Directory : The History Of England From The Invasion Of Julius Cæsar To The End Of The Reign Of James The Second, (Part from Henry the 7th to Mary)
- The Project Gutenberg EBook of The History of England in Three Volumes,
- Vol.I., Part C., by David Hume
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- Title: The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part C.
- From Henry VII. to Mary
- Author: David Hume
- Release Date: September 8, 2006 [EBook #19213]
- Last Updated: September 1, 2016
- Language: English
- Character set encoding: UTF-8
- Produced by David Widger and the Online Distributed
- Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net
- 1688
- London: James S. Virtue, City Road and Ivy Lane
- New York: 26 John Street
- 1860
- And
- Philadelphia:
- J. B. Lippincott & Co.
- March 17, 1901
- In Three Volumes:
- VOLUME ONE: The History Of England From The Invasion Of Julius Cæsar To
- The End Of The Reign Of James The Second............ By David Hume, Esq.
- VOLUME TWO: Continued from the Reign of William and Mary to the Death of
- George II........................................... by Tobias Smollett.
- VOLUME THREE: From the Accession of George III. to the Twenty-Third Year
- of the Reign of Queen Victoria............... by E. Farr and E.H. Nolan.
- Part C.
- [Illustration: 1-309-henry7.jpg HENRY VII.]
- {1485.} THE victory which the earl of Richmond gained at Bosworth was
- entirely decisive; being attended, as well with the total rout and
- dispersion of the royal army, as with the death of the king himself. Joy
- for this great success suddenly prompted the soldiers, in the field of
- battle, to bestow on their victorious general the appellation of king,
- which he had not hitherto assumed; and the acclamations of “Long live
- Henry VII.,” by a natural and unpremeditated movement, resounded from
- all quarters. To bestow some appearance of formality on this species
- of military election, Sir William Stanley brought a crown of ornament,
- which Richard wore in battle, and which had been found among the spoils;
- and he put it on the head of the victor. Henry himself remained not
- in suspense; but immediately, without hesitation, accepted of the
- magnificent present which was tendered him. He was come to the crisis
- of his fortune; and being obliged suddenly to determine himself, amidst
- great difficulties which he must have frequently revolved in his mind,
- he chose that part which his ambition suggested to him, and to which he
- seemed to be invited by his present success.
- There were many titles on which Henry could found his right to the
- crown; but no one of them free from great objections, if considered with
- respect either to justice or to policy.
- During some years, Henry had been regarded as heir to the house of
- Lancaster by the party attached to that family; but the title of the
- house of Lancaster itself was generally thought to be very ill founded.
- Henry IV., who had first raised it to royal dignity, had never clearly
- defined the foundation of his claim; and while he plainly invaded the
- order of succession, he had not acknowledged the election of the people.
- The parliament, it is true, had often recognized the title of the
- Lancastrian princes; but these votes had little authority, being
- considered as instances of complaisance towards a family in possession
- of present power; and they had accordingly been often reversed during
- the late prevalence of the house of York. Prudent men also, who had been
- willing for the sake of peace to submit to any established authority,
- desired not to see the claims of that family revived; claims which must
- produce many convulsions at present, and which disjointed for the future
- the whole system of hereditary right. Besides, allowing the title of the
- house of Lancaster to be legal, Henry himself was not the true heir of
- that family; and nothing but the obstinacy natural to faction, which
- never without reluctance will submit to an antagonist, could have
- engaged the Lancastrians to adopt the earl of Richmond as their head.
- His mother indeed, Margaret, countess of Richmond, was sole daughter
- and heir of the duke of Somerset, sprung from John of Gaunt, duke of
- Lancaster: but the descent of the Somerset line was itself illegitimate,
- and even adulterous. And though the duke of Lancaster had obtained
- the legitimation of his natural children by a patent from Richard II.,
- confirmed in parliament, it might justly be doubted whether this deed
- could bestow any title to the crown: since in the patent itself all the
- privileges conferred by it are fully enumerated, and the succession to
- the kingdom is expressly excluded.[*] In all settlements of the crown
- made during the reigns of the Lancastrian princes, the line of Somerset
- had been entirely overlooked; and it was not till the failure of the
- legitimate branch, that men had paid any attention to their claim. And
- to add to the general dissatisfaction against Henry’s title, his mother,
- from whom he derived all his right was still alive; and evidently
- preceded him in the order of succession.
- * Rymer, tom. vii. p. 849. Coke’s Inst. iv. Inst. part i. p.
- 37.
- His title of the house of York, both from the plain reason of the case,
- and from the late popular government of Edward IV., had universally
- obtained the preference in the sentiments of the people; and Henry might
- ingraft his claim on the rights of that family, by his intended marriage
- with the princess Elizabeth, the heir of it; a marriage which he had
- solemnly promised to celebrate, and to the expectation of which he had
- chiefly owed all his past successes. But many reasons dissuaded Henry
- from adopting this expedient. Were he to receive the crown only in right
- of his consort, his power, he knew, would be very limited; and he must
- expect rather to enjoy the bare title of king by a sort of courtesy,
- than possess the real authority which belongs to it. Should the princess
- die before him without issue, he must descend from the throne, and give
- place to the next in succession; and even if his bed should be blest
- with offspring, it seemed dangerous to expect that filial piety in his
- children would prevail over the ambition of obtaining present possession
- of regal power. An act of parliament, indeed, might easily be procured
- to settle the crown on him during life; but Henry knew how much superior
- the claim of succession by blood was to the authority of an assembly,[*]
- which had always been overborne by violence in the shock of contending
- titles, and which had ever been more governed by the conjunctures of the
- times, than by any consideration derived from reason or public interest.
- There was yet a third foundation on which Henry might rest his claim,
- the right of conquest, by his victory over Richard, the present
- possessor of the crown. But besides that Richard himself was deemed
- no better than a usurper, the army which fought against him consisted
- chiefly of Englishmen; and a right of conquest over England could
- never be established by such a victory. Nothing also would give greater
- umbrage to the nation than a claim of this nature; which might be
- construed as an abolition of all their rights and privileges, and the
- establishment of absolute authority in the sovereign.[**]
- *Bacon in Kennet’s Complete History, p. 579.
- **Bacon, p. 579.
- William himself, the Norman, though at the head of a powerful and
- victorious army of foreigners, had at first declined the invidious
- title of Conqueror; and it was not till the full establishment of his
- authority, that he had ventured to advance so violent and destructive a
- pretension.
- But Henry was sensible that there remained another foundation of power,
- somewhat resembling the right of conquest, namely, present possession;
- and that this title, guarded by vigor and abilities, would be sufficient
- to secure perpetual possession of the throne. He had before him the
- example of Henry IV., who, supported by no better pretension, had
- subdued many insurrections, and had been able to transmit the crown
- peaceably to his posterity. He could perceive that this claim, which had
- been perpetuated through three generations of the family of Lancaster,
- might still have subsisted, notwithstanding the preferable title of the
- house of York, had not the sceptre devolved into the hands of Henry
- VI., which were too feeble to sustain it. Instructed by this recent
- experience, Henry was determined to put himself in possession of regal
- authority, and to show all opponents, that nothing but force of arms and
- a successful war should be able to expel him. His claim as heir to the
- house of Lancaster he was resolved to advance, and never allow it to
- be discussed; and he hoped that this right, favored by the partisans of
- that family, and seconded by present power, would secure him a perpetual
- and an independent authority.
- These views of Henry are not exposed to much blame; because founded on
- good policy, and even on a species of necessity; but there entered into
- all his measures and counsels another motive, which admits not of the
- same apology. The violent contentions which, during so long a period,
- had been maintained between the rival families, and the many sanguinary
- revenges which they had alternately taken on each other, had inflamed
- the opposite factions to a high pitch of animosity, Henry himself, who
- had seen most of his near friends and relations perish in battle or
- by the executioner, and who had been exposed in his own person to many
- hardships and dangers, had imbibed a violent antipathy to the York
- party, which no time or experience were ever able to efface. Instead
- of embracing the present happy opportunity of abolishing these fatal
- distinctions, of uniting his title with that of his consort, and of
- bestowing favor indiscriminately on the friends of both families, he
- carried to the throne all the partialities which belong to the head of
- a faction, and even the passions which are carefully guarded against by
- every true politician in that situation. To exalt the Lancastrian party,
- to depress the adherents of the house of York, were still the favorite
- objects of his pursuit; and through the whole course of his reign, he
- never forgot these early prepossessions. Incapable from his natural
- temper of a more enlarged and more benevolent system of policy, he
- exposed himself to many present inconveniences, by too anxiously
- guarding against that future possible event, which might disjoin his
- title from that of the princess whom he espoused. And while he treated
- the Yorkists as enemies, he soon rendered them such, and taught them to
- discuss that right to the crown, which he so carefully kept separate,
- and to perceive its weakness and invalidity.
- To these passions of Henry, as well as to his suspicious politics, we
- are to ascribe the measures which he embraced two days after the battle
- of Bosworth. Edward Plantagenet, earl of Warwick, son of the duke of
- Clarence, was detained in a kind of confinement at Sherif-Hutton, in
- Yorkshire, by the jealousy of his uncle Richard, whose title to the
- throne was inferior to that of the young prince. Warwick had now reason
- to expect better treatment, as he was no obstacle to the succession
- either of Henry or Elizabeth; and from a youth of such tender years no
- danger could reasonably be apprehended. But Sir Robert Willoughby was
- despatched by Henry with orders to take him from Sherif-Hutton, to
- convey him to the Tower, and to detain him in close custody.[*] The same
- messenger carried directions, that the princess Elizabeth, who had been
- confined to the same place, should be conducted to London, in order to
- meet Henry, and there celebrate her nuptials.
- Henry himself set out for the capital, and advanced by slow journeys.
- Not to rouse the jealousy of the people, he took care to avoid all
- appearance of military triumph; and so to restrain the insolence
- of victory, that every thing about him bore the appearance of an
- established monarch, making a peaceable progress through his dominions,
- rather than of a prince who had opened his way to the throne by force of
- arms. The acclamations of the people were every where loud, and no less
- sincere and hearty. Besides that a young and victorious prince, on his
- accession, was naturally the object of popularity, the nation promised
- themselves great felicity from the new scene which opened before them.
- * Bacon, p. 579. Polyd. Virg. p. 565.
- During the course of near a whole century, the kingdom had been laid
- waste by domestic wars and convulsions; and if at any time the noise of
- arms had ceased, the sound of faction and discontent still threatened
- new disorders. Henry, by his marriage with Elizabeth, seemed to insure a
- union of the contending titles of the two families; and having prevailed
- over a hated tyrant, who had anew disjointed the succession even of the
- house of York, and had filled his own family with blood and murder,
- he was every where attended with the unfeigned favor of the people.
- Numerous and splendid troops of gentry and nobility accompanied
- his progress. The mayor and companies of London received him as he
- approached the city; the crowds of people and citizens were zealous
- in their expressions of satisfaction. But Henry, amidst this general
- effusion of joy, discovered still the stateliness and reserve of his
- temper, which made him scorn to court popularity: he entered London in
- a close chariot, and would not gratify the people with a sight of their
- new sovereign.
- But the king did not so much neglect the favor of the people, as
- to delay giving them assurances of his marriage with the princess
- Elizabeth, which he knew to be so passionately desired by the nation.
- On his leaving Brittany, he had artfully dropped some hints that, if he
- should succeed in his enterprise, and obtain the crown of England,
- he would espouse Anne, the heir of that duchy; and the report of this
- engagement had already reached England, and had begotten anxiety in
- the people, and even in Elizabeth herself. Henry took care to dissipate
- these apprehensions, by solemnly renewing, before the council and
- principal nobility, the promise which he had already given to celebrate
- his nuptials with the English princess. But though bound by honor,
- as well as by interest, to complete this alliance, he was resolved to
- postpone it till the ceremony of his own coronation should be finished,
- and till his title should be recognized by parliament. Still anxious to
- support his personal and hereditary right to the throne, he dreaded lest
- a preceding marriage with the princess should imply a participation of
- sovereignty in her, and raise doubts of his own title by the house of
- Lancaster.
- There raged at that time in London, and other parts of the kingdom,
- a species of malady unknown to any other age or nation, the sweating
- sickness, which occasioned the sudden death of great multitudes; though
- it seemed not to be propagated by any contagious infection, but arose
- from the general disposition of the air and of the human body. In less
- than twenty-four hours the patient commonly died or recovered, but when
- the pestilence had exerted its fury for a few weeks, it was observed,
- either from alterations in the air, or from a more proper regimen which
- had been discovered, to be considerably abated.[*] Preparations were
- then made for the ceremony of Henry’s coronation. In order to heighten
- the splendor of that spectacle, he bestowed the rank of knight banneret
- on twelve persons; and he conferred peerages on three. Jasper, earl of
- Pembroke, his uncle, was created duke of Bedford; Thomas Lord Stanley,
- his father-in-law, earl of Derby; and Edward Courtney, earl of
- Devonshire. At the coronation, likewise, there appeared a new
- institution, which the king had established for security as well as
- pomp, a band of fifty archers, who were termed yeomen of the guard. But
- lest the people should take umbrage at this unusual symptom of jealousy
- in the prince, as if it implied a personal diffidence of his subjects,
- he declared the institution to be perpetual. The ceremony of coronation
- was performed by Cardinal Bourchier, archbishop of Canterbury.
- The parliament being assembled at Westminster, the majority immediately
- appeared to be devoted partisans of Henry; all persons of another
- disposition either declining to stand in those dangerous times, or being
- obliged to dissemble their principles and inclinations. The Lancastrian
- party had every where been successful in the elections; and even many
- had been returned who, during the prevalence of the house of York, had
- been exposed to the rigor of law, and had been condemned by sentence
- of attainder and outlawry. Their right to take seats in the house being
- questioned, the case was referred to all the judges, who assembled in
- the exchequer chamber, in order to deliberate on so delicate a subject.
- The opinion delivered was prudent, and contained a just temperament
- between law and expediency.[**] The judges determined, that the members
- attainted should forbear taking their seat till an act were passed for
- the reversal of their attainder. There was no difficulty in obtaining
- this act; and in it were comprehended a hundred and seven persons of the
- king’s party.[***]
- * Polyd. Virg. p. 567.
- ** Bacon, p. 661.
- *** Rot. Parl. 1 Henry VII. n. 2, 3, 4-15, 17, 26-65.
- But a scruple was started of a nature still more important. The king
- himself had been attainted; and his right of succession to the crown
- might thence be exposed to some doubt The judges extricated themselves
- from this dangerous question by asserting it as a maxim, “That the crown
- takes away all defects and stops in blood; and that from the time
- the king assumed royal authority, the fountain was cleared, and all
- attainders and corruptions of blood discharged.” [*] Besides that the
- case, from its urgent necessity, admitted of no deliberation, the judges
- probably thought that no sentence of a court of judicature had authority
- sufficient to bar the right of succession; that the heir of the crown
- was commonly exposed to such jealousy as might often occasion stretches
- of law and justice against him; and that a prince might even be engaged
- in unjustifiable measures during his predecessor’s reign, without
- meriting on that account to be excluded from the throne, which was his
- birthright.
- With a parliament so obsequious, the king could not fail of obtaining
- whatever act of settlement he was pleased to require. He seems only to
- have entertained some doubt within himself on what claim he should found
- his pretensions. In his speech to the parliament, he mentioned his just
- title by hereditary right: but lest that title should not be esteemed
- sufficient, he subjoined his claim by the judgment of God, who had given
- him victory over his enemies. And again, lest this pretension should be
- interpreted as assuming a right of conquest, he insured to his subjects
- the full enjoyment of their former properties and possessions.
- The entail of the crown was drawn according to the sense of the king,
- and probably in words dictated by him. He made no mention in it of
- the princess Elizabeth, nor of any branch of her family: but in other
- respects the act was compiled with sufficient reserve and moderation.
- He did not insist that it should contain a declaration or recognition of
- his preceding right; as, on the other hand, he avoided the appearance of
- a new law or ordinance. He chose a middle course which, as is generally
- unavoidable in such cases, was not entirely free from uncertainty and
- obscurity. It was voted, “That the inheritance of the crown should rest,
- remain, and abide in the king:” [**] but whether as rightful heir, or
- only as present possessor, was not determined.
- * Bacon, p. 581.
- ** Bacon, p. 581.
- In like manner, Henry was contented that the succession should be
- secured to the heirs of his body; but he pretended not, in case of their
- failure, to exclude the house of York or to give the preference to that
- of Lancaster: he left that great point ambiguous for the present, and
- trusted that, if it should ever become requisite to determine it, future
- incidents would open the way for the decision.
- But even after all these precautions, the king was so little satisfied
- with his own title, that in the following year, he applied to papal
- authority for a confirmation of it; and as the court of Rome gladly laid
- hold of all opportunities which the imprudence, weakness, or necessities
- of princes afforded it to extend its influence, Innocent VIII., the
- reigning pope, readily granted a bull, in whatever terms the king
- was pleased to desire. All Henry’s titles, by succession, marriage,
- parliamentary choice, even conquest, are there enumerated; and to the
- whole the sanction of religion is added; excommunication is denounced
- against every one who should either disturb him in the present
- possession, or the heirs of his body in the future succession of the
- crown; and from this penalty no criminal, except in the article of
- death, could be absolved but by the pope himself, or his special
- commissioners. It is difficult to imagine that the security derived from
- this bull could be a compensation for the defect which it betrayed in
- Henry’s title, and for the danger of thus inviting the pope to interpose
- in these concerns.
- It was natural, and even laudable in Henry to reverse the attainders
- which had passed against the partisans of the house of Lancaster:
- but the revenges which he exercised against the adherents of the York
- family, to which he was so soon to be allied, cannot be considered in
- the same light. Yet the parliament, at his instigation, passed an act
- of attainder against the late king himself, against the duke of Norfolk,
- the earl of Surrey, Viscount Lovel, the lords Zouche and Ferrars of
- Chartley, Sir Walter and Sir James Harrington, Sir William Berkeley,
- Sir Humphrey Stafford, Catesby, and about twenty other gentlemen who
- had fought on Richard’s side in the battle of Bosworth. How men could be
- guilty of treason by supporting the king in possession against the
- earl of Richmond, who assumed not the title of king, it is not easy to
- conceive; and nothing but a servile complaisance in the parliament could
- have engaged them to make this stretch of justice. Nor was it a small
- mortification to the people in general, to find that the king, prompted
- either by avarice or resentment could, in the very beginning of his
- reign, so far violate the cordial union which had previously been
- concerted between the parties, and to the expectation of which he had
- plainly owed his succession to the throne.
- The king, having gained so many points of consequence from the
- parliament, thought it not expedient to demand any supply from them,
- which the profound peace enjoyed by the nation, and the late forfeiture
- of Richard’s adherents, seemed to render somewhat superfluous. The
- parliament, however, conferred on him during life the duty of tonnage
- and poundage, which had been enjoyed in the same manner by some of his
- immediate predecessors; and they added, before they broke up, other
- money bills of no great moment. The king, on his part, made returns
- of grace and favor to his people. He published his royal proclamation,
- offering pardon to all such as had taken arms, or formed any attempts
- against him, provided they submitted themselves to mercy by a certain
- day, and took the usual oath of fealty and allegiance. Upon this
- proclamation many came out of their sanctuaries; and the minds of men
- were every where much quieted. Henry chose to take wholly to himself
- the merit of an act of grace so agreeable to the nation, rather than
- communicate it with the parliament, (as was his first intention,) by
- passing a bill to that purpose. The earl of Surrey, however, though he
- had submitted, and delivered himself into the king’s hands, was sent
- prisoner to the Tower.
- During this parliament, the king also bestowed favors and honors on some
- particular persons who were attached to him. Edward Stafford, eldest son
- of the duke of Buckingham attainted in the late reign, was restored
- to the honors of his family, as well as to his fortune, which was very
- ample. This generosity, so unusual in Henry, was the effect of his
- gratitude to the memory of Buckingham, who had first concerted the plan
- of his elevation, and who by his own ruin had made way for that great
- event. Chandos of Brittany was created earl of Bath, Sir Giles Daubeny,
- Lord Daubeny, and Sir Robert Willoughby, Lord Broke. These were all
- the titles of nobility conferred by the king during this session of
- parliament.[*]
- * Polyd. Virg. p. 566
- But the ministers whom Henry most trusted and favored were not chosen
- from among the nobility, or even from among the laity. John Morton and
- Richard Fox, two clergymen persons of industry, vigilance, and capacity,
- were the men to whom he chiefly confided his affairs and secret
- counsels. They had shared with him all his former dangers and
- distresses; and he now took care to make them participate in his good
- fortune. They were both called to the privy council; Morton was restored
- to the bishopric of Ely, Fox was created bishop of Exeter. The former,
- soon after, upon the death of Bourchier, was raised to the see of
- Canterbury. The latter was made privy seal; and successively bishop
- of Bath and Wells, Durham, and Winchester. For Henry, as Lord Bacon
- observes, loved to employ and advance prelates; because, having rich
- bishoprics to bestow, it was easy for him to reward their services: and
- it was his maxim to raise them by slow steps, and make them first pass
- through the interior sees.[*] He probably expected that, as they were
- naturally more dependent on him than the nobility, who during that age
- enjoyed possessions and jurisdictions dangerous to royal authority, so
- the prospect of further elevation would render them still more active in
- his service, and more obsequious to his commands.
- * Bacon, p. 582.
- {1486.} In presenting the bill of tonnage and poundage, the parliament,
- anxious to preserve the legal, undisputed succession to the crown, had
- petitioned Henry, with demonstrations of the greatest zeal, to espouse
- the princess Elizabeth; but they covered their true reason under the
- dutiful pretence of their desire to have heirs of his body. He now
- thought in earnest of satisfying the minds of his people in that
- particular. His marriage was celebrated at London; and that with
- greater appearance of universal joy than either his first entry or his
- coronation. Henry remarked with much displeasure this general favor
- borne to the house of York. The suspicions which arose from it not only
- disturbed his tranquillity during his whole reign, but bred disgust
- towards his consort herself, and poisoned all his domestic enjoyments.
- Though virtuous, amiable, and obsequious to the last degree, she never
- met with a proper return of affection, or even of complaisance, from her
- husband; and the malignant ideas of faction still, in his sullen mind,
- prevailed over all the sentiments of conjugal tenderness.
- The king had been carried along with such a tide of success ever since
- his arrival in England, that he thought nothing could withstand the
- fortune and authority which attended him.
- He now resolved to make a progress into the north, where the friends of
- the house of York, and even the partisans of Richard, were numerous, in
- hopes of curing, by his presence and conversation, the prejudices of
- the malecontents. When he arrived at Nottingham, he heard that Viscount
- Lovel, with Sir Humphrey Stafford, and Thomas his brother, had secretly
- withdrawn themselves from their sanctuary at Colchester: but this news
- appeared not to him of such importance as to stop his journey; and he
- proceeded forward to York. He there heard that the Staffords had levied
- an army, and were marching to besiege the city of Worcester; and that
- Lovel, at the head of three or four thousand men, was approaching to
- attack him in York. Henry was not dismayed with this intelligence. His
- active courage, full of resources, immediately prompted him to find
- the proper remedy. Though surrounded with enemies in these disaffected
- counties, he assembled a small body of troops, in whom he could confide;
- and he put them under the command of the duke of Bedford. He joined to
- them all his own attendants; but he found that this hasty armament was
- more formidable by their spirit and their zealous attachment to him,
- than by the arms or military stores with which they were provided. He
- therefore gave Bedford orders not to approach the enemy; but previously
- to try every proper expedient to disperse them. Bedford published a
- general promise of pardon to the rebels, which had a greater effect
- on their leader than on his followers. Lovel, who had undertaken an
- enterprise that exceeded his courage and capacity, was so terrified
- with the fear of desertion among his troops, that he suddenly withdrew
- himself; and after lurking some time in Lancashire, he made his escape
- into Flanders, where he was protected by the duchess of Burgundy. His
- army submitted to the king’s clemency; and the other rebels, hearing of
- this success, raised the siege of Worcester, and dispersed themselves.
- The Staffords took sanctuary in the church of Colnham, a village near
- Abingdon; but as it was found that this church had not the privilege
- of giving protection to rebels, they were taken thence; the elder was
- executed at Tyburn; the younger, pleading that he had been misled by his
- brother, obtained a pardon.[*]
- * Polyd. Virg. p. 569.
- Henry’s joy for this success was followed, some time after, by the birth
- of a prince, to whom he gave the name of Arthur in memory of the famous
- British king of that name, from whom it was pretended the family of
- Tudor derived its descent.
- Though Henry had been able to defeat this hasty rebellion raised by
- the relics of Richard’s partisans, his government was become in general
- unpopular: the source of public discontent arose chiefly from his
- prejudices against the house of York which was generally beloved by
- the nation, and which, for that very reason, became every day more
- the object of his hatred and jealousy. Not only a preference on all
- occasions, it was observed, was given to the Lancastrians, but many
- of the opposite party had been exposed to great severity, and had been
- bereaved of their fortunes by acts of attainder. A general resumption
- likewise had passed of all grants made by the princes of the house of
- York; and though this rigor had been covered under the pretence that the
- revenue was become insufficient to support the dignity of the crown, and
- though the grants during the later years of Henry VI. were resumed by
- the same law, yet the York party, as they were the principal sufferers
- by the resumption, thought it chiefly levelled against them. The
- severity exercised against the earl of Warwick begat compassion for
- youth and innocence exposed to such oppression; and his confinement in
- the Tower, the very place where Edward’s children had been murdered by
- their uncle, made the public expect a like catastrophe for him, and led
- them to make a comparison between Henry and that detested tyrant. And
- when it was remarked that the queen herself met with harsh treatment,
- and even after the birth of a son, was not admitted to the honor of
- a public coronation, Henry’s prepossessions were then concluded to be
- inveterate, and men became equally obstinate in their disgust to his
- government. Nor was the manner and address of the king calculated to
- cure these prejudices contracted against his administration; but had
- in every thing a tendency to promote fear, or at best reverence, rather
- than good will and affection.[*] While the high idea entertained of
- his policy and vigor retained the nobility and men of character in
- obedience, the effects of his unpopular government soon appeared, by
- incidents of an extraordinary nature.
- * Bacon, p. 583.
- There lived in Oxford one Richard Simon, a priest, who possessed
- some subtlety, and still more enterprise and temerity. This man had
- entertained the design of disturbing Henry’s government, by raising a
- pretender to his crown, and for that purpose he cast his eyes on Lambert
- Simnel, a youth of fifteen years of age, who was son of a baker, and
- who, being endowed with understanding above his years, and address
- above his condition, seemed well fitted to personate a prince of royal
- extraction. A report had been spread among the people, and received,
- with great avidity, that Richard, duke of York, second son of Edward
- IV., had, by a secret escape, saved himself from the cruelty of his
- uncle, and lay somewhere concealed in England. Simon, taking advantage
- of this rumor, had at first instructed his pupil to assume that name,
- which he found to be so fondly cherished by the public: but hearing
- afterwards a new report, that Warwick had made his escape from the
- Tower, and observing that this news was attended with no less general
- satisfaction, he changed the plan of his imposture, and made Simnel
- personate that unfortunate prince.[*] Though the youth was qualified by
- nature for the part which he was instructed to act, yet was it remarked,
- that he was better informed in circumstances relating to the royal
- family, particularly in the adventures of the earl of Warwick, than he
- could be supposed to have learned from one of Simon’s condition: and it
- was thence conjectured, that persons of higher rank, partisans of the
- house of York, had laid the plan of this conspiracy, and had conveyed
- proper instructions to the actors. The queen dowager herself was exposed
- to suspicion; and it was indeed the general opinion, however unlikely
- it might seem, that she had secretly given her consent to the imposture.
- This woman was of a very restless disposition. Finding that, instead
- of receiving the reward of her services in contributing to Henry’s
- elevation, she herself was fallen into absolute insignificance, her
- daughter treated with severity, and all her friends brought under
- subjection, she had conceived the most violent animosity against him,
- and had resolved to make him feel the effects of her resentment. She
- knew that the impostor, however successful, might easily at last be
- set aside; and if a way could be found at his risk to subvert the
- government, she hoped that a scene might be opened, which, though
- difficult at present exactly to foresee, would gratify her revenge, and
- be on the whole less irksome to her than that slavery and contempt to
- which she was now reduced.[**]
- * Polyd. Virg. p. 569. 570.
- ** Polyd. Virg. p. 570.
- But whatever care Simon might take to convey instruction to his pupil
- Simnel, he was sensible that the imposture would not bear a close
- inspection; and he was therefore determined to open the first public
- scene of it in Ireland. That island, which was zealously attached to
- the house of York, and bore an affectionate regard to the memory
- of Clarence, Warwick’s father, who had been their lieutenant, was
- improvidently allowed by Henry to remain in the same condition in
- which he found it; and all the counsellors and officers, who had been
- appointed by his predecessor, still retained their authority. No sooner
- did Simnel present himself to Thomas Fitzgerald, earl of Kildare, the
- deputy, and claim his protection as the unfortunate Warwick, than that
- credulous nobleman, not suspecting so bold an imposture, gave attention
- to him, and began to consult some persons of rank with regard to this
- extraordinary incident. These he found even more sanguine in their zeal
- and belief than himself: and in proportion as the story diffused itself
- among those of lower condition, it became the object of still greater
- passion and credulity, till the people in Dublin with one consent
- tendered their allegiance to Simnel, as to the true Plantagenet. Fond of
- a novelty which flattered their natural propension, they overlooked
- the daughters of Edward IV., who stood before Warwick in the order
- of succession; they paid the pretended prince attendance as their
- sovereign, lodged him in the Castle of Dublin, crowned him with a diadem
- taken from a statue of the Virgin, and publicly proclaimed him king, by
- the appellation of Edward VI. The whole island followed the example of
- the capital; and not a sword was any where drawn in Henry’s quarrel.
- When this intelligence was conveyed to the king, it reduced him to some
- perplexity. Determined always to face his enemies in person, he yet
- scrupled at present to leave England, where he suspected the conspiracy
- was first framed, and where he knew many persons of condition, and the
- people in general, were much disposed to give it countenance. In order
- to dis cover the secret source of the contrivance, and take measures
- against this open revolt, he held frequent consultations with his
- ministers and counsellors, and laid plans for a vigorous defence of his
- authority, and the suppression of his enemies.
- The first event which followed these deliberations gave surprise to the
- public; it was the seizure of the queen dowager the forfeiture of all
- her lands and revenue, and the close confinement of her person in the
- nunnery of Bermondsey. The act of authority was covered with a very thin
- pretence. It was alleged that, notwithstanding the secret agreement to
- marry her daughter to Henry, she had yet yielded to the solicitations
- and menaces of Richard, and had delivered that princess and her sisters
- into the hands of the tyrant. This crime, which was now become obsolete,
- and might admit of alleviations, was therefore suspected not to be the
- real cause of the severity with which she was treated; and men believed
- that the king, unwilling to accuse so near a relation of a conspiracy
- against him, had cloaked his vengeance or precaution under color of
- an offence known to the whole world.[*] They were afterwards the more
- confirmed in this suspicion, when they found that the unfortunate queen,
- though she survived this disgrace several years, was never treated with
- any more lenity, but was allowed to end her life in poverty, solitude,
- and confinement.
- * Bacon, p. 583, Polyd. Virg. p. 571.
- The next measure of the king’s was of a less exceptionable nature.
- He ordered that Warwick should be taken from the Tower, be led in
- procession through the streets of London, be conducted to St. Paul’s,
- and there exposed to the view of the whole people. He even gave
- directions, that some men of rank, attached to the house of York, and
- best acquainted with the person of this prince, should approach him and
- converse with him: and he trusted that these, being convinced of the
- absurd imposture of Simnel, would put a stop to the credulity of the
- populace. The expedient had its effect in England: but in Ireland the
- people still persisted in their revolt, and zealously retorted on the
- king the reproach of propagating an imposture, and of having shown a
- counterfeit Warwick to the public.
- Henry had soon reason to apprehend, that the design against him was
- not laid on such slight foundations as the absurdity of the contrivance
- seemed to indicate. John, earl of Lincoln, son of John de la Pole, duke
- of Suffolk, and of Elizabeth, eldest sister to Edward IV., was engaged
- to take part in the conspiracy. This nobleman, who possessed capacity
- and courage, had entertained very aspiring views; and his ambition was
- encouraged by the known intentions of his uncle Richard, who had formed
- a design, in case he himself should die without issue, of declaring
- Lincoln successor to the crown. The king’s jealousy against all eminent
- persons of the York party, and his rigor towards Warwick, had further
- struck Lincoln with apprehensions, and made him resolve to seek
- for safety in the most dangerous counsels. Having fixed a secret
- correspondence with Sir Thomas Broughton, a man of great interest in
- Lancashire, he retired to Flanders, where Lovel had arrived a little
- before him; and he lived during some time in the court of his aunt the
- duchess of Burgundy, by whom he had been invited over.
- Margaret, widow of Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy, not having any
- children of her own, attached herself with an entire friendship to her
- daughter-in-law, married to Maximilian, archduke of Austria; and after
- the death of that princess, she persevered in her affection to Philip
- and Margaret, her children, and occupied herself in the care of their
- education and of their persons. By her virtuous conduct and demeanor
- she had acquired great authority among the Flemings and lived with much
- dignity, as well as economy, upon that ample dowry which she inherited
- from her husband. The resentments of this princess were no less warm
- than her friendships; and that spirit of faction, which it is so
- difficult for a social and sanguine temper to guard against, had taken
- strong possession of her heart, and intrenched somewhat on the probity
- which shone forth in the other parts of her character. Hearing of the
- malignant jealousy entertained by Henry against her family, and
- his oppression of all its partisans, she was moved with the highest
- indignation; and she determined to make him repent of that enmity to
- which so many of her friends, without any reason or necessity, had
- fallen victims.
- {1487.} After consulting with Lincoln and Lovel she hired a body of two
- thousand veteran Germans, under the command of Martin Swart, a brave
- and experienced officer; [*] and sent them over, together with these two
- noblemen, to join Simnel in Ireland. The countenance given by persons
- of such high rank, and the accession of this military force, much raised
- the courage of the Irish, and made them entertain the resolution of
- invading England, where they believed the spirit of disaffection as
- prevalent as it appeared to be in Ireland. The poverty also under which
- they labored, made it impossible for them to support any longer their
- new court and army, and inspired them with a strong desire of enriching
- themselves by plunder and preferment in England.
- * Polyd. Virg. p. 572, 573.
- Henry was not ignorant of these intentions of his enemies, and he
- prepared himself for defence. He ordered troops to be levied in
- different parts of the kingdom, and put them under the command of the
- duke of Bedford and earl of Oxford. He confined the marquis of Dorset,
- who, he suspected, would resent the injuries suffered by his mother, the
- queen dowager; and, to gratify the people by an appearance of devotion,
- he made a pilgrimage to our lady of Walsingham, famous for miracles;
- and there offered up prayers for success, and for deliverance from his
- enemies.
- Being informed that Simnel was landed at Foudrey in Lancashire, he drew
- together his forces, and advanced towards the enemy as far as Coventry.
- The rebels had entertained hopes that the disaffected counties in the
- north would rise in their favor; but the people in general, averse to
- join Irish and German invaders, convinced of Lambert’s imposture, and
- kept in awe by the king’s reputation for success and conduct, either
- remained in tranquillity, or gave assistance to the royal army. The earl
- of Lincoln, therefore, who commanded the rebels, finding no hopes but
- in victory, was determined to bring the matter to a speedy decision; and
- the king, supported by the native courage of his temper, and emboldened
- by a great accession of volunteers, who had joined him under the earl of
- Shrewsbury and Lord Strange, declined not the combat. The hostile armies
- met at Stoke, in the county of Nottingham, and fought a battle, which
- was bloody, and more obstinately disputed than could have been expected
- from the inequality of their force. All the leaders of the rebels were
- resolved to conquer or to perish; and they inspired their troops
- with like resolution. The Germans also, being veteran and experienced
- soldiers, kept the event long doubtful; and even the Irish, though
- ill-armed and almost defenceless, showed themselves not defective in
- spirit and bravery. The king’s victory was purchased with loss, but was
- entirely decisive. Lincoln, Broughton, and Swart perished in the field
- of battle, with four thousand of their followers. As Lovel was never
- more heard of, he was believed to have undergone the same fate; Simnel,
- with his tutor, Simon, was taken prisoner. Simon, being a priest, was
- not tried at law, and was only committed to close custody: Simnel was
- too contemptible to be an object either of apprehension or resentment to
- Henry. He was pardoned, and made a scullion in the king’s kitchen whence
- he was afterwards advanced to the rank of a falconer.[*]
- * Bacon, p. 586. Polyd. Virg. p; 574.
- Henry had now leisure to revenge himself on his enemies. He made a
- progress into the northern parts, where he gave many proofs of his
- rigorous disposition. A strict inquiry was made after those who had
- assisted or favored the rebels. The punishments were not all sanguinary:
- the king made his revenge subservient to his avarice. Heavy fines were
- levied upon the delinquents. The proceedings of the courts, and even the
- courts themselves, were arbitrary. Either the criminals were tried by
- commissioners appointed for the purpose, or they suffered punishment
- by sentence of a court-martial. And as a rumor had prevailed before the
- battle of Stoke, that the rebels had gained the victory, that the royal
- army was cut in pieces, and that the king himself had escaped by flight,
- Henry was resolved to interpret the belief or propagation of this report
- as a mark of disaffection; and he punished many for that pretended
- crime. But such in this age was the situation of the English government,
- that the royal prerogative, which was but imperfectly restrained during
- the most peaceable periods, was sure, in tumultuous or even suspicious
- times, which frequently recurred, to break all bounds of law, and to
- violate public liberty.
- After the king had gratified his rigor by the punishment of his enemies,
- he determined to give contentment to the people in a point which, though
- a mere ceremony, was passionately desired by them. The queen had
- been married near two years, but had not yet been crowned; and this
- affectation of delay had given great discontent to the public, and had
- been one principal source of the disaffection which prevailed. The king,
- instructed by experience, now finished the ceremony of her coronation;
- and to show a disposition still more gracious, he restored to liberty
- the marquis of Dorset, who had been able to clear himself of all the
- suspicions entertained against him.
- * Bacon, p. 586. Polyd. Virg. p; 574.
- {1488.} The king acquired great reputation throughout Europe by the
- vigorous and prosperous conduct of his domestic affairs; but as some
- incidents about this time invited him to look abroad, and exert himself
- in behalf of his allies, it will be necessary, in order to give a
- just account of his foreign measures, to explain the situation of
- the neighboring kingdoms, beginning with Scotland, which lies most
- contiguous.
- The kingdom of Scotland had not yet attained that state which
- distinguishes a civilized monarchy, and which enables the government, by
- the force of its laws and institutions alone, without any extraordinary
- capacity in the sovereign, to maintain itself in order and tranquillity.
- James III., who now filled the throne, was a prince of little industry
- and of a narrow genius; and though it behoved him to yield the reins of
- government to his ministers, he had never been able to make any choice
- which could give contentment both to himself and to his people. When he
- bestowed his confidence on any of the principal nobility, he found that
- they exalted their own family to such a height as was dangerous to the
- prince, and gave umbrage to the state: when he conferred favor on any
- person of meaner birth, on whose submission he could more depend,
- the barons of his kingdom, enraged at the power of an upstart minion,
- proceeded to the utmost extremities against their sovereign. Had Henry
- entertained the ambition of conquests, a tempting opportunity now
- offered of reducing that kingdom to subjection; but as he was probably
- sensible that a warlike people, though they might be overrun by reason
- of their domestic divisions, could not be retained in obedience without
- a regular military force, which was then unknown in England, he rather
- intended the renewal of the peace with Scotland, and sent an embassy to
- James for that purpose. But the Scots, who never desired a durable peace
- with England, and who deemed their security to consist in constantly
- preserving themselves in a warlike posture, would not agree to more than
- a seven years’ truce, which was accordingly concluded.[*]
- * Polyd. Virg. p. 575.
- The European states on the continent were then hastening fast to the
- situation in which they have remained, without any material alteration,
- for near three centuries; and began to unite themselves into one
- extensive system of policy, which comprehended the chief powers of
- Christendom. Spain, which had hitherto been almost entirely occupied
- within herself, now became formidable by the union of Arragon and
- Castile in the persons of Ferdinand and Isabella, who, being princes
- of great capacity, employed their force in enterprises the most
- advantageous to their combined monarchy. The conquest of Granada from
- the Moors was then undertaken, and brought near to a happy conclusion.
- And in that expedition the military genius of Spain was revived; honor
- and security were attained; and her princes, no longer kept in awe by a
- domestic enemy so dangerous, began to enter into all the transactions of
- Europe, and make a great figure in every war and negotiation.
- Maximilian, king of the Romans, son of the emperor Frederick, had, by
- his marriage with the heiress of Burgundy, acquired an interest in
- the Netherlands; and though the death of his consort had weakened his
- connections with that country, he still pretended to the government
- as tutor to his son Philip, and his authority had been acknowledged
- by Brabant, Holland, and several of the provinces. But as Flanders and
- Hainault still refused to submit to his regency, and even appointed
- other tutors to Philip, he had been engaged in long wars against that
- obstinate people, and never was able thoroughly to subdue their spirit.
- That he might free himself from the opposition of France, he had
- concluded a peace with Lewis XI., and had given his daughter Margaret,
- then an infant, in marriage to the dauphin; together with Artois,
- Franche Compte, and Charolois, as her dowry. But this alliance had
- not produced the desired effect. The dauphin succeeded to the crown of
- France by the appellation of Charles VIII.; but Maximilian still found
- the mutinies of the Flemings fomented by the intrigues of the court of
- France.
- France, during the two preceding reigns, had made a mighty increase in
- power and greatness; and had not other states of Europe at the same time
- received an accession of force, it had been impossible to have retained
- her within her ancient boundaries. Most of the great fiefs, Normandy,
- Champagne, Anjou, Dauphny, Guienne, Provence, and Burgundy, had
- been united to the crown; the English had been expelled from all their
- conquests; the authority of the prince had been raised to such a height
- as enabled him to maintain law and order; a considerable military force
- was kept on foot, and the finances were able to support it. Lewis XI,
- indeed, from whom many of these advantages were derived, was dead, and
- had left his son, in early youth and ill educated, to sustain the weight
- of the monarchy: but having intrusted the government to his daughter
- Anne, lady of Beaujeu, a woman of spirit and capacity, the French power
- suffered no check or decline. On the contrary, this princess formed the
- great project, which at last she happily effected, of uniting to the
- crown Brittany, the last and most independent fief of the monarchy.
- Francis II., duke of Brittany, conscious of his own incapacity for
- government, had resigned himself to the direction of Peter Landais,
- a man of mean birth, more remarkable for abilities than for virtue or
- integrity. The nobles of Brittany, displeased with the great advancement
- of this favorite, had even proceeded to disaffection against their
- sovereign; and after many tumults and disorders, they at last united
- among themselves, and in a violent manner seized, tried, and put to
- death the obnoxious minister. Dreading the resentment of the prince for
- this invasion of his authority, many of them retired to France; others,
- for protection and safety, maintained a secret correspondence with the
- French ministry, who, observing the great dissensions among the Bretons,
- thought the opportunity favorable for invading the duchy; and so
- much the rather as they could cover their ambition under the specious
- pretence of providing for domestic security.
- Lewis, duke of Orleans, first prince of the blood, and presumptive
- heir of the monarchy, had disputed the administration with the lady of
- Beaujeu; and though his pretensions had been rejected by the states, he
- still maintained cabals with many of the grandees, and laid schemes
- for subverting the authority of that princess. Finding his conspiracies
- detected, he took to arms, and fortified himself in Beaugeune;
- but as his revolt was precipitate, before his confederates were ready to
- join him, he had been obliged to submit, and to receive such conditions
- as the French ministry were pleased to impose upon him. Actuated,
- however, by his ambition, and even by his fears, he soon retired out of
- France, and took shelter with the duke of Brittany, who was desirous of
- strengthening himself against the designs of the lady of Beaujeu by the
- friendship and credit of the duke of Orleans. This latter prince
- also, perceiving the ascendant which he soon acquired over the duke of
- Brittany, had engaged many of his partisans to join him at that court,
- and had formed the design of aggrandizing himself by a marriage with
- Anne, the heir of that opulent duchy.
- The barons of Brittany, who saw all favor engrossed by the duke of
- Orleans and his train, renewed a stricter correspondence with France,
- and even invited the French king to make an invasion on their country.
- Desirous, however, of preserving its independency, they had regulated
- the number of succors which France was to send them, and had stipulated
- that no fortified place in Brittany should remain in the possession of
- that monarchy; a vain precaution, where revolted subjects treat with a
- power so much superior! The French invaded Brittany with forces three
- times more numerous than those which they had promised to the barons;
- and advancing into the heart of the country, laid siege to Ploerrnel. To
- oppose them, the duke raised a numerous but ill-disciplined army, which
- he put under the command of the duke of Orleans, the count of Dunois,
- and others of the French nobility. The army, discontented with this
- choice, and jealous of their confederates, soon disbanded, and left
- their prince with too small a force to keep the field against his
- invaders. He retired to Vannes; but being hotly pursued by the French,
- who had now made themselves masters of Ploermel, he escaped to Nantz;
- and the enemy, having previously taken and garrisoned Vannes, Dinant,
- and other places, laid close siege to that city. The barons of Brittany,
- finding their country menaced with total subjection, began gradually to
- withdraw from the French army, and to make peace with their sovereign.
- This desertion, however, of the Bretons discouraged not the court
- of France from pursuing her favorite project of reducing Brittany to
- subjection The situation of Europe appeared favorable to the execution
- of this design. Maximilian was indeed engaged in close alliance with the
- duke of Brittany and had even opened a treaty for marrying his daughter;
- but he was on all occasions so indigent, and at that time so disquieted
- by the mutinies of the Flemings, that little effectual assistance could
- be expected from him. Ferdinand was entirely occupied in the conquest of
- Granada; and it was also known, that if France would resign to him
- Roussillon and Cerdagne, to which he had pretensions, she could at any
- time engage him to abandon the interests of Brittany. England, alone,
- was both enabled by her power, and engaged by her interests, to support
- the independency of that duchy; and the most dangerous opposition was
- therefore, by Anne of Beaujeu, expected from that quarter. In order to
- cover her real designs, no sooner was she informed of Henry’s success
- against Simnel and his partisans, than she despatched ambassadors to the
- court of London, and made professions of the greatest trust and
- confidence in that monarch.
- The ambassadors, after congratulating Henry on his late victory, and
- communicating to him, in the most cordial manner, as to an intimate
- friend, some successes of their master against Maximilian, came in
- the progress of their discourse to mention the late transactions in
- Brittany. They told him that the duke having given protection to French
- fugitives and rebels, the king had been necessitated, contrary to his
- intention and inclination, to carry war into that duchy; that the honor
- of the crown was interested not to suffer a vassal so far to forget
- his duty to his liege lord; nor was the security of the government less
- concerned to prevent the consequences of this dangerous temerity: that
- the fugitives were no mean or obscure persons; but among others,
- the duke of Orleans, first prince of the blood, who, finding himself
- obnoxious to justice for treasonable practices in France, had fled
- into Brittany; where he still persevered in laying schemes of rebellion
- against his sovereign: that the war being thus, on the part of the
- French monarch, entirely defensive, it would immediately cease, when the
- duke of Brittany, by returning to his duty, should remove the causes of
- it: that their master was sensible of the obligations which the duke,
- in very critical times, had conferred on Henry; but it was known also,
- that, in times still more critical, he or his mercenary counsellors
- had deserted him, and put his life in the utmost hazard: that his sole
- refuge in these desperate extremities had been the court of France,
- which not only protected his person, but supplied him with men and
- money, with which, aided by his own valor and conduct, he had been
- enabled to mount the throne of England; that France in this transaction
- had, from friendship to Henry acted contrary to what, in a narrow view,
- might be esteemed her own interest; since, instead of an odious tyrant,
- she had contributed to establish on a rival throne a prince endowed with
- such virtue and abilities; and that, as both the justice of the cause
- and the obligations conferred on Henry thus preponderated on the side
- of France, she reasonably expected that, if the situation of his affairs
- did not permit him to give her assistance, he would at least preserve a
- neutrality between the contending parties.[*]
- * Bacon, p. 589.
- This discourse of the French ambassadors was plausible; and to give
- it greater weight, they communicated to Henry, as in confidence, their
- master’s intention, after he should have settled the differences with
- Brittany to lead an army into Italy, and make good his pretensions to
- the kingdom of Naples; a project which, they knew, would give no umbrage
- to the court of England. But all these artifices were in vain employed
- against the penetration of the king. He clearly saw that France had
- entertained the view of subduing Brittany; but he also perceived, that
- she would meet with great, and, as he thought, insuperable difficulties
- in the execution of her project. The native force of that duchy, he
- knew, had always been considerable, and had often, without any foreign
- assistance, resisted the power of France; the natural temper of
- the French nation, he imagined, would make them easily abandon any
- enterprise which required perseverance; and as the heir of the crown
- was confederated with the duke of Brittany, the ministers would be
- still more remiss in prosecuting a scheme which must draw on them his
- resentment and displeasure. Should even these internal obstructions be
- removed, Maximilian, whose enmity to France was well known, and who now
- paid his addresses to the heiress of Brittany, would be able to make a
- diversion on the side of Flanders; nor could it be expected that France,
- if she prosecuted such ambitious projects, would be allowed to remain in
- tranquillity by Ferdinand and Isabella. Above all, he thought the French
- court could never expect that England, so deeply interested to preserve
- the independency of Brittany, so able by her power and situation to give
- effectual and prompt assistance, would permit such an accession of force
- to her rival. He imagined, therefore, that the ministers of France,
- convinced of the impracticability of their scheme, would at last embrace
- pacific views, and would abandon an enterprise so obnoxious to all the
- potentates of Europe.
- This reasoning of Henry was solid, and might justly engage him in
- dilatory and cautious measures: but there entered into his conduct
- another motive, which was apt to draw him beyond the just bounds,
- because founded on a ruling passion. His frugality, which by degrees
- degenerated into avarice, made him averse to all warlike enterprises and
- distant expeditions, and engaged him previously to try the expedient
- of negotiation. He despatched Urswic, his almoner, a man of address and
- abilities, to make offer of his mediation to the contending parties;
- an offer which, he thought, if accepted by France, would soon lead to
- a composure of all differences; if refused or eluded, would at least
- discover the perseverance of that court in her ambitious projects.
- Urswic found the lady of Beaujeu, now duchess of Bourbon, engaged in the
- siege of Nantz, and had the satisfaction to find that his master’s
- offer of mediation was readily embraced and with many expressions of
- confidence and moderation. That able princess concluded, that the duke
- of Orleans, who governed the court of Brittany, foreseeing that every
- accommodation must be made at his expense, would use all his interest to
- have Henry’s proposal rejected; and would by that means make an apology
- for the French measures, and draw on the Bretons the reproach of
- obstinacy and injustice. The event justified her prudence. When the
- English ambassador made the same offer to the duke of Brittany, he
- received for answer, in the name of that prince, that having so long
- acted the part of protector and guardian to Henry during his youth and
- adverse fortune, he had expected from a monarch of such virtue more
- effectual assistance in his present distresses than a barren offer of
- mediation, which suspended not the progress of the French arms: that if
- Henry’s gratitude were not sufficient to engage him in such a measure,
- his prudence, as king of England, should discover to him the pernicious
- consequences attending the conquest of Brittany, and its annexation to
- the crown of France: that that kingdom, already too powerful, would be
- enabled, by so great an accession of force, to display, to the ruin of
- England, that hostile disposition which had always subsisted between
- those rival nations: that Brittany, so useful an ally, which, by its
- situation, gave the English an entrance into the heart of France, being
- annexed to that kingdom, would be equally enabled from its situation to
- disturb, either by piracies or naval armaments, the commerce and
- peace cf England: and that if the duke rejected Henry’s mediation, it
- proceeded neither from an inclination to a war, which he experienced to
- be ruinous to him, nor from a confidence in his own force, which he knew
- to be much inferior to that of the enemy; but, on the contrary, from a
- sense of his present necessities, which must engage the king to act the
- part of his confederate, not that of a mediator.
- When this answer was reported to the king, he abandoned not the plan
- which he had formed; he only concluded that some more time was requisite
- to quell the obstinacy of the Bretons, and make them submit to reason.
- And when he learned that the people of Brittany, anxious for their
- duke’s safety, had formed a tumultuary army of sixty thousand men, and
- had obliged the French to raise the siege of Nantz, he fortified himself
- the more in his opinion, that the court of France would at last be
- reduced, by multiplied obstacles and difficulties, to abandon the
- project of reducing Brittany to subjection. He continued, therefore, his
- scheme of negotiation, and thereby exposed himself to be deceived by
- the artifices of the French ministry; who, still pretending pacific
- intentions, sent Lord Bernard Daubigni, a Scotchman of quality,
- to London, and pressed Henry not to be discouraged in offering his
- mediation to the court of Brittany. The king, on his part, despatched
- another embassy, consisting of Urswic, the abbot of Abingdon, and Sir
- Richard Tonstal, who carried new proposals for an amicable treaty. No
- effectual succors, meanwhile, were provided for the distressed Bretons.
- Lord Woodville, brother to the queen dowager, having asked leave
- to raise underhand a body of volunteers, and to transport them into
- Brittany, met with a refusal from the king, who was desirous of
- preserving the appearance of a strict neutrality. That nobleman,
- however, still persisted in his purpose. He went over to the Isle of
- Wight, of which he was governor, levied a body of four hundred men; and
- having at last obtained, as is supposed, the secret permission of
- Henry, sailed with them to Brittany. This enterprise proved fatal to the
- leader, and brought small relief to the unhappy duke. The Bretons rashly
- engaged in a general action with the French at St. Aubin, and were
- discomfited. Woodville and all the English were put to the sword,
- together with a body of Bretons, who had been accoutred in the garb of
- Englishmen in order to strike a greater terror into the French, to whom
- the martial prowess of that nation was always formidable.[*] The duke of
- Orleans the prince of Orange, and many other persons of rank were taken
- prisoners; and the military force of Brittany was totally broken. The
- death of the duke, which followed soon after, threw affairs into
- still greater confusion, and seemed to threaten the state with a final
- subjection.
- Though the king did not prepare against these events, so hurtful to the
- interests of England, with sufficient vigor and precaution, he had not
- altogether overlooked them. Determined to maintain a pacific conduct,
- as far as the situation of affairs would permit, he yet knew the warlike
- temper of his subjects, and observed that their ancient and inveterate
- animosity to France was now revived by the prospect of this great
- accession to her power and grandeur. He resolved, therefore to make
- advantage of this disposition, and draw some supplies from the people,
- on pretence of giving assistance to the duke of Brittany. He had
- summoned a parliament at Westminster;[**] and he soon persuaded them
- to grant him a considerable subsidy.[***] But this supply, though
- voted by parliament, involved the king in unexpected difficulties.
- The counties of Durham and York, always discontented with Henry’s
- government, and further provoked by the late oppressions under which
- they had labored, after the suppression of Simnel’s rebellion, resisted
- the commissioners who were appointed to levy the tax. The commissioners,
- terrified with this appearance of sedition, made application to the
- earl of Northumberland, and desired of him advice and assistance in
- the execution of their office. That nobleman thought the matter of
- importance enough to consult the king; who, unwilling to yield to
- the humors of a discontented populace, and foreseeing the pernicious
- consequence of such a precedent, renewed his orders for strictly levying
- the imposition. Northumberland summoned together the justices and chief
- freeholders, and delivered the king’s commands in the most imperious
- terms which, he thought, would enforce obedience, but which tended only
- to provoke the people, and make them believe him the adviser of those
- orders which he delivered to them. [****]
- * Argentré Hist, de Bretagne, liv. xii.
- ** 9th November, 1487.
- *** Polyd. Virg. (p 579) says, that this imposition was a
- capitation tax; the other historians say, it was a tax of
- two shillings in the pound.
- **** Bacon, p. 595.
- They flew to arms, attacked Northumberland in his house, and put him to
- death. Having incurred such deep guilt, their mutinous humor prompted
- them to declare against the king himself; and being instigated by John
- Achamber, a seditious fellow of low birth, they chose Sir John Egremond
- their leader, and prepared themselves for a vigorous resistance. Henry
- was not dismayed with an insurrection so precipitate and ill supported.
- He immediately levied a force, which he put under the command of the
- earl of Surrey, whom he had freed from confinement and received into
- favor. His intention was to send down these troops, in order to check
- the progress of the rebels; while he himself should follow with a
- greater body, which would absolutely insure success. But Surrey thought
- himself strong enough to encounter alone a raw and unarmed multitude;
- and he succeeded in the attempt. The rebels were dissipated; John
- Achamber was taken prisoner, and afterwards executed with some of his
- accomplices; Sir John Egremond fled to the duchess of Burgundy, who gave
- him protection; the greater number of the rebels received a pardon.
- Henry had probably expected, when he obtained this grant from
- parliament, that he should be able to terminate the affair of Brittany
- by negotiation, and that he might thereby fill his coffers with the
- money levied by the imposition. But as the distresses of the Bretons
- still multiplied, and became every day more urgent, he found himself
- under the necessity of taking more vigorous measures, in order to
- support them. On the death of the duke, the French had revived some
- antiquated claims to the dominion of the duchy; and as the duke of
- Orleans was now captive in France, their former pretence for hostilities
- could no longer serve as a cover to their ambition. The king resolved
- therefore to engage as auxiliary to Brittany; and to consult the
- interests, as well as desires of his people, by opposing himself to
- the progress of the French power. Besides entering into a league with
- Maximilian, and another with Ferdinand, which were distant resources,
- he levied a body of troops, to the number of six thousand men, with an
- intention of transporting them into Brittany.
- {1489.} Still anxious, however, for the repayment of his expenses, he
- concluded a treaty with the young duchess, by which she engaged to
- deliver into his hands two seaport towns, there to remain till she
- should entirely refund the charges of the armament.[*]
- * Du Tillet, Recueil des Traités.
- Though he engaged for the service of these troops during the space of
- ten months only, yet was the duchess obliged, by the necessity of her
- affairs, to submit to such rigid conditions, imposed by any ally so
- much concerned in interest to protect her. The forces arrived under the
- command of Lord Willoughby of Broke; and made the Bretons, during some
- time, masters of the field. The French retired into their garrisons;
- and expected by dilatory measures to waste the fire of the English, and
- disgust them with the enterprise. The scheme was well laid, and met with
- success. Lord Broke found such discord and confusion in the counsels of
- Brittany, that no measures could be concerted for any undertaking; no
- supply obtained; no provisions, carriages, artillery, or military stores
- procured. The whole court was rent into factions: no one minister had
- acquired the ascendant: and whatever project was formed by one, was
- sure to be traversed by another. The English, disconcerted in every
- enterprise by these animosities and uncertain counsels, returned home
- as soon as the time of their service was elapsed, leaving only a small
- garrison in those towns which had been consigned into their hands.
- During their stay in Brittany, they had only contributed still further
- to waste the country; and by their departure, they left it entirely at
- the mercy of the enemy. So feeble was the succor which Henry in this
- important conjuncture afforded his ally, whom the invasion of a foreign
- enemy, concurring with domestic dissensions, had reduced to the utmost
- distress.
- The great object of the domestic dissensions in Brittany was the
- disposal of the young duchess in marriage. The mareschal Rieux, favored
- by Henry, seconded the suit of the lord D’Albret, who led some forces to
- her assistance. The chancellor Montauban, observing the aversion of the
- duchess to this suitor, insisted that a petty prince, such as
- D’Albret, was unable to support Anne in her present extremities; and
- he recommended some more powerful alliance, particularly that of
- Maximilian, king of the Romans.
- {1490.} This party at last prevailed; the marriage with Maximilian was
- celebrated by proxy; and the duchess thenceforth assumed the title of
- queen of the Romans. But this magnificent appellation was all she
- gained by her marriage. Maximilian, destitute of troops and money, and
- embarrassed with the continual revolts of the Flemings, could send
- no succor to his distressed consort; while D’Albret, enraged at the
- preference given to his rival, deserted her cause, and received the
- French into Nantz, the most important place in the duchy both for
- strength and riches.
- The French court now began to change their scheme with regard to the
- subjection of Brittany. Charles had formerly been affianced to Margaret,
- daughter of Maximilian; who, though too young for the consummation of
- her marriage, had been sent to Paris to be educated, and at this time
- bore the title of queen of France. Besides the rich dowry which she
- brought the king, she was, after her brother Philip, then in early
- youth, heir to all the dominions of the house of Burgundy; and seemed in
- many respects the most proper match that could be chosen for the young
- monarch. These circumstances had so blinded both Maximilian and Henry,
- that they never suspected any other intentions in the French court; nor
- were they able to discover that engagements, seemingly so advantageous
- and so solemnly entered into, could be infringed and set aside. But
- Charles began to perceive that the conquest of Brittany, in opposition
- to the natives, and to all the great powers of Christendom, would prove
- a difficult enterprise; and that even if he should overrun the country
- and make himself master of the fortresses, it would be impossible for
- him long to retain possession of them. The marriage alone of the duchess
- could fully reannex that fief to the crown; and the present and certain
- enjoyment of so considerable a territory, seemed preferable to the
- prospect of inheriting the dominions of the house of Burgundy; a
- prospect which became every day more distant and precarious. Above all,
- the marriage of Maximilian and Anne appeared destructive to the grandeur
- and even security of the French monarchy; while that prince, possessing
- Flanders on the one hand, and Brittany on the other, might thus, from
- both quarters, make inroads into the heart of the country. The only
- remedy for these evils was therefore concluded to be the dissolution of
- the two marriages, which had been celebrated, but not consummated; and
- the espousal of the duchess of Brittany by the king of France.
- It was necessary that this expedient, which had not been foreseen by any
- court in Europe, and which they were all so much interested to oppose,
- should be kept a profound secret, and should be discovered to the
- world only by the full execution of it. The measures of the French
- ministry in the conduct of this delicate enterprise were wise and
- political. While they pressed Brittany with all the rigors of war, they
- secretly gained the count of Dunois, who possessed great authority with
- the Bretons; and having also engaged in their interests the prince of
- Orange, cousin-german to the duchess, they gave him his liberty, and
- sent him into Brittany. These partisans, supported by other emissaries
- of France, prepared the minds of men for the great revolution projected,
- and displayed, though still with many precautions, all the advantages
- of a union with the French monarchy. They represented to the barons
- of Brittany, that their country, harassed during so many years with
- perpetual war, had need of some repose, and of a solid and lasting peace
- with the only power that was formidable to them: that their alliance
- with Maximilian was not able to afford them even present protection;
- and, by closely uniting them to a power which was rival to the greatness
- of France, fixed them in perpetual enmity with that potent monarchy:
- that their vicinity exposed them first to the inroads of the enemy; and
- the happiest event which, in such a situation, could befall them, would
- be to attain a peace, though by a final subjection to France, and by the
- loss of that liberty transmitted to them from their ancestors: and that
- any other expedient, compatible with the honor of the state and their
- duty to their sovereign, was preferable to a scene of such disorder and
- devastation.
- These suggestions had influence with the Bretons: but the chief
- difficulty lay in surmounting the prejudices of the young duchess
- herself. That princess had imbibed a strong prepossession against the
- French nation, particularly against Charles, the author of all the
- calamities which, from her earliest infancy, had befallen her family.
- She had also fixed her affections on Maximilian; and as she now deemed
- him her husband, she could not, she thought, without incurring the
- greatest guilt, and violating the most solemn engagements, contract a
- marriage with any other person.
- {1491.} In order to overcome her obstinacy, Charles gave the duke of
- Orleans his liberty; who, though formerly a suitor to the duchess, was
- now contented to ingratiate himself with the king, by employing in his
- favor all the interest which he still possessed in Brittany. Mareschal
- Rieux and Chancellor Montauban were reconciled by his mediation; and
- these rival ministers now concurred with the prince of Orange and the
- count of Dunois, in pressing the conclusion of a marriage with Charles.
- By their suggestion, Charles advanced with a powerful army, and invested
- Rennes, at that time the residence of the duchess; who, assailed on all
- hands, and finding none to support her in her inflexibility, at last
- opened the gates of the city, and agreed to espouse the king of France,
- She was married at Langey, in Touraine; conducted to St. Denis, where
- she was crowned; thence made her entry into Paris, amidst the joyful
- acclamations of the people, who regarded this marriage as the most
- prosperous event that could have befallen the monarchy.
- The triumph and success of Charles was the most sensible mortification
- to the king of the Romans. He had lost a considerable territory, which
- he thought he had acquired, and an accomplished princess, whom he had
- espoused; he was affronted in the person of his daughter Margaret, who
- was sent back to him, after she had been treated during some years as
- queen of France; he had reason to reproach himself with his own supine
- security, in neglecting the consummation of his marriage, which was
- easily practicable for him, and which would have rendered the tie
- indissoluble: these considerations threw him into the most violent rage,
- which he vented in very indecent expressions; and he threatened France
- with an invasion from the united arms of Austria, Spain, and England.
- The king of England had also just reason to reproach himself with
- misconduct in this important transaction; and though the affair had
- terminated in a manner which he could not precisely foresee, his
- negligence, in leaving his most useful ally so long exposed to the
- invasion of superior power, could not but appear on reflection the
- result of timid caution and narrow politics. As he valued himself on his
- extensive foresight and profound judgment, the ascendant acquired over
- him by a raw youth, such as Charles, could not but give him the highest
- displeasure, and prompt him to seek vengeance, after all remedy for
- his miscarriage was become absolutely impracticable. But he was further
- actuated by avarice, a motive still more predominant with him
- than either pride or revenge; and he sought, even from his present
- disappointments, the gratification of this ruling passion. On pretence
- of a French war, he issued a commission for levying a “benevolence”
- on his people;[*] a species of taxation which had been abolished by a
- recent law of Richard III.
- * Rymer, vol. xii. p. 446. Bacon says that the benevolence
- was levied with consent of parliament, which is a mistake.
- This violence (for such it really was) fell chiefly on the commercial
- part of the nation, who were possessed of the ready money. London
- alone contributed to the amount of near ten thousand pounds. Archbishop
- Morton, the chancellor, instructed the commissioners to employ a
- dilemma, in which every one might be comprehended: if the persons
- applied to lived frugally, they were told that their parsimony must
- necessarily have enriched them; if their method of living were splendid
- and hospitable, they were concluded to be opulent on account of their
- expenses. This device was by some called Chancellor Morton’s fork, by
- others his crutch.
- So little apprehensive was the king of a parliament on account of his
- levying this arbitrary imposition, that he soon after summoned that
- assembly to meet at Westminster; and he even expected to enrich himself
- further by working on their passions and prejudices. He knew the
- displeasure which the English had conceived against France on account of
- the acquisition of Brittany; and he took care to insist on that topic,
- in the speech which he himself pronounced to the parliament. He told
- them, that France, elated with her late successes, had even proceeded to
- a contempt of England, and had refused to pay the tribute which Lewis XI
- had stipulated to Edward IV.: that it became so warlike a nation as
- the English to be roused by this indignity, and not to limit their
- pretensions merely to repelling the present injury: that, for his part,
- he was determined to lay claim to the crown itself of France, and to
- maintain by force of arms so just a title, transmitted to him by his
- gallant ancestors: that Crecy, Poictiers, and Azincour were sufficient
- to instruct them in their superiority over the enemy; nor did he despair
- of adding new names to the glorious catalogue; that a king of France
- had been prisoner in London, and a king of England had been crowned at
- Paris; events which should animate them to an emulation of like glory
- with that which had been enjoyed by their forefathers: that the domestic
- dissensions of England had been the sole cause of her losing these
- foreign dominions; and her present internal union would be the effectual
- means of recovering them: that where such lasting honor was in view, and
- such an important acquisition, it became not brave men to repine at the
- advance of a little treasure: and that, for his part, he was determined
- to make the war maintain itself; and hoped by the invasion of so opulent
- a kingdom as France, to increase rather than diminish the riches of the
- nation.[*]
- * Bacon, p. 601.
- Notwithstanding these magnificent vaunts of the king, all men of
- penetration concluded, from the personal character of the man, and still
- more from the situation of affairs, that he had no serious intention of
- pushing the war to such extremities as he pretended. France was not now
- in the same condition as when such successful inroads had been made
- upon her by former kings of England. The great fiefs were united to
- the crown; the princes of the blood were desirous of tranquillity; the
- nation abounded with able captains and veteran soldiers; and the general
- aspect of her affairs seemed rather to threaten her neighbors, than to
- promise them any considerable advantages against her. The levity and
- vain-glory of Maximilian were supported by his pompous titles; but
- were ill seconded by military power, and still less by any revenue
- proportioned to them. The politic Ferdinand, while he made a show of
- war, was actually negotiating for peace; and rather than expose himself
- to any hazard, would accept of very moderate concessions from France.
- Even England was not free from domestic discontents; and in Scotland,
- the death of Henry’s friend and ally, James III., who had been murdered
- by his rebellious subjects, had made way for the succession of his son,
- James IV., who was devoted to the French interest, and would surely be
- alarmed at any important progress of the English arms. But all these
- obvious considerations had no influence on the parliament. Inflamed by
- the ideas of subduing France, and of enriching themselves by the spoils
- of that kingdom, they gave into the snare prepared for them, and voted
- the supply which the king demanded. Two fifteenths were granted him; and
- the better to enable his vassals and nobility to attend him, an act was
- passed, empowering them to sell their estates, without paying any fines
- for alienation.
- {1492.} The nobility were universally seized with a desire of military
- glory; and having credulously swallowed all the boasts of the king, they
- dreamed of no less than carrying their triumphant banners to the
- gates of Paris, and putting the crown of France on the head of their
- sovereign. Many of them borrowed large sums, or sold off manors, that
- they might appear in the field with greater splendor, and lead out their
- followers in more complete order. The king crossed the sea, and arrived
- at Calais on the sixth of October, with an army of twenty-five thousand
- foot and sixteen hundred horse, which he put under the command of the
- duke of Bedford and the earl of Oxford: but as some inferred, from
- his opening the campaign in so late a season, that peace would soon be
- concluded between the crowns, he was desirous of suggesting a contrary
- inference. “He had come over,” he said, “to make an entire conquest of
- France, which was not the work of one summer. It was therefore of no
- consequence at what season he began the invasion; especially as he had
- Calais ready for winter quarters.” As if he had seriously intended this
- enterprise, he instantly marched into the enemy’s country, and laid
- siege to Boulogne: but notwithstanding this appearance of hostility,
- there had been secret advances made towards peace above three months
- before; and commissioners had been appointed to treat of the terms. The
- better to reconcile the minds of men to this unexpected measure, the
- king’s ambassadors arrived in the camp from the Low Countries, and
- informed him, that Maximilian was in no readiness to join him; nor was
- any assistance to be expected from that quarter. Soon after, messengers
- came from Spain, and brought news of a peace concluded between that
- kingdom and France, in which Charles had made a cession of the counties
- of Roussillon and Cerdagne to Ferdinand. Though these articles of
- intelligence were carefully dispersed throughout the army, the king was
- still apprehensive lest a sudden peace, after such magnificent promises
- and high expectations, might expose him to reproach. In order the more
- effectually to cover the intended measures, he secretly engaged the
- marquis of Dorset, together with twenty-three persons of distinction,
- to present him a petition for agreeing to a treaty with France. The
- pretence was founded on the late season of the year, the difficulty of
- supplying the army at Calais during winter, the obstacles which arose
- in the siege of Boulogne, the desertion of those allies whose assistance
- had been most relied on: events which might, all of them, have been
- foreseen before the embarkation of the forces.
- In consequence of these preparatory steps, the bishop of Exeter and Lord
- Daubeney were sent to confer at Estaples with the mareschal de Cordes,
- and to put the last hand to the treaty. A few days sufficed for that
- purpose: the demands of Henry were wholly pecuniary; and the king of
- Franco, who deemed the peaceable possession of Brittany an equivalent
- for any sum, and who was all on fire for his projected expedition into
- Italy, readily agreed to the proposals made him. He engaged to pay Henry
- seven hundred and forty-five thousand crowns, near four hundred thousand
- pounds sterling of our present money; partly as a reimbursement of
- the sums advanced to Brittany, partly as arrears of the pension due to
- Edward IV. And he stipulated a yearly pension to Henry and his heirs
- of twenty-five thousand crowns. Thus the king, as remarked by his
- historian, made profit upon his subjects for the war, and upon his
- enemies for the peace.[*] And the people agreed that he had fulfilled
- his promise, when he said to the parliament that he would make the war
- maintain itself. Maximilian was, if he pleased, comprehended in Henry’s
- treaty; but he disdained to be in any respect beholden to an ally, of
- whom, he thought, he had reason to complain: he made a separate peace
- with France, and obtained restitution of Artois, Franche Compte, and
- Charolois, which had been ceded as the dowry of his daughter when she
- was affianced to the king of France.
- * Bacon, p. 605. Polyd Virg. p. 586.
- The peace concluded between England and France was the more likely to
- continue, because Charles, full of ambition and youthful hopes, bent
- all his attention to the side of Italy, and soon after undertook the
- conquest of Naples; an enterprise which Henry regarded with the greater
- indifference, as Naples lay remote from him, and France had never, in
- any age, been successful in that quarter. The king’s authority was
- fully established at home; and every rebellion which had been attempted
- against him, had hitherto tended only to confound his enemies, and
- consolidate his power and influence. His reputation for policy and
- conduct was daily augmenting; his treasures had increased even from the
- most unfavorable events; the hopes of all pretenders to his throne were
- cut off, as well by his marriage as by the issue which it had brought
- him. In this prosperous situation, the king had reason to flatter
- himself with the prospect of durable peace and tranquillity; but his
- inveterate and indefatigable enemies, whom he had wantonly provoked,
- raised him an adversary, who long kept him in inquietude, and sometimes
- even brought him into danger.
- The duchess of Burgundy, full of resentment for the depression of her
- family and its partisans, rather irritated than discouraged by the ill
- success of her past enterprises, was determined at least to disturb that
- government which she found it so difficult to subvert. By means of
- her emissaries, she propagated a report that her nephew, Richard
- Plantagenet, duke of York, had escaped from the Tower when his elder
- brother was murdered, and that he still lay somewhere concealed: and
- finding this rumor, however improbable, to be greedily received by the
- people, she had been looking out for some young man proper to personate
- that unfortunate prince.
- There was one Osbec, or Warbec, a renegade Jew of Tournay, who had been
- carried by some business to London in the reign of Edward IV., and had
- there a son born to him. Having had opportunities of being known to
- the king, and obtaining his favor, he prevailed with that prince, whose
- manners were very affable, to stand godfather to his son, to whom
- he gave the name of Peter, corrupted, after the Flemish manner, into
- Peterkin, or Perkin. It was by some believed that Edward, among his
- amorous adventures, had a secret commerce with Warbec’s wife; and people
- thence accounted for that resemblance which was afterwards remarked
- between young Perkin and that monarch.[*]
- * Bacon, p. 606.
- Some years after the birth of this child, Warbec returned to Tournay;
- where Perkin, his son, did not long remain, but by different accidents,
- was carried from place to place, and his birth and fortunes became
- thereby unknown, and difficult to be traced by the most diligent
- inquiry. The variety of his adventures had happily favored the natural
- versatility and sagacity of his genius; and he seemed to be a youth
- perfectly fitted to act any part, or assume any character. In this light
- he had been represented to the duchess of Burgundy, who, struck with the
- concurrence of so many circumstances suited to her purpose, desired to
- be made acquainted with the man, on whom she already began to ground
- her hopes of success. She found him to exceed her most sanguine
- expectations; so comely did he appear in his person, so graceful in his
- air, so courtly in his address, so full of docility and good sense in
- his behavior and conversation. The lessons necessary to be taught him,
- in order to his personating the duke of York, were soon learned by a
- youth of such quick apprehension; but as the season seemed not then
- favorable for their enterprise, Margaret, in order the better to conceal
- him, sent him, under the care of Lady Brampton into Portugal, where he
- remained a year unknown to all the world.
- The war, which was then ready to break out between France and England,
- seemed to afford a proper opportunity for the discovery of this new
- phenomenon; and Ireland, which still retained its attachments to
- the house of York, was chosen as the proper place for his first
- appearance.[*] He landed at Cork; and immediately assuming the name of
- Richard Plantagenet, drew to him partisans among that credulous people.
- He wrote letters to the earls of Desmond and Kildare, inviting them to
- join his party: he dispersed every where the strange intelligence of
- his escape from the cruelty of his uncle Richard: and men, fond of every
- thing new and wonderful, began to make him the general subject of their
- discourse, and even the object of their favor.
- The news soon reached France; and Charles, prompted by the secret
- solicitations of the duchess of Burgundy, and the intrigues of one
- Frion, a secretary of Henry’s, who had deserted his service, sent Perkin
- an invitation to repair to him at Paris. He received him with all the
- marks of regard due to the duke of York; settled on him a handsome
- pension, assigned him magnificent lodgings, and in order to provide at
- once for his dignity and security, gave him a guard for his person,
- of which Lord Congresal accepted the office of captain. The French
- courtiers readily embraced a fiction which their sovereign thought
- it his interest to adopt: Perkin, both by his deportment and personal
- qualities, supported the prepossession which was spread abroad of his
- royal pedigree: and the whole kingdom was full of the accomplishments,
- as well as the singular adventures and misfortunes, of the young
- Plantagenet. Wonders of this nature are commonly augmented at a
- distance. From France the admiration and credulity diffused themselves
- into England: Sir George Nevil,[*] Sir John Taylor, and above a hundred
- gentlemen more, came to Paris, in order to offer their services to the
- supposed duke of York, and to share his fortunes: and the impostor had
- now the appearance of a court attending him, and began to entertain
- hopes of final success in his undertakings.
- * Polyd Virg. p. 589.
- When peace was concluded between France and England at Estaples, Henry
- applied to have Perkin put into his hands; but Charles, resolute not
- to betray a young man, of whatever birth, whom he had invited into his
- kingdom, would agree only to dismiss him. The pretended Richard retired
- to the duchess of Burgundy, and craving her protection and assistance,
- offered to lay before her all the proofs of that birth to which he laid
- claim. The princess affected ignorance of his pretensions; even put
- on the appearance of distrust: and having, as she said, been already
- deceived by Simnel, she was determined never again to be seduced by
- any impostor. She desired before all the world to be instructed in his
- reasons for assuming the name which he bore; seemed to examine every
- circumstance with the most scrupulous nicety; put many particular
- questions to him; affected astonishment at his answers; and at last,
- after long and severe scrutiny, burst out into joy and admiration at
- his wonderful deliverance, embraced him as her nephew, the true image of
- Edward, the sole heir of the Plantagenets, and the legitimate successor
- to the English throne.
- {1493.} She immediately assigned him an equipage suited to his pretended
- birth; appointed him a guard of thirty halberdiers; engaged every one to
- pay court to him; and on all occasions honored him with the appellation
- of the White Rose of England. The Flemings, moved by the authority which
- Margaret, both from her rank and personal character, enjoyed among them,
- readily adopted the fiction of Perkin’s royal descent: no surmise of his
- true birth was as yet heard of little contradiction was made to the
- prevailing opinion: and the English, from their great communication with
- the Low Countries, were every day more and more prepossessed in favor of
- the impostor.
- It was not the populace alone of England that gave credit to Perkin’s
- pretensions. Men of the highest birth and quality, disgusted at Henry’s
- government, by which they found the nobility depressed, began to turn
- their eyes towards the new claimant; and some of them even entered into
- a correspondence with him. Lord Fitzwater, Sir Simon Mountfort, Sir
- Thomas Thwaites, betrayed their inclination towards him: Sir William
- Stanley himself, lord chamberlain, who had been so active in raising
- Henry to the throne, moved either by blind credulity or a restless
- ambition, entertained the project of a revolt in favor of his enemy.[*]
- * Bacon, p. 608.
- Sir Robert Clifford and William Barley were still more open in their
- measures: they went over to Flanders, were introduced by the duchess of
- Burgundy to the acquaintance of Perkin, and made him a tender of their
- services. Clifford wrote back to England, that he knew perfectly the
- person of Richard, duke of York, that this young man was undoubtedly
- that prince himself, and that no circumstance of his story was exposed
- to the least difficulty. Such positive intelligence, conveyed by a
- person of rank and character, was sufficient with many to put the matter
- beyond question, and excited the attention and wonder even of the most
- indifferent. The whole nation was held in suspense; a regular conspiracy
- was formed against the king’s authority, and a correspondence settled
- between the malecontents in Flanders and those in England.
- The king was informed of all these particulars; but agreeably to
- his character, which was both cautious and resolute, he proceeded
- deliberately, though steadily, in counterworking the projects of his
- enemies. His first object was to ascertain the death of the real duke of
- York, and to confirm the opinion that had always prevailed with regard
- to that event. Five persons had been employed by Richard in the murder
- of his nephews, or could give evidence with regard to it; Sir James
- Tyrrel, to whom he had committed the government of the Tower for that
- purpose, and who had seen the dead princes; Forrest, Dighton, and
- Slater, who perpetrated the crime; and the priest who buried the bodies.
- Tyrrel and Dighton alone were alive, and they agreed in the same story;
- but as the priest was dead, and as the bodies were supposed to have
- been removed by Richard’s orders from the place where they were first
- interred, and could not now be found, it was not in Henry’s power to put
- the fact, so much as he wished, beyond all doubt and controversy.
- He met at first with more difficulty, but was in the end more
- successful, in detecting who this wonderful person was that thus boldly
- advanced pretensions to his crown. He dispersed his spies all over
- Flanders and England; he engaged many to pretend that they had embraced
- Perkin’s party; he directed them to insinuate themselves into the
- confidence of the young man’s friends; in proportion as they conveyed
- intelligence of any conspirator, he bribed his retainers, his domestic
- servants, nay, sometimes his confessor, and by these means traced up
- some other confederate; Clifford himself he engaged, by the hope of
- rewards and pardon, to betray the secrets committed to him; the more
- trust he gave to any of his spies, the higher resentment did he feign
- against them, some of them he even caused to be publicly anathematized,
- in order the better to procure them the confidence of his enemies: and
- in the issue, the whole plan of the conspiracy was clearly laid before
- him; and the pedigree, adventures, life, and conversation of the
- pretended duke of York. This latter part of the story was immediately
- published for the satisfaction of the nation: the conspirators he
- reserved for a slower and surer vengeance.
- {1494.} Meanwhile he remonstrated with the archduke Philip, on account
- of the countenance and protection which was afforded in his dominions
- to so infamous an impostor; contrary to treaties subsisting between the
- sovereigns, and to the mutual amity which had so long been maintained
- by the subjects of both states. Margaret had interest enough to get his
- application rejected; on pretence that Philip had no authority over the
- demesnes of the duchess dowager. And the king, in resentment of this
- injury, cut off all commerce with the Low Countries, banished the
- Flemings, and recalled his own subjects from these provinces. Philip
- retaliated by like edicts; but Henry knew, that so mutinous a people as
- the Flemings would not long bear, in compliance with the humors of their
- prince, to be deprived of the beneficial branch of commerce which they
- carried on with England.
- He had it in his power to inflict more effectual punishment on his
- domestic enemies; and when his projects were sufficiently matured, he
- failed not to make them feel the effects of his resentment. Almost
- in the same instant he arrested Fitzwater, Mountfort, and Thwaites,
- together with William Daubeney, Robert Rateliff, Thomas Cressenor, and
- Thomas Astwood. All these were arraigned, convicted, and condemned
- for high treason, in adhering and promising aid to Perkin. Mountfort,
- Ratcliff, and Daubeney were immediately executed: Fitzwater was
- sent over to Calais, and detained in custody; but being detected in
- practising on his keeper for an escape, he soon after underwent the same
- fate. The rest were pardoned, together with William Worseley, dean of
- St. Paul’s, and some others, who had been accused and examined, but not
- brought to public trial.[*]
- * Polyd. Virg. p. 592.
- Greater and more solemn preparations were deemed requisite for the
- trial of Stanley, lord chamberlain, whose authority in the nation, whose
- domestic connections with the king, as well as his former services,
- seemed to secure him against any accusation or punishment. Clifford was
- directed to come over privately to England, and to throw himself at the
- king’s feet while he sat in council; craving pardon for past offences
- and offering to atone for them by any services which should be required
- of him. Henry then told him, that the best proof he could give of
- penitence, and the only service he could now render him, was the full
- confession of his guilt, and the discovery of all his accomplices,
- however distinguished by rank or character. Encouraged by this
- exhortation, Clifford accused Stanley, then present, as his chief
- abettor; and offered to lay before the council the full proof of
- his guilt. Stanley himself could not discover more surprise than was
- affected by Henry on the occasion. He received the intelligence as
- absolutely false and incredible; that a man, to whom he was in a great
- measure beholden for his crown, and even for his life; a man, to, whom,
- by every honor and favor, he had endeavored to express his gratitude;
- whose brother, the earl of Derby, was his own father-in-law; to whom
- he had even committed the trust of his person, by creating him lord
- chamberlain: that this man, enjoying his full confidence and affection,
- not actuated by any motive of discontent or apprehension, should engage
- in a conspiracy against him. Clifford was therefore exhorted to weigh
- well the consequences of his accusation; but as he persisted in the same
- positive asseverations, Stanley was committed to custody, and was soon
- after examined before the council.[*] He denied not the guilt imputed to
- him by Clifford; he did not even endeavor much to extenuate it; whether
- he thought that a frank and open confession would serve as an atonement,
- or trusted to his present connections and his former services for pardon
- and security. But princes are often apt to regard great services as
- a ground of jealousy, especially if accompanied with a craving and
- restless disposition in the person who has performed them. The general
- discontent also, and mutinous humor of the people, seemed to require
- some great example of severity. And as Stanley was one of the most
- opulent subjects in the kingdom, being possessed of above three thousand
- pounds a year in land, and forty thousand marks in plate and money,
- besides other property of great value, the prospect of so rich a
- forfeiture was deemed no small motive for Henry’s proceeding to
- extremities against him.
- * Bacon, p. 611 Polyd. Virg. p. 593.
- {1495.} After six weeks’ delay, which was interposed in order to show
- that the king was restrained by doubts and scruples, the prisoner
- was brought to his trial, condemned, and presently after beheaded.
- Historians are not agreed with regard to the crime which was proved
- against him. The general report is, that he should have said in
- confidence to Clifford, that if he were sure the young man who appeared
- in Flanders was really son to King Edward, he never would bear arms
- against him. The sentiment might disgust Henry, as implying a preference
- of the house of York to that of Lancaster; but could scarcely be the
- ground, even in those arbitrary times, of a sentence of high treason
- against Stanley. It is more probable, therefore, as is asserted by some
- historians, that he had expressly engaged to assist Perkin, and had
- actually sent him some supply of money.
- The fate of Stanley made great impression on the kingdom, and struck
- all the partisans of Perkin with the deepest dismay. From Clifford’s
- desertion, they found that all their secrets were betrayed; and as
- it appeared that Stanley, while he seemed to live in the greatest
- confidence with the king, had been continually surrounded by spies, who
- reported and registered every action in which he was engaged, nay, every
- word which fell from him, a general distrust took place, and all mutual
- confidence was destroyed, even among intimate friends and acquaintance.
- The jealous and severe temper of the king, together with his great
- reputation for sagacity and penetration, kept men in awe, and quelled
- not only the movements of sedition, but the very murmurs of faction.
- Libels, however, crept out against Henry’s person and administration;
- and being greedily propagated by every secret art, showed that there
- still remained among the people a considerable root of discontent, which
- wanted only a proper opportunity to discover itself.
- But Henry continued more intent on increasing the terrors of his people,
- than on gaining their affections. Trusting to the great success which
- attended him in all his enterprises, he gave every day more and more a
- loose to his rapacious temper, and employed the arts of perverted law
- and justice, in order to exact fines and compositions from his people.
- Sir William Capel, alderman of London, was condemned on some penal
- statutes to pay the sum of two thousand seven hundred and forty-three
- pounds, and was obliged to compound for sixteen hundred and fifteen.
- This was the first noted case of the kind; but it became a precedent,
- which prepared the may for many others. The management, indeed, of these
- arts of chicanery, was the great secret of the king’s administration.
- While he depressed the nobility, he exalted, and honored, and caressed
- the lawyers; and by that means both bestowed authority on the laws, and
- was enabled, whenever he pleased, to pervert them to his own advantage.
- His government was oppressive; but it was so much the less burdensome,
- as, by his extending royal authority, and curbing the nobles, he became
- in reality the sole oppressor in his kingdom.
- As Perkin found that the king’s authority daily gained ground among the
- people, and that his own pretensions were becoming obsolete, he resolved
- to attempt something which might revive the hopes and expectations of
- his partisans. Having collected a band of outlaws, pirates, robbers, and
- necessitous persons of all nations, to the number of six hundred men,
- he put to sea, with a resolution of making a descent in England, and of
- exciting the common people to arms, since all his correspondence with
- the nobility was cut off by Henry vigilance and severity. Information
- being brought him that the king had made a progress to the north, he
- cast anchor on the coast of Kent, and sent some of his retainers ashore,
- who invited the country to join him. The gentlemen of Kent assembled
- some troops to oppose him; but they purposed to do more essential
- service than by repelling the invasion: they carried the semblance of
- friendship to Perkin, and invited him to come himself ashore, in order
- to take the command over them. But the wary youth, observing that they
- had more order and regularity in their movements than could be supposed
- in new levied forces who had taken arms against established authority,
- refused to intrust himself into their hands; and the Kentish troops,
- despairing of success in their stratagem, fell upon such of his
- retainers as were already landed; and besides some whom they slew, they
- took a hundred and fifty prisoners. These were tried and condemned and
- all of them executed, by orders from the king, who was resolved to use
- no lenity towards men of such desperate fortunes.[*]
- * Polyd. Virg. p. 595.
- This year a parliament was summoned in England, and another in Ireland;
- and some remarkable laws were passed in both countries. The English
- parliament enacted, that no person who should by arms, or otherwise
- assist the king for the time being, should ever afterwards, either by
- course of law or act of parliament, be attainted for such an instance of
- obedience. This statute might be exposed to some censure, as favorable
- to usurpers; were there any precise rule, which always, even during
- the most factious times, could determine the true successor, and render
- every one inexcusable who did not submit to him. But as the titles of
- princes are then the great subject of dispute, and each party pleads
- topics in its own favor, it seems but equitable to secure those who act
- in support of public tranquillity, an object at all times of undoubted
- benefit and importance. Henry, conscious of his disputed title, promoted
- this law, in order to secure his partisans against all events; but as
- he had himself observed a contrary practice with regard to Richard’s
- adherents, he had reason to apprehend that, during the violence which
- usually ensues on public convulsions, his example, rather than his law,
- would, in case of a new revolution, be followed by his enemies. And the
- attempt to bind the legislature itself, by prescribing rules to future
- parliaments, was contradictory to the plainest principles of political
- government.
- This parliament also passed an act, empowering the king to levy, by
- course of law, all the sums which any person had agreed to pay by way
- of benevolence; a statute by which that arbitrary method of taxation was
- indirectly authorized and justified.
- The king’s authority appeared equally prevalent and uncontrolled in
- Ireland. Sir Edward Poynings had been sent over to that country, with
- an intention of quelling the partisans of the house of York, and of
- reducing the natives to subjection. He was not supported by forces
- sufficient for that enterprise: the Irish, by flying into their woods,
- and morasses, and mountains, for some time eluded his efforts; but
- Poynings summoned a parliament at Dublin, where he was more successful.
- He passed that memorable statute, which still bears his name, and which
- establishes the authority of the English government in Ireland. By this
- statute, all the former laws of England were made to be of force in
- Ireland; and no bill can be introduced into the Irish parliament, unless
- it previously receive the sanction of the council of England. This
- latter clause seems calculated for insuring the dominion of the English;
- but was really granted at the desire of the Irish commons who intended,
- by that means, to secure themselves from the tyranny of their lords,
- particularly of such lieutenants or deputies as were of Irish birth.[*]
- * Sir John Davis, p. 236.
- While Henry’s authority was thus established throughout his dominions,
- and general tranquillity prevailed, the whole continent was thrown into
- combustion by the French invasion of Italy, and by the rapid success
- which attended Charles in that rash and ill-concerted enterprise. The
- Italians, who had entirely lost the use of arms, and who, in the midst
- of continual wars, had become every day more unwarlike, were astonished
- to meet an enemy that made the field of battle, not a pompous
- tournament, but a scene of blood, and sought, at the hazard of their own
- lives, the death of their enemy. Their effeminate troops were dispersed
- every where on the approach of the French army: their best fortified
- cities opened their gates: kingdoms and states were in an instant
- overturned; and through the whole length of Italy, which the French
- penetrated without resistance, they seemed rather to be taking quarters
- in their own country, than making conquests over an enemy. The maxims
- which the Italians during that age followed in negotiations, were as
- ill calculated to support their states, as the habits to which they were
- addicted in war: a treacherous, deceitful, and inconsistent system of
- politics prevailed; and even those small remains of fidelity and honor,
- which were preserved in the councils of the other European princes, were
- ridiculed in Italy, as proofs of ignorance and rusticity. Ludovico, duke
- of Milan, who invited the French to invade Naples, had never desired
- or expected their success; and was the first that felt terror from the
- prosperous issue of those projects which he himself had concerted. By
- his intrigues, a league was formed among several potentates, to oppose
- the progress of Charles’s conquests, and secure their own independency.
- This league was composed of Ludovico himself, the pope, Maximilian, king
- of the Romans, Ferdinand of Spain, and the republic of Venice. Henry too
- entered into the confederacy; but was not put to any expense or trouble
- in consequence of his engagements. The king of France, terrified by so
- powerful a combination, retired from Naples with the greater part of
- his army, and returned to France. The forces which he left in his new
- conquest were, partly by the revolt of the inhabitants, partly by the
- invasion of the Spaniards, soon after subdued; and the whole kingdom
- of Naples suddenly returned to its allegiance under Ferdinand, son to
- Alphonso, who had been suddenly expelled by the irruption of the
- French. Ferdinand died soon after, and left his uncle Frederick in full
- possession of the throne.
- {1495.} After Perkin was repulsed from the coast of Kent, he retired
- into Flanders; but as he found it impossible to procure subsistence for
- himself and his followers while he remained in tranquillity, he soon
- after made an attempt upon Ireland, which had always appeared forward
- to join every invader of Henry’s authority. But Poynings had now put the
- affairs of that island in so good a posture, that Perkin met with little
- success; and being tired of the savage life which he was obliged to
- lead, while skulking among the wild Irish, he bent his course towards
- Scotland, and presented himself to James IV., who then governed that
- kingdom. He had been previously recommended to this prince by the king
- of France, who was disgusted at Henry for entering into the general
- league against him; and this recommendation was even seconded by
- Maximilian, who, though one of the confederates, was also displeased
- with the king, on account of his prohibiting in England all commerce
- with the Low Countries. The countenance given to Perkin by these princes
- procured him a favorable reception with the king of Scotland, who
- assured him, that, whatever he were, he never should repent putting
- himself in his hands:[*] the insinuating address and plausible behavior
- of the youth himself, seem to have gained him credit and authority.
- James, whom years had not yet taught distrust or caution, was seduced to
- believe the story of Perkin’s birth and adventures; and he carried his
- confidence so far as to give him in marriage the lady Catharine Gordon,
- daughter of the earl of Huntley, and related to himself; a young lady
- too, eminent for virtue as well as beauty.
- * Bacon, p. 615. Polyd. Virg. p. 596, 597.
- {1496.} There subsisted at that time a great jealousy between the courts
- of England and Scotland; and James was probably the more forward on that
- account to adopt any fiction which he thought might reduce his enemy
- to distress or difficulty. He suddenly resolved to make an inroad into
- England, attended by some of the borderers; and he carried Perkin along
- with him, in hopes that the appearance of the pretended prince might
- raise an insurrection in the northern counties. Perkin himself dispersed
- a manifesto, in which he set forth his own story, and craved the
- assistance of all his subjects in expelling the usurper, whose tyranny
- and maladministration, whose depression of the nobility by the
- elevation of mean persons, whose oppression of the people by multiplied
- impositions and vexations, had justly, he said, rendered him odious
- to all men. But Perkin’s pretensions, attended with repeated
- disappointments, were now become stale in the eyes even of the populace;
- and the hostile dispositions which subsisted between the kingdoms,
- rendered a prince supported by the Scots but an unwelcome present to the
- English nation. The ravages also committed by the borderers, accustomed
- to license and disorder, struck a terror into all men, and made the
- people prepare rather for repelling the invaders than for joining them.
- Perkin, that he might support his pretensions to royal birth, feigned
- great compassion for the misery of his plundered subjects, and publicly
- remonstrated with his ally against the depredations exercised by the
- Scottish army;[*] but James told him, that he doubted his concern was
- employed only in behalf of an enemy, and that he was anxious to preserve
- what never should belong to him. That prince now began to perceive that
- his attempt would be fruitless; and hearing of an army which was on its
- march to attack him, he thought proper to retreat into his own country.
- * Polyd. Virg. p. 598.
- The king discovered little anxiety to procure either reparation or
- vengeance for this insult committed on him by the Scottish nation: his
- chief concern was to draw advantage from it, by the pretence which it
- might afford him to levy impositions on his own subjects. He summoned a
- parliament, to whom he made bitter complaints against the irruption of
- the Scots, the absurd imposture countenanced by that nation, the cruel
- devastations committed in the northern counties, and the multiplied
- insults thus offered both to the king and kingdom of England. The
- parliament made the expected return to this discourse, by granting
- a subsidy to the amount of one hundred and twenty thousand pounds,
- together with two fifteenths. After making this grant, they were
- dismissed.
- {1497.} The vote of parliament for imposing the tax was without much
- difficulty procured by the authority of Henry but he found it not
- so easy to levy the money upon his subjects. The people, who were
- acquainted with the immense treasures which he had amassed, could ill
- brook the new impositions raised on every slight occasion; and it is
- probable that the flaw which was universally known to be in his title,
- made his reign the more subject to insurrections and rebellions. When
- the subsidy began to be levied in Cornwall, the inhabitants, numerous
- and poor, robust and courageous, murmured against a tax occasioned by a
- sudden inroad of the Scots, from which they esteemed themselves entirely
- secure, and which had usually been repelled by the force of the northern
- counties. Their ill humor was further incited by one Michael Joseph, a
- farrier of Bodmin, a notable prating fellow, who, by thrusting himself
- forward on every occasion, and being loudest in every complaint against
- the government, had acquired an authority among those rude people.
- Thomas Flammoc, too, a lawyer, who had become the oracle of the
- neighborhood, encouraged the sedition, by informing them that the tax,
- though imposed by parliament, was entirely illegal; that the northern
- nobility were bound by their tenures to defend the nation against the
- Scots; and that if these new impositions were tamely submitted to,
- the avarice of Henry and of his ministers would soon render the burden
- intolerable to the nation. The Cornish, he said, must deliver to the
- king a petition, seconded by such a force as would give it authority;
- and in order to procure the concurrence of the rest of the kingdom,
- care must be taken, by their orderly deportment, to show that they
- had nothing in view but the public good, and the redress of all those
- grievances under which the people had so long labored.
- Encouraged by these speeches, the multitude flocked together, and armed
- themselves with axes, bills, bows, and such weapons as country people
- are usually possessed of. Flammoc and Joseph were chosen their leaders.
- They soon conducted the Cornish through the county of Devon, and reached
- that of Somerset. At Taunton, the rebels killed, in their fury, an
- officious and eager commissioner of the subsidy, whom they called the
- provost of Perin. When they reached Wells, they were joined by Lord
- Audley, a nobleman of an ancient family, popular in his deportment, but
- vain, ambitious and restless in his temper. He had from the beginning
- maintained a secret correspondence with the first movers of the
- insurrection, and was now joyfully received by them as their leader.
- Proud of the countenance given them by so considerable a nobleman, they
- continued their march, breathing destruction to the king’s ministers
- and favorites, particularly to Morton, now a cardinal, and Sir
- Reginald Bray, who were deemed the most active instruments in all his
- oppressions. Notwithstanding their rage against the administration, they
- carefully followed the directions given them by their leaders; and as
- they met with no resistance, they committed, during their march, no
- violence or disorder.
- The rebels had been told by Flammoc that the inhabitants of Kent,
- as they had ever, during all ages, remained unsubdued, and had even
- maintained their independence during the Norman conquest, would surely
- embrace their party, and declare themselves for a cause which was no
- other than that of public good and general liberty. But the Kentish
- people had very lately distinguished themselves by repelling Perkin’s
- invasion; and as they had received from the king many gracious
- acknowledgments for this service, their affections were by that means
- much conciliated to his government. It was easy, therefore, for the
- earl of Kent, Lord Abergavenny, and Lord Cobham, who possessed great
- authority in those parts, to retain the people in obedience; and the
- Cornish rebels, though they pitched their camp near Eltham, at the
- very gates of London, and invited all the people to join them, got
- reënforcement from no quarter. There wanted not discontents every where,
- but no one would take part in so rash and ill-concerted an enterprise;
- and besides, the situation in which the king’s affairs then stood
- discouraged even the boldest and most daring.
- Henry, in order to oppose the Scots, had already levied an army, which
- he put under the command of Lord Daubeney, the chamberlain; and as
- soon as he heard of the Cornish insurrection, he ordered it to march
- southwards and suppress the rebels. Not to leave the northern frontier
- defenceless, he despatched thither the earl of Surrey, who assembled the
- forces on the borders, and made head against the enemy. Henry found
- here the concurrence of the three most fatal incidents that can befall a
- monarchy; a foreign enemy, a domestic rebellion, and a pretender to
- his crown; but he enjoyed great resources in his army and treasure, and
- still more in the intrepidity and courage of his own temper. He did not,
- however, immediately give full scope to his military spirit. On other
- occasions, he had always hastened to a decision; and it was a usual
- saying with him, “that he desired but to see his rebels:” but as the
- Cornish mutineers behaved in an inoffensive manner, and committed no
- spoil on the country; as they received no accession of force on their
- march or in their encampment, and as such hasty and popular tumults
- might be expected to diminish every moment by delay; he took post in
- London, and assiduously prepared the means of insuring victory.
- After all his forces were collected, he divided them into three bodies,
- and marched out to assail the enemy. The first body, commanded by the
- earl of Oxford, and under him by the earls of Essex and Suffolk, were
- appointed to place themselves behind the hill on which the rebels were
- encamped: the second, and most considerable, Henry put under the command
- of Lord Daubeney, and ordered him to attack the enemy in front, and
- bring on the action. The third he kept as a body of reserve about his
- own person, and took post in St. George’s Fields; where he secured the
- city, and could easily, as occasion served, either restore the fight or
- finish the victory. To put the enemy off their guard, he had spread
- a report that he was not to attack them till some days after; and the
- better to confirm them in this opinion, he began not the action till
- near the evening. Daubeney beat a detachment of the rebels from Deptford
- bridge; and before their main body could be in order to receive him, he
- had gained the ascent of the hill, and placed himself in array before
- them. They were formidable from their numbers, being sixteen thousand
- strong, and were not defective in valor; but being tumultuary troops,
- ill armed, and not provided with cavalry or artillery, they were but
- an unequal match for the king’s forces. Daubeney began the attack with
- courage, and even with a contempt of the enemy which had almost proved
- fatal to him. He rushed into the midst of them, and was taken prisoner;
- but soon after was released by his own troops. After some resistance,
- the rebels were broken and put to flight.[*]
- * Polyd. Virg. p. 601.
- Lord Audley, Flammoc, and Joseph, their leaders, were taken, and all
- three executed. The latter seemed even to exult in his end, and boasted,
- with a preposterous ambition, that he should make a figure in his tory.
- The rebels, being surrounded on every side by the king’s troops, were
- almost all made prisoners; and immediately dismissed without further
- punishment: whether, that Henry was satisfied with the victims who had
- fallen in the field, and who amounted to near two thousand, or that he
- pitied the ignorance and simplicity of the multitude, or favored them
- on account of their inoffensive behavior; or was pleased that they had
- never, during their insurrection, disputed his title, and had shown
- no attachment to the house of York, the highest crime of which, in his
- eyes, they could have been guilty.
- The Scottish king was not idle during these commotions in England. He
- levied a considerable army, and sat down before the Castle of Norham, in
- Northumberland; but found that place, by the precaution of Fox, bishop
- of Durham, so well provided both with men and ammunition, that he made
- little or no progress in the siege. Hearing that the earl of Surrey had
- collected some forces, and was advancing upon him, he retreated into
- his own country, and left the frontiers exposed to the inroads of the
- English general, who besieged and took Aiton, a small castle lying a few
- miles beyond Berwick. These unsuccessful or frivolous attempts on both
- sides prognosticated a speedy end to the war; and Henry, notwithstanding
- his superior force, was no less desirous than James of terminating
- the differences between the nations. Not to depart, however, from his
- dignity, by making the first advances, he employed in this friendly
- office Peter Hialas, a man of address and learning, who had come to him
- as ambassador from Ferdinand and Isabella, and who was charged with a
- commission of negotiating the marriage of the Infanta Catharine, their
- daughter, with Arthur, prince of Wales.[*]
- * Polyd. Virg. p. 603.
- Hialas took a journey northwards, and offered his mediation between
- James and Henry, as minister of a prince who was in alliance with both
- potentates. Commissioners were soon appointed to meet and confer on
- terms of accommodation. The first demand of the English was, that Perkin
- should be put into their hands: James replied, that he himself was
- no judge of the young man’s pretensions; but having received him as a
- supplicant, and promised him protection, he was determined not to betray
- a man who had trusted to his good faith and his generosity. The next
- demand of the English met with no better reception: they required
- reparation for the ravages committed by the late inroads into England:
- the Scottish commissioners replied, that the spoils were like water
- spilt upon the ground, which could never be recovered; and that Henry’s
- subjects were better able to bear the loss, than their master to repair
- it. Henry’s commissioners next proposed, that the two kings should have
- an interview at Newcastle, in order to adjust all differences; but James
- said, that he meant to treat of a peace, not to go a begging for it.
- Lest the conferences should break off altogether without effect, a truce
- was concluded for some months; and James, perceiving that while Perkin
- remained in Scotland he himself never should enjoy a solid peace with
- Henry, privately desired him to depart the kingdom.
- Access was now barred Perkin into the Low Countries, his usual retreat
- in all his disappointments. The Flemish merchants, who severely felt the
- loss resulting from the interruption of commerce with England, had made
- such interest in the archduke’s council, that commissioners were sent to
- London, in order to treat of an accommodation. The Flemish court agreed,
- that all English rebels should be excluded the Low Countries; and in
- this prohibition the demesnes of the duchess dowager were expressly
- comprehended. When this principal article was agreed to, all the other
- terms were easily adjusted. A treaty of commerce was finished, which was
- favorable to the Flemings, and to which they long gave the appellation
- of “intercursus magnus,” the great treaty. And when the English
- merchants returned to their usual abode at Antwerp, they were publicly
- received, as in procession, with joy and festivity.
- Perkin was a Fleming by descent, though born in England; and it might
- therefore be doubted whether he were included in the treaty between the
- two nations: but as he must dismiss all his English retainers if he took
- shelter in the Low Countries, and as he was sure of a cold reception,
- if not bad usage, among people who were determined to keep on terms
- of friendship with the court of England, he thought fit rather to
- hide himself during some time in the wilds and fastnesses of Ireland.
- Impatient, however, of a retreat which was both disagreeable and
- dangerous, he held consultations with his followers, Herne, Skelton, and
- Astley, three broken tradesmen: by their advice he resolved to try the
- affections of the Cornish, whose mutinous disposition, notwithstanding
- the king’s lenity, still subsisted after the suppression of their
- rebellion. No sooner did he appear at Bodmin, in Cornwall, than the
- populace, to the number of three thousand, flocked to his standard, and
- Perkin, elated with this appearance of success, took on him, for the
- first time, the appellation of Richard IV., king of England. Not to
- suffer the expectations of his followers to languish, he presented
- himself before Exeter; and by many fair promises invited that city to
- join him. Finding that the inhabitants shut their gates against him,
- he laid siege to the place; but being unprovided with artillery,
- ammunition, and every thing requisite for the attempt, he made no
- progress in his undertaking. Messengers were sent to the king, informing
- him of this insurrection: the citizens of Exeter meanwhile were
- determined to hold out to the last extremity, in expectation of
- receiving succor from the well-known vigilance of that monarch.
- When Henry was informed that Perkin was landed in England, he expressed
- great joy, and prepared himself with alacrity to attack him, in hopes of
- being able, at length, to put a period to pretensions which had so long
- given him vexation and inquietude. All the courtiers, sensible that
- their activity on this occasion would be the most acceptable service
- which they could render the king, displayed their zeal for the
- enterprise, and forwarded his preparations. The lords Daubeney and
- Broke, with Sir Rice ap Thomas, hastened forward with a small body of
- troops to the relief of Exeter. The earl of Devonshire, and the most
- considerable gentlemen in the county of that name, took arms of their
- own accord, and marched to join the king’s generals. The duke of
- Buckingham put himself at the head of a troop, consisting of young
- nobility and gentry, who served as volunteers, and who longed for an
- opportunity of displaying their courage and their loyalty. The king
- himself prepared to follow with a considerable army; and thus all
- England seemed united against a pretender who had at first engaged their
- attention and divided their affections.
- Perkin, informed of these great preparations, immediately raised the
- siege of Exeter, and retired to Taunton. Though his followers now
- amounted to the number of near seven thousand, and seemed still resolute
- to maintain his cause, he himself despaired of success, and secretly
- withdrew to the sanctuary of Beaulieu, in the new forest. The Cornish
- rebels submitted to the king’s mercy, and found that it was not yet
- exhausted in their behalf. Except a few persons of desperate fortunes,
- who were executed, and some others who were severely fined, all the rest
- were dismissed with impunity Lady Catharine Gordon, wife to Perkin fell
- into the hands of the victor, and was treated with a generosity which
- does him honor. He soothed her mind with many marks of regard, placed
- her in a reputable station about the queen and assigned her a pension,
- which she enjoyed even under his successor.
- {1498.} Henry deliberated what course to take with Perkin himself. Some
- counselled him to make the privileges of the church yield to reasons of
- state, to take him by violence from the sanctuary, to inflict on him
- the punishment due to his temerity, and thus at once to put an end to
- an imposture which had long disturbed the government, and which the
- credulity of the people and the artifices of malcontents were still
- capable of reviving. But the king deemed not the matter of such
- importance as to merit so violent a remedy, He employed some persons to
- deal with Perkin, and persuade him, under promise of pardon, to deliver
- himself into the king’s hands.[*] The king conducted him in a species of
- mock triumph to London. As Perkin passed along the road and through
- the streets of the city, men of all ranks flocked about him, and the
- populace treated with the highest derision his fallen fortunes. They
- seemed desirous of revenging themselves, by their insults, for the shame
- which their former belief of his impostures had thrown upon them. Though
- the eyes of the nation were generally opened with regard to Perkin’s
- real parentage, Henry required of him a confession of his life and
- adventures; and he ordered the account of the whole to be dispersed soon
- after, for the satisfaction of the public. But as his regard to decency
- made him entirely suppress the share which the duchess of Burgundy had
- had in contriving and conducting the imposture, the people, who knew
- that she had been the chief instrument in the whole affair, were
- inclined, on account of the silence on that head, to pay the less credit
- to the authenticity of the narrative.
- * Polyd. Virg. p. 606.
- {1499.} But Perkin, though his life was granted him, was still detained
- in custody; and keepers were appointed to guard him. Impatient of
- confinement, he broke from his keepers, and flying to the sanctuary of
- Shyne, put himself into the hands of the prior of that monastery. The
- prior had obtained great credit by his character of sanctity; and he
- prevailed on the king again to grant a pardon to Perkin. But in order
- to reduce him to still greater contempt, he was set in the stocks at
- Westminster and Cheapside, and obliged in both places to read aloud to
- the people the confession which had formerly been published in his name.
- He was then confined to the Tower, where his habits of restless intrigue
- and enterprise followed him. He insinuated himself into the intimacy of
- four servants of Sir John Digby, lieutenant of the Tower; and by their
- means opened a correspondence with the earl of Warwick, who was confined
- in the same prison. This unfortunate prince, who had from his earliest
- youth been shut up from the commerce of men, and who was ignorant even
- of the most common Affairs of life, had fallen into a simplicity which
- made him susceptible of any impression. The continued dread also of the
- more violent effects of Henry’s tyranny, joined to the natural love of
- liberty, engaged him to embrace a project for his escape, by the murder
- of the lieutenant; and Perkin offered to conduct the whole enterprise.
- The conspiracy escaped not the king’s vigilance: it was even very
- generally believed, that the scheme had been laid by himself, in order
- to draw Warwick and Perkin into the snare; but the subsequent execution
- of two of Digby’s servants for the contrivance seems to clear the king
- of that imputation, which was indeed founded more on the general idea
- entertained of his character than on any positive evidence.
- Perkin, by this new attempt, after so many enormities, had rendered
- himself totally unworthy of mercy; and he was accordingly arraigned,
- condemned, and soon after hanged at Tyburn, persisting still in the
- confession of his imposture.[*] [1] It happened about that very time
- that one Wilford, a cordwainer’s son, encouraged by the surprising
- credit given to other impostures, had undertaken to personate the earl
- of Warwick; and a priest had even ventured from the pulpit to recommend
- his cause to the people, who seemed still to retain a propensity to
- adopt it. This incident served Henry as a pretence for his severity
- towards that prince. He was brought to trial, and accused, not of
- contriving his escape, (for as he was committed for no crime, the desire
- of liberty must have been regarded as natural and innocent,) but of
- forming designs to disturb the government, and raise an insurrection
- among the people. Warwick confessed the indictment was condemned, and
- the sentence was executed upon him.
- * See note A, at the end of the volume.
- This violent act of tyranny, the great blemish of Henry’s reign, by
- which he destroyed the last remaining male of the line of Plantagenet,
- begat great discontent among the people, who saw an unhappy prince, that
- had long been denied all the privileges of his high birth, even been
- cut off from the common benefits of nature, now at last deprived of life
- itself, merely for attempting to shake off that oppression under which
- he labored. In vain did Henry endeavor to alleviate the odium of this
- guilt, by sharing it with his ally, Ferdinand of Arragon, who, he said,
- had scrupled to give his daughter Catharine in marriage to Arthur while
- any male descendant of the house of York remained. Men, on the contrary,
- felt higher indignation at seeing a young prince sacrificed, not to
- law and justice, but to the jealous politics of two subtle and crafty
- tyrants.
- But though these discontents festered in the minds of men, they were so
- checked by Henry’s watchful policy and steady severity, that they seemed
- not to weaken his government; and foreign princes, deeming his
- throne now entirely secure, paid him rather the greater deference and
- attention. The archduke Philip, in particular, desired an interview with
- him; and Henry, who had passed over to Calais, agreed to meet him in
- St. Peter’s church, near that city. The archduke, on his approaching the
- king, made haste to alight, and offered to hold Henry’s stirrup; a mark
- of condescension which that prince would not admit of. He called
- the king “father,” “patron,” “protector;” and by his whole behavior
- expressed a strong desire of conciliating the friendship of England. The
- duke of Orleans had succeeded to the crown of France by the appellation
- of Lewis XII.; and having carried his arms into Italy, and subdued the
- duchy of Milan, his progress begat jealousy in Maximilian, Philip’s
- father, as well as in Ferdinand, his father-in-law. By the counsel,
- therefore, of these monarchs, the young prince endeavored by every
- art to acquire the amity of Henry, whom they regarded as the chief
- counterpoise to the greatness of France. No particular plan, however, of
- alliance seems to have been concerted between these two princes in their
- interview: all passed in general professions of affection and regard;
- at least, in remote projects of a closer union, by the future
- intermarriages of their children, who were then in a state of infancy.
- {1500.} The Pope, too, Alexander VI., neglected not the friendship of a
- monarch whose reputation was spread over Europe. He sent a nuncio
- into England, who exhorted the king to take part in the great alliance
- projected for the recovery of the Holy Land, and to lead in person his
- forces against the infidels. The general frenzy for crusades was now
- entirely exhausted in Europe; but it was still thought a necessary piece
- of decency to pretend zeal for those pious enterprises. Henry regretted
- to the nuncio the distance of his situation, which rendered it
- inconvenient for him to expose his person in defence of the Christian
- cause. He promised, however, his utmost assistance by aids and
- contributions; and rather than the pope should go alone to the holy
- wars, unaccompanied by any monarch, he even promised to overlook all
- other considerations, and to attend him in person. He only required,
- as a necessary condition, that all differences should previously be
- adjusted among Christian princes, and that some seaport towns in Italy
- should be consigned to him for his retreat and security. It was easy to
- conclude that Henry had determined not to intermeddle in any war against
- the Turk; but as a great name, without any real assistance, is sometimes
- of service, the knights of Rhodes, who were at that time esteemed the
- bulwark of Christendom, chose the king protector of their order.
- But the prince whose alliance Henry valued the most was Ferdinand of
- Arragon, whose vigorous and steady policy, always attended with success,
- had rendered him in many respects the most considerable monarch in
- Europe. There was also a remarkable similarity of character between
- these two princes; both were full of craft, intrigue, and design:
- and though a resemblance of this nature be a slender foundation for
- confidence and amity, where the interests of the parties in the least
- interfere, such was the situation of Henry and Ferdinand, that no
- jealousy ever on any occasion arose between them. The king had now the
- satisfaction of completing a marriage, which had been projected and
- negotiated during the course of seven years, between Arthur, prince
- of Wales, and the infanta Catharine, fourth daughter of Ferdinand and
- Isabella; he near sixteen years of age, she eighteen. But this marriage
- proved in the issue unprosperous. The young prince, a few months after,
- sickened and died, much regretted by the nation.
