his body.
- Among this people the chief of each tribe is called a SAGAMORE,
- and Membertou was Sagamore among the Souriquois, in Acadia, to the
- St. John river, North of the fort at Port Royal. However, when
- he began to be afflicted with dysentery, he was residing at _Bay
- Ste. Marie_, as they call it, between Port Royal and the Southern
- coast, whence he had ordered himself to be brought into the fort,
- in order that he might profit by the care of our physicians. Our
- fathers received him into their narrow cabin, and, for many days,
- in the absence of his wife and daughter, by day, and night, amid
- the noxious filth of a vile disease, freely bestowed upon him their
- services, as most assiduous and exceedingly solicitous attendants.
- When he had been absolved upon Confession, and anointed with the
- Holy oil, he arranged with Biencourt about his burial, and said
- that he wished to be interred in his own ancestral burial place.
- Biencourt, who did not think the matter of much importance, readily
- consented, and, upon hearing the objections of Father Biard to
- his decision, believed that trouble might be prevented if [576]
- that grave would be blessed according to the Christian rite. This
- opinion of Biencourt rendered Membertou so much the more steadfast
- in his resolution; Father Biard declared that he would not agree
- with them in this, and explained why he would not consent. There
- was no doubt that, if the Sagamore persisted in his purpose, and
- Biencourt continued to support him, some offense and disturbance
- would arise therefrom; but Divine providence prevented this evil.
- The day thereafter, Membertou of his own accord requested the
- usual Christian burial, in which resolution he died, evidently
- purposing by this act to leave his faith attested to all Christians
- and Savages, and to become a participant in the privileges of the
- Church. This Sagamore was in every respect a great man, not only in
- the opinion of his own people but in ours; and the good God seems
- to have raised this man's excellent nature high above the ordinary
- character of the Canadians, in order that he might gather him to
- himself as the first fruits in righteousness of his race. Out of
- some 80 natives of New France whom since the beginning of June of
- the year 1610 a certain Josse,[73] a priest unfamiliar with his
- duties, had heedlessly baptized, although they certainly had had no
- religious instruction, Membertou alone, who greatly excelled all
- his countrymen in acuteness and good sense, had wisely discerned
- how important it is not merely to be considered a Christian, but
- actually to live with a character agreeing to the name. And indeed,
- although the entire remainder of that 80 had continued their brutal
- mode of life ever since Baptism, this man alone deserved to be
- called a Christian, and indeed led a praiseworthy life in [577] the
- midst of dense ignorance, before our brethren had come thither.
- As he, first of all the inhabitants of New France, was sprinkled
- with the saving waters, it seems, beyond doubt, that he so imbibed
- their most potent virtue, that nothing remained for him but to
- secure those teachers, by whose instructions he would be trained in
- Christian principles until he should become fit to introduce among
- his countrymen an Apostolic teacher. Our brethren are competent
- witnesses of this burning desire; they often heard from his lips
- these words: "By the immortal God, Fathers, endeavor to quickly
- learn our language, in order that, after having employed you as
- teachers, I also, like you, may go forth as a public exhorter and
- instructor; and by our united labors the entire population of New
- France may be brought to Christ." This man, who survived hardly
- fifteen months after becoming a Christian, and was accorded but a
- few days of our training, was nevertheless rendered illustrious
- by many virtues truly Christian and belonging to a pious spirit;
- and, indeed, unique marks of an upright character had presaged in
- him this fruit which was so rich, a short time previously, while
- he was still living according to his ancestral customs. By the
- testimony of all the inhabitants of the province, this one man, in
- strength of mind, in knowledge of the military art, in the great
- number of his followers, in power, and in the renown of a glorious
- name among his countrymen, and even his enemies, easily surpassed
- the Sagamores who had flourished during many preceding ages. This
- universal honor and renown he could not have attained, even among
- Savages utterly untaught, except from an established reputation,
- the knowledge also of the exceptional justice of his [578]
- character, and his temperance. Indeed, concerning this last virtue,
- although nothing additional can be cited, there was certainly a
- distinguished example of a man of great self-restraint in the
- continual monogamy of Membertou, in which rank, thus far, New
- France has recognized him alone as a phœnix indeed. For, though all
- the rest of the natives, but especially the Sagamores, covet above
- all else from a multitude of wives a numerous train of progeny,
- and desire them as the especial support and foundation of their
- power; Membertou could never be induced to conform to this custom
- of the race, because, with a certain wisdom deeper than that of the
- mass of Sagamores, he perceived that the evils arising among the
- quarreling wives and among the children of these rivals, beneath
- the same roof, more than balanced the increase of resources and of
- power that might arise from a large family. It is an observance of
- that race, from a superstitious rite which all especially revere,
- to never mention by name any deceased person; but to give each,
- according to circumstances, an additional appellation, by which
- they always designate him whenever they mention him. In conformity
- with this custom, they called Henry Membertou, because he had of
- late been highly renowned in warlike virtues, by a name agreeing
- with his reputation, meaning, in their language, Great Chief.
- POTRINCOVRTIVS Biencourtij pater, in Galliam mense Iulio nauigarat,
- commeatus summittendi gratia, cuius erant magnæ angustiæ in
- Porturegiensi familia, Octobri mense insequente; cibariorum tamen
- nihil è Gallia missum erat; idcirco Biencourtius ad Almochiquios,
- Choüacoetij fluminis [579] accolas, Indici milij copiis abundantes,
- nauigationem, comite Patre Biardo, instituit, Gallicarum mercium
- permutatione ad hibernam aliquam annonam frumentaturus. Sed quòd ex
- itinere ad Sancti Ioannis flumen, trans Francicum Sinum diuerterat, vt
- ex adolescente Pontgrauæo, reliquisque Maclouiensibus quintas exigeret
- Canadicæ negotiationis, diutiùs eum morantibus subortis cum ea familia
- discordiis, tempore frumentationis pæne exclusus est, ad quam deinde
- cùm est reuersus, Barbarorum delusus fraude, qui spem frumentariæ
- permutationis fecerant, vacuus in Portum Regium renauigauit. In ea
- excursione feliciter obtigit Patri Biardo, vt Pontgrauæo conciliaret
- Biencourtium, sicuti nuper Potrincourtium eidem insensum placauerat, &
- vt Merueillæo item Maclouiensi, de salute, ob nescio quas suspiciones,
- periclitanti grauiter, eadem pacificationis opera, vitam affereret;
- quo suo facto vtrumque sibi magnopere deuinxit. Nostro Sacerdoti
- demeritos esse beneficiis homines huiusmodi, cum ob cætera multa, tum
- ob id in primis opportunè accidebat, quòd eorum opera fideli, ac vtili
- esset vsurus in disciplina Canadicæ linguæ, quam Pontgrauæus callebat
- egregiè, si dies aliquot vnà viuere, aut certè frequentiùs congredi
- liceret. Id certè, vt Pater Biardus nõ expeteret, quod expetebat,
- ipsi vltrò ambiebant, delato ei perhumaniter suo contubernio; quibus
- in præsentia Pater egit gratias, habuitque, rogatis tamen, vt sibi
- hanc benignitatem, in id tempus reseruarent, quo bene vti fas esset;
- tunc enim haud [580] decere Biencourtium, in periculosa præsertim
- nauigatione, ab se deseri. Biencourtio deinde redeunti ex irrita
- illa Quinibequiensi frumentatione, quam modò indicauimus, cùm ad
- Pentegoetium amnem, & Sanctæ Crucis insulam ventum esset, suadere
- conatus est, immo supplex fuit Pater Biardus, vt se inde, loco ex
- propinquo, ad Pontgrauæum dimitteret, Canadici catechismi contexendi
- causa, quod inter eos antè conuenerat. Huic postulationi, licet
- æquissimæ, is cuius nihil planè intererat, non nisi eis conditionibus
- assensus est, quæ & iniquissimæ, & nequaquam in potestate Patris
- essent. Quamobrem facultate deiectus idiomatis vernaculi condiscendi,
- ad otiosam pæne vitam in arce degendam adactus est, ingenti sua
- molestia. Nouembri exeunte, iam ferme exausto penu, nulli nuncij
- afferebantur è Gallia; & quod reliquum esse poterat ab venatione
- subsidium, niuibus obsitũ solum intercipiebat; vt ex parsimonia
- petendum esset vectigal, quò plures in dies annona sufficeret. Demensum
- igitur cuiuslibet è familia, in quamque hebdomadam, ad denas panis
- vncias, lardi selibram, pisi aut fabæ ternas scutellas, & prunorum
- vnam denique redierat. Atque tametsi familia vniuersa eo commeatu,
- quem nostrum è Gallia importaueramus, vitam tolerabat, nihil nobis
- liberaliùs, quàm cuiuis de calonibus eo tempore indultum est, neque
- vt indulgeretur, optauimus, quamquam nebulo quidam, scripto in Gallia
- edito, non est veritus multa secus per summam impudentiam & calumniam
- disseminare. Ad nonum calendas Februarias, anni [581] sexcentesimi
- duodecimi, tenuerunt cibariorum angustiæ, quem ad diem in Portum Regium
- inuecta est nauis cum mediocri admodum annona, Dominæ Guercheuillææ
- sumtibus emta, & transmissa. Mille aureos nummos, ex pacto societatis
- cum Robinio & Patribus Canadiensibus initæ, contributos hæc pia matrona
- numerauerat Roberto du Thet, fratri nostro coemendis transmittendisque
- Porturegiensi contubernio cibariis; sed eorum quadringentis fratrem
- nostrum, non satis cautum depositi custodem, Potrincourtius oblata
- suæ syngraphæ cautione, confestim emunxit; sicque res tota rediit ad
- sexcentos, vnde annona nobis exigua conflaretur. Sed neque tot aureorum
- cibaria in nauem illata sunt, nam Potrincourtij naualis administer
- partem coemti frumenti auertit in Gallia, & eorum quæ aduecta erant,
- Porturegiensi Societati quantum collibuit, nec amplius, reddidit.
- Noster Gilbertus du Thet, cuius in oculis horum pleraque commissa
- erant, posteà quam vidit, ab eo qui annonæ transuehendæ præfuerat,
- nullas acceptorum rationes referri, assumto Patre Biardo, apud
- Biencourtium egit modestè, vti ab eo, qui mandato parentis eius, pro
- magistro in naui gesserat, acceptorum ratio reposceretur: interesse
- siquidem nauticorum omnium sociorum, vt constaret, quantũ à singulis
- expensum acceptũque esset. Biencourtius quidem & tum, & deinde sæpius
- est professus, nihil moderatiùs, nihil æquiùs postulari à quoquam
- potuisse: nihilo tamen minùs, quasi à nostro atrociter insimularetur
- Simon Imbertus, cuius fides in [582] eo negotio desiderabatur; ita
- illius postulata isti de pinxit, vt eum nobis infensissimum faceret.
- Imbertus ergo vt Biencourtium sibi conciliatum à nobis abalienaret,
- seque referendæ rationis necessitate absolueret, malignè interpretatus
- consilium Dominæ Guercheuillææ, quæ paciscendæ societatis cum Robinio
- ansam captauerat, vt Missionis nostræ rebus tantò certiùs caueret;
- fraudulenter cauillatus est, per causam eius societatis intendi
- machinã, qua Biencourtiorum nomẽ Porturegiensi arce, atque vniuersa
- Noua Francia detruderetur. Ex hac calumnia illæ Biencourtij simultates
- exstiterunt, quibus factum est, vt nostrorum opera Nouo-francis
- populis, quin & ipsis quoque Gallis nihilo ferè quam isti minùs
- egentibus institutione, deinceps esset inutilis. Calumniatoris
- mendacia facile fuit nostris diluere, & semel, iterum, ac tertiò tam
- apertè ac validè apud Biencourtium, audiente vniuerso contubernio,
- diluerunt; vt postrema refutatione ad infantiam adactus Imbertus eò
- deueniret, vt excusandæ noxæ gratia profiteri non vereretur, sibi
- largiter temulento illas aduersum nos calumnias excidisse. Biencourtium
- acriter pupugerat nuncius, quo afferebatur, etiam conscio parente
- suo Potrincourtio, vniuersæ Nouæ Franciæ ius imperiumque à maximo
- amne Sacquéo ad Floridam, Portu Regio demto, _Guercheuillææ_ Regio
- diplomate esse cõcessum eidémq; à Domino de Monts quidquid Henrici
- Quàrti beneficio nuper in eadem ora possedisset, id omne tabulis
- publicè consignatis esse transcriptum. Atque, vt non putaret, hæc nobis
- [583] auctoribus gesta esse, perinde tamen posteà in nos affectus fuit
- quasi credidisset. Guercheuillææ quidem mens, fuit huius principatus
- sui reuerentia, velut potenti freno iniecto, Biencourtiorum vtrumque,
- patrem & filium, fidei hactenus in nos parum sinceræ, animique minus
- grati, suo in officio continere; nihil autem de Porturegiensi iure
- ipsis detrahere. Sed fui nimio plus amantes homines alienam in re
- propria cautionem, suam iniuriam interpretabantur: quòd tamen res iis
- esset angusta domi, nec viderent vnde commodiùs cella Porturegiensis
- instrui posset, quàm à Guercheuillæa in gratiam nostrorum Patrum, ne
- hac annona exciderent, suum dolorem taciti concoquebant. Nostrorum
- facillima fuit apud Biencourtium purgatio, quam cum accepisset in
- præsentia, reconciliatis animis Patres ad institutum Canadiensis
- idiomatis condiscendi magnis animis reuersi sunt, partitis inter se
- prouinciis, vt Pater Massæus ad Ludouicum Membertouium, Henrici vita
- functi filium, eius rei causa demigraret; Pater Biardus magistrum eius
- linguæ domi Barbarum sibi adhiberet. Patri Massæo ad Sancti Ioannis
- flumen apud hospitem, cum adolescente Gallo socio degenti, ex diuturna
- inedia, & Nomadicæ vitæ continentibus vexationibus, accidit grauis
- ægrotatio, qua tantum non confectus ad vltima delaberetur, inter
- quem morbum Membertouio cum hospite Patre accidit ridicula planè, ac
- Canadico ingenio digna sermocinatio. Ad decumbentem scilicet Patrem is
- adiit, vt quidem eius vultus præferebat, Patris acerbo casu [584] valdè
- sollicitus ac mœrens, quem in hæc verba compellauit. Audi me, Pater,
- moreris omnino, vt ego quidem auguror: scribe igitur ad Biencourtium,
- itemque ad tuum fratrem, te à nobis nequaquam trucidatum occubuisse,
- sed morbo consumtum, ne qua in nobis tui obitus noxa resideat. Cui
- contrà retulit Pater Massæus: Non committam, vt quod mones, imprudenter
- ad meos scribam: ne tu ex mea imprudentia factus audacior, securiorque
- violentas manus afferas, nihilò tamen minùs innocentiæ testes meas
- litteras apud te habeas, quæ te noxa eximant. Inexspectato, & arguto
- responso perculsus Barbarus, quasi ex alto sopore mox ad se rediit,
- atque renidenti ore, ait: Iesum igitur tuis precibus tibi propitium
- facito, vt te periculo mortis eruat, ne quis in nos tui occasus culpam
- conferat. Illud ipsum curo, inquit, Pater, desine esse sollicitus,
- nec enim me hic morbus exhauriet. In Porturegiensi quiete Pater
- Biardus interea doctore Barbaro vtebatur ad condiscendam barbariem,
- quæ se idoneum Euangelij præconem in rudi admodum gente præstaret:
- cui doctori quamdiu habuit vnde mensam insterneret, eius facili,
- vtilíque opera profecit, sed discendi docendíque cursum post aliquot
- hebdomadas inhibuit penus inopia. Cuius angustiis quoq; prohibiti
- sunt nostri, ne quattuor Barbaros, quos Pater Biardus & Biencourtius
- in maritimo discrimine, ipsis Barbaris ratum votum habẽtibus, futuros
- Christianos vouerant, si è præsenti naufragio incolumes euaderent.
- Erepti periculo cum ad Regium Portum appulissent nauem, non fuit in
- cella vnde alerentur Barbari, quoad idonea Catechesi essent imbuti, qua
- destitutione affectis nobis rei bene gerendæ occasio periit, nec postea
- rediit.
- POTRINCOURT, the father of Biencourt, had sailed for France in the
- month of July for the sake of procuring supplies, of which there
- was a great scarcity in the colony at Port Royal; but up to the
- following month of October no provisions had been sent from France;
- therefore, Biencourt decided to make a trip, in company with Father
- Biard, to the Almochiquois, who lived near the Choüacoet river,
- [579] and had plenty of Indian corn, in order by the exchange of
- French goods to obtain some food for the winter. But because he
- turned aside from the journey across French Bay, to the St. John
- river, in order that he might exact from the young Pontgravé and
- the rest of the Maclouins a tax upon their Canadian traffic, and
- being longer delayed by disputes which arose with that colony, he
- waited almost beyond the time for obtaining corn; and, when he
- finally returned to that business, deceived by the pretensions of
- the Indians, who had held out the hope of buying food, he sailed
- back empty-handed to Port Royal. During this trip Father Biard
- fortunately succeeded in reconciling Biencourt to Pontgravé, just
- as he had lately conciliated Potrincourt, who had been enraged at
- the same man; and also, by the same office of pacification, in
- preserving the life of Merveille, the Malouin, who was in great
- jeopardy on account of certain suspicions; by which actions he
- acquired the greatest influence over them both. It was advantageous
- to our Priest to have men of this character indebted for favors to
- him, not only for many other reasons, but especially, because he
- designed to make use of their faithful and effective services in
- learning the Canadian language, in which Pontgravé was unusually
- skilled, if they should be allowed to reside together for a few
- days, or to meet even more frequently. They, of their own accord,
- took care that Father Biard might not request what he desired,
- by very politely offering him the privileges of their home; the
- Father was grateful to them, and for the present returned thanks,
- requesting them, however, to postpone their kindness to him until
- that time when it would be proper for him to accept it; for it was
- not then fitting for him [580] to desert Biencourt, especially when
- he was engaged in a dangerous journey. Afterwards, while Biencourt
- was returning from that unsuccessful trip to the Quinibequi for
- provisions, which we have just described, when they had arrived
- at the Pentegoët river and the island of Ste. Croix, Father Biard
- endeavored to persuade him, and even begged him, to send him to
- Pontgravé from that place, which was near at hand, for the purpose
- of composing a Canadian catechism, which had previously been
- agreed upon between them. To this request, although most just, and
- although it certainly made no difference to him, Biencourt would
- not consent, except under conditions which were both exceedingly
- unjust and by no means in the power of the Father. Therefore he was
- disappointed of the opportunity of learning the language of the
- natives, and was compelled to lead an almost inactive existence in
- the fort, to his great vexation. By the end of November, although
- the provisions were already almost exhausted, no tidings were
- received from France; and what aid they might have obtained by
- hunting was cut off by the deep snow that covered the ground; so
- it was necessary to exercise the greatest economy, in order that
- the provisions might last longer. The weekly allowance, therefore,
- of every one in the colony had finally been fixed at ten ounces
- of bread, half a pound of lard, three dishes of peas or beans,
- and one of prunes. And, although the whole colony was living upon
- the provisions which we had brought from France for our own use,
- we were treated with no more indulgence at that time than any one
- of the servants, nor did we wish for special privileges; although
- a certain rascal, in a writing published in France,[74] has not
- hesitated to circulate many statements to the contrary, in the most
- shameless and calumnious manner. Until the 24th of January, in the
- year [581] 1612, the scarcity of provisions lasted, upon which
- day a ship entered Port Royal with a small quantity of supplies,
- bought and sent over by Madame de Guercheville. This pious lady had
- paid to brother Robert du Thet, 1,000 golden crowns, contributed
- according to the agreement between Robin[75] and the Canadian
- Fathers, for the purpose of purchasing and conveying provisions
- to the colony at Port Royal; but Potrincourt, by means of his
- promissory note, straightway cheated our brother out of 400, as
- he was not a sufficiently careful guardian of his trust, and so
- the whole sum was reduced to 600, by means of which a scanty store
- was provided for us. But not even provisions to the value of that
- number of crowns were placed in the vessel, for Potrincourt's naval
- agent[76] embezzled in France part of the grain purchased; and,
- of the supplies carried over, he delivered to the Society at Port
- Royal as much as he pleased, and no more. Our brother Gilbert du
- Thet, before whose eyes most of these acts had been committed,
- when he saw that no account was rendered, by the person in charge
- of the transportation of the supplies, of what had been received
- by him, in company with Father Biard modestly requested Biencourt
- that a reckoning concerning his trust be demanded from the man who,
- by order of his father, had acted as captain of the vessel; saying
- that it was to the interest of all the ship's company that it
- should be made manifest how much had been received and expended by
- each individual. Biencourt indeed admitted at that time, and often
- thereafter, that nothing more modest or more just could be asked
- by any person; but, nevertheless, just as if Simon Imbert, whose
- account in [582] the matter was desired, had been cruelly accused
- by our brother, he so represented to the former the request of the
- latter, that he made him our bitter enemy. Therefore Imbert, in
- order to make Biencourt his friend and alienate him from us, and to
- release himself from the necessity of rendering an account, placing
- an evil interpretation upon the plan of Madame de Guercheville, who
- had taken occasion to make an agreement between the society and
- Robin, in order that he might more securely guard the interests
- of our Mission, falsely charged that by means of it a conspiracy
- of the society was in progress, by which the authority of the
- Biencourts was to be destroyed in the fort at Port Royal and in the
- whole of New France. From this slander arose those quarrels with
- Biencourt by which our services were rendered useless to the tribes
- of New France, nay, more, to the French themselves, who needed
- instruction scarcely less than the natives.
