- Project Gutenberg's Sir P.S.: His Astrophel and Stella, by Philip Sidney
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- Title: Sir P.S.: His Astrophel and Stella
- Author: Philip Sidney
- Release Date: January 14, 2018 [EBook #56375]
- Language: English
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- Transcriber’s Note: Variable spelling and hyphenation have been retained
- from the original printing. Some minor errors in punctuation and
- capitalisation have been corrected, and some changes to the text are
- listed at the end.
- Wherein the excellence of sweete
- Poesie is concluded.
- [Illustration]
- At London,
- Printed for Thomas Newman.
- _Anno Domini._ 1591.
- [Illustration]
- Loving in trueth, and fayne my love in verse to show,
- That the deere _Shee_, might take some pleasure of my paine:
- Pleasure might cause her read, reading might make her know,
- Knowledge might pittie winne, and pittie grace obtaine.
- I sought fit wordes to paint the blackest face of woe,
- Studying inventions fine, her wittes to entertaine,
- Oft turning others leaves, to see if thence would flowe,
- Some fresh and fruitfull showre, upon my Sunne-burnt braine.
- But wordes came halting out, wanting inventions stay,
- Invention Natures childe, fledde Stepdame studies blowes:
- And others feete, still seem’de but strangers in my way,
- Thus great with Childe to speake, and helplesse in my throwes,
- Byting my trewand penne, beating my selfe for spite:
- Foole saide my Muse to mee, looke in thy heart and write.
- Not at first sight, nor with a dribbing shot,
- Love gave the wound, which while I breath will bleede:
- But knowne, worth did in mine of time proceede,
- Till by degrees it had full conquest got.
- I sawe and lik’d, I lik’d but loved not,
- I lov’d, but did not straight what Love decreede:
- At length to Loves decrees, I forst agreede:
- Yet with repining at so partiall lot.
- Now even that foot-steppe of lost libertie
- Is gone, and now like slave borne Muscovite:
- I call it praise to suffer tyrannie,
- And now imploy the remnant of my wit
- To make my selfe believe that all is well,
- While with a feeling skill I paint my hell.
- Let Daintie wittes cry on the Sisters nine,
- That bravely maskt, their fancies may be tolde:
- Or Pinders Apes flaunt they in phrases fine,
- Enamling with pyde flowers their thoughts of gold:
- Or els let them in statelyee glorie shine,
- Ennobling new found tropes with problemes old:
- Or with strange similes, inricht each line,
- Of hearbes or beasts, which _Inde_ or _Affricke_ hold.
- For me in sooth, no Muse but one I know,
- Phrases and Problemes from my reach do growe.
- And straunge things cost too deere for my poor sprites,
- How then? even thus in _Stellas_ face I reede,
- What love and beautie be, then all my deede
- But coppying is, what in her nature writes.
- Vertue (alas) now let me take some rest,
- Thou set’st a bate betweene my will and wit;
- If vaine love have my simple soule opprest,
- Leave what thou lik’st not, deale not thou with it.
- Thy Scepter use in some olde _Catoes_ brest,
- Churches or Schooles are for thy seat more fit:
- I doe confes, (pardon a fault confest,)
- My mouth too tender is for thy hard bit.
- But if that needes, thou wilt usurping bee
- The little reason that is left in mee.
- And still th’ effect of thy perswasions proove,
- I sweare, my heart such one shall shew to thee,
- That shrines in flesh so true a deitie,
- That Vertue, thou thy selfe shalt be in love.
- It is most true, that eyes are found to serve
- The inward light: and that the heavenly part
- Ought to be King, from whose rules who doth swerve,
- Rebels to nature, strive for their owne smart.
- It is most true, what wee call _Cupids_ dart,
- An Image is, which for ourselves we carve:
- And fooles adore, in Temple of our hart,
- Till that good God make church and Church-men starve.
- True that true beautie vertue is in deede,
- Whereof this beautie can but be a shade:
- Which Elements with mortall mixture breede,
- True that on earth we are but Pilgrimes made,
- And should in soule, up to our Country move:
- True and most true, that I must _Stella_ love.
- Some Lovers speake, when they their Muses entertaine
- Of hopes begot, by feare, of wot not what desires,
- Of force of heavenly beames, infusing hellish paine;
- Of lyving deathes, deere woundes, faire Stormes, and friesing fyres.
- Some one his songs in _Jove_ and _Joves_ straunge tales attyres,
- Bordered with Bulles and Swannes, poudered with golden raine:
- Another humbler witte to shepheards pipe retyres,
- Yet hiding royall blood, full oft in Rurall vaine.
- To some a sweetest plaint a sweetest stile affordes,
- Whiles teares poure out his inke, and sighes breathe
- His paper pale despaire, and paine his penne doth move.
- I can speake what I feele, and feele as much as they,
- But thinke that all the mappe of my state I display,
- When trembling voice brings foorth, that I do _Stella_ love.
- When nature made her chiefe worke, _Stella’s_ eyes,
- In collour blacke, why wrapt she beames so bright?
- Would she in beamy blacke like Painter wise,
- Frame daintiest lustre mixte of shades of light?
- Or did she els that sober hewe devise,
- In object best, to strength and knitt our sighte
- Least if no vaile these brave gleames did disguise,
- They Sun-like should more dazell than delight.
- Or would she her miraculous power shewe,
- That whereas blacke seemes Beauties contrarie,
- Shee even in blacke doth make all Beauties flower
- Both so and thus; she minding Love should bee
- Plaste ever there, gave him this mourning weede:
- To honour all their deathes, which for her bleede.
- Love borne in _Greece_, of late fled from his native place,
- Forst by a tedious proofe, that Turkish hardned hart
- Were no fit marke, to pearce with his fine pointed dart:
- And pleasd with our lost peace, staide here his fleeting race.
- But finding these North climes, too coldlie him imbrace,
- Not usde to frosen clippes, he strave to finde some part
- Where with most ease and warmth, he might imploy his art.
- At length he preach’d himselfe in _Stellas_ joyfull face,
- Whose faire skinne, beamie eyes, like morning Sunne on snow:
- Deceiv’d the quaking boy, who thought from so pure light,
- Effects of livelie heate must needes in nature growe.
- But shee most faire, most colde; made him thence take his flight
- To my close hart; where while some fire brands he did lay,
- He burnt unwares his wings, and cannot fly away.
- Queene Vertues Court, which some call _Stellas_ face,
- Prepar’d by Natures cheefest furniture:
- Hath his front built of Alabaster pure.
- Gold is the covering of that statelie place.
- The doore, by which sometimes comes forth her grace
- Red Porphire is, which locke of Pearle makes sure:
- Whose Porches rich, with name of chekes indure,
- Marble mixt red and white, doe enterlace.
- The Windowes now, through which this heavenly guest
- Lookes ore the world, and can finde nothing such,
- Which dare claime from those lights the name of best,
- Of touch they are, that without touch doe touch,
- Which Cupids selfe, from beauties mine did drawe:
- Of touch they are, and poore I am their strawe.
- Reason, in faith thou art well serv’d, that still
- Would’st brabling be, with sence and love in me:
- I rather with thee climbe the Muses hill,
- Or reach the fruite of Natures chiefest tree:
- Or seeke heavens course, or heavens inside to see:
- Why should’st thou toyle, our thornie soyle to till?
- Leave sence and those that sences objects be,
- Deale thou with powers, of thoughts leave love to will.
- But thou wouldst needes fight both with Love and sence,
- With sworde of witte, giving woundes of dispraise:
- Till down-right blowes did foyle thy cunning fence,
- So soone as they strake thee with _Stellas_ rayes.
- Reason, thou knewest, and offered straight to prove;
- By reason good, good reason her to love.
- In truth oh Love: with what a boyish kinde
- Thou doost proceede, in thy most serious waies;
- That when the heaven to thee his best displaies,
- Yet of that best thou leav’st the best behinde.
- That like a Childe that some faire booke doth finde
- With gilden leaves of colloured Velom, playes
- Or at the most on some faire picture stares,
- But never heedes the fruite of Writers minde.
- So when thou sawest in Natures cabinet,
- _Stella_, thou straight lokest babies in her eyes:
- In her chekes pit, thou didst thy pitfall set,
- And in her brest bo-peepe or touching lyes,
- Playing and shining in each outward part:
- But foole seekst not to get into her hart.
- _Cupid_ because thou shin’st in _Stellas_ eyes,
- That from her lookes thy day-nets now scapes free:
- That those lips swelde so full of thee they be.
- That her sweet breath makes all thy flames t’arise,
- That in her brest thy pap well sugred lyes,
- That her grace gracious makes thy wrongs, that shee,
- What word so ere shee speakes, perswades for thee:
- That her cleere voice, lifts thy fame to the skyes.
- Thou countest _Stella_ thine, like those whose powres
- Having got up a breach; (by fighting well)
- Cry victorie, this faire day all is ours:
- Oh no, her heart is such a Cytadell.
- So fortified with wit, stor’d with disdaine:
- That to winne it, is all the skill and paine.
- _Phœbus_ was Judge, betweene _Jove_, _Mars,_ & love,
- Of those three Gods whose armes the fairest were:
- _Joves_ golden shield, did Eagle Sables beare:
- Whose talents held young _Ganimede_ above.
- But in verde fielde, _Mars_ bare a golden Speare,
- Which through a bleeding heart, his point did shove:
- Each had his Crest, _Mars_ carried _Venus_ glove.
- _Jove_ on his Helme the Thunderbolt did reare.
- _Cupid_ then smiles, for on his crest there lyes
- _Stellas_ faire haire, her face he makes his shielde:
- Where Roses gueules, are borne in silver fielde.
- _Phœbus_ drewe wide the Curtaine of the skyes
- To blase the last, and swore devoutly then:
- The first thus macht, were scarcely Gentlemen.
- Alas, have I not paine enough my friend,
- Uppon whose breast, a fiercer gripe doth tyre,
- Than did on him, who first stole downe the fyre;
- While Love on me, doth all his quiver spend,
- But with your rubarbe wordes you must contend,
- To greeve me worse in saying, that desier
- Doth plunge my well form’d soule, even in the mier
- Of sinfull thoughtes, which doe in ruine ende.
- If that be sinne which doth the manners frame,
- Well stayed with trueth, in worde and faith of deede,
- Readie of wit, and fearing nought but shame;
- If it be sin which in fixt hart dooth breede,
- A loathing of all lose unchastitie;
- Then love is sin, and let me sinfull bee.
- You that do search for every purling spring,
- Which from the rybs of old _Parnassus_ flowes,
- And every flower (not sweete perhaps) which growes
- Neere there about, into your Poesie wring.
- Ye that do Dictionaries method bring
- Into your rymes, running in ratling rowes,
- You that poore _Petrarchs_ long deceased woes
- With new borne sighes, & devised wit do sing;
- You take wrong wayes, those far-set helps be such,
- As doe bewray a want of inward tutch,
- And sure at length stolne goods doe come to light.
- But if both for your love and skill you name,
- You seeke to nurse at fullest brest of Fame,
- _Stella_ behold and then begin t’endite.
- In nature apt to like, when I did see
- Beauties which were of many Carrects fine,
- My boyling spirits did thether soone encline,
- And Love I thought that I was full of thee;
- But finding not those restles flames in mee
- Which others said did make their soules to pyne,
- I thought those babes of some pins hurt did whine:
- By my love judging what loves paines might be.
- But while I thus with this young Lyon plaid,
- Myne eyes (shall I say curst or blest) beheld
- _Stella_: now shee is nam’de, neede more be sayd?
- In her sight I a lesson new have speld.
