- The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell
- Holmes, Complete, by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
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- Title: The Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Complete
- Author: Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
- Release Date: October 27, 2006 [EBook #7400]
- Language: English
- Produced by David Widger
- OF
- [1893 three volume set]
- EARLIER POEMS (1830-1836).
- ADDITIONAL POEMS (1837-1848):
- AT NEW YORK, MAY 5, 1853
- SONGS IN MANY KEYS (1849-1861)
- [Volume 2 of the 1893 three volume set]
- POEMS OF THE CLASS OF '29 (1851-1889)
- THE Boys
- J. D. R.
- F. W. C.
- H. C. M., H. S., J. K. W.
- [Volume 3 of the 1893 three volume set]
- OCTOBER 7, 1875
- To R. B. H.
- NAY, blame me not; I might have spared
- Your patience many a trivial verse,
- Yet these my earlier welcome shared,
- So, let the better shield the worse.
- And some might say, "Those ruder songs
- Had freshness which the new have lost;
- To spring the opening leaf belongs,
- The chestnut-burs await the frost."
- When those I wrote, my locks were brown,
- When these I write--ah, well a-day!
- The autumn thistle's silvery down
- Is not the purple bloom of May.
- Go, little book, whose pages hold
- Those garnered years in loving trust;
- How long before your blue and gold
- Shall fade and whiten in the dust?
- O sexton of the alcoved tomb,
- Where souls in leathern cerements lie,
- Tell me each living poet's doom!
- How long before his book shall die?
- It matters little, soon or late,
- A day, a month, a year, an age,--
- I read oblivion in its date,
- And Finis on its title-page.
- Before we sighed, our griefs were told;
- Before we smiled, our joys were sung;
- And all our passions shaped of old
- In accents lost to mortal tongue.
- In vain a fresher mould we seek,--
- Can all the varied phrases tell
- That Babel's wandering children speak
- How thrushes sing or lilacs smell?
- Caged in the poet's lonely heart,
- Love wastes unheard its tenderest tone;
- The soul that sings must dwell apart,
- Its inward melodies unknown.
- Deal gently with us, ye who read
- Our largest hope is unfulfilled,--
- The promise still outruns the deed,--
- The tower, but not the spire, we build.
- Our whitest pearl we never find;
- Our ripest fruit we never reach;
- The flowering moments of the mind
- Drop half their petals in our speech.
- These are my blossoms; if they wear
- One streak of morn or evening's glow,
- Accept them; but to me more fair
- The buds of song that never blow.
- April 8, 1862.
- 1830-1836 OLD IRONSIDES
- This was the popular name by which the frigate Constitution
- was known. The poem was first printed in the Boston Daily
- Advertiser, at the time when it was proposed to break up the
- old ship as unfit for service. I subjoin the paragraph which
- led to the writing of the poem. It is from the Advertiser of
- Tuesday, September 14, 1830:--
- "Old Ironsides.--It has been affirmed upon good authority
- that the Secretary of the Navy has recommended to the Board of
- Navy Commissioners to dispose of the frigate Constitution. Since
- it has been understood that such a step was in contemplation we
- have heard but one opinion expressed, and that in decided
- disapprobation of the measure. Such a national object of interest,
- so endeared to our national pride as Old Ironsides is, should
- never by any act of our government cease to belong to the Navy,
- so long as our country is to be found upon the map of nations.
- In England it was lately determined by the Admiralty to cut the
- Victory, a one-hundred gun ship (which it will be recollected bore
- the flag of Lord Nelson at the battle of Trafalgar,) down to a
- seventy-four, but so loud were the lamentations of the people upon
- the proposed measure that the intention was abandoned. We
- confidently anticipate that the Secretary of the Navy will in like
- manner consult the general wish in regard to the Constitution, and
- either let her remain in ordinary or rebuild her whenever the
- public service may require."--New York Journal of Commerce.
- The poem was an impromptu outburst of feeling and was published
- on the next day but one after reading the above paragraph.
- AY, tear her tattered ensign down
- Long has it waved on high,
- And many an eye has danced to see
- That banner in the sky;
- Beneath it rung the battle shout,
- And burst the cannon's roar;--
- The meteor of the ocean air
- Shall sweep the clouds no more.
- Her deck, once red with heroes' blood,
- Where knelt the vanquished foe,
- When winds were hurrying o'er the flood,
- And waves were white below,
- No more shall feel the victor's tread,
- Or know the conquered knee;--
- The harpies of the shore shall pluck
- The eagle of the sea!
- Oh better that her shattered hulk
- Should sink beneath the wave;
- Her thunders shook the mighty deep,
- And there should be her grave;
- Nail to the mast her holy flag,
- Set every threadbare sail,
- And give her to the god of storms,
- The lightning and the gale!
- This poem was suggested by the appearance in one of our
- streets of a venerable relic of the Revolution, said to be one
- of the party who threw the tea overboard in Boston Harbor. He
- was a fine monumental specimen in his cocked hat and knee
- breeches, with his buckled shoes and his sturdy cane. The smile
- with which I, as a young man, greeted him, meant no disrespect to
- an honored fellow-citizen whose costume was out of date, but whose
- patriotism never changed with years. I do not recall any earlier
- example of this form of verse, which was commended by the fastidious
- Edgar Allan Poe, who made a copy of the whole poem which I have
- in his own handwriting. Good Abraham Lincoln had a great liking
- for the poem, and repeated it from memory to Governor Andrew,
- as the governor himself told me.
- I SAW him once before,
- As he passed by the door,
- And again
- The pavement stones resound,
- As he totters o'er the ground
- With his cane.
- They say that in his prime,
- Ere the pruning-knife of Time
- Cut him down,
- Not a better man was found
- By the Crier on his round
- Through the town.
- But now he walks the streets,
- And he looks at all he meets
- Sad and wan,
- And he shakes his feeble head,
- That it seems as if he said,
- "They are gone."
- The mossy marbles rest
- On the lips that he has prest
- In their bloom,
- And the names he loved to hear
- Have been carved for many a year
- On the tomb.
- My grandmamma has said--
- Poor old lady, she is dead
- Long ago--
- That he had a Roman nose,
- And his cheek was like a rose
- In the snow.
- But now his nose is thin,
- And it rests upon his chin
- Like a staff,
- And a crook is in his back,
- And a melancholy crack
- In his laugh.
- I know it is a sin
- For me to sit and grin
- At him here;
- But the old three-cornered hat,
- And the breeches, and all that,
- Are so queer!
- And if I should live to be
- The last leaf upon the tree
- In the spring,
- Let them smile, as I do now,
- At the old forsaken bough
- Where I cling.
- OUR ancient church! its lowly tower,
- Beneath the loftier spire,
- Is shadowed when the sunset hour
- Clothes the tall shaft in fire;
- It sinks beyond the distant eye
- Long ere the glittering vane,
- High wheeling in the western sky,
- Has faded o'er the plain.
- Like Sentinel and Nun, they keep
- Their vigil on the green;
- One seems to guard, and one to weep,
- The dead that lie between;
- And both roll out, so full and near,
- Their music's mingling waves,
- They shake the grass, whose pennoned spear
- Leans on the narrow graves.
- The stranger parts the flaunting weeds,
- Whose seeds the winds have strown
- So thick, beneath the line he reads,
- They shade the sculptured stone;
- The child unveils his clustered brow,
- And ponders for a while
- The graven willow's pendent bough,
- Or rudest cherub's smile.
- But what to them the dirge, the knell?
- These were the mourner's share,--
- The sullen clang, whose heavy swell
- Throbbed through the beating air;
- The rattling cord, the rolling stone,
- The shelving sand that slid,
- And, far beneath, with hollow tone
- Rung on the coffin's lid.
- The slumberer's mound grows fresh and green,
- Then slowly disappears;
- The mosses creep, the gray stones lean,
- Earth hides his date and years;
- But, long before the once-loved name
- Is sunk or worn away,
- No lip the silent dust may claim,
- That pressed the breathing clay.
- Go where the ancient pathway guides,
- See where our sires laid down
- Their smiling babes, their cherished brides,
- The patriarchs of the town;
- Hast thou a tear for buried love?
- A sigh for transient power?
- All that a century left above,
- Go, read it in an hour!
- The Indian's shaft, the Briton's ball,
- The sabre's thirsting edge,
- The hot shell, shattering in its fall,
- The bayonet's rending wedge,--
- Here scattered death; yet, seek the spot,
- No trace thine eye can see,
- No altar,--and they need it not
- Who leave their children free!
- Look where the turbid rain-drops stand
- In many a chiselled square;
- The knightly crest, the shield, the brand
- Of honored names were there;--
- Alas! for every tear is dried
- Those blazoned tablets knew,
- Save when the icy marble's side
- Drips with the evening dew.
- Or gaze upon yon pillared stone,
- The empty urn of pride;
- There stand the Goblet and the Sun,--
- What need of more beside?
- Where lives the memory of the dead,
- Who made their tomb a toy?
- Whose ashes press that nameless bed?
- Go, ask the village boy!
- Lean o'er the slender western wall,
- Ye ever-roaming girls;
- The breath that bids the blossom fall
- May lift your floating curls,
- To sweep the simple lines that tell
- An exile's date and doom;
- And sigh, for where his daughters dwell,
- They wreathe the stranger's tomb.
- And one amid these shades was born,
- Beneath this turf who lies,
- Once beaming as the summer's morn,
- That closed her gentle eyes;
- If sinless angels love as we,
- Who stood thy grave beside,
- Three seraph welcomes waited thee,
- The daughter, sister, bride.
- I wandered to thy buried mound
- When earth was hid below
- The level of the glaring ground,
- Choked to its gates with snow,
- And when with summer's flowery waves
- The lake of verdure rolled,
- As if a Sultan's white-robed slaves
- Had scattered pearls and gold.
- Nay, the soft pinions of the air,
- That lift this trembling tone,
- Its breath of love may almost bear
- To kiss thy funeral stone;
- And, now thy smiles have passed away,
- For all the joy they gave,
- May sweetest dews and warmest ray
- Lie on thine early grave!
- When damps beneath and storms above
- Have bowed these fragile towers,
- Still o'er the graves yon locust grove
- Shall swing its Orient flowers;
- And I would ask no mouldering bust,
- If e'er this humble line,
- Which breathed a sigh o'er other's dust,
- Might call a tear on mine.
- The Katydid is "a species of grasshopper found in the United
- States, so called from the sound which it makes."--Worcester.
- I used to hear this insect in Providence, Rhode Island, but I
- do not remember hearing it in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where
- I passed my boyhood. It is well known in other towns in the
- neighborhood of Boston.
- I LOVE to hear thine earnest voice,
- Wherever thou art hid,
- Thou testy little dogmatist,
- Thou pretty Katydid
- Thou mindest me of gentlefolks,--
- Old gentlefolks are they,--
- Thou say'st an undisputed thing
- In such a solemn way.
- Thou art a female, Katydid
- I know it by the trill
- That quivers through thy piercing notes,
- So petulant and shrill;
- I think there is a knot of you
- Beneath the hollow tree,--
- A knot of spinster Katydids,---
- Do Katydids drink tea?
- Oh tell me where did Katy live,
- And what did Katy do?
- And was she very fair and young,
- And yet so wicked, too?
- Did Katy love a naughty man,
- Or kiss more cheeks than one?
- I warrant Katy did no more
- Than many a Kate has done.
- Dear me! I'll tell you all about
- My fuss with little Jane,
- And Ann, with whom I used to walk
- So often down the lane,
- And all that tore their locks of black,
- Or wet their eyes of blue,--
- Pray tell me, sweetest Katydid,
- What did poor Katy do?
- Ah no! the living oak shall crash,
- That stood for ages still,
- The rock shall rend its mossy base
- And thunder down the hill,
- Before the little Katydid
- Shall add one word, to tell
- The mystic story of the maid
- Whose name she knows so well.
- Peace to the ever-murmuring race!
- And when the latest one
- Shall fold in death her feeble wings
- Beneath the autumn sun,
- Then shall she raise her fainting voice,
- And lift her drooping lid,
- And then the child of future years
- Shall hear what Katy did.
- Now, by the blessed Paphian queen,
- Who heaves the breast of sweet sixteen;
- By every name I cut on bark
- Before my morning star grew dark;
- By Hymen's torch, by Cupid's dart,
- By all that thrills the beating heart;
- The bright black eye, the melting blue,--
- I cannot choose between the two.
- I had a vision in my dreams;--
- I saw a row of twenty beams;
- From every beam a rope was hung,
- In every rope a lover swung;
- I asked the hue of every eye
- That bade each luckless lover die;
- Ten shadowy lips said, heavenly blue,
- And ten accused the darker hue.
- I asked a matron which she deemed
- With fairest light of beauty beamed;
- She answered, some thought both were fair,--
- Give her blue eyes and golden hair.
- I might have liked her judgment well,
- But, as she spoke, she rung the bell,
- And all her girls, nor small nor few,
- Came marching in,--their eyes were blue.
- I asked a maiden; back she flung
- The locks that round her forehead hung,
- And turned her eye, a glorious one,
- Bright as a diamond in the sun,
- On me, until beneath its rays
- I felt as if my hair would blaze;
- She liked all eyes but eyes of green;
- She looked at me; what could she mean?
- Ah! many lids Love lurks between,
- Nor heeds the coloring of his screen;
- And when his random arrows fly,
- The victim falls, but knows not why.
- Gaze not upon his shield of jet,
- The shaft upon the string is set;
- Look not beneath his azure veil,
- Though every limb were cased in mail.
- Well, both might make a martyr break
- The chain that bound him to the stake;
- And both, with but a single ray,
- Can melt our very hearts away;
- And both, when balanced, hardly seem
- To stir the scales, or rock the beam;
- But that is dearest, all the while,
- That wears for us the sweetest smile.
- MY aunt! my dear unmarried aunt!
- Long years have o'er her flown;
- Yet still she strains the aching clasp
- That binds her virgin zone;
- I know it hurts her,--though she looks
- As cheerful as she can;
- Her waist is ampler than her life,
- For life is but a span.
- My aunt! my poor deluded aunt!
- Her hair is almost gray;
- Why will she train that winter curl
- In such a spring-like way?
- How can she lay her glasses down,
- And say she reads as well,
- When through a double convex lens
- She just makes out to spell?
- Her father--grandpapa I forgive
- This erring lip its smiles--
- Vowed she should make the finest girl
- Within a hundred miles;
- He sent her to a stylish school;
- 'T was in her thirteenth June;
- And with her, as the rules required,
- "Two towels and a spoon."
- They braced my aunt against a board,
- To make her straight and tall;
- They laced her up, they starved her down,
- To make her light and small;
- They pinched her feet, they singed her hair,
- They screwed it up with pins;--
- Oh never mortal suffered more
- In penance for her sins.
- So, when my precious aunt was done,
- My grandsire brought her back;
- (By daylight, lest some rabid youth
- Might follow on the track;)
- "Ah!" said my grandsire, as he shook
- Some powder in his pan,
- "What could this lovely creature do
- Against a desperate man!"
- Alas! nor chariot, nor barouche,
- Nor bandit cavalcade,
- Tore from the trembling father's arms
- His all-accomplished maid.
- For her how happy had it been
- And Heaven had spared to me
- To see one sad, ungathered rose
- On my ancestral tree.
- I SAW the curl of his waving lash,
- And the glance of his knowing eye,
- And I knew that he thought he was cutting a dash,
- As his steed went thundering by.
- And he may ride in the rattling gig,
- Or flourish the Stanhope gay,
- And dream that he looks exceeding big
- To the people that walk in the way;
- But he shall think, when the night is still,
- On the stable-boy's gathering numbers,
- And the ghost of many a veteran bill
- Shall hover around his slumbers;
- The ghastly dun shall worry his sleep,
- And constables cluster around him,
- And he shall creep from the wood-hole deep
- Where their spectre eyes have found him!
- Ay! gather your reins, and crack your thong,
- And bid your steed go faster;
- He does not know, as he scrambles along,
- That he has a fool for his master;
- And hurry away on your lonely ride,
- Nor deign from the mire to save me;
- I will paddle it stoutly at your side
- With the tandem that nature gave me!
- OH, there are times
- When all this fret and tumult that we hear
- Do seem more stale than to the sexton's ear
- His own dull chimes.
- Ding dong! ding dong!
- The world is in a simmer like a sea
- Over a pent volcano,--woe is me
- All the day long!
- From crib to shroud!
- Nurse o'er our cradles screameth lullaby,
- And friends in boots tramp round us as we die,
- Snuffling aloud.
- At morning's call
- The small-voiced pug-dog welcomes in the sun,
- And flea-bit mongrels, wakening one by one,
- Give answer all.
- When evening dim
- Draws round us, then the lonely caterwaul,
- Tart solo, sour duet, and general squall,--
- These are our hymn.
- Women, with tongues
- Like polar needles, ever on the jar;
- Men, plugless word-spouts, whose deep fountains are
- Within their lungs.
- Children, with drums
- Strapped round them by the fond paternal ass;
- Peripatetics with a blade of grass
- Between their thumbs.
- Vagrants, whose arts
- Have caged some devil in their mad machine,
- Which grinding, squeaks, with husky groans between,
- Come out by starts.
- Cockneys that kill
- Thin horses of a Sunday,--men, with clams,
- Hoarse as young bisons roaring for their dams
- From hill to hill.
- Soldiers, with guns,
- Making a nuisance of the blessed air,
- Child-crying bellmen, children in despair,
- Screeching for buns.
- Storms, thunders, waves!
- Howl, crash, and bellow till ye get your fill;
- Ye sometimes rest; men never can be still
- But in their graves.
- DAY hath put on his jacket, and around
- His burning bosom buttoned it with stars.
- Here will I lay me on the velvet grass,
- That is like padding to earth's meagre ribs,
- And hold communion with the things about me.
- Ah me! how lovely is the golden braid
- That binds the skirt of night's descending robe!
- The thin leaves, quivering on their silken threads,
- Do make a music like to rustling satin,
- As the light breezes smooth their downy nap.
- Ha! what is this that rises to my touch,
- So like a cushion? Can it be a cabbage?
- It is, it is that deeply injured flower,
- Which boys do flout us with;--but yet I love thee,
- Thou giant rose, wrapped in a green surtout.
- Doubtless in Eden thou didst blush as bright
- As these, thy puny brethren; and thy breath
- Sweetened the fragrance of her spicy air;
- But now thou seemest like a bankrupt beau,
- Stripped of his gaudy hues and essences,
- And growing portly in his sober garments.
- Is that a swan that rides upon the water?
- Oh no, it is that other gentle bird,
- Which is the patron of our noble calling.
- I well remember, in my early years,
- When these young hands first closed upon a goose;
- I have a scar upon my thimble finger,
- Which chronicles the hour of young ambition.
- My father was a tailor, and his father,
- And my sire's grandsire, all of them were tailors;
- They had an ancient goose,--it was an heirloom
- From some remoter tailor of our race.
- It happened I did see it on a time
- When none was near, and I did deal with it,
- And it did burn me,--oh, most fearfully!
- It is a joy to straighten out one's limbs,
- And leap elastic from the level counter,
- Leaving the petty grievances of earth,
- The breaking thread, the din of clashing shears,
- And all the needles that do wound the spirit,
- For such a pensive hour of soothing silence.
- Kind Nature, shuffling in her loose undress,
- Lays bare her shady bosom;--I can feel
- With all around me;--I can hail the flowers
- That sprig earth's mantle,--and yon quiet bird,
- That rides the stream, is to me as a brother.
- The vulgar know not all the hidden pockets,
- Where Nature stows away her loveliness.
- But this unnatural posture of the legs
- Cramps my extended calves, and I must go
- Where I can coil them in their wonted fashion.
- The "pudding-stone" is a remarkable conglomerate found very
- abundantly in the towns mentioned, all of which are in the neighborhood
- of Boston. We used in those primitive days to ask friends to _ride_
- with us when we meant to take them to _drive_ with us.
- THERE was a giant in time of old,
- A mighty one was he;
- He had a wife, but she was a scold,
- So he kept her shut in his mammoth fold;
- And he had children three.
- It happened to be an election day,
- And the giants were choosing a king
- The people were not democrats then,
- They did not talk of the rights of men,
- And all that sort of thing.
- Then the giant took his children three,
- And fastened them in the pen;
- The children roared; quoth the giant, "Be still!"
- And Dorchester Heights and Milton Hill
- Rolled back the sound again.
- Then he brought them a pudding stuffed with plums,
- As big as the State-House dome;
- Quoth he, "There 's something for you to eat;
- So stop your mouths with your 'lection treat,
- And wait till your dad comes home."
- So the giant pulled him a chestnut stout,
- And whittled the boughs away;
- The boys and their mother set up a shout,
- Said he, "You 're in, and you can't get out,
- Bellow as loud as you may."
- Off he went, and he growled a tune
- As he strode the fields along;
- 'T is said a buffalo fainted away,
- And fell as cold as a lump of clay,
- When he heard the giant's song.
- But whether the story 's true or not,
- It is n't for me to show;
- There 's many a thing that 's twice as queer
- In somebody's lectures that we hear,
- And those are true, you know.
- What are those lone ones doing now,
- The wife and the children sad?
- Oh, they are in a terrible rout,
- Screaming, and throwing their pudding about,
- Acting as they were mad.
- They flung it over to Roxbury hills,
- They flung it over the plain,
- And all over Milton and Dorchester too
- Great lumps of pudding the giants threw;
- They tumbled as thick as rain.
- Giant and mammoth have passed away,
- For ages have floated by;
- The suet is hard as a marrow-bone,
- And every plum is turned to a stone,
- But there the puddings lie.
- And if, some pleasant afternoon,
- You 'll ask me out to ride,
- The whole of the story I will tell,
- And you shall see where the puddings fell,
- And pay for the punch beside.
- WELL, Miss, I wonder where you live,
- I wonder what's your name,
- I wonder how you came to be
- In such a stylish frame;
- Perhaps you were a favorite child,
- Perhaps an only one;
- Perhaps your friends were not aware
- You had your portrait done.
- Yet you must be a harmless soul;
- I cannot think that Sin
- Would care to throw his loaded dice,
- With such a stake to win;
- I cannot think you would provoke
- The poet's wicked pen,
- Or make young women bite their lips,
- Or ruin fine young men.
- Pray, did you ever hear, my love,
- Of boys that go about,
- Who, for a very trifling sum,
- Will snip one's picture out?
- I'm not averse to red and white,
- But all things have their place,
- I think a profile cut in black
- Would suit your style of face!
- I love sweet features; I will own
- That I should like myself
- To see my portrait on a wall,
- Or bust upon a shelf;
- But nature sometimes makes one up
- Of such sad odds and ends,
- It really might be quite as well
- Hushed up among one's friends!
- THE Comet! He is on his way,
- And singing as he flies;
- The whizzing planets shrink before
- The spectre of the skies;
- Ah! well may regal orbs burn blue,
- And satellites turn pale,
- Ten million cubic miles of head,
- Ten billion leagues of tail!
- On, on by whistling spheres of light
- He flashes and he flames;
- He turns not to the left nor right,
- He asks them not their names;
- One spurn from his demoniac heel,--
- Away, away they fly,
- Where darkness might be bottled up
- And sold for "Tyrian dye."
- And what would happen to the land,
- And how would look the sea,
- If in the bearded devil's path
- Our earth should chance to be?
- Full hot and high the sea would boil,
- Full red the forests gleam;
- Methought I saw and heard it all
- In a dyspeptic dream!
- I saw a tutor take his tube
- The Comet's course to spy;
- I heard a scream,--the gathered rays
- Had stewed the tutor's eye;
- I saw a fort,--the soldiers all
- Were armed with goggles green;
- Pop cracked the guns! whiz flew the balls!
- Bang went the magazine!
- I saw a poet dip a scroll
- Each moment in a tub,
- I read upon the warping back,
- "The Dream of Beelzebub;"
- He could not see his verses burn,
- Although his brain was fried,
- And ever and anon he bent
- To wet them as they dried.
- I saw the scalding pitch roll down
- The crackling, sweating pines,
- And streams of smoke, like water-spouts,
- Burst through the rumbling mines;
- I asked the firemen why they made
- Such noise about the town;
- They answered not,--but all the while
- The brakes went up and down.
- I saw a roasting pullet sit
- Upon a baking egg;
- I saw a cripple scorch his hand
- Extinguishing his leg;
- I saw nine geese upon the wing
- Towards the frozen pole,
- And every mother's gosling fell
- Crisped to a crackling coal.
- I saw the ox that browsed the grass
- Writhe in the blistering rays,
- The herbage in his shrinking jaws
- Was all a fiery blaze;
- I saw huge fishes, boiled to rags,
- Bob through the bubbling brine;
- And thoughts of supper crossed my soul;
- I had been rash at mine.
- Strange sights! strange sounds! Oh fearful dream!
- Its memory haunts me still,
- The steaming sea, the crimson glare,
- That wreathed each wooded hill;
- Stranger! if through thy reeling brain
- Such midnight visions sweep,
- Spare, spare, oh, spare thine evening meal,
- And sweet shall be thy sleep!
- THERE are three ways in which men take
- One's money from his purse,
- And very hard it is to tell
- Which of the three is worse;
- But all of them are bad enough
- To make a body curse.
- You're riding out some pleasant day,
- And counting up your gains;
- A fellow jumps from out a bush,
- And takes your horse's reins,
- Another hints some words about
- A bullet in your brains.
- It's hard to meet such pressing friends
- In such a lonely spot;
- It's very hard to lose your cash,
- But harder to be shot;
- And so you take your wallet out,
- Though you would rather not.
- Perhaps you're going out to dine,--
- Some odious creature begs
- You'll hear about the cannon-ball
- That carried off his pegs,
- And says it is a dreadful thing
- For men to lose their legs.
- He tells you of his starving wife,
- His children to be fed,
- Poor little, lovely innocents,
- All clamorous for bread,--
- And so you kindly help to put
- A bachelor to bed.
- You're sitting on your window-seat,
- Beneath a cloudless moon;
- You hear a sound, that seems to wear
- The semblance of a tune,
- As if a broken fife should strive
- To drown a cracked bassoon.
- And nearer, nearer still, the tide
- Of music seems to come,
- There's something like a human voice,
- And something like a drum;
- You sit in speechless agony,
- Until your ear is numb.
- Poor "home, sweet home" should seem to be
- A very dismal place;
- Your "auld acquaintance" all at once
- Is altered in the face;
- Their discords sting through Burns and Moore,
- Like hedgehogs dressed in lace.
- You think they are crusaders, sent
- From some infernal clime,
- To pluck the eyes of Sentiment,
- And dock the tail of Rhyme,
- To crack the voice of Melody,
- And break the legs of Time.
- But hark! the air again is still,
- The music all is ground,
- And silence, like a poultice, comes
- To heal the blows of sound;
- It cannot be,--it is,--it is,--
- A hat is going round!
- No! Pay the dentist when he leaves
- A fracture in your jaw,
- And pay the owner of the bear
- That stunned you with his paw,
- And buy the lobster that has had
- Your knuckles in his claw;
- But if you are a portly man,
- Put on your fiercest frown,
- And talk about a constable
- To turn them out of town;
- Then close your sentence with an oath,
- And shut the window down!
- And if you are a slender man,
- Not big enough for that,
- Or, if you cannot make a speech,
- Because you are a flat,
- Go very quietly and drop
- A button in the hat!
- THE stars are rolling in the sky,
- The earth rolls on below,
- And we can feel the rattling wheel
- Revolving as we go.
- Then tread away, my gallant boys,
- And make the axle fly;
- Why should not wheels go round about,
- Like planets in the sky?
- Wake up, wake up, my duck-legged man,
- And stir your solid pegs
- Arouse, arouse, my gawky friend,
- And shake your spider legs;
- What though you're awkward at the trade,
- There's time enough to learn,--
- So lean upon the rail, my lad,
- And take another turn.
- They've built us up a noble wall,
- To keep the vulgar out;
- We've nothing in the world to do
- But just to walk about;
- So faster, now, you middle men,
- And try to beat the ends,--
- It's pleasant work to ramble round
- Among one's honest friends.
- Here, tread upon the long man's toes,
- He sha'n't be lazy here,--
- And punch the little fellow's ribs,
- And tweak that lubber's ear,--
- He's lost them both,--don't pull his hair,
- Because he wears a scratch,
- But poke him in the further eye,
- That is n't in the patch.
- Hark! fellows, there 's the supper-bell,
- And so our work is done;
- It's pretty sport,--suppose we take
- A round or two for fun!
- If ever they should turn me out,
- When I have better grown,
- Now hang me, but I mean to have
- A treadmill of my own!
- This tremendous hurricane occurred on the 23d of September, 1815.
- I remember it well, being then seven years old. A full account of
- it was published, I think, in the records of the American Academy
- of Arts and Sciences. Some of my recollections are given in The
- Seasons, an article to be found in a book of mine entitled Pages
- from an Old Volume of Life.
- I'M not a chicken; I have seen
- Full many a chill September,
- And though I was a youngster then,
- That gale I well remember;
- The day before, my kite-string snapped,
- And I, my kite pursuing,
- The wind whisked off my palm-leaf hat;
- For me two storms were brewing!
- It came as quarrels sometimes do,
- When married folks get clashing;
- There was a heavy sigh or two,
- Before the fire was flashing,--
- A little stir among the clouds,
- Before they rent asunder,--
- A little rocking of the trees,
- And then came on the thunder.
- Lord! how the ponds and rivers boiled!
- They seemed like bursting craters!
- And oaks lay scattered on the ground
- As if they were p'taters;
- And all above was in a howl,
- And all below a clatter,--
- The earth was like a frying-pan,
- Or some such hissing matter.
- It chanced to be our washing-day,
- And all our things were drying;
- The storm came roaring through the lines,
- And set them all a flying;
- I saw the shirts and petticoats
- Go riding off like witches;
- I lost, ah! bitterly I wept,--
- I lost my Sunday breeches!
- I saw them straddling through the air,
- Alas! too late to win them;
- I saw them chase the clouds, as if
- The devil had been in them;
- They were my darlings and my pride,
- My boyhood's only riches,--
- "Farewell, farewell," I faintly cried,--
- "My breeches! Oh my breeches!"
- That night I saw them in my dreams,
- How changed from what I knew them!
- The dews had steeped their faded threads,
- The winds had whistled through them
- I saw the wide and ghastly rents
- Where demon claws had torn them;
- A hole was in their amplest part,
- As if an imp had worn them.
- I have had many happy years,
- And tailors kind and clever,
- But those young pantaloons have gone
- Forever and forever!
- And not till fate has cut the last
- Of all my earthly stitches,
- This aching heart shall cease to mourn
- My loved, my long-lost breeches!
- I WROTE some lines once on a time
- In wondrous merry mood,
- And thought, as usual, men would say
- They were exceeding good.
- They were so queer, so very queer,
- I laughed as I would die;
- Albeit, in the general way,
- A sober man am I.
- I called my servant, and he came;
- How kind it was of him
- To mind a slender man like me,
- He of the mighty limb.
- "These to the printer," I exclaimed,
- And, in my humorous way,
- I added, (as a trifling jest,)
- "There'll be the devil to pay."
- He took the paper, and I watched,
- And saw him peep within;
- At the first line he read, his face
- Was all upon the grin.
- He read the next; the grin grew broad,
- And shot from ear to ear;
- He read the third; a chuckling noise
- I now began to hear.
- The fourth; he broke into a roar;
- The fifth; his waistband split;
- The sixth; he burst five buttons off,
- And tumbled in a fit.
- Ten days and nights, with sleepless eye,
- I watched that wretched man,
- And since, I never dare to write
- As funny as I can.
- I SOMETIMES sit beneath a tree
- And read my own sweet songs;
- Though naught they may to others be,
- Each humble line prolongs
- A tone that might have passed away
- But for that scarce remembered lay.
- I keep them like a lock or leaf
- That some dear girl has given;
- Frail record of an hour, as brief
- As sunset clouds in heaven,
- But spreading purple twilight still
- High over memory's shadowed hill.
- They lie upon my pathway bleak,
- Those flowers that once ran wild,
- As on a father's careworn cheek
- The ringlets of his child;
- The golden mingling with the gray,
- And stealing half its snows away.
- What care I though the dust is spread
- Around these yellow leaves,
- Or o'er them his sarcastic thread
- Oblivion's insect weaves
- Though weeds are tangled on the stream,
- It still reflects my morning's beam.
- And therefore love I such as smile
- On these neglected songs,
- Nor deem that flattery's needless wile
- My opening bosom wrongs;
- For who would trample, at my side,
- A few pale buds, my garden's pride?
- It may be that my scanty ore
- Long years have washed away,
- And where were golden sands before
- Is naught but common clay;
- Still something sparkles in the sun
- For memory to look back upon.
- And when my name no more is heard,
- My lyre no more is known,
- Still let me, like a winter's bird,
- In silence and alone,
- Fold over them the weary wing
- Once flashing through the dews of spring.
- Yes, let my fancy fondly wrap
- My youth in its decline,
- And riot in the rosy lap
- Of thoughts that once were mine,
- And give the worm my little store
- When the last reader reads no more!
- This Academic Poem presents the simple and partial views of a young
- person trained after the schools of classical English verse as
- represented by Pope, Goldsmith, and Campbell, with whose lines his
- memory was early stocked. It will be observed that it deals chiefly with
- the constructive side of the poet's function. That which makes him a
- poet is not the power of writing melodious rhymes, it is not the
- possession of ordinary human sensibilities nor even of both these
- qualities in connection with each other. I should rather say, if I were
- now called upon to define it, it is the power of transfiguring the
- experiences and shows of life into an aspect which comes from his
- imagination and kindles that of others. Emotion is its stimulus and
- language furnishes its expression; but these are not all, as some might
- infer was the doctrine of the poem before the reader.
- A common mistake made by young persons who suppose themselves to have
- the poetical gift is that their own spiritual exaltation finds a true
- expression in the conventional phrases which are borrowed from the
- voices of the singers whose inspiration they think they share.
- Looking at this poem as an expression of some aspects of the _ars
- poetica_, with some passages which I can read even at this mature period
- of life without blushing for them, it may stand as the most serious
- representation of my early efforts. Intended as it was for public
- delivery, many of its paragraphs may betray the fact by their somewhat
- rhetorical and sonorous character.
- SCENES of my youth! awake its slumbering fire!
- Ye winds of Memory, sweep the silent lyre!
- Ray of the past, if yet thou canst appear,
- Break through the clouds of Fancy's waning year;
- Chase from her breast the thin autumnal snow,
- If leaf or blossom still is fresh below!
- Long have I wandered; the returning tide
- Brought back an exile to his cradle's side;
- And as my bark her time-worn flag unrolled,
- To greet the land-breeze with its faded fold,
- So, in remembrance of my boyhood's time,
- I lift these ensigns of neglected rhyme;
- Oh, more than blest, that, all my wanderings through,
- My anchor falls where first my pennons flew!
- . . . . . . . . .
- The morning light, which rains its quivering beams
- Wide o'er the plains, the summits, and the streams,
- In one broad blaze expands its golden glow
- On all that answers to its glance below;
- Yet, changed on earth, each far reflected ray
- Braids with fresh hues the shining brow of day;
- Now, clothed in blushes by the painted flowers,
- Tracks on their cheeks the rosy-fingered hours;
- Now, lost in shades, whose dark entangled leaves
- Drip at the noontide from their pendent eaves,
- Fades into gloom, or gleams in light again
- From every dew-drop on the jewelled plain.
- We, like the leaf, the summit, or the wave,
- Reflect the light our common nature gave,
- But every sunbeam, falling from her throne,
- Wears on our hearts some coloring of our own
- Chilled in the slave, and burning in the free,
- Like the sealed cavern by the sparkling sea;
- Lost, like the lightning in the sullen clod,
- Or shedding radiance, like the smiles of God;
- Pure, pale in Virtue, as the star above,
- Or quivering roseate on the leaves of Love;
- Glaring like noontide, where it glows upon
- Ambition's sands,--the desert in the sun,--
- Or soft suffusing o'er the varied scene
- Life's common coloring,--intellectual green.
- Thus Heaven, repeating its material plan,
- Arched over all the rainbow mind of man;
- But he who, blind to universal laws,
- Sees but effects, unconscious of their cause,--
- Believes each image in itself is bright,
- Not robed in drapery of reflected light,--
- Is like the rustic who, amidst his toil,
- Has found some crystal in his meagre soil,
- And, lost in rapture, thinks for him alone
- Earth worked her wonders on the sparkling stone,
- Nor dreams that Nature, with as nice a line,
- Carved countless angles through the boundless mine.
- Thus err the many, who, entranced to find
- Unwonted lustre in some clearer mind,
- Believe that Genius sets the laws at naught
- Which chain the pinions of our wildest thought;
- Untaught to measure, with the eye of art,
- The wandering fancy or the wayward heart;
- Who match the little only with the less,
- And gaze in rapture at its slight excess,
- Proud of a pebble, as the brightest gem
- Whose light might crown an emperor's diadem.
- And, most of all, the pure ethereal fire
- Which seems to radiate from the poet's lyre
- Is to the world a mystery and a charm,
- An AEgis wielded on a mortal's arm,
- While Reason turns her dazzled eye away,
- And bows her sceptre to her subject's sway;
- And thus the poet, clothed with godlike state,
- Usurped his Maker's title--to create;
- He, whose thoughts differing not in shape, but dress,
- What others feel more fitly can express,
- Sits like the maniac on his fancied throne,
- Peeps through the bars, and calls the world his own.
- There breathes no being but has some pretence
- To that fine instinct called poetic sense
- The rudest savage, roaming through the wild;
- The simplest rustic, bending o'er his child;
- The infant, listening to the warbling bird;
- The mother, smiling at its half-formed word;
- The boy uncaged, who tracks the fields at large;
- The girl, turned matron to her babe-like charge;
- The freeman, casting with unpurchased hand
- The vote that shakes the turret of the land;
- The slave, who, slumbering on his rusted chain,
- Dreams of the palm-trees on his burning plain;
- The hot-cheeked reveller, tossing down the wine,
- To join the chorus pealing "Auld lang syne";
- The gentle maid, whose azure eye grows dim,
- While Heaven is listening to her evening hymn;
- The jewelled beauty, when her steps draw near
- The circling dance and dazzling chandelier;
- E'en trembling age, when Spring's renewing air
- Waves the thin ringlets of his silvered hair;--
- All, all are glowing with the inward flame,
- Whose wider halo wreathes the poet's name,
- While, unenbalmed, the silent dreamer dies,
- His memory passing with his smiles and sighs!
- If glorious visions, born for all mankind,
- The bright auroras of our twilight mind;
- If fancies, varying as the shapes that lie
- Stained on the windows of the sunset sky;
- If hopes, that beckon with delusive gleams,
- Till the eye dances in the void of dreams;
- If passions, following with the winds that urge
- Earth's wildest wanderer to her farthest verge;--
- If these on all some transient hours bestow
- Of rapture tingling with its hectic glow,
- Then all are poets; and if earth had rolled
- Her myriad centuries, and her doom were told,
- Each moaning billow of her shoreless wave
- Would wail its requiem o'er a poet's grave!
- If to embody in a breathing word
- Tones that the spirit trembled when it heard;
- To fix the image all unveiled and warm,
- And carve in language its ethereal form,
- So pure, so perfect, that the lines express
- No meagre shrinking, no unlaced excess;
- To feel that art, in living truth, has taught
- Ourselves, reflected in the sculptured thought;--
- If this alone bestow the right to claim
- The deathless garland and the sacred name,
- Then none are poets save the saints on high,
- Whose harps can murmur all that words deny!
- But though to none is granted to reveal
- In perfect semblance all that each may feel,
- As withered flowers recall forgotten love,
- So, warmed to life, our faded passions move
- In every line, where kindling fancy throws
- The gleam of pleasures or the shade of woes.
- When, schooled by time, the stately queen of art
- Had smoothed the pathways leading to the heart,
- Assumed her measured tread, her solemn tone,
- And round her courts the clouds of fable thrown,
- The wreaths of heaven descended on her shrine,
- And wondering earth proclaimed the Muse divine.
- Yet if her votaries had but dared profane
- The mystic symbols of her sacred reign,
- How had they smiled beneath the veil to find
- What slender threads can chain the mighty mind!
- Poets, like painters, their machinery claim,
- And verse bestows the varnish and the frame;
- Our grating English, whose Teutonic jar
- Shakes the racked axle of Art's rattling car,
- Fits like mosaic in the lines that gird
- Fast in its place each many-angled word;
- From Saxon lips Anacreon's numbers glide,
- As once they melted on the Teian tide,
- And, fresh transfused, the Iliad thrills again
- From Albion's cliffs as o'er Achaia's plain
- The proud heroic, with, its pulse-like beat,
- Rings like the cymbals clashing as they meet;
- The sweet Spenserian, gathering as it flows,
- Sweeps gently onward to its dying close,
- Where waves on waves in long succession pour,
- Till the ninth billow melts along the shore;
- The lonely spirit of the mournful lay,
- Which lives immortal as the verse of Gray,
- In sable plumage slowly drifts along,
- On eagle pinion, through the air of song;
- The glittering lyric bounds elastic by,
- With flashing ringlets and exulting eye,
- While every image, in her airy whirl,
- Gleams like a diamond on a dancing girl!
- Born with mankind, with man's expanded range
- And varying fates the poet's numbers change;
- Thus in his history may we hope to find
- Some clearer epochs of the poet's mind,
- As from the cradle of its birth we trace,
- Slow wandering forth, the patriarchal race.
- I.
- When the green earth, beneath the zephyr's wing,
- Wears on her breast the varnished buds of Spring;
- When the loosed current, as its folds uncoil,
- Slides in the channels of the mellowed soil;
- When the young hyacinth returns to seek
- The air and sunshine with her emerald beak;
- When the light snowdrops, starting from their cells,
- Hang each pagoda with its silver bells;
- When the frail willow twines her trailing bow
- With pallid leaves that sweep the soil below;
- When the broad elm, sole empress of the plain,
- Whose circling shadow speaks a century's reign,
- Wreathes in the clouds her regal diadem,--
- A forest waving on a single stem;--
- Then mark the poet; though to him unknown
- The quaint-mouthed titles, such as scholars own,
- See how his eye in ecstasy pursues
- The steps of Nature tracked in radiant hues;
- Nay, in thyself, whate'er may be thy fate,
- Pallid with toil or surfeited with state,
- Mark how thy fancies, with the vernal rose,
- Awake, all sweetness, from their long repose;
- Then turn to ponder o'er the classic page,
- Traced with the idyls of a greener age,
- And learn the instinct which arose to warm
- Art's earliest essay and her simplest form.
- To themes like these her narrow path confined
- The first-born impulse moving in the mind;
- In vales unshaken by the trumpet's sound,
- Where peaceful Labor tills his fertile ground,
- The silent changes of the rolling years,
- Marked on the soil or dialled on the spheres,
- The crested forests and the colored flowers,
- The dewy grottos and the blushing bowers,--
- These, and their guardians, who, with liquid names,
- Strephons and Chloes, melt in mutual flames,
- Woo the young Muses from their mountain shade,
- To make Arcadias in the lonely glade.
- Nor think they visit only with their smiles
- The fabled valleys and Elysian isles;
- He who is wearied of his village plain
- May roam the Edens of the world in vain.
- 'T is not the star-crowned cliff, the cataract's flow,
- The softer foliage or the greener glow,
- The lake of sapphire or the spar-hung cave,
- The brighter sunset or the broader wave,
- Can warm his heart whom every wind has blown
- To every shore, forgetful of his own.
- Home of our childhood! how affection clings
- And hovers round thee with her seraph wings!
- Dearer thy hills, though clad in autumn brown,
- Than fairest summits which the cedars crown!
- Sweeter the fragrance of thy summer breeze
- Than all Arabia breathes along the seas!
- The stranger's gale wafts home the exile's sigh,
- For the heart's temple is its own blue sky!
- Oh happiest they, whose early love unchanged,
- Hopes undissolved, and friendship unestranged,
- Tired of their wanderings, still can deign to see
- Love, hopes, and friendship, centring all in thee!
- And thou, my village! as again I tread
- Amidst thy living and above thy dead;
- Though some fair playmates guard with charter fears
- Their cheeks, grown holy with the lapse of years;
- Though with the dust some reverend locks may blend,
- Where life's last mile-stone marks the journey's end;
- On every bud the changing year recalls,
- The brightening glance of morning memory falls,
- Still following onward as the months unclose
- The balmy lilac or the bridal rose;
- And still shall follow, till they sink once more
- Beneath the snow-drifts of the frozen shore,
- As when my bark, long tossing in the gale,
- Furled in her port her tempest-rended sail!
- What shall I give thee? Can a simple lay,
- Flung on thy bosom like a girl's bouquet,
- Do more than deck thee for an idle hour,
- Then fall unheeded, fading like the flower?
- Yet, when I trod, with footsteps wild and free,
- The crackling leaves beneath yon linden-tree,
- Panting from play or dripping from the stream,
- How bright the visions of my boyish dream
- Or, modest Charles, along thy broken edge,
- Black with soft ooze and fringed with arrowy sedge,
- As once I wandered in the morning sun,
- With reeking sandal and superfluous gun,
- How oft, as Fancy whispered in the gale,
- Thou wast the Avon of her flattering tale!
- Ye hills, whose foliage, fretted on the skies,
- Prints shadowy arches on their evening dyes,
- How should my song with holiest charm invest
- Each dark ravine and forest-lifting crest!
- How clothe in beauty each familiar scene,
- Till all was classic on my native green!
- As the drained fountain, filled with autumn leaves,
- The field swept naked of its garnered sheaves,
- So wastes at noon the promise of our dawn,
- The springs all choking, and the harvest gone.
- Yet hear the lay of one whose natal star
- Still seemed the brightest when it shone afar;
- Whose cheek, grown pallid with ungracious toil,
- Glows in the welcome of his parent soil;
- And ask no garlands sought beyond the tide,
- But take the leaflets gathered at your side.
- II.
- But times were changed; the torch of terror came,
- To light the summits with the beacon's flame;
- The streams ran crimson, the tall mountain pines
- Rose a new forest o'er embattled lines;
- The bloodless sickle lent the warrior's steel,
- The harvest bowed beneath his chariot wheel;
- Where late the wood-dove sheltered her repose
- The raven waited for the conflict's close;
- The cuirassed sentry walked his sleepless round
- Where Daphne smiled or Amaryllis frowned;
- Where timid minstrels sung their blushing charms,
- Some wild Tyrtaeus called aloud, "To arms!"
- When Glory wakes, when fiery spirits leap,
- Roused by her accents from their tranquil sleep,
- The ray that flashes from the soldier's crest
- Lights, as it glances, in the poet's breast;--
- Not in pale dreamers, whose fantastic lay
- Toys with smooth trifles like a child at play,
- But men, who act the passions they inspire,
- Who wave the sabre as they sweep the lyre!
- Ye mild enthusiasts, whose pacific frowns
- Are lost like dew-drops caught in burning towns,
- Pluck as ye will the radiant plumes of fame,
- Break Caesar's bust to make yourselves a name;
- But if your country bares the avenger's blade
- For wrongs unpunished or for debts unpaid,
- When the roused nation bids her armies form,
- And screams her eagle through the gathering storm,
- When from your ports the bannered frigate rides,
- Her black bows scowling to the crested tides,
- Your hour has past; in vain your feeble cry
- As the babe's wailings to the thundering sky!
- Scourge of mankind! with all the dread array
- That wraps in wrath thy desolating way,
- As the wild tempest wakes the slumbering sea,
- Thou only teachest all that man can be.
- Alike thy tocsin has the power to charm
- The toil-knit sinews of the rustic's arm,
- Or swell the pulses in the poet's veins,
- And bid the nations tremble at his strains.
- The city slept beneath the moonbeam's glance,
- Her white walls gleaming through the vines of France,
- And all was hushed, save where the footsteps fell,
- On some high tower, of midnight sentinel.
- But one still watched; no self-encircled woes
- Chased from his lids the angel of repose;
- He watched, he wept, for thoughts of bitter years
- Bowed his dark lashes, wet with burning tears
- His country's sufferings and her children's shame
- Streamed o'er his memory like a forest's flame;
- Each treasured insult, each remembered wrong,
- Rolled through his heart and kindled into song.
- His taper faded; and the morning gales
- Swept through the world the war-song of Marseilles!
- Now, while around the smiles of Peace expand,
- And Plenty's wreaths festoon the laughing land;
- While France ships outward her reluctant ore,
- And half our navy basks upon the shore;
- From ruder themes our meek-eyed Muses turn
- To crown with roses their enamelled urn.
- If e'er again return those awful days
- Whose clouds were crimsoned with the beacon's blaze,
- Whose grass was trampled by the soldier's heel,
- Whose tides were reddened round the rushing keel,
- God grant some lyre may wake a nobler strain
- To rend the silence of our tented plain!
- When Gallia's flag its triple fold displays,
- Her marshalled legions peal the Marseillaise;
- When round the German close the war-clouds dim,
- Far through their shadows floats his battle-hymn;
- When, crowned with joy, the camps' of England ring,
- A thousand voices shout, "God save the King!"
- When victory follows with our eagle's glance,
- Our nation's anthem pipes a country dance!
- Some prouder Muse, when comes the hour at last,
- May shake our hillsides with her bugle-blast;
- Not ours the task; but since the lyric dress
- Relieves the statelier with its sprightliness,
- Hear an old song, which some, perchance, have seen
- In stale gazette or cobwebbed magazine.
- There was an hour when patriots dared profane
- The mast that Britain strove to bow in vain;
- And one, who listened to the tale of shame,
- Whose heart still answered to that sacred name,
- Whose eye still followed o'er his country's tides
- Thy glorious flag, our brave Old Ironsides
- From yon lone attic, on a smiling morn,
- Thus mocked the spoilers with his school-boy scorn.
- III.
- When florid Peace resumed her golden reign,
- And arts revived, and valleys bloomed again,
- While War still panted on his-broken blade,
- Once more the Muse her heavenly wing essayed.
- Rude was the song: some ballad, stern and wild,
- Lulled the light slumbers of the soldier's child;
- Or young romancer, with his threatening glance
- And fearful fables of his bloodless lance,
- Scared the soft fancy of the clinging girls,
- Whose snowy fingers smoothed his raven curls.
- But when long years the stately form had bent,
- And faithless Memory her illusions lent,
- So vast the outlines of Tradition grew
- That History wondered at the shapes she drew,
- And veiled at length their too ambitious hues
- Beneath the pinions of the Epic Muse.
- Far swept her wing; for stormier days had brought
- With darker passions deeper tides of thought.
- The camp's harsh tumult and the conflict's glow,
- The thrill of triumph and the gasp of woe,
- The tender parting and the glad return,
- The festal banquet and the funeral urn,
- And all the drama which at once uprears
- Its spectral shadows through the clash of spears,
- From camp and field to echoing verse transferred,
- Swelled the proud song that listening nations heard.
- Why floats the amaranth in eternal bloom
- O'er Ilium's turrets and Achilles' tomb?
- Why lingers fancy where the sunbeams smile
- On Circe's gardens and Calypso's isle?
- Why follows memory to the gate of Troy
- Her plumed defender and his trembling boy?
- Lo! the blind dreamer, kneeling on the sand
- To trace these records with his doubtful hand;
- In fabled tones his own emotion flows,
- And other lips repeat his silent woes;
- In Hector's infant see the babes that shun
- Those deathlike eyes, unconscious of the sun,
- Or in his hero hear himself implore,
- "Give me to see, and Ajax asks no more!"
- Thus live undying through the lapse of time
- The solemn legends of the warrior's clime;
- Like Egypt's pyramid or Paestum's fane,
- They stand the heralds of the voiceless plain.
- Yet not like them, for Time, by slow degrees,
- Saps the gray stone and wears the embroidered frieze,
- And Isis sleeps beneath her subject Nile,
- And crumbled Neptune strews his Dorian pile;
- But Art's fair fabric, strengthening as it rears
- Its laurelled columns through the mist of years,
- As the blue arches of the bending skies
- Still gird the torrent, following as it flies,
- Spreads, with the surges bearing on mankind,
- Its starred pavilion o'er the tides of mind!
- In vain the patriot asks some lofty lay
- To dress in state our wars of yesterday.
- The classic days, those mothers of romance,
- That roused a nation for a woman's glance;
- The age of mystery, with its hoarded power,
- That girt the tyrant in his storied tower,
- Have passed and faded like a dream of youth,
- And riper eras ask for history's truth.
- On other shores, above their mouldering towns,
- In sullen pomp the tall cathedral frowns,
- Pride in its aisles and paupers at the door,
- Which feeds the beggars whom it fleeced of yore.
- Simple and frail, our lowly temples throw
- Their slender shadows on the paths below;
- Scarce steal the winds, that sweep his woodland tracks,
- The larch's perfume from the settler's axe,
- Ere, like a vision of the morning air,
- His slight--framed steeple marks the house of prayer;
- Its planks all reeking and its paint undried,
- Its rafters sprouting on the shady side,
- It sheds the raindrops from its shingled eaves
- Ere its green brothers once have changed their leaves.
- Yet Faith's pure hymn, beneath its shelter rude,
- Breathes out as sweetly to the tangled wood
- As where the rays through pictured glories pour
- On marble shaft and tessellated floor;--
- Heaven asks no surplice round the heart that feels,
- And all is holy where devotion kneels.
- Thus on the soil the patriot's knee should bend
- Which holds the dust once living to defend;
- Where'er the hireling shrinks before the free,
- Each pass becomes "a new Thermopylae"!
- Where'er the battles of the brave are won,
- There every mountain "looks on Marathon"!
- Our fathers live; they guard in glory still
- The grass-grown bastions of the fortressed hill;
- Still ring the echoes of the trampled gorge,
- With _God and Freedom. England and Saint George_!
- The royal cipher on the captured gun
- Mocks the sharp night-dews and the blistering sun;
- The red-cross banner shades its captor's bust,
- Its folds still loaded with the conflict's dust;
- The drum, suspended by its tattered marge,
- Once rolled and rattled to the Hessian's charge;
- The stars have floated from Britannia's mast,
- The redcoat's trumpets blown the rebel's blast.
- Point to the summits where the brave have bled,
- Where every village claims its glorious dead;
- Say, when their bosoms met the bayonet's shock,
- Their only corselet was the rustic frock;
- Say, when they mustered to the gathering horn,
- The titled chieftain curled his lip in scorn,
- Yet, when their leader bade his lines advance,
- No musket wavered in the lion's glance;
- Say, when they fainted in the forced retreat,
- They tracked the snow-drifts with their bleeding feet,
- Yet still their banners, tossing in the blast,
- Bore Ever Ready, faithful to the last,
- Through storm and battle, till they waved again
- On Yorktown's hills and Saratoga's plain.
- Then, if so fierce the insatiate patriot's flame,
- Truth looks too pale and history seems too tame,
- Bid him await some new Columbiad's page,
- To gild the tablets of an iron age,
- And save his tears, which yet may fall upon
- Some fabled field, some fancied Washington!
- IV.
- But once again, from their AEolian cave,
- The winds of Genius wandered on the wave.
- Tired of the scenes the timid pencil drew,
- Sick of the notes the sounding clarion blew,
- Sated with heroes who had worn so long
- The shadowy plumage of historic song,
- The new-born poet left the beaten course,
- To track the passions to their living source.
- Then rose the Drama;--and the world admired
- Her varied page with deeper thought inspired
- Bound to no clime, for Passion's throb is one
- In Greenland's twilight or in India's sun;
- Born for no age, for all the thoughts that roll
- In the dark vortex of the stormy soul,
- Unchained in song, no freezing years can tame;
- God gave them birth, and man is still the same.
- So full on life her magic mirror shone,
- Her sister Arts paid tribute to her throne;
- One reared her temple, one her canvas warmed,
- And Music thrilled, while Eloquence informed.
- The weary rustic left his stinted task
- For smiles and tears, the dagger and the mask;
- The sage, turned scholar, half forgot his lore,
- To be the woman he despised before.
- O'er sense and thought she threw her golden chain,
- And Time, the anarch, spares her deathless reign.
- Thus lives Medea, in our tamer age,
- As when her buskin pressed the Grecian stage;
- Not in the cells where frigid learning delves
- In Aldine folios mouldering on their shelves,
- But breathing, burning in the glittering throng,
- Whose thousand bravoes roll untired along,
- Circling and spreading through the gilded halls,
- From London's galleries to San Carlo's walls!
- Thus shall he live whose more than mortal name
- Mocks with its ray the pallid torch of Fame;
- So proudly lifted that it seems afar
- No earthly Pharos, but a heavenly star,
- Who, unconfined to Art's diurnal bound,
- Girds her whole zodiac in his flaming round,
- And leads the passions, like the orb that guides,
- From pole to pole, the palpitating tides!
- V.
- Though round the Muse the robe of song is thrown,
- Think not the poet lives in verse alone.
- Long ere the chisel of the sculptor taught
- The lifeless stone to mock the living thought;
- Long ere the painter bade the canvas glow
- With every line the forms of beauty know;
- Long ere the iris of the Muses threw
- On every leaf its own celestial hue,
- In fable's dress the breath of genius poured,
- And warmed the shapes that later times adored.
- Untaught by Science how to forge the keys
- That loose the gates of Nature's mysteries;
- Unschooled by Faith, who, with her angel tread,
- Leads through the labyrinth with a single thread,
- His fancy, hovering round her guarded tower,
- Rained through its bars like Danae's golden shower.
- He spoke; the sea-nymph answered from her cave
- He called; the naiad left her mountain wave
- He dreamed of beauty; lo, amidst his dream,
- Narcissus, mirrored in the breathless stream;
- And night's chaste empress, in her bridal play,
- Laughed through the foliage where Endymion lay;
- And ocean dimpled, as the languid swell
- Kissed the red lip of Cytherea's shell.
- Of power,--Bellona swept the crimson field,
- And blue-eyed Pallas shook her Gorgon shield;
- O'er the hushed waves their mightier monarch drove,
- And Ida trembled to the tread of Jove!
- So every grace that plastic language knows
- To nameless poets its perfection owes.
- The rough-hewn words to simplest thoughts confined
- Were cut and polished in their nicer mind;
- Caught on their edge, imagination's ray
- Splits into rainbows, shooting far away;--
- From sense to soul, from soul to sense, it flies,
- And through all nature links analogies;
- He who reads right will rarely look upon
- A better poet than his lexicon!
- There is a race which cold, ungenial skies
- Breed from decay, as fungous growths arise;
- Though dying fast, yet springing fast again,
- Which still usurps an unsubstantial reign,
- With frames too languid for the charms of sense,
- And minds worn down with action too intense;
- Tired of a world whose joys they never knew,
- Themselves deceived, yet thinking all untrue;
- Scarce men without, and less than girls within,
- Sick of their life before its cares begin;--
- The dull disease, which drains their feeble hearts,
- To life's decay some hectic thrill's imparts,
- And lends a force which, like the maniac's power,
- Pays with blank years the frenzy of an hour.
- And this is Genius! Say, does Heaven degrade
- The manly frame, for health, for action made?
- Break down the sinews, rack the brow with pains,
- Blanch the right cheek and drain the purple veins,
- To clothe the mind with more extended sway,
- Thus faintly struggling in degenerate clay?
- No! gentle maid, too ready to admire,
- Though false its notes, the pale enthusiast's lyre;
- If this be genius, though its bitter springs
- Glowed like the morn beneath Aurora's wings,
- Seek not the source whose sullen bosom feeds
- But fruitless flowers and dark, envenomed weeds.
- But, if so bright the dear illusion seems,
- Thou wouldst be partner of thy poet's dreams,
- And hang in rapture on his bloodless charms,
- Or die, like Raphael, in his angel arms,
- Go and enjoy thy blessed lot,--to share
- In Cowper's gloom or Chatterton's despair!
- Not such were they whom, wandering o'er the waves,
- I looked to meet, but only found their graves;
- If friendship's smile, the better part of fame,
- Should lend my song the only wreath I claim,
- Whose voice would greet me with a sweeter tone,
- Whose living hand more kindly press my own,
- Than theirs,--could Memory, as her silent tread
- Prints the pale flowers that blossom o'er the dead,
- Those breathless lips, now closed in peace, restore,
- Or wake those pulses hushed to beat no more?
- Thou calm, chaste scholar! I can see thee now,
- The first young laurels on thy pallid brow,
- O'er thy slight figure floating lightly down
- In graceful folds the academic gown,
- On thy curled lip the classic lines that taught
- How nice the mind that sculptured them with thought,
- And triumph glistening in the clear blue eye,
- Too bright to live,--but oh, too fair to die!
- And thou, dear friend, whom Science still deplores,
- And Love still mourns, on ocean-severed shores,
- Though the bleak forest twice has bowed with snow
- Since thou wast laid its budding leaves below,
- Thine image mingles with my closing strain,
- As when we wandered by the turbid Seine,
- Both blessed with hopes, which revelled, bright and free,
- On all we longed or all we dreamed to be;
- To thee the amaranth and the cypress fell,--
- And I was spared to breathe this last farewell!
- But lived there one in unremembered days,
- Or lives there still, who spurns the poet's bays,
- Whose fingers, dewy from Castalia's springs,
- Rest on the lyre, yet scorn to touch the strings?
- Who shakes the senate with the silver tone
- The groves of Pindus might have sighed to own?
- Have such e'er been? Remember Canning's name!
- Do such still live? Let "Alaric's Dirge" proclaim!
- Immortal Art! where'er the rounded sky
- Bends o'er the cradle where thy children lie,
- Their home is earth, their herald every tongue
- Whose accents echo to the voice that sung.
- One leap of Ocean scatters on the sand
- The quarried bulwarks of the loosening land;
- One thrill of earth dissolves a century's toil
- Strewed like the leaves that vanish in the soil;
- One hill o'erflows, and cities sink below,
- Their marbles splintering in the lava's glow;
- But one sweet tone, scarce whispered to the air,
- From shore to shore the blasts of ages bear;
- One humble name, which oft, perchance, has borne
- The tyrant's mockery and the courtier's scorn,
- Towers o'er the dust of earth's forgotten graves,
- As once, emerging through the waste of waves,
- The rocky Titan, round whose shattered spear
- Coiled the last whirlpool of the drowning sphere!
- 1837-1848
- IN the hour of twilight shadows
- The Pilgrim sire looked out;
- He thought of the "bloudy Salvages"
- That lurked all round about,
- Of Wituwamet's pictured knife
- And Pecksuot's whooping shout;
- For the baby's limbs were feeble,
- Though his father's arms were stout.
- His home was a freezing cabin,
- Too bare for the hungry rat;
- Its roof was thatched with ragged grass,
- And bald enough of that;
- The hole that served for casement
- Was glazed with an ancient hat,
- And the ice was gently thawing
- From the log whereon he sat.
- Along the dreary landscape
- His eyes went to and fro,
- The trees all clad in icicles,
- The streams that did not flow;
- A sudden thought flashed o'er him,--
- A dream of long ago,--
- He smote his leathern jerkin,
- And murmured, "Even so!"
- "Come hither, God-be-Glorified,
- And sit upon my knee;
- Behold the dream unfolding,
- Whereof I spake to thee
- By the winter's hearth in Leyden
- And on the stormy sea.
- True is the dream's beginning,--
- So may its ending be!
- "I saw in the naked forest
- Our scattered remnant cast,
- A screen of shivering branches
- Between them and the blast;
- The snow was falling round them,
- The dying fell as fast;
- I looked to see them perish,
- When lo, the vision passed.
- "Again mine eyes were opened;--
- The feeble had waxed strong,
- The babes had grown to sturdy men,
- The remnant was a throng;
- By shadowed lake and winding stream,
- And all the shores along,
- The howling demons quaked to hear
- The Christian's godly song.
- "They slept, the village fathers,
- By river, lake, and shore,
- When far adown the steep of Time
- The vision rose once more
- I saw along the winter snow
- A spectral column pour,
- And high above their broken ranks
- A tattered flag they bore.
- "Their Leader rode before them,
- Of bearing calm and high,
- The light of Heaven's own kindling
- Throned in his awful eye;
- These were a Nation's champions
- Her dread appeal to try.
- God for the right! I faltered,
- And lo, the train passed by.
- "Once more;--the strife is ended,
- The solemn issue tried,
- The Lord of Hosts, his mighty arm
- Has helped our Israel's side;
- Gray stone and grassy hillock
- Tell where our martyrs died,
- But peaceful smiles the harvest,
- And stainless flows the tide.
- "A crash, as when some swollen cloud
- Cracks o'er the tangled trees
- With side to side, and spar to spar,
- Whose smoking decks are these?
- I know Saint George's blood-red cross,
- Thou Mistress of the Seas,
- But what is she whose streaming bars
- Roll out before the breeze?
- "Ah, well her iron ribs are knit,
- Whose thunders strive to quell
- The bellowing throats, the blazing lips,
- That pealed the Armada's knell!
- The mist was cleared,--a wreath of stars
- Rose o'er the crimsoned swell,
- And, wavering from its haughty peak,
- The cross of England fell!
- "O trembling Faith! though dark the morn,
- A heavenly torch is thine;
- While feebler races melt away,
- And paler orbs decline,
- Still shall the fiery pillar's ray
- Along thy pathway shine,
- To light the chosen tribe that sought
- This Western Palestine.
- "I see the living tide roll on;
- It crowns with flaming towers
- The icy capes of Labrador,
- The Spaniard's 'land of flowers'!
- It streams beyond the splintered ridge
- That parts the northern showers;
- From eastern rock to sunset wave
- The Continent is ours!"
- He ceased, the grim old soldier-saint,
- Then softly bent to cheer
- The Pilgrim-child, whose wasting face
- Was meekly turned to hear;
- And drew his toil-worn sleeve across
- To brush the manly tear
- From cheeks that never changed in woe,
- And never blanched in fear.
- The weary Pilgrim slumbers,
- His resting-place unknown;
- His hands were crossed, his lips were closed,
- The dust was o'er him strown;
- The drifting soil, the mouldering leaf,
- Along the sod were blown;
- His mound has melted into earth,
- His memory lives alone.
- So let it live unfading,
- The memory of the dead,
- Long as the pale anemone
- Springs where their tears were shed,
- Or, raining in the summer's wind
- In flakes of burning red,
- The wild rose sprinkles with its leaves
- The turf where once they bled!
- Yea, when the frowning bulwarks
- That guard this holy strand
- Have sunk beneath the trampling surge
- In beds of sparkling sand,
- While in the waste of ocean
- One hoary rock shall stand,
- Be this its latest legend,--
- SEE how yon flaming herald treads
- The ridged and rolling waves,
- As, crashing o'er their crested heads,
- She bows her surly slaves!
- With foam before and fire behind,
- She rends the clinging sea,
- That flies before the roaring wind,
- Beneath her hissing lee.
- The morning spray, like sea-born flowers,
- With heaped and glistening bells,
- Falls round her fast, in ringing showers,
- With every wave that swells;
- And, burning o'er the midnight deep,
- In lurid fringes thrown,
- The living gems of ocean sweep
- Along her flashing zone.
- With clashing wheel and lifting keel,
- And smoking torch on high,
- When winds are loud and billows reel,
- She thunders foaming by;
- When seas are silent and serene,
- With even beam she glides,
- The sunshine glimmering through the green
- That skirts her gleaming sides.
- Now, like a wild, nymph, far apart
- She veils her shadowy form,
- The beating of her restless heart
- Still sounding through the storm;
- Now answers, like a courtly dame,
- The reddening surges o'er,
- With flying scarf of spangled flame,
- The Pharos of the shore.
- To-night yon pilot shall not sleep,
- Who trims his narrowed sail;
- To-night yon frigate scarce shall keep
- Her broad breast to the gale;
- And many a foresail, scooped and strained,
- Shall break from yard and stay,
- Before this smoky wreath has stained
- The rising mist of day.
- Hark! hark! I hear yon whistling shroud,
- I see yon quivering mast;
- The black throat of the hunted cloud
- Is panting forth the blast!
- An hour, and, whirled like winnowing chaff,
- The giant surge shall fling
- His tresses o'er yon pennon staff,
- White as the sea-bird's wing.
- Yet rest, ye wanderers of the deep;
- Nor wind nor wave shall tire
- Those fleshless arms, whose pulses leap
- With floods of living fire;
- Sleep on, and, when the morning light
- Streams o'er the shining bay,
- Oh think of those for whom the night
- Shall never wake in day.
- SLOWLY the mist o'er the meadow was creeping,
- Bright on the dewy buds glistened the sun,
- When from his couch, while his children were sleeping,
- Rose the bold rebel and shouldered his gun.
- Waving her golden veil
- Over the silent dale,
- Blithe looked the morning on cottage and spire;
- Hushed was his parting sigh,
- While from his noble eye
- Flashed the last sparkle of liberty's fire.
- On the smooth green where the fresh leaf is springing
- Calmly the first-born of glory have met;
- Hark! the death-volley around them is ringing!
- Look! with their life-blood the young grass is wet
- Faint is the feeble breath,
- Murmuring low in death,
- "Tell to our sons how their fathers have died;"
- Nerveless the iron hand,
- Raised for its native land,
- Lies by the weapon that gleams at its side.
- Over the hillsides the wild knell is tolling,
- From their far hamlets the yeomanry come;
- As through the storm-clouds the thunder-burst rolling,
- Circles the beat of the mustering drum.
- Fast on the soldier's path
- Darken the waves of wrath,--
- Long have they gathered and loud shall they fall;
- Red glares the musket's flash,
- Sharp rings the rifle's crash,
- Blazing and clanging from thicket and wall.
- Gayly the plume of the horseman was dancing,
- Never to shadow his cold brow again;
- Proudly at morning the war-steed was prancing,
- Reeking and panting he droops on the rein;
- Pale is the lip of scorn,
- Voiceless the trumpet horn,
- Torn is the silken-fringed red cross on high;
- Many a belted breast
- Low on the turf shall rest
- Ere the dark hunters the herd have passed by.
- Snow-girdled crags where the hoarse wind is raving,
- Rocks where the weary floods murmur and wail,
- Wilds where the fern by the furrow is waving,
- Reeled with the echoes that rode on the gale;
- Far as the tempest thrills
- Over the darkened hills,
- Far as the sunshine streams over the plain,
- Roused by the tyrant band,
- Woke all the mighty land,
- Girded for battle, from mountain to main.
- Green be the graves where her martyrs are lying!
- Shroudless and tombless they sunk to their rest,
- While o'er their ashes the starry fold flying
- Wraps the proud eagle they roused from his nest.
- Borne on her Northern pine,
- Long o'er the foaming brine
- Spread her broad banner to storm and to sun;
- Heaven keep her ever free,
- Wide as o'er land and sea
- Floats the fair emblem her heroes have won.
- This "punch-bowl" was, according to old family tradition, a caudle-cup.
- It is a massive piece of silver, its cherubs and other ornaments of
- coarse repousse work, and has two handles like a loving-cup, by which
- it was held, or passed from guest to guest.
- THIS ancient silver bowl of mine, it tells of good old times,
- Of joyous days and jolly nights, and merry Christmas times;
- They were a free and jovial race, but honest, brave, and true,
- Who dipped their ladle in the punch when this old bowl was new.
- A Spanish galleon brought the bar,--so runs the ancient tale;
- 'T was hammered by an Antwerp smith, whose arm was like a flail;
- And now and then between the strokes, for fear his strength should fail,
- He wiped his brow and quaffed a cup of good old Flemish ale.
- 'T was purchased by an English squire to please his loving dame,
- Who saw the cherubs, and conceived a longing for the same;
- And oft as on the ancient stock another twig was found,
- 'T was filled with candle spiced and hot, and handed smoking round.
- But, changing hands, it reached at length a Puritan divine,
- Who used to follow Timothy, and take a little wine,
- But hated punch and prelacy; and so it was, perhaps,
- He went to Leyden, where he found conventicles and schnapps.
- And then, of course, you know what's next: it left the Dutchman's shore
- With those that in the Mayflower came,--a hundred souls and more,--
- Along with all the furniture, to fill their new abodes,--
- To judge by what is still on hand, at least a hundred loads.
- 'T was on a dreary winter's eve, the night was closing, dim,
- When brave Miles Standish took the bowl, and filled it to the brim;
- The little Captain stood and stirred the posset with his sword,
- And all his sturdy men-at-arms were ranged about the board.
- He poured the fiery Hollands in,--the man that never feared,--
- He took a long and solemn draught, and wiped his yellow beard;
- And one by one the musketeers--the men that fought and prayed--
- All drank as 't were their mother's milk, and not a man afraid.
- That night, affrighted from his nest, the screaming eagle flew,
- He heard the Pequot's ringing whoop, the soldier's wild halloo;
- And there the sachem learned the rule he taught to kith and kin,
- Run from the white man when you find he smells of "Hollands gin!"
- A hundred years, and fifty more, had spread their leaves and snows,
- A thousand rubs had flattened down each little cherub's nose,
- When once again the bowl was filled, but not in mirth or joy,--
- 'T was mingled by a mother's hand to cheer her parting boy.
- Drink, John, she said, 't will do you good,--poor child,
- you'll never bear
- This working in the dismal trench, out in the midnight air;
- And if--God bless me!--you were hurt, 't would keep away the chill.
- So John did drink,--and well he wrought that night at Bunker's Hill!
- I tell you, there was generous warmth in good old English cheer;
- I tell you, 't was a pleasant thought to bring its symbol here.
- 'T is but the fool that loves excess; hast thou a drunken soul?
- Thy bane is in thy shallow skull, not in my silver bowl!
- I love the memory of the past,--its pressed yet fragrant flowers,--
- The moss that clothes its broken walls, the ivy on its towers;
- Nay, this poor bauble it bequeathed,--my eyes grow moist and dim,
- To think of all the vanished joys that danced around its brim.
- Then fill a fair and honest cup, and bear it straight to me;
- The goblet hallows all it holds, whate'er the liquid be;
- And may the cherubs on its face protect me from the sin
- That dooms one to those dreadful words,--"My dear, where HAVE you been?"
- This song, which I had the temerity to sing myself (_felix auda-cia_,
- Mr. Franklin Dexter had the goodness to call it), was sent in a little
- too late to be printed with the official account of the celebration. It
- was written at the suggestion of Dr. Jacob Bigelow, who thought the
- popular tune "The Poacher's Song" would be a good model for a lively
- ballad or ditty. He himself wrote the admirable Latin song to be found
- in the record of the meeting.
- WHEN the Puritans came over
- Our hills and swamps to clear,
- The woods were full of catamounts,
- And Indians red as deer,
- With tomahawks and scalping-knives,
- That make folks' heads look queer;
- Oh the ship from England used to bring
- A hundred wigs a year!
- The crows came cawing through the air
- To pluck the Pilgrims' corn,
- The bears came snuffing round the door
- Whene'er a babe was born,
- The rattlesnakes were bigger round
- Than the but of the old rams horn
- The deacon blew at meeting time
- On every "Sabbath" morn.
- But soon they knocked the wigwams down,
- And pine-tree trunk and limb
- Began to sprout among the leaves
- In shape of steeples slim;
- And out the little wharves were stretched
- Along the ocean's rim,
- And up the little school-house shot
- To keep the boys in trim.
- And when at length the College rose,
- The sachem cocked his eye
- At every tutor's meagre ribs
- Whose coat-tails whistled by
- But when the Greek and Hebrew words
- Came tumbling from his jaws,
- The copper-colored children all
- Ran screaming to the squaws.
- And who was on the Catalogue
- When college was begun?
- Two nephews of the President,
- And the Professor's son;
- (They turned a little Indian by,
- As brown as any bun;)
- Lord! how the seniors knocked about
- The freshman class of one!
- They had not then the dainty things
- That commons now afford,
- But succotash and hominy
- Were smoking on the board;
- They did not rattle round in gigs,
- Or dash in long-tailed blues,
- But always on Commencement days
- The tutors blacked their shoes.
- God bless the ancient Puritans!
- Their lot was hard enough;
- But honest hearts make iron arms,
- And tender maids are tough;
- So love and faith have formed and fed
- Our true-born Yankee stuff,
- And keep the kernel in the shell
- The British found so rough!
- The island referred to is a domain of princely proportions, which has
- long been the seat of a generous hospitality. Naushon is its old Indian
- name. William Swain, Esq., commonly known as "the Governor," was the
- proprietor of it at the time when this song was written. Mr. John M.
- Forbes is his worthy successor in territorial rights and as a hospitable
- entertainer. The Island Book has been the recipient of many poems from
- visitors and friends of the owners of the old mansion.
- No more the summer floweret charms,
- The leaves will soon be sere,
- And Autumn folds his jewelled arms
- Around the dying year;
- So, ere the waning seasons claim
- Our leafless groves awhile,
- With golden wine and glowing flame
- We 'll crown our lonely isle.
- Once more the merry voices sound
- Within the antlered hall,
- And long and loud the baying hounds
- Return the hunter's call;
- And through the woods, and o'er the hill,
- And far along the bay,
- The driver's horn is sounding shrill,--
- Up, sportsmen, and away!
- No bars of steel or walls of stone
- Our little empire bound,
- But, circling with his azure zone,
- The sea runs foaming round;
- The whitening wave, the purpled skies,
- The blue and lifted shore,
- Braid with their dim and blending dyes
- Our wide horizon o'er.
- And who will leave the grave debate
- That shakes the smoky town,
- To rule amid our island-state,
- And wear our oak-leaf crown?
- And who will be awhile content
- To hunt our woodland game,
- And leave the vulgar pack that scent
- The reeking track of fame?
- Ah, who that shares in toils like these
- Will sigh not to prolong
- Our days beneath the broad-leaved trees,
- Our nights of mirth and song?
- Then leave the dust of noisy streets,
- Ye outlaws of the wood,
- And follow through his green retreats
- Your noble Robin Hood.
- YES, dear departed, cherished days,
- Could Memory's hand restore
- Your morning light, your evening rays,
- From Time's gray urn once more,
- Then might this restless heart be still,
- This straining eye might close,
- And Hope her fainting pinions fold,
- While the fair phantoms rose.
- But, like a child in ocean's arms,
- We strive against the stream,
- Each moment farther from the shore
- Where life's young fountains gleam;
- Each moment fainter wave the fields,
- And wider rolls the sea;
- The mist grows dark,--the sun goes down,--
- Day breaks,--and where are we?
- THEY bid me strike the idle strings,
- As if my summer days
- Had shaken sunbeams from their wings
- To warm my autumn lays;
- They bring to me their painted urn,
- As if it were not time
- To lift my gauntlet and to spurn
- The lists of boyish rhyme;
- And were it not that I have still
- Some weakness in my heart
- That clings around my stronger will
- And pleads for gentler art,
- Perchance I had not turned away
- The thoughts grown tame with toil,
- To cheat this lone and pallid ray,
- That wastes the midnight oil.
- Alas! with every year I feel
- Some roses leave my brow;
- Too young for wisdom's tardy seal,
- Too old for garlands now.
- Yet, while the dewy breath of spring
- Steals o'er the tingling air,
- And spreads and fans each emerald wing
- The forest soon shall wear.
- How bright the opening year would seem,
- Had I one look like thine
- To meet me when the morning beam
- Unseals these lids of mine!
- Too long I bear this lonely lot,
- That bids my heart run wild
- To press the lips that love me not,
- To clasp the stranger's child.
- How oft beyond the dashing seas,
- Amidst those royal bowers,
- Where danced the lilacs in the breeze,
- And swung the chestnut-flowers,
- I wandered like a wearied slave
- Whose morning task is done,
- To watch the little hands that gave
- Their whiteness to the sun;
- To revel in the bright young eyes,
- Whose lustre sparkled through
- The sable fringe of Southern skies
- Or gleamed in Saxon blue!
- How oft I heard another's name
- Called in some truant's tone;
- Sweet accents! which I longed to claim,
- To learn and lisp my own!
- Too soon the gentle hands, that pressed
- The ringlets of the child,
- Are folded on the faithful breast
- Where first he breathed and smiled;
- Too oft the clinging arms untwine,
- The melting lips forget,
- And darkness veils the bridal shrine
- Where wreaths and torches met;
- If Heaven but leaves a single thread
- Of Hope's dissolving chain,
- Even when her parting plumes are spread,
- It bids them fold again;
- The cradle rocks beside the tomb;
- The cheek now changed and chill
- Smiles on us in the morning bloom
- Of one that loves us still.
- Sweet image! I have done thee wrong
- To claim this destined lay;
- The leaf that asked an idle song
- Must bear my tears away.
- Yet, in thy memory shouldst thou keep
- This else forgotten strain,
- Till years have taught thine eyes to weep,
- And flattery's voice is vain;
- Oh then, thou fledgling of the nest,
- Like the long-wandering dove,
- Thy weary heart may faint for rest,
- As mine, on changeless love;
- And while these sculptured lines retrace
- The hours now dancing by,
- This vision of thy girlish grace
- May cost thee, too, a sigh.
- THE stars their early vigils keep,
- The silent hours are near,
- When drooping eyes forget to weep,--
- Yet still we linger here;
- And what--the passing churl may ask--
- Can claim such wondrous power,
- That Toil forgets his wonted task,
- And Love his promised hour?
- The Irish harp no longer thrills,
- Or breathes a fainter tone;
- The clarion blast from Scotland's hills,
- Alas! no more is blown;
- And Passion's burning lip bewails
- Her Harold's wasted fire,
- Still lingering o'er the dust that veils
- The Lord of England's lyre.
- But grieve not o'er its broken strings,
- Nor think its soul hath died,
- While yet the lark at heaven's gate sings,
- As once o'er Avon's side;
- While gentle summer sheds her bloom,
- And dewy blossoms wave,
- Alike o'er Juliet's storied tomb
- And Nelly's nameless grave.
- Thou glorious island of the sea!
- Though wide the wasting flood
- That parts our distant land from thee,
- We claim thy generous blood;
- Nor o'er thy far horizon springs
- One hallowed star of fame,
- But kindles, like an angel's wings,
- Our western skies in flame!
- COME back to your mother, ye children, for shame,
- Who have wandered like truants for riches or fame!
- With a smile on her face, and a sprig in her cap,
- She calls you to feast from her bountiful lap.
- Come out from your alleys, your courts, and your lanes,
- And breathe, like young eagles, the air of our plains;
- Take a whiff from our fields, and your excellent wives
- Will declare it 's all nonsense insuring your lives.
- Come you of the law, who can talk, if you please,
- Till the man in the moon will allow it's a cheese,
- And leave "the old lady, that never tells lies,"
- To sleep with her handkerchief over her eyes.
- Ye healers of men, for a moment decline
- Your feats in the rhubarb and ipecac line;
- While you shut up your turnpike, your neighbors can go
- The old roundabout road to the regions below.
- You clerk, on whose ears are a couple of pens,
- And whose head is an ant-hill of units and tens,
- Though Plato denies you, we welcome you still
- As a featherless biped, in spite of your quill.
- Poor drudge of the city! how happy he feels,
- With the burs on his legs and the grass at his heels
- No dodger behind, his bandannas to share,
- No constable grumbling, "You must n't walk there!"
- In yonder green meadow, to memory dear,
- He slaps a mosquito and brushes a tear;
- The dew-drops hang round him on blossoms and shoots,
- He breathes but one sigh for his youth and his boots.
- There stands the old school-house, hard by the old church;
- That tree at its side had the flavor of birch;
- Oh, sweet were the days of his juvenile tricks,
- Though the prairie of youth had so many "big licks."
- By the side of yon river he weeps and he slumps,
- The boots fill with water, as if they were pumps,
- Till, sated with rapture, he steals to his bed,
- With a glow in his heart and a cold in his head.
- 'T is past,--he is dreaming,--I see him again;
- The ledger returns as by legerdemain;
- His neckcloth is damp with an easterly flaw,
- And he holds in his fingers an omnibus straw.
- He dreams the chill gust is a blossomy gale,
- That the straw is a rose from his dear native vale;
- And murmurs, unconscious of space and of time,
- "A 1. Extra super. Ah, is n't it PRIME!"
- Oh, what are the prizes we perish to win
- To the first little "shiner" we caught with a pin!
- No soil upon earth is so dear to our eyes
- As the soil we first stirred in terrestrial pies!
- Then come from all parties and parts to our feast;
- Though not at the "Astor," we'll give you at least
- A bite at an apple, a seat on the grass,
- And the best of old--water--at nothing a glass.
- I WAS sitting with my microscope, upon my parlor rug,
- With a very heavy quarto and a very lively bug;
- The true bug had been organized with only two antennae,
- But the humbug in the copperplate would have them twice as many.
- And I thought, like Dr. Faustus, of the emptiness of art,
- How we take a fragment for the whole, and call the whole a part,
- When I heard a heavy footstep that was loud enough for two,
- And a man of forty entered, exclaiming, "How d' ye do?"
- He was not a ghost, my visitor, but solid flesh and bone;
- He wore a Palo Alto hat, his weight was twenty stone;
- (It's odd how hats expand their brims as riper years invade,
- As if when life had reached its noon it wanted them for shade!)
- I lost my focus,--dropped my book,--the bug, who was a flea,
- At once exploded, and commenced experiments on me.
- They have a certain heartiness that frequently appalls,--
- Those mediaeval gentlemen in semilunar smalls!
- "My boy," he said, (colloquial ways,--the vast, broad-hatted man,)
- "Come dine with us on Thursday next,--you must, you know you can;
- We're going to have a roaring time, with lots of fun and noise,
- Distinguished guests, et cetera, the JUDGE, and all the boys."
- Not so,--I said,--my temporal bones are showing pretty clear.
- It 's time to stop,--just look and see that hair above this ear;
- My golden days are more than spent,--and, what is very strange,
- If these are real silver hairs, I'm getting lots of change.
- Besides--my prospects--don't you know that people won't employ
- A man that wrongs his manliness by laughing like a boy?
- And suspect the azure blossom that unfolds upon a shoot,
- As if wisdom's old potato could not flourish at its root?
- It's a very fine reflection, when you 're etching out a smile
- On a copperplate of faces that would stretch at least a mile,
- That, what with sneers from enemies and cheapening shrugs of friends,
- It will cost you all the earnings that a month of labor lends!
- It's a vastly pleasing prospect, when you're screwing out a laugh,
- That your very next year's income is diminished by a half,
- And a little boy trips barefoot that Pegasus may go,
- And the baby's milk is watered that your Helicon may flow!
- No;--the joke has been a good one,--but I'm getting fond of quiet,
- And I don't like deviations from my customary diet;
- So I think I will not go with you to hear the toasts and speeches,
- But stick to old Montgomery Place, and have some pig and peaches.
- The fat man answered: Shut your mouth, and hear the genuine creed;
- The true essentials of a feast are only fun and feed;
- The force that wheels the planets round delights in spinning tops,
- And that young earthquake t' other day was great at shaking props.
- I tell you what, philosopher, if all the longest heads
- That ever knocked their sinciputs in stretching on their beds
- Were round one great mahogany, I'd beat those fine old folks
- With twenty dishes, twenty fools, and twenty clever jokes!
- Why, if Columbus should be there, the company would beg
- He'd show that little trick of his of balancing the egg!
- Milton to Stilton would give in, and Solomon to Salmon,
- And Roger Bacon be a bore, and Francis Bacon gammon!
- And as for all the "patronage" of all the clowns and boors
- That squint their little narrow eyes at any freak of yours,
- Do leave them to your prosier friends,--such fellows ought to die
- When rhubarb is so very scarce and ipecac so high!
- And so I come,--like Lochinvar, to tread a single measure,--
- To purchase with a loaf of bread a sugar-plum of pleasure,
- To enter for the cup of glass that's run for after dinner,
- Which yields a single sparkling draught,
- then breaks and cuts the winner.
- Ah, that's the way delusion comes,--a glass of old Madeira,
- A pair of visual diaphragms revolved by Jane or Sarah,
- And down go vows and promises without the slightest question
- If eating words won't compromise the organs of digestion!
- And yet, among my native shades, beside my nursing mother,
- Where every stranger seems a friend, and every friend a brother,
- I feel the old convivial glow (unaided) o'er me stealing,--
- The warm, champagny, the old-particular brandy-punchy feeling.
- We're all alike;--Vesuvius flings the scoriae from his fountain,
- But down they come in volleying rain back to the burning mountain;
- We leave, like those volcanic stones, our precious Alma Mater,
- But will keep dropping in again to see the dear old crater.
- I WAS thinking last night, as I sat in the cars,
- With the charmingest prospect of cinders and stars,
- Next Thursday is--bless me!--how hard it will be,
- If that cannibal president calls upon me!
- There is nothing on earth that he will not devour,
- From a tutor in seed to a freshman in flower;
- No sage is too gray, and no youth is too green,
- And you can't be too plump, though you're never too lean.
- While others enlarge on the boiled and the roast,
- He serves a raw clergyman up with a toast,
- Or catches some doctor, quite tender and young,
- And basely insists on a bit of his tongue.
- Poor victim, prepared for his classical spit,
- With a stuffing of praise and a basting of wit,
- You may twitch at your collar and wrinkle your brow,
- But you're up on your legs, and you're in for it now.
- Oh think of your friends,--they are waiting to hear
- Those jokes that are thought so remarkably queer;
- And all the Jack Horners of metrical buns
- Are prying and fingering to pick out the puns.
- Those thoughts which, like chickens, will always thrive best
- When reared by the heat of the natural nest,
- Will perish if hatched from their embryo dream
- In the mist and the glow of convivial steam.
- Oh pardon me, then, if I meekly retire,
- With a very small flash of ethereal fire;
- No rubbing will kindle your Lucifer match,
- If the fiz does not follow the primitive scratch.
- Dear friends, who are listening so sweetly the while,
- With your lips double--reefed in a snug little smile,
- I leave you two fables, both drawn from the deep,--
- The shells you can drop, but the pearls you may keep.
- . . . . . . . . . . .
- The fish called the FLOUNDER, perhaps you may know,
- Has one side for use and another for show;
- One side for the public, a delicate brown,
- And one that is white, which he always keeps down.
- A very young flounder, the flattest of flats,
- (And they 're none of them thicker than opera hats,)
- Was speaking more freely than charity taught
- Of a friend and relation that just had been caught.
- "My! what an exposure! just see what a sight!
- I blush for my race,--he is showing his white
- Such spinning and wriggling,--why, what does he wish?
- How painfully small to respectable fish!"
- Then said an Old SCULPIN,--"My freedom excuse,
- You're playing the cobbler with holes in your shoes;
- Your brown side is up,--but just wait till you're tried
- And you'll find that all flounders are white on one side."
- . . . . . . . . . .
- There's a slice near the PICKEREL'S pectoral fins,
- Where the thorax leaves off and the venter begins,
- Which his brother, survivor of fish-hooks and lines,
- Though fond of his family, never declines.
- He loves his relations; he feels they'll be missed;
- But that one little tidbit he cannot resist;
- So your bait may be swallowed, no matter how fast,
- For you catch your next fish with a piece of the last.
- And thus, O survivor, whose merciless fate
- Is to take the next hook with the president's bait,
- You are lost while you snatch from the end of his line
- The morsel he rent from this bosom of mine!
- SCENE,--a back parlor in a certain square,
- Or court, or lane,--in short, no matter where;
- Time,--early morning, dear to simple souls
- Who love its sunshine and its fresh-baked rolls;
- Persons,--take pity on this telltale blush,
- That, like the AEthiop, whispers, "Hush, oh hush!"
- Delightful scene! where smiling comfort broods,
- Nor business frets, nor anxious care intrudes;
- _O si sic omnia_ I were it ever so!
- But what is stable in this world below?
- _Medio e fonte_,--Virtue has her faults,--
- The clearest fountains taste of Epsom salts;
- We snatch the cup and lift to drain it dry,--
- Its central dimple holds a drowning fly
- Strong is the pine by Maine's ambrosial streams,
- But stronger augers pierce its thickest beams;
- No iron gate, no spiked and panelled door,
- Can keep out death, the postman, or the bore.
- Oh for a world where peace and silence reign,
- And blunted dulness verebrates in vain!
- --The door-bell jingles,--enter Richard Fox,
- And takes this letter from his leathern box.
- "Dear Sir,--
- In writing on a former day,
- One little matter I forgot to say;
- I now inform you in a single line,
- On Thursday next our purpose is to dine.
- The act of feeding, as you understand,
- Is but a fraction of the work in hand;
- Its nobler half is that ethereal meat
- The papers call 'the intellectual treat;'
- Songs, speeches, toasts, around the festive board
- Drowned in the juice the College pumps afford;
- For only water flanks our knives and forks,
- So, sink or float, we swim without the corks.
- Yours is the art, by native genius taught,
- To clothe in eloquence the naked thought;
- Yours is the skill its music to prolong
- Through the sweet effluence of mellifluous song;
- Yours the quaint trick to cram the pithy line
- That cracks so crisply over bubbling wine;
- And since success your various gifts attends,
- We--that is, I and all your numerous friends--
- Expect from you--your single self a host--
- A speech, a song, excuse me, and a toast;
- Nay, not to haggle on so small a claim,
- A few of each, or several of the same.
- (Signed), Yours, most truly, ________"
- No! my sight must fail,--
- If that ain't Judas on the largest scale!
- Well, this is modest;--nothing else than that?
- My coat? my boots? my pantaloons? my hat?
- My stick? my gloves? as well as all my wits,
- Learning and linen,--everything that fits!
- Jack, said my lady, is it grog you'll try,
- Or punch, or toddy, if perhaps you're dry?
- Ah, said the sailor, though I can't refuse,
- You know, my lady, 't ain't for me to choose;
- I'll take the grog to finish off my lunch,
- And drink the toddy while you mix the punch.
- . . . . . . . .
- THE SPEECH. (The speaker, rising to be seen,
- Looks very red, because so very green.)
- I rise--I rise--with unaffected fear,
- (Louder!--speak louder!--who the deuce can hear?)
- I rise--I said--with undisguised dismay
- --Such are my feelings as I rise, I say
- Quite unprepared to face this learned throng,
- Already gorged with eloquence and song;
- Around my view are ranged on either hand
- The genius, wisdom, virtue of the land;
- "Hands that the rod of empire might have swayed"
- Close at my elbow stir their lemonade;
- Would you like Homer learn to write and speak,
- That bench is groaning with its weight of Greek;
- Behold the naturalist who in his teens
- Found six new species in a dish of greens;
- And lo, the master in a statelier walk,
- Whose annual ciphering takes a ton of chalk;
- And there the linguist, who by common roots
- Thro' all their nurseries tracks old Noah's shoots,--
- How Shem's proud children reared the Assyrian piles,
- While Ham's were scattered through the Sandwich Isles!
- --Fired at the thought of all the present shows,
- My kindling fancy down the future flows:
- I see the glory of the coming days
- O'er Time's horizon shoot its streaming rays;
- Near and more near the radiant morning draws
- In living lustre (rapturous applause);
- From east to west the blazing heralds run,
- Loosed from the chariot of the ascending sun,
- Through the long vista of uncounted years
- In cloudless splendor (three tremendous cheers).
- My eye prophetic, as the depths unfold,
- Sees a new advent of the age of gold;
- While o'er the scene new generations press,
- New heroes rise the coming time to bless,--
- Not such as Homer's, who, we read in Pope,
- Dined without forks and never heard of soap,--
- Not such as May to Marlborough Chapel brings,
- Lean, hungry, savage, anti-everythings,
- Copies of Luther in the pasteboard style,--
- But genuine articles, the true Carlyle;
- While far on high the blazing orb shall shed
- Its central light on Harvard's holy head,
- And learning's ensigns ever float unfurled
- Here in the focus of the new-born world
- The speaker stops, and, trampling down the pause,
- Roars through the hall the thunder of applause,
- One stormy gust of long-suspended Ahs!
- One whirlwind chaos of insane hurrahs!
- . . . . . . . .
- THE SONG. But this demands a briefer line,--
- A shorter muse, and not the old long Nine;
- Long metre answers for a common song,
- Though common metre does not answer long.
- She came beneath the forest dome
- To seek its peaceful shade,
- An exile from her ancient home,
- A poor, forsaken maid;
- No banner, flaunting high above,
- No blazoned cross, she bore;
- One holy book of light and love
- Was all her worldly store.
- The dark brown shadows passed away,
- And wider spread the green,
- And where the savage used to stray
- The rising mart was seen;
- So, when the laden winds had brought
- Their showers of golden rain,
- Her lap some precious gleanings caught,
- Like Ruth's amid the grain.
- But wrath soon gathered uncontrolled
- Among the baser churls,
- To see her ankles red with gold,
- Her forehead white with pearls.
- "Who gave to thee the glittering bands
- That lace thine azure veins?
- Who bade thee lift those snow-white hands
- We bound in gilded chains?"
- "These are the gems my children gave,"
- The stately dame replied;
- "The wise, the gentle, and the brave,
- I nurtured at my side.
- If envy still your bosom stings,
- Take back their rims of gold;
- My sons will melt their wedding-rings,
- And give a hundred-fold!"
- . . . . . . . .
- THE TOAST. Oh tell me, ye who thoughtless ask
- Exhausted nature for a threefold task,
- In wit or pathos if one share remains,
- A safe investment for an ounce of brains!
- Hard is the job to launch the desperate pun,
- A pun-job dangerous as the Indian one.
- Turned by the current of some stronger wit
- Back from the object that you mean to hit,
- Like the strange missile which the Australian throws,
- Your verbal boomerang slaps you on the nose.
- One vague inflection spoils the whole with doubt,
- One trivial letter ruins all, left out;
- A knot can choke a felon into clay,
- A not will save him, spelt without the k;
- The smallest word has some unguarded spot,
- And danger lurks in i without a dot.
- Thus great Achilles, who had shown his zeal
- In healing wounds, died of a wounded heel;
- Unhappy chief, who, when in childhood doused,
- Had saved his bacon had his feet been soused
- Accursed heel that killed a hero stout
- Oh, had your mother known that you were out,
- Death had not entered at the trifling part
- That still defies the small chirurgeon's art
- With corns and bunions,--not the glorious John,
- Who wrote the book we all have pondered on,
- But other bunions, bound in fleecy hose,
- To "Pilgrim's Progress" unrelenting foes!
- . . . . . . . .
- A HEALTH, unmingled with the reveller's wine,
- To him whose title is indeed divine;
- Truth's sleepless watchman on her midnight tower,
- Whose lamp burns brightest when the tempests lower.
- Oh, who can tell with what a leaden flight
- Drag the long watches of his weary night,
- While at his feet the hoarse and blinding gale
- Strews the torn wreck and bursts the fragile sail,
- When stars have faded, when the wave is dark,
- When rocks and sands embrace the foundering bark!
- But still he pleads with unavailing cry,
- Behold the light, O wanderer, look or die!
- A health, fair Themis! Would the enchanted vine
- Wreathed its green tendrils round this cup of thine!
- If Learning's radiance fill thy modern court,
- Its glorious sunshine streams through Blackstone's port.
- Lawyers are thirsty, and their clients too,
- Witness at least, if memory serve me true,
- Those old tribunals, famed for dusty suits,
- Where men sought justice ere they brushed their boots;
- And what can match, to solve a learned doubt,
- The warmth within that comes from "cold with-out"?
- Health to the art whose glory is to give
- The crowning boon that makes it life to live.
- Ask not her home;--the rock where nature flings
- Her arctic lichen, last of living things;
- The gardens, fragrant with the orient's balm,
- From the low jasmine to the star-like palm,
- Hail her as mistress o'er the distant waves,
- And yield their tribute to her wandering slaves.
- Wherever, moistening the ungrateful soil,
- The tear of suffering tracks the path of toil,
- There, in the anguish of his fevered hours,
- Her gracious finger points to healing flowers;
- Where the lost felon steals away to die,
- Her soft hand waves before his closing eye;
- Where hunted misery finds his darkest lair,
- The midnight taper shows her kneeling there!
- VIRTUE,--the guide that men and nations own;
- And LAW,--the bulwark that protects her throne;
- And HEALTH,--to all its happiest charm that lends;
- These and their servants, man's untiring friends
- Pour the bright lymph that Heaven itself lets fall,
- In one fair bumper let us toast them all!
- I MUST leave thee, lady sweet
- Months shall waste before we meet;
- Winds are fair and sails are spread,
- Anchors leave their ocean bed;
- Ere this shining day grow dark,
- Skies shall gird my shoreless bark.
- Through thy tears, O lady mine,
- Read thy lover's parting line.
- When the first sad sun shall set,
- Thou shalt tear thy locks of jet;
- When the morning star shall rise,
- Thou shalt wake with weeping eyes;
- When the second sun goes down,
- Thou more tranquil shalt be grown,
- Taught too well that wild despair
- Dims thine eyes and spoils thy hair.
- All the first unquiet week
- Thou shalt wear a smileless cheek;
- In the first month's second half
- Thou shalt once attempt to laugh;
- Then in Pickwick thou shalt dip,
- Slightly puckering round the lip,
- Till at last, in sorrow's spite,
- Samuel makes thee laugh outright.
- While the first seven mornings last,
- Round thy chamber bolted fast
- Many a youth shall fume and pout,
- "Hang the girl, she's always out!"
- While the second week goes round,
- Vainly shall they ring and pound;
- When the third week shall begin,
- "Martha, let the creature in."
- Now once more the flattering throng
- Round thee flock with smile and song,
- But thy lips, unweaned as yet,
- Lisp, "Oh, how can I forget!"
- Men and devils both contrive
- Traps for catching girls alive;
- Eve was duped, and Helen kissed,--
- How, oh how can you resist?
- First be careful of your fan,
- Trust it not to youth or man;
- Love has filled a pirate's sail
- Often with its perfumed gale.
- Mind your kerchief most of all,
- Fingers touch when kerchiefs fall;
- Shorter ell than mercers clip
- Is the space from hand to lip.
- Trust not such as talk in tropes,
- Full of pistols, daggers, ropes;
- All the hemp that Russia bears
- Scarce would answer lovers' prayers;
- Never thread was spun so fine,
- Never spider stretched the line,
- Would not hold the lovers true
- That would really swing for you.
- Fiercely some shall storm and swear,
- Beating breasts in black despair;
- Others murmur with a sigh,
- You must melt, or they will die:
- Painted words on empty lies,
- Grubs with wings like butterflies;
- Let them die, and welcome, too;
- Pray what better could they do?
- Fare thee well: if years efface
- From thy heart love's burning trace,
- Keep, oh keep that hallowed seat
- From the tread of vulgar feet;
- If the blue lips of the sea
- Wait with icy kiss for me,
- Let not thine forget the vow,
- Sealed how often, Love, as now.
- As o'er the glacier's frozen sheet
- Breathes soft the Alpine rose,
- So through life's desert springing sweet
- The flower of friendship grows;
- And as where'er the roses grow
- Some rain or dew descends,
- 'T is nature's law that wine should flow
- To wet the lips of friends.
- Then once again, before we part,
- My empty glass shall ring;
- And he that has the warmest heart
- Shall loudest laugh and sing.
- They say we were not born to eat;
- But gray-haired sages think
- It means, Be moderate in your meat,
- And partly live to drink.
- For baser tribes the rivers flow
- That know not wine or song;
- Man wants but little drink below,
- But wants that little strong.
- Then once again, etc.
- If one bright drop is like the gem
- That decks a monarch's crown,
- One goblet holds a diadem
- Of rubies melted down!
- A fig for Caesar's blazing brow,
- But, like the Egyptian queen,
- Bid each dissolving jewel glow
- My thirsty lips between.
- Then once again, etc.
- The Grecian's mound, the Roman's urn,
- Are silent when we call,
- Yet still the purple grapes return
- To cluster on the wall;
- It was a bright Immortal's head
- They circled with the vine,
- And o'er their best and bravest dead
- They poured the dark-red wine.
- Then once again, etc.
- Methinks o'er every sparkling glass
- Young Eros waves his wings,
- And echoes o'er its dimples pass
- From dead Anacreon's strings;
- And, tossing round its beaded brim
- Their locks of floating gold,
- With bacchant dance and choral hymn
- Return the nymphs of old.
- Then once again, etc.
- A welcome then to joy and mirth,
- From hearts as fresh as ours,
- To scatter o'er the dust of earth
- Their sweetly mingled flowers;
- 'T is Wisdom's self the cup that fills
- In spite of Folly's frown,
- And Nature, from her vine-clad hills,
- That rains her life-blood down!
- Then once again, before we part,
- My empty glass shall ring;
- And he that has the warmest heart
- Shall loudest laugh and sing.
- NOVEMBER, 1842)
- A HEALTH to dear woman! She bids us untwine,
- From the cup it encircles, the fast-clinging vine;
- But her cheek in its crystal with pleasure will glow,
- And mirror its bloom in the bright wave below.
- A health to sweet woman! The days are no more
- When she watched for her lord till the revel was o'er,
- And smoothed the white pillow, and blushed when he came,
- As she pressed her cold lips on his forehead of flame.
- Alas for the loved one! too spotless and fair
- The joys of his banquet to chasten and share;
- Her eye lost its light that his goblet might shine,
- And the rose of her cheek was dissolved in his wine.
- Joy smiles in the fountain, health flows in the rills,
- As their ribbons of silver unwind from the hills;
- They breathe not the mist of the bacchanal's dream,
- But the lilies of innocence float on their stream.
- Then a health and a welcome to woman once more!
- She brings us a passport that laughs at our door;
- It is written on crimson,--its letters are pearls,--
- It is countersigned Nature.--So, room for the Girls!
- THE pledge of Friendship! it is still divine,
- Though watery floods have quenched its burning wine;
- Whatever vase the sacred drops may hold,
- The gourd, the shell, the cup of beaten gold,
- Around its brim the hand of Nature throws
- A garland sweeter than the banquet's rose.
- Bright are the blushes of the vine-wreathed bowl,
- Warm with the sunshine of Anacreon's soul,
- But dearer memories gild the tasteless wave
- That fainting Sidney perished as he gave.
- 'T is the heart's current lends the cup its glow,
- Whate'er the fountain whence the draught may flow,--
- The diamond dew-drops sparkling through the sand,
- Scooped by the Arab in his sunburnt hand,
- Or the dark streamlet oozing from the snow,
- Where creep and crouch the shuddering Esquimaux;
- Ay, in the stream that, ere again we meet,
- Shall burst the pavement, glistening at our feet,
- And, stealing silent from its leafy hills,
- Thread all our alleys with its thousand rills,--
- In each pale draught if generous feeling blend,
- And o'er the goblet friend shall smile on friend,
- Even cold Cochituate every heart shall warm,
- And genial Nature still defy reform!
- This poem was delivered before the Boston Mercantile Library
- Association, October 14, 1846.
- YES, dear Enchantress,--wandering far and long,
- In realms unperfumed by the breath of song,
- Where flowers ill-flavored shed their sweets around,
- And bitterest roots invade the ungenial ground,
- Whose gems are crystals from the Epsom mine,
- Whose vineyards flow with antimonial wine,
- Whose gates admit no mirthful feature in,
- Save one gaunt mocker, the Sardonic grin,
- Whose pangs are real, not the woes of rhyme
- That blue-eyed misses warble out of time;--
- Truant, not recreant to thy sacred claim,
- Older by reckoning, but in heart the same,
- Freed for a moment from the chains of toil,
- I tread once more thy consecrated soil;
- Here at thy feet my old allegiance own,
- Thy subject still, and loyal to thy throne!
