- Project Gutenberg's Nights With Uncle Remus, by Joel Chandler Harris
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- Title: Nights With Uncle Remus
- Author: Joel Chandler Harris
- Illustrator: Milo Winter
- Release Date: January 26, 2008 [EBook #24430]
- Language: English
- Produced by Juliet Sutherland, Jacqueline Jeremy and the
- Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net
- BY
- [Illustration]
- The Riverside Press Cambridge
- 1917
- COPYRIGHT, 1851, 1853, 1909, AND 1911, BY THE CENTURY CO.
- _Published October 1917_
- Nights With Uncle Remus is a story-book dearly loved by children.
- Besides that, it is an important contribution to the study of
- Afro-American folk-lore, and through many years of popularity it
- has carried a long and learned Introduction, of great interest to
- students but rather forbidding in aspect to youthful readers. In
- this new edition, which has been prepared especially for children,
- and illustrated in colors by an artist who knows how to please them
- as well as their elders, the Introduction has been omitted, but the
- stories and their charming setting have been left intact.
- _June, 1917_
- XL. "CUTTA CORD-LA!" 200
- COME ON" 268
- [Illustration: MR. FOX AND MISS GOOSE]
- I
- It had been raining all day so that Uncle Remus found it impossible to
- go out. The storm had begun, the old man declared, just as the chickens
- were crowing for day, and it had continued almost without intermission.
- The dark gray clouds had blotted out the sun, and the leafless limbs of
- the tall oaks surrendered themselves drearily to the fantastic gusts
- that drove the drizzle fitfully before them. The lady to whom Uncle
- Remus belonged had been thoughtful of the old man, and 'Tildy, the
- house-girl, had been commissioned to carry him his meals. This
- arrangement came to the knowledge of the little boy at supper time, and
- he lost no time in obtaining permission to accompany 'Tildy.
- Uncle Remus made a great demonstration over the thoughtful kindness of
- his "Miss Sally."
- "Ef she ain't one blessid w'ite 'oman," he said, in his simple, fervent
- way, "den dey ain't none un um 'roun' in deze parts."
- With that he addressed himself to the supper, while the little boy sat
- by and eyed him with that familiar curiosity common to children. Finally
- the youngster disturbed the old man with an inquiry:--
- "Uncle Remus, do geese stand on one leg all night, or do they sit down
- to sleep?"
- "Tooby sho' dey does, honey; dey sets down same ez you does. Co'se, dey
- don't cross der legs," he added, cautiously, "kase dey sets down right
- flat-footed."
- "Well, I saw one the other day, and he was standing on one foot, and I
- watched him and watched him, and he kept on standing there."
- "Ez ter dat," responded Uncle Remus, "dey mought stan' on one foot en
- drap off ter sleep en fergit deyse'f. Deze yer gooses," he continued,
- wiping the crumbs from his beard with his coat-tail, "is mighty kuse
- fowls; deyer mighty kuse. In ole times dey wuz 'mongs de big-bugs, en in
- dem days, w'en ole Miss Goose gun a-dinin', all de quality wuz dere.
- Likewise, en needer wuz dey stuck-up, kase wid all der kyar'n's on, Miss
- Goose wer'n't too proud fer ter take in washin' fer de neighborhoods, en
- she make money, en get slick en fat lak Sis Tempy.
- "Dis de way marters stan' w'en one day Brer Fox en Brer Rabbit, dey wuz
- settin' up at de cotton-patch, one on one side de fence, en t'er one on
- t'er side, gwine on wid one er n'er, w'en fus' news dey know, dey year
- sump'n--_blim_, _blim_, _blim_!
- "Brer Fox, he ax w'at dat fuss is, en Brer Rabbit, he up'n 'spon' dat
- it's ole Miss Goose down at de spring. Den Brer Fox, he up'n ax w'at she
- doin', en Brer Rabbit, he say, sezee, dat she battlin' cloze."
- "Battling clothes, Uncle Remus?" said the little boy.
- "Dat w'at dey call it dem days, honey. Deze times, dey rubs cloze on
- deze yer bodes w'at got furrers in um, but dem days dey des tuck'n tuck
- de cloze en lay um out on a bench, en ketch holt er de battlin'-stick en
- natally paddle de fillin' outen um.
- "W'en Brer Fox year dat ole Miss Goose wuz down dar dabblin' in soapsuds
- en washin' cloze, he sorter lick he chops, en 'low dat some er dese
- odd-come-shorts he gwine ter call en pay he 'specks. De minnit he say
- dat, Brer Rabbit, he know sump'n' 'uz up, en he 'low ter hisse'f dat he
- 'speck he better whirl in en have some fun w'iles it gwine on. Bimeby
- Brer Fox up'n say ter Brer Rabbit dat he bleedzd ter be movin' 'long
- todes home, en wid dat dey bofe say good-bye.
- "Brer Fox, he put out ter whar his fambly wuz, but Brer Rabbit, he slip
- 'roun', he did, en call on ole Miss Goose. Ole Miss Goose she wuz down
- at de spring, washin', en b'ilin', en battlin' cloze; but Brer Rabbit he
- march up en ax her howdy, en den she tuck'n ax Brer Rabbit howdy.
- "'I'd shake han's 'long wid you, Brer Rabbit,' sez she, 'but dey er all
- full er suds,' sez she.
- "'No marter 'bout dat, Miss Goose,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'so long ez
- yo' will's good,' sezee."
- "A goose with hands, Uncle Remus!" the little boy exclaimed.
- "How you know goose ain't got han's?" Uncle Remus inquired, with a
- frown. "Is you been sleepin' longer ole man Know-All? Little mo' en
- you'll up'n stan' me down dat snakes ain't got no foots, and yit you
- take en lay a snake down yer 'fo' de fier, en his foots 'll come out
- right 'fo' yo' eyes."
- Uncle Remus paused here, but presently continued:--
- "Atter ole Miss Goose en Brer Rabbit done pass de time er day wid one er
- n'er, Brer Rabbit, he ax 'er, he did, how she come on deze days, en Miss
- Goose say, mighty po'ly.
- "'I'm gittin' stiff en I'm gittin' clumpsy,' sez she, 'en mo'n dat I'm
- gittin' bline,' sez she. 'Des 'fo' you happen 'long, Brer Rabbit, I drap
- my specks in de tub yer, en ef you'd 'a' come 'long 'bout dat time,' sez
- ole Miss Goose, sez she, 'I lay I'd er tuck you for dat nasty, owdashus
- Brer Fox, en it ud er bin a born blessin' ef I had n't er scald you wid
- er pan er b'ilin' suds,' sez she. 'I'm dat glad I foun' my specks I
- dunner w'at ter do,' sez ole Miss Goose, sez she.
- "Den Brer Rabbit, he up'n say dat bein's how Sis Goose done fotch up
- Brer Fox name, he got sump'n' fer ter tell 'er, en den he let out 'bout
- Brer Fox gwine ter call on 'er.
- "He comin' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee; 'he comin' sho', en w'en he come hit
- 'll be des 'fo' day,' sezee.
- "Wid dat, ole Miss Goose wipe 'er han's on 'er apun, en put 'er specks
- up on 'er forrerd, en look lak she done got trouble in 'er mine.
- "'Laws-a-massy!' sez she, 'spozen he come, Brer Rabbit! W'at I gwine do?
- En dey ain't a man 'bout de house, n'er,' sez she.
- "Den Brer Rabbit, he shot one eye, en he say, sezee:--
- "'Sis Goose, de time done come w'en you bleedzd ter roos' high. You look
- lak you got de dropsy,' sezee, 'but don't mine dat, kase ef you don't
- roos' high, youer goner,' sezee.
- "Den ole Miss Goose ax Brer Rabbit w'at she gwine do, en Brer Rabbit he
- up en tell Miss Goose dat she mus' go home en tie up a bundle er de
- w'ite folks' cloze, en put um on de bed, en den she mus' fly up on a
- rafter, en let Brer Fox grab de cloze en run off wid um.
- "Ole Miss Goose say she much 'blige, en she tuck'n tuck her things en
- waddle off home, en dat night she do lak Brer Rabbit say wid de bundle
- er cloze, en den she sont wud ter Mr. Dog, en Mr. Dog he come down, en
- say he'd sorter set up wid 'er.
- "Des 'fo' day, yer come Brer Fox creepin' up, en he went en push on de
- do' easy, en de do' open, en he see sump'n' w'ite on de bed w'ich he
- took fer Miss Goose, en he grab it en run. 'Bout dat time Mr. Dog sail
- out fum und' de house, he did, en ef Brer Fox had n't er drapt de cloze,
- he'd er got kotch. Fum dat, wud went 'roun' dat Brer Fox bin tryin' ter
- steal Miss Goose cloze, en he come mighty nigh losin' his stannin' at
- Miss Meadows. Down ter dis day," Uncle Remus continued, preparing to
- fill his pipe, "Brer Fox b'leeve dat Brer Rabbit wuz de 'casion er Mr.
- Dog bein' in de neighborhoods at dat time er night, en Brer Rabbit ain't
- 'spute it. De bad feelin' 'twix' Brer Fox en Mr. Dog start right dar, en
- hits bin agwine on twel now dey ain't git in smellin' distuns er one er
- n'er widout dey's a row."
- II
- There was a pause after the story of old Miss Goose. The culmination was
- hardly sensational enough to win the hearty applause of the little boy,
- and this fact appeared to have a depressing influence upon Uncle Remus.
- As he leaned slightly forward, gazing into the depths of the great
- fireplace, his attitude was one of pensiveness.
- "I 'speck I done wo' out my welcome up at de big house," he said, after
- a while. "I mos' knows I is," he continued, setting himself resignedly
- in his deep-bottomed chair. "Kase de las' time I uz up dar, I had my eye
- on Miss Sally mighty nigh de whole blessid time, en w'en you see Miss
- Sally rustlin' 'roun' makin' lak she fixin' things up dar on de
- mantle-shelf, en bouncin' de cheers 'roun', en breshin' dus' whar dey
- ain't no dus', en flyin' 'roun' singin' sorter louder dan common, den I
- des knows sump'n' done gone en rile 'er."
- "Why, Uncle Remus!" exclaimed the little boy; "Mamma was just glad
- because I was feeling so good."
- "Mought er bin," the old man remarked, in a tone that was far from
- implying conviction. "Ef 't wa'n't dat, den she wuz gittin' tired er
- seem' me lounjun' 'roun' up dar night atter night, en ef 't wa'n't dat,
- den she wuz watchin' a chance fer ter preach ter yo' pa. Oh, I done bin
- know Miss Sally long fo' yo' pa is!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, in response
- to the astonishment depicted upon the child's face. "I bin knowin' 'er
- sence she wuz so high, en endurin' er all dat time I ain't seed no mo'
- up'n spoken' w'ite 'oman dan w'at Miss Sally is.
- "But dat ain't needer yer ner dar. You done got so youk'n rush down yer
- des like you useter, en we kin set yer en smoke, en tell tales, en
- study up 'musements same like we wuz gwine on 'fo' you got dat splinter
- in yo' foot.
- "I mines me er one time"--with an infectious laugh--"w'en ole Brer
- Rabbit got Brer Fox in de wuss trubble w'at a man wuz mos' ever got in
- yit, en dat 'uz w'en he fool 'im 'bout de hoss. Ain't I never tell you
- 'bout dat? But no marter ef I is. Hoe-cake ain't cook done good twel
- hit's turnt over a couple er times.
- "Well, atter Brer Fox done git rested fum keepin' out er de way er Mr.
- Dog, en sorter ketch up wid his rations, he say ter hisse'f dat he be
- dog his cats ef he don't slorate ole Brer Rabbit ef it take 'im a mont';
- en dat, too, on top er all de 'spe'unce w'at he done bin had wid um.
- Brer Rabbit he sorter git win' er dis, en one day, w'iles he gwine 'long
- de road studyin' how he gwineter hol' he hand wid Brer Fox, he see a
- great big Hoss layin' stretch out flat on he side in de pastur'; en he
- tuck'n crope up, he did, fer ter see ef dish yer Hoss done gone en die.
- He crope up en he crope 'roun', en bimeby he see de Hoss switch he tail,
- en den Brer Rabbit know he ain't dead. Wid dat, Brer Rabbit lope back
- ter de big road, en mos' de fus' man w'at he see gwine on by wuz Brer
- Fox, en Brer Rabbit he tuck atter 'im, en holler:--
- "'Brer Fox! O Brer Fox! Come back! I got some good news fer you. Come
- back, Brer Fox,' sezee.
- "Brer Fox, he tu'n 'roun', he did, en w'en he see who callin' 'im, he
- come gallopin' back, kaze it seem like dat des ez gooder time ez any fer
- ter nab Brer Rabbit; but 'fo' he git in nabbin' distance, Brer Rabbit he
- up'n say, sezee:--
- "'Come on, Brer Fox! I done fine de place whar you kin lay in fresh meat
- 'nuff fer ter las' you plum twel de middle er nex' year,' sezee.
- "Brer Fox, he ax wharbouts, en Brer Rabbit, he say, right over dar in de
- pastur', en Brer Fox ax w'at is it, en Brer Rabbit, he say w'ich 'twuz a
- whole Hoss layin' down on de groun' whar dey kin ketch 'im en tie 'im.
- Wid dat, Brer Fox, he say come on, en off dey put.
- "W'en dey got dar, sho' nuff, dar lay de Hoss all stretch out in de sun,
- fas' 'sleep, en den Brer Fox en Brer Rabbit, dey had a 'spute 'bout how
- dey gwine ter fix de Hoss so he can't git loose. One say one way en de
- yuther say n'er way, en dar dey had it, twel atter w'ile Brer Rabbit, he
- say, sezee:--
- "'De onliest plan w'at I knows un, Brer Fox,' sezee, 'is fer you ter git
- down dar en lemme tie you ter de Hoss tail, en den, w'en he try ter git
- up, you kin hol' 'im down,' sezee. 'Ef I wuz big man like w'at you is,'
- sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'you mought tie me ter dat Hoss' tail, en ef I
- ain't hol' 'im down, den Joe's dead en Sal's a widder. I des knows you
- kin hol' 'im down,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'but yit, ef you 'feared, we
- des better drap dat idee en study out some yuther plan,' sezee.
- "Brer Fox sorter jubus 'bout dis, but he bleedzd ter play biggity 'fo'
- Brer Rabbit, en he tuck'n 'gree ter de progrance, en den Brer Rabbit, he
- tuck'n tie Brer Fox ter de Hoss' tail, en atter he git 'im tie dar hard
- en fas', he sorter step back, he did, en put he han's 'kimbo, en grin,
- en den he say, sezee:--
- "Ef ever dey wuz a Hoss kotch, den we done kotch dis un. Look sorter lak
- we done put de bridle on de wrong een',' sezee, 'but I lay Brer Fox is
- got de strenk fer ter hol' 'im,' sezee.
- "Wid dat, Brer Rabbit cut 'im a long switch en trim it up, en w'en he
- get it fix, up he step en hit de Hoss a rap--_pow!_ De Hoss 'uz dat
- s'prise at dat kinder doin's dat he make one jump, en lan' on he foots.
- W'en he do dat, dar wuz Brer Fox danglin' in de a'r, en Brer Rabbit, he
- dart out de way en holler:--
- "'Hol' 'im down, Brer Fox! Hol' 'im down! I'll stan' out yer en see fa'r
- play. Hol' 'im down, Brer Fox! Hol' 'im down!'
- "Co'se, w'en de Hoss feel Brer Fox hangin' dar onter he tail, he thunk
- sump'n' kuse wuz de marter, en dis make 'im jump en r'ar wusser en
- wusser, en he shake up Brer Fox same like he wuz a rag in de win', en
- Brer Rabbit, he jump en holler:--
- "'Hol' 'im down, Brer Fox! Hol' 'im down! You got 'im now, sho'! Hol'
- yo' grip, en hol' 'im down,' sezee.
- "De Hoss, he jump en he hump, en he rip en he r'ar, en he snort en he
- t'ar. But yit Brer Fox hang on, en still Brer Rabbit skip 'roun' en
- holler:--
- "'Hol' 'im down, Brer Fox! You got 'im whar he can't needer back ner
- squall. Hol' 'im down, Brer Fox!' sezee.
- "Bimeby, w'en Brer Fox git chance, he holler back, he did:--
- "'How in de name er goodness I gwine ter hol' de Hoss down 'less I git
- my claw in de groun'?'
- "Den Brer Rabbit, he stan' back little furder en holler little louder:--
- "'Hol' 'im down, Brer Fox! Hol' 'im down! You got 'im now, sho'! Hol'
- 'im down!'
- "Bimeby de Hoss 'gun ter kick wid he behime legs, en de fus' news you
- know, he fetch Brer Fox a lick in de stomach dat fa'rly make 'im squall,
- en den he kick 'im ag'in, en dis time he break Brer Fox loose, en sont
- 'im a-whirlin'; en Brer Rabbit, he keep on a-jumpin' 'roun' en
- hollerin':--
- "'Hol' 'im down, Brer Fox!'"
- "Did the fox get killed, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy.
- "He wa'n't 'zackly kilt, honey," replied the old man, "but he wuz de
- nex' do' ter't. He 'uz all broke up, en w'iles he 'uz gittin' well, hit
- sorter come 'cross he min' dat Brer Rabbit done play n'er game on 'im."
- "What did Brother Rabbit do after that?" the little boy asked presently.
- "Now, den, you don't wanter push ole Brer Rabbit too close," replied
- Uncle Remus significantly. "He mighty tender-footed creetur, en de mo'
- w'at you push 'im, de furder he lef' you."
- There was prolonged silence in the old man's cabin, until, seeing that
- the little boy was growing restless enough to cast several curious
- glances in the direction of the tool chest in the corner, Uncle Remus
- lifted one leg over the other, scratched his head reflectively, and
- began:--
- "One time, atter Brer Rabbit done bin trompin' 'roun' huntin' up some
- sallid fer ter make out he dinner wid, he fine hisse'f in de
- neighborhoods er Mr. Man house, en he pass 'long twel he come ter de
- gyardin-gate, en nigh de gyardin-gate he see Little Gal playin' 'roun'
- in de san'. Wen Brer Rabbit look 'twix' de gyardin-palin's en see de
- colluds, en de sparrer-grass, en de yuther gyardin truck growin' dar,
- hit make he mouf water. Den he take en walk up ter de Little Gal, Brer
- Rabbit did, en pull he roach,[1] en bow, en scrape he foot, en talk
- mighty nice en slick.
- "'Howdy, Little Gal,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee; 'how you come on?' sezee.
- "Den de Little Gal, she 'spon' howdy, she did, en she ax Brer Rabbit how
- he come on, en Brer Rabbit, he 'low he mighty po'ly, en den he ax ef dis
- de Little Gal w'at 'er pa live up dar in de big w'ite house, w'ich de
- Little Gal, she up'n say 'twer'. Brer Rabbit, he say he mighty glad,
- kaze he des bin up dar fer to see 'er pa, en he say dat 'er pa, he sont
- 'im out dar fer ter tell de Little Gal dat she mus' open de gyardin-gate
- so Brer Rabbit kin go in en git some truck. Den de Little Gal, she jump
- 'roun', she did, en she open de gate, en wid dat, Brer Rabbit, he hop
- in, he did, en got 'im a mess er greens, en hop out ag'in, en w'en he
- gwine off he make a bow, he did, en tell de Little Gal dat he much
- 'blije', en den atter dat he put out fer home.
- "Nex' day, Brer Rabbit, he hide out, he did, twel he see de Little Gal
- come out ter play, en den he put up de same tale, en walk off wid a n'er
- mess er truck, en hit keep on dis a-way, twel bimeby Mr. Man, he 'gun
- ter miss his greens, en he keep on a-missin' un um, twel he got ter
- excusin' eve'ybody on de place er 'stroyin' un um, en w'en dat come ter
- pass, de Little Gal, she up'n say:--
- "'My goodness, pa!' sez she, 'you done tole Mr. Rabbit fer ter come and
- make me let 'im in de gyardin atter some greens, en ain't he done come
- en ax me, en ain't I done gone en let 'im in?' sez she.
- "Mr. Man ain't hatter study long 'fo' he see how de lan' lay, en den he
- laff, en tell de Little Gal dat he done gone en disremember all 'bout
- Mr. Rabbit, en den he up'n say, sezee:--
- "'Nex' time Mr. Rabbit come, you tak'n tu'n 'im in, en den you run des
- ez fas' ez you kin en come en tell me, kase I got some bizness wid dat
- young chap dat's bleedze ter be 'ten' ter,' sezee.
- "Sho' nuff, nex' mawnin' dar wuz de Little Gal playin' 'roun', en yer
- come Brer Rabbit atter he 'lowance er greens. He wuz ready wid de same
- tale, en den de Little Gal, she tu'n 'im in, she did, en den she run up
- ter de house en holler:--
- "'O pa! pa! O pa! Yer Brer Rabbit in de gyardin now! Yer he is, pa!'
- "Den Mr. Man, he rush out, en grab up a fishin'-line w'at bin hangin' in
- de back po'ch, en mak fer de gyardin, en w'en he git dar, dar wuz Brer
- Rabbit tromplin' 'roun' on de strawbe'y-bed en mashin' down de
- termartusses. W'en Brer Rabbit see Mr. Man, he squot behime a collud
- leaf, but 't wa'n't no use. Mr. Man done seed him, en 'fo' you kin
- count 'lev'm, he done got ole Brer Rabbit tie hard en fas' wid de
- fishin'-line. Atter he got him tie good, Mr. Man step back, he did, en
- say, sezee:--
- "'You done bin fool me lots er time, but dis time you er mine. I'm gwine
- ter take you en gin you a larrupin',' sezee, 'en den I'm gwine ter skin
- you en nail yo' hide on de stable do',' sezee; 'en den ter make sho dat
- you git de right kinder larrupin', I'll des step up ter de house,'
- sezee, 'en fetch de little red cowhide, en den I'll take en gin you
- brinjer,' sezee.
- "Den Mr. Man call to der Little Gal ter watch Brer Rabbit w'iles he
- gone.
- "Brer Rabbit ain't sayin' nothin', but Mr. Man ain't mo'n out de gate
- 'fo' he 'gun ter sing; en in dem days Brer Rabbit wuz a singer, mon,"
- continued Uncle Remus, with unusual emphasis, "en w'en he chuned up fer
- ter sing he make dem yuther creeturs hol' der bref."
- "What did he sing, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy.
- "Ef I ain't fergit dat song off'n my min'," said Uncle Remus, looking
- over his spectacles at the fire, with a curious air of attempting to
- remember something, "hit run sorter dish yer way:--
- "'_De jay-bird hunt de sparrer-nes',
- De bee-martin sail all 'roun';
- De squer'l, he holler from de top er de tree,
- Mr. Mole, he stay in de groun';
- He hide en he stay twel de dark drop down--
- Mr. Mole, he hide in de groun'._'
- "W'en de Little Gal year dat, she laugh, she did, and she up'n ax Brer
- Babbit fer ter sing some mo', but Brer Rabbit, he sorter cough, he did,
- en 'low dat he got a mighty bad ho'seness down inter he win'pipe
- some'rs. De Little Gal, she swade,[2] en swade, en bimeby Brer Rabbit,
- he up 'n 'low dat he kin dance mo' samer dan w'at he kin sing. Den de
- Little Gal, she ax' im won't he dance, en Brer Rabbit, he 'spon' how in
- de name er goodness kin a man dance w'iles he all tie up dis a-way, en
- den de Little Gal, she say she kin ontie 'im, en Brer Rabbit, he say he
- ain't keerin' ef she do. Wid dat de Little Gal, she retch down en
- onloose de fish-line, en Brer Rabbit, he sorter stretch hisse'f en look
- 'roun'."
- Here Uncle Remus paused and sighed, as though he had relieved his mind
- of a great burden. The little boy waited a few minutes for the old man
- to resume, and finally he asked:--
- "Did the Rabbit dance, Uncle Remus?"
- "Who? Him?" exclaimed the old man, with a queer affectation of elation.
- "Bless yo' soul, honey! Brer Rabbit gedder up his foots und' 'im, en he
- dance outer dat gyardin, en he dance home. He did dat! Sho'ly you don't
- 'speck' dat a ole-timer w'at done had 'spe'unce like Brer Rabbit gwine
- ter stay dar en let dat ar Mr. Man sackyfice 'im? _Shoo!_ Brer Rabbit
- dance, but he dance home. You year me!"
- [1] Topknot, foretop.
- [2] Persuaded.
- IV
- Uncle Remus chuckled a moment over the escape of Brother Rabbit, and
- then turned his gaze upward toward the cobwebbed gloom that seemed to
- lie just beyond the rafters. He sat thus silent and serious a little
- while, but finally squared himself around in his chair and looked the
- little boy full in the face. The old man's countenance expressed a
- curious mixture of sorrow and bewilderment. Catching the child by the
- coat-sleeve, Uncle Remus pulled him gently to attract his attention.
- "Hit look like ter me," he said presently, in the tone of one
- approaching an unpleasant subject, "dat no longer'n yistiddy I see one
- er dem ar Favers chillun clim'in' dat ar big red-oak out yan', en den it
- seem like dat a little chap 'bout yo' size, he tuck'n start up ter see
- ef he can't play smarty like de Favers's yearlin's. I dunner w'at in de
- name er goodness you wanter be a-copyin' atter dem ar Faverses fer. Ef
- you er gwine ter copy atter yuther folks, copy atter dem w'at's some
- 'count. Yo' pa, he got de idee dat some folks is good ez yuther folks;
- but Miss Sally, she know better. She know dat dey ain't no Favers 'pon
- de top side er de yeth w'at kin hol' der han' wid de Abercrombies in
- p'int er breedin' en raisin'. Dat w'at Miss Sally know. I bin keepin'
- track er dem Faverses sence way back yan' long 'fo' Miss Sally wuz
- born'd. Ole Cajy Favers, he went ter de po'house, en ez ter dat Jim
- Favers, I boun' you he know de inside er all de jails in dish yer State
- er Jawjy. Dey allers did hate niggers kase dey ain't had none, en dey
- hates um down ter dis day.
- "Year 'fo' las'," Uncle Remus continued, "I year yo Unk' Jeems
- Abercrombie tell dat same Jim Favers dat ef he lay de weight er he han'
- on one er his niggers, he'd slap a load er buck shot in 'im; en, bless
- yo' soul, honey, yo' Unk' Jeems wuz des de man ter do it. But dey er
- monst'us perlite unter me, dem Faverses is," pursued the old man,
- allowing his indignation, which had risen to a white heat, to cool off,
- "en dey better be," he added spitefully, "kase I knows der pedigree fum
- de fus' ter de las', en w'en I gits my Affikin up, dey ain't nobody,
- 'less it's Miss Sally 'erse'f, w'at kin keep me down.
- "But dat ain't needer yer ner dar," said Uncle Remus, renewing his
- attack upon the little boy. "W'at you wanter go copyin' atter dem Favers
- chillun fer? Youer settin' back dar, right dis minnit, bettin' longer
- yo'se'f dat I ain't gwine ter tell Miss Sally, en dar whar youer lettin'
- yo' foot slip, kaze I'm gwine ter let it pass dis time, but de ve'y nex'
- time w'at I ketches you in hollerin' distuns er dem Faverses, right den
- en dar I'm gwine ter take my foot in my han' en go en tell Miss Sally,
- en ef she don't natally skin you 'live, den she ain't de same 'oman w'at
- she useter be.
- "All dish yer copyin' atter deze yer Faverses put me in min' er de time
- w'en Brer Fox got ter copyin' atter Brer Rabbit. I done tole you 'bout
- de time w'en Brer Rabbit git de game fum Brer Fox by makin' like he
- dead?"[3]
- The little boy remembered it very distinctly, and said as much.
- "Well, den, ole Brer Fox, w'en he see how slick de trick wuk wid Brer
- Rabbit, he say ter hisse'f dat he b'leeve he'll up'n try de same kinder
- game on some yuther man, en he keep on watchin' fer he chance, twel
- bimeby, one day, he year Mr. Man comin' down de big road in a one-hoss
- waggin, kyar'n some chickens, en some eggs, en some butter, ter town.
- Brer Fox year 'im comin', he did, en w'at do he do but go en lay down in
- de road front er de waggin. Mr. Man, he druv 'long, he did, cluckin' ter
- de hoss en hummin' ter hisse'f, en w'en dey git mos' up ter Brer Fox, de
- hoss, he shy, he did, en Mr. Man, he tuck'n holler Wo! en de hoss, he
- tuck'n wo'd. Den Mr. Man, he look down, en he see Brer Fox layin' out
- dar on de groun' des like he cole en stiff, en w'en Mr. Man see dis, he
- holler out:--
- "'Heyo! Dar de chap w'at been nabbin' up my chickens, en somebody done
- gone en shot off a gun at 'im, w'ich I wish she'd er bin two guns--dat I
- does!'
- "Wid dat, Mr. Man he druv on en lef Brer Fox layin' dar. Den Brer Fox,
- he git up en run 'roun' thoo de woods en lay down front er Mr. Man
- ag'in, en Mr. Man come drivin' 'long, en he see Brer Fox, en he say,
- sezee;--
- "'Heyo! Yer de ve'y chap what been 'stroyin' my pigs. Somebody done gone
- en kilt 'im, en I wish dey'd er kilt 'im long time ago.'
- "Den Mr. Man, he druv on, en de waggin-w'eel come mighty nigh mashin'
- Brer Fox nose; yit, all de same, Brer Fox lipt up en run 'roun' 'head er
- Mr. Man, en lay down in de road, en w'en Mr. Man come 'long, dar he wuz
- all stretch out like he big 'nuff fer ter fill a two-bushel baskit, en
- he look like he dead 'nuff fer ter be skint. Mr. Man druv up, he did, en
- stop. He look down pun Brer Fox, en den he look all 'roun' fer ter see
- w'at de 'casion er all deze yer dead Fox is. Mr. Man look all 'roun', he
- did, but he ain't see nothin', en needer do he year nothin'. Den he set
- dar en study, en bimeby he 'low ter hisse'f, he did, dat he had better
- 'zamin' w'at kinder kuse zeeze[4] done bin got inter Brer Fox fambly, en
- wid dat he lit down outer de waggin, en feel er Brer Fox year; Brer Fox
- year feel right wom. Den he feel Brer Fox neck; Brer Fox neck right wom.
- Den he feel er Brer Fox in de short ribs; Brer Fox all soun' in de short
- ribs. Den he feel er Brer Fox lim's; Brer Fox all soun' in de lim's. Den
- he tu'n Brer Fox over, en, lo en beholes, Brer Fox right limber. Wen Mr.
- Man see dis, he say ter hisse'f, sezee:--
- "'Heyo, yer! how come dis? Dish yer chicken-nabber look lak he dead, but
- dey ain't no bones broked, en I ain't see no blood, en needer does I
- feel no bruise; en mo'n dat he wom en he limber,' sezee. 'Sump'n' wrong
- yer, sho'! Dish yer pig-grabber _mought_ be dead, en den ag'in he
- moughtent,' sezee; 'but ter make sho' dat he is, I'll des gin 'im a
- whack wid my w'ip-han'le,' sezee; en wid dat, Mr. Man draw back en fotch
- Brer Fox a clip behime de years--_pow!_--en de lick come so hard en it
- come so quick dat Brer Fox thunk sho' he's a goner; but 'fo' Mr. Man kin
- draw back fer ter fetch 'im a n'er wipe, Brer Fox, he scramble ter his
- feet, he did, en des make tracks 'way fum dar."
- Uncle Remus paused and shook the cold ashes from his pipe, and then
- applied the moral:--
- "Dat w'at Brer Fox git fer playin' Mr. Smarty en copyin' atter yuther
- foks, en dat des de way de whole Smarty fambly gwine ter come out."
- [3] _Uncle Remus: His Songs and His Sayings_, p. 70 (New York: D.
- Appleton & Co.).
- [4] Disease.
- V
- "I 'speck dat 'uz de reas'n w'at make ole Brer Rabbit git 'long so well,
- kaze he ain't copy atter none er de yuther creeturs," Uncle Remus
- continued, after a while. "Wen he make his disappearance 'fo' um, hit
- 'uz allers in some bran new place. Dey ain't know wharbouts fer ter
- watch out fer 'im. He wuz de funniest creetur er de whole gang. Some
- folks moughter call him lucky, en yit, w'en he git in bad luck, hit look
- lak he mos' allers come out on top. Hit look mighty kuse now, but 't
- wa'n't kuse in dem days, kaze hit 'uz done gun up dat, strike 'im w'en
- you might en whar you would, Brer Rabbit wuz de soopless creetur gwine.
- "One time, he sorter tuck a notion, ole Brer Rabbit did, dat he'd pay
- Brer B'ar a call, en no sooner do de notion strike 'im dan he pick
- hisse'f up en put out fer Brer B'ar house."
- "Why, I thought they were mad with each other," the little boy
- exclaimed.
- "Brer Rabbit make he call w'en Brer B'ar en his fambly wuz off fum
- home," Uncle Remus explained, with a chuckle which was in the nature of
- a hearty tribute to the crafty judgment of Brother Rabbit.
- "He sot down by de road, en he see um go by,--ole Brer B'ar en ole Miss
- B'ar, en der two twin-chilluns, w'ich one un um wuz name Kubs en de t'er
- one wuz name Klibs."
- The little boy laughed, but the severe seriousness of Uncle Remus would
- have served for a study, as he continued:--
- "Ole Brer B'ar en Miss B'ar, dey went 'long ahead, en Kubs en Klibs, dey
- come shufflin' en scramblin' 'long behime. W'en Brer Rabbit see dis, he
- say ter hisse'f dat he 'speck he better go see how Brer B'ar gittin' on;
- en off he put. En 't wa'n't long n'er 'fo' he 'uz ransackin' de
- premmuses same like he 'uz sho' 'nuff patter-roller. Wiles he wuz gwine
- 'roun' peepin' in yer en pokin' in dar, he got ter foolin' 'mong de
- shelfs, en a bucket er honey w'at Brer B'ar got hid in de cubbud fall
- down en spill on top er Brer Rabbit, en little mo'n he'd er bin drown.
- Fum head ter heels dat creetur wuz kiver'd wid honey; he wa'n't des only
- bedobble wid it, he wuz des kiver'd. He hatter set dar en let de natal
- sweetness drip outen he eyeballs 'fo' he kin see he han' befo' 'im, en
- den, atter he look' 'roun' little, he say to hisse'f, sezee:--
- "'Heyo, yer! W'at I gwine do now? Ef I go out in de sunshine, de
- bumly-bees en de flies dey'll swom up'n take me, en if I stay yer, Brer
- B'ar'll come back en ketch me, en I dunner w'at in de name er gracious I
- gwine do.'
- "Ennyhow, bimeby a notion strike Brer Rabbit, en he tip 'long twel he
- git in de woods, en w'en he git out dar, w'at do he do but roll in de
- leafs en trash en try fer ter rub de honey off'n 'im dat a-way. He roll,
- he did, en de leafs dey stick; Brer Rabbit roll, en de leafs dey stick,
- en he keep on rollin' en de leafs keep on stickin', twel atter w'ile
- Brer Rabbit wuz de mos' owdashus-lookin' creetur w'at you ever sot eyes
- on. En ef Miss Meadows en de gals could er seed 'im den en dar, dey
- would n't er bin no mo' Brer Rabbit call at der house; 'deed, en dat dey
- would n't.
- "Brer Rabbit, he jump 'roun', he did, en try ter shake de leafs off'a
- 'im, but de leafs, dey ain't gwine ter be shuck off. Brer Rabbit, he
- shake en he shiver, but de leafs dey stick; en de capers dat creetur cut
- up out dar in de woods by he own-alone se'f wuz scan'lous--dey wuz dat;
- dey wuz scan'lous.
- "Brer Rabbit see dis wa'nt gwine ter do, en he 'low ter hisse'f dat he
- better be gittin' on todes home, en off he put. I 'speck you done year
- talk er deze yer booggers w'at gits atter bad chilluns," continued Uncle
- Remus, in a tone so seriously confidential as to be altogether
- depressing; "well, den, des 'zactly dat a-way Brer Rabbit look, en ef
- you'd er seed 'im you'd er made sho' he de gran'-daddy er all de
- booggers. Brer Rabbit pace 'long, he did, en ev'y motion he make, de
- leafs dey'd go _swishy-swushy_, _splushy-splishy_, en, fum de fuss he
- make en de way he look, you'd er tuck 'im ter be de mos' suvvigus
- varment w'at disappear fum de face er de yeth sence ole man Noah let
- down de draw-bars er de ark en tu'n de creeturs loose; en I boun' ef
- you'd er struck up long wid 'im, you'd er been mighty good en glad ef
- you'd er got off wid dat.
- "De fus' man w'at Brer Rabbit come up wid wuz ole Sis Cow, en no sooner
- is she lay eyes on 'im dan she h'ist up 'er tail in de elements, en put
- out like a pack er dogs wuz atter 'er. Dis make Brer Rabbit laff, kaze
- he know dat w'en a ole settle' 'oman like Sis Cow run 'stracted in de
- broad open day-time, dat dey mus' be sump'n' mighty kuse 'bout dem leafs
- en dat honey, en he keep on a-rackin' down de road. De nex' man w'at he
- meet wuz a black gal tollin' a whole passel er plantation shotes, en
- w'en de gal see Brer Rabbit come prancin' 'long, she fling down 'er
- basket er corn en des fa'rly fly, en de shotes, dey tuck thoo de woods,
- en sech n'er racket ez dey kick up wid der runnin', en der snortin', en
- der squealin' ain't never bin year in dat settlement needer befo' ner
- since. Hit keep on dis a-way long ez Brer Rabbit meet anybody--dey des
- broke en run like de Ole Boy wuz atter um.
- "Co'se, dis make Brer Rabbit feel monst'us biggity, en he 'low ter
- hisse'f dat he 'speck he better drap 'roun' en skummish in de
- neighborhoods er Brer Fox house. En w'iles he wuz stannin' dar runnin'
- dis 'roun' in he min', yer come old Brer B'ar en all er he fambly. Brer
- Rabbit, he git crossways de road, he did, en he sorter sidle todes um.
- Ole Brer B'ar, he stop en look, but Brer Rabbit, he keep on sidlin'
- todes um. Ole Miss B'ar, she stan' it long ez she kin, en den she fling
- down 'er parrysol en tuck a tree. Brer B'ar look lak he gwine ter stan'
- his groun', but Brer Rabbit he jump straight up in de a'r en gin hisse'f
- a shake, en, bless yo' soul, honey! ole Brer B'ar make a break, en dey
- tells me he to' down a whole panel er fence gittin' 'way fum dar. En
- ez ter Kubs en Klibs, dey tuck der hats in der han's, en dey went
- skaddlin' thoo de bushes des same ez a drove er hosses."
- "And then what?" the little boy asked.
- "Brer Rabbit p'raded on down de road," continued Uncle Remus, "en bimeby
- yer come Brer Fox en Brer Wolf, fixin' up a plan fer ter nab Brer
- Rabbit, en dey wuz so intents on der confab dat dey got right on Brer
- Rabbit 'fo' dey seed 'im; but, gentermens! w'en dey is ketch a glimpse
- un 'im, dey gun 'im all de room he want. Brer Wolf, he try ter show off,
- he did, kase he wanter play big 'fo' Brer Fox, en he stop en ax Brer
- Rabbit who is he. Brer Rabbit, he jump up en down in de middle er de
- road, en holler out:--
- "'I'm de Wull-er-de-Wust.[5] I'm de Wull-er-de-Wust, en youer de man I'm
- atter!'
- "Den Brer Rabbit jump up en down en make lak he gwine atter Brer Fox en
- Brer Wolf, en de way dem creeturs lit out fum dar wuz a caution.
- "Long time atter dat," continued Uncle Remus, folding his hands placidly
- in his lap, with the air of one who has performed a pleasant
- duty,--"long time atter dat, Brer Rabbit come up wid Brer Fox en Brer
- Wolf, en he git behime a stump, Brer Rabbit did, en holler out:--
- "'I'm de Wull-er-de-Wust, en youer de mens I'm atter!'
- "Brer Fox en Brer Wolf, dey broke, but 'fo' dey got outer sight en outer
- yar'n', Brer Rabbit show hisse'f, he did, en laugh fit ter kill hisse'f.