- {1502.} Henry, desirous to continue his alliance with Spain, and also
- unwilling to restore Catharine’s dowry, which was two hundred thousand
- ducats, obliged his second son, Henry, whom he created prince of Wales,
- to be contracted to the infanta. The prince made all the opposition
- of which a youth of twelve years of age was capable; but as the king
- persisted in his resolution, the espousals were at length, by means of
- the pope’s dispensation, contracted between the parties; an event which
- was afterwards attended with the most important consequences.
- The same year another marriage was celebrated, which was also, in the
- next age, productive of great events; the marriage of Margaret, the
- king’s eldest daughter, with James, king of Scotland. This alliance
- had been negotiated during three years, though interrupted by several
- broils; and Henry hoped, from the completion of it, to remove all source
- of discord with that neighboring kingdom, by whose animosity England
- had so often been infested. When this marriage was deliberated on in
- the English council, some objected, that England might, by means of
- that alliance, fall under the dominion of Scotland. “No,” replied Henry,
- “Scotland, in that event, will only become an accession to England.”
- {1503.} Amidst these prosperous incidents, the king met with a domestic
- calamity, which made not such impression on him as it merited: his queen
- died in childbed; and the infant did not long survive her. This princess
- was deservedly a favorite of the nation; and the general affection for
- her increased, on account of the harsh treatment which it was thought
- she met with from her consort.
- The situation of the king’s affairs, both at home and abroad, was now in
- every respect very fortunate. All the efforts of the European princes,
- both in war and negotiation, were turned to the side of Italy; and the
- various events which there arose, made Henry’s alliance be courted by
- every party, yet interested him so little as never to touch him with
- concern or anxiety. His close connections with-Spain and Scotland
- insured his tranquillity; and his continued successes over domestic
- enemies, owing to the prudence and vigor of his conduct, had reduced the
- people to entire submission and obedience. Uncontrolled, therefore,
- by apprehension or opposition of any kind, he gave full scope to his
- natural propensity; and avarice, which had ever been his ruling passion
- being increased by age and encouraged by absolute authority broke all
- restraints of shame or justice. He had found two ministers Empson and
- Dudley, perfectly qualified to second his rapacious and tyrannical
- inclinations, and to prey upon his defenceless people. These instruments
- of oppression were both lawyers; the first of mean birth, of brutal
- manners, of an unrelenting temper; the second better born, better
- educated, and better bred, but equally unjust, severe, and inflexible.
- By their knowledge in law, these men were qualified to pervert the
- forms of justice to the oppression of the innocent; and the formidable
- authority of the king supported them in all their iniquities.
- It was their usual practice, at first, to observe so far the appearance
- of law as to give indictments to those whom they intended to oppress;
- upon which the persons were committed to prison, but never brought to
- trial; and were at length obliged, in order to recover their liberty,
- to pay heavy fines and ransoms, which were called mitigations and
- compositions. By degrees, the very appearance of law was neglected: the
- two ministers sent forth their precepts to attach men, and summon them
- before themselves and some others, at their private houses, in a court
- of commission, where, in a summary manner, without trial or jury,
- arbitrary decrees were issued, both in pleas of the crown and
- controversies between private parties. Juries themselves, when summoned,
- proved but small security to the subject; being browbeaten by these
- oppressors; nay, fined, imprisoned, and punished, if they gave sentence
- against the inclination of the ministers The whole system of the feudal
- law, which still prevailed, was turned into a scheme of oppression. Even
- the king’s wards, after they came of age, were not suffered to enter
- into possession of their lands without paying exorbitant fines. Men
- were also harassed with informations of intrusion upon scarce colorable
- titles. When an outlawry in a personal action was issued against any
- man, he was not allowed to purchase his charter of pardon, except on the
- payment of a great sum; and if he refused the composition required of
- him, the strict law, which in such cases allows forfeiture of goods, was
- rigorously insisted on. Nay, without any color of law, the half of men’s
- lands and rents were seized during two years, as a penalty in case of
- outlawry. But the chief means of oppression employed by these ministers
- were the penal statutes, which, without consideration of rank, quality,
- or services, were rigidly put in execution against all men: spies,
- informers, and inquisitors were rewarded and encouraged in every quarter
- of the kingdom: and no difference was made, whether the statute were
- beneficial or hurtful, recent or obsolete, possible or impossible to be
- executed. The sole end of the king and his ministers was to amass money,
- and bring every one under the lash of their authority.[*]
- Through the prevalence of such an arbitrary and iniquitous
- administration, the English, it may safely be affirmed, were
- considerable losers by their ancient privileges, which secured them
- from all taxations, except such as were imposed by their own consent
- in parliament. Had the king been empowered to levy general taxes at
- pleasure, he would naturally have abstained from these oppressive
- expedients, which destroyed all security in private property, and begat
- a universal diffidence throughout the nation. In vain did the people
- look for protection from the parliament, which was pretty frequently
- summoned during this reign.
- {1504.} That assembly was so overawed, that at this very time, during
- the greatest rage of Henry’s oppressions, the commons chose Dudley their
- speaker, the very man who was the chief instrument of his iniquities.
- And though the king was known to be immensely opulent, and had no
- pretence of wars or expensive enterprises of any kind, they granted him
- the subsidy which he demanded. But so insatiable was his avarice, that
- next year he levied a new benevolence, and renewed that arbitrary and
- oppressive method of taxation.
- {1505.} By all these arts of accumulation, joined to a rigid frugality
- in his expense, he so filled his coffers, that he is said to have
- possessed in ready money the sum of one million eight hundred thousand
- pounds; a treasure almost incredible, if we consider the scarcity of
- money in those times.[**]
- * Bacon, p. 629, 630. Holingshed, p. 504. Polyd. Virg. p.
- 613, 615.
- ** Silver was during this reign at thirty-seven shillings
- and six pence a pound, which makes Henry’s treasure near
- three millions of our present money. Besides, many
- commodities have become above thrice as dear by the increase
- of gold and silver in Europe. And what is a circumstance of
- still greater weight, all other states were then very poor,
- in comparison of what they are at present. These
- circumstances make Henry’s treasure appear very great, and
- may lead us to conceive the oppressions of his government.
- But while Henry was enriching himself by the spoils of his oppressed
- people, there happened an event abroad which engaged his attention,
- and was even the object of his anxiety and concern: Isabella, queen of
- Castile, died about this time and it was foreseen that by this incident
- the fortunes of Ferdinand, her husband, would be much affected. The king
- was not only attentive to the fate of his ally, and watchful lest the
- general system of Europe should be affected by so important an event;
- he also considered the similarity of his own situation with that of
- Ferdinand, and regarded the issue of these transactions as a precedent
- for himself. Joan, the daughter of Ferdinand by Isabella, was married to
- the archduke Philip, and being, in right of her mother, heir of Castile,
- seemed entitled to dispute with Ferdinand the present possession of that
- kingdom. Henry knew that, notwithstanding his own pretensions by the
- house of Lancaster, the greater part of the nation was convinced of
- the superiority of his wife’s title; and he dreaded lest the prince
- of Wales, who was daily advancing towards manhood, might be tempted by
- ambition to lay immediate claim to the crown. By his perpetual attention
- to depress the partisans of the York family, he had more closely united
- them into one party, and increased their desire of shaking off that
- yoke under which they had so long labored, and of taking every advantage
- which his oppressive government should give his enemies against him.
- And as he possessed no independent force like Ferdinand, and governed
- a kingdom more turbulent and unruly, which he himself by his narrow
- politics had confirmed in factious prejudices, he apprehended that his
- situation would prove in the issue still more precarious.
- Nothing at first could turn out more contrary to the king’s wishes than
- the transactions in Spain. Ferdinand, as well as Henry, had become very
- unpopular, and from a like cause, his former exactions and impositions;
- and the states of Castile discovered an evident resolution of preferring
- the title of Philip and Joan.
- {1506.} In order, to take advantage of these favorable dispositions, the
- archduke, now king of Castile, attended by his consort, embarked for
- Spain during the winter season; but meeting with a violent tempest in
- the Channel, was obliged to take shelter in the harbor of Weymouth. Sir
- John Trenchard, a gentleman of authority in the county of Dorset,
- hearing of a fleet upon the coast, had assembled some forces; and being
- joined by Sir John Cary, who was also at the head of an armed body, he
- came to that town. Finding that Philip, in order to relieve his sickness
- and fatigue, was already come ashore, he invited him to his house; and
- immediately despatched a messenger to inform the court of this important
- incident. The king sent in all haste the earl of Arundel to compliment
- Philip on his arrival in England, and to inform him that he intended to
- pay him a visit in person, and to give him a suitable reception in his
- dominions. Philip knew that he could not now depart without the king’s
- consent; and therefore, for the sake of despatch, he resolved to
- anticipate his visit, and to have an interview with him at Windsor.
- Henry received him with all the magnificence possible, and with all the
- seeming cordiality; but he resolved, notwithstanding, to draw some
- advantage from this involuntary visit paid him by his royal guest.
- Edmond de la Pole, earl of Suffolk, nephew to Edward IV. and brother to
- the earl of Lincoln, slain in the battle of Stoke, had some years before
- killed a man in a sudden fit of passion, and had been obliged to apply
- to the king for a remission of the crime. The king had granted his
- request; but, being little indulgent to all persons connected with the
- house of York, he obliged him to appear openly in court and plead his
- pardon. Suffolk, more resenting the affront than grateful for the favor,
- had fled into Flanders, and taken shelter with his aunt, the duchess
- of Burgundy; but being promised forgiveness by the king, he returned to
- England, and obtained a new pardon. Actuated, however, by the natural
- inquietude of his temper and uneasy from debts which he had contracted
- by his great expense at Prince Arthur’s wedding, he again made an
- elopement into Flanders. The king, well acquainted with the general
- discontent which prevailed against his administration neglected not this
- incident, which might become of importance, and he employed his usual
- artifices to elude the efforts of his enemies. He directed Sir Robert
- Curson, governor of the castle of Hammes, to desert his charge, and to
- insinuate himself into the confidence of Suffolk, by making him a tender
- of his services. Upon information secretly conveyed by Curson, the
- king seized William Courtney, eldest son to the earl of Devonshire, and
- married to the lady Catharine, sister of the queen; William de la Pole,
- brother to the earl of Suffolk; Sir James Tyrrel, and Sir James Windham,
- with some persons of inferior quality; and he committed them to custody.
- Lord Abergavenny and Sir Thomas Green were also apprehended; but were
- soon after released from their confinement. William de la Pole was long
- detained in prison: Courtney was attainted, and, though not executed, he
- recovered not his liberty during the king’s lifetime. But Henry’s chief
- severity fell upon Sir James Windham and Sir James Tyrrel, who were
- brought to their trial, condemned, and executed: the fate of the latter
- gave general satisfaction, on account of his participation in the murder
- of the young princes, sons of Edward IV. Notwithstanding these
- discoveries and executions, Curson was still able to maintain his credit
- with the earl of Suffolk: Henry, in order to remove all suspicion, had
- ordered him to be excommunicated, together with Suffolk himself, for his
- pretended rebellion. But after that traitor had performed all the
- services expected from him, he suddenly deserted the earl, and came over
- to England, where the king received him with unusual marks of favor and
- confidence. Suffolk, astonished at this instance of perfidy, finding
- that even the duchess of Burgundy, tired with so many fruitless
- attempts, had become indifferent to his cause, fled secretly into
- France, thence into Germany, and returned at last into the Low
- Countries; where he was protected, though not countenanced, by Philip,
- then in close alliance with the king.
- Henry neglected not the present opportunity of complaining to his guest
- of the reception which Suffolk had met with in his dominions. “I really
- thought,” replied the king of Castile, “that your greatness and felicity
- had set you far above apprehensions from any person of so little
- consequence: but, to give you satisfaction, I shall banish him my
- state.” “I expect that you will carry your complaisance further,” said
- the king; “I desire to have Suffolk put into my hands, where alone I can
- depend upon his submission and obedience.” “That measure,” said Philip,
- “will reflect dishonor upon you as well as myself. You will be thought
- to have treated me as a prisoner.” “Then the matter is at an end,”
- replied the king; “for I will take that dishonor upon me; and so your
- honor is saved.”[*] The king of Castile found himself under a necessity
- of complying; but he first exacted Henry’s promise that he would spare
- Suffolk’s life. That nobleman was invited over to England by Philip; as
- if the king would grant him a pardon, on the intercession of his friend
- and ally. Upon his appearance, he was committed to the Tower; and
- the king of Castile, having fully satisfied Henry, as well by this
- concession as by signing a treaty of commerce between England and
- Castile, which was advantageous to the former kingdom,[*] was at last
- allowed to depart, after a stay of three months.
- * Bacon, p. 633.
- ** Rymer, vol. xiii. p. 142.
- He landed in Spain, was joyfully received by the Castilians, and pit in
- possession of the throne.
- {1507.} He died soon after; and Joan, his widow, falling into deep
- melancholy Ferdinand was again enabled to reinstate himself in
- authority, and to govern, till the day of his death, the whole Spanish
- monarchy.
- The king survived these transactions two years; but nothing memorable
- occurs in the remaining part of his reign, except his affiancing his
- second daughter, Mary, to the young archduke Charles, son of Philip of
- Castile.
- {1508.} He entertained also some intentions of marriage for himself,
- first with the queen dowager of Naples, relict of Ferdinand; afterwards
- with the duchess dowager of Savoy, daughter of Maximilian, and sister of
- Philip. But the decline of his health put an end to all such thoughts;
- and he began to cast his eye towards that future existence which the
- iniquities and severities of his reign rendered a very dismal prospect
- to him. To allay the terrors under which he labored, he endeavored, by
- distributing alms and founding religious houses, to make atonement for
- his crimes, and to purchase, by the sacrifice of part of his ill-gotten
- treasures, a reconciliation with his offended Maker. Remorse even seized
- him at intervals for the abuse of his authority by Empson and Dudley;
- but not sufficient to make him stop the rapacious hand of those
- oppressors. Sir William Capel was again fined two thousand pounds under
- some frivolous pretence, and was committed to the Tower for daring
- to murmur against the iniquity. Harris, an alderman of London, was
- indicted, and died of vexation before his trial came to an issue.
- Sir Laurence Ailmer, who had been mayor, and his two sheriffs, were
- condemned in heavy fines, and sent to prison till they made payment.
- The king gave countenance to all these oppressions; till death, by its
- nearer approaches, impressed new terrors upon him; and he then ordered,
- by a general clause in his will, that restitution should be made to
- all those whom he had injured.
- {1509.} He died of a consumption at his favorite palace of Richmond,
- after a reign of twenty-three years and eight months, and in the
- fifty-second year of his age.[*]
- * Dagd. Baronage, ii. p. 237.
- The reign of Henry VII. was, in the main, fortunate for his people at
- home, and honorable abroad. He put an end to the civil wars with which
- the nation had long been harassed, he maintained peace and order in the
- state, he depressed the former exorbitant power of the nobility, and,
- together with the friendship of some foreign princes, he acquired the
- consideration and regard of all. He loved peace without fearing war
- though agitated with continual suspicions of his servants and ministers,
- he discovered no timidity, either in the conduct of his affairs, or in
- the day of battle; and though often severe in his punishments, he was
- commonly less actuated by revenge than by maxims of policy. The services
- which he rendered the people were derived from his views of private
- advantage, rather than the motives of public spirit; and where he
- deviated from interested regards, it was unknown to himself, and ever
- from the malignant prejudices of faction, or the mean projects of
- avarice; not from the sallies of passion, or allurements of pleasure;
- still less from the benign motives of friendship and generosity. His
- capacity was excellent, but somewhat contracted by the narrowness of his
- heart; he possessed insinuation and address, but never employed these
- talents, except where some great point of interest was to be gained; and
- while he neglected to conciliate the affections of his people, he often
- felt the danger of resting his authority on their fear and reverence
- alone. He was always extremely attentive to his affairs; but possessed
- not the faculty of seeing far into futurity; and was more expert at
- providing a remedy for his mistakes than judicious in avoiding them.
- Avarice was, on the whole, his ruling passion;[*] and he remains an
- instance, almost singular, of a man placed hi a high station,
- and possessed of talents for great affairs, in whom that passion
- pre-dominated above ambition. Even among private persons, avarice is
- commonly nothing but a species of ambition, and is chiefly incited
- by the prospect of that regard, distinction, and consideration, which
- attend on riches.
- * As a proof of Henry’s attention to the smallest profits,
- Bacon tells us, that he had seen a book of accounts kept by
- Empson, and subscribed in almost every leaf by the king’s
- own hand. Among other articles was the following: “Item.
- Received of such a one five marks for a pardon, which if it
- do not pass, the money to be repaid, or the party otherwise
- satisfied.” Opposite to the memorandum, the king had writ
- with his own hand, “Otherwise satisfied.” Bacon, p. 630.
- The power of the kings of England had always been somewhat irregular
- or discretionary; but was scarcely ever so absolute during any former
- reign, at least after the establishment of the Great Charter, as during
- that of Henry Besides the advantages derived from the personal character
- of the man, full of vigor, industry, and severity, deliberate in all
- projects, steady in every purpose, and attended with caution as well as
- good fortune in every enterprise; he came to the throne after long and
- bloody civil wars, which had destroyed all the great nobility, who alone
- could resist the encroachments of his authority; the people were
- tired with discord and intestine convulsions, and willing to submit to
- usurpations, and even to injuries, rather than plunge themselves anew
- into like miseries: the fruitless efforts made against him served
- always, as is usual, to confirm his authority: as he ruled by a faction,
- and the lesser faction, all those on whom he conferred offices, sensible
- that they owed every thing to his protection, were willing to support
- his power, though at the expense of justice and national privileges.
- These seem the chief causes which at this time bestowed on the crown so
- considerable an addition of prerogative, and rendered the present reign
- a kind of epoch in the English constitution.
- This prince, though he exalted his prerogative above law is celebrated
- by his historian for many good laws, which he made be enacted for the
- government of his subjects. Several considerable regulations, indeed,
- are found among the statutes of this reign, both with regard to the
- police of the kingdom, and its commerce: but the former are generally
- contrived with much better judgment than the latter. The more simple
- ideas of order and equity are sufficient to guide a legislator in every
- thing that regards the internal administration of justice: but the
- principles of commerce are much more complicated, and require long
- experience and deep reflection to be well understood in any state. The
- real consequence of a law or practice is there often contrary to first
- appearances. No wonder that during the reign of Henry VII.[*,] these
- matters were frequently mistaken; and it may safely be affirmed, that
- even in the age of Lord Bacon, very imperfect and erroneous ideas were
- formed on that subject.
- Early in Henry’s reign, the authority of the star chamber, which was
- before founded on common law and ancient practice, was in some cases
- confirmed by act of parliament: [*] [2] Lord Bacon extols the utility of
- this court; but men began even during the age of that historian, to feel
- that so arbitrary a jurisdiction was incompatible with liberty; and
- in proportion as the spirit of independence still rose higher in the
- nation, the aversion to it increased, till it was entirely abolished
- by act of parliament in the reign of Charles I., a little before the
- commencement of the civil wars.
- * See note B, at the end of the volume.
- Laws were passed in this reign, ordaining the king’s suit for murder to
- be carried on within a year and a day.[*] Formerly it did not usually
- commence till after; and as the friends of the person murdered often in
- the interval compounded matters with the criminal, the crime frequently
- passed unpunished. Suits were given to the poor “in forma pauperis,” as
- it is called; that is, without paying dues for the writs, or any fees to
- the council:[**] a good law at all times, especially in that age,
- when the people labored under the oppression of the great; but a law
- difficult to be carried into execution. A law was made against carrying
- off any woman by force.[***] The benefit of clergy was abridged;[****]
- and the criminal, on the first offence, was ordered to be burned in
- the hand with a letter denoting his crime; after which he was punished
- capitally for any new offence. Sheriffs were no longer allowed to fine
- any person, without previously summoning him before their court.[v] It
- is strange that such a practice should ever have prevailed. Attaint of
- juries was granted in cases which exceeded forty pounds’ value; [v*] a
- law which has an appearance of equity, but which was afterwards found
- inconvenient. Actions popular were not allowed to be eluded by fraud or
- covin. If any servant of the king’s conspired against the life of the
- steward, treasurer, or comptroller of the king’s household, this design,
- though not followed by any overt act, was made liable to the punishment
- of felony.[v**] This statute was enacted for the security of Archbishop
- Morton, who found himself exposed to the enmity of great numbers.
- There scarcely passed any session during this reign without some statute
- against engaging retainers, and giving them badges or liveries; [v***]
- a practice by which they were in a manner enlisted under some great lord
- and were kept in readiness to assist him in all wars, insurrections,
- riots, violences, and even in bearing evidence for him in courts of
- justice.[v****]
- * 3 Henry VII. cap. 1.
- ** 11 Henry VII. cap. 12.
- *** 3 Henry VII. cap. 2.
- **** 4 Henry VII. cap. 13.
- v 11 Henry VII. cap. 15.
- v* 11 Henry VII. cap. 24.
- v** 19 Henry VII. cap. 3.
- v*** 3 Henry VII. cap 13.
- v**** 3 Henry VII. cap 1 and 12.
- This disorder, which had prevailed during many reigns, when the law
- could give little protection to the subject, was then deeply rooted
- in England; and it required all the vigilance and rigor of Henry to
- extirpate it. There is a story of his severity against this abuse; and
- it seems to merit praise, though it is commonly cited as an instance of
- his avarice and rapacity. The earl of Oxford, his favorite general, in
- whom he always placed great and deserved confidence, having splendidly
- entertained him at his castle of Heningham, was desirous of making a
- parade of his magnificence at the departure of his royal guest, and
- ordered all his retainers, with their liveries and badges, to be drawn
- up in two lines, that their appearance might be the more gallant
- and splendid. “My lord,” said the king, “I have heard much of your
- hospitality, but the truth far exceeds the report. These handsome
- gentlemen and yeomen, whom I see on both sides of me, are no doubt your
- menial servants.” The earl smiled, and confessed that his fortune was
- too narrow for such magnificence. “They are most of them,” subjoined
- he, “my retainers, who are come to do me service at this time, when
- they know I am honored with your majesty’s presence.” The king started
- a little, and said, “By my faith, my lord, I thank you for your good
- cheer, but I must not allow my laws to be broken in my sight. My
- attorney must speak with you.” Oxford is said to have paid no less than
- fifteen thousand marks, as a composition for his offence.
- The increase of the arts, more effectually than all the severities of
- law, put an end to this pernicious practice. The nobility, instead of
- vying with each other in the number and boldness of their retainers,
- acquired by degrees a more civilized species of emulation, and
- endeavored to excel in the splendor and elegance of their equipage,
- houses, and tables. The common people, no longer maintained in vicious
- idleness by their superiors, were obliged to learn some calling or
- industry, and became useful both to themselves and to others. And it
- must be acknowledged, in spite of those who declaim so violently against
- refinement in the arts, or what they are pleased to call luxury, that,
- as much as an industrious tradesman is both a better man and a better
- citizen than one of those idle retainers who formerly depended on the
- great families, so much is the life of a modern nobleman more laudable
- than that of an ancient baron.[*]
- But the most important law, in its consequences, which was enacted
- during the reign of Henry, was that by which the nobility and gentry
- acquired a power of breaking the ancient entails, and of alienating
- their estates.[*] By means of this law, joined to the beginning luxury
- and refinements of the age, the great fortunes of the barons were
- gradually dissipated, and the property of the commons increased
- in England. It is probable that Henry foresaw and intended this
- consequence; because the constant scheme of his policy consisted in
- depressing the great, and exalting churchmen, lawyers, and men of new
- families, who were more dependent on him.
- This king’s love of money naturally led him to encourage commerce, which
- increased his customs; but, if we may judge by most of the laws enacted
- during his reign, trade and industry were rather hurt than promoted
- by the care and attention given to them. Severe laws were made against
- taking interest for money, which was then denominated usury.[*] [3] Even
- the profits of exchange were prohibited, as savoring of usury,[**] which
- the superstition of the age zealously proscribed. All evasive contracts,
- by which profits could be made from the loan of money, were also
- carefully guarded against.[***] It is needless to observe how
- unreasonable and iniquitous these laws, how impossible to be executed,
- and how hurtful to trade, if they could take place. We may observe,
- however, to the praise of this king, that sometimes, in order to promote
- commerce, he lent to merchants sums of money without interest, when he
- knew that their stock was not sufficient for those enterprises which
- they had in view.[****]
- Laws were made against the exportation of money, plate, or bullion:
- [v] a precaution which serves to no other purpose than to make more be
- exported.
- * See note C, at the end of the volume.
- ** 4 Henry VII. cap. 24. The practice of breaking entails by
- means of a fine and recovery was introduced in the reign of
- Edward IV.: but it was not, properly speaking, law, till the
- statute of Henry VII.; which, by correcting some abuses that
- attended that practice, gave indirectly a sanction to it.
- *** 3 Henry VII. cap. 5.
- **** 3 Henry VII. cap. 6.
- v 7 Henry VII. cap. 8.
- But so far was the anxiety on this head carried, that merchants alien,
- who imported commodities into the kingdom, were obliged to invest in
- English commodities all the money acquired by their sales, in order to
- prevent their conveying it away in a clandestine manner.[*]
- It was prohibited to export horses; as if that exportation did not
- encourage the breed, and render them more plentiful in the kingdom.[**]
- In order to promote archery, no bows were to be sold at a higher
- price than six shillings and fourpence,[***] reducing money to the
- denomination of our time. The only effect of this regulation must be,
- either that the people would be supplied with bad bows, or none at all.
- Prices were also affixed to woollen cloth,[****] to caps and hats:[v]
- and the wages of laborers were regulated by law.[v*] It is evident,
- that these matters ought always to be left free, and be intrusted to
- the common course of business and commerce. To some it may appear
- surprising, that the price of a yard of scarlet cloth should be limited
- to six and twenty shillings, money of our age; that of a yard of colored
- cloth to eighteen; higher prices than these commodities bear at present;
- and that the wages of a tradesman, such as a mason, bricklayer, tiler,
- etc., should be regulated at near tenpence a day; which is not much
- inferior to the present wages given in some parts of England. Labor and
- commodities have certainly risen since the discovery of the West Indies;
- but not so much in every particular as is generally imagined. The
- greater industry of the present times has increased the number of
- tradesmen and laborers, so as to keep wages nearer a par than could be
- expected from the great increase of gold and silver. And the additional
- art employed in the finer manufactures has even made some of these
- commodities fall below their former value. Not to mention, that
- merchants and dealers, being contented with less profit than formerly,
- afford the goods cheaper to their customers. It appears by a statute of
- this reign,[v**] that goods bought for sixteenpence would sometimes be
- sold by the merchants for three shillings.
- * 3 Henry VII cap. 8.
- ** 11 Henry VII. cap. 13.
- *** 3 Henry VII. cap. 12.
- **** 4 Henry VII. cap. 8.
- v 4 Henry VII. cap. 9.
- v* 11 Henry VII. cap. 22.
- v** 4 Henry VII. cap. 9.
- The commodities whose price has chiefly risen, are butcher’s meat, fowl,
- and fish, (especially the latter,) which cannot be much augmented in
- quantity by the increase of art and industry. The profession which then
- abounded most, and was sometimes embraced by persons of the lowest rank,
- was the church: by a clause of a statute, all clerks or students of
- the university were forbidden to beg, without a permission from the
- vice-chancellor.[*]
- One great cause of the low state of industry during this period, was the
- restraints put upon it; and the parliament, or rather the king, (for
- he was the prime mover in every thing,) enlarged a little some of these
- limitations; but not to the degree that was requisite. A law had been
- enacted during the reign of Henry IV.,[**] that no man could bind his
- son or daughter to an apprenticeship, unless he were possessed of
- twenty shillings a year in land; and Henry VII., because the decay
- of manufactures was complained of in Norwich from the want of hands,
- exempted that city from the penalties of the law.[***] Afterwards the
- whole county of Norfolk obtained a like exemption with regard to some
- branches of the woollen manufacture.[****] These absurd limitations
- proceeded from a desire of promoting husbandry, which, however, is never
- more effectually encouraged than by the increase of manufactures. For a
- like reason, the law enacted against enclosures, and for the keeping up
- of farm houses,[v] scarcely deserves the high praises bestowed on it by
- Lord Bacon. If husbandmen understand agriculture, and have a ready vent
- for their commodities, we need not dread a diminution of the people
- employed in the country. All methods of supporting populousness, except
- by the interest of the proprietors, are violent and ineffectual. During
- a century and a half after this period, there was a frequent renewal of
- laws and edicts against depopulation; whence we may infer, that none
- of them were ever executed. The natural course of improvement at last
- provided a remedy.
- * 11 Henry VII. cap. 22.
- ** 11 Henry VII. cap. 11.
- *** 4 Henry VII. cap. 19.
- **** 4 Henry VII. cap. 17.
- v 12 Henry VII. cap. 1.
- One check to industry in England was the erecting of corporations;
- an abuse which is not yet entirely corrected. A law was enacted, that
- corporations should not pass any by-laws without the consent of three of
- the chief officers of state.[*] They were prohibited from imposing tolls
- at their [**] The cities of Glocester and Worcester had even imposed
- tolls on the Severn, which were abolished.[***]
- There is a law of this reign,[****] containing a preamble, by which
- it appears, that the company of merchant adventurers in London had, by
- their own authority, debarred all the other merchants of the kingdom
- from trading to the great marts in the Low Countries, unless each trader
- previously paid them the sum of near seventy pounds. It is surprising
- that such a by-law (if it deserve the name) could ever be carried into
- execution, and that the authority of parliament should be requisite to
- abrogate it.
- It was during this reign, on the second of August, 1492, a little before
- sunset, that Christopher Columbus, a Genoese, set out from Spain on his
- memorable voyage for the discovery of the western world; and a few years
- after, Vasquez de Gama, a Portuguese, passed the Cape of Good Hope,
- and opened a new passage to the East Indies. These great events were
- attended with important consequences to all the nations of Europe, even
- to such as were not immediately concerned in those naval enterprises.
- The enlargement of commerce and navigation increased industry and the
- arts every where; the nobles dissipated their fortunes in expensive
- pleasures: men of an inferior rank both acquired a share in the landed
- property, and created to themselves a considerable property of a new
- kind, in stock, commodities, art, credit, and correspondence. In some
- nations, the privileges of the commons increased by this increase of
- property: in most nations, the kings, finding arms to be dropped by the
- barons, who could no longer endure their former rude manner of life,
- established standing armies, and subdued the liberties of their
- kingdoms: but in all places, the condition of the people, from the
- depression of the petty tyrants by whom they had formerly been oppressed
- rather than governed, received great improvement, and they acquired, if
- not entire liberty, at least the most considerable advantages of it. And
- as the general course of events thus tended to depress the nobles and
- exalt the people, Henry VII., who also embraced that system of policy,
- has acquired more praise than his institutions, strictly speaking, seem
- of themselves to deserve on account of any profound wisdom attending
- them.
- * 19 Henry VII. cap. 7 gates.
- ** 19 Henry VII. cap. 8.
- *** 10 Henry VII. cap. 18.
- **** 12 Henry VII. cap. 6.
- It was by accident only that the king had not a considerable share in
- those great naval discoveries, by which the present age was so much
- distinguished. Columbus, after meeting with many repulses from the
- courts of Portugal and Spain sent his brother Bartholomew to London, in
- order to explain his projects to Henry, and crave his protection for
- the execution of them. The king invited him over to England; but
- his brother, being taken by pirates, was detained in his voyage; and
- Columbus, meanwhile, having obtained the countenance of Isabella, was
- supplied with a small fleet, and happily executed his enterprise. Henry
- was not discouraged by this disappointment: he fitted out Sebastian
- Cabot, a Venetian, settled in Bristol, and sent him westwards in 1498,
- in search of new countries. Cabot discovered the main land of America
- towards the sixtieth degree of northern latitude: he sailed southwards
- along the coast, and discovered Newfoundland and other countries; but
- returned to England without making any conquest or settlement. Elliot
- and other merchants in Bristol made a like attempt in 1502.[*] The king
- expended fourteen thousand pounds in building one ship, called the Great
- Harry.[**] She was, properly speaking, the first ship in the English
- navy. Before this period, when the prince wanted a fleet, he had no
- other expedient than hiring or pressing ships from the merchants.
- * Rymer, vol. xiii. p. 37.
- ** Stowe, p. 484.
- But though this improvement of navigation, and the discovery of both the
- Indies, was the most memorable incident that happened during this or
- any other period, it was not the only great event by which the age was
- distinguished. In 1453, Constantinople was taken by the Turks; and the
- Greeks, among whom some remains of learning were still preserved, being
- scattered by these barbarians, took shelter in Italy, and imported,
- together with their admirable language, a tincture of their science, and
- of their refined taste in poetry and eloquence About the same time, the
- purity of the Latin tongue was revived, the study of antiquity became
- fashionable, and the esteem for literature gradually propagated itself
- throughout every nation in Europe. The art of printing, invented about
- that time, extremely facilitated the progress of all these improvements:
- the invention of gunpowder changed me whole art of war: mighty
- innovations were soon after made in religion, such as not only affected
- those states that embraced them, but even those that adhered to the
- ancient faith and worship; and thus a general revolution was made in
- human affairs throughout this part of the world; and men gradually
- attained that situation, with regard to commerce, arts, science,
- government, police, and cultivation, in which they have ever since
- persevered. Here, therefore, commences the useful, as well as the
- more agreeable part of modern annals; certainty has place in all the
- considerable, and even most of the minute parts of historical narration;
- a great variety of events, preserved by printing, give the author the
- power of selecting, as well as adorning, the facts which he relates; and
- as each incident has a reference to our present manners and situation,
- instructive lessons occur every moment during the course of the
- narration. Whoever carries his anxious researches into preceding
- periods, is moved by a curiosity, liberal indeed and commendable; not by
- any necessity for acquiring knowledge of public affairs, or the arts of
- civil government.
- {1509.} THE death of Henry VII. had been attended with as open and
- visible a joy among the people as decency would permit; and the
- accession and coronation of his son, Henry VIII., spread universally
- a declared and unfeigned satisfaction. Instead of a monarch jealous,
- severe, and avaricious, who, in proportion as he advanced in years,
- was sinking still deeper in those unpopular vices, a young prince of
- eighteen had succeeded to the throne, who, even in the eyes of men of
- sense, gave promising hopes of his future conduct, much more in those of
- the people, always enchanted with novelty, youth, and royal dignity.
- The beauty and vigor of his person, accompanied with dexterity in
- every manly exercise, was further adorned with a blooming and ruddy
- countenance, with a lively air, with the appearance of spirit and
- activity in all his demeanor.[*] His father, in order to remove him from
- the knowledge of public business, had hitherto occupied him entirely in
- the pursuits of literature; and the proficiency which he made gave
- no bad prognostic of his parts and capacity.[**] Even the vices of
- vehemence, ardor, and impatience, to which he was subject, and which
- afterwards degenerated into tyranny, were considered only as faults
- incident to unguarded youth, which would be corrected when time had
- brought him to greater moderation and maturity. And as the contending
- titles of York and Lancaster were now at last fully united in his
- person, men justly expected, from a prince obnoxious to no party, that
- impartiality of administration which had long been unknown in England.
- * T. Mori. Lucubr. p. 182.
- ** Father Paul, lib. i.
- These favorable prepossessions of the public were encouraged by the
- measures which Henry embraced in the commencement of his reign. His
- grandmother, the countess of Richmond and Derby, was still alive; and
- as she was a woman much celebrated for prudence and virtue, he wisely
- showed great deference to her opinion in the establishment of his
- new council. The members were, Warham, archbishop of Canterbury and
- chancellor; the earl of Shrewsbury, steward; Lord Herbert, chamberlain;
- Sir Thomas Lovel, master of the wards and constable of the Tower; Sir
- Edward Poynings, comptroller; Sir Henry Marney, afterwards Lord Marney;
- Sir Thomas Darcy, afterwards Lord Darcy; Thomas Ruthal, doctor of laws;
- and Sir Henry Wyat.[*] These men had long been accustomed to business
- under the late king, and were the least unpopular of all the ministers
- employed by that monarch. But the chief competitors for favor and
- authority, under the new king, were the earl of Surrey, treasurer, and
- Fox, bishop of Winchester, secretary and privy seal. This prelate, who
- enjoyed great credit during all the former reign, had acquired such
- habits of caution and frugality as he could not easily lay aside; and
- he still opposed, by his remonstrances, those schemes of dissipation
- and expense, which the youth and passions of Henry rendered agreeable to
- him. But Surrey was a more dexterous courtier; and though few had borne
- a greater share in the frugal politics of the late king, he knew how
- to conform himself to the humor of his new master; and no one was so
- forward in promoting that liberality, pleasure, and magnificence,
- which began to prevail under the young monarch.[**] By this policy, he
- ingratiated himself with Henry; he made advantage, as well as the other
- courtiers, of the lavish disposition of his master; and he engaged
- him in such a course of play and idleness as rendered him negligent of
- affairs, and willing to intrust the government of the state entirely
- into the hands of his ministers. The great treasures amassed by the late
- king were gradually dissipated in the giddy expenses of Henry. One party
- of pleasure succeeded to another: tilts, tournaments, and carousals
- were exhibited with all the magnificence of the age; and as the present
- tranquillity of the public permitted the court to indulge itself in
- every amusement, serious business was but little attended to. Or, if
- the king intermitted the course of his festivity, he chiefly employed
- himself in an application to music and literature, which were his
- favorite pursuits, and which were well adapted to his genius.
- * Herbert, Stowe, p. 486. Holingshed, p. 799.
- ** Lord Herbert.
- He had made such proficiency in the former art, as even to compose
- some pieces of church music, which were sung in his chapel.[*] He was
- initiated in the elegant learning of the ancients. And though he was so
- unfortunate as to be seduced into a study of the barren controversies of
- the schools, which were then fashionable, and had chosen Thomas Aquinas
- for his favorite author, he still discovered a capacity fitted for more
- useful and entertaining knowledge.
- The frank and careless humor of the king, as it led him to dissipate the
- treasures amassed by his father, rendered him negligent in protecting
- the instruments whom that prince had employed in his extortions. A
- proclamation being issued to encourage complaints, the rage of the
- people was let loose on all informers, who had so long exercised an
- unbounded tyranny over the nation: [**] they were thrown into prison,
- condemned to the pillory, and most of them lost their lives by the
- violence of the populace. Empson and Dudley, who were most exposed to
- public hatred, were immediately summoned before the council, in order to
- answer for their conduct, which had rendered them so obnoxious.
- * Lord Herbert.
- ** Herbert, Stowe, p. 486. Holingshed, p. 799. Polyd. Virg.
- lib, xxvii.
- Empson made a shrewd apology for himself, as well as for his associate.
- He told the council, that so far from his being justly exposed to
- censure for his past conduct, his enemies themselves grounded their
- clamor on actions which seemed rather to merit reward and approbation:
- that a strict execution of law was the crime of which he and Dudley were
- accused; though that law had been established by general consent,
- and though they had acted in obedience to the king, to whom the
- administration of justice was intrusted by the constitution: that it
- belonged not to them, who were instruments in the hands of supreme
- power, to determine what laws were recent or obsolete, expedient or
- hurtful; since they were all alike valid, so long as they remained
- unrepealed by the legislature: that it was natural for a licentious
- populace to murmur against the restraints of authority; but all wise
- states had ever made their glory consist in the just distribution of
- rewards and punishments, and had annexed the former to the observance
- and enforcement of the laws, the latter to their violation and
- infraction; and that a sudden overthrow of all government might be
- expected where the judges were committed to the mercy of the criminals,
- the rulers to that of the subjects.[*]
- Notwithstanding this defence, Empson and Dudley were sent to the Tower,
- and soon after brought to their trial. The strict execution of laws,
- however obsolete, could never be imputed to them as a crime in a court
- of judicature; and it is likely that, even where they had exercised
- arbitrary power, the king, as they had acted by the secret commands of
- his father, was not willing that their conduct should undergo too
- severe a scrutiny. In order, therefore, to gratify the people with
- the punishment of these obnoxious ministers crimes very improbable,
- or indeed absolutely impossible, were charged upon them: that they had
- entered into a conspiracy against the sovereign, and had intended, on
- the death of the late king, to have seized by force the administration
- of government. The jury were so far moved by popular prejudices,
- joined to court influence, as to give a verdict against them; which was
- afterwards confirmed by a bill of attainder in parliament,[**] and, at
- the earnest desire of the people, was executed by warrant from the king,
- Thus, in those arbitrary times, justice was equally violated, whether
- the king sought power and riches, or courted popularity.
- * Herbert, Holingshed, p. 804.
- ** This parliament met on the 21st January, 1510. A law was
- there enacted, in order to prevent some abuses which had
- prevailed during the late reign. The forfeiture upon the
- penal statutes was reduced to the term of three years. Costs
- and damages were given against informers upon acquittal of
- the accused: more severe punishments were enacted against
- perjury: the false inquisitions procured by Empson and
- Dudley were declared null and invalid. Traverses were
- allowed; and the time of tendering them enlarged. 1 Henry
- VIII. c. 8, 10, 11, 12.
- Henry, while he punished the instruments of past tyranny, had yet such a
- deference to former engagements as to deliberate, immediately after his
- accession, concerning the celebration of his marriage with the infanta
- Catharine, to whom he had been affianced during his father’s lifetime.
- Her former marriage with his brother, and the inequality of their years
- were the chief objections urged; against his espousing her but, on the
- other hand, the advantages of her known virtue, modesty, and sweetness
- of disposition were insisted on; the affection which she bore to the
- king; the large dowry to which she was entitled as princess of Wales;
- the interest of cementing a close alliance with Spain; the necessity
- of finding some confederate to counterbalance the power of France; the
- expediency of fulfilling the engagements of the late king When these
- considerations were weighed, they determined the council, though
- contrary to the opinion of the primate, to give Henry their advice for
- celebrating the marriage. The countess of Richmond, who had concurred
- in the same sentiments with the council, died soon after the marriage of
- her grandson.
- The popularity of Henry’s government, his undisputed title, his
- extensive authority, his large treasures, the tranquillity of his
- subjects, were circumstances which rendered his domestic administration
- easy and prosperous: the situation of foreign affairs was no less happy
- and desirable. Italy continued still, as during the late reign, to be
- the centre of all the wars and negotiations of the European princes; and
- Henry’s alliance was courted by all parties; at the same time that he
- was not engaged by any immediate interest or necessity to take part with
- any. Lewis XII. of France, after his conquest of Milan, was the only
- great prince that possessed any territory in Italy; and could he have
- remained in tranquillity, he was enabled by his situation to prescribe
- laws to all the Italian princes and republics, and to hold the balance
- among them. But the desire of making a conquest of Naples, to which he
- had the same title or pretensions with his predecessor, still engaged
- him in new enterprises: and· as he foresaw opposition from Ferdinand,
- who was connected both by treaties and affinity with Frederick of
- Naples, he endeavored by the offers of interest, to which the ears of
- that monarch were ever open, to engage him in an opposite confederacy.
- He settled with him a plan for the partition of the kingdom of Naples,
- and the expulsion of Frederick; a plan which the politicians of that,
- age regarded as the most egregious imprudence in the French monarch,
- and the greatest perfidy in the Spanish. Frederick, supported only by
- subjects who were either discontented with his government or indifferent
- about his fortunes, was unable to resist so powerful a confederacy, and
- was deprived of his dominions: but he had the satisfaction to see Naples
- immediately prove the source of contention among his enemies. Ferdinand
- gave secret orders to his general, Gonsalvo, whom the Spaniards honor
- with the appellation of the “great captain,” to attack the armies of
- France, and make himself master of all the dominions of Naples. Gonsalvo
- prevailed in every enterprise, defeated the French in two pitched
- battles, and insured to his prince the entire possession of that
- kingdom. Lewis, unable to procure redress by force of arms, was obliged
- to enter into a fruitless negotiation with Ferdinand for the recovery of
- his share of the partition; and all Italy, during some time, was held in
- suspense between these two powerful monarchs.
- There has scarcely been any period when the balance of power was better
- secured in Europe, and seemed more able to maintain itself without any
- anxious concern or attention of the princes. Several great monarchies
- were established; and no one so far surpassed the rest as to give any
- foundation or even pretence for jealousy. England was united in domestic
- peace, and by its situation happily secured from the invasion of
- foreigners. The coalition of the several kingdoms of Spain had
- formed one powerful monarchy, which Ferdinand administered with arts,
- fraudulent indeed and deceitful, but full of vigor and ability. Lewis
- XII., a gallant and generous prince, had, by espousing Anne of Brittany,
- widow to his predecessor, preserved the union with that principality,
- on which the safety of his kingdom so much depended. Maximilian, the
- emperor, besides the hereditary dominions of the Austrian family,
- maintained authority in the empire, and, notwithstanding the levity of
- his character, was able to unite the German princes in any great plan of
- interest, at least of defence. Charles, prince of Castile, grandson to
- Maximilian and Ferdinand, had already succeeded to the rich dominions of
- the house of Burgundy; and being as yet in early youth, the government
- was intrusted to Margaret of Savoy, his aunt, a princess endowed with
- signal prudence and virtue. The internal force of these several powerful
- states, by balancing each other, might long have maintained general
- tranquillity, had not the active and enterprising genius of Julius II.,
- an ambitious pontiff, first excited the flames of war and discord among
- them. By his intrigues, a league had been formed at Cambray,[*] between
- himself, Maximilian, Lewis, and Ferdinand; and the object of this great
- confederacy was to overwhelm, by their united arms, the commonwealth of
- Venice.
- * In 1508.
- Henry, without any motive from interest or passion, allowed his name to
- be inserted in the confederacy. This oppressive and iniquitous league
- was but too successful against the republic.
- The great force and secure situation of the considerable monarchies
- prevented any one from aspiring to any conquest of moment; and though
- this consideration could not maintain general peace, or remedy the
- natural inquietude of men, it rendered the princes of this age more
- disposed to desert engagements, and change their alliances, in which
- they were retained by humor and caprice, rather than by any natural or
- durable interest.
- {1510.} Julius had no sooner humbled the Venetian republic, than he was
- inspired with a nobler ambition, that of expelling all foreigners from
- Italy, or, to speak in the style affected by the Italians of that age,
- the freeing of that country entirely from the dominion of barbarians.[*]
- He was determined to make the tempest fall first upon Lewis; and in
- order to pave the way for this great enterprise, he at once sought for
- a ground of quarrel with that monarch, and courted the alliance of other
- princes. He declared war against the duke of Ferrara, the confederate
- of Lewis. He solicited the favor of England, by sending Henry a sacred
- rose, perfumed with musk and anointed with chrism.[**] He engaged in his
- interests Bambridge, archbishop of York, and Henry’s ambassador at Rome,
- whom he soon after created a cardinal. He drew over Ferdinand to
- his party, though that monarch at first made no declaration of his
- intentions. And what he chiefly valued, he formed a treaty with the
- Swiss cantons, who, enraged by some neglects put upon them by Lewis,
- accompanied with contumelious expressions, had quitted the alliance of
- France, and waited for an opportunity of revenging themselves on that
- nation.
- * Guicciard. lib. viii.
- ** Spel. Concil. vol. ii. p. 725.
- {1511.} While the French monarch repelled the attacks of his enemies, he
- thought it also requisite to make an attempt on the pope himself, and to
- despoil him as much as possible of that sacred character which chiefly
- rendered him formidable. He engaged some cardinals, disgusted with
- the violence of Julius, to desert him; and by their authority he was
- determined, in conjunction with Maximilian, who still adhered to his
- alliance, to call a general council, which might reform the church, and
- check the exorbitances of the Roman pontiff. A council was summoned
- at Pisa, which from the beginning bore a very inauspicious aspect, and
- promised little success to had adherents. Except a few French bishops,
- who unwillingly obeyed the king’s commands in attending the council, all
- the other prelates kept aloof from an assembly which they regarded as
- the offspring of faction, intrigue, and worldly politics. Even Pisa, the
- place of their residence, showed them signs of contempt; which engaged
- them to transfer their session to Milan, a city under the dominion
- of the French monarch; Notwithstanding this advantage, they did not
- experience much more respectful treatment from the inhabitants of Milan;
- and found it necessary to make another remove to Lyons.[*] Lewis himself
- fortified these violent prejudices in favor of papal authority, by the
- symptoms which he discovered of regard, deference, and submission to
- Julius, whom he always spared, even when fortune had thrown into his
- hands the most inviting opportunities of humbling him. And as it was
- known that his consort, who had great influence over him, was extremely
- disquieted in mind on account of his dissensions with the holy father,
- all men prognosticated to Julius final success in this unequal contest.
- The enterprising pontiff knew his advantages, and availed himself of
- them with the utmost temerity and insolence. So much had he neglected
- his sacerdotal character, that he acted in person at the siege of
- Mirandola, visited the trenches, saw some of his attendants killed by
- his side, and, like a young soldier, cheerfully bore all the rigors of
- winter and a severe season, in pursuit of military glory:[**] yet was he
- still able to throw, even on his most moderate opponents, the charge of
- impiety and profaneness. He summoned, a council at the Lateran: he put
- Pisa under an interdict, and all the places which gave shelter to the
- schismatical council: he excommunicated the cardinals and prelates who
- attended it: he even pointed his spiritual thunder against the princes
- who adhered to it: he freed their subjects from all oaths of allegiance,
- and gave their dominions to every one who could take possession of them.
- * Guicciard. lib. x.
- ** Guicciard. lib. ix.
- Ferdinand of Arragon, who had acquired the surname of Catholic, regarded
- the cause of the pope and of religion only as a cover to his ambition
- and selfish politics: Henry, naturally sincere and sanguine in his
- temper, and the more èo on account of his youth and inexperience, was
- moved with a hearty desire of protecting the pope from the oppression to
- which he believed him exposed from the ambitious enterprises of Lewis.
- {1512.} Hopes had been given him by Julius, that the title of “most
- Christian king,” which had hitherto been annexed to the crown of France,
- and which was regarded as its most precious ornament, should, in reward
- of his services, be transferred to that of England.[*] Impatient also
- of acquiring that distinction in Europe, to which his power and opulence
- entitled him, he could not long remain neuter amidst the noise of arms;
- and the natural enmity of the English against France, as well as their
- ancient claims upon that kingdom, led Henry to join that alliance which
- the pope, Spain, and Venice had formed against the French monarch.
- A herald was sent to Paris, to exhort Lewis not to wage impious war
- against the sovereign pontiff; and when he returned without success,
- another was sent to demand the ancient patrimonial provinces, Anjou,
- Maine, Guienne, and Normandy. This message was understood to be a
- declaration of war; and a parliament, being summoned, readily granted
- supplies for a purpose so much favored by the English nation.[**]
- * Guicciard. lib. xi. P. Daniel, vol ii. p. 1893. Herbert.
- Holingshed, p. 831.
- ** Herbert. Holingshed, p. 811.
- Buonaviso, an agent of the pope’s at London, had been corrupted by the
- court of France, and had previously revealed to Lewis all the measures
- which Henry was concerting against him. But this infidelity did the
- king inconsiderable prejudice, in comparison of the treachery which he
- experienced from the selfish purposes of the ally on whom he chiefly
- relied for assistance. Ferdinand, his father-in-law, had so long
- persevered in a course of crooked politics, that he began even to value
- himself on his dexterity in fraud and artifice; and he made a boast of
- those shameful successes. Being told one day, that Lewis, a prince of a
- very different character, had complained of his having once cheated
- him: “He lies, the drunkard!” said he; “I have cheated him above twenty
- times.” This prince considered his close connections with Henry only as
- the means which enabled him the better to take advantage of his want of
- experience. He advised him not to invade France by the way of Calais,
- where he himself should not have it in his power to assist him: he
- exhorted him rather to send forces to Fontarabia, whence he could easily
- make a conquest of Guienne, a province in which it was imagined the
- English had still some adherents. He promised to assist this conquest
- by the junction of a Spanish army. And so forward did he seem to promote
- the interests of his son-in-law, that he even sent vessels to England,
- in order to transport over the forces which Henry had levied for that
- purpose. The marquis of Dorset commanded this armament, which consisted
- of ten thousand men, mostly infantry; Lord Howard, son of the earl of
- Surrey, Lord Broke, Lord Ferrars, and many others of the young gentry
- and nobility, accompanied him in this service. All were on fire to
- distinguish themselves by military achievements, and to make a conquest
- of importance for their master. The secret purpose of Ferdinand, in this
- unexampled generosity, was suspected by nobody.
- The small kingdom of Navarre lies on the frontiers between France and
- Spain; and as John d’Albert, the sovereign, was connected by friendship
- and alliance with Lewis, the opportunity seemed favorable to Ferdinand,
- while the English forces were conjoined with his own, and while
- all adherents to the council of Pisa lay under the sentence of
- excommunication, to put himself in possession of these dominions. No
- sooner, therefore, was Dorset landed in Guipiscoa, than the Spanish
- monarch declared his readiness to join him with his forces, to make with
- united arms an invasion of France, and to form the siege of Bayonne,
- which opened the way into Guienne:[*] but he remarked to the English
- general how dangerous it might prove to leave behind them the kingdom of
- Navarre, which, being in close alliance with France, could easily give
- admittance to the enemy, and cut off all communication between Spain
- and the combined armies. To provide against so dangerous an event, he
- required that John should stipulate a neutrality in the present war; and
- when that prince expressed his willingness to enter into any engagement
- for that purpose, he also required that security should be given for the
- strict observance of it.
- * Herbert, Holingshed, p. 813.
- John having likewise agreed to this condition, Ferdinand demanded that
- he should deliver into his hands six of the most considerable places of
- his dominions, together with his eldest son as a hostage. These were not
- terms to be proposed to a sovereign; and as the Spanish monarch expected
- a refusal, he gave immediate orders to the duke of Alva, his general, to
- make an invasion on Navarre, and to reduce that kingdom.
- Alva soon made himself master of all the smaller towns; and being ready
- to form the siege of Pampeluna, the capital, he summoned the marquis of
- Dorset to join him with the English army, and concert together all their
- operations.
- Dorset began to suspect that the interests of his master were very
- little regarded in all these transactions; and having no orders to
- invade the kingdom of Navarre, or make war any where but in France, he
- refused to take any part in the enterprise. He remained therefore in his
- quarters at Fontarabia; but so subtle was the contrivance of Ferdinand,
- that even while the English army lay in that situation, it was almost
- equally serviceable to his purpose, as if it had acted in conjunction
- with his own. It kept the French army in awe, and prevented it from
- advancing to succor the kingdom of Navarre; so that Alva, having full
- leisure to conduct the siege, made himself master of Pampeluna, and
- obliged John to seek for shelter in France. The Spanish general applied
- again to Dorset, and proposed to conduct with united counsels the
- operations of the “holy league,” (so it was called,) against Lewis: but
- as he still declined forming the siege of Bayonne, and rather insisted
- on the invasion of the principality of Bearne, a part of the king of
- Navarre’s dominions which lies on the French side of the Pyrenees,
- Dorset, justly suspicious of his sinister intentions, represented that,
- without new orders from his master, he could not concur in such an
- undertaking. In order to procure these orders, Ferdinand despatched
- Martin de Ampios to London; and persuaded Henry that, by the refractory
- and scrupulous humor of the English general, the most favorable
- opportunities were lost; and that it was necessary he should on all
- occasions act in concert with the Spanish commander, who was best
- acquainted with the situation of the country, and the reasons of every
- operation. But before orders to this purpose reached Spain, Dorset had
- become extremely impatient; and observing that his further stay served
- not to promote the main undertaking, and that his army was daily
- perishing by want and sickness, he demanded shipping from Ferdinand to
- transport them back into England. Ferdinand, who was bound by treaty
- to furnish him with this supply whenever demanded, was at length, after
- many delays, obliged to yield to his importunity; and Dorset, embarking
- his troops, prepared himself for the voyage. Meanwhile the messenger
- arrived with orders from Henry, that the troops should remain in Spain;
- but the soldiers were so discontented with the treatment which they had
- met with, that they mutinied, and obliged their commanders to set sail
- for England. Henry was much displeased with the ill success of this
- enterprise; and it was with difficulty that Dorset, by explaining the
- fraudulent conduct of Ferdinand, was at last able to appease him.
- There happened this summer an action at sea, which brought not any more
- decisive advantage to the English. Sir Thomas Knevet, master of horse,
- was sent to the coast of Brittany with a fleet of forty-five sail; and
- he carried with him Sir Charles Brandon, Sir John Carew, and many other
- young courtiers, who longed for an opportunity of displaying their
- valor. After they had committed some depredations, a French fleet of
- thirty-nine sail issued from Brest, under the command of Primauget, and
- began an engagement with the English. Fire seized the ship of Primauget;
- who, finding his destruction inevitable, bore down upon the vessel of
- the English admiral, and grappling with her, resolved to make her share
- his fate. Both fleets stood some time in suspense, as spectators of
- this dreadful engagement; and all men saw with horror the flames which
- consumed both vessels, and heard the cries of fury and despair which
- came from the miserable combatants. At last the French vessel blew up;
- and at the same time destroyed the English.[*] The rest of the French
- fleet made their escape into different harbors.
- The war which England waged against France, though it brought no
- advantage to the former kingdom, was of great prejudice to the latter;
- and by obliging Lewis to withdraw his forces for the defence of his own
- dominions, lost him that superiority which his arms in the beginning of
- the campaign had attained in Italy. Gaston de Foix, his nephew, a young
- hero, had been intrusted with the command of the French forces; and in
- a few months performed such feats of military art and prowess, as were
- sufficient to render illustrious the life of the oldest captain.[**] His
- career finished with the great battle of Ravenna, which, after the most
- obstinate conflict, he gained over the Spanish and papal armies. He
- perished the very moment his victory was complete; and with him perished
- the fortune of the French arms in Italy.
- * Polyd. Virg. lib. xxvii. Stowe, p. 490. Lanquet’s Epitome
- of Chronicles, fol. 273.
- ** Guicciard. lib. x.
- The Swiss, who had rendered themselves extremely formidable by their
- bands of disciplined infantry, invaded the Milanese with a numerous
- army, and raised up that inconstant people to a revolt against the
- dominion of France. Genoa followed the example of the duchy; and thus
- Lewis in a few weeks entirely lost his Italian conquests, except some
- garrisons; and Maximilian Sforza, the son of Ludovic, was reinstated in
- possession of Milan.
- {1513.} Julius discovered extreme joy on the discomfiture of the French;
- and the more so as he had been beholden for it to the Swiss, a people
- whose councils he hoped he should always be able to influence and
- govern. The pontiff survived this success a very little time; and in his
- place was chosen John de Medicis, who took the appellation of Leo X.,
- and proved one of the most illustrious princes that ever sat on the
- papal throne. Humane, beneficent, generous, affable; the patron of every
- art, and friend of every virtue;[*] he had a soul no less capable of
- forming great designs than his predecessor, but was more gentle, pliant,
- and artful in employing means for the execution of them. The sole
- defect, indeed, of his character was too great finesse and artifice; a
- fault which, both as a priest and an Italian, it was difficult for
- him to avoid. By the negotiations of Leo, the emperor Maximilian was
- detached from the French interest; and Henry, notwithstanding his
- disappointments in the former campaign, was still encouraged to
- prosecute his warlike measures against Lewis.
- Henry had summoned a new session of parliament,[**] and obtained a
- supply for his enterprise. It was a poll-tax, and imposed different
- sums, according to the station and riches of the person. A duke paid ten
- marks, an earl five pounds, a baron four pounds, a knight four marks;
- every man valued at eight hundred pounds in goods, four marks. An
- imposition was also granted of two fifteenths and four tenths.[***]
- By these supplies, joined to the treasure which had been left by his
- father, and which was not yet entirely dissipated, he was enabled to
- levy a great army, and render himself formidable to his enemy. The
- English are said to have been much encouraged, in this enterprise, by
- the arrival of a vessel in the Thames under the papal banner. It carried
- presents of wine and hams to the king and the more eminent courtiers;
- and such fond devotion was at that time entertained towards the court
- of Rome, that these trivial presents were every where received with the
- greatest triumph and exultation.
- * Father Paul, lib. i.
- ** November 4, 1512.
- *** Stowe.
- In order to prevent all disturbances from Scotland while Henry’s arms
- should be employed on the continent, Dr. West, dean of Windsor, was
- despatched on an embassy to James, the king’s brother-in-law; and
- instructions were given him to accommodate all differences between
- the kingdoms, as well as to discover the intentions of the court of
- Scotland.[*] Some complaints had already been made on both sides. One
- Barton, a Scotchman, having suffered injuries from the Portuguese, for
- which he could obtain no redress, had procured letters of marque against
- that nation; but he had no sooner put to sea than he was guilty of
- the grossest abuses, committed depredations upon the English, and
- much infested the narrow seas.[**] Lord Howard and Sir Edward Howard,
- admirals, and sons of the earl of Surrey, sailing out against him,
- fought him in a desperate action, where the pirate was killed; and they
- brought his ships into the Thames. As Henry refused all satisfaction for
- this act of justice, some of the borderers, who wanted but a pretence
- for depredations, entered England under the command of Lord Hume,
- warden of the marches, and committed great ravages on that kingdom.
- Notwithstanding these mutual grounds of dissatisfaction, matters might
- easily have been accommodated, had it not been for Henry’s intended
- invasion of France, which roused the jealousy of the Scottish
- nation.[***]
- * Polyd. Virg. lib. xxvii.
- ** Stowe, p. 489. Holingshed, p. 811.
- *** Buchanan, lib. xii. Drummond in the Life of James IV.
- The ancient league which subsisted between France and Scotland was
- conceived to be the strongest band of connection; and the Scots
- universally believed, that were it not for the countenance which they
- received from this foreign alliance, they had never been able so long to
- maintain their independence against a people so much superior. James was
- further incited to take part in the quarrel by the invitations of Anne,
- queen of France, whose knight he had ever in all tournaments professed
- himself, and who summoned him, according to the ideas of romantic
- gallantry prevalent in that age, to take the field in her defence, and
- prove himself her true and valorous champion. The remonstrances of
- his consort and of his wisest counsellors were in vain opposed to the
- martial ardor of this prince. He first sent a squadron of ships to the
- assistance of France; the only fleet which Scotland seems ever to
- have possessed. And though he still made professions of maintaining a
- neutrality, the English ambassador easily foresaw that a war would
- in the end prove inevitable; and he gave warning of the danger to his
- master, who sent the earl of Surrey to put the borders in a posture of
- defence, and to resist the expected invasion of the enemy.
- Henry, all on fire for military fame, was little discouraged by this
- appearance of a diversion from the north; and so much the less, as he
- flattered himself with the assistance of all the considerable potentates
- of Europe in his invasion of France. The pope still continued to thunder
- out his excommunications against Lewis and all the adherents of the
- schismatical council: the Swiss cantons made professions of violent
- animosity against France: the ambassadors of Ferdinand and Maximilian
- had signed with those of Henry a treaty of alliance against that power,
- and had stipulated the time and place of their intended invasion: and
- though Ferdinand disavowed his ambassador, and even signed a truce for a
- twelvemonth with the common enemy, Henry was not yet fully convinced of
- his selfish and sinister intentions, and still hoped for his concurrence
- after the expiration of that term. He had now got a minister who
- complied with all his inclinations, and flattered him in every scheme to
- which his sanguine and impetuous temper was inclined.
- Thomas Wolsey, dean of Lincoln, and almoner to the king, surpassed in
- favor all his ministers, and was fast advancing towards that unrivalled
- grandeur which he afterwards attained. This man was son of a butcher at
- Ipswich; but having got a learned education, and being endowed with an
- excellent capacity, he was admitted into the marquis of Dorset’s family
- as tutor to that nobleman’s children, and soon gained the friendship and
- countenance of his patron.[*] He was recommended to be chaplain to Henry
- VII.; and being employed by that monarch in a secret negotiation, which
- regarded his intended marriage with Margaret of Savoy, Maximilian’s
- daughter, he acquitted himself to the king’s satisfaction, and obtained
- the praise both of diligence and dexterity in his conduct.[**]
- * Stowe, p. 997.
- ** Cavendish. Fiddes’s Life of Wolsey. Stowe.
- That prince, having given him a commission to Maximilian, who at that
- time resided in Brussels, was surprised, in less than three days after,
- to see Wolsey present himself before him, and supposing that he had
- protracted his departure, he began to reprove him for the dilatory
- execution of his orders. Wolsey informed him that he had just returned
- from Brussels, and had successfully fulfilled all his majesty’s
- commands. “But on second thoughts,” said the king, “I found that
- somewhat was omitted in your orders; and have sent a messenger after you
- with fuller instructions.” “I met the messenger,” replied Wolsey, “on my
- return: but as I had reflected on that omission, I ventured of myself
- to execute what I knew must be your majesty’s intentions.” The death of
- Henry soon after this incident retarded the advancement of Wolsey, and
- prevented his reaping any advantage from the good opinion which that
- monarch had entertained of him: but thence forwards he was looked on at
- court as a rising man; and Fox, bishop of Winchester, cast his eye upon
- him as one who might be serviceable to him in his present situation.[*]
- This prelate, observing that the earl of Surrey had totally eclipsed
- him in favor, resolved to introduce Wolsey to the young prince’s
- familiarity; and hoped that he might rival Surrey in his insinuating
- arts, and yet be contented to act in the cabinet a part subordinate to
- Fox himself, who had promoted him.
- * Antiq. Brit. Eccles. p. 309. Polyd. Virg. lib. xxvii.
- In a little time, Wolsey gained so much on the king, that he supplanted
- both Surrey in his favor, and Fox in his trust and confidence. Being
- admitted to Henry’s parties of pleasure, he took the lead in every
- jovial conversation, and promoted all that frolic and entertainment
- which he found suitable to the age and inclination of the young monarch.
- Neither his own years, which were near forty, nor his character of a
- clergyman, were any restraint upon him, or engaged him to check, by any
- useless severity, the gayety in which Henry, who had small propension
- to debauchery, passed his careless hours. During the intervals of
- amusement, he introduced business, and insinuated those maxims of
- conduct which he was desirous his master should adopt. He observed to
- him that while he intrusted his affairs into the hands of his father’s
- counsellors, he had the advantage indeed of employing men of wisdom and
- experience, but men who owed not their promotion to his favor, and who
- scarcely thought themselves accountable to him for the exercise of their
- authority: that by the factions, and cabals, and jealousies which had
- long prevailed among them, they more obstructed the advancement of his
- affairs, than they promoted it by the knowledge which age and practice
- had conferred upon them: that while he thought proper to pass his time
- in those pleasures to which his age and royal fortune invited him, and
- in those studies which would in time enable him to sway the sceptre with
- absolute authority, his best system of government would be, to intrust
- his authority into the hands of some one person who was the creature
- of his will, and who could entertain no view but that of promoting his
- service: and that if this minister had also the same relish for pleasure
- with himself, and the same taste for science, he could more easily,
- at intervals, account to him for his whole conduct, and introduce
- his master gradually into the knowledge of public business; and thus,
- without tedious constraint or application, initiate him in the science
- of government.[*]
- * Cavendish, p. 12. Stowe, p. 499.
- Henry entered into all the views of Wolsey; and finding no one so
- capable of executing this plan of administration as the person who
- proposed it, he soon advanced his favorite, from being the companion of
- his pleasures, to be a member of his council; and from being a member
- of his council, to be his sole and absolute minister. By this rapid
- advancement and uncontrolled authority, the character and genius
- of Wolsey had full opportunity to display itself. Insatiable in his
- acquisitions, but still more magnificent in his expense: of extensive
- capacity, but still more unbounded enterprise: ambitious of power, but
- still more desirous of glory: insinuating engaging, persuasive; and, by
- turns, lofty, elevated, commanding: haughty to his equals, but affable
- to his dependants: oppressive to the people, but liberal to his friends;
- more generous than grateful; less moved by injuries than by contempt; he
- was framed to take the ascendant in every intercourse with others, but
- exerted this superiority of nature with such ostentation as exposed him
- to envy, and made every one willing to recall the original inferiority,
- or rather meanness, of his fortune.
- The branch of administration in which Henry most exerted himself, while
- he gave his entire confidence to Wolsey, was the military; which, as it
- suited the natural gallantry and bravery of his temper, as well as the
- ardor of his youth, was the principal object of his attention. Finding
- that Lewis had made great preparations both by sea and land to resist
- him, he was no less careful to levy a formidable army and equip a
- considerable fleet for the invasion of France. The command of the fleet
- was intrusted to Sir Edward Howard; who, after scouring the Channel for
- some time, presented himself before Brest, where the French navy
- then lay; and he challenged them to a combat. The French admiral, who
- expected from the Mediterranean a reënforcement of some galleys under
- the command of Prejeant de Bidoux, kept within the harbor, and saw with
- patience the English burn and destroy the country in the neighborhood.
- At last Prejeant arrived with six galleys, and put into Conquet, a place
- within a few leagues of Brest; where he secured himself behind some
- batteries, which he had planted on rocks that lay on each side of him.
- Howard was, notwithstanding, determined to make an attack upon him; and
- as he had but two galleys, he took himself the command of one, and gave
- the other to Lord Ferrars. He was followed by some row-barges and some
- crayers under the command of Sir Thomas Cheyney, Sir William Sidney,
- and other officers of distinction. He immediately fastened on Prejeant’s
- ship, and leaped on board of her, attended by one Carroz, a Spanish
- cavalier, and seventeen Englishmen. The cable, meanwhile, which fastened
- his ship to that of the enemy, being cut, the admiral was thus left in
- the hands of the French; and as he still continued the combat with great
- gallantry, he was pushed overboard by their pikes.[*] Lord Ferrars,
- seeing the admiral’s galley fall off, followed with the other small
- vessels; and the whole fleet was so discouraged by the loss of their
- commander, that they retired from before Brest.[**] The French navy came
- out of harbor, and even ventured to invade the coast of Sussex. They
- were repulsed, and Prejeant, their commander, lost an eye by the shot of
- an arrow. Lord Howard, brother to the deceased admiral, succeeded to the
- command of the English fleet; and little memorable passed at sea during
- this summer.
- * It was a maxim of Howard’s, that no admiral was good for
- any thing that was not brave even to a degree of madness. As
- the sea service requires much less plan and contrivance, and
- capacity, than the land, this maxim has great plausibility
- and appearance of truth; though the fate of Howard himself
- may serve as a proof, that even there courage ought to be
- tempered with discretion.
- ** Stowe, p. 491. Herbert.
- *** Holingshed, p. 816.
- Great preparations had been making at land, during the whole winter,
- for an invasion on France by the way of Calais; but the summer was well
- advanced before every thing was in sufficient readiness for the intended
- enterprise. The long peace which the kingdom had enjoyed had somewhat
- unfitted the English for military expeditions; and the great change
- which had lately been introduced in the art of war, had rendered
- it still more difficult to inure them to the use of the weapons now
- employed in action. The Swiss, and after them the Spaniards, had shown
- the advantage of a stable infantry, who fought with pike and sword, and
- were able to repulse even the heavy-armed cavalry, in which the great
- force of the armies formerly consisted. The practice of firearms was
- become common; though the caliver, which was the weapon now in use, was
- so inconvenient, and attended with so many disadvantages, that it had
- not entirely discredited the bow, a weapon in which the English excelled
- all European nations. A considerable part of the forces which Henry
- levied for the invasion of France consisted of archers; and as soon as
- affairs were in readiness, the vanguard of the army, amounting to eight
- thousand men, under the command of the earl of Shrewsbury, sailed over
- to Calais. Shrewsbury was accompanied by the earl of Derby, the lords
- Fitzwater, Hastings, Cobham, and Sir Rice ap Thomas, captain of the
- light horse. Another body of six thousand men soon after followed under
- the command of Lord Herbert the chamberlain, attended by the earls of
- Northumberland and Kent, the lords Audley and Delawar, together with
- Carew, Curson, and other gentlemen.
- The king himself prepared to follow with the main body and rear of
- the army; and he appointed the queen regent of the kingdom during his
- absence. That he might secure her administration from all disturbance,
- he ordered Edmond de la Pole, earl of Suffolk, to be beheaded in the
- Tower, the nobleman who had been attainted and imprisoned during the
- late reign. Henry was led to commit this act of violence by the dying
- commands, as is imagined, of his father, who told him that he never
- would be free from danger while a man of so turbulent a disposition as
- Suffolk was alive. And as Richard de la Pole, brother of Suffolk, had
- accepted of a command in the French service, and foolishly attempted
- to revive the York faction, and to instigate them against the present
- government, he probably by that means drew more suddenly the King’s
- vengeance on this unhappy nobleman.
- At last, Henry, attended by the duke of Buckingham and many others of
- the nobility, arrived at Calais, and entered upon his French expedition,
- from which he fondly expected so much success and glory.[*] Of all those
- allies on whose assistance he relied, the Swiss alone fully performed
- their engagements. Being put in motion by a sum of money sent them by
- Henry, and incited by their victories obtained in Italy and by their
- animosity against France, they were preparing to enter that kingdom with
- an army of twenty-five thousand men; and no equal force could be opposed
- to their incursion. Maximilian had received an advance of one hundred
- and twenty thousand crowns from Henry, and had promised to reënforce the
- Swiss with eight thousand men, but failed in his engagements. That
- he might make atonement to the king, he himself appeared in the Low
- Countries, and joined the English army with some German and Flemish
- soldiers, who were useful in giving an example of discipline to Henry’s
- new-levied forces. Observing the disposition of the English monarch
- to be more bent on glory than on interest, he enlisted himself in his
- service, wore the cross of St. George, and received pay, a hundred
- crowns a day, as one of his subjects and captains. But while he
- exhibited this extraordinary spectacle, of an emperor of Germany serving
- under a king of England, he was treated with the highest respect by
- Henry, and really directed all the operations of the English army.
- * Polyd. Virg. lib. xxvii. Bellarius, lib. xiv.
- Before the arrival of Henry and Maximilian in the camp, the earl of
- Shrewsbury and Lord Herbert had formed the siege of Terouane, a town
- situated on the frontiers of Picardy; and they began to attack the place
- with vigor. Teligni and Crequi commanded in the town, and had a garrison
- not exceeding two thousand men; yet made they such stout resistance as
- protracted the siege a month; and they at last found themselves more in
- danger from want of provisions and ammunition than from the assaults of
- the besiegers. Having conveyed intelligence of their situation to Lewis,
- who had advanced to Amiens with his army, that prince gave orders to
- throw relief into the place. Fontrailles appeared at the head of eight
- hundred horsemen, each of whom carried a sack of gunpowder behind him,
- and two quarters of bacon. With this small force he made a sudden
- and unexpected irruption into the English camp, and, surmounting all
- resistance, advanced to the fosse of the town, where each horseman threw
- down his burden. They immediately returned at the gallop, and were so
- fortunate as again to break through the English and to suffer little or
- no loss in this dangerous attempt.[*]
- But the English had, soon after, full revenge for the insult. Henry
- had received intelligence of the approach of the French horse, who had
- advanced to protect another incursion of Fontrailles; and he ordered
- some troops to pass the Lis, in order to oppose them. The cavalry of
- France, though they consisted chiefly of gentlemen, who had behaved with
- great gallantry in many desperate actions in Italy, were, on sight of
- the enemy, seized with so unaccountable a panic, that they immediately
- took to flight, and were pursued by the English. The duke of
- Longueville, who commanded the French, Bussi d’Amboise, Clermont,
- Imbercourt, the chevalier Bayard, and many other officers of distinction
- were made prisoners.[**] This action, or rather rout, is sometimes
- called the battle of Guinegate, from the place where it was fought; but
- more commonly the “battle of spurs,” because the French that day made
- more use of their spurs than of their swords or military weapons.
- * Hist. de Chev. Bayard, chap. 57. Mémoires de Bellai.
- ** Mémoires de Bellai, liv. i. Polyd. Virg. liv. xxvii.
- Holingshed, p. 822. Herbert.
- After so considerable an advantage, the king, who was at the head of a
- complete army of above fifty thousand men, might have made incursions to
- the gates of Paris, and spread confusion and desolation every where. It
- gave Lewis great joy when he heard that the English, instead of pushing
- their victory, and attacking the dismayed troops of France, returned to
- the siege of so inconsiderable a place as Terouane. The governors were
- obliged soon after to capitulate; and Henry found his acquisition of so
- little moment, though gained at the expense of some blood, and what, in
- his present circumstances, was more important, of much valuable time,
- that he immediately demolished the fortifications. The anxieties of the
- French were again revived with regard to the motions of the English. The
- Swiss at the same time had entered Burgundy with a formidable army, and
- laid siege to Dijon, which was in no condition to resist them. Ferdinand
- himself, though he had made a truce with Lewis, seemed disposed to lay
- hold of every advantage which fortune should present to him. Scarcely
- ever was the French monarchy in greater danger, or less in a condition
- to defend itself against those powerful armies which on every side
- assailed or threatened it. Even many of the inhabitants of Paris, who
- believed themselves exposed to the rapacity and violence of the enemy,
- began to dislodge, without knowing what place could afford them greater
- security.
- But Lewis was extricated from his present difficulties by the manifold
- blunders of his enemies. The Swiss allowed themselves to be seduced into
- a negotiation by Tremoille, governor of Burgundy; and without making
- inquiry whether that nobleman had any powers to treat, they accepted of
- the conditions which he offered them. Tremoille, who knew that he should
- be disavowed by his master, stipulated whatever they were pleased to
- demand; and thought himself happy, at the expense of some payments and
- very large promises, to get rid of so formidable an enemy.[*]
- The measures of Henry showed equal ignorance in the art of war with that
- of the Swiss in negotiation. Tournay was a great and rich city, which,
- though it lay within the frontiers of Flanders, belonged to France,
- and afforded the troops of that kingdom a passage into the heart of the
- Netherlands. Maximilian, who was desirous of freeing his grandson from
- so troublesome a neighbor, advised Henry to lay siege to the place; and
- the English monarch, not considering that such an acquisition nowise
- advanced his conquests in France, was so imprudent as to follow this
- interested counsel. The city of Tournay, by its ancient charters,
- being exempted from the burden of a garrison, the burghers, against the
- remonstrance of their sovereign, strenuously insisted on maintaining
- this dangerous privilege; and they engaged, by themselves, to make a
- vigorous defence against the enemy.[**] Their courage failed them
- when matters came to trial; and after a few days’ siege, the place was
- surrendered to the English. The bishop of Tournay was lately dead; and
- as a new bishop was already elected by the chapter, but not installed
- in his office, the king bestowed the administration of the see on his
- favorite Wolsey, and put him in immediate possession of the revenues,
- which were considerable.[***]
- * Mémoires du Mareschal de Fleuranges. Bellarius, lib. xiv.
- ** Mémoires de Fleuranges.
- *** Strype’s Memorials, vol. i. p. 5, 6.
- Hearing of the retreat of the Swiss, and observing the season to be far
- advanced, he thought proper to return to England; and he carried the
- greater part of his army with him. Success had attended him in every
- enterprise; and his youthful mind was much elated with this seeming
- prosperity, but all men of judgment, comparing the advantages of his
- situation with his progress, his expense with his acquisitions, were
- convinced that this campaign, so much vaunted, was, in reality, both
- ruinous and inglorious to him.[*]
- * Guicciardini.
- The success which, during this summer, had attended Henry’s arms in the
- north, was much more decisive. The king of Scotland had assembled the
- whole force of his kingdom; and having passed the Tweed with a brave,
- though a tumultuary army of above fifty thousand men, he ravaged those
- parts of Northumberland which lay nearest that river, and he employed
- himself in taking the Castles of Norham, Etal, Werke, Ford, and other
- places of small importance. Lady Ford, being taken prisoner in her
- castle, was presented to James, and so gained on the affections of that
- prince, that he wasted in pleasure the critical time which, during the
- absence of his enemy, he should have employed in pushing his conquests.
- His troops, lying in a barren country, where they soon consumed all the
- provisions, began to be pinched with hunger; and as the authority of
- the prince was feeble, and military discipline during that age extremely
- relaxed, many of them had stolen from the camp, and retired homewards.
- Meanwhile, the earl of Surrey, having collected a force of twenty-six
- thousand men, of which five thousand had been sent over from the king’s
- army in France, marched to the defence of the country, and approached
- the Scots, who lay on some high ground near the hills of Cheviot. The
- River Till ran between the armies, and prevented an engagement: Surrey
- therefore sent a herald to the Scottish camp, challenging the enemy to
- descend into the plain of Milfield, which lay towards the south; and
- there, appointing a day for the combat, to try their valor on equal
- ground. As he received no satisfactory answer, he made a feint of
- marching towards Berwick; as if he intended to enter Scotland, to lay
- waste the borders, and cut off the provisions of the enemy. The Scottish
- army, in order to prevent his purpose, put themselves in motion; and
- having set fire to the huts in which they had quartered, they descended
- from the hills. Surrey, taking advantage of the smoke, which was blown
- towards him, and which concealed his movements, passed the Till with his
- artillery and vanguard at the bridge of Twisel, and sent the rest of his
- army to seek a ford higher up the river.
- An engagement was now become inevitable, and both sides prepared for it
- with tranquillity and order.[*] The English divided their army into
- two lines: Lord Howard led the main body of the first line, Sir Edmond
- Howard the right wing, Sir Marmaduke Constable the left. The earl of
- Surrey himself commanded the main body of the second line, Lord Dacres
- the right wing, Sir Edward Stanley the left. The front of the Scots
- presented three divisions to the enemy: the middle was led by the king
- himself; the right by the earl of Huntley, assisted by Lord Hume; the
- left by the earls of Lenox and Argyle. A fourth division under the earl
- of Bothwell made a body of reserve. Huntley began the battle, and, after
- a sharp conflict, put to flight the left wing of the English, and chased
- them off the field: but on returning from the pursuit, he found the
- whole Scottish army in great disorder. The division under Lenox and
- Argyle, elated with the success of the other wing, had broken their
- ranks, and, notwithstanding the remonstrances and entreaties of La
- Motte, the French ambassador, had rushed headlong upon the enemy. Not
- only Sir Edmond Howard, at the head of his division, received them with
- great valor, but Dacres, who commanded in the second line, wheeling
- about during the action, fell upon their rear, and put them to the sword
- without resistance. The division under James and that under Bothwell,
- animated by the valor of their leaders, still made head against the
- English, and throwing themselves into a circle, protracted the action,
- till night separated the combatants. The victory seemed yet undecided,
- and the numbers that fell on each side were nearly equal, amounting to
- above five thousand men: but the morning discovered where the advantage
- lay. The English had lost only persons of small note; but the flower
- of the Scottish nobility had fallen in battle, and their king himself,
- after the most diligent inquiry, could nowhere be found. In searching
- the field, the English met with a dead body which resembled him, and was
- arrayed in a similar habit; and they put it in a leaden coffin, and sent
- it to London. During some time it was kept unburied; because James died
- under sentence of ex-communication, on account of his confederacy
- with France, and his opposition to the holy see:[**] but upon Henry’s
- application, who pretended that this prince had, in the instant before
- his death, discovered signs of repentance, absolution was given him, and
- his body was interred.
- * Buchanan, lib. xiii. Drummond. Herbert. Polyd. Virg. lib.
- xxvii. Stowe, p. 493. Paulus Jovius.
- ** Buchanan, lib. xiii. Herbert.
- The Scots, however, still asserted that it was not James’s body which
- was found on the field of battle, but that of one Elphinston, who had
- been arrayed in arms resembling their king’s, in order to divide the
- attention of the English, and share the danger with his master. It was
- believed that James had been seen crossing the Tweed at Kelso;* and some
- imagined that he had been killed by the vassals of Lord Hume, whom that
- nobleman had instigated to commit so enormous a crime. But the populace
- entertained the opinion that he was still alive, and having secretly
- gone in pilgrimage to the Holy Land, would soon return and take
- possession of the throne. This fond conceit was long entertained among
- the Scots.
- The king of Scotland and most of his chief nobles being slain in the
- field of Flouden, (so this battle was called,) an inviting opportunity
- was offered to Henry of gaining advantages over that kingdom, perhaps
- of reducing it to subjection. But he discovered on this occasion a mind
- truly great and generous. When the queen of Scotland, Margaret, who
- was created regent during the infancy of her son, applied for peace, he
- readily granted it; and took compassion of the helpless condition of
- his sister and nephew. The earl of Surrey, who had gained him so great
- a victory, was restored to the title of duke of Norfolk, which had been
- forfeited by his father for engaging on the side of Richard III.
- {1514.} Lord Howard was honored with the title of earl of Surrey.
- Sir Charles Brandon, the king’s favorite, whom he had before created
- Viscount Lisle, was now raised to the dignity of duke of Suffolk.
- Wolsey, who was both his favorite and his minister, was created bishop
- of Lincoln. Lord Herbert obtained the title of earl of Worcester; Sir
- Edward Stanley, that of Lord Monteagle.
- Though peace with Scotland gave Henry security on that side, and enabled
- him to prosecute in tranquillity his enterprise against France, some
- other incidents had happened, which more than counterbalanced this
- fortunate event, and served to open his eyes with regard to the rashness
- of an undertaking, into which his youth and high fortune had betrayed
- him.
- Lewis, fully sensible of the dangerous situation to which his kingdom
- had been reduced during the former campaign, was resolved, by every
- expedient, to prevent the return of like perils, and to break the
- confederacy of his enemies. The pope was nowise disposed to push the
- French to extremity; and provided they did not return to take possession
- of Milan, his interests rather led him to preserve the balance among the
- contending parties. He accepted, therefore, of Lewis’s offer to renounce
- the council of Lyons; and he took off the excommunication which his
- predecessor and himself had fulminated against that king and his
- kingdom. Ferdinand was now fast declining in years, and as he
- entertained no further ambition than that of keeping possession of
- Navarre, which he had subdued by his arms and policy, he readily
- hearkened to the proposals of Lewis for prolonging the truce another
- year; and he even showed an inclination of forming a more intimate
- connection with that monarch. Lewis had dropped hints of his intention
- to marry his second daughter, Renée, either to Charles, prince of Spain,
- or his brother Ferdinand, both of them grandsons of the Spanish monarch;
- and he declared his resolution of bestowing on her, as her portion, his
- claim to the duchy of Milan. Ferdinand not only embraced these proposals
- with joy, but also engaged the emperor Maximilian in the same views, and
- procured his accession to a treaty which opened so inviting a prospect
- of aggrandizing their common grandchildren.
- When Henry was informed of Ferdinand’s renewal of the truce with
- Lewis, he fell into a violent rage, and loudly complained, that his
- father-in-law had first, by high promises and professions, engaged him
- in enmity with France, and afterwards, without giving him the least
- warning, had now again sacrificed his interests to his own selfish
- purposes, and had left him exposed alone to all the danger and expense
- of the war. In proportion to his easy credulity, and his unsuspecting
- reliance on Ferdinand, was the vehemence with which he exclaimed against
- the treatment which he met with; and he threatened revenge for this
- egregious treachery and breach of faith.[*] But he lost all patience
- when informed of the other negotiation, by which Maximilian was also
- seduced from his alliance, and in which proposals had been agreed to
- for the marriage of the prince of Spain with the daughter of France.
- Charles, during the lifetime of the late king, had been affianced to
- Mary, Henry’s younger sister; and as the prince now approached the
- age of puberty, the king had expected the immediate completion of the
- marriage, and the honorable settlement of a sister for whom he had
- entertained a tender affection. Such a complication, therefore, of
- injuries gave him the highest displeasure, and inspired him with a
- desire of expressing his disdain towards those who had imposed on his
- youth and inexperience, and had abused his too great facility.
- * Petrus de Angleria, Epist. 545, 646.
- The duke of Longueville, who had been made prisoner at the battle of
- Gumegate, and who was still detained in England, was ready to take
- advantage of all these dispositions of Henry, in order to procure a
- peace, and even an alliance, which he knew to be passionately desired
- by his master. He represented to the king, that Anne, queen of France,
- being lately dead, a door was thereby opened for an affinity, which
- might tend to the advantage of both kingdoms, and which would serve to
- terminate honorably all the differences between them: that she had left
- Lewis no male children; and as he had ever entertained a strong desire
- of having heirs to the crown, no marriage seemed more suitable to him
- than that with the princess of England, whose youth and beauty afforded
- the most flattering hopes in that particular: that though the marriage
- of a princess of sixteen with a king of fifty-three might seem
- unsuitable, yet the other advantages attending the alliance were more
- than a sufficient compensation for this inequality; and that Henry, in
- loosening his connections with Spain, from which he had never reaped
- any advantage, would contract a close affinity with Lewis, a prince
- who, through his whole life, had invariably maintained the character of
- probity and honor.
- As Henry seemed to hearken to this discourse with willing ears,
- Longueville informed his master of the probability which he discovered
- of bringing the matter to a happy conclusion; and he received full
- powers for negotiating the treaty. The articles were easily adjusted
- between the monarchs. Louis agreed that Tournay should remain in the
- hands of the English; that Richard de la Pole should be banished to
- Metz, there to live on a pension assigned him by Lewis; that Henry
- should receive payment of a million of crowns, being the arrears due
- by treaty to his father and himself; and that the princess Mary should
- bring four hundred thousand crowns as her portion, and enjoy as large
- a jointure as any queen of France, even the former, who was heiress of
- Brittany. The two princes also agreed on the succors with which they
- should mutually supply each other, in case either of them was attacked
- by an enemy.[*]
- In consequence of this treaty, Mary was sent over to France with a
- splendid retinue; and Lewis met her at Abbeville, where the espousals
- were celebrated. He was enchanted with the beauty, grace, and numerous
- accomplishments of the young princess; and being naturally of an amorous
- disposition, which his advanced age had not entirely cooled, he was
- seduced into such a course of gayety and pleasure, as proved very
- unsuitable to his declining state of health.[**]
- * Du Tillet.
- ** Brantome, Eloge de Louis XII.
- {1515.} He died in less than three months after the marriage, to the
- extreme regret of the French nation, who, sensible of his tender concern
- for their welfare, gave him with one voice the honorable appellation of
- “father of his people.”
- Francis, duke of Angoulême, a youth of one and twenty, who had married
- Lewis’s eldest daughter, succeeded him on the throne; and, by his
- activity, valor, generosity, and other virtues, gave prognostics of a
- happy and glorious reign. This young monarch had been extremely
- struck with the charms of the English princess; and even during his
- predecessor’s lifetime, had paid her such assiduous court, as made some
- of his friends apprehend that he had entertained views of gallantry
- towards her. But being warned that, by indulging this passion, he
- might probably exclude himself from the throne he forbore all further
- addresses; and even watched the young dowager with a very careful eye
- during the first months of her widowhood. Charles Brandon, duke of
- Suffolk, was at that time in the court of France, the most comely
- personage of his time, and the most accomplished in all the exercises
- which were then thought to befit a courtier and a soldier. He was
- Henry’s chief favorite; and that monarch had even once entertained
- thoughts of marrying him to his sister, and had given indulgence to the
- mutual passion which took place between them. The queen asked Suffolk,
- whether he had now the courage, without further reflection, to espouse
- her; and she told him that her brother would more easily forgive him for
- not asking his consent, than for acting contrary to his orders. Suffolk
- declined not so inviting an offer; and their nuptials were secretly
- celebrated at Paris. Francis, who was pleased with this marriage, as
- it prevented Henry from forming any powerful alliance by means of
- his sister,[*] interposed his good offices in appeasing him: and even
- Wolsey, having entertained no jealousy of Suffolk, who was content to
- participate in the king’s pleasures, and had no ambition to engage in
- public business, was active in reconciling the king to his sister and
- brother-in-law; and he obtained them permission to return to England.
- * Petrus de Angleria, Epist. 544.
- [Illustration: 1-30-henry8.jpg HENRY VIII.]
- {1515.} The numerous enemies whom Wolsey’s sudden elevation, his
- aspiring character, and his haughty deportment had raised him, served
- only to rivet him faster in Henry’s confidence; who valued himself
- on supporting the choice which he had made, and who was incapable of
- yielding either to the murmurs of the people or to the discontents
- of the great. That artful prelate, likewise, well acquainted with the
- king’s imperious temper, concealed from him the absolute ascendant which
- he had acquired; and while he secretly directed all public councils,
- he ever pretended a blind submission to the will and authority of
- his master. By entering into the king’s pleasures, he preserved his
- affection; by conducting his business, he gratified his indolence; and
- by his unlimited complaisance in both capacities, he prevented all
- that jealousy to which his exorbitant acquisitions and his splendid
- ostentatious train of life should naturally have given birth. The
- archbishopric of York falling vacant by the death of Bambridge, Wolsey
- was promoted to that see, and resigned the bishopric of Lincoln. Besides
- enjoying the administration of Tournay, he got possession, on easy
- leases, of the revenues of Bath, Worcester, and Hereford, bishoprics
- filled by Italians, who were allowed to reside abroad, and who were glad
- to compound for this indulgence, by yielding a considerable share of
- their income. He held “in commendam” the abbey of St. Albans, and many
- other church preferments. He was even allowed to unite with the see of
- York, first that of Durham, next that of Winchester; and there seemed to
- be no end of his acquisitions. His further advancement in ecclesiastical
- dignity served him as a pretence for engrossing still more revenues:
- the pope, observing his great influence over the king, was desirous of
- engaging him in his interests, and created him a cardinal. No churchman,
- under color of exacting respect to religion, ever carried to a greater
- height the state and dignity of that character. His train consisted of
- eight hundred servants, of whom many were knights and gentlemen; some
- even of the nobility put their children into his family as a place of
- education; and in order to gain them favor with their patron, allowed
- them to bear offices as his servants. Whoever was distinguished by any
- art or science paid court to the cardinal; and none paid court in vain.
- Literature, which was then in its infancy, found in him a generous
- patron; and both by his public institutions and private bounty, he gave
- encouragement to every branch of erudition.[*] Not content with this
- munificence, which gained him the approbation of the wise, he strove
- to dazzle the eyes of the populace by the splendor of his equipage and
- furniture, the costly embroidery of his liveries, the lustre of his
- apparel. He was the first clergyman in England that wore silk and gold,
- not only on his habit, but also on his saddles and the trappings of his
- horses.[**] He caused his cardinal’s hat to be borne aloft by a person
- of rank; and when he came to the king’s chapel, would permit it to be
- laid on no place but the altar. A priest, the tallest and most comely
- he could find, carried before him a pillar of silver, on whose top was
- placed a cross: but not satisfied with this parade, to which he thought
- himself entitled as cardinal, he provided another priest of equal
- stature and beauty, who marched along, bearing the cross of York, even
- in the diocese of Canterbury; contrary to the ancient rule and the
- agreement between the prelates of these rival sees.[***] The people made
- merry with the cardinal’s ostentation; and said, they were now sensible
- that one crucifix alone was not sufficient for the expiation of his sins
- and offences.
- * Erasm. Epist. lib. ii. epist. i.; lib. xvi. epist. 3.
- ** Polyd. Virg. lib. xxvii. Stowe, p, 501. Hollingshed, p.
- 847.
- *** Polyd. Virg. lib. xxvii.
- Warham, chancellor and archbishop of Canterbury, a man of a moderate
- temper, averse to all disputes, chose rather to retire from public
- employment, than maintain an unequal contest with the haughty cardinal.
- He resigned his office of chancellor; and the great seal was immediately
- delivered to Wolsey. If this new accumulation of dignity increased his
- enemies, it also served to exalt his personal character, and prove the
- extent of his capacity. A strict administration of justice took
- place during his enjoyment of this high office and no chancellor ever
- discovered greater impartiality in his decisions, deeper penetration of
- judgment, or more enlarged knowledge of law and equity.[*]
- The duke of Norfolk, finding the king’s money almost entirely exhausted
- by projects and pleasures, while his inclination for expense still
- continued, was glad to resign his office of treasurer and retire from
- court. His rival, Fox, bishop of Winchester reaped no advantage from his
- absence; but partly overcome by years and infirmities, partly disgusted
- at the ascendant acquired by Wolsey, withdrew himself wholly to the care
- of his diocese. The duke of Suffolk had also taken offence, that the
- king, by the cardinal’s persuasion, had refused to pay a debt which
- he had contracted during his residence in France; and he thenceforth
- affected to live in privacy. These incidents left Wolsey to enjoy
- without a rival the whole power and favor of the king; and they put
- into his hands every kind of authority. In vain did Fox, before his
- retirement, warn the king “not to suffer the servant to be greater than
- his master.” Henry replied, “that he well knew how to retain all his
- subjects in obedience;” but he continued still an unlimited deference in
- every thing to the directions and counsels of the cardinal.
- The public tranquillity was so well established in England, the
- obedience of the people so entire, the general administration of
- justice, by the cardinal’s means,[**] so exact, that no domestic
- occurrence happened considerable enough to disturb the repose of the
- king and his minister: they might even have dispensed with giving any
- strict attention to foreign affairs, were it possible for men to enjoy
- any situation in absolute tranquillity, or abstain from projects and
- enterprises however fruitless and unnecessary.
- The will of the late king of Scotland, who left his widow regent of the
- kingdom, and the vote of the convention of states, which confirmed that
- destination, had expressly limited her authority to the condition of her
- remaining unmarried;[***] but, notwithstanding this limitation, a few
- months after her husband’s death, she espoused the earl of Angus, of the
- name of Douglas, a young nobleman of great family and promising hopes.
- Some of the nobility now proposed the electing of Angus to the regency,
- and recommended this choice as the most likely means of preserving peace
- with England; but the jealousy of the great families, and the fear of
- exalting the Douglases, begat opposition to this measure.
- * Sir Thomas More. Stowe, p. 504.
- ** Erasm. lib. ii. epist. i. Cavendish. Hall.
- *** Buchanar, lib. xiv. Drummond. Herbert.
- Lord Hume in particular, the most powerful chieftain in the kingdom,
- insisted on recalling the duke of Albany, son to a brother of James III.
- who had been banished into France, and who, having there married, had
- left posterity that were the next heirs to the crown, and the nearest
- relations to their young sovereign. Albany, though first prince of the
- blood, had never been in Scotland, was totally unacquainted with the
- manners of the people, ignorant of their situation, unpractised in their
- language; yet such was the favor attending the French alliance, and so
- great the authority of Hume, that this prince was invited to accept the
- reins of government. Francis, careful not to give offence to the king
- of England, detained Albany some time in France; but at length, sensible
- how important it was to keep Scotland in his interests, he permitted
- him to go over and take possession of the regency: he even renewed
- the ancient league with that kingdom, though it implied such a close
- connection as might be thought somewhat to intrench on his alliance with
- England.
- When the regent arrived in Scotland, he made inquiries concerning the
- state of the country, and character of the people; and he discovered a
- scene with which he was hitherto but little acquainted. That turbulent
- kingdom, he found, was rather to be considered as a Confederacy, and
- that not a close one, of petty princes, than a regular system of civil
- polity; and even the king, much more a regent, possessed an authority
- very uncertain and precarious. Arms, more than laws, prevailed; and
- courage, preferably to equity or justice, was the virtue most valued
- and respected. The nobility, in whom the whole power resided, were so
- connected by hereditary alliances, or so divided by inveterate enmities,
- that it was impossible, without employing an armed force, either to
- punish the most flagrant guilt, or give security to the most entire
- innocence. Rapine and violence, when exercised on a hostile tribe,
- instead of making a person odious among his own clan, rather recommended
- him to their esteem and approbation; and by rendering him useful to the
- chieftain, entitled him to a preference above his fellows. And though
- the necessity of mutual support served as a close cement of amity among
- those of the same kindred, the spirit of revenge against enemies, and
- the desire of prosecuting the deadly feuds, (so they were called,) still
- appeared to be passions the most predominant among that uncultivated
- people.
- The persons to whom Albany, on his arrival, first Applied for
- information with regard to the state of the country, happened to be
- inveterate enemies of Hume;[*] and they represented that powerful
- nobleman as the chief source of public disorders, and the great obstacle
- to the execution of the law; and the administration of justice. Before
- the authority of the magistrate could be established, it was necessary,
- they said, to make an example of this great offender; and, by the terror
- of his punishment, teach all lesser criminals to pay respect to the
- power of their sovereign. Albany, moved by these reasons, was induced
- to forget Hume’s past services, to which he had in a great measure
- been indebted for the regency; and he no longer bore towards him that
- favorable countenance with which he was wont to receive him. Hume
- perceived the alteration, and was incited, both by regard to his own
- safety and from motives of revenge, to take measures in opposition
- to the regent. He applied himself to Angus and the queen dowager, and
- represented to them the danger to which the infant prince was exposed
- from the ambition of Albany, next heir to the crown, to whom the states
- had imprudently intrusted the whole authority of government. By his
- persuasion Margaret formed the design of carrying off the young king,
- and putting him under the protection of her brother; and when that
- conspiracy was detected, she herself, attended by Hume and Angus,
- withdrew into England, where she was soon after delivered of a daughter.
- * Buchanan, lib. xiv. Drummond.
- Henry, in order to check the authority of Albany and the French party,
- gave encouragement to these malecontents, and assured them of his
- support. Matters being afterwards in appearance accommodated between
- Hume and the regent, that nobleman returned into his own country; but
- mutual suspicions and jealousies still prevailed. He was committed to
- custody, under the care of the earl of Arran, his brother-in-law; and
- was for some time detained prisoner in his castle. But having persuaded
- Arran to enter into the conspiracy with him, he was allowed to make his
- escape; and he openly levied war upon the regent. A new accommodation
- ensued, not more sincere than the foregoing; and Hume was so imprudent
- as to intrust himself, together with his brother, into the hands of that
- prince. They were immediately seized, committed to custody, brought to
- trial, condemned and executed. No legal crime was proved against these
- brothers: it was only alleged, that at the battle of Flouder they had
- not done their duty in supporting the king; and as this backwardness
- could not, from the course of their past life, be ascribed to cowardice,
- it was commonly imputed to a more criminal motive. The evidence,
- however, of guilt produced against them was far from being valid or
- convincing; and the people, who hated them while living, were much
- dissatisfied with their execution.
- Such violent remedies often produce for some time a deceitful
- tranquillity; but as they destroy mutual confidence, and beget the most
- inveterate animosities, their consequences are commonly fatal, both to
- the public and to those who have recourse to them. The regent, however,
- took advantage of the present calm which prevailed; and being invited
- over by the French king, who was at that time willing to gratify Henry
- he went into France, and was engaged to remain there for some years.
- During the absence of the regent, such confusions prevailed in Scotland,
- and such mutual enmity, rapine, and violence among the great families,
- that that kingdom was for a long time utterly disabled both from
- offending its enemies and assisting its friends. We have carried on the
- Scottish history some years beyond the present period; that, as that
- country had little connection with the general system of Europe, we
- might be the less interrupted in the narration of those more memorable
- events which were transacted in the other kingdoms.
- It was foreseen, that a young, active prince, like Francis, and of so
- martial a disposition, would soon employ the great preparations which
- his predecessor before his death had made for the conquest of Milan. He
- had been observed even to weep at the recital of the military exploits
- of Gaston de Foix; and these tears of emulation were held to be sure
- presages of his future valor. He renewed the treaty which Lewis had made
- with Henry; and having left every thing secure behind him, he marched
- his armies towards the south of France; pretending that his sole purpose
- was to defend his kingdom against the incursions of the Swiss. This
- formidable people still retained their animosity against France; and
- having taken Maximilian, duke of Milan, under their protection, and in
- reality reduced him to absolute dependence,--they were determined,
- from views both of honor and of interest, to defend him against the
- invader.[*] They fortified themselves in all those valleys of the Alps
- through which they thought the French must necessarily pass; and when
- Francis, with great secrecy, industry, and perseverance, made his
- entrance into Piedmont by another passage, they were not dismayed, but
- descended into the plain, though unprovided with cavalry, and opposed
- themselves to the progress of the French arms. At Marignan, near Milan,
- they fought with Francis one of the most furious and best contested
- battles that is to be met with in the history of these later ages; and
- it required all the heroic valor of this prince to inspire his troops
- with courage sufficient to resist the desperate assault of those
- mountaineers. After a bloody action in the evening, night and darkness
- parted the combatants; but next morning the Swiss renewed the attack
- with unabated ardor; and it was not till they had lost all their bravest
- troops that they could be prevailed on to retire. The field was strewed
- with twenty thousand slain on both sides; and the mareschal Trivulzio,
- who had been present at eighteen pitched battles, declared that every
- engagement which he had yet seen was only the play of children; the
- action of Marignan was a combat of heroes.[**] After this great victory,
- the conquest of the Milanese was easy and open to Francis.
- The success and glory of the French monarch began to excite jealousy in
- Henry; and his rapid progress, though in so distant a country, was
- not regarded without apprehensions by the English ministry. Italy was,
- during that age, the seat of religion, of literature, and of commerce;
- and as it possessed alone that lustre which has since been shared out
- among other nations, it attracted the attention of all Europe, and every
- acquisition which was made there appeared more important than its weight
- in the balance of power was, strictly speaking, entitled to. Henry also
- thought that he had reason to complain of Francis for sending the duke
- of Albany into Scotland, and undermining the power and credit of his
- sister the queen dowager.[***] The repairing of the fortifications of
- Terouenne was likewise regarded as a breach of treaty. But, above all,
- what tended to alienate the court of England, was the disgust which
- Wolsey had entertained against the French monarch.
- * Mémoires du Bellai, lib. i. Guicciard. lib. xii.
- ** Histoire de la Ligue de Cambray.
- *** Père Daniel, vol. iii. p. 31.
- Henry, on the conquest of Tournay had refused to admit Lewis Gaillart,
- the bishop elect, to the possession of the temporalities, because that
- prelate declined taking the oath of allegiance to his new sovereign; and
- Wolsey was appointed as above related, administrator of the bishopric.
- As the cardinal wished to obtain the free and undisturbed enjoyment
- of this revenue, he applied to Francis, and desired him to bestow
- on Gaillart some see of equal value in France, and to obtain his
- resignation of Tournay. Francis, who still hoped to recover possession
- of that city, and who feared that the full establishment of Wolsey
- in the bishopric would prove an obstacle to his purpose, had hitherto
- neglected to gratify the haughty prelate; and the bishop of Tournay, by
- applying to the court of Rome, had obtained a bull for his settlement in
- the see. Wolsey, who expected to be indulged in every request, and who
- exacted respect from the greatest princes, resented the slight put upon
- him by Francis and he pushed his master to seek an occasion of quarrel
- with that monarch.[*]
- Maximilian, the emperor, was ready to embrace every overture for a new
- enterprise; especially if attended with an offer of money, of which
- he was very greedy, very prodigal, and very indigent. Richard Pace,
- formerly secretary to Cardinal Bambridge, and now secretary of state,
- was despatched to the court of Vienna, and had a commission to propose
- some considerable payments to Maximilian:[**] he thence made a journey
- into Switzerland; and by like motives engaged some of the cantons
- to furnish troops to the emperor. That prince invaded Italy with a
- considerable army; but being repulsed from before Milan, he retreated
- with his army into Germany, made peace with France and Venice, ceded
- Verona to that republic for a sum of money, and thus excluded himself
- in some measure from all future access into Italy. And Henry found, that
- after expending five or six hundred thousand ducats, in order to gratify
- his own and the cardinal’s humor, he had only weakened his alliance with
- Francis, without diminishing the power of that prince.
- * Polyd. Virg. lib. xxvii.
- ** Petrus de Angleria, epist. 568.
- There were many reasons which engaged the king not to proceed further at
- present in his enmity against France: he could hope for assistance from
- no power in Europe. Ferdinand, his father-in-law, who had often deceived
- him, was declining through age and infirmities; and a speedy period
- was looked for to the long and prosperous reign of that great monarch.
- Charles, prince of Spain, sovereign of the Low Countries, desired
- nothing but peace with Francis, who had it so much in his power, if
- provoked, to obstruct his peaceable accession to that rich inheritance
- which was awaiting him. The pope was overawed by the power of France,
- and Venice was engaged in a close alliance with that monarchy.[*] Henry,
- therefore, was constrained to remain in tranquillity during some time;
- and seemed to give himself no concern with regard to the affairs of
- the continent. In vain did Maximilian endeavor to allure him into some
- expense, by offering to make a resignation of the imperial crown in
- his favor. The artifice was too gross to succeed, even with a prince
- so little politic as Henry; and Pace, his envoy, who was perfectly well
- acquainted with the emperor’s motives and character, gave him warning
- that the sole view of that prince, in making him so liberal an offer,
- was to draw money from him.
- * Guicciard. lib. xii.
- {1516.} While a universal peace prevailed in Europe, that event happened
- which had so long been looked for, and from which such important
- consequences were expected--the death of Ferdinand the Catholic, and the
- succession of his grandson Charles to his extensive dominions. The more
- Charles advanced in power and authority, the more was Francis sensible
- of the necessity he himself lay under of gaining the confidence and
- friendship of Henry; and he took at last the only method by which he
- could obtain success, the paying of court, by presents and flattery, to
- the haughty cardinal.
- {1518.} Bonnivet, admiral of France, was despatched to London, and he
- was directed to employ all his insinuation and address, (qualities in
- which he excelled,) to procure himself a place in Wolsey’s good
- graces. After the ambassador had succeeded in his purpose, he took an
- opportunity of expressing his master’s regret that, by mistakes and
- misapprehensions, he had been so unfortunate as to lose a friendship
- which he so much valued as that of his eminence. Wolsey was not deaf to
- these honorable advances from so great a monarch and he was thenceforth
- observed to express himself, on all occasions, in favor of the French
- alliance. The more to engage him in his interests, Francis entered into
- such confidence with him, that he asked his advice even in his most
- secret affairs; and had recourse to him in all difficult emergencies, as
- to an oracle of wisdom and profound policy. The cardinal made no
- secret to the king of this private correspondence; and Henry was so
- prepossessed in favor of the great capacity of his minister, that he
- said he verily believed he would govern Francis as well as himself.[*]
- When matters seemed sufficiently prepared, Bonnivet opened to the
- cardinal his master’s desire of recovering Tournay; and Wolsey
- immediately, without hesitation, engaged to effect his purpose. He took
- an opportunity of representing to the king and council, that Tournay
- lay so remote from Calais, that it would be very difficult, if not
- impossible, in case of war, to keep the communication open between these
- two places; that as it was situated on the frontiers both of France and
- the Netherlands, it was exposed to attacks from both these countries,
- and must necessarily, either by force or famine, fall into the hands
- of the first assailant; that even in time of peace it could not be
- preserved without a large garrison, to restrain the numerous and
- mutinous inhabitants, ever discontented with the English government; and
- that the possession of Tournay, as it was thus precarious and expensive,
- so was it entirely useless, and afforded little or no means of annoying,
- on occasion, the dominions either of Charles or of Francis.
- These reasons were of themselves convincing, and were sure of meeting
- with no opposition when they came from the mouth of the cardinal. A
- treaty therefore was catered into for the ceding of Tournay; and in
- order to give to that measure a more graceful appearance, it was agreed,
- that the dauphin and the princess Mary, both of them infants, should be
- betrothed, and that this city should be considered as the dowry of the
- princess. Such kinds of agreement were then common among sovereigns;
- though it was very rare that the interests and views of the parties
- continued so steady as to render the intended marriages effectual.
- But as Henry had been at considerable expense in building a citadel at
- Tournay, Francis agreed to pay him six hundred thousand crowns at twelve
- annual payments, and to put into his hands eight hostages, all of them
- men of quality, for the performance of the article.[**] And lest the
- cardinal should think himself neglected in these stipulations,
- Francis promised him a yearly pension of twelve thousand livres, as an
- equivalent for his administration of the bishopric of Tournay.
- * Polyd. Virg. lib. xxvii.
- ** Mémoires du Bellal, lib. i.
- The French monarch, having succeeded so well in this negotiation, began
- to enlarge his views, and to hope for more considerable advantages by
- practising on the vanity and self-conceit of the favorite. He redoubled
- his flatteries to the cardinal, consulted him more frequently in every
- doubt or difficulty, called him in each letter “father,” “tutor,”
- “governor,” and professed the most unbounded deference to his advice and
- opinion. All these caresses were preparatives to a negotiation for the
- delivery of Calais, in consideration of a sum of money to be paid
- for it; and if we may credit Polydore Virgil, who bears a particular
- ill-will to Wolsey, on account of his being dispossessed of his
- employment and thrown into prison by that minister, so extraordinary a
- proposal met with a favorable reception from the cardinal. He ventured
- not, however, to lay the matter before the council: he was content to
- sound privately the opinion of the other ministers, by dropping hints
- in conversation, as if he thought Calais a useless burden to the
- kingdom:[*] but when he found that all men were strongly riveted in a
- contrary persuasion, he thought it dangerous to proceed any further in
- his purpose; and as he fell soon after into new connections with the
- king of Spain, the great friendship between Francis and him began
- gradually to decline.
- * Polyd. Virg. lib. xxvii.
- The pride of Wolsey was now further increased by a great accession
- of power and dignity. Cardinal Campeggio had been sent as legate into
- England, in order to procure a lithe from the clergy, for enabling the
- pope to oppose the progress of the Turks; a danger which was become
- real, and was formidable to all Christendom, but on which the politics
- of the court of Rome had built so many interested projects that it had
- lost all influence on the minds of men. The clergy refused to comply
- with Leo’s demands: Campeggio was recalled; and the king desired of the
- pope that Wolsey, who had been joined in this commission, might alone
- be invested with the legatine power, together with the right of visiting
- all the clergy and monasteries, and even with suspending all the laws
- of the church during a twelvemonth. Wolsey, having obtained this new
- dignity, made a new display of that state and parade to which he was so
- much addicted. On solemn feast-days, he was not content without saying
- mass after the manner of the pope himself: not only he had bishops and
- abbots to serve him; he even engaged the first nobility to give him
- water and the towel. He affected a rank superior to what had ever been
- claimed by any churchman in England. Warham, the primate, having written
- him a letter in which he subscribed himself “your loving brother,”
- Wolsey complained of his presumption in thus challenging an equality
- with him. When Warham was told what offence he had given, he made light
- of the matter. “Know ye not,” said he, “that this man is drunk with too
- much prosperity?”
- But Wolsey carried the matter much further than vain pomp and
- ostentation. He erected an office which he called the legatine court;
- and as he was now, by means of the pope’s commission and the king’s
- favor, invested with all power, both ecclesiastical and civil, no man
- knew what bounds were to be set to the authority of his new tribunal. He
- conferred on it a kind of inquisitorial and censorial powers even over
- the laity, and directed it to inquire into all matters of conscience;
- into all conduct which had given scandal; into all actions which, though
- they escaped the law, might appear contrary to good morals. Offence was
- taken at this commission, which was really unbounded; and the people
- were the more disgusted, when they saw a man who indulged himself in
- pomp and pleasure, so severe in repressing the least appearance of
- licentiousness in others. But to render his court more obnoxious, Wolsey
- made one John Allen judge in it, a person of scandalous life,[*] whom he
- himself, as chancellor, had, it is said, condemned for perjury: and as
- it is pretended, that this man either extorted fines from every one whom
- he was pleased to find guilty, or took bribes to drop prosecutions, men
- concluded, and with some appearance of reason, that he shared with the
- cardinal those wages of iniquity.
- * Strype’s Memorials, vol. i. p. 125.
- The clergy, and in particular the monks, were exposed to this tyranny;
- and as the libertinism of their lives often gave a just handle against
- them, they were obliged to purchase an indemnity by paying large sums
- of money to the legate or his judge. Not content with this authority,
- Wolsey pretended, by virtue of his commission, to assume the
- jurisdiction of all the bishops’ courts, particularly that of judging of
- wills and testaments; and his decisions in those important points were
- deemed not a little arbitrary. As if he himself were pope, and as if
- the pope could absolutely dispose of every ecclesiastical preferment, he
- presented to whatever priories or benefices he pleased, without regard
- to the right of election in the monks, or of patronage in the nobility
- and gentry.[*]
- * Polyd. Virg. lib. xxvii.
- No one durst carry to the king any complaint against these usurpations
- of Wolsey, till Warham ventured to inform him of the discontents of his
- people. Henry professed his ignorance of the whole matter. “A man,” said
- he, “is not so blind any where as in his own house: but do you, father,”
- added he to the primate, “go to Wolsey, and tell him, if any thing be
- amiss, that he amend it.” A reproof of this kind was not likely to be
- effectual: it only served to augment Wolsey’s enmity to Warham: but one
- London having prosecuted Allen, the legate’s judge, in a court of law,
- and having convicted him of malversation and iniquity, the clamor at
- last reached the king’s ears; and he expressed such displeasure to
- the cardinal, as made him ever after more cautious in exerting his
- authority.
- {1519.} While Henry, indulging himself in pleasure and amusement,
- intrusted the government of his kingdom to this imperious minister, an
- incident happened abroad which excited his attention. Maximilian, the
- emperor, died; a man who, of himself, was indeed of little consequence;
- but as his death left vacant the first station among Christian princes,
- it set the passions of men in agitation, and proved a kind of era in
- the general system of Europe. The kings of France and Spain immediately
- declared themselves candidates for the imperial crown, and employed
- every expedient of money or intrigue, which promised them success in
- so great a point of ambition. Henry also was encouraged to advance his
- pretensions; but his minister Pace, who was despatched to the electors,
- found that he began to solicit too late, and that the votes of all these
- princes were already preëngaged either on one side or the other.
- Francis and Charlea made profession from the beginning of carrying on
- this rivalship with emulation, but without enmity.
- This whole narrative has been copied by all the historians from
- the author here cited: there are many circumstances, however, very
- suspicious, both because of the obvious partiality of the historian, and
- because the parliament, when they afterwards examined Wolsey’s conduct,
- could find no proof of any material offence he had ever committed, and
- Francis in particular declared, that his brother Charles and he were,
- fairly and openly, suitors to the same mistress; the more fortunate,
- added he, will carry her; the other must rest contented.[*]
- * Belcario, lib. xvi. Guicciard. lib. xiii.