- It was easy for our brethren to refute the falsehoods of their
- defamer; and once, twice, and a third time they so plainly and
- completely disproved them, before Biencourt, in the hearing of the
- whole settlement, that Imbert was rendered speechless by the final
- refutation, and was so reduced that he did not hesitate to claim,
- for the sake of excusing his wickedness, that these slanders had
- been uttered by him while much intoxicated. Biencourt had been
- deeply vexed by the news which was brought, to the effect that,
- even with the knowledge of his father, Potrincourt, the possession
- and government of the whole of New France from its greatest river,
- the Sacqué to Florida, except Port Royal, had been granted by a
- Royal charter to _Madame de Guercheville_; and that, by documents
- under public authority, there had been transferred to her also
- by Sieur de Monts everything which he had recently possessed in
- this region by the grant of Henry IV. And, although he could
- not suppose that these things were done because of our [583]
- influence, still he thereafter acted towards us just as if he had
- so believed. The idea of Madame de Guercheville was, indeed, that
- their respect for her authority might serve as a strong restraint
- to hold to their duty the Biencourts, both father and son, who up
- to this time had kept poor faith with us and felt little gratitude
- toward us; but not by any means to deprive them of their right to
- Port Royal. But these men, too fond of their private interests,
- considered as an injury to themselves the solicitude of others
- in regard to their own affairs; but because their affairs at
- home were embarrassed, and they knew no more convenient source
- of provisions for Port Royal than Madame de Guercheville, for
- the sake of our Fathers, they silently smothered their vexation,
- in order not to lose these supplies. Our brethren very easily
- exonerated themselves before Biencourt, and when he had for the
- time being accepted their excuses, and harmony had been restored,
- the Fathers returned with great determination to their purpose
- of learning the Canadian language, dividing the business between
- them, so that Father Massé should go for this purpose to Louis
- Membertou, son of the late Henry: while Father Biard should have
- a Savage to teach him the language at home. While Father Massé,
- with a young French companion, was residing with his host at the
- St. John river, he fell seriously ill from long fasting and the
- continual annoyances of a wandering life; and, although he did not
- die, he was reduced to the utmost weakness. During this illness a
- very ridiculous discussion, worthy of a Canadian intellect, took
- place between Membertou and his guest, the Father. The savage
- approached the prostrate Father, very anxious and grieved, as his
- countenance actually showed, because of the Priest's unfortunate
- condition, [584] whom he addressed with these words: "Hear me,
- Father, you will surely die, as I indeed anticipate; write
- therefore to Biencourt, and also to your brother, that you have by
- no means perished at our hands, but been overcome by disease, in
- order that no harm may come to us because of your death." Father
- Massé answered him in turn: "I shall not do as you advise me, and
- imprudently write to my friends, lest you should become bolder and
- more careless, because of my lack of foresight, and lay violent
- hands upon me, while nevertheless possessing my letter as proof of
- your innocence, which would save you from punishment." The Savage,
- astonished by this unexpected and keen reply, soon came to himself,
- as if from a deep sleep, and said with a smile: "Therefore make
- Jesus favorable to you by your prayers, in order that he may save
- you from the danger of death, and no one may lay the blame of
- your fate upon us." "I am attending to that very thing," said the
- Father, "cease to be anxious, for this disease will not end me."
- In the calm of Port Royal Father Biard, in the meantime, employed
- a Savage as teacher, that he might learn the barbarous tongue,
- which presented itself as the suitable vehicle for the Gospel among
- this utterly rude people. As long as he had provisions with which
- to furnish the table for his teacher, he made progress by the
- aid of his willing and efficient services, but after a few weeks
- the scarcity of supplies interrupted the course of learning and
- teaching. By these difficulties our brethren were also hindered
- in the case of four Savages, whom Father Biard and Biencourt, in
- a time of peril upon the sea, had vowed, with the concurrence of
- the Savages themselves, to make Christians, if they should safely
- escape from the threatened shipwreck. When they were delivered
- from this danger, and had brought the ship to Port Royal, there
- was nothing in the storehouse with which to feed the Savages until
- they should be suitably instructed in the Catechism; and, because
- of this poverty of our brethren, the opportunity of successfully
- accomplishing the undertaking passed by, and did not afterwards
- recur.
- IN Nouembrem eius sæculi annus duodecimus iam processerat, cùm
- exigua cibaria superiore Februario allata, aut absumta penitus, aut
- tenuissimis arcta reliquiis Biencourtium valdè anxium habebant: sed
- eò maximè, quòd ex Galliis nauis nulla veniebat. Nostris, posteriore
- Februarij mensis commeatu, summissa fuerant priuatim quaterna puri
- tritici dolia, vnumque hordei, quæ in futurum sibi seposuerant; quam
- annonam, accisis communibus contubernij rebus, conferendam in medium
- rati, Biencourtio eam permiserunt, vt in quotidianos familiæ totius
- vsus diuideret, ipsosque in diurno demenso cum cæteris domesticis
- æquaret. Eo subsidio ad tempus subleuatæ sunt publicæ necessitates,
- sed in tota hiberna multitudine, tametsi non numerosæ, tenuius id fuit
- vectigal, quàm pro soli conditione, nullam frumentationis, incertam
- venatus, piscatusque spem offerentis. Vt autem dierum tempestiuitas
- omnis adesset ad piscatum, locorumque opportunitas: aberat tamen
- necessarium ad hanc operam piscatorij lembi instrumentum. Cæteris
- igitur contubernalibus hiberna solatia ex luculento foco segniter
- capessentibus, quasi oblitis suam penuriam, nostri appellunt studium,
- operamque ab lintrem fabricandam. [_Rectius "ad."_] Eis ad eiusmodi
- opus accinctis, suspicere, demirari vniuersum contubernium, quid
- moliantur homines à fabrili arte, ab armis fabrilibus, à materia tam
- imparati: apud focum [586] de tam nouo instituto multa verba facere,
- subitarios Argonautas dicteriis figere: sed nostri ab opere neutiquam
- discedere, rem vrgere. Medio Martio, stupentibus suis irrisoribus,
- nostri lintrem in aquam deducunt, fluminum ac maris ipsius patientem,
- nec verentur adolescente famulo atque alio contubernalium comitibus,
- aduerso flumine, Sinum Francicum influente, in siluas ad glandem
- Chiquebiamque radicem legendam contendere. _Chiquebi_ radix est illius
- oræ præcipua, nostris tuberibus haud absimilis, sed vescentibus
- iucundior ac vtilior, cuius multiplices bulbi, tenui filo catenati,
- sub summa terra nascuntur. Sed omnia eius radicis cubilia iam à
- peritis locorum Barbaris delibata nostri leguli deprehendebant,
- vt multa indagine, quilibet eorum eius cibi vnum diarium vix sibi
- quæreret. Ab hac glandaria, bulbariaque messe, quandoquidem eius
- leue fuit momẽtum, _ad Eplani_ piscatum studia conuertentes, altiùs
- versùm amnis caput nauigium promouent. _Eplanus_, seu _Epelanus_,
- est pisciculus Trichiæ Rothomagensis magnitudine, hoc est eius, quem
- _Sardinam_ vulgus appellat, qui mari egressus ineunte Aprili, magnis
- agminibus dulcis aquæ riuos subit, vbi fundendis ouis feturæ operam
- det, cuius ingens est copia, quattuor leucis à Porturegiensi statione,
- frequentibus riuorũ alueis. Eplanici piscatus laborem excepit Halecis,
- ac cæterorum seu fluuiatilis seu marini generis piscium præda, prout
- cuiusque captandi se dabat & tempestas, & locus idoneus, ad Maïum vsque
- mensem; sed contrà quàm maximè omnium vellent, nostri piscatores, [587]
- Euangelij vel hamo, vel reti capiebant homines, in longè amplissimo
- Canadiorum Oceano, non nisi paucissimos.
- THE twelfth year of this century had already advanced to November,
- when the fact that the scanty supplies, brought the preceding
- February, were either entirely consumed, or reduced to extremely
- scanty remnants, caused Biencourt great anxiety, but especially,
- because no ship was coming from France. There had been sent to
- our brethren privately, among the preceding February's supplies,
- four casks of pure wheat and one of barley, which they had laid
- aside for their own use in the future. This grain, because of the
- general extremities of the colony, they judged should be added to
- the common stock; and gave it to Biencourt, in order that he might
- distribute it for the daily needs of the whole settlement, and
- give them an equal allowance each day with the rest of the people.
- By this aid the general necessities were relieved for a time; but
- for the winter, and among all that crowd of people, although not
- numerous, this was a scanty supply, considering the condition of
- the ground, which presented no opportunity for agriculture, and an
- uncertain chance for hunting and fishing. Moreover, even if the
- weather and the accessibility of the places had been every way
- favorable for fishing, there was still lacking for this pursuit the
- necessary aid of a fishing boat. Therefore, while the rest of the
- settlers were slothfully enjoying winter cheer before the blazing
- hearth, as if forgetful of their poverty, our brethren devoted
- their attention and labor to the construction of a boat. While they
- were engaged in this sort of work, the whole colony guessed and
- wondered what men so unskilled in the carpenter's art, unprovided
- with working tools, and unsupplied with material, were trying to
- do; they talked a great deal before the hearth [586] concerning
- this novel venture, and flung taunts at these rash Argonauts; but
- our brethren never left their work, and hurried on the undertaking.
- In the middle of March, to the amazement of their scoffers, our
- friends launched their boat, which endured the violence of the
- rivers and even of the sea; nor did they fear, in company with
- their young servant and another of the household, to ascend the
- river flowing into French Bay, to gather acorns and the Chiquebi
- root[77] in the forest. The _Chiquebi_ root is peculiar to this
- coast, and is not unlike our potatoes, but more pleasant and useful
- for eating; its numerous bulbs, joined by a slender thread, grow
- deep in the earth. However, our collectors found that all the spots
- where this root grew had been already visited by the Savages, who
- were acquainted with the places; so that after long search each one
- of them could scarcely find a quantity of this food sufficient for
- one day. From this harvest of acorns and roots, since it was of
- small importance, they turned their attention to fishing for the
- _Eplanus_,[36] and advanced their boat, farther toward the head of
- the river. The _Eplan_ or _Epelan_ is a little fish of the size of
- the Trichia Rothomagensis, that is, of the fish which is commonly
- called the _Sardine_; and, in the beginning of April, it leaves the
- ocean, and in great shoals enters the fresh-water streams, where
- it lays the eggs for its abundant young, these streams being very
- numerous four leagues from the post at Port Royal. Fishing for the
- Eplanus was succeeded by that for the Halecis, and for other sorts
- of river and sea-fishes, just as opportunity and suitable place
- offered for capturing each, up to the month of May; but, contrary
- to what they most of all wished, our fishermen, [587] with the hook
- or net of the Gospel, took only a very few men in the immense Ocean
- of the Canadian tribes.
- INTEREA tẽporis in Gallia Reginæ auctoritas interponebatur, vt primo
- quoque tẽpore Porturegiẽsi seruitute liberaremur, nobis vti liceret,
- in quolilibet Nouæ Franciæ tractu, aut patrium idioma perdiscere,
- aut quod iam didicissemus nostro iure, nullius exspectata venia,
- inter Barbaros exercere. In eam rem igitur Regio diplomate instructi
- Sociorum duo, Pater Quintinus, & qui antè in Galliam renauigarat è
- Portu Regio, Gilbertus du Thet Nouo-Frãcicum littus, anno sexcentesimo
- decimo tertio, medio Maïo incolumes lætique tenuerunt. Diplomate
- cauebatur, vti liceret nobis nouũ domiciliũ commodo loco ædificare,
- ac idoneam familiam domicilio tuendo habere, ad cuius instructum
- annua tricenûm capitum cibaria, equi prætereà, capræ, ac cætera id
- genus largiter summissa erant. Ad vim quoque propulsandam instrumenti
- bellici, & commeatus nonnihil, militaria item quattuor tabernacula,
- quibus tegeremur, dum muri assurgerent nouæ domus, Reginæ beneficentia
- accesserant. Sausseius militari titulo imperioque domesticæ cohorti,
- domicilio ædificando, eidemque exstructo, ac munito præfuturus erat,
- vti nihil deesset ad ingruẽtes casus, quin sedes familiáque omnis sarta
- tectaque consisteret. His in Regium Portum appellentibus, quini tantum
- de toto contubernio aderamus, absente inter cæteros Biencourtio, cuius
- vices obeunti Hèberto cùm Reginæ litteræ lectæ fuissent, [588] quibus
- dimitti iubebamur, nostras nobis licuit colligere sarcinas, quibus
- collectis post biduũ Porturegiensi statione, ad nouas sedes collocandas
- in Norembegensi regione soluimus. _Kadesquitum_, Norembegæ oræ portus,
- nautis edicebatur ex pacto, vt eò nauigium appellerent, vnde vniuersa
- familia exscensionem faceret, futuri domicilij locum auspicatò captura
- in proximis collibus; sed cùm in propiore portu hæsissent, cui à Sancto
- Saluatore nomen, ex fausto euentu, indidimus, asserebant se pactam
- fidem abunde exsoluisse, neque longiùs cursum prouecturos. Inter eam
- contentionem sermo incidit cum indigenis Barbaris, quibus suam oram
- mirificè præ Kadesquito collaudantibus, & ad eam sedem deligendam
- magnoperè hortantibus, eius explorandæ cupido nobis incessit; qua
- explorata, impenséque probata ab omnibus, totius multitudinis eò
- incubuit animus, vt opportuno in colle area excitando ædificio
- designaretur. Loco itaque inaugurando Crux erigitur, solum exstruendis
- ædibus describitur, iaciendis fundamentis terra effoditur, eodem
- nomine, quo subiectus portus, nascens tenuibus exordiis domus Sanctus
- Saluator appellatur. Sausseïo cohortis Duci rusticæ rei tam acris cura
- principio insederat, vt id vnum cogitaret, cætera negligeret omnia,
- exque nimio agriculturæ studio, magnam familiæ partem ab opere fabrili
- ad rusticum seuocaret. Mottæus Sausseïo Legatus, Ronseræus Signifer,
- Ioubertus ordinum Instructor, cæterique de Cohorte primores erant in ea
- sententia, omnibus reliquis posthabitis curis, ædificandum [589] esse
- domicilium, eóque conferendas vniuersæ cohortis operas, quoad aduersùm
- hostilẽ vim munitionibus cinctum, tutò habitari posset. Quamobrem
- ægerrimè ferebant, contubernalium plerosque ab ædificando abductos
- arationibus ab Sauseïo adhiberi, apud quem vehementer instabant, vt
- omnium manus & studia in ædificationem, vtilius in præsentia vtique
- negotium, conuerteret; sed surdo canebatur. Ita variantibus procerum
- sententiis atque institutis, exoriebantur contentiones, cuiusmodi
- solent inter diffentiẽtes nasci, dum quod quisque optimum censet,
- id aliorum consiliis atque cœptis præuertendum putat: fiebatque vt
- altercationibus dies ab opera inanes traducerentur. Quam inertiam, &
- discordantium iudiciorum obstinationem, rei Christianæ cultuique Diuino
- in ea ora valdè infestam, Deus visus est improuiso infortunio voluisse
- multare.
- MEANTIME in France the authority of the Queen was interposed, that
- we might at the first opportunity be relieved from our bondage
- at Port Royal, and that we might be allowed, in any part of New
- France, either to study the language of the natives, or practice
- among the Savages what we had already learned by our own right, and
- seeking the permission of no man. Therefore two of our members,
- provided with a Royal commission for this undertaking,--Father
- Quintin,[78] and he who previously had sailed from Port Royal
- for France, Gilbert du Thet,--safely and joyfully reached the
- coast of New France in the middle of May of the year 1613. It was
- provided in the commission that we should be allowed to establish
- a new settlement in a suitable place, and to have a sufficient
- number of colonists to protect it;[79] and for its provision
- there had generously been sent a year's supply of food for thirty
- persons, and also horses, goats, and other things of the sort. By
- the kindness of the Queen there were also added weapons for our
- defense, some supplies, and also four military tents, by which we
- might be sheltered while our new residence was being built. La
- Saussaye, with a military title and command, was to have charge
- of the household of colonists, not only while the buildings were
- in process of erection, but also when they had been completed
- and fortified, in order that in case of attack nothing might be
- neglected, but the entire colony should be in a condition of
- defense, and the buildings in good repair. When the supplies were
- landed at Port Royal, only five of us were there, out of the whole
- population, Biencourt being absent with the others. When the
- letter of the Queen, [588] in which were orders for our dismissal,
- had been read to Hèbert,[80] who represented Biencourt, we were
- allowed to collect our baggage; having done this, two days later we
- left Port Royal, with the intention of founding a new settlement
- in the neighborhood of Norembega. The boatmen had been notified,
- according to their agreement, to land at _Kadesquit_,[81] a harbor
- on the shore of Norembega, in order that the whole colony might
- there disembark, and auspiciously take possession of a site for
- the future settlement upon the neighboring hills; but when we
- had stuck in a bay, this side of that,[82] to which from the
- favorable outcome, we gave the name of St. Sauveur, they declared
- that they had abundantly fulfilled their agreement, and that they
- would not continue the voyage any further. During this dispute,
- we engaged in conversation with the Savages inhabiting the spot;
- and since they praised their own country as being far superior to
- that at Kadesquit, and earnestly solicited us to choose it for
- our settlement, we conceived a desire to explore it. After we had
- examined this region, which was heartily approved by all, the whole
- company turned their attention to selecting a site for the building
- upon a suitable hill. Therefore, a Cross was erected, by way of
- consecrating the place; the ground was marked out for the erection
- of the buildings; the earth was dug up for laying the foundations;
- and our abode, while still in its infancy, was called by the same
- name as the harbor, St. Sauveur. La Saussaye, the commander of
- the colonists, took, from the beginning, so deep an interest in
- agriculture that he thought of that alone, and neglected everything
- else; and through his excessive zeal for husbandry, called off a
- large portion of the colony from the work of building, and set
- them to farming. La Motte,[83] Saussaye's Lieutenant, Ronseraye,
- the Color-bearer, Joubert, the Drill-master, and other leading
- men of the Company were of the opinion that, postponing all other
- enterprises, the building [589] ought to be completed, and the
- energies of the entire company be devoted to this, until it should
- be protected by fortifications against hostile violence, and might
- safely be inhabited. Wherefore, they were greatly displeased
- because most of the colonists were taken away from building and
- employed in plowing by La Saussaye, whom they eagerly urged to
- apply the labors and zeal of all in building, a more profitable
- undertaking for the present; but it fell upon deaf ears. So, as the
- views and plans of the leaders were at variance, disputes arose,
- such as usually take place between those who differ, when each
- one thinks that what he deems best ought to be preferred to the
- projects and undertakings of others; the result was, that days were
- idly spent, away from work, in quarreling. This inactivity, and
- obstinacy in contrary opinions, so inimical to Christian interests
- and the Divine worship upon that shore, God seems to have willed to
- punish by means of an unforeseen calamity.