- Atterwuds, Miss Meadows she year 'bout it, en de nex' time Brer Fox
- call, de gals dey up en giggle, en ax 'im ef he ain't feard de
- Wull-er-de-Wust mought drap in."
- [5] Or Wull-er-de-Wuts. Probably a fantastic corruption of
- "will-o'-the-wisp," though this is not by any means certain.
- VI
- The rain continued to fall the next day, but the little boy made
- arrangements to go with 'Tildy when she carried Uncle Remus his supper.
- This happened to be a waiter full of things left over from dinner. There
- was so much that the old man was moved to remark:--
- "I cl'ar ter gracious, hit look lak Miss Sally done got my name in de
- pot dis time, sho'. I des wish you look at dat pone er co'n-bread,
- honey, en dem ar greens, en see ef dey ain't got Remus writ some'rs on
- um. Dat ar chick'n fixin's, dey look lak deyer good, yet 'taint
- familious wid me lak dat ar bile ham. Dem ar sweet-taters, dey stan's
- fa'r fer dividjun, but dem ar puzzuv,[6] I lay dey fit yo' palate mo'
- samer dan dey does mine. Dish yer hunk er beef, we kin talk 'bout dat
- w'en de time come, en dem ar biscuits, I des nat'ally knows Miss Sally
- put um in dar fer some little chap w'ich his name I ain't gwine ter call
- in comp'ny."
- It was easy to perceive that the sight of the supper had put Uncle Remus
- in rare good-humor. He moved around briskly, taking the plates from the
- waiter and distributing them with exaggerated carefulness around upon
- his little pine table. Meanwhile he kept up a running fire of
- conversation.
- "Folks w'at kin set down en have der vittles brung en put down right
- spang und' der nose--dem kinder folks ain't got no needs er no umbrell.
- Night 'fo' las', w'iles I wuz settin' dar in de do', I year dem
- Willis-whistlers, en den I des knowed we 'uz gwine ter git a season."[7]
- "The Willis-whistlers, Uncle Remus," exclaimed the little boy. "What are
- they?"
- "Youer too hard fer me now, honey. Dat w'at I knows I don't min'
- tellin', but w'en you axes me 'bout dat w'at I dunno, den youer too hard
- fer me, sho'. Deze yer Willis-whistlers, dey bangs my time, en I bin
- knockin' 'roun' in dish yer low-groun' now gwine on eighty year. Some
- folks wanter make out deyer frogs, yit I wish dey p'int out unter me how
- frogs kin holler so dat de nigher you come t'um, de furder you is off; I
- be mighty glad ef some un 'ud come 'long en tell me dat. Many en many's
- de time is I gone atter deze yer Willis-whistlers, en, no diffunce whar
- I goes, deyer allers off yander. You kin put de shovel in de fier en
- make de squinch-owl hush he fuss, en you kin go out en put yo' han' on
- de trees en make deze yere locus'-bugs quit der racket, but dem ar
- Willis-whistlers deyer allers 'way off yander."[8]
- Suddenly Uncle Remus paused over one of the dishes, and exclaimed:--
- "Gracious en de goodness! W'at kinder doin's is dis Miss Sally done gone
- sont us?"
- "That," said the little boy, after making an investigation, "is what
- mamma calls a floating island."
- "Well, den," Uncle Remus remarked, in a relieved tone, "dat's diffunt. I
- wuz mos' fear'd it 'uz some er dat ar sillerbug, w'ich a whole jugful
- ain't ska'cely 'nuff fer ter make you seem like you dremp 'bout smellin'
- dram. Ef I'm gwine ter be fed on foam," continued the old man, by way of
- explaining his position on the subject of syllabub, "let it be foam, en
- ef I'm gwine ter git dram, lemme git in reach un it w'ile she got some
- strenk lef'. Dat's me up an down. W'en it come ter yo' floatin' ilun,
- des gimme a hunk er ginger-cake en a mug er 'simmon-beer, en dey won't
- fine no nigger w'ats got no slicker feelin's dan w'at I is.
- "Miss Sally mighty kuse w'ite 'oman," Uncle Remus went on. "She sendin'
- all deze doin's en fixin's down yer, en I 'speck deyer monst'us nice,
- but no longer'n las' Chuseday she had all de niggers on de place, big en
- little, gwine squallin' 'roun' fer Remus. Hit 'uz Remus yer en Remus
- dar, en, lo en beholes, w'en I come ter fine out, Miss Sally want Remus
- fer ter whirl in en cook 'er one er deze yer ole-time ash-cakes. She
- bleedzd ter have it den en dar; en w'en I git it done, Miss Sally, she
- got a glass er buttermilk, en tuck'n sot right flat down on de flo', des
- like she useter w'en she wuz little gal." The old man paused,
- straightened up, looked at the child over his spectacles, and continued,
- with emphasis: "En I be bless ef she ain't eat a hunk er dat ash-cake
- mighty nigh ez big ez yo' head, en den she tuck'n make out 't wa'n't
- cook right.
- "Now, den, honey, all deze done fix. You set over dar, and I'll set over
- yer, en 'twix' en 'tween us we'll sample dish yer truck en see w'at is
- it Miss Sally done gone en sont us; en w'iles we er makin' 'way wid it,
- I'll sorter rustle 'roun' wid my 'membunce, en see ef I kin call ter
- min' de tale 'bout how ole Brer Rabbit got 'im a two-story house widout
- layin' out much cash."
- Uncle Remus stopped talking a little while and pretended to be trying to
- remember something,--an effort that was accompanied by a curious humming
- sound in his throat. Finally, he brightened up and began:--
- "Hit tu'n out one time dat a whole lot er de creeturs tuck a notion dat
- dey'd go in coboots wid buil'n' un um a house. Ole Brer B'ar, he was
- 'mongs' um, en Brer Fox, en Brer Wolf, en Brer 'Coon, en Brer 'Possum. I
- won't make sho', but it seem like ter me dat plum down ter ole Brer Mink
- 'uz 'mongs' um. Leas'ways, dey wuz a whole passel un um, en dey whirl
- in, dey did, en dey buil' de house in less'n no time. Brer Rabbit, he
- make lak it make he head swim fer ter climb up on de scaffle, en
- likewise he say it make 'im ketch de palsy fer ter wuk in de sun, but he
- got 'im a squar', en he stuck a pencil behime he year, en he went
- 'roun' medjun[9] en markin'--medjun en markin'--en he wuz dat busy dat
- de yuther creeturs say ter deyse'f he doin' monst'us sight er wuk, en
- folks gwine 'long de big road say Brer Rabbit doin' mo' hard wuk dan de
- whole kit en bilin' un um. Yit all de time Brer Rabbit ain't doin'
- nothin', en he des well bin layin' off in de shade scratchin' de fleas
- off'n 'im. De yuther creeturs, dey buil' de house, en, gentermens! she
- 'uz a fine un, too, mon. She'd 'a' bin a fine un deze days, let 'lone
- dem days. She had er upsta'rs en downsta'rs, en chimbleys all 'roun', en
- she had rooms fer all de creeturs w'at went inter cahoots en hope make
- it.
- "Brer Rabbit, he pick out one er de upsta'rs rooms, en he tuck'n' got
- 'im a gun, en one er deze yer brass cannons, en he tuck'n' put um in dar
- w'en de yuther creeturs ain't lookin', en den he tuck'n' got 'im a tub
- er nasty slop-water, w'ich likewise he put in dar w'en dey ain't
- lookin'. So den, w'en dey git de house all fix, en w'iles dey wuz all
- a-settin' in de parlor atter supper, Brer Rabbit, he sorter gap en
- stretch hisse'f, en make his 'skuses en say he b'leeve he'll go ter he
- room. W'en he git dar, en w'iles all de yuther creeturs wuz a-laughin'
- en a-chattin' des ez sociable ez you please, Brer Rabbit, he stick he
- head out er de do' er he room en sing out:--
- "'Wen a big man like me wanter set down, wharbouts he gwine ter set?'
- sezee.
- "Den de yuther creeturs dey laugh, en holler back:--
- "'Ef big man like you can't set in a cheer, he better set down on de
- flo'.'
- "'Watch out down dar, den,' sez ole Brer Rabbit, sezee. 'Kaze I'm a
- gwine ter set down,' sezee.
- "Wid dat, _bang!_ went Brer Rabbit gun. Co'se, dis sorter 'stonish de
- creeturs, en dey look 'roun' at one er n'er much ez ter say, W'at in de
- name er gracious is dat? Dey lissen en lissen, but dey don't year no mo'
- fuss, en 't wa'n't long 'fo' dey got ter chattin' en jabberin' some
- mo'. Bimeby, Brer Rabbit stick he head outer he room do', en sing out:--
- "'Wen a big man like me wanter sneeze, wharbouts he gwine ter sneeze
- at?'
- "Den de yuther creeturs, dey tuck'n holler back:--
- "'Ef big man like you ain't a-gone gump, he kin sneeze anywhar he
- please.'
- "'Watch out down dar, den,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. 'Kaze I'm gwine ter
- tu'n loose en sneeze right yer,' sezee.
- "Wid dat, Brer Rabbit let off his cannon--_bulderum-m-m!_ De
- winder-glass dey shuck en rattle, en de house shuck like she gwine ter
- come down, en ole Brer B'ar, he fell out de rockin'-cheer--_kerblump!_
- W'en de creeturs git sorter settle, Brer 'Possum en Brer Mink, dey up'n
- 'low dat Brer Rabbit got sech a monst'us bad cole, dey b'leeve dey'll
- step out and git some fresh a'r, but dem yuther creeturs, dey say dey
- gwine ter stick it out; en atter w'ile, w'en dey git der h'ar smoove
- down, dey 'gun ter jower 'mongs' deyse'f. 'Bout dat time, w'en dey get
- in a good way, Brer Rabbit, he sing out:--
- "'W'en a big man like me take a chaw terbacker, wharbouts he gwine ter
- spit?'
- "Den de yuther creeturs, dey holler back, dey did, sorter like deyer
- mad:--
- "'Big man er little man, spit whar you please.'
- "Den Brer Rabbit, he squall out:--
- "'Dis de way a big man spit!' en wid dat he tilt over de tub er
- slop-water, en w'en de yuther creeturs year it come a-sloshin' down de
- sta'r-steps, gentermens! dey des histed deyse'f outer dar. Some un um
- went out de back do', en some un um went out de front do', en some un um
- fell out de winders; some went one way en some went n'er way; but dey
- all went sailin' out."
- "But what became of Brother Rabbit?" the little boy asked.
- "Brer Rabbit, he des tuck'n shot up de house en fassen de winders, en
- den he got ter bed, he did, en pull de coverled up 'roun' he years, en
- he sleep like a man w'at ain't owe nobody nuthin'; en needer do he owe
- um, kaze ef dem yuther creeturs gwine git skeer'd en run off fum der own
- house, w'at bizness is dat er Brer Rabbit? Dat w'at I like ter know."
- [6] Preserves.
- [7] In the South, a rain is called a "season," not only by the negroes,
- but by many white farmers.
- [8] It is a far-away sound that might be identified with one of the
- various undertones of silence, but it is palpable enough (if the word
- may be used) to have attracted the attention of the humble philosophers
- of the old plantation.
- [9] Measuring.
- Uncle Remus sighed heavily as he lifted the trivet on the head of his
- walking-cane, and hung it carefully by the side of the griddle in the
- cavernous fireplace.
- "Folks kin come 'long wid der watchermaycollums," he said presently,
- turning to the little boy, who was supplementing his supper by biting
- off a chew of shoemaker's-wax, "en likewise dey kin fetch 'roun' der
- watziznames. Dey kin walk biggity, en dey kin talk biggity, en mo'n dat,
- dey kin feel biggity, but yit all de same deyer gwine ter git kotch up
- wid. Dey go 'long en dey go 'long, en den bimeby yer come trouble en
- snatch um slonchways, en de mo' bigger w'at dey is, de wusser does dey
- git snatched."
- The little boy did n't understand this harangue at all, but he
- appreciated it because he recognized it as the prelude to a story.
- "Dar wuz Mr. Lion," Uncle Remus went on; "he tuck'n sot hisse'f up fer
- ter be de boss er all de yuther creeturs, en he feel so biggity dat he
- go ro'in' en rampin' 'roun' de neighborhoods wuss'n dat ar speckle bull
- w'at you see down at yo' Unk' Jeems Abercrombie place las' year. He went
- ro'in' 'roun', he did, en eve'ywhar he go he year talk er Mr. Man. Right
- in de middle er he braggin', some un 'ud up'n tell 'im 'bout w'at Mr.
- Man done done. Mr. Lion, he say he done dis, en den he year 'bout how
- Mr. Man done dat. Hit went on dis a-way twel bimeby Mr. Lion shake he
- mane, he did, en he up'n say dat he gwine ter s'arch 'roun' en 'roun',
- en high en low, fer ter see ef he can't fine Mr. Man, en he 'low, Mr.
- Lion did, dat w'en he do fine 'im, he gwine ter tu'n in en gin Mr. Man
- sech n'er larrupin' w'at nobody ain't never had yit. Dem yuther
- creeturs, dey tuck'n tell Mr. Lion dat he better let Mr. Man 'lone, but
- Mr. Lion say he gwine ter hunt 'im down spite er all dey kin do.
- "Sho' nuff, atter he done tuck some res', Mr. Lion, he put out down de
- big road. Sun, she rise up en shine hot, but Mr. Lion, he keep on; win',
- hit come up en blow, en fill de elements full er dust; rain, hit drif'
- up en drizzle down; but Mr. Lion, he keep on. Bimeby, w'iles he gwine on
- dis a-way, wid he tongue hangin' out, he come up wid Mr. Steer, grazin'
- 'long on de side er de road. Mr. Lion, he up'n ax 'im howdy, he did,
- monst'us perlite, en Mr. Steer likewise he bow en scrape en show his
- manners. Den Mr. Lion, he do lak he wanter have some confab wid 'im, en
- he up'n say, sezee:--
- "'Is dey anybody 'roun' in deze parts name Mr. Man?' sezee.
- "'Tooby sho' dey is,' sez Mr. Steer, sezee; 'anybody kin tell you dat. I
- knows 'im mighty well,' sezee.
- "'Well, den, he de ve'y chap I'm atter,' sezee.
- "'W'at mought be yo' bizness wid Mr. Man?' sez Mr. Steer, sezee.
- "'I done come dis long ways fer ter gin 'im a larrupin',' sez Mr. Lion,
- sezee. 'I'm gwine ter show 'im who de boss er deze neighborhoods,'
- sezee, en wid dat Mr. Lion, he shake he mane, en switch he tail, en
- strut up en down wuss'n one er deze yer town niggers.
- "'Well, den, ef dat w'at you come atter,' sez Mr. Steer, sezee, 'you des
- better slew yo'se'f 'roun' en p'int yo' nose todes home, kaze you fixin'
- fer ter git in sho' 'nuff trouble,' sezee.
- "'I'm gwine ter larrup dat same Mr. Man,' sez Mr. Lion, sezee; 'I done
- come fer dat, en dat w'at I'm gwine ter do,' sezee.
- "Mr. Steer, he draw long breff, he did, en chaw he cud slow, en atter
- w'ile he say, sezee:--
- "'You see me stannin' yer front er yo' eyes, en you see how big I is, en
- w'at long, sharp hawns I got. Well, big ez my heft is, en sharp dough my
- hawns be, yit Mr. Man, he come out yer en he ketch me, en he put me und'
- a yoke, en he hitch me up in a kyart, en he make me haul he wood, en he
- drive me anywhar he min' ter. He do dat. Better let Mr. Man 'lone,'
- sezee. 'If you fool 'long wid 'im, watch out dat he don't hitch you up
- en have you prancin' 'roun' yer pullin' he kyart,' sezee.
- "Mr. Lion, he fotch a roar, en put out down de road, en 't wa'n't so
- mighty long 'fo' he come up wid Mr. Hoss, w'ich he wuz a-nibblin' en
- a-croppin' de grass. Mr. Lion make hisse'f know'd, en den he tuck'n ax
- Mr. Hoss do he know Mr. Man.
- "'Mighty well,' sez Mr. Hoss, sezee, 'en mo'n dat, I bin a-knowin' 'im a
- long time. W'at you want wid Mr. Man?' sezee.
- "'I'm a-huntin' 'im up fer ter larrup 'im,' sez Mr. Lion, sezee. 'Dey
- tells me he mighty stuck up,' sezee, 'en I gwine take 'im down a peg,'
- sezee.
- "Mr. Hoss look at Mr. Lion like he sorry, en bimeby he up'n say:--
- "'I 'speck you better let Mr. Man 'lone,' sezee. 'You see how big I is,
- en how much strenk w'at I got, en how tough my foots is,' sezee; 'well
- dish yer Mr. Man, he kin take'n take me en hitch me up in he buggy, en
- make me haul 'im all 'roun', en den he kin take'n fassen me ter de plow
- en make me break up all his new groun',' sezee. 'You better go 'long
- back home. Fus' news you know, Mr. Man'll have you breakin' up his new
- groun',' sezee.
- "Spite er all dis, Mr. Lion, he shake he mane en say he gwine ter larrup
- Mr. Man anyhow. He went on down de big road, he did, en bimeby he come
- up wid Mr. Jack Sparrer, settin' up in de top er de tree. Mr. Jack
- Sparrer, he whirl 'roun' en chirp, en flutter 'bout up dar, en
- 'pariently make a great 'miration.
- "'Heyo yer!' sezee; 'who'd er 'speckted fer ter see Mr. Lion 'way down
- yer in dis neighborhoods?' sezee. 'Whar you gwine, Mr. Lion?' sezee.
- "Den Mr. Lion ax ef Mr. Jack Sparrer know Mr. Man, en Mr. Jack Sparrer
- say he know Mr. Man mighty well. Den Mr. Lion, he ax ef Mr. Jack Sparrer
- know whar he stay, w'ich Mr. Jack Sparrer say dat he do. Mr. Lion ax
- wharbouts is Mr. Man, en Mr. Jack Sparrer say he right 'cross dar in de
- new groun', en he up'n ax Mr. Lion w'at he want wid 'im, w'ich Mr. Lion
- 'spon' dat he gwine larrup Mr. Man, en wid dat, Mr. Jack Sparrer, he
- up'n say, sezee:--
- "'You better let Mr. Man 'lone. You see how little I is, en likewise how
- high I kin fly; yit, 'spite er dat, Mr. Man, he kin fetch me down w'en
- he git good en ready,' sezee. 'You better tuck yo' tail en put out
- home,' sez Mr. Jack Sparrer, sezee, 'kaze bimeby Mr. Man 'll fetch you
- down,' sezee.
- "But Mr. Lion des vow he gwine atter Mr. Man, en go he would, en go he
- did. He ain't never see Mr. Man, Mr. Lion ain't, en he dunner w'at he
- look lak, but he go on todes de new groun'. Sho' 'nuff, dar wuz Mr. Man,
- out dar maulin' rails fer ter make 'im a fence. He 'uz rippin' up de
- butt cut, Mr. Man wuz, en he druv in his wedge en den he stuck in de
- glut. He 'uz splittin' 'way, w'en bimeby he year rustlin' out dar in de
- bushes, en he look up, en dar wuz Mr. Lion. Mr. Lion ax 'im do he know
- Mr. Man, en Mr. Man 'low dat he know 'im mo' samer dan ef he wer' his
- twin brer. Den Mr. Lion 'low dat he wanter see' im, en den Mr. Man say,
- sezee, dat ef Mr. Lion will come stick his paw in de split fer ter hol'
- de log open twel he git back, he go fetch Mr. Man. Mr. Lion he march up
- en slap his paw in de place, en den Mr. Man, he tuck'n' knock de glut
- out, en de split close up, en dar Mr. Lion wuz. Mr. Man, he stan' off en
- say, sezee:--
- "'Ef you'd 'a' bin a steer er hoss, you mought er run'd, en ef you'd
- 'a' bin a sparrer, you mought er flew'd, but yer you is, en you kotch
- yo'se'f,' sezee.
- "Wid dat, Mr. Man sa'nter out in de bushes en cut 'im a hick'ry, en he
- let in on Mr. Lion, en he frail en frail 'im twel frailin' un 'im wuz a
- sin. En down ter dis day," continued Uncle Remus, in a tone calculated
- to destroy all doubt, "you can't git no Lion ter come up whar dey 's a
- Man a-maulin' rails en put he paw in de split. Dat you can't!"
- Uncle Remus relapsed into silence again, and the little boy, with
- nothing better to do, turned his attention to the bench upon which the
- old man kept his shoemaker's tools. Prosecuting his investigations in
- this direction, the youngster finally suggested that the supply of
- bristles was about exhausted.
- "I dunner w'at Miss Sally wanter be sendin' un you down yer fer, ef you
- gwine ter be stirr'n' en bodderin' 'longer dem ar doin's," exclaimed
- Uncle Remus, indignantly. "Now don't you scatter dem hog-bristle! De
- time wuz w'en folks had a mighty slim chance fer ter git bristle, en dey
- ain't no tellin' w'en dat time gwine come ag'in. Let 'lone dat, de time
- wuz w'en de breed er hogs wuz done run down ter one po' little pig, en
- it look lak mighty sorry chance fer dem w'at was bleedzd ter have
- bristle."
- By this time Uncle Remus's indignation had vanished, disappearing as
- suddenly and unexpectedly as it came. The little boy was curious to know
- when and where and how the bristle famine occurred.
- "I done tole you 'bout dat too long 'go ter talk 'bout," the old man
- declared; but the little boy insisted that he had never heard about it
- before, and he was so persistent that at last Uncle Remus, in
- self-defence, consented to tell the story of the Pigs.
- "One time, 'way back yander, de ole Sow en er chilluns wuz all livin'
- 'longer' de yuther creeturs. Hit seem lak ter me dat de ole Sow wuz a
- widder 'oman, en ef I don't run inter no mistakes, hit look like ter me
- dat she got five chilluns. Lemme see," continued Uncle Remus, with the
- air of one determined to justify his memory by a reference to the
- record, and enumerating with great deliberation,--"dar wuz Big Pig, en
- dar wuz Little Pig, en dar wuz Speckle Pig, en dar wuz Blunt, en las' en
- lonesomes' dar wuz Runt.
- "One day, deze yer Pig ma she know she gwine kick de bucket, and she
- tuck'n call up all 'er chilluns en tell um dat de time done come w'en
- dey got ter look out fer deyse'f, en den she up'n tell um good ez she
- kin, dough 'er breff mighty scant, 'bout w'at a bad man is ole Brer
- Wolf. She say, sez she, dat if dey kin make der 'scape from ole Brer
- Wolf, dey'll be doin' monst'us well. Big Pig 'low she ain't skeer'd,
- Speckle Pig 'low she ain't skeer'd, Blunt, he say he mos' big a man ez
- Brer Wolf hisse'f, en Runt, she des tuck'n root 'roun' in de straw en
- grunt. But ole Widder Sow, she lay dar, she did, en keep on tellin' um
- dat dey better keep der eye on Brer Wolf, kaz he mighty mean en 'seetful
- man.
- "Not long atter dat, sho' 'nuff ole Miss Sow lay down en die, en all dem
- ar chilluns er hern wuz flung back on deyse'f, en dey whirl in, dey did,
- en dey buil' um all a house ter live in. Big Pig, she tuck'n buil' 'er a
- house outer bresh; Little Pig, she tuck'n buil' a stick house; Speckle
- Pig, she tuck'n buil' a mud house; Blunt, he tuck'n buil' a plank house;
- en Runt, she don't make no great ter-do, en no great brags, but she went
- ter wuk, she did, en buil' a rock house.
- "Bimeby, w'en dey done got all fix, en marters wuz sorter settle, soon
- one mawnin' yer come ole Brer Wolf, a-lickin' un his chops en a-shakin'
- un his tail. Fus' house he come ter wuz Big Pig house. Brer Wolf walk
- ter de do', he did, en he knock sorter saf'--_blim! blim! blim!_ Nobody
- ain't answer. Den he knock loud--_blam! blam! blam!_ Dis wake up Big
- Pig, en she come ter de do', en she ax who dat. Brer Wolf 'low it's a
- fr'en', en den he sing out:
- "'_Ef you'll open de do' en let me in,
- I'll wom my han's en go home ag'in._'
- "Still Big Pig ax who dat, en den Brer Wolf, he up'n say, sezee:--
- "'How yo' ma?' sezee.
- "'My ma done dead,' sez Big Pig, sezee, 'en 'fo' she die she tell me fer
- ter keep my eye on Brer Wolf. I sees you thoo de crack er de do', en you
- look mighty like Brer Wolf,' sezee.
- "Den ole Brer Wolf, he draw a long breff lak he feel mighty bad, en he
- up'n say, sezee:--
- "I dunner w'at change yo' ma so bad, less'n she 'uz out'n er head. I
- year tell dat ole Miss Sow wuz sick, en I say ter myse'f dat I'd kinder
- drap 'roun' en see how de ole lady is, en fetch 'er dish yer bag er
- roas'n'-years. Mighty well dose I know dat ef yo' ma wuz yer right now,
- en in 'er min', she 'd take de roas'n'-years en be glad fer ter git um,
- en mo'n dat, she'd take'n ax me in by de fire fer ter worn my han's,'
- sez ole Brer Wolf, sezee.
- "De talk 'bout de roas'n'-years make Big Pig mouf water, en bimeby,
- atter some mo' palaver, she open de do' en let Brer Wolf in, en bless
- yo' soul, honey! dat uz de las' er Big Pig. She ain't had time fer ter
- squeal en needer fer ter grunt 'fo' Brer Wolf gobble 'er up.
- "Next day, ole Brer Wolf put up de same game on Little Pig; he go en he
- sing he song, en Little Pig, she tuck'n let 'im in, en den Brer Wolf he
- tuck'n 'turn de compelerments[10] en let Little Pig in."
- Here Uncle Remus laughed long and loud at his conceit, and he took
- occasion to repeat it several times.
- "Little Pig, she let Brer Wolf in, en Brer Wolf, he let Little Pig in,
- en w'at mo' kin you ax dan dat? Nex' time Brer Wolf pay a call, he drop
- in on Speckle Pig, en rap at de do' en sing his song:--
- "'_Ef you'll open de do' en let me in,
- I'll wom my han's en go home ag'in._'
- "But Speckle Pig, she kinder 'spicion sump'n', en she 'fuse ter open de
- do'. Yit Brer Wolf mighty 'seetful man, en he talk mighty saf' en he
- talk mighty sweet. Bimeby, he git he nose in de crack er de do' en he
- say ter Speckle Pig, sezee, fer ter des let 'im git one paw in, en den
- he won't go no furder. He git de paw in, en den he beg fer ter git de
- yuther paw in, en den w'en he git dat in he beg fer ter git he head in,
- en den w'en he git he head in, en he paws in, co'se all he got ter do is
- ter shove de do' open en walk right in; en w'en marters stan' dat way,
- 't wa'n't long 'fo' he done make fresh meat er Speckle Pig.
- "Nex' day, he make way wid Blunt, en de day atter, he 'low dat he make a
- pass at Runt. Now, den, right dar whar ole Brer Wolf slip up at. He lak
- some folks w'at I knows. He'd 'a' bin mighty smart, ef he had n't er bin
- too smart. Runt wuz de littles' one er de whole gang, yit all de same
- news done got out dat she 'uz pestered wid sense like grown folks.
- "Brer Wolf, he crope up ter Runt house, en he got un'need de winder, he
- did, en he sing out:--
- "'_Ef you'll open de do' en let me in,
- I'll wom my han's en go home ag'in._'
- "But all de same, Brer Wolf can't coax Runt fer ter open de do', en
- needer kin he break in, kaze de house done made outer rock. Bimeby Brer
- Wolf make out he done gone off, en den atter while he come back en knock
- at de do'--_blam, blam, blam!_
- "Runt she sot by de fier, she did, en sorter scratch 'er year, en holler
- out:--
- "'Who dat?' sez she.
- "'Hit's Speckle Pig,' sez ole Brer Wolf, sezee, 'twix' a snort en a
- grunt. 'I fotch yer some peas fer yo' dinner!'
- "Runt, she tuck'n laugh, she did, en holler back:--
- "'Sis Speckle Pig ain't never talk thoo dat many toofies.'
- "Brer Wolf go off 'g'in, en bimeby he come back en knock. Runt she sot
- en rock, en holler out:--
- "'Who dat?'
- "'Big Pig,' sez Brer Wolf. 'I fotch some sweet-co'n fer yo' supper.'
- "Runt, she look thoo de crack un'need de do', en laugh en say, sez
- she:--
- "'Sis Big Pig ain't had no ha'r on 'er huff.'
- "Den ole Brer Wolf, he git mad, he did, en say he gwine come down de
- chimbley, en Runt, she say, sez she, dat de onliest way w'at he kin git
- in; en den, w'en she year Brer Wolf clam'in' up on de outside er de
- chimbley, she tuck'n pile up a whole lot er broom sage front er de
- h'a'th, en w'en she year 'im clam'in' down on de inside, she tuck de
- tongs en shove de straw on de fier, en de smoke make Brer Wolf head
- swim, en he drap down, en 'fo' he know it he 'uz done bu'nt ter a
- cracklin'; en dat wuz de las' er ole Brer Wolf. Leas'ways," added Uncle
- Remus, putting in a cautious proviso to fall back upon in case of an
- emergency, "leas'ways, hit 'uz de las' er dat Brer Wolf."
- [10] Compliments.
- IX
- "I 'speck you done year tell er ole man Benjermun Ram," said Uncle
- Remus, with a great affectation of indifference, after a pause.
- "Old man who?" asked the little boy.
- "Ole man Benjermun Ram. I 'speck you done year tell er him too long 'go
- ter talk 'bout."
- "Why, no, I have n't, Uncle Remus!" exclaimed the little boy, protesting
- and laughing. "He must have been a mighty funny old man."
- "Dat's ez may be," responded Uncle Remus, sententiously. "Fun deze days
- would n't er counted fer fun in dem days; en many's de time w'at I see
- folks laughin'," continued the old man, with such withering sarcasm that
- the little boy immediately became serious,--"many's de time w'at I sees
- um laughin' en laughin', w'en I lay dey ain't kin tell w'at deyer
- laughin' at deyse'f. En 'taint der laughin' w'at pesters me,
- nudder,"--relenting a little,--"hit's dish yer ev'lastin' snickle en
- giggle, giggle en snickle."
- Having thus mapped out, in a dim and uncertain way, what older people
- than the little boy might have been excused for accepting as a sort of
- moral basis, Uncle Remus proceeded:--
- "Dish yer Mr. Benjermun Ram, w'ich he done come up inter my min', wuz
- one er dezeyer ole-timers. Dey tells me dat he 'uz a fiddler fum away
- back yander--one er dem ar kinder fiddlers w'at can't git de chune down
- fine 'less dey pats der foot. He stay all by he own-alone se'f way out
- in de middle un a big new-groun', en he sech a handy man fer ter have at
- a frolic dat de yuther creeturs like 'im mighty well, en w'en dey tuck a
- notion fer ter shake der foot, w'ich de notion tuck'n struck um eve'y
- once in a w'ile, nuthin' 'ud do but dey mus' sen' fer ole man Benjermun
- Ram en he fiddle; en dey do say," continued Uncle Remus, closing his
- eyes in a sort of ecstasy, "dat w'en he squar' hisse'f back in a cheer,
- en git in a weavin' way, he kin des snatch dem ole-time chunes fum who
- lay de rail.[11] En den, w'en de frolic wuz done, dey'd all fling in, dem
- yuther creeturs would, en fill up a bag er peas fer ole Mr. Benjermun
- Ram fer ter kyar home wid 'im.
- "One time, des 'bout Christmas, Miss Meadows en Miss Motts en de gals,
- dey up'n say dat dey 'd sorter gin a blowout, en dey got wud ter ole man
- Benjermun Ram w'ich dey 'speckted 'im fer ter be on han'. Wen de time
- done come fer Mr. Benjermun Ram fer ter start, de win' blow cole en de
- cloud 'gun ter spread out 'cross de elements--but no marter fer dat; ole
- man Benjermun Ram tuck down he walkin'-cane, he did, en tie up he fiddle
- in a bag, en sot out fer Miss Meadows. He thunk he know de way, but hit
- keep on gittin' col'er en col'er, en mo' cloudy, twel bimeby, fus' news
- you know, ole Mr. Benjermun Ram done lose de way. Ef he'd er kep' on
- down de big road fum de start, it moughter bin diffunt, but he tuck a
- nigh-cut, en he ain't git fur 'fo' he done los' sho' 'nuff. He go dis
- a-way, en he go dat a-way, en he go de yuther way, yit all de same he
- wuz done los'. Some folks would er sot right flat down whar dey wuz en
- study out der way, but ole man Benjermun Ram ain't got wrinkle on he
- hawn fer nothin', kaze he done got de name er ole Billy Hardhead long
- 'fo' dat. Den ag'in, some folks would er stop right still in der tracks
- en holler en bawl fer ter see ef dey can't roust up some er de
- neighbors, but ole Mr. Benjermun Ram, he des stick he jowl in de win',
- he did, en he march right on des 'zackly like he know he ain't gwine de
- wrong way. He keep on, but 't wa'n't long 'fo' he 'gun ter feel right
- lonesome, mo' speshually w'en hit come up in he min' how Miss Meadows en
- de gals en all de comp'ny be bleedz ter do de bes' dey kin bidout any
- fiddlin'; en hit kinder make he marrer git cole w'en he study 'bout how
- he gotter sleep out dar in de woods by hisse'f.
- "Yit, all de same, he keep on twel de dark 'gun ter drap down, en den he
- keep on still, en bimeby he come ter a little rise whar dey wuz a
- clay-gall. W'en he git dar he stop en look 'roun', he did, en 'way off
- down in de holler, dar he see a light shinin', en w'en he see dis, ole
- man Benjermun Ram tuck he foot in he han', en make he way todes it des
- lak it de ve'y place w'at he bin huntin'. 'T wa'n't long 'fo' he come
- ter de house whar de light is, en, bless you soul, he don't make no
- bones er knockin'. Den somebody holler out:--
- "'Who dat?'
- "'I'm Mr. Benjermun Ram, en I done lose de way, en I come fer ter ax you
- ef you can't take me in fer de night,' sezee.
- "In common," continued Uncle Remus, "ole Mr. Benjermun Ram wuz a mighty
- rough-en-spoken somebody, but you better b'leeve he talk monst'us
- perlite dis time.
- "Den some un on t'er side er de do' ax Mr. Benjermun Ram fer ter walk
- right in, en wid dat he open de do' en walk in, en make a bow like
- fiddlin' folks does w'en dey goes in comp'ny; but he ain't no sooner
- make he bow en look 'roun' twel he 'gun ter shake en shiver lak he done
- bin strucken wid de swamp-ager, kaze, settin' right dar 'fo' de fier wuz
- ole Brer Wolf, wid his toofies showin' up all w'ite en shiny like dey
- wuz bran new. Ef ole Mr. Benjermun Ram ain't bin so ole en stiff I boun'
- you he'd er broke en run, but 'mos' 'fo' he had time fer ter study 'bout
- gittin' 'way, ole Brer Wolf done bin jump up en shet de do' en fassen
- 'er wid a great big chain. Ole Mr. Benjermun Ram he know he in fer't, en
- he tuck'n put on a bol' face ez he kin, but he des nat'ally hone[12] fer
- ter be los' in de woods some mo'. Den he make n'er low bow, en he hope
- Brer Wolf and all his folks is well, en den he say, sezee, dat he des
- drap in fer ter wom hisse'f, en 'quire uv de way ter Miss Meadows', en
- ef Brer Wolf be so good ez ter set 'im in de road ag'in, he be off putty
- soon en be much 'blige in de bargains.
- "'Tooby sho', Mr. Ram,' sez Brer Wolf, sezee, w'iles he lick he chops en
- grin; 'des put yo' walkin'-cane in de cornder over dar, en set yo' bag
- down on de flo', en make yo'se'f at home,' sezee. 'We ain't got much,'
- sezee, 'but w'at we is got is yone w'iles you stays, en I boun' we'll
- take good keer un you,' sezee; en wid dat Brer Wolf laugh en show his
- toofies so bad dat ole man Benjermun Ram come mighty nigh havin' 'n'er
- ager.
- "Den Brer Wolf tuck'n flung 'n'er lighter'd-knot on de fier, en den he
- slip inter de back room, en present'y, w'iles ole Mr. Benjermun Ram wuz
- settin' dar shakin' in he shoes, he year Brer Wolf whispun' ter he ole
- 'oman:--
- "'Ole 'oman! ole 'oman! Fling 'way yo' smoke meat--fresh meat fer
- supper! Fling 'way yo' smoke meat--fresh meat fer supper!'
- "Den ole Miss Wolf, she talk out loud, so Mr. Benjermun Ram kin year:--
- "'Tooby sho' I'll fix 'im some supper. We er 'way off yer in de woods,
- so fur fum comp'ny dat goodness knows I'm mighty glad ter see Mr.
- Benjermun Ram.'
- "Den Mr. Benjermun Ram year ole Miss Wolf whettin' 'er knife on a
- rock--_shirrah! shirrah! shirrah!_--en ev'y time he year de knife say
- _shirrah!_ he know he dat much nigher de dinner-pot. He know he can't
- git 'way, en w'iles he settin' dar studyin', hit come 'cross he min' dat
- he des mought ez well play one mo' chune on he fiddle 'fo' de wuss come
- ter de wuss. Wid dat he ontie de bag en take out de fiddle, en 'gun ter
- chune 'er up--_plink, plank, plunk, plink! plunk, plank, plink, plunk!_"
- Uncle Remus's imitation of the tuning of a fiddle was marvellous enough
- to produce a startling effect upon a much less enthusiastic listener
- than the little boy. It was given in perfect good faith, but the serious
- expression on the old man's face was so irresistibly comic that the
- child laughed until the tears ran down his face. Uncle Remus very
- properly accepted this as a tribute to his wonderful resources as a
- story-teller, and continued, in great good-humor:--
- "W'en ole Miss Wolf year dat kinder fuss, co'se she dunner w'at is it,
- en she drap 'er knife en lissen. Ole Mr. Benjermun Ram ain't know dis,
- en he keep on chunin' up--_plank, plink, plunk, plank!_ Den ole Miss
- Wolf, she tuck'n hunch Brer Wolf wid 'er elbow, en she say, sez she:--
- "'Hey, ole man! w'at dat?"
- "Den bofe un um cock up der years en lissen, en des 'bout dat time ole
- Mr. Benjermun Ram he sling de butt er de fiddle up und' he chin, en
- struck up one er dem ole-time chunes."
- "Well, what tune was it, Uncle Remus?" the little boy asked, with some
- display of impatience.
- "Ef I ain't done gone en fergit dat chune off'n my min'," continued
- Uncle Remus; "hit sorter went like dat ar song 'bout 'Sheep shell co'n
- wid de rattle er his ho'n,' en yit hit mout er been dat ar yuther one
- 'bout 'Roll de key, ladies, roll dem keys.' Brer Wolf en ole Miss Wolf,
- dey lissen en lissen, en de mo' w'at dey lissen de skeerder dey git,
- twel bimeby dey tuck ter der heels en make a break fer de swamp at de
- back er de house des lak de patter-rollers wuz atter um.
- "W'en ole man Benjermun Ram sorter let up wid he fiddlin', he don't see
- no Brer Wolf, en he don't year no ole Miss Wolf. Den he look in de back
- room; no Wolf dar. Den he look in de back po'ch; no Wolf dar. Den he
- look in de closet en de cubberd; no Wolf ain't dar yit. Den ole Mr.
- Benjermun Ram, he tuck'n shot all de do's en lock um, en he s'arch
- 'roun' en he fine some peas en fodder in de lof', w'ich he et um fer he
- supper, en den he lie down front er de fier en sleep soun' ez a log.
- "Nex' mawnin' he 'uz up en stirrin' monst'us soon, en he put out fum
- dar, en he fine de way ter Miss Meadows' time 'nuff fer ter play at de
- frolic. W'en he git dar, Miss Meadows en de gals, dey run ter de gate
- fer ter meet 'im, en dis un tuck he hat, en dat un tuck he cane, en
- t'er'n tuck he fiddle, en den dey up'n say:--
- "'Law, Mr. Ram! whar de name er goodness is you bin? We so glad you
- come. Stir 'roun' yer, folks, en git Mr. Ram a cup er hot coffee.'