- But all men apprehended that this extreme moderation, however
- reasonable, would not be of long duration; and that incidents would
- certainly occur to sharpen the minds of the candidates against each
- other. It was Charles who at length prevailed, to the great disgust of
- the French monarch, who still continued to the last in the belief that
- the majority of the electoral college was engaged in his favor. And as
- he was some years superior in age to his rival, and, after his victory
- at Marignan and conquest of the Milanese, much superior in renown, he
- could not suppress his indignation at being thus, in the face of the
- world, after long and anxious expectation, disappointed in so important
- a pretension. From this competition, as much as from opposition of
- interests, arose that emulation between those two great monarchs, which,
- while it kept their whole age in movement, sets them in so remarkable
- a contrast to each other: both of them princes endowed with talents and
- abilities; brave, aspiring, active warlike; beloved by their servants
- and subjects, dreaded by their enemies, and respected by all the world:
- Francis, open, frank, liberal, munificent, carrying these virtues to an
- excess which prejudiced his affairs: Charles, political, close, artful,
- frugal; better qualified to obtain success in wars and in negotiations,
- especially the latter. The one the more amiable man; the other the
- greater monarch. The king, from his oversights and indiscretions,
- naturally exposed to misfortunes; but qualified, by his spirit and
- magnanimity, to extricate himself from them with honor: the emperor, by
- his designing, interested character, fitted, in his greatest successes,
- to excite jealousy and opposition even among his allies, and to rouse up
- a multitude of enemies in the place of one whom he had subdued. And as
- the personal qualities of these princes thus counterpoised each other,
- so did the advantages and disadvantages of their dominions. Fortune
- alone, without the concurrence of prudence or valor, never reared up of
- a sudden so great a power as that which centred in the emperor Charles.
- He reaped the succession of Castile, of Arragon, of Austria, of the
- Netherlands: he inherited the conquest of Naples, of Grenada: election
- entitled him to the empire: even the bounds of the globe seemed to
- be enlarged a little before his time, that he might possess the whole
- treasure, as yet entire and unrifled, of the new world. But though the
- concurrence of all these advantages formed an empire greater and more
- extensive than any known in Europe since that of the Romans, the kingdom
- of France alone, being close, compact, united, rich, populous, and being
- interposed between the provinces of the emperor’s dominions, was able
- to make a vigorous opposition to his progress, and maintain the contest
- against him.
- Henry possessed the felicity of being able, both by the native force
- of his kingdom and its situation, to hold the balance between those two
- powers; and had he known to improve by policy and prudence this singular
- and inestimable advantage, he was really, by means of it, a greater
- potentate than either of those mighty monarchs, who seemed to strive for
- the dominion of Europe. But this prince was in his character heedless,
- inconsiderate, capricious, impolitic; guided by his passions or his
- favorite; vain, imperious, haughty; sometimes actuated by friendship for
- foreign powers, oftener by resentment, seldom by his true interest.
- And thus, though he exulted in that superiority which his situation in
- Europe gave him, he never employed it to his own essential and durable
- advantage, or to that of his kingdom.
- {1520.} Francis was well acquainted with Henry’s character, and
- endeavored to accommodate his conduct to it. He solicited an interview
- near Calais; in expectation of being able by familiar conversation to
- gain upon his friendship and confidence. Wolsey earnestly seconded this
- proposal; and hoped, in the presence of both courts, to make parade of
- his riches, his splendor, and his influence over both monarchs.[*]
- * Polyd. Virg. lib. xxvii.
- And as Henry himself loved show and magnificence, and had entertained
- a curiosity of being personally acquainted with the French king,
- he cheerfully adjusted all the preliminaries of this interview. The
- nobility of both nations vied with each other in pomp and expense: many
- of them involved themselves in great debts, and were not able, by the
- penury of their whole lives, to repair the vain splendor of a few days.
- The duke of Buckingham, who, though very rich, was somewhat addicted to
- frugality, finding his preparations for this festival amount to immense
- sums, threw out some expressions of displeasure against the cardinal,
- whom he believed the author of that measure;[*] an imprudence which was
- not forgotten by this minister.
- * Polyd. Vii·g. lib. xxvii. Herbert. Holingshed, p. 855.
- While Henry was preparing to depart for Calais, he heard that the
- emperor was arrived at Dover; and he immediately hastened thither with
- the queen, in order to give a suitable reception to his royal guest.
- That great prince, politic though young, being informed of the
- intended interview between Francis and Henry, was apprehensive of the
- consequences; and was resolved to take the opportunity, in his passage
- from Spain to the Low Countries, to make the king still a higher
- compliment, by paying him a visit in his own dominions. Besides the
- marks of regard and attachment which he gave to Henry, he strove by
- every testimony of friendship, by flattery, protestations, promises, and
- presents, to gain on the vanity, the avarice, and the ambition of the
- cardinal. He here instilled into this aspiring prelate the hope of
- attaining the papacy; and as that was the sole point of elevation beyond
- his present greatness, it was sure to attract his wishes with the same
- ardor as if Fortune had never yet favored him with any of her presents.
- In confidence of reaching this dignity by the emperor’s assistance, he
- secretly devoted himself to that monarch’s interests; and Charles was
- perhaps the more liberal of his promises, because Leo was a very young
- man; and it was not likely that for many years he should be called upon
- to fulfil his engagements. Henry easily observed this courtship paid
- to his minister; but instead of taking umbrage at it, he only made it
- a subject of vanity; and believed that, as his favor was Wolsey’s sole
- support, the obeisance of such mighty monarchs to his servant was, in
- reality, a more conspicuous homage to his own grandeur.
- The day of Charles’s departure, Henry went over to Calais with the queen
- and his whole court; and thence proceeded to Guisnes, a small town near
- the frontiers. Francis, attended in like manner, came to Ardres, a few
- miles distant; and the two monarchs met, for the first time, in the
- fields, at a place situated between these two towns, but still within
- the English pale; for Francis agreed to pay this compliment to Henry, in
- consideration of that prince’s passing the sea that he might be
- present at the interview. Wolsey, to whom both kings had intrusted the
- regulation of the ceremonial, contrived this circumstance, in order to
- do honor to his master. The nobility both of France and England here
- displayed their magnificence with such emulation and profuse expense, as
- procured to the place of interview the name of “the field of the cloth
- of gold.”
- The two monarchs, after saluting each other in the most cordial manner,
- retired into a tent which had been erected on purpose, and they held a
- secret conference together. Henry here proposed to make some amendments
- on the articles of their former alliance; and he began to read the
- treaty, “I Henry, king:” these were the first words; and he stopped
- a moment. He subjoined only the words “of England,” without adding
- “France,” the usual style of the English monarchs.[*] Francis remarked
- this delicacy, and expressed by a smile his approbation of it.
- He took an opportunity soon after of paying a compliment to Henry of a
- more flattering nature. That generous prince, full of honor himself,
- and incapable of distrusting others, was shocked at all the precautions
- which were observed whenever he had an interview with the English
- monarch: the number of their guards and attendants was carefully
- reckoned on both sides: every step was scrupulously measured and
- adjusted: and if the two kings intended to pay a visit to the queens,
- they departed from their respective quarters at the same instant, which
- was marked by the firing of a culverin; they passed each other in the
- middle point between the places; and the moment that Henry entered
- Ardres, Francis put himself into the hands of the English at Guisnes.
- In order to break off this tedious ceremonial, which contained so many
- dishonorable implications, Francis one day took with him two gentlemen
- and a page, and rode directly into Guisnes. The guards were surprised at
- the presence of the monarch, who called aloud to them, “You are all my
- prisoners: carry me to your master.” Henry was equally astonished at the
- appearance of Francis; and taking him in his arms, “My brother,” said
- he, “you have here played me the most agreeable trick in the world,
- and have showed me the full confidence I may place in you: I surrender
- myself your prisoner from this moment.” He took from his neck a collar
- of pearls, worth fifteen thousand angels;[**] and putting it about
- Francis’s, begged him to wear it for the sake of his prisoner.
- * Mémoires de Fleuranges.
- ** An angel was then estimated at seven shillings,* or near
- twelve of our present money.
- Francis agreed, but on condition that Henry should wear a bracelet
- of which he made him a present, and which was double in value to
- the collar.[*] The king went next day to Ardres without guards or
- attendants; and confidence being now fully established between the
- monarchs, they employed the rest of the time entirely in tournaments and
- festivals.
- A defiance had been sent by the two kings to each other’s court, and
- through all the chief cities in Europe, importing, that Henry and
- Francis, with fourteen aids, would be ready, in the plains of Picardy,
- to answer all comers that were gentlemen, at tilt, tournament, and
- barriers. The monarchs, in order to fulfil this challenge, advanced
- into the field on horseback, Francis surrounded with Henry’s guards, and
- Henry with those of Francis. They were gorgeously apparelled; and were
- both of them the most comely personages of their age, as well as the
- most expert in every military exercise. They carried away the prize at
- all trials in those rough and dangerous pastimes; and several horses and
- riders were overthrown by their vigor and dexterity. The ladies were
- the judges in these feats of chivalry, and put an end to the rencounter
- whenever they judged it expedient. Henry erected a spacious house of
- wood and canvas, which had been framed in London; and he there feasted
- the French monarch. He had placed a motto on this fabric, under the
- figure of an English archer embroidered on it, “Cui adhæreo præest,” He
- prevails whom I favor;[**] expressing his own situation, as holding in
- his hands the balance of power among the potentates of Europe. In these
- entertainments, more than in any serious business, did the two kings
- pass their time, till their departure.
- * Mémoires de Fleuranges.
- ** Mezeray.
- Henry paid then a visit to the emperor and Margaret of Savoy at
- Gravelines, and engaged them to go along with him to Calais, and
- pass some days in that fortress. The artful and politic Charles here
- completed the impression which he had begun to make on Henry and his
- favorite, and effaced all the friendship to which the frank and generous
- nature of Francis had given birth. As the house of Austria began
- sensibly to take the ascendant over the French monarchy, the interests
- of England required that some support should be given to the latter,
- and, above all, that any important wars should be prevented which might
- bestow on either of them a decisive superiority over the other. But the
- jealousy of the English against France has usually prevented a cordial
- union between those nations; and Charles, sensible of this hereditary
- animosity, and desirous further to flatter Henry’s vanity, had made him
- an offer, (an offer in which Francis was afterwards obliged to concur,)
- that he should be entirely arbiter in any dispute or difference that
- might arise between the monarchs. But the masterpiece of Charles’s
- politics was the securing of Wolsey in his interests, by very important
- services, and still higher promises. He renewed assurances of assisting
- him in obtaining the papacy; and he put him in present possession of the
- revenues belonging to the sees of Badajoz and Paleneia in Castile. The
- acquisitions of Wolsey were now become so exorbitant, that, joined to
- the pensions from foreign powers which Henry allowed him to possess, his
- revenues were computed nearly to equal those which belonged to the crown
- itself; and he spent them with a magnificence; or rather an ostentation,
- which gave general offence to the people; and even lessened his master
- in the eyes of all foreign nations.[*]
- * Polyd. Virg. Hall.
- The violent personal emulation and political jealousy which had taken
- place between the emperor and the French king, soon broke out in
- hostilities. But while these ambitious and warlike princes were acting
- against each other in almost every part of Europe, they still made
- professions of the strongest desire of peace; and both of them
- incessantly carried their complaints to Henry, as to the umpire between
- them. The king, who pretended to be neutral, engaged them to send their
- ambassadors to Calais, there to negotiate a peace under the mediation
- of Wolsey and the pope’s nuncio. The emperor was well apprised of the
- partiality of these mediators; and his demands in the conference were
- so unreasonable as plainly proved him conscious of the advantage. He
- required the restitution of Burgundy, a province which many years before
- had been ceded to France by treaty, and which, if in his possession,
- would have given him entrance into the heart of that kingdom: and he
- demanded to be freed from the homage which his ancestors had always done
- for Flanders and Artois, and which he himself had by the treaty of Noyon
- engaged to renew.
- {1521.} On Francis’s rejecting these terms, the congress of Calais broke
- up; and Wolsey soon after took a journey to Bruges, where he met with
- the emperor. He was received with the same state, magnificence,
- and respect, as if he had been the king of England himself; and he
- concluded, in his master’s name, an offensive alliance with the pope
- and the emperor against France. He stipulated that England should next
- summer invade that kingdom with forty thousand men; and he betrothed
- to Charles the princess Mary, the king’s only child, who had now some
- prospect of inheriting the crown. This extravagant alliance, which was
- prejudicial to the interests, and might have proved fatal to the liberty
- and independence, of the kingdom, was the result of the humors and
- prejudices of the king, and the private views and expectations of the
- cardinal.
- The people saw every day new instances of the uncontrolled authority of
- this minister. The duke of Buckingham, constable of England, the first
- nobleman both for family and fortune in the kingdom, had imprudently
- given disgust to the cardinal; and it was not long before he found
- reason to repent of his indiscretion. He seems to have been a man
- full of levity and rash projects; and being infatuated with judicial
- astrology, he entertained a commerce with one Hopkins, a Carthusian
- friar, who encouraged him in the notion of his mounting one day the
- throne of England. He was descended by a female from the duke of
- Glocester, youngest son of Edward III.; and though his claim to the
- crown was thereby very remote, he had been so unguarded as to let fall
- some expressions, as if he thought himself best entitled, in case the
- king should die without issue, to possess the royal dignity. He had not
- even abstained from threats against the king’s life; and had provided
- himself with arms, which he intended to employ, in case a favorable
- opportunity should offer. He was brought to a trial; and the duke
- of Norfolk, whose son, the earl of Surrey, had married Buckingham’s
- daughter, was created lord steward, in order to preside at this solemn
- procedure. The jury consisted of a duke, a marquis, seven earls, and
- twelve barons; and they gave their verdict against Buckingham, which
- was soon after carried into execution. There is no reason to think the
- sentence unjust;[*] but as Buckingham’s crimes seemed to proceed more
- from indiscretion than deliberate malice, the people, who loved him,
- expected that the king would grant him a pardon, and imputed their
- disappointment to the animosity and revenge of the cardinal.
- * Herbert. Hall. Stowe, p. 513. Holingshed, p. 862.
- The king’s own jealousy, however, of all persons allied to the crown,
- was, notwithstanding his undoubted title, very remarkable during the
- whole course of his reign; and was alone sufficient to render him
- implacable against Buckingham. The office of constable, which this
- nobleman inherited from the Bohuns, earls of Hereford, was forfeited,
- and was never after revived in England.
- {1521.} During some years, many parts of Europe had been agitated with
- those religious controversies which produced the reformation, one of the
- greatest events in history: but as it was not till this time that the
- king of England publicly took part in the quarrel, we had no occasion to
- give any account of its rise and progress. It will now be necessary to
- explain these theological disputes; or, what is more material, to trace
- from their origin those abuses which so generally diffused the opinion,
- that a reformation of the church or ecclesiastial order was become
- highly expedient, if not absolutely necessary. We shall be better
- enabled to comprehend the subject if we take the matter a little higher,
- and reflect a moment on the reasons why there must be an ecclesiastical
- order and a public establishment of religion in every civilized
- community. The importance of the present occasion will, I hope, excuse
- this short digression.
- Most of the arts and professions in a state are of such a nature, that,
- while they promote the interests of the society, they are also useful or
- agreeable to some individuals; and, in that case, the constant rule of
- the magistrate, except, perhaps, on the first introduction of any art,
- is to leave the profession to itself, and trust its encouragement to
- those who reap the benefit of it. The artisans, finding their profits to
- rise by the favor of their customers, increase as much as possible their
- skill and industry; and as matters are not disturbed by any injudicious
- tampering, the commodity is always sure to be at all times nearly
- proportioned to the demand.
- But there are also some callings which, though useful and even necessary
- in a state, bring no particular advantage or pleasure to any individual;
- and the supreme power is obliged to alter its conduct with regard to the
- retainers of those professions. It must give them public encouragement
- in order to their subsistence; and it must provide against that
- negligence to which they will naturally be subject, either by annexing
- peculiar honors to the profession, by establishing a long subordination
- of ranks and a strict dependence, or by some other expedient. The
- persons employed in the finances, armies, fleets, and magistracy, are
- instances of this order of men.
- It may naturally be thought, at first sight, that the ecclesiastics
- belong to the first class, and that their encouragement, as well as that
- of lawyers and physicians, may safely be intrusted to the liberality of
- individuals, who are attached to their doctrines, and who find benefit
- or consolation from their spiritual ministry and assistance. Their
- industry and vigilance will no doubt, be whetted by such an additional
- motive; and their skill in their profession, as well as their address
- in governing the minds of the people, must receive daily increase from
- their increasing practice, study, and attention.
- But if we consider the matter more closely, we shall find, that this
- interested diligence of the clergy is what every wise legislator will
- study to prevent; because in every religion, except the true, it is
- highly pernicious, and it has even a natural tendency to pervert the
- true, by infusing into it a strong mixture of superstition, folly, and
- delusion. Each ghostly practitioner, in order to render himself more
- precious and sacred in the eyes of his retainers, will inspire them
- with the most violent abhorrence of all other sects, and continually
- endeavor, by some novelty, to excite the languid devotion of his
- audience. No regard will be paid to truth, morals, or decency, in the
- doctrines inculcated. Every tenet will be adopted that best suits the
- disorderly affections of the human frame. Customers will be drawn to
- each conventicle by new industry and address, in practising on the
- passions and credulity of the populace. And, in the end, the civil
- magistrate will find, that he has dearly paid for his pretended
- frugality, in saving a fixed establishment for the priests; and that in
- reality the most decent and advantageous composition which he can make
- with the spiritual guides is to bribe their indolence, by assigning
- stated salaries to their profession, and rendering it superfluous
- for them to be further active than merely to prevent their flock from
- straying in quest of new pastures. And in this manner ecclesiastical
- establishments, though commonly they arose at first from religious
- views, prove in the end advantageous to the political interests of
- society.
- But we may observe, that few ecclesiastical establishments have been
- fixed upon a worse foundation than that of the church of Rome, or have
- been attended with circumstances more hurtful to the peace and happiness
- of mankind. The large revenues, privileges, immunities, and powers of
- the clergy, rendered them formidable to the civil magistrate; and armed
- with too extensive authority an order of men who always adhere
- closely together, and who never want a plausible pretence for their
- encroachments and usurpations. The higher dignities of the church
- served, indeed, to the support of gentry and nobility; but by the
- establishment of monasteries, many of the lowest vulgar were taken
- from the useful arts, and maintained in those receptacles of sloth
- and ignorance. The supreme head of the church was a foreign potentate,
- guided by interests always different from those of the community,
- sometimes contrary to them. And as the hierarchy was necessarily
- solicitous to preserve a unity of faith, rites, and ceremonies, all
- liberty of thought ran a manifest risk of being extinguished; and
- violent persecutions, or, what was worse, a stupid and abject credulity,
- took place every where.
- To increase these evils, the Church, though she possessed large
- revenues, was not contented with her acquisitions, but retained a power
- of practising further on the ignorance of mankind. She even bestowed
- on each individual priest a power of enriching himself by the voluntary
- oblations of the faithful, and left him still an urgent motive for
- diligence and industry in his calling. And thus that church, though
- an expensive and burdensome establishment, was liable to many of the
- inconveniences which belong to an order of priests, trusting entirely to
- their own art and invention for obtaining a subsistence.
- The advantages attending the Romish hierarchy were but a small
- compensation for its inconveniences. The ecclesiastical privileges,
- during barbarous times, had served as a check on the despotism of
- kings. The union of all the western churches under the supreme pontiff
- facilitated the intercourse of nations, and tended to bind all the parts
- of Europe into a close connection with each other. And the pomp and
- splendor of worship which belonged to so opulent an establishment,
- contributed in some respect to the encouragement of the fine arts,
- and began to diffuse a general elegance of taste by uniting it with
- religion.
- It will easily be conceived that, though the balance of evil prevailed
- in the Romish church, this was not the chief reason which produced the
- reformation. A concurrence of incidents must have contributed to forward
- that great revolution.
- Leo X., by his generous and enterprising temper, had much exhausted his
- treasury, and was obliged to employ every invention which might yield
- money, in order to support his projects, pleasures, and liberalities.
- The scheme of selling indulgences was suggested to him, as an expedient
- which had often served in former times to draw money from the Christian
- world, and make devout people willing contributors to the grandeur and
- riches of the court of Rome. The church, it was supposed, was possessed
- of a great stock of merit, as being entitled to all the good works of
- all the saints, beyond what were employed in their own justification;
- and even to the merits of Christ himself, which were infinite and
- unbounded; and from this unexhausted treasury the pope might retail
- particular portions, and by that traffic acquire money to be employed in
- pious purposes, in resisting the infidels, or subduing schismatics. When
- the money came into his exchequer, the greater part of it was usually
- diverted to other purposes.[*]
- It is commonly believed that Leo, from the penetration of his genius,
- and his familiarity with ancient literature, was fully acquainted with
- the ridicule and falsity of the doctrines which, as supreme pontiff,
- he was obliged by his interest to promote: it is the less wonder,
- therefore, that he employed for his profit those pious frauds which
- his predecessors, the most ignorant and credulous, had always, under
- plausible pretences, made use of for their selfish purposes. He
- published the sale of a general indulgence; [**] and as his expenses
- had not only exhausted his usual revenue, but even anticipated the money
- expected from this extraordinary expedient, the several branches of it
- were openly given away to particular persons, who were entitled to levy
- the imposition. The produce, particularly of Saxony and the countries
- bordering on the Baltic, was assigned to his sister Magdalene, married
- to Cibo, natural son of Innocent VIII.; and she, in order to enhance her
- profit, had farmed out the revenue to one Arcemboldi, a Genoese, once a
- merchant, now a bishop, who still retained all the lucrative arts of his
- former profession.[***] The Austin friars had usually been employed in
- Saxony to preach the indulgences, and from this trust had derived both
- profit and consideration: but Arcemboldi, fearing lest practice might
- have taught them means to secrete the money,[****] and expecting no
- extraordinary success from the ordinary methods of collection, gave this
- occupation to the Dominicans.
- * Father Paul and Sleidan.
- ** In 1517.
- *** Father Paul. Sleidan.
- **** Father Paul, lib. 1
- These monks, in order to prove themselves worthy of the distinction
- conferred on them, exaggerated the benefits of indulgences by the most
- unbounded panegyrics; and advanced doctrines on that head, which,
- though not more ridiculous than those already received, were not as yet
- entirely familiar to the ears of the people.[*] [4] To add to the scandal,
- the collectors of this revenue are said to have lived very licentious
- lives, and to have spent in taverns, gaming-houses, and places still
- more infamous, the money which devout persons had saved from their usual
- expenses, in order to purchase a remission of their sins.[**]
- All these circumstances might have given offence, but would have been
- attended with no event of any importance, had there not arisen a man
- qualified to take advantage of the incident. Martin Luther, an Austin
- friar, professor in the university of Wittemberg, resenting the affront
- put upon his order, began to preach against these abuses in the sale
- of indulgences; and being naturally of a fiery temper, and provoked by
- opposition, he proceeded even to decry indulgences themselves; and was
- thence carried, by the heat of dispute, to question the authority of the
- pope, from which his adversaries derived their chief arguments against
- him.[***] Still, as he enlarged his reading, in order to support these
- tenets, he discovered some new abuse or error in the church of Rome;
- and finding his opinions greedily hearkened to, he promulgated them by
- writing, discourse, sermon, conference; and daily increased the number
- of his disciples. All Saxony, all Germany, all Europe, were in a very
- little time filled with the voice of this daring innovator; and men,
- roused from that lethargy in which they had so long slept, began to call
- in question the most ancient and most received opinions. The elector of
- Saxony, favorable to Luther’s doctrine, protected him from the violence
- of the papal jurisdiction: the republic of Zurich even reformed their
- church according to the new model: many sovereigns of the empire, and
- the imperial diet itself, showed a favorable disposition towards it: and
- Luther, a man naturally inflexible, vehement, opinionative, was become
- incapable, either from promises of advancement or terrors of severity,
- to relinquish a sect of which he was himself the founder, and which
- brought him a glory superior to all others--the glory of dictating the
- religious faith and principles of multitudes.
- * See note D, at the end of the volume.
- ** Father Paul, lib. i.
- *** Father Paul. Sleidan
- The rumor of these innovations soon reached England and as there
- still subsisted in that kingdom great remains of the Lollards, whose
- principles resembled those of Luther, the new doctrines secretly gained
- many partisans among the laity of all ranks and denominations. But Henry
- had been educated in a strict attachment to the church of Rome; and he
- bore a particular prejudice against Luther, who, in his writings, spoke
- with contempt of Thomas Aquinas, the king’s favorite author: he opposed
- himself, therefore, to the progress of the Lutheran tenets, by all the
- influence which his extensive and almost absolute authority conferred
- upon him: he even under took to combat them with weapons not usually
- employed by monarchs, especially those in the flower of their age and
- force of their passions. He wrote a book in Latin against the principles
- of Luther; a performance which, if allowance be made for the subject and
- the age, does no discredit to his capacity. He sent a copy of it to Leo,
- who received so magnificent a present with great testimony of
- regard; and conferred on him the title of “defender of the faith;” an
- appellation still retained by the kings of England. Luther, who was in
- the heat of controversy, soon published an answer to Henry; and, without
- regard to the dignity of his antagonist, treated him with all the
- acrimony of style to which, in the course of his polemics, he had
- so long been accustomed. The king, by this ill usage, was still more
- prejudiced against the new doctrines; but the public, who naturally
- favor the weaker party, were inclined to attribute to Luther the victory
- in the dispute.[*] And as the controversy became more illustrious by
- Henry’s entering the lists, it drew still more the attention of mankind;
- and the Lutheran doctrine daily acquired new converts in every part of
- Europe.
- * Father Paul, lib. i.
- The quick and surprising progress of this bold sect may justly in part
- be ascribed to the late invention of printing, and revival of learning:
- not that reason bore any considerable share in opening men’s eyes with
- regard to the impostures of the Romish church; for of all branches of
- literature, philosophy had, as yet, and till long afterwards, made
- the most inconsiderable progress; neither is there any instance, that
- argument has ever been able to free the people from that enormous load
- of absurdity with which superstition has every where overwhelmed them;
- not to mention, that the rapid advance of the Lutheran doctrine and the
- violence with which it was embraced, prove sufficiently, that it owed
- not its success to reason and reflection. The art of printing and the
- revival of learning forwarded its progress in another manner. By means
- of that art, the books of Luther and his sectaries full of vehemence,
- declamation, and a rude eloquence, were propagated more quickly, and
- in greater numbers. The minds of men, somewhat awakened from a profound
- sleep of so many centuries, were prepared for every novelty, and
- scrupled less to tread in any unusual path which was opened to them. And
- as copies of the Scriptures and other ancient monuments of the Christian
- faith became more common, men perceived the innovations which were
- introduced after the first centuries; and though argument and reasoning
- could not give conviction, an historical fact, well supported, was able
- to make impression on their understandings. Many of the powers, indeed,
- assumed by the church of Rome, were very ancient, and were prior to
- almost every political government established in Europe: but as the
- ecclesiastics would not agree to possess their privileges as matters
- of civil right, which time might render valid, but appealed still to a
- divine origin, men were tempted to look into their primitive charter,
- and they could, without much difficulty, perceive its defect in truth
- and authenticity.
- In order to bestow on this topic the greater influence, Luther and his
- followers, not satisfied with opposing the pretended divinity of the
- Romish church, and displaying the temporal inconveniences of that
- establishment, carried matters much further, and treated the religion of
- their ancestors as abominable, detestable, damnable; foretold by
- sacred writ itself as the source of all wickedness and pollution. They
- denominated the pope Antichrist, called his communion the scarlet whore,
- and gave to Rome the appellation of Babylon; expressions which, however
- applied, were to be found in Scripture, and which were better calculated
- to operate on the multitude than the most solid arguments. Excited by
- contest and persecution on the one hand, by success and applause on the
- other, many of the reformers carried to the greatest extremities their
- opposition to the church of Rome; and in contradiction to the multiplied
- superstitions with which that communion was loaded, they adopted an
- enthusiastic strain of devotion, which admitted of no observances,
- rites, or ceremonies, but placed all merit in a mysterious species of
- faith in inward vision, rapture, and ecstasy. The new sectaries seized
- with this spirit, were indefatigable in the propagation of their
- doctrine, and set at defiance all the anathemas and punishments with
- which the Roman pontiff endeavored to overwhelm them.
- That the civil power, however, might afford them protection against the
- ecclesiastical jurisdiction, the Lutherans advanced doctrines favorable
- in some respect to the temporal authority of sovereigns. They inveighed
- against the abuses of the court of Rome, with which men were at that
- time generally discontented; and they exhorted princes to reinstate
- themselves in those powers, of which the encroaching spirit of the
- ecclesiastics, especially of the sovereign pontiff, had so long bereaved
- them. They condemned celibacy and monastic vows, and thereby opened the
- doors of the convents to those who were either tired of the obedience
- and chastity, or disgusted with the license, in which they had hitherto
- lived. They blamed the excessive riches, the idleness, the libertinism
- of the clergy; and pointed out their treasures and revenues as lawful
- spoil to the first invader. And as the ecclesiastics had hitherto
- conducted a willing and a stupid audience, and were totally unacquainted
- with controversy, much more with every species of true literature, they
- were unable to defend themselves against men armed with authorities,
- quotations, and popular topics, and qualified to triumph in every
- altercation or debate. Such were the advantages with which the reformers
- began their attack on the Romish hierarchy; and such were the causes of
- their rapid and astonishing success.
- Leo X., whose oversights and too supine trust in the profound ignorance
- of the people had given rise to this sect, but whose sound judgment,
- moderation, and temper, were well qualified to retard its progress, died
- in the flower of his age, a little after he received the king’s book
- against Luther, and he was succeeded in the papal chair by Adrian, a
- Fleming, who had been tutor to the emperor Charles. This man was fitted
- to gain on the reformers by the integrity, candor, and simplicity of
- manners which distinguished his character but, so violent were their
- prejudices against the church, he rather hurt the cause by his imprudent
- exercise of those virtues. He frankly confessed, that many abominable
- and detestable practices prevailed in the court of Rome; and by this
- sincere avowal, he gave occasion of much triumph to the Lutherans. This
- pontiff also, whose penetration was not equal to his good intentions,
- was seduced to concur in that league which Charles and Henry had formed
- against France;[*] and he thereby augmented the scandal occasioned by
- the practice of so many preceding popes, who still made their spiritual
- arms subservient to political purposes.
- {1522.} The emperor, who knew that Wolsey had received a disappointment
- in his ambitious hopes by the election of Adrian, and who dreaded the
- resentment of that haughty minister, was solicitous to repair the breach
- made in their friendship by this incident. He paid another visit to
- England; and besides flattering the vanity of the king and the cardinal,
- he renewed to Wolsey all the promises which he had made him of seconding
- his pretensions to the papal throne. Wolsey, sensible that Adrian’s
- great age and infirmities promised a speedy vacancy, dissembled his
- resentment, and was willing to hope for a more prosperous issue to the
- next election. The emperor renewed the treaty made at Bruges, to which
- some articles were added; and he agreed to indemnify both the king and
- Wolsey for the revenue which they should lose by a breach with France.
- The more to ingratiate himself with Henry and the English nation, he
- gave to Surrey, admiral of England, a commission for being admiral of
- his dominions; and he himself was installed knight of the garter
- at London. After a stay of six weeks in England, he embarked at
- Southampton, and in ten days arrived in Spain, where he soon pacified
- the tumults which had arisen in his absence.[**]
- * Guicciard. lib. xiv.
- ** Petrus de Angleria, epist. 765.
- The king declared war against France; and this measure was founded on so
- little reason, that he could allege nothing as a ground of quarrel, but
- Francis’s refusal to submit to his arbitration, and his sending Albany
- into Scotland. This last step had not been taken by the French king,
- till he was quite assured of Henry’s resolution to attack him. Surrey
- landed some troops at Cherbourg, in Normandy; and after laying waste the
- country, he sailed to Morlaix, a rich town in Brittany, which he took
- and plundered. The English merchants had great property in that place,
- which was no more spared by the soldiers than the goods of the French.
- Surrey then left the charge of the fleet to the vice-admiral; and sailed
- to Calais, where he took the command of the English army destined for
- the invasion of France. This army, when joined by forces from the Low
- Countries, under the command of the count de Buren, amounted in the
- whole to eighteen thousand men.
- The French had made it a maxim, in almost all their wars with the
- English since the reign of Charles V., never, without great necessity,
- to hazard a general engagement; and the duke of Vendôme, who commanded
- the French army, now embraced this wise policy. He supplied the towns
- most exposed, especially Boulogne, Montreuil, Terouenne, Hedin with
- strong garrisons and plenty of provisions: he himself took post at
- Abbeville, with some Swiss and French infantry, and a body of cavalry:
- the count of Guise encamped under Montreuil with six thousand men. These
- two bodies were in a situation to join upon occasion; to throw supply
- into any town that was threatened; and to harass the English in every
- movement. Surrey, who was not provided with magazines, first divided
- his troops for the convenience of subsisting them; but finding that
- his quarters were every moment beaten up by the activity of the French
- generals, he drew together his forces, and laid siege to Hedin. But
- neither did he succeed in this enterprise. The garrison made vigorous
- sallies upon his army: the French forces assaulted him from without:
- great rains fell: fatigue and bad weather threw the soldiers into
- dysenteries: and Surrey was obliged to raise the siege, and put his
- troops into winter quarters about the end of October. His rear guard was
- attacked at Pas, in Artois, and five or six hundred men were cut off;
- nor could all his efforts make him master of one place within the French
- frontier.
- The allies were more successful in Italy. Lautrec, who commanded the
- French, lost a great battle at Bicocca, near Milan; and was obliged to
- retire with the remains of his army. This misfortune, which proceeded
- from Francis’s negligence in not supplying Lautrec with money,[*]
- was followed by the loss of Genoa. The castle of Cremona was the sole
- fortress in Italy which remained in the hands of the French.
- * Guicciard. lib. xiv.
- Europe was now in such a situation, and so connected by different
- alliances and interests, that it was almost impossible for war to be
- kindled in one part, and not diffuse itself throughout the whole; but
- of all the leagues among kingdoms the closest was that which had so long
- subsisted between France and Scotland; and the English, while at war
- with the former nation, could not hope to remain long unmolested on the
- northern frontier. No sooner had Albany arrived in Scotland, than he
- took measures for kindling a war with England; and he summoned the whole
- force of the kingdom to meet in the fields of Rosline.[*] He thence
- conducted the army southwards into Annandale, and prepared to pass the
- borders at Solway Frith. But many of the nobility were disgusted with
- the regent’s administration; and observing that his connections with
- Scotland were feeble in comparison of those which he maintained with
- France, they murmured that for the sake of foreign interests, their
- peace should so often be disturbed and war, during their king’s
- minority, be wantonly entered into with a neighboring nation, so much
- superior in force and riches. The Gordons, in particular, refused to
- advance any farther; and Albany, observing a general discontent to
- prevail was obliged to conclude a truce with Lord Dacres, warden of the
- English west marches. Soon after he departed for France; and lest the
- opposite faction should gather force in his absence, he sent thither
- before him the earl of Angus, husband to the queen dowager.
- {1523.} Next year, Henry, that he might take advantage of the regent’s
- absence, marched an army into Scotland under the command of Surrey, who
- ravaged the Merse and Teviotdale without opposition, and burned the town
- of Jedburgh. The Scots had neither king nor regent to conduct them:
- the two Humes had been put to death: Angus was in a manner banished: no
- nobleman of vigor or authority remained, who was qualified to assume the
- government: and the English monarch, who knew the distressed situation
- of the country, determined to push them to extremity, in hopes of
- engaging them, by the sense of their present weakness, to make a solemn
- renunciation of the French alliance, and to embrace that of England.[*]
- He even gave them hopes of contracting a marriage between the lady Mary,
- heiress of England, and their young monarch; an expedient which would
- forever unite the two kingdoms:[**] and the queen dowager, with her
- whole party, recommended every where the advantages of this alliance,
- and of a confederacy with Henry.
- * Buchanan, lib. xiv. Drummond. Pitscottie.
- ** Buchanan, lib. xiv. Herbert.
- *** Le Grand, vol. iii. p. 39.
- They said that the interests of Scotland had too long been sacrificed to
- those of the French nation, who, whenever they found themselves reduced
- to difficulties, called for the assistance of their allies; but were
- ready to abandon them as soon as they found their advantage in making
- peace with England: that where a small state entered into so close a
- confederacy with a greater, it must always expect this treatment, as
- a consequence of the unequal alliance; but there were peculiar
- circumstances in the situation of the kingdoms, which, in the present
- case, rendered it inevitable: that France was so distant, and so divided
- from them by sea, that she scarcely could, by any means, and never could
- in time, send succors to the Scots, sufficient to protect them against
- ravages from the neighboring kingdom: that nature had, in a manner,
- formed an alliance between the two British nations; having enclosed them
- in the same island; given them the same manners, language, laws, and
- form of government; and prepared every thing for an intimate union
- between them: and that, if national antipathies were abolished, which
- would soon be the effect of peace, these two kingdoms, secured by the
- ocean and by their domestic force, could set at defiance all foreign
- enemies, and remain forever safe and unmolested.
- The partisans of the French alliance, on the other hand, said, that the
- very reasons which were urged in favor of a league with England, the
- vicinity of the kingdom and its superior force, were the real causes
- why a sincere and durable confederacy could never be formed with that
- hostile nation: that among neighboring states occasions of quarrel were
- frequent, and the more powerful would be sure to seize every frivolous
- pretence for oppressing the weaker, and reducing it to subjection: that
- as the near neighborhood of France and England had kindled a war almost
- perpetual between them, it was the interest of the Scots, if they wished
- to maintain their independence, to preserve their league with the former
- kingdom, which balanced the force of the latter: that if they deserted
- that old and salutary alliance on which their importance in Europe
- chiefly depended, their ancient enemies, stimulated both by interest and
- by passion, would soon invade them with superior force, and bereave them
- of all their liberties: or if they delayed the attack, the insidious
- peace, by making the Scots forget the use of arms, would only prepare
- the way for a slavery more certain and more irretrievable.[*]
- * Buchanan, lib. xiv.
- The arguments employed by the French party, being seconded by the
- natural prejudices of the people, seemed most prevalent: and when the
- regent himself, who had been long detained beyond his appointed time by
- the danger from the English fleet, at last appeared among them, he was
- able to throw the balance entirely on that side. By authority of the
- convention of states, he assembled an army, with a view of avenging the
- ravages committed by the English in the beginning of the campaign; and
- he led them southwards towards the borders. But when they were passing
- the Tweed at the bridge of Melross, the English party raised again such
- opposition, that Albany thought proper to make a retreat. He marched
- downwards, along the banks of the Tweed, keeping that river on his
- right; and fixed his camp opposite to Werkcastle, which Surrey had
- lately repaired. He sent over some troops to besiege this fortress, who
- made a breach in it, and stormed some of the outworks: but the regent,
- hearing of the approach of an English army, and discouraged by the
- advanced season, thought proper to disband his forces and retire to
- Edinburgh. Soon after, he went over to France, and never again returned
- to Scotland. The Scottish nation, agitated by their domestic factions,
- were not, during several years, in a condition to give any more
- disturbance to England; and Henry had full leisure to prosecute his
- designs on the continent.
- The reason why the war against France proceeded so slowly on the part
- of England, was the want of money. All the treasures of Henry VII. were
- long ago dissipated; the king’s habits of expense still remained; and
- his revenues were unequal even to the ordinary charge of government,
- much more to his military enterprises. He had last year caused a general
- survey to be made of the kingdom; the numbers of men, their years,
- profession, stock, revenue;[*] and expressed great satisfaction on
- finding the nation so opulent. He then issued privy seals to the most
- wealthy, demanding loans of particular sums: this act of power, though
- somewhat irregular and tyrannical, had been formerly practised by kings
- of England; and the people were now familiarized to it. But Henry, this
- year, carried his authority much further. He published an edict for
- a general tax upon his subjects, which he still called a loan; and he
- levied five shillings in the pound upon the clergy, two shillings upon
- the laity. This pretended loan, as being more regular, was really more
- dangerous to the liberties of the people, and was a precedent for the
- king’s imposing taxes without consent of parliament.
- * Herbert. Stowe, p. 514.
- Henry soon after summoned a parliament, together with a convocation; and
- found neither of them in a disposition to complain of the infringement
- of their privileges. It was only doubted how far they would carry their
- liberality to the king. Wolsey, who had undertaken the management of the
- affair, began with the convocation, in hopes that their example would
- influence the parliament to grant a large supply. He demanded a moiety
- of the ecclesiastical revenues to be levied in five years, or two
- shillings in the pound during that time; and though he met with
- opposition, he reprimanded the refractory members in such severe terms,
- that his request was at last complied with. The cardinal afterwards,
- attended by several of the nobility and prelates, came to the house of
- commons; and in a long and elaborate speech laid before them the public
- necessities, the danger of an invasion from Scotland, the affronts
- received from France, the league in which the king was engaged with the
- pope and the emperor; and he demanded a grant of eight hundred thousand
- pounds, divided into four yearly payments; a sum computed, from the late
- survey or valuation, to be equal to four shillings in the pound of one
- year’s revenue, or one shilling in the pound yearly, according to the
- division proposed.[*] So large a grant was unusual from the commons;
- and though the cardinal’s demand was seconded by Sir Thomas More the
- speaker, and several other members attached to the court, the house
- could not be prevailed with to comply.[**]
- * This survey or valuation is liable to much suspicion, as
- fixing the rents a great deal too high; unless the sum
- comprehend the revenues of all kinds, industry as well as
- land and money.
- ** Herbert. Stowe, p. 518. Parl. Hist. Strype, vol. i. p.
- 49, 59.
- [Illustration: 1-371-more.jpg SIR THOMAS MORE]
- They only voted two shillings in the pound on all who enjoyed twenty
- pounds a year and upwards; one shilling on all who possessed between
- twenty pounds and forty shillings a year; and on the other subjects
- above sixteen years of age, a groat a head. This last sum was divided
- into two yearly payments; the former into four, and was not therefore at
- the utmost above sixpence in the pound. The grant of the commons was
- but the moiety of the sum demanded; and the cardinal, therefore, much
- mortified with the disappointment, came again to the house, and desired
- to reason with such as refused to comply with the king’s request. He
- was told that it was a rule of the house never to reason but among
- themselves; and his desire was rejected. The commons, however, enlarged
- a little their former grant, and voted an imposition of three shillings
- in the pound on all possessed of fifty pounds a year and upwards.[*] [5]
- The proceedings of this house of commons evidently discover the humor of
- the times: they were extremely tenacious of their money, and refused a
- demand of the crown which was far from being unreasonable; but they
- allowed an encroachment on national privileges to pass uncensured,
- though its direct tendency was to subvert entirely the liberties of the
- people. The king was so dissatisfied with this saving disposition of the
- commons, that, as he had not called a parliament during seven years
- before, he allowed seven more to elapse before he summoned another. And
- on pretence of necessity, he levied in one year, from all who were worth
- forty pounds, what the parliament had granted him payable in four
- years;[**] a new invasion of national privileges. These irregularities
- were commonly ascribed to the cardinal’s counsels, who, trusting to the
- protection afforded him by his ecclesiastical character, was the less
- scrupulous in his encroachment on the civil rights of the nation.
- * See note E, at the end of the volume.
- ** Speed. Hall. Herbert.
- That ambitious prelate received this year a new disappointment in his
- aspiring views. The pope, Adrian VI., died; and Clement VII., of the
- family of Medicis, was elected in his place, by the concurrence of
- the imperial party. Wolsey could not perceive the insincerity of the
- emperor, and he concluded that that prince would never second his
- pretensions to the papal chair. As he highly resented this injury, he
- began thenceforth to estrange himself from the imperial court, and
- to pave the way for a union between his master and the French king.
- Meanwhile he concealed his disgust; and after congratulating the new
- pope on his promotion, applied for a continuation of the legatine powers
- which the two former popes had conferred upon him. Clement, knowing the
- importance of gaining his friendship, granted him a commission for life;
- and, by this unusual concession, he in a manner transferred to him the
- whole papal authority in England. In some particulars Wolsey made a good
- use of this extensive power. He erected two colleges, one at Oxford,
- another at Ipswich, the place of his nativity: he sought all over Europe
- for learned men to supply the chairs of these colleges; and in order to
- bestow endowments on them, he suppressed some smaller monasteries, and
- distributed the monks into other convents. The execution of this project
- became the less difficult for him, because the Romish church began
- to perceive, that she overabounded in monks, and that she wanted some
- supply of learning, in order to oppose the inquisitive, or rather
- disputative humor of the reformers.
- The confederacy against France seemed more formidable than ever, on
- the opening of the campaign.[*] Adrian before his death had renewed the
- league with Charles and Henry. The Venetians had been induced to desert
- the French alliance, and to form engagements for securing Francis
- Sforza, brother to Maximilian, in possession of the Milanese. The
- Florentines, the dukes of Ferrara and Mantua, and all the powers of
- Italy, combined in the same measure. The emperor in person menaced
- France with a powerful invasion on the side of Guienne: the forces of
- England and the Netherlands hovered over Picardy: a numerous body of
- Germans were preparing to ravage Burgundy: but all these perils from
- foreign enemies were less threatening than a domestic conspiracy, which
- had been formed, and which was now come to full maturity, against the
- French monarch.
- * Guicciard. lib. xiv.
- Charles, duke of Bourbon, constable of France, was a prince of the most
- shining merit; and, besides distinguishing himself in many military
- enterprises, he was adorned with every accomplishment which became a
- person of his high station. His virtues, embellished with the graces of
- youth, had made such impression on Louise of Savoy, Francis’s mother,
- that, without regard to the inequality of their years, she made him
- proposals of marriage; and meeting with a repulse, she formed schemes
- of unrelenting vengeance against him. She was a woman false, deceitful,
- vindictive, malicious; but, unhappily for France, had, by her capacity,
- which was considerable, acquired an absolute ascendant over her son. By
- her instigation, Francis put many affronts on the constable, which it
- was difficult for a gallant spirit to endure; and at last he permitted
- Louise to prosecute a lawsuit against him, by which, on the most
- frivolous pretences, he was deprived of his ample possessions; and
- inevitable ruin was brought upon him.
- Bourbon, provoked at all these indignities, and thinking that, if
- any injuries could justify a man in rebelling against his prince
- and country, he must stand acquitted, had entered into a secret
- correspondence with the emperor and the king of England.[*] Francis,
- pertinacious in his purpose of recovering the Milanese, had intended to
- lead his army in person into Italy; and Bourbon, who feigned sickness
- in order to have a pretence for staying behind, purposed, as soon as
- the king should have passed the Alps, to raise an insurrection among
- his numerous vassals, by whom he was extremely beloved, and to introduce
- foreign enemies into the heart of the kingdom. Francis got intimation
- of his design; but as he was not expeditious enough in securing so
- dangerous a foe, the constable made his escape;[**] and entering into
- the emperor’s service, employed all the force of his enterprising
- spirit, and his great talents for war, to the prejudice of his native
- country.
- The king of England, desirous that Francis should undertake his Italian
- expedition, did not openly threaten Picardy this year with an invasion;
- and it was late before the duke of Suffolk, who commanded the English
- forces, passed over to Calais. He was attended by the lords Montacute,
- Herbert, Ferrars, Morney, Sandys, Berkeley, Powis, and many other
- noblemen and gentlemen.[***]
- * Mémoires du Bellai, liv. ii.
- ** Belcarius, lib. xvii.
- *** Herbert.
- The English army, reënforced by some troops drawn from the garrison
- of Calais, amounted to about twelve thousand men; and having joined an
- equal number of Flemings under the count de Buren, they prepared for an
- invasion of France. The siege of Boulogne was first proposed; but that
- enterprise appearing difficult, it was thought more advisable to leave
- this town behind them. The frontier of Picardy was very ill provided
- with troops; and the only defence of that province was the activity of
- the French officers, who infested the allied army in their march,
- and threw garrisons, with great expedition, into every town which
- was threatened by them. After coasting the Somme, and passing Hedin,
- Montreuil, Dourlens, the English and Flemings presented themselves
- before Bray, a place of small force, which commanded a bridge over that
- river. Here they were resolved to pass, and, if possible, to take up
- winter quarters in France; but Crequi threw himself into the town and
- seemed resolute to defend it. The allies attacked him with vigor and
- success; and when he retreated over the bridge, they pursued him so
- hotly, that they allowed him not time to break it down, but passed
- it along with him, and totally routed his army. They next advanced to
- Montdidier, which they besieged, and took by capitulation. Meeting with
- no opposition, they proceeded to the River Oise, within eleven leagues
- of Paris, and threw that city into great consternation; till the duke
- of Vendôme hastened with some forces to its relief. The confederates,
- afraid of being surrounded, and of being reduced to extremities
- during so advanced a season, thought proper to retreat. Montdidier was
- abandoned; and the English and Flemings, without effecting any thing,
- retired into their respective countries.
- France defended herself from the other invasions with equal facility
- and equal good fortune. Twelve thousand Lansquenets broke into Burgundy
- under the command of the count of Furstenberg. The count of Guise, who
- defended that frontier, had nothing to oppose to them but some militia,
- and about nine hundred heavy-armed cavalry. He threw the militia into
- the garrison towns; and with his cavalry he kept the field, and so
- harassed the Germans, that they were glad to make their retreat into
- Lorraine. Guise attacked them as they passed the Meuse, put them into
- disorder, and cut off the greater part of their rear.
- The emperor made great preparations on the side of Navarre; and though
- that frontier was well guarded by nature, it seemed now exposed to
- danger from the powerful invasion which threatened it. Charles besieged
- Fontarabia, which a few years before had fallen into Francis’s hands;
- and when he had drawn thither Lautrec, the French general, he of a
- sudden raised the siege, and sat down before Bayonne. Lautrec, aware
- of that stratagem, made a sudden march, and threw himself into Bayonne,
- which he defended with such vigor and courage, that the Spaniards were
- constrained to raise the siege. The emperor would have been totally
- unfortunate on this side, had he not turned back upon Fontarabia, and,
- contrary to the advice of all his generals, sitten down in the winter
- season before that city, well fortified and strongly garrisoned. The
- cowardice or misconduct of the governor saved him from the shame of a
- new disappointment. The place was surrendered in a few days; and the
- emperor, having finished this enterprise, put his troops into winter
- quarters.
- So obstinate was Francis in prosecuting his Italian expedition, that,
- notwithstanding these numerous invasions with which his kingdom was
- menaced on every side, he had determined to lead in person a powerful
- army to the conquest of Milan. The intelligence of Bourbon’s conspiracy
- and escape stopped him at Lyons; and fearing some insurrection in the
- kingdom from the intrigues of a man so powerful and so much beloved,
- he thought it prudent to remain in France and to send forward his army
- under the command of Admiral Bonnivet. The duchy of Milan had been
- purposely left in a condition somewhat defenceless, with a view of
- alluring Francis to attack it, and thereby facilitating the enterprises
- of Bourbon; and no sooner had Bonnivet passed the Tesin, than the army
- of the league, and even Prosper Colonna, who commanded it, a prudent
- general, were in the utmost confusion. It is agreed, that if Bonnivet
- had immediately advanced to Milan, that great city, on which the whole
- duchy depends, would have opened its gates without resistance: but as
- he wasted his time in frivolous enterprises, Colonna had opportunity to
- reënforce the garrison, and to put the place in a posture of defence.
- Bonnivet was now obliged to attempt reducing the city by blockade and
- famine; and he took possession of all the posts which commanded the
- passages to it. But the army of the league, meanwhile, was not inactive;
- and they so straitened and harassed the quarters of the French, that it
- seemed more likely the latter should themselves perish by famine, than
- reduce the city to that extremity.
- {1524.} Sickness, and fatigue, and want had wasted them to such a
- degree, that they were ready to raise the blockade; and their only hopes
- consisted in a great body of Swiss, which was levied for the service
- of the French king, and whose arrival was every day expected. But these
- mountaineers no sooner came within sight of the French camp, than they
- stopped, from a sudden caprice and resentment; and instead of joining
- Bonnivet, they sent orders to a great body of their countrymen, who then
- served under him, immediately to begin their march, and to return home
- in their company.[*] After this desertion of the Swiss, Bonnivet had
- no other choice but that of making his retreat as fast as possible into
- France.
- * Guicciard. lib. xv. Mémoires de Bellai, liv. ii.
- The French being thus expelled Italy, the pope, the Venetians, the
- Florentines, were satisfied with the advantage obtained over them, and
- were resolved to prosecute their victory no further. All these powers,
- especially Clement, had entertained a violent jealousy of the emperor’s
- ambition; and their suspicions were extremely augmented when they saw
- him refuse the investiture of Milan, a fief of the empire, to Francis
- Sforza, whose title he had acknowledged, and whose defence he had
- embraced.[*] They all concluded, that he intended to put himself in
- possession of that important duchy, and reduce Italy to subjection:
- Clement in particular, actuated by this jealousy, proceeded so far in
- opposition to the emperor, that he sent orders to his nuncio at London
- to mediate a reconciliation between France and England. But affairs were
- not yet fully ripe for this change. Wolsey, disgusted with the emperor,
- but still more actuated by vain-glory, was determined that he himself
- should have the renown of bringing about that great alteration; and he
- engaged the king to reject the pope’s mediation.
- * Guicciard. lib. xv.
- A new treaty was even concluded between Henry and Charles for the
- invasion of France. Charles stipulated to supply the Duke of Bourbon
- with a powerful army, in order to conquer Provence and Dauphiny: Henry
- agreed to pay him a hundred thousand crowns for the first month; after
- which he might either choose to continue the same monthly payments,
- or invade Picardy with a powerful army. Bourbon was to possess these
- provinces with the title of king; but to hold them in fee of Henry as
- king of France. The duchy of Burgundy was to be given to Charles; the
- rest of the kingdom to Henry. This chimerical partition immediately
- failed of execution in the article which was most easily performed:
- Bourbon refused to acknowledge Henry as king of France. His enterprise,
- however, against Provence still took place. A numerous army of
- imperialists invaded that country, under his command and that of the
- marquis of Pescara. They laid siege to Marseilles, which, being weakly
- garrisoned, they expected to reduce in a little time; but the citizens
- defended themselves with such valor and obstinacy, that Bourbon and
- Pescara, who heard of the French king’s approach with a numerous army,
- found themselves under the necessity of raising the siege; and they led
- their forces, weakened, baffled, and disheartened, into Italy.
- Francis might now have enjoyed in safety the glory of repulsing all his
- enemies, in every attempt which they had hitherto made for invading
- his kingdom; but as he received intelligence that the king of England,
- discouraged by his former fruitless enterprises, and disgusted with
- the emperor, was making no preparations for any attempt on Picardy, his
- ancient ardor seized him for the conquest of Milan; and notwithstanding
- the advanced season, he was immediately determined, contrary to the
- advice of his wisest counsellors, to lead his army into Italy.
- He passed the Alps at Mount Cenis, and no sooner appeared in Piedmont
- than he threw the whole Milanese into consternation. The forces of the
- emperor and Sforza retired to Lodi; and had Francis been so fortunate
- as to pursue them, they had abandoned that place, and had been totally
- dispersed;[*] but his ill fate led him to besiege Pavia, a town of
- considerable strength, well garrisoned, and defended by Leyva, one of
- the bravest officers in the Spanish service. Every attempt which the
- French king made to gain this important place proved fruitless. He
- battered the walls and made breaches; but, by the vigilance of Leyva,
- new retrenchments were instantly thrown up behind the breaches: he
- attempted to divert the course of the Tesin, which ran by one side of
- the city and defended it; but an inundation of the river destroyed in
- one night all the mounds which the soldiers during a long time, and with
- infinite labor, had been erecting.
- * Guicciard. lib. xv. Du Bellai, lib. ii.
- {1525.} Fatigue and the bad season (for it was the depth of winter)
- had wasted the French army. The imperial generals meanwhile were not
- inactive. Pescara, and Lannoy, viceroy of Naples, assembled forces from
- all quarters. Bourbon, having pawned his jewels, went into Germany, and
- with the money, aided by his personal interest, levied a body of twelve
- thousand Lansquenets, with which he joined the imperialists. This whole
- army advanced to raise the siege of Pavia; and the danger to the French
- became every day more imminent.
- The state of Europe was such during that age, that, partly from the
- want of commerce and industry every where, except in Italy and the Low
- Countries, partly from the extensive privileges still possessed by the
- people in all the great monarchies and their frugal maxims in granting
- money, the revenues of the princes were extremely narrow, and even the
- small armies which they kept on foot could not be regularly paid by
- them*[**missing period] The imperial forces, commanded by Bourbon,
- Pescara, and Lannoy, exceeded not twenty thousand men; they were the
- only body of troops maintained by the emperor, (for he had not been able
- to levy any army for the invasion of France, either on the side of
- Spain or Flanders.) Yet so poor was that mighty monarch, that he could
- transmit no money for the payment of this army; and it was chiefly the
- hopes of sharing the plunder of the French camp which had made them
- advance and kept them to their standards. Had Francis raised the siege
- before their approach, and retired to Milan, they must immediately have
- disbanded; and he had obtained a complete victory without danger or
- bloodshed. But it was the character of this monarch to become obstinate
- in proportion to the difficulties which he encountered; and having once
- said, that he would take Pavia or perish before it, he was resolved
- rather to endure the utmost extremities than depart from this
- resolution.
- The imperial generals, after cannonading the French camp for several
- days, at last made a general assault, and broke into the intrenchments.
- Leyva sallied from the town, and increased the confusion among the
- besiegers. The Swiss infantry, contrary to their usual practice, behaved
- in a dastardly manner, and deserted their post. Francis’s forces were
- put to rout; and he himself, surrounded by his enemies, after fighting
- with heroic valor, and killing seven men with his own hand, was at last
- obliged to surrender himself prisoner. All most the whole army, full
- of nobility and brave officers, either perished by the sword or were
- drowned in the river. The few who escaped with their lives fell into the
- hands of the enemy.
- The emperor received this news by Pennalosa, who passed through
- France by means of a safe-conduct granted him by the captive king. The
- moderation which he displayed on this occasion, had it been sincere,
- would have done him honor. Instead of rejoicing, he expressed sympathy
- with Francis’s ill fortune, and discovered his sense of those calamities
- to which the greatest monarchs are exposed.[*] He refused the city of
- Madrid permission to make any public expressions of triumph; and said
- that he reserved all his exultation till he should he able to obtain
- some victory over the infidels. He sent orders to his frontier garrisons
- to commit no hostilities upon France.
- * Vera. Hist. de Carl. V.
- He spoke of concluding immediately a peace on reasonable terms. But all
- this seeming moderation was only hypocrisy, so much the more dangerous
- as it was profound. And he was wholly occupied in forming schemes
- how, from this great incident, he might draw the utmost advantage, and
- gratify that exorbitant ambition by which, in all his actions, he was
- ever governed.
- The same Pennalosa, in passing through France, carried also a letter
- from Francis to his mother, whom he had left regent, and who then
- resided at Lyons. It contained only these few words: “Madam, all is
- lost, except our honor.” The princess was struck with the greatness of
- the calamity. She saw the kingdom without a sovereign, without an army,
- without generals, without money; surrounded on every side by implacable
- and victorious enemies; and her chief resource, in her present
- distresses, were the hopes which she entertained of peace and even of
- assistance from the king of England.
- Had the king entered into the war against France from any concerted
- political views, it is evident that the victory of Pavia and the
- captivity of Francis were the most fortunate incidents that could have
- befallen him, and the only ones that could render his schemes effectual.
- While the war was carried on in the former feeble manner, without any
- decisive advantage, he might have been able to possess himself of some
- frontier town, or perhaps of a small territory, of which he could not.
- have kept possession without expending much more than its value. By some
- signal calamity alone, which annihilated the power of France, could he
- hope to acquire the dominion of considerable provinces, or dismember
- that great monarchy, so affectionate to its own government and its own
- sovereigns. But as it is probable that Henry had never before carried
- his reflections so far, he was startled at this important event, and
- became sensible of his own danger, as well as that of all Europe, from
- the loss of a proper counterpoise to the power of Charles. Instead of
- taking advantage, therefore, of the distressed condition of Francis, he
- was determined to lend him assistance in his present calamities; and
- as the glory of generosity in raising a fallen enemy concurred with
- his political interests, he hesitated the less in embracing these new
- measures.
- Some disgusts also had previously taken place between Charles and Henry,
- and still more between Charles and Wolsey; and that powerful minister
- waited only for a favorable opportunity of revenging the disappointments
- which he had met with. The behavior of Charles, immediately after the
- victory of Pavia, gave him occasion to revive the king’s jealousy and
- suspicions. The emperor so ill supported the appearance of moderation
- which he at first assumed, that he had already changed his usual
- style to Henry; and instead of writing to him with his own hand, and
- subscribing himself “Your affectionate son and cousin,” he dictated
- his letters to a secretary, and simply subscribed himself “Charles.”[*]
- Wolsey also perceived a diminution in the caresses and professions with
- which the emperor’s letters to him were formerly loaded; and this last
- imprudence, proceeding from the intoxication of success, was probably
- more dangerous to Charles’s interests than the other.
- Henry, though immediately determined to embrace new measures, was
- careful to save appearances in the change; and he caused rejoicings to
- be every where made on account of the victory of Pavia and the captivity
- of Francis. He publicly dismissed a French envoy, whom he had formerly
- allowed, notwithstanding the war, to reside at London;[**] but upon the
- regent of France’s submissive applications to him, he again opened a
- correspondence with her; and besides assuring her of his friendship and
- protection, he exacted a promise that she never would consent to the
- dismembering of any province from the monarchy for her son’s ransom.
- With the emperor, however, he put on the appearance of vigor and
- enterprise; and in order to have a pretence for breaking with him, he
- despatched Tonstal, bishop of London, to Madrid with proposals for a
- powerful invasion of France. He required that Charles should immediately
- enter Guienne at the head of a great army, in order to put him in
- possession of that province; and he demanded the payments of large sums
- of money which that prince had borrowed from him in his last visit
- at London. He knew that the emperor was in no condition of fulfilling
- either of these demands; and that he had as little inclination to make
- him master of such considerable territories upon the frontiers of Spain.
- * Guicciard. lib. xvi.
- ** Du Bellai, liv. iii Stowe, p. 221. Baker, p. 273.
- Tonstal, likewise, after his arrival at Madrid, informed his master that
- Charles, on his part, urged several complaints against England; and in
- particular was displeased with Henry, because last year he had neither
- continued his monthly payments to Bourbon nor invaded Picardy, according
- to his stipulations. Tonstal added, that instead of expressing an
- intention to espouse Mary when she should be of age, the emperor had
- hearkened to proposals for marrying his niece Isabella, princess of
- Portugal; and that he had entered into a separate treaty with Francis,
- and seemed determined to reap alone all the advantages of the success
- with which fortune had crowned his arms.
- The king, influenced by all these motives, concluded at Moore his
- alliance with the regent of France, and engaged to procure her son his
- liberty on reasonable conditions:[*] the regent also, in another treaty,
- acknowledged the kingdom Henry’s debtor for one million eight hundred
- thousand crowns to be discharged in half-yearly payments of fifty
- thousand crowns; after which Henry was to receive, during life, a yearly
- pension of a hundred thousand. A large present of a hundred thousand
- crowns was also made to Wolsey for his good offices, but covered under
- the pretence of arrears due on the pension granted him for relinquishing
- the administration of Tournay.
- * Du Tillet, Recueil des Traités de Leonard, tom. ii.
- Herbert.
- Meanwhile Henry, foreseeing that this treaty with France might involve
- him in a war with the emperor, was also determined to fill his treasury
- by impositions upon his own subjects; and as the parliament had
- discovered some reluctance in complying with his demands, he followed,
- as is believed, the counsel of Wolsey, and resolved to make use of his
- prerogative alone for that purpose. He issued commissions to all the
- counties of England, for levying four shillings in the pound upon
- the clergy, three shillings and fourpence upon the laity; and so
- uncontrollable did he deem his authority, that he took no care to cover,
- as formerly, this arbitrary exaction, even under the slender pretence
- of a loan. But he soon found that he had presumed too far on the passive
- submission of his subjects. The people, displeased with an exaction
- beyond what was usually levied in those days, and further disgusted with
- the illegal method of imposing it, broke out in murmurs, complaints,
- opposition to the commissioners; and their refractory disposition
- threatened a general insurrection. Henry had the prudence to stop short
- in that dangerous path into which he had entered. He sent letters to all
- the counties, declaring that he meant no force by this last imposition,
- and that he would take nothing from his subjects but by way of
- “benevolence.” He flattered himself, that his condescension in employing
- that disguise would satisfy the people, and that no one would dare to
- render himself obnoxious to royal authority, by refusing any payment
- required of him in this manner. But the spirit of opposition, once
- roused, could not so easily be quieted at pleasure. A lawyer in the
- city objecting the statute of Richard III., by which benevolences were
- forever abolished, it was replied by the court, that Richard being a
- usurper, and his parliament a factious assembly, his statutes could not
- bind a lawful and absolute monarch, who held his crown by hereditary
- right, and needed not to court the favor of a licentious populace.[*]
- * Herbert Hall.
- The judges even went so far as to affirm positively, that the king might
- exact by commission any sum he pleased; and the privy council gave
- a ready assent to this decree, which annihilated the most valuable
- privilege of the people, and rendered all their other privileges
- precarious. Armed with such formidable authority of royal prerogative
- and a pretence of law, Wolsey sent for the mayor of London, and desired
- to know what he was willing to give for the supply of his majesty’s
- necessities. The mayor seemed desirous, before he should declare
- himself, to consult the common council; but the cardinal required that
- he and all the aldermen should separately confer with himself about
- the benevolence; and he eluded by that means the danger of a formed
- opposition. Matters, however, went not so smoothly in the country. An
- insurrection was begun in some places; but as the people were not headed
- by any considerable person, it was easy for the duke of Suffolk, and
- the earl of Surrey, now duke of Norfolk, by employing persuasion
- and authority, to induce the ringleaders to lay down their arms and
- surrender themselves prisoners. The king, finding it dangerous to punish
- criminals engaged in so popular a cause, was determined, notwithstanding
- his violent, imperious temper, to grant them a general pardon; and
- he prudently imputed their guilt, not to their want of loyalty or
- affection, but to their poverty. The offenders were carried before the
- star chamber; where, after a severe charge brought against them by the
- king’s council, the cardinal said, “that notwithstanding their grievous,
- offence, the king, in, consideration of their necessities, had granted
- them his gracious pardon, upon condition that they would find sureties
- for their future good behavior.” But they, replying that they had no
- sureties, the cardinal first, and after him the duke of Norfolk, said
- that they would be bound for them. Upon which they were dismissed.[*]
- * Herbert. Hall. Stowe, p. 525. Holingshed, p. 891.
- These arbitrary impositions being imputed, though on what grounds is
- unknown, to the counsels of the cardinal, increased the general odium
- under which he labored: and the clemency of the pardon, being ascribed
- to the king, was considered as an atonement on his part for the
- illegality of the measure. But Wolsey, supported both by royal and
- papal authority, proceeded without scruple to violate all ecclesiastical
- privileges, which, during that age, were much more sacred than civil;
- and having once prevailed in that unusual attempt of suppressing some
- monasteries, he kept all the rest in awe, and exercised over them an
- arbitrary jurisdiction. By his commission as legate he was empowered to
- visit them, and reform them, and chastise their irregularities; and he
- employed his usual agent, Allen, in the exercise of this authority.
- The religious houses were obliged to compound for their guilt, real or
- pretended, by paying large sums to the cardinal or his deputy; and this
- oppression was carried so far, that it reached at last the king’s ears,
- which were not commonly open to complaints against his favorite.
- Wolsey had built a splendid palace at Hampton Court, which he probably
- intended, as well as that of York Place, in Westminster, for his
- own residence; but fearing the increase of envy on account of this
- magnificence, and desirous to appease the king, he made him a present of
- the building, and told him that, from the first, he had erected it for
- his use.
- The absolute authority possessed by the king rendered his domestic
- government, both over his people and his ministers, easy and
- expeditious: the conduct of foreign affairs alone required effort and
- application; and they were now brought to such a situation, that it
- was no longer safe for England to remain entirely neutral. The feigned
- moderation of the emperor was of short duration; and it was soon obvious
- to all the world, that his great dominions, far from gratifying
- his ambition, were only regarded as the means of acquiring an more
- extensive. The terms which he demanded of his prisoner were such as must
- forever have annihilated the power of France, and destroyed the balance
- of Europe. These terms were proposed to Francis soon after the battle
- of Pavia, while he was detained in Pizzichitone; and as he had hitherto
- trusted somewhat to the emperor’s generosity, the disappointment excited
- in his breast the most lively indignation. He said, that he would rather
- live and die a prisoner than agree to dismember his kingdom; and that
- even were he so base as to submit to such conditions, his subjects would
- never permit him to carry them into execution.
- Francis was encouraged to persist in demanding more moderate terms by
- the favorable accounts which he heard of Henry’s disposition towards
- him, and of the alarm which had seized all the chief powers in Italy
- upon his defeat and captivity. He was uneasy, however, to be so far
- distant from the emperor, with whom he must treat; and he expressed his
- desire (which was complied with) to be removed to Madrid, in hopes that
- a personal interview would operate in his favor, and that Charles, if
- not influenced by his ministers, might be found possessed of the same
- frankness of disposition by which he himself was distinguished. He was
- soon convinced of his mistake. Partly from want of exercise, partly
- from reflections on his present melancholy situation, he fell into a
- languishing illness; which begat apprehensions in Charles, lest the
- death of his captive should bereave him of all those advantages which he
- purposed to extort from him. He then paid him a visit in the castle
- of Madrid; and as he approached the bed in which Francis lay, the sick
- monarch called to him, “You come, sir, to visit your prisoner.” “No,”
- replied the emperor, “I come to visit my brother and my friend, who
- shall soon obtain his liberty.” He soothed his afflictions with many
- speeches of a like nature, which had so good an effect that the king
- daily recovered;[*] and thenceforth employed himself in concerting with
- the ministers of the emperor the terms of his treaty.
- * Herbert. Le Vera. Sandoval.
- {1526.} At last, the emperor, dreading a general combination against
- him, was willing to abate somewhat of his rigor: and the treaty of
- Madrid was signed, by which, it was hoped an end would be finally put
- to the differences between these great monarchs. The principal condition
- was the restoring of Francis’s liberty, and the delivery of his two
- eldest sons as hostages to the emperor for the cession of Burgundy. If
- any difficulty should afterwards occur in the execution of this last
- article, from the opposition of the states either of France or of that
- province, Francis stipulated, that in six weeks’ time, he should return
- to his prison, and remain there till the full performance of the treaty.
- There were many other articles in this famous convention, all of them
- extremely severe upon the captive monarch; and Charles discovered
- evidently his intention of reducing Italy, as well as France, to
- subjection and dependence.
- Many of Charles’s ministers foresaw that Francis, how solemn soever the
- oaths, promises, and protestations exacted of him, never would execute
- a treaty so disadvantageous, or rather ruinous and destructive, to
- himself, his posterity, and his country. By putting Burgundy, they
- thought, into the emperor’s hands, he gave his powerful enemy an
- entrance into the heart of the kingdom: by sacrificing his allies
- in Italy, he deprived himself of foreign assistance; and, arming his
- oppressor with the whole force and wealth of that opulent country,
- rendered him absolutely irresistible. To these great views of interest
- were added the motives, no less cogent, of passion and resentment; while
- Francis, a prince who piqued himself on generosity, reflected on the
- rigor with which he had been treated during his captivity, and the
- severe terms which had been exacted of him for the recovery of his
- liberty. It was also foreseen, that the emulation and rivalship, which
- had so long subsisted between these two monarchs, would make him feel
- the strongest reluctance on yielding the superiority to an antagonist
- who, by the whole tenor of his conduct, he would be apt to think, had
- shown himself so little worthy of that advantage which fortune, and
- fortune alone, had put into his hands. His ministers, his friends, his
- subjects, his allies, would be sure with one voice to inculcate on him,
- that the first object of a prince was the preservation of his people;
- and that the laws of honor, which, with a private man, ought to
- be absolutely supreme, and superior to all interests, were, with a
- sovereign, subordinate to the great duty of insuring the safety of his
- country. Nor could it be imagined that Francis would be so romantic in
- his principles, as not to hearken to a casuistry which was so plausible
- in itself, and which so much flattered all the passions by which, either
- as a prince or a man, he was strongly actuated.
- Francis, on entering his own dominions, delivered his two eldest sons
- as hostages into the hands of the Spaniards. He mounted a Turkish horse,
- and immediately putting him to the gallop, he waved his hand, and cried
- aloud several times, “I am yet a king.” He soon reached Bayonne,
- where he was joyfully received by the regent and his whole court. He
- immediately wrote to Henry; acknowledging that to his good offices alone
- he owed his liberty, and protesting that he should be entirely governed
- by his counsels in all transactions with the emperor. When the Spanish
- envoy demanded his ratification of the treaty of Madrid, now that he had
- fully recovered his liberty, he declined the proposal; under color that
- it was previously necessary to assemble the states both of France and of
- Burgundy, and to obtain their consent. The states of Burgundy soon
- met; and declaring against the clause which contained an engagement for
- alienating their province, they expressed their resolution of opposing,
- even by force of arms, the execution of so ruinous and unjust an
- article. The imperial minister then required that Francis, in conformity
- to the treaty of Madrid, should now return to his prison; but the French
- monarch, instead of complying, made public the treaty which a little
- before he had secretly concluded at Cognac, against the ambitious
- schemes and usurpations of the emperor.[*]
- * Guicciard. lib. xvii.
- The pope, the Venetians, and other Italian states, who were deeply
- interested in these events, had been held in the most anxious suspense
- with regard to the resolutions which Francis should take after the
- recovery of his liberty; and Clement, in particular, who suspected that
- this prince would never execute a treaty so hurtful to his interests,
- and even destructive of his independency, had very frankly offered him a
- dispensation from all his oaths and engagements. Francis remained not in
- suspense; but entered immediately into the confederacy proposed to him.
- It was stipulated by that king, the pope, the Venetians, the Swiss,
- the Florentines, and the duke of Milan, among other articles, that they
- would oblige the emperor to deliver up the two young princes of France
- on receiving a reasonable sum of money; and to restore Milan to Sforza,
- without further condition or encumbrance.
- The king of England was invited to accede, not only as a contracting
- party, but as protector of the “holy league,”--so it was called; and
- if Naples should be conquered from the emperor, in prosecution of this
- confederacy, it was agreed that Henry should enjoy a principality in
- that kingdom of the yearly revenue of thirty thousand ducats; and that
- cardinal Wolsey, in consideration of the services which he had rendered
- to Christendom, should also, in such an event, be put in possession of a
- revenue of ten thousand ducats.
- Francis was desirous that the appearance of this great confederacy
- should engage the emperor to relax somewhat in the extreme rigor of the
- treaty of Madrid; and while he entertained these hopes, he was the
- more remiss in his warlike preparations; nor did he send in due time
- reënforcements to his allies in Italy.
- {1527.} The duke of Bourbon had got possession of the whole Milanese,
- of which the emperor intended to grant him the investiture; and having
- levied a considerable army in Germany, he became formidable to all the
- Italian potentates; and not the less so because Charles, destitute, as
- usual, of money, had not been able to remit any pay to the forces. The
- general was extremely beloved by his troops; and in order to prevent
- those mutinies which were ready to break out every moment, and which
- their affection alone for him had hitherto restrained, he led them to
- Rome, and promised to enrich them by the plunder of that opulent city.
- He was himself killed, as he was planting a scaling ladder against the
- walls; but his soldiers, rather enraged than discouraged by his death,
- mounted to the assault with the utmost valor, and entering the city
- sword in hand, exercised all those brutalities which may be expected
- from ferocity excited by resistance, and from insolence which takes
- place when that resistance is no more. This renowned city, exposed by
- her renown alone to so many calamities, never endured, in any age, even
- from the barbarians by whom she was often subdued, such indignities as
- she was now compelled to suffer. The unrestrained massacre and pillage,
- which continued for several days, were the least ills to which the
- unhappy Romans were exposed.[*] Whatever was respectable in modesty or
- sacred in religion, seemed but the more to provoke the insults of the
- soldiery. Virgins suffered violation in the arms of their parents, and
- upon those very altars to which they had fled for protection.
- * Guicciard. lib. xviii. Bellai. Stowe, p. 527.
- Aged prelates, after enduring every indignity, and even every torture,
- were thrown into dungeons, and menaced with the most cruel death, in
- order to make them reveal their secret treasures, or purchase liberty by
- exorbitant ransoms. Clement himself, who had trusted for protection to
- the sacredness of his character, and neglected to make his escape in
- time, was taken captive; and found that his dignity, which procured him
- no regard from the Spanish soldiers, did but draw on him the insolent
- mockery of the German, who, being generally attached to the Lutheran
- principles, were pleased to gratify their animosity by the abasement of
- the sovereign pontiff.
- When intelligence of this great event was conveyed to the emperor,
- that young prince, habituated to hypocrisy, expressed the most profound
- sorrow for the success of his arms: he put himself and all his court in
- mourning: he stopped the rejoicings for the birth of his son Philip: and
- knowing that every artifice, however gross, is able, when seconded by
- authority, to impose upon the people, he ordered prayers during several
- months to be put up in the churches for the pope’s liberty; which all
- men knew a letter under his hand could in a moment have procured.
- The concern expressed by Henry and Francis for the calamity of their
- ally was more sincere. These two monarchs, a few days before the sack
- of Rome, had concluded a treaty[*] at Westminster, in which, besides
- renewing former alliances, they agreed to send ambassadors to Charles,
- requiring him to accept of two millions of crowns as the ransom of the
- French princes, and to repay the money borrowed from Henry; and in
- case of refusal, the ambassadors, attended by heralds, were ordered to
- denounce war against him.
- * 30th April.
- This war it was agreed to prosecute in the Low Countries, with an army
- of thirty thousand infantry and fifteen hundred men at arms, two thirds
- to be supplied by Francis, the rest by Henry. And in order to strengthen
- the alliance between the princes, it was stipulated, that either
- Francis, or his son, the duke of Orleans, as should afterwards be agreed
- on, should espouse the princess Mary, Henry’s daughter. No sooner did
- the monarchs receive intelligence of Bourbon’s enterprise than they
- changed, by a new treaty, the scene of the projected war from the
- Netherlands to Italy; and hearing of the pope’s captivity, they were
- further stimulated to undertake the war with vigor for restoring him to
- liberty. Wolsey himself crossed the sea, in order to have an interview
- with Francis and to concert measures for that purpose; and he
- displayed all that grandeur and magnificence with which he was so
- much intoxicated. He was attended by a train of a thousand horse. The
- cardinal of Lorraine, and the chancellor Alençon, met him at Boulogne;
- Francis himself, besides granting to that haughty prelate the power of
- giving, in every place where he came, liberty to all prisoners, made a
- journey as far as Amiens to meet him, and even advanced some miles from
- the town, the more to honor his reception. It was here stipulated, that
- the duke of Orleans should espouse the princess Mary; and as the emperor
- seemed to be taking some steps towards assembling a general council, the
- two monarchs agreed not to acknowledge it, but, during the interval
- of the pope’s captivity, to govern the churches in their respective
- dominions by their own authority. Wolsey made some attempts to get his
- legatine power extended over France, and even over Germany; but finding
- his efforts fruitless, he was obliged, though with great reluctance, to
- desist from these ambitious enterprises.[*]
- * Burnet, book iii. coll. 12, 13.
- The more to cement the union between these princes, a new treaty was
- some time after concluded at London; in which Henry agreed finally
- to renounce all claims to the crown of France; claims which might now
- indeed be deemed chimerical, but which often served as a pretence for
- exciting the unwary English to wage war upon the French nation. As a
- return for this concession, Francis bound himself and his successors to
- pay forever fifty thousand crowns a year to Henry and his successors;
- and that greater solemnity might be given to this treaty, it was agreed
- that the parliaments and great nobility of both kingdoms should give
- their assent to it. The mareschal Montmorency, accompanied by many
- persons of distinction, and attended by a pompous equipage, was sent
- over to ratify the treaty; and was received at London with all the
- parade which suited the solemnity of the occasion. The terror of the
- emperor’s greatness had extinguished the ancient animosity between the
- nations; and Spain, during more than a century, became, though a more
- distant power, the chief object of jealousy to the English.
- This cordial union between France and England, though it added influence
- to the joint embassy which they sent to the emperor, was not able to
- bend that monarch to submit entirely to the conditions insisted on by
- the allies. He departed, indeed, from his demand of Burgundy as the
- ransom of the French princes; but he required, previously to their
- liberty, that Francis should evacuate Genoa, and all the fortresses held
- by him in Italy; and he declared his intention of bringing Sforza to a
- trial, and confiscating the duchy of Milan, on account of his pretended
- treason. The English and French heralds, therefore, according to
- agreement, declared war against him, and set him at defiance. Charles
- answered the English herald with moderation; but to the French he
- reproached his master with breach of faith, reminded him of the private
- conversation which had passed between them at Madrid before their
- separation, and offered to prove by single combat that he had acted
- dishonorably. Francis retaliated this challenge, by giving Charles the
- lie; and, after demanding security of the field, he offered to maintain
- his cause by single combat. Many messages passed to and fro between
- them; but though both princes were undoubtedly brave, the intended duel
- never took place. The French and Spaniards, during that age, zealously
- disputed which of the monarchs incurred the blame of this failure; but
- all men of moderation every where lamented the power of fortune, that
- the prince the more candid, generous, and sincere, should, by unhappy
- incidents, have been reduced to so cruel a situation, that nothing but
- his violation of treaty could preserve his people, and that he must ever
- after, without being able to make a proper reply, bear to be reproached
- with breach of promise, by a rival inferior to him both in honor and
- virtue.
- But though this famous challenge between Charles and Francis had no
- immediate consequence with regard to these monarchs themselves, it
- produced a considerable alteration on the manners of the age. The
- practice of challenges and duels, which had been part of the ancient
- barbarous jurisprudence, which was still preserved on very solemn
- occasions, and which was sometimes countenanced by the civil magistrate,
- began thenceforth to prevail in the most trivial incidents; and men, on
- any affront or injury, thought themselves entitled, or even required
- in honor, to take revenge on their enemies, by openly vindicating their
- right in single combat. These absurd, though generous maxims, shed much
- of thee best blood in Christendom, during more than two centuries; and
- notwithstanding the severity of law and authority of reason, such is
- the prevailing force of custom, they are far from being as yet entirely
- exploded.
- {1527.} Notwithstanding the submissive deference paid to papal
- authority before the reformation, the marriage of Henry with Catharine
- of Arragon, his brother’s widow, had not passed without much scruple and
- difficulty. The prejudices of the people were in general bent against a
- conjugal union between such near relations; and the late king, though he
- had betrothed his son when that prince was but twelve years of age, gave
- evident proofs of his intention to take afterwards a proper opportunity
- of annulling the contract.[*] He ordered the young prince, as soon as
- he came of age, to enter a protestation against the marriage;[**] and on
- his death-bed he charged him, as his last injunction, not to finish an
- alliance so unusual, and exposed to such insuperable objections. After
- the king’s accession, some members of the privy council, particularly
- Warham, the primate, openly declared against the resolution of
- completing the marriage; and though Henry’s youth and dissipation kept
- him, during some time, from entertaining any scruples with regard to the
- measure which he had embraced, there happened incidents sufficient
- to rouse his attention, and to inform him of the sentiments generally
- entertained on that subject. The states of Castile had opposed the
- emperor Charles’s espousals with Mary, Henry’s daughter; and among
- other objections, had insisted on the illegitimate birth of the young
- princess.[***] And when the negotiations were afterwards opened with
- France, and mention was made of betrothing her to Francis or the duke
- of Orleans, the bishop of Tarbe, the French ambassador, revived the same
- objection.[****] But though these events naturally raised some doubts
- in Henry’s mind, there concurred other causes, which tended much to
- increase his remorse, and render his conscience more scrupulous.
- * Morison’s Apomaxis, p. 13.
- ** Morison’s Apomaxis, p. 13. Heylin’s Queen Mary, p. 2.
- *** Lord Herbert, Fiddes’s Life of Wolsey.
- **** Rymer vol. xiv. p. 192, 203. Heylin, p. 3.
- The queen was older than the king by no less than six years; and the
- decay of her beauty, together with particular infirmities and diseases,
- had contributed, notwithstanding her blameless character and deportment,
- to render her person unacceptable to him. Though she had born him
- several children, they all died in early infancy, except one daughter,
- and he was the more struck with this misfortune, because the curse of
- being childless is the very threatening contained in the Mosaical law
- against those who espouse their brother’s widow. The succession, too, of
- the crown was a consideration that occurred to every one, whenever
- the lawfulness of Henry’s marriage was called in question; and it was
- apprehended, that if doubts of Mary’s legitimacy concurred with the
- weakness of her sex, the king of Scots, the next heir, would advance his
- pretensions, and might throw the kingdom into confusion. The evils, as
- yet recent, of civil wars and convulsions arising from a disputed title,
- made great impression on the minds of men, and rendered the people
- universally desirous of any event which might obviate so irreparable a
- calamity. And the king was thus impelled, both by his private passions
- and by motives of public interest, to seek the dissolution of his
- inauspicious, and, as it was esteemed, unlawful marriage with Catharine.
- Henry afterwards affirmed that his scruples arose entirely from private
- reflection; and that on consulting his confessor, the bishop of Lincoln,
- he found the prelate possessed with the same doubts and difficulties.
- The king himself, being so great a casuist and divine, next proceeded to
- examine the question more carefully by his own learning and study;
- and having had recourse to Thomas of Aquine, he observed that this
- celebrated doctor, whose authority was great in the church, and absolute
- with him, had treated of that very case, and had expressly declared
- against the lawfulness of such marriages.[*]
- * Burnet. Fiddes.
- The prohibitions, said Thomas, contained in Leviticus, and among the
- rest that of marrying a brother’s widow, are moral, eternal, and founded
- on a divine sanction; and though the pope may dispense with the rules
- of the church, the laws of God cannot be set aside by any authority
- less than that which enacted them. The archbishop of Canterbury was
- then applied to; and he was required to consult his brethren: all the
- prelates of England, except Fisher, bishop of Rochester unanimously
- declared, under their hand and seal, that they deemed the king’s
- marriage unlawful.[*] Wolsey also fortified the king’s scruples;[**]
- partly with a view of promoting a total breach with the emperor,
- Catharine’s nephew; partly desirous of connecting the king more closely
- with Francis, by marrying him to the duchess of Alençon, sister to that
- monarch; and perhaps, too, somewhat disgusted with the queen herself,
- who had reproved him for certain freedoms, unbefitting his character and
- station,[***] But Henry was carried forward, though perhaps not at first
- excited, by a motive more forcible than even the suggestions of that
- powerful favorite.
- Anne Boleyn, who lately appeared at court, had been appointed maid of
- honor to the queen; and having had frequent opportunities of being
- seen by Henry, and of conversing with him, she had acquired an entire
- ascendant over his affections. This young lady, whose grandeur and
- misfortunes have rendered her so celebrated, was daughter of Sir Thomas
- Boleyn, who had been employed by the king in several embassies, and
- who was allied to all the principal nobility in the kingdom. His wife,
- mother to Anne, was daughter of the duke of Norfolk; his own mother was
- daughter of the earl of Ormond; his grandfather, Sir Geoffrey Boleyn,
- who had been mayor of London, had espoused one of the daughters and
- coheirs of Lord Hastings.[****]
- * Burnet, vol. i. p. 38. Stowe, p. 548.
- ** Le Grand, vol. iii. p. 48, 166, 168. Saunders. Heylin, p.
- 4.
- ***Burnet, vol. i. p. 38. Strype, vol. i. p. 88.
- **** Camden’s Preface to the Life of Elizabeth. Burnet, vol.
- i p. 44.
- Anne herself, though then in very early youth, had been carried over
- to Paris by the king’s sister, when the princess espoused Lewis XII.
- of France; and upon the demise of that monarch, and the return of his
- dowager into England, this damsel, whose accomplishments even in her
- tender years were always much admired, was retained in the service of
- Claude, queen of France, spouse to Francis; and after the death of that
- princess, she passed into the family of the duchess of Alençon, a woman
- of singular merit. The exact time when she returned to England is not
- certainly known; but it was after the king had entertained doubts with
- regard to the lawfulness of his marriage with Catharine, if the account
- is to be credited which he himself afterwards gave of that transaction.
- Henry’s scruples had made him break off all conjugal commerce with
- the queen; but as he still supported an intercourse of civility and
- friendship with her, he had occasion, in the frequent visits which he
- paid her, to observe the beauty, the youth, the charms of Anne Boleyn.
- Finding the accomplishments of her mind nowise inferior to her exterior
- graces, he even entertained the design of raising her to the throne; and
- was the more confirmed in this resolution, when he found that her virtue
- and modesty prevented all hopes of gratifying his passion in any other
- manner. As every motive, therefore, of inclination and policy seemed
- thus to concur in making the king desirous of a divorce from Catharine,
- and as his prospect of success was inviting, he resolved to make
- application to Clement; and he sent Knight, his secretary, to Rome for
- that purpose.
- That he might not shock the haughty claims of the pontiff, he resolved
- not to found the application on any general doubts concerning the papal
- power to permit marriage in the nearer degrees of consanguinity; but
- only to insist on particular grounds of nullity in the bull which Julius
- had granted for the marriage of Henry and Catharine. It was a maxim in
- the court of Rome, that if the pope be surprised into any concession, or
- grant any indulgence upon false suggestions, the bull may afterwards be
- annulled; and this pretence had usually been employed wherever one pope
- had recalled any deed executed by any of his predecessors. But Julius’s
- bull, when examined, afforded abundant matter of this kind; and any
- tribunal favorable to Henry needed not want a specious color for
- gratifying him in his applications for a divorce. It was said in the
- preamble, that the bull had been granted upon his solicitation; though
- it was known that, at that time, he was under twelve years of age; it
- was also affirmed, as another motive for the bull, that the marriage was
- requisite, in order to preserve peace between the two crowns; though it
- is certain that there was not then any ground or appearance of quarrel
- between them. These false premises in Julius’s bull seemed to afford
- Clement a sufficient reason or pretence for annulling it, and granting
- Henry a dispensation for a second marriage.[*]
- * Collier, Eccles. Hist. vol. ii p. 25, from the Cott. Lib.
- Vitel. p. 9
- But though the pretext for this indulgence had been less plausible,
- the pope was in such a situation that he had the strongest motives to
- embrace every opportunity of gratifying the English monarch. He was then
- a prisoner in the hands of the emperor; and had no hopes of recovering
- his liberty on any reasonable terms, except by the efforts of the league
- which Henry had formed with Francis and the Italian powers, in order to
- oppose the ambition of Charles. When the English secretary, therefore,
- solicited him in private, he received a very favorable answer: and a
- dispensation was forthwith promised to be granted to his master.[*]
- Soon after, the march of a French army into Italy, under the command of
- Lautrec, obliged the imperialists to restore Clement to his liberty; and
- he retired to Orvietto, where the secretary, with Sir Gregory Cassali,
- the king’s resident at Rome, renewed their applications to him. They
- still found him full of high professions of friendship, gratitude, and
- attachment to the king; but not so prompt in granting his request
- as they expected. The emperor, who had got intelligence of Henry’s
- application to Rome, had exacted a promise from the pope, to take
- no steps in the affair before he communicated them to the imperial
- ministers; and Clement, embarrassed by this promise, and still more
- overawed by the emperor’s forces in Italy, seemed willing to postpone
- those concessions desired of him by Henry. Importuned, however, by
- the English ministers, he at last put into their hands a commission to
- Wolsey, as legate, in conjunction with the archbishop of Canterbury,
- or any other English prelate, to examine the validity of the king’s
- marriage, and of Julius’s dispensation:[**] he also granted them a
- provisional dispensation for the king’s marriage with any other person;
- and promised to issue a decretal bull, annulling the marriage with
- Catharine. But he represented to them the dangerous consequences which
- must ensue to him, if these concessions should come to the emperor’s
- knowledge; and he conjured them not to publish those papers, or make
- any further use of them, till his affairs were in such a situation as to
- secure his liberty and independence. And his secret advice was, whenever
- they should find the proper time for opening the scene, that they should
- prevent all opposition, by proceeding immediately to a conclusion, by
- declaring the marriage with Catharine invalid, and by Henry’s instantly
- espousing some other person. Nor would it be so difficult, he said
- for himself to confirm these proceedings, after they were passed, as
- previously to render them valid by his consent and authority.[***]
- * Burnet, vol. i. p. 47.
- ** Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 237.
- *** Collier, from Cott. Lib. Vitel. b. 10.
- {1528.} When Henry received the commission and dispensation from his
- ambassadors, and was informed of the pope’s advice, he laid the
- whole before his ministers, and asked their opinion in so delicate a
- situation. The English counsellors considered the danger of proceeding
- in the manner pointed out to them. Should the pope refuse to ratify a
- deed which he might justly call precipitate and irregular, and should
- he disavow the advice which he gave in so clandestine a manner, the king
- would find his second marriage totally invalidated; the children
- which it might bring him declared illegitimate; and his marriage with
- Catharine more firmly riveted than ever.[*] And Henry’s apprehensions
- of the possibility, or even probability, of such an event, were much
- confirmed when he reflected on the character and situation of the
- sovereign pontiff.
- Clement was a prince of excellent judgment, whenever his timidity, to
- which he was extremely subject, allowed him to make full use of
- those talents and that penetration with which he was endowed.[**] The
- captivity and other misfortunes which he had undergone by entering into
- a league against Charles, had so affected his imagination, that he never
- afterwards exerted himself with vigor in any public measure; especially
- if the interest or inclinations of that potentate stood in opposition to
- him. The imperial forces were at that time powerful in Italy, and might
- return to the attack of Rome, which was still defenceless, and exposed
- to the same calamities with which it had already been overwhelmed. And
- besides these dangers, Clement fancied himself exposed to perils which
- threatened still more immediately his person and his dignity.
- * Burnet, vol. i. p. 51.
- ** Father Paul, lib. i. Guicciard.
- Charles, apprised of the timid disposition of the holy father, threw out
- perpetual menaces of summoning a general council; which he represented
- as necessary to reform the church, and correct those enormous abuses
- which the ambition and avarice of the court of Rome had introduced
- into every branch of ecclesiastical administration. The power of the
- sovereign pontiff himself, he said, required limitation; his conduct
- called aloud for amendment; and even his title to the throne which he
- filled might justly be called in question. That pope had always passed
- for the natural son of Julian of Medicis, who was of the sovereign
- family of Florence; and though Leo X., his kinsman, had declared him
- legitimate, upon a pretended promise of marriage between his father and
- mother, few believed that declaration to be founded on any just reason
- or authority.[*] The canon law, indeed, had been entirely silent with
- regard to the promotion of bastards to the papal throne; but, what was
- still dangerous, the people had entertained a violent prepossession,
- that this stain in the birth of any person was incompatible with so holy
- an office. And in another point the canon law was express and positive,
- that no man guilty of simony could attain that dignity. A severe bull
- of Julius II. had added new sanctions to this law, by declaring that
- a simoniacal election could not be rendered valid, even by a posterior
- consent of the cardinals. But unfortunately Clement had given to
- Cardinal Colonna a billet, containing promises of advancing that
- cardinal, in case he himself should attain the papal dignity by his
- concurrence; and this billet Colonna, who was in entire dependence on
- the emperor, threatened every moment to expose to public view.[**]
- While Charles terrified the pope with these menaces, he also allured him
- by hopes, which were no less prevalent over his affections. At the time
- when the emperor’s forces sacked Rome, and reduced Clement to captivity,
- the Florentines, passionate for their ancient liberty, had taken
- advantage of his distresses, and revolting against the family of
- Medicis, had entirely abolished their authority in Florence, and
- reëstablished the democracy. The better to protect themselves in their
- freedom, they had entered into the alliance with France, England, and
- Venice, against the emperor; and Clement found that by this interest,
- the hands of his confederates were tied from assisting him in the
- restoration of his family; the event which, of all others, he most
- passionately desired. The emperor alone, he knew, was able to effect
- this purpose; and therefore, whatever professions he made of fidelity
- to his allies, he was always, on the least glimpse of hope, ready
- to embrace every proposal of a cordial reconciliation with that
- monarch.[***]
- * Father Paul lib. i.
- ** Father Paul, lib. i.
- *** Father Paul.
- These views and interests of the pope were well known in England; and as
- the opposition of the emperor to Henry’s divorce was foreseen, both
- on account of the honor and interests of Catharine, his aunt, and the
- obvious motive of distressing an enemy, it was esteemed dangerous
- to take any measure of consequence, in expectation of the subsequent
- concurrence of a man of Clement’s character, whose behavior always
- contained so much duplicity, and who was at present so little at his own
- disposal. The safest measure seemed to consist in previously engaging
- him so far, that he could not afterwards recede, and in making use of
- his present ambiguity and uncertainty, to extort the most important
- concessions from him. For this purpose, Stephen Gardiner, the cardinal’s
- secretary, and Edward Fox, the king’s almoner, were despatched to Rome,
- and were ordered to solicit a commission from the pope, of such a
- nature as would oblige him to confirm the sentence of the commissioners,
- whatever it should be, and disable him on any account to recall the
- commission, or evoke the cause to Rome.[*]
- But the same reasons which made the king so desirous of obtaining this
- concession, confirmed the pope in the resolution of refusing it: he
- was still determined to keep the door open for an agreement with the
- emperor; and he made no scruple of sacrificing all other considerations
- to a point, which he deemed the most essential and important to his own
- security, and to the greatness of his family. He granted, therefore, a
- new commission, in which Cardinal Campeggio was joined to Wolsey, for
- the trial of the king’s marriage; but he could not be prevailed on to
- insert the clause desired of him. And though he put into Gardiner’s hand
- a letter, promising not to recall the present commission, this promise
- was found, on examination, to be couched in such ambiguous terms, as
- left him still the power, whenever he pleased, of departing from it.[**]
- * Lord Herbert. Burnet, vol. i. p. 29, in the Collect. Le
- Grand, vol iii. p. 28. Strype, vol. i. p. 93, with App. No.
- 23-24, etc.
- ** Lord Herbert, p. 221 Burnet, p. 59.
- Campeggio lay under some obligations to the king; but his dependence on
- the pope was so much greater, that he conformed himself entirely to the
- views of the latter; and though he received his commission in April,
- he delayed his departure under so many pretences, that it was October
- before he arrived in England. The first step which he took was to exhort
- the king to desist from the prosecution of his divorce; and finding
- that this counsel gave offence, he said, that his intention was also to
- exhort the queen to take the vows in a convent, and that he thought
- it his duty previously to attempt an amicable composure of all
- differences.[* ]The more to pacify the king, he showed to him, as also
- to the cardinal the decretal bull, annulling the former marriage with
- Catharine; but no entreaties could prevail on him to make any other of
- the king’s council privy to the secret.[**] In order to atone in some
- degree for this obstinacy, he expressed to the king and the cardinal the
- pope’s great desire of satisfying them in every reasonable demand; and
- in particular, he showed that their request for suppressing some more
- monasteries, and converting them into cathedrals and episcopal sees, had
- obtained the consent of his holiness.[***]
- These ambiguous circumstances in the behavior of the pope and the
- legate, kept the court of England in suspense, and determined the king
- to wait with patience the issue of such uncertain councils.
- {1529.} Fortune, meanwhile, seemed to promise him a more sure and
- expeditious way of extricating himself from his present difficulties.
- Clement was seized with a dangerous illness; and the intrigues, for
- electing his successor, began already to take place among the cardinals.
- Wolsey, in particular, supported by the interest of England and of
- France, entertained hopes of mounting the throne of St. Peter;[****] and
- it appears, that if a vacancy had then happened, there was a probability
- of his reaching that summit of his ambition. But the pope recovered,
- though after several relapses; and he returned to the same train of
- false and deceitful politics, by which he had hitherto amused the court
- of England. Be still flattered Henry with professions of the most
- cordial attachment, and promised him a sudden and favorable issue to his
- process: he still continued his secret negotiations with Charles, and
- persevered in the resolution of sacrificing all his promises, and all
- the interests of the Romish religion, to the elevation of his family.
- Campeggio, who was perfectly acquainted with his views and intentions,
- protracted the decision by the most artful delays; and gave Clement full
- leisure to adjust all the terms of his treaty with the emperor.
- * Herbert, p 225.
- ** Burnet, p. 58.
- *** Rymer, vol xiv. p. 270. Strype, vol.i. p. 110, 111. App.
- No 28
- **** Burnet, vol. i. p. 63.
- The emperor, acquainted with the king’s extreme earnestness in this
- affair, was determined that he should obtain success by no other
- means than by an application to him and by deserting his alliance with
- Francis, which had hitherto supported, against the superior force
- of Spain, the tottering state of the French monarchy. He willingly
- hearkened, therefore, to the applications of Catharine, his aunt; and
- promising her his utmost protection, exhorted her never to yield to the
- malice and persecutions of her enemies. The queen herself was naturally
- of a firm and resolute temper; and was engaged by every motive to
- persevere in protesting against the injustice to which she thought
- herself exposed. The imputation of incest, which was thrown upon her
- marriage with Henry, struck her with the highest indignation: the
- illegitimacy of her daughter, which seemed a necessary consequence, gave
- her the most just concern: the reluctance of yielding to a rival, who,
- she believed, had supplanted her in the king’s affections, was a very
- natural motive. Actuated by all these considerations, she never
- ceased soliciting her nephew’s assistance, and earnestly entreating
- an evocation of the cause to Rome, where alone, she thought, she could
- expect justice. And the emperor, in all his negotiations with the pope,
- made the recall of the commission which Campeggio and Wolsey exercised
- in England a fundamental article.[*]
- * Herbert, p. 225. Burnet, vol i. p. 69.
- The two legates, meanwhile, opened their court at London, and cited the
- king and queen to appear before it. They both presented themselves; and
- the king answered to his name, when called: but the queen, instead of
- answering to hers rose from her seat, and throwing herself at the king’s
- feet, made a very pathetic harangue, which her virtue, her dignity, and
- her misfortunes rendered the more affecting. She told him, that she
- was a stranger in his dominions, without protection, without council,
- without assistance; exposed to all the injustice which her enemies were
- pleased to impose upon her: that she had quitted her native country
- without other resource than her connections with him and his family, and
- had expected that, instead of suffering thence any violence or iniquity,
- she was assured in them of a safeguard against every misfortune: that
- she had been his wife during twenty years, and would here appeal to
- himself, whether her affectionate submission to his will had not merited
- better treatment, than to be thus, after so long a time, thrown from
- him with so much indignity: that she was conscious--he himself was
- assured--that her virgin honor was yet unstained when he received her
- into his bed and that her connections with his brother had been carried
- no further than the ceremony of marriage: that their parents, the kings
- of England and Spain, were esteemed the wisest princes of their time,
- and had undoubtedly acted by the best advice, when they formed the
- agreement for that marriage, which was now represented as so criminal
- and unnatural: and that she acquiesced in their judgment, and would not
- submit her cause to be tried by a court, whose dependence on her enemies
- was too visible, ever to allow her any hopes of obtaining from them an
- equitable or impartial decision.[*] Having spoken these words, she rose,
- and making the king a low reverence, she departed from the court, and
- never would again appear in it.
- After her departure, the king did her the justice to acknowledge, that
- she had ever been a dutiful and affectionate wife, and that the whole
- tenor of her behavior had been conformable to the strictest rules of
- probity and honor. He only insisted on his own scruples with regard
- to the lawfulness of their marriage; and he explained the origin, the
- progress, and the foundation of those doubts, by which he had been so
- long and so violently agitated. He acquitted Cardinal Wolsey from having
- any hand in encouraging his scruples; and he craved a sentence of the
- court agreeable to the justice of his cause.
- The legates, after citing the queen anew, declared her contumacious,
- notwithstanding her appeal to Rome; and then proceeded to the
- examination of the cause. The first point which came before them
- was, the proof of Prince Arthur’s consummation of his marriage with
- Catharine; and it must be confessed, that no stronger arguments could
- reasonably be expected of such a fact after so long an interval. The age
- of the prince, who had passed his fifteenth year, the good state of his
- health, the long time that he had cohabited with his consort, many of
- his expressions to that very purpose; all these circumstances form a
- violent presumption in favor of the king’s assertion.[**] Henry himself,
- after his brother’s death was not allowed for some time to bear the
- title of prince of Wales, in expectation of her pregnancy: the Spanish
- ambassador, in order the better to insure possession of her jointure,
- had sent over to Spain proofs of the consummation of her marriage:[***]
- Julius’s bull itself was founded on the supposition that Arthur had
- perhaps had knowledge of the princess: in the very treaty, fixing
- Henry’s marriage, the consummation of the former marriage with Prince
- Arthur is acknowledged on both sides.[****]
- * Burnet, vol. i. p. 73. Hall. Stowe, p. 543.
- ** Herbert.
- *** Burnet, vol. ii. p. 85.
- **** Rymer, vol. xiii. p. 81.
- These particulars were all laid before the court; accompanied with many
- reasonings concerning the extent of the pope’s authority, and against
- his power of granting a dispensation to marry within the prohibited
- degrees. Campeggio heard these doctrines with great impatience; and
- notwithstanding his resolution to protract the cause, he was often
- tempted to interrupt and silence the king’s counsel, when they
- insisted on such disagreeable topics. The trial was spun out till the
- twenty-third of July; and Campeggio chiefly took on him the part of
- conducting it. Wolsey, though the elder cardinal, permitted him to act
- as president of the court; because it was thought, that a trial managed
- by an Italian cardinal would carry the appearance of greater candor and
- impartiality, than if the king’s own minister and favorite had presided
- in it. The business now seemed to be drawing near to a period; and the
- king was every day in expectation of a sentence in his favor; when, to
- his great surprise, Campeggio, on a sudden, without any warning, and
- upon very frivolous pretences,[*] prorogued the court till the first of
- October. The evocation, which came a few days after from Rome, put
- an end to all the hopes of success which the king had so long and so
- anxiously cherished.[**]
- During the time that the trial was carried on before the legates at
- London, the emperor had by his ministers earnestly solicited Clement to
- evoke the cause; and had employed every topic of hope or terror which
- could operate either on the ambition or timidity of the pontiff. The
- English ambassadors, on the other hand, in conjunction with the French,
- had been no less earnest in their applications, that the legates should
- be allowed to finish the trial; but though they employed the same
- engines of promises and menaces, the motives which they could set before
- the pope were not so urgent or immediate as those which were held up to
- him by the emperor.[***] The dread of losing England, and of fortifying
- the Lutherans by so considerable an accession, made small impression on
- Clement’s mind, in comparison of the anxiety for his personal safety,
- and the fond desire of restoring the Medici to their dominion in
- Florence. As soon, therefore, as he had adjusted all terms with the
- emperor he laid hold of the pretence of justice, which required him,
- as he asserted, to pay regard to the queen’s appeal; and suspending the
- commission of the legates, he adjourned the cause to his own personal
- judgment at Rome. Campeggio had beforehand received private orders,
- delivered by Campana, to burn the decretal bull with which he was
- intrusted.
- * Burnet, vol. i. p. 76, 77.
- ** Herbert, p. 254.
- **** Burnet, vol. i. p. 75.
- Wolsey had long foreseen this measure as the sure forerunner of his
- ruin. Though he had at first desired that the king should rather marry
- a French princess than Anne Boleyn, he had employed himself with the
- utmost assiduity and earnestness to bring the affair to a happy issue:
- [*] he was not, therefore, to be blamed for the unprosperous event which
- Clement’s partiality had produced. But he had sufficient experience of
- the extreme ardor and impatience of Henry’s temper, who could bear no
- contradiction, and was wont, without examination or distinction, to
- make his ministers answerable for the success of those transactions
- with which they were intrusted. Anne Boleyn also, who was prepossessed
- against him, had imputed to him the failure of her hopes; and as she was
- newly returned to court, whence she had been removed, from a regard to
- decency, during the trial before the legates, she had naturally acquired
- an additional influence on Henry, and she served much to fortify his
- prejudices against the cardinal.[**] Even the queen and her partisans,
- judging of Wolsey by the part which he had openly acted, had expressed
- great animosity against him; and the most opposite factions seemed
- now to combine in the ruin of this haughty minister. The high opinion
- itself, which Henry had entertained of the cardinal’s capacity, tended
- to hasten his downfall; while he imputed the bad success of that
- minister’s undertakings, not to ill fortune or to mistake, but to the
- malignity or infidelity of his intentions. The blow, however, fell not
- instantly on his head. The king, who probably could not justify by any
- good reason his alienation from his ancient favorite, seems to have
- remained some time in suspense; and he received him, if not with all his
- former kindness, at least with the appearance of trust and regard.
- * Collier, vol. ii. p. 45. Burnet, vol, i. p. 53.
- ** Cavendish, p. 40.
- But constant experience evinces how rarely a high confidence and
- affection receives the least diminution, without sinking into absolute
- indifference, or even running into the opposite extreme. The king now
- determined to bring on the ruin of the cardinal with a motion almost as
- precipitate as he had formerly employed in his elevation. The dukes of
- Norfolk and Suffolk were sent to require the great seal from him; and
- on his scrupling to deliver it[*] without a more express warrant, Henry
- wrote him a letter, upon which it was surrendered; and it was delivered
- by the king to Sir Thomas More, a man who, besides the ornaments of
- an elegant literature, possessed the highest virtue, integrity, and
- capacity.
- Wolsey was ordered to depart from York Place, a palace which he had
- built in London, and which, though it really belonged to the see of
- York, was seized by Henry, and became afterwards the residence of the
- kings of England, by the title of Whitehall. All his furniture and plate
- were also seized: their riches and splendor befitted rather a royal than
- a private fortune. The walls of his palace were covered with cloth of
- gold or cloth of silver: he had a cupboard of plate of massy gold: there
- were found a thousand pieces of fine holland belonging to him. The rest
- of his riches and furniture was in proportion; and his opulence was
- probably no small inducement to this violent persecution against him.
- The cardinal was ordered to retire to Asher, a country seat which he
- possessed near Hampton Court. The world, that had paid him such abject
- court during his prosperity, now entirely deserted him on this fatal
- reverse of all his fortunes. He himself was much dejected with the
- change; and from the same turn of mind which had made him be so vainly
- elated with his grandeur, he felt the stroke of adversity with double
- rigor.[**] The smallest appearance of his return to favor threw him into
- transports of joy unbecoming a man. The king had seemed willing, during
- some time, to intermit the blows which overwhelmed him. He granted
- him his protection, and left him in possession of the sees of York and
- Winchester. He even sent him a gracious message, accompanied with a
- ring, as a testimony of his affection. Wolsey, who was on horseback when
- the messenger met him, immediately alighted; and, throwing himself on
- his knees in the mire, received in that humble attitude these marks of
- his majesty’s gracious disposition towards him.
- * Cavendish, p. 41.
- ** Strype, vol. i. p. 114, 115. App. No. 31, etc.
- *** Stowe, p. 547.
- But his enemies, who dreaded his return to court, never ceased plying
- the king with accounts of his several offences; and Anne Boleyn, in
- particular, contributed her endeavors, in conjunction with her uncle,
- the duke of Norfolk, to exclude him from all hopes of ever being
- reinstated in his former authority. He dismissed, therefore, his
- numerous retinue and as he was a kind and beneficent master, the
- separation passed not without a plentiful effusion of tears on both
- sides. [*] The king’s heart, notwithstanding some gleams of kindness,
- seemed now totally hardened against his old favorite. He ordered him
- to be indicted in the star chamber, where a sentence was passed against
- him. And, not content with this severity, he abandoned him to all the
- rigor of the parliament, which now after a long interval, was again
- assembled. The house of lords voted a long charge against Wolsey,
- consisting of forty-four articles; and accompanied it with an
- application to the king for his punishment, and his removal from all
- authority. Little opposition was made to this charge in the upper house:
- no evidence of any part of it was so much as called for; and as it
- chiefly consists of general accusations, it was scarcely susceptible of
- any.[**] [6] The articles were sent down to the house of commons; where
- Thomas Cromwell, formerly a servant of the cardinal’s, and who had been
- raised by him from a very low station, defended his unfortunate patron
- with such spirit, generosity, and courage, as acquired him great honor,
- and laid the foundation of that favor which he afterwards enjoyed with
- the king.
- * Cavendish. Stowe, p. 549.
- ** See note F, at the end of the volume.
- Wolsey’s enemies, finding that either his innocence or his caution
- prevented them from having any just ground of accusing him, had recourse
- to a very extraordinary expedient. An indictment was laid against him,
- that, contrary to a statute of Richard II., commonly called the
- statute of provisors, he had procured bulls from Rome, particularly one
- investing him with the legatine power, which he had exercised with very
- extensive authority. He confessed the indictment, pleaded ignorance
- of the statute, and threw himself on the king’s mercy. He was perhaps
- within reach of the law but besides that this statute had fallen into
- disuse, nothing could be more rigorous and severe than to impute to
- him as a crime what he had openly, during the course of so many years,
- practised with the consent and approbation of the and the acquiescence
- of the parliament and kingdom. Not to mention what he always
- asserted,[*] and what we can scarcely doubt of, that he had obtained
- the royal license in the most formal manner, which, had he not been
- apprehensive of the dangers attending any opposition to Henry’s lawless
- will, he might have pleaded in his own defence before the judges.
- Sentence, however, was pronounced against him, “That he was out of the
- king’s protection; his lands and goods forfeited; and that his person
- might be committed to custody.” But this prosecution of Wolsey was
- carried no further. Henry even granted him a pardon for all offences;
- restored him part of his plate and furniture; and still continued, from
- time to time, to drop expressions of favor and compassion towards him.
- The complaints against the usurpations of the ecclesiastics had been
- very ancient in England, as well as in most other European kingdoms; and
- as this topic was now become popular every where, it had paved the way
- for the Lutheran tenets, and reconciled the people, in some measure, to
- the frightful idea of heresy and innovation. The commons, finding the
- occasion favorable, passed several bills restraining the impositions of
- the clergy; one for the regulating of mortuaries; another against the
- exactions for the probates of wills; [**] a third against non-residence
- and pluralities, and against church-men’s being farmers of land. But
- what appeared chiefly dangerous to the ecclesiastical order, were the
- severe invectives thrown out, almost without opposition, in the house,
- against the dissolute lives of the priests, their ambition, their
- avarice, and their endless encroachments on the laity. Lord Herbert
- [***] has even preserved the speech of a gentleman of Gray’s Inn, which
- is of a singular nature, and contains such topics as we should little
- expect to meet with during that period. The member insists upon the vast
- variety of theological opinions which prevailed in different nations and
- ages; the endless inextricable controversies maintained by the several
- sects; the impossibility that any man, much less the people, could ever
- know, much less examine, the tenets and principles of every sect; the
- necessity of ignorance and a suspense of judgment with regard to all
- those objects of dispute: and, upon the whole, he infers, that the only
- religion obligatory on mankind is the belief of one Supreme Being, the
- author of nature; and the necessity of good morals, in order to
- obtain his favor and protection. Such sentiments would be deemed
- latitudinarian, even in our time; and would not be advanced, without
- some precaution, in a public assembly.
- * Cavendish, p. 72.
- ** These exactions were quite arbitrary, and had risen to a
- great height. A member said in the house, that a thousand
- marks had been exacted from him on that account. Hall, fol.
- 188 Strype, vol. i. p. 73.
- *** Page 293.
- But though the first broaching of religious controversy might encourage
- the sceptical turn in a few persons of a studious disposition, the zeal
- with which men soon after attached themselves to their several parties,
- served effectually to banish for a long time all such obnoxious
- liberties.
- The bills for regulating the clergy met with some opposition in the
- house of lords. Bishop Fisher, in particular, imputed these measures of
- the commons to their want of faith; and to a formed design, derived
- from heretical and Lutheran principles, of robbing the church of her
- patrimony, and over-turning the national religion. The duke of Norfolk
- reproved the prelate in severe, and even somewhat indecent terms. He
- told him, that the greatest clerks were not always the wisest men. But
- Fisher replied, that he did not remember any fools in his time who had
- proved great clerks. The exceptions taken at the bishop of Rochester’s
- speech stopped not there. The commons, by the mouth of Sir Thomas
- Audley, their speaker, made complaints to the king of the reflections
- thrown upon them; and the bishop was obliged to put a more favorable
- construction on his words.[*]
- Henry was not displeased that the court of Rome and the clergy should
- be sensible that they were entirely dependent on him, and that his
- parliament, if he were willing to second their inclinations, was
- sufficiently disposed to reduce the power and privileges of the
- ecclesiastics. The commons gratified the king in another particular of
- moment: they granted him a discharge of all those debts which he had
- contracted since the beginning of his reign,[**] and they grounded this
- bill, which occasioned many complaints, on a pretence of the king’s
- great care of the nation, and of his regularly employing all the money
- which he had borrowed in the public service.
- * Parl. Hist. vol. iii. p. 59.
- **Burnet, vol. ii. p. 82.
- Most of the king’s creditors consisted of friends to the cardinal who
- had been engaged by their patron to contribute to the supply of Henry’s
- necessities; and the present courtiers were well pleased to take the
- opportunity of mulcting them.[*] Several also approved of an expedient
- which, they hoped, would ever after discredit a method of supply so
- irregular and so unparliamentary.
- * Burnet, vol. ii. p. 83.