- ANGLI paucis abhinc annis Virginiam occuparunt, quam Ioannes Vezaranus
- Francisci I Gallorum Regis auspiciis exploratam, quingentesimo
- vicesimo tertio anno sub eius iurisdictionem redegerat. Eadem ipsa
- est continens inter Floridam Nouamque Franciam, quam tricesimo sexto,
- septimo, & octauo gradibus substratã, _Mocosæ_ nomine? veteres
- designarunt, ducẽtenis quinquagenis leucis versùs Occasum ab Sancti
- Saluatoris statione dissitæ. Ex Ieutomo arce, quam egregiè munitam,
- & præsidiario milite instructam inibi octauo ab hinc anno habent,
- quotannis æstiuam nauigationem instituunt ad Peucoïtiarum insularum
- cetarias, piscariæ [590] annonæ in futuram hiemem comparandæ. Eò cùm
- deueherentur huius anni æstate, inciderunt in eas cæli caligines,
- quæ huic mari densissimæ solent per eos menses incubare, in quibus
- dum incerti locorum diutius hærent, frequentibus eos trahentibus
- æstuariis, paullatim nostrũ in littus delati sunt, haud procul portu
- Sancti Saluatoris. Inde Barbarorum imprudentia lapsorum indicio, qui
- eos pro fœderatis Gallis sumerent, didicerunt Gallicam nauem in proximo
- portu versari, atque illam quidem neque grandem, neque à numerosis
- epibatis, neq; ab æneis tormentis validè instructam. Eo nuncio nihil
- opportuniùs accidere poterat hominibus seminudis, & cibariorum copia
- exhaustis, quos præter hanc inopiam, insita rapiendi cupiditas, &
- prædæ maioris opinio, quàm quanta ex direpto nostro nauigio poterat
- cogi, sua sponte ad vim inferendã, etiam contra ius naturale ac
- gentium, accendebant. Arma igitur expediunt, passis velis, instructa
- acie, directo cursu in nostrum portum inuehuntur. Quibus argumentis
- Barbarus ille, cuius maximè indicio fueramus proditi, cùm hostilem in
- nos Anglorum animum collegisset, tum suum errorem agnoscere, & quod
- in nos deliquerat, quibus se crederet gratificari, multo detestari
- fletu, quem fletum deinde crebrò integrauit, cùm à nobis errati sui
- veniam peteret, & à Barbaris ipsis popularibus, qui nostrũ casum,
- suam iniuriam interpretati, sæpe illi manus intentarunt. Nos interea
- ancipiti opinione suspẽsi, amicos an hostes censeremus, quos rectà
- in nostrã stationem secundus ventus inferebat, euentum trepidi [591]
- opperiebamur, cùm nauigij gubernator scapha vectus ad explorandum
- obuiam processit, longo tamen circuitu, ne non esset receptui locus,
- maximè quòd is aduerso, illi obsecundante vento vterentur. Sed
- explorato nihil fuit opus, classicum canentes inuehebantur, tela
- eatenus modò inhibentes, dū ea ex propinquo liceret adiicere; atque
- ipsos nauis defensores sigillatim destinare. Quattuordecim grandioribus
- tormentis, catapultis verò maioris modi, _Mosquetos_ vocant, sexagenis,
- impetu facto in nauigium nostrum, non sublatis anchoris ad motū
- inhabilem, decem modò propugnatoribus instructum, ærearum cannarum
- absente libratore, non multæ operæ fuit illius, atque omnium nostrum
- expugnatio, quos in continente Saussæïus distinuerat. Gilbertus du
- Thet noster propugnatorem in naui agebat, cùm ab hostibus funestarum
- glandium tempestas maximè ingrueret; qua in procella confossus letali
- plaga, chirurgi Angli Catholici multa licèt diligentia curatus,
- postridie Sacramentorum opportuno solatio adiutus, religiosa morte
- occubuit. Nos verò vniuersi in potestatem Hæretici Angli veneramus,
- qui vt erat insigniter versutus, clam subducto ex Saussæij capsis
- Regio diplomate, cuius fide nostræ coloniæ Nouo-Francicæ tota ratio
- nitebatur, vt ne prædatoris more, sed æquo iure, nobiscum agere
- videretur, Saussæïum vrgere institit, vti probaret, cuius auctoritate
- coloniam in Canadiæ oras deduxisset. Saussæïus vbi Gallorũ Regis
- voluntatem atque diploma laudauerat, quod se in scriniis luculentum
- habere diceret, allatis capsis, [592] cuius claues adhuc seruauerat,
- iussus est illud expromere; sed ad capsas vbi ventum est, cætera omnia
- integra, suisque locis digesta agnoscebat Saussæïus, diploma tamen
- non comparebat: quod vbi nullum proferebatur, tum Prætor Anglus vultu
- ac voce ad seueritatem compositis, vehementer offendi, fugitiuos, &
- meros piratas nos omnes asserere, dignos nece prædicare, rem nostram
- militi suo diripiendam tradere, nos denique hostium loco habere.
- Quod autem facinus Angli ab summa iniuria exorsi suerant, videbantur
- maiore quoque iniquitate pertexturi, vt prioris noxæ memoriam
- posteriore obruerent, nisi maturè obuiã iretur. Quare Prætorẽ nostri
- adeunt, se, adhuc ignoranti qui essent, ingenuè aperiunt, ne imbelli
- victoria elatus de contubernio suo statuat seueriùs, obsecrant; humanæ
- conditionis vti meminerit, studiosè admonent: quàm benignè suis rebus
- vellet consultum, vbi similis ipsum perculisset casus, tam humaniter
- alienis consuleret: in primis autem consideraret sibi rem esse cum
- innocentissimis hominibus, quibus nihil noxæ obiici posset, quàm ab sua
- innocentia in pacato solo fuisse nimium securos. Comiter admodum sunt
- auditi à Prætore, atq; honorificis accepti verbis, id vnum dumtaxat
- nõ probante, quòd Patres Societatis, ab religionis & prudentiæ fama
- benè vulgò audientes, in fugitiuorum & prædonum turba versarentur.
- Contubernij verò sui vniuersi cum cæteram probam vitam, tum in eo,
- quo de agebatur, summam innocentiã cùm nostri validis probassent
- argumentis, visus est Prætor, [593] assensionem præbuisse, atque id
- modò habuisse, quod in nobis argueret, negligentiam in conseruãdo
- nostræ expeditionis diplomate. Ab eo igitur tẽpore Patres nostros
- perhumaniter habuit, atque honorificè in omnibus, mensáque benignè
- accepit. Vno interea scrupulo angebatur, quòd cum parte remigum
- gubernator nostræ nauis euaserat, cuius fuga, & rei gestæ nuncius per
- ilium allatus, ne quid incommodi alicunde sibi arcesseret, verebatur,
- eóque magis, quòd ille de nocte scapha sua ad nauim captiuam appulsa,
- reliquam remigum manum inde subduxerat. Hic certè gubernator, tametsi
- Caluinianus, adiit de nocte ad Patrem Biardum, eiusque apprehensa manu,
- multis obsecrationibus adhibitis, iussit eum cæterosque Patres de
- se, quantumuis fide ac ritibus alieno, omnia Christiani ac popularis
- hominis officia exspectare, ac persuasum habere, nulli rei defuturũ,
- quæ salutẽ ipsorum spectaret: vterentur modò liberè ipsius opera,
- viderẽtque quid animi sumturi essent ad fugã capescendã. Prolixè
- gratias egit Pater Biardus, memoremque se futurum spopõdit tam studiosæ
- in se ac suos voluntatis: de se autem ait nihil se statuere, quoad
- totius contubernij res tuto loco positas videret, tum sui arbitrium
- Deo permissurum: caueret interea ipse sibi gubernator, Prætorem
- quidpe Anglum omnia moliri, vt eum comprehenderet. His monitis ille
- instructus, vt sui discessus opinionem Anglorum animis ingeneraret,
- quasi receptus ad notam Gallicam nauem captandi causa festinaret,
- per ipsa frementium Anglorum ora intrepidè, ac insultantis [594] ore
- voceque, triduo pòst, scapham traduxit, longioreque simulato cursu,
- ponè vicinam insulã flexit iter, ibique delituit nostræ captiuitatis
- euentum obseruaturus. Nobis verò inter dubiam aut necis aut seruitutis
- aleam fluctuantibus, cùm apud notos Barbaros increbuisset nostræ
- calamitatis fama, frequentes ad nos ventitabant, magnopere miserantes
- nostrum infortunium, & suarum fortunarum tenuitatem in sequentem
- annum totum, si apud se restare vellemus, officiosissimè deferentes.
- De nobis tamen Argallus Prætor Anglus, & ei Legatus Turnellus mitiùs
- cogitauerant, in speciem certè, quàm rebamur initio: pacti nempe cũ
- Saussæïo coloniæ nostræ Duce fuerant nostrum in Galliam reditum: sed
- reditus conditiones erant eiusmodi, quæ parum differrent ab certa
- nostra pernicie. Triginta capitibus quot censebamur, vnus linter
- dumtaxat, haudquaquam omnium, etiam densissimè stipatorum, capax,
- concedebatur, hasque cõditiones acceperat Saussæïus, quin chirographo
- suo erat testatus, hanc suam fuisse optionem, quæ reuera erat optio
- certissimi naufragij. Nostri tamẽ euicerunt, vt ne præsens periculum
- adiret vniuersa simul turba, impetratumque est; vt quindeni modò
- cymbæ imponerentur, quorum vnus esset Pater Massæus, duo reliqui
- Patres delati ad insulas Peucoïtias Anglis piscatoribus traiiciendi
- in Galliam commendarentur: cætera pars contubernij, quæ libens in
- Virginiam ibat, eò deportaretur. Altera igitur pars contubernaliũ
- nauigatura in Galliam Saussæïo duce lintrem conscendit, locorum, &
- maritimæ [595] artis ignara, nauticis præterea tabulis destituta, cui
- Deus in tempore summisit Caluinianum illum nauis gubernatorem, valdè
- intentum in popularium suorum obseruandos casus, vt si qua posset
- via, ipsorum aduersis rebus opem ferrer. In continentem exscenderat,
- & Canadico cultu atque more, quasi vnus è Barbaris, tota ora maritima
- ferebatur, res nostras exploraturus, cùm opportunissimè incidit in
- proficiscentem lintrem, qua exceptus, valdè idoneum ducem hæsitantibus
- se præbuit, suamque cymbam & remiges quattuordecim eis socios viæ
- ac laborum adiunxit. Eorum penuriam, quoad inuentæ essent Gallicæ
- naues, opimus piscatus bis subleuauit; varius item Barbarorum in
- ea ora occursus, quorum Ludouicus Membertouius lauta visceratione
- Orignacij famelicos accepit; Rolandus, & alij Sagami panis nonnullam
- copiam, alij piscium volucrúmque non exiguam annonam beneuolentissimè
- diuiserunt. Omnium verò benefactorum id fuit iucundissimum, quod
- Rolandus Sagamus admonuit, in propinquo littore ad Sesamabræum, &
- Passepecum portum versari geminas naues reditum in Franciam adornantes.
- Eò cùm citissimè cursum direxissent duæ lintres, opportunè adfuerunt,
- antè quàm solueretur, admissique omnes, velis factis in Francicam
- Britanniam, salui & incolumes Maclouiense oppidũ tenuerunt, vbi Pater
- Massæus singulari Maclouiensis Antistitis, Magistratuum, oppidanorumque
- humanitate ac beneficentia liberalissimè acceptus est. De Patribus
- autem Biardo & Quintino, vti diximus, conuenerat, [596] vt in insulas
- Peucoïtias transuecti, opera piscatorum Anglorum inde in Franciam
- deportarentur: sed mutata pòst sententia, in Virginiã sunt destinati,
- cùm in captiuam nauem cui Turnellus præerat, essent impositi cum aliis
- quinque de contubernio, cæteris octo sociis in Argalli Prætoriam
- ingressis. Virginiensis præsidij præfectus de captiuis Iesuitis nescio
- quid inaudierat, eisque diras cruces struebat, cuius decreti nuncius
- ad nostros in naues & ad cæteros captiuos aduolarat, qui nonnullis
- nocturnam quietem adimeret, nec ille quidẽ inani rumore nixus; cùm enim
- ad Virginiam naue appulsi essent nostri, eius furori destinabantur.
- Argallus autem, qui fidem suam nostris obligasset, vt suo nomine ac
- genere dignum erat, intrepidè acriterque Præfecto suppliciis nostros
- addicenti obstitit, seque incolumi captiuis suis nihil periculi futurum
- asseuerauit: Præfecto tamen institutum suũ obstinatiùs tenente, Regium
- diploma, quo nostra colonia in Nouam-Frãciam deducebatur, protulit,
- cuius auctoritate repressus Præfectus vltrà tendere non ausus est.
- Coacto posteà concilio, cùm de re tota deliberaretur accuratiùs, ab
- omnibus itum est in eam sententiam, vt Argallus cum triplici instructa
- naue in Nouam-Frãciam Iesuitas reduceret; eos inde cum certis captiuis
- in Galliam transmitteret; Saussæium, & eius cohortem militarem, quæ in
- Porturegiensi arce præsidere, falsò tamen, dicebatur, in crucem ageret;
- Gallorum omnia domicilia diriperet, ac solo æquaret. Reditum est
- igitur in Nouo-Franciæ oram Gallis habitatam, vbi Sanctæ [597] Crucis,
- Regij Portus arces defensoribus vacuas spoliauit, & incẽdit, omnia
- Gallici nominis monumenta deleuit, Britannici aliquot locis inscripsit,
- oram omnem in Anglici sceptri potestatem asseruit. His gerendis
- rebus cùm inibi degeretur, bis periculum vitæ adiit Pater Biardus,
- quòd multis dissuaserat Argallo aditum in Portum Regium, vt nullius
- emolumenti operam, cuius tamen nõ vulgaris fuisset deinde præda; quòd
- se indicem eorum locorum præbere noluerat, qui ad prædam quærebantur;
- nonnullorum præterea Gallorum calumniæ iis locis in eum exstitissent:
- quibus omnibus grauiter atque ingenti suo discrimine apud Argallum
- Turnellumque offendit.
- THE English, a few years before, had occupied Virginia, which John
- Verazano, in 1523, had explored under the authority of Francis
- I., King of France, and brought under his jurisdiction. It is the
- portion of the continent between Florida and New France, which,
- covering the thirty-sixth, thirty-seventh, and thirty-eighth
- parallels, was formerly called by the name of _Mocosa_,[84]
- situated two hundred and fifty leagues Westward from the station
- at St. Sauveur. From the fort [at Jamestown], which they have held
- for eight years, strongly fortified and occupied by a garrison of
- soldiers, they make a voyage every summer to the fishing grounds
- of the Peucoit[85] islands, to obtain fish [590] for food during
- the coming winter. While they were sailing thither in the summer of
- this year, they encountered the heavy fogs which commonly prevail
- upon this sea during these months; and while they were thus long
- delayed, and ignorant of their situation, they were gradually
- borne by the currents to our shore, not far from the harbor of
- St. Sauveur. Then, by the information of the Savages, who sinned
- unwittingly, and took them for friendly Frenchmen, they learned
- that there was a French ship in the next bay, and that, too, not
- a large vessel, nor defended by a numerous crew, and but lightly
- armed with brass cannon. Of course, no more welcome news than
- this could come to half-naked men, whose stock of provisions was
- exhausted,--men who, in addition to this poverty, were incited by
- an inborn love of robbery, and an expectation of greater booty
- than could have been obtained from the plunder of our ship, to
- willingly employ violence, even against natural justice and the
- law of nations. So they prepared their weapons, and under full
- sail, and with decks cleared for action, entered directly into
- our harbor.[86] When the Savage by whose information we had
- been especially betrayed perceived from these signs the hostile
- intentions of the English towards us, he at once recognized his
- mistake, and with many tears declared that he had been at fault
- toward us whom he thought to please. These lamentations he often
- thereafter repeated, when he sought pardon from us for his error,
- and even from his Savage countrymen, who considered our misfortune
- their own injury, and often threatened him with violence.
- Meanwhile, we were in doubt whether we should judge as friends or
- enemies those whom an in-shore breeze was bearing straight towards
- our position; [591] while the pilot of the ship set out to meet
- and reconnoiter them in a small boat, by a long circuit, however,
- in order that he might not be left without a way of retreat, but
- especially because the wind was contrary to him, but favorable to
- the strangers. But there was no need of reconnoitering, for they
- advanced, sounding the signal for battle, only reserving their
- fire until they could use it at close quarters, and aim at the
- defenders of the ship one by one. With fourteen great cannon, and
- sixty guns of the larger size, which they call _Mosquets_, they
- made their attack upon our ship, which was unprepared for sailing
- because the anchors had not been raised, and was furnished with
- only ten defenders, while the gunner of the brass cannon was
- absent; and so the capture of our ship and all of us, whom La
- Saussaye had scattered about upon the shore, was a matter of no
- great difficulty. Our brother Gilbert du Thet was assisting in the
- defence of the vessel, when an especially violent shower of bullets
- assailed them, in which he was stricken with a mortal wound; and,
- although attended with great devotion by an English surgeon who
- was a Catholic, on the following day he died most piously, after
- receiving the consolation of the Sacraments. But all of us had come
- into the power of the English Heretic,[87] who, being extremely
- crafty, secretly abstracted from La Saussaye's trunk, the Royal
- commission, upon which authority rested the entire establishment
- of our colony in New France, in order that he might appear to
- treat with us not as a robber, but upon an equal footing; and
- then he began to urge La Saussaye to prove by what right he had
- planted a settlement upon the shores of Canada. When La Saussaye
- had cited the authority and commission of the King of France,
- which important document he declared that he had in his chest, his
- baggage, [592] of which he still retained the keys, was brought,
- and he was ordered to produce it; but when he opened the chest, La
- Saussaye recognized everything else untouched and in its proper
- place, but no commission appeared. When this was not forthcoming,
- the English Commander assumed a severe countenance and tone, and
- was deeply angered, calling us all runaways and mere pirates,
- and, declaring us worthy of death, handed over our property to
- his crew to be pillaged, and, finally, treated us as enemies. Now
- it seemed probable that the English, unless they should quickly
- be hindered, were about to cover up the outrage which they had
- already begun, with some greater crime, in order that they might
- conceal the memory of the previous injury by a fresh offence.