- "Dey make a mighty big ter-do 'bout Mr. Benjermun Ram, Miss Meadows en
- Miss Motts en de gals did, but 'twix' you en me en de bedpos', honey,
- dey'd er had der frolic wh'er de ole chap 'uz dar er not, kaze de gals
- done make 'rangerments wid Brer Rabbit fer ter pat fer um, en in dem
- days Brer Rabbit wuz a patter, mon. He mos' sholy wuz."
- [11] That is, from the foundation, or beginning.
- [12] To pine or long for anything. This is a good old English word,
- which has been retained in the plantation vocabulary.
- X
- "Could Brother Rabbit pat a tune, sure enough, Uncle Remus?" asked the
- little boy, his thoughts apparently dwelling upon the new accomplishment
- of Brother Rabbit at which the old man had hinted in his story of Mr.
- Benjamin Ram. Uncle Remus pretended to be greatly surprised that any one
- could be so unfamiliar with the accomplishments of Brother Rabbit as to
- venture to ask such a question. His response was in the nature of a
- comment:--
- "Name er goodness! w'at kinder pass dish yer we comin' ter w'en a great
- big grow'd up young un axin' 'bout Brer Rabbit? Bless yo' soul, honey!
- dey wa'n't no chune gwine dat Brer Rabbit can't pat. Let 'lone dat, w'en
- dey wuz some un else fer ter do de pattin', Brer Rabbit kin jump out
- inter de middle er de flo' en des nat'ally shake de eyel'ds off'en dem
- yuther creeturs. En 't wa'n't none er dish yer bowin' en scrapin', en
- slippin' en slidin', en han's all 'roun', w'at folks does deze days. Hit
- uz dish yer up en down kinder dancin', whar dey des lips up in de a'r
- fer ter cut de pidjin-wing, en lights on de flo' right in de middle er
- de double-shuffle. _Shoo!_ Dey ain't no dancin' deze days; folks' shoes
- too tight, en dey ain't got dat limbersomeness in de hips w'at dey uster
- is. Dat dey ain't.
- "En yit," Uncle Remus continued, in a tone which seemed to imply that he
- deemed it necessary to apologize for the apparent frivolity of Brother
- Rabbit,--"en yit de time come w'en ole Brer Rabbit 'gun ter put dis en
- dat tergedder, en de notion strak 'im dat he better be home lookin'
- atter de intruss er he fambly, 'stidder trapesin' en trollopin' 'roun'
- ter all de frolics in de settlement. He tuck'n study dis in he min' twel
- bimeby he sot out 'termin' fer ter 'arn he own livelihoods, en den he
- up'n lay off a piece er groun' en plant 'im a tater-patch.
- "Brer Fox, he see all dish yer gwine on, he did, en he 'low ter hisse'f
- dat he 'speck Brer Rabbit rashfulness done bin supjued kaze he skeer'd,
- en den Brer Fox make up his min' dat he gwine ter pay Brer Rabbit back
- fer all he 'seetfulness. He start in, Brer Fox did, en fum dat time
- forrerd he aggervate Brer Rabbit 'bout he tater-patch. One night he
- leave de draw-bars down, 'n'er night he fling off de top rails, en nex'
- night he t'ar down a whole panel er fence, en he keep on dis a-way twel
- 'pariently Brer Rabbit dunner w'at ter do. All dis time Brer Fox keep on
- foolin' wid de tater-patch, en w'en he see w'ich Brer Rabbit ain't
- makin' no motion, Brer Fox 'low dat he done skeer'd sho' 'nuff, en dat
- de time done come fer ter gobble him up bidout lief er license. So he
- call on Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox did, en he ax 'im will he take a walk.
- Brer Rabbit, he ax wharbouts. Brer Fox say, right out yander. Brer
- Rabbit, he ax w'at is dey right out yander? Brer Fox say he know whar
- dey some mighty fine peaches, en he want Brer Rabbit fer ter go 'long en
- climb de tree en fling um down. Brer Rabbit say he don't keer ef he do,
- mo' speshually fer ter 'blige Brer Fox.
- "Dey sot out, dey did, en atter w'ile, sho' 'nuff, dey come ter de
- peach-orchud, en Brer Rabbit, w'at do he do but pick out a good tree, en
- up he clum. Brer Fox, he sot hisse'f at de root er de tree, kaze he 'low
- dat w'en Brer Rabbit come down he hatter come down backerds, en den dat
- 'ud be de time fer ter nab 'im. But, bless yo' soul, Brer Rabbit dun see
- w'at-Brer Fox atter 'fo' he clum up. W'en he pull de peaches, Brer Fox
- say, sezee:--
- "'Fling um down yer, Brer Rabbit--fling um right down yer so I kin
- ketch um,' sezee.
- "Brer Rabbit, he sorter wunk de furdest eye fum Brer Fox, en he holler
- back, he did:--
- "'Ef I fling um down dar whar you is, Brer Fox, en you misses um, dey'll
- git squshed,' sezee, 'so I'll des sorter pitch um out yander in de grass
- whar dey won't git bus',' sezee.
- "Den he tuck'n flung de peaches out in de grass, en w'iles Brer Fox went
- atter um, Brer Rabbit, he skint down outer de tree, en hustle hisse'f
- twel he git elbow-room. Wen he git off little ways, he up 'n holler back
- ter Brer Fox dat he got a riddle he want 'im ter read. Brer Fox, he ax
- w'at is it. Wid dat, Brer Rabbit, he gun it out ter Brer Fox lak a man
- sayin' a speech:--
- "'_Big bird rob en little bird sing,
- De big bee zoon en little bee sting,
- De little man lead en big hoss foller--
- Kin you tell w'at's good fer a head in a holler?_'
- "Ole Brer Fox scratch he head en study, en study en scratch he head, but
- de mo' he study de wuss he git mix up wid de riddle, en atter w'ile he
- tuck'n tell Brer Rabbit dat he dunno how in de name er goodness ter
- onriddle dat riddle.
- "'Come en go 'longer me,' sez ole Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'en I boun' you I
- show you how ter read dat same riddle. Hit's one er dem ar kinder
- riddle,' sez ole man Rabbit, sezee, 'w'ich 'fo' you read 'er you got ter
- eat a bait er honey, en I done got my eye sot on de place whar we kin
- git de honey at,' sezee.
- "Brer Fox, he ax wharbouts is it, en Brer Rabbit, he say up dar in ole
- Brer B'ar cotton-patch, whar he got a whole passel er bee-gums. Brer
- Fox, he 'low, he did, dat he ain't got no sweet-toof much, yit he wanter
- git at de innerds er dat ar riddle, en he don't keer ef he do go 'long.
- "Dey put out, dey did, en 't wa'n't long 'fo' dey come ter ole Brer B'ar
- bee-gums, en ole Brer Rabbit, he up'n gun um a rap wid he walkin'-cane,
- des lak folks thumps water-millions fer ter see ef dey er ripe. He tap
- en he rap, en bimeby he come ter one un um w'ich she soun' like she plum
- full, en den he go 'roun' behime it, ole Brer Rabbit did, en he up'n
- say, sezee:--
- "'I'll des sorter tilt 'er up, Brer Fox,' sezee, 'en you kin put yo'
- head und' dar en git some er de drippin's,' sezee.
- "Brer Rabbit, he tilt her up, en, sho' 'nuff, Brer Fox, he jam he head
- un'need de gum. Hit make me laugh," Uncle Remus continued, with a
- chuckle, "fer ter see w'at a fresh man is Brer Fox, kaze he ain't no
- sooner stuck he head un'need dat ar bee-gum, dan Brer Rabbit turnt 'er
- aloose, en down she come--_ker-swosh!_--right on Brer Fox neck, en dar
- he wuz. Brer Fox, he kick; he squeal; he jump; he squall; he dance; he
- prance; he beg; he pray; yit dar he wuz, en w'en Brer Rabbit git way
- off, en tu'n 'roun' fer ter look back, he see Brer Fox des a-wigglin' en
- a-squ'min', en right den en dar Brer Rabbit gun one ole-time whoop, en
- des put out fer home.
- "W'en he git dar, de fus' man he see wuz Brer Fox gran'daddy, w'ich
- folks all call 'im Gran'sir' Gray Fox. W'en Brer Rabbit see 'im, he say,
- sezee:--
- "'How you come on, Gran'sir' Gray Fox?'
- "'I still keeps po'ly, I'm 'blije ter you, Brer Rabbit,' sez Gran'sir'
- Gray Fox, sezee. 'Is you seed any sign er my gran'son dis mawnin'?'
- sezee.
- "Wid dat Brer Rabbit laugh en say w'ich him en Brer Fox bin a-ramblin'
- 'roun' wid one er'n'er havin' mo' fun dan w'at a man kin shake a stick
- at.
- "'We bin a-riggin' up riddles en a-readin' un um,' sez Brer Rabbit,
- sezee. 'Brer Fox is settin' off some'rs in de bushes right now, aimin'
- fer ter read one w'at I gun 'im. I'll des drap you one,' sez ole Brer
- Rabbit, sezee, 'w'ich, ef you kin read it, hit'll take you right spang
- ter whar yo' gran'son is, en you can't git dar none too soon,' sez Brer
- Rabbit, sezee.
- "Den ole Gran'sir' Gray Fox, he up'n ax w'at is it, en Brer Rabbit, he
- sing out, he did:--
- "'_De big bird rob en little bird sing;
- De big bee zoon en little bee sting,
- De little man lead en big hoss foller--
- Kin you tell w'at's good fer a head in a holler?_'
- "Gran'sir' Gray Fox, he tuck a pinch er snuff en cough easy ter hisse'f,
- en study en study, but he ain't make it out, en Brer Rabbit, he laugh en
- sing:--
- "'_Bee-gum mighty big fer ter make Fox collar,
- Kin you tell w'at's good fer a head in a holler?_'
- "Atter so long a time, Gran'sir' Gray Fox sorter ketch a glimpse er w'at
- Brer Rabbit tryin' ter gin 'im, en he tip Brer Rabbit good-day, en
- shuffle on fer ter hunt up he gran'son."
- "And did he find him, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy.
- "Tooby sho', honey. Brer B'ar year de racket w'at Brer Fox kickin' up,
- en he go down dar fer ter see w'at de marter is. Soon ez he see how de
- lan' lay, co'se he tuck a notion dat Brer Fox bin robbin' de bee-gums,
- en he got 'im a han'ful er hick'ries, Brer B'ar did, en he let in on
- Brer Fox en he wom he jacket scannerlous, en den he tuck'n tu'n 'im
- loose; but 't wa'n't long 'fo' all de neighbors git wud dat Brer Fox bin
- robbin' Brer B'ar bee-gums."
- [Illustration: How Mr. Rooster lost his Dinner]
- XI
- It seemed that the rainy season had set in in earnest, but the little
- boy went down to Uncle Remus's cabin before dark. In some mysterious
- way, it appeared to the child, the gloom of twilight fastened itself
- upon the dusky clouds, and the great trees without, and the dismal
- perspective beyond, gradually became one with the darkness. Uncle Remus
- had thoughtfully placed a tin pan under a leak in the roof, and the
- _drip-drip-drip_ of the water, as it fell in the resonant vessel, made a
- not unmusical accompaniment to the storm.
- The old man fumbled around under his bed, and presently dragged forth a
- large bag filled with lightwood knots, which, with an instinctive
- economy in this particular direction, he had stored away for an
- emergency. A bright but flickering flame was the result of this timely
- discovery, and the effect it produced was quite in keeping with all the
- surroundings. The rain, and wind, and darkness held sway without, while
- within, the unsteady lightwood blaze seemed to rhyme with the
- _drip-drip-drip_ in the pan. Sometimes the shadow of Uncle Remus, as he
- leaned over the hearth, would tower and fill the cabin, and again it
- would fade and disappear among the swaying and swinging cobwebs that
- curtained the rafters.
- "W'en bed-time come, honey," said Uncle Remus, in a soothing tone, "I'll
- des snatch down yo' pa buggy umbrell' fum up dar in de cornder, des lak
- I bin a-doin', en I'll take'n take you und' my arm en set you down on
- Miss Sally h'a'th des ez dry en ez wom ez a rat'-nes' inside a
- fodder-stack."
- At this juncture 'Tildy, the house-girl, rushed in out of the rain and
- darkness with a water-proof cloak and an umbrella, and announced her
- mission to the little boy without taking time to catch her breath.
- "Miss Sally say you got ter come right back," she exclaimed. "Kaze she
- skeerd lightin' gwine strak 'roun' in yer 'mongs' deze high trees
- some'rs."
- Uncle Remus rose from his stooping posture in front of the hearth and
- assumed a threatening attitude.
- "Well, is anybody year de beat er dat!" was his indignant exclamation.
- "Look yer, gal! don't you come foolin' 'longer me--now, don't you do it.
- Kaze ef yer does, I'll take'n hit you a clip w'at'll put you ter bed
- 'fo' bed-times come. Dat's w'at!"
- "Lawdy! w'at I done gone en done ter Unk' Remus now?" asked 'Tildy, with
- a great affectation of innocent ignorance.
- "I'm gwine ter put on my coat en take dat ar umbrell', en I'm gwine
- right straight up ter de big house en ax Miss Sally ef she sont dat
- kinder wud down yer, w'en she know dat chile sittin' yer 'longer me. I'm
- gwine ter ax her," continued Uncle Remus, "en if she ain't sont dat wud,
- den I'm gwine ter fetch myse'f back. Now, you des watch my motions."
- "Well, I year Miss Sally say she 'feard lightnin' gwine ter strak
- some'rs on de place," said 'Tildy, in a tone which manifested her
- willingness to compromise all differences, "en den I axt 'er kin I come
- down yer, en den she say I better bring deze yer cloak en pairsol."
- "Now you dun brung um," responded Uncle Remus, "you des better put um in
- dat cheer over dar, en take yo'se'f off. Thunder mighty ap' ter hit
- close ter whar deze here slick-head niggers is."
- But the little boy finally prevailed upon the old man to allow 'Tildy to
- remain, and after a while he put matters on a peace footing by inquiring
- if roosters crowed at night when it was raining.
- "Dat dey duz," responded Uncle Remus. "Wet er dry, dey flops der wings
- en wakes up all de neighbors. Law, bless my soul!" he exclaimed
- suddenly, "w'at make I done gone en fergit 'bout Mr. Rooster?"
- "What about him?" inquired the little boy.
- "One time, 'way back yander," said Uncle Remus, knocking the ashes off
- his hands and knees, "dey wuz two plan'ations right 'longside one er
- 'ne'r, en on bofe er deze plan'ations wuz a whole passel of fowls. Dey
- wuz mighty sociable in dem days, en it tu'n out dat de fowls on one
- plan'ation gun a party, w'ich dey sont out der invites ter de fowls on
- de 't'er plan'ation.
- "W'en de day come, Mr. Rooster, he blow his hawn, he did, en 'semble um
- all tergedder, en atter dey 'semble dey got in line. Mr. Rooster, he
- tuck de head, en atter 'im come ole lady Hen en Miss Pullet, en den dar
- wuz Mr. Peafowl, en Mr. Tukkey Gobbler, en Miss Guinny Hen, en Miss
- Puddle Duck, en all de balance un um. Dey start off sorter raggedy, but
- 't wa'n't long 'fo' dey all kotch de step, en den dey march down by de
- spring, up thoo de hoss-lot en 'cross by de gin-house, en 't wa'n't long
- 'fo' dey git ter whar de frolic wuz.
- "'Dey dance, en dey play, en dey sing. Mo' 'speshually did dey play en
- sing dat ar song w'ich it run on lak dis:--
- "'_Come under, come under,
- My honey, my love, my own true love;
- My heart bin a-weepin'
- Way down in Galilee._'
- "Dey wuz gwine on dis a-way, havin' der 'musements, w'en, bimeby, ole
- Mr. Peafowl, he got on de comb er de barn en blow de dinner-hawn. Dey
- all wash der face en ban's in de back po'ch, en den dey went in ter
- dinner. W'en dey git in dar, dey don't see nothin' on de table but a
- great big pile er co'n-bread. De pones was pile up on pones, en on de
- top wuz a great big ash-cake. Mr. Rooster, he look at dis en he tu'n up
- he nose, en bimeby, atter aw'ile, out he strut. Ole Miss Guinny Hen, she
- watchin' Mr. Rooster motions, en w'en she see dis, she take'n squall
- out, she did:--
- "_'Pot-rack! Pot-rack!_ Mr. Rooster gone back! _Pot-rack! Pot-rack!_ Mr.
- Rooster gone back!'
- "Wid dat dey all make a great ter-do. Miss Hen en Miss Pullet, dey
- cackle en squall, Mr. Gobbler, he gobble, en Miss Puddle Duck, she shake
- 'er tail en say, _quickity-quack-quack_. But Mr. Rooster, he ruffle up
- he cape, en march on out.
- "Dis sorter put a damper on de yuthers, but 'fo' Mr. Rooster git outer
- sight en year'n dey went ter wuk on de pile w'at wuz 'pariently
- co'n-bread, en, lo en beholes, un'need dem pone er bread wuz a whole
- passel er meat en greens, en bake' taters, en bile' turnips. Mr.
- Rooster, he year de ladies makin' great 'miration, en he stop en look
- thoo de crack, en dar he see all de doin's en fixin's. He feel mighty
- bad, Mr. Rooster did, w'en he see all dis, en de yuther fowls dey holler
- en ax 'im fer ter come back, en he craw, w'ich it mighty empty,
- likewise, it up'n ax 'im, but he mighty biggity en stuck up, en he strut
- off, crowin' ez he go; but he 'speunce er dat time done las' him en all
- er his fambly down ter dis day. En you neenter take my wud fer't, ne'r,
- kaze ef you'll des keep yo' eye open en watch, you'll ketch a glimse er
- ole Mr. Rooster folks scratchin' whar dey 'specks ter fine der rations,
- en mo' dan dat, dey'll scratch wid der rations in plain sight. Since dat
- time, dey ain't none er de Mr. Roosters bin fool' by dat w'at dey see on
- top. Dey ain't res' twel dey see w'at und' dar. Dey'll scratch spite er
- all creation."
- "Dat's de Lord's truth!" said 'Tildy, with unction. "I done seed um wid
- my own eyes. Dat I is."
- This was 'Tildy's method of renewing peaceful relations with Uncle
- Remus, but the old man was disposed to resist the attempt.
- "You better be up yander washin' up dishes, stidder hoppin' down yer wid
- er whole packet er stuff w'at Miss Sally ain't dreamp er sayin'."
- As long as Uncle Remus allowed 'Tildy to remain in the cabin, the little
- boy was not particularly interested in preventing the perfunctory abuse
- which the old man might feel disposed to bestow upon the complacent
- girl. The truth is, the child's mind was occupied with the episode in
- the story of Mr. Benjamin Ram which treats of the style in which this
- romantic old wag put Mr. and Mrs. Wolf to flight by playing a tune upon
- his fiddle. The little boy was particularly struck with this remarkable
- feat, as many a youngster before him had been, and he made bold to recur
- to it again by asking Uncle Remus for all the details. It was plain to
- the latter that the child regarded Mr. Ram as the typical hero of all
- the animals, and this was by no means gratifying to the old man. He
- answered the little boy's questions as well as he could, and, when
- nothing more remained to be said about Mr. Ram, he settled himself back
- in his chair and resumed the curious history of Brother Rabbit:--
- "Co'se Mr. Ram mighty smart man. I ain't 'spute dat; but needer Mr. Ram
- ner yet Mr. Lam is soon creeturs lak Brer Rabbit. Mr. Benjermun Ram, he
- tuck'n skeer off Brer Wolf en his ole 'oman wid his fiddle, but, bless
- yo' soul, ole Brer Rabbit he gone en done wuss'n dat."
- "What did Brother Rabbit do?" asked the little boy.
- "One time," said Uncle Remus, "Brer Fox, he tuck'n ax some er de yuther
- creeturs ter he house. He ax Brer B'ar, en Brer Wolf, en Brer 'Coon, but
- he ain't ax Brer Rabbit. All de same, Brer Rabbit got win' un it, en he
- 'low dat ef he don't go, he 'speck he have much fun ez de nex' man.
- "De creeturs w'at git de invite, dey tuck'n 'semble at Brer Fox house,
- en Brer Fox, he ax um in en got um cheers, en dey sot dar en laugh en
- talk, twel, bimeby, Brer Fox, he fotch out a bottle er dram en lay 'er
- out on de side-bode, en den he sorter step back en say, sezee:--
- "'Des step up, gentermens, en he'p yo'se'f,' en you better b'lieve dey
- he'p derse'f.
- "Wiles dey wuz drinkin' en drammin' en gwine on, w'at you 'speck Brer
- Rabbit doin'? You des well make up yo' min' dat Brer Rabbit monst'us
- busy, kaze he 'uz sailin' 'roun' fixin' up his tricks. Long time 'fo'
- dat, Brer Rabbit had been at a bobbycue whar dey was a muster, en w'iles
- all de folks 'uz down at de spring eatin' dinner, Brer Rabbit he crope
- up en run off wid one er de drums. Dey wuz a big drum en a little drum,
- en Brer Rabbit he snatch up de littles' one en run home.
- "Now, den, w'en he year 'bout de yuther creeturs gwine ter Brer Fox
- house, w'at do Brer Rabbit do but git out dis rattlin' drum en make de
- way down de road todes whar dey is. He tuk dat drum," continued Uncle
- Remus, with great elation of voice and manner, "en he went down de road
- todes Brer Fox house, en he make 'er talk like thunner mix up wid hail.
- Hit talk lak dis:--
- "'_Diddybum, diddybum, diddybum-bum-bum--diddybum!_'
- "De creeturs, dey 'uz a-drinkin', en a-drammin', en a-gwine on at a
- terrible rate, en dey ain't year de racket, but all de same, yer come
- Brer Rabbit:--
- "'_Diddybum, diddybum, diddybum-bum-bum--diddybum!_'
- "Bimeby Brer 'Coon, w'ich he allers got one year hung out fer de news,
- he up'n ax Brer Fox w'at dat, en by dat time all de creeturs stop en
- lissen; but all de same, yer come Brer Rabbit:--
- "'_Diddybum, diddybum, diddybum-bum-bum--diddybum!_'
- "De creeturs dey keep on lis'nin', en Brer Rabbit keep on gittin'
- nigher, twel bimeby Brer 'Coon retch und' de cheer fer he hat, en say,
- sezee:--
- "'Well, gents, I 'speck I better be gwine. I tole my ole 'oman dat I
- won't be gone a minnit, en yer 't is 'way 'long in de day.'
- "Wid dat Brer 'Coon, he skip out, but he ain't git much furder dan de
- back gate, 'fo' yer come all de yuther creeturs like dey 'uz runnin' a
- foot-race, en ole Brer Fox wuz wukkin' in de lead."
- "Dar, now!" exclaimed 'Tildy, with great fervor.
- "Yasser! dar dey wuz, en dar dey went," continued Uncle Remus. "Dey tuck
- nigh cuts, en dey scramble over one er 'n'er, en dey ain't res' twel dey
- git in de bushes.
- "Ole Brer Rabbit, he came on down de road--_diddybum, diddybum,
- diddybum-bum-bum_--en bless gracious! w'en he git ter Brer Fox house dey
- ain't nobody dar. Brer Rabbit is dat ow-dacious, dat he hunt all 'roun'
- twel he fine de a'r-hole en de drum, en he put his mouf ter dat en sing
- out, sezee:--
- "'Is dey anybody home?' en den he answer hisse'f, sezee, 'Law, no,
- honey--folks all gone.'
- "Wid dat, ole Brer Rabbit break loose en laugh, he did, fit ter kill
- hisse'f, en den he slam Brer Fox front gate wide open, en march up ter
- de house. W'en he git dar, he kick de do' open en hail Brer Fox, but
- nobody ain't dar, en Brer Rabbit he walk in en take a cheer, en make
- hisse'f at home wid puttin' his foots on de sofy en spittin' on de flo'.
- "Brer Rabbit ain't sot dar long 'fo' he ketch a whiff er de dram--"
- "You year dat?" exclaimed 'Tildy, with convulsive admiration.
- "--'Fo' he ketch a whiff er de dram, en den he see it on de side-bode,
- en he step up en drap 'bout a tumbeler full some'rs down in de
- neighborhoods er de goozle. Brer Rabbit mighty lak some folks I knows.
- He tuck one tumbeler full, en 't wa'n't long 'fo' he tuck 'n'er'n, en
- w'en a man do dis a-way," continued Uncle Remus, somewhat
- apologetically, "he bleedz ter git drammy."
- "Truth, too!" said 'Tildy, by way of hearty confirmation.
- "All des time de yuther creeturs wuz down hi de bushes lissenin' fer de
- _diddybum_, en makin' ready fer ter light out fum dar at de drop uv a
- hat. But dey ain't year no mo' fuss, en bimeby Brer Fox, he say he gwine
- back en look atter he plunder, en de yuther creeturs say dey b'leeve
- dey'll go 'long wid 'im. Dey start out, dey did, en dey crope todes Brer
- Fox house, but dey crope mighty keerful, en I boun' ef somebody'd 'a'
- shuck a bush, dem ar creeturs 'ud 'a' nat'ally to' up de ye'th gittin'
- 'way fum dar. Yit dey still ain't year no fuss, en dey keep on creepin'
- twel dey git in de house.
- "W'en dey git in dar, de fus' sight dey see wuz ole Brer Rabbit stannin'
- up by de dram-bottle mixin' up a toddy, en he wa'n't so stiff-kneed
- n'er, kase he sorter swage fum side ter side, en he look lak he mighty
- limbersome, w'ich, goodness knows, a man bleedz ter be limbersome w'en
- he drink dat kinder licker w'at Brer Fox perwide fer dem creeturs.
- "W'en Brer Fox see Brer Rabbit makin' free wid he doin's dat a-way, w'at
- you 'speck he do?" inquired Uncle Remus, with the air of one seeking
- general information.
- "I 'speck he cusst," said 'Tildy, who was apt to take a vividly
- practical view of matters.
- "He was glad," said the little boy, "because he had a good chance to
- catch Brother Rabbit."
- "Tooby sho' he wuz," continued Uncle Remus, heartily assenting to the
- child's interpretation of the situation: "tooby sho' he wuz. He stan'
- dar, Brer Fox did, en he watch Brer Rabbit motions. Bimeby he holler
- out, sezee:--
- "'Ah yi![13] Brer Rabbit!' sezee. 'Many a time is you made yo' 'scape,
- but now I got you!' En wid dat, Brer Fox en de yuther creeturs cloze in
- on Brer Rabbit.
- "Seem like I done tole you dat Brer Rabbit done gone en tuck mo' dram
- dan w'at 'uz good fer he wholesome. Yit he head ain't swim so bad dat he
- dunner w'at he doin', en time he lay eyes on Brer Fox, he know he done
- got in close quarters. Soon ez he see dis, Brer Rabbit make like he bin
- down in de cup mo' deeper dan w'at he is, en he stagger 'roun' like town
- gal stannin' in a batteau, en he seem lak he des ez limber ez a wet rag.
- He stagger up ter Brer Fox, he did, en he roll he eyeballs 'roun', en
- slap 'im on he back en ax 'im how he ma. Den w'en he see de yuther
- creeturs," continued Uncle Remus, "he holler out, he did:--
- "'Vents yo' uppance, gentermens! Vents yo' uppance![14] Ef you'll des
- gimme han'-roomance en come one at a time, de tussle 'll las' longer.
- How you all come on, nohow?' sezee.
- "Ole Brer Rabbit talk so kuse dat de yuther creeturs have mo' fun dan
- w'at you k'n shake a stick at, but bimeby Brer Fox say dey better git
- down ter business, en den dey all cloze in on Brer Rabbit, en dar he
- wuz.
- "In dem days, ole man B'ar wuz a jedge 'mongs' de creeturs, en dey all
- ax 'im w'at dey gwine do 'long wid Brer Rabbit, en Jedge B'ar, he put on
- his specks, en cle'r up his th'oat, en say dat de bes' way ter do wid a
- man w'at kick up sech a racket, en run de neighbors outer der own house,
- en go in dar en level[15] on de pantry, is ter take 'im out en drown 'im;
- en ole Brer Fox, w'ich he settin' on de jury, he up'n smack he hands
- togedder, en cry, en say, sezee, dat atter dis he bleedz ter b'leeve dat
- Jedge B'ar done got all-under holt on de lawyer-books, kaze dat 'zackly
- w'at dey say w'en a man level on he neighbor pantry.
- "Den Brer Rabbit, he make out he skeerd, en he holler en cry, en beg um,
- in de name er goodness, don't fling 'im in de spring branch, kaze dey
- all know he dunner how ter swim: but ef dey bleedz fer ter pitch 'im in,
- den for mussy sake gin' 'im a walkin'-cane, so he kin have sumpin' ter
- hol' ter w'iles he drownin'.
- "Ole Brer B'ar scratch his head en say, sezee, dat, fur ez his
- 'membunce go back, he ain't come 'cross nothin' in de lawyer-book ter
- de contraries er dat, en den dey all 'gree dat Brer Rabbit kin have a
- walkin'-cane.
- "Wid dat, dey ketch up Brer Rabbit en put 'im in a wheelborrow en kyar
- 'im down ter de branch, en fling 'im in."
- "Eh-eh!" exclaimed 'Tildy, with well-feigned astonishment.
- "Dey fling 'im in," continued Uncle Remus, "en Brer Rabbit light on he
- foots, same ez a tomcat, en pick his way out by de helps er de
- walkin'-cane. De water wuz dat shaller dat it don't mo'n come over Brer
- Rabbit slipper, en w'en he git out on t'er side, he holler back,
- sezee:--
- "'So long, Brer Fox!'"
- [13] A corruption of "aye, aye." It is used as an expression of triumph
- and its employment in this connection is both droll and picturesque.
- [14] Southern readers will recognize this and "han'-roomance" as terms
- used by negroes in playing marbles,--a favorite game on the plantations
- Sunday afternoons. These terms were curt and expressive enough to gain
- currency among the whites.
- [15] Levy.
- Notwithstanding Brother Rabbit's success with the drum, the little boy
- was still inclined to refer to Mr. Benjamin Ram and his fiddle; but
- Uncle Remus was not, by any means, willing that such an ancient vagabond
- as Mr. Ram should figure as a hero, and he said that, while it was
- possible that Brother Rabbit was no great hand with the fiddle, he was a
- drummer, and a capital singer to boot. Furthermore, Uncle Remus declared
- that Brother Rabbit could perform upon the quills,[16] an accomplishment
- to which none of the other animals could lay claim. There was a time,
- too, the old man pointedly suggested, when the romantic rascal used his
- musical abilities to win the smiles of a nice young lady of quality--no
- less a personage, indeed, than King Deer's daughter. As a matter of
- course, the little boy was anxious to hear the particulars, and Uncle
- Remus was in nowise loath to give them.
- "W'en you come ter ax me 'bout de year en day er de mont'," said the
- old man, cunningly arranging a defence against criticism, "den I'm done,
- kaze de almanick w'at dey got in dem times won't pass muster deze days,
- but, let 'lone dat, I 'speck dey ain't had none yit; en if dey is, dey
- ain't none bin handed down ter Remus.
- "Well, den, some time 'long in dar, ole Brer Fox en Brer Rabbit got ter
- flyin' 'roun' King Deer daughter. Dey tells me she 'uz a monst'us likely
- gal, en I 'speck may be she wuz; leas'ways, Brer Fox, he hanker atter
- 'er, en likewise Brer Rabbit, he hanker atter 'er. Ole King Deer look
- lak he sorter lean todes Brer Fox, kaze ter a settle man like him, hit
- seem lak dat Brer Fox kin stir 'roun' en keep de pot a-b'ilin', mo'
- speshually bein's he de bigges'. Hit go on dis a-way twel hardly a day
- pass dat one er de yuther er dem creeturs don't go sparklin' 'roun' King
- Deer daughter, en it got so atter w'ile dat all day long Brer Rabbit en
- Brer Fox keep de front gate a-skreakin', en King Deer daughter ain't
- ska'cely had time fer ter eat a meal vittels in no peace er min'.
- "In dem days," pursued Uncle Remus, in a tone of unmistakable historical
- fervor, "w'en a creetur go a-courtin' dey wa'n't none er dish yer bokay
- doin's mix' up 'longer der co'tship, en dey ain't cut up no capers like
- folks does now. Stidder scollopin' 'roun' en bowin' en scrapin', dey des
- go right straight atter de gal. Ole Brer Rabbit, he mouter had some
- bubby-blossoms[17] wrop up in his hankcher, but mostly him en Brer Fox
- 'ud des drap in on King Deer daughter en 'gin ter cas' sheep-eyes at 'er
- time dey sot down en cross der legs."
- "En I bet," said 'Tildy, by way of comment, and looking as though she
- wanted to blush, "dat dey wa'n't 'shame', nuther."
- "Dey went 'long dis a-way," continued Uncle Remus, "twel it 'gun ter
- look sorter skittish wid Brer Rabbit, kaze ole King Deer done good ez
- say, sezee, dat he gwine ter take Brer Fox inter de fambly. Brer
- Rabbit, he 'low, he did, dat dis ain't gwine ter do, en he study en
- study how he gwine ter cut Brer Fox out.
- "Las', one day, w'iles he gwine thoo King Deer pastur' lot, he up wid a
- rock en kilt two er King Deer goats. Wen he git ter de house, he ax King
- Deer daughter whar'bouts her pa, en she up'n say she go call 'im, en
- w'en Brer Rabbit see 'im, he ax w'en de weddin' tuck place, en King Deer
- ax w'ich weddin', en Brer Rabbit say de weddin' 'twix' Brer Fox en King
- Deer daughter. Wid dat, ole King Deer ax Brer Rabbit w'at make he go on
- so, en Brer Rabbit, he up'n 'spon' dat he see Brer Fox makin' monst'us
- free wid de fambly, gwine 'roun' chunkin' de chickens en killin' up de
- goats.
- "Ole King Deer strak he walkin'-cane down 'pon de flo', en 'low dat he
- don't put no 'pennunce in no sech tale lak dat, en den Brer Rabbit tell
- 'im dat ef he'll des take a walk down in de pastur' lot, he kin see de
- kyarkiss er de goats. Ole King Deer, he put out, en bimeby he come back,
- en he 'low he gwine ter settle marters wid Brer Fox ef it take 'im a
- mont'.
- "Brer Rabbit say he a good frien' ter Brer Fox, en he ain't got no room
- ter talk 'bout 'im, but yit w'en he see 'im 'stroyin' King Deer goats en
- chunkin' at his chickens, en rattlin' on de palin's fer ter make de dog
- bark, he bleedz ter come lay de case 'fo' de fambly.
- "'En mo'n dat,' sez ole Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'I'm de man w'at kin make
- Brer Fox come en stan' right at de front gate en tell you dat he is kill
- dem goat; en ef you des wait twel ter-night, I won't ax you ter take my
- wud,' sezee.
- "King Deer say ef Brer Rabbit man 'nuff ter do dat, den he kin git de
- gal en thanky, too. Wid dat, Brer Rabbit jump up en crack he heels
- tergedder, en put out fer ter fine Brer Fox. He ain't git fur 'fo' he
- see Brer Fox comin' down de road all primp up. Brer Rabbit, he sing out,
- he did:--
- "'Brer Foxy, whar you gwine?' "En Brer Fox, he holler back:--
- "'Go 'way, Rab; don't bodder wid me. I'm gwine fer ter see my gal.'
- "Brer Rabbit, he laugh 'way down in his stomach, but he don't let on, en
- atter some mo' chat, he up'n say dat ole King Deer done tell 'im 'bout
- how Brer Fox gwine ter marry he daughter, en den he tell Brer Fox dat he
- done promise King Deer dat dey'd drap 'roun' ter-night en gin 'im some
- music.
- "'En I up'n tole 'im,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'dat de music w'at we
- can't make ain't wuth makin',--me wid my quills, en you wid yo'
- tr'angle.[18] De nex' motion we makes,' sezee, we'll hatter go off
- some'rs en practise up on de song we'll sing, en I got one yer dat'll
- tickle um dat bad,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'twel I lay dey'll fetch out
- a hunk er dat big chicken-pie w'at I see um puttin' in de pot des now,'
- sezee.
- "In a 'casion lak dis, Brer Fox say he de ve'y man w'at Brer Rabbit
- huntin', en he 'low dat he'll des 'bout put off payin' he call ter King
- Deer house en go wid Brer Rabbit fer ter practise on dat song.
- "Den Brer Rabbit, he git he quills en Brer Fox he git he tr'angle, en
- dey went down on de spring branch, en dar dey sing en play, twel dey git
- it all by heart. Ole Brer Rabbit, he make up de song he own se'f, en he
- fix it so dat he sing de call, lak de captain er de co'n-pile, en ole
- Brer Fox, he hatter sing de answer."[19]
- At this point Uncle Remus paused to indulge in one of his suggestive
- chuckles, and then proceeded:--
- "Don't talk 'bout no songs ter me. Gentermens! dat 'uz a funny song fum
- de wud go. Bimeby, w'en dey practise long time, dey gits up en goes
- 'roun' in de neighborhoods er King Deer house, en w'en night come dey
- tuck der stan' at de front gate, en atter all got still, Brer Rabbit, he
- gun de wink, en dey broke loose wid der music. Dey played a chune er two
- on de quills en tr'angle, en den dey got ter de song. Ole Brer Rabbit,
- he got de call, en he open up lak dis:--
- "'_Some folks pile up mo'n dey kin tote,
- En dot w'at de marter wid King Deer goat,_'
- en den Brer Fox, he make answer:--
- "'_Dat's so, dat's so, en I'm glad dat it's so!_'
- Den de quills en de tr'angle, dey come in, en den Brer Rabbit pursue on
- wid de call:--
- "'_Some kill sheep en some kill shote,
- But Brer Fox kill King Deer goat,_'
- en den Brer Fox, he jine in wid de answer:--
- "'_I did, dat I did, en I'm glad dat I did!_'
- En des 'bout dat time King Deer, he walk outer de gate en hit Brer Fox a
- clip wid his walkin'-cane, en he foller it up wid 'n'er'n, dat make Brer
- Fox fa'rly squall, en you des better b'lieve he make tracks 'way fum
- dar, en de gal she come out, en dey ax Brer Rabbit in."
- "Did Brother Rabbit marry King Deer's daughter, Uncle Remus?" asked the
- little boy.
- "Now, den, honey, you're crowdin' me," responded the old man. "Dey ax
- 'im in, en dey gun 'im a great big hunk er chicken-pie, but I won't make
- sho' dat he tuck'n marry de gal. De p'int wid me is de way Brer Rabbit
- run Brer Fox off fum dar."
- [16] The veritable Pan's pipes. A simple but very effective musical
- instrument made of reeds, and in great favor on the plantations.
- [17] A species of sweet-shrub growing wild in the South.
- [18] Triangle.
- [19] That is to say, Brother Rabbit sang the air and Brother Fox the
- refrain.
- There was a pause here, which was finally broken by 'Tildy, whose remark
- was in the shape of a very undignified yawn. Uncle Remus regarded her
- for a moment with an expression of undisguised scorn, which quickly
- expressed itself in words:--
- "Ef you'd er bin outer de house dat whack, you'd er tuck us all in.
- Pity dey ain't some place er 'n'er whar deze yer trollops kin go en
- l'arn manners."
- Tildy, however, ignored the old man, and, with a toss of her head, said
- to the little boy in a cool, exasperating tone, employing a pet name she
- had heard the child's mother use:--
- "Well, Pinx, I 'speck we better go. De rain done mos' hilt up now, en
- bimeby de stars'll be a-shinin'. Miss Sally lookin' fer you right now."
- "You better go whar you gwine, you triflin' huzzy, you!" exclaimed Uncle
- Remus. "You better go git yo' Jim Crow kyard en straighten out dem wrops
- in yo' ha'r. I allers year w'ite folks say you better keep yo' eye on
- niggers w'at got der ha'r wrop up in strings. Now I done gun you fa'r
- warnin's."