- The domestic transactions of England were at present so interesting
- to the king, that they chiefly engaged his attention; and he regarded
- foreign affairs only in subordination to them. He had declared war
- against the emperor; but the mutual advantages reaped by the commerce
- between England and the Netherlands, had engaged him to stipulate a
- neutrality with those provinces; and, except by money contributed to the
- Italian wars, he had in effect exercised no hostility against any of
- the imperial dominions. A general peace was this summer established
- in Europe. Margaret of Austria and Louisa of Savoy met at Cambray,
- and settled the terms of pacification between the French king and the
- emperor. Charles accepted of two millions of crowns in lieu of Burgundy;
- and he delivered up the two princes of France, whom he had retained as
- hostages. Henry was, on this occasion, so generous to his friend and
- ally Francis, that he sent him an acquittal of near six hundred thousand
- crowns, which that prince owed him. Francis’s Italian confederates were
- not so well satisfied as the king with the peace of Cambray: they were
- almost wholly abandoned to the will of the emperor, and seemed to have
- no means of security left but his equity and moderation. Florence,
- after a brave resistance, was subdued by the imperial arms, and finally
- delivered over to the dominion of the family of Medici. The Venetians
- were better treated: they were only obliged to relinquish some
- acquisitions which they had made on the coast of Naples. Even Francis
- Sforza obtained the investiture of Milan, and was pardoned for all past
- offences. The emperor in person passed into Italy with a magnificent
- train, and received the imperial crown from the hands of the pope at
- Bologna. He was but twenty-nine years of age; and having already, by
- his vigor and capacity, succeeded in every enterprise, and reduced to
- captivity the two greatest potentates in Europe, the one spiritual,
- the other temporal, he attracted the eyes of all men; and many
- prognostications were formed of his growing empire.
- But though Charles seemed to be prosperous on every side, and though the
- conquest of Mexico and Peru now began to prevent that scarcity of money
- under which he had hitherto labored, he found himself threatened with
- difficulties in Germany; and his desire of surmounting them was the
- chief cause of his granting such moderate conditions to the Italian
- powers. Sultan Solyman, the greatest and most accomplished prince that
- ever sat on the Ottoman throne, had almost entirely subdued Hungary,
- had besieged Vienna, and, though repulsed, still menaced the hereditary
- dominions of the house of Austria with conquest and subjection. The
- Lutheran princes of the empire, finding that liberty of conscience
- was denied them, had combined in a league for their own defence at
- Smalcalde, and because they protested against the votes passed in
- the imperial diet, they thenceforth received the appellation, of
- “protestants.” Charles had undertaken to reduce them to obedience; and
- on pretence of securing the purity of religion, he had laid a scheme for
- aggrandizing his own family, by extending its dominion over all Germany.
- The friendship of Henry was one material circumstance yet wanting to
- Charles, in order to insure success in his ambitious enterprises; and
- the king was sufficiently apprised that the concurrence of that prince
- would at once remove all the difficulties which lay in the way of his
- divorce; that point which had long been the object of his most earnest
- wishes. But besides that the interests of his kingdom seemed to require
- an alliance with France, his haughty spirit could not submit to a
- friendship imposed on him by constraint; and as he had ever been
- accustomed to receive courtship, deference, and solicitation from the
- greatest potentates, he could ill brook that dependence to which this
- unhappy affair seemed to have reduced him. Amidst the anxieties with
- which he was agitated, he was often tempted to break off all
- connections with the court of Rome; and though he had been educated in
- a superstitious reverence to papal authority, it is likely that his
- personal experience of the duplicity and selfish politics of Clement
- had served much to open his eyes in that particular. He found his
- prerogative firmly established at home: lie observed that his people
- were in general much disgusted with clerical usurpations, and disposed
- to reduce the powers find privileges of the ecclesiastical order: he
- knew that they had cordially taken part with him in his prosecution of
- the divorce, and highly resented the unworthy treatment which after
- so many services and such devoted attachment, he had received from the
- court of Rome. Anne Boleyn also could not fail to use all her
- efforts, and employ every insinuation, in order to make him proceed to
- extremities against the pope; both as it was the readiest way to her
- attaining royal dignity, and as her education in the court of the
- duchess of Alençon, a princess inclined to the reformers, had already
- disposed her to a belief of the new doctrines. But notwithstanding these
- inducements, Henry had strong motives still to desire a good agreement
- with the sovereign pontiff. He apprehended the danger of such great
- innovations: he dreaded the reproach of heresy: he abhorred all
- connections with the Lutherans, the chief opponents of the papal power;
- and having once exerted himself with such applause, as he imagined, in
- defence of the Romish communion, he was ashamed to retract his former
- opinions, and betray from passion such a palpable inconsistency. While
- he was agitated by these contrary motives, an expedient was proposed,
- which, as it promised a solution of all difficulties, was embraced by
- him with the greatest joy and satisfaction.
- Dr. Thomas Cranmer, fellow of Jesus College in Cambridge, was a man
- remarkable in that university for his learning, and still more for
- the candor and disinterestedness of his temper. He fell one evening by
- accident into company with Gardiner, now secretary of state, and Fox,
- the king’s almoner; and as the business of the divorce became the
- subject of conversation, he observed that the readiest way either to
- quiet Henry’s conscience, or extort the pope’s consent, would be to
- consult all the universities of Europe with regard to this controverted
- point: if they agreed to approve of the king’s marriage with Catharine,
- his remorses would naturally cease; if they condemned it, the pope would
- find it difficult to resist the solicitations of so great a monarch,
- seconded by the opinion of all the learned men in Christendom.[*] When
- the king was informed of the proposal, he was delighted with it; and
- swore, with more alacrity than delicacy that Cranmer had got the right
- sow by the ear: he sent for that divine; entered into conversation with
- him; conceived a high opinion of his virtue and understanding; engaged
- him to write in defence of the divorce; and immediately, in prosecution
- of the scheme proposed, employed his agents to collect the judgments of
- all the universities in Europe.
- * Fox, p. 1860 2d edit. Burnet, vol. i. p. 79. Speed, p.
- 769. Heylin, p. 5
- Had the question of Henry’s marriage with Catharine been examined by the
- principles of sound philosophy, exempt from superstition, it seemed not
- liable to much difficulty. The natural reason why marriage in certain
- degrees is prohibited by the civil laws, and condemned by the moral
- sentiments of all nations, is derived from men’s care to preserve
- purity of manners; while they reflect, that if a commerce of love
- were authorized between near relations, the frequent opportunities of
- intimate conversation, especially during early youth, would introduce a
- universal dissoluteness and corruption. But as the customs of countries
- vary considerably, and open an intercourse, more or less restrained,
- between different families, or between the several members of the same
- family, we find that the moral precept, varying with its cause, is
- susceptible, without any inconvenience, of very different latitude in
- the several ages and nations of the world. The extreme delicacy of the
- Greeks permitted no communication between persons of different sexes,
- except where they lived under the same roof; and even the apartments
- of a step-mother and her daughters were almost as much shut up against
- visits from the husband’s sons, as against those from any stranger or
- more distant relation: hence, in that nation, it was lawful for a man to
- marry not only his niece, but his half-sister by the father; a liberty
- unknown to the Romans, and other nations, where a more open intercourse
- was authorized between the sexes. Reasoning from this principle, it
- would appear, that the ordinary commerce of life among great princes
- is so obstructed by ceremony and numerous attendants, that no ill
- consequence would result among them from marrying a brother’s widow;
- especially if the dispensation of the supreme priest be previously
- required, in order to justify what may in common cases be condemned, and
- to hinder the precedent from becoming too common and familiar. And
- as strong motives of public interest and tranquillity may frequently
- require such alliances between the foreign families, there is the less
- reason for extending towards them the full rigor of the rule which has
- place among individuals.[*] [7]
- * See note G, at the end of the volume.
- But in opposition to these reasons, and many more which might be
- collected, Henry had custom and precedent on his side, the principle by
- which men are almost wholly governed in their actions and opinions. The
- marrying of a brother’s widow was so unusual, that no other instance of
- it could be found in any history or record of any Christian nation;
- and though the popes were accustomed to dispense with more essential
- precepts of morality, and even permitted marriages within other
- prohibited degrees, such as those of uncle and niece, the imaginations
- of men were not yet reconciled to this particular exercise of his
- authority.
- {1530.} Several universities of Europe, therefore, without hesitation,
- as well as without interest or reward,[*] gave verdict in the king’s
- favor; not only those of France, Paris, Orleans, Bourges, Toulouse,
- Angiers, which might be supposed to lie under the influence of their
- prince, ally to Henry; but also those of Italy, Venice, Ferrara, Padua;
- even Bologna itself, though under the immediate jurisdiction of Clement.
- Oxford alone[**] and Cambridge* made some difficulty; because these
- universities, alarmed at the progress of Lutheranism, and dreading a
- defection from the holy see, scrupled to give their sanction to
- measures whose consequences they feared would prove fatal to the ancient
- religion. Their opinion, however, conformable to that of the other
- universities of Europe, was at last obtained; and the king, in order to
- give more weight to all these authorities, engaged his nobility to write
- a letter to the pope, recommending his cause to the holy father, and
- threatening him with the most dangerous consequences in case of a denial
- of justice.[***] The convocations, too, both of Canterbury and York,
- pronounced the king’s marriage invalid, irregular, and contrary to the
- law of God, with which no human power had authority to dispense.[****]
- * Herbert. Burnet.
- ** Wood, Hist. and Ant. Ox. lib. i. p. 225.
- *** Burnet, vol. i, p. 6.
- **** Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 405. Burnet, vol. i. p. 95.
- But Clement, lying still under the influence of the emperor, continued
- to summon the king to appear, either by himself or proxy, before his
- tribunal at Rome; and the king, who knew that he could expect no fair
- trial there, refused to submit to such a condition, and would not
- even admit of any citation, which he regarded as a high insult, and a
- violation of his royal prerogative. The father of Anne Boleyn, created
- earl of Wiltshire, carried to the pope the king’s reasons for not
- appearing by proxy; and, as the first instance of disrespect from
- England, refused to kiss his holiness’s foot which he very graciously
- held out to him for that purpose.[*]
- The extremities to which Henry was pushed, both against the pope and the
- ecclesiastical order, were naturally disagreeable to Cardinal Wolsey;
- and as Henry foresaw his opposition, it is the most probable reason that
- can be assigned for his renewing the prosecution against his ancient
- favorite. After Wolsey had remained some time at Asher, he was allowed
- to remove to Richmond, a palace which he had received as a present from
- Henry, in return for Hampton Court; but the courtiers, dreading still
- his vicinity to the king, procured an order for him to remove to his
- see of York. The cardinal knew it was in vain to resist: he took up his
- residence at Cawood, in Yorkshire, where he rendered himself extremely
- popular in the neighborhood by his affability and hospitality;[**] but
- he was not allowed to remain long unmolested in this retreat.
- * Burnet, vol. i. p. 94.
- ** Cavendish. Stowe, p. 551.
- The earl of Northumberland received, orders, without regard to Wolsey’s
- ecclesiastical character, to arrest him for high treason, and to conduct
- him to London, in order to his trial. The cardinal, partly from the
- fatigues of his journey, partly from the agitation of his anxious mind,
- was seized with a disorder which turned into a dysentery; and he was
- able, with some difficulty, to reach Leicester Abbey. When the abbot and
- the monks advanced to receive him with much respect and reverence,
- he told them that he was come to lay his bones among them; and he
- immediately took to his bed, whence he never rose more. A little before
- he expired, he addressed himself in the following words to Sir William
- Kingston, constable of the Tower, who had him in custody. “I pray you
- have me heartily recommended unto his royal majesty, and beseech him
- on my behalf to call to his remembrance all matters that have passed
- between us from the beginning, especially with regard to his business
- with the queen; and then will he know in his conscience whether I have
- offended him.
- “He is a prince of a most royal carriage, and hath a princely heart; and
- rather than he will miss or want any part of his will, he will endanger
- the one half of his kingdom.
- “I do assure you, that I have often kneeled before him, sometimes three
- hours together, to persuade him from his will and appetite; but could
- not prevail: had I but served God as diligently as I have served the
- king, he would not have given me over in my gray hairs. But this is the
- just reward that I must receive for my indulgent pains and study, not
- regarding my service to God, but only to my prince. Therefore, let me
- advise you, if you be one of the privy council, as by your wisdom you
- are fit, take care what you put into the king’s head; for you can never
- put it out again.”[*]
- * Cavendish.
- [Illustration: 1-376-tower.jpg THE TOWER OF LONDON]
- Thus died this famous cardinal, whose character seems to have contained
- as singular a variety as the fortune to which he was exposed. The
- obstinacy and violence of the king’s temper may alleviate much of the
- blame which some of his favorite’s measures have undergone; and when
- we consider, that the subsequent part of Henry’s reign was much more
- criminal than that which had been directed by Wolsey’s counsels, we
- shall be inclined to suspect those historians of partiality, who
- have endeavored to load the memory of this minister with such violent
- reproaches. If, in foreign politics, he sometimes employed his influence
- over the king for his private purposes, rather than his master’s
- service, which, he boasted, he had solely at heart, we must remember,
- that he had in view the papal throne; a dignity which, had he attained
- it, would have enabled him to make Henry a suitable return for all his
- favors. The cardinal of Amboise, whose memory is respected in France,
- always made this apology for his own conduct, which was, in some
- respect, similar to Wolsey’s; and we have reason to think, that Henry
- was well acquainted with the views by which his minister was influenced,
- and took a pride in promoting them. He much regretted his death, when
- informed of it, and always spoke favorably of his memory; a proof that
- humor, more than reason, or any discovery of treachery, had occasioned
- the last persecutions against him.
- {1531.} A new session of parliament was held, together with a
- convocation; and the king here gave strong proofs of his extensive
- authority, as well as of his intention to turn it to the depression
- of the clergy. As an ancient statute, now almost obsolete, had been
- employed to ruin Wolsey, and render his exercise of the legatine power
- criminal, notwithstanding the king’s permission, the same law was now
- turned against the ecclesiastics. It was pretended, that every one who
- had submitted to the legatine court, that is, the whole church, had
- violated the statute of provisors; and the attorney-general accordingly
- brought an indictment against them.[*] The convocation knew, that it
- would be in vain to oppose reason or equity to the king’s arbitrary
- will, or plead that their ruin would have been the certain consequence
- of not submitting to Wolsey’s commission, which was procured by Henry’s
- consent, and supported by his authority. They chose, therefore, to throw
- themselves on the mercy of their sovereign; and they agreed to pay
- a hundred and eighteen thousand eight hundred and forty pounds for a
- pardon.[**] A confession was likewise extorted from them, that the
- king was the protector and the supreme head of the church and clergy of
- England; though some of them had the dexterity to get a clause inserted,
- which invalidated the whole submission, and which ran in these terms:
- “in so far as is permitted by the law of Christ.”
- The commons, finding that a pardon was granted the clergy, began to
- be apprehensive for themselves, lest either they should afterwards be
- brought into trouble on account of their submission to the legatine
- court, or a supply, in like manner, be extorted from them, in return for
- their pardon. They therefore petitioned the king to grant a remission to
- his lay subjects; but they met with a repulse. He told them, that if he
- ever chose to forgive their offence, it would be from his own goodness,
- not from their application, lest he should seem to be compelled to it.
- Some time after, when they despaired of obtaining this concession, he
- was pleased to issue a pardon to the laity; and the commons expressed
- great gratitude for that act of clemency.[***]
- {1532.} By this strict execution of the statute of provisors, a great
- part of the profit, and still more of the power of the court of Rome
- was cut off; and the connections between the pope and the English clergy
- were in some measure dissolved. The next session found both king and
- parliament in the same dispositions. An act was passed against levying
- the annates or first-fruits,[****] being a year’s rent of all the
- bishoprics that fell vacant; a tax which was imposed by the court of Rome
- for granting bulls to the new prelates, and which was found to amount to
- considerable sums.
- * Antiq. Brit. Eccles. p. 325. Burnet, vol. i. p. 106.
- ** Holingshed, p. 923.
- *** Hall’s Chronicle. Holingshed, p. 923. Baker, p. 208.
- **** Burnet, vol. i. Collect. No. 41. Strype, vol. i. p.
- 144.
- Since the second of Henry VII., no less than one hundred and sixty
- thousand pounds had been transmitted to Rome on account of this claim;
- which the parliament, therefore, reduced to five per cent. on all the
- episcopal benefices. The better to keep the pope in awe, the king was
- intrusted with a power of regulating these payments, and of confirming
- or infringing this act at his pleasure; and it was voted, that any
- censures which should be passed by the court of Rome on account of that
- law, should be entirely disregarded, and that mass should be said, and
- the sacraments administered, as if no such censures had been issued.
- This session, the commons preferred to the king a long complaint against
- the abuses and oppressions of the ecclesiastical courts; and they were
- proceeding to enact laws for remedying them, when a difference arose,
- which put an end to the session before the parliament had finished all
- their business. It was become a custom for men to make such settlements,
- or trust deeds, of their lands by will, that they defrauded not only the
- king, but all other lords, of their wards, marriages, and reliefs; and
- by the same artifice the king was deprived of his premier seizin, and
- the profits of the livery, which were no inconsiderable branches of his
- revenue. Henry made a bill be drawn to moderate, not remedy altogether,
- this abuse; he was contented, that every man should have the liberty
- of disposing in this manner of the half of his land; and he told the
- parliament in plain terms, “if they would not take a reasonable thing
- when it was offered, he would search out the extremity of the law; and
- then would not offer them so much again.” The lords came willingly into
- his terms; but the commons rejected the bill; a singular instance, where
- Henry might see that his power and authority, though extensive, had yet
- some boundaries. The commons, however, found reason to repent of their
- victory. The king made good his threats: he called together the judges
- and ablest lawyers, who argued the question in chancery; and it was
- decided that a man could not by law bequeath any part of his lands in
- prejudice of his heir.[*]
- * Burnet, vol. i. p. 116. Hall. Parl. Hist.
- The parliament being again assembled after a short prorogation, the king
- caused the two oaths to be read to them, that which the bishops took
- to the pope, and that to the king, on their installation; and as a
- contradiction might be suspected between them, while the prelates seemed
- to swear allegiance to two sovereigns;[*] the parliament showed their
- intention of abolishing the oath to the pope, when their proceedings
- were suddenly stopped by the breaking out of the plague at Westminster,
- which occasioned a prorogation. It is remarkable, that one Temse
- ventured this session to move, that the house should address the king,
- to take back the queen, and stop the prosecution of his divorce. This
- motion made the king send for Audley, the speaker, and explain to him
- the scruples with which his conscience had long been burdened; scruples,
- he said, which had proceeded from no wanton appetite, which had arisen
- after the fervors of youth were past, and which were confirmed by the
- concurring sentiments of all the learned societies in Europe. Except in
- Spain and Portugal, he added, it was never heard of, that any man had
- espoused two sisters; but he himself had the misfortune, he believed,
- to be the first Christian man that had ever married his brother’s
- widow.[**]
- * Burnet, vol. i. p. 123, 124.
- ** Herbert. Hall, fol. 205.
- After the prorogation, Sir Thomas More, the chancellor, foreseeing that
- all the measures of the king and parliament led to a breach with
- the church of Rome, and to an alteration of religion, with which his
- principles would not permit him to concur, desired leave to resign the
- great seal; and he descended from his high station with more joy and
- alacrity than he had mounted up to it. The austerity of this man’s
- virtue, and the sanctity of his manners, had nowise encroached on the
- gentleness of his temper, or even diminished that frolic and gayety to
- which he was naturally inclined. He sported with all the varieties
- of fortune into which he was thrown; and neither the pride naturally
- attending a high station, nor the melancholy incident to poverty and
- retreat, could ever lay hold of his serene and equal spirit. While his
- family discovered symptoms of sorrow on laying down the grandeur and
- magnificence to which they had been accustomed, he drew a subject of
- mirth from their distresses; and made them ashamed of losing even a
- moment’s cheerfulness on account of such trivial misfortunes. The
- king, who had entertained a high opinion of his virtue, received his
- resignation with some difficulty; and he delivered the great seal soon
- after to Sir Thomas Audley.
- During these transactions in England, and these invasions of the
- papal and ecclesiastical authority, the court of Rome was not without
- solicitude; and she entertained just apprehensions of losing entirely
- her authority in England; the kingdom which, of all others, had long
- been the most devoted to the holy see and which had yielded it the most
- ample revenue. While the imperial cardinals pushed Clement to proceed
- to extremities against the king, his more moderate and impartial
- counsellors represented to him the indignity of his proceedings; that
- a great monarch, who had signalized himself, both by his pen and his
- sword, in the cause of the pope, should be denied a favor which he
- demanded on such just grounds, and which had scarcely ever before been
- refused to any person of his rank and station. Notwithstanding these
- remonstrances, the queen’s appeal was received at Rome; the king was
- cited to appear; and several consistories were held, to examine the
- validity of their marriage. Henry was determined not to send any proxy
- to plead his cause before this court: he only despatched Sir Edward
- Karne and Dr. Bonner, in quality of excusators, (so they were called,)
- to carry his apology, for not paying that deference to the papal
- authority. The prerogatives of his crown, he said, must be sacrificed,
- if he allowed appeals from his own kingdom; and as the question regarded
- conscience, not power or interest, no proxy could supply his place, or
- convey that satisfaction which the dictates of his own mind alone could
- confer. In order to support himself in this measure, and add greater
- security to his intended defection from Rome, he procured an interview
- with Francis it Boulogne and Calais, where he renewed his personal
- friendship as well as public alliance with that monarch, and concerted
- all measures for their mutual defence. He even employed arguments, by
- which he believed he had persuaded Francis to imitate his example in
- withdrawing his obedience from the bishop of Rome, and administering
- ecclesiastical affairs without having further recourse to that see. And
- being now fully determined in his own mind, as well as resolute to stand
- all consequences, he privately celebrated his marriage with Anne Boleyn,
- whom he had previously created marchioness of Pembroke. Rouland Lee,
- soon after raised to the bishopric of Coventry, officiated at the
- marriage. The duke of Norfolk, uncle to the new queen, her father,
- mother, and brother, together with Dr. Cranmer, were present at the
- ceremony.[*]
- * Herbert, p. 340, 341.
- Anne became pregnant soon after her marriage, and this event both gave
- great satisfaction to the king, and was regarded by the people as a
- strong proof of the queen’s former modesty and virtue.
- {1533.} The parliament was again assembled; and Henry, in conjunction
- with the great council of the nation, proceeded still in those gradual
- and secure steps, by which they loosened their connections with the see
- of Rome, and repressed the usurpations of the Roman pontiff. An act
- was made against all appeals to Rome in causes of matrimony, divorces,
- wills, and other suits cognizable in ecclesiastical courts; appeals
- esteemed dishonorable to the kingdom, by subjecting it to a foreign
- jurisdiction; and found to be very vexatious by the expense and the
- delay of justice which necessarily attended them.[*] The more to show
- his disregard to the pope, Henry, finding the new queen’s pregnancy to
- advance, publicly owned his marriage; and in order to remove all doubts
- with regard to its lawfulness, he prepared measures for declaring, by
- a formal sentence, the invalidity of his marriage with Catharine;
- a sentence which ought naturally to have preceded his espousing of
- Anne.[**]
- The king, even amidst his scruples and remorses on account of his first
- marriage, had always treated Catharine with respect and distinction; and
- he endeavored, by every soft and persuasive art, to engage her to depart
- from her appeal to Rome, and her opposition to his divorce. Finding
- her obstinate in maintaining the justice of her cause, he had totally
- forborne all visits and intercourse with her; and had desired her to
- make choice of any one of his palaces, in which she should please
- to reside. She had fixed her abode for some time at Amphill, near
- Dunstable; and it was in this latter town that Cranmer, now created
- archbishop of Canterbury, on the death of Warham,[**] [8] was appointed
- to open his court for examining the validity of her marriage. The near
- neighborhood of the place was chosen, in order to deprive her of all
- plea of ignorance; and as she made no answer to the citation, either
- by herself or proxy, she was declared “contumacious;” and the primate
- proceeded to the examination of the cause.
- * 24 Henry VIII. c. 12.
- ** Collier, vol. ii. p. 31, and Records, No. 8.
- *** See note H, at the end of the volume.
- The evidences of Arthur’s consummation of his marriage were anew
- produced; the opinions of the universities were read, together with
- the judgment pronounced two years before by the convocations both
- of Canterbury and York, and after these preliminary steps, Cranmer
- proceeded to a sentence, and annulled the king’s marriage with Catharine
- as unlawful and invalid. By a subsequent sentence, he ratified the
- marriage with Anne Boleyn, who soon after was publicly crowned queen,
- with all the pomp and dignity suited to that ceremony.[*] To complete
- the king’s satisfaction on the conclusion of this intricate and
- vexatious affair, she was safely delivered of a daughter, who received
- the name of Elizabeth, and who afterwards swayed the sceptre with such
- renown and felicity. Henry was so much delighted with the birth of this
- child, that soon after he conferred on her the title of princess of
- Wales,[**] a step somewhat irregular, as she could only be presumptive,
- not apparent heir of the crown. But he had, during his former marriage,
- thought proper to honor his daughter Mary with that title; and he was
- determined to bestow on the offspring of his present marriage the same
- mark of distinction, as well as to exclude the elder princess from all
- hopes of the succession. His regard for the new queen seemed rather to
- increase than diminish by his marriage; and all men expected to see the
- entire ascendant of one who had mounted a throne from which her birth
- had set her at so great a distance, and who, by a proper mixture of
- severity and indulgence, had long managed so intractable a spirit as
- that of Henry. In order to efface as much as possible all marks of his
- first marriage, Lord Mountjoy was sent to the unfortunate and divorced
- queen, to inform her, that she was thenceforth to be treated only as
- princess dowager of Wales; and all means were employed to make her
- acquiesce in that determination. But she continued obstinate in
- maintaining the validity of her marriage; and she would admit no person
- to her presence who did not approach her with the accustomed ceremonial.
- Henry, forgetting his wonted generosity towards her, employed menaces
- against such of her servants as complied with her commands in this
- particular; but was never able to make her relinquish her title and
- pretensions.[***]
- * Heylin, p. 6.
- ** Burnet, vol. i, p. 134.
- *** Herbert, p. 326. Burnet, vol. i. p. 132.
- When intelligence was conveyed to Rome of these transactions, so
- injurious to the authority and reputation of the holy see, the conclave
- was in a rage, and all the cardinals of the imperial faction urged the
- pope to proceed to a definitive sentence, and to dart his spiritual
- thunders against Henry. But Clement proceeded no further than to declare
- the nullity of Cranmer’s sentence, as well as that of Henry’s second
- marriage; threatening him with excommunication, if before the first
- of November ensuing he did not replace every thing in the condition in
- which it formerly stood.[*] An event had happened from which the
- pontiff expected a more amicable conclusion of the difference, and which
- hindered him from carrying matters to extremity against the king.
- The pope had claims upon the duchy of Ferrara for the sovereignty of
- Reggio and Modena;[**] and having submitted his pretensions to the
- arbitration of the emperor, he was surprised to find a sentence
- pronounced against him. Enraged at this disappointment, he hearkened to
- proposals of amity from Francis; and when that monarch made overtures of
- marrying the duke of Orleans, his second son, to Catharine of Medicis,
- niece of the pope, Clement gladly embraced an alliance by which his
- family was so much honored. An interview was even appointed between the
- pope and French king at Marseilles; and Francis, as a common friend,
- there employed his good offices in mediating an accommodation between
- his new ally and the king of England.
- * Le Grand, vol. iii. p. 566.
- ** Burnet, vol. ii. p. 133. Guicciard.
- Had this connection of France with the court of Rome taken place a few
- years sooner, there had been little difficulty in adjusting the quarrel
- with Henry. The king’s request was an ordinary one; and the same plenary
- power of the pope which had granted a dispensation for his espousing of
- Catharine, could easily have annulled the marriage. But, in the progress
- of the quarrel, the state of affairs was much changed on both sides.
- Henry had shaken off much of that reverence which he had early imbibed
- for the apostolic see; and finding that his subjects of all ranks
- had taken part with him, and willingly complied with his measures for
- breaking off foreign dependence, he had begun to relish his spiritual
- authority, and would scarcely, it was apprehended, be induced to renew
- his submissions to the Roman pontiff. The pope, on the other hand, now
- ran a manifest risk of infringing his authority by a compliance with
- the king; and as a sentence of divorce could no longer be rested on
- nullities in Julius’s bull, but would be construed as an acknowledgment
- of papal usurpations, it was foreseen that the Lutherans would thence
- take occasion of triumph, and would persevere more obstinately in their
- present principles. But notwithstanding these obstacles, Francis did not
- despair of mediating an agreement. He observed that the king had still
- some remains of prejudice in favor of the Catholic church, and was
- apprehensive of the consequences which might ensue from too violent
- innovations. He saw the interest that Clement had in preserving the
- obedience of England, which was one of the richest jewels in the papal
- crown. And he hoped that these motives on both sides would facilitate a
- mutual agreement, and would forward the effects of his good offices.
- {1534.} Francis first prevailed on the pope to promise, that if the king
- would send a proxy to Rome, and thereby submit his cause to the holy
- see, he should appoint commissioners to meet at Cambray, and form the
- process; and he should immediately afterwards pronounce the sentence of
- divorce required of him. Bellay, bishop of Paris, was next despatched
- to London, and obtained a promise from the king that he would submit his
- cause to the Roman consistory, provided the cardinals of the imperial
- faction were excluded from it. The prelate carried this verbal promise
- to Rome; and the pope agreed that, if the king would sign a written
- agreement to the same purpose, his demands should be fully complied
- with. A day was appointed for the return of the messengers; and all
- Europe regarded this affair, which had threatened a violent rupture
- between England and the Romish church, as drawing towards an amicable
- conclusion.[*] But the greatest affairs often depend on the most
- frivolous incidents. The courier who carried the king’s written promise
- was detained beyond the day appointed: news was brought to Rome that
- a libel had been published in England against the court of Rome, and a
- farce acted before the king in derision of the pope and cardinals.[**]
- * Father Paul, lib. i.
- ** Father Paul, lib, i.
- The pope and cardinals entered into the consistory inflamed with anger;
- and by a precipitate sentence the marriage of Henry and Catharine was
- pronounced valid, and Henry declared to be excommunicated if he refused
- to adhere to it. Two days after, the courier arrived; and Clement, who
- had been hurried from his usual prudence, found that though he heartily
- repented of this hasty measure, it would be difficult for him to retract
- it, or replace affairs on the same footing as before.
- It is not probable that the pope, had he conducted himself with ever so
- great moderation and temper, could hope, during the lifetime of Henry,
- to have regained much authority or influence in England. That monarch
- was of a temper both impetuous and obstinate; and having proceeded
- so far in throwing off the papal yoke, he never could again have been
- brought tamely to bend his neck to it. Even at the time when he was
- negotiating a reconciliation with Rome, he either entertained so little
- hopes of success, or was so indifferent about the event, that he had
- assembled a parliament, and continued to enact laws totally destructive
- of the papal authority. The people had been prepared by degrees for this
- great innovation. Each preceding session had retrenched somewhat from
- the power and profits of the pontiff. Care had been taken, during some
- years, to teach the nation that a general council was much superior to
- a pope. But now a bishop preached every Sunday at Paul’s Cross, in order
- to inculcate the doctrine that the pope was entitled to no authority
- at all beyond the bounds of his own diocese.[*] The proceedings of the
- parliament showed that they had entirely adopted this opinion; and there
- is reason to believe that the king, after having procured a favorable
- sentence from Rome, which would have removed all doubts with regard to
- his second marriage and the succession, might indeed have lived on terms
- of civility with the Roman pontiff, but never would have surrendered to
- him any considerable share of his assumed prerogative. The importance
- of the laws passed this session, even before intelligence arrived of
- the violent resolutions taken at Rome, is sufficient to justify this
- opinion.
- * Burnet, vol. i. p. 144.
- All payments made to the apostolic chamber, all provisions, bulls,
- dispensations, were abolished: monasteries were subjected to the
- visitation and government of the king alone: the law for punishing
- heretics was moderated: the ordinary was prohibited from imprisoning
- or trying any person upon suspicion alone, without presentment by two
- lawful witnesses; and it was declared, that to speak against the pope’s
- authority was no heresy: bishops were to be appointed, by a congé
- d’élire from the crown, or, in case of the dean and chapter’s refusal,
- by letters patent; and no recourse was to be had to Rome for pails,
- bulls, or provisions; Campeggio and Ghinucci, two Italians, were
- deprived of the bishoprics of Salisbury and Worcester, which they had
- hitherto enjoyed:[*] the law which had been formerly made against paying
- annates or first-fruits, but which had been left in the king’s power to
- suspend or enforce, was finally established: and a submission which was
- exacted two years before from the clergy, and which had been
- obtained with great difficulty, received this session the sanction
- of parliament.[**] In this submission, the clergy acknowledged that
- convocations ought to be assembled by the king’s authority only; they
- promised to enact no new canons without his consent; and they agreed
- that he should appoint thirty-two commissioners, in order to examine
- the old canons, and abrogate such as should be found prejudicial to his
- royal prerogative.[***] An appeal was also allowed from the bishop’s
- court to the king in chancery.
- * Le Neve’s Fasti Eccles. Angl.
- ** 25 Henry VIII. cap, 19.
- *** Collier, vol. ii. p. 69, 70.
- But the most important law passed this session was that which regulated
- the succession to the crown: the marriage of the king with Catharine
- was declared unlawful, void, and of no effect: the primate’s sentence
- annulling it was ratified: and the marriage with Queen Anne was
- established and confirmed. The crown was appointed to descend to the
- issue of this marriage, and failing them, to the king’s heirs forever.
- An oath likewise was enjoined to be taken in favor of this order
- of succession, under the penalty of imprisonment during the king’s
- pleasure, and forfeiture of goods and chattels. And all slander against
- the king, queen, or their issue, was subjected to the penalty of
- misprision of treason. After these compliances, the parliament was
- prorogued; and those acts, so contemptuous towards the pope, and so
- destructive of his authority, were passed at the very time that Clement
- pronounced his hasty sentence against the king. Henry’s resentment
- against Queen Catharine, on account of her obstinacy, was the reason
- why he excluded her daughter from all hopes of succeeding to the crown;
- contrary to his first intentions, when he began the process of divorce,
- and of dispensation for a second marriage.
- The king found his ecclesiastical subjects as compliant as the laity.
- The convocation ordered that the act against appeals to Rome, together
- with the king’s appeal from the pope to a general council should be
- affixed to the doors of all the churches in the kingdom: and they voted
- that the bishop of Rome had, by the law of God, no more jurisdiction in
- England than any other foreign bishop; and that the authority which he
- and his predecessors had there exercised, was only by usurpation, and by
- the sufferance of English princes. Four persons alone opposed this vote
- in the lower house, and one doubted. It passed unanimously in the upper.
- The bishops went so far in their complaisance, that they took out new
- commissions from the crown, in which all their spiritual and episcopal
- authority was expressly affirmed to be derived ultimately from the civil
- magistrate, and to be entirely dependent on his good pleasure.[*]
- The oath regarding the succession was generally taken throughout the
- kingdom. Fisher, bishop of Rochester, and Sir Thomas More, were the only
- persons of note that entertained scruples with regard to its legality.
- Fisher was obnoxious on account of some practices into which his
- credulity, rather than any bad intentions, seems to have betrayed him.
- But More was the person of greatest reputation in the kingdom for virtue
- and integrity; and as it was believed that his authority would have
- influence on the sentiments of others, great pains were taken to
- convince him of the lawfulness of the oath. He declared that he had no
- scruple with regard to the succession, and thought that the parliament
- had full power to settle it: he offered to draw an oath himself which
- would insure his allegiance to the heir appointed; but he refused the
- oath prescribed by law; because the preamble of that oath asserted the
- legality of the king’s marriage with Anne, and thereby implied that his
- former marriage with Catharine was unlawful and invalid. Cramner, the
- primate, and Cromwell, now secretary of state, who highly loved and
- esteemed More, entreated him to lay aside his scruples; and their
- friendly importunity seemed to weigh more with him than all the
- penalties attending his refusal.[**] He persisted, however, in a mild
- though firm manner, to maintain his resolution; and the king, irritated
- against him as well as Fisher, ordered both to be indicted upon the
- statute, and committed prisoners to the Tower.
- * Collier’s Eccles. Hist. vol. ii.
- ** Burnet, vol. i. p. 156.
- The parliament, being again assembled, conferred on the king the title
- of the only supreme “head” on earth of the church of England; as they
- had already invested him with all the real power belonging to it.
- In this memorable act, the parliament granted him power, or rather
- acknowledged his inherent power, “to visit, and repress, redress,
- reform, order, correct, restrain, or amend all errors, heresies, abuses,
- offences, contempts, and enormities, which fell under any spiritual
- authority or jurisdiction.”[*] They also declared it treason to attempt,
- imagine, or speak evil against the king, queen, or his heirs; or to
- endeavor depriving them of their dignities or titles. They gave him a
- right to all the annates and tithes of benefices which had formerly been
- paid to the court of Rome. They granted him a subsidy and a fifteenth.
- They attainted More and Fisher for misprision of treason. And they
- completed the union of England and Wales, by giving to that principality
- all the benefit of the English laws.
- * 26 Henry VIII. cap. 1.
- Thus the authority of the popes, like all exorbitant power, was ruined
- by the excess of its acquisitions, and by stretching its pretensions
- beyond what it was possible for any human principles or prepossessions
- to sustain. Indulgences had in former ages tended extremely to enrich
- the holy see; but being openly abused, they served to excite the first
- commotions and opposition in Germany. The prerogative of granting
- dispensations had also contributed much to attach all the sovereign
- princes and great families in Europe to the papal authority; but meeting
- with an unlucky concurrence of circumstances, was now the cause why
- England separated herself from the Romish communion. The acknowledgment
- of the king’s supremacy introduced there a greater simplicity in
- the government, by uniting the spiritual with the civil power,
- and preventing disputes about limits, which never could be exactly
- determined between the contending jurisdictions. A way was also prepared
- for checking the exorbitances of superstition, and breaking those
- shackles by which all human reason, policy, and industry had so long
- been encumbered. The prince, it may be supposed, being head of the
- religion, as well as of the temporal jurisdiction of the kingdom, though
- he might sometimes employ the former as an engine of government, had no
- interest, like the Roman pontiff, in nourishing its excessive growth;
- and, except when blinded by his own ignorance or bigotry, would be sure
- to retain it within tolerable limits, and prevent its abuses. And on the
- whole, there followed from this revolution many beneficial consequences;
- though perhaps neither foreseen nor intended by the persons who had the
- chief hand in conducting it.
- While Henry proceeded with so much order and tranquillity in changing
- the national religion, and while his authority seemed entirely secure
- in England, he was held in some inquietude by the state of affairs in
- Ireland and in Scotland.
- The earl of Kildare was deputy of Ireland, under the duke of Richmond,
- the king’s natural son, who bore the title of lieutenant; and as
- Kildare was accused of some violences against the family of Ossory, his
- hereditary enemies, he was summoned to answer for his conduct. He left
- his authority in the hands of his son, who, hearing that his father was
- thrown into prison, and was in danger of his life, immediately took up
- arms, and joining himself to Oneale, Ocarrol, and other Irish nobility,
- committed many ravages, murdered Allen, archbishop of Dublin, and laid
- siege to that city. Kildare meanwhile died in prison; and his son,
- persevering in his revolt, made applications to the emperor, who
- promised him assistance. The king was obliged to send over some forces
- to Ireland, which so harassed the rebels, that this young nobleman,
- finding the emperor backward in fulfilling his promises, was reduced to
- the necessity of surrendering himself prisoner to Lord Leonard Gray,
- the new deputy, brother to the marquis of Dorset. He was carried over to
- England, together with his five uncles; and after trial and conviction,
- they were all brought to public justice; though two of the uncles, in
- order to save the family, had pretended to join the king’s party.
- The earl of Angus had acquired the entire ascendant in Scotland; and
- having gotten possession of the king’s person then in early youth, he
- was able, by means of that advantage, and by employing the power of
- his own family, to retain the reins of government. The queen dowager,
- however, his consort, bred him great disturbance. For having separated
- herself from him on account of some jealousies and disgusts, and having
- procured a divorce, she had married another man of quality, of the name
- of Stuart; and she joined all the discontented nobility who opposed
- Angus’s authority. James himself was dissatisfied with the slavery to
- which he was reduced, and by secret correspondence he incited first
- Walter Scot, then the earl of Lenox, to attempt by force of arms the
- freeing him from the hands of Angus. Both enterprises failed of success:
- but James, impatient of restraint, found means at last of escape *ing
- to Stirling, where his mother then resided; and having summoned all the
- nobility to attend him, he overturned the authority of the Douglases,
- and obliged Angus and his brother to fly into England, where they were
- protected by Henry. The king of Scotland, being now arrived at years of
- majority, took the government into his own hands; and employed him self
- with great spirit and valor in repressing those feuds, ravages, and
- disorders, which, though they disturbed the course of public justice,
- served to support the martial spirit of the Scots, and contributed
- by that means to maintain national independency. He was desirous of
- renewing the ancient league with the French nation; but finding Francis
- in close union with England, and on that account somewhat cold in
- hearkening to his proposals, he received the more favorably the
- advances of the emperor, who hoped, by means of such an ally, to breed
- disturbance to England, He offered the Scottish king the choice of three
- princesses, his own near relations, and all of the name of Mary; his
- sister, the dowager of Hungary; his niece, a daughter of Portugal;
- or his cousin, the daughter of Henry, whom he pretended to dispose of
- unknown to her father. James was more inclined to the latter proposal,
- had it not, upon reflection, been found impracticable; and his natural
- propensity to France at last prevailed over all other considerations.
- The alliance with Francis necessarily engaged James to maintain peace
- with England. But though invited by his uncle Henry to confer with
- him at Newcastle, and concert common measures for repressing the
- ecclesiastics in both kingdoms, and shaking off the yoke of Rome, he
- could not be prevailed on, by entering England, to put himself in the
- king’s power. In order to have a pretext for refusing the conference, he
- applied to the pope, and obtained a brief, forbidding him to engage
- in any personal negotiations with an enemy of the holy see. From these
- measures Henry easily concluded that he could very little depend on the
- friendship of his nephew. But those events took not place till some time
- after our present period.
- {1534.} The ancient and almost uninterrupted opposition of interests
- between the laity and clergy in England, and between the English clergy
- and the court of Rome, had sufficiently prepared the nation for a breach
- with the sovereign pontiff; and men had penetration enough to discover
- abuses which were plainly calculated for the temporal advantages of the
- hierarchy, and which they found destructive of their own. These subjects
- seemed proportioned to human understanding; and even the people, who
- felt the power of interest in their own breasts, could perceive the
- purpose of those numerous inventions which the interested spirit of
- the Roman pontiff had introduced into religion. But when the reformers
- proceeded thence to dispute concerning the nature of the sacraments, the
- operations of grace, the terms of acceptance with the Deity, men were
- thrown into amazement, and were, during some time, at a loss how to
- choose their party. The profound ignorance in which both the clergy and
- laity formerly lived, and their freedom from theological altercations,
- had produced a sincere but indolent acquiescence in received opinions;
- and the multitude were neither attached to them by topics of reasoning,
- nor by those prejudices and antipathies against opponents, which
- have ever a more natural and powerful influence over them. As soon,
- therefore, as a new opinion was advanced, supported by such an authority
- as to call up their attention, they felt their capacity totally unfitted
- for such disquisitions; and they perpetually fluctuated between the
- contending parties. Hence the quick and violent movements by which the
- people were agitated, even in the most opposite directions: hence their
- seeming prostitution, in sacrificing to present power the most sacred
- principles: and hence the rapid progress during some time, and the
- sudden as well as entire check soon after, of the new doctrines. When
- men were once settled in their particular sects, and had fortified
- themselves in an habitual detestation of those who were denominated
- heretics, they adhered with more obstinacy to the principles of their
- education; and the limits of the two religions thenceforth remained
- fixed and unchangeable.
- Nothing more forwarded the first progress of the reformers, than the
- offer which they made of submitting all religious doctrines to private
- judgment, and the summons given every one to examine the principles
- formerly imposed upon him. Though the multitude were totally unqualified
- for this undertaking, they yet were highly pleased with it. They fancied
- that they were exercising their judgment, while they opposed to the
- prejudices of ancient authority more powerful prejudices of another
- kind. The novelty itself of the doctrines; the pleasure of an imaginary
- triumph in dispute; the fervent zeal of the reformed preachers; their
- patience, and even alacrity, in suffering persecution, death,
- and torments; a disgust at the restraints of the old religion;
- an indignation against the tyranny and interested spirit of the
- ecclesiastics; these motives were prevalent with the people, and by such
- considerations were men so generally induced, during that age, to throw
- off the religion of their ancestors.
- But in proportion as the practice of submitting religion to private
- judgment was acceptable to the people, it appeared in some respects
- dangerous to the rights of sovereigns, and seemed to destroy that
- implicit obedience on which the authority of the civil magistrate
- is chiefly founded. The very precedent of shaking so ancient and
- deep-founded an establishment as that of the Romish hierarchy, might, it
- was apprehended, prepare the way for other innovations. The republican
- spirit which naturally took place among the reformers, increased this
- jealousy. The furious insurrections of the populace, excited by Muncer
- and other Anabaptists in Germany,[*] furnished a new pretence for
- decrying the reformation. Nor ought we to conclude, because Protestants
- in our time prove as dutiful subjects as those of any other communion,
- that therefore such apprehensions were altogether without any shadow of
- plausibility. Though the liberty of private judgment be tendered to the
- disciples of the reformation, it is not in reality accepted of; and men
- are generally contented to acquiesce implicitly in those establishments,
- however new, into which their early education has thrown them.
- * Sleidan, lib. iv. and v.
- No prince in Europe was possessed of such absolute authority as Henry,
- not even the pope himself, in his own capital, where he united both the
- civil and ecclesiastical powers; [*] [9] and there was small likelihood,
- that any doctrine which lay under the imputation of encouraging sedition
- could ever pretend to his favor and countenance.
- * See note I, at the end of the volume.
- But besides this political jealousy, there was another reason which
- inspired this imperious monarch with an aversion to the reformers. He
- had early declared his sentiments against Luther; and having entered the
- lists in those scholastic quarrels, he had received from his courtiers
- and theologians infinite applause for his performance. Elated by this
- imaginary success, and blinded by a natural arrogance and obstinacy of
- temper, he had entertained the most lofty opinion of his own erudition;
- and he received with impatience, mixed with contempt, any contradiction
- to his sentiments. Luther also had been so imprudent as to treat in a
- very indecent manner his royal antagonist; and though he afterwards made
- the most humble submissions to Henry, and apologized for the vehemence
- of his former expressions, he never could efface the hatred which the
- king had conceived against him and his doctrines. The idea of heresy
- still appeared detestable as well as formidable to that prince;
- and whilst his resentment against the see of Rome had corrected one
- considerable part of his early prejudices, he had made it a point of
- honor never to relinquish the remainder. Separate as he stood from the
- Catholic church, and from the Roman pontiff, the head of it, he still
- valued himself on maintaining the Catholic doctrine, and or guarding, by
- fire and sword, the imagined purity of his speculative principles.
- Henry’s ministers and courtiers were of as motley a character as his
- conduct; and seemed to waver, during this whole reign, between the
- ancient and the new religion. The queen, engaged by interest as well
- as inclination, favored the cause of the reformers: Cromwell, who was
- created secretary of state, and who was daily advancing in the king’s
- confidence, had embraced the same views; and as he was a man of prudence
- and abilities, he was able, very effectually, though in a covert manner,
- to promote the late innovations: Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury,
- had secretly adopted the Protestant tenets; and he had gained Henry’s
- friendship by his candor and sincerity; virtues which he possessed in
- as eminent a degree as those times, equally distracted with faction and
- oppressed by tyranny, could easily permit. On the other hand, the duke
- of Norfolk adhered to the ancient faith, and by his high rank, as well
- as by his talents, both for peace and war, he had great authority in
- the king’s council: Gardiner, lately created bishop of Winchester, had
- enlisted himself in the same party; and the suppleness of his character,
- and dexterity of his conduct, had rendered him extremely useful to it.
- All these ministers, while they stood in the most irreconcilable
- opposition of principles to each other, were obliged to disguise
- their particular opinions, and to pretend an entire agreement with
- the sentiments of their master. Cromwell and Cranmer still carried the
- appearance of a conformity to the ancient speculative tenets; but they
- artfully made use of Henry’s resentment to widen the breach with the see
- of Rome. Norfolk and Gardiner feigned an assent to the king’s supremacy,
- and to his renunciation of the sovereign pontiff; but they encouraged
- his passion for the Catholic faith, and instigated him to punish those
- daring heretics who had presumed to reject his theological principles.
- Both sides hoped, by their unlimited compliance, to bring him over
- to their party: the king, meanwhile, who held the balance between the
- factions, was enabled, by the courtship paid him both by Protestants
- and Catholics, to assume an unbounded authority: and though in all
- his measures he was really driven by his ungoverned humor, he casually
- steered a course which led more certainly to arbitrary power, than any
- which the most profound politics could have traced out to him. Artifice,
- refinement, and hypocrisy, in his situation, would have put both parties
- on their guard against him, and would have taught them reserve in
- complying with a monarch whom they could never hope thoroughly to have
- gained;* but while the frankness, sincerity, and openness of Henry’s
- temper were generally known, as well as the dominion of his furious
- passions, each side dreaded to lose him by the smallest opposition, and
- flattered themselves that a blind compliance with his will would throw
- him cordially and fully into their interests.
- The ambiguity of the king’s conduct, though it kept the courtiers in
- awe, served, in the main, to encourage the Protestant doctrine among his
- subjects, and promoted that spirit of innovation with which the age was
- generally seized, and which nothing but an entire uniformity, as will as
- a steady severity in the administration, could be able to repress.
- There were some Englishmen, Tindal, Joye, Constantine, and others, who,
- dreading the exertion of the king’s authority had fled to Antwerp;[*]
- where the great privileges possessed by the Low Country provinces
- served, during some time, to give them protection. These men employed
- themselves in writing English books against the corruptions of the
- church of Rome; against images, relics, pilgrimages; and they excited
- the curiosity of men with regard to that question, the most important in
- theology, the terms of acceptance with the Supreme Being, In conformity
- to the Lutherans and other Protestants, they asserted that salvation
- was obtained by faith alone; and that the most infallible road to
- perdition[**] was a reliance on “good works;” by which terms they
- understood as well the moral duties as the ceremonial and monastic
- observances.
- * Burnet, vol. i. p. 159.
- ** Sacrilegium est et impietas velle placere Deo per opera
- et non per solam fidem. Luther adversus regem. Ita vides
- quam dives sit homo Christianus sive baptizatus, qui etiam
- volens non protest perdere salutem suam quantiscunque
- peccatis. Nulla enim peccata possunt eum damnare nisi
- incredulitas. Id. de Captivitate Bábyloniea.
- The defenders of the ancient religion, on the other hand, maintained
- the efficacy of good works; but though they did not exclude from this
- appellation the social virtues, it was still the superstitions gainful
- to the church which they chiefly extolled and recommended. The books
- composed by these fugitives, having stolen over to England, began to
- make converts every where; but it was a translation of the Scriptures
- by Tindal that was esteemed the most dangerous to the established faith.
- The first edition of this work, composed with little accuracy, was found
- liable to considerable objections; and Tindal, who was poor, and could
- not afford to lose a great part of the impression, was longing for
- an opportunity of correcting his errors, of which he had been made
- sensible. Tonstal, then bishop of London, soon after of Durham, a man of
- great moderation, being desirous to discourage, in the gentlest manner,
- these innovations, gave private orders for buying up all the copies that
- could be found at Antwerp; and he burned them publicly in Cheapside. By
- this measure he supplied Tindal with money, enabled him to print a new
- and correct edition of his work, and gave great scandal to the people,
- in thus committing to the flames the word of God.[*]
- The disciples of the reformation met with little severity during the
- ministry of Wolsey, who, though himself a clergyman, bore too small a
- regard to the ecclesiastical order to serve as an instrument of their
- tyranny: it was even an article of impeachment against him,[**] that by
- his connivance he had encouraged the growth of heresy, and that he had
- protected and acquitted some notorious offenders. Sir Thomas More,
- who succeeded Wolsey as chancellor, is at once an object deserving our
- compassion, and an instance of the usual progress of men’s sentiments
- during that age. This man, whose elegant genius and familiar
- acquaintance with the noble spirit of antiquity had given him very
- enlarged sentiments, and who had in his early years advanced principles
- which even at present would be deemed somewhat too free, had, in the
- course of events, been so irritated by polemics, and thrown into such a
- superstitious attachment to the ancient faith, that few inquisitors have
- been guilty of greater violence in their prosecution of heresy. Though
- adorned with the gentlest manners, as well as the purest integrity,
- he carried to the utmost height his aversion to heterodoxy; and James
- Bainham, in particular, a gentleman of the Temple, experienced from him
- the greatest severity. Bainham, accused of favoring the new opinions,
- was carried to More’s house; and having refused to discover his
- accomplices, the chancellor ordered him to be whipped in his presence,
- and afterwards sent him to the Tower, where he himself saw him put to
- the torture. The unhappy gentleman, overcome by all these severities,
- abjured his opinions; but feeling afterwards the deepest compunction for
- his apostasy, he openly returned to his former tenets, and even courted
- the crown of martyrdom. He was condemned as an obstinate and relapsed
- heretic, and was burned in Smithfîeld.[***]
- * Hall. fol. 186. Fox, vol. i. p. 138. Burnet, vol. i p.
- 159.
- ** Articles of impeachment in Herbert. Burnet.
- *** Fox. Burnet, vol i. p. 165.
- Many were brought into the bishops’ courts for offences which appear
- trivial, but which were regarded as symbols of the party: some for
- teaching their children the Lord’s prayer in English; others for reading
- the New Testament in that language, or for speaking against pilgrimages.
- To harbor the persecuted preachers, to neglect the fasts of the church,
- to declaim against the vices of the clergy, were capital offences. One
- Thomas Bilney, a priest, who had embraced the new doctrine, had been
- terrified into an abjuration; but was so haunted by remorse, that his
- friends dreaded some fatal effects of his despair. At last, his mind
- seemed to be more relieved; but this appearing calm proceeded only from
- the resolution which he had taken of expiating his past offence by
- an open confession of the truth, and by dying a martyr to it. He went
- through Norfolk, teaching the people to beware of idolatry, and of
- trusting for their salvation either to pilgrimages, or to the cowl of
- St. Francis, to the prayers of the saints, or to images. He was soon
- seized, tried in the bishop’s court, and condemned as a relapsed
- heretic; and the writ was sent down to burn him. When brought to the
- stake, he discovered such patience, fortitude, and devotion, that the
- spectators were much affected with the horrors of his punishment; and
- some mendicant friars who were present, fearing that his martyrdom would
- be imputed to them, and make them lose those alms which they received
- from the charity of the people, desired him publicly to acquit them[*]
- of having any hand in his death. He willingly complied; and by this
- meekness gained the more on the sympathy of the people.
- * Burnet, vol. i. p. 164.
- Another person, still more heroic, being brought to the stake for
- denying the real presence, seemed almost in a transport of joy; and he
- tenderly embraced the fagots which were to be the instruments of his
- punishment, as the means of procuring him eternal rest. In short, the
- tide turning towards the new doctrine, those severe executions, which,
- in another disposition of men’s minds, would have sufficed to suppress
- it, now served only to diffuse it the more among the people, and to
- inspire them with horror against the unrelenting persecutors.
- But though Henry neglected not to punish the Protestant doctrine, which
- he deemed heresy, his most formidable enemies, he knew, were the zealous
- adherents to the ancient religion, chiefly the monks, who, having their
- immediate dependence on the Roman pontiff, apprehended their own ruin
- to be the certain consequence of abolishing his authority in England.
- Peyto, a friar, preaching before the king, had the assurance to tell
- him, “that many lying prophets had deceived him; but he, as a true
- Micajah, warned him, that the dogs would lick his blood, as they had
- done Ahab’s.”[*] The king took no notice of the insult; but allowed
- the preacher to depart in peace. Next Sunday he employed Dr. Corren to
- preach before him; who justified the king’s proceedings, and gave Peyto
- the appellations of a rebel, a slanderer, a dog, and a traitor. Elston,
- another friar of the same house, interrupted the preacher, and told
- him that he was one of the lying prophets, who sought to establish by
- adultery the succession of the crown; but that he himself would justify
- all that Peyto had said. Henry silenced the petulant friar; but showed
- no other mark of resentment than ordering Peyto and him to be summoned
- before the council, and to be rebuked for their offence.[**] He even
- here bore patiently some new instances of their obstinacy and arrogance:
- when the earl of Essex, a privy councillor, told them that they deserved
- for their offence to be thrown into the Thames, Elston replied that the
- road to heaven lay as near by water as by land.[***]
- * Strype, vol. i. p. 167.
- ** Collier, vol. ii. p. 86. Burnet, vol. i. p. 151.
- *** Stowe, p. 562
- But several monks were detected in a conspiracy, which, as it might have
- proved more dangerous to the king, was on its discovery attended with
- more fatal consequences to themselves. Elizabeth Barton, of Aldington,
- in Kent, commonly called the “holy maid of Kent,” had been subject to
- hysterical fits, which threw her body into unusual convulsions; and
- having produced an equal disorder in her mind, made her utter strange
- sayings, which, as she was scarcely conscious of them during the time,
- had soon after entirely escaped her memory. The silly people in the
- neighborhood were struck with these appearances, which they imagined to
- be supernatural; and Richard Masters, vicar of the parish, a designing
- fellow, founded on them a project, from which he hoped to acquire both
- profit and consideration. He went to Warham, archbishop of Canterbury,
- then alive; and having given him an account of Elizabeth’s revelations,
- he so far wrought on that prudent but superstitious prelate, as to
- receive orders from him to watch her in her trances, and carefully to
- note down all her future sayings. The regard paid her by a person of so
- high a rank, soon rendered her still more the object of attention to the
- neighborhood; and it was easy for Masters to persuade them, as well as
- the maid herself, that her ravings were inspirations of the Holy Ghost.
- Knavery, as is usual, soon after succeeding to delusion, she learned to
- counterfeit trances and she then uttered, in an extraordinary tone,
- such speeches as were dictated to her by her spiritual director. Masters
- associated with him Dr. Bocking, a canon of Canterbury; and their design
- was to raise the credit of an image of the Virgin which stood in a
- chapel belonging to Masters, and to draw to it such pilgrimages as
- usually frequented the more famous images and relics. In prosecution of
- this design, Elizabeth pretended revelations which directed her to have
- recourse to that image for a cure; and being brought before it, in the
- presence of a great multitude, she fell anew into convulsions: and
- after distorting her limbs and countenance during a competent time, she
- affected to have obtained a perfect recovery by the intercession of the
- Virgin.[*] This miracle was soon bruited abroad; and the two priests,
- finding the imposture to succeed beyond their own expectations, began
- to extend their views, and to lay the foundation of more important
- enterprises. They taught their penitent to declaim against the new
- doctrines, which she denominated heresy; against innovations in
- ecclesiastical government; and against the king’s intended divorce from
- Catharine. She went so far as to assert, that if he prosecuted that
- design, and married another, he should not be a king a month longer, and
- should not an hour longer enjoy the favor of the Almighty, but should
- die the death of a villain. Many monks throughout England, either from
- folly or roguery, or from faction, which is often a complication of
- both, entered into the delusion; and one Deering, a friar, wrote a book
- of the revelations and prophecies of Elizabeth.[**] Miracles were daily
- added to increase the wonder; and the pulpit every where resounded
- with accounts of the sanctity and inspirations of the new prophetess.
- Messages were carried from her to Queen Catharine, by which that
- princess was exhorted to persist in her opposition to the divorce; the
- pope’s ambassadors gave encouragement to the popular credulity; and even
- Fisher, bishop of Rochester, though a man of sense and learning, was
- carried away by an opinion so favorable to the party which he had
- espoused.[***]
- * Stowe, p. 570. Blanquet’s Epitome of Chronicler.
- ** Strype, vol. i. p. 181.
- *** Collier, vol. ii. p. 87
- The king at last began to think the matter worthy of his attention; and
- having ordered Elizabeth and her accomplices to be arrested, he brought
- them before the star chamber, where they freely, without being put
- to the torture made confession of their guilt. The parliament, in the
- session held the beginning of this year, passed an act of attainder
- against some who were engaged in this treasonable imposture,[*] and
- Elizabeth herself, Masters, Bocking, Deering, Rich, Risby, Gold,
- suffered for their crime. The bishop of Rochester, Abel, Addison,
- Lawrence, and others were condemned for misprision of treason; because
- they had not discovered some criminal speeches which they heard from
- Elizabeth;[**] and they were thrown into prison. The better to undeceive
- the multitude, the forgery of many of the prophetess’s miracles was
- detected; and even the scandalous prostitution of her manners was
- laid open to the public. Those passions which so naturally insinuate
- themselves amidst the warm intimacies maintained by the devotees of
- different sexes, had taken place between Elizabeth and her confederates;
- and it was found that a door to her dormitory, which was said to have
- been miraculously opened, in order to give her access to the chapel, for
- the sake of frequent converse with Heaven, had been contrived by Bocking
- and Masters for less refined purposes.
- * 25 Henry VIII. cap. 12. Burnet, vol. i. p. 149. Hall, fol.
- 220.
- ** Godwin’s Annals, p. 53.
- {1535.} The detection of this imposture, attended with so many odious
- circumstances, both hurt the credit of the ecclesiastics, particularly
- the monks, and instigated the king to take vengeance on them. He
- suppressed three monasteries of the Observantine friars; and finding
- that little clamor was excited by this act of power, he was the more
- encouraged to lay his rapacious hands on the remainder. Meanwhile he
- exercised punishment on individuals who were obnoxious to him. The
- parliament had made it treason to endeavor depriving the king of his
- dignity or titles: they had lately added to his other titles, that of
- supreme head of the church: it was inferred, that to deny his supremacy
- was treason; and many priors and ecclesiastics lost their lives for this
- new species of guilt. It was certainly a high instance of tyranny to
- punish the mere delivery of a political opinion, especially one that
- nowise affected the king’s temporal right, as a capital offence, though
- attended with no overt act; and the parliament, in passing this law,
- had overlooked all the principles by which a civilized, much more a free
- people, should be governed: but the violence of changing so suddenly the
- whole system of government, and making it treason to deny what during
- many ages it had been heresy to assert, is an event which may appear
- somewhat extraordinary. Even the stern, unrelenting mind of Henry was at
- first shocked with these sanguinary measures; and he went so far as to
- change his garb and dress; pretending sorrow for the necessity by which
- he was pushed to such extremities. Still impelled, however, by his
- violent temper, and desirous of striking a terror into the whole nation,
- he proceeded, by making examples of Fisher and More, to consummate his
- lawless tyranny.
- John Fisher, bishop of Rochester, was a prelate eminent for learning and
- morals, still more than for his ecclesiastical dignities, and for the
- high favor which he had long enjoyed with the king; When he was thrown
- into prison, on account of his refusing the oath which regarded the
- succession, and his concealment of Elizabeth Barton’s treasonable
- speeches, he had not only been deprived of all his revenues, but
- stripped of his very clothes, and, without consideration of his extreme
- age, he was allowed nothing but rags, which scarcely sufficed to
- cover his nakedness.[*] In this condition he lay in prison above a
- twelvemonth; when the pope, willing to recompense the sufferings of
- so faithful an adherent, created him a cardinal though Fisher was so
- indifferent about that dignity, that, even if the purple were lying at
- his feet, he declared that he would not stoop to take it. This promotion
- of a man merely for his opposition to royal authority, roused the
- indignation of the king; and he resolved to make the innocent person
- feel the effects of his resentment. Fisher was indicted for denying the
- king’s supremacy, was tried, condemned, and beheaded.
- * Fuller’s Church Hist. book v. p. 203.
- The execution of this prelate was intended as a warning to More, whose
- compliance, on account of his great authority both abroad and at home,
- and his high reputation for learning and virtue, was anxiously desired
- by the king. That prince also bore as great personal affection and
- regard to More, as his imperious mind, the sport of passions, was
- susceptible of towards a man who in any particular opposed his violent
- inclinations. But More could never be prevailed on to acknowledge any
- opinion so contrary to his principles as that of the king’s supremacy;
- and though Henry exacted that compliance from the whole nation, there
- was as yet no law obliging any one to take an oath to that purpose.
- Rich, the solicitor-general, was sent to confer with More, then a
- prisoner, who kept a cautious silence with regard to the supremacy:
- he was only inveigled to say, that any question with regard to the law
- which established that prerogative was a two-edged sword; if a person
- answer one way, it will confound his soul; if another, it will destroy
- his body. No more was wanted to found an indictment of high treason
- against the prisoner. His silence was called malicious, and made a part
- of his crime; and these words, which had casually dropped from him,
- were interpreted as a denial of the supremacy.[*] Trials were mere
- formalities during this reign: the jury gave sentence against More, who
- had long expected this fate, and who needed no preparation to fortify
- him against the terrors of death. Not only his constancy, but even his
- cheerfulness, nay, his usual facetiousness, never forsook him; and
- he made a sacrifice of his life to his integrity, with the same
- indifference that he maintained in any ordinary occurrence. When he was
- mounting the scaffold, he said to one, “Friend, help me up; and when I
- come down again, let me shift for myself.” The executioner asking him
- forgiveness, he granted the request, but told him, “You will never get
- credit by beheading me, my neck is so short.” Then laying his head on
- the block, he bade the executioner stay till he put aside his beard:
- “For,” said he, “it never committed treason.” Nothing was wanting to the
- glory of this end, except a better cause, more free from weakness and
- superstition. But as the man followed his principles and sense of duty,
- however misguided, his constancy and integrity are not the less objects
- of our admiration. He was beheaded in the fifty-third year of his age.
- * More’s Life of Sir Thomas More. Herbert, p. 393
- When the execution of Fisher and More was reported at Rome, especially
- that of the former, who was invested with the dignity of cardinal, every
- one discovered the most violent rage against the king; and numerous
- libels were published by the wits and orators of Italy, comparing him
- to Caligula, Nero, Domitian, and all the most unrelenting tyrants of
- antiquity. Clement VII. had died about six months after he pronounced
- sentence against the king; and Paul III., of the name of Farnese, had
- succeeded to the papal throne. This pontiff, who while cardinal, had
- always favored Henry’s cause, had hoped that personal animosities
- being buried with his predecessor, might not be impossible to form
- an agreement with England: and the king himself was so desirous of
- accommodating matters, that in a negotiation which he entered into with
- Francis a little before this time, he required that that monarch should
- conciliate a friendship between him and the court of Rome. But Henry
- was accustomed to prescribe, not to receive terms; and even while he was
- negotiating for peace, his usual violence often carried him to commit
- offences which rendered the quarrel totally incurable. The execution of
- Fisher was regarded by Paul as so capital an injury, that he immediately
- passed censures against the king, citing him and all his adherents to
- appear in Rome within ninety days, in order to answer for their crimes:
- if they failed, he excommunicated them; deprived the king of his crown;
- laid the kingdom under an interdict; declared his issue by Anne Boleyn
- illegitimate; dissolved all leagues which any Catholic princes had made
- with him; gave his kingdom to any invader; commanded the nobility to
- take arms against him; freed his subjects from all oaths of allegiance;
- cut off their commerce with foreign states; and declared it lawful for
- any one to seize them, to make slaves of their persons, and to convert
- their effects to his own use.[*] But though these censures were passed,
- they were not at that time openly denounced; the pope delayed the
- publication till he should find an agreement with England entirely
- desperate; and till the emperor, who was at that time hard pressed
- by the Turks and the Protestant princes in Germany, should be in a
- condition to carry the sentence into execution.
- The king knew that he might expect any injury which it should be in
- Charles’s power to inflict; and he therefore made it the chief object
- of his policy to incapacitate that monarch from wreaking his resentment
- upon him.[**]
- * Sanders, p. 148.
- ** Herbert, p. 350, 351.
- He renewed his friendship with Francis, and opened negotiations for
- marrying his infant daughter, Elizabeth, with the duke of Angoulême,
- third son of Francis. These two monarchs also made advances to the
- princes of the Protestant league in Germany, ever jealous of the
- emperor’s ambition; and Henry, besides remitting them some money, sent
- Fox, bishop of Hereford, as Francis did Bellay, lord of Langley, to
- treat with them. But during the first fervors of the reformation,
- an agreement in theological tenets was held, as well as a union of
- interests, to be essential to a good correspondence among states; and
- though both Francis and Henry flattered the German princes with hopes of
- their embracing the confession of Augsbourg, it was looked upon as a
- bad symptom of their sincerity, that they exercised such extreme
- rigor against all preachers of the reformation in their respective
- dominions.[*] Henry carried the feint so far, that, while he thought
- himself the first theologian in the world, he yet invited over
- Melaricthon, Bucer, Sturmius, Draco, and other German divines, that
- they might confer with him, and instruct him in the foundation of their
- tenets. These theologians were now of great importance in the world; and
- no poet or philosopher, even in ancient Greece, where they were treated
- with most respect, had ever reached equal applause and admiration with
- those wretched composers of metaphysical polemics. The German princes
- told the king, that they could not spare their divines; and as Henry
- had no hopes of agreement with such zealous disputants, and knew that in
- Germany the followers of Luther would not associate with the disciples
- of Zuinglius, because, though they agreed in every thing else, they
- differed in some minute particulars with regard to the eucharist, he was
- the more indifferent on account of this refusal. He could also foresee,
- that even while the league of Smalcalde did not act in concert with him,
- they would always be carried by their interests to oppose the emperor:
- and the hatred between Francis and that monarch was so inveterate,
- that he deemed himself sure of a sincere ally in one or other of these
- potentates.
- * Sleidan, lib. 10.
- {1536.} During these negotiations, an incident happened in England,
- which promised a more amicable conclusion of those disputes, and seemed
- even to open the way for a reconciliation between Henry and Charles.
- Queen Catharine was seized with a lingering illness, which at last
- brought her to her grave; she died at Kimbolton, in the county of
- Huntingdon, in the fiftieth year of her age. A little before she
- expired, she wrote a very tender letter to the king, in which she gave
- him the appellation of “her most dear lord, king, and husband.” She told
- him that as the hour of her death was now approaching, she laid hold
- of this last opportunity to inculcate on him the importance of his
- religious duty, and the comparative emptiness of all human grandeur and
- enjoyment; that though his fondness towards these perishable advantages
- had thrown her into many calamities, as well as created to himself
- much trouble, she yet forgave him all past injuries, and hoped that his
- pardon would be ratified in Heaven; and that she had no other request
- to make, than to recommend to him his daughter, the sole pledge of
- their loves; and to crave his protection for her maids and servants. She
- concluded with these words: “I make this vow, that mine eyes desire
- you above all things.”[*] The king was touched, even to the shedding
- of tears, by this last tender proof of Catharine’s affection; but Queen
- Anne is said to have expressed her joy for the death of a rival beyond
- what decency or humanity could permit.[**]
- The emperor thought that, as the demise of his aunt had removed all
- foundation of personal animosity between him and Henry, it might not now
- be impossible to detach him from the alliance of France, and to renew
- his own confederacy with England, from which he had formerly reaped so
- much advantage. He sent Henry proposals for a return to ancient amity,
- upon these conditions:[***] that he should be reconciled to the see of
- Rome, that he should assist him in his war with the Turk, and that he
- should take part with him against Francis, who now threatened the duchy
- of Milan. The king replied, that he was willing to be on good terms
- with the emperor, provided that prince would acknowledge that the former
- breach of friendship came entirely from himself: as to the conditions
- proposed, the proceedings against the bishop of Rome were so just, and
- so fully ratified by the parliament of England, that they could not
- now be revoked; when Christian princes should have settled peace among
- themselves, he would not fail to exert that vigor which became him,
- against the enemies of the faith; and after amity with the emperor
- was once fully restored, he should then be in a situation, as a common
- friend both to him and Francis, either to mediate an agreement between
- them, or to assist the injured party.
- * Herbert, p. 403.
- ** Burnet, vol. i. p. 192
- *** Du Bellai, liv. v. Herbert. Burnet, vol. iii. in Coll.
- No· 60.
- What rendered Henry more indifferent to the advances made by the emperor
- was, both his experience of the usual duplicity and insincerity of
- that monarch, and the intelligence which he received of the present
- transactions in Europe. Francis Sforza, duke of Milan, had died without
- issue; and the emperor maintained that the duchy, being a fief of the
- empire, was devolved to him, as head of the Germanic body: not to give
- umbrage, however, to the states of Italy, he professed his intention of
- bestowing that principality on some prince who should be obnoxious to no
- party, and he even made offer of it to the duke of Angoulême, third
- son of Francis. The French monarch, who pretended that his own right to
- Milan was now revived upon Sforza’s death, was content to substitute his
- second son, the duke of Orleans, in his place; and the emperor pretended
- to close with this proposal. But his sole intention in that liberal
- concession was to gain time till he should put himself in a warlike
- posture, and be able to carry an invasion into Francis’s dominions. The
- ancient enmity between these, princes broke out anew in bravadoes, and
- in personal insults on each other, ill becoming persons of their rank,
- and still less suitable to men of such unquestioned bravery. Charles
- soon after invaded Provence in person, with an army of fifty thousand
- men; but met with no success. His army perished with sickness, fatigue,
- famine, and other disasters; and he was obliged to raise the siege of
- Marseilles, and retire into Italy with the broken remains of his forces.
- An army of imperialists, near thirty thousand strong, which invaded
- France on the side of the Netherlands, and laid siege to Peronne, made
- no greater progress, but retired upon the approach of a French army. And
- Henry had thus the satisfaction to find, both that his ally Francis was
- likely to support himself without foreign assistance, and that his own
- tranquillity was fully insured by these violent wars and animosities on
- the continent.
- If any inquietude remained with the English court, it was solely
- occasioned by the state of affairs in Scotland. James, hearing of the
- dangerous situation of his ally Francis, generously levied some forces;
- and embarking them on board vessels which he had hired for that purpose,
- landed them safely in France. He even went over in person; and making
- haste to join the camp of the French king, which then lay in Provence,
- and to partake of his danger, he met that prince at Lyons, who, having
- repulsed the emperor, was now returning to his capital. Recommended by
- so agreeable and seasonable an instance of friendship, the king of Scots
- paid his addresses to Magdalen, daughter of the French monarch; and
- this prince had no other objection to the match than what arose from the
- infirm state of his daughter’s health, which seemed to threaten her
- with an approaching end. But James having gained the affections of the
- princess, and obtained her consent, the father would no longer oppose
- the united desires of his daughter and his friend: they were accordingly
- married, and soon after set sail for Scotland, where the young queen, as
- was foreseen, died in a little time after her arrival. Francis, however,
- was afraid lest his ally Henry, whom he likewise looked on as his
- friend, and who lived with him on a more cordial footing than is usual
- among great princes, should be displeased that this close confederacy
- between France and Scotland was concluded without his participation. He
- therefore despatched Pommeraye to London, in order to apologize for this
- measure; but Henry, with his usual openness and freedom, expressed such
- displeasure, that he refused even to confer with the ambassador; and
- Francis was apprehensive of a rupture with a prince who regulated
- his measures more by humor and passion than by the rules of political
- prudence. But the king was so fettered by the opposition in which he
- was engaged against the pope and the emperor, that he pursued no further
- this disgust against Francis; and in the end, every thing remained in
- tranquillity both on the side of France and of Scotland.
- The domestic peace of England seemed to be exposed to more hazard by the
- violent innovations in religion; and it may be affirmed that, in this
- dangerous conjuncture, nothing insured public tranquillity so much as
- the decisive authority acquired by the king, and his great ascendant
- over all his subjects. Not only the devotion paid to the crown was
- profound during that age: the personal respect inspired by Henry was
- considerable; and even the terrors with which he overawed every one,
- were not attended with any considerable degree of hatred. His frankness,
- his sincerity, his magnificence, his generosity, were virtues which
- counterbalanced his violence, cruelty, and impetuosity. And the
- important rank which his vigor, more than his address, acquired him in
- all foreign negotiations, flattered the vanity of Englishmen, and made
- them the more willingly endure those domestic hardships to which they
- were exposed. The king, conscious of his advantages, was now proceeding
- to the most dangerous exercise of his authority; and after paving the
- way for that measure by several preparatory expedients, he was at last
- determined to suppress the monasteries, and to put himself in possession
- of their ample revenues.
- The great increase of monasteries, if matters be considered merely in
- a political light, will appear the radical inconvenience of the
- Catholic religion; and every other disadvantage attending that
- communion seems to have an inseparable connection with these religious
- institutions. Papal usurpations, the tyranny of the inquisition, the
- multiplicity of holidays; all these fetters on liberty and industry were
- ultimately derived from the authority and insinuation of monks, whose
- habitations, being established every where, proved so many seminaries
- of superstition and of folly. This order of men was extremely enraged
- against Henry, and regarded the abolition of the papal authority in
- England as the removal of the sole protection which they enjoyed against
- the rapacity of the crown and of the courtiers. They were now subjected
- to the king’s visitation; the supposed sacredness of their bulls from
- Rome was rejected; the progress of the reformation abroad, which had
- every where been attended with the abolition of the monastic orders,
- gave them reason to apprehend like consequences in England; and though
- the king still maintained the doctrine of purgatory, to which most of
- the convents owed their origin and support, it was foreseen, that, in
- the progress of the contest, he would every day be led to depart
- wider from ancient institutions, and be drawn nearer the tenets of the
- reformers, with whom his political interests naturally induced him to
- unite. Moved by these considerations, the friars employed all their
- influence to inflame the people against the king’s government; and
- Henry, finding their safety irreconcilable with his own, was determined
- to seize the present opportunity, and utterly destroy his declared
- enemies.
- Cromwell, secretary of state, had been appointed vicar-general, or
- vicegerent, a new office, by which the king’s supremacy, or the absolute
- uncontrollable power assumed over the church, was delegated to him. He
- employed Layton, London, Price, Gage, Petre, Bellasis, and others, as
- commissioners who carried on every where a rigorous inquiry with
- regard to the conduct and deportment of all the friars. During times of
- faction, especially of the religious kind, no equity is to be expected
- from adversaries; and as it was known, that the king’s intention in this
- visitation was to find a pretence for abolishing monasteries, we may
- naturally conclude, that the reports of the commissioners are very
- little to be relied on. Friars were encouraged to bring in informations
- against their brethren; the slightest evidence was credited; and even
- the calumnies spread abroad by the friends of the reformation, were
- regarded as grounds of proof. Monstrous disorders are therefore said to
- have been found in many of the religious houses; whole convents of women
- abandoned to lewdness; signs of abortions procured, of infants murdered,
- of unnatural lusts between persons of the same sex. It is indeed
- probable, that the blind submission of the people, during those ages,
- would render the friars and nuns more unguarded and more dissolute
- than they are in any Roman Catholic country at present; but still the
- reproaches, which it is safest to credit, are such as point at vices
- naturally connected with the very institution of convents, and with
- the monastic life. The cruel and inveterate factions and quarrels,
- therefore, which the commissioners mentioned, are very credible among
- men, who, being confined together within the same walls, never can
- forget their mutual animosities, and who, being cut off from all the
- most endearing connections of nature, are commonly cursed with hearts
- more selfish, and tempers more unrelenting, than fall to the share
- of other men. The pious frauds practised to increase the devotion
- and liberality of the people, may be regarded as certain, in an order
- founded on illusions, lies, and superstition. The supine idleness also,
- and its attendant, profound ignorance, with which the convents were
- reproached, admit of no question; and though monks were the true
- preservers, as well as inventors, of the dreaming and captious
- philosophy of the schools, no manly or elegant knowledge could be
- expected among men, whose lives, condemned to a tedious uniformity,
- and deprived of all emulation, afforded nothing to raise the mind or
- cultivate the genius.
- Some few monasteries, terrified with this rigorous inquisition carried
- on by Cromwell and his commissioners, surrendered their revenues into
- the king’s hands; and the monks received small pensions as the reward of
- their obsequiousness. Orders were given to dismiss such nuns and
- friars as were below four and twenty, whose vows were, on that account,
- supposed not to be binding. The doors of the convents were opened, even
- to such as were above that age; and every one recovered his liberty who
- desired it. But as all these expedients did not fully answer the
- king’s purpose, he had recourse to his usual instrument of power, the
- parliament; and in order to prepare men for the innovations projected,
- the report of the visitors was published, and a general horror was
- endeavored to be excited n the nation against institutions, which, to
- their ancestors had been the objects of the most profound veneration.
- The king, though determined utterly to abolish the monastic order,
- resolved to proceed gradually in this great work; and he gave directions
- to the parliament to go no further, at present, than to suppress the
- lesser monasteries, which possessed revenues below two hundred pounds a
- year.[*] These were found to be the most corrupted, as lying less under
- the restraint of shame, and being exposed to less scrutiny;[**] and it
- was deemed safest to begin with them, and thereby prepare the way
- for the greater innovations projected. By this act three hundred and
- seventy-six monasteries were suppressed, and their revenues, amounting
- to thirty-two thousand pounds a year, were granted to the king; besides
- their goods, chattels, and plate, computed at a hundred thousand pounds
- more.[***] It does not appear that any opposition was made to this
- important law: so absolute was Henry’s authority[****] A court, called
- the court of augmentation of the king’s revenue, was erected for the
- management of these funds. The people naturally concluded from this
- circumstance, that Henry intended to proceed in despoiling the church of
- her patrimony.[v]
- The act formerly passed, empowering the king to name thirty-two
- commissioners for framing a body of canon law, was renewed; but the
- project was never carried into execution. Henry thought, that the
- present perplexity of that law increased his authority, and kept the
- clergy in still greater dependence.
- Further progress was made in completing the union of Wales with England:
- the separate jurisdictions of several great lords, or marchers, as
- they were called, which obstructed the course of justice in Wales, and
- encouraged robbery and pillaging, were abolished; and the authority of
- the king’s courts was extended every where. Some jurisdictions of a like
- nature in England were also abolished this session.
- * 27 Henry VIII. c. 28.
- ** Burnet, vol. i. p. 193.
- *** It is pretended, (see Holingshed, p. 939,) that ten
- thousand monks wore turned out on the dissolution of the
- lesser monasteries. If so, most of them must have been
- mendicants; for the revenue could not have supported near
- that number. The mendicants, no doubt, still continued their
- former profession.
- **** 27 Henry VIII. c. 27.
- v 27 Henry VIII. c. 4
- The commons, sensible that they had gained nothing by opposing the
- king’s will when he formerly endeavored to secure the profits of
- wardships and liveries, were now contented to frame a law,[*] such as he
- dictated to them. It was enacted, that the possession of land shall be
- adjudged to be in those who have the use of it, not in those to whom it
- is transferred in trust.
- * 27 Henry VIII. c. 10.
- After all these laws were passed, the king dissolved the parliament; a
- parliament memorable, not only for the great and important innovations
- which it introduced, but also for the long time it had sitten, and the
- frequent prorogations which it had undergone. Henry had found it so
- obsequious to his will, that he did not choose, during those religious
- ferments, to hazard a new election; and he continued the same parliament
- above six years: a practice at that time unusual in England.
- The convocation which sat during this session was engaged in a very
- important work, the deliberating on the new translation which was
- projected of the Scriptures. The translation given by Tindal, though
- corrected by himself in a new edition, was still complained of by the
- clergy as inaccurate and unfaithful; and it was now proposed to them,
- that they should themselves publish a translation which would not be
- liable to those objections.
- The friends of the reformation asserted, that nothing could be more
- absurd than to conceal, in an unknown tongue, the word of God itself,
- and thus to counteract the will of Heaven, which, for the purpose
- of universal salvation, had published that salutary doctrine to all
- nations: that if this practice were not very absurd, the artifice at
- least was very gross, and proved a consciousness, that the glosses and
- traditions of the clergy stood in direct opposition to the original
- text, dictated by supreme intelligence: that it was now necessary for
- the people, so long abused by interested pretensions, to see with their
- own eyes, and to examine whether the claims of the ecclesiastics were
- founded on that charter which was on all hands acknowledged to be
- derived from Heaven: and that, as a spirit of research and curiosity
- was happily revived, and men were now obliged to make a choice among
- the contending doctrines of different sects, the proper materials for
- decision, and above all, the Holy Scriptures, should be set before them;
- and the revealed will of God, which the change of language had somewhat
- obscured, be again, by their means, revealed to mankind.
- The favorers of the ancient religion maintained, on the other hand, that
- the pretence of making the people see with their own eyes was a mere
- cheat, and was itself a very gross artifice, by which the new preachers
- hoped to obtain the guidance of them, and to seduce them from those
- pastors whom the laws, whom ancient establishments, whom Heaven itself,
- had appointed for their spiritual direction: that the people were by
- their ignorance, their stupidity, their necessary avocations, totally
- unqualified to choose their own principles; and it was a mockery to set
- materials before them, of which they could not possibly make any proper
- use: that even in the affairs of common life, and in their temporal
- concerns, which lay more within the compass of human reason, the laws
- had in a great measure deprived them of the right of private judgment,
- and had, happily for their own and the public interest, regulated their
- conduct and behavior: that theological questions were placed far beyond
- the sphere of vulgar comprehension; and ecclesiastics themselves, though
- assisted by all the advantages of education, erudition, and an assiduous
- study of the science, could not be fully assured of a just decision,
- except by the promise made them in Scripture, that God would be ever
- present with his church, and that the gates of hell should not prevail
- against her: that the gross errors adopted by the wisest heathens,
- proved how unfit men were to grope their own way through this profound
- darkness; nor would the Scriptures, if trusted to every man’s judgment,
- be able to remedy; on the contrary, they would much augment, those fatal
- illusions: that sacred writ itself was involved in so much obscurity,
- gave rise to so many difficulties, contained so many appearing
- contradictions, that it was the most dangerous weapon that could be
- intrusted into the hands of the ignorant and giddy multitude: that the
- poetical style in which a great part of it was composed, at the same
- time that it occasioned uncertainty in the sense, by its multiplied
- tropes and figures, was sufficient to kindle the zeal of fanaticism,
- and thereby throw civil society into the most furious combustion: that a
- thousand sects must arise, which would pretend, each of them, to derive
- its tenets from the Scripture; and would be able, by specious arguments,
- or even without specious arguments, to seduce silly women and ignorant
- mechanics into a belief of the most monstrous principles: and that if
- ever this disorder, dangerous to the magistrate himself, received a
- remedy, it must be from the tacit acquiescence of the people in some
- new authority; and it was evidently better, without further contest or
- inquiry, to adhere peaceably to ancient, and therefore the more secure
- establishments.
- These latter arguments, being more agreeable to ecclesiastical
- governments, would probably have prevailed in the convocation, had it
- not been for the authority of Cranmer, Latimer, and some other bishops,
- who were supposed to speak the king’s sense of the matter. A vote was
- passed for publishing a new translation of the Scriptures; and in three
- years’ time the work was finished, and printed at Paris. This was deemed
- a great point gained by the reformers, and a considerable advancement
- of their cause. Further progress was soon expected, after such important
- successes.
- But while the retainers to the new religion were exulting in their
- prosperity, they met with a mortification which seemed to blast all
- their hopes: their patroness, Anne Boleyn, possessed no longer the
- king’s favor; and soon after lost her life by the rage of that furious
- monarch. Henry had persevered in his love to this lady during six years
- that his prosecution of the divorce lasted; and the more obstacles he
- met with to the gratification of his passion, the more determined
- zeal did he exert in pursuing his purpose. But the affection which had
- subsisted, and still increased under difficulties, had not long attained
- secure possession of its object, when it languished from satiety; and
- the king’s heart was apparently estranged from his consort. Anne’s
- enemies soon perceived the fatal change; and they were forward to widen
- the breach, when they found that they incurred no danger by interposing
- in those delicate concerns. She had been delivered of a dead son; and
- Henry’s extreme fondness for male issue being thus for the present
- disappointed, his temper, equally violent and superstitious, was
- disposed to make the innocent mother answerable for the misfortune.[*]
- But the chief means which Anne’s enemies employed to inflame the king
- against her, was his jealousy.
- * Burnet, vol. i. p. 196.
- Anne, though she appears to have been entirely innocent, and even
- virtuous in her conduct, had a certain gayety, if not levity of
- character which threw her off her guard, and made her less circumspect
- than her situation required. Her education in France rendered her the
- more prone to those freedoms; and it was with difficulty she conformed
- herself to that strict ceremonial practised in the court of England.
- More vain than haughty, she was pleased to see the influence of
- her beauty on all around her; and she indulged herself in an easy
- familiarity with persons who were formerly her equals, and who might
- then have pretended to her friendship and good graces. Henry’s dignity
- was offended with these popular manners; and though the lover had been
- entirely blind, the husband possessed but too quick discernment
- and penetration. III instruments interposed, and put a malignant
- interpretation on the harmless liberties of the queen: the viscountess
- of Rocheford, in particular, who was married to the queen’s brother, but
- who lived on bad terms with her sister-in-law, insinuated the most cruel
- suspicions into the king’s mind; and as she was a woman of a profligate
- character, she paid no regard either to truth or humanity in those
- calumnies which she suggested. She pretended that her own husband was
- engaged in a criminal correspondence with his sister; and not content
- with this imputation, she poisoned every action of the queen’s, and
- represented each instance of favor, which she conferred on any one, as
- a token of affection. Henry Norris, groom of the stole, Weston and
- Brereton, gentlemen of the king’s chamber, together with Mark Smeton,
- groom of the chamber, were observed to possess much of the queen’s
- friendship; and they served her with a zeal and attachment, which,
- though chiefly derived from gratitude, might not improbably be seasoned
- with some mixture of tenderness for so amiable a princess. The king’s
- jealousy laid hold of the slightest circumstance; and finding no
- particular object on which it could fasten, it vented itself equally on
- every one that came within the verge of its fury.
- Had Henry’s jealousy been derived from love, though it might on a sudden
- have proceeded to the most violent extremities, it would have been
- subject to many remorses and contrarieties; and might at last have
- served only to augment that affection on which it was founded. But it
- was a more stern jealousy, fostered entirely by pride: his love was
- transferred to another object. Jane, daughter of Sir John Seymour, and
- maid of honor to the queen, a young lady of singular beauty and merit,
- had obtained an entire ascendant over him; and he was determined to
- sacrifice every thing to the gratification of this new appetite. Unlike
- to most monarchs, who judge lightly of the crime of gallantry, and who
- deem the young damsels of their court rather honored than disgraced by
- their passion, he seldom thought of any other attachment than that
- of marriage; and in order to attain this end, he underwent more
- difficulties, and committed greater crimes, than those which he sought
- to avoid by forming that legal connection And having thus entertained
- the design of raising his new mistress to his bed and throne, he more
- willingly hearkened to every suggestion which threw any imputation of
- guilt on the unfortunate Anne Boleyn.
- The king’s jealousy first appeared openly in a tilting at Greenwich,
- where the queen happened to drop her handkerchief, an incident probably
- casual, but interpreted by him as an instance of gallantry to some of
- her paramours.[*] He immediately retired from the place; sent orders
- to confine her to her chamber; arrested Norris, Brereton, Weston, and
- Smeton, together with her brother Rocheford; and threw them into prison.
- The queen, astonished at these instances of his fury, thought that he
- meant only to try her; but finding him in earnest, she reflected on
- his obstinate, unrelenting spirit, and she prepared herself for that
- melancholy doom which was awaiting her. Next day, she was sent to
- the Tower; and on her way thither, she was informed of her supposed
- offences, of which she had hitherto been ignorant: she made earnest
- protestations of her innocence; and when she entered the prison, she
- fell on her knees, and prayed God so to help her, as she was not guilty
- of the crime imputed to her. Her surprise and confusion threw her into
- hysterical disorders; and in that situation she thought that the
- best proof of her innocence was to make an entire confession; and she
- revealed some indiscretions and levities, which her simplicity had
- equally betrayed her to commit and to avow. She owned that she had once
- rallied Norris on his delaying his marriage, and had told him that
- he probably expected her when she should be a widow: she had reproved
- Weston, she said, for his affection to a kinswoman of hers, and his
- indifference towards his wife; but he told her that she had mistaken
- the object of his affection, for it was herself; upon which she defied
- him.[*] She affirmed that Smeton had never been in her chamber but
- twice, when he played on the harpsichord; but she acknowledged that
- he had once had the boldness to tell her that a look sufficed him. The
- king, instead of being satisfied with the candor and sincerity of her
- confession, regarded these indiscretions only as preludes to greater and
- more criminal intimacies.
- * Burnet, vol. i. p. 198.
- ** Strype, vol. i. p. 281.
- Of all those multitudes whom the beneficence of the queen’s tamper had
- obliged during her prosperous fortune, no one durst interpose between
- her and the king’s fury; and the person whose advancement every breath
- had favored, and every countenance had smiled upon, was now left
- neglected and abandoned. Even her uncle, the duke of Norfolk, preferring
- the connections of party to the ties of blood, was become her most
- dangerous enemy; and all the retainers to the Catholic religion hoped
- that her death would terminate the king’s quarrel with Rome, and leave
- him again to his natural and early bent, which had inclined him to
- maintain the most intimate union with the apostolic see. Cranmer alone,
- of all the queen’s adherents, still retained his friendship for her;
- and, as far as the king’s impetuosity permitted him, he endeavored to
- moderate the violent prejudices entertained against her.
- The queen herself wrote Henry a letter from the Tower, full of the most
- tender expostulations and of the warmest protestations of innocence.[*]
- [10] This letter had no influence on the unrelenting mind of Henry, who
- was determined to pave the way for his new marriage by the death of Anne
- Boleyn. Morris, Weston, Brereton, and Smeton, were tried; but no legal
- evidence was produced against them. The chief proof of their guilt
- consisted in a hearsay from one Lady Wingfield, who was dead. Smeton was
- prevailed on, by the vain hopes of life, to confess a criminal
- correspondence with the queen;[**] but even her enemies expected little
- advantage from this confession; for they never dared to confront him
- with her; and he was immediately executed; as were also Brereton and
- Weston. Norris had been much in the king’s favor, and an offer of life
- was made him, if he would confess his crime and accuse the queen; but he
- generously rejected the proposal, and said that in his conscience he
- believed her entirely guiltless: but for his part, he could accuse her
- of nothing, and he would rather die a thousand deaths than calumniate an
- innocent person.
- * See note K, at the end of the volume.
- ** Burnet, vol. i. p. 202.
- The queen and her brother were tried by a jury of peers consisting of
- the duke of Suffolk, the marquis of Exeter, the earl of Arundel, and
- twenty-three more: their uncle, the duke of Norfolk, presided as high
- steward. Upon what proof or pretence the crime of incest was imputed to
- them, is unknown: the chief evidence, it is said, amounted to no
- more than that Rocheford had been seen to lean on her bed before some
- company. Part of the charge against her was that she had affirmed to her
- minions, that the king never had her heart; and had said to each of them
- apart, that she loved him better than any person whatsoever; “which was
- to the slander of the issue begotten between the king and her.” By this
- strained interpretation, her guilt was brought under the statute of the
- twenty-fifth of this reign; in which it was declared criminal to
- throw any slander upon the king, queen, or their issue. Such palpable
- absurdities were at that time admitted; and they were regarded by the
- peers of England as a sufficient reason for sacrificing an innocent
- queen to the cruelty of their tyrant. Though unassisted by counsel, she
- defended herself with presence of mind; and the spectators could not
- forbear pronouncing her entirely innocent. Judgment, however, was given
- by the court, both against the queen and Lord Rocheford; and her verdict
- contained, that she should be burned or beheaded at the king’s pleasure.
- When this dreadful sentence was pronounced, she was not terrified, but
- lifting up her hands to heaven, said, “O Father! O Creator! thou who art
- the way, the truth, and the life, thou knowest that I have not deserved
- this fate;” and then turning to the judges, made the most pathetic
- declarations of her innocence.
- Henry, not satisfied with this cruel vengeance, was resolved entirely
- to annul his marriage with Anne Boleyn, and to declare her issue
- illegitimate: he recalled to his memory, that a little after her
- appearance in the English court, some attachment had been acknowledged
- between her and the earl of Northumberland, then Lord Piercy; and he
- now questioned that nobleman with regard to these engagements.
- Northumberland took an oath before the two archbishops, that no contract
- or promise of marriage had ever passed between them: he received the
- sacrament upon it, before the duke of Norfolk and others of the privy
- council; and this solemn act he accompanied with the most solemn
- protestations of veracity.[*] The queen, however, was shaken by menaces
- of executing the sentence against her in its greatest rigor, and was
- prevailed on to confess in court some lawful impediment to her marriage
- with the king.[**] The afflicted primate, who sat as judge, thought
- himself obliged by this confession to pronounce the marriage null and
- invalid. Henry, in the transports of his fury, did not perceive that
- his proceedings were totally inconsistent, and that if her marriage
- were from the beginning invalid, she could not possibly be guilty of
- adultery.
- * Herbert, p. 384*[**missing period]
- ** Heylin, p. 94.
- The queen now prepared for suffering the death to which she was
- sentenced. She sent her last message to the king, and acknowledged
- the obligations which she owed him, in thus uniformly continuing his
- endeavors for her advancement: from a private gentlewoman, she said, he
- had first made her a marchioness, then a queen, and now, since he could
- raise her no higher in this world, he was sending her to be a saint
- in heaven. She then renewed the protestations of her innocence, and
- recommended her daughter to his care. Before the lieutenant of the
- Tower, and all who approached her, she made the like declarations;
- and continued to behave herself with her usual serenity, and even with
- cheerfulness. “The executioner,” she said to the lieutenant, “is, I
- hear, very expert; and my neck is very slender:” upon which she grasped
- it in her hand, and smiled. When brought, however, to the scaffold,
- she softened her tone a little with regard to her protestations
- of innocence. She probably reflected, that the obstinacy of Queen
- Catharine, and her opposition to the king’s will, had much alienated him
- from the lady Mary: her own maternal concern, therefore, for Elizabeth
- prevailed in these last moments over that indignation which the unjust
- sentence by which she suffered naturally excited in her. She said that
- she was come to die, as she was sentenced, by the law: she would accuse
- none, nor say any thing of the ground upon which she was judged. She
- prayed heartily for the king; called him a most merciful and gentle
- prince; and acknowledged that he had always been to her a good and
- gracious sovereign; and if any one should think proper to canvass her
- cause, she desired him to judge the best.[*] She was beheaded by the
- executioner of Calais, who was sent for as more expert than any
- in England. Her body was negligently thrown into a common chest of
- elm-tree, made to hold arrows, and was buried in the Tower.
- * Burnet. vol. i. p. 205.
- The innocence of this unfortunate queen cannot reasonably be called in
- question. Henry himself, in the violence of his rage, knew not whom to
- accuse as her lover; and though he imputed guilt to her brother, and
- four persons more, he was able to bring proof against none of them. The
- whole tenor of her conduct forbids us to ascribe to her an abandoned
- character, such as is implied in the king’s accusation: had she been so
- lost to all prudence and sense of shame, she must have exposed herself
- to detection, and afforded her enemies some evidence against her. But
- the king made the most effectual apology for her, by marrying Jane
- Seymour the very day after her execution.[*] His impatience to gratify
- this new passion caused him to forgot all regard to decency; and his
- cruel heart was not softened a moment by the bloody catastrophe of a
- person who had so long been the object of his most tender affections.
- The lady Mary thought the death of her step-mother a proper opportunity
- for reconciling herself to the king, who, besides other causes of
- disgust, had been offended with her on account of the part which she had
- taken in her mother’s quarrel. Her advances were not at first received;
- and Henry exacted from her some further proofs of submission and
- obedience: he required this young princess, then about twenty years of
- age, to adopt his theological tenets; to acknowledge his supremacy; to
- renounce the pope; and to own her mother’s marriage to be unlawful and
- incestuous. These points were of hard digestion with the princess; but
- after some delays, and even refusals, she was at last prevailed on to
- write a letter to her father,[**] containing her assent to the
- articles required of her; upon which she was received into favor. But
- notwithstanding the return of the king’s affection to the issue of his
- first marriage, he divested not himself of kindness towards the lady
- Elizabeth; and the new queen, who was blessed with a singular sweetness
- of disposition, discovered strong proofs of attachment towards her.
- * Burnet, vol. i. p. 297.
- ** Burnet, vol. i. p. 207. Strype, vol. i. p. 285.
- The trial and conviction of Queen Anne, and the subsequent events, made
- it necessary for the king to summon a new parliament; and he here,
- in his speech, made a merit to his people, that, notwithstanding the
- misfortunes attending his two former marriages, he had been induced for
- their good to venture on a third. The speaker received this profession
- with suitable gratitude; and he took thence occasion to praise the
- king for his wonderful gifts of grace and nature: he compared him, for
- justice and prudence, to Solomon; for strength and fortitude, to Samson;
- and for beauty and comeliness, to Absalom. The king very humbly replied,
- by the mouth cf the chancellor, that he disavowed these praises; since,
- if he were really possessed of such endowments, they were the gift
- of Almighty God only. Henry found that the parliament was no less
- submissive in deeds than complaisant in their expressions, and that
- they would go the same lengths as the former in gratifying even his most
- lawless passions. His divorce from Anne Boleyn was ratified;[*] that
- queen and all her accomplices were attainted; the issue of both his
- former marriages were declared illegitimate, and it was even made
- treason to assert the legitimacy of either of them; to throw any slander
- upon the present king, queen, or their issue, was subjected to the same
- penalty; the crown was settled on the king’s issue by Jane Seymour, or
- any subsequent wife; and in case he should die without children, he was
- empowered, by his will or letters patent, to dispose of the crown; an
- enormous authority, especially when intrusted to a prince so violent and
- capricious in his humor. Whoever, being required, refused to answer upon
- oath to any article of this act of settlement, was declared to be guilty
- of treason; and by this clause a species of political inquisition
- was established in the kingdom, as well as the accusations of treason
- multiplied to an unreasonable degree. The king was also empowered to
- confer on any one, by his will or letters patent, any castles, honors,
- liberties, or franchises; words which might have been extended to the
- dismembering of the kingdom, by the erection of principalities and
- independent jurisdictions. It was also, by another act, made treason
- to marry, without the king’s consent, any princess related in the first
- degree to the crown. This act was occasioned by the discovery of a
- design formed by Thomas Howard, brother of the duke of Norfolk, to
- espouse the lady Margaret Douglas, niece to the king, by his sister the
- queen of Scots and the earl of Angus. Howard, as well as the young lady,
- was committed to the Tower. She recovered her liberty soon after; but he
- died in confinement. An act of attainder passed against him this session
- of parliament.
- * The parliament, in annulling the king’s marriage with Anne
- Boleyn, gives this as a reason, “For that his highness had
- chosen to wife the excellent and virtuous Lady Jane, who,
- for her convenient years, excellent beauty, and pureness of
- flesh and blood, would be apt, God willing, to conceive
- issue by his highness.”
- Another accession was likewise gained to the authority of the crown;
- the king or any of his successors was empowered to repeal or annul, by
- letters patent, whatever act of parliament had been passed before he was
- four and twenty years of age. Whoever maintained the authority of the
- bishop of Rome by word or writ, or endeavored in any manner to restore
- it in England, was subjected to the penalty of a premunire that is, his
- goods were forfeited, and he was put out of the protection of law.
- And any person who possessed any office, ecclesiastical or civil,
- or received any grant or charter from the crown, and yet refused to
- renounce the pope by oath, was declared to be guilty of treason. The
- renunciation prescribed runs in the style of, “So help me God, all
- saints, and the holy evangelists.”[*] The pope, hearing of Anne
- Boleyn’s disgrace and death, had hoped that the door was opened to a
- reconciliation, and had been making some advances to Henry: but this was
- the reception he met with. Henry was now become indifferent with regard
- to papal censures; and finding a great increase of authority, as well as
- of revenue, to accrue from his quarrel with Rome, he was determined to
- persevere in his present measures. This parliament also, even more than
- any foregoing, convinced him how much he commanded the respect of
- his subjects, and what confidence he might repose in them. Though
- the elections had been made on a sudden, without any preparation or
- intrigue, the members discovered an unlimited attachment to his person
- and government.[**]
- * 28 Henry VIII. c. 10.
- ** Burnet, vol. i. p. 213.
- The extreme complaisance of the convocation, which sat at the same
- time with the parliament, encouraged him in his resolution of breaking
- entirely with the court of Rome. There was secretly a great division
- of sentiments in the minds of this assembly; and as the zeal of the
- reformers had been augmented by some late successes, the resentment of
- the Catholics was no less excited by their fears and losses: but the
- authority of the king kept every one submissive and silent; and the new
- assumed prerogative, the supremacy, with whose limits no one was fully
- acquainted, restrained even the most furious movements of theological
- rancor. Cromwell presided as vicar-general; and though the Catholic
- party expected, that on the fall of Queen Anne, his authority would
- receive a great shock, they were surprised to find him still maintain
- the same credit as before. With the vicar-general concurred Cranmer the
- primate, Latimer, bishop of Worcester, Shaxton of Salisbury, Hilsey of
- Rochester, Fox of Hereford, Barlow of St. David’s. The opposite faction
- was headed by Lee, archbishop of York, Stokesley, bishop of London,
- Tonstal of Durham, Gardner of Winchester, Longland of Lincoln, Sherborne
- of Chichester, Nix of Norwich, and Kite of Carlisle. The former party,
- by their opposition to the pope, seconded the king’s ambition and love
- of power: the latter party, by maintaining the ancient theological
- tenets, were more conformable to his speculative principles: and both of
- them had alternately the advantage of gaining on his humor, by which he
- was more governed than by either of these motives.
- The church in general was averse to the reformation; and the lower house
- of convocation framed a list of opinions, in the whole sixty-seven,
- which they pronounced erroneous, and which was a collection of
- principles, some held by the ancient Lollards, others by the modern
- Protestants, or Gospellers, as they were sometimes called. These
- opinions they sent to the upper house to be censured; but in the
- preamble of their representation, they discovered the servile spirit by
- which they were governed. They said, “that they intended not to do
- or speak any thing which might be unpleasant to the king, whom they
- acknowledged their supreme head, and whose commands they were resolved
- to obey; renouncing the pope’s usurped authority, with all his laws and
- inventions, now extinguished and abolished; and addicting themselves to
- Almighty God and his laws, and unto the king and the laws made within
- this kingdom.”[*]
- * Collier, vol. ii. p. 119.
- The convocation came at last, after some debate, to decide articles of
- faith; and their tenets were of as motley a kind as the assembly itself,
- or rather as the king’s system of theology, by which they were resolved
- entirely to square their principles. They determined the standard of
- faith to consist in the Scriptures and the three creeds, the Apostolic,
- Nicene, and Athanasian; and this article was a signal victory to the
- reformers: auricular confession and penance were admitted, a doctrine
- agreeable to the Catholics: no mention was made of marriage, extreme
- unction, confirmation, or holy orders, as sacraments; and in this
- omission the influence of the Protestants appeared: the real presence
- was asserted conformably to the ancient doctrine: the terms of
- acceptance were established to be the merits of Christ, and the mercy
- and good pleasure of God, suitably to the new principles.
- So far the two sects seem to have made a fair partition by alternately
- sharing the several clauses. In framing the subsequent articles, each of
- them seems to have thrown in its ingredient. The Catholics prevailed
- in asserting, that the use of images was warranted by Scripture; the
- Protestants, in warning the people against idolatry, and the abuse
- of these sensible representations. The ancient faith was adopted in
- maintaining the expedience of praying to saints; the late innovations in
- rejecting the peculiar patronage of saints to any trade, profession, or
- course of action. The former rites of worship, the use of holy water,
- and the ceremonies practised on Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Good Friday,
- and other festivals, were still maintained; but the new refinements,
- which made light of these institutions, were also adopted, by the
- convocation’s denying that they had any immediate power of remitting
- sin, and by its asserting that their sole merit consisted in promoting
- pious and devout dispositions in the mind.
- But the article with regard to purgatory contains the most curious
- jargon, ambiguity, and hesitation, arising from the mixture of opposite
- tenets. It was to this purpose: “Since, according to due order of
- charity, and the book of Maccabees, and divers ancient authors, it is a
- very good and charitable deed to pray for souls departed, and since such
- a practice has been maintained in the church from the beginning, all
- bishops and teachers should instruct the people not to be grieved for
- the continuance of the same. But since the place where departed souls
- are retained before they reach paradise, as well as the nature of their
- pains, is left uncertain by Scripture, all such questions are to be
- submitted to God, to whose mercy it is meet and convenient to commend
- the deceased, trusting that he accepteth our prayers for them.”[*]
- * Collier, vol. ii. p. 122, et seq. Fuller. Burnet, vol. i.
- p. 215.
- These articles, when framed by the convocation, and corrected by the
- king, were subscribed by every member of that assembly; while, perhaps,
- neither there nor throughout the whole kingdom, could one man be found,
- except Henry himself, who had adopted precisely these very doctrines and
- opinions. For though there be not any contradiction in the tenets
- above mentioned, it had happened in England, as in all countries where
- factious divisions have place; a certain creed was embraced by each
- party; few neuters were to be found; and these consisted only of
- speculative or whimsical people, of whom two persons could scarcely
- be brought to an agreement in the same dogmas. The Protestants, all of
- them, carried their opposition to Rome further than those articles; none
- of the Catholics went so far: and the king, by being able to retain
- the nation in such a delicate medium, displayed the utmost power of an
- imperious despotism of which any history furnishes an example. To change
- the religion of a country, even when seconded by a party, is one of the
- most perilous enterprises which any sovereign can attempt, and often
- proves the most destructive to royal authority. But Henry was able to
- set the political machine in that furious movement, and yet regulate and
- even stop its career: he could say to it, Thus far shalt thou go, and
- no farther: and he made every vote of his parliament and convocation
- subservient, not only to his interests and passions, but even to
- his greatest caprices; nay, to his most refined and most scholastic
- subtilties.
- The concurrence of these two national assemblies served, no doubt, to
- increase the king’s power over the people, and raised him to an
- authority more absolute than any prince in a simple monarchy, even by
- means of military force, is ever able to attain. But there are certain
- bounds, beyond which the most slavish submission cannot be extended. All
- the late innovations, particularly the dissolution of the smaller
- monasteries, and the imminent danger to which all the rest were
- exposed,[*] [11] had bred discontent among the people, and had disposed
- them to revolt. The expelled monks, wandering about the country, excited
- both the piety and compassion of men; and as the ancient religion took
- hold of the populace by powerful motives, suited to vulgar capacity, it
- was able, now that it was brought into apparent hazard, to raise the
- strongest zeal in its favor.[**] Discontents had even reached some of
- the nobility and gentry, whose ancestors had founded the monasteries,
- and who placed a vanity in those institutions, as well as reaped some
- benefit from them, by the provisions which they afforded them for their
- younger children.
- * See note L, at the end of the volume.
- ** Strype, vol. i. p. 249.
- The more superstitious were interested for the souls of their
- fore-fathers, which, they believed, must now lie during many ages in
- the torments of purgatory, for want of masses to relieve them. It seemed
- unjust to abolish pious institutions for the faults, real or pretended,
- of individuals. Even the most moderate and reasonable deemed it somewhat
- iniquitous, that men who had been invited into a course of life by all
- the laws, human and divine, which prevailed in their country, should be
- turned out of their possessions, and so little care be taken of their
- future subsistence. And when it was observed, that the rapacity and
- bribery of the commissioners and others, employed in visiting the
- monasteries, intercepted much of the profits resulting from these
- confiscations, it tended much to increase the general discontent.[*]
- But the people did not break into open sedition till the complaints of
- the secular clergy concurred with those of the regular. As Cromwell’s
- person was little acceptable to the ecclesiastics, the authority which
- he exercised, being so new, so absolute, so unlimited, inspired them
- with disgust and terror. He published, in the king’s name, without the
- consent either of parliament or convocation, an ordinance by which
- he retrenched many of the ancient holy days; prohibited several
- superstitions gainful to the clergy, such as pilgrimages, images,
- relics; and even ordered the incumbents in the parishes to set apart a
- considerable portion of their revenue for repairs and for the support of
- exhibitioners and the poor of their parish. The secular priests, finding
- themselves thus reduced to a grievous servitude, instilled into the
- people those discontents which they had long harbored in their own
- bosoms.
- The first rising was in Lincolnshire. It was headed by Dr. Mackrel,
- prior of Barlings, who was disguised like a mean mechanic, and who
- bore the name of Captain Cobler. This tumultuary army amounted to above
- twenty thousand men;[**] but notwithstanding their number, they showed
- little disposition of proceeding to extremities against the king, and
- seemed still overawed by his authority.
- * Burnet, vol. i. p. 223.
- ** Burnet, vol. i. p. 227. Herbert.
- They acknowledged him to be supreme head of the church of England; but
- they complained of suppressing the monasteries, of evil counsellors, of
- persons meanly born raised to dignity, of the danger to which the jewels
- and plate of their parochial churches were exposed; and they prayed
- the king to consult the nobility of the realm concerning the redress
- of these grievances.[*] Henry was little disposed to entertain
- apprehensions of danger, especially from a low multitude whom he
- despised. He sent forces against the rebels, under the command of the
- duke of Suffolk; and he returned them a very sharp answer to their
- petition. There were some gentry whom the populace had constrained to
- take part with them, and who kept a secret correspondence with Suffolk.
- They informed him, that resentment against the king’s reply was the
- chief cause which retained the malecontents in arms, and that a milder
- answer would probably suppress the rebellion. Henry had levied a great
- force at London, with which he was preparing to march against the
- rebels; and being so well supported by power, he thought that, without
- losing his dignity, he might now show them some greater condescension.
- He sent a new proclamation, requiring them to return to their obedience,
- with secret assurances of pardon. This expedient had its effect: the
- populace was dispersed: Mackrel and some of their leaders fell into
- the king’s hands, and were executed: the greater part of the multitude
- retired peaceably to their usual occupations: a few of the more
- obstinate fled to the north, where they joined the insurrection that was
- raised in those parts.
- The northern rebels, as they were more numerous, were also on other
- accounts more formidable than those of Lincolnshire; because the people
- were there more accustomed to arms, and because of their vicinity to
- the Scots, who might make advantage of these disorders. One Aske, a
- gentleman, had taken the command of them, and he possessed the art of
- governing the populace. Their enterprise they called the “pilgrimage
- of grace:” some priests marched before in the habits of their order,
- carrying crosses in their hands: in their banners was woven a crucifix,
- with the representation of a chalice, and of the five wounds of
- Christ:[**] they wore on their sleeve an emblem of the five wounds, with
- the name of Jesus wrought in the middle: they all took an oath, that
- they had entered into the pilgrimage of grace from no other motive than
- their love to God, their care of the king’s person and issue, their
- desire of purifying the nobility, of driving base-born persons from
- about the king, of restoring the church, and of suppressing heresy.
- Allured by these fair pretences, about forty thousand men from the
- counties of York, Durham, Lancaster, and those northern provinces,
- flocked to their standard; and their zeal, no less than their numbers,
- inspired the court with apprehensions.
- * Herbert, p. 410.
- ** Fox, vol. ii. p. 992.
- The earl of Shrewsbury, moved by his regard for the king’s service,
- raised forces, though at first without any commission, in order to
- oppose the rebels. The earl of Cumberland repulsed them from his castle
- of Skipton: Sir Ralph Evers defended Scarborough Castle against them:[*]
- Courtney, marquis of Exeter, the king’s cousin-german, obeyed orders
- from court, and levied troops. The earls of Huntingdon, Derby, and
- Rutland imitated his example. The rebels, however, prevailed in taking
- both Hull and York: they had laid siege to Pomfret Castle, into which
- the archbishop of York and Lord Darsy had thrown themselves. It was soon
- surrendered to them; and the prelate and nobleman, who secretly wished
- success to the insurrection, seemed to yield to the force imposed on
- them, and joined the rebels.
- * Stowe, p. 574. Baker, p. 258.
- The duke of Norfolk was appointed general of the king’s forces against
- the northern rebels; and as he headed the party at court which supported
- the ancient religion, he was also suspected of bearing some favor to the
- cause which he was sent to oppose. His prudent conduct, however, seems
- to acquit him of this imputation. He encamped near Doncaster, together
- with the earl of Shrewsbury; and as his army was small, scarcely
- exceeding five thousand men, he made choice of a post where he had a
- river in front, the ford of which he purposed to defend against the
- rebels. They had intended to attack him in the morning; but during
- the night there fell such violent rains as rendered the river utterly
- unpassable; and Norfolk wisely laid hold of the opportunity to enter
- into treaty with them. In order to open the door for negotiation,
- he sent them a herald; whom Aske, their leader, received with great
- ceremony; he himself sitting in a chair of state, with the archbishop
- of York on one hand, and Lord Darcy on the other. It was agreed that
- two gentlemen should be despatched to the king with proposals from the
- rebels; and Henry purposely delayed giving an answer, and allured them
- with hopes of entire satisfaction, in expectation that necessity
- would soon oblige them to disperse themselves. Being informed that his
- artifice had in a great measure succeeded, he required them instantly
- to lay down their arms, and submit to mercy; promising a pardon to all,
- except six whom he named, and four whom he reserved to himself the power
- of naming. But though the greater part of the rebels had gone home for
- want of subs stence, they had entered into the most solemn engagements
- to return to their standards in case the king’s answer should not
- prove satisfactory. Norfolk, therefore, soon found himself in the same
- difficulty as before; and he opened again a negotiation with the leaders
- of the multitude. He engaged them to send three hundred persons to
- Doncaster with proposals for an accommodation; and he hoped, by intrigue
- and separate interests, to throw dissension among so great a number.