- Wherefore our brethren approached the Captain; frankly revealed
- themselves to him, as he was still ignorant of their identity;
- and begged him not, in elation over his easy victory, to adopt
- severe measures against their colony; they earnestly warned him
- to remember the conditions of human life, saying that just as he
- would wish his own interests mildly handled, if a similar calamity
- had fallen upon him, so he ought to act humanely in the case of
- others; moreover, that he should especially consider that he was
- dealing with innocent men, to whom no fault could be charged beyond
- the fact that, because of their blamelessness, they had been too
- careless in a peaceful spot. They were heard somewhat kindly by
- the Captain, and received with respectful address; the only thing
- of which he disapproved being that Fathers of the Society, who
- had commonly so good a reputation for piety and wisdom, should be
- among a band of runaways and pirates. When our brethren had proved
- by strong evidence the entire blamelessness of their colony, not
- only in respect to their honorable life in other ways, but also
- in that which was the subject of the conversation, the Captain
- seemed [593] to yield his assent, and to find as the only fault in
- us our neglect to preserve the commission of our expedition. From
- that time on, he treated our Fathers with great consideration,
- and received them in all matters with honor, and with kindness at
- his table. In the meantime he was troubled because the pilot[88]
- of our ship had escaped, together with a part of the crew; and
- he feared that harm might in some way fall upon himself, because
- of the pilot's being free to announce what had taken place; and
- the more so, because the latter came in his boat at night to the
- captured ship and took off from it the rest of the crew. This
- pilot, indeed, although a Calvinist, came by night to Father Biard,
- and, taking him by the hand, with many protestations bade him and
- the other Fathers to expect from him, as far as faithfulness and
- devotion could go toward another, all the services of a Christian
- and a fellow-countryman, and to be persuaded that he would neglect
- nothing which might contribute to their safety; to employ his aid
- freely, and consider what they should decide upon, as to making
- their escape. Father Biard thanked him profusely, and promised
- that he would remember such earnest good-will towards himself and
- his associates; but added, that he would make no plans concerning
- himself until he should see the entire colony placed in safety,
- and then he would leave to God the decision of his own case; that
- in the meantime the pilot ought to look out for himself, as the
- English Captain was making every effort to capture him. When the
- pilot had received these warnings, in order that he might cause
- the English to think he had gone away, three days afterwards,
- fearlessly, and with taunting [594] expression and words, he
- passed in his boat before the faces of the angry English, as if he
- were hastening to seek refuge with some French ship of which he
- knew; and, while pretending to go farther, turned about behind a
- neighboring island and there lay in hiding to observe the outcome
- of our capture. While we were wavering between the doubtful chance
- of either death or imprisonment, our Savage acquaintances, having
- received the news of our calamity, visited us in great numbers,
- deeply pitying our misfortune, and most dutifully offering us the
- use of their scanty resources for the whole coming year, if we
- were willing to remain among them. However, Argall the English
- Captain, and his Lieutenant Turnell,[89] had decided upon milder
- measures toward us, in appearance certainly, than we at first
- expected; indeed, they had agreed with La Saussaye, the Leader of
- our colony, to send us back to France; but the conditions of return
- were of such a character that they differed little from our certain
- destruction. There was allowed to us, although numbering thirty
- persons, only one boat, which could not hold us all, even if we
- were crowded together as closely as possible; and these conditions,
- La Saussaye had accepted, nay, more, he had borne witness with
- his own handwriting that this had been his preference, which was
- really the choice of certain shipwreck. However, the efforts of
- our Brethren prevailed, that the whole colony should not together
- incur imminent danger; and it was allowed that only fifteen should
- be placed on board the boat, of whom one should be Father Massé,
- while the two remaining Fathers should be carried to the Peucoit
- islands and entrusted to English fishermen for conveyance to
- France. The rest of the colonists were, in accordance with their
- own desire, to be carried to Virginia. Therefore one portion of the
- settlers, under the lead of La Saussaye, entered the boat to set
- out for France, although ignorant of the region and of seamanship,
- [595] and unprovided with charts, to whom God in time sent the
- Calvinistic pilot, who had taken great pains to observe the
- fortunes of his countrymen, in order that if any opportunity should
- offer, he might bear aid to them in their distress. He had landed
- upon the continent, and, in the Canadian manner of life and custom,
- like one of the Savages, was traversing the entire coast, in order
- to ascertain our condition, when very fortunately he happened upon
- the boat which had set out. Upon being received on board, he showed
- himself a truly able leader in their perplexities, and united his
- boat and fourteen sailors to ours as comrades in the voyage and
- its labors. Up to the time the French ships were found, a lucky
- catch of fish twice assuaged their hunger; they were also aided by
- various meetings with the Savages upon that coast, of whom Louis
- Membertou received them, when famishing, with a liberal present of
- elk meat,[90] Roland and some other Sagamores furnished a supply
- of bread, and others most generously gave a bountiful provision of
- fish and birds. But of all blessings, the most grateful was the
- news, which the Sagamore Roland gave us, that on the neighboring
- coast, at Sesambre and Passepec[91] harbor, were two ships
- preparing to return to France. The two boats, quickly directing
- their course thither, fortunately arrived before the vessels left;
- and, all having been received on board, they made sail and arrived
- safe and sound at St. Malo, a town in Brittany, where Father Massé
- was received with the greatest kindness and generosity by the
- Bishop of St. Malo and the magistrates and people of the town.
- Moreover, concerning Fathers Biard and Quintin, as we have said, it
- had been decided [596] that they should be conducted to the Peucoit
- islands, and thence, by the aid of the English fishermen, should be
- conveyed to France; but these plans having afterward been changed,
- it was resolved that they should be sent to Virginia, they, with
- five others of the colonists, being placed on board the captured
- vessel, which was in command of Turnell, while eight other settlers
- had entered Captain Argall's ship. The governor of Virginia had
- heard something concerning the captive Jesuits, and was preparing
- severe punishment for them; this news had come to our brethren and
- the rest of the prisoners on board the ships, and deprived some
- of their nightly rest. This report did not rest on idle rumor,
- for when the ship bearing our brethren had reached Virginia, they
- were exposed to his fury. Argall, however, who had given his
- word to our brethren, boldly and vehemently, as was fitting his
- name[92] and race, opposed the Governor in his attempt to punish
- them, and declared that, as long as he lived, no danger should
- befall his prisoners. But, when the Governor obstinately persisted
- in his purpose, Argall produced the Royal charter, in dependence
- upon which our colony had been introduced into New France; and by
- its authority the Governor was restrained, and dared proceed no
- farther. In a meeting of the council, therefore, the whole affair
- was more carefully discussed, and all agreed upon the decision
- that Argall, with three ships, should take the Jesuits back to New
- France; that he should thence send them and certain other prisoners
- to France; that he should chastise La Saussaye and his military
- force, who were said, although falsely, to be in possession of the
- fort at Port Royal; and that he should plunder and level with the
- ground all the houses of the French. He therefore returned to that
- coast of New France occupied by the French, where he despoiled
- and burned the forts of Ste. [597] Croix and Port Royal, which
- were bare of defenders, destroyed all evidences of the French
- occupation, and erected English monuments in various places,
- declaring the whole coast to be under the sway of the British King.
- While Father Biard was present during these proceedings, his life
- was twice endangered, because he had dissuaded Argall with many
- words from entering Port Royal, on the ground that there would
- be no profit in the undertaking, from which they, nevertheless,
- afterwards obtained an uncommon booty; because he was unwilling to
- become a guide to those places where plunder was sought; moreover,
- because slanders had been uttered against him by some Frenchmen
- in that region; for all of which reasons he offended Argall and
- Turnell deeply, to his own great peril.
- REGIO Portu digressus Argallus in Virginiam contendebat, ineunte
- Nouembri, anno sexcentesimo decimo tertio, sed postridiè quàm soluerat,
- atrocissima tempestate diuulsæ naues in lõgè diuersas oras abierunt:
- Argalli quidem Prætoria in Virginiam tandem est delata: minor è duabus
- nostris captiuis cum suis vectoribus nũquam deinde comparuit: alia
- captiua maior, cui Turnellus præsidebat, quaque vehebamur, sedecim
- dierum continentibus procellis fœdè vexata, pæne absumtis cibariis
- desperationem iam adierat, cùm cadente denique tempestate, in Virginiam
- secundo vento iter intendere cœpimus. Vicenis quinis leucis, haud
- ampliùs, aberamus Virginiæ littore, vbi de nostra nece à Præfecto
- decernebatur eóque nobis ea nauigatio erat odiosa, cùm derepente
- coortus aduersus ventus proram in _Asoras_ Lusitanorum insulas [598]
- obuertit, septingentis pæne leucis inde recto itinere in Ortum sitas.
- Eius certè venti vis quòd nihil intermitteret, Turnellus præuidebat
- non nisi capitis sui periculo in Lusitanorum potestatem se vẽturum,
- qui captiuos Sacerdotes, per summam iniuriam domicilio suo auulsos,
- spoliatosque secum traheret; & eo quidem angebatur magis, quòd Patrem
- Biardum Hispaniensis generis esse crederet, falsis Porturegiensium
- Gallorum accusationibus persuasus, vt eius noxæ criminationem apud
- Lusitanos non immeritò reformidaret, si nostri Patres ad se accusandum
- animos adiicerent. Ea re ingenuè fatebatur vim Numinis, innocentium
- iniuriã vlciscentis, sibi ac suis in ea nauigatione infestam meritò
- esse, qua calamitate fractus, qui calumniis sua culpa temerè persuasus,
- Patri Biardo valdè infensus in eum diem fuerat, magnopere deinde
- mitigari, eique placatior cœpit fieri. Vt autem ventorum violentia non
- adigeret ad _Asoras_: cibariorum tamen eò etiam nolentes amandabat,
- & aquæ dulcis penuria; quamobrem Turnello videndum erat, ne quid
- ipsi damni arcesseret Patrum nostrorum præsentia, ex quibus periculi
- nihil imminebat, si naue procul in anchoris inhærente, per scapham
- in portum missam necessaria annona pararetur, quod futurum Turnellus
- sperauerat. Contrà verò quàm crederet, accidit: appulsis enim ad
- Faëalem insulã Asorarum vnam, subeundum fuit in portum intimum, atque
- in ciuium oculis inter cæteras naues consistendum: quò vehementiùs
- paullò inuectis, cùm nostra nauis in Hispaniensem saccari nauẽ
- impacta, [599] proræ anterius velum detersisset, Nauarchus Hispanus
- piratam conclamauit, turbamque nauticam ad arma exciuit. Paucis antè
- hebdomadis Gallus subita irruptione nauem in eodem portu spoliauerat,
- vnde Hispani similem casum veriti, hoc vehementiùs trepidauerant,
- tantóque sagaciùs in Anglum inquirendum arbitrabantur. Quare Turnello
- exscendendum in continentem fuit, quem obsidis loco haberent Hispani,
- dum accuratè lustrarentur interiora nauis, Patribus interim ponè
- lintrem studiosissimè delitescentibus, ne quid detrimenti ex eis Anglo
- crearetur, si comparerent. Perdifficilis erat latebra loco minimè
- idoneo, re adeò repentina, tamque accuratis scrutatoribus, nauis omnia
- intima rimantibus: sed lynceos eorum oculos fugerunt nostri, magna sua
- voluptate, quòd Anglum ita seruassent: maiore Angli gaudio, quòd præter
- spem, ac suum meritum, ab iis seruatum se agnosceret, quibus libertatem
- per summũ scelus ademerat. Id beneficij genus, singularemque fidem,
- Angli & in præsentia ingentibus grati animi argumentis agnoscebant,
- & deinceps sæpenumerò, maximè apud suos Ministros, cum summa Patrum
- laudatione, prædicarunt. Tres solidas hebdomadas substitit in eo portu
- nauis Anglicana, tantumdemque abditi Patres sole caruerunt; inde omisso
- in Virginiam itinere, Turnellus in Britanniam contendit, sed recta
- nauigationis semita cum nos tempestas deiecisset, in oram Vualliæ
- ad Occasum violenter nos impegit: vbi cùm nauem annona deficeret,
- Turnellus Pembrochum [600] oppidum adiit commeatus parandi gratia. Eius
- oppidi magistratibus Turnellus mouit suspicionem maritimi latronis,
- quòd & homo Anglus Francica verehetur naui, & nullam litteram scriptæ
- auctoritatis proferret, qua suam nauigationem tueretur: neque vel
- iurato asseueranti, se tempestate diuulsum à Prætore suo Argallo,
- fides habebatur. Cum eum igitur omne probationum genus destituisset,
- citauit dictorum suorum testes duos Iesuitas, quos haberet in naui,
- quorumque incorruptæ fidei neminem mortalium diceret posse meritò
- refragari. Patribus ergo perhonorificè interrogatis, cùm pro testimonio
- apud magistratum publicè dixissent, Turnellus fuit in honore, atque
- vt virum nobilem decuerat, probè omnia gessisse creditus est: nostris
- verò est honor habitus, & apud _Maiorem Vrbis_, vt vocant, Magistratum
- plebeium scilicet, hospitium est assignatum. Qui pro Præfecto rei
- maritimæ ius Pembrochij tum dicebat Nicolaus Adams, apud quem nostri
- testimonium dixerant, vbi audiit pessimè iis esse in nauigio, iussit
- eos diuersari apud eũ Magistratum, quem indicauimus, suaque fide omnia
- eis suppeditari copiosè, quibus si deesset vnde sibi rependerent, Dei
- causa se iis sumtuum gratiam libenter facere dicebat, quòd putaret
- minimè decere, ab omni dignitate ac doctrina instructis viris nihil
- apud Pembrochios ciues humanitatis relinqui. Missum erat ad Britanniæ
- Regem de nostris, cuius dum rescriptum exspectatur, frequentes
- visendi conferendique gratia vndique ad nostros adeunt de nobilitate,
- de magistratibus, ac ministris [601] etiam, quorum quaternos in
- disputationis palæstra cum illis commisit quidam de proceribus,
- doctrinæ periclitandæ studio. De illorum autem negotio cùm in Regiam
- allatum esset, iam inaudierat Regis Christianissimi legatus captiuum
- esse nauigium, & Francos Iesuitas, vrgebatque omnium, ac maximè
- nostrorum libertatem, quòd eius rei habuerat ab suo Rege studiosiùs
- iniuncta mandata. Nihil itaque moræ fuit, quin nostri Pembrochio
- Douerum arcesserentur, vnde breui traiectu Itium Portum, Francicæ oræ
- oppidum, incolumes lætique deportati sunt, decimo suæ captiuitatis pæne
- affecto mense, quo loco Darquieni Dynastæ, Regio præsidio Præfecti, &
- Baulæi Decani eximia humanitate, beneficentiaque lautissimè accepti
- sunt, idoneo præterea donati viatico, quod Ambianos iter intendentibus
- in suum Collegium abunde esset.
- ARGALL left Port Royal and started for Virginia in the early
- part of November of the year 1613, but, on the day after he set
- sail, an exceedingly violent storm arose, by which the ships
- were driven asunder in very diverse directions. Captain Argall's
- vessel, indeed, was finally borne to Virginia; the smaller of the
- two captured ships, with its crew, was never seen thereafter; the
- larger of these, which Turnell commanded, and on board of which we
- were, after being dreadfully beaten for sixteen days by continuous
- tempests, had reached almost desperate straits, because of the
- exhaustion of its provisions, when the storm finally ceased, and
- we resumed our voyage towards Virginia with a favoring wind. We
- were distant not more than twenty-five leagues from the coast of
- Virginia, where the Governor was planning our destruction, and for
- this reason the voyage was hateful to us; when a contrary wind
- which suddenly arose turned our bow towards the _Asores_ islands
- of Portugal, [598] situated at a distance of almost 700 leagues
- due East from that point. Since the force of this wind did not
- at all abate, Turnell foresaw that his life would be endangered
- should he come into the power of the Portuguese, because he was
- conveying as prisoners, Priests, who, with the greatest injustice,
- had been torn from their settlement and despoiled; and he was
- still more troubled because, persuaded by the false charges
- of the French at Port Royal, he believed Father Biard to be a
- Spaniard, so that he dreaded, with good reason, a denunciation of
- his offense before the Portuguese, if our Fathers should resolve
- to accuse him. Therefore he frankly acknowledged that the power
- of the Deity, which avenges injury done to the innocent, was
- deservedly hostile to him and his upon that voyage; and, overcome
- by this calamity, although he had, through his own fault in rashly
- believing slanders, been extremely unfriendly to Father Biard up
- to that time, he began to soften greatly and become more amiable
- toward him. Moreover, even if the force of the wind were not
- driving them to the _Asores_, still, scarcity of provisions and
- fresh water compelled them to go thither, though against their
- will; wherefore, it was necessary for Turnell to take precautions
- lest the presence of our Fathers should cause him damage; as no
- danger was to be feared from them, if the ship should remain at a
- distance at anchor, and the necessary provisions should be secured
- by sending a small boat into the harbor, as the Captain hoped to
- do. Matters turned out, however, contrary to his expectations;
- for when we approached Faëal, one of the Asores islands, we were
- compelled to enter the inmost harbor, and take a position among
- the other ships under the eyes of the inhabitants. Having entered
- thither a little too swiftly, when our vessel collided with a
- Spanish treasure-ship [599] and carried away its forward jib, the
- Spanish Captain shouted out that we were pirates, and aroused his
- crew to arms. A few weeks before, a Frenchman had plundered a
- ship in the same harbor by a sudden attack; whence the Spaniards,
- fearing a similar fate, had been the more alarmed on this occasion,
- and thought an investigation still more necessary in the case
- of an Englishman. Turnell was therefore obliged to disembark
- upon the land, where the Spanish held him as a hostage while the
- interior of the ship was being thoroughly searched, the Fathers,
- in the meantime, carefully hiding behind a boat, in order that the
- Englishman might suffer no harm on their account if they should be
- discovered. Concealment was very difficult in a place not at all
- convenient, as the affair arose very suddenly, and there were so
- careful searchers, who rummaged the entire interior of the ship;
- but our brethren escaped their lynx eyes, greatly to their own
- delight, because they had thus preserved the Englishman; but with
- greater pleasure to the Englishman, because he recognized that he
- had been saved, contrary to his expectations and his deserts, by
- those whom he had most wickedly deprived of their liberty. This
- service and remarkable good-faith the English recognized at that
- time with marked signs of gratitude, and often thereafter spoke of
- the Fathers with great praise, especially before their Ministers.
- Three entire weeks the English ship remained in that harbor, and
- the same length of time the Fathers were hidden away and deprived
- of the sunlight; then, abandoning the voyage to Virginia, Turnell
- proceeded to Britain. But, when a storm had diverted us from the
- direct prosecution of our voyage, it carried us violently Westward
- to the coast of Vuallia;[93] and when here provisions failed the
- ship, Turnell entered the town of Pembroke [600] for the sake of
- obtaining supplies. The officials of this town suspected him of
- piracy upon the high seas, because, although an Englishman, he was
- sailing in a French vessel, and produced no written testimonials
- of the authority under which he was making his voyage; and when
- he made oath that he had been separated by a storm from his
- Captain, Argall, he was not believed. When, therefore, every
- sort of evidence had failed him, he cited as witnesses for his
- statements the two Jesuits whom he had on board the ship, whose
- incorruptible integrity, he said, no mortal could deservedly call
- in question. Therefore, when the Fathers had been very respectfully
- interrogated, and had given their testimony in public before the
- magistrate, Turnell was placed in honor, and was believed to have
- done everything honestly, as befitted a gentleman; but our brethren
- were treated with distinction, and were entertained as guests by
- the _Mayor of the City_, as he is called, that is, the Magistrate
- of the common people. When Nicholas Adams, who then represented the
- Minister of the marine at Pembroke, and in the presence of whom our
- brethren had given their testimony, heard that they had extremely
- bad fare upon the ship, he directed that they should be entertained
- at the home of the Magistrate whom we have mentioned, and that upon
- his own responsibility everything should be abundantly supplied to
- them; and if they should lack the means to repay him, he said that
- for the sake of God he would willingly do them the favor of meeting
- the expense, because he thought it very unbecoming that no kindness
- should be shown among the citizens of Pembroke to men distinguished
- in every way for merit and learning. A message had been sent to
- the King of Britain concerning our brethren; and, while an answer
- thereto was being awaited, many came, for the purpose of seeing
- and conversing with the fathers, from the ranks of the nobles, of
- the officials, and even of the ministers, [601] four of whom one
- of the councilors put into the arena of debate with our brethren,
- with the desire of testing their doctrine. Moreover, when their
- case had been reported at Court, the ambassador[94] of the Most
- Christian King had already heard that a ship with French Jesuits
- had been captured, and urged the release of all and especially
- of our brethren, because he had from his King strict commands to
- this effect. There was therefore no delay in the conveyance of our
- brethren from Pembroke to Dover, whence, after a short passage,
- they safely and joyfully arrived, after almost ten months of
- captivity, at Itius Portus,[95] a town on the French coast. Here
- they were received most honorably, with especial kindness and
- favor from Sieur d'Arquien, Commander of the Royal garrison, and
- Dean Boulaye; a suitable viaticum was also given to them, which
- was abundant for their needs during the trip to their College at
- Ambians[96] [Amiens].