- My dazzled glance explores the crowded hall;
- Alas, how vain to hope the smiles of all!
- I know my audience. All the gay and young
- Love the light antics of a playful tongue;
- And these, remembering some expansive line
- My lips let loose among the nuts and wine,
- Are all impatience till the opening pun
- Proclaims the witty shamfight is begun.
- Two fifths at least, if not the total half,
- Have come infuriate for an earthquake laugh;
- I know full well what alderman has tied
- His red bandanna tight about his side;
- I see the mother, who, aware that boys
- Perform their laughter with superfluous noise,
- Beside her kerchief brought an extra one
- To stop the explosions of her bursting son;
- I know a tailor, once a friend of mine,
- Expects great doings in the button line,--
- For mirth's concussions rip the outward case,
- And plant the stitches in a tenderer place.
- I know my audience,--these shall have their due;
- A smile awaits them ere my song is through!
- I know myself. Not servile for applause,
- My Muse permits no deprecating clause;
- Modest or vain, she will not be denied
- One bold confession due to honest pride;
- And well she knows the drooping veil of song
- Shall save her boldness from the caviller's wrong.
- Her sweeter voice the Heavenly Maid imparts
- To tell the secrets of our aching hearts
- For this, a suppliant, captive, prostrate, bound,
- She kneels imploring at the feet of sound;
- For this, convulsed in thought's maternal pains,
- She loads her arms with rhyme's resounding chains;
- Faint though the music of her fetters be,
- It lends one charm,--her lips are ever free!
- Think not I come, in manhood's fiery noon,
- To steal his laurels from the stage buffoon;
- His sword of lath the harlequin may wield;
- Behold the star upon my lifted shield
- Though the just critic pass my humble name,
- And sweeter lips have drained the cup of fame,
- While my gay stanza pleased the banquet's lords,
- The soul within was tuned to deeper chords!
- Say, shall my arms, in other conflicts taught
- To swing aloft the ponderous mace of thought,
- Lift, in obedience to a school-girl's law,
- Mirth's tinsel wand or laughter's tickling straw?
- Say, shall I wound with satire's rankling spear
- The pure, warm hearts that bid me welcome here?
- No! while I wander through the land of dreams,
- To strive with great and play with trifling themes,
- Let some kind meaning fill the varied line.
- You have your judgment; will you trust to mine?
- . . . . . . . . . .
- Between two breaths what crowded mysteries lie,--
- The first short gasp, the last and long-drawn sigh!
- Like phantoms painted on the magic slide,
- Forth from the darkness of the past we glide,
- As living shadows for a moment seen
- In airy pageant on the eternal screen,
- Traced by a ray from one unchanging flame,
- Then seek the dust and stillness whence we came.
- But whence and why, our trembling souls inquire,
- Caught these dim visions their awakening fire?
- Oh, who forgets when first the piercing thought
- Through childhood's musings found its way unsought?
- I AM;--I LIVE. The mystery and the fear
- When the dread question, WHAT HAS BROUGHT ME HERE?
- Burst through life's twilight, as before the sun
- Roll the deep thunders of the morning gun!
- Are angel faces, silent and serene,
- Bent on the conflicts of this little scene,
- Whose dream-like efforts, whose unreal strife,
- Are but the preludes to a larger life?
- Or does life's summer see the end of all,
- These leaves of being mouldering as they fall,
- As the old poet vaguely used to deem,
- As WESLEY questioned in his youthful dream?
- Oh, could such mockery reach our souls indeed,
- Give back the Pharaohs' or the Athenian's creed;
- Better than this a Heaven of man's device,--
- The Indian's sports, the Moslem's paradise!
- Or is our being's only end and aim
- To add new glories to our Maker's name,
- As the poor insect, shrivelling in the blaze,
- Lends a faint sparkle to its streaming rays?
- Does earth send upward to the Eternal's ear
- The mingled discords of her jarring sphere
- To swell his anthem, while creation rings
- With notes of anguish from its shattered strings?
- Is it for this the immortal Artist means
- These conscious, throbbing, agonized machines?
- Dark is the soul whose sullen creed can bind
- In chains like these the all-embracing Mind;
- No! two-faced bigot, thou dost ill reprove
- The sensual, selfish, yet benignant Jove,
- And praise a tyrant throned in lonely pride,
- Who loves himself, and cares for naught beside;
- Who gave thee, summoned from primeval night,
- A thousand laws, and not a single right,--
- A heart to feel, and quivering nerves to thrill,
- The sense of wrong, the death-defying will;
- Who girt thy senses with this goodly frame,
- Its earthly glories and its orbs of flame,
- Not for thyself, unworthy of a thought,
- Poor helpless victim of a life unsought,
- But all for him, unchanging and supreme,
- The heartless centre of thy frozen scheme.
- Trust not the teacher with his lying scroll,
- Who tears the charter of thy shuddering soul;
- The God of love, who gave the breath that warms
- All living dust in all its varied forms,
- Asks not the tribute of a world like this
- To fill the measure of his perfect bliss.
- Though winged with life through all its radiant shores,
- Creation flowed with unexhausted stores
- Cherub and seraph had not yet enjoyed;
- For this he called thee from the quickening void!
- Nor this alone; a larger gift was thine,
- A mightier purpose swelled his vast design
- Thought,--conscience,--will,--to make them all thine own,
- He rent a pillar from the eternal throne!
- Made in his image, thou must nobly dare
- The thorny crown of sovereignty to share.
- With eye uplifted, it is thine to view,
- From thine own centre, Heaven's o'erarching blue;
- So round thy heart a beaming circle lies
- No fiend can blot, no hypocrite disguise;
- From all its orbs one cheering voice is heard,
- Full to thine ear it bears the Father's word,
- Now, as in Eden where his first-born trod
- "Seek thine own welfare, true to man and God!"
- Think not too meanly of thy low estate;
- Thou hast a choice; to choose is to create!
- Remember whose the sacred lips that tell,
- Angels approve thee when thy choice is well;
- Remember, One, a judge of righteous men,
- Swore to spare Sodom if she held but ten!
- Use well the freedom which thy Master gave,
- (Think'st thou that Heaven can tolerate a slave?)
- And He who made thee to be just and true
- Will bless thee, love thee,--ay, respect thee too!
- Nature has placed thee on a changeful tide,
- To breast its waves, but not without a guide;
- Yet, as the needle will forget its aim,
- Jarred by the fury of the electric flame,
- As the true current it will falsely feel,
- Warped from its axis by a freight of steel;
- So will thy CONSCIENCE lose its balanced truth
- If passion's lightning fall upon thy youth,
- So the pure effluence quit its sacred hold
- Girt round too deeply with magnetic gold.
- Go to yon tower, where busy science plies
- Her vast antennae, feeling through the skies
- That little vernier on whose slender lines
- The midnight taper trembles as it shines,
- A silent index, tracks the planets' march
- In all their wanderings through the ethereal arch;
- Tells through the mist where dazzled Mercury burns,
- And marks the spot where Uranus returns.
- So, till by wrong or negligence effaced,
- The living index which thy Maker traced
- Repeats the line each starry Virtue draws
- Through the wide circuit of creation's laws;
- Still tracks unchanged the everlasting ray
- Where the dark shadows of temptation stray,
- But, once defaced, forgets the orbs of light,
- And leaves thee wandering o'er the expanse of night.
- "What is thy creed?" a hundred lips inquire;
- "Thou seekest God beneath what Christian spire?"
- Nor ask they idly, for uncounted lies
- Float upward on the smoke of sacrifice;
- When man's first incense rose above the plain,
- Of earth's two altars one was built by Cain!
- Uncursed by doubt, our earliest creed we take;
- We love the precepts for the teacher's sake;
- The simple lessons which the nursery taught
- Fell soft and stainless on the buds of thought,
- And the full blossom owes its fairest hue
- To those sweet tear-drops of affection's dew.
- Too oft the light that led our earlier hours
- Fades with the perfume of our cradle flowers;
- The clear, cold question chills to frozen doubt;
- Tired of beliefs, we dread to live without
- Oh then, if Reason waver at thy side,
- Let humbler Memory be thy gentle guide;
- Go to thy birthplace, and, if faith was there,
- Repeat thy father's creed, thy mother's prayer!
- Faith loves to lean on Time's destroying arm,
- And age, like distance, lends a double charm;
- In dim cathedrals, dark with vaulted gloom,
- What holy awe invests the saintly tomb!
- There pride will bow, and anxious care expand,
- And creeping avarice come with open hand;
- The gay can weep, the impious can adore,
- From morn's first glimmerings on the chancel floor
- Till dying sunset sheds his crimson stains
- Through the faint halos of the irised panes.
- Yet there are graves, whose rudely-shapen sod
- Bears the fresh footprints where the sexton trod;
- Graves where the verdure has not dared to shoot,
- Where the chance wild-flower has not fixed its root,
- Whose slumbering tenants, dead without a name,
- The eternal record shall at length proclaim
- Pure as the holiest in the long array
- Of hooded, mitred, or tiaraed clay!
- Come, seek the air; some pictures we may gain
- Whose passing shadows shall not be in vain;
- Not from the scenes that crowd the stranger's soil,
- Not from our own amidst the stir of toil,
- But when the Sabbath brings its kind release,
- And Care lies slumbering on the lap of Peace.
- The air is hushed, the street is holy ground;
- Hark! The sweet bells renew their welcome sound
- As one by one awakes each silent tongue,
- It tells the turret whence its voice is flung.
- The Chapel, last of sublunary things
- That stirs our echoes with the name of Kings,
- Whose bell, just glistening from the font and forge,
- Rolled its proud requiem for the second George,
- Solemn and swelling, as of old it rang,
- Flings to the wind its deep, sonorous clang;
- The simpler pile, that, mindful of the hour
- When Howe's artillery shook its half-built tower,
- Wears on its bosom, as a bride might do,
- The iron breastpin which the "Rebels" threw,
- Wakes the sharp echoes with the quivering thrill
- Of keen vibrations, tremulous and shrill;
- Aloft, suspended in the morning's fire,
- Crash the vast cymbals from the Southern spire;
- The Giant, standing by the elm-clad green,
- His white lance lifted o'er the silent scene,
- Whirling in air his brazen goblet round,
- Swings from its brim the swollen floods of sound;
- While, sad with memories of the olden time,
- Throbs from his tower the Northern Minstrel's chime,--
- Faint, single tones, that spell their ancient song,
- But tears still follow as they breathe along.
- Child of the soil, whom fortune sends to range
- Where man and nature, faith and customs change,
- Borne in thy memory, each familiar tone
- Mourns on the winds that sigh in every zone.
- When Ceylon sweeps thee with her perfumed breeze
- Through the warm billows of the Indian seas;
- When--ship and shadow blended both in one--
- Flames o'er thy mast the equatorial sun,
- From sparkling midnight to refulgent noon
- Thy canvas swelling with the still monsoon;
- When through thy shrouds the wild tornado sings,
- And thy poor sea-bird folds her tattered wings,--
- Oft will delusion o'er thy senses steal,
- And airy echoes ring the Sabbath peal
- Then, dim with grateful tears, in long array
- Rise the fair town, the island-studded bay,
- Home, with its smiling board, its cheering fire,
- The half-choked welcome of the expecting sire,
- The mother's kiss, and, still if aught remain,
- Our whispering hearts shall aid the silent strain.
- Ah, let the dreamer o'er the taffrail lean
- To muse unheeded, and to weep unseen;
- Fear not the tropic's dews, the evening's chills,
- His heart lies warm among his triple hills!
- Turned from her path by this deceitful gleam,
- My wayward fancy half forgets her theme.
- See through the streets that slumbered in repose
- The living current of devotion flows,
- Its varied forms in one harmonious band
- Age leading childhood by its dimpled hand;
- Want, in the robe whose faded edges fall
- To tell of rags beneath the tartan shawl;
- And wealth, in silks that, fluttering to appear,
- Lift the deep borders of the proud cashmere.
- See, but glance briefly, sorrow-worn and pale,
- Those sunken cheeks beneath the widow's veil;
- Alone she wanders where with HIM she trod,
- No arm to stay her, but she leans on God.
- While other doublets deviate here and there,
- What secret handcuff binds that pretty pair?
- Compactest couple! pressing side to side,--
- Ah, the white bonnet that reveals the bride!
- By the white neckcloth, with its straitened tie,
- The sober hat, the Sabbath-speaking eye,
- Severe and smileless, he that runs may read
- The stern disciple of Geneva's creed
- Decent and slow, behold his solemn march;
- Silent he enters through yon crowded arch.
- A livelier bearing of the outward man,
- The light-hued gloves, the undevout rattan,
- Now smartly raised or half profanely twirled,--
- A bright, fresh twinkle from the week-day world,--
- Tell their plain story; yes, thine eyes behold
- A cheerful Christian from the liberal fold.
- Down the chill street that curves in gloomiest shade
- What marks betray yon solitary maid?
- The cheek's red rose that speaks of balmier air,
- The Celtic hue that shades her braided hair,
- The gilded missal in her kerchief tied,--
- Poor Nora, exile from Killarney's side!
- Sister in toil, though blanched by colder skies,
- That left their azure in her downcast eyes,
- See pallid Margaret, Labor's patient child,
- Scarce weaned from home, the nursling of the wild,
- Where white Katahdin o'er the horizon shines,
- And broad Penobscot dashes through the pines.
- Still, as she hastes, her careful fingers hold
- The unfailing hymn-book in its cambric fold.
- Six days at drudgery's heavy wheel she stands,
- The seventh sweet morning folds her weary hands.
- Yes, child of suffering, thou mayst well be sure
- He who ordained the Sabbath loves the poor!
- This weekly picture faithful Memory draws,
- Nor claims the noisy tribute of applause;
- Faint is the glow such barren hopes can lend,
- And frail the line that asks no loftier end.
- Trust me, kind listener, I will yet beguile
- Thy saddened features of the promised smile.
- This magic mantle thou must well divide,
- It has its sable and its ermine side;
- Yet, ere the lining of the robe appears,
- Take thou in silence what I give in tears.
- Dear listening soul, this transitory scene
- Of murmuring stillness, busily serene,--
- This solemn pause, the breathing-space of man,
- The halt of toil's exhausted caravan,--
- Comes sweet with music to thy wearied ear;
- Rise with its anthems to a holier sphere!
- Deal meekly, gently, with the hopes that guide
- The lowliest brother straying from thy side
- If right, they bid thee tremble for thine own;
- If wrong, the verdict is for God alone.
- What though the champions of thy faith esteem
- The sprinkled fountain or baptismal stream;
- Shall jealous passions in unseemly strife
- Cross their dark weapons o'er the waves of life?
- Let my free soul, expanding as it can,
- Leave to his scheme the thoughtful Puritan;
- But Calvin's dogma shall my lips deride?
- In that stern faith my angel Mary died;
- Or ask if mercy's milder creed can save,
- Sweet sister, risen from thy new-made grave?
- True, the harsh founders of thy church reviled
- That ancient faith, the trust of Erin's child;
- Must thou be raking in the crumbled past
- For racks and fagots in her teeth to cast?
- See from the ashes of Helvetia's pile
- The whitened skull of old Servetus smile!
- Round her young heart thy "Romish Upas" threw
- Its firm, deep fibres, strengthening as she grew;
- Thy sneering voice may call them "Popish tricks,"
- Her Latin prayers, her dangling crucifix,
- But De Profundis blessed her father's grave,
- That "idol" cross her dying mother gave!
- What if some angel looks with equal eyes
- On her and thee, the simple and the wise,
- Writes each dark fault against thy brighter creed,
- And drops a tear with every foolish bead!
- Grieve, as thou must, o'er history's reeking page;
- Blush for the wrongs that stain thy happier age;
- Strive with the wanderer from the better path,
- Bearing thy message meekly, not in wrath;
- Weep for the frail that err, the weak that fall,
- Have thine own faith,--but hope and pray for all!
- Faith; Conscience; Love. A meaner task remains,
- And humbler thoughts must creep in lowlier strains.
- Shalt thou be honest? Ask the worldly schools,
- And all will tell thee knaves are busier fools;
- Prudent? Industrious? Let not modern pens
- Instruct "Poor Richard's" fellow-citizens.
- Be firm! One constant element in luck
- Is genuine solid old Teutonic pluck.
- See yon tall shaft; it felt the earthquake's thrill,
- Clung to its base, and greets the sunrise still.
- Stick to your aim: the mongrel's hold will slip,
- But only crowbars loose the bulldog's grip;
- Small as he looks, the jaw that never yields
- Drags down the bellowing monarch of the fields!
- Yet in opinions look not always back,--
- Your wake is nothing, mind the coming track;
- Leave what you've done for what you have to do;
- Don't be "consistent," but be simply true.
- Don't catch the fidgets; you have found your place
- Just in the focus of a nervous race,
- Fretful to change and rabid to discuss,
- Full of excitements, always in a fuss.
- Think of the patriarchs; then compare as men
- These lean-cheeked maniacs of the tongue and pen!
- Run, if you like, but try to keep your breath;
- Work like a man, but don't be worked to death;
- And with new notions,--let me change the rule,--
- Don't strike the iron till it 's slightly cool.
- Choose well your set; our feeble nature seeks
- The aid of clubs, the countenance of cliques;
- And with this object settle first of all
- Your weight of metal and your size of ball.
- Track not the steps of such as hold you cheap,
- Too mean to prize, though good enough to keep;
- The "real, genuine, no-mistake Tom Thumbs"
- Are little people fed on great men's crumbs.
- Yet keep no followers of that hateful brood
- That basely mingles with its wholesome food
- The tumid reptile, which, the poet said,
- Doth wear a precious jewel in his head.
- If the wild filly, "Progress," thou wouldst ride,
- Have young companions ever at thy side;
- But wouldst thou stride the stanch old mare, "Success,"
- Go with thine elders, though they please thee less.
- Shun such as lounge through afternoons and eves,
- And on thy dial write, "Beware of thieves!"
- Felon of minutes, never taught to feel
- The worth of treasures which thy fingers steal,
- Pick my left pocket of its silver dime,
- But spare the right,--it holds my golden time!
- Does praise delight thee? Choose some _ultra_ side,--
- A sure old recipe, and often tried;
- Be its apostle, congressman, or bard,
- Spokesman or jokesman, only drive it hard;
- But know the forfeit which thy choice abides,
- For on two wheels the poor reformer rides,--
- One black with epithets the _anti_ throws,
- One white with flattery painted by the pros.
- Though books on MANNERS are not out of print,
- An honest tongue may drop a harmless hint.
- Stop not, unthinking, every friend you meet,
- To spin your wordy fabric in the street;
- While you are emptying your colloquial pack,
- The fiend Lumbago jumps upon his back.
- Nor cloud his features with the unwelcome tale
- Of how he looks, if haply thin and pale;
- Health is a subject for his child, his wife,
- And the rude office that insures his life.
- Look in his face, to meet thy neighbor's soul,
- Not on his garments, to detect a hole;
- "How to observe" is what thy pages show,
- Pride of thy sex, Miss Harriet Martineau!
- Oh, what a precious book the one would be
- That taught observers what they 're NOT to see!
- I tell in verse--'t were better done in prose--
- One curious trick that everybody knows;
- Once form this habit, and it's very strange
- How long it sticks, how hard it is to change.
- Two friendly people, both disposed to smile,
- Who meet, like others, every little while,
- Instead of passing with a pleasant bow,
- And "How d' ye do?" or "How 's your uncle now?"
- Impelled by feelings in their nature kind,
- But slightly weak and somewhat undefined,
- Rush at each other, make a sudden stand,
- Begin to talk, expatiate, and expand;
- Each looks quite radiant, seems extremely struck,
- Their meeting so was such a piece of luck;
- Each thinks the other thinks he 's greatly pleased
- To screw the vice in which they both are squeezed;
- So there they talk, in dust, or mud, or snow,
- Both bored to death, and both afraid to go!
- Your hat once lifted, do not hang your fire,
- Nor, like slow Ajax, fighting still, retire;
- When your old castor on your crown you clap,
- Go off; you've mounted your percussion cap.
- Some words on LANGUAGE may be well applied,
- And take them kindly, though they touch your pride.
- Words lead to things; a scale is more precise,--
- Coarse speech, bad grammar, swearing, drinking, vice.
- Our cold Northeaster's icy fetter clips
- The native freedom of the Saxon lips;
- See the brown peasant of the plastic South,
- How all his passions play about his mouth!
- With us, the feature that transmits the soul,
- A frozen, passive, palsied breathing-hole.
- The crampy shackles of the ploughboy's walk
- Tie the small muscles when he strives to talk;
- Not all the pumice of the polished town
- Can smooth this roughness of the barnyard down;
- Rich, honored, titled, he betrays his race
- By this one mark,--he's awkward in the face;--
- Nature's rude impress, long before he knew
- The sunny street that holds the sifted few.
- It can't be helped, though, if we're taken young,
- We gain some freedom of the lips and tongue;
- But school and college often try in vain
- To break the padlock of our boyhood's chain
- One stubborn word will prove this axiom true,--
- No quondam rustic can enunciate view.
- A few brief stanzas may be well employed
- To speak of errors we can all avoid.
- Learning condemns beyond the reach of hope
- The careless lips that speak of so'ap for soap;
- Her edict exiles from her fair abode
- The clownish voice that utters ro'ad for road
- Less stern to him who calls his coat a co'at,
- And steers his boat, believing it a bo'at,
- She pardoned one, our classic city's boast,
- Who said at Cambridge mo'st instead of most,
- But knit her brows and stamped her angry foot
- To hear a Teacher call a root a ro'ot.
- Once more: speak clearly, if you speak at all;
- Carve every word before you let it fall;
- Don't, like a lecturer or dramatic star,
- Try over-hard to roll the British R;
- Do put your accents in the proper spot;
- Don't,--let me beg you,--don't say "How?" for "What?"
- And when you stick on conversation's burs,
- Don't strew your pathway with those dreadful _urs_.
- From little matters let us pass to less,
- And lightly touch the mysteries of DRESS;
- The outward forms the inner man reveal,--
- We guess the pulp before we cut the peel.
- I leave the broadcloth,--coats and all the rest,--
- The dangerous waistcoat, called by cockneys "vest,"
- The things named "pants" in certain documents,
- A word not made for gentlemen, but "gents;"
- One single precept might the whole condense
- Be sure your tailor is a man of sense;
- But add a little care, a decent pride,
- And always err upon the sober side.
- Three pairs of boots one pair of feet demands,
- If polished daily by the owner's hands;
- If the dark menial's visit save from this,
- Have twice the number,--for he 'll sometimes miss.
- One pair for critics of the nicer sex,
- Close in the instep's clinging circumflex,
- Long, narrow, light; the Gallic boot of love,
- A kind of cross between a boot and glove.
- Compact, but easy, strong, substantial, square,
- Let native art compile the medium pair.
- The third remains, and let your tasteful skill
- Here show some relics of affection still;
- Let no stiff cowhide, reeking from the tan,
- No rough caoutchoue, no deformed brogan,
- Disgrace the tapering outline of your feet,
- Though yellow torrents gurgle through the street.
- Wear seemly gloves; not black, nor yet too light,
- And least of all the pair that once was white;
- Let the dead party where you told your loves
- Bury in peace its dead bouquets and gloves;
- Shave like the goat, if so your fancy bids,
- But be a parent,--don't neglect your kids.
- Have a good hat; the secret of your looks
- Lives with the beaver in Canadian brooks;
- Virtue may flourish in an old cravat,
- But man and nature scorn the shocking hat.
- Does beauty slight you from her gay abodes?
- Like bright Apollo, you must take to Rhoades,--
- Mount the new castor,--ice itself will melt;
- Boots, gloves, may fail; the hat is always felt.
- Be shy of breastpins; plain, well-ironed white,
- With small pearl buttons,--two of them in sight,--
- Is always genuine, while your gems may pass,
- Though real diamonds, for ignoble glass.
- But spurn those paltry Cisatlantic lies
- That round his breast the shabby rustic ties;
- Breathe not the name profaned to hallow things
- The indignant laundress blushes when she brings!
- Our freeborn race, averse to every check,
- Has tossed the yoke of Europe from its _neck_;
- From the green prairie to the sea-girt town,
- The whole wide nation turns its collars down.
- The stately neck is manhood's manliest part;
- It takes the life-blood freshest from the heart.
- With short, curled ringlets close around it spread,
- How light and strong it lifts the Grecian head!
- Thine, fair Erechtheus of Minerva's wall;
- Or thine, young athlete of the Louvre's hall,
- Smooth as the pillar flashing in the sun
- That filled the arena where thy wreaths were won,
- Firm as the band that clasps the antlered spoil
- Strained in the winding anaconda's coil
- I spare the contrast; it were only kind
- To be a little, nay, intensely blind.
- Choose for yourself: I know it cuts your ear;
- I know the points will sometimes interfere;
- I know that often, like the filial John,
- Whom sleep surprised with half his drapery on,
- You show your features to the astonished town
- With one side standing and the other down;--
- But, O, my friend! my favorite fellow-man!
- If Nature made you on her modern plan,
- Sooner than wander with your windpipe bare,--
- The fruit of Eden ripening in the air,--
- With that lean head-stalk, that protruding chin,
- Wear standing collars, were they made of tin!
- And have a neckcloth--by the throat of Jove!--
- Cut from the funnel of a rusty stove!
- The long-drawn lesson narrows to its close,
- Chill, slender, slow, the dwindled current flows;
- Tired of the ripples on its feeble springs,
- Once more the Muse unfolds her upward wings.
- Land of my birth, with this unhallowed tongue,
- Thy hopes, thy dangers, I perchance had sung;
- But who shall sing, in brutal disregard
- Of all the essentials of the "native bard"?
- Lake, sea, shore, prairie, forest, mountain, fall,
- His eye omnivorous must devour them all;
- The tallest summits and the broadest tides
- His foot must compass with its giant strides,
- Where Ocean thunders, where Missouri rolls,
- And tread at once the tropics and the poles;
- His food all forms of earth, fire, water, air,
- His home all space, his birthplace everywhere.
- Some grave compatriot, having seen perhaps
- The pictured page that goes in Worcester's Maps,
- And, read in earnest what was said in jest,
- "Who drives fat oxen"--please to add the rest,--
- Sprung the odd notion that the poet's dreams
- Grow in the ratio of his hills and streams;
- And hence insisted that the aforesaid "bard,"
- Pink of the future, fancy's pattern-card,
- The babe of nature in the "giant West,"
- Must be of course her biggest and her best.
- Oh! when at length the expected bard shall come,
- Land of our pride, to strike thine echoes dumb,
- (And many a voice exclaims in prose and rhyme,
- It's getting late, and he's behind his time,)
- When all thy mountains clap their hands in joy,
- And all thy cataracts thunder, "That 's the boy,"--
- Say if with him the reign of song shall end,
- And Heaven declare its final dividend!
- Becalm, dear brother! whose impassioned strain
- Comes from an alley watered by a drain;
- The little Mincio, dribbling to the Po,
- Beats all the epics of the Hoang Ho;
- If loved in earnest by the tuneful maid,
- Don't mind their nonsense,--never be afraid!
- The nurse of poets feeds her winged brood
- By common firesides, on familiar food;
- In a low hamlet, by a narrow stream,
- Where bovine rustics used to doze and dream,
- She filled young William's fiery fancy full,
- While old John Shakespeare talked of beeves and wool!
- No Alpine needle, with its climbing spire,
- Brings down for mortals the Promethean fire,
- If careless nature have forgot to frame
- An altar worthy of the sacred flame.
- Unblest by any save the goatherd's lines,
- Mont Blanc rose soaring through his "sea of pines;"
- In vain the rivers from their ice-caves flash;
- No hymn salutes them but the Ranz des Vaches,
- Till lazy Coleridge, by the morning's light,
- Gazed for a moment on the fields of white,
- And lo! the glaciers found at length a tongue,
- Mont Blanc was vocal, and Chamouni sung!
- Children of wealth or want, to each is given
- One spot of green, and all the blue of heaven!
- Enough if these their outward shows impart;
- The rest is thine,--the scenery of the heart.
- If passion's hectic in thy stanzas glow,
- Thy heart's best life-blood ebbing as they flow;
- If with thy verse thy strength and bloom distil,
- Drained by the pulses of the fevered thrill;
- If sound's sweet effluence polarize thy brain,
- And thoughts turn crystals in thy fluid strain,--
- Nor rolling ocean, nor the prairie's bloom,
- Nor streaming cliffs, nor rayless cavern's gloom,
- Need'st thou, young poet, to inform thy line;
- Thy own broad signet stamps thy song divine!
- Let others gaze where silvery streams are rolled,
- And chase the rainbow for its cup of gold;
- To thee all landscapes wear a heavenly dye,
- Changed in the glance of thy prismatic eye;
- Nature evoked thee in sublimer throes,
- For thee her inmost Arethusa flows,--
- The mighty mother's living depths are stirred,--
- Thou art the starred Osiris of the herd!
- A few brief lines; they touch on solemn chords,
- And hearts may leap to hear their honest words;
- Yet, ere the jarring bugle-blast is blown,
- The softer lyre shall breathe its soothing tone.
- New England! proudly may thy children claim
- Their honored birthright by its humblest name
- Cold are thy skies, but, ever fresh and clear,
- No rank malaria stains thine atmosphere;
- No fungous weeds invade thy scanty soil,
- Scarred by the ploughshares of unslumbering toil.
- Long may the doctrines by thy sages taught,
- Raised from the quarries where their sires have wrought,
- Be like the granite of thy rock-ribbed land,--
- As slow to rear, as obdurate to stand;
- And as the ice that leaves thy crystal mine
- Chills the fierce alcohol in the Creole's wine,
- So may the doctrines of thy sober school
- Keep the hot theories of thy neighbors cool!
- If ever, trampling on her ancient path,
- Cankered by treachery or inflamed by wrath,
- With smooth "Resolves" or with discordant cries,
- The mad Briareus of disunion rise,
- Chiefs of New England! by your sires' renown,
- Dash the red torches of the rebel down!
- Flood his black hearthstone till its flames expire,
- Though your old Sachem fanned his council-fire!
- But if at last, her fading cycle run,
- The tongue must forfeit what the arm has won,
- Then rise, wild Ocean! roll thy surging shock
- Full on old Plymouth's desecrated rock!
- Scale the proud shaft degenerate hands have hewn,
- Where bleeding Valor stained the flowers of June!
- Sweep in one tide her spires and turrets down,
- And howl her dirge above Monadnock's crown!
- List not the tale; the Pilgrim's hallowed shore,
- Though strewn with weeds, is granite at the core;
- Oh, rather trust that He who made her free
- Will keep her true as long as faith shall be!
- Farewell! yet lingering through the destined hour,
- Leave, sweet Enchantress, one memorial flower!
- An Angel, floating o'er the waste of snow
- That clad our Western desert, long ago,
- (The same fair spirit who, unseen by day,
- Shone as a star along the Mayflower's way,)--
- Sent, the first herald of the Heavenly plan,
- To choose on earth a resting-place for man,--
- Tired with his flight along the unvaried field,
- Turned to soar upwards, when his glance revealed
- A calm, bright bay enclosed in rocky bounds,
- And at its entrance stood three sister mounds.
- The Angel spake: "This threefold hill shall be
- The home of Arts, the nurse of Liberty!
- One stately summit from its shaft shall pour
- Its deep-red blaze along the darkened shore;
- Emblem of thoughts that, kindling far and wide,
- In danger's night shall be a nation's guide.
- One swelling crest the citadel shall crown,
- Its slanted bastions black with battle's frown,
- And bid the sons that tread its scowling heights
- Bare their strong arms for man and all his rights!
- One silent steep along the northern wave
- Shall hold the patriarch's and the hero's grave;
- When fades the torch, when o'er the peaceful scene
- The embattled fortress smiles in living green,
- The cross of Faith, the anchor staff of Hope,
- Shall stand eternal on its grassy slope;
- There through all time shall faithful Memory tell,
- 'Here Virtue toiled, and Patriot Valor fell;
- Thy free, proud fathers slumber at thy side;
- Live as they lived, or perish as they died!'"
- Read at the Annual Dinner of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, at
- Cambridge, August 24, 1843.
- IN narrowest girdle, O reluctant Muse,
- In closest frock and Cinderella shoes,
- Bound to the foot-lights for thy brief display,
- One zephyr step, and then dissolve away!
- . . . . . . . . . .
- Short is the space that gods and men can spare
- To Song's twin brother when she is not there.
- Let others water every lusty line,
- As Homer's heroes did their purple wine;
- Pierian revellers! Know in strains like these
- The native juice, the real honest squeeze,---
- Strains that, diluted to the twentieth power,
- In yon grave temple might have filled an hour.
- Small room for Fancy's many-chorded lyre,
- For Wit's bright rockets with their trains of fire,
- For Pathos, struggling vainly to surprise
- The iron tutor's tear-denying eyes,
- For Mirth, whose finger with delusive wile
- Turns the grim key of many a rusty smile,
- For Satire, emptying his corrosive flood
- On hissing Folly's gas-exhaling brood,
- The pun, the fun, the moral, and the joke,
- The hit, the thrust, the pugilistic poke,--
- Small space for these, so pressed by niggard Time,
- Like that false matron, known to nursery rhyme,--
- Insidious Morey,--scarce her tale begun,
- Ere listening infants weep the story done.
- Oh, had we room to rip the mighty bags
- That Time, the harlequin, has stuffed with rags!
- Grant us one moment to unloose the strings,
- While the old graybeard shuts his leather wings.
- But what a heap of motley trash appears
- Crammed in the bundles of successive years!
- As the lost rustic on some festal day
- Stares through the concourse in its vast array,--
- Where in one cake a throng of faces runs,
- All stuck together like a sheet of buns,--
- And throws the bait of some unheeded name,
- Or shoots a wink with most uncertain aim,
- So roams my vision, wandering over all,
- And strives to choose, but knows not where to fall.
- Skins of flayed authors, husks of dead reviews,
- The turn-coat's clothes, the office-seeker's shoes,
- Scraps from cold feasts, where conversation runs
- Through mouldy toasts to oxidated puns,
- And grating songs a listening crowd endures,
- Rasped from the throats of bellowing amateurs;
- Sermons, whose writers played such dangerous tricks
- Their own heresiarchs called them heretics,
- (Strange that one term such distant poles should link,
- The Priestleyan's copper and the Puseyan's zinc);
- Poems that shuffle with superfluous legs
- A blindfold minuet over addled eggs,
- Where all the syllables that end in ed,
- Like old dragoons, have cuts across the head;
- Essays so dark Champollion might despair
- To guess what mummy of a thought was there,
- Where our poor English, striped with foreign phrase,
- Looks like a zebra in a parson's chaise;
- Lectures that cut our dinners down to roots,
- Or prove (by monkeys) men should stick to fruits,--
- Delusive error, as at trifling charge
- Professor Gripes will certify at large;
- Mesmeric pamphlets, which to facts appeal,
- Each fact as slippery as a fresh-caught eel;
- And figured heads, whose hieroglyphs invite
- To wandering knaves that discount fools at sight:
- Such things as these, with heaps of unpaid bills,
- And candy puffs and homoeopathic pills,
- And ancient bell-crowns with contracted rim,
- And bonnets hideous with expanded brim,
- And coats whose memory turns the sartor pale,
- Their sequels tapering like a lizard's tale,--
- How might we spread them to the smiling day,
- And toss them, fluttering like the new-mown hay,
- To laughter's light or sorrow's pitying shower,
- Were these brief minutes lengthened to an hour.
- The narrow moments fit like Sunday shoes,--
- How vast the heap, how quickly must we choose!
- A few small scraps from out his mountain mass
- We snatch in haste, and let the vagrant pass.
- This shrunken CRUST that Cerberus could not bite,
- Stamped (in one corner) "Pickwick copyright,"
- Kneaded by youngsters, raised by flattery's yeast,
- Was once a loaf, and helped to make a feast.
- He for whose sake the glittering show appears
- Has sown the world with laughter and with tears,
- And they whose welcome wets the bumper's brim
- Have wit and wisdom,--for they all quote him.
- So, many a tongue the evening hour prolongs
- With spangled speeches,--let alone the songs;
- Statesmen grow merry, lean attorneys laugh,
- And weak teetotals warm to half and half,
- And beardless Tullys, new to festive scenes,
- Cut their first crop of youth's precocious greens,
- And wits stand ready for impromptu claps,
- With loaded barrels and percussion caps,
- And Pathos, cantering through the minor keys,
- Waves all her onions to the trembling breeze;
- While the great Feasted views with silent glee
- His scattered limbs in Yankee fricassee.
- Sweet is the scene where genial friendship plays
- The pleasing game of interchanging praise.
- Self-love, grimalkin of the human heart,
- Is ever pliant to the master's art;
- Soothed with a word, she peacefully withdraws
- And sheathes in velvet her obnoxious claws,
- And thrills the hand that smooths her glossy fur
- With the light tremor of her grateful purr.
- But what sad music fills the quiet hall,
- If on her back a feline rival fall!
- And oh, what noises shake the tranquil house
- If old Self-interest cheats her of a mouse.
- Thou, O my country, hast thy foolish ways,
- Too apt to purr at every stranger's praise;
- But if the stranger touch thy modes or laws,
- Off goes the velvet and out come the claws!
- And thou, Illustrious! but too poorly paid
- In toasts from Pickwick for thy great crusade,
- Though, while the echoes labored with thy name,
- The public trap denied thy little game,
- Let other lips our jealous laws revile,--
- The marble Talfourd or the rude Carlyle,--
- But on thy lids, which Heaven forbids to close
- Where'er the light of kindly nature glows,
- Let not the dollars that a churl denies
- Weigh like the shillings on a dead man's eyes!
- Or, if thou wilt, be more discreetly blind,
- Nor ask to see all wide extremes combined.
- Not in our wastes the dainty blossoms smile
- That crowd the gardens of thy scanty isle.
- There white-cheeked Luxury weaves a thousand charms;
- Here sun-browned Labor swings his naked arms.
- Long are the furrows he must trace between
- The ocean's azure and the prairie's green;
- Full many a blank his destined realm displays,
- Yet sees the promise of his riper days
- Far through yon depths the panting engine moves,
- His chariots ringing in their steel-shod grooves;
- And Erie's naiad flings her diamond wave
- O'er the wild sea-nymph in her distant cave!
- While tasks like these employ his anxious hours,
- What if his cornfields are not edged with flowers?
- Though bright as silver the meridian beams
- Shine through the crystal of thine English streams,
- Turbid and dark the mighty wave is whirled
- That drains our Andes and divides a world!
- But lo! a PARCHMENT! Surely it would seem
- The sculptured impress speaks of power supreme;
- Some grave design the solemn page must claim
- That shows so broadly an emblazoned name.
- A sovereign's promise! Look, the lines afford
- All Honor gives when Caution asks his word:
- There sacred Faith has laid her snow-white hands,
- And awful Justice knit her iron bands;
- Yet every leaf is stained with treachery's dye,
- And every letter crusted with a lie.
- Alas! no treason has degraded yet
- The Arab's salt, the Indian's calumet;
- A simple rite, that bears the wanderer's pledge,
- Blunts the keen shaft and turns the dagger's edge;
- While jockeying senates stop to sign and seal,
- And freeborn statesmen legislate to steal.
- Rise, Europe, tottering with thine Atlas load,
- Turn thy proud eye to Freedom's blest abode,
- And round her forehead, wreathed with heavenly flame,
- Bind the dark garland of her daughter's shame!
- Ye ocean clouds, that wrap the angry blast,
- Coil her stained ensign round its haughty mast,
- Or tear the fold that wears so foul a scar,
- And drive a bolt through every blackened star!
- Once more,--once only,--- we must stop so soon:
- What have we here? A GERMAN-SILVER SPOON;
- A cheap utensil, which we often see
- Used by the dabblers in aesthetic tea,
- Of slender fabric, somewhat light and thin,
- Made of mixed metal, chiefly lead and tin;
- The bowl is shallow, and the handle small,
- Marked in large letters with the name JEAN PAUL.
- Small as it is, its powers are passing strange,
- For all who use it show a wondrous change;
- And first, a fact to make the barbers stare,
- It beats Macassar for the growth of hair.
- See those small youngsters whose expansive ears
- Maternal kindness grazed with frequent shears;
- Each bristling crop a dangling mass becomes,
- And all the spoonies turn to Absaloms
- Nor this alone its magic power displays,
- It alters strangely all their works and ways;
- With uncouth words they tire their tender lungs,
- The same bald phrases on their hundred tongues
- "Ever" "The Ages" in their page appear,
- "Alway" the bedlamite is called a "Seer;"
- On every leaf the "earnest" sage may scan,
- Portentous bore! their "many-sided" man,--
- A weak eclectic, groping vague and dim,
- Whose every angle is a half-starved whim,
- Blind as a mole and curious as a lynx,
- Who rides a beetle, which he calls a "Sphinx."
- And oh, what questions asked in clubfoot rhyme
- Of Earth the tongueless and the deaf-mute Time!
- Here babbling "Insight" shouts in Nature's ears
- His last conundrum on the orbs and spheres;
- There Self-inspection sucks its little thumb,
- With "Whence am I?" and "Wherefore did I come?"
- Deluded infants! will they ever know
- Some doubts must darken o'er the world below,
- Though all the Platos of the nursery trail
- Their "clouds of glory" at the go-cart's tail?
- Oh might these couplets their attention claim
- That gain their author the Philistine's name
- (A stubborn race, that, spurning foreign law,
- Was much belabored with an ass's jaw.)
- Melodious Laura! From the sad retreats
- That hold thee, smothered with excess of sweets,
- Shade of a shadow, spectre of a dream,
- Glance thy wan eye across the Stygian stream!
- The slipshod dreamer treads thy fragrant halls,
- The sophist's cobwebs hang thy roseate walls,
- And o'er the crotchets of thy jingling tunes
- The bard of mystery scrawls his crooked "runes."
- Yes, thou art gone, with all the tuneful hordes
- That candied thoughts in amber-colored words,
- And in the precincts of thy late abodes
- The clattering verse-wright hammers Orphic odes.
- Thou, soft as zephyr, wast content to fly
- On the gilt pinions of a balmy sigh;
- He, vast as Phoebus on his burning wheels,
- Would stride through ether at Orion's heels.
- Thy emblem, Laura, was a perfume-jar,
- And thine, young Orpheus, is a pewter star.
- The balance trembles,--be its verdict told
- When the new jargon slumbers with the old!
- . . . . . . . .
- Cease, playful goddess! From thine airy bound
- Drop like a feather softly to the ground;
- This light bolero grows a ticklish dance,
- And there is mischief in thy kindling glance.
- To-morrow bids thee, with rebuking frown,
- Change thy gauze tunic for a home-made gown,
- Too blest by fortune if the passing day
- Adorn thy bosom with its frail bouquet,
- But oh, still happier if the next forgets
- Thy daring steps and dangerous pirouettes!
- A sick man's chamber, though it often boast
- The grateful presence of a literal toast,
- Can hardly claim, amidst its various wealth,
- The right unchallenged to propose a health;
- Yet though its tenant is denied the feast,
- Friendship must launch his sentiment at least,
- As prisoned damsels, locked from lovers' lips,
- Toss them a kiss from off their fingers' tips.
- The morning visit,--not till sickness falls
- In the charmed circles of your own safe walls;
- Till fever's throb and pain's relentless rack
- Stretch you all helpless on your aching back;
- Not till you play the patient in your turn,
- The morning visit's mystery shall you learn.
- 'T is a small matter in your neighbor's case,
- To charge your fee for showing him your face;
- You skip up-stairs, inquire, inspect, and touch,
- Prescribe, take leave, and off to twenty such.
- But when at length, by fate's transferred decree,
- The visitor becomes the visitee,
- Oh, then, indeed, it pulls another string;
- Your ox is gored, and that's a different thing!
- Your friend is sick: phlegmatic as a Turk,
- You write your recipe and let it work;
- Not yours to stand the shiver and the frown,
- And sometimes worse, with which your draught goes down.
- Calm as a clock your knowing hand directs,
- _Rhei, jalapae ana grana sex_,
- Or traces on some tender missive's back,
- _Scrupulos duos pulveris ipecac_;
- And leaves your patient to his qualms and gripes,
- Cool as a sportsman banging at his snipes.
- But change the time, the person, and the place,
- And be yourself "the interesting case,"
- You'll gain some knowledge which it's well to learn;
- In future practice it may serve your turn.
- Leeches, for instance,--pleasing creatures quite;
- Try them,--and bless you,--don't you find they bite?
- You raise a blister for the smallest cause,
- But be yourself the sitter whom it draws,
- And trust my statement, you will not deny
- The worst of draughtsmen is your Spanish fly!
- It's mighty easy ordering when you please,
- _Infusi sennae capiat uncias tres_;
- It's mighty different when you quackle down
- Your own three ounces of the liquid brown.
- _Pilula, pulvis_,--pleasant words enough,
- When other throats receive the shocking stuff;
- But oh, what flattery can disguise the groan
- That meets the gulp which sends it through your own!
- Be gentle, then, though Art's unsparing rules
- Give you the handling of her sharpest tools;
- Use them not rashly,--sickness is enough;
- Be always "ready," but be never "rough."
- Of all the ills that suffering man endures,
- The largest fraction liberal Nature cures;
- Of those remaining, 't is the smallest part
- Yields to the efforts of judicious Art;
- But simple _Kindness_, kneeling by the bed
- To shift the pillow for the sick man's head,
- Give the fresh draught to cool the lips that burn,
- Fan the hot brow, the weary frame to turn,--
- Kindness, untutored by our grave M. D.'s,
- But Nature's graduate, when she schools to please,
- Wins back more sufferers with her voice and smile
- Than all the trumpery in the druggist's pile.
- Once more, be quiet: coming up the stair,
- Don't be a plantigrade, a human bear,
- But, stealing softly on the silent toe,
- Reach the sick chamber ere you're heard below.
- Whatever changes there may greet your eyes,
- Let not your looks proclaim the least surprise;
- It's not your business by your face to show
- All that your patient does not want to know;
- Nay, use your optics with considerate care,
- And don't abuse your privilege to stare.
- But if your eyes may probe him overmuch,
- Beware still further how you rudely touch;
- Don't clutch his carpus in your icy fist,
- But warm your fingers ere you take the wrist.
- If the poor victim needs must be percussed,
- Don't make an anvil of his aching bust;
- (Doctors exist within a hundred miles
- Who thump a thorax as they'd hammer piles;)
- If you must listen to his doubtful chest,
- Catch the essentials, and ignore the rest.
- Spare him; the sufferer wants of you and art
- A track to steer by, not a finished chart.
- So of your questions: don't in mercy try
- To pump your patient absolutely dry;
- He's not a mollusk squirming in a dish,
- You're not Agassiz; and he's not a fish.
- And last, not least, in each perplexing case,
- Learn the sweet magic of a cheerful face;
- Not always smiling, but at least serene,
- When grief and anguish cloud the anxious scene.
- Each look, each movement, every word and tone,
- Should tell your patient you are all his own;
- Not the mere artist, purchased to attend,
- But the warm, ready, self-forgetting friend,
- Whose genial visit in itself combines
- The best of cordials, tonics, anodynes.
- Such is the _visit_ that from day to day
- Sheds o'er my chamber its benignant ray.
- I give his health, who never cared to claim
- Her babbling homage from the tongue of Fame;
- Unmoved by praise, he stands by all confest,
- The truest, noblest, wisest, kindest, best.
- 1849.
- As Life's unending column pours,
- Two marshalled hosts are seen,--
- Two armies on the trampled shores
- That Death flows black between.
- One marches to the drum-beat's roll,
- The wide-mouthed clarion's bray,
- And bears upon a crimson scroll,
- "Our glory is to slay."
- One moves in silence by the stream,
- With sad, yet watchful eyes,
- Calm as the patient planet's gleam
- That walks the clouded skies.
- Along its front no sabres shine,
- No blood-red pennons wave;
- Its banner bears the single line,
- "Our duty is to save."
- For those no death-bed's lingering shade;
- At Honor's trumpet-call,
- With knitted brow and lifted blade
- In Glory's arms they fall.
- For these no clashing falchions bright,
- No stirring battle-cry;
- The bloodless stabber calls by night,--
- Each answers, "Here am I!"
- For those the sculptor's laurelled bust,
- The builder's marble piles,
- The anthems pealing o'er their dust
- Through long cathedral aisles.
- For these the blossom-sprinkled turf
- That floods the lonely graves
- When Spring rolls in her sea-green surf
- In flowery-foaming waves.
- Two paths lead upward from below,
- And angels wait above,
- Who count each burning life-drop's flow,
- Each falling tear of Love.
- Though from the Hero's bleeding breast
- Her pulses Freedom drew,
- Though the white lilies in her crest
- Sprang from that scarlet dew,--
- While Valor's haughty champions wait
- Till all their scars are shown,
- Love walks unchallenged through the gate,
- To sit beside the Throne.
- THERE was a young man in Boston town,
- He bought him a stethoscope nice and new,
- All mounted and finished and polished down,
- With an ivory cap and a stopper too.
- It happened a spider within did crawl,
- And spun him a web of ample size,
- Wherein there chanced one day to fall
- A couple of very imprudent flies.
- The first was a bottle-fly, big and blue,
- The second was smaller, and thin and long;
- So there was a concert between the two,
- Like an octave flute and a tavern gong.
- Now being from Paris but recently,
- This fine young man would show his skill;
- And so they gave him, his hand to try,
- A hospital patient extremely ill.
- Some said that his liver was short of bile,
- And some that his heart was over size,
- While some kept arguing, all the while,
- He was crammed with tubercles up to his eyes.
- This fine young man then up stepped he,
- And all the doctors made a pause;
- Said he, The man must die, you see,
- By the fifty-seventh of Louis's laws.
- But since the case is a desperate one,
- To explore his chest it may be well;
- For if he should die and it were not done,
- You know the autopsy would not tell.
- Then out his stethoscope he took,
- And on it placed his curious ear;
- Mon Dieu! said he, with a knowing look,
- Why, here is a sound that 's mighty queer.
- The bourdonnement is very clear,--
- Amphoric buzzing, as I'm alive
- Five doctors took their turn to hear;
- Amphoric buzzing, said all the five.
- There's empyema beyond a doubt;
- We'll plunge a trocar in his side.
- The diagnosis was made out,--
- They tapped the patient; so he died.
- Now such as hate new-fashioned toys
- Began to look extremely glum;
- They said that rattles were made for boys,
- And vowed that his buzzing was all a hum.
- There was an old lady had long been sick,
- And what was the matter none did know
- Her pulse was slow, though her tongue was quick;
- To her this knowing youth must go.
- So there the nice old lady sat,
- With phials and boxes all in a row;
- She asked the young doctor what he was at,
- To thump her and tumble her ruffles so.
- Now, when the stethoscope came out,
- The flies began to buzz and whiz
- Oh ho! the matter is clear, no doubt;
- An aneurism there plainly is.
- The bruit de rape and the bruit de scie
- And the bruit de diable are all combined;
- How happy Bouillaud would be,
- If he a case like this could find!
- Now, when the neighboring doctors found
- A case so rare had been descried,
- They every day her ribs did pound
- In squads of twenty; so she died.
- Then six young damsels, slight and frail,
- Received this kind young doctor's cares;
- They all were getting slim and pale,
- And short of breath on mounting stairs.
- They all made rhymes with "sighs" and "skies,"
- And loathed their puddings and buttered rolls,
- And dieted, much to their friends' surprise,
- On pickles and pencils and chalk and coals.
- So fast their little hearts did bound,
- The frightened insects buzzed the more;
- So over all their chests he found
- The rale sifflant and the rale sonore.
- He shook his head. There's grave disease,--
- I greatly fear you all must die;
- A slight post-mortem, if you please,
- Surviving friends would gratify.
- The six young damsels wept aloud,
- Which so prevailed on six young men
- That each his honest love avowed,
- Whereat they all got well again.
- This poor young man was all aghast;
- The price of stethoscopes came down;
- And so he was reduced at last
- To practise in a country town.
- The doctors being very sore,
- A stethoscope they did devise
- That had a rammer to clear the bore,
- With a knob at the end to kill the flies.
- Now use your ears, all you that can,
- But don't forget to mind your eyes,
- Or you may be cheated, like this young man,
- By a couple of silly, abnormal flies.
- THE feeble sea-birds, blinded in the storms,
- On some tall lighthouse dash their little forms,
- And the rude granite scatters for their pains
- Those small deposits that were meant for brains.
- Yet the proud fabric in the morning's sun
- Stands all unconscious of the mischief done;
- Still the red beacon pours its evening rays
- For the lost pilot with as full a blaze,--
- Nay, shines, all radiance, o'er the scattered fleet
- Of gulls and boobies brainless at its feet.
- I tell their fate, though courtesy disclaims
- To call our kind by such ungentle names;
- Yet, if your rashness bid you vainly dare,
- Think of their doom, ye simple, and beware.
- See where aloft its hoary forehead rears
- The towering pride of twice a thousand years!
- Far, far below the vast incumbent pile
- Sleeps the gray rock from art's AEgean isle
- Its massive courses, circling as they rise,
- Swell from the waves to mingle with the skies;
- There every quarry lends its marble spoil,
- And clustering ages blend their common toil;
- The Greek, the Roman, reared its ancient walls,
- The silent Arab arched its mystic halls;
- In that fair niche, by countless billows laved,
- Trace the deep lines that Sydenham engraved;
- On yon broad front that breasts the changing swell,
- Mark where the ponderous sledge of Hunter fell;
- By that square buttress look where Louis stands,
- The stone yet warm from his uplifted hands;
- And say, O Science, shall thy life-blood freeze,
- When fluttering folly flaps on walls like these?
- Thoughtful in youth, but not austere in age;
- Calm, but not cold, and cheerful though a sage;
- Too true to flatter and too kind to sneer,
- And only just when seemingly severe;
- So gently blending courtesy and art
- That wisdom's lips seemed borrowing friendship's heart.
- Taught by the sorrows that his age had known
- In others' trials to forget his own,
- As hour by hour his lengthened day declined,
- A sweeter radiance lingered o'er his mind.
- Cold were the lips that spoke his early praise,
- And hushed the voices of his morning days,
- Yet the same accents dwelt on every tongue,
- And love renewing kept him ever young.
- _O Bios Bpaxus_,--life is but a song;
- _H rexvn uakpn_,--art is wondrous long;
- Yet to the wise her paths are ever fair,
- And Patience smiles, though Genius may despair.
- Give us but knowledge, though by slow degrees,
- And blend our toil with moments bright as these;
- Let Friendship's accents cheer our doubtful way,
- And Love's pure planet lend its guiding ray,--
- Our tardy Art shall wear an angel's wings,
- And life shall lengthen with the joy it brings!
- AT NEW YORK, MAY 5, 1853
- I HOLD a letter in my hand,--
- A flattering letter, more's the pity,--
- By some contriving junto planned,
- And signed _per order of Committee_.
- It touches every tenderest spot,--
- My patriotic predilections,
- My well-known-something--don't ask what,--
- My poor old songs, my kind affections.
- They make a feast on Thursday next,
- And hope to make the feasters merry;
- They own they're something more perplexed
- For poets than for port and sherry.
- They want the men of--(word torn out);
- Our friends will come with anxious faces,
- (To see our blankets off, no doubt,
- And trot us out and show our paces.)
- They hint that papers by the score
- Are rather musty kind of rations,--
- They don't exactly mean a bore,
- But only trying to the patience;
- That such as--you know who I mean--
- Distinguished for their--what d' ye call 'em--
- Should bring the dews of Hippocrene
- To sprinkle on the faces solemn.
- --The same old story: that's the chaff
- To catch the birds that sing the ditties;
- Upon my soul, it makes me laugh
- To read these letters from Committees!
- They're all so loving and so fair,--
- All for your sake such kind compunction;
- 'T would save your carriage half its wear
- To touch its wheels with such an unction!
- Why, who am I, to lift me here
- And beg such learned folk to listen,
- To ask a smile, or coax a tear
- Beneath these stoic lids to glisten?
- As well might some arterial thread
- Ask the whole frame to feel it gushing,
- While throbbing fierce from heel to head
- The vast aortic tide was rushing.
- As well some hair-like nerve might strain
- To set its special streamlet going,
- While through the myriad-channelled brain
- The burning flood of thought was flowing;
- Or trembling fibre strive to keep
- The springing haunches gathered shorter,
- While the scourged racer, leap on leap,
- Was stretching through the last hot quarter!
- Ah me! you take the bud that came
- Self-sown in your poor garden's borders,
- And hand it to the stately dame
- That florists breed for, all she orders.
- She thanks you,--it was kindly meant,--
- (A pale afair, not worth the keeping,)--
- Good morning; and your bud is sent
- To join the tea-leaves used for sweeping.
- Not always so, kind hearts and true,--
- For such I know are round me beating;
- Is not the bud I offer you,
- Fresh gathered for the hour of meeting,
- Pale though its outer leaves may be,
- Rose-red in all its inner petals?--
- Where the warm life we cannot see--
- The life of love that gave it--settles.
- We meet from regions far away,
- Like rills from distant mountains streaming;
- The sun is on Francisco's bay,
- O'er Chesapeake the lighthouse gleaming;
- While summer girds the still bayou
- In chains of bloom, her bridal token,
- Monadnock sees the sky grow blue,
- His crystal bracelet yet unbroken.
- Yet Nature bears the selfsame heart
- Beneath her russet-mantled bosom
- As where, with burning lips apart,
- She breathes and white magnolias blossom;
- The selfsame founts her chalice fill
- With showery sunlight running over,
- On fiery plain and frozen hill,
- On myrtle-beds and fields of clover.
- I give you Home! its crossing lines
- United in one golden suture,
- And showing every day that shines
- The present growing to the future,--
- A flag that bears a hundred stars
- In one bright ring, with love for centre,
- Fenced round with white and crimson bars
- No prowling treason dares to enter!
- O brothers, home may be a word
- To make affection's living treasure,
- The wave an angel might have stirred,
- A stagnant pool of selfish pleasure;
- HOME! It is where the day-star springs
- And where the evening sun reposes,
- Where'er the eagle spreads his wings,
- From northern pines to southern roses!
- A TRIPLE health to Friendship, Science, Art,
- From heads and hands that own a common heart!
- Each in its turn the others' willing slave,
- Each in its season strong to heal and save.
- Friendship's blind service, in the hour of need,
- Wipes the pale face, and lets the victim bleed.
- Science must stop to reason and explain;
- ART claps his finger on the streaming vein.
- But Art's brief memory fails the hand at last;
- Then SCIENCE lifts the flambeau of the past.
- When both their equal impotence deplore,
- When Learning sighs, and Skill can do no more,
- The tear of FRIENDSHIP pours its heavenly balm,
- And soothes the pang no anodyne may calm
- May 1, 1855.
- OLD Rip Van Winkle had a grandson, Rip,
- Of the paternal block a genuine chip,--
- A lazy, sleepy, curious kind of chap;
- He, like his grandsire, took a mighty nap,
- Whereof the story I propose to tell
- In two brief cantos, if you listen well.
- The times were hard when Rip to manhood grew;
- They always will be when there's work to do.
- He tried at farming,--found it rather slow,--
- And then at teaching--what he did n't know;
- Then took to hanging round the tavern bars,
- To frequent toddies and long-nine cigars,
- Till Dame Van Winkle, out of patience, vexed
- With preaching homilies, having for their text
- A mop, a broomstick, aught that might avail
- To point a moral or adorn a tale,
- Exclaimed, "I have it! Now, then, Mr. V.
- He's good for something,--make him an M. D.!"
- The die was cast; the youngster was content;
- They packed his shirts and stockings, and he went.
- How hard he studied it were vain to tell;
- He drowsed through Wistar, nodded over Bell,
- Slept sound with Cooper, snored aloud on Good;
- Heard heaps of lectures,--doubtless understood,--
- A constant listener, for he did not fail
- To carve his name on every bench and rail.
- Months grew to years; at last he counted three,
- And Rip Van Winkle found himself M. D.
- Illustrious title! in a gilded frame
- He set the sheepskin with his Latin name,
- IDONEUM ESSE--to do so and so.
- He hired an office; soon its walls displayed
- His new diploma and his stock in trade,
- A mighty arsenal to subdue disease,
- Of various names, whereof I mention these
- Lancets and bougies, great and little squirt,
- Rhubarb and Senna, Snakeroot, Thoroughwort,
- Ant. Tart., Vin. Colch., Pil. Cochiae, and Black Drop,
- Tinctures of Opium, Gentian, Henbane, Hop,
- Pulv. Ipecacuanhae, which for lack
- Of breath to utter men call Ipecac,
- Camphor and Kino, Turpentine, Tolu,
- Cubebs, "Copeevy," Vitriol,--white and blue,--
- Fennel and Flaxseed, Slippery Elm and Squill,
- And roots of Sassafras, and "Sassaf'rill,"
- Brandy,--for colics,--Pinkroot, death on worms,--
- Valerian, calmer of hysteric squirms,
- Musk, Assafoetida, the resinous gum
- Named from its odor,--well, it does smell some,--
- Jalap, that works not wisely, but too well,
- Ten pounds of Bark and six of Calomel.
- For outward griefs he had an ample store,
- Some twenty jars and gallipots, or more:
- _Ceratum simplex_--housewives oft compile
- The same at home, and call it "wax and ile;"
- _Unguentum resinosum_--change its name,
- The "drawing salve" of many an ancient dame;
- _Argenti Nitras_, also Spanish flies,
- Whose virtue makes the water-bladders rise--
- (Some say that spread upon a toper's skin
- They draw no water, only rum or gin);
- Leeches, sweet vermin! don't they charm the sick?
- And Sticking-plaster--how it hates to stick
- _Emplastrum Ferri_--ditto _Picis_, Pitch;
- Washes and Powders, Brimstone for the--which,
- _Scabies_ or _Psora_, is thy chosen name
- Since Hahnemann's goose-quill scratched thee into fame,
- Proved thee the source of every nameless ill,
- Whose sole specific is a moonshine pill,
- Till saucy Science, with a quiet grin,
- Held up the Acarus, crawling on a pin?
- --Mountains have labored and have brought forth mice
- The Dutchman's theory hatched a brood of--twice
- I've well-nigh said them--words unfitting quite
- For these fair precincts and for ears polite.
- The surest foot may chance at last to slip,
- And so at length it proved with Doctor Rip.
- One full-sized bottle stood upon the shelf,
- Which held the medicine that he took himself;
- Whate'er the reason, it must be confessed
- He filled that bottle oftener than the rest;
- What drug it held I don't presume to know--
- The gilded label said "Elixir Pro."
- One day the Doctor found the bottle full,
- And, being thirsty, took a vigorous pull,
- Put back the "Elixir" where 't was always found,
- And had old Dobbin saddled and brought round.
- --You know those old-time rhubarb-colored nags
- That carried Doctors and their saddle-bags;
- Sagacious beasts! they stopped at every place
- Where blinds were shut--knew every patient's case--
- Looked up and thought--The baby's in a fit--
- That won't last long--he'll soon be through with it;
- But shook their heads before the knockered door
- Where some old lady told the story o'er
- Whose endless stream of tribulation flows
- For gastric griefs and peristaltic woes.
- What jack-o'-lantern led him from his way,
- And where it led him, it were hard to say;
- Enough that wandering many a weary mile
- Through paths the mountain sheep trod single file,
- O'ercome by feelings such as patients know
- Who dose too freely with "Elixir Pro.,"
- He tumbl--dismounted, slightly in a heap,
- And lay, promiscuous, lapped in balmy sleep.
- Night followed night, and day succeeded day,
- But snoring still the slumbering Doctor lay.
- Poor Dobbin, starving, thought upon his stall,
- And straggled homeward, saddle-bags and all.
- The village people hunted all around,
- But Rip was missing,--never could be found.
- "Drownded," they guessed;--for more than half a year
- The pouts and eels did taste uncommon queer;
- Some said of apple-brandy--other some
- Found a strong flavor of New England rum.
- Why can't a fellow hear the fine things said
- About a fellow when a fellow's dead?
- The best of doctors--so the press declared--
- A public blessing while his life was spared,
- True to his country, bounteous to the poor,
- In all things temperate, sober, just, and pure;
- The best of husbands! echoed Mrs. Van,
- And set her cap to catch another man.
- So ends this Canto--if it's quantum suff.,
- We'll just stop here and say we've had enough,
- And leave poor Rip to sleep for thirty years;
- I grind the organ--if you lend your ears
- To hear my second Canto, after that
- We 'll send around the monkey with the hat.
- So thirty years had passed--but not a word
- In all that time of Rip was ever heard;
- The world wagged on--it never does go back--
- The widow Van was now the widow Mac----
- France was an Empire--Andrew J. was dead,
- And Abraham L. was reigning in his stead.
- Four murderous years had passed in savage strife,
- Yet still the rebel held his bloody knife.
- --At last one morning--who forgets the day
- When the black cloud of war dissolved away
- The joyous tidings spread o'er land and sea,
- Rebellion done for! Grant has captured Lee!
- Up every flagstaff sprang the Stars and Stripes--
- Out rushed the Extras wild with mammoth types--
- Down went the laborer's hod, the school-boy's book--
- "Hooraw!" he cried, "the rebel army's took!"
- Ah! what a time! the folks all mad with joy
- Each fond, pale mother thinking of her boy;
- Old gray-haired fathers meeting--"Have--you--heard?"
- And then a choke--and not another word;
- Sisters all smiling--maidens, not less dear,
- In trembling poise between a smile and tear;
- Poor Bridget thinking how she 'll stuff the plums
- In that big cake for Johnny when he comes;
- Cripples afoot; rheumatics on the jump;
- Old girls so loving they could hug the pump;
- Guns going bang! from every fort and ship;
- They banged so loud at last they wakened Rip.
- I spare the picture, how a man appears
- Who's been asleep a score or two of years;
- You all have seen it to perfection done
- By Joe Van Wink--I mean Rip Jefferson.
- Well, so it was; old Rip at last came back,
- Claimed his old wife--the present widow Mac----
- Had his old sign regilded, and began
- To practise physic on the same old plan.
- Some weeks went by--it was not long to wait--
- And "please to call" grew frequent on the slate.
- He had, in fact, an ancient, mildewed air,
- A long gray beard, a plenteous lack of hair,--
- The musty look that always recommends
- Your good old Doctor to his ailing friends.
- --Talk of your science! after all is said
- There's nothing like a bare and shiny head;
- Age lends the graces that are sure to please;
- Folks want their Doctors mouldy, like their cheese.
- So Rip began to look at people's tongues
- And thump their briskets (called it "sound their lungs"),
- Brushed up his knowledge smartly as he could,
- Read in old Cullen and in Doctor Good.
- The town was healthy; for a month or two
- He gave the sexton little work to do.
- About the time when dog-day heats begin,
- The summer's usual maladies set in;
- With autumn evenings dysentery came,
- And dusky typhoid lit his smouldering flame;
- The blacksmith ailed, the carpenter was down,
- And half the children sickened in the town.
- The sexton's face grew shorter than before--
- The sexton's wife a brand-new bonnet wore--
- Things looked quite serious--Death had got a grip
- On old and young, in spite of Doctor Rip.
- And now the Squire was taken with a chill--
- Wife gave "hot-drops"--at night an Indian pill;
- Next morning, feverish--bedtime, getting worse--
- Out of his head--began to rave and curse;
- The Doctor sent for--double quick he came
- _Ant. Tart. gran. duo_, and repeat the same
- If no et cetera. Third day--nothing new;
- Percussed his thorax till 't was black and blue--
- Lung-fever threatening--something of the sort--
- Out with the lancet--let him bleed--a quart--
- Ten leeches next--then blisters to his side;
- Ten grains of calomel; just then he died.
- The Deacon next required the Doctor's care--
- Took cold by sitting in a draught of air--
- Pains in the back, but what the matter is
- Not quite so clear,--wife calls it "rheumatiz."
- Rubs back with flannel--gives him something hot--
- "Ah!" says the Deacon, "that goes nigh the spot."
- Next day a rigor--"Run, my little man,
- And say the Deacon sends for Doctor Van."
- The Doctor came--percussion as before,
- Thumping and banging till his ribs were sore--
- "Right side the flattest"--then more vigorous raps--
- "Fever--that's certain--pleurisy, perhaps.
- A quart of blood will ease the pain, no doubt,
- Ten leeches next will help to suck it out,
- Then clap a blister on the painful part--
- But first two grains of _Antimonium Tart_.
- Last with a dose of cleansing calomel
- Unload the portal system--(that sounds well!)"
- But when the selfsame remedies were tried,
- As all the village knew, the Squire had died;
- The neighbors hinted. "This will never do;
- He's killed the Squire--he'll kill the Deacon too."
- Now when a doctor's patients are perplexed,
- A consultation comes in order next--
- You know what that is? In a certain place
- Meet certain doctors to discuss a case
- And other matters, such as weather, crops,
- Potatoes, pumpkins, lager-beer, and hops.
- For what's the use?--there 's little to be said,
- Nine times in ten your man's as good as dead;
- At best a talk (the secret to disclose)
- Where three men guess and sometimes one man knows.
- The counsel summoned came without delay--
- Young Doctor Green and shrewd old Doctor Gray--
- They heard the story--"Bleed!" says Doctor Green,
- "That's downright murder! cut his throat, you mean
- Leeches! the reptiles! Why, for pity's sake,
- Not try an adder or a rattlesnake?
- Blisters! Why bless you, they 're against the law--
- It's rank assault and battery if they draw
- Tartrate of Antimony! shade of Luke,
- Stomachs turn pale at thought of such rebuke!
- The portal system! What's the man about?
- Unload your nonsense! Calomel's played out!
- You've been asleep--you'd better sleep away
- Till some one calls you."
- "Stop!" says Doctor Gray--
- "The story is you slept for thirty years;
- With brother Green, I own that it appears
- You must have slumbered most amazing sound;
- But sleep once more till thirty years come round,
- You'll find the lancet in its honored place,
- Leeches and blisters rescued from disgrace,
- Your drugs redeemed from fashion's passing scorn,
- And counted safe to give to babes unborn."
- Poor sleepy Rip, M. M. S. S., M. D.,
- A puzzled, serious, saddened man was he;
- Home from the Deacon's house he plodded slow
- And filled one bumper of "Elixir Pro."
- "Good-by," he faltered, "Mrs. Van, my dear!
- I'm going to sleep, but wake me once a year;
- I don't like bleaching in the frost and dew,
- I'll take the barn, if all the same to you.
- Just once a year--remember! no mistake!
- Cry, 'Rip Van Winkle! time for you to wake!'
- Watch for the week in May when laylocks blow,
- For then the Doctors meet, and I must go."
- Just once a year the Doctor's worthy dame
- Goes to the barn and shouts her husband's name;
- "Come, Rip Van Winkle!" (giving him a shake)
- "Rip! Rip Van Winkle! time for you to wake!
- Laylocks in blossom! 't is the month of May--
- The Doctors' meeting is this blessed day,
- And come what will, you know I heard you swear
- You'd never miss it, but be always there!"
- And so it is, as every year comes round
- Old Rip Van Winkle here is always found.
- You'll quickly know him by his mildewed air,
- The hayseed sprinkled through his scanty hair,
- The lichens growing on his rusty suit--
- I've seen a toadstool sprouting on his boot--
- Who says I lie? Does any man presume?--
- Toadstool? No matter--call it a mushroom.
- Where is his seat? He moves it every year;
- But look, you'll find him,--he is always here,--
- Perhaps you'll track him by a whiff you know--
- A certain flavor of "Elixir Pro."
- Now, then, I give you--as you seem to think
- We can give toasts without a drop to drink--
- Health to the mighty sleeper,--long live he!
- Our brother Rip, M. M. S. S., M. D.!
- 1849-1861
- THE piping of our slender, peaceful reeds
- Whispers uncared for while the trumpets bray;
- Song is thin air; our hearts' exulting play
- Beats time but to the tread of marching deeds,
- Following the mighty van that Freedom leads,
- Her glorious standard flaming to the day!
- The crimsoned pavement where a hero bleeds
- Breathes nobler lessons than the poet's lay.
- Strong arms, broad breasts, brave hearts, are better worth
- Than strains that sing the ravished echoes dumb.
- Hark! 't is the loud reverberating drum
- Rolls o'er the prairied West, the rock-bound North
- The myriad-handed Future stretches forth
- Its shadowy palms. Behold, we come,--we come!
- Turn o'er these idle leaves. Such toys as these
- Were not unsought for, as, in languid dreams,
- We lay beside our lotus-feeding streams,
- And nursed our fancies in forgetful ease.
- It matters little if they pall or please,
- Dropping untimely, while the sudden gleams
- Glare from the mustering clouds whose blackness seems
- Too swollen to hold its lightning from the trees.
- Yet, in some lull of passion, when at last
- These calm revolving moons that come and go--
- Turning our months to years, they creep so slow--
- Have brought us rest, the not unwelcome past
- May flutter to thee through these leaflets, cast
- On the wild winds that all around us blow.
- May 1, 1861.
- The story of Sir Harry Frankland and Agnes Surriage is told in the
- ballad with a very strict adhesion to the facts. These were obtained
- from information afforded me by the Rev. Mr. Webster, of Hopkinton, in
- company with whom I visited the Frankland Mansion in that town, then
- standing; from a very interesting Memoir, by the Rev. Elias Nason, of
- Medford; and from the manuscript diary of Sir Harry, or more properly
- Sir Charles Henry Frankland, now in the library of the Massachusetts
- Historical Society.
- At the time of the visit referred to, old Julia was living, and on our
- return we called at the house where she resided.--[She was living June
- 10, 1861, when this ballad was published]--Her account is little more
- than paraphrased in the poem. If the incidents are treated with a
- certain liberality at the close of the fifth part, the essential fact
- that Agnes rescued Sir Harry from the ruins after the earthquake, and
- their subsequent marriage as related, may be accepted as literal truth.
- So with regard to most of the trifling details which are given; they are
- taken from the record. It is greatly to be regretted that the Frankland
- Mansion no longer exists. It was accidentally burned on the 23d of
- January, 1858, a year or two after the first sketch of this ballad was
- written. A visit to it was like stepping out of the century into the
- years before the Revolution. A new house, similar in plan and
- arrangements to the old one, has been built upon its site, and the
- terraces, the clump of box, and the lilacs doubtless remain to bear
- witness to the truth of this story.
- The story, which I have told literally in rhyme, has been made
- the subject of a carefully studied and interesting romance by Mr.
- E. L. Bynner.
- THE tale I tell is gospel true,
- As all the bookmen know,
- And pilgrims who have strayed to view
- The wrecks still left to show.
- The old, old story,--fair, and young,
- And fond,--and not too wise,--
- That matrons tell, with sharpened tongue,
- To maids with downcast eyes.
- Ah! maidens err and matrons warn
- Beneath the coldest sky;
- Love lurks amid the tasselled corn
- As in the bearded rye!
- But who would dream our sober sires
- Had learned the old world's ways,
- And warmed their hearths with lawless fires
- In Shirley's homespun days?
- 'T is like some poet's pictured trance
- His idle rhymes recite,--
- This old New England-born romance
- Of Agnes and the Knight;
- Yet, known to all the country round,
- Their home is standing still,
- Between Wachusett's lonely mound
- And Shawmut's threefold hill.
- One hour we rumble on the rail,
- One half-hour guide the rein,
- We reach at last, o'er hill and dale,
- The village on the plain.
- With blackening wall and mossy roof,
- With stained and warping floor,
- A stately mansion stands aloof
- And bars its haughty door.
- This lowlier portal may be tried,
- That breaks the gable wall;
- And lo! with arches opening wide,
- Sir Harry Frankland's hall!
- 'T was in the second George's day
- They sought the forest shade,
- The knotted trunks they cleared away,
- The massive beams they laid,
- They piled the rock-hewn chimney tall,
- They smoothed the terraced ground,
- They reared the marble-pillared wall
- That fenced the mansion round.
- Far stretched beyond the village bound
- The Master's broad domain;
- With page and valet, horse and hound,
- He kept a goodly train.
- And, all the midland county through,
- The ploughman stopped to gaze
- Whene'er his chariot swept in view
- Behind the shining bays,
- With mute obeisance, grave and slow,
- Repaid by nod polite,--
- For such the way with high and low
- Till after Concord fight.
- Nor less to courtly circles known
- That graced the three-hilled town
- With far-off splendors of the Throne,
- And glimmerings from the Crown;
- Wise Phipps, who held the seals of state
- For Shirley over sea;
- Brave Knowles, whose press-gang moved of late
- The King Street mob's decree;
- And judges grave, and colonels grand,
- Fair dames and stately men,
- The mighty people of the land,
- The "World" of there and then.
- 'T was strange no Chloe's "beauteous Form,"
- And "Eyes' celestial Blew,"
- This Strephon of the West could warm,
- No Nymph his Heart subdue.
- Perchance he wooed as gallants use,
- Whom fleeting loves enchain,
- But still unfettered, free to choose,
- Would brook no bridle-rein.
- He saw the fairest of the fair,
- But smiled alike on all;
- No band his roving foot might snare,
- No ring his hand enthrall.
- Why seeks the knight that rocky cape
- Beyond the Bay of Lynn?
- What chance his wayward course may shape
- To reach its village inn?
- No story tells; whate'er we guess,
- The past lies deaf and still,
- But Fate, who rules to blight or bless,
- Can lead us where she will.
- Make way! Sir Harry's coach and four,
- And liveried grooms that ride!
- They cross the ferry, touch the shore
- On Winnisimmet's side.
- They hear the wash on Chelsea Beach,--
- The level marsh they pass,
- Where miles on miles the desert reach
- Is rough with bitter grass.
- The shining horses foam and pant,
- And now the smells begin
- Of fishy Swampscott, salt Nahant,
- And leather-scented Lynn.
- Next, on their left, the slender spires
- And glittering vanes that crown
- The home of Salem's frugal sires,
- The old, witch-haunted town.
- So onward, o'er the rugged way
- That runs through rocks and sand,
- Showered by the tempest-driven spray,
- From bays on either hand,
- That shut between their outstretched arms
- The crews of Marblehead,
- The lords of ocean's watery farms,
- Who plough the waves for bread.
- At last the ancient inn appears,
- The spreading elm below,
- Whose flapping sign these fifty years
- Has seesawed to and fro.
- How fair the azure fields in sight
- Before the low-browed inn
- The tumbling billows fringe with light
- The crescent shore of Lynn;
- Nahant thrusts outward through the waves
- Her arm of yellow sand,
- And breaks the roaring surge that braves
- The gauntlet on her hand;
- With eddying whirl the waters lock
- Yon treeless mound forlorn,
- The sharp-winged sea-fowl's breeding-rock,
- That fronts the Spouting Horn;
- Then free the white-sailed shallops glide,
- And wide the ocean smiles,
- Till, shoreward bent, his streams divide
- The two bare Misery Isles.
- The master's silent signal stays
- The wearied cavalcade;
- The coachman reins his smoking bays
- Beneath the elm-tree's shade.
- A gathering on the village green!
- The cocked-hats crowd to see,
- On legs in ancient velveteen,
- With buckles at the knee.
- A clustering round the tavern-door
- Of square-toed village boys,
- Still wearing, as their grandsires wore,
- The old-world corduroys!
- A scampering at the "Fountain" inn,---
- A rush of great and small,--
- With hurrying servants' mingled din
- And screaming matron's call.
- Poor Agnes! with her work half done
- They caught her unaware;
- As, humbly, like a praying nun,
- She knelt upon the stair;
- Bent o'er the steps, with lowliest mien
- She knelt, but not to pray,--
- Her little hands must keep them clean,
- And wash their stains away.
- A foot, an ankle, bare and white,
- Her girlish shapes betrayed,--
- "Ha! Nymphs and Graces!" spoke the Knight;
- "Look up, my beauteous Maid!"
- She turned,--a reddening rose in bud,
- Its calyx half withdrawn,--
- Her cheek on fire with damasked blood
- Of girlhood's glowing dawn!
- He searched her features through and through,
- As royal lovers look
- On lowly maidens, when they woo
- Without the ring and book.
- "Come hither, Fair one! Here, my Sweet!
- Nay, prithee, look not down!
- Take this to shoe those little feet,"--
- He tossed a silver crown.
- A sudden paleness struck her brow,--
- A swifter blush succeeds;
- It burns her cheek; it kindles now
- Beneath her golden beads.
- She flitted, but the glittering eye
- Still sought the lovely face.
- Who was she? What, and whence? and why
- Doomed to such menial place?
- A skipper's daughter,--so they said,--
- Left orphan by the gale
- That cost the fleet of Marblehead
- And Gloucester thirty sail.
- Ah! many a lonely home is found
- Along the Essex shore,
- That cheered its goodman outward bound,
- And sees his face no more!
- "Not so," the matron whispered,--"sure
- No orphan girl is she,--
- The Surriage folk are deadly poor
- Since Edward left the sea,
- "And Mary, with her growing brood,
- Has work enough to do
- To find the children clothes and food
- With Thomas, John, and Hugh.
- "This girl of Mary's, growing tall,--
- (Just turned her sixteenth year,)--
- To earn her bread and help them all,
- Would work as housemaid here."
- So Agnes, with her golden beads,
- And naught beside as dower,
- Grew at the wayside with the weeds,
- Herself a garden-flower.
- 'T was strange, 't was sad,--so fresh, so fair!
- Thus Pity's voice began.
- Such grace! an angel's shape and air!
- The half-heard whisper ran.
- For eyes could see in George's time,
- As now in later days,
- And lips could shape, in prose and rhyme,
- The honeyed breath of praise.
- No time to woo! The train must go
- Long ere the sun is down,
- To reach, before the night-winds blow,
- The many-steepled town.
- 'T is midnight,--street and square are still;
- Dark roll the whispering waves
- That lap the piers beneath the hill
- Ridged thick with ancient graves.
- Ah, gentle sleep! thy hand will smooth
- The weary couch of pain,
- When all thy poppies fail to soothe
- The lover's throbbing brain!
- 'T is morn,--the orange-mantled sun
- Breaks through the fading gray,
- And long and loud the Castle gun
- Peals o'er the glistening bay.
- "Thank God 't is day!" With eager eye
- He hails the morning shine:--
- "If art can win, or gold can buy,
- The maiden shall be mine!"
- "Who saw this hussy when she came?
- What is the wench, and who?"
- They whisper. "Agnes--is her name?
- Pray what has she to do?"
- The housemaids parley at the gate,
- The scullions on the stair,
- And in the footmen's grave debate
- The butler deigns to share.
- Black Dinah, stolen when a child,
- And sold on Boston pier,
- Grown up in service, petted, spoiled,
- Speaks in the coachman's ear:
- "What, all this household at his will?
- And all are yet too few?
- More servants, and more servants still,--
- This pert young madam too!"
- "_Servant!_ fine servant!" laughed aloud
- The man of coach and steeds;
- "She looks too fair, she steps too proud,
- This girl with golden beads!
- "I tell you, you may fret and frown,
- And call her what you choose,
- You 'll find my Lady in her gown,
- Your Mistress in her shoes!"
- Ah, gentle maidens, free from blame,
- God grant you never know
- The little whisper, loud with shame,
- That makes the world your foe!
- Why tell the lordly flatterer's art,
- That won the maiden's ear,--
- The fluttering of the frightened heart,
- The blush, the smile, the tear?
- Alas! it were the saddening tale
- That every language knows,--
- The wooing wind, the yielding sail,
- The sunbeam and the rose.
- And now the gown of sober stuff
- Has changed to fair brocade,
- With broidered hem, and hanging cuff,
- And flower of silken braid;
- And clasped around her blanching wrist
- A jewelled bracelet shines,
- Her flowing tresses' massive twist
- A glittering net confines;
- And mingling with their truant wave
- A fretted chain is hung;
- But ah! the gift her mother gave,--
- Its beads are all unstrung!
- Her place is at the master's board,
- Where none disputes her claim;
- She walks beside the mansion's lord,
- His bride in all but name.
- The busy tongues have ceased to talk,
- Or speak in softened tone,
- So gracious in her daily walk
- The angel light has shown.
- No want that kindness may relieve
- Assails her heart in vain,
- The lifting of a ragged sleeve
- Will check her palfrey's rein.
- A thoughtful calm, a quiet grace
- In every movement shown,
- Reveal her moulded for the place
- She may not call her own.
- And, save that on her youthful brow
- There broods a shadowy care,
- No matron sealed with holy vow
- In all the land so fair.
- A ship comes foaming up the bay,
- Along the pier she glides;
- Before her furrow melts away,
- A courier mounts and rides.
- "Haste, Haste, post Haste!" the letters bear;
- "Sir Harry Frankland, These."
- Sad news to tell the loving pair!
- The knight must cross the seas.
- "Alas! we part!"--the lips that spoke
- Lost all their rosy red,
- As when a crystal cup is broke,
- And all its wine is shed.
- "Nay, droop not thus,--where'er," he cried,
- "I go by land or sea,
- My love, my life, my joy, my pride,
- Thy place is still by me!"
- Through town and city, far and wide,
- Their wandering feet have strayed,
- From Alpine lake to ocean tide,
- And cold Sierra's shade.
- At length they see the waters gleam
- Amid the fragrant bowers
- Where Lisbon mirrors in the stream
- Her belt of ancient towers.
- Red is the orange on its bough,
- To-morrow's sun shall fling
- O'er Cintra's hazel-shaded brow
- The flush of April's wing.
- The streets are loud with noisy mirth,
- They dance on every green;
- The morning's dial marks the birth
- Of proud Braganza's queen.
- At eve beneath their pictured dome
- The gilded courtiers throng;
- The broad moidores have cheated Rome
- Of all her lords of song.
- AH! Lisbon dreams not of the day--
- Pleased with her painted scenes--
- When all her towers shall slide away
- As now these canvas screens!
- The spring has passed, the summer fled,
- And yet they linger still,
- Though autumn's rustling leaves have spread
- The flank of Cintra's hill.
- The town has learned their Saxon name,
- And touched their English gold,
- Nor tale of doubt nor hint of blame
- From over sea is told.
- Three hours the first November dawn
- Has climbed with feeble ray
- Through mists like heavy curtains drawn
- Before the darkened day.
- How still the muffled echoes sleep!
- Hark! hark! a hollow sound,--
- A noise like chariots rumbling deep
- Beneath the solid ground.
- The channel lifts, the water slides
- And bares its bar of sand,
- Anon a mountain billow strides
- And crashes o'er the land.
- The turrets lean, the steeples reel
- Like masts on ocean's swell,
- And clash a long discordant peal,
- The death-doomed city's knell.
- The pavement bursts, the earth upheaves
- Beneath the staggering town!
- The turrets crack--the castle cleaves--
- The spires come rushing down.
- Around, the lurid mountains glow
- With strange unearthly gleams;
- While black abysses gape below,
- Then close in jagged seams.
- And all is over. Street and square
- In ruined heaps are piled;
- Ah! where is she, so frail, so fair,
- Amid the tumult wild?
- Unscathed, she treads the wreck-piled street,
- Whose narrow gaps afford
- A pathway for her bleeding feet,
- To seek her absent lord.
- A temple's broken walls arrest
- Her wild and wandering eyes;
- Beneath its shattered portal pressed,
- Her lord unconscious lies.
- The power that living hearts obey
- Shall lifeless blocks withstand?
- Love led her footsteps where he lay,--
- Love nerves her woman's hand.
- One cry,--the marble shaft she grasps,--
- Up heaves the ponderous stone:--
- He breathes,--her fainting form he clasps,--
- Her life has bought his own!
- How like the starless night of death
- Our being's brief eclipse,
- When faltering heart and failing breath
- Have bleached the fading lips!
- The earth has folded like a wave,
- And thrice a thousand score,
- Clasped, shroudless, in their closing grave,
- The sun shall see no more!
- She lives! What guerdon shall repay
- His debt of ransomed life?
- One word can charm all wrongs away,--
- The sacred name of WIFE!
- The love that won her girlish charms
- Must shield her matron fame,
- And write beneath the Frankland arms
- The village beauty's name.
- Go, call the priest! no vain delay
- Shall dim the sacred ring!
- Who knows what change the passing day,
- The fleeting hour, may bring?
- Before the holy altar bent,
- There kneels a goodly pair;
- A stately man, of high descent,
- A woman, passing fair.
- No jewels lend the blinding sheen
- That meaner beauty needs,
- But on her bosom heaves unseen
- A string of golden beads.
- The vow is spoke,--the prayer is said,--
- And with a gentle pride
- The Lady Agnes lifts her head,
- Sir Harry Frankland's bride.
- No more her faithful heart shall bear
- Those griefs so meekly borne,--
- The passing sneer, the freezing stare,
- The icy look of scorn;
- No more the blue-eyed English dames
- Their haughty lips shall curl,
- Whene'er a hissing whisper names
- The poor New England girl.
- But stay!--his mother's haughty brow,--
- The pride of ancient race,--
- Will plighted faith, and holy vow,
- Win back her fond embrace?
- Too well she knew the saddening tale
- Of love no vow had blest,
- That turned his blushing honors pale
- And stained his knightly crest.
- They seek his Northern home,--alas
- He goes alone before;--
- His own dear Agnes may not pass
- The proud, ancestral door.
- He stood before the stately dame;
- He spoke; she calmly heard,
- But not to pity, nor to blame;
- She breathed no single word.
- He told his love,--her faith betrayed;
- She heard with tearless eyes;
- Could she forgive the erring maid?
- She stared in cold surprise.
- How fond her heart, he told,--how true;
- The haughty eyelids fell;--
- The kindly deeds she loved to do;
- She murmured, "It is well."
- But when he told that fearful day,
- And how her feet were led
- To where entombed in life he lay,
- The breathing with the dead,
- And how she bruised her tender breasts
- Against the crushing stone,
- That still the strong-armed clown protests
- No man can lift alone,--
- Oh! then the frozen spring was broke;
- By turns she wept and smiled;--
- "Sweet Agnes!" so the mother spoke,
- "God bless my angel child.
- "She saved thee from the jaws of death,--
- 'T is thine to right her wrongs;
- I tell thee,--I, who gave thee breath,--
- To her thy life belongs!"
- Thus Agnes won her noble name,
- Her lawless lover's hand;
- The lowly maiden so became
- A lady in the land!
- The tale is done; it little needs
- To track their after ways,
- And string again the golden beads
- Of love's uncounted days.
- They leave the fair ancestral isle
- For bleak New England's shore;
- How gracious is the courtly smile
- Of all who frowned before!
- Again through Lisbon's orange bowers
- They watch the river's gleam,
- And shudder as her shadowy towers
- Shake in the trembling stream.
- Fate parts at length the fondest pair;
- His cheek, alas! grows pale;
- The breast that trampling death could spare
- His noiseless shafts assail.
- He longs to change the heaven of blue
- For England's clouded sky,--
- To breathe the air his boyhood knew;
- He seeks then but to die.
- Hard by the terraced hillside town,
- Where healing streamlets run,
- Still sparkling with their old renown,--
- The "Waters of the Sun,"--
- The Lady Agnes raised the stone
- That marks his honored grave,
- And there Sir Harry sleeps alone
- By Wiltshire Avon's wave.
- The home of early love was dear;
- She sought its peaceful shade,
- And kept her state for many a year,
- With none to make afraid.
- At last the evil days were come
- That saw the red cross fall;
- She hears the rebels' rattling drum,--
- Farewell to Frankland Hall!
- I tell you, as my tale began,
- The hall is standing still;
- And you, kind listener, maid or man,
- May see it if you will.
- The box is glistening huge and green,
- Like trees the lilacs grow,
- Three elms high-arching still are seen,
- And one lies stretched below.
- The hangings, rough with velvet flowers,
- Flap on the latticed wall;
- And o'er the mossy ridge-pole towers
- The rock-hewn chimney tall.
- The doors on mighty hinges clash
- With massive bolt and bar,
- The heavy English-moulded sash
- Scarce can the night-winds jar.
- Behold the chosen room he sought
- Alone, to fast and pray,
- Each year, as chill November brought
- The dismal earthquake day.
- There hung the rapier blade he wore,
- Bent in its flattened sheath;
- The coat the shrieking woman tore
- Caught in her clenching teeth;--
- The coat with tarnished silver lace
- She snapped at as she slid,
- And down upon her death-white face
- Crashed the huge coffin's lid.
- A graded terrace yet remains;
- If on its turf you stand
- And look along the wooded plains
- That stretch on either hand,
- The broken forest walls define
- A dim, receding view,
- Where, on the far horizon's line,
- He cut his vista through.
- If further story you shall crave,
- Or ask for living proof,
- Go see old Julia, born a slave
- Beneath Sir Harry's roof.
- She told me half that I have told,
- And she remembers well
- The mansion as it looked of old
- Before its glories fell;--
- The box, when round the terraced square
- Its glossy wall was drawn;
- The climbing vines, the snow-balls fair,
- The roses on the lawn.
- And Julia says, with truthful look
- Stamped on her wrinkled face,
- That in her own black hands she took
- The coat with silver lace.
- And you may hold the story light,
- Or, if you like, believe;
- But there it was, the woman's bite,--
- A mouthful from the sleeve.
- Now go your ways;--I need not tell
- The moral of my rhyme;
- But, youths and maidens, ponder well
- This tale of olden time!
- OCTOBER 4, 1849
- CLEAR the brown path, to meet his coulter's gleam!
- Lo! on he comes, behind his smoking team,
- With toil's bright dew-drops on his sunburnt brow,
- The lord of earth, the hero of the plough!
- First in the field before the reddening sun,
- Last in the shadows when the day is done,
- Line after line, along the bursting sod,
- Marks the broad acres where his feet have trod;
- Still, where he treads, the stubborn clods divide,
- The smooth, fresh furrow opens deep and wide;
- Matted and dense the tangled turf upheaves,
- Mellow and dark the ridgy cornfield cleaves;
- Up the steep hillside, where the laboring train
- Slants the long track that scores the level plain;
- Through the moist valley, clogged with oozing clay,
- The patient convoy breaks its destined way;
- At every turn the loosening chains resound,
- The swinging ploughshare circles glistening round,
- Till the wide field one billowy waste appears,
- And wearied hands unbind the panting steers.
- These are the hands whose sturdy labor brings
- The peasant's food, the golden pomp of kings;
- This is the page, whose letters shall be seen
- Changed by the sun to words of living green;
- This is the scholar, whose immortal pen
- Spells the first lesson hunger taught to men;
- These are the lines which heaven-commanded Toil
- Shows on his deed,--the charter of the soil.
- O gracious Mother, whose benignant breast
- Wakes us to life, and lulls us all to rest,
- How thy sweet features, kind to every clime,
- Mock with their smile the wrinkled front of time
- We stain thy flowers,--they blossom o'er the dead;
- We rend thy bosom, and it gives us bread;
- O'er the red field that trampling strife has torn,
- Waves the green plumage of thy tasselled corn;
- Our maddening conflicts sear thy fairest plain,
- Still thy soft answer is the growing grain.
- Yet, O our Mother, while uncounted charms
- Steal round our hearts in thine embracing arms,
- Let not our virtues in thy love decay,
- And thy fond sweetness waste our strength away.
- No! by these hills, whose banners now displayed
- In blazing cohorts Autumn has arrayed;
- By yon twin summits, on whose splintery crests
- The tossing hemlocks hold the eagles' nests;
- By these fair plains the mountain circle screens,
- And feeds with streamlets from its dark ravines,
- True to their home, these faithful arms shall toil
- To crown with peace their own untainted soil;
- And, true to God, to freedom, to mankind,
- If her chained bandogs Faction shall unbind,
- These stately forms, that bending even now
- Bowed their strong manhood to the humble plough,
- Shall rise erect, the guardians of the land,
- The same stern iron in the same right hand,
- Till o'er their hills the shouts of triumph run,
- The sword has rescued what the ploughshare won!
- WINTER is past; the heart of Nature warms
- Beneath the wrecks of unresisted storms;
- Doubtful at first, suspected more than seen,
- The southern slopes are fringed with tender green;
- On sheltered banks, beneath the dripping eaves,
- Spring's earliest nurslings spread their glowing leaves,
- Bright with the hues from wider pictures won,
- White, azure, golden,--drift, or sky, or sun,--
- The snowdrop, bearing on her patient breast
- The frozen trophy torn from Winter's crest;
- The violet, gazing on the arch of blue
- Till her own iris wears its deepened hue;
- The spendthrift crocus, bursting through the mould
- Naked and shivering with his cup of gold.
- Swelled with new life, the darkening elm on high
- Prints her thick buds against the spotted sky
- On all her boughs the stately chestnut cleaves
- The gummy shroud that wraps her embryo leaves;
- The house-fly, stealing from his narrow grave,
- Drugged with the opiate that November gave,
- Beats with faint wing against the sunny pane,
- Or crawls, tenacious, o'er its lucid plain;
- From shaded chinks of lichen-crusted walls,
- In languid curves, the gliding serpent crawls;
- The bog's green harper, thawing from his sleep,
- Twangs a hoarse note and tries a shortened leap;
- On floating rails that face the softening noons
- The still shy turtles range their dark platoons,
- Or, toiling aimless o'er the mellowing fields,
- Trail through the grass their tessellated shields.
- At last young April, ever frail and fair,
- Wooed by her playmate with the golden hair,
- Chased to the margin of receding floods
- O'er the soft meadows starred with opening buds,
- In tears and blushes sighs herself away,
- And hides her cheek beneath the flowers of May.
- Then the proud tulip lights her beacon blaze,
- Her clustering curls the hyacinth displays;
- O'er her tall blades the crested fleur-de-lis,
- Like blue-eyed Pallas, towers erect and free;
- With yellower flames the lengthened sunshine glows,
- And love lays bare the passion-breathing rose;
- Queen of the lake, along its reedy verge
- The rival lily hastens to emerge,
- Her snowy shoulders glistening as she strips,
- Till morn is sultan of her parted lips.
- Then bursts the song from every leafy glade,
- The yielding season's bridal serenade;
- Then flash the wings returning Summer calls
- Through the deep arches of her forest halls,--
- The bluebird, breathing from his azure plumes
- The fragrance borrowed where the myrtle blooms;
- The thrush, poor wanderer, dropping meekly down,
- Clad in his remnant of autumnal brown;
- The oriole, drifting like a flake of fire
- Rent by a whirlwind from a blazing spire.
- The robin, jerking his spasmodic throat,
- Repeats, imperious, his staccato note;
- The crack-brained bobolink courts his crazy mate,
- Poised on a bulrush tipsy with his weight;
- Nay, in his cage the lone canary sings,
- Feels the soft air, and spreads his idle wings.
- Why dream I here within these caging walls,
- Deaf to her voice, while blooming Nature calls;
- Peering and gazing with insatiate looks
- Through blinding lenses, or in wearying books?
- Off, gloomy spectres of the shrivelled past!
- Fly with the leaves that fill the autumn blast
- Ye imps of Science, whose relentless chains
- Lock the warm tides within these living veins,
- Close your dim cavern, while its captive strays
- Dazzled and giddy in the morning's blaze!
- YET in the darksome crypt I left so late,
- Whose only altar is its rusted grate,--
- Sepulchral, rayless, joyless as it seems,
- Shamed by the glare of May's refulgent beams,--
- While the dim seasons dragged their shrouded train,
- Its paler splendors were not quite in vain.
- From these dull bars the cheerful firelight's glow
- Streamed through the casement o'er the spectral snow;
- Here, while the night-wind wreaked its frantic will
- On the loose ocean and the rock-bound hill,
- Rent the cracked topsail from its quivering yard,
- And rived the oak a thousand storms had scarred,
- Fenced by these walls the peaceful taper shone,
- Nor felt a breath to slant its trembling cone.
- Not all unblest the mild interior scene
- When the red curtain spread its falling screen;
- O'er some light task the lonely hours were past,
- And the long evening only flew too fast;
- Or the wide chair its leathern arms would lend
- In genial welcome to some easy friend,
- Stretched on its bosom with relaxing nerves,
- Slow moulding, plastic, to its hollow curves;
- Perchance indulging, if of generous creed,
- In brave Sir Walter's dream-compelling weed.
- Or, happier still, the evening hour would bring
- To the round table its expected ring,
- And while the punch-bowl's sounding depths were stirred,--
- Its silver cherubs smiling as they heard,--
- Our hearts would open, as at evening's hour
- The close-sealed primrose frees its hidden flower.
- Such the warm life this dim retreat has known,
- Not quite deserted when its guests were flown;
- Nay, filled with friends, an unobtrusive set,
- Guiltless of calls and cards and etiquette,
- Ready to answer, never known to ask,
- Claiming no service, prompt for every task.
- On those dark shelves no housewife hand profanes,
- O'er his mute files the monarch folio reigns;
- A mingled race, the wreck of chance and time,
- That talk all tongues and breathe of every clime,
- Each knows his place, and each may claim his part
- In some quaint corner of his master's heart.
- This old Decretal, won from Moss's hoards,
- Thick-leaved, brass-cornered, ribbed with oaken boards,
- Stands the gray patriarch of the graver rows,
- Its fourth ripe century narrowing to its close;
- Not daily conned, but glorious still to view,
- With glistening letters wrought in red and blue.
- There towers Stagira's all-embracing sage,
- The Aldine anchor on his opening page;
- There sleep the births of Plato's heavenly mind,
- In yon dark tomb by jealous clasps confused,
- "Olim e libris" (dare I call it mine?)
- Of Yale's grave Head and Killingworth's divine!
- In those square sheets the songs of Maro fill
- The silvery types of smooth-leaved Baskerville;
- High over all, in close, compact array,
- Their classic wealth the Elzevirs display.
- In lower regions of the sacred space
- Range the dense volumes of a humbler race;
- There grim chirurgeons all their mysteries teach,
- In spectral pictures, or in crabbed speech;
- Harvey and Haller, fresh from Nature's page,
- Shoulder the dreamers of an earlier age,
- Lully and Geber, and the learned crew
- That loved to talk of all they could not do.
- Why count the rest,--those names of later days
- That many love, and all agree to praise,--
- Or point the titles, where a glance may read
- The dangerous lines of party or of creed?
- Too well, perchance, the chosen list would show
- What few may care and none can claim to know.
- Each has his features, whose exterior seal
- A brush may copy, or a sunbeam steal;
- Go to his study,--on the nearest shelf
- Stands the mosaic portrait of himself.
- What though for months the tranquil dust descends,
- Whitening the heads of these mine ancient friends,
- While the damp offspring of the modern press
- Flaunts on my table with its pictured dress;
- Not less I love each dull familiar face,
- Nor less should miss it from the appointed place;
- I snatch the book, along whose burning leaves
- His scarlet web our wild romancer weaves,
- Yet, while proud Hester's fiery pangs I share,
- My old MAGNALIA must be standing _there_!
- WHEN o'er the street the morning peal is flung
- From yon tall belfry with the brazen tongue,
- Its wide vibrations, wafted by the gale,
- To each far listener tell a different tale.
- The sexton, stooping to the quivering floor
- Till the great caldron spills its brassy roar,
- Whirls the hot axle, counting, one by one,
- Each dull concussion, till his task is done.
- Toil's patient daughter, when the welcome note
- Clangs through the silence from the steeple's throat,
- Streams, a white unit, to the checkered street,
- Demure, but guessing whom she soon shall meet;
- The bell, responsive to her secret flame,
- With every note repeats her lover's name.
- The lover, tenant of the neighboring lane,
- Sighing, and fearing lest he sigh in vain,
- Hears the stern accents, as they come and go,
- Their only burden one despairing No!
- Ocean's rough child, whom many a shore has known
- Ere homeward breezes swept him to his own,
- Starts at the echo as it circles round,
- A thousand memories kindling with the sound;
- The early favorite's unforgotten charms,
- Whose blue initials stain his tawny arms;
- His first farewell, the flapping canvas spread,
- The seaward streamers crackling overhead,
- His kind, pale mother, not ashamed to weep
- Her first-born's bridal with the haggard deep,
- While the brave father stood with tearless eye,
- Smiling and choking with his last good-by.
- 'T is but a wave, whose spreading circle beats,
- With the same impulse, every nerve it meets,
- Yet who shall count the varied shapes that ride
- On the round surge of that aerial tide!
- O child of earth! If floating sounds like these
- Steal from thyself their power to wound or please,
- If here or there thy changing will inclines,
- As the bright zodiac shifts its rolling signs,
- Look at thy heart, and when its depths are known,
- Then try thy brother's, judging by thine own,
- But keep thy wisdom to the narrower range,
- While its own standards are the sport of change,
- Nor count us rebels when we disobey
- The passing breath that holds thy passion's sway.
- PERHAPS too far in these considerate days
- Has patience carried her submissive ways;
- Wisdom has taught us to be calm and meek,
- To take one blow, and turn the other cheek;
- It is not written what a man shall do,
- If the rude caitiff smite the other too!
- Land of our fathers, in thine hour of need
- God help thee, guarded by the passive creed!
- As the lone pilgrim trusts to beads and cowl,
- When through the forest rings the gray wolf's howl;
- As the deep galleon trusts her gilded prow
- When the black corsair slants athwart her bow;
- As the poor pheasant, with his peaceful mien,
- Trusts to his feathers, shining golden-green,
- When the dark plumage with the crimson beak
- Has rustled shadowy from its splintered peak,--
- So trust thy friends, whose babbling tongues would charm
- The lifted sabre from thy foeman's arm,
- Thy torches ready for the answering peal
- From bellowing fort and thunder-freighted keel!
- YON whey-faced brother, who delights to wear
- A weedy flux of ill-conditioned hair,
- Seems of the sort that in a crowded place
- One elbows freely into smallest space;
- A timid creature, lax of knee and hip,
- Whom small disturbance whitens round the lip;
- One of those harmless spectacled machines,
- The Holy-Week of Protestants convenes;
- Whom school-boys question if their walk transcends
- The last advices of maternal friends;
- Whom John, obedient to his master's sign,
- Conducts, laborious, up to ninety-nine,
- While Peter, glistening with luxurious scorn,
- Husks his white ivories like an ear of corn;
- Dark in the brow and bilious in the cheek,
- Whose yellowish linen flowers but once a week,
- Conspicuous, annual, in their threadbare suits,
- And the laced high-lows which they call their boots,
- Well mayst thou shun that dingy front severe,
- But him, O stranger, him thou canst not _fear_.
- Be slow to judge, and slower to despise,
- Man of broad shoulders and heroic size
- The tiger, writhing from the boa's rings,
- Drops at the fountain where the cobra stings.
- In that lean phantom, whose extended glove
- Points to the text of universal love,
- Behold the master that can tame thee down
- To crouch, the vassal of his Sunday frown;
- His velvet throat against thy corded wrist,
- His loosened tongue against thy doubled fist.
- The MORAL BULLY, though he never swears,
- Nor kicks intruders down his entry stairs,
- Though meekness plants his backward-sloping hat,
- And non-resistance ties his white cravat,
- Though his black broadcloth glories to be seen
- In the same plight with Shylock's gaberdine,
- Hugs the same passion to his narrow breast
- That heaves the cuirass on the trooper's chest,
- Hears the same hell-hounds yelling in his rear
- That chase from port the maddened buccaneer,
- Feels the same comfort while his acrid words
- Turn the sweet milk of kindness into curds,
- Or with grim logic prove, beyond debate,
- That all we love is worthiest of our hate,
- As the scarred ruffian of the pirate's deck,
- When his long swivel rakes the staggering wreck!