- Aske himself had intended to be one of the deputies, and he required a
- hostage for his security: but the king, when consulted, replied, that he
- knew no gentleman, or other, whom he esteemed so little as to put him in
- pledge for such a villain. The demands of the rebels were so exorbitant,
- that Norfolk rejected them; and they prepared again to decide the
- contest by arms. They were as formidable as ever, both by their numbers
- and spirit; and notwithstanding the small river which lay between them
- and the royal army, Norfolk had great reason to dread the effects of
- their fury. But while they were preparing to pass the ford, rain fell
- a second time in such abundance, as made it impracticable for them to
- execute their design; and the populace, partly reduced to necessity by
- want of provisions, partly struck with superstition at being thus again
- disappointed by the same accident, suddenly dispersed themselves. The
- duke of Norfolk, who had received powers for that end, forwarded the
- dispersion by the promise of a general amnesty; and the king ratified
- this act of clemency. He published, however, a manifesto against the
- rebels, and an answer to their complaints; in which he employed a very
- lofty style, suited to so haughty a monarch. He told them, that they
- ought no more to pretend giving a judgment with regard to government,
- that a blind man with regard to colors. “And we,” he added, “with our
- whole council, think it right strange that ye, who be but brutes and
- inexpert folk, do take upon you to appoint us who be meet or not for our
- council.”
- {1537.} As this pacification was not likely to be of long continuance,
- Norfolk was ordered to keep his army together, and to march into the
- northern parts, in order to exact a general submission. Lord Darcy, as
- well as Aske, was sent for to court; and the former, upon his refusal
- or delay to appear, was thrown into prison. Every place was full
- of jealousy and complaints. A new insurrection broke out, headed by
- Musgrave and Tilby; and the rebels besieged Carlisle with thousand men.
- Being repulsed by that city, they were encountered in their retreat by
- Norfolk, who put them to flight; and having made prisoners of all their
- officers, except Musgrave, who escaped, he instantly put them to death
- by martial law, to the number of seventy persons. An attempt made by Sir
- Francis Bigot and Halam to surprise Hull, met with no better success;
- and several other risings were suppressed by the vigilance of Norfolk.
- The king, enraged by these multiplied revolts, was determined not to
- adhere to the general pardon which he had granted; and from a movement
- of his usual violence he made the innocent suffer for the guilty.
- Norfolk, by command from his master, spread the royal banner, and,
- wherever he thought proper, executed martial law in the punishment of
- offenders. Besides Aske, leader of the first insurrection, Sir Robert
- Constable, Sir John Bulmer, Sir Thomas Piercy, Sir Stephen Hamilton,
- Nicholas Tempest, William Lumley, and many others, were thrown into
- prison; and most of them were condemned and executed. Lord Hussey was
- found guilty, as an accomplice in the insurrection of Lincolnshire, and
- was executed at Lincoln. Lord Darcy, though he pleaded compulsion, and
- appealed for his justification to a long life spent in the service of
- the crown, was beheaded on Tower Hill. Before his execution, he accused
- Norfolk of having secretly encouraged the rebels; but Henry, either
- sensible of that nobleman’s services, and convinced of his fidelity
- or afraid to offend one of such extensive power and great capacity,
- rejected the information. Being now satiated with punishing the rebels,
- he published anew a general pardon, to which he faithfully adhered;
- [*] and he erected, by patent, a court of justice at York, for deciding
- lawsuits in the northern counties; a demand which had been made by the
- rebels.
- Soon after this prosperous success, an event happened which crowned
- Henry’s joy--the birth of a son, who was baptized by the name of
- Edward. Yet was not his happiness without alloy: the queen died two days
- after.**
- * Herbert, p. 428.
- ** Strype, vol. ii. p. 6.
- But a son had so long been ardently wished for by Henry, and was now
- become so necessary, in order to prevent disputes with regard to the
- succession, after the acts declaring the two princesses illegitimate,
- that the king’s affliction was drowned in his joy, and he expressed
- great satisfaction on the occasion. The prince, not six days old, was
- created prince of Wales, duke of Cornwall, and earl of Chester. Sir
- Edward Seymour, the queen’s brother, formerly made Lord Beauchamp, was
- raised to the dignity of earl of Hertford. Sir William Fitz-Williams,
- high admiral, was created earl of Southampton; Sir William Paulet, Lord
- St. John; Sir John Russel, Lord Russel.
- {1538.} The suppression of the rebellion and the birth of a son, as they
- confirmed Henry’s authority at home, increased his consideration among
- foreign princes, and made his alliance be courted by all parties. He
- maintained, however, a neutrality in the wars which were carried on with
- various success, and without any decisive event, between Charles and
- Francis; and though inclined more to favor the latter, he determined not
- to incur, without necessity, either hazard or expense on his account. A
- truce concluded about this time between these potentates, and afterwards
- prolonged for ten years, freed him from all anxiety on account of his
- ally, and reestablished the tranquillity of Europe.
- Henry continued desirous of cementing a union with the German
- Protestants; and for that purpose he sent Christopher Mount to a
- congress which they held at Brunswick; but that minister made no great
- progress in his negotiation. The princes wished to know what were the
- articles in their confession which Henry disliked; and they sent new
- ambassadors to him, who had orders both to negotiate and to dispute.
- They endeavored to convince the king, that he was guilty of a mistake
- in administering the eucharist in one kind only, in allowing private
- masses, and in requiring the celibacy of the clergy.[*]
- * Collier, vol. ii. p. 145, from the Cott. Lib. Cleopatra,
- E. 5, fol 173.
- Henry would by no means acknowledge any error in these particulars; and
- was displeased that they should pretend to prescribe rules to so great
- a monarch and theologian. He found arguments and syllogisms enough to
- defend his cause; and he dismissed the ambassadors without coming to
- any conclusion. Jealous, also, lest his own subjects should become
- such theologians as to question his tenets, he used great precaution
- in publishing that translation of the Scripture which was finished this
- year. He would only allow a copy of it to be deposited in some parish
- churches, where it was fixed by a chain: and he took care to inform the
- people by proclamation, “that this indulgence was not the effect of
- his duty, but of his goodness and his liberality to them: who therefore
- should use it moderately, for the increase of virtue, not of strife: and
- he ordered that no man should read the Bible aloud, so as to disturb
- the priest while he sang mass, nor presume to expound doubtful places
- without advice from the learned.” In this measure, as in the rest, he
- still halted half way between the Catholics and the Protestants.
- There was only one particular in which Henry was quite decisive; because
- he was there impelled by his avarice, or, more properly-speaking, his
- rapacity, the consequence of his profusion: this measure was the entire
- destruction of the monasteries. The present opportunity seemed favorable
- for that great enterprise, while the suppression of the late rebellion
- fortified and increased the royal authority; and as some of the
- abbots were suspected of having encouraged the insurrection, and of
- corresponding with the rebels, the king’s resentment was further incited
- by that motive. Anew visitation was appointed of all the monasteries in
- England; and a pretence only being wanted for their suppression, it was
- easy for a prince, possessed of such unlimited power, and seconding the
- present humor of a great part of the nation, to find or feign one. The
- abbots and monks knew the danger to which they were exposed; and having
- learned by the example of the lesser monasteries that nothing
- could withstand the king’s will, they were most of them induced, in
- expectation of better treatment, to make a voluntary resignation of
- their houses. Where promises failed of effect, menaces and even extreme
- violence were employed; and as several of the abbots, since the breach
- with Rome, had been named by the court with a view to this event, the
- king’s intentions were the more easily effected. Some, also, having
- secretly embraced the doctrine of the reformation, were glad to be freed
- from their vows; and on the whole, the design was conducted with such
- success, than in less than two years the king had got possession of all
- the monastic revenues.
- In several places, particularly the county of Oxford, great interest was
- made to preserve some convents of women, who, as they lived in the most
- irreproachable manner, justly merited, it was thought, that their houses
- should be saved from the general destruction.[*]
- * Burnet, vol. i. p. 328.
- There appeared, also, great difference between the case of nuns and that
- of friars; and the one institution might be laudable, while the other
- was exposed to much blame. The males of all ranks, if endowed with
- industry might be of service to the public; and none of them could want
- employment suited to his station and capacity. But a woman of family who
- failed of a settlement in the married state,--an accident to which such
- persons were more liable than women of lower station,--had really
- no rank which she properly filled; and a convent was a retreat both
- honorable and agreeable, from the inutility, and often want, which
- attended her situation. But the king was determined to abolish
- monasteries of every denomination; and probably thought that these
- ancient establishments would be the sooner forgotten, if no remains of
- them of any kind were allowed to subsist in the kingdom.
- The better to reconcile the people to this great innovation, stories
- were propagated of the detestable lives of the friars in many of the
- convents; and great care was taken to defame those whom the court had
- determined to ruin. The relics also and other superstitions, which had
- so long been the object of the people’s veneration, were exposed to
- their ridicule; and the religious spirit, now less bent on exterior
- observances and sensible objects, was encouraged in this new direction.
- It is needless to be prolix in an enumeration of particulars: Protestant
- historians mention on this occasion, with great triumph, the sacred
- repositories of convents; the parings of St. Edmond’s toes; some of
- the coals that roasted St. Laurence; the girdle of the Virgin shown in
- eleven several places; two or three heads of St. Ursula; the felt of St
- Thomas of Lancaster, an infallible cure for the headache; part of St.
- Thomas of Canterbury’s shirt, much reverenced by big-bellied women; some
- relics, an excellent preventive against rain; others, a remedy to weeds
- in corn. But such fooleries, as they are to be found in all ages
- and nations, and even took place during the most refined periods of
- antiquity, form no particular or violent reproach to the Catholic
- religion.
- There were also discovered, or said to be discovered, in the monasteries
- some impostures of a more artificial nature. At Hales, in the county
- of Glocester, there had been shown, during several ages, the blood of
- Christ, brought from Jerusalem; and it is easy to imagine the veneration
- with which such a relic was regarded. A miraculous circumstance also
- attended this miraculous relic; the sacred blood was not visible to any
- one in mortal sin, even when set before him; and till he had performed
- good works sufficient for his absolution, it would not deign to
- discover itself to him. At the dissolution of the monastery, the whole
- contrivance was detected. Two of the monks, who were let into the
- secret, had taken the blood of a duck, which they renewed every
- week: they put it in a phial, one side of which consisted of thin
- and transparent crystal, the other of thick and opaque. When any rich
- pilgrim arrived, they were sure to show him the dark side of the phial,
- till masses and offerings had expiated his offences and then, finding
- his money, or patience, or faith, nearly exhausted, they made him happy
- by turning the phial.[*]
- A miraculous crucifix had been kept at Boxley, in Kent, and bore the
- appellation of the “rood of grace.” The lips, and eyes, and head of
- the image moved on the approach of its votaries. Hilsey, bishop of
- Rochester, broke the crucifix at St. Paul’s Cross, and showed to the
- whole people the springs and wheels by which it had been secretly moved.
- A great wooden idol, revered in Wales, called Darvel Gatherin, was
- also brought to London, and cut in pieces; and by a cruel refinement
- in vengeance, it was employed as fuel to burn friar Forest,[**] who was
- punished for denying the supremacy, and for some pretended heresies.
- A finger of St. Andrew, covered with a thin plate of silver, had been
- pawned by a convent for a debt of forty pounds; but as the king’s
- commissioners refused to pay the debt, people made themselves merry with
- the poor creditor on account of his pledge.
- * Herbert, p. 431, 432. Stowe, p. 575.
- ** Goodwin’s Annals. Stowe, p. 575. Herbert. Baker, p. 286.
- But of all the instruments of ancient superstition, no one was so
- zealously destroyed as the shrine of Thomas à Becket, commonly called
- St. Thomas of Canterbury. This saint owed his canonization to the
- zealous defence which he had made for clerical privileges; and on
- that account also the monks had extremely encouraged the devotion of
- pilgrimages towards his tomb, and numberless were the miracles which
- they pretended his relics wrought in favor of his devout votaries. They
- raised his body once a year; and the day on which this ceremony was
- performed, which was called the day of his translation, was a general
- holiday: every fiftieth year there was celebrated a jubilee to his
- honor, which lasted fifteen days: plenary indulgences were then granted
- to all that visited his tomb; and a hundred thousand pilgrims have been
- registered at a time in Canterbury. The devotion towards him had quite
- effaced in that place the adoration of the Deity; nay, even that of the
- Virgin. At God’s altar, for instance, there were offered in one year
- three pounds two shillings and sixpence; at the Virgin’s, sixty-three
- pounds five shillings and sixpence; at St. Thomas’s, eight hundred and
- thirty-two pounds twelve shillings and threepence. But next year the
- disproportion was still greater; there was not a penny offered at God’s
- altar; the Virgin’s gained only four pounds one shilling and eight
- pence; but St. Thomas had got for his share nine hundred and fifty-four
- pounds six shillings and threepence.[*] Lewis VII. of France had made
- a pilgrimage to this miraculous tomb, and had bestowed on the shrine a
- jewel, esteemed the richest in Christendom. It is evident how obnoxious
- to Henry a saint of this character must appear, and how contrary to all
- his projects for degrading the authority of the court of Rome. He not
- only pillaged the rich shrine dedicated to St. Thomas; he made the saint
- himself be cited to appear in court, and be tried and condemned as
- a traitor: he ordered his name to be struck out of the calendar; the
- office for his festival to be expunged from all breviaries; his bones to
- be burned, and the ashes to be thrown in the air.
- On the whole, the king at different times suppressed six hundred and
- forty-five monasteries; of which twenty-eight had abbots that enjoyed a
- seat in parliament. Ninety colleges were demolished in several counties;
- two thousand three hundred and seventy-four chantries and free chapels;
- a hundred and ten hospitals. The whole revenue of these establishments
- amounted to one hundred and sixty-one thousand one hundred pounds.[**]
- It is worthy of observation, that all the lands and possessions and
- revenue of England had, a little before this period, been rated at four
- millions a year; so that the revenues of the monks, even comprehending
- the lesser monasteries, did not exceed the twentieth part of the
- national income; a sum vastly inferior to what is commonly apprehended.
- The lands belonging to the convents were usually let at very low rent;
- and the farmers, who regarded themselves as a species of proprietors,
- took always care to renew their leases before they expired.[***] [13]
- * Burnet, vol. i. p. 244.
- ** Lord Herbert. Camden. Speed.
- *** See note M, at the end of the volume.
- Great murmurs were every where excited on account of these violences;
- and men much questioned whether priors and monks, who were only trustees
- or tenants for life, could, by any deed, however voluntary, transfer to
- the king the entire property of their estates, In order to reconcile the
- people to such mighty innovations, they were told that the king would
- never thenceforth have occasion to levy taxes, but would be able, from
- the abbey lands alone, to bear, during war as well as peace, the whole
- charges of government.[*] While such topics were employed to appease the
- populace, Henry took an effectual method of interesting the nobility and
- gentry in the success of his measures:[**] he either made a gift of the
- revenues of convents to his favorites and courtiers, or sold them at low
- prices, or exchanged them for other lands on very disadvantageous terms.
- He was so profuse in these liberalities, that he is said to have given
- a woman the whole revenue of a convent, as a reward for making a pudding
- which happened to gratify his palate.[***] He also settled pensions on
- the abbots and priors, proportioned to their former revenues or to their
- merits; and gave each monk a yearly pension of eight marks: he erected
- six new bishoprics, Westminster, Oxford, Peterborough, Bristol, Chester,
- and Glocester; of which five subsist at this day: and by all these means
- of expense and dissipation, the profit which the king reaped by the
- seizure of church lands fell much short of vulgar opinion. As the ruin
- of convents had been foreseen some years before it happened, the monks
- had taken care to secrete most of their stock, furniture, and plate; so
- that the spoils of the great monasteries bore not, in these respects,
- any proportion to those of the lesser.
- * Coke’s 4th Inst. fol. 44.
- ** Dugdale’s Warwickshire, p. 800.
- *** Fuller.
- Besides the lands possessed by the monasteries, the regular clergy
- enjoyed a considerable part of the benefices of England, and of the
- tithes annexed to them; and these were also at this time transferred to
- the crown, and by that means passed into the hands of laymen; an abuse
- which many zealous churchmen regarded as the most criminal sacrilege.
- The monks were formerly much at their ease in England, and enjoyed
- revenues which exceeded the regular and stated expense of the house. We
- read of the abbey of Chertsey, in Surrey, which possessed seven hundred
- and forty-four pounds a year, though it contained only fourteen monks:
- that of Furnese, in the county of Lincoln, was valued at nine hundred
- and sixty pounds a year, and contained but thirty.[*] In order to
- dissipate their revenues, and support popularity, the monks lived in a
- hospitable manner; and besides the poor maintained from their offals,
- there were many decayed gentlemen who passed their lives in travelling
- from convent to convent, and were entirely subsisted at the tables of
- the friars. By this hospitality, as much as by their own inactivity,
- did the convents prove nurseries of idleness; but the king, not to give
- offence by too sudden an innovation, bound the new proprietors of
- abbey lands to support the ancient hospitality. But this engagement was
- fulfilled in very few places, and for a very short time.
- * Burnet, vol. i p. 237.
- It is easy to imagine the indignation with which the intelligence of
- all these acts of violence was received at Rome; and how much the
- ecclesiastics of that court, who had so long kept the world in
- subjection by high-sounding epithets and by holy execrations, would now
- vent their rhetoric against the character and conduct of Henry. The pope
- was at last incited to publish the bull which had been passed against
- that monarch; and in a public manner he delivered over his soul to the
- devil, and his dominions to the first invader. Libels were dispersed, in
- which he was anew compared to the most furious persecutors in antiquity;
- and the preference was now given to their side: he had declared war with
- the dead, whom the pagans themselves respected; was at open hostility
- with Heaven; and had engaged in professed enmity with the whole host
- of saints and angels. Above all, he was often reproached with his
- resemblance to the emperor Julian, whom, it was said, he imitated in
- his apostasy and learning, though he fell short of him in morals. Henry
- could distinguish in some of these libels the style and animosity of
- his kinsman Pole; and he was thence incited to vent his rage, by every
- possible expedient, on that famous cardinal.
- Reginald de la Pole, or Reginald Pole, was descended from the royal
- family, being fourth son of the countess of Salisbury, daughter of the
- duke of Clarence. He gave in early youth indications of that fine genius
- and generous disposition by which, during his whole life, he was so
- much distinguished and Henry, having conceived great friendship for him,
- intended to raise him to the highest ecclesiastical dignities; and, as
- a pledge of future favors, he conferred on him the deanery of Exeter,[*]
- the better to support him in his education. Pole was carrying on his
- studies in the university of Paris at the time when the king solicited
- the suffrages of that learned body in favor of his divorce; but though
- applied to by the English agent, he declined taking any part in the
- affair. Henry bore this neglect with more temper than was natural
- to him; and he appeared unwilling, on that account, to renounce all
- friendship with a person whose virtues and talents, he hoped, would
- prove useful as well as ornamental to his court and kingdom. He allowed
- him still to possess his deanery, and gave him permission to finish his
- studies at Padua: he even paid him some court, in order to bring him
- into his measures; and wrote to him, while in that university, desiring
- him to give his opinion freely with regard to the late measures taken in
- England for abolishing the papal authority. Pole had now contracted an
- intimate friendship with all persons eminent for dignity or merit in
- Italy--Sadolet, Bembo, and other revivers of true taste and learning;
- and he was moved by these connections, as well as by religious zeal, to
- forget, in some respect, the duty which he owed to Henry, his benefactor
- and his sovereign. He replied by writing a treatise of the Unity of the
- Church, in which he inveighed against the king’s supremacy, his divorce,
- his second marriage; and he even exhorted the emperor to revenge on him
- the injury done to the imperial family and to the Catholic cause.
- Henry, though provoked beyond measure at this outrage, dissembled his
- resentment; and he sent a message to Pole, desiring him to return to
- England, in order to explain certain passages in his book which he
- found somewhat obscure and difficult. Pole was on his guard against this
- insidious invitation; and was determined to remain in Italy, where he
- was universally beloved.
- The pope and emperor thought themselves obliged to provide for a man
- of Pole’s eminence and dignity, who, in support of their cause, had
- sacrificed all his pretensions to fortune in his own country. He was
- created a cardinal; and though he took not higher orders than those of a
- deacon, he was sent legate into Flanders about the year 1536.[**]
- * Goodwin’s Annals
- ** Herbert.
- Henry was sensible that Pole’s chief intention in choosing that
- employment, was to foment the mutinous disposition of the English
- Catholics; and he therefore remonstrated in so vigorous a manner with
- the queen of Hungary, regent of the Low Countries, that she dismissed
- the legate, without allowing him to exercise his functions. The enmity
- which he bore to Pole was now as open as it was violent; and the
- cardinal, on his part, kept no further measures in his intrigues against
- Henry. He is even suspected of having aspired to the crown, by means of
- a marriage with the lady Mary; and the king was every day more alarmed
- by informations which he received of the correspondence maintained in
- England by that fugitive. Courtney, marquis of Exeter, had entered
- into a conspiracy with him; Sir Edward Nevil, brother to the lord
- Abergavenny; Sir Nicholas Carew, master of horse, and knight of the
- garter; Henry de la Pole, Lord Montacute, and Sir Geoffrey de la Pole,
- brothers to the cardinal. These persons were indicted, and tried,
- and convicted, before Lord Audley, who presided in the trial as high
- steward; they were all executed, except Sir Geoffrey de la Pole, who was
- pardoned; and he owed this grace to his having first carried to the king
- secret intelligence of the conspiracy. We know little concerning the
- justice or iniquity of the sentence pronounced against these men:
- we only know, that the condemnation of a man who was at that time
- prosecuted by the court, forms no presumption of his guilt; though,
- as no historian of credit mentions in the present case any complaint
- occasioned by these trials, we may presume that sufficient evidence was
- produced against the marquis of Exeter and his associates.[*]
- * Herbert in Kennet, p. 216.
- {1538.} THE rough hand of Henry seemed well adapted for rending asunder
- those bands by which the ancient superstition had fastened itself on
- the kingdom; and though, after renouncing the pope’s supremacy and
- suppressing monasteries, most of the political ends of reformation
- were already attained, few people expected that he would stop at those
- innovations. The spirit of opposition, it was thought, would carry him
- to the utmost extremities against the church of Rome; and lead him
- to declare war against the whole doctrine and worship, as well as
- discipline, of that mighty hierarchy. He had formerly appealed from
- the pope to a general council; but now, when a general council was
- summoned to meet at Mantua, he previously renounced all submission to
- it, as summoned by the pope, and lying entirely under subjection to that
- spiritual usurper. He engaged his clergy to make a declaration to the
- like purpose; and he had prescribed to them many other deviations
- from ancient tenets and practices. Cranmner took advantage of every
- opportunity to carry him on in this course; and while Queen Jane lived,
- who favored the reformers, he had, by means of her insinuation and
- address, been successful in his endeavors. After her death, Gardiner,
- who was returned from his embassy to France, kept the king more in
- suspense; and by feigning an unlimited submission to his will, was
- frequently able to guide him to his own purposes. Fox, bishop of
- Hereford, had supported Cranmer in his schemes for a more thorough
- reformation; but his death had made way for the promotion of Bonner,
- who, though he had hitherto seemed a furious enemy to the court of Rome,
- was determined to sacrifice every thing to present interest, and
- had joined the confederacy of Gardiner and the partisans of the old
- religion. Gardiner himself, it was believed, had secretly entered into
- measures with the pope, and even with the emperor; and in concert
- with these powers, he endeavored to preserve, as much as possible, the
- ancient faith and worship.
- Henry was so much governed by passion, that nothing could have retarded
- his animosity and opposition against Rome, but some other passion, which
- stopped his career, and raised him new objects of animosity. Though he
- had gradually, since the commencement of his scruples with regard to his
- first marriage, been changing the tenets of that theological system in
- which he had been educated, he was no less positive and dogmatical in
- the few articles which remained to him, than if the whole fabric had
- continued entire and unshaken. And though he stood alone in his opinion,
- the flattery of courtiers had so inflamed his tyrannical arrogance, that
- he thought himself entitled to regulate, by his own particular standard,
- the religious faith of the whole nation. The point on which he chiefly
- rested his orthodoxy happened to be the real presence; that very
- doctrine, in which, among the numberless victories of superstition
- over common sense, her triumph is the most signal and egregious. All
- departure from this principle he held to be heretical and detestable;
- and nothing, he thought, would be more honorable for him, than, while he
- broke off all connections with the Roman pontiff, to maintain, in this
- essential article, the purity of the Catholic faith.
- There was one Lambert,[*] a schoolmaster in London, who had been
- questioned and confined for unsound opinions by Archbishop Warham; but
- upon the death of that prelate, and the change of counsels at court, he
- had been released. Not terrified with the danger which he had incurred,
- he still continued to promulgate his tenets; and having heard Dr. Taylor
- afterwards bishop of Lincoln, defend in a sermon the corporal presence,
- he could not forbear expressing to Taylor his dissent from that
- doctrine; and he drew up his objections under ten several heads. Taylor
- communicated the paper to Dr. Barnes, who happened to be a Lutheran, and
- who maintained that though the substance of bread and wine remained, in
- the sacrament, yet the real body and blood of Christ were there also,
- and were, in a certain mysterious manner, incorporated with the material
- elements.
- * Fox, vol. ii. p. 396.
- By the present laws and practice Barnes was no less exposed to the stake
- than Lambert; yet such was the persecuting rage which prevailed, that
- he determined to bring this man to condign punishment; because of their
- common departure from the ancient faith, he had dared to go one step
- farther than himself. He engaged Taylor to accuse Lambert before Cranmer
- and Latimer, who, whatever their private opinion might be on these
- points, were obliged to conform themselves to the standard of orthodoxy
- established by Henry. When Lambert was cited before these prelates, they
- endeavored to bend him to a recantation; and they were surprised when,
- instead of complying, he ventured to appeal to the king.
- The king, not displeased with an opportunity where he could at once
- exert his supremacy and display his learning, accepted the appeal;
- and resolved to mix, in a very unfair manner, the magistrate with the
- disputant. Public notice was given that he intended to enter the lists
- with the schoolmaster: scaffolds were erected in Westminster Hall,
- for the accommodation of the audience: Henry appeared on his throne
- accompanied with all the ensigns of majesty: the prelates were placed
- on his right hand: the temporal peers on his left. The judges and
- most eminent lawyers had a place assigned them behind the bishops; the
- courtiers of greatest distinction behind the peers; and in the midst
- of this splendid assembly was produced the unhappy Lambert, who was
- required to defend his opinions against his royal antagonist.[*]
- The bishop of Chichester opened the conference, by saying, that Lambert,
- being charged with heretical pravity, had appealed from his bishop to
- the king; as if he expected more favor from this application, and as
- if the king could ever be induced to protect a heretic: that though
- his majesty had thrown off the usurpations of the see of Rome; had
- disincorporated some idle monks, who lived like drones in a beehive, had
- abolished the idolatrous worship of images; had published the Bible
- in English, for the instruction of all his subjects; and had made
- some lesser alterations, which every one must approve of; yet was he
- determined to maintain the purity of the Catholic faith, and to punish
- with the utmost severity all departure from it; and that he had taken
- the present opportunity, before so learned and grave an audience, of
- convincing Lambert of his errors; but if he still continued obstinate in
- them, he must expect the most condign punishment,[**]
- * Fox, vol. ii. p. 426
- ** Goodwin’s Annals
- After this preamble, which was not very encouraging, the king asked
- Lambert, with a stern countenance, what his opinion was of Christ’s
- corporal presence in the sacrament of the altar; and when Lambert began
- his reply with some compliment to his majesty, he rejected the praise
- with disdain and indignation. He afterwards pressed Lambert with
- arguments drawn from Scripture and the schoolmen: the audience applauded
- the force of his reasoning, and the extent of his erudition: Cranmer
- seconded his proofs by some new topics. Gardiner entered the lists as
- a support to Cranmner: Tonstal took up the argument after Gardiner:
- Stokesley brought fresh aid to Tonstal; six bishops more appeared
- successively in the field after Stokesley. And the disputation, if it
- deserve the name, was prolonged for five hours; till Lambert, fatigued,
- confounded, browbeaten, and abashed, was at last reduced to silence. The
- king, then returning to the charge, asked him whether he were convinced;
- and he proposed, as a concluding argument, this interesting question:
- Whether he were resolved to live or to die? Lambert, who possessed
- that courage which consists in obstinacy, replied, that he cast himself
- wholly on his majesty’s clemency: the king told him that he would be no
- protector of heretics; and, therefore, if that were his final answer,
- he must expect to be committed to the flames Cromwell, as vicegerent,
- pronounced the sentence against him.[*] [14]
- Lambert, whose vanity had probably incited him the more to persevere on
- account of the greatness of this public appearance, was not daunted
- by the terrors of the punishment to which he was condemned. His
- executioners took care to make the sufferings of a man who had
- personally opposed the king as cruel as possible: he was burned at a
- slow fire; his legs and thighs were consumed to the stumps; and when
- there appeared no end of his torments, some of the guards, more merciful
- than the rest, lifted him on their halberts and threw him into the
- flames, where he was consumed. While they were employed in this friendly
- office, he cried aloud several times, “None but Christ, none but
- Christ!” and these words were in his mouth when he expired.[**]
- Some few days before this execution, four Dutch Anabaptists, three men
- and a woman, had fagots tied to their backs at Paul’s Cross, and were
- burned in that manner. Andaman and a woman of the same sect and country
- were burned in Smithfield.[***]
- * See note N, at the end of the volume.
- ** Fox’s Acts and Monuments, p. 427. Burnet.
- *** Stow, p. 556.
- {1539.} It was the unhappy fate of the English during this age, that,
- when they labored under any grievance, they had not the satisfaction of
- expecting redress from parliament on the contrary, they had reason to
- dread each meeting of that assembly, and were then sure of having
- tyranny converted into law, and aggravated, perhaps, with some
- circumstance which the arbitrary prince and his ministers had not
- hitherto devised, or did not think proper of themselves to carry into
- execution. This abject servility never appeared more conspicuously than
- in a new parliament which the king now assembled, and which, if he had
- been so pleased, might have been the last that ever sat in England. But
- he found them too useful instruments of dominion ever to entertain
- thoughts of giving them a total exclusion.
- The chancellor opened the parliament by informing the house of lords,
- that it was his majesty’s earnest desire to extirpate from his kingdom
- all diversity of opinion in matters of religion; and as this undertaking
- was, he owned, important and arduous, he desired them to choose a
- committee from among themselves, who might draw up certain articles
- of faith; and communicate them afterwards to the parliament. The lords
- named the vicar-general, Cromwell, now created peer, the archbishops of
- Canterbury and York, the bishops of Durham, Carlisle, Worcester, Bath
- and Wells, Bangor, and Ely. The house might have seen what a hopeful
- task they had undertaken: this small committee itself was agitated with
- such diversity of opinion, that it could come to no conclusion. The duke
- of Norfolk then moved in the house, that, since there were no hopes of
- having a report from the committee, the articles of faith intended to be
- established should be reduced to six; and a new committee be appointed
- to draw an act with regard to them. As this peer was understood to speak
- the sense of the king, his motion was immediately complied with; and,
- after a short prorogation, the bill of the “six articles,” or the bloody
- bill, as the Protestants justly termed it, was introduced, and having
- passed the two houses, received the royal assent.
- In this law the doctrine of the real presence was established, the
- communion in one kind, the perpetual obligation of vows of chastity, the
- utility of private masses, the celibacy of the clergy, and the necessity
- of auricular confession. The denial of the first article, with regard
- to the real presence, subjected the person to death by fire, and to the
- same forfeiture as in cases of treason; and admitted not the privilege
- of abjuring: an unheard-of severity, and unknown to the inquisition
- itself The denial of any of the other five articles, even though
- recanted, was punishable by the forfeiture of goods and chattels, and
- imprisonment during the king’s pleasure: an obstinate adherence to
- error, or a relapse, was adjudged to be felony, and punishable with
- death. The marriage of priests was subjected to the same punishment.
- Their commerce with women was, on the first offence, forfeiture and
- imprisonment; on the second, death. The abstaining from confession,
- and from receiving the eucharist at the accustomed times, subjected the
- person to fine, and to imprisonment during the king’s pleasure; and if
- the criminal persevered after conviction, he was punishable by death and
- forfeiture, as in cases of felony.[*] Commissioners were to be appointed
- by the king for inquiring into these heresies and irregular practices;
- and the criminals were to be tried by a jury.
- The king in framing this law laid his oppressive hand on both parties;
- and even the Catholics had reason to complain, that the friars and nuns,
- though dismissed their convent, should be capriciously restrained to
- the practice of celibacy:[**] [15] but as the Protestants were chiefly
- exposed to the severity of the statute, the misery of adversaries,
- according to the usual maxims of party, was regarded by the adherents
- to the ancient religion as their own prosperity and triumph. Cranmer
- had the courage to oppose this bill in the house; and though the king
- desired him to absent himself, he could not be prevailed on to give this
- proof of compliance.[***] Henry was accustomed to Cranmer’s freedom
- and sincerity; and being convinced of the general rectitude of his
- intentions, gave him an unusual indulgence in this particular, and
- never allowed even a whisper against him. That prelate, however, was now
- obliged, in obedience to the statute, to dismiss his wife, the niece of
- Osiander, a famous divine of Nuremburg,[****] and Henry, satisfied with
- this proof of submission, showed him his former countenance and favor.
- Latimer and Shaxton threw up their bishoprics on account of the law, and
- were committed to prison.
- * 31 Henry VIII. c. 14. Herbert in Kenuet, p. 219.
- ** See note O, at the 3 end of the volume.
- *** Burnet, vol. i. p. 249, 270. Fox, vol. ii. p. 1037.
- **** Herbert in Kennet, p. 219.
- The parliament, having thus resigned all their religious liberties,
- proceeded to an entire surrender of their civil; and without scruple or
- deliberation they made, by one act, a total subversion of the English
- constitution. They gave to the king’s proclamation the same force as
- to a statute enacted by parliament; and to render the matter worse, if
- possible, they framed this law, as if it were only declaratory, and were
- intended to explain the natural extent of royal authority. The preamble
- contains, that the king had formerly set forth several proclamations
- which froward persons had wilfully contemned, not considering what a
- king, by his royal power, may do; that this license might encourage
- offenders not only to disobey the laws of Almighty God, but also to
- dishonor the king’s most royal majesty, “who may full ill bear it;”
- that sudden emergencies often occur, which require speedy remedies, and
- cannot await the slow assembling and deliberations of parliament; and
- that, though the king was empowered by his authority, derived from God,
- to consult the public good on these occasions, yet the opposition of
- refractory subjects might push him to extremity and violence: for these
- reasons the parliament, that they might remove all occasion of doubt,
- ascertained by a statute this prerogative of the crown and enabled his
- majesty, with the advice of his council, to set forth proclamations
- enjoining obedience under whatever pains and penalties he should think
- proper; and these proclamations were to have the force of perpetual
- laws.[*]
- * 31 Henry VIII. c. 8.
- What proves either a stupid or a wilful blindness in the parliament,
- is, that they pretended, even after this statute, to maintain some
- limitations in the government; and they enacted, that no proclamation
- should deprive any person of his lawful possessions, liberties,
- inheritances, privileges, franchises; nor yet infringe any common law
- or laudable custom of the realm. They did not consider, that no penalty
- could be inflicted on the disobeying of proclamations, without invading
- some liberty or property of the subject; and that the power of enacting
- new laws, joined to the dispensing power then exercised by the crown,
- amounted to a full legislative authority. It is true, the kings of
- England had always been accustomed from their own authority to issue
- proclamations, and to exact obedience to them; and this prerogative was,
- no doubt, a strong symptom of absolute government: but still there was
- a difference between a power which was exercised on a particular
- emergence, and which must be justified by the present expedience or
- necessity, and an authority conferred by a positive statute, which could
- no longer admit of control or limitation.
- Could any act be more opposite to the spirit of liberty than this law,
- it would have been another of the same parliament. They passed an act of
- attainder, not only against the marquis of Exeter, the lords Montacute,
- Darcy, Hussey, and others, who had been legally tried and condemned,
- but also against some persons of the highest quality, who had never been
- accused, or examined, or convicted. The violent hatred which Henry bore
- to Cardinal Pole had extended itself to all his friends and relations;
- and his mother in particular, the countess of Salisbury, had on that
- account become extremely obnoxious to him. She was also accused of
- having employed her authority with her tenants, to hinder them from
- reading the new translation of the Bible; of having procured bulls from
- Rome, which, it is said, had been seen at Coudray, her country seat; and
- of having kept a correspondence with her son, the cardinal; but Henry
- found, either that these offences could not be proved, or that they
- would not by law be subjected to such severe punishments as he desired
- to inflict upon her. He resolved, therefore, to proceed in a more
- summary and more tyrannical manner; and for that purpose he sent
- Cromwell, who was but too obsequious to his will, to ask the judges,
- whether the parliament could attaint a person who was forthcoming,
- without giving him any trial, or citing him to appear before them?[*]
- The judges replied, that it was a dangerous question; and that the high
- court of parliament ought to give the example to inferior courts, of
- proceeding according to justice; no inferior court could act in that
- arbitrary manner, and they thought that the parliament never would.
- Being pressed to give a more explicit answer, they replied, that if
- a person were attainted in that manner, the attainder could never
- afterwards be brought in question, but must remain good in law. Henry
- learned by this decision, that such a method of proceeding, though
- directly contrary to all the principles of equity, was yet practicable;
- and this being all he was anxious to know, he resolved to employ it
- against the countess of Salisbury.
- * Coke’s 4th Inst. p. 37, 38.
- Cromwell showed to the house of peers a banner, on which were
- embroidered the five wounds of Christ, the symbol chosen by the northern
- rebels; and this banner he affirmed, was found in the countess’s
- house.[*] No other proof seems to have been produced in order to
- ascertain her guilt: the parliament, without further inquiry, passed
- a bill of attainder against her; and they involved in the same bill,
- without any better proof, as far as appears, Gertrude marchioness
- of Exeter, Sir Adrian Fortescue, and Sir Thomas Dingley. These two
- gentlemen were executed; the marchioness was pardoned and survived the
- king; the countess received a reprieve.
- The only beneficial act passed this session, was that by which the
- parliament confirmed the surrender of the monasteries; yet even this act
- contains much falsehood, much tyranny, and, were it not that all private
- rights must submit to public interest, much injustice and iniquity. The
- scheme of engaging the abbots to surrender their monasteries had been
- conducted, as may easily be imagined, with many invidious circumstances:
- arts of all kinds had been employed; every motive that could work on the
- frailty of human nature had been set before them; and it was with great
- difficulty that these dignified conventuals were brought to make
- a concession, which most of them regarded as destructive of their
- interests, as well as sacrilegious and criminal in itself.[**] Three
- abbots had shown more constancy than the rest, the abbots of Colchester,
- Reading, and Glastenbury; and in order to punish them for their
- opposition, and make them an example to others, means had been found
- to convict them of treason, they had perished by the hands of the
- executioner, and the revenue of the convents had been forfeited.[***]
- Besides, though none of these violences had taken place, the king knew
- that a surrender made by men who were only tenants for life, would not
- bear examination; and he was therefore resolved to make all sure by his
- usual expedient, an act of parliament. In the preamble to this act, the
- parliament asserts, that all the surrenders made by the abbots had been
- “without constraint, of their own accord, and according to due course of
- common law.” And in consequence, the two houses confirm the surrenders,
- and secure the property of the abbey lands to the king and his
- successors forever.[****] It is remarkable, that all the mitred abbots
- still sat in the house of peers, and that none of them made any protests
- against this injurious statute.
- * Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 652.
- ** Collier, vol. ii. p. 158 et see
- *** 31 Henry VIII. c. 10.
- **** 31 Henry VIII. c. 13.
- In this session, the rank of all the great officers of state was fixed:
- Cromwell, as vicegerent, had the precedency assigned him above all of
- them. It was thought singular, that a blacksmith’s son, for he was no
- other, should have place next the royal family; and that a man possessed
- of no manner of literature should be set at the head of the church.
- As soon as the act of the six articles had passed, the Catholics were
- extremely vigilant in informing against offenders; and no less than five
- hundred persons were in a little time thrown into prison. But Cromwell,
- who had not had interest enough to prevent that act, was able for the
- present to elude its execution. Seconded by the duke of Suffolk and
- Chancellor Audley, as well as by Cranmer, he remonstrated against the
- cruelty of punishing so many delinquents; and he obtained permission to
- set them at liberty. The uncertainty of the king’s humor gave each party
- an opportunity of triumphing in its turn. No sooner had Henry passed
- this law, which seemed to inflict so deep a wound on the reformers,
- than he granted a general permission for every one to have the new
- translation of the Bible in his family; a concession regarded by that
- party as an important victory.
- But as Henry was observed to be much governed by his wives while he
- retained his fondness for them, the final prevalence of either party
- seemed much to depend on the choice of the future queen. Immediately
- after the death of Jane Seymour, the most beloved of all his wives,
- he began to think of a new marriage. He first cast his eye towards the
- duchess dowager of Milan, niece to the emperor; and he made proposals
- for that alliance. But meeting with difficulties, he was carried by his
- friendship for Francis rather to think of a French princess. He demanded
- the duchess dowager of Longueville, daughter of the duke of Guise, a
- prince of the house of Lorraine; but Francis told him, that the lady was
- already betrothed to the king of Scotland. The king, however, would
- not take a refusal: he had set his heart extremely on the match: the
- information which he had received of the duchess’s accomplishments and
- beauty, had prepossessed him in her favor; and having privately sent
- over Meautys to examine her person, and get certain intelligence of her
- conduct, the accounts which that agent brought him served further to
- inflame his desires. He learned that she was big made; and he thought
- her on that account the more proper match for him who was now become
- somewhat corpulent. The pleasure, too, of mortifying his nephew, whom he
- did not love, was a further incitement to his prosecution of this match;
- and he insisted that Francis should give him the preference to the king
- of Scots. But Francis, though sensible that the alliance of England
- was of much greater importance to his interests, would not affront his
- friend and ally; and to prevent further solicitation, he immediately
- sent the princess to Scotland. Not to shock, however, Henry’s humor,
- Francis made him an offer of Mary of Bourbon, daughter of the duke of
- Vendôme; but as the king was informed that James had formerly rejected
- this princess he would not hear any further of such a proposal. The
- French monarch then offered him the choice of the two younger sisters of
- the queen of Scots; and he assured him, that they were nowise inferior
- either in merit or size to their elder sister, and that one of them was
- even superior in beauty. The king was as scrupulous with regard to the
- person of his wives, as if his heart had been really susceptible of a
- delicate passion; and he was unwilling to trust any relations, or even
- pictures, with regard to this important particular. He proposed to
- Francis, that they should have a conference at Calais on pretence of
- business; and that this monarch should bring along with him the two
- princesses of Guise, together with the finest ladies of quality in
- France, that he might make a choice among them. But the gallant spirit
- of Francis was shocked with the proposal: he was impressed with too much
- regard, he said, for the fair sex, to carry ladies of the first quality
- like geldings to a market, there to be chosen or rejected by the humor
- of the purchaser.[*] Henry would hearken to none of these niceties,
- but still insisted on his proposal; which, however, notwithstanding
- Francis’s earnest desire of obliging him, was finally rejected.
- * Le Grand, vol. iii. p. 638
- The king then began to turn his thoughts towards a German alliance; and
- as the princes of the Smalcaldic league were extremely disgusted with
- the emperor on account of his persecuting their religion, he hoped, by
- matching himself into one of their families, to renew a connection which
- he regarded as so advantageous to him. Cromwell joyfully seconded this
- intention; and proposed to him Anne of Cleves, whose father, the duke
- of that name, had great interest among the Lutheran princes, and whose
- sister, Sibylla, was married to the elector of Saxony, the head of the
- Protestant league. A flattering picture of the princess, by Hans Holben,
- determined Henry to apply to her father; and after some negotiation, the
- marriage, notwithstanding the opposition of the elector of Saxony was at
- last concluded; and Anne was sent over to England. The king, impatient
- to be satisfied with regard to the person of his bride, came privately
- to Rochester and got a sight of her. He found her big, indeed, and tall
- as he could wish; but utterly destitute both of beauty and grace; very
- unlike the pictures and representations which he had received: he swore
- she was a great Flanders mare; and declared that he never could possibly
- bear her any affection. The matter was worse when he found that she
- could speak no language but Dutch, of which he was entirely ignorant;
- and that the charms of her conversation were not likely to compensate
- for the homeliness of her person. He returned to Greenwich very
- melancholy; and he much lamented his hard fate to Cromwell, as well
- as to Lord Russel, Sir Anthony Brown, and Sir Anthony Denny. This last
- gentleman, in order to give him comfort, told him, that his misfortune
- was common to him with all kings, who could not, like private persons,
- choose for themselves, but must receive their wives from the judgment
- and fancy of others.
- It was the subject of debate among the king’s counsellors, whether the
- marriage could not yet be dissolved, and the princess be sent back to
- her own country. Henry’s situation seemed at that time very critical.
- After the ten years’ truce concluded between the emperor and the king
- of France, a good understanding was thought to have taken place between
- these rival monarchs; and such marks of union appeared, as gave great
- jealousy to the court of England. The emperor, who knew the generous
- nature of Francis, even put a confidence in him which is rare to that
- degree among great princes. An insurrection had been raised in the Low
- Countries by the inhabitants of Ghent, and seemed to threaten the most
- dangerous consequences. Charles, who resided at that time in Spain,
- resolved to go in person to Flanders, in order to appease those
- disorders; but he found great difficulties in choosing the manner of his
- passing thither. The road by Italy and Germany was tedious: the voyage
- through the channel dangerous, by reason of the English naval power:
- he asked Francis’s permission to pass through his dominions; and he
- entrusted himself into the hands of a rival, whom he had so mortally
- offended. The French monarch received him at Paris with great
- magnificence and courtesy; and though prompted both by revenge and
- interest, as well as by the advice of his mistress and favorites, to
- make advantage of the present opportunity, he conducted the emperor
- safely out of his dominions and would not so much as speak to him of
- business during his abode in France, lest his demands should bear the
- air of violence upon his royal guest.
- Henry, who was informed of all these particulars, believed that an
- entire and cordial union had taken place between these princes; and that
- their religious zeal might prompt them to fall with combined arms upon
- England.[*] An alliance with the German princes seemed now more than
- ever requisite for his interest and safety; and he knew that if he sent
- back the princess of Cleves, such an affront would be highly resented by
- her friends and family.
- * Stowe, p. 579.
- {1540.} He was therefore resolved, notwithstanding his aversion to her,
- to complete the marriage; and he told Cromwell, that, since matters had
- gone so far, he must put his neck into the yoke. Cromwell, who knew how
- much his own interests were concerned in this affair, was very anxious
- to learn from the king, next morning after the marriage, whether he now
- liked his spouse any better. The king told him, that he hated her worse
- than ever; and that her person was more disgusting on a near approach;
- he was resolved never to meddle with her: and even suspected her not to
- be a true maid: a point about which he entertained an extreme delicacy.
- He continued, however, to be civil to Anne; he even seemed to repose his
- usual confidence in Cromwell; but though he exerted this command over
- himself, a discontent lay lurking in his breast, and was ready to burst
- out on the first opportunity.
- A session of parliament was held; and none of the abbots were now
- allowed a place in the house of peers. The king, by the mouth of the
- chancellor, complained to the parliament of the great diversity of
- religions which still prevailed among his subjects; a grievance, he
- affirmed, which ought the less to be endured, because the Scriptures
- were now published in English, and ought universally to be the standard
- of belief to all mankind. But he had appointed, he said, some bishops
- and divines to draw up a list of tenets to which his people were to
- assent; and he was determined, that Christ, the doctrine of Christ, and
- the truth, should have the victory. The king seems to have expected more
- effect in ascertaining truth from this new book of his doctors, than
- had ensued from the publication of the Scriptures. Cromwell, as
- vicar-general, made also in the king’s name a speech to the upper
- house; and the peers, in return, bestowed great flattery on him, and in
- particular said, that he was worthy, by his desert, to be vicar-general
- of the universe. That minister seemed to be no less in his master’s good
- graces: he received, soon after the sitting of the parliament, the title
- of earl of Essex, and was installed knight of the garter.
- There remained only one religious order in England; the knights of St.
- John of Jerusalem, or the knights of Malta, as they are commonly called.
- This order, partly ecclesiastical, partly military, had by their valor
- done great service to Christendom; and had very much retarded, at
- Jerusalem, Rhodes, and Malta, the rapid progress of the barbarians.
- During the general surrender of the religious houses in England, they
- had exerted their spirit, and had obstinately refused to yield up
- their revenues to the king; and Henry, who would endure no society
- that professed obedience to the pope, was obliged to have recourse to
- parliament for the dissolution of this order. Their revenues were large;
- and formed an addition nowise contemptible to the many acquisitions
- which the king had already made. But he had very ill husbanded the great
- revenue acquired by the plunder of the church: his profuse generosity
- dissipated faster than his rapacity could supply; and the parliament was
- surprised this session to find a demand made upon them of four tenths,
- and a subsidy of one shilling in the pound during two years: so ill
- were the public expectations answered, that the crown was never more to
- require any supply from the people. The commons, though lavish of their
- liberty, and of the blood of their fellow-subjects, were extremely
- frugal of their money; and it was not without difficulty so small
- a grant could be obtained by this absolute and dreaded monarch. The
- convocation gave the king four shillings in the pound to be levied in
- two years. The pretext for these grants was, the great expense which
- Henry had undergone for the defence of the realm, in building forts
- along the seacoast, and in equipping a navy. As he had at present no
- ally on the continent in whom he reposed much confidence, he relied only
- on his domestic strength, and was on that account obliged to be more
- expensive in his preparations against the danger of an invasion.
- The king’s favor to Cromwell and his acquiescence in the marriage with
- Anne of Cleves, were both of them deceitful appearances: his aversion
- to the queen secretly increased every day; and having at last broken all
- restraint, it prompted him at once to seek the dissolution of a marriage
- so odious to him, and to involve his minister in ruin, who had been
- the innocent author of it. The fall of Cromwell was hastened by other
- causes. All the nobility hated a man who, being of such low extraction,
- had not only mounted above them by his station of vicar-general, but had
- engrossed many of the other considerable offices of the crown: besides
- enjoying that commission, which gave him a high and almost absolute
- authority over the clergy, and even over the laity, he was privy seal,
- chamberlain, and master of the wards: he had also obtained the order
- of the garter, a dignity which had ever been conferred only on men
- of illustrious families, and which seemed to be profaned by its being
- communicated to so mean a person. The people were averse to him, as the
- supposed author of the violence on the monasteries; establishments which
- were still revered and beloved by the commonalty. The Catholics regarded
- him as the concealed enemy of their religion: the Protestants, observing
- his exterior concurrence with all the persecutions exercised against
- them, were inclined to bear him as little favor; and reproached him with
- the timidity, if not treachery, of his conduct. And the king, who found
- that great clamors had on all hands arisen against the administration,
- was not displeased to throw on Cromwell the load of public hatred; and
- he hoped, by making so easy a sacrifice, to regain the affections of his
- subjects.
- But there was another cause which suddenly set all these motives in
- action, and brought about an unexpected revolution in the ministry. The
- king had fixed his affection on Catharine Howard, niece to the duke of
- Norfolk; and being determined to gratify this new passion, he could find
- no expedient, but by procuring a divorce from his present consort,
- to raise Catharine to his bed and throne. The duke, who had long been
- engaged in enmity with Cromwell, made the same use of her insinuations
- to ruin this minister, that he had formerly done of Anne Boleyn’s
- against Wolsey; and when all engines were prepared, he obtained a
- commission from the king to arrest Cromwell at the council table, on an
- accusation of high treason, and to commit him to the Tower. Immediately
- after a bill of attainder was framed against him; and the house of peers
- thought proper, without trial, examination, or evidence, to condemn
- to death a man, whom a few days before they had declared worthy to be
- vicar-general of the universe. The house of commons passed the bill,
- though not without some opposition. Cromwell was accused of heresy
- and treason: but the proofs of his treasonable practices are utterly
- improbable, and even absolutely ridiculous.[*] The only circumstance of
- his conduct by which he seems to have merited this fate, was his being
- the instrument of the king’s tyranny in conducting like iniquitous
- bills, in the preceding session, against the countess of Salisbury and
- others.
- Cromwell endeavored to soften the king by the most humble supplications;
- but all to no purpose: it was not the practice of that prince to ruin
- his ministers and favorites by halves; and though the unhappy prisoner
- once wrote to him in so moving a strain as even to draw tears from his
- eyes, he hardened himself against all movements of pity, and refused his
- pardon. The conclusion of Cromwell’s letter ran in these words: “I, a
- most woful prisoner, am ready to submit to death when it shall please
- God and your majesty; and yet the frail flesh incites me to call to your
- grace for mercy and pardon of mine offences. Written at the Tower, with
- the heavy heart and trembling hand of your highness’s most miserable
- prisoner and poor slave, Thomas Cromwell.” And a little below, “Most
- gracious prince, I cry for mercy, mercy, mercy.”[**]
- * Burnet, vol. i. p. 278.
- ** Burnet, vol. i. p. 281, 282.
- When brought to the place of execution, he avoided all earnest
- protestations of his innocence, and all complaints against the sentence
- pronounced upon him. He knew that Henry would resent on his son those
- symptoms of opposition to his will, and that his death alone would not
- terminate that monarch’s vengeance. He was a man of prudence, industry,
- and abilities; worthy of a better master and of a better fate. Though
- raised to the summit of power from a low origin, he betrayed no
- insolence or contempt towards his inferiors; and was careful to remember
- all the obligations which, during his more humble fortune, he had owed
- to any one. He had served as a private sentinel in the Italian wars;
- when he received some good offices from a Lucquese merchant, who had
- entirely forgotten his person, as well as the service which he had
- rendered him. Cromwell, in his grandeur, happened at London to cast
- his eye on his benefactor, now reduced to poverty by misfortunes. He
- immediately sent for him, reminded him of their ancient friendship, and
- by his grateful assistance reinstated him in his former prosperity and
- opulence.[*]
- The measures for divorcing Henry from Anne of Cleves were carried on at
- the same time with the bill of attainder against Cromwell. The house of
- peers, in conjunction with the commons, applied to the king by petition,
- desiring that he would allow his marriage to be examined; and orders
- were immediately given to lay the matter before the convocation. Anne
- had formerly been contracted by her father to the duke of Lorraine, but
- she, as well as the duke, were at that time under age, and the contract
- had been afterwards annulled by consent of both parties.
- The king, however, pleaded this precontract as a ground of divorce; and
- he added two reasons more, which may seem a little extraordinary; that,
- when he espoused Anne he had not inwardly given his consent, and that he
- had not thought proper to consummate the marriage. The convocation was
- satisfied with these reasons, and solemnly annulled the marriage
- between the king and queen: the parliament ratified the decision of the
- clergy;[**] [16] and the sentence was soon after notified to the
- princess.
- Anne was blest with a happy insensibility of temper, ever in the points
- which the most nearly affect her sex; and the king’s aversion towards
- her, as well as his prosecution of the divorce, had never given her the
- least uneasiness. She willingly hearkened to terms of accommodation with
- him; and when he offered to adopt her as his sister, to give her place
- next the queen and his own daughter, and to make a settlement of three
- thousand pounds a year upon her; she accepted of the conditions, and
- gave her consent to the divorce.[***] She even wrote to her brother,
- (for her father was now dead,) that she had been very well used in
- England, and desired him to live on good terms with the king. The only
- instance of pride which she betrayed was, that she refused to return to
- her own country after the affront which she had received; and she lived
- and died in England.
- * Burnet, vol. i. p. 172.
- ** See note P, at the end of the volume.
- *** Herbert, p. 458 459.
- Notwithstanding Anne’s moderation, this incident produced a great
- coldness between the king and the German princes; but as the situation
- of Europe was now much altered, Henry was the more indifferent about
- their resentment. The close intimacy which had taken place between
- Francis and Charles had subsisted during a very short time: the
- dissimilarity of their characters soon renewed, with greater violence
- than ever, their former jealousy and hatred. While Charles remained at
- Paris, Francis had been imprudently engaged, by his open temper, and
- by that satisfaction which a noble mind naturally feels in performing
- generous actions, to make in confidence some dangerous discoveries to
- that interested monarch; and having now lost all suspicion of his rival,
- he hoped that the emperor and he, supporting each other, might neglect
- every other alliance. He not only communicated to his guest the state
- of his negotiations with Sultan Solyman and the Venetians; he also laid
- open the solicitations which he had received from the court of England
- to enter into a confederacy against him.[*] Charles had no sooner
- reached his own dominions, than he showed himself unworthy of the
- friendly reception which he had met with. He absolutely refused to
- fulfil his promise, and put the duke of Orleans in possession of the
- Milanese; he informed Solyman and the senate of Venice of the treatment
- which they had received from their ally; and he took care that Henry
- should not be ignorant how readily Francis had abandoned his ancient
- friend, to whom he owed such important obligations, and had sacrificed
- him to a new confederate: he even poisoned and misrepresented many
- things which the unsuspecting heart of the French monarch had disclosed
- to him. Had Henry possessed true judgment and generosity, this incident
- alone had been sufficient to guide him in the choice of his ally. But
- his domineering pride carried him immediately to renounce the friendship
- of Francis, who had so unexpectedly given the preference to the emperor;
- and as Charles invited him to a renewal of ancient amity, he willingly
- accepted of the offer; and thinking himself secure in this alliance, he
- neglected the friendship both of France and of the German princes.
- * Père Daniel. Du Tillet.
- The new turn which Henry had taken with regard to foreign affairs was
- extremely agreeable to his Catholic subjects; and as it had perhaps
- contributed, among other reasons, to the ruin of Cromwell, it made
- them entertain hopes of a final prevalence over their antagonists. The
- marriage of the king with Catharine Howard, which followed soon after
- his divorce from Anne of Cleves, was also regarded as a favorable
- incident to their party; and the subsequent events corresponded to their
- expectations. The king’s councils being now directed by Norfolk and
- Gardiner, a furious persecution commenced against the Protestants; and
- the law of the six articles was executed with rigor. Dr. Barnes, who had
- been the cause of Lambert’s execution, felt, in his turn, the severity
- of the persecuting spirit; and, by a bill which passed in parliament,
- he was, without trial, condemned to the flames, together with Jerome and
- Gerrard. He discussed theological questions even at the stake; and as
- the dispute between him and the sheriff turned upon the invocation of
- saints, he said, that he doubted whether the saints could pray for
- us; but if they could, he hoped in half an hour to be praying for the
- sheriff and all the spectators. He next entreated the sheriff to carry
- to the king his dying request, which he fondly imagined would have
- authority with that monarch who had sent him to the stake. The purport
- of his request was, that Henry, besides repressing superstitious
- ceremonies, should be extremely vigilant in preventing fornication and
- common swearing.[*]
- While Henry was exerting this violence against the Protestants, he
- spared not the Catholics who denied his supremacy; and a foreigner, at
- that time in England, had reason to say, that those who were against the
- pope were burned, and those who were for him were hanged.[**] The king
- even displayed in an ostentatious manner this tyrannical impartiality,
- which reduced both parties to subjection, and infused terror into every
- breast. Barnes, Gerrard, and Jerome had been carried to the place of
- execution on three hurdles; and along with them there was placed on
- each hurdle a Catholic, who was also executed for his religion. These
- Catholics were Abel, Fetherstone, and Powel, who declared, that the
- most grievous part of their punishment was the being coupled to such
- heretical miscreants as suffered with them.[***]
- * Burnet, vol. i. p. 298. Fox.
- ** Fox, vol. ii, p. 529.
- *** Saunders, de Schism. Angl.
- Though the spirit of the English seemed to be totally sunk under the
- despotic power of Henry, there appeared some symptoms of discontent.
- An inconsiderable rebellion broke out in Yorkshire, headed by Sir John
- Nevil; but it was soon suppressed, and Nevil, with other ringleaders,
- was executed.
- The rebels were supposed to have been instigated by the intrigues
- of Cardinal Pole; and the king was instantly determined to make the
- countess of Salisbury, who already lay under sentence of death, suffer
- for her son’s offences. He ordered her to be carried to execution;
- and this venerable matron maintained still, in these distressful
- circumstances, the spirit of that long race of monarchs from whom she
- was descended.[*] She refused to lay her head on the block, or submit
- to a sentence where she had received no trial. She told the executioner,
- that if he would have her head, he must win it the best way he could:
- and thus, shaking her venerable gray locks, she ran about the scaffold:
- and the executioner followed with his axe, aiming many fruitless blows
- at her neck, before he was able to give the fatal stroke. Thus perished
- the last of the line of Plantagenet, which, with great glory, but still
- greater crimes and misfortunes, had governed England for the space of
- three hundred years. Lord Leonard Grey, a man who had formerly rendered
- service to the crown, was also beheaded for treason, soon after the
- countess of Salisbury. We know little concerning the grounds of his
- prosecution.
- * Hertert, p. 468.
- {1541.} The insurrection in the north engaged Henry to make a progress
- thither, in order to quiet the minds of his people, to reconcile them to
- his government, and to abolish the ancient superstitions, to which those
- parts were much addicted. He had also another motive for this journey:
- he purposed to have a conference at York with his nephew the king of
- Scotland, and, if possible, to cement a close and indissoluble union
- with that kingdom.
- The same spirit of religious innovation which had seized other parts
- of Europe had made its way into Scotland, and had begun, before this
- period, to excite the same jealousies fears, and persecutions. About the
- year 1527, Patrick Hamilton, a young man of a noble family, having been
- created abbot of Fene, was sent abroad for his education, but had fallen
- into company with some reformers; and he returned into his own country
- very ill disposed towards that church, on which his birth and his merit
- entitled him to attain the highest dignities, The fervor of youth
- and his zeal for novelty made it impossible for him to conceal his
- sentiments and Campbell, prior of the Dominicans, who, under color of
- friendship, and a sympathy in opinion, had insinuated himself into
- his confidence, accused him before Beaton, archbishop of St. Andrews.
- Hamilton was invited to St. Andrews, in order to maintain with some of
- the clergy a dispute concerning the controverted points; and after much
- reasoning with regard to justification, free will, original sin, and
- other topics of that nature, the conference ended with their condemning
- Hamilton to be burned for his errors. The young man, who had been deaf
- to the insinuations of ambition, was less likely to be shaken with the
- fears of death; while he proposed to himself, both the glory of
- bearing testimony to the truth, and the immediate reward attending his
- martyrdom. The people, who compassionated his youth, his virtue, and
- his noble birth, were much moved at the constancy of his end; and
- an incident which soon followed still more confirmed them in their
- favorable sentiments towards him. He had cited Campbell, who still
- insulted him at the stake, to answer before the judgment seat of Christ;
- and as that persecutor, either astonished with these events, or overcome
- with remorse, or perhaps seized casually with a distemper, soon after
- lost his senses, and fell into a fever, of which he died; the people
- regarded Hamilton as a prophet as well as a martyr.[*]
- Among the disciples converted by Hamilton, was one friar Forrest, who
- became a zealous preacher; and who, though he did not openly discover
- his sentiments, was suspected to lean towards the new opinions. His
- diocesan, the bishop of Dunkel, enjoined him, when he met with a good
- epistle or good gospel, which favored the liberties of holy church, to
- preach on it, and let the rest alone. Forrest replied, that he had read
- both Old and New Testament, and had not found an ill epistle or ill
- gospel in any part of them. The extreme attachment to the Scriptures was
- regarded, in those days, as a sure characteristic of heresy; and Forrest
- was soon after brought to trial, and condemned to the flames. While the
- priests were deliberating on the place of his execution, a bystander
- advised them to burn him in a cellar; for that the smoke of Mr. Patrick
- Hamilton had infected all those on whom it blew.[**]
- * Spotswood’s Hist. of the Church of Scotland, p. 62.
- ** Spotswood’s Hist. of the Church of Scotland, p. 65.
- The clergy were at that time reduced to great difficulties, not only
- in Scotland, but all over Europe. As the reformers aimed at a total
- subversion of ancient establishments, which they represented as
- idolatrous, impious, detestable; the priests, who found both their
- honors and properties at stake, thought that they had a right to resist,
- by every expedient, these dangerous invaders, and that the same simple
- principles of equity which justified a man in killing a pirate or
- a robber, would acquit them for the execution of such heretics. A
- toleration, though it is never acceptable to ecclesiastics, might,
- they said, be admitted in other cases; but seemed an absurdity where
- fundamentals were shaken, and where the possessions and even the
- existence of the established clergy were brought in danger. But though
- the church was thus carried by policy, as well as inclination, to kindle
- the fires of persecution, they found the success of this remedy very
- precarious; and observed, that the enthusiastic zeal of the reformers,
- inflamed by punishment, was apt to prove contagious on the compassionate
- minds of the spectators. The new doctrine, amidst all the dangers to
- which it was exposed, secretly spread itself every where; and the minds
- of men were gradually disposed to a revolution in religion.
- But the most dangerous symptom for the clergy in Scotland was, that the
- nobility, from the example of England, had cast a wishful eye on the
- church revenues, and hoped, if a reformation took place, to enrich
- themselves by the plunder of the ecclesiastics. James himself, who was
- very poor, and was somewhat inclined to magnificence, particularly in
- building, had been swayed by like motives; and began to threaten the
- clergy with the same fate that had attended them in the neighboring
- country. Henry also never ceased exhorting his nephew to imitate his
- example; and being moved, both by the pride of making proselytes, and
- the prospect of security, should Scotland embrace a close union with
- him, he solicited the king of Scots to meet him at York; and he obtained
- a promise to that purpose.
- The ecclesiastics were alarmed at this resolution of James, and they
- employed every expedient in order to prevent the execution of it. They
- represented the danger of innovation; the pernicious consequences of
- aggrandizing the nobility, already too powerful; the hazard of putting
- himself into the hands of the English, his hereditary enemies; the
- dependence on them which must ensue upon his losing the friendship of
- France, and of all foreign powers. To those considerations they added
- the prospect of immediate interest, by which they found the king to be
- much governed: they offered him a present gratuity of fifty thousand
- pounds: they promised him that the church should always be ready to
- contribute to his supply: and they pointed out to him the confiscation
- of heretics, as the means of filling his exchequer, and of adding
- a hundred thousand pounds a year to the crown revenues.[*] The
- insinuations of his new queen, to whom youth, beauty, and address had
- given a powerful influence over him, seconded all these reasons; and
- James was at last engaged, first to delay his journey, then to send
- excuses to the king of England, who had already come to York in order to
- be present at the interview.[**]
- * Buchanan, lib. xiv. Drummond in Ja. V. Pitscotie, ibid.
- Knox.
- ** Henry had sent some books, richly ornamented, to his
- nephew, who, as soon as he saw by the titles, that they had
- a tendency to defend the new doctrines, threw them into the
- fire, in the presence of the person who brought them;
- adding, it was better he should destroy them, than they him.
- See Epist. Reginald Pole, part i. p. 172.
- Henry, vexed with the disappointment, and enraged at the affront, vowed
- vengeance against his nephew; and he began, by permitting piracies at
- sea and incursions at land, to put his threats in execution. But he
- received soon after, in his own family, an affront to which he was much
- more sensible, and which touched him in a point where he always showed
- an extreme delicacy. He had thought himself very happy in his new
- marriage: the agreeable person and disposition of Catharine had
- entirely captivated his affections; and he made no secret of his devoted
- attachment to her. He had even publicly, in his chapel, returned solemn
- thanks to Heaven for the felicity which the conjugal state afforded him;
- and he directed the bishop of Lincoln to compose a form of prayer
- for that purpose. But the queen’s conduct very little merited this
- tenderness: one Lascelles brought intelligence of her dissolute life to
- Cranmer; and told him that his sister, formerly a servant in the family
- of the old duchess of Norfolk, with whom Catharine was educated, had
- given him a particular account of her licentious manners. Derham and
- Mannoc, both of them servants to the duchess, had been admitted to her
- bed; and she had even taken little care to conceal her shame from
- the other servants of the family. The primate, struck with this
- intelligence, which it was equally dangerous to conceal or to discover,
- communicated the matter to the earl of Hertford and to the chancellor.
- They agreed, that the matter should by no means be buried in silence;
- and the archbishop himself seemed the most proper person to disclose it
- to the king. Cranmer, unwilling to speak on so delicate a subject, wrote
- a narrative of the whole, and conveyed it to Henry, who was infinitely
- astonished at the intelligence. So confident was he of the fidelity of
- his consort, that at first he gave no credit to the information; and he
- said to the privy-seal, to Lord Russel, high admiral, Sir Anthony Brown,
- and Wriothesley, that he regarded the whole as a falsehood. Cranmer was
- now in a very perilous situation; and had not full proof been found,
- certain and inevitable destruction hung over him. The king’s impatience,
- however, and jealousy prompted him to search the matter to the bottom;
- the privy-seal was ordered to examine Lascelles, who persisted in the
- information he had given; and still appealed to his sister’s testimony.
- That nobleman next made a journey, under pretence of hunting, and went
- to Sussex, where the woman at that time resided: he found her both
- constant in her former intelligence, and particular as to the facts; and
- the whole bore but too much the face of probability. Mannoc and Derham,
- who were arrested at the same time, and examined by the chancellor, made
- the queen’s guilt entirely certain by their confession; and discovered
- other particulars, which redounded still more to her dishonor. Three
- maids of the family were admitted into her secrets; and some of them
- had even passed the night in bed with her and her lovers. All the
- examinations were laid before the king, who was so deeply affected, that
- he remained a long time speechless, and at last burst into tears. He
- found to his surprise, that his great skill in distinguishing a true
- maid, of which he boasted in the case of Anne of Cleves, had failed him
- in that of his present consort. The queen, being next questioned,
- denied her guilt; but when informed that a full discovery was made, she
- confessed that she had been criminal before marriage; and only insisted
- that she had never been false to the king’s bed. But as there was
- evidence that one Colepepper had passed the night with her alone since
- her marriage; and as it appeared that she had taken Derham, her old
- paramour, into her service, she seemed to deserve little credit in this
- asseveration; and the king, besides, was not of a humor to make any
- difference between these degrees of guilt.
- {1542.} Henry found that he could not by any means so fully or
- expeditiously satiate his vengeance on all these criminals as by
- assembling a parliament, the usual instrument of his tyranny. The two
- houses, having received the queen’s confession, made an address to the
- king. They entreated him not to be vexed with this untoward accident, to
- which all men were subject; but to consider the frailty of human nature,
- and the mutability of human affairs; and from these views to derive a
- subject of consolation. They desired leave to pass a bill of attainder
- against the queen and her accomplices; and they begged him to give his
- assent to this bill, not in person, which would renew his vexation,
- and might endanger his health, but by commissioners appointed for that
- purpose. And as there was a law in force making it treason to speak ill
- of the queen as well as of the king, they craved his royal pardon if any
- of them should, on the present occasion, have transgressed any part of
- the statute.
- Having obtained a gracious answer to these requests, the parliament
- proceeded to vote a bill of attainder for treason against the queen, and
- the viscountess of Rocheford, who had conducted her secret amours; and
- in this bill Colepepper and Derham were also comprehended. At the same
- time they passed a bill of attainder for misprision of treason against
- the old duchess of Norfolk, Catharine’s grandmother; her uncle, Lord
- William Howard, and his lady, together with the countess of Bridgewater,
- and nine persons more; because they knew the queen’s vicious course of
- life before her marriage, and had concealed it. This was an effect of
- Henry’s usual extravagance, to expect that parents should so far forget
- the ties of natural affection, and the sentiments of shame and decency,
- as to reveal to him the most secret disorders of their family. He
- himself seems to have been sensible of the cruelty of this proceeding;
- for he pardoned the duchess of Norfolk and most of the others condemned
- for misprision of treason.
- However, to secure himself for the future, as well as his successors,
- from this fatal accident, he engaged the parliament to pass a law
- somewhat extraordinary. It was enacted, that any one who knew, or
- vehemently suspected, any guilt in the queen, might, within twenty days,
- disclose it to the king or council, without incurring the penalty of any
- former law against defaming the queen; but prohibiting every one at
- the same time, from spreading the matter abroad, or even privately
- whispering it to others. It was also enacted, that if the king married
- any woman who had been incontinent, taking her for a true maid, she
- should be guilty of treason, if she did not previously reveal her guilt
- to him. The people made merry with this singular clause, and said that
- the king must henceforth look out for a widow; for no reputed maid would
- ever be persuaded to incur the penalty of the statute.[*] After all
- these laws were passed, the queen was beheaded on Tower Hill, together
- with Lady Rocheford. They behaved in a manner suitable to their
- dissolute life; and as Lady Rocheford was known to be the chief
- instrument in bringing Anne Boleyn to her end, she died unpitied; and
- men were further confirmed, by the discovery of this woman’s guilt, in
- the favorable sentiments which they had entertained of that unfortunate
- queen.
- The king made no demand of any subsidy from this parliament; but he
- found means of enriching his exchequer from another quarter: he took
- further steps towards the dissolution of colleges, hospitals, and other
- foundations of that nature. The courtiers had been practising on the
- presidents and governors to make a surrender of their revenues to the
- king, and they had been successful with eight of them. But there was an
- obstacle to their further progress: it had been provided by the local
- statutes of most of these foundations, that no president, or any number
- of fellows, could consent to such a deed without the unanimous vote
- of all the fellows; and this vote was not easily obtained. All such
- statutes were annulled by parliament; and the revenues of these houses
- were now exposed to the rapacity of the king and his favorites.[**] [17]
- The Church had been so long their prey, that nobody was surprised at any
- new inroads made upon her. From the regular, Henry now proceeded to make
- devastations on the secular clergy. He extorted from many of the bishops
- a surrender of chapter lands; and by this device he pillaged the sees
- of Canterbury, York, and London, and enriched his greedy parasites and
- flatterers with their spoils.
- * Burnet, vol. i. p. 314.
- ** See note Q, at the end of the volume.
- The clergy have been commonly so fortunate as to make a concern for
- their temporal interests go hand in hand with a jealousy for orthodoxy;
- and both these passions be regarded by the people, ignorant and
- superstitious, as proofs of zeal for religion: but the violent and
- headstrong character of Henry now disjoined these objects. His rapacity
- was gratified by plundering the church, his bigotry and arrogance by
- persecuting heretics. Though he engaged the parliament to mitigate
- the penalties of the six articles, so far as regards the marriage
- of priests, which was now only subjected to a forfeiture of goods,
- chattels, and lands during life, he was still equally bent on
- maintaining a rigid purity in speculative principles. He had appointed
- a commission, consisting of the two archbishops and several bishops
- of both provinces, together with a considerable number of doctors of
- divinity; and by virtue of his ecclesiastical supremacy, he had
- given them in charge to choose a religion for his people. Before the
- commissioners had made any progress in this arduous undertaking, the
- parliament, in 1541, had passed a law by which they ratified all the
- tenets which these divines should thereafter establish with the king’s
- consent: and they were not ashamed of thus expressly declaring that they
- took their religion upon trust, and had no other rule, in spiritual
- as well as temporal concerns, than the arbitrary will of their master.
- There is only one clause of the statute which may seem at first sight
- to savor somewhat of the spirit of liberty: it was enacted, that the
- ecclesiastical commissioners should establish nothing repugnant to the
- laws and statutes of the realm. But in reality this proviso was inserted
- by the king to serve his own purposes. By introducing a confusion and
- contradiction into the laws, he became more master of every one’s life
- and property. And as the ancient independence of the church still gave
- him jealousy, he was well pleased, undercover of such a clause, to
- introduce appeals from the spiritual to the civil courts. It was for a
- like reason that he would never promulgate a body of canon law; and he
- encouraged the judges on all occasions to interpose in ecclesiastical
- causes, wherever they thought the law of royal prerogative concerned; a
- happy innovation, though at first invented for arbitrary purposes.
- The king, armed by the authority of parliament, or rather by their
- acknowledgment of that spiritual supremacy which he believed inherent
- in him, employed his commissioners to select a system of tenets for
- the assent and belief of the nation. A small volume was soon after
- published, called the Institution of a Christian Man, which was received
- by the convocation, and voted to be the standard of orthodoxy. All the
- delicate points of justification, faith, free will, good works, and
- grace, are there defined, with a leaning towards the opinion of the
- reformers: the sacraments, which a few years before were only allowed to
- be three, were now increased to the number of seven, conformable to
- the sentiments of the Catholics. The king’s caprice is discernible
- throughout the whole; and the book is in reality to be regarded as his
- composition. For Henry while he made his opinion a rule for the nation,
- would tie his own hands by no canon or authority, not even by any which
- he himself had formerly established.
- The people had occasion soon after to see a further instance of the
- king’s inconstancy. He was not long satisfied with his Institution of
- a Christian Man: he ordered a new book to be composed, called the
- Erudition of a Christian Man; and without asking the assent of the
- convocation, he published, by his own authority and that of the
- parliament, this new model of orthodoxy. It differs from the
- Institution;[*] but the king was no less positive in his new creed than
- he had been in the old; and he required the belief of the nation to veer
- about at his signal. In both these compositions, he was particularly
- careful to inculcate the doctrine of passive obedience; and he was
- equally careful to retain the nation in the practice.
- While the king was spreading his own books among the people, he seems to
- have been extremely perplexed, as were also the clergy, what course to
- take with the Scriptures. A review had been made by the synod of the
- new translation of the Bible; and Gardiner had proposed that, instead
- of employing English expressions throughout, several Latin words should
- still be preserved; because they contained, as he pretended, such
- peculiar energy and significance, that they had no correspondent terms
- in the vulgar tongue.[**] Among these were “ecclesia, poenitentia,
- pontifex, contritus, holocausta, sacramentum, elementa, ceremonia,
- mysterium, presbyter, sacrificium, humilitas, satisfactio, peccatum,
- gratia, hostia, charitos,” etc. But as this mixture would have appeared
- extremely barbarous, and was plainly calculated for no other purpose
- than to retain the people in their ancient ignorance, the proposal
- was rejected. The knowledge of the people, however, at least their
- disputative turn, seemed to be an inconvenience still more dangerous;
- and the king and parliament,[***] soon after the publication of the
- Scriptures retracted the concession which they had formerly made; and
- prohibited all but gentlemen and merchants from perusing them[****].
- * Collier, vol. ii. p. 190.
- ** Burnet, vol. i. p. 315.
- *** Which met on the 22d of January, 1543.
- **** 33 Henry VIII. c 1. The reading of the Bible, however,
- could not at that time have much effect in England, where so
- few persons had learned to read. There were but five hundred
- copies printed of this first authorized edition of the
- Bible; a book of which there are now several millions of
- copies in the kingdom.
- Even that liberty was not granted without an apparent hesitation, and a
- dread of the consequences: these persons were allowed to read, “so it
- be done quietly and with good order.” And the preamble to the act sets
- forth “that many seditious and ignorant persons had abused the liberty
- granted them of reading the Bible, and that great diversity of opinion,
- animosities, tumults, and schisms had been occasioned by perverting
- the sense of the Scriptures.” It seemed very difficult to reconcile the
- king’s model for uniformity with the permission of free inquiry.
- The mass book also passed under the king’s revisal; and little
- alteration was as yet made in it: some doubtful or fictious saints
- only were struck out; and the name of the pope was erased. This latter
- precaution was likewise used with regard to every new book that was
- printed, or even old book that was sold. The word “pope” was carefully
- omitted or blotted out;[*] as if that precaution could abolish the term
- from the language, or as if such a persecution of it did not rather
- imprint it more strongly in the memory of the people.
- The king took care about this time to clear the churches from another
- abuse which had crept into them. Plays, interludes, and farces were
- there often acted in derision of the former superstitions; and the
- reverence of the multitude for ancient principles and modes of worship
- was thereby gradually effaced.[**] We do not hear that the Catholics
- attempted to retaliate by employing this powerful engine against their
- adversaries, or endeavored by like arts to expose that fanatical spirit
- by which it appears the reformers were frequently actuated. Perhaps
- the people were not disposed to relish a jest on that side: perhaps
- the greater simplicity and the more spiritual abstract worship of the
- Protestants gave less hold to ridicule, which is commonly founded on
- sensible representations. It was, therefore, a very agreeable concession
- which the king made to the Catholic party, to suppress entirely these
- religious comedies.
- * Parl. Hist. vol. iii. p. 113.
- ** Burnet, vol. i p. 318.
- Thus Henry labored incessantly by arguments, creeds, and penal statutes,
- to bring his subjects to a uniformity in their religious sentiments:
- but as he entered himself with the greatest earnestness into all those
- scholastic disputes, he encouraged the people by his example to apply
- themselves to the study of theology; and it was in vain afterwards to
- expect, however present fear might restrain their tongues or pens, that
- they would cordially agree in any set of tenets or opinions prescribed
- to them.
- {1542.} Henry, being determined to avenge himself on the king of Scots
- for slighting the advances which he had made him, would gladly
- have obtained a supply from parliament, in order to prosecute that
- enterprise; but as he did not think it prudent to discover his
- intentions, that assembly, conformably to their frugal maxims, would
- understand no hints; and the king was disappointed in his expectations.
- He continued, however, to make preparations for war; and as soon as
- he thought himself in a condition to invade Scotland, he published a
- manifesto, by which he endeavored to justify hostilities. He complained
- of James’s breach of word in declining the promised interview, which was
- the real ground of the quarrel;[*] but in order to give a more specious
- coloring to the enterprise, he mentioned other injuries; namely, that
- his nephew had granted protection to some English rebels and fugitives,
- and had detained some territory which, Henry pretended, belonged to
- England. He even revived the old claim to the vassalage of Scotland, and
- he summoned James to do homage to him as his liege lord and superior. He
- employed the duke of Norfolk, whom he called the scourge of the Scots,
- to command in the war: and though James sent the bishop of Aberdeen, and
- Sir James Learmont of Darsay, to appease his uncle, he would hearken to
- no terms of accommodation.
- * Buchanan lib xiv. Drummond in Ja. V.
- While Norfolk was assembling his army at Newcastle, Sir Robert Bowes,
- attended by Sir Ralph Sadler, Sir Ralph Evers, Sir Brian Latoun, and
- others, made an incursion into Scotland, and advanced towards Jedburgh,
- with an intention of pillaging and destroying that town. The earl of
- Angus, and George Douglas, his brother, who had been many years banished
- their country, and had subsisted by Henry’s bounty, joined the English
- army in this incursion, and the forces commanded by Bowes exceeded
- four thousand men. James had not been negligent in his preparations for
- defence, and had posted a considerable body, under the command of the
- earl of Huntley, for the protection of the borders. Lord Hume, at the
- head of his vassals, was hastening to join Huntley, when he met with the
- English army; and an action immediately ensued. During the engagement,
- the forces under Huntley began to appear; and the English, afraid of
- being surrounded and overpowered, took to flight, and were pursued by
- the enemy. Evers, Latoun, and some other persons of distinction, were
- taken prisoners. A few only of small note fell in the skirmish.[*]
- The duke of Norfolk, meanwhile, began to move from his camp at
- Newcastle; and being attended by the earls of Shrewsbury, Derby,
- Cumberland, Surrey, Hertford, Rutland, with many others of the nobility,
- he advanced to the borders. His forces amounted to above twenty thousand
- men; and it required the utmost efforts of Scotland to resist such a
- formidable armament. James had assembled his whole military force at
- Fala and Sautrey, and was ready to advance as soon as he should be
- informed of Norfolk’s invading his kingdom. The English passed the Tweed
- at Berwick, and marched along the banks of the river as far as Kelso;
- but hearing that James had collected near thirty thousand men, they
- repassed the river at that village, and retreated into their own
- country.[**] The king of Scots, inflamed with a desire of military
- glory, and of revenge on his invaders, gave the signal for pursuing
- them, and carrying the war into England. He was surprised to find
- that his nobility, who were in general disaffected on account of the
- preference which he had given to the clergy, opposed this resolution,
- and refused to attend him in his projected enterprise. Enraged at this
- mutiny, he reproached them with cowardice, and threatened vengeance;
- but still resolved, with the forces which adhered to him, to make
- an impression on the enemy. He sent ten thousand men to the western
- borders, who entered England at Solway Frith; and he himself followed
- them at a small distance, ready to join them upon occasion. Disgusted,
- however, at the refractory disposition of his nobles, he sent a message
- to the army depriving Lord Maxwel, their general, of his commission, and
- conferring the command on Oliver Sinclair, a private gentleman, who was
- his favorite. The army was extremely disgusted with this alteration,
- and was ready to disband, when a small body of English appeared, not
- exceeding five hundred men, under the command of Dacres and Musgrave. A
- panic seized the Scots, who immediately took to flight, and were pursued
- by the enemy. Few were killed in this rout; for it was no action; but
- a great many were taken prisoners, and some of the principal nobility:
- among these, the earls of Cassilis and Glencairn, the lords Maxwel,
- Fleming, Somerville, Oliphant, Grey, who were all sent to London, and
- given in custody to different noblemen.
- * Buchanan, lib. xiv.
- ** Buchanan, lib. xiv.
- The king of Scots, hearing of this disaster, was astonished; and being
- naturally of a melancholic disposition, as well as endowed with a high
- spirit, he lost all command of his temper on this dismal occasion. Rage
- against his nobility, who, he believed, had betrayed him; shame for a
- defeat by such unequal numbers; regret for the past, fear of the future;
- all these passions so wrought upon him, that he would admit of no
- consolation, but abandoned himself wholly to despair. His body was
- wasted by sympathy with his anxious mind; and even his life began to be
- thought in danger. He had no issue living; and hearing that his queen
- was safely delivered, he asked whether she had brought him a male or a
- female child. Being told the latter, he turned himself in his bed:
- “The crown came with a woman,” said he, “and it will go with one: many
- miseries await this poor kingdom: Henry will make it his own either
- by force of arms or by marriage.” A few days after, he expired, in the
- flower of his age: a prince of considerable virtues and talents; well
- fitted, by his vigilance and personal courage, for repressing those
- disorders to which his kingdom, during that age, was so much exposed.
- He executed justice with impartiality and rigor; but as he supported the
- commonalty and the church against the rapine of the nobility, he escaped
- not the hatred of that order. The Protestants also, whom he opposed,
- have endeavored to throw many stains on his memory; but have not been
- able to fix any considerable imputation upon him.[*]
- {1543.} Henry was no sooner informed of his victory and of the death
- of his nephew, than he projected, as James had foreseen, the scheme of
- uniting Scotland to his own dominions by marrying his son Edward to the
- heiress of that kingdom.[**] [18]
- * See note R, at the end of the volume.
- ** Stowe, p. 584. Herbert. Burnet. Buchanan.
- He called together the Scottish nobles who were his prisoners and after
- reproaching them, in severe terms, for their pretended breach of treaty,
- he began to soften his tone, and proposed to them this expedient, by
- which, he hoped, those disorders so prejudicial to both states, would
- for the future be prevented. He offered to bestow on them their liberty
- without ransom; and only required of them engagements to favor the
- marriage of the prince of Wales with their young mistress. They were
- easily prevailed on to give their assent to a proposal which seemed so
- natural and so advantageous to both kingdoms; and being conducted to
- Newcastle, they delivered to the duke of Norfolk hostages for their
- return, in case the intended nuptials were not completed; and they
- thence proceeded to Scotland, where they found affairs in some
- confusion.
- The pope, observing his authority in Scotland to be in danger from the
- spreading of the new opinions, had bestowed on Beaton, the primate, the
- dignity of cardinal, in order to confer more influence upon him; and
- that prelate had long been regarded as prime minister to James, and
- as the head of that party which defended the ancient privileges and
- property of the ecclesiastics. Upon the death of his master, this man,
- apprehensive of the consequences both to his party and to himself,
- endeavored to keep possession of power; and for that purpose he is
- accused of executing a deed which required a high degree of temerity.
- He forged, it is said, a will for the king, appointing himself and three
- noblemen more regents of the kingdom during the minority of the infant
- princess:[*] at least,--for historians are not well agreed in the
- circumstances of the fact,--he had read to James a paper of that import,
- to which that monarch, during the delirium which preceded his death, had
- given an imperfect assent and approbation.[**] By virtue of this will,
- Beaton had put himself in possession of the government; and having
- united his interests with those of the queen dowager, he obtained the
- consent of the convention of states, and excluded the pretensions of the
- earl of Arran.
- * Sadler’s Letters, p. 161. Spotswood, p. 71. Buchanan, lib.
- xv.
- ** John Knox, Hist. of the Reformation.
- James, earl of Arran, of the name of Hamilton, was next heir to the
- crown by his grandmother, daughter of James III.; and on that account
- seemed best entitled to possess that high office into which the cardinal
- had intruded himself. The prospect also of his succession after a
- princess who was in such tender infancy, procured him many partisans;
- and though his character indicated little spirit, activity, or ambition,
- a propensity which he had discovered for the new opinions had attached
- to him all the zealous promoters of those innovations. By means of these
- adherents, joined to the vassals of his own family, he had been able to
- make opposition to the cardinal’s administration; and the suspicion
- of Beaton’s forgery, with the accession of the noblemen who had been
- prisoners in England, assisted too by some money sent from London,
- was able to turn the balance in his favor. The earl of Angus and his
- brother, having taken the present opportunity of returning into their
- native country, opposed the cardinal with all the credit of that
- powerful family; and the majority of the convention had now embraced
- opposite interests to those which formerly prevailed. Arran was declared
- governor; the cardinal was committed to custody under the care of
- Lord Seton; and a negotiation was commenced with Sir Ralph Sadler, the
- English ambassador, for the marriage of the infant queen with the prince
- of Wales. The following conditions were quickly agreed on: that the
- queen should remain in Scotland till she should be ten years of age;
- that she should then be sent to England to be educated; that six
- Scottish noblemen should immediately be delivered as hostages to Henry;
- and that the kingdom, notwithstanding its union with England, should
- still retain its laws and privileges.[*] By means of these equitable
- conditions, the war between the nations, which had threatened Scotland
- with such dismal calamities, seemed to be fully composed, and to be
- changed into perpetual concord and amity.
- But the cardinal primate, having prevailed on Seton to restore him to
- his liberty, was able, by his intrigues, to confound all these measures,
- which appeared so well concerted. He assembled the most considerable
- ecclesiastics; and having represented to them the imminent danger to
- which their revenues and privileges were exposed, he persuaded them to
- collect privately from the clergy a large sum of money, by which, if
- intrusted to his management, he engaged to overturn the schemes of
- their enemies.[**] Besides the partisans whom he acquired by pecuniary
- motives, he roused up the zeal of those who were attached to the
- Catholic worship; and he represented the union with England as the sure
- forerunner of ruin to the church and to the ancient religion.
- * Sir Ralph Sadler’s Letters.
- ** Buchanan, lib. xv.
- The nations antipathy of the Scots to their southern neighbors was also
- an infallible engine by which the cardinal wrought upon the people;
- and though the terror of Henry’s arms, and their own inability to make
- resistance, had procured a temporary assent to the alliance and marriage
- proposed, the settled habits of the nation produced an extreme aversion
- to those measures. The English ambassador and his retinue received many
- insults from persons whom the cardinal had instigated to commit those
- violences, in hopes of bringing on a rupture; but Sadler prudently
- dissembled the matter, and waited patiently till the day appointed
- for the delivery of the hostages. He then demanded of the regent the
- performance of that important article; but received for answer, that his
- authority was very precarious, that the nation had now taken a different
- impression, and that it was not in his power to compel any of the
- nobility to deliver themselves as hostages to the English. Sadler,
- foreseeing the consequence of this refusal, sent a summons to all those
- who had been prisoners in England, and required them to fulfil the
- promise which they had given of returning into custody. None of them
- showed so much sentiment of honor as to fulfil their engagements, except
- Gilbert Kennedy, earl of Cassilis. Henry was so well pleased with the
- behavior of this nobleman, that he not only received him graciously, but
- honored him with presents, gave him his liberty, and sent him back to
- Scotland, with his two brothers, whom he had left as hostages.[*]
- * Buchanan, lib. xv.
- This behavior of the Scottish nobles, though it reflected dishonor on
- the nation, was not disagreeable to the cardinal, who foresaw that all
- these persons would now be deeply interested to maintain their enmity
- and opposition to England. And as a war was soon expected with that
- kingdom, he found it necessary immediately to apply to France, and to
- crave the assistance of that ancient ally, during the present distresses
- of the Scottish nation. Though the French king was fully sensible of
- his interest in supporting Scotland, a demand of aid could not have
- been made on him at a more unseasonable juncture. His pretensions on the
- Milanese, and his resentment against Charles, had engaged him in a war
- with that potentate; and having made great, though fruitless efforts
- during the preceding campaign, he was the more disabled at present from
- defending his own dominions, much more from granting any succor to
- the Scots. Matthew Stewart, earl of Lenox, a young nobleman of a
- great family, was at that time in the French court; and Francis, being
- informed that he was engaged in ancient and hereditary enmity with the
- Hamiltons, who had murdered his father, sent him over to his native
- country, as a support to the cardinal and the queen mother: and he
- promised that a supply of money, and, if necessary, even military
- succors, should soon be despatched after him. Arran, the governor,
- seeing all these preparations against him, assembled his friends, and
- made an attempt to get the person of the infant queen into his custody;
- but being repulsed, he was obliged to come to an accommodation with his
- enemies, and to intrust that precious charge to four neutral persons,
- the heads of potent families, the Grahams, Areskines, Lindseys, and
- Levingstones. The arrival of Lenox, in the midst of these transactions,
- served to render the victory of the French party over the English still
- more undisputable.[*]
- The opposition which Henry met with in Scotland from the French
- intrigues, excited his resentment, and further confirmed the resolution
- which he had already taken of breaking with France, and of uniting
- his arms with those of the emperor. He had other grounds of complaint
- against the French king; which, though not of great importance, yet
- being recent, were able to overbalance those great injuries which he had
- formerly received from Charles. He pretended that Francis had engaged to
- imitate his example in separating himself entirely from the see of
- Rome, and that he had broken his promise in that particular. He was
- dissatisfied that James, his nephew, had been allowed to marry, first
- Magdalene of France, then a princess of the house of Guise; and
- he considered these alliances as pledges which Francis gave of his
- intentions to support the Scots against the power of England.[**] He had
- been informed of some railleries which the French king had thrown out
- against his conduct with regard to his wives. He was disgusted that
- Francis, after so many obligations which he owed him, had sacrificed
- him to the emperor; and, in the confidence of friendship, had rashly
- revealed his secrets to that subtle and interested monarch. And he
- complained that regular payments were never made of the sums due to him
- by France, and of the pension which had been stipulated. Impelled by
- all these motives, he alienated himself from his ancient friend and
- confederate, and formed a league with the emperor, who earnestly courted
- his alliance.
- * Buchanan, lib. xv. Drummond.
- ** Pere Daniel.
- This league, besides stipulations for mutual defence, contained a plan
- for invading France; and the two monarchs agreed to enter Francis’s
- dominions with an army, each of twenty-five thousand men; and to require
- that prince to pay Henry all the sums which he owed him, and to consign
- Boulogne, Montreuil, Terouenne, and Ardres, as a security for the
- regular payment of his pension for the future: in case these conditions
- were rejected, the confederate princes agreed to challenge, for Henry,
- the crown of France, or, in default of it, the duchies of Normandy,
- Aquitaine, and Guienne; for Charles the duchy of Burgundy, and some
- other territories.[*] That they might have a pretence for enforcing
- these claims, they sent a message to Francis, requiring him to renounce
- his alliance with Sultan Solyman, and to make reparation for all
- the prejudice which Christendom had sustained from that unnatural
- confederacy. Upon the French king’s refusal, war was declared against
- him by the allies. It may be proper to remark, that the partisans
- of France objected to Charles’s alliance with the heretical king of
- England, as no less obnoxious than that which Francis had contracted
- with Solyman: and they observed, that this league was a breach of the
- solemn promise which he had given to Clement VII., never to make peace
- or alliance with England.
- While the treaty with the emperor was negotiating, the king summoned a
- new session of parliament, in order to obtain supplies for his projected
- war with France. The parliament granted him a subsidy, to be paid in
- three years; it was levied in a peculiar manner; but exceeded not three
- shillings in the pound upon any individual.[**]
- * Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 768; vol. xv. p. 2.
- ** They who were worth, in goods, twenty shillings and
- upwards to five pounds, paid fourpence of every pound; from
- five pounds to ten pounds, eightpence; from ten pounds to
- twenty pounds, sixteen pence; from twenty and upwards, two
- shillings. Lands, fees, and annuities, from twenty shillings
- to five pounds, paid eightpence in the pound; from five
- pounds to ten pounds, sixteen pence; from ten pounds to
- twenty pounds, two shillings; from twenty pounds and
- upwards, three shillings.
- The convocation gave the king six shillings in the pound, to be levied
- in three years. Greater sums were always, even during the establishment
- of the Catholic religion, exacted from the clergy than from the
- laity; which made the emperor Charles say, when Henry dissolved the
- monasteries, and sold their revenues, or bestowed them on his nobility
- and courtiers, that he had killed the hen which brought him the golden
- eggs.[*]
- The parliament also facilitated the execution of the former law by which
- the king’s proclamations were made equal to statutes: they appointed
- that any nine counsellors should form a legal court for punishing all
- disobedience to proclamations. The total abolition of juries in criminal
- causes, as well as on all parliaments, seemed, if the king had so
- pleased, the necessary consequence of this enormous law. He might
- issue a proclamation enjoining the execution of any penal statute, and
- afterwards try the criminals, not for breach of the statute, but for
- disobedience to his proclamation. It is remarkable, that Lord Mountjoy
- entered a protest against this law; and it is equally remarkable that
- that protest is the only one entered against any public bill during this
- whole reign.[**]
- It was enacted[***] this session, that any spiritual person who preached
- or taught contrary to the doctrine contained in the king’s book, the
- Erudition of a Christian Man, or contrary to any doctrine which he
- should thereafter promulgate, was to be admitted on the first conviction
- to renounce his error; on the second, he was required to carry a fagot;
- which if he refused to do, or fell into a third offence, he was to be
- burnt. But the laity, for the third offence, were only to forfeit their
- goods and chattels, and be liable to perpetual imprisonment. Indictments
- must be laid within a year after the offence, and the prisoner was
- allowed to bring witnesses for his exculpation. These penalties were
- lighter than those which were formerly imposed on a denial of the real
- presence: it was, however, subjoined in this statute, that the act of
- the six articles was still in force. But in order to make the king more
- entirely master of his people, it was enacted, that he might hereafter,
- at his pleasure, change this act, or any provision in it. By this
- clause, both parties were retained in subjection: so far as regarded
- religion, the king was invested, in the fullest manner, with the sole
- legislative authority in his kingdom; and all his subjects were, under
- the severest penalties, expressly bound to receive implicitly whatever
- doctrine he should please to recommend to them.
- * Collier, vol. ii. p. 176.
- ** Burnet, vol. i. p. 322.
- *** 34 and 35 Henry VIII. c. 1.
- The reformers began to entertain hopes that this great power of the
- crown might still be employed in their favor. The king married Catharine
- Par, widow of Nevil, Lord Latimer; a woman of virtue, and somewhat
- inclined to the new doctrine. By this marriage Henry confirmed what had
- formerly been foretold in jest, that he would be obliged to espouse a
- widow. The king’s league with the emperor seemed a circumstance no less
- favorable to the Catholic party; and thus matters remained still nearly
- balanced between the factions.
- The advantages gained by this powerful confederacy between Henry and
- Charles, were inconsiderable during the present year. The campaign was
- opened with a victory gained by the duke of Cleves, Francis’s ally, over
- the forces of the emperor:[*] Francis, in person, took the field early;
- and made himself master, without resistance, of the whole duchy of
- Luxembourg: he afterwards took Landrecy, and added some fortifications
- to it. Charles, having at last assembled a powerful army, appeared in
- the Low Countries; and after taking almost every fortress in the duchy
- of Cleves, he reduced the duke to accept of the terms which he was
- pleased to prescribe to him. Being then joined by a body of six thousand
- English, he sat down before Landrecy, and covered the siege with an army
- of above forty thousand men. Francis advanced at the head of an army not
- much inferior; as if he intended to give the emperor battle, or oblige
- him to raise the siege: but while these two rival monarchs were facing
- each other, and all men were in expectation of some great event, the
- French king found means of throwing succor into Landrecy; and having
- thus effected his purpose, he skilfully made a retreat. Charles, finding
- the season far advanced, despaired of success in his enterprise, and
- found it necessary to go into winter quarters.
- * Mém. du Bellai, lib. x.
- The vanity of Henry was flattered by the figure which he made in the
- great transactions on the continent; but the interests of his kingdom
- were more deeply concerned in the event of affairs in Scotland. Arran,
- the governor, was of so indolent and unambitious a character, that,
- had he not been stimulated by his friends and dependants, he never had
- aspired to any share in the administration; and when he found himself
- overpowered by the party of the queen dowager, the cardinal, and the
- earl of Lenox, he was glad to accept of any terms of accommodation,
- however dishonorable. He even gave them a sure pledge of his sincerity,
- by renouncing the principles of the reformers, and reconciling himself
- to the Romish communion in the Franciscan church at Stirling. By this
- weakness and levity, he lost his credit with the whole nation, and
- rendered the Protestants, who were hitherto the chief support of his
- power, his mortal enemies. The cardinal acquired an entire ascendant in
- the kingdom: the queen dowager placed implicit confidence in him: the
- governor was obliged to yield to him in every pretension: Lenox
- alone was become an obstacle to his measures, and reduced him to some
- difficulty.
- The inveterate enmity which had taken place between the families of
- Lenox and Arran, made the interests of these two noblemen entirely
- incompatible; and as the cardinal and the French party, in order to
- engage Lenox the more in their cause, had flattered him with the hopes
- of succeeding to the crown after their infant sovereign, this rivalship
- had tended still further to rouse the animosity of the Hamiltons. Lenox,
- too, had been encouraged to aspire to the marriage of the queen dowager,
- which would have given him some pretensions to the regency; and as he
- was become assuming, on account of the services which he had rendered
- the party, the cardinal found that, since he must choose between the
- friendship of Lenox and that of Arran, the latter nobleman, who was more
- easily governed, and who was invested with present authority, was in
- every respect preferable. Lenox, finding that he was not likely to
- succeed in his pretensions to the queen dowager, and that Arran, favored
- by the cardinal, had acquired the ascendant, retired to Dunbarton, the
- governor of which was entirely at his devotion; he entered into a secret
- correspondence with the English court; and he summoned his vassals and
- partisans to attend him. All those who were inclined to the Protestant
- religion, or were on any account discontented with the cardinal’s
- administration, now regarded Lenox as the head of their party, and they
- readily made him a tender of their services. In a little time he had
- collected an army of ten thousand men, and he threatened his enemies
- with immediate destruction. The cardinal had no equal force to oppose to
- him; but as he was a prudent man, he foresaw that Lenox could not long
- subsist so great an army, and he endeavored to gain time by opening a
- negotiation with him. He seduced his followers by various artifices; he
- prevailed on the Douglases to change party; he represented to the whole
- nation the danger of civil wars and commotions; and Lenox, observing the
- unequal contest in which he was engaged, was at last obliged to lay down
- his arms, and to accept of an accommodation with the governor and the
- cardinal. Present peace was restored; but no confidence took place
- between the parties. Lenox, fortifying his castles, and putting himself
- in a posture of defence, waited the arrival of English succors, from
- whose assistance alone he expected to obtain the superiority over his
- enemies.
- {1544.} While the winter season restrained Henry from military
- operations, he summoned a new parliament, in which a law was passed,
- such as he was pleased to dictate, with regard to the succession of the
- crown. After declaring that the prince of Wales, or any of the king’s
- male issue, were first and immediate heirs to the crown, the parliament
- restored the two princesses, Mary and Elizabeth, to their right of
- succession. This seemed a reasonable piece of justice, and corrected
- what the king’s former violence had thrown into confusion; but it was
- impossible for Henry to do any thing, how laudable soever, without
- betraying, in some circumstance, his usual extravagance and caprice:
- though he opened the way for these two princesses to mount the throne,
- he would not allow the acts to be reversed which had declared them
- illegitimate; he made the parliament confer on him a power of still
- excluding them, if they refused to submit to any conditions which he
- should be pleased to impose; and he required them to enact, that, in
- default of his own issue, he might dispose of the crown as he pleased,
- by will or letters-patent. He did not probably foresee that, in
- proportion as he degraded the parliament, by rendering it the passive
- instrument of his variable and violent inclinations, he taught the
- people to regard all its acts as invalid, and thereby defeated even the
- purposes which he was so bent to attain.
- An act passed, declaring that the king’s usual style should be “king of
- England, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, and on earth the
- supreme head of the church of England and Ireland.” It seemed a palpable
- inconsistency to retain the title of defender of the faith, which the
- court of Rome had conferred on him for maintaining its cause against
- Luther; and yet subjoin his ecclesiastical supremacy, in opposition to
- the claims of that court.
- An act also passed for the remission of the debt which the king had
- lately contracted by a general loan levied upon the people. It will
- easily be believed, that after the former act of this kind, the loan
- was not entirely voluntary.[*] But there was a peculiar circumstance
- attending the present statute, which none but Henry would have thought
- of; namely, that those who had already gotten payment, either in whole
- or in part, should refund the money to the exchequer.
- The oaths which Henry imposed for the security of his ecclesiastical
- model, were not more reasonable than his other measures. All his
- subjects of any distinction had already been obliged to renounce the
- pope’s supremacy; but as the clauses to which they swore had not been
- deemed entirely satisfactory, another oath was imposed; and it
- was added, that all those who had taken the former oaths should be
- understood to have taken the new one;[**] a strange supposition to
- represent men as bound by an oath which they had never taken.
- * 35 Henry VII. c. 12.
- ** 35 Henry VII c. 1.
- The most commendable law to which the parliament gave their sanction,
- was that by which they mitigated the law of the six articles, and
- enacted, that no person should be put to his trial upon an accusation
- concerning any of the offences comprised in that sanguinary statute,
- except on the oath of twelve persons before commissioners authorized for
- the purpose; and that no person should be arrested or committed to ward
- for any such offence before he was indicted. Any preacher accused of
- speaking in his sermon contrary to these articles, must be indicted
- within forty days.
- The king always experienced the limits of his authority whenever
- he demanded subsidies, however moderate, from the parliament; and
- therefore, not to hazard a refusal, he made no mention this session of
- a supply: but as his wars both in France and Scotland, as well as his
- usual prodigality, had involved him in great expense, he had resource
- to other methods of filling his exchequer. Notwithstanding the former
- abolition of his debts, he yet required new loans from his subjects; and
- he enhanced gold from forty-five shillings to forty-eight an ounce,
- and silver from three shillings and nine-pence to four shillings.
- His pretence for this innovation was, to prevent the money from being
- exported; as if that expedient could anywise serve the purpose. He even
- coined some base money, and ordered it to be current by proclamation.
- He named commissioners for levying a benevolence, and he extorted about
- seventy thousand pounds by this expedient. Read, alderman of London,[*]
- a man somewhat advanced in years, having refused to contribute, or not
- coming up to the expectation of the commissioners, was enrolled as a
- foot soldier in the Scottish wars, and was there taken prisoner. Roach,
- who had been equally refractory, was thrown into prison, and obtained
- not his liberty but by paying a large composition.[**] These powers
- of the prerogative, (which at that time passed unquestioned,) the
- compelling of any man to serve in any office, and the imprisoning of
- any man during pleasure, not to mention the practice of extorting loans,
- rendered the sovereign in a manner absolute master of the person and
- property of every individual.
- Early this year the king sent a fleet and army to invade Scotland. The
- fleet consisted of near two hundred vessels, and carried on board ten
- thousand men. Dudley, Lord Lisle, commanded the sea forces; the earl
- of Hertford the land. The troops were disembarked near Leith; and after
- dispersing a small body which opposed them, they took that town without
- resistance, and then marched to Edinburgh. The gates were soon beaten
- down, (for little or no resistance was made,) and the English first
- pillaged, and then set fire to the city. The regent and cardinal were
- not prepared to oppose so great a force, and they fled to Stirling.
- Hertford marched eastward; and being joined by a new body under Evers,
- warden of the east marches, he laid waste the whole country, burned and
- destroyed Haddington and Dunbar, then retreated into England; having
- lost only forty men in the whole expedition. The earl of Arran collected
- some forces; but finding that the English were already departed, he
- turned them against Lenox, who was justly suspected of a correspondence
- with the enemy. That nobleman, after making some resistance, was obliged
- to fly into England, where Henry settled a pension on him, and even
- gave him his niece, lady Margaret Douglas, in marriage. In return, Lenox
- stipulated conditions, by which, had he been able to execute them, he
- must have reduced his country to total servitude.[***]
- * Herbert. Stowe, p. 588. Baker, p. 292.
- ** Goodwin’s Annals. Stowe, p. 588.
- *** Rymer, vol. xv. p. 28, 29.
- Henry’s policy was blamed in this sudden and violent incursion, by which
- he inflamed the passions of the Scots, without subduing their spirit;
- and it was commonly said, that he did too much, if he intended to
- solicit an alliance, and too little, if he meant a conquest.[*] But the
- reason of his recalling the troops so soon, was his eagerness to carry
- on a projected enterprise against France, in which he intended to
- employ the whole force of his kingdom. He had concerted a plan with the
- emperor, which threatened the total ruin of that monarchy, and must, as
- a necessary consequence, have involved the ruin of England. These two
- princes had agreed to invade France with forces amounting to above a
- hundred thousand men: Henry engaged to set out from Calais; Charles from
- the Low Countries: they were to enter on no siege; but leaving all the
- frontier towns behind them, to march directly to Paris, where they were
- to join their forces, and thence to proceed to the entire conquest of
- the kingdom. Francis could not oppose to these formidable preparations
- much above forty thousand men.
- * Herbert. Burnet.
- Henry, having appointed the queen regent during his absence, passed over
- to Calais with thirty thousand men, accompanied by the dukes of Norfolk
- and Suffolk, Fitzalan earl of Arundel, Vere earl of Oxford, the earl of
- Surrey, Paulet Lord St. John, Lord Ferrers of Chartley, Lord Mountjoy,
- Lord Grey of Wilton, Sir Anthony Brown, Sir Francis Bryan, and the most
- flourishing nobility and gentry of his kingdom. The English army
- was soon joined by the count de Buren, admiral of Flanders, with ten
- thousand foot and four thousand horse; and the whole composed an army
- which nothing on that frontier was able to resist. The chief force of
- the French armies was drawn to the side of Champagne, in order to oppose
- the imperialists.
- The emperor, with an army of near sixty thousand men, had taken the
- field much earlier than Henry; and not to lose time while he waited for
- the arrival of his confederate, he sat down before Luxembourg, which was
- surrendered to him: he thence proceeded to Commercy, on the Meuse, which
- he took: Ligny met with the same fate: he next laid siege to St. Disier,
- on the Marne, which, though a weak place, made a brave resistance under
- the count of Sancerre, the governor, and the siege was protracted beyond
- expectation.
- The emperor was employed before this town at the time the English forces
- were assembled in Picardy. Henry either tempted by the defenceless
- condition of the French frontier, or thinking that the emperor had first
- broken his engagement by forming sieges, or, perhaps, foreseeing at
- last the dangerous consequences of entirely subduing the French power,
- instead of marching forward to Paris, sat down before Montreuil and
- Boulogne. The duke of Norfolk commanded the army before Montreuil; the
- king himself that before Boulogne. Vervin was governor of the latter
- place, and under him Philip Corse, a brave old soldier, who encouraged
- the garrison to defend themselves to the last extremity against the
- English. He was killed during the course of the siege, and the town was
- immediately surrendered to Henry by the cowardice of Vervin, who was
- afterwards beheaded for this dishonorable capitulation.
- During the course of this siege, Charles had taken St. Disier; and
- finding the season much advanced, he began to hearken to a treaty of
- peace with France, since all his schemes for subduing that kingdom were
- likely to prove abortive. In order to have a pretence for deserting
- his ally, he sent a messenger to the English camp, requiring Henry
- immediately to fulfil his engagements, and to meet him with his army
- before Paris. Henry replied, that he was too far engaged in the siege of
- Boulogne to raise it with honor, and that the emperor himself had first
- broken the concert by besieging St. Disier. This answer served Charles
- as a sufficient reason for concluding a peace with Francis at Crepy,
- where no mention was made of England. He stipulated to give Flanders as
- a dowry to his daughter, whom he agreed to marry to the duke of Orleans,
- Francis’s second son; and Francis, in return, withdrew his troops from
- Piedmont and Savoy, and renounced all claim to Milan, Naples, and
- other territories in Italy. This peace, so advantageous to Francis, was
- procured partly by the decisive victory obtained in the beginning of the
- campaign by the count of Anguyen over the imperialists at Cerisolles in
- Piedmont, partly by the emperor’s great desire to turn his arms against
- the Protestant princes in Germany. Charles ordered his troops to
- separate from the English in Picardy; and Henry, finding himself obliged
- to raise the siege of Montreuil, returned into England. This campaign
- served to the populace as matter of great triumph; but all men of sense
- concluded, that the king had, as in all his former military enterprises,
- made, at a great expense, an acquisition which was of no importance.
- The war with Scotland, meanwhile, was conducted feebly and with various
- success. Sir Ralph Evers, now Lord Evers and Sir Bryan Latoun, made
- an inroad into that kingdom; and having laid waste the counties of
- Tiviotdale and the Merse, they proceeded to the abbey of Coldingham,
- which they took possession of, and fortified. The governor assembled an
- army of eight thousand men, in order to dislodge them from this post;
- but he had no sooner opened his batteries before the place, than a
- sudden panic seized him; he left the army, and fled to Dunbar. He
- complained of the mutiny of his troops, and pretended apprehensions
- lest they should deliver him into the hands of the English; but his own
- unwarlike spirit was generally believed to have been the motive of this
- dishonorable flight. The Scottish army, upon the departure of their
- general, fell into confusion; and had not Angus, with a few of his
- retainers, brought off the cannon, and protected their rear, the English
- might have gained great advantages over them. Evers, elated with this
- success, boasted to Henry, that he had conquered all Scotland to the
- Forth; and he claimed a reward for this important service. The duke
- of Norfolk, who knew with what difficulty such acquisitions would be
- maintained against a warlike enemy, advised the king to grant him, as
- his reward, the conquests of which he boasted so highly. The next inroad
- made by the English showed the vanity of Evers’s hopes.
- {1545.} This general led about five thousand men into Tiviotdale, and
- was employed in ravaging that country; when intelligence was brought him
- that some Scottish forces appeared near the abbey of Melross. Angus had
- roused the governor to more activity; and a proclamation being issued
- for assembling the troops of the neighboring counties, a considerable
- body had repaired thither to oppose the enemy. Norman Lesly, son of the
- earl of Rothes, had also joined the army with some volunteers from Fife;
- and he inspired courage into the whole, as well by this accession of
- force, as by his personal bravery and intrepidity. In order to bring
- their troops to the necessity of a steady defence, the Scottish leaders
- ordered all their cavalry to dismount, and they resolved to wait, on
- some high grounds near Ancram, the assault of the English. The English,
- whose past successes had taught them too much to despise the enemy,
- thought, when they saw the Scottish horses led off the field, that the
- whole army was retiring; and they hastened to attack them. The Scots
- received them in good order; and being favored by the advantage of the
- ground, as well as by the surprise of the English, who expected no
- resistance, they soon put them to flight, and pursued them with
- considerable slaughter. Evers and Latoun were both killed, and above a
- thousand men were made prisoners. In order to support the Scots in this
- war, Francis some time after sent over a body of auxiliaries, to the
- number of three thousand five hundred men, under the command of
- Montgomery, lord of Lorges.[*] Reënforced by these succors, the governor
- assembled an army of fifteen thousand men at Haddington, and marched
- thence to ravage the east borders of England. He laid all waste wherever
- he came; and having met with no considerable resistance, he retired into
- his own country, and disbanded his army. The earl of Hertford, in
- revenge, committed ravages on the middle and west marches; and the war
- on both sides was signalized rather by the ills inflicted on the enemy,
- than by any considerable advantage gained by either party.
- The war likewise between France and England was not distinguished this
- year by any memorable event. Francis had equipped a fleet of above two
- hundred sail, besides galleys; and having embarked some land forces on
- board, he sent them to make a descent in England.[**] They sailed to the
- Isle of Wight, where they found the English fleet lying at anchor in
- St. Helen’s. It consisted not of above a hundred sail; and the admiral
- thought it most advisable to remain in that road, in hopes of drawing
- the French into the narrow channels and the rocks, which were unknown to
- them. The two fleets cannonaded each other for two days; and except the
- sinking of the Mary Rose, one of the largest ships of the English fleet,
- the damage on both sides was inconsiderable.
- * Buchanan, lib. xv. Drummond.
- ** Beleair. Mém. du Bellai.
- Francis’s chief intention in equipping so great a fleet, was to prevent
- the English from throwing succors into Boulogne, which he resolved to
- besiege; and for that purpose he ordered a fort to be built, by which he
- intended to block up the harbor. After a considerable loss of time and
- money, the fort was found so ill constructed, that he was obliged to
- abandon it; and though he had assembled on that frontier an army of
- near forty thousand men, he was not able to effect any considerable
- enterprise. Henry, in order to defend his possessions in France, had
- levied fourteen thousand Germans who, having marched to Fleurines, in
- the bishopric of Liege, found that they could advance no farther. The
- emperor would not allow them a passage through his dominions: they
- received intelligence of a superior army on the side of France ready
- to intercept them: want of occupation and of pay soon produced a mutiny
- among them; and having seized the English commissaries as a security for
- arrears, they retreated into their own country. There seems to have been
- some want of foresight in this expensive armament.
- The great expense of these two wars maintained by Henry, obliged him to
- summon a new parliament. The commons granted him a subsidy, payable in
- two years, of two shillings a pound on land.[*] The spirituality voted
- him six shillings a pound. But the parliament, apprehensive lest more
- demands should be made upon them, endeavored to save themselves by a
- very extraordinary liberality of other people’s property; by one vote
- they bestowed on the king all the revenues of the universities, as well
- as of the chauntries, free chapels,[**] and hospitals. Henry was pleased
- with this concession, as it increased his power; but he had no intention
- to rob learning of all her endowments; and he soon took care to inform
- the universities that he meant not to touch their revenues. Thus
- these ancient and celebrated establishments owe their existence to
- the generosity of the king, not to the protection of this servile and
- prostitute parliament.