- "Uncle Remus," said the little boy, when the old man's wrath had
- somewhat subsided, "why do they call them Jim Crow cards?"
- "I be bless ef I know, honey, 'ceppin' it's kaze dey er de onliest
- machine w'at deze yer low-life niggers kin oncomb der kinks wid. Now,
- den," continued the old man, straightening up and speaking with
- considerable animation, "dat 'min's me 'bout a riddle w'at been runnin'
- 'roun' in my head. En dat riddle--it's de outdoin'es' riddle w'at I mos'
- ever year tell un. Hit go lak dis: Ef he come, he don't come; ef he
- don't come, he come. Now, I boun' you can't tell w'at is dat."
- After some time spent in vain guessing, the little boy confessed that he
- did n't know.
- "Hit's crow en co'n," said Uncle Remus sententiously.
- "Crow and corn, Uncle Remus?"
- "Co'se, honey. Crow come, de co'n don't come; crow don't come, den de
- co'n come."
- "Dat's so," said 'Tildy. "I done see um pull up co'n, en I done see co'n
- grow w'at dey don't pull up."
- If 'Tildy thought to propitiate Uncle Remus, she was mistaken. He
- scowled at her, and addressed himself to the little boy:--
- "De Crow, he mighty close kin ter de Buzzud, en dat puts me in min' dat
- we ain't bin a-keepin' up wid ole Brer Buzzud close ez we might er done.
- "W'at de case mout be deze days, I ain't a-sayin', but, in dem times,
- ole Brer Tarrypin love honey mo' samer dan Brer B'ar, but he wuz dat
- flat-footed dat, w'en he fine a bee-tree, he can't climb it, en he go so
- slow dat he can't hardly fine um. Bimeby, one day, w'en he gwine 'long
- down de road des a-honin' atter honey, who should he meet but ole Brer
- Buzzud.
- "Dey shuck han's mighty sociable en ax 'bout de news er de
- neighborhoods, en den, atter w'ile, Brer Tarrypin say ter ole Brer
- Buzzud, sezee, dat he wanter go inter cahoots wid 'im 'longer gittin'
- honey, en 't wa'n't long 'fo' dey struck a trade. Brer Buzzud wuz ter
- fly 'roun' en look fer de bee-tree, en Brer Tarrypin he wuz ter creep en
- crawl, en hunt on de groun'.
- "Dey start out, dey did, ole Brer Buzzud sailin' 'roun' in de elements,
- en ole Brer Tarrypin shufflin' en shamblin' on de groun'. 'Mos' de ve'y
- fus' fiel' w'at he come ter, Brer Tarrypin strak up wid a great big
- bumbly-bee nes' in de groun'. He look 'roun', ole Brer Tarrypin did, en
- bimeby he stick he head in en tas'e de honey, en den he pull it out en
- look all 'roun' fer ter see ef he kin ketch a glimpse er Brer Buzzud;
- but Brer Buzzud don't seem lak he nowhar. Den Brer Tarrypin say to
- hisse'f, sezee, dat he 'speck dat bumbly-bee honey ain't de kinder honey
- w'at dey been talkin' 'bout, en dey ain't no great shakes er honey dar
- nohow. Wid dat, Brer Tarrypin crope inter de hole en gobble up de las'
- drop er de bumbly-bee honey by he own-alone se'f. Atter he done make
- 'way wid it, he come out, he did, en he whirl in en lick it all off'n
- his footses, so ole Brer Buzzud can't tell dat he done bin git a mess er
- honey.
- "Den ole Brer Tarrypin stretch out he neck en try ter lick de honey
- off'n he back, but he neck too short; en he try ter scrape it off up
- 'g'in' a tree, but it don't come off; en den he waller on de groun', but
- still it don't come off. Den old Brer Tarrypin jump up, en say ter
- hisse'f dat he'll des 'bout rack off home, en w'en Brer Buzzud come he
- kin lie on he back en say he sick, so ole Brer Buzzud can't see de
- honey.
- "Brer Tarrypin start off, he did, but he happen ter look up, en, lo en
- beholes, dar wuz Brer Buzzud huv'rin' right spang over de spot whar he
- is. Brer Tarrypin know Brer Buzzud bleedz ter see 'im ef he start off
- home, en mo'n dat, he know he be fine out ef he don't stir 'roun' en do
- sump'n' mighty quick. Wid dat, Brer Tarrypin shuffle back ter de
- bumbly-bee nes' swif' ez he kin, en buil' 'im a fier in dar, en den he
- crawl out en holler:--
- "'Brer Buzzud! O Brer Buzzud! Run yer, fer gracious sake, Brer Buzzud,
- en look how much honey I done fine! I des crope in a little ways, en it
- des drip all down my back, same like water. Run yer, Brer Buzzud! Half
- yone en half mine, Brer Buzzud!'
- "Brer Buzzud, he flop down, en he laugh en say he mighty glad, kaze he
- done git hongry up dar whar he bin. Den Brer Tarrypin tell Brer Buzzud
- fer ter creep in little ways en tas'e en see how he like um, w'iles he
- take his stan' on de outside en watch fer somebody. But no sooner is
- Brer Buzzud crope in de bumbly-bee nes' dan Brer Tarrypin take'n roll a
- great big rock front er de hole. Terreckly, de fier 'gun ter bu'n Brer
- Buzzud, en he sing out like a man in trouble:--
- "'Sump'n' bitin' me, Brer Tarrypin--sump'n' bitin' me, Brer Tarrypin!'
- "Den ole Brer Tarrypin, he holler back:--
- "'It's de bumbly-bees a-stingin' you, Brer Buzzud; stan' up en flop yo'
- wings, Brer Buzzud. Stan' up en flop yo' wings, Brer Buzzud, en you'll
- drive um off,' sezee.
- "Brer Buzzud flop en flop he wings, but de mo' w'at he flop, de mo' he
- fan de fier, en 't wa'n't long 'fo' he done bodaciously bu'n up, all
- 'ceppin' de big een er his wing-fedders, en dem ole Brer Tarrypin tuck
- en make inter some quills, w'ich he go 'roun' a-playin' un um, en de
- chune w'at he play was dish yer:--
- "'_I foolee, I foolee, I foolee po' Buzzud;
- Po' Buzzud I foolee, I foolee, I foolee._'"
- XV
- "That must have been a mighty funny song," said the little boy.
- "Fun one time ain't fun 'n'er time; some folks fines fun whar yuther
- folks fines trouble. Pig may laugh w'en he see de rock a-heatin', but
- dey ain't no fun dar fer de pig.[20]
- "Yit, fun er no fun, dat de song w'at Brer Tarrypin play on de quills:--
- "'_I foolee, I foolee, I foolee po' Buzzud;
- Po' Buzzud I foolee, I foolee, I foolee._'
- "Nobody dunner whar de quills cum fum, kaze Brer Tarrypin, he ain't
- makin no brags how he git um; yit ev'ybody wants um on account er der
- playin' sech a lonesome[21] chune, en ole Brer Fox, he want um wuss'n
- all. He beg en he beg Brer Tarrypin fer ter sell 'im dem quills; but
- Brer Tarrypin, he hol' on t' um tight, en say eh-eh! Den he ax Brer
- Tarrypin fer ter loan um t' um des a week, so he kin play fer he
- chilluns, but Brer Tarrypin, he shake he head en put he foot down, en
- keep on playin':--
- "'_I foolee, I foolee, I foolee po' Buzzud;
- Po' Buzzud I foolee, I foolee, I foolee._'
- "But Brer Fox, he ain't got no peace er min' on account er dem quills,
- en one day he meet Brer Tarrypin en he ax 'im how he seem ter
- segashuate[22] en he fambly en all he chilluns; en den Brer Fox ax Brer
- Tarrypin ef he can't des look at de quills, kaze he got some
- goose-fedders at he house, en if he kin des get a glimpse er Brer
- Tarrypin quills, he 'speck he kin make some mighty like um.
- "Brer Tarrypin, he study 'bout dis, but he hate ter 'ny small favors
- like dat, en bimeby he hol' out dem quills whar Brer Fox kin see um. Wid
- dat, Brer Fox, he tuck'n juk de quills outen Brer Tarrypin han', he did,
- and dash off des ez hard ez he kin go. Brer Tarrypin, he holler en
- holler at 'im des loud ez he kin holler, but he know he can't ketch 'im,
- en he des sot dar, Brer Tarrypin did, en look lak he done los' all de
- kin-folks w'at he got in de roun' worrul'.
- "Atter dis, Brer Fox he strut 'roun' en play mighty biggity, en eve'y
- time he meet Brer Tarrypin in de road he walk all 'roun' 'im en play on
- de quills like dis:--
- "'_I foolee, I foolee po' Buzzud;
- I foolee ole Tarrypin, too._'
- "Brer Tarrypin, he feel mighty bad, but he ain't sayin' nothin'. Las',
- one day w'iles ole Brer Tarrypin was settin' on a log sunnin' hisse'f,
- yer come Brer Fox playin' dat same old chune on de quills, but Brer
- Tarrypin, he stay still. Brer Fox, he come up little nigher en play, but
- Brer Tarrypin, he keep he eyes shot en he stay still. Brer Fox, he come
- nigher en git on de log; Brer Tarrypin ain't sayin' nothin'. Brer Fox
- still git up nigher en play on de quills; still Brer Tarrypin ain't
- sayin' nothin'.
- "'Brer Tarrypin mighty sleepy dis mawnin',' sez Brer Fox, sezee.
- "Still Brer Tarrypin keep he eyes shot en stay still. Brer Fox keep on
- gittin' nigher en nigher, twel bimeby Brer Tarrypin open he eyes en he
- mouf bofe, en he make a grab at Brer Fox en miss 'im.
- "But hol' on!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, in response to an expression of
- intense disappointment in the child's face. "You des wait a minnit. Nex'
- mawnin', Brer Tarrypin take hisse'f off en waller in a mud-hole, en
- smear hisse'f wid mud twel he look des 'zackly lak a clod er dirt. Den
- he crawl off en lay down un'need a log whar he know Brer Fox come eve'y
- mawnin' fer ter freshen[23] hisse'f.
- "Brer Tarrypin lay dar, he did, en terreckly yer come Brer Fox. Time he
- git dar, Brer Fox 'gun ter lip backerds en forerds 'cross de log, and
- Brer Tarrypin he crope nigher en nigher, twel bimeby he make a grab at
- Brer Fox en kotch him by de foot. Dey tells me," continued Uncle Remus,
- rubbing his hands together in token of great satisfaction,--"dey tells
- me dat w'en Brer Tarrypin ketch holt, hit got ter thunder 'fo' he let
- go. All I know, Brer Tarrypin git Brer Fox by de foot, en he hilt 'im
- dar. Brer Fox he jump en he r'ar, but Brer Tarrypin done got 'im. Brer
- Fox, he holler out:--
- "'Brer Tarrypin, please lemme go!'
- "Brer Tarrypin talk way down in his th'oat:--
- "'Gim' my quills!'
- "'Lemme go en fetch um.'
- "'Gim'my quills!'
- "'Do pray lemme go git um.'
- "'Gim'my quills!'
- [Illustration: "'BRER TARRYPIN. PLEASE LEMME GO!'"]
- "En, bless gracious! dis all Brer Fox kin git outer Brer Tarrypin. Las',
- Brer Fox foot hu't 'im so bad dat he bleedz ter do sump'n', en he sing
- out fer his ole 'oman fer ter fetch de quills, but he ole 'oman, she
- busy 'bout de house, en she don't year 'im. Den he call he son, w'ich he
- name Tobe. He holler en bawl, en Tobe make answer:
- "'Tobe! O Tobe! You Tobe!'
- "'Wat you want, daddy?'
- "'Fetch Brer Tarrypin quills.'
- "'Wat you say, daddy? Fetch de big tray ter git de honey in?'
- "'No, you crazy-head! Fetch Brer Tarrypin quills!'
- "'Wat you say, daddy? Fetch de dipper ter ketch de minners in?'
- "'No, you fool! Fetch Brer Tarrypin quills!'
- "'Wat you say, daddy? Water done been spill?'
- "Hit went on dis a-way twel atter w'ile ole Miss Fox year de racket, en
- den she lissen, en she know dat 'er ole man holler'n' fer de quills, en
- she fotch um out en gun um ter Brer Tarrypin, en Brer Tarrypin, he let
- go he holt. He let go he holt," Uncle Remus went on, "but long time
- atter dat, w'en Brer Fox go ter pay he calls, he hatter go
- _hoppity-fetchity, hoppity-fetchity_."
- The old man folded his hands in his lap, and sat quietly gazing into the
- lightwood fire. Presently he said:--
- "I 'speck Miss Sally blessin' us all right now, en fus' news you know
- she'll h'ist up en have Mars John a-trapesin' down yer; en ef she do
- dat, den ter-morrer mawnin' my brekkuss'll be col', en lakwise my
- dinner, en ef dey's sump'n' w'at I 'spizes hit's col' vittels."
- Thereupon Uncle Remus arose, shook himself, peered out into the night to
- discover that the rain had nearly ceased, and then made ready to carry
- the little boy to his mother. Long before the chickens had crowed for
- midnight, the child, as well as the old man, had been transported to the
- land where myths and fables cease to be wonderful,--the land of pleasant
- dreams.
- [20] An allusion to the primitive mode of cleaning hogs by heating
- rocks, and placing them in a barrel or tank of water.
- [21] This word "lonesome," as used by the negroes, is the equivalent of
- "thrilling," "romantic," etc., and in that sense is very expressive.
- [22] An inquiry after his health. Another form is: "How does yo'
- corporosity seem ter segashuate?"
- [23] Exercise himself.
- One night the little boy failed to make his appearance at the accustomed
- hour, and the next morning the intelligence that the child was sick went
- forth from the "big house." Uncle Remus was told that it had been
- necessary during the night to call in two physicians. When this
- information was imparted to the old man, there was an expression upon
- his countenance of awe not unmixed with indignation. He gave vent to the
- latter:--
- "Dar now! Two un um! W'en dat chile rize up, ef rize up he do, he'll des
- nat'ally be a shadder. Yer I is, gwine on eighty year, en I ain't tuck
- none er dat ar docter truck yit, ceppin' it's dish yer flas' er
- poke-root w'at ole Miss Favers fix up fer de stiffness in my j'ints.
- Dey'll come en dey'll go, en dey'll po' in der jollup yer, en slap on
- der fly-plarster dar, en sprinkle der calomy yander, twel bimeby dat
- chile won't look like hisse'f. Dat's w'at! En mo'n dat, hit's mighty
- kuse unter me dat ole folks kin go 'long en stan' up ter de rack en
- gobble up der 'lowance, en yit chilluns is got ter be strucken down. Ef
- Miss Sally'll des tu'n dem docter mens loose onter me, I lay I lick up
- der physic twel dey go off 'stonish'd."
- But no appeal of this nature was made to Uncle Remus. The illness of the
- little boy was severe, but not fatal. He took his medicine and improved,
- until finally even the doctors pronounced him convalescent. But he was
- very weak, and it was a fortnight before he was permitted to leave his
- bed. He was restless, and yet his term of imprisonment was full of
- pleasure. Every night after supper Uncle Remus would creep softly into
- the back piazza, place his hat carefully on the floor, rap gently on the
- door by way of announcement, and so pass into the nursery. How patient
- his vigils, how tender his ministrations, only the mother of the little
- boy knew; how comfortable and refreshing the change from the bed to the
- strong arms of Uncle Remus, only the little boy could say.
- Almost the first manifestation of the child's convalescence was the
- renewal of his interest in the wonderful adventures of Brother Rabbit,
- Brother Fox, and the other brethren who flourished in that strange past
- over which this modern Æsop had thrown the veil of fable. "Miss Sally,"
- as Uncle Remus called the little boy's mother, sitting in an adjoining
- room, heard the youngster pleading for a story, and after a while she
- heard the old man clear up his throat with a great affectation of
- formality and begin.
- "Dey ain't skacely no p'int whar ole Brer Rabbit en ole Brer Fox made
- der 'greements side wid one er 'n'er; let 'lone dat, dey wuz one p'int
- 'twix' 'um w'ich it wuz same ez fier en tow, en dat wuz Miss Meadows en
- de gals. Little ez you might 'speck, dem same creeturs wuz bofe un um
- flyin' 'roun' Miss Meadows en de gals. Ole Brer Rabbit, he'd go dar, en
- dar he'd fine ole Brer Fox settin' up gigglin' wid de gals, en den he'd
- skuze hisse'f, he would, en gallop down de big road a piece, en paw up
- de san' same lak dat ar ball-face steer w'at tuck'n tuck off yo' pa'
- coat-tail las' Feberwary. En lakwise ole Brer Fox, he'd sa'nter in, en
- fine old man Rab. settin' 'longside er de gals, en den he'd go out down
- de road en grab a 'simmon-bush in he mouf, en nat'ally gnyaw de bark
- off'n it. In dem days, honey," continued Uncle Remus, responding to a
- look of perplexity on the child's face, "creeturs wuz wuss dan w'at dey
- is now. Dey wuz dat--lots wuss.
- "Dey went on dis a-way twel, bimeby, Brer Rabbit 'gun ter cas' 'roun',
- he did, fer ter see ef he can't bus' inter some er Brer Fox
- 'rangerments, en, atter w'ile, one day w'en he wer' settin' down by de
- side er de road wukkin up de diffunt oggyment w'at strak pun he mine, en
- fixin' up he tricks, des 'bout dat time he year a clatter up de long
- green lane, en yer come ole Brer
- Fox_toobookity--bookity--bookity-book--_lopin' 'long mo' samer dan a
- bay colt in de bolly-patch. En he wuz all primp up, too, mon, en he look
- slick en shiny lak he des come outen de sto'. Ole man Rab., he sot dar,
- he did, en w'en ole Brer Fox come gallopin' 'long, Brer Rabbit, he up'n
- hail 'im. Brer Fox, he fotch up, en dey pass de time er day wid one er
- nudder monst'us perlite; en den, bimeby atter w'ile, Brer Rabbit, he
- up'n say, sezee, dat he got some mighty good news fer Brer Fox; en Brer
- Fox, he up'n ax 'im w'at is it. Den Brer Rabbit, he sorter scratch he
- year wid his behime foot en say, sezee:--
- "'I wuz takin' a walk day 'fo' yistiddy,' sezee, 'w'en de fus' news I
- know'd I run up gin de bigges' en de fattes' bunch er grapes dat I ever
- lay eyes on. Dey wuz dat fat en dat big,' sezee, 'dat de natal juice wuz
- des drappin' fum um, en de bees wuz a-swawmin' atter de honey, en little
- ole Jack Sparrer en all er his fambly conneckshun wuz skeetin' 'roun'
- dar dippin' in der bills,' sezee.
- "Right den en dar," Uncle Remus went on, "Brer Fox mouf 'gun ter water,
- en he look outer he eye like he de bes' frien' w'at Brer Rabbit got in
- de roun' worl'. He done fergit all 'bout de gals, en he sorter sidle up
- ter Brer Rabbit, he did, en he say, sezee:--
- "'Come on, Brer Rabbit,' sezee, 'en less you 'n me go git dem ar grapes
- 'fo' deyer all gone,' sezee. En den ole Brer Rabbit, he laff, he did, en
- up'n 'spon', sezee:--
- "'I hungry myse'f, Brer Fox,' sezee, 'but I ain't hankerin' atter
- grapes, en I'll be in monst'us big luck ef I kin rush 'roun' yer some'rs
- en scrape up a bait er pusley time nuff fer ter keep de breff in my
- body. En yit,' sezee,' ef you take'n rack off atter deze yer grapes,
- w'at Miss Meadows en de gals gwine do? I lay dey got yo' name in de
- pot,' sezee.
- "'Ez ter dat,' sez ole Brer Fox, sezee, 'I kin drap 'roun' en see de
- ladies atterwards,' sezee.
- "'Well, den, ef dat's yo' game,' sez ole man Rab., sezee, 'I kin squot
- right flat down yer on de groun' en p'int out de way des de same ez
- leadin' you dar by de han',' sezee; en den Brer Rabbit sorter chaw on he
- cud lak he gedder'n up his 'membunce, en he up'n say, sezee:--
- "'You know dat ar place whar you went atter sweetgum fer Miss Meadows en
- de gals t'er day?' sezee.
- "Brer Fox 'low dat he know dat ar place same ez he do he own
- tater-patch.
- "'Well, den,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'de grapes ain't dar. You git ter
- de sweetgum,' sezee, 'en den you go up de branch twel you come ter a
- little patch er bamboo brier--but de grapes ain't dar. Den you follow
- yo' lef' han' en strike 'cross de hill twel you come ter dat big red oak
- root--but de grapes ain't dar. On you goes down de hill twel you come
- ter 'n'er branch, en on dat branch dars a dogwood-tree leanin' 'way
- over, en nigh dat dogwood dars a vine, en in dat vine, dar you'll fine
- yo' grapes. Deyer dat ripe,' sez ole Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'dat dey look
- like deyer done melt tergedder, en I speck you'll fine um full er bugs,
- but you kin take dat fine bushy tail er yone, Brer Fox,' sezee, 'en
- bresh dem bugs away.'
- "Brer Fox 'low he much 'blige, en den he put out atter de grapes in a
- han'-gallop, en w'en he done got outer sight, en likewise outer year'n,
- Brer Rabbit, he take'n git a blade er grass, he did, en tickle hisse'f
- in de year, en den he holler en laff, en laff en holler, twel he hatter
- lay down fer ter git he breff back 'gin.
- "Den, atter so long time, Brer Rabbit he jump up, he do, en take atter
- Brer Fox, but Brer Fox, he ain't look ter de right ner de lef', en
- needer do he look behime; he des keep a-rackin' 'long twel he come ter
- de sweetgum-tree, en den he tu'n up de branch twel he come ter de bamboo
- brier, en den he tu'n squar ter de lef' twel he come ter de big red-oak
- root, en den he keep on down he hill twel he come ter de yuther branch,
- en dar he see de dogwood; en mo'n dat, dar nigh de dogwood he see de
- vine, en in dat vine dar wuz de big bunch er grapes. Sho' nuff, dey wuz
- all kivvud wid bugs.
- "Ole Brer Rabbit, he'd bin a-pushin' 'long atter Brer Fox, but he des
- hatter scratch gravel fer ter keep up. Las' he hove in sight, en he lay
- off in de weeds, he did, fer ter watch Brer Fox motions. Present'y Brer
- Fox crope up de leanin' dogwood-tree twel he come nigh de grapes, en den
- he sorter ballunce hisse'f on a lim' en gun um a swipe wid his big bushy
- tail, fer ter bresh off de bugs. But, bless yo' soul, honey! no sooner
- is he done dat dan he fetch a squall w'ich Miss Meadows vow atterwards
- she year plum ter her house, en down he come--_kerblim_!"
- "What was the matter, Uncle Remus?" the little boy asked.
- "Law, honey! dat seetful Brer Rabbit done fool ole Brer Fox. Dem ar
- grapes all so fine wuz needer mo' ner less dan a great big was'-nes', en
- dem bugs wuz deze yer red wassies--deze yer speeshy w'at's rank pizen
- fum cen' ter cen'. W'en Brer Fox drap fum de tree de wassies dey drap
- wid 'im, en de way dey wom ole Brer Fox up wuz sinful. Dey ain't mo'n
- tetch' im 'fo' dey had 'im het up ter de b'ilin' p'int. Brer Fox, he
- run, en he kick, en he scratch, en he bite, en he scramble, en he
- holler, en he howl, but look lak dey git wuss en wuss. One time, hit
- seem lak Brer Fox en his new 'quaintance wuz makin' todes Brer Rabbit,
- but dey ain't no sooner p'int dat way, dan ole Brer Rabbit, he up'n make
- a break, en he went sailin' thoo de woods wuss'n wunner dese
- whully-win's, en he ain't stop twel he fetch up at Miss Meadows.
- "Miss Meadows en de gals, dey ax 'im, dey did, wharbouts wuz Brer Fox,
- en Brer Rabbit, he up'n 'spon' dat he done gone a-grape-huntin', en den
- Miss Meadows, she 'low, she did:--
- "'Law, gals! is you ever year de beat er dat? En dat, too, w'en Brer Fox
- done say he comin' ter dinner,' sez she. 'I lay I done wid Brer Fox,
- kaze you can't put no pennunce in deze yer men-folks,' sez she. 'Yer de
- dinner bin done dis long time, en we bin a-waitin' lak de quality. But
- now I'm done wid Brer Fox,' sez she.
- "Wid dat, Miss Meadows en de gals dey ax Brer Rabbit fer ter stay ter
- dinner, en Brer Rabbit, he sorter make like he wanter be skuze, but
- bimeby he tuck a cheer en sot um out. He tuck a cheer," continued Uncle
- Remus, "en he ain't bin dar long twel he look out en spy ole Brer Fox
- gwine 'long by, en w'at do Brer Rabbit do but call Miss Meadows en de
- gals en p'int 'im out? Soon's dey seed 'im dey sot up a monst'us
- gigglement, kaze Brer Fox wuz dat swell up twel little mo'n he'd a bus'.
- He head wuz swell up, en down ter he legs, dey wuz swell up. Miss
- Meadows, she up'n say dat Brer Fox look like he done gone en got all de
- grapes dey wuz in de neighborhoods, en one er de yuther gals, she
- squeal, she did, en say:--
- "'Law, ain't you 'shame', en right yer 'fo' Brer Rabbit!'
- "En den dey hilt der han's 'fo' der face en giggle des like gals duz
- deze days."
- The next night the little boy had been thoughtful enough to save some of
- his supper for Uncle Remus, and to this "Miss Sally" had added, on her
- own account, a large piece of fruit-cake. The old man appeared to be
- highly pleased.
- "Ef ders enny kinder cake w'at I likes de mos', hit's dish yer kine
- w'at's got reezins strowed 'mongs' it. Wid sick folks, now," he
- continued, holding up the cake and subjecting it to a critical
- examination, "dish yer hunk 'ud mighty nigh las' a mont', but wid a well
- man lak I is, hit won't las' a minnit."
- And it did n't. It disappeared so suddenly that the little boy laughed
- aloud, and wanted Uncle Remus to have some more cake; but the latter
- protested that he did n't come there "fer ter git founder'd," but merely
- to see "ef somebody's strenk uz strong 'nuff fer ter stan' 'n'er tale."
- The little boy said if Uncle Remus meant him, he was sure his health was
- good enough to listen to any number of stories. Whereupon, the old man,
- without any tantalizing preliminaries, began:--
- "Brer Fox done bin fool so much by Brer Rabbit dat he sorter look 'roun'
- fer ter see ef he can't ketch up wid some er de yuther creeturs, en so,
- one day, w'iles he gwine long down de big road, who should he strak up
- wid but old Brer Tarrypin. Brer Fox sorter lick his chops, en 'low dat
- ef he kin fling ennybody en gin um all-under holt, Brer Tarrypin de man,
- en he march up, mighty biggity, like he gwine ter make spote un 'im.
- W'en he git up nigh 'nuff, Brer Fox hail 'im:--
- "'How you 'speck you fine yo'se'f dis mawnin', Brer Tarrypin?' sezee.
- "'Slow, Brer Fox--mighty slow,' sez Brer Tarrypin, sezee. 'Day in en day
- out I'm mighty slow, en it look lak I'm a-gittin' slower; I'm slow en
- po'ly, Brer Fox--how you come on?' sezee.
- "'Oh, I'm slanchindickler, same ez I allers is,' sez Brer Fox, sezee.
- 'W'at make yo' eye so red, Brer Tarrypin?' sezee.
- "'Hit's all 'longer de trouble I see, Brer Fox,' sez Brer Tarrypin,
- sezee. 'I see trouble en you see none; trouble come en pile up on
- trouble,' sezee.
- "'Law, Brer Tarrypin!' sez Brer Fox, sezee, 'you ain't see no trouble
- yit. Ef you wanter see sho' 'nuff trouble, you des oughter go 'longer
- me; I'm de man w'at kin show you trouble,' sezee.
- "'Well, den,' sez ole Brer Tarrypin, sezee, 'ef youer de man w'at kin
- show me trouble, den I'm de man w'at want a glimpse un it,' sezee.
- "Den Brer Fox, he ax Brer Tarrypin is he seed de Ole Boy, en den Brer
- Tarrypin, he make answer dat he ain't seed 'im yit, but he year tell un
- 'im. Wid dat, Brer Fox 'low de Ole Boy de kinder trouble he bin talkin'
- 'bout, en den Brer Tarrypin, he up'n ax how he gwine see 'im. Brer Fox,
- he tak'n lay out de pogrance, en he up'n tell Brer Tarrypin dat ef he'll
- step up dar in de middle er dat ole broom-sage fiel', en squot dar a
- spell, 't won't be no time 'fo' he'll ketch a glimpse er de Ole Boy.
- "Brer Tarrypin know'd ders sump'n' wrong some'rs, yit he mos' too
- flat-flooted fer ter have enny scuffle wid Brer Fox, en he say ter
- hisse'f dat he'll go 'long en des trus' ter luck; en den he 'low dat ef
- Brer Fox he'p 'im 'cross de fence, he b'lieve he'll go up en resk one
- eye on de Ole Boy. Co'se Brer Fox hope 'im 'cross, en no sooner is he
- good en gone, dan Brer Fox, he fix up fer ter make 'im see trouble. He
- lipt out ter Miss Meadows house, Brer Fox did, en make like he wanter
- borry a chunk er fier fer ter light he pipe, en he tuck dat chunk, en he
- run 'roun' de fiel', en he sot de grass a fier, en't wa'n't long 'fo' it
- look lak de whole face er de yeth waz a-blazin' up."
- "Did it burn the Terrapin up?" interrupted the little boy.
- "Don't push me, honey; don't make me git de kyart 'fo' de hoss. W'en ole
- Brer Tarrypin 'gun ter wade thoo de straw, de ve'y fus' man w'at he
- strak up wid wuz ole man Rabbit layin' dar sleepin' on de shady side uv
- a tussock. Brer Rabbit, he one er deze yer kinder mens w'at sleep wid
- der eye wide open, en he wuz 'wake d'reckly he year Brer Tarrypin
- scufflin' en scramblin' 'long thoo de grass. Atter dey shuck han's en ax
- 'bout one er n'er fambly, hit ain't take long fer Brer Tarrypin fer ter
- tell Brer Rabbit w'at fotch 'im dar, en Brer Rabbit, he up'n say,
- sezee:--
- "'Hit's des na'tally a born blessin' dat you struck up wid me w'en you
- did,' sezee, 'kaze little mo' en bofe un us would 'a' bin bobbycu'd,'
- sezee.
- "Dis kinder tarrify Brer Tarrypin, en he say he wanter git out fum dar;
- but Brer Rabbit he 'low he'd take keer un 'im, en he tuck'n tuck Brer
- Tarrypin in de middle er de fiel' whar dey wuz a big holler stump. Onter
- dis stump Brer Rabbit lif' Brer Tarrypin, en den he lip up hisse'f en
- crope in de holler, en, bless yo' soul, honey, w'en de fier come
- a-snippin' en a-snappin', dar dey sot des ez safe en ez snug ez you iz
- in yo' bed dis minnit.
- "W'en de blaze blow over, Brer Tarrypin look 'roun', en he see Brer Fox
- runnin' up'n down de fence lak he huntin' sump'n'. Den Brer Rabbit, he
- stick he head up outen de hole, en likewise he seed 'im, and den he
- holler like Brer Tarrypin" (Here Uncle Remus puckered his voice, so to
- say, in a most amusing squeak):
- "'Brer Fox! Brer Fox! O Brer Fox! Run yer--we done kotch Brer Rabbit!'
- "En den Brer Fox, he jump up on de top rail er de fence en fetch a
- spring dat lan' 'im 'way out in de bu'nin' grass, en it hurted 'im en
- sting 'im in de footses dat bad, dat he squeal en he roll, en de mo' he
- roll de wuss it bu'n him, en Brer Rabbit en Brer Tarrypin dey des holler
- en laff. Bimeby Brer Fox git out, en off he put down de road, limpin'
- fus' on one foot en den on de yuther."
- The little boy laughed, and then there was a long silence--so long,
- indeed, that Uncle Remus's "Miss Sally," sewing in the next room,
- concluded to investigate it. An exceedingly interesting tableau met her
- sight. The little child had wandered into the land of dreams with a
- smile on his face. He lay with one of his little hands buried in both of
- Uncle Remus's, while the old man himself was fast asleep, with his head
- thrown back and his mouth wide open. "Miss Sally" shook him by the
- shoulder and held up her finger to prevent him from speaking. He was
- quiet until she held the lamp for him to get down the back steps, and
- then she heard him say, in an indignantly mortified tone:--
- "Now den, Miss Sally'll be a-riggin' me 'bout noddin', but stidder dat
- she better be glad dat I ain't bus loose en sno' en 'larm de house--let
- 'lone dat sick baby. Dat's w'at!"
- "I dreamed all about Brother Fox and Brother Rabbit last night, Uncle
- Remus," exclaimed the little boy when the old man came in after supper
- and took his seat by the side of the trundle-bed; "I dreamed that
- Brother Fox had wings and tried to catch Brother Rabbit by flying after
- him."
- "I don't 'spute it, honey, dat I don't!" replied the old man, in a tone
- which implied that he was quite prepared to believe the dream itself was
- true. "Manys en manys de time, deze long nights en deze rainy spells,
- dat I sets down dar in my house over ag'in de chimbley-jam--I sets dar
- en I dozes, en it seem lak dat ole Brer Rabbit, he'll stick he head in
- de crack er de do' en see my eye periently shot, en den he'll beckon
- back at de yuther creeturs, en den dey'll all come slippin' in on der
- tip-toes, en dey'll set dar en run over de ole times wid one er n'er, en
- crack der jokes same ez dey useter. En den ag'in," continued the old
- man, shutting his eyes and giving to his voice a gruesome intonation
- quite impossible to describe,--"en den ag'in hit look lak dat Brer
- Rabbit'll gin de wink all 'roun', en den dey'll tu'n in en git up a
- reg'lar juberlee. Brer Rabbit, he'll retch up en take down de trivet, en
- Brer Fox, he'll snatch up de griddle, en Brer B'ar, he'll lay holt er de
- pot-hooks, en ole Brer Tarrypin, he'll grab up de fryin' pan en dar
- dey'll have it, up en down, en' roun' en 'roun'. Hit seem like ter me
- dat ef I kin git my mine smoove down en ketch up some er dem ar chunes
- w'at dey sets dar en plays, den I 'd lean back yer in dish yer cheer en
- I'd intrance you wid um, twel, by dis time termorrer night, you'd be
- settin' up dar at de supper-table 'sputin' 'longer yo' little brer 'bout
- de 'lasses pitcher. Dem creeturs dey sets dar," Uncle Remus went on, "en
- dey plays dem kinder chunes w'at moves you fum 'way back yander; en
- manys de time w'en I gits lonesome kaze dey ain't nobody year um
- 'ceppin' it's me. Dey ain't no tellin' de chunes dey is in dat trivet,
- en in dat griddle, en in dat fryin'-pan er mine; dat dey ain't. W'en dem
- creeturs walks in en snatches um down, dey lays Miss Sally's pianner in
- de shade, en Mars John's flute, hit ain't nowhars."
- "Do they play on them just like a band, Uncle Remus?" inquired the
- little boy, who was secretly in hopes that the illusion would not be
- destroyed.
- "Dey comes des lak I tell you, honey. W'en I shets my eyes en dozes, dey
- comes en dey plays, but w'en I opens my eyes dey ain't dar. Now, den,
- w'en dat's de shape er marters, w'at duz I do? I des shets my eyes en
- hol' um shot, en let um come en play dem ole time chunes twel long atter
- bed-time done come en gone."
- Uncle Remus paused, as though he expected the little boy to ask some
- question or make some comment, but the child said nothing, and presently
- the old man resumed, in a matter-of-fact tone:--
- "Dat dream er yone, honey, 'bout Brer Fox wid wings, fetches up de time
- w'en Brer Fox en Brer Wolf had der fallin' out wid one er n'er--but I
- 'speck I done tole you 'bout dat."
- "Oh, no, you have n't, Uncle Remus! You know you have n't!" the little
- boy exclaimed.
- "Well, den, one day, atter so long a time, Brer Wolf en Brer Fox dey got
- ter 'sputin' 'longer one er n'er. Brer Wolf, he tuck'n 'buse Brer Fox
- kaze Brer Fox let Brer Rabbit fool 'im, en den Brer Fox, he tuck'n quol
- back at Brer Wolf, kaze Brer Wolf let ole man Rabbit lakwise fool 'im.
- Dey keep on 'sputin' en 'sputin', twel bimeby dey clinch, en Brer Wolf,
- bein' de bigges' man, 't would n't a bin long 'fo' he'd a wool Brer Fox,
- but Brer Fox, he watch he chance, he did, en he gin 'im leg bail."
- "Gave him what, Uncle Remus?"
- "Gin 'im leg bail, honey. He juk loose fum Brer Wolf, Brer Fox did, en,
- gentermens, he des mosey thoo de woods. Brer Wolf, he tuck atter 'm, he
- did, en dar dey had it, en Brer Wolf push Brer Fox so close, dat de
- onliest way Brer Fox kin save he hide is ter fine a hole some'rs, en de
- fus' holler tree dat he come 'cross, inter it he dove. Brer Wolf fetcht
- a grab at 'im, but he wuz des in time fer ter be too late.
- "Den Brer Wolf, he sot dar, he did, en he study en study how he gwine
- git Brer Fox out, en Brer Fox, he lay in dar, he did, en he study en
- study w'at Brer Wolf gwine do. Bimeby, Brer Wolf, he tuck'n gedder up a
- whole lot er chunks, en rocks, en sticks, en den he tuck'n fill up de
- hole what Brer Fox went in so Brer Fox can't git out. Wiles dis wuz
- gwine on, ole Brer Tukky Buzzud, he wuz sailin' 'roun' 'way up in de
- elements, wid he eye peel fer bizness, en 't wa'n't long 'fo' he glance
- lit on Brer Wolf, en he 'low ter hisse'f, sezee:--
- "'I'll des sorter flop down,' sezee, 'en look inter dis, kaze ef Brer
- Wolf hidin' he dinner dar wid de expeck'shun er findin' it dar w'en he
- come back, den he done gone en put it in de wrong place,' sezee.
- "Wid dat ole Brer Tukky Buzzud, he flop down en sail 'roun' nigher, en
- he soon see dat Brer Wolf ain't hidin' no dinner. Den he flop down
- furder, ole Brer Buzzud did, twel he lit on de top er de holler tree.
- Brer Wolf, he done kotch a glimpse er ole Brer Buzzud shadder, but he
- keep on puttin' chunks en rocks in de holler. Den, present'y, Brer
- Buzzud, he open up:--
- "'W'at you doin' dar, Brer Wolf?'
- "'Makin' a toom-stone, Brer Buzzud.'
- "Co'se Brer Buzzud sorter feel like he got intruss in marters like dis,
- en he holler back:--
- "'Who dead now, Brer Wolf?'
- "'Wunner yo' 'quaintance, w'ich he name Brer Fox, Brer Buzzud.'
- "'Wen he die, Brer Wolf?'
- "'He ain't dead yit, but he won't las' long in yer, Brer Buzzud.'
- "Brer Wolf, he keep on, he did, twel he done stop up de hole good, en
- den he bresh de trash off'n his cloze, en put out fer home. Brer Tukky
- Buzzud, he sot up dar, he did, en ontankle his tail fedders, en lissen
- en lissen, but Brer Fox, he keep dark, en Brer Buzzud ain't year
- nuthin'. Den Brer Buzzud, he flop he wings en sail away.
- "Bimeby, nex' day, bright en early, yer he come back, en he sail all
- 'roun' en 'roun' de tree, but Brer Fox he lay low en keep dark, en Brer
- Buzzud ain't year nuthin'. Atter w'ile, Brer Buzzud he sail 'roun'
- ag'in, en dis time he sing, en de song w'at he sing is dish yer:--
- "'_Boo, boo, boo, my filler-mer-loo,
- Man out yer wid news fer you!_'
- Den he sail all 'roun' en 'roun' n'er time en listen, en bimeby he year
- Brer Fox sing back:--
- "'_Go 'way, go 'way, my little jug er beer,
- De news you bring, I yeard las' year._'"
- "Beer, Uncle Remus? What kind of beer did they have then?" the little
- boy inquired.
