- The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus, by
- Christoper Marlowe
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- Title: The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus
- Author: Christoper Marlowe
- Release Date: January, 1997 [Etext #779]
- Posting Date: November 3, 2009
- Language: English
- Produced by Gary R. Young
- By Christopher Marlowe
- From The Quarto of 1604
- Edited by The Rev. Alexander Dyce
- In reprinting this edition, I have here and there amended the text
- by means of the later 4tos,--1616, 1624, 1631.--Of 4to 1663, which
- contains various comparatively modern alterations and additions,
- I have made no use.
- VALDES, ] friends to FAUSTUS.
- WAGNER, servant to FAUSTUS.
- Clown.
- Vintner.
- Horse-courser.
- A Knight.
- An Old Man.
- Scholars, Friars, and Attendants.
- Good Angel.
- Evil Angel.
- The Seven Deadly Sins.
- Devils.
- Spirits in the shapes of ALEXANDER THE GREAT, of his Paramour
- and of HELEN.
- Chorus.
- Enter CHORUS.
- CHORUS. Not marching now in fields of Thrasymene,
- Where Mars did mate[1] the Carthaginians;
- Nor sporting in the dalliance of love,
- In courts of kings where state is overturn'd;
- Nor in the pomp of proud audacious deeds,
- Intends our Muse to vaunt[2] her[3] heavenly verse:
- Only this, gentlemen,--we must perform
- The form of Faustus' fortunes, good or bad:
- To patient judgments we appeal our plaud,
- And speak for Faustus in his infancy.
- Now is he born, his parents base of stock,
- In Germany, within a town call'd Rhodes:
- Of riper years, to Wertenberg he went,
- Whereas[4] his kinsmen chiefly brought him up.
- So soon he profits in divinity,
- The fruitful plot of scholarism grac'd,
- That shortly he was grac'd with doctor's name,
- Excelling all whose sweet delight disputes
- In heavenly matters of theology;
- Till swoln with cunning,[5] of a self-conceit,
- His waxen wings did mount above his reach,
- And, melting, heavens conspir'd his overthrow;
- For, falling to a devilish exercise,
- And glutted now[6] with learning's golden gifts,
- He surfeits upon cursed necromancy;
- Nothing so sweet as magic is to him,
- Which he prefers before his chiefest bliss:
- And this the man that in his study sits.
- [Exit.]
- FAUSTUS discovered in his study.[7]
- FAUSTUS. Settle thy studies, Faustus, and begin
- To sound the depth of that thou wilt profess:
- Having commenc'd, be a divine in shew,
- Yet level at the end of every art,
- And live and die in Aristotle's works.
- Sweet Analytics, 'tis thou[8] hast ravish'd me!
- Bene disserere est finis logices.
- Is, to dispute well, logic's chiefest end?
- Affords this art no greater miracle?
- Then read no more; thou hast attain'd that[9] end:
- A greater subject fitteth Faustus' wit:
- Bid Economy[10] farewell, and[11] Galen come,
- Seeing, Ubi desinit philosophus, ibi incipit medicus:
- Be a physician, Faustus; heap up gold,
- And be eterniz'd for some wondrous cure:
- Summum bonum medicinae sanitas,
- The end of physic is our body's health.
- Why, Faustus, hast thou not attain'd that end?
- Is not thy common talk found aphorisms?
- Are not thy bills hung up as monuments,
- Whereby whole cities have escap'd the plague,
- And thousand desperate maladies been eas'd?
- Yet art thou still but Faustus, and a man.
- Couldst[12] thou make men[13] to live eternally,
- Or, being dead, raise them to life again,
- Then this profession were to be esteem'd.
- Physic, farewell! Where is Justinian?
- [Reads.]
- Si una eademque res legatur[14] duobus, alter rem,
- alter valorem rei, &c.
- A pretty case of paltry legacies!
- [Reads.]
- Exhoereditare filium non potest pater, nisi, &c.[15]
- Such is the subject of the institute,
- And universal body of the law:[16]
- This[17] study fits a mercenary drudge,
- Who aims at nothing but external trash;
- Too servile[18] and illiberal for me.
- When all is done, divinity is best:
- Jerome's Bible, Faustus; view it well.
- [Reads.]
- Stipendium peccati mors est.
- Ha!
- Stipendium, &c.
- The reward of sin is death: that's hard.
- [Reads.]
- Si peccasse negamus, fallimur, et nulla est in nobis veritas;
- If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and
- there's no truth in us. Why, then, belike we must sin, and so
- consequently die:
- Ay, we must die an everlasting death.
- What doctrine call you this, Che sera, sera,[19]
- What will be, shall be? Divinity, adieu!
- These metaphysics of magicians,
- And necromantic books are heavenly;
- Lines, circles, scenes,[20] letters, and characters;
- Ay, these are those that Faustus most desires.
- O, what a world of profit and delight,
- Of power, of honour, of omnipotence,
- Is promis'd to the studious artizan!
- All things that move between the quiet poles
- Shall be at my command: emperors and kings
- Are but obeyed in their several provinces,
- Nor can they raise the wind, or rend the clouds;
- But his dominion that exceeds in this,
- Stretcheth as far as doth the mind of man;
- A sound magician is a mighty god:
- Here, Faustus, tire[21] thy brains to gain a deity.
- Enter WAGNER.[22]
- Wagner, commend me to my dearest friends,
- The German Valdes and Cornelius;
- Request them earnestly to visit me.
- WAGNER. I will, sir.
- [Exit.]
- FAUSTUS. Their conference will be a greater help to me
- Than all my labours, plod I ne'er so fast.
- GOOD ANGEL. O, Faustus, lay that damned book aside,
- And gaze not on it, lest it tempt thy soul,
- And heap God's heavy wrath upon thy head!
- Read, read the Scriptures:--that is blasphemy.
- EVIL ANGEL. Go forward, Faustus, in that famous art
- Wherein all Nature's treasure[23] is contain'd:
- Be thou on earth as Jove[24] is in the sky,
- Lord and commander of these elements.[25]
- [Exeunt Angels.]
- FAUSTUS. How am I glutted with conceit of this!
- Shall I make spirits fetch me what I please,
- Resolve[26] me of all ambiguities,
- Perform what desperate enterprise I will?
- I'll have them fly to India for gold,
- Ransack the ocean for orient pearl,
- And search all corners of the new-found world
- For pleasant fruits and princely delicates;
- I'll have them read me strange philosophy,
- And tell the secrets of all foreign kings;
- I'll have them wall all Germany with brass,
- And make swift Rhine circle fair Wertenberg;
- I'll have them fill the public schools with silk,[27]
- Wherewith the students shall be bravely clad;
- I'll levy soldiers with the coin they bring,
- And chase the Prince of Parma from our land,
- And reign sole king of all the[28] provinces;
- Yea, stranger engines for the brunt of war,
- Than was the fiery keel at Antwerp's bridge,[29]
- I'll make my servile spirits to invent.
- Come, German Valdes, and Cornelius,
- And make me blest with your sage conference.
- Valdes, sweet Valdes, and Cornelius,
- Know that your words have won me at the last
- To practice magic and concealed arts:
- Yet not your words only,[30] but mine own fantasy,
- That will receive no object; for my head
- But ruminates on necromantic skill.
- Philosophy is odious and obscure;
- Both law and physic are for petty wits;
- Divinity is basest of the three,
- Unpleasant, harsh, contemptible, and vile:[31]
- 'Tis magic, magic, that hath ravish'd me.
- Then, gentle friends, aid me in this attempt;
- And I, that have with concise syllogisms[32]
- Gravell'd the pastors of the German church,
- And made the flowering pride of Wertenberg
- Swarm to my problems, as the infernal spirits
- On sweet Musaeus when he came to hell,
- Will be as cunning[33] as Agrippa[34] was,
- Whose shadow[35] made all Europe honour him.
- VALDES. Faustus, these books, thy wit, and our experience,
- Shall make all nations to canonize us.
- As Indian Moors obey their Spanish lords,
- So shall the spirits[36] of every element
- Be always serviceable to us three;
- Like lions shall they guard us when we please;
- Like Almain rutters[37] with their horsemen's staves,
- Or Lapland giants, trotting by our sides;
- Sometimes like women, or unwedded maids,
- Shadowing more beauty in their airy brows
- Than have the[38] white breasts of the queen of love:
- From[39] Venice shall they drag huge argosies,
- And from America the golden fleece
- That yearly stuffs old Philip's treasury;
- If learned Faustus will be resolute.
- FAUSTUS. Valdes, as resolute am I in this
- As thou to live: therefore object it not.
- CORNELIUS. The miracles that magic will perform
- Will make thee vow to study nothing else.
- He that is grounded in astrology,
- Enrich'd with tongues, well seen in[40] minerals,
- Hath all the principles magic doth require:
- Then doubt not, Faustus, but to be renowm'd,[41]
- And more frequented for this mystery
- Than heretofore the Delphian oracle.
- The spirits tell me they can dry the sea,
- And fetch the treasure of all foreign wrecks,
- Ay, all the wealth that our forefathers hid
- Within the massy entrails of the earth:
- Then tell me, Faustus, what shall we three want?
- FAUSTUS. Nothing, Cornelius. O, this cheers my soul!
- Come, shew me some demonstrations magical,
- That I may conjure in some lusty grove,
- And have these joys in full possession.
- VALDES. Then haste thee to some solitary grove,
- And bear wise Bacon's and Albertus'[42] works,
- The Hebrew Psalter, and New Testament;
- And whatsoever else is requisite
- We will inform thee ere our conference cease.
- CORNELIUS. Valdes, first let him know the words of art;
- And then, all other ceremonies learn'd,
- Faustus may try his cunning[43] by himself.
- VALDES. First I'll instruct thee in the rudiments,
- And then wilt thou be perfecter than I.
- FAUSTUS. Then come and dine with me, and, after meat,
- We'll canvass every quiddity thereof;
- For, ere I sleep, I'll try what I can do:
- This night I'll conjure, though I die therefore.
- [Exeunt.]
- Enter two SCHOLARS.[44]
- FIRST SCHOLAR. I wonder what's become of Faustus, that was wont
- to make our schools ring with sic probo.
- SECOND SCHOLAR. That shall we know, for see, here comes his boy.
- Enter WAGNER.
- FIRST SCHOLAR. How now, sirrah! where's thy master?
- WAGNER. God in heaven knows.
- SECOND SCHOLAR. Why, dost not thou know?
- WAGNER. Yes, I know; but that follows not.
- FIRST SCHOLAR. Go to, sirrah! leave your jesting, and tell us
- where he is.
- WAGNER. That follows not necessary by force of argument, that you,
- being licentiates, should stand upon:[45] therefore acknowledge
- your error, and be attentive.
- SECOND SCHOLAR. Why, didst thou not say thou knewest?
- WAGNER. Have you any witness on't?
- FIRST SCHOLAR. Yes, sirrah, I heard you.
- WAGNER. Ask my fellow if I be a thief.
- SECOND SCHOLAR. Well, you will not tell us?
- WAGNER. Yes, sir, I will tell you: yet, if you were not dunces,
- you would never ask me such a question; for is not he corpus
- naturale? and is not that mobile? then wherefore should you
- ask me such a question? But that I am by nature phlegmatic,
- slow to wrath, and prone to lechery (to love, I would say),
- it were not for you to come within forty foot of the place
- of execution, although I do not doubt to see you both hanged
- the next sessions. Thus having triumphed over you, I will set
- my countenance like a precisian, and begin to speak thus:--
- Truly, my dear brethren, my master is within at dinner,
- with Valdes and Cornelius, as this wine, if it could speak,
- would[46] inform your worships: and so, the Lord bless you,
- preserve you, and keep you, my dear brethren, my dear brethren![47]
- [Exit.]
- FIRST SCHOLAR. Nay, then, I fear he is fallen into that damned art
- for which they two are infamous through the world.
- SECOND SCHOLAR. Were he a stranger, and not allied to me, yet should
- I grieve for him. But, come, let us go and inform the Rector,
- and see if he by his grave counsel can reclaim him.
- FIRST SCHOLAR. O, but I fear me nothing can reclaim him!
- SECOND SCHOLAR. Yet let us try what we can do.
- [Exeunt.]
- Enter FAUSTUS to conjure.[48]
- FAUSTUS. Now that the gloomy shadow of the earth,
- Longing to view Orion's drizzling look,
- Leaps from th' antartic world unto the sky,
- And dims the welkin with her pitchy breath,
- Faustus, begin thine incantations,
- And try if devils will obey thy hest,
- Seeing thou hast pray'd and sacrific'd to them.
- Within this circle is Jehovah's name,
- Forward and backward anagrammatiz'd,[49]
- Th' abbreviated[50] names of holy saints,
- Figures of every adjunct to the heavens,
- And characters of signs and erring[51] stars,
- By which the spirits are enforc'd to rise:
- Then fear not, Faustus, but be resolute,
- And try the uttermost magic can perform.--
- Sint mihi dei Acherontis propitii! Valeat numen triplex Jehovoe!
- Ignei, aerii, aquatani spiritus, salvete! Orientis princeps
- Belzebub, inferni ardentis monarcha, et Demogorgon, propitiamus
- vos, ut appareat et surgat Mephistophilis, quod tumeraris:[52]
- per Jehovam, Gehennam, et consecratam aquam quam nunc spargo,
- signumque crucis quod nunc facio, et per vota nostra, ipse nunc
- surgat nobis dicatus[53] Mephistophilis!
- I charge thee to return, and change thy shape;
- Thou art too ugly to attend on me:
- Go, and return an old Franciscan friar;
- That holy shape becomes a devil best.
- I see there's virtue in my heavenly words:
- Who would not be proficient in this art?
- How pliant is this Mephistophilis,
- Full of obedience and humility!
- Such is the force of magic and my spells:
- No, Faustus, thou art conjuror laureat,
- That canst command great Mephistophilis:
- Quin regis Mephistophilis fratris imagine.
- Re-enter MEPHISTOPHILIS like a Franciscan friar.[54]
- MEPHIST. Now, Faustus, what wouldst thou have me do?
- FAUSTUS. I charge thee wait upon me whilst I live,
- To do whatever Faustus shall command,
- Be it to make the moon drop from her sphere,
- Or the ocean to overwhelm the world.
- MEPHIST. I am a servant to great Lucifer,
- And may not follow thee without his leave:
- No more than he commands must we perform.
- FAUSTUS. Did not he charge thee to appear to me?
- MEPHIST. No, I came hither[55] of mine own accord.
- FAUSTUS. Did not my conjuring speeches raise thee? speak.
- MEPHIST. That was the cause, but yet per accidens;[56]
- For, when we hear one rack the name of God,
- Abjure the Scriptures and his Saviour Christ,
- We fly, in hope to get his glorious soul;
- Nor will we come, unless he use such means
- Whereby he is in danger to be damn'd.
- Therefore the shortest cut for conjuring
- Is stoutly to abjure the Trinity,
- And pray devoutly to the prince of hell.