- The prostitute spirit of the parliament further appeared in the preamble
- of a statute;[***] in which they recognize the king to have always
- been, by the word of God, supreme head of the church of England; and
- acknowledge that archbishops, bishops, and other ecclesiastical persons,
- have no manner of jurisdiction but by his royal mandate; to him alone,
- say they, and such persons as he shall appoint, full power and
- authority is given from above to hear and determine all manner of causes
- ecclesiastical, and to correct all manner of heresies, errors, vices,
- and sins whatsoever. No mention is here made of the concurrence of a
- convocation, or even of a parliament. His proclamations are in effect
- acknowledged to have not only the force of law, but the authority of
- revelation; and by his royal power he might regulate the actions of
- men, control their words, and even direct their inward sentiments and
- opinions.
- * Those who possessed goods or money above five pounds, and
- below ten, were to pay eightpence a pound; those above ten
- pounds, a shilling.
- ** A chauntry was a little church, chapel, or particular
- altar in some cathedral church, etc., endowed with lands or
- other revenues for the maintenance of one or more priests
- daily to say mass or perform divine service, for the use of
- the founders, or such others as they appointed: free chapels
- were independent on any church, and endowed for much the
- same purpose as the former. Jacob’s Law Dict.
- *** 37 Henry VIII. c. 17.
- The king made in person a speech to the parliament on proroguing them;
- in which, after thanking them for their loving attachment to him, which,
- he said, equalled what was ever paid by their ancestors to any king of
- England, he complained of their dissensions, disputes, and animosities
- in religion. He told them, that the several pulpits were become a kind
- of batteries against each other; and that one preacher called another
- heretic and Anabaptist, which was retaliated by the opprobrious
- appellations of Papist and hypocrite: that he had permitted his people
- the use of the Scriptures, not in order to furnish them with materials
- for disputing and railing, but that he might enable them to inform their
- consciences and instruct their children and families: that it grieved
- his heart to find how that precious jewel was prostituted, by being
- introduced into the conversation of every alehouse and tavern, and
- employed as a pretence for decrying the spiritual and legal pastors:
- and that he was sorry to observe, that the word of God, while it was
- the object of so much anxious speculation, had very little influence
- on their practice; and that, though an imaginary knowledge so much
- abounded, charity was daily going to decay.[*] The king gave good
- advice; but his own example, by encouraging speculation and dispute,
- was ill fitted to promote that peaceable submission of opinion which he
- recommended.
- * Hall, fol. 261. Herbert, p. 534.
- {1546.} Henry employed in military preparations the money granted by
- parliament; and he sent over the earl of Hertford and Lord Lisle, the
- admiral, to Calais, with a body of nine thousand men, two thirds of
- which consisted of foreigners. Some skirmishes of small moment ensued
- with the French; and no hopes of any considerable progress could be
- entertained by either party. Henry, whose animosity against Francis was
- not violent, had given sufficient vent to his humor by this short war;
- and finding that, from his great increase in corpulence and decay in
- strength, he could not hope for much longer life, he was desirous of
- ending a quarrel which might prove dangerous to his kingdom during a
- minority. Francis likewise, on his part, was not averse to peace with
- England; because, having lately lost his son, the duke of Orleans, he
- revived his ancient claim upon Milan, and foresaw that hostilities
- must soon, on that account, break out between him and the emperor.
- Commissioners, therefore, having met at Campe, a small place between
- Ardres and Guisnes, the articles were soon agreed on, and the peace
- signed by them. The chief conditions were, that Henry should retain
- Boulogne during eight years, or till the former debt due by Francis
- should be paid. This debt was settled at two millions of livres, besides
- a claim of five hundred thousand livres, which was afterwards to be
- adjusted. Francis took care to comprehend Scotland in the treaty. Thus
- all that Henry obtained by a war which cost him above one million
- three hundred and forty thousand pounds sterling,[*] was a bad and a
- chargeable security for a debt, which was not a third of the value.
- * Herbert. Stowe.
- The king, now freed from all foreign wars, had leisure to give his
- attention to domestic affairs; particularly to the establishment of
- uniformity in opinion, on which he was so intent. Though he allowed an
- English translation of the Bible, he had hitherto been very careful to
- keep the mass in Latin; but he was at last prevailed on to permit that
- the litany, a considerable part of the service, should be celebrated in
- the vulgar tongue; and by this innovation he excited anew the hopes of
- the reformers, who had been somewhat discouraged by the severe law of
- the six articles. One petition of the new litany was a prayer to save
- us “from the tyranny of the bishop of Rome, and from all his detestable
- enormities.” Cranmer employed his credit to draw Henry into further
- innovations; and he took advantage of Gardiner’s absence, who was sent
- on an embassy to the emperor: but Gardiner having written to the king,
- that, if he carried his opposition against the Catholic religion to
- greater extremities, Charles threatened to break off all commerce with
- him, the success of Cranmer’s projects was for some time retarded.
- Cranmer lost this year the most sincere and powerful friend that he
- possessed at court, Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk; the queen dowager
- of France, consort to Suffolk, had died some years before. This nobleman
- is one instance that Henry was not altogether incapable of a cordial and
- steady friendship; and Suffolk seems to have been worthy of the favor
- which, from his earliest youth, he had enjoyed with his master. The king
- was sitting in council when informed of Suffolk’s death; and he took
- the opportunity both to express his own sorrow for the loss, and to
- celebrate the merits of the deceased. He declared, that during the
- whole course of their friendship, his brother-in-law had never made one
- attempt to injure an adversary, and had never whispered a word to the
- disadvantage of any person. “Is there any of you, my lords, who can say
- as much?” When the king subjoined these words, he looked round in all
- their faces, and saw that confusion which the consciousness of secret
- guilt naturally threw upon them.[*]
- * Coke’s Inst. cap. 99.
- Cranmer himself, when bereaved of this support, was the more exposed
- to those cabals of the courtiers, which the opposition in party and
- religion, joined to the usual motives of interest, rendered so frequent
- among Henry’s ministers and counsellors. The Catholics took hold of the
- king by his passion for orthodoxy; and they represented to him, that, if
- his laudable zeal for enforcing the truth met with no better success,
- it was altogether owing to the primate, whose example and encouragement
- were, in reality, the secret supports of heresy. Henry, seeing the point
- at which they aimed, feigned a compliance, and desired the council to
- make inquiry into Cranmer’s conduct; promising that, if he were found
- guilty, he should be committed to prison, and brought to condign
- punishment. Every body now considered the primate as lost; and his
- old friends, from interested views, as well as the opposite party from
- animosity, began to show him marks of neglect and disregard. He was
- obliged to stand several hours among the lackeys at the door of the
- council chamber before he could be admitted; and when he was at last
- called in, he was told that they had determined to send him to the
- Tower. Cranmer said, that he appealed to the king himself; and finding
- his appeal disregarded, he produced a ring, which Henry had given him as
- a pledge of favor and protection. The council were confounded; and when
- they came before the king, he reproved them in the severest terms; and
- told them, that he was well acquainted with Cranmer’s merit, as well as
- with their malignity and envy; but he was determined to crush all their
- cabals, and to teach them by the severest discipline, since gentle
- methods were ineffectual, a more dutiful concurrence in promoting his
- service. Norfolk, who was Cranmer’s capital enemy, apologized for their
- conduct and said, that their only intention was to set the primate’s
- innocence in a full light, by bringing him to an open trial, and
- Henry obliged them all to embrace him, as a sign of their cordial
- reconciliation. The mild temper of Cranmer rendered this agreement more
- sincere on his part than is usual in such forced compliances.[*]
- But though Henry’s favor for Cranmer rendered fruitless all accusations
- against him, his pride and peevishness, irritated by his declining state
- of health, impelled him to punish with fresh severity all others who
- presumed to entertain a different opinion from himself, particularly
- in the capital point of the real presence. Anne Ascue, a young woman of
- merit as well as beauty,[**] who had great connections with the chief
- ladies at court, and with the queen herself, was accused of dogmatizing
- on that delicate article; and Henry, instead of showing indulgence to
- the weakness of her sex and age, was but the more provoked, that a woman
- should dare to oppose his theological sentiments.
- * Burnet, vol. i. p. 342, 344. Antiq. Brit. in vita Cranm.
- ** Bale. Speed, p. 780.
- She was prevailed on by Bonner’s menaces to make a seeming recantation;
- but she qualified it with some reserves, which did not satisfy that
- zealous prelate. She was thrown into prison, and she there employed
- herself in composing prayers and discourses, by which she fortified her
- resolution to endure the utmost extremity rather than relinquish her
- religious principles. She even wrote to the king, and told him, that as
- to the Lord’s supper, she believed as much as Christ himself had said
- of it, and as much of his divine doctrine as the Catholic church had
- required: but while she could not be brought to acknowledge an assent to
- the king’s explications, this declaration availed her nothing, and was
- rather regarded as a fresh insult. The chancellor, Wriothesely, who had
- succeeded Audley, and who was much attached to the Catholic party, was
- sent to examine her with regard to her patrons at court, and the
- great ladies who were in correspondence with her: but she maintained a
- laudable fidelity to her friends, and would confess nothing. She was
- put to the torture in the most barbarous manner, and continued still
- resolute in preserving secrecy. Some authors[*] add an extraordinary
- circumstance; that the chancellor, who stood by, ordered the lieutenant
- of the Tower to stretch the rack still farther; but that officer refused
- compliance the chancellor menaced him, but met with a new refusal;
- upon which that magistrate, who was otherwise a person of merit, but
- intoxicated with religious zeal, put his own hand to the rack, and drew
- it so violently that he almost tore her body asunder. Her constancy
- still surpassed the barbarity of her persecutors, and they found all
- their efforts to be baffled. She was then condemned to be burned alive;
- and being so dislocated by the rack that she could not stand, she
- was carried to the stake in a chair. Together with her were conducted
- Nicholas Belenian, a priest, John Lassels, of the king’s household, and
- John Adams, a tailor, who had been condemned for the same crime to the
- same punishment. They were all tied to the stake; and in that dreadful
- situation the chancellor sent to inform them, that their pardon was
- ready drawn and signed, and should instantly be given them if they
- would merit it by a recantation. They only regarded this offer as a new
- ornament to their crown of martyrdom; and they saw with tranquillity the
- executioner kindle the flames which consumed them. Wriothesely did not
- consider, that this public and noted situation interested their honor
- the more to maintain a steady perseverance.
- * Fox, ii. p. 578. Speed, p. 780. Baker, p. 299.
- But Burnet questions the truth of this circumstance; Fox,
- however, transcribes her own papers, where she relates it. I
- must add, in justice to the king, that he disapproved of
- Wriothesely’s conduct, and commended the lieutenant.
- Though the secrecy and fidelity of Anne Ascue saved the queen from this
- peril, that princess soon after fell into a new danger, from which she
- narrowly escaped. An ulcer had broken out in the king’s leg, which,
- added to his extreme corpulency and his bad habit of body, began both to
- threaten his life and to render him even more than usually peevish and
- passionate. The queen attended him with the most tender and dutiful
- care, and endeavored, by every soothing art and compliance, to allay
- those gusts of humor to which he was become so subject. His favorite
- topic of conversation was theology; and Catharine, whose good sense
- enabled her to discourse on any subject, was frequently engaged in
- the argument, and being secretly inclined to the principles of
- the reformers, she unwarily betrayed too much of her mind on these
- occasions. Henry, highly provoked that she should presume to differ from
- him, complained of her obstinacy to Gardiner, who gladly laid hold of
- the opportunity to inflame the quarrel. He praised the king’s anxious
- concern for preserving the orthodoxy of his subjects; and represented,
- that the more elevated the person was who was chastised, and the more
- near to his person, the greater terror would the example strike
- into every one, and the more glorious would the sacrifice appear to
- posterity. The chancellor, being consulted, was engaged by religious
- zeal to second these topics; and Henry, hurried on by his own impetuous
- temper, and encouraged by his counsellors, went so far as to order
- articles of impeachment to be drawn up against his consort. Wriothesely
- executed his commands; and soon after brought the paper to him to be
- signed; for, as it was high treason to throw slander upon the queen,
- he might otherwise have been questioned for his temerity. By some means
- this important paper fell into the hands of one of the queen’s friends,
- who immediately carried the intelligence to her. She was sensible of the
- extreme danger to which she was exposed; but did not despair of being
- able, by her prudence and address, still to elude the efforts of her
- enemies. She paid her usual visit to the king, and found him in a more
- serene disposition than she had reason to expect. He entered on the
- subject which was so familiar to him; and he seemed to challenge her
- to an argument in divinity. She gently declined the conversation, and
- remarked, that such profound speculations were ill suited to the natural
- imbecility of her sex. Women, she said, by their first creation, were
- made subject to men: the male was created after the image of God, the
- female after the image of the male: it belonged to the husband to choose
- principles for his wife; the wife’s duty was, in all cases, to adopt
- implicitly the sentiments of her husband: and as to herself, it was
- doubly her duty, being blest with a husband who was qualified by his
- judgment and learning not only to choose principles for his own family,
- but for the most wise and knowing of every nation. “Not so! by St.
- Mary,” replied the king; “you are now become a doctor, Kate, and better
- fitted to give than receive instruction.” She meekly replied, that she
- was sensible how little she was entitled to these praises; that though
- she usually declined not any conversation, however sublime, when
- proposed by his majesty, she well knew that her conceptions could serve
- to no other purpose than to give him a little momentary amusement, that
- she found the conversation apt to languish when not revived by some
- opposition, and she had ventured sometimes to feign a contrariety of
- sentiments, in order to give him the pleasure of refuting her; and that
- she also purposed, by this innocent artifice, to engage him into topics,
- whence she had observed, by frequent experience, that she reaped profit
- and instruction. “And is it so, sweetheart?” replied the king, “then
- are we perfect friends again.” He embraced her with great affection,
- and sent her away with assurances of his protection and kindness. Her
- enemies, who knew nothing of this sudden change, prepared next day
- to convey her to the Tower, pursuant to the king’s warrant. Henry and
- Catharine were conversing amicably in the garden, when the chancellor
- appeared with forty of the pursuivants. The king spoke to him at some
- distance from her; and seemed to expostulate with him in the severest
- manner: she even overheard the appellations of “knave,” “fool,” and
- “beast,” which he liberally bestowed upon that magistrate; and then
- ordered him to depart his presence. She afterwards interposed to
- mitigate his anger: he said to her, “Poor soul! you know not how ill
- entitled this man is to your good offices.” Thenceforth the queen,
- having narrowly escaped so great a danger, was careful not to offend
- Henry’s humor by any contradiction; and Gardiner, whose malice had
- endeavored to widen the breach, could never afterwards regain his favor
- and good opinion.[*]
- * Burnet, vol. i. p. 344. Herbert, p. 560. Speed p. 780.
- Fox’s Acts and Monuments, vol. ii. p. 58.
- But Henry’s tyrannical disposition, soured by ill health, burst out soon
- after to the destruction of a man who possessed a much superior rank to
- that of Gardiner. The duke of Norfolk and his father, during this
- whole reign, and even a part of the foregoing, had been regarded as the
- greatest subjects in the kingdom, and had rendered considerable service
- to the crown. The duke himself had in his youth acquired reputation by
- naval enterprises: he had much contributed to the victory gained over
- the Scots at Flouden: he had suppressed a dangerous rebellion in the
- north; and he had always done his part with honor in all the expeditions
- against France. Fortune seemed to conspire with his own industry in
- raising him to the greatest elevation. From the favors heaped on him by
- the crown he had acquired an immense estate: the king had successively
- been married to two of his nieces; and the king’s natural son, the duke
- of Richmond, had married his daughter; besides his descent, from the
- ancient family of the Moubrays, by which he was allied to the throne,
- he had espoused a daughter of the duke of Buckingham, who was descended
- by a female from Edward III.; and as he was believed still to adhere
- secretly to the ancient religion, he was regarded, both abroad and at
- home, as the head of the Catholic party. But all these circumstances, in
- proportion as they exalted the duke, provoked the jealousy of Henry;
- and he foresaw danger, during his son’s minority, both to the public
- tranquillity, and to the new ecclesiastical system, from the attempts
- of so potent a subject. But nothing tended more to expose Norfolk to
- the king’s displeasure, than the prejudices which Henry had entertained
- against the earl of Surrey, son of that nobleman.
- Surrey was a young man of the most promising hopes, and had
- distinguished himself by every accomplishment which became a scholar, a
- courtier, and a soldier. He excelled in all the military exercises which
- were then in request: he encouraged the fine arts by his patronage
- and example: he had made some successful attempts in poetry; and being
- smitten with the romantic gallantry of the age, he celebrated the
- praises of his mistress by his pen and his lance, in every masque and
- tournament. His spirit and ambition were equal to his talents and his
- quality; and he did not always regulate his conduct by the caution
- and reserve which his situation required. He had been left governor
- of Boulogne when that town was taken by Henry; but though his
- personal bravery was unquestioned, he had been unfortunate in some
- rencounters[**misspelling] with the French. The king, somewhat
- displeased with his conduct, had sent over Hertford to command in his
- place; and Surrey was so imprudent as to drop some menacing expressions
- against the ministers, on account of this affront which was put upon
- him. And as he had refused to marry Hertford’s daughter, and even waived
- every other proposal of marriage, Henry imagined that he had entertained
- views of espousing the lady Mary; and he was instantly determined to
- repress, by the most severe expedients, so dangerous an ambition.
- Actuated by all these motives, and perhaps influenced by that old
- disgust with which the ill conduct of Catharine Howard had inspired him
- against her whole family, he gave private orders to arrest Norfolk and
- Surrey; and they were on the same day confined in the Tower. Surrey
- being a commoner, his trial was the more expeditious; and as to proofs,
- neither parliaments nor juries seem ever to have given the least
- attention to them in any cause of the crown during this whole reign.
- {1547.} He was accused of entertaining in his family some Italians
- who were suspected to be spies; a servant of his had paid a visit
- to Cardinal Pole in Italy, whence he was suspected of holding a
- correspondence with that obnoxious prelate; he had quartered the arms
- of Edward the Confessor on his scutcheon, which made him be suspected
- of aspiring to the crown, though both he and his ancestors had openly,
- during the course of many years, maintained that practice, and the
- heralds had even justified it by their authority. These were the crimes
- for which a jury, notwithstanding his eloquent and spirited defence,
- condemned the earl of Surrey for high treason; and their sentence was
- soon after executed upon him.
- The innocence of the duke of Norfolk was still, if possible, more
- apparent than that of his son; and his services to the crown had been
- greater. His duchess, with whom he lived on bad terms, had been so base
- as to carry intelligence to his enemies of all she knew against him:
- Elizabeth Holland, a mistress of his, had been equally subservient to
- the designs of the court; yet with all these advantages, his accusers
- discovered no greater crime than his once saying, that the king was
- sickly, and could not hold out long; and the kingdom was likely to fall
- into disorders, through the diversity of religious opinions. He wrote a
- pathetic letter to the king, pleading his past services and protesting
- his innocence: soon after, he embraced a more proper expedient for
- appeasing Henry, by making a submission and confession, such as his
- enemies required; but nothing could mollify the unrelenting temper of
- the king. He assembled a parliament, as the surest and most expeditious
- instrument of his tyranny; and the house of peers, without examining the
- prisoner, without trial or evidence, passed a bill of attainder against
- him, and sent it down to the commons. Cranmer, though engaged for many
- years in an opposite party to Norfolk, and though he had received
- many and great injuries from him, would have no hand in so unjust a
- prosecution; and he retired to his seat at Croydon.[*] The king was now
- approaching fast towards his end; and fearing lest Norfolk should escape
- him, he sent a message to the commons, by which he desired them to
- hasten the bill, on pretence that Norfolk enjoyed the dignity of earl
- marshal, and it was necessary to appoint another, who might officiate
- at the ensuing ceremony of installing his son prince of Wales. The
- obsequious commons obeyed his directions, though founded on so frivolous
- a pretence; and the king having affixed the royal assent to the bill by
- commissioners, issued orders for the execution of Norfolk on the morning
- of the twenty-ninth of January. But news being carried to the Tower that
- the king himself had expired that night, the lieutenant deferred obeying
- the warrant; and it was not thought advisable by the council to begin a
- new reign by the death of the greatest nobleman in the kingdom, who had
- been condemned by a sentence so unjust and tyrannical.
- The king’s health had long been in a declining state; but for several
- days all those near him plainly saw his end approaching. He was become
- so froward, that no one durst inform him of his condition; and as some
- persons during this reign had suffered as traitors for foretelling the
- king’s death,[**] every one was afraid lest, in the transports of his
- fury, he might on this pretence punish capitally the author of such
- friendly intelligence. At last, Sir Anthony Denny ventured to disclose
- to him the fatal secret, and exhorted him to prepare for the fate which
- was awaiting him. He expressed his resignation, and desired that Cranmer
- might be sent for; but before the prelate arrived, he was speechless,
- though he still seemed to retain his senses. Cranmer desired him to give
- some sign of his dying in the faith of Christ. He squeezed the prelate’s
- hand, and immediately expired, after a reign of thirty-seven years and
- nine months; and in the fifty-sixth year of his age.
- * Burnet, vol. i. p. 348. Fox.
- ** Lanquet’s Epitome of Chronicles in the year 1541.
- The king had made his will near a month before his demise; in which he
- confirmed the destination of parliament, by leaving the crown first to
- Prince Edward, then to the lady Mary, next to the lady Elizabeth: the
- two princesses he obliged, under the penalty of forfeiting their title
- to the crown, not to marry without consent of the council which he
- appointed for the government of his minor son. After his own children,
- he settled the succession on Frances Brandon, marchioness of Dorset,
- eldest daughter of his sister, the French queen; then on Eleanor,
- countess of Cumberland, the second daughter In passing over the
- posterity of the queen of Scots, his eldest sister, he made use of the
- power obtained from parliament, but as he subjoined that, after the
- failure of the French queen’s posterity, the crown should descend to the
- next lawful heir, it afterwards became a question, whether these words
- could be applied to the Scottish line. It was thought that these princes
- were not the next heirs after the house of Suffolk, but before that
- house; and that Henry, by expressing himself in this manner, meant
- entirely to exclude them. The late injuries which he had received from
- the Scots, had irritated him extremely against that nation; and he
- maintained to the last that character of violence and caprice by which
- his life had been so much distinguished. Another circumstance of
- his will may suggest the same reflection with regard to the strange
- contrarieties of his temper and conduct: he left money for masses to be
- said for delivering his soul from purgatory; and though he destroyed
- all those institutions established by his ancestors and others for the
- benefit of their souls, and had even left the doctrine of purgatory
- doubtful in all the articles of faith which he promulgated during
- his later years, he was yet determined, when the hour of death was
- approaching, to take care at least of his own future repose, and to
- adhere to the safer side of the question.[*]
- * See his will in Fuller, Heylin, and Rymer, p. 110. There
- is no reasonable ground to suspect its authenticity.
- It is difficult to give a just summary of this prince’s qualities: he
- was so different from himself in different parts of his reign, that, as
- is well remarked by Lord Herbert, his history is his best character and
- description. The absolute, uncontrolled authority which he maintained
- at home, and the regard which he acquired among foreign nations, are
- circumstances which entitle him, in some degree, to the appellation of
- a great prince; while his tyranny and barbarity exclude him from the
- character of a good one. He possessed, indeed, great vigor of mind,
- which qualified him for exercising dominion over men; courage,
- intrepidity, vigilance, inflexibility; and though these qualities lay
- not always under the guidance of a regular and solid judgment, they were
- accompanied with good parts and an extensive capacity; and every one
- dreaded a contest with a man who was known never to yield or to forgive,
- and who, in every controversy, was determined either to ruin himself or
- his antagonist. A catalogue of his vices would comprehend many of the
- worst qualities incident to human nature, violence, cruelty, profusion,
- rapacity, injustice, obstinacy, arrogance, bigotry, presumption,
- caprice: but neither was he subject to all these vices in the most
- extreme degree, nor was he, at intervals, altogether destitute of
- virtues: he was sincere, open, gallant, liberal, and capable at least
- of a temporary friendship and attachment. In this respect he was
- unfortunate, that the incidents of his reign served to display his
- faults in their full light: the treatment which he met with from the
- court of Rome provoked him to violence; the danger of a revolt from his
- superstitious subjects seemed to require the most extreme severity. But
- it must at the same time be acknowledged, that his situation tended
- to throw an additional lustre on what was great and magnanimous in
- his character; the emulation between the emperor and the French king
- rendered his alliance, notwithstanding his impolitic conduct, of great
- importance in Europe; the extensive powers of his prerogative, and the
- submissive, not to say slavish, disposition of his parliaments, made
- it the more easy for him to assume and maintain that entire dominion by
- which his reign is so much distinguished in the English history.
- It may seem a little extraordinary, that, notwithstanding his cruelty,
- his extortion, his violence, his arbitrary administration, this prince
- not only acquired the regard of his subjects, but never was the object
- of their hatred: he seems even, in some degree, to have possessed to
- the last their love and affection.[*] His exterior qualities were
- advantageous, and fit to captivate the multitude: his magnificence and
- personal bravery rendered him illustrious in vulgar eyes; and it may
- be said with truth, that the English in that age were so thoroughly
- subdued, that, like Eastern slaves, they were inclined to admire those
- acts of violence and tyranny which were exercised over themselves, and
- at their own expense.
- * Strype, vol. i. p. 389.
- With regard to foreign states, Henry appears long to have supported an
- intercourse of friendship with Francis, more sincere and disinterested
- than usually takes place between neighboring princes. Their common
- jealousy of the emperor Charles, and some resemblance in their
- characters, (though the comparison sets the French monarch in a very
- superior and advantageous light,) served as the cement of their mutual
- amity. Francis is said to have been affected with the king’s death,
- and to have expressed much regret for the loss. His own health began to
- decline: he foretold that he should not long survive his friend;[*] and
- he died in about two months after him.
- There were ten parliaments summoned by Henry VIII., and twenty-three
- sessions held. The whole time in which these parliaments sat during this
- long reign, exceeded not three years and a half. It amounted not to a
- twelvemonth during the first twenty years. The innovations in religion
- obliged the king afterwards to call these assemblies more frequently;
- but though these were the most important transactions that ever fell
- under the cognizance of parliament, their devoted submission to Henry’s
- will, added to their earnest desire of soon returning to their country
- seats, produced a quick despatch of the bills, and made the sessions
- of short duration. All the king’s caprices were indeed blindly complied
- with, and no regard was paid to the safety or liberty of the subject.
- Besides the violent prosecution of whatever he was pleased to term
- heresy, the laws of treason were multiplied beyond all former precedent.
- Even words to the disparagement of the king, queen, or royal issue, were
- subjected to that penalty; and so little care was taken in framing these
- rigorous statutes, that they contain obvious contradictions; insomuch
- that, had they been strictly executed, every man, without exception,
- must have fallen under the penalty of treason. By one statute,[**] for
- instance, it was declared treason to assert the validity of the
- king’s marriage, either with Catharine of Arragon or Anne Boleyn; by
- another,[***] it was treason to say any thing to the disparagement or
- slander of the princesses Mary and Elizabeth; and to call them spurious
- would, no doubt, have been construed to their slander. Nor would even a
- profound silence with regard to these delicate points be able to save a
- person from such penalties. For by the former statute, whoever refused
- to answer upon oath to any point contained in that act, was subjected
- to the pains of treason. The king, therefore, needed only propose to
- any one a question with regard to the legality of either of his first
- marriages: if the person were silent, he was a traitor by law: if he
- answered either in the negative or in the affirmative, he was no less
- a traitor. So monstrous were the inconsistencies which arose from
- the furious passions of the king and the slavish submission of his
- parliaments. It is hard to say whether these contradictions were owing
- to Henry’s precipitancy, or to a formed design of tyranny.
- * Le Thou.
- ** 28 Henry VIII. c. 7.
- *** 34, 35 Henry VIII. c. 1.
- It may not be improper to recapitulate whatever is memorable in the
- statutes of this reign, whether with regard to government or commerce:
- nothing can better show the genius of the age than such a review of the
- laws.
- The abolition of the ancient religion much contributed to the regular
- execution of justice. While the Catholic superstition subsisted, there
- was no possibility of punishing any crime in the clergy: the church
- would not permit the magistrate to try the offences of her members, and
- she could not herself inflict any civil penalties upon them. But Henry
- restrained these pernicious immunities: the privilege of clergy was
- abolished for the crimes of petty treason, murder, and felony, to all
- under the degree of a subdeacon.[*] But the former superstition not
- only protected crimes in the clergy; it exempted also the laity from
- punishment, by affording them shelter in the churches and sanctuaries.
- The parliament abridged these privileges. It was first declared, that no
- sanctuaries were allowed in cases of high treason;[**] next, in those of
- murder, felony, rapes, burglary, and petty treason:[***] and it limited
- them in other particulars.[****] The further progress of the reformation
- removed all distinction between the clergy and other subjects, and also
- abolished entirely the privileges of sanctuaries. These consequences
- were implied in the neglect of the canon law.
- The only expedient employed to support the military spirit during this
- age, was the reviving and extending of some old laws enacted for the
- encouragement of archery, on which the defence of the kingdom was
- supposed much to depend. Every man was ordered to have a bow;[v] butts
- were ordered to be erected in every parish;[v*] and every bowyer was
- ordered, for each bow of yew which he made, to make two of elm or witch,
- for the service of the common people.[v**] The use of crossbows and
- handguns was also prohibited.[v***]
- * 23 Henry VIII. c. 1.
- ** 26 Henry VIII. c. 13.
- *** 32 Henry VIII. c. 12.
- **** 22 Henry VIII. c. 14.
- v 3 Henry VIII. c. 3.
- V* 3 Henry VIII. c. 3.
- V** 3 Henry VIII c. 3.
- V*** 3 Henry VIII. c. 13.
- What rendered the English bowmen more formidable was, that they carried
- halberts with them, by which they were enabled, upon occasion, to engage
- in close fight with the enemy.[*] Frequent musters or arrays were also
- made of the people, even during time of peace; and all men of substance
- were obliged to have a complete suit of armor or harness, as it was
- called.[**] The martial spirit of the English, during that age, rendered
- this precaution, it was thought, sufficient for the defence of the
- nation; and as the king had then an absolute power of commanding the
- service of all his subjects, he could instantly, in case of danger,
- appoint new officers, and levy regiments, and collect an army as
- numerous as he pleased. When no faction or division prevailed among
- the people, there was no foreign power that ever thought of invading
- England. The city of London alone, could muster fifteen thousand
- men.[***] Discipline, however, was an advantage wanting to those troops;
- though the garrison of Calais was a nursery of officers, and Tournay
- first,[****] Boulogne afterwards, served to increase the number. Every
- one who served abroad was allowed to alienate his lands without paying
- any fees.[v] A general permission was granted to dispose of land by
- will.[v*] The parliament was so little jealous of its privileges, (which
- indeed were, at that time, scarcely worth preserving,) that there is an
- instance of one Strode, who, because he had introduced into the lower
- house some bill regarding tin, was severely treated by the stannery
- courts in Cornwall: heavy fines were imposed on him; and upon his
- refusal to pay, he was thrown into a dungeon, loaded with irons, and
- used in such a manner as brought his life in danger: yet all the notice
- which the parliament took of this enormity, even in such a paltry court,
- was to enact, that no man could afterwards be questioned for his conduct
- in parliament.[v**] This prohibition, however, must be supposed to
- extend only to the inferior courts: for as to the king, and privy
- council, and star chamber, they were scarcely bound by any law.
- There is a bill of tonnage and poundage, which shows what uncertain
- ideas the parliament had formed both of their own privileges and of the
- rights of the sovereign.[v***] This duty had been voted to every king
- since Henry IV., during the term of his own life only: yet Henry VIII.
- had been allowed to levy it six years, without any law; and though there
- had been four parliaments assembled during that time, no attention had
- been given either to grant it to him regularly, or restrain him from
- levying it. At last the parliament resolved to give him that supply;
- but even in this concession, they plainly show themselves at a loss to
- determine whether they grant it, or whether he has a right of himself
- to levy it. They say, that the imposition was made to endure during
- the natural life of the late king, and no longer: they yet blame the
- merchants who had not paid it to the present king: they observe, that
- the law for tonnage and poundage was expired; yet make no scruple to
- call that imposition the king’s due: they affirm, that he had sustained
- great and manifold losses by those who had defrauded him of it; and to
- provide a remedy, they vote him that supply during his lifetime, and no
- longer. It is remarkable that, notwithstanding this last clause, all
- his successors for more than a century persevered in the like irregular
- practice; if a practice may deserve that epithet, in which the whole
- nation acquiesced, and which gave no offence. But when Charles I.
- attempted to continue in the same course which had now received the
- sanction of many generations, so much were the opinions of men altered,
- that a furious tempest was excited by it; and historians, partial
- or ignorant, still represent this measure as a most violent and
- unprecedented enormity in that unhappy prince.
- * Herbert.
- ** Hall, fol. 234. Stowe, p. 515. Holingshed, p. 947.
- *** Hall, fol. 235. Holingshed, p. 547. Stowe, p. 577.
- **** Hall, fol. 68.
- v 14 and 15 Henry VIII. c. 15.
- v* 34 and 35 Henry VIII. c. 5.
- v** 4 Henry VIII. c. 8.
- v*** 6 Henry VIII. c. 14.
- The king was allowed to make laws for Wales without consent of
- parliament.[*] It was forgotten that, with regard both to Wales and
- England, the limitation was abolished by the statute which gave to the
- royal proclamations the force of laws.
- * 34 Henry VIII.
- The foreign commerce of England during this age was mostly confined to
- the Netherlands. The inhabitants of the Low Countries bought the English
- commodities, and distributed them into other parts of Europe. Hence the
- mutual dependence of those countries on each other; and the great loss
- sustained by both in case of a rupture. During all the variations of
- politics, the sovereigns endeavored to avoid coming to this extremity;
- and though the king usually bore a greater friendship to Francis, the
- nation always leaned towards the emperor.
- In 1528, hostilities commenced between England and the Low Countries;
- and the inconvenience was soon felt on both sides. While the Flemings
- were not allowed to purchase cloth in England, the English merchants
- could not buy it from the clothiers, and the clothiers were obliged to
- dismiss their workmen, who began to be tumultuous for want of bread. The
- cardinal, to appease them, sent for the merchants, and ordered them to
- buy cloth as usual: they told him that they could not dispose of it as
- usual; and, notwithstanding his menaces, he could get no other answer
- from them.[*] An agreement was at last made to continue the commerce
- between the states, even during war.
- It was not till the end of this reign that any salads, carrots, turnips,
- or other edible roots were produced in England. The little of these
- vegetables that was used, was formerly imported from Holland and
- Flanders.[**] Queen Catharine, when she wanted a salad, was obliged
- to despatch a messenger thither on purpose. The use of hops, and the
- planting of them, was introduced from Flanders about the beginning of
- this reign, or end of the preceding.
- * Hall, fol. 174.
- ** Anderson, vol. i. p. 338.
- Foreign artificers, in general, much surpassed the English in dexterity,
- industry, and frugality: hence the violent animosity which the latter on
- many occasions expressed against any of the former who were settled in
- England. They had the assurance to complain, that all their customers
- went to foreign tradesmen; and in the year 1517, being moved by the
- seditious sermons of one Dr. Bele, and the intrigues of Lincoln, a
- broker, they raised an insurrection. The apprentices, and others of the
- poorer sort, in London, began by breaking open the prisons, where some
- persons were confined for insulting foreigners. They next proceeded
- to the house of Meutas, a Frenchman, much hated by them; where they
- committed great disorders; killed some of his servants; and plundered
- his goods. The mayor could not appease them; nor Sir Thomas More, late
- under sheriff, though much respected in the city. They also threatened
- Cardinal Wolsey with some insult; and he thought it necessary to fortify
- his house, and put himself on his guard. Tired at last with these
- disorders, they dispersed themselves; and the earls of Shrewsbury and
- Surrey seized some of them. A proclamation was issued, that women should
- not meet together to babble and talk, and that all men should keep their
- wives in their houses. Next day the duke of Norfolk came into the city,
- at the head of thirteen hundred armed men, and made inquiry into the
- tumult. Bele and Lincoln, and several others, were sent to the Tower,
- and condemned for treason. Lincoln and thirteen more were executed. The
- other criminals, to the number of four hundred, were brought before the
- king with ropes about their necks, fell upon their knees, and cried for
- mercy. Henry knew at that time how to pardon; he dismissed them without
- further punishment.[*]
- So great was the number of foreign artisans in the city, that at least
- fifteen thousand Flemings alone were at one time obliged to leave it, by
- an order of council, when Henry became jealous of their favor for Queen
- Catharine.[**] Henry himself confesses, in an edict of the star chamber,
- printed among the statutes, that the foreigners starved the natives, and
- obliged them from idleness to have recourse to theft, murder, and other
- enormities.[***] He also asserts, that the vast multitude of foreigners
- raised the price of grain and bread.[****] And to prevent an increase of
- the evil, all foreign artificers were prohibited from having above two
- foreigners in their house, either journeymen or apprentices. A like
- jealousy arose against the foreign merchants; and to appease it, a law
- was enacted obliging all denizens to pay the duties imposed upon aliens.
- The parliament had done better to have encouraged foreign merchants and
- artisans to come over in greater numbers to England; which might have
- excited the emulation of the natives, and have improved their skill. The
- prisoners in the kingdom for debts and crimes are asserted, in an act
- of parliament, to be sixty thousand persons and above; which is scarcely
- credible. Harrison asserts, that seventy-two thousand criminals were
- executed during this reign for theft and robbery, which would amount
- nearly to two thousand a year. He adds, that, in the latter end of
- Elizabeth’s reign, there were not punished capitally four hundred in a
- year; it appears that, in all England, there are not at present fifty
- executed for those crimes. If these facts be just, there has been a
- great improvement in morals since the reign of Henry VIII. And this
- improvement has been chiefly owing to the increase of industry and of
- the arts, which have given maintenance, and what is almost of equal
- importance, occupation to the lower classes.
- * Stowe, p. 505. Holingshed, p. 840.
- ** Le Grand, vol. iii. p. 232.
- *** 21 Henry VIII.
- **** 21 Henry VIII., 22 Henry VIII. C 8., 3 Henry VIII. c.
- There is a remarkable clause in a statute passed near the beginning of
- this reign,[*] by which we might be induced to believe that England was
- extremely decayed from the flourishing condition which it had attained
- in preceding times. It had been enacted in the reign of Edward II.,
- that no magistrate in town or borough, who by his office ought to keep
- assize, should, during the continuance of his magistracy, sell, either
- in wholesale or retail, any wine or victuals. This law seemed equitable,
- in order to prevent fraud or private views in fixing the assize: yet the
- law is repealed in this reign. The reason assigned is, that “since the
- making of that statute and ordinance, many and the most part of all the
- cities, boroughs, and towns corporate, within the realm of England, are
- fallen in ruin and decay, and are not inhabited by merchants, and men
- of such substance as at the time of making that statute: for at this
- day the dwellers and inhabitants of the same cities and boroughs are
- commonly bakers, vintners, fishmongers, and other victuallers, and there
- remain few others to bear the offices.” Men have such a propensity to
- exalt past times above the present, that it seems dangerous to credit
- this reasoning of the parliament without further evidence to support it.
- So different are the views in which the same object appears, that some
- may be inclined to draw an opposite inference from this fact. A more
- regular police was established in the reign of Henry VIII. than in any
- former period, and a stricter administration of justice; an advantage
- which induced the men of landed property to leave the provincial
- towns, and to retire into the country. Cardinal Wolsey, in a speech to
- parliament, represented it as a proof of the increase of riches, that
- the customs had increased beyond what they were formerly.[**]
- But if there were really a decay of commerce, and industry, and
- populousness in England, the statutes of this reign, except by
- abolishing monasteries and retrenching holydays--circumstances of
- considerable moment--were not in other respects well calculated to
- remedy the evil. The fixing of the wages of artificers was attempted:
- [***] luxury in apparel was prohibited by repeated statutes;[****] and
- probably without effect.
- * Henry VIII. c. 8.
- ** Hall, fol. 110.
- *** 6 Henry VIII. c. 3.
- **** 1 Henry VIII. c. 14. 6 Henry VIII. c. I 7 Henry VIII.
- c. 7
- The chancellor and other ministers were empowered to fix the price of
- poultry, cheese, and butter.[*] A statute was even passed to fix the
- price of beef, pork, mutton, and veal.[**] Beef and pork were ordered
- to be sold at a halfpenny a pound; mutton and veal at a halfpenny half
- a farthing, money of that age. The preamble of the statute says, that
- these four species of butcher’s meat were the food of the poorer sort.
- This ace was afterwards repealed.[***]
- The practice of depopulating the country by abandoning tillage, and
- throwing the lands into pasturage, still continued;[****] as appears by
- the new laws which were from time to time enacted against that practice.
- The king was entitled to half the rents of the land, where any farm
- houses were allowed to fall to decay.[v] The unskilful husbandry was
- probably the cause why the proprietors found no profit in tillage. The
- number of sheep allowed to be kept in one flock, was restrained to two
- thousand.[v*] Sometimes, says the statute, one proprietor or farmer
- would keep a flock of twenty-four thousand. It is remarkable, that the
- parliament ascribes the increasing price of mutton to this increase of
- sheep: because, say they, the commodity being gotten into few hands, the
- price of it is raised at pleasure.[v**] It is more probable, that the
- effect proceeded from the daily increase of money; for it seems almost
- impossible that such a commodity could be engrossed.
- In the year 1544, it appears that an acre of good land in Cambridgeshire
- was let at a shilling, or about fifteen pence of our present
- money.[v***] This is ten times cheaper than the usual rent at present.
- But commodities were not above four times cheaper; a presumption of the
- bad husbandry in that age.
- Some laws were made with regard to beggars and vagrants;[v****] one of
- the circumstances in government, which humanity would most powerfully
- recommend to a benevolent legislator; which seems, at first sight, the
- most easily adjusted; and which is yet the most difficult to settle
- in such a manner as to attain the end without destroying industry.
- The convents formerly were a support to the poor; but at the same time
- tended to encourage idleness and beggary.
- * 25 Henry VIII. c. 2.
- ** 24 Henry VIII. c. 3.
- *** 33 Henry VIII. c. 11.
- **** Strype, vol. i. p. 392.
- v 6 Henry VIII. c. 5. 7 Henry VIII. c. 1.
- v* 25 Henry VIII. c. 13.
- v** 25 Henry VIII. c. 13.
- v*** Anderson, vol. i. p. 374.
- v**** 22 Henry VIII. c. 12. 22 Henry VIII. c. 5.
- In 1546, a law was made for fixing the interest of money at ten per
- cent.; the first legal interest known in England. Formerly all loans
- of that nature were regarded as usurious. The preamble of this very law
- treats the interest of money as illegal and criminal; and the prejudices
- still remained so strong, that the law permitting interest was repealed
- in the following reign.
- This reign, as well as many of the foregoing and even subsequent reigns,
- abounds with monopolizing laws, confining particular manufactures to
- particular towns, or excluding the open country in general.[*] There
- remain still too many traces of similar absurdities. In the subsequent
- reign, the corporations which had been opened by a former law, and
- obliged to admit tradesmen of different kinds, were again shut up by act
- of parliament; and every one was prohibited from exercising any trade
- who was not of the corporation.[**]
- Henry, as he possessed himself some talent for letters, was an
- encourager of them in others. He founded Trinity College in Cambridge,
- and gave it ample endowments. Wolsey founded Christ Church in Oxford,
- and intended to call it Cardinal College: but upon his fall, which
- happened before he had entirely finished his scheme, the king seized all
- the revenues; and this violence, above all the other misfortunes of that
- minister, is said to have given him the greatest concern.[***] But Henry
- afterwards restored the revenues of the college, and only changed the
- name. The cardinal founded in Oxford the first chair for teaching Greek;
- and this novelty rent that university into violent factions, which
- frequently came to blows. The students divided themselves into parties,
- which bore the names of Greeks and Trojans, and sometimes fought with
- as great animosity as was formerly exercised by those hostile nations.
- A new and more correct method of pronouncing Greek being introduced, it
- also divided the Grecians themselves into parties; and it was remarked
- that the Catholics favored the former pronunciation, the Protestants
- gave countenance to the new. Gardiner employed the authority of the king
- and council to suppress innovations in this particular, and to preserve
- the corrupt sound of the Greek alphabet. So little liberty was then
- allowed of any kind!
- * 21 Henry VIII. c. 12. 25 Henry VIII. c. 18. 3 and 4 Edward
- VI. c. 20. 5 and 6 Edward VI. c. 24.
- ** 3 and 4 Edward VI. c. 20.
- *** Strype, vol. i. p. 117.
- The penalties inflicted upon the new pronunciation were no less than
- whipping, degradation, and expulsion; and the bishop declared, that
- rather than permit the liberty of innovating in the pronunciation of
- the Greek alphabet, it were better that the language itself were totally
- banished the universities. The introduction of the Greek language into
- Oxford excited the emulation of Cambridge.[*] Wolsey intended to have
- enriched the library of his college at Oxford with copies of all the
- manuscripts that were in the Vatican.[**] The countenance given to
- letters by this king and his ministers contributed to render learning
- fashionable in England: Erasmus speaks with great satisfaction of the
- general regard paid by the nobility and gentry to men of knowledge.[***]
- It is needless to be particular in mentioning the writers of this reign
- or of the preceding. There is no man of that age who has the least
- pretension to be ranked among our classics. Sir Thomas More, though
- he wrote in Latin, seems to come the nearest to the character of a
- classical author.
- * Wood’s Hist. and Antiq. Oxon. lib. I p. 245.
- ** Wood’s Hist. and Antiq. Oxon. lib. I p. 246.
- *** Epist. ad Banisium. Also Epist. p. 668.
- [Illustration: 1-403-edward6.jpg EDWARD VI.]
- {1547.} THE late king, by the regulations which he imposed on the
- government of his infant son, as well as by the limitations of the
- succession, had projected to reign even after his decease; and he
- imagined that his ministers, who had always been so obsequious to him
- during his lifetime, would never afterwards depart from the plan which
- he had traced out to them. He fixed the majority of the prince at the
- completion of his eighteenth year; and as Edward was then only a few
- months past nine, he appointed sixteen executors; to whom, during the
- minority, he intrusted the government of the king and kingdom. Their
- names were, Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury; Lord Wriothesely,
- chancellor; Lord St. John, great master; Lord Russel, privy seal; the
- earl of Hertford, chamberlain: Viscount Lisle, admiral; Tonstal, bishop
- of Durham; Sir Anthony Brown, master of horse; Sir William Paget,
- secretary of state; Sir Edward North, chancellor of the court of
- augmentations; Sir Edward Montague, chief justice of the common pleas;
- Judge Bromley, Sir Anthony Denny, and Sir William Herbert, chief
- gentlemen of the privy chamber; Sir Edward Wotton, treasurer of Calais;
- Dr. Wotton, dean of Canterbury. To these executors, with whom was
- intrusted the whole regal authority, were appointed twelve counsellors,
- who possessed no immediate power, and could only assist with their
- advice when any affair was laid before them. The council was composed
- of the earls of Arundel and Essex; Sir Thomas Cheney, treasurer of
- the household; Sir John Gage, comptroller; Sir Anthony Wingfield,
- vice-chamberlain; Sir William Petre, secretary of state; Sir Richard
- Rich, Sir John Baker, Sir Ralph Sadler Sir Thomas Seymour, Sir Richard
- Southwell, and Sir Edmund Peckham.[*] The usual caprice of Henry appears
- somewhat in this nomination; while he appointed several persons of
- inferior station among his executors, and gave only the place of
- counsellor to a person of such high rank as the earl of Arundel, and to
- Sir Thomas Seymour, the king’s uncle.
- But the first act of the executors and counsellors was to depart from
- the destination of the late king in a material article. No sooner were
- they met, than it was suggested that the government would lose its
- dignity for want of some head who might represent the royal majesty,
- who might receive addresses from foreign ambassadors, to whom despatches
- from English ministers abroad might be carried, and whose name might be
- employed in all orders and proclamations: and as the king’s will seemed
- to labor under a defect in this particular, it was deemed necessary to
- supply it by choosing a protector; who, though he should possess all the
- exterior symbols of royal dignity, should yet be bound, in every act of
- power, to follow the opinion of the executors.[**]
- * Strype’s Memor. vol. ii. p. 457.
- ** Burnet, vol. ii. p. 5.
- This proposal was very disagreeable to Chancellor Wriothesely. That
- magistrate, a man of an active spirit and high ambition, found himself
- by his office entitled to the first rank in the regency after the
- primate; and as he knew that this prelate had no talent or inclination
- for state affairs, he hoped that the direction of public business
- would, of course, devolve in a great measure upon himself. He opposed,
- therefore, the proposal of choosing a protector; and represented that
- innovation as an infringement of the late king’s will, which, being
- corroborated by act of parliament, ought in every thing to be a law
- to them, and could not be altered but by the same authority which had
- established it. But he seems to have stood alone in the opposition. The
- executors and counsellors were mostly courtiers who had been raised by
- Henry’s favor, not men of high birth or great hereditary influence; and
- as they had been sufficiently accustomed to submission during the reign
- of the late monarch, and had no pretensions to govern the nation by
- their own authority, they acquiesced the more willingly in a proposal
- which seemed calculated for preserving public peace and tranquillity. It
- being therefore agreed to name a protector, the choice fell, of course,
- on the earl of Hertford, who, as he was the king’s maternal uncle, was
- strongly interested in his safety; and possessing no claims to inherit
- the crown, could never have any separate interest which might lead him
- to endanger Edward’s person or his authority.[*] The public was informed
- by proclamation of this change in the administration; and despatches
- were sent to all foreign courts to give them intimation of it. All those
- who were possessed of any office resigned their former commissions, and
- accepted new ones in the name of the young king. The bishops themselves
- were constrained to make a like submission. Care was taken to insert in
- their new commissions, that they held their office during pleasure:[**]
- and it is there expressly affirmed, that all manner of authority and
- jurisdiction, as well ecclesiastical as civil, is originally derived
- from the crown.[***]
- The executors, in their next measure, showed a more submissive deference
- to Henry’s will, because many of them found their account in it. The
- late king had intended, before his death, to make a new creation of
- nobility, in order to supply the place of those peerages which had
- fallen by former attainders, or the failure of issue; and that he might
- enable the new peers to support their dignity, he had resolved either to
- bestow estates on them, or advance them to higher offices. He had even
- gone so far as to inform them of this resolution; and in his will he
- charged his executors to make good all his promises.[****] That they
- might ascertain his intentions in the most authentic manner Sir William
- Paget, Sir Anthony Denny, and Sir William Herbert, with whom Henry had
- always conversed in a familiar manner, were called before the board
- of regency; and having given evidence of what they knew concerning
- the king’s promises, their testimony was relied on, and the executors
- proceeded to the fulfilling of these engagements. Hertford was created
- duke of Somerset, mareschal, and lord treasurer; Wriothesely, earl of
- Southampton; the earl of Essex, marquis of Northampton; Viscount
- Lisle, earl of Warwick; Sir Thomas Seymour, Lord Seymour of Sudley, and
- admiral; Sir Richard Rich, Sir William Willoughby, Sir Edward Sheffield
- accepted the title of baron.[v]
- * Heylin, Hist. Ref. Edward VI.
- ** Collier, vol. ii. p. 218. Burnet, vol. ii. p. 6. Strype’s
- Mem. of Cranm. p. 141.
- *** Strype’s Mem. of Cranm. p. 141.
- **** Fuller, Heylin, and Rymer.
- v Stowe’s Annals, p. 594
- Several, to whom the same dignity was offered, refused it; because the
- other part of the king’s promise, the bestowing of estates on these new
- noblemen, was deferred till a more convenient opportunity. Some of
- them, however, as also Somerset, the protector, were, in the mean time,
- endowed with spiritual preferments, deaneries, and prebends. For, among
- many other invasions of ecclesiastical privileges and property, this
- irregular practice of bestowing spiritual benefices on laymen began now
- to prevail.
- The earl of Southampton had always been engaged in an opposite party
- to Somerset; and it was not likely that factions which had secretly
- prevailed even during the arbitrary reign of Henry, should be suppressed
- in the weak administration that usually attends a minority. The former
- nobleman, that he might have the greater leisure for attending to public
- business, had, of himself and from his own authority, put the great
- seal in commission, and had empowered four lawyers Southwell,
- Tregonel, Oliver, and Bellasis, to execute in his absence the office of
- chancellor. This measure seemed very exceptionable; and the more so, as,
- two of the commissioners being canonists, the lawyers suspected that,
- by this nomination, the chancellor had intended to discredit the
- common law. Complaints were made to the council, who, influenced by the
- protector, gladly laid hold of the opportunity to depress Southampton.
- They consulted the judges with regard to so unusual a case; and received
- for answer, that the commission was illegal, and that the chancellor, by
- his presumption in granting it, had justly forfeited the great seal, and
- was even liable to punishment. The council summoned him to appear before
- them. He maintained that he held his office by the late king’s will,
- founded on an act of parliament, and could not lose it without a trial
- in parliament; that if the commission which he had granted were found
- illegal, it might be cancelled, and all the ill consequences of it be
- easily remedied; and that the depriving him of his office for an error
- of this nature, was a precedent by which any other innovation might be
- authorized. But the council, notwithstanding these topics of defence,
- declared that he had forfeited the great seal; that a fine should be
- imposed upon him; and that he should be confined to his own house during
- pleasure.[*]
- * Holingshed, p. 979
- The removal of Southampton increased the protectors’ authority, as
- well as tended to suppress faction in the regency yet was not Somerset
- contented with this advantage; his ambition carried him to seek still
- further acquisitions. On pretence that the vote of the executors
- choosing his protector, was not a sufficient foundation for his
- authority, he procured a patent from the young king, by which he
- entirely overturned the will of Henry VIII., produced a total revolution
- in the government, and may seem even to have subverted all the laws
- of the kingdom. He named himself protector with full regal power, and
- appointed a council, consisting of all the former counsellors, and all
- the executors, except Southampton; he reserved a power of naming any
- other counsellors at pleasure; and he was bound to consult with such
- only as he thought proper. The protector and his council were likewise
- empowered to act at discretion, and to execute whatever they deemed for
- the public service, without incurring any penalty or forfeiture from any
- law, statute, proclamation, or ordinance whatsoever.[*] Even had this
- patent been more moderate in its concessions, and had it been drawn by
- directions from the executors appointed by Henry, its legality might
- justly be questioned; since it seems essential to a trust of this
- nature to be exercised by the persons intrusted, and not to admit of a
- delegation to others: but as the patent, by its very tenor, where
- the executors are not so much as mentioned, appears to have been
- surreptitiously obtained from a minor king, the protectorship of
- Somerset was a plain usurpation, which it is impossible by any arguments
- to justify. The connivance, however, of the executors, and their present
- acquiescence in the new establishment, made it be universally submitted
- to; and as the young king discovered an extreme attachment to his
- uncle, who was also, in the main, a man of moderation and probity, no
- objections were made to his power and title. All men of sense, likewise,
- who saw the nation divided by the religious zeal of the opposite sects,
- deemed it the more necessary to intrust the government to one person,
- who might check the exorbitancies of faction, and insure the public
- tranquillity. And though some clauses of the patent seemed to imply a
- formal subversion of all limited government, so little jealousy was then
- usually entertained on that head, that no exception was ever taken
- at bare claims or pretensions of this nature, advanced by any person
- possessed of sovereign power. The actual exercise alone of arbitrary
- administration, and that in many, and great, and flagrant, and unpopular
- instances, was able sometimes to give some umbrage to the nation.
- * Burnet, vol. ii. Records, No. 6.
- The extensive authority and imperious character of Henry had retained
- the partisans of both religions in subjection; but upon his demise, the
- hopes of the Protestants and the fears of the Catholics began to
- revive, and the zeal of these parties produced every where disputes and
- animosities, the usual preludes to more fatal divisions. The protector
- had long been regarded as a secret partisan of the reformers; and being
- now freed from restraint, he scrupled not to discover his intention of
- correcting all abuses in the ancient religion, and of adopting still
- more of the Protestant innovations. He took care that all persons
- intrusted with the king’s education should be attached to the same
- principles; and as the young prince discovered a zeal for every kind of
- literature, especially the theological, far beyond his tender years,
- all men foresaw, in the course of his reign, the total abolition of the
- Catholic faith in England; and they early began to declare themselves in
- favor of those tenets, which were likely to become in the end entirely
- prevalent. After Southampton’s fall, few members of the council seemed
- to retain any attachment to the Romish communion; and most of the
- counsellors appeared even sanguine in forwarding the progress of the
- reformation. The riches which most of them had acquired from the spoils
- of the clergy, induced them to widen the breach between England and
- Rome; and by establishing a contrariety of speculative tenets, as well
- as of discipline and worship, to render a coalition with the mother
- church altogether impracticable.[*] Their rapacity also, the chief
- source of their reforming spirit, was excited by the prospect of
- pillaging the secular, as they had already done the regular clergy; and
- they knew that while any share of the old principles remained, or any
- regard to the ecclesiastics, they could never hope to succeed in that
- enterprise.
- * Goodwin’s Annals. Heylin.
- The numerous and burdensome superstitions with which the Romish church
- was loaded had thrown many of the reformers by the spirit of opposition,
- into an enthusiastic strain of devotion; and all rites, ceremonies,
- pomp, order, and exterior observances were zealously proscribed by them,
- as hinderances to their spiritual contemplations, and obstructions to
- their immediate converse with Heaven. Many circumstances concurred to
- inflame this daring spirit; the novelty itself of their doctrines, the
- triumph of making proselytes, the furious persecutions to which they
- were exposed, their animosity against the ancient tenets and practices,
- and the necessity of procuring the concurrence of the laity by
- depressing the hierarchy, and by tendering to them the plunder of the
- ecclesiastics. Wherever the reformation prevailed over the opposition
- of civil authority, this genius of religion appeared in its full extent,
- and was attended with consequences, which, though less durable, were,
- for some time, not less dangerous than those which were connected
- with the ancient superstition. But as the magistrate took the lead in
- England, the transition was more gradual; much of the ancient religion
- was still preserved, and a reasonable degree of subordination was
- retained in discipline, as well as some pomp, order, and ceremony in
- public worship.
- The protector, in his schemes for advancing the reformation, had always
- recourse to the counsels of Cranmer, who, being a man of moderation and
- prudence, was averse to all violent changes, and determined to bring
- over the people, by insensible innovations, to that system of doctrine
- and discipline which he deemed the most pure and perfect. He probably
- also foresaw, that a system which carefully avoided the extremes of
- reformation, was likely to be most lasting; and that a devotion, merely
- spiritual, was fitted only for the first fervors of a new sect, and
- upon the relaxation of these naturally gave place to the inroads of
- superstition. He seems therefore to have intended the establishment of a
- hierarchy, which, being suited to a great and settled government,
- might stand as a perpetual barrier against Rome, and might retain
- the reverence of the people, even after their enthusiastic zeal was
- diminished, or entirely evaporated.
- The person who opposed with greatest authority any further advances
- towards reformation, was Gardiner, bishop of Winchester; who, though he
- had not obtained a place in the council of regency, on account of
- late disgusts which he had given to Henry, was entitled, by his age,
- experience, and capacity, to the highest trust and confidence of his
- party. This prelate still continued to magnify the great wisdom and
- learning of the late king, which, indeed, were generally and sincerely
- revered by the nation; and he insisted on the prudence, of persevering,
- at least till the young king’s majority, in the ecclesiastical model
- established by that great monarch. He defended the use of images, which
- were now openly attacked by the Protestants; and he represented them
- as serviceable in maintaining a sense of religion among the illiterate
- multitude.[*] He even deigned to write an apology for “holy water,”
- which Bishop Ridley had decried in a sermon; and he maintained that, by
- the power of the Almighty, it might be rendered an instrument of doing
- good, as much as the shadow of St. Peter, the hem of Christ’s garment,
- or the spittle and clay laid upon the eyes of the blind.[**] Above all,
- he insisted that the laws ought to be observed, that the constitution
- ought to be preserved inviolate, and that it was dangerous to follow the
- will of the sovereign, in opposition to an act of parliament.[***]
- But though there remained at that time in England an idea of laws and a
- constitution, sufficient at least to furnish a topic of argument to such
- as were discontented with any immediate exercise of authority; this plea
- could scarcely, in the present case, be maintained with any plausibility
- by Gardiner. An act of parliament had invested the crown with a
- legislative power; and royal proclamations, even during a minority, were
- armed with the force of laws. The protector, finding himself supported
- by this statute, was determined to employ his authority in favor of the
- reformers; and having suspended, during the interval, the jurisdiction
- of the bishops, he appointed a general visitation to be made in all the
- dioceses of England.[****] The visitors consisted of a mixture of clergy
- and laity, and had six circuits assigned them. The chief purport
- of their instructions was, besides correcting immoralities and
- irregularities in the clergy, to abolish the ancient superstitions, and
- to bring the discipline and worship somewhat nearer the practice of the
- reformed churches. The moderation of Somerset and Cranmer is apparent
- in the conduct of this delicate affair. The visitors were enjoined to
- retain for the present all images which had not been abused to idolatry;
- and to instruct the people not to despise such ceremonies as were not
- yet abrogated, but only to beware of some particular superstitions,
- such as the sprinkling of their beds with holy water, and the ringing
- of bells, or using of consecrated candles, in order to drive away the
- devil.[v]
- * Fox, vol. ii. p. 712.
- ** Fox, vol. ii. p. 724
- *** Collier, vol. ii. p. 228. Fox, vol. ii.
- **** Mem. Cranm. p. 146, 147, etc.
- v Burnet, vol. ii. p. 28.
- But nothing required more the correcting hand of authority than the
- abuse of preaching, which was now generally employed throughout England
- in defending the ancient practices and superstitions. The court of
- augmentation, in order to ease the exchequer of the annuities paid to
- monks, had commonly placed them in the vacant churches; and these
- men were led by interest, as well as by inclination, to support those
- principles which had been invented for the profit of the clergy. Orders
- therefore were given to restrain the topics of theft sermons: twelve
- homilies were published, which they were enjoined to read to the people:
- and all of them were prohibited, without express permission, from
- preaching any where but in their parish churches. The purpose of this
- injunction was to throw a restraint on the Catholic divines; while
- the Protestant, by the grant of particular licenses, should he allowed
- unbounded liberty. Bonner made some opposition to these measures; but
- soon after retracted and acquiesced. Gardiner was more high-spirited and
- more steady. He represented the peril of perpetual innovations, and the
- necessity of adhering to some system. “‘Tis a dangerous thing,” said
- he, “to use too much freedom in researches of this kind. If you cut the
- old canal, the water is apt to run farther than you have a mind to.
- If you indulge the humor of novelty, you cannot put a stop to people’s
- demands, nor govern their indiscretions at pleasure.” “For my part,”
- said he, on another occasion “my sole concern is, to manage the third
- and last act of my life with decency, and to make a handsome exit off
- the stage. Provided this point is secured, I am not solicitous about the
- rest. I am already by nature condemned to death: no man can give me
- a pardon from this sentence; nor so much as procure me a reprieve. To
- speak my mind, and to act as my conscience directs, are two branches of
- liberty which I can never part with. Sincerity in speech, and integrity
- in action, are entertaining qualities: they will stick by a man when
- every thing else takes its leave; and I must not resign them upon any
- consideration. The best on it is, if I do not throw them away myself, no
- man can force them from me: but if I give them up, then am I ruined by
- myself, and deserve to lose all my preferments.”[*] This opposition of
- Gardiner drew on him the indignation of the council; and he was sent to
- the Fleet, where he was used with some severity.
- * Collier, vol. ii. p. 228, ex MS. Col. C. C. Cantab.
- Bibliotheca Britannica, article Gardiner.
- One of the chief objections urged by Gardiner against the new homilies
- was, that they defined with the most metaphysical precision the
- doctrines of grace, and of justification by faith; points, he thought,
- which it was superfluous for any man to know exactly, and which
- certainly much exceeded the comprehension of the vulgar. A famous
- martyrologist calls Gardiner, on account of this opinion, “an insensible
- ass, and one that had no feeling of God’s spirit in the matter of
- justification.”[*] The meanest Protestant imagined, at that time, that
- he had a full comprehension of all those mysterious doctrines; and he
- heartily despised the most learned and knowing person of the ancient
- religion, who acknowledged his ignorance with regard to them. It is
- indeed certain, that the reformers were very fortunate in their
- doctrine of justification; and might venture to foretell its success, in
- opposition to all the ceremonies, shows, and superstitions of Popery.
- By exalting Christ and his sufferings, and renouncing all claim to
- independent merit in ourselves, it was calculated to become popular, and
- coincided with those principles of panegyric and of self-abasement which
- generally have place in religion.
- * Fox. vol. ii.
- Tonstal, bishop of Durham, having, as well as Gardiner, made some
- opposition to the new regulations, was dismissed by the council; but no
- further severity was for the present exercised against him. He was a man
- of great moderation, and of the most unexceptionable character in the
- kingdom.
- The same religious zeal which engaged Somerset to promote the
- reformation at home, led him to carry his attention to foreign
- countries; where the interests of the Protestants were now exposed to
- the most imminent danger. The Roman pontiff, with much reluctance, and
- after long delays, had at last summoned a general council, which was
- assembled at Trent, and was employed both in correcting the abuses of
- the church, and in ascertaining her doctrines. The emperor, who desired
- to repress the power of the court of Rome, as well as gain over the
- Protestants, promoted the former object of the council; the pope, who
- found his own greatness so deeply interested, desired rather to employ
- them in the latter. He gave instructions to his legates, who presided in
- the council, to protract the debates, and to engage the theologians in
- argument, and altercation, and dispute concerning the nice points of
- faith canvassed before them; a policy so easy to be executed, that the
- legates soon found it rather necessary to interpose, in order to
- appease the animosity of the divines, and bring them at last to some
- decision.[*] The more difficult task for the legates was, to moderate
- or divert the zeal of the council for reformation, and to repress the
- ambition of the prelates, who desired to exalt the episcopal authority
- on the ruins of the sovereign pontiff. Finding this humor become
- prevalent, the legates, on pretence that the plague had broken out at
- Trent, transferred of a sudden the council to Bologna, where they hoped
- it would be more under the direction of his holiness.
- The emperor, no less than the pope, had learned to make religion
- subservient to his ambition and policy. He was resolved to employ the
- imputation of heresy as a pretence for subduing the Protestant princes,
- and oppressing the liberties of Germany; but found it necessary to cover
- his intentions under deep artifice, and to prevent the combination
- of his adversaries. He separated the Palatine and the elector of
- Brandenburgh from the Protestant confederacy: he took arms against the
- elector of Saxony and the landgrave of Hesse: by the fortune of war
- he made the former prisoner: he employed treachery and prevarication
- against the latter, and detained him captive, by breaking a safe-conduct
- which he had granted him. He seemed to have reached the summit of his
- ambition; and the German princes, who were astonished with his success,
- were further discouraged by the intelligence which they had received
- of the death, first of Henry VIII., then of Francis I., their usual
- resources in every calamity.[**]
- Henry II., who succeeded to the crown of France, was a prince of vigor
- and abilities; but less hasty in his resolutions than Francis, and
- less inflamed with rivalship and animosity against the emperor Charles.
- Though he sent ambassadors to the princes of the Smalcaldic league, and
- promised them protection, he was unwilling, in the commencement of his
- reign, to hurry into a war with so great a power as that of the emperor;
- and he thought that the alliance of those princes was a sure resource,
- which he could at any time lay hold of.[***] He was much governed by the
- duke of Guise and the cardinal of Lorraine; and he hearkened to their
- counsel, in choosing rather to give immediate assistance to Scotland,
- his ancient ally, which, even before the death of Henry VIII. had loudly
- claimed the protection of the French monarchy.
- * Father Paul, lib. ii.
- ** Sleidan.
- *** Père Daniel
- The hatred between the two factions, the partisans of the ancient and
- those of the new religion, became every day more violent in Scotland;
- and the resolution which the cardinal primate had taken, to employ the
- most rigorous punishments against the reformers, brought matters to
- a quick decision. There was one Wishart, a gentleman by birth, who
- employed himself with great zeal in preaching against the ancient
- superstitions, and began to give alarm to the clergy, who were justly
- terrified with the danger of some fatal revolution in religion. This
- man was celebrated for the purity of his morals, and for his extensive
- learning; but these praises cannot be much depended on; because we know
- that, among the reformers, severity of manners supplied the place of
- many virtues; and the age was in general so ignorant, that most of the
- priests in Scotland imagined the New Testament to be a composition of
- Luther’s, and asserted that the Old alone was the Word of God.[*] [19]
- But however the case may have stood with regard to those estimable
- qualities ascribed to Wishart, he was strongly possessed with the desire
- of innovation; and he enjoyed those talents which qualified him
- for becoming a popular preacher, and for seizing the attention and
- affections of the multitude. The magistrates of Dundee, where he
- exercised his mission, were alarmed with his progress; and being unable
- or unwilling to treat him with rigor, they contented themselves with
- denying him the liberty of preaching, and with dismissing him the bounds
- of their jurisdiction. Wishart, moved with indignation that they had
- dared to reject him, together with the word of God, menaced them, in
- imitation of the ancient prophets, with some imminent calamity; and he
- withdrew to the west country, where he daily increased the number of his
- proselytes.
- * See note S, at the end of the volume.
- Meanwhile, a plague broke out in Dundee; and all men exclaimed, that
- the town had drawn down the vengeance of Heaven by banishing the pious
- preacher, and that the pestilence would never cease, till they bed made
- him atonement for their offence against him. No sooner did Wishart hear
- of this change in their disposition, than he returned to them, and
- made them a new tender of his doctrine: but lest he should spread the
- contagion by bringing them together, he erected his pulpit on the top of
- a gate; the infected stood within, the others without. And the preacher
- failed not, in such a situation, to take advantage of the immediate
- terrors of the people, and to enforce his evangelical mission.[*]
- The assiduity and success of Wishart became an object of attention to
- Cardinal Beatoun; and he resolved, by the punishment of so celebrated a
- preacher, to strike a terror into all other innovators. He engaged
- the earl of Bothwell to arrest him, and to deliver him into his hands,
- contrary to a promise given by Bothwell to that unhappy man; and being
- possessed of his prey, he conducted him to St. Andrews, where, after a
- trial, he condemned him to the flames for heresy. Arran, the governor,
- was irresolute in his temper; and the cardinal, though he had gained him
- over to his party, found that he would not concur in the condemnation
- and execution of Wishart. He determined, therefore, without the
- assistance of the secular arm, to bring that heretic to punishment; and
- he himself beheld from his window the dismal spectacle. Wishart suffered
- with the usual patience, but could not forbear remarking the triumph of
- his insulting enemy. He foretold that, in a few days, he should, in the
- very same place, lie as low as now he was exalted aloft in opposition to
- true piety and religion.[**]
- * Knox’s Hist. of Ref. p. 44. Spotswood.
- ** Spotswood. Buchanan.
- This prophecy was probably the immediate cause of the event which it
- foretold. The disciples of this martyr, enraged at the cruel execution,
- formed a conspiracy against the cardinal; and having associated to them
- Norman Lesly, who was disgusted on account of some private quarrel, they
- conducted their enterprise with great secrecy and success. Early in
- the morning, they entered the cardinal’s palace, which he had strongly
- fortified, and though they were not above sixteen persons, they thrust
- out a hundred tradesmen and fifty servants, whom they seized separately,
- before any suspicion arose of their intentions; and having shut the
- gates, they proceeded very deliberately to execute their purpose on the
- cardinal. That prelate had been alarmed with the noise which he heard
- in the castle, and had barricadoed the door of his chamber; but finding
- that they had brought fire in order to force their way, and having
- obtained, as is believed, a promise of life, he opened the door, and
- reminding them that he was a priest, he conjured them to spare him. Two
- of the assassins rushed upon him with drawn swords; but a third, James
- Melvil, more calm and more considerate in villany, stopped their career,
- and bade them reflect, that this sacrifice was the work and judgment of
- God, and ought to be executed with becoming deliberation and gravity.
- Then turning the point of his sword towards Beatoun, he called to him,
- “Repent thee, thou wicked cardinal, of all thy sins and iniquities,
- especially of the murder of Wishart, that instrument of God for the
- conversion of these lands: it is his death which now cries vengeance
- upon thee: we are sent by God to inflict the deserved punishment. For
- here, before the Almighty, I protest that it is neither hatred of thy
- person, nor love of thy riches, nor fear of thy power, which moves me to
- seek thy death; but only because thou hast been, and still remainest,
- an obstinate enemy to Christ Jesus and his holy gospel.” Having spoken
- these words, without giving Beatoun time to finish that repentance to
- which he exhorted him, he thrust him through the body; and the cardinal
- fell dead at his feet.[*] This murder was executed on the twenty-eighth
- of May, 1546. The assassins, being reenforced by their friends to
- the number of a hundred and forty persons, prepared themselves for the
- defence of the castle, and sent a messenger to London craving assistance
- from Henry. That prince, though Scotland was comprehended in his
- peace with France, would not forego the opportunity of disturbing the
- government of a rival kingdom; and he promised to take them under his
- protection.
- * The famous Scotch reformer, John Knox, calls James Melvil
- (p. 65) a man most gentle and most modest. It is very
- horrid, but at the same time somewhat amusing, to consider
- the joy, and alacrity, and pleasure which that historian
- discovers in his narrative of this assassination; and it is
- remarkable, that in the first edition of his work, these
- words were printed in the margin of the page: “The godly
- Fact and Words of James Melvil.” But the following editors
- retrenched them. Knox himself had no hand in the murder of
- Beatoun; but he afterwards joined the assassins, and
- assisted them in holding out the castle. See Keith’s Hist.
- of the Rcf. of Scotland, p. 43.
- It was the peculiar misfortune of Scotland, that five short reigns had
- been followed successively by as many long minorities; and the execution
- of justice, which the prince was beginning to introduce, had been
- continually interrupted by the cabals, factions, and animosities of the
- great. But besides these inveterate and ancient evils, a new source of
- disorder had arisen, the disputes and contentions of theology which were
- sufficient to disturb the most settled government; and the death of
- the cardinal, who was possessed of abilities and vigor, seemed much
- to weaken the hands of the administration. But the queen dowager was a
- woman of uncommon talents and virtue; and she did as much to support the
- government, and supply the weakness of Arran, the governor, as could be
- expected in her situation.
- The protector of England, as soon as the state was brought to some
- composure, made preparations for war with Scotland; and he was
- determined to execute, if possible, that project of uniting the two
- kingdoms by marriage, on which the late king had been so intent, and
- which he had recommended with his dying breath to his executors. He
- levied an army of eighteen thousand men, and equipped a fleet of
- sixty sail, one half of which were ships of war, the other laden with
- provisions and ammunition. He gave the command of the fleet to Lord
- Clinton; he himself marched at the head of the army, attended by the
- earl of Warwick. These hostile measures were covered with a pretence of
- revenging some depredations committed by the borderers: but besides that
- Somerset revived the ancient claim of the superiority of the English
- crown over that of Scotland, he refused to enter into negotiation on any
- other condition than the marriage of the young queen with Edward.
- The protector, before he opened the campaign, published a manifesto,
- in which he enforced all the arguments for that measure. He said, that
- nature seemed originally to have intended this island for one empire,
- and having cut it off from all communication with foreign states, and
- guarded it by the ocean, she had pointed out to the inhabitants the
- road to happiness and to security; that the education and customs of the
- people concurred with nature; and, by giving them the same language, and
- laws, and manners, had invited them to a thorough union and coalition:
- that fortune had at last removed all obstacles, and had prepared an
- expedient by which they might become one people, without leaving any
- place for that jealousy either of honor or of interest, to which rival
- nations are naturally exposed: that the crown of Scotland had devolved
- on a female; that of England on a male; and happily the two sovereigns,
- as of a rank, were also of an age the most suitable to each other: that
- the hostile dispositions which prevailed between the nations, and which
- arose from past injuries, would soon be extinguished, after a long and
- secure peace had established confidence between them: that the memory of
- former miseries, which at present inflamed their mutual animosity,
- would then serve only to make them cherish with more passion a state of
- happiness and tranquillity so long unknown to their ancestors: that when
- hostilities had ceased between the kingdoms, the Scottish nobility,
- who were at present obliged to remain perpetually in a warlike posture,
- would learn to cultivate the arts of peace, and would soften their minds
- to a love of domestic order and obedience: that as this situation was
- desirable to both kingdoms, so particularly to Scotland, which had been
- exposed to the greatest miseries from intestine and foreign wars, and
- saw herself every moment in danger of losing her independency by the
- efforts of a richer and more powerful people: that though England had
- claims of superiority, she was willing to resign every pretension for
- the sake of future peace; and desired a union which would be the more
- secure, as it would be concluded on terms entirely equal; and that,
- besides all these motives, positive engagements had been taken for
- completing this alliance; and the honor and good faith of the
- nation were pledged to fulfil what her interest and safety so loudly
- demanded.[*]
- Somerset soon perceived that these remonstrances would have no
- influence; and that the queen dowager’s attachment to France and to
- the Catholic religion would render ineffectual all negotiations for the
- intended marriage. He found himself, therefore, obliged to try the force
- of arms, and to constrain the Scots by necessity to submit to a measure
- for which they seemed to have entertained the most incurable aversion.
- He passed the borders at Berwick, and advanced towards Edinburgh,
- without meeting any resistance for some days, except from some small
- castles, which he obliged to surrender at discretion. The protector
- intended to have punished the governor and garrison of one of these
- castles for their temerity in resisting such unequal force: but they
- eluded his anger by asking only a few hours’ respite, till they should
- prepare themselves for death; after which they found his ears more open
- to their applications for mercy.[**]
- * Sir John Haywood in Kennet, p. 279. Heylin, p. 42.
- ** Haywood. Patten.
- The governor of Scotland had summoned together the whole force of the
- kingdom; and his army, double in number to that of the English, had
- taken post on advantageous ground, guarded by the banks of the Eske,
- about four miles from Edinburgh. The English came within sight of them
- at Faside; and after a skirmish between the horse, where the Scots were
- worsted, and Lord Hume dangerously wounded, Somerset prepared himself
- for a more decisive action. But having taken a view of the Scottish camp
- with the earl of Warwick, he found it difficult to make an attempt upon
- it with any probability of success. He wrote, therefore, another letter
- to Arran; and offered to evacuate the kingdom, as well as to repair all
- the damages which he had committed, provided the Scots would stipulate
- not to contract the queen to any foreign prince, but to detain her at
- home till she reached the age of choosing a husband for herself. So
- moderate a demand was rejected by the Scots merely on account of its
- moderation; and it made them imagine that the protector must either be
- reduced to great distress, or be influenced by fear, that he was now
- contented to abate so much of his former pretensions. Inflamed also by
- their priests, who had come to the camp in great numbers, they believed
- that the English were detestable heretics, abhorred of God, and exposed
- to divine vengeance; and that no success could ever crown their arms.
- They were confirmed in this fond conceit when they saw the protector
- change his ground, and move towards the sea; nor did they any longer
- doubt that he intended to embark his army, and make his escape on board
- the ships which at that very time moved into the bay opposite to him.[*]
- Determined therefore to cut off his retreat, they quitted their camp;
- and passing the River Eske, advanced into the plain. They were divided
- into three bodies: Angus commanded the vanguard; Arran the main body;
- Huntley the rear: their cavalry consisted only of light horse, which
- were placed on their left flank, strengthened by some Irish archers whom
- Argyle had brought over for this service.
- * Holingshed, p. 985.
- Somerset was much pleased when he saw this movement of the Scottish
- army; and as the English had usually been superior in pitched battles,
- he conceived great hopes of success. He ranged his van on the left,
- farthest from the sea; and ordered them to remain on the high grounds on
- which he placed them, till the enemy should approach: he placed his main
- battle and his rear towards the right; and beyond the van he posted
- Lord Grey at the head of the men at arms, and ordered him to take the
- Scottish van in flank, but not till they should be engaged in close
- fight with the van of the English.
- While the Scots were advancing on the plain, they were galled with the
- artillery from the English ships: the eldest son of Lord Graham was
- killed: the Irish archers were thrown into disorder; and even the other
- troops began to stagger; when Lord Grey, perceiving their situation,
- neglected his orders, left his ground, and at the head of his
- heavy-armed horse made an attack on the Scottish infantry, in hopes of
- gaining all the honor of the victory. On advancing, he found a slough
- and ditch in his way; and behind were ranged the enemy armed with
- spears, and the field on which they stood was fallow ground, broken with
- ridges which lay across their front, and disordered the movements of
- the English cavalry. From all these accidents, the shock of this body
- of horse was feeble and irregular; and as they were received on the
- points of the Scottish spears, which were longer than the lances of
- the English horsemen, they were in a moment pierced, over-thrown, and
- discomfited. Grey himself was dangerously wounded: Lord Edward Seymour,
- son of the protector, had his horse killed under him: the standard was
- near being taken: and had the Scots possessed any good body of cavalry,
- who could have pursued the advantage, the whole English army had been
- exposed to great danger.[*]
- * Patter. Holingshed, p. 986.
- The protector, meanwhile, assisted by Sir Ralph Sadler and Sir Ralph
- Vane, employed himself with diligence and success in rallying the
- cavalry. Warwick showed great presence of mind in maintaining the ranks
- of the foot, on which the horse had recoiled: he made Sir Peter Meutas
- advance, captain of the foot harquebusiers, and Sir Peter Gamboa,
- captain of some Italian and Spanish harquebusiers on horseback; and
- ordered them to ply the Scottish infantry with their shot. They marched
- to the slough, and discharged their pieces full in the face of the
- enemy: the ships galled them from the flank: the artillery, planted on
- a height, infested them from the front: the English archers poured in a
- shower of arrows upon them: and the vanguard, descending from the hill,
- advanced leisurely and in good order towards them. Dismayed with all
- these circumstances, the Scottish van began to retreat: the retreat soon
- changed into a flight, which was begun by the Irish archers. The panic
- of the van communicated itself to the main body, and passing thence to
- the rear, rendered the whole field a scene of confusion, terror, flight,
- and consternation. The English army perceived from the heights the
- condition of the Scots, and began the pursuit with loud shouts and
- acclamations, which added still more to the dismay of the vanquished.
- The horse in particular, eager to revenge the affront which they had
- received in the beginning of the day, did the most bloody execution on
- the flying enemy; and from the field of battle to Edinburgh, for the
- space of five miles, the whole ground was strowed with dead bodies. The
- priests, above all, and the monks, received no quarter; and the
- English made sport of slaughtering men who, from their extreme zeal
- and animosity, had engaged in an enterprise so ill befitting their
- profession. Few victories have been more decisive, or gained with
- smaller loss to the conquerors. There fell not two hundred of the
- English; and according to the most moderate computation, there perished
- above ten thousand of the Scots. About fifteen hundred were taken
- prisoners. This action was called the battle of Pinkey, from a
- nobleman’s seat of that name in the neighborhood.
- The queen dowager and Arran fled to Stirling, and were scarcely able
- to collect such a body of forces as could check the incursions of small
- parties of the English. About the same time, the earl of Lenox and Lord
- Wharton entered the west marches, at the head of five thousand men; and
- after taking and plundering Annan, they spread devastation over all
- the neighboring counties.[*] Had Somerset prosecuted his advantages, he
- might have imposed what terms he pleased on the Scottish nation: but he
- was impatient to return to England, where, he heard, some counsellors,
- and even his own brother, the admiral, were carrying on cabals against
- his authority. Having taking the castles of Hume, Dunglass, Eymouth,
- Fastcastle, Roxborough, and some other small places, and having
- received the submission of some counties on the borders, he retired
- from Scotland. The fleet, besides destroying all the shipping along the
- coast, took Broughty, in the Frith of Tay; and having fortified it,
- they there left a garrison. Arran desired leave to send commissioners
- in order to treat of a peace; and Somerset, having appointed Berwick for
- the place of conference, left Warwick with full powers to negotiate: but
- no commissioners from Scotland ever appeared. The overture of the Scots
- was an artifice, to gain time till succors should arrive from France.
- * Holingshed, p. 992.
- The protector, on his arrival in England, summoned a parliament: and
- being somewhat elated with his success against the Scots, he procured
- from his nephew a patent, appointing him to sit on the throne, upon
- a stool or bench at the right hand of the king, and to enjoy the same
- honors and privileges that had usually been possessed by any prince of
- the blood, or uncle of the kings of England. In this patent the
- king employed his dispensing power, by setting aside the statute of
- precedency enacted during the former reign.[*] But if Somerset gave
- offence by assuming too much state, he deserves great praise on account
- of the laws passed this session, by which the rigor of former statutes
- was much mitigated, and some security given to the freedom of the
- constitution. All laws were repealed which extended the crime of treason
- beyond the statute of the twenty-fifth of Edward III.;[**] all laws
- enacted during the late reign extending the crime of felony; all the
- former laws against Lollardy or heresy, together with the statute of
- the six articles. None were to be accused for words, but within a month
- after they were spoken. By these repeals several of the most rigorous
- laws that ever had passed in England were annulled; and some dawn, both
- of civil and religious liberty, began to appear to the people. Heresy,
- however, was still a capital crime by the common law, and was subjected
- to the penalty of burning. Only there remained no precise standard by
- which that crime could be defined or determined; a circumstance which
- might either be advantageous or hurtful to public security, according to
- the disposition of the judges.
- A repeal also passed of that law, the destruction of all laws, by which
- the king’s proclamation was made of equal force with a statute.[***]
- That other law, likewise, was mitigated, by which the king was empowered
- to annul every statute passed before the four-and-twentieth year of his
- age: he could prevent their future execution; but could not recall any
- past effects which had ensued from them.[****]
- * Rymer, vol. xv. p. 164.
- ** 1 Edward VI. c. 12.
- *** 1 Edward VI. c. 2.
- **** 1 Edward VI. c. 2.
- It was also enacted, that all who denied the king’s supremacy, or
- asserted the pope’s, should, for the first offence, forfeit their goods
- and chattels, and suffer imprisonment during pleasure; for the second
- offence, should incur the penalty of a “præmunire;” and for the third,
- be attainted of treason. But if any, after the first of March ensuing,
- endeavored, by writing, printing, or any overt act or deed, to deprive
- the king of his estate or titles, particularly of his supremacy, or to
- confer them on any other, he was to be adjudged guilty of treason. If
- any of the heirs of the crown should usurp upon another, or endeavor to
- break the order of succession, it was declared treason in them, their
- aiders and abettors. These were the most considerable acts passed
- during this session. The members in general discovered a very passive
- disposition with regard to religion: some few appeared zealous for
- the reformation: others secretly harbored a strong propensity to the
- Catholic faith: but the greater part appeared willing to take any
- impression which they should receive from interest authority, or the
- reigning fashion.[*]
- The convocation met at the same time with the parliament and as it was
- found that their debates were at first cramped by the rigorous statute
- of the six articles, the king granted them a dispensation from that law,
- before it was repealed by parliament.[**] The lower house of convocation
- applied to have liberty of sitting with the commons in parliament; or
- if this privilege were refused them, which they claimed as their
- ancient right, they desired that no law regarding religion might pass
- in parliament without their consent and approbation. But the principles
- which now prevailed were more favorable to the civil than to the
- ecclesiastical power; and this demand of the convocation was rejected.
- {1548.} The protector had assented to the repeal of that law which gave
- to the king’s proclamations the authority of statutes; but he did not
- intend to renounce that arbitrary or discretionary exercise of power,
- in issuing proclamations, which had ever been assumed by the crown, and
- which it is difficult to distinguish exactly from a full legislative
- power. He even continued to exert this authority in some particulars,
- which were then regarded as the most momentous. Orders were issued by
- council, that candles should no longer be carried about on Candlemas
- day, ashes on Ash Wednesday, palms on Palm Sunday.[***]
- * Heylin, p. 48.
- ** Ant. Brit. p. 339.
- *** Burnet, vol. ii p. 59. Collier, vol. ii. p. 241. Heylin,
- p. 55.
- These were ancient religious practices, now termed superstitions;
- though it is fortunate for mankind, when superstition happens to take
- a direction so innocent and inoffensive. The severe disposition which
- naturally attends all reformers prompted likewise the council to abolish
- some gay and showy ceremonies which belonged to the ancient religion.[*]
- An order was also issued by council for the removal of all images from
- the churches; an innovation which was much desired by the reformers,
- and which alone, with regard to the populace, amounted almost to a total
- change of the established religion.[**] An attempt had been made to
- separate the use of images from their abuse, the reverence from the
- worship of them; but the execution of this design was found, upon trial,
- very difficult, if not wholly impracticable.
- As private masses were abolished by law, it became necessary to compose
- a new communion service; and the council went so far, in the preface
- which they prefixed to this work, as to leave the practice of auricular
- confession wholly indifferent.[***] This was a prelude to the entire
- abolition of that invention, one of the most powerful engines that ever
- was contrived for degrading the laity, and giving their spiritual guides
- an entire ascendant over them. And it may justly be said, that, though
- the priest’s absolution, which attends confession, serves somewhat to
- ease weak minds from the immediate agonies of superstitious terror, it
- operates only by enforcing superstition itself, and thereby preparing
- the mind for a more violent relapse into the same disorders.
- The people were at that time extremely distracted by the opposite
- opinions of their preachers; and as they were totally unable to judge of
- the reasons advanced on either side, and naturally regarded every thing
- which they heard at church as of equal authority, a great confusion
- and fluctuation resulted from this uncertainty. The council had first
- endeavored to remedy the inconvenience by laying some restraints on
- preaching; but finding this expedient ineffectual, they imposed a total
- silence on the preachers, and thereby put an end at once to all the
- polemics of the pulpit.[****] By the nature of things, this restraint
- could only be temporary. For in proportion as the ceremonies of public
- worship, its shows and exterior observances, were retrenched by the
- reformers, the people were inclined to contract a stronger attachment
- to sermons, whence alone they received any occupation or amusement. The
- ancient religion, by giving its votaries something to do, freed them
- from the trouble of thinking: sermons were delivered only in the
- principal churches, and at some particular fasts and festivals: and the
- practice of haranguing the populace, which, if abused, is so powerful
- an incitement to faction and sedition, had much less scope and influence
- during those ages.
- * Burnet, vol. ii.
- ** Burnet, vol. ii. p. 60. Collier, vol. ii. p. 241. Heylin,
- p. 55.
- *** Burnet, vol. ii.
- **** Fuller. Heylin. Burnet.
- The greater progress was made towards a reformation in England, the
- farther did the protector find himself from all prospect of completing
- the union with Scotland; and the queen dowager, as well as the clergy,
- became the more averse to all alliance with a nation which had so far
- departed from all ancient principles. Somerset, having taken the town
- of Haddington, had ordered it to be strongly garrisoned and fortified by
- Lord Grey: he also erected some fortifications at Lauder; and he
- hoped that these two places, together with Broughty and some smaller
- fortresses which were in the hands of the English, would serve as a curb
- on Scotland, and would give him access into the heart of the country.
- Arran, being disappointed in some attempts on Broughty, relied chiefly
- on the succors expected from France for the recovery of these places;
- and they arrived at last in the frith, to the number of six thousand
- men; half of them Germans. They were commanded by Dessé, and under him
- by Andelot, Strozzi, Meilleraye, and Count Rhingrave. The Scots were at
- that time so sunk by their misfortunes, that five hundred English horse
- were able to ravage the whole country without resistance, and make
- inroads to the gates of the capital:[*] but on the appearance of the
- French succors, they collected more courage; and having joined Dessé
- with a considerable reënforcement, they laid siege to Haddington.[**]
- This was an undertaking for which they were by themselves totally unfit;
- and even with the assistance of the French, they placed their chief
- hopes of success in starving the garrison. After some vain attempts
- to take the place by a regular siege, the blockade was formed, and the
- garrison was repulsed with loss in several sallies which they made upon
- the besiegers.
- * Beagué, Hist. of the Campaigns, 1548 and 1549. p. 6.
- ** Holingshed, p. 993.
- The hostile attempts which the late king and the protector had made
- against Scotland, not being steady, regular, nor pushed to the last
- extremity, had served only to imitate the nation, and to inspire them
- with the strongest aversion to that union which was courted in so
- violent a manner. Even those who were inclined to the English alliance
- were displeased to have it imposed on them by force of arms; and the
- earl of Huntley in particular said, pleasantly, that he disliked not the
- match, but he hated the manner of wooing.[*] The queen dowager, finding
- these sentiments to prevail, called a parliament in an abbey near
- Haddington; and it was there proposed that the young queen, for her
- greater security, should be sent to France, and be committed to the
- custody of that ancient ally. Some objected that this measure was
- desperate, allowed no resource in case of miscarriage, exposed the
- Scots to be subjected by foreigners, involved them in perpetual war with
- England, and left them no expedient by which they could conciliate the
- friendship of that powerful nation. It was answered, on the other hand,
- that the queen’s presence was the very cause of war with England; that
- that nation would desist when they found that their views of forcing
- a marriage had become altogether impracticable; and that Henry, being
- engaged by so high a mark of confidence, would take their sovereign
- under his protection, and use his utmost efforts to defend the kingdom.
- These arguments were aided by French gold, which was plentifully
- distributed among the nobles. The governor had a pension conferred on
- him of twelve thousand livres a year, received the title of duke of
- Chatelrault, and obtained for his son the command of a hundred men at
- arms.[**] And as the clergy dreaded the consequences of the English
- alliance, they seconded this measure with all the zeal and industry
- which either principle or interest could inspire. It was accordingly
- determined to send the queen to France; and, what was understood to be
- the necessary consequence, to marry her to the dauphin. Villegaignon,
- commander of four French galleys lying in the Frith of Forth, set sail
- as if he intended to return home; but when he reached the open sea he
- turned northwards, passed by the Orkneys, and came in on the west coast
- at Dunbarton; an extraordinary voyage for ships of that fabric.[***] The
- young queen was there committed to him; and, being attended by the lords
- Ereskine and Livingstone, she put to sea, and, after meeting with some
- tempestuous weather, arrived safely at Brest, whence she was conducted
- to Paris, and soon after she was betrothed to the dauphin.
- * Heylin, p. 46. Patten.
- ** Burnet, vol. ii. p. 83. Buchanan, lib. xv. Keith, p. 55.
- Thuanus, lib. v. c. 15.
- *** Thuanus, lib. v. c. 15.
- Somerset, pressed by many difficulties at home and despairing of success
- in his enterprise against Scotland, was desirous of composing the
- differences with that kingdom, and he offered the Scots a ten years’
- truce; but as they insisted on his restoring all the places which he had
- taken, the proposal came to nothing. The Scots recovered the fortresses
- of Hume and Fastcastle by surprise, and put the garrisons to the sword:
- they repulsed with loss the English, who, under the command of Lord
- Seymour, made a descent, first in Fife, then at Montrose: in the former
- action, James Stuart, natural brother to the queen, acquired honor; in
- the latter, Ereskine of Dun. An attempt was made by Sir Robert Bowes and
- Sir Thomas Palmer, at the head of a considerable body, to throw relief
- into Haddington; but these troops, falling into an ambuscade, were
- almost wholly cut in pieces.[*] And though a small body of two hundred
- men escaped all the vigilance of the French, and arrived safely in
- Haddington with some ammunition and provisions, the garrison was reduced
- to such difficulties, that the protector found it necessary to provide
- more effectually for their relief. He raised an army of eighteen
- thousand men, and adding three thousand Germans, who, on the dissolution
- of the Protestant alliance, had offered their service to England, he
- gave the command of the whole to the earl of Shrewsbury.[**] Dessé
- raised the blockade on the approach of the English; and with great
- difficulty made good his retreat to Edinburgh, where he posted himself
- advantageously. Shrewsbury, who had lost the opportunity of attacking
- him on his march, durst not give him battle in his present situation;
- and contenting himself with the advantage already gained of supplying
- Haddington, he retired into England.
- * Stowe, p. 595. Holingshed, p, 994.
- ** Hayward, p. 291.
- Though the protection of France was of great consequence to the Scots in
- supporting them against the invasions of England, they reaped still more
- benefit from the distractions and divisions which have crept into the
- councils of this latter kingdom. Even the two brothers, the protector
- and admiral, not content with the high stations which they severally
- enjoyed, and the great eminence to which they had risen, had entertained
- the most violent jealousy of each other; and they divided the whole
- court and kingdom by their opposite cabals and pretensions. Lord Seymour
- was a man of insatiable ambition; arrogant, assuming, implacable; and
- though esteemed of superior capacity to the protector, he possessed
- not to the same degree the confidence and regard of the people. By his
- flattery and address, he had so insinuated himself into the good graces
- of the queen dowager, that, forgetting her usual prudence and decency,
- she married him immediately upon the demise of the late king; insomuch
- that, had she soon proved pregnant, it might have been doubtful to
- which husband the child belonged. The credit and riches of this alliance
- supported the ambition of the admiral, but gave umbrage to the duchess
- of Somerset, who, uneasy that the younger brother’s wife should have
- the precedency, employed all her credit with her husband, which was
- too great, first to create, then to widen the breach between the two
- brothers.[*]
- * Hayward, p. 301. Heylin, p. 72. Camden. Thuanus, lib. vi.
- p. 6. Haynes, p. 69.
- The first symptoms of this misunderstanding appeared when the protector
- commanded the army in Scotland. Secretary Paget, a man devoted to
- Somerset, remarked that Seymour was forming separate intrigues among the
- counsellors; was corrupting by presents the king’s servants; and even
- endeavoring, by improper indulgences and liberalities, to captivate the
- affections of the young monarch. Paget represented to him the danger of
- this conduct; desired him to reflect on the numerous enemies whom the
- sudden elevation of their family had created; and warned him, that any
- dissension between him and the protector would be greedily laid hold
- of to effect the ruin of both. Finding his remonstrances neglected,
- he conveyed intelligence of the danger to Somerset, and engaged him to
- leave the enterprise upon Scotland unfinished, in order to guard against
- the attempts of his domestic enemies. In the ensuing parliament, the
- admiral’s projects appeared still more dangerous to public tranquillity;
- and as he had acquired many partisans, he made a direct attack upon
- his brother’s authority. He represented to his friends, that formerly,
- during a minority, the office of protector of the kingdom had been
- kept separate from that of governor of the king’s person; and that the
- present union of these two important trusts conferred on Somerset an
- authority which could not safely be lodged in any subject.[*] The young
- king was even prevailed on to write a letter to the parliament desiring
- that Seymour might be appointed his governor; and that nobleman had
- formed a party in the two houses, by which he hoped to effect his
- purpose. The design was discovered before its execution; and some common
- friends were sent to remonstrate with him, but had so little influence,
- that he threw out many menacing expressions, and rashly threatened that,
- if he were thwarted in his attempt, he would make this parliament the
- blackest that ever sat in England.[**] The council sent for him to
- answer for his conduct; but he refused to attend: they then began to
- threaten in their turn, and informed him that the king’s letter, instead
- of availing him any thing to the execution of his views, would be
- imputed to him as a criminal enterprise, and be construed as a design to
- disturb the government, by forming a separate interest with a child and
- minor. They even let fall some menaces of sending him to the Tower for
- his temerity; and the admiral, finding himself prevented in his design,
- was obliged to submit, and to desire a reconciliation with his brother.
- The mild and moderate temper of Somerset made him willing to forget
- these enterprises of the admiral; but the ambition of that turbulent
- spirit could not be so easily appeased. His spouse, the queen dowager,
- died in childbed; but so far from regarding this event as a check to
- his aspiring views, he founded on it the scheme of a more extraordinary
- elevation. He made his addresses to the lady Elizabeth, then in the
- sixteenth year of her age; and that princess, whom even the hurry of
- business and the pursuits of ambition could not, in her more advanced
- years, disengage entirely from the tender passions, seems to have
- listened to the insinuations of a man who possessed every talent proper
- to captivate the affections of the fair.[***]
- * Haynes, p. 82, 90.
- ** Haynes, p. 75.
- *** Haynes, p. 95, 96, 102, 108.
- But as Henry VIII. had excluded his daughters from all hopes of
- succession if they married without the consent of his executors, which
- Seymour could never hope to obtain, it was concluded that he meant to
- effect his purpose by expedients still more rash and more criminal. All
- the other measures of the admiral tended to confirm this suspicion. He
- continued to attack, by presents, the fidelity of those who had more
- immediate access to the king’s person: he endeavored to seduce the
- young prince into his interest, he found means of holding a private
- correspondence with him; he openly decried his brother’s administration;
- and asserted that, by enlisting Germans and other foreigners he intended
- to form a mercenary army, which might endanger the king’s authority, and
- the liberty of the people: by promises and persuasion he brought over to
- his party many of the principal nobility; and had extended his interest
- all over England: he neglected not even the most popular persons of
- inferior rank; and had computed that he could, on occasion, muster
- an army of ten thousand men, composed of his servants, tenants, and
- retainers:[*] he had already provided arms for their use; and having
- engaged in his interests Sir John Sharington, a corrupt man, master
- of the mint at Bristol, he flattered himself that money would not be
- wanting. Somerset was well apprised of all these alarming circumstances,
- and endeavored, by the most friendly expedients, by entreaty, reason,
- and even by heaping new favors upon the admiral, to make him desist from
- his dangerous counsels: but finding all endeavors ineffectual, he
- began to think of more severe remedies. The earl of Warwick was an ill
- instrument between the brothers; and had formed the design, by inflaming
- the quarrel, to raise his own fortune on the ruins of both.
- * Hayne, p. 105, 106.
- Dudley, earl of Warwick, was the son of that Dudley, minister to Henry
- VII., who, having, by rapine, extortion, and perversion of law, incurred
- the hatred of the public, had been sacrificed to popular animosity in
- the beginning of the subsequent reign. The late king, sensible of the
- iniquity, at least illegality, of the sentence, had afterwards restored
- young Dudley’s blood by act of parliament; and finding him endowed
- with abilities, industry, and activity, he had intrusted him with
- many important commands, and had ever found him successful in his
- undertakings. He raised him to the dignity of Viscount Lisle, conferred
- on him the office of admiral, and gave him by his will a place among his
- executors. Dudley made still further progress during the minority; and
- having obtained the title of earl of Warwick, and undermined the
- credit of Southampton, he bore the chief rank among the protector’s
- counsellors. The victory gained at Pinkey was much ascribed to his
- courage and conduct; and he was universally regarded as a man equally
- endowed with the talents of peace and of war. But all these virtues were
- obscured by still greater vices; an exorbitant ambition, an insatiable
- avarice, a neglect of decency, a contempt of justice: and as he found
- that Lord Seymour, whose abilities and enterprising spirit he chiefly
- dreaded, was involving himself in ruin by his rash counsels, he was
- determined to push him on the precipice, and thereby remove the chief
- obstacle to his own projected greatness.
- When Somerset found that the public peace was endangered by his
- brother’s seditious, not to say rebellious schemes, he was the more
- easily persuaded by Warwick to employ the extent of royal authority
- against him; and after depriving him of the office of admiral, he signed
- a warrant for committing him to the Tower. Some of his accomplices were
- also taker into custody; and three privy counsellors, being sent to
- examine them, made a report, that they had met with very full and
- important discoveries. Yet still the protector suspended the blow, and
- showed a reluctance to ruin his brother. He offered to desist from the
- prosecution, if Seymour would promise him a cordial reconciliation, and,
- renouncing all ambitious hopes, be contented with a private life, and
- retire into the country. But as Seymour made no other answer to these
- friendly offers than menaces and defiances, he ordered a charge to be
- drawn up against him, consisting of thirty-three articles;[*] and the
- whole to be laid before the privy council. It is pretended, that every
- particular was so incontestably proved, both by witnesses and his own
- handwriting, that there was no room for doubt; yet did the council think
- proper to go in a body to the Tower, in order more fully to examine the
- prisoner. He was not daunted by the appearance: he boldly demanded a
- fair trial; required to be confronted with the witnesses; desired
- that the charge might be left with him, in order to be considered; and
- refused to answer any interrogatories by which he might accuse himself.
- * Buruet, Tol. ii. coll. 31. 2 and 3 Edward VI. c. 18.
- It is apparent that, notwithstanding what is pretended, there must have
- been some deficiency in the evidence against Seymour, when such demands,
- founded on the plainest principles of law and equity, were absolutely
- rejected. We shall indeed conclude, if we carefully examine the charge,
- that many of the articles were general, and scarcely capable of
- any proof many of them, if true, susceptible of a more favorable
- interpretation; and that though, on the whole, Seymour appears to have
- been a dangerous subject, he had not advanced far in those treasonable
- projects imputed to him. The chief part of his actual guilt seems to
- have consisted in some unwarrantable practices in the admiralty, by
- which pirates were protected and illegal impositions laid upon the
- merchants.
- But the administration had at that time an easy instrument of vengeance,
- to wit, the parliament; and needed not to give themselves any concern
- with regard either to the guilt of the persons whom they prosecuted,
- or the evidence which could be produced against them. A session of
- parliament being held, it was resolved to proceed against Seymour
- by bill of attainder; and the young king being induced, after much
- solicitation, to give his consent to it, a considerable weight was put
- on his approbation. The matter was first laid before the upper house;
- and several peers, rising up in their places, gave an account of what
- they knew concerning Lord Seymour’s conduct, and his criminal words or
- actions.
- {1549.} These narratives were received as undoubted evidence; and though
- the prisoner had formerly engaged many friends and partisans among the
- nobility, no one had either the courage or equity to move, that he
- might be heard in his defence, that the testimony against him should be
- delivered in a legal manner, and that he should be confronted with the
- witnesses. A little more scruple was made in the house of commons:
- there were even some members who objected against the whole method of
- proceeding by bill of attainder passed in absence; and insisted, that a
- formal trial should be given to every man before his condemnation. But
- when a message was sent by the king, enjoining the house to proceed, and
- offering that the same narratives should be laid before them which had
- satisfied the peers, they were easily prevailed on to acquiesce.[*] The
- bill passed in a full house. Near four hundred voted for it; not above
- nine or ten against it.[**] The sentence was soon after executed, and
- the prisoner was beheaded on Tower Hill. The warrant was signed by
- Somerset, who was exposed to much blame, on account of the violence of
- these proceedings. The attempts of the admiral seem chiefly to have
- been levelled against his brother’s usurped authority; and though his
- ambitious, enterprising character, encouraged by a marriage with the
- lady Elizabeth, might have endangered the public tranquillity, the
- prudence of foreseeing evils at such a distance was deemed too great,
- and the remedy was plainly illegal. It could only be said, that this
- bill of attainder was somewhat more tolerable than the preceding ones,
- to which the nation had been inured; for here, at least, some shadow of
- evidence was produced.
- * 2 and 3 Edward VI. c. 18.
- ** Burnet vol. ii. p. 99.
- All the considerable business transacted this session, besides the
- attainder of Lord Seymour, regarded ecclesiastical affairs, which were
- now the chief object of attention throughout the nation. A committee
- of bishops and divines had been appointed by the council to compose
- a liturgy; and they had executed the work committed to them. They
- proceeded with moderation in this delicate undertaking; they retained
- as much of the ancient mass as the principles of the reformers would
- permit: they indulged nothing to the spirit of contradiction, which
- so naturally takes place in all great innovations: and they flattered
- themselves, that they had established a service in which every
- denomination of Christians might without scruple concur. The mass had
- always been celebrated in Latin; a practice which might have been deemed
- absurd, had it not been found useful to the clergy, by impressing the
- people with an idea of some mysterious unknown virtue in those rites,
- and by checking all their pretensions to be familiarly acquainted with
- their religion. But as the reformers pretended in some few particulars
- to encourage private judgment in the laity, the translation of the
- liturgy, as well as of the Scriptures, into the vulgar tongue, seemed
- more conformable to the genius of their sect; and this innovation,
- with the retrenching of prayers to saints, and of some superstitious
- ceremonies, was the chief difference between the old mass and the new
- liturgy. The parliament established this form of worship in all the
- churches, and ordained a uniformity to be observed in all the rites and
- ceremonies.[*]
- * 2 and 3 Edward VI. c. 1.
- There was another material act which passed this session. The former
- canons had established the celibacy of the clergy; and though this
- practice is usually ascribed to the policy of the court of Rome, who
- thought that the ecclesiastics would be more devoted to their spiritual
- head, and less dependent on the civil magistrate, when freed from
- the powerful tie of wives and children, yet was this institution much
- forwarded by the principles of superstition inherent in human nature.
- These principles had rendered the panegyrics on an inviolate chastity
- so frequent among the ancient fathers, long before the establishment of
- celibacy. And even this parliament, though they enacted a law permitting
- the marriage of priests, yet confess in the preamble, “that it were
- better for priests and the ministers of the church to live chaste and
- without marriage, and it were much to be wished they would of themselves
- abstain.” The inconveniences which had arisen from the compelling of
- chastity and the prohibiting of marriage, are the reasons assigned for
- indulging a liberty in this particular.[*] The ideas of penance also
- were so much retained in other particulars, that an act of parliament
- passed, forbidding the use of flesh meat during Lent and other times of
- abstinence.[**] [20]
- The principal tenets and practices of the Catholic religion were now
- abolished, and the reformation, such as it is enjoyed at present, was
- almost entirely completed in England. But the doctrine of the real
- presence, though tacitly condemned by the new communion service, and
- by the abolition of many ancient rites, still retained some hold on the
- minds of men: and it was the last doctrine of Popery that was wholly
- abandoned by the people.[***] The great attachment of the late king
- to that tenet might, in part, be the ground of this obstinacy: but the
- chief cause was really the extreme absurdity of the principle itself,
- and the profound veneration, which, of course, it impressed on the
- imagination. The priests, likewise, were much inclined to favor an
- opinion which attributed to them so miraculous a power; and the people,
- who believed that they participated of the very body and blood of their
- Savior, were loath to renounce so extraordinary, and, as they imagined,
- so salutary a privilege. The general attachment to this dogma was so
- violent, that the Lutherans, notwithstanding their separation from Rome,
- had thought proper, under another name, still to retain it; and the
- Catholic preachers in England, when restrained in all other particulars,
- could not forbear, on every occasion, inculcating that tenet. Bonner,
- for this offence among others, had been tried by the council, had been
- deprived of his see, and had been committed to custody. Gardiner, also,
- who had recovered his liberty, appeared anew refractory to the authority
- which established the late innovations; and he seemed willing to
- countenance that opinion, much favored by all the English Catholics,
- that the king was indeed supreme head of the church, but not the council
- during a minority. Having declined to give full satisfaction on this
- head, he was sent to the Tower, and threatened with further effects of
- the council’s displeasure.
- * 2 and 3 Edward VI. cap. 21.
- ** 2 and 3 Edward VI. cap. 19. See note T. at the end of the
- volume.
- *** Burnet, vol. ii, p 104.
- These severities, being exercised on men possessed of office and
- authority, seemed in that age a necessary policy, in order to enforce
- a uniformity in public worship and discipline; but there were other
- instances of persecution, derived from no origin but the bigotry
- of theologians; a malady which seems almost incurable. Though the
- Protestant divines had ventured to renounce opinions deemed certain
- during many ages, they regarded, in their turn, the new system as so
- certain, that they would suffer no contradiction with regard to it; and
- they were ready to burn in the same flames from which they themselves
- had so narrowly escaped, every one that had the assurance to differ from
- them. A commission, by act of council, was granted to the primate and
- some others, to examine and search after all Anabaptists, heretics, or
- contemners of the Book of Common Prayer.[*]
- * Burnet, vol. ii. p. 3. Rymer, tom. xv. p. 181.
- The commissioners were enjoined to reclaim them, if possible; to impose
- penance on them, and to give them absolution; or, if these criminals
- were obstinate, to excommunicate and imprison them, and to deliver them
- over to the secular arm: and in the execution of this charge, they were
- not bound to observe the ordinary methods of trial; the forms of law
- were dispensed with; and if any statutes happened to interfere with
- the powers in the commission, they were overruled and abrogated by
- the council. Some tradesmen in London were brought before these
- commissioners, and were accused of maintaining, among other opinions,
- that a man regenerate could not sin, and that, though the outward man
- might offend, the inward was incapable of all guilt. They were prevailed
- on to abjure, and were dismissed. But there was a woman accused of
- heretical pravity, called Joan Bocher, or Joan of Kent, who was so
- pertinacious, that the commissioners could make no impression upon her
- Her doctrine was, “that Christ was not truly incarnate of the Virgin,
- whose flesh, being the outward man, was sinfully begotten, and born in
- sin, and, consequently, he could take none of it; but the Word, by
- the consent of the inward man of the Virgin, was made flesh.”[*] This
- opinion, it would seem, is not orthodox; and there was a necessity for
- delivering the woman to the flames for maintaining it. But the
- young king, though in such tender years, had more sense than all his
- counsellors and preceptors; and he long refused to sign the warrant for
- her execution. Cranmer was employed to persuade him to compliance;
- and he said, that there was a great difference between errors in other
- points of divinity, and those which were in direct contradiction to
- the apostles’ creed: these latter were impieties against God, which
- the prince, being God’s deputy, ought to repress, in like manner, as
- inferior magistrates were bound to punish offences against the king’s
- person. Edward, overcome by importunity, at last submitted, though with
- tears in his eyes; and he told Cranmer, that if any wrong were done, the
- guilt should lie entirely on his head. The primate, after making a new
- effort to reclaim the woman from her errors, and finding her obstinate
- against all his arguments, at last committed her to the flames. Some
- time after, a Dutchman, called Van Paris, accused of the heresy which
- has received the name of Arianism, was condemned to the same punishment.
- He suffered with so much satisfaction, that he hugged and caressed the
- fagots that were consuming him; a species of frenzy of which there is
- more than one instance among the martyrs of that age.[**]
- These rigorous methods of proceeding soon brought the whole nation to a
- conformity, seeming or real, with the new doctrine and the new liturgy.
- The lady Mary alone continued to adhere to the mass, and refused to
- admit the established modes of worship. When pressed and menaced on
- this head, she applied to the emperor, who, using his interest with
- Sir Philip Hobby, the English ambassador, procured her a temporary
- connivance from the council.[***]
- * Burnet, vol. ii. coll. 35 Strype’s Mem. Cranm. p. 181.
- ** Burnet, vol. ii. p. 112. Strype’s Mem. Cranm. p. 181.
- *** Heylin, p. 102
- {1549.} There is no abuse so great in civil society, as not to be
- attended with a variety of beneficial consequence; and in the beginnings
- of reformation, the loss of these advantages is always felt very
- sensibly, while the benefit, resulting from the change is the slow
- effect of time, and is seldom perceived by the bulk of a nation. Scarce
- any institution can be imagined less favorable, in the main, to the
- interests of mankind than that of monks and friars; yet was it followed
- by many good effects, which, having ceased by the suppression of
- monasteries, were much regretted by the people of England. The monks,
- always residing in their convents, in the centre of their estates, spent
- their money in the provinces and among their tenants, afforded a ready
- market for commodities, were a sure resource to the poor and indigent;
- and though their hospitality and charity gave but too much encouragement
- to idleness, and prevented the increase of public riches, yet did
- it provide to many a relief from the extreme pressures of want and
- necessity. It is also observable, that as the friars were limited by
- the rules of their institution to a certain mode of living, they had not
- equal motives for extortion with other men, and they were acknowledged
- to have been in England, as they still are in Roman Catholic countries,
- the best and most indulgent landlords. The abbots and priors were
- permitted to give leases at an under-value, and to receive in return a
- large present from the tenant, in the same manner as is still practised
- by the bishops and colleges. But when the abbey lands were distributed
- among the principal nobility and courtiers, they fell under a different
- management: the rents of farms were raised, while the tenants found not
- the same facility in disposing of the produce; the money was often spent
- in the capital, and the farmers, living at a distance, were exposed to
- oppression from their new masters, or to the still greater rapacity of
- the stewards.
- These grievances of the common people were at that time heightened by
- other causes. The arts of manufacture were much more advanced in other
- European countries than in England; and even in England these arts had
- made greater progress than the knowledge of agriculture; a profession
- which of all mechanical employments, requires the most reflection and
- experience. A great demand arose for wool both abroad and at home:
- pasturage was found more profitable than unskilful tillage: whole
- estates were laid waste by enclosures; the tenants, regarded as a
- useless burden, were expelled their habitations; even the cottagers,
- deprived of the commons on which they formerly fed their cattle, were
- reduced to misery; and a decay of people, as well as a diminution of the
- former plenty, was remarked in the kingdom.[*] This grievance was now
- of an old date, and Sir Thomas More, alluding to it, observes in his
- Utopia, that a sheep had become in England a more ravenous animal than a
- lion or wolf, and devoured whole villages, cities, and provinces.
- * Strype, vol. ii. Repository, Q.
- The general increase, also, of gold and silver in Europe, after
- the discovery of the West Indies, had a tendency to inflame these
- complaints. The growing demand in the more commercial countries had
- heightened every where the price of commodities, which could easily be
- transported thither; but in England, the labor of men, who could not
- so easily change their habitation, still remained nearly at the
- ancient rates, and the poor complained that they could no longer gain a
- subsistence by their industry. It was by an addition alone of toil and
- application they were enabled to procure a maintenance; and though this
- increase of industry was at last the effect of the present situation,
- and an effect beneficial to society, yet was it difficult for the people
- to shake off their former habits of indolence; and nothing but necessity
- could compel them to such an exertion of their faculties.
- It must also be remarked, that the profusion of Henry VIII. had reduced
- him, notwithstanding his rapacity, to such difficulties, that he had
- been obliged to remedy a present necessity by the pernicious expedient
- of debasing the coin; and the wars in which the protector had been
- involved, had induced him to carry still further the same abuse. The
- usual consequences ensued: the good specie was hoarded or exported; base
- metal was coined at home, or imported from abroad in great abundance;
- the common people, who received their wages in it, could not purchase
- commodities at the usual rates: a universal diffidence and stagnation
- of commerce took place; and loud complaints were heard in every part of
- England.
- The protector, who loved popularity, and pitied the condition of the
- people, encouraged these complaints by his endeavors to redress them.
- He appointed a commission for making inquiry concerning enclosures; and
- issued a proclamation, ordering all late enclosures to be laid open by
- a day appointed. The populace, meeting with such countenance from
- government, began to rise in several places, and to commit disorders;
- but were quieted by remonstrances and persuasion. In order to give them
- greater satisfaction, Somerset appointed new commissioners, whom he sent
- every where, with an unlimited power to hear and determine all causes
- about enclosures, highways, and cottages.[*] As this commission
- was disagreeable to the gentry and nobility, they stigmatized it as
- arbitrary and illegal; and the common people, fearing it would be
- eluded, and being impatient for immediate redress, could no longer
- contain their fury, but sought for a remedy by force of arms. The rising
- began at once in several parts of England, as if a universal conspiracy
- had been formed by the commonalty. The rebels in Wiltshire were
- dispersed by Sir William Herbert: those in’ the neighboring counties,
- Oxford and Glocester, by Lord Gray, of Wilton. Many of the rioters were
- killed in the field: others were executed by martial law. The commotions
- in Hampshire, Sussex, Kent, and other counties, were quieted by gentler
- expedients; but the disorders in Devonshire and Norfolk threatened more
- dangerous consequences.
- * Burnet, vol. ii. p. 115. Strype, vol. ii. p. 171.
- The commonalty in Devonshire began with the usual complaints against
- enclosures and against oppressions from the gentry; but the parish
- priest of Sampford Courtenay had the address to give their discontent
- a direction towards religion; and the delicacy of the subject, in the
- present emergency, made the insurrection immediately appear formidable.
- In other counties, the gentry had kept closely united with government;
- but here many of them took part with the populace among others, Humphrey
- Arundel, governor of St. Michael’s Mount. The rioters were brought
- into the form of a regular army, which amounted to the number of ten
- thousand. Lord Russel had been sent against them at the head of a small
- force; but finding himself too weak to encounter them in the field,
- he kept at a distance, and began to negotiate with them; in hopes of
- eluding their fury by delay, and of dispersing them by the difficulty of
- their subsisting in a body. Their demands were, that the mass should be
- restored, half of the abbey lands resumed, the law of the six articles
- executed, holy water and holy bread respected, and all other particular
- grievances redressed.[*] The council, to whom Russet transmitted these
- demands, sent a haughty answer; commanded the rebels to disperse, and
- promised them pardon upon their immediate submission. Enraged at this
- disappointment, they marched to Exeter, carrying before them crosses,
- banners, holy water, candlesticks, and other implements of ancient
- superstition; together with the host, which they covered with a
- canopy.[**] The citizens of Exeter shut their gates; and the rebels, as
- they had no cannon, endeavored to take the place, first by scalade, then
- by mining; but were repulsed in every attempt. Russel meanwhile lay at
- Honiton, till reënforced by Sir William Herbert and Lord Gray with some
- German horse, and some Italian arquebusiers under Battista Spinola. He
- then resolved to attempt the relief of Exeter, which was now reduced to
- extremities. He attacked the rebels, drove them from all their posts,
- did great execution upon them, both in the action and pursuit,[***] and
- took many prisoners. Arundel and the other leaders were sent to London,
- tried, and executed. Many of the inferior sort were put to death
- by martial law:[****] the vicar of St. Thomas, one of the principal
- incendiaries, was hanged on the top of his own steeple, arrayed in his
- Popish weeds, with his beads at his girdle.[v]
- * Hayward, p. 292. Holingshed, p. 1003. Fox, vol. ii, p.
- €61[** Unreadable in the OCR Scan] Mem. Cranm. p. 186.
- ** Heylin, p. 76.
- *** Stowe’s Annals. p. 597. Hayward, p. 295.
- **** Hayward, p. 295, 296.
- v Heylin, p. 76. Holingshed, p 1026.
- The insurrection in Norfolk rose to a still greater height, and was
- attended with greater acts of violence. The populace were at first
- excited, as in other places, by complaints against enclosures; but
- finding their numbers amount to twenty thousand, they grew insolent, and
- proceeded to more exorbitant pretensions. They required the suppression
- of the gentry, the placing of new counsellors about the king, and the
- reëstablishment of the ancient rites. One Ket, a tanner, had assumed
- the government over them; and he exercised his authority with the utmost
- arrogance and outrage. Having taken possession of Moushold Hill near
- Norwich, he erected his tribunal under an old oak, thence called the oak
- of reformation; and summoning the gentry to appear before him, he gave
- such decrees as might be expected from his character and situation. The
- marquis of Northampton was first ordered against him; but met with a
- repulse in an action, where Lord Sheffield was killed.[*] The protector
- affected popularity, and cared not to appear in person against the
- rebels; he therefore sent the earl of Warwick at the head of six
- thousand men, levied for the wars against Scotland; and he thereby
- afforded his mortal enemy an opportunity of increasing his reputation
- and character. Warwick, having tried some skirmishes with the rebels,
- at last made a general attack upon them, and put them to flight. Two
- thousand fell in the action and pursuit: Ket was hanged at Norwich
- Castle, nine of his followers on the boughs of the oak of reformation;
- and the insurrection was entirely suppressed. Some rebels in Yorkshire,
- learning the fate of their companions, accepted the offers of pardon,
- and threw down their arms. A general indemnity was soon after published
- by the protector.[**]
- * Stowe, p. 597. Holingshed, p. 1030-34. Strype, vol. ii. p.
- 174.
- ** Hayward, p. 297, 298, 299.
- But though the insurrections were thus quickly subdued in England,
- and no traces of them seemed to remain, they were attended with bad
- consequences to the foreign interests of the nation. The forces of the
- earl of Warwick, which might have made a great impression on Scotland,
- were diverted from that enterprise; and the French general had leisure
- to reduce that country to some settlement and composure. He took the
- fortress of Broughty, and put the garrison to the sword. He straitened
- the English at Haddington; and though Lord Dacres was enabled to throw
- relief into the place, and to reenforce the garrison, it was found at
- last very chargeable, and even impracticable, to keep possession of that
- fortress. The whole country in the neighborhood was laid waste by the
- inroads both of the Scots and English, and could afford no supply to the
- garrison: the place lay above thirty miles from the borders; so that a
- regular army was necessary to escort any provisions thither: and as the
- plague had broken out among the troops, they perished daily, and were
- reduced to a state of great weakness. For these reasons, orders were
- given to dismantle Haddington, and to convey the artillery and garrison
- to Berwick; and the earl of Rutland, now created warden of the east
- marches, executed the orders.
- The king of France also took advantage of the distractions among the
- English, and made an attempt to recover Boulogne and that territory
- which Henry VIII. had conquered from France, On other pretences, he
- assembled an army, and falling suddenly upon the Boulonnois, took the
- castles of Sellaque, Blackness, and Ambleteuse, though well supplied
- with garrisons, ammunition, and provisions.[*] He endeavored to surprise
- Boulenberg, and was repulsed; but the garrison, not thinking the place
- tenable after the loss of the other fortresses, destroyed the works, and
- retired to Boulogne. The rains, which fell in great abundance during the
- autumn, and a pestilential distemper which broke out in the French camp,
- deprived Henry of all hopes of success against Boulogne itself; and
- he retired to Paris.[**] He left the command of the army to Gaspar de
- Coligny, lord of Chatillon, so famous afterwards by the name of Admiral
- Coligny; and he gave him orders to form the siege early in the spring.
- The active disposition of this general engaged him to make, during
- the winter, several attempts against the place; but they all proved
- unsuccessful.
- Strozzi, who commanded the French fleet and galleys, endeavored to
- make a descent on Jersey; but meeting there with an English fleet, he
- commenced an action, which seems not to have been decisive, since the
- historians of the two nations differ in their account of the event.[***]
- * Thuanus, lib. vi. c. 6.
- ** Hayward, p. 300.
- *** Thuan. King Edward’s Journal. Stowe, p. 597.
- As soon as the French war broke out, the protector endeavored to fortify
- himself with the alliance of the emperor; and he sent over Secretary
- Paget to Brussels, where Charles then kept court, in order to assist
- Sir Philip Hobby, the resident ambassador, in this negotiation. But that
- prince had formed a design of extending his dominions by acting the part
- of champion for the Catholic religion; and though extremely desirous
- of accepting the English alliance against France, his capital enemy,
- he thought it unsuitable to his other pretensions to enter into strict
- confederacy with a nation which had broken off all connections with the
- church of Rome. He therefore declined the advances of friendship from
- England, and eluded the applications of the ambassadors. An exact
- account is preserved of this negotiation in a letter of Hobby’s; and
- it is remarkable, that the emperor, in a conversation with the English
- ministers, asserted, that the prerogatives of a king of England were
- more extensive than those of a king of France.[*] Burnet, who preserves
- this letter, subjoins, as a parallel instance, that one objection which
- the Scots made to marrying their queen with Edward was, that all their
- privileges would be swallowed up by the great prerogative of the kings
- of England.[**]
- Somerset, despairing of assistance from the emperor, was inclined to
- conclude a peace with France and Scotland; and besides that he was not
- in a condition to maintain such ruinous wars, he thought that there no
- longer remained any object of hostility. The Scots had sent away their
- queen; and could not, if ever so much inclined, complete the marriage
- contracted with Edward; and as Henry VIII. had stipulated to restore
- Boulogne in 1554, it seemed a matter of small moment to anticipate a few
- years the execution of the treaty. But when he proposed these reasons to
- the council, he met with strong opposition from his enemies; who, seeing
- him unable to support the war, were determined, for that very reason,
- to oppose all proposals for a pacification. The factions ran high in
- the court of England; and matters were drawing to an issue fatal to the
- authority of the protector.
- After Somerset obtained the patent investing him with regal authority,
- he no longer paid any attention to the opinion of the other executors
- and counsellors; and being elated with his high dignity, as well as with
- his victory at Pinkey, he thought that every one ought, in every thing,
- to yield to his sentiments. All those who were not entirely devoted to
- him were sure to be neglected; whoever opposed his will received marks
- of anger or contempt;[***] and while he showed a resolution to govern
- every thing, his capacity appeared not in any respect proportioned to
- his ambition. Warwick, more subtle and artful, covered more exorbitant
- views under fairer appearances, and having associated himself with
- Southampton, who had been readmitted into the council, he formed a
- strong party who were determined to free themselves from the slavery
- imposed on them by the protector.
- * Burnet, vol. ii. p. 132, 175.
- ** Burnet, vol. ii. p. 133.
- *** Strype, vol ii. p. 181.
- The malecontent counsellors found the disposition of the nation
- favorable to their designs. The nobility and gentry were in general
- displeased with the preference which Somerset seemed to have given to
- the people; and as they ascribed all the insults to which they had been
- lately exposed to his procrastination, and to the countenance shown to
- the multitude, they apprehended a renewal of the same disorders from his
- present affectation of popularity. He had erected a court of requests
- in his own house for the relief of the people,[*] and he interposed with
- the judges in their behalf; a measure which might be deemed illegal, if
- any exertion of prerogative at that time could with certainty deserve
- that appellation. And this attempt, which was a stretch of power, seemed
- the more impolitic, because it disgusted the nobles, the surest support
- of monarchical authority.
- * Strype, vol. ii. p. 183.
- But though Somerset courted the people, the interest which he had formed
- with them was in no degree answerable to his expectations. The Catholic
- party who retained influence with the lower ranks, were his declared
- enemies, and took advantage of every opportunity to decry his conduct.
- The attainder and execution of his brother bore an odious aspect: the
- introduction of foreign troops into the kingdom was represented in
- invidious colors: the great estate which he had suddenly acquired at the
- expense of the church and of the crown, rendered him obnoxious; and the
- palace which he was building in the Strand, served by its magnificence,
- and still more by other circumstances which attended it, to expose him
- to the censure of the public. The parish church of St. Mary, with
- three bishops’ houses, was pulled down, in order to furnish ground
- and materials for this structure: not content with that sacrilege, an
- attempt was made to demolish St. Margaret’s Westminster, and to employ
- the stones to the same purpose but the parishioners rose in a tumult,
- and chased away the protector’s tradesmen. He then laid his hands on
- a chapel in St. Paul’s churchyard, with a cloister and charnel-house
- belonging to it; and these edifices, together with a church of St. John
- of Jerusalem, were made use of to raise his palace. What rendered the
- matter more odious to the people was, that the tombs and other monuments
- of the dead wore defaced; and the bones, being carried away, were buried
- in unconsecrated ground.[*]
- All these imprudences were remarked by Somerset’s enemies, who resolved
- to take advantage of them. Lord St. John president of the council, the
- earls of Warwick, Southampton and Arundel, with five members more, met
- at Ely House and, assuming to themselves the whole power of the council,
- began to act independently of the protector, whom they represented as
- the author of every public grievance and misfortune. They wrote letters
- to the chief nobility and gentry in England, informing them of the
- present measures, and requiring their assistance: they sent for the
- mayor and aldermen of London, and enjoined them to obey their orders,
- without regard to any contrary orders which they might receive from the
- duke of Somerset. They laid the same injunctions on the lieutenant of
- the Tower, who expressed his resolution to comply with them. Next
- day, Rich, lord chancellor, the marquis of Northampton, the earl of
- Shrewsbury, Sir Thomas Cheney, Sir John Gage, Sir Ralph Sadler, and
- Chief Justice Montague, joined the malecontent counsellors; and every
- thing bore a bad aspect for the protector’s authority. Secretary Petre,
- whom he had sent to treat with the council, rather chose to remain with
- them: the common council of the city, being applied to, declared with
- one voice their approbation of the new measures, and their resolution of
- supporting them.[**]
- * Heylin, p. 72, 73. Stowe’s Survey of London. Hayward,
- p.308.
- ** Stowe, p. 597, 598. Holingshed, p. 1057.
- As soon as the protector heard of the defection of the counsellors,
- he removed the king from Hampton Court, where he then resided, to the
- Castle of Windsor; and arming his friends and servants, seemed resolute
- to defend himself against all his enemies. But finding that no man of
- rank, except Cranmer and Paget, adhered to him, that the people did not
- rise at his summons, that the city and Tower had declared against
- him, that even his best friends had deserted him, he lost all hopes of
- success, and began to apply to his enemies for pardon and forgiveness.
- No sooner was this despondency known, than Lord Russell, Sir John Baker,
- speaker of the house of commons, and three counsellors more, who had
- hitherto remained neuters, joined the party of Warwick, whom every
- one now regarded as master. The council informed the public, by
- proclamation, of their actions and intentions; they wrote to the
- princesses Mary and Elizabeth to the same purpose; and they made
- addresses to the king, in which, after the humblest protestations
- of duty and submission, they informed him that they were the council
- appointed by his father for the government of the kingdom during his
- minority; that they had chosen the duke of Somerset protector, under
- the express condition that he should guide himself by their advice and
- direction; that he had usurped the whole authority, and had neglected,
- and even in every thing opposed, their counsel; that he had proceeded
- to that height of presumption, as to levy forces against them and place
- these forces about his majesty’s person: they therefore begged that they
- might be admitted to his royal presence, that he would be pleased to
- restore them to his confidence, and that Somerset’s servants might be
- dismissed. Their request was complied with: Somerset capitulated only
- for gentle treatment, which was promised him. He was, however, sent to
- the Tower,[*] with some of his friends and partisans, among whom was
- Cecil, afterwards so much distinguished. Articles of indictment were
- exhibited against him;[**] of which the chief, at least the best
- founded, is his usurpation of the government, and his taking into his
- own hands the whole administration of affairs. The clause of his patent,
- which invested him with absolute power, unlimited by any law, was never
- objected to him; plainly because, according to the sentiments of those
- times, that power was in some degree involved in the very idea of regal
- authority.
- * Stowe, p. 600.
- ** Burner, vol. ii. book i. coll. 46. Hayward, p. 308.
- Stowe, p. 601 Holingshed, p. 1059.
- The Catholics were extremely elated with this revolution; and as they
- had ascribed all the late innovations to Somerset’s authority, they
- hoped that his fall would prepare the way for the return of the ancient
- religion. But Warwick, who now bore chief sway in the council, was
- entirely indifferent with regard to all these points of controversy;
- and finding that the principles of the reformation had sunk deeper into
- Edward’s mind than to be easily eradicated, he was determined to comply
- with the young prince’s inclinations, and not to hazard his new-acquired
- power by any dangerous enterprise. He took care very early to express
- his intentions of supporting the reformation; and he threw such
- discouragements on Southampton, who stood at the head of the Romanists,
- and whom he considered as a dangerous rival, that that high-spirited
- nobleman retired from the council, and soon after died from vexation
- and disappointment. The other counsellors, who had concurred in the
- revolution, received their reward by promotions and new honors. Russel
- was created earl of Bedford: the marquis of Northampton obtained the
- office of great chamberlain; and Lord Wentworth, besides the office of
- chamberlain of the household, got two large manors, Stepney and Hackney,
- which were torn from the see of London.[*] A council of regency was
- formed; not that which Henry’s will had appointed for the government of
- the kingdom, and which, being founded on an act of parliament, was the
- only legal one, but composed chiefly of members who had formerly been
- appointed by Somerset, and who derived their seat from an authority
- which was now declared usurped and illegal. But such niceties were,
- during that age, little understood, and still less regarded, in England.
- A session of parliament was held; and as it was the usual maxim of that
- assembly to acquiesce in every administration which was established, the
- council dreaded no opposition from that quarter, and had more reason to
- look for a corroboration of their authority. Somerset had been prevailed
- on to confess, on his knees, before the council, all the articles
- of charge against him; and he imputed these misdemeanors to his
- own rashness, folly, and indiscretion, not to any malignity of
- intention.[**] He even subscribed this confession; and the paper was
- given in to parliament, who, after sending a committee to examine him,
- and hear him acknowledge it to be genuine, passed a vote, by which they
- deprived him of all his offices, and fined him two thousand pounds a
- year in land. Lord St. John was created treasurer in his place, and
- Warwick earl marshal. The prosecution against him was carried no
- further. His fine was remitted by the king: he recovered his liberty:
- and Warwick, thinking that he was now sufficiently humbled, and that
- his authority was much lessened by his late tame and abject behavior,
- readmitted him into the council, and even agreed to an alliance between
- their families, by the marriage of his own son, Lord Dudley, with the
- Lady Jane Seymour, daughter of Somerset.[***]
- * Heylin, p. 85. Rymer, tom. xv. p. 226.
- ** Heylin, p. 84. Hayward, p. 309. Stowe, p. 603.
- *** Hayward, p. 309 * 3 and 4 Edward VI. c. 5.
- During this session, a severe law was passed against riots.[*] It was
- enacted, that if any, to the number of twelve persons, should meet
- together for any matter of state, and being required by a lawful
- magistrate, should not disperse, it should be treason; and if any broke
- hedges, or violently pulled up pales about enclosures, without lawful
- authority, it should be felony: any attempt to kill a privy counsellor
- was subjected to the same penalty. The bishops had made an application,
- complaining that they were deprived of all their power by the
- encroachments of the civil courts, and the present suspension of the
- canon law; that they could summon no offender before them, punish no
- vice, or exert the discipline of the church; from which diminution of
- their authority, they pretended, immorality had every where received
- great encouragement and increase. The design of some was to revive the
- penitentiary rules of the primitive church; but others thought, that
- such an authority committed to the bishops would prove more oppressive
- than confession, penance, and all the clerical inventions of the Romish
- superstition. The parliament, for the present, contented themselves with
- empowering the king to appoint thirty-two commissioners to compile a
- body of canon laws, which were to be valid, though never ratified by
- parliament. Such implicit trust did they repose in the crown, without
- reflecting that all their liberties and properties might be affected by
- these canons.[**] The king did not live to affix the royal sanction to
- the new canons. Sir John Sharington, whose crimes and malversations had
- appeared so egregious at the condemnation of Lord Seymour, obtained from
- parliament a reversal of his attainder. This man sought favor with
- the more zealous reformers; and Bishop Latimer affirmed that, though
- formerly he had been a most notorious knave, he was now so penitent that
- he had become a very honest man.
- * 3 and 4 Edward VI. c. 2.
- ** 3 and 4 Edward VI. c. 13.
- {1550.} When Warwick and the council of regency began to exercise their
- power, they found themselves involved in the same difficulties that had
- embarrassed the protector. The wars with France and Scotland could not
- be supported by an exhausted exchequer; seemed dangerous to a divided
- nation; and were now acknowledged not to have any object which even the
- greatest and most uninterrupted success could attain. The project of
- peace entertained by Somerset had served them as a pretence for clamor
- against his administration; yet, after sending Sir Thomas Cheney to
- the emperor, and making again a fruitless effort to engage him in the
- protection of Boulogne, they found themselves obliged to listen to the
- advances which Henry made them, by the canal of Guidotti, a Florentine
- merchant. The earl of Bedford, Sir John Mason, Paget, and Petre, were
- sent over to Boulogne, with full powers to negotiate. The French
- king absolutely refused to pay the two millions of crowns, which his
- predecessor had acknowledged to be due to the crown of England as
- arrears of pensions; and said, that he never would consent to render
- himself tributary to any prince: but he offered a sum for the immediate
- restitution of Boulogne; and four hundred thousand crowns were at
- last agreed on, one half to be paid immediately, the other in August
- following. Six hostages were given for the performance of this article.
- Scotland was comprehended in the treaty: the English stipulated to
- restore Lauder and Dunglas, and to demolish the fortresses of Roxburgh
- and Eymouth.[*] No sooner was peace concluded with France, than a
- project was entertained of a close alliance with that kingdom; and Henry
- willingly embraced a proposal so suitable both to his interests and his
- inclinations. An agreement some time after was formed for a marriage
- between Edward and Elizabeth, a daughter of France; and all the articles
- were, after a little negotiation, fully settled:[**] but this project
- never took effect.
- * Burnet, vol. ii. p. 148. Hayward, p. 310, 811, 312. Rymer,
- vol. xv. p. 211.
- ** Hayward, p. 318. Heylin, p. 104. Rymer, tom. xv. p. 293.
- The intention of marrying the king to a daughter of Henry, a violent
- persecutor of the Protestants, was nowise acceptable to that party in
- England: but in all other respects the council was steady in promoting
- the reformation, and in enforcing the laws against the Romanists.
- Several prelates were still addicted to that communion; and though they
- made some compliances, in order to save their bishoprics, they retarded,
- as much as they safely could, the execution of the new laws, and gave
- countenance to such incumbents as were negligent or refractory. A
- resolution was therefore taken to seek pretences for depriving those
- prelates; and the execution of this intention was the more easy, as
- they had all of them been obliged to take commissions, in which it was
- declared, that they held their sees during the king’s pleasure only. It
- was thought proper to begin with Gardiner, in order to strike a terror
- into the rest. The method of proceeding against him was violent, and had
- scarcely any color of law or justice. Injunctions had been given him to
- inculcate in a sermon the duty of obedience to a king, even during his
- minority; and because he had neglected this topic, he had been thrown
- into prison, and had been there detained during two years, without being
- accused of any crime except disobedience to this arbitrary command. The
- duke of Somerset, Secretary Petre, and some others of the council, were
- now sent, in order to try his temper, and endeavor to find some grounds
- for depriving him: he professed to them his intention of conforming to
- the government, of supporting the king’s laws, and of officiating by
- the new liturgy. This was not the disposition which they expected or
- desired.[*] A new deputation was therefore sent, who carried him
- several articles to subscribe. He was required to acknowledge his former
- misbehavior, and to confess the justice of his confinement: he was
- likewise to own, that the king was supreme head of the church; that
- the power of making and dispensing with holydays was part of the
- prerogative; that the book of common prayer was a godly and commendable
- form; that the king was a complete sovereign in his minority; that the
- law of the six articles was justly repealed; and that the king had
- full authority to correct and reform what was amiss in ecclesiastical
- discipline, government, or doctrine. The bishop was willing to set his
- hand to all the articles except the first: he maintained his conduct
- to have been inoffensive; and declared, that he would not own himself
- guilty of faults which he had never committed.[**]
- * Heylin, p. 99.
- ** Collier, vol. ii. p, 305., from the council books. Heylin,
- p. 99.
- The council, finding that he had gone such lengths, were determined to
- prevent his full compliance by multiplying the difficulties upon him,
- and sending him new articles to subscribe. A list was selected of such
- points as they thought would be the hardest of digestion; and, not
- content with this rigor, they also insisted on his submission, and
- his acknowledgment of past errors. To make this subscription more
- mortifying, they demanded a promise, that he would recommend and publish
- all these articles from the pulpit: but Gardiner, who saw that they
- intended either to ruin or dishonor him, or perhaps both, determined not
- to gratify his enemies by any further compliance: he still maintained
- his innocence; desired a fair trial; and refused to subscribe more
- articles till he should recover his liberty. For this pretended offence
- his bishopric was put under sequestration for three months; and as he
- then appeared no more compliant than before, a commission was appointed
- to try, or, more properly speaking, to condemn him.
- {1551.} The commissioners were, the primate, the bishops of London, Ely,
- and Lincoln, Secretary Petre, Sir James Hales, and some other lawyers.
- Gardiner objected to the legality of the commission, which was
- not founded on any statute or precedent; and he appealed from the
- commissioners to the king. His appeal was not regarded: sentence was
- pronounced against him; he was deprived of his bishopric, and committed
- to close custody; his books and papers were seized; he was secluded from
- all company; and it was not allowed him either to send or receive any
- letters or messages.[*]
- Gardiner, as well as the other prelates, had agreed to hold his office
- during the king’s pleasure: but the council, unwilling to make use of a
- concession which had been so illegally and arbitrarily extorted, chose
- rather to employ some forms of justice; a resolution which led them to
- commit still greater iniquities and severities. But the violence of
- the reformers did not stop here. Day, bishop of Chichester, Heathe of
- Worcester, and Voisey of Exeter, were deprived of their bishoprics, on
- pretence of disobedience. Even Kitchen of Landaff, Capon of Salisbury,
- and Samson of Coventry, though they had complied in every thing, yet,
- not being supposed cordial in their obedience, were obliged to seek
- protection, by sacrificing the most considerable revenues of their see
- to the rapacious courtiers.[**]
- These plunderers neglected not even smaller profits. An order was
- issued by council for purging the library at Westminster of all missals,
- legends, and other superstitious volumes, and delivering their garniture
- to Sir Anthony Aucher.[***]
- * Fox, vol. ii..p. 734, et seq. Burnet. Heylin. Collier.
- ** Goodwin de Præsul. Angl Heylin. p. 100.
- *** Collier, vol. ii. p. 307.
- Many of these books were plated with gold and silver, and curiously
- embossed; and this finery was probably the superstition that condemned
- them. Great havoc was likewise made on the libraries at Oxford. Books
- and manuscripts were destroyed without distinction: the volumes of
- divinity from the council books, suffered for their rich binding: those
- of literature were condemned as useless: those of geometry and astronomy
- were supposed to contain nothing but necromancy.[*] The university had
- not power to oppose these barbarous violences: they were in danger of
- losing their own revenues; and expected every moment to be swallowed up
- by the earl of Warwick and his associates.
- Though every one besides yielded to the authority of the council, the
- lady Mary could never be brought to compliance; and she still continued
- to adhere to the mass, and to reject the new liturgy. Her behavior was,
- during some time, connived at; but at last her two chaplains, Mallet and
- Berkeley, were thrown into prison;[**] and remonstrances were made to
- the princess herself on account of her disobedience. The council
- wrote her a letter, by which they endeavored to make her change her
- sentiments, and to persuade her that her religious faith was very ill
- grounded. They asked her what warrant there was in Scripture for prayers
- in an unknown tongue, the use of images, or offering up the sacrament
- for the dead; and they desired her to peruse St. Austin, and the other
- ancient doctors, who would convince her of the errors of the Romish
- superstition, and prove that it was founded merely on false miracles and
- lying stories.[***] The lady Mary remained obstinate against all
- this advice, and declared herself willing to endure death rather than
- relinquish her religion; she only feared, she said, that she was not
- worthy to suffer martyrdom in so holy a cause: and as for Protestant
- books, she thanked God, that as she never had, so she hoped never to
- read any of them. Dreading further violence, she endeavored to make
- an escape to her kinsman Charles; but her design was discovered and
- prevented.[****] The emperor remonstrated in her behalf, and even
- threatened hostilities if liberty of conscience were refused her: but
- though the council, sensible that the kingdom was in no condition to
- support with honor such a war, was desirous to comply, they found great
- difficulty to overcome the scruples of the young king. He had been
- educated in such a violent abhorrence of the mass and other popish
- rites, which he regarded as impious and idolatrous, that he should
- participate, he thought, in the sin, if he allowed its commission: and
- when at last the importunity of Cranmer, Ridley, and Poinet prevailed
- somewhat over his opposition, he burst into tears; lamenting his
- sister’s obstinacy, and bewailing his own hard fate, that he must suffer
- her to continue in such an abominable mode of worship.
- * Wood, Hist. and Antiq. Oxon. lib. i. p. 271, 272.
- ** Strype, vol. ii. p. 249.
- *** Fox, vol. ii. Collier, Burnet.
- **** Hayward, p. 315.
- The great object, at this time, of antipathy among the Protestant
- sects was Popery, or, more properly, speaking, the Papists. These they
- regarded as the common enemy, who threatened every moment to overwhelm
- the evangelical faith, and destroy its partisans by fire and sword: they
- had not as yet had leisure to attend to the other minute differences
- among themselves, which afterwards became the object of such furious
- quarrels and animosities, and threw the whole kingdom into combustion.
- Several Lutheran divines, who had reputation in those days, Bucer, Peter
- Martyr, and others, were induced to take shelter in England, from the
- persecutions which the emperor exercised in Germany; and they received
- protection and encouragement. John Alasco, a Polish nobleman, being
- expelled his country by the rigors of the Catholics, settled during
- some time at Embden in East Friezland, where he became preacher to a
- congregation of the reformed. Foreseeing the persecutions which ensued,
- he removed to England, and brought his congregation along with him. The
- council, who regard them as industrious, useful people, and desired to
- invite over others of the same character, not only gave them the church
- of Augustine Friars for the exercise of their religion, but granted them
- a charter, by which they were erected into a corporation, consisting
- of a superintendent and four assisting ministers. This ecclesiastical
- establishment was quite independent of the church of England, and
- differed from it in some rites and ceremonies.[*]
- These differences among the Protestants were matter of triumph to the
- Catholics; who insisted, that the moment men departed from the authority
- of the church, they lost all criterion of truth and falsehood in matters
- of religion, and must be carried away by every wind of doctrine. The
- continual variations of every sect of Protestants afforded them the same
- topic of reasoning. The book of common prayer suffered in England a
- new revisal, and some rites and ceremonies which had given offence were
- omitted.[**] * Mem. Cranm. p. 234.
- ** Mem. Cieum. p, 289.
- The speculative doctrines, or the metaphysics of religion, were also
- reduced to forty-two articles. These were intended to obviate further
- divisions and variations; and the compiling of them had been postponed
- till the establishment of the liturgy, which was justly regarded as a
- more material object to the people. The eternity of hell torments
- is asserted in this confession of faith; and care is also taken to
- inculcate, not only that no heathen, how virtuous soever, can escape an
- endless state of the most exquisite misery, but also that every one who
- presumes to maintain that any pagan can possibly be saved, is himself
- exposed to the penalty of eternal perdition.[*]
- * Article xviii.
- The theological zeal of the council, though seemingly fervent, went not
- so far as to make them neglect their own temporal concerns, which seem
- to have ever been uppermost in their thoughts: they even found leisure
- to attend to the public interest; nay, to the commerce of the nation,
- which was at that time very little the object of general study or
- attention. The trade of England had anciently been carried on
- altogether by foreigners, chiefly the inhabitants of the Hanse Towns,
- or Easterlings, as they were called; and in order to encourage these
- merchants to settle in England, they had been erected into a corporation
- by Henry III., had obtained a patent, were endowed with privileges,
- and were exempted from several heavy duties paid by other aliens.
- So ignorant were the English of commerce, that this company, usually
- denominated the merchants of the “stil-yard,” engrossed, even down to
- the reign of Edward, almost the whole foreign trade of the kingdom;
- and as they naturally employed the shipping of their own country, the
- navigation of England was also in a very languishing condition. It was
- therefore thought proper by the council to seek pretences for annulling
- the privileges of this corporation, privileges which put them nearly on
- an equal footing with Englishmen in the duties which they paid; and as
- such patents were, during that age, granted by the absolute power of
- the king, men were the less surprised to find them revoked by the same
- authority. Several remonstrances were made against this innovation by
- Lubec, Hamburgh, and other Hanse Towns; but the council persevered in
- their resolution, and the good effects of it soon became visible to the
- nation. The English merchants, by their very situation as natives, had
- advantages above foreigners in the purchase of cloth, wool, and other
- commodities; though these advantages had not hitherto been sufficient
- to rouse then industry, or engage them to become rivals to this opulent
- company: but when aliens’ duty was also imposed upon all foreigners
- indiscriminately, the English were tempted to enter into commerce; and a
- spirit of industry began to appear in the kingdom.[*]
- About the same time a treaty was made with Gustavus Ericson, king
- of Sweden, by which it was stipulated, that if he sent bullion into
- England, he might export English commodities without paying custom;
- that he should carry bullion to no other prince; that if he sent ozimus,
- steel, copper, etc., he should pay custom for English commodities as an
- Englishman; and that if he sent other merchandise, he should have free
- intercourse, paying custom as a stranger.[**] The bullion sent over by
- Sweden, though it could not be in great quantity, set the mint to work:
- good specie was coined, and much of the base metal formerly issued was
- recalled: a circumstance which tended extremely to the encouragement of
- commerce.
- * Hayward, p. 323 Heylin, p. 108. Strype’s Mem. vol. ii. p
- 295.
- ** Heylin p 109.
- But all these schemes for promoting industry were likely to prove
- abortive by the fear of domestic convulsions, arising from the ambition
- of Warwick. That nobleman, not contented with the station which he had
- attained, carried further his pretensions, and had gained partisans
- who were disposed to second him in every enterprise. The last earl
- of Northumberland died without issue; and as Sir Thomas Piercy, his
- brother, had been attainted on account of the share which he had in the
- Yorkshire insurrection during the late reign, the title was at present
- extinct, and the estate was vested in the crown. Warwick now procured
- to himself a grant of those ample possessions, which lay chiefly in the
- north, the most warlike part of the kingdom; and was dignified with the
- title of duke of Northumberland. His friend Paulet, Lord St. John,
- the treasurer, was created, first, earl of Wiltshire, then marquis of
- Winchester: Sir William Herbert obtained the title of earl of Pembroke.
- But the ambition of Northumberland made him regard all increase of
- possessions and titles, either to himself or his artisans, as steps only
- to further acquisitions. Finding that Somerset, though degraded from
- his dignity, and even lessened in the public opinion by his spiritless
- conduct, still enjoyed a considerable share of popularity, he determined
- to ruin the man whom he regarded as the chief obstacle to the attainment
- of his hopes. The alliance which had been contracted between the
- families had produced no cordial union, and only enabled Northumberland
- to compass with more certainty the destruction of his rival. He secretly
- gained many of the friends and servants of that unhappy nobleman: he
- sometimes terrified him by the appearance of danger; sometimes provoked
- him by ill usage. The unguarded Somerset often broke out into menacing
- expressions against Northumberland: at other times he formed rash
- projects, which he immediately abandoned his treacherous confidants
- carried to his enemy every passionate word which dropped from him: they
- revealed the schemes which they themselves had first suggested: and
- Northumberland, thinking that the proper season was now come, began to
- act in an open manner against him.
- In one night, the duke of Somerset, Lord Grey, David and John Seymour,
- Hammond, and Neudigate, two of the duke’s servants, Sir Ralph Vane, and
- Sir Thomas Palmer, were arrested and committed to custody. Next day, the
- duchess of Somerset, with her favorites Crane and his wife, Sir Miles
- Partridge, Sir Michael Stanhope, Bannister, and others, was thrown
- into prison. Sir Thomas Palmer, who had all along acted as a spy upon
- Somerset, accused him of having formed a design to raise an insurrection
- in the north, to attack the gens d’armes on a muster day, to secure
- the Tower, and to raise a rebellion in London: but, what was the only
- probable accusation, he asserted, that Somerset had once laid a project
- for murdering Northumberland, Northampton, and Pembroke at a banquet
- which was to be given them by Lord Paget Crane and his wife confirmed
- Palmer’s testimony with regard to this last design; and it appears that
- some rash scheme of that nature had really been mentioned, though no
- regular conspiracy had been formed, or means prepared for its execution
- Hammond confessed that the duke had armed men to guard him one night in
- his house at Greenwich.
- Somerset was brought to his trial before the marquis of Winchester,
- created high steward. Twenty-seven peers composed the jury, among whom
- were Northumberland, Pembroke, and Northampton, whom decency should have
- hindered from acting as judges in the trial of a man that appeared to be
- their capital enemy. Somerset was accused of high treason, on account of
- the projected insurrections, and of felony in laying a design to murder
- privy counsellors.
- We have a very imperfect account of all state trials during that ago,
- which is a sensible defect in our history; but it appears that some more
- regularity was observed in the management of this prosecution than
- had usually been employed in like cases. The witnesses were at least
- examined by the privy council; and though they were neither produced in
- court, nor confronted with the prisoner, (circumstances required by
- the strict principles of equity,) their depositions were given in to the
- jury. The proof seems to have been lame with regard to the treasonable
- part of the charge; and Somerset’s defence was so satisfactory, that the
- peers gave verdict in his favor: the intention alone of assaulting the
- privy counsellors was supported by tolerable evidence; and the jury
- brought him in guilty of felony. The prisoner himself confessed that he
- had expressed his intention of murdering Northumberland and the other
- lords; but had not formed any resolution on that head: and when he
- received sentence, he asked pardon of those peers for the designs which
- he had hearkened to against them. The people, by whom Somerset was
- beloved, hearing the first part of his sentence, by which he was
- acquitted from treason, expressed their joy by loud acclamations: but
- their satisfaction was suddenly damped on finding that he was condemned
- to death for felony.[*]
- {1552.} Care had been taken by Northumberland’s emissaries to prepossess
- the young king against his uncle; and lest he should relent, no access
- was given to any of Somerset’s friends, and the prince was kept from
- reflection by a continued series of occupations and amusements. At last
- the prisoner was brought to the scaffold on Tower Hill, amidst great
- crowds of spectators, who bore him such sincere kindness, that they
- entertained to the last moment the fond hopes of his pardon.[**] Many of
- them rushed in to dip their hand-kerchiefs in his blood, which they
- long preserved as a precious relic; and some of them soon after, when
- Northumberland met with a like doom, upbraided him with this cruelty,
- and displayed to him these symbols of his crime. Somerset indeed, though
- many actions of his life were exceptionable, seems in general to have
- merited a better fate; and the faults which he committed were owing to
- weakness, not to any bad intention. His virtues were better calculated
- for private than for public life; and by his want of penetration and
- firmness, he was ill fitted to extricate himself from those cabals and
- violences to which that age was so much addicted. Sir Thomas Arundel,
- Sir Michael Stanhope, Sir Miles Partridge, and Sir Ralph Vane, all of
- them Somerset’s friends, were brought to their trial, condemned, and
- executed: great injustice seems to have been used in their prosecution.
- * Hayward, p. 320, 321, 322. Stowe, p. 606. Holingshed, p.
- 1067.
- ** Hayward p. 324, 325.
- Lord Paget, chancellor of the duchy, was on some pretence tried in the
- star chamber, and condemned in a fine of six thousand pounds, with the
- loss of his office. To mortify him the more, he was degraded from the
- order of the garter; as unworthy, on account of his mean birth, to share
- that honor.[*] Lord Rich, chancellor, was also compelled to resign his
- office, on the discovery of some marks of friendship which he had shown
- to Somerset.
- The day after the execution of Somerset, a session of parliament was
- held, in which further advances were made towards the establishment
- of the reformation. The new liturgy was authorized; and penalties
- were enacted against all those who absented themselves from public
- worship.[**] To use the mass had already been prohibited under severe
- penalties; so that the reformers, it appears, whatever scope they had
- given to their own private judgment, in disputing the tenets of the
- ancient religion, were resolved not to allow the same privilege to
- others, and the practice, nay the very doctrine of toleration, was at
- that time equally unknown to all sects and parties. To dissent from the
- religion of the magistrate, was universally conceived to be as criminal
- as to question his title, or rebel against his authority.
- A law was enacted against usury; that is, against taking any interest
- for money.[***] This act was the remains of ancient superstition; but
- being found extremely iniquitous in itself, as well as prejudicial to
- commerce, it was afterwards repealed in the twelfth of Elizabeth. The
- common rate of interest, notwithstanding the law, was at this time
- fourteen per cent.[****]
- * Stowe, p. 608.
- ** 5 and 6 Edward VI. cap. 1
- *** 5 and 6 Edward VI. cap. 20.
- **** Hayward, p. 318.
- A bill was introduced by the ministry into the house of lords, renewing
- those rigorous statutes of treason which had been abrogated in the
- beginning of this reign; and though the peers, by their high station,
- stood most exposed to these tempests of state, yet had they so little
- regard to public security, or even to their own true interest, that
- they passed the bill with only one dissenting voice.[*] But the commons
- rejected it, and prepared a new bill, that passed into a law, by which
- it was enacted, that whoever should call the king, or any of his heirs
- named in the statute of the thirty-fifth of the last reign, heretic,
- schismatic, tyrant, infidel, or usurper of the crown, should forfeit,
- for the first offence, their goods and chattels, and be imprisoned
- during pleasure; for the second, should incur a “præmunire;” for the
- third, should be attainted for treason. But if any should unadvisedly
- utter such a slander in writing, printing, painting, carving, or
- graving, he was, for the first offence, to be held a traitor.[**] It
- may be worthy of notice, that the king and his next heir, the lady Mary,
- were professedly of different religions; and religions which threw on
- each other the imputation of heresy, schism, idolatry, profaneness,
- blasphemy, wickedness, and all the opprobrious epithets that religious
- zeal has invented. It was almost impossible, therefore, for the people,
- if they spoke at all on these subjects, not to fall into the crime so
- severely punished by the statute; and the jealousy of the commons for
- liberty, though it led them to reject the bill of treasons sent to
- them by the lords, appears not to have been very active, vigilant, or
- clearsighted.
- * Parl. Hist. vol. iii. p. 258. Burnet, vol. ii. p. 190.
- ** 5 and 6 Edward VI. cap. 2.
- The commons annexed to this bill a clause, which was of more importance
- than the bill itself, that no one should be convicted of any kind of
- treason, unless the crime were proved by the oaths of two witnesses,
- confronted with the prisoner. The lords for some time scrupled to
- pass this clause, though conformable to the most obvious principles of
- equity. But the members of that house trusted for protection to their
- present personal interest and power, and neglected the noblest and most
- permanent security, that of laws.
- The house of peers passed a bill, whose object was, making a provision
- for the poor; but the commons, not choosing that a money bill should
- begin in the upper house, framed a new act to the same purpose. By
- this act the churchwardens were empowered to collect charitable
- contributions; and if any refused to give, or dissuaded others from that
- charity the bishop of the diocese was empowered to proceed against them.
- Such large discretionary powers intrusted to the prelates seem as proper
- an object of jealousy as the authority assumed by the peers.[*]
- There was another occasion in which the parliament reposed an unusual
- confidence in the bishops. They empowered them to proceed against such
- as neglected the Sundays and holy-day.[**] But these were unguarded
- concessions granted to the church: the general humor of the age rather
- led men to bereave the ecclesiastics of all power, and even to pillage
- them of their property: many clergymen, about this time, were obliged
- for a subsistence to turn carpenters or tailors, and some kept
- alehouses.[***] The bishops themselves were generally reduced to
- poverty, and held both their revenues and spiritual office by a very
- precarious and uncertain tenure.
- * 5 and 6 Edward VI. cap. 2.
- ** 5 and 6 Edward VI. cap, 3.
- *** Burnet, vol ii. p. 202.
- Tonstal, bishop of Durham, was one of the most eminent prelates of that
- age, still less for the dignity of his see, than for his own personal
- merit, his learning, moderation, humanity, and beneficence. He had
- opposed, by his vote and authority, all innovations in religion; but as
- soon as they were enacted, he had always submitted, and had conformed to
- every theological system which had been established. His known
- probity had made this compliance be ascribed, not to an interested or
- time-serving spirit, but to a sense of duty, which led him to think
- that all private opinion ought to be sacrificed to the great concern of
- public peace and tranquillity. The general regard paid to his character
- had protected him from any severe treatment during the administration
- of Somerset; but when Northumberland gained the ascendant, he was thrown
- into prison; and as that rapacious nobleman had formed a design of
- seizing the revenues of the see of Durham, and of acquiring to himself
- a principality in the northern counties, he was resolved, in order
- to effect his purpose, to deprive Tonstal of his bishopric. A bill
- of attainder, therefore, on pretence of misprision of treason, was
- introduced into the house of peers against the prelate; and it passed
- with the opposition only of Lord Stourton, a zealous Catholic, and of
- Cranmer, who always bore a cordial and sincere friendship to the bishop
- of Durham. But when the bill was sent down to the commons, they required
- that witnesses should be examined, that Tonstal should be allowed to
- defend himself, and that he should be confronted with his accusers; and
- when these demands were refused, they rejected the bill.
- This equity, so unusual in the parliament during that age, was ascribed,
- by Northumberland and his partisans, not to any regard for liberty
- and justice, but to the prevalence of Somerset’s faction in a house of
- commons which, being chosen during the administration of that nobleman,
- had been almost entirely filled with his creatures. They were confirmed
- in this opinion, when they found that a bill, ratifying the attainder of
- Somerset and his accomplices, was also rejected by the commons, though
- it had passed the upper house. A resolution was therefore taken to
- dissolve the parliament, which had sitten during this whole reign; and
- soon after to summon a new one.
- Northumberland, in order to insure to himself a house of commons
- entirely obsequious to his will, ventured on an expedient which could
- not have been practised, or even imagined, in an age when there was any
- idea or comprehension of liberty. He engaged the king to write circular
- letters to all the sheriffs, in which he enjoined them to inform the
- freeholders, that they were required to choose men of knowledge and
- experience for their representatives. After this general exhortation,
- the king continued in these words: “And yet, nevertheless, our pleasure
- is, that where our privy council, or any of them, shall, in our behalf,
- recommend within their jurisdiction men of learning and wisdom; in such
- cases their directions shall be regarded and followed, as tending to the
- same end which we desire; that is, to have this assembly composed of
- the persons in our realm the best fitted to give advice and good
- counsel.”[*] Several letters were sent from the king, recommending
- members to particular counties; Sir Richard Cotton to Hampshire; Sir
- William Fitzwilliams and Sir Henry Nevil to Berkshire; Sir William Drury
- and Sir Henry Benningfield to Suffolk, etc. But though some counties
- only received this species of congé d’élire from the king; the
- recommendations from the privy council and the counsellors, we may
- fairly presume, would extend to the greater part, if not the whole, of
- the kingdom.
- * Strype’s Ecclesiastical Memorials, vol. ii. p. 394.
- It is remarkable, that this attempt was made during the reign of a minor
- king, when the royal authority is usually weakest that it was patiently
- submitted to; and that it gave so little umbrage as scarcely to be taken
- notice of by any historian. The painful and laborious collector above
- cited, who never omits the most trivial matter, is the only person
- that has thought this memorable letter worthy of being transmitted to
- posterity.
- {1553.} The parliament answered Northumberland’s expectations. As
- Tonstal had been in the interval deprived of his bishopric in an
- arbitrary manner, by the sentence of lay commissioners appointed to
- try him, the see of Durham was, by act of parliament, divided into two
- bishoprics, which had certain portions of the revenue assigned them.
- The regalities of the see, which included the jurisdiction of a count
- palatine, were given by the king to Northumberland; nor is it to be
- doubted but that noblemen had also purposed to make rich plunder of
- the revenue, as was then usual with the courtiers whenever a bishopric
- became vacant.
- The commons gave the ministry another mark of attachment, which was
- at that time the most sincere of any, the most cordial, and the most
- difficult to be obtained: they granted a supply of two subsidies and
- two fifteenths. To render this present the more acceptable, they voted
- a preamble, containing a long accusation of Somerset, “for involving the
- king in wars, wasting his treasure, engaging him in much debt, embasing
- the coin, and giving occasion for a most terrible rebellion.”[*]
- The debts of the crown were at this time considerable. The king
- had received from France four hundred thousand crowns on delivering
- Boulogne; he had reaped profit from the sale of some chantry lands; the
- churches had been spoiled of all their plate and rich ornaments, which,
- by a decree of council, without any pretence of law or equity, had been
- converted to the king’s use: [**] yet such had been the rapacity of the
- courtiers, that the crown owed about three hundred thousand pounds: and
- great dilapidations were at the same time made of the royal demesnes.
- The young prince showed, among other virtues, a disposition to
- frugality, which, had he lived, would soon have retrieved these losses;
- but as his health was declining very fast, the present emptiness of the
- exchequer was a sensible obstacle to the execution of those projects
- which the ambition of Northumberland had founded on the prospect of
- Edward’s approaching end.
- * 7 Edward VI. cap. 12., Heylin, p. 95, 132.
- ** Strype’s Ecclesiastical Memorials, vol. ii. p. 344.
- That nobleman represented to the prince, whom youth and an infirm state
- of health made susceptible of any impression, that his two sisters, Mary
- and Elizabeth, had both of them been declared illegitimate by act of
- parliament; and though Henry by his will had restored them to a place
- in the succession, the nation would never submit to see the throne of
- England filled by a bastard: that they were the king’s sisters by the
- half blood only; and even if they were legitimate, could not enjoy
- the crown as his heirs and successors: that the queen of Scots stood
- excluded by the late king’s will; and being an alien, had lost by law
- all right of inheriting; not to mention that, as she was betrothed to
- the dauphin, she would, by her succession, render England, as she
- had already done Scotland, a province to France: that the certain
- consequence of his sister Mary’s succession, or that of the queen of
- Scots was the abolition of the Protestant religion, and the repeal of
- the laws enacted in favor of the reformation, and the reëstabishment of
- the usurpation and idolatry of the church of Rome, that, fortunately for
- England, the same order of succession which justice required, was also
- the most conformable to public interest; and there was not on any
- side any just ground for doubt or deliberation: that when these three
- princesses were excluded by such solid reasons, the succession devolved
- on the marchioness of Dorset, elder daughter of the French queen and the
- duke of Suffolk: that the next heir of the marchioness was the lady Jane
- Gray, a lady of the most amiable character, accomplished by the best
- education, both in literature and religion, and every way worthy of a
- crown; and that even if her title by blood were doubtful, which there
- was no just reason to pretend, the king was possessed of the same
- power that his father enjoyed, and might leave her the crown by letters
- patent. These reasonings made impression on the young prince; and
- above all, his zealous attachment to the Protestant religion made him
- apprehend the consequences if so bigoted a Catholic as his sister Mary
- should succeed to the throne. And though he bore a tender affection to
- the lady Elizabeth, who was liable to no such objection means were found
- to persuade him that he could not exclude the one sister, on account of
- illegitimacy, without giving also an exclusion to the other.
- [Illustration: 1-424-jane_grey.jpg LADY JANE GREY]
- Northumberland, finding that his arguments were likely to operate on the
- king, began to prepare the other parts of his scheme. Two sons of
- the duke of Suffolk by a second venter having died this season of the
- sweating sickness, that title was extinct; and Northumberland engaged
- the king to bestow it on the marquis of Dorset. By means of this favor,
- and of others which he conferred upon him, he persuaded the new duke
- of Suffolk and the duchess, to give their daughter, the lady Jane,
- in marriage to his fourth son, the Lord Guildford Dudley. In order to
- fortify himself by further alliances, he negotiated a marriage between
- the lady Catharine Gray, second daughter of Suffolk, and Lord Herbert,
- eldest son of the earl of Pembroke. He also married his own daughter to
- Lord Hastings, eldest son of the earl of Huntingdon.[*] These marriages
- were solemnized with great pomp and festivity; and the people, who hated
- Northumberland, could not forbear expressing their indignation at seeing
- such public demonstrations of joy during the languishing state of the
- young prince’s health.
- * Heylin, p. 199. Stowe, p. 609.
- Edward had been seized in the foregoing year, first with the measles,
- then with the small-pox; but having perfectly recovered from both these
- distempers, the nation entertained hopes that they would only serve to
- confirm his health; and he had afterwards made a progress through some
- parts of the kingdom. It was suspected that he had there overheated
- himself in exercise; he was seized with a cough, which proved obstinate,
- and gave way neither to regimen nor medicines: several fatal symptoms
- of consumption appeared; and though it was hoped that, as the season
- advanced, his youth and temperance might get the better of the malady,
- men saw with great concern his bloom and vigor insensibly decay. The
- general attachment to the young prince, joined to the hatred borne the
- Dudleys, made it be remarked, that Edward had every moment declined in
- health, from the time that Lord Robert Dudley had been put about him in
- quality of gentleman of the bedchamber.
- The languishing state of Edward’s health made Northumberland the more
- intent on the execution of his project. He removed all, except his
- own emissaries, from about the king; he himself attended him with the
- greatest assiduity: he pretended the most anxious concern for his health
- and welfare; and by all these artifices he prevailed on the young
- prince to give his final consent to the settlement projected. Sir Edward
- Montague, chief justice of the common pleas, Sir John Baker and Sir
- Thomas Bromley, two judges, with the attorney and solicitor-general,
- were summoned to the council, where, after the minutes of the intended
- deed were read to them, the king required them to draw them up in the
- form of letters patent. They hesitated to obey, and desired time to
- consider of it. The more they reflected the greater danger they found in
- compliance. The settlement of the crown by Henry VIII. had been made in
- consequence of an act of parliament; and by another act, passed in the
- beginning of this reign, it was declared treason in any of the heirs,
- their aiders or abettors, to attempt on the right of another, or change
- the order of succession. The judges pleaded these reasons before
- the council. They urged, that such a patent as was intended would be
- entirely invalid; that it would subject, not only the judges who drew
- it, but every counsellor who signed it, to the pains of treason; and
- that the only proper expedient, both for giving sanction to the new
- settlement, and freeing its partisans from danger, was to summon a
- parliament, and to obtain the consent of that assembly. The king said,
- that he intended afterwards to follow that method, and would call a
- parliament in which he purposed to have his settlement ratified; but in
- the mean time he required the judges, on their allegiance, to draw the
- patent in the form required. The council told the judges, that
- their refusal would subject all of them to the pains of treason.
- Northumberland gave to Montague the appellation of traitor; and said
- that he would in his shirt fight any man in so just a cause as that of
- Lady Jane’s succession. The judges were reduced to great difficulties
- between the dangers from the law, and those which arose from the
- violence of present power and authority.[*]
- * Fuller, book viii. p. 2.
- The arguments were canvassed in several different meetings between
- the council and the judges, and no solution could be found of the
- difficulties. At last, Montague proposed an expedient, which satisfied
- both his brethren and the counsellors. He desired that a special
- commission should be passed by the king and council, requiring the
- judges to draw a patent for the new settlement of the crown; and that
- a pardon should immediately after be granted them for any offence which
- they might have incurred by their compliance. When the patent was drawn,
- and brought to the bishop of Ely, Chancellor, in order to have the great
- seal affixed to it, this prelate required that all the judges should
- previously sign it. Gosnald at first refused; and it was with much
- difficulty that he was prevailed on, by the violent menaces of
- Northumberland to comply; but the constancy of Sir James Hales, who,
- though a zealous Protestant, preferred justice on this occasion to
- the prejudices of his party, could not be shaken by any expedient. The
- chancellor next required, for his greater security, that all the privy
- counsellors should set their hands to the patent: the intrigues of
- Northumberland, or the fears of his violence, were so prevalent that the
- counsellors complied with this demand. Cranmer alone hesitated during
- some time, but at last yielded to the earnest and pathetic entreaties
- of the king.[*] Cecil, at that time secretary of state, pretended
- afterwards that he only signed as witness to the king’s subscription.
- And thus, by the king’s letters patent, the two princesses, Mary and
- Elizabeth, were set aside; and the crown was settled on the heirs of the
- duchess of Suffolk; for the duchess herself was content to give place to
- her daughters.
- * Cranm. Mem. p. 295
- After this settlement was made, with so many inauspicious circumstances,
- Edward visibly declined every day, and small hopes were entertained of
- his recovery. To make matters worse, his physicians were dismissed by
- Northumberland’s advice, and by an order of council; and he was put
- into the hands of an ignorant woman, who undertook in a little time
- to restore him to his former state of health. After the use of her
- medicines, all the bad symptoms increased to the most violent degree:
- he felt a difficulty of speech and breathing; his pulse failed, his legs
- swelled, his color became livid, and many other symptoms appeared of his
- approaching end. He expired at Greenwich, in the sixteenth year of his
- age, and the seventh of his reign.
- All the English historians dwell with pleasure on the excellent
- qualities of this young prince; whom the flattering promises of hope,
- joined to many real virtues, had made an object of tender affection to
- the public. He possessed mildness of disposition, application to study
- and business, a capacity to learn and judge, and an attachment to equity
- and justice. He seems only to have contracted, from his education,
- and from the genius of the age in which he lived, too much of a narrow
- prepossession in matters of religion, which made him incline somewhat
- to bigotry and persecution: but as the bigotry of Protestants, less
- governed by priests, lies under more restraints than that of Catholics,
- the effects of this malignant quality were the less to be apprehended if
- a longer life had been granted to young Edward.
- [Illustration: 1-432-mary.jpg MARY]
- {1553.} The title of the princess Mary, after the demise of her brother,
- was not exposed to any considerable difficulty; and the objections
- started by the lady Jane’s partisans were new and unheard of by the
- nation. Though all the Protestants, and even many of the Catholics,
- believed the marriage of Henry VIII. with Catharine of Arragon to be
- unlawful and invalid; yet, as it had been contracted by the parties
- without any criminal intention, had been avowed by their parents,
- recognized by the nation, and seemingly founded on those principles of
- law and religion which then prevailed, few imagined that their issue
- ought on that account to be regarded as illegitimate. A declaration
- to that purpose had indeed been extorted from parliament by the usual
- violence and caprice of Henry; but as that monarch had afterwards been
- induced to restore his daughter to the right of succession, her title
- was now become as legal and parliamentary as it was ever esteemed just
- and natural. The public had long been familiarized to these sentiments:
- during all the reign of Edward, the princess was regarded as his
- lawful successor; and though the Protestants dreaded the effects of
- her prejudices, the extreme hatred universally entertained against the
- Dudleys,[*] who, men foresaw, would, under the name of Jane, be the real
- sovereigns, was more than sufficient to counterbalance, even with that
- party, the attachment to religion.
- * Sleidan, lib. xxv.
- This last attempt to violate the order of succession had displayed
- Northumberland’s ambition and injustice in a full light; and when the
- people reflected on the long train of fraud, iniquity, and cruelty,
- by which that project had been conducted; that the lives of the two
- Seymours, as well as the title of the princesses, had been sacrificed to
- it; they were moved by indignation to exert themselves in opposition
- to such criminal enterprises. The general veneration also paid to the
- memory of Henry VIII. prompted the nation to defend the rights of
- his posterity; and the miseries of the ancient civil wars were not
- so entirely forgotten, that men were willing, by a departure from the
- lawful heir, to incur the danger of like bloodshed and confusion.
- Northumberland, sensible of the opposition which he must expect, had
- carefully concealed the destination made by the king; and in order to
- bring the two princesses into his power, he had had the precaution to
- engage the council, before Edward’s death, to write to them in that
- prince’s name, desiring their attendance, on pretence that his infirm
- state of health required the assistance of their counsel and the
- consolation of their company.[*] Edward expired before their arrival;
- but Northumberland, in order to make the princesses fall into the
- snare, kept the king’s death still secret; and the lady Mary had already
- reached Hoddesden, within half a day’s journey of the court. Happily,
- the earl of Arundel sent her private intelligence, both of her brother’s
- death, and of the conspiracy formed against her;[**] she immediately
- made haste to retire; and she arrived, by quick journeys, first at
- Kenning Hall in Norfolk, then at Framlingham in Suffolk; where she
- purposed to embark and escape to Flanders, in case she should find it
- impossible to defend her right of succession. She wrote letters to
- the nobility and most considerable gentry in every county in England;
- commanding them to assist her in the defence of her crown and person.
- And she despatched a message to the council; by which she notified to
- them, that her brother’s death was no longer a secret to her, promised
- them pardon for past offences, and required them immediately to give
- orders for proclaiming her in London.[***]
- * Heylin, p. 154.
- ** Burnet, vol. ii. p. 233.
- *** Fox, vol. iii, p. 14.
- Northumberland found that further dissimulation was fruitless: he
- went to Sion House,[*] accompanied by the duke of Suffolk, the earl of
- Pembroke, and others of the nobility; and he approached the lady Jane,
- who resided there, with all the respect usually paid to the sovereign.
- Jane was in a great measure ignorant of these transactions; and it
- was with equal grief and surprise that she received intelligence of
- them.[**] She was a lady of an amiable person, an engaging disposition,
- accomplished parts; and being of an equal age with the late king, she
- had received all her education with him, and seemed even to possess
- greater facility in acquiring every part of manly and polite literature.
- She had attained a familiar knowledge of the Roman and Greek languages,
- besides modern tongues; had passed most of her time in an application to
- learning; and expressed a great indifference for other occupations and
- amusements usual with her sex and station. Roger Ascham, tutor to the
- lady Elizabeth, having one day paid her a visit, found her employed in
- reading Plato, while the rest of the family were engaged in a party of
- hunting in the park; and on his admiring the singularity of her choice,
- she told him, that she received more pleasure from that author than the
- others could reap from all their sport and gayety.[***] Her heart, full
- of this passion for literature and the elegant arts, and of tenderness
- towards her husband, who was deserving of her affections, had never
- opened itself to the flattering allurements of ambition; and the
- intelligence of her elevation to the throne was nowise agreeable to her.
- She even refused to accept of the present; pleaded the preferable title
- of the two princesses; expressed her dread of the consequences attending
- an enterprise so dangerous, not to say so criminal; and desired to
- remain in the private station in which she was born.
- * Thuanus, lib. xiii. c. 10.
- ** Godwin in Kennet, p. 329. Heylin, p. 149. Burnet, vol.
- ii. p. 234.
- *** Ascham’s Works, p. 222, 223.
- Overcome at last by the entreaties, rather than the reasons, of her
- father and father-in-law, and above all of her husband, she submitted to
- their will, and was prevailed on to relinquish her own judgment. It was
- then usual for the kings of England, after their accession, to pass the
- first days in the Tower; and Northumberland immediately conveyed thither
- the new sovereign. All the counsellors were obliged to attend her to
- that fortress; and by this means became, in reality, prisoners in the
- hands of Northumberland, whose will they were necessitated to obey.
- Orders were given by the council to proclaim Jane throughout the
- kingdom; but these orders were executed only in London and the
- neighborhood. No applause ensued: the people heard the proclamation with
- silence and concern: some even expressed their scorn and contempt; and
- one Pot, a vintner’s apprentice, was severely punished for this offence.
- The Protestant teachers themselves, who were employed to convince the
- people of Jane’s title, found their eloquence fruitless; and Ridley,
- bishop of London, who preached a sermon to that purpose, wrought no
- effect upon his audience.
- The people of Suffolk, meanwhile, paid their attendance on Mary. As they
- were much attached to the reformed communion, they could not forbear,
- amidst their tenders of duty, expressing apprehensions for their
- religion; but when she assured them that she never meant to change the
- laws of Edward, they enlisted themselves in her cause with zeal and
- affection. The nobility and gentry daily flocked to her, and brought
- her reënforcement. The earls of Bath and Sussex, the eldest sons of Lord
- Wharton and Lord Mordaunt, Sir William Drury, Sir Henry Benningfield,
- Sir Henry Jernegan, persons whose interest lay in the neighborhood,
- appeared at the head of their tenants and retainers.[*] Sir Edward
- Hastings, brother to the earl of Huntingdon, having received a
- commission from the council to make levies for the lady Jane in
- Buckinghamshire, carried over his troops, which amounted to four
- thousand men, and joined Mary. Even a fleet which had been sent by
- Northumberland to lie off the coast of Suffolk, being forced into
- Yarmouth by a storm, was engaged to declare for that princess.
- Northumberland, hitherto blinded by ambition, saw at last the danger
- gather round him, and knew not to what hand to turn himself. He had
- levied forces, which were assembled at London; but dreading the cabals
- of the courtiers and counsellors, whose compliance, he knew, had been
- entirely the result of fear or artifice, he was resolved to keep near
- the person of the lady Jane, and send Suffolk to command the army. But
- the counsellors, who wished to remove him,[**] working on the filial
- tenderness of Jane, magnified to her the danger to which her father
- would be exposed; and represented that Northumberland, who had gained
- reputation by formerly suppressing a rebellion in those parts, was more
- proper to command in that enterprise.
- * Heylin, p. 160. Burnet, vol. ii. p. 237.
- ** Godwin, p. 330. Heylin, p. 159. Burnet vol. ii. p. 239.
- Fox, vol. iii. p 15.
- The duke himself, who knew the slender capacity of Suffolk, began to
- think that none but himself was able to encounter the present danger;
- and he agreed to take on him the command of the troops. The counsellors
- attended on him at his departure with the highest protestations of
- attachment, and none more than Arundel, his mortal enemy.[*] As he went
- along, he remarked the disaffection of the people, which foreboded a
- fatal issue to his ambitious hopes. “Many,” said he to Lord Gray, “come
- out to look at us, but I find not one who cries, God speed you!”[**]
- The duke had no sooner reached St. Edmondsbury, than he found his
- army, which did not exceed six thousand men, too weak to encounter
- the queen’s,[***] which amounted to double the number. He wrote to the
- council, desiring them to send him a reënforcement; and the counsellors
- immediately laid hold of the opportunity to free themselves from
- confinement. They left the Tower, as if they meant to execute
- Northumberland’s commands; but being assembled in Baynard’s castle, a
- house belonging to Pembroke, they deliberated concerning the method
- of shaking off his usurped tyranny. Arundel began the conference,
- by representing the injustice and cruelty of Northumberland, the
- exorbitancy of his ambition, the criminal enterprise which he had
- projected, and the guilt in which he had involved the whole council;
- and he affirmed, that the only method of making atonement for their past
- offences, was by a speedy return to the duty which they owed to their
- lawful sovereign.[****] This motion was seconded by Pembroke, who,
- clapping his hand to his sword, swore he was ready to fight any man that
- expressed himself of a contrary sentiment. The mayor and aldermen of
- London were immediately sent for, who discovered great alacrity in
- obeying the orders they received to proclaim Mary. The people expressed
- their approbation by shouts of applause. Even Suffolk, who commanded in
- the Tower, finding resistance fruitless, opened the gates, and declared
- for the queen. The lady Jane, after the vain pageantry of wearing a
- crown during ten days, returned to a private life with more satisfaction
- than she felt when the royalty was tendered to her:[v] and the
- messengers who were sent to Northumberland with orders to lay down his
- arms, found that he had despaired of success, was deserted by all his
- followers, and had already proclaimed the queen, with exterior marks
- of joy and satisfaction.[v*] The people every where, on the queen’s
- approach to London, gave sensible expressions of their loyalty and
- attachment; and the lady Elizabeth met her at the head of a thousand
- horse, which that princess had levied in order to support their joint
- title against the usurper.[v**]
- * Heylin, p. 161. Baker, p. 315. Holingshed, p. 1086.
- ** Speed, p. 816.
- *** Godwin, p. 331.
- **** Godwin, p. 331, 332. Thuanus, lib. xiii.
- v Godwin, p. 332. Thuanus, lib. xiii. c. 2
- v* Stowe, p. 612.
- v** Burnet, vol. ii. p. 240. Heylin, p. 19. Stowe, p. 613.
- The queen gave orders for taking into custody the duke of
- Northumberland, who fell on his knees to the earl of Arundel, that
- arrested him, and abjectly begged his life.[*] At the same time were
- committed the earl of Warwick, his eldest son, Lord Ambrose and Lord
- Henry Dudley, two of his younger sons, Sir Andrew Dudley, his brother,
- the marquis of Northampton, the earl of Huntingdon, Sir Thomas Palmer,
- and Sir John Gates. The queen afterwards confined the duke of Suffolk,
- Lady Jane Gray, and Lord Guildford Dudley. But Mary was desirous, in
- the beginning of her reign, to acquire popularity by the appearance of
- clemency; and because the counsellors pleaded constraint as an excuse
- for their treason, she extended her pardon to most of them. Suffolk
- himself recovered his liberty; and he owed this indulgence, in a great
- measure, to the contempt entertained of his capacity. But the guilt of
- Northumberland was too great, as well as his ambition and courage too
- dangerous, to permit him to entertain any reasonable hopes of life. When
- brought to his trial, he only desired permission to ask two questions of
- the peers appointed to sit on his jury; whether a man could be guilty
- of treason that obeyed orders given him by the council under the great
- seal; and whether those who were involved in the same guilt with himself
- could sit as his judges. Being told that the great seal of a usurper was
- no authority, and that persons not lying under any sentence of attainder
- were still innocent in the eye of the law, and might be admitted on any
- jury,[**] he acquiesced, and pleaded guilty. At his execution, he made
- profession of the Catholic religion, and told the people that they
- never would enjoy tranquillity till they returned to the faith of their
- ancestors: whether that such were his real sentiments, which he had
- formerly disguised from interest and ambition, or that he hoped by this
- declaration to render the queen more favorable to his family.[***] Sir
- Thomas Palmer and Sir John Gates suffered with him; and this was all
- the blood spilled on account of so dangerous and criminal an enterprise
- against the rights of the sovereign. Sentence was pronounced against
- the lady Jane and Lord Guildford, but without any present intention of
- putting it in execution. The youth and innocence of the persons, neither
- of whom had reached their seventeenth year, pleaded sufficiently in
- their favor.
- * Burnet, vol. ii. p. 239. Stowe, p. 612. Baker, p. 315.
- Holingshed, p. 1088.
- ** Burnet, vol. ii. p. 243. Heylin, p. 18. Baker, p. 316.
- Holingshed, p. 1089.
- *** Heylin, p. 19. Burnet. vol. iii. p. 243. Stowe, p. 614.
- When Mary first arrived in the Tower, the duke of Norfolk, who had
- been detained prisoner during all the last reign, Courtney, son of the
- marquis of Exeter, who, without being charged with any crime, had been
- subjected to the same punishment ever since his father’s attainder;
- Gardiner, Tonstal, and Bonner, who had been confined for their adhering
- to the Catholic cause, appeared before her, and implored her clemency
- and protection.[*] They were all of them restored to their liberty, and
- immediately admitted to her confidence and favor. Norfolk’s attainder,
- notwithstanding that it had passed in parliament, was represented as
- null and invalid; because, among other informalities, no special matter
- had been alleged against him, except wearing a coat of arms which he and
- his ancestors, without giving any offence, had always made use of,
- in the face of the court and of the whole nation. Courtney soon after
- received the title of earl of Devonshire; and though educated in such
- close confinement that he was altogether unacquainted with the world, he
- soon acquired all the accomplishments of a courtier and a gentleman, and
- made a considerable figure during the few years which he lived after he
- recovered his liberty.[**] Besides performing all those popular acts,
- which, though they only affected individuals, were very acceptable to
- the nation, the queen endeavored to ingratiate herself with the public
- by granting a general pardon, though with some exceptions, and by
- remitting the subsidy voted to her brother by the last parliament.[***]
- * Heylin, p. 20. Stowe, p. 613. Holingshed, p. 1088.
- ** Dépêches de Noailles, vol ii. p 246, 247.
- *** Stowe, p. 616.
- The joy arising from the succession of the lawful heir, and from the
- gracious demeanor of the sovereign, hindered not the people from being
- agitated with great anxiety concerning the state of religion; and as
- the bulk of the nation inclined to the Protestant communion, the
- apprehensions entertained concerning the principles and prejudices of
- the new queen were pretty general. The legitimacy of Mary’s birth had
- appeared to be somewhat connected with the papal authority; and that
- princess being educated with her mother, had imbibed the strongest
- attachment to the Catholic communion, and the highest aversion to those
- new tenets, whence, she believed, all the misfortunes of her family
- had originally sprung. The discouragements which she lay under from her
- father, though at last they brought her to comply with his will, tended
- still more to increase her disgust to the reformers; and the vexations
- which the protector and the council gave her during Edward’s reign, had
- no other effect than to confirm her further in her prejudices. Naturally
- of a sour and obstinate temper, and irritated by contradiction and
- misfortunes, she possessed all the qualities fitted to compose a bigot;
- and her extreme ignorance rendered her utterly incapable of doubt in
- her own belief, or of indulgence to the opinions of others. The nation,
- therefore, had great reason to dread, not only the abolition, but the
- persecution of the established religion from the zeal of Mary; and it
- was not long ere she discovered her intentions.
- Gardiner, Bonner, Tonstal, Day, Heath, and Vesey, were reinstated in
- their sees, either by a direct act of power, or, what is nearly the
- same, by the sentence of commissioners appointed to review their trial
- and condemnation. Though the bishopric of Durham had been dissolved by
- authority of parliament, the queen erected it anew by letters patent,
- and replaced Tonstal in his regalities as well as in his revenue.
- On pretence of discouraging controversy, she silenced, by an act of
- prerogative, all the preachers throughout England, except such as should
- obtain a particular license; and it was easy to foresee, that none but
- Catholics would be favored with this privilege. Holgate, archbishop
- of York, Coverdale, bishop of Exeter, Ridley of London, and Hooper of
- Glocester, were thrown into prison; whither old Latimer also was sent
- soon after. The zealous bishops and priests were encouraged in their
- forwardness to revive the mass, though contrary to the present laws.
- Judge Hales, who had discovered such constancy in defending the queen’s
- title, lost all his merit by an opposition to those illegal practices;
- and being committed to custody, was treated with such severity, that he
- fell into frenzy, and killed himself. The men of Suffolk were browbeaten
- because they presumed to plead the promise which the queen, when they
- enlisted themselves in her service, had given them of maintaining the
- reformed religion: one in particular was set in the pillory, because he
- had been too peremptory in recalling to her memory the engagements which
- she had taken on that occasion. And though the queen still promised in
- a public declaration before the council, to tolerate those who differed
- from her; men foresaw that this engagement, like the former, would prove
- but a feeble security when set in opposition to religious prejudices.
- The merits of Cranmer towards the queen during the reign of Henry had
- been considerable; and he had successfully employed his good offices
- in mitigating the severe prejudices which that monarch had entertained
- against her. But the active part which he had borne in promoting her
- mother’s divorce, as well as in conducting the reformation, had made him
- the object of her hatred; and though Gardiner had been equally forward
- in soliciting and defending the divorce, he had afterwards made
- sufficient atonement, by his sufferings in defence of the Catholic
- cause. The primate, therefore, had reason to expect little favor during
- the present reign; but it was by his own indiscreet zeal, that he
- brought on himself the first violence and persecution. A report being
- spread that Cranmer, in order to pay court to the queen, had promised
- to officiate in the Latin service, the archbishop, to wipe off this
- aspersion, published a manifesto in his own defence. Among other
- expressions, he there said, that as the devil was a liar from the
- beginning, and the father of lies, he had at this time stirred up his
- servants to persecute Christ and his true religion: that this infernal
- spirit now endeavored to restore the Latin satisfactory masses, a thing
- of his own invention and device; and in order to effect his purpose, had
- falsely made use of Cranmer’s name and authority: and that the mass is
- not only without foundation, either in the Scriptures or in the practice
- of the primitive church, but likewise discovers a plain contradiction
- to antiquity and the inspired writings, and is besides replete with many
- horrid blasphemies.[*]
- * Fox, vol. iii. p. 94. Heylin, p. 25. Godwin, p. 336.
- Burnet Vol. ii. Coll. No. 8. Cranm. Mem. p. 305. Thuanus,
- lib xiii. c. 8.
- On the publication of this inflammatory paper Cranmer was thrown into
- prison, and was tried for the part which he had acted in concurring
- with the lady Jane, and opposing the queen’s accession. Sentence of high
- treason was pronounced against him, and though his guilt was shared with
- the whole privy council and was even less than that of the greater part
- of them, this sentence, however severe, must be allowed entirely legal.
- The execution of it, however, did not follow; and Cranmer was reserved
- for a more cruel punishment.
- Peter Martyr, seeing a persecution gathering against the reformers
- desired leave to withdraw;[*] and while some zealous Catholics moved
- for his commitment, Gardiner both pleaded that he had come over by
- an invitation from the government, and generously furnished him with
- supplies for his journey: but as bigoted zeal still increased, his
- wife’s body, which had been interred at Oxford, was afterwards dug up
- by public orders, and buried in a dunghill.[**] The bones of Bucer and
- Fagius, two foreign reformers, were about the same time committed to the
- flames at Cambridge.[***] John Alasco was first silenced, then ordered
- to depart the kingdom with his congregation. The greater part of the
- foreign Protestants followed him; and the nation thereby lost many
- useful hands for arts and manufactures. Several English Protestants also
- took shelter in foreign parts; and every thing bore a dismal aspect for
- the reformation.
- During this revolution of the court, no protection was expected by
- Protestants from the Parliament which was summoned to assemble. A
- zealous reformer[****] pretends, that great violence and iniquity were
- used in the elections; but, besides that the authority of this writer is
- inconsiderable, that practice, as the necessities of government seldom
- required it, had not hitherto been often employed in England. There
- still remained such numbers devoted by opinion or affection to many
- principles of the ancient religion, that the authority of the crown was
- able to give such candidates the preference in most elections; and all
- those who hesitated to comply with the court religion, rather declined
- taking a seat, which, while it rendered them obnoxious to the queen,
- could afterwards afford them no protection against the violence of
- prerogative. It soon appeared, therefore, that a majority of the commons
- would be obsequious to Mary’s designs; and as the peers were mostly
- attached to the court from interest or expectations, little opposition
- was expected from that quarter.
- * Heylin, p. 26. Godwin, p. 336. Cranm. Mem. p. 317.
- ** Heylin, p. 26.
- *** Saunders de Schism. Anglie.
- **** Beale. But Fox, who lived at the time, and is very
- minute in his narratives, says nothing of the matter. See
- vol. iii. p. 16.
- In opening the parliament, the court showed a contempt of the laws,
- by celebrating, before the two houses, a mass of the Holy Ghost in the
- Latin tongue, attended with all the ancient rites and ceremonies, though
- abolished by act of parliament.[*] Taylor, bishop of Lincoln, having
- refused to kneel at this service, was severely handled, and was
- violently thrust out of the house.[**] The queen, however, still
- retained the title of supreme head of the church of England; and it was
- generally pretended, that the intention of the court was only to restore
- religion to the same condition in which it had been left by Henry; but
- that the other abuses of popery, which were the most grievous to the
- nation, would never be revived.
- The first bill passed by the parliament was of a popular nature, and
- abolished every species of treason not contained in the statute of
- Edward III., and every species of felony that did not subsist before the
- first of Henry VIII.[***] The parliament next declared the queen to be
- legitimate, ratified the marriage of Henry with Catharine of Arragon,
- and annulled the divorce pronounced by Cranmer,[****] whom they greatly
- blamed on that account. No mention, however, is made of the pope’s
- authority, as any ground of the marriage. All the statutes of King
- Edward with regard to religion were repealed by one vote.[v] The
- attainder of the duke of Norfolk was reversed; and this act of justice
- was more reasonable than the declaring of that attainder invalid without
- further authority. Many clauses of the riot act, passed in the late
- reign, were revived: a step which eluded in a great measure the popular
- statute enacted at the first meeting of parliament.
- * Fox, vol. iii. p. 19.
- ** Burnet, vol. ii. p. 252.
- *** Mariæ, sess. i. cap. 1. By this repeal, though it was in
- general popular, the clause of 5 and 6 Edward VI. cap. 11,
- was lost, which required the confronting of two witnesses in
- order to prove any treason.
- **** Mariæ, sess. ii. cap. 1.
- v Mariæ, sess. ii. cap. 1.
- Notwithstanding the compliance of the two houses with the queen’s
- inclinations, they had still a reserve in certain articles; and her
- choice of a husband, in particular, was of such importance to national
- interest, that they were determined not to submit tamely, in that
- respect, to her will and pleasure. There were three marriages[*]
- concerning which it was supposed that Mary had deliberated after her
- accession. The first person proposed to her was Courtney, earl of
- Devonshire, who, being an Englishman nearly allied to the crown, could
- not fail of being acceptable to the nation; and as he was of an engaging
- person and address, he had visibly gained on the queen’s affections,[**]
- and hints were dropped him of her favorable dispositions towards
- him.[***] But that nobleman neglected these overtures; and seemed rather
- to attach himself to the lady Elizabeth, whose youth and agreeable
- conversation he preferred to all the power and grandeur of her sister.
- This choice occasioned a great coldness in Mary towards Devonshire;
- and made her break out in a declared animosity against Elizabeth. The
- ancient quarrel between their mothers had sunk deep into the malignant
- heart of the queen; and after the declaration made by parliament
- in favor of Catharine’s marriage, she wanted not a pretence for
- representing the birth of her sister as illegitimate. The attachment of
- Elizabeth to the reformed religion offended Mary’s bigotry; and as the
- young princess had made some difficulty in disguising her sentiments,
- violent menaces had been employed to bring her to compliance.[****] But
- when the queen found that Elizabeth had obstructed her views in a point
- which, perhaps, touched her still more nearly, her resentment, excited
- by pride, no longer knew any bounds, and the princess was visibly
- exposed to the greatest danger.[v]
- Cardinal Pole, who had never taken priest’s orders, was another party
- proposed to the queen; and there appeared many reasons to induce her to
- make choice of this prelate. The high character of Pole for virtue and
- humanity; the great regard paid him by the Catholic church, of which he
- had nearly reached the highest dignity on the death of Paul III.;[v*]
- the queen’s affection for the countess of Salisbury, his mother, who
- had once been her governess; the violent animosity to which he had been
- exposed on account of his attachment to the Romish communion; all these
- considerations had a powerful influence on Mary. But the cardinal was
- now in the decline of life; and having contracted habits of study and
- retirement, he was represented to her as unqualified for the bustle of a
- court and the hurry of business.[v**]
- * Thuan. lib. ii. cap. 3.
- ** Dépêches de Noailles, vol. ii. p. 147, 163, 214, 215;
- vol. iii. p. 27.
- *** Godwin, p. 339.
- **** Dep. de Noailles, vol. ii. passim.
- v Heylin, p. 31. Burnet, vol. ii. p, 255.
- v* Father Paul, book iii.
- v** Heylin, p. 31.
- The queen, therefore, dropped all thoughts of that alliance: but as
- she entertained a great regard for Pole’s wisdom and virtue, she still
- intended to reap the benefit of his counsel in the administration of her
- government. She secretly entered into a negotiation with Commendone, an
- agent of Cardinal Dandino, legate at Brussels; she sent assurances to
- the pope, then Julius III, of her earnest desire to reconcile herself
- and her kingdoms to the holy see; and she desired that Pole might be
- appointed legate for the performance of that pious office.[*]
- These two marriages being rejected, the queen cast her eye towards the
- emperor’s family, from which her mother was descended, and which, during
- her own distresses, had always afforded her countenance and protection.
- Charles V., who a few years before was almost absolute master of
- Germany, had exercised his power in such an arbitrary manner, that he
- gave extreme disgust to the nation, who apprehended the total extinction
- of their liberties from the encroachments of that monarch.[**] Religion
- had served him as a pretence for his usurpations; and from the same
- principle he met with that opposition which overthrew his grandeur, and
- dashed all his ambitious hopes. Maurice, elector of Saxony, enraged that
- the landgrave of Hesse, who, by his advice, and on his assurances, had
- put himself into the emperor’s hands, should be unjustly detained a
- prisoner, formed a secret conspiracy among the Protestant princes; and,
- covering his intentions with the most artful disguises, he suddenly
- marched his forces against Charles, and narrowly missed becoming master
- of his person.
- * Burnet, vol ii. p. 258.
- ** Thuanus. lib. iv. c. 17.
- The Protestants flew to arms in every quarter; and their insurrection,
- aided by an invasion from France, reduced the emperor to such
- difficulties, that he was obliged to submit to terms of peace which
- insured the independency of Germany. To retrieve his honor, he made an
- attack on France; and laying siege to Metz with an army of a hundred
- thousand men, he conducted the enterprise in person, and seemed
- determined, at all hazards, to succeed in an undertaking which had fixed
- the attention of Europe. But the duke of Guise, who defended Metz with
- a garrison composed of the bravest nobility of France, exerted such
- vigilance, conduct, and valor, that the siege was protracted to the
- depth of winter; and the emperor found it dangerous to persevere any
- longer. He retired with the remains of his army into the Low Countries,
- much dejected with that reverse of fortune which in his declining years,
- had so fatally overtaken him.
- No sooner did Charles hear of the death of Edward, and the accession of
- his kinswoman Mary to the crown of England, than he formed the scheme of
- acquiring that kingdom to his family; and he hoped by this incident to
- balance all the losses which he had sustained in Germany. His son Philip
- was a widower; and though he was only twenty-seven years of age, eleven
- years younger than the queen, this objection, it was thought, would be
- overlooked, and there was no reason to despair of her still having a
- numerous issue. The emperor, therefore, immediately sent over an agent
- to signify his intentions to Mary; who, pleased with the support of so
- powerful an alliance, and glad to unite herself more closely with
- her mother’s family, to which she was ever strongly attached, readily
- embraced the proposal. Norfolk, Arundel, and Paget, gave their advice
- for the match: and Gardiner, who was become prime minister, and who
- had been promoted to the office of chancellor, finding how Mary’s
- inclinations lay, seconded the project of the Spanish alliance. At the
- same time he represented, both to her and the emperor, the necessity of
- stopping all further innovations in religion, till the completion of the
- marriage. He observed, that the parliament amidst all their compliances
- had discovered evident symptoms of jealousy, and seemed at present
- determined to grant no further concessions in favor of the Catholic
- religion: that though they might make a sacrifice to their sovereign of
- some speculative principles which they did not well comprehend, or of
- some rites which seemed not of any great moment, they had imbibed such
- strong prejudices against the pretended usurpations and exactions of the
- court of Rome, that they would with great difficulty be again brought
- to submit to its authority: that the danger of resuming the abbey lands
- would alarm the nobility and gentry, and induce them to encourage the
- prepossessions, which were but too general among the people, against the
- doctrine and worship of the Catholic church: that much pains had been
- taken to prejudice the nation against the Spanish alliance; and if that
- point were urged at the same time with further changes in religion, it
- would hazard a general revolt and insurrection: that the marriage being
- once completed would give authority to the queen’s measures, and enable
- her afterwards to forward the pious work in which she was engaged: and
- that it was even necessary previously to reconcile the people to
- the marriage, by rendering the conditions extremely favorable to the
- English, and such as would seem to insure to them their independency,
- and the entire possession of their ancient laws and privileges.[*]
- The emperor, well acquainted with the prudence and experience of
- Gardiner, assented to all these reasons, and he endeavored to temper the
- zeal of Mary, by representing the necessity of proceeding gradually in
- the great work of converting the nation. Hearing that Cardinal Pole,
- more sincere in his religious opinions, and less guided by the maxims
- of human policy, after having sent contrary advice to the queen, had
- set out on his journey to England, where he was to exercise his legatine
- commission, he thought proper to stop him at Dillinghen, a town on the
- Danube; and he afterwards obtained Mary’s consent for this detention.
- The negotiation for the marriage meanwhile proceeded apace; and Mary’s
- intentions of espousing Philip became generally known to the nation.
- The commons, who hoped that they had gained the queen by the concessions
- which they had already made, were alarmed to hear that she was resolved
- to contract a foreign alliance; and they sent a committee to remonstrate
- in strong terms against that dangerous measure. To prevent further
- applications of the same kind, she thought proper to dissolve the
- parliament.
- A convocation had been summoned at the same time with the parliament;
- and the majority here also appeared to be of the court religion. An
- offer was very frankly made by the Romanists, to dispute concerning
- the points controverted between the two communions; and as
- transubstantiation was the article which of all others they deemed the
- clearest, and founded on the most irresistible arguments, they chose to
- try their strength by defending it. The Protestants pushed the dispute
- as far as the clamor and noise of their antagonists would permit; and
- they fondly imagined that they had obtained some advantage, when, in the
- course of the debate, they obliged the Catholics to avow that, according
- to their doctrine, Christ had in his last supper held himself in his
- hand, and had swallowed and eaten himself.[**]
- * Burnet, vol. ii. p. 261.
- ** Collier, vol. ii. p. 356.
- This triumph, however, was confined only to their own party: the
- Romanists maintained, that their champions had clearly the better of
- the day, that their adversaries were blind and obstinate heretics; that
- nothing but the most extreme depravity of heart could induce men to
- contest such self-evident principles; and that the severest punishments
- were due to their perverse wickedness. So pleased were they with their
- superiority in this favorite point, that they soon after renewed the
- dispute at Oxford; and, to show that they feared no force of learning or
- abilities, where reason was so evident on their side, they sent thither
- Cranmer, Latimer, and Ridley, under a guard, to try whether these
- renowned controversialists could find any appearance of argument to
- defend their baffled principles.[*] The issue of the debate was very
- different from what it appeared to be a few years before, in a famous
- conference held at the same place during the reign of Edward.
- {1554.} After the parliament and convocation were dismissed, the new
- laws with regard to religion, though they had been anticipated in most
- places by the zeal of the Catholics, countenanced by government,
- were still more openly put in execution: the mass was every where
- reëstablished; and marriage was declared to be incompatible with any
- spiritual office. It has been asserted by some writers, that three
- fourths of the clergy were at this time deprived of their livings;
- though other historians, more accurate,[**] have estimated the number
- of sufferers to be far short of this proportion. A visitation was
- appointed, in order to restore more perfectly the mass and the ancient
- rites. Among other articles, the commissioners were enjoined to forbid
- the oath of supremacy to be taken by the clergy on their receiving any
- benefice.[***] It is to be observed, that this oath had been established
- by the laws of Henry VIII., which were still in force.
- * Mem. Cranm. p. 354. Heylin, p. 50.
- ** Harmer, p. 138.
- *** Collier, vol. ii. p. 364. Fox, vol. iii. p. 38. Heylin,
- p. 35. Sleiden, lib. xxv.
- This violent and sudden change of religion inspired the Protestants with
- great discontent; and even affected indifferent spectators with concern,
- by the hardships to which so many individuals were on that account
- exposed. But the Spanish match was a point of more general concern, and
- diffused universal apprehension for the liberty and independence of the
- nation. To obviate all clamor, the articles of marriage were drawn as
- favorable as possible for the interests and security, and even grandeur
- of England. It was agreed, that though Philip should have the title
- of king, the administration should be entirely in the queen; that no
- foreigner should be capable of enjoying any office in the kingdom;
- that no innovation should be made in the English laws, customs, and
- privileges; that Philip should not carry the queen abroad without her
- consent, nor any of her children without the consent of the nobility;
- that sixty thousand pounds a year should be settled as her jointure;
- that the male issue of this marriage should inherit, together with
- England, both Burgundy and the Low Countries; and that if Don Carlos,
- Philip’s son by his former marriage, should die, and his line be
- extinct, the queen’s issue, whether male or female, should inherit
- Spain, Sicily, Milan, and all the other dominions of Philip.[*] Such
- was the treaty of marriage signed by Count Egmont and three other
- ambassadors, sent over to England by the emperor.[**]
- These articles, when published, gave no satisfaction to the nation. It
- was universally said, that the emperor, in order to get possession of
- England, would verbally agree to any terms and the greater advantage
- there appeared in the conditions which he granted, the more certainly
- might it be concluded that he had no serious intention of observing
- them: that the usual fraud and ambition of that monarch might assure the
- nation of such a conduct: and his son Philip, while he inherited these
- vices from his father, added to them tyranny, sullenness, pride, and
- barbarity, more dangerous vices of his own: that England would become a
- province, and a province to a kingdom which usually exercised the
- most violent authority over all her dependent dominions: that the
- Netherlands, Milan, Sicily, Naples, groaned under the burden of Spanish
- tyranny; and throughout all the new conquests in America there had been
- displayed scenes of unrelenting cruelty, hitherto unknown in the
- history of mankind: that the inquisition was a tribunal invented by that
- tyrannical nation, and would infallibly, with all their other laws
- and institutions, be introduced into England; and that the divided
- sentiments of the people with regard to religion would subject
- multitudes to this iniquitous tribunal, and would reduce the whole
- nation to the most abject servitude.[***]
- * Rymer, vol. xv. p. 377.
- ** Dépêches de Noailles, vol. ii. p. 299.
- *** Heylin p. 32. Burnet, vol. ii. p. 268. Godwin, p. 339.
- These complaints being diffused every where, prepared the people for a
- rebellion; and had any foreign power given them encouragement, or any
- great man appeared to head them, the consequence might have proved fatal
- to the queen’s authority. But the king of France, though engaged in
- hostilities with the emperor, refused to concur in any proposal for an
- insurrection, lest he should afford Mary a pretence for declaring war
- against him.[*] And the more prudent part of the nobility thought that,
- as the evils of the Spanish alliance were only dreaded at a distance,
- matters were not yet fully prepared for a general revolt. Some persons,
- however, more turbulent than the rest, believed that it would be safer
- to prevent than to redress grievances; and they formed a conspiracy to
- rise in arms, and declare against the queen’s marriage with Philip. Sir
- Thomas Wiat purposed to raise Kent; Sir Peter Carew, Devonshire; and
- they engaged the duke of Suffolk, by the hopes of recovering the crown
- for the lady Jane, to attempt raising the midland counties.[**] Carew’s
- impatience or apprehensions engaged him to break the concert, and to
- rise in arms before the day appointed. He was soon suppressed by
- the earl of Bedford, and constrained to fly into France. On this
- intelligence, Suffolk, dreading an arrest, suddenly left the town with
- his brothers, Lord Thomas and Lord Leonard Gray, and endeavored to raise
- the people in the counties of Warwick and Leicester, where his interest
- lay; but he was so closely pursued by the earl of Huntingdon, at
- the head of three hundred horse, that he was obliged to disperse his
- followers, and being discovered in his concealment, he was carried
- prisoner to London.[***]
- * Dépêches de Noailles, vol. ii. p. 249; vol. iii. p. 17,
- 58.
- ** Heylin, p. 33. Godwin, p. 340.
- *** Fox, vol. iii. p. 30.
- Wiat was at first more successful in his attempt; and having published a
- declaration, at Maidstone in Kent, against the queen’s evil counsellors,
- and against the Spanish match, without any mention of religion, the
- people began to flock to his standard. The duke of Norfolk, with Sir
- Henry Jernegan, was sent against him, at the head of the guards and some
- other troops, reënforced with five hundred Londoners commanded by Bret:
- and he came within sight of the rebels at Rochester, where they had
- fixed their head-quarters. Sir George Harper here pretended to desert
- from them; but having secretly gained Bret, these two malecontents so
- wrought on the Londoners, that the whole body deserted to Wiat, and
- declared that they would not contribute to enslave their native country.
- Norfolk, dreading the contagion of the example, immediately retreated
- with his troops, and took shelter in the city.[*]
- After this proof of the disposition of the people, especially of the
- Londoners, who were mostly Protestants, Wiat was encouraged to proceed;
- he led his forces to Southwark, where he required of the queen that she
- should put the Tower into his hands, should deliver four counsellors
- as hostages, and in order to insure the liberty of the nation, should
- immediately marry an Englishman. Finding that the bridge was secured
- against him, and that the city was overawed, he marched up to Kingston,
- where he passed the river with four thousand men; and returning towards
- London, hoped to encourage his partisans who had engaged to declare for
- him. He had imprudently wasted so much time at Southwark, and in his
- march from Kingston, that the critical season, on which all popular
- commotions depend, was entirely lost: though he entered Westminster
- without resistance, his followers, finding that no person of note joined
- him, insensibly fell off, and he was at last seized near Temple Bar by
- Sir Maurice Berkeley.[**] Four hundred persons are said to have suffered
- for this rebellion:[***] four hundred more were conducted before the
- queen with ropes about their necks: and falling on their knees, received
- a pardon, and were dismissed. Wiat was condemned and executed: as it
- had been reported that, on his examination, he had accused the lady
- Elizabeth and the earl of Devonshire as accomplices, he took care, on
- the scaffold, before the whole people, fully to acquit them of having
- any share in his rebellion.
- * Heylin, p. 33. Godwin, p. 341. Stowe, p. 619. Baker, p.
- 318. Holingshed, p. 1094.
- ** Fox, vol. iii. p. 31. Heylin, p. 34. Burnet, vol. ii. p.
- 270. Stowe, p. 621.
- *** Dépêches de Noailles, vol. iii. p. 124.
- The lady Elizabeth had been, during some time, treated with great
- harshness by her sister; and many studied instances of discouragement
- and disrespect had been practised against her. She was ordered to take
- place at court after the countess of Lenox and the duchess of Suffolk,
- as if she were not legitimate:[*] her friends were discountenanced on
- every occasion: and while her virtues, which were now become eminent,
- drew to her the attendance of all the young nobility, and rendered
- her the favorite of the nation;[**] the malevolence of the queen still
- discovered itself every day by fresh symptoms, and obliged the princess
- to retire into the country. Mary seized the opportunity of this
- rebellion; and hoping to involve her sister in some appearance of guilt,
- sent for her under a strong guard, committed her to the Tower, and
- ordered her to be strictly examined by the council. But the public
- declaration made by Wiat rendered it impracticable to employ against her
- any false evidence which might have offered; and the princess made
- so good a defence, that the queen found herself under a necessity of
- releasing her.[***] In order to send her out of the kingdom, a marriage
- was offered her with the duke of Savoy; and when she declined the
- proposal, she was committed to custody under a strong guard at
- Wodestoke.[****] The earl of Devonshire, though equally innocent, was
- confined in Fotheringay Castle.
- But this rebellion proved still more fatal to the lady Jane Gray, as
- well as to her husband: the duke of Suffolk’s guilt was imputed to her;
- and though the rebels and malecontents seemed chiefly to rest their
- hopes on the lady Elizabeth and the earl of Devonshire, the queen,
- incapable of generosity or clemency, determined to remove every person
- from whom the least danger could be apprehended. Warning was given the
- lady Jane to prepare for death; a doom which she had long expected, and
- which the innocence of her life, as well as the misfortunes to which she
- had been exposed, rendered nowise unwelcome to her. The queen’s zeal,
- under color of tender mercy to the prisoner’s soul, induced her to
- send divines, who harassed her with perpetual disputation; and even
- a reprieve for three days was granted her, in hopes that she would be
- persuaded during that time to pay, by a timely conversion, some regard
- to her eternal welfare. The lady Jane had presence of mind, in those
- melancholy circumstances, not only to defend her religion by all the
- topics then in use, but also to write a letter to her sister[v] in the
- Greek language; in which, besides sending her a copy of the Scriptures
- in that tongue, she exhorted her to maintain, in every fortune, a like
- steady perseverance.
- * Dépêches de Noailles, vol. ii. p. 273, 288.
- ** Dépêches de Noailles, vol. iii. p. 273.
- *** Godwin, p. 343. Burnet, vol. ii. p. 273. Fox, vol. ii.
- p. 99, 105. Strype’s Mem. vol. iii. p. 85.
- **** Dépêches de Noailles, vol. iii. p. 226.
- v Fox vol. iii. p. 35. Heylin, p. 166.
- On the day of her execution, her husband, Lord Guildford, desired
- permission to see her; but she refused her consent, and informed him
- by a message, that the tenderness of their parting would overcome the
- fortitude of both, and would too much unbend their minds from
- that constancy which their approaching end required of them: their
- separation, she said, would be only for a moment; and they would soon
- rejoin each other in a scene where their affections would be forever
- united, and where death, disappointment, and misfortunes, could no
- longer have access to them, or disturb their eternal felicity.[*]
- It had been intended to execute the lady Jane and Lord Guildford
- together on the same scaffold at Tower Hill; but the council, dreading
- the compassion of the people for their youth, beauty, innocence, and
- noble birth, changed their orders, and gave directions that she should
- be beheaded within the verge of the Tower. She saw her husband led
- to execution; and having given him from the window some token of her
- remembrance, she waited with tranquillity till her own appointed hour
- should bring her to a like fate. She even saw his headless body carried
- back in a cart; and found herself more confirmed by the reports which
- she heard of the constancy of his end, than shaken by so tender and
- melancholy a spectacle. Sir John Gage, constable of the Tower, when he
- led her to execution, desired her to bestow on him some small present,
- which he might keep as a perpetual memorial of her: she gave him her
- table-book, on which she had just written three sentences on seeing
- her husband’s dead body; one in Greek, another in Latin, a third in
- English.[**] The purport of them was, that human justice was against his
- body, but divine mercy would be favorable to his soul; that if her fault
- deserved punishment, her youth at least, and her imprudence, were worthy
- of excuse; and that God and posterity, she trusted, would show her
- favor.
- * Heylin, p. 167. Baker p. 319.
- ** Heylin, p. 167.
- On the scaffold she made a speech to the bystanders; in which the
- mildness of her disposition led her to take the blame wholly on herself,
- without uttering one complaint against the severity with which she had
- been treated. She said, that her offence was not the having laid her
- hand upon the crown, but the not rejecting it with sufficient constancy;
- that she had less erred through ambition than through reverence to
- her parents, whom she had been taught to respect and obey: that she
- willingly received death, as the only satisfaction which she could now
- make to the injured state; and though her infringement of the laws had
- been constrained, she would show, by her voluntary submission to their
- sentence, that she was desirous to atone for that disobedience into
- which too much filial piety had betrayed her: that she had justly
- deserved this punishment for being made the instrument, though the
- unwilling instrument, of the ambition of others; and that the story of
- her life, she hoped, might at least be useful, by proving that innocence
- excuses not great misdeeds, if they tend anywise to the destruction of
- the commonwealth. After uttering these words, she caused herself to be
- disrobed by her women; and with a steady serene countenance submitted
- herself to the executioner.[*]
- The duke of Suffolk was tried, condemned, and executed soon after; and
- would have met with more compassion, had not his temerity been the cause
- of his daughter’s untimely end. Lord Thomas Gray lost his life for the
- same crime. Sir Nicholas Throgmorton was tried in Guildhall; but there
- appearing no satisfactory evidence against him, he was able, by making
- an admirable defence, to obtain a verdict of the jury in his favor. The
- queen was so enraged at this disappointment, that, instead of releasing
- him as the law required, she recommitted him to the Tower, and kept him
- in close confinement during some time. But her resentment stopped not
- here: the jury, being summoned before the council, were all sent to
- prison, and afterwards fined, some of them a thousand pounds, others two
- thousand apiece.[**] This violence proved fatal to several; among others
- to Sir John Throgmorton, brother to Sir Nicholas, who was condemned on
- no better evidence, than had formerly been rejected. The queen filled
- the Tower and all the prisons with nobility and gentry, whom their
- interest with the nation, rather than any appearance of guilt, had
- made the objects of her suspicion; and finding that she was universally
- hated, she determined to disable the people from resistance, by ordering
- general musters, and directing the commissioners to seize their arms,
- and lay them up in forts and castles.[***]
- * Heylin, p. 167. Fox, vol iii. p. 36, 37. Holingshed, p.
- 1099.
- ** Fox, vol. iii. p. 99. Stowe, p. 624. Baker, p. 320.
- Holingshed, p. 1104, 1121. Strype, vol. iii. p. 120. Dép. de
- Noailles, vol. iii. p. 173.
- *** Dép. de Noailles, vol. iii p. 98.
- Though the government labored under so general an odium, the queen’s
- authority had received such an increase from the suppression of Wiat’s
- rebellion, that the ministry hoped to find a compliant disposition in
- the new parliament which was summoned to assemble. The emperor also, in
- order to facilitate the same end, had borrowed no less a sum than
- four hundred thousand crowns, which he had sent over to England to
- be distributed in bribes and pensions among the members: a pernicious
- practice, of which there had not hitherto been any instance in England.
- And not to give the public any alarm with regard to the church lands,
- the queen, notwithstanding her bigotry, resumed her title of supreme
- head of the church, which she had dropped three months before. Gardiner,
- the chancellor, opened the session by a speech; in which he asserted the
- queen’s hereditary title to the crown; maintained her right of choosing
- a husband for herself; observed how proper a use she had made of that
- right, by giving the preference to an old ally, descended from the house
- of Burgundy; and remarked the failure of Henry VIII.’s posterity, of
- whom there now remained none but the queen and the lady Elizabeth. He
- added, that, in order to obviate the inconveniencies which might arise
- from different pretenders, it was necessary to invest the queen, by law,
- with a power of disposing of the crown, and of appointing her successor:
- a power, he said, which was not to be thought unprecedented in England,
- since it had formerly been conferred on Henry VIII.[*]
- * Dépêches de Noailles.
- The parliament was much disposed to gratify the queen in all her
- desires; but when the liberty, independency, and very being of the
- nation were in such visible danger, they could not by any means be
- brought to compliance. They knew both the inveterate hatred which she
- bore to the lady Elizabeth, and her devoted attachment to the house of
- Austria: they were acquainted with her extreme bigotry, which would lead
- her to postpone all considerations of justice or national interest to
- the establishment of the Catholic religion: they remarked, that
- Gardiner had carefully avoided in his speech the giving to Elizabeth
- the appellation of the queen’s sister; and they thence concluded that a
- design was formed of excluding her as illegitimate: they expected that
- Mary, if invested with such a power as she required, would make a will
- in her husband’s favor, and thereby render England forever a province
- to the Spanish monarchy; and they were the more alarmed with these
- projects, as they heard that Philip’s descent from the house of
- Lancaster was carefully insisted on, and that he was publicly
- represented as the true and only heir by right of inheritance.
- The parliament, therefore, aware of their danger, were determined to
- keep at a distance from the precipice which lay before them. They could
- not avoid ratifying the articles of marriage,[*] which were drawn very
- favorable for England; but they declined the passing of any such law as
- the chancellor pointed out to them: they would not so much as declare it
- treason to imagine or attempt the death of the queen’s husband while she
- was alive; and a bill introduced for that purpose was laid aside after
- the first reading. The more effectually to cut off Philip’s hopes of
- possessing any authority in England, they passed a law in which they
- declared, “that her majesty, as their only queen, should solely, and as
- a sole queen, enjoy the crown and sovereignty of her realms, with all
- the preëminences, dignities, and rights thereto belonging, in as large
- and ample a manner after her marriage as before, without any title or
- claim accruing to the prince of Spain, either as tenant by courtesy of
- the realm, or by any other means.”[**]
- A law passed in this parliament for reërecting the bishopric of Durham,
- which had been dissolved by the last parliament of Edward.[***]
- The queen had already, by an exertion of her power, put Tonstal in
- possession of that see: but though it was usual at that time for the
- crown to assume authority which might seem entirely legislative, it
- was always deemed more safe and satisfactory to procure the sanction
- of parliament. Bills were introduced for suppressing heterodox opinions
- contained in books, and for reviving the law of the six articles,
- together with those against the Lollards, and against heresy and
- erroneous preaching; but none of these laws could pass the two houses:
- a proof that the parliament had reserves even in their concessions with
- regard to religion; about which they seem to have been less scrupulous.
- The queen, therefore, finding that they would not serve all her
- purposes, finished the session by dissolving them.
- * I Mar. Parl. 2, cap. 2.
- ** I Mar. Parl. 2. cap. 1.
- *** I Mar. Parl. 2, cap. 3.
- Mary’s thoughts were now entirely employed about receiving Don Philip,
- whose arrival she hourly expected. This princess, who had lived so many
- years in a very reserved and private manner, without any prospect or
- hopes of a husband, was so smitten with affection for her young consort,
- whom she had never seen, that she waited with the utmost impatience for
- the completion of the marriage; and every obstacle was to her a source
- of anxiety and discontent.[*] She complained of Philip’s delays as
- affected; and she could not conceal her vexation, that, though she
- brought him a kingdom as her dowry, he treated her with such neglect
- that he had never yet favored her with a single letter.[**] Her fondness
- was but the more increased by this supercilious treatment; and when she
- found that her subjects had entertained the greatest aversion for the
- event to which she directed her fondest wishes, she made the whole
- English nation the object of her resentment. A squadron, under the
- command of Lord Effingham, had been fitted out to convoy Philip from
- Spain, where he then resided; but the admiral informing her that the
- discontents ran very high among the seamen, and that it was not safe
- for Philip to intrust himself in their hands, she gave orders to dismiss
- them.[***] She then dreaded lest the French fleet, being masters of the
- sea, might intercept her husband; and every rumor of danger, every blast
- of wind, threw her into panics and convulsions. Her health, and even her
- understanding, were visibly hurt by this extreme impatience; and she
- was struck with a new apprehension lest her person, impaired by time and
- blasted by sickness, should prove disagreeable to her future consort.
- Her glass discovered to her how haggard she was become; and when she
- remarked the decay of her beauty, she knew not whether she ought more to
- desire or apprehend the arrival of Philip.[****]
- * Strype, vol. iii. p. 125.
- ** Dépêches de Noailles, vol. iii. p. 248.
- *** Dépêches de Noailles, vol. iii. p. 220.
- **** Dépêches de Noailles, vol. iii. p. 222, 252, 253.
- At last came the moment so impatiently expected; and news was brought
- the queen of Philip’s arrival at Southampton.[*] A few days after
- they were married in Westminster; and having made a pompous entry into
- London, where Philip displayed his wealth with great ostentation, she
- carried him to Windsor, the palace in which they afterwards resided. The
- prince’s behavior was ill calculated to remove the prejudices which the
- English nation had entertained against him. He was distant and
- reserved in his address; took no notice of the salutes even of the most
- considerable noblemen; and so intrenched himself in form and ceremony
- that he was in a manner inaccessible:[**] but this circumstance rendered
- him the more acceptable to the queen, who desired to have no company but
- her husband’s, and who was impatient when she met with any interruption
- to her fondness. The shortest absence gave her vexation; and, when he
- showed civilities to any other woman, she could not conceal her jealousy
- and resentment.
- Mary soon found that Philip’s ruling passion was ambition, and that the
- only method of gratifying him and securing his affections was to render
- him master of England. The interest and liberty of her people were
- considerations of small moment in comparison of her obtaining this
- favorite point. She summoned a new parliament, in hopes of finding them
- entirely compliant; and, that she might acquire the greater authority
- over them, she imitated the precedent of the former reign, and wrote
- circular letters, directing a proper choice of members.[***] The zeal of
- the Catholics, the influence of Spanish gold, the powers of prerogative,
- the discouragement of the gentry, particularly of the Protestants; all
- these causes, seconding the intrigues of Gardiner, had procured her a
- house of commons which was in a great measure to her satisfaction; and
- it was thought, from the disposition of the nation, that she might now
- safely omit, on her assembling the parliament, the title of “supreme
- head of the church,” though inseparably annexed by law to the crown
- of England.[****] Cardinal Pole had arrived in Flanders, invested with
- legatine powers from the pope: in order to prepare the way for his
- arrival in England, the parliament passed an act reversing his attainder
- and restoring his blood; and the queen, dispensing with the old statute
- of provisors, granted him permission to act as legate. The cardinal came
- over, and, after being introduced to the king and queen, he invited the
- parliament to reconcile themselves and the kingdom to the apostolic see,
- from which they had been so long and so unhappily divided.
- * Fox, vol. iii. p. 99. Heylin, p. 39. Burnet, vol. iii. p.
- 392. Godwin, p. 345. We are told by Sir William Monson, p.
- 225, that the admiral of England fired at the Spanish navy
- when Philip was on board, because they had not lowered their
- topsails, as a mark of deference, to the English navy in the
- narrow seas: a very spirited behavior, and very unlike those
- times.
- ** Baker, p. 320.
- *** Mem. of Cranm. p. 344. Strype’s Eccl. Mem., vol. iii. p.
- 154, 155*[**missing period]
- **** Burnet, vol. ii. p. 291. Strype, vol. iii. p. 155.
- This message was taken in good part; and both houses voted an address
- to Philip and Mary, acknowledging that they had been guilty of a most
- horrible defection from the true church; professing a sincere repentance
- of their past transgressions; declaring their resolution to repeal
- all laws enacted in prejudice of the church of Rome; and praying their
- majesties, that, since they were happily uninfected with that criminal
- schism, they would intercede with the holy father for the absolution
- and forgiveness of their penitent subjects.[*] The request was easily
- granted. The legate, in the name of his holiness, gave the parliament
- and kingdom absolution, freed them from all censures, and received them
- again into the bosom of the church. The pope, then Julius III., being
- informed of these transactions, said that it was an unexampled instance
- of his felicity to receive thanks from the English for allowing them to
- do what he ought to give them thanks for performing.[**]
- Notwithstanding the extreme zeal of those times for and against popery,
- the object always uppermost with the nobility and gentry was their money
- and estates: they were not brought to make these concessions in favor of
- Rome till they had received repeated assurances, from the pope as well
- as the queen, that the plunder which they had made on the ecclesiastics
- should never be inquired into; and that the abbey and church lands
- should remain with the present possessors.[***] But not trusting
- altogether to these promises, the parliament took care, in the law
- itself[****] by which they repealed the former statutes enacted against
- the pope’s authority, to insert a clause, in which, besides bestowing
- validity on all marriages celebrated during the schism, and fixing
- the right of incumbents to their benefices, they gave security to
- the possessors of church lands, and freed them from all danger of
- ecclesiastical censures. The convocation also, in order to remove
- apprehensions on that head, were induced to present a petition to the
- same purpose;[v] and the legate, in his master’s name, ratified all
- these transactions. It now appeared that, notwithstanding the efforts of
- the queen and king, the power of the papacy was effectually suppressed
- in England, and invincible barriers fixed against its reëstablishment.
- For though the jurisdiction of the ecclesiastics was for the present
- restored, their property, on which their power much depended, was
- irretrievably lost, and no hopes remained of recovering it.
- * Fox, vol. iii. p. 3. Heylin, p. 42. Burnet, vol. ii. p.
- 293. Godwin, p. 247.
- ** Father Paul, lib. iv.
- *** Heylin, p. 41.
- **** I and 2 Phil. and Mar. c. 8.
- v Heylin, p. 43. I and 2 Phil, and Mar. c. 8. Strype,
- vol. iii. p. 159.
- Even these arbitrary, powerful, and bigoted princes, while the
- transactions were yet recent, could not regain to the church her
- possessions so lately ravished from her; and no expedients were left to
- the clergy for enriching themselves but those which they had at first
- practised, and which had required many ages of ignorance, barbarism, and
- superstition to produce their effect on mankind.[*] [21]
- The parliament, having secured their own possessions, were more
- indifferent with regard to religion, or even to the lives of their
- fellow-citizens: they revived the old sanguinary laws against
- heretics,[**] which had been rejected in the former parliament: they
- also enacted several statutes against seditious words and rumors;[***]
- and they made it treason to imagine or attempt the death of Philip
- during his marriage with the queen.[****] Each parliament hitherto had
- been induced to go a step farther than their predecessors; but none of
- them had entirely lost all regard to national interests. Their
- hatred against the Spaniards, as well as their suspicion of Philip’s
- pretensions, still prevailed; and though the queen attempted to get
- her husband declared presumptive heir of the crown, and to have the
- administration put into his hands, she failed in all her endeavors,
- and could not so much as procure the parliament’s consent to his
- coronation.[v] All attempts likewise to obtain subsidies from the
- commons, in order to support the emperor in his war against France,
- proved fruitless: the usual animosity and jealousy of the English
- against that kingdom seemed to have given place, for the present, to
- like passions against Spain. Philip, sensible of the prepossessions
- entertained against him, endeavored to acquire popularity by procuring
- the release of several prisoners of distinction; Lord Henry Dudley, Sir
- George Harper, Sir Nicholas Throgmorton, Sir Edmond Warner, Sir William
- St. Lo, Sir Nicholas Arnold, Harrington, Tremaine, who had been confined
- from the suspicions or resentment of the court.[v*] But nothing was more
- agreeable to the nation than his protecting the lady Elizabeth from
- the spite and malice of the queen, and restoring her to liberty. This
- measure was not the effect of any generosity in Philip, a sentiment of
- which he was wholly destitute; but of a refined policy, which made him
- foresee that, if that princess were put to death, the next lawful heir
- was the queen of Scots, whose succession would forever annex England
- to the crown of France. The earl of Devonshire also reaped some benefit
- from Philip’s affectation of popularity, and recovered his liberty: but
- that nobleman, finding himself exposed to suspicion, begged permission
- to travel;[v**] and he soon after died at Padua, from poison, as is
- pretended, given him by the imperialists. He was the eleventh and last
- earl of Devonshire of that noble family, one of the most illustrious in
- Europe.
- * See note U, at the end of the volume.
- ** 1 and 2 Phil. and Mar. c. 6.
- *** 1 and 2 Phil. and Mar. c. 3, 9.
- **** 1 and 2 Phil. and Mar. c. 10.
- v Godwin, p. 348. Baker, p. 322.
- v* Heylin, p. 39. Burnet, vol. ii. p. 287. Stowe, p. 626.
- Dépêches de Noailles, vol. iv. p. 146, 147.
- v** Heylin, p. 40. Godwin, p. 349.
- The queen’s extreme desire of having issue had made her fondly
- give credit to any appearance of pregnancy; and when the legate was
- introduced to her, she fancied that she felt the embryo stir in her
- womb.[*] Her flatterers compared this motion of the infant to that of
- John the Baptist, who, leaped in his mother’s belly at the salutation
- of the Virgin.[**] Despatches were immediately sent to inform foreign
- courts of this event: orders were issued to give public thanks: great
- rejoicings were made: the family of the young prince was already
- settled;[***] for the Catholics held themselves assured that the child
- was to be a male: and Bonner, bishop of London, made public prayers be
- said, that Heaven would please to render him beautiful, vigorous, and
- witty. But the nation still remained somewhat incredulous; and men were
- persuaded that the queen labored under infirmities which rendered her
- incapable of having children. Her infant proved only the commencement of
- a dropsy, which the disordered state of her health had brought upon her.
- The belief, however, of her pregnancy was upheld with all possible care;
- and was one artifice by which Philip endeavored to support his authority
- in the kingdom.
- * Dépêches de Noailles, vol. iv. p. 25.
- ** Burnet, vol. ii. p. 292. Godwin, p. 348.
- *** Heylin, p. 46.
- {1555.} The parliament passed a law, which, in case of the queen’s
- demise, appointed him protector during the minority; and the king
- and queen, finding they could obtain no further concessions, came
- unexpectedly to Westminster and dissolved them.
- There happened an incident this session which must not be passed over
- in silence. Several members of the lower house, dissatisfied with the
- measures of the parliament, but finding themselves unable to prevent
- them, made a secession, in order to show their disapprobation, and
- refused any longer to attend the house.[*] For this instance of
- contumacy they were indicted in the king’s bench, after the dissolution
- of parliament: six of them submitted to the mercy of the court, and paid
- their fines: the rest traversed; and the queen died before the affair
- was brought to an issue. Judging of the matter by the subsequent claims
- of the house of commons, and, indeed, by the true principles of free
- government, this attempt of the queen’s ministers must be regarded as
- a breach of privilege; but it gave little umbrage at the time, and was
- never called in question by any house of commons which afterwards sat
- during this reign. The count of Noailles, the French ambassador, says
- that the queen threw several members into prison for their freedom of
- speech.[**]
- * Coke’s Institutes, part iii. p. 17. Strype’s Memor. vol.
- i.p.165
- ** Vol. v. p. 296.
- {1555.} THE success which Gardiner, from his cautious and prudent
- conduct, had met with in governing the parliament, and engaging them
- to concur both in the Spanish match and in the reëstablishment of the
- ancient religion,--two points to which, it was believed, they bore an
- extreme aversion,--had so raised his character for wisdom and policy
- that his opinion was received as an oracle in the council; and his
- authority, as it was always great in his own party, no longer suffered
- any opposition or control. Cardinal Pole himself, though more beloved
- on account of his virtue and candor, and though superior in birth and
- station, had not equal weight in public deliberations; and while
- his learning, piety, and humanity were extremely respected, he was
- represented more as a good man than a great minister. A very important
- question was frequently debated before the queen and council by these
- two ecclesiastics; whether the laws lately revived against heretics
- should be put in execution, or should only be employed to restrain by
- terror the bold attempts of these zealots. Pole was very sincere in
- his religious principles; and though his moderation had made him be
- suspected at Rome of a tendency towards Lutheranism, he was seriously
- persuaded of the Catholic doctrines, and thought that no consideration
- of human policy ought ever to come in competition with such important
- interests. Gardiner, on the contrary, had always made his religion
- subservient to his schemes of safety or advancement; and by his
- unlimited complaisance to Henry, he had shown that, had he not been
- pushed to extremity under the late minority, he was sufficiently
- disposed to make a sacrifice of his principles to the established
- theology. This was the well-known character of these two great
- counsellors; yet such is the prevalence of temper above system, that
- the benevolent disposition of Pole led him to advise a toleration of
- the heretical tenets which he highly blamed; while the severe manners of
- Gardiner inclined him to support by persecution that religion which, at
- the bottom, he regarded with great indifference.[*] This circumstance of
- public conduct was of the highest importance; and from being the object
- of deliberation in the council, it soon became the subject of discourse
- throughout the nation. We shall relate, in a few words, the topics by
- which each side supported, or might have supported, their scheme of
- policy; and shall display the opposite reasons which have been employed,
- with regard to an argument that ever has been, and ever will be, so much
- canvassed.
- * Heylin, p. 47.
- The practice of persecution, said the defenders of Pole’s opinion, is
- the scandal of all religion; and the theological animosity, so fierce
- and violent, far from being an argument of men’s conviction in their
- opposite sects, is a certain proof that they have never reached any
- serious persuasion with regard to these remote and sublime subjects.
- Even those who are the most impatient of contradiction in other
- controversies, are mild and moderate in comparison of polemical divines;
- and wherever a man’s knowledge and experience give him a perfect
- assurance in his own opinion, he regards with contempt, rather than
- anger, the opposition and mistakes of others. But while men zealously
- maintain what they neither clearly comprehend nor entirely believe, they
- are shaken in their imagined faith by the opposite persuasion, or even
- doubts, of other men; and vent on their antagonists that impatience
- which is the natural result of so disagreeable a state of the
- understanding. They then easily embrace any pretense for representing
- opponents as impious and profane; and if they can also find a color for
- connecting this violence with the interests of civil government, they
- can no longer be restrained from giving uncontrolled scope to vengeance
- and resentment. But surely never enterprise was more unfortunate than
- that of founding persecution upon policy, or endeavoring, for the sake
- of peace, to settle an entire uniformity of opinion in questions which,
- of all others, are least subjected to the criterion of human reason.
- The universal and uncontradicted prevalence of one opinion in religious
- subjects can be owing, at first, to the stupid ignorance alone and
- barbarism of the people, who never indulge themselves in any speculation
- or inquiry; and there is no expedient for maintaining that uniformity
- so fondly sought after, but by banishing forever all curiosity, and
- all improvement in science and cultivation. It may not indeed appear
- difficult to check, by a steady severity, the first beginnings of
- controversy; but besides that this policy exposes forever the people
- to all the abject terrors of superstition, and the magistrate to the
- endless encroachments of ecclesiastics, it also renders men so delicate
- that they can never endure to hear of opposition; and they will some
- time pay dearly for that false tranquillity in which they have been so
- long indulged. As healthful bodies are ruined by too nice a regimen, and
- are thereby rendered incapable of bearing the unavoidable incidents
- of human life, a people who never were allowed to imagine that their
- principles could be contested fly out into the most outrageous violence
- when any event (and such events are common) produces a faction among
- their clergy, and gives rise to any difference in tenet or opinion. But
- whatever may be said in favor of suppressing, by persecution, the first
- beginnings of heresy, no solid argument can be alleged for extending
- severity towards multitudes, or endeavoring, by capital punishments, to
- extirpate an opinion which has diffused itself among men of every
- rank and station. Besides the extreme barbarity of such an attempt, it
- commonly proves ineffectual to the purpose intended, and serves only to
- make men more obstinate in their persuasion, and to increase the number
- of their proselytes. The melancholy with which the fear of death,
- torture, and persecution inspires the sectaries, is the proper
- disposition for fostering religious zeal: the prospect of eternal
- rewards, when brought near, overpowers the dread of temporal
- punishments: the glory of martyrdom stimulates all the more furious
- zealots, especially the leaders and preachers: where a violent animosity
- is excited by oppression, men naturally pass from hating the persons of
- their tyrants to a more violent abhorrence of their doctrines: and the
- spectators, moved with pity towards the supposed martyrs, are easily
- seduced to embrace those principles which can inspire men with a
- constancy that appears almost supernatural. Open the door to toleration,
- mutual hatred relaxes among the sectaries, their attachment to their
- particular modes of religion decays; the common occupations and
- pleasures of life succeed to the acrimony of disputation; and the same
- man who, in other circumstances, would have braved flames and tortures,
- is induced to change his sect from the smallest prospect of favor
- and advancement, or even from the frivolous hope of becoming more
- fashionable in his principles. If any exception can be admitted to this
- maxim of toleration, it will only be where a theology altogether new,
- nowise connected with the ancient religion of the state, is imported
- from foreign countries, and may easily, at one blow, be eradicated,
- without leaving the seeds of future innovation. But as this exception
- would imply some apology for the ancient pagan persecutions, or for
- the extirpation of Christianity in China and Japan, it ought surely,
- on account of this detested consequence, to be rather buried in eternal
- silence and oblivion.
- Though these arguments appear entirely satisfactory, yet such is the
- subtlety of human wit, that Gardiner and the other enemies to toleration
- were not reduced to silence; and they still found topics on which
- to maintain the controversy. The doctrine, said they, of liberty of
- conscience, is founded on the most flagrant impiety, and supposes such
- an indifference among all religions, such an obscurity in theological
- doctrines, as to render the church and magistrate incapable of
- distinguishing with certainty the dictates of Heaven from the mere
- fictions of human imagination. If the Divinity reveals principles
- to mankind, he will surely give a criterion by which they may be
- ascertained; and a prince who knowingly allows these principles to be
- perverted or adulterated, is infinitely more criminal than if he gave
- permission for the vending of poison, under the shape of food, to all
- his subjects. Persecution may, indeed, seem better calculated to make
- hypocrites than converts; but experience teaches us, that the habits of
- hypocrisy often turn into reality; and the children, at least, ignorant
- of the dissimulation of their parents, may happily be educated in more
- orthodox tenets. It is absurd, in opposition to considerations of such
- unspeakable importance, to plead the temporal and frivolous interests
- of civil society; and if matters be thoroughly examined, even that topic
- will not appear so universally certain in favor of toleration as by some
- it is represented. Where sects arise whose fundamental principle on all
- sides is to execrate, and abhor, and damn, and extirpate each other,
- what choice has the magistrate left but to take part, and by rendering
- one sect entirely prevalent, restore, at least for a time, the public
- tranquillity? The political body, being here sickly, must not be treated
- as if it were in a state of sound health; and an affected neutrality in
- the prince, or even a cool preference, may serve only to encourage the
- hopes of all the sects, and keep alive their animosity. The Protestants,
- far from tolerating the religion of their ancestors, regard it as an
- impious and detestable idolatry; and during the late minority, when they
- were entirely masters, they enacted very severe, though not capital,
- punishments against all exercise of the Catholic worship, and
- even against such as barely abstained from their profane rites and
- sacraments. Nor are instances wanting of their endeavors to secure an
- imagined orthodoxy by the most rigorous executions: Calvin has burned
- Servetus at Geneva; Cranmer brought Arians and Anabaptists to the stake;
- and if persecution of any kind be admitted, the most bloody and violent
- will surely be allowed the most justifiable, as the most effectual.
- Imprisonments, fines, confiscations, whippings, serve only to irritate
- the sects, without disabling them from resistance: but the stake,
- the wheel, and the gibbet, must soon terminate in the extirpation or
- banishment of all the heretics inclined to give disturbance, and in the
- entire silence and submission of the rest.
- The arguments of Gardiner, being more agreeable to the cruel bigotry of
- Mary and Philip, were better received; and though Pole pleaded, as
- is affirmed,[*] the advice of the emperor, who recommended it to his
- daughter-in-law not to exercise violence against the Protestants, and
- desired her to consider his own example, who, after endeavoring through
- his whole life to extirpate heresy, had in the end reaped nothing but
- confusion and disappointment, the scheme of toleration was entirely
- rejected. It was determined to let loose the laws in their full vigor
- against the reformed religion; and England was soon filled with scenes
- of horror, which have ever since rendered the Catholic religion the
- object of general detestation and which prove, that no human depravity
- can equal revenge and cruelty covered with the mantle of religion.
- * Burnet, vol. ii. Heylin, p. 47. It is not likely, however,
- that Charles gave any such advice; for he himself was, at
- this very time, proceeding with great violence in
- persecuting the reformed in Flanders. Bentivoglio, part i,
- lib. i.
- The persecutors began with Rogers, prebendary of St. Paul’s, a man
- eminent in his party for virtue as well as for learning. Gardiner’s plan
- was first to attack men of that character, whom, he hoped, terror
- would bend to submission, and whose example, either of punishment or
- recantation, would naturally have influence on the multitude: but he
- found a perseverance and courage in Rogers, which it may seem strange
- to find in human nature, and of which all ages and all sects do
- nevertheless furnish many examples. Rogers, beside the care of his own
- preservation, lay under other powerful temptations to compliance: he
- had a wife whom he tenderly loved, and ten children; yet such was his
- serenity after his condemnation, that the jailers, it is said, waked
- him from a sound sleep when the hour of his execution approached. He had
- desired to see his wife before he died; but Gardiner told him that he
- was a priest, and could not possibly have a wife; thus joining insult to
- cruelty. Rogers was burned in Smithfield.[*]
- Hooper, bishop of Glocester, had been tried at the same time
- with Rogers; but was sent to his own diocese to be executed. This
- circumstance was contrived to strike the greater terror into his flock;
- but it was a source of consolation to Hooper, who rejoiced in giving
- testimony, by his death, to that doctrine which he had formerly preached
- among them. When he was tied to the stake, a stool was set before him,
- and the queen’s pardon laid upon it, which it was still in his power to
- merit by a recantation; but he ordered it to be removed, and cheerfully
- prepared himself for that dreadful punishment to which he was sentenced.
- He suffered it in its full severity: the wind, which was violent, blew
- the flame of the reeds from his body: the fagots were green, and did not
- kindle easily: all his lower parts were consumed before his vitals were
- attacked: one of his hands dropped off: with the other he continued to
- beat his breast: he was heard to pray, and to exhort the people; till
- his tongue, swollen with the violence of his agony, could no longer
- permit him utterance. He was three quarters of an hour in torture, which
- he bore with inflexible constancy.[**]
- * Fox, vol. iii. p. 119. Burnet, vol. ii. p. 302.
- ** Fox, vol. iii. p. 145, etc. Burnet, vol. ii p. 302,
- Heylin, p. 48, 49. Godwin, p. 349.
- Sanders was burned at Coventry: a pardon was also offered him; but
- he rejected it, and embraced the stake, saying, “Welcome the cross
- of Christ; welcome everlasting life.” Taylor, parson of Hadley, was
- punished by fire in that place, surrounded by his ancient friends and
- parishioners. When tied to the stake, he rehearsed a psalm in English:
- one of his guards struck him on the mouth, and bade him speak Latin:
- another, in a rage, gave him a blow on the head with his halbert, which
- happily put an end to his torments.
- There was one Philpot, archdeacon of Winchester, inflamed with such zeal
- for orthodoxy, that having been engaged in dispute with an Arian, he
- spit in his adversary’s face, to show the great detestation which he
- had entertained against that heresy. He afterwards wrote a treatise to
- justify this unmannerly expression of zeal: he said, that he was led to
- it in order to relieve the sorrow conceived from such horrid blasphemy,
- and to signify how unworthy such a miscreant was of being admitted into
- the society of any Christian.[*] Philpot was a Protestant; and falling
- now into the hands of people as zealous as himself, but more powerful,
- he was condemned to the flames, and suffered at Smithfield. It seems to
- be almost a general rule, that in all religions, except the true, no
- man will suffer martyrdom who would not also inflict it willingly on
- all that differ from him. The same zeal for speculative opinions is the
- cause of both.
- The crime for which almost all the Protestants were condemned, was
- their refusal to acknowledge the real presence. Gardiner, who had vainly
- expected that a few examples would strike a terror into the reformers,
- finding the work daily multiply upon him, devolved the invidious office
- on others, chiefly on Bonner, a man of profligate manners, and of a
- brutal character, who seemed to rejoice in the torments of the unhappy
- sufferers.[**] He sometimes whipped the prisoners with his own hands,
- till he was tired with the violence of the exercise: he tore out the
- beard of a weaver who refused to relinquish his religion; and that he
- might give him a specimen of burning, he held his hand to the candle
- till the sinews and veins shrunk and burst.[***]
- * Strype, vol iii. p. 261, and Coll. No. 58.
- ** Heylin, p. 47, 48.
- *** Fox, vol. iii. p. 187.
- It is needless to be particular in enumerating all the cruelties
- practised in England during the course of three years that these
- persecutions lasted: the savage barbarity on the one hand, and the
- patient constancy on the other, are so similar in all those martyrdoms,
- that the narrative, little agreeable in itself, would never be relieved
- by any variety. Human nature appears not on any occasion so detestable,
- and at the same time so absurd, as in these religious persecutions,
- which sink men below infernal spirits in wickedness, and below the
- beasts in folly. A few instances only may be worth preserving, in order,
- if possible, to warn zealous bigots forever to avoid such odious and
- such fruitless barbarity.
- Ferrar, bishop of St. David’s, was burned in his own diocese and his
- appeal to Cardinal Pole was not attended to.[*] Ridley, bishop of
- London, and Latimer, formerly bishop of Worcester, two prelates
- celebrated for learning and virtue, perished together in the same
- flames at Oxford, and supported each other’s constancy by their mutual
- exhortations. Latimer, when tied to the stake, called to his companion,
- “Be of good cheer, brother; we shall this day kindle such a torch
- in England, as, I trust in God, shall never be extinguished.” The
- executioners had been so merciful (for that clemency may more naturally
- be ascribed to them than to the religious zealots) as to tie bags of
- gunpowder about these prelates, in order to put a speedy period to their
- tortures: the explosion immediately killed Latimer, who was in extreme
- old age; Ridley continued alive during some time in the midst of the
- flames.[**]
- One Hunter, a young man of nineteen, an apprentice, having been seduced
- by a priest into a dispute, had unwarily denied the real presence.
- Sensible of his danger, he immediately absconded; but Bonner, laying
- hold of his father, threatened him with the greatest severities if he
- did not produce the young man to stand his trial. Hunter, hearing of
- the vexations to which his father was exposed, voluntarily surrendered
- himself to Bonner, and was condemned to the flames by that barbarous
- prelate.
- Thomas Haukes, when conducted to the stake, agreed with his friends,
- that, if he found the torture tolerable, he would make them a signal to
- that purpose in the midst of the flames. His zeal for the cause in which
- he suffered so supported him that he stretched out his arms, the signal
- agreed on; and in that posture he expired.[***] This example, with many
- others of like constancy, encouraged multitudes not only to suffer, but
- even to court and aspire to martyrdom.
- * Fox, vol. iii. p. 216.
- ** Burnet, vol. ii. p. 318. Heylin, p. 52.
- *** Fox, vol. iii. p. 265.
- The tender sex itself, as they have commonly greater propensity to
- religion, produced many examples of the most inflexible courage in
- supporting the profession of it against all the fury of the persecutors.
- One execution in particular was attended with circumstances which, even
- at that time, excited astonishment by reason of their unusual barbarity.
- A woman in Guernsey, being near the time of her labor when brought to
- the stake, was thrown into such agitation by the torture, that her belly
- burst, and she was delivered in the midst of the flames. One of the
- guards immediately snatched the infant from the fire, and attempted to
- save it; but a magistrate who stood by ordered it to be thrown back:
- being determined, he said, that nothing should survive which-sprang from
- so obstinate and heretical a parent.[*]
- The persons condemned to these punishments were not convicted of
- teaching, or dogmatizing, contrary to the established religion: they
- were seized merely on suspicion; and articles being offered them to
- subscribe, they were immediately, upon their refusal, condemned to the
- flames.[**] These instances of barbarity, so unusual in the nation,
- excited horror; the constancy of the martyrs was the object of
- admiration; and as men have a principle of equity engraven in their
- minds, which even false religion is not able totally to obliterate, they
- were shocked to see persons of probity, of honor, of pious dispositions,
- exposed to punishments more severe than were inflicted on the greatest
- ruffians for crimes subversive of civil society. To exterminate the
- whole Protestant party was known to be impossible; and nothing
- could appear more iniquitous, than to subject to torture the most
- conscientious and courageous among them, and allow the cowards and
- hypocrites to escape. Each martyrdom, therefore, was equivalent to
- a hundred sermons against Popery; and men either avoided such horrid
- spectacles, or returned from them full of a violent, though secret,
- indignation against the persecutors. Repeated orders were sent from the
- council to quicken the diligence of the magistrates in searching out
- heretics; and in some places the gentry were constrained to countenance
- by their presence those barbarous executions. These acts of violence
- tended only to render the Spanish government daily more odious; and
- Philip, sensible of the hatred which he incurred, endeavored to remove
- the reproach from himself by a very gross artifice: he ordered his
- confessor to deliver, in his presence, a sermon in favor of toleration;
- a doctrine somewhat extraordinary in the mouth of a Spanish friar.[***]
- But the court, finding that Bonner, however shameless and savage,
- would not bear alone the whole infamy, soon threw off the mask; and
- the unrelenting temper of the queen, as well as of the king, appeared
- without control. A bold step was even taken towards introducing the
- inquisition into England. As the bishops’ courts, though extremely
- arbitrary, and not confined by any ordinary forms of law, appeared not
- to be invested with sufficient power, a commission was appointed, by
- authority of the queen’s prerogative, more effectually to extirpate
- heresy.
- * Fox, vol. iii. p. 747. Heylin, p. 57. Burnet, vol. ii. p.
- 337.
- ** Burnet, vol. ii. p. 306.
- *** Heylin, p. 56.
- Twenty-one persons were named; but any three were armed with the powers
- of the whole. The commission runs in these terms: “That since many false
- rumors were published among the subjects, and many heretical opinions
- were also spread among them, the commissioners were to inquire into
- those, either by presentments, by witnesses, or any other political way
- they could devise, and to search after all heresies; the bringers in,
- the sellers, the readers of all heretical books: they were to examine
- and punish all misbehaviors or negligences in any church or chapel; and
- to try all priests that did not preach the sacrament of the altar;
- all persons that did not hear mass, or come to their parish church to
- service, that would not go in processions, or did not take holy bread or
- holy water; and if they found any that did obstinately persist in such
- heresies, they were to put them into the hands of their ordinaries, to
- be punished according to the spiritual laws; giving the commissioners
- full power to proceed as their discretions and consciences should direct
- them, and to use all such means as they would invent for the searching
- of the premises; empowering them also to call before them such witnesses
- as they pleased, and to force them to make oath of such things as might
- discover what they sought after.”[*] Some civil powers were also given
- the commissioners to punish vagabonds and quarrelsome persons.
- To bring the methods of proceeding in England still nearer to the
- practice of the inquisition, letters were written to Lord North and
- others, enjoining them “to put to the torture such obstinate persons as
- would not confess, and there to order them at their discretion.”[**]
- * Burnet, vol. ii. Coll. 32.
- ** Burnet, vol. iii. p. 243.
- Secret spies, also, and informers were employed, according to the
- practice of that iniquitous tribunal. Instructions were given to the
- justices of peace--that they should call secretly before them one or two
- honest persons within their limits, or more, at their discretion, and
- command them by oath, or otherwise, that they shall secretly learn and
- search out such persons as shall evil behave themselves in church,
- or idly, or shall despise openly by words the king’s or queen’s
- proceedings, or go about to make any commotion, or tell any seditious
- tales or news. And also that the same persons, so to be appointed,
- shall declare to the same justices of peace the ill behavior of lewd
- disordered persons, whether it shall be for using unlawful games, and
- such other light behavior of such suspected persons; and that the
- same information shall be given secretly to the justices; and the same
- justices shall call such accused persons before them, and examine them,
- without declaring by whom they were accused. And that the same justices
- shall, upon their examination, punish the offenders according as their
- offences shall appear, upon the accusement and examination, by their
- discretion, either by open punishment or “by good abearing.”[*] In some
- respects this tyrannical edict even exceeded the oppression of the
- inquisition, by introducing into every part of government the same
- iniquities which that tribunal practises for the extirpation of heresy
- only, and which are in some measure necessary, wherever that end is
- earnestly pursued.
- But the court had devised a more expeditious and summary method of
- supporting orthodoxy than even the inquisition itself. They issued
- a proclamation against books of heresy treason, and sedition, and
- declared, “that whosoever had any of these books, and did not presently
- burn them, without reading them or showing them to any other person,
- should be esteemed rebels, and without any further delay be executed by
- martial law.”[**] From the state of the English government during that
- period, it is not so much the illegality of these proceedings, as their
- violence and their pernicious tendency, which ought to be the object of
- our censure.
- * Burnet, vol. iii. p. 246, 247.
- ** Burnet, vol. ii. p. 363. Heylin, p. 79.
- We have thrown together almost all the proceedings against heretics,
- though carried on during a course of three years, that we may be
- obliged as little as possible to return to such shocking violences
- and barbarities. It is computed that in that time two hundred and
- seventy-seven persons were brought to the stake, besides those who were
- punished by imprisonment, fines, and confiscations. Among those who
- suffered by fire were five bishops, twenty-one clergymen, eight lay
- gentlemen, eighty-four tradesmen, one hundred husbandmen, servants, and
- laborers, fifty-five women, and four children. This persevering cruelty
- appears astonishing; yet is it much inferior to what has been practised
- in other countries. A great author[*] computes that, in the Netherlands
- alone, from the time that the edict of Charles V. was promulgated
- against the reformers, there had been fifty thousand persons hanged,
- beheaded, buried alive, or burnt, on account of religion; and that in
- France the number had also been considerable. Yet in both countries, as
- the same author subjoins, the progress of the new opinions instead of
- being checked, was rather forwarded by these persecutions.
- The burning of heretics was a very natural method of reconciling the
- kingdom to the Romish communion; and little solicitation was requisite
- to engage the pope to receive the strayed flock, from which he reaped
- such considerable profit; yet was there a solemn embassy sent to Rome,
- consisting of Sir Anthony Brown, created Viscount Montacute, the bishop
- of Ely, and Sir Edward Carne, in order to carry the submissions of
- England, and beg to be readmitted into the bosom of the Catholic
- church.[**] Paul IV., after a short interval, now filled the papal
- chair; the most haughty pontiff that during several ages had been
- elevated to that dignity. He was offended that Mary still retained among
- her titles that of queen of Ireland; and he affirmed that it belonged to
- him alone, as he saw cause, either to erect new kingdoms or abolish the
- old; but to avoid all dispute with the new converts, he thought proper
- to erect Ireland into a kingdom, and he then admitted the title, as if
- it had been assumed from his concession. This was a usual artifice of
- the popes, to give allowance to what they could not prevent,[***] and
- afterwards pretend that princes, while they exercised their own powers,
- were only acting by authority from the papacy. And though Paul had at
- first intended to oblige Mary formally to recede from this title before
- he would bestow it upon her, he found it prudent to proceed in a less
- haughty manner.[****]
- * Father Paul, lib. v.
- ** Heylin, p. 45.
- *** Heylin, p. 45. Father Paul, lib, v.
- **** Father Paul, lib. v.
- Another point in discussion between the pope and the English ambassadors
- was not so easily terminated. Paul insisted that the property and
- possessions of the church should be restored to the uttermost farthing;
- that whatever belonged to God could never, by any law, be converted to
- profane uses; and every person who detained such possessions was in a
- state of eternal damnation; that he would willingly, in consideration
- of the humble submissions of the English, make them a present of these
- ecclesiastical revenues; but such a concession exceeded his power, and
- the people might be certain that so great a profanation of holy things
- would be a perpetual anathema upon them, and would blast all their
- future felicity; that if they would truly show their filial piety, they
- must restore all the privileges and emoluments of the Romish church, and
- Peter’s pence among the rest; nor could they expect that this apostle
- would open to them the gates of paradise, while they detained from him
- his patrimony on earth.[*] These earnest remonstrances being transmitted
- to England, though they had little influence on the nation, operated
- powerfully on the queen, who was determined, in order to ease her
- conscience, to restore all the church lands which were still in the
- possession of the crown; and the more to display her zeal, she erected
- anew some convents and monasteries, notwithstanding the low condition
- of the exchequer.[**] When this measure was debated in council, some
- members objected, that if such a considerable part of the revenue were
- dismembered, the dignity of the crown would fall to decay; but the
- queen replied, that she preferred the salvation of her soul to ten such
- kingdoms as England.[***] These imprudent measures would not probably
- have taken place so easily, had it not been for the death of Gardiner,
- which happened about this time; the great seal was given to Heathe,
- archbishop of York, that an ecclesiastic might still be possessed of
- that high office, and be better enabled by his authority to forward the
- persecutions against the reformed.
- These persecutions were now become extremely odious to the nation; and
- the effects of the public discontent appeared in the new parliament,
- summoned to meet at Westminster.[****] A bill[v] was passed restoring to
- the church the tenths and first-fruits, and all the impropriations which
- remained in the hands of the crown; but though this matter directly
- concerned none but the queen herself, great opposition was made to the
- bill in the house of commons.
- * Father Paul, lib. v. Heylin, p. 45.
- ** Dépêches de Noailles, vol. iv. p. 312.
- *** Heylin, p. 53, 65. Holingshed, p. 1127. Speed, p. 826.
- **** Burnet, vol. ii. p. 322.
- v 2 and 3. Phil, and Mar. cap. 4.
- An application being made for a subsidy during two years, and for two
- fifteenths, the latter was refused by the commons; and many members
- said, that while the crown was thus despoiling itself of its revenue, it
- was in vain to bestow riches upon it. The parliament rejected a bill for
- obliging the exiles to return under certain penalties, and another for
- incapacitating such as were remiss in the prosecution of heresy from
- being justices of peace. The queen, finding the intractable humor of the
- commons, thought proper to dissolve the parliament.
- The spirit of opposition which began to prevail in parliament was the
- more likely to be vexatious to Mary, as she was otherwise in very bad
- humor on account of her husband’s absence, who, tired of her importunate
- love and jealousy, and finding his authority extremely limited in
- England, had laid hold of the first opportunity to leave her, and had
- gone over last summer to the emperor in Flanders. The indifference
- and neglect of Philip, added to the disappointment in her imagined
- pregnancy, threw her into deep melancholy; and she gave vent to her
- spleen by daily enforcing the persecutions against the Protestants, and
- even by expressions of rage against all her subjects; by whom she
- knew herself to be hated, and whose opposition, in refusing an entire
- compliance with Philip was the cause, she believed, why he had alienated
- his affections from her, and afforded her so little of his company.[*]
- * Dépêches de Noailles, vol. v. p. 370, 562.
- The less return her love met with, the more it increased; and she passed
- most of her time in solitude, where she gave vent to her passion, either
- in tears, or in writing fond epistles to Philip, who seldom returned
- her any answer, and scarcely deigned to pretend any sentiment of love or
- even of gratitude towards her. The chief part of government to which
- she attended, was the extorting of money from her people, in order to
- satisfy his demands; and as the parliament had granted her but a scanty
- supply, she had recourse to expedients very violent and irregular. She
- levied a loan of sixty thousand pounds upon a thousand persons, of whose
- compliance, either on account of their riches or their affections to
- her, she held herself best assured: but that sum not sufficing, she
- exacted a general loan on every one who possessed twenty pounds a year.
- This imposition lay heavy on the gentry, who were obliged, many of
- them, to retrench their expenses and dismiss their servants, in order
- to enable them to comply with her demands: and as these servants,
- accustomed to idleness, and having no means of subsistence, commonly
- betook themselves to theft and robbery, the queen published a
- proclamation, by which she obliged their former masters to take them
- back to their service. She levied sixty thousand marks on seven thousand
- yeomen who had not contributed to the former loan; and she exacted
- thirty-six thousand pounds more from the merchants. In order to engage
- some Londoners to comply more willingly with her multiplied extortions,
- she passed an edict prohibiting for four months the exporting of
- any English cloths or kerseys to the Netherlands; an expedient which
- procured a good market for such as had already sent any quantity of
- cloth thither. Her rapaciousness engaged her to give endless disturbance
- and interruption to commerce. The English company settled in Antwerp
- having refused her a loan of forty thousand pounds, she dissembled
- her resentment till she found that they had bought and shipped great
- quantities of cloth for Antwerp fair, which was approaching: she then
- laid an embargo on the ships, and obliged the merchants to grant her a
- loan of the forty thousand pounds at first demanded, to engage for the
- payment of twenty thousand pounds more at a limited time, and to submit
- to an arbitrary imposition of twenty shillings on each piece. Some time
- after, she was informed that the Italian merchants had shipped above
- forty thousand pieces of cloth for the Levant, for which they were to
- pay her a crown a piece, the usual imposition: she struck a bargain
- with the merchant adventurers in London; prohibited the foreigners from
- making any exportation; and received from the English merchants, in
- consideration of this iniquity, the sum of fifty thousand pounds, and
- an imposition of four crowns on each piece of cloth which they should
- export. She attempted to borrow great sums abroad; but her credit was
- so low, that though she offered fourteen per cent to the city of Antwerp
- for a loan of thirty thousand pounds, she could not obtain it till she
- compelled the city of London to be surety for her.[*] All these violent
- expedients were employed while she herself was in profound peace with
- all the world, and had visibly no occasion for money but to supply the
- demands of a husband who gave attention only to his own convenience, and
- showed himself entirely indifferent about her interests.
- * Godwin, p. 359. Cowper’s Chronicle. Burnet, vol. ii. p.
- 359. Carte, p. 330, 333, 337, 341. Strype’s Memor vol. iii.
- p. 428, 558. Annals vol. i. p. 15.
- Philip was now become master of all the wealth of the new world, and
- of the richest and most extensive dominions in Europe, by the voluntary
- resignation of the emperor Charles V.; who, though still in the vigor of
- his age, had taken a disgust to the world, and was determined to seek,
- in the tranquillity of retreat, for that happiness which he had in vain
- pursued amidst the tumults of war and the restless projects of ambition.
- He summoned the states of the Low Countries and seating himself on the
- throne for the last time, explained to his subjects the reasons of his
- resignation, absolved them from all oaths of allegiance, and, devolving
- his authority on Philip, told him, that his paternal tenderness made him
- weep when he reflected on the burden which he imposed upon him.[*] He
- inculcated on him the great and only duty of a prince, the study of his
- people’s happiness; and represented how much preferable it was to
- govern by affection, rather than by fear, the nations subjected to
- his dominion. The cool reflections of age now discovered to him the
- emptiness of his former pursuits; and he found that the vain schemes
- of extending his empire had been the source of endless opposition and
- disappointment, and kept himself, his neighbors, and his subjects, in
- perpetual inquietude, and had frustrated the sole end of government,
- the felicity of the nations committed to his care; an object which meets
- with less opposition, and which, if steadily pursued, can alone convey a
- lasting and solid satisfaction.
- * Thuan. lib. xvi. c. 20.
- {1556.} A few months after, he resigned to Philip his other dominions;
- and embarking on board a fleet, sailed to Spain, and took his journey to
- St. Just, a monastery in Estremadura, which, being situated in a happy
- climate, and amidst the greatest beauties of nature, he had chosen for
- the place of his retreat. When he arrived at Burgos, he found, by the
- thinness of his court, and the negligent attendance of the Spanish
- grandees, that he was no longer emperor; and though this observation
- might convince him still more of the vanity of the world, and make him
- more heartily despise what he had renounced, he sighed to find that all
- former adulation and obeisance had been paid to his fortune, not to his
- person. With better reason was he struck with the ingratitude of his son
- Philip, who obliged him to wait a long time for the payment of the small
- pension which he had reserved, and this disappointment in his domestic
- enjoyments gave him a sensible concern. He pursued, however, his
- resolution with inflexible constancy; and shutting himself up in his
- retreat, he exerted such self-command, that he restrained even his
- curiosity from any inquiry concerning the transactions of the world
- which he had entirely abandoned. The fencing against the pains and
- infirmities under which he labored occupied a great part of his time;
- and during the intervals he employed his leisure, either in examining
- the controversies of theology, with which his age had been so much
- agitated, and which he had hitherto considered only in a political
- light, or in imitating the works of renowned artists, particularly in
- mechanics, of which he had always been a great admirer and encourager.
- He is said to have here discovered a propensity to the new doctrines,
- and to have frequently dropped hints of this unexpected alteration in
- his sentiments. Having amused himself with the construction of clocks
- and watches, he thence remarked, how impracticable the object was in
- which he had so much employed himself during his grandeur; and how
- impossible that he, who never could frame two machines that would go
- exactly alike, could ever be able to make all mankind concur in the same
- belief and opinion. He survived his retreat two years.
- The emperor Charles had very early in the beginning of his reign found
- the difficulty of governing such distant dominions; and he had made
- his brother Ferdinand be elected king of the Romans, with a view to his
- inheriting the imperial dignity, as well as his German dominions. But
- having afterwards enlarged his schemes, and formed plans of aggrandizing
- his family, he regretted that he must dismember such considerable states
- and he endeavored to engage Ferdinand, by the most tempting offers,
- and most earnest solicitations, to yield up his pretensions in favor
- of Philip. Finding his attempts fruitless, he had resigned the imperial
- crown with his other dignities; and Ferdinand, according to common form,
- applied to the pope for his coronation. The arrogant pontiff refused
- the demand; and pretended that, though on the death of an emperor he was
- obliged to crown the prince elected, yet, in the case of a resignation,
- the right devolved to the holy see, and it belonged to the pope alone to
- appoint an emperor. The conduct of Paul was in every thing conformable
- to these lofty pretensions. He thundered always in the ears of all
- ambassadors, that he stood in no need of the assistance of any prince;
- that he was above all potentates on the earth; that he would not
- accustom monarchs to pretend to a familiarity or equality with him; that
- it belonged to him to alter and regulate kingdoms; that he was successor
- of those who had deposed kings and emperors; and that, rather than
- submit to anything below his dignity, he would set fire to the four
- corners of the world. He went so far as, at table, in the presence of
- many persons, and even openly, in a public consistory, to say, that
- he would not admit any kings for his companions; they were all his
- subjects, and he would hold them under these feet: so saying, he
- stamped on the ground with his old and infirm limbs: for he was now past
- fourscore years of age.[*]
- * Father Paul, lib. v.
- The world could not forbear making a comparison between Charles V.,
- a prince who, though educated amidst wars and intrigues of state, had
- prevented the decline of age, and had descended from the throne, in
- order to set apart an interval for thought and reflection; and a priest
- who, in the extremity of old age, exulted in his dominion, and from
- restless ambition and revenge was throwing all nations into combustion.
- Paul had entertained the most inveterate animosity against the house
- of Austria; and though a truce of five years had been concluded between
- France and Spain, he excited Henry by his solicitations to break it, and
- promised to assist him in recovering Naples, and the dominions to which
- he laid claim in Italy; a project which had ever proved hurtful to the
- predecessors of that monarch. He himself engaged in hostilities with
- the duke of Alva, viceroy of Naples; and Guise being sent with forces
- to support him, the renewal of war between the two crowns seemed almost
- inevitable. Philip, though less warlike than his father, was no less
- ambitious; and he trusted that, by the intrigues of the cabinet,
- where, he believed, his caution, and secrecy, and prudence gave him the
- superiority, he should be able to subdue all his enemies, and extend his
- authority and dominion. For this reason, as well as from the desire of
- settling his new empire, he wished to maintain peace with France; but
- when he found that, without sacrificing his honor, it was impossible for
- him to overlook the hostile attempts of Henry, he prepared for war with
- great industry. In order to give himself the more advantage, he was
- desirous of embarking England in the quarrel; and though the queen was
- of herself extremely averse to that measure, he hoped that the devoted
- fondness which, notwithstanding repeated instances of his indifference,
- she still bore to him, would effectually second his applications. Had
- the matter indeed depended solely on her, she was incapable of resisting
- her husband’s commands; but she had little weight with her council,
- still less with her people; and her government, which was every day
- becoming more odious, seemed unable to maintain itself, even during the
- most profound tranquillity, much more if a war were kindled with France,
- and, what seemed an inevitable consequence, with Scotland, supported by
- that powerful kingdom.
- An act of barbarity was this year exercised in England, which, added to
- many other instances of the same kind, tended to render the government
- extremely unpopular. Cranmer had long been detained prisoner; but the
- queen now determined to bring him to punishment; and in order the more
- fully to satiate her vengeance, she resolved to punish him for heresy,
- rather than for treason. He was cited by the pope to stand his trial at
- Rome; and though he was known to be kept in close custody at Oxford, he
- was, upon his not appearing, condemned as contumacious. Bonner, bishop
- of London, and Thirleby of Ely, were sent to degrade him; and the former
- executed the melancholy ceremony with all the joy and exultation which
- suited his savage nature.[*] The implacable spirit of the queen, not
- satisfied with the eternal damnation of Cranmer, which she believed
- inevitable, and with the execution of that dreadful sentence to which he
- was condemned, prompted her also to seek the ruin of his honor and the
- infamy of his name. Persons were employed to attack him, not in the
- way of disputation, against which he was sufficiently armed, but by
- flattery, insinuation, and address, by representing the dignities to
- which his character still entitled him, if he would merit them by a
- recantation; by giving hopes of long enjoying those powerful friends,
- whom his beneficent disposition had attached to him during the course of
- his prosperity.[*]
- * Mem. of Cranm. p. 375.
- ** Heylin, p. 55. Mem. p. 383.
- Overcome by the fond love of life, terrified by the prospect of those
- tortures which awaited him, he allowed, in an unguarded hour, the
- sentiments of nature to prevail over his resolution, and he agreed to
- subscribe the doctrines of the papal supremacy and of the real presence.
- The court, equally perfidious and cruel, were determined that this
- recantation should avail him nothing; and they sent orders that he
- should be required to acknowledge his errors in church before the whole
- people, and that he should thence be immediately carried to execution.
- Cranmer, whether that he had received a secret intimation of their
- design, or had repented of his weakness, surprised the audience by
- a contrary declaration. He said, that he was well apprised of the
- obedience which he owed to his sovereign and the laws; but this duly
- extended no further than to submit patiently to their commands, and to
- bear without resistance whatever hardships they should impose upon him:
- that a superior duty, the duty which he owed to his Maker, obliged
- him to speak truth on all occasions, and not to relinquish, by a base
- denial, the holy doctrine which the Supreme Being had revealed to
- mankind: that there was one miscarriage in his life, of which, above
- all others, he severely repented; the insincere declaration of faith, to
- which he had the weakness to consent, and which the fear of death alone
- had extorted from him: that he took this opportunity of atoning for his
- error, by a sincere and open recantation; and was willing to seal with
- his blood that doctrine which he firmly believed to be communicated from
- Heaven; and that as his hand had erred by betraying his heart, it should
- first be punished by a severe but just doom, and should first pay the
- forfeit of its offences. He was thence led to the stake amidst the
- insults of the Catholics; and having now summoned up all the force of
- his mind, he bore their scorn, as well as the torture of his punishment,
- with singular fortitude. He stretched out his hand, and without
- betraying, either by his countenance or motions, the least sign of
- weakness, or even of feeling, he held it in the flames till it was
- entirely consumed. His thoughts seemed wholly occupied with reflections
- on his former fault; and he called aloud several times, “This hand has
- offended.” Satisfied with that atonement, he then discovered a serenity
- in his countenance, and when the fire attacked his body, he seemed to be
- quite insensible of his outward sufferings, and by the force of hope and
- resolution to have collected his mind altogether within itself, and to
- repel the fury of the flames. It is pretended, that after his body was
- consumed, his heart was found entire and untouched amidst the ashes; an
- event which, as it was the emblem of his constancy, was fondly believed
- by the zealous Protestants.
- He was undoubtedly a man of merit; possessed of learning and capacity,
- and adorned with candor, sincerity, and beneficence, and all those
- virtues which were fitted to render him useful and amiable in society.
- His moral qualities procured him universal respect; and the courage of
- his martyrdom, though he fell short of the rigid inflexibility observed
- in many, made him the hero of the Protestant party.[*]
- After Cranmer’s death, Cardinal Pole, who had now taken priest’s orders,
- was installed in the see of Canterbury; and was thus, by this office, as
- well as by his commission of legate, placed at the head of the church
- of England. But though he was averse to all sanguinary methods of
- converting heretics, and deemed the reformation of the clergy the more
- effectual, as the more laudable expedient for that purpose,[**] he found
- his authority too weak to oppose the barbarous and bigoted disposition
- of the queen and of her counsellors. He himself, he knew, had been
- suspected of Lutheranism; and as Paul, the reigning pope, was a furious
- persecutor, and his personal enemy, he was prompted, by the modesty of
- his disposition, to reserve his credit for other occasions, in which he
- had a greater probability of success.[***]
- * Burnet, vol. ii. p. 331, 332, etc. Godwin, p. 352.
- ** Burnet, vol. ii. p. 324, 325.
- *** Heylin, p. 68, 69. Burnet, vol. ii. p. 327
- {1557.} The great object of the queen was to engage the nation in the
- war which was kindled between France and Spain; and Cardinal Pole,
- with many other counsellors, openly and zealously opposed this measure.
- Besides insisting on the marriage articles, which provided against such
- an attempt, they represented the violence of the domestic factions in
- England, and the disordered state of the finances; and they foreboded,
- that the tendency of all these measures was to reduce the kingdom to
- a total dependence on Spanish counsels. Philip had come to London, in
- order to support his partisans; and he told the queen that, if he were
- not gratified in so reasonable a request, he never more would set foot
- in England. This declaration extremely heightened her zeal for promoting
- his interests, and overcoming the inflexibility of her council. After
- employing other menaces of a more violent nature, she threatened to
- dismiss all of them, and to appoint counsellors more obsequious; yet
- could she not procure a vote for declaring war with France. At length,
- one Stafford, and some other conspirators, were detected in a design of
- surprising Scarborough;[*] and a confession being extorted from them,
- that they had been encouraged by Henry in the attempt, the queen’s
- importunity prevailed; and it was determined to make this act of
- hostility, with others of a like secret and doubtful nature, the
- ground of the quarrel. War was accordingly declared against France; and
- preparations were every where made for attacking that kingdom.
- The revenue of England at that time little exceeded three hundred
- thousand pounds.[**] Any considerable supplies could scarcely be
- expected from parliament, considering the present disposition of the
- nation; and as the war would sensibly diminish that branch arising from
- the customs, the finances, it was foreseen, would fall short even of the
- ordinary charges of government, and must still more prove unequal to
- the expenses of war. But though the queen owed great arrears to all
- her servants, besides the loans extorted from her subjects, these
- considerations had no influence with her; and in order to support her
- warlike preparations, she continued to levy money in the same arbitrary
- and violent manner which she had formerly practised. She obliged the
- city of London to supply her with sixty thousand pounds on her husband’s
- entry; she levied before the legal time the second year’s subsidy voted
- by parliament; she issued anew many privy seals, by which she procured
- loans from her people; and having equipped a fleet, which she could not
- victual by reason of the dearness of provisions, she seized all the corn
- she could find in Suffolk and Norfolk, without paying any price to the
- owners. By all these expedients, assisted by the power of pressing,
- she levied an army of ten thousand men, which she sent over to the Low
- Countries, under the command of the earl of Pembroke. Meanwhile, in
- order to prevent any disturbance at home, many of the most considerable
- gentry were thrown into the Tower; and lest they should be known, the
- Spanish practice was followed: they either were carried thither in the
- night-time, or were hoodwinked and muffled by the guards who conducted
- them.[***]
- * Heylin, p. 72. Burnet, vol. ii. p. 351. Sir James Melvil’s
- Memoirs.
- ** Rossi, Successi d’Inghilterra.
- *** Strype’s Eccles. Memorials, vol. iii. 377
- The king of Spain had assembled an army, which, after the junction
- of the English, amounted to above sixty thousand men, conducted by
- Philibert, duke of Savoy, one of the greatest captains of the age. The
- constable Montmorency, who commanded the French army, had not half the
- number to oppose to him. The duke of Savoy, after menacing Mariembourgh
- and Rocroy, suddenly sat down before St. Quintin: and as the place was
- weak, and ill provided with a garrison, he expected in a few days to
- become master of it. But Admiral Coligny, governor of the province,
- thinking his honor interested to save so important a fortress, threw
- himself into St. Quintin, with some troops of French and Scottish
- gensdarmery; and by his exhortations and example animated the
- soldiers to a vigorous defence. He despatched a messenger to his uncle
- Montmorency, desiring a supply of men; and the constable approached the
- place with his whole army, in order to facilitate the entry of these
- succors. But the duke of Savoy, falling on the reënforcement, did such
- execution upon them, that not above five hundred got into the place.
- He next made an attack on the French army, and put them to total
- rout, killing four thousand men, and dispersing the remainder. In this
- unfortunate action many of the chief nobility of France were either
- slain or taken prisoners: among the latter was the old constable
- himself, who, fighting valiantly, and resolute to die rather than
- survive his defeat, was surrounded by the enemy, and thus fell
- alive into their hands. The whole kingdom of France was thrown into
- consternation: Paris was attempted to be fortified in a hurry: and had
- the Spaniards presently marched thither, it could not have failed to
- fall into their hands. But Philip was of a cautious temper; and he
- determined first to take St. Quintin, in order to secure a communication
- with his own dominions. A very little time, it was expected, would
- finish this enterprise; but the bravery of Coligny still prolonged the
- siege seventeen days, which proved the safety of France. Some troops
- were levied and assembled. Couriers were sent to recall the duke of
- Guise and his army from Italy: and the French, having recovered from
- their first panic, put themselves in a posture of defence. Philip, after
- taking Ham and Catelet, found the season so far advanced, that he could
- attempt no other enterprise: he broke up his camp, and retired to winter
- quarters.
- But the vigilant activity of Guise, not satisfied with securing the
- frontiers, prompted him, in the depth of winter, to plan an enterprise
- which France, during her greatest successes, had always regarded as
- impracticable, and had never thought of undertaking. Calais was in
- that age deemed an impregnable fortress; and as it was known to be the
- favorite of the English nation, by whom it could easily be succored, the
- recovery of that place by France was considered as totally desperate.
- But Coligny had remarked, that as the town of Calais was surrounded with
- marshes, which during the winter were impassable, except over a dike
- guarded by two castles, St. Agatha and Newnam Bridge, the English were
- of late accustomed, on account of the lowness of their finances, to
- dismiss a great part of the garrison at the end of autumn, and to recall
- them in the spring, at which time alone they judged their attendance
- necessary. On this circumstance he had founded the design of making a
- sudden attack on Calais; he had caused the place to be secretly viewed
- by some engineers; and a plan of the whole enterprise being found among
- his papers, it served, though he himself was made prisoner on the taking
- of St. Quintin, to suggest the project of that undertaking, and to
- direct the measures of the duke of Guise.
- Several bodies of troops defiled towards the frontiers on various
- pretences; and the whole, being suddenly assembled, formed an army, with
- which Guise made an unexpected march towards Calais. At the same time,
- a great number of French ships, being ordered into the Channel, under
- color of cruising on the English, composed a fleet which made an attack
- by sea on the fortifications. The French assaulted St. Agatha with three
- thousand arquebusiers; and the garrison, though they made a vigorous
- defence, were soon obliged to abandon the place, and retreat to Newnam
- Bridge. The siege of this latter place was immediately undertaken,
- and at the same time the fleet battered the risbank, which guarded
- the entrance of the harbor; and both these castles seemed exposed to
- imminent danger. The governor, Lord Wentworth, was a brave officer; but
- finding that the greater part of his weak garrison was enclosed in the
- castle of Newnam Bridge and the risbank, he ordered them to capitulate,
- and to join him in Calais, which, without their assistance, he was
- utterly unable to defend. The garrison of Newnam Bridge was so happy as
- to effect this purpose; but that of the risbank could not obtain such
- favorable conditions, and were obliged to surrender at discretion.
- {1558.} The duke of Guise, now holding Calais blockaded by sea and land,
- thought himself secure of succeeding in his enterprise; but in order to
- prevent all accident, be delayed not a moment the attack of the place.
- He planted his batteries against the castle, where he made a large
- breach; and having ordered Andelot, Coligny’s brother, to drain the
- fossée, he commanded an assault, which succeeded; and the French made a
- lodgement in the castle. On the night following, Wentworth attempted to
- recover this post; but having lost two hundred men in a furious attack
- which he made upon it,[*] he found his garrison so weak, that he was
- obliged to capitulate. Ham and Guisnes fell soon after; and thus the
- duke of Guise, in eight days, during the depth of winter, made himself
- master of this strong fortress, that had cost Edward III. a siege of
- eleven months, at the head of a numerous army, which had that very year
- been victorious in the battle of Crecy. The English had held it above
- two hundred years; and as it gave them an easy entrance into France, it
- was regarded as the most important possession belonging to the crown.
- The joy of the French was extreme, as well as the glory acquired by
- Guise; who, at the time when all Europe imagined France to be sunk
- by the unfortunate battle of St. Quintin, had, in opposition to the
- English, and their allies the Spaniards, acquired possession of a place
- which no former king of France, even during the distractions of the
- civil wars between the houses of York and Lancaster, had ever ventured
- to attempt. The English, on the other hand, bereaved of this valuable
- fortress, murmured loudly against the improvidence of the queen and her
- council; who, after engaging in a fruitless war for the sake of foreign
- interests, had thus exposed the nation to so severe a disgrace. A
- treasury exhausted by expenses, and burdened with debts; a people
- divided and dejected; a sovereign negligent of her people’s welfare;
- were circumstances which, notwithstanding the fair offers and promises
- of Philip, gave them small hopes of recovering Calais. And as the Scots,
- instigated by French counsels, began to move on the borders, they were
- now necessitated rather to look to their defence at home, than to think
- of foreign conquests.
- * Thuan. lib. xx. cap. 2.
- After the peace which, in consequence of King Edward’s treaty with
- Henry, took place between Scotland and England, the queen dowager, on
- pretence of visiting her daughter and her relations, made a journey to
- France; and she carried along with her the earls of Huntley, Sutherland,
- Marischal, and many of the principal nobility. Her secret design was,
- to take measures for engaging the earl of Arran to resign to her the
- government of the kingdom; and as her brothers, the duke of Guise, the
- cardinal of Lorraine, and the duke of Aumale, had uncontrolled influence
- in the court of France, she easily persuaded Henry, and by his authority
- the Scottish nobles, to enter into her measures. Having also gained
- Carnegy of Kinnaird, Panter, bishop of Ross, and Gavin Hamilton,
- commendator of Kilwinning, three creatures of the governor’s, she
- persuaded him, by their means, to consent to this resignation;[*] and
- when every thing was thus prepared for her purpose, she took a journey
- to Scotland, and passed through England in her way thither. Edward
- received her with great respect and civility; though he could not
- forbear attempting to renew the old treaty for his marriage with
- her daughter; a marriage, he said, so happily calculated for the
- tranquillity, interest, and security of both kingdoms, and the only
- means of insuring a durable peace between them. For his part, he added,
- he never could entertain a cordial amity for any other husband whom she
- should choose; nor was it easy for him to forgive a man who, at the same
- time that he disappointed so natural an alliance, had bereaved him of
- a bride to whom his affections, from his earliest infancy, had been
- entirely engaged. The queen dowager eluded these applications, by
- telling him, that if any measures had been taken disagreeable to him,
- they were entirely owing to the imprudence of the duke of Somerset, who,
- instead of employing courtesy, caresses, and gentle offices, the
- proper means of gaining a young princess, had had recourse to arms
- and violence, and had constrained the Scottish nobility to send their
- sovereign into France, in order to interest that kingdom in protecting
- their liberty and independence.[**]
- * Buchanan, lib. xiv. Keith, p. 56. Spotswood, p. 92.
- ** Keith, p. 59.
- When the queen dowager arrived in Scotland, she found the governor very
- unwilling to fulfil his engagements; and it was not till after many
- delays that he could be persuaded to resign his authority. But finding
- that the majority of the young princess was approaching, and that the
- queen dowager had gained the affections of all the principal nobility,
- he thought it more prudent to submit; and having stipulated that he
- should be declared next heir to the crown, and should be freed from
- giving any account of his past administration, he placed her in
- possession of the power, and she thenceforth assumed the name of
- regent.[*] It was a usual saying of this princess, that, provided she
- could render her friends happy, and could insure to herself a good
- reputation, she was entirely indifferent what befell her; and though
- this sentiment is greatly censured by the zealous reformers,[**] as
- being founded wholly on secular motives, it discovers a mind well
- calculated for the government of kingdoms. D’Oisel, a Frenchman,
- celebrated for capacity, had attended her as ambassador from Henry, but
- in reality to assist her with his counsels in so delicate an undertaking
- as the administration of Scotland; and this man had formed a scheme
- for laying a general tax on the kingdom, in order to support a standing
- military force, which might at once repel the inroads of foreign
- enemies, and check the turbulence of the Scottish nobles. But though
- some of the courtiers were gained over to this project, it gave great
- and general discontent to the nation; and the queen regent, after
- ingenuously confessing that it would prove pernicious to the kingdom,
- had the prudence to desist from it, and to trust entirely for her
- security to the good will and affections of her subjects.[***]
- This laudable purpose seemed to be the chief object of her
- administration; yet was she sometimes drawn from it by her connections
- with France, and by the influence which her brothers had acquired
- over her. When Mary commenced hostilities against that kingdom, Henry
- required the queen regent to take part in the quarrel; and she summoned
- a convention of states at Newbottle, and requested them to concur in a
- declaration of war against England. The Scottish nobles, who were become
- as jealous of French as the English were of Spanish influence, refused
- their assent; and the queen was obliged to have recourse to stratagem
- in order to effect her purpose. She ordered D’Oisel to begin some
- fortifications at Eyemouth, a place which had been dismantled by the
- last treaty with Edward; and when the garrison of Berwick, as she
- foresaw, made an inroad to prevent the undertaking, she effectually
- employed this pretence to inflame the Scottish nation, and to engage
- them in hostilities against England.[****]
- * 12th April, 1554.
- ** Knox, p. 89.
- *** Keith, p. 70. Buchanan, lib. xvi.
- **** Buchanan, lib. xvi. Thuan. lib. xix. c. 7.
- The enterprises however, of the Scots proceeded no farther than some
- inroads on the borders: when D’Oisel of himself conducted artillery
- and troops to besiege the Castle of Werke, he was recalled, and sharply
- rebuked by the council.[*]
- * Knox. p. 93.
- In order to connect Scotland more closely with France, and to increase
- the influence of the latter kingdom, it was thought proper by Henry to
- celebrate the marriage between the young queen and the dauphin; and
- a deputation was sent by the Scottish parliament to assist at the
- ceremony, and to settle the terms of the contract.
- The close alliance between France and Scotland threatened very nearly
- the repose and security of Mary; and it was foreseen, that though the
- factions and disorders which might naturally be expected in the Scottish
- government during the absence of the sovereign, would make its power
- less formidable, that kingdom would at least afford to the French a
- means of invading England. The queen, therefore, found it necessary
- to summon a parliament, and to demand of them some supplies to her
- exhausted exchequer. As such an emergency usually gives great advantage
- to the people; and as the parliaments during this reign had shown that,
- where the liberty and independency of the kingdom were menaced with
- imminent danger, they were not entirely overawed by the court; we shall
- naturally expect that the late arbitrary methods of extorting money
- should at least be censured, and perhaps some remedy be for the
- future provided against them. The commons, however, without making any
- reflections on the past, voted, besides a fifteenth, a subsidy of four
- shillings in the pound on land, and two shillings and eightpence on
- goods. The clergy granted eight shillings in the pound, payable, as was
- also the subsidy of the laity, in four years by equal portions.
- The parliament also passed an act, confirming all the sales and grants
- of crown lands, which either were already made by the queen, or should
- be made during the seven ensuing years. It was easy to foresee that, in
- Mary’s present disposition and situation, this power would be followed
- by a great alienation of the royal demesnes; and nothing could be more
- contrary to the principles of good government, than to establish a
- prince with very extensive authority, yet permit him to be reduced
- to beggary. This act met with opposition in the house of commons. One
- Copely expressed his fears lest the queen, under color of the power
- there granted, might alter the succession, and alienate the crown from
- the lawful heir; but his words were thought “irreverent” to her majesty:
- he was committed to the custody of the serjeant at arms, and though he
- expressed sorrow for his offence, he was not released till the queen was
- applied to for his pardon.
- The English nation, during this whole reign, were under great
- apprehensions with regard not only to the succession, but the life of
- the lady Elizabeth. The violent hatred which the queen bore to her broke
- out on every occasion; and it required all the authority of Philip, as
- well as her own great prudence, to prevent the fatal effects of it. The
- princess retired into the country, and knowing that she was surrounded
- with spies, she passed her time wholly in reading and study,
- intermeddled in no business, and saw very little company. While she
- remained in this situation, which for the present was melancholy, but
- which prepared her mind for those great actions by which her life was
- afterwards so much distinguished, proposals of marriage were made to her
- by the Swedish Ambassador, in his master’s name. As her first question
- was, whether the queen had been informed of these proposals, the
- ambassador told her, that his master thought, as he was a gentleman, it
- was his duty first to make his addresses to herself, and having obtained
- her consent, he would next, as a king, apply to her sister. But the
- princess would allow him to proceed no further; and the queen, after
- thanking her for this instance of duty, desired to know how she stood
- affected to the Swedish proposals. Elizabeth, though exposed to many
- present dangers and mortifications, had the magnanimity to reserve
- herself for better fortune; and she covered her refusal with professions
- of a passionate attachment to a single life, which, she said, she
- infinitely preferred before any other.[*] The princess showed like
- prudence in concealing her sentiments of religion, in complying with the
- present modes of worship, and in eluding all questions with regard to
- that delicate subject.[**]
- * Burnet, vol. ii. Coll. No. 37.
- ** The common net at that time, says Sir Richard Baker, for
- catching of Protestants, was the real presence; and this net
- was used to catch the lady Elizabeth; for being asked, one
- time, what she thought of the words of Christ. “This is my
- body,” whether she thought it the true body of Christ that
- was in the sacrament, it is said that, after some pausing,
- she thus answered:--
- “Christ was the word that spake it;
- He took the bread and brake it;
- And what the word did make it,
- That I believe, and take it.”
- Which, though it may seem but a slight expression, yet hath
- it more solidness than at first sight appears; at least, it
- served her turn, at that time, to escape the net, which, by
- a direct answer, she could not have done. Baker’s Chronicle,
- p. 320.
- The money granted by parliament enabled the queen to fit out a fleet of
- a hundred and forty sail, which, being joined by thirty Flemish ships,
- and carrying six thousand land forces on board, was sent to make an
- attempt on the coast of Brittany. The fleet was commanded by Lord
- Clinton; the land forces by the earls of Huntingdon and Rutland. But
- the equipment of the fleet and army was so dilatory that the French
- got intelligence of the design, and were prepared to receive them. The
- English found Brest so well guarded as to render an attempt on that
- place impracticable; but, landing at Conquet, they plundered and burnt
- the town, with some adjacent villages, and were proceeding to commit
- greater disorders, when Kersimon, a Breton gentleman, at the head of
- some militia, fell upon them, put them to rout, and drove them to their
- ships with considerable loss. But a small squadron of ten English ships
- had an opportunity of amply revenging this disgrace upon the French.
- The mareschal de Thermes, governor of Calais, had made an irruption into
- Flanders, with an army of fourteen thousand men, and, having forced a
- passage over the River Aa, had taken Dunkirk and Berg St. Winoc, and had
- advanced as far as Newport; but Count Egmont coming suddenly upon him
- with superior forces, he was obliged to retreat; and being overtaken by
- the Spaniards near Gravelines, and finding a battle inevitable, he chose
- very skilfully his ground for the engagement. He fortified his left wing
- with all the precautions possible, and posted his right along the River
- Aa, which, he reasonably thought, gave him full security from that
- quarter. But the English ships, which were accidently on the coast,
- being drawn by the noise of the firing, sailed up the river, and,
- flanking the French, did such execution by their artillery that they put
- them to flight, and the Spaniards gained a complete victory.[*]
- * Holigshed, p. 1150.
- Meanwhile the principal army of France under the duke of Guise, and that
- of Spain under the duke of Savoy, approached each other on the frontiers
- of Picardy; and as the two kings had come into their respective camps,
- attended by the flower of their nobility, men expected that some great
- and important event would follow from the emulation of these warlike
- nations. But Philip, though actuated by the ambition, possessed not the
- enterprising genius of a conqueror; and he was willing, notwithstanding
- the superiority of his numbers, and the two great victories which he
- had gained at St. Quintin and Gravelines, to put a period to the war
- by treaty. Negotiations were entered into for that purpose; and as the
- terms offered by the two monarchs were somewhat wide of each other,
- the armies were put into winter quarters till the princes could come to
- better agreement. Among other conditions, Henry demanded the restitution
- of Navarre to its lawful owner; Philip, that of Calais and its territory
- to England; but in the midst of these negotiations, news arrived of the
- death of Mary; and Philip, no longer connected with England, began
- to relax in his firmness on that capital article. This was the only
- circumstance that could have made the death of that princess be
- regretted by the nation.
- Mary had long been in a declining state of health; and having mistaken
- her dropsy for a pregnancy, she had made use of an improper regimen,
- and her malady daily augmented. Every reflection now tormented her.
- The consciousness of being hated by her subjects, the prospect of
- Elizabeth’s succession, apprehensions of the danger to which the
- Catholic religion stood exposed, dejection for the loss of Calais,
- concern for the ill state of her affairs, and, above all, anxiety for
- the absence of her husband, who, she knew, intended soon to depart for
- Spain, and to settle there during the remainder of his life,--all
- these melancholy reflections preyed upon her mind, and threw her into a
- lingering fever, of which she died, after a short and unfortunate reign
- of five years four months and eleven days.
- It is not necessary to employ many words in drawing the character of
- this princess. She possessed few qualities either estimable or amiable;
- and her person was as little engaging as her behavior and address.
- Obstinacy, bigotry, violence, cruelty, malignity, revenge, tyranny;
- every circumstance of her character took a tincture from her bad temper
- and narrow understanding. And amidst that complication of vices which
- entered into her composition, we shall scarcely find any virtue but
- sincerity; a quality which she seems to have maintained throughout her
- whole life; except in the beginning of her reign, when the necessity of
- her affairs obliged her to make some promises to the Protestants, which
- she certainly never intended to perform. But in these cases a weak,
- bigoted woman, under the government of priests, easily finds casuistry
- sufficient to justify to herself the violation of a promise. She
- appears, also, as well as her father, to have been susceptible of some
- attachments of friendship; and that without the caprice and inconstancy
- which were so remarkable in the conduct of that monarch. To which we
- may add, that in many circumstances of her life she gave indications
- of resolution and vigor of mind, a quality which seems to have been
- inherent in her family.
- Cardinal Pole had long been sickly from an intermitting fever; and he
- died the same day with the queen, about sixteen hours after her. The
- benign character of this prelate, the modesty and humanity of his
- deportment, made him be universally beloved; insomuch that in a nation
- where the most furious persecution was carried on, and where the most
- violent religious factions prevailed, entire justice, even by most of
- the reformers, has been done to his merit. The haughty pontiff, Paul
- IV., had entertained some prejudices against him; and when England
- declared war against Henry, the ally of that pope, he seized the
- opportunity of revenge; and revoking Pole’s legatine commission,
- appointed in his room Cardinal Peyto, an Observantine friar, and
- confessor to the queen. But Mary would never permit the new legate to
- act upon the commission; and Paul was afterwards obliged to restore
- Cardinal Pole to his authority.
- There occur few general remarks, besides what have already been made
- in the course of our narration, with regard to the general state of
- the kingdom during this reign. The naval power of England was then
- so inconsiderable, that fourteen thousand pounds being ordered to be
- applied to the fleet, both for repairing and victualling it, it was
- computed that ten thousand pounds a year would afterwards answer all
- necessary charges.[*]
- * Burnet, vol. iii. p. 259.
- The arbitrary proceedings of the queen above mentioned, joined to many
- monopolies granted by this princess, as well as by her father, checked
- the growth of commerce; and so much the more, as all other princes
- in Europe either were not permitted, or did not find it necessary, to
- proceed in so tyrannical a manner. Acts of parliament, both in the last
- reign and in the beginning of the present, had laid the same impositions
- on the merchants of the still-yard as on other aliens; yet the queen,
- immediately after her marriage, complied with the solicitations of the
- emperor, and by her prerogative suspended those laws.[*] Nobody in that
- age pretended to question this exercise of prerogative. The historians
- are entirely silent with regard to it; and it is only by the collection
- of public papers that it is handed down to us.
- An absurd law had been made in the preceding reign, by which every one
- was prohibited from making cloth unless he had served an apprenticeship
- of seven years. The law was repealed in the first year of the queen; and
- this plain reason given, that it had occasioned the decay of the woollen
- manufacture, and had ruined several towns.[**] It is strange that
- Edward’s law should have been revived during the reign of Elizabeth; and
- still more strange that it should still subsist.
- A passage to Archangel had been discovered by the English during the
- last reign; and a beneficial trade with Muscovy had been established. A
- solemn embassy was sent by the czar to Queen Mary. The ambassadors were
- shipwrecked on the coast of Scotland; but being hospitably entertained
- there, they proceeded on the journey, and were received at London
- with great pomp and solemnity.[***] This seems to have been the first
- intercourse which that empire had with any of the western potentates of
- Europe.
- A law was passed in this reign,[****] by which the number of horses,
- arms and furniture, was fixed which each person, according to the extent
- of his property, should be provided with for the defence of the kingdom.
- A man of a thousand pounds a year, for instance, was obliged to maintain
- at his own charge six horses fit for demi-lances, of which three at
- least to be furnished with sufficient harness, steel saddles, and
- weapons proper for the demi-lances; and ten horses fit for light
- horsemen, with furniture and weapons proper for them: he was obliged
- to have forty corselets furnished; fifty almain revets, or, instead of
- them, forty coats of plate, corse, etc. or brigandines furnished; forty
- pikes, thirty long bows, thirty sheafs of arrows, thirty steel caps or
- skulls, twenty black bills or halberts, twenty harquebuts, and twenty
- morions or sallets. We may remark that a man of a thousand marks of
- stock was rated equal to one of two hundred pounds a year; a proof that
- few or none at that time lived on their stock in money, and that great
- profits were made by the merchants in the course of trade. There is no
- class above a thousand pounds a year.
- * Rymer, vol. xv. p. 364.
- ** 1 Mar. Parl. 2, cap, 7.
- *** Holingshed, p. 732. Heylin, p. 71.
- **** 4 and 5 Phil. and Mar. cap. 2.
- We pay form a notion of the little progress made in arts and refinement
- about this time, from one circumstance; a man of no less rank than the
- comptroller of Edward VI.’s household paid only thirty shillings a year
- of our present money for his house in Channel Row;[*] yet labor and
- provisons, and consequently houses, were only about a third of the
- present price. Erasmus ascribes the frequent plagues in England to the
- nastiness, and dirt, and slovenly habits among the people. “The floors,”
- says he, “are commonly of clay, strewed with rushes, under which lies
- unmolested an ancient collection of beer, grease, fragments, bones,
- spittle, excrements of dogs and cats, and every thing that is
- nasty.”[**]
- Holingshed, who lived in Queen Elizabeth’s reign, gives a very curious
- account of the plain, or rather rude way of living of the preceding
- generation. There scarcely was a chimney to the houses, even in
- considerable towns; the fire was kindled by the wall, and the smoke
- sought its way out at the roof, or door, or windows: the houses were
- nothing but watling plastered over with clay; the people slept on straw
- pallets, and had a good round log under their head for a pillow; and
- almost all the furniture and utensils were of wood.[***] [22]
- In this reign we find the first general law with regard to highways,
- which were appointed to be repaired by parish duty all over
- England.[****]
- * Nicholson’s Historical Library.
- ** Erasm. Epist. 482.
- *** See note V, at the end of the volume.
- **** 2 and 3 Phil. and Mar. cap. 8.
- [Footnote 1: NOTE A, p. 58. Stowe, Baker, Speed, Biondi, Holingshed,
- Bacon. Some late writers, particularly Mr. Carte, have doubted whether
- Perkin were an impostor, and have even asserted him to be the true
- Plantagenet. But to refute this opinion, we need only reflect on the
- following particulars: (1.) Though the circumstances of the wars between
- the two roses be in general involved in great obscurity, yet is there a
- most luminous ray thrown on all the transactions during the usurpation
- of Richard, and the murder of the two young princes, by the narrative of
- Sir Thomas More, whose singular magnanimity, probity, and judgment, make
- him an evidence beyond all exception. No historian, either of ancient
- or modern times, can possibly have more weight: he may also be justly
- esteemed a contemporary with regard to the murder of the two princes;
- for though he was but five years of age when that event happened, he
- lived and was educated among the chief actors during the period of
- Richard; and it is plain from this narrative itself, which is often
- extremely circumstantial, that he had the particulars from the
- eyewitnesses themselves. His authority, therefore, is irresistible, and
- sufficient to overbalance a hundred little doubts, and scruples,
- and objections. For in reality his narrative is liable to no solid
- objection, nor is there any mistake detected in it. He says, indeed,
- that the protector’s partisans, particularly Dr. Shaw, spread abroad
- rumors of Edward IV.’s pre-contract with Elizabeth Lucy; whereas it now
- appears from record, that the parliament afterwards declared the king’s
- children illegitimate, on pretence of his pre-contract with lady Eleanor
- Talbot. But it must be remarked, that neither of these pre-contracts
- was ever so much as attempted to be proved; and why might not the
- protector’s flatterers and partisans have made use sometimes of one
- false rumor, sometimes of another? Sir Thomas More mentions the one
- rumor as well as the other, and treats them both lightly, as they
- deserved. It is also thought incredible by Mr. Carte, that Dr. Shaw
- should have been encouraged by Richard to calumniate openly his mother
- the duchess of York, with whom that prince lived in good terms. But if
- there be any difficulty in this supposition, we need only suppose, that
- Dr. Shaw might have concerted in general his sermon with the protector
- or his ministers, and yet have chosen himself the particular topics, and
- chosen them very foolishly. This appears, indeed, to have been the case,
- by the disgrace into which he fell afterwards, and by the protector’s
- neglect of him. (2.) If Sir Thomas’s quality of contemporary be disputed
- with regard to the duke of Glocester’s protectorate, it cannot possibly
- be disputed with regard to Perkin’s imposture: he was then a man, and
- had a full opportunity of knowing and examining and judging of the
- truth. In asserting that the duke of York was murdered by his uncle,
- he certainly asserts, in the most express terms, that Perkin, who
- personated him, was an impostor. (3.) There is another great genius who
- has carefully treated this point of history; so great a genius, as to
- be esteemed with justice one of the chief ornaments of the nation,
- and indeed one of the most sublime writers that any age or nation has
- produced. It is Lord Bacon I mean, who has related at full length, and
- without the least doubt or hesitation, all the impostures of Perkin
- Warbeck. If it be objected, that Lord Bacon was no contemporary, and
- that we have the same materials as he upon which to form our judgment;
- it must be remarked, the lord Bacon plainly composed his elaborate and
- exact history from many records and papers which are now lost, and that
- consequently he is always to be cited as an original historian. It were
- very strange, if Mr. Carte’s opinion were just, that, among all the
- papers which Lord Bacon perused, he never found any reascn to suspect
- Perkin to be the true Plantagenet. There was at that time no interest
- in defaming Richard III. Bacon, besides, is a very unbiased historian,
- nowise partial to Henry; we know the detail of that prince’s oppressive
- government from him alone. It may only be thought that, in summing up
- his character, he has laid the colors of blame more faintly than the
- very facts he mentions seem to require. Let me remark, in passing, as
- a singularity, how much English history has been beholden to four great
- men who have possessed the highest dignity in the law, More, Bacon,
- Clarendon, and Whitlocke. (4.) But if contemporary evidence be so much
- sought after, there may in this case be produced the strongest and
- most undeniable in the world. The queen dowager, her son the marquis
- of Dorset, a man of excellent understanding Sir Edward Woodville, her
- brother, Sir Thomas St. Leger, who had married the king’s sister, Sir
- John Bourchier, Sir Robert Willoughby, Sir Giles Daubeney, Sir Thomas
- Arundel, the Courtneys, the Cheyneys, the Talbots, the Stanleys, and,
- in a word, all the partisans of the house of York, that is, the men of
- chief dignity in the nation; all these great persons were so assured
- of the murder of the two princes, that they applied to the earl of
- Richmond, the mortal enemy of their party and family; they projected to
- set him on the throne, which must have been utter ruin to them if the
- princes were alive; and they stipulated to marry him to the princess
- Elizabeth, as heir to the crown, who in that case was no heir at all.
- Had each of those persons written the memoirs of his own times, would he
- not have said that Richard murdered his nephews? Or would their pen be
- a better declaration than their actions, of their real sentiments? (5.)
- But we have another contemporary authority, still better than even
- those great persons, so much interested to know the truth: it is that
- of Richard himself. He projected to marry his niece, a very unusual
- alliance in England, in order to unite her title with his own. He
- knew, therefore, her title to be good: for as to the declaration of her
- illegitimacy, as it went upon no proof, or even pretence of proof, it
- was always regarded with the utmost contempt by the nation, and it was
- considered as one of those parliamentary transactions, so frequent in
- that period, which were scandalous in themselves, and had no manner
- of authority. It was even so much despised, as not to be reversed by
- parliament after Henry and Elizabeth were on the throne. (6.) We have
- also, as contemporary evidence, the universal established opinion of
- the age, both abroad and at home. This point was regarded as so
- uncontroverted, that when Richard notified his accession to the court of
- France, that court was struck with horror at his abominable parricide
- in murdering both his nephews, as Philip de Comines tells us; and this
- sentiment went to such an unusual height, that, as we learn from the
- same author, the court would not make the least reply to him. (7.) The
- same reasons which convinced that age of the parricide still subsist,
- and ought to carry the most undoubted evidence to us; namely, the very
- circumstance of the sudden disappearance of the princes from the Tower,
- and their appearance nowhere else. Every one said, “They have not
- escaped from their uncle, for he makes no search after them: he has not
- conveyed them elsewhere; for it is his business to declare so, in
- order to remove the imputation of murder from himself. He never would
- needlessly subject himself to the infamy and danger of being esteemed
- a parricide, without acquiring the security attending that crime. They
- were in his custody. He is answerable for them. If he gives no account
- of them, as he has a plain interest in their death, he must, by
- every rule of common sense, be regarded as the murderer. His flagrant
- usurpation, as well as his other treacherous and cruel actions, makes
- no better be expected from him. He could not say, with Cain, that he was
- not his nephews’ keeper.” This reasoning, which was irrefragable at the
- very first, became every day stronger from Richard’s continued silence,
- and the general and total ignorance of the place of these princes’
- abode. Richard’s reign lasted about two years beyond this period; and
- surely he could not have found a better expedient for disappointing the
- earl of Richmond’s projects, as well as justifying his own character,
- than the producing of his nephews. (8.) If it were necessary, amidst
- this blaze of evidence, to produce proofs which, in any other case,
- would have been regarded as considerable, and would have carried great
- validity with them, I might mention Dighton and Tyrrel’s account of the
- murder. This last gentleman especially was not likely to subject himself
- to the reproach of so great a crime, by an imposture which, it appears,
- did not acquire him the favor of Henry. (9.) The duke of York, being
- a boy of nine years of age, could not have made his escape without the
- assistance of some elder persons. Would it not have been their chief
- concern instantly to convey intelligence of so great an event to his
- mother, the queen dowager, to his aunt, the duchess of Burgundy, and to
- the other friends of the family. The duchess protected Simnel; a project
- which, had it been successful, must have ended in the crowning of
- Warwick and the exclusion of the duke of York. This, among many other
- proofs, evinces that she was ignorant of the escape of that prince,
- which is impossible had it been real. (10.) The total silence with
- regard to the persons who aided him in his escape, as also with regard
- to the place of his abode during more than eight years, is a sufficient
- proof of the imposture. (11.) Perkin’s own account of his escape is
- incredible and absurd. He said, that murderers were employed by his
- uncle to kill him and his brother; they perpetrated the crime against
- his brother, but took compassion on him, and allowed him to escape. This
- account is contained in all the historians of that age. (12.) Perkin
- himself made a full confession of his imposture no less than three
- times; once when he surrendered himself prisoner, a second time when he
- was set in the stocks at Cheapside and Westminster, and a third time,
- which carries undoubted evidence, at the foot of the gibbet on which
- he was hanged. Not the least surmise that the confession had ever been
- procured by torture; and surely the last time he had nothing further
- to fear. (13.) Had not Henry been assured that Perkin was a ridiculous
- impostor, disavowed by the whole nation, he never would have allowed him
- to live an hour after he came into his power, much less would he have
- twice pardoned him. His treatment of the innocent earl of Warwick, who,
- in reality, had no title to the crown, is a sufficient confirmation of
- this reasoning. (14.) We know with certainty whence the whole imposture
- came, namely, from the intrigues of the duchess of Burgundy. She had
- before acknowledged and supported Lambert Simnel, an avowed imposter.
- It is remarkable that Mr. Carte, in order to preserve the weight of
- the duchess’s testimony in favor of Perkin, suppresses entirely this
- material fact: a strong effect of party prejudices, and this author’s
- desire of blackening Henry VII., whose hereditary title to the crown was
- defective. (15.) There never was, at that time, any evidence or shadow
- of evidence produced of Perkin’s identity with Richard Plantagenet.
- Richard had disappeared when near nine years of age, and Perkin did not
- appear till he was a man. Could any one from his aspect pretend then to
- be sure of the identity? He had got some stories concerning Richard’s
- childhood, and the court of England; but all that it was necessary for
- a boy of nine to remark or remember, was easily suggested to him by the
- duchess of Burgundy, or Frion, Henry’s secretary, or by any body that
- had ever lived at court. It is true, many persons of note were at
- first deceived; but the discontents against Henry’s government, and the
- general enthusiasm for the house of York, account sufficiently for this
- temporary delusion. Everybody’s eyes were opened long before Perkin’s
- death. (16.) The circumstance of finding the two dead bodies in the
- reign of Charles II. is not surely indifferent. They were found in the
- very place which More, Bacon, and other ancient authors, had assigned as
- the place of interment of the young princes; the bones corresponded by
- their size to the age of the princes; the secret and irregular place of
- their interment, not being in holy ground, proves that the boys had
- been secretly murdered; and in the Tower no boys but those who are very
- nearly related to the crown can be exposed to a violent death. If we
- compare all these circumstances, we shall find that the inference is
- just and strong, that they were the bodies of Edward V. and his brother,
- the very inference that was drawn at the time of the discovery.
- Since the publication of this History, Mr. Walpole has published his
- Historic Doubts concerning Richard III. Nothing can be a stronger proof
- how ingenious and agreeable that gentleman’s pen is, than his being
- able to make an inquiry concerning a remote point of English history, an
- object of general conversation. The foregoing note has been enlarged on
- account of that performance.]
- [Footnote 2: NOTE B, p. 69. Rot. Parl. 3 Henry VII. n. 17. The preamble
- is remarkable, and shows the state of the nation at that time.
- “The king, our sovereign lord, remembereth how, by our unlawful
- maintainances, giving of liveries, signs, and tokens, retainders by
- indentures, promises, oaths, writings, and other embraceries of his
- subjects, untrue demeanings of sheriffs in making panels, and untrue
- returns by taking money, by juries, etc. the policy of this nation is
- most subdued.” It must indeed be confessed, that such a state of the
- country required great discretionary power in the sovereign; nor will
- the same maxims of government suit such a rude people, that may be
- proper in a more advanced stage of society. The establishment of the
- star-chamber, or the enlargement of its power, in the reign of Henry
- VII., might have been as wise as the abolition of it in that of Charles
- I.]
- [Footnote 3: NOTE C, p. 72. The duke of Northumberland has lately
- printed a household book of an old earl of that family, who lived at
- this time. The author has been favored with the perusal of it; and it
- contains many curious particulars, which mark the manners and way of
- living in that rude, not to say barbarous, age; as well as the prices of
- commodities. I have extracted a few of them from that piece, which
- gives a true picture of ancient manners, and is one of the most singular
- monuments that English antiquity affords us; for we may be confident,
- however rude the strokes, that no baron’s family was on a nobler or
- more splendid footing. The family consists of one hundred and sixty-six
- persons, masters and servants. Fifty-seven strangers are reckoned
- upon every day; on the whole, two hundred and twenty-three. Twopence
- halfpenny are supposed to be the daily expense of each for meat, drink,
- and firing. This would make a groat of our present money. Supposing
- provisions between three and four times cheaper, it would be equivalent
- to fourteenpence: no great sum for a nobleman’s housekeeping; especially
- considering that the chief expense of a family at that time consisted
- in meat and drink; for the sum allotted by the earl for his whole
- annual expense is one thousand one hundred and eighteen pounds seventeen
- shillings and eightpence; meat, drink, and firing cost seven hundred and
- ninety-six pounds eleven shillings and twopence, more than two thirds
- of the whole; in a modern family it is not above a third, (p. 157,
- 158, 159.) The whole expense of the earl’s family is managed with an
- exactness that is very rigid, and, if we make no allowance for ancient
- manners, such as may seem to border on an extreme; insomuch that the
- number of pieces which must be cut out of every quarter of beef, mutton,
- pork, veal, nay, stock-fish and salmon, are determined, and must be
- entered and accounted for by the different clerks appointed for that
- purpose. If a servant be absent a day, his mess is struck off. If he go
- on my lord’s business, board-wages are allowed him, eightpence a day for
- his journey in winter, fivepence in summer. When he stays in any place,
- twopence a day are allowed him, besides the maintenance of his horse.
- Somewhat above a quarter of wheat is allowed for every mouth throughout
- the year; and the wheat is estimated at five shillings and eightpence
- a quarter. Two hundred and fifty quarters of malt are allowed, at four
- shillings a quarter. Two hogsheads are to be made of a quarter, which
- amounts to about a bottle and a third of beer a day to each person,
- (p.4,) and the beer will not be very strong One hundred and nine fat
- beeves are to be bought at Allhallow-tide, at thirteen shillings and
- fourpence apiece; and twenty-four lean beeves to be bought at St.
- Helens, at eight shillings apiece. These are to be put into the pastures
- to feed; and are to serve from Mid-summer to Michaelmas; which is
- consequently the only time that the family eats fresh beef. During all
- the rest of the year they live on salted meat. (p.5.) One hundred and
- sixty gallons of mustard are allowed in a year, which seems indeed
- requisite for the salt beef, (p.18.) Six hundred and forty-seven sheep
- are allowed, at twentypence apiece; and these seem also to be all eat
- salted, except between Lammas and Michaelmas, (p.5.) Only twenty-five
- hogs are allowed at two shillings apiece; twenty-eight veals, at
- twentypence; forty lambs, at tenpence or a shilling, (p. 7.) These
- seem to be reserved for my lord’s table, or that of the upper servants,
- called the knights’ table. The other servants, as they eat salted meat
- almost through the whole year, and with few or no vegetables, had a very
- bad and unhealthy diet; so that there cannot be any thing more erroneous
- than the magnificent ideas formed of “the roast beef of old England.” We
- must entertain as mean an idea of its cleanliness. Only seventy ells of
- linen, at eightpence an ell, are annually allowed for this great family.
- No sheets were used. This linen was made into eight table-cloths for my
- lord’s table, and one table-cloth for the knights, (p.16.) This last, I
- suppose, was washed only once a month. Only forty shillings are allowed
- for washing throughout the whole year; and most of it seems expended on
- the linen belonging to the chapel. The drinking, however, was tolerable,
- namely, ten tuns and two hogsheads of Gascogny wine, at the rate of four
- pounds thirteen shillings and fourpence a tun. (p.6.) Only ninety-one
- dozen of candles for the whole year. (p.14.) The family rose at six
- in the morning, dined at ten, and supped at four in the afternoon. The
- gates were all shut at nine, and no further ingress or egress permitted,
- (p. 314, 318.) My lord and lady have set on their table for breakfast at
- seven o’clock in the morning a quart of beer, as much wine; two pieces
- of salt fish, six red herrings, four white ones, or a dish of sprats.
- In flesh days, half a chine of mutton, or a chine of beef boiled, (p.73,
- 75.) Mass is ordered to be said at six o’clock, in order, says the
- household book that all my lord’s servants may rise early, (p.170.) Only
- twenty-four fires are allowed, beside the kitchen and hall, and most
- of these have only a peck of coals a day allowed them. (p.99.) After
- Lady-day, no fires permitted in the rooms, except half-fires in my
- lord’s and lady’s, and lord Piercy’s and the nursery, (p.101.) It is
- to be observed, that my lord kept house in Yorkshire, where there is
- certainly much cold weather after Lady-day. Eighty chalders of coals,
- at four shillings and twopence a chalder, suffices throughout the whole
- year; and because coal will not burn without wood, says the household
- book, sixty-four loads of great wood are also allowed, at twelvepence a
- load.(p.22.) This is a proof that grates were not the used. Here is an
- article. “It is devised that from henceforth no capons to be bought but
- only for my lord’s own mess, and that the said capons shall be
- bought for twopence apiece, lean, and fed in the poultry; and master
- chamberlain and the stewards be fed with capons, if there be strangers
- sitting with them.” (p. 102.) Pigs are to be bought at threepence or a
- groat a piece; geese at the same price; chickens at a halfpenny; hens
- at twopence, and only for the abovementioned tables. Here is another
- article. “Item, it is thought* good that no plovers be bought at no
- season but only in Christmas* and principal feasts, and my lord to be
- served therewith and his board-*end, and none other, and to be bought
- for a penny apiece, or a penny halfpenny at most.” (p. 103.) Woodcocks
- are to be bought at the same price. Partridges at twopence, (p. 104,
- 105.) Pheasants a shilling; peacocks, the same. (p. 100.) My lord keeps
- only twenty-seven horses in his stable at his own charge. His upper
- servants have allowance for maintaining their own horses, (p. 126.)
- These horses are six gentle horses, as they are called, at hay and hard
- meat throughout the whole year, four palfreys, three hobbies and nags
- three sumpter horses, six horses for those servants to whom my lord
- furnishes a horse, two sumpter horses more, and three mill horses two
- for carrying the corn, and one for grinding it; whence we may infer that
- mills, either water or windmills, were then unknown, at least very rare;
- besides these, there are seven great trotting horses for the chariot or
- wagon. He allows a peck of oats a day, besides loaves made of beans,
- for his principal horses; the oats at twentypence, the beans at two
- shillings a quarter. The load of hay is at two shillings and eightpence.
- When my lord is on a journey, he carries thirty-six horsemen along with
- him; together with bed and other accommodation. (p. 157.) The inns, it
- seems, could afford nothing tolerable. My lord passes the year in three
- country seats, all in Yorkshire; Wrysel, Leckenfield, and Topclyiffe;
- but he has furniture only for one. He carries every thing along with
- him, beds, tables, chairs, kitchen utensils, all which, we may conclude,
- were so coarse, that they could not be spoilt by the carriage; yet
- seventeen carts and one wagon suffice for the whole. (p. 391.) One cart
- suffices for all his kitchen utensils, cooks’ beds, etc. (p. 388.) One
- remarkable circumstance is, that he has eleven priests in his house,
- besides seventeen persons, chanters, musicians, etc. belonging to
- his chapel; yet he has only two cooks for a family of two hundred and
- twenty-three persons. (p. 325.)[*]
- * In another place mention is made of four cooks. (p. 388.)
- But I suppose that the two servants, called in p. 325 groom
- of the larder and child of the scullery, are on p. 368,
- comprehended in the number of cooks.
- Their meals were certainly dressed on the slovenly manner of a ship’s
- company. It is amusing to observe the pompous and even royal style
- assumed by this Tartar chief. He does not give any orders, though
- only for the right making of mustard, but it is introduced with this
- preamble: “It seemeth good to us and our council.” If we consider the
- magnificent and elegant manner in which the Venetian and other
- Italian noblemen then lived, with the progress made by the Italians in
- literature and the fine arts, we shall not wonder that they considered
- the ultramontane nations as barbarous. The Flemish also seem to have
- much excelled the English and even the French. Yet the earl is sometimes
- not deficient in generosity; he pays, for instance, an annual pension of
- a groat a year to my lady of Walsingham, for her interest in heaven: the
- same sum to the holy blood at Hales. (p. 337.) No mention is anywhere
- made of plate; but only of the hiring of pewter vessels. The servants
- seem all to have bought their own clothes from their wages.]
- [Footnote 4: NOTE D, p. 132. Protestant writers have imagined, that
- because a man could purchase for a shilling an indulgence for the most
- enormous and unheard-of crimes, there must necessarily have ensued a
- total dissolution of morality, and consequently of civil society, from
- the practices of the Romish church. They do not consider, that after all
- these indulgences were promulgated, there still remained (besides hell
- fire) the punishment by the civil magistrate, the infamy of the world,
- and secret remorses of conscience, which are the great motives that
- operate on mankind. The philosophy of Cicero, who allowed of an Elysium,
- but rejected all Tartarus, was a much more universal indulgence than
- that preached by Arcemboldi or Tetzel; yet nobody will suspect Cicero
- of any design to promote immorality. The sale of indulgences seems,
- therefore, no more criminal than any other cheat of the church of Rome,
- or of any other church. The reformers, by entirely abolishing purgatory,
- did really, instead of partial indulgences sold by the pope, give,
- gratis, a general indulgence of a similar nature, for all crimes and
- offences, without exception or distinction. The souls once consigned
- to hell were never supposed to be redeemable by any price. There is on
- record only one instance of a damned soul that was saved, and that by
- the special intercession of the Virgin. See Pascal’s Provincial Letters.
- An indulgence saved the person who purchased it from purgatory only.]
- [Footnote 5: NOTE E, p. 142. It is said, that when Henry heard that the
- commons made a great difficulty of granting the required supply, he was
- so provoked that he sent for Edward Montague, one of the members, who
- had a considerable influence on the house; and he being introduced to
- his majesty, had the mortification to hear him speak in these words:
- “Ho! man: will they not suffer my bill to pass?” And laying his hand
- on Montague’s head, who was then on his knees before him, “Get my bill
- passed by to-morrow, or else to-morrow this head of yours shall be off.”
- This cavalier manner of Henry succeeded; for next day the bill passed.
- Collins’s British Peerage. Grove’s Life of Wolsey. We are told by Hall,
- (fol. 38,) that Cardinal Wolsey endeavored to terrify the citizens of
- London into the general loan exacted in 1525, and told them plainly,
- that “it were better that some should suffer indigence than that the
- king at this time should lack and therefore beware and resist not, nor
- ruffle not in this case, for it may fortune to cost some people their
- heads.” Such was the style employed by this king and his ministers.]
- [Footnote 6: NOTE F, p. 177. The first article of the charge against the
- cardinal is his procuring the legatine power, which, however, as it was
- certainly done with the king’s consent and permission, could be nowise
- criminal. Many of the other articles also regard the mere exercise of
- that power. Some articles impute to him, as crimes, particular actions
- which were natural or unavoidable to any man that was prime minister
- with so unlimited an authority; such as receiving first all letters from
- the king’s ministers abroad, receiving first all visits from foreign
- ministers, desiring that all applications should be made through him. He
- was also accused of naming himself with the king, as if he had been his
- fellow--“the king and I.” It is reported that sometimes he even put
- his own name before the king’s--“ego et rex meus.” But this mode of
- expression is justified by the Latin idiom. It is remarkable, that
- his whispering in the king’s ear, knowing himself to be affected with
- venereal distempers, is an article against him. Many of the charges are
- general, and incapable of proof. Lord Herbert goes so far as to affirm,
- that no man ever fell from so high a station who had so few real crimes
- objected to him. This opinion is perhaps a little too favorable to the
- cardinal. Yet the refutation of the articles by Cromwell, and their
- being rejected by a house of commons, even in this arbitrary reign,
- is almost a demonstration of Wolsey’s innocence. Henry was, no
- doubt, entirely bent on his destruction, when, on his failure by
- a parliamentary impeachment, he attacked him upon the statute of
- provisors, which afforded him so little just hold on that minister. For
- that this indictment was subsequent to the attack in parliament, appears
- by Cavendish’s Life of Wolsey, and Stowe, (p. 551,) and more certainly
- by the very articles of impeachment themselves. Parliamentary History,
- vol. iii. p. 42, article 7. Coke’s Inst. part iv. fol. 89.]
- [Footnote 7: NOTE G, p. 183. Even judging of this question by the
- Scripture, to which the appeal was every moment made, the arguments for
- the king’s cause appear but lame and imperfect. Marriage in the degree
- of affinity which had place between Henry and Catharine, is, indeed,
- prohibited in Leviticus; but it is natural to interpret that prohibition
- as a part of the Jewish ceremonial or municipal law; and though it is
- there said, in the conclusion, that the Gentile nations, by violating
- those degrees of consanguinity, had incurred the divine displeasure;
- the extension of this maxim to every precise case before specified,
- is supposing the Scriptures to be composed with a minute accuracy and
- precision, to which, we know with certainty, the sacred penmen did not
- think proper to confine themselves. The descent of mankind from one
- common father obliged them, in the first generation, to marry in the
- nearest degrees of consanguinity. Instances of a like nature occur among
- the patriarchs; and the marriage of a brother’s widow was, in certain
- cases, not only permitted, but even enjoined as a positive precept,
- by the Mosaical law. It is in vain to say that this precept was an
- exception to the rule, and an exception confined merely to the Jewish
- nation. The inference is still just, that such a marriage can contain
- no natural or moral turpitude; otherwise God, who is the author of all
- purity, would never, in any case, have enjoined it.]
- [Footnote 8: NOTE H, p. 191. Bishop Burnet has given us an account of
- the number of bulls requisite for Cranmer’s installation. By one bull,
- directed to the king, he is, upon the royal nomination, made archbishop
- of Canterbury. By a second, directed to himself, he is also made
- archbishop. By a third, he is absolved from all censures. A fourth is
- directed to the suffragans, requiring them to receive and acknowledge
- him as archbishop. A fifth to the dean and chapter, to the same purpose.
- A sixth to the clergy of Canterbury. A seventh to all the laity in his
- see. An eighth to all that held lands of it. By a ninth he was ordered
- to be consecrated, taking the oath that was in the pontifical. By a
- tenth the pall was sent him. By an eleventh the archbishop of York and
- the bishop of London were required to put it on him. These were so
- many devices to draw fees to offices which the popes had erected, and
- disposed of for money. It may be worth observing, that Cranmer, before
- he took the oath to the pope, made a protestation, that he did not
- intend thereby to restrain himself from any thing that he was bound
- to, either by his duty to God, the king, or the country; and that he
- renounced every thing in it that was contrary to any of these. This was
- the invention of some casuist, and not very compatible with that
- strict sincerity, and that scrupulous conscience, of which Cranmer made
- profession. Collier, vol. ii. in Coll No. 22. Burnet, vol. i. p. 128,
- 129.]
- [Footnote 9: NOTE I, p. 203. Here are the terms in which the king’s
- minister expressed himself to the pope. “An non, inquam, sanctitas
- vestra plerosque habet quibuscum arcanum aliquid crediderit, putet id
- non minus celatum esse quam si uno tantum pectore contineretur; quod
- multo magis serenissimo Angliæ regi evenire debet, cui singuli in
- suo regno sunt subjecti, neque etiam velint, possunt regi non esse
- fidelissimi. Væ namque illis, si vel parvo momento ab illius voluntate
- recederent”. Le Grand, tom. iii. p. 113. The king once said
- publicly before the council, that if any one spoke of him or his actions
- in terms which became them not, he would let them know that he was
- master. “Et qu’il n’y auroit si belle tête qu’il ne fit voler.” Id. p.
- 218.]
- [Footnote 11: NOTE K. p 226. This letter contains so much nature, and
- even elegance, as to deserve to be transmitted to posterity, without any
- alteration in the expression. It is as follows:--
- “Sir, your grace’s displeasure and my imprisonment are things so strange
- unto me, as what to write, or what to excuse, I am altogether ignorant.
- Whereas you send unto me (willing me to confess a truth and so obtain
- your favor) by such an one whom you know to be mine ancient professed
- enemy, I no sooner received this message by him, than I rightly
- conceived your meaning; and if, as you say, confessing a truth indeed
- may procure my safety, I shall with all willingness and duty perform
- your command.
- “But let not your grace ever imagine that your poor wife will ever be
- brought to acknowledge a fault where not so much as a thought thereof
- preceded. And, to speak a truth, never prince had wife more loyal in
- all duty, and in all true affection, than you have ever found in Anne
- Boleyn; with which name and place I could willingly have contented
- myself, if God and your grace’s pleasure had been so pleased. Neither
- did I at any time so far forget myself in my exaltation or received
- queenship, but that I always looked for such an alteration as I now
- find; for the ground of my preferment being on no surer foundation than
- your grace’s fancy, the least alteration I knew was fit and sufficient
- to draw that fancy to some other object. You have chosen me from a low
- estate to be your queen and companion, far beyond my desert or desire.
- If then you found me worthy of such honor, good your grace let not any
- light fancy, or bad counsel of mine enemies withdraw your princely favor
- from me; neither let that stain, that unworthy stain, of a disloyal
- heart towards your good grace, ever cast so foul a blot on your most
- dutiful wife, and the infant princess your daughter. Try me, good king,
- but let me have a lawful trial, and let not my sworn enemies sit as my
- accusers and judges; yea, let me receive an open trial, for my truth
- shall fear no open shame; then shall you see either mine innocence
- cleared, your suspicion and conscience satisfied, the ignominy and
- slander of the world stopped, or my guilt openly declared. So that
- whatsoever God or you may determine of me, your grace may be freed from
- an open censure; and mine offence being so lawfully proved, your grace
- is at liberty, both before God and man, not only to execute worthy
- punishment on me as an unlawful wife, but to follow your affection,
- already settled on that party for whose sake I am now as I am, whose
- name I could some good while since have pointed unto, your grace not
- being ignorant of my suspicion therein.
- “But if you have already determined of me, and that not only my death,
- but an infamous slander, must bring you the enjoying of your desired
- happiness; then I desire of God, that he will pardon your great sin
- therein, and likewise mine enemies, the instruments thereof; and that
- he will not call you to a strict account for your unprincely and cruel
- usage of me, at his general judgment-seat, where both you and myself
- must shortly appear, and in whose judgment, I doubt not, (whatsoever
- the world may think of me,) mine innocence shall be openly known and
- sufficiently cleared.
- “My last and only request shall be, that myself may only bear the burden
- of your grace’s displeasure, and that it may not touch the innocent
- souls of those poor gentlemen, who (as I understand,) are likewise in
- strait imprisonment for my sake. If ever I have found favor in your
- sight, if ever the name of Anne Boleyn hath been pleasing in your ears,
- then let me obtain this request; and I will so leave to trouble your
- grace any further, with mine earnest prayers to the Trinity to have your
- grace in his good keeping, and to direct you In all your actions. From
- my doleful prison in the Tower, this sixth of May.
- “Your most loyal and ever faithful wife,
- [Footnote 12: NOTE L, p. 234. A proposal had formerly been made in the
- convocation for the abolition of the lesser monasteries; and had been
- much opposed by Bishop Fisher, who was then alive. He told his brethren,
- that this was fairly showing the king the way how he might come at the
- greater monasteries. “An axe,” said he, “which wanted a handle, came upon
- a time into the wood, making his moan to the great trees, that he wanted
- a handle to work withal, and for that cause he was constrained to sit
- idle; therefore he made it his request to them, that they would be
- pleased to grant him one of their small saplings within the wood to
- make him a handle; who, mistrusting no guile, granted him one of their
- smaller trees to make him a handle. But now becoming a complete axe, he
- fell so to work within the same wood, that in process of time, there was
- neither great nor small trees to be found in the place where the
- wood stood. And so, my lords, if you grant the king these smaller
- monasteries, you do but make him a handle, whereby, at his own pleasure,
- he may cut down all the cedars within your Lebanons.” Dr. Bailie’s Life
- of Bishop Fisher, p. 108.]
- [Footnote 13: NOTE M, p. 244. There is a curious passage with regard
- to the suppression of monasteries to be found in Coke’s Institutes, 4th
- Inst. chap. i. p. 44. It is worth transcribing, as it shows the ideas of
- the English government, entertained during the reign of Henry VIII., and
- even in the time of Sir Edward Coke, when he wrote his Institutes. It
- clearly appears, that the people had then little notion of being jealous
- of their liberties, were desirous of making the crown quite independent,
- and wished only to remove from themselves, as much as possible, the
- burdens of government. A large standing army, and a fixed revenue,
- would, on these conditions, have been regarded as great blessings; and
- it was owing entirely to the prodigality of Henry, and to his little
- suspicion that the power of the crown could ever fail, that the English
- owe all their present liberty. The title of the chapter in Coke, is,
- “Advice concerning new and plausible Projects and Offers in Parliament.”
- “When any plausible project,” says he, “is made in parliament, to draw
- the lords and commons to assent to any act, (especially in matters of
- weight and importance,) if both houses do give upon the matter projected
- and promised their consent, it shall be most necessary, they being
- trusted for the commonwealth, to have the matter projected and promised
- (which moved the houses to consent) to be established in the same act,
- lest the benefit of the act be taken, and the matter projected and
- promised never performed, and so the houses of parliament perform not
- the trust reposed in them, as it fell out (taking one example for many)
- in the reign of Henry VIII. On the king’s behalf, the members of both
- houses were informed in parliament, that no king or kingdom was safe but
- where the king had three abilities: 1. To live of his own, and able to
- defend his kingdom upon any sudden invasion or insurrection. 2. To aid
- his confederates, otherwise they would never assist him. 3. To
- reward his well-deserving servants. Now, the project was, that if the
- parliament would give unto him all the abbeys, priories, friaries,
- nunneries, and other monasteries, that, forever in time then to come, he
- would take order that the same should not be converted to private uses;
- but first, that his exchequer for the purposes aforesaid, should be
- enriched; secondly, the kingdom strengthened by a continual maintenance
- of forty thousand well-trained soldiers, with skilful captains and
- commanders; thirdly, for the benefit and ease of the subject, who never
- afterwards, (as was projected,) in any time to come, should be charged
- with subsidies, fifteenths, loans, or other common aids; fourthly, lest
- the honor of the realm should receive any diminution of honor by the
- dissolution of the said monasteries, there being twenty-nine lords
- of parliament of the abbots and priors, (that held of the king ‘pet
- baroniam,’ whereof more in the next leaf,) that the king would create a
- number of nobles, which we omit. The said monasteries were given to the
- king by authority of divers ants of parliament, but no provision was
- therein made for the said project, or any part thereof!”]
- [Footnote 14: NOTE N, p. 252., Collier, in his Ecclesiastical History,
- (vol. ii. p. 152,) has preserved an account which Cromwell gave of this
- conference, in a letter to Sir Thomas Wyat, the king’s ambassador in
- Germany. “The king’s majesty,” says Cromwell, “for the reverence of
- the holy sacrament of the altar, did sit openly in his hall, and there
- presided at the disputation, process, and judgment of a miserable
- heretic sacramentary, who was burned the twentieth of November. It was a
- wonder to see how princely, with how excellent gravity, and inestimable
- majesty, his highness exercised there the very office of supreme head
- of the church of England. How benignly his grace essayed to convert
- the miserable man; how strong and manifest reasons his highness alleged
- against him. I wish the princes and potentates of Christendom to have
- had a meet place to have seen it. Undoubtedly they should have much
- marvelled at his majesty’s most high wisdom and judgment, and reputed
- him no otherwise after the same, than in a manner the mirror and
- light of all other kings and princes in Christendom.” It was by such
- flatteries that Henry was engaged to make his sentiments the standard to
- all mankind; and was determined to enforce, by the severest penalties,
- his “strong” and “manifest” reasons for transubstantiation.]
- [Footnote 15: NOTE O, p. 254. There is a story, that the duke of
- Norfolk, meeting, soon after this act was passed, one of his chaplains,
- who was suspected of favoring the reformation, said to him, “Now, sir,
- what think you of the law to hinder priests from having wives?” “Yes, my
- lord,” replies the chaplain, “you have done that; but I will answer for
- it you cannot hinder men’s wives from having priests.”]
- [Footnote 16: NOTE P, p. 265. To show how much Henry sported with
- law and common sense, how servilely the parliament followed all his
- caprices, and how much both of them were lost to all sense of shame, an
- act was passed this session, declaring that a precontract should be no
- ground for annulling a marriage; as if that pretext had not been made
- use of both in the case of Anne Boleyn and Anne of Cleves. But the
- king’s intention in this law is said to be a design of restoring the
- princess Elizabeth to her right of legitimacy; and it was his character
- never to look farther than the present object, without regarding the
- inconsistency of his conduct. The parliament made it high treason to
- deny the dissolution of Henry’s marriage with Anne of Cleves. Herbert.]
- [Footnote 17: NOTE Q, p. 274. It was enacted by this parliament, that
- there should be trial of treason in any county where the king should
- appoint by commission. The statutes of treason had been extremely
- multiplied in this reign; and such an expedient saved trouble and
- charges in trying that crime. The same parliament erected Ireland into
- a kingdom; and Henry henceforth annexed the title of king of Ireland to
- his other titles. This session the commons first began the practice of
- freeing any of their members who were arrested, by a writ issued by
- the speaker. Formerly it was usual for them to apply for a writ from
- chancery to that purpose. This precedent increased the authority of the
- commons, and had afterwards important consequences. Holingshed, p. 955,
- 956. Baker, p. 289.]
- [Footnote 18: NOTE R, p. 281. The persecutions exercised during James’s
- reign are not to be ascribed to his bigotry, a vice of which he seems to
- have been as free as Francis I. or the emperor Charles, both of whom,
- as well as James, showed, in different periods of their lives, even an
- inclination to the new doctrines. The extremities to which all these
- princes were carried, proceeded entirely from the situation of affairs
- during that age, which rendered it impossible for them to act with
- greater temper or moderation, after they had embraced the resolution of
- supporting the ancient establishments. So violent was the propensity
- of the times towards innovation, that a bare toleration of the new
- preachers was equivalent to a formed design of changing the national
- religion.]
- [Footnote 19: NOTE S, p. 331. Spotswood, p. 75. The same author (p. 92)
- tells us a story which confirms this character of the Popish clergy in
- Scotland. It became a great dispute in the university of St. Andrew’s,
- whether the pater should be said to God or the saints. The friars, who
- knew in general that the reformers neglected the saints, were determined
- to maintain their honor with great obstinacy; but they knew not upon
- what topics to found their doctrine. Some held that the pater was
- said to God formaliter, and to saints materialiter; others, to God
- principaliter, and to saints minus principaliter; others would have
- it ultimate and non ultimate: but the majority seemed to hold that the
- pater was said to God capiendo stricte, and to saints capiendo large. A
- simple fellow, who served the sub-prior, thinking there was some great
- matter in hand that made the doctors hold so many conferences together,
- asked him one day what the matter was: the sub-prior answering, “Tom,”
- (that was the fellow’s name,) “we cannot agree to whom the pater-noster
- should be said.” He suddenly replied, “To whom, sir, should it be said,
- but unto God?” Then said the sub-prior, “What shall we do with the
- saints?” He answered, “Give them aves and creeds enow, in the devil’s
- name; for that may suffice them.” The answer going abroad, many said,
- “that he had given a wiser decision than all the doctors had done, with
- all their distinctions.”]
- [Footnote 20: NOTE T, p. 351. Another act, passed this session, takes
- notice, in the preamble, that the city of York, formerly well inhabited,
- was now much decayed; insomuch that many of the cures could not afford
- a competent maintenance to the incumbents. To remedy this inconvenience,
- the magistrates were empowered to unite as many parishes as they thought
- proper. An ecclesiastical historian (Collier, vol. ii. p. 230) thinks
- that this decay of York is chiefly to be ascribed to the dissolution of
- monasteries, by which the revenues fell into the hands of persons who
- lived at a distance.
- A very grievous tax was imposed this session upon the whole stock and
- moneyed interest of the kingdom, and even upon its industry. It was a
- shilling in the pound yearly, during three years, on every person worth
- ten pounds or upwards; the double on aliens and denizens. These last, if
- above twelve years of age, and if worth less than twenty shillings, were
- to pay eightpence yearly. Every wether was to pay twopence yearly; every
- ewe, threepence. The woollen manufactures were to pay eightpence a pound
- on the value of all the cloth they made. These exorbitant taxes on money
- are a proof that few people lived on money lent at interest; for this
- tax amounts to half of the yearly income of all money-holders, during
- three years, estimating their interest at the rate allowed by law; and
- was too grievous to be borne, if many persons had been affected by it.
- It is remarkable, that no tax at all was laid upon land this session.
- The profits of merchandise were commonly so high, that it was supposed
- it could bear this imposition. The most absurd part of the laws seems
- to be the tax upon the woollen manufactures. See 2 and 3 Edward VI.
- cap. 36. The subsequent parliament repealed the tax on sheep and woollen
- cloth. 3 and 4 Edward VI. cap. 23. But they continued the other tax a
- year longer. Ibid.
- The clergy taxed themselves at six shillings in the pound, to be paid
- in three years. This taxation was ratified in parliament, which had been
- the common practice since the reformation, implying that the clergy have
- no legislative power, even over themselves. See 2 and 3 Edward VI. cap.
- 35.]
- [Footnote 21: NOTE U, p. 412. The pope at first gave Cardinal Pole
- powers to transact only with regard to the past fruits of the church
- lands; but being admonished of the danger attending any attempt towards
- a resumption of the lands, he enlarged the cardinal’s powers, and
- granted him authority to insure the future possession of the church
- lands to the present proprietors. There was only one clause in the
- cardinal’s powers that has given occasion for some speculation. An
- exception was made of such cases as Pole should think important enough
- to merit the being communicated to the holy see. But Pole simply
- ratified the possession of all the church lands; and his commission had
- given him full powers to that purpose. See Harleian Miscellany, vol.
- vii. p. 264, 266. It is true, some councils have declared, that it
- exceeds even the power of the pope to alienate any church lands; and the
- pope, according to his convenience or power, may either adhere to, or
- recede from, this declaration. But every year gave solidity to the right
- of the proprietors of church lands, and diminished the authority of
- the popes; so that men’s dread of popery in subsequent times was more
- founded on party or religious zeal, than on very solid reasons.]
- [Footnote 22: NOTE V, p. 448. The passage of Holingshed, in the
- Discourse prefixed to his History, and which some ascribe to Harrison,
- is as follows. Speaking of the increase of luxury: “Neither do I speak
- this in reproach, of any man, God is my judge; but to show that I do
- rejoice rather to see how God has blessed us with his good gifts, and to
- behold how that in a time wherein all things are grown to most excessive
- prices, we do yet find the means to obtain and archive such furniture
- as heretofore has been impossible. There are old men yet dwelling in the
- village where I remain, which have noted three things to be marvellously
- altered in England, within their sound remembrance. One is, the
- multitude of chimnies lately erected; whereas in their young days, there
- were not above two or three, if so many, in most uplandish towns of
- the realm; (the religious houses and manor-places of their lords always
- excepted, and peradventure some great personage;) but each made his fire
- against a reredosse in the hall where he dined and dressed his meat. The
- second is, the great amendment of lodging; for, said they, our fathers
- and we ourselves have lain full oft upon straw pallettes covered only
- with a sheet under coverlets made of dagswaine or hopharlots, (I use
- their own terms,) and a good round log under their head instead of a
- bolster. If it were so, that the father or the goodman of the house had
- a matrass or flock-bed, and thereto a sack of chaff to rest his head
- upon, he thought himself to be as well lodged as the lord of the town,
- so well were they contented. Pillows, said they, were thought meet only
- for women in childbed. As for servants, if they had any sheet above
- them, it was well; for seldom had they any under their bodies to keep
- them from the prickling straws, that ran oft through the canvass,
- and razed their hardened hydes. The third thing they tell of is, the
- exchange of treene platers (so called, I suppose, from tree or wood)
- into pewter, and wooden spoons into silver or tin. For so common were
- all sorts of treene vessels in old time, that a man should hardly find
- four pieces of pewter (of which one was peradventure a salt) in a good
- farmer’s house.” Description of Britain, chap. x. Again, in chap. xvi.:
- “In times past, men were contented to dwell in houses builded of sallow,
- willow, etc.; so that the use of the oak was in a manner dedicated
- wholly unto churches, religious houses, princes’ palaces, navigation,
- etc., but now sallow, etc., are rejected, and nothing but oak any where
- regarded. And yet see the change; for when our houses were builded of
- willow, then had we oaken men; but now that our houses are come to
- be made of oak, our men are not only become willow, but a great many
- altogether of straw, which is a sore alteration. In these the courage of
- the owner was a sufficient defence to keep the house in safety; but now
- the assurance of the timber must defend the men from robbing. Now have
- we many chimnies; and yet out tender**** complain of rheums, catarrhs,
- and poses; then had we none but reredosses, and our heads did never
- ache. For as the smoke in those days was supposed to be a sufficient
- hardening for the timber of the house, so it was reputed a far better
- medicine to keep the good man and his family from the quacke or pose,
- wherewith, as then, very few were acquainted.” Again, in chap. xviii.:
- “Our pewterers in time past employed the use of pewter only upon dishes
- and pots, and a few other trifles for service; whereas now, they are
- grown into such exquisite cunning, that they can in manner imitate by
- infusion any form or fashion of cup, dish, salt, or bowl or goblet,
- which is made by goldsmith’s craft, though they be never so curious, and
- very artificially forged. In some places beyond the sea, a garnish of
- good flat English pewter (I say flat, because dishes and platers in
- my time begin to be made deep, and like basons, and are indeed more
- convenient, both for sauce and keeping the meat warm) is almost esteemed
- so precious as the like number of vessels that are made of fine silver.”
- If the reader is curious to know the hour of meals in Queen Elizabeth’s
- reign, he may learn it from the same author. “With us the nobility,
- gentry, and students, do ordinarily go to dinner at eleven before
- noon, and to supper at five, or between five and six at afternoon. The
- merchants dine and sup seldom before twelve at noon and six at night,
- especially in London. The husbandmen dine also at high noon, as they
- call it, and sup at seven or eight; but out of term in our universities
- the scholars dine at ten.”
- Froissart mentions waiting on the duke of Lancaster at five o’clock in
- the afternoon, when he had supped. These hours are still more early.
- It is hard to tell, why, all over the world, as the age becomes more
- luxurious, the hours become later. Is it the crowd of amusements that
- push on the hours gradually? or are the people of fashion better pleased
- with the secrecy and silence of nocturnal hours, when the industrious
- vulgar are all gone to rest? In rude ages, men have few amusements or
- occupations but what daylight affords them.}
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