- "Now, den, honey, youer gittin' me up in a close cornder," responded the
- old man, in an unusually serious tone. "Beer is de way de tale runs, but
- w'at kinder beer it moughter bin ain't come down ter me--en yit hit seem
- lak I year talk some'rs dat dish yer beer wuz mos' prins'ply 'simmon
- beer."
- This seemed to satisfy the small but exacting audience, and Uncle Remus
- continued:--
- "So, den, w'en Brer Buzzud year Brer Fox sing back, he 'low he ain't
- dead, en wid dat, Brer Buzzud, he sail off en 'ten' ter he yuther
- business. Nex' day back he come, en Brer Fox, he sing back, he did, des
- ez lively ez a cricket in de ashes, en it keep on dis way twel Brer Fox
- stomach 'gun ter pinch him, en den he know dat he gotter study up some
- kinder plans fer ter git out fum dar. N'er day pass, en Brer Fox, he
- tuck'n lay low, en it keep on dat a-way twel hit look like ter Brer Fox,
- pent up in dar, he mus' sholy pe'sh. Las', one day Brer Buzzud come
- sailin' all 'roun' en 'roun' wid dat
- "'_Boo, boo, boo, my filler-mer-loo_,'
- but Brer Fox, he keep dark en Brer Buzzud, he tuck'n spishun dat Brer
- Fox wuz done dead. Brer Buzzud, he keep on singin', en Brer Fox he keep
- on layin' low, twel bimeby Brer Buzzud lit en 'gun ter cle'r 'way de
- trash en truck fum de holler. He hop up, he did, en tuck out one chunk,
- en den he hop back en lissen, but Brer Fox stay still. Den Brer Buzzud
- hop up en tuck out n'er chunk, en den hop back en lissen, en all dis
- time Brer Fox mouf 'uz waterin' w'iles he lay back in dar en des
- nat'ally honed atter Brer Buzzud. Hit went on dis a-way, twel des 'fo'
- he got de hole unkivvud, Brer Fox, he break out he did, en grab Brer
- Buzzud by de back er de neck. Dey wuz a kinder scuffle 'mongs' um, but
- 't wa'n't fer long, en dat wuz de las' er ole Brer Tukky Buzzud."
- One night when the little boy made his usual visit to Uncle Remus, he
- found the old man sitting up in his chair fast asleep. The child said
- nothing. He was prepared to exercise a good deal of patience upon
- occasion, and the occasion was when he wanted to hear a story. But, in
- making himself comfortable, he aroused Uncle Remus from his nap.
- "I let you know, honey," said the old man, adjusting his spectacles, and
- laughing rather sheepishly,--"I let you know, honey, w'en I gits my
- head r'ar'd back dat a-way, en my eyeleds shot, en my mouf open, en my
- chin p'intin' at de rafters, den dey's some mighty quare gwines on in my
- min'. Dey is dat, des ez sho' ez youer settin' dar. W'en I fus' year you
- comin' down de paf," Uncle Remus continued, rubbing his beard
- thoughtfully, "I 'uz sorter fear'd you mought 'spicion dat I done gone
- off on my journeys fer ter see ole man Nod."
- This was accompanied by a glance of inquiry, to which the little boy
- thought it best to respond.
- "Well, Uncle Remus," he said, "I did think I heard you snoring when I
- came in."
- "Now you see dat!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, in a tone of grieved
- astonishment; "you see dat! Man can't lean hisse'f 'pun his 'membunce,
- 'ceppin' dey's some un fer ter come high-primin' 'roun' en 'lowin' dat
- he done gone ter sleep. _Shoo!_ W'en you stept in dat do' dar I 'uz
- right in 'mungs some mighty quare notions--mighty quare notions. Dey
- ain't no two ways; ef I uz ter up en let on 'bout all de notions w'at I
- gits in 'mungs, folks 'ud hatter come en kyar me off ter de place whar
- dey puts 'stracted people.
- "Atter I sop up my supper," Uncle Remus went on, "I tuck'n year some
- flutterments up dar 'mungs de rafters, en I look up, en dar wuz a Bat
- sailin' 'roun'. 'Roun' en 'roun', en 'roun' she go--und' de rafters,
- 'bove de rafters--en ez she sail she make noise lak she grittin' 'er
- toofies. Now, w'at dat Bat atter, I be bless ef I kin tell you, but dar
- she wuz; 'roun' en 'roun', over en under. I ax 'er w'at do she want up
- dar, but she ain't got no time fer ter tell; 'roun' en 'roun', en over
- en under. En bimeby, out she flip, en I boun' she grittin' 'er toofies
- en gwine 'roun' en 'roun' out dar, en dodgin' en flippin' des lak de
- elements wuz full er rafters en cobwebs.
- "W'en she flip out I le'nt my head back, I did, en 't wa'n't no time
- 'fo' I git mix up wid my notions. Dat Bat wings so limber en 'er will
- so good dat she done done 'er day's work dar 'fo' you could 'er run ter
- de big house en back. De Bat put me in min' er folks," continued Uncle
- Remus, settling himself back in his chair, "en folks put me in min' er
- de creeturs."
- Immediately the little boy was all attention.
- "Dey wuz times," said the old man, with something like a sigh, "w'en de
- creeturs 'ud segashuate tergedder des like dey ain't had no fallin' out.
- Dem wuz de times w'en ole Brer Rabbit 'ud 'ten 'lak he gwine quit he
- 'havishness, en dey'd all go 'roun' des lak dey b'long ter de same
- fambly connexion.
- "One time atter dey bin gwine in cohoots dis a-way, Brer Rabbit 'gun ter
- feel his fat, he did, en dis make 'im git projecky terreckly. De mo'
- peace w'at dey had, de mo' wuss Brer Rabbit feel, twel bimeby he git
- restless in de min'. W'en de sun shine he'd go en lay off in de grass en
- kick at de gnats, en nibble at de mullen stalk en waller in de san'. One
- night atter supper, w'iles he 'uz romancin' 'roun', he run up wid ole
- Brer Tarrypin, en atter dey shuck han's dey sot down on de side er de
- road en run on 'bout ole times. Dey talk en dey talk, dey did, en bimeby
- Brer Rabbit say it done come ter dat pass whar he bleedz ter have some
- fun, en Brer Tarrypin 'low dat Brer Rabbit des de ve'y man he bin
- lookin' fer.
- "'Well den,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'we'll des put Brer Fox, en Brer
- Wolf, en Brer B'ar on notice, en termorrer night we'll meet down by de
- mill-pon' en have a little fishin' frolic. I'll do de talkin',' sez Brer
- Rabbit, sezee, 'en you kin set back en say _yea_,' sezee.
- "Brer Tarrypin laugh.
- "'Ef I ain't dar,' sezee, 'den you may know de grasshopper done fly 'way
- wid me,' sezee.
- "'En you neenter bring no fiddle, n'er,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'kaze
- dey ain't gwineter be no dancin' dar,' sezee.
- "Wid dat," continued Uncle Remus, "Brer Rabbit put out fer home, en
- went ter bed, en Brer Tarrypin bruise 'roun' en make his way todes de
- place so he kin be dar 'gin de 'p'inted time.
- "Nex' day Brer Rabbit sont wud ter de yuther creeturs, en dey all make
- great 'miration, kaze dey ain't think 'bout dis deyse'f. Brer Fox, he
- 'low, he did, dat he gwine atter Miss Meadows en Miss Motts, en de
- yuther gals.
- "Sho' nuff, w'en de time come dey wuz all dar. Brer B'ar, he fotch a
- hook en line; Brer Wolf, he fotch a hook en line; Brer Fox, he fotch a
- dip-net, en Brer Tarrypin, not ter be outdone, he fotch de bait."
- "What did Miss Meadows and Miss Motts bring?" the little boy asked.
- Uncle Remus dropped his head slightly to one side, and looked over his
- spectacles at the little boy.
- "Miss Meadows en Miss Motts," he continued, "dey tuck'n stan' way back
- fum de aidge er de pon' en squeal eve'y time Brer Tarrypin shuck de box
- er bait at um. Brer B'ar 'low he gwine ter fish fer mud-cats; Brer Wolf
- 'low he gwine ter fish fer horneyheads; Brer Fox 'low he gwine ter fish
- fer peerch fer de ladies; Brer Tarrypin 'low he gwine ter fish fer
- minners, en Brer Rabbit wink at Brer Tarrypin en 'low he gwine ter fish
- fer suckers.
- "Dey all git ready, dey did, en Brer Rabbit march up ter de pon' en make
- fer ter th'ow he hook in de water, but des 'bout dat time hit seem lak
- he see sump'n'. De t'er creeturs, dey stop en watch his motions. Brer
- Rabbit, he drap he pole, he did, en he stan' dar scratchin' he head en
- lookin' down in de water.
- "De gals dey 'gun ter git oneasy w'en dey see dis, en Miss Meadows, she
- up en holler out, she did:--
- "'Law, Brer Rabbit, w'at de name er goodness de marter in dar?'
- "Brer Rabbit scratch he head en look in de water. Miss Motts, she hilt
- up 'er petticoats, she did, en 'low she monst'us fear'd er snakes. Brer
- Rabbit keep on scratchin' en lookin'.
- "Bimeby he fetch a long bref, he did, en he 'low:--
- "'Ladies en gentermuns all, we des might ez well make tracks fum dish
- yer place, kaze dey ain't no fishin' in dat pon' fer none er dish yer
- crowd.'
- "Wid dat, Brer Tarrypin, he scramble up ter de aidge en look over, en he
- shake he head, en 'low:--
- "'Tooby sho'--tooby sho'! Tut-tut-tut!' en den he crawl back, he did, en
- do lak he wukkin' he min'.
- "'Don't be skeert, ladies, kaze we er boun' ter take keer un you, let
- come w'at will, let go w'at mus',' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. 'Accidents
- got ter happen unter we all, des same ez dey is unter yuther folks; en
- dey ain't nuthin' much de marter, 'ceppin' dat de Moon done drap in de
- water. Ef you don't b'leeve me you kin look fer yo'se'f,' sezee.
- "Wid dat dey all went ter de bank en lookt in; en, sho' nuff, dar lay de
- Moon, a-swingin' an' a-swayin' at de bottom er de pon'."
- The little boy laughed. He had often seen the reflection of the sky in
- shallow pools of water, and the startling depths that seemed to lie at
- his feet had caused him to draw back with a shudder.
- "Brer Fox, he look in, he did, en he 'low, 'Well, well, well!' Brer
- Wolf, he look in, en he 'low, 'Mighty bad, mighty bad!' Brer B'ar, he
- look in, en he 'low, 'Tum, tum, tum!' De ladies dey look in, en Miss
- Meadows she squall out, 'Ain't dat too much?' Brer Rabbit, he look in
- ag'in, en he up en 'low, he did:--
- "'Ladies en gentermuns, you all kin hum en haw, but less'n we gits dat
- Moon out er de pon', dey ain't no fish kin be ketch 'roun' yer dis
- night; en ef you'll ax Brer Tarrypin, he'll tell you de same.'
- "Den dey ax how kin dey git de Moon out er dar, den Brer Tarrypin 'low
- dey better lef' dat wid Brer Rabbit. Brer Rabbit he shot he eyes, he
- did, en make lak he wukkin' he min'. Bimeby, he up'n 'low:--
- "'De nighes' way out'n dish yer diffikil is fer ter sen' 'roun' yer to
- ole Mr. Mud-Turkle en borry his sane, en drag dat Moon up fum dar,'
- sezee.
- "'I 'clar' ter gracious I mighty glad you mention dat,' says Brer
- Tarrypin, sezee. 'Mr. Mud-Turkle is setch clos't kin ter me dat I calls
- 'im Unk Muck, en I lay ef you sen' dar atter dat sane you won't fine Unk
- Muck so mighty disaccomerdatin'.'
- "Well," continued Uncle Remus, after one of his tantalizing pauses, "dey
- sont atter de sane, en w'iles Brer Rabbit wuz gone, Brer Tarrypin, he
- 'low dat he done year tell time en time ag'in dat dem w'at fine de Moon
- in de water en fetch 'im out, lakwise dey ull fetch out a pot er money.
- Dis make Brer Fox, en Brer Wolf, en Brer B'ar feel mighty good, en dey
- 'low, dey did, dat long ez Brer Rabbit been so good ez ter run atter de
- sane, dey ull do de sanein'.
- "Time Brer Rabbit git back, he see how de lan' lay, en he make lak he
- wanter go in atter de Moon. He pull off he coat, en he 'uz fixin' fer
- ter shuck he wescut, but de yuther creeturs dey 'low dey wa'n't gwine
- ter let dryfoot man lak Brer Rabbit go in de water. So Brer Fox, he tuck
- holt er one staff er de sane, Brer Wolf he tuck holt er de yuther staff,
- en Brer B'ar he wade 'long behime fer ter lif' de sane 'cross logs en
- snags.
- "Dey make one haul--no Moon; n'er haul--no Moon; n'er haul--no Moon. Den
- bimeby dey git out furder fum de bank. Water run in Brer Fox year, he
- shake he head; water run in Brer Wolf year, he shake he head; water run
- in Brer B'ar year, he shake he head. En de fus' news you know, w'iles
- dey wuz a-shakin', dey come to whar de bottom shelfed off. Brer Fox he
- step off en duck hisse'f; den Brer Wolf duck hisse'f; en Brer B'ar he
- make a splunge en duck hisse'f; en, bless gracious, dey kick en splatter
- twel it look lak dey 'uz gwine ter slosh all de water outer de
- mill-pon'.
- "W'en dey come out, de gals 'uz all a-snickerin' en a-gigglin', en dey
- well mought, 'kaze go whar you would, dey wa'n't no wuss lookin'
- creeturs dan dem; en Brer Rabbit, he holler, sezee:--
- "'I 'speck you all, gents, better go home en git some dry duds, en n'er
- time we'll be in better luck,' sezee. 'I hear talk dat de Moon'll bite
- at a hook ef you take fools fer baits, en I lay dat's de onliest way fer
- ter ketch 'er,' sezee.
- "Brer Fox en Brer Wolf en Brer B'ar went drippin' off, en Brer Rabbit en
- Brer Tarrypin, dey went home wid de gals."
- XX
- One night while the little boy was sitting in Uncle Remus's cabin,
- waiting for the old man to finish his hoe-cake, and refresh his memory
- as to the further adventures of Brother Rabbit, his friends and his
- enemies, something dropped upon the top of the house with a noise like
- the crack of a pistol. The little boy jumped, but Uncle Remus looked up
- and exclaimed, "Ah-yi!" in a tone of triumph.
- "What was that, Uncle Remus?" the child asked, after waiting a moment to
- see what else would happen.
- "News fum Jack Fros', honey. W'en dat hick'y-nut tree out dar year 'im
- comin' she 'gins ter drap w'at she got. I mighty glad," he continued,
- scraping the burnt crust from his hoe-cake with an old case-knife, "I
- mighty glad hick'y-nuts ain't big en heavy ez grinestones."
- He waited a moment to see what effect this queer statement would have on
- the child.
- "Yasser, I mighty glad--dat I is. 'Kaze ef hick'y-nuts 'uz big ez
- grinestones dish yer ole callyboose 'ud be a-leakin' long 'fo'
- Chris'mus."
- Just then another hickory-nut dropped upon the roof, and the little boy
- jumped again. This seemed to amuse Uncle Remus, and he laughed until he
- was near to choking himself with his smoking hoe-cake.
- "You does des 'zackly lak ole Brer Rabbit done, I 'clar' to gracious ef
- you don't!" the old man cried, as soon as he could get his breath; "dez
- zackly fer de worl'."
- The child was immensely flattered, and at once he wanted to know how
- Brother Rabbit did. Uncle Remus was in such good humor that he needed no
- coaxing. He pushed his spectacles back on his forehead, wiped his mouth
- on his sleeve, and began:--
- "Hit come 'bout dat soon one mawnin' todes de fall er de year, Brer
- Rabbit wuz stirrin' 'roun' in de woods atter some bergamot fer ter make
- 'im some h'ar-grease. De win' blow so col' dat it make 'im feel right
- frisky, en eve'y time he year de bushes rattle he make lak he skeerd. He
- 'uz gwine on dis a-way, hoppity-skippity, w'en bimeby he year Mr. Man
- cuttin' on a tree way off in de woods. He fotch up, Brer Rabbit did, en
- lissen fus' wid one year en den wid de yuther.
- "Man, he cut en cut, en Brer Rabbit, he lissen en lissen. Bimeby, w'iles
- all dis was gwine on, down come de tree--_kubber-lang-bang-blam!_ Brer
- Rabbit, he tuck'n jump des lak you jump, en let 'lone dat, he make a
- break, he did, en he lipt out fum dar lak de dogs wuz atter 'im."
- "Was he scared, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy.
- "Skeerd! Who? _Him?_ Shoo! don't you fret yo'se'f 'bout Brer Rabbit,
- honey. In dem days dey wa'n't nothin' gwine dat kin skeer Brer Rabbit.
- Tooby sho', he tuck keer hisse'f, en ef you know de man w'at 'fuse ter
- take keer hisse'f, I lak mighty well ef you p'int 'im out. Deed'n dat I
- would!"
- Uncle Remus seemed to boil over with argumentative indignation.
- "Well, den," he continued, "Brer Rabbit run twel he git sorter het up
- like, en des 'bout de time he makin' ready fer ter squot en ketch he
- win', who should he meet but Brer Coon gwine home atter settin' up wid
- ole Brer Bull-Frog. Brer Coon see 'im runnin', en he hail 'im.
- "'Wat yo' hurry, Brer Rabbit?'
- "'Ain't got time ter tarry.'
- "'Folks sick?'
- "'No, my Lord! Ain't got time ter tarry!'
- "'Tryin' yo' soopleness?'
- "'No, my Lord! Ain't got time ter tarry!'
- "'Do pray, Brer Rabbit, tell me de news!'
- "'Mighty big fuss back dar in de woods. Ain't got time ter tarry!'
- "Dis make Brer Coon feel mighty skittish, 'kaze he fur ways fum home, en
- he des lipt out, he did, en went a-b'ilin' thoo de woods. Brer Coon
- ain't gone fur twel he meet Brer Fox.
- "'Hey, Brer Coon, whar you gwine?'
- "'Ain't got time ter tarry!'
- "'Gwine at'-de doctor?'
- "'No, my Lord! Ain't got time ter tarry.'
- "'Do pray, Brer Coon, tell me de news.'
- "'Mighty quare racket back dar in de woods! Ain't got time ter tarry!'
- "Wid dat, Brer Fox lipt out, he did, en fa'rly split de win'. He ain't
- gone fur twel he meet Brer Wolf.
- "'Hey, Brer Fox! Stop en res' yo'se'f!'
- "'Ain't got time ter tarry!'
- "'Who bin want de doctor?'
- "'No'ne, my Lord! Ain't got time ter tarry!'
- "'Do pray, Brer Fox, good er bad, tell me de news.'
- "'Mighty kuse fuss back dar in de woods! Ain't got time ter tarry!'
- "Wid dat, Brer Wolf shuck hisse'f loose fum de face er de yeth, en he
- ain't git fur twel he meet Brer B'ar. Brer B'ar he ax, en Brer Wolf
- make ans'er, en bimeby Brer B'ar he fotch a snort en run'd off; en,
- bless gracious! 't wa'n't long 'fo' de las' one er de creeturs wuz
- a-skaddlin' thoo de woods lak de Ole Boy was atter um--en all 'kaze Brer
- Rabbit year Mr. Man cut tree down.
- "Dey run'd en dey run'd," Uncle Remus went on, "twel dey come ter Brer
- Tarrypin house, en dey sorter slack up 'kaze dey done mighty nigh los'
- der win'. Brer Tarrypin, he up'n ax um wharbouts dey gwine, en dey 'low
- dey wuz a monst'us tarryfyin' racket back dar in de woods. Brer
- Tarrypin, he ax w'at she soun' lak. One say he dunno, n'er say he dunno,
- den dey all say dey dunno. Den Brer Tarrypin, he up'n ax who year dis
- monst'us racket. One say he dunno, n'er say he dunno, den dey all say
- dey dunno. Dis make ole Brer Tarrypin laff 'way down in he insides, en
- he up'n say, sezee:--
- "You all kin run 'long ef you feel skittish,' sezee. 'Atter I cook my
- brekkus en wash up de dishes, ef I gits win' er any 'spicious racket may
- be I mought take down my pairsol en foller long atter you,' sezee.
- "Wen de creeturs come ter make inquirements 'mungs one er n'er 'bout who
- start de news, hit went right spang back ter Brer Rabbit, but, lo en
- beholes! Brer Rabbit ain't dar, en it tu'n out dat Brer Coon is de man
- w'at seed 'im las'. Den dey got ter layin' de blame un it on one er
- n'er, en little mo' en dey'd er fit dar scan'lous, but ole Brer
- Tarrypin, he up'n 'low dat ef dey want ter git de straight un it, dey
- better go see Brer Rabbit.
- "All de creeturs wuz 'gree'ble, en dey put out ter Brer Rabbit house.
- W'en dey git dar, Brer Rabbit wuz a-settin' cross-legged in de front
- po'ch winkin' he eye at de sun. Brer B'ar, he speak up:--
- "'W'at make you fool me, Brer Rabbit?'
- "'Fool who, Brer B'ar?'
- "'Me, Brer Rabbit, dat's who.'
- [Illustration: "'_AH-YI_: YOU OUGHTER AX ME DAT FUS', BRER COON'"]
- "'Dish yer de fus' time I seed you dis day, Brer B'ar, en you er mo'
- dan welcome ter dat.'
- "Dey all ax 'im en git de same ans'er, en den Brer Coon put in:--
- "'Wat make you fool me, Brer Rabbit?'
- "'How I fool you, Brer Coon?'
- "'You make lak dey wuz a big racket, Brer Rabbit.'
- "'Dey sholy wuz a big racket, Brer Coon.'
- "'Wat kinder racket, Brer Rabbit?'
- "'_Ah-yi!_ You oughter ax me dat fus', Brer Coon.'
- "'I axes you now, Brer Rabbit.'
- "'Mr. Man cut tree down, Brer Coon.'
- "Co'se dis make Brer Coon feel like a nat'al-born Slink, en 't wa'n't
- long 'fo' all de creeturs make der bow ter Brer Rabbit en mosey off
- home."
- "Brother Rabbit had the best of it all along," said the little boy,
- after waiting to see whether there was a sequel to the story.
- "Oh, he did dat a-way!" exclaimed Uncle Remus. "Brer Rabbit was a mighty
- man in dem days."
- [Illustration: Why Brother Bear has no Tail]
- "I 'clar' ter gracious, honey," Uncle Remus exclaimed one night, as the
- little boy ran in, "you sholy ain't chaw'd yo' vittles. Hit ain't bin no
- time, skacely, sence de supper-bell rung, en ef you go on dis a-way,
- you'll des nat'ally pe'sh yo'se'f out."
- "Oh, I wasn't hungry," said the little boy. "I had something before
- supper, and I wasn't hungry anyway."
- The old man looked keenly at the child, and presently he said:--
- "De ins en de outs er dat kinder talk all come ter de same p'int in my
- min'. Youer bin a-cuttin' up at de table, en Mars John, he tuck'n sont
- you 'way fum dar, en w'iles he think youer off some'rs a-snifflin' en
- a-feelin' bad, yer you is a-high-primin' 'roun' des lak you done had mo'
- supper dan de King er Philanders."
- Before the little boy could inquire about the King of Philanders he
- heard his father calling him. He started to go out, but Uncle Remus
- motioned him back.
- "Des set right whar you is, honey,--des set right still."
- Then Uncle Remus went to the door and answered for the child; and a very
- queer answer it was--one that could be heard half over the plantation:--
- "Mars John, I wish you en Miss Sally be so good ez ter let dat chile
- 'lone. He down yer cryin' he eyes out, en he ain't bodderin' 'long er
- nobody in de roun' worl'."
- Uncle Remus stood in the door a moment to see what the reply would be,
- but he heard none. Thereupon he continued, in the same loud tone:--
- "I ain't bin use ter no sich gwines on in Ole Miss time, en I ain't
- gwine git use ter it now. Dat I ain't."
- Presently 'Tildy, the house-girl, brought the little boy his supper, and
- the girl was no sooner out of hearing than the child swapped it with
- Uncle Remus for a roasted yam, and the enjoyment of both seemed to be
- complete.
- "Uncle Remus," said the little boy, after a while, "you know I wasn't
- crying just now."
- "Dat's so, honey," the old man replied, "but 't would n't er bin long
- 'fo' you would er bin, kaze Mars John bawl out lak a man w'at got a
- strop in he han', so w'at de diff'unce?"
- When they had finished eating, Uncle Remus busied himself in cutting and
- trimming some sole-leather for future use. His knife was so keen, and
- the leather fell away from it so smoothly and easily, that the little
- boy wanted to trim some himself. But to this Uncle Remus would not
- listen.
- "'T ain't on'y chilluns w'at got de consate er doin' eve'ything dey see
- yuther folks do. Hit's grown folks w'at oughter know better," said the
- old man. "Dat's des de way Brer B'ar git his tail broke off
- smick-smack-smoove, en down ter dis day he de funnies'-lookin' creetur
- w'at wobble on top er dry groun'."
- Instantly the little boy forgot all about Uncle Remus's sharp knife.
- "Hit seem lak dat in dem days Brer Rabbit en Brer Tarrypin done gone in
- cohoots fer ter outdo de t'er creeturs. One time Brer Rabbit tuck'n make
- a call on Brer Tarrypin, but w'en he git ter Brer Tarrypin house, he
- year talk fum Miss Tarrypin dat her ole man done gone fer ter spen' de
- day wid Mr. Mud-Turkle, w'ich dey wuz blood kin. Brer Rabbit he put out
- atter Brer Tarrypin, en w'en he got ter Mr. Mud-Turkle house, dey all
- sot up, dey did, en tole tales, en den w'en twelf er'clock come dey had
- crawfish fer dinner, en dey 'joy deyse'f right erlong. Atter dinner dey
- went down ter Mr. Mud-Turkle mill-pon', en w'en dey git dar Mr.
- Mud-Turkle en Brer Tarrypin dey 'muse deyse'f, dey did, wid slidin' fum
- de top uv a big slantin' rock down inter de water.
- "I 'speck you moughter seen rocks in de water 'fo' now, whar dey git
- green en slipp'y," said Uncle Remus.
- The little boy had not only seen them, but had found them to be very
- dangerous to walk upon, and the old man continued:--
- "Well, den, dish yer rock wuz mighty slick en mighty slantin'. Mr.
- Mud-Turkle, he'd crawl ter de top, en tu'n loose, en go a-sailin' down
- inter de water--_kersplash!_ Ole Brer Tarrypin, he'd foller atter, en
- slide down inter de water--_kersplash!_ Ole Brer Rabbit, he sot off, he
- did, en praise um up.
- "W'iles dey wuz a-gwine on dis a-way, a-havin' der fun, en 'joyin'
- deyse'f, yer come ole Brer B'ar. He year um laffin' en holl'in', en he
- hail um.
- "'Heyo, folks! W'at all dis? Ef my eye ain't 'ceive me, dish yer's Brer
- Rabbit, en Brer Tarrypin, en ole Unk' Tommy Mud-Turkle,' sez Brer B'ar,
- sezee.
- "'De same,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'en yer we is 'joyin' de day dat
- passes des lak dey wa'n't no hard times.'
- "'Well, well, well!' sez ole Brer B'ar, sezee, 'a-slippin' en a-slidin'
- en makin' free! En w'at de matter wid Brer Rabbit dat he ain't j'inin'
- in?' sezee.
- "Ole Brer Rabbit he wink at Brer Tarrypin, en Brer Tarrypin he hunch Mr.
- Mud-Turkle, en den Brer Rabbit he up'n 'low, he did:--
- "'My goodness, Brer B'ar! you can't 'speck a man fer ter slip en slide
- de whole blessid day, kin you? I done had my fun, en now I'm a-settin'
- out yer lettin' my cloze dry. Hit's tu'n en tu'n about wid me en deze
- gents w'en dey's any fun gwine on,' sezee.
- "'Maybe Brer B'ar might jine in wid us,' sez Brer Tarrypin, sezee.
- "Brer Rabbit he des holler en laff.
- "'Shoo!' sezee, 'Brer B'ar foot too big en he tail too long fer ter
- slide down dat rock,' sezee.
- "Dis kinder put Brer B'ar on he mettle, en he up'n 'spon', he did:--
- "'Maybe dey is, en maybe dey ain't, yit I ain't a-feared ter try.'
- "Wid dat de yuthers tuck'n made way fer 'im, en ole Brer B'ar he git up
- on de rock, he did, en squot down on he hunkers, en quile he tail und'
- 'im, en start down. Fus' he go sorter slow, en he grin lak he feel good;
- den he go sorter peart, en he grin lak he feel bad; den he go mo'
- pearter, en he grin lak he skeerd; den he strack de slick part, en,
- gentermens! he swaller de grin en fetch a howl dat moughter bin yeard a
- mile, en he hit de water lak a chimbly a-fallin'.
- "You kin gimme denial," Uncle Remus continued after a little pause, "but
- des ez sho' ez you er settin' dar, w'en Brer B'ar slick'd up en flew
- down dat rock, he break off he tail right smick-smack-smoove, en mo'n
- dat, w'en he make his disappear'nce up de big road, Brer Rabbit holler
- out:--
- "'Brer B'ar!--O Brer B'ar! I year tell dat flaxseed poultices is mighty
- good fer so' places!'
- "Yit Brer B'ar ain't look back."
- When Uncle Remus was in a good humor he turned the most trifling
- incidents into excuses for amusing the little boy with his stories. One
- night while he was hunting for a piece of candle on the shelf that took
- the place of a mantel over the fireplace, he knocked down a tin plate.
- It fell upon the hearth with a tremendous clatter.
- "Dar now!" exclaimed Uncle Remus. "Hit's a blessin' dat dat ar platter
- is got mo' backbone dan de common run er crockery, 'kaze 't would er bin
- bust all ter flinderations long time ago. Dat ar platter is got dents on
- it w'at Miss Sally put dar w'en she 'uz a little bit er gal. Yet dar 't
- is, en right dis minnit hit'll hol' mo' vittles dan w'at I got ter put
- in it.
- "I lay," the old man continued, leaning his hand against the chimney and
- gazing at the little boy reflectively,--"I lay ef de creeturs had a bin
- yer w'iles all dat clatterment gwine on dey'd a lef' bidout tellin'
- anybody good-bye. All 'ceppin' Brer Rabbit. Bless yo' soul, he'd er
- stayed fer ter see de fun, des lak he did dat t'er time w'en he skeer um
- all so. I 'speck I done tole you 'bout dat."
- "When he got the honey on him and rolled in the leaves?"
- Uncle Remus thought a moment.
- "Ef I make no mistakes in my 'membunce, dat wuz de time w'en he call
- hisse'f de Wull-er-de-Wust."
- The little boy corroborated Uncle Remus's memory.
- "Well, den, dish yer wuz n'er time, en he lak ter skeer um plum out'n de
- settlement. En it all come 'bout 'kaze dey wanter play smarty."
- "Who wanted to play smarty, Uncle Remus?" asked the child.
- "Oh, des dem t'er creeturs. Dey wuz allers a-layin' traps fer Brer
- Rabbit en gittin' cotch in um deyse'f, en dey wuz allers a-pursooin'
- atter 'im day in en day out. I ain't 'nyin' but w'at some er Brer Rabbit
- pranks wuz mighty ha'sh, but w'y'n't dey let 'im 'lone deyse'f?"
- Naturally, the little boy was not prepared to meet these arguments, even
- had their gravity been less impressive, so he said nothing.
- "In dem days," Uncle Remus went on, "de creeturs wuz same lak folks. Dey
- had der ups en dey had der downs; dey had der hard times, and dey had
- der saf' times. Some seasons der craps 'ud be good, en some seasons
- dey'd be bad. Brer Rabbit, he far'd lak de res' un um. W'at he'd make,
- dat he'd spen'. One season he tuck'n made a fine chance er goobers, en
- he 'low, he did, dat ef dey fetch 'im anywhars nigh de money w'at he
- 'speck dey would, he go ter town en buy de truck w'at needcessity call
- fer.
- "He ain't no sooner say dat dan ole Miss Rabbit, she vow, she did, dat
- it be a scannul en a shame ef he don't whirl in en git sevin tin cups
- fer de chilluns fer ter drink out'n, en sevin tin plates fer 'm fer ter
- sop out 'n, en a coffee-pot fer de fambly. Brer Rabbit say dat des
- zackly w'at he gwine do, en he 'low, he did, dat he gwine ter town de
- comin' We'n'sday."
- Uncle Remus paused, and indulged in a hearty laugh before he resumed:--
- "Brer Rabbit wa'n't mo'n out'n de gate 'fo' Miss Rabbit, she slap on 'er
- bonnet, she did, en rush 'cross ter Miss Mink house, en she ain't bin
- dar a minnit 'fo' she up'n tell Miss Mink dat Brer Rabbit done promise
- ter go ter town We'n'sday comin' en git de chilluns sump'n'. Co'se, w'en
- Mr. Mink come home, Miss Mink she up'n 'low she want ter know w'at de
- reason he can't buy sump'n' fer his chilluns same ez Brer Rabbit do fer
- his'n, en dey quo'll en quo'll des lak folks. Atter dat Miss Mink she
- kyar de news ter Miss Fox, en den Brer Fox he tuk'n got a rakin' over de
- coals. Miss Fox she tell Miss Wolf, en Miss Wolf she tell Miss B'ar, en
- 't wa'n't long 'fo' ev'ybody in dem diggin's know dat Brer Rabbit gwine
- ter town de comin' We'n'sday fer ter git his chilluns sump'n'; en all de
- yuther creeturs' chilluns ax der ma w'at de reason der pa can't git
- _dem_ sump'n'. So dar it went.
- "Brer Fox, en Brer Wolf, en Brer B'ar, dey make up der mines, dey did,
- dat ef dey gwine ter ketch up wid Brer Rabbit, dat wuz de time, en dey
- fix up a plan dat dey'd lay fer Brer Rabbit en nab 'im w'en he come back
- fum town. Dey tuck'n make all der 'rangerments, en wait fer de day.
- "Sho' nuff, w'en We'n'sday come, Brer Rabbit e't he brekkus 'fo'
- sun-up, en put out fer town. He tuck'n got hisse'f a dram, en a plug er
- terbarker, en a pocket-hankcher, en he got de ole 'oman a coffee-pot, en
- he got de chillun sevin tin cups en sevin tin plates, en den todes
- sundown he start back home. He walk 'long, he did, feelin' mighty
- biggity, but bimeby w'en he git sorter tired, he sot down und' a
- black-jack tree, en 'gun to fan hisse'f wid one er der platters.
- "W'iles he doin' dis a little bit er teenchy sap-sucker run up'n down de
- tree en keep on makin' mighty quare fuss. Atter w'ile Brer Rabbit tuk'n
- shoo at 'im wid de platter. Seem lak dis make de teenchy little
- sap-sucker mighty mad, en he rush out on a lim' right over Brer Rabbit,
- en he sing out:--
- "'_Pilly-pee, pilly-wee!
- I see w'at he no see!
- I see, pilly-pee,
- I see, w'at he no see!_'
- "He keep on singin' dis, he did, twel Brer Rabbit 'gun ter look 'roun',
- en he ain't no sooner do dis dan he see marks in de san' whar sum un
- done bin dar 'fo' 'im, en he look little closer en den he see w'at de
- sap-sucker drivin' at. He scratch his head, Brer Rabbit did, en he 'low
- ter hisse'f:--
- "'Ah-yi! Yer whar Brer Fox bin settin', en dar de print er he nice bushy
- tail. Yer whar Brer Wolf bin settin', en dar de print er he fine long
- tail. Yer whar Brer B'ar bin squattin' on he hunkers, en dar de print
- w'ich he ain't got no tail. Dey er all bin yer, en I lay dey er hidin'
- out in de big gully down dar in de holler.'
- "Wid dat, ole man Rab. tuck'n put he truck in de bushes, en den he run
- 'way 'roun' fer ter see w'at he kin see. Sho' nuff," continued Uncle
- Remus, with a curious air of elation,--"sho' nuff, w'en Brer Rabbit git
- over agin de big gully down in de holler, dar dey wuz. Brer Fox, he 'uz
- on one side er de road, en Brer Wolf 'uz on de t'er side; en ole Brer
- B'ar he 'uz quiled up in de gully takin' a nap.
- "Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n peep at um, he did, en he lick he foot en roach
- back he h'ar, en den hol' his han's 'cross he mouf en laff lak some
- chilluns does w'en dey t'ink dey er foolin' der ma."
- "Not me, Uncle Remus--not me!" exclaimed the little boy promptly.
- "Heyo dar! don't kick 'fo' you er spurred, honey! Brer Rabbit, he seed
- um all dar, en he tuck'n grin, he did, en den he lit out ter whar he
- done lef he truck, en w'en he git dar he dance 'roun' en slap hisse'f on
- de leg, en make all sorts er kuse motions. Den he go ter wuk en tu'n de
- coffee-pot upside down en stick it on he head; den he run he gallus thoo
- de han'les er de cups, en sling um crosst he shoulder; den he 'vide de
- platters, some in one han' en some in de yuther. Atter he git good en
- ready, he crope ter de top er de hill, he did, en tuck a runnin' start,
- en flew down like a harrycane--_rickety, rackety, slambang!_"
- The little boy clapped his hands enthusiastically.
- "Bless yo' soul, dem creeturs ain't year no fuss lak dat, en dey ain't
- seed no man w'at look lak Brer Rabbit do, wid de coffee-pot on he head,
- en de cups a-rattlin' on he gallus, en de platters a-wavin' en a-shinin'
- in de a'r.
- "Now, mine you, ole Brer B'ar wuz layin' off up de gully takin' a nap,
- en de fuss skeer 'im so bad dat he make a break en run over Brer Fox. He
- rush out in de road, he did, en w'en he see de sight, he whirl 'roun' en
- run over Brer Wolf. Wid der scramblin' en der scufflin', Brer Rabbit got
- right on um 'fo' dey kin git away. He holler out, he did:--
- "'Gimme room! Tu'n me loose! I'm ole man Spewter-Splutter wid long
- claws, en scales on my back! I'm snaggle-toofed en double-j'inted! Gimme
- room!'
- "Eve'y time he'd fetch a whoop, he'd rattle de cups en slap de platters
- tergedder--_rickety, rackety, slambang!_ En I let you know w'en dem
- creeturs got dey lim's tergedder dey split de win', dey did dat. Ole
- Brer B'ar, he struck a stump w'at stan' in de way, en I ain't gwine tell
- you how he to' it up 'kaze you won't b'leeve me, but de nex' mawnin'
- Brer Rabbit en his chilluns went back dar, dey did, en dey got nuff
- splinters fer ter make um kin'lin' wood all de winter. Yasser! Des ez
- sho' ez I'm a-settin' by dish yer h'ath."
- The little boy sat watching Uncle Remus sharpen his shoe-knife. The old
- man's head moved in sympathy with his hands, and he mumbled fragments of
- a song. Occasionally he would feel of the edge of the blade with his
- thumb, and then begin to sharpen it again. The comical appearance of the
- venerable darkey finally had its effect upon the child, for suddenly he
- broke into a hearty peal of laughter; whereupon Uncle Remus stopped
- shaking his head and singing his mumbly-song, and assumed a very
- dignified attitude. Then he drew a long, deep breath, and said:--
- "'Wen folks git ole en stricken wid de palsy, dey mus' 'speck ter be
- laff'd at. Goodness knows, I bin use ter dat sence de day my whiskers
- 'gun to bleach."
- "Why, I was n't laughing at you, Uncle Remus; I declare I was n't,"
- cried the little boy. "I thought maybe you might be doing your head like
- Brother Rabbit did when he was fixing to cut his meat."
- Uncle Remus's seriousness was immediately driven away by a broad and
- appreciative grin.