- Heaven keep us all! Is every rascal clown
- Whose arm is stronger free to knock us down?
- Has every scarecrow, whose cachectic soul
- Seems fresh from Bedlam, airing on parole,
- Who, though he carries but a doubtful trace
- Of angel visits on his hungry face,
- From lack of marrow or the coins to pay,
- Has dodged some vices in a shabby way,
- The right to stick us with his cutthroat terms,
- And bait his homilies with his brother worms?
- No life worth naming ever comes to good
- If always nourished on the selfsame food;
- The creeping mite may live so if he please,
- And feed on Stilton till he turns to cheese,
- But cool Magendie proves beyond a doubt,
- If mammals try it, that their eyes drop out.
- No reasoning natures find it safe to feed,
- For their sole diet, on a single creed;
- It spoils their eyeballs while it spares their tongues,
- And starves the heart to feed the noisy lungs.
- When the first larvae on the elm are seen,
- The crawling wretches, like its leaves, are green;
- Ere chill October shakes the latest down,
- They, like the foliage, change their tint to brown;
- On the blue flower a bluer flower you spy,
- You stretch to pluck it--'tis a butterfly;
- The flattened tree-toads so resemble bark,
- They're hard to find as Ethiops in the dark;
- The woodcock, stiffening to fictitious mud,
- Cheats the young sportsman thirsting for his blood;
- So by long living on a single lie,
- Nay, on one truth, will creatures get its dye;
- Red, yellow, green, they take their subject's hue,--
- Except when squabbling turns them black and blue!
- WE trust and fear, we question and believe,
- From life's dark threads a trembling faith to weave,
- Frail as the web that misty night has spun,
- Whose dew-gemmed awnings glitter in the sun.
- While the calm centuries spell their lessons out,
- Each truth we conquer spreads the realm of doubt;
- When Sinai's summit was Jehovah's throne,
- The chosen Prophet knew his voice alone;
- When Pilate's hall that awful question heard,
- The Heavenly Captive answered not a word.
- Eternal Truth! beyond our hopes and fears
- Sweep the vast orbits of thy myriad spheres!
- From age to age, while History carves sublime
- On her waste rock the flaming curves of time,
- How the wild swayings of our planet show
- That worlds unseen surround the world we know.
- THE curtain rose; in thunders long and loud
- The galleries rung; the veteran actor bowed.
- In flaming line the telltales of the stage
- Showed on his brow the autograph of age;
- Pale, hueless waves amid his clustered hair,
- And umbered shadows, prints of toil and care;
- Round the wide circle glanced his vacant eye,--
- He strove to speak,--his voice was but a sigh.
- Year after year had seen its short-lived race
- Flit past the scenes and others take their place;
- Yet the old prompter watched his accents still,
- His name still flaunted on the evening's bill.
- Heroes, the monarchs of the scenic floor,
- Had died in earnest and were heard no more;
- Beauties, whose cheeks such roseate bloom o'er-spread
- They faced the footlights in unborrowed red,
- Had faded slowly through successive shades
- To gray duennas, foils of younger maids;
- Sweet voices lost the melting tones that start
- With Southern throbs the sturdy Saxon heart,
- While fresh sopranos shook the painted sky
- With their long, breathless, quivering locust-cry.
- Yet there he stood,--the man of other days,
- In the clear present's full, unsparing blaze,
- As on the oak a faded leaf that clings
- While a new April spreads its burnished wings.
- How bright yon rows that soared in triple tier,
- Their central sun the flashing chandelier!
- How dim the eye that sought with doubtful aim
- Some friendly smile it still might dare to claim
- How fresh these hearts! his own how worn and cold!
- Such the sad thoughts that long-drawn sigh had told.
- No word yet faltered on his trembling tongue;
- Again, again, the crashing galleries rung.
- As the old guardsman at the bugle's blast
- Hears in its strain the echoes of the past,
- So, as the plaudits rolled and thundered round,
- A life of memories startled at the sound.
- He lived again,--the page of earliest days,--
- Days of small fee and parsimonious praise;
- Then lithe young Romeo--hark that silvered tone,
- From those smooth lips--alas! they were his own.
- Then the bronzed Moor, with all his love and woe,
- Told his strange tale of midnight melting snow;
- And dark--plumed Hamlet, with his cloak and blade,
- Looked on the royal ghost, himself a shade.
- All in one flash, his youthful memories came,
- Traced in bright hues of evanescent flame,
- As the spent swimmer's in the lifelong dream,
- While the last bubble rises through the stream.
- Call him not old, whose visionary brain
- Holds o'er the past its undivided reign.
- For him in vain the envious seasons roll
- Who bears eternal summer in his soul.
- If yet the minstrel's song, the poet's lay,
- Spring with her birds, or children at their play,
- Or maiden's smile, or heavenly dream of art,
- Stir the few life-drops creeping round his heart,
- Turn to the record where his years are told,--
- Count his gray hairs,--they cannot make him old!
- What magic power has changed the faded mime?
- One breath of memory on the dust of time.
- As the last window in the buttressed wall
- Of some gray minster tottering to its fall,
- Though to the passing crowd its hues are spread,
- A dull mosaic, yellow, green, and red,
- Viewed from within, a radiant glory shows
- When through its pictured screen the sunlight flows,
- And kneeling pilgrims on its storied pane
- See angels glow in every shapeless stain;
- So streamed the vision through his sunken eye,
- Clad in the splendors of his morning sky.
- All the wild hopes his eager boyhood knew,
- All the young fancies riper years proved true,
- The sweet, low-whispered words, the winning glance
- From queens of song, from Houris of the dance,
- Wealth's lavish gift, and Flattery's soothing phrase,
- And Beauty's silence when her blush was praise,
- And melting Pride, her lashes wet with tears,
- Triumphs and banquets, wreaths and crowns and cheers,
- Pangs of wild joy that perish on the tongue,
- And all that poets dream, but leave unsung!
- In every heart some viewless founts are fed
- From far-off hillsides where the dews were shed;
- On the worn features of the weariest face
- Some youthful memory leaves its hidden trace,
- As in old gardens left by exiled kings
- The marble basins tell of hidden springs,
- But, gray with dust, and overgrown with weeds,
- Their choking jets the passer little heeds,
- Till time's revenges break their seals away,
- And, clad in rainbow light, the waters play.
- Good night, fond dreamer! let the curtain fall
- The world's a stage, and we are players all.
- A strange rehearsal! Kings without their crowns,
- And threadbare lords, and jewel-wearing clowns,
- Speak the vain words that mock their throbbing hearts,
- As Want, stern prompter! spells them out their parts.
- The tinselled hero whom we praise and pay
- Is twice an actor in a twofold play.
- We smile at children when a painted screen
- Seems to their simple eyes a real scene;
- Ask the poor hireling, who has left his throne
- To seek the cheerless home he calls his own,
- Which of his double lives most real seems,
- The world of solid fact or scenic dreams?
- Canvas, or clouds,--the footlights, or the spheres,--
- The play of two short hours, or seventy years?
- Dream on! Though Heaven may woo our open eyes,
- Through their closed lids we look on fairer skies;
- Truth is for other worlds, and hope for this;
- The cheating future lends the present's bliss;
- Life is a running shade, with fettered hands,
- That chases phantoms over shifting sands;
- Death a still spectre on a marble seat,
- With ever clutching palms and shackled feet;
- The airy shapes that mock life's slender chain,
- The flying joys he strives to clasp in vain,
- Death only grasps; to live is to pursue,--
- Dream on! there 's nothing but illusion true!
- SEPTEMBER 9,1850
- ANGEL of Death! extend thy silent reign!
- Stretch thy dark sceptre o'er this new domain
- No sable car along the winding road
- Has borne to earth its unresisting load;
- No sudden mound has risen yet to show
- Where the pale slumberer folds his arms below;
- No marble gleams to bid his memory live
- In the brief lines that hurrying Time can give;
- Yet, O Destroyer! from thy shrouded throne
- Look on our gift; this realm is all thine own!
- Fair is the scene; its sweetness oft beguiled
- From their dim paths the children of the wild;
- The dark-haired maiden loved its grassy dells,
- The feathered warrior claimed its wooded swells,
- Still on its slopes the ploughman's ridges show
- The pointed flints that left his fatal bow,
- Chipped with rough art and slow barbarian toil,--
- Last of his wrecks that strews the alien soil!
- Here spread the fields that heaped their ripened store
- Till the brown arms of Labor held no more;
- The scythe's broad meadow with its dusky blush;
- The sickle's harvest with its velvet flush;
- The green-haired maize, her silken tresses laid,
- In soft luxuriance, on her harsh brocade;
- The gourd that swells beneath her tossing plume;
- The coarser wheat that rolls in lakes of bloom,--
- Its coral stems and milk-white flowers alive
- With the wide murmurs of the scattered hive;
- Here glowed the apple with the pencilled streak
- Of morning painted on its southern cheek;
- The pear's long necklace strung with golden drops,
- Arched, like the banian, o'er its pillared props;
- Here crept the growths that paid the laborer's care
- With the cheap luxuries wealth consents to spare;
- Here sprang the healing herbs which could not save
- The hand that reared them from the neighboring grave.
- Yet all its varied charms, forever free
- From task and tribute, Labor yields to thee
- No more, when April sheds her fitful rain,
- The sower's hand shall cast its flying grain;
- No more, when Autumn strews the flaming leaves,
- The reaper's band shall gird its yellow sheaves;
- For thee alike the circling seasons flow
- Till the first blossoms heave the latest snow.
- In the stiff clod below the whirling drifts,
- In the loose soil the springing herbage lifts,
- In the hot dust beneath the parching weeds,
- Life's withering flower shall drop its shrivelled seeds;
- Its germ entranced in thy unbreathing sleep
- Till what thou sowest mightier angels reap!
- Spirit of Beauty! let thy graces blend
- With loveliest Nature all that Art can lend.
- Come from the bowers where Summer's life-blood flows
- Through the red lips of June's half-open rose,
- Dressed in bright hues, the loving sunshine's dower;
- For tranquil Nature owns no mourning flower.
- Come from the forest where the beech's screen
- Bars the fierce moonbeam with its flakes of green;
- Stay the rude axe that bares the shadowy plains,
- Stanch the deep wound That dries the maple's veins.
- Come with the stream whose silver-braided rills
- Fling their unclasping bracelets from the hills,
- Till in one gleam, beneath the forest's wings,
- Melts the white glitter of a hundred springs.
- Come from the steeps where look majestic forth
- From their twin thrones the Giants of the North
- On the huge shapes, that, crouching at their knees,
- Stretch their broad shoulders, rough with shaggy trees.
- Through the wide waste of ether, not in vain,
- Their softened gaze shall reach our distant plain;
- There, while the mourner turns his aching eyes
- On the blue mounds that print the bluer skies,
- Nature shall whisper that the fading view
- Of mightiest grief may wear a heavenly hue.
- Cherub of Wisdom! let thy marble page
- Leave its sad lesson, new to every age;
- Teach us to live, not grudging every breath
- To the chill winds that waft us on to death,
- But ruling calmly every pulse it warms,
- And tempering gently every word it forms.
- Seraph of Love! in heaven's adoring zone,
- Nearest of all around the central throne,
- While with soft hands the pillowed turf we spread
- That soon shall hold us in its dreamless bed,
- With the low whisper,--Who shall first be laid
- In the dark chamber's yet unbroken shade?--
- Let thy sweet radiance shine rekindled here,
- And all we cherish grow more truly dear.
- Here in the gates of Death's o'erhanging vault,
- Oh, teach us kindness for our brother's fault
- Lay all our wrongs beneath this peaceful sod,
- And lead our hearts to Mercy and its God.
- FATHER of all! in Death's relentless claim
- We read thy mercy by its sterner name;
- In the bright flower that decks the solemn bier,
- We see thy glory in its narrowed sphere;
- In the deep lessons that affliction draws,
- We trace the curves of thy encircling laws;
- In the long sigh that sets our spirits free,
- We own the love that calls us back to Thee!
- Through the hushed street, along the silent plain,
- The spectral future leads its mourning train,
- Dark with the shadows of uncounted bands,
- Where man's white lips and woman's wringing hands
- Track the still burden, rolling slow before,
- That love and kindness can protect no more;
- The smiling babe that, called to mortal strife,
- Shuts its meek eyes and drops its little life;
- The drooping child who prays in vain to live,
- And pleads for help its parent cannot give;
- The pride of beauty stricken in its flower;
- The strength of manhood broken in an hour;
- Age in its weakness, bowed by toil and care,
- Traced in sad lines beneath its silvered hair.
- The sun shall set, and heaven's resplendent spheres
- Gild the smooth turf unhallowed yet by tears,
- But ah! how soon the evening stars will shed
- Their sleepless light around the slumbering dead!
- Take them, O Father, in immortal trust!
- Ashes to ashes, dust to kindred dust,
- Till the last angel rolls the stone away,
- And a new morning brings eternal day!
- DEAR GOVERNOR, if my skiff might brave
- The winds that lift the ocean wave,
- The mountain stream that loops and swerves
- Through my broad meadow's channelled curves
- Should waft me on from bound to bound
- To where the River weds the Sound,
- The Sound should give me to the Sea,
- That to the Bay, the Bay to thee.
- It may not be; too long the track
- To follow down or struggle back.
- The sun has set on fair Naushon
- Long ere my western blaze is gone;
- The ocean disk is rolling dark
- In shadows round your swinging bark,
- While yet the yellow sunset fills
- The stream that scarfs my spruce-clad hills;
- The day-star wakes your island deer
- Long ere my barnyard chanticleer;
- Your mists are soaring in the blue
- While mine are sparks of glittering dew.
- It may not be; oh, would it might,
- Could I live o'er that glowing night!
- What golden hours would come to life,
- What goodly feats of peaceful strife,--
- Such jests, that, drained of every joke,
- The very bank of language broke,--
- Such deeds, that Laughter nearly died
- With stitches in his belted side;
- While Time, caught fast in pleasure's chain,
- His double goblet snapped in twain,
- And stood with half in either hand,--
- Both brimming full,--but not of sand!
- It may not be; I strive in vain
- To break my slender household chain,--
- Three pairs of little clasping hands,
- One voice, that whispers, not commands.
- Even while my spirit flies away,
- My gentle jailers murmur nay;
- All shapes of elemental wrath
- They raise along my threatened path;
- The storm grows black, the waters rise,
- The mountains mingle with the skies,
- The mad tornado scoops the ground,
- The midnight robber prowls around,--
- Thus, kissing every limb they tie,
- They draw a knot and heave a sigh,
- Till, fairly netted in the toil,
- My feet are rooted to the soil.
- Only the soaring wish is free!--
- And that, dear Governor, flies to thee!
- THE seed that wasteful autumn cast
- To waver on its stormy blast,
- Long o'er the wintry desert tost,
- Its living germ has never lost.
- Dropped by the weary tempest's wing,
- It feels the kindling ray of spring,
- And, starting from its dream of death,
- Pours on the air its perfumed breath.
- So, parted by the rolling flood,
- The love that springs from common blood
- Needs but a single sunlit hour
- Of mingling smiles to bud and flower;
- Unharmed its slumbering life has flown,
- From shore to shore, from zone to zone,
- Where summer's falling roses stain
- The tepid waves of Pontchartrain,
- Or where the lichen creeps below
- Katahdin's wreaths of whirling snow.
- Though fiery sun and stiffening cold
- May change the fair ancestral mould,
- No winter chills, no summer drains
- The life-blood drawn from English veins,
- Still bearing wheresoe'er it flows
- The love that with its fountain rose,
- Unchanged by space, unwronged by time,
- From age to age, from clime to clime!
- 1852.
- COME, spread your wings, as I spread mine,
- And leave the crowded hall
- For where the eyes of twilight shine
- O'er evening's western wall.
- These are the pleasant Berkshire hills,
- Each with its leafy crown;
- Hark! from their sides a thousand rills
- Come singing sweetly down.
- A thousand rills; they leap and shine,
- Strained through the shadowy nooks,
- Till, clasped in many a gathering twine,
- They swell a hundred brooks.
- A hundred brooks, and still they run
- With ripple, shade, and gleam,
- Till, clustering all their braids in one,
- They flow a single stream.
- A bracelet spun from mountain mist,
- A silvery sash unwound,
- With ox-bow curve and sinuous twist
- It writhes to reach the Sound.
- This is my bark,--a pygmy's ship;
- Beneath a child it rolls;
- Fear not,--one body makes it dip,
- But not a thousand souls.
- Float we the grassy banks between;
- Without an oar we glide;
- The meadows, drest in living green,
- Unroll on either side.
- Come, take the book we love so well,
- And let us read and dream
- We see whate'er its pages tell,
- And sail an English stream.
- Up to the clouds the lark has sprung,
- Still trilling as he flies;
- The linnet sings as there he sung;
- The unseen cuckoo cries,
- And daisies strew the banks along,
- And yellow kingcups shine,
- With cowslips, and a primrose throng,
- And humble celandine.
- Ah foolish dream! when Nature nursed
- Her daughter in the West,
- The fount was drained that opened first;
- She bared her other breast.
- On the young planet's orient shore
- Her morning hand she tried;
- Then turned the broad medallion o'er
- And stamped the sunset side.
- Take what she gives, her pine's tall stem,
- Her elm with hanging spray;
- She wears her mountain diadem
- Still in her own proud way.
- Look on the forests' ancient kings,
- The hemlock's towering pride
- Yon trunk had thrice a hundred rings,
- And fell before it died.
- Nor think that Nature saves her bloom
- And slights our grassy plain;
- For us she wears her court costume,--
- Look on its broidered train;
- The lily with the sprinkled dots,
- Brands of the noontide beam;
- The cardinal, and the blood-red spots,
- Its double in the stream,
- As if some wounded eagle's breast,
- Slow throbbing o'er the plain,
- Had left its airy path impressed
- In drops of scarlet rain.
- And hark! and hark! the woodland rings;
- There thrilled the thrush's soul;
- And look! that flash of flamy wings,--
- The fire-plumed oriole!
- Above, the hen-hawk swims and swoops,
- Flung from the bright, blue sky;
- Below, the robin hops, and whoops
- His piercing, Indian cry.
- Beauty runs virgin in the woods
- Robed in her rustic green,
- And oft a longing thought intrudes,
- As if we might have seen.
- Her every finger's every joint
- Ringed with some golden line,
- Poet whom Nature did anoint
- Had our wild home been thine.
- Yet think not so; Old England's blood
- Runs warm in English veins;
- But wafted o'er the icy flood
- Its better life remains.
- Our children know each wildwood smell,
- The bayberry and the fern,
- The man who does not know them well
- Is all too old to learn.
- Be patient! On the breathing page
- Still pants our hurried past;
- Pilgrim and soldier, saint and sage,
- The poet comes the last!
- Though still the lark-voiced matins ring
- The world has known so long;
- The wood-thrush of the West shall sing
- Earth's last sweet even-song!
- SHINE soft, ye trembling tears of light
- That strew the mourning skies;
- Hushed in the silent dews of night
- The harp of Erin lies.
- What though her thousand years have past
- Of poets, saints, and kings,--
- Her echoes only hear the last
- That swept those golden strings.
- Fling o'er his mound, ye star-lit bowers,
- The balmiest wreaths ye wear,
- Whose breath has lent your earth-born flowers
- Heaven's own ambrosial air.
- Breathe, bird of night, thy softest tone,
- By shadowy grove and rill;
- Thy song will soothe us while we own
- That his was sweeter still.
- Stay, pitying Time, thy foot for him
- Who gave thee swifter wings,
- Nor let thine envious shadow dim
- The light his glory flings.
- If in his cheek unholy blood
- Burned for one youthful hour,
- 'T was but the flushing of the bud
- That blooms a milk-white flower.
- Take him, kind mother, to thy breast,
- Who loved thy smiles so well,
- And spread thy mantle o'er his rest
- Of rose and asphodel.
- The bark has sailed the midnight sea,
- The sea without a shore,
- That waved its parting sign to thee,--
- "A health to thee, Tom Moore!"
- And thine, long lingering on the strand,
- Its bright-hued streamers furled,
- Was loosed by age, with trembling hand,
- To seek the silent world.
- Not silent! no, the radiant stars
- Still singing as they shine,
- Unheard through earth's imprisoning bars,
- Have voices sweet as thine.
- Wake, then, in happier realms above,
- The songs of bygone years,
- Till angels learn those airs of love
- That ravished mortal ears!
- "Purpureos spargam flores."
- THE wreath that star-crowned Shelley gave
- Is lying on thy Roman grave,
- Yet on its turf young April sets
- Her store of slender violets;
- Though all the Gods their garlands shower,
- I too may bring one purple flower.
- Alas! what blossom shall I bring,
- That opens in my Northern spring?
- The garden beds have all run wild,
- So trim when I was yet a child;
- Flat plantains and unseemly stalks
- Have crept across the gravel walks;
- The vines are dead, long, long ago,
- The almond buds no longer blow.
- No more upon its mound I see
- The azure, plume-bound fleur-de-lis;
- Where once the tulips used to show,
- In straggling tufts the pansies grow;
- The grass has quenched my white-rayed gem,
- The flowering "Star of Bethlehem,"
- Though its long blade of glossy green
- And pallid stripe may still be seen.
- Nature, who treads her nobles down,
- And gives their birthright to the clown,
- Has sown her base-born weedy things
- Above the garden's queens and kings.
- Yet one sweet flower of ancient race
- Springs in the old familiar place.
- When snows were melting down the vale,
- And Earth unlaced her icy mail,
- And March his stormy trumpet blew,
- And tender green came peeping through,
- I loved the earliest one to seek
- That broke the soil with emerald beak,
- And watch the trembling bells so blue
- Spread on the column as it grew.
- Meek child of earth! thou wilt not shame
- The sweet, dead poet's holy name;
- The God of music gave thee birth,
- Called from the crimson-spotted earth,
- Where, sobbing his young life away,
- His own fair Hyacinthus lay.
- The hyacinth my garden gave
- Shall lie upon that Roman grave!
- ONE broad, white sail in Spezzia's treacherous bay
- On comes the blast; too daring bark, beware I
- The cloud has clasped her; to! it melts away;
- The wide, waste waters, but no sail is there.
- Morning: a woman looking on the sea;
- Midnight: with lamps the long veranda burns;
- Come, wandering sail, they watch, they burn for thee!
- Suns come and go, alas! no bark returns.
- And feet are thronging on the pebbly sands,
- And torches flaring in the weedy caves,
- Where'er the waters lay with icy hands
- The shapes uplifted from their coral graves.
- Vainly they seek; the idle quest is o'er;
- The coarse, dark women, with their hanging locks,
- And lean, wild children gather from the shore
- To the black hovels bedded in the rocks.
- But Love still prayed, with agonizing wail,
- "One, one last look, ye heaving waters, yield!"
- Till Ocean, clashing in his jointed mail,
- Raised the pale burden on his level shield.
- Slow from the shore the sullen waves retire;
- His form a nobler element shall claim;
- Nature baptized him in ethereal fire,
- And Death shall crown him with a wreath of flame.
- Fade, mortal semblance, never to return;
- Swift is the change within thy crimson shroud;
- Seal the white ashes in the peaceful urn;
- All else has risen in yon silvery cloud.
- Sleep where thy gentle Adonais lies,
- Whose open page lay on thy dying heart,
- Both in the smile of those blue-vaulted skies,
- Earth's fairest dome of all divinest art.
- Breathe for his wandering soul one passing sigh,
- O happier Christian, while thine eye grows dim,--
- In all the mansions of the house on high,
- Say not that Mercy has not one for him!
- As the voice of the watch to the mariner's dream,
- As the footstep of Spring on the ice-girdled stream,
- There comes a soft footstep, a whisper, to me,--
- The vision is over,--the rivulet free.
- We have trod from the threshold of turbulent March,
- Till the green scarf of April is hung on the larch,
- And down the bright hillside that welcomes the day,
- We hear the warm panting of beautiful May.
- We will part before Summer has opened her wing,
- And the bosom of June swells the bodice of Spring,
- While the hope of the season lies fresh in the bud,
- And the young life of Nature runs warm in our blood.
- It is but a word, and the chain is unbound,
- The bracelet of steel drops unclasped to the ground;
- No hand shall replace it,--it rests where it fell,---
- It is but one word that we all know too well.
- Yet the hawk with the wildness untamed in his eye,
- If you free him, stares round ere he springs to the sky;
- The slave whom no longer his fetters restrain
- Will turn for a moment and look at his chain.
- Our parting is not as the friendship of years,
- That chokes with the blessing it speaks through its tears;
- We have walked in a garden, and, looking around,
- Have plucked a few leaves from the myrtles we found.
- But now at the gate of the garden we stand,
- And the moment has come for unclasping the hand;
- Will you drop it like lead, and in silence retreat
- Like the twenty crushed forms from an omnibus seat?
- Nay! hold it one moment,--the last we may share,--
- I stretch it in kindness, and not for my fare;
- You may pass through the doorway in rank or in file,
- If your ticket from Nature is stamped with a smile.
- For the sweetest of smiles is the smile as we part,
- When the light round the lips is a ray from the heart;
- And lest a stray tear from its fountain might swell,
- We will seal the bright spring with a quiet farewell.
- 'T WAS a vision of childhood that came with its dawn,
- Ere the curtain that covered life's day-star was drawn;
- The nurse told the tale when the shadows grew long,
- And the mother's soft lullaby breathed it in song.
- "There flows a fair stream by the hills of the West,"--
- She sang to her boy as he lay on her breast;
- "Along its smooth margin thy fathers have played;
- Beside its deep waters their ashes are laid."
- I wandered afar from the land of my birth,
- I saw the old rivers, renowned upon earth,
- But fancy still painted that wide-flowing stream
- With the many-hued pencil of infancy's dream.
- I saw the green banks of the castle-crowned Rhine,
- Where the grapes drink the moonlight and change it to wine;
- I stood by the Avon, whose waves as they glide
- Still whisper his glory who sleeps at their side.
- But my heart would still yearn for the sound of the waves
- That sing as they flow by my forefathers' graves;
- If manhood yet honors my cheek with a tear,
- I care not who sees it,--no blush for it here!
- Farewell to the deep-bosomed stream of the West!
- I fling this loose blossom to float on its breast;
- Nor let the dear love of its children grow cold,
- Till the channel is dry where its waters have rolled!
- December, 1854.
- SCARCE could the parting ocean close,
- Seamed by the Mayflower's cleaving bow,
- When o'er the rugged desert rose
- The waves that tracked the Pilgrim's plough.
- Then sprang from many a rock-strewn field
- The rippling grass, the nodding grain,
- Such growths as English meadows yield
- To scanty sun and frequent rain.
- But when the fiery days were done,
- And Autumn brought his purple haze,
- Then, kindling in the slanted sun,
- The hillsides gleamed with golden maize.
- The food was scant, the fruits were few
- A red-streak glistening here and there;
- Perchance in statelier precincts grew
- Some stern old Puritanic pear.
- Austere in taste, and tough at core,
- Its unrelenting bulk was shed,
- To ripen in the Pilgrim's store
- When all the summer sweets were fled.
- Such was his lot, to front the storm
- With iron heart and marble brow,
- Nor ripen till his earthly form
- Was cast from life's autumnal bough.
- But ever on the bleakest rock
- We bid the brightest beacon glow,
- And still upon the thorniest stock
- The sweetest roses love to blow.
- So on our rude and wintry soil
- We feed the kindling flame of art,
- And steal the tropic's blushing spoil
- To bloom on Nature's ice-clad heart.
- See how the softening Mother's breast
- Warms to her children's patient wiles,
- Her lips by loving Labor pressed
- Break in a thousand dimpling smiles,
- From when the flushing bud of June
- Dawns with its first auroral hue,
- Till shines the rounded harvest-moon,
- And velvet dahlias drink the dew.
- Nor these the only gifts she brings;
- Look where the laboring orchard groans,
- And yields its beryl-threaded strings
- For chestnut burs and hemlock cones.
- Dear though the shadowy maple be,
- And dearer still the whispering pine,
- Dearest yon russet-laden tree
- Browned by the heavy rubbing kine!
- There childhood flung its rustling stone,
- There venturous boyhood learned to climb,--
- How well the early graft was known
- Whose fruit was ripe ere harvest-time!
- Nor be the Fleming's pride forgot,
- With swinging drops and drooping bells,
- Freckled and splashed with streak and spot,
- On the warm-breasted, sloping swells;
- Nor Persia's painted garden-queen,--
- Frail Houri of the trellised wall,--
- Her deep-cleft bosom scarfed with green,--
- Fairest to see, and first to fall.
- . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- When man provoked his mortal doom,
- And Eden trembled as he fell,
- When blossoms sighed their last perfume,
- And branches waved their long farewell,
- One sucker crept beneath the gate,
- One seed was wafted o'er the wall,
- One bough sustained his trembling weight;
- These left the garden,--these were all.
- And far o'er many a distant zone
- These wrecks of Eden still are flung
- The fruits that Paradise hath known
- Are still in earthly gardens hung.
- Yes, by our own unstoried stream
- The pink-white apple-blossoms burst
- That saw the young Euphrates gleam,--
- That Gihon's circling waters nursed.
- For us the ambrosial pear--displays
- The wealth its arching branches hold,
- Bathed by a hundred summery days
- In floods of mingling fire and gold.
- And here, where beauty's cheek of flame
- With morning's earliest beam is fed,
- The sunset-painted peach may claim
- To rival its celestial red.
- . . . . . . . . . . .
- What though in some unmoistened vale
- The summer leaf grow brown and sere,
- Say, shall our star of promise fail
- That circles half the rolling sphere,
- From beaches salt with bitter spray,
- O'er prairies green with softest rain,
- And ridges bright with evening's ray,
- To rocks that shade the stormless main?
- If by our slender-threaded streams
- The blade and leaf and blossom die,
- If, drained by noontide's parching beams,
- The milky veins of Nature dry,
- See, with her swelling bosom bare,
- Yon wild-eyed Sister in the West,--
- The ring of Empire round her hair,
- The Indian's wampum on her breast!
- We saw the August sun descend,
- Day after day, with blood-red stain,
- And the blue mountains dimly blend
- With smoke-wreaths from the burning plain;
- Beneath the hot Sirocco's wings
- We sat and told the withering hours,
- Till Heaven unsealed its hoarded springs,
- And bade them leap in flashing showers.
- Yet in our Ishmael's thirst we knew
- The mercy of the Sovereign hand
- Would pour the fountain's quickening dew
- To feed some harvest of the land.
- No flaming swords of wrath surround
- Our second Garden of the Blest;
- It spreads beyond its rocky bound,
- It climbs Nevada's glittering crest.
- God keep the tempter from its gate!
- God shield the children, lest they fall
- From their stern fathers' free estate,--
- Till Ocean is its only wall!
- NEW ENGLAND, we love thee; no time can erase
- From the hearts of thy children the smile on thy face.
- 'T is the mother's fond look of affection and pride,
- As she gives her fair son to the arms of his bride.
- His bride may be fresher in beauty's young flower;
- She may blaze in the jewels she brings with her dower.
- But passion must chill in Time's pitiless blast;
- The one that first loved us will love to the last.
- You have left the dear land of the lake and the hill,
- But its winds and its waters will talk with you still.
- "Forget not," they whisper, "your love is our debt,"
- And echo breathes softly, "We never forget."
- The banquet's gay splendors are gleaming around,
- But your hearts have flown back o'er the waves of the Sound;
- They have found the brown home where their pulses were born;
- They are throbbing their way through the trees and the corn.
- There are roofs you remember,--their glory is fled;
- There are mounds in the churchyard,--one sigh for the dead.
- There are wrecks, there are ruins, all scattered around;
- But Earth has no spot like that corner of ground.
- Come, let us be cheerful,--remember last night,
- How they cheered us, and--never mind--meant it all right;
- To-night, we harm nothing,--we love in the lump;
- Here's a bumper to Maine, in the juice of the pump!
- Here 's to all the good people, wherever they be,
- Who have grown in the shade of the liberty-tree;
- We all love its leaves, and its blossoms and fruit,
- But pray have a care of the fence round its root.
- We should like to talk big; it's a kind of a right,
- When the tongue has got loose and the waistband grown tight;
- But, as pretty Miss Prudence remarked to her beau,
- On its own heap of compost no biddy should crow.
- Enough! There are gentlemen waiting to talk,
- Whose words are to mine as the flower to the stalk.
- Stand by your old mother whatever befall;
- God bless all her children! Good night to you all!
- FAREWELL, for the bark has her breast to the tide,
- And the rough arms of Ocean are stretched for his bride;
- The winds from the mountain stream over the bay;
- One clasp of the hand, then away and away!
- I see the tall mast as it rocks by the shore;
- The sun is declining, I see it once more;
- To-day like the blade in a thick-waving field,
- To-morrow the spike on a Highlander's shield.
- Alone, while the cloud pours its treacherous breath,
- With the blue lips all round her whose kisses are death;
- Ah, think not the breeze that is urging her sail
- Has left her unaided to strive with the gale.
- There are hopes that play round her, like fires on the mast,
- That will light the dark hour till its danger has past;
- There are prayers that will plead with the storm when it raves,
- And whisper "Be still!" to the turbulent waves.
- Nay, think not that Friendship has called us in vain
- To join the fair ring ere we break it again;
- There is strength in its circle,--you lose the bright star,
- But its sisters still chain it, though shining afar.
- I give you one health in the juice of the vine,
- The blood of the vineyard shall mingle with mine;
- Thus, thus let us drain the last dew-drops of gold,
- As we empty our hearts of the blessings they hold.
- April 29, 1855.
- THE mountains glitter in the snow
- A thousand leagues asunder;
- Yet here, amid the banquet's glow,
- I hear their voice of thunder;
- Each giant's ice-bound goblet clinks;
- A flowing stream is summoned;
- Wachusett to Ben Nevis drinks;
- Monadnock to Ben Lomond!
- Though years have clipped the eagle's plume
- That crowned the chieftain's bonnet,
- The sun still sees the heather bloom,
- The silver mists lie on it;
- With tartan kilt and philibeg,
- What stride was ever bolder
- Than his who showed the naked leg
- Beneath the plaided shoulder?
- The echoes sleep on Cheviot's hills,
- That heard the bugles blowing
- When down their sides the crimson rills
- With mingled blood were flowing;
- The hunts where gallant hearts were game,
- The slashing on the border,
- The raid that swooped with sword and flame,
- Give place to "law and order."
- Not while the rocking steeples reel
- With midnight tocsins ringing,
- Not while the crashing war-notes peal,
- God sets his poets singing;
- The bird is silent in the night,
- Or shrieks a cry of warning
- While fluttering round the beacon-light,--
- But hear him greet the morning!
- The lark of Scotia's morning sky!
- Whose voice may sing his praises?
- With Heaven's own sunlight in his eye,
- He walked among the daisies,
- Till through the cloud of fortune's wrong
- He soared to fields of glory;
- But left his land her sweetest song
- And earth her saddest story.
- 'T is not the forts the builder piles
- That chain the earth together;
- The wedded crowns, the sister isles,
- Would laugh at such a tether;
- The kindling thought, the throbbing words,
- That set the pulses beating,
- Are stronger than the myriad swords
- Of mighty armies meeting.
- Thus while within the banquet glows,
- Without, the wild winds whistle,
- We drink a triple health,--the Rose,
- The Shamrock, and the Thistle
- Their blended hues shall never fade
- Till War has hushed his cannon,--
- Close-twined as ocean-currents braid
- The Thames, the Clyde, the Shannon!
- FEBRUARY 22, 1856
- WELCOME to the day returning,
- Dearer still as ages flow,
- While the torch of Faith is burning,
- Long as Freedom's altars glow!
- See the hero whom it gave us
- Slumbering on a mother's breast;
- For the arm he stretched to save us,
- Be its morn forever blest!
- Hear the tale of youthful glory,
- While of Britain's rescued band
- Friend and foe repeat the story,
- Spread his fame o'er sea and land,
- Where the red cross, proudly streaming,
- Flaps above the frigate's deck,
- Where the golden lilies, gleaming,
- Star the watch-towers of Quebec.
- Look! The shadow on the dial
- Marks the hour of deadlier strife;
- Days of terror, years of trial,
- Scourge a nation into life.
- Lo, the youth, become her leader
- All her baffled tyrants yield;
- Through his arm the Lord hath freed her;
- Crown him on the tented field!
- Vain is Empire's mad temptation
- Not for him an earthly crown
- He whose sword hath freed a nation
- Strikes the offered sceptre down.
- See the throneless Conqueror seated,
- Ruler by a people's choice;
- See the Patriot's task completed;
- Hear the Father's dying voice!
- "By the name that you inherit,
- By the sufferings you recall,
- Cherish the fraternal spirit;
- Love your country first of all!
- Listen not to idle questions
- If its bands maybe untied;
- Doubt the patriot whose suggestions
- Strive a nation to divide!"
- Father! We, whose ears have tingled
- With the discord-notes of shame,--
- We, whose sires their blood have mingled
- In the battle's thunder-flame,--
- Gathering, while this holy morning
- Lights the land from sea to sea,
- Hear thy counsel, heed thy warning;
- Trust us, while we honor thee!
- JANUARY 18, 1856
- WHEN life hath run its largest round
- Of toil and triumph, joy and woe,
- How brief a storied page is found
- To compass all its outward show!
- The world-tried sailor tires and droops;
- His flag is rent, his keel forgot;
- His farthest voyages seem but loops
- That float from life's entangled knot.
- But when within the narrow space
- Some larger soul hath lived and wrought,
- Whose sight was open to embrace
- The boundless realms of deed and thought,--
- When, stricken by the freezing blast,
- A nation's living pillars fall,
- How rich the storied page, how vast,
- A word, a whisper, can recall!
- No medal lifts its fretted face,
- Nor speaking marble cheats your eye,
- Yet, while these pictured lines I trace,
- A living image passes by:
- A roof beneath the mountain pines;
- The cloisters of a hill-girt plain;
- The front of life's embattled lines;
- A mound beside the heaving main.
- These are the scenes: a boy appears;
- Set life's round dial in the sun,
- Count the swift arc of seventy years,
- His frame is dust; his task is done.
- Yet pause upon the noontide hour,
- Ere the declining sun has laid
- His bleaching rays on manhood's power,
- And look upon the mighty shade.
- No gloom that stately shape can hide,
- No change uncrown its brow; behold I
- Dark, calm, large-fronted, lightning-eyed,
- Earth has no double from its mould.
- Ere from the fields by valor won
- The battle-smoke had rolled away,
- And bared the blood-red setting sun,
- His eyes were opened on the day.
- His land was but a shelving strip
- Black with the strife that made it free
- He lived to see its banners dip
- Their fringes in the Western sea.
- The boundless prairies learned his name,
- His words the mountain echoes knew,
- The Northern breezes swept his fame
- From icy lake to warm bayou.
- In toil he lived; in peace he died;
- When life's full cycle was complete,
- Put off his robes of power and pride,
- And laid them at his Master's feet.
- His rest is by the storm-swept waves
- Whom life's wild tempests roughly trie
- Whose heart was like the streaming eaves
- Of ocean, throbbing at his side.
- Death's cold white hand is like the snow
- Laid softly on the furrowed hill,
- It hides the broken seams below,
- And leaves the summit brighter still.
- In vain the envious tongue upbraids;
- His name a nation's heart shall keep
- Till morning's latest sunlight fades
- On the blue tablet of the deep.
- WE count the broken lyres that rest
- Where the sweet wailing singers slumber,
- But o'er their silent sister's breast
- The wild-flowers who will stoop to number?
- A few can touch the magic string,
- And noisy Fame is proud to win them:--
- Alas for those that never sing,
- But die with all their music in them!
- Nay, grieve not for the dead alone
- Whose song has told their hearts' sad story,--
- Weep for the voiceless, who have known
- The cross without the crown of glory
- Not where Leucadian breezes sweep
- O'er Sappho's memory-haunted billow,
- But where the glistening night-dews weep
- On nameless sorrow's churchyard pillow.
- O hearts that break and give no sign
- Save whitening lip and fading tresses,
- Till Death pours out his longed-for wine
- Slow-dropped from Misery's crushing presses,--
- If singing breath or echoing chord
- To every hidden pang were given,
- What endless melodies were poured,
- As sad as earth, as sweet as heaven!
- BEHOLD the rocky wall
- That down its sloping sides
- Pours the swift rain-drops, blending, as they fall,
- In rushing river-tides!
- Yon stream, whose sources run
- Turned by a pebble's edge,
- Is Athabasca, rolling toward the sun
- Through the cleft mountain-ledge.
- The slender rill had strayed,
- But for the slanting stone,
- To evening's ocean, with the tangled braid
- Of foam-flecked Oregon.
- So from the heights of Will
- Life's parting stream descends,
- And, as a moment turns its slender rill,
- Each widening torrent bends,--
- From the same cradle's side,
- From the same mother's knee,--
- One to long darkness and the frozen tide,
- One to the Peaceful Sea!
- NOT charity we ask,
- Nor yet thy gift refuse;
- Please thy light fancy with the easy task
- Only to look and choose.
- The little-heeded toy
- That wins thy treasured gold
- May be the dearest memory, holiest joy,
- Of coming years untold.
- Heaven rains on every heart,
- But there its showers divide,
- The drops of mercy choosing, as they part,
- The dark or glowing side.
- One kindly deed may turn
- The fountain of thy soul
- To love's sweet day-star, that shall o'er thee burn
- Long as its currents roll.
- The pleasures thou hast planned,--
- Where shall their memory be
- When the white angel with the freezing hand
- Shall sit and watch by thee?
- Living, thou dost not live,
- If mercy's spring run dry;
- What Heaven has lent thee wilt thou freely give,
- Dying, thou shalt not die.
- HE promised even so!
- To thee his lips repeat,--
- Behold, the tears that soothed thy sister's woe
- Have washed thy Master's feet!
- March 20, 1859.
- I MAY not rightly call thy name,--
- Alas! thy forehead never knew
- The kiss that happier children claim,
- Nor glistened with baptismal dew.
- Daughter of want and wrong and woe,
- I saw thee with thy sister-band,
- Snatched from the whirlpool's narrowing flow
- By Mercy's strong yet trembling hand.
- "Avis!"--With Saxon eye and cheek,
- At once a woman and a child,
- The saint uncrowned I came to seek
- Drew near to greet us,--spoke, and smiled.
- God gave that sweet sad smile she wore
- All wrong to shame, all souls to win,--
- A heavenly sunbeam sent before
- Her footsteps through a world of sin.
- "And who is Avis?"--Hear the tale
- The calm-voiced matrons gravely tell,--
- The story known through all the vale
- Where Avis and her sisters dwell.
- With the lost children running wild,
- Strayed from the hand of human care,
- They find one little refuse child
- Left helpless in its poisoned lair.
- The primal mark is on her face,--
- The chattel-stamp,--the pariah-stain
- That follows still her hunted race,--
- The curse without the crime of Cain.
- How shall our smooth-turned phrase relate
- The little suffering outcast's ail?
- Not Lazarus at the rich man's gate
- So turned the rose-wreathed revellers pale.
- Ah, veil the living death from sight
- That wounds our beauty-loving eye!
- The children turn in selfish fright,
- The white-lipped nurses hurry by.
- Take her, dread Angel! Break in love
- This bruised reed and make it thine!--
- No voice descended from above,
- But Avis answered, "She is mine."
- The task that dainty menials spurn
- The fair young girl has made her own;
- Her heart shall teach, her hand shall learn
- The toils, the duties yet unknown.
- So Love and Death in lingering strife
- Stand face to face from day to day,
- Still battling for the spoil of Life
- While the slow seasons creep away.
- Love conquers Death; the prize is won;
- See to her joyous bosom pressed
- The dusky daughter of the sun,--
- The bronze against the marble breast!
- Her task is done; no voice divine
- Has crowned her deeds with saintly fame.
- No eye can see the aureole shine
- That rings her brow with heavenly flame.
- Yet what has holy page more sweet,
- Or what had woman's love more fair,
- When Mary clasped her Saviour's feet
- With flowing eyes and streaming hair?
- Meek child of sorrow, walk unknown,
- The Angel of that earthly throng,
- And let thine image live alone
- To hallow this unstudied song!
- NOT in the world of light alone,
- Where God has built his blazing throne,
- Nor yet alone in earth below,
- With belted seas that come and go,
- And endless isles of sunlit green,
- Is all thy Maker's glory seen:
- Look in upon thy wondrous frame,--
- Eternal wisdom still the same!
- The smooth, soft air with pulse-like waves
- Flows murmuring through its hidden caves,
- Whose streams of brightening purple rush,
- Fired with a new and livelier blush,
- While all their burden of decay
- The ebbing current steals away,
- And red with Nature's flame they start
- From the warm fountains of the heart.
- No rest that throbbing slave may ask,
- Forever quivering o'er his task,
- While far and wide a crimson jet
- Leaps forth to fill the woven net
- Which in unnumbered crossing tides
- The flood of burning life divides,
- Then, kindling each decaying part,
- Creeps back to find the throbbing heart.
- But warmed with that unchanging flame
- Behold the outward moving frame,
- Its living marbles jointed strong
- With glistening band and silvery thong,
- And linked to reason's guiding reins
- By myriad rings in trembling chains,
- Each graven with the threaded zone
- Which claims it as the master's own.
- See how yon beam of seeming white
- Is braided out of seven-hued light,
- Yet in those lucid globes no ray
- By any chance shall break astray.
- Hark how the rolling surge of sound,
- Arches and spirals circling round,
- Wakes the hushed spirit through thine ear
- With music it is heaven to hear.
- Then mark the cloven sphere that holds
- All thought in its mysterious folds;
- That feels sensation's faintest thrill,
- And flashes forth the sovereign will;
- Think on the stormy world that dwells
- Locked in its dim and clustering cells!
- The lightning gleams of power it sheds
- Along its hollow glassy threads!
- O Father! grant thy love divine
- To make these mystic temples thine!
- When wasting age and wearying strife
- Have sapped the leaning walls of life,
- When darkness gathers over all,
- And the last tottering pillars fall,
- Take the poor dust thy mercy warms,
- And mould it into heavenly forms!
- WE will not speak of years to-night,--
- For what have years to bring
- But larger floods of love and light,
- And sweeter songs to sing?
- We will not drown in wordy praise
- The kindly thoughts that rise;
- If Friendship own one tender phrase,
- He reads it in our eyes.
- We need not waste our school-boy art
- To gild this notch of Time;--
- Forgive me if my wayward heart
- Has throbbed in artless rhyme.
- Enough for him the silent grasp
- That knits us hand in hand,
- And he the bracelet's radiant clasp
- That locks our circling band.
- Strength to his hours of manly toil!
- Peace to his starlit dreams!
- Who loves alike the furrowed soil,
- The music-haunted streams!
- Sweet smiles to keep forever bright
- The sunshine on his lips,
- And faith that sees the ring of light
- Round nature's last eclipse!
- February 22, 1859.
- WHO is the shepherd sent to lead,
- Through pastures green, the Master's sheep?
- What guileless "Israelite indeed"
- The folded flock may watch and keep?
- He who with manliest spirit joins
- The heart of gentlest human mould,
- With burning light and girded loins,
- To guide the flock, or watch the fold;
- True to all Truth the world denies,
- Not tongue-tied for its gilded sin;
- Not always right in all men's eyes,
- But faithful to the light within;
- Who asks no meed of earthly fame,
- Who knows no earthly master's call,
- Who hopes for man, through guilt and shame,
- Still answering, "God is over all";
- Who makes another's grief his own,
- Whose smile lends joy a double cheer;
- Where lives the saint, if such be known?--
- Speak softly,--such an one is here!
- O faithful shepherd! thou hast borne
- The heat and burden of the clay;
- Yet, o'er thee, bright with beams unshorn,
- The sun still shows thine onward way.
- To thee our fragrant love we bring,
- In buds that April half displays,
- Sweet first-born angels of the spring,
- Caught in their opening hymn of praise.
- What though our faltering accents fail,
- Our captives know their message well,
- Our words unbreathed their lips exhale,
- And sigh more love than ours can tell.
- April 4, 1860.
- 'T is sweet to fight our battles o'er,
- And crown with honest praise
- The gray old chief, who strikes no more
- The blow of better days.
- Before the true and trusted sage
- With willing hearts we bend,
- When years have touched with hallowing age
- Our Master, Guide, and Friend.
- For all his manhood's labor past,
- For love and faith long tried,
- His age is honored to the last,
- Though strength and will have died.
- But when, untamed by toil and strife,
- Full in our front he stands,
- The torch of light, the shield of life,
- Still lifted in his hands,
- No temple, though its walls resound
- With bursts of ringing cheers,
- Can hold the honors that surround
- His manhood's twice-told years!
- BEHOLD--not him we knew!
- This was the prison which his soul looked through,
- Tender, and brave, and true.
- His voice no more is heard;
- And his dead name--that dear familiar word--
- Lies on our lips unstirred.
- He spake with poet's tongue;
- Living, for him the minstrel's lyre was strung:
- He shall not die unsung.
- Grief tried his love, and pain;
- And the long bondage of his martyr-chain
- Vexed his sweet soul,--in vain!
- It felt life's surges break,
- As, girt with stormy seas, his island lake,
- Smiling while tempests wake.
- How can we sorrow more?
- Grieve not for him whose heart had gone before
- To that untrodden shore!
- Lo, through its leafy screen,
- A gleam of sunlight on a ring of green,
- Untrodden, half unseen!
- Here let his body rest,
- Where the calm shadows that his soul loved best
- May slide above his breast.
- Smooth his uncurtained bed;
- And if some natural tears are softly shed,
- It is not for the dead.
- Fold the green turf aright
- For the long hours before the morning's light,
- And say the last Good Night!
- And plant a clear white stone
- Close by those mounds which hold his loved, his own,--
- Lonely, but not alone.
- Here let him sleeping lie,
- Till Heaven's bright watchers slumber in the sky
- And Death himself shall die!
- Naushon, September 22, 1858.
- HE was all sunshine; in his face
- The very soul of sweetness shone;
- Fairest and gentlest of his race;
- None like him we can call our own.
- Something there was of one that died
- In her fresh spring-time long ago,
- Our first dear Mary, angel-eyed,
- Whose smile it was a bliss to know.
- Something of her whose love imparts
- Such radiance to her day's decline,
- We feel its twilight in our hearts
- Bright as the earliest morning-shine.
- Yet richer strains our eye could trace
- That made our plainer mould more fair,
- That curved the lip with happier grace,
- That waved the soft and silken hair.
- Dust unto dust! the lips are still
- That only spoke to cheer and bless;
- The folded hands lie white and chill
- Unclasped from sorrow's last caress.
- Leave him in peace; he will not heed
- These idle tears we vainly pour,
- Give back to earth the fading weed
- Of mortal shape his spirit wore.
- "Shall I not weep my heartstrings torn,
- My flower of love that falls half blown,
- My youth uncrowned, my life forlorn,
- A thorny path to walk alone?"
- O Mary! one who bore thy name,
- Whose Friend and Master was divine,
- Sat waiting silent till He came,
- Bowed down in speechless grief like thine.
- "Where have ye laid him?" "Come," they say,
- Pointing to where the loved one slept;
- Weeping, the sister led the way,--
- And, seeing Mary, "Jesus wept."
- He weeps with thee, with all that mourn,
- And He shall wipe thy streaming eyes
- Who knew all sorrows, woman-born,--
- Trust in his word; thy dead shall rise!
- April 15, 1860.
- DIED JANUARY 7, 1861
- SEXTON! Martha's dead and gone;
- Toll the bell! toll the bell!
- Her weary hands their labor cease;
- Good night, poor Martha,--sleep in peace!
- Toll the bell!
- Sexton! Martha's dead and gone;
- Toll the bell! toll the bell!
- For many a year has Martha said,
- "I'm old and poor,--would I were dead!"
- Toll the bell!
- Sexton! Martha's dead and gone;
- Toll the bell! toll the bell!
- She'll bring no more, by day or night,
- Her basket full of linen white.
- Toll the bell!
- Sexton! Martha's dead and gone;
- Toll the bell! toll the bell!
- 'T is fitting she should lie below
- A pure white sheet of drifted snow.
- Toll the bell!
- Sexton! Martha's dead and gone;
- Toll the bell! toll the bell!
- Sleep, Martha, sleep, to wake in light,
- Where all the robes are stainless white.
- Toll the bell!
- 1857
- I THANK you, MR. PRESIDENT, you've kindly broke the ice;
- Virtue should always be the first,--I 'm only SECOND VICE--
- (A vice is something with a screw that's made to hold its jaw
- Till some old file has played away upon an ancient saw).
- Sweet brothers by the Mother's side, the babes of days gone by,
- All nurslings of her Juno breasts whose milk is never dry,
- We come again, like half-grown boys, and gather at her beck
- About her knees, and on her lap, and clinging round her neck.
- We find her at her stately door, and in her ancient chair,
- Dressed in the robes of red and green she always loved to wear.
- Her eye has all its radiant youth, her cheek its morning flame;
- We drop our roses as we go, hers flourish still the same.
- We have been playing many an hour, and far away we've strayed,
- Some laughing in the cheerful sun, some lingering in the shade;
- And some have tired, and laid them down where darker shadows fall,
- Dear as her loving voice may be, they cannot hear its call.
- What miles we 've travelled since we shook the dew-drops from our shoes
- We gathered on this classic green, so famed for heavy dues!
- How many boys have joined the game, how many slipped away,
- Since we've been running up and down, and having out our play!
- One boy at work with book and brief, and one with gown and band,
- One sailing vessels on the pool, one digging sand,
- One flying paper kites on change, one planting little pills,--
- The seeds of certain annual flowers well known as little bills.
- What maidens met us on our way, and clasped us hand in hand!
- What cherubs,--not the legless kind, that fly, but never stand!
- How many a youthful head we've seen put on its silver crown
- What sudden changes back again to youth's empurpled brown!
- But fairer sights have met our eyes, and broader lights have shone,
- Since others lit their midnight lamps where once we trimmed our own;
- A thousand trains that flap the sky with flags of rushing fire,
- And, throbbing in the Thunderer's hand, Thought's million-chorded lyre.
- We've seen the sparks of Empire fly beyond the mountain bars,
- Till, glittering o'er the Western wave, they joined the setting stars;
- And ocean trodden into paths that trampling giants ford,
- To find the planet's vertebrae and sink its spinal cord.
- We've tried reform,--and chloroform,--and both have turned our brain;
- When France called up the photograph, we roused the foe to pain;
- Just so those earlier sages shared the chaplet of renown,--
- Hers sent a bladder to the clouds, ours brought their lightning down.
- We've seen the little tricks of life, its varnish and veneer,
- Its stucco-fronts of character flake off and disappear,
- We 've learned that oft the brownest hands will heap the biggest pile,
- And met with many a "perfect brick" beneath a rimless "tile."
- What dreams we 've had of deathless name, as scholars, statesmen, bards,
- While Fame, the lady with the trump, held up her picture cards!
- Till, having nearly played our game, she gayly whispered, "Ah!
- I said you should be something grand,--you'll soon be grandpapa."
- Well, well, the old have had their day, the young must take their turn;
- There's something always to forget, and something still to learn;
- But how to tell what's old or young, the tap-root from the sprigs,
- Since Florida revealed her fount to Ponce de Leon Twiggs?
- The wisest was a Freshman once, just freed from bar and bolt,
- As noisy as a kettle-drum, as leggy as a colt;
- Don't be too savage with the boys,--the Primer does not say
- The kitten ought to go to church because the cat doth prey.
- The law of merit and of age is not the rule of three;
- Non constat that A. M. must prove as busy as A. B.
- When Wise the father tracked the son, ballooning through the skies,
- He taught a lesson to the old,--go thou and do like Wise!
- Now then, old boys, and reverend youth, of high or low degree,
- Remember how we only get one annual out of three,
- And such as dare to simmer down three dinners into one
- Must cut their salads mighty short, and pepper well with fun.
- I've passed my zenith long ago, it's time for me to set;
- A dozen planets wait to shine, and I am lingering yet,
- As sometimes in the blaze of day a milk-and-watery moon
- Stains with its dim and fading ray the lustrous blue of noon.
- Farewell! yet let one echo rise to shake our ancient hall;
- God save the Queen,--whose throne is here,--the Mother of us all
- Till dawns the great commencement-day on every shore and sea,
- And "Expectantur" all mankind, to take their last Degree!
- THE noon of summer sheds its ray
- On Harvard's holy ground;
- The Matron calls, the sons obey,
- And gather smiling round.
- Then old and young together stand,
- The sunshine and the snow,
- As heart to heart, and hand in hand,
- We sing before we go!
- Her hundred opening doors have swung
- Through every storied hall
- The pealing echoes loud have rung,
- "Thrice welcome one and all!"
- Then old and young, etc.
- We floated through her peaceful bay,
- To sail life's stormy seas
- But left our anchor where it lay
- Beneath her green old trees.
- Then old and young, etc.
- As now we lift its lengthening chain,
- That held us fast of old,
- The rusted rings grow bright again,--
- Their iron turns to gold.
- Then old and young, etc.
- Though scattered ere the setting sun,
- As leaves when wild winds blow,
- Our home is here, our hearts are one,
- Till Charles forgets to flow.
- Then old and young, etc.
- 1860
- WHAT makes the Healing Art divine?
- The bitter drug we buy and sell,
- The brands that scorch, the blades that shine,
- The scars we leave, the "cures" we tell?
- Are these thy glories, holiest Art,--
- The trophies that adorn thee best,--
- Or but thy triumph's meanest part,--
- Where mortal weakness stands confessed?
- We take the arms that Heaven supplies
- For Life's long battle with Disease,
- Taught by our various need to prize
- Our frailest weapons, even these.
- But ah! when Science drops her shield--
- Its peaceful shelter proved in vain--
- And bares her snow-white arm to wield
- The sad, stern ministry of pain;
- When shuddering o'er the fount of life,
- She folds her heaven-anointed wings,
- To lift unmoved the glittering knife
- That searches all its crimson springs;
- When, faithful to her ancient lore,
- She thrusts aside her fragrant balm
- For blistering juice, or cankering ore,
- And tames them till they cure or calm;
- When in her gracious hand are seen
- The dregs and scum of earth and seas,
- Her kindness counting all things clean
- That lend the sighing sufferer ease;
- Though on the field that Death has won,
- She save some stragglers in retreat;--
- These single acts of mercy done
- Are but confessions of defeat.
- What though our tempered poisons save
- Some wrecks of life from aches and ails;
- Those grand specifics Nature gave
- Were never poised by weights or scales!
- God lent his creatures light and air,
- And waters open to the skies;
- Man locks him in a stifling lair,
- And wonders why his brother dies!
- In vain our pitying tears are shed,
- In vain we rear the sheltering pile
- Where Art weeds out from bed to bed
- The plagues we planted by the mile!
- Be that the glory of the past;
- With these our sacred toils begin
- So flies in tatters from its mast
- The yellow flag of sloth and sin,
- And lo! the starry folds reveal
- The blazoned truth we hold so dear
- To guard is better than to heal,--
- The shield is nobler than the spear!
- JANUARY 25, 1859
- His birthday.--Nay, we need not speak
- The name each heart is beating,--
- Each glistening eye and flushing cheek
- In light and flame repeating!
- We come in one tumultuous tide,--
- One surge of wild emotion,--
- As crowding through the Frith of Clyde
- Rolls in the Western Ocean;
- As when yon cloudless, quartered moon
- Hangs o'er each storied river,
- The swelling breasts of Ayr and Doon
- With sea green wavelets quiver.
- The century shrivels like a scroll,--
- The past becomes the present,--
- And face to face, and soul to soul,
- We greet the monarch-peasant.
- While Shenstone strained in feeble flights
- With Corydon and Phillis,--
- While Wolfe was climbing Abraham's heights
- To snatch the Bourbon lilies,--
- Who heard the wailing infant's cry,
- The babe beneath the sheeliug,
- Whose song to-night in every sky
- Will shake earth's starry ceiling,--
- Whose passion-breathing voice ascends
- And floats like incense o'er us,
- Whose ringing lay of friendship blends
- With labor's anvil chorus?
- We love him, not for sweetest song,
- Though never tone so tender;
- We love him, even in his wrong,--
- His wasteful self-surrender.
- We praise him, not for gifts divine,--
- His Muse was born of woman,--
- His manhood breathes in every line,--
- Was ever heart more human?
- We love him, praise him, just for this
- In every form and feature,
- Through wealth and want, through woe and bliss,
- He saw his fellow-creature!
- No soul could sink beneath his love,--
- Not even angel blasted;
- No mortal power could soar above
- The pride that all outlasted!
- Ay! Heaven had set one living man
- Beyond the pedant's tether,--
- His virtues, frailties, HE may scan,
- Who weighs them all together!
- I fling my pebble on the cairn
- Of him, though dead, undying;
- Sweet Nature's nursling, bonniest bairn
- Beneath her daisies lying.
- The waning suns, the wasting globe,
- Shall spare the minstrel's story,--
- The centuries weave his purple robe,
- The mountain-mist of glory!
- AUGUST 29, 1859
- I REMEMBER--why, yes! God bless me! and was it so long ago?
- I fear I'm growing forgetful, as old folks do, you know;
- It must have been in 'forty--I would say 'thirty-nine--
- We talked this matter over, I and a friend of mine.
- He said, "Well now, old fellow, I'm thinking that you and I,
- If we act like other people, shall be older by and by;
- What though the bright blue ocean is smooth as a pond can be,
- There is always a line of breakers to fringe the broadest sea.
- "We're taking it mighty easy, but that is nothing strange,
- For up to the age of thirty we spend our years like Change;
- But creeping up towards the forties, as fast as the old years fill,
- And Time steps in for payment, we seem to change a bill."
- "I know it," I said, "old fellow; you speak the solemn truth;
- A man can't live to a hundred and likewise keep his youth;
- But what if the ten years coming shall silver-streak my hair,
- You know I shall then be forty; of course I shall not care.
- "At forty a man grows heavy and tired of fun and noise;
- Leaves dress to the five-and-twenties and love to the silly boys;
- No foppish tricks at forty, no pinching of waists and toes,
- But high-low shoes and flannels and good thick worsted hose."
- But one fine August morning I found myself awake
- My birthday:--By Jove, I'm forty! Yes, forty, and no mistake!
- Why, this is the very milestone, I think I used to hold,
- That when a fellow had come to, a fellow would then be old!
- But that is the young folks' nonsense; they're full of their
- foolish stuff;
- A man's in his prime at forty,--I see that plain enough;
- At fifty a man is wrinkled, and may be bald or gray;
- I call men old at fifty, in spite of all they say.
- At last comes another August with mist and rain and shine;
- Its mornings are slowly counted and creep to twenty-nine,
- And when on the western summits the fading light appears,
- It touches with rosy fingers the last of my fifty years.
- There have been both men and women whose hearts were firm and bold,
- But there never was one of fifty that loved to say "I'm old";
- So any elderly person that strives to shirk his years,
- Make him stand up at a table and try him by his peers.
- Now here I stand at fifty, my jury gathered round;
- Sprinkled with dust of silver, but not yet silver-crowned,
- Ready to meet your verdict, waiting to hear it told;
- Guilty of fifty summers; speak! Is the verdict _old_.
- No! say that his hearing fails him; say that his sight grows dim;
- Say that he's getting wrinkled and weak in back and limb,
- Losing his wits and temper, but pleading, to make amends,
- The youth of his fifty summers he finds in his twenty friends.
- 1630
- ALL overgrown with bush and fern,
- And straggling clumps of tangled trees,
- With trunks that lean and boughs that turn,
- Bent eastward by the mastering breeze,--
- With spongy bogs that drip and fill
- A yellow pond with muddy rain,
- Beneath the shaggy southern hill
- Lies wet and low the Shawinut plain.
- And hark! the trodden branches crack;
- A crow flaps off with startled scream;
- A straying woodchuck canters back;
- A bittern rises from the stream;
- Leaps from his lair a frightened deer;
- An otter plunges in the pool;--
- Here comes old Shawmut's pioneer,
- The parson on his brindled bull!
- 1774
- The streets are thronged with trampling feet,
- The northern hill is ridged with graves,
- But night and morn the drum is beat
- To frighten down the "rebel knaves."
- The stones of King Street still are red,
- And yet the bloody red-coats come
- I hear their pacing sentry's tread,
- The click of steel, the tap of drum,
- And over all the open green,
- Where grazed of late the harmless kine,
- The cannon's deepening ruts are seen,
- The war-horse stamps, the bayonets shine.
- The clouds are dark with crimson rain
- Above the murderous hirelings' den,
- And soon their whistling showers shall stain
- The pipe-clayed belts of Gage's men.
- 186-
- Around the green, in morning light,
- The spired and palaced summits blaze,
- And, sunlike, from her Beacon-height
- The dome-crowned city spreads her rays;
- They span the waves, they belt the plains,
- They skirt the roads with bands of white,
- Till with a flash of gilded panes
- Yon farthest hillside bounds the sight.
- Peace, Freedom, Wealth! no fairer view,
- Though with the wild-bird's restless wings
- We sailed beneath the noontide's blue
- Or chased the moonlight's endless rings!
- Here, fitly raised by grateful hands
- His holiest memory to recall,
- The Hero's, Patriot's image stands;
- He led our sires who won them all!
- November 14, 1859.
- Do you know the Old Man of the Sea, of the Sea?
- Have you met with that dreadful old man?
- If you have n't been caught, you will be, you will be;
- For catch you he must and he can.
- He does n't hold on by your throat, by your throat,
- As of old in the terrible tale;
- But he grapples you tight by the coat, by the coat,
- Till its buttons and button-holes fail.
- There's the charm of a snake in his eye, in his eye,
- And a polypus-grip in his hands;
- You cannot go back, nor get by, nor get by,
- If you look at the spot where he stands.
- Oh, you're grabbed! See his claw on your sleeve, on your sleeve!
- It is Sinbad's Old Man of the Sea!
- You're a Christian, no doubt you believe, you believe
- You're a martyr, whatever you be!
- Is the breakfast-hour past? They must wait, they must wait,
- While the coffee boils sullenly down,
- While the Johnny-cake burns on the grate, on the grate,
- And the toast is done frightfully brown.
- Yes, your dinner will keep; let it cool, let it cool,
- And Madam may worry and fret,
- And children half-starved go to school, go to school;
- He can't think of sparing you yet.
- Hark! the bell for the train! "Come along! Come along!
- For there is n't a second to lose."
- "ALL ABOARD!" (He holds on.) "Fsht I ding-dong! Fsht! ding-dong!"--
- You can follow on foot, if you choose.
- There's a maid with a cheek like a peach, like a peach,
- That is waiting for you in the church;--
- But he clings to your side like a leech, like a leech,
- And you leave your lost bride in the lurch.
- There's a babe in a fit,--hurry quick! hurry quick!
- To the doctor's as fast as you can!
- The baby is off, while you stick, while you stick,
- In the grip of the dreadful Old Man!
- I have looked on the face of the Bore, of the Bore;
- The voice of the Simple I know;
- I have welcomed the Flat at my door, at my door;
- I have sat by the side of the Slow;
- I have walked like a lamb by the friend, by the friend,
- That stuck to my skirts like a bur;
- I have borne the stale talk without end, without end,
- Of the sitter whom nothing could stir.
- But my hamstrings grow loose, and I shake, and I shake,
- At the sight of the dreadful Old Man;
- Yea, I quiver and quake, and I take, and I take,
- To my legs with what vigor I can!
- Oh the dreadful Old Man of the Sea, of the Sea
- He's come back like the Wandering Jew!
- He has had his cold claw upon me, upon me,--
- And be sure that he 'll have it on you!
- GOD bless our Fathers' Land!
- Keep her in heart and hand
- One with our own!
- From all her foes defend,
- Be her brave People's Friend,
- On all her realms descend,
- Protect her Throne!
- Father, with loving care
- Guard Thou her kingdom's Heir,
- Guide all his ways
- Thine arm his shelter be,
- From him by land and sea
- Bid storm and danger flee,
- Prolong his days!
- Lord, let War's tempest cease,
- Fold the whole Earth in peace
- Under thy wings
- Make all thy nations one,
- All hearts beneath the sun,
- Till Thou shalt reign alone,
- Great King of kings!
- SEPTEMBER 25,1861
- THE land of sunshine and of song!
- Her name your hearts divine;
- To her the banquet's vows belong
- Whose breasts have poured its wine;
- Our trusty friend, our true ally
- Through varied change and chance
- So, fill your flashing goblets high,--
- I give you, VIVE LA FRANCE!
- Above our hosts in triple folds
- The selfsame colors spread,
- Where Valor's faithful arm upholds
- The blue, the white, the red;
- Alike each nation's glittering crest
- Reflects the morning's glance,--
- Twin eagles, soaring east and west
- Once more, then, VIVE LA FRANCE!
- Sister in trial! who shall count
- Thy generous friendship's claim,
- Whose blood ran mingling in the fount
- That gave our land its name,
- Till Yorktown saw in blended line
- Our conquering arms advance,
- And victory's double garlands twine
- Our banners? VIVE LA FRANCE!
- O land of heroes! in our need
- One gift from Heaven we crave
- To stanch these wounds that vainly bleed,--
- The wise to lead the brave!
- Call back one Captain of thy past
- From glory's marble trance,
- Whose name shall be a bugle-blast
- To rouse us! VIVE LA FRANCE!
- Pluck Conde's baton from the trench,
- Wake up stout Charles Martel,
- Or find some woman's hand to clench
- The sword of La Pucelle!
- Give us one hour of old Turenne,--
- One lift of Bayard's lance,--
- Nay, call Marengo's Chief again
- To lead us! VIVE LA FRANCE!
- Ah, hush! our welcome Guest shall hear
- But sounds of peace and joy;
- No angry echo vex thine ear,
- Fair Daughter of Savoy
- Once more! the land of arms and arts,
- Of glory, grace, romance;
- Her love lies warm in all our hearts
- God bless her! VIVE LA FRANCE!
- SHE has gone,--she has left us in passion and pride,--
- Our stormy-browed sister, so long at our side!
- She has torn her own star from our firmament's glow,
- And turned on her brother the face of a foe!
- Oh, Caroline, Caroline, child of the sun,
- We can never forget that our hearts have been one,--
- Our foreheads both sprinkled in Liberty's name,
- From the fountain of blood with the finger of flame!
- You were always too ready to fire at a touch;
- But we said, "She is hasty,--she does not mean much."
- We have scowled, when you uttered some turbulent threat;
- But Friendship still whispered, "Forgive and forget!"
- Has our love all died out? Have its altars grown cold?
- Has the curse come at last which the fathers foretold?
- Then Nature must teach us the strength of the chain
- That her petulant children would sever in vain.
- They may fight till the buzzards are gorged with their spoil,
- Till the harvest grows black as it rots in the soil,
- Till the wolves and the catamounts troop from their eaves,
- And the shark tracks the pirate, the lord of the waves:
- In vain is the strife! When its fury is past,
- Their fortunes must flow in one channel at last,
- As the torrents that rush from the mountains of snow
- Roll mingled in peace through the valleys below.
- Our Union is river, lake, ocean, and sky
- Man breaks not the medal, when God cuts the die!
- Though darkened with sulphur, though cloven with steel,
- The blue arch will brighten, the waters will heal!
- Oh, Caroline, Caroline, child of the sun,
- There are battles with Fate that can never be won!
- The star-flowering banner must never be furled,
- For its blossoms of light are the hope of the world!
- Go, then, our rash sister! afar and aloof,
- Run wild in the sunshine away from our roof;
- But when your heart aches and your feet have grown sore,
- Remember the pathway that leads to our door!
- March 25, 1861.
- NOTES: (For original print volume one)
- [There stand the Goblet and the Sun.]
- The Goblet and the Sun (Vas-Sol), sculptured on a free-stone slab
- supported by five pillars, are the only designation of the family tomb
- of the Vassalls.
- [Thus mocked the spoilers with his school-boy scorn.]
- See "Old Ironsides," of this volume.
- [On other shores, above their mouldering towns.]
- Daniel Webster quoted several of the verses which follow, in his address
- at the laying of the corner-stone of the addition to the Capitol at
- Washington, July 4, 1851.
- [Thou calm, chaste scholar.]
- Charles Chauncy Emerson; died May 9, 1836.
- [And thou, dear friend, whom Science still deplores.]
- James Jackson, Jr., M. D.; died March 28, 1834.
- Mr. Emerson has quoted some lines from this poem, but
- somewhat disguised as he recalled them. It is never safe to
- quote poetry without referring to the original.
- [Hark! The sweet bells renew their welcome sound.]
- The churches referred to in the lines which follow are,--
- 1. King's Chapel, the foundation of which was laid by Governor Shirley
- in 1749.
- 2. Brattle Street Church, consecrated in 1773. The completion of this
- edifice, the design of which included a spire, was prevented by the
- troubles of the Revolution, and its plain, square tower presented
- nothing more attractive than a massive simplicity. In the front of this
- tower, till the church was demolished in 1872, there was to be seen,
- half imbedded in the brick-work, a cannon-ball, which was thrown from
- the American fortifications at Cambridge, during the bombard-ment of the
- city, then occupied by the British troops.
- 3. The Old South, first occupied for public worship in 1730.
- 4. Park Street Church, built in 1809, the tall white steeple of which is
- the most conspicuous of all the Boston spires.
- 5. Christ Church, opened for public worship in 1723, and containing a
- set of eight bells, long the only chime in Boston.
- This ode was sung in unison by twelve hundred children of the public
- schools, to the air of "God save the Queen," at the visit of the Prince
- of Wales to Boston, October 18, 1860.
- OF
- [Volume 2 or the 1893 three volume set]
- POEMS OF THE CLASS OF '29 (1851-1889)
- THE Boys
- J. D. R.
- F. W. C.
- H. C. M., H. S., J. K. W.
- 1851-1889
- COME, dear old comrade, you and I
- Will steal an hour from days gone by,
- The shining days when life was new,
- And all was bright with morning dew,
- The lusty days of long ago,
- When you were Bill and I was Joe.
- Your name may flaunt a titled trail
- Proud as a cockerel's rainbow tail,
- And mine as brief appendix wear
- As Tam O'Shanter's luckless mare;
- To-day, old friend, remember still
- That I am Joe and you are Bill.
- You've won the great world's envied prize,
- And grand you look in people's eyes,
- With H O N. and L L. D.
- In big brave letters, fair to see,--
- Your fist, old fellow! off they go!--
- How are you, Bill? How are you, Joe?
- You've worn the judge's ermined robe;
- You 've taught your name to half the globe;
- You've sung mankind a deathless strain;
- You've made the dead past live again
- The world may call you what it will,
- But you and I are Joe and Bill.
- The chaffing young folks stare and say
- "See those old buffers, bent and gray,--
- They talk like fellows in their teens!
- Mad, poor old boys! That's what it means,"--
- And shake their heads; they little know
- The throbbing hearts of Bill and Joe!--
- How Bill forgets his hour of pride,
- While Joe sits smiling at his side;
- How Joe, in spite of time's disguise,
- Finds the old schoolmate in his eyes,--
- Those calm, stern eyes that melt and fill
- As Joe looks fondly up at Bill.
- Ah, pensive scholar, what is fame?
- A fitful tongue of leaping flame;
- A giddy whirlwind's fickle gust,
- That lifts a pinch of mortal dust;
- A few swift years, and who can show
- Which dust was Bill and which was Joe?
- The weary idol takes his stand,
- Holds out his bruised and aching hand,
- While gaping thousands come and go,--
- How vain it seems, this empty show!
- Till all at once his pulses thrill;--
- 'T is poor old Joe's "God bless you, Bill!"
- And shall we breathe in happier spheres
- The names that pleased our mortal ears;
- In some sweet lull of harp and song
- For earth-born spirits none too long,
- Just whispering of the world below
- Where this was Bill and that was Joe?
- No matter; while our home is here
- No sounding name is half so dear;
- When fades at length our lingering day,
- Who cares what pompous tombstones say?
- Read on the hearts that love us still,
- _Hic jacet_ Joe. _Hic jacet_ Bill.
- 1851
- THE summer dawn is breaking
- On Auburn's tangled bowers,
- The golden light is waking
- On Harvard's ancient towers;
- The sun is in the sky
- That must see us do or die,
- Ere it shine on the line
- Of the CLASS OF '29.
- At last the day is ended,
- The tutor screws no more,
- By doubt and fear attended
- Each hovers round the door,
- Till the good old Praeses cries,
- While the tears stand in his eyes,
- "You have passed, and are classed
- With the Boys of '29."
- Not long are they in making
- The college halls their own,
- Instead of standing shaking,
- Too bashful to be known;
- But they kick the Seniors' shins
- Ere the second week begins,
- When they stray in the way
- Of the BOYS OF '29.
- If a jolly set is trolling
- The last _Der Freischutz_ airs,
- Or a "cannon bullet" rolling
- Comes bouncing down the stairs,
- The tutors, looking out,
- Sigh, "Alas! there is no doubt,
- 'T is the noise of the Boys
- Of the CLASS OF '29."
- Four happy years together,
- By storm and sunshine tried,
- In changing wind and weather,
- They rough it side by side,
- Till they hear their Mother cry,
- "You are fledged, and you must fly,"
- And the bell tolls the knell
- Of the days of '29.
- Since then, in peace or trouble,
- Full many a year has rolled,
- And life has counted double
- The days that then we told;
- Yet we'll end as we've begun,
- For though scattered, we are one,
- While each year sees us here,
- Round the board of '29.
- Though fate may throw between us
- The mountains or the sea,
- No time shall ever wean us,
- No distance set us free;
- But around the yearly board,
- When the flaming pledge is poured,
- It shall claim every name
- On the roll of '29.
- To yonder peaceful ocean
- That glows with sunset fires,
- Shall reach the warm emotion
- This welcome day inspires,
- Beyond the ridges cold
- Where a brother toils for gold,
- Till it shine through the mine
- Round the Boy of '29.
- If one whom fate has broken
- Shall lift a moistened eye,
- We'll say, before he 's spoken--
- "Old Classmate, don't you cry!
- Here, take the purse I hold,
- There 's a tear upon the gold--
- It was mine-it is thine--
- A'n't we BOYS OF '29?"
- As nearer still and nearer
- The fatal stars appear,
- The living shall be dearer
- With each encircling year,
- Till a few old men shall say,
- "We remember 't is the day--
- Let it pass with a glass
- For the CLASS OF '29."
- As one by one is falling
- Beneath the leaves or snows,
- Each memory still recalling,
- The broken ring shall close,
- Till the nightwinds softly pass
- O'er the green and growing grass,
- Where it waves on the graves
- Of the BOYS OF '29!
- 1852
- WHERE, oh where are the visions of morning,
- Fresh as the dews of our prime?
- Gone, like tenants that quit without warning,
- Down the back entry of time.
- Where, oh where are life's lilies and roses,
- Nursed in the golden dawn's smile?
- Dead as the bulrushes round little Moses,
- On the old banks of the Nile.
- Where are the Marys, and Anns, and Elizas,
- Loving and lovely of yore?
- Look in the columns of old Advertisers,--
- Married and dead by the score.
- Where the gray colts and the ten-year-old fillies,
- Saturday's triumph and joy?
- Gone, like our friend (--Greek--) Achilles,
- Homer's ferocious old boy.
- Die-away dreams of ecstatic emotion,
- Hopes like young eagles at play,
- Vows of unheard-of and endless devotion,
- How ye have faded away!
- Yet, through the ebbing of Time's mighty river
- Leave our young blossoms to die,
- Let him roll smooth in his current forever,
- Till the last pebble is dry.
- Not premeditated
- 1853
- THE clock has struck noon; ere it thrice tell the hours
- We shall meet round the table that blushes with flowers,
- And I shall blush deeper with shame-driven blood
- That I came to the banquet and brought not a bud.
- Who cares that his verse is a beggar in art
- If you see through its rags the full throb of his heart?
- Who asks if his comrade is battered and tanned
- When he feels his warm soul in the clasp of his hand?
- No! be it an epic, or be it a line,
- The Boys will all love it because it is mine;
- I sung their last song on the morn of the day
- That tore from their lives the last blossom of May.
- It is not the sunset that glows in the wine,
- But the smile that beams over it, makes it divine;
- I scatter these drops, and behold, as they fall,
- The day-star of memory shines through them all!
- And these are the last; they are drops that I stole
- From a wine-press that crushes the life from the soul,
- But they ran through my heart and they sprang to my brain
- Till our twentieth sweet summer was smiling again!
- 1854
- OH for one hour of youthful joy!
- Give back my twentieth spring!
- I'd rather laugh, a bright-haired boy,
- Than reign, a gray-beard king.
- Off with the spoils of wrinkled age!
- Away with Learning's crown!
- Tear out life's Wisdom-written page,
- And dash its trophies down!
- One moment let my life-blood stream
- From boyhood's fount of flame!
- Give me one giddy, reeling dream
- Of life all love and fame.
- My listening angel heard the prayer,
- And, calmly smiling, said,
- "If I but touch thy silvered hair
- Thy hasty wish hath sped.
- "But is there nothing in thy track,
- To bid thee fondly stay,
- While the swift seasons hurry back
- To find the wished-for day?"
- "Ah, truest soul of womankind!
- Without thee what were life?
- One bliss I cannot leave behind:
- I'll take--my--precious--wife!"
- The angel took a sapphire pen
- And wrote in rainbow dew,
- _The man would be a boy again,
- And be a husband too!_
- "And is there nothing yet unsaid,
- Before the change appears?
- Remember, all their gifts have fled
- With those dissolving years."
- "Why, yes;" for memory would recall
- My fond paternal joys;
- "I could not bear to leave them all
- I'll take--my--girl--and--boys."
- The smiling angel dropped his pen,--
- "Why, this will never do;
- The man would be a boy again,
- And be a father too!"
- And so I laughed,--my laughter woke
- The household with its noise,--
- And wrote my dream, when morning broke,
- To please the gray-haired boys.
- 1855
- AND what shall be the song to-night,
- If song there needs must be?
- If every year that brings us here
- Must steal an hour from me?
- Say, shall it ring a merry peal,
- Or heave a mourning sigh
- O'er shadows cast, by years long past,
- On moments flitting by?
- Nay, take the first unbidden line
- The idle hour may send,
- No studied grace can mend the face
- That smiles as friend on friend;
- The balsam oozes from the pine,
- The sweetness from the rose,
- And so, unsought, a kindly thought
- Finds language as it flows.
- The years rush by in sounding flight,
- I hear their ceaseless wings;
- Their songs I hear, some far, some near,
- And thus the burden rings
- "The morn has fled, the noon has past,
- The sun will soon be set,
- The twilight fade to midnight shade;
- Remember-and Forget!"
- Remember all that time has brought--
- The starry hope on high,
- The strength attained, the courage gained,
- The love that cannot die.
- Forget the bitter, brooding thought,--
- The word too harshly said,
- The living blame love hates to name,
- The frailties of the dead!
- We have been younger, so they say,
- But let the seasons roll,
- He doth not lack an almanac
- Whose youth is in his soul.
- The snows may clog life's iron track,
- But does the axle tire,
- While bearing swift through bank and drift
- The engine's heart of fire?
- I lift a goblet in my hand;
- If good old wine it hold,
- An ancient skin to keep it in
- Is just the thing, we 're told.
- We 're grayer than the dusty flask,--
- We 're older than our wine;
- Our corks reveal the "white top" seal,
- The stamp of '29.
- Ah, Boys! we clustered in the dawn,
- To sever in the dark;
- A merry crew, with loud halloo,
- We climbed our painted bark;
- We sailed her through the four years' cruise,
- We 'll sail her to the last,
- Our dear old flag, though but a rag,
- Still flying on her mast.
- So gliding on, each winter's gale
- Shall pipe us all on deck,
- Till, faint and few, the gathering crew
- Creep o'er the parting wreck,
- Her sails and streamers spread aloft
- To fortune's rain or shine,
- Till storm or sun shall all be one,
- And down goes TWENTY-NINE!
- 1856
- You 'll believe me, dear boys, 't is a pleasure to rise,
- With a welcome like this in your darling old eyes;
- To meet the same smiles and to hear the same tone
- Which have greeted me oft in the years that have flown.
- Were I gray as the grayest old rat in the wall,
- My locks would turn brown at the sight of you all;
- If my heart were as dry as the shell on the sand,
- It would fill like the goblet I hold in my hand.
- There are noontides of autumn when summer returns.
- Though the leaves are all garnered and sealed in their urns,
- And the bird on his perch, that was silent so long,
- Believes the sweet sunshine and breaks into song.
- We have caged the young birds of our beautiful June;
- Their plumes are still bright and their voices in tune;
- One moment of sunshine from faces like these
- And they sing as they sung in the green-growing trees.
- The voices of morning! how sweet is their thrill
- When the shadows have turned, and the evening grows still!
- The text of our lives may get wiser with age,
- But the print was so fair on its twentieth page!
- Look off from your goblet and up from your plate,
- Come, take the last journal, and glance at its date:
- Then think what we fellows should say and should do,
- If the 6 were a 9 and the 5 were a 2.
- Ah, no! for the shapes that would meet with as here,
- From the far land of shadows, are ever too dear!
- Though youth flung around us its pride and its charms,
- We should see but the comrades we clasped in our arms.
- A health to our future--a sigh for our past,
- We love, we remember, we hope to the last;
- And for all the base lies that the almanacs hold,
- While we've youth in our hearts we can never grow old!
- 1858
- FLASH out a stream of blood-red wine,
- For I would drink to other days,
- And brighter shall their memory shine,
- Seen flaming through its crimson blaze!
- The roses die, the summers fade,
- But every ghost of boyhood's dream
- By nature's magic power is laid
- To sleep beneath this blood-red stream!
- It filled the purple grapes that lay,
- And drank the splendors of the sun,
- Where the long summer's cloudless day
- Is mirrored in the broad Garonne;
- It pictures still the bacchant shapes
- That saw their hoarded sunlight shed,--
- The maidens dancing on the grapes,--
- Their milk-white ankles splashed with red.
- Beneath these waves of crimson lie,
- In rosy fetters prisoned fast,
- Those flitting shapes that never die,--
- The swift-winged visions of the past.
- Kiss but the crystal's mystic rim,
- Each shadow rends its flowery chain,
- Springs in a bubble from its brim,
- And walks the chambers of the brain.
- Poor beauty! Time and fortune's wrong
- No shape nor feature may withstand;
- Thy wrecks are scattered all along,
- Like emptied sea-shells on the sand;
- Yet, sprinkled with this blushing rain,
- The dust restores each blooming girl,
- As if the sea-shells moved again
- Their glistening lips of pink and pearl.
- Here lies the home of school-boy life,
- With creaking stair and wind-swept hall,
- And, scarred by many a truant knife,
- Our old initials on the wall;
- Here rest, their keen vibrations mute,
- The shout of voices known so well,
- The ringing laugh, the wailing flute,
- The chiding of the sharp-tongued bell.
- Here, clad in burning robes, are laid
- Life's blossomed joys, untimely shed,
- And here those cherished forms have strayed
- We miss awhile, and call them dead.
- What wizard fills the wondrous glass?
- What soil the enchanted clusters grew?
- That buried passions wake and pass
- In beaded drops of fiery dew?
- Nay, take the cup of blood-red wine,--
- Our hearts can boast a warmer glow,
- Filled from a vintage more divine,
- Calmed, but not chilled, by winter's snow!
- To-night the palest wave we sip
- Rich as the priceless draught shall be
- That wet the bride of Cana's lip,--
- The wedding wine of Galilee!
- 1859
- HAS there any old fellow got mixed with the boys?
- If there has, take him out, without making a noise.
- Hang the Almanac's cheat and the Catalogue's spite!
- Old Time is a liar! We're twenty to-night!
- We're twenty! We're twenty! Who says we are more?
- He's tipsy,--young jackanapes!--show him the door!
- "Gray temples at twenty?"--Yes! white if we please;
- Where the snow-flakes fall thickest there's nothing can freeze!
- Was it snowing I spoke of? Excuse the mistake!
- Look close,--you will see not a sign of a flake!
- We want some new garlands for those we have shed,--
- And these are white roses in place of the red.
- We've a trick, we young fellows, you may have been told,
- Of talking (in public) as if we were old:--
- That boy we call "Doctor," and this we call "Judge;"
- It 's a neat little fiction,--of course it 's all fudge.
- That fellow's the "Speaker,"--the one on the right;
- "Mr. Mayor," my young one, how are you to-night?
- That's our "Member of Congress," we say when we chaff;
- There's the "Reverend" What's his name?--don't make me laugh.
- That boy with the grave mathematical look
- Made believe he had written a wonderful book,
- And the ROYAL SOCIETY thought it was _true_!
- So they chose him right in; a good joke it was, too!
- There's a boy, we pretend, with a three-decker brain,
- That could harness a team with a logical chain;
- When he spoke for our manhood in syllabled fire,
- We called him "The Justice," but now he's "The Squire."
- And there's a nice youngster of excellent pith,--
- Fate tried to conceal him by naming him Smith;
- But he shouted a song for the brave and the free,--
- Just read on his medal, "My country," "of thee!"
- You hear that boy laughing?--You think he's all fun;
- But the angels laugh, too, at the good he has done;
- The children laugh loud as they troop to his call,
- And the poor man that knows him laughs loudest of all!
- Yes, we 're boys,--always playing with tongue or with pen,--
- And I sometimes have asked,--Shall we ever be men?
- Shall we always be youthful, and laughing, and gay,
- Till the last dear companion drops smiling away?
- Then here's to our boyhood, its gold and its gray!
- The stars of its winter, the dews of its May!
- And when we have done with our life-lasting toys,
- Dear Father, take care of thy children, THE BOYS!
- 1860
- I 'm ashamed,--that 's the fact,--it 's a pitiful case,--
- Won't any kind classmate get up in my place?
- Just remember how often I've risen before,--
- I blush as I straighten my legs on the floor!
- There are stories, once pleasing, too many times told,--
- There are beauties once charming, too fearfully old,--
- There are voices we've heard till we know them so well,
- Though they talked for an hour they'd have nothing to tell.
- Yet, Classmates! Friends! Brothers! Dear blessed old boys!
- Made one by a lifetime of sorrows and joys,
- What lips have such sounds as the poorest of these,
- Though honeyed, like Plato's, by musical bees?
- What voice is so sweet and what greeting so dear
- As the simple, warm welcome that waits for us here?
- The love of our boyhood still breathes in its tone,
- And our hearts throb the answer, "He's one of our own!"
- Nay! count not our numbers; some sixty we know,
- But these are above, and those under the snow;
- And thoughts are still mingled wherever we meet
- For those we remember with those that we greet.
- We have rolled on life's journey,--how fast and how far!
- One round of humanity's many-wheeled car,
- But up-hill and down-hill, through rattle and rub,
- Old, true Twenty-niners! we've stuck to our hub!
- While a brain lives to think, or a bosom to feel,
- We will cling to it still like the spokes of a wheel!
- And age, as it chills us, shall fasten the tire
- That youth fitted round in his circle of fire!
- 1861
- WE sing "Our Country's" song to-night
- With saddened voice and eye;
- Her banner droops in clouded light
- Beneath the wintry sky.
- We'll pledge her once in golden wine
- Before her stars have set
- Though dim one reddening orb may shine,
- We have a Country yet.
- 'T were vain to sigh o'er errors past,
- The fault of sires or sons;
- Our soldier heard the threatening blast,
- And spiked his useless guns;
- He saw the star-wreathed ensign fall,
- By mad invaders torn;
- But saw it from the bastioned wall
- That laughed their rage to scorn!
- What though their angry cry is flung
- Across the howling wave,--
- They smite the air with idle tongue
- The gathering storm who brave;
- Enough of speech! the trumpet rings;
- Be silent, patient, calm,--
- God help them if the tempest swings
- The pine against the palm!
- Our toilsome years have made us tame;
- Our strength has slept unfelt;
- The furnace-fire is slow to flame
- That bids our ploughshares melt;
- 'T is hard to lose the bread they win
- In spite of Nature's frowns,--
- To drop the iron threads we spin
- That weave our web of towns,
- To see the rusting turbines stand
- Before the emptied flumes,
- To fold the arms that flood the land
- With rivers from their looms,--
- But harder still for those who learn
- The truth forgot so long;
- When once their slumbering passions burn,
- The peaceful are the strong!
- The Lord have mercy on the weak,
- And calm their frenzied ire,
- And save our brothers ere they shriek,
- "We played with Northern fire!"
- The eagle hold his mountain height,--
- The tiger pace his den
- Give all their country, each his right!
- God keep us all! Amen!
- J. D. R.
- 1862
- THE friends that are, and friends that were,
- What shallow waves divide!
- I miss the form for many a year
- Still seated at my side.
- I miss him, yet I feel him still
- Amidst our faithful band,
- As if not death itself could chill
- The warmth of friendship's hand.
- His story other lips may tell,--
- For me the veil is drawn;
- I only knew he loved me well,
- He loved me--and is gone!
- 1862
- 'T is midnight: through my troubled dream
- Loud wails the tempest's cry;
- Before the gale, with tattered sail,
- A ship goes plunging by.
- What name? Where bound?--The rocks around
- Repeat the loud halloo.
- --The good ship Union, Southward bound:
- God help her and her crew!
- And is the old flag flying still
- That o'er your fathers flew,
- With bands of white and rosy light,
- And field of starry blue?
- --Ay! look aloft! its folds full oft
- Have braved the roaring blast,
- And still shall fly when from the sky
- This black typhoon has past!
- Speak, pilot of the storm-tost bark!
- May I thy peril share?
- --O landsman, there are fearful seas
- The brave alone may dare!
- --Nay, ruler of the rebel deep,
- What matters wind or wave?
- The rocks that wreck your reeling deck
- Will leave me naught to save!
- O landsman, art thou false or true?
- What sign hast thou to show?
- --The crimson stains from loyal veins
- That hold my heart-blood's flow
- --Enough! what more shall honor claim?
- I know the sacred sign;
- Above thy head our flag shall spread,
- Our ocean path be thine!
- The bark sails on; the Pilgrim's Cape
- Lies low along her lee,
- Whose headland crooks its anchor-flukes
- To lock the shore and sea.
- No treason here! it cost too dear
- To win this barren realm
- And true and free the hands must be
- That hold the whaler's helm!
- Still on! Manhattan's narrowing bay
- No rebel cruiser scars;
- Her waters feel no pirate's keel
- That flaunts the fallen stars!
- --But watch the light on yonder height,--
- Ay, pilot, have a care!
- Some lingering cloud in mist may shroud
- The capes of Delaware!
- Say, pilot, what this fort may be,
- Whose sentinels look down
- From moated walls that show the sea
- Their deep embrasures' frown?
- The Rebel host claims all the coast,
- But these are friends, we know,
- Whose footprints spoil the "sacred soil,"
- And this is?--Fort Monroe!
- The breakers roar,--how bears the shore?
- --The traitorous wreckers' hands
- Have quenched the blaze that poured its rays
- Along the Hatteras sands.
- --Ha! say not so! I see its glow!
- Again the shoals display
- The beacon light that shines by night,
- The Union Stars by day!
- The good ship flies to milder skies,
- The wave more gently flows,
- The softening breeze wafts o'er the seas
- The breath of Beaufort's rose.
- What fold is this the sweet winds kiss,
- Fair-striped and many-starred,
- Whose shadow palls these orphaned walls,
- The twins of Beauregard?
- What! heard you not Port Royal's doom?
- How the black war-ships came
- And turned the Beaufort roses' bloom
- To redder wreaths of flame?
- How from Rebellion's broken reed
- We saw his emblem fall,
- As soon his cursed poison-weed
- Shall drop from Sumter's wall?
- On! on! Pulaski's iron hail
- Falls harmless on Tybee!
- The good ship feels the freshening gales,
- She strikes the open sea;
- She rounds the point, she threads the keys
- That guard the Land of Flowers,
- And rides at last where firm and fast
- Her own Gibraltar towers!
- The good ship Union's voyage is o'er,
- At anchor safe she swings,
- And loud and clear with cheer on cheer
- Her joyous welcome rings:
- Hurrah! Hurrah! it shakes the wave,
- It thunders on the shore,--
- One flag, one land, one heart, one hand,
- One Nation, evermore!
- 1863
- YES, tyrants, you hate us, and fear while you hate
- The self-ruling, chain-breaking, throne-shaking State!
- The night-birds dread morning,--your instinct is true,--
- The day-star of Freedom brings midnight for you!
- Why plead with the deaf for the cause of mankind?
- The owl hoots at noon that the eagle is blind!
- We ask not your reasons,--'t were wasting our time,--
- Our life is a menace, our welfare a crime!
- We have battles to fight, we have foes to subdue,--
- Time waits not for us, and we wait not for you!
- The mower mows on, though the adder may writhe
- And the copper-head coil round the blade of his
- scythe!
- "No sides in this quarrel," your statesmen may urge,
- Of school-house and wages with slave-pen scourge!--
- No sides in the quarrel! proclaim it as well
- To the angels that fight with the legions of hell!
- They kneel in God's temple, the North and the South,
- With blood on each weapon and prayers in each mouth.
- Whose cry shall be answered? Ye Heavens, attend
- The lords of the lash as their voices ascend!
- "O Lord, we are shaped in the image of Thee,--
- Smite down the base millions that claim to be free,
- And lend thy strong arm to the soft-handed race
- Who eat not their bread in the sweat of their face!"
- So pleads the proud planter. What echoes are these?
- The bay of his bloodhound is borne on the breeze,
- And, lost in the shriek of his victim's despair,
- His voice dies unheard.--Hear the Puritan's prayer!
- "O Lord, that didst smother mankind in thy flood,
- The sun is as sackcloth, the moon is as blood,
- The stars fall to earth as untimely are cast
- The figs from the fig-tree that shakes in the blast!
- "All nations, all tribes in whose nostrils is breath
- Stand gazing at Sin as she travails with Death!
- Lord, strangle the monster that struggles to birth,
- Or mock us no more with thy 'Kingdom on Earth!'
- "If Ammon and Moab must reign in the land
- Thou gavest thine Israel, fresh from thy hand,
- Call Baal and Ashtaroth out of their graves
- To be the new gods for the empire of slaves!"
- Whose God will ye serve, O ye rulers of men?
- Will ye build you new shrines in the slave-breeder's den?
- Or bow with the children of light, as they call
- On the Judge of the Earth and the Father of All?
- Choose wisely, choose quickly, for time moves apace,--
- Each day is an age in the life of our race!
- Lord, lead them in love, ere they hasten in fear
- From the fast-rising flood that shall girdle the sphere!
- F. W. C.
- 1864
- FAST as the rolling seasons bring
- The hour of fate to those we love,
- Each pearl that leaves the broken string
- Is set in Friendship's crown above.
- As narrower grows the earthly chain,
- The circle widens in the sky;
- These are our treasures that remain,
- But those are stars that beam on high.
- We miss--oh, how we miss!--his face,--
- With trembling accents speak his name.
- Earth cannot fill his shadowed place
- From all her rolls of pride and fame;
- Our song has lost the silvery thread
- That carolled through his jocund lips;
- Our laugh is mute, our smile is fled,
- And all our sunshine in eclipse.
- And what and whence the wondrous charm
- That kept his manhood boylike still,--
- That life's hard censors could disarm
- And lead them captive at his will?
- His heart was shaped of rosier clay,--
- His veins were filled with ruddier fire,--
- Time could not chill him, fortune sway,
- Nor toil with all its burdens tire.
- His speech burst throbbing from its fount
- And set our colder thoughts aglow,
- As the hot leaping geysers mount
- And falling melt the Iceland snow.
- Some word, perchance, we counted rash,--
- Some phrase our calmness might disclaim,
- Yet 't was the sunset's lightning's flash,
- No angry bolt, but harmless flame.
- Man judges all, God knoweth each;
- We read the rule, He sees the law;
- How oft his laughing children teach
- The truths his prophets never saw
- O friend, whose wisdom flowered in mirth,
- Our hearts are sad, our eyes are dim;
- He gave thy smiles to brighten earth,--
- We trust thy joyous soul to Him!
- Alas!--our weakness Heaven forgive!
- We murmur, even while we trust,
- "How long earth's breathing burdens live,
- Whose hearts, before they die, are dust!"
- But thou!--through grief's untimely tears
- We ask with half-reproachful sigh--
- "Couldst thou not watch a few brief years
- Till Friendship faltered, 'Thou mayst die'?"
- Who loved our boyish years so well?
- Who knew so well their pleasant tales,
- And all those livelier freaks could tell
- Whose oft-told story never fails?
- In vain we turn our aching eyes,--
- In vain we stretch our eager hands,--
- Cold in his wintry shroud he lies
- Beneath the dreary drifting sands!
- Ah, speak not thus! _He_ lies not there!
- We see him, hear him as of old!
- He comes! He claims his wonted chair;
- His beaming face we still behold!
- His voice rings clear in all our songs,
- And loud his mirthful accents rise;
- To us our brother's life belongs,--
- Dear friends, a classmate never dies!
- 1864
- Now, men of the North! will you join in the strife
- For country, for freedom, for honor, for life?
- The giant grows blind in his fury and spite,--
- One blow on his forehead will settle the fight!
- Flash full in his eyes the blue lightning of steel,
- And stun him with cannon-bolts, peal upon peal!
- Mount, troopers, and follow your game to its lair,
- As the hound tracks the wolf and the beagle the hare!
- Blow, trumpets, your summons, till sluggards awake!
- Beat, drums, till the roofs of the faint-hearted shake!
- Yet, yet, ere the signet is stamped on the scroll,
- Their names may be traced on the blood-sprinkled roll!
- Trust not the false herald that painted your shield
- True honor to-day must be sought on the field!
- Her scutcheon shows white with a blazon of red,--
- The life-drops of crimson for liberty shed.
- The hour is at hand, and the moment draws nigh;
- The dog-star of treason grows dim in the sky;
- Shine forth from the battle-cloud, light of the morn,
- Call back the bright hour when the Nation was born!
- The rivers of peace through our valleys shall run,
- As the glaciers of tyranny melt in the sun;
- Smite, smite the proud parricide down from his throne,--
- His sceptre once broken, the world is our own!
- 1865
- I GIVE you the health of the oldest friend
- That, short of eternity, earth can lend,--
- A friend so faithful and tried and true
- That nothing can wean him from me and you.
- When first we screeched in the sudden blaze
- Of the daylight's blinding and blasting rays,
- And gulped at the gaseous, groggy air,
- This old, old friend stood waiting there.
- And when, with a kind of mortal strife,
- We had gasped and choked into breathing life,
- He watched by the cradle, day and night,
- And held our hands till we stood upright.
- From gristle and pulp our frames have grown
- To stringy muscle and solid bone;
- While we were changing, he altered not;
- We might forget, but he never forgot.
- He came with us to the college class,--
- Little cared he for the steward's pass!
- All the rest must pay their fee,
- Put the grim old dead-head entered free.
- He stayed with us while we counted o'er
- Four times each of the seasons four;
- And with every season, from year to year,
- The dear name Classmate he made more dear.
- He never leaves us,--he never will,
- Till our hands are cold and our hearts are still;
- On birthdays, and Christmas, and New-Year's too,
- He always remembers both me and you.
- Every year this faithful friend
- His little present is sure to send;
- Every year, wheresoe'er we be,
- He wants a keepsake from you and me.
- How he loves us! he pats our heads,
- And, lo! they are gleaming with silver threads;
- And he 's always begging one lock of hair,
- Till our shining crowns have nothing to wear.
- At length he will tell us, one by one,
- "My child, your labor on earth is done;
- And now you must journey afar to see
- My elder brother,--Eternity!"
- And so, when long, long years have passed,
- Some dear old fellow will be the last,--
- Never a boy alive but he
- Of all our goodly company!
- When he lies down, but not till then,
- Our kind Class-Angel will drop the pen
- That writes in the day-book kept above
- Our lifelong record of faith and love.
- So here's a health in homely rhyme
- To our oldest classmate, Father Time!
- May our last survivor live to be
- As bald and as wise and as tough as he!
- 1865
- LIKE the tribes of Israel,
- Fed on quails and manna,
- Sherman and his glorious band
- Journeyed through the rebel land,
- Fed from Heaven's all-bounteous hand,
- Marching on Savannah!
- As the moving pillar shone,
- Streamed the starry banner
- All day long in rosy light,
- Flaming splendor all the night,
- Till it swooped in eagle flight
- Down on doomed Savannah!
- Glory be to God on high!
- Shout the loud Hosanna!
- Treason's wilderness is past,
- Canaan's shore is won at last,
- Peal a nation's trumpet-blast,--
- Sherman 's in Savannah!
- Soon shall Richmond's tough old hide
- Find a tough old tanner!
- Soon from every rebel wall
- Shall the rag of treason fall,
- Till our banner flaps o'er all
- As it crowns Savannah!
- 1866
- How long will this harp which you once loved to hear
- Cheat your lips of a smile or your eyes of a tear?
- How long stir the echoes it wakened of old,
- While its strings were unbroken, untarnished its gold?
- Dear friends of my boyhood, my words do you wrong;
- The heart, the heart only, shall throb in my song;
- It reads the kind answer that looks from your eyes,--
- "We will bid our old harper play on till he dies."
- Though Youth, the fair angel that looked o'er the strings,
- Has lost the bright glory that gleamed on his wings,
- Though the freshness of morning has passed from its tone
- It is still the old harp that was always your own.
- I claim not its music,--each note it affords
- I strike from your heart-strings, that lend me its chords;
- I know you will listen and love to the last,
- For it trembles and thrills with the voice of your past.
- Ah, brothers! dear brothers! the harp that I hold
- No craftsman could string and no artisan mould;
- He shaped it, He strung it, who fashioned the lyres
- That ring with the hymns of the seraphim choirs.
- Not mine are the visions of beauty it brings,
- Not mine the faint fragrance around it that clings;
- Those shapes are the phantoms of years that are fled,
- Those sweets breathe from roses your summers have shed.
- Each hour of the past lends its tribute to this,
- Till it blooms like a bower in the Garden of Bliss;
- The thorn and the thistle may grow as they will,
- Where Friendship unfolds there is Paradise still.
- The bird wanders careless while summer is green,
- The leaf-hidden cradle that rocked him unseen;
- When Autumn's rude fingers the woods have undressed,
- The boughs may look bare, but they show him his nest.
- Too precious these moments! the lustre they fling
- Is the light of our year, is the gem of its ring,
- So brimming with sunshine, we almost forget
- The rays it has lost, and its border of jet.
- While round us the many-hued halo is shed,
- How dear are the living, how near are the dead!
- One circle, scarce broken, these waiting below,
- Those walking the shores where the asphodels blow!
- Not life shall enlarge it nor death shall divide,--
- No brother new-born finds his place at my side;
- No titles shall freeze us, no grandeurs infest,
- His Honor, His Worship, are boys like the rest.
- Some won the world's homage, their names we hold dear,--
- But Friendship, not Fame, is the countersign here;
- Make room by the conqueror crowned in the strife
- For the comrade that limps from the battle of life!
- What tongue talks of battle? Too long we have heard
- In sorrow, in anguish, that terrible word;
- It reddened the sunshine, it crimsoned the wave,
- It sprinkled our doors with the blood of our brave.
- Peace, Peace comes at last, with her garland of white;
- Peace broods in all hearts as we gather to-night;
- The blazon of Union spreads full in the sun;
- We echo its words,--We are one! We are one!
- 1867
- IT is not what we say or sing,
- That keeps our charm so long unbroken,
- Though every lightest leaf we bring
- May touch the heart as friendship's token;
- Not what we sing or what we say
- Can make us dearer to each other;
- We love the singer and his lay,
- But love as well the silent brother.
- Yet bring whate'er your garden grows,
- Thrice welcome to our smiles and praises;
- Thanks for the myrtle and the rose,
- Thanks for the marigolds and daisies;
- One flower erelong we all shall claim,
- Alas! unloved of Amaryllis--
- Nature's last blossom-need I name
- The wreath of threescore's silver lilies?
- How many, brothers, meet to-night
- Around our boyhood's covered embers?
- Go read the treasured names aright
- The old triennial list remembers;
- Though twenty wear the starry sign
- That tells a life has broke its tether,
- The fifty-eight of 'twenty-nine--
- God bless THE Boys!--are all together!
- These come with joyous look and word,
- With friendly grasp and cheerful greeting,--
- Those smile unseen, and move unheard,
- The angel guests of every meeting;
- They cast no shadow in the flame
- That flushes from the gilded lustre,
- But count us--we are still the same;
- One earthly band, one heavenly cluster!
- Love dies not when he bows his head
- To pass beyond the narrow portals,--
- The light these glowing moments shed
- Wakes from their sleep our lost immortals;
- They come as in their joyous prime,
- Before their morning days were numbered,--
- Death stays the envious hand of Time,--
- The eyes have not grown dim that slumbered!
- The paths that loving souls have trod
- Arch o'er the dust where worldlings grovel
- High as the zenith o'er the sod,--
- The cross above the sexton's shovel!
- We rise beyond the realms of day;
- They seem to stoop from spheres of glory
- With us one happy hour to stray,
- While youth comes back in song and story.
- Ah! ours is friendship true as steel
- That war has tried in edge and temper;
- It writes upon its sacred seal
- The priest's _ubique--omnes--semper_!
- It lends the sky a fairer sun
- That cheers our lives with rays as steady
- As if our footsteps had begun
- To print the golden streets already!
- The tangling years have clinched its knot
- Too fast for mortal strength to sunder;
- The lightning bolts of noon are shot;
- No fear of evening's idle thunder!
- Too late! too late!--no graceless hand
- Shall stretch its cords in vain endeavor
- To rive the close encircling band
- That made and keeps us one forever!
- So when upon the fated scroll
- The falling stars have all descended,
- And, blotted from the breathing roll,
- Our little page of life is ended,
- We ask but one memorial line
- Traced on thy tablet, Gracious Mother
- "My children. Boys of '29.
- In pace. How they loved each other!"
- 1868
- "Will I come?" That is pleasant! I beg to inquire
- If the gun that I carry has ever missed fire?
- And which was the muster-roll-mention but one--
- That missed your old comrade who carries the gun?
- You see me as always, my hand on the lock,
- The cap on the nipple, the hammer full cock;
- It is rusty, some tell me; I heed not the scoff;
- It is battered and bruised, but it always goes off!
- "Is it loaded?" I'll bet you! What doesn't it hold?
- Rammed full to the muzzle with memories untold;
- Why, it scares me to fire, lest the pieces should fly
- Like the cannons that burst on the Fourth of July.
- One charge is a remnant of College-day dreams
- (Its wadding is made of forensics and themes);
- Ah, visions of fame! what a flash in the pan
- As the trigger was pulled by each clever young man!
- And love! Bless my stars, what a cartridge is there!
- With a wadding of rose-leaves and ribbons and hair,--
- All crammed in one verse to go off at a shot!
- "Were there ever such sweethearts?" Of course there were not!
- And next,--what a load! it wall split the old gun,--
- Three fingers,--four fingers,--five fingers of fun!
- Come tell me, gray sages, for mischief and noise
- Was there ever a lot like us fellows, "The Boys"?
- Bump I bump! down the staircase the cannon-ball goes,--
- Aha, old Professor! Look out for your toes!
- Don't think, my poor Tutor, to sleep in your bed,--
- Two "Boys"--'twenty-niners-room over your head!
- Remember the nights when the tar-barrel blazed!
- From red "Massachusetts" the war-cry was raised;
- And "Hollis" and "Stoughton" reechoed the call;
- Till P----- poked his head out of Holworthy Hall!
- Old P----, as we called him,--at fifty or so,--
- Not exactly a bud, but not quite in full blow;
- In ripening manhood, suppose we should say,
- Just nearing his prime, as we boys are to-day!
- Oh say, can you look through the vista of age
- To the time when old Morse drove the regular stage?
- When Lyon told tales of the long-vanished years,
- And Lenox crept round with the rings in his ears?
- And dost thou, my brother, remember indeed
- The days of our dealings with Willard and Read?
- When "Dolly" was kicking and running away,
- And punch came up smoking on Fillebrown's tray?
- But where are the Tutors, my brother, oh tell!--
- And where the Professors, remembered so well?
- The sturdy old Grecian of Holworthy Hall,
- And Latin, and Logic, and Hebrew, and all?
- "They are dead, the old fellows" (we called them so then,
- Though we since have found out they were lusty young men).
- They are dead, do you tell me?--but how do you know?
- You've filled once too often. I doubt if it's so.
- I'm thinking. I'm thinking. Is this 'sixty-eight?
- It's not quite so clear. It admits of debate.
- I may have been dreaming. I rather incline
- To think--yes, I'm certain--it is 'twenty-nine!
- "By Zhorzhe!"--as friend Sales is accustomed to cry,--
- You tell me they're dead, but I know it's a lie!
- Is Jackson not President?--What was 't you said?
- It can't be; you're joking; what,--all of 'em dead?
- Jim,--Harry,--Fred,--Isaac,--all gone from our side?
- They could n't have left us,--no, not if they tried.
- Look,--there 's our old Prises,--he can't find his text;
- See,--P----- rubs his leg, as he growls out "The next!"
- I told you 't was nonsense. Joe, give us a song!
- Go harness up "Dolly," and fetch her along!--
- Dead! Dead! You false graybeard, I swear they are not!
- Hurrah for Old Hickory!--Oh, I forgot!
- Well, _one_ we have with us (how could he contrive
- To deal with us youngsters and still to survive?)
- Who wore for our guidance authority's robe,--
- No wonder he took to the study of Job!
- And now, as my load was uncommonly large,
- Let me taper it off with a classical charge;
- When that has gone off, I shall drop my old gun--
- And then stand at ease, for my service is done.
- _Bibamus ad Classem vocatam_ "The Boys"
- _Et eorum Tutorem cui nomen est "Noyes";_
- _Et floreant, valeant, vigeant tam,_
- _Non Peircius ipse enumeret quam!_
- 1869
- HERE 's the old cruiser, 'Twenty-nine,
- Forty times she 's crossed the line;
- Same old masts and sails and crew,
- Tight and tough and as good as new.
- Into the harbor she bravely steers
- Just as she 's done for these forty years,
- Over her anchor goes, splash and clang!
- Down her sails drop, rattle and bang!
- Comes a vessel out of the dock
- Fresh and spry as a fighting-cock,
- Feathered with sails and spurred with steam,
- Heading out of the classic stream.
- Crew of a hundred all aboard,
- Every man as fine as a lord.
- Gay they look and proud they feel,
- Bowling along on even keel.
- On they float with wind and tide,--
- Gain at last the old ship's side;
- Every man looks down in turn,--
- Reads the name that's on her stern.
- "Twenty-nine!--Diable you say!
- That was in Skipper Kirkland's day!
- What was the Flying Dutchman's name?
- This old rover must be the same.
- "Ho! you Boatswain that walks the deck,
- How does it happen you're not a wreck?
- One and another have come to grief,
- How have you dodged by rock and reef?"
- Boatswain, lifting one knowing lid,
- Hitches his breeches and shifts his quid
- "Hey? What is it? Who 's come to grief
- Louder, young swab, I 'm a little deaf."
- "I say, old fellow, what keeps your boat
- With all you jolly old boys afloat,
- When scores of vessels as good as she
- Have swallowed the salt of the bitter sea?
- "Many a crew from many a craft
- Goes drifting by on a broken raft
- Pieced from a vessel that clove the brine
- Taller and prouder than 'Twenty-nine.
- "Some capsized in an angry breeze,
- Some were lost in the narrow seas,
- Some on snags and some on sands
- Struck and perished and lost their hands.
- "Tell us young ones, you gray old man,
- What is your secret, if you can.
- We have a ship as good as you,
- Show us how to keep our crew."
- So in his ear the youngster cries;
- Then the gray Boatswain straight replies:--
- "All your crew be sure you know,--
- Never let one of your shipmates go.
- "If he leaves you, change your tack,
- Follow him close and fetch him back;
- When you've hauled him in at last,
- Grapple his flipper and hold him fast.
- "If you've wronged him, speak him fair,
- Say you're sorry and make it square;
- If he's wronged you, wink so tight
- None of you see what 's plain in sight.
- "When the world goes hard and wrong,
- Lend a hand to help him along;
- When his stockings have holes to darn,
- Don't you grudge him your ball of yarn.
- "Once in a twelvemonth, come what may,
- Anchor your ship in a quiet bay,
- Call all hands and read the log,
- And give 'em a taste of grub and grog.
- "Stick to each other through thick and thin;
- All the closer as age leaks in;
- Squalls will blow and clouds will frown,
- But stay by your ship till you all go down!"
- 1869.
- So the gray Boatswain of 'Twenty-nine
- Piped to "The Boys" as they crossed the line;
- Round the cabin sat thirty guests,
- Babes of the nurse with a thousand breasts.
- There were the judges, grave and grand,
- Flanked by the priests on either hand;
- There was the lord of wealth untold,
- And the dear good fellow in broadcloth old.
- Thirty men, from twenty towns,
- Sires and grandsires with silvered crowns,--
- Thirty school-boys all in a row,--
- Bens and Georges and Bill and Joe.
- In thirty goblets the wine was poured,
- But threescore gathered around the board,--
- For lo! at the side of every chair
- A shadow hovered--we all were there!
- 1869
- THOU Gracious Power, whose mercy lends
- The light of home, the smile of friends,
- Our gathered flock thine arms infold
- As in the peaceful days of old.
- Wilt thou not hear us while we raise,
- In sweet accord of solemn praise,
- The voices that have mingled long
- In joyous flow of mirth and song?
- For all the blessings life has brought,
- For all its sorrowing hours have taught,
- For all we mourn, for all we keep,
- The hands we clasp, the loved that sleep;
- The noontide sunshine of the past,
- These brief, bright moments fading fast,
- The stars that gild our darkening years,
- The twilight ray from holier spheres;
- We thank thee, Father! let thy grace
- Our narrowing circle still embrace,
- Thy mercy shed its heavenly store,
- Thy peace be with us evermore!
- 1870
- IT may be, yes, it must be, Time that brings
- An end to mortal things,
- That sends the beggar Winter in the train
- Of Autumn's burdened wain,--
- Time, that is heir of all our earthly state,
- And knoweth well to wait
- Till sea hath turned to shore and shore to sea,
- If so it need must be,
- Ere he make good his claim and call his own
- Old empires overthrown,--
- Time, who can find no heavenly orb too large
- To hold its fee in charge,
- Nor any motes that fill its beam so small,
- But he shall care for all,--
- It may be, must be,--yes, he soon shall tire
- This hand that holds the lyre.
- Then ye who listened in that earlier day
- When to my careless lay
- I matched its chords and stole their first-born thrill,
- With untaught rudest skill
- Vexing a treble from the slender strings
- Thin as the locust sings
- When the shrill-crying child of summer's heat
- Pipes from its leafy seat,
- The dim pavilion of embowering green
- Beneath whose shadowy screen
- The small sopranist tries his single note
- Against the song-bird's throat,
- And all the echoes listen, but in vain;
- They hear no answering strain,--
- Then ye who listened in that earlier day
- Shall sadly turn away,
- Saying, "The fire burns low, the hearth is cold
- That warmed our blood of old;
- Cover its embers and its half-burnt brands,
- And let us stretch our hands
- Over a brighter and fresh-kindled flame;
- Lo, this is not the same,
- The joyous singer of our morning time,
- Flushed high with lusty rhyme!
- Speak kindly, for he bears a human heart,
- But whisper him apart,--
- Tell him the woods their autumn robes have shed
- And all their birds have fled,
- And shouting winds unbuild the naked nests
- They warmed with patient breasts;
- Tell him the sky is dark, the summer o'er,
- And bid him sing no more!"
- Ah, welladay! if words so cruel-kind
- A listening ear might find!
- But who that hears the music in his soul
- Of rhythmic waves that roll
- Crested with gleams of fire, and as they flow
- Stir all the deeps below
- Till the great pearls no calm might ever reach
- Leap glistening on the beach,--
- Who that has known the passion and the pain,
- The rush through heart and brain,
- The joy so like a pang his hand is pressed
- Hard on his throbbing breast,
- When thou, whose smile is life and bliss and fame
- Hast set his pulse aflame,
- Muse of the lyre! can say farewell to thee?
- Alas! and must it be?
- In many a clime, in many a stately tongue,
- The mighty bards have sung;
- To these the immemorial thrones belong
- And purple robes of song;
- Yet the slight minstrel loves the slender tone
- His lips may call his own,
- And finds the measure of the verse more sweet,
- Timed by his pulse's beat,
- Than all the hymnings of the laurelled throng.
- Say not I do him wrong,
- For Nature spoils her warblers,--them she feeds
- In lotus-growing meads
- And pours them subtle draughts from haunted streams
- That fill their souls with dreams.
- Full well I know the gracious mother's wiles
- And dear delusive smiles!
- No callow fledgling of her singing brood
- But tastes that witching food,
- And hearing overhead the eagle's wing,
- And how the thrushes sing,
- Vents his exiguous chirp, and from his nest
- Flaps forth--we know the rest.
- I own the weakness of the tuneful kind,--
- Are not all harpers blind?
- I sang too early, must I sing too late?
- The lengthening shadows wait
- The first pale stars of twilight,--yet how sweet
- The flattering whisper's cheat,--
- "Thou hast the fire no evening chill can tame,
- Whose coals outlast its flame!"
- Farewell, ye carols of the laughing morn,
- Of earliest sunshine born!
- The sower flings the seed and looks not back
- Along his furrowed track;
- The reaper leaves the stalks for other hands
- To gird with circling bands;
- The wind, earth's careless servant, truant-born,
- Blows clean the beaten corn
- And quits the thresher's floor, and goes his way
- To sport with ocean's spray;
- The headlong-stumbling rivulet scrambling down
- To wash the sea-girt town,
- Still babbling of the green and billowy waste
- Whose salt he longs to taste,
- Ere his warm wave its chilling clasp may feel
- Has twirled the miller's wheel.
- The song has done its task that makes us bold
- With secrets else untold,--
- And mine has run its errand; through the dews
- I tracked the flying Muse;
- The daughter of the morning touched my lips
- With roseate finger-tips;
- Whether I would or would not, I must sing
- With the new choirs of spring;
- Now, as I watch the fading autumn day
- And trill my softened lay,
- I think of all that listened, and of one
- For whom a brighter sun
- Dawned at high summer's noon. Ah, comrades dear,
- Are not all gathered here?
- Our hearts have answered.--Yes! they hear our call:
- All gathered here! all! all!
- 1871
- PRECISELY. I see it. You all want to say
- That a tear is too sad and a laugh is too gay;
- You could stand a faint smile, you could manage a sigh,
- But you value your ribs, and you don't want to cry.
- And why at our feast of the clasping of hands
- Need we turn on the stream of our lachrymal glands?
- Though we see the white breakers of age on our bow,
- Let us take a good pull in the jolly-boat now!
- It's hard if a fellow cannot feel content
- When a banquet like this does n't cost him a cent,
- When his goblet and plate he may empty at will,
- And our kind Class Committee will settle the bill.
- And here's your old friend, the identical bard
- Who has rhymed and recited you verse by the yard
- Since the days of the empire of Andrew the First
- Till you 're full to the brim and feel ready to burst.
- It's awful to think of,--how year after year
- With his piece in his pocket he waits for you here;
- No matter who's missing, there always is one
- To lug out his manuscript, sure as a gun.
- "Why won't he stop writing?" Humanity cries
- The answer is briefly, "He can't if he tries;
- He has played with his foolish old feather so long,
- That the goose-quill in spite of him cackles in song."
- You have watched him with patience from morning to dusk
- Since the tassel was bright o'er the green of the husk,
- And now--it 's too bad--it 's a pitiful job--
- He has shelled the ripe ear till he's come to the cob.
- I see one face beaming--it listens so well
- There must be some music yet left in my shell--
- The wine of my soul is not thick on the lees;
- One string is unbroken, one friend I can please!
- Dear comrade, the sunshine of seasons gone by
- Looks out from your tender and tear-moistened eye,
- A pharos of love on an ice-girdled coast,--
- Kind soul!--Don't you hear me?--He's deaf as a post!
- Can it be one of Nature's benevolent tricks
- That you grow hard of hearing as I grow prolix?
- And that look of delight which would angels beguile
- Is the deaf man's prolonged unintelligent smile?
- Ah! the ear may grow dull, and the eye may wax dim,
- But they still know a classmate--they can't mistake him;
- There is something to tell us, "That's one of our band,"
- Though we groped in the dark for a touch of his hand.
- Well, Time with his snuffers is prowling about
- And his shaky old fingers will soon snuff us out;
- There's a hint for us all in each pendulum tick,
- For we're low in the tallow and long in the wick.
- You remember Rossini--you 've been at the play?
- How his overture-endings keep crashing away
- Till you think, "It 's all over--it can't but stop now--
- That 's the screech and the bang of the final bow-wow."
- And you find you 're mistaken; there 's lots more to come,
- More banging, more screeching of fiddle and drum,
- Till when the last ending is finished and done,
- You feel like a horse when the winning-post 's won.
- So I, who have sung to you, merry or sad,
- Since the days when they called me a promising lad,
- Though I 've made you more rhymes than a tutor could scan,
- Have a few more still left, like the razor-strop man.
- Now pray don't be frightened--I 'm ready to stop
- My galloping anapests' clatter and pop--
- In fact, if you say so, retire from to-day
- To the garret I left, on a poet's half-pay.
- And yet--I can't help it--perhaps--who can tell?
- You might miss the poor singer you treated so well,
- And confess you could stand him five minutes or so,
- "It was so like old times we remember, you know."
- 'T is not that the music can signify much,
- But then there are chords that awake with a touch,--
- And our hearts can find echoes of sorrow and joy
- To the winch of the minstrel who hails from Savoy.
- So this hand-organ tune that I cheerfully grind
- May bring the old places and faces to mind,
- And seen in the light of the past we recall
- The flowers that have faded bloom fairest of all!
- J. A.
- 1872
- ONE memory trembles on our lips;
- It throbs in every breast;
- In tear-dimmed eyes, in mirth's eclipse,
- The shadow stands confessed.
- O silent voice, that cheered so long
- Our manhood's marching day,
- Without thy breath of heavenly song,
- How weary seems the way!
- Vain every pictured phrase to tell
- Our sorrowing heart's desire,--
- The shattered harp, the broken shell,
- The silent unstrung lyre;
- For youth was round us while he sang;
- It glowed in every tone;
- With bridal chimes the echoes rang,
- And made the past our own.
- Oh blissful dream! Our nursery joys
- We know must have an end,
- But love and friendship's broken toys
- May God's good angels mend!
- The cheering smile, the voice of mirth
- And laughter's gay surprise
- That please the children born of earth.
- Why deem that Heaven denies?
- Methinks in that refulgent sphere
- That knows not sun or moon,
- An earth-born saint might long to hear
- One verse of "Bonny Doon";
- Or walking through the streets of gold
- In heaven's unclouded light,
- His lips recall the song of old
- And hum "The sky is bright."
- And can we smile when thou art dead?
- Ah, brothers, even so!
- The rose of summer will be red,
- In spite of winter's snow.
- Thou wouldst not leave us all in gloom
- Because thy song is still,
- Nor blight the banquet-garland's bloom
- With grief's untimely chill.
- The sighing wintry winds complain,--
- The singing bird has flown,--
- Hark! heard I not that ringing strain,
- That clear celestial tone?
- How poor these pallid phrases seem,
- How weak this tinkling line,
- As warbles through my waking dream
- That angel voice of thine!
- Thy requiem asks a sweeter lay;
- It falters on my tongue;
- For all we vainly strive to say,
- Thou shouldst thyself have sung!
- H. C. M. H. S. J. K. W.
- 1873
- THE dirge is played, the throbbing death-peal rung,
- The sad-voiced requiem sung;
- On each white urn where memory dwells
- The wreath of rustling immortelles
- Our loving hands have hung,
- And balmiest leaves have strown and tenderest blossoms flung.
- The birds that filled the air with songs have flown,
- The wintry blasts have blown,
- And these for whom the voice of spring
- Bade the sweet choirs their carols sing
- Sleep in those chambers lone
- Where snows untrodden lie, unheard the night-winds moan.
- We clasp them all in memory, as the vine
- Whose running stems intwine
- The marble shaft, and steal around
- The lowly stone, the nameless mound;
- With sorrowing hearts resign
- Our brothers true and tried, and close our broken line.
- How fast the lamps of life grow dim and die
- Beneath our sunset sky!
- Still fading, as along our track
- We cast our saddened glances back,
- And while we vainly sigh
- The shadowy day recedes, the starry night draws nigh.
- As when from pier to pier across the tide
- With even keel we glide,
- The lights we left along the shore
- Grow less and less, while more, yet more
- New vistas open wide
- Of fair illumined streets and casements golden-eyed.
- Each closing circle of our sunlit sphere
- Seems to bring heaven more near
- Can we not dream that those we love
- Are listening in the world above
- And smiling as they hear
- The voices known so well of friends that still are dear?
- Does all that made us human fade away
- With this dissolving clay?
- Nay, rather deem the blessed isles
- Are bright and gay with joyous smiles,
- That angels have their play,
- And saints that tire of song may claim their holiday.
- All else of earth may perish; love alone
- Not heaven shall find outgrown!
- Are they not here, our spirit guests,
- With love still throbbing in their breasts?
- Once more let flowers be strown.
- Welcome, ye shadowy forms, we count you still our own!
- 1873
- I HAVE come with my verses--I think I may claim
- It is not the first time I have tried on the same.
- They were puckered in rhyme, they were wrinkled in wit;
- But your hearts were so large that they made them a fit.
- I have come--not to tease you with more of my rhyme,
- But to feel as I did in the blessed old time;
- I want to hear him with the Brobdingnag laugh--
- We count him at least as three men and a half.
- I have come to meet judges so wise and so grand
- That I shake in my shoes while they're shaking my hand;
- And the prince among merchants who put back the crown
- When they tried to enthrone him the King of the Town.
- I have come to see George--Yes, I think there are four,
- If they all were like these I could wish there were more.
- I have come to see one whom we used to call "Jim,"
- I want to see--oh, don't I want to see him?
- I have come to grow young--on my word I declare
- I have thought I detected a change in my hair!
- One hour with "The Boys" will restore it to brown--
- And a wrinkle or two I expect to rub down.
- Yes, that's what I've come for, as all of us come;
- When I meet the dear Boys I could wish I were dumb.
- You asked me, you know, but it's spoiling the fun;
- I have told what I came for; my ditty is done.
- 1874
- OLD TIME, in whose bank we deposit our notes,
- Is a miser who always wants guineas for groats;
- He keeps all his customers still in arrears
- By lending them minutes and charging them years.
- The twelvemonth rolls round and we never forget
- On the counter before us to pay him our debt.
- We reckon the marks he has chalked on the door,
- Pay up and shake hands and begin a new score.
- How long he will lend us, how much we may owe,
- No angel will tell us, no mortal may know.
- At fivescore, at fourscore, at threescore and ten,
- He may close the account with a stroke of his pen.
- This only we know,--amid sorrows and joys
- Old Time has been easy and kind with "The Boys."
- Though he must have and will have and does have his pay,
- We have found him good-natured enough in his way.
- He never forgets us, as others will do,--
- I am sure he knows me, and I think he knows you,
- For I see on your foreheads a mark that he lends
- As a sign he remembers to visit his friends.
- In the shape of a classmate (a wig on his crown,--
- His day-book and ledger laid carefully down)
- He has welcomed us yearly, a glass in his hand,
- And pledged the good health of our brotherly band.
- He 's a thief, we must own, but how many there be
- That rob us less gently and fairly than he
- He has stripped the green leaves that were over us all,
- But they let in the sunshine as fast as they fall.
- Young beauties may ravish the world with a glance
- As they languish in song, as they float in the dance,--
- They are grandmothers now we remember as girls,
- And the comely white cap takes the place of the curls.
- But the sighing and moaning and groaning are o'er,
- We are pining and moping and sleepless no more,
- And the hearts that were thumping like ships on the rocks
- Beat as quiet and steady as meeting-house clocks.
- The trump of ambition, loud sounding and shrill,
- May blow its long blast, but the echoes are still,
- The spring-tides are past, but no billow may reach
- The spoils they have landed far up on the beach.
- We see that Time robs us, we know that he cheats,
- But we still find a charm in his pleasant deceits,
- While he leaves the remembrance of all that was best,
- Love, friendship, and hope, and the promise of rest.
- Sweet shadows of twilight! how calm their repose,
- While the dewdrops fall soft in the breast of the rose!
- How blest to the toiler his hour of release
- When the vesper is heard with its whisper of peace!
- Then here's to the wrinkled old miser, our friend;
- May he send us his bills to the century's end,
- And lend us the moments no sorrow alloys,
- Till he squares his account with the last of "The Boys."
- 1875
- IT is a pity and a shame--alas! alas! I know it is,
- To tread the trodden grapes again, but so it has been,
- so it is;
- The purple vintage long is past, with ripened
- clusters bursting so
- They filled the wine-vats to the brim,-'t is strange
- you will be thirsting so!
- Too well our faithful memory tells what might be
- rhymed or sung about,
- For all have sighed and some have wept since last
- year's snows were flung about;
- The beacon flame that fired the sky, the modest
- ray that gladdened us,
- A little breath has quenched their light, and
- deepening shades have saddened us.
- No more our brother's life is ours for cheering or
- for grieving us,
- One only sadness they bequeathed, the sorrow of
- their leaving us;
- Farewell! Farewell!--I turn the leaf I read my
- chiming measure in;
- Who knows but something still is there a friend
- may find a pleasure in?
- For who can tell by what he likes what other
- people's fancies are?
- How all men think the best of wives their own
- particular Nancies are?
- If what I sing you brings a smile, you will not stop
- to catechise,
- Nor read Bceotia's lumbering line with nicely
- scanning Attic eyes.
- Perhaps the alabaster box that Mary broke so
- lovingly,
- While Judas looked so sternly on, the Master so
- approvingly,
- Was not so fairly wrought as those that Pilate's
- wife and daughters had,
- Or many a dame of Judah's line that drank of
- Jordan's waters had.
- Perhaps the balm that cost so dear, as some
- remarked officiously,
- The precious nard that filled the room with
- fragrance so deliciously,
- So oft recalled in storied page and sung in verse
- melodious,
- The dancing girl had thought too cheap,--that
- daughter of Herodias.
- Where now are all the mighty deeds that Herod
- boasted loudest of?
- Where now the flashing jewelry the tetrarch's wife
- was proudest of?
- Yet still to hear how Mary loved, all tribes of men
- are listening,
- And still the sinful woman's tears like stars
- heaven are glistening.
- 'T is not the gift our hands have brought, the love
- it is we bring with it,--
- The minstrel's lips may shape the song, his heart
- in tune must sing with it;
- And so we love the simple lays, and wish we might
- have more of them,
- Our poet brothers sing for us,--there must be half
- a score of them.
- It may be that of fame and name our voices once
- were emulous,--
- With deeper thoughts, with tenderer throbs their
- softening tones are tremulous;
- The dead seem listening as of old, ere friendship
- was bereft of them;
- The living wear a kinder smile, the remnant that
- is left of them.
- Though on the once unfurrowed brows the harrow-
- teeth of Time may show,
- Though all the strain of crippling years the halting
- feet of rhyme may show,
- We look and hear with melting hearts, for what
- we all remember is
- The morn of Spring, nor heed how chill the sky of
- gray November is.
- Thanks to the gracious powers above from all mankind
- that singled us,
- And dropped the pearl of friendship in the cup they
- kindly mingled us,
- And bound us in a wreath of flowers with hoops of
- steel knit under it;--
- Nor time, nor space, nor chance, nor change, nor
- death himself shall sunder it!
- 1876
- "Dumque virent genua
- Et decet, obducta solvatur fonte senectus."
- THE muse of boyhood's fervid hour
- Grows tame as skies get chill and hazy;
- Where once she sought a passion-flower,
- She only hopes to find a daisy.
- Well, who the changing world bewails?
- Who asks to have it stay unaltered?
- Shall grown-up kittens chase their tails?
- Shall colts be never shod or haltered?
- Are we "The Boys" that used to make
- The tables ring with noisy follies?
- Whose deep-lunged laughter oft would shake
- The ceiling with its thunder-volleys?
- Are we the youths with lips unshorn,
- At beauty's feet unwrinkled suitors,
- Whose memories reach tradition's morn,--
- The days of prehistoric tutors?
- "The Boys" we knew,--but who are these
- Whose heads might serve for Plutarch's sages,
- Or Fox's martyrs, if you please,
- Or hermits of the dismal ages?
- "The Boys" we knew--can these be those?
- Their cheeks with morning's blush were painted;--
- Where are the Harrys, Jims, and Joes
- With whom we once were well acquainted?
- If we are they, we're not the same;
- If they are we, why then they're masking;
- Do tell us, neighbor What 's--your--name,
- Who are you?--What's the use of asking?
- You once were George, or Bill, or Ben;
- There's you, yourself--there 's you, that other--
- I know you now--I knew you then--
- You used to be your younger brother!
- You both are all our own to-day,--
- But ah! I hear a warning whisper;
- Yon roseate hour that flits away
- Repeats the Roman's sad _paulisper_.
- Come back! come back! we've need of you
- To pay you for your word of warning;
- We'll bathe your wings in brighter dew
- Than ever wet the lids of morning!
- Behold this cup; its mystic wine
- No alien's lip has ever tasted;
- The blood of friendship's clinging vine,
- Still flowing, flowing, yet unwasted
- Old Time forgot his running sand
- And laid his hour-glass down to fill it,
- And Death himself with gentle hand
- Has touched the chalice, not to spill it.
- Each bubble rounding at the brim
- Is rainbowed with its magic story;
- The shining days with age grown dim
- Are dressed again in robes of glory;
- In all its freshness spring returns
- With song of birds and blossoms tender;
- Once more the torch of passion burns,
- And youth is here in all its splendor!
- Hope swings her anchor like a toy,
- Love laughs and shows the silver arrow
- We knew so well as man and boy,--
- The shaft that stings through bone and marrow;
- Again our kindling pulses beat,
- With tangled curls our fingers dally,
- And bygone beauties smile as sweet
- As fresh-blown lilies of the valley.
- O blessed hour! we may forget
- Its wreaths, its rhymes, its songs, its laughter,
- But not the loving eyes we met,
- Whose light shall gild the dim hereafter.
- How every heart to each grows warm!
- Is one in sunshine's ray? We share it.
- Is one in sorrow's blinding storm?
- A look, a word, shall help him bear it.
- "The Boys" we were, "The Boys" we 'll be
- As long as three, as two, are creeping;
- Then here 's to him--ah! which is he?--
- Who lives till all the rest are sleeping;
- A life with tranquil comfort blest,
- The young man's health, the rich man's plenty,
- All earth can give that earth has best,
- And heaven at fourscore years and twenty.
- 1877
- I LIKE, at times, to hear the steeples' chimes
- With sober thoughts impressively that mingle;
- But sometimes, too, I rather like--don't you?--
- To hear the music of the sleigh bells' jingle.
- I like full well the deep resounding swell
- Of mighty symphonies with chords inwoven;
- But sometimes, too, a song of Burns--don't you?
- After a solemn storm-blast of Beethoven.
- Good to the heels the well-worn slipper feels
- When the tired player shuffles off the buskin;
- A page of Hood may do a fellow good
- After a scolding from Carlyle or Ruskin.
- Some works I find,--say Watts upon the Mind,--
- No matter though at first they seemed amusing,
- Not quite the same, but just a little tame
- After some five or six times' reperusing.
- So, too, at times when melancholy rhymes
- Or solemn speeches sober down a dinner,
- I've seen it 's true, quite often,--have n't you?--
- The best-fed guests perceptibly grow thinner.
- Better some jest (in proper terms expressed)
- Or story (strictly moral) even if musty,
- Or song we sung when these old throats were young,--
- Something to keep our souls from getting rusty.
- The poorest scrap from memory's ragged lap
- Comes like an heirloom from a dear dead mother--
- Hush! there's a tear that has no business here,
- A half-formed sigh that ere its birth we smother.
- We cry, we laugh; ah, life is half and half,
- Now bright and joyous as a song of Herrick's,
- Then chill and bare as funeral-minded Blair;
- As fickle as a female in hysterics.
- If I could make you cry I would n't try;
- If you have hidden smiles I'd like to find them,
- And that although, as well I ought to know,
- The lips of laughter have a skull behind them.
- Yet when I think we may be on the brink
- Of having Freedom's banner to dispose of,
- All crimson-hued, because the Nation would
- Insist on cutting its own precious nose off,
- I feel indeed as if we rather need
- A sermon such as preachers tie a text on.
- If Freedom dies because a ballot lies,
- She earns her grave; 't is time to call the sexton!
- But if a fight can make the matter right,
- Here are we, classmates, thirty men of mettle;
- We're strong and tough, we've lived nigh long enough,--
- What if the Nation gave it us to settle?
- The tale would read like that illustrious deed
- When Curtius took the leap the gap that filled in,
- Thus: "Fivescore years, good friends, as it appears,
- At last this people split on Hayes and Tilden.
- "One half cried, 'See! the choice is S. J. T.!'
- And one half swore as stoutly it was t' other;
- Both drew the knife to save the Nation's life
- By wholesale vivisection of each other.
- "Then rose in mass that monumental Class,--
- 'Hold! hold!' they cried, 'give us, give us the daggers!'
- 'Content! content!' exclaimed with one consent
- The gaunt ex-rebels and the carpet-baggers.
- "Fifteen each side, the combatants divide,
- So nicely balanced are their predilections;
- And first of all a tear-drop each lets fall,
- A tribute to their obsolete affections.
- "Man facing man, the sanguine strife began,
- Jack, Jim and Joe against Tom, Dick and Harry,
- Each several pair its own account to square,
- Till both were down or one stood solitary.
- "And the great fight raged furious all the night
- Till every integer was made a fraction;
- Reader, wouldst know what history has to show
- As net result of the above transaction?
- "Whole coat-tails, four; stray fragments, several score;
- A heap of spectacles; a deaf man's trumpet;
- Six lawyers' briefs; seven pocket-handkerchiefs;
- Twelve canes wherewith the owners used to stump it;
- "Odd rubber-shoes; old gloves of different hues;
- Tax--bills,--unpaid,--and several empty purses;
- And, saved from harm by some protecting charm,
- A printed page with Smith's immortal verses;
- "Trifles that claim no very special name,--
- Some useful, others chiefly ornamental;
- Pins, buttons, rings, and other trivial things,
- With various wrecks, capillary and dental.
- "Also, one flag,--'t was nothing but a rag,
- And what device it bore it little matters;
- Red, white, and blue, but rent all through and through,
- 'Union forever' torn to shreds and tatters.
- "They fought so well not one was left to tell
- Which got the largest share of cuts and slashes;
- When heroes meet, both sides are bound to beat;
- They telescoped like cars in railroad smashes.
- "So the great split that baffled human wit
- And might have cost the lives of twenty millions,
- As all may see that know the rule of three,
- Was settled just as well by these civilians.
- "As well. Just so. Not worse, not better. No,
- Next morning found the Nation still divided;
- Since all were slain, the inference is plain
- They left the point they fought for undecided."
- If not quite true, as I have told it you,
- This tale of mutual extermination,
- To minds perplexed with threats of what comes next,
- Perhaps may furnish food for contemplation.
- To cut men's throats to help them count their votes
- Is asinine--nay, worse--ascidian folly;
- Blindness like that would scare the mole and bat,
- And make the liveliest monkey melancholy.
- I say once more, as I have said before,
- If voting for our Tildens and our Hayeses
- Means only fight, then, Liberty, good night!
- Pack up your ballot-box and go to blazes.
- Unfurl your blood-red flags, you murderous hags,
- You petroleuses of Paris, fierce and foamy;
- We'll sell our stock in Plymouth's blasted rock,
- Pull up our stakes and migrate to Dahomey!
- 1878
- YES! the vacant chairs tell sadly we are going, going fast,
- And the thought comes strangely o'er me, who will live to be the last?
- When the twentieth century's sunbeams climb the far-off eastern hill,
- With his ninety winters burdened, will he greet the morning still?
- Will he stand with Harvard's nurslings when they hear their mother's call
- And the old and young are gathered in the many alcoved hall?
- Will he answer to the summons when they range themselves in line
- And the young mustachioed marshal calls out "Class of '29 "?
- Methinks I see the column as its lengthened ranks appear
- In the sunshine of the morrow of the nineteen hundredth year;
- Through the yard 't is creeping, winding, by the walls of dusky red,--
- What shape is that which totters at the long procession's head?
- Who knows this ancient graduate of fourscore years and ten,--
- What place he held, what name he bore among the sons of men?
- So speeds the curious question; its answer travels slow;
- "'T is the last of sixty classmates of seventy years ago."
- His figure shows but dimly, his face I scarce can see,--
- There's something that reminds me,--it looks like--is it he?
- He? Who? No voice may whisper what wrinkled brow shall claim
- The wreath of stars that circles our last survivor's name.
- Will he be some veteran minstrel, left to pipe in feeble rhyme
- All the stories and the glories of our gay and golden time?
- Or some quiet, voiceless brother in whose lonely,loving breast
- Fond memory broods in silence, like a dove upon her nest?
- Will it be some old Emeritus, who taught so long ago
- The boys that heard him lecture have heads as white as snow?
- Or a pious, painful preacher, holding forth from year to year
- Till his colleague got a colleague whom the young folks flocked to hear?
- Will it be a rich old merchant in a square-tied white cravat,
- Or select-man of a village in a pre-historic hat?
- Will his dwelling be a mansion in a marble-fronted row,
- Or a homestead by a hillside where the huckleberries grow?
- I can see our one survivor, sitting lonely by himself,--
- All his college text-books round him, ranged in order on their shelf;
- There are classic "interliners" filled with learning's choicest pith,
- Each _cum notis variorum, quas recensuit doctus_ Smith;
- Physics, metaphysics, logic, mathematics--all the lot
- Every wisdom--crammed octavo he has mastered and forgot,
- With the ghosts of dead professors standing guard beside them all;
- And the room is fall of shadows which their lettered backs recall.
- How the past spreads out in vision with its far receding train,
- Like a long embroidered arras in the chambers of the brain,
- From opening manhood's morning when first we learned to grieve
- To the fond regretful moments of our sorrow-saddened eve!
- What early shadows darkened our idle summer's joy
- When death snatched roughly from us that lovely bright-eyed boy!
- The years move swiftly onwards; the deadly shafts fall fast,--
- Till all have dropped around him--lo, there he stands,--the last!
- Their faces flit before him, some rosy-hued and fair,
- Some strong in iron manhood, some worn with toil and care;
- Their smiles no more shall greet him on cheeks with pleasure flushed!
- The friendly hands are folded, the pleasant voices hushed!
- My picture sets me dreaming; alas! and can it be
- Those two familiar faces we never more may see?
- In every entering footfall I think them drawing near,
- With every door that opens I say, "At last they 're here!"
- The willow bends unbroken when angry tempests blow,
- The stately oak is levelled and all its strength laid low;
- So fell that tower of manhood, undaunted, patient, strong,
- White with the gathering snowflakes, who faced the storm so long.
- And he,--what subtle phrases their varying light must blend
- To paint as each remembers our many-featured friend!
- His wit a flash auroral that laughed in every look,
- His talk a sunbeam broken on the ripples of a brook,
- Or, fed from thousand sources, a fountain's glittering jet,
- Or careless handfuls scattered of diamond sparks unset;
- Ah, sketch him, paint him, mould him in every shape you will,
- He was himself--the only--the one unpictured still!
- Farewell! our skies are darkened and--yet the stars will shine,
- We 'll close our ranks together and still fall into line
- Till one is left, one only, to mourn for all the rest;
- And Heaven bequeath their memories to him who loves us best!
- 1879
- I DON'T think I feel much older; I'm aware I'm rather gray,
- But so are many young folks; I meet 'em every day.
- I confess I 'm more particular in what I eat and drink,
- But one's taste improves with culture; that is all it means, I think.
- _Can you read as once you used to?_ Well, the printing is so bad,
- No young folks' eyes can read it like the books that once we had.
- _Are you quite as quick of hearing?_ Please to say that once again.
- _Don't I use plain words, your Reverence?_ Yes, I often use a cane,
- But it's not because I need it,--no, I always liked a stick;
- And as one might lean upon it, 't is as well it should be thick.
- Oh, I'm smart, I'm spry, I'm lively,--I can walk, yes, that I can,
- On the days I feel like walking, just as well as you, young man!
- _Don't you get a little sleepy after dinner every day?_
- Well, I doze a little, sometimes, but that always was my way.
- _Don't you cry a little easier than some twenty years ago?_
- Well, my heart is very tender, but I think 't was always so.
- _Don't you find it sometimes happens that you can't recall a name?_
- Yes, I know such lots of people,--but my memory 's not to blame.
- What! You think my memory's failing! Why, it's just as bright and clear,
- I remember my great-grandma! She's been dead these sixty year!
- _Is your voice a little trembly?_ Well, it may be, now and then,
- But I write as well as ever with a good old-fashioned pen;
- It 's the Gillotts make the trouble,--not at all my finger-ends,--
- That is why my hand looks shaky when I sign for dividends.
- _Don't you stoop a little, walking?_ It 's a way I 've always had,
- I have always been round-shouldered, ever since I was a lad.
- _Don't you hate to tie your shoe-strings?_ Yes, I own it--that is true.
- _Don't you tell old stories over?_ I am not aware I do.
- _Don't you stay at home of evenings? Don't you love a cushioned seat_
- _In a corner, by the fireside, with your slippers on your feet?_
- _Don't you wear warm fleecy flannels? Don't you muffle up your throat_
- _Don't you like to have one help you when you're putting on your coat?_
- _Don't you like old books you've dogs-eared, you can't remember when?_
- _Don't you call it late at nine o'clock and go to bed at ten?_
- _How many cronies can you count of all you used to know_
- _Who called you by your Christian name some fifty years ago?_
- _How look the prizes to you that used to fire your brain?_
- _You've reared your mound-how high is it above the level plain?_
- _You 've drained the brimming golden cup that made your fancy reel,_
- _You've slept the giddy potion off,--now tell us how you feel!_
- _You've watched the harvest ripening till every stem was cropped,_
- _You 've seen the rose of beauty fade till every petal dropped,_
- _You've told your thought, you 've done your task, you've tracked your
- dial round,_
- --I backing down! Thank Heaven, not yet! I'm hale and brisk and sound,
- And good for many a tussle, as you shall live to see;
- My shoes are not quite ready yet,--don't think you're rid of me!
- Old Parr was in his lusty prime when he was older far,
- And where will you be if I live to beat old Thomas Parr?
- _Ah well,--I know,--at every age life has a certain charm,_--
- _You're going? Come, permit me, please, I beg you'll take my arm._
- I take your arm! Why take your arm? I 'd thank you to be told
- I 'm old enough to walk alone, but not so _very_ old!
- 1880
- "How many have gone?" was the question of old
- Ere Time our bright ring of its jewels bereft;
- Alas! for too often the death-bell has tolled,
- And the question we ask is, "How many are left?"
- Bright sparkled the wine; there were fifty that quaffed;
- For a decade had slipped and had taken but three.
- How they frolicked and sung, how they shouted and laughed,
- Like a school full of boys from their benches set free!
- There were speeches and toasts, there were stories and rhymes,
- The hall shook its sides with their merriment's noise;
- As they talked and lived over the college-day times,--
- No wonder they kept their old name of "The Boys"!
- The seasons moved on in their rhythmical flow
- With mornings like maidens that pouted or smiled,
- With the bud and the leaf and the fruit and the snow,
- And the year-books of Time in his alcoves were piled.
- There were forty that gathered where fifty had met;
- Some locks had got silvered, some lives had grown sere,
- But the laugh of the laughers was lusty as yet,
- And the song of the singers rose ringing and clear.
- Still flitted the years; there were thirty that came;
- "The Boys" they were still, and they answered their call;
- There were foreheads of care, but the smiles were the same,
- And the chorus rang loud through the garlanded hall.
- The hour-hand moved on, and they gathered again;
- There were twenty that joined in the hymn that was sung;
- But ah! for our song-bird we listened in vain,--
- The crystalline tones like a seraph's that rung!
- How narrow the circle that holds us to-night!
- How many the loved ones that greet us no more,
- As we meet like the stragglers that come from the fight,
- Like the mariners flung from a wreck on the shore!
- We look through the twilight for those we have lost;
- The stream rolls between us, and yet they seem near;
- Already outnumbered by those who have crossed,
- Our band is transplanted, its home is not here!
- They smile on us still--is it only a dream?--
- While fondly or proudly their names we recall;
- They beckon--they come--they are crossing the stream--
- Lo! the Shadows! the Shadows! room--room for them all!
- 1881
- FOR him the Architect of all
- Unroofed our planet's starlit hall;
- Through voids unknown to worlds unseen
- His clearer vision rose serene.
- With us on earth he walked by day,
- His midnight path how far away!
- We knew him not so well who knew
- The patient eyes his soul looked through;
- For who his untrod realm could share
- Of us that breathe this mortal air,
- Or camp in that celestial tent
- Whose fringes gild our firmament?
- How vast the workroom where he brought
- The viewless implements of thought!
- The wit how subtle, how profound,
- That Nature's tangled webs unwound;
- That through the clouded matrix saw
- The crystal planes of shaping law,
- Through these the sovereign skill that planned,--
- The Father's care, the Master's hand!
- To him the wandering stars revealed
- The secrets in their cradle sealed
- The far-off, frozen sphere that swings
- Through ether, zoned with lucid rings;
- The orb that rolls in dim eclipse
- Wide wheeling round its long ellipse,--
- His name Urania writes with these
- And stamps it on her Pleiades.
- We knew him not? Ah, well we knew
- The manly soul, so brave, so true,
- The cheerful heart that conquered age,
- The childlike silver-bearded sage.
- No more his tireless thought explores
- The azure sea with golden shores;
- Rest, wearied frame I the stars shall keep
- A loving watch where thou shalt sleep.
- Farewell! the spirit needs must rise,
- So long a tenant of the skies,--
- Rise to that home all worlds above
- Whose sun is God, whose light is love.
- 1882
- NOT bed-time yet! The night-winds blow,
- The stars are out,--full well we know
- The nurse is on the stair,
- With hand of ice and cheek of snow,
- And frozen lips that whisper low,
- "Come, children, it is time to go
- My peaceful couch to share."
- No years a wakeful heart can tire;
- Not bed-time yet! Come, stir the fire
- And warm your dear old hands;
- Kind Mother Earth we love so well
- Has pleasant stories yet to tell
- Before we hear the curfew bell;
- Still glow the burning brands.
- Not bed-time yet! We long to know
- What wonders time has yet to show,
- What unborn years shall bring;
- What ship the Arctic pole shall reach,
- What lessons Science waits to teach,
- What sermons there are left to preach.
- What poems yet to sing.
- What next? we ask; and is it true
- The sunshine falls on nothing new,
- As Israel's king declared?
- Was ocean ploughed with harnessed fire?
- Were nations coupled with a wire?
- Did Tarshish telegraph to Tyre?
- How Hiram would have stared!
- And what if Sheba's curious queen,
- Who came to see,--and to be seen,--
- Or something new to seek,
- And swooned, as ladies sometimes do,
- At sights that thrilled her through and through,
- Had heard, as she was "coming to,"
- A locomotive's shriek,
- And seen a rushing railway train
- As she looked out along the plain
- From David's lofty tower,--
- A mile of smoke that blots the sky
- And blinds the eagles as they fly
- Behind the cars that thunder by
- A score of leagues an hour!
- See to my _fiat lux_ respond
- This little slumbering fire-tipped wand,--
- One touch,--it bursts in flame!
- Steal me a portrait from the sun,--
- One look,--and to! the picture done!
- Are these old tricks, King Solomon,
- We lying moderns claim?
- Could you have spectroscoped a star?
- If both those mothers at your bar,
- The cruel and the mild,
- The young and tender, old and tough,
- Had said, "Divide,--you're right, though rough,"--
- Did old Judea know enough
- To etherize the child?
- These births of time our eyes have seen,
- With but a few brief years between;
- What wonder if the text,
- For other ages doubtless true,
- For coming years will never do,--
- Whereof we all should like a few,
- If but to see what next.
- If such things have been, such may be;
- Who would not like to live and see--
- If Heaven may so ordain--
- What waifs undreamed of, yet in store,
- The waves that roll forevermore
- On life's long beach may east ashore
- From out the mist-clad main?
- Will Earth to pagan dreams return
- To find from misery's painted urn
- That all save hope has flown,--
- Of Book and Church and Priest bereft,
- The Rock of Ages vainly cleft,
- Life's compass gone, its anchor left,
- Left,--lost,--in depths unknown?
- Shall Faith the trodden path pursue
- The _crux ansata_ wearers knew
- Who sleep with folded hands,
- Where, like a naked, lidless eye,
- The staring Nile rolls wandering by
- Those mountain slopes that climb the sky
- Above the drifting sands?
- Or shall a nobler Faith return,
- Its fanes a purer gospel learn,
- With holier anthems ring,
- And teach us that our transient creeds
- Were but the perishable seeds
- Of harvests sown for larger needs,
- That ripening years shall bring?
- Well, let the present do its best,
- We trust our Maker for the rest,
- As on our way we plod;
- Our souls, full dressed in fleshly suits,
- Love air and sunshine, flowers and fruits,
- The daisies better than their roots
- Beneath the grassy sod.
- Not bed-time yet! The full-blown flower
- Of all the year--this evening hour--
- With friendship's flame is bright;
- Life still is sweet, the heavens are fair,
- Though fields are brown and woods are bare,
- And many a joy is left to share
- Before we say Good-night!
- And when, our cheerful evening past,
- The nurse, long waiting, comes at last,
- Ere on her lap we lie
- In wearied nature's sweet repose,
- At peace with all her waking foes,
- Our lips shall murmur, ere they close,
- Good-night! and not Good-by!
- 1883
- COME, heap the fagots! Ere we go
- Again the cheerful hearth shall glow;
- We 'll have another blaze, my boys!
- When clouds are black and snows are white,
- Then Christmas logs lend ruddy light
- They stole from summer days, my boys,
- They stole from summer days.
- And let the Loving-Cup go round,
- The Cup with blessed memories crowned,
- That flows whene'er we meet, my boys;
- No draught will hold a drop of sin
- If love is only well stirred in
- To keep it sound and sweet, my boys,
- To keep it sound and sweet.
- Give me, to pin upon my breast,
- The blossoms twain I love the best,
- A rosebud and a pink, my boys;
- Their leaves shall nestle next my heart,
- Their perfumed breath shall own its part
- In every health we drink, my boys,
- In every health we drink.
- The breathing blossoms stir my blood,
- Methinks I see the lilacs bud
- And hear the bluebirds sing, my boys;
- Why not? Yon lusty oak has seen
- Full tenscore years, yet leaflets green
- Peep out with every spring, my boys,
- Peep out with every spring.
- Old Time his rusty scythe may whet,
- The unmowed grass is glowing yet
- Beneath the sheltering snow, my boys;
- And if the crazy dotard ask,
- Is love worn out? Is life a task?
- We'll bravely answer No! my boys,
- We 'll bravely answer No!
- For life's bright taper is the same
- Love tipped of old with rosy flame
- That heaven's own altar lent, my boys,
- To glow in every cup we fill
- Till lips are mute and hearts are still,
- Till life and love are spent, my boys,
- Till life and love are spent.
- 1884
- SHE gathered at her slender waist
- The beauteous robe she wore;
- Its folds a golden belt embraced,
- One rose-hued gem it bore.
- The girdle shrank; its lessening round
- Still kept the shining gem,
- But now her flowing locks it bound,
- A lustrous diadem.
- And narrower still the circlet grew;
- Behold! a glittering band,
- Its roseate diamond set anew,
- Her neck's white column spanned.
- Suns rise and set; the straining clasp
- The shortened links resist,
- Yet flashes in a bracelet's grasp
- The diamond, on her wrist.
- At length, the round of changes past
- The thieving years could bring,
- The jewel, glittering to the last,
- Still sparkles in a ring.
- So, link by link, our friendships part,
- So loosen, break, and fall,
- A narrowing zone; the loving heart
- Lives changeless through them all.
- 1885
- THE minstrel of the classic lay
- Of love and wine who sings
- Still found the fingers run astray
- That touched the rebel strings.
- Of Cadmus he would fain have sung,
- Of Atreus and his line;
- But all the jocund echoes rung
- With songs of love and wine.
- Ah, brothers! I would fain have caught
- Some fresher fancy's gleam;
- My truant accents find, unsought,
- The old familiar theme.
- Love, Love! but not the sportive child
- With shaft and twanging bow,
- Whose random arrows drove us wild
- Some threescore years ago;
- Not Eros, with his joyous laugh,
- The urchin blind and bare,
- But Love, with spectacles and staff,
- And scanty, silvered hair.
- Our heads with frosted locks are white,
- Our roofs are thatched with snow,
- But red, in chilling winter's spite,
- Our hearts and hearthstones glow.
- Our old acquaintance, Time, drops in,
- And while the running sands
- Their golden thread unheeded spin,
- He warms his frozen hands.
- Stay, winged hours, too swift, too sweet,
- And waft this message o'er
- To all we miss, from all we meet
- On life's fast-crumbling shore:
- Say that, to old affection true,
- We hug the narrowing chain
- That binds our hearts,--alas, how few
- The links that yet remain!
- The fatal touch awaits them all
- That turns the rocks to dust;
- From year to year they break and fall,--
- They break, but never rust.
- Say if one note of happier strain
- This worn-out harp afford,--
- One throb that trembles, not in vain,--
- Their memory lent its chord.
- Say that when Fancy closed her wings
- And Passion quenched his fire,
- Love, Love, still echoed from the strings
- As from Anacreon's lyre!
- 1886
- THIS shred of song you bid me bring
- Is snatched from fancy's embers;
- Ah, when the lips forget to sing,
- The faithful heart remembers!
- Too swift the wings of envious Time
- To wait for dallying phrases,
- Or woven strands of labored rhyme
- To thread their cunning mazes.
- A word, a sigh, and lo, how plain
- Its magic breath discloses
- Our life's long vista through a lane
- Of threescore summers' roses!
- One language years alone can teach
- Its roots are young affections
- That feel their way to simplest speech
- Through silent recollections.
- That tongue is ours. How few the words
- We need to know a brother!
- As simple are the notes of birds,
- Yet well they know each other.
- This freezing month of ice and snow
- That brings our lives together
- Lends to our year a living glow
- That warms its wintry weather.
- So let us meet as eve draws nigh,
- And life matures and mellows,
- Till Nature whispers with a sigh,
- "Good-night, my dear old fellows!"
- 1887
- I STOOD On Sarum's treeless plain,
- The waste that careless Nature owns;
- Lone tenants of her bleak domain,
- Loomed huge and gray the Druid stones.
- Upheaved in many a billowy mound
- The sea-like, naked turf arose,
- Where wandering flocks went nibbling round
- The mingled graves of friends and foes.
- The Briton, Roman, Saxon, Dane,
- This windy desert roamed in turn;
- Unmoved these mighty blocks remain
- Whose story none that lives may learn.
- Erect, half buried, slant or prone,
- These awful listeners, blind and dumb,
- Hear the strange tongues of tribes unknown,
- As wave on wave they go and come.
- "Who are you, giants, whence and why?"
- I stand and ask in blank amaze;
- My soul accepts their mute reply
- "A mystery, as are you that gaze.
- "A silent Orpheus wrought the charm
- From riven rocks their spoils to bring;
- A nameless Titan lent his arm
- To range us in our magic ring.
- "But Time with still and stealthy stride,
- That climbs and treads and levels all,
- That bids the loosening keystone slide,
- And topples down the crumbling wall,--
- "Time, that unbuilds the quarried past,
- Leans on these wrecks that press the sod;
- They slant, they stoop, they fall at last,
- And strew the turf their priests have trod.
- "No more our altar's wreath of smoke
- Floats up with morning's fragrant dew;
- The fires are dead, the ring is broke,
- Where stood the many stand the few."
- My thoughts had wandered far away,
- Borne off on Memory's outspread wing,
- To where in deepening twilight lay
- The wrecks of friendship's broken ring.
- Ah me! of all our goodly train
- How few will find our banquet hall!
- Yet why with coward lips complain
- That this must lean, and that must fall?
- Cold is the Druid's altar-stone,
- Its vanished flame no more returns;
- But ours no chilling damp has known,--
- Unchanged, unchanging, still it burns.
- So let our broken circle stand
- A wreck, a remnant, yet the same,
- While one last, loving, faithful hand
- Still lives to feed its altar-flame!
- 1888
- TIME is a thief who leaves his tools behind him;
- He comes by night, he vanishes at dawn;
- We track his footsteps, but we never find him
- Strong locks are broken, massive bolts are drawn,
- And all around are left the bars and borers,
- The splitting wedges and the prying keys,
- Such aids as serve the soft-shod vault-explorers
- To crack, wrench open, rifle as they please.
- Ah, these are tools which Heaven in mercy lends us
- When gathering rust has clenched our shackles fast,
- Time is the angel-thief that Nature sends us
- To break the cramping fetters of our past.
- Mourn as we may for treasures he has taken,
- Poor as we feel of hoarded wealth bereft,
- More precious are those implements forsaken,
- Found in the wreck his ruthless hands have left.
- Some lever that a casket's hinge has broken
- Pries off a bolt, and lo! our souls are free;
- Each year some Open Sesame is spoken,
- And every decade drops its master-key.
- So as from year to year we count our treasure,
- Our loss seems less, and larger look our gains;
- Time's wrongs repaid in more than even measure,--
- We lose our jewels, but we break our chains.
- 1889
- THE Play is over. While the light
- Yet lingers in the darkening hall,
- I come to say a last Good-night
- Before the final _Exeunt all_.
- We gathered once, a joyous throng:
- The jovial toasts went gayly round;
- With jest, and laugh, and shout, and song,
- We made the floors and walls resound.
- We come with feeble steps and slow,
- A little band of four or five,
- Left from the wrecks of long ago,
- Still pleased to find ourselves alive.
- Alive! How living, too, are they
- Whose memories it is ours to share!
- Spread the long table's full array,--
- There sits a ghost in every chair!
- One breathing form no more, alas!
- Amid our slender group we see;
- With him we still remained "The Class,"--
- Without his presence what are we?
- The hand we ever loved to clasp,--
- That tireless hand which knew no rest,--
- Loosed from affection's clinging grasp,
- Lies nerveless on the peaceful breast.
- The beaming eye, the cheering voice,
- That lent to life a generous glow,
- Whose every meaning said "Rejoice,"
- We see, we hear, no more below.
- The air seems darkened by his loss,
- Earth's shadowed features look less fair,
- And heavier weighs the daily cross
- His willing shoulders helped us bear.
- Why mourn that we, the favored few
- Whom grasping Time so long has spared
- Life's sweet illusions to pursue,
- The common lot of age have shared?
- In every pulse of Friendship's heart
- There breeds unfelt a throb of pain,--
- One hour must rend its links apart,
- Though years on years have forged the chain.
- . . . . . . . . . . . .
- So ends "The Boys,"--a lifelong play.
- We too must hear the Prompter's call
- To fairer scenes and brighter day
- Farewell! I let the curtain fall.
- 1857-1858
- THIS is the ship of pearl, which, poets feign,
- Sails the unshadowed main,--
- The venturous bark that flings
- On the sweet summer wind its purpled wings
- In gulfs enchanted, where the Siren sings,
- And coral reefs lie bare,
- Where the cold sea-maids rise to sun their streaming hair.
- Its webs of living gauze no more unfurl;
- Wrecked is the ship of pearl!
- And every chambered cell,
- Where its dim dreaming life was wont to dwell,
- As the frail tenant shaped his growing shell,
- Before thee lies revealed,--
- Its irised ceiling rent, its sunless crypt unsealed!
- Year after year beheld the silent toil
- That spread his lustrous coil;
- Still, as the spiral grew,
- He left the past year's dwelling for the new,
- Stole with soft step its shining archway through,
- Built up its idle door,
- Stretched in his last-found home, and knew the old no more.
- Thanks for the heavenly message brought by thee,
- Child of the wandering sea,
- Cast from her lap, forlorn!
- From thy dead lips a clearer note is born
- Than ever Triton blew from wreathed horn
- While on mine ear it rings,
- Through the deep caves of thought I hear a voice that sings:--
- Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul,
- As the swift seasons roll!
- Leave thy low-vaulted past!
- Let each new temple, nobler than the last,
- Shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast,
- Till thou at length art free,
- Leaving thine outgrown shell by life's unresting sea!
- As I look from the isle, o'er its billows of green,
- To the billows of foam-crested blue,
- Yon bark, that afar in the distance is seen,
- Half dreaming, my eyes will pursue
- Now dark in the shadow, she scatters the spray
- As the chaff in the stroke of the flail;
- Now white as the sea-gull, she flies on her way,
- The sun gleaming bright on her sail.
- Yet her pilot is thinking of dangers to shun,--
- Of breakers that whiten and roar;
- How little he cares, if in shadow or sun
- They see him who gaze from the shore!
- He looks to the beacon that looms from the reef,
- To the rock that is under his lee,
- As he drifts on the blast, like a wind-wafted leaf,
- O'er the gulfs of the desolate sea.
- Thus drifting afar to the dim-vaulted caves
- Where life and its ventures are laid,
- The dreamers who gaze while we battle the waves
- May see us in sunshine or shade;
- Yet true to our course, though the shadows grow dark,
- We'll trim our broad sail as before,
- And stand by the rudder that governs the bark,
- Nor ask how we look from the shore!
- O MY lost beauty!--hast thou folded quite
- Thy wings of morning light
- Beyond those iron gates
- Where Life crowds hurrying to the haggard Fates,
- And Age upon his mound of ashes waits
- To chill our fiery dreams,
- Hot from the heart of youth plunged in his icy streams?
- Leave me not fading in these weeds of care,
- Whose flowers are silvered hair!
- Have I not loved thee long,
- Though my young lips have often done thee wrong,
- And vexed thy heaven-tuned ear with careless song?
- Ah, wilt thou yet return,
- Bearing thy rose-hued torch, and bid thine altar burn?
- Come to me!--I will flood thy silent shrine
- With my soul's sacred wine,
- And heap thy marble floors
- As the wild spice-trees waste their fragrant stores,
- In leafy islands walled with madrepores
- And lapped in Orient seas,
- When all their feathery palms toss, plume-like, in the breeze.
- Come to me!--thou shalt feed on honeyed words,
- Sweeter than song of birds;--
- No wailing bulbul's throat,
- No melting dulcimer's melodious note
- When o'er the midnight wave its murmurs float,
- Thy ravished sense might soothe
- With flow so liquid-soft, with strain so velvet-smooth.
- Thou shalt be decked with jewels, like a queen,
- Sought in those bowers of green
- Where loop the clustered vines
- And the close-clinging dulcamara twines,--
- Pure pearls of Maydew where the moonlight shines,
- And Summer's fruited gems,
- And coral pendants shorn from Autumn's berried stems.
- Sit by me drifting on the sleepy waves,--
- Or stretched by grass-grown graves,
- Whose gray, high-shouldered stones,
- Carved with old names Life's time-worn roll disowns,
- Lean, lichen-spotted, o'er the crumbled bones
- Still slumbering where they lay
- While the sad Pilgrim watched to scare the wolf away.
- Spread o'er my couch thy visionary wing!
- Still let me dream and sing,--
- Dream of that winding shore
- Where scarlet cardinals bloom-for me no more,--
- The stream with heaven beneath its liquid floor,
- And clustering nenuphars
- Sprinkling its mirrored blue like golden-chaliced stars!
- Come while their balms the linden-blossoms shed!--
- Come while the rose is red,--
- While blue-eyed Summer smiles
- On the green ripples round yon sunken piles
- Washed by the moon-wave warm from Indian isles,
- And on the sultry air
- The chestnuts spread their palms like holy men in prayer!
- Oh for thy burning lips to fire my brain
- With thrills of wild, sweet pain!--
- On life's autumnal blast,
- Like shrivelled leaves, youth's passion-flowers are cast,--
- Once loving thee, we love thee to the last!--
- Behold thy new-decked shrine,
- And hear once more the voice that breathed "Forever thine!"
- YES, we knew we must lose him,--though friendship may claim
- To blend her green leaves with the laurels of fame;
- Though fondly, at parting, we call him our own,
- 'T is the whisper of love when the bugle has blown.
- As the rider that rests with the spur on his heel,
- As the guardsman that sleeps in his corselet of steel,
- As the archer that stands with his shaft on the string,
- He stoops from his toil to the garland we bring.
- What pictures yet slumber unborn in his loom,
- Till their warriors shall breathe and their beauties shall bloom,
- While the tapestry lengthens the life-glowing dyes
- That caught from our sunsets the stain of their skies!
- In the alcoves of death, in the charnels of timid,
- Where flit the gaunt spectres of passion and crime,
- There are triumphs untold, there are martyrs unsung,
- There are heroes yet silent to speak with his tongue!
- Let us hear the proud story which time has bequeathed!
- From lips that are warm with the freedom they breathed!
- Let him summon its tyrants, and tell us their doom,
- Though he sweep the black past like Van Tromp with his broom!
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- The dream flashes by, for the west-winds awake
- On pampas, on prairie, o'er mountain and lake,
- To bathe the swift bark, like a sea-girdled shrine,
- With incense they stole from the rose and the pine.
- So fill a bright cup with the sunlight that gushed
- When the dead summer's jewels were trampled and crushed:
- THE TRUE KNIGHT OF LEARNING,--the world holds him dear,--
- Love bless him, Joy crown him, God speed his career!
- 1857.
- THAT age was older once than now,
- In spite of locks untimely shed,
- Or silvered on the youthful brow;
- That babes make love and children wed.
- That sunshine had a heavenly glow,
- Which faded with those "good old days"
- When winters came with deeper snow,
- And autumns with a softer haze.
- That--mother, sister, wife, or child--
- The "best of women" each has known.
- Were school-boys ever half so wild?
- How young the grandpapas have grown!
- That but for this our souls were free,
- And but for that our lives were blest;
- That in some season yet to be
- Our cares will leave us time to rest.
- Whene'er we groan with ache or pain,--
- Some common ailment of the race,--
- Though doctors think the matter plain,--
- That ours is "a peculiar case."
- That when like babes with fingers burned
- We count one bitter maxim more,
- Our lesson all the world has learned,
- And men are wiser than before.
- That when we sob o'er fancied woes,
- The angels hovering overhead
- Count every pitying drop that flows,
- And love us for the tears we shed.
- That when we stand with tearless eye
- And turn the beggar from our door,
- They still approve us when we sigh,
- "Ah, had I but one thousand more!"
- Though temples crowd the crumbled brink
- O'erhanging truth's eternal flow,
- Their tablets bold with what we think,
- Their echoes dumb to what we know;
- That one unquestioned text we read,
- All doubt beyond, all fear above,
- Nor crackling pile nor cursing creed
- Can burn or blot it: GOD IS LOVE!
- THE sunbeams, lost for half a year,
- Slant through my pane their morning rays;
- For dry northwesters cold and clear,
- The east blows in its thin blue haze.
- And first the snowdrop's bells are seen,
- Then close against the sheltering wall
- The tulip's horn of dusky green,
- The peony's dark unfolding ball.
- The golden-chaliced crocus burns;
- The long narcissus-blades appear;
- The cone-beaked hyacinth returns
- To light her blue-flamed chandelier.
- The willow's whistling lashes, wrung
- By the wild winds of gusty March,
- With sallow leaflets lightly strung,
- Are swaying by the tufted larch.
- The elms have robed their slender spray
- With full-blown flower and embryo leaf;
- Wide o'er the clasping arch of day
- Soars like a cloud their hoary chief.
- See the proud tulip's flaunting cup,
- That flames in glory for an hour,--
- Behold it withering,--then look up,--
- How meek the forest monarch's flower!
- When wake the violets, Winter dies;
- When sprout the elm-buds, Spring is near:
- When lilacs blossom, Summer cries,
- "Bud, little roses! Spring is here!"
- The windows blush with fresh bouquets,
- Cut with the May-dew on their lips;
- The radish all its bloom displays,
- Pink as Aurora's finger-tips.
- Nor less the flood of light that showers
- On beauty's changed corolla-shades,--
- The walks are gay as bridal bowers
- With rows of many-petalled maids.
- The scarlet shell-fish click and clash
- In the blue barrow where they slide;
- The horseman, proud of streak and splash,
- Creeps homeward from his morning ride.
- Here comes the dealer's awkward string,
- With neck in rope and tail in knot,--
- Rough colts, with careless country-swing,
- In lazy walk or slouching trot.
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- Wild filly from the mountain-side,
- Doomed to the close and chafing thills,
- Lend me thy long, untiring stride
- To seek with thee thy western hills!
- I hear the whispering voice of Spring,
- The thrush's trill, the robin's cry,
- Like some poor bird with prisoned wing
- That sits and sings, but longs to fly.
- Oh for one spot of living greed,--
- One little spot where leaves can grow,--
- To love unblamed, to walk unseen,
- To dream above, to sleep below!
- A PROLOGUE? Well, of course the ladies know,--
- I have my doubts. No matter,--here we go!
- What is a Prologue? Let our Tutor teach:
- Pro means beforehand; logos stands for speech.
- 'T is like the harper's prelude on the strings,
- The prima donna's courtesy ere she sings;
- Prologues in metre are to other pros
- As worsted stockings are to engine-hose.
- "The world's a stage,"--as Shakespeare said, one day;
- The stage a world--was what he meant to say.
- The outside world's a blunder, that is clear;
- The real world that Nature meant is here.
- Here every foundling finds its lost mamma;
- Each rogue, repentant, melts his stern papa;
- Misers relent, the spendthrift's debts are paid,
- The cheats are taken in the traps they laid;
- One after one the troubles all are past
- Till the fifth act comes right side up at last,
- When the young couple, old folks, rogues, and all,
- Join hands, so happy at the curtain's fall.
- Here suffering virtue ever finds relief,
- And black-browed ruffians always come to grief.
- When the lorn damsel, with a frantic screech,
- And cheeks as hueless as a brandy-peach,
- Cries, "Help, kyind Heaven!" and drops upon her knees
- On the green--baize,--beneath the (canvas) trees,--
- See to her side avenging Valor fly:--
- "Ha! Villain! Draw! Now, Terraitorr, yield or die!"
- When the poor hero flounders in despair,
- Some dear lost uncle turns up millionaire,
- Clasps the young scapegrace with paternal joy,
- Sobs on his neck, "My boy! MY BOY!! _MY BOY_!!!"
- Ours, then, sweet friends, the real world to-night,
- Of love that conquers in disaster's spite.
- Ladies, attend! While woful cares and doubt
- Wrong the soft passion in the world without,
- Though fortune scowl, though prudence interfere,
- One thing is certain: Love will triumph here!
- Lords of creation, whom your ladies rule,--
- The world's great masters, when you 're out of school,--
- Learn the brief moral of our evening's play
- Man has his will,--but woman has her way!
- While man's dull spirit toils in smoke and fire,
- Woman's swift instinct threads the electric wire,--
- The magic bracelet stretched beneath the waves
- Beats the black giant with his score of slaves.
- All earthly powers confess your sovereign art
- But that one rebel,--woman's wilful heart.
- All foes you master, but a woman's wit
- Lets daylight through you ere you know you 're hit.
- So, just to picture what her art can do,
- Hear an old story, made as good as new.
- Rudolph, professor of the headsman's trade,
- Alike was famous for his arm and blade.
- One day a prisoner Justice had to kill
- Knelt at the block to test the artist's skill.
- Bare-armed, swart-visaged, gaunt, and shaggy-browed,
- Rudolph the headsman rose above the crowd.
- His falchion lighted with a sudden gleam,
- As the pike's armor flashes in the stream.
- He sheathed his blade; he turned as if to go;
- The victim knelt, still waiting for the blow.
- "Why strikest not? Perform thy murderous act,"
- The prisoner said. (His voice was slightly cracked.)
- "Friend, I have struck," the artist straight replied;
- "Wait but one moment, and yourself decide."
- He held his snuff-box,--"Now then, if you please!"
- The prisoner sniffed, and, with a crashing sneeze,
- Off his head tumbled,--bowled along the floor,--
- Bounced down the steps;--the prisoner said no more!
- Woman! thy falchion is a glittering eye;
- If death lurk in it, oh how sweet to die!
- Thou takest hearts as Rudolph took the head;
- We die with love, and never dream we're dead!
- WHEN legislators keep the law,
- When banks dispense with bolts and looks,
- When berries--whortle, rasp, and straw--
- Grow bigger downwards through the box,--
- When he that selleth house or land
- Shows leak in roof or flaw in right,--
- When haberdashers choose the stand
- Whose window hath the broadest light,--
- When preachers tell us all they think,
- And party leaders all they mean,--
- When what we pay for, that we drink,
- From real grape and coffee-bean,--
- When lawyers take what they would give,
- And doctors give what they would take,--
- When city fathers eat to live,
- Save when they fast for conscience' sake,--
- When one that hath a horse on sale
- Shall bring his merit to the proof,
- Without a lie for every nail
- That holds the iron on the hoof,--
- When in the usual place for rips
- Our gloves are stitched with special care,
- And guarded well the whalebone tips
- Where first umbrellas need repair,--
- When Cuba's weeds have quite forgot
- The power of suction to resist,
- And claret-bottles harbor not
- Such dimples as would hold your fist,--
- When publishers no longer steal,
- And pay for what they stole before,--
- When the first locomotive's wheel
- Rolls through the Hoosac Tunnel's bore;--
- Till then let Cumming blaze away,
- And Miller's saints blow up the globe;
- But when you see that blessed day,
- Then order your ascension robe.
- WHEN Eve had led her lord away,
- And Cain had killed his brother,
- The stars and flowers, the poets say,
- Agreed with one another.
- To cheat the cunning tempter's art,
- And teach the race its duty,
- By keeping on its wicked heart
- Their eyes of light and beauty.
- A million sleepless lids, they say,
- Will be at least a warning;
- And so the flowers would watch by day,
- The stars from eve to morning.
- On hill and prairie, field and lawn,
- Their dewy eyes upturning,
- The flowers still watch from reddening dawn
- Till western skies are burning.
- Alas! each hour of daylight tells
- A tale of shame so crushing,
- That some turn white as sea-bleached shells,
- And some are always blushing.
- But when the patient stars look down
- On all their light discovers,
- The traitor's smile, the murderer's frown,
- The lips of lying lovers,
- They try to shut their saddening eyes,
- And in the vain endeavor
- We see them twinkling in the skies,
- And so they wink forever.
- BRAVE singer of the coming time,
- Sweet minstrel of the joyous present,
- Crowned with the noblest wreath of rhyme,
- The holly-leaf of Ayrshire's peasant,
- Good by! Good by!--Our hearts and hands,
- Our lips in honest Saxon phrases,
- Cry, God be with him, till he stands
- His feet among the English daisies!
- 'T is here we part;--for other eyes
- The busy deck, the fluttering streamer,
- The dripping arms that plunge and rise,
- The waves in foam, the ship in tremor,
- The kerchiefs waving from the pier,
- The cloudy pillar gliding o'er him,
- The deep blue desert, lone and drear,
- With heaven above and home before him!
- His home!--the Western giant smiles,
- And twirls the spotty globe to find it;
- This little speck the British Isles?
- 'T is but a freckle,--never mind it!
- He laughs, and all his prairies roll,
- Each gurgling cataract roars and chuckles,
- And ridges stretched from pole to pole
- Heave till they crack their iron knuckles!
- But Memory blushes at the sneer,
- And Honor turns with frown defiant,
- And Freedom, leaning on her spear,
- Laughs louder than the laughing giant
- "An islet is a world," she said,
- "When glory with its dust has blended,
- And Britain keeps her noble dead
- Till earth and seas and skies are rended!"
- Beneath each swinging forest-bough
- Some arm as stout in death reposes,--
- From wave-washed foot to heaven-kissed brow
- Her valor's life-blood runs in roses;
- Nay, let our brothers of the West
- Write smiling in their florid pages,
- One half her soil has walked the rest
- In poets, heroes, martyrs, sages!
- Hugged in the clinging billow's clasp,
- From sea-weed fringe to mountain heather,
- The British oak with rooted grasp
- Her slender handful holds together;--
- With cliffs of white and bowers of green,
- And Ocean narrowing to caress her,
- And hills and threaded streams between,--
- Our little mother isle, God bless her!
- In earth's broad temple where we stand,
- Fanned by the eastern gales that brought us,
- We hold the missal in our hand,
- Bright with the lines our Mother taught us.
- Where'er its blazoned page betrays
- The glistening links of gilded fetters,
- Behold, the half-turned leaf displays
- Her rubric stained in crimson letters!
- Enough! To speed a parting friend
- 'T is vain alike to speak and listen;--
- Yet stay,--these feeble accents blend
- With rays of light from eyes that glisten.
- Good by! once more,--and kindly tell
- In words of peace the young world's story,--
- And say, besides, we love too well
- Our mothers' soil, our fathers' glory.
- THOUGH young no more, we still would dream
- Of beauty's dear deluding wiles;
- The leagues of life to graybeards seem
- Shorter than boyhood's lingering miles.
- Who knows a woman's wild caprice?
- 'It played with Goethe's silvered hair,
- And many a Holy Father's "niece"
- Has softly smoothed the papal chair.
- When sixty bids us sigh in vain
- To melt the heart of sweet sixteen,
- We think upon those ladies twain
- Who loved so well the tough old Dean.
- We see the Patriarch's wintry face,
- The maid of Egypt's dusky glow,
- And dream that Youth and Age embrace,
- As April violets fill with snow.
- Tranced in her lord's Olympian smile
- His lotus-loving Memphian lies,--
- The musky daughter of the Nile,
- With plaited hair and almond eyes.
- Might we but share one wild caress
- Ere life's autumnal blossoms fall,
- And Earth's brown, clinging lips impress
- The long cold kiss that waits us all!
- My bosom heaves, remembering yet
- The morning of that blissful day,
- When Rose, the flower of spring, I met,
- And gave my raptured soul away.
- Flung from her eyes of purest blue,
- A lasso, with its leaping chain,
- Light as a loop of larkspurs, flew
- O'er sense and spirit, heart and brain.
- Thou com'st to cheer my waning age,
- Sweet vision, waited for so long!
- Dove that would seek the poet's cage
- Lured by the magic breath of song!
- She blushes! Ah, reluctant maid,
- Love's drapeau rouge the truth has told!
- O' er girlhood's yielding barricade
- Floats the great Leveller's crimson fold!
- Come to my arms!--love heeds not years;
- No frost the bud of passion knows.
- Ha! what is this my frenzy hears?
- A voice behind me uttered,--Rose!
- Sweet was her smile,--but not for me;
- Alas! when woman looks too kind,
- Just turn your foolish head and see,--
- Some youth is walking close behind!
- "Man wants but little here below"
- LITTLE I ask; my wants are few;
- I only wish a hut of stone,
- (A _very plain_ brown stone will do,)
- That I may call my own;--
- And close at hand is such a one,
- In yonder street that fronts the sun.
- Plain food is quite enough for me;
- Three courses are as good as ten;--
- If Nature can subsist on three,
- Thank Heaven for three. Amen
- I always thought cold victual nice;--
- My _choice_ would be vanilla-ice.
- I care not much for gold or land;--
- Give me a mortgage here and there,--
- Some good bank-stock, some note of hand,
- Or trifling railroad share,--
- I only ask that Fortune send
- A _little_ more than I shall spend.
- Honors are silly toys, I know,
- And titles are but empty names;
- I would, _perhaps_, be Plenipo,--
- But only near St. James;
- I'm very sure I should not care
- To fill our Gubernator's chair.
- Jewels are baubles; 't is a sin
- To care for such unfruitful things;--
- One good-sized diamond in a pin,--
- Some, not so large, in rings,--
- A ruby, and a pearl, or so,
- Will do for me;--I laugh at show.
- My dame should dress in cheap attire;
- (Good, heavy silks are never dear;)--
- I own perhaps I might desire
- Some shawls of true Cashmere,--
- Some marrowy crapes of China silk,
- Like wrinkled skins on scalded milk.
- I would not have the horse I drive
- So fast that folks must stop and stare;
- An easy gait--two, forty-five--
- Suits me; I do not care;--
- Perhaps, for just a _single spurt_,
- Some seconds less would do no hurt.
- Of pictures, I should like to own
- Titians and Raphaels three or four,--
- I love so much their style and tone,
- One Turner, and no more,
- (A landscape,--foreground golden dirt,--
- The sunshine painted with a squirt.)
- Of books but few,--some fifty score
- For daily use, and bound for wear;
- The rest upon an upper floor;--
- Some _little_ luxury _there_
- Of red morocco's gilded gleam
- And vellum rich as country cream.
- Busts, cameos, gems,--such things as these,
- Which others often show for pride,
- I value for their power to please,
- And selfish churls deride;--
- _One_ Stradivarius, I confess,
- _Two_ Meerschaums, I would fain possess.
- Wealth's wasteful tricks I will not learn,
- Nor ape the glittering upstart fool;--
- Shall not carved tables serve my turn,
- But _all_ must be of buhl?
- Give grasping pomp its double share,--
- I ask but _one_ recumbent chair.
- Thus humble let me live and die,
- Nor long for Midas' golden touch;
- If Heaven more generous gifts deny,
- I shall not miss them much,--
- Too grateful for the blessing lent
- Of simple tastes and mind content!
- IN candent ire the solar splendor flames;
- The foles, langueseent, pend from arid rames;
- His humid front the Give, anheling, wipes,
- And dreams of erring on ventiferous riper.
- How dulce to vive occult to mortal eyes,
- Dorm on the herb with none to supervise,
- Carp the suave berries from the crescent vine,
- And bibe the flow from longicaudate kine!
- To me, alas! no verdurous visions come,
- Save yon exiguous pool's conferva-scum,--
- No concave vast repeats the tender hue
- That laves my milk-jug with celestial blue!
- Me wretched! Let me curr to quercine shades!
- Effund your albid hausts, lactiferous maids!
- Oh, might I vole to some umbrageous clump,--
- Depart,--be off,--excede,--evade,--erump!
- HAVE you heard of the wonderful one-hoss shay,
- That was built in such a logical way
- It ran a hundred years to a day,
- And then, of a sudden, it--ah, but stay,
- I 'll tell you what happened without delay,
- Scaring the parson into fits,
- Frightening people out of their wits,--
- Have you ever heard of that, I say?
- Seventeen hundred and fifty-five.
- _Georgius Secundus_ was then alive,--
- Snuffy old drone from the German hive.
- That was the year when Lisbon-town
- Saw the earth open and gulp her down,
- And Braddock's army was done so brown,
- Left without a scalp to its crown.
- It was on the terrible Earthquake-day
- That the Deacon finished the one-hoss shay.
- Now in building of chaises, I tell you what,
- There is always _somewhere_ a weakest spot,--
- In hub, tire, felloe, in spring or thill,
- In panel, or crossbar, or floor, or sill,
- In screw, bolt, thoroughbrace,--lurking still,
- Find it somewhere you must and will,--
- Above or below, or within or without,--
- And that 's the reason, beyond a doubt,
- That a chaise breaks down, but does n't wear out.
- But the Deacon swore (as Deacons do,
- With an "I dew vum," or an "I tell yeou ")
- He would build one shay to beat the taown
- 'n' the keounty 'n' all the kentry raoun';
- It should be so built that it couldn' break daown
- "Fur," said the Deacon, "'t 's mighty plain
- Thut the weakes' place mus' stan' the strain;
- 'n' the way t' fix it, uz I maintain,
- Is only jest
- T' make that place uz strong uz the rest."
- So the Deacon inquired of the village folk
- Where he could find the strongest oak,
- That couldn't be split nor bent nor broke,--
- That was for spokes and floor and sills;
- He sent for lancewood to make the thills;
- The crossbars were ash, from the straightest trees,
- The panels of white-wood, that cuts like cheese,
- But lasts like iron for things like these;
- The hubs of logs from the "Settler's ellum,"--
- Last of its timber,--they could n't sell 'em,
- Never an axe had seen their chips,
- And the wedges flew from between their lips,
- Their blunt ends frizzled like celery-tips;
- Step and prop-iron, bolt and screw,
- Spring, tire, axle, and linchpin too,
- Steel of the finest, bright and blue;
- Thoroughbrace bison-skin, thick and wide;
- Boot, top, dasher, from tough old hide
- Found in the pit when the tanner died.
- That was the way he "put her through."
- "There!" said the Deacon, "naow she 'll dew!"
- Do! I tell you, I rather guess
- She was a wonder, and nothing less!
- Colts grew horses, beards turned gray,
- Deacon and deaconess dropped away,
- Children and grandchildren--where were they?
- But there stood the stout old one-hoss shay
- As fresh as on Lisbon-earthquake-day!
- EIGHTEEN HUNDRED;--it came and found
- The Deacon's masterpiece strong and sound.
- Eighteen hundred increased by ten;--
- "Hahnsum kerridge" they called it then.
- Eighteen hundred and twenty came;--
- Running as usual; much the same.
- Thirty and forty at last arrive,
- And then come fifty, and FIFTY-FIVE.
- First of November, 'Fifty-five!
- This morning the parson takes a drive.
- Now, small boys, get out of the way!
- Here comes the wonderful one-hoss shay,
- Little of all we value here
- Wakes on the morn of its hundredth year
- Without both feeling and looking queer.
- In fact, there 's nothing that keeps its youth,
- So far as I know, but a tree and truth.
- (This is a moral that runs at large;
- Take it.--You 're welcome.--No extra charge.)
- FIRST OF NOVEMBER,--the Earthquake-day,--
- There are traces of age in the one-hoss shay,
- A general flavor of mild decay,
- But nothing local, as one may say.
- There couldn't be,--for the Deacon's art
- Had made it so like in every part
- That there was n't a chance for one to start.
- For the wheels were just as strong as the thills,
- And the floor was just as strong as the sills,
- And the panels just as strong as the floor,
- And the whipple-tree neither less nor more,
- And the back-crossbar as strong as the fore,
- And spring and axle and hub encore.
- And yet, as a whole, it is past a doubt
- In another hour it will be worn out!
- Drawn by a rat-tailed, ewe-necked bay.
- "Huddup!" said the parson.--Off went they.
- The parson was working his Sunday's text,--
- Had got to fifthly, and stopped perplexed
- At what the--Moses--was coming next.
- All at once the horse stood still,
- Close by the meet'n'-house on the hill.
- First a shiver, and then a thrill,
- Then something decidedly like a spill,--
- And the parson was sitting upon a rock,
- At half past nine by the meet'n'-house clock,--
- Just the hour of the Earthquake shock!
- What do you think the parson found,
- When he got up and stared around?
- The poor old chaise in a heap or mound,
- As if it had been to the mill and ground!
- You see, of course, if you 're not a dunce,
- How it went to pieces all at once,--
- All at once, and nothing first,--
- Just as bubbles do when they burst.
- End of the wonderful one-hoss shay.
- Logic is logic. That's all I say.
- FACTS respecting an old arm-chair.
- At Cambridge. Is kept in the College there.
- Seems but little the worse for wear.
- That 's remarkable when I say
- It was old in President Holyoke's day.
- (One of his boys, perhaps you know,
- Died, _at one hundred_, years ago.)
- He took lodgings for rain or shine
- Under green bed-clothes in '69.
- Know old Cambridge? Hope you do.--
- Born there? Don't say so! I was, too.
- (Born in a house with a gambrel-roof,--
- Standing still, if you must have proof.--
- "Gambrel?--Gambrel?"--Let me beg
- You'll look at a horse's hinder leg,--
- First great angle above the hoof,--
- That 's the gambrel; hence gambrel-roof.)
- Nicest place that ever was seen,--
- Colleges red and Common green,
- Sidewalks brownish with trees between.
- Sweetest spot beneath the skies
- When the canker-worms don't rise,--
- When the dust, that sometimes flies
- Into your mouth and ears and eyes,
- In a quiet slumber lies,
- _Not_ in the shape of umbaked pies
- Such as barefoot children prize.
- A kind of harbor it seems to be,
- Facing the flow of a boundless sea.
- Rows of gray old Tutors stand
- Ranged like rocks above the sand;
- Rolling beneath them, soft and green,
- Breaks the tide of bright sixteen,--
- One wave, two waves, three waves, four,--
- Sliding up the sparkling floor.
- Then it ebbs to flow no more,
- Wandering off from shore to shore
- With its freight of golden ore!
- Pleasant place for boys to play;--
- Better keep your girls away;
- Hearts get rolled as pebbles do
- Which countless fingering waves pursue,
- And every classic beach is strown
- With heart-shaped pebbles of blood-red stone.
- But this is neither here nor there;
- I'm talking about an old arm-chair.
- You 've heard, no doubt, of PARSON TURELL?
- Over at Medford he used to dwell;
- Married one of the Mathers' folk;
- Got with his wife a chair of oak,--
- Funny old chair with seat like wedge,
- Sharp behind and broad front edge,--
- One of the oddest of human things,
- Turned all over with knobs and rings,--
- But heavy, and wide, and deep, and grand,--
- Fit for the worthies of the land,--
- Chief Justice Sewall a cause to try in,
- Or Cotton Mather to sit--and lie--in.
- Parson Turell bequeathed the same
- To a certain student,--SMITH by name;
- These were the terms, as we are told:
- "Saide Smith saide Chaire to have and holde;
- When he doth graduate, then to passe
- To ye oldest Youth in ye Senior Classe.
- On payment of "--(naming a certain sum)--
- "By him to whom ye Chaire shall come;
- He to ye oldest Senior next,
- And soe forever,"--(thus runs the text,)--
- "But one Crown lesse then he gave to claime,
- That being his Debte for use of same."
- Smith transferred it to one of the BROWNS,
- And took his money,--five silver crowns.
- Brown delivered it up to MOORE,
- Who paid, it is plain, not five, but four.
- Moore made over the chair to LEE,
- Who gave him crowns of silver three.
- Lee conveyed it unto DREW,
- And now the payment, of course, was two.
- Drew gave up the chair to DUNN,--
- All he got, as you see, was one.
- Dunn released the chair to HALL,
- And got by the bargain no crown at all.
- And now it passed to a second BROWN,
- Who took it and likewise claimed a crown.
- When Brown conveyed it unto WARE,
- Having had one crown, to make it fair,
- He paid him two crowns to take the chair;
- And Ware, being honest, (as all Wares be,)
- He paid one POTTER, who took it, three.
- Four got ROBINSON; five got Dix;
- JOHNSON primus demanded six;
- And so the sum kept gathering still
- Till after the battle of Bunker's Hill.
- When paper money became so cheap,
- Folks would n't count it, but said "a heap,"
- A certain RICHARDS,--the books declare,--
- (A. M. in '90? I've looked with care
- Through the Triennial,--name not there,)--
- This person, Richards, was offered then
- Eightscore pounds, but would have ten;
- Nine, I think, was the sum he took,--
- Not quite certain,--but see the book.
- By and by the wars were still,
- But nothing had altered the Parson's will.
- The old arm-chair was solid yet,
- But saddled with such a monstrous debt!
- Things grew quite too bad to bear,
- Paying such sums to get rid of the chair
- But dead men's fingers hold awful tight,
- And there was the will in black and white,
- Plain enough for a child to spell.
- What should be done no man could tell,
- For the chair was a kind of nightmare curse,
- And every season but made it worse.
- As a last resort, to clear the doubt,
- They got old GOVERNOR HANCOCK out.
- The Governor came with his Lighthorse Troop
- And his mounted truckmen, all cock-a-hoop;
- Halberds glittered and colors flew,
- French horns whinnied and trumpets blew,
- The yellow fifes whistled between their teeth,
- And the bumble-bee bass-drums boomed beneath;
- So he rode with all his band,
- Till the President met him, cap in hand.
- The Governor "hefted" the crowns, and said,--
- "A will is a will, and the Parson's dead."
- The Governor hefted the crowns. Said he,--
- "There is your p'int. And here 's my fee.
- "These are the terms you must fulfil,--
- On such conditions I BREAK THE WILL!"
- The Governor mentioned what these should be.
- (Just wait a minute and then you 'll see.)
- The President prayed. Then all was still,
- And the Governor rose and BROKE THE WILL!
- "About those conditions?" Well, now you go
- And do as I tell you, and then you'll know.
- Once a year, on Commencement day,
- If you 'll only take the pains to stay,
- You'll see the President in the CHAIR,
- Likewise the Governor sitting there.
- The President rises; both old and young
- May hear his speech in a foreign tongue,
- The meaning whereof, as lawyers swear,
- Is this: Can I keep this old arm-chair?
- And then his Excellency bows,
- As much as to say that he allows.
- The Vice-Gub. next is called by name;
- He bows like t' other, which means the same.
- And all the officers round 'em bow,
- As much as to say that they allow.
- And a lot of parchments about the chair
- Are handed to witnesses then and there,
- And then the lawyers hold it clear
- That the chair is safe for another year.
- God bless you, Gentlemen! Learn to give
- Money to colleges while you live.
- Don't be silly and think you'll try
- To bother the colleges, when you die,
- With codicil this, and codicil that,
- That Knowledge may starve while Law grows fat;
- For there never was pitcher that wouldn't spill,
- And there's always a flaw in a donkey's will!
- COME! fill a fresh bumper, for why should we go
- While the nectar (logwood) still reddens our cups as they flow?
- Pour out the rich juices (decoction) still bright with the sun,
- Till o'er the brimmed crystal the rubies (dye-stuff) shall run.
- The purple-globed clusters (half-ripened apples) their life-dews have
- bled;
- How sweet is the breath (taste) of the fragrance they shed!(sugar of
- lead)
- For summer's last roses (rank poisons) lie hid in the wines (wines!!!)
- That were garnered by maidens who laughed through the vines (stable-boys
- smoking long-nines)
- Then a smile (scowl) and a glass (howl) and a toast (scoff) and a cheer
- (sneer);
- For all the good wine, and we 've some of it here! (strychnine and
- whiskey, and ratsbane and beer!)
- In cellar, in pantry, in attic, in hall,
- Long live the gay servant that laughs for us all! (Down, down with the
- tyrant that masters us all!)
- 1858-1859
- HER hands are cold; her face is white;
- No more her pulses come and go;
- Her eyes are shut to life and light;--
- Fold the white vesture, snow on snow,
- And lay her where the violets blow.
- But not beneath a graven stone,
- To plead for tears with alien eyes;
- A slender cross of wood alone
- Shall say, that here a maiden lies
- In peace beneath the peaceful skies.
- And gray old trees of hugest limb
- Shall wheel their circling shadows round
- To make the scorching sunlight dim
- That drinks the greenness from the ground,
- And drop their dead leaves on her mound.
- When o'er their boughs the squirrels run,
- And through their leaves the robins call,
- And, ripening in the autumn sun,
- The acorns and the chestnuts fall,
- Doubt not that she will heed them all.
- For her the morning choir shall sing
- Its matins from the branches high,
- And every minstrel-voice of Spring,
- That trills beneath the April sky,
- Shall greet her with its earliest cry.
- When, turning round their dial-track,
- Eastward the lengthening shadows pass,
- Her little mourners, clad in black,
- The crickets, sliding through the grass,
- Shall pipe for her an evening mass.
- At last the rootlets of the trees
- Shall find the prison where she lies,
- And bear the buried dust they seize
- In leaves and blossoms to the skies.
- So may the soul that warmed it rise!
- If any, born of kindlier blood,
- Should ask, What maiden lies below?
- Say only this: A tender bud,
- That tried to blossom in the snow,
- Lies withered where the violets blow.
- O Love Divine, that stooped to share
- Our sharpest pang, our bitterest tear,
- On Thee we cast each earth-born care,
- We smile at pain while Thou art near!
- Though long the weary way we tread,
- And sorrow crown each lingering year,
- No path we shun, no darkness dread,
- Our hearts still whispering, Thou art near!
- When drooping pleasure turns to grief,
- And trembling faith is changed to fear,
- The murmuring wind, the quivering leaf,
- Shall softly tell us, Thou art near!
- On Thee we fling our burdening woe,
- O Love Divine, forever dear,
- Content to suffer while we know,
- Living and dying, Thou art near!
- LORD of all being! throned afar,
- Thy glory flames from sun and star;
- Centre and soul of every sphere,
- Yet to each loving heart how near!
- Sun of our life, thy quickening ray
- Sheds on our path the glow of day;
- Star of our hope, thy softened light
- Cheers the long watches of the night.
- Our midnight is thy smile withdrawn;
- Our noontide is thy gracious dawn;
- Our rainbow arch thy mercy's sign;
- All, save the clouds of sin, are thin!
- Lord of all life, below, above,
- Whose light is truth, whose warmth is love,
- Before thy ever-blazing throne
- We ask no lustre of our own.
- Grant us thy truth to make us free,
- And kindling hearts that burn for thee,
- Till all thy living altars claim
- One holy light, one heavenly flame!
- AH, here it is! the sliding rail
- That marks the old remembered spot,--
- The gap that struck our school-boy trail,--
- The crooked path across the lot.
- It left the road by school and church,
- A pencilled shadow, nothing more,
- That parted from the silver-birch
- And ended at the farm-house door.
- No line or compass traced its plan;
- With frequent bends to left or right,
- In aimless, wayward curves it ran,
- But always kept the door in sight.
- The gabled porch, with woodbine green,--
- The broken millstone at the sill,--
- Though many a rood might stretch between,
- The truant child could see them still.
- No rocks across the pathway lie,--
- No fallen trunk is o'er it thrown,--
- And yet it winds, we know not why,
- And turns as if for tree or stone.
- Perhaps some lover trod the way
- With shaking knees and leaping heart,--
- And so it often runs astray
- With sinuous sweep or sudden start.
- Or one, perchance, with clouded brain
- From some unholy banquet reeled,--
- And since, our devious steps maintain
- His track across the trodden field.
- Nay, deem not thus,--no earthborn will
- Could ever trace a faultless line;
- Our truest steps are human still,--
- To walk unswerving were divine!
- Truants from love, we dream of wrath;
- Oh, rather let us trust the more!
- Through all the wanderings of the path,
- We still can see our Father's door!
- I PRAY thee by the soul of her that bore thee,
- By thine own sister's spirit I implore thee,
- Deal gently with the leaves that lie before thee!
- For Iris had no mother to infold her,
- Nor ever leaned upon a sister's shoulder,
- Telling the twilight thoughts that Nature told her.
- She had not learned the mystery of awaking
- Those chorded keys that soothe a sorrow's aching,
- Giving the dumb heart voice, that else were breaking.
- Yet lived, wrought, suffered. Lo, the pictured token
- Why should her fleeting day-dreams fade unspoken,
- Like daffodils that die with sheaths unbroken?
- She knew not love, yet lived in maiden fancies,--
- Walked simply clad, a queen of high romances,
- And talked strange tongues with angels in her trances.
- Twin-souled she seemed, a twofold nature wearing:
- Sometimes a flashing falcon in her daring,
- Then a poor mateless dove that droops despairing.
- Questioning all things: Why her Lord had sent her?
- What were these torturing gifts, and wherefore lent her?
- Scornful as spirit fallen, its own tormentor.
- And then all tears and anguish: Queen of Heaven,
- Sweet Saints, and Thou by mortal sorrows riven,
- Save me! Oh, save me! Shall I die forgiven?
- And then--Ah, God! But nay, it little matters:
- Look at the wasted seeds that autumn scatters,
- The myriad germs that Nature shapes and shatters!
- If she had--Well! She longed, and knew not wherefore.
- Had the world nothing she might live to care for?
- No second self to say her evening prayer for?
- She knew the marble shapes that set men dreaming,
- Yet with her shoulders bare and tresses streaming
- Showed not unlovely to her simple seeming.
- Vain? Let it be so! Nature was her teacher.
- What if a lonely and unsistered creature
- Loved her own harmless gift of pleasing feature,
- Saying, unsaddened,--This shall soon be faded,
- And double-hued the shining tresses braided,
- And all the sunlight of the morning shaded?
- This her poor book is full of saddest follies,
- Of tearful smiles and laughing melancholies,
- With summer roses twined and wintry hollies.
- In the strange crossing of uncertain chances,
- Somewhere, beneath some maiden's tear-dimmed glances
- May fall her little book of dreams and fancies.
- Sweet sister! Iris, who shall never name thee,
- Trembling for fear her open heart may shame thee,
- Speaks from this vision-haunted page to claim thee.
- Spare her, I pray thee! If the maid is sleeping,
- Peace with her! she has had her hour of weeping.
- No more! She leaves her memory in thy keeping.
- HE sleeps not here; in hope and prayer
- His wandering flock had gone before,
- But he, the shepherd, might not share
- Their sorrows on the wintry shore.
- Before the Speedwell's anchor swung,
- Ere yet the Mayflower's sail was spread,
- While round his feet the Pilgrims clung,
- The pastor spake, and thus he said:--
- "Men, brethren, sisters, children dear!
- God calls you hence from over sea;
- Ye may not build by Haerlem Meer,
- Nor yet along the Zuyder-Zee.
- "Ye go to bear the saving word
- To tribes unnamed and shores untrod;
- Heed well the lessons ye have heard
- From those old teachers taught of God.
- "Yet think not unto them was lent
- All light for all the coming days,
- And Heaven's eternal wisdom spent
- In making straight the ancient ways;
- "The living fountain overflows
- For every flock, for every lamb,
- Nor heeds, though angry creeds oppose
- With Luther's dike or Calvin's dam."
- He spake; with lingering, long embrace,
- With tears of love and partings fond,
- They floated down the creeping Maas,
- Along the isle of Ysselmond.
- They passed the frowning towers of Briel,
- The "Hook of Holland's" shelf of sand,
- And grated soon with lifting keel
- The sullen shores of Fatherland.
- No home for these!--too well they knew
- The mitred king behind the throne;--
- The sails were set, the pennons flew,
- And westward ho! for worlds unknown.
- And these were they who gave us birth,
- The Pilgrims of the sunset wave,
- Who won for us this virgin earth,
- And freedom with the soil they gave.
- The pastor slumbers by the Rhine,--
- In alien earth the exiles lie,--
- Their nameless graves our holiest shrine,
- His words our noblest battle-cry!
- Still cry them, and the world shall hear,
- Ye dwellers by the storm-swept sea!
- Ye _have_ not built by Haerlem Meer,
- Nor on the land-locked Zuyder-Zee!
- No fear lest praise should make us proud!
- We know how cheaply that is won;
- The idle homage of the crowd
- Is proof of tasks as idly done.
- A surface-smile may pay the toil
- That follows still the conquering Right,
- With soft, white hands to dress the spoil
- That sun-browned valor clutched in fight.
- Sing the sweet song of other days,
- Serenely placid, safely true,
- And o'er the present's parching ways
- The verse distils like evening dew.
- But speak in words of living power,--
- They fall like drops of scalding rain
- That plashed before the burning shower
- Swept o' er the cities of the plain!
- Then scowling Hate turns deadly pale,--
- Then Passion's half-coiled adders spring,
- And, smitten through their leprous mail,
- Strike right and left in hope to sting.
- If thou, unmoved by poisoning wrath,
- Thy feet on earth, thy heart above,
- Canst walk in peace thy kingly path,
- Unchanged in trust, unchilled in love,--
- Too kind for bitter words to grieve,
- Too firm for clamor to dismay,
- When Faith forbids thee to believe,
- And Meekness calls to disobey,--
- Ah, then beware of mortal pride!
- The smiling pride that calmly scorns
- Those foolish fingers, crimson dyed
- In laboring on thy crown of thorns!
- IN the little southern parlor of the house you may have seen
- With the gambrel-roof, and the gable looking westward to the green,
- At the side toward the sunset, with the window on its right,
- Stood the London-made piano I am dreaming of to-night!
- Ah me I how I remember the evening when it came!
- What a cry of eager voices, what a group of cheeks in flame,
- When the wondrous box was opened that had come from over seas,
- With its smell of mastic-varnish and its flash of ivory keys!
- Then the children all grew fretful in the restlessness of joy,
- For the boy would push his sister, and the sister crowd the boy,
- Till the father asked for quiet in his grave paternal way,
- But the mother hushed the tumult with the words, "Now, Mary, play."
- For the dear soul knew that music was a very sovereign balm;
- She had sprinkled it over Sorrow and seen its brow grow calm,
- In the days of slender harpsichords with tapping tinkling quills,
- Or carolling to her spinet with its thin metallic thrills.
- So Mary, the household minstrel, who always loved to please,
- Sat down to the new "Clementi," and struck the glittering keys.
- Hushed were the children's voices, and every eye grew dim,
- As, floating from lip and finger, arose the "Vesper Hymn."
- Catharine, child of a neighbor, curly and rosy-red,
- (Wedded since, and a widow,--something like ten years dead,)
- Hearing a gush of music such as none before,
- Steals from her mother's chamber and peeps at the open door.
- Just as the "Jubilate" in threaded whisper dies,
- "Open it! open it, lady!" the little maiden cries,
- (For she thought 't was a singing creature caged in a box she heard,)
- "Open it! open it, lady! and let me see the _bird!_"
- HERE! sweep these foolish leaves away,
- I will not crush my brains to-day!
- Look! are the southern curtains drawn?
- Fetch me a fan, and so begone!
- Not that,--the palm-tree's rustling leaf
- Brought from a parching coral-reef
- Its breath is heated;--I would swing
- The broad gray plumes,--the eagle's wing.
- I hate these roses' feverish blood!
- Pluck me a half-blown lily-bud,
- A long-stemmed lily from the lake,
- Cold as a coiling water-snake.
- Rain me sweet odors on the air,
- And wheel me up my Indian chair,
- And spread some book not overwise
- Flat out before my sleepy eyes.
- Who knows it not,--this dead recoil
- Of weary fibres stretched with toil,--
- The pulse that flutters faint and low
- When Summer's seething breezes blow!