- IAM Nouo-Francicæ Missionis operæ quantum promouerint rem Christianam
- inter Barbaros, non facile dispiciet, qui rem vulgi trutina metietur:
- qui verò negotium natura sua perarduum, interuenientibus etiam
- aliunde casibus valdè impeditum, æquis momentis volet æstimare,
- maximè idoneis, atque illustribus initiis asperrimum solum Euangelicæ
- sementi præparatum, fateatur necesse est. In primis enim quantum,
- quæso, illud est, belluini prorsus ingenij atque moris gentem,
- nuper ab omni commercio externo alienissimam, ab sua impotentia
- suspiciosissimam, sic nunc esse nobis cõciliatã, ea de nostris
- hominibus opinione imbutam, vt eos summo ambitu quilibet Barbarorũ
- cõuentus [602] expetat, in sua ora domicilium habere cupiat, de suis
- copiolis annua cibaria deferat, mœrore ac fletu suum eorum desiderium
- testetur, implacabili odio in Britannos, nostræ infestos quieti,
- feratur? Magnum quiddam profecto est, & ingentis ad fidem illis
- animis ingenerandam momenti, erga illius præcones tam propensa ferri
- voluntate, fiducia, & veneratione. Illud autem alterum longè maius
- est, tantóque ad Barbaroram efficiendam salutem potentius, quantò
- alienius est ab humanarum affectionum ratione, diuinisque motionibus
- proprium magis. Altè iam insedit Canadiorum animis illa sententia,
- æternis addici cruciatibus, qui Baptismi expertes è viuis decedant,
- vt tametsi valẽtes Christianæ legis conditiones, suo sensu paullò
- asperiores, haud facilè subeant, moribundi tamen Baptismum ingentis
- omnino beneficij esse ducant, cupidéque appetant. Cuius doctrinæ
- quoniam Patres Societatis auctores habent, eamque combiberunt intimis
- sensibus, eius sua sponte illos admonent, & memores esse iubent,
- quoties popularium quis deteriùs affectus decumbit, hortanturque suos
- Doctores vti obitum ægroti præuertant, salutaribus aquis lustrantes,
- antè quàm occumbat. Atque hos quidem animorum motus, in barbarissimis
- alioqui hominibus, biennij cultura, & ea quidem non assidua, sed
- frequentibus interpellata difficultatibus, duo Patres effecerunt, non
- leuibus certè momentis ad Euangelici verbi satus in ea gente magnis
- incrementis propagandos. Quam ad propagationem, sacrarum precationum,
- & Baptismi [603] inusitata vis, insignibus aliquot documentis apud
- eam nationem interdum prodita, incitamento non mediocri videtur olim
- futura. Patri Biardo ad Eplani piscis amnem die quodam agenti affertur
- nuncius ab ægrota, & animam agente muliere, quæ ipsum videre atque
- alloqui valdè cuperet, ad Sanctæ Mariæ Sinum, duabus ab eo amne leucis.
- Eò ducem habuit vnum de contubernio, feminamque more gentis præter
- focum stratam deprehendit, tertia iam hebdomada miserè languentem:
- ægram, quoad per eius morbum licuit, Catechesi necessaria instruit,
- adhibitisq; pro re nata precibus cruce ad pectus appensa munit, seque
- vocari iubet, si quid ei posteà deterius accidat. Postridie mulier bene
- sana è foco exsilit, & graui onusta sacco ad maritum quattuor inde
- leucas vegeta contendit. Eam sanationem Caluinianus Dieppensis omnium
- primus obseruauit, confestimque illius euentum mirabilem nunciaturus ad
- Patrem Biardum accurrit. Idem Pater in ora Pentegoetia cum Biencourtio
- versabatur, vbi pro instituto mapalia Barbarorum circumiens, ægros
- visebat, solabatur, precibus, ac Christianis documentis iuuabat. Ibi
- tertium iam mensem æger decumbebat, cuius salus erat conclamata, quem
- Barbari visendum Patri obtulerunt. Frigido sudore totus manabat, certo
- fere mortis indice, cùm iam eum grauis æstus tenuisset, cui post
- preces, & breuia fidei documenta, cùm Pater crucem sæpius exosculandam
- porrexisset, eique de collo pensilem reliquisset, frequentibus Barbaris
- audientibus, & quæ gererentur mirè [604] probantibus ab eo ad nauẽ &
- Biencourtium rediit. Postera verò die Biencourtio cum indigenis in
- naue permutationibus mutuis occupato, in eã nauem sanus ingressus ille
- æger, heri moribũdus, crucemque gratulabũdus, magnificè ostentãs, adiit
- ad P. Biardũ, ingentiq; gaudio suam ei sanitatem testatus, virtuti
- S. Crucis acceptã tulit. Illustrius multò est id quod sequitur, & ad
- Barbarorũ sensum in Baptismi laudẽ singulare. P. Biardus, & Mottæus
- Saussæij Legatus, Simonque Interpres vnà iuerant ad considerandam
- areã Sancti Saluatoris domicilio designatã, vnde redeuntibus procul
- ad aures accidit lamẽtabilis vlulatus quærentibusq; à Barbaro comite
- causã lugubris clamoris, responsum est, sollemne illud esse alicuius
- iam iam vita functi argumentũ. Sed propiùs ad Barbarica tuguria
- succedentibus puer interrogatus indicauit, nõ mortui, sed morientis
- esse cõpliorationẽ; atque ad P. Biardum conuersus; Quin tu, inquit,
- accurris, si forte in viuentẽ adhuc incidas, & eius morti Baptismum
- præuertas? Ea pueri vox, tamquã cælo missa, Patrem & comites ad cursum
- vehementer accendit, quibus ad agrestes casas appulsis, Barbarorũ
- sub dio stantium lōgissima ala, directo ordine instructa occurrit,
- atq; in spectãtis alæ, & mœrore defixæ oculis obambulans pater, cuius
- in vlnis tenellus moriebatur puer. Hic vt animam ægerrimè trahebat,
- interruptis debilitate singultibus ad mortem properans, miserum
- parentem miseratione cruciabat & dolore. Ad quoslibet autem infantis
- singultus, horrendùm eiulabat parens, cuius eiulatum adstantis
- Barbaricæ concionis mox luctuosus [605] excipiebat vlulatus. Pater
- Biardus adiit ad afflictum puelli parentem, rogauitque an ipso volente
- moribundum infantem Baptismo esset lustraturus. Ingenti mœrore percitus
- Barbarus vocem mittere non potuit, sed deposito in postulantis manibus
- puero, reipsa, quid cuperet, ostendit. Pater aquam poposcit, puellumque
- Mottæo ardentissimè suscipienti tenendum tradit, salutaribus aquis
- aspergit, Nicolaum de Mottæi nomine appellat, concepta precum formula
- Barbaris lumẽ ad fidei agnoscendas ingentes opes à Deo precatur. Sub
- eam precationem receptum de Mottæi manibus infantem matri eius præsenti
- defert, mater filio mammam continuò porrigit, puer oblatam cupidè
- arripit, lac ad satietatem haurit, atque deinceps sanus vegetúsque
- vixit. Vniuersus interim Barbarorum, qui circumsteterat, globus rei
- haud vsitatæ defixus miraculo, petrarum instar immotus, ac tacitus
- hærebat in vestigio. Ad eos igitur sic animo comparatos noster, quæ
- visa sunt in rem præsentem quadrare, verba fecit, quæ auidis mentibus
- hauserunt, atque vbi perorauerat, iussit singulos in tuguria se
- recipere. Vti venerabundi ac trementes eius sermonem summa reuerentia
- exceperant, ita cùm cœtus facta missione receptum in suas casas
- indixit, alto silentio præferentes inusitatum obsequium, in sua quisque
- tuguria pacatissimè, citissimeque dilapsi sunt. Hæc & huiusmodi alia in
- Barbarorum oculis, summa ipsorum admiratione, nec minore fructu gesta,
- quisquis perpenderit, vtilissimis principiis inchoatam Nouo-Francicam
- Missionem meritò iudicabit.
- NOW he who measures the undertaking by ordinary standards, will
- not easily see how greatly the work of the Mission of New France
- has advanced the Christian religion among the Savages; he who
- will fairly estimate an enterprise very difficult in its nature,
- and greatly hindered also by the interruption of calamities from
- without; must confess that the rugged soil has been prepared
- for the seed of the Gospel with very advantageous and glorious
- beginnings. For, in the first place, is it not a great thing, I
- ask, that a race of utterly brutal disposition and manners, lately
- keeping itself far aloof from all external intercourse, extremely
- suspicious by reason of its impotence, should be now so conciliated
- towards us, and entertain such sentiments for our brethren, that
- Savages of every tribe seek them out with the greatest pains,
- [602] desire them to have a residence in their territory, offer
- them annual supplies from their scanty store, testify by grief
- and weeping to their longing for them, and regard the English,
- the enemies of our peace, with implacable hatred? It is indeed
- something great, and of the utmost importance to the implanting
- of the faith in those minds, that they meet its heralds with such
- emphatic good-will, confidence, and veneration. Moreover there is
- another influence far greater, and so much the more powerful in
- effecting the salvation of the Savages as it is remote from the
- sphere of human affections and more characteristic of heavenly
- emotions. Already there has become deeply seated in the minds of
- the Canadians the belief that those who die without Baptism are
- consigned to eternal torments; consequently, as long as they are in
- health, they do not readily submit to the rules of the Christian
- faith, which to their ideas are a little too harsh; but when at
- the point of death, they regard Baptism as certainly a great
- blessing, and eagerly seek it. Since they have the Fathers of the
- Society as authorities for this doctrine, and have absorbed it into
- their inmost souls, of their own accord they warn and remind their
- Teachers of it, whenever any one of their friends is prostrated
- by some severe complaint, and urge them to anticipate the death
- of the patient by sprinkling him with the saving waters, before
- he shall perish. And, indeed, these emotions of the mind, in men
- who are in other respects most savage, two Fathers have created
- by a training of two years, and that indeed not continuous, but
- interrupted by numerous difficulties, which is certainly no light
- incentive toward propagating the seed of the Gospel among that race
- with flourishing increase. To this propagation, the unaccustomed
- power of holy prayers and of Baptism, [603] sometimes disclosed
- among this people in several remarkable instances, seems likely to
- be no small incentive in the future. When Father Biard was occupied
- one day at the river of the Eplan fish, a message was brought to
- him from a sick woman at the point of death, who was very anxious
- to see and converse with him, at Bay Ste. Marie, two leagues from
- that river. He had one of the colonists as a guide thither, and
- found the woman lying, according to the manner of her race, near
- the hearth, and now miserably languishing in the third week of
- her illness. He instructed the invalid, as far as her disease
- permitted, in the necessary parts of the Catechism; strengthened
- her by prayers adapted to the circumstances, and a cross hung upon
- her breast; and directed that he should be called, if she should
- thereafter grow worse. The next day the woman arose from the hearth
- entirely well, and, loaded with a heavy bag, started briskly for
- her husband, who was at a distance of four leagues. A Calvinist
- from Dieppe first of all observed this cure, and immediately ran
- to Father Biard to announce the wonderful event. The same Father
- was with Biencourt on the banks of the Pentegoët, where, according
- to his custom, he was going about among the cabins of the Savages,
- visiting and comforting the sick and aiding them with prayers and
- Christian instruction. There a sick man was lying, who had already
- been ill three months, whose recovery had been despaired of, and
- whom the Savages brought to the Father's notice. He was completely
- bathed in cold perspiration, an almost certain sign of death,
- since a heavy fever had taken possession of him. After prayers had
- been said and a short lesson in the faith given, when the Father
- had held out a cross to him to be repeatedly kissed, and had left
- it hanging about his neck, many Savages listening to him, and
- heartily [604] approving what was done, he returned to the ship
- and Biencourt. But the next day, when Biencourt was engaged upon
- the ship in trading with the natives, that sick man, yesterday
- at the point of death, came on board in a state of health, and,
- joyfully and reverently displaying the cross, went to Father Biard,
- and, testifying with great delight to his recovery, ascribed it
- to the power of the Holy Cross. That which follows is much more
- remarkable, and by the Savages was ascribed solely to the merit of
- Baptism. Father Biard, La Motte, the Lieutenant of La Saussaye,
- and Simon the Interpreter, had gone together to examine the site
- selected for the settlement of St. Sauveur. While returning thence,
- they heard at a distance a lamentable wail, and, when they asked
- of their Savage companion the cause of this mournful outcry, the
- answer was made that it was the customary token that some one had
- already departed this life. But as they approached nearer to the
- huts of the Savages, a boy, on being questioned, informed them that
- the lamentation was not for a dead, but for a dying person; and,
- turning to Father Biard, he said: "Why do you not hurry thither,
- if perchance you may find him still living, and administer Baptism
- before his death?" The voice of that boy, just as though sent from
- heaven, caused the Father and his companions to run swiftly, and as
- they reached the rude dwellings, there appeared a great crowd of
- Savages, drawn up in regular order, standing in the open air; and
- among this mournful-looking company a father walked about, in whose
- arms a delicate boy was dying. As the child struggled for breath,
- hastening towards death, and weakly gasping, it tortured the
- unfortunate parent with grief and sorrow. Moreover, at each gasp of
- the infant, the father wailed dreadfully, and his lamentation was
- immediately answered by a howl from the gloomy throng of Savages
- standing near. [605] Father Biard went to the afflicted parent of
- the boy, and asked whether he might, with his consent, baptize
- the dying child. The Savage, overcome by the depth of his grief,
- could not utter a word; but his action showed, by placing the child
- in the arms of the petitioner, what he desired. The Father asked
- for water, and giving the child to La Motte to hold, who eagerly
- received it, he sprinkled it with the saving waters, christened
- it Nicholas de la Motte, and formulating a prayer, begged from
- God light for the Savages, that they might recognize the immense
- blessings of the faith. After this prayer he took the infant from
- the hands of La Motte and gave it to its mother, who was present;
- the mother immediately gave her breast to the child, who greedily
- accepted it, partook of the milk to satiety, and finally lived,
- healthy and vigorous. In the meantime, the whole circle of Savages
- who had stood about, struck by the marvelousness of the unusual
- occurrence, remained motionless as stones, and stood silently in
- their tracks. Therefore, while they were thus prepared in mind,
- our brother addressed to them such words as seemed appropriate to
- the subject in hand; and when he had finished, bade them depart
- to their own huts. As they, trembling and reverential, received
- his discourse, with the greatest respect, so when, the object
- of their gathering having been accomplished, he ordered them to
- depart to their huts, they slipped away, silently exhibiting this
- unusual obedience, quietly and quickly, each to his own dwelling.
- Whoever shall carefully examine these and other like acts which
- have been performed in the sight of the Savages, greatly to their
- astonishment, and no less to their benefit, will justly conclude
- that the Mission of New France has been commenced under very
- advantageous beginnings.
- IX
- Our copy of Biard's letter (written in French) to his provincial, dated
- January 31, 1612, is from Carayon's _Première Mission_, pp. 44-76,
- noted under Bibliographical Data of Documents III.-VI., in our Volume I.
- X
- We follow the style and make-up of O'Callaghan's Reprint of Biard's
- _Missio Canadensis_, designated as "No. 1" in the Lenox Catalogue.
- According to Sommervogel's _Bibliothèque de la Campagnie de Jésus_
- (Paris, 1890), vol. i., p. 1439, this document was originally published
- in the _Annuæ Litteræ Societatis Jesu_, an. 1611 (Dillingen, n. d.),
- pp. 121-143. The British Museum has a copy of this volume of _Annuæ
- Litteræ_, described in its catalogue as published at "Dilingæ [1615?]."
- Sommervogel adds, regarding _Missio Canadensis_: "Was it not published
- separately? I find it thus indicated in the catalogue of Mr. Parison,
- no. 1786." According to a letter written by Father Carrère (June 17,
- 1890) to Father Jones, of Montreal, the original MS. of this letter was
- then in the archives of Roder, France.
- In Carayon's _Première Mission_ (pp. 77-105) there is given a French
- version of this letter.
- It is internally evident that the letter was commenced January 22nd,
- and finished "vltimo die Januarÿ." In Father Martin's MS. (translated)
- copy, preserved in the Library of Parliament, at Ottawa, he wrote upon
- it the former date, and it is so calendared in the catalogue of that
- library. Carayon first applied to it the latter date. This of itself
- has led to some bibliographical confusion.
- In Carayon's _Bibliographie Historique de la Compagnie de Jésus_
- (Paris, 1864), p. 178, a notice of the original publication is
- thus given: "P. Biard.--Epistola ad R. P. Præpositum generalem, e
- Portu Regali in Nova Francia, data ultimo die Januarii anni 1611,
- qua regionem illam describit, et Patrum Societatis Jesu in eam
- profectionem.--'Ea inserta est annuis litteris Soc. Jesus ejusdem anni
- Provinc. Franc. ad finem.' (Sotwell.)."
- O'Callaghan obtained the originals of some of his reprints from the
- _Annuæ Litteræ Societatis Jesu_, of which there are incomplete files
- in the libraries of John Carter Brown; Harvard College; St. John's,
- College, Fordham, N. Y.; St. Francis Xavier, New York City; the Jesuit
- colleges at Woodstock, Md., and Georgetown, D. C.; and St. Mary's
- College, Montreal. The Brown Library has the richest collection.
- See references to the O'Callaghan Reprint of _Missio Canadensis_, in
- Harrisse's _Notes_, no. 405; Lenox Catalogue, p. 18; Sabin, vol. xvi.,
- p. 542; Brown Catalogue, vol. ii., no. 119; Winsor, p. 300; Henry
- C. Murphy Sale Catalogue (N. Y., 1884), no. 2960; O'Callaghan Sale
- Catalogue (N. Y., 1882), nos. 178, 1205, 1250.
- _Title-page._ O'Callaghan's Reprint is closely imitated.
- _Collation of O'Callaghan Reprint._ Title, 1 p.; reverse of title,
- with inscription: "Editio ad xxv exemplaria restricta. O'C.", 1 p.;
- Lectori, pp. iii-iv.; text, pp. 5-37; blank, 1 p.; Index, pp. 39-45;
- colophon (p. 46): "Albaniae Excvdebat Joel Munsellius | Mense Septembri
- Anno | CIↃ.IↃCCC.LXX.," 1 p.
- XI
- The copy of Lescarbot's _Relation Dernière_ herein followed is in
- Harvard College Library, where it is bound in with the same author's
- _Les Muses de la Nouvelle France_ (Paris, 1612). The Harvard copy is
- the only original of which the present editor has knowledge; it is not
- listed in Gagnon's _Essai de Bibliographie Canadienne_ (Quebec, 1895),
- but reference to it will be found in Harrisse, no. 26; Sabin, no.
- 40178; and Winsor, p. 300. There is a reprint of it in Cimber (Lafaist)
- and Danjou's _Archives Curieuses de l'Histoire de France, depuis Louis
- XI. jusqu'à Louis XVIII._, first series, tome xv. (Paris, 1837), pp.
- 377-406, which, however, omits the list of names on pp. 21-24 of the
- original. The first series of this collection (15 vols.) was edited
- by L. Lafaist ("L. Cimber," _pseud._) and F. Danjou, assistants in
- the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris; the second series (12 vols.), by
- Danjou alone, who, on the title of tome viii. of this series, is styled
- "Bibliothécaire de l'Arsenal." The 27 volumes were published at Paris
- between 1834 and 1840.
- The orthography of the printed original of the _Relation Dernière_ is
- an interesting mixture of old and new styles. It has many instances of
- modern spellings not found even in the Cramoisy _Relation_ of 1632,
- which was printed twenty years later.
- It will be noticed that the "Privilege" is that granted for the
- publication of Lescarbot's _Histoire de la Nouvelle France_ (1608).
- _Title-page._ The one given in the present volume is a photographic
- facsimile of the Harvard original.
- _Collation._ Title, 1 p.; blank, reverse of title, 1 p.; text, pp.
- 3-39; privilege, reverse of p. 39, 1 p.--making a total of 40 pp.
- In our reissue of the _Relatio Rerum Gestarum_ (1613-14), we follow
- the original text and its pagination, as given on pp. 562-605 of the
- _Annuæ Litteræ Societatis Jesu_, for 1612, printed at Lyons in 1618,
- which we found at the Riggs Memorial Library, Georgetown University,
- Washington, D. C. This forms the text of O'Callaghan's Reprint, which
- is arbitrarily designated in the Lenox Catalogue as "no. 6." See
- references in Sabin, no. 69245; Winsor, p. 300; Lenox, p. 19; and Brown
- Catalogue, no, 170, and p. 166. Sales are noted in Barlow (no. 1272),
- Murphy (no. 2960), and O'Callaghan (no. 1250), sale catalogues.
- _Title-page._ We closely imitate that of the O'Callaghan Reprint.
- _Collation of Reprint._ Title, 1 p.; reverse of title, with
- inscription: "Editio viginti quinque exemplaria. O'C," 1 p.; Tabula
- Rerum, pp. iii., iv.; text, pp. 1-66; colophon (p. 67): "Albaniae
- Excvdebat Joel Munsellius | Mense Martis Anno | CIↃ IↃCCC LXXI," 1 p.
- (_Figures in parentheses, following number of note, refer to pages of
- English text._)
- 1 (p. 7).--Carayon prints _neuf_, but this is either a slip of the
- pen upon the part of Father Biard, or a misprint. The Fathers arrived
- at Port Royal, May 22, 1611, so that this portion of the letter was
- written just eight (_huit_) months after.
- 2 (p. 27).--Kennebec River. Sometimes written, also, Rimbegui,
- Kinibequi, Kinibeki, and Quinebequy. Maurault says that the Abenakis
- called this river Kanibesek, meaning "river that leads to the
- lake."--_Histoire des Abenakis_ (Quebec, 1866), pp. iv., 5, and 89,
- _note_ 2.
- 3 (p. 27).--Penobscot River. It was sometimes written, also, Pemptegoet
- and Potugoët.
- 4 (p. 27).--In their first voyage (1604), De Monts and Poutrincourt
- visited and named the river St. John; and at the mouth of the Rivière
- des Etechemins (so named by Champlain; by the Indians called Scoodick
- or Schoodic), they found an island which they called St. Croix, a name
- in later days given to the river itself. It lies in the middle of the
- river, opposite to the dividing line between Calais and Robbinston,
- Me. Here De Monts, Champlain, and their 77 fellows spent a miserable
- winter, while Poutrincourt returned to France for colonists and
- supplies to plant his proposed settlement at Port Royal. Thirty-five of
- the St. Croix party had died of scurvy before relieved in June, 1605,
- by Pontgravé, De Monts' lieutenant. In August, after a fruitless voyage
- along the New England coast, De Monts took his party to Port Royal, and
- there began a settlement before Pontgravé's arrival. Biard's letter,
- indicates that winter fur-trading posts were maintained both at St.
- Croix and on the St. John, for several years thereafter.--See Parkman's
- _Pioneers_, pp. 291-293.
- Champlain's chart of the island may be found in his _Voyages_ (Prince
- Soc.), vol. ii., p. 32. Lescarbot, in _Nouv. France_ (Paris, 1612), p.
- 469, says of the soil: "It is very good, and delightfully prolific."
- The identity of St. Croix Island was determined in 1798, by the
- commissioners appointed, under the treaty of 1783, to determine the
- boundary-line between New Brunswick and the territory of the United
- States. Holmes says, in _Annals of America_ (Cambridge, Mass., 1829),
- vol. i., p. 122, _note_ 1: "Professor (afterwards President) Webber,
- who accompanied the commissioners in 1798, informed me that they found
- an island in this river, corresponding to the French descriptions
- of the Island St. Croix, and, near the upper end of it, the remains
- of a very ancient fortification, overgrown with large trees; that
- the foundation stones were traced to a considerable extent; and that
- bricks (a specimen of which he showed me) were found there. These
- remains were, undoubtedly, the reliques of De Monts's fortification."
- Several cannon balls were also discovered while making excavations
- on this island, about 1853. The island has been known as Dochet's
- Island and Neutral Island; but in recent years it has been formally
- and appropriately named De Monts' Island. See Godfrey's _Centennial
- Discourse_ (Bangor, 1870), cited in _Champlain's Voyages_ (Prince
- Soc.), vol. ii., p. 33; also Williamson's _Maine_, vol. i., p. 88, and
- vol. ii., p. 578.
- 5 (p. 47).--George Weymouth, a Bristol navigator, entered Kennebec
- River in June, 1605. The stream was called by the natives Sagadahoc
- (sometimes spelled Sagadahock). Weymouth's enthusiastic reports led
- the Plymouth Company--of which Lord John Popham and Sir Ferdinando
- Gorges were leading members--to plant a colony in August, 1607, at
- first probably on Stage Island, but later on the shores of Atkins' Bay,
- ten miles up the Kennebec. Owing to the death of Popham, their chief
- patron, and other misfortunes, the colonists returned to England in
- 1608. For several years thereafter, Gorges and Sir Francis Popham--son
- of Lord John--fitted out trading and fishing expeditions to the region,
- but no permanent colony was again attempted on the Kennebec until
- 1630. Weymouth had serious difficulties with the natives (1605), and
- kidnapped several of them; the colonists themselves were, towards the
- close of their stay, cruel to their neighbors; the outrages in 1609
- were doubtless the operations of visiting English traders. The boats
- and other English property seen by the French in 1611, at the Penobscot
- and Kennebec, of course belonged to traders, who were at this time
- numerous along the main shore. Cf. Williamson's _Maine_, vol. i., pp.
- 53, 191-239; and _Memorial Volume of Popham Celebration_, Aug. 29,
- 1862. (Portland, 1863).
- 6 (p. 49).--These Indians were the Tarratines (called Penobscots by
- the English), one of the three tribes of the Etchemins,--the other two
- being the Openangos (the Quoddy Indians of English chronicles) of New
- Brunswick, and the Marachites of Nova Scotia. For origin of their name,
- see _Maine Hist. Colls._, vol. vii., p. 100. The principal Tarratine
- village was, a half century later, near where Bangor now stands. The
- town visited by Biard was apparently at or near the present Castine,
- on Major-bigyduce Point (for derivation of this name see _Maine Hist.
- Colls._, vol. vi., pp. 107-109). See topographical description in
- Williamson's _Maine_, i., pp. 70, 71. The "Chiboctous" River, of Biard,
- was, apparently, but the "wide-spread" of the Penobscot, stretching
- eastward of Castine. French traders were at Castine at a very early
- date. The English built a trading fort there in 1625-26, which fell
- into the hands of the French in 1632. It was styled Pentagoët in
- those days; but in 1667, was rechristened Castine, after Baron de St.
- Castine, who for several years maintained a station there. The Dutch
- were in possession for a time,--indeed, Castine was continuously
- fortified by English, French, and Dutch, in turn, from about 1610 to
- 1783.
- 7 (p. 61).--This introductory note, "To the Reader," is furnished by
- Dr. O'Callaghan, in his Albany reprint of 1870, which we are here
- following.
- The Jesuits had been banished from France by Henry IV., in 1595. He
- recalled them in 1603, making Father Coton, of their number, his
- confessor.
- 8 (p. 61).--It is internally evident that the document, like many
- others of our series, was written at intervals; this one was
- undoubtedly commenced in 1611 and closed in 1612. In a hurry to catch
- the home-returning vessel, the writer appears to have forgotten the
- change in the year.
- 9 (p. 67). It is possible that the Biscayans originally named what
- is still known as Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, after the city of that
- name in Spain. It was known to the English by that name in Biard's
- time;--see John Guy's letter, May 16, 1611, in Prowse's _History of
- Newfoundland_ (London, 1895), p. 127. Biard merely gallicizes the
- word. Placentia is the chief seat of French settlement in Southern
- Newfoundland.--See Howley's _Ecclesiastical History of Newfoundland_
- (Boston, 1888), pp. 128, 129.
- 10 (p. 67).--Reference is here made to the Eskimos of Labrador. Says
- Prowse, (_Hist. N. F._, pp. 590, 591); "The name Esquimaux is a French
- corruption of the Abenaki word 'Eskimatsie,' an eater of raw flesh. The
- native word is 'Innuit,' meaning 'the people.' Eskimo is the Danish
- form of the name, and has now quite supplanted the old French name."
- They were probably dubbed "Excommunicated" in Biard's time, because of
- the marked hostility to them of all the other savage tribes in Canada;
- and the French early joined the latter in opposing them.--See Prowse,
- _ut supra_, p. 591. The missionaries found the Eskimos difficult
- material on which to work; although an occasional captive slave,
- brought to the St. Lawrence by the Indians, would yield to priestly
- ministrations.--See Shea's _Charlevoix_, vol. iii., p. 30.
- 11 (p. 69).--Reference is here made to the mouth of what is now Saco
- River. Choüacoët was the French rendering of a native word from which
- the modern Saco is derived.--_Champlain's Voyages_ (Prince Soc.), vol.
- ii., p. 64.
- 12 (p. 81).--No map could be found in the archives of the Society at
- Rome, where the original of this letter is preserved.
- 13 (p. 127).--See vol. i., _note_ 2.
- 14 (p. 131).--Casquet ("les Casquetes," on maps of that period): a
- dangerous group of rocks in the English Channel, seven miles west of
- Alderney.
- 15 (p. 133).--See _notes_ 3, 6, _ante_; and vol. i., _note_ 11.
- 16 (p. 133).--See _note_ 4, _ante_.
- 17 (p. 135).--_Matachias_, or _matachiats_; described by Champlain,
- in _Voyages_ (Prince Soc.), vol. i., p. 241, as "beads and braided
- strings, made of porcupine quills, which they dye in various colors."
- Lescarbot says that the Armouchiquois, like the Brazilians and
- Floridians, make ornaments from bits of shell, polished and strung
- together in bracelets, etc.; these are called _bou-re_ in Brazil, and
- _matachiaz_ among the Northern tribes:--See his _Nouv. France_, p. 732.
- 18 (p. 137).--Nuncio of Pope Paul V. to Henry IV. of France; was
- created a cardinal, December 2, 1615.--See Laverdière's _Champlain_, p.
- 492; also Faillon's _Col. Fr._, vol. i., p. 99. A fortification erected
- by Poutrincourt, at the entrance of Port Royal harbor, was named by him
- Fort d'Ubaldini.--See Lescarbot's chart of Port Royal, in vol. i. of
- this series.
- 19 (p. 141).--Named by Champlain, from its forked shape, now known as
- Cape Split; a promontory at entrance of Mines Bay, where it opens into
- the Bay of Fundy. Jean Blaeu's map _Extrema Americæ_ (1620), shows it
- as C. de Poitrincourt; for explanation of this name, see Laverdière's
- _Champlain_, pp. 271, 272.
- 20 (p. 141).--Sable Island is thus described by Champlain, _Voyages_,
- (Prince Soc.), ii., p. 8: "This island is thirty leagues distant north
- and south from Cape Breton, and in length is about fifteen leagues. It
- contains a small lake. The island is very sandy, and there are no trees
- at all of considerable size, only copse and herbage, which serve as
- pasturage for the bullocks and cows which the Portuguese carried there
- more than sixty years ago."
- The origin of the cattle here mentioned is thus explained by Edward
- Haies, in his report on Sir Humphrey Gilbert's voyage of 1583, in
- Goldsmid's _Hakluyt_, vol. xii., p. 345: "Sablon lieth to the seaward
- of Cape Briton about 25 leagues, whither we were determined to goe
- vpon intelligence we had of a Portugal--who was himselfe present
- when the Portugals (abotte thirty yeeres past) did put in the same
- Island both Neat and Swine to breede, which were since exceedingly
- multiplied." Lescarbot, however, says the cattle were landed there
- about 1528, by Baron de Léry; see his _Nouv. France_, p. 22. Sable
- Island is noted as the scene of La Roche's unfortunate attempt at
- colonization in 1598, for a graphic description of which see Parkman's
- _Pioneers_, pp. 231-235. See Dionne's note on "Les Sablons," in his
- _Nouvelle France_ (Quebec, 1891), pp. 311-316.
- 21 (p. 141).--The name Bacallaos (see vol. i., _note_ 7) was long
- given to the region afterwards known as Canada. Peter Martyr says:
- "Sebastian Cabot him selfe, named those lands _Baccallaos_ bycause
- that in the seas thereabout he founde so great multitudes of certeyne
- bigge fysshes much like vnto tunies (which th[e] inhabitantes caule
- Baccallaos) that they sumtymes stayed his shippes."--See Eden's _Three
- English Books on America_ (Arber ed., Birmingham, 1885), pp. 161, 345.
- Fournier's _Hydrographie_ (Paris, 1667), cited in Browne's _History
- of Cape Breton_ (London, 1869), p. 13, says: "It cannot be doubted
- this name was given by the Basques, who alone in Europe call that
- fish Bacalaos, or Bacaleos; the aborigines term them Apagé." See also
- Lescarbot's _Nouv. France_, p. 237; and Dionne's _Nouv. France_, pp.
- 327-331. Cf. Prowse (_Hist. N. F._, p. 589); he says, in claiming the
- discovery of Newfoundland for the English, that _Baccalao_ was but "an
- ordinary trade word, in use at that period." For an interesting sketch
- of the Basque fisheries in Newfoundland, up to the end of the 17th
- century, see Prowse, _ut supra_, pp. 47-49.
- That part of the mainland appears on Ribero's map (1529) as "Tiera de
- los Bacallaos," shown also by Agnese (1554), Zaltieri (1566), Martines
- (1578), and in map of "Nova Francia et Canada, 1597," in Wytfleit's
- _Descriptionis Ptolemaicæ Augmentum_. The name was restricted to the
- southern part of the island of Newfoundland, by Ramusio (1556); to
- the island of Cape Breton, by Lescarbot (1612); to an island east of
- Newfoundland by De Laet (1640). The name Baccalos "still clings to an
- islet about forty miles north of the capital [St. John's], in which
- multitudes of sea-birds now build their nests."--Bourinot, in _Canad.
- Mo._, vol. vii., p. 290. See also, Anspach's _Hist. N. F._, pp. 296,
- 297.
- 22 (p. 147).--A long, narrow inlet, nearly parallel to the sea on
- western coast of Digby County, N. S., and still known as St. Mary's Bay.
- 23 (p. 151).--A Basque word, meaning sorcerer, corresponding to the
- native _aoutmoin_. See Biard's _Relation_ of 1616, _post_. Champlain
- (Laverdière's ed., p. 82) calls them _Pilotoua_; and Sagard (_Canada_,
- pp. 98, 656), _Pirotois_.
- 24 (p. 157).--Henry II. of Bourbon; prince of Condé, born in 1588;
- nephew of and next in succession to Henry IV.; a leader in the Catholic
- League, and father of the great Condé. He married, in 1609, Charlotte
- de Montmorency, then fifteen years old, one of the most beautiful
- women of her day. The king fell in love with her, and his attempted
- intrigue led to complications that almost caused a war between France
- and Spain. Condé rebelled against Louis XIII., and in September, 1616,
- was captured and imprisoned; but he soon afterwards regained his power,
- which he retained until the ascendancy of Richelieu displaced it, in
- 1623; he died in 1646.
- The house of Conti was a younger branch of the house of Condé; that of
- Soissons was also nearly related to the reigning family of Bourbon.
- Charles de Bourbon, count of Soissons, was born in 1556. He acted for
- a time with the League, but left it, in the hope of securing as his
- wife Catherine of Navarre, and became a military officer under both
- Henry III. and Henry IV.; Sully, however, compelled him to give up
- his proposed marriage with Catherine. He was Grand Master of France,
- under Henry IV.; later, was governor of Dauphiny, and, at his death,
- of Normandy. At Champlain's solicitation, he consented to become the
- head of De Monts's scheme for the colonization of Canada; and he was
- appointed (October 8, 1612) by the king lieutenant general and governor
- of New France, Champlain becoming commandant under him. But Soissons
- died, on November 1 following; and he was succeeded by Henry, prince of
- Condé, with the title of viceroy of New France. Mareschal de Thémins
- was appointed by Marie de Médicis, acting viceroy during Condé's
- imprisonment. Upon his liberation (1619), Condé sold his position as
- viceroy of Canada to Henry, duke of Montmorency, who in turn sold it
- (January, 1625) to his nephew, Henry de Lévis, duke of Ventadour.--See
- Rochemonteix's _Jésuites_, vol. i., pp. 126, 127, 134, 144, 149.
- Champlain (see his map of 1632) named the lake at the mouth of the
- Ottawa River, Lac de Soissons, in honor of his viceroy; it is now
- called Lake of Two Mountains.
- 25 (p. 157).--Charles de Gonzague, duke of Nevers, was born about
- 1566; his father was a prominent chief in the Catholic League, and,
- in 1592, introduced the order of Récollets into France. His sister,
- Catherine de Gonzague, married Henry I., duke of Longueville, in 1588.
- 26 (p. 157).--Charles de Lorraine, duke of Guise, Grand Master of
- France, and governor of Champagne and Provence, was born in August,
- 1571, and died 1640. In 1615, he was the proxy of Louis XIII., in the
- marriage of the latter to the Spanish infanta, Anne of Austria.
- 27 (p. 157).--Sieur de Praslin was captain of the royal bodyguards, and
- lieutenant of Champagne.
- 28 (p. 157).--The Parliament of Paris originated in a division of
- the king's court, made necessary by the increase of its functions,
- consequent upon the progress of the royal power in France. Judicial
- affairs were allotted to the decision of Parliament; its organization
- was defined in 1302, by Philip the Fair, who ordained that it
- should assemble at Paris twice a year, for two months, exercising
- jurisdiction over the whole kingdom. Charles V. (1364-80) made
- the Parliament permanent. Its jurisdiction was much restricted,
- successively by Charles VII., Louis XI., and Francis I.; eight other
- provincial Parliaments had been formed, by the early part of the 16th
- century, which reduced that of Paris to little more than a municipal
- jurisdiction, and all had been thoroughly subjected to royal authority.
- The Parliament of Paris refused, from 1554 to 1662, to admit the
- Jesuits into the kingdom, and, later, opposed Henry IV.; but it was
- compelled to submit by Mazarin, and, later, by Louis XIV. and Louis XV.
- In 1762, however, it decreed the abolition of the order of Jesuits,
- and Louis XV. was obliged to confirm this action; though he exiled
- the Parliament, eight years later. Within four years, it was recalled
- by Louis XVI.; but supporting, in 1789, the privileged orders against
- the people, it lost all popularity, and in the following year was
- suppressed by the Constituent Assembly. It had been mainly composed of
- lawyers ever since Louis XII. forbade any to enter the Parliament, or
- to sit as judges, who were not "literate and graduate."
- 29 (p. 157).--The author of the _Lettre Missive_ (vol. i. of this
- series). He is again mentioned by Lescarbot, in this _Relation_.
- 30 (p. 157).--The original church of Ste. Genevieve (dedicated to
- the patron saint of Paris) was built by Clovis, about 510. Near the
- beginning of the 13th century, it was replaced by another building,
- erected by King Philippe Augustus; this having, in time, become almost
- a ruin, gave way to the present handsome edifice, which was begun
- in 1758, and built under the auspices of Louis XV. See Hunnewell's
- _Historic Monuments of France_ (Boston, 1884), pp. 195, 196.
- 31 (p. 159).--_Short robe._ A term used, at that time, to designate the
- military profession.
- 32 (p. 165).--Wheat (blé) is here used generically, but meaning maize;
- or, more probably, as a shortened form of _blé d'Inde_, the term
- applied by Champlain and other French explorers to the corn cultivated
- by the aborigines.
- 33 (p. 165).--The subject of agriculture among the Indians is
- exhaustively treated in Carr's "Mounds of the Mississippi Valley,"
- in _Smithsonian Report_ (Washington, 1891), pp. 507-533. His general
- conclusion is that corn was "cultivated in greater or less quantities
- by all the tribes living east of the Mississippi and south of the great
- lakes and the St. Lawrence,"--indeed, far more extensively than is
- generally supposed; and that "the Indian looked upon it as a staple
- article of food, both winter and summer; that he cultivated it in large
- fields, and understood and appreciated the benefits arising from the
- use of fertilizers." Beans, squashes, and pumpkins were also staple
- crops. In regard to the labor of women, Carr says: "The Iroquois or Six
- Nations are the only people among whom, so far as I know, it cannot
- be shown that the warriors did take some part either in clearing the
- ground or in cultivating the crop; and we find that even among them the
- work was not left exclusively to the women, but that it was shared by
- the children and the old men, as well as the slaves, of whom they seem
- to have had a goodly number. *** This statement ['that the field-work
- was _not_ left entirely to the women'], as to the actual condition of a
- large majority of the tribes living east of the Mississippi and south
- of the St. Lawrence, is believed to be true; yet it is not denied that
- there were many instances in which this labor was, practically, left to
- the women, owing to the fact that the men were away from home, hunting
- or fighting. This fact was, unfortunately, of frequent recurrence; but,
- as it was the result of an accidental and not of a permanent condition
- of affairs, it would hardly be fair to ascribe it to the existence
- of any custom, or to any belief in the derogatory character of the
- work."--Cf. Rochemonteix (_Jésuites_, vol. i., p. 97, _note_).
- 34 (p. 167).--A word derived, according to Littré, from the Basque
- _orenac_, meaning "deer;" elsewhere written _orignac_, _orignas_, and
- _orignat_; by modern writers, _orignal_. The "Canadian elk" (_orignac_
- being used interchangeably with _élan_, the elk of Northern Europe), or
- moose (the latter an Indian name), is _Alces Americanus_, the largest
- of the _Cervus_ family. The males are said to attain a weight of 1,100
- or 1,200 pounds, and a height of five feet at the shoulder. See also
- _Champlain's Voyages_ (Prince Soc.), vol. i., p. 265.
- 35 (p. 169).--Slafter thinks that these roots were probably those of
- Jerusalem artichoke, _Helianthus tuberosus_. This plant, indigenous
- in the Northern regions of America, had been carried to Europe by
- the Italians, who named it _girasole_ (their word for the sunflower,
- another species of _Helianthus_), afterwards corrupted to _Jerusalem_.
- Champlain saw these plants cultivated by the Indians--in 1605, near
- Cape Cod; and again at Gloucester, in 1606.--See _Champlain's Voyages_
- (Prince Soc.), vol. ii., pp. 82, 112. The savages also cultivated
- ground-nuts, of several varieties; among them, _Arachis hypogæa_ and
- _Apios tuberosa_.--See Carr's "Food of Certain American Indians," in
- _Proceedings of American Antiquarian Society_, vol. x., part i., pp.
- 168, 169.
- Lescarbot says the roots mentioned in the text were called _canadas_;
- Ferland thinks they were those of _Apios tuberosa_ (_Cours d'Histoire_,
- vol. i., p. 84).
- 36 (p. 171).--The smelt, _Salmo eperlanus_, is found in both salt and
- fresh water; it is four to eight inches in length.
- 37 (p. 171).--A small, narrow inlet (_Ance_, on Bellin's map, 1764), at
- the head of which is a portage to St. Mary's Bay.
- 38 (p. 171).--Haliburton, in his _Nova Scotia_ (Halifax, 1829), p.
- 15, _note_, says it is the stream now known as the Allen River; but
- Lescarbot, in our text, and in his chart of Port Royal, identifies
- it with the larger river now called Annapolis. He says it was "named
- l'Equille, because the first fish taken therein was an équille."
- Its length is about 70 miles, 30 of which are navigable. Littré
- defines _équille_ as "the name, on the coasts between Caen and Havre,
- of the fish called _lançon_ at Granville and St. Malo, a kind of
- malacopterygian fish, living on sandy shores, and hiding in the sand at
- low tide."
- 39 (p. 173).--The legitimate children of the king himself, as
- distinguished from those of other branches of the royal family, the
- latter being only "princes and princesses of the blood."
- 40 (p. 175).--Du Chesne (or Duquesne), and Du Jardin; see _Relation_
- of 1616, _post_. Ferland says (_Cours d'Histoire_, vol. i., p. 80,
- _note_): "In the _History of Dieppe_, vol. ii., mention is made of
- Abraham Du Quesne, a Calvinist, who commanded a Dieppe vessel engaged
- in the American and Senegal trade. He was father of the celebrated
- admiral of the same name, born at Dieppe in 1610." Shea adds
- (_Charlevoix_, vol. i., p. 262, _note_), that he "was an ancestor of
- the Governor of Canada, whose name was once borne by Pittsburgh."
- 41 (p. 175).--These orders, except the Minimes, were Franciscan. The
- Capuchins (so named from the sharply-pointed _capuce_, or hood, of
- their robe) were organized in 1528, as a new division of the _Fratres
- Minores_ of St. Francis of Assisi; and were received into France in
- 1573, at the request of Charles IX., and at the recommendation of
- Cardinal Lorraine. In 1632, they, were asked by Richelieu to take
- charge of the religious affairs of Canada; but, they declined this
- proposal, ostensibly through unwillingness to displace the Jesuits,
- and later went to Acadia. For an account of their work in Maine, see
- _Historical Magazine_, vol. viii., p. 301.
- The Cordeliers, named from the knotted cord worn at the waist, have two
- branches,--the conventuals, who are allowed to possess real estate; and
- the observants, who may not own any property.
- The Récollets, strictest of all the Franciscan orders, were thus
- termed because, devoting themselves to religious meditation (Fr.
- _récollection_), they asked from Pope Clement VII., in 1531, permission
- to retire into special convents, that they might more literally observe
- their founder's rule. For an account of their missionary work in
- Canada, see Editor's Introduction, vol. i. of this series. They carried
- on extensive missionary labors in Spanish America, where, in 1621,
- they had 500 convents, distributed in 22 provinces.--Ferland's _Cours
- d'Histoire_, vol. i., p. 169.
- The Minimes were founded in 1453, by St. Francis de Paula, of Calabria.
- Their rule is especially austere, involving total abstinence from wine,
- flesh, and fish, and even from eggs, milk, or butter. Their founder
- named them _Minimos Fratres_, as a special indication of humility. He
- also instituted an order of Minimes for women, in 1493.
- 42 (p. 177).--Samuel de Champlain was born probably between 1567 and
- 1570 (the exact date is unknown); his parents lived at Brouage, a
- fortified town in Saintonge, where was a large manufacture of salt and
- the finest harbor on the French coast. Champlain became a navigator
- early in life, and was also a quartermaster in the royal army in
- Brittany, from 1592 to 1598.
- His first voyage to America was in the service of the King of Spain; he
- spent the time from January, 1599, to March, 1601, in the West Indies
- and Mexico, and on the northern coast of South America. His valuable
- MS. report of this voyage, illustrated by his own sketches, was first
- printed in 1859 (but in an English translation), by the Hakluyt
- Society, at London; in it he suggests a ship canal across the isthmus
- of Panama. In 1603, he sailed, with Pontgravé to Canada, exploring
- the St. Lawrence as far as the Falls of St. Louis; and again, with De
- Monts, early in 1604, when they founded the St. Croix colony. Champlain
- remained in Canada three years, carefully exploring the Atlantic coast
- from Canso to Wood's Holl, and returned to France in October, 1607.
- The next summer, he explored the valley of the St. Lawrence, with the
- Saguenay and other tributaries, and founded the settlement of Quebec.
- October 15, 1612, he was formally appointed commandant in New France.
- Quebec was captured by the English, July 20, 1629; but was restored
- to the French by the treaty of St. Germain-en-Laye, March 29, 1632.
- Champlain, being again appointed governor of New France, returned to
- Quebec in May, 1633, where he died December 25, 1635.
- 43 (p. 177).--This chart was drawn by Lescarbot, and engraved by Jan
- Swelinck; it appears in his _Nouv. France_ (Tross ed., Paris, 1866),
- facing page 208. It has been reproduced for the present series.
- 44 (p. 179).--_Gougou_, a frightful monster, in the superstitious
- belief of the savages, who supposed it to dwell on an island near
- the Bay of Chaleurs; to have the form of a woman, though of horrible
- aspect, and so tall that the masts of a ship would not reach to the
- monster's girdle; and to carry off and devour men. Champlain gives
- a full account of this belief, and regards _Gougou_ as a demon who
- tormented the natives; see Laverdière's _Champlain_, pp. 125-126.
- Lescarbot, in his _Nouv. France_, pp. 397-403, gives the same
- description, and tries to prove, in a long discussion, that _Gougou_ is
- a sort of personification of a tormenting conscience.
- 45 (p. 179).--_Charter party._ A document which states the terms of
- rent for the whole or part of a ship. The term is derived from an
- old usage; instead of making a duplicate of the contract, it was cut
- in two, each of the parties retaining one of the halves.--Littré's
- _Dictionnaire de la langue française_ (Paris, 1878).
- 46 (p. 185).--This young priest had sailed with De Monts, desiring to
- see the New World. On the shores of St. Mary's Bay, he became lost in
- the woods; De Monts searched for him, but in vain, and left the bay.
- A fortnight later, an expedition sent to St. Mary's Bay, to search
- for silver and iron ore, accidentally encountered poor Aubry, almost
- dead with fatigue and hunger, and brought him back to Port Royal.
- This rescue was especially gratifying to De Monts, as the priest's
- disappearance had caused a Protestant, who had quarreled with him about
- religious questions, to be accused of murdering Aubry.--_Champlain's
- Voyages_ (Prince Soc.), vol. ii., pp. 20, 21.
- 47 (p. 189). See vol. i., _note_ 4.
- 48 (p. 199).--One of the numerous names given to the St. Lawrence
- by early explorers and writers; it thus appears on the map of Jean
- Allefonsce, given in his _Cosmographie_ (Paris, ed., 1575), fol.
- 183^{A}; and is so named by Champlain, in his _Voyages_. The origin
- of the name Canada is variously explained; but there are two leading
- theories: (1) That the word signifies, in Iroquois, "town," or
- "village." See Laverdière's _Champlain_, p. 89, _note_ 4; Faillon's
- _Col. Fr._ vol. i., p. 14; _Hist. Mag._ vol. i., pp. 153, 217, 349;
- and _Mag. Amer. Hist._, vol. x., pp. 161, 162. (2) That it comes from
- another and similar Iroquois word, meaning "lake," being applied to
- the country as a region abounding in lakes. See _Hist. Mag._, vol. i.,
- pp. 188, 315; cf. Winsor's _N. and C. Hist._ vol. iv., p. 67, _note_
- 1.--Cf. Ferland's _Cours d'Histoire_, vol. i., p. 25. The name was
- applied in the earlier maps (e.g., Zaltieri, 1566; Ortelius, 1570;
- Judæis, 1593) to a district lying along the St Lawrence, between the
- Saguenay and Isle aux Coudres, or thereabouts. Later, it was given to
- all, or nearly all, of the valley of the St. Lawrence. See also vol.
- i., _note_ 6.
- 49 (p. 201).--This date is evidently obtained from the "Discorso d'un
- gran Capitano di Mare Francese," found in Ramusio's _Raccolta_ (Venice,
- 1556), vol. iii., p. 423. The "Discorso" is supposed to have been
- written in 1539; the name of the author was unknown to Ramusio himself,
- but is said by Estancelin, in _Recherches * * * des navigateurs
- Normands_ (Paris, 1832), to be Jean Parmentier, of Dieppe. See Winsor's
- _N. and C. Hist._, vol. iv., pp. 16, 63: cf. also Harrisse's _Discovery
- of North America_ (London, 1892), p. 180. _note_ 2, and D'Avezac's
- Introduction to Cartier's _Brief Recit_ (Tross reprint, 1865), fol.
- vii.; both say that the "Discorso" was written by Pierre Crignon, an
- astronomer and pilot, and a companion of Parmentier in his voyages.
- 50 (p. 205).--Another name for the St. Lawrence River. The apparent
- etymology of this name would suggest that it was given on account of
- the powerful current of the river, and its discharge into the Gulf
- of St. Lawrence. See Trumbull's "Composition of Indian Geographical
- Names," in _Conn. Histor. Soc. Colls._, vol. ii., p. 30. Laverdière
- erroneously considers _Sacqué_ as another form of Sagné, or Saguenay.
- 51 (p. 205).--One of the principal tributaries of the St. Lawrence,
- entering the latter 120 miles N. E. of Quebec. It is 100 miles in
- length, and remarkable for its wild and picturesque scenery; along the
- lower half of its course the banks vary in height from 500 to 1,500
- feet, often overhanging the swift current below. Its ordinary depth
- varies from 100 to 1,000 feet, and even reaches over 3,000 feet near
- its month. It is the outlet of Lake St. John, and was for the French
- the chief avenue of approach to the Indian tribes around that lake,
- and even (by portages) to those of Hudson Bay region. This river was,
- throughout the French régime, the center of both trading and missionary
- activities for all Northeastern Canada. Tadoussac, at its month, from
- earliest times a favorite rendezvous of the Montagnais and other
- Eastern tribes, became under the French an important fur-trade center
- and Jesuit mission; and is, to-day, a notable watering-place.
- The name is also spelled Sagnay, Sagné, Saghuny, etc. Thévet, in his
- _Grande Insulaire_ (a MS. preserved in the Bibliothèque Nationale of
- Paris, and written before 1571: see Harrisse's _notes sur la Nouvelle
- France_, p. 278), declares that the savages then called this river
- _Thadoyseau_; while Lalemant (in _Relation_ of 1646) says that they
- called Tadoussac _Sadilege_. Probably these names were indifferently
- applied, in that early time, alike to river and village. Laverdière
- derives Saguenay from the Montagnais _saki-nip_, "the rushing water."
- See his _Champlain_, pp. 68, 69; also Trumbull, in _Conn. Hist.
- Colls._, vol. ii., p. 31.
- 52 (p. 205).--Now the St Maurice; named _Trois Rivières_, because
- two islands at its mouth divide it into three channels. On Creuxius'
- map (1660), it appears as Metaberoutin River, or Three Rivers; on
- Duval's (1679), the Rivière de Foix. This last appellation seems to be
- another form of Riuiere du Fouez, given to this river by Cartier. See
- _Champlain's Voyages_ (Prince Soc.), vol. i., p. 257. At its mouth is
- the town of Three Rivers, founded by Champlain in 1634.
- 53 (p. 205).--The Ottawa River--Champlain's Riuière des Algommequins;
- see his "Explanation of the Map of New France," in _Voyages_ (Prince
- Soc.), vol. i., p. 302. Also named, in early days, Rivière des
- Prairies; so in _Relation_ of 1640, _post_, and on Creuxius' map
- (1660): Faillon (_Col. Fr._, i., p. 82, _note_ * *) says it was
- thus named from its discoverer, a young sailor from St. Malo; he is
- mentioned by Champlain as "a very courageous man," in _Voyages_ (Paris,
- 1632), p. 159.
- 54 (p. 205).--The Chicchack (or Shickshock) Mountains; called Notre-Dame
- by Champlain and other early writers. A range of highlands in the
- Gaspé peninsula, the easternmost part of the Appalachian system,
- forming the watershed between streams flowing into the St. Lawrence and
- Bay of Chaleurs. They lie about twelve miles from the St. Lawrence,
- extending a distance of some 65 miles, between the Ste. Anne des
- Monts and the Matane rivers; they range in height from 3,000 to 4,000
- feet.--See Rochemonteix's _Jésuites_, vol. i., p. 91; also Laverdière's
- _Champlain_, p. 1090.
- 55 (p. 205).--See Laverdière's _Champlain_, p. 179.
- 56 (p. 205).--_Canadis_, the Indians of the vicinity of Quebec.
- Lescarbot says (_Nouv. France_, p. 238) that "the tribes of Gachepé and
- Chaleur bay call themselves Canadocoa, that is, Canadaquois," Sagard
- (_Canada_, p. 152) mentions a village of Canadians near Tadoussac.
- 57 (p. 205).--_Algomeguis_ (also spelled Algoumequins, Algonmequins,
- and Algumquins); the Algonquins or Algonkins. Some authors consider
- this name generic for the Armouchiquois, the Montagnais, the "Petite
- Nation," the Nation of the Isle, and the Nipissiriniens.--See Martin's
- edition of Bressani's _Relation Abrégée_ (Montreal, 1852), p. 319.
- Champlain limits this appellation to the tribes that dwell upon the
- Ottawa.
- 58 (p. 205).--_Ochasteguis_, according to Laverdière (_Champlain_, pp.
- 317, 346) called by Champlain _Ochastaiguins_ or _Ochatequins_, from
- the name of one of their chiefs; a name applied to the Hurons. This
- last appellation was but a nickname of the tribe, which was properly
- called Wendot or Wyandot. They inhabited the region east of Lake Huron,
- to Lake Simcoe.
- 59 (p. 205).--The site of Quebec was first visited by Cartier in 1535,
- and was then occupied by an Indian village, named Stadacona. The
- foundation of the present city was laid by Champlain, July 3, 1608;
- for his chart of Quebec and vicinity (with valuable notes thereon, by
- the editor), and an engraved illustration of the buildings erected by
- him, see Laverdière's _Champlain_, pp. 296, 303. Quebec is also written
- Quebeck, Quebecq (Champlain), and Kebec, Kébec, or Kebek (_Relations_);
- the word, in various Algonkin dialects, signifies "the narrowing of the
- water," referring to the contraction of the St. Lawrence, opposite Cape
- Diamond, to a space of only 1,314 yards; while below, at the confluence
- of the St. Charles, it spreads into a basin over 2,500 yards in width.
- See Ferland's _Cours d'Histoire_, vol. i., p. 90; and Parkman's
- _Pioneers_, p. 329.
- The first known mention of this name, to designate the locality of the
- present city, is in Champlain's _Voyages_, _ut supra_, p. 89.
- 60 (p. 205).--See vol. i., _note_ 2.
- 61 (p. 207).--See _notes_ 32, 33, _ante_. _Brazilian bean_; the common
- bean, _Phaseolus vulgaris_, indigenous to America. Called "Brazilian
- bean," because it resembled a bean then known in France by that
- name.--_Champlain's Voyages_ (Prince Soc.), vol. ii., p. 64, _note_.
- 62 (p. 207).--_Breton._ This name (spelled also Bretton, Briton,
- _Brittayne_, etc.), was given, at an early date, to the most eastern
- point of Cape Breton Island, "first seen by some French sailors, who
- named it either after Bretagne, or from Cape Breton, a town in the
- election of Landes, in Gascony."--Bourinot (_Canad. Mo._, vol. vii., p.
- 292). Cf. Margry's _Navigations Françaises_ (Paris, 1867), p. 113. It
- appears on Verrazano's map (1529). See also Laverdière's _Champlain_,
- p. 155; and on same page is a quotation from Thévet's _Gr. Insul._
- (1556) which mentions "the cape or promontory of Lorraine, so named
- by us; others have given it the name of _Cape of the Bretons_," etc.
- The island itself was known, during the 16th century, as Isle du Cap
- Breton, or Isle des Bretons; Champlain, in _Voyages_ (Prince Soc.),
- vol. i., p. 280, calls it St. Lawrence; the French named it Isle
- Royale, upon its cession to them by the treaty of Utrecht (1713); its
- old name, Cape Breton Island, was resumed in 1758, after the capture of
- Louisbourg by the English. On Gastaldo's map (1548), the name Breton is
- applied both to this island and to Nova Scotia. See Dionne's note on
- Cape Breton (_Nouv. France_, pp. 283-286).
- On _La Hève_, see vol. i., _note_ 42. Champlain's chart of the harbor
- of La Heve is given in Laverdière's _Champlain_, p. 156.
- _Mouton_, probably at Port Mouton; so named, according to Lescarbot,
- because a drowned sheep came ashore there.--_Nouv. France_, p. 449.
- _Sable_, the most southern point of Nova Scotia, on Cape Sable Island.
- Champlain says: "The next day we went to Cape Sable, also very
- dangerous, on account of certain rocks and reefs extending almost a
- league into the sea."--_Voyages_ (Prince Soc.), vol. ii., p. 13.
- _St. Louis_, thus named by De Monts; but now known as Brant Point; two
- leagues from Plymouth Harbor, in Massachusetts.
- _Blanc_, so named by Champlain, from its white sands; three years
- earlier, named Cape Cod, by Gosnold, from the multitude of codfish in
- its vicinity. It is shown on Juan de la Cosa's map (1500); but without
- name; on Ribero's (1529), as C. de arenas; on Vallard's (1543), as C.
- de Croix.
- 63 (p. 207). On _Campseau_, see vol. i., _note_ 40.
- _Sesambre_, "an island thus named by some Mallouins, distant 15 leagues
- from La Héve," says Champlain. Laverdière thus explains the name: "In
- remembrance of a small island of that name which lies in front of St.
- Malo. Sésambre became S. Sambre; and the English sailors, who are not
- greatly devoted to the saints, have called it simply Sambro" (its
- present name). A cape and harbor near the island bear the same name.
- Sesambre appears on De Laet's map (1633), as Sesambre; on Bellin's
- (1744), as Sincembre; but in his _Petit Atlas Maritime_ (1764), also on
- Chabert's map (1746), as St. Cendre. In Champlain's _Voyages_ (Prince
- Soc.), vol. ii.; p. 151. _note_ 263, the island at St. Malo is called
- Cézembre.
- _Beaubassin_, the present Chignecto Bay; the northern arm at the head
- of the Bay of Fundy. Blaeu's map (1620), and De Laet's (1633), show it
- as B. des Gennes; Bellin's (1744), as Chignitou or Beaubassin.
- 64 (p. 207).--Sanson's map of Canada (1656) shows Cap de l'Evesque;
- and Creuxius's (1660), _prom. Episcopi_. Bellin's map of the St.
- Lawrence River (1761) enables us to identify this point as the present
- Cape Magdalen, or Magdalaine, west of Cape Rosier. Cf. Laverdière's
- _Champlain_, p. 116, _note_; and _Champlain_ (Prince Soc.), vol. i., p.
- 281, _note_.
- _Chat_, a corruption of _Chaste_, the name of Champlain's early
- patron. Sieur Aymar de Chaste (Chattes, or Chastes), for many years
- the governor of Dieppe, distinguished both as soldier and sailor, and
- a personal friend of Henry IV., had formed at Rouen, under a royal
- commission, a company to prosecute further explorations in Canada.
- In March, 1603, he sent Pontgravé and Champlain thither, to select
- a location for the colony he proposed to establish, and to make
- other preliminary explorations and arrangements; see Laverdière's
- _Champlain_, pp. 700-704, and 1090, _note_. During their absence, De
- Chaste died (May 13, 1603), and his schemes were soon taken up by De
- Monts (vol. i., _note_ 2).--See Faillon's _Col. Fr._, vol. i., pp.
- 74-84. An account of De Chaste's voyage to Terceira (whither he was
- sent in 1583, with a military force by Catherine de Médicis), forms
- part of Thévenot's _Relations de divers Voyages Curieux_ (Paris, 1596),
- under the heading "Voyage de la Tercere."
- 65 (p. 209).--Of these five settlements, the first was made in 1535,
- by Jacques Cartier, at the mouth of the river called by him St. Croix,
- but afterwards named St. Charles, by the Récollet missionaries, in
- honor of Charles des Boues, grand vicar of Pontoise.--See Shea's ed. of
- Le Clercq's _Establishment of the Faith_ (N. Y., 1881), p. 149. Those
- of De Monts, at St. Croix and Port Royal, have been already described
- by Lescarbot. In regard to the settlement at Quebec, which the text
- inadvertently mentions as the third, instead of the fourth, it was on
- the northern bank of the St. Lawrence, not the southern, as he says
- here. The fifth, that of St. Sauveur, is fully described in the present
- volume.
- 66 (p. 209).--Pointe St. Croix, now named Point Platon, about 35 miles
- above Quebec. A small island, not far from this point, was called Ste.
- Croix Island, up to 1633; after that time, Richelieu, for the great
- cardinal. As intimated in the text, there has been a difference of
- opinion as to the place where Cartier spent the winter of 1535-36.
- Charlevoix (Shea's ed., vol. i., p. 116), claimed that the point
- mentioned above (Platon) was the St. Croix of Cartier; but Champlain
- and other authorities have shown that it was, instead, at St. Charles
- River. See Laverdière's _Champlain_, pp. 90-93, and 304-309; also
- Faillon's _Col. Fr._ vol. i., pp. 496-499.
- 67 (p. 209).--Named by Cartier (1535), Island of Bacchus, from the
- profusion of wild grapes found there. Thévet (_Gr. Insul._) says it was
- called by the natives Minigo. Its later name, Isle of Orleans, would
- seem to have been given by Cartier, during his first sojourn at Quebec.
- See Laverdière's _Champlain_, p. 88. Le Jeune (_Relation_ of 1632,
- _post_) mentions it as St. Lawrence Island. It is 20 miles long, and
- six miles in its greatest width.
- 68 (p. 211).--Pierre Coton (also written Cotton) was born in 1564, at
- Neronde, and belonged to a distinguished family of Forez; became a
- Jesuit priest, and confessor of Henry IV. (see _note_ 7, _ante_, and
- vol. i., _note_ 39), and afterwards of Louis XIII. This position he
- resigned about 1618, then spent six years at Rome. Returning to France
- (1624) as provincial of his order, he died at Paris, March 19, 1626.
- 69 (p. 217).--_Institutum_, the published collection of the laws
- regulating the order of Jesuits (official ed., Prague, 1757; new ed.,
- Avignon, 1827-38). For description of this work, see McClintock &
- Strong's _Cyclopædia of Biblical Literature_, vol. iv., pp. 865, 866.
- 70 (p. 217).--See vol. i., _note_ 2.
- 71 (p. 221).--De Monts's lieutenant, Pontgravé, who is mentioned by
- Champlain as Sieur de Pont Gravé, also as Pont. Lescarbot, in _Nouv.
- France_, calls the lieutenant "du Pont, surnamed Gravé." He was a
- merchant of St. Malo, interested with Chauvin in the Canada trade, and
- an intimate friend of Champlain; he made trading voyages to Canada
- during some thirty years. Concerning his son, see vol. i., _notes_
- 13, 44. See Dionne's account of Chauvin and his enterprises (_Nouv.
- France_, pp. 193-212, 318-328); on p. 198, he cites from Bréard some
- information regarding Pontgravé's family.
- 72 (p. 221).--Faillon discusses at length the statement of Charlevoix,
- that Canada was first called New France in 1609; and he brings much
- evidence, both circumstantial and direct, to show that this appellation
- was of much earlier date. He considers it highly probable that this
- name was applied to Canada at least as early as Cartier's first voyage
- (1534).--See his _Col. Fr._, vol. i., pp. 511-513. The "Shorte and
- briefe narration" of Cartier's second voyage, given in Goldsmid's
- _Hakluyt_, vol. xiii., p. 146, says: "Here endeth the Relation of Iames
- Cartiers discouery and Nauigation of the Newfoundlands, by him named
- New France." Biard says (_Relation_ of 1616, _post_): "I believe it was
- Jean Verazan who was godfather to the title of New France."
- 73 (p. 225).--Josse, the priest Jessé Fléché; see vol. i., _note_ 25.
- 74 (p. 233).--Probably referring to the anonymous author of the
- _Factum_; see _post_, _Relation_ of 1616, chap. x., and _note_ 97, on
- the _Factum_.
- 75 (p. 233).--Robin de Coulogne; see vol. i., _notes_ 31, 37.
- 76 (p. 235).--This man, whom Champlain calls Simon Imbert Sandrier, is
- said by Biard (chap. xx., _post_) to have been formerly a tavern keeper
- at Paris.
- 77 (p. 245).--_Chiquebi_, the "MicMac potato," as Bourinot calls
- it (_Canad. Mo._, vol. vii., p. 292); the ground-nut, _sgabun_ or
- _segubbun_, in the Micmac tongue. See _note_ 35, _ante_; also Trumbull,
- in _Conn. Hist. Colls._, vol. ii., p. 26.
- 78 (p. 247).--Father Jacques Quentin, born in February, 1572, at
- Abbeville, France; entered the order of Jesuits, June 30, 1604. He
- was appointed at the close of his novitiate, professor at Bourges;
- here and at Rouen he remained three years; and in 1609 he was sent
- to the college of Eu, as acting superior. Four years later, he went
- to Acadia. After returning to France he devoted himself to preaching
- in cities and villages. In 1616, he became a "spiritual coadjutor"
- in his order--according to Littré, one who publicly takes the three
- religious vows, but not the fourth, which is to go on whatever mission
- he may be sent. His death occurred April 18, 1647.--See Rochemonteix's
- _Jésuites_, vol. i., p. 83, _note_.
- 79 (p. 247).--These colonial experiments were not, for a long time,
- favorably regarded by the Protestants, or by most Catholics. Sully,
- minister of Henry IV., says in his _Memoirs_ (Bonn's ed., London,
- 1856), vol. ii., p. 453: "The colony that was sent to Canada this
- year (1603) was among the number of those things that had not my
- approbation; there was no kind of riches to be expected from all those
- countries of the New World which are beyond the fortieth degree of
- latitude. His majesty gave the conduct of this expedition to the Sieur
- du Mont."
- 80 (p. 249).--Louis Hébert, born at Paris, an apothecary, was one of
- Pontrincourt's colony at Port Royal. In 1617, he returned to Canada
- with his family, at Champlain's request, as one of the latter's
- colonists at Quebec. He was the first settler with a family, and the
- first at Quebec to cultivate the soil as a means of livelihood; and
- on this account has sometimes been called "the father of Canada,"--an
- appellation also given, and with even more propriety, to Champlain. His
- dwelling was the first in Upper Town, and, according to Ferland (_Cours
- d'Histoire_, vol. i., p. 190), was between the present Ste. Famille
- and Couillard streets.--Cf. Laverdière's _Champlain_, p. 988. He was
- in many ways prominent in the early history of the colony. In 1621, he
- bore the title of "royal procurator." In 1622, he was, according to
- Champlain, in Tadoussac, acting as commander of De Caen's ship during
- the latter's temporary absence. In 1626, the fief of St. Joseph, on the
- river St. Charles, was granted by Ventadour to Hébert, under the title
- of Sieur d'Espinay. In January, 1627, a fall caused Hébert's death;
- he was buried in the cemetery of the Récollets, by whom, as well as
- by Champlain, he seems to have been greatly esteemed.--See Sagard's
- _Canada_, pp. 590, 591. When Quebec was taken by the English, in 1629,
- Louis Kirk, at Champlain's solicitation, sent a guard of soldiers to
- protect the widow Hébert's house, as well as the mission chapels. Many
- distinguished Canadian families trace their descent from Hébert; as is
- shown in Tanguay's _Dictionnaire Généalogique_ (Montreal, 1871-90),
- vol. i., p. 301.--Cf. Ferland's _Cours d'Histoire_, vol. i., p. 180,
- _note_. His daughter Anne married Stephen Jonquest, in the autumn of
- 1617--this was the first marriage in Canada according to church rites,
- and was performed by the Récollet Father Le Caron; she died in 1620.
- Another daughter, Guillemette, married William Couillard, August 26,
- 1621; she died in October, 1684. An island in the harbor of Port Royal
- was named for Hébert, but is now known as Bear Island.
- 81 (p. 249).--The name given by the natives to the river now called
- Kenduskeag, apparently a corruption of Kadesquit. It enters the
- Penobscot near the present city of Bangor, on which site Biard and
- Massé had intended to establish their mission. See _Champlain's
- Voyages_ (Prince Soc.), vol. i., p. 42.
- 82 (p. 249).--Frenchman's Bay; see vol. i., _note_ 61.
- 83 (p. 251).--Nicholas de la Mothe, or de la Motte le Vilin. After
- his capture by the English, he was among those taken to Virginia, and
- finally sent back to France. In 1618, he came with Champlain to Canada,
- where he remained during the following winter.
- 84 (p. 251).--Champlain says (Laverdière's ed., pp. 61, 1307), that
- Virginia was at first called Mocosa by the English. Ortelius's map
- of 1570 shows Mocosa lying southwest of New France; and his second
- map (1572) names the region south of the St. Lawrence and east of the
- Richelieu River, Moscosa. Biard (_Relation_ of 1616) seems to apply
- this name to the region of Chesapeake Bay.
- 85 (p. 253).--A group of islands 25 leagues from St. Sauveur, according
- to Biard's _Relation_ of 1616, _post_; but 16 leagues, according
- to Champlain (Laverdiere's ed., p. 773). Apparently the Matinic or
- Matinicus Islands (also spelled Emmetinic). See also Emmetenic, on p.
- 31 of this volume.
- 86 (p. 253).--Argall's ship was named "Treasurer." Champlain says
- (Laverdière's ed., p. 773), that ten other English ships were
- approaching, but without the knowledge of the French; these, however,
- were probably part of the usual fishing fleet, and not directly under
- Argall's command.
- 87 (p. 255).--_English heretic_: Captain Samuel Argall, of Virginia,
- afterwards governor of that colony (see vol. i., _note_ 63): during
- the first quarter of the 17th century, prominent as an English
- naval commander. His mother was married a second time, to Laurence
- Washington, an ancestor of George Washington. His destruction of the
- French settlements has been bitterly censured by some writers, as the
- act of a buccaneer and pirate; but he was commissioned to do this by
- the Virginia colonial authorities, who afterwards declared that, in
- the encounter at St. Sauveur, the first shot was fired by the French.
- A letter was written by Montmorency, admiral of France, to King James
- of England, October 28, 1613, asking for the release of the Jesuit
- fathers, and redress for the injuries done to the property of Madame
- de Guercheville. The Virginia Council, when called to account for
- Argall's doings, made a spirited reply in his and their own defense;
- and the English Privy Council refused to make any reparation to Madame
- de Guercheville, alleging that "her ship entered by force the territory
- of the said colony [Virginia] to settle there, and to trade without
- their permission." These documents are given in Brown's _Genesis of the
- United States_, pp. 573, 664, 665, 725-734. Cf. "Aspinwall Papers," pp.
- 41-46, in _Mass. Hist. Colls._, 4th series, vol. ix. The ship, however,
- was afterwards restored (see Biard's _Relation_ of 1616, _post_).
- 88 (p. 259).--This pilot is called Le Bailleur, of Rouen, in Biard's
- _Relation_ of 1616. Charlevoix (Shea's ed., vol. i., pp. 280-281)
- erroneously confounds him with one Lamets, named by Champlain as among
- the five who escaped from the ship, but after the pilot had left it on
- his reconnoitring trip. These men seem to have later joined the pilot,
- as he had 14 men when he encountered La Saussaye.
- 89 (p. 261).--See vol. i., _note_ 66.
- 90 (p. 263).--_Orignac_, in the original; see _note_ 34, _ante_.
- 91 (p. 263).--_Passepec_, shown on Sanson's map (1656), as Paspey;
- on Bellin's (1744) and D'Anville's (1746), as Paspebiac; named Sheet
- Harbor on Gesner's (1849).
- 92 (p. 265).--This allusion is a word-play upon Argall's name--_argali_
- being an appellation of the wild ram (_Ovis aries_), found in the
- mountains of Greece, in Corsica, and in the steppes of Tartary.
- 93 (p. 273).--_Vuallia_; Wales.
- 94 (p. 275).--Sieur de Buisseaux (also spelled Bisseaux); he also aided
- Sieur de la Motte to regain his liberty, as Biard narrates in his
- _Relation_ of 1616. In 1617, he was addressed by Raleigh as "member of
- the Council of State of France."
- 95 (p. 275).--_Itius Portus_, the place whence Cæsar sailed for
- Britain; generally identified with Wissant, a village in Pas-du-Calais,
- ten miles S. W. of Calais. Biard says, however, in the _Relation_ of
- 1616, that it was Calais where they landed.
- 96 (p. 275).--The modern Amiens occupies the site of the ancient
- Samarobriva, capital of the Ambiani; hence its name.
- 1610-1791.
- This extra copy of the "MAP OF NEW FRANCE, 1610-1791," is sent, with
- the compliments of THE BURROWS BROTHERS COMPANY, to subscribers to "THE
- JESUIT RELATIONS AND ALLIED DOCUMENTS." It may be found convenient in
- consulting volumes subsequent to Volume I.
- Transcriber's Note.
- Variable spelling and hyphenation have been retained. Minor punctuation
- inconsistencies have been silently repaired.
- Corrections.
- The first line indicates the original, the second the correction.
- p. 12:
- reste totalement rude, pauvre at confuse
- reste totalement rude, pauvre et confuse
- p. 30:
- Mais, départans un peu de pensée d avec eux,
- Mais, départans un peu de pensée d'avec eux,
- p. 62:
- in tenui exiguóque principio satis feliciter, próque disiderio esse
- assecuta.
- in tenui exiguóque principio satis feliciter, próque desiderio esse
- assecuta.
- p. 64:
- aut fuccessu Societas missionem
- aut successu Societas missionem
- p. 68:
- quod finum Frācicum excipit.
- quod sinum Frācicum excipit.
- p. 76:
- aruspicum multum iam de auctoriate
- aruspicum multum iam de auctoritate
- p. 98:
- cruciculas ænaes aut imagunculas
- cruciculas æneas aut imagunculas
- p. 108:
- imminente morte assueti sunt imlare
- imminente morte assueti sunt immolare
- p. 158:
- on a donné des filleules à celles qui enfuiuent
- on a donné des filleules à celles qui ensuiuent
- p. 186:
- ici le renouveau, pour aller revoir les qens.
- ici le renouveau, pour aller revoir les gens.
- p. 216:
- doudenis diebus, quotannis ferè liquari.
- duodenis diebus, quotannis ferè liquari.
- p. 220:
- animos gauiter afflixit
- animos grauiter afflixit
- p. 240:
- Non committam, vd quod mones
- Non committam, vt quod mones
- p. 252:
- neqj ab æneis tormentis validè instructam
- neq; ab æneis tormentis validè instructam
- p. 264:
- annonam beneuolentissimè diuiferunt.
- annonam beneuolentissimè diuiserunt.
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