- FAUSTUS. So Faustus hath
- Already done; and holds this principle,
- There is no chief but only Belzebub;
- To whom Faustus doth dedicate himself.
- This word "damnation" terrifies not him,
- For he confounds hell in Elysium:
- His ghost be with the old philosophers!
- But, leaving these vain trifles of men's souls,
- Tell me what is that Lucifer thy lord?
- MEPHIST. Arch-regent and commander of all spirits.
- FAUSTUS. Was not that Lucifer an angel once?
- MEPHIST. Yes, Faustus, and most dearly lov'd of God.
- FAUSTUS. How comes it, then, that he is prince of devils?
- MEPHIST. O, by aspiring pride and insolence;
- For which God threw him from the face of heaven.
- FAUSTUS. And what are you that live with Lucifer?
- MEPHIST. Unhappy spirits that fell with Lucifer,
- Conspir'd against our God with Lucifer,
- And are for ever damn'd with Lucifer.
- FAUSTUS. Where are you damn'd?
- MEPHIST. In hell.
- FAUSTUS. How comes it, then, that thou art out of hell?
- MEPHIST. Why, this is hell, nor am I out of it:[57]
- Think'st thou that I, who saw the face of God,
- And tasted the eternal joys of heaven,
- Am not tormented with ten thousand hells,
- In being depriv'd of everlasting bliss?
- O, Faustus, leave these frivolous demands,
- Which strike a terror to my fainting soul!
- FAUSTUS. What, is great Mephistophilis so passionate
- For being deprived of the joys of heaven?
- Learn thou of Faustus manly fortitude,
- And scorn those joys thou never shalt possess.
- Go bear these[58] tidings to great Lucifer:
- Seeing Faustus hath incurr'd eternal death
- By desperate thoughts against Jove's[59] deity,
- Say, he surrenders up to him his soul,
- So he will spare him four and twenty[60] years,
- Letting him live in all voluptuousness;
- Having thee ever to attend on me,
- To give me whatsoever I shall ask,
- To tell me whatsoever I demand,
- To slay mine enemies, and aid my friends,
- And always be obedient to my will.
- Go and return to mighty Lucifer,
- And meet me in my study at midnight,
- And then resolve[61] me of thy master's mind.
- MEPHIST. I will, Faustus.
- [Exit.]
- FAUSTUS. Had I as many souls as there be stars,
- I'd give them all for Mephistophilis.
- By him I'll be great emperor of the world,
- And make a bridge thorough[62] the moving air,
- To pass the ocean with a band of men;
- I'll join the hills that bind the Afric shore,
- And make that country[63] continent to Spain,
- And both contributory to my crown:
- The Emperor shall not live but by my leave,
- Nor any potentate of Germany.
- Now that I have obtain'd what I desir'd,[64]
- I'll live in speculation of this art,
- Till Mephistophilis return again.
- [Exit.]
- Enter WAGNER[65] and CLOWN.
- WAGNER. Sirrah boy, come hither.
- CLOWN. How, boy! swowns, boy! I hope you have seen many boys
- with such pickadevaunts[66] as I have: boy, quotha!
- WAGNER. Tell me, sirrah, hast thou any comings in?
- CLOWN. Ay, and goings out too; you may see else.
- WAGNER. Alas, poor slave! see how poverty jesteth in his nakedness!
- the villain is bare and out of service, and so hungry, that I know
- he would give his soul to the devil for a shoulder of mutton,
- though it were blood-raw.
- CLOWN. How! my soul to the devil for a shoulder of mutton, though
- 'twere blood-raw! not so, good friend: by'r lady,[67] I had need
- have it well roasted, and good sauce to it, if I pay so dear.
- WAGNER. Well, wilt thou serve me, and I'll make thee go like
- Qui mihi discipulus?[68]
- CLOWN. How, in verse?
- WAGNER. No, sirrah; in beaten silk and staves-acre.[69]
- CLOWN. How, how, knaves-acre! ay, I thought that was all the land
- his father left him. Do you hear? I would be sorry to rob you of
- your living.
- WAGNER. Sirrah, I say in staves-acre.
- CLOWN. Oho, oho, staves-acre! why, then, belike, if I were your
- man, I should be full of vermin.[70]
- WAGNER. So thou shalt, whether thou beest with me or no. But,
- sirrah, leave your jesting, and bind yourself presently unto me
- for seven years, or I'll turn all the lice about thee into
- familiars,[71] and they shall tear thee in pieces.
- CLOWN. Do you hear, sir? you may save that labour; they are too
- familiar with me already: swowns, they are as bold with my flesh
- as if they had paid for their[72] meat and drink.
- WAGNER. Well, do you hear, sirrah? hold, take these guilders.
- [Gives money.]
- CLOWN. Gridirons! what be they?
- WAGNER. Why, French crowns.
- CLOWN. Mass, but for the name of French crowns, a man were as good
- have as many English counters. And what should I do with these?
- WAGNER. Why, now, sirrah, thou art at an hour's warning, whensoever
- or wheresoever the devil shall fetch thee.
- CLOWN. No, no; here, take your gridirons again.
- WAGNER. Truly, I'll none of them.
- CLOWN. Truly, but you shall.
- WAGNER. Bear witness I gave them him.
- CLOWN. Bear witness I give them you again.
- WAGNER. Well, I will cause two devils presently to fetch thee
- away.--Baliol and Belcher!
- CLOWN. Let your Baliol and your Belcher come here, and I'll
- knock them, they were never so knocked since they were devils:
- say I should kill one of them, what would folks say? "Do ye see
- yonder tall fellow in the round slop?[73] he has killed the devil."
- So I should be called Kill-devil all the parish over.
- Enter two DEVILS; and the CLOWN runs up and down crying.
- WAGNER. Baliol and Belcher,--spirits, away!
- [Exeunt DEVILS.]
- CLOWN. What, are they gone? a vengeance on them! they have vile[74]
- long nails. There was a he-devil and a she-devil: I'll tell you
- how you shall know them; all he-devils has horns, and all
- she-devils has clifts and cloven feet.
- WAGNER. Well, sirrah, follow me.
- CLOWN. But, do you hear? if I should serve you, would you teach
- me to raise up Banios and Belcheos?
- WAGNER. I will teach thee to turn thyself to any thing, to a dog,
- or a cat, or a mouse, or a rat, or any thing.
- CLOWN. How! a Christian fellow to a dog, or a cat, a mouse,
- or a rat! no, no, sir; if you turn me into any thing, let it be
- in the likeness of a little pretty frisking flea, that I may be
- here and there and every where: O, I'll tickle the pretty wenches'
- plackets! I'll be amongst them, i'faith.
- WAGNER. Well, sirrah, come.
- CLOWN. But, do you hear, Wagner?
- WAGNER. How!--Baliol and Belcher!
- CLOWN. O Lord! I pray, sir, let Banio and Belcher go sleep.
- WAGNER. Villain, call me Master Wagner, and let thy left eye be
- diametarily fixed upon my right heel, with quasi vestigiis
- nostris[75] insistere.
- [Exit.]
- CLOWN. God forgive me, he speaks Dutch fustian. Well, I'll follow
- him; I'll serve him, that's flat.
- [Exit.]
- FAUSTUS discovered in his study.
- FAUSTUS. Now, Faustus, must
- Thou needs be damn'd, and canst thou not be sav'd:
- What boots it, then, to think of God or heaven?
- Away with such vain fancies, and despair;
- Despair in God, and trust in Belzebub:
- Now go not backward; no, Faustus, be resolute:
- Why waver'st thou? O, something soundeth in mine ears,
- "Abjure this magic, turn to God again!"
- Ay, and Faustus will turn to God again.
- To God? he loves thee not;
- The god thou serv'st is thine own appetite,
- Wherein is fix'd the love of Belzebub:
- To him I'll build an altar and a church,
- And offer lukewarm blood of new-born babes.
- GOOD ANGEL. Sweet Faustus, leave that execrable art.
- FAUSTUS. Contrition, prayer, repentance--what of them?
- GOOD ANGEL. O, they are means to bring thee unto heaven!
- EVIL ANGEL. Rather illusions, fruits of lunacy,
- That make men foolish that do trust them most.
- GOOD ANGEL. Sweet Faustus, think of heaven and heavenly things.
- EVIL ANGEL. No, Faustus; think of honour and of[76] wealth.
- [Exeunt ANGELS.]
- FAUSTUS. Of wealth!
- Why, the signiory of Embden shall be mine.
- When Mephistophilis shall stand by me,
- What god can hurt thee, Faustus? thou art safe
- Cast no more doubts.--Come, Mephistophilis,
- And bring glad tidings from great Lucifer;--
- Is't not midnight?--come, Mephistophilis,
- Veni, veni, Mephistophile!
- Now tell me[77] what says Lucifer, thy lord?
- MEPHIST. That I shall wait on Faustus whilst he lives,[78]
- So he will buy my service with his soul.
- FAUSTUS. Already Faustus hath hazarded that for thee.
- MEPHIST. But, Faustus, thou must bequeath it solemnly,
- And write a deed of gift with thine own blood;
- For that security craves great Lucifer.
- If thou deny it, I will back to hell.
- FAUSTUS. Stay, Mephistophilis, and tell me, what good will my soul
- do thy lord?
- MEPHIST. Enlarge his kingdom.
- FAUSTUS. Is that the reason why[79] he tempts us thus?
- MEPHIST. Solamen miseris socios habuisse doloris.[80]
- FAUSTUS. Why,[81] have you any pain that torture[82] others!
- MEPHIST. As great as have the human souls of men.
- But, tell me, Faustus, shall I have thy soul?
- And I will be thy slave, and wait on thee,
- And give thee more than thou hast wit to ask.
- FAUSTUS. Ay, Mephistophilis, I give it thee.
- MEPHIST. Then, Faustus,[83] stab thine arm courageously,
- And bind thy soul, that at some certain day
- Great Lucifer may claim it as his own;
- And then be thou as great as Lucifer.
- FAUSTUS. [Stabbing his arm] Lo, Mephistophilis, for love of thee,
- I cut mine arm, and with my proper blood
- Assure my soul to be great Lucifer's,
- Chief lord and regent of perpetual night!
- View here the blood that trickles from mine arm,
- And let it be propitious for my wish.
- MEPHIST. But, Faustus, thou must
- Write it in manner of a deed of gift.
- FAUSTUS. Ay, so I will [Writes]. But, Mephistophilis,
- My blood congeals, and I can write no more.
- MEPHIST. I'll fetch thee fire to dissolve it straight.
- [Exit.]
- FAUSTUS. What might the staying of my blood portend?
- Is it unwilling I should write this bill?[84]
- Why streams it not, that I may write afresh?
- FAUSTUS GIVES TO THEE HIS SOUL: ah, there it stay'd!
- Why shouldst thou not? is not thy soul shine own?
- Re-enter MEPHISTOPHILIS with a chafer of coals.
- MEPHIST. Here's fire; come, Faustus, set it on.[85]
- FAUSTUS. So, now the blood begins to clear again;
- Now will I make an end immediately.
- [Writes.]
- MEPHIST. O, what will not I do to obtain his soul?
- [Aside.]
- FAUSTUS. Consummatum est; this bill is ended,
- And Faustus hath bequeath'd his soul to Lucifer.
- But what is this inscription[86] on mine arm?
- Homo, fuge: whither should I fly?
- If unto God, he'll throw me[87] down to hell.
- My senses are deceiv'd; here's nothing writ:--
- I see it plain; here in this place is writ,
- Homo, fuge: yet shall not Faustus fly.
- MEPHIST. I'll fetch him somewhat to delight his mind.
- [Aside, and then exit.]
- Re-enter MEPHISTOPHILIS with DEVILS, who give crowns
- and rich apparel to FAUSTUS, dance, and then depart.
- FAUSTUS. Speak, Mephistophilis, what means this show?
- MEPHIST. Nothing, Faustus, but to delight thy mind withal,
- And to shew thee what magic can perform.
- FAUSTUS. But may I raise up spirits when I please?
- MEPHIST. Ay, Faustus, and do greater things than these.
- FAUSTUS. Then there's enough for a thousand souls.
- Here, Mephistophilis, receive this scroll,
- A deed of gift of body and of soul:
- But yet conditionally that thou perform
- All articles prescrib'd between us both.
- MEPHIST. Faustus, I swear by hell and Lucifer
- To effect all promises between us made!
- FAUSTUS. Then hear me read them. [Reads] ON THESE CONDITIONS
- MEPHIST. Speak, Faustus, do you deliver this as your deed?
- FAUSTUS. Ay, take it, and the devil give thee good on't!
- MEPHIST. Now, Faustus, ask what thou wilt.
- FAUSTUS. First will I question with thee about hell.
- Tell me, where is the place that men call hell?
- MEPHIST. Under the heavens.
- FAUSTUS. Ay, but whereabout?
- MEPHIST. Within the bowels of these[90] elements,
- Where we are tortur'd and remain for ever:
- Hell hath no limits, nor is circumscrib'd
- In one self place; for where we are is hell,
- And where hell is, there[91] must we ever be:
- And, to conclude, when all the world dissolves,
- And every creature shall be purified,
- All places shall be hell that are[92] not heaven.
- FAUSTUS. Come, I think hell's a fable.
- MEPHIST. Ay, think so still, till experience change thy mind.
- FAUSTUS. Why, think'st thou, then, that Faustus shall be damn'd?
- MEPHIST. Ay, of necessity, for here's the scroll
- Wherein thou hast given thy soul to Lucifer.
- FAUSTUS. Ay, and body too: but what of that?
- Think'st thou that Faustus is so fond[93] to imagine
- That, after this life, there is any pain?
- Tush, these are trifles and mere old wives' tales.
- MEPHIST. But, Faustus, I am an instance to prove the contrary,
- For I am damn'd, and am now in hell.
- FAUSTUS. How! now in hell!
- Nay, an this be hell, I'll willingly be damn'd here:
- What! walking, disputing, &c.[94]
- But, leaving off this, let me have a wife,[95]
- The fairest maid in Germany;
- For I am wanton and lascivious,
- And cannot live without a wife.
- MEPHIST. How! a wife!
- I prithee, Faustus, talk not of a wife.
- FAUSTUS. Nay, sweet Mephistophilis, fetch me one, for I will have
- one.
- MEPHIST. Well, thou wilt have one? Sit there till I come: I'll
- fetch thee a wife in the devil's name.
- [Exit.]
- Re-enter MEPHISTOPHILIS with a DEVIL drest like a WOMAN,
- with fire-works.
- MEPHIST. Tell me,[96] Faustus, how dost thou like thy wife?
- FAUSTUS. A plague on her for a hot whore!
- MEPHIST. Tut, Faustus,
- Marriage is but a ceremonial toy;
- If thou lovest me, think no[97] more of it.
- I'll cull thee out the fairest courtezans,
- And bring them every morning to thy bed:
- She whom thine eye shall like, thy heart shall have,
- Be she as chaste as was Penelope,
- As wise as Saba,[98] or as beautiful
- As was bright Lucifer before his fall.
- Hold, take this book, peruse it thoroughly:
- [Gives book.]
- The iterating[99] of these lines brings gold;
- The framing of this circle on the ground
- Brings whirlwinds, tempests, thunder, and lightning;
- Pronounce this thrice devoutly to thyself,
- And men in armour shall appear to thee,
- Ready to execute what thou desir'st.
- FAUSTUS. Thanks, Mephistophilis: yet fain would I have a book
- wherein I might behold all spells and incantations, that I
- might raise up spirits when I please.
- MEPHIST. Here they are in this book.
- [Turns to them.]
- FAUSTUS. Now would I have a book where I might see all characters
- and planets of the heavens, that I might know their motions and
- dispositions.
- MEPHIST. Here they are too.
- [Turns to them.]
- FAUSTUS. Nay, let me have one book more,--and then I have done,--
- wherein I might see all plants, herbs, and trees, that grow upon
- the earth.
- MEPHIST. Here they be.
- FAUSTUS. O, thou art deceived.
- MEPHIST. Tut, I warrant thee.
- [Turns to them.]
- FAUSTUS. When I behold the heavens, then I repent,
- And curse thee, wicked Mephistophilis,
- Because thou hast depriv'd me of those joys.
- MEPHIST. Why, Faustus,
- Thinkest thou heaven is such a glorious thing?
- I tell thee, 'tis not half so fair as thou,
- Or any man that breathes on earth.
- FAUSTUS. How prov'st thou that?
- MEPHIST. 'Twas made for man, therefore is man more excellent.
- FAUSTUS. If it were made for man, 'twas made for me:
- I will renounce this magic and repent.
- GOOD ANGEL. Faustus, repent; yet God will pity thee.
- EVIL ANGEL. Thou art a spirit; God cannot pity thee.
- FAUSTUS. Who buzzeth in mine ears I am a spirit?
- Be I a devil, yet God may pity me;
- Ay, God will pity me, if I repent.
- EVIL ANGEL. Ay, but Faustus never shall repent.
- [Exeunt ANGELS.]
- FAUSTUS. My heart's so harden'd, I cannot repent:
- Scarce can I name salvation, faith, or heaven,
- But fearful echoes thunder in mine ears,
- "Faustus, thou art damn'd!" then swords, and knives,
- Poison, guns, halters, and envenom'd steel
- Are laid before me to despatch myself;
- And long ere this I should have slain myself,
- Had not sweet pleasure conquer'd deep despair.
- Have not I made blind Homer sing to me
- Of Alexander's love and Oenon's death?
- And hath not he, that built the walls of Thebes
- With ravishing sound of his melodious harp,
- Made music with my Mephistophilis?
- Why should I die, then, or basely despair?
- I am resolv'd; Faustus shall ne'er repent.--
- Come, Mephistophilis, let us dispute again,
- And argue of divine astrology.[100]
- Tell me, are there many heavens above the moon
- Are all celestial bodies but one globe,
- As is the substance of this centric earth?
- MEPHIST. As are the elements, such are the spheres,
- Mutually folded in each other's orb,
- And, Faustus,
- All jointly move upon one axletree,
- Whose terminine is term'd the world's wide pole;
- Nor are the names of Saturn, Mars, or Jupiter
- Feign'd, but are erring[101] stars.
- FAUSTUS. But, tell me, have they all one motion, both situ et
- tempore?
- MEPHIST. All jointly move from east to west in twenty-four hours
- upon the poles of the world; but differ in their motion upon
- the poles of the zodiac.
- FAUSTUS. Tush,
- These slender trifles Wagner can decide:
- Hath Mephistophilis no greater skill?
- Who knows not the double motion of the planets?
- The first is finish'd in a natural day;
- The second thus; as Saturn in thirty years; Jupiter in twelve;
- Mars in four; the Sun, Venus, and Mercury in a year; the Moon in
- twenty-eight days. Tush, these are freshmen's[102] suppositions.
- But, tell me, hath every sphere a dominion or intelligentia?
- FAUSTUS. How many heavens or spheres are there?
- MEPHIST. Nine; the seven planets, the firmament, and the empyreal
- heaven.
- FAUSTUS. Well, resolve[103] me in this question; why have we not
- conjunctions, oppositions, aspects, eclipses, all at one time,
- but in some years we have more, in some less?
- MEPHIST. Per inoequalem motum respectu totius.
- FAUSTUS. Well, I am answered. Tell me who made the world?
- MEPHIST. I will not.
- FAUSTUS. Sweet Mephistophilis, tell me.
- MEPHIST. Move me not, for I will not tell thee.
- FAUSTUS. Villain, have I not bound thee to tell me any thing?
- MEPHIST. Ay, that is not against our kingdom; but this is. Think
- thou on hell, Faustus, for thou art damned.
- FAUSTUS. Think, Faustus, upon God that made the world.
- MEPHIST. Remember this.
- [Exit.]
- FAUSTUS. Ay, go, accursed spirit, to ugly hell!
- 'Tis thou hast damn'd distressed Faustus' soul.
- Is't not too late?
- EVIL ANGEL. Too late.
- GOOD ANGEL. Never too late, if Faustus can repent.
- EVIL ANGEL. If thou repent, devils shall tear thee in pieces.
- GOOD ANGEL. Repent, and they shall never raze thy skin.
- [Exeunt ANGELS.]
- FAUSTUS. Ah, Christ, my Saviour,
- Seek to save[104] distressed Faustus' soul!
- LUCIFER. Christ cannot save thy soul, for he is just:
- There's none but I have interest in the same.
- FAUSTUS. O, who art thou that look'st so terrible?
- LUCIFER. I am Lucifer,
- And this is my companion-prince in hell.
- FAUSTUS. O, Faustus, they are come to fetch away thy soul!
- LUCIFER. We come to tell thee thou dost injure us;
- Thou talk'st of Christ, contrary to thy promise:
- Thou shouldst not think of God: think of the devil,
- And of his dam too.
- FAUSTUS. Nor will I henceforth: pardon me in this,
- And Faustus vows never to look to heaven,
- Never to name God, or to pray to him,
- To burn his Scriptures, slay his ministers,
- And make my spirits pull his churches down.
- LUCIFER. Do so, and we will highly gratify thee. Faustus, we are
- come from hell to shew thee some pastime: sit down, and thou
- shalt see all the Seven Deadly Sins appear in their proper shapes.
- FAUSTUS. That sight will be as pleasing unto me,
- As Paradise was to Adam, the first day
- Of his creation.
- LUCIFER. Talk not of Paradise nor creation; but mark this show:
- talk of the devil, and nothing else.--Come away!
- Enter the SEVEN DEADLY SINS.[105]
- Now, Faustus, examine them of their several names and dispositions.
- FAUSTUS. What art thou, the first?
- PRIDE. I am Pride. I disdain to have any parents. I am like to
- Ovid's flea; I can creep into every corner of a wench; sometimes,
- like a perriwig, I sit upon her brow; or, like a fan of feathers,
- I kiss her lips; indeed, I do--what do I not? But, fie, what a
- scent is here! I'll not speak another word, except the ground
- were perfumed, and covered with cloth of arras.
- FAUSTUS. What art thou, the second?
- COVETOUSNESS. I am Covetousness, begotten of an old churl, in an
- old leathern bag: and, might I have my wish, I would desire that
- this house and all the people in it were turned to gold, that I
- might lock you up in my good chest: O, my sweet gold!
- FAUSTUS. What art thou, the third?
- WRATH. I am Wrath. I had neither father nor mother: I leapt out
- of a lion's mouth when I was scarce half-an-hour old; and ever
- since I have run up and down the world with this case[106]
- of rapiers, wounding myself when I had nobody to fight withal.
- I was born in hell; and look to it, for some of you shall be
- my father.
- FAUSTUS. What art thou, the fourth?
- ENVY. I am Envy, begotten of a chimney-sweeper and an oyster-wife.
- I cannot read, and therefore wish all books were burnt. I am lean
- with seeing others eat. O, that there would come a famine through
- all the world, that all might die, and I live alone! then thou
- shouldst see how fat I would be. But must thou sit, and I stand?
- come down, with a vengeance!
- FAUSTUS. Away, envious rascal!--What art thou, the fifth?
- GLUTTONY. Who I, sir? I am Gluttony. My parents are all dead,
- and the devil a penny they have left me, but a bare pension, and
- that is thirty meals a-day and ten bevers,[107]--a small trifle
- to suffice nature. O, I come of a royal parentage! my grandfather
- was a Gammon of Bacon, my grandmother a Hogshead of Claret-wine;
- my godfathers were these, Peter Pickle-herring and Martin
- Martlemas-beef; O, but my godmother, she was a jolly gentlewoman,
- and well-beloved in every good town and city; her name was Mistress
- Margery March-beer. Now, Faustus, thou hast heard all my progeny;
- wilt thou bid me to supper?
- FAUSTUS. No, I'll see thee hanged: thou wilt eat up all my victuals.
- GLUTTONY. Then the devil choke thee!
- FAUSTUS. Choke thyself, glutton!--What art thou, the sixth?
- SLOTH. I am Sloth. I was begotten on a sunny bank, where I have
- lain ever since; and you have done me great injury to bring me
- from thence: let me be carried thither again by Gluttony and
- Lechery. I'll not speak another word for a king's ransom.
- FAUSTUS. What are you, Mistress Minx, the seventh and last?
- LECHERY. Who I, sir? I am one that loves an inch of raw mutton
- better than an ell of fried stock-fish; and the first letter
- of my name begins with L.[108]
- FAUSTUS. Away, to hell, to hell![109]
- [Exeunt the SINS.]
- LUCIFER. Now, Faustus, how dost thou like this?
- FAUSTUS. O, this feeds my soul!
- LUCIFER. Tut, Faustus, in hell is all manner of delight.
- FAUSTUS. O, might I see hell, and return again,
- How happy were I then!
- LUCIFER. Thou shalt; I will send for thee at midnight.[110]
- In meantime take this book; peruse it throughly,
- And thou shalt turn thyself into what shape thou wilt.
- FAUSTUS. Great thanks, mighty Lucifer!
- This will I keep as chary as my life.
- LUCIFER. Farewell, Faustus, and think on the devil.
- FAUSTUS. Farewell, great Lucifer.
- [Exeunt LUCIFER and BELZEBUB.]
- Come, Mephistophilis.
- [Exeunt.]
- Enter CHORUS.[111]
- CHORUS. Learned Faustus,
- To know the secrets of astronomy[112]
- Graven in the book of Jove's high firmament,
- Did mount himself to scale Olympus' top,
- Being seated in a chariot burning bright,
- Drawn by the strength of yoky dragons' necks.
- He now is gone to prove cosmography,
- And, as I guess, will first arrive at Rome,
- To see the Pope and manner of his court,
- And take some part of holy Peter's feast,
- That to this day is highly solemniz'd.
- [Exit.]
- FAUSTUS. Having now, my good Mephistophilis,
- Pass'd with delight the stately town of Trier,[114]
- Environ'd round with airy mountain-tops,
- With walls of flint, and deep-entrenched lakes,
- Not to be won by any conquering prince;
- From Paris next,[115] coasting the realm of France,
- We saw the river Maine fall into Rhine,
- Whose banks are set with groves of fruitful vines;
- Then up to Naples, rich Campania,
- Whose buildings fair and gorgeous to the eye,
- The streets straight forth, and pav'd with finest brick,
- Quarter the town in four equivalents:
- There saw we learned Maro's golden tomb,
- The way he cut,[116] an English mile in length,
- Thorough a rock of stone, in one night's space;
- From thence to Venice, Padua, and the rest,
- In one of which a sumptuous temple stands,[117]
- That threats the stars with her aspiring top.
- Thus hitherto hath Faustus spent his time:
- But tell me now what resting-place is this?
- Hast thou, as erst I did command,
- Conducted me within the walls of Rome?
- MEPHIST. Faustus, I have; and, because we will not be unprovided,
- I have taken up his Holiness' privy-chamber for our use.
- FAUSTUS. I hope his Holiness will bid us welcome.
- Tut, 'tis no matter; man; we'll be bold with his good cheer.
- And now, my Faustus, that thou mayst perceive
- What Rome containeth to delight thee with,
- Know that this city stands upon seven hills
- That underprop the groundwork of the same:
- Just through the midst[118] runs flowing Tiber's stream
- With winding banks that cut it in two parts;
- Over the which four stately bridges lean,
- That make safe passage to each part of Rome:
- Upon the bridge call'd Ponte[119] Angelo
- Erected is a castle passing strong,
- Within whose walls such store of ordnance are,
- And double cannons fram'd of carved brass,
- As match the days within one complete year;
- Besides the gates, and high pyramides,
- Which Julius Caesar brought from Africa.
- FAUSTUS. Now, by the kingdoms of infernal rule,
- Of Styx, of[120] Acheron, and the fiery lake
- Of ever-burning Phlegethon, I swear
- That I do long to see the monuments
- And situation of bright-splendent Rome:
- Come, therefore, let's away.
- MEPHIST. Nay, Faustus, stay: I know you'd fain see the Pope,
- And take some part of holy Peter's feast,
- Where thou shalt see a troop of bald-pate friars,
- Whose summum bonum is in belly-cheer.
- FAUSTUS. Well, I'm content to compass then some sport,
- And by their folly make us merriment.
- Then charm me, that I[121]
- May be invisible, to do what I please,
- Unseen of any whilst I stay in Rome.
- [Mephistophilis charms him.]
- MEPHIST. So, Faustus; now
- Do what thou wilt, thou shalt not be discern'd.
- Sound a Sonnet.[122] Enter the POPE and the CARDINAL OF
- LORRAIN to the banquet, with FRIARS attending.
- POPE. My Lord of Lorrain, will't please you draw near?
- FAUSTUS. Fall to, and the devil choke you, an you spare!
- POPE. How now! who's that which spake?--Friars, look about.
- FIRST FRIAR. Here's nobody, if it like your Holiness.
- POPE. My lord, here is a dainty dish was sent me from the Bishop
- of Milan.
- FAUSTUS. I thank you, sir.
- [Snatches the dish.]
- POPE. How now! who's that which snatched the meat from me? will
- no man look?--My lord, this dish was sent me from the Cardinal
- of Florence.
- FAUSTUS. You say true; I'll ha't.
- [Snatches the dish.]
- POPE. What, again!--My lord, I'll drink to your grace.
- FAUSTUS. I'll pledge your grace.
- [Snatches the cup.]
- C. OF LOR. My lord, it may be some ghost, newly crept out of
- Purgatory, come to beg a pardon of your Holiness.
- POPE. It may be so.--Friars, prepare a dirge to lay the fury
- of this ghost.--Once again, my lord, fall to.
- [The POPE crosses himself.]
- FAUSTUS. What, are you crossing of yourself?
- Well, use that trick no more, I would advise you.
- [The POPE crosses himself again.]
- Well, there's the second time. Aware the third;
- I give you fair warning.
- [The POPE crosses himself again, and FAUSTUS hits him a box
- of the ear; and they all run away.]
- Come on, Mephistophilis; what shall we do?
- MEPHIST. Nay, I know not: we shall be cursed with bell, book,
- and candle.
- FAUSTUS. How! bell, book, and candle,--candle, book, and bell,--
- Forward and backward, to curse Faustus to hell!
- Anon you shall hear a hog grunt, a calf bleat, and an ass bray,
- Because it is Saint Peter's holiday.
- Re-enter all the FRIARS to sing the Dirge.
- Come, brethren, let's about our business with good devotion.
- They sing.
- TABLE! maledicat Dominus!
- maledicat Dominus!
- maledicat Dominus!
- Dominus!
- Dominus? ['?' sic]
- Et omnes Sancti! Amen!
- [MEPHISTOPHILIS and FAUSTUS beat the FRIARS, and fling
- fire-works among them; and so exeunt.]
- Enter CHORUS.
- CHORUS. When Faustus had with pleasure ta'en the view
- Of rarest things, and royal courts of kings,
- He stay'd his course, and so returned home;
- Where such as bear his absence but with grief,
- I mean his friends and near'st companions,
- Did gratulate his safety with kind words,
- And in their conference of what befell,
- Touching his journey through the world and air,
- They put forth questions of astrology,
- Which Faustus answer'd with such learned skill
- As they admir'd and wonder'd at his wit.
- Now is his fame spread forth in every land:
- Amongst the rest the Emperor is one,
- Carolus the Fifth, at whose palace now
- Faustus is feasted 'mongst his noblemen.
- What there he did, in trial of his art,
- I leave untold; your eyes shall see['t] perform'd.
- [Exit.]
- Enter ROBIN[123] the Ostler, with a book in his hand.
- ROBIN. O, this is admirable! here I ha' stolen one of Doctor
- Faustus' conjuring-books, and, i'faith, I mean to search some
- circles for my own use. Now will I make all the maidens in our
- parish dance at my pleasure, stark naked, before me; and so
- by that means I shall see more than e'er I felt or saw yet.
- Enter RALPH, calling ROBIN.
- RALPH. Robin, prithee, come away; there's a gentleman tarries
- to have his horse, and he would have his things rubbed and made
- clean: he keeps such a chafing with my mistress about it; and
- she has sent me to look thee out; prithee, come away.
- ROBIN. Keep out, keep out, or else you are blown up, you are
- dismembered, Ralph: keep out, for I am about a roaring piece
- of work.
- RALPH. Come, what doest thou with that same book? thou canst
- not read?
- ROBIN. Yes, my master and mistress shall find that I can read,
- he for his forehead, she for her private study; she's born to
- bear with me, or else my art fails.
- RALPH. Why, Robin, what book is that?
- ROBIN. What book! why, the most intolerable book for conjuring
- that e'er was invented by any brimstone devil.
- RALPH. Canst thou conjure with it?
- ROBIN. I can do all these things easily with it; first, I can
- make thee drunk with ippocras[124] at any tabern[125] in Europe
- for nothing; that's one of my conjuring works.
- RALPH. Our Master Parson says that's nothing.
- ROBIN. True, Ralph: and more, Ralph, if thou hast any mind to
- Nan Spit, our kitchen-maid, then turn her and wind her to thy own
- use, as often as thou wilt, and at midnight.
- RALPH. O, brave, Robin! shall I have Nan Spit, and to mine own
- use? On that condition I'll feed thy devil with horse-bread as
- long as he lives, of free cost.
- ROBIN. No more, sweet Ralph: let's go and make clean our boots,
- which lie foul upon our hands, and then to our conjuring in the
- devil's name.
- [Exeunt.]
- Enter ROBIN and RALPH[126] with a silver goblet.
- ROBIN. Come, Ralph: did not I tell thee, we were for ever made
- by this Doctor Faustus' book? ecce, signum! here's a simple
- purchase[127] for horse-keepers: our horses shall eat no hay as
- long as this lasts.
- RALPH. But, Robin, here comes the Vintner.
- ROBIN. Hush! I'll gull him supernaturally.
- Enter VINTNER.
- Drawer,[128] I hope all is paid; God be with you!--Come, Ralph.
- VINTNER. Soft, sir; a word with you. I must yet have a goblet paid
- from you, ere you go.
- ROBIN. I a goblet, Ralph, I a goblet!--I scorn you; and you are
- but a, &c. I a goblet! search me.
- VINTNER. I mean so, sir, with your favour.
- [Searches ROBIN.]
- ROBIN. How say you now?
- VINTNER. I must say somewhat to your fellow.--You, sir!
- RALPH. Me, sir! me, sir! search your fill. [VINTNER searches him.]
- Now, sir, you may be ashamed to burden honest men with a matter
- of truth.
- VINTNER. Well, tone[129] of you hath this goblet about you.
- ROBIN. You lie, drawer, 'tis afore me [Aside].--Sirrah you, I'll
- teach you to impeach honest men;--stand by;--I'll scour you for
- a goblet;--stand aside you had best, I charge you in the name of
- Belzebub.--Look to the goblet, Ralph [Aside to RALPH].
- VINTNER. What mean you, sirrah?
- ROBIN. I'll tell you what I mean. [Reads from a book] Sanctobulorum
- Periphrasticon--nay, I'll tickle you, Vintner.--Look to the goblet,
- Ralph [Aside to RALPH].--[Reads] Polypragmos Belseborams framanto
- pacostiphos tostu, Mephistophilis, &c.
- Enter MEPHISTOPHILIS, sets squibs at their backs, and then
- exit. They run about.
- VINTNER. O, nomine Domini! what meanest thou, Robin? thou hast no
- goblet.
- RALPH. Peccatum peccatorum!--Here's thy goblet, good Vintner.
- [Gives the goblet to VINTNER, who exit.]
- ROBIN. Misericordia pro nobis! what shall I do? Good devil, forgive
- me now, and I'll never rob thy library more.
- MEPHIST. Monarch of Hell,[130] under whose black survey
- Great potentates do kneel with awful fear,
- Upon whose altars thousand souls do lie,
- How am I vexed with these villains' charms?
- From Constantinople am I hither come,
- Only for pleasure of these damned slaves.
- ROBIN. How, from Constantinople! you have had a great journey:
- will you take sixpence in your purse to pay for your supper, and
- be gone?
- MEPHIST. Well, villains, for your presumption, I transform thee
- into an ape, and thee into a dog; and so be gone!
- [Exit.]
- ROBIN. How, into an ape! that's brave: I'll have fine sport with
- the boys; I'll get nuts and apples enow.
- RALPH. And I must be a dog.
- ROBIN. I'faith, thy head will never be out of the pottage-pot.
- [Exeunt.]
- EMPEROR. Master Doctor Faustus,[132] I have heard strange report
- of thy knowledge in the black art, how that none in my empire
- nor in the whole world can compare with thee for the rare effects
- of magic: they say thou hast a familiar spirit, by whom thou canst
- accomplish what thou list. This, therefore, is my request, that
- thou let me see some proof of thy skill, that mine eyes may be
- witnesses to confirm what mine ears have heard reported: and here
- I swear to thee, by the honour of mine imperial crown, that,
- whatever thou doest, thou shalt be no ways prejudiced or endamaged.
- KNIGHT. I'faith, he looks much like a conjurer.
- [Aside.]
- FAUSTUS. My gracious sovereign, though I must confess myself far
- inferior to the report men have published, and nothing answerable
- to the honour of your imperial majesty, yet, for that love and duty
- binds me thereunto, I am content to do whatsoever your majesty
- shall command me.
- EMPEROR. Then, Doctor Faustus, mark what I shall say.
- As I was sometime solitary set
- Within my closet, sundry thoughts arose
- About the honour of mine ancestors,
- How they had won[133] by prowess such exploits,
- Got such riches, subdu'd so many kingdoms,
- As we that do succeed,[134] or they that shall
- Hereafter possess our throne, shall
- (I fear me) ne'er attain to that degree
- Of high renown and great authority:
- Amongst which kings is Alexander the Great,
- Chief spectacle of the world's pre-eminence,
- The bright[135] shining of whose glorious acts
- Lightens the world with his reflecting beams,
- As when I hear but motion made of him,
- It grieves my soul I never saw the man:
- If, therefore, thou, by cunning of thine art,
- Canst raise this man from hollow vaults below,
- Where lies entomb'd this famous conqueror,
- And bring with him his beauteous paramour,
- Both in their right shapes, gesture, and attire
- They us'd to wear during their time of life,
- Thou shalt both satisfy my just desire,
- And give me cause to praise thee whilst I live.
- FAUSTUS. My gracious lord, I am ready to accomplish your request,
- so far forth as by art and power of my spirit I am able to perform.
- KNIGHT. I'faith, that's just nothing at all.
- [Aside.]
- FAUSTUS. But, if it like your grace, it is not in my ability[136]
- to present before your eyes the true substantial bodies of those
- two deceased princes, which long since are consumed to dust.
- KNIGHT. Ay, marry, Master Doctor, now there's a sign of grace in
- you, when you will confess the truth.
- [Aside.]
- FAUSTUS. But such spirits as can lively resemble Alexander and
- his paramour shall appear before your grace, in that manner that
- they both[137] lived in, in their most flourishing estate; which
- I doubt not shall sufficiently content your imperial majesty.
- EMPEROR. Go to, Master Doctor; let me see them presently.
- KNIGHT. Do you hear, Master Doctor? you bring Alexander and his
- paramour before the Emperor!
- FAUSTUS. How then, sir?
- KNIGHT. I'faith, that's as true as Diana turned me to a stag.
- FAUSTUS. No, sir; but, when Actaeon died, he left the horns for
- you.--Mephistophilis, be gone.
- KNIGHT. Nay, an you go to conjuring, I'll be gone.
- [Exit.]
- FAUSTUS. I'll meet with you anon for interrupting me so.
- --Here they are, my gracious lord.
- Re-enter MEPHISTOPHILIS with SPIRITS in the shapes of ALEXANDER
- and his PARAMOUR.
- EMPEROR. Master Doctor, I heard this lady, while she lived, had a
- wart or mole in her neck: how shall I know whether it be so or no?
- FAUSTUS. Your highness may boldly go and see.
- EMPEROR. Sure, these are no spirits, but the true substantial
- bodies of those two deceased princes.
- [Exeunt Spirits.]
- FAUSTUS. Wilt please your highness now to send for the knight
- that was so pleasant with me here of late?
- EMPEROR. One of you call him forth.
- Re-enter the KNIGHT with a pair of horns on his head.
- How now, sir knight! why, I had thought thou hadst been a bachelor,
- but now I see thou hast a wife, that not only gives thee horns,
- but makes thee wear them. Feel on thy head.
- KNIGHT. Thou damned wretch and execrable dog,
- Bred in the concave of some monstrous rock,
- How dar'st thou thus abuse a gentleman?
- Villain, I say, undo what thou hast done!
- FAUSTUS. O, not so fast, sir! there's no haste: but, good, are
- you remembered how you crossed me in my conference with the
- Emperor? I think I have met with you for it.
- EMPEROR. Good Master Doctor, at my entreaty release him: he hath
- done penance sufficient.
- FAUSTUS. My gracious lord, not so much for the injury he offered
- me here in your presence, as to delight you with some mirth, hath
- Faustus worthily requited this injurious knight; which being all
- I desire, I am content to release him of his horns:--and,
- sir knight, hereafter speak well of scholars.--Mephistophilis,
- transform him straight.[138] [MEPHISTOPHILIS removes the horns.]
- --Now, my good lord, having done my duty, I humbly take my leave.
- EMPEROR. Farewell, Master Doctor: yet, ere you go,
- Expect from me a bounteous reward.
- FAUSTUS. Now, Mephistophilis,[139] the restless course
- That time doth run with calm and silent foot,
- Shortening my days and thread of vital life,
- Calls for the payment of my latest years:
- Therefore, sweet Mephistophilis, let us
- Make haste to Wertenberg.
- MEPHIST. What, will you go on horse-back or on foot[?]
- FAUSTUS. Nay, till I'm past this fair and pleasant green,
- I'll walk on foot.
- Enter a HORSE-COURSER.[140]
- HORSE-COURSER. I have been all this day seeking one Master Fustian:
- mass, see where he is!--God save you, Master Doctor!
- FAUSTUS. What, horse-courser! you are well met.
- HORSE-COURSER. Do you hear, sir? I have brought you forty dollars
- for your horse.
- FAUSTUS. I cannot sell him so: if thou likest him for fifty, take
- him.
- HORSE-COURSER. Alas, sir, I have no more!--I pray you, speak for
- me.
- MEPHIST. I pray you, let him have him: he is an honest fellow,
- and he has a great charge, neither wife nor child.
- FAUSTUS. Well, come, give me your money [HORSE-COURSER gives
- FAUSTUS the money]: my boy will deliver him to you. But I must
- tell you one thing before you have him; ride him not into the
- water, at any hand.
- HORSE-COURSER. Why, sir, will he not drink of all waters?
- FAUSTUS. O, yes, he will drink of all waters; but ride him not
- into the water: ride him over hedge or ditch, or where thou wilt,
- but not into the water.
- HORSE-COURSER. Well, sir.--Now am I made man for ever: I'll not
- leave my horse for forty:[141] if he had but the quality of
- hey-ding-ding, hey-ding-ding, I'd make a brave living on him:
- he has a buttock as slick as an eel [Aside].--Well, God b'wi'ye,
- sir: your boy will deliver him me: but, hark you, sir; if my horse
- be sick or ill at ease, if I bring his water to you, you'll tell
- me what it is?
- FAUSTUS. Away, you villain! what, dost think I am a horse-doctor?
- What art thou, Faustus, but a man condemn'd to die?
- Thy fatal time doth draw to final end;
- Despair doth drive distrust into[142] my thoughts:
- Confound these passions with a quiet sleep:
- Tush, Christ did call the thief upon the Cross;
- Then rest thee, Faustus, quiet in conceit.
- [Sleeps in his chair.]
- Re-enter HORSE-COURSER, all wet, crying.
- HORSE-COURSER. Alas, alas! Doctor Fustian, quoth a? mass, Doctor
- Lopus[143] was never such a doctor: has given me a purgation, has
- purged me of forty dollars; I shall never see them more. But yet,
- like an ass as I was, I would not be ruled by him, for he bade me
- I should ride him into no water: now I, thinking my horse had had
- some rare quality that he would not have had me know of,[144] I,
- like a venturous youth, rid him into the deep pond at the town's
- end. I was no sooner in the middle of the pond, but my horse
- vanished away, and I sat upon a bottle of hay, never so near
- drowning in my life. But I'll seek out my doctor, and have my
- forty dollars again, or I'll make it the dearest horse!--O,
- yonder is his snipper-snapper.--Do you hear? you, hey-pass,[145]
- where's your master?
- MEPHIST. Why, sir, what would you? you cannot speak with him.
- HORSE-COURSER. But I will speak with him.
- MEPHIST. Why, he's fast asleep: come some other time.
- HORSE-COURSER. I'll speak with him now, or I'll break his
- glass-windows about his ears.
- MEPHIST. I tell thee, he has not slept this eight nights.
- HORSE-COURSER. An he have not slept this eight weeks, I'll
- speak with him.
- MEPHIST. See, where he is, fast asleep.
- HORSE-COURSER. Ay, this is he.--God save you, Master Doctor,
- Master Doctor, Master Doctor Fustian! forty dollars, forty dollars
- for a bottle of hay!
- MEPHIST. Why, thou seest he hears thee not.
- HORSE-COURSER. So-ho, ho! so-ho, ho! [Hollows in his ear.] No,
- will you not wake? I'll make you wake ere I go. [Pulls FAUSTUS
- by the leg, and pulls it away.] Alas, I am undone! what shall
- I do?
- FAUSTUS. O, my leg, my leg!--Help, Mephistophilis! call the
- officers.--My leg, my leg!
- MEPHIST. Come, villain, to the constable.
- HORSE-COURSER. O Lord, sir, let me go, and I'll give you forty
- dollars more!
- MEPHIST. Where be they?
- HORSE-COURSER. I have none about me: come to my ostry,[146]
- and I'll give them you.
- MEPHIST. Be gone quickly.
- [HORSE-COURSER runs away.]
- FAUSTUS. What, is he gone? farewell he! Faustus has his leg again,
- and the Horse-courser, I take it, a bottle of hay for his labour:
- well, this trick shall cost him forty dollars more.
- Enter WAGNER.
- How now, Wagner! what's the news with thee?
- WAGNER. Sir, the Duke of Vanholt doth earnestly entreat your
- company.
- FAUSTUS. The Duke of Vanholt! an honourable gentleman, to whom
- I must be no niggard of my cunning.[147]--Come, Mephistophilis,
- let's away to him.
- [Exeunt.]
- Enter the DUKE OF VANHOLT, the DUCHESS, and FAUSTUS.[148]
- DUKE. Believe me, Master Doctor, this merriment hath much pleased
- me.
- FAUSTUS. My gracious lord, I am glad it contents you so well.
- --But it may be, madam, you take no delight in this. I have heard
- that great-bellied women do long for some dainties or other: what
- is it, madam? tell me, and you shall have it.
- DUCHESS. Thanks, good Master Doctor: and, for I see your courteous
- intent to pleasure me, I will not hide from you the thing my heart
- desires; and, were it now summer, as it is January and the dead
- time of the winter, I would desire no better meat than a dish
- of ripe grapes.
- FAUSTUS. Alas, madam, that's nothing!--Mephistophilis, be gone.
- [Exit MEPHISTOPHILIS.] Were it a greater thing than this, so it
- would content you, you should have it.
- Re-enter MEPHISTOPHILIS with grapes.
- Here they be, madam: wilt please you taste on them?
- DUKE. Believe me, Master Doctor, this makes me wonder above the
- rest, that being in the dead time of winter and in the month of
- January, how you should come by these grapes.
- FAUSTUS. If it like your grace, the year is divided into two
- circles over the whole world, that, when it is here winter with
- us, in the contrary circle it is summer with them, as in India,
- Saba,[149] and farther countries in the east; and by means of a
- swift spirit that I have, I had them brought hither, as you see.
- --How do you like them, madam? be they good?
- DUCHESS. Believe me, Master Doctor, they be the best grapes that
- e'er I tasted in my life before.
- FAUSTUS. I am glad they content you so, madam.
- DUKE. Come, madam, let us in, where you must well reward this
- learned man for the great kindness he hath shewed to you.
- DUCHESS. And so I will, my lord; and, whilst I live, rest
- beholding[150] for this courtesy.
- FAUSTUS. I humbly thank your grace.
- DUKE. Come, Master Doctor, follow us, and receive your reward.
- [Exeunt.]
- Enter WAGNER.[151]
- WAGNER. I think my master means to die shortly,
- For he hath given to me all his goods:[152]
- And yet, methinks, if that death were near,
- He would not banquet, and carouse, and swill
- Amongst the students, as even now he doth,
- Who are at supper with such belly-cheer
- As Wagner ne'er beheld in all his life.
- See, where they come! belike the feast is ended.
- [Exit.]
- Enter FAUSTUS with two or three SCHOLARS, and MEPHISTOPHILIS.
- FIRST SCHOLAR. Master Doctor Faustus, since our conference about
- fair ladies, which was the beautifulest in all the world, we have
- determined with ourselves that Helen of Greece was the admirablest
- lady that ever lived: therefore, Master Doctor, if you will do us
- that favour, as to let us see that peerless dame of Greece, whom
- all the world admires for majesty, we should think ourselves much
- beholding unto you.
- FAUSTUS. Gentlemen,
- For that I know your friendship is unfeign'd,
- And Faustus' custom is not to deny
- The just requests of those that wish him well,
- You shall behold that peerless dame of Greece,
- No otherways for pomp and majesty
- Than when Sir Paris cross'd the seas with her,
- And brought the spoils to rich Dardania.
- Be silent, then, for danger is in words.
- [Music sounds, and HELEN passeth over the stage.[153]]
- SECOND SCHOLAR. Too simple is my wit to tell her praise,
- Whom all the world admires for majesty.
- THIRD SCHOLAR. No marvel though the angry Greeks pursu'd
- With ten years' war the rape of such a queen,
- Whose heavenly beauty passeth all compare.
- FIRST SCHOLAR. Since we have seen the pride of Nature's works,
- And only paragon of excellence,
- Let us depart; and for this glorious deed
- Happy and blest be Faustus evermore!
- FAUSTUS. Gentlemen, farewell: the same I wish to you.
- [Exeunt SCHOLARS.]
- Enter an OLD MAN.[154]
- OLD MAN. Ah, Doctor Faustus, that I might prevail
- To guide thy steps unto the way of life,
- By which sweet path thou mayst attain the goal
- That shall conduct thee to celestial rest!
- Break heart, drop blood, and mingle it with tears,
- Tears falling from repentant heaviness
- Of thy most vile[155] and loathsome filthiness,
- The stench whereof corrupts the inward soul
- With such flagitious crimes of heinous sin[156]
- As no commiseration may expel,
- But mercy, Faustus, of thy Saviour sweet,
- Whose blood alone must wash away thy guilt.
- FAUSTUS. Where art thou, Faustus? wretch, what hast thou done?
- Damn'd art thou, Faustus, damn'd; despair and die!
- Hell calls for right, and with a roaring voice
- Says, "Faustus, come; thine hour is almost[157] come;"
- And Faustus now[158] will come to do thee right.
- [MEPHISTOPHILIS gives him a dagger.]
- OLD MAN. Ah, stay, good Faustus, stay thy desperate steps!
- I see an angel hovers o'er thy head,
- And, with a vial full of precious grace,
- Offers to pour the same into thy soul:
- Then call for mercy, and avoid despair.
- FAUSTUS. Ah, my sweet friend, I feel
- Thy words to comfort my distressed soul!
- Leave me a while to ponder on my sins.
- OLD MAN. I go, sweet Faustus; but with heavy cheer,
- Fearing the ruin of thy hopeless soul.
- [Exit.]
- FAUSTUS. Accursed Faustus, where is mercy now?
- I do repent; and yet I do despair:
- Hell strives with grace for conquest in my breast:
- What shall I do to shun the snares of death?
- MEPHIST. Thou traitor, Faustus, I arrest thy soul
- For disobedience to my sovereign lord:
- Revolt, or I'll in piece-meal tear thy flesh.
- FAUSTUS. Sweet Mephistophilis, entreat thy lord
- To pardon my unjust presumption,
- And with my blood again I will confirm
- My former vow I made to Lucifer.
- MEPHIST. Do it, then, quickly,[159] with unfeigned heart,
- Lest greater danger do attend thy drift.
- FAUSTUS. Torment, sweet friend, that base and crooked age,
- That durst dissuade me from thy Lucifer,
- With greatest torments that our hell affords.
- MEPHIST. His faith is great; I cannot touch his soul;
- But what I may afflict his body with
- I will attempt, which is but little worth.
- FAUSTUS. One thing, good servant,[160] let me crave of thee,
- To glut the longing of my heart's desire,--
- That I might have unto my paramour
- That heavenly Helen which I saw of late,
- Whose sweet embracings may extinguish clean
- Those[161] thoughts that do dissuade me from my vow,
- And keep mine oath I made to Lucifer.
- MEPHIST. Faustus, this,[162] or what else thou shalt desire,
- Shall be perform'd in twinkling of an eye.
- Re-enter HELEN.
- FAUSTUS. Was this the face that launch'd a thousand ships,
- And burnt the topless[163] towers of Ilium--
- Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss.--
- [Kisses her.]
- Her lips suck forth my soul: see, where it flies!--
- Come, Helen, come, give me my soul again.
- Here will I dwell, for heaven is[164] in these lips,
- And all is dross that is not Helena.
- I will be Paris, and for love of thee,
- Instead of Troy, shall Wertenberg be sack'd;
- And I will combat with weak Menelaus,
- And wear thy colours on my plumed crest;
- Yea, I will wound Achilles in the heel,
- And then return to Helen for a kiss.
- O, thou art fairer than the evening air
- Clad in the beauty of a thousand stars;
- Brighter art thou than flaming Jupiter
- When he appear'd to hapless Semele;
- More lovely than the monarch of the sky
- In wanton Arethusa's azur'd arms;
- And none but thou shalt[165] be my paramour!
- [Exeunt.]
- Enter the OLD MAN.[166]
- OLD MAN. Accursed Faustus, miserable man,
- That from thy soul exclud'st the grace of heaven,
- And fly'st the throne of his tribunal-seat!
- Enter DEVILS.
- Satan begins to sift me with his pride:
- As in this furnace God shall try my faith,
- My faith, vile hell, shall triumph over thee.
- Ambitious fiends, see how the heavens smile
- At your repulse, and laugh your state to scorn!
- Hence, hell! for hence I fly unto my God.
- [Exeunt,--on one side, DEVILS, on the other, OLD MAN.]
- Enter FAUSTUS,[167] with SCHOLARS.
- FAUSTUS. Ah, gentlemen!
- FIRST SCHOLAR. What ails Faustus?
- FAUSTUS. Ah, my sweet chamber-fellow, had I lived with thee,
- then had I lived still! but now I die eternally. Look, comes
- he not? comes he not?
- SECOND SCHOLAR. What means Faustus?
- THIRD SCHOLAR. Belike he is grown into some sickness by being
- over-solitary.
- FIRST SCHOLAR. If it be so, we'll have physicians to cure him.
- --'Tis but a surfeit; never fear, man.
- FAUSTUS. A surfeit of deadly sin, that hath damned both body
- and soul.
- SECOND SCHOLAR. Yet, Faustus, look up to heaven; remember God's
- mercies are infinite.
- FAUSTUS. But Faustus' offence can ne'er be pardoned: the serpent
- that tempted Eve may be saved, but not Faustus. Ah, gentlemen,
- hear me with patience, and tremble not at my speeches! Though
- my heart pants and quivers to remember that I have been a student
- here these thirty years, O, would I had never seen Wertenberg,
- never read book! and what wonders I have done, all Germany can
- witness, yea, all the world; for which Faustus hath lost both
- Germany and the world, yea, heaven itself, heaven, the seat of
- God, the throne of the blessed, the kingdom of joy; and must
- remain in hell for ever, hell, ah, hell, for ever! Sweet friends,
- what shall become of Faustus, being in hell for ever?
- THIRD SCHOLAR. Yet, Faustus, call on God.
- FAUSTUS. On God, whom Faustus hath abjured! on God, whom Faustus
- hath blasphemed! Ah, my God, I would weep! but the devil draws in
- my tears. Gush forth blood, instead of tears! yea, life and soul!
- O, he stays my tongue! I would lift up my hands; but see, they
- hold them, they hold them!
- ALL. Who, Faustus?
- FAUSTUS. Lucifer and Mephistophilis. Ah, gentlemen, I gave them
- my soul for my cunning![168]
- ALL. God forbid!
- FAUSTUS. God forbade it, indeed; but Faustus hath done it: for
- vain pleasure of twenty-four years hath Faustus lost eternal joy
- and felicity. I writ them a bill with mine own blood: the date
- is expired; the time will come, and he will fetch me.
- FIRST SCHOLAR. Why did not Faustus tell us of this before,[169]
- that divines might have prayed for thee?
- FAUSTUS. Oft have I thought to have done so; but the devil
- threatened to tear me in pieces, if I named God, to fetch both
- body and soul, if I once gave ear to divinity: and now 'tis too
- late. Gentlemen, away, lest you perish with me.
- SECOND SCHOLAR. O, what shall we do to save[170] Faustus?
- FAUSTUS. Talk not of me, but save yourselves, and depart.
- THIRD SCHOLAR. God will strengthen me; I will stay with Faustus.
- FIRST SCHOLAR. Tempt not God, sweet friend; but let us into the
- next room, and there pray for him.
- FAUSTUS. Ay, pray for me, pray for me; and what noise soever
- ye hear,[171] come not unto me, for nothing can rescue me.
- SECOND SCHOLAR. Pray thou, and we will pray that God may have
- mercy upon thee.
- FAUSTUS. Gentlemen, farewell: if I live till morning, I'll visit
- you; if not, Faustus is gone to hell.
- ALL. Faustus, farewell.
- [Exeunt SCHOLARS.--The clock strikes eleven.]
- FAUSTUS. Ah, Faustus,
- Now hast thou but one bare hour to live,
- And then thou must be damn'd perpetually!
- Stand still, you ever-moving spheres of heaven,
- That time may cease, and midnight never come;
- Fair Nature's eye, rise, rise again, and make
- Perpetual day; or let this hour be but
- A year, a month, a week, a natural day,
- That Faustus may repent and save his soul!
- O lente,[172] lente currite, noctis equi!
- The stars move still, time runs, the clock will strike,
- The devil will come, and Faustus must be damn'd.
- O, I'll leap up to my God!--Who pulls me down?--
- See, see, where Christ's blood streams in the firmament!
- One drop would save my soul, half a drop: ah, my Christ!--
- Ah, rend not my heart for naming of my Christ!
- Yet will I call on him: O, spare me, Lucifer!--
- Where is it now? 'tis gone: and see, where God
- Stretcheth out his arm, and bends his ireful brows!
- Mountains and hills, come, come, and fall on me,
- And hide me from the heavy wrath of God!
- No, no!
- Then will I headlong run into the earth:
- Earth, gape! O, no, it will not harbour me!
- You stars that reign'd at my nativity,
- Whose influence hath allotted death and hell,
- Now draw up Faustus, like a foggy mist.
- Into the entrails of yon labouring cloud[s],
- That, when you[173] vomit forth into the air,
- My limbs may issue from your smoky mouths,
- So that my soul may but ascend to heaven!
- [The clock strikes the half-hour.]
- Ah, half the hour is past! 'twill all be past anon
- O God,
- If thou wilt not have mercy on my soul,
- Yet for Christ's sake, whose blood hath ransom'd me,
- Impose some end to my incessant pain;
- Let Faustus live in hell a thousand years,
- A hundred thousand, and at last be sav'd!