- O Nature! bare thy loving breast,
- And give thy child one hour of rest,--
- One little hour to lie unseen
- Beneath thy scarf of leafy green!
- So, curtained by a singing pine,
- Its murmuring voice shall blend with mine,
- Till, lost in dreams, my faltering lay
- In sweeter music dies away.
- The first messages received through the submarine cable
- were sent by an electrical expert, a mysterious personage
- who signed himself De Sauty.
- Professor Blue-Nose
- TELL me, O Provincial! speak, Ceruleo-Nasal!
- Lives there one De Sauty extant now among you,
- Whispering Boanerges, son of silent thunder,
- Holding talk with nations?
- Is there a De Sauty ambulant on Tellus,
- Bifid-cleft like mortals, dormient in nightcap,
- Having sight, smell, hearing, food-receiving feature
- Three times daily patent?
- Breathes there such a being, O Ceruleo-Nasal?
- Or is he a _mythus_,--ancient word for "humbug"--
- Such as Livy told about the wolf that wet-nursed
- Romulus and Remus?
- Was he born of woman, this alleged De Sauty?
- Or a living product of galvanic action,
- Like the acarus bred in Crosse's flint-solution?
- Speak, thou Cyano-Rhinal!
- Many things thou askest, jackknife-bearing stranger,
- Much-conjecturing mortal, pork-and-treacle-waster!
- Pretermit thy whittling, wheel thine ear-flap toward me,
- Thou shall hear them answered.
- When the charge galvanic tingled through the cable,
- At the polar focus of the wire electric
- Suddenly appeared a white-faced man among us
- Called himself "DE SAUTY."
- As the small opossum held in pouch maternal
- Grasps the nutrient organ whence the term mammalia,
- So the unknown stranger held the wire electric,
- Sucking in the current.
- When the current strengthened, bloomed the pale-faced stranger,--
- Took no drink nor victual, yet grew fat and rosy,--
- And from time to time, in sharp articulation,
- Said, "All right! DE SAUTY."
- From the lonely station passed the utterance, spreading
- Through the pines and hemlocks to the groves of steeples,
- Till the land was filled with loud reverberations
- Of "_All right_ DE SAUTY."
- When the current slackened, drooped the mystic stranger,--
- Faded, faded, faded, as the stream grew weaker,--
- Wasted to a shadow, with a hartshorn odor
- Of disintegration.
- Drops of deliquescence glistened on his forehead,
- Whitened round his feet the dust of efflorescence,
- Till one Monday morning, when the flow suspended,
- There was no De Sauty.
- Nothing but a cloud of elements organic,
- C. O. H. N. Ferrum, Chlor. Flu. Sil. Potassa,
- Cale. Sod. Phosph. Mag. Sulphur, Mang. (?)
- Alumin. (?) Cuprum, (?)
- Such as man is made of.
- Born of stream galvanic, with it he had perished!
- There is no De Sauty now there is no current!
- Give us a new cable, then again we'll hear him
- Cry, "All right! DE SAUTY."
- 1871-1872
- Go seek thine earth-born sisters,--thus the Voice
- That all obey,--the sad and silent three;
- These only, while the hosts of Heaven rejoice,
- Smile never; ask them what their sorrows be;
- And when the secret of their griefs they tell,
- Look on them with thy mild, half-human eyes;
- Say what thou wast on earth; thou knowest well;
- So shall they cease from unavailing sighs.
- Why thus, apart,--the swift-winged herald spake,--
- Sit ye with silent lips and unstrung lyres
- While the trisagion's blending chords awake
- In shouts of joy from all the heavenly choirs?
- Chide not thy sisters,--thus the answer came;--
- Children of earth, our half-weaned nature clings
- To earth's fond memories, and her whispered name
- Untunes our quivering lips, our saddened strings;
- For there we loved, and where we love is home,
- Home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts,
- Though o'er us shine the jasper-lighted dome:--
- The chain may lengthen, but it never parts!
- Sometimes a sunlit sphere comes rolling by,
- And then we softly whisper,--can it be?
- And leaning toward the silvery orb, we try
- To hear the music of its murmuring sea;
- To catch, perchance, some flashing glimpse of green,
- Or breathe some wild-wood fragrance, wafted through
- The opening gates of pearl, that fold between
- The blinding splendors and the changeless blue.
- Nay, sister, nay! a single healing leaf
- Plucked from the bough of yon twelve-fruited tree
- Would soothe such anguish,--deeper stabbing grief
- Has pierced thy throbbing heart--
- Ah, woe is me! I from my clinging babe was rudely torn;
- His tender lips a loveless bosom pressed;
- Can I forget him in my life new born?
- Oh that my darling lay upon my breast!
- And thou?--
- I was a fair and youthful bride,
- The kiss of love still burns upon my cheek,
- He whom I worshipped, ever at my side,--
- Him through the spirit realm in vain I seek.
- Sweet faces turn their beaming eyes on mine;
- Ah! not in these the wished-for look I read;
- Still for that one dear human smile I pine;
- _Thou and none other!_--is the lover's creed.
- And whence thy sadness in a world of bliss
- Where never parting comes, nor mourner's tear?
- Art thou, too, dreaming of a mortal's kiss
- Amid the seraphs of the heavenly sphere?
- Nay, tax not me with passion's wasting fire;
- When the swift message set my spirit free,
- Blind, helpless, lone, I left my gray-haired sire;
- My friends were many, he had none save me.
- I left him, orphaned, in the starless night;
- Alas, for him no cheerful morning's dawn
- I wear the ransomed spirit's robe of white,
- Yet still I hear him moaning, _She is gone!_
- Ye know me not, sweet sisters?--All in vain
- Ye seek your lost ones in the shapes they wore;
- The flower once opened may not bud again,
- The fruit once fallen finds the stem no more.
- Child, lover, sire,--yea, all things loved below,--
- Fair pictures damasked on a vapor's fold,--
- Fade like the roseate flush, the golden glow,
- When the bright curtain of the day is rolled.
- I was the babe that slumbered on thy breast.
- And, sister, mine the lips that called thee bride.
- Mine were the silvered locks thy hand caressed,
- That faithful hand, my faltering footstep's guide!
- Each changing form, frail vesture of decay,
- The soul unclad forgets it once hath worn,
- Stained with the travel of the weary day,
- And shamed with rents from every wayside
- thorn.
- To lie, an infant, in thy fond embrace,--
- To come with love's warm kisses back to thee,--
- To show thine eyes thy gray-haired father's face,
- Not Heaven itself could grant; this may not be!
- Then spread your folded wings, and leave to earth
- The dust once breathing ye have mourned so long,
- Till Love, new risen, owns his heavenly birth,
- And sorrow's discords sweeten into song!
- KISS mine eyelids, beauteous Morn,
- Blushing into life new-born!
- Lend me violets for my hair,
- And thy russet robe to wear,
- And thy ring of rosiest hue
- Set in drops of diamond dew!
- Kiss my cheek, thou noontide ray,
- From my Love so far away
- Let thy splendor streaming down
- Turn its pallid lilies brown,
- Till its darkening shades reveal
- Where his passion pressed its seal!
- Kiss my lips, thou Lord of light,
- Kiss my lips a soft good-night!
- Westward sinks thy golden car;
- Leave me but the evening star,
- And my solace that shall be,
- Borrowing all its light from thee!
- WHATEVER I do, and whatever I say,
- Aunt Tabitha tells me that is n't the way;
- When she was a girl (forty summers ago)
- Aunt Tabitha tells me they never did so.
- Dear aunt! If I only would take her advice!
- But I like my own way, and I find it so nice
- And besides, I forget half the things I am told;
- But they all will come back to me--when I am old.
- If a youth passes by, it may happen, no doubt,
- He may chance to look in as I chance to look out;
- She would never endure an impertinent stare,--
- It is horrid, she says, and I must n't sit there.
- A walk in the moonlight has pleasures, I own,
- But it is n't quite safe to be walking alone;
- So I take a lad's arm,--just for safety, you know,--
- But Aunt Tabitha tells me they did n't do so.
- How wicked we are, and how good they were then!
- They kept at arm's length those detestable men;
- What an era of virtue she lived in!--But stay--
- Were the men all such rogues in Aunt Tabitha's day?
- If the men were so wicked, I 'll ask my papa
- How he dared to propose to my darling mamma;
- Was he like the rest of them? Goodness! Who knows?
- And what shall I say, if a wretch should propose?
- I am thinking if Aunt knew so little of sin,
- What a wonder Aunt Tabitha's aunt must have been!
- And her grand-aunt--it scares me--how shockingly sad
- That we girls of to-day are so frightfully bad!
- A martyr will save us, and nothing else can;
- Let me perish--to rescue some wretched young man!
- Though when to the altar a victim I go,
- Aunt Tabitha 'll tell me she never did so.
- I.
- ANOTHER clouded night; the stars are hid,
- The orb that waits my search is hid with them.
- Patience! Why grudge an hour, a month, a year,
- To plant my ladder and to gain the round
- That leads my footsteps to the heaven of fame,
- Where waits the wreath my sleepless midnights won?
- Not the stained laurel such as heroes wear
- That withers when some stronger conqueror's heel
- Treads down their shrivelling trophies in the dust;
- But the fair garland whose undying green
- Not time can change, nor wrath of gods or men!
- With quickened heart-beats I shall hear tongues
- That speak my praise; but better far the sense
- That in the unshaped ages, buried deep
- In the dark mines of unaccomplished time
- Yet to be stamped with morning's royal die
- And coined in golden days,--in those dim years
- I shall be reckoned with the undying dead,
- My name emblazoned on the fiery arch,
- Unfading till the stars themselves shall fade.
- Then, as they call the roll of shining worlds,
- Sages of race unborn in accents new
- Shall count me with the Olympian ones of old,
- Whose glories kindle through the midnight sky
- Here glows the God of Battles; this recalls
- The Lord of Ocean, and yon far-off sphere
- The Sire of Him who gave his ancient name
- To the dim planet with the wondrous rings;
- Here flames the Queen of Beauty's silver lamp,
- And there the moon-girt orb of mighty Jove;
- But this, unseen through all earth's ions past,
- A youth who watched beneath the western star
- Sought in the darkness, found, and shewed to men;
- Linked with his name thenceforth and evermore
- So shall that name be syllabled anew
- In all the tongues of all the tribes of men:
- I that have been through immemorial years
- Dust in the dust of my forgotten time
- Shall live in accents shaped of blood-warm breath,
- Yea, rise in mortal semblance, newly born
- In shining stone, in undecaying bronze,
- And stand on high, and look serenely down
- On the new race that calls the earth its own.
- Is this a cloud, that, blown athwart my soul,
- Wears a false seeming of the pearly stain
- Where worlds beyond the world their mingling rays
- Blend in soft white,--a cloud that, born of earth,
- Would cheat the soul that looks for light from heaven?
- Must every coral-insect leave his sign
- On each poor grain he lent to build the reef,
- As Babel's builders stamped their sunburnt clay,
- Or deem his patient service all in vain?
- What if another sit beneath the shade
- Of the broad elm I planted by the way,--
- What if another heed the beacon light
- I set upon the rock that wrecked my keel,--
- Have I not done my task and served my kind?
- Nay, rather act thy part, unnamed, unknown,
- And let Fame blow her trumpet through the world
- With noisy wind to swell a fool's renown,
- Joined with some truth he stumbled blindly o'er,
- Or coupled with some single shining deed
- That in the great account of all his days
- Will stand alone upon the bankrupt sheet
- His pitying angel shows the clerk of Heaven.
- The noblest service comes from nameless hands,
- And the best servant does his work unseen.
- Who found the seeds of fire and made them shoot,
- Fed by his breath, in buds and flowers of flame?
- Who forged in roaring flames the ponderous stone,
- And shaped the moulded metal to his need?
- Who gave the dragging car its rolling wheel,
- And tamed the steed that whirls its circling round?
- All these have left their work and not their names,--
- Why should I murmur at a fate like theirs?
- This is the heavenly light; the pearly stain
- Was but a wind-cloud drifting o'er the stars!
- II.
- BRIEF glimpses of the bright celestial spheres,
- False lights, false shadows, vague, uncertain gleams,
- Pale vaporous mists, wan streaks of lurid flame,
- The climbing of the upward-sailing cloud,
- The sinking of the downward-falling star,--
- All these are pictures of the changing moods
- Borne through the midnight stillness of my soul.
- Here am I, bound upon this pillared rock,
- Prey to the vulture of a vast desire
- That feeds upon my life. I burst my bands
- And steal a moment's freedom from the beak,
- The clinging talons and the shadowing plumes;
- Then comes the false enchantress, with her song;
- "Thou wouldst not lay thy forehead in the dust
- Like the base herd that feeds and breeds and dies
- Lo, the fair garlands that I weave for thee,
- Unchanging as the belt Orion wears,
- Bright as the jewels of the seven-starred Crown,
- The spangled stream of Berenice's hair!"
- And so she twines the fetters with the flowers
- Around my yielding limbs, and the fierce bird
- Stoops to his quarry,--then to feed his rage
- Of ravening hunger I must drain my blood
- And let the dew-drenched, poison-breeding night
- Steal all the freshness from my fading cheek,
- And leave its shadows round my caverned eyes.
- All for a line in some unheeded scroll;
- All for a stone that tells to gaping clowns,
- "Here lies a restless wretch beneath a clod
- Where squats the jealous nightmare men call
- Fame!"
- I marvel not at him who scorns his kind
- And thinks not sadly of the time foretold
- When the old hulk we tread shall be a wreck,
- A slag, a cinder drifting through the sky
- Without its crew of fools! We live too long,
- And even so are not content to die,
- But load the mould that covers up our bones
- With stones that stand like beggars by the road
- And show death's grievous wound and ask for tears;
- Write our great books to teach men who we are,
- Sing our fine songs that tell in artful phrase
- The secrets of our lives, and plead and pray
- For alms of memory with the after time,
- Those few swift seasons while the earth shall wear
- Its leafy summers, ere its core grows cold
- And the moist life of all that breathes shall die;
- Or as the new-born seer, perchance more wise,
- Would have us deem, before its growing mass,
- Pelted with star-dust, stoned with meteor-balls,
- Heats like a hammered anvil, till at last
- Man and his works and all that stirred itself
- Of its own motion, in the fiery glow
- Turns to a flaming vapor, and our orb
- Shines a new sun for earths that shall be born.
- I am as old as Egypt to myself,
- Brother to them that squared the pyramids
- By the same stars I watch. I read the page
- Where every letter is a glittering world,
- With them who looked from Shinar's clay-built towers,
- Ere yet the wanderer of the Midland sea
- Had missed the fallen sister of the seven.
- I dwell in spaces vague, remote, unknown,
- Save to the silent few, who, leaving earth,
- Quit all communion with their living time.
- I lose myself in that ethereal void,
- Till I have tired my wings and long to fill
- My breast with denser air, to stand, to walk
- With eyes not raised above my fellow-men.
- Sick of my unwalled, solitary realm,
- I ask to change the myriad lifeless worlds
- I visit as mine own for one poor patch
- Of this dull spheroid and a little breath
- To shape in word or deed to serve my kind.
- Was ever giant's dungeon dug so deep,
- Was ever tyrant's fetter forged so strong,
- Was e'er such deadly poison in the draught
- The false wife mingles for the trusting fool,
- As he whose willing victim is himself,
- Digs, forges, mingles, for his captive soul?
- III.
- THE snows that glittered on the disk of Mars
- Have melted, and the planet's fiery orb
- Rolls in the crimson summer of its year;
- But what to me the summer or the snow
- Of worlds that throb with life in forms unknown,
- If life indeed be theirs; I heed not these.
- My heart is simply human; all my care
- For them whose dust is fashioned like mine own;
- These ache with cold and hunger, live in pain,
- And shake with fear of worlds more full of woe;
- There may be others worthier of my love,
- But such I know not save through these I know.
- There are two veils of language, hid beneath
- Whose sheltering folds, we dare to be ourselves;
- And not that other self which nods and smiles
- And babbles in our name; the one is Prayer,
- Lending its licensed freedom to the tongue
- That tells our sorrows and our sins to Heaven;
- The other, Verse, that throws its spangled web
- Around our naked speech and makes it bold.
- I, whose best prayer is silence; sitting dumb
- In the great temple where I nightly serve
- Him who is throned in light, have dared to claim
- The poet's franchise, though I may not hope
- To wear his garland; hear me while I tell
- My story in such form as poets use,
- But breathed in fitful whispers, as the wind
- Sighs and then slumbers, wakes and sighs again.
- Thou Vision, floating in the breathless air
- Between me and the fairest of the stars,
- I tell my lonely thoughts as unto thee.
- Look not for marvels of the scholar's pen
- In my rude measure; I can only show
- A slender-margined, unillumined page,
- And trust its meaning to the flattering eye
- That reads it in the gracious light of love.
- Ah, wouldst thou clothe thyself in breathing shape
- And nestle at my side, my voice should lend
- Whate'er my verse may lack of tender rhythm
- To make thee listen.
- I have stood entranced
- When, with her fingers wandering o'er the keys,
- The white enchantress with the golden hair
- Breathed all her soul through some unvalued rhyme;
- Some flower of song that long had lost its bloom;
- Lo! its dead summer kindled as she sang!
- The sweet contralto, like the ringdove's coo,
- Thrilled it with brooding, fond, caressing tones,
- And the pale minstrel's passion lived again,
- Tearful and trembling as a dewy rose
- The wind has shaken till it fills the air
- With light and fragrance. Such the wondrous charm
- A song can borrow when the bosom throbs
- That lends it breath.
- So from the poet's lips
- His verse sounds doubly sweet, for none like him
- Feels every cadence of its wave-like flow;
- He lives the passion over, while he reads,
- That shook him as he sang his lofty strain,
- And pours his life through each resounding line,
- As ocean, when the stormy winds are hushed,
- Still rolls and thunders through his billowy caves.
- IV.
- LET me retrace the record of the years
- That made me what I am. A man most wise,
- But overworn with toil and bent with age,
- Sought me to be his scholar,-me, run wild
- From books and teachers,-kindled in my soul
- The love of knowledge; led me to his tower,
- Showed me the wonders of the midnight realm
- His hollow sceptre ruled, or seemed to rule,
- Taught me the mighty secrets of the spheres,
- Trained me to find the glimmering specks of light
- Beyond the unaided sense, and on my chart
- To string them one by one, in order due,
- As on a rosary a saint his beads.
- I was his only scholar; I became
- The echo to his thought; whate'er he knew
- Was mine for asking; so from year to year
- W e wrought together, till there came a time
- When I, the learner, was the master half
- Of the twinned being in the dome-crowned tower.
- Minds roll in paths like planets; they revolve,
- This in a larger, that a narrower ring,
- But round they come at last to that same phase,
- That selfsame light and shade they showed before.
- I learned his annual and his monthly tale,
- His weekly axiom and his daily phrase,
- I felt them coming in the laden air,
- And watched them laboring up to vocal breath,
- Even as the first-born at his father's board
- Knows ere he speaks the too familiar jest
- Is on its way, by some mysterious sign
- Forewarned, the click before the striking bell.
- He shrivelled as I spread my growing leaves,
- Till trust and reverence changed to pitying care;
- He lived for me in what he once had been,
- But I for him, a shadow, a defence,
- The guardian of his fame, his guide, his staff,
- Leaned on so long he fell if left alone.
- I was his eye, his ear, his cunning hand,
- Love was my spur and longing after fame,
- But his the goading thorn of sleepless age
- That sees its shortening span, its lengthening shades,
- That clutches what it may with eager grasp,
- And drops at last with empty, outstretched hands.
- All this he dreamed not. He would sit him down
- Thinking to work his problems as of old,
- And find the star he thought so plain a blur,
- The columned figures labyrinthine wilds
- Without my comment, blind and senseless scrawls
- That vexed him with their riddles; he would strive
- And struggle for a while, and then his eye
- Would lose its light, and over all his mind
- The cold gray mist would settle; and erelong
- The darkness fell, and I was left alone.
- V.
- ALONE! no climber of an Alpine cliff,
- No Arctic venturer on the waveless sea,
- Feels the dread stillness round him as it chills
- The heart of him who leaves the slumbering earth
- To watch the silent worlds that crowd the sky.
- Alone! And as the shepherd leaves his flock
- To feed upon the hillside, he meanwhile
- Finds converse in the warblings of the pipe
- Himself has fashioned for his vacant hour,
- So have I grown companion to myself,
- And to the wandering spirits of the air
- That smile and whisper round us in our dreams.
- Thus have I learned to search if I may know
- The whence and why of all beneath the stars
- And all beyond them, and to weigh my life
- As in a balance,--poising good and ill
- Against each other,--asking of the Power
- That flung me forth among the whirling worlds,
- If I am heir to any inborn right,
- Or only as an atom of the dust
- That every wind may blow where'er it will.
- VI.
- I AM not humble; I was shown my place,
- Clad in such robes as Nature had at hand;
- Took what she gave, not chose; I know no shame,
- No fear for being simply what I am.
- I am not proud, I hold my every breath
- At Nature's mercy. I am as a babe
- Borne in a giant's arms, he knows not where;
- Each several heart-beat, counted like the coin
- A miser reckons, is a special gift
- As from an unseen hand; if that withhold
- Its bounty for a moment, I am left
- A clod upon the earth to which I fall.
- Something I find in me that well might claim
- The love of beings in a sphere above
- This doubtful twilight world of right and wrong;
- Something that shows me of the self-same clay
- That creeps or swims or flies in humblest form.
- Had I been asked, before I left my bed
- Of shapeless dust, what clothing I would wear,
- I would have said, More angel and less worm;
- But for their sake who are even such as I,
- Of the same mingled blood, I would not choose
- To hate that meaner portion of myself
- Which makes me brother to the least of men.
- I dare not be a coward with my lips
- Who dare to question all things in my soul;
- Some men may find their wisdom on their knees,
- Some prone and grovelling in the dust like slaves;
- Let the meek glowworm glisten in the dew;
- I ask to lift my taper to the sky
- As they who hold their lamps above their heads,
- Trusting the larger currents up aloft,
- Rather than crossing eddies round their breast,
- Threatening with every puff the flickering blaze.
- My life shall be a challenge, not a truce!
- This is my homage to the mightier powers,
- To ask my boldest question, undismayed
- By muttered threats that some hysteric sense
- Of wrong or insult will convulse the throne
- Where wisdom reigns supreme; and if I err,
- They all must err who have to feel their way
- As bats that fly at noon; for what are we
- But creatures of the night, dragged forth by day,
- Who needs must stumble, and with stammering steps
- Spell out their paths in syllables of pain?
- Thou wilt not hold in scorn the child who dares
- Look up to Thee, the Father,--dares to ask
- More than thy wisdom answers. From thy hand
- The worlds were cast; yet every leaflet claims
- From that same hand its little shining sphere
- Of star-lit dew; thine image, the great sun,
- Girt with his mantle of tempestuous flame,
- Glares in mid-heaven; but to his noon-tide blaze
- The slender violet lifts its lidless eye,
- And from his splendor steals its fairest hue,
- Its sweetest perfume from his scorching fire.
- VII.
- FROM my lone turret as I look around
- O'er the green meadows to the ring of blue,
- From slope, from summit, and from half-hid vale
- The sky is stabbed with dagger-pointed spires,
- Their gilded symbols whirling in the wind,
- Their brazen tongues proclaiming to the world,
- "Here truth is sold, the only genuine ware;
- See that it has our trade-mark! You will buy
- Poison instead of food across the way,
- The lies of -----" this or that, each several name
- The standard's blazon and the battle-cry
- Of some true-gospel faction, and again
- The token of the Beast to all beside.
- And grouped round each I see a huddling crowd
- Alike in all things save the words they use;
- In love, in longing, hate and fear the same.
- Whom do we trust and serve? We speak of one
- And bow to many; Athens still would find
- The shrines of all she worshipped safe within
- Our tall barbarian temples, and the thrones
- That crowned Olympus mighty as of old.
- The god of music rules the Sabbath choir;
- The lyric muse must leave the sacred nine
- To help us please the dilettante's ear;
- Plutus limps homeward with us, as we leave
- The portals of the temple where we knelt
- And listened while the god of eloquence
- (Hermes of ancient days, but now disguised
- In sable vestments) with that other god
- Somnus, the son of Erebus and Nox,
- Fights in unequal contest for our souls;
- The dreadful sovereign of the under world
- Still shakes his sceptre at us, and we hear
- The baying of the triple-throated hound;
- Eros is young as ever, and as fair
- The lovely Goddess born of ocean's foam.
- These be thy gods, O Israel! Who is he,
- The one ye name and tell us that ye serve,
- Whom ye would call me from my lonely tower
- To worship with the many-headed throng?
- Is it the God that walked in Eden's grove
- In the cool hour to seek our guilty sire?
- The God who dealt with Abraham as the sons
- Of that old patriarch deal with other men?
- The jealous God of Moses, one who feels
- An image as an insult, and is wroth
- With him who made it and his child unborn?
- The God who plagued his people for the sin
- Of their adulterous king, beloved of him,--
- The same who offers to a chosen few
- The right to praise him in eternal song
- While a vast shrieking world of endless woe
- Blends its dread chorus with their rapturous hymn?
- Is this the God ye mean, or is it he
- Who heeds the sparrow's fall, whose loving heart
- Is as the pitying father's to his child,
- Whose lesson to his children is "Forgive,"
- Whose plea for all, "They know not what they do"?
- I CLAIM the right of knowing whom I serve,
- Else is my service idle; He that asks
- My homage asks it from a reasoning soul.
- To crawl is not to worship; we have learned
- A drill of eyelids, bended neck and knee,
- Hanging our prayers on hinges, till we ape
- The flexures of the many-jointed worm.
- Asia has taught her Allahs and salaams
- To the world's children,-we have grown to men!
- We who have rolled the sphere beneath our feet
- To find a virgin forest, as we lay
- The beams of our rude temple, first of all
- Must frame its doorway high enough for man
- To pass unstooping; knowing as we do
- That He who shaped us last of living forms
- Has long enough been served by creeping things,
- Reptiles that left their footprints in the sand
- Of old sea-margins that have turned to stone,
- And men who learned their ritual; we demand
- To know Him first, then trust Him and then love
- When we have found Him worthy of our love,
- Tried by our own poor hearts and not before;
- He must be truer than the truest friend,
- He must be tenderer than a woman's love,
- A father better than the best of sires;
- Kinder than she who bore us, though we sin
- Oftener than did the brother we are told
- We--poor ill-tempered mortals--must forgive,
- Though seven times sinning threescore times and
- ten.
- This is the new world's gospel: Be ye men!
- Try well the legends of the children's time;
- Ye are the chosen people, God has led
- Your steps across the desert of the deep
- As now across the desert of the shore;
- Mountains are cleft before you as the sea
- Before the wandering tribe of Israel's sons;
- Still onward rolls the thunderous caravan,
- Its coming printed on the western sky,
- A cloud by day, by night a pillared flame;
- Your prophets are a hundred unto one
- Of them of old who cried, "Thus saith the Lord;"
- They told of cities that should fall in heaps,
- But yours of mightier cities that shall rise
- Where yet the lonely fishers spread their nets,
- Where hides the fox and hoots the midnight owl;
- The tree of knowledge in your garden grows
- Not single, but at every humble door;
- Its branches lend you their immortal food,
- That fills you with the sense of what ye are,
- No servants of an altar hewed and carved
- From senseless stone by craft of human hands,
- Rabbi, or dervish, brahmin, bishop, bonze,
- But masters of the charm with which they work
- To keep your hands from that forbidden tree!
- Ye that have tasted that divinest fruit,
- Look on this world of yours with opened eyes!
- Y e are as gods! Nay, makers of your gods,--
- Each day ye break an image in your shrine
- And plant a fairer image where it stood
- Where is the Moloch of your fathers' creed,
- Whose fires of torment burned for span--long babes?
- Fit object for a tender mother's love!
- Why not? It was a bargain duly made
- For these same infants through the surety's act
- Intrusted with their all for earth and heaven,
- By Him who chose their guardian, knowing well
- His fitness for the task,--this, even this,
- Was the true doctrine only yesterday
- As thoughts are reckoned,--and to--day you hear
- In words that sound as if from human tongues
- Those monstrous, uncouth horrors of the past
- That blot the blue of heaven and shame the earth
- As would the saurians of the age of slime,
- Awaking from their stony sepulchres
- And wallowing hateful in the eye of day!
- IX.
- WHAT am I but the creature Thou hast made?
- What have I save the blessings Thou hast lent?
- What hope I but thy mercy and thy love?
- Who but myself shall cloud my soul with fear?
- Whose hand protect me from myself but thine?
- I claim the rights of weakness, I, the babe,
- Call on my sire to shield me from the ills
- That still beset my path, not trying me
- With snares beyond my wisdom or my strength,
- He knowing I shall use them to my harm,
- And find a tenfold misery in the sense
- That in my childlike folly I have sprung
- The trap upon myself as vermin use,
- Drawn by the cunning bait to certain doom.
- Who wrought the wondrous charm that leads us on
- To sweet perdition, but the selfsame power
- That set the fearful engine to destroy
- His wretched offspring (as the Rabbis tell),
- And hid its yawning jaws and treacherous springs
- In such a show of innocent sweet flowers
- It lured the sinless angels and they fell?
- Ah! He who prayed the prayer of all mankind
- Summed in those few brief words the mightiest plea
- For erring souls before the courts of heaven,--
- _Save us from being tempted_,--lest we fall!
- If we are only as the potter's clay
- Made to be fashioned as the artist wills,
- And broken into shards if we offend
- The eye of Him who made us, it is well;
- Such love as the insensate lump of clay
- That spins upon the swift-revolving wheel
- Bears to the hand that shapes its growing form,--
- Such love, no more, will be our hearts' return
- To the great Master-workman for his care,--
- Or would be, save that this, our breathing clay,
- Is intertwined with fine innumerous threads
- That make it conscious in its framer's hand;
- And this He must remember who has filled
- These vessels with the deadly draught of life,--
- Life, that means death to all it claims. Our love
- Must kindle in the ray that streams from heaven,
- A faint reflection of the light divine;
- The sun must warm the earth before the rose
- Can show her inmost heart-leaves to the sun.
- He yields some fraction of the Maker's right
- Who gives the quivering nerve its sense of pain;
- Is there not something in the pleading eye
- Of the poor brute that suffers, which arraigns
- The law that bids it suffer? Has it not
- A claim for some remembrance in the book
- That fills its pages with the idle words
- Spoken of men? Or is it only clay,
- Bleeding and aching in the potter's hand,
- Yet all his own to treat it as He will
- And when He will to cast it at his feet,
- Shattered, dishonored, lost forevermore?
- My dog loves me, but could he look beyond
- His earthly master, would his love extend
- To Him who--Hush! I will not doubt that He
- Is better than our fears, and will not wrong
- The least, the meanest of created things!
- He would not trust me with the smallest orb
- That circles through the sky; He would not give
- A meteor to my guidance; would not leave
- The coloring of a cloudlet to my hand;
- He locks my beating heart beneath its bars
- And keeps the key himself; He measures out
- The draughts of vital breath that warm my blood,
- Winds up the springs of instinct which uncoil,
- Each in its season; ties me to my home,
- My race, my time, my nation, and my creed
- So closely that if I but slip my wrist
- Out of the band that cuts it to the bone,
- Men say, "He hath a devil;" He has lent
- All that I hold in trust, as unto one
- By reason of his weakness and his years
- Not fit to hold the smallest shred in fee
- Of those most common things he calls his own,--
- And yet--my Rabbi tells me--He has left
- The care of that to which a million worlds
- Filled with unconscious life were less than naught,
- Has left that mighty universe, the Soul,
- To the weak guidance of our baby hands,
- Let the foul fiends have access at their will,
- Taking the shape of angels, to our hearts,--
- Our hearts already poisoned through and through
- With the fierce virus of ancestral sin;
- Turned us adrift with our immortal charge,
- To wreck ourselves in gulfs of endless woe.
- If what my Rabbi tells me is the truth
- Why did the choir of angels sing for joy?
- Heaven must be compassed in a narrow space,
- And offer more than room enough for all
- That pass its portals; but the under-world,
- The godless realm, the place where demons forge
- Their fiery darts and adamantine chains,
- Must swarm with ghosts that for a little while
- Had worn the garb of flesh, and being heirs
- Of all the dulness of their stolid sires,
- And all the erring instincts of their tribe,
- Nature's own teaching, rudiments of "sin,"
- Fell headlong in the snare that could not fail
- To trap the wretched creatures shaped of clay
- And cursed with sense enough to lose their souls!
- Brother, thy heart is troubled at my word;
- Sister, I see the cloud is on thy brow.
- He will not blame me, He who sends not peace,
- But sends a sword, and bids us strike amain
- At Error's gilded crest, where in the van
- Of earth's great army, mingling with the best
- And bravest of its leaders, shouting loud
- The battle-cries that yesterday have led
- The host of Truth to victory, but to-day
- Are watchwords of the laggard and the slave,
- He leads his dazzled cohorts. God has made
- This world a strife of atoms and of spheres;
- With every breath I sigh myself away
- And take my tribute from the wandering wind
- To fan the flame of life's consuming fire;
- So, while my thought has life, it needs must burn,
- And, burning, set the stubble-fields ablaze,
- Where all the harvest long ago was reaped
- And safely garnered in the ancient barns.
- But still the gleaners, groping for their food,
- Go blindly feeling through the close-shorn straw,
- While the young reapers flash, their glittering steel
- Where later suns have ripened nobler grain!
- X.
- THE time is racked with birth-pangs; every hour
- Brings forth some gasping truth, and truth newborn
- Looks a misshapen and untimely growth,
- The terror of the household and its shame,
- A monster coiling in its nurse's lap
- That some would strangle, some would only starve;
- But still it breathes, and passed from hand to hand,
- And suckled at a hundred half-clad breasts,
- Comes slowly to its stature and its form,
- Calms the rough ridges of its dragon-scales,
- Changes to shining locks its snaky hair,
- And moves transfigured into angel guise,
- Welcomed by all that cursed its hour of birth,
- And folded in the same encircling arms
- That cast it like a serpent from their hold!
- If thou wouldst live in honor, die in peace,
- Have the fine words the marble-workers learn
- To carve so well, upon thy funeral-stone,
- And earn a fair obituary, dressed
- In all the many-colored robes of praise,
- Be deafer than the adder to the cry
- Of that same foundling truth, until it grows
- To seemly favor, and at length has won
- The smiles of hard-mouthed men and light-lipped dames;
- Then snatch it from its meagre nurse's breast,
- Fold it in silk and give it food from gold;
- So shalt thou share its glory when at last
- It drops its mortal vesture, and, revealed
- In all the splendor of its heavenly form,
- Spreads on the startled air its mighty wings!
- Alas! how much that seemed immortal truth
- That heroes fought for, martyrs died to save,
- Reveals its earth-born lineage, growing old
- And limping in its march, its wings unplumed,
- Its heavenly semblance faded like a dream!
- Here in this painted casket, just unsealed,
- Lies what was once a breathing shape like thine,
- Once loved as thou art loved; there beamed the eyes
- That looked on Memphis in its hour of pride,
- That saw the walls of hundred-gated Thebes,
- And all the mirrored glories of the Nile.
- See how they toiled that all-consuming time
- Might leave the frame immortal in its tomb;
- Filled it with fragrant balms and odorous gums
- That still diffuse their sweetness through the air,
- And wound and wound with patient fold on fold
- The flaxen bands thy hand has rudely torn!
- Perchance thou yet canst see the faded stain
- Of the sad mourner's tear.
- XI.
- BUT what is this?
- The sacred beetle, bound upon the breast
- Of the blind heathen! Snatch the curious prize,
- Give it a place among thy treasured spoils,
- Fossil and relic,--corals, encrinites,
- The fly in amber and the fish in stone,
- The twisted circlet of Etruscan gold,
- Medal, intaglio, poniard, poison-ring,--
- Place for the Memphian beetle with thine hoard!
- AM longer than thy creed has blest the world
- This toy, thus ravished from thy brother's breast,
- Was to the heart of Mizraim as divine,
- As holy, as the symbol that we lay
- On the still bosom of our white-robed dead,
- And raise above their dust that all may know
- Here sleeps an heir of glory. Loving friends,
- With tears of trembling faith and choking sobs,
- And prayers to those who judge of mortal deeds,
- Wrapped this poor image in the cerement's fold
- That Isis and Osiris, friends of man,
- Might know their own and claim the ransomed soul.
- An idol? Man was born to worship such!
- An idol is an image of his thought;
- Sometimes he carves it out of gleaming stone,
- And sometimes moulds it out of glittering gold,
- Or rounds it in a mighty frescoed dome,
- Or lifts it heavenward in a lofty spire,
- Or shapes it in a cunning frame of words,
- Or pays his priest to make it day by day;
- For sense must have its god as well as soul;
- A new-born Dian calls for silver shrines,
- And Egypt's holiest symbol is our own,
- The sign we worship as did they of old
- When Isis and Osiris ruled the world.
- Let us be true to our most subtle selves,
- We long to have our idols like the rest.
- Think! when the men of Israel had their God
- Encamped among them, talking with their chief,
- Leading them in the pillar of the cloud
- And watching o'er them in the shaft of fire,
- They still must have an image; still they longed
- For somewhat of substantial, solid form
- Whereon to hang their garlands, and to fix
- Their wandering thoughts and gain a stronger hold
- For their uncertain faith, not yet assured
- If those same meteors of the day and night
- Were not mere exhalations of the soil.
- Are we less earthly than the chosen race?
- Are we more neighbors of the living God
- Than they who gathered manna every morn,
- Reaping where none had sown, and heard the voice
- Of him who met the Highest in the mount,
- And brought them tables, graven with His hand?
- Yet these must have their idol, brought their gold,
- That star-browed Apis might be god again;
- Yea, from their ears the women brake the rings
- That lent such splendors to the gypsy brown
- Of sunburnt cheeks,--what more could woman do
- To show her pious zeal? They went astray,
- But nature led them as it leads us all.
- We too, who mock at Israel's golden calf
- And scoff at Egypt's sacred scarabee,
- Would have our amulets to clasp and kiss,
- And flood with rapturous tears, and bear with us
- To be our dear companions in the dust;
- Such magic works an image in our souls.
- Man is an embryo; see at twenty years
- His bones, the columns that uphold his frame
- Not yet cemented, shaft and capital,
- Mere fragments of the temple incomplete.
- At twoscore, threescore, is he then full grown?
- Nay, still a child, and as the little maids
- Dress and undress their puppets, so he tries
- To dress a lifeless creed, as if it lived,
- And change its raiment when the world cries shame!
- We smile to see our little ones at play
- So grave, so thoughtful, with maternal care
- Nursing the wisps of rags they call their babes;--
- Does He not smile who sees us with the toys
- We call by sacred names, and idly feign
- To be what we have called them? He is still
- The Father of this helpless nursery-brood,
- Whose second childhood joins so close its first,
- That in the crowding, hurrying years between
- We scarce have trained our senses to their task
- Before the gathering mist has dimmed our eyes,
- And with our hollowed palm we help our ear,
- And trace with trembling hand our wrinkled names,
- And then begin to tell our stories o'er,
- And see--not hear--the whispering lips that say,
- "You know? Your father knew him.--This is he,
- Tottering and leaning on the hireling's arm,"--
- And so, at length, disrobed of all that clad
- The simple life we share with weed and worm,
- Go to our cradles, naked as we came.
- XII.
- WHAT if a soul redeemed, a spirit that loved
- While yet on earth and was beloved in turn,
- And still remembered every look and tone
- Of that dear earthly sister who was left
- Among the unwise virgins at the gate,--
- Itself admitted with the bridegroom's train,--
- What if this spirit redeemed, amid the host
- Of chanting angels, in some transient lull
- Of the eternal anthem, heard the cry
- Of its lost darling, whom in evil hour
- Some wilder pulse of nature led astray
- And left an outcast in a world of fire,
- Condemned to be the sport of cruel fiends,
- Sleepless, unpitying, masters of the skill
- To wring the maddest ecstasies of pain
- From worn-out souls that only ask to die,--
- Would it not long to leave the bliss of heaven,--
- Bearing a little water in its hand
- To moisten those poor lips that plead in vain
- With Him we call our Father? Or is all
- So changed in such as taste celestial joy
- They hear unmoved the endless wail of woe;
- The daughter in the same dear tones that hushed
- Her cradle slumbers; she who once had held
- A babe upon her bosom from its voice
- Hoarse with its cry of anguish, yet the same?
- No! not in ages when the Dreadful Bird
- Stamped his huge footprints, and the Fearful Beast
- Strode with the flesh about those fossil bones
- We build to mimic life with pygmy hands,--
- Not in those earliest days when men ran wild
- And gashed each other with their knives of stone,
- When their low foreheads bulged in ridgy brows
- And their flat hands were callous in the palm
- With walking in the fashion of their sires,
- Grope as they might to find a cruel god
- To work their will on such as human wrath
- Had wrought its worst to torture, and had left
- With rage unsated, white and stark and cold,
- Could hate have shaped a demon more malign
- Than him the dead men mummied in their creed
- And taught their trembling children to adore!
- Made in his image! Sweet and gracious souls
- Dear to my heart by nature's fondest names,
- Is not your memory still the precious mould
- That lends its form to Him who hears my prayer?
- Thus only I behold Him, like to them,
- Long-suffering, gentle, ever slow to wrath,
- If wrath it be that only wounds to heal,
- Ready to meet the wanderer ere he reach
- The door he seeks, forgetful of his sin,
- Longing to clasp him in a father's arms,
- And seal his pardon with a pitying tear!
- Four gospels tell their story to mankind,
- And none so full of soft, caressing words
- That bring the Maid of Bethlehem and her Babe
- Before our tear-dimmed eyes, as his who learned
- In the meek service of his gracious art
- The tones which, like the medicinal balms
- That calm the sufferer's anguish, soothe our souls.
- Oh that the loving woman, she who sat
- So long a listener at her Master's feet,
- Had left us Mary's Gospel,--all she heard
- Too sweet, too subtle for the ear of man!
- Mark how the tender-hearted mothers read
- The messages of love between the lines
- Of the same page that loads the bitter tongue
- Of him who deals in terror as his trade
- With threatening words of wrath that scorch like flame
- They tell of angels whispering round the bed
- Of the sweet infant smiling in its dream,
- Of lambs enfolded in the Shepherd's arms,
- Of Him who blessed the children; of the land
- Where crystal rivers feed unfading flowers,
- Of cities golden-paved with streets of pearl,
- Of the white robes the winged creatures wear,
- The crowns and harps from whose melodious strings
- One long, sweet anthem flows forevermore!
- We too had human mothers, even as Thou,
- Whom we have learned to worship as remote
- From mortal kindred, wast a cradled babe.
- The milk of woman filled our branching veins,
- She lulled us with her tender nursery-song,
- And folded round us her untiring arms,
- While the first unremembered twilight yeas
- Shaped us to conscious being; still we feel
- Her pulses in our own,--too faintly feel;
- Would that the heart of woman warmed our creeds!
- Not from the sad-eyed hermit's lonely cell,
- Not from the conclave where the holy men
- Glare on each other, as with angry eyes
- They battle for God's glory and their own,
- Till, sick of wordy strife, a show of hands
- Fixes the faith of ages yet unborn,--
- Ah, not from these the listening soul can hear
- The Father's voice that speaks itself divine!
- Love must be still our Master; till we learn
- What he can teach us of a woman's heart,
- We know not His whose love embraces all.
- Anno Domini 1972
- A CRAZY bookcase, placed before
- A low-price dealer's open door;
- Therein arrayed in broken rows
- A ragged crew of rhyme and prose,
- The homeless vagrants, waifs, and strays
- Whose low estate this line betrays
- (Set forth the lesser birds to lime)
- Ho! dealer; for its motto's sake
- This scarecrow from the shelf I take;
- Three starveling volumes bound in one,
- Its covers warping in the sun.
- Methinks it hath a musty smell,
- I like its flavor none too well,
- But Yorick's brain was far from dull,
- Though Hamlet pah!'d, and dropped his skull.
- Why, here comes rain! The sky grows dark,--
- Was that the roll of thunder? Hark!
- The shop affords a safe retreat,
- A chair extends its welcome seat,
- The tradesman has a civil look
- (I 've paid, impromptu, for my book),
- The clouds portend a sudden shower,--
- I 'll read my purchase for an hour.
- What have I rescued from the shelf?
- A Boswell, writing out himself!
- For though he changes dress and name,
- The man beneath is still the same,
- Laughing or sad, by fits and starts,
- One actor in a dozen parts,
- And whatsoe'er the mask may be,
- The voice assures us, This is he.
- I say not this to cry him down;
- I find my Shakespeare in his clown,
- His rogues the selfsame parent own;
- Nay! Satan talks in Milton's tone!
- Where'er the ocean inlet strays,
- The salt sea wave its source betrays;
- Where'er the queen of summer blows,
- She tells the zephyr, "I'm the rose!"
- And his is not the playwright's page;
- His table does not ape the stage;
- What matter if the figures seen
- Are only shadows on a screen,
- He finds in them his lurking thought,
- And on their lips the words he sought,
- Like one who sits before the keys
- And plays a tune himself to please.
- And was he noted in his day?
- Read, flattered, honored? Who shall say?
- Poor wreck of time the wave has cast
- To find a peaceful shore at last,
- Once glorying in thy gilded name
- And freighted deep with hopes of fame,
- Thy leaf is moistened with a tear,
- The first for many a long, long year.
- For be it more or less of art
- That veils the lowliest human heart
- Where passion throbs, where friendship glows,
- Where pity's tender tribute flows,
- Where love has lit its fragrant fire,
- And sorrow quenched its vain desire,
- For me the altar is divine,
- Its flame, its ashes,--all are mine!
- And thou, my brother, as I look
- And see thee pictured in thy book,
- Thy years on every page confessed
- In shadows lengthening from the west,
- Thy glance that wanders, as it sought
- Some freshly opening flower of thought,
- Thy hopeful nature, light and free,
- I start to find myself in thee!
- . . . . . . . . . . .
- Come, vagrant, outcast, wretch forlorn
- In leather jerkin stained and torn,
- Whose talk has filled my idle hour
- And made me half forget the shower,
- I'll do at least as much for you,
- Your coat I'll patch, your gilt renew,
- Read you--perhaps--some other time.
- Not bad, my bargain! Price one dime!
- 1862-1874
- THUS I lift the sash, so long
- Shut against the flight of song;
- All too late for vain excuse,--
- Lo, my captive rhymes are loose.
- Rhymes that, flitting through my brain,
- Beat against my window-pane,
- Some with gayly colored wings,
- Some, alas! with venomed stings.
- Shall they bask in sunny rays?
- Shall they feed on sugared praise?
- Shall they stick with tangled feet
- On the critic's poisoned sheet?
- Are the outside winds too rough?
- Is the world not wide enough?
- Go, my winged verse, and try,--
- Go, like Uncle Toby's fly!
- READER--gentle--if so be
- Such still live, and live for me,
- Will it please you to be told
- What my tenscore pages hold?
- Here are verses that in spite
- Of myself I needs must write,
- Like the wine that oozes first
- When the unsqueezed grapes have burst.
- Here are angry lines, "too hard!"
- Says the soldier, battle-scarred.
- Could I smile his scars away
- I would blot the bitter lay,
- Written with a knitted brow,
- Read with placid wonder now.
- Throbbed such passion in my heart?
- Did his wounds once really smart?
- Here are varied strains that sing
- All the changes life can bring,
- Songs when joyous friends have met,
- Songs the mourner's tears have wet.
- See the banquet's dead bouquet,
- Fair and fragrant in its day;
- Do they read the selfsame lines,--
- He that fasts and he that dines?
- Year by year, like milestones placed,
- Mark the record Friendship traced.
- Prisoned in the walls of time
- Life has notched itself in rhyme.
- As its seasons slid along,
- Every year a notch of song,
- From the June of long ago,
- When the rose was full in blow,
- Till the scarlet sage has come
- And the cold chrysanthemum.
- Read, but not to praise or blame;
- Are not all our hearts the same?
- For the rest, they take their chance,--
- Some may pay a passing glance;
- Others,-well, they served a turn,--
- Wherefore written, would you learn?
- Not for glory, not for pelf,
- Not, be sure, to please myself,
- Not for any meaner ends,--
- Always "by request of friends."
- Here's the cousin of a king,--
- Would I do the civil thing?
- Here 's the first-born of a queen;
- Here 's a slant-eyed Mandarin.
- Would I polish off Japan?
- Would I greet this famous man,
- Prince or Prelate, Sheik or Shah?--
- Figaro gi and Figaro la!
- Would I just this once comply?--
- So they teased and teased till I
- (Be the truth at once confessed)
- Wavered--yielded--did my best.
- Turn my pages,--never mind
- If you like not all you find;
- Think not all the grains are gold
- Sacramento's sand-banks hold.
- Every kernel has its shell,
- Every chime its harshest bell,
- Every face its weariest look,
- Every shelf its emptiest book,
- Every field its leanest sheaf,
- Every book its dullest leaf,
- Every leaf its weakest line,--
- Shall it not be so with mine?
- Best for worst shall make amends,
- Find us, keep us, leave us friends
- Till, perchance, we meet again.
- Benedicite.--Amen!
- October 7, 1874.
- As through the forest, disarrayed
- By chill November, late I strayed,
- A lonely minstrel of the wood
- Was singing to the solitude
- I loved thy music, thus I said,
- When o'er thy perch the leaves were spread
- Sweet was thy song, but sweeter now
- Thy carol on the leafless bough.
- Sing, little bird! thy note shall cheer
- The sadness of the dying year.
- When violets pranked the turf with blue
- And morning filled their cups with dew,
- Thy slender voice with rippling trill
- The budding April bowers would fill,
- Nor passed its joyous tones away
- When April rounded into May:
- Thy life shall hail no second dawn,--
- Sing, little bird! the spring is gone.
- And I remember--well-a-day!--
- Thy full-blown summer roundelay,
- As when behind a broidered screen
- Some holy maiden sings unseen
- With answering notes the woodland rung,
- And every tree-top found a tongue.
- How deep the shade! the groves how fair!
- Sing, little bird! the woods are bare.
- The summer's throbbing chant is done
- And mute the choral antiphon;
- The birds have left the shivering pines
- To flit among the trellised vines,
- Or fan the air with scented plumes
- Amid the love-sick orange-blooms,
- And thou art here alone,--alone,--
- Sing, little bird! the rest have flown.
- The snow has capped yon distant hill,
- At morn the running brook was still,
- From driven herds the clouds that rise
- Are like the smoke of sacrifice;
- Erelong the frozen sod shall mock
- The ploughshare, changed to stubborn rock,
- The brawling streams shall soon be dumb,--
- Sing, little bird! the frosts have come.
- Fast, fast the lengthening shadows creep,
- The songless fowls are half asleep,
- The air grows chill, the setting sun
- May leave thee ere thy song is done,
- The pulse that warms thy breast grow cold,
- Thy secret die with thee, untold
- The lingering sunset still is bright,--
- Sing, little bird! 't will soon be night.
- 1874.
- I cannot tell the story of Dorothy Q. more simply in prose than I have
- told it in verse, but I can add something to it. Dorothy was the daughter
- of Judge Edmund Quincy, and the niece of Josiah Quincy, junior, the young
- patriot and orator who died just before the American Revolution, of which
- he was one of the most eloquent and effective promoters. The son of the
- latter, Josiah Quincy, the first mayor of Boston bearing that name, lived
- to a great age, one of the most useful and honored citizens of his time.
- The canvas of the painting was so much decayed that it had to be replaced
- by a new one, in doing which the rapier thrust was of course filled up.
- GRANDMOTHER'S mother: her age, I guess,
- Thirteen summers, or something less;
- Girlish bust, but womanly air;
- Smooth, square forehead with uprolled hair;
- Lips that lover has never kissed;
- Taper fingers and slender wrist;
- Hanging sleeves of stiff brocade;
- So they painted the little maid.
- On her hand a parrot green
- Sits unmoving and broods serene.
- Hold up the canvas full in view,--
- Look! there's a rent the light shines through,
- Dark with a century's fringe of dust,--
- That was a Red-Coat's rapier-thrust!
- Such is the tale the lady old,
- Dorothy's daughter's daughter, told.
- Who the painter was none may tell,--
- One whose best was not over well;
- Hard and dry, it must be confessed,
- Flat as a rose that has long been pressed;
- Yet in her cheek the hues are bright,
- Dainty colors of red and white,
- And in her slender shape are seen
- Hint and promise of stately mien.
- Look not on her with eyes of scorn,--
- Dorothy Q. was a lady born!
- Ay! since the galloping Normans came,
- England's annals have known her name;
- And still to the three-billed rebel town
- Dear is that ancient name's renown,
- For many a civic wreath they won,
- The youthful sire and the gray-haired son.
- O Damsel Dorothy! Dorothy Q.!
- Strange is the gift that I owe to you;
- Such a gift as never a king
- Save to daughter or son might bring,--
- All my tenure of heart and hand,
- All my title to house and land;
- Mother and sister and child and wife
- And joy and sorrow and death and life!
- What if a hundred years ago
- Those close-shut lips had answered No,
- When forth the tremulous question came
- That cost the maiden her Norman name,
- And under the folds that look so still
- The bodice swelled with the bosom's thrill?
- Should I be I, or would it be
- One tenth another, to nine tenths me?
- Soft is the breath of a maiden's YES
- Not the light gossamer stirs with less;
- But never a cable that holds so fast
- Through all the battles of wave and blast,
- And never an echo of speech or song
- That lives in the babbling air so long!
- There were tones in the voice that whispered then
- You may hear to-day in a hundred men.
- O lady and lover, how faint and far
- Your images hover,--and here we are,
- Solid and stirring in flesh and bone,--
- Edward's and Dorothy's--all their own,--
- A goodly record for Time to show
- Of a syllable spoken so long ago!--
- Shall I bless you, Dorothy, or forgive
- For the tender whisper that bade me live?
- It shall be a blessing, my little maid!
- I will heal the stab of the Red-Coat's blade,
- And freshen the gold of the tarnished frame,
- And gild with a rhyme your household name;
- So you shall smile on us brave and bright
- As first you greeted the morning's light,
- And live untroubled by woes and fears
- Through a second youth of a hundred years.
- 1871.
- DEVOUTEST of My Sunday friends,
- The patient Organ-blower bends;
- I see his figure sink and rise,
- (Forgive me, Heaven, my wandering eyes!)
- A moment lost, the next half seen,
- His head above the scanty screen,
- Still measuring out his deep salaams
- Through quavering hymns and panting psalms.
- No priest that prays in gilded stole,
- To save a rich man's mortgaged soul;
- No sister, fresh from holy vows,
- So humbly stoops, so meekly bows;
- His large obeisance puts to shame
- The proudest genuflecting dame,
- Whose Easter bonnet low descends
- With all the grace devotion lends.
- O brother with the supple spine,
- How much we owe those bows of thine
- Without thine arm to lend the breeze,
- How vain the finger on the keys!
- Though all unmatched the player's skill,
- Those thousand throats were dumb and still:
- Another's art may shape the tone,
- The breath that fills it is thine own.
- Six days the silent Memnon waits
- Behind his temple's folded gates;
- But when the seventh day's sunshine falls
- Through rainbowed windows on the walls,
- He breathes, he sings, he shouts, he fills
- The quivering air with rapturous thrills;
- The roof resounds, the pillars shake,
- And all the slumbering echoes wake!
- The Preacher from the Bible-text
- With weary words my soul has vexed
- (Some stranger, fumbling far astray
- To find the lesson for the day);
- He tells us truths too plainly true,
- And reads the service all askew,--
- Why, why the--mischief--can't he look
- Beforehand in the service-book?
- But thou, with decent mien and face,
- Art always ready in thy place;
- Thy strenuous blast, whate'er the tune,
- As steady as the strong monsoon;
- Thy only dread a leathery creak,
- Or small residual extra squeak,
- To send along the shadowy aisles
- A sunlit wave of dimpled smiles.
- Not all the preaching, O my friend,
- Comes from the church's pulpit end!
- Not all that bend the knee and bow
- Yield service half so true as thou!
- One simple task performed aright,
- With slender skill, but all thy might,
- Where honest labor does its best,
- And leaves the player all the rest.
- This many-diapasoned maze,
- Through which the breath of being strays,
- Whose music makes our earth divine,
- Has work for mortal hands like mine.
- My duty lies before me. Lo,
- The lever there! Take hold and blow
- And He whose hand is on the keys
- Will play the tune as He shall please.
- 1812.
- THE house was crammed from roof to floor,
- Heads piled on heads at every door;
- Half dead with August's seething heat
- I crowded on and found my seat,
- My patience slightly out of joint,
- My temper short of boiling-point,
- Not quite at _Hate mankind as such_,
- Nor yet at _Love them overmuch_.
- Amidst the throng the pageant drew
- Were gathered Hebrews not a few,
- Black-bearded, swarthy,--at their side
- Dark, jewelled women, orient-eyed:
- If scarce a Christian hopes for grace
- Who crowds one in his narrow place,
- What will the savage victim do
- Whose ribs are kneaded by a Jew?
- Next on my left a breathing form
- Wedged up against me, close and warm;
- The beak that crowned the bistred face
- Betrayed the mould of Abraham's race,--
- That coal-black hair, that smoke-brown hue,--
- Ah, cursed, unbelieving Jew
- I started, shuddering, to the right,
- And squeezed--a second Israelite.
- Then woke the evil brood of rage
- That slumber, tongueless, in their cage;
- I stabbed in turn with silent oaths
- The hook-nosed kite of carrion clothes,
- The snaky usurer, him that crawls
- And cheats beneath the golden balls,
- Moses and Levi, all the horde,
- Spawn of the race that slew its Lord.
- Up came their murderous deeds of old,
- The grisly story Chaucer told,
- And many an ugly tale beside
- Of children caught and crucified;
- I heard the ducat-sweating thieves
- Beneath the Ghetto's slouching eaves,
- And, thrust beyond the tented green,
- The lepers cry, "Unclean! Unclean!"
- The show went on, but, ill at ease,
- My sullen eye it could not please,
- In vain my conscience whispered, "Shame!
- Who but their Maker is to blame?"
- I thought of Judas and his bribe,
- And steeled my soul against their tribe
- My neighbors stirred; I looked again
- Full on the younger of the twain.
- A fresh young cheek whose olive hue
- The mantling blood shows faintly through;
- Locks dark as midnight, that divide
- And shade the neck on either side;
- Soft, gentle, loving eyes that gleam
- Clear as a starlit mountain stream;--
- So looked that other child of Shem,
- The Maiden's Boy of Bethlehem!
- And thou couldst scorn the peerless blood
- That flows immingled from the Flood,--
- Thy scutcheon spotted with the stains
- Of Norman thieves and pirate Danes!
- The New World's foundling, in thy pride
- Scowl on the Hebrew at thy side,
- And lo! the very semblance there
- The Lord of Glory deigned to wear!
- I see that radiant image rise,
- The flowing hair, the pitying eyes,
- The faintly crimsoned cheek that shows
- The blush of Sharon's opening rose,--
- Thy hands would clasp his hallowed feet
- Whose brethren soil thy Christian seat,
- Thy lips would press his garment's hem
- That curl in wrathful scorn for them!
- A sudden mist, a watery screen,
- Dropped like a veil before the scene;
- The shadow floated from my soul,
- And to my lips a whisper stole,--
- "Thy prophets caught the Spirit's flame,
- From thee the Son of Mary came,
- With thee the Father deigned to dwell,--
- Peace be upon thee, Israel!"
- 18--. Rewritten 1874.
- WHILE far along the eastern sky
- I saw the flags of Havoc fly,
- As if his forces would assault
- The sovereign of the starry vault
- And hurl Him back the burning rain
- That seared the cities of the plain,
- I read as on a crimson page
- The words of Israel's sceptred sage:--
- _For riches make them wings, and they
- Do as an eagle fly away_.
- O vision of that sleepless night,
- What hue shall paint the mocking light
- That burned and stained the orient skies
- Where peaceful morning loves to rise,
- As if the sun had lost his way
- And dawned to make a second day,--
- Above how red with fiery glow,
- How dark to those it woke below!
- On roof and wall, on dome and spire,
- Flashed the false jewels of the fire;
- Girt with her belt of glittering panes,
- And crowned with starry-gleaming vanes,
- Our northern queen in glory shone
- With new-born splendors not her own,
- And stood, transfigured in our eyes,
- A victim decked for sacrifice!
- The cloud still hovers overhead,
- And still the midnight sky is red;
- As the lost wanderer strays alone
- To seek the place he called his own,
- His devious footprints sadly tell
- How changed the pathways known so well;
- The scene, how new! The tale, how old
- Ere yet the ashes have grown cold!
- Again I read the words that came
- Writ in the rubric of the flame
- Howe'r we trust to mortal things,
- Each hath its pair of folded wings;
- Though long their terrors rest unspread
- Their fatal plumes are never shed;
- At last, at last they spread in flight,
- And blot the day and blast then night!
- Hope, only Hope, of all that clings
- Around us, never spreads her wings;
- Love, though he break his earthly chain,
- Still whispers he will come again;
- But Faith that soars to seek the sky
- Shall teach our half-fledged souls to fly,
- And find, beyond the smoke and flame,
- The cloudless azure whence they came!
- 1872.
- Read at a meeting of the Massachusetts Historical Society.
- No! never such a draught was poured
- Since Hebe served with nectar
- The bright Olympians and their Lord,
- Her over-kind protector,--
- Since Father Noah squeezed the grape
- And took to such behaving
- As would have shamed our grandsire ape
- Before the days of shaving,--
- No! ne'er was mingled such a draught
- In palace, hall, or arbor,
- As freemen brewed and tyrants quaffed
- That night in Boston Harbor!
- The Western war-cloud's crimson stained
- The Thames, the Clyde, the Shannon;
- Full many a six-foot grenadier
- The flattened grass had measured,
- And many a mother many a year
- Her tearful memories treasured;
- Fast spread the tempest's darkening pall,
- The mighty realms were troubled,
- The storm broke loose, but first of all
- The Boston teapot bubbled!
- An evening party,--only that,
- No formal invitation,
- No gold-laced coat, no stiff cravat,
- No feast in contemplation,
- No silk-robed dames, no fiddling band,
- No flowers, no songs, no dancing,--
- A tribe of red men, axe in hand,--
- Behold the guests advancing!
- How fast the stragglers join the throng,
- From stall and workshop gathered!
- The lively barber skips along
- And leaves a chin half-lathered;
- The smith has flung his hammer down,
- The horseshoe still is glowing;
- The truant tapster at the Crown
- Has left a beer-cask flowing;
- The cooper's boys have dropped the adze,
- And trot behind their master;
- Up run the tarry ship-yard lads,--
- The crowd is hurrying faster,--
- Out from the Millpond's purlieus gush
- The streams of white-faced millers,
- And down their slippery alleys rush
- The lusty young Fort-Hillers--
- The ropewalk lends its 'prentice crew,--
- The tories seize the omen:
- "Ay, boys, you'll soon have work to do
- For England's rebel foemen,
- 'King Hancock,' Adams, and their gang,
- That fire the mob with treason,--
- When these we shoot and those we hang
- The town will come to reason."
- On--on to where the tea-ships ride!
- And now their ranks are forming,--
- A rush, and up the Dartmouth's side
- The Mohawk band is swarming!
- See the fierce natives! What a glimpse
- Of paint and fur and feather,
- As all at once the full-grown imps
- Light on the deck together!
- A scarf the pigtail's secret keeps,
- A blanket hides the breeches,--
- And out the cursed cargo leaps,
- And overboard it pitches!
- O woman, at the evening board
- So gracious, sweet, and purring,
- So happy while the tea is poured,
- So blest while spoons are stirring,
- What martyr can compare with thee,
- The mother, wife, or daughter,
- That night, instead of best Bohea,
- Condemned to milk and water!
- Ah, little dreams the quiet dame
- Who plies with' rock and spindle
- The patient flax, how great a flame
- Yon little spark shall kindle!
- The lurid morning shall reveal
- A fire no king can smother
- Where British flint and Boston steel
- Have clashed against each other!
- Old charters shrivel in its track,
- His Worship's bench has crumbled,
- It climbs and clasps the union-jack,
- Its blazoned pomp is humbled,
- The flags go down on land and sea
- Like corn before the reapers;
- So burned the fire that brewed the tea
- That Boston served her keepers!
- The waves that wrought a century's wreck
- Have rolled o'er whig and tory;
- The Mohawks on the Dartmouth's deck
- Still live in song and story;
- The waters in the rebel bay
- Have kept the tea-leaf savor;
- Our old North-Enders in their spray
- Still taste a Hyson flavor;
- And Freedom's teacup still o'erflows
- With ever fresh libations,
- To cheat of slumber all her foes
- And cheer the wakening nations.
- 1874.
- SLOW toiling upward from' the misty vale,
- I leave the bright enamelled zones below;
- No more for me their beauteous bloom shall glow,
- Their lingering sweetness load the morning gale;
- Few are the slender flowerets, scentless, pale,
- That on their ice-clad stems all trembling blow
- Along the margin of unmelting snow;
- Yet with unsaddened voice thy verge I hail,
- White realm of peace above the flowering line;
- Welcome thy frozen domes, thy rocky spires!
- O'er thee undimmed the moon-girt planets shine,
- On thy majestic altars fade the fires
- That filled the air with smoke of vain desires,
- And all the unclouded blue of heaven is thine!
- 1870.
- This poem, published anonymously in the Boston Evening Transcript, was
- claimed by several persons, three, if I remember correctly, whose names I
- have or have had, but never thought it worth while to publish.
- WHERE are you going, soldiers,
- With banner, gun, and sword?
- We 're marching South to Canaan
- To battle for the Lord
- What Captain leads your armies
- Along the rebel coasts?
- The Mighty One of Israel,
- His name is Lord of Hosts!
- To Canaan, to Canaan
- The Lord has led us forth,
- To blow before the heathen walls
- The trumpets of the North!
- What flag is this you carry
- Along the sea and shore?
- The same our grandsires lifted up,--
- The same our fathers bore
- In many a battle's tempest
- It shed the crimson rain,--
- What God has woven in his loom
- Let no man rend in twain!
- To Canaan, to Canaan
- The Lord has led us forth,
- To plant upon the rebel towers
- The banners of the North!
- What troop is this that follows,
- All armed with picks and spades?
- These are the swarthy bondsmen,--
- The iron-skin brigades!
- They'll pile up Freedom's breastwork,
- They 'LL scoop out rebels' graves;
- Who then will be their owner
- And march them off for slaves?
- To Canaan, to Canaan
- The Lord has led us forth,
- To strike upon the captive's chain
- The hammers of the North!
- What song is this you're singing?
- The same that Israel sung
- When Moses led the mighty choir,
- And Miriam's timbrel rung!
- To Canaan! To Canaan!
- The priests and maidens cried:
- To Canaan! To Canaan!
- The people's voice replied.
- To Canaan, to Canaan
- The Lord has led us forth,
- To thunder through its adder dens
- The anthems of the North.
- When Canaan's hosts are scattered,
- And all her walls lie flat,
- What follows next in order?
- The Lord will see to that
- We'll break the tyrant's sceptre,--
- We 'll build the people's throne,--
- When half the world is Freedom's,
- Then all the world's our own
- To Canaan, to Canaan
- The Lord has led us forth,
- To sweep the rebel threshing-floors,
- A whirlwind from the North.
- August 12, 1862.
- IN poisonous dens, where traitors hide
- Like bats that fear the day,
- While all the land our charters claim
- Is sweating blood and breathing flame,
- Dead to their country's woe and shame,
- The recreants whisper STAY!
- In peaceful homes, where patriot fires
- On Love's own altars glow,
- The mother hides her trembling fear,
- The wife, the sister, checks a tear,
- To breathe the parting word of cheer,
- Soldier of Freedom, Go!
- In halls where Luxury lies at ease,
- And Mammon keeps his state,
- Where flatterers fawn and menials crouch,
- The dreamer, startled from his couch,
- Wrings a few counters from his pouch,
- And murmurs faintly WAIT!
- In weary camps, on trampled plains
- That ring with fife and drum,
- The battling host, whose harness gleams
- Along the crimson-flowing streams,
- Calls, like a warning voice in dreams,
- We want you, Brother! COME!
- Choose ye whose bidding ye will do,--
- To go, to wait, to stay!
- Sons of the Freedom-loving town,
- Heirs of the Fathers' old renown,
- The servile yoke, the civic crown,
- Await your choice To-DAY!
- The stake is laid! O gallant youth
- With yet unsilvered brow,
- If Heaven should lose and Hell should win,
- On whom shall lie the mortal sin,
- That cries aloud, It might have been?
- God calls you--answer NOW.
- 1862.
- LISTEN, young heroes! your country is calling!
- Time strikes the hour for the brave and the true!
- Now, while the foremost are fighting and falling,
- Fill up the ranks that have opened for you!
- You whom the fathers made free and defended,
- Stain not the scroll that emblazons their fame
- You whose fair heritage spotless descended,
- Leave not your children a birthright of shame!
- Stay not for questions while Freedom stands gasping!
- Wait not till Honor lies wrapped in his pall!
- Brief the lips' meeting be, swift the hands' clasping,--
- "Off for the wars!" is enough for them all!
- Break from the arms that would fondly caress you!
- Hark! 't is the bugle-blast, sabres are drawn!
- Mothers shall pray for you, fathers shall bless you,
- Maidens shall weep for you when you are gone!
- Never or now! cries the blood of a nation,
- Poured on the turf where the red rose should bloom;
- Now is the day and the hour of salvation,--
- Never or now! peals the trumpet of doom!
- Never or now! roars the hoarse-throated cannon
- Through the black canopy blotting the skies;
- Never or now! flaps the shell-blasted pennon
- O'er the deep ooze where the Cumberland lies!
- From the foul dens where our brothers are dying,
- Aliens and foes in the land of their birth,--
- From the rank swamps where our martyrs are lying
- Pleading in vain for a handful of earth,--
- From the hot plains where they perish outnumbered,
- Furrowed and ridged by the battle-field's plough,
- Comes the loud summons; too long you have slumbered,
- Hear the last Angel-trump,--Never or Now!
- 1862.
- ONE country! Treason's writhing asp
- Struck madly at her girdle's clasp,
- And Hatred wrenched with might and main
- To rend its welded links in twain,
- While Mammon hugged his golden calf
- Content to take one broken half,
- While thankless churls stood idly by
- And heard unmoved a nation's cry!
- One country! "Nay,"--the tyrant crew
- Shrieked from their dens,--"it shall be two!
- Ill bodes to us this monstrous birth,
- That scowls on all the thrones of earth,
- Too broad yon starry cluster shines,
- Too proudly tower the New-World pines,
- Tear down the 'banner of the free,'
- And cleave their land from sea to sea!"
- One country still, though foe and "friend"
- Our seamless empire strove to rend;
- Safe! safe' though all the fiends of hell
- Join the red murderers' battle-yell!
- What though the lifted sabres gleam,
- The cannons frown by shore and stream,--
- The sabres clash, the cannons thrill,
- In wild accord, One country still!
- One country! in her stress and strain
- We heard the breaking of a chain!
- Look where the conquering Nation swings
- Her iron flail,--its shivered rings!
- Forged by the rebels' crimson hand,
- That bolt of wrath shall scourge the land
- Till Peace proclaims on sea and shore
- One Country now and evermore!
- 1865.
- WASHED in the blood of the brave and the blooming,
- Snatched from the altars of insolent foes,
- Burning with star-fires, but never consuming,
- Flash its broad ribbons of lily and rose.
- Vainly the prophets of Baal would rend it,
- Vainly his worshippers pray for its fall;
- Thousands have died for it, millions defend it,
- Emblem of justice and mercy to all:
- Justice that reddens the sky with her terrors,
- Mercy that comes with her white-handed train,
- Soothing all passions, redeeming all errors,
- 'Sheathing the sabre and breaking the chain.
- Borne on the deluge of old usurpations,
- Drifted our Ark o'er the desolate seas,
- Bearing the rainbow of hope to the nations,
- Torn from the storm-cloud and flung to the breeze!
- God bless the Flag and its loyal defenders,
- While its broad folds o'er the battle-field wave,
- Till the dim star-wreath rekindle its splendors,
- Washed from its stains in the blood of the brave!
- 1865.
- GIVER of all that crowns our days,
- With grateful hearts we sing thy praise;
- Through deep and desert led by Thee,
- Our promised land at last we see.
- Ruler of Nations, judge our cause!
- If we have kept thy holy laws,
- The sons of Belial curse in vain
- The day that rends the captive's chain.
- Thou God of vengeance! Israel's Lord!
- Break in their grasp the shield and sword,
- And make thy righteous judgments known
- Till all thy foes are overthrown!
- Then, Father, lay thy healing hand
- In mercy on our stricken land;
- Lead all its wanderers to the fold,
- And be their Shepherd as of old.
- So shall one Nation's song ascend
- To Thee, our Ruler, Father, Friend,
- While Heaven's wide arch resounds again
- With Peace on earth, good-will to men!
- 1865.
- O GOD! in danger's darkest hour,
- In battle's deadliest field,
- Thy name has been our Nation's tower,
- Thy truth her help and shield.
- Our lips should fill the air with praise,
- Nor pay the debt we owe,
- So high above the songs we raise
- The floods of mercy flow.
- Yet Thou wilt hear the prayer we speak,
- The song of praise we sing,--
- Thy children, who thine altar seek
- Their grateful gifts to bring.
- Thine altar is the sufferer's bed,
- The home of woe and pain,
- The soldier's turfy pillow, red
- With battle's crimson rain.
- No smoke of burning stains the air,
- No incense-clouds arise;
- Thy peaceful servants, Lord, prepare
- A bloodless sacrifice.
- Lo! for our wounded brothers' need,
- We bear the wine and oil;
- For us they faint, for us they bleed,
- For them our gracious toil!
- O Father, bless the gifts we bring!
- Cause Thou thy face to shine,
- Till every nation owns her King,
- And all the earth is thine.
- 1865.
- APRIL 27,1861
- EIGHTY years have passed, and more,
- Since under the brave old tree
- Our fathers gathered in arms, and swore
- They would follow the sign their banners bore,
- And fight till the land was free.
- Half of their work was done,
- Half is left to do,--
- Cambridge, and Concord, and Lexington!
- When the battle is fought and won,
- What shall be told of you?
- Hark!--'t is the south-wind moans,--
- Who are the martyrs down?
- Ah, the marrow was true in your children's bones
- That sprinkled with blood the cursed stones
- Of the murder-haunted town!
- What if the storm-clouds blow?
- What if the green leaves fall?
- Better the crashing tempest's throe
- Than the army of worms that gnawed below;
- Trample them one and all!
- Then, when the battle is won,
- And the land from traitors free,
- Our children shall tell of the strife begun
- When Liberty's second April sun
- Was bright on our brave old tree!
- LAND where the banners wave last in the sun,
- Blazoned with star-clusters, many in one,
- Floating o'er prairie and mountain and sea;
- Hark! 't is the voice of thy children to thee!
- Here at thine altar our vows we renew
- Still in thy cause to be loyal and true,--
- True to thy flag on the field and the wave,
- Living to honor it, dying to save!
- Mother of heroes! if perfidy's blight
- Fall on a star in thy garland of light,
- Sound but one bugle-blast! Lo! at the sign
- Armies all panoplied wheel into line!
- Hope of the world! thou'hast broken its chains,--
- Wear thy bright arms while a tyrant remains,
- Stand for the right till the nations shall own
- Freedom their sovereign, with Law for her throne!
- Freedom! sweet Freedom! our voices resound,
- Queen by God's blessing, unsceptred, uncrowned!
- Freedom, sweet Freedom, our pulses repeat,
- Warm with her life-blood, as long as they beat!
- Fold the broad banner-stripes over her breast,--
- Crown her with star-jewels Queen of the West!
- Earth for her heritage, God for her friend,
- She shall reign over us, world without end!
- O LORD of Hosts! Almighty King!
- Behold the sacrifice we bring
- To every arm thy strength impart,
- Thy spirit shed through every heart!
- Wake in our breasts the living fires,
- The holy faith that warmed our sires;
- Thy hand hath made our Nation free;
- To die for her is serving Thee.
- Be Thou a pillared flame to show
- The midnight snare, the silent foe;
- And when the battle thunders loud,
- Still guide us in its moving cloud.
- God of all Nations! Sovereign Lord
- In thy dread name we draw the sword,
- We lift the starry flag on high
- That fills with light our stormy sky.
- From treason's rent, from murder's stain,
- Guard Thou its folds till Peace shall reign,--
- Till fort and field, till shore and sea,
- Join our loud anthem, PRAISE TO THEE!
- FATHER of Mercies, Heavenly Friend,
- We seek thy gracious throne;
- To Thee our faltering prayers ascend,
- Our fainting hearts are known.
- From blasts that chill, from suns that smite,
- From every plague that harms;
- In camp and march, in siege and fight,
- Protect our men-at-arms.
- Though from our darkened lives they take
- What makes our life most dear,
- We yield them for their country's sake
- With no relenting tear.
- Our blood their flowing veins will shed,
- Their wounds our breasts will share;
- Oh, save us from the woes we dread,
- Or grant us strength to bear!
- Let each unhallowed cause that brings
- The stern destroyer cease,
- Thy flaming angel fold his wings,
- And seraphs whisper Peace!
- Thine are the sceptre and the sword,
- Stretch forth thy mighty hand,--
- Reign Thou our kingless nation's Lord,
- Rule Thou our throneless land!
- WHAT flower is this that greets the morn,
- Its hues from Heaven so freshly born?
- With burning star and flaming band
- It kindles all the sunset land
- Oh tell us what its name may be,--
- Is this the Flower of Liberty?
- It is the banner of the free,
- The starry Flower of Liberty!
- In savage Nature's far abode
- Its tender seed our fathers sowed;
- The storm-winds rocked its swelling bud,
- Its opening leaves were streaked with blood,
- Till Lo! earth's tyrants shook to see
- The full-blown Flower of Liberty
- Then hail the banner of the free,
- The starry Flower of Liberty!
- Behold its streaming rays unite,
- One mingling flood of braided light,--
- The red that fires the Southern rose,
- With spotless white from Northern snows,
- And, spangled o'er its azure, see
- The sister Stars of Liberty!
- Then hail the banner of the free,
- The starry Flower of Liberty!
- The blades of heroes fence it round,
- Where'er it springs is holy ground;
- From tower and dome its glories spread;
- It waves where lonely sentries tread;
- It makes the land as ocean free,
- And plants an empire on the sea!
- Then hail the banner of the free,
- The starry Flower of Liberty!
- Thy sacred leaves, fair Freedom's flower,
- Shall ever float on dome and tower,
- To all their heavenly colors true,
- In blackening frost or crimson dew,--
- And God love us as we love thee,
- Thrice holy Flower of Liberty!
- Then hail the banner of the free,
- Now, while our soldiers are fighting our battles,
- Each at his post to do all that he can,
- Down among rebels and contraband chattels,
- What are you doing, my sweet little man?
- All the brave boys under canvas are sleeping,
- All of them pressing to march with the van,
- Far from the home where their sweethearts are weeping;
- What are you waiting for, sweet little man?
- You with the terrible warlike mustaches,
- Fit for a colonel or chief of a clan,
- You with the waist made for sword-belts and sashes,
- Where are your shoulder-straps, sweet little man?
- Bring him the buttonless garment of woman!
- Cover his face lest it freckle and tan;
- Muster the Apron-String Guards on the Common,
- That is the corps for the sweet little man!
- Give him for escort a file of young misses,
- Each of them armed with a deadly rattan;
- They shall defend him from laughter and hisses,
- Aimed by low boys at the sweet little man.
- All the fair maidens about him shall cluster,
- Pluck the white feathers from bonnet and fan,
- Make him a plume like a turkey-wing duster,--
- That is the crest for the sweet little man!
- Oh, but the Apron-String Guards are the fellows
- Drilling each day since our troubles began,--
- "Handle your walking-sticks!" "Shoulder umbrellas!"
- That is the style for the sweet little man!
- Have we a nation to save? In the first place
- Saving ourselves is the sensible plan,--
- Surely the spot where there's shooting's the worst place
- Where I can stand, says the sweet little man.
- Catch me confiding my person with strangers!
- Think how the cowardly Bull-Runners ran!
- In the brigade of the Stay-at-Home Rangers
- Marches my corps, says the sweet little man.
- Such was the stuff of the Malakoff-takers,
- Such were the soldiers that scaled the Redan;
- Truculent housemaids and bloodthirsty Quakers,
- Brave not the wrath of the sweet little man!
- Yield him the sidewalk, ye nursery maidens!
- _Sauve qui peut_! Bridget, and right about! Ann;--
- Fierce as a shark in a school of menhadens,
- See him advancing, the sweet little man!
- When the red flails of the battle-field's threshers
- Beat out the continent's wheat from its bran,
- While the wind scatters the chaffy seceshers,
- What will become of our sweet little man?
- When the brown soldiers come back from the borders,
- How will he look while his features they scan?
- How will he feel when he gets marching orders,
- Signed by his lady love? sweet little man!
- Fear not for him, though the rebels expect him,--
- Life is too precious to shorten its span;
- Woman her broomstick shall raise to protect him,
- Will she not fight for the sweet little man?
- Now then, nine cheers for the Stay-at-Home Ranger!
- Blow the great fish-horn and beat the big pan!
- First in the field that is farthest from danger,
- Take your white-feather plume, sweet little man!
- FLAG of the heroes who left us their glory,
- Borne through their battle-fields' thunder and flame,
- Blazoned in song and illumined in story,
- Wave o'er us all who inherit their fame!
- Up with our banner bright,
- Sprinkled with starry light,
- Spread its fair emblems from mountain to shore,
- While through the sounding sky
- Loud rings the Nation's cry,--
- Light of our firmament, guide of our Nation,
- Pride of her children, and honored afar,
- Let the wide beams of thy full constellation
- Scatter each cloud that would darken a star
- Up with our banner bright, etc.
- Empire unsceptred! what foe shall assail thee,
- Bearing the standard of Liberty's van?
- Think not the God of thy fathers shall fail thee,
- Striving with men for the birthright of man!
- Up with our banner bright, etc.
- Yet if, by madness and treachery blighted,
- Dawns the dark hour when the sword thou must draw,
- Then with the arms of thy millions united,
- Smite the bold traitors to Freedom and Law!
- Up with our banner bright, etc.
- Lord of the Universe! shield us and guide us,
- Trusting Thee always, through shadow and sun!
- Thou hast united us, who shall divide us?
- Keep us, oh keep us the MANY IN ONE!
- Up with our banner bright,
- Sprinkled with starry light,
- Spread its fair emblems from mountain to shore,
- While through the sounding sky
- Loud rings the Nation's cry,--
- AUGUST 5, 1866
- Read by Hon. G. V. Fox at a dinner given to the Mission from the United
- States, St. Petersburg.
- THOUGH watery deserts hold apart
- The worlds of East and West,
- Still beats the selfsame human heart
- In each proud Nation's breast.
- Our floating turret tempts the main
- And dares the howling blast
- To clasp more close the golden chain
- That long has bound them fast.
- In vain the gales of ocean sweep,
- In vain the billows roar
- That chafe the wild and stormy steep
- Of storied Elsinore.
- She comes! She comes! her banners dip
- In Neva's flashing tide,
- With greetings on her cannon's lip,
- The storm-god's iron bride!
- Peace garlands with the olive-bough
- Her thunder-bearing tower,
- And plants before her cleaving prow
- The sea-foam's milk-white flower.
- No prairies heaped their garnered store
- To fill her sunless hold,
- Not rich Nevada's gleaming ore
- Its hidden caves infold,
- But lightly as the sea-bird swings
- She floats the depths above,
- A breath of flame to lend her wings,
- Her freight a people's love!
- When darkness hid the starry skies
- In war's long winter night,
- One ray still cheered our straining eyes,
- The far-off Northern light.
- And now the friendly rays return
- From lights that glow afar,
- Those clustered lamps of Heaven that burn
- Around the Western Star.
- A nation's love in tears and smiles
- We bear across the sea,
- O Neva of the banded isles,
- We moor our hearts in thee!
- Sung to the Russian national air by the children of the public schools.
- SHADOWED so long by the storm-cloud of danger,
- Thou whom the prayers of an empire defend,
- Welcome, thrice welcome! but not as a stranger,
- Come to the nation that calls thee its friend!
- Bleak are our shores with the blasts of December,
- Fettered and chill is the rivulet's flow;
- Throbbing and warm are the hearts that remember
- Who was our friend when the world was our foe.
- Look on the lips that are smiling to greet thee,
- See the fresh flowers that a people has strewn
- Count them thy sisters and brothers that meet thee;
- Guest of the Nation, her heart is thine own!
- Fires of the North, in eternal communion,
- Blend your broad flashes with evening's bright star!
- God bless the Empire that loves the Great Union;
- Strength to her people! Long life to the Czar!
- DECEMBER 9, 1871
- ONE word to the guest we have gathered to greet!
- The echoes are longing that word to repeat,--
- It springs to the lips that are waiting to part,
- For its syllables spell themselves first in the heart.
- Its accents may vary, its sound may be strange,
- But it bears a kind message that nothing can change;
- The dwellers by Neva its meaning can tell,
- For the smile, its interpreter, shows it full well.
- That word! How it gladdened the Pilgrim yore,
- As he stood in the snow on the desolate shore!
- When the shout of the sagamore startled his ear
- In the phrase of the Saxon, 't was music to hear!
- Ah, little could Samoset offer our sire,--
- The cabin, the corn-cake, the seat by the fire;
- He had nothing to give,--the poor lord of the land,--
- But he gave him a WELCOME,--his heart in his hand!
- The tribe of the sachem has melted away,
- But the word that he spoke is remembered to-day,
- And the page that is red with the record of shame
- The tear-drops have whitened round Samoset's name.
- The word that he spoke to the Pilgrim of old
- May sound like a tale that has often been told;
- But the welcome we speak is as fresh as the dew,--
- As the kiss of a lover, that always is new!
- Ay, Guest of the Nation! each roof is thine own
- Through all the broad continent's star-bannered zone;
- From the shore where the curtain of morn is uprolled,
- To the billows that flow through the gateway of gold.
- The snow-crested mountains are calling aloud;
- Nevada to Ural speaks out of the cloud,
- And Shasta shouts forth, from his throne in the sky,
- To the storm-splintered summits, the peaks of Altai!
- You must leave him, they say, till the summer is green!
- Both shores are his home, though the waves roll between;
- And then we'll return him, with thanks for the same,
- As fresh and as smiling and tall as he came.
- But ours is the region of arctic delight;
- We can show him auroras and pole-stars by night;
- There's a Muscovy sting in the ice-tempered air,
- And our firesides are warm and our maidens are fair.
- The flowers are full-blown in the garlanded hall,--
- They will bloom round his footsteps wherever they fall;
- For the splendors of youth and the sunshine they bring
- Make the roses believe 't is the summons of Spring.
- One word of our language he needs must know well,
- But another remains that is harder to spell;
- We shall speak it so ill, if he wishes to learn
- How we utter Farewell, he will have to return!
- AUGUST 21, 1868
- BROTHERS, whom we may not reach
- Through the veil of alien speech,
- Welcome! welcome! eyes can tell
- What the lips in vain would spell,--
- Words that hearts can understand,
- Brothers from the Flowery Land!
- We, the evening's latest born,
- Hail the children of the morn!
- We, the new creation's birth,
- Greet the lords of ancient earth,
- From their storied walls and towers
- Wandering to these tents of ours!
- Land of wonders, fair Cathay,
- Who long hast shunned the staring day,
- Hid in mists of poet's dreams
- By thy blue and yellow streams,--
- Let us thy shadowed form behold,--
- Teach us as thou didst of old.
- Knowledge dwells with length of days;
- Wisdom walks in ancient ways;
- Thine the compass that could guide
- A nation o'er the stormy tide,
- Scourged by passions, doubts, and fears,
- Safe through thrice a thousand years!
- Looking from thy turrets gray
- Thou hast seen the world's decay,--
- Egypt drowning in her sands,--
- Athens rent by robbers' hands,--
- Rome, the wild barbarian's prey,
- Like a storm-cloud swept away:
- Looking from thy turrets gray
- Still we see thee. Where are they?
- And to I a new-born nation waits,
- Sitting at the golden gates
- That glitter by the sunset sea,--
- Waits with outspread arms for thee!
- Open wide, ye gates of gold,
- To the Dragon's banner-fold!
- Builders of the mighty wall,
- Bid your mountain barriers fall!
- So may the girdle of the sun.
- Bind the East and West in one,
- Till Mount Shasta's breezes fan
- The snowy peaks of Ta Sieue-Shan,--
- Till Erie blends its waters blue
- With the waves of Tung-Ting-Hu,--
- Till deep Missouri lends its flow
- To swell the rushing Hoang-Ho!
- AUGUST 2, 1872
- WE welcome you, Lords of the Land of the Sun!
- The voice of the many sounds feebly through one;
- Ah! would 't were a voice of more musical tone,
- But the dog-star is here, and the song-birds have flown.
- And what shall I sing that can cheat you of smiles,
- Ye heralds of peace from the Orient isles?
- If only the Jubilee--Why did you wait?
- You are welcome, but oh! you're a little too late!
- We have greeted our brothers of Ireland and France,
- Round the fiddle of Strauss we have joined in the dance,
- We have lagered Herr Saro, that fine-looking man,
- And glorified Godfrey, whose name it is Dan.
- What a pity! we've missed it and you've missed it too,
- We had a day ready and waiting for you;
- We'd have shown you--provided, of course, you had come--
- You 'd have heard--no, you would n't, because it was dumb.
- And then the great organ! The chorus's shout
- Like the mixture teetotalers call "Cold without"--
- A mingling of elements, strong, but not sweet;
- And the drum, just referred to, that "couldn't be beat."
- The shrines of our pilgrims are not like your own,
- Where white Fusiyama lifts proudly its cone,
- (The snow-mantled mountain we see on the fan
- That cools our hot cheeks with a breeze from Japan.)
- But ours the wide temple where worship is free
- As the wind of the prairie, the wave of the sea;
- You may build your own altar wherever you will,
- For the roof of that temple is over you still.
- One dome overarches the star-bannered shore;
- You may enter the Pope's or the Puritan's door,
- Or pass with the Buddhist his gateway of bronze,
- For a priest is but Man, be he bishop or bonze.
- And the lesson we teach with the sword and the pen
- Is to all of God's children, "We also are men!
- If you wrong us we smart, if you prick us we bleed,
- If you love us, no quarrel with color or creed!"
- You'll find us a well-meaning, free-spoken crowd,
- Good-natured enough, but a little too loud,--
- To be sure, there is always a bit of a row
- When we choose our Tycoon, and especially now.
- You'll take it all calmly,--we want you to see
- What a peaceable fight such a contest can be,
- And of one thing be certain, however it ends,
- You will find that our voters have chosen your friends.
- If the horse that stands saddled is first in the race,
- You will greet your old friend with the weed in his face;
- And if the white hat and the White House agree,
- You'll find H. G. really as loving as he.
- But oh, what a pity--once more I must say--
- That we could not have joined in a "Japanese day"!
- Such greeting we give you to-night as we can;
- Long life to our brothers and friends of Japan!
- The Lord of the mountain looks down from his crest
- As the banner of morning unfurls in the West;
- The Eagle was always the friend of the Sun;
- You are welcome!--The song of the cage-bird is done.
- NOVEMBER 3, 1864
- O EVEN-HANDED Nature! we confess
- This life that men so honor, love, and bless
- Has filled thine olden measure. Not the less.
- We count the precious seasons that remain;
- Strike not the level of the golden grain,
- But heap it high with years, that earth may gain.
- What heaven can lose,--for heaven is rich in song
- Do not all poets, dying, still prolong
- Their broken chants amid the seraph throng,
- Where, blind no more, Ionia's bard is seen,
- And England's heavenly minstrel sits between
- The Mantuan and the wan-cheeked Florentine?
- This was the first sweet singer in the cage
- Of our close-woven life. A new-born age
- Claims in his vesper song its heritage.
- Spare us, oh spare us long our heart's desire!
- Moloch, who calls our children through the fire,
- Leaves us the gentle master of the lyre.
- We count not on the dial of the sun
- The hours, the minutes, that his sands have run;
- Rather, as on those flowers that one by one.
- From earliest dawn their ordered bloom display
- Till evening's planet with her guiding ray
- Leads in the blind old mother of the day,
- We reckon by his songs, each song a flower,
- The long, long daylight, numbering hour by hour,
- Each breathing sweetness like a bridal bower.
- His morning glory shall we e'er forget?
- His noontide's full-blown lily coronet?
- His evening primrose has not opened yet;
- Nay, even if creeping Time should hide the skies
- In midnight from his century-laden eyes,
- Darkened like his who sang of Paradise,
- Would not some hidden song-bud open bright
- As the resplendent cactus of the night
- That floods the gloom with fragrance and with
- light?
- How can we praise the verse whose music flows
- With solemn cadence and majestic close,
- Pure as the dew that filters through the rose?
- How shall we thank him that in evil days
- He faltered never,--nor for blame, nor praise,
- Nor hire, nor party, shamed his earlier lays?
- But as his boyhood was of manliest hue,
- So to his youth his manly years were true,
- All dyed in royal purple through and through!
- He for whose touch the lyre of Heaven is strung
- Needs not the flattering toil of mortal tongue
- Let not the singer grieve to die unsung!
- Marbles forget their message to mankind:
- In his own verse the poet still we find,
- In his own page his memory lives enshrined,
- As in their amber sweets the smothered bees,--
- As the fair cedar, fallen before the breeze,
- Lies self-embalmed amidst the mouldering trees.
- Poets, like youngest children, never grow
- Out of their mother's fondness. Nature so
- Holds their soft hands, and will not let them go,
- Till at the last they track with even feet
- Her rhythmic footsteps, and their pulses beat
- Twinned with her pulses, and their lips repeat.
- The secrets she has told them, as their own
- Thus is the inmost soul of Nature known,
- And the rapt minstrel shares her awful throne!
- O lover of her mountains and her woods,
- Her bridal chamber's leafy solitudes,
- Where Love himself with tremulous step intrudes,
- Her snows fall harmless on thy sacred fire
- Far be the day that claims thy sounding lyre
- To join the music of the angel choir!
- Yet, since life's amplest measure must be filled,
- Since throbbing hearts must be forever stilled,
- And all must fade that evening sunsets gild,
- Grant, Father, ere he close the mortal eyes
- That see a Nation's reeking sacrifice,
- Its smoke may vanish from these blackened skies!
- Then, when his summons comes, since come it must,
- And, looking heavenward with unfaltering trust,
- He wraps his drapery round him for the dust,
- His last fond glance will show him o'er his head
- The Northern fires beyond the zenith spread
- In lambent glory, blue and white and red,--
- The Southern cross without its bleeding load,
- The milky way of peace all freshly strowed,
- And every white-throned star fixed in its lost
- abode!
- How the mountains talked together,
- Looking down upon the weather,
- When they heard our friend had planned his
- Little trip among the Andes!
- How they'll bare their snowy scalps
- To the climber of the Alps
- When the cry goes through their passes,
- "Here comes the great Agassiz!"
- "Yes, I'm tall," says Chimborazo,
- "But I wait for him to say so,--
- That's the only thing that lacks,--he
- Must see me, Cotopaxi!"
- "Ay! ay!" the fire-peak thunders,
- "And he must view my wonders!
- I'm but a lonely crater
- Till I have him for spectator!"
- The mountain hearts are yearning,
- The lava-torches burning,
- The rivers bend to meet him,
- The forests bow to greet him,
- It thrills the spinal column
- Of fossil fishes solemn,
- And glaciers crawl the faster
- To the feet of their old master!
- Heaven keep him well and hearty,
- Both him and all his party!
- From the sun that broils and smites,
- From the centipede that bites,
- From the hail-storm and the thunder,
- From the vampire and the condor,
- From the gust upon the river,
- From the sudden earthquake shiver,
- From the trip of mule or donkey,
- From the midnight howling monkey,
- From the stroke of knife or dagger,
- From the puma and the jaguar,
- From the horrid boa-constrictor
- That has scared us in the pictur',
- From the Indians of the Pampas
- Who would dine upon their grampas,
- From every beast and vermin
- That to think of sets us squirmin',
- From every snake that tries on
- The traveller his p'ison,
- From every pest of Natur',
- Likewise the alligator,
- And from two things left behind him,--
- (Be sure they'll try to find him,)
- The tax-bill and assessor,--
- Heaven keep the great Professor
- May he find, with his apostles,
- That the land is full of fossils,
- That the waters swarm with fishes
- Shaped according to his wishes,
- That every pool is fertile
- In fancy kinds of turtle,
- New birds around him singing,
- New insects, never stinging,
- With a million novel data
- About the articulata,
- And facts that strip off all husks
- From the history of mollusks.
- And when, with loud Te Deum,
- He returns to his Museum,
- May he find the monstrous reptile
- That so long the land has kept ill
- By Grant and Sherman throttled,
- And by Father Abraham bottled,
- (All specked and streaked and mottled
- With the scars of murderous battles,
- Where he clashed the iron rattles
- That gods and men he shook at,)
- For all the world to look at.
- God bless the great Professor!
- And Madam, too, God bless her!
- Bless him and all his band,
- On the sea and on the land,
- Bless them head and heart and hand,
- Till their glorious raid is o'er,
- And they touch our ransomed shore!
- Then the welcome of a nation,
- With its shout of exultation,
- Shall awake the dumb creation,
- And the shapes of buried aeons
- Join the living creatures' poeans,
- Till the fossil echoes roar;
- While the mighty megalosaurus
- Leads the palaeozoic chorus,--
- God bless the great Professor,
- And the land his proud possessor,--
- Bless them now and evermore!
- 1865.
- JULY 6, 1865
- Now, smiling friends and shipmates all,
- Since half our battle 's won,
- A broadside for our Admiral!
- Load every crystal gun
- Stand ready till I give the word,--
- You won't have time to tire,--
- And when that glorious name is heard,
- Then hip! hurrah! and fire!
- Bow foremost sinks the rebel craft,--
- Our eyes not sadly turn
- And see the pirates huddling aft
- To drop their raft astern;
- Soon o'er the sea-worm's destined prey
- The lifted wave shall close,--
- So perish from the face of day
- All Freedom's banded foes!
- But ah! what splendors fire the sky
- What glories greet the morn!
- The storm-tost banner streams on high,
- Its heavenly hues new-born!
- Its red fresh dyed in heroes' blood,
- Its peaceful white more pure,
- To float unstained o'er field and flood
- While earth and seas endure!
- All shapes before the driving blast
- Must glide from mortal view;
- Black roll the billows of the past
- Behind the present's blue,
- Fast, fast, are lessening in the light
- The names of high renown,--
- Van Tromp's proud besom fades from sight,
- And Nelson's half hull down!
- Scarce one tall frigate walks the sea
- Or skirts the safer shores
- Of all that bore to victory
- Our stout old commodores;
- Hull, Bainbridge, Porter,--where are they?
- The waves their answer roll,
- "Still bright in memory's sunset ray,--
- God rest each gallant soul!"
- A brighter name must dim their light
- With more than noontide ray,
- The Sea-King of the "River Fight,"
- The Conqueror of the Bay,--
- Now then the broadside! cheer on cheer
- To greet him safe on shore!
- Health, peace, and many a bloodless year
- To fight his battles o'er!
- JULY 31, 1865
- WHEN treason first began the strife
- That crimsoned sea and shore,
- The Nation poured her hoarded life
- On Freedom's threshing-floor;
- From field and prairie, east and west,
- From coast and hill and plain,
- The sheaves of ripening manhood pressed
- Thick as the bearded grain.
- Rich was the harvest; souls as true
- As ever battle tried;
- But fiercer still the conflict grew,
- The floor of death more wide;
- Ah, who forgets that dreadful day
- Whose blot of grief and shame
- Four bitter years scarce wash away
- In seas of blood and flame?
- Vain, vain the Nation's lofty boasts,--
- Vain all her sacrifice!
- "Give me a man to lead my hosts,
- O God in heaven!" she cries.
- While Battle whirls his crushing flail,
- And plies his winnowing fan,--
- Thick flies the chaff on every gale,--
- She cannot find her man!
- Bravely they fought who failed to win,--
- Our leaders battle-scarred,--
- Fighting the hosts of hell and sin,
- But devils die always hard!
- Blame not the broken tools of God
- That helped our sorest needs;
- Through paths that martyr feet have trod
- The conqueror's steps He leads.
- But now the heavens grow black with doubt,
- The ravens fill the sky,
- "Friends" plot within, foes storm without,
- Hark,--that despairing cry,
- "Where is the heart, the hand, the brain
- To dare, to do, to plan?"
- The bleeding Nation shrieks in vain,--
- She has not found her man!
- A little echo stirs the air,--
- Some tale, whate'er it be,
- Of rebels routed in their lair
- Along the Tennessee.
- The little echo spreads and grows,
- And soon the trump of Fame
- Has taught the Nation's friends and foes
- The "man on horseback"'s name.
- So well his warlike wooing sped,
- No fortress might resist
- His billets-doux of lisping lead,
- The bayonets in his fist,--
- With kisses from his cannons' mouth
- He made his passion known
- Till Vicksburg, vestal of the South,
- Unbound her virgin zone.
- And still where'er his banners led
- He conquered as he came,
- The trembling hosts of treason fled
- Before his breath of flame,
- And Fame's still gathering echoes grew
- Till high o'er Richmond's towers
- The starry fold of Freedom flew,
- And all the land was ours.
- Welcome from fields where valor fought
- To feasts where pleasure waits;
- A Nation gives you smiles unbought
- At all her opening gates!
- Forgive us when we press your hand,--
- Your war-worn features scan,--
- God sent you to a bleeding land;
- Our Nation found its man!
- OUR Poet, who has taught the Western breeze
- To waft his songs before him o'er the seas,
- Will find them wheresoe'er his wanderings reach
- Borne on the spreading tide of English speech
- Twin with the rhythmic waves that kiss the farthest beach.
- Where shall the singing bird a stranger be
- That finds a nest for him in every tree?
- How shall he travel who can never go
- Where his own voice the echoes do not know,
- Where his own garden flowers no longer learn to grow?
- Ah! gentlest soul! how gracious, how benign
- Breathes through our troubled life that voice of thine,
- Filled with a sweetness born of happier spheres,
- That wins and warms, that kindles, softens, cheers,
- That calms the wildest woe and stays the bitterest tears!
- Forgive the simple words that sound like praise;
- The mist before me dims my gilded phrase;
- Our speech at best is half alive and cold,
- And save that tenderer moments make us bold
- Our whitening lips would close, their truest truth untold.
- We who behold our autumn sun below
- The Scorpion's sign, against the Archer's bow,
- Know well what parting means of friend from friend;
- After the snows no freshening dews descend,
- And what the frost has marred, the sunshine will not mend.
- So we all count the months, the weeks, the days,
- That keep thee from us in unwonted ways,
- Grudging to alien hearths our widowed time;
- And one has shaped a breath in artless rhyme
- That sighs, "We track thee still through each remotest clime."
- What wishes, longings, blessings, prayers shall be
- The more than golden freight that floats with thee!
- And know, whatever welcome thou shalt find,--
- Thou who hast won the hearts of half mankind,--
- The proudest, fondest love thou leavest still behind!
- This poem was written at the suggestion of Mr. George Bancroft, the
- historian.
- THOU who hast taught the teachers of mankind
- How from the least of things the mightiest grow,
- What marvel jealous Nature made thee blind,
- Lest man should learn what angels long to know?
- Thou in the flinty rock, the river's flow,
- In the thick-moted sunbeam's sifted light
- Hast trained thy downward-pointed tube to show
- Worlds within worlds unveiled to mortal sight,
- Even as the patient watchers of the night,--
- The cyclope gleaners of the fruitful skies,--
- Show the wide misty way where heaven is white
- All paved with suns that daze our wondering eyes.
- Far o'er the stormy deep an empire lies,
- Beyond the storied islands of the blest,
- That waits to see the lingering day-star rise;
- The forest-tinctured Eden of the West;
- Whose queen, fair Freedom, twines her iron crest
- With leaves from every wreath that mortals wear,
- But loves the sober garland ever best
- That science lends the sage's silvered hair;--
- Science, who makes life's heritage more fair,
- Forging for every lock its mastering key,
- Filling with life and hope the stagnant air,
- Pouring the light of Heaven o'er land and sea!
- From her unsceptred realm we come to thee,
- Bearing our slender tribute in our hands;
- Deem it not worthless, humble though it be,
- Set by the larger gifts of older lands
- The smallest fibres weave the strongest bands,--
- In narrowest tubes the sovereign nerves are spun,--
- A little cord along the deep sea-sands
- Makes the live thought of severed nations one
- Thy fame has journeyed westering with the sun,
- Prairies and lone sierras know thy name
- And the long day of service nobly done
- That crowns thy darkened evening with its flame!
- One with the grateful world, we own thy claim,--
- Nay, rather claim our right to join the throng
- Who come with varied tongues, but hearts the same,
- To hail thy festal morn with smiles and song;
- Ah, happy they to whom the joys belong
- Of peaceful triumphs that can never die
- From History's record,--not of gilded wrong,
- But golden truths that, while the world goes by
- With all its empty pageant, blazoned high
- Around the Master's name forever shine
- So shines thy name illumined in the sky,--
- Such joys, such triumphs, such remembrance thine!
- FEBRUARY 16, 1874
- THE painter's and the poet's fame
- Shed their twinned lustre round his name,
- To gild our story-teller's art,
- Where each in turn must play his part.
- What scenes from Wilkie's pencil sprung,
- The minstrel saw but left unsung!
- What shapes the pen of Collins drew,
- No painter clad in living hue!
- But on our artist's shadowy screen
- A stranger miracle is seen
- Than priest unveils or pilgrim seeks,--
- The poem breathes, the picture speaks!
- And so his double name comes true,
- They christened better than they knew,
- And Art proclaims him twice her son,--
- Painter and poet, both in one!
- O THOU of soul and sense and breath
- The ever-present Giver,
- Unto thy mighty Angel, Death,
- All flesh thou dost deliver;
- What most we cherish we resign,
- For life and death alike are thine,
- Who reignest Lord forever!
- Our hearts lie buried in the dust
- With him so true and tender,
- The patriot's stay, the people's trust,
- The shield of the offender;
- Yet every murmuring voice is still,
- As, bowing to thy sovereign will,
- Our best-loved we surrender.
- Dear Lord, with pitying eye behold
- This martyr generation,
- Which thou, through trials manifold,
- Art showing thy salvation
- Oh let the blood by murder spilt
- Wash out thy stricken children's guilt
- And sanctify our nation!
- Be thou thy orphaned Israel's friend,
- Forsake thy people never,
- In One our broken Many blend,
- That none again may sever!
- Hear us, O Father, while we raise
- With trembling lips our song of praise,
- And bless thy name forever!
- CAMBRIDGE, JULY 21, 1865
- FOUR summers coined their golden light in leaves,
- Four wasteful autumns flung them to the gale,
- Four winters wore the shroud the tempest weaves,
- The fourth wan April weeps o'er hill and vale;
- And still the war-clouds scowl on sea and land,
- With the red gleams of battle staining through,
- When lo! as parted by an angel's hand,
- They open, and the heavens again are blue!
- Which is the dream, the present or the past?
- The night of anguish or the joyous morn?
- The long, long years with horrors overcast,
- Or the sweet promise of the day new-born?
- Tell us, O father, as thine arms infold
- Thy belted first-born in their fast embrace,
- Murmuring the prayer the patriarch breathed of old,--
- "Now let me die, for I have seen thy face!"
- Tell us, O mother,--nay, thou canst not speak,
- But thy fond eyes shall answer, brimmed with joy,--
- Press thy mute lips against the sunbrowned cheek,
- Is this a phantom,--thy returning boy?
- Tell us, O maiden,--ah, what canst thou tell
- That Nature's record is not first to teach,--
- The open volume all can read so well,
- With its twin rose-hued pages full of speech?
- And ye who mourn your dead,--how sternly true
- The crushing hour that wrenched their lives away,
- Shadowed with sorrow's midnight veil for you,
- For them the dawning of immortal day!
- Dream-like these years of conflict, not a dream!
- Death, ruin, ashes tell the awful tale,
- Read by the flaming war-track's lurid gleam
- No dream, but truth that turns the nations pale.
- For on the pillar raised by martyr hands
- Burns the rekindled beacon of the right,
- Sowing its seeds of fire o'er all the lands,--
- Thrones look a century older in its light!
- Rome had her triumphs; round the conqueror's car
- The ensigns waved, the brazen clarions blew,
- And o'er the reeking spoils of bandit war
- With outspread wings the cruel eagles flew;
- Arms, treasures, captives, kings in clanking chains
- Urged on by trampling cohorts bronzed and scarred,
- And wild-eyed wonders snared on Lybian plains,
- Lion and ostrich and camelopard.
- Vain all that praetors clutched, that consuls brought
- When Rome's returning legions crowned their lord;
- Less than the least brave deed these hands have wrought,
- We clasp, unclinching from the bloody sword.
- Theirs was the mighty work that seers foretold;
- They know not half their glorious toil has won,
- For this is Heaven's same battle,-joined of old
- When Athens fought for us at Marathon!
- Behold a vision none hath understood!
- The breaking of the Apocalyptic seal;
- Twice rings the summons.--Hail and fire and blood!
- Then the third angel blows his trumpet-peal.
- Loud wail the dwellers on the myrtled coasts,
- The green savannas swell the maddened cry,
- And with a yell from all the demon hosts
- Falls the great star called Wormwood from the sky!
- Bitter it mingles with the poisoned flow
- Of the warm rivers winding to the shore,
- Thousands must drink the waves of death and woe,
- But the star Wormwood stains the heavens no more!
- Peace smiles at last; the Nation calls her sons
- To sheathe the sword; her battle-flag she furls,
- Speaks in glad thunders from unspotted guns,
- No terror shrouded in the smoke-wreath's curls.
- O ye that fought for Freedom, living, dead,
- One sacred host of God's anointed Queen,
- For every holy, drop your veins have shed
- We breathe a welcome to our bowers of green!
- Welcome, ye living! from the foeman's gripe
- Your country's banner it was yours to wrest,--
- Ah, many a forehead shows the banner-stripe,
- And stars, once crimson, hallow many a breast.
- And ye, pale heroes, who from glory's bed
- Mark when your old battalions form in line,
- Move in their marching ranks with noiseless tread,
- And shape unheard the evening countersign,
- Come with your comrades, the returning brave;
- Shoulder to shoulder they await you here;
- These lent the life their martyr-brothers gave,--
- Living and dead alike forever dear!
- Read at the meeting of the Massachusetts Historical Society,
- January 30, 1865.
- WINTER'S cold drift lies glistening o'er his breast;
- For him no spring shall bid the leaf unfold
- What Love could speak, by sudden grief oppressed,
- What swiftly summoned Memory tell, is told.
- Even as the bells, in one consenting chime,
- Filled with their sweet vibrations all the air,
- So joined all voices, in that mournful time,
- His genius, wisdom, virtues, to declare.
- What place is left for words of measured praise,
- Till calm-eyed History, with her iron pen,
- Grooves in the unchanging rock the final phrase
- That shapes his image in the souls of men?
- Yet while the echoes still repeat his name,
- While countless tongues his full-orbed life rehearse,
- Love, by his beating pulses taught, will claim
- The breath of song, the tuneful throb of verse,--
- Verse that, in ever-changing ebb and flow,
- Moves, like the laboring heart, with rush and rest,
- Or swings in solemn cadence, sad and slow,
- Like the tired heaving of a grief-worn breast.
- This was a mind so rounded, so complete,
- No partial gift of Nature in excess,
- That, like a single stream where many meet,
- Each separate talent counted something less.
- A little hillock, if it lonely stand,
- Holds o'er the fields an undisputed reign;
- While the broad summit of the table-land
- Seems with its belt of clouds a level plain.
- Servant of all his powers, that faithful slave,
- Unsleeping Memory, strengthening with his toils,
- To every ruder task his shoulder gave,
- And loaded every day with golden spoils.
- Order, the law of Heaven, was throned supreme
- O'er action, instinct, impulse, feeling, thought;
- True as the dial's shadow to the beam,
- Each hour was equal to the charge it brought.
- Too large his compass for the nicer skill
- That weighs the world of science grain by grain;
- All realms of knowledge owned the mastering will
- That claimed the franchise of its whole domain.
- Earth, air, sea, sky, the elemental fire,
- Art, history, song,--what meanings lie in each
- Found in his cunning hand a stringless lyre,
- And poured their mingling music through his speech.
- Thence flowed those anthems of our festal days,
- Whose ravishing division held apart
- The lips of listening throngs in sweet amaze,
- Moved in all breasts the selfsame human heart.
- Subdued his accents, as of one who tries
- To press some care, some haunting sadness down;
- His smile half shadow; and to stranger eyes
- The kingly forehead wore an iron crown.
- He was not armed to wrestle with the storm,
- To fight for homely truth with vulgar power;
- Grace looked from every feature, shaped his form,
- The rose of Academe,--the perfect flower!
- Such was the stately scholar whom we knew
- In those ill days of soul-enslaving calm,
- Before the blast of Northern vengeance blew
- Her snow-wreathed pine against the Southern palm.
- Ah, God forgive us! did we hold too cheap
- The heart we might have known, but would not see,
- And look to find the nation's friend asleep
- Through the dread hour of her Gethsemane?
- That wrong is past; we gave him up to Death
- With all a hero's honors round his name;
- As martyrs coin their blood, he coined his breath,
- And dimmed the scholar's in the patriot's fame.
- So shall we blazon on the shaft we raise,--
- Telling our grief, our pride, to unborn years,--
- "He who had lived the mark of all men's praise
- Died with the tribute of a Nation's tears."
- APRIL 23, 1864
- "Who claims our Shakespeare from that realm unknown,
- Beyond the storm-vexed islands of the deep,
- Where Genoa's roving mariner was blown?
- Her twofold Saint's-day let our England keep;
- Shall warring aliens share her holy task?"
- The Old World echoes ask.
- O land of Shakespeare! ours with all thy past,
- Till these last years that make the sea so wide;
- Think not the jar of battle's trumpet-blast
- Has dulled our aching sense to joyous pride
- In every noble word thy sons bequeathed
- The air our fathers breathed!
- War-wasted, haggard, panting from the strife,
- We turn to other days and far-off lands,
- Live o'er in dreams the Poet's faded life,
- Come with fresh lilies in our fevered hands
- To wreathe his bust, and scatter purple flowers,--
- Not his the need, but ours!
- We call those poets who are first to mark
- Through earth's dull mist the coming of the dawn,--
- Who see in twilight's gloom the first pale spark,
- While others only note that day is gone;
- For him the Lord of light the curtain rent
- That veils the firmament.
- The greatest for its greatness is half known,
- Stretching beyond our narrow quadrant-lines,--
- As in that world of Nature all outgrown
- Where Calaveras lifts his awful pines,
- And cast from Mariposa's mountain-wall
- Nevada's cataracts fall.
- Yet heaven's remotest orb is partly ours,
- Throbbing its radiance like a beating heart;
- In the wide compass of angelic powers
- The instinct of the blindworm has its part;
- So in God's kingliest creature we behold
- The flower our buds infold.
- With no vain praise we mock the stone-carved name
- Stamped once on dust that moved with pulse and breath,
- As thinking to enlarge that amplest fame
- Whose undimmed glories gild the night of death:
- We praise not star or sun; in these we see
- Thee, Father, only thee!
- Thy gifts are beauty, wisdom, power, and love:
- We read, we reverence on this human soul,--
- Earth's clearest mirror of the light above,--
- Plain as the record on thy prophet's scroll,
- When o'er his page the effluent splendors poured,
- Thine own "Thus saith the Lord!"
- This player was a prophet from on high,
- Thine own elected. Statesman, poet, sage,
- For him thy sovereign pleasure passed them by;
- Sidney's fair youth, and Raleigh's ripened age,
- Spenser's chaste soul, and his imperial mind
- Who taught and shamed mankind.
- Therefore we bid our hearts' Te Deum rise,
- Nor fear to make thy worship less divine,
- And hear the shouted choral shake the skies,
- Counting all glory, power, and wisdom thine;
- For thy great gift thy greater name adore,
- And praise thee evermore!
- In this dread hour of Nature's utmost need,
- Thanks for these unstained drops of freshening dew!
- Oh, while our martyrs fall, our heroes bleed,
- Keep us to every sweet remembrance true,
- Till from this blood-red sunset springs new-born
- Our Nation's second morn!
- Read at the annual meeting of the Massachusetts Medical Society,
- May 25, 1864.
- No mystic charm, no mortal art,
- Can bid our loved companions stay;
- The bands that clasp them to our heart
- Snap in death's frost and fall apart;
- Like shadows fading with the day,
- They pass away.
- The young are stricken in their pride,
- The old, long tottering, faint and fall;
- Master and scholar, side by side,
- Through the dark portals silent glide,
- That open in life's mouldering wall
- And close on all.
- Our friend's, our teacher's task was done,
- When Mercy called him from on high;
- A little cloud had dimmed the sun,
- The saddening hours had just begun,
- And darker days were drawing nigh:
- 'T was time to die.
- A whiter soul, a fairer mind,
- A life with purer course and aim,
- A gentler eye, a voice more kind,
- We may not look on earth to find.
- The love that lingers o'er his name
- Is more than fame.
- These blood-red summers ripen fast;
- The sons are older than the sires;
- Ere yet the tree to earth is cast,
- The sapling falls before the blast;
- Life's ashes keep their covered fires,--
- Its flame expires.
- Struck by the noiseless, viewless foe,
- Whose deadlier breath than shot or shell
- Has laid the best and bravest low,
- His boy, all bright in morning's glow,
- That high-souled youth he loved so well,
- Untimely fell.
- Yet still he wore his placid smile,
- And, trustful in the cheering creed
- That strives all sorrow to beguile,
- Walked calmly on his way awhile
- Ah, breast that leans on breaking reed
- Must ever bleed!
- So they both left us, sire and son,
- With opening leaf, with laden bough
- The youth whose race was just begun,
- The wearied man whose course was run,
- Its record written on his brow,
- Are brothers now.
- Brothers!--The music of the sound
- Breathes softly through my closing strain;
- The floor we tread is holy ground,
- Those gentle spirits hovering round,
- While our fair circle joins again
- Its broken chain.
- 1864.
- ERE yet the warning chimes of midnight sound,
- Set back the flaming index of the year,
- Track the swift-shifting seasons in their round
- Through fivescore circles of the swinging sphere!
- Lo, in yon islet of the midland sea
- That cleaves the storm-cloud with its snowy crest,
- The embryo-heir of Empires yet to be,
- A month-old babe upon his mother's breast.
- Those little hands that soon shall grow so strong
- In their rude grasp great thrones shall rock and fall,
- Press her soft bosom, while a nursery song
- Holds the world's master in its slender thrall.
- Look! a new crescent bends its silver bow;
- A new-lit star has fired the eastern sky;
- Hark! by the river where the lindens blow
- A waiting household hears an infant's cry.
- This, too, a conqueror! His the vast domain,
- Wider than widest sceptre-shadowed lands;
- Earth and the weltering kingdom of the main
- Laid their broad charters in his royal hands.
- His was no taper lit in cloistered cage,
- Its glimmer borrowed from the grove or porch;
- He read the record of the planet's page
- By Etna's glare and Cotopaxi's torch.
- He heard the voices of the pathless woods;
- On the salt steppes he saw the starlight shine;
- He scaled the mountain's windy solitudes,
- And trod the galleries of the breathless mine.
- For him no fingering of the love-strung lyre,
- No problem vague, by torturing schoolmen vexed;
- He fed no broken altar's dying fire,
- Nor skulked and scowled behind a Rabbi's text.
- For God's new truth he claimed the kingly robe
- That priestly shoulders counted all their own,
- Unrolled the gospel of the storied globe
- And led young Science to her empty throne.
- While the round planet on its axle spins
- One fruitful year shall boast its double birth,
- And show the cradles of its mighty twins,
- Master and Servant of the sons of earth.
- Which wears the garland that shall never fade,
- Sweet with fair memories that can never die?
- Ask not the marbles where their bones are laid,
- But bow thine ear to hear thy brothers' cry:--
- "Tear up the despot's laurels by the root,
- Like mandrakes, shrieking as they quit the soil!
- Feed us no more upon the blood-red fruit
- That sucks its crimson from the heart of Toil!
- "We claim the food that fixed our mortal fate,--
- Bend to our reach the long-forbidden tree!
- The angel frowned at Eden's eastern gate,--
- Its western portal is forever free!
- "Bring the white blossoms of the waning year,
- Heap with full hands the peaceful conqueror's shrine
- Whose bloodless triumphs cost no sufferer's tear!
- Hero of knowledge, be our tribute thine!"
- SAY not the Poet dies!
- Though in the dust he lies,
- He cannot forfeit his melodious breath,
- Unsphered by envious death!
- Life drops the voiceless myriads from its roll;
- Their fate he cannot share,
- Who, in the enchanted air
- Sweet with the lingering strains that Echo stole,
- Has left his dearer self, the music of his soul!
- We o'er his turf may raise
- Our notes of feeble praise,
- And carve with pious care for after eyes
- The stone with "Here he lies;"
- He for himself has built a nobler shrine,
- Whose walls of stately rhyme
- Roll back the tides of time,
- While o'er their gates the gleaming tablets shine
- That wear his name inwrought with many a golden line!
- Call not our Poet dead,
- Though on his turf we tread!
- Green is the wreath their brows so long have worn,--
- The minstrels of the morn,
- Who, while the Orient burned with new-born flame,
- Caught that celestial fire
- And struck a Nation's lyre
- These taught the western winds the poet's name;
- Theirs the first opening buds, the maiden flowers of fame!
- Count not our Poet dead!
- The stars shall watch his bed,
- The rose of June its fragrant life renew
- His blushing mound to strew,
- And all the tuneful throats of summer swell
- With trills as crystal-clear
- As when he wooed the ear
- Of the young muse that haunts each wooded dell,
- With songs of that "rough land" he loved so long and well!
- He sleeps; he cannot die!
- As evening's long-drawn sigh,
- Lifting the rose-leaves on his peaceful mound,
- Spreads all their sweets around,
- So, laden with his song, the breezes blow
- From where the rustling sedge
- Frets our rude ocean's edge
- To the smooth sea beyond the peaks of snow.
- His soul the air enshrines and leaves but dust below!
- OCTOBER 6, 1870
- NOT with the anguish of hearts that are breaking
- Come we as mourners to weep for our dead;
- Grief in our breasts has grown weary of aching,
- Green is the turf where our tears we have shed.
- While o'er their marbles the mosses are creeping,
- Stealing each name and its legend away,
- Give their proud story to Memory's keeping,
- Shrined in the temple we hallow to-day.
- Hushed are their battle-fields, ended their marches,
- Deaf are their ears to the drum-beat of morn,--
- Rise from the sod, ye fair columns and arches
- Tell their bright deeds to the ages unborn!
- Emblem and legend may fade from the portal,
- Keystone may crumble and pillar may fall;
- They were the builders whose work is immortal,
- Crowned with the dome that is over us all!
- JUNE 23, 1874
- WHERE, girt around by savage foes,
- Our nurturing Mother's shelter rose,
- Behold, the lofty temple stands,
- Reared by her children's grateful hands!
- Firm are the pillars that defy
- The volleyed thunders of the sky;
- Sweet are the summer wreaths that twine
- With bud and flower our martyrs' shrine.
- The hues their tattered colors bore
- Fall mingling on the sunlit floor
- Till evening spreads her spangled pall,
- And wraps in shade the storied hall.
- Firm were their hearts in danger's hour,
- Sweet was their manhood's morning flower,
- Their hopes with rainbow hues were bright,--
- How swiftly winged the sudden night!
- O Mother! on thy marble page
- Thy children read, from age to age,
- The mighty word that upward leads
- Through noble thought to nobler deeds.
- TRUTH, heaven-born TRUTH, their fearless guide,
- Thy saints have lived, thy heroes died;
- Our love has reared their earthly shrine,
- Their glory be forever thine!
- APRIL 29, 1874
- ONCE more, ye sacred towers,
- Your solemn dirges sound;
- Strew, loving hands, the April flowers,
- Once more to deck his mound.
- A nation mourns its dead,
- Its sorrowing voices one,
- As Israel's monarch bowed his head
- And cried, "My son! My son!"
- Why mourn for him?--For him
- The welcome angel came
- Ere yet his eye with age was dim
- Or bent his stately frame;
- His weapon still was bright,
- His shield was lifted high
- To slay the wrong, to save the right,--
- What happier hour to die?
- Thou orderest all things well;
- Thy servant's work was done;
- He lived to hear Oppression's knell,
- The shouts for Freedom won.
- Hark!! from the opening skies
- The anthem's echoing swell,--
- "O mourning Land, lift up thine eyes!
- God reigneth. All is well!"
- HANG out our banners on the stately tower
- It dawns at last--the long-expected hour I
- The steep is climbed, the star-lit summit won,
- The builder's task, the artist's labor done;
- Before the finished work the herald stands,
- And asks the verdict of your lips and hands!
- Shall rosy daybreak make us all forget
- The golden sun that yester-evening set?
- Fair was the fabric doomed to pass away
- Ere the last headaches born of New Year's Day;
- With blasting breath the fierce destroyer came
- And wrapped the victim in his robes of flame;
- The pictured sky with redder morning blushed,
- With scorching streams the naiad's fountain gushed,
- With kindling mountains glowed the funeral pyre,
- Forests ablaze and rivers all on fire,--
- The scenes dissolved, the shrivelling curtain fell,--
- Art spread her wings and sighed a long farewell!
- Mourn o'er the Player's melancholy plight,--
- Falstaff in tears, Othello deadly white,--
- Poor Romeo reckoning what his doublet cost,
- And Juliet whimpering for her dresses lost,--
- Their wardrobes burned, their salaries all undrawn,
- Their cues cut short, their occupation gone!
- "Lie there in dust," the red-winged demon cried,
- "Wreck of the lordly city's hope and pride!"
- Silent they stand, and stare with vacant gaze,
- While o'er the embers leaps the fitful blaze;
- When, to! a hand, before the startled train,
- Writes in the ashes, "It shall rise again,--
- Rise and confront its elemental foes!"
- The word was spoken, and the walls arose,
- And ere the seasons round their brief career
- The new-born temple waits the unborn year.
- Ours was the toil of many a weary day
- Your smiles, your plaudits, only can repay;
- We are the monarchs of the painted scenes,
- You, you alone the real Kings and Queens!
- Lords of the little kingdom where we meet,
- We lay our gilded sceptres at your feet,
- Place in your grasp our portal's silvered keys
- With one brief utterance: We have tried to please.
- Tell us, ye sovereigns of the new domain,
- Are you content-or have we toiled in vain?
- With no irreverent glances look around
- The realm you rule, for this is haunted ground!
- Here stalks the Sorcerer, here the Fairy trips,
- Here limps the Witch with malice-working lips,
- The Graces here their snowy arms entwine,
- Here dwell the fairest sisters of the Nine,--
- She who, with jocund voice and twinkling eye,
- Laughs at the brood of follies as they fly;
- She of the dagger and the deadly bowl,
- Whose charming horrors thrill the trembling soul;
- She who, a truant from celestial spheres,
- In mortal semblance now and then appears,
- Stealing the fairest earthly shape she can--
- Sontag or Nilsson, Lind or Malibran;
- With these the spangled houri of the dance,--
- What shaft so dangerous as her melting glance,
- As poised in air she spurns the earth below,
- And points aloft her heavenly-minded toe!
- What were our life, with all its rents and seams,
- Stripped of its purple robes, our waking dreams?
- The poet's song, the bright romancer's page,
- The tinselled shows that cheat us on the stage
- Lead all our fancies captive at their will;
- Three years or threescore, we are children still.
- The little listener on his father's knee,
- With wandering Sindbad ploughs the stormy sea,
- With Gotham's sages hears the billows roll
- (Illustrious trio of the venturous bowl,
- Too early shipwrecked, for they died too soon
- To see their offspring launch the great balloon);
- Tracks the dark brigand to his mountain lair,
- Slays the grim giant, saves the lady fair,
- Fights all his country's battles o'er again
- From Bunker's blazing height to Lundy's Lane;
- Floats with the mighty captains as they sailed,
- Before whose flag the flaming red-cross paled,
- And claims the oft-told story of the scars
- Scarce yet grown white, that saved the stripes and
- stars!
- Children of later growth, we love the PLAY,
- We love its heroes, be they grave or gay,
- From squeaking, peppery, devil-defying Punch
- To roaring Richard with his camel-hunch;
- Adore its heroines, those immortal dames,
- Time's only rivals, whom he never tames,
- Whose youth, unchanging, lives while thrones decay
- (Age spares the Pyramids-and Dejazet);
- The saucy-aproned, razor-tongued soubrette,
- The blond-haired beauty with the eyes of jet,
- The gorgeous Beings whom the viewless wires
- Lift to the skies in strontian-crimsoned fires,
- And all the wealth of splendor that awaits
- The throng that enters those Elysian gates.
- See where the hurrying crowd impatient pours,
- With noise of trampling feet and flapping doors,
- Streams to the numbered seat each pasteboard fits
- And smooths its caudal plumage as it sits;
- Waits while the slow musicians saunter in,
- Till the bald leader taps his violin;
- Till the old overture we know so well,
- Zampa or Magic Flute or William Tell,
- Has done its worst-then hark! the tinkling bell!
- The crash is o'er--the crinkling curtain furled,
- And to! the glories of that brighter world!
- Behold the offspring of the Thespian cart,
- This full-grown temple of the magic art,
- Where all the conjurers of illusion meet,
- And please us all the more, the more they cheat.
- These are the wizards and the witches too
- Who win their honest bread by cheating you
- With cheeks that drown in artificial tears
- And lying skull-caps white with seventy years,
- Sweet-tempered matrons changed to scolding Kates,
- Maids mild as moonbeams crazed with murderous hates,
- Kind, simple souls that stab and slash and slay
- And stick at nothing, if it 's in the play!
- Would all the world told half as harmless lies!
- Would all its real fools were half as wise
- As he who blinks through dull Dundreary's eyes I
- Would all the unhanged bandits of the age
- Were like the peaceful ruffians of the stage!
- Would all the cankers wasting town and state,
- The mob of rascals, little thieves and great,
- Dealers in watered milk and watered stocks,
- Who lead us lambs to pasture on the rocks,--
- Shepherds--Jack Sheppards--of their city flocks,--
- The rings of rogues that rob the luckless town,
- Those evil angels creeping up and down
- The Jacob's ladder of the treasury stairs,--
- Not stage, but real Turpins and Macaires,--
- Could doff, like us, their knavery with their clothes,
- And find it easy as forgetting oaths!
- Welcome, thrice welcome to our virgin dome,
- The Muses' shrine, the Drama's new-found home
- Here shall the Statesman rest his weary brain,
- The worn-out Artist find his wits again;
- Here Trade forget his ledger and his cares,
- And sweet communion mingle Bulls and Bears;
- Here shall the youthful Lover, nestling near
- The shrinking maiden, her he holds most dear,
- Gaze on the mimic moonlight as it falls
- On painted groves, on sliding canvas walls,
- And sigh, "My angel! What a life of bliss
- We two could live in such a world as this!"
- Here shall the timid pedants of the schools,
- The gilded boors, the labor-scorning fools,
- The grass-green rustic and the smoke-dried cit,
- Feel each in turn the stinging lash of wit,
- And as it tingles on some tender part
- Each find a balsam in his neighbor's smart;
- So every folly prove a fresh delight
- As in the picture of our play to-night.
- Farewell! The Players wait the Prompter's call;
- Friends, lovers, listeners! Welcome one and all!
- Cabin Passenger. Man at Wheel.
- FRIEND, you seem thoughtful. I not wonder much
- That he who sails the ocean should be sad.
- I am myself reflective. When I think
- Of all this wallowing beast, the Sea, has sucked
- Between his sharp, thin lips, the wedgy waves,
- What heaps of diamonds, rubies, emeralds, pearls;
- What piles of shekels, talents, ducats, crowns,
- What bales of Tyrian mantles, Indian shawls,
- Of laces that have blanked the weavers' eyes,
- Of silken tissues, wrought by worm and man,
- The half-starved workman, and the well-fed worm;
- What marbles, bronzes, pictures, parchments, books;
- What many-lobuled, thought-engendering brains;
- Lie with the gaping sea-shells in his maw,--
- I, too, am silent; for all language seems
- A mockery, and the speech of man is vain.
- O mariner, we look upon the waves
- And they rebuke our babbling. "Peace!" they say,--
- "Mortal, be still!" My noisy tongue is hushed,
- And with my trembling finger on my lips
- My soul exclaims in ecstasy--
- Belay!
- Ah yes! "Delay,"--it calls, "nor haste to break
- The charm of stillness with an idle word!"
- O mariner, I love thee, for thy thought
- Strides even with my own, nay, flies before.
- Thou art a brother to the wind and wave;
- Have they not music for thine ear as mine,
- When the wild tempest makes thy ship his lyre,
- Smiting a cavernous basso from the shrouds
- And climbing up his gamut through the stays,
- Through buntlines, bowlines, ratlines, till it shrills
- An alto keener than the locust sings,
- And all the great Aeolian orchestra
- Storms out its mad sonata in the gale?
- Is not the scene a wondrous and--
- A vast!
- Ah yes, a vast, a vast and wondrous scene!
- I see thy soul is open as the day
- That holds the sunshine in its azure bowl
- To all the solemn glories of the deep.
- Tell me, O mariner, dost thou never feel
- The grandeur of thine office,--to control
- The keel that cuts the ocean like a knife
- And leaves a wake behind it like a seam
- In the great shining garment of the world?
- Belay y'r jaw, y' swab! y' hoss-marine!
- (To the Captain.)
- Ay, ay, Sir! Stiddy, Sir! Sou'wes' b' sou'!
- November 10, 1864.
- You bid me sing,--can I forget
- The classic ode of days gone by,--
- How belle Fifine and jeune Lisette
- Exclaimed, "Anacreon, geron ei"?
- "Regardez done," those ladies said,--
- "You're getting bald and wrinkled too
- When summer's roses all are shed,
- Love 's nullum ite, voyez-vous!"
- In vain ce brave Anacreon's cry,
- "Of Love alone my banjo sings"
- (Erota mounon). "Etiam si,--
- Eh b'en?" replied the saucy things,--
- "Go find a maid whose hair is gray,
- And strike your lyre,--we sha'n't complain;
- But parce nobis, s'il vous plait,--
- Voila Adolphe! Voila Eugene!"
- Ah, jeune Lisette! Ah, belle Fifine!
- Anacreon's lesson all must learn;
- O kairos oxiis; Spring is green,
- But Acer Hyems waits his turn
- I hear you whispering from the dust,
- "Tiens, mon cher, c'est toujours so,--
- The brightest blade grows dim with rust,
- The fairest meadow white with snow!"
- You do not mean it! _Not_ encore?
- Another string of playday rhymes?
- You 've heard me--nonne est?-before,
- Multoties,-more than twenty times;
- Non possum,--vraiment,--pas du tout,
- I cannot! I am loath to shirk;
- But who will listen if I do,
- My memory makes such shocking work?
- Ginosko. Scio. Yes, I 'm told
- Some ancients like my rusty lay,
- As Grandpa Noah loved the old
- Red-sandstone march of Jubal's day.
- I used to carol like the birds,
- But time my wits has quite unfixed,
- Et quoad verba,--for my words,--
- Ciel! Eheu! Whe-ew!--how they're mixed!
- Mehercle! Zeu! Diable! how
- My thoughts were dressed when I was young,
- But tempus fugit! see them now
- Half clad in rags of every tongue!
- O philoi, fratres, chers amis
- I dare not court the youthful Muse,
- For fear her sharp response should be,
- "Papa Anacreon, please excuse!"
- Adieu! I 've trod my annual track
- How long!--let others count the miles,--
- And peddled out my rhyming pack
- To friends who always paid in smiles.
- So, laissez-moi! some youthful wit
- No doubt has wares he wants to show;
- And I am asking, "Let me sit,"
- Dum ille clamat, "Dos pou sto!"
- APRIL 16, 1873
- DEAR friends, we are strangers; we never before
- Have suspected what love to each other we bore;
- But each of us all to his neighbor is dear,
- Whose heart has a throb for our time-honored pier.
- As I look on each brother proprietor's face,
- I could open my arms in a loving embrace;
- What wonder that feelings, undreamed of so long,
- Should burst all at once in a blossom of song!
- While I turn my fond glance on the monarch of piers,
- Whose throne has stood firm through his eightscore of years,
- My thought travels backward and reaches the day
- When they drove the first pile on the edge of the bay.
- See! The joiner, the shipwright, the smith from his forge,
- The redcoat, who shoulders his gun for King George,
- The shopman, the 'prentice, the boys from the lane,
- The parson, the doctor with gold-headed cane,
- Come trooping down King Street, where now may be seen
- The pulleys and ropes of a mighty machine;
- The weight rises slowly; it drops with a thud;
- And, to! the great timber sinks deep in the mud!
- They are gone, the stout craftsmen that hammered the piles,
- And the square-toed old boys in the three-cornered tiles;
- The breeches, the buckles, have faded from view,
- And the parson's white wig and the ribbon-tied queue.
- The redcoats have vanished; the last grenadier
- Stepped into the boat from the end of our pier;
- They found that our hills were not easy to climb,
- And the order came, "Countermarch, double-quick time!"
- They are gone, friend and foe,--anchored fast at the pier,
- Whence no vessel brings back its pale passengers here;
- But our wharf, like a lily, still floats on the flood,
- Its breast in the sunshine, its roots in the mud.
- Who--who that has loved it so long and so well--
- The flower of his birthright would barter or sell?
- No: pride of the bay, while its ripples shall run,
- You shall pass, as an heirloom, from father to son!
- Let me part with the acres my grandfather bought,
- With the bonds that my uncle's kind legacy brought,
- With my bank-shares,--old "Union," whose ten per cent stock
- Stands stiff through the storms as the Eddystone rock;
- With my rights (or my wrongs) in the "Erie,"--alas!
- With my claims on the mournful and "Mutual Mass.;"
- With my "Phil. Wil. and Balt.," with my "C. B. and Q.;"
- But I never, no never, will sell out of you.
- We drink to thy past and thy future to-day,
- Strong right arm of Boston, stretched out o'er the bay.
- May the winds waft the wealth of all nations to thee,
- And thy dividends flow like the waves of the sea!
- THE Caliph ordered up his cook,
- And, scowling with a fearful look
- That meant,--We stand no gammon,--
- "To-morrow, just at two," he said,
- "Hassan, our cook, will lose his head,
- Or serve us up a salmon."
- "Great sire," the trembling chef replied,
- "Lord of the Earth and all beside,
- Sun, Moon, and Stars, and so on
- (Look in Eothen,-there you'll find
- A list of titles. Never mind;
- I have n't time to go on:)
- "Great sire," and so forth, thus he spoke,
- "Your Highness must intend a joke;
- It doesn't stand to reason
- For one to order salmon brought,
- Unless that fish is sometimes caught,
- And also is in season.
- "Our luck of late is shocking bad,
- In fact, the latest catch we had
- (We kept the matter shady),
- But, hauling in our nets,--alack!
- We found no salmon, but a sack
- That held your honored Lady!"
- "Allah is great!" the Caliph said,
- "My poor Zuleika, you are dead,
- I once took interest in you."
- "Perhaps, my Lord, you'd like to know
- We cut the lines and let her go."
- "Allah be praised! Continue."
- "It is n't hard one's hook to bait,
- And, squatting down, to watch and wait,
- To see the cork go under;
- At last suppose you've got your bite,
- You twitch away with all your might,--
- You've hooked an eel, by thunder!"
- The Caliph patted Hassan's head
- "Slave, thou hast spoken well," he said,
- "And won thy master's favor.
- Yes; since what happened t' other morn
- The salmon of the Golden Horn
- Might have a doubtful flavor.
- "That last remark about the eel
- Has also justice that we feel
- Quite to our satisfaction.
- To-morrow we dispense with fish,
- And, for the present, if you wish,
- You'll keep your bulbous fraction."
- "Thanks! thanks!" the grateful chef replied,
- His nutrient feature showing wide
- The gleam of arches dental:
- "To cut my head off wouldn't pay,
- I find it useful every day,
- As well as ornamental."
- . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- Brothers, I hope you will not fail
- To see the moral of my tale
- And kindly to receive it.
- You know your anniversary pie
- Must have its crust, though hard and dry,
- And some prefer to leave it.
- How oft before these youths were born
- I've fished in Fancy's Golden Horn
- For what the Muse might send me!
- How gayly then I cast the line,
- When all the morning sky was mine,
- And Hope her flies would lend me!
- And now I hear our despot's call,
- And come, like Hassan, to the hall,--
- If there's a slave, I am one,--
- My bait no longer flies, but worms!
- I 've caught--Lord bless me! how he squirms!
- An eel, and not a salmon!
- THE fount the Spaniard sought in vain
- Through all the land of flowers
- Leaps glittering from the sandy plain
- Our classic grove embowers;
- Here youth, unchanging, blooms and smiles,
- Here dwells eternal spring,
- And warm from Hope's elysian isles
- The winds their perfume bring.
- Here every leaf is in the bud,
- Each singing throat in tune,
- And bright o'er evening's silver flood
- Shines the young crescent moon.
- What wonder Age forgets his staff
- And lays his glasses down,
- And gray-haired grandsires look and laugh
- As when their locks were brown!
- With ears grown dull and eyes grown dim
- They greet the joyous day
- That calls them to the fountain's brim
- To wash their years away.
- What change has clothed the ancient sire
- In sudden youth? For, to!
- The Judge, the Doctor, and the Squire
- Are Jack and Bill and Joe!
- And be his titles what they will,
- In spite of manhood's claim
- The graybeard is a school-boy still
- And loves his school-boy name;
- It calms the ruler's stormy breast
- Whom hurrying care pursues,
- And brings a sense of peace and rest,
- Like slippers after shoes.--
- And what are all the prizes won
- To youth's enchanted view?
- And what is all the man has done
- To what the boy may do?
- O blessed fount, whose waters flow
- Alike for sire and son,
- That melts our winter's frost and snow
- And makes all ages one!
- I pledge the sparkling fountain's tide,
- That flings its golden shower
- With age to fill and youth to guide,
- Still fresh in morning flower
- Flow on with ever-widening stream,
- In ever-brightening morn,--
- Our story's pride, our future's dream,
- The hope of times unborn!
- THERE is no time like the old time, when you and I were young,
- When the buds of April blossomed, and the birds of spring-time sung!
- The garden's brightest glories by summer suns are nursed,
- But oh, the sweet, sweet violets, the flowers that opened first!
- There is no place like the old place, where you and I were born,
- Where we lifted first our eyelids on the splendors of the morn
- From the milk-white breast that warmed us, from the clinging arms that
- bore,
- Where the dear eyes glistened o'er us that will look on us no more!
- There is no friend like the old friend, who has shared our morning days,
- No greeting like his welcome, no homage like his praise
- Fame is the scentless sunflower, with gaudy crown of gold;
- But friendship is the breathing rose, with sweets in every fold.
- There is no love like the old love, that we courted in our pride;
- Though our leaves are falling, falling, and we're fading side by side,
- There are blossoms all around us with the colors of our dawn,
- And we live in borrowed sunshine when the day-star is withdrawn.
- There are no times like the old times,--they shall never be forgot!
- There is no place like the old place,--keep green the dear old spot!
- There are no friends like our old friends,--may Heaven prolong their
- lives
- There are no loves like our old loves,--God bless our loving wives!
- 1865.
- ANGEL of Peace, thou hast wandered too long!
- Spread thy white wings to the sunshine of love!
- Come while our voices are blended in song,--
- Fly to our ark like the storm-beaten dove!
- Fly to our ark on the wings of the dove,--
- Speed o'er the far-sounding billows of song,
- Crowned with thine olive-leaf garland of love,--
- Angel of Peace, thou hast waited too long!
- Joyous we meet, on this altar of thine
- Mingling the gifts we have gathered for thee,
- Sweet with the odors of myrtle and pine,
- Breeze of the prairie and breath of the sea,--
- Meadow and mountain and forest and sea!
- Sweet is the fragrance of myrtle and pine,
- Sweeter the incense we offer to thee,
- Brothers once more round this altar of thine!
- Angels of Bethlehem, answer the strain!
- Hark! a new birth-song is filling the sky!--
- Loud as the storm-wind that tumbles the main
- Bid the full breath of the organ reply,--
- Let the loud tempest of voices reply,--
- Roll its long surge like the-earth-shaking main!
- Swell the vast song till it mounts to the sky!
- Angels of Bethlehem, echo the strain!
- The members of the Harvard College class of 1829 referred to in this poem
- are: "Doctor," Francis Thomas; "Judge," G. T. Bigelow, Chief Justice of
- the Supreme Court of Massachusetts; "O Speaker," Hon. Francis B.
- Crowninshield, Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives;
- "Mr. Mayor," G. W. Richardson, of Worcester,Mass.; "Member of Congress,"
- Hon. George T. Davis; "Reverend," James Freeman Clarke; "boy with the
- grave mathematical look," Benjamin Peirce; "boy with a three-decker
- brain," Judge Benjamin R. Curtis, of the Supreme Court of the United
- States; "nice youngster of excellent pith," S. F. Smith, author of "My
- Country, 't is of Thee."
- "That lovely, bright-eyed boy." William Sturgis.
- "Who faced the storm so long." Francis B. Crowninshield.
- "Our many featured friend." George T. Davis.
- "The close-clinging dulcamara." The "bitter-sweet" of New England is the
- _Celastrus scandens_, "bourreau des arbres" of the Canadian French.
- "All armed with picks and spades." The captured slaves were at this time
- organized as pioneers.
- OF
- OCTOBER 7, 1875
- To R. B. H.
- 1874-1877
- 'T is like stirring living embers when, at eighty, one remembers
- All the achings and the quakings of "the times that tried men's souls";
- When I talk of Whig and Tory, when I tell the Rebel story,
- To you the words are ashes, but to me they're burning coals.
- I had heard the muskets' rattle of the April running battle;
- Lord Percy's hunted soldiers, I can see their red-coats still;
- But a deadly chill comes o'er me, as the day looms up before me,
- When a thousand men lay bleeding on the slopes of Bunker's Hill.
- 'T was a peaceful summer's morning, when the first thing gave us warning
- Was the booming of the cannon from the river and the shore:
- "Child," says grandma, "what 's the matter, what is all this noise and
- clatter?
- Have those scalping Indian devils come to murder us once more?"
- Poor old soul! my sides were shaking in the midst of all my quaking,
- To hear her talk of Indians when the guns began to roar:
- She had seen the burning village, and the slaughter and the pillage,
- When the Mohawks killed her father with their bullets through his door.
- Then I said, "Now, dear old granny, don't you fret and worry any,
- For I'll soon come back and tell you whether this is work or play;
- There can't be mischief in it, so I won't be gone a minute"--
- For a minute then I started. I was gone the live-long day.
- No time for bodice-lacing or for looking-glass grimacing;
- Down my hair went as I hurried, tumbling half-way to my heels;
- God forbid your ever knowing, when there's blood around her flowing,
- How the lonely, helpless daughter of a quiet house-hold feels!
- In the street I heard a thumping; and I knew it was the stumping
- Of the Corporal, our old neighbor, on that wooden leg he wore,
- With a knot of women round him,-it was lucky I had found him,
- So I followed with the others, and the Corporal marched before.
- They were making for the steeple,--the old soldier and his people;
- The pigeons circled round us as we climbed the creaking stair.
- Just across the narrow river--oh, so close it made me shiver!--
- Stood a fortress on the hill-top that but yesterday was bare.
- Not slow our eyes to find it; well we knew who stood behind it,
- Though the earthwork hid them from us, and the stubborn walls were dumb
- Here were sister, wife, and mother, looking wild upon each other,
- And their lips were white with terror as they said, THE HOUR HAS COME!
- The morning slowly wasted, not a morsel had we tasted,
- And our heads were almost splitting with the cannons' deafening thrill,
- When a figure tall and stately round the rampart strode sedately;
- It was PRESCOTT, one since told me; he commanded on the hill.
- Every woman's heart grew bigger when we saw his manly figure,
- With the banyan buckled round it, standing up so straight and tall;
- Like a gentleman of leisure who is strolling out for pleasure,
- Through the storm of shells and cannon-shot he walked around the wall.
- At eleven the streets were swarming, for the red-coats' ranks were
- forming;
- At noon in marching order they were moving to the piers;
- How the bayonets gleamed and glistened, as we looked far down, and
- listened
- To the trampling and the drum-beat of the belted grenadiers!
- At length the men have started, with a cheer (it seemed faint-hearted),
- In their scarlet regimentals, with their knapsacks on their backs,
- And the reddening, rippling water, as after a sea-fight's slaughter,
- Round the barges gliding onward blushed like blood along their tracks.
- So they crossed to the other border, and again they formed in order;
- And the boats came back for soldiers, came for soldiers, soldiers still:
- The time seemed everlasting to us women faint and fasting,--
- At last they're moving, marching, marching proudly up the hill.
- We can see the bright steel glancing all along the lines advancing,--
- Now the front rank fires a volley,--they have thrown away their shot;
- For behind their earthwork lying, all the balls above them flying,
- Our people need not hurry; so they wait and answer not.
- Then the Corporal, our old cripple (he would swear sometimes and tipple),
- He had heard the bullets whistle (in the old French war) before,--
- Calls out in words of jeering, just as if they all were hearing,--
- And his wooden leg thumps fiercely on the dusty belfry floor:--
- "Oh! fire away, ye villains, and earn King George's shillin's,
- But ye 'll waste a ton of powder afore a 'rebel' falls;
- You may bang the dirt and welcome, they're as safe as Dan'l Malcolm
- Ten foot beneath the gravestone that you've splintered with your balls!"
- In the hush of expectation, in the awe and trepidation
- Of the dread approaching moment, we are well-nigh breathless all;
- Though the rotten bars are failing on the rickety belfry railing,
- We are crowding up against them like the waves against a wall.
- Just a glimpse (the air is clearer), they are nearer,--nearer,--nearer,
- When a flash--a curling smoke-wreath--then a crash--the steeple shakes--
- The deadly truce is ended; the tempest's shroud is rended;
- Like a morning mist it gathered, like a thunder-cloud it breaks!
- Oh the sight our eyes discover as the blue-black smoke blows over!
- The red-coats stretched in windrows as a mower rakes his hay;
- Here a scarlet heap is lying, there a headlong crowd is flying
- Like a billow that has broken and is shivered into spray.
- Then we cried, "The troops are routed! they are beat--it can't be
- doubted!
- God be thanked, the fight is over!"--Ah! the grim old soldier's smile!
- "Tell us, tell us why you look so?" (we could hardly speak, we shook so),
- "Are they beaten? Are they beaten? ARE they beaten?"--"Wait a while."
- Oh the trembling and the terror! for too soon we saw our error:
- They are baffled, not defeated; we have driven them back in vain;
- And the columns that were scattered, round the colors that were tattered,
- Toward the sullen, silent fortress turn their belted breasts again.
- All at once, as we are gazing, lo the roofs of Charlestown blazing!
- They have fired the harmless village; in an hour it will be down!
- The Lord in heaven confound them, rain his fire and brimstone round them,
- The robbing, murdering red-coats, that would burn a peaceful town!
- They are marching, stern and solemn; we can see each massive column
- As they near the naked earth-mound with the slanting walls so steep.
- Have our soldiers got faint-hearted, and in noiseless haste departed?
- Are they panic-struck and helpless? Are they palsied or asleep?
- Now! the walls they're almost under! scarce a rod the foes asunder!
- Not a firelock flashed against them! up the earth-work they will swarm!
- But the words have scarce been spoken, when the ominous calm is broken,
- And a bellowing crash has emptied all the vengeance of the storm!
- So again, with murderous slaughter, pelted backwards to the water,
- Fly Pigot's running heroes and the frightened braves of Howe;
- And we shout, "At last they're done for, it's their barges they have run
- for:
- They are beaten, beaten, beaten; and the battle 's over now!"
- And we looked, poor timid creatures, on the rough old soldier's features,
- Our lips afraid to question, but he knew what we would ask:
- "Not sure," he said; "keep quiet,--once more, I guess, they 'll try it--
- Here's damnation to the cut-throats!"--then he handed me his flask,
- Saying, "Gal, you're looking shaky; have a drop of old Jamaiky;
- I 'm afeard there 'll be more trouble afore the job is done";
- So I took one scorching swallow; dreadful faint I felt and hollow,
- Standing there from early morning when the firing was begun.
- All through those hours of trial I had watched a calm clock dial,
- As the hands kept creeping, creeping,--they were creeping round to four,
- When the old man said, "They're forming with their bagonets fixed for
- storming:
- It 's the death-grip that's a coming,--they will try the works once
- more."
- With brazen trumpets blaring, the flames behind them glaring,
- The deadly wall before them, in close array they come;
- Still onward, upward toiling, like a dragon's fold uncoiling,--
- Like the rattlesnake's shrill warning the reverberating drum.
- Over heaps all torn and gory--shall I tell the fearful story,
- How they surged above the breastwork, as a sea breaks over a deck;
- How, driven, yet scarce defeated, our worn-out men retreated,
- With their powder-horns all emptied, like the swimmers from a wreck?
- It has all been told and painted; as for me, they say I fainted,
- And the wooden-legged old Corporal stumped with me down the stair:
- When I woke from dreams affrighted the evening lamps were lighted,--
- On the floor a youth was lying; his bleeding breast was bare.
- And I heard through all the flurry, "Send for WARREN! hurry! hurry!
- Tell him here's a soldier bleeding, and he 'll come and dress his
- wound!"
- Ah, we knew not till the morrow told its tale of death and sorrow,
- How the starlight found him stiffened on the dark and bloody ground.
- Who the youth was, what his name was, where the place from which he came
- was,
- Who had brought him from the battle, and had left him at our door,
- He could not speak to tell us; but 't was one of our brave fellows,
- As the homespun plainly showed us which the dying soldier wore.
- For they all thought he was dying, as they gathered round him crying,--
- And they said, "Oh, how they'll miss him!" and, "What will his mother
- do?"
- Then, his eyelids just unclosing like a child's that has been dozing,
- He faintly murmured, "Mother!"--and--I saw his eyes were blue.
- "Why, grandma, how you 're winking!" Ah, my child, it sets me thinking
- Of a story not like this one. Well, he somehow lived along;
- So we came to know each other, and I nursed him like a--mother,
- Till at last he stood before me, tall, and rosy-checked, and strong.
- And we sometimes walked together in the pleasant summer weather,--
- "Please to tell us what his name was?" Just your own, my little dear,--
- There's his picture Copley painted: we became so well acquainted,
- That--in short, that's why I 'm grandma, and you children all are here!
- DECEMBER 15, 1874
- I SUPPOSE it's myself that you're making allusion to
- And bringing the sense of dismay and confusion to.
- Of course some must speak,--they are always selected to,
- But pray what's the reason that I am expected to?
- I'm not fond of wasting my breath as those fellows do;
- That want to be blowing forever as bellows do;
- Their legs are uneasy, but why will you jog any
- That long to stay quiet beneath the mahogany?
- Why, why call me up with your battery of flatteries?
- You say "He writes poetry,"--that 's what the matter is
- "It costs him no trouble--a pen full of ink or two
- And the poem is done in the time of a wink or two;
- As for thoughts--never mind--take the ones that lie uppermost,
- And the rhymes used by Milton and Byron and Tupper most;
- The lines come so easy! at one end he jingles 'em,
- At the other with capital letters he shingles 'em,--
- Why, the thing writes itself, and before he's half done with it
- He hates to stop writing, he has such good fun with it!"
- Ah, that is the way in which simple ones go about
- And draw a fine picture of things they don't know about!
- We all know a kitten, but come to a catamount
- The beast is a stranger when grown up to that amount,
- (A stranger we rather prefer should n't visit us,
- A _felis_ whose advent is far from felicitous.)
- The boy who can boast that his trap has just got a mouse
- Must n't draw it and write underneath "hippopotamus";
- Or say unveraciously, "This is an elephant,"--
- Don't think, let me beg, these examples irrelevant,--
- What they mean is just this--that a thing to be painted well
- Should always be something with which we're acquainted well.
- You call on your victim for "things he has plenty of,--
- Those copies of verses no doubt at least twenty of;
- His desk is crammed full, for he always keeps writing 'em
- And reading to friends as his way of delighting 'em!"
- I tell you this writing of verses means business,--
- It makes the brain whirl in a vortex of dizziness
- You think they are scrawled in the languor of laziness--
- I tell you they're squeezed by a spasm of craziness,
- A fit half as bad as the staggering vertigos
- That seize a poor fellow and down in the dirt he goes!
- And therefore it chimes with the word's etytology
- That the sons of Apollo are great on apology,
- For the writing of verse is a struggle mysterious
- And the gayest of rhymes is a matter that's serious.
- For myself, I'm relied on by friends in extremities,
- And I don't mind so much if a comfort to them it is;
- 'T is a pleasure to please, and the straw that can tickle us
- Is a source of enjoyment though slightly ridiculous.
- I am up for a--something--and since I 've begun with it,
- I must give you a toast now before I have done with it.
- Let me pump at my wits as they pumped the Cochituate
- That moistened--it may be--the very last bit you ate:
- Success to our publishers, authors and editors
- To our debtors good luck,--pleasant dreams to our creditors;
- May the monthly grow yearly, till all we are groping for
- Has reached the fulfilment we're all of us hoping for;
- Till the bore through the tunnel--it makes me let off a sigh
- To think it may possibly ruin my prophecy--
- Has been punned on so often 't will never provoke again
- One mild adolescent to make the old joke again;
- Till abstinent, all-go-to-meeting society
- Has forgotten the sense of the word inebriety;
- Till the work that poor Hannah and Bridget and Phillis do
- The humanized, civilized female gorillas do;
- Till the roughs, as we call them, grown loving and dutiful,
- Shall worship the true and the pure and the beautiful,
- And, preying no longer as tiger and vulture do,
- All read the "Atlantic" as persons of culture do!
- "LUCY"
- "Lucy."--The old familiar name
- Is now, as always, pleasant,
- Its liquid melody the same
- Alike in past or present;
- Let others call you what they will,
- I know you'll let me use it;
- To me your name is Lucy still,
- I cannot bear to lose it.
- What visions of the past return
- With Lucy's image blended!
- What memories from the silent urn
- Of gentle lives long ended!
- What dreams of childhood's fleeting morn,
- What starry aspirations,
- That filled the misty days unborn
- With fancy's coruscations!
- Ah, Lucy, life has swiftly sped
- From April to November;
- The summer blossoms all are shed
- That you and I remember;
- But while the vanished years we share
- With mingling recollections,
- How all their shadowy features wear
- The hue of old affections!
- Love called you. He who stole your heart
- Of sunshine half bereft us;
- Our household's garland fell apart
- The morning that you left us;
- The tears of tender girlhood streamed
- Through sorrow's opening sluices;
- Less sweet our garden's roses seemed,
- Less blue its flower-de-luces.
- That old regret is turned to smiles,
- That parting sigh to greeting;
- I send my heart-throb fifty miles
- Through every line 't is beating;
- God grant you many and happy years,
- Till when the last has crowned you
- The dawn of endless day appears,
- And heaven is shining round you!
- October 11, 1875.
- BEHOLD the shape our eyes have known!
- It lives once more in changeless stone;
- So looked in mortal face and form
- Our guide through peril's deadly storm.
- But hushed the beating heart we knew,
- That heart so tender, brave, and true,
- Firm as the rooted mountain rock,
- Pure as the quarry's whitest block!
- Not his beneath the blood-red star
- To win the soldier's envied sear;
- Unarmed he battled for the right,
- In Duty's never-ending fight.
- Unconquered will, unslumbering eye,
- Faith such as bids the martyr die,
- The prophet's glance, the master's hand
- To mould the work his foresight planned,
- These were his gifts; what Heaven had lent
- For justice, mercy, truth, he spent,
- First to avenge the traitorous blow,
- And first to lift the vanquished foe.
- Lo, thus he stood; in danger's strait
- The pilot of the Pilgrim State!
- Too large his fame for her alone,--
- A nation claims him as her own!
- I.
- LEADER of armies, Israel's God,
- Thy soldier's fight is won!
- Master, whose lowly path he trod,
- Thy servant's work is done!
- No voice is heard from Sinai's steep
- Our wandering feet to guide;
- From Horeb's rock no waters leap;
- No Jordan's waves divide;
- No prophet cleaves our western sky
- On wheels of whirling fire;
- No shepherds hear the song on high
- Of heaven's angelic choir.
- Yet here as to the patriarch's tent
- God's angel comes a guest;
- He comes on heaven's high errand sent,
- In earth's poor raiment drest.
- We see no halo round his brow
- Till love its own recalls,
- And, like a leaf that quits the bough,
- The mortal vesture falls.
- In autumn's chill declining day,
- Ere winter's killing frost,
- The message came; so passed away
- The friend our earth has lost.
- Still, Father, in thy love we trust;
- Forgive us if we mourn
- The saddening hour that laid in dust
- His robe of flesh outworn.
- II.
- How long the wreck-strewn journey seems
- To reach the far-off past
- That woke his youth from peaceful dreams
- With Freedom's trumpet-blast.
- Along her classic hillsides rung
- The Paynim's battle-cry,
- And like a red-cross knight he sprung
- For her to live or die.
- No trustier service claimed the wreath
- For Sparta's bravest son;
- No truer soldier sleeps beneath
- The mound of Marathon;
- Yet not for him the warrior's grave
- In front of angry foes;
- To lift, to shield, to help, to save,
- The holier task he chose.
- He touched the eyelids of the blind,
- And lo! the veil withdrawn,
- As o'er the midnight of the mind
- He led the light of dawn.
- He asked not whence the fountains roll
- No traveller's foot has found,
- But mapped the desert of the soul
- Untracked by sight or sound.
- What prayers have reached the sapphire throne,
- By silent fingers spelt,
- For him who first through depths unknown
- His doubtful pathway felt,
- Who sought the slumbering sense that lay
- Close shut with bolt and bar,
- And showed awakening thought the ray
- Of reason's morning star.
- Where'er he moved, his shadowy form
- The sightless orbs would seek,
- And smiles of welcome light and warm
- The lips that could not speak.
- No labored line, no sculptor's art,
- Such hallowed memory needs;
- His tablet is the human heart,
- His record loving deeds.
- III.
- The rest that earth denied is thine,--
- Ah, is it rest? we ask,
- Or, traced by knowledge more divine,
- Some larger, nobler task?
- Had but those boundless fields of blue
- One darkened sphere like this;
- But what has heaven for thee to do
- In realms of perfect bliss?
- No cloud to lift, no mind to clear,
- No rugged path to smooth,
- No struggling soul to help and cheer,
- No mortal grief to soothe!
- Enough; is there a world of love,
- No more we ask to know;
- The hand will guide thy ways above
- That shaped thy task below.
- TRAINED in the holy art whose lifted shield
- Wards off the darts a never-slumbering foe,
- By hearth and wayside lurking, waits to throw,
- Oppression taught his helpful arm to wield
- The slayer's weapon: on the murderous field
- The fiery bolt he challenged laid him low,
- Seeking its noblest victim. Even so
- The charter of a nation must be sealed!
- The healer's brow the hero's honors crowned,
- From lowliest duty called to loftiest deed.
- Living, the oak-leaf wreath his temples bound;
- Dying, the conqueror's laurel was his meed,
- Last on the broken ramparts' turf to bleed
- Where Freedom's victory in defeat was found.
- June 11, 1875.
- JULY 3, 1875
- AND can it be you've found a place
- Within this consecrated space,
- That makes so fine a show,
- For one of Rip Van Winkle's race?
- And is it really so?
- Who wants an old receipted bill?
- Who fishes in the Frog-pond still?
- Who digs last year's potato hill?--
- That's what he'd like to know!
- And were it any spot on earth
- Save this dear home that gave him birth
- Some scores of years ago,
- He had not come to spoil your mirth
- And chill your festive glow;
- But round his baby-nest he strays,
- With tearful eye the scene surveys,
- His heart unchanged by changing days,
- That's what he'd have you know.
- Can you whose eyes not yet are dim
- Live o'er the buried past with him,
- And see the roses blow
- When white-haired men were Joe and Jim
- Untouched by winter's snow?
- Or roll the years back one by one
- As Judah's monarch backed the sun,
- And see the century just begun?--
- That's what he'd like to know!
- I come, but as the swallow dips,
- Just touching with her feather-tips
- The shining wave below,
- To sit with pleasure-murmuring lips
- And listen to the flow
- Of Elmwood's sparkling Hippocrene,
- To tread once more my native green,
- To sigh unheard, to smile unseen,--
- That's what I'd have you know.
- But since the common lot I've shared
- (We all are sitting "unprepared,"
- Like culprits in a row,
- Whose heads are down, whose necks are bared
- To wait the headsman's blow),
- I'd like to shift my task to you,
- By asking just a thing or two
- About the good old times I knew,--
- Here's what I want to know.
- The yellow meetin' house--can you tell
- Just where it stood before it fell
- Prey of the vandal foe,--
- Our dear old temple, loved so well,
- By ruthless hands laid low?
- Where, tell me, was the Deacon's pew?
- Whose hair was braided in a queue?
- (For there were pig-tails not a few,)--
- That's what I'd like to know.
- The bell--can you recall its clang?
- And how the seats would slam and bang?
- The voices high and low?
- The basso's trump before he sang?
- The viol and its bow?
- Where was it old Judge Winthrop sat?
- Who wore the last three-cornered hat?
- Was Israel Porter lean or fat?--
- That's what I'd like to know.
- Tell where the market used to be
- That stood beside the murdered tree?
- Whose dog to church would go?
- Old Marcus Reemie, who was he?
- Who were the brothers Snow?
- Does not your memory slightly fail
- About that great September gale?--
- Whereof one told a moving tale,
- As Cambridge boys should know.
- When Cambridge was a simple town,
- Say just when Deacon William Brown
- (Last door in yonder row),
- For honest silver counted down,
- His groceries would bestow?--
- For those were days when money meant
- Something that jingled as you went,--
- No hybrid like the nickel cent,
- I'd have you all to know,
- But quarter, ninepence, pistareen,
- And fourpence hapennies in between,
- All metal fit to show,
- Instead of rags in stagnant green,
- The scum of debts we owe;
- How sad to think such stuff should be
- Our Wendell's cure-all recipe,--
- Not Wendell H., but Wendell P.,--
- The one you all must know!
- I question--but you answer not--
- Dear me! and have I quite forgot
- How fivescore years ago,
- Just on this very blessed spot,
- The summer leaves below,
- Before his homespun ranks arrayed
- In green New England's elmbough shade
- The great Virginian drew the blade
- King George full soon should know!
- O George the Third! you found it true
- Our George was more than double you,
- For nature made him so.
- Not much an empire's crown can do
- If brains are scant and slow,--
- Ah, not like that his laurel crown
- Whose presence gilded with renown
- Our brave old Academic town,
- As all her children know!
- So here we meet with loud acclaim
- To tell mankind that here he came,
- With hearts that throb and glow;
- Ours is a portion of his fame
- Our trumpets needs must blow!
- On yonder hill the Lion fell,
- But here was chipped the eagle's shell,--
- That little hatchet did it well,
- As all the world shall know!
- BRIGHT on the banners of lily and rose
- Lo! the last sun of our century sets!
- Wreathe the black cannon that scowled on our foes,
- All but her friendships the nation forgets
- All but her friends and their welcome forgets!
- These are around her; but where are her foes?
- Lo, while the sun of her century sets,
- Peace with her garlands of lily and rose!
- Welcome! a shout like the war trumpet's swell
- Wakes the wild echoes that slumber around
- Welcome! it quivers from Liberty's bell;
- Welcome! the walls of her temple resound!
- Hark! the gray walls of her temple resound
- Fade the far voices o'er hillside and dell;
- Welcome! still whisper the echoes around;
- Welcome I still trembles on Liberty's bell!
- Thrones of the continents! isles of the sea
- Yours are the garlands of peace we entwine;
- Welcome, once more, to the land of the free,
- Shadowed alike by the pahn and the pine;
- Softly they murmur, the palm and the pine,
- "Hushed is our strife, in the land of the free";
- Over your children their branches entwine,
- Thrones of the continents! isles of the sea!
- YES, write, if you want to, there's nothing like trying;
- Who knows what a treasure your casket may hold?
- I'll show you that rhyming's as easy as lying,
- If you'll listen to me while the art I unfold.
- Here's a book full of words; one can choose as he fancies,
- As a painter his tint, as a workman his tool;
- Just think! all the poems and plays and romances
- Were drawn out of this, like the fish from a pool!
- You can wander at will through its syllabled mazes,
- And take all you want,--not a copper they cost,--
- What is there to hinder your picking out phrases
- For an epic as clever as "Paradise Lost"?
- Don't mind if the index of sense is at zero,
- Use words that run smoothly, whatever they mean;
- Leander and Lilian and Lillibullero
- Are much the same thing in the rhyming machine.
- There are words so delicious their sweetness will smother
- That boarding-school flavor of which we 're afraid,--
- There is "lush" is a good one, and "swirl" another,--
- Put both in one stanza, its fortune is made.
- With musical murmurs and rhythmical closes
- You can cheat us of smiles when you've nothing to tell;
- You hand us a nosegay of milliner's roses,
- And we cry with delight, "Oh, how sweet they do smell!"
- Perhaps you will answer all needful conditions
- For winning the laurels to which you aspire,
- By docking the tails of the two prepositions
- I' the style o' the bards you so greatly admire.
- As for subjects of verse, they are only too plenty
- For ringing the changes on metrical chimes;
- A maiden, a moonbeam, a lover of twenty
- Have filled that great basket with bushels of rhymes.
- Let me show you a picture--'tis far from irrelevant--
- By a famous old hand in the arts of design;
- 'T is only a photographed sketch of an elephant,--
- The name of the draughtsman was Rembrandt of Rhine.
- How easy! no troublesome colors to lay on,
- It can't have fatigued him,--no, not in the least,--
- A dash here and there with a hap-hazard crayon,
- And there stands the wrinkled-skinned, baggy-limbed beast.
- Just so with your verse,--'t is as easy as sketching,--
- You--can reel off a song without knitting your brow,
- As lightly as Rembrandt a drawing or etching;
- It is nothing at all, if you only know how.
- Well; imagine you've printed your volume of verses:
- Your forehead is wreathed with the garland of fame,
- Your poems the eloquent school-boy rehearses,
- Her album the school-girl presents for your name;
- Each morning the post brings you autograph letters;
- You'll answer them promptly,--an hour is n't much
- For the honor of sharing a page with your betters,
- With magistrates, members of Congress, and such.
- Of course you're delighted to serve the committees
- That come with requests from the country all round,
- You would grace the occasion with poems and ditties
- When they've got a new schoolhouse, or poor-house, or pound.
- With a hymn for the saints and a song for the sinners,
- You go and are welcome wherever you please;
- You're a privileged guest at all manner of dinners,
- You've a seat on the platform among the grandees.
- At length your mere presence becomes a sensation,
- Your cup of enjoyment is filled to its brim
- With the pleasure Horatian of digitmonstration,
- As the whisper runs round of "That's he!" or "That Is him!"
- But remember, O dealer in phrases sonorous,
- So daintily chosen, so tunefully matched,
- Though you soar with the wings of the cherubim o'er us,
- The ovum was human from which you were hatched.
- No will of your own with its puny compulsion
- Can summon the spirit that quickens the lyre;
- It comes, if at all, like the Sibyl's convulsion
- And touches the brain with a finger of fire.
- So perhaps, after all, it's as well to be quiet,
- If you've nothing you think is worth saying in prose,
- As to furnish a meal of their cannibal diet
- To the critics, by publishing, as you propose.
- But it's all of no use, and I 'm sorry I've written,--
- I shall see your thin volume some day on my shelf;
- For the rhyming tarantula surely has bitten,
- And music must cure you, so pipe it yourself.
- "ONLY a housemaid!" She looked from the kitchen,--
- Neat was the kitchen and tidy was she;
- There at her window a sempstress sat stitching;
- "Were I a sempstress, how happy I'd be!"
- "Only a Queen!" She looked over the waters,--
- Fair was her kingdom and mighty was she;
- There sat an Empress, with Queens for her daughters;
- "Were I an Empress, how happy I'd be!"
- Still the old frailty they all of them trip in!
- Eve in her daughters is ever the same;
- Give her all Eden, she sighs for a pippin;
- Give her an Empire, she pines for a name!
- May 8, 1876.
- 'T WAS on the famous trotting-ground,
- The betting men were gathered round
- From far and near; the "cracks" were there
- Whose deeds the sporting prints declare
- The swift g. m., Old Hiram's nag,
- The fleet s. h., Dan Pfeiffer's brag,
- With these a third--and who is he
- That stands beside his fast b. g.?
- Budd Doble, whose catarrhal name
- So fills the nasal trump of fame.
- There too stood many a noted steed
- Of Messenger and Morgan breed;
- Green horses also, not a few;
- Unknown as yet what they could do;
- And all the hacks that know so well
- The scourgings of the Sunday swell.
- Blue are the skies of opening day;
- The bordering turf is green with May;
- The sunshine's golden gleam is thrown
- On sorrel, chestnut, bay, and roan;
- The horses paw and prance and neigh,
- Fillies and colts like kittens play,
- And dance and toss their rippled manes
- Shining and soft as silken skeins;
- Wagons and gigs are ranged about,
- And fashion flaunts her gay turn-out;
- Here stands--each youthful Jehu's dream
- The jointed tandem, ticklish team!
- And there in ampler breadth expand
- The splendors of the four-in-hand;
- On faultless ties and glossy tiles
- The lovely bonnets beam their smiles;
- (The style's the man, so books avow;
- The style's the woman, anyhow);
- From flounces frothed with creamy lace
- Peeps out the pug-dog's smutty face,
- Or spaniel rolls his liquid eye,
- Or stares the wiry pet of Skye,--
- O woman, in your hours of ease
- So shy with us, so free with these!
- "Come on! I 'll bet you two to one
- I 'll make him do it!" "Will you? Done!"
- What was it who was bound to do?
- I did not hear and can't tell you,--
- Pray listen till my story's through.
- Scarce noticed, back behind the rest,
- By cart and wagon rudely prest,
- The parson's lean and bony bay
- Stood harnessed in his one-horse shay--
- Lent to his sexton for the day;
- (A funeral--so the sexton said;
- His mother's uncle's wife was dead.)
- Like Lazarus bid to Dives' feast,
- So looked the poor forlorn old beast;
- His coat was rough, his tail was bare,
- The gray was sprinkled in his hair;
- Sportsmen and jockeys knew him not,
- And yet they say he once could trot
- Among the fleetest of the town,
- Till something cracked and broke him down,--
- The steed's, the statesman's, common lot!
- "And are we then so soon forgot?"
- Ah me! I doubt if one of you
- Has ever heard the name "Old Blue,"
- Whose fame through all this region rung
- In those old days when I was young!
- "Bring forth the horse!" Alas! he showed
- Not like the one Mazeppa rode;
- Scant-maned, sharp-backed, and shaky-kneed,
- The wreck of what was once a steed,
- Lips thin, eyes hollow, stiff in joints;
- Yet not without his knowing points.
- The sexton laughing in his sleeve,
- As if 't were all a make-believe,
- Led forth the horse, and as he laughed
- Unhitched the breeching from a shaft,
- Unclasped the rusty belt beneath,
- Drew forth the snaffle from his teeth,
- Slipped off his head-stall, set him free
- From strap and rein,--a sight to see!
- So worn, so lean in every limb,
- It can't be they are saddling him!
- It is! his back the pig-skin strides
- And flaps his lank, rheumatic sides;
- With look of mingled scorn and mirth
- They buckle round the saddle-girth;
- With horsey wink and saucy toss
- A youngster throws his leg across,
- And so, his rider on his back,
- They lead him, limping, to the track,
- Far up behind the starting-point,
- To limber out each stiffened joint.
- As through the jeering crowd he past,
- One pitying look Old Hiram cast;
- "Go it, ye cripple, while ye can!"
- Cried out unsentimental Dan;
- "A Fast-Day dinner for the crows!"
- Budd Doble's scoffing shout arose.
- Slowly, as when the walking-beam
- First feels the gathering head of steam,
- With warning cough and threatening wheeze
- The stiff old charger crooks his knees;
- At first with cautious step sedate,
- As if he dragged a coach of state
- He's not a colt; he knows full well
- That time is weight and sure to tell;
- No horse so sturdy but he fears
- The handicap of twenty years.
- As through the throng on either hand
- The old horse nears the judges' stand,
- Beneath his jockey's feather-weight
- He warms a little to his gait,
- And now and then a step is tried
- That hints of something like a stride.
- "Go!"--Through his ear the summons stung
- As if a battle-trump had rung;
- The slumbering instincts long unstirred
- Start at the old familiar word;
- It thrills like flame through every limb,--
- What mean his twenty years to him?
- The savage blow his rider dealt
- Fell on his hollow flanks unfelt;
- The spur that pricked his staring hide
- Unheeded tore his bleeding side;
- Alike to him are spur and rein,--
- He steps a five-year-old again!
- Before the quarter pole was past,
- Old Hiram said, "He's going fast."
- Long ere the quarter was a half,
- The chuckling crowd had ceased to laugh;
- Tighter his frightened jockey clung
- As in a mighty stride he swung,
- The gravel flying in his track,
- His neck stretched out, his ears laid back,
- His tail extended all the while
- Behind him like a rat-tail file!
- Off went a shoe,--away it spun,
- Shot like a bullet from a gun;
- The quaking jockey shapes a prayer
- From scraps of oaths he used to swear;
- He drops his whip, he drops his rein,
- He clutches fiercely for a mane;
- He'll lose his hold--he sways and reels--
- He'll slide beneath those trampling heels!
- The knees of many a horseman quake,
- The flowers on many a bonnet shake,
- And shouts arise from left and right,
- "Stick on! Stick on!" "Hould tight! Hould tight!"
- "Cling round his neck and don't let go--"
- "That pace can't hold--there! steady! whoa!"
- But like the sable steed that bore
- The spectral lover of Lenore,
- His nostrils snorting foam and fire,
- No stretch his bony limbs can tire;
- And now the stand he rushes by,
- And "Stop him!--stop him!" is the cry.
- Stand back! he 's only just begun--
- He's having out three heats in one!
- "Don't rush in front! he'll smash your brains;
- But follow up and grab the reins!"
- Old Hiram spoke. Dan Pfeiffer heard,
- And sprang impatient at the word;
- Budd Doble started on his bay,
- Old Hiram followed on his gray,
- And off they spring, and round they go,
- The fast ones doing "all they know."
- Look! twice they follow at his heels,
- As round the circling course he wheels,
- And whirls with him that clinging boy
- Like Hector round the walls of Troy;
- Still on, and on, the third time round
- They're tailing off! they're losing ground!
- Budd Doble's nag begins to fail!
- Dan Pfeiffer's sorrel whisks his tail!
- And see! in spite of whip and shout,
- Old Hiram's mare is giving out!
- Now for the finish! at the turn,
- The old horse--all the rest astern--
- Comes swinging in, with easy trot;
- By Jove! he's distanced all the lot!
- That trot no mortal could explain;
- Some said, "Old Dutchman come again!"
- Some took his time,--at least they tried,
- But what it was could none decide;
- One said he couldn't understand
- What happened to his second hand;
- One said 2.10; that could n't be--
- More like two twenty-two or three;
- Old Hiram settled it at last;
- "The time was two--too dee-vel-ish fast!"
- The parson's horse had won the bet;
- It cost him something of a sweat;
- Back in the one-horse shay he went;
- The parson wondered what it meant,
- And murmured, with a mild surprise
- And pleasant twinkle of the eyes,
- That funeral must have been a trick,
- Or corpses drive at double-quick;
- I should n't wonder, I declare,
- If brother--Jehu--made the prayer!
- And this is all I have to say
- About that tough old trotting bay,
- Huddup! Huddup! G'lang! Good day!
- Moral for which this tale is told
- A horse can trot, for all he 's old.
- "While stands the Coliseum, Rome shall stand;
- When falls the Coliseum, Rome shall fall."
- FULL sevenscore years our city's pride--
- The comely Southern spire--
- Has cast its shadow, and defied
- The storm, the foe, the fire;
- Sad is the sight our eyes behold;
- Woe to the three-hilled town,
- When through the land the tale is told--
- "The brave 'Old South' is down!"
- Let darkness blot the starless dawn
- That hears our children tell,
- "Here rose the walls, now wrecked and gone,
- Our fathers loved so well;
- Here, while his brethren stood aloof,
- The herald's blast was blown
- That shook St. Stephen's pillared roof
- And rocked King George's throne!
- "The home-bound wanderer of the main
- Looked from his deck afar,
- To where the gilded, glittering vane
- Shone like the evening star,
- And pilgrim feet from every clime
- The floor with reverence trod,
- Where holy memories made sublime
- The shrine of Freedom's God!"
- The darkened skies, alas! have seen
- Our monarch tree laid low,
- And spread in ruins o'er the green,
- But Nature struck the blow;
- No scheming thrift its downfall planned,
- It felt no edge of steel,
- No soulless hireling raised his hand
- The deadly stroke to deal.
- In bridal garlands, pale and mute,
- Still pleads the storied tower;
- These are the blossoms, but the fruit
- Awaits the golden shower;
- The spire still greets the morning sun,--
- Say, shall it stand or fall?
- Help, ere the spoiler has begun!
- Help, each, and God help all!
- CLUB, FEBRUARY 21, 1877
- WHEN rose the cry "Great Pan is dead!"
- And Jove's high palace closed its portal,
- The fallen gods, before they fled,
- Sold out their frippery to a mortal.
- "To whom?" you ask. I ask of you.
- The answer hardly needs suggestion;
- Of course it was the Wandering Jew,--
- How could you put me such a question?
- A purple robe, a little worn,
- The Thunderer deigned himself to offer;
- The bearded wanderer laughed in scorn,--
- You know he always was a scoffer.
- "Vife shillins! 't is a monstrous price;
- Say two and six and further talk shun."
- "Take it," cried Jove; "we can't be nice,--
- 'T would fetch twice that at Leonard's auction."
- The ice was broken; up they came,
- All sharp for bargains, god and goddess,
- Each ready with the price to name
- For robe or head-dress, scarf or bodice.
- First Juno, out of temper, too,--
- Her queenly forehead somewhat cloudy;
- Then Pallas in her stockings blue,
- Imposing, but a little dowdy.
- The scowling queen of heaven unrolled
- Before the Jew a threadbare turban
- "Three shillings." "One. 'T will suit some old
- Terrific feminine suburban."
- But as for Pallas,--how to tell
- In seemly phrase a fact so shocking?
- She pointed,--pray excuse me,--well,
- She pointed to her azure stocking.
- And if the honest truth were told,
- Its heel confessed the need of darning;
- "Gods!" low-bred Vulcan cried, "behold!
- There! that's what comes of too much larning!"
- Pale Proserpine came groping round,
- Her pupils dreadfully dilated
- With too much living underground,--
- A residence quite overrated;
- This kerchief's what you want, I know,--
- Don't cheat poor Venus of her cestus,--
- You'll find it handy when you go
- To--you know where; it's pure asbestus.
- Then Phoebus of the silverr bow,
- And Hebe, dimpled as a baby,
- And Dian with the breast of snow,
- Chaser and chased--and caught, it may be:
- One took the quiver from her back,
- One held the cap he spent the night in,
- And one a bit of bric-a-brac,
- Such as the gods themselves delight in.
- Then Mars, the foe of human kind,
- Strode up and showed his suit of armor;
- So none at last was left behind
- Save Venus, the celestial charmer.
- Poor Venus! What had she to sell?
- For all she looked so fresh and jaunty,
- Her wardrobe, as I blush' to tell,
- Already seemed but quite too scanty.
- Her gems were sold, her sandals gone,--
- She always would be rash and flighty,--
- Her winter garments all in pawn,
- Alas for charming Aphrodite.
- The lady of a thousand loves,
- The darling of the old religion,
- Had only left of all the doves
- That drew her car one fan-tailed pigeon.
- How oft upon her finger-tips
- He perched, afraid of Cupid's arrow,
- Or kissed her on the rosebud lips,
- Like Roman Lesbia's loving sparrow!
- "My bird, I want your train," she cried;
- "Come, don't let's have a fuss about it;
- I'll make it beauty's pet and pride,
- And you'll be better off without it.
- "So vulgar! Have you noticed, pray,
- An earthly belle or dashing bride walk,
- And how her flounces track her way,
- Like slimy serpents on the sidewalk?
- "A lover's heart it quickly cools;
- In mine it kindles up enough rage
- To wring their necks. How can such fools
- Ask men to vote for woman suffrage?"
- The goddess spoke, and gently stripped
- Her bird of every caudal feather;
- A strand of gold-bright hair she clipped,
- And bound the glossy plumes together,
- And lo, the Fan! for beauty's hand,
- The lovely queen of beauty made it;
- The price she named was hard to stand,
- But Venus smiled: the Hebrew paid it.
- Jove, Juno, Venus, where are you?
- Mars, Mercury, Phoebus, Neptune, Saturn?
- But o'er the world the Wandering Jew
- Has borne the Fan's celestial pattern.
- So everywhere we find the Fan,--
- In lonely isles of the Pacific,
- In farthest China and Japan,--
- Wherever suns are sudorific.
- Nay, even the oily Esquimaux
- In summer court its cooling breezes,--
- In fact, in every clime 't is so,
- No matter if it fries or freezes.
- And since from Aphrodite's dove
- The pattern of the fan was given,
- No wonder that it breathes of love
- And wafts the perfumed gales of heaven!
- Before this new Pandora's gift
- In slavery woman's tyrant kept her,
- But now he kneels her glove to lift,--
- The fan is mightier than the sceptre.
- The tap it gives how arch and sly!
- The breath it wakes how fresh and grateful!
- Behind its shield how soft the sigh!
- The whispered tale of shame how fateful!
- Its empire shadows every throne
- And every shore that man is tost on;
- It rules the lords of every zone,
- Nay, even the bluest blood of Boston!
- But every one that swings to-night,
- Of fairest shape, from farthest region,
- May trace its pedigree aright
- To Aphrodite's fan-tailed pigeon.
- TO R. B. H.
- BOSTON, JUNE 26, 1877
- How to address him? awkward, it is true
- Call him "Great Father," as the Red Men do?
- Borrow some title? this is not the place
- That christens men Your Highness and Your Grace;
- We tried such names as these awhile, you know,
- But left them off a century ago.
- His Majesty? We've had enough of that
- Besides, that needs a crown; he wears a hat.
- What if, to make the nicer ears content,
- We say His Honesty, the President?
- Sir, we believed you honest, truthful, brave,
- When to your hands their precious trust we gave,
- And we have found you better than we knew,
- Braver, and not less honest, not less true!
- So every heart has opened, every hand
- Tingles with welcome, and through all the land
- All voices greet you in one broad acclaim,
- Healer of strife! Has earth a nobler name?
- What phrases mean you do not need to learn;
- We must be civil, and they serve our turn
- "Your most obedient humble" means--means what?
- Something the well-bred signer just is not.
- Yet there are tokens, sir, you must believe;
- There is one language never can deceive
- The lover knew it when the maiden smiled;
- The mother knows it when she clasps her child;
- Voices may falter, trembling lips turn pale,
- Words grope and stumble; this will tell their tale
- Shorn of all rhetoric, bare of all pretence,
- But radiant, warm, with Nature's eloquence.
- Look in our eyes! Your welcome waits you there,--
- North, South, East, West, from all and everywhere!
- This "sentiment" was read on the same occasion as the "Family Record,"
- which immediately follows it. The latter poem is the dutiful tribute of a
- son to his father and his father's ancestors, residents of Woodstock from
- its first settlement.
- THE Ship of State! above her skies are blue,
- But still she rocks a little, it is true,
- And there are passengers whose faces white
- Show they don't feel as happy as they might;
- Yet on the whole her crew are quite content,
- Since its wild fury the typhoon has spent,
- And willing, if her pilot thinks it best,
- To head a little nearer south by west.
- And this they feel: the ship came too near wreck,
- In the long quarrel for the quarter-deck,
- Now when she glides serenely on her way,--
- The shallows past where dread explosives lay,--
- The stiff obstructive's churlish game to try
- Let sleeping dogs and still torpedoes lie!
- And so I give you all the Ship of State;
- Freedom's last venture is her priceless freight;
- God speed her, keep her, bless her, while she steers
- Amid the breakers of unsounded years;
- Lead her through danger's paths with even keel,
- And guide the honest hand that holds her wheel!
- WOODSTOCK, CONN., July 4, 1877.
- NOT to myself this breath of vesper song,
- Not to these patient friends, this kindly throng,
- Not to this hallowed morning, though it be
- Our summer Christmas, Freedom's jubilee,
- When every summit, topmast, steeple, tower,
- That owns her empire spreads her starry flower,
- Its blood-streaked leaves in heaven's benignant dew
- Washed clean from every crimson stain they knew,--
- No, not to these the passing thrills belong
- That steal my breath to hush themselves with song.
- These moments all are memory's; I have come
- To speak with lips that rather should be dumb;
- For what are words? At every step I tread
- The dust that wore the footprints of the dead
- But for whose life my life had never known
- This faded vesture which it calls its own.
- Here sleeps my father's sire, and they who gave
- That earlier life here found their peaceful grave.
- In days gone by I sought the hallowed ground;
- Climbed yon long slope; the sacred spot I found
- Where all unsullied lies the winter snow,
- Where all ungathered spring's pale violets blow,
- And tracked from stone to stone the Saxon name
- That marks the blood I need not blush to claim,
- Blood such as warmed the Pilgrim sons of toil,
- Who held from God the charter of the soil.
- I come an alien to your hills and plains,
- Yet feel your birthright tingling in my veins;
- Mine are this changing prospect's sun and shade,
- In full-blown summer's bridal pomp arrayed;
- Mine these fair hillsides and the vales between;
- Mine the sweet streams that lend their brightening green;
- I breathed your air--the sunlit landscape smiled;
- I touch your soil--it knows its children's child;
- Throned in my heart your heritage is mine;
- I claim it all by memory's right divine
- Waking, I dream. Before my vacant eyes
- In long procession shadowy forms arise;
- Far through the vista of the silent years
- I see a venturous band; the pioneers,
- Who let the sunlight through the forest's gloom,
- Who bade the harvest wave, the garden bloom.
- Hark! loud resounds the bare-armed settler's axe,
- See where the stealthy panther left his tracks!
- As fierce, as stealthy creeps the skulking foe
- With stone-tipped shaft and sinew-corded bow;
- Soon shall he vanish from his ancient reign,
- Leave his last cornfield to the coming train,
- Quit the green margin of the wave he drinks,
- For haunts that hide the wild-cat and the lynx.
- But who the Youth his glistening axe that swings
- To smite the pine that shows a hundred rings?
- His features?--something in his look I find
- That calls the semblance of my race to mind.
- His name?--my own; and that which goes before
- The same that once the loved disciple bore.
- Young, brave, discreet, the father of a line
- Whose voiceless lives have found a voice in mine;
- Thinned by unnumbered currents though they be,
- Thanks for the ruddy drops I claim from thee!
- The seasons pass; the roses come and go;
- Snows fall and melt; the waters freeze and flow;
- The boys are men; the girls, grown tall and fair,
- Have found their mates; a gravestone here and there
- Tells where the fathers lie; the silvered hair
- Of some bent patriarch yet recalls the time
- That saw his feet the northern hillside climb,
- A pilgrim from the pilgrims far away,
- The godly men, the dwellers by the bay.
- On many a hearthstone burns the cheerful fire;
- The schoolhouse porch, the heavenward pointing spire
- Proclaim in letters every eye can read,
- Knowledge and Faith, the new world's simple creed.
- Hush! 't is the Sabbath's silence-stricken morn
- No feet must wander through the tasselled corn;
- No merry children laugh around the door,
- No idle playthings strew the sanded floor;
- The law of Moses lays its awful ban
- On all that stirs; here comes the tithing-man
- At last the solemn hour of worship calls;
- Slowly they gather in the sacred walls;
- Man in his strength and age with knotted staff,
- And boyhood aching for its week-day laugh,
- The toil-worn mother with the child she leads,
- The maiden, lovely in her golden beads,--
- The popish symbols round her neck she wears,
- But on them counts her lovers, not her prayers,--
- Those youths in homespun suits and ribboned queues,
- Whose hearts are beating in the high-backed pews.
- The pastor rises; looks along the seats
- With searching eye; each wonted face he meets;
- Asks heavenly guidance; finds the chapter's place
- That tells some tale of Israel's stubborn race;
- Gives out the sacred song; all voices join,
- For no quartette extorts their scanty coin;
- Then while both hands their black-gloved palms display,
- Lifts his gray head, and murmurs, "Let us pray!"
- And pray he does! as one that never fears
- To plead unanswered by the God that hears;
- What if he dwells on many a fact as though
- Some things Heaven knew not which it ought to know,--
- Thanks God for all his favors past, and yet,
- Tells Him there's something He must not forget;
- Such are the prayers his people love to hear,--
- See how the Deacon slants his listening ear!
- What! look once more! Nay, surely there I trace
- The hinted outlines of a well-known face!
- Not those the lips for laughter to beguile,
- Yet round their corners lurks an embryo smile,
- The same on other lips my childhood knew
- That scarce the Sabbath's mastery could subdue.
- Him too my lineage gives me leave to claim,--
- The good, grave man that bears the Psalmist's name.
- And still in ceaseless round the seasons passed;
- Spring piped her carol; Autumn blew his blast;
- Babes waxed to manhood; manhood shrunk to age;
- Life's worn-out players tottered off the stage;
- The few are many; boys have grown to men
- Since Putnam dragged the wolf from Pomfret's den;
- Our new-old Woodstock is a thriving town;
- Brave are her children; faithful to the crown;
- Her soldiers' steel the savage redskin knows;
- Their blood has crimsoned his Canadian snows.
- And now once more along the quiet vale
- Rings the dread call that turns the mothers pale;
- Full well they know the valorous heat that runs
- In every pulse-beat of their loyal sons;
- Who would not bleed in good King George's cause
- When England's lion shows his teeth and claws?
- With glittering firelocks on the village green
- In proud array a martial band is seen;
- You know what names those ancient rosters hold,--
- Whose belts were buckled when the drum-beat rolled,--
- But mark their Captain! tell us, who is he?
- On his brown face that same old look I see
- Yes! from the homestead's still retreat he came,
- Whose peaceful owner bore the Psalmist's name;
- The same his own. Well, Israel's glorious king
- Who struck the harp could also whirl the sling,--
- Breathe in his song a penitential sigh
- And smite the sons of Amalek hip and thigh:
- These shared their task; one deaconed out the psalm,
- One slashed the scalping hell-hounds of calm;
- The praying father's pious work is done,
- Now sword in hand steps forth the fighting son.
- On many a field he fought in wilds afar;
- See on his swarthy cheek the bullet's scar!
- There hangs a murderous tomahawk; beneath,
- Without its blade, a knife's embroidered sheath;
- Save for the stroke his trusty weapon dealt
- His scalp had dangled at their owner's belt;
- But not for him such fate; he lived to see
- The bloodier strife that made our nation free,
- To serve with willing toil, with skilful hand,
- The war-worn saviors of the bleeding land.
- His wasting life to others' needs he gave,--
- Sought rest in home and found it in the grave.
- See where the stones life's brief memorials keep,
- The tablet telling where he "fell on sleep,"--
- Watched by a winged cherub's rayless eye,--
- A scroll above that says we all must die,--
- Those saddening lines beneath, the "Night-Thoughts" lent:
- So stands the Soldier's, Surgeon's monument.
- Ah! at a glance my filial eye divines
- The scholar son in those remembered lines.
- The Scholar Son. His hand my footsteps led.
- No more the dim unreal past I tread.
- O thou whose breathing form was once so dear,
- Whose cheering voice was music to my ear,
- Art thou not with me as my feet pursue
- The village paths so well thy boyhood knew,
- Along the tangled margin of the stream
- Whose murmurs blended with thine infant dream,
- Or climb the hill, or thread the wooded vale,
- Or seek the wave where gleams yon distant sail,
- Or the old homestead's narrowed bounds explore,
- Where sloped the roof that sheds the rains no more,
- Where one last relic still remains to tell
- Here stood thy home,--the memory-haunted well,
- Whose waters quench a deeper thirst than thine,
- Changed at my lips to sacramental wine,--
- Art thou not with me, as I fondly trace
- The scanty records of thine honored race,
- Call up the forms that earlier years have known,
- And spell the legend of each slanted stone?
- With thoughts of thee my loving verse began,
- Not for the critic's curious eye to scan,
- Not for the many listeners, but the few
- Whose fathers trod the paths my fathers knew;
- Still in my heart thy loved remembrance burns;
- Still to my lips thy cherished name returns;
- Could I but feel thy gracious presence near
- Amid the groves that once to thee were dear
- Could but my trembling lips with mortal speech
- Thy listening ear for one brief moment reach!
- How vain the dream! The pallid voyager's track
- No sign betrays; he sends no message back.
- No word from thee since evening's shadow fell
- On thy cold forehead with my long farewell,--
- Now from the margin of the silent sea,
- Take my last offering ere I cross to thee!
- 1877-1881
- Read at the Breakfast given in honor of Dr. Holmes's Seventieth Birthday
- by the publishers of the "Atlantic Monthly," Boston, December 3, 1879.
- WHERE is this patriarch you are kindly greeting?
- Not unfamiliar to my ear his name,
- Nor yet unknown to many a joyous meeting
- In days long vanished,--is he still the same,
- Or changed by years, forgotten and forgetting,
- Dull-eared, dim-sighted, slow of speech and thought,
- Still o'er the sad, degenerate present fretting,
- Where all goes wrong, and nothing as it ought?
- Old age, the graybeard! Well, indeed, I know him,--
- Shrunk, tottering, bent, of aches and ills the prey;
- In sermon, story, fable, picture, poem,
- Oft have I met him from my earliest day.
- In my old AEsop, toiling with his bundle,--
- His load of sticks,--politely asking Death,
- Who comes when called for,--would he lug or trundle
- His fagot for him?--he was scant of breath.
- And sad "Ecclesiastes, or the Preacher,"--
- Has he not stamped the image on my soul,
- In that last chapter, where the worn-out Teacher
- Sighs o'er the loosened cord, the broken bowl?
- Yes, long, indeed, I've known him at a distance,
- And now my lifted door-latch shows him here;
- I take his shrivelled hand without resistance,
- And find him smiling as his step draws near.
- What though of gilded baubles he bereaves us,
- Dear to the heart of youth, to manhood's prime;
- Think of the calm he brings, the wealth he leaves us,
- The hoarded spoils, the legacies of time!
- Altars once flaming, still with incense fragrant,
- Passion's uneasy nurslings rocked asleep,
- Hope's anchor faster, wild desire less vagrant,
- Life's flow less noisy, but the stream how deep!
- Still as the silver cord gets worn and slender,
- Its lightened task-work tugs with lessening strain,
- Hands get more helpful, voices, grown more tender,
- Soothe with their softened tones the slumberous brain.
- Youth longs and manhood strives, but age remembers,
- Sits by the raked-up ashes of the past,
- Spreads its thin hands above the whitening embers
- That warm its creeping life-blood till the last.
- Dear to its heart is every loving token
- That comes unbidden ere its pulse grows cold,
- Ere the last lingering ties of life are broken,
- Its labors ended and its story told.
- Ah, while around us rosy youth rejoices,
- For us the sorrow-laden breezes sigh,
- And through the chorus of its jocund voices
- Throbs the sharp note of misery's hopeless cry.
- As on the gauzy wings of fancy flying
- From some far orb I track our watery sphere,
- Home of the struggling, suffering, doubting, dying,
- The silvered globule seems a glistening tear.
- But Nature lends her mirror of illusion
- To win from saddening scenes our age-dimmed eyes,
- And misty day-dreams blend in sweet confusion
- The wintry landscape and the summer skies.
- So when the iron portal shuts behind us,
- And life forgets us in its noise and whirl,
- Visions that shunned the glaring noonday find us,
- And glimmering starlight shows the gates of pearl.
- I come not here your morning hour to sadden,
- A limping pilgrim, leaning on his staff,--
- I, who have never deemed it sin to gladden
- This vale of sorrows with a wholesome laugh.
- If word of mine another's gloom has brightened,
- Through my dumb lips the heaven-sent message came;
- If hand of mine another's task has lightened,
- It felt the guidance that it dares not claim.
- But, O my gentle sisters, O my brothers,
- These thick-sown snow-flakes hint of toil's release;
- These feebler pulses bid me leave to others
- The tasks once welcome; evening asks for peace.
- Time claims his tribute; silence now is golden;
- Let me not vex the too long suffering lyre;
- Though to your love untiring still beholden,
- The curfew tells me--cover up the fire.
- And now with grateful smile and accents cheerful,
- And warmer heart than look or word can tell,
- In simplest phrase--these traitorous eyes are tearful--
- Thanks, Brothers, Sisters,--Children,--and farewell!
- 1829-1879
- Read at the Commencement Dinner of the Alumni of Harvard
- University, June 25, 1879.
- WHILE fond, sad memories all around us throng,
- Silence were sweeter than the sweetest song;
- Yet when the leaves are green and heaven is blue,
- The choral tribute of the grove is due,
- And when the lengthening nights have chilled the skies,
- We fain would hear the song-bird ere be flies,
- And greet with kindly welcome, even as now,
- The lonely minstrel on his leafless bough.
- This is our golden year,--its golden day;
- Its bridal memories soon must pass away;
- Soon shall its dying music cease to ring,
- And every year must loose some silver string,
- Till the last trembling chords no longer thrill,--
- Hands all at rest and hearts forever still.
- A few gray heads have joined the forming line;
- We hear our summons,--"Class of 'Twenty-Nine!"
- Close on the foremost, and, alas, how few!
- Are these "The Boys" our dear old Mother knew?
- Sixty brave swimmers. Twenty--something more--
- Have passed the stream and reached this frosty shore!
- How near the banks these fifty years divide
- When memory crosses with a single stride!
- 'T is the first year of stern "Old Hickory" 's rule
- When our good Mother lets us out of school,
- Half glad, half sorrowing, it must be confessed,
- To leave her quiet lap, her bounteous breast,
- Armed with our dainty, ribbon-tied degrees,
- Pleased and yet pensive, exiles and A. B.'s.
- Look back, O comrades, with your faded eyes,
- And see the phantoms as I bid them rise.
- Whose smile is that? Its pattern Nature gave,
- A sunbeam dancing in a dimpled wave;
- KIRKLAND alone such grace from Heaven could win,
- His features radiant as the soul within;
- That smile would let him through Saint Peter's gate
- While sad-eyed martyrs had to stand and wait.
- Here flits mercurial _Farrar_; standing there,
- See mild, benignant, cautious, learned _Ware_,
- And sturdy, patient, faithful, honest _Hedge_,
- Whose grinding logic gave our wits their edge;
- _Ticknor_, with honeyed voice and courtly grace;
- And _Willard_, larynxed like a double bass;
- And _Channing_, with his bland, superior look,
- Cool as a moonbeam on a frozen brook,
- While the pale student, shivering in his shoes,
- Sees from his theme the turgid rhetoric ooze;
- And the born soldier, fate decreed to wreak
- His martial manhood on a class in Greek,
- _Popkin_! How that explosive name recalls
- The grand old Busby of our ancient halls
- Such faces looked from Skippon's grim platoons,
- Such figures rode with Ireton's stout dragoons:
- He gave his strength to learning's gentle charms,
- But every accent sounded "Shoulder arms!"
- Names,--empty names! Save only here and there
- Some white-haired listener, dozing in his chair,
- Starts at the sound he often used to hear,
- And upward slants his Sunday-sermon ear.
- And we--our blooming manhood we regain;
- Smiling we join the long Commencement train,
- One point first battled in discussion hot,--
- Shall we wear gowns? and settled: We will not.
- How strange the scene,--that noisy boy-debate
- Where embryo-speakers learn to rule the State!
- This broad-browed youth, sedate and sober-eyed,
- Shall wear the ermined robe at Taney's side;
- And he, the stripling, smooth of face and slight,
- Whose slender form scarce intercepts the light,
- Shall rule the Bench where Parsons gave the law,
- And sphinx-like sat uncouth, majestic Shaw
- Ah, many a star has shed its fatal ray
- On names we loved--our brothers--where are they?
- Nor these alone; our hearts in silence claim
- Names not less dear, unsyllabled by fame.
- How brief the space! and yet it sweeps us back
- Far, far along our new-born history's track
- Five strides like this;--the sachem rules the land;
- The Indian wigwams cluster where we stand.
- The second. Lo! a scene of deadly strife--
- A nation struggling into infant life;
- Not yet the fatal game at Yorktown won
- Where failing Empire fired its sunset gun.
- LANGDON sits restless in the ancient chair,--
- Harvard's grave Head,--these echoes heard his prayer
- When from yon mansion, dear to memory still,
- The banded yeomen marched for Bunker's Hill.
- Count on the grave triennial's thick-starred roll
- What names were numbered on the lengthening scroll,--
- Not unfamiliar in our ears they ring,--
- Winthrop, Hale, Eliot, Everett, Dexter, Tyng.
- Another stride. Once more at 'twenty-nine,--
- GOD SAVE KING GEORGE, the Second of his line!
- And is Sir Isaac living? Nay, not so,--
- He followed Flainsteed two short years ago,--
- And what about the little hump-backed man
- Who pleased the bygone days of good Queen Anne?
- What, Pope? another book he's just put out,--
- "The Dunciad,"--witty, but profane, no doubt.
- Where's Cotton Mather? he was always here.
- And so he would be, but he died last year.
- Who is this preacher our Northampton claims,
- Whose rhetoric blazes with sulphureous flames
- And torches stolen from Tartarean mines?
- Edwards, the salamander of divines.
- A deep, strong nature, pure and undefiled;
- Faith, firm as his who stabbed his sleeping child;
- Alas for him who blindly strays apart,
- And seeking God has lost his human heart!
- Fall where they might, no flying cinders caught
- These sober halls where WADSWORTH ruled and
- taught.
- One footstep more; the fourth receding stride
- Leaves the round century on the nearer side.
- GOD SAVE KING CHARLES! God knows that pleasant knave
- His grace will find it hard enough to save.
- Ten years and more, and now the Plague, the Fire,
- Talk of all tongues, at last begin to tire;
- One fear prevails, all other frights forgot,--
- White lips are whispering,--hark! The Popish Plot!
- Happy New England, from such troubles free
- In health and peace beyond the stormy sea!
- No Romish daggers threat her children's throats,
- No gibbering nightmare mutters "Titus Oates;"
- Philip is slain, the Quaker graves are green,
- Not yet the witch has entered on the scene;
- Happy our Harvard; pleased her graduates four;
- URIAN OAKES the name their parchments bore.
- Two centuries past, our hurried feet arrive
- At the last footprint of the scanty five;
- Take the fifth stride; our wandering eyes explore
- A tangled forest on a trackless shore;
- Here, where we stand, the savage sorcerer howls,
- The wild cat snarls, the stealthy gray wolf prowls,
- The slouching bear, perchance the trampling moose
- Starts the brown squaw and scares her red pappoose;
- At every step the lurking foe is near;
- His Demons reign; God has no temple here!
- Lift up your eyes! behold these pictured walls;
- Look where the flood of western glory falls
- Through the great sunflower disk of blazing panes
- In ruby, saffron, azure, emerald stains;
- With reverent step the marble pavement tread
- Where our proud Mother's martyr-roll is read;
- See the great halls that cluster, gathering round
- This lofty shrine with holiest memories crowned;
- See the fair Matron in her summer bower,
- Fresh as a rose in bright perennial flower;
- Read on her standard, always in the van,
- "TRUTH,"--the one word that makes a slave a man;
- Think whose the hands that fed her altar-fires,
- Then count the debt we owe our scholar-sires!
- Brothers, farewell! the fast declining ray
- Fades to the twilight of our golden day;
- Some lesson yet our wearied brains may learn,
- Some leaves, perhaps, in life's thin volume turn.
- How few they seem as in our waning age
- We count them backwards to the title-page!
- Oh let us trust with holy men of old
- Not all the story here begun is told;
- So the tired spirit, waiting to be freed,
- On life's last leaf with tranquil eye shall read
- By the pale glimmer of the torch reversed,
- Not Finis, but _The End of Volume First_!
- Through my north window, in the wintry weather,--
- My airy oriel on the river shore,--
- I watch the sea-fowl as they flock together
- Where late the boatman flashed his dripping oar.
- The gull, high floating, like a sloop unladen,
- Lets the loose water waft him as it will;
- The duck, round-breasted as a rustic maiden,
- Paddles and plunges, busy, busy still.
- I see the solemn gulls in council sitting
- On some broad ice-floe pondering long and late,
- While overhead the home-bound ducks are flitting,
- And leave the tardy conclave in debate,
- Those weighty questions in their breasts revolving
- Whose deeper meaning science never learns,
- Till at some reverend elder's look dissolving,
- The speechless senate silently adjourns.
- But when along the waves the shrill north-easter
- Shrieks through the laboring coaster's shrouds "Beware!"
- The pale bird, kindling like a Christmas feaster
- When some wild chorus shakes the vinous air,
- Flaps from the leaden wave in fierce rejoicing,
- Feels heaven's dumb lightning thrill his torpid nerves,
- Now on the blast his whistling plumage poising,
- Now wheeling, whirling in fantastic curves.
- Such is our gull; a gentleman of leisure,
- Less fleshed than feathered; bagged you'll find him such;
- His virtue silence; his employment pleasure;
- Not bad to look at, and not good for much.
- What of our duck? He has some high-bred cousins,--
- His Grace the Canvas-back, My Lord the Brant,--
- Anas and Anser,--both served up by dozens,
- At Boston's Rocher, half-way to Nahant.
- As for himself, he seems alert and thriving,--
- Grubs up a living somehow--what, who knows?
- Crabs? mussels? weeds?--Look quick! there 's one just diving!
- Flop! Splash! his white breast glistens--down he goes!
- And while he 's under--just about a minute--
- I take advantage of the fact to say
- His fishy carcase has no virtue in it
- The gunning idiot's worthless hire to pay.
- Shrewd is our bird; not easy to outwit him!
- Sharp is the outlook of those pin-head eyes;
- Still, he is mortal and a shot may hit him,
- One cannot always miss him if he tries.
- He knows you! "sportsmen" from suburban alleys,
- Stretched under seaweed in the treacherous punt;
- Knows every lazy, shiftless lout that sallies
- Forth to waste powder--as he says, to "hunt."
- I watch you with a patient satisfaction,
- Well pleased to discount your predestined luck;
- The float that figures in your sly transaction
- Will carry back a goose, but not a duck.
- Look! there's a young one, dreaming not of danger;
- Sees a flat log come floating down the stream;
- Stares undismayed upon the harmless stranger;
- Ah! were all strangers harmless as they seem!
- _Habet_! a leaden shower his breast has shattered;
- Vainly he flutters, not again to rise;
- His soft white plumes along the waves are scattered;
- Helpless the wing that braved the tempest lies.
- He sees his comrades high above him flying
- To seek their nests among the island reeds;
- Strong is their flight; all lonely he is lying
- Washed by the crimsoned water as he bleeds.
- O Thou who carest for the falling sparrow,
- Canst Thou the sinless sufferer's pang forget?
- Or is thy dread account-book's page so narrow
- Its one long column scores thy creatures' debt?
- Poor gentle guest, by nature kindly cherished,
- A world grows dark with thee in blinding death;
- One little gasp--thy universe has perished,
- Wrecked by the idle thief who stole thy breath!
- Is this the whole sad story of creation,
- Lived by its breathing myriads o'er and o'er,--
- One glimpse of day, then black annihilation,--
- A sunlit passage to a sunless shore?
- Give back our faith, ye mystery-solving lynxes!
- Robe us once more in heaven-aspiring creeds
- Happier was dreaming Egypt with her sphinxes,
- The stony convent with its cross and beads!
- How often gazing where a bird reposes,
- Rocked on the wavelets, drifting with the tide,
- I lose myself in strange metempsychosis
- And float a sea-fowl at a sea-fowl's side;
- From rain, hail, snow in feathery mantle muffled,
- Clear-eyed, strong-limbed, with keenest sense to hear
- My mate soft murmuring, who, with plumes unruffled,
- Where'er I wander still is nestling near;
- The great blue hollow like a garment o'er me;
- Space all unmeasured, unrecorded time;
- While seen with inward eye moves on before me
- Thought's pictured train in wordless pantomime.
- A voice recalls me.--From my window turning
- I find myself a plumeless biped still;
- No beak, no claws, no sign of wings discerning,--
- In fact with nothing bird-like but my quill.
- AN usher standing at the door
- I show my white rosette;
- A smile of welcome, nothing more,
- Will pay my trifling debt;
- Why should I bid you idly wait
- Like lovers at the swinging gate?
- Can I forget the wedding guest?
- The veteran of the sea?
- In vain the listener smites his breast,--
- "There was a ship," cries he!
- Poor fasting victim, stunned and pale,
- He needs must listen to the tale.
- He sees the gilded throng within,
- The sparkling goblets gleam,
- The music and the merry din
- Through every window stream,
- But there he shivers in the cold
- Till all the crazy dream is told.
- Not mine the graybeard's glittering eye
- That held his captive still
- To hold my silent prisoners by
- And let me have my will;
- Nay, I were like the three-years' child,
- To think you could be so beguiled!
- My verse is but the curtain's fold
- That hides the painted scene,
- The mist by morning's ray unrolled
- That veils the meadow's green,
- The cloud that needs must drift away
- To show the rose of opening day.