- "Now, dat de way ter talk, honey, en I boun' you wa'n't fur wrong, n'er,
- 'kaze fer all dey'll tell you dat Brer Rabbit make he livin' 'long er
- nibblin' at grass en greens, hit 't wa'n't dat a-way in dem days, 'kaze
- I got in my 'membunce right now de 'casion whar Brer Rabbit is tuck'n
- e't meat."
- The little boy had learned that it was not best to make any display of
- impatience, and so he waited quietly while Uncle Remus busied himself
- with arranging the tools on his shoe-bench. Presently the old man
- began:--
- "Hit so happen dat one day Brer Rabbit meet up wid Brer Fox, en w'en dey
- 'quire atter der corporosity, dey fine out dat bofe un um mighty po'ly.
- Brer Fox, he 'low, he do, dat he monst'us hongry, en Brer Rabbit he
- 'spon' dat he got a mighty hankerin' atter vittles hisse'f. Bimeby dey
- look up de big road, en dey see Mr. Man comin' 'long wid a great big
- hunk er beef und' he arm. Brer Fox he up 'n 'low, he did, dat he lak
- mighty well fer ter git a tas'e er dat, en Brer Rabbit he 'low dat de
- sight er dat nice meat all lineded wid taller is nuff fer ter run a body
- 'stracted.
- "Mr. Man he come en he come 'long. Brer Rabbit en Brer Fox dey look en
- dey look at 'im. Dey wink der eye en der mouf water. Brer Rabbit he 'low
- he bleedz ter git some er dat meat. Brer Fox he 'spon', he did, dat it
- look mighty fur off ter him. Den Brer Rabbit tell Brer Fox fer ter
- foller 'long atter 'im in hailin' distuns, en wid dat he put out, he
- did, en 't wa'nt long 'fo' he kotch up wid Mr. Man.
- "Dey pass de time er day, en den dey went joggin' 'long de road same lak
- dey 'uz gwine 'pun a journey. Brer Rabbit he keep on snuffin' de a'r.
- Mr. Man up'n ax 'im is he got a bad cole, en Brer Rabbit 'spon' dat he
- smell sump'n' w'ich it don't smell like ripe peaches. Bimeby, Brer
- Rabbit 'gun to hoi' he nose, he did, en atter w'ile he sing out:--
- "'Gracious en de goodness, Mr. Man! hit's dat meat er yone. _Phew!_
- Whar'bouts is you pick up dat meat at?'
- "Dis make Mr. Man feel sorter 'shame' hisse'f, en ter make marters wuss,
- yer come a great big green fly a-zoonin' 'roun'. Brer Rabbit he git way
- off on t'er side er de road, en he keep on hol'in' he nose. Mr. Man, he
- look sorter sheepish, he did, en dey ain't gone fur 'fo' he put de meat
- down on de side er de road, en he tuck'n ax Brer Rabbit w'at dey gwine
- do 'bout it. Brer Rabbit he 'low, he did:--
- "'I year tell in my time dat ef you take'n drag a piece er meat thoo' de
- dus' hit'll fetch back hits freshness. I ain't no superspicious man
- myse'f,' sezee, 'en I ain't got no 'speunce wid no sech doin's, but dem
- w'at tell me say dey done try it. Yit I knows dis,' says Brer Rabbit,
- sezee,--'I knows dat 't ain't gwine do no harm, 'kaze de grit w'at gits
- on de meat kin be wash off,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee.
- "'I ain't got no string,' sez Mr. Man, sezee.
- "Brer Rabbit laff hearty, but still he hol' he nose.
- "'Time you bin in de bushes long ez I is, you won't miss strings,' sez
- Brer Rabbit, sezee.
- "Wid dat Brer Rabbit lipt out, en he ain't gone long 'fo' he come
- hoppin' back wid a whole passel er bamboo vines all tied tergedder. Mr.
- Man, he 'low:--
- "'Dat line mighty long.'
- "Brer Rabbit he 'low:--
- "'Tooby sho', you want de win' fer ter git 'twix' you en dat meat.'
- "Den Mr. Man tuck'n tied de bamboo line ter de meat. Brer Rabbit he
- broke off a 'simmon bush, he did, en 'low dat he'd stay behime en keep
- de flies off. Mr. Man he go on befo' en drag de meat, en Brer Rabbit he
- stay behime, he did, en take keer un it."
- Here Uncle Remus was compelled to pause and laugh before he could
- proceed with the story.
- "En he is take keer un it, mon--dat he is. He tuck'n git 'im a rock, en
- w'iles Mr. Man gwine 'long bidout lookin' back, he ondo de meat en tie
- de rock ter de bamboo line, en w'en Brer Fox foller on, sho' nuff, dar
- lay de meat. Mr. Man, he drug de rock, he did, en Brer Rabbit he keep de
- flies off, twel atter dey gone on right smart piece, en den w'en Mr.
- Man look 'roun', whar wuz ole man Rabbit?
- "Bless yo' soul, Brer Rabbit done gone back en jine Brer Fox, en he wuz
- des in time, at dat, 'kaze little mo' en Brer Fox would 'a' done bin
- outer sight en yearin'. En so dat de way Brer Rabbit git Mr. Man meat."
- The little boy reflected a little, and then said:--
- "Uncle Remus, was n't that stealing?"
- "Well, I tell you 'bout dat, honey," responded the old man, with the air
- of one who is willing to compromise. "In dem days de creeturs bleedz ter
- look out fer deyse'f, mo' speshually dem w'at ain't got hawn en huff.
- Brer Rabbit ain't got no hawn en huff, en he bleedz ter be he own
- lawyer."
- Just then the little boy heard his father's buggy rattling down the
- avenue, and he ran out into the darkness to meet it. After he was gone,
- Uncle Remus sat a long time rubbing his hands and looking serious.
- Finally he leaned back in his chair, and exclaimed:--
- "Dat little chap gittin' too much fer ole Remus--dat he is!"
- When the little boy next visited Uncle Remus the cabin was dark and
- empty and the door shut. The old man was gone. He was absent for several
- nights, but at last one night the little boy saw a welcome light in the
- cabin, and he made haste to pay Uncle Remus a visit. He was full of
- questions:--
- "Goodness, Uncle Remus! Where in the world have you been? I thought you
- were gone for good. Mamma said she reckoned the treatment here did n't
- suit you, and you had gone off to get some of your town friends to hire
- you."
- "Is Miss Sally tell you dat, honey? Well, ef she ain't de beatenes'
- w'ite 'oman dis side er kingdom come, you kin des shoot me. Miss Sally
- tuck'n writ me a pass wid her own han's fer ter go see some er my kin
- down dar in de Ashbank settlement. Yo' mammy quare 'oman, honey, sho'!
- "En yit, w'at de good er my stayin' yer? T'er night, I ain't mo'n git
- good en started 'fo' you er up en gone, en I ain't seed ha'r ner hide un
- you sence. W'en I see you do dat, I 'low ter myse'f dat hit's des 'bout
- time fer ole man Remus fer ter pack up he duds en go hunt comp'ny
- some'r's else."
- "Well, Uncle Remus," exclaimed the little boy, in a tone of
- expostulation, "did n't Brother Fox get the meat, and was n't that the
- end of the story?"
- Uncle Remus started to laugh, but he changed his mind so suddenly that
- the little boy was convulsed. The old man groaned and looked at the
- rafters with a curious air of disinterestedness. After a while he went
- on with great seriousness:--
- "I dunner w'at kinder idee folks got 'bout Brer Rabbit nohow, dat I
- don't. S'pozen you lays de plans so some yuther chap kin git a big hunk
- er goody, is you gwine ter set off some'r's en see 'im make way wid it?"
- "What kind of goody, Uncle Remus?"
- "Dish yer kinder goody w'at town folks keeps. Mint draps and reezins, en
- sweet doin's lak Miss Sally keep und' lock en key. Well, den, if you
- gits some er dat, er may be some yuther kinder goody, w'ich I wish 't
- wuz yer right dis blessid minnit, is you gwine ter set quile up in dat
- cheer en let n'er chap run off wid it? Dat you ain't--dat you ain't!"
- "Oh, I know!" exclaimed the little boy. "Brother Rabbit went back and
- made Brother Fox give him his part of the meat."
- "Des lak I tell you, honey; dey wa'n't no man 'mungs de creeturs w'at
- kin stan' right flat-footed en wuk he min' quick lak Brer Rabbit. He
- tuck'n tie de rock on de string, stidder de meat, en he pursue long
- atter it, he did, twel Mr. Man tu'n a ben' in de road, en den Brer
- Rabbit, he des lit out fum dar--_terbuckity-buckity, buck-buck-buckity!_
- en 't wa'n't long 'fo' he tuck'n kotch up wid Brer Fox. Dey tuck de
- meat, dey did, en kyar'd it way off in de woods, en laid it down on a
- clean place on de groun'.
- "Dey laid it down, dey did," continued Uncle Remus, drawing his chair up
- closer to the little boy, "en den Brer Fox 'low dey better sample it, en
- Brer Rabbit he 'gree. Wid dat, Brer Fox he tuck'n gnyaw off a hunk, en
- he shut bofe eyes, he did, en he chaw en chaw, en tas'e en tas'e, en
- chaw en tas'e. Brer Rabbit, he watch 'im, but Brer Fox, he keep bofe
- eyes shot, en he chaw en tas'e, en tas'e en chaw."
- Uncle Remus not only furnished a pantomime accompaniment to this recital
- by shutting his eyes and pretending to taste, but he lowered his voice
- to a pitch of tragical significance in reporting the dialogue that
- ensued:--
- "Den Brer Fox smack he mouf en look at de meat mo' closeter, en up'n
- 'low:--
- "'Brer Rabbit, _hit's lam'!_'
- "'_No_, Brer Fox! _sho'ly not!_'
- "'Brer Rabbit, _hit's lam'!_'
- "'Brer Fox, _tooby sho'ly not!_'
- "Den Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n gnyaw off a hunk, en he shot bofe eyes, en
- chaw en tas'e, en tas'e en chaw. Den he smack he mouf, en up'n 'low:--
- "'Brer Fox, _hit's shote!_'
- "'Brer Rabbit, you foolin' me!'
- "'Brer Fox, _I vow hit's shote!_'
- "'Brer Rabbit, hit des _can't be!_'
- "'Brer Fox, _hit sho'ly is!_'
- "Dey tas'e en dey 'spute, en dey 'spute en dey tas'e. Atter w'ile, Brer
- Rabbit make lak he want some water, en he rush off in de bushes, en
- d'reckly yer he come back wipin' he mouf en cle'rin' up he th'oat. Den
- Brer Fox he want some water sho' nuff:--
- "'Brer Rabbit, whar you fin' de spring?'
- "'Cross de road, en down de hill en up de big gully.'
- "Brer Fox, he lope off, he did, en atter he gone Brer Rabbit totch he
- year wid he behime foot lak he flippin' 'im good-bye. Brer Fox, he cross
- de road en rush down de hill, he did, yit he ain't fin' no big gully. He
- keep on gwine twel he fin' de big gully, yit he ain't fin' no spring.
- "W'iles all dish yer gwine on, Brer Rabbit he tuck'n grabble a hole in
- de groun', he did, en in dat hole he hid de meat. Atter he git it good
- en hid, he tuck'n cut 'im a long keen hick'ry, en atter so long a time,
- w'en he year Brer Fox comin' back, he got in a clump er bushes, en tuck
- dat hick'ry en let in on a saplin', en ev'y time he hit de saplin', he
- 'ud squall out, Brer Rabbit would, des lak de patter-rollers had 'im:--
- "_Pow, pow!_ 'Oh, pray, Mr. Man!'--_Pow, pow!_ 'Oh, pray, Mr.
- Man!'--_Chippy-row, pow!_ 'Oh, Lordy, Mr. Man! Brer Fox tuck yo'
- meat!'--_Pow!_ 'Oh, pray, Mr. Man! Brer Fox tuck yo' meat!'"
- Every time Uncle Remus said "_Pow!_" he struck himself in the palm of
- his hand with a shoe-sole by way of illustration.
- "Co'se," he went on, "w'en Brer Fox year dis kinder doin's, he fotch up,
- he did, en lissen, en ev'y time he year de hick'ry come down _pow!_ he
- tuck'n grin en 'low ter hisse'f, 'Ah-yi! you fool me 'bout de water!
- Ah-yi! you fool me 'bout de water!'
- "Atter so long a time, de racket sorter die out, en seem lak Mr. Man wuz
- draggin' Brer Rabbit off. Dis make Brer Fox feel mighty skittish. Bimeby
- Brer Rabbit come a-cally-hootin' back des a-hollerin':--
- "'Run, Brer Fox, run! Mr. Man say he gwine to kyar dat meat up de road
- ter whar he son is, en den he's a-comin' back atter you. Run, Brer Fox,
- run!'
- "En I let you know," said Uncle Remus, leaning back and laughing to see
- the little boy laugh, "I let you know Brer Fox got mighty skace in dat
- neighborhood!"
- Usually, the little boy, who regarded himself as Uncle Remus's partner,
- was not at all pleased when he found the old man entertaining, in his
- simple way, any of his colored friends; but he was secretly delighted
- when he called one night and found Daddy Jack sitting by Uncle Remus's
- hearth. Daddy Jack was an object of curiosity to older people than the
- little boy. He was a genuine African, and for that reason he was known
- as African Jack, though the child had been taught to call him Daddy
- Jack. He was brought to Georgia in a slave-ship when he was about twenty
- years old, and remained upon one of the sea-islands for several years.
- Finally, he fell into the hands of the family of which Uncle Remus's
- little partner was the youngest representative, and became the trusted
- foreman of a plantation, in the southern part of Georgia, known as the
- Walthall Place. Once every year he was in the habit of visiting the Home
- Place in Middle Georgia, and it was during one of these annual visits
- that the little boy found him in Uncle Remus's cabin.
- Daddy Jack appeared to be quite a hundred years old, but he was probably
- not more than eighty. He was a little, dried-up old man, whose weazened,
- dwarfish appearance, while it was calculated to inspire awe in the minds
- of the superstitious, was not without its pathetic suggestions. The
- child had been told that the old African was a wizard, a conjurer, and a
- snake-charmer; but he was not afraid, for, in any event,--conjuration,
- witchcraft, or what not,--he was assured of the protection of Uncle
- Remus.
- As the little boy entered the cabin Uncle Remus smiled and nodded
- pleasantly, and made a place for him on a little stool upon which had
- been piled the odds and ends of work. Daddy Jack paid no attention to
- the child; his thoughts seemed to be elsewhere.
- "Go en shake han's, honey, en tell Daddy Jack howdy. He lak good
- chilluns." Then to Daddy Jack: "Brer Jack, dish yer de chap w'at I bin
- tellin' you 'bout."
- The little boy did as he was bid, but Daddy Jack grunted ungraciously
- and made no response to the salutation. He was evidently not fond of
- children. Uncle Remus glanced curiously at the dwarfed and withered
- figure, and spoke a little more emphatically:--
- "Brer Jack, ef you take good look at dis chap, I lay you'll see mo'n you
- speck ter see. You'll see sump'n' dat'll make you grunt wusser dan you
- grunted deze many long year. Go up dar, honey, whar Daddy Jack kin see
- you."
- The child went shyly up to the old African and stood at his knee. The
- sorrows and perplexities of nearly a hundred years lay between them; and
- now, as always, the baffled eyes of age gazed into the Sphinx-like face
- of youth, as if by this means to unravel the mysteries of the past and
- solve the problems of the future.
- Daddy Jack took the plump, rosy hands of the little boy in his black,
- withered ones, and gazed into his face so long and steadily, and with
- such curious earnestness, that the child did n't know whether to laugh
- or cry. Presently the old African flung his hands to his head, and
- rocked his body from side to side, moaning and mumbling, and talking to
- himself, while the tears ran down his face like rain.
- "Ole Missy! Ole Missy! 'E come back! I bin shum dey-dey, I bin shum de
- night! I bin yeddy 'e v'ice, I bin yeddy de sign!"
- "Ah-yi!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, into whose arms the little boy had fled;
- "I des know'd dat 'ud fetch 'im. Hit's bin manys de long days sence
- Brer Jack seed Ole Miss, yit ef he ain't seed 'er dat whack, den I ain't
- settin' yer."
- After a while Daddy Jack ceased his rocking, and his moaning, and his
- crying, and sat gazing wistfully into the fireplace. Whatever he saw
- there fixed his attention, for Uncle Remus spoke to him several times
- without receiving a response. Presently, however, Daddy Jack exclaimed
- with characteristic but laughable irrelevance:--
- "I no lakky dem gal wut is bin-a stan' pidjin-toe. Wun 'e fetch pail er
- water on 'e head, water churray, churray. I no lakky dem gal wut tie 'e
- wool up wit' string; mekky him stan' ugly fer true. I bin ahx da' 'Tildy
- gal fer marry me, un 'e no crack 'im bre't' fer mek answer 'cep' 'e
- bre'k out un lahf by me werry face. Da' gal do holler un lahf un stomp
- 'e fut dey-dey, un dun I shum done gone pidjin-toe. Oona bin know da'
- 'Tildy gal?"
- "I bin a-knowin' dat gal," said Uncle Remus, grimly regarding the old
- African; "I bin a-knowin' dat gal now gwine on sence she 'uz knee-high
- ter one er deze yer puddle-ducks; en I bin noticin' lately dat she
- mighty likely nigger."
- "Enty!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, enthusiastically, "I did bin mek up ter
- da' lilly gal troo t'ick un t'in. I bin fetch 'im one fine 'possum, un
- mo' ez one, two, free peck-a taty, un bumbye I bin fetch 'im one bag
- pop-co'n. Wun I bin do dat, I is fley 'roun' da' lilly gal so long tam,
- un I yeddy 'im talk wit' turrer gal. 'E do say: 'Daddy Jack fine ole man
- fer true.' Dun I is bin talk: 'Oona no call-a me Daddy Jack wun dem
- preacher man come fer marry we.' Dun da' lilly gal t'row 'e head back;
- 'e squeal lak filly in canebrake."
- The little boy understood this rapidly spoken lingo perfectly well, but
- he would have laughed anyhow, for there was more than a suggestion of
- the comic in the shrewd seriousness that seemed to focus itself in Daddy
- Jack's pinched and wrinkled face.
- "She tuck de truck w'at you tuck'n fotch 'er," said Uncle Remus, with
- the air of one carefully and deliberately laying the basis of a judicial
- opinion, "en den w'en you sail in en talk bizness, den she up en gun you
- de flat un 'er foot en de back un 'er han', en den, atter dat, she
- tuck'n laff en make spote un you."
- "Enty!" assented Daddy Jack, admiringly.
- "Well, den, Brer Jack, youer mighty ole, en yit hit seem lak youer
- mighty young; kaze a man w'at ain't got no mo' speunce wid wimmen folks
- dan w'at you is neenter creep 'roun' yer callin' deyse'f ole. Dem kinder
- folks ain't ole nuff, let 'lone bein' too ole. W'en de gal tuck'n laff,
- Brer Jack, w'at 'uz yo' nex' move?" demanded Uncle Remus, looking down
- upon the shrivelled old man with an air of superiority.
- Daddy Jack shut his shrewd little eyes tightly and held them so, as if
- by that means to recall all the details of the flirtation. Then he
- said:--
- "Da' lilly gal is bin tek dem t'ing. 'E is bin say, 'T'anky, t'anky.'
- Him eaty da' 'possum, him eaty da' pop-co'n, him roas'n da' taty. 'E do
- say, 'T'anky, t'anky!' Wun I talk marry, 'e is bin ris 'e v'ice un
- squeal lak lilly pig stuck in 'e t'roat. 'E do holler: 'Hi, Daddy Jack!
- wut is noung gal gwan do wit' so ole man lak dis?' Un I is bin say: 'Wut
- noung gal gwan do wit' ole Chris'mus' cep' 'e do 'joy 'ese'f?' Un da'
- lil gal 'e do lahff un flut 'ese'f way fum dey-dey."
- "I know'd a nigger one time," said Uncle Remus, after pondering a
- moment, "w'at tuck a notion dat he want a bait er 'simmons, en de mo'
- w'at de notion tuck 'im de mo' w'at he want um, en bimeby, hit look lak
- he des nat'ally erbleedz ter have um. He want de 'simmons, en dar dey is
- in de tree. He mouf water, en dar hang de 'simmons. Now, den, w'at do
- dat nigger do? W'en you en me en dish yer chile yer wants 'simmons, we
- goes out en shakes de tree, en ef deyer good en ripe, down dey comes, en
- ef deyer good en green, dar dey stays. But dish yer yuther nigger, he
- too smart fer dat. He des tuck'n tuck he stan' und' de tree, en he open
- he mouf, he did, en wait fer de 'simmons fer ter drap in dar. Dey ain't
- none drap in yit," continued Uncle Remus, gently knocking the cold ashes
- out of his pipe; "en w'at's mo', dey ain't none gwine ter drap in dar.
- Dat des 'zackly de way wid Brer Jack yer, 'bout marryin'; he stan' dar,
- he do, en he hol' bofe han's wide open en he 'speck de gal gwine ter
- drap right spang in um. Man want gal, he des got ter grab 'er--dat's
- w'at. Dey may squall en dey may flutter, but flutter'n' en squallin'
- ain't done no damage yit ez I knows un, en 't ain't gwine ter. Young
- chaps kin make great 'miration 'bout gals, but w'en dey gits ole ez I
- is, dey ull know dat folks is folks, en w'en it come ter bein' folks, de
- wimmen ain gut none de 'vantage er de men. Now dat's des de plain up en
- down tale I'm a-tellin' un you."
- This deliverance from so respectable an authority seemed to please Daddy
- Jack immensely. He rubbed his withered hands together, smacked his lips
- and chuckled. After a few restless movements he got up and went
- shuffling to the door, his quick, short steps causing Uncle Remus to
- remark:--
- "De gal w'at git ole Brer Jack 'ull git a natchul pacer, sho'. He move
- mo' one-sideder dan ole Zip Coon, w'ich he rack up de branch all night
- long wid he nose p'int lak he gwine 'cross."
- While the little boy was endeavoring to get Uncle Remus to explain the
- nature of Daddy Jack's grievances, muffled laughter was heard outside,
- and almost immediately 'Tildy rushed in the door. 'Tildy flung herself
- upon the floor and rolled and laughed until, apparently, she could laugh
- no more. Then she seemed to grow severely angry. She arose from the
- floor and flopped herself down in a chair, and glared at Uncle Remus
- with indignation in her eyes. As soon as she could control her inflamed
- feelings, she cried:--
- "Wat is I done ter you, Unk' Remus? 'Fo' de Lord, ef anybody wuz ter
- come en tole me dat you gwine ter put de Ole Boy in dat ole Affikin
- nigger head, I would n't er b'leeved um--dat I would n't. Unk' Remus,
- w'at is I done ter you?"
- Uncle Remus made no direct response; but he leaned over, reached out his
- hand, and picked up an unfinished axe-helve that stood in the corner.
- Then he took the little boy by the arm, and pushed him out of the way,
- saying in his gentlest and most persuasive tone:--
- "Stan' sorter 'roun' dar, honey, 'kaze w'en de splinters 'gin ter fly, I
- want you ter be out'n de way. Miss Sally never gimme 'er fergivance in
- de roun' worl' ef you 'uz ter git hurted on account er de frazzlin' er
- dish yer piece er timber."
- Uncle Remus's movements and remarks had a wonderful effect on 'Tildy.
- Her anger disappeared, her eyes lost their malignant expression, and her
- voice fell to a conversational tone.
- "Now, Unk' Remus, you ought n't ter do me dat a-way, 'kaze I ain't done
- nothin' ter you. I 'uz settin' up yon' in Aunt Tempy house, des now,
- runnin' on wid Riah, en yer come dat ole Affikin Jack en say you say he
- kin marry me ef he ketch me, en he try ter put he arm 'roun' me en kiss
- me."
- 'Tildy tossed her head and puckered her mouth at the bare remembrance of
- it.
- "W'at wud did you gin Brer Jack?" inquired Uncle Remus, not without
- asperity.
- "W'at I gwine tell him?" exclaimed 'Tildy disdainfully. "I des tuck'n up
- en tole 'im he foolin' wid de wrong nigger."
- 'Tildy would have continued her narration, but just at that moment the
- shuffling of feet was heard outside, and Daddy Jack came in, puffing and
- blowing and smiling. Evidently he had been hunting for 'Tildy in every
- house in the negro quarter.
- "Hi!" he exclaimed, "lil gal, 'e bin skeet sem lak ma'sh hen. 'E no run
- no mo'."
- "Pick 'er up, Brer Jack," exclaimed Uncle Remus; "she's yone."
- 'Tildy was angry as well as frightened. She would have fled, but Daddy
- Jack stood near the door.
- "Look yer, nigger man!" she exclaimed, "ef you come slobbun 'roun' me,
- I'll take one er deze yer dog-iüns en brain you wid it. I ain't gwine
- ter have no web-foot nigger follerin' atter me. Now you des come!--I
- ain't feard er yo' cunjun. Unk' Remus, ef you got any intruss in dat ole
- Affikin ape, you better make 'im lemme 'lone. G'way fum yer now!"
- All this time Daddy Jack was slowly approaching 'Tildy, bowing and
- smiling, and looking quite dandified, as Uncle Remus afterward said.
- Just as the old African was about to lay hands upon 'Tildy, she made a
- rush for the door. The movement was so unexpected that Daddy Jack was
- upset. He fell upon Uncle Remus's shoe-bench, and then rolled off on the
- floor, where he lay clutching at the air, and talking so rapidly that
- nobody could understand a word he said. Uncle Remus lifted him to his
- feet, with much dignity, and it soon became apparent that he was neither
- hurt nor angry. The little boy laughed immoderately, and he was still
- laughing when 'Tildy put her head in the door and exclaimed:--
- "Unk' Remus, I ain't kilt dat ole nigger, is I? 'Kaze ef I got ter go
- ter de gallus, I want to go dar fer sump'n' n'er bigger'n dat."
- Uncle Remus disdained to make any reply, but Daddy Jack chuckled and
- patted himself on the knee as he cried:--
- "Come 'long, lilly gal! come 'long! I no mad. I fall down dey fer laff.
- Come 'long, lilly gal, come 'long."
- 'Tildy went on laughing loudly and talking to herself. After awhile
- Uncle Remus said:--
- "Honey, I 'speck Miss Sally lookin' und' de bed en axin' whar you is.
- You better leak out fum yer now, en by dis time termorrer night I'll
- git Brer Jack all primed up, en he'll whirl in en tell you a tale."
- Daddy Jack nodded assent, and the little boy ran laughing to the "big
- house."
- The night after the violent flirtation between Daddy Jack and 'Tildy,
- the latter coaxed and bribed the little boy to wait until she had
- finished her work about the house. After she had set things to rights in
- the dining-room and elsewhere, she took the child by the hand, and
- together they went to Uncle Remus's cabin. The old man was making a
- door-mat of shucks and grass and white-oak splits, and Daddy Jack was
- dozing in the corner.
- "W'at I tell you, Brer Jack?" said Uncle Remus, as 'Tildy came in. "Dat
- gal atter you, mon!"
- "Fer de Lord sake, Unk' Remus, don't start dat ole nigger. I done
- promise Miss Sally dat I won't kill 'im, en I like ter be good ez my
- word; but ef he come foolin' longer me I'm des nat'ally gwine ter
- onj'int 'im. Now you year me say de word."
- But Daddy Jack made no demonstration. He sat with his eyes closed, and
- paid no attention to 'Tildy. After awhile the little boy grew restless,
- and presently he said:--
- "Daddy Jack, you know you promised to tell me a story to-night."
- "He wukkin' wid it now, honey," said Uncle Remus, soothingly. "Brer
- Jack," he continued, "wa'n't dey sump'n' n'er 'bout ole man Yalligater?"
- "Hi!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, arousing himself, "'e 'bout B'er 'Gater fer
- true. Oona no bin see da' B'er 'Gater?"
- The child had seen one, but it was such a very little one he hardly
- knew whether to claim an acquaintance with Daddy Jack's 'Gater.
- "Dem all sem," continued Daddy Jack. "Big mout', pop-eye, walk on 'e
- belly; 'e is bin got bump, bump, bump 'pon 'e bahk, bump, bump, bump
- 'pon 'e tail. 'E dife 'neat' de water, 'e do lif 'pon de lan'.
- "One tam Dog is bin run B'er Rabbit, tel 'e do git tire; da' Dog is bin
- run 'im tel him ent mos' hab no bre't' in 'e body; 'e hide 'ese'f by de
- crik side. 'E come close 'pon B'er 'Gater, en B'er 'Gater, 'e do say:--
- "'Ki, B'er Rabbit! wut dis is mek you blow so? Wut mekky you' bre't'
- come so?'
- "'Eh-eh! B'er 'Gater, I hab bin come 'pon trouble. Dog, 'e do run un-a
- run me.'
- "'Wey you no fetch 'im 'long, B'er Rabbit? I is bin git fat on all da'
- trouble lak dem. I proud fer yeddy Dog bark, ef 'e is bin fetch-a me
- trouble lak dem.'
- "'Wait, B'er 'Gater! Trouble come bisitin' wey you lif; 'e mekky you'
- side puff; 'e mekky you' bre't' come so.'
- "'Gater, he do flup 'e tail un 'tretch 'ese'f, un lahff. 'E say:--
- "'I lak fer see dem trouble. Nuddin' no bodder me. I ketch-a dem swimp,
- I ketch-a dem crahb, I mekky my bed wey de sun shiün hot, un I do 'joy
- mese'f. I proud fer see dem trouble.'
- "''E come 'pon you, B'er 'Gater, wun you bin hab you' eye shed; 'e come
- 'pon you fum de turrer side. Ef 'e no come 'pon you in da' crik, dun 'e
- come 'pon you in da' broom-grass.'
- "'Dun I shekky um by de han', B'er Rabbit; I ahx um howdy.'
- "'Eh-eh, B'er 'Gater! you bin-a lahff at me; you no lahff wun dem
- trouble come. Dem trouble bin ketch-a you yit.'"
- Daddy Jack paused to wipe his face. He had reported the dialogue between
- Brother Rabbit and Brother Alligator with considerable animation, and
- had illustrated it as he went along with many curious inflections of the
- voice, and many queer gestures of head and hands impossible to describe
- here, but which added picturesqueness to the story. After awhile he went
- on:--
- "B'er Rabbit, 'e do blow un 'e do ketch urn bre't'. 'E pit one year wey
- Dog is bin-a bark; 'e pit one eye 'pon B'er 'Gater. 'E lissen, 'e look;
- 'e look, 'e lissen. 'E no yeddy Dog, un 'e comforts come back. Bumbye
- B'er 'Gater, 'e come drowsy; 'e do nod, nod, un 'e head sway down, tel
- ma'sh-grass tickle 'e nose, un 'e do cough sem lak 'e teer up da' crik
- by da' root. 'E no lak dis place fer sleep at, un 'e is crawl troo da'
- ma'sh 'pon dry lan'; 'e is mek fer da' broom-grass fiel'. 'E mek 'e bed
- wid 'e long tail, un 'e is 'tretch 'ese'f out at 'e lenk. 'E is shed 'e
- y-eye, un opun 'e mout', un tek 'e nap.
- "B'er Rabbit, 'e do hol' 'e y-eye 'pon B'er 'Gater. Him talk no wud; him
- wallup 'e cud; him stan' still. B'er 'Gater, 'e do tek 'e nap; B'er
- Rabbit 'e do watch. Bum-bye, B'er 'Gater bre't', 'e do come _loud_; 'e
- is bin sno' _hard!_ 'E dream lilly dream; 'e wuk 'e fut un shek 'e tail
- in 'e dream. B'er Rabbit wink 'e y-eye, un 'e do watch. B'er 'Gater, he
- do leaf 'e dream bahine, un 'e sleep soun'. B'er Rabbit watch lil, wait
- lil. Bumbye, 'e do go wey fier bu'n in da' stump, un 'e is fetch some.
- 'E say, 'Dis day I is mek you know dem trouble; I is mek you know dem
- well.' 'E hop 'roun' dey-dey, un 'e do light da' broom-grass; 'e bu'n,
- bu'n--bu'n, bu'n; 'e do bu'n smaht.
- "B'er 'Gater, 'e is dream some mo' lilly dream. 'E do wuk 'e fut, 'e do
- shek 'e tail. Broom-grass bu'n, bu'n; B'er 'Gater dream. 'E dream da'
- sun is shiün' hot; 'e wom 'e back, 'e wom 'e belly; 'e wuk 'e fut, 'e
- shek 'e tail. Broom-grass bu'n high, 'e bu'n low; 'e bu'n smaht, 'e bu'n
- hot. Bumbye, B'er 'Gater is wek fum 'e dream; 'e smell-a da' smoke, 'e
- feel-a da' fier. 'E run dis way, 'e run turrer way; no diffran' wey 'e
- is run, dey da' smoke, dey da' fier. _Bu'n, bu'n, bu'n!_ B'er 'Gater
- lash 'e tail, un grine 'e toof. Bumbye, 'e do roll un holler:--
- "'Trouble, trouble, trouble! _Trouble, trouble!_'
- "B'er Rabbit, 'e is stan' pas' da' fier, un 'e do say:--
- "'Ki! B'er 'Gater! Wey you fer l'arn-a dis talk 'bout dem trouble?'
- "B'er 'Gater, 'e lash 'e tail, 'e fair teer da' ye't,[24] un 'e do
- holler:--
- "'Oh, ma Lord! Trouble! _Trouble, trouble, trouble!_'
- "'Shekky um by de han', B'er 'Gater. Ahx um howdy!'
- "'Ow, ma Lord! _Trouble, trouble, trouble!_'
- "'Lahff wit' dem trouble, B'er 'Gater, lahff wit' dem! Ahx dem is dey
- he'lt' bin well! You bin-a cry fer dey 'quaintun',[25] B'er 'Gater; now
- you mus' beer wit' dem trouble!'
- "B'er 'Gater come so mad, 'e mek dash troo da' broom-grass; 'e fair teer
- um down. 'E bin scatter da' fier wide 'part, un 'e do run un dife in da'
- crik fer squinch da' fier 'pon 'e bahk. 'E bahk swivel, 'e tail swivel
- wit' da' fier, un fum dat dey is bin stan' so. Bump, bump 'pon 'e tail;
- bump, bump 'pon 'e bahk, wey da' fier bu'n."
- "Hit's des lak Brer Jack tell you, honey," said Uncle Remus, as Daddy
- Jack closed his eyes and relapsed into silence. "I done seed um wid my
- own eyes. En deyer mighty kuse creeturs, mon. Dey back is all ruffed up
- en down ter dis day en time, en mo'n dat, you ain't gwineter ketch Brer
- Rabbit rackin' 'roun' whar de Yallergaters is. En de Yallergaters
- deyse'f, w'en dey years any crackin' en rattlin' gwine on in de bushes,
- dey des makes a break fer de creek en splunges in."
- "Enty!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, with momentary enthusiasm. "'E do tu'n go
- da' bahnk, un dife 'neat' da' crik. 'E bin so wom wit' da' fier, 'e mek
- de crik go si-z-z-z!"
- Here Daddy Jack looked around and smiled. His glance fell on 'Tildy, and
- he seemed suddenly to remember that he had failed to be as polite as
- circumstances demanded.
- "Come-a set nex' em, lilly gal. I gwan tell you one tale."
- "Come 'long, Pinx," said 'Tildy, tossing her head disdainfully, and
- taking the little boy by the hand. "Come 'long, Pinx; we better be
- gwine. I done say I won't kill dat ole nigger man. Yit ef he start atter
- me dis blessid night, I lay I roust de whole plantation. Come on, honey;
- less go."
- The little boy was not anxious to go, but Uncle Remus seconded 'Tildy's
- suggestion.
- "Better let dat gal mosey 'long, honey, 'kaze she mout start in fer ter
- cut up some 'er capers in yer, en I hate mighty bad ter bus' up dis yer
- axe-helve, w'ich I'm in needs un it eve'y hour er de day."
- Whereupon the two old negroes were left sitting by the hearth.
- [24] Tear the earth.
- [25] Acquaintance.
- 'Tildy, the house-girl, made such a terrible report of the carryings on
- of Daddy Jack that the little boy's mother thought it prudent not to
- allow him to visit Uncle Remus so often. The child amused himself as
- best he could for several nights, but his play-things and picture-books
- finally lost their interest. He cried so hard to be allowed to go to see
- Uncle Remus that his mother placed him under the care of Aunt Tempy,--a
- woman of large authority on the place, and who stood next to Uncle Remus
- in the confidence of her mistress. Aunt Tempy was a fat, middle-aged
- woman, who always wore a head-handkerchief, and kept her sleeves rolled
- up, displaying her plump, black arms, winter and summer. She never
- hesitated to exercise her authority, and the younger negroes on the
- place regarded her as a tyrant; but in spite of her loud voice and
- brusque manners she was thoroughly good-natured, usually good-humored,
- and always trustworthy. Aunt Tempy and Uncle Remus were secretly jealous
- of each other, but they were careful never to come in conflict, and, to
- all appearances, the most cordial relations existed between them.
- "Well de goodness knows!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, as Aunt Tempy went in
- with the little boy. "How you come on, Sis Tempy? De rainy season ain't
- so mighty fur off w'en you come a-sojourneyin' in dis house. Ef I'd
- a-know'd you'd a-bin a-comin' I'd a-sorter steered 'roun' en bresh'd de
- cobwebs out'n de cornders."
- "Don't min' me, Brer Remus. Luck in de house whar de cobwebs hangs low.
- I 'uz des a-passin'--a-passin' 'long--en Miss Sally ax me ef I kin come
- fur ez de do' wid dat chile dar, but bless you, 't ain't in my manners
- ter tu'n back at de do'. How you come on, Brer Remus?"
- "Po'ly, Sis Tempy; en yit I ain't complainin'. Pain yer, en a ketch
- yander, wid de cramps th'ow'd in, ain't no mo' dan ole folks kin 'speck.
- How you is, Sis Tempy?"
- "I thank de Lord I'm able to crawl, Brer Remus, en dat's 'bout all. Ef I
- wa'n't so sot in my ways, deze yer niggers would er run me 'stracted
- d'reckly."
- Daddy Jack was sitting in the corner laughing and talking to himself,
- and the little boy watched him not without a feeling of awe. After a
- while he said:--
- "Uncle Remus, won't Daddy Jack tell us a story to-night?"
- "Now, den, honey," responded the old man, "we ain't got ter push Brer
- Jack too closte; we ull des hatter creep up on 'im en ketch 'im fer er
- tale wence he in de humors. Sometimes hoss pull, sometime he ain't pull.
- You ain't bin down yer so long, hit sorter look lak it my tu'n; 'kaze it
- done come 'cross my 'membunce dat dey wuz one time w'en Brer Wolf kotch
- Brer Rabbit, w'ich I ain't never gun it out ter you yit."
- "Brother Wolf caught Brother Rabbit, Uncle Remus?" exclaimed the little
- boy, incredulously.
- "Yasser! dat's de up en down un it, sho'," responded the old man with
- emphasis, "en I be mighty glad ef Sis Tempy yer will 'scuze me w'iles I
- runs over de tale 'long wid you."
- "Bless yo' soul, Brer Remus, don't pay no 'tention ter me," said Aunt
- Tempy, folding her fat arms upon her ample bosom, and assuming an
- attitude of rest and contentment. "I'm bad ez de chillun 'bout dem ole
- tales, 'kaze I kin des set up yer un lissen at um de whole blessid
- night, un a good part er de day. Yass, Lord!"
- "Well, den," said Uncle Remus, "we ull des huddle up yer en see w'at
- 'come er Brer Rabbit, w'en ole Brer Wolf kotch 'im. In dem days," he
- continued, looking at Daddy Jack and smiling broadly, "de creeturs wuz
- constant gwine a-courtin'. Ef 't wa'n't Miss Meadows en de gals dey wuz
- flyin' 'roun', hit 'uz Miss Motts. Dey wuz constant a-courtin'. En 't
- wa'n't none er dish yer 'Howdy-do-ma'm-I-'speck-I-better-be-gwine,'
- n'er. Hit 'uz go atter brekkus en stay twel atter supper. Brer Rabbit,
- he got tuk wid a-likin' fer Miss Motts, en soon one mawnin', he tuck'n
- slick hisse'f up, he did, en put out ter call on 'er. W'en Brer Rabbit
- git ter whar Miss Motts live, she done gone off some'rs.