- O, no end is limited to damned souls!
- Why wert thou not a creature wanting soul?
- Or why is this immortal that thou hast?
- Ah, Pythagoras' metempsychosis, were that true,
- This soul should fly from me, and I be chang'd
- Unto some brutish beast![174] all beasts are happy,
- For, when they die,
- Their souls are soon dissolv'd in elements;
- But mine must live still to be plagu'd in hell.
- Curs'd be the parents that engender'd me!
- No, Faustus, curse thyself, curse Lucifer
- That hath depriv'd thee of the joys of heaven.
- [The clock strikes twelve.]
- O, it strikes, it strikes! Now, body, turn to air,
- Or Lucifer will bear thee quick to hell!
- [Thunder and lightning.]
- O soul, be chang'd into little water-drops,
- And fall into the ocean, ne'er be found!
- Enter DEVILS.
- My God, my god, look not so fierce on me!
- Adders and serpents, let me breathe a while!
- Ugly hell, gape not! come not, Lucifer!
- I'll burn my books!--Ah, Mephistophilis!
- [Exeunt DEVILS with FAUSTUS.] [175]
- Enter CHORUS.
- CHORUS. Cut is the branch that might have grown full straight,
- And burned is Apollo's laurel-bough,
- That sometime grew within this learned man.
- Faustus is gone: regard his hellish fall,
- Whose fiendful fortune may exhort the wise,
- Only to wonder at unlawful things,
- Whose deepness doth entice such forward wits
- To practice more than heavenly power permits.
- [Exit.]
- Terminat hora diem; terminat auctor opus.
- [Footnote 1: mate-- i.e. confound, defeat.]
- [Footnote 2: vaunt-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "daunt."]
- [Footnote 3: her-- All the 4tos "his."]
- [Footnote 4: Whereas-- i.e. where.]
- [Footnote 5: cunning-- i.e. knowledge.]
- [Footnote 6: So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "more."]
- [Footnote 7: FAUSTUS discovered in his study-- Most probably, the Chorus,
- before going out, drew a curtain, and discovered Faustus sitting.
- In B. Barnes's DIVILS CHARTER, 1607, we find; "SCEN. VLTIMA.
- VPON A BOOKE, whilst a groome draweth the Curtaine." Sig. L 3.]
- [Footnote 8: Analytics, 'tis thou, &c.-- Qy. "Analytic"? (but such
- phraseology was not uncommon).]
- [Footnote 9: So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "the" (the printer
- having mistaken "yt" for "ye").]
- [Footnote 10: So the later 4tos (with various spelling).--2to 1604
- "Oncaymaeon."]
- [Footnote 11: and-- So the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.]
- [Footnote 12: Couldst-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "Wouldst."]
- [Footnote 13: men-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "man."]
- [Footnote 14: legatur-- All the 4tos "legatus."]
- [Footnote 15: &c.-- So two of the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.]
- [Footnote 16: law-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "Church."]
- [Footnote 17: This-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "His."]
- [Footnote 18: Too servile-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "The deuill."]
- [Footnote 19: Che sera, sera-- Lest it should be thought that I am wrong
- in not altering the old spelling here, I may quote from Panizzi's
- very critical edition of the ORLANDO FURIOSO,
- "La satisfazion ci SERA pronta." C. xviii. st. 67.]
- [Footnote 20: scenes-- "And sooner may a gulling weather-spie
- By drawing forth heavens SCEANES tell certainly," &c.
- Donne's FIRST SATYRE,--p. 327, ed. 1633.]
- [Footnote 21: tire-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "trie."]
- [Footnote 22: Enter WAGNER, &c.-- Perhaps the proper arrangement is,]
- "Wagner!
- Enter WAGNER.
- Commend me to my dearest friends," &c.]
- [Footnote 23: treasure-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "treasury."]
- [Footnote 24: Jove-- So again, p. 84, first col.,[See Note 59]
- :
- "Seeing Faustus hath incurr'd eternal death
- By desperate thoughts against JOVE'S deity," &c.:
- and I may notice that Marlowe is not singular in applying the name
- JOVE to the God of Christians:]
- "Beneath our standard of JOUES powerfull sonne [i.e. Christ--".
- MIR. FOR MAGISTRATES, p. 642, ed. 1610.
- "But see the judgement of almightie JOUE," &c.
- Id. p. 696.
- "O sommo GIOVE per noi crocifisso," &c.
- Pulci,--MORGANTE MAG. C. ii. st. 1.]
- [Footnote 25: these elements-- So again, "Within the bowels of THESE
- elements," &c., p. 87, first col,[See Note 90----"THESE" being
- equivalent to THE. (Not unfrequently in our old writers THESE
- is little more than redundant.)]
- [Footnote 26: resolve-- i.e. satisfy, inform.]
- [Footnote 27: silk-- All the 4tos "skill" (and so the modern editors!).]
- [Footnote 28: the-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "our."]
- [Footnote 29: the fiery keel at Antwerp's bridge-- During the blockade
- of Antwerp by the Prince of Parma in 1585, "They of Antuerpe
- knowing that the bridge and the Stocadoes were finished,
- made a great shippe, to be a meanes to breake all this worke
- of the prince of Parmaes: this great shippe was made of masons
- worke within, in the manner of a vaulted caue: vpon the hatches
- there were layed myll-stones, graue-stones, and others of great
- weight; and within the vault were many barrels of powder, ouer
- the which there were holes, and in them they had put matches,
- hanging at a thred, the which burning vntill they came vnto
- the thred, would fall into the powder, and so blow vp all.
- And for that they could not haue any one in this shippe to
- conduct it, Lanckhaer, a sea captaine of the Hollanders, being
- then in Antuerpe, gaue them counsell to tye a great beame at the
- end of it, to make it to keepe a straight course in the middest
- of the streame. In this sort floated this shippe the fourth of
- Aprill, vntill that it came vnto the bridge; where (within a
- while after) the powder wrought his effect, with such violence,
- as the vessell, and all that was within it, and vpon it, flew in
- pieces, carrying away a part of the Stocado and of the bridge.
- The marquesse of Roubay Vicont of Gant, Gaspar of Robles lord of
- Billy, and the Seignior of Torchies, brother vnto the Seignior
- of Bours, with many others, were presently slaine; which were
- torne in pieces, and dispersed abroad, both vpon the land and vpon
- p. 875, ed. 1609.]
- [Footnote 30: only-- Qy. "alone"? (This line is not in the later 4tos.)]
- [Footnote 31: vile-- Old ed. "vild": but see note ||, p. 68.--(This line
- is not in the later 4tos.)
- [Note || from page 68 (The Second Part of Tamburlaine the
- Great):]
- Vile-- The 8vo "Vild"; the 4to "Wild" (Both eds. a little
- before, have "VILE monster, born of some infernal hag", and,
- a few lines after, "To VILE and ignominious servitude":--the
- fact is, our early writers (or rather transcribers), with
- their usual inconsistency of spelling, give now the one form,
- and now the other: compare the folio SHAKESPEARE, 1623,
- where we sometimes find "vild" and sometimes "VILE.")--]
- [Footnote 32: concise syllogisms-- Old ed. "Consissylogismes."]
- [Footnote 33: cunning-- i.e. knowing, skilful.]
- [Footnote 34: Agrippa-- i.e. Cornelius Agrippa.]
- [Footnote 35: shadow-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "shadowes."]
- [Footnote 36: spirits-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "subiects."]
- [Footnote 37: Almain rutters-- See note †, p. 43.]
- [Note † from p. 43. (The Second Part of Tamburlaine the
- Great):
- Almains, Rutters-- Rutters are properly--German troopers
- (reiter, reuter). In the third speech after the present one
- this line is repeated VERBATIM: but in the first scene of
- our author's FAUSTUS we have,
- "Like ALMAIN RUTTERS with their horsemen's staves."--]
- [Footnote 38: have the-- So two of the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "in their."]
- [Footnote 39: From-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "For."]
- [Footnote 40: in-- So the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.]
- [Footnote 41: renowm'd-- See note ||, p. 11.]
- [Note || from p. 11. (The First Part of Tamburlaine the
- Great):
- renowmed-- i.e. renowned.--So the 8vo.--The 4to "renowned."
- --The form "RENOWMED" (Fr. RENOMME) occurs repeatedly
- afterwards in this play, according to the 8vo. It is
- occasionally found in writers posterior to Marlowe's
- time. e.g.
- "Of Constantines great towne RENOUM'D in vaine."
- Verses to King James, prefixed to Lord Stirling's
- [Footnote 42: Albertus'-- i.e. Albertus Magnus.--The correction of I. M.
- in Gent. Mag. for Jan. 1841.--All the 4tos "Albanus."]
- [Footnote 43: cunning-- i.e. skill.]
- [Footnote 44: Enter two SCHOLARS-- Scene, perhaps, supposed to be before
- Faustus's house, as Wagner presently says, "My master is within
- at dinner."]
- [Footnote 45: upon-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "vpon't."]
- [Footnote 46: speak, would-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "speake, IT would."]
- [Footnote 47: my dear brethren-- This repetition (not found in the later 4tos)
- is perhaps an error of the original compositor.]
- [Footnote 48: Enter FAUSTUS to conjure-- The scene is supposed to be a grove;
- see p. 81, last line of sec. col.
- [Page 81, second column, last line:
- "VALDES. Then haste thee to some solitary grove,"--]
- [Footnote 49: anagrammatiz'd-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "and
- Agramithist."]
- [Footnote 50: Th' abbreviated-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "The breuiated."]
- [Footnote 51: erring-- i.e. wandering.]
- [Footnote 52: surgat Mephistophilis, quod tumeraris-- The later 4tos have
- "surgat Mephistophilis DRAGON, quod tumeraris."--There is a
- corruption here, which seems to defy emendation. For "quod
- TUMERARIS," Mr. J. Crossley, of Manchester, would read (rejecting
- the word "Dragon") "quod TU MANDARES" (the construction being
- "quod tu mandares ut Mephistophilis appareat et surgat"): but the
- "tu" does not agree with the preceding "vos."--The Revd. J. Mitford
- proposes "surgat Mephistophilis, per Dragon (or Dagon) quod NUMEN
- [Footnote 53: dicatus-- So two of the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "dicatis."]
- [Footnote 54: Re-enter Mephistophilis, &c.-- According to THE HISTORY OF
- DR. FAUSTUS, on which this play is founded, Faustus raises
- Mephistophilis in "a thicke wood neere to Wittenberg, called
- in the German tongue Spisser Wolt..... Presently, not three
- fathom above his head, fell a flame in manner of a lightning,
- and changed itselfe into a globe..... Suddenly the globe opened,
- and sprung up in the height of a man; so burning a time, in the
- end it converted to the shape of a fiery man[?-- This pleasant
- beast ran about the circle a great while, and, lastly, appeared
- in the manner of a Gray Fryer, asking Faustus what was his
- request?" Sigs. A 2, A 3, ed. 1648. Again; "After Doctor Faustus
- had made his promise to the devill, in the morning betimes he
- called the spirit before him, and commanded him that he should
- alwayes come to him like a fryer after the order of Saint Francis,
- with a bell in his hand like Saint Anthony, and to ring it once
- or twice before he appeared, that he might know of his certaine
- coming." Id. Sig. A 4.]
- [Footnote 55: came hither-- So two of the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "came
- NOW hither."]
- [Footnote 56: accidens-- So two of the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "accident."]
- [Footnote 57: Why, this is hell, nor am I out of it-- Compare Milton,
- Par. Lost, iv. 75;
- "Which way I fly is hell; myself am hell."]
- [Footnote 58: these-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "those."]
- [Footnote 59: Jove's-- See note ‡, p. 80. [i.e. Note 24]
- : ]
- [Footnote 60: four and twenty-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "24."]
- [Footnote 61: resolve-- i.e. satisfy, inform.]
- [Footnote 62: thorough-- So one of the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "through."]
- [Footnote 63: country-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "land."]
- [Footnote 64: desir'd-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "desire."]
- [Footnote 65: Enter WAGNER, &c.-- Scene, a street most probably.]
- [Footnote 66: pickadevaunts-- i.e. beards cut to a point.]
- [Footnote 67: by'r lady-- i.e. by our Lady.]
- [Footnote 68: Qui mihi discipulus-- The first words of W. Lily's
- "Qui mihi discipulus, puer, es, cupis atque doceri,
- Huc ades," &c.]
- [Footnote 69: staves-acre-- A species of larkspur.]
- [Footnote 70: vermin-- Which the seeds of staves-acre were used to destroy.]
- [Footnote 71: familiars-- i.e. attendant-demons.]
- [Footnote 72: their-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "my."]
- [Footnote 73: slop-- i.e. wide breeches.]
- [Footnote 74: vile-- Old ed. "vild." See note || p. 68.
- [Note || from page 68 (The Second Part of Tamburlaine the
- Great):
- Vile-- The 8vo "Vild"; the 4to "Wild" (Both eds. a little
- before, have "VILE monster, born of some infernal hag", and,
- a few lines after, "To VILE and ignominious servitude":--the
- fact is, our early writers (or rather transcribers), with
- their usual inconsistency of spelling, give now the one form,
- and now the other: compare the folio SHAKESPEARE, 1623,
- where we sometimes find "vild" and sometimes "VILE.")]
- [Footnote 75: vestigiis nostris-- All the 4tos "vestigias nostras."]
- [Footnote 76: of-- So the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.]
- [Footnote 77: me-- So the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.]
- [Footnote 78: he lives-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "I liue."]
- [Footnote 79: why-- So the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.]
- [Footnote 80: Solamen miseris, &c.-- An often-cited line of modern Latin
- poetry: by whom it was written I know not.]
- [Footnote 81: Why-- So the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.]
- [Footnote 82: torture-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "tortures."]
- [Footnote 83: Faustus-- So the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.]
- [Footnote 84: Bill-- i.e. writing, deed.]
- [Footnote 85: Here's fire; come, Faustus, set it on-- This would not
- be intelligible without the assistance of THE HISTORY OF
- DR. FAUSTUS, the sixth chapter of which is headed,--"How Doctor
- Faustus set his blood in a saucer on warme ashes, and writ as
- followeth." Sig. B, ed. 1648.]
- [Footnote 86: But what is this inscription, &c.-- "He [Faustus-- tooke
- a small penknife and prickt a veine in his left hand; and for
- certainty thereupon were seen on his hand these words written,
- as if they had been written with blood, O HOMO, FUGE."
- THE HISTORY OF DR. FAUSTUS, Sig. B, ed. 1648.]
- [Footnote 87: me-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "thee."]
- [Footnote 88: he desires-- Not in any of the four 4tos. In the tract
- just cited, the "3d Article" stands thus,--"That Mephostophiles
- should bring him any thing, and doe for him whatsoever." Sig. A 4,
- ed. 1648. A later ed. adds "he desired." Marlowe, no doubt,
- followed some edition of the HISTORY in which these words,
- or something equivalent to them, had been omitted by mistake.
- (2to 1661, which I consider as of no authority, has "he
- requireth.")]