- See, from the tinkling rill you hear
- In hollowed palm I bring
- These scanty drops, but ah, how near
- The founts that heavenward spring!
- Thus, open wide the gates are thrown
- And founts and flowers are all your own!
- DANVERS, 1866
- BANKRUPT! our pockets inside out!
- Empty of words to speak his praises!
- Worcester and Webster up the spout!
- Dead broke of laudatory phrases!
- Yet why with flowery speeches tease,
- With vain superlatives distress him?
- Has language better words than these?
- A simple prayer--but words more sweet
- By human lips were never uttered,
- Since Adam left the country seat
- Where angel wings around him fluttered.
- The old look on with tear-dimmed eyes,
- The children cluster to caress him,
- And every voice unbidden cries,
- A LOVELY show for eyes to see
- I looked upon this morning,--
- A bright-hued, feathered company
- Of nature's own adorning;
- But ah! those minstrels would not sing
- A listening ear while I lent,--
- The lark sat still and preened his wing,
- The nightingale was silent;
- I longed for what they gave me not--
- Their warblings sweet and fluty,
- But grateful still for all I got
- I thanked them for their beauty.
- A fairer vision meets my view
- Of Claras, Margarets, Marys,
- In silken robes of varied hue,
- Like bluebirds and canaries;
- The roses blush, the jewels gleam,
- The silks and satins glisten,
- The black eyes flash, the blue eyes beam,
- We look--and then we listen
- Behold the flock we cage to-night--
- Was ever such a capture?
- To see them is a pure delight;
- To hear them--ah! what rapture!
- Methinks I hear Delilah's laugh
- At Samson bound in fetters;
- "We captured!" shrieks each lovelier half,
- "Men think themselves our betters!
- We push the bolt, we turn the key
- On warriors, poets, sages,
- Too happy, all of them, to be
- Locked in our golden cages!"
- Beware! the boy with bandaged eyes
- Has flung away his blinder;
- He 's lost his mother--so he cries--
- And here he knows he'll find her:
- The rogue! 't is but a new device,--
- Look out for flying arrows
- Whene'er the birds of Paradise
- Are perched amid the sparrows!
- DECEMBER 17, 1877
- I BELIEVE that the copies of verses I've spun,
- Like Scheherezade's tales, are a thousand and one;
- You remember the story,--those mornings in bed,--
- 'T was the turn of a copper,--a tale or a head.
- A doom like Scheherezade's falls upon me
- In a mandate as stern as the Sultan's decree
- I'm a florist in verse, and what would people say
- If I came to a banquet without my bouquet?
- It is trying, no doubt, when the company knows
- Just the look and the smell of each lily and rose,
- The green of each leaf in the sprigs that I bring,
- And the shape of the bunch and the knot of the string.
- Yes,--"the style is the man," and the nib of one's pen
- Makes the same mark at twenty, and threescore and ten;
- It is so in all matters, if truth may be told;
- Let one look at the cast he can tell you the mould.
- How we all know each other! no use in disguise;
- Through the holes in the mask comes the flash of the eyes;
- We can tell by his--somewhat--each one of our tribe,
- As we know the old hat which we cannot describe.
- Though in Hebrew, in Sanscrit, in Choctaw you write,
- Sweet singer who gave us the Voices of Night,
- Though in buskin or slipper your song may be shod;
- Or the velvety verse that Evangeline trod,
- We shall say, "You can't cheat us,--we know it is you,"
- There is one voice like that, but there cannot be two,
- Maestro, whose chant like the dulcimer rings
- And the woods will be hushed while the nightingale sings.
- And he, so serene, so majestic, so true,
- Whose temple hypethral the planets shine through,
- Let us catch but five words from that mystical pen,
- We should know our one sage from all children of men.
- And he whose bright image no distance can dim,
- Through a hundred disguises we can't mistake him,
- Whose play is all earnest, whose wit is the edge
- (With a beetle behind) of a sham-splitting wedge.
- Do you know whom we send you, Hidalgos of Spain?
- Do you know your old friends when you see them again?
- Hosea was Sancho! you Dons of Madrid,
- But Sancho that wielded the lance of the Cid!
- And the wood-thrush of Essex,--you know whom I mean,
- Whose song echoes round us while he sits unseen,
- Whose heart-throbs of verse through our memories thrill
- Like a breath from the wood, like a breeze from the hill,
- So fervid, so simple, so loving, so pure,
- We hear but one strain and our verdict is sure,--
- Thee cannot elude us,--no further we search,--
- 'T is Holy George Herbert cut loose from his church!
- We think it the voice of a seraph that sings,--
- Alas! we remember that angels have wings,--
- What story is this of the day of his birth?
- Let him live to a hundred! we want him on earth!
- One life has been paid him (in gold) by the sun;
- One account has been squared and another begun;
- But he never will die if he lingers below
- Till we've paid him in love half the balance we owe!
- At the meeting of the New York Harvard Club,
- February 21, 1878.
- So ran the phrase the black-robed conclave chose
- To guard the sacred cloisters that arose
- Like David's altar on Moriah's rock.
- Unshaken still those ancient arches mock
- The ram's-horn summons of the windy foes
- Who stand like Joshua's army while it blows
- And wait to see them toppling with the shock.
- Christ and the Church. Their church, whose narrow door
- Shut out the many, who if overbold
- Like hunted wolves were driven from the fold,
- Bruised with the flails these godly zealots bore,
- Mindful that Israel's altar stood of old
- Where echoed once Araunah's threshing-floor.
- 1643 "VERITAS." 1878
- TRUTH: So the frontlet's older legend ran,
- On the brief record's opening page displayed;
- Not yet those clear-eyed scholars were afraid
- Lest the fair fruit that wrought the woe of man
- By far Euphrates--where our sire began
- His search for truth, and, seeking, was betrayed--
- Might work new treason in their forest shade,
- Doubling the curse that brought life's shortened span.
- Nurse of the future, daughter of the past,
- That stern phylactery best becomes thee now
- Lift to the morning star thy marble brow
- Cast thy brave truth on every warring blast!
- Stretch thy white hand to that forbidden bough,
- And let thine earliest symbol be thy last!
- THEY tell us that the Muse is soon to fly hence,
- Leaving the bowers of song that once were dear,
- Her robes bequeathing to her sister, Science,
- The groves of Pindus for the axe to clear.
- Optics will claim the wandering eye of fancy,
- Physics will grasp imagination's wings,
- Plain fact exorcise fiction's necromancy,
- The workshop hammer where the minstrel sings,
- No more with laugher at Thalia's frolics
- Our eyes shall twinkle till the tears run down,
- But in her place the lecturer on hydraulics
- Spout forth his watery science to the town.
- No more our foolish passions and affections
- The tragic Muse with mimic grief shall try,
- But, nobler far, a course of vivisections
- Teach what it costs a tortured brute to die.
- The unearthed monad, long in buried rocks hid,
- Shall tell the secret whence our being came;
- The chemist show us death is life's black oxide,
- Left when the breath no longer fans its flame.
- Instead of crack-brained poets in their attics
- Filling thin volumes with their flowery talk,
- There shall be books of wholesome mathematics;
- The tutor with his blackboard and his chalk.
- No longer bards with madrigal and sonnet
- Shall woo to moonlight walks the ribboned sex,
- But side by side the beaver and the bonnet
- Stroll, calmly pondering on some problem's x.
- The sober bliss of serious calculation
- Shall mock the trivial joys that fancy drew,
- And, oh, the rapture of a solved equation,--
- One self-same answer on the lips of two!
- So speak in solemn tones our youthful sages,
- Patient, severe, laborious, slow, exact,
- As o'er creation's protoplasmic pages
- They browse and munch the thistle crops of fact.
- And yet we 've sometimes found it rather pleasant
- To dream again the scenes that Shakespeare drew,--
- To walk the hill-side with the Scottish peasant
- Among the daisies wet with morning's dew;
- To leave awhile the daylight of the real,
- Led by the guidance of the master's hand,
- For the strange radiance of the far ideal,--
- "The light that never was on sea or land."
- Well, Time alone can lift the future's curtain,--
- Science may teach our children all she knows,
- But Love will kindle fresh young hearts, 't is certain,
- And June will not forget her blushing rose.
- And so, in spite of all that Time is bringing,--
- Treasures of truth and miracles of art,
- Beauty and Love will keep the poet singing,
- And song still live, the science of the heart.
- Breakfast at the Century Club, New York, May, 1879.
- SUCH kindness! the scowl of a cynic would soften,
- His pulse beat its way to some eloquent words,
- Alas! my poor accents have echoed too often,
- Like that Pinafore music you've some of you heard.
- Do you know me, dear strangers--the hundredth time comer
- At banquets and feasts since the days of my Spring?
- Ah! would I could borrow one rose of my Summer,
- But this is a leaf of my Autumn I bring.
- I look at your faces,--I'm sure there are some from
- The three-breasted mother I count as my own;
- You think you remember the place you have come from,
- But how it has changed in the years that have flown!
- Unaltered, 't is true, is the hall we call "Funnel,"
- Still fights the "Old South" in the battle for life,
- But we've opened our door to the West through the tunnel,
- And we've cut off Fort Hill with our Amazon knife.
- You should see the new Westminster Boston has builded,--
- Its mansions, its spires, its museums of arts,--
- You should see the great dome we have gorgeously gilded,--
- 'T is the light of our eyes, 't is the joy of our hearts.
- When first in his path a young asteroid found it,
- As he sailed through the skies with the stars in his wake,
- He thought 't was the sun, and kept circling around it
- Till Edison signalled, "You've made a mistake."
- We are proud of our city,--her fast-growing figure,
- The warp and the woof of her brain and her hands,--
- But we're proudest of all that her heart has grown bigger,
- And warms with fresh blood as her girdle expands.
- One lesson the rubric of conflict has taught her
- Though parted awhile by war's earth-rending shock,
- The lines that divide us are written in water,
- The love that unites us cut deep in the rock.
- As well might the Judas of treason endeavor
- To write his black name on the disk of the sun
- As try the bright star-wreath that binds us to sever
- And blot the fair legend of "Many in One."
- We love You, tall sister, the stately, the splendid,--
- The banner of empire floats high on your towers,
- Yet ever in welcome your arms are extended,--
- We share in your splendors, your glory is ours.
- Yes, Queen of the Continent! All of us own thee,--
- The gold-freighted argosies flock at thy call,
- The naiads, the sea-nymphs have met to enthrone thee,
- But the Broadway of one is the Highway of all!
- I thank you. Three words that can hardly be mended,
- Though phrases on phrases their eloquence pile,
- If you hear the heart's throb with their eloquence blended,
- And read all they mean in a sunshiny smile.
- MAY 28, 1879.
- ENCHANTER of Erin, whose magic has bound us,
- Thy wand for one moment we fondly would claim,
- Entranced while it summons the phantoms around us
- That blush into life at the sound of thy name.
- The tell-tales of memory wake from their slumbers,--
- I hear the old song with its tender refrain,--
- What passion lies hid in those honey-voiced numbers
- What perfume of youth in each exquisite strain!
- The home of my childhood comes back as a vision,--
- Hark! Hark! A soft chord from its song-haunted room,--
- 'T is a morning of May, when the air is Elysian,--
- The syringa in bud and the lilac in bloom,--
- We are clustered around the "Clementi" piano,--
- There were six of us then,--there are two of us now,--
- She is singing--the girl with the silver soprano--
- How "The Lord of the Valley" was false to his vow;
- "Let Erin remember" the echoes are calling;
- Through "The Vale of Avoca" the waters are rolled;
- "The Exile" laments while the night-dews falling;
- "The Morning of Life" dawns again as of old.
- But ah! those warm love-songs of fresh adolescence!
- Around us such raptures celestial they flung
- That it seemed as if Paradise breathed its quintessence
- Through the seraph-toned lips of the maiden that sung!
- Long hushed are the chords that my boyhood enchanted
- As when the smooth wave by the angel was stirred,
- Yet still with their music is memory haunted,
- And oft in my dreams are their melodies heard.
- I feel like the priest to his altar returning,--
- The crowd that was kneeling no longer is there,
- The flame has died down, but the brands are still burning,
- And sandal and cinnamon sweeten the air.
- II.
- The veil for her bridal young Summer is weaving
- In her azure-domed hall with its tapestried floor,
- And Spring the last tear-drop of May-dew is leaving
- On the daisy of Burns and the shamrock of Moore.
- How like, how unlike, as we view them together,
- The song of the minstrels whose record we scan,--
- One fresh as the breeze blowing over the heather,
- One sweet as the breath from an odalisque's fan!
- Ah, passion can glow mid a palace's splendor;
- The cage does not alter the song of the bird;
- And the curtain of silk has known whispers as tender
- As ever the blossoming hawthorn has heard.
- No fear lest the step of the soft-slippered Graces
- Should fright the young Loves from their warm little nest,
- For the heart of a queen, under jewels and laces,
- Beats time with the pulse in the peasant girl's breast!
- Thrice welcome each gift of kind Nature's bestowing!
- Her fountain heeds little the goblet we hold;
- Alike, when its musical waters are flowing,
- The shell from the seaside, the chalice of gold.
- The twins of the lyre to her voices had listened;
- Both laid their best gifts upon Liberty's shrine;
- For Coila's loved minstrel the holly-wreath glistened;
- For Erin's the rose and the myrtle entwine.
- And while the fresh blossoms of summer are braided
- For the sea-girdled, stream-silvered, lake-jewelled isle,
- While her mantle of verdure is woven unfaded,
- While Shannon and Liffey shall dimple and smile,
- The land where the staff of Saint Patrick was planted,
- Where the shamrock grows green from the cliffs to the shore,
- The land of fair maidens and heroes undaunted,
- Shall wreathe her bright harp with the garlands of Moore!
- APRIL 4, 1880
- I BRING the simplest pledge of love,
- Friend of my earlier days;
- Mine is the hand without the glove,
- The heart-beat, not the phrase.
- How few still breathe this mortal air
- We called by school-boy names!
- You still, whatever robe you wear,
- To me are always James.
- That name the kind apostle bore
- Who shames the sullen creeds,
- Not trusting less, but loving more,
- And showing faith by deeds.
- What blending thoughts our memories share!
- What visions yours and mine
- Of May-days in whose morning air
- The dews were golden wine,
- Of vistas bright with opening day,
- Whose all-awakening sun
- Showed in life's landscape, far away,
- The summits to be won!
- The heights are gained. Ah, say not so
- For him who smiles at time,
- Leaves his tired comrades down below,
- And only lives to climb!
- His labors,--will they ever cease,--
- With hand and tongue and pen?
- Shall wearied Nature ask release
- At threescore years and ten?
- Our strength the clustered seasons tax,--
- For him new life they mean;
- Like rods around the lictor's axe
- They keep him bright and keen.
- The wise, the brave, the strong, we know,--
- We mark them here or there,
- But he,--we roll our eyes, and lo!
- We find him everywhere!
- With truth's bold cohorts, or alone,
- He strides through error's field;
- His lance is ever manhood's own,
- His breast is woman's shield.
- Count not his years while earth has need
- Of souls that Heaven inflames
- With sacred zeal to save, to lead,--
- Long live our dear Saint James!
- January 14, 1880
- CHICAGO sounds rough to the maker of verse;
- One comfort we have--Cincinnati sounds worse;
- If we only were licensed to say Chicago!
- But Worcester and Webster won't let us, you know.
- No matter, we songsters must sing as we can;
- We can make some nice couplets with Lake Michigan,
- And what more resembles a nightingale's voice,
- Than the oily trisyllable, sweet Illinois?
- Your waters are fresh, while our harbor is salt,
- But we know you can't help it--it is n't your fault;
- Our city is old and your city is new,
- But the railroad men tell us we're greener than you.
- You have seen our gilt dome, and no doubt you've been told
- That the orbs of the universe round it are rolled;
- But I'll own it to you, and I ought to know best,
- That this is n't quite true of all stars of the West.
- You'll go to Mount Auburn,--we'll show you the track,--
- And can stay there,--unless you prefer to come back;
- And Bunker's tall shaft you can climb if you will,
- But you'll puff like a paragraph praising a pill.
- You must see--but you have seen--our old Faneuil Hall,
- Our churches, our school-rooms, our sample-rooms, all;
- And, perhaps, though the idiots must have their jokes,
- You have found our good people much like other folks.
- There are cities by rivers, by lakes, and by seas,
- Each as full of itself as a cheese-mite of cheese;
- And a city will brag as a game-cock will crow
- Don't your cockerels at home--just a little, you know?
- But we'll crow for you now--here's a health to the boys,
- Men, maidens, and matrons of fair Illinois,
- And the rainbow of friendship that arches its span
- From the green of the sea to the blue Michigan!
- MAY 26, 1880
- SIRE, son, and grandson; so the century glides;
- Three lives, three strides, three foot-prints in the sand;
- Silent as midnight's falling meteor slides
- Into the stillness of the far-off land;
- How dim the space its little arc has spanned!
- See on this opening page the names renowned
- Tombed in these records on our dusty shelves,
- Scarce on the scroll of living memory found,
- Save where the wan-eyed antiquarian delves;
- Shadows they seem; ab, what are we ourselves?
- Pale ghosts of Bowdoin, Winthrop, Willard, West,
- Sages of busy brain and wrinkled brow,
- Searchers of Nature's secrets unconfessed,
- Asking of all things Whence and Why and How--
- What problems meet your larger vision now?
- Has Gannett tracked the wild Aurora's path?
- Has Bowdoin found his all-surrounding sphere?
- What question puzzles ciphering Philomath?
- Could Williams make the hidden causes clear
- Of the Dark Day that filled the land with fear?
- Dear ancient school-boys! Nature taught to them
- The simple lessons of the star and flower,
- Showed them strange sights; how on a single stem,--
- Admire the marvels of Creative Power!--
- Twin apples grew, one sweet, the other sour;
- How from the hill-top where our eyes beheld
- In even ranks the plumed and bannered maize
- Range its long columns, in the days of old
- The live volcano shot its angry blaze,--
- Dead since the showers of Noah's watery days;
- How, when the lightning split the mighty rock,
- The spreading fury of the shaft was spent!
- How the young scion joined the alien stock,
- And when and where the homeless swallows went
- To pass the winter of their discontent.
- Scant were the gleanings in those years of dearth;
- No Cuvier yet had clothed the fossil bones
- That slumbered, waiting for their second birth;
- No Lyell read the legend of the stones;
- Science still pointed to her empty thrones.
- Dreaming of orbs to eyes of earth unknown,
- Herschel looked heavenwards in the starlight pale;
- Lost in those awful depths he trod alone,
- Laplace stood mute before the lifted veil;
- While home-bred Humboldt trimmed his toy ship's sail.
- No mortal feet these loftier heights had gained
- Whence the wide realms of Nature we descry;
- In vain their eyes our longing fathers strained
- To scan with wondering gaze the summits high
- That far beneath their children's footpaths lie.
- Smile at their first small ventures as we may,
- The school-boy's copy shapes the scholar's hand,
- Their grateful memory fills our hearts to-day;
- Brave, hopeful, wise, this bower of peace they planned,
- While war's dread ploughshare scarred the suffering land.
- Child of our children's children yet unborn,
- When on this yellow page you turn your eyes,
- Where the brief record of this May-day morn
- In phrase antique and faded letters lies,
- How vague, how pale our flitting ghosts will rise!
- Yet in our veins the blood ran warm and red,
- For us the fields were green, the skies were blue,
- Though from our dust the spirit long has fled,
- We lived, we loved, we toiled, we dreamed like you,
- Smiled at our sires and thought how much we knew.
- Oh might our spirits for one hour return,
- When the next century rounds its hundredth ring,
- All the strange secrets it shall teach to learn,
- To hear the larger truths its years shall bring,
- Its wiser sages talk, its sweeter minstrels sing!
- Read at the Centennial Celebration of the
- foundation of Phillips Academy, Andover.
- 1778-1878
- THESE hallowed precincts, long to memory dear,
- Smile with fresh welcome as our feet draw near;
- With softer gales the opening leaves are fanned,
- With fairer hues the kindling flowers expand,
- The rose-bush reddens with the blush of June,
- The groves are vocal with their minstrels' tune,
- The mighty elm, beneath whose arching shade
- The wandering children of the forest strayed,
- Greets the bright morning in its bridal dress,
- And spreads its arms the gladsome dawn to bless.
- Is it an idle dream that nature shares
- Our joys, our griefs, our pastimes, and our cares?
- Is there no summons when, at morning's call,
- The sable vestments of the darkness fall?
- Does not meek evening's low-voiced Ave blend
- With the soft vesper as its notes ascend?
- Is there no whisper in the perfumed air
- When the sweet bosom of the rose is bare?
- Does not the sunshine call us to rejoice?
- Is there no meaning in the storm-cloud's voice?
- No silent message when from midnight skies
- Heaven looks upon us with its myriad eyes?
- Or shift the mirror; say our dreams diffuse
- O'er life's pale landscape their celestial hues,
- Lend heaven the rainbow it has never known,
- And robe the earth in glories not its own,
- Sing their own music in the summer breeze,
- With fresher foliage clothe the stately trees,
- Stain the June blossoms with a livelier dye
- And spread a bluer azure on the sky,--
- Blest be the power that works its lawless will
- And finds the weediest patch an Eden still;
- No walls so fair as those our fancies build,--
- No views so bright as those our visions gild!
- So ran my lines, as pen and paper met,
- The truant goose-quill travelling like Planchette;
- Too ready servant, whose deceitful ways
- Full many a slipshod line, alas! betrays;
- Hence of the rhyming thousand not a few
- Have builded worse--a great deal--than they knew.
- What need of idle fancy to adorn
- Our mother's birthplace on her birthday morn?
- Hers are the blossoms of eternal spring,
- From these green boughs her new-fledged birds take wing,
- These echoes hear their earliest carols sung,
- In this old nest the brood is ever young.
- If some tired wanderer, resting from his flight,
- Amid the gay young choristers alight,
- These gather round him, mark his faded plumes
- That faintly still the far-off grove perfumes,
- And listen, wondering if some feeble note
- Yet lingers, quavering in his weary throat:--
- I, whose fresh voice yon red-faced temple knew,
- What tune is left me, fit to sing to you?
- Ask not the grandeurs of a labored song,
- But let my easy couplets slide along;
- Much could I tell you that you know too well;
- Much I remember, but I will not tell;
- Age brings experience; graybeards oft are wise,
- But oh! how sharp a youngster's ears and eyes!
- My cheek was bare of adolescent down
- When first I sought the academic town;
- Slow rolls the coach along the dusty road,
- Big with its filial and parental load;
- The frequent hills, the lonely woods are past,
- The school-boy's chosen home is reached at last.
- I see it now, the same unchanging spot,
- The swinging gate, the little garden plot,
- The narrow yard, the rock that made its floor,
- The flat, pale house, the knocker-garnished door,
- The small, trim parlor, neat, decorous, chill,
- The strange, new faces, kind, but grave and still;
- Two, creased with age,--or what I then called age,--
- Life's volume open at its fiftieth page;
- One, a shy maiden's, pallid, placid, sweet
- As the first snow-drop, which the sunbeams greet;
- One, the last nursling's; slight she was, and fair,
- Her smooth white forehead warmed with auburn hair;
- Last came the virgin Hymen long had spared,
- Whose daily cares the grateful household shared,
- Strong, patient, humble; her substantial frame
- Stretched the chaste draperies I forbear to name.
- Brave, but with effort, had the school-boy come
- To the cold comfort of a stranger's home;
- How like a dagger to my sinking heart
- Came the dry summons, "It is time to part;
- Good-by!" "Goo-ood-by!" one fond maternal kiss. . . .
- Homesick as death! Was ever pang like this?
- Too young as yet with willing feet to stray
- From the tame fireside, glad to get away,--
- Too old to let my watery grief appear,--
- And what so bitter as a swallowed tear!
- One figure still my vagrant thoughts pursue;
- First boy to greet me, Ariel, where are you?
- Imp of all mischief, heaven alone knows how
- You learned it all,--are you an angel now,
- Or tottering gently down the slope of years,
- Your face grown sober in the vale of tears?
- Forgive my freedom if you are breathing still;
- If in a happier world, I know you will.
- You were a school-boy--what beneath the sun
- So like a monkey? I was also one.
- Strange, sure enough, to see what curious shoots
- The nursery raises from the study's roots!
- In those old days the very, very good
- Took up more room--a little--than they should;
- Something too much one's eyes encountered then
- Of serious youth and funeral-visaged men;
- The solemn elders saw life's mournful half,--
- Heaven sent this boy, whose mission was to laugh,
- Drollest of buffos, Nature's odd protest,
- A catbird squealing in a blackbird's nest.
- Kind, faithful Nature! While the sour-eyed Scot--
- Her cheerful smiles forbidden or forgot--
- Talks only of his preacher and his kirk,--
- Hears five-hour sermons for his Sunday work,--
- Praying and fasting till his meagre face
- Gains its due length, the genuine sign of grace,--
- An Ayrshire mother in the land of Knox
- Her embryo poet in his cradle rocks;--
- Nature, long shivering in her dim eclipse,
- Steals in a sunbeam to those baby lips;
- So to its home her banished smile returns,
- And Scotland sweetens with the song of Burns!
- The morning came; I reached the classic hall;
- A clock-face eyed me, staring from the wall;
- Beneath its hands a printed line I read
- YOUTH IS LIFE'S SEED-TIME: so the clock-face said:
- Some took its counsel, as the sequel showed,--
- Sowed,--their wild oats,--and reaped as they had sowed.
- How all comes back! the upward slanting floor,--
- The masters' thrones that flank the central door,--
- The long, outstretching alleys that divide
- The rows of desks that stand on either side,--
- The staring boys, a face to every desk,
- Bright, dull, pale, blooming, common, picturesque.
- Grave is the Master's look; his forehead wears
- Thick rows of wrinkles, prints of worrying cares;
- Uneasy lie the heads of all that rule,
- His most of all whose kingdom is a school.
- Supreme he sits; before the awful frown
- That bends his brows the boldest eye goes down;
- Not more submissive Israel heard and saw
- At Sinai's foot the Giver of the Law.
- Less stern he seems, who sits in equal Mate
- On the twin throne and shares the empire's weight;
- Around his lips the subtle life that plays
- Steals quaintly forth in many a jesting phrase;
- A lightsome nature, not so hard to chafe,
- Pleasant when pleased; rough-handled, not so safe;
- Some tingling memories vaguely I recall,
- But to forgive him. God forgive us all!
- One yet remains, whose well-remembered name
- Pleads in my grateful heart its tender claim;
- His was the charm magnetic, the bright look
- That sheds its sunshine on the dreariest book;
- A loving soul to every task he brought
- That sweetly mingled with the lore he taught;
- Sprung from a saintly race that never could
- From youth to age be anything but good,
- His few brief years in holiest labors spent,
- Earth lost too soon the treasure heaven had lent.
- Kindest of teachers, studious to divine
- Some hint of promise in my earliest line,
- These faint and faltering words thou canst not hear
- Throb from a heart that holds thy memory dear.
- As to the traveller's eye the varied plain
- Shows through the window of the flying train,
- A mingled landscape, rather felt than seen,
- A gravelly bank, a sudden flash of green,
- A tangled wood, a glittering stream that flows
- Through the cleft summit where the cliff once rose,
- All strangely blended in a hurried gleam,
- Rock, wood, waste, meadow, village, hill-side, stream,--
- So, as we look behind us, life appears,
- Seen through the vista of our bygone years.
- Yet in the dead past's shadow-filled domain,
- Some vanished shapes the hues of life retain;
- Unbidden, oft, before our dreaming eyes
- From the vague mists in memory's path they rise.
- So comes his blooming image to my view,
- The friend of joyous days when life was new,
- Hope yet untamed, the blood of youth unchilled,
- No blank arrear of promise unfulfilled,
- Life's flower yet hidden in its sheltering fold,
- Its pictured canvas yet to be unrolled.
- His the frank smile I vainly look to greet,
- His the warm grasp my clasping hand should meet;
- How would our lips renew their school-boy talk,
- Our feet retrace the old familiar walk!
- For thee no more earth's cheerful morning shines
- Through the green fringes of the tented pines;
- Ah me! is heaven so far thou canst not hear,
- Or is thy viewless spirit hovering near,
- A fair young presence, bright with morning's glow,
- The fresh-cheeked boy of fifty years ago?
- Yes, fifty years, with all their circling suns,
- Behind them all my glance reverted runs;
- Where now that time remote, its griefs, its joys,
- Where are its gray-haired men, its bright-haired boys?
- Where is the patriarch time could hardly tire,--
- The good old, wrinkled, immemorial "squire "?
- (An honest treasurer, like a black-plumed swan,
- Not every day our eyes may look upon.)
- Where the tough champion who, with Calvin's sword,
- In wordy conflicts battled for the Lord?
- Where the grave scholar, lonely, calm, austere,
- Whose voice like music charmed the listening ear,
- Whose light rekindled, like the morning star
- Still shines upon us through the gates ajar?
- Where the still, solemn, weary, sad-eyed man,
- Whose care-worn face and wandering eyes would scan,--
- His features wasted in the lingering strife
- With the pale foe that drains the student's life?
- Where my old friend, the scholar, teacher, saint,
- Whose creed, some hinted, showed a speck of taint;
- He broached his own opinion, which is not
- Lightly to be forgiven or forgot;
- Some riddle's point,--I scarce remember now,--
- Homoi-, perhaps, where they said homo-ou.
- (If the unlettered greatly wish to know
- Where lies the difference betwixt oi and o,
- Those of the curious who have time may search
- Among the stale conundrums of their church.)
- Beneath his roof his peaceful life I shared,
- And for his modes of faith I little cared,--
- I, taught to judge men's dogmas by their deeds,
- Long ere the days of india-rubber creeds.
- Why should we look one common faith to find,
- Where one in every score is color-blind?
- If here on earth they know not red from green,
- Will they see better into things unseen!
- Once more to time's old graveyard I return
- And scrape the moss from memory's pictured urn.
- Who, in these days when all things go by steam,
- Recalls the stage-coach with its four-horse team?
- Its sturdy driver,--who remembers him?
- Or the old landlord, saturnine and grim,
- Who left our hill-top for a new abode
- And reared his sign-post farther down the road?
- Still in the waters of the dark Shawshine
- Do the young bathers splash and think they're clean?
- Do pilgrims find their way to Indian Ridge,
- Or journey onward to the far-off bridge,
- And bring to younger ears the story back
- Of the broad stream, the mighty Merrimac?
- Are there still truant feet that stray beyond
- These circling bounds to Pomp's or Haggett's Pond,
- Or where the legendary name recalls
- The forest's earlier tenant,--"Deerjump Falls"?
- Yes, every nook these youthful feet explore,
- Just as our sires and grand sires did of yore;
- So all life's opening paths, where nature led
- Their father's feet, the children's children tread.
- Roll the round century's fivescore years away,
- Call from our storied past that earliest day
- When great Eliphalet (I can see him now,--
- Big name, big frame, big voice, and beetling brow),
- Then young Eliphalet,--ruled the rows of boys
- In homespun gray or old-world corduroys,--
- And save for fashion's whims, the benches show
- The self-same youths, the very boys we know.
- Time works strange marvels: since I trod the green
- And swung the gates, what wonders I have seen!
- But come what will,--the sky itself may fall,--
- As things of course the boy accepts them all.
- The prophet's chariot, drawn by steeds of flame,
- For daily use our travelling millions claim;
- The face we love a sunbeam makes our own;
- No more the surgeon hears the sufferer's groan;
- What unwrit histories wrapped in darkness lay
- Till shovelling Schliemann bared them to the day!
- Your Richelieu says, and says it well, my lord,
- The pen is (sometimes) mightier than the sword;
- Great is the goosequill, say we all; Amen!
- Sometimes the spade is mightier than the pen;
- It shows where Babel's terraced walls were raised,
- The slabs that cracked when Nimrod's palace blazed,
- Unearths Mycenee, rediscovers Troy,--
- Calmly he listens, that immortal boy.
- A new Prometheus tips our wands with fire,
- A mightier Orpheus strains the whispering wire,
- Whose lightning thrills the lazy winds outrun
- And hold the hours as Joshua stayed the sun,--
- So swift, in truth, we hardly find a place
- For those dim fictions known as time and space.
- Still a new miracle each year supplies,--
- See at his work the chemist of the skies,
- Who questions Sirius in his tortured rays
- And steals the secret of the solar blaze;
- Hush! while the window-rattling bugles play
- The nation's airs a hundred miles away!
- That wicked phonograph! hark! how it swears!
- Turn it again and make it say its prayers!
- And was it true, then, what the story said
- Of Oxford's friar and his brazen head?
- While wondering Science stands, herself perplexed
- At each day's miracle, and asks "What next?"
- The immortal boy, the coming heir of all,
- Springs from his desk to "urge the flying ball,"
- Cleaves with his bending oar the glassy waves,
- With sinewy arm the dashing current braves,
- The same bright creature in these haunts of ours
- That Eton shadowed with her "antique towers."
- Boy! Where is he? the long-limbed youth inquires,
- Whom his rough chin with manly pride inspires;
- Ah, when the ruddy cheek no longer glows,
- When the bright hair is white as winter snows,
- When the dim eye has lost its lambent flame,
- Sweet to his ear will be his school-boy name
- Nor think the difference mighty as it seems
- Between life's morning and its evening dreams;
- Fourscore, like twenty, has its tasks and toys;
- In earth's wide school-house all are girls and boys.
- Brothers, forgive my wayward fancy. Who
- Can guess beforehand what his pen will do?
- Too light my strain for listeners such as these,
- Whom graver thoughts and soberer speech shall please.
- Is he not here whose breath of holy song
- Has raised the downcast eyes of Faith so long?
- Are they not here, the strangers in your gates,
- For whom the wearied ear impatient waits,--
- The large-brained scholars whom their toils release,--
- The bannered heralds of the Prince of Peace?
- Such was the gentle friend whose youth unblamed
- In years long past our student-benches claimed;
- Whose name, illumined on the sacred page,
- Lives in the labors of his riper age;
- Such he whose record time's destroying march
- Leaves uneffaced on Zion's springing arch
- Not to the scanty phrase of measured song,
- Cramped in its fetters, names like these belong;
- One ray they lend to gild my slender line,--
- Their praise I leave to sweeter lips than mine.
- Homes of our sires, where Learning's temple rose,
- While vet they struggled with their banded foes,
- As in the West thy century's sun descends,
- One parting gleam its dying radiance lends.
- Darker and deeper though the shadows fall
- From the gray towers on Doubting Castle's wall,
- Though Pope and Pagan re-array their hosts,
- And her new armor youthful Science boasts,
- Truth, for whose altar rose this holy shrine,
- Shall fly for refuge to these bowers of thine;
- No past shall chain her with its rusted vow,
- No Jew's phylactery bind her Christian brow,
- But Faith shall smile to find her sister free,
- And nobler manhood draw its life from thee.
- Long as the arching skies above thee spread,
- As on thy groves the dews of heaven are shed,
- With currents widening still from year to year,
- And deepening channels, calm, untroubled, clear,
- Flow the twin streamlets from thy sacred hill--
- Pieria's fount and Siloam's shaded rill!
- "BRING me my broken harp," he said;
- "We both are wrecks,--but as ye will,--
- Though all its ringing tones have fled,
- Their echoes linger round it still;
- It had some golden strings, I know,
- But that was long--how long!--ago.
- "I cannot see its tarnished gold,
- I cannot hear its vanished tone,
- Scarce can my trembling fingers hold
- The pillared frame so long their own;
- We both are wrecks,--a while ago
- It had some silver strings, I know,
- "But on them Time too long has played
- The solemn strain that knows no change,
- And where of old my fingers strayed
- The chords they find are new and strange,--
- Yes! iron strings,--I know,--I know,--
- We both are wrecks of long ago.
- "We both are wrecks,--a shattered pair,--
- Strange to ourselves in time's disguise.
- What say ye to the lovesick air
- That brought the tears from Marian's eyes?
- Ay! trust me,--under breasts of snow
- Hearts could be melted long ago!
- "Or will ye hear the storm-song's crash
- That from his dreams the soldier woke,
- And bade him face the lightning flash
- When battle's cloud in thunder broke? . . .
- Wrecks,--nought but wrecks!--the time was when
- We two were worth a thousand men!"
- And so the broken harp they bring
- With pitying smiles that none could blame;
- Alas! there's not a single string
- Of all that filled the tarnished frame!
- But see! like children overjoyed,
- His fingers rambling through the void!
- "I clasp thee! Ay . . . mine ancient lyre . . .
- Nay, guide my wandering fingers. . . There
- They love to dally with the wire
- As Isaac played with Esau's hair.
- Hush! ye shall hear the famous tune
- That Marian called the Breath of June!"
- And so they softly gather round
- Rapt in his tuneful trance he seems
- His fingers move: but not a sound!
- A silence like the song of dreams. . . .
- "There! ye have heard the air," he cries,
- "That brought the tears from Marian's eyes!"
- Ah, smile not at his fond conceit,
- Nor deem his fancy wrought in vain;
- To him the unreal sounds are sweet,--
- No discord mars the silent strain
- Scored on life's latest, starlit page--
- The voiceless melody of age.
- Sweet are the lips, of all that sing,
- When Nature's music breathes unsought,
- But never yet could voice or string
- So truly shape our tenderest thought
- As when by life's decaying fire
- Our fingers sweep the stringless lyre!
- YOUR home was mine,--kind Nature's gift;
- My love no years can chill;
- In vain their flakes the storm-winds sift,
- The snow-drop hides beneath the drift,
- A living blossom still.
- Mute are a hundred long-famed lyres,
- Hushed all their golden strings;
- One lay the coldest bosom fires,
- One song, one only, never tires
- While sweet-voiced memory sings.
- No spot so lone but echo knows
- That dear familiar strain;
- In tropic isles, on arctic snows,
- Through burning lips its music flows
- And rings its fond refrain.
- From Pisa's tower my straining sight
- Roamed wandering leagues away,
- When lo! a frigate's banner bright,
- The starry blue, the red, the white,
- In far Livorno's bay.
- Hot leaps the life-blood from my heart,
- Forth springs the sudden tear;
- The ship that rocks by yonder mart
- Is of my land, my life, a part,--
- Home, home, sweet home, is here!
- Fades from my view the sunlit scene,--
- My vision spans the waves;
- I see the elm-encircled green,
- The tower,--the steeple,--and, between,
- The field of ancient graves.
- There runs the path my feet would tread
- When first they learned to stray;
- There stands the gambrel roof that spread
- Its quaint old angles o'er my head
- When first I saw the day.
- The sounds that met my boyish ear
- My inward sense salute,--
- The woodnotes wild I loved to hear,--
- The robin's challenge, sharp and clear,--
- The breath of evening's flute.
- The faces loved from cradle days,--
- Unseen, alas, how long!
- As fond remembrance round them plays,
- Touched with its softening moonlight rays,
- Through fancy's portal throng.
- And see! as if the opening skies
- Some angel form had spared
- Us wingless mortals to surprise,
- The little maid with light-blue eyes,
- White necked and golden haired!
- . . . . . . . . . .
- So rose the picture full in view
- I paint in feebler song;
- Such power the seamless banner knew
- Of red and white and starry blue
- For exiles banished long.
- Oh, boys, dear boys, who wait as men
- To guard its heaven-bright folds,
- Blest are the eyes that see again
- That banner, seamless now, as then,--
- The fairest earth beholds!
- Sweet was the Tuscan air and soft
- In that unfading hour,
- And fancy leads my footsteps oft
- Up the round galleries, high aloft
- On Pisa's threatening tower.
- And still in Memory's holiest shrine
- I read with pride and joy,
- "For me those stars of empire shine;
- That empire's dearest home is mine;
- I am a Cambridge boy!"
- THREE paths there be where Learning's favored sons,
- Trained in the schools which hold her favored ones,
- Follow their several stars with separate aim;
- Each has its honors, each its special claim.
- Bred in the fruitful cradle of the East,
- First, as of oldest lineage, comes the Priest;
- The Lawyer next, in wordy conflict strong,
- Full armed to battle for the right,--or wrong;
- Last, he whose calling finds its voice in deeds,
- Frail Nature's helper in her sharpest needs.
- Each has his gifts, his losses and his gains,
- Each his own share of pleasures and of pains;
- No life-long aim with steadfast eye pursued
- Finds a smooth pathway all with roses strewed;
- Trouble belongs to man of woman born,--
- Tread where he may, his foot will find its thorn.
- Of all the guests at life's perennial feast,
- Who of her children sits above the Priest?
- For him the broidered robe, the carven seat,
- Pride at his beck, and beauty at his feet,
- For him the incense fumes, the wine is poured,
- Himself a God, adoring and adored!
- His the first welcome when our hearts rejoice,
- His in our dying ear the latest voice,
- Font, altar, grave, his steps on all attend,
- Our staff, our stay, our all but heavenly friend!
- Where is the meddling hand that dares to probe
- The secret grief beneath his sable robe?
- How grave his port! how every gesture tells
- Here truth abides, here peace forever dwells;
- Vex not his lofty soul with comments vain;
- Faith asks no questions; silence, ye profane!
- Alas! too oft while all is calm without
- The stormy spirit wars with endless doubt;
- This is the mocking spectre, scarce concealed
- Behind tradition's bruised and battered shield.
- He sees the sleepless critic, age by age,
- Scrawl his new readings on the hallowed page,
- The wondrous deeds that priests and prophets saw
- Dissolved in legend, crystallized in law,
- And on the soil where saints and martyrs trod
- Altars new builded to the Unknown God;
- His shrines imperilled, his evangels torn,--
- He dares not limp, but ah! how sharp his thorn!
- Yet while God's herald questions as he reads
- The outworn dogmas of his ancient creeds,
- Drops from his ritual the exploded verse,
- Blots from its page the Athanasian curse,
- Though by the critic's dangerous art perplexed,
- His holy life is Heaven's unquestioned text;
- That shining guidance doubt can never mar,--
- The pillar's flame, the light of Bethlehem's star!
- Strong is the moral blister that will draw
- Laid on the conscience of the Man of Law
- Whom blindfold Justice lends her eyes to see
- Truth in the scale that holds his promised fee.
- What! Has not every lie its truthful side,
- Its honest fraction, not to be denied?
- Per contra,--ask the moralist,--in sooth
- Has not a lie its share in every truth?
- Then what forbids an honest man to try
- To find the truth that lurks in every lie,
- And just as fairly call on truth to yield
- The lying fraction in its breast concealed?
- So the worst rogue shall claim a ready friend
- His modest virtues boldly to defend,
- And he who shows the record of a saint
- See himself blacker than the devil could paint.
- What struggles to his captive soul belong
- Who loves the right, yet combats for the wrong,
- Who fights the battle he would fain refuse,
- And wins, well knowing that he ought to lose,
- Who speaks with glowing lips and look sincere
- In spangled words that make the worse appear
- The better reason; who, behind his mask,
- Hides his true self and blushes at his task,--
- What quips, what quillets cheat the inward scorn
- That mocks such triumph? Has he not his thorn?
- Yet stay thy judgment; were thy life the prize,
- Thy death the forfeit, would thy cynic eyes
- See fault in him who bravely dares defend
- The cause forlorn, the wretch without a friend
- Nay, though the rightful side is wisdom's choice,
- Wrong has its rights and claims a champion's voice;
- Let the strong arm be lifted for the weak,
- For the dumb lips the fluent pleader speak;--
- When with warm "rebel" blood our street was dyed
- Who took, unawed, the hated hirelings' side?
- No greener civic wreath can Adams claim,
- No brighter page the youthful Quincy's name!
- How blest is he who knows no meaner strife
- Than Art's long battle with the foes of life!
- No doubt assails him, doing still his best,
- And trusting kindly Nature for the rest;
- No mocking conscience tears the thin disguise
- That wraps his breast, and tells him that he lies.
- He comes: the languid sufferer lifts his head
- And smiles a welcome from his weary bed;
- He speaks: what music like the tones that tell,
- "Past is the hour of danger,--all is well!"
- How can he feel the petty stings of grief
- Whose cheering presence always brings relief?
- What ugly dreams can trouble his repose
- Who yields himself to soothe another's woes?
- Hour after hour the busy day has found
- The good physician on his lonely round;
- Mansion and hovel, low and lofty door,
- He knows, his journeys every path explore,--
- Where the cold blast has struck with deadly chill
- The sturdy dweller on the storm-swept hill,
- Where by the stagnant marsh the sickening gale
- Has blanched the poisoned tenants of the vale,
- Where crushed and maimed the bleeding victim lies,
- Where madness raves, where melancholy sighs,
- And where the solemn whisper tells too plain
- That all his science, all his art, were vain.
- How sweet his fireside when the day is done
- And cares have vanished with the setting sun!
- Evening at last its hour of respite brings
- And on his couch his weary length he flings.
- Soft be thy pillow, servant of mankind,
- Lulled by an opiate Art could never find;
- Sweet be thy slumber,--thou hast earned it well,--
- Pleasant thy dreams! Clang! goes the midnight bell!
- Darkness and storm! the home is far away
- That waits his coming ere the break of day;
- The snow-clad pines their wintry plumage toss,--
- Doubtful the frozen stream his road must cross;
- Deep lie the drifts, the slanted heaps have shut
- The hardy woodman in his mountain hut,--
- Why should thy softer frame the tempest brave?
- Hast thou no life, no health, to lose or save?
- Look! read the answer in his patient eyes,--
- For him no other voice when suffering cries;
- Deaf to the gale that all around him blows,
- A feeble whisper calls him,--and he goes.
- Or seek the crowded city,--summer's heat
- Glares burning, blinding, in the narrow street,
- Still, noisome, deadly, sleeps the envenomed air,
- Unstirred the yellow flag that says "Beware!"
- Tempt not thy fate,--one little moment's breath
- Bears on its viewless wing the seeds of death;
- Thou at whose door the gilded chariots stand,
- Whose dear-bought skill unclasps the miser's hand,
- Turn from thy fatal quest, nor cast away
- That life so precious; let a meaner prey
- Feed the destroyer's hunger; live to bless
- Those happier homes that need thy care no less!
- Smiling he listens; has he then a charm
- Whose magic virtues peril can disarm?
- No safeguard his; no amulet he wears,
- Too well he knows that Nature never spares
- Her truest servant, powerless to defend
- From her own weapons her unshrinking friend.
- He dares the fate the bravest well might shun,
- Nor asks reward save only Heaven's "Well done!"
- Such are the toils, the perils that he knows,
- Days without rest and nights without repose,
- Yet all unheeded for the love he bears
- His art, his kind, whose every grief he shares.
- Harder than these to know how small the part
- Nature's proud empire yields to striving Art;
- How, as the tide that rolls around the sphere
- Laughs at the mounds that delving arms uprear,--
- Spares some few roods of oozy earth, but still
- Wastes and rebuilds the planet at its will,
- Comes at its ordered season, night or noon,
- Led by the silver magnet of the moon,--
- So life's vast tide forever comes and goes,
- Unchecked, resistless, as it ebbs and flows.
- Hardest of all, when Art has done her best,
- To find the cuckoo brooding in her nest;
- The shrewd adventurer, fresh from parts unknown,
- Kills off the patients Science thought her own;
- Towns from a nostrum-vender get their name,
- Fences and walls the cure-all drug proclaim,
- Plasters and pads the willing world beguile,
- Fair Lydia greets us with astringent smile,
- Munchausen's fellow-countryman unlocks
- His new Pandora's globule-holding box,
- And as King George inquired, with puzzled grin,
- "How--how the devil get the apple in?"
- So we ask how,--with wonder-opening eyes,--
- Such pygmy pills can hold such giant lies!
- Yes, sharp the trials, stern the daily tasks
- That suffering Nature from her servant asks;
- His the kind office dainty menials scorn,
- His path how hard,--at every step a thorn!
- What does his saddening, restless slavery buy?
- What save a right to live, a chance to die,--
- To live companion of disease and pain,
- To die by poisoned shafts untimely slain?
- Answer from hoary eld, majestic shades,--
- From Memphian courts, from Delphic colonnades,
- Speak in the tones that Persia's despot heard
- When nations treasured every golden word
- The wandering echoes wafted o'er the seas,
- From the far isle that held Hippocrates;
- And thou, best gift that Pergamus could send
- Imperial Rome, her noblest Caesar's friend,
- Master of masters, whose unchallenged sway
- Not bold Vesalius dared to disobey;
- Ye who while prophets dreamed of dawning times
- Taught your rude lessons in Salerno's rhymes,
- And ye, the nearer sires, to whom we owe
- The better share of all the best we know,
- In every land an ever-growing train,
- Since wakening Science broke her rusted chain,--
- Speak from the past, and say what prize was sent
- To crown the toiling years so freely spent!
- List while they speak:
- In life's uneven road
- Our willing hands have eased our brothers' load;
- One forehead smoothed, one pang of torture less,
- One peaceful hour a sufferer's couch to bless,
- The smile brought back to fever's parching lips,
- The light restored to reason in eclipse,
- Life's treasure rescued like a burning brand
- Snatched from the dread destroyer's wasteful hand;
- Such were our simple records day by day,
- For gains like these we wore our lives away.
- In toilsome paths our daily bread we sought,
- But bread from heaven attending angels brought;
- Pain was our teacher, speaking to the heart,
- Mother of pity, nurse of pitying art;
- Our lesson learned, we reached the peaceful shore
- Where the pale sufferer asks our aid no more,--
- These gracious words our welcome, our reward
- Ye served your brothers; ye have served your Lord!
- FROM the first gleam of morning to the gray
- Of peaceful evening, lo, a life unrolled!
- In woven pictures all its changes told,
- Its lights, its shadows, every flitting ray,
- Till the long curtain, falling, dims the day,
- Steals from the dial's disk the sunlight's gold,
- And all the graven hours grow dark and cold
- Where late the glowing blaze of noontide lay.
- Ah! the warm blood runs wild in youthful veins,--
- Let me no longer play with painted fire;
- New songs for new-born days! I would not tire
- The listening ears that wait for fresher strains
- In phrase new-moulded, new-forged rhythmic chains,
- With plaintive measures from a worn-out lyre.
- August 2, 1881.
- ===
- ALONE, beneath the darkened sky,
- With saddened heart and unstrung lyre,
- I heap the spoils of years gone by,
- And leave them with a long-drawn sigh,
- Like drift-wood brands that glimmering lie,
- Before the ashes hide the fire.
- Let not these slow declining days
- The rosy light of dawn outlast;
- Still round my lonely hearth it plays,
- And gilds the east with borrowed rays,
- While memory's mirrored sunset blaze
- Flames on the windows of the past.
- March 1, 1888.
- THIS is our place of meeting; opposite
- That towered and pillared building: look at it;
- King's Chapel in the Second George's day,
- Rebellion stole its regal name away,--
- Stone Chapel sounded better; but at last
- The poisoned name of our provincial past
- Had lost its ancient venom; then once more
- Stone Chapel was King's Chapel as before.
- (So let rechristened North Street, when it can,
- Bring back the days of Marlborough and Queen Anne!)
- Next the old church your wandering eye will meet--
- A granite pile that stares upon the street--
- Our civic temple; slanderous tongues have said
- Its shape was modelled from St. Botolph's head,
- Lofty, but narrow; jealous passers-by
- Say Boston always held her head too high.
- Turn half-way round, and let your look survey
- The white facade that gleams across the way,--
- The many-windowed building, tall and wide,
- The palace-inn that shows its northern side
- In grateful shadow when the sunbeams beat
- The granite wall in summer's scorching heat.
- This is the place; whether its name you spell
- Tavern, or caravansera, or hotel.
- Would I could steal its echoes! you should find
- Such store of vanished pleasures brought to mind
- Such feasts! the laughs of many a jocund hour
- That shook the mortar from King George's tower;
- Such guests! What famous names its record boasts,
- Whose owners wander in the mob of ghosts!
- Such stories! Every beam and plank is filled
- With juicy wit the joyous talkers spilled,
- Ready to ooze, as once the mountain pine
- The floors are laid with oozed its turpentine!
- A month had flitted since The Club had met;
- The day came round; I found the table set,
- The waiters lounging round the marble stairs,
- Empty as yet the double row of chairs.
- I was a full half hour before the rest,
- Alone, the banquet-chamber's single guest.
- So from the table's side a chair I took,
- And having neither company nor book
- To keep me waking, by degrees there crept
- A torpor over me,--in short, I slept.
- Loosed from its chain, along the wreck-strown track
- Of the dead years my soul goes travelling back;
- My ghosts take on their robes of flesh; it seems
- Dreaming is life; nay, life less life than dreams,
- So real are the shapes that meet my eyes.
- They bring no sense of wonder, no surprise,
- No hint of other than an earth-born source;
- All seems plain daylight, everything of course.
- How dim the colors are, how poor and faint
- This palette of weak words with which I paint!
- Here sit my friends; if I could fix them so
- As to my eyes they seem, my page would glow
- Like a queen's missal, warm as if the brush
- Of Titian or Velasquez brought the flush
- Of life into their features. Ay de mi!
- If syllables were pigments, you should see
- Such breathing portraitures as never man
- Found in the Pitti or the Vatican.
- Here sits our POET, Laureate, if you will.
- Long has he worn the wreath, and wears it still.
- Dead? Nay, not so; and yet they say his bust
- Looks down on marbles covering royal dust,
- Kings by the Grace of God, or Nature's grace;
- Dead! No! Alive! I see him in his place,
- Full-featured, with the bloom that heaven denies
- Her children, pinched by cold New England skies,
- Too often, while the nursery's happier few
- Win from a summer cloud its roseate hue.
- Kind, soft-voiced, gentle, in his eye there shines
- The ray serene that filled Evangeline's.
- Modest he seems, not shy; content to wait
- Amid the noisy clamor of debate
- The looked-for moment when a peaceful word
- Smooths the rough ripples louder tongues have stirred.
- In every tone I mark his tender grace
- And all his poems hinted in his face;
- What tranquil joy his friendly presence gives!
- How could. I think him dead? He lives! He lives!
- There, at the table's further end I see
- In his old place our Poet's vis-a-vis,
- The great PROFESSOR, strong, broad-shouldered, square,
- In life's rich noontide, joyous, debonair.
- His social hour no leaden care alloys,
- His laugh rings loud and mirthful as a boy's,--
- That lusty laugh the Puritan forgot,--
- What ear has heard it and remembers not?
- How often, halting at some wide crevasse
- Amid the windings of his Alpine pass,
- High up the cliffs, the climbing mountaineer,
- Listening the far-off avalanche to hear,
- Silent, and leaning on his steel-shod staff,
- Has heard that cheery voice, that ringing laugh,
- From the rude cabin whose nomadic walls
- Creep with the moving glacier as it crawls
- How does vast Nature lead her living train
- In ordered sequence through that spacious brain,
- As in the primal hour when Adam named
- The new-born tribes that young creation claimed!--
- How will her realm be darkened, losing thee,
- Her darling, whom we call _our_ AGASSIZ!
- But who is he whose massive frame belies
- The maiden shyness of his downcast eyes?
- Who broods in silence till, by questions pressed,
- Some answer struggles from his laboring breast?
- An artist Nature meant to dwell apart,
- Locked in his studio with a human heart,
- Tracking its eaverned passions to their lair,
- And all its throbbing mysteries laying bare.
- Count it no marvel that he broods alone
- Over the heart he studies,--'t is his own;
- So in his page, whatever shape it wear,
- The Essex wizard's shadowed self is there,--
- The great ROMANCER, hid beneath his veil
- Like the stern preacher of his sombre tale;
- Virile in strength, yet bashful as a girl,
- Prouder than Hester, sensitive as Pearl.
- From his mild throng of worshippers released,
- Our Concord Delphi sends its chosen priest,
- Prophet or poet, mystic, sage, or seer,
- By every title always welcome here.
- Why that ethereal spirit's frame describe?
- You know the race-marks of the Brahmin tribe,
- The spare, slight form, the sloping shoulders' droop,
- The calm, scholastic mien, the clerkly stoop,
- The lines of thought the sharpened features wear,
- Carved by the edge of keen New England air.
- List! for he speaks! As when a king would choose
- The jewels for his bride, he might refuse
- This diamond for its flaw,--find that less bright
- Than those, its fellows, and a pearl less white
- Than fits her snowy neck, and yet at last,
- The fairest gems are chosen, and made fast
- In golden fetters; so, with light delays
- He seeks the fittest word to fill his phrase;
- Nor vain nor idle his fastidious quest,
- His chosen word is sure to prove the best.
- Where in the realm of thought, whose air is song,
- Does he, the Buddha of the West, belong?
- He seems a winged Franklin, sweetly wise,
- Born to unlock the secrets of the skies;
- And which the nobler calling,--if 't is fair
- Terrestrial with celestial to compare,--
- To guide the storm-cloud's elemental flame,
- Or walk the chambers whence the lightning came,
- Amidst the sources of its subtile fire,
- And steal their effluence for his lips and lyre?
- If lost at times in vague aerial flights,
- None treads with firmer footstep when he lights;
- A soaring nature, ballasted with sense,
- Wisdom without her wrinkles or pretence,
- In every Bible he has faith to read,
- And every altar helps to shape his creed.
- Ask you what name this prisoned spirit bears
- While with ourselves this fleeting breath it shares?
- Till angels greet him with a sweeter one
- In heaven, on earth we call him EMERSON.
- I start; I wake; the vision is withdrawn;
- Its figures fading like the stars at dawn;
- Crossed from the roll of life their cherished names,
- And memory's pictures fading in their frames;
- Yet life is lovelier for these transient gleams
- Of buried friendships; blest is he who dreams!
- H. W. L.
- PRIDE of the sister realm so long our own,
- We claim with her that spotless fame of thine,
- White as her snow and fragrant as her pine!
- Ours was thy birthplace, but in every zone
- Some wreath of song thy liberal hand has thrown
- Breathes perfume from its blossoms, that entwine
- Where'er the dewdrops fall, the sunbeams shine,
- On life's long path with tangled cares o'ergrown.
- Can Art thy truthful counterfeit command,--
- The silver-haloed features, tranquil, mild,--
- Soften the lips of bronze as when they smiled,
- Give warmth and pressure to the marble hand?
- Seek the lost rainbow in the sky it spanned
- Farewell, sweet Singer! Heaven reclaims its child.
- Carved from the block or cast in clinging mould,
- Will grateful Memory fondly try her best
- The mortal vesture from decay to wrest;
- His look shall greet us, calm, but ah, how cold!
- No breath can stir the brazen drapery's fold,
- No throb can heave the statue's stony breast;
- "He is not here, but risen," will stand confest
- In all we miss, in all our eyes behold.
- How Nature loved him! On his placid brow,
- Thought's ample dome, she set the sacred sign
- That marks the priesthood of her holiest shrine,
- Nor asked a leaflet from the laurel's bough
- That envious Time might clutch or disallow,
- To prove her chosen minstrel's song divine.
- On many a saddened hearth the evening fire
- Burns paler as the children's hour draws near,--
- That joyous hour his song made doubly dear,--
- And tender memories touch the faltering choir.
- He sings no more on earth; our vain desire
- Aches for the voice we loved so long to hear
- In Dorian flute-notes breathing soft and clear,--
- The sweet contralto that could never tire.
- Deafened with listening to a harsher strain,
- The Maenad's scream, the stark barbarian's cry,
- Still for those soothing, loving tones we sigh;
- Oh, for our vanished Orpheus once again!
- The shadowy silence hears us call in vain!
- His lips are hushed; his song shall never die.
- SISTER, we bid you welcome,--we who stand
- On the high table-land;
- We who have climbed life's slippery Alpine slope,
- And rest, still leaning on the staff of hope,
- Looking along the silent Mer de Glace,
- Leading our footsteps where the dark crevasse
- Yawns in the frozen sea we all must pass,--
- Sister, we clasp your hand!
- Rest with us in the hour that Heaven has lent
- Before the swift descent.
- Look! the warm sunbeams kiss the glittering ice;
- See! next the snow-drift blooms the edelweiss;
- The mated eagles fan the frosty air;
- Life, beauty, love, around us everywhere,
- And, in their time, the darkening hours that bear
- Sweet memories, peace, content.
- Thrice welcome! shining names our missals show
- Amid their rubrics' glow,
- But search the blazoned record's starry line,
- What halo's radiance fills the page like thine?
- Thou who by some celestial clue couldst find
- The way to all the hearts of all mankind,
- On thee, already canonized, enshrined,
- What more can Heaven bestow!
- IF every tongue that speaks her praise
- For whom I shape my tinkling phrase
- Were summoned to the table,
- The vocal chorus that would meet
- Of mingling accents harsh or sweet,
- From every land and tribe, would beat
- The polyglots at Babel.
- Briton and Frenchman, Swede and Dane,
- Turk, Spaniard, Tartar of Ukraine,
- Hidalgo, Cossack, Cadi,
- High Dutchman and Low Dutchman, too,
- The Russian serf, the Polish Jew,
- Arab, Armenian, and Mantchoo,
- Would shout, "We know the lady!"
- Know her! Who knows not Uncle Tom
- And her he learned his gospel from
- Has never heard of Moses;
- Full well the brave black hand we know
- That gave to freedom's grasp the hoe
- That killed the weed that used to grow
- Among the Southern roses.
- When Archimedes, long ago,
- Spoke out so grandly, "_dos pou sto_--
- Give me a place to stand on,
- I'll move your planet for you, now,"--
- He little dreamed or fancied how
- The _sto_ at last should find its _pou_
- For woman's faith to land on.
- Her lever was the wand of art,
- Her fulcrum was the human heart,
- Whence all unfailing aid is;
- She moved the earth! Its thunders pealed,
- Its mountains shook, its temples reeled,
- The blood-red fountains were unsealed,
- And Moloch sunk to Hades.
- All through the conflict, up and down
- Marched Uncle Tom and Old John Brown,
- One ghost, one form ideal;
- And which was false and which was true,
- And which was mightier of the two,
- The wisest sibyl never knew,
- For both alike were real.
- Sister, the holy maid does well
- Who counts her beads in convent cell,
- Where pale devotion lingers;
- But she who serves the sufferer's needs,
- Whose prayers are spelt in loving deeds,
- May trust the Lord will count her beads
- As well as human fingers.
- When Truth herself was Slavery's slave,
- Thy hand the prisoned suppliant gave
- The rainbow wings of fiction.
- And Truth who soared descends to-day
- Bearing an angel's wreath away,
- Its lilies at thy feet to lay
- With Heaven's own benediction.
- Read at the Dinner given at the Hotel Vendome, May 6,1885.
- ONCE more Orion and the sister Seven
- Look on thee from the skies that hailed thy birth,--
- How shall we welcome thee, whose home was heaven,
- From thy celestial wanderings back to earth?
- Science has kept her midnight taper burning
- To greet thy coming with its vestal flame;
- Friendship has murmured, "When art thou returning?"
- "Not yet! Not yet!" the answering message came.
- Thine was unstinted zeal, unchilled devotion,
- While the blue realm had kingdoms to explore,--
- Patience, like his who ploughed the unfurrowed ocean,
- Till o'er its margin loomed San Salvador.
- Through the long nights I see thee ever waking,
- Thy footstool earth, thy roof the hemisphere,
- While with thy griefs our weaker hearts are aching,
- Firm as thine equatorial's rock-based pier.
- The souls that voyaged the azure depths before thee
- Watch with thy tireless vigils, all unseen,--
- Tycho and Kepler bend benignant o'er thee,
- And with his toy-like tube the Florentine,--
- He at whose word the orb that bore him shivered
- To find her central sovereignty disowned,
- While the wan lips of priest and pontiff quivered,
- Their jargon stilled, their Baal disenthroned.
- Flamsteed and Newton look with brows unclouded,
- Their strife forgotten with its faded scars,--
- (Titans, who found the world of space too crowded
- To walk in peace among its myriad stars.)
- All cluster round thee,--seers of earliest ages,
- Persians, Ionians, Mizraim's learned kings,
- From the dim days of Shinar's hoary sages
- To his who weighed the planet's fluid rings.
- And we, for whom the northern heavens are lighted,
- For whom the storm has passed, the sun has smiled,
- Our clouds all scattered, all our stars united,
- We claim thee, clasp thee, like a long-lost child.
- Fresh from the spangled vault's o'er-arching splendor,
- Thy lonely pillar, thy revolving dome,
- In heartfelt accents, proud, rejoicing, tender,
- We bid thee welcome to thine earthly home!
- DECEMBER 12, 1885
- With a bronze statuette of John of Bologna's Mercury,
- presented by a few friends.
- FIT emblem for the altar's side,
- And him who serves its daily need,
- The stay, the solace, and the guide
- Of mortal men, whate'er his creed!
- Flamen or Auspex, Priest or Bonze,
- He feeds the upward-climbing fire,
- Still teaching, like the deathless bronze,
- Man's noblest lesson,--to aspire.
- Hermes lies prone by fallen Jove,
- Crushed are the wheels of Krishna's car,
- And o'er Dodona's silent grove
- Streams the white, ray from Bethlehem's star.
- Yet snatched from Time's relentless clutch,
- A godlike shape, that human hands
- Have fired with Art's electric touch,
- The herald of Olympus stands.
- Ask not what ore the furnace knew;
- Love mingled with the flowing mass,
- And lends its own unchanging hue,
- Like gold in Corinth's molten brass.
- Take then our gift; this airy form
- Whose bronze our benedictions gild,
- The hearts of all its givers warm
- With love by freezing years unchilled.
- With eye undimmed, with strength unworn,
- Still toiling in your Master's field,
- Before you wave the growths unshorn,
- Their ripened harvest yet to yield.
- True servant of the Heavenly Sire,
- To you our tried affection clings,
- Bids you still labor, still aspire,
- But clasps your feet and steals their wings.
- THIS is your month, the month of "perfect days,"
- Birds in full song and blossoms all ablaze.
- Nature herself your earliest welcome breathes,
- Spreads every leaflet, every bower inwreathes;
- Carpets her paths for your returning feet,
- Puts forth her best your coming steps to greet;
- And Heaven must surely find the earth in tune
- When Home, sweet Home, exhales the breath of June.
- These blessed days are waning all too fast,
- And June's bright visions mingling with the past;
- Lilacs have bloomed and faded, and the rose
- Has dropped its petals, but the clover blows,
- And fills its slender tubes with honeyed sweets;
- The fields are pearled with milk-white margarites;
- The dandelion, which you sang of old,
- Has lost its pride of place, its crown of gold,
- But still displays its feathery-mantled globe,
- Which children's breath, or wandering winds unrobe.
- These were your humble friends; your opened eyes
- Nature had trained her common gifts to prize;
- Not Cam nor Isis taught you to despise
- Charles, with his muddy margin and the harsh,
- Plebeian grasses of the reeking marsh.
- New England's home-bred scholar, well you knew
- Her soil, her speech, her people, through and through,
- And loved them ever with the love that holds
- All sweet, fond memories in its fragrant folds.
- Though far and wide your winged words have flown,
- Your daily presence kept you all our own,
- Till, with a sorrowing sigh, a thrill of pride,
- We heard your summons, and you left our side
- For larger duties and for tasks untried.
- How pleased the Spaniards for a while to claim
- This frank Hidalgo with the liquid name,
- Who stored their classics on his crowded shelves
- And loved their Calderon as they did themselves!
- Before his eyes what changing pageants pass!
- The bridal feast how near the funeral mass!
- The death-stroke falls,--the Misereres wail;
- The joy-bells ring,--the tear-stained cheeks unveil,
- While, as the playwright shifts his pictured scene,
- The royal mourner crowns his second queen.
- From Spain to Britain is a goodly stride,--
- Madrid and London long-stretched leagues divide.
- What if I send him, "Uncle S., says he,"
- To my good cousin whom he calls "J. B."?
- A nation's servants go where they are sent,--
- He heard his Uncle's orders, and he went.
- By what enchantments, what alluring arts,
- Our truthful James led captive British hearts,--
- Whether his shrewdness made their statesmen halt,
- Or if his learning found their Dons at fault,
- Or if his virtue was a strange surprise,
- Or if his wit flung star-dust in their eyes,--
- Like honest Yankees we can simply guess;
- But that he did it all must needs confess.
- England herself without a blush may claim
- Her only conqueror since the Norman came.
- Eight years an exile! What a weary while
- Since first our herald sought the mother isle!
- His snow-white flag no churlish wrong has soiled,---
- He left unchallenged, he returns unspoiled.
- Here let us keep him, here he saw the light,--
- His genius, wisdom, wit, are ours by right;
- And if we lose him our lament will be
- We have "five hundred"--_not_ "as good as he."
- 1887
- FRIEND, whom thy fourscore winters leave more dear
- Than when life's roseate summer on thy cheek
- Burned in the flush of manhood's manliest year,
- Lonely, how lonely! is the snowy peak
- Thy feet have reached, and mine have climbed so near!
- Close on thy footsteps 'mid the landscape drear
- I stretch my hand thine answering grasp to seek,
- Warm with the love no rippling rhymes can speak!
- Look backward! From thy lofty height survey
- Thy years of toil, of peaceful victories won,
- Of dreams made real, largest hopes outrun!
- Look forward! Brighter than earth's morning ray
- Streams the pure light of Heaven's unsetting sun,
- The unclouded dawn of life's immortal day!
- DEAR friends, left darkling in the long eclipse
- That veils the noonday,--you whose finger-tips
- A meaning in these ridgy leaves can find
- Where ours go stumbling, senseless, helpless, blind.
- This wreath of verse how dare I offer you
- To whom the garden's choicest gifts are due?
- The hues of all its glowing beds are ours,
- Shall you not claim its sweetest-smelling flowers?
- Nay, those I have I bring you,--at their birth
- Life's cheerful sunshine warmed the grateful earth;
- If my rash boyhood dropped some idle seeds,
- And here and there you light on saucy weeds
- Among the fairer growths, remember still
- Song comes of grace, and not of human will:
- We get a jarring note when most we try,
- Then strike the chord we know not how or why;
- Our stately verse with too aspiring art
- Oft overshoots and fails to reach the heart,
- While the rude rhyme one human throb endears
- Turns grief to smiles, and softens mirth to tears.
- Kindest of critics, ye whose fingers read,
- From Nature's lesson learn the poet's creed;
- The queenly tulip flaunts in robes of flame,
- The wayside seedling scarce a tint may claim,
- Yet may the lowliest leaflets that unfold
- A dewdrop fresh from heaven's own chalice hold.
- Sent to "The Philological Circle" of Florence for its
- meeting in commemoration of Dante, January 27, 1881,
- the anniversary of his first condemnation.
- PROUD of her clustering spires, her new-built towers,
- Our Venice, stolen from the slumbering sea,
- A sister's kindliest greeting wafts to thee,
- Rose of Val d' Arno, queen of all its flowers!
- Thine exile's shrine thy sorrowing love embowers,
- Yet none with truer homage bends the knee,
- Or stronger pledge of fealty brings, than we,
- Whose poets make thy dead Immortal ours.
- Lonely the height, but ah, to heaven how near!
- Dante, whence flowed that solemn verse of thine
- Like the stern river from its Apennine
- Whose name the far-off Scythian thrilled with fear:
- Now to all lands thy deep-toned voice is dear,
- And every language knows the Song Divine!
- MARCH 8, 1882
- THE waves unbuild the wasting shore;
- Where mountains towered the billows sweep,
- Yet still their borrowed spoils restore,
- And build new empires from the deep.
- So while the floods of thought lay waste
- The proud domain of priestly creeds,
- Its heaven-appointed tides will haste
- To plant new homes for human needs.
- Be ours to mark with hearts unchilled
- The change an outworn church deplores;
- The legend sinks, but Faith shall build
- A fairer throne on new-found shores.
- TWICE had the mellowing sun of autumn crowned
- The hundredth circle of his yearly round,
- When, as we meet to-day, our fathers met:
- That joyous gathering who can e'er forget,
- When Harvard's nurslings, scattered far and wide,
- Through mart and village, lake's and ocean's side,
- Came, with one impulse, one fraternal throng,
- And crowned the hours with banquet, speech, and song?
- Once more revived in fancy's magic glass,
- I see in state the long procession pass
- Tall, courtly, leader as by right divine,
- Winthrop, our Winthrop, rules the marshalled line,
- Still seen in front, as on that far-off day
- His ribboned baton showed the column's way.
- Not all are gone who marched in manly pride
- And waved their truncheons at their leader's side;
- Gray, Lowell, Dixwell, who his empire shared,
- These to be with us envious Time has spared.
- Few are the faces, so familiar then,
- Our eyes still meet amid the haunts of men;
- Scarce one of all the living gathered there,
- Whose unthinned locks betrayed a silver hair,
- Greets us to-day, and yet we seem the same
- As our own sires and grandsires, save in name.
- There are the patriarchs, looking vaguely round
- For classmates' faces, hardly known if found;
- See the cold brow that rules the busy mart;
- Close at its side the pallid son of art,
- Whose purchased skill with borrowed meaning clothes,
- And stolen hues, the smirking face he loathes.
- Here is the patient scholar; in his looks
- You read the titles of his learned books;
- What classic lore those spidery crow's-feet speak!
- What problems figure on that wrinkled cheek!
- For never thought but left its stiffened trace,
- Its fossil footprint, on the plastic face,
- As the swift record of a raindrop stands,
- Fixed on the tablet of the hardening sands.
- On every face as on the written page
- Each year renews the autograph of age;
- One trait alone may wasting years defy,--
- The fire still lingering in the poet's eye,
- While Hope, the siren, sings her sweetest strain,--
- _Non omnis moriar_ is its proud refrain.
- Sadly we gaze upon the vacant chair;
- He who should claim its honors is not there,--
- Otis, whose lips the listening crowd enthrall
- That press and pack the floor of Boston's hall.
- But Kirkland smiles, released from toil and care
- Since the silk mantle younger shoulders wear,--
- Quincy's, whose spirit breathes the selfsame fire
- That filled the bosom of his youthful sire,
- Who for the altar bore the kindled torch
- To freedom's temple, dying in its porch.
- Three grave professions in their sons appear,
- Whose words well studied all well pleased will hear
- Palfrey, ordained in varied walks to shine,
- Statesman, historian, critic, and divine;
- Solid and square behold majestic Shaw,
- A mass of wisdom and a mine of law;
- Warren, whose arm the doughtiest warriors fear,
- Asks of the startled crowd to lend its ear,--
- Proud of his calling, him the world loves best,
- Not as the coming, but the parting guest.
- Look on that form,--with eye dilating scan
- The stately mould of nature's kingliest man!
- Tower-like he stands in life's unfaded prime;
- Ask you his name? None asks a second time
- He from the land his outward semblance takes,
- Where storm-swept mountains watch o'er slumbering lakes.
- See in the impress which the body wears
- How its imperial might the soul declares
- The forehead's large expansion, lofty, wide,
- That locks unsilvered vainly strive to hide;
- The lines of thought that plough the sober cheek;
- Lips that betray their wisdom ere they speak
- In tones like answers from Dodona's grove;
- An eye like Juno's when she frowns on Jove.
- I look and wonder; will he be content--
- This man, this monarch, for the purple meant--
- The meaner duties of his tribe to share,
- Clad in the garb that common mortals wear?
- Ah, wild Ambition, spread thy restless wings,
- Beneath whose plumes the hidden cestrum stings;
- Thou whose bold flight would leave earth's vulgar crowds,
- And like the eagle soar above the clouds,
- Must feel the pang that fallen angels know
- When the red lightning strikes thee from below!
- Less bronze, more silver, mingles in the mould
- Of him whom next my roving eyes behold;
- His, more the scholar's than the statesman's face,
- Proclaims him born of academic race.
- Weary his look, as if an aching brain
- Left on his brow the frozen prints of pain;
- His voice far-reaching, grave, sonorous, owns
- A shade of sadness in its plaintive tones,
- Yet when its breath some loftier thought inspires
- Glows with a heat that every bosom fires.
- Such Everett seems; no chance-sown wild flower knows
- The full-blown charms of culture's double rose,--
- Alas, how soon, by death's unsparing frost,
- Its bloom is faded and its fragrance lost!
- Two voices, only two, to earth belong,
- Of all whose accents met the listening throng:
- Winthrop, alike for speech and guidance framed,
- On that proud day a twofold duty claimed;
- One other yet,--remembered or forgot,--
- Forgive my silence if I name him not.
- Can I believe it? I, whose youthful voice
- Claimed a brief gamut,--notes not over choice,
- Stood undismayed before the solemn throng,
- And _propria voce_ sung that saucy song
- Which even in memory turns my soul aghast,--
- _Felix audacia_ was the verdict cast.
- What were the glory of these festal days
- Shorn of their grand illumination's blaze?
- Night comes at last with all her starry train
- To find a light in every glittering pane.
- From "Harvard's" windows see the sudden flash,--
- Old "Massachusetts" glares through every sash;
- From wall to wall the kindling splendors run
- Till all is glorious as the noonday sun.
- How to the scholar's mind each object brings
- What some historian tells, some poet sings!
- The good gray teacher whom we all revered--
- Loved, honored, laughed at, and by freshmen feared,
- As from old "Harvard," where its light began,
- From hall to hall the clustering splendors ran--
- Took down his well-worn Eschylus and read,
- Lit by the rays a thousand tapers shed,
- How the swift herald crossed the leagues between
- Mycenae's monarch and his faithless queen;
- And thus he read,--my verse but ill displays
- The Attic picture, clad in modern phrase.
- On Ida's summit flames the kindling pile,
- And Lemnos answers from his rocky isle;
- From Athos next it climbs the reddening skies,
- Thence where the watch-towers of Macistus rise.
- The sentries of Mesapius in their turn
- Bid the dry heath in high piled masses burn,
- Cithoeron's crag the crimson billows stain,
- Far AEgiplanctus joins the fiery train.
- Thus the swift courier through the pathless night
- Has gained at length the Arachnoean height,
- Whence the glad tidings, borne on wings offlame,
- "Ilium has fallen!" reach the royal dame.
- So ends the day; before the midnight stroke
- The lights expiring cloud the air with smoke;
- While these the toil of younger hands employ,
- The slumbering Grecian dreams of smouldering Troy.
- As to that hour with backward steps I turn,
- Midway I pause; behold a funeral urn!
- Ah, sad memorial! known but all too well
- The tale which thus its golden letters tell:
- This dust, once breathing, changed its joyous life
- For toil and hunger, wounds and mortal strife;
- Love, friendship, learning's all prevailing charms,
- For the cold bivouac and the clash of arms.
- The cause of freedom won, a race enslaved
- Called back to manhood, and a nation saved,
- These sons of Harvard, falling ere their prime,
- Leave their proud memory to the coming time.
- While in their still retreats our scholars turn
- The mildewed pages of the past, to learn
- With endless labor of the sleepless brain
- What once has been and ne'er shall be again,
- We reap the harvest of their ceaseless toil
- And find a fragrance in their midnight oil.
- But let a purblind mortal dare the task
- The embryo future of itself to ask,
- The world reminds him, with a scornful laugh,
- That times have changed since Prospero broke his staff.
- Could all the wisdom of the schools foretell
- The dismal hour when Lisbon shook and fell,
- Or name the shuddering night that toppled down
- Our sister's pride, beneath whose mural crown
- Scarce had the scowl forgot its angry lines,
- When earth's blind prisoners fired their fatal mines?
- New realms, new worlds, exulting Science claims,
- Still the dim future unexplored remains;
- Her trembling scales the far-off planet weigh,
- Her torturing prisms its elements betray,--
- We know what ores the fires of Sirius melt,
- What vaporous metals gild Orion's belt;
- Angels, archangels, may have yet to learn
- Those hidden truths our heaven-taught eyes discern;
- Yet vain is Knowledge, with her mystic wand,
- To pierce the cloudy screen and read beyond;
- Once to the silent stars the fates were known,
- To us they tell no secrets but their own.
- At Israel's altar still we humbly bow,
- But where, oh where, are Israel's prophets now?
- Where is the sibyl with her hoarded leaves?
- Where is the charm the weird enchantress weaves?
- No croaking raven turns the auspex pale,
- No reeking altars tell the morrow's tale;
- The measured footsteps of the Fates are dumb,
- Unseen, unheard, unheralded, they come,
- Prophet and priest and all their following fail.
- Who then is left to rend the future's veil?
- Who but the poet, he whose nicer sense
- No film can baffle with its slight defence,
- Whose finer vision marks the waves that stray,
- Felt, but unseen, beyond the violet ray?--
- Who, while the storm-wind waits its darkening shroud,
- Foretells the tempest ere he sees the cloud,--
- Stays not for time his secrets to reveal,
- But reads his message ere he breaks the seal.
- So Mantua's bard foretold the coming day
- Ere Bethlehem's infant in the manger lay;
- The promise trusted to a mortal tongue
- Found listening ears before the angels sung.
- So while his load the creeping pack-horse galled,
- While inch by inch the dull canal-boat crawled,
- Darwin beheld a Titan from "afar
- Drag the slow barge or drive the rapid car,"
- That panting giant fed by air and flame,
- The mightiest forges task their strength to tame.
- Happy the poet! him no tyrant fact
- Holds in its clutches to be chained and racked;
- Him shall no mouldy document convict,
- No stern statistics gravely contradict;
- No rival sceptre threats his airy throne;
- He rules o'er shadows, but he reigns alone.
- Shall I the poet's broad dominion claim
- Because you bid me wear his sacred name
- For these few moments? Shall I boldly clash
- My flint and steel, and by the sudden flash
- Read the fair vision which my soul descries
- Through the wide pupils of its wondering eyes?
- List then awhile; the fifty years have sped;
- The third full century's opened scroll is spread,
- Blank to all eyes save his who dimly sees
- The shadowy future told in words like these.
- How strange the prospect to my sight appears,
- Changed by the busy hands of fifty years!
- Full well I know our ocean-salted Charles,
- Filling and emptying through the sands and marls
- That wall his restless stream on either bank,
- Not all unlovely when the sedges rank
- Lend their coarse veil the sable ooze to hide
- That bares its blackness with the ebbing tide.
- In other shapes to my illumined eyes
- Those ragged margins of our stream arise
- Through walls of stone the sparkling waters flow,
- In clearer depths the golden sunsets glow,
- On purer waves the lamps of midnight gleam,
- That silver o'er the unpolluted stream.
- Along his shores what stately temples rise,
- What spires, what turrets, print the shadowed skies!
- Our smiling Mother sees her broad domain
- Spread its tall roofs along the western plain;
- Those blazoned windows' blushing glories tell
- Of grateful hearts that loved her long and well;
- Yon gilded dome that glitters in the sun
- Was Dives' gift,--alas, his only one!
- These buttressed walls enshrine a banker's name,
- That hallowed chapel hides a miser's shame;
- Their wealth they left,--their memory cannot fade
- Though age shall crumble every stone they laid.
- Great lord of millions,--let me call thee great,
- Since countless servants at thy bidding wait,--
- Richesse oblige: no mortal must be blind
- To all but self, or look at human kind
- Laboring and suffering,--all its want and woe,--
- Through sheets of crystal, as a pleasing show
- That makes life happier for the chosen few
- Duty for whom is something not to do.
- When thy last page of life at length is filled,
- What shall thine heirs to keep thy memory build?
- Will piles of stone in Auburn's mournful shade
- Save from neglect the spot where thou art laid?
- Nay, deem not thus; the sauntering stranger's eye
- Will pass unmoved thy columned tombstone by,
- No memory wakened, not a teardrop shed,
- Thy name uncared for and thy date unread.
- But if thy record thou indeed dost prize,
- Bid from the soil some stately temple rise,--
- Some hall of learning, some memorial shrine,
- With names long honored to associate thine:
- So shall thy fame outlive thy shattered bust
- When all around thee slumber in the dust.
- Thus England's Henry lives in Eton's towers,
- Saved from the spoil oblivion's gulf devours;
- Our later records with as fair a fame
- Have wreathed each uncrowned benefactor's name;
- The walls they reared the memories still retain
- That churchyard marbles try to keep in vain.
- In vain the delving antiquary tries
- To find the tomb where generous Harvard lies
- Here, here, his lasting monument is found,
- Where every spot is consecrated ground!
- O'er Stoughton's dust the crumbling stone decays,
- Fast fade its lines of lapidary praise;
- There the wild bramble weaves its ragged nets,
- There the dry lichen spreads its gray rosettes;
- Still in yon walls his memory lives unspent,
- Nor asks a braver, nobler monument.
- Thus Hollis lives, and Holden, honored, praised,
- And good Sir Matthew, in the halls they raised;
- Thus live the worthies of these later times,
- Who shine in deeds, less brilliant, grouped in rhymes.
- Say, shall the Muse with faltering steps retreat,
- Or dare these names in rhythmic form repeat?
- Why not as boldly as from Homer's lips
- The long array, of Argive battle-ships?
- When o'er our graves a thousand years have past
- (If to such date our threatened globe shall last)
- These classic precincts, myriad feet have pressed,
- Will show on high, in beauteous garlands dressed,
- Those honored names that grace our later day,--
- Weld, Matthews, Sever, Thayer, Austin, Gray,
- Sears, Phillips, Lawrence, Hemenway,--to the list
- Add Sanders, Sibley,--all the Muse has missed.
- Once more I turn to read the pictured page
- Bright with the promise of the coming age.
- Ye unborn sons of children yet unborn,
- Whose youthful eyes shall greet that far-off morn,
- Blest are those eyes that all undimmed behold
- The sights so longed for by the wise of old.
- From high-arched alcoves, through resounding halls,
- Clad in full robes majestic Science calls,
- Tireless, unsleeping, still at Nature's feet,
- Whate'er she utters fearless to repeat,
- Her lips at last from every cramp released
- That Israel's prophet caught from Egypt's priest.
- I see the statesman, firm, sagacious, bold,
- For life's long conflict cast in amplest mould;
- Not his to clamor with the senseless throng
- That shouts unshamed, "Our party, right or wrong,"
- But in the patriot's never-ending fight
- To side with Truth, who changes wrong to right.
- I see the scholar; in that wondrous time
- Men, women, children, all can write in rhyme.
- These four brief lines addressed to youth inclined
- To idle rhyming in his notes I find:
- Who writes in verse that should have writ in prose
- Is like a traveller walking on his toes;
- Happy the rhymester who in time has found
- The heels he lifts were made to touch the ground.
- I see gray teachers,--on their work intent,
- Their lavished lives, in endless labor spent,
- Had closed at last in age and penury wrecked,
- Martyrs, not burned, but frozen in neglect,
- Save for the generous hands that stretched in aid
- Of worn-out servants left to die half paid.
- Ah, many a year will pass, I thought, ere we
- Such kindly forethought shall rejoice to see,--
- Monarchs are mindful of the sacred debt
- That cold republics hasten to forget.
- I see the priest,--if such a name he bears
- Who without pride his sacred vestment wears;
- And while the symbols of his tribe I seek
- Thus my first impulse bids me think and speak:
- Let not the mitre England's prelate wears
- Next to the crown whose regal pomp it shares,
- Though low before it courtly Christians bow,
- Leave its red mark on Younger England's brow.
- We love, we honor, the maternal dame,
- But let her priesthood wear a modest name,
- While through the waters of the Pilgrim's bay
- A new-born Mayflower shows her keels the way.
- Too old grew Britain for her mother's beads,--
- Must we be necklaced with her children's creeds?
- Welcome alike in surplice or in gown
- The loyal lieges of the Heavenly Crown!
- We greet with cheerful, not submissive, mien
- A sister church, but not a mitred Queen!
- A few brief flutters, and the unwilling Muse,
- Who feared the flight she hated to refuse,
- Shall fold the wings whose gayer plumes are shed,
- Here where at first her half-fledged pinions spread.
- Well I remember in the long ago
- How in the forest shades of Fontainebleau,
- Strained through a fissure in a rocky cell,
- One crystal drop with measured cadence fell.
- Still, as of old, forever bright and clear,
- The fissured cavern drops its wonted tear,
- And wondrous virtue, simple folk aver,
- Lies in that teardrop of la roche qui pleure.
- Of old I wandered by the river's side
- Between whose banks the mighty waters glide,
- Where vast Niagara, hurrying to its fall,
- Builds and unbuilds its ever-tumbling wall;
- Oft in my dreams I hear the rush and roar
- Of battling floods, and feel the trembling shore,
- As the huge torrent, girded for its leap,
- With bellowing thunders plunges down the steep.
- Not less distinct, from memory's pictured urn,
- The gray old rock, the leafy woods, return;
- Robed in their pride the lofty oaks appear,
- And once again with quickened sense I hear,
- Through the low murmur of the leaves that stir,
- The tinkling teardrop of _la roche qui pleure_.
- So when the third ripe century stands complete,
- As once again the sons of Harvard meet,
- Rejoicing, numerous as the seashore sands,
- Drawn from all quarters,--farthest distant lands,
- Where through the reeds the scaly saurian steals,
- Where cold Alaska feeds her floundering seals,
- Where Plymouth, glorying, wears her iron crown,
- Where Sacramento sees the suns go down;
- Nay, from the cloisters whence the refluent tide
- Wafts their pale students to our Mother's side,--
- Mid all the tumult that the day shall bring,
- While all the echoes shout, and roar, and ring,
- These tinkling lines, oblivion's easy prey,
- Once more emerging to the light of day,
- Not all unpleasing to the listening ear
- Shall wake the memories of this bygone year,
- Heard as I hear the measured drops that flow
- From the gray rock of wooded Fontainebleau.
- Yet, ere I leave, one loving word for all
- Those fresh young lives that wait our Mother's call:
- One gift is yours, kind Nature's richest dower,--
- Youth, the fair bud that holds life's opening flower,
- Full of high hopes no coward doubts enchain,
- With all the future throbbing in its brain,
- And mightiest instincts which the beating heart
- Fills with the fire its burning waves impart.
- O joyous youth, whose glory is to dare,--
- Thy foot firm planted on the lowest stair,
- Thine eye uplifted to the loftiest height
- Where Fame stands beckoning in the rosy light,
- Thanks for thy flattering tales, thy fond deceits,
- Thy loving lies, thy cheerful smiling cheats
- Nature's rash promise every day is broke,--
- A thousand acorns breed a single oak,
- The myriad blooms that make the orchard gay
- In barren beauty throw their lives away;
- Yet shall we quarrel with the sap that yields
- The painted blossoms which adorn the fields,
- When the fair orchard wears its May-day suit
- Of pink-white petals, for its scanty fruit?
- Thrice happy hours, in hope's illusion dressed,
- In fancy's cradle nurtured and caressed,
- Though rich the spoils that ripening years may bring,
- To thee the dewdrops of the Orient cling,--
- Not all the dye-stuffs from the vats of truth
- Can match the rainbow on the robes of youth!
- Dear unborn children, to our Mother's trust
- We leave you, fearless, when we lie in dust:
- While o'er these walls the Christian banner waves
- From hallowed lips shall flow the truth that saves;
- While o'er those portals Veritas you read
- No church shall bind you with its human creed.
- Take from the past the best its toil has won,
- But learn betimes its slavish ruts to shun.
- Pass the old tree whose withered leaves are shed,
- Quit the old paths that error loved to tread,
- And a new wreath of living blossoms seek,
- A narrower pathway up a loftier peak;
- Lose not your reverence, but unmanly fear
- Leave far behind you, all who enter here!
- As once of old from Ida's lofty height
- The flaming signal flashed across the night,
- So Harvard's beacon sheds its unspent rays
- Till every watch-tower shows its kindling blaze.
- Caught from a spark and fanned by every gale,
- A brighter radiance gilds the roofs of Yale;
- Amherst and Williams bid their flambeaus shine,
- And Bowdoin answers through her groves of pine;
- O'er Princeton's sands the far reflections steal,
- Where mighty Edwards stamped his iron heel;
- Nay, on the hill where old beliefs were bound
- Fast as if Styx had girt them nine times round,
- Bursts such a light that trembling souls inquire
- If the whole church of Calvin is on fire!
- Well may they ask, for what so brightly burns
- As a dry creed that nothing ever learns?
- Thus link by link is knit the flaming chain
- Lit by the torch of Harvard's hallowed plain.
- Thy son, thy servant, dearest Mother mine,
- Lays this poor offering on thy holy shrine,
- An autumn leaflet to the wild winds tost,
- Touched by the finger of November's frost,
- With sweet, sad memories of that earlier day,
- And all that listened to my first-born lay.
- With grateful heart this glorious morn I see,--
- Would that my tribute worthier were of thee!
- 1881
- "THE Dutch have taken Holland,"--so the schoolboys used to say;
- The Dutch have taken Harvard,--no doubt of that to-day!
- For the Wendells were low Dutchmen, and all their vrows were Vans;
- And the Breitmanns are high Dutchmen, and here is honest Hans.
- Mynheers, you both are welcome! Fair cousin Wendell P.,
- Our ancestors were dwellers beside the Zuyder Zee;
- Both Grotius and Erasmus were countrymen of we,
- And Vondel was our namesake, though he spelt it with a V.
- It is well old Evert Jansen sought a dwelling over sea
- On the margin of the Hudson, where he sampled you and me
- Through our grandsires and great-grandsires, for you would n't quite
- agree
- With the steady-going burghers along the Zuyder Zee.
- Like our Motley's John of Barnveld, you have always been inclined
- To speak,--well,--somewhat frankly,--to let us know your mind,
- And the Mynheers would have told you to be cautious what you said,
- Or else that silver tongue of yours might cost your precious head.
- But we're very glad you've kept it; it was always Freedom's own,
- And whenever Reason chose it she found a royal throne;
- You have whacked us with your sceptre; our backs were little harmed,
- And while we rubbed our bruises we owned we had been charmed.
- And you, our quasi Dutchman, what welcome should be yours
- For all the wise prescriptions that work your laughter-cures?
- "Shake before taking"?--not a bit,--the bottle-cure's a sham;
- Take before shaking, and you 'll find it shakes your diaphragm.
- "Hans Breitmann gif a barty,--vhere is dot barty now?"
- On every shelf where wit is stored to smooth the careworn brow
- A health to stout Hans Breitmann! How long before we see
- Another Hans as handsome,--as bright a man as he!
- I LOVE all sights of earth and skies,
- From flowers that glow to stars that shine;
- The comet and the penny show,
- All curious things, above, below,
- Hold each in turn my wandering eyes:
- I claim the Christian Pagan's line,
- _Humani nihil_,--even so,--
- And is not human life divine?
- When soft the western breezes blow,
- And strolling youths meet sauntering maids,
- I love to watch the stirring trades
- Beneath the Vallombrosa shades
- Our much-enduring elms bestow;
- The vender and his rhetoric's flow,
- That lambent stream of liquid lies;
- The bait he dangles from his line,
- The gudgeon and his gold-washed prize.
- I halt before the blazoned sign
- That bids me linger to admire
- The drama time can never tire,
- The little hero of the hunch,
- With iron arm and soul of fire,
- And will that works his fierce desire,--
- Untamed, unscared, unconquered Punch
- My ear a pleasing torture finds
- In tones the withered sibyl grinds,--
- The dame sans merci's broken strain,
- Whom I erewhile, perchance, have known,
- When Orleans filled the Bourbon throne,
- A siren singing by the Seine.
- But most I love the tube that spies
- The orbs celestial in their march;
- That shows the comet as it whisks
- Its tail across the planets' disks,
- As if to blind their blood-shot eyes;
- Or wheels so close against the sun
- We tremble at the thought of risks
- Our little spinning ball may run,
- To pop like corn that children parch,
- From summer something overdone,
- And roll, a cinder, through the skies.
- Grudge not to-day the scanty fee
- To him who farms the firmament,
- To whom the Milky Way is free;
- Who holds the wondrous crystal key,
- The silent Open Sesame
- That Science to her sons has lent;
- Who takes his toll, and lifts the bar
- That shuts the road to sun and star.
- If Venus only comes to time,
- (And prophets say she must and shall,)
- To-day will hear the tinkling chime
- Of many a ringing silver dime,
- For him whose optic glass supplies
- The crowd with astronomic eyes,--
- The Galileo of the Mall.
- Dimly the transit morning broke;
- The sun seemed doubting what to do,
- As one who questions how to dress,
- And takes his doublets from the press,
- And halts between the old and new.
- Please Heaven he wear his suit of blue,
- Or don, at least, his ragged cloak,
- With rents that show the azure through!
- I go the patient crowd to join
- That round the tube my eyes discern,
- The last new-comer of the file,
- And wait, and wait, a weary while,
- And gape, and stretch, and shrug, and smile,
- (For each his place must fairly earn,
- Hindmost and foremost, in his turn,)
- Till hitching onward, pace by pace,
- I gain at last the envied place,
- And pay the white exiguous coin:
- The sun and I are face to face;
- He glares at me, I stare at him;
- And lo! my straining eye has found
- A little spot that, black and round,
- Lies near the crimsoned fire-orb's rim.
- O blessed, beauteous evening star,
- Well named for her whom earth adores,--
- The Lady of the dove-drawn car,--
- I know thee in thy white simar;
- But veiled in black, a rayless spot,
- Blank as a careless scribbler's blot,
- Stripped of thy robe of silvery flame,--
- The stolen robe that Night restores
- When Day has shut his golden doors,--
- I see thee, yet I know thee not;
- And canst thou call thyself the same?
- A black, round spot,--and that is all;
- And such a speck our earth would be
- If he who looks upon the stars
- Through the red atmosphere of Mars
- Could see our little creeping ball
- Across the disk of crimson crawl
- As I our sister planet see.
- And art thou, then, a world like ours,
- Flung from the orb that whirled our own
- A molten pebble from its zone?
- How must thy burning sands absorb
- The fire-waves of the blazing orb,
- Thy chain so short, thy path so near,
- Thy flame-defying creatures hear
- The maelstroms of the photosphere!
- And is thy bosom decked with flowers
- That steal their bloom from scalding showers?
- And bast thou cities, domes, and towers,
- And life, and love that makes it dear,
- And death that fills thy tribes with fear?
- Lost in my dream, my spirit soars
- Through paths the wandering angels know;
- My all-pervading thought explores
- The azure ocean's lucent shores;
- I leave my mortal self below,
- As up the star-lit stairs I climb,
- And still the widening view reveals
- In endless rounds the circling wheels
- That build the horologe of time.
- New spheres, new suns, new systems gleam;
- The voice no earth-born echo hears
- Steals softly on my ravished ears
- I hear them "singing as they shine"--
- A mortal's voice dissolves my dream:
- My patient neighbor, next in line,
- Hints gently there are those who wait.
- O guardian of the starry gate,
- What coin shall pay this debt of mine?
- Too slight thy claim, too small the fee
- That bids thee turn the potent key.
- The Tuscan's hand has placed in thine.
- Forgive my own the small affront,
- The insult of the proffered dime;
- Take it, O friend, since this thy wont,
- But still shall faithful memory be
- A bankrupt debtor unto thee,
- And pay thee with a grateful rhyme.
- FULL well I know the frozen hand has come
- That smites the songs of grove and garden dumb,
- And chills sad autumn's last chrysanthemum;
- Yet would I find one blossom, if I might,
- Ere the dark loom that weaves the robe of white
- Hides all the wrecks of summer out of sight.
- Sometimes in dim November's narrowing day,
- When all the season's pride has passed away,
- As mid the blackened stems and leaves we stray,
- We spy in sheltered nook or rocky cleft
- A starry disk the hurrying winds have left,
- Of all its blooming sisterhood bereft.
- Some pansy, with its wondering baby eyes
- Poor wayside nursling!--fixed in blank surprise
- At the rough welcome of unfriendly skies;
- Or golden daisy,--will it dare disclaim
- The lion's tooth, to wear this gentler name?
- Or blood-red salvia, with its lips aflame.
- The storms have stripped the lily and the rose,
- Still on its cheek the flush of summer glows,
- And all its heart-leaves kindle as it blows.
- So had I looked some bud of song to find
- The careless winds of autumn left behind,
- With these of earlier seasons' growth to bind.
- Ah me! my skies are dark with sudden grief,
- A flower lies faded on my garnered sheaf;
- Yet let the sunshine gild this virgin leaf,
- The joyous, blessed sunshine of the past,
- Still with me, though the heavens are overcast,--
- The light that shines while life and memory last.
- Go, pictured rhymes, for loving readers meant;
- Bring back the smiles your jocund morning lent,
- And warm their hearts with sunbeams yet unspent!
- BEVERLY FARMS, July 24, 1884.
- Is it a weanling's weakness for the past
- That in the stormy, rebel-breeding town,
- Swept clean of relics by the levelling blast,
- Still keeps our gray old chapel's name of "King's,"
- Still to its outworn symbols fondly clings,--
- Its unchurched mitres and its empty crown?
- Poor harmless emblems! All has shrunk away
- That made them gorgons in the patriot's eyes;
- The priestly plaything harms us not to-day;
- The gilded crown is but a pleasing show,
- An old-world heirloom, left from long ago,
- Wreck of the past that memory bids us prize,
- Lightly we glance the fresh-cut marbles o'er;
- Those two of earlier date our eyes enthrall:
- The proud old Briton's by the western door,
- And hers, the Lady of Colonial days,
- Whose virtues live in long-drawn classic phrase,--
- The fair Francesca of the southern wall.
- Ay! those were goodly men that Reynolds drew,
- And stately dames our Copley's canvas holds,
- To their old Church, their Royal Master, true,
- Proud of the claim their valiant sires had earned,
- That "gentle blood," not lightly to be spurned,
- Save by the churl ungenerous Nature moulds.
- All vanished! It were idle to complain
- That ere the fruits shall come the flowers must fall;
- Yet somewhat we have lost amidst our gain,
- Some rare ideals time may not restore,--
- The charm of courtly breeding, seen no more,
- And reverence, dearest ornament of all.
- Thus musing, to the western wall I came,
- Departing: lo! a tablet fresh and fair,
- Where glistened many a youth's remembered name
- In golden letters on the snow-white stone,--
- Young lives these aisles and arches once have known,
- Their country's bleeding altar might not spare.
- These died that we might claim a soil unstained,
- Save by the blood of heroes; their bequests
- A realm unsevered and a race unchained.
- Has purer blood through Norman veins come down
- From the rough knights that clutched the Saxon's crown
- Than warmed the pulses in these faithful breasts?
- These, too, shall live in history's deathless page,
- High on the slow-wrought pedestals of fame,
- Ranged with the heroes of remoter age;
- They could not die who left their nation free,
- Firm as the rock, unfettered as the sea,
- Its heaven unshadowed by the cloud of shame.
- While on the storied past our memory dwells,
- Our grateful tribute shall not be denied,--
- The wreath, the cross of rustling immortelles;
- And willing hands shall clear each darkening bust,
- As year by year sifts down the clinging dust
- On Shirley's beauty and on Vassall's pride.
- But for our own, our loved and lost, we bring
- With throbbing hearts and tears that still must flow,
- In full-heaped hands, the opening flowers of spring,
- Lilies half-blown, and budding roses, red
- As their young cheeks, before the blood was shed
- That lent their morning bloom its generous glow.
- Ah, who shall count a rescued nation's debt,
- Or sum in words our martyrs' silent claims?
- Who shall our heroes' dread exchange forget,--
- All life, youth, hope, could promise to allure
- For all that soul could brave or flesh endure?
- They shaped our future; we but carve their names.
- O'ERSHADOWED by the walls that climb,
- Piled up in air by living hands,
- A rock amid the waves of time,
- Our gray old house of worship stands.
- High o'er the pillared aisles we love
- The symbols of the past look down;
- Unharmed, unharming, throned above,
- Behold the mitre and the crown!
- Let not our younger faith forget
- The loyal souls that held them dear;
- The prayers we read their tears have wet,
- The hymns we sing they loved to hear.
- The memory of their earthly throne
- Still to our holy temple clings,
- But here the kneeling suppliants own
- One only Lord, the King of kings.
- Hark! while our hymn of grateful praise
- The solemn echoing vaults prolong,
- The far-off voice of earlier days
- Blends with our own in hallowed song:
- To Him who ever lives and reigns,
- Whom all the hosts of heaven adore,
- Who lent the life His breath sustains,
- Be glory now and evermore!
- (by supposition)
- An Hymn set forth to be sung by the Great Assembly
- at Newtown, [Mass.] Mo. 12. 1. 1636.
- [Written by OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES, eldest son of Rev.
- ABIEL HOLMES, eighth Pastor of the First Church in
- Cambridge, Massachusetts.]
- LORD, Thou hast led us as of old
- Thine Arm led forth the chosen Race
- Through Foes that raged, through Floods that roll'd,
- To Canaan's far-off Dwelling-Place.
- Here is Thy bounteous Table spread,
- Thy Manna falls on every Field,
- Thy Grace our hungering Souls hath fed,
- Thy Might hath been our Spear and Shield.
- Lift high Thy Buckler, Lord of Hosts!
- Guard Thou Thy Servants, Sons and Sires,
- While on the Godless heathen Coasts
- They light Thine Israel's Altar-fires!
- The salvage Wilderness remote
- Shall hear Thy Works and Wonders sung;
- So from the Rock that Moses smote
- The Fountain of the Desart sprung.
- Soon shall the slumbering Morn awake,
- From wandering Stars of Errour freed,
- When Christ the Bread of Heaven shall break
- For Saints that own a common Creed.
- The Walls that fence His Flocks apart
- Shall crack and crumble in Decay,
- And every Tongue and every Heart
- Shall welcome in the new-born Day.
- Then shall His glorious Church rejoice
- His Word of Promise to recall,--
- JUNE 7, 1877
- ANGEL of love, for every grief
- Its soothing balm thy mercy brings,
- For every pang its healing leaf,
- For homeless want, thine outspread, wings.
- Enough for thee the pleading eye,
- The knitted brow of silent pain;
- The portals open to a sigh
- Without the clank of bolt or chain.
- Who is our brother? He that lies
- Left at the wayside, bruised and sore
- His need our open hand supplies,
- His welcome waits him at our door.
- Not ours to ask in freezing tones
- His race, his calling, or his creed;
- Each heart the tie of kinship owns,
- When those are human veins that bleed.
- Here stand the champions to defend
- From every wound that flesh can feel;
- Here science, patience, skill, shall blend
- To save, to calm, to help, to heal.
- Father of Mercies! Weak and frail,
- Thy guiding hand Thy children ask;
- Let not the Great Physician fail
- To aid us in our holy task.
- Source of all truth, and love, and light,
- That warm and cheer our earthly days,
- Be ours to serve Thy will aright,
- Be Thine the glory and the praise!
- I.
- FALLEN with autumn's falling leaf
- Ere yet his summer's noon was past,
- Our friend, our guide, our trusted chief,--
- What words can match a woe so vast!
- And whose the chartered claim to speak
- The sacred grief where all have part,
- Where sorrow saddens every cheek
- And broods in every aching heart?
- Yet Nature prompts the burning phrase
- That thrills the hushed and shrouded hall,
- The loud lament, the sorrowing praise,
- The silent tear that love lets fall.
- In loftiest verse, in lowliest rhyme,
- Shall strive unblamed the minstrel choir,---
- The singers of the new-born time,
- And trembling age with outworn lyre.
- No room for pride, no place for blame,--
- We fling our blossoms on the grave,
- Pale,--scentless,--faded,--all we claim,
- This only,--what we had we gave.
- Ah, could the grief of all who mourn
- Blend in one voice its bitter cry,
- The wail to heaven's high arches borne
- Would echo through the caverned sky.
- II.
- O happiest land, whose peaceful choice
- Fills with a breath its empty throne!
- God, speaking through thy people's voice,
- Has made that voice for once His own.
- No angry passion shakes the state
- Whose weary servant seeks for rest;
- And who could fear that scowling hate
- Would strike at that unguarded breast?
- He stands, unconscious of his doom,
- In manly strength, erect, serene;
- Around him Summer spreads her bloom;
- He falls,--what horror clothes the scene!
- How swift the sudden flash of woe
- Where all was bright as childhood's dream!
- As if from heaven's ethereal bow
- Had leaped the lightning's arrowy gleam.
- Blot the foul deed from history's page;
- Let not the all-betraying sun
- Blush for the day that stains an age
- When murder's blackest wreath was won.
- III.
- Pale on his couch the sufferer lies,
- The weary battle-ground of pain
- Love tends his pillow; Science tries
- Her every art, alas! in vain.
- The strife endures how long! how long!
- Life, death, seem balanced in the scale,
- While round his bed a viewless throng
- Await each morrow's changing tale.
- In realms the desert ocean parts
- What myriads watch with tear-filled eyes,
- His pulse-beats echoing in their hearts,
- His breathings counted with their sighs!
- Slowly the stores of life are spent,
- Yet hope still battles with despair;
- Will Heaven not yield when knees are bent?
- Answer, O thou that hearest prayer.
- But silent is the brazen sky;
- On sweeps the meteor's threatening train,
- Unswerving Nature's mute reply,
- Bound in her adamantine chain.
- Not ours the verdict to decide
- Whom death shall claim or skill shall save;
- The hero's life though Heaven denied,
- It gave our land a martyr's grave.
- Nor count the teaching vainly sent
- How human hearts their griefs may share,--
- The lesson woman's love has lent,
- What hope may do, what faith can bear!
- Farewell! the leaf-strown earth enfolds
- Our stay, our pride, our hopes, our fears,
- And autumn's golden sun beholds
- A nation bowed, a world in tears.
- WHEN Advent dawns with lessening days,
- While earth awaits the angels' hymn;
- When bare as branching coral sways
- In whistling winds each leafless limb;
- When spring is but a spendthrift's dream,
- And summer's wealth a wasted dower,
- Nor dews nor sunshine may redeem,--
- Then autumn coins his Golden Flower.
- Soft was the violet's vernal hue,
- Fresh was the rose's morning red,
- Full-orbed the stately dahlia grew,--
- All gone! their short-lived splendors shed.
- The shadows, lengthening, stretch at noon;
- The fields are stripped, the groves are dumb;
- The frost-flowers greet the icy moon,--
- Then blooms the bright chrysanthemum.
- The stiffening turf is white with snow,
- Yet still its radiant disks are seen
- Where soon the hallowed morn will show
- The wreath and cross of Christmas green;
- As if in autumn's dying days
- It heard the heavenly song afar,
- And opened all its glowing rays,
- The herald lamp of Bethlehem's star.
- Orphan of summer, kindly sent
- To cheer the fading year's decline,
- In all that pitying Heaven has lent
- No fairer pledge of hope than thine.
- Yes! June lies hid beneath the snow,
- And winter's unborn heir shall claim
- For every seed that sleeps below
- A spark that kindles into flame.
- Thy smile the scowl of winter braves
- Last of the bright-robed, flowery train,
- Soft sighing o'er the garden graves,
- "Farewell! farewell! we meet again!"
- So may life's chill November bring
- Hope's golden flower, the last of all,
- Before we hear the angels sing
- Where blossoms never fade and fall!
- 1798
- "HAIL, Columbia! Happy land!
- Hail, ye heroes, heaven-born band,
- Who fought and bled in Freedom's cause,
- Who fought and bled in Freedom's cause,
- And when the storm of war was gone
- Enjoy'd the peace your valor won.
- Let independence be our boast,
- Ever mindful what it cost;
- Ever grateful for the prize,
- Let its altar reach the skies.
- "Firm--united--let us be,
- Rallying round our Liberty;
- As a band of brothers join'd,
- Peace and safety we shall find."
- 1887
- LOOK our ransomed shores around,
- Peace and safety we have found!
- Welcome, friends who once were foes!
- Welcome, friends who once were foes,
- To all the conquering years have gained,--
- A nation's rights, a race unchained!
- Children of the day new-born,
- Mindful of its glorious morn,
- Let the pledge our fathers signed
- Heart to heart forever bind!
- While the stars of heaven shall burn,
- While the ocean tides return,
- Ever may the circling sun
- Find the Many still are One!
- Graven deep with edge of steel,
- Crowned with Victory's crimson seal,
- All the world their names shall read!
- All the world their names shall read,
- Enrolled with his, the Chief that led
- The hosts whose blood for us was shed.
- Pay our sires their children's debt,
- Love and honor, nor forget
- Only Union's golden key
- Guards the Ark of Liberty!
- While the stars of heaven shall burn,
- While the ocean tides return,
- Ever may the circling sun
- Find the Many still are One!
- Hail, Columbia! strong and free,
- Throned in hearts from sea to sea
- Thy march triumphant still pursue!
- Thy march triumphant still pursue
- With peaceful stride from zone to zone,
- Till Freedom finds the world her own.
- Blest in Union's holy ties,
- Let our grateful song arise,
- Every voice its tribute lend,
- All in loving chorus blend!
- While the stars in heaven shall burn,
- While the ocean tides return,
- Ever shall the circling sun
- Find the Many still are One!
- WELCOME, thrice welcome is thy silvery gleam,
- Thou long-imprisoned stream!
- Welcome the tinkle of thy crystal beads
- As plashing raindrops to the flowery meads,
- As summer's breath to Avon's whispering reeds!
- From rock-walled channels, drowned in rayless night,
- Leap forth to life and light;
- Wake from the darkness of thy troubled dream,
- And greet with answering smile the morning's beam!
- No purer lymph the white-limbed Naiad knows
- Than from thy chalice flows;
- Not the bright spring of Afric's sunny shores,
- Starry with spangles washed from golden ores,
- Nor glassy stream Bandusia's fountain pours,
- Nor wave translucent where Sabrina fair
- Braids her loose-flowing hair,
- Nor the swift current, stainless as it rose
- Where chill Arveiron steals from Alpine snows.
- Here shall the traveller stay his weary feet
- To seek thy calm retreat;
- Here at high noon the brown-armed reaper rest;
- Here, when the shadows, lengthening from the west,
- Call the mute song-bird to his leafy nest,
- Matron and maid shall chat the cares away
- That brooded o'er the day,
- While flocking round them troops of children meet,
- And all the arches ring with laughter sweet.
- Here shall the steed, his patient life who spends
- In toil that never ends,
- Hot from his thirsty tramp o'er hill and plain,
- Plunge his red nostrils, while the torturing rein
- Drops in loose loops beside his floating mane;
- Nor the poor brute that shares his master's lot
- Find his small needs forgot,--
- Truest of humble, long-enduring friends,
- Whose presence cheers, whose guardian care
- defends!
- Here lark and thrush and nightingale shall sip,
- And skimming swallows dip,
- And strange shy wanderers fold their lustrous plumes
- Fragrant from bowers that lent their sweet perfumes
- Where Paestum's rose or Persia's lilac blooms;
- Here from his cloud the eagle stoop to drink
- At the full basin's brink,
- And whet his beak against its rounded lip,
- His glossy feathers glistening as they drip.
- Here shall the dreaming poet linger long,
- Far from his listening throng,--
- Nor lute nor lyre his trembling hand shall bring;
- Here no frail Muse shall imp her crippled wing,
- No faltering minstrel strain his throat to sing!
- These hallowed echoes who shall dare to claim
- Whose tuneless voice would shame,
- Whose jangling chords with jarring notes would wrong
- The nymphs that heard the Swan if Avon's song?
- What visions greet the pilgrim's raptured eyes!
- What ghosts made real rise!
- The dead return,--they breathe,--they live again,
- Joined by the host of Fancy's airy train,
- Fresh from the springs of Shakespeare's quickening brain!
- The stream that slakes the soul's diviner thirst
- Here found the sunbeams first;
- Rich with his fame, not less shall memory prize
- The gracious gift that humbler wants supplies.
- O'er the wide waters reached the hand that gave
- To all this bounteous wave,
- With health and strength and joyous beauty fraught;
- Blest be the generous pledge of friendship, brought
- From the far home of brothers' love, unbought!
- Long may fair Avon's fountain flow, enrolled
- With storied shrines of old,
- Castalia's spring, Egeria's dewy cave,
- And Horeb's rock the God of Israel slave!
- Land of our fathers, ocean makes us two,
- But heart to heart is true!
- Proud is your towering daughter in the West,
- Yet in her burning life-blood reign confest
- Her mother's pulses beating in her breast.
- This holy fount, whose rills from heaven descend,
- Its gracious drops shall lend,--
- Both foreheads bathed in that baptismal dew,
- And love make one the old home and the new!
- August 29, 1887.
- WHEN evening's shadowy fingers fold
- The flowers of every hue,
- Some shy, half-opened bud will hold
- Its drop of morning's dew.
- Sweeter with every sunlit hour
- The trembling sphere has grown,
- Till all the fragrance of the flower
- Becomes at last its own.
- We that have sung perchance may find
- Our little meed of praise,
- And round our pallid temples bind
- The wreath of fading bays.
- Ah, Poet, who hast never spent
- Thy breath in idle strains,
- For thee the dewdrop morning lent
- Still in thy heart remains;
- Unwasted, in its perfumed cell
- It waits the evening gale;
- Then to the azure whence it fell
- Its lingering sweets exhale.
- PROUDLY, beneath her glittering dome,
- Our three-hilled city greets the morn;
- Here Freedom found her virgin home,--
- The Bethlehem where her babe was born.
- The lordly roofs of traffic rise
- Amid the smoke of household fires;
- High o'er them in the peaceful skies
- Faith points to heaven her clustering spires.
- Can Freedom breathe if ignorance reign?
- Shall Commerce thrive where anarchs rule?
- Will Faith her half-fledged brood retain
- If darkening counsels cloud the school?
- Let in the light! from every age
- Some gleams of garnered wisdom pour,
- And, fixed on thought's electric page,
- Wait all their radiance to restore.
- Let in the light! in diamond mines
- Their gems invite the hand that delves;
- So learning's treasured jewels shine
- Ranged on the alcove's ordered shelves.
- From history's scroll the splendor streams,
- From science leaps the living ray;
- Flashed from the poet's glowing dreams
- The opal fires of fancy play.
- Let in the light! these windowed walls
- Shall brook no shadowing colonnades,
- But day shall flood the silent halls
- Till o'er yon hills the sunset fades.
- Behind the ever open gate
- No pikes shall fence a crumbling throne,
- No lackeys cringe, no courtiers wait,
- This palace is the people's own!
- Heirs of our narrow-girdled past,
- How fair the prospect we survey,
- Where howled unheard the wintry blast,
- And rolled unchecked the storm-swept bay!
- These chosen precincts, set apart
- For learned toil and holy shrines,
- Yield willing homes to every art
- That trains, or strengthens, or refines.
- Here shall the sceptred mistress reign
- Who heeds her meanest subject's call,
- Sovereign of all their vast domain,
- The queen, the handmaid of them all!
- November 26, 1888.
- AFAR he sleeps whose name is graven here,
- Where loving hearts his early doom deplore;
- Youth, promise, virtue, all that made him dear
- Heaven lent, earth borrowed, sorrowing to restore.
- BOSTON, April 12, 1891.
- 1819-1891
- THOU shouldst have sung the swan-song for the choir
- That filled our groves with music till the day
- Lit the last hilltop with its reddening fire,
- And evening listened for thy lingering lay.
- But thou hast found thy voice in realms afar
- Where strains celestial blend their notes with thine;
- Some cloudless sphere beneath a happier star
- Welcomes the bright-winged spirit we resign.
- How Nature mourns thee in the still retreat
- Where passed in peace thy love-enchanted hours!
- Where shall she find an eye like thine to greet
- Spring's earliest footprints on her opening flowers?
- Have the pale wayside weeds no fond regret
- For him who read the secrets they enfold?
- Shall the proud spangles of the field forget
- The verse that lent new glory to their gold?
- And ye whose carols wooed his infant ear,
- Whose chants with answering woodnotes he repaid,
- Have ye no song his spirit still may hear
- From Elmwood's vaults of overarching shade?
- Friends of his studious hours, who thronged to teach
- The deep-read scholar all your varied lore,
- Shall he no longer seek your shelves to reach
- The treasure missing from his world-wide store?
- This singer whom we long have held so dear
- Was Nature's darling, shapely, strong, and fair;
- Of keenest wit, of judgment crystal-clear,
- Easy of converse, courteous, debonair,
- Fit for the loftiest or the lowliest lot,
- Self-poised, imperial, yet of simplest ways;
- At home alike in castle or in cot,
- True to his aim, let others blame or praise.
- Freedom he found an heirloom from his sires;
- Song, letters, statecraft, shared his years in turn;
- All went to feed the nation's altar-fires
- Whose mourning children wreathe his funeral urn.
- He loved New England,--people, language, soil,
- Unweaned by exile from her arid breast.
- Farewell awhile, white-handed son of toil,
- Go with her brown-armed laborers to thy rest.
- Peace to thy slumber in the forest shade!
- Poet and patriot, every gift was thine;
- Thy name shall live while summers bloom and fade,
- And grateful Memory guard thy leafy shrine!
- ===
- "WHO gave this cup?" The secret thou wouldst steal
- Its brimming flood forbids it to reveal:
- No mortal's eye shall read it till he first
- Cool the red throat of thirst.
- If on the golden floor one draught remain,
- Trust me, thy careful search will be in vain;
- Not till the bowl is emptied shalt thou know
- The names enrolled below.
- Deeper than Truth lies buried in her well
- Those modest names the graven letters spell
- Hide from the sight; but wait, and thou shalt see
- Who the good angels be.
- Whose bounty glistens in the beauteous gift
- That friendly hands to loving lips shall lift
- Turn the fair goblet when its floor is dry,--
- Their names shall meet thine eye.
- Count thou their number on the beads of Heaven
- Alas! the clustered Pleiads are but seven;
- Nay, the nine sister Muses are too few,--
- The Graces must add two.
- "For whom this gift?" For one who all too long
- Clings to his bough among the groves of song;
- Autumn's last leaf, that spreads its faded wing
- To greet a second spring.
- Dear friends, kind friends, whate'er the cup may hold,
- Bathing its burnished depths, will change to gold
- Its last bright drop let thirsty Maenads drain,
- Its fragrance will remain.
- Better love's perfume in the empty bowl
- Than wine's nepenthe for the aching soul;
- Sweeter than song that ever poet sung,
- It makes an old heart young!
- How beauteous is the bond
- In the manifold array
- Of its promises to pay,
- While the eight per cent it gives
- And the rate at which one lives
- Correspond!
- But at last the bough is bare
- Where the coupons one by one
- Through their ripening days have run,
- And the bond, a beggar now,
- Seeks investment anyhow,
- Anywhere!
- IF all the trees in all the woods were men;
- And each and every blade of grass a pen;
- If every leaf on every shrub and tree
- Turned to a sheet of foolscap; every sea
- Were changed to ink, and all earth's living tribes
- Had nothing else to do but act as scribes,
- And for ten thousand ages, day and night,
- The human race should write, and write, and write,
- Till all the pens and paper were used up,
- And the huge inkstand was an empty cup,
- Still would the scribblers clustered round its brink
- Call for more pens, more paper, and more ink.
- LADY, life's sweetest lesson wouldst thou learn,
- Come thou with me to Love's enchanted bower
- High overhead the trellised roses burn;
- Beneath thy feet behold the feathery fern,--
- A leaf without a flower.
- What though the rose leaves fall? They still are sweet,
- And have been lovely in their beauteous prime,
- While the bare frond seems ever to repeat,
- "For us no bud, no blossom, wakes to greet
- The joyous flowering time!"
- Heed thou the lesson. Life has leaves to tread
- And flowers to cherish; summer round thee glows;
- Wait not till autumn's fading robes are shed,
- But while its petals still are burning red
- Gather life's full-blown rose!
- I LIKE YOU Met I LOVE You, face to face;
- The path was narrow, and they could not pass.
- I LIKE YOU smiled; I LOVE YOU cried, Alas!
- And so they halted for a little space.
- "Turn thou and go before," I LOVE YOU said,
- "Down the green pathway, bright with many a flower;
- Deep in the valley, lo! my bridal bower
- Awaits thee." But I LIKE YOU shook his head.
- Then while they lingered on the span-wide shelf
- That shaped a pathway round the rocky ledge,
- I LIKE You bared his icy dagger's edge,
- And first he slew I LOVE You,--then himself.
- FROM this fair home behold on either side
- The restful mountains or the restless sea
- So the warm sheltering walls of life divide
- Time and its tides from still eternity.
- Look on the waves: their stormy voices teach
- That not on earth may toil and struggle cease.
- Look on the mountains: better far than speech
- Their silent promise of eternal peace.
- Too young for love?
- Ah, say not so!
- Tell reddening rose-buds not to blow
- Wait not for spring to pass away,--
- Love's summer months begin with May!
- Too young for love?
- Ah, say not so!
- Too young? Too young?
- Ah, no! no! no!
- Too young for love?
- Ah, say not so,
- To practise all love learned in May.
- June soon will come with lengthened day
- While daisies bloom and tulips glow!
- Too young for love?
- Ah, say not so!
- Too young? Too young?
- Ah, no! no! no!
- LOOK out! Look out, boys! Clear the track!
- The witches are here! They've all come back!
- They hanged them high,--No use! No use!
- What cares a witch for a hangman's noose?
- They buried them deep, but they wouldn't lie still,
- For cats and witches are hard to kill;
- They swore they shouldn't and wouldn't die,--
- Books said they did, but they lie! they lie!
- A couple of hundred years, or so,
- They had knocked about in the world below,
- When an Essex Deacon dropped in to call,
- And a homesick feeling seized them all;
- For he came from a place they knew full well,
- And many a tale he had to tell.
- They longed to visit the haunts of men,
- To see the old dwellings they knew again,
- And ride on their broomsticks all around
- Their wide domain of unhallowed ground.
- In Essex county there's many a roof
- Well known to him of the cloven hoof;
- The small square windows are full in view
- Which the midnight hags went sailing through,
- On their well-trained broomsticks mounted high,
- Seen like shadows against the sky;
- Crossing the track of owls and bats,
- Hugging before them their coal-black cats.
- Well did they know, those gray old wives,
- The sights we see in our daily drives
- Shimmer of lake and shine of sea,
- Browne's bare hill with its lonely tree,
- (It was n't then as we see it now,
- With one scant scalp-lock to shade its brow;)
- Dusky nooks in the Essex woods,
- Dark, dim, Dante-like solitudes,
- Where the tree-toad watches the sinuous snake
- Glide through his forests of fern and brake;
- Ipswich River; its old stone bridge;
- Far off Andover's Indian Ridge,
- And many a scene where history tells
- Some shadow of bygone terror dwells,--
- Of "Norman's Woe" with its tale of dread,
- Of the Screeching Woman of Marblehead,
- (The fearful story that turns men pale
- Don't bid me tell it,--my speech would fail.)
- Who would not, will not, if he can,
- Bathe in the breezes of fair Cape Ann,--
- Rest in the bowers her bays enfold,
- Loved by the sachems and squaws of old?
- Home where the white magnolias bloom,
- Sweet with the bayberry's chaste perfume,
- Hugged by the woods and kissed by the sea!
- Where is the Eden like to thee?
- For that "couple of hundred years, or so,"
- There had been no peace in the world below;
- The witches still grumbling, "It is n't fair;
- Come, give us a taste of the upper air!
- We 've had enough of your sulphur springs,
- And the evil odor that round them clings;
- We long for a drink that is cool and nice,--
- Great buckets of water with Wenham ice;
- We've served you well up-stairs, you know;
- You 're a good old--fellow--come, let us go!"
- I don't feel sure of his being good,
- But he happened to be in a pleasant mood,--
- As fiends with their skins full sometimes are,--
- (He'd been drinking with "roughs" at a Boston bar.)
- So what does he do but up and shout
- To a graybeard turnkey, "Let 'em out!"
- To mind his orders was all he knew;
- The gates swung open, and out they flew.
- "Where are our broomsticks?" the beldams cried.
- "Here are your broomsticks," an imp replied.
- "They 've been in--the place you know--so long
- They smell of brimstone uncommon strong;
- But they've gained by being left alone,--
- Just look, and you'll see how tall they've grown."
- "And where is my cat?" a vixen squalled.
- "Yes, where are our cats?" the witches bawled,
- And began to call them all by name
- As fast as they called the cats, they came
- There was bob-tailed Tommy and long-tailed Tim,
- And wall-eyed Jacky and green-eyed Jim,
- And splay-foot Benny and slim-legged Beau,
- And Skinny and Squally, and Jerry and Joe,
- And many another that came at call,--
- It would take too long to count them all.
- All black,--one could hardly tell which was which,
- But every cat knew his own old witch;
- And she knew hers as hers knew her,--
- Ah, didn't they curl their tails and purr!
- No sooner the withered hags were free
- Than out they swarmed for a midnight spree;
- I couldn't tell all they did in rhymes,
- But the Essex people had dreadful times.
- The Swampscott fishermen still relate
- How a strange sea-monster stole their bait;
- How their nets were tangled in loops and knots,
- And they found dead crabs in their lobster-pots.
- Poor Danvers grieved for her blasted crops,
- And Wilmington mourned over mildewed hops.
- A blight played havoc with Beverly beans,--
- It was all the work of those hateful queans!
- A dreadful panic began at "Pride's,"
- Where the witches stopped in their midnight rides,
- And there rose strange rumors and vague alarms
- 'Mid the peaceful dwellers at Beverly Farms.
- Now when the Boss of the Beldams found
- That without his leave they were ramping round,
- He called,--they could hear him twenty miles,
- From Chelsea beach to the Misery Isles;
- The deafest old granny knew his tone
- Without the trick of the telephone.
- "Come here, you witches! Come here!" says he,--
- "At your games of old, without asking me!
- I'll give you a little job to do
- That will keep you stirring, you godless crew!"
- They came, of course, at their master's call,
- The witches, the broomsticks, the cats, and all;
- He led the hags to a railway train
- The horses were trying to drag in vain.
- "Now, then," says he, "you've had your fun,
- And here are the cars you've got to run.
- The driver may just unhitch his team,
- We don't want horses, we don't want steam;
- You may keep your old black cats to hug,
- But the loaded train you've got to lug."
- Since then on many a car you 'll see
- A broomstick plain as plain can be;
- On every stick there's a witch astride,--
- The string you see to her leg is tied.
- She will do a mischief if she can,
- But the string is held by a careful man,
- And whenever the evil-minded witch
- Would cut some caper, he gives a twitch.
- As for the hag, you can't see her,
- But hark! you can hear her black cat's purr,
- And now and then, as a car goes by,
- You may catch a gleam from her wicked eye.
- Often you've looked on a rushing train,
- But just what moved it was not so plain.
- It couldn't be those wires above,
- For they could neither pull nor shove;
- Where was the motor that made it go
- You couldn't guess, but now you know.
- Remember my rhymes when you ride again
- On the rattling rail by the broomstick train!
- WHILE in my simple gospel creed
- That "God is Love" so plain I read,
- Shall dreams of heathen birth affright
- My pathway through the coming night?
- Ah, Lord of life, though spectres pale
- Fill with their threats the shadowy vale,
- With Thee my faltering steps to aid,
- How can I dare to be afraid?
- Shall mouldering page or fading scroll
- Outface the charter of the soul?
- Shall priesthood's palsied arm protect
- The wrong our human hearts reject,
- And smite the lips whose shuddering cry
- Proclaims a cruel creed a lie?
- The wizard's rope we disallow
- Was justice once,--is murder now!
- Is there a world of blank despair,
- And dwells the Omnipresent there?
- Does He behold with smile serene
- The shows of that unending scene,
- Where sleepless, hopeless anguish lies,
- And, ever dying, never dies?
- Say, does He hear the sufferer's groan,
- And is that child of wrath his own?
- O mortal, wavering in thy trust,
- Lift thy pale forehead from the dust!
- The mists that cloud thy darkened eyes
- Fade ere they reach the o'erarching skies
- When the blind heralds of despair
- Would bid thee doubt a Father's care,
- Look up from earth, and read above
- On heaven's blue tablet, GOD IS LOVE!
- THE glory has passed from the goldenrod's plume,
- The purple-hued asters still linger in bloom
- The birch is bright yellow, the sumachs are red,
- The maples like torches aflame overhead.
- But what if the joy of the summer is past,
- And winter's wild herald is blowing his blast?
- For me dull November is sweeter than May,
- For my love is its sunshine,--she meets me to-day!
- Will she come? Will the ring-dove return to her nest?
- Will the needle swing back from the east or the west?
- At the stroke of the hour she will be at her gate;
- A friend may prove laggard,--love never comes late.
- Do I see her afar in the distance? Not yet.
- Too early! Too early! She could not forget!
- When I cross the old bridge where the brook overflowed,
- She will flash full in sight at the turn of the road.
- I pass the low wall where the ivy entwines;
- I tread the brown pathway that leads through the pines;
- I haste by the boulder that lies in the field,
- Where her promise at parting was lovingly sealed.
- Will she come by the hillside or round through the wood?
- Will she wear her brown dress or her mantle and hood?
- The minute draws near,--but her watch may go wrong;
- My heart will be asking, What keeps her so long?
- Why doubt for a moment? More shame if I do!
- Why question? Why tremble? Are angels more true?
- She would come to the lover who calls her his own
- Though she trod in the track of a whirling cyclone!
- I crossed the old bridge ere the minute had passed.
- I looked: lo! my Love stood before me at last.
- Her eyes, how they sparkled, her cheeks, how they glowed,
- As we met, face to face, at the turn of the road!
- VEX not the Muse with idle prayers,--
- She will not hear thy call;
- She steals upon thee unawares,
- Or seeks thee not at all.
- Soft as the moonbeams when they sought
- Endymion's fragrant bower,
- She parts the whispering leaves of thought
- To show her full-blown flower.
- For thee her wooing hour has passed,
- The singing birds have flown,
- And winter comes with icy blast
- To chill thy buds unblown.
- Yet, though the woods no longer thrill
- As once their arches rung,
- Sweet echoes hover round thee still
- Of songs thy summer sung.
- Live in thy past; await no more
- The rush of heaven-sent wings;
- Earth still has music left in store
- While Memory sighs and sings.
- You know "The Teacups," that congenial set
- Which round the Teapot you have often met;
- The grave DICTATOR, him you knew of old,--
- Knew as the shepherd of another fold
- Grayer he looks, less youthful, but the same
- As when you called him by a different name.
- Near him the MISTRESS, whose experienced skill
- Has taught her duly every cup to fill;
- "Weak;" "strong;" "cool;" "lukewarm;" "hot as you can pour;"
- "No sweetening;" "sugared;" "two lumps;" "one lump more."
- Next, the PROFESSOR, whose scholastic phrase
- At every turn the teacher's tongue betrays,
- Trying so hard to make his speech precise
- The captious listener finds it overnice.
- Nor be forgotten our ANNEXES twain,
- Nor HE, the owner of the squinting brain,
- Which, while its curious fancies we pursue,
- Oft makes us question, "Are we crack-brained too?"
- Along the board our growing list extends,
- As one by one we count our clustering friends,--
- The youthful DOCTOR waiting for his share
- Of fits and fevers when his crown gets bare;
- In strong, dark lines our square-nibbed pen should draw
- The lordly presence of the MAN OF LAW;
- Our bashful TUTOR claims a humbler place,
- A lighter touch, his slender form to trace.
- Mark the fair lady he is seated by,--
- Some say he is her lover,--some deny,--
- Watch them together,--time alone can show
- If dead-ripe friendship turns to love or no.
- Where in my list of phrases shall I seek
- The fitting words of NUMBER FIVE to speak?
- Such task demands a readier pen than mine,--
- What if I steal the Tutor's Valentine?
- Why should I call her gracious, winning, fair?
- Why with the loveliest of her sex compare?
- Those varied charms have many a Muse inspired,--
- At last their worn superlatives have tired;
- Wit, beauty, sweetness, each alluring grace,
- All these in honeyed verse have found their place;
- I need them not,--two little words I find
- Which hold them all in happiest form combined;
- No more with baffled language will I strive,--
- All in one breath I utter: Number Five!
- Now count our teaspoons--if you care to learn
- How many tinkling cups were served in turn,--
- Add all together, you will find them ten,--
- Our young MUSICIAN joined us now and then.
- Our bright DELILAH you must needs recall,
- The comely handmaid, youngest of us all;
- Need I remind you how the little maid
- Came at a pinch to our Professor's aid,--
- Trimmed his long locks with unrelenting shears
- And eased his looks of half a score of years?
- Sometimes, at table, as you well must know,
- The stream of talk will all at once run low,
- The air seems smitten with a sudden chill,
- The wit grows silent and the gossip still;
- This was our poet's chance, the hour of need,
- When rhymes and stories we were used to read.
- One day a whisper round the teacups stole,--
- "No scrap of paper in the silver bowl!"
- (Our "poet's corner" may I not expect
- My kindly reader still may recollect?)
- "What! not a line to keep our souls alive?"
- Spoke in her silvery accents Number Five.
- "No matter, something we must find to read,--
- Find it or make it,--yes, we must indeed!
- Now I remember I have seen at times
- Some curious stories in a book of rhymes,--
- How certain secrets, long in silence sealed,
- In after days were guessed at or revealed.
- Those stories, doubtless, some of you must know,--
- They all were written many a year ago;
- But an old story, be it false or true,
- Twice told, well told, is twice as good as new;
- Wait but three sips and I will go myself,
- And fetch the book of verses from its shelf."
- No time was lost in finding what she sought,--
- Gone but one moment,--lo! the book is brought.
- "Now, then, Professor, fortune has decreed
- That you, this evening, shall be first to read,--
- Lucky for us that listen, for in fact
- Who reads this poem must know how to _act_."
- Right well she knew that in his greener age
- He had a mighty hankering for the stage.
- The patient audience had not long to wait;
- Pleased with his chance, he smiled and took the bait;
- Through his wild hair his coaxing fingers ran,--
- He spread the page before him and began.
- THE Banker's dinner is the stateliest feast
- The town has heard of for a year, at least;
- The sparry lustres shed their broadest blaze,
- Damask and silver catch and spread the rays;
- The florist's triumphs crown the daintier spoil
- Won from the sea, the forest, or the soil;
- The steaming hot-house yields its largest pines,
- The sunless vaults unearth their oldest wines;
- With one admiring look the scene survey,
- And turn a moment from the bright display.
- Of all the joys of earthly pride or power,
- What gives most life, worth living, in an hour?
- When Victory settles on the doubtful fight
- And the last foeman wheels in panting flight,
- No thrill like this is felt beneath the sun;
- Life's sovereign moment is a battle won.
- But say what next? To shape a Senate's choice,
- By the strong magic of the master's voice;
- To ride the stormy tempest of debate
- That whirls the wavering fortunes of the state.
- Third in the list, the happy lover's prize
- Is won by honeyed words from women's eyes.
- If some would have it first instead of third,
- So let it be,--I answer not a word.
- The fourth,--sweet readers, let the thoughtless half
- Have its small shrug and inoffensive laugh;
- Let the grave quarter wear its virtuous frown,
- The stern half-quarter try to scowl us down;
- But the last eighth, the choice and sifted few,
- Will hear my words, and, pleased, confess them true.
- Among the great whom Heaven has made to shine,
- How few have learned the art of arts,--to dine!
- Nature, indulgent to our daily need,
- Kind-hearted mother! taught us all to feed;
- But the chief art,--how rarely Nature flings
- This choicest gift among her social kings
- Say, man of truth, has life a brighter hour
- Than waits the chosen guest who knows his power?
- He moves with ease, itself an angel charm,--
- Lifts with light touch my lady's jewelled arm,
- Slides to his seat, half leading and half led,
- Smiling but quiet till the grace is said,
- Then gently kindles, while by slow degrees
- Creep softly out the little arts that please;
- Bright looks, the cheerful language of the eye,
- The neat, crisp question and the gay reply,--
- Talk light and airy, such as well may pass
- Between the rested fork and lifted glass;--
- With play like this the earlier evening flies,
- Till rustling silks proclaim the ladies rise.
- His hour has come,--he looks along the chairs,
- As the Great Duke surveyed his iron squares.
- That's the young traveller,--is n't much to show,--
- Fast on the road, but at the table slow.
- Next him,--you see the author in his look,--
- His forehead lined with wrinkles like a book,--
- Wrote the great history of the ancient Huns,--
- Holds back to fire among the heavy guns.
- Oh, there's our poet seated at his side,
- Beloved of ladies, soft, cerulean-eyed.
- Poets are prosy in their common talk,
- As the fast trotters, for the most part, walk.
- And there's our well-dressed gentleman, who sits,
- By right divine, no doubt, among the wits,
- Who airs his tailor's patterns when he walks,
- The man that often speaks, but never talks.
- Why should he talk, whose presence lends a grace
- To every table where he shows his face?
- He knows the manual of the silver fork,
- Can name his claret--if he sees the cork,--
- Remark that "White-top" was considered fine,
- But swear the "Juno" is the better wine;--
- Is not this talking? Ask Quintilian's rules;
- If they say No, the town has many fools.
- Pause for a moment,--for our eyes behold
- The plain unsceptred king, the man of gold,
- The thrice illustrious threefold millionnaire;
- Mark his slow-creeping, dead, metallic stare;
- His eyes, dull glimmering, like the balance-pan
- That weighs its guinea as he weighs his man.
- Who's next? An artist in a satin tie
- Whose ample folds defeat the curious eye.
- And there 's the cousin,--must be asked, you know,--
- Looks like a spinster at a baby-show.
- Hope he is cool,--they set him next the door,--
- And likes his place, between the gap and bore.
- Next comes a Congressman, distinguished guest
- We don't count him,--they asked him with the rest;
- And then some white cravats, with well-shaped ties,
- And heads above them which their owners prize.
- Of all that cluster round the genial board,
- Not one so radiant as the banquet's lord.
- Some say they fancy, but they know not why,
- A shade of trouble brooding in his eye,
- Nothing, perhaps,--the rooms are overhot,--
- Yet see his cheek,--the dull-red burning spot,--
- Taste the brown sherry which he does not pass,--
- Ha! That is brandy; see him fill his glass!
- But not forgetful of his feasting friends,
- To each in turn some lively word he sends;
- See how he throws his baited lines about,
- And plays his men as anglers play their trout.
- A question drops among the listening crew
- And hits the traveller, pat on Timbuctoo.
- We're on the Niger, somewhere near its source,--
- Not the least hurry, take the river's course
- Through Kissi, Foota, Kankan, Bammakoo,
- Bambarra, Sego, so to Timbuctoo,
- Thence down to Youri;--stop him if we can,
- We can't fare worse,--wake up the Congressman!
- The Congressman, once on his talking legs,
- Stirs up his knowledge to its thickest dregs;
- Tremendous draught for dining men to quaff!
- Nothing will choke him but a purpling laugh.
- A word,--a shout,--a mighty roar,--'t is done;
- Extinguished; lassoed by a treacherous pun.
- A laugh is priming to the loaded soul;
- The scattering shots become a steady roll,
- Broke by sharp cracks that run along the line,
- The light artillery of the talker's wine.
- The kindling goblets flame with golden dews,
- The hoarded flasks their tawny fire diffuse,
- And the Rhine's breast-milk gushes cold and bright,
- Pale as the moon and maddening as her light;
- With crimson juice the thirsty southern sky
- Sucks from the hills where buried armies lie,
- So that the dreamy passion it imparts
- Is drawn from heroes' bones and lovers' hearts.
- But lulls will come; the flashing soul transmits
- Its gleams of light in alternating fits.
- The shower of talk that rattled down amain
- Ends in small patterings like an April's rain;
- With the dry sticks all bonfires are begun;
- Bring the first fagot, proser number one
- The voices halt; the game is at a stand;
- Now for a solo from the master-hand
- 'T is but a story,--quite a simple thing,--
- An aria touched upon a single string,
- But every accent comes with such a grace
- The stupid servants listen in their place,
- Each with his waiter in his lifted hands,
- Still as a well-bred pointer when he stands.
- A query checks him: "Is he quite exact?"
- (This from a grizzled, square-jawed man of fact.)
- The sparkling story leaves him to his fate,
- Crushed by a witness, smothered with a date,
- As a swift river, sown with many a star,
- Runs brighter, rippling on a shallow bar.
- The smooth divine suggests a graver doubt;
- A neat quotation bowls the parson out;
- Then, sliding gayly from his own display,
- He laughs the learned dulness all away.
- So, with the merry tale and jovial song,
- The jocund evening whirls itself along,
- Till the last chorus shrieks its loud encore,
- And the white neckcloths vanish through the door.
- One savage word!--The menials know its tone,
- And slink away; the master stands alone.
- "Well played, by ---"; breathe not what were best unheard;
- His goblet shivers while he speaks the word,--
- "If wine tells truth,--and so have said the wise,--
- It makes me laugh to think how brandy lies!
- Bankrupt to-morrow,--millionnaire to-day,--
- The farce is over,--now begins the play!"
- The spring he touches lets a panel glide;
- An iron closet harks beneath the slide,
- Bright with such treasures as a search might bring
- From the deep pockets of a truant king.
- Two diamonds, eyeballs of a god of bronze,
- Bought from his faithful priest, a pious bonze;
- A string of brilliants; rubies, three or four;
- Bags of old coin and bars of virgin ore;
- A jewelled poniard and a Turkish knife,
- Noiseless and useful if we come to strife.
- Gone! As a pirate flies before the wind,
- And not one tear for all he leaves behind
- From all the love his better years have known
- Fled like a felon,--ah! but not alone!
- The chariot flashes through a lantern's glare,--
- Oh the wild eyes! the storm of sable hair!
- Still to his side the broken heart will cling,--
- The bride of shame, the wife without the ring
- Hark, the deep oath,--the wail of frenzied woe,--
- Lost! lost to hope of Heaven and peace below!
- He kept his secret; but the seed of crime
- Bursts of itself in God's appointed time.
- The lives he wrecked were scattered far and wide;
- One never blamed nor wept,--she only died.
- None knew his lot, though idle tongues would say
- He sought a lonely refuge far away,
- And there, with borrowed name and altered mien,
- He died unheeded, as he lived unseen.
- The moral market had the usual chills
- Of Virtue suffering from protested bills;
- The White Cravats, to friendship's memory true,
- Sighed for the past, surveyed the future too;
- Their sorrow breathed in one expressive line,--
- "Gave pleasant dinners; who has got his wine?"
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- The reader paused,--the Teacups knew his ways,--
- He, like the rest, was not averse to praise.
- Voices and hands united; every one
- Joined in approval: "Number Three, well done!"
- "Now for the Exile's story; if my wits
- Are not at fault, his curious record fits
- Neatly as sequel to the tale we've heard;
- Not wholly wild the fancy, nor absurd
- That this our island hermit well might be
- That story's hero, fled from over sea.
- Come, Number Seven, we would not have you strain
- The fertile powers of that inventive brain.
- Read us 'The Exile's Secret'; there's enough
- Of dream-like fiction and fantastic stuff
- In the strange web of mystery that invests
- The lonely isle where sea birds build their nests."
- "Lies! naught but lies!" so Number Seven began,--
- No harm was known of that secluded man.
- He lived alone,--who would n't if he might,
- And leave the rogues and idiots out of sight?
- A foolish story,--still, I'll do my best,--
- The house was real,--don't believe the rest.
- How could a ruined dwelling last so long
- Without its legends shaped in tale and song?
- Who was this man of whom they tell the lies?
- Perhaps--why not?--NAPOLEON! in disguise,--
- So some said, kidnapped from his ocean coop,
- Brought to this island in a coasting sloop,--
- Meanwhile a sham Napoleon in his place
- Played Nap. and saved Sir Hudson from disgrace.
- Such was one story; others used to say,
- "No,--not Napoleon,--it was Marshal Ney."
- "Shot?" Yes, no doubt, but not with balls of lead,
- But balls of pith that never shoot folks dead.
- He wandered round, lived South for many a year,
- At last came North and fixed his dwelling here.
- Choose which you will of all the tales that pile
- Their mingling fables on the tree-crowned isle.
- Who wrote this modest version I suppose
- That truthful Teacup, our Dictator, knows;
- Made up of various legends, it would seem,
- The sailor's yarn, the crazy poet's dream.
- Such tales as this, by simple souls received,
- At first are stared at and at last believed;
- From threads like this the grave historians try
- To weave their webs, and never know they lie.
- Hear, then, the fables that have gathered round
- The lonely home an exiled stranger found.
- YE that have faced the billows and the spray
- Of good St. Botolph's island-studded bay,
- As from the gliding bark your eye has scanned
- The beaconed rocks, the wave-girt hills of sand,
- Have ye not marked one elm-o'ershadowed isle,
- Round as the dimple chased in beauty's smile,--
- A stain of verdure on an azure field,
- Set like a jewel in a battered shield?
- Fixed in the narrow gorge of Ocean's path,
- Peaceful it meets him in his hour of wrath;
- When the mailed Titan, scourged by hissing gales,
- Writhes in his glistening coat of clashing scales,
- The storm-beat island spreads its tranquil green,
- Calm as an emerald on an angry queen.
- So fair when distant should be fairer near;
- A boat shall waft us from the outstretched pier.
- The breeze blows fresh; we reach the island's edge,
- Our shallop rustling through the yielding sedge.
- No welcome greets us on the desert isle;
- Those elms, far-shadowing, hide no stately pile
- Yet these green ridges mark an ancient road;
- And to! the traces of a fair abode;
- The long gray line that marks a garden-wall,
- And heaps of fallen beams,--fire-branded all.
- Who sees unmoved, a ruin at his feet,
- The lowliest home where human hearts have beat?
- Its hearthstone, shaded with the bistre stain
- A century's showery torrents wash in vain;
- Its starving orchard, where the thistle blows
- And mossy trunks still mark the broken rows;
- Its chimney-loving poplar, oftenest seen
- Next an old roof, or where a roof has been;
- Its knot-grass, plantain,--all the social weeds,
- Man's mute companions, following where he leads;
- Its dwarfed, pale flowers, that show their straggling heads,
- Sown by the wind from grass-choked garden-beds;
- Its woodbine, creeping where it used to climb;
- Its roses, breathing of the olden time;
- All the poor shows the curious idler sees,
- As life's thin shadows waste by slow degrees,
- Till naught remains, the saddening tale to tell,
- Save home's last wrecks,--the cellar and the well?
- And whose the home that strews in black decay
- The one green-glowing island of the bay?
- Some dark-browed pirate's, jealous of the fate
- That seized the strangled wretch of "Nix's Mate"?
- Some forger's, skulking in a borrowed name,
- Whom Tyburn's dangling halter yet may claim?
- Some wan-eyed exile's, wealth and sorrow's heir,
- Who sought a lone retreat for tears and prayer?
- Some brooding poet's, sure of deathless fame,
- Had not his epic perished in the flame?
- Or some gray wooer's, whom a girlish frown
- Chased from his solid friends and sober town?
- Or some plain tradesman's, fond of shade and ease,
- Who sought them both beneath these quiet trees?
- Why question mutes no question can unlock,
- Dumb as the legend on the Dighton rock?
- One thing at least these ruined heaps declare,--
- They were a shelter once; a man lived there.
- But where the charred and crumbling records fail,
- Some breathing lips may piece the half-told tale;
- No man may live with neighbors such as these,
- Though girt with walls of rock and angry seas,
- And shield his home, his children, or his wife,
- His ways, his means, his vote, his creed, his life,
- From the dread sovereignty of Ears and Eyes
- And the small member that beneath them lies.
- They told strange things of that mysterious man;
- Believe who will, deny them such as can;
- Why should we fret if every passing sail
- Had its old seaman talking on the rail?
- The deep-sunk schooner stuffed with Eastern lime,
- Slow wedging on, as if the waves were slime;
- The knife-edged clipper with her ruffled spars,
- The pawing steamer with her inane of stars,
- The bull-browed galliot butting through the stream,
- The wide-sailed yacht that slipped along her beam,
- The deck-piled sloops, the pinched chebacco-boats,
- The frigate, black with thunder-freighted throats,
- All had their talk about the lonely man;
- And thus, in varying phrase, the story ran.
- His name had cost him little care to seek,
- Plain, honest, brief, a decent name to speak,
- Common, not vulgar, just the kind that slips
- With least suggestion from a stranger's lips.
- His birthplace England, as his speech might show,
- Or his hale cheek, that wore the red-streak's glow;
- His mouth sharp-moulded; in its mirth or scorn
- There came a flash as from the milky corn,
- When from the ear you rip the rustling sheath,
- And the white ridges show their even teeth.
- His stature moderate, but his strength confessed,
- In spite of broadcloth, by his ample breast;
- Full-armed, thick-handed; one that had been strong,
- And might be dangerous still, if things went wrong.
- He lived at ease beneath his elm-trees' shade,
- Did naught for gain, yet all his debts were paid;
- Rich, so 't was thought, but careful of his store;
- Had all he needed, claimed to have no more.
- But some that lingered round the isle at night
- Spoke of strange stealthy doings in their sight;
- Of creeping lonely visits that he made
- To nooks and corners, with a torch and spade.
- Some said they saw the hollow of a cave;
- One, given to fables, swore it was a grave;
- Whereat some shuddered, others boldly cried,
- Those prowling boatmen lied, and knew they lied.
- They said his house was framed with curious cares,
- Lest some old friend might enter unawares;
- That on the platform at his chamber's door
- Hinged a loose square that opened through the floor;
- Touch the black silken tassel next the bell,
- Down, with a crash, the flapping trap-door fell;
- Three stories deep the falling wretch would strike,
- To writhe at leisure on a boarder's pike.
- By day armed always; double-armed at night,
- His tools lay round him; wake him such as might.
- A carbine hung beside his India fan,
- His hand could reach a Turkish ataghan;
- Pistols, with quaint-carved stocks and barrels gilt,
- Crossed a long dagger with a jewelled hilt;
- A slashing cutlass stretched along the bed;--
- All this was what those lying boatmen said.
- Then some were full of wondrous stories told
- Of great oak chests and cupboards full of gold;
- Of the wedged ingots and the silver bars
- That cost old pirates ugly sabre-scars;
- How his laced wallet often would disgorge
- The fresh-faced guinea of an English George,
- Or sweated ducat, palmed by Jews of yore,
- Or double Joe, or Portuguese moidore;
- And how his finger wore a rubied ring
- Fit for the white-necked play-girl of a king.
- But these fine legends, told with staring eyes,
- Met with small credence from the old and wise.
- Why tell each idle guess, each whisper vain?
- Enough: the scorched and cindered beams remain.
- He came, a silent pilgrim to the West,
- Some old-world mystery throbbing in his breast;
- Close to the thronging mart he dwelt alone;
- He lived; he died. The rest is all unknown.
- Stranger, whose eyes the shadowy isle survey,
- As the black steamer dashes through the bay,
- Why ask his buried secret to divine?
- He was thy brother; speak, and tell us thine!
- . . . . . . . . . . .
- Silence at first, a kind of spell-bound pause;
- Then all the Teacups tinkled their applause;
- When that was hushed no sound the stillness broke
- Till once again the soft-voiced lady spoke:
- "The Lover's Secret,--surely that must need
- The youngest voice our table holds to read.
- Which of our two 'Annexes' shall we choose?
- Either were charming, neither will refuse;
- But choose we must,--what better can we do
- Than take the younger of the youthful two?"
- True to the primal instinct of her sex,
- "Why, that means me," half whispered each Annex.
- "What if it does?" the voiceless question came,
- That set those pale New England cheeks aflame;
- "Our old-world scholar may have ways to teach
- Of Oxford English, Britain's purest speech,--
- She shall be youngest,--youngest for _to-day_,--
- Our dates we'll fix hereafter as we may;
- _All rights reserved_,--the words we know so well,
- That guard the claims of books which never sell."
- The British maiden bowed a pleased assent,
- Her two long ringlets swinging as she bent;
- The glistening eyes her eager soul looked through
- Betrayed her lineage in their Saxon blue.
- Backward she flung each too obtrusive curl
- And thus began,--the rose-lipped English girl.
- WHAT ailed young Lucius? Art had vainly tried
- To guess his ill, and found herself defied.
- The Augur plied his legendary skill;
- Useless; the fair young Roman languished still.
- His chariot took him every cloudless day
- Along the Pincian Hill or Appian Way;
- They rubbed his wasted limbs with sulphurous oil,
- Oozed from the far-off Orient's heated soil;
- They led him tottering down the steamy path
- Where bubbling fountains filled the thermal bath;
- Borne in his litter to Egeria's cave,
- They washed him, shivering, in her icy wave.
- They sought all curious herbs and costly stones,
- They scraped the moss that grew on dead men's bones,
- They tried all cures the votive tablets taught,
- Scoured every place whence healing drugs were brought,
- O'er Thracian hills his breathless couriers ran,
- His slaves waylaid the Syrian caravan.
- At last a servant heard a stranger speak
- A new chirurgeon's name; a clever Greek,
- Skilled in his art; from Pergamus he came
- To Rome but lately; GALEN was the name.
- The Greek was called: a man with piercing eyes,
- Who must be cunning, and who might be wise.
- He spoke but little,--if they pleased, he said,
- He 'd wait awhile beside the sufferer's bed.
- So by his side he sat, serene and calm,
- His very accents soft as healing balm;
- Not curious seemed, but every movement spied,
- His sharp eyes searching where they seemed to glide;
- Asked a few questions,--what he felt, and where?
- "A pain just here," "A constant beating there."
- Who ordered bathing for his aches and ails?
- "Charmis, the water-doctor from Marseilles."
- What was the last prescription in his case?
- "A draught of wine with powdered chrysoprase."
- Had he no secret grief he nursed alone?
- A pause; a little tremor; answer,--"None."
- Thoughtful, a moment, sat the cunning leech,
- And muttered "Eros!" in his native speech.
- In the broad atrium various friends await
- The last new utterance from the lips of fate;
- Men, matrons, maids, they talk the question o'er,
- And, restless, pace the tessellated floor.
- Not unobserved the youth so long had pined
- By gentle-hearted dames and damsels kind;
- One with the rest, a rich Patrician's pride,
- The lady Hermia, called "the golden-eyed";
- The same the old Proconsul fain must woo,
- Whom, one dark night, a masked sicarius slew;
- The same black Crassus over roughly pressed
- To hear his suit,--the Tiber knows the rest.
- (Crassus was missed next morning by his set;
- Next week the fishers found him in their net.)
- She with the others paced the ample hall,
- Fairest, alas! and saddest of them all.
- At length the Greek declared, with puzzled face,
- Some strange enchantment mingled in the case,
- And naught would serve to act as counter-charm
- Save a warm bracelet from a maiden's arm.
- Not every maiden's,--many might be tried;
- Which not in vain, experience must decide.
- Were there no damsels willing to attend
- And do such service for a suffering friend?
- The message passed among the waiting crowd,
- First in a whisper, then proclaimed aloud.
- Some wore no jewels; some were disinclined,
- For reasons better guessed at than defined;
- Though all were saints,--at least professed to be,--
- The list all counted, there were named but three.
- The leech, still seated by the patient's side,
- Held his thin wrist, and watched him, eagle-eyed.
- Aurelia first, a fair-haired Tuscan girl,
- Slipped off her golden asp, with eyes of pearl.
- His solemn head the grave physician shook;
- The waxen features thanked her with a look.
- Olympia next, a creature half divine,
- Sprung from the blood of old Evander's line,
- Held her white arm, that wore a twisted chain
- Clasped with an opal-sheeny cymophane.
- In vain, O daughter I said the baffled Greek.
- The patient sighed the thanks he could not speak.
- Last, Hermia entered; look, that sudden start!
- The pallium heaves above his leaping heart;
- The beating pulse, the cheek's rekindled flame,
- Those quivering lips, the secret all proclaim.
- The deep disease long throbbing in the breast,
- The dread enchantment, all at once confessed!
- The case was plain; the treatment was begun;
- And Love soon cured the mischief he had done.
- Young Love, too oft thy treacherous bandage slips
- Down from the eyes it blinded to the lips!
- Ask not the Gods, O youth, for clearer sight,
- But the bold heart to plead thy cause aright.
- And thou, fair maiden, when thy lovers sigh,
- Suspect thy flattering ear, but trust thine eye;
- And learn this secret from the tale of old
- No love so true as love that dies untold.
- . . . . . . . . . .
- "Bravo, Annex!" they shouted, every one,--
- "Not Mrs. Kemble's self had better done."
- "Quite so," she stammered in her awkward way,--
- Not just the thing, but something she must say.
- The teaspoon chorus tinkled to its close
- When from his chair the MAN OF LAW arose,
- Called by her voice whose mandate all obeyed,
- And took the open volume she displayed.
- Tall, stately, strong, his form begins to own
- Some slight exuberance in its central zone,--
- That comely fulness of the growing girth
- Which fifty summers lend the sons of earth.
- A smooth, round disk about whose margin stray,
- Above the temples, glistening threads of gray;
- Strong, deep-cut grooves by toilsome decades wrought
- On brow and mouth, the battle-fields of thought;
- A voice that lingers in the listener's ear,
- Grave, calm, far-reaching, every accent clear,--
- (Those tones resistless many a foreman knew
- That shaped their verdict ere the twelve withdrew;)
- A statesman's forehead, athlete's throat and jaw,
- Such the proud semblance of the Man of Law.
- His eye just lighted on the printed leaf,
- Held as a practised pleader holds his brief.
- One whispered softly from behind his cup,
- "He does not read,--his book is wrong side up!
- He knows the story that it holds by heart,--
- So like his own! How well he'll act his part!"
- Then all were silent; not a rustling fan
- Stirred the deep stillness as the voice began.
- WHO of all statesmen is his country's pride,
- Her councils' prompter and her leaders' guide?
- He speaks; the nation holds its breath to hear;
- He nods, and shakes the sunset hemisphere.
- Born where the primal fount of Nature springs
- By the rude cradles of her throneless kings,
- In his proud eye her royal signet flames,
- By his own lips her Monarch she proclaims.
- Why name his countless triumphs, whom to meet
- Is to be famous, envied in defeat?
- The keen debaters, trained to brawls and strife,
- Who fire one shot, and finish with the knife,
- Tried him but once, and, cowering in their shame,
- Ground their hacked blades to strike at meaner game.
- The lordly chief, his party's central stay,
- Whose lightest word a hundred votes obey,
- Found a new listener seated at his side,
- Looked in his eye, and felt himself defied,
- Flung his rash gauntlet on the startled floor,
- Met the all-conquering, fought,--and ruled no more.
- See where he moves, what eager crowds attend!
- What shouts of thronging multitudes ascend!
- If this is life,--to mark with every hour
- The purple deepening in his robes of power,
- To see the painted fruits of honor fall
- Thick at his feet, and choose among them all,
- To hear the sounds that shape his spreading name
- Peal through the myriad organ-stops of fame,
- Stamp the lone isle that spots the seaman's chart,
- And crown the pillared glory of the mart,
- To count as peers the few supremely wise
- Who mark their planet in the angels' eyes,--
- If this is life--
- What savage man is he
- Who strides alone beside the sounding sea?
- Alone he wanders by the murmuring shore,
- His thoughts as restless as the waves that roar;
- Looks on the sullen sky as stormy-browed
- As on the waves yon tempest-brooding cloud,
- Heaves from his aching breast a wailing sigh,
- Sad as the gust that sweeps the clouded sky.
- Ask him his griefs; what midnight demons plough
- The lines of torture on his lofty brow;
- Unlock those marble lips, and bid them speak
- The mystery freezing in his bloodless cheek.
- His secret? Hid beneath a flimsy word;
- One foolish whisper that ambition heard;
- And thus it spake: "Behold yon gilded chair,
- The world's one vacant throne,--thy plate is there!"
- Ah, fatal dream! What warning spectres meet
- In ghastly circle round its shadowy seat!
- Yet still the Tempter murmurs in his ear
- The maddening taunt he cannot choose but hear
- "Meanest of slaves, by gods and men accurst,
- He who is second when he might be first
- Climb with bold front the ladder's topmost round,
- Or chain thy creeping footsteps to the ground!"
- Illustrious Dupe! Have those majestic eyes
- Lost their proud fire for such a vulgar prize?
- Art thou the last of all mankind to know
- That party-fights are won by aiming low?
- Thou, stamped by Nature with her royal sign,
- That party-hirelings hate a look like thine?
- Shake from thy sense the wild delusive dream
- Without the purple, art thou not supreme?
- And soothed by love unbought, thy heart shall own
- A nation's homage nobler than its throne!
- . . . . . . . . . .
- Loud rang the plaudits; with them rose the thought,
- "Would he had learned the lesson he has taught!"
- Used to the tributes of the noisy crowd,
- The stately speaker calmly smiled and bowed;
- The fire within a flushing cheek betrayed,
- And eyes that burned beneath their penthouse shade.
- "The clock strikes ten, the hours are flying fast,--
- Now, Number Five, we've kept you till the last!"
- What music charms like those caressing tones
- Whose magic influence every listener owns,--
- Where all the woman finds herself expressed,
- And Heaven's divinest effluence breathes confessed?
- Such was the breath that wooed our ravished ears,
- Sweet as the voice a dreaming vestal hears;
- Soft as the murmur of a brooding dove,
- It told the mystery of a mother's love.
- How sweet the sacred legend--if unblamed
- In my slight verse such holy things are named--
- Of Mary's secret hours of hidden joy,
- Silent, but pondering on her wondrous boy!
- Ave, Maria! Pardon, if I wrong
- Those heavenly words that shame my earthly song!
- The choral host had closed the Angel's strain
- Sung to the listening watch on Bethlehem's plain,
- And now the shepherds, hastening on their way,
- Sought the still hamlet where the Infant lay.
- They passed the fields that gleaning Ruth toiled o'er,--
- They saw afar the ruined threshing-floor
- Where Moab's daughter, homeless and forlorn,
- Found Boaz slumbering by his heaps of corn;
- And some remembered how the holy scribe,
- Skilled in the lore of every jealous tribe,
- Traced the warm blood of Jesse's royal son
- To that fair alien, bravely wooed and won.
- So fared they on to seek the promised sign,
- That marked the anointed heir of David's line.
- At last, by forms of earthly semblance led,
- They found the crowded inn, the oxen's shed.
- No pomp was there, no glory shone around
- On the coarse straw that strewed the reeking ground;
- One dim retreat a flickering torch betrayed,--
- In that poor cell the Lord of Life was laid
- The wondering shepherds told their breathless tale
- Of the bright choir that woke the sleeping vale;
- Told how the skies with sudden glory flamed,
- Told how the shining multitude proclaimed,
- "Joy, joy to earth! Behold the hallowed morn
- In David's city Christ the Lord is born!
- 'Glory to God!' let angels shout on high,
- 'Good-will to men!' the listening earth reply!"
- They spoke with hurried words and accents wild;
- Calm in his cradle slept the heavenly child.
- No trembling word the mother's joy revealed,--
- One sigh of rapture, and her lips were sealed;
- Unmoved she saw the rustic train depart,
- But kept their words to ponder in her heart.
- Twelve years had passed; the boy was fair and tall,
- Growing in wisdom, finding grace with all.
- The maids of Nazareth, as they trooped to fill
- Their balanced urns beside the mountain rill,
- The gathered matrons, as they sat and spun,
- Spoke in soft words of Joseph's quiet son.
- No voice had reached the Galilean vale
- Of star-led kings, or awe-struck shepherd's tale;
- In the meek, studious child they only saw
- The future Rabbi, learned in Israel's law.
- Beyond the hills that girt the village green;
- Save when at midnight, o'er the starlit sands,
- Snatched from the steel of Herod's murdering bands,
- A babe, close folded to his mother's breast,
- Through Edom's wilds he sought the sheltering West.
- Then Joseph spake: "Thy boy hath largely grown;
- Weave him fine raiment, fitting to be shown;
- Fair robes beseem the pilgrim, as the priest;
- Goes he not with us to the holy feast?"
- And Mary culled the flaxen fibres white;
- Till eve she spun; she spun till morning light.
- The thread was twined; its parting meshes through
- From hand to hand her restless shuttle flew,
- Till the full web was wound upon the beam;
- Love's curious toil,--a vest without a seam!
- They reach the Holy Place, fulfil the days
- To solemn feasting given, and grateful praise.
- At last they turn, and far Moriah's height
- Melts in the southern sky and fades from sight.
- All day the dusky caravan has flowed
- In devious trails along the winding road;
- (For many a step their homeward path attends,
- And all the sons of Abraham are as friends.)
- Evening has come,--the hour of rest and joy,--
- Hush! Hush! That whisper,--"Where is Mary's boy?"
- Oh, weary hour! Oh, aching days that passed
- Filled with strange fears each wilder than the last,--
- The soldier's lance, the fierce centurion's sword,
- The crushing wheels that whirl some Roman lord,
- The midnight crypt that sucks the captive's breath,
- The blistering sun on Hinnom's vale of death!
- Thrice on his cheek had rained the morning light;
- Thrice on his lips the mildewed kiss of night,
- Crouched by a sheltering column's shining plinth,
- Or stretched beneath the odorous terebinth.
- At last, in desperate mood, they sought once more
- The Temple's porches, searched in vain before;
- They found him seated with the ancient men,--
- The grim old rufflers of the tongue and pen,--
- Their bald heads glistening as they clustered near,
- Their gray beards slanting as they turned to hear,
- Lost in half-envious wonder and surprise
- That lips so fresh should utter words so wise.
- And Mary said,--as one who, tried too long,
- Tells all her grief and half her sense of wrong,--
- What is this thoughtless thing which thou hast done?
- Lo, we have sought thee sorrowing, O my son!
- Few words he spake, and scarce of filial tone,
- Strange words, their sense a mystery yet unknown;
- Then turned with them and left the holy hill,
- To all their mild commands obedient still.
- The tale was told to Nazareth's sober men,
- And Nazareth's matrons told it oft again;
- The maids retold it at the fountain's side,
- The youthful shepherds doubted or denied;
- It passed around among the listening friends,
- With all that fancy adds and fiction lends,
- Till newer marvels dimmed the young renown
- Of Joseph's son, who talked the Rabbis down.
- But Mary, faithful to its lightest word,
- Kept in her heart the sayings she had heard,
- Till the dread morning rent the Temple's veil,
- And shuddering earth confirmed the wondrous tale.
- Youth fades; love droops; the leaves of friendship fall
- A mother's secret hope outlives them all.
- . . . . . . . . . . .
- Hushed was the voice, but still its accents thrilled
- The throbbing hearts its lingering sweetness filled.
- The simple story which a tear repays
- Asks not to share the noisy breath of praise.
- A trance-like stillness,--scarce a whisper heard,
- No tinkling teaspoon in its saucer stirred;
- A deep-drawn sigh that would not be suppressed,
- A sob, a lifted kerchief told the rest.
- "Come now, Dictator," so the lady spoke,
- "You too must fit your shoulder to the yoke;
- You'll find there's something, doubtless, if you look,
- To serve your purpose,--so, now take the book."
- "Ah, my dear lady, you must know full well,
- 'Story, God bless you, I have none to tell.'
- To those five stories which these pages hold
- You all have listened,--every one is told.
- There's nothing left to make you smile or weep,--
- A few grave thoughts may work you off to sleep."
- Is man's the only throbbing heart that hides
- The silent spring that feeds its whispering tides?
- Speak from thy caverns, mystery-breeding Earth,
- Tell the half-hinted story of thy birth,
- And calm the noisy champions who have thrown
- The book of types against the book of stone!
- Have ye not secrets, ye refulgent spheres,
- No sleepless listener of the starlight hears?
- In vain the sweeping equatorial pries
- Through every world-sown corner of the skies,
- To the far orb that so remotely strays
- Our midnight darkness is its noonday blaze;
- In vain the climbing soul of creeping man
- Metes out the heavenly concave with a span,
- Tracks into space the long-lost meteor's trail,
- And weighs an unseen planet in the scale;
- Still o'er their doubts the wan-eyed watchers sigh,
- And Science lifts her still unanswered cry
- "Are all these worlds, that speed their circling flight,
- Dumb, vacant, soulless,--baubles of the night?
- Warmed with God's smile and wafted by his breath,
- To weave in ceaseless round the dance of Death?
- Or rolls a sphere in each expanding zone,
- Crowned with a life as varied as our own?"
- Maker of earth and stars! If thou hast taught
- By what thy voice hath spoke, thy hand hath wrought,
- By all that Science proves, or guesses true,
- More than thy poet dreamed, thy prophet knew,--
- The heavens still bow in darkness at thy feet,
- And shadows veil thy cloud-pavilioned seat!
- Not for ourselves we ask thee to reveal
- One awful word beneath the future's seal;
- What thou shalt tell us, grant us strength to bear;
- What thou withholdest is thy single care.
- Not for ourselves; the present clings too fast,
- Moored to the mighty anchors of the past;
- But when, with angry snap, some cable parts,
- The sound re-echoing in our startled hearts,--
- When, through the wall that clasps the harbor round,
- And shuts the raving ocean from its bound,
- Shattered and rent by sacrilegious hands,
- The first mad billow leaps upon the sands,--
- Then to the Future's awful page we turn,
- And what we question hardly dare to learn.
- Still let us hope! for while we seem to tread
- The time-worn pathway of the nations dead,
- Though Sparta laughs at all our warlike deeds,
- And buried Athens claims our stolen creeds,
- Though Rome, a spectre on her broken throne,
- Beholds our eagle and recalls her own,
- Though England fling her pennons on the breeze
- And reign before us Mistress of the seas,--
- While calm-eyed History tracks us circling round
- Fate's iron pillar where they all were bound,
- Still in our path a larger curve she finds,
- The spiral widening as the chain unwinds
- Still sees new beacons crowned with brighter flame
- Than the old watch-fires, like, but not the same
- No shameless haste shall spot with bandit-crime
- Our destined empire snatched before its time.
- Wait,--wait, undoubting, for the winds have caught
- From our bold speech the heritage of thought;
- No marble form that sculptured truth can wear
- Vies with the image shaped in viewless air;
- And thought unfettered grows through speech to deeds,
- As the broad forest marches in its seeds.
- What though we perish ere the day is won?
- Enough to see its glorious work begun!
- The thistle falls before a trampling clown,
- But who can chain the flying thistle-down?
- Wait while the fiery seeds of freedom fly,
- The prairie blazes when the grass is dry!
- What arms might ravish, leave to peaceful arts,
- Wisdom and love shall win the roughest hearts;
- So shall the angel who has closed for man
- The blissful garden since his woes began
- Swing wide the golden portals of the West,
- And Eden's secret stand at length confessed!
- . . . . . . . . . . .
- The reader paused; in truth he thought it time,--
- Some threatening signs accused the drowsy rhyme.
- The Mistress nodded, the Professor dozed,
- The two Annexes sat with eyelids closed,--
- Not sleeping,--no! But when one shuts one's eyes,
- That one hears better no one, sure, denies.
- The Doctor whispered in Delilah's ear,
- Or seemed to whisper, for their heads drew near.
- Not all the owner's efforts could restrain
- The wild vagaries of the squinting brain,--
- Last of the listeners Number Five alone
- The patient reader still could call his own.
- "Teacups, arouse!" 'T was thus the spell I broke;
- The drowsy started and the slumberers woke.
- "The sleep I promised you have now enjoyed,
- Due to your hour of labor well employed.
- Swiftly the busy moments have been passed;
- This, our first 'Teacups,' must not be our last.
- Here, on this spot, now consecrated ground,
- The Order of 'The Teacups' let us found!
- By winter's fireside and in summer's bower
- Still shall it claim its ever-welcome hour,
- In distant regions where our feet may roam
- The magic teapot find or make a home;
- Long may its floods their bright infusion pour,
- Till time and teacups both shall be no more!"
- Nescit vox missa reverti.--Horat. Ars Poetica.
- Ab lis qua non adjuvant quam mollissime oportet pedem referre.--
- Quintillian, L. VI. C. 4.
- These verses have always been printed in my collected poems, and as the
- best of them may bear a single reading, I allow them to appear, but in a
- less conspicuous position than the other productions. A chick, before
- his shell is off his back, is hardly a fair subject for severe criticism.
- If one has written anything worth preserving, his first efforts may be
- objects of interest and curiosity. Other young authors may take
- encouragement from seeing how tame, how feeble, how commonplace were the
- rudimentary attempts of the half-fledged poet. If the boy or youth had
- anything in him, there will probably be some sign of it in the midst of
- his imitative mediocrities and ambitious failures. These "first verses"
- of mine, written before I was sixteen, have little beyond a common
- academy boy's ordinary performance. Yet a kindly critic said there was
- one line which showed a poetical quality:--
- "The boiling ocean trembled into calm."
- One of these poems--the reader may guess which--won fair words from
- Thackeray. The Spectre Pig was a wicked suggestion which came into my
- head after reading Dana's Buccaneer. Nobody seemed to find it out, and
- I never mentioned it to the venerable poet, who might not have been
- pleased with the parody. This is enough to say of these unvalued copies
- of verses.
- THE god looked out upon the troubled deep
- Waked into tumult from its placid sleep;
- The flame of anger kindles in his eye
- As the wild waves ascend the lowering sky;
- He lifts his head above their awful height
- And to the distant fleet directs his sight,
- Now borne aloft upon the billow's crest,
- Struck by the bolt or by the winds oppressed,
- And well he knew that Juno's vengeful ire
- Frowned from those clouds and sparkled in that fire.
- On rapid pinions as they whistled by
- He calls swift Zephyrus and Eurus nigh
- Is this your glory in a noble line
- To leave your confines and to ravage mine?
- Whom I--but let these troubled waves subside--
- Another tempest and I'll quell your pride!
- Go--bear our message to your master's ear,
- That wide as ocean I am despot here;
- Let him sit monarch in his barren caves,
- I wield the trident and control the waves
- He said, and as the gathered vapors break
- The swelling ocean seemed a peaceful lake;
- To lift their ships the graceful nymphs essayed
- And the strong trident lent its powerful aid;
- The dangerous banks are sunk beneath the main,
- And the light chariot skims the unruffled plain.
- As when sedition fires the public mind,
- And maddening fury leads the rabble blind,
- The blazing torch lights up the dread alarm,
- Rage points the steel and fury nerves the arm,
- Then, if some reverend Sage appear in sight,
- They stand--they gaze, and check their headlong flight,--
- He turns the current of each wandering breast
- And hushes every passion into rest,--
- Thus by the power of his imperial arm
- The boiling ocean trembled into calm;
- With flowing reins the father sped his way
- And smiled serene upon rekindled day.
- Written after a general pruning of the trees around Harvard College.
- A little poem, on a similar occasion, may be found in the works of Swift,
- from which, perhaps, the idea was borrowed; although I was as much
- surprised as amused to meet with it some time after writing the following
- lines.
- IT was not many centuries since,
- When, gathered on the moonlit green,
- Beneath the Tree of Liberty,
- A ring of weeping sprites was seen.
- The freshman's lamp had long been dim,
- The voice of busy day was mute,
- And tortured Melody had ceased
- Her sufferings on the evening flute.
- They met not as they once had met,
- To laugh o'er many a jocund tale
- But every pulse was beating low,
- And every cheek was cold and pale.
- There rose a fair but faded one,
- Who oft had cheered them with her song;
- She waved a mutilated arm,
- And silence held the listening throng.
- "Sweet friends," the gentle nymph began,
- "From opening bud to withering leaf,
- One common lot has bound us all,
- In every change of joy and grief.
- "While all around has felt decay,
- We rose in ever-living prime,
- With broader shade and fresher green,
- Beneath the crumbling step of Time.
- "When often by our feet has past
- Some biped, Nature's walking whim,
- Say, have we trimmed one awkward shape,
- Or lopped away one crooked limb?
- "Go on, fair Science; soon to thee
- Shall. Nature yield her idle boast;
- Her vulgar fingers formed a tree,
- But thou halt trained it to a post.
- "Go, paint the birch's silver rind,
- And quilt the peach with softer down;
- Up with the willow's trailing threads,
- Off with the sunflower's radiant crown!
- "Go, plant the lily on the shore,
- And set the rose among the waves,
- And bid the tropic bud unbind
- Its silken zone in arctic caves;
- "Bring bellows for the panting winds,
- Hang up a lantern by the moon,
- And give the nightingale a fife,
- And lend the eagle a balloon!
- "I cannot smile,--the tide of scorn,
- That rolled through every bleeding vein,
- Comes kindling fiercer as it flows
- Back to its burning source again.
- "Again in every quivering leaf
- That moment's agony I feel,
- When limbs, that spurned the northern blast,
- Shrunk from the sacrilegious steel.
- "A curse upon the wretch who dared
- To crop us with his felon saw!
- May every fruit his lip shall taste
- Lie like a bullet in his maw.
- "In every julep that he drinks,
- May gout, and bile, and headache be;
- And when he strives to calm his pain,
- May colic mingle with his tea.
- "May nightshade cluster round his path,
- And thistles shoot, and brambles cling;
- May blistering ivy scorch his veins,
- And dogwood burn, and nettles sting.
- "On him may never shadow fall,
- When fever racks his throbbing brow,
- And his last shilling buy a rope
- To hang him on my highest bough!"
- She spoke;--the morning's herald beam
- Sprang from the bosom of the sea,
- And every mangled sprite returned
- In sadness to her wounded tree.
- THERE was a sound of hurrying feet,
- A tramp on echoing stairs,
- There was a rush along the aisles,--
- It was the hour of prayers.
- And on, like Ocean's midnight wave,
- The current rolled along,
- When, suddenly, a stranger form
- Was seen amidst the throng.
- He was a dark and swarthy man,
- That uninvited guest;
- A faded coat of bottle-green
- Was buttoned round his breast.
- There was not one among them all
- Could say from whence he came;
- Nor beardless boy, nor ancient man,
- Could tell that stranger's name.
- All silent as the sheeted dead,
- In spite of sneer and frown,
- Fast by a gray-haired senior's side
- He sat him boldly down.
- There was a look of horror flashed
- From out the tutor's eyes;
- When all around him rose to pray,
- The stranger did not rise!
- A murmur broke along the crowd,
- The prayer was at an end;
- With ringing heels and measured tread,
- A hundred forms descend.
- Through sounding aisle, o'er grating stair,
- The long procession poured,
- Till all were gathered on the seats
- Around the Commons board.
- That fearful stranger! down he sat,
- Unasked, yet undismayed;
- And on his lip a rising smile
- Of scorn or pleasure played.
- He took his hat and hung it up,
- With slow but earnest air;
- He stripped his coat from off his back,
- And placed it on a chair.
- Then from his nearest neighbor's side
- A knife and plate he drew;
- And, reaching out his hand again,
- He took his teacup too.
- How fled the sugar from the bowl
- How sunk the azure cream!
- They vanished like the shapes that float
- Upon a summer's dream.
- A long, long draught,--an outstretched hand,--
- And crackers, toast, and tea,
- They faded from the stranger's touch,
- Like dew upon the sea.
- Then clouds were dark on many a brow,
- Fear sat upon their souls,
- And, in a bitter agony,
- They clasped their buttered rolls.
- A whisper trembled through the crowd,
- Who could the stranger be?
- And some were silent, for they thought
- A cannibal was he.
- What if the creature should arise,--
- For he was stout and tall,--
- And swallow down a sophomore,
- Coat, crow's-foot, cap, and all!
- All sullenly the stranger rose;
- They sat in mute despair;
- He took his hat from off the peg,
- His coat from off the chair.
- Four freshmen fainted on the seat,
- Six swooned upon the floor;
- Yet on the fearful being passed,
- And shut the chapel door.
- There is full many a starving man,
- That walks in bottle green,
- But never more that hungry one
- In Commons hall was seen.
- Yet often at the sunset hour,
- When tolls the evening bell,
- The freshman lingers on the steps,
- That frightful tale to tell.
- THERE 's a thing that grows by the fainting flower,
- And springs in the shade of the lady's bower;
- The lily shrinks, and the rose turns pale,
- When they feel its breath in the summer gale,
- And the tulip curls its leaves in pride,
- And the blue-eyed violet starts aside;
- But the lily may flaunt, and the tulip stare,
- For what does the honest toadstool care?
- She does not glow in a painted vest,
- And she never blooms on the maiden's breast;
- But she comes, as the saintly sisters do,
- In a modest suit of a Quaker hue.
- And, when the stars in the evening skies
- Are weeping dew from their gentle eyes,
- The toad comes out from his hermit cell,
- The tale of his faithful love to tell.
- Oh, there is light in her lover's glance,
- That flies to her heart like a silver lance;
- His breeches are made of spotted skin,
- His jacket 'is tight, and his pumps are thin;
- In a cloudless night you may hear his song,
- As its pensive melody floats along,
- And, if you will look by the moonlight fair,
- The trembling form of the toad is there.
- And he twines his arms round her slender stem,
- In the shade of her velvet diadem;
- But she turns away in her maiden shame,
- And will not breathe on the kindling flame;
- He sings at her feet through the live-long night,
- And creeps to his cave at the break of light;
- And whenever he comes to the air above,
- His throat is swelling with baffled love.
- IT was the stalwart butcher man,
- That knit his swarthy brow,
- And said the gentle Pig must die,
- And sealed it with a vow.
- And oh! it was the gentle Pig
- Lay stretched upon the ground,
- And ah! it was the cruel knife
- His little heart that found.
- They took him then, those wicked men,
- They trailed him all along;
- They put a stick between his lips,
- And through his heels a thong;
- And round and round an oaken beam
- A hempen cord they flung,
- And, like a mighty pendulum,
- All solemnly he swung!
- Now say thy prayers, thou sinful man,
- And think what thou hast done,
- And read thy catechism well,
- Thou bloody-minded one;
- For if his sprite should walk by night,
- It better were for thee,
- That thou wert mouldering in the ground,
- Or bleaching in the sea.
- It was the savage butcher then,
- That made a mock of sin,
- And swore a very wicked oath,
- He did not care a pin.
- It was the butcher's youngest son,--
- His voice was broke with sighs,
- And with his pocket-handkerchief
- He wiped his little eyes;
- All young and ignorant was he,
- But innocent and mild,
- And, in his soft simplicity,
- Out spoke the tender child:--
- "Oh, father, father, list to me;
- The Pig is deadly sick,
- And men have hung him by his heels,
- And fed him with a stick."
- It was the bloody butcher then,
- That laughed as he would die,
- Yet did he soothe the sorrowing child,
- And bid him not to cry;--
- "Oh, Nathan, Nathan, what's a Pig,
- That thou shouldst weep and wail?
- Come, bear thee like a butcher's child,
- And thou shalt have his tail!"
- It was the butcher's daughter then,
- So slender and so fair,
- That sobbed as it her heart would break,
- And tore her yellow hair;
- And thus she spoke in thrilling tone,--
- Fast fell the tear-drops big:--
- "Ah! woe is me! Alas! Alas!
- The Pig! The Pig! The Pig!"
- Then did her wicked father's lips
- Make merry with her woe,
- And call her many a naughty name,
- Because she whimpered so.
- Ye need not weep, ye gentle ones,
- In vain your tears are shed,
- Ye cannot wash his crimson hand,
- Ye cannot soothe the dead.
- The bright sun folded on his breast
- His robes of rosy flame,
- And softly over all the west
- The shades of evening came.
- He slept, and troops of murdered Pigs
- Were busy with his dreams;
- Loud rang their wild, unearthly shrieks,
- Wide yawned their mortal seams.
- The clock struck twelve; the Dead hath heard;
- He opened both his eyes,
- And sullenly he shook his tail
- To lash the feeding flies.
- One quiver of the hempen cord,--
- One struggle and one bound,--
- With stiffened limb and leaden eye,
- The Pig was on the ground.
- And straight towards the sleeper's house
- His fearful way he wended;
- And hooting owl and hovering bat
- On midnight wing attended.
- Back flew the bolt, up rose the latch,
- And open swung the door,
- And little mincing feet were heard
- Pat, pat along the floor.
- Two hoofs upon the sanded floor,
- And two upon the bed;
- And they are breathing side by side,
- The living and the dead!
- "Now wake, now wake, thou butcher man!
- What makes thy cheek so pale?
- Take hold! take hold! thou dost not fear
- To clasp a spectre's tail?"
- Untwisted every winding coil;
- The shuddering wretch took hold,
- All like an icicle it seemed,
- So tapering and so cold.
- "Thou com'st with me, thou butcher man!"--
- He strives to loose his grasp,
- But, faster than the clinging vine,
- Those twining spirals clasp;
- And open, open swung the door,
- And, fleeter than the wind,
- The shadowy spectre swept before,
- The butcher trailed behind.
- Fast fled the darkness of the night,
- And morn rose faint and dim;
- They called full loud, they knocked full long,
- They did not waken him.
- Straight, straight towards that oaken beam,
- A trampled pathway ran;
- A ghastly shape was swinging there,--
- It was the butcher man.
- Poor conquered monarch! though that haughty glance
- Still speaks thy courage unsubdued by time,
- And in the grandeur of thy sullen tread
- Lives the proud spirit of thy burning clime;--
- Fettered by things that shudder at thy roar,
- Torn from thy pathless wilds to pace this narrow floor!
- Thou wast the victor, and all nature shrunk
- Before the thunders of thine awful wrath;
- The steel-armed hunter viewed thee from afar,
- Fearless and trackless in thy lonely path!
- The famished tiger closed his flaming eye,
- And crouched and panted as thy step went by!
- Thou art the vanquished, and insulting man
- Bars thy broad bosom as a sparrow's wing;
- His nerveless arms thine iron sinews bind,
- And lead in chains the desert's fallen king;
- Are these the beings that have dared to twine
- Their feeble threads around those limbs of thine?
- So must it be; the weaker, wiser race,
- That wields the tempest and that rides the sea,
- Even in the stillness of thy solitude
- Must teach the lesson of its power to thee;
- And thou, the terror of the trembling wild,
- Must bow thy savage strength, the mockery of a child!
- THE sun stepped down from his golden throne.
- And lay in the silent sea,
- And the Lily had folded her satin leaves,
- For a sleepy thing was she;
- What is the Lily dreaming of?
- Why crisp the waters blue?
- See, see, she is lifting her varnished lid!
- Her white leaves are glistening through!
- The Rose is cooling his burning cheek
- In the lap of the breathless tide;--
- The Lily hath sisters fresh and fair,
- That would lie by the Rose's side;
- He would love her better than all the rest,
- And he would be fond and true;--
- But the Lily unfolded her weary lids,
- And looked at the sky so blue.
- Remember, remember, thou silly one,
- How fast will thy summer glide,
- And wilt thou wither a virgin pale,
- Or flourish a blooming bride?
- Oh, the Rose is old, and thorny, and cold,
- "And he lives on earth," said she;
- "But the Star is fair and he lives in the air,
- And he shall my bridegroom be."
- But what if the stormy cloud should come,
- And ruffle the silver sea?
- Would he turn his eye from the distant sky,
- To smile on a thing like thee?
- Oh no, fair Lily, he will not send
- One ray from his far-off throne;
- The winds shall blow and the waves shall flow,
- And thou wilt be left alone.
- There is not a leaf on the mountain-top,
- Nor a drop of evening dew,
- Nor a golden sand on the sparkling shore,
- Nor a pearl in the waters blue,
- That he has not cheered with his fickle smile,
- And warmed with his faithless beam,--
- And will he be true to a pallid flower,
- That floats on the quiet stream?
- Alas for the Lily! she would not heed,
- But turned to the skies afar,
- And bared her breast to the trembling ray
- That shot from the rising star;
- The cloud came over the darkened sky,
- And over the waters wide
- She looked in vain through the beating rain,
- And sank in the stormy tide.
- SHE twirled the string of golden beads,
- That round her neck was hung,---
- My grandsire's gift; the good old man
- Loved girls when he was young;
- And, bending lightly o'er the cord,
- And turning half away,
- With something like a youthful sigh,
- Thus spoke the maiden gray:--
- "Well, one may trail her silken robe,
- And bind her locks with pearls,
- And one may wreathe the woodland rose
- Among her floating curls;
- And one may tread the dewy grass,
- And one the marble floor,
- Nor half-hid bosom heave the less,
- Nor broidered corset more!
- "Some years ago, a dark-eyed girl
- Was sitting in the shade,--
- There's something brings her to my mind
- In that young dreaming maid,--
- And in her hand she held a flower,
- A flower, whose speaking hue
- Said, in the language of the heart,
- 'Believe the giver true.'
- "And, as she looked upon its leaves,
- The maiden made a vow
- To wear it when the bridal wreath
- Was woven for her brow;
- She watched the flower, as, day by day,
- The leaflets curled and died;
- But he who gave it never came
- To claim her for his bride.
- "Oh, many a summer's morning glow
- Has lent the rose its ray,
- And many a winter's drifting snow
- Has swept its bloom away;
- But she has kept that faithless pledge
- To this, her winter hour,
- And keeps it still, herself alone,
- And wasted like the flower."
- Her pale lip quivered, and the light
- Gleamed in her moistening eyes;--
- I asked her how she liked the tints
- In those Castilian skies?
- "She thought them misty,--'t was perhaps
- Because she stood too near;"
- She turned away, and as she turned
- I saw her wipe a tear.
- THE sun-browned girl, whose limbs recline
- When noon her languid hand has laid
- Hot on the green flakes of the pine,
- Beneath its narrow disk of shade;
- As, through the flickering noontide glare,
- She gazes on the rainbow chain
- Of arches, lifting once in air
- The rivers of the Roman's plain;--
- Say, does her wandering eye recall
- The mountain-current's icy wave,--
- Or for the dead one tear let fall,
- Whose founts are broken by their grave?
- From stone to stone the ivy weaves
- Her braided tracery's winding veil,
- And lacing stalks and tangled leaves
- Nod heavy in the drowsy gale.
- And lightly floats the pendent vine,
- That swings beneath her slender bow,
- Arch answering arch,--whose rounded line
- Seems mirrored in the wreath below.
- How patient Nature smiles at Fame!
- The weeds, that strewed the victor's way,
- Feed on his dust to shroud his name,
- Green where his proudest towers decay.
- See, through that channel, empty now,
- The scanty rain its tribute pours,--
- Which cooled the lip and laved the brow
- Of conquerors from a hundred shores.
- Thus bending o'er the nation's bier,
- Whose wants the captive earth supplied,
- The dew of Memory's passing tear
- Falls on the arches of her pride!
- SWEET Mary, I have never breathed
- The love it were in vain to name;
- Though round my heart a serpent wreathed,
- I smiled, or strove to smile, the same.
- Once more the pulse of Nature glows
- With faster throb and fresher fire,
- While music round her pathway flows,
- Like echoes from a hidden lyre.
- And is there none with me to share
- The glories of the earth and sky?
- The eagle through the pathless air
- Is followed by one burning eye.
- Ah no! the cradled flowers may wake,
- Again may flow the frozen sea,
- From every cloud a star may break,--
- There conies no second spring to me.
- Go,--ere the painted toys of youth
- Are crushed beneath the tread of years;
- Ere visions have been chilled to truth,
- And hopes are washed away in tears.
- Go,--for I will not bid thee weep,--
- Too soon my sorrows will be thine,
- And evening's troubled air shall sweep
- The incense from the broken shrine.
- If Heaven can hear the dying tone
- Of chords that soon will cease to thrill,
- The prayer that Heaven has heard alone
- May bless thee when those chords are still.
- As Clemence! when I saw thee last
- Trip down the Rue de Seine,
- And turning, when thy form had past,
- I said, "We meet again,"--
- I dreamed not in that idle glance
- Thy latest image came,
- And only left to memory's trance
- A shadow and a name.
- The few strange words my lips had taught
- Thy timid voice to speak,
- Their gentler signs, which often brought
- Fresh roses to thy cheek,
- The trailing of thy long loose hair
- Bent o'er my couch of pain,
- All, all returned, more sweet, more fair;
- Oh, had we met again!
- I walked where saint and virgin keep
- The vigil lights of Heaven,
- I knew that thou hadst woes to weep,
- And sins to be forgiven;
- I watched where Genevieve was laid,
- I knelt by Mary's shrine,
- Beside me low, soft voices prayed;
- Alas! but where was thine?
- And when the morning sun was bright,
- When wind and wave were calm,
- And flamed, in thousand-tinted light,
- The rose of Notre Dame,
- I wandered through the haunts of men,
- From Boulevard to Quai,
- Till, frowning o'er Saint Etienne,
- The Pantheon's shadow lay.
- In vain, in vain; we meet no more,
- Nor dream what fates befall;
- And long upon the stranger's shore
- My voice on thee may call,
- When years have clothed the line in moss
- That tells thy name and days,
- And withered, on thy simple cross,
- The wreaths of Pere-la-Chaise!
- LET greener lands and bluer skies,
- If such the wide earth shows,
- With fairer cheeks and brighter eyes,
- Match us the star and rose;
- The winds that lift the Georgian's veil,
- Or wave Circassia's curls,
- Waft to their shores the sultan's sail,--
- Who buys our Yankee girls?
- The gay grisette, whose fingers touch
- Love's thousand chords so well;
- The dark Italian, loving much,
- But more than one can tell;
- And England's fair-haired, blue-eyed dame,
- Who binds her brow with pearls;--
- Ye who have seen them, can they shame
- Our own sweet Yankee girls?
- And what if court or castle vaunt
- Its children loftier born?--
- Who heeds the silken tassel's flaunt
- Beside the golden corn?
- They ask not for the dainty toil
- Of ribboned knights and earls,
- The daughters of the virgin soil,
- Our freeborn Yankee girls!
- By every hill whose stately pines
- Wave their dark arms above
- The home where some fair being shines,
- To warm the wilds with love,
- From barest rock to bleakest shore
- Where farthest sail unfurls,
- That stars and stripes are streaming o'er,--
- God bless our Yankee girls!
- Is thy name Mary, maiden fair?
- Such should, methinks, its music be;
- The sweetest name that mortals bear
- Were best befitting thee;
- And she to whom it once was given,
- Was half of earth and half of heaven.
- I hear thy voice, I see thy smile,
- I look upon thy folded hair;
- Ah! while we dream not they beguile,
- Our hearts are in the snare;
- And she who chains a wild bird's wing
- Must start not if her captive sing.
- So, lady, take the leaf that falls,
- To all but thee unseen, unknown;
- When evening shades thy silent walls,
- Then read it all alone;
- In stillness read, in darkness seal,
- Forget, despise, but not reveal!
- STRANGE! that one lightly whispered tone
- Is far, far sweeter unto me,
- Than all the sounds that kiss the earth,
- Or breathe along the sea;
- But, lady, when thy voice I greet,
- Not heavenly music seems so sweet.
- I look upon the fair blue skies,
- And naught but empty air I see;
- But when I turn me to thin eyes,
- It seemeth unto me
- Ten thousand angels spread their wings
- Within those little azure rings.
- The lily bath the softest leaf
- That ever western breeze bath fanned,
- But thou shalt have the tender flower,
- So I may take thy hand;
- That little hand to me doth yield
- More joy than all the broidered field.
- O lady! there be many things
- That seem right fair, below, above;
- But sure not one among them all
- Is half so sweet as love;--
- Let us not pay our vows alone,
- But join two altars both in one.
- OH! I did love her dearly,
- And gave her toys and rings,
- And I thought she meant sincerely,
- When she took my pretty things.
- But her heart has grown as icy
- As a fountain in the fall,
- And her love, that was so spicy,
- It did not last at all.
- I gave her once a locket,
- It was filled with my own hair,
- And she put it in her pocket
- With very special care.
- But a jeweller has got it,--
- He offered it to me,--
- And another that is not it
- Around her neck I see.
- For my cooings and my billings
- I do not now complain,
- But my dollars and my shillings
- Will never come again;
- They were earned with toil and sorrow,
- But I never told her that,
- And now I have to borrow,
- And want another hat.
- Think, think, thou cruel Emma,
- When thou shalt hear my woe,
- And know my sad dilemma,
- That thou hast made it so.
- See, see my beaver rusty,
- Look, look upon this hole,
- This coat is dim and dusty;
- Oh let it rend thy soul!
- Before the gates of fashion
- I daily bent my knee,
- But I sought the shrine of passion,
- And found my idol,--thee.
- Though never love intenser
- Had bowed a soul before it,
- Thine eye was on the censer,
- And not the hand that bore it.
- DEAREST, a look is but a ray
- Reflected in a certain way;
- A word, whatever tone it wear,
- Is but a trembling wave of air;
- A touch, obedience to a clause
- In nature's pure material laws.
- The very flowers that bend and meet,
- In sweetening others, grow more sweet;
- The clouds by day, the stars by night,
- Inweave their floating locks of light;
- The rainbow, Heaven's own forehead's braid,
- Is but the embrace of sun and shade.
- Oh! in the hour when I shall feel
- Those shadows round my senses steal,
- When gentle eyes are weeping o'er
- The clay that feels their tears no more,
- Then let thy spirit with me be,
- Or some sweet angel, likest thee!
- How few that love us have we found!
- How wide the world that girds them round
- Like mountain streams we meet and part,
- Each living in the other's heart,
- Our course unknown, our hope to be
- Yet mingled in the distant sea.
- But Ocean coils and heaves in vain,
- Bound in the subtle moonbeam's chain;
- And love and hope do but obey
- Some cold, capricious planet's ray,
- Which lights and leads the tide it charms
- To Death's dark caves and icy arms.
- Alas! one narrow line is drawn,
- That links our sunset with our dawn;
- In mist and shade life's morning rose,
- And clouds are round it at its close;
- But ah! no twilight beam ascends
- To whisper where that evening ends.
- WHAT is a poet's love?--
- To write a girl a sonnet,
- To get a ring, or some such thing,
- And fustianize upon it.
- What is a poet's fame?--
- Sad hints about his reason,
- And sadder praise from garreteers,
- To be returned in season.
- Where go the poet's lines?--
- Answer, ye evening tapers!
- Ye auburn locks, ye golden curls,
- Speak from your folded papers!
- Child of the ploughshare, smile;
- Boy of the counter, grieve not,
- Though muses round thy trundle-bed
- Their broidered tissue weave not.
- The poet's future holds
- No civic wreath above him;
- Nor slated roof, nor varnished chaise,
- Nor wife nor child to love him.
- Maid of the village inn,
- Who workest woe on satin,
- (The grass in black, the graves in green,
- The epitaph in Latin,)
- Trust not to them who say,
- In stanzas, they adore thee;
- Oh rather sleep in churchyard clay,
- With urn and cherub o'er thee!
- WAN-VISAGED thing! thy virgin leaf
- To me looks more than deadly pale,
- Unknowing what may stain thee yet,--
- A poem or a tale.
- Who can thy unborn meaning scan?
- Can Seer or Sibyl read thee now?
- No,--seek to trace the fate of man
- Writ on his infant brow.
- Love may light on thy snowy cheek,
- And shake his Eden-breathing plumes;
- Then shalt thou tell how Lelia smiles,
- Or Angelina blooms.
- Satire may lift his bearded lance,
- Forestalling Time's slow-moving scythe,
- And, scattered on thy little field,
- Disjointed bards may writhe.
- Perchance a vision of the night,
- Some grizzled spectre, gaunt and thin,
- Or sheeted corpse, may stalk along,
- Or skeleton may grin.
- If it should be in pensive hour
- Some sorrow-moving theme I try,
- Ah, maiden, how thy tears will fall,
- For all I doom to die!
- But if in merry mood I touch
- Thy leaves, then shall the sight of thee
- Sow smiles as thick on rosy lips
- As ripples on the sea.
- The Weekly press shall gladly stoop
- To bind thee up among its sheaves;
- The Daily steal thy shining ore,
- To gild its leaden leaves.
- Thou hast no tongue, yet thou canst speak,
- Till distant shores shall hear the sound;
- Thou hast no life, yet thou canst breathe
- Fresh life on all around.
- Thou art the arena of the wise,
- The noiseless battle-ground of fame;
- The sky where halos may be wreathed
- Around the humblest name.
- Take, then, this treasure to thy trust,
- To win some idle reader's smile,
- Then fade and moulder in the dust,
- Or swell some bonfire's pile.
- IT may be so,--perhaps thou hast
- A warm and loving heart;
- I will not blame thee for thy face,
- Poor devil as thou art.
- That thing thou fondly deem'st a nose,
- Unsightly though it be,--
- In spite of all the cold world's scorn,
- It may be much to thee.
- Those eyes,--among thine elder friends
- Perhaps they pass for blue,--
- No matter,--if a man can see,
- What more have eyes to do?
- Thy mouth,--that fissure in thy face,
- By something like a chin,--
- May be a very useful place
- To put thy victual in.
- I know thou hast a wife at home,
- I know thou hast a child,
- By that subdued, domestic smile
- Upon thy features mild.
- That wife sits fearless by thy side,
- That cherub on thy knee;
- They do not shudder at thy looks,
- They do not shrink from thee.
- Above thy mantel is a hook,--
- A portrait once was there;
- It was thine only ornament,--
- Alas! that hook is bare.
- She begged thee not to let it go,
- She begged thee all in vain;
- She wept,--and breathed a trembling prayer
- To meet it safe again.
- It was a bitter sight to see
- That picture torn away;
- It was a solemn thought to think
- What all her friends would say!
- And often in her calmer hours,
- And in her happy dreams,
- Upon its long-deserted hook
- The absent portrait seems.
- Thy wretched infant turns his head
- In melancholy wise,
- And looks to meet the placid stare
- Of those unbending eyes.
- I never saw thee, lovely one,--
- Perchance I never may;
- It is not often that we cross
- Such people in our way;
- But if we meet in distant years,
- Or on some foreign shore,
- Sure I can take my Bible oath,
- I've seen that face before.
- IT was a tall young oysterman lived by the river-side,
- His shop was just upon the bank, his boat was on the tide;
- The daughter of a fisherman, that was so straight and slim,
- Lived over on the other bank, right opposite to him.
- It was the pensive oysterman that saw a lovely maid,
- Upon a moonlight evening, a sitting in the shade;
- He saw her wave her handkerchief, as much as if to say,
- "I 'm wide awake, young oysterman, and all the folks away."
- Then up arose the oysterman, and to himself said he,
- "I guess I 'll leave the skiff at home, for fear that folks should see
- I read it in the story-book, that, for to kiss his dear,
- Leander swam the Hellespont,--and I will swim this here."
- And he has leaped into the waves, and crossed the shining stream,
- And he has clambered up the bank, all in the moonlight gleam;
- Oh there were kisses sweet as dew, and words as soft as rain,--
- But they have heard her father's step, and in he leaps again!
- Out spoke the ancient fisherman,--"Oh, what was that, my daughter?"
- "'T was nothing but a pebble, sir, I threw into the water."
- "And what is that, pray tell me, love, that paddles off so fast?"
- "It's nothing but a porpoise, sir, that 's been a swimming past."
- Out spoke the ancient fisherman,--"Now bring me my harpoon!
- I'll get into my fishing-boat, and fix the fellow soon."
- Down fell that pretty innocent, as falls a snow-white lamb,
- Her hair drooped round her pallid cheeks, like sea-weed on a clam.
- Alas for those two loving ones! she waked not from her swound,
- And he was taken with the cramp, and in the waves was drowned;
- But Fate has metamorphosed them, in pity of their woe,
- And now they keep an oyster-shop for mermaids down below.
- THE dinner-bell, the dinner-bell
- Is ringing loud and clear;
- Through hill and plain, through street and lane,
- It echoes far and near;
- From curtained hall and whitewashed stall,
- Wherever men can hide,
- Like bursting waves from ocean caves,
- They float upon the tide.
- I smell the smell of roasted meat!
- I hear the hissing fry
- The beggars know where they can go,
- But where, oh where shall I?
- At twelve o'clock men took my hand,
- At two they only stare,
- And eye me with a fearful look,
- As if I were a bear!
- The poet lays his laurels down,
- And hastens to his greens;
- The happy tailor quits his goose,
- To riot on his beans;
- The weary cobbler snaps his thread,
- The printer leaves his pi;
- His very devil hath a home,
- But what, oh what have I?
- Methinks I hear an angel voice,
- That softly seems to say
- "Pale stranger, all may yet be well,
- Then wipe thy tears away;
- Erect thy head, and cock thy hat,
- And follow me afar,
- And thou shalt have a jolly meal,
- And charge it at the bar."
- I hear the voice! I go! I go!
- Prepare your meat and wine!
- They little heed their future need
- Who pay not when they dine.
- Give me to-day the rosy bowl,
- Give me one golden dream,--
- To-morrow kick away the stool,
- And dangle from the beam!
- THE folks, that on the first of May
- Wore winter coats and hose,
- Began to say, the first of June,
- "Good Lord! how hot it grows!"
- At last two Fahrenheits blew up,
- And killed two children small,
- And one barometer shot dead
- A tutor with its ball!
- Now all day long the locusts sang
- Among the leafless trees;
- Three new hotels warped inside out,
- The pumps could only wheeze;
- And ripe old wine, that twenty years
- Had cobwebbed o'er in vain,
- Came spouting through the rotten corks
- Like Joly's best champagne.
- The Worcester locomotives did
- Their trip in half an hour;
- The Lowell cars ran forty miles
- Before they checked the power;
- Roll brimstone soon became a drug,
- And loco-focos fell;
- All asked for ice, but everywhere
- Saltpetre was to sell.
- Plump men of mornings ordered tights,
- But, ere the scorching noons,
- Their candle-moulds had grown as loose
- As Cossack pantaloons!
- The dogs ran mad,--men could not try
- If water they would choose;
- A horse fell dead,--he only left
- Four red-hot, rusty shoes!
- But soon the people could not bear
- The slightest hint of fire;
- Allusions to caloric drew
- A flood of savage ire;
- The leaves on heat were all torn out
- From every book at school,
- And many blackguards kicked and caned,
- Because they said, "Keep cool!"
- The gas-light companies were mobbed,
- The bakers all were shot,
- The penny press began to talk
- Of lynching Doctor Nott;
- And all about the warehouse steps
- Were angry men in droves,
- Crashing and splintering through the doors
- To smash the patent stoves!
- The abolition men and maids
- Were tanned to such a hue,
- You scarce could tell them from their friends,
- Unless their eyes were blue;
- And, when I left, society
- Had burst its ancient guards,
- And Brattle Street and Temple Place
- Were interchanging cards.
- A STILL, sweet, placid, moonlight face,
- And slightly nonchalant,
- Which seems to claim a middle place
- Between one's love and aunt,
- Where childhood's star has left a ray
- In woman's sunniest sky,
- As morning dew and blushing day
- On fruit and blossom lie.
- And yet,--and yet I cannot love
- Those lovely lines on steel;
- They beam too much of heaven above,
- Earth's darker shades to feel;
- Perchance some early weeds of care
- Around my heart have grown,
- And brows unfurrowed seem not fair,
- Because they mock my own.
- Alas! when Eden's gates were sealed,
- How oft some sheltered flower
- Breathed o'er the wanderers of the field,
- Like their own bridal bower;
- Yet, saddened by its loveliness,
- And humbled by its pride,
- Earth's fairest child they could not bless,
- It mocked them when they sighed.
- IF sometimes in the dark blue eye,
- Or in the deep red wine,
- Or soothed by gentlest melody,
- Still warms this heart of mine,
- Yet something colder in the blood,
- And calmer in the brain,
- Have whispered that my youth's bright flood
- Ebbs, not to flow again.
- If by Helvetia's azure lake,
- Or Arno's yellow stream,
- Each star of memory could awake,
- As in my first young dream,
- I know that when mine eye shall greet
- The hillsides bleak and bare,
- That gird my home, it will not meet
- My childhood's sunsets there.
- Oh, when love's first, sweet, stolen kiss
- Burned on my boyish brow,
- Was that young forehead worn as this?
- Was that flushed cheek as now?
- Were that wild pulse and throbbing heart
- Like these, which vainly strive,
- In thankless strains of soulless art,
- To dream themselves alive?
- Alas! the morning dew is gone,
- Gone ere the full of day;
- Life's iron fetter still is on,
- Its wreaths all torn away;
- Happy if still some casual hour
- Can warm the fading shrine,
- Too soon to chill beyond the power
- Of love, or song, or wine!
- THE two proud sisters of the sea,
- In glory and in doom!--
- Well may the eternal waters be
- Their broad, unsculptured tomb!
- The wind that rings along the wave,
- The clear, unshadowed sun,
- Are torch and trumpet o'er the brave,
- Whose last green wreath is won!
- No stranger-hand their banners furled,
- No victor's shout they heard;
- Unseen, above them ocean curled,
- Safe by his own pale bird;
- The gnashing billows heaved and fell;
- Wild shrieked the midnight gale;
- Far, far beneath the morning swell
- Were pennon, spar, and sail.
- The land of Freedom! Sea and shore
- Are guarded now, as when
- Her ebbing waves to victory bore
- Fair barks and gallant men;
- Oh, many a ship of prouder name
- May wave her starry fold,
- Nor trail, with deeper light of fame,
- The paths they swept of old!
- "Qui vive?" The sentry's musket rings,
- The channelled bayonet gleams;
- High o'er him, like a raven's wings
- The broad tricolored banner flings
- Its shadow, rustling as it swings
- Pale in the moonlight beams;
- Pass on! while steel-clad sentries keep
- Their vigil o'er the monarch's sleep,
- Thy bare, unguarded breast
- Asks not the unbroken, bristling zone
- That girds yon sceptred trembler's throne;--
- Pass on, and take thy rest!
- "Qui vive?" How oft the midnight air
- That startling cry has borne!
- How oft the evening breeze has fanned
- The banner of this haughty land,
- O'er mountain snow and desert sand,
- Ere yet its folds were torn!
- Through Jena's carnage flying red,
- Or tossing o'er Marengo's dead,
- Or curling on the towers
- Where Austria's eagle quivers yet,
- And suns the ruffled plumage, wet
- With battle's crimson showers!
- "Qui vive?" And is the sentry's cry,--
- The sleepless soldier's hand,--
- Are these--the painted folds that fly
- And lift their emblems, printed high
- On morning mist and sunset sky--
- The guardians of a land?
- No! If the patriot's pulses sleep,
- How vain the watch that hirelings keep,
- The idle flag that waves,
- When Conquest, with his iron heel,
- Treads down the standards and the steel
- That belt the soil of slaves!
- Page 6. "They're as safe as Dan'l Malcolm."
- The following epitaph is still to be read on a tall grave-stone standing
- as yet undisturbed among the transplanted monuments of the dead in Copp's
- Hill Burial-Ground, one of the three city cemeteries which have been
- desecrated and ruined within my own remembrance:--
- "Here lies buried in a
- Stone Grave 10 feet deep,
- Who departed this Life
- October 23d, 1769,
- Aged 44 years,
- a true son of Liberty,
- a Friend to the Publick,
- an Enemy to oppression,
- and one of the foremost
- in opposing the Revenue Acts
- on America."
- Page 62. This broad-browed youth.
- Benjamin Robbins Curtis.
- Page 62. The stripling smooth of face and slight.
- George Tyler Bigelow.
- End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell
- Holmes, Complete, by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
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