- "Some folks 'ud er sot down en wait twel Miss Motts come back, en den
- ag'in some folks 'ud er tuck der foot in der han' en went back; but ole
- Brer Rabbit, he ain't de man fer ter be outdone, en he des tuck'n go in
- de kitchen en light he seegyar, en den he put out fer ter pay a call on
- Miss Meadows en de gals.
- "W'en he git dar, lo en beholes, he fine Miss Motts dar, en he tipped
- in, ole Brer Rabbit did, en he galanted 'roun' 'mungs um, same lak one
- er dese yer town chaps, w'at you see come out ter Harmony Grove
- meetin'-house. Dey talk en dey laff; dey laff en dey giggle. Bimeby,
- 'long todes night, Brer Rabbit 'low he better be gwine. De wimmen folks
- dey all ax 'im fer ter stay twel atter supper, 'kaze he sech lively
- comp'ny, but Brer Rabbit fear'd some er de yuther creeturs be hidin'
- out fer 'im; so he tuck'n pay his 'specks, he did, en start fer home.
- "He ain't git fur twel he come up wid a great big basket settin' down by
- de side er de big road. He look up de road; he ain't see nobody. He look
- down de road; he ain't see nobody. He look befo', he look behime, he
- look all 'roun'; he ain't see nobody. He lissen, en lissen; he ain't
- year nothin'. He wait, en he wait; nobody ain't come.
- "Den, bimeby Brer Rabbit go en peep in de basket, en it seem lak it half
- full er green truck. He retch he han' in, he did, en git some en put it
- in he mouf. Den he shet he eye en do lak he studyin' 'bout sump'n'.
- Atter w'ile, he 'low ter hisse'f, 'Hit look lak sparrer-grass, hit feel
- lak sparrer-grass, hit tas'e lak sparrer-grass, en I be bless ef 't
- ain't sparrer-grass.'
- "Wid dat Brer Rabbit jump up, he did, en crack he heel tergedder, en he
- fetch one leap en lan' in de basket, right spang in 'mungs de
- sparrer-grass. Dar whar he miss he footin'," continued Uncle Remus,
- rubbing his beard meditatively, "'kaze w'en he jump in 'mungs de
- sparrer-grass, right den en dar he jump in 'mungs ole Brer Wolf, w'ich
- he wer' quile up at de bottom."
- "Dar now!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy, enthusiastically. "W'at I tell you?
- W'at make him pester t'er folks doin's? I boun' Brer Wolf nail't 'im."
- "Time Brer Wolf grab 'im," continued Uncle Remus, "Brer Rabbit knowed he
- 'uz a gone case; yit he sing out, he did:--
- "'I des tryin' ter skeer you, Brer Wolf; I des tryin' ter skeer you. I
- know'd you 'uz in dar, Brer Wolf, I know'd you by de smell!' sez Brer
- Rabbit, sezee.
- "Ole Brer Wolf grin, he did, en lick he chops, en up'n say:--
- "'Mighty glad you know'd me, Brer Rabbit, 'kaze I know'd you des time
- you drapt in on me. I tuck'n tell Brer Fox yistiddy dat I 'uz gwine take
- a nap 'longside er de road, en I boun' you 'ud come 'long en wake me
- up, en sho' nuff, yer you come en yer you is,' sez Brer Wolf, sezee.
- "Oh-ho, Mr. Rabbit! How you feel now?" exclaimed Aunt Tempy, her
- sympathies evidently with Brother Wolf.
- "W'en Brer Rabbit year dis," said Uncle Remus, paying no attention to
- the interruption, "he 'gun ter git mighty skeer'd, en he whirl in en beg
- Brer Wolf fer ter please tu'n 'im loose; but dis make Brer Wolf grin
- wusser, en he toof look so long en shine so w'ite, en he gum look so
- red, dat Brer Rabbit hush up en stay still. He so skeer'd dat he bref
- come quick, en he heart go lak flutter-mill. He chune up lak he gwine
- cry:--
- "'Whar you gwine kyar me, Brer Wolf?'
- "'Down by de branch, Brer Rabbit.'
- "'W'at you gwine down dar fer, Brer Wolf?'
- "'So I kin git some water ter clean you wid atter I done skunt you, Brer
- Rabbit.'
- "'Please, sir, lemme go, Brer Wolf.'
- "'You talk so young you make me laff, Brer Rabbit.'
- "'Dat sparrer-grass done make me sick, Brer Wolf.'
- "'You'll be sicker'n dat 'fo' I git done wid you, Brer Rabbit.'
- "'Whar I come fum nobody dast ter eat sick folks, Brer Wolf.'
- "'Whar I come fum dey ain't dast ter eat no yuther kin', Brer Rabbit.'"
- "Ole Mr. Rabbit wuz a-talkin', mon," said Aunt Tempy, with a chuckle
- that caused her to shake like a piece of jelly.
- "Dey went on dis a-way," continued Uncle Remus, "plum twel dey git ter
- de branch. Brer Rabbit, he beg en cry, en cry en beg, en Brer Wolf, he
- 'fuse en grin, en grin en 'fuse. W'en dey come ter de branch, Brer Wolf
- lay Brer Rabbit down on de groun' en hilt 'im dar, en den he study how
- he gwine make way wid 'im. He study en he study, en w'iles he studyin'
- Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n study some on he own hook.
- "Den w'en it seem lak Brer Wolf done fix all de 'rangerments, Brer
- Rabbit, he make lak he cryin' wusser en wusser; he des fa'rly blubber."
- Uncle Remus gave a ludicrous imitation of Brother Rabbit's wailings.
- "'Ber--ber--Brer Wooly--ooly--oolf! Is you gwine--is you gwine ter
- sakerfice-t me right now--ow--ow?'
- "'Dat I is, Brer Rabbit; dat I is.'
- "'Well, ef I blee-eedz ter be kilt, Brer Wooly--ooly--oolf, I wants ter
- be kilt right, en ef I blee-eedz ter be e't, I wants ter be e't
- ri--ight, too, now!'
- "'How dat, Brer Rabbit?'
- "'I want you ter show yo' p'liteness, Brer Wooly--ooly--oolf!'
- "'How I gwine do dat, Brer Rabbit?'
- "'I want you ter say grace, Brer Wolf, en say it quick, 'kaze I gittin'
- mighty weak.'
- "'How I gwine say grace, Brer Rabbit?'
- "'Fol' yo' han's und' yo' chin, Brer Wolf, en shet yo' eyes, en say:
- "Bless us en bine us, en put us in crack whar de Ole Boy can't fine us."
- Say it quick, Brer Wolf, 'kaze I failin' mighty fas'.'"
- "Now ain't dat des too much!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy, as delighted as the
- little boy. Uncle Remus laughed knowingly and went on:--
- "Brer Wolf, he put up he han's, he did, en shot he eyes, en 'low, 'Bless
- us en bine us;' but he ain't git no furder, 'kaze des time he take up he
- han's, Brer Rabbit fotch a wiggle, he did, en lit on he foots, en he des
- nat'ally lef a blue streak behime 'im."
- "Ah-yi-ee!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, while Aunt Tempy allowed her arms to
- drop helplessly from her lap as she cried "Dar now!" and the little boy
- clasped his hands in an ecstasy of admiration.
- "Oh, I just knew Brother Rabbit would get away," the child declared.
- "Dat's right, honey," said Uncle Remus. "You put yo' pennunce in Brer
- Rabbit en yo' won't be fur out er de way."
- There was some further conversation among the negroes, but it was mostly
- plantation gossip. When Aunt Tempy rose to go she said:--
- "Goodness knows, Brer Remus, ef dis de way you all runs on, I'm gwine
- ter pester you some mo'. Hit come 'cross me like ole times, dat it do."
- "Do so, Sis Tempy, do so," said Uncle Remus, with dignified hospitality.
- "You allers fine a place at my h'a'th. Ole times is about all we got
- lef'."
- "Trufe, too!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy; and with that she took the child by
- the hand and went out into the darkness.
- It was not many nights before the same company was gathered in Uncle
- Remus's cabin,--Daddy Jack, Aunt Tempy, and the little boy. The
- conversation took a turn that thrilled the child with mingled fear and
- curiosity. Uncle Remus had inquired as to the state of Aunt Tempy's
- health, when the latter came in, and her response was:--
- "I feelin' mighty creepy, Brer Remus, sho'. Look like I bleedz ter hunt
- comp'ny. W'en I come 'long down I felt dat skittish twel ef a leaf had
- blow'd 'crost de paff, I'd 'a' des about drapt in my tracks."
- "How come dat, Sis Tempy?" Uncle Remus inquired.
- "You know dat little gal er Riah's? Well, I 'uz settin' up dar in my
- house 'w'ile ergo, w'en, bless gracious! fus' news I know, I year dat
- chile talkin' in the yuther room. I 'low ter myse'f, she ain't talkin'
- ter Riah, 'kaze Riah ain't come yit, un den I crope up, dar wuz de
- chile settin' right flat in de middle er de flo', laffin' un talkin' un
- makin' motions like she see somebody in de cornder. I des stood dar un
- watch 'er, un I ain't a livin' human ef she don't do like dey 'uz
- somebody er n'er in dar wid 'er. She ax um fer ter stay on dey own side,
- un den, w'en it seem like dey come todes 'er, den she say she gwine git
- a switch un drive um back. Hit make me feel so cole un kuse dat I des
- tuck'n come 'way fum dar, un ef dey's sump'n' n'er dar, hit'll be dem un
- Riah fer't."
- "'E do talk wid ghos'; 'e is bin larf wit' harnt," exclaimed Daddy Jack.
- "I 'speck dat's 'bout de upshot un it," said Uncle Remus. "Dey tells me
- dat w'ence you year chilluns talkin' en gwine on periently wid deyse'f,
- der er bleedz ter see ha'nts."
- The little boy moved his stool closer to his venerable partner. Daddy
- Jack roused himself.
- "Oona no bin-a see dem ghos'? Oona no bin-a see dem harnt? Hi! I is
- bin-a see plenty ghos'; I no 'fraid dem; I is bin-a punch dem 'way wit'
- me cane. I is bin-a shoo dem 'pon dey own siëd da' road. Dem is bin walk
- w'en da' moon stan' low; den I is bin shum. Oona no walk wit' me dun. 'E
- berry bahd. Oona call, dey no answer. Wun dey call, hol' you' mout'
- shet. 'E berry bahd fer mek answer, wun da' harnt holler. Dem call-a you
- 'way fum dis lan'. I yeddy dem call; I shetty me y-eye, I shekkey me
- head.
- "Wun I is bin noung mahn, me der go fer git water, un wun I der dip
- piggin 'neat' da' crik, I yeddy v'ice fer call me--'_Jahck! O Jahck!_' I
- stan', I lissen, I yeddy de v'ice--'_Jahck! Jahck! O Jahck!_' I t'ink 'e
- bin Titty Ann;[26] I ahx um:--
- "Wey you bin call-a me, Titty Ann?' Titty Ann 'tretch 'e y-eye big:--
- "'I no bin-a call. Dead ghos' is bin-a call. Dem harnt do call-a you.'
- "Dun I rise me y-eye, un I is bin shum gwan by sundown; 'e is bin gwan
- bahckwud. I tell Titty Ann fer look at we nuncle, gwan bahckwud by
- sundown. Titty Ann pit 'e two han' 'pon me y-eyes, en 'e do bline me. 'E
- say I bin-a see one dead ghos'."
- "What then, Daddy Jack?" asked the little boy, as the old African
- paused.
- "Ki! nuff dun. 'Kaze bumbye, so long tam, folks come fetch-a we nuncle
- 'tretch out. 'E is bin-a tek wit' da' _he_cup; 'e t'row 'e head dis way;
- 'e t'row 'e head dat way." Daddy Jack comically suited the action to the
- word. "'E is bin tek-a da' _he_cup; da' _he_cup is bin tek um--da' cramp
- is bin fetch um. I is bin see mo' dead ghos', but me no spot um lak
- dis."
- "I boun' you is," said Uncle Remus. "Dey tells me, Brer Jack," he
- continued, "dat w'en you meets up wid one er deze ha'nts, ef you'll
- take'n tu'n yo' coat wrong-sud-outerds, dey won't use no time in makin'
- der disappearance."
- "Hey!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, "tu'n coat no fer skeer dead ghos'. 'E
- skeer dem Jack-me-Lantun. One tam I is bin-a mek me way troo t'ick
- swamp. I do come hot, I do come cole. I feel-a me bahck quake; me bre't'
- come fahs'. I look; me ent see nuttin'; I lissen; me ent yeddy nuttin'.
- I look, dey de Jack-me-Lantun mekkin 'e way troo de bush; 'e comin'
- stret by me. 'E light bin-a flick-flicker; 'e git close un close. I yent
- kin stan' dis; one foot git heffy, da' heer 'pon me head lif' up. Da'
- Jack-me-Lantun, 'e git-a high, 'e git-a low, 'e come close. Dun I t'ink
- I bin-a yeddy ole folks talk _tu'n you' coat-sleef_ wun da'
- Jack-me-Lantun is bin run you. I pull, I twis', I yerk at dem jacket; 'e
- yent come. 'E is bin grow on me bahck. Jack-me-Lantun fly close. I say
- me pray 'pon da' jacket; 'e is bin-a yerk loose; da' sleef 'e do tu'n.
- Jack-me-Lantun, 'e see dis, 'e lif' up, 'e say '_Phew!_' 'E done gone!
- Oona no walk in da' swamp 'cep' you is keer you' coat 'cross da' arm.
- Enty!"
- "Dat w'at make me say," remarked Aunt Tempy, with a little shiver, "dat
- 'oman like me, w'at ain't w'ar no jacket, ain't got no business
- traipsin' un trollopin' 'roun' thoo the woods atter dark."
- "You mout tu'n yo' head-hankcher, Sis Tempy," said Uncle Remus,
- reassuringly, "en ef dat ain't do no good den you kin whirl in en gin um
- leg-bail."
- "I year tell," continued Aunt Tempy, vouchsafing no reply to Uncle
- Remus, "dat dish yer Jacky-ma-Lantun is a sho' nuff sperit. Sperits
- ain't gwine to walk un walk less'n dey got sump'n' n'er on der min', un
- I year tell dat dish yer Jacky-ma-Lantun is 'casioned by a man w'at got
- kilt. Folks kilt 'im un tuck his money, un now his ha'nt done gone un
- got a light fer ter hunt up whar his money is. Mighty kuse ef folks kin
- hone atter money w'en dey done _gone_. I dunner w'at he wanter be
- ramblin' 'roun' wid a light w'en he done _dead_. Ef anybody got any hard
- feelin's 'gin' me, I want um ter take it out w'ile deyer in de flesh;
- w'en dey come a-ha'ntin' me, den I'm done--I'm des _done_."
- "Are witches spirits?" the little boy asked.
- The inquiry was not especially directed at Daddy Jack, but Daddy Jack
- was proud of his reputation as a witch, and he undertook to reply.
- "None 't all. Witch, 'e no dead ghos'--'e life folks, wey you shekky
- han' wit'. Oona witch mebbe; how you is kin tell?"
- Here Daddy Jack turned his sharp little eyes upon the child. The latter
- moved closer to Uncle Remus, and said he hoped to goodness he was n't a
- witch.
- "How you is kin tell diffran 'cep' you bin fer try um?" continued Daddy
- Jack. "'E good t'ing fer be witch; 'e mek-a dem folks fred. 'E mek-a dem
- fred; 'e mek-a dem hol' da' bre't', wun dey is bin-a come by you'
- place."
- "In de name er de Lord, Daddy Jack, how kin folks tell wh'er dey er
- witches er no?" asked Aunt Tempy.
- "Oo! 'e easy nuff. Wun da' moon is shiün low, wet-a you' han' wit' da'
- pot-licker grease; rub noung heifer 'pon 'e nose; git 'pon 'e bahck.
- Mus' hol' um by 'e year; mus' go gallop, gallop down da' lane, tel 'e do
- come 'cross one-a big gully. Mus' holler, '_Double, double, double up!
- double, double, double up!_' Heifer jump, oona witch; heifer no jump,
- oona no witch."
- "Did you ever ride a heifer, Daddy Jack?" asked the little boy.
- "Mo' tam es dem," replied the old negro, holding up the crooked fingers
- of one withered hand.
- "Did--did she jump across the big gully?"
- The child's voice had dropped to an awed whisper, and there was a glint
- of malicious mischief in Daddy Jack's shrewd eyes, as he looked up at
- Uncle Remus. He got his cue. Uncle Remus groaned heavily and shook his
- head.
- "Hoo!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, "wun I is bin-a tell all, dey no mo' fer
- tell. Mus' kip some fer da' Sunday. Lilly b'y no fred dem witch; 'e no
- bodder lilly b'y. Witch, 'e no rassel wit' 'e ebry-day 'quaintan'; 'e do
- go pars 'e own place."
- It was certainly reassuring for the child to be told that witches did
- n't trouble little boys, and that they committed their depredations
- outside of their own neighborhood.
- "I is bin-a yeddy dem talk 'bout ole witch. 'E do leaf 'e skin wey 'e is
- sta't fum. Man bin-a come pars by; 'e is fine dem skin. 'E say:--
- "'Ki! 'E one green skin; I fix fer dry um.'
- "Man hang um by da' fier. Skin, 'e do swink, i' do swivel. Bumbye 'e do
- smell-a bahd; man, 'e hol' 'e nose. 'E do wait. Skin swink, skin stink,
- skin swivel. 'E do git so bahd, man pitch um in da' ya'd. 'E wait; 'e is
- wait, 'e is lissen. Bumbye, 'e yeddy da' witch come. Witch, e' do sharp'
- 'e claw on-a da' fence; 'e is snap 'e jaw--_flick! flick! flick!_ 'E
- come-a hunt fer him skin. 'E fine um. 'E trey um on dis way; 'e no fit.
- 'E trey um on dat way; 'e no fit. 'E trey um on turrer way; 'e no fit.
- 'E pit um 'pon 'e head; skin 'e no fit. 'E pit um 'pon 'e foot; skin 'e
- no fit. 'E cuss, 'e sweer; skin 'e no fit. 'E cut 'e caper; skin 'e no
- fit. Bumbye 'e holler:--
- "''Tiss-a me, Skin! wey you no know me? Skin, 'tiss-a me! wey you no
- know me?'
- "Skin, 'e no talk nuttin' 'tall. Witch 'e do jump, 'e do holler; Ã mek
- no diffran. Skin 'e talk nuttin' 'tall. Man, 'e tekky to'ch, 'e look in
- ya'd. 'E see big blahck Woolf lay by da' skin. E toof show; 'e y-eye
- shiün. Man drife um 'way; 'e is come bahck. Man bu'n da' skin; 'e is
- bin-a come bahck no mo'."
- The little boy asked no more questions. He sat silent while the others
- talked, and then went to the door and looked out. It was very dark, and
- he returned to his stool with a troubled countenance.
- "Des wait a little minnit, honey," said Uncle Remus, dropping his hand
- caressingly on the child's shoulder. "I bleedz ter go up dar ter de big
- house fer ter see Mars John, en I'll take you 'long fer comp'ny."
- And so, after a while, the old man and the little boy went hand in hand
- up the path.
- [26] Sissy Ann.
- The next time the little boy visited Uncle Remus he persuaded 'Tildy to
- go with him. Daddy Jack was in his usual place, dozing and talking to
- himself, while Uncle Remus oiled the carriage-harness. After a while
- Aunt Tempy came in.
- The conversation turned on Daddy Jack's story about "haunts" and
- spirits. Finally 'Tildy said:--
- "W'en it come ter tales 'bout ha'nts," said she, "I year tell er one
- dat'll des nat'ally make de kinks on yo' head onquile deyse'f."
- "W'at tale dat, chile?" asked Aunt Tempy.
- "Unk' Remus, mus' I tell it?"
- "Let 'er come," said Uncle Remus.
- "Well, den," said 'Tildy, rolling her eyes back and displaying her white
- teeth, "one time dey wuz a 'Oman en a Man. Seem like dey live close ter
- one er n'er, en de Man he sot his eyes on de 'Oman, en de 'Oman, she des
- went 'long en 'ten' ter her bizness. Man, he keep his eyes sot on 'er.
- Bimeby, de 'Oman, she 'ten' ter her bizness so much tel she tuck'n tuck
- sick en die. Man, he up'n tell de folks she dead, en de folks dey come
- en fix 'er. Dey lay 'er out, en dey light some candles, en dey sot up
- wid 'er, des like folks does now; en dey put two great big roun' shiny
- silver dollars on 'er eyes fer ter hol' 'er eyeleds down."
- In describing the silver dollars 'Tildy joined the ends of her thumbs
- and fore-fingers together, and made a figure as large as a saucer.
- "Dey wuz lots bigger dan dollars is deze days," she continued, "en dey
- look mighty purty. Seem like dey wuz all de money de 'Oman got, en de
- folks dey put um on 'er eyeleds fer to hol' um down. Den w'en de folks
- do dat dey call up de Man en take'n tell 'im dat he mus' dig a grave en
- bury de 'Oman, en den dey all went off 'bout der bizness.
- "Well, den, de Man, he tuck'n dig de grave en make ready fer ter bury de
- 'Oman. He look at dat money on 'er eyeleds, en it shine mighty purty.
- Den he tuck it off en feel it. Hit feel mighty good, but des 'bout dat
- time de Man look at de 'Oman, en he see 'er eyeleds open. Look like she
- lookin' at 'im, en he take'n put de money whar he git it fum.
- "Well, den, de Man, he take'n git a waggin en haul de 'Oman out ter de
- buryin'-groun', en w'en he git dar he fix ever'thing, en den he grab de
- money en kivver up de grave right quick. Den he go home, en put de money
- in a tin box en rattle it 'roun.' Hit rattle loud en hit rattle nice,
- but de Man, he ain't feel so good. Seem like he know de 'Oman eyeled
- stretch wide open lookin' fer 'im. Yit he rattle de money 'roun', en hit
- rattle loud en hit rattle nice.
- "Well, den, de Man, he take'n put de tin box w'at de money in on de
- mantel-shel-uf. De day go by, en de night come, en w'en night come de
- win' 'gun ter rise up en blow. Hit rise high, hit blow strong. Hit blow
- on top er de house, hit blow und' de house, hit blow 'roun' de house.
- Man, he feel quare. He set by de fier en lissen. Win' say
- '_Buzz-zoo-o-o-o-o!_' Man lissen. Win' holler en cry. Hit blow top er de
- house, hit blow und' de house, hit blow 'roun' de house, hit blow in de
- house. Man git closte up in de chimbly-jam. Win' fin' de cracks en blow
- in um. '_Bizzy, bizzy, buzz-zoo-o-o-o-o!_'
- "Well, den, Man, he lissen, lissen, but bimeby he git tired er dis, en
- he 'low ter hisse'f dat he gwine ter bed. He tuck'n fling a fresh
- light'd knot in de fier, en den he jump in de bed, en quile hisse'f up
- en put his head und' de kivver. Win' hunt fer de cracks--_bizzy-buzz,
- bizzy-buzz, buzz-zoo-o-o-o-o-o!_ Man keep his head und' de kivver.
- Light'd knot flar' up en flicker. Man ain't dast ter move. Win' blow en
- w'issel _Phew-fee-e-e-e!_ Light'd knot flicker en flar'. Man, he keep
- his head kivvud.
- "Well, den, Man lay dar, en git skeer'der en skeer'der. He ain't dast
- ter wink his eye skacely, en seem like he gwine ter have swamp agur.
- W'iles he layin' dar shakin', en de win' a-blowin', en de fier flickin',
- he year someyuther kind er fuss. Hit mighty kuse kind er fuss.
- _Clinkity, clinkalinkle!_ Man 'low:--
- "'Hey! who stealin' my money?'
- "Yit he keep his head kivvud w'iles he lay en lissen. He year de win'
- blow, en den he year dat yuther kinder fuss--_Clinkity, clink, clinkity,
- clinkalinkle!_ Well, den, he fling off de kivver en sot right up in de
- bed. He look, he ain't see nothin'. De fier flicker en flar' en de win'
- blow. Man go en put chain en bar 'cross de do'. Den he go back to bed,
- en he ain't mo'n totch his head on de piller tel he year de yuther
- fuss--_clink, clink, clinkity, clinkalinkle!_ Man rise up, he ain't see
- nothin' 'tall. Mighty quare!
- "Des 'bout time he gwine ter lay down 'g'in, yer come de
- fuss--_clinkity, clinkalinkle_. Hit soun' like it on de mantel-shel-uf;
- let 'lone dat, hit soun' like it in de tin box on de mantel-shel-uf; let
- 'lone dat, hit soun' like it de money in de tin box on de
- man-tel-shel-uf. Man say:--
- "'Hey! rat done got in box!'
- "Man look; no rat dar. He shet up de box, en set it down on de shel-uf.
- Time he do dat yer come de fuss--_clinkity, clinkity, clinkalinkle!_ Man
- open de box en look at de money. Dem two silver dollars layin' in dar
- des like he put um. W'iles de man dun dis, look like he kin year sump'n'
- say 'way off yander:--
- "'_Whar my money? Oh, gim me my money!_'
- "Man, he sot de box back on de shel-uf, en time he put it down he year
- de money rattle--_clinkity, clinkalinkle, clink!_--en den fum 'way off
- yander sump'n' say:--
- "'_Oh, gim me my money! I want my money!_'
- "Well, den, de Man git skeer'd sho' nuff, en he got er flat-iün en put
- on de tin box, en den he tuck'n pile all de cheers 'gin' de do', en run
- en jump in de bed. He des know dey's a booger comin'. Time he git in bed
- en kivver his head, de money rattle louder, en sump'n' cry way off
- yander:--
- "'_I want my money! Oh, gim me my money!_'
- "Man, he shake en he shiver; money, hit clink en rattle; booger, hit
- holler en cry. Booger come closter, money clink louder. Man shake wusser
- en wusser. Money say: _'Clinkity, clinkalinkle!'_ Booger cry, _'Oh, gim
- me my money!'_ Man holler, '_O Lordy, Lordy!_'
- "Well, den, hit keep on dis a-way, tel dreckly Man year de do' open. He
- peep fum und' de kivver, en in walk de 'Oman w'at he done bury in de
- buryin'-groun'. Man shiver en shiver, win' blow en blow, money rattle
- en rattle, 'Oman cry en cry. '_Buzz-zoo-o-o-o-o!_' sez de win';
- '_Clinkalink!_' sez de box; '_Oh, gim me my money!_' sez de 'Oman; '_O
- Lordy!_' sez de Man. 'Oman year de money, but look like she ain't kin
- see, en she grope 'roun', en grope 'roun', en grope 'roun' wid 'er han'
- h'ist in de a'r des dis away."
- Here 'Tildy stood up, pushed her chair back with her foot, raised her
- arms over her head, and leaned forward in the direction of Daddy Jack.
- "Win' blow, fier flicker, money rattle, Man shake en shiver, 'Oman grope
- 'roun' en say, '_Gim me my money! Oh, who got my money?_'"
- 'Tildy advanced a few steps.
- "Money look like it gwine ter t'ar de tin box all ter flinders. 'Oman
- grope en cry, grope en cry, tel bimeby she jump on de man en holler:--
- "'_You got my money!_'"
- As she reached this climax, 'Tildy sprang at Daddy Jack and seized him,
- and for a few moments there was considerable confusion in the corner.
- The little boy was frightened, but the collapsed appearance of Daddy
- Jack convulsed him with laughter. The old African was very angry. His
- little eyes glistened with momentary malice, and he shook his cane
- threateningly at 'Tildy. The latter coolly adjusted her ear-rings, as
- she exclaimed:--
- "Dar, now! I know'd I'd git even wid de ole vilyun. Come a-callin' me
- pidjin-toed!"
- "Better keep yo' eye on 'im, chile," said Aunt Tempy. "He 'witch you,
- sho'."
- "'Witch who? Ef he come witchin' roun' me, I lay I break his back. I
- tell you dat right pine-blank."
- [Illustration: Brother Rabbit and his Famous Foot]
- The little boy was very glad, one night shortly after he had heard about
- Daddy Jack's ghosts and witches and 'Tildy's "ha'nts," to find Uncle
- Remus alone in his cabin. The child liked to have his venerable partner
- all to himself. Uncle Remus was engaged in hunting for tobacco crumbs
- with which to fill his pipe, and in turning his pockets a rabbit foot
- dropped upon the hearth.
- "Grab it, honey!" he exclaimed. "Snatch it up off'n de h'a'th. In de
- name er goodness, don't let it git in de embers; 'kaze ef dat ar rabbit
- foot git singe, I'm a goner, sho'!"
- It was the hind foot of a rabbit, and a very large one at that, and the
- little boy examined it curiously. He was in thorough sympathy with all
- the superstitions of the negroes, and to him the rabbit foot appeared to
- be an uncanny affair. He placed it carefully on Uncle Remus's knee, and
- after the pipe had been filled, he asked:--
- "What do you carry that for, Uncle Remus?"
- "Well, honey," responded the old man, grimly, "ef you want me ter make
- shorts out'n a mighty long tale, dat rabbit foot is fer ter keep off
- boogers. W'en I hatter run er'n's fer myse'f all times er night, en take
- nigh cuts thoo de woods, en 'cross by de buryin'-groun', hits monst'us
- handy fer ter have dat ar rabbit foot. Keep yo' head studdy, now; mine
- yo' eye; I ain't sayin' deyer any boogers anywhars. Brer Jack kin say
- w'at he mineter; I ain't sayin' nothin'. But yit, ef dey wuz any, en dey
- come slinkin' atter me, I let you know dey'd fine out terreckly dat de
- ole nigger heel'd wid rabbit foot. I 'ud hol' it up des dis a-way, en I
- boun' you I'd shoo um off'n de face er de yeth. En I tell you w'at,"
- continued Uncle Remus, seeing that the little boy was somewhat troubled,
- "w'en it come to dat pass dat you gotter be dodgin' 'roun' in de dark,
- ef you'll des holler fer me, I'll loan you dish yer rabbit foot, en
- you'll be des ez safe ez you is w'en Miss Sally stannin' by yo' bed wid
- a lit can'le in 'er han'.
- "Strip er red flannil tied 'roun' yo' arm'll keep off de rheumatis;
- stump-water 'll kyo 'spepsy; some good fer one 'zeeze,[27] en some good
- fer n'er, but de p'ints is dat dish yer rabbit foot 'll gin you good
- luck. De man w'at tote it mighty ap' fer ter come out right een' up w'en
- dey's any racket gwine on in de neighborhoods, let 'er be whar she will
- en w'en she may; mo' espeshually ef de man w'at got it know 'zactly w'at
- he got ter do. W'ite folks may laugh," Uncle Remus went on, "but w'en
- rabbit run 'cross de big road front er me, w'at does I do? Does I shoo
- at um? Does I make fer ter kill um? Dat I don't--_dat_ I don't! I des
- squots right down in de middle er de road, en I makes a cross-mark in de
- san' des dis way, en den I spits in it."[28]
- Uncle Remus made a practical illustration by drawing a cross-mark in the
- ashes on the hearth.
- "Well, but, Uncle Remus, what good does all this do?" the little boy
- asked.
- "Lots er good, honey; bless yo' soul, lots er good. W'en rabbit crosses
- yo' luck, w'at you gwine do, less'n you sets down en crosses it out,
- right den en dar? I year talk er folks shootin' rabbit in de big road,
- yit I notices dat dem w'at does de shootin' ain't come ter no good
- een'--dat w'at I notices."
- "Uncle Remus," the little boy asked, after a while, "how did people
- happen to find out about the rabbit's foot?"
- "Oh, you let folks 'lone fer dat, honey! You des let um 'lone. W'at de
- wimmen ain't up'n tell bidout anybody axin' un um, folks mighty ap' fer
- ter fine out fer deyse'f. De wimmen, dey does de talkin' en de flyin',
- en de mens, dey does de walkin' en de pryin', en betwixt en betweenst
- um, dey ain't much dat don't come out. Ef it don't come out one day it
- do de nex', en so she goes--Ant'ny over, Ant'ny under--up one row en
- down de udder, en clean acrosst de bolly-patch!"
- It may be that the child did n't understand all this, but he had no
- doubt of its wisdom, and so he waited patiently for developments.
- "Dey's a tale 'bout de rabbit foot," continued Uncle Remus, "but yo' eye
- look watery, like ole man Nod 'bout ter slip up behime you; en let 'lone
- dat, I 'speck Miss Sally clock clickin' fer you right now."
- "Oh, no, it is n't, Uncle Remus," said the child, laughing. "Mamma said
- she'd make 'Tildy call me."
- "Dar, now!" exclaimed the old man, indignantly, "'Tildy dis en 'Tildy
- dat. I dunner w'at yo' mammy dreamin' 'bout fer ter let dat nigger gal
- be a-holl'in' en a-bawlin' atter you all 'roun' dish yer plan'ation. She
- de mos' uppity nigger on de hill, en de fus' news you know dey ull all
- hatter make der bows en call 'er Mistiss. Ef ole Miss wuz 'live, dey
- would n't be no sech gwines on 'roun' yer. But nummine.[29] You des let
- 'er come a-cuttin' up front er my do', en I lay you'll year squallin'.
- Now, den," continued the old man, settling himself back in his chair,
- "wharbouts wuz I?"
- "You said there was a tale about the rabbit foot," the little boy
- replied.
- "So dey is, honey! so dey is!" Uncle Remus exclaimed, "but she got so
- many crooks en tu'ns in 'er dat I dunner but w'at I ain't done gone en
- fergotted some un um off'n my min'; 'kaze ole folks lak me knows lots
- mo' dan w'at dey kin 'member.
- "In de days w'ence Brer Rabbit wuz sorter keepin' de neighborhoods
- stirred up, de yuther creeturs wuz studyin' en studyin' de whole blessid
- time how dey gwine ter nab 'im. Dey ain't had no holiday yit, 'kaze w'en
- de holiday come, dey'd go ter wuk, dey would, en juggle wid one er n'er
- fer ter see how dey gwine ter ketch up wid Brer Rabbit. Bimeby, w'en all
- der plans, en der traps, en der jugglements ain't do no good, dey all
- 'gree, dey did, dat Brer Rabbit got some cunjerment w'at he trick um
- wid. Brer B'ar, he up'n 'low, he did, dat he boun' Brer Rabbit is a
- nat'al bawn witch; Brer Wolf say, sezee, dat he 'speck Brer Rabbit des
- in cahoots wid a witch; en Brer Fox, he vow dat Brer Rabbit got mo' luck
- dan smartness. Den Jedge B'ar, he drap he head one side, he did, en he
- ax how come Brer Rabbit got all de luck on he own side. De mo' dey ax,
- de mo' dey git pestered, en de mo' dey git pestered, de wuss dey worry.
- Day in en day out dey wuk wid dis puzzlement; let 'lone dat, dey sot up
- nights; en bimeby dey 'gree 'mungs deyse'f dat dey better make up wid
- Brer Rabbit, en see ef dey can't fine out how come he so lucky.
- "Wiles all dis gwine on, ole Brer Rabbit wuz a-gallopin' 'roun' fum
- Funtown ter Frolicville, a-kickin' up de devilment en terrifyin' de
- neighborhoods. Hit keep on dis a-way, twel one time, endurin' de
- odd-come-shorts,[30] ole Jedge B'ar sont wud dat one er his chilluns done
- bin tooken wid a sickness, en he ax won't ole Miss Rabbit drap 'roun' en
- set up wid 'im. Ole Miss Rabbit, she say, co'se she go, en atter she
- fill 'er satchy full er yerbs en truck, off she put.
- "I done fergit," said Uncle Remus, scratching his head gravely, "w'ich
- one er dem chilluns wuz ailin'. Hit mout er bin Kubs, en hit mout er bin
- Klibs; but no marter fer dat. W'en ole Miss Rabbit git dar, ole Miss
- B'ar wuz a-settin' up in de chimbly-cornder des a-dosin' en a-nussin' de
- young un; en all de wimmin er de neighborhoods wuz dar, a-whispun en
- a-talkin', des fer all de worl' lak wimmin does deze days. It 'uz:--
- "'Come right in, Sis Rabbit! I mighty proud to see you. I mighty glad
- you fotch yo' knittin', 'kaze I'm pow'ful po' comp'ny w'en my chillun
- sick. Des fling yo' bonnet on de bed dar. I'm dat flustrated twel I
- dunner w'ich een's up, skacely. Sis Wolf, han' Sis Rabbit dat
- rickin'-cheer dar, 'kaze 't ain't no one step fum her house ter mine.'
- "Dat de way ole Miss B'ar run on," continued Uncle Remus, "en dey set
- dar en dey chatter en dey clatter. Ole Brer Wolf, he 'uz settin' out on
- de back peazzer smokin' en noddin'. He 'ud take en draw a long whiff, he
- would, en den he 'ud drap off ter noddin' en let de smoke oozle out thoo
- he nose. Bimeby ole Sis Rabbit drap 'er knittin' in 'er lap, en sing
- out, sez she:--
- "'Law, Sis B'ar! I smells 'barker smoke,' sez she.
- "Ole Sis B'ar, she jolt up de sick baby, en swap it fum one knee ter de
- yuther, en 'low:--
- "'My ole man bin smokin' 'roun' yer de whole blessid day, but soon'z
- dish yer chile tuck sick, I des tuck'n tole 'im, sez I, fer ter take
- hisse'f off in de woods whar he b'long at, sez I. Yessum! I did dat! I
- pities any 'oman w'at 'er ole man is fer'verlastin' stuck 'roun' de
- house w'en dey's any sickness gwine on,' sez she.
- "Ole Brer Wolf sot out dar on de back peazzer, en he shot one eye, he
- did, en open um 'g'in, en let de smoke oozle out'n he nose. Sis B'ar,
- she jolt de sick baby en swap it fum one knee ter de yuther. Dey sot dar
- en talk twel bimeby der confab sorter slack up. Fus' news dey know Sis
- Rabbit drap 'er knittin' en fling up 'er han's en squall out:--
- "'De gracious en de goodness! Ef I ain't done come traipsin' off en lef'
- my ole man money-pus, en he got sump'n' in dar w'at he won't take a
- purty fer, needer! I'm dat fergitful,' sez she, 'twel hit keep me
- mizerbul mighty nigh de whole time,' sez she.
- "Brer Wolf, he lif' up he year en open he eye, en let de smoke oozle
- out'n he nose. Sis B'ar, she jolt de sick baby wuss en wuss, en bimeby,
- she up'n say, sez she:--
- "'I mighty glad 't ain't me, dat I is,' sez she, 'bekaze ef I wuz ter
- lef' my ole man money-pus layin' 'roun' dat a-way, he'd des nat'ally rip
- up de planks in de flo', en t'ar all de bark off'n de trees,' sez she.
- "Ole Miss Rabbit, she sot dar, she did, en she rock en study, en study
- en rock, en she dunner w'at ter do. Ole Sis B'ar, she jolt en jolt de
- baby. Ole Brer Wolf, he let de 'barker smoke oozle thoo he nose, he did,
- en den he open bofe eyes en lay he pipe down. Wid dat, he crope down de
- back steps en lit out fer Brer Rabbit house. Brer Wolf got gait same lak
- race-hoss, en it ain't take 'im long fer ter git whar he gwine. W'en he
- git ter Brer Rabbit house, he pull de latch-string en open de do', en
- w'en he do dis, one er de little Rabs wake up, en he holler out:--
- "'Dat you, mammy?'
- "Den Brer Wolf wish he kin sing 'Bye-O-Baby,' but 'fo' he kin make
- answer, de little Rab holler out 'g'in:--
- "'Dat you, mammy?'
- "Ole Brer Wolf know he got ter do sump'n', so he tuck'n w'isper, he
- did:--
- "'Sh-sh-sh! Go ter sleep, honey. De boogers'll git you!' en wid dat de
- little Rab 'gun ter whimple, en he whimple hisse'f off ter sleep.