- [Footnote 89: that, &c.-- So all the 4tos, ungrammatically.]
- [Footnote 90: these-- See note §, p. 80.[i.e. Note 25]
- : ]
- [Footnote 91: there-- So the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.]
- [Footnote 92: are-- So two of the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "is."]
- [Footnote 93: fond-- i.e. foolish.]
- [Footnote 94: What! walking, disputing, &c.-- The later 4tos have "What,
- SLEEPING, EATING, walking, AND disputing!" But it is evident
- that this speech is not given correctly in any of the old eds.]
- [Footnote 95: let me have a wife, &c.-- The ninth chapter of THE HISTORY
- OF DR. FAUSTUS narrates "How Doctor Faustus would have married,
- and how the Devill had almost killed him for it," and concludes
- as follows. "It is no jesting [said Mephistophilis-- with us:
- hold thou that which thou hast vowed, and we will peforme as we
- have promised; and more shall that, thou shalt have thy hearts
- desire of what woman soever thou wilt, be she alive or dead,
- and so long as thou wilt thou shalt keep her by thee.--These
- words pleased Faustus wonderfull well, and repented himself that
- he was so foolish to wish himselfe married, that might have any
- woman in the whole city brought him at his command; the which
- he practised and persevered in a long time." Sig. B 3, ed. 1648.]
- [Footnote 96: me-- Not in 4to 1604. (This line is wanting in the later 4tos.)]
- [Footnote 97: no-- So the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.]
- [Footnote 98: Saba-- i.e. Sabaea--the Queen of Sheba.]
- [Footnote 99: iterating-- i.e. reciting, repeating.]
- [Footnote 100: And argue of divine astrology, &c.-- In THE HISTORY OF
- DR. FAUSTUS, there are several tedious pages on the subject;
- but our dramatist, in the dialogue which follows, has no
- particular obligations to them.]
- [Footnote 101: erring-- i.e. wandering.]
- [Footnote 102: freshmen's-- "A Freshman, tiro, novitius." Coles's DICT.
- Properly, a student during his first term at the university.]
- [Footnote 103: resolve-- i.e. satisfy, inform.]
- [Footnote 104: Seek to save-- Qy. "Seek THOU to save"? But see note ||,
- p. 18.]
- [Note ||, from page 18 (The First Part of Tamburlaine The
- Great):
- Barbarous-- Qy. "O Barbarous"? in the next line but one,
- "O treacherous"? and in the last line of the speech,
- "O bloody"? But we occasionally find in our early dramatists
- lines which are defective in the first syllable; and in some
- of these instances at least it would almost seem that nothing
- has been omitted by the transcriber or printer.--]
- Lucifer amuses Faustus, not by calling up the Seven Deadly Sins,
- but by making various devils appear before him, "one after another,
- in forme as they were in hell." "First entered Beliall in forme
- of a beare," &c.--"after him came Beelzebub, in curled haire of
- a horseflesh colour," &c.--"then came Astaroth, in the forme of
- a worme," &c. &c. During this exhibition, "Lucifer himselfe sate
- in manner of a man all hairy, but of browne colour, like a
- squirrell, curled, and his tayle turning upward on his backe as
- the squirrels use: I think he could crack nuts too like a
- squirrell." Sig. D, ed. 1648.]
- [Footnote 106: case-- i.e. couple.]
- [Footnote 107: bevers-- i.e. refreshments between meals.]
- [Footnote 108: L.-- All the 4tos "Lechery."--Here I have made the alteration
- recommended by Mr. Collier in his Preface to COLERIDGE'S SEVEN
- [Footnote 109: Away, to hell, to hell-- In 4to 1604, these words stand
- on a line by themselves, without a prefix. (In the later 4tos,
- the corresponding passage is as follows;
- "------ begins with Lechery.
- LUCIFER. Away to hell, away! On, piper! [Exeunt the SINS.
- FAUSTUS. O, how this sight doth delight my soul!" &c.)]
- [Footnote 110: I will send for thee at midnight-- In THE HISTORY OF DR.
- FAUSTUS, we have a particular account of Faustus's visit
- to the infernal regions, Sig. D 2, ed. 1648.]
- [Footnote 111: Enter CHORUS-- Old ed. "Enter WAGNER solus." That these
- lines belong to the Chorus would be evident enough, even if we
- had no assistance here from the later 4tos.--The parts of Wagner
- and of the Chorus were most probably played by the same actor:
- and hence the error.]
- [Footnote 112: Learned Faustus,
- To know the secrets of astronomy, &c.-- See the 21st chapter
- of THE HISTORY OF DR. FAUSTUS,--"How Doctor Faustus was carried
- through the ayre up to the heavens, to see the whole world,
- and how the sky and planets ruled," &c.]
- [Footnote 113: Enter FAUSTUS and MEPHISTOPHILIS-- Scene, the Pope's
- privy-chamber.]
- [Footnote 114: Trier-- i.e. Treves or Triers.]
- [Footnote 115: From Paris next, &c.-- This description is from THE HISTORY
- OF DR. FAUSTUS; "He came from Paris to Mentz, where the river
- of Maine falls into the Rhine: notwithstanding he tarried not
- long there, but went into Campania, in the kingdome of Neapol,
- in which he saw an innumerable sort of cloysters, nunries, and
- churches, and great houses of stone, the streets faire and large,
- and straight forth from one end of the towne to the other as a
- line; and all the pavement of the city was of bricke, and the
- more it rained into the towne, the fairer the streets were:
- there saw he the tombe of Virgill, and the highway that he cu[t]
- through the mighty hill of stone in one night, the whole length
- of an English mile," &c. Sig. E 2, ed. 1648.]
- [Footnote 116: The way he cut, &c.-- During the middle ages Virgil was
- regarded as a great magician, and much was written concerning
- his exploits in that capacity. The LYFE OF VIRGILIUS, however,
- (see Thoms's EARLY PROSE ROMANCES, vol. ii.,) makes no mention
- of the feat in question. But Petrarch speaks of it as follows.
- "Non longe a Puteolis Falernus collis attollitur, famoso palmite
- nobilis. Inter Falernum et mare mons est saxeus, hominum manibus
- confossus, quod vulgus insulsum a Virgilio magicis cantaminibus
- factum putant: ita clarorum fama hominum, non veris contenta
- laudibus, saepe etiam fabulis viam facit. De quo cum me olim
- Robertus regno clarus, sed praeclarus ingenio ac literis, quid
- sentirem, multis astantibus, percunctatus esset, humanitate fretus
- regia, qua non reges modo sed homines vicit, jocans nusquam me
- legisse magicarium fuisse Virgilium respondi: quod ille severissimae
- nutu frontis approbans, non illic magici sed ferri vestigia
- confessus est. Sunt autem fauces excavati montis angustae sed
- longissimae atque atrae: tenebrosa inter horrifica semper nox:
- publicum iter in medio, mirum et religioni proximum, belli quoque
- immolatum temporibus, sic vero populi vox est, et nullis unquam
- latrociniis attentatum, patet: Criptam Neapolitanam dicunt, cujus
- et in epistolis ad Lucilium Seneca mentionem fecit. Sub finem fusci
- tramitis, ubi primo videri coelum incipit, in aggere edito, ipsius
- Virgilii busta visuntur, pervetusti operis, unde haec forsan ab
- illo perforati montis fluxit opinio." ITINERARIUM SYRIACUM,--OPP.
- p. 560, ed. Bas.]
- [Footnote 117: From thence to Venice, Padua, and the rest,
- In one of which a sumptuous temple stands, &c.-- So the
- later 4tos.--2to 1604 "In MIDST of which," &c.--THE HISTORY
- OF DR. FAUSTUS shews WHAT "sumptuous temple" is meant: "From
- thence he came to Venice....He wondred not a little at the
- fairenesse of S. Marks Place, and the sumptuous church standing
- thereon, called S. Marke, how all the pavement was set with
- coloured stones, and all the rood or loft of the church double
- gilded over." Sig. E 2, ed. 1648.]
- [Footnote 118: Just through the midst, &c.-- This and the next line are
- not in 4to 1604. I have inserted them from the later 4tos, as
- being absolutely necessary for the sense.]
- [Footnote 119: Ponte-- All the 4tos "Ponto."]
- [Footnote 120: of-- So the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.]
- [Footnote 121: Then charm me, that I, &c.-- A corrupted passage.--Compare
- THE HISTORY OF DR. FAUSTUS, Sig. E 3, ed. 1648; where, however,
- the Cardinal, whom the Pope entertains, is called the Cardinal
- of PAVIA.]
- [Footnote 122: Sonnet-- Variously written, SENNET, SIGNET, SIGNATE, &c.--A
- particular set of notes on the trumpet, or cornet, different from
- a flourish. See Nares's GLOSS. in V. SENNET.]
- [Footnote 123: Enter ROBIN, &c.-- Scene, near an inn.]
- [Footnote 124: ippocras-- Or HIPPOCRAS,--a medicated drink composed of wine
- (usually red) with spices and sugar. It is generally supposed to
- have been so called from HIPPOCRATES (contracted by our earliest
- writers to HIPPOCRAS); perhaps because it was strained,--the woollen
- bag used by apothecaries to strain syrups and decoctions for
- clarification being termed HIPPOCRATES' SLEEVE.]
- [Footnote 125: tabern-- i.e. tavern.]
- [Footnote 126: [Exeunt.
- Enter ROBIN and RALPH, &c.-- A scene is evidently wanting
- after the Exeunt of Robin and Ralph.]
- [Footnote 127: purchase-- i.e. booty--gain, acquisition.]
- [Footnote 128: Drawer-- There is an inconsistency here: the Vintner
- cannot properly be addressed as "Drawer." The later 4tos are
- also inconsistent in the corresponding passage: Dick says, "THE
- VINTNER'S BOY follows us at the hard heels," and immediately
- the "VINTNER" enters.]
- [Footnote 129: tone-- i.e. the one.]
- [Footnote 130: MEPHIST-- Monarch of hell, &c.-- Old ed. thus:--]
- "MEPHIST. Vanish vilaines, th' one like an Ape, an other like
- a Beare, the third an Asse, for doing this enterprise.
- Monarch of hell, vnder whose blacke suruey," &c.
- What follows, shews that the words which I have omitted ought
- to have no place in the text; nor is there any thing equivalent
- to them in the corresponding passage of the play as given in
- the later 4tos.]
- [Footnote 131: Enter EMPEROR, &c.-- Scene--An apartment in the Emperor's
- Palace. According to THE HISTORY OF DR. FAUSTUS, the Emperor
- "was personally, with the rest of the nobles and gentlemen, at
- the towne of Inzbrack, where he kept his court." Sig. G, ed. 1648.]
- [Footnote 132: Master Doctor Faustus, &c-- The greater part of this scene
- is closely borrowed from the history just cited: e.g. "Faustus,
- I have heard much of thee, that thou art excellent in the black art,
- and none like thee in mine empire; for men say that thou hast a
- familiar spirit with thee, and that thou canst doe what thou list;
- it is therefore (said the Emperor) my request of thee, that thou
- let me see a proofe of thy experience: and I vow unto thee, by
- the honour of my emperiall crowne, none evill shall happen unto
- thee for so doing," &c. Ibid.]
- [Footnote 133: won-- May be right: but qy. "done"?]
- [Footnote 134: As we that do succeed, &c.-- A corrupted passage (not found
- in the later 4tos).]
- [Footnote 135: The bright, &c.-- See note ||, p. 18.]
- [Note ||, from page 18 (The First Part of Tamburlaine The
- Great):
- Barbarous-- Qy. "O Barbarous"? in the next line but one,
- "O treacherous"? and in the last line of the speech,
- "O bloody"? But we occasionally find in our early dramatists
- lines which are defective in the first syllable; and in
- some of these instances at least it would almost seem that
- nothing has been omitted by the transcriber or printer.--]
- [Footnote 136: But, if it like your grace, it is not in my ability, &c.]
- "D. Faustus answered, My most excellent lord, I am ready to
- accomplish your request in all things, so farre forth as I and
- my spirit are able to performe: yet your majesty shall know that
- their dead bodies are not able substantially to be brought before
- you; but such spirits as have seene Alexander and his Paramour
- alive shall appeare unto you, in manner and form as they both
- lived in their most flourishing time; and herewith I hope to
- please your Imperiall Majesty. Then Faustus went a little aside
- to speake to his spirit; but he returned againe presently, saying,
- Now, if it please your Majesty, you shall see them; yet, upon this
- condition, that you demand no question of them, nor speake unto
- them; which the Emperor agreed unto. Wherewith Doctor Faustus opened
- the privy-chamber doore, where presently entered the great and mighty
- emperor Alexander Magnus, in all things to looke upon as if he
- had beene alive; in proportion, a strong set thicke man, of a
- middle stature, blacke haire, and that both thicke and curled,
- head and beard, red cheekes, and a broad face, with eyes like
- a basiliske; he had a compleat harnesse (i.e. suit of armour)
- burnished and graven, exceeding rich to look upon: and so,
- passing towards the Emperor Carolus, he made low and reverend
- courtesie: whereat the Emperour Carolus would have stood up to
- receive and greet him with the like reverence; but Faustus tooke
- hold on him, and would not permit him to doe it. Shortly after,
- Alexander made humble reverence, and went out againe; and comming
- to the doore, his paramour met him. She comming in made the Emperour
- likewise reverence: she was cloathed in blew velvet, wrought and
- imbroidered with pearls and gold; she was also excellent faire,
- like milke and blood mixed, tall and slender, with a face round
- as an apple. And thus passed [she-- certaine times up and downe
- the house; which the Emperor marking, said to himselfe, Now have
- I seene two persons which my heart hath long wished to behold;
- and sure it cannot otherwise be (said he to himselfe) but that
- the spirits have changed themselves into these formes, and have
- but deceived me, calling to minde the woman that raised the prophet
- Samuel: and for that the Emperor would be the more satisfied in
- the matter, he said, I have often heard that behind, in her neck,
- she had a great wart or wen; wherefore he tooke Faustus by the
- hand without any words, and went to see if it were also to be
- seene on her or not; but she, perceiving that he came to her,
- bowed downe her neck, when he saw a great wart; and hereupon she
- vanished, leaving the Emperor and the rest well contented."
- THE HISTORY OF DR. FAUSTUS, Sig. G, ed. 1648.]
- [Footnote 137: both-- Old ed. "best."]
- [Footnote 138: Mephistophilis, transform him straight-- According to THE
- HISTORY OF DR. FAUSTUS, the knight was not present during Faustus's
- "conference" with the Emperor; nor did he offer the doctor any
- insult by doubting his skill in magic. We are there told that
- Faustus happening to see the knight asleep, "leaning out of a
- window of the great hall," fixed a huge pair of hart's horns on
- his head; "and, as the knight awaked, thinking to pull in his head,
- he hit his hornes against the glasse, that the panes thereof flew
- about his eares: thinke here how this good gentleman was vexed,
- for he could neither get backward nor forward." After the emperor
- and the courtiers, to their great amusement, had beheld the poor
- knight in this condition, Faustus removed the horns. When Faustus,
- having taken leave of the emperor, was a league and a half from
- the city, he was attacked in a wood by the knight and some of his
- companions: they were in armour, and mounted on fair palfreys;
- but the doctor quickly overcame them by turning all the bushes
- into horsemen, and "so charmed them, that every one, knight and
- other, for the space of a whole moneth, did weare a paire of
- goates hornes on their browes, and every palfry a paire of oxe
- hornes on his head; and this was their penance appointed by
- Faustus." A second attempt of the knight to revenge himself on
- Faustus proved equally unsuccessful. Sigs. G 2, I 3, ed. 1648.]
- [Footnote 139: FAUSTUS. Now Mephistophilis, &c.-- Here the scene is supposed
- to be changed to the "fair and pleasant green" which Faustus
- presently mentions.]
- [Footnote 140: Horse-courser-- i.e. Horse-dealer.--We are now to suppose the
- scene to be near the home of Faustus, and presently that it is the
- interior of his house, for he falls asleep in his chair.--"How
- Doctor Faustus deceived a Horse-courser" is related in a short
- chapter (the 34th) of THE HISTORY OF DOCTOR FAUSTUS: "After this
- manner he served a horse-courser at a faire called Pheiffering," &c.]
- [Footnote 141: for forty-- Qy. "for TWICE forty DOLLARS"?]
- [Footnote 142: into-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "vnto."]
- [Footnote 143: Doctor Lopus-- i.e. Doctor Lopez, domestic physician
- to Queen Elizabeth, who was put to death for having received
- a bribe from the court of Spain to destroy her. He is frequently
- mentioned in our early dramas: see my note on Middleton's WORKS,
- iv. 384.]
- [Footnote 144: know of-- The old ed. has "KNOWNE of"; which perhaps is right,
- meaning--acquainted with.]
- [Footnote 145: hey-pass-- Equivalent to--juggler.]
- [Footnote 146: ostry-- i.e. inn,--lodging.]
- [Footnote 147: cunning-- i.e. skill.]
- [Footnote 148: [Exeunt.
- Enter the DUKE OF VANHOLT, the DUCHESS, and FAUSTUS-- Old ed.;
- "Exeunt.
- Enter to them the DUKE, the DUTCHESS, the DUKE speakes."
- In the later 4tos a scene intervenes between the "Exeunt" of
- Faustus, Mephistophilis, and Wagner, and the entrance of the Duke
- of Vanholt, &c.--We are to suppose that Faustus is now at the court
- of the Duke of Vanholt: this is plain, not only from the later 4tos,
- --in which Wagner tells Faustus that the Duke "hath sent some of
- his men to attend him, with provision fit for his journey,"--but
- from THE HISTORY OF DOCTOR FAUSTUS, the subjoined portion of which
- is closely followed in the present scene. "Chap. xxxix. HOW DOCTOR
- Doctor Faustus on a time went to the Duke of Anholt, who welcommed
- him very courteously; this was the moneth of January; where sitting
- at the table, he perceived the dutchess to be with child; and
- forbearing himselfe untill the meat was taken from the table,
- and that they brought in the banqueting dishes [i.e. the dessert--,
- Doctor Faustus said to the dutchesse, Gratious lady, I have alwayes
- heard that great-bellied women doe alwayes long for some dainties;
- I beseech therefore your grace, hide not your minde from me, but
- tell me what you desire to eat. She answered him, Doctor Faustus,
- now truly I will not hide from you what my heart doth most desire;
- namely, that, if it were now harvest, I would eat my bellyfull of
- grapes and other dainty fruit. Doctor Faustus answered hereupon,
- Gracious lady, this is a small thing for me to doe, for I can doe
- more than this. Wherefore he tooke a plate, and set open one of
- the casements of the window, holding it forth; where incontinent
- he had his dish full of all manner of fruit, as red and white
- grapes, peares, and apples, the which came from out of strange
- countries: all these he presented the dutchesse, saying, Madam,
- I pray you vouchsafe to taste of this dainty fruit, the which
- came from a farre countrey, for there the summer is not yet ended.
- The dutchesse thanked Faustus highly, and she fell to her fruit
- with full appetite. The Duke of Anholt notwithstanding could not
- withhold to ask Faustus with what reason there were such young
- fruit to be had at that time of the yeare. Doctor Faustus told
- him, May it please your grace to understand that the year is
- divided into two circles of the whole world, that when with us it
- is winter, in the contrary circle it is notwithstanding summer;
- for in India and Saba there falleth or setteth the sunne, so that
- it is so warm that they have twice a yeare fruit; and, gracious
- lord, I have a swift spirit, the which can in the twinkling of
- an eye fulfill my desire in any thing; wherefore I sent him into
- those countries, who hath brought this fruit as you see: whereat
- the duke was in great admiration."]
- [Footnote 149: Saba-- i.e. Sabaea.]
- [Footnote 150: beholding-- i.e. beholden.]
- [Footnote 151: Enter WAGNER-- Scene, a room in the house of Faustus.]
- [Footnote 152: he hath given to me all his goods-- Compare chap. lvi. of
- THE HISTORY OF DOCTOR FAUSTUS,--"How Doctor Faustus made his will,
- in which he named his servant Wagner to be his heire."]
- [Footnote 153: HELEN passeth over the stage-- In THE HISTORY OF DOCTOR
- FAUSTUS we have the following description of Helen. "This lady
- appeared before them in a most rich gowne of purple velvet, costly
- imbrodered; her haire hanged downe loose, as faire as the beaten
- gold, and of such length that it reached downe to her hammes;
- having most amorous cole-black eyes, a sweet and pleasant round
- face, with lips as red as a cherry; her cheekes of a rose colour,
- her mouth small, her neck white like a swan; tall and slender of
- personage; in summe, there was no imperfect place in her: she
- looked round about with a rolling hawkes eye, a smiling and
- wanton countenance, which neere-hand inflamed the hearts of all
- the students; but that they perswaded themselves she was a spirit,
- which made them lightly passe away such fancies." Sig. H 4, ed. 1648.]
- [Footnote 154: Enter an OLD MAN-- See chap. xlviii of THE HISTORY OF DOCTOR
- FAUSTUS,--"How an old man, the neighbour of Faustus, sought to
- perswade him to amend his evil life and to fall into repentance,"
- --according to which history, the Old Man's exhortation is delivered
- at his own house, whither he had invited Faustus to supper.]
- [Footnote 155: vild-- Old ed. "vild." See note ||, p. 68.
- [Note || from page 68 (The Second Part of Tamburlaine the
- Great):
- Vile-- The 8vo "Vild"; the 4to "Wild" (Both eds. a little
- before, have "VILE monster, born of some infernal hag", and,
- a few lines after, "To VILE and ignominious servitude":--the
- fact is, our early writers (or rather transcribers), with
- their usual inconsistency of spelling, give now the one form,
- and now the other: compare the folio SHAKESPEARE, 1623,
- where we sometimes find "vild" and sometimes "VILE.")--]
- [Footnote 156: sin-- Old ed. "sinnes" (This is not in the later 4tos).]
- [Footnote 157: almost-- So the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.]
- [Footnote 158: now-- So the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.]
- [Footnote 159: MEPHIST. Do it, then, quickly, &c.-- After this speech,
- most probably, there ought to be a stage-direction, "FAUSTUS
- THE HISTORY OF DOCTOR FAUSTUS, chap. xlix,--"How Doctor Faustus
- wrote the second time with his owne blood, and gave it to the
- Devill."]
- [Footnote 160: One thing, good servant, &c.-- "To the end that this miserable
- Faustus might fill the lust of his flesh and live in all manner
- of voluptuous pleasure, it came in his mind, after he had slept
- his first sleepe, and in the 23 year past of his time, that he
- had a great desire to lye with faire Helena of Greece, especially
- her whom he had seen and shewed unto the students at Wittenberg:
- wherefore he called unto his spirit Mephostophiles, commanding him
- to bring to him the faire Helena; which he also did. Whereupon he
- fell in love with her, and made her his common concubine and
- bed-fellow; for she was so beautifull and delightfull a peece,
- that he could not be one houre from her, if he should therefore
- have suffered death, she had so stoln away his heart: and, to
- his seeming, in time she was with childe, whom Faustus named
- Justus Faustus. The childe told Doctor Faustus many things which
- were don in forraign countrys; but in the end, when Faustus lost
- his life, the mother and the childe vanished away both together."
- [Footnote 161: Those-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "These."]
- [Footnote 162: Faustus, this-- Qy. "This, Faustus"?]
- [Footnote 163: topless-- i.e. not exceeded in height by any.]
- [Footnote 164: is-- So the later 4tos.--2to 1604 "be."]
- [Footnote 165: shalt-- So all the 4tos; and so I believe Marlowe wrote,
- though the grammar requires "shall."]
- [Footnote 166: Enter the OLD MAN-- Scene, a room in the Old Man's house.
- --In THE HISTORY OF DOCTOR FAUSTUS the Old Man makes himself very
- merry with the attempts of the evil powers to hurt him. "About
- two dayes after that he had exhorted Faustus, as the poore man
- lay in his bed, suddenly there was a mighty rumbling in the
- chamber, the which he was never wont to heare, and he heard as
- it had beene the groaning of a sow, which lasted long: whereupon
- the good old man began to jest and mocke, and said, Oh, what a
- barbarian cry is this? Oh faire bird, what foul musicke is this?
- A[h--, faire angell, that could not tarry two dayes in his place!
- beginnest thou now to runne into a poore mans house, where thou
- hast no power, and wert not able to keepe thy owne two dayes?
- With these and such like words the spirit departed," &c.
- Sig. I 2, ed. 1648.]
- [Footnote 167: Enter Faustus, &c.-- Scene, a room in the house of Faustus.]
- [Footnote 168: cunning-- i.e. knowledge, skill.]
- [Footnote 169: Why did not Faustus tell us of this before, &c.-- "Wherefore
- one of them said unto him, Ah, friend Faustus, what have you done
- to conceale this matter so long from us? We would, by the helpe
- of good divines and the grace of God, have brought you out of this
- net, and have torne you out of the bondage and chaines of Satan;
- whereas now we feare it is too late, to the utter ruine both of
- your body and soule. Doctor Faustus answered, I durst never doe
- it, although I often minded to settle my life [myself?-- to godly
- people to desire counsell and helpe; and once mine old neighbour
- counselled me that I should follow his learning and leave all my
- conjurations: yet, when I was minded to amend and to follow that
- good mans counsell, then came the Devill and would have had me
- away, as this night he is like to doe, and said, so soone as I
- turned againe to God, he would dispatch me altogether." THE
- HISTORY OF DOCTOR FAUSTUS, Sig. K 3, ed. 1648.]
- [Footnote 170: save-- So the later 4tos.--Not in 4to 1604.]
- [Footnote 171: and what noise soever ye hear, &c.-- "Lastly, to knit up
- my troubled oration, this is my friendly request, that you would
- go to rest, and let nothing trouble you; also, if you chance heare
- any noyse or rumbling about the house, be not therewith afraid,
- for there shall no evill happen unto you," &c. THE HISTORY OF
- DOCTOR FAUSTUS, ubi supra.]
- [Footnote 172: O lente, &c.
- "At si, quem malles, Cephalum complexa teneres,
- Ovid,--AMOR. i. xiii. 39.]
- [Footnote 173: That, when you, &c.-- So all the old eds.; and it is certain
- that awkward changes of person are sometimes found in passages
- of our early poets: but qy.,
- "That, when THEY vomit forth into the air,
- My limbs may issue from THEIR smoky mouths," &c.?]
- [Footnote 174: and I be chang'd
- Unto some brutish beast-- "Now, thou Faustus, damned wretch,
- how happy wert thou, if, as an unreasonable beast, thou mightest
- dye without [a-- soule! so shouldst thou not feele any more doubts,"
- &c. THE HISTORY OF DOCTOR FAUSTUS, Sig. K. ed. 1648.]
- his "miserable and lamentable end" is described as follows: it
- took place, we are informed, at "the village called Rimlich,
- halfe a mile from Wittenberg."--"The students and the other that
- were there, when they had prayed for him, they wept, and so went
- forth; but Faustus tarried in the hall; and when the gentlemen
- were laid in bed, none of them could sleepe, for that they att[e--nded
- to heare if they might be privy of his end. It happened that
- betweene twelve and one a clocke at midnight, there blew a mighty
- storme of winde against the house, as though it would have blowne
- the foundation thereof out of his place. Hereupon the students
- began to feare and goe out of their beds, comforting one another;
- but they would not stirre out of the chamber; and the host of
- the house ran out of doores, thinking the house would fall. The
- students lay neere unto the hall wherein Doctor Faustus lay, and
- they heard a mighty noyse and hissing, as if the hall had beene
- full of snakes and adders. With that, the hall-doore flew open,
- wherein Doctor Faustus was, that he began to cry for helpe,
- saying, Murther, murther! but it came forth with halfe a voyce,
- hollowly: shortly after, they heard him no more. But when it was
- day, the students, that had taken no rest that night, arose and
- went into the hall, in the which they left Doctor Faustus; where
- notwithstanding they found not Faustus, but all the hall lay
- sprinkled with blood, his braines cleaving to the wall, for the
- devill had beaten him from one wall against another; in one corner
- lay his eyes, in another his teeth; a pittifull and fearefull
- sight to behold. Then began the students to waile and weepe for
- him, and sought for his body in many places. Lastly, they came
- into the yard, where they found his body lying on the horse-dung,
- most monstrously torne and fearefull to behold, for his head and
- all his joynts were dashed in peeces. The fore-named students and
- masters that were at his death, have obtained so much, that they
- buried him in the village where he was so grievously tormented.
- After the which they returned to Wittenberg; and comming into the
- house of Faustus, they found the servant of Faustus very sad,
- unto whom they opened all the matter, who tooke it exceeding
- heavily. There found they also this history of Doctor Faustus
- noted and of him written, as is before declared, all save only
- his end, the which was after by the students thereto annexed;
- further, what his servant had noted thereof, was made in another
- booke. And you have heard that he held by him in his life the
- spirit of faire Helena, the which had by him one sonne, the which
- he named Justus Faustus: even the same day of his death they
- vanished away, both mother and sonne. The house before was so
- darke that scarce any body could abide therein. The same night
- Doctor Faustus appeared unto his servant lively, and shewed unto
- him many secret things, the which he had done and hidden in his
- lifetime. Likewise there were certaine which saw Doctor Faustus
- looke out of the window by night, as they passed by the house."
- Sig. K 3, ed. 1648.]
- Original Comments on the preparation of the E-Text:
- The square brackets, i.e. [ ] are copied from the printed book,
- without change. The open [Exit brackets use in the book have
- been closed [by mh].
- For this E-Text version of the book, the footnotes have been
- consolidated at the end of the play.
- Numbering of the footnotes has been changed, and each footnote
- is given a unique identity in the form [XXX].
- Character names were expanded. For Example, SECOND SCHOLAR was
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