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- Simon Charles
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- A
- IN
- 1793.
- TO
- THERE is, I hope, some propriety in my addressing a Com∣position
- to you, which would never perhaps have existed, had
- I not, amid the heavy pressure of many sorrows, derived
- infinite consolation from your Poetry, and some degree of
- animation and of confidence from your esteem.
- The following performance is far from aspiring to be con∣sidered
- as an imitation of your inimitable Poem, "THE
- TASK;" I am perfectly sensible, that it belongs not to a
- feeble and feminine hand to draw the Bow of Ulysses.
- The force, clearness, and sublimity of your admirable Poem;
- the felicity, almost peculiar to your genius, of giving to the
- most familiar objects dignity and effect, I could never hope to
- reach; yet, having read "The Task" almost incessantly from
- its first publication to the present time, I felt that kind of
- enchantment described by Milton, when he says,
- The Angel ended, and in Adam's ear
- So charming left his voice, that he awhile
- Thought him still speaking.—
- And from the force of this impression, I was gradually led to
- attempt, in Blank Verse, a delineation of those interesting ob∣jects
- which happened to excite my attention, and which even
- pressed upon an heart, that has learned, perhaps from its own
- sufferings, to feel with acute, though unavailing compassion,
- the calamity of others.
- A Dedication usually consists of praises and of apologies;
- my praise can add nothing to the unanimous and loud applause
- of your country. She regards you with pride, as one of the
- few, who, at the present period, rescue her from the imputa∣tion
- of having degenerated in Poetical talents; but in the
- form of Apology, I should have much to say, if I again dared
- to plead the pressure of evils, aggravated by their long conti∣nuance,
- as an excuse for the defects of this attempt.
- Whatever may be the faults of its execution, let me vindi∣cate
- myself from those, that may be imputed to the design.—
- In speaking of the Emigrant Clergy, I beg to be understood as
- feeling the utmost respect for the integrity of their principles;
- and it is with pleasure I add my suffrage to that of those,
- who have had a similar opportunity of witnessing the conduct
- of the Emigrants of all descriptions during their exile in Eng∣land;
- which has been such as does honour to their nation,
- and ought to secure to them in ours the esteem of every liberal
- mind.
- Your philanthropy, dear Sir, will induce you, I am per∣suaded,
- to join with me in hoping, that this painful exile may
- finally lead to the extirpation of that reciprocal hatred so
- unworthy of great and enlightened nations; that it may tend
- to humanize both countries, by convincing each, that good
- qualities exist in the other; and at length annihilate the pre∣judices
- that have so long existed to the injury of both.
- Yet it is unfortunately but too true, that with the body of
- the English, this national aversion has acquired new force by
- the dreadful scenes which have been acted in France during
- the last summer—even those who are the victims of the
- Revolution, have not escaped the odium, which the undistin∣guishing
- multitude annex to all the natives of a country where
- such horrors have been acted: nor is this the worst effect those
- events have had on the minds of the English; by confounding
- the original cause with the wretched catastrophes that have
- followed its ill management; the attempts of public virtue,
- with the outrages that guilt and folly have committed in its
- disguise, the very name of Liberty has not only lost the charm
- it used to have in British ears, but many, who have written,
- or spoken, in its defence, have been stigmatized as promoters
- of Anarchy, and enemies to the prosperity of their country.
- Perhaps even the Author of "The Task," with all his good∣ness
- and tenderness of heart, is in the catalogue of those,
- who are reckoned to have been too warm in a cause, which
- it was once the glory of Englishmen to avow and defend—
- The exquisite Poem, indeed, in which you have honoured
- Liberty, by a tribute highly gratifying to her sincerest
- friends, was published some years before the demolition of
- regal despotisin in France, which, in the fifth book, it seems
- to foretell—All the truth and energy of the passage to which
- I allude, must have been strongly felt, when, in the Parlia∣ment
- of England, the greatest Orator of our time quoted the
- sublimest of our Poets—when the eloquence of Fox did justice
- to the genius of Cowper.
- I am, dear SIR,
- With the most perfect esteem,
- Your obliged and obedient servant,
- Brighthelmstone, May 10, 1793.
- Lately Published,
- 1. ELEGIAC SONNETS, 5th Edition, with additional Sonnets and
- other Poems; adorned with Plates. 6s. in Boards.
- 2. EMMELINE, the Orphan of the Castle, 4 Vols. 3d Edition. 12s.
- in Boards.
- 3. ETHELINDE; or, The Recluse of the Lake, 5 Vols. 2d Edition.
- 15s. in Boards.
- 4. CELESTINA, 4 Vols. 2d Edition. 12s. in Boards.
- 5. THE ROMANCE OF REAL LIFE, 3 Vols. 9s. in Boards.
- SCENE, on the Cliffs to the Eastward of the Town of
- Brighthelmstone in Sussex.
- TIME, a Morning in November, 1792.
- SLOW in the Wintry Morn, the struggling light
- Throws a faint gleam upon the troubled waves;
- Their foaming tops, as they approach the shore
- And the broad surf that never ceasing breaks
- On the innumerous pebbles, catch the beams
- Of the pale Sun, that with reluctance gives
- To this cold northern Isle, its shorten'd day.
- Alas! how few the morning wakes to joy!
- How many murmur at oblivious night
- For leaving them so soon; for bearing thus
- Their fancied bliss (the only bliss they taste!),
- On her black wings away!—Changing the dreams
- That sooth'd their sorrows, for calamities
- (And every day brings its own sad proportion)
- For doubts, diseases, abject dread of Death,
- And faithless friends, and fame and fortune lost;
- Fancied or real wants; and wounded pride,
- That views the day star, but to curse his beams.
- Yet He, whose Spirit into being call'd
- This wond'rous World of Waters; He who bids
- The wild wind lift them till they dash the clouds,
- And speaks to them in thunder; or whose breath,
- Low murmuring o'er the gently heaving tides,
- When the fair Moon, in summer night serene,
- Irradiates with long trembling lines of light
- Their undulating surface; that great Power,
- Who, governing the Planets, also knows
- If but a Sea-Mew falls, whose nest is hid
- In these incumbent cliffs; He surely means
- To us, his reasoning Creatures, whom He bids
- Acknowledge and revere his awful hand,
- Nothing but good: Yet Man, misguided Man,
- Mars the fair work that he was bid enjoy,
- And makes himself the evil he deplores.
- How often, when my weary soul recoils
- From proud oppression, and from legal crimes
- (For such are in this Land, where the vain boast
- Of equal Law is mockery, while the cost
- Of seeking for redress is sure to plunge
- Th' already injur'd to more certain ruin
- And the wretch starves, before his Counsel pleads)
- How often do I half abjure Society,
- And sigh for some lone Cottage, deep embower'd
- In the green woods, that these steep chalky Hills
- Guard from the strong South West; where round their base
- The Beach wide flourishes, and the light Ash
- With slender leaf half hides the thymy turf!—
- There do I wish to hide me; well content
- If on the short grass, strewn with fairy flowers,
- I might repose thus shelter'd; or when Eve
- In Orient crimson lingers in the west,
- Gain the high mound, and mark these waves remote
- (Lucid tho' distant), blushing with the rays
- Of the far-flaming Orb, that sinks beneath them;
- For I have thought, that I should then behold
- The beauteous works of God, unspoil'd by Man
- And less affected then, by human woes
- I witness'd not; might better learn to bear
- Those that injustice, and duplicity
- And faithlessness and folly, fix on me:
- For never yet could I derive relief,
- When my swol'n heart was bursting with its sorrows,
- From the sad thought, that others like myself
- Live but to swell affliction's countless tribes!
- —Tranquil seclusion I have vainly sought;
- Peace, who delights in solitary shade,
- No more will spread for me her downy wings,
- But, like the fabled Danaids—or the wretch,
- Who ceaseless, up the steep acclivity,
- Was doom'd to heave the still rebounding rock,
- Onward I labour; as the baffled wave,
- Which you rough beach repulses, that returns
- With the next breath of wind, to fail again.—
- Ah! Mourner—cease these wailings: cease and learn,
- That not the Cot sequester'd, where the briar
- And wood-bine wild, embrace the mossy thatch,
- (Scarce seen amid the forest gloom obscure!)
- Or more substantial farm, well fenced and warm,
- Where the full barn, and cattle fodder'd round
- Speak rustic plenty; nor the statelier dome
- By dark firs shaded, or the aspiring pine,
- Close by the village Church (with care conceal'd
- By verdant foliage, lest the poor man's grave
- Should mar the smiling prospect of his Lord),
- Where offices well rang'd, or dove-cote stock'd,
- Declare manorial residence; not these
- Or any of the buildings, new and trim
- With windows circling towards the restless Sea,
- Which ranged in rows, now terminate my walk,
- Can shut out for an hour the spectre Care,
- That from the dawn of reason, follows still
- Unhappy Mortals, 'till the friendly grave
- (Our sole secure asylum) "ends the chace1."
- Behold, in witness of this mournful truth,
- A group approach me, whose dejected looks,
- Sad Heralds of distress! proclaim them Men
- Banish'd for ever and for conscience sake
- From their distracted Country, whence the name
- Of Freedom misapplied, and much abus'd
- By lawless Anarchy, has driven them far
- To wander; with the prejudice they learn'd
- From Bigotry (the Tut'ress of the blind),
- Thro' the wide World unshelter'd; their sole hope,
- That German spoilers, thro' that pleasant land
- May carry wide the desolating scourge
- Of War and Vengeance; yet unhappy Men,
- Whate'er your errors, I lament your fate:
- And, as disconsolate and sad ye hang
- Upon the barrier of the rock, and seem
- To murmur your despondence, waiting long
- Some fortunate reverse that never comes;
- Methinks in each expressive face, I see
- Discriminated anguish; there droops one,
- Who in a moping cloister long consum'd
- This life inactive, to obtain a better,
- And thought that meagre abstinence, to wake
- From his hard pallet with the midnight bell,
- To live on eleemosynary bread,
- And to renounce God's works, would please that God.
- And now the poor pale wretch receives, amaz'd,
- The pity, strangers give to his distress,
- Because these strangers are, by his dark creed,
- Condemn'd as Heretics—and with sick heart
- Regrets2 his pious prison, and his beads.—
- Another, of more haughty port, declines
- The aid he needs not; while in mute despair
- His high indignant thoughts go back to France,
- Dwelling on all he lost—the Gothic dome,
- That vied with splendid palaces3; the beds
- Of silk and down, the silver chalices,
- Vestments with gold enwrought for blazing altars;
- Where, amid clouds of incense, he held forth
- To kneeling crowds the imaginary bones
- Of Saints suppos'd, in pearl and gold enchas'd,
- And still with more than living Monarchs' pomp
- Surrounded; was believ'd by mumbling bigots
- To hold the keys of Heaven, and to admit
- Whom he thought good to share it—Now alas!
- He, to whose daring soul and high ambition
- The World seem'd circumscrib'd; who, wont to dream
- Of Fleuri, Richelieu, Alberoni, men
- Who trod on Empire, and whose politics
- Were not beyond the grasp of his vast mind,
- Is, in a Land once hostile, still prophan'd
- By disbelief, and rites un-orthodox,
- The object of compassion—At his side,
- Lighter of heart than these, but heavier far
- Than he was wont, another victim comes,
- An Abbé—who with less contracted brow
- Still smiles and flatters, and still talks of Hope;
- Which, sanguine as he is, he does not feel,
- And so he cheats the sad and weighty pressure
- Of evils present;—Still, as Men misled
- By early prejudice (so hard to break),
- I mourn your sorrows; for I too have known
- Involuntary exile; and while yet
- England had charms for me, have felt how sad
- It is to look across the dim cold sea,
- That melancholy rolls its refluent tides
- Between us and the dear regretted land
- We call our own—as now ye pensive wait
- On this bleak morning, gazing on the waves
- That seem to leave your shore; from whence the wind
- Is loaded to your ears, with the deep groans
- Of martyr'd Saints and suffering Royalty,
- While to your eyes the avenging power of Heaven
- Appears in aweful anger to prepare
- The storm of vengeance, fraught with plagues and death.
- Even he of milder heart, who was indeed
- The simple shepherd in a rustic scene,
- And, 'mid the vine-clad hills of Languedoc,
- Taught to the bare-foot peasant, whose hard hands
- Produc'd4 the nectar he could seldom taste,
- Submission to the Lord for whom he toil'd;
- He, or his brethren, who to Neustria's sons
- Enforc'd religious patience, when, at times,
- On their indignant hearts Power's iron hand
- Too strongly struck; eliciting some sparks
- Of the bold spirit of their native North;
- Even these Parochial Priests, these humbled men,
- Whose lowly undistinguish'd cottages
- Witness'd a life of purest piety,
- While the meek tenants were, perhaps, unknown
- Each to the haughty Lord of his domain,
- Who mark'd them not; the Noble scorning still
- The poor and pious Priest, as with slow pace
- He glided thro' the dim arch'd avenue
- Which to the Castle led; hoping to cheer
- The last sad hour of some laborious life
- That hasten'd to its close—even such a Man
- Becomes an exile; staying not to try
- By temperate zeal to check his madd'ning flock,
- Who, at the novel sound of Liberty
- (Ah! most intoxicating sound to slaves!),
- Start into licence—Lo! dejected now,
- The wandering Pastor mourns, with bleeding heart,
- His erring people, weeps and prays for them,
- And trembles for the account that he must give
- To Heaven for souls entrusted to his care.—
- Where the cliff, hollow'd by the wintry storm,
- Affords a seat with matted sea-weed strewn,
- A softer form reclines; around her run,
- On the rough shingles, or the chalky bourn,
- Her gay unconscious children, soon amus'd;
- Who pick the fretted stone, or glossy shell,
- Or crimson plant marine: or they contrive
- The fairy vessel, with its ribband sail
- And gilded paper pennant: in the pool,
- Left by the salt wave on the yielding sands,
- They launch the mimic navy—Happy age!
- Unmindful of the miseries of Man!—
- Alas! too long a victim to distress,
- Their Mother, lost in melancholy thought,
- Lull'd for a moment by the murmurs low
- Of sullen billows, wearied by the task
- Of having here, with swol'n and aching eyes
- Fix'd on the grey horizon, since the dawn
- Solicitously watch'd the weekly sail
- From her dear native land, now yields awhile
- To kind forgetfulness, while Fancy brings,
- In waking dreams, that native land again!
- Versailles appears—its painted galleries,
- And rooms of regal splendour; rich with gold,
- Where, by long mirrors multiply'd, the crowd
- Paid willing homage—and, united there,
- Beauty gave charms to empire—Ah! too soon
- From the gay visionary pageant rous'd,
- See the sad mourner start!—and, drooping, look
- With tearful eyes and heaving bosom round
- On drear reality—where dark'ning waves,
- Urg'd by the rising wind, unheeded foam
- Near her cold rugged seat:—To call her thence
- A fellow-sufferer comes: dejection deep
- Checks, but conceals not quite, the martial air,
- And that high consciousness of noble blood,
- Which he has learn'd from infancy to think
- Exalts him o'er the race of common men:
- Nurs'd in the velvet lap of luxury,
- And fed by adulation—could he learn,
- That worth alone is true Nobility?
- And that the peasant who, "amid5 the sons
- "Of Reason, Valour, Liberty, and Virtue,
- "Displays distinguish'd merit, is a Noble
- "Of Nature's own creation!"—If even here,
- If in this land of highly vaunted Freedom,
- Even Britons controvert the unwelcome truth,
- Can it be relish'd by the sons of France?
- Men, who derive their boasted ancestry
- From the fierce leaders of religious wars,
- The first in Chivalry's emblazon'd page;
- Who reckon Gueslin, Bayard, or De Foix,
- Among their brave Progenitors? Their eyes,
- Accustom'd to regard the splendid trophies
- Of Heraldry (that with fantastic hand
- Mingles, like images in feverish dreams,
- "Gorgons and Hydras, and Chimeras dire,"
- With painted puns, and visionary shapes;),
- See not the simple dignity of Virtue,
- But hold all base, whom honours such as these
- Exalt not from the crowd6—As one, who long
- Has dwelt amid the artificial scenes
- Of populous City, deems that splendid shows,
- The Theatre, and pageant pomp of Courts,
- Are only worth regard; forgets all taste
- For Nature's genuine beauty; in the lapse
- Of gushing waters hears no soothing sound,
- Nor listens with delight to sighing winds,
- That, on their fragrant pinions, waft the notes
- Of birds rejoicing in the trangled copse;
- Nor gazes pleas'd on Ocean's silver breast,
- While lightly o'er it sails the summer clouds
- Reflected in the wave, that, hardly heard,
- Flows on the yellow sands: so to his mind,
- That long has liv'd where Despotism hides
- His features harsh, beneath the diadem
- Of worldly grandeur, abject Slavery seems,
- If by that power impos'd, slavery no more:
- For luxury wreathes with silk the iron bonds,
- And hides the ugly rivets with her flowers,
- Till the degenerate triflers, while they love
- The glitter of the chains, forget their weight.
- But more the Men7, whose ill acquir'd wealth
- Was wrung from plunder'd myriads, by the means
- Too often legaliz'd by power abus'd,
- Feel all the horrors of the fatal change,
- When their ephemeral greatness, marr'd at once
- (As a vain toy that Fortune's childish hand
- Equally joy'd to fashion or to crush),
- Leaves them expos'd to universal scorn
- For having nothing else; not even the claim
- To honour, which respect for Heroes past
- Allows to ancient titles; Men, like these,
- Sink even beneath the level, whence base arts
- Alone had rais'd them;—unlamented sink,
- And know that they deserve the woes they feel.
- Poor wand'ring wretches! whosoe'er ye are,
- That hopeless, houseless, friendless, travel wide
- O'er these bleak russet downs; where, dimly seen,
- The solitary Shepherd shiv'ring tends
- His dun discolour'd flock (Shepherd, unlike
- Him, whom in song the Poet's fancy crowns
- With garlands, and his crook with vi'lets binds);
- Poor vagrant wretches! outcasts of the world!
- Whom no abode receives, no parish owns;
- Roving, like Nature's commoners, the land
- That boasts such general plenty: if the sight
- Of wide-extended misery softens yours
- A while, suspend your murmurs!—here behold
- The strange vicissitudes of fate—while thus
- The exil'd Nobles, from their country driven,
- Whose richest luxuries were their's, must feel
- More poignant anguish, than the lowest poor,
- Who, born to indigence, have learn'd to brave
- Rigid Adversity's depressing breath!—
- Ah! rather Fortune's worthless favourites!
- Who feed on England's vitals—Pensioners
- Of base corruption, who, in quick ascent
- To opulence unmerited, become
- Giddy with pride, and as ye rise, forgetting
- The dust ye lately left, with scorn look down
- On those beneath ye (tho' your equals once
- In fortune, and in worth superior still,
- They view the eminence, on which ye stand,
- With wonder, not with envy; for they know
- The means, by which ye reach'd it, have been such
- As, in all honest eyes, degrade ye far
- Beneath the poor dependent, whose fad heart
- Reluctant pleads for what your pride denies);
- Ye venal, worthless hirelings of a Court!
- Ye pamper'd Parasites! whom Britons pay
- For forging fetters for them; rather here
- Study a lesson that concerns ye much;
- And, trembling, learn, that if oppress'd too long,
- The raging multitude, to madness stung,
- Will turn on their oppressors; and, no more
- By sounding titles and parading forms
- Bound like tame victims, will redress themselves!
- Then swept away by the resistlefs torrent,
- Not only all your pomp may disappear,
- But, in the tempest lost, fair Order sink
- Her decent head, and lawless Anarchy
- O'erturn celestial Freedom's radiant throne;—
- As now in Gallia; where Confusion, born
- Of party rage and selfish love of rule,
- Sully the noblest cause that ever warm'd
- The heart of Patriot Virtue8—There arise
- The infernal passions; Vengeance, seeking blood,
- And Avarice; and Envy's harpy fangs
- Pollute the immortal shrine of Liberty,
- Dismay her votaries, and disgrace her name.
- Respect is due to principle; and they,
- Who suffer for their conscience, have a claim,
- Whate'er that principle may be, to praise.
- These ill-starr'd Exiles then, who, bound by ties,
- To them the bonds of honour; who resign'd
- Their country to preserve them, and now seek
- In England an asylum—well deserve
- To find that (every prejudice forgot,
- Which pride and ignorance teaches), we for them
- Feel as our brethren; and that English hearts,
- Of just compassion ever own the sway,
- As truly as our element, the deep,
- Obeys the mild dominion of the Moon—
- This they have found; and may they find it still!
- Thus may'st thou, Britain, triumph!—May thy foes,
- By Reason's gen'rous potency subdued,
- Learn, that the God thou worshippest, delights
- In acts of pure humanity!—May thine
- Be still such bloodless laurels! nobler far
- Than those acquir'd at Cressy or Poictiers,
- Or of more recent growth, those well bestow'd
- On him who stood on Calpe's blazing height
- Amid the thunder of a warring world,
- Illustrious rather from the crowds he sav'd
- From flood and fire, than from the ranks who fell
- Beneath his valour!—Actions such as these,
- Like incense rising to the Throne of Heaven,
- Far better justify the pride, that swells
- In British bosoms, than the deafening roar
- Of Victory from a thousand brazen throats,
- That tell with what success wide-wasting War
- Has by our brave Compatriots thinned the world.
- "ENDS the
- chace."]—I have a confused notion,
- that this expression, with nearly the same
- application, is to be found in Young: but I cannot
- refer to it.
- "Regrets his pious
- prison and his beads."]—Lest the
- same attempts at misrepresentation should
- now be made, as have been made on former
- occasions, it is necessary to repeat, that
- nothing is farther from my thoughts, than to
- reflect invidiously on the Emigrant Clergy,
- whose steadi∣ness of principle excites
- veneration, as much as their sufferings
- compassion. Adversity has now taught them the
- charity and humility they perhaps wanted, when they
- made it a part of their faith, that salvation
- could be obtained in no other religion than their
- own.
- "The splendid
- palaces."]—Let it not be considered as
- an insult to men in fallen fortune, if these
- luxuries (undoubtedly inconsistent with their
- profession) be here enumerated—France is
- not the only country, where the splendour and
- indulgences of the higher, and the poverty and
- depression of the inferior Clergy, have alike
- proved injurious to the cause of Religion.
- See the finely
- descriptive Verses written at Montauban in
- France in 1750, by Dr. Joseph Warton. Printed in
- Dodsley's Miscellanies, Vol. IV. page
- 203.
- "Who amid the
- sons
- "Of Reason, Valour, Liberty, and Virtue,
- "Displays distinguished merit, is a
- Noble
- "Of Nature's own creation."]—
- These lines are Thomson's, and are among
- those sentiments which are now called (when
- used by living writers), not common-place
- declamation, but sentiments of dangerous
- tendency.
- "Exalt not from the
- crowd."]—It has been said, and with
- great ap∣pearance of truth, that the contempt in
- which the Nobility of France held the common
- people, was remembered, and with all that
- vindictive asperity which long endurance of
- oppression naturally excites, when, by a
- wonderful concurrence of circumstances, the
- people acquired the power of retaliation. Yet let
- me here add, what seems to be in some degree
- inconsistent with the former charge, that the
- French are good masters to their servants, and
- that in their treatment of their Negro slaves,
- they are allowed to be more mild and merciful than
- other Europeans.
- "But more the
- Men."]—The Financiers and Fermiers
- Generaux are here intended. In the present moment
- of clamour against all those who have spoken
- or written in favour of the first Revolution of
- France, the declaimers seem to have forgotten,
- that under the reign of a mild and easy tempered
- Monarch, in the most voluptuous Court in the
- world, the abuses by which men of this
- description were enriched, had arisen to such
- height, that their prodigality exhausted the
- immense resources of France: and, unable to
- supply the exigencies of Government, the
- Ministry were compelled to call Le Tiers Etat; a
- meeting that gave birth to the Revolu∣tion, which
- has since been so ruinously conducted.
- "The breast of
- Patriot Virtue."]—This sentiment will
- probably renew against me the
- indignation of those, who have an interest in
- asserting that no such virtue any where
- exists.
- Quippe ubi fas versum atque nefas: tot bella per orbem
- Tam multae scelerum facies; non ullus aratro
- Dignus honos: squalent abductis arva colonis,
- Et curva rigidum falces conflantur in ensem
- Hinc movet Euphrates, illinc Germania bellum
- Vicinae ruptis inter se legibus urbes
- Arma ferunt: saevit toto Mars impius orbe.
- GEOR. lib. i.
- SCENE, on an Eminence on one of those Downs, which
- afford to the South a View of the Sea; to the North of
- the Weald of Sussex.
- TIME, an Afternoon in April, 1793.
- LONG wintry months are past; the Moon that now
- Lights her pale crescent even at noon, has made
- Four times her revolution; since with step,
- Mournful and slow, along the wave-worn cliff,
- Pensive I took my solitary way,
- Lost in despondence, while contemplating
- Not my own wayward destiny alone,
- (Hard as it is, and difficult to bear!)
- But in beholding the unhappy lot
- Of the lorn Exiles; who, amid the storms
- Of wild disastrous Anarchy, are thrown,
- Like shipwreck'd sufferers, on England's coast,
- To see, perhaps, no more their native land,
- Where Desolation riots: They, like me,
- From fairer hopes and happier prospects driven,
- Shrink from the future, and regret the past.
- But on this Upland scene, while April comes,
- With fragrant airs, to fan my throbbing breast,
- Fain would I snatch an interval from Care,
- That weighs my wearied spirit down to earth;
- Courting, once more, the influence of Hope
- (For "Hope" still waits upon the flowery prime)
- As here I mark Spring's humid hand unfold
- The early leaves that fear capricious winds,
- While, even on shelter'd banks, the timid flowers
- Give, half reluctantly, their warmer hues
- To mingle with the primroses' pale stars.
- No shade the leafless copses yet afford,
- Nor hide the mossy labours of the Thrush,
- That, startled, darts across the narrow path;
- But quickly re-assur'd, resumes his task,
- Or adds his louder notes to those that rise
- From yonder tufted brake; where the white buds
- Of the first thorn are mingled with the leaves
- Of that which blossoms on the brow of May.
- Ah! 'twill not be:—So many years have pass'd,
- Since, on my native hills, I learn'd to gaze
- On these delightful landscapes; and those years
- Have taught me so much sorrow, that my soul
- Feels not the joy reviving Nature brings;
- But, in dark retrospect, dejected dwells
- On human follies, and on human woes.—
- What is the promise of the infant year,
- The lively verdure, or the bursting blooms,
- To those, who shrink from horrors such as War
- Spreads o'er the affrighted world? With swimming eye,
- Back on the past they throw their mournful looks,
- And see the Temple, which they fondly hop'd
- Reason would raise to Liberty, destroy'd
- By ruffian hands; while, on the ruin'd mass,
- Flush'd with hot blood, the Fiend of Discord sits
- In savage triumph; mocking every plea
- Of policy and justice, as she shews
- The headless corse of one, whose only crime
- Was being born a Monarch—Mercy turns,
- From spectacle so dire, her swol'n eyes;
- And Liberty, with calm, unruffled brow
- Magnanimous, as conscious of her strength
- In Reason's panoply, scorns to distain
- Her righteous cause with carnage, and resigns
- To Fraud and Anarchy the infuriate crowd.—
- What is the promise of the infant year
- To those, who (while the poor but peaceful hind
- Pens, unmolested, the encreasing flock
- Of his rich master in this sea-fenc'd isle)
- Survey, in neighbouring countries, scenes that make
- The sick heart shudder; and the Man, who thinks,
- Blush for his species? There the trumpet's voice
- Drowns the soft warbling of the woodland choir;
- And violets, lurking in their turfy beds
- Beneath the flow'ring thorn, are stain'd with blood.
- There fall, at once, the spoiler and the spoil'd;
- While War, wide-ravaging, annihilates
- The hope of cultivation; gives to Fiends,
- The meagre, ghastly Fiends of Want and Woe,
- The blasted land—There, taunting in the van
- Of vengeance-breathing armies, Insult stalks;
- And, in the ranks, "1Famine, and Sword, and Fire,
- "Crouch for employment."—Lo! the suffering world,
- Torn by the fearful conflict, shrinks, amaz'd,
- From Freedom's name, usurp'd and misapplied,
- And, cow'ring to the purple Tyrant's rod,
- Deems that the lesser ill—Deluded Men!
- Ere ye prophane her ever-glorious name,
- Or catalogue the thousands that have bled
- Resisting her; or those, who greatly died
- Martyrs to Liberty—revert awhile
- To the black scroll, that tells of regal crimes
- Committed to destroy her; rather count
- The hecatombs of victims, who have fallen
- Beneath a single despot; or who gave
- Their wasted lives for some disputed claim
- Between anointed robbers:2Monsters both!
- "3Oh! Polish'd perturbation—golden care!"
- So strangely coveted by feeble Man
- To lift him o'er his fellows;—Toy, for which
- Such showers of blood have drench'd th' affrighted earth—
- Unfortunate his lot, whose luckless head
- Thy jewel'd circlet, lin'd with thorns, has bound;
- And who, by custom's laws, obtains from thee
- Hereditary right to rule, uncheck'd,
- Submissive myriads: for untemper'd power,
- Like steel ill form'd, injures the hand
- It promis'd to protect—Unhappy France!
- If e'er thy lilies, trampled now in dust,
- And blood-bespotted, shall again revive
- In silver splendour, may the wreath be wov'n
- By voluntary hands; and Freemen, such
- As England's self might boast, unite to place
- The guarded diadem on his fair brow,
- Where Loyalty may join with Liberty
- To fix it firmly.—In the rugged school
- Of stern Adversity so early train'd,
- His future life, perchance, may emulate
- That of the brave Bernois4, so justly call'd
- The darling of his people; who rever'd
- The Warrior less, than they ador'd the Man!
- But ne'er may Party Rage, perverse and blind,
- And base Venality, prevail to raise
- To public trust, a wretch, whose private vice
- Makes even the wildest profligate recoil;
- And who, with hireling ruffians leagu'd, has burst
- The laws of Nature and Humanity!
- Wading, beneath the Patriot's specious mask,
- And in Equality's illusive name,
- To empire thro' a stream of kindred blood—
- Innocent prisoner!—most unhappy heir
- Of fatal greatness, who art suffering now
- For all the crimes and follies of thy race;
- Better for thee, if o'er thy baby brow
- The regal mischief never had been held:
- Then, in an humble sphere, perhaps content,
- Thou hadst been free and joyous on the heights
- Of Pyrennean mountains, shagg'd with woods
- Of chesnut, pine, and oak: as on these hills
- Is yonder little thoughtless shepherd lad,
- Who, on the slope abrupt of downy turf
- Reclin'd in playful indolence, sends off
- The chalky ball, quick bounding far below;
- While, half forgetful of his simple task,
- Hardly his length'ning shadow, or the bells'
- Slow tinkling of his flock, that supping tend
- To the brown fallows in the vale beneath,
- Where nightly it is folded, from his sport
- Recal the happy idler.—While I gaze
- On his gay vacant countenance, my thoughts
- Compare with his obscure, laborious lot,
- Thine, most unfortunate, imperial Boy!
- Who round thy sullen prison daily hear'st
- The savage howl of Murder, as it seeks
- Thy unoffending life: while sad within
- Thy wretched Mother, petrified with grief,
- Views thee with stony eyes, and cannot weep!—
- Ah! much I mourn thy sorrows, hapless Queen!
- And deem thy expiation made to Heaven
- For every fault, to which Prosperity
- Betray'd thee, when it plac'd thee on a throne
- Where boundless power was thine, and thou wert rais'd
- High (as it seem'd) above the envious reach
- Of destiny! Whate'er thy errors were,
- Be they no more remember'd; tho' the rage
- Of Party swell'd them to such crimes, as bade
- Compassion stifle every sigh that rose
- For thy disastrous lot—More than enough
- Thou hast endur'd; and every English heart,
- Ev'n those, that highest beat in Freedom's cause,
- Disclaim as base, and of that cause unworthy,
- The Vengeance, or the Fear, that makes thee still
- A miserable prisoner!—Ah! who knows,
- From sad experience, more than I, to feel
- For thy desponding spirit, as it sinks
- Beneath procrastinated fears for those
- More dear to thee than life! But eminence
- Of misery is thine, as once of joy;
- And, as we view the strange vicissitude,
- We ask anew, where happiness is found?—
- Alas! in rural life, where youthful dreams
- See the Arcadia that Romance describes,
- Not even Content resides!—In yon low hut
- Of clay and thatch, where rises the grey smoke
- Of smold'ring turf, cut from the adjoining moor,
- The labourer, its inhabitant, who toils
- From the first dawn of twilight, till the Sun
- Sinks in the rosy waters of the West,
- Finds that with poverty it cannot dwell;
- For bread, and scanty bread, is all he earns
- For him and for his household—Should Disease,
- Born of chill wintry rains, arrest his arm,
- Then, thro' his patch'd and straw-stuff'd casement, peeps
- The squalid figure of extremest Want;
- And from the Parish the reluctant dole,
- Dealt by th' unfeeling farmer, hardly saves
- The ling'ring spark of life from cold extinction:
- Then the bright Sun of Spring, that smiling bids
- All other animals rejoice, beholds,
- Crept from his pallet, the emaciate wretch
- Attempt, with feeble effort, to resume
- Some heavy task, above his wasted strength,
- Turning his wistful looks (how much in vain!)
- To the deserted mansion, where no more
- The owner (gone to gayer scenes) resides,
- Who made even luxury, Virtue; while he gave
- The scatter'd crumbs to honest Poverty.—
- But, tho' the landscape be too oft deform'd
- By figures such as these, yet Peace is here,
- And o'er our vallies, cloath'd with springing corn,
- No hostile hoof shall trample, nor fierce flames
- Wither the wood's young verdure, ere it form
- Gradual the laughing May's luxuriant shade;
- For, by the rude sea guarded, we are safe,
- And feel not evils such as with deep sighs
- The Emigrants deplore, as they recal
- The Summer past, when Nature seem'd to lose
- Her course in wild distemperature, and aid,
- With seasons all revers'd, destructive War.
- Shuddering, I view the pictures they have drawn
- Of desolated countries, where the ground,
- Stripp'd of its unripe produce, was thick strewn
- With various Death—the war-horse falling there
- By famine, and his rider by the sword.
- The moping clouds sail'd heavy charg'd with rain,
- And bursting o'er the mountains misty brow,
- Deluged, as with an inland sea, the vales5;
- Where, thro' the sullen evening's lurid gloom,
- Rising, like columns of volcanic fire,
- The flames of burning villages illum'd
- The waste of water; and the wind, that howl'd
- Along its troubled surface, brought the groans
- Of plunder'd peasants, and the frantic shrieks
- Of mothers for their children; while the brave,
- To pity still alive, listen'd aghast
- To these dire echoes, hopeless to prevent
- The evils they beheld, or check the rage,
- Which ever, as the people of one land
- Meet in contention, fires the human heart
- With savage thirst of kindred blood, and makes
- Man lose his nature; rendering him more fierce
- Than the gaunt monsters of the howling waste.
- Oft have I heard the melancholy tale,
- Which, all their native gaiety forgot,
- These Exiles tell—How Hope impell'd them on,
- Reckless of tempest, hunger, or the sword,
- Till order'd to retreat, they knew not why,
- From all their flattering prospects, they became
- The prey of dark suspicion and regret6:
- Then, in despondence, sunk the unnerv'd arm
- Of gallant Loyalty—At every turn
- Shame and disgrace appear'd, and seem'd to mock
- Their scatter'd squadrons; which the warlike youth,
- Unable to endure7, often implor'd,
- As the last act of friendship, from the hand
- Of some brave comrade, to receive the blow
- That freed the indignant spirit from its pain.
- To a wild mountain, whose bare summit hides
- Its broken eminence in clouds; whose steeps
- Are dark with woods; where the receding rocks
- Are worn by torrents of dissolving snow,
- A wretched Woman, pale and breathless, flies!
- And, gazing round her, listens to the sound
- Of hostile footsteps—No! it dies away:
- Nor noise remains, but of the cataract,
- Or surly breeze of night, that mutters low
- Among the thickets, where she trembling seeks
- A temporary shelter—clasping close
- To her hard-heaving heart her sleeping child,
- All she could rescue of the innocent groupe
- That yesterday surrounded her—Escap'd
- Almost by miracle! Fear, frantic Fear,
- Wing'd her weak feet: yet, half repentant now
- Her headlong haste, she wishes she had staid
- To die with those affrighted Fancy paints
- The lawless soldier's victims—Hark! again
- The driving tempest bears the cry of Death,
- And, with deep sullen thunder, the dread sound
- Of cannon vibrates on the tremulous earth;
- While, bursting in the air, the murderous bomb
- Glares o'er her mansion. Where the splinters fall,
- Like scatter'd comets, its destructive path
- Is mark'd by wreaths of flame!—Then, overwhelm'd
- Beneath accumulated horror, sinks
- The desolate mourner; yet, in Death itself,
- True to maternal tenderness, she tries
- To save the unconscious infant from the storm
- In which she perishes; and to protect
- This last dear object of her ruin'd hopes
- From prowling monsters, that from other hills,
- More inaccessible, and wilder wastes,
- Lur'd by the scent of slaughter, follow fierce
- Contending hosts, and to polluted fields
- Add dire increase of horrors—But alas!
- The Mother and the Infant perish both!—
- The feudal Chief, whose Gothic battlements
- Frown on the plain beneath, returning home
- From distant lands, alone and in disguise,
- Gains at the fall of night his Castle walls,
- But, at the vacant gate, no Porter sits
- To wait his Lord's admittance!—In the courts
- All is drear silence!—Guessing but too well
- The fatal truth, he shudders as he goes
- Thro' the mute hall; where, by the blunted light
- That the dim moon thro' painted casements lends,
- He sees that devastation has been there:
- Then, while each hideous image to his mind
- Rises terrific, o'er a bleeding corse
- Stumbling he falls; another interrupts
- His staggering feet—all, all who us'd to rush
- With joy to meet him—all his family
- Lie murder'd in his way!—And the day dawns
- On a wild raving Maniac, whom a fate
- So sudden and calamitous has robb'd
- Of reason; and who round his vacant walls
- Screams unregarded, and reproaches Heaven!—
- Such are thy dreadful trophies, savage War!
- And evils such as these, or yet more dire,
- Which the pain'd mind recoils from, all are thine—
- The purple Pestilence, that to the grave
- Sends whom the sword has spar'd, is thine; and thine
- The Widow's anguish and the Orphan's tears!—
- Woes such as these does Man inflict on Man;
- And by the closet murderers, whom we style
- Wise Politicians, are the schemes prepar'd,
- Which, to keep Europe's wavering balance even,
- Depopulate her kingdoms, and consign
- To tears and anguish half a bleeding world!—
- Oh! could the time return, when thoughts like these
- Spoil'd not that gay delight, which vernal Suns,
- Illuminating hills, and woods, and fields,
- Gave to my infant spirits—Memory come!
- And from distracting cares, that now deprive
- Such scenes of all their beauty, kindly bear
- My fancy to those hours of simple joy,
- When, on the banks of Arun, which I see
- Make its irriguous course thro' yonder meads,
- I play'd; unconscious then of future ill!
- There (where, from hollows fring'd with yellow broom,
- The birch with silver rind, and fairy leaf,
- Aslant the low stream trembles) I have stood,
- And meditated how to venture best
- Into the shallow current, to procure
- The willow herb of glowing purple spikes,
- Or flags, whose sword-like leaves conceal'd the tide,
- Startling the timid reed-bird from her nest,
- As with aquatic flowers I wove the wreath,
- Such as, collected by the shepherd girls,
- Deck in the villages the turfy shrine,
- And mark the arrival of propitious May.—
- How little dream'd I then the time would come,
- When the bright Sun of that delicious month
- Should, from disturb'd and artificial sleep,
- Awaken me to never-ending toil,
- To terror and to tears!—Attempting still,
- With feeble hands and cold desponding heart,
- To save my children from the o'erwhelming wrongs,
- That have for ten long years been heap'd on me!—
- The fearful spectres of chicane and fraud
- Have, Proteus like, still chang'd their hideous forms
- (As the Law lent its plausible disguise),
- Pursuing my faint steps; and I have seen
- Friendship's sweet bonds (which were so early form'd,)
- And once I fondly thought of amaranth
- Inwove with silver seven times tried) give way,
- And fail; as these green fan-like leaves of fern
- Will wither at the touch of Autumn's frost.
- Yet there are those, whose patient pity still
- Hears my long murmurs; who, unwearied, try
- With lenient hands to bind up every wound
- My wearied spirit feels, and bid me go
- "Right onward"—a calm votary of the Nymph,
- Who, from her adamantine rock, points out
- To conscious rectitude the rugged path,
- That leads at length to Peace!—Ah! yes, my friends
- Peace will at last be mine; for in the Grave
- Is Peace—and pass a few short years, perchance
- A few short months, and all the various pain
- I now endure shall be forgotten there,
- And no memorial shall remain of me,
- Save in your bosoms; while even your regret
- Shall lose its poignancy, as ye reflect
- What complicated woes that grave conceals!
- But, if the little praise, that may await
- The Mother's efforts, should provoke the spleen
- Of Priest or Levite; and they then arraign
- The dust that cannot hear them; be it yours
- To vindicate my humble fame; to say,
- That, not in selfish sufferings absorb'd,
- "I gave to misery all I had, my tears8."
- And if, where regulated sanctity
- Pours her long orisons to Heaven, my voice
- Was seldom heard, that yet my prayer was made
- To him who hears even silence; not in domes
- Of human architecture, fill'd with crowds,
- But on these hills, where boundless, yet distinct,
- Even as a map, beneath are spread the fields
- His bounty cloaths; divided here by woods,
- And there by commons rude, or winding brooks,
- While I might breathe the air perfum'd with flowers,
- Or the fresh odours of the mountain turf;
- And gaze on clouds above me, as they sail'd
- Majestic: or remark the reddening north,
- When bickering arrows of electric fire
- Flash on the evening sky—I made my prayer
- In unison with murmuring waves that now
- Swell with dark tempests, now are mild and blue,
- As the bright arch above; for all to me
- Declare omniscient goodness; nor need I
- Declamatory essays to incite
- My wonder or my praise, when every leaf
- That Spring unfolds, and every simple bud,
- More forcibly impresses on my heart
- His power and wisdom—Ah! while I adore
- That goodness, which design'd to all that lives
- Some taste of happiness, my soul is pain'd
- By the variety of woes that Man
- For Man creates—his blessings often turn'd
- To plagues and curses: Saint-like Piety,
- Misled by Superstition, has destroy'd
- More than Ambition; and the sacred flame
- Of Liberty becomes a raging fire,
- When Licence and Confusion bid it blaze.
- From thy high throne, above yon radiant stars,
- O Power Omnipotent! with mercy view
- This suffering globe, and cause thy creatures cease,
- With savage fangs, to tear her bleeding breast:
- Restrain that rage for power, that bids a Man,
- Himself a worm, desire unbounded rule
- O'er beings like himself: Teach the hard hearts
- Of rulers, that the poorest hind, who dies
- For their unrighteous quarrels, in thy sight
- Is equal to the imperious Lord, that leads
- His disciplin'd destroyers to the field.—
- May lovely Freedom, in her genuine charms,
- Aided by stern but equal Justice, drive
- From the ensanguin'd earth the hell-born fiends
- Of Pride, Oppression, Avarice, and Revenge,
- That ruin what thy mercy made so fair!
- Then shall these ill-starr'd wanderers, whose sad fate
- These desultory lines lament, regain
- Their native country; private vengeance then
- To public virtue yield; and the fierce feuds,
- That long have torn their desolated land,
- May (even as storms, that agitate the air,
- Drive noxious vapours from the blighted earth)
- Serve, all tremendous as they are, to fix
- The reign of Reason, Liberty, and Peace!
- "HOPE waits upon
- the flowery prime.."]—"Famine, and Sword, and Fire, crouch for
- employment."]—SHAKSPEARE.
- "Monsters
- both!"]—Such was the cause of quarrel
- between the Houses of York and Lancaster; and
- of too many others, with which the page of
- History reproaches the reason of man.
- "Oh! polish'd
- perturbation!—golden care!"]SHAKSPEARE.
- "The brave
- Bernois."]—Henry the Fourth of France.
- It may be said of this monarch, that had all the
- French sovereigns resembled him, despotism
- would have lost its horrors; yet he had
- considerable failings, and his greatest virtues
- may be chiefly imputed to his education in the
- School of Adversity.
- "Delug'd, as
- with an inland sea, the vales."]—From
- the heavy and incessant rains during the last
- campaign, the armies were often compelled to march
- for many miles through marshes overflowed;
- suffering the extre∣mities of cold and fatigue.
- The peasants frequently misled them; and, after
- having passed these inundations at the hazard
- of their lives, they were sometimes under the
- necessity of crossing them a second and a
- third time; their evening quarters after such a
- day of exertion were often in a wood without
- shelter; and their repast, instead of bread,
- unripe corn, without any other preparation than
- being mashed into a sort of paste.
- "The prey of dark
- suspicion and regret."]—It is
- remarkable, that notwithstanding the
- excessive hardships to which the army of the
- Emi∣grants was exposed, very few in it suffered
- from disease till they began to retreat; then
- it was that despondence consigned to the most
- miserable death many brave men who deserved a
- better fate; and then despair im∣pelled some to
- suicide, while others fell by mutual wounds,
- unable to survive disappointment and
- humiliation.
- "Right
- onward."]MILTON, Sonnet 22d.
- "I gave to misery
- all I had, my tears."]GRAY.