- I now have learnd love right, and learnd even so,
- As who by being poysond doth poyson know.
- His mother deere _Cupid_ offended late,
- Because that _Mars_ grew slacker in her love,
- With pricking shot he did not throughly move
- To keepe the pace of their first loving state:
- The boy refusde, for feare of _Marses_ hate;
- Who threatned stripes, if he his wrath did prove:
- But she in chafe him from her lap did shove,
- Brake bowe, brake shafts, where _Cupid_ weeping sate,
- Till that his Grandam Nature pittying it,
- Of _Stellas_ browes made him two better bowes:
- And in her eyes of arrowes infinit.
- O how for joye he leapes, ô how he crowes;
- And straight therewith, like wagges new got to play:
- Falls to shrewde turnes, and I was in his way.
- With what strange checkes I in my selfe am shent,
- When into Reasons Audit I doe goe:
- And by just counts my selfe a Bankerowt know
- Of all those goods which heaven to me hath lent,
- Unable quite, to pay even Natures rent,
- Which unto it by birth-right I doe owe:
- And which is worse, no good excuse can showe,
- But that my wealth I have most idely spent,
- My youth doth waste, my knowledge brings forth toyes,
- My wit doth strive, those passions to defende
- Which for reward, spoyle it with vaine annoyes;
- I see my course, to lose my selfe doth bende.
- I see and yet no greater sorrowe take
- Than that I looke no more for _Stellas_ sake.
- On _Cupids_ bowe, how are my hart strings bent?
- That see my wracke, and yet imbrace the same:
- When most I glorie, then I feele most shame;
- I willing run, yet while I runne repent;
- My best wittes still their owne disgrace invent,
- My verie ynke, turnes straight to _Stella’s_ name:
- And yet my words (as them my penne doth frame)
- Against themselves that they are vainely spent.
- For though she passe all things, yet what is all
- That unto me, who fare like him that both
- Lookes to the skyes and in a ditch doth fall,
- O let me prop my mind yet in his grouth
- And not in nature, for best fruits unfit;
- Scholler saith Love bend hitherward your wit.
- Fly, flye my friends, I have my deathes wound, flye;
- See there that boy, that murthering boy I say,
- Who like a thiefe hid in a bush doth lye,
- Tyll blooddy bullet get him wrongfull pray.
- So, tyrant he no fitter place could spy,
- Nor so farre levell in so secrete stay:
- As that sweete blacke which veiles thy heavenly eye.
- There himselfe with his shot he close doth laye.
- Poore passenger, passe now thereby I did,
- And staid pleasd with prospect of the place,
- While that black hue from me the bad guest hid,
- But straight I saw motions of lightnings grace,
- And there descried the glisterings of his dart:
- But ere I could flie thence, it pearst my hart.
- Your words my freend right helthfull caustickes blame.
- My young minde marde whom Love doth windlase so:
- That my owne writings like bad servants showe
- My wits, quick in vaine thoughts, in vertue lame;
- That _Plato_ I reade for nought, but if he tame
- Such coltish giers; that to my birth I owe
- Nobler desires: lest els that friendly foe
- Great expectation were a traine of shame.
- For since mad _March_ great promise made to mee,
- If now the _May_ of my yeeres much decline,
- What can be hop’d my harvest time will be,
- Sure you say well, your wisedomes golden myne
- Digs deepe with learnings spade: now tell me this,
- Hath this world ought so faire as _Stella_ is?
- In highest way of heaven the Sunne did ride,
- Progressing then from fayre Twynns golden place,
- Having no maske of Clowdes before his face,
- But shining forth of heat in his chiefe pride,
- When some faire Ladies by hard promise tyde,
- On horsebacke met him in his furious race,
- Yet each prepar’de with Fannes well shading grace,
- From that foes wounds their tender skinnes to hide.
- _Stella_ alone, with face unarmed marcht,
- Either to doe like him, which open shone:
- Or carelesse of the welth, because her owne.
- Yet were the hid and meaner beauties parcht,
- Her dainties bare went free; the cause was this,
- The Sunne which others burnt, did her but kisse.
- The curious wits, seeing dull pensivenes
- Bewray it selfe in my long setled eyes:
- Whence those same fumes of mellancholie rise,
- With idle paines and missing ayme do gesse;
- Some that know how, my spring I did adresse,
- Deem’d that my Muse some fruite of knowledge plyes:
- Others, because the Prince my service tryes,
- Thinke that I thinke, State errors to redresse;
- But harder Judges, judge ambitious rage,
- (Scourge of it selfe, still clyming slippery place)
- Holds my young braine captiv’d in golden cage.
- O fooles, or over-wise, alas the case;
- Of all my thoughts have neither stop nor start,
- But onely _Stellas_ eyes, and _Stellas_ hart.
- Rich fooles there there be, whose base and filthie hart,
- Lyes hatching still the goods wherein they flow:
- And damning their owne selves to _Tantal’s_ smart,
- Welth breeding want, more rich, more wretched grow.
- Yet to those fooles, heaven doth such wit impart,
- As what their hands doe hold, their heads doe know.
- And knowing love, and loving lay apart,
- As scattered things, farre from all dangers show.
- But that rich foole, who by blind Fortunes lot,
- The richest gem of love and life enjoyes,
- And can with foule abuse such beauties blot:
- Let him deprived of sweet, but unfelt joyes
- Exilde for aye, from those high treasures which
- He knowes not grow, in onely follie rich.
- The wisest scholler of the wight most wise,
- By _Phœbus_ doome, with sugred sentence sayes:
- That vertue if it once meete with our eyes,
- Strange flames of love it in our soules would rayse.
- But for that man with paine this truth discries,
- While he each thing in sences ballance wayes,
- And so, nor will nor can behold those skyes,
- Which inward Summe to heroicke mindes displaies.
- Vertue of late with vertuous care to stir
- Love of himselfe, takes _Stellas_ shape, that hee
- To mortall eyes might sweetly shine in her.
- It is most true, for since I her did see,
- Vertues great beautie in her face I prove,
- And finde th’ effect, for I doe burne in love.
- Though duskie wits dare scorne Astrologie,
- And fooles can thinke those lampes of purest light,
- Whose number, waies, greatnes, eternitie,
- Promising wondrous wonders to invite,
- To have for no cause birth-right in the skyes.
- But for to spangle the blacke weedes of Night,
- Or for some Braule which in that Chamber hie,
- They should still daunce to please a gazers sight.
- For mee I doe Nature unydle know,
- And know great causes, great effects procure,
- And know those bodies high, raigne on the low.
- And if these rules did fayle, proofe makes me sure,
- Who oft foresee my after following case,
- By onely those two starres in _Stella’s_ face.
- Because I oft in darke abstracted guise,
- Seeme most alone in greatest company,
- With dearth of words, and aunswers quite awry,
- To them that would make speech of speech arise;
- They deeme, and of their doome the rumor flies,
- That poyson foule of bubling pride doth lie
- So in my swelling brest, that onely I
- Faune on my selfe, all others doe dispise:
- Yet pride (I thinke) doth not my soule possesse,
- (Which lookes too oft in this unflattering glasse)
- But one worse fault, ambition I confesse,
- That makes me oft my best freends over-passe,
- Unseene unheard, while thought to highest place
- Bends all his powers, even unto _Stellas_ grace.
- You that with allegories curious frame
- Of others children changelings use to make,
- With mee those paines for good now doe not take,
- I list not dig so deepe for brasen fame.
- When I see _Stella_, I doe meane the same
- Princesse of beautie, for whose onely sake,
- The raynes of love I love, though never slake;
- And joy therein, though Nations count it shame:
- I begge no subject to use eloquence,
- Nor in hid waies to guide Philosophie,
- Looke at my hands for no such quintessence,
- But know that I in pure simplicitie,
- Breath out the flames which burn within my hart,
- Love only leading me into this arte.
- Like some weake Lords Neighbord by mightie kings,
- To keepe themselves and their chiefe Cities free,
- Doe easily yeelde, that all their coast may be
- Readie to serve their Campe of needfull things:
- So _Stellas_ hart finding what power Love brings,
- To keepe it selfe in life and libertie,
- Doth willing graunt that in the Frontire he
- Use all to help his other conquerings.
- And thus her hart escapes, but thus her eyes
- Serve him with shot, her lips his Heralds are,
- Her brests his Tents, legges his tryumphall Chare,
- Herselfe his foode, her skin his Armour brave.
- And I but for because my prospect lyes:
- Upon that coast, am given up for slave.
- Whether the Turkish new Moone minded be,
- To fill her hornes this yeere on Christian coast,
- How Polands King mindes without leave of hoast,
- To warme with ill made fire cold _Muscovie_,
- If French can yet three parts in one agree,
- What now the Dutch in their full diets boast,
- How Holland harts, now so good Townes are lost,
- Trust in the shade of pleasing Orange tree.
- How Ulster likes of the same goldenbitt,
- Wherewith my Father made it once halfe tame,
- If in the Scottish Court be weltering yet;
- These questions busie wits to me do frame,
- I combered with good manners, aunswere doe,
- But know not how, for still I thinke on _you_.
- With how sad steps ô Moone thou clim’st the skyes,
- How silently, and with how meane a face,
- What may it be, that even in heavenly place,
- That busie Archer his sharpe Arrowes tryes?
- Sure if that long with love acquainted eyes
- Can judge of love, thou feelst of Lovers case,
- I reade within thy lookes thy languisht grace.
- To mee that feele the like, my state discries.
- Then even of fellowship ô Moone tell me,
- Is constant love deemde there but want of wit?
- Are beauties there, as proude as here there be?
- Doe they above, love to be lov’d, and yet
- Those Lovers scorne, whom that love doth possesse?
- Doe they call vertue there ungratefulnesse?
- _Morpheus_ the lively sonne of deadlie Sleepe,
- Witnes of life to them that living die:
- A Prophet oft, and oft an Historie,
- A Poet eake as humors flye and creepe:
- Since thou in me so sure a power doost keepe,
- That never I with clos’d up fence doe lye,
- But by thy worke, my _Stella_ I discry,
- Teaching blind eyes both how to smile and weepe,
- Vouchsafe of all acquaintance this to tell,
- Whence hast thou Ivorie, Rubies, Pearle, and Golde,
- To shew _her_ skin, lips, teeth, and head so well?
- (Foole aunswers he) no _Indes_ such treasures hold,
- But from thy hart, while my Sire charmeth thee,
- Sweet _Stellas_ Image I do steale to mee.
- I might, unhappy word, (woe me) I might,
- And then would not, nor could not see my blisse:
- Till now, wrapt in a most infernall Night,
- I finde, how heavenly day (wretch) did I misse;
- Hart rent thy selfe, thou doost thy selfe but right.
- No lovely _Paris_ made thy _Helen_ his,
- No force, no fraude, robd thee of thy delight,
- Nor fortune of thy fortune Author is;
- But to my selfe, my selfe did give the blow,
- While too much wit forsooth so trubled me,
- That I respects for both our sakes must show,
- And yet could not by rysing morne fore-see,
- How faire a day was neere, (ô punisht eyes)
- That I had beene more foolish, or more wise.
- Come let me write, and to what end? to ease
- A burthened hart, (how can words ease, which are
- The glasses of thy daily vexing care?)
- Oft cruell fights well pictured forth doe please,
- Art not asham’d to publish thy disease?
- Nay, that may breede my fame, it is so rare,
- But will not wise men thinke thy words fonde ware?
- Then be they close, and they shall none displease,
- What idler thing than speake and not be heard?
- What harder thing than smart and not to speake?
- Peace foolish wit, with wit my wit is marde;
- Thus write I while I doubt to write, and wreake
- My harmes in ynkes poore losse, perhaps some finde
- _Stellas_ great power, that so confus’d my minde.
- What may words say? or what may words not say,
- Where truth it selfe must speake like flattery?
- Within what bounds can one his lyking stay,
- Where Nature doth with infinite agree?
- What _Nestors_ counsell can my flames allay,
- Since Reasons selfe doth blow the coles to me?
- And ah, what hope that hope should once see day,
- Where _Cupid_ is sworne page to Chastitie;
- Honour is honoured that thou dost possesse
- Him as thy slave, and now long needie Fame
- Doth even grow rich, meaning my _Stellas_ name;
- Wit learnes in _thee_ perfection to expresse,
- Not _thou_ by praise, but praise in _thee_ is raised,
- It is a praise, to praise where _thou_ art praised.
- _Stella_, whence doth these newe assaults arise,
- A conquerd, yeelding, ransackt hart to win?
- Whereto long since, through my long battred eyes,
- Whole Armies of _thy_ beauties entred in,
- And there long since, Love thy Lieuetenant lyes,
- My forces raz’d, thy banners rais’d within
- Of conquest, what do these effects suffise,
- But wilt new warre uppon thine owne begin,
- With so sweet voyce, and by sweet nature so,
- In sweetest strength, so sweetly skild withall,
- In all sweet stratagems sweet Art can shew:
- That not my soule which at thy foot did fall
- Long since forst by thy beames; but stone nor tree
- By sences priviledge can scape from thee.
- This night while sleepe begins, with heavie wings
- To close mine eyes, and the unbitted thought
- Doth fall to stray, and my chiefe powers are brought
- To leave the scepter of all subject things,
- The first that straight my fancies errour brings
- Unto my minde, is _Stellas_ Image, wrought
- By Loves owne selfe, but with so curious draught,
- That she me thinkes not onely shines but sings:
- I start, looke, harke, but what inclos’d up sence
- Was helde in open sence it flyes away,
- Leaving me nought but wayling eloquence.
- I seeing Better sights in sighes decay,
- Conclude a new, and woed Sleepe againe,
- But him her hoast that unkind guest had slaine.
- Come Sleepe, ô Sleepe, the certaine knot of peace,
- The bathing place of wits, the balme of woe,
- The poore mans wealth, the prysoners release,
- The indifferent judge betweene the high and lowe,
- With shield of proofe, shield me from out the presse
- Of these fierce darts, Dispaire at me doth throw;
- O make in me those civill warres to cease:
- I will good trybute pay if thou do so.
- Take thou of me smooth pillowes, sweetest bed;
- A chamber deafe of noyse, and blinde of light,
- A rosie garland, and a wearie head.
- And if these things (as being thine in right)
- Move not thy heavie grace, thou shalt in mee
- Livelier than els where _Stellas_ Image see.
- As good to write, as for to lie and groane,
- O _Stella_ deere, how much _thy_ power hath wrought,
- That hast my minde now of the basest brought,
- My still kept course while others sleepe to moane;
- Alas if from the height of Vertues throane,
- Thou canst vouchsafe the influence of a thought,
- Upon a wretch which long _thy_ grace hath sought,
- Way then how I by thee am overthrowne;
- And then thinke thus, although _thy_ beautie be
- Made manifest, by such a victorie,
- Yet noblest Conquerers doe wreake avoide;
- Since then _thou_ hast so farre subdued me,
- That in my hart I offer still to _thee_,
- O doe not let thy Temple be destroide.
- Having this days, my horse, my hand, my Launce
- Guided so well, that I obtaind the prize,
- Both by the judgment of the English eyes,
- And of some sent from that sweet enmie Fraunce,
- Horsmen my skill in horsmanship advaunce,
- Towne folke my strength: a daintier Judge applies
- His praise to flight, which from good use doth rise:
- Some luckie wits, impute it but to chaunce:
- Others, because from both sides I doe take
- My blood, from them that doe excell in this,
- Thinke Nature me a man at Armes did make.
- How farre they shoot awry; the true cause is,
- _Stella_ lookt on, and from her heavenly face,
- Sent forth the beames, which made so faire a race.
- O Eyes which doe the Spheres of beautie move,
- Whose beames all joyes, whose joyes all vertues be:
- Who while they make Love conquer, conquer Love,
- The Schooles where _Venus_ hath learnd Chastitie;
- O eyes, where humble lookes most glorious prove,
- Onely loved tyrants just in crueltie.
- Doe not, doe not, from poore me, once remove,
- Keepe still my Zenith, ever shine on me;
- For though I never see them, but straight waies
- My life forgets to nourish languisht sprights:
- Yet still on me (ô eyes) dart downe your rayes;
- And if from Majestie of sacred Lights
- Oppressing mortall sence, my death proceede:
- Wreckes tryumphs best, which Love hie set doth breed.
- Faire eyes, sweet lips, deere hart, that foolish I
- Could hope by _Cupids_ helpe, on you to pray:
- Since to himselfe he doth your gifts apply,
- As his maine force, chiefe sport, and easefull stay.
- For when he will see who dare him gainsay,
- Then with those eyes he lookes, loe by and by,
- Each soule doth at Loves feete his weapons lay,
- Glad if for _her_ he give them leave to die.
- When he will play, then in _her_ lips he is,
- Where blushing red, that Loves selfe them do love,
- With either lip he doth the other kisse
- But when he will for quiets sake remove
- From all the world, _her_ hart is then his roome:
- Where well he knowes, no man to him can come.
- My words I know doe well set forth my minde,
- My minde bemones his sence of inward smart;
- Such smart may pittie claime of any hart;
- _Her_ hart, sweete hart, is of no Tygers kinde,
- And yet _she_ heares, and I no pittie finde,
- But more I cry, lesse grace _she_ doth impart;
- Alas, what cause is there so overthwart,
- That Noblenes it selfe makes thus unkinde?
- I much doe gesse, yet finde no truth save this,
- That when the breath of my complaint doe touch
- Those daintie doores unto the Court of Blisse,
- The heavenly nature of that place is such:
- That once come there, the sobs of my annoyes,
- Are metamorphos’d straight to tunes of joyes.
- _Stella_ oft sees the verie face of woes
- Painted in my beclowded stormie face:
- But cannot skill to pittie my disgrace;
- No though thereof the cause _her selfe shee_ knowes.
- Yet hearing late a fable which did show,
- Of Lovers never knowne, (a grievous case)
- Pittie thereof got in her breast such place,
- As from _her_ eyes, a Spring of teares did flow.
- Alas, if Fancie drawne by ymag’d things,
- Though false, yet with free scope more grace doth breede
- Then Servants wreck, where new doubts honor brings,
- Than thinke my _Deere_, that in me you doe reede
- Of Lovers ruine some thrise sad Tragædie:
- I am not I, pittie the tale of me.
- I curst thee oft, I pittie now thy case,
- Blind hitting Boy, since _shee_ that thee and me
- Rules with a becke, so tyranniseth thee,
- That thou must want or foode or dwelling place;
- For _Shee_ protests to banish thee _her_ face.
- _Her_ face (ô Love) a roge thou then should’st bee,
- If Love learne not alone to love and see,
- Without desire to feede on further grace.
- Alas poore wagge, that now a Scholler art
- To such a Schoole-mistris, whose lessons new
- Thou needes must misse, and so thou needes must smart;
- Yet _deere_, let me this pardon get of _you_,
- So long though he from booke mich to desire.
- Till without Fuell, _thou_ can make hote fire.
- What, have I thus betraide my libertie,
- Can those black beames, such burning marks engrave
- In my free side, or am I borne a slave,
- Whose necke becomes such yoke of tyrannie?
- Or want I sence to feele my miserie,
- Or spirit, disdaine of such disdaine to have,
- Who for long faith the daily helpe I crave,
- May get no almes, but scorne of beggerie.
- Vertue awake, beautie but beautie is;
- I may, I must, I can, I will, I doe
- Leave following that which it is gaine to misse,
- Let her goe: soft, but there she comes, goe to,
- Unkind I love you, not, (O mee) that eye
- Doth make my hart give to my tongue a lye.
- Soules joy, bend not those morning starres from me,
- Where vertue is made strong by beauties might,
- Where love is chastnes, paine doth learne delight,
- And humblenes growes on with majestie;
- What ever may ensue, O let me be
- Copartner of the ritches of that sight:
- Let not mine eyes be driven from that light;
- ô looke, ô shine, ô let me die and see,
- For though I oft my selfe of them bemone,
- That through my hart their beamie darts be gone,
- Whose curelesse wounds even nowe most freshly bleede;
- Yet since my deaths wound is already got,
- Deere killer, spare not _thy_ sweete cruell shot,
- A kinde of grace it is to slaye with speede.
- I on my horse, and Love on me doth trie
- Our horsmanship, while by strange worke I prove,
- A horsman to my horse, a horse to Love;
- And now mans wrongs in me poore beast discry.
- The raines wherewith my ryder doth me tie
- Are reverent thoughts, which bit of reverence move,
- Curbde in with feare, but with gilt bosse above
- Of hope, which makes it seeme faire to the eye:
- The wande is will, thou fancie saddle art,
- Girt fast by memorie; and while I spurre
- My horse, he spurres with sharpe desires my hart,
- He sits me fast how ever I doe sturre,
- And now hath made me to his hand so right,
- That in the manage, my selfe do take delight.
- _Stella_, the fulnes of my thoughts of thee
- Cannot be stayed within my panting brest:
- But they do swell and struggle forth of me,
- Till that in words thy figure be exprest;
- And yet as soone as they so formed be,
- According to my Lord Loves owne behest,
- With sad eyes I their weake proportion see
- To portract what within this world is best.
- So that I cannot chuse but write my minde,
- And cannot chuse but put out what I write,
- While those poore babes their death in birth doe find;
- And now my penne these lynes had dashed quite,
- But that they stop his furie from the same:
- Because their fore-front beares sweet _Stellas_ name.
- Pardon mine eares, both I and they doe pray,
- So may _your_ tongue full flauntingly proceede,
- To them that doe such entertainments neede;
- So may _you_ still have somewhat new to say.
- On sillie me, doe not _you_ burthen lay
- Of all the grave conceipts _your_ braine doth breede,
- But find some _Hercules_, to beard (in steede
- Of _Atlas_ tyrde) _your_ wisedomes heavenly sway.
- For me while you discourse of courtly tydes,
- Of cunningst Fishers in most troubled streames,
- Of straying waves when valiant errour guides:
- Meane while my hart confers with _Stellas_ beames,
- And is even woe that so sweet Comedie,
- By such unfuted speech, should hindered be.
- A Strife is growne betweene Vertue and Love,
- While each pretends, that _Stella_ must be his;
- Her eyes, her lips, her all, saith Love doe this,
- Since they doe weare his badge, most firmely prove;
- But Vertue thus, that title doth disprove.
- That _Stella_, (ô deere name) that _Stella_ is,
- That vertuous Soule, sure heyre of heavenly Blisse:
- Not this faire outside, which our hart doth move;
- And therefore, though _her_ beauty and _her_ grace,
- Be Loves indeede, in _Stellas_ selfe he may
- By no pretence claime any manner place.
- Well Love, since this Demurre our sute doth staie.
- Let Vertue have that _Stellas_ selfe, yet thus,
- That Vertue but that body graunt to us.
- In Martiall sportes I had my cunning tryde,
- And yet to breake more Staves I did mee adresse
- While that the peopl’s showtes: I must confesse,
- Youth, luck, and praise, even filld my vaines with pride;
- When _Cupid_ having me his slave descride,
- In _Mars_ his liverie, prauncing in the presse.
- What now sir foole said he (I would no lesse)
- Looke heere I say; I lookt, and _Stella_ spide:
- Who hard by through a window sent forth light;
- My hart then quake, then daz’led were my eyes.
- One hand forgot to rule, th’ other to fight,
- No Trumpet sound I heard, nor freendly cries;
- My foe came on, and beate the ayre for mee,
- Till that her blush, taught me my shame to see.
- Because I breathe not love to every one,
- Nor doe not use sette Colours for to weare:
- Nor nourish speciall locks with vowed haire,
- Nor give each speech a full point of a grone,
- The Courtly Nymphes acquainted with the mone
- Of them, which in their lips Loves Standard beare:
- What he, (say they of me) now I dare sweare,
- He cannot love: no, no, let him alone.
- And thinke so still, so _Stella_ know my minde.
- Professe in deede, I do not _Cupid’s_ art.
- But you faire Maides, at length this true shall find,
- That his right badge, is but worne in the hart.
- Dumbe Swans, not chattering Pyes doe Lovers prove,
- They love in deed, who quake to say they love.
- Fie schoole of Patience, fie, your Lesson is
- Far far too long, to learne it without booke:
- What, a whole weeke, without one peece of looke?
- And thinke I should not your large precepts misse,
- When I might reade those Letters faire of blisse,
- Which in _her_ face teach vertue, I could brooke,
- Somewhat thy leaden counsels which I tooke:
- As of a freend that meant not much amisse:
- But now alas, that I doe want _her_ sight,
- What doost thou thinke that I can ever take,
- In thy colde stuffe, a phlegmatick delight?
- No Patience, if thou wilt my good, then make
- Her come, and heare with patience my desires
- And then with patience bid me beare my fire.
- Muses, I oft invoked your whole ayde,
- With choisest flowres, my speech t’engarland so,
- That it disguisde, in true (but naked) show,
- Might winne some grace in your sweet skill arraide;
- And oft whole troupes of saddest words I stayde,
- Striving abroade, a forraging to goe,
- Untill by your inspiring I might know,
- How their blacke banners might be best displaid.
- But now I meane no more your helpe to trye.
- Nor other sugering of speech to prove,
- But on _her_ name uncessantly to cry.
- For let me but name _her_ whom I doe love,
- So sweete sounde straight my eares and hart doe hit,
- That I well finde no eloquence like it.
- Woe having made with many sighs his owne
- Each sense of mine; each gift, each power of minde
- Growne now his slaves, he forst them out to finde
- The throwest words, fit for woes selfe to grone
- Hoping that when they might finde _Stella_ alone,
- Before _she_ could prepare to be unkind,
- _Her_ soule (armed with such a daintie rinde,)
- Should soone be hurt with sharpnes of the mone.
- _She_ heard my plaints, and did not onely heare.
- But them, so sweet is _she_, most sweetly sing,
- With that faire brest, making Woes darknes cleere,
- A prittie case I hoped her to bring,
- To feele my griefe, and she with face and voice,
- So sweetes my paines, that my paines me rejoyce.
- Doubt there hath beene, when with his golden chaine
- The Orator so farre mens harts doth bind:
- That no pace els their guided steps can find;
- But as in them more shorte or slacke doth raine.
- Whether with words this sou’raigntte be gaine,
- Clothde with fine tropes with strongest reason lin’d,
- Or els pronouncing grace, wherewith his minde
- Prints his owne lively forme, in rudest braine.
- Now judge by this, in pearcing phrases late
- Th’ Anatomie of all my woes I wrate,
- _Stellas_ sweete breath the same to me did reede.
- Oh voyce, oh face mauger my speeches might,
- With wooed woe, most ravishing delight,
- Even in sad mee a joy to me did breede.
- Deere, why make you more of a dogge than me?
- If he doe love, alas I burne in love;
- If he waite well, I never thence would move;
- If he be faire, yet but a dogge can be;
- Little he is, so little worth is he:
- He barkes, my songs thyne owne voyce oft doth prove;
- Bidden, (perhaps) he fetcheth _thee_ a glove?
- But I unbid, fetch even my soule to _thee_
- Yet while I languish, him that bosome clips,
- That lap doth lap, nay lets in spight of spight
- This sour-breath’d mate tast of those sugred lips;
- Alas, if _you_ graunt onely such delight
- To witles things, then Love I hope, (since wit
- Becomes a clogge) will soone ease me of it.
- When my good Angell guides me to the place
- where al my good I do in _Stella_ see,
- That Heaven of joyes throwes only downe on me
- Thundred disdaines, and Lightning of disgrace;
- But when the ruggedst step of fortunes race
- Makes me fall from _her_ sight, then sweetly _she_
- With words, whereing the _Muses_ Treasures be,
- Shewes love and pittie to my absent case.
- Now I (witt-beaten long, by hardest fate)
- So dull am, that I cannot looke into
- The ground of this fierce love, and loving hate?
- Then some good body tell me how to do,
- Whose presence absence, absence presence is:
- Blest in my curse, and curssed in my blisse.
- Oft with true sighes, oft with uncalled teares,
- Now with slow words, now with dumbe eloquence,
- I _Stellas_ eyes assailde, invade _her_ eares,
- But this at last is _her_ sweete breath’d defence,
- That who indeede a sound affection beares,
- So captives to his Saint both soule and sence,
- That wholie _Hers_, all selfnes he forbeares.
- Thence his desire he learnes, his lives course thence,
- Now since this chast love, hates this love in mee;
- With chastned minde I needes must shew, that shee
- Shall quickly me from what she hates remove.
- O Doctor _Cupid_, thou for me reply:
- Driven els to graunt by Angell Sophistry,
- That I love not, without I leave to love.
- Late tyr’d with woe, even ready for to pine
- With rage of love, I call my Love unkinde.
- _Shee_ in whose eyes, love though unfelt doth shine,
- Sweetely saide, I true love in her should finde.
- I joyed, but straight thus watred was my wine:
- That love she did, but with a love not blinde.
- Which would not let me, whome she lov’d decline.
- From Nobler course, fit for my birth and minde.
- And therefore her loves Authoritie;
- Wild me those Tempests of vaine love to flee:
- And Anchor fast my selfe on vertues shore.
- Alas if this the onely mettall be,
- Of love newe coyn’d to help my beggery:
- Deere, love me not, that you may love me more.
- Oh Grammer rules, oh now your vertues showe,
- So Children still read you with awfull eyes,
- As my young Dove may in your precepts wise,
- Her graunt to me by her owne vertue knowe.
- For late with hart most hie, with eyes most lowe;
- I crav’d the thing which ever she denies.
- Shee lightning Love, displaying _Venus_ skyes,
- Least one should not be heard twise, said no no.
- Sing then my Muse, now I do Pæan sing.
- Heavens Envy not at my high triumphing:
- But Grammers force with sweete successe confirme,
- For Grammer sayes (ah this deere _Stella_ way)
- For Grammer sayes (to Grammer who sayes nay)
- That in one speech, two negatives affirme.
- No more my deere, no more these Counsels try,
- O give my passions leave to runne their race:
- Let Fortune lay on me her worst disgrace.
- Let Folke orecharg’d with braine against me cry,
- Let Cloudes be dimme, my face breake in my eye,
- Let me no steps but of lost labour try,
- Let all the earth in scorne recount my race;
- But doe not will me from my love to fly.
- I do not envie _Aristotles_ wit,
- Nor do aspire to _Cæsars_ bleeding fame:
- Nor ought to care though some above me sit;
- Nor hope nor with another course to frame:
- But that which once may winne thy cruell hart,
- Thou art my wit; and thou my vertue art.
- Love, by sure proofe I may call thee unkinde,
- That gives no better cares to my just cryes:
- Thou whom to me, such my good turnes shouldst binde,
- As I may well recount, but none can prise.
- For when nak’d boy, hou couldst no harbour finde
- In this olde world, (growne now so to be wise)
- I lodg’de thee in my heart: and being blinde
- By nature borne, I gave to thee my eyes.
- Mine eyes, my light, my life, my hart alas,
- If so great services may scorned be:
- Yet let this thought thy Tygrish courage passe,
- That I perhaps am somewhat kin to thee:
- Since in thine armes, if learn’d fame truth hath spred,
- Thou bearst the Arrowe, I the Arrowhed.
- And doe I see some cause a hope to feede
- Or doth the tedious burthen of long woe
- In weakned mindes, quick apprehension breede
- Of every Image which may comfort showe.
- I cannot brag of word, much lesse of deede,
- Fortune wheels still with me in one sort slowe.
- My wealth no more, and no whit lesse my neede,
- Desier, still on stilts of feare doth goe.
- And yet amids all feares, a hope there is
- Stolne to my hart: since last faire night (nay day)
- _Stellas_ eyes sent to me the beames of blisse,
- Looking on mee, while I looke other way:
- But when mine eyes backe to their heaven did move:
- They fled with blush, which guiltie seem’d of love:
- Hope art thou true or doost thou flatter me?
- Doth _Stella_ now beginne, with pitteous eye
- The raigne of this her conquest to espie?
- Will shee take time before all wracked be?
- Her eye speech is translated thus by thee.
- But failste thou not in phrase so heavenly hye?
- Looke on againe, the faire text better prie;
- What blushing notes dost thou in Margent see?
- What sighes stolne out, or kild before full borne
- Hast thou found such and such like arguments?
- Or art thou els to comfort me forsworne?
- Well how so thou interpret the contents,
- I am resolv’d thy error to maintaine:
- Rather than by more trueth to get more paine.
- _Stella_, the only Plannet of my light
- Light of my life, and life of my desire,
- Cheife good, whereto my hope doth onely spire,
- World of my wealth and heaven of my delight.
- Why doost thou spend the Treasure of thy sprite
- With voice more fit to wed _Amphyons_ Lyre?
- Seeking to quench in me the noble fyre,
- Fed by thy worth and kindled by thy sight.
- And all in vaine, for while thy breath most sweete
- With choisest words, thy words with reasons rare:
- Thy reasons firmely set, are vertues feete,
- Labor to kill in me this killing care
- Oh thinke I then, what Paradise of joy
- It is, so faire a vertue to enjoye.
- Oh joy, too high for my Love still to showe,
- Oh blisse, fit for a nobler seat than mee
- Envie put out thine eyes, least thou doe see
- What _Oceans_ of delight in me doth flowe.
- My friend that oft saw’st through all maskes, my woe,
- Come, come, and let me poure myself on thee:
- Gone is the winter of my miserie.
- My spring appeares, ô see what heere doth growe,
- For _Stella_ hath with wordes (where faith doth shine)
- Of her high hart given me the Monarchie
- I, I, ô I may say that she is mine.
- And though she give but thus condicionally,
- This Realme of blisse, while vertues course I take,
- No Kings be Crownd, but they some covenant make.
- My Muse may well grudge at my heavenly joy,
- Yf still I force her in sad rymes to creepe:
- She oft hath drunke my teares, now hopes t’enjoy
- _Nectar_ of mirth, since I _loves_ Cup do keepe.
- Sonnets be not bound Prentice to annoy,
- Trebbles sing high, so well as bases deepe:
- Griefe but Loves winter liverie is, the boy
- Hath cheekes to smile, so well as eyes weepe.
- Come then my Muse, shew the height of delight
- In well raisde noates my pen the best it may
- Shall paint out joy, though but in blacke and white.
- Cease eager Muse, peace pen for my sake stay.
- I give you heere my hand for truth of this:
- Wise silence is best Musique unto blisse.
- Who will in fayrest booke of nature know,
- How Vertue may best lodgde in Beautie bee,
- Let him but learne of love to read in thee
- _Stella_ those faire lines which true goodnes showe.
- There shall he finde all vices overthrowe:
- Not by rude force, but sweetest soveraigntie
- Of reason, from whose light, the night birdes flie,
- That inward Sunne in thine eyes shineth so.
- And not content to be perfections heir,
- Thy selfe doth strive all mindes that way to move:
- Who marke in thee what is in deede most faire,
- So while thy beautie drives my hart to love,
- As fast thy vertue bends that love to good:
- But ah, Desire still cryes, give me some food.
- Desire, though thou mine olde companion art,
- And oft so clinges to my pure Love, that I
- One from the other scarcely can discry:
- While each doth blowe the fier of my hart:
- Now from thy fellowship I needs must part.
- _Venus_ is taught with _Dians_ wings to flye,
- I must no more in thy sweete passions lie,
- Vertues golde now, must head my _Cupids_ dart,
- Service and honour wonder with delight,
- Feare to offend, well worthie to appeare:
- Care shining in mine eyes, faith in my spright,
- These things are left me by my onely deare.
- But thou Desire, because thou wouldst have all:
- Now banisht art, yet alas how shall?
- Love still a Boy, and oft a wanton is,
- Schoolde only by his Mothers tender eye:
- What wonder then if he his lesson misse,
- When for so soft a rod deare play he trye.
- And yet my starre, because a sugred kisse,
- In sport I sucke, while she a sleepe did lye:
- Doth lowre, naye chide, nay threat for onely this:
- Sweet it was saucy love, not humble I.
- But no scuse serves, she makes her wrath appeare,
- In Beauties throne, see now who dares come neere
- Those scarlet Judges, threatning blooddie paine.
- O heavenly Foole, thy most kisse worthy face
- Anger invests with such a lovely grace,
- That Angers selfe I needes must kisse againe.
- I Never dranke of _Aganippe_ well,
- Nor never did in shade of _Tempe_ sit:
- And Muses scorne with vulgar braines to dwell,
- Poore Lay-man I, for sacred rites unfit.
- Some doe I heare of Poets fury tell,
- But God wot, wot not what they meane by it:
- And this I sweare by blackest brooke of hell,
- I am no Pickepurse of an others wit.
- How fals it than, that with so smooth an ease
- My thoughts I speake? And what I speake doth flowe
- In verse; and that my verse best wittes doth please,
- Gesse we the cause. What is it this? fie no,
- Or so? much lesse. How then? sure thus it is,
- My Lips are sure inspir’d with _Stellas_ kisse.
- Of all the Kings that ever heere did raigne,
- _Edward_ namde fourth, as first in praise I name:
- Not for his faire outside, nor well linde braine,
- Although lesse guift, imp feathers oft no fame.
- Nor that he could young wise, wise valliant frame
- His Syres revenge, joynde with a kingdomes gaine:
- And gaind by _Mars_, could yet mad _Mars_ so tame,
- That ballance waide what sword did late obtaine.
- Nor that he made the Flower de lys so fraide,
- Though strongly hedgd of bloody Lyons pawes:
- That wittie _Lewes_ to him a tribuite paide;
- Nor this nor that, nor any such small cause,
- But onely, for this worthy King durst prove,
- To loose his Crowne, rather then fayle his Love.
- _Shee_ comes, and straight therewith her shining twins do move
- Their raies to me: who in her tedious absence lay
- Benighted in cold woe; but now appeares my shining day,
- The only light of joy, the only warmth of Love,
- _Shee_ comes with light and warmth, which like _Aurora_ prove;
- Of gentle force, so that my eyes dare gladly play
- With such a rosy Morne: whose beames most freshly gay
- Scorch not; but onely doe darke chilling spirits remove.
- But loe, while I do speake it groweth noone with mee,
- Her flamy glittering lights increase with time and place:
- My heart cryes ah it burnes, mine eyes now dazled be:
- No winde, no shade can coole: what helpe then in my case?
- But with short breath, long lookes, staide feete, and walking hed,
- Pray that my Sunne goe downe with me her beames to bed.
- Those lookes, whose beames be joy, whose motion is delight,
- That face whose lecture shewes what perfect Beautie is:
- That presence which doth give darke hearts a living light,
- That grace, which _Venus_ weepes that shee her selfe doth misse.
- That hand, which without touch, holdes more than _Atlas_ might,
- Those lips, which makes deathes pay a meane prise for a kisse:
- That skin, whose past-praise hue scornes this poore tearme of whit,
- Those words which doe sublime the quintessence of blisse.
- That voice which makes the soule plant himselfe in the eares,
- That conversation sweet, where such high comforts be:
- As constru’d in true speech; the name of heaven it beares:
- Makes me in my best thoughts and quiet judgements see,
- That in no more but these I might be fully blest:
- Yet ah, my maiden Muse doth blush to tell the best.
- Oh how the pleasant ayres of true love bee
- Inflicted by those vapours, which arise
- From out that noysome gulfe: which gaping lies
- Betweene the jawes of hellish Jelousey.
- A Monster, others harmes, selfe misery.
- Beauties plague, Vertues scurge, succour of lyes:
- Who his owne joy to his owne heart applyes,
- And onely cherish doth with injuries:
- Who since he hath by natures speciall grace,
- So pearsing pawes as spoyle when they embrace,
- So nimble feete as stirre though still on thornes,
- So manie eyes aye seeking their owne woe.
- So ample eares, that never good newes knowe,
- Is it not ill that such a divell wants hornes?
- Sweete kisse, thy sweetes I faine would sweetely indite,
- Which even of sweetnes, sweetest sweeter art;
- Pleasing’st consort, where each sense holds a part,
- With coopling Doves guides _Venus_ chariot right,
- Best charge and brav’st retraite in _Cupids_ sight.
- A double key which openeth to the hart,
- Most ritch when most his ritches it imparte.
- Nest of yong joyes, Scholemaster of delight,
- Teaching the meanes at once to take and give,
- The friendly fray where blowes do wound and heale,
- The prettie death while each in other live,
- Poore hopes first wealth a stage of promised weale.
- Breakefast of love, but loe, loe where shee is
- Cease we to praise, now praie wee for a kisse.
- Sweet swelling lip well maiest thou swell in pride
- Since best wittes thinke it witt thee to admire,
- Natures praise, vertues stall, _Cupids_ colde fire,
- Whence words, not words but heavenly graces slide,
- The newe _Pernassus_ where the _Muses_ byde:
- Sweeteness of Musicke, Wisomes beautifier,
- Breather of life, and fastner of desire,
- Where Beauties blush in Honors graine is dyde.
- Thus much my hart compeld my mouth to say:
- But now, spite of my heart my tongue will stay,
- Loathing al lyes, doubting this flatterieis,
- And no spurre can this restie race renewe;
- Without how farre this praise is short of you,
- Sweete lipp you teach my mouth with one sweete kisse.
- O Kisse which doth those ruddie gemmes impart,
- Or Gemmes or fruits of new found Parradise,
- Breathing all blisse and sweetnes to the hart,
- Teaching dumbe lips a nobler exercise.
- O kisse which soules even soules together ties
- By links of Love, and onely natures Art,
- How faine would I paint thee to all mens eies,
- Or of thy gifts at least shade out some part?
- But shee forbids, with blushing words shee saies,
- Shee builds her fame on higher seated praise:
- But my heart burnes, I cannot silent be,
- Then since deare life, you faine would have me peace.
- And I (mad with delight) want wit to cease,
- Stop you my mouth with still still kissing me.
- Nymph of the garden where all beauties be,
- Beauties which do in excellencie passe,
- His who till death lockt in a watry glasse,
- Or hirs whom nak’d the Trojan boy did see.
- Sweete garden Nymph that keepes the Cherrie tree,
- Whose fruit doth far the Hesperian tast surpasse,
- Most sweete faire, most faire sweete, do not alasse
- From comming neere these Cherries banish mee,
- For though full of desire, emptie of wit,
- Admitted late by your best graced grace,
- I caught at one of them an hungry bit,
- Pardon that fault, once more graunt me the place,
- And so I sweare even by the same delite,
- I will but kisse, I never more will bite.
- Good brother _Philip_ I have forborne you long,
- I was content you should in favour creepe,
- While craftely you seemed your Cut to keepe,
- As though that faire soft hand did you great wrong:
- I beare with envy, yet I heare your song,
- When in hir necke you did love ditties peepe,
- Nay, (more foole I) oft suffred you to sleepe,
- In lillies nest where Loves selfe lies a long,
- What? doth high place ambitious thoughts augment?
- Is saucines reward of curtesie?
- Cannot such grace your silly selfe content,
- But you must needes with those lips billing be?
- And through those lips drinke Nectar from that tung,
- Leave that _Syr Phipp_ lest off your necke be wrung.
- High way since you my chiefe _Pernassus_ be,
- And that my Muse to some eares not unmeete,
- Tempers her words to trampling horses feete,
- More often than to a Chamber melodie,
- Now blessed you beare onwards blessed me,
- To her where I my heart safeliest shall meete,
- My Muse and I must you of duetie greete,
- With thanks and wishes wishing thankfully;
- Be you still carefull kept by publike heede,
- By no encrochment wrongd, nor time forgot,
- Nor blam’d for bloud, nor sham’d for sinfull deede,
- And that you know I envie you no lot,
- Of highest wish, I wish you so much blisse,
- Hundreds of yeares you _Stellas_ feete may kisse.
- I see the house my harte thy selfe containe,
- Beware full Sailes drown not thy tottering Barge,
- Least joy by nature apt, (spirites to enlarge)
- Thee to thy wracke beyond thy limits straine,
- Nor doe like Lords whose weake confused braine,
- Not pointing to fit folks each undercharge,
- While every office themselves will discharge,
- With doing all leave nothing done but paine,
- But give apt servants their due place; let eye
- See beauties totall summe summ’d in their face,
- Let eares heare speach which will to wonder tye,
- Let breath suck up those sweetes, let armes imbrace
- The Globe of weale, lipps Lov’s Indentures make.
- Thou but of all the kingly tribute take.
- Alas whence comes this change of lookes? If I
- have chang’d desert, let mine owne conscience be
- A still felt plague to selfe condemning mee:
- Let woe grype on my heart, shame load mine eye:
- But if all faith like spotles _Ermine_ lye
- Safe in my soule (which onely doth to thee
- As his sole object of felicitie
- With wings of Love in aire of wonder flie.)
- O case your hand, treat not so hard your slave,
- In Justice, paines come not till faults do call:
- Or if I needs (sweet Judge) must torments have,
- Use something else to chasten mee withall,
- Than those blest eyes where all my hopes do dwell,
- No doome shall make ones Heaven become his Hell.
- When I was forst from _Stella_ ever deare,
- _Stella_, foode of my thoughts, hart of my hart:
- _Stella_, whose eyes make all my temples cleare,
- By Yron lawes, of duetie to depart,
- Alas I found that shee with mee did smart:
- I sawe that teares did in her eyes appeare:
- I sawe that sighes her sweetest lips did part:
- And her sad words my sadded sense did heare.
- For mee, I weepe to see Pearles scattered so:
- I sighd her sighes, and wailed for her woe:
- Yet swamme in joy such love in her was seene.
- Thus while the effect most bitter was to mee,
- And nothing than that cause more sweet could be,
- I had beene vext, if vext I had not beene.
- Out Traytour absence dar’st thou counsell mee
- From my deare Captainnesse to runne away,
- Because in brave arraye here marcheth shee
- That to winne mee oft showes a present paye.
- Is Faith so weake, or is such force in thee?
- When Sunne is hid, can Starres such beames displaie?
- Cannot Heavens foode once felt keepe stomacks free
- From base desire on earthly cares to praie?
- Tush absence, while thy mistes eclypse that light,
- My Orphan sense flyes to the inward sight:
- Where memorie settes foorth the beames of Love,
- That where before heart lov’d and eyes did see,
- In heart my sight and Love now coupled be,
- United powres make eche the stronger prove.
- Now that of absence the most yrksome night,
- With darkest shade doth overcome the daie:
- Since _Stella’s_ eyes wont to give mee my daie,
- Leaving my _Hemisphere_ leaves mee in night,
- Each day seemes long, and longs for long staied night:
- The night as tedious, wooes th’approch of day:
- Tyr’d with the dustie toyles of busie day,
- Languisht with horrors of the silent night,
- Suffering the evils both of daie and night,
- While no night is more darke than is my day,
- Nor no day hath lesse quiet then my night:
- With such bad mixture of my night and daie,
- That living thus in blackest Winter night,
- I feele the flames of hottest Sommers daie.
- _Stella_, thinke not that I by verse seeke fame,
- Who seeke, who hope, who love, who like, but thee:
- Thine eyes my pride, thy lips my historie,
- If thou praise not, all other praise is shame.
- Nor so ambitious am I, as to frame
- A nest for my yong praise in Lawrell tree,
- In trueth I sweare, I wish not there should be
- graved in my Epitaph a Poets name.
- Nor if I would could I just title make
- That anie laud thereof to me should growe
- Without my Plumes from others wings I take;
- For nothing from my wit or will doth flowe:
- Since all my words thy beautie doth indite,
- And Love doth hold my hand, and makes me write.
- _Stella_, while now by honours cruell might,
- I am from you (light of my light) misled,
- And that faire you, my Sunne thus overspred
- With absence vale I live in sorrowes night.
- If this darke place yet shewe by candle light
- Some Beauties peece, as amber collourd hed,
- Milke hands, rose cheekes, or lips more sweet more red,
- Or seeming jett black, but in blacknes bright
- They please I doe confesse, they please mine eyes,
- But whie? because of you they moddels be;
- Moddels such be wood globes of glistering skyes.
- Deare therefore be not jealous over me,
- If you heare that they seeme my heart to move,
- Not them, no no, but you in them I love.
- Be your words made (good sir) of _Indean_ ware,
- That you allowe them mee by so small rate,
- Or do you cutted _Spartanes_ imitate,
- Or do you meane my tender eares to spare?
- That to my questions you so totall are?
- When I demaund of Phœnix _Stellas_ state,
- You say (forsooth) you left her well of late
- O God, thinke you that satisfies my care?
- I would know whether shee did sit or walke.
- How cloathd: how waited on: sighd shee or smilde:
- Whereof: with whome: how often did shee talke:
- With what pastimes, times jorneys shee beguild?
- If her lips daine to sweeten my poore name?
- Saie all: and all well said: still say the same.
- O Fate, ô fault, O curst child of my blisse,
- What sobs can give words grace my griefe to show?
- What inke is black enough to paint my woe?
- Through mee, wretch mee, even _Stella_ vexed is:
- Yet Trueth, if Caitives brath might call thee this,
- Witnes with mee, that my fowle stumbling so,
- From carelesnes did in no manner growe,
- But wit confusd with too much care did misse.
- And do I then my selfe this vaine scuse give:
- I do sweete Love, and know this harmed thee.
- The world quit mee, shall I my self forgive?
- Onely with paines my paines thus eased be:
- That all thy hurtes in my hearts wracke I reed
- I crye thy sighs (my deare) thy teares I bleed.
- Greefe find the words, for thou hast made my braine
- So darke with mistie vapours which arise
- From out thy heavie mould, that inbent eyes
- Can scarce discerne the shape of mine owne paine:
- Do thou then (for thou canst) do thou complaine
- For my poore soule which now that sicknes tries,
- Which even to sense, sense of it selfe denies.
- Though harbengers of death lodge there his traine,
- Or if the love of plaint yet mind forbeares,
- As of a Caitife worthie so to dye;
- Yet waye thy selfe and wayle in causefull teares:
- That though in wretchednes thy life doth lie,
- Yet growest more wretched than thy nature beares:
- By being plast in such a wretch as I.
- Yet sighes, deare sighes, in deede true friends you are,
- That do not leave your least friend at the wurst:
- But as you with my brest I oft have nurst:
- So gratefull now you wait upon my care.
- Faint coward Joy, no longer tarrie dare,
- Seeing hope yeeld when this woe strake him first,
- Delight exclaims he is for my fault curst,
- Although my mate in Armes himselfe he sware,
- Nay Sorrow comes with such mayne rage as hee,
- Kills his owne children, Teares, finding that they
- By Love were made apt to comfort with mee,
- Onely true sighes, you do not go away:
- Thank may you have for such thankfull part:
- Thank worthiest yet, when you shall breake my heart.
- Though with good cause thou lik’st so well the night.
- Since kind or chaunce gives both one libertie,
- Both sadly blacke, both blackly darkned be:
- Night bard from Sunne, thou from thine own Sunnes light
- Silence in both displaies his sullen might:
- Slowe Heavens in both do hold the one degree,
- That full of doubts, thou of perplexitie:
- Thy teares expresse nights native moysture right,
- In both a wofull solitarines:
- In night of Spirites the gastly power sturr,
- And in our sprites are Spirits gastlines:
- But but (alas) nights sights the ods hath fure,
- For that at length invites us to some rest,
- Thou though still tyr’d, yet still dost it detest.
- _Dian_ that faine would cheare her friend the Night,
- Doth shewe her oft at full her fairest face,
- Bringing with her those starrie Nymphs, whose chace
- From heavenly standing hurts eche mortall wight.
- But ah poore Night in love with _Phœbus_ light,
- And endlesly dispairing of his grace,
- Herselfe to shewe no other joy hath place,
- Sylent and sad in moorning weeds doth dight:
- Even so (alas) and Ladie _Dians_ peere,
- With choise delight and rarest company,
- Would faine drive clouds from out my heavie cheere:
- But woe is me, though joy her selfe were shee,
- Shee could not shewe my blind braine waies of joy
- While I dispaire my Sunnes light to enjoy.
- Ah bed the feeld where joyes peace some do see:
- The feeld where al my thoughts to war be traind,
- How is thy grace by my strange fortune staind?
- How thy low shrowdes by my sighs stormed be?
- With sweet soft shades thou oft invitest mee
- To steale some rest, but wretch I am constrained.
- Spurd with Loves spurr, this held and shortly rained
- With Cares hard hand, to runne and tosse in thee,
- While the black horrors of the silent night,
- Paint Woes black face so lively in my sight,
- That tedious leasure markes eache wrinckled line:
- But when _Aurora_ leades out _Phœbus_ daunce
- Mine eyes then only winke for spite perchaunce,
- That wormes shou’d have their Sunne and I want mine.
- When farre spent night perswades each mortall eie
- To whome nor Art nor Nature granted light:
- To lay his then marke wanting shaftes of sight;
- Clos’d whith their quivers in Sleeps armorie;
- With windowes ope then most my heart doth lye
- Viewing the shape of darknes and delight,
- And takes that sad hue, with which inward might
- Of his mazde powres he keeps just harmony:
- But when birds chirpe aire, and sweet aire which is
- Mornes messenger with rose enameld skyes
- Calls each wight to salute the heaven of blisse;
- Intombd of lids then buried are mine eyes,
- Forst by their Lord who is ashamd to find
- Such light in sence with such a darkned mind.
- Oh teares, no teares, but shoures from beauties skyes,
- Making those Lilies and those Roses growe,
- Which aie most faire now fairer needs must show,
- While grateful pitty Beauty beautifies,
- Oh minded sighs that from that brest doe rise,
- Whose pants doe make unspilling Creame to flow,
- Winged with woes breath so doth _Zephire_ blow
- As might refresh the hel where my soule fries,
- Oh plaints conserv’d in such a surgred phrase,
- That eloquence envies, and yet doth prayse,
- While sightd out words a perfect musicke gives
- Such teares, sighs, plaints, no sorrow is, but joy:
- Or if such heavenly sighs must prove annoy,
- All mirth farewel, let me in sorrow live.
- _Stella_ is sicke, and in that sick-bed lyes
- Sweetenes, that breathes and pants as oft as shee:
- And Grace sicke too, such fine conclusions tries,
- That sicknes brings it selfe best grac’d to bee.
- Beautie is sicke, but sicke in such faire guise,
- That in that palenes Beauties white we see,
- And Joy which is unsever’d from those eyes.
- _Stella_ now learnes, (strange case) to weepe with me,
- Love moves thy paine and like a faithful page,
- As thy looks sturre, runs up and downe to make
- All folkes prest at thy wil thy paine to swage,
- Nature with care seeks for his darlings sake,
- Knowing worlds passe, ere she enough can finde
- Of such heaven stuffe to cloath so heavenly minde.
- Where be those Roses, which so sweetned earst our eyes?
- Where be those red cheekes, which fair increase did frame
- No hight of honor in the kindly badge of shame,
- Who hath the crimson weeds stoln from the morning skies?
- How doth the coullor fade of those vermillion eyes,
- Which Nature selfe did make and selfe engrave the same?
- I would know by what right this palenes overcame
- That hue, whose force my heart in so great thraldom ties?
- _Gallens_ adopted sonnes, who by a beaten way
- Their judgements hackney on, the fault of sicknes lay:
- But feeling proofe makes me say, they mistake it sure,
- It is but love that makes this paper perfect white,
- To write therein more fresh the storie of _Delight_,
- Whiles Beauties reddest incke _Venus_ for him doth stir.
- O happie _Thames_ that didst my _Stella_ beare,
- I saw thee with full many a smiling line
- Upon thy cheereful face loves Livery weare:
- While those faire Plannets on thy streames did shine,
- The boat for joy could not to dance forbeare,
- While wanton winds with beautie so divine
- Ravisht, staid not, til in her golden haire
- They did themselves (ô sweetest prison) twine.
- But faine those friendly winds there would their stay
- Have made, but forst by Nature still to flie,
- First did with puffing kisse those Lockes display:
- She so discovered, blusht. From window I
- With sight thereof cride out; Ah faire disgrace,
- Let honours selfe to thee graunt highest place.
- Envious wits what hath beene mine offence,
- That with such poisoned eare my wits you marke,
- That to each word, nay sigh of mine you harke,
- As grudging me my sorrows eloquence?
- Ah, is it not enough, that I am thence:
- Thence, so farre thence, that scantly anie sparke
- Of comfort dare come to this dungeon darke
- Where rigorous exile lockes up al my sense:
- But if I by a happie window passe,
- If I but Starres uppon mine Armour beare,
- Sicke, thirstie, glad (though but of empty glasse)
- Your morals note straight my hid meaning there,
- From out my ribs a whirlewind proves that I
- Doe _Stella_ love. Fooles, who doth it denie?
- Unhappie sight and hath shee vanisht by,
- So neere, in so good time so free a place,
- Dead glasse dost thou thine object so imbrase,
- As what my hart still sees thou canst not spie,
- I sweare by hir Love and my lacke, that I
- Was not in fault that bent my dazling race
- Onely unto the heaven of _Stella’s_ face,
- Counting but dust that in her way did lie:
- But cease mine eyes, your teares doe witnes well,
- That you guiltles therefore your necklace mist,
- Curst be the Page from whome the bad torch fell,
- Curst be the night which did your will resist,
- Curst be the Cochman that did drive so fast,
- With no lesse curse then absence makes me tast.
- O absent presence _Stella_ is not here,
- False flattering hope that with so faire a face,
- Bare me in hand that in this Orphane place,
- _Stella_ I saw, my _Stella_ should appeare,
- What saist thou now, where is that dainty cleare
- Thou wouldst mine eyes should helpe their famisht case:
- But how art thou? now that selfe felt disgrace
- Doth make me most to wish thy comfort neere,
- But heere I doe shore of faire Ladies meete,
- Who may with charme of conversation sweete
- Make in my heavie mould new thoughts to grow:
- Sure they prevaile as much with me, as he
- That bad his frind but then new maimde to be
- Merrie with him, and so forget his woe.
- _Stella_ since thou so right a Princesse art
- Of all the Powers which life bestowe on me,
- That ere by them ought undertaken be,
- They first resort unto that soveraigne part;
- Sweete for a time give respite to my heart,
- Which pants as though it still should leape to thee:
- And on my thought give the Lieuetenancie
- To this great cause, which needes both wit and Art,
- And as a Queene who from her presence sends
- Whom shee emploies, dismisse from thee my wit,
- Still to have wrought that thy owne will attends,
- For servants shame of Maisters blame doth fit.
- O let not Fooles in me thy works approve,
- And scorning say, see what it is to love.
- When sorrow (using my owne Siers might)
- Melts downe his lead into my boyling brest,
- Through that darke Furnace of my heart opprest,
- There shines a joy from thee my onely light:
- But soone as thought of thee breeds my delight,
- And my young soule once flutters to her nest,
- Most dead dispaire my daily unbidden guest
- Clips strait my wings, strait wraps me in his night,
- And makes me then bow downe my head and say,
- Ah what doth _Phœbus_ gold that wretch availe,
- Whom Iron darts doth keepe from use of daie,
- So strangely (alas) thy workes on me prevaile,
- That in my woes for thee, thou art my joy;
- And in my joyes for thee, my onel’ anoy.
- [Illustration]
- _Other Sonnets of variable verse._
- _First Sonnet._
- Doubt you to whom my Muse these notes intendeth,
- Which now my brest surchargd with musick lendeth?
- To _you_, to _you_ all song of praise is due,
- Onely in _you_ my song begins and endeth.
- _2_ Who hath the eyes which marrie state with pleasure,
- Who keepes the key of Natures chiefest treasure:
- To _you_, to _you_, all song of praise be due,
- Onely for _you_ the heavens forget all measure.
- _3_ Who hath the lips where wit with fairenes raigneth,
- Who womenkinde at once both decks and staineth:
- To _you_, to _you_ all song of praise is due,
- Onely by _you_ _Cupid_ his crowne maintaineth.
- _4_ Who hath the feet whose steps all sweetnes planteth,
- Who els for whom Fame worthie trumpets wanteth:
- To _you_, to _you_ all song of praise be due,
- Onely to _you_ her scepter _Venus_ granteth.
- _5_ Who hath the brest whose milk doth patience nourish,
- Whose grace is such, that when it chides doth cherish:
- To _you_, to _you_ all song of praise be due,
- Onely through _you_ the tree of life doth floorish.
- _6_ Who hath the hand which without stroke subdueth
- Who long hid beautie with encrease renueth:
- To _you_, to _you_ all song of praise is due,
- Only at _you_ all envie hopelesse endeth.
- _7_ Who hath the haire which most loose most fast tieth,
- Who makes a man live then glad when he dieth:
- To _you_, to _you_ all song of praise be due,
- Onely of _you_ the flatterer never lieth.
- _8_ Who hath the voyce which soule from senses sunders,
- Whose force but yours the bolt of beautie thunders?
- To _you_, to _you_ all song of praise is due,
- Onely with _you_ no miracles are wonders.
- _9_ Doubt you to whom my Muse these notes intendeth,
- Which now my breast orechargd with Musick lendeth?
- To _you_, to _you_ all song of praise is due,
- Onely in _you_ my song begins and endeth.
- _Second Sonnet._
- Have I caught my heavenly Juel
- Teaching Sleepe most faire to be:
- Now will I teach her, that she
- When shee wakes is too too cruell.
- _2_ Since sweete Sleepe her eyes hath charmed,
- The two onely darts of Love:
- Now will I with that Boy prove
- Some play while he is disarmed.
- _3_ Her tongue waking still refuseth,
- Giving franklie niggard no:
- Now will I attempt to knowe,
- What no her tongue sleeping useth.
- _4_ See the hand that waking gardeth,
- Sleeping grants a free resort:
- Now I will invade the fort.
- Cowards Love with losse rewardeth.
- _5_ But (O foole) thinke of the danger
- Of her just and high disdaine.
- Now will I (alas) refraine
- Love feares nothing else but anger.
- _6_ Yet those lippes so sweetly swelling,
- Do invite a stealing kisse;
- Now but venture will I this,
- Who will read must first learne spelling.
- _7_ Oh sweete kisse, but ah shee is waking.
- Lowring beautie chastens mee.
- Now will I for feare hence flee,
- Foole, more Foole for no more taking.
- _The third Sonnet._
- If _Orpheus_ voyce had force to breathe such musicks Love
- Through pores of senseles trees, as it could make them move:
- If stones good measure daunst the _Thebane_ walls to builde,
- To cadens of the tunes which _Amphions_ Lyre did yeeld,
- More cause a like effect at least wise bringeth.
- O stones, ô trees, learne hearing, _Stella_ singeth.
- _2_ If Love might sweeten so a boy of Shepheards brood,
- To make a Lyzard dull to taste Loves food:
- If Eagle fierce could so in _Grecian_ maide delight,
- As her eyes were his light, her death his endlesse night:
- Earth gave that Love, heaven (I trow) Love refineth.
- O Beasts, ô Birds, looke Love; for _Stella_ shineth.
- _3_ The beasts, birds, stones & trees feele this, and feeling love:
- And if the trees, nor stones stirre not the same to prove.
- Nor beasts, nor birds doo come unto this blessed gaze:
- Know that small Love is quick, and great Love doth amaze:
- They are amaz’d, but you with reason armed.
- O eyes, O eares of men, how are you charmed?
- _The fourth Sonnet._
- Onely _Joy_, now here you are,
- Fit to heare and ease my care:
- Let my whispering voyce obtaine
- Sweete rewards for sharpest paine:
- Take me to thee, and thee to mee.
- _No no no no, my Deare let bee._
- _2_ Night hath closde all in her cloke,
- Twinkling starres love thoughts provoke,
- Danger hence good care doth keepe,
- _Jelouzie_ him selfe doth sleepe:
- Take me to thee, and thee to mee.
- _No no no no, my Deare let bee._
- _3_ Better place no wit can finde
- _Cupids_ knot to loose or binde,
- These sweete flowers, our fine bed too,
- Us in their best language wooe:
- Take me to thee, and thee to mee:
- _No no no no, my Deare let bee._
- _4_ This small light the Moone bestoes,
- Serves thy beames for to disclose,
- So to raise my heart more hie:
- Feare not, els none can us spie:
- Take me to thee, and thee to mee.
- _No no no no, my Deare let bee._
- _5_ That you heard was but a mouse,
- Dumbe Sleepe holdeth all the house,
- Yet a sleepe (methinks) they say,
- Yong fooles, take time while you may:
- Take me to thee, and thee to mee.
- _No no no no, my Deare let bee._
- _6_ Niggard time threates if we misse
- This large offer of our blisse,
- Long stay ere shee graunt the same:
- Sweete then, while ech thing doth frame
- Take me to thee, and thee to mee.
- _No no no no, my Deare let bee._
- _7_ Your faire Mother is a bed,
- Candles out, and curtaines spred;
- Shee thinkes you do letters write:
- Write, but first let me endite.
- Take me to thee, and thee to mee.
- _No no no no, my Deare let bee._
- _8_ Sweete, alas why strive you thus?
- Concord better fitteth us;
- Leave to _Mars_ the force of hands.
- Your power in your beautie stands.
- Take me to thee, and thee to mee.
- _No no no no, my Deare let bee._
- _9_ Woe to mee, and do you sweare,
- Me to hate but I forbeare?
- Curst be my destinies all,
- That brought mee so high to fall:
- Soone with my death Ile please thee.
- _No no no no, my Deare let bee._
- _The fifth Sonnet._
- While favour fed my hope, delight with hope was brought,
- Thought waited on delight, and speach did follow thought,
- Then drew my tongue and pen records unto thy glorie;
- I thought all words were lost that were not spent of thee,
- I thought each place was darke but where thy lights would be,
- And all eares worse than deaffe, that heard not out thy storie.
- _2_ I said thou wert most faire, and so indeede thou art;
- I said thou wert most sweete, sweete poyson to my hart;
- I said my soule was thine, ô would I then had lied;
- I said thy eyes were starres, thy breasts the milken way,
- Thy fingers _Cupids_ shafts, thy voice the Angels lay:
- And all is said so well, that no man it denied.
- _3_ But now that hope is lost, unkindnes kils delight,
- Yet thought and speach do live, thought metamorphisde quite,
- For rage now rules the reynes, which guided were by pleasure,
- I thinke now of thy faults, who late wrote of thy praise,
- That speech falls now to blame which did thy honour raise:
- The same key open can, which can locke up a treasure.
- _4_ Then thou whom partiall heavens conspir’d in one to frame
- The proofe of beauties worke, the inheritance of fame,
- The mansion state of blisse, and just excuse of lovers:
- See now those feathers pluckt wherewith thou flewest most hie,
- See what cloudes of reproach shall darke thy honours skie;
- Whom fault once casteth downe, hardly high state recovers.
- _5_ And ô my Muse, though oft you luld her in your lap,
- And then a heavenly Childe gave her Ambrosian pap,
- And to that braine of hers your highest gifts infused:
- Since she disdaining me, doth you in me disdaine,
- Suffer not her to laugh, and both we suffer paine:
- Princes in subjects wrongd must deeme themselves abused.
- _6_ Your client poore, my selfe, shall _Stella_ handle so,
- Revenge, revenge, my Muse defiance trumpet blowe,
- Threat, threat, what may be done; yet do no more but threaten:
- Ah, my sute granted is, I feele my breast doth swell;
- Now Childe, a lesson new you shall begin to spell,
- Sweet babes must babies have, but shrewd girles must be beaten.
- _7_ Thinke now no more to heare of warme fine shining snow,
- Nor blushing Lillyes, nor pearles Rubie hidden row,
- Nor of that golden sea, whose waves in curles are broken:
- But of thy soule fraught with such ungratefulnesse,
- As where thou soone mightst help, most there thou dost oppresse:
- Ungratefull who is cald, the worst of ills is spoken.
- _8_ Yet worse than worse, I say thou art a Thiefe. A thiefe?
- Now God forbid: a thiefe, and of worst thieves a thiefe;
- Thieves steale for neede, & steale for goods, which paine recovers:
- But _thou_, rich in all joyes, dost rob my goods from mee,
- Which cannot be restorde by time nor industrie:
- Of foes the spoyle is evill, farre more of constant lovers.
- _9_ Yet gentle English thieves doo rob, and will not slay;
- Thou English murdring thiefe, wilt have hearts for thy pray.
- The name of murdrer now on thy faire forhead sitteth,
- And even while I do speake my death wounds bleeding bee,
- Which I protest proceed from onely cruell thee.
- Who may and will not save, murther in trueth committeth.
- _10_ But murthers private fault seemes but a toy to thee.
- I lay then to thy charge unjustice Tirannie,
- If rule by force without all claime, a Tyrant sheweth;
- For thou art my hearts Lord, who am not borne thy slave,
- And which is worse makes me most guiltles torments have.
- A rightfull Prince by unrightfull deeds a Tyrant groweth.
- _11_ Loe you grow proud with this, for Tyrants makes folks bow:
- Of foule rebellion then I do appeach thee now,
- Rebels by Natures lawes rebell by way of reason:
- Thou sweetest subject wert borne in the Realme of Love,
- And yet against thy Prince, thy force dost daily prove.
- No vertue merits praise, once toucht with blot of Treason.
- _12_ But valiant Rebels oft in fooles mouthes purchase fame,
- I now then staine thy white with blackest blot of shame,
- Both Rebel to the Sonne, and vagrant from the Mother,
- For wearing _Venus_ badge, in every part of thee,
- Unto _Dianaes_ traine thou runnaway didst flie:
- Who faileth one is false, though trustie to another.
- _13_ What is not this enough, nay farre worse commeth here:
- A _Witch_ I say thou art, though thou so faire appeare.
- For I protest, mine eyes never thy sight enjoyeth,
- But I in mee am chang’d, I am alive and dead.
- My feete are turn’d to rootes, my heart becommeth lead,
- No witchcraft is so ill, as which mans minde destroyeth.
- _14_ Yet Witches may repent, thou art farre worse than they:
- Alas, that I am forst such evill of thee to say:
- I say thou art a Divel though cloathd in Angels shining:
- For thy face tempts my soule to leave the heavens for thee,
- And thy words of refuse doo powre even hell on mee:
- Who tempts, and tempting plagues are Divels in true defining.
- _15_ You then ungrateful theefe, you murthering Tirant you,
- You Rebell runnaway, to Lord and Lady untrue,
- You Witch, you Divel (alas) you still in me beloved,
- You see what I can say: mend yet your froward minde,
- And such skill in my Muse you reconcil’d shall finde,
- That by these cruell words your praises shal be proved.
- _The Sixth Sonnet._
- O You that heare this voice,
- O you that see this face,
- Say whether of the choice,
- Deserves the better place,
- Feare not to judge this bate,
- For it is voide of hate.
- _2_ This side doth Beautie take,
- For that doth Musick speake,
- Fit Orators to make,
- The strongest judgements weake.
- The barre to plead the right,
- Is onely true delight.
- _3_ Thus doth the voice and face,
- The gentle Lawiers wage,
- Like loving brothers case,
- For Fathers heritage,
- That each while each contends,
- It selfe to other lends.
- _4_ For Beautie beautifies
- With heavenly view and grace,
- The heavenly harmonie;
- And in this faultles face
- The perfect beauties bee,
- A perfect harmonie.
- _5_ Musick more lustie swels
- In speeches nobly placed,
- Beautie as farre excels
- In actions aptly graced.
- A friend each partie drawes,
- To countenance his cause.
- _6_ Love more affected seemes
- To Beauties lonely light,
- And wonder more esteemes
- Of Musicks wondrous might;
- But both to both so bent,
- As both in both are spent.
- _7_ Musicke doth witnes call
- The eare his truth to trie:
- Beautie brings to the hall
- The judgement of the eie:
- Both in their objects such,
- As no exceptions tuch.
- _8_ The common Sense which might
- Be arbitrer of this,
- To be forsooth upright,
- To both sides partiall is:
- He laies on this chiefe praise,
- Chiefe praise on that he laies.
- _9_ Then reason Princesse hie,
- Whose throne is in the minde;
- Which Musicke can in skie,
- And hidden Beauties finde:
- Say, whether thou wilt crowne
- With limitlesse renowne.
- _The Seventh Sonnet._
- Whose senses in so evil comfort their stepdame Nature laies,
- That ravishing delight in them most sweete tunes doth not raise,
- Or if they doe delight therein, yet are so cloid with wit,
- As with sententious lips to set a little vaine on it:
- O let them heare these sacred tunes, & learne in wonders scholes,
- To be (in things past bounds of wit) fooles if they be not fooles.
- _2_ Who have so leaden eyes, as not to see sweete Beauties showe:
- Or seeing, have so wooden wits as not that worth to knowe;
- Or knowing have so muddie mindes, as not to be in love;
- Or loving, have so frothie hearts, as easie thence to move:
- O, let them see these heavenly beames, and in faire, letters reed
- A lesson, fit both sight and skill, Love and firme Love to breed.
- _3_ Heare then, but then with wonder hear; see, but admiring see,
- No mortal gifts, no earthly fruts now heare diserned bee:
- See, doo you see this face: a face, nay image of the skyes:
- Of which, the two life-given lights are figured in her eyes:
- Heare you this soule-invading voyce, and count it but a voyce,
- The verie essence of their tunes, when Angls doo rejoyce.
- _The eighth Sonnet._
- In a grove most rich of shade;
- Where birds wanton Musicke made:
- _Maie_ then yong his pide weeds shewing,
- New perfumes with flowrs fresh growing.
- _2_ _Astrophel_ with _Stella_ sweet
- Did for mutual comfort meete
- Both within themselves oppressed,
- But either in each other blessed.
- _3_ Him great harmes had taught much care,
- Her faire necke a foule yoke bare:
- But hir sight his cares did banish,
- In his sight hir yoke did vanish.
- _4_ Wept they had, alas the while:
- But now teares themselves did smile,
- While their eyes by Love directed,
- Interchangeably reflected.
- _5_ Sighd they had: but now betwixt
- Sighs of woe were glad sighs mixt:
- With armes crost, yet testifying
- Restles rest, and living dying.
- _6_ Their eares hungrie of each word
- Which the deare tongue would afford,
- But their tongues restrained from walking,
- Till their harts had ended talking.
- _7_ But when their tongues could not speake,
- Love it selfe did silence breake:
- Love did set his lips asunder
- Thus to speake in love and wonder.
- _8_ _Stella_, Sovereigne of my joy,
- Faire Triumphres in annoy:
- _Stella_, Starre of heavenly fire,
- _Stella_, loadstarre of desire.
- _9_ _Stella_, in whose shining eyes
- Are the lights of _Cupids_ skyes,
- Whose beames where they are once darted
- Love there with is straight imparted.
- _10_ _Stella_, whose voyce when it speakes,
- Sences all asunder breakes:
- _Stella_, whose voyce when it singeth
- Angles to acquaintance bringeth.
- _11_ _Stella_, in whose bodie is
- Writ the carecters of blis:
- Whose sweete face all beautie passeth,
- Save the minde which it surpasseth.
- _12_ Graunt, ô graunt, but speach (alas)
- Failes me, fearing on to passe:
- Graunt to me, what am I saying?
- But no sinne there is in praying.
- _13_ Graunt (ô Deare) on knees I pray
- (Knees on ground he then did stay)
- That not I, but since I prove you,
- Time and place from me nere move you.
- _14_ Never season was more fit,
- Never roome more apt for it:
- Smiling aire allowes my reason:
- These birds sing; now use the season.
- _15_ This small winde which so sweete is,
- See how it the leaves doth kis:
- Each tree in his best attyring,
- Sense of Love to Love inspiring.
- _16_ Love makes earth the water drinke,
- Love to earth makes water sinke:
- And if dumb things be so wittie,
- Shall a heavenly Grace want pittie?
- _17_ There his hands (in their speach) faine
- Would have made tongues language plaine:
- But her hands his hands compelling,
- Gave repulse, all grace expelling.
- _18_ Therewithall, away she went,
- Leaving him with passion rent,
- With what she had done and spoken,
- That therewith my song is broken.
- _The ninth Sonnet._
- Goe my Flocke, goe get you hence,
- Seeke a better place of feeding,
- Where you may have some defence
- From the stormes in my breast bleeding,
- And showers from mine eyes proceeding.
- _2_ Leave a wretch in whom all woe,
- Can abide to keepe no measure;
- Merrie Flocke, such one forgoe
- Unto whom mirth is displeasure,
- Onely rich in measures treasure.
- _3_ Yet alas before you goe,
- Heare your wofull Masters storie,
- Which to stones I else would showe;
- Sorrow onely then hath glorie,
- When tis excellently sorie.
- _4_ _Stella_, fairest Shepheardesse,
- Fairest, but yet cruelst ever:
- _Stella_, whom the heavens still blesse,
- Though against me she persever,
- Though I blisse inherit never.
- _5_ _Stella_ hath refused mee,
- _Stella_, who more love hath proved
- In this caitiffe hart to bee,
- Than can in good to us be moved
- Towards Lambkins best beloved.
- _6_ _Stella_ hath refused mee
- _Astrophel_ that so well served.
- In this plesant Spring (Muse) see,
- While in pride flowers be preserved,
- Himselfe onely, winter starved.
- _7_ Why (alas) then doth she sweare
- That she loveth me so deerely;
- Seeing me so long to beare
- Coales of love that burne so cleerly:
- And yet leave me hopelesse meerly.
- _8_ Is that love? forsooth I trow.
- If I saw my good dogg grieved,
- And a helpe for him did know,
- My love should not be beleeved,
- But he were by me releeved.
- _9_ No, she hates me (welaway)
- Faining love, somewhat to please me,
- Knowing if she should display
- All hate, death soone would seaze me,
- And of hideous torments ease me.
- _10_ Then my deare Flocke now adieu:
- But alas, if in your straying
- Heavenly _Stella_ meete with you,
- Tell her in your piteous blaying
- Her poore Slaves just decaying.
- _The Tenth Sonnet._
- O Deare Life, when shall it bee,
- That mine eyes thine eyes shall see,
- And in them thy minde discover,
- Whether absence have had force
- Thy remembrance to divorce
- From the image of thy Lover?
- _2_ O if I my selfe finde not
- By thine absence oft forgot,
- Nor debard from Beauties treasure,
- Let no tongue aspire to tell
- In what high joyes I shall dwell,
- Onely thought aimes at the pleasure.
- _3_ Thought therefore will I send thee
- To take up the place for mee,
- Long I will not after tarrie:
- There unseene thou maist be bold
- Those faire wonders to behold,
- Which in them my hopes do carrie.
- _4_ Thought, see thou no place forbeare,
- Enter bravely everiewhere,
- Seaze on all to her belonging:
- But if thou wouldst garded bee,
- Fearing her beames, take with thee
- Strength of liking, rage of longing.
- _5_ O my Thoughts, my Thoughts surcease,
- Your delights my woes encrease,
- My life fleetes with too much thinking:
- Thinke no more, but die in mee,
- Till thou shalt received bee,
- At her lips my _Nectar_ drinking.
- Finis Syr P. S.
- Transcriber’s Note
- List of changes made to the text to correct suspected printing errors
- (by comparison with other editions):
- Page 4, “romes” changed to “comes” (comes forth her grace).
- Page 17, “sume” changed to “some” (And of some sent).
- Page 17, “hormanship advaunc” changed to “horsmanship advaunce” (my
- skill in horsmanship advaunce).
- Page 26, “durssed” changed to “curssed” (curssed in my blisse).
- Page 26, “eloquene” changed to “eloquence” (with dumbe eloquence).
- Page 44, “love fooles” changed to “love. Fooles” (Doe _Stella_ love.
- Fooles, who doth it denie?).
- Page 47, “paise” changed to “praise” (all song of praise is due).
- Page 51, “hard” changed to “heard” (that heard not out).
- Page 52, “wrongs” changed to “wrongd” (Princes in subjects wrongd).
- Page 56, stanza number “_2_” added to the 7th sonnet.
- End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Sir P.S.: His Astrophel and Stella, by
- Philip Sidney
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