- "Den w'en it seem lak de little Rabs, w'ich dey wuz mighty nigh
- forty-eleven un um, is all gone ter sleep, Brer Wolf, he crope 'roun',
- he did, en feel on de mantel-shelf, en feel, en feel, twel he come ter
- ole Brer Rabbit money-pus. Ef he want so light wid he han'," Uncle Remus
- went on, glancing quizzically at the child, "he'd a knock off de
- pollygollic vial w'at ole Miss Rabbit put up dar. But nummine! Brer
- Wolf, he feel, en feel, twel he come ter de money-pus, en he grab dat,
- he did, en he des flew'd away fum dar.
- "W'en he git out er sight en year'n', Brer Wolf look at de money-pus,
- en see w'at in it. Hit 'uz one er deze yer kinder money-pus wid tossle
- on de een' en shiny rings in de middle. Brer Wolf look in dar fer ter
- see w'at he kin see. In one een' dey wuz a piece er calamus-root en some
- collard-seeds, en in de t'er een' dey wuz a great big rabbit foot. Dis
- make Brer Wolf feel mighty good, en he gallop off home wid de
- shorance[31] un a man w'at done foun' a gol' mine."
- Here Uncle Remus paused and betrayed a disposition to drop off to sleep.
- The little boy, however, touched him upon the knee, and asked him what
- Brother Rabbit did when he found his foot was gone. Uncle Remus laughed
- and rubbed his eyes.
- "Hit's mighty kuse 'bout Brer Rabbit, honey. He ain't miss dat money-pus
- fer mighty long time, yit w'en he do miss it, he miss it mighty bad. He
- miss it so bad dat he git right-down sick, 'kaze he know he bleedz ter
- fine dat ar foot let go w'at may, let come w'at will. He study en he
- study, yit 't ain't do no good, en he go all 'roun' 'lowin' ter
- hisse'f:--
- "'I know whar I put dat foot, yit I dunner whar I lef' um; I know whar I
- put dat foot, yit I dunner whar I lef' um.'
- "He mope en he mope 'roun'. Look lak Brer Wolf got all de luck en Brer
- Rabbit ain't got none. Brer Wolf git fat, Brer Rabbit git lean; Brer
- Wolf run fas', Brer Rabbit lope heavy lak ole Sis Cow; Brer Wolf feel
- funny, Brer Rabbit feel po'ly. Hit keep on dis a-way, twel bimeby Brer
- Rabbit know sump'n' n'er bleedz ter be done. Las' he make up he min' fer
- ter take a journey, en he fix up he tricks, he do, en he go en see ole
- Aunt Mammy-Bammy Big-Money."
- "And who was old Aunt Mammy-Bammy Big-Money, Uncle Remus?" the little
- boy inquired.
- "Ah-yi!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, in a tone of triumph, "I know'd w'en I
- fotch dat ole creetur name up, dey wa'n't gwine ter be no noddin' 'roun'
- dish yer h'a'th. In dem days," he continued, "dey wuz a Witch-Rabbit,
- en dat wuz her entitlements--ole Aunt Mammy-Bammy Big-Money. She live
- way off in a deep, dark swamp, en ef you go dar you hatter ride some,
- slide some; jump some, hump some; hop some, flop some; walk some, balk
- some; creep some, sleep some; fly some, cry some; foller some, holler
- some; wade some, spade some; en ef you ain't monst'us keerful you ain't
- git dar den. Yit Brer Rabbit he git dar atter so long a time, en he
- mighty nigh wo' out.
- "He sot down, he did, fer ter res' hisse'f, en bimeby he see black smoke
- comin' outer de hole in de groun' whar de ole Witch-Rabbit stay. Smoke
- git blacker en blacker, en atter w'ile Brer Rabbit know de time done
- come fer 'im ter open up en tell w'at he want."
- As Uncle Remus interpreted the dialogue, Brother Rabbit spoke in a
- shrill, frightened tone, while the voice of the Rabbit-Witch was hoarse
- and oracular:--
- "'Mammy-Bammy Big-Money, I needs yo' he'p.'
- "'Son Riley Rabbit, why so? Son Riley Rabbit, why so?'
- "'Mammy-Bammy Big-Money, I los' de foot you gim me.'
- "'O Riley Rabbit, why so? Son Riley Rabbit, why so?'
- "'Mammy-Bammy Big-Money, my luck done gone. I put dat foot down 'pon de
- groun'. I lef um dar I know not whar.'
- "'De Wolf done tuck en stole yo' luck, Son Riley Rabbit, Riley. Go fine
- de track, go git hit back, Son Riley Rabbit, Riley.'
- "Wid dat," continued Uncle Remus, "ole Aunt Mammy-Bammy Big-Money sucked
- all de black smoke back in de hole in de groun', and Brer Rabbit des put
- out fer home. W'en he git dar, w'at do he do? Do he go off in a cornder
- by hisse'f, en wipe he weepin' eye? Dat he don't--dat he don't. He des
- tuck'n wait he chance. He wait en he wait; he wait all day, he wait all
- night; he wait mighty nigh a mont'. He hang 'roun' Brer Wolf house; he
- watch en he wait.
- "Bimeby, one day, Brer Rabbit git de news dat Brer Wolf des come back
- fum a big frolic. Brer Rabbit know he time comin', en he keep bofe eye
- open en bofe years h'ist up. Nex' mawnin' atter Brer Wolf git back fum
- de big frolic, Brer Rabbit see 'im come outer de house en go down de
- spring atter bucket water. Brer Rabbit, he slip up, he did, en he look
- in. Ole Miss Wolf, she 'uz sailin' 'roun' fryin' meat en gittin'
- brekkus, en dar hangin' 'cross er cheer wuz Brer Wolf wes'cut where he
- keep he money-pus. Brer Rabbit rush up ter do' en pant lak he mighty
- nigh fag out. He rush up, he did, en he sing out:--
- "'Mawnin', Sis Wolf, mawnin'! Brer Wolf sont me atter de shavin'-brush,
- w'ich he keep it in dat ar money-pus w'at I 'loant 'im.'
- "Sis Wolf, she fling up 'er han's en let um drap, en she laugh en say,
- sez she:--
- "'I 'clar' ter gracious, Brer Rabbit! You gimme sech a tu'n, dat I ain't
- got room ter be perlite skacely.'
- "But mos' 'fo' she gits de wuds out'n 'er mouf, Brer Rabbit done grab de
- money-pus en gone!"
- "Which way did he go, Uncle Remus?" the little boy asked, after a while.
- "Well, I tell you dis," Uncle Remus responded emphatically, "Brer Rabbit
- road ain't lay by de spring; I boun' you dat!"
- Presently 'Tildy put her head in the door to say that it was bedtime,
- and shortly afterward the child was dreaming that Daddy Jack was
- Mammy-Bammy Big-Money in disguise.
- [27] Disease.
- [28] If, as some ethnologists claim, the animal myths are relics of
- zoötheism, there can scarcely be a doubt that the practice here
- described by Uncle Remus is the survival of some sort of obeisance or
- genuflexion by which the negroes recognized the presence of the Rabbit,
- the great central figure and wonder-worker of African mythology.
- [29] Never mind.
- [30] Sometime, any time, no time. Thus: "Run fetch me de ax, en I'll
- wait on you one er deze odd-come-shorts."
- [31] Assurance.
- When the little boy next visited Uncle Remus the old man was engaged in
- the somewhat tedious operation of making shoe-pegs. Daddy Jack was
- assorting a bundle of sassafras roots, and Aunt Tempy was transforming
- a meal-sack into shirts for some of the little negroes,--a piece of
- economy of her own devising. Uncle Remus pretended not to see the child.
- "Hit's des lak I tell you all," he remarked, as if renewing a
- conversation; "I monst'us glad dey ain't no bad chilluns on dis place
- fer ter be wadin' in de spring-branch, en flingin' mud on de yuther
- little chilluns, w'ich de goodness knows dey er nasty nuff bidout dat. I
- monst'us glad dey ain't none er dat kinder young uns 'roun' yer--I is
- dat."
- "Now, Uncle Remus," exclaimed the little boy, in an injured tone,
- "somebody's been telling you something on me."
- The old man appeared to be very much astonished.
- "Heyo! whar you bin hidin', honey? Yer 't is mos' way atter supper en
- you ain't in de bed yit. Well--well--well! Sit over ag'in in de chimbly
- jam dar whar you kin dry dem shoes. En de ve'y nex' time w'at I see you
- wadin' in dat branch, wid de sickly season comin' on, I'm a-gwine ter
- take you 'cross my shoulder en kyar you ter Miss Sally, en ef dat ain't
- do no good, den I'll kyar you ter Mars John, en ef dat ain't do no good,
- den I'm done wid you, so dar now!"
- The little boy sat silent a long time, listening to the casual talk of
- Uncle Remus and his guests, and watching the vapor rise from his wet
- shoes. Presently there was a pause in the talk, and the child said:--
- "Uncle Remus, have I been too bad to hear a story?"
- The old man straightened himself up and pushed his spectacles back on
- his forehead.
- "Now, den, folks, you year w'at he say. Shill we pursue on atter de
- creeturs? Shill er shan't?"
- "Bless yo' soul, Brer Remus, I mos' 'shame' myse'f, yit I tell you de
- Lord's trufe, I'm des ez bad atter dem ar tales ez dat chile dar."
- "Well, den," said Uncle Remus, "a tale hit is. One time dey wuz a man,
- en dish yer man he had a gyardin. He had a gyardin, en he had a little
- gal fer ter min' it. I don't 'speck dish yer gyardin wuz wide lak Miss
- Sally gyardin, but hit 'uz lots longer. Hit 'uz so long dat it run down
- side er de big road, 'cross by de plum thicket, en back up de lane. Dish
- yer gyardin wuz so nice en long dat it tuck'n 'track de 'tention er Brer
- Rabbit; but de fence wuz built so close en so high, dat he can't git in
- nohow he kin fix it."
- "Oh, I know about that!" exclaimed the little boy. "The man catches
- Brother Rabbit and ties him, and the girl lets him loose to see him
- dance."
- Uncle Remus dropped his chin upon his bosom. He seemed to be humbled.
- "Sis Tempy," he said, with a sigh, "you'll hatter come in some time w'en
- we ain't so crowded, en I'll up en tell 'bout Billy Malone en Miss
- Janey."
- "_That_ wasn't the story I heard, Uncle Remus," said the little boy.
- "_Please_ tell me about Billy Malone and Miss Janey."
- "Ah-yi!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, with a triumphant smile; "I 'low'd maybe
- I wa'n't losin' de use er my 'membunce, en sho' nuff I ain't. Now, den,
- we'll des wuk our way back en start fa'r en squar'. One time dey wuz a
- man, en dish yer man he had a gyardin en a little gal. De gyardin wuz
- chock full er truck, en in de mawnin's, w'en de man hatter go off, he
- call up de little gal, he did, en tell 'er dat she mus' be sho' en keep
- ole Brer Rabbit outer de gyardin. He tell 'er dis eve'y mawnin'; but one
- mawnin' he tuck en forgit it twel he git ter de front gate, en den he
- stop en holler back:--
- "'O Janey! You Janey! Min' w'at I tell you 'bout ole Brer Rabbit. Don't
- you let 'im get my nice green peas.'
- "Little gal, she holler back: 'Yes, daddy.'
- "All dis time, Brer Rabbit he 'uz settin' out dar in de bushes dozin'.
- Yit, w'en he year he name call out so loud, he cock up one year en
- lissen, en he 'low ter hisse'f dat he bleedz ter outdo Mr. Man. Bimeby,
- Brer Rabbit, he went 'roun' en come down de big road des ez natchul ez
- ef he bin trafflin' some'rs. He see de little gal settin' by de gate, en
- he up'n 'low:--
- "'Ain't dish yer Miss Janey?'
- "Little gal say: 'My daddy call me Janey.'" Uncle Remus mimicked the
- voice and manner of a little girl. He hung his head, looked excessively
- modest, and spoke in a shrill tone. The effect was so comical that even
- Daddy Jack seemed to enjoy it.
- "'My daddy call me Janey; w'at yo' daddy call you?'
- "Brer Rabbit look on de groun', en sorter study lak folks does w'en dey
- feels bad. Den he look up en 'low:--
- "I bin lose my daddy dis many long year, but w'en he 'live he call me
- Billy Malone.' Den he look at de little gal hard en 'low: 'Well, well,
- well! I ain't seed you sence you 'uz a little bit er baby, en now yer
- you is mighty nigh a grown 'oman. I pass yo' daddy in de road des now,
- en he say I mus' come en tell you fer ter gimme a mess er
- sparrer-grass.'
- "Little gal, she fling de gate wide open, en let Mr. Billy Malone git de
- sparrer-grass.
- "Man come back en see whar somebody done bin tromplin' on de gyardin
- truck, en den he call up de little gal, en up'n ax 'er who bin dar since
- he bin gone; en de little gal, she 'low, she did, dat Mr. Billy Malone
- bin dar. Man ax who in de name er goodness is Mr. Billy Malone. Little
- gal 'low hit's des a man w'at say 'er daddy sont 'im fer ter git some
- sparrer-grass on account er ole acquaintance. Man got his 'spicions, but
- he ain't say nothin'.
- "Nex' day, w'en he start off, he holler en tell de little gal fer ter
- keep one eye on ole Brer Rabbit, en don't let nobody git no mo'
- sparrer-grass. Brer Rabbit, he settin' off dar in de bushes, en he year
- w'at de man say, en he see 'im w'en he go off. Bimeby, he sorter run
- 'roun', ole Brer Rabbit did, en he come hoppin' down de road, twel he
- git close up by de little gal at de gyardin gate. Brer Rabbit drapt 'er
- his biggest bow, en ax 'er how she come on. Den, atter dat, he 'low, he
- did:--
- "'I see yo' daddy gwine 'long down de road des now, en he gimme a rakin'
- down 'kaze I make 'way wid de sparrer-grass, yit he say dat bein' 's how
- I sech a good fr'en' er de fambly I kin come en ax you fer ter gimme a
- mess er Inglish peas.'
- "Little gal, she tuck'n fling de gate wide open, en ole Brer Rabbit, he
- march in, he did, en he git de peas in a hurry. Man come back atter
- w'ile, en he 'low:--
- "'Who bin tromplin' down my pea-vines?'
- "'Mr. Billy Malone, daddy.'
- "Man slap he han' on he forrud;[32] he dunner w'at ter make er all dis.
- Bimeby, he 'low:--
- "'W'at kinder lookin' man dish yer Mr. Billy Malone?'
- "'Split lip, pop eye, big year, en bob-tail, daddy.'
- "Man say he be bless ef he ain't gwine ter make de acquaintance er Mr.
- Billy Malone; en he went ter wuk, he did, en fix 'im up a box-trap, en
- he put some goobers in dar, en he tell de little gal nex' time Mr. Billy
- Malone come fer 'vite 'im in. Nex' mawnin', Man git little ways fum de
- house en tuck'n holler back, he did:--
- "'W'atsumever you does, don't you dast ter let nobody git no mo'
- sparrer-grass, en don't you let um git no mo' Inglish peas.'
- "Little gal holler back: 'No, daddy.'
- "Den, atter dat, 't wa'n't long 'fo' yer come Mr. Billy Malone, hoppin'
- 'long down de big road. He drapt a bow, he did, en 'low:--
- "'Mawnin', Miss Janey, mawnin'! Met yo' daddy down de big road, en he
- say dat I can't git no mo' sparrer-grass en green peas but you kin gimme
- some goobers.'
- "Little gal, she lead de way, en tell Mr. Billy Malone dar dey is in de
- box. Mr. Billy Malone, he lick he chops, he did, en 'low:--
- "'You oughter be monst'us glad, honey, dat you got sech a good daddy
- lak dat.'
- "Wid dat, Mr. Billy Malone wunk he off eye, en jump in de box."
- "W'at I done tell you!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy.
- "He jump in de box," continued Uncle Remus, "en dar he wuz, en ef de
- little gal hadder bin a minnit bigger, I lay she'd 'a' tuck'n done some
- mighty tall winkin'.
- "Man ain't gone fur, en 't wa'n't long 'fo' yer he come back. W'en Brer
- Rabbit year 'im comin' he bounce 'roun' in dar same ez a flea in a
- piller-case, but 't ain't do no good. Trap done fall, en Brer Rabbit in
- dar. Man look thoo de slats, en 'low:--
- "'Dar you is--same old hoppum-skippum run en jumpum. Youer de ve'y chap
- I'm atter. I want yo' foot fer ter kyar in my pocket, I want yo' meat
- fer ter put in de pot, en I want yo' hide fer ter w'ar on my head.'
- "Dis make cole chill rush up en down Brer Rabbit backbone, en he git
- more 'umble dan a town nigger w'at been kotch out atter nine erclock.[33]
- He holler en cry, en cry en holler:--
- "'Do pray, Mr. Man, tu'n me go! I done 'ceive you dis time, but I ain't
- gwine ter 'ceive you no mo'. Do pray, Mr. Man, tu'n me go, des dis
- little bit er time.'
- "Man he ain't sayin' nothin'. He look lak he studyin' 'bout somep'n'
- ne'r way off yan', en den he take de little gal by de han' en go off
- todes de house."
- "Sho'ly Brer Rabbit time done come now!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy, in a tone
- of mingled awe and expectation.
- Uncle Remus paid no attention to the interruption, but went right on:--
- "Hit seem lak dat Brer Rabbit got mo' luck dan w'at you kin shake a
- stick at, 'kaze de man en de little gal ain't good en gone skacely twel
- yer come Brer Fox a-pirootin' 'roun'. Brer Fox year Brer Rabbit holl'in'
- en he up'n ax w'at de 'casion er sech gwines on right dar in de broad
- open daylight. Brer Rabbit squall out:--
- "'Lordy, Brer Fox! you better make 'as'e 'way fum yer, 'kaze Mr. Man ull
- ketch you en slap you in dish yer box en make you eat mutton twel you
- ull des nat'ally bus' right wide open. Run, Brer Fox, run! He bin
- feedin' me on mutton the whole blessid mawnin' en now he done gone atter
- mo'. Run, Brer Fox, run!'
- "Yit, Brer Fox ain't run. He up'n ax Brer Rabbit how de mutton tas'e.
- "'He tas'e mighty good 'long at fus', but nuff's a nuff, en too much is
- a plenty. Run, Brer Fox, run! He ull ketch you, sho'!'
- "Yit, Brer Fox ain't run. He up'n 'low dat he b'leeve he want some
- mutton hisse'f, en wid dat he onloose de trap en let Brer Rabbit out, en
- den he tuck'n git in dar. Brer Rabbit ain't wait fer ter see w'at de
- upshot gwine ter be, needer--I boun' you he ain't. He des tuck'n gallop
- off in de woods, en he laff en laff twel he hatter hug a tree fer ter
- keep fum drappin' on de groun'."
- "Well, but what became of Brother Fox?" the little boy asked, after
- waiting some time for Uncle Remus to proceed.
- "Now, den, honey," said the old man, falling back upon his dignity, "hit
- e'en about takes all my spar' time fer ter keep up wid you en Brer
- Rabbit, let 'lone keepin' up wid Brer Fox. Ole Brer Rabbit tuck'n tuck
- keer hisse'f, en now let Brer Fox take keer hisse'f."
- "I say de word!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy.
- [32] Forehead.
- [33] During slavery, the ringing of the nine-o'clock bell in the towns
- and villages at night was the signal for all negroes to retire to their
- quarters.
- When Uncle Remus began his story of Billy Malone and Miss Janey, Daddy
- Jack sat perfectly quiet. His eyes were shut, and he seemed to be
- dozing; but, as the story proceeded, he grew more and more restless.
- Several times he was upon the point of interrupting Uncle Remus, but he
- restrained himself. He raised his hands to a level with his chin, and
- beat the ends of his fingers gently together, apparently keeping time to
- his own thoughts. But his impatience exhausted itself, and when Uncle
- Remus had concluded, the old African was as quiet as ever. When Brother
- Fox was left so unceremoniously to his fate, Daddy Jack straightened
- himself temporarily and said:--
- "Me yent bin-a yerry da tale so. 'E nice, fer true, 'e mek larf come;
- oona no bin-a yerry um lak me."
- "No," said Uncle Remus, with grave affability, "I 'speck not. One man,
- one tale; 'n'er man, 'n'er tale. Folks tell um diffunt. I boun' yo' way
- de bes', Brer Jack. Out wid it--en we ull set up yer, en hark at you en
- laff wid you plum twel de chick'ns crow."
- Daddy Jack needed no other invitation. He clasped his knee in his hands
- and began:--
- "Dey is bin lif one MÃ n wut plan' some pea in 'e geerden. 'E plan' some
- pea, but 'e mek no pea; B'er Rabbit, 'e is fine um. 'E fine um un 'e eat
- um. MÃ n mek no pea, B'er Rabbit 'e 'stroy um so. 'E plan' dem pea; dey
- do grow, un 'e go off. 'E come bahk; pea no dere. B'er Rabbit teer um up
- un mek 'e cud wit' dem. So long tam, MÃ n say 'e gwan ketch um, un 'e no
- ketch um. MÃ n go, B'er Rabbit come; MÃ n come, B'er Rabbit go. Bumbye,
- MÃ n, 'e is git so mad, 'e y-eye bin-a come red; 'e crack 'e toof, 'e do
- cuss. 'E oby 'e gwan ketch B'er Rabbit nohow. Dun 'e is bin-a call 'e
- lilly gal. 'E talk, 'e tell 'im fer let B'er Rabbit go troo da geerden
- gett. Lil gal say yasser. 'E talk, 'e tell 'im wun B'er Rabbit go troo
- da gett, dun 'e mus' shed da gett, un no le'm come pas' no mo'. Lil gal
- say yasser.
- "Ole MÃ n is bin-a gone 'bout 'e wuk; lil gal, 'e do lissun. B'er Rabbit,
- 'e come tippy-toe, tippy-toe; gone in da geerden; eat dem pea tel 'e
- full up; eat tel he mos' git seeck wit' dem pea. Dun 'e start fer go
- out; 'e fine da gett shed. 'E shek um, 'e no open; 'e push um, 'e no
- open; 'e fair grunt, 'e push so hard, 'e no open. 'E bin-a call da lil
- gal; e' say:--
- "'Lil gal, lil gal! cum y-open da gett. 'T is hu't me feelin' fer fine
- da gett shed lak dis.'
- "Lil gal no talk nuttin'. B'er Rabbit say:--
- "''T is-a bin hu't me feelin', lil gal! Come y-open da gett, lil gal,
- less I teer um loose from da hinch.'
- "Lil gal v'ice come bahk. 'E talk:
- "'Daddy say mus'n'.'
- "B'er Rabbit open 'e mout'. 'E say:--
- "'See me long sha'p toof? 'E bite you troo un troo!'
- "Lil gal skeer; 'e tu'n loose de gett un fly. B'er Rabbit _gone_! Ole
- MÃ n come bahk; 'e ahx 'bout B'er Rabbit. Lil gal say:--
- "''E done gone, daddy. I shed da gett, I hol' um fas'. B'er Rabbit bin
- show 'e toof; 'e gwan fer bite-a me troo un troo. I git skeer', daddy.'
- MÃ n ahx:--
- "'How 'e gwin fer bite you troo un troo, wun 'e toof fix bite grass?
- B'er Rabbit tell one big tale. 'E no kin bite-a you. Wun 'e come 'g'in,
- you shed dem gett, you hol' um tight, you no le'm go pas' no mo'.' Lil
- gal say yasser.
- "Nex' day mawnin', MÃ n go 'long 'bout 'e wuk. Lil gal, 'e play 'roun',
- un 'e play 'roun'. B'er Rabbit, 'e is come tippy-tippy. 'E fine gett
- open; 'e slip in da geerden. 'E chew dem pea, 'e gnyaw dem pea; 'e eat
- tel dem pea tas'e bad. Dun 'e try fer go out; gett shed fas'. 'E no kin
- git troo. 'E push, gett no open; 'e keek wit' um fut, gett no open; 'e
- butt wit' um head, gett no open. Dun 'e holler:--
- "'Lil gal, lil gal! come y-open da gett. 'E berry bad fer fool wit' ole
- mà n lak me. I no kin hol' me feelin' down wun you is do lak dis. 'E
- berry bad.'
- "Lil gal hol' 'e head down; 'e no say nuttin'. B'er Rabbit say:--
- "'Be shame, lil gal, fer do ole mà n lak dis. Me feelin' git wusser. Come
- y-open de gett 'fo' I is teer um down.'
- "Lil gal say: 'Daddy say mus'n'.'
- "B'er Rabbit open 'e y-eye wide; 'e is look berry mad. 'E say:--
- "'See me big y-eye? I pop dis y-eye stret at you, me kill-a you dead.
- Come y-open da gett 'fo' me y-eye pop.'
- "Lil gal skeer fer true. 'E loose de gett, 'e fair fly. B'er Rabbit done
- _gone_! Lil gal daddy bahk. 'E ahx wey is B'er Rabbit. Lil gal say:--
- "''E done gone, daddy. I hol' gett fas'; 'e is bin-a 'come berry mad. 'E
- say he gwan pop 'e y-eye at me, shoot-a me dead.' MÃ n say:--
- "'B'er Rabbit tell-a too big tale. How 'e gwan shoot-a you wit' 'e
- y-eye? 'E y-eye sem lak turrer folks y-eye. Wun 'e come some mo', you
- shed dem gett, you hol' um fas'.' Lil gal say yasser.
- "Nex' day mawnin', MÃ n go, B'er Rabbit come. 'E is ma'ch in da gett un
- eat-a dem pea tel 'e kin eat-a no mo'. 'E sta't out; gett shed. 'E no
- kin come pas'. 'E shek, 'e push, 'e pull; gett shed. Dun 'e holler:--
- "'Lil gal, lil gal! come y-open da gett. 'Tis berry bad fer treat you'
- kin lak dis. Come y-open da gett, lil gal. 'Tis full me up wit' sorry
- wun you do lak dis.'
- "Lil gal, 'e no say nuttin'. B'er Rabbit say:--
- "''E berry bad fer treat you' kin lak dis. Tu'n go da gett, lil gal.'
- Lil gal say:--
- "'How you is kin wit' me, B'er Rabbit?'
- "'You' gran'daddy foller at' me nuncle wit' 'e dog. Da mek we is kin.
- Come y-open da gett, lil gal.'"
- "Dat ole Rabbit wuz a-talkin', mon!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy,
- enthusiastically.
- "Lil gal no say nuttin' 't all!" Daddy Jack went on, with renewed
- animation. "Dun B'er Rabbit say:--
- "'See me long, sha'p toof, lil gal? Me bite-a you troo un troo.' Lil gal
- say:--
- "'Me no skeer da toof. 'E bite nuttin' 'tall 'cep' 'e bite grass.' B'er
- Rabbit say:--
- "'See me big y-eye? I pop um at you, shoot-a you dead.' Lil gal say:--
- "Me no skeer da y-eye. 'E sem lak turrer folks y-eye.' B'er Rabbit
- say:--
- "'Lil gal, you mek me 'come mad. I no lak fer hu't-a me kin. Look at me
- ho'n! I run you troo un troo.'
- "B'er Rabbit lif 'e two year up; 'e p'int um stret at da lil gal. Lil
- gal 'come skeer da ho'n; 'e do tu'n go da gett; 'e fly fum dey-dey."
- "Well, ef dat don't beat!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy, laughing as heartily as
- the little boy. "Look at um one way, en Rabbit year does look lak sho'
- nuff ho'ns."
- "Lil gal tu'n go da gett," Daddy Jack continued; "B'er Rabbit _gone_!
- MÃ n come bahk; 'e ahx wey is B'er Rabbit. Lil gal cry; 'e say 'e skeer
- B'er Rabbit ho'n. MÃ n say 'e is hab no ho'n. Lil gal is stan' um down 'e
- see ho'n. MÃ n say da ho'n is nuttin' 't all but B'er Rabbit year wut 'e
- yeddy wit'. 'E tell lil gal nex' tam B'er Rabbit come, 'e mus' shed da
- gett; 'e mus' run fum dey-dey un leaf um shed. Lil gal say yasser.
- "MÃ n gone, B'er Rabbit come. 'E is go in da gett; 'e eat-a dem pea tel
- 'e tire'. 'E try fer go pas' da gett, gett shed. 'E call lil gal; lil
- gal _gone_! 'E call, call, call; lil gal no yeddy. 'E try fer fine crack
- in da palin'; no crack dey. 'E try fer jump over; de palin' too high.
- 'E 'come skeer; 'e is 'come so skeer 'e squot 'pun da groun'; 'e shek,
- 'e shiver.
- "MÃ n come bahk. 'E ahx wey B'er Rabbit. Lil gal say 'e in da geerden.
- MÃ n hug lil gal, 'e is lub um so. 'E go in da geerden; 'e fine B'er
- Rabbit. 'E ketch um--'e ca' um off fer kill um; 'e mad fer true. Lil gal
- come holler:--
- "'Daddy, daddy! missus say run dere! 'E wan' you come stret dere!'
- "MÃ n tie B'er Rabbit in da bag; 'e hang um on tree lim'. 'E say:--
- "'I gwan come bahk. I l'arn you fer mek cud wit' me green pea.'
- "MÃ n gone fer see 'e missus. Bumbye, B'er 'Possum is bin-a come pas'. 'E
- look up, 'e ketch glimp' da bag 'pun da lim'. 'E say:--
- "'Ki! Wut dis is bin-a hang in da bag 'pun da tree-lim'?' B'er Rabbit
- say:--
- "'Hush, B'er 'Possum! 'T is-a me. I bin-a lissen at dem sing in da
- cloud.'
- "B'er 'Possum lissen. 'E say:--
- "'I no yed dem sing, B'er Rabbit.'
- "'Hush, B'er 'Possum! How is I kin yeddy dem sing wun you is mek-a da
- fuss dey-dey?'
- "B'er 'Possum, 'e hoi' 'e mout' still, 'cep' 'e do grin. B'er Rabbit
- say:--
- "'I yed dem now! I yed dem now! B'er 'Possum, I wish you is yeddy dem
- sing!'
- "B'er 'Possum say 'e mout' water fer yeddy dem sing in da cloud. B'er
- Rabbit, 'e say 'e is bin-a hab so long tarn 'quaintun wit' B'er 'Possum,
- 'e le'm yeddy dem sing. 'E say:--
- "'I git fum da bag. I tu'n-a you in tel you is yeddy dem sing. Dun you
- is git fum da bag, tel I do come bahk un 'joy mese'f.'
- "B'er 'Possum, 'e do clam up da tree; 'e git dem bag, 'e bring um down.
- 'E tak off da string; 'e tu'n B'er Rabbit go. 'E crawl in un 'e quile
- up. 'E say:--
- "'I no yeddy dem sing, B'er Rabbit!'
- "'Hi! wait tel da bag it tie, B'er 'Possum. You yed dem soon nuff!' 'E
- wait.
- "'I no yeddy dem sing, B'er Rabbit!'
- "'Hi! wait tel I clam da tree, B'er 'Possum. You yed dem soon nuff!' 'E
- wait.
- "'I no yeddy dem sing, B'er Rabbit!'
- "'Wait tel I fix um 'pun da lim', B'er 'Possum. You yed dem soon nuff!'
- 'E wait.
- "B'er Rabbit clam down; 'e run 'way fum dey-dey; 'e hide in da bush
- side. MÃ n come bahk. 'E see da bag moof. B'er 'Possum say:--
- "'I no yeddy dem sing. I wait fer yed um sing!'
- "MÃ n t'ink 'e B'er Rabbit in da bag. 'E say:--
- "'Ah-yi-ee! I mekky you yed dem sing!'
- "MÃ n teka da bag fum da tree-lim'; 'e do slam da bag 'gin' da face da
- ye't'. 'E tek-a 'e walkin'-cane, un 'e beat B'er 'Possum wut is do um no
- ha'm tel 'e mos' kill um. MÃ n t'ink B'er Rabbit mus' bin dead by dis. 'E
- look in da bag; 'e 'tretch 'e y-eye big; 'e 'stonish'. B'er Rabbit, 'e
- do come fum da bush side; 'e do holler, 'e do laff. 'E say:--
- "'You no is ketch-a me! I t'ief you' green pea,--I t'ief um some mo',--I
- t'ief um tel I dead!'
- "MÃ n, 'e 'come so mad, 'e is fling hatchet at B'er Rabbit un chop off 'e
- tail."
- At this moment Daddy Jack subsided. His head drooped forward, and he was
- soon in the land of Nod. Uncle Remus sat gazing into the fireplace, as
- though lost in reflection. Presently, he laughed softly to himself, and
- said:--
- "Dat's des 'bout de long en de short un it. Mr. Man clip off Brer Rabbit
- tail wid de hatchet, en it bleed so free dat Brer Rabbit rush off ter
- de cotton-patch en put some lint on it, en down ter dis day dat lint
- mos' de fus' t'ing you see w'en Brer Rabbit jump out'n he bed en tell
- you good-bye."
- "But, Uncle Remus, what became of Brother 'Possum?"
- Uncle Remus smacked his lips and looked wise.
- "Don't talk 'bout Brer 'Possum, honey, ef dat ar Mr. Man wuz nice folks
- lak we all is, en I ain't 'spute it, he tuck'n tuck Brer 'Possum en
- bobbycue 'im, en I wish I had a great big piece right now. Dat I does."
- One night, while the little boy was watching Uncle Remus broil a piece
- of bacon on the coals, he heard a great commotion among the
- guinea-fowls. The squawking and _pot-racking_ went on at such a rate
- that the geese awoke and began to scream, and finally the dogs added
- their various voices to the uproar. Uncle Remus leaned back in his chair
- and listened.
- "I 'speck may be dat's de patter-rollers gwine by," he said, after a
- while. "But you can't put no 'pen'unce in dem ar Guinny-hins, 'kaze
- dey'll wake up en holler ef dey year deyse'f sno'. Dey'll fool you,
- sho'."
- "They are mighty funny, anyhow," said the little boy.
- "Dat's it!" exclaimed Uncle Remus. "Dey looks quare, en dey does quare.
- Dey ain't do lak no yuther kinder chick'n, en dey ain't look lak no
- yuther kinder chick'n. Yit folks tell me," the old man went on,
- reflectively, "dat dey er heap mo' kuse lookin' now dan w'at dey use'
- ter be. I year tell dat dey wuz one time w'en dey wuz all blue, 'stid er
- havin' all dem ar teenchy little spots on um."
- "Well, how did they get to be speckled, Uncle Remus?" asked the little
- boy, seeing that the old man was disposed to leave the subject and
- devote his attention to his broiling bacon.
- Uncle Remus did not respond at once. He turned his meat over carefully,
- watched it a little while, and then adroitly transferred it to the cover
- of a tin bucket, which was made to answer the purpose of a plate. Then
- he searched about in the embers until he found his ash-cake, and in a
- little while his supper was ready to be eaten.
- "I ain't begrudgin' nobody nothin'," said Uncle Remus, measuring the
- victuals with his eye; "yit I'm monst'us glad Brer Jack ain't nowhar's
- 'roun', 'kaze dey ain't no tellin' de gawm dat ole nigger kin eat. He
- look shaky, en he look dry up, en he ain't got no toof, yit w'ence he
- set hisse'f down whar dey any vittles, he des nat'ally laps hit up. En
- let 'lone dat, he ull wipe he mouf en look' roun' des lak he want mo'.
- Time Miss Sally see dat ole nigger eat one meal er vittles, I boun' you
- he hatter go back down de country. I ain't begrudgin' Brer Jack de
- vittles," Uncle Remus went on, adopting a more conciliatory tone, "dat I
- ain't, 'kaze folks is got ter eat; but, gentermens! you be 'stonish'
- w'en you see Brer Jack 'pesterin' 'long er he dinner."
- The little boy sat quiet awhile, and then reminded Uncle Remus of the
- guinea-fowls.
- "Tooby sho', honey, tooby sho'! W'at I doin' runnin' on dis-a-way 'bout
- ole Brer Jack? W'at he done ter me? Yer I is gwine on 'bout ole Brer
- Jack, en dem ar Guinny-hins out dar waitin'. Well, den, one day Sis Cow
- wuz a-grazin' 'bout in de ole fiel' en lookin' atter her calf. De wedder
- wuz kinder hot, en de calf, he tuck'n stan', he did, in he mammy
- shadder, so he kin keep cool, en so dat one flip un he mammy tail kin
- keep the flies off'n bofe un um. Atter w'ile, 'long come a drove er
- Guinnies. De Guinnies, dey howdied, en Sis Cow, she howdied, en de
- Guinnies, dey sorter picked 'roun' en sun deyse'f; en Sis Cow, she crap
- de grass en ax um de news er de neighborhoods. Dey went on dis a-way
- twel 't wa'n't long 'fo' dey year mighty kuse noise out dar t'er side
- er de ole fiel'. De Guinnies, dey make great 'miration, des lak dey does
- deze days, en ole Sis Cow fling up 'er head en look all 'roun'. She
- ain't see nothin'.
- "Atter w'ile dey year de kuse fuss 'g'in, en dey look 'roun', en bless
- gracious! stan'in' right dar, 'twix' dem en sundown, wuz a great big
- Lion!"
- "A Lion, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy, in amazement.
- "Des ez sho' ez you er settin' dar, honey,--a great big Lion. You better
- b'leeve dey wuz a monst'us flutterment 'mungs de Guinnies, en ole Sis
- Cow, she looked mighty skeer'd. De Lion love cow meat mos' better dan he
- do any yuther kinder meat, en he shake he head en 'low ter hisse'f dat
- he'll des about ketch ole Sis Cow en eat 'er up, en take en kyar de calf
- ter he fambly.
- "Den he tuck'n shuck he head, de Lion did, en make straight at Sis Cow.
- De Guinnies dey run dis a-way, en dey run t'er way, en dey run all
- 'roun' en 'roun'; but ole Sis Cow, she des know she got ter stan' 'er
- groun', en w'en she see de Lion makin' todes 'er, she des tuck'n drapt
- 'er head down en pawed de dirt. De Lion, he crope up, he did, en crope
- 'roun', watchin' fer good chance fer ter make a jump. He crope 'roun',
- he did, but no diffunce which a-way he creep, dar wuz ole Sis Cow hawns
- p'intin' right straight at 'im. Ole Sis Cow, she paw de dirt, she did,
- en show de white er her eyes, en beller way down in 'er stomach.
- "Dey went on dis a-way, dey did, twel bimeby de Guinnies, dey see dat
- Sis Cow ain't so mighty skeer'd, en den dey 'gun ter take heart. Fus'
- news you know, one un um sorter drap he wings en fuzzle up de fedders en
- run out 'twix' Sis Cow en de Lion. W'en he get dar, he sorter dip down,
- he did, en fling up dirt des lak you see um do in de ash-pile. Den he
- tuck'n run back, he did, en time he git back, 'n'er one run out en raise
- de dus' 'twix' Sis Cow en de Lion. Den 'n'er one, he run out en dip down
- en shoo up de dus'; den 'n'er one run out en dip down, en 'n'er one en
- yit 'n'er one, twel, bless gracious! time dey all run out en dip down
- en raise de dus', de Lion wuz dat blin' twel he ain't kin see he han'
- befo' 'im. Dis make 'im so mad dat he make a splunge at Sis Cow, en de
- old lady, she kotch 'im on her hawns en got 'im down, en des nat'ally
- to' intruls out."
- "Did she kill the Lion, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy,
- incredulously.
- "Dat she did--dat she did! Yit 't ain't make 'er proud, 'kaze atter de
- Lion done good en dead, she tuck en call up de Guinnies, she did, en she
- 'low, dey bin so quick fer ter he'p 'er out, dat she wanter pay um back.
- De Guinnies, dey say, sezee:--
- "'Don't bodder 'long er we all, Sis Cow,' sezee. 'You had yo' fun en we
- all had ourn, en 'ceppin' dat ar blood en ha'r on yo' hawn,' sezee, 'dey
- ain't none un us any de wuss off,' sezee.
- "But ole Sis Cow, she stan' um down, she did, dat she got ter pay um
- back, en den atter w'ile she ax um w'at dey lak bes'.
- "One un um up en make answer dat w'at dey lak bes', Sis Cow, she can't
- gi' um. Sis Cow, she up en 'low dat she dunno 'bout dat, en she ax um
- w'at is it.
- "Den de Guinnies, dey tuck'n huddle up, dey did, en hol' er confab wid
- one er 'n'er, en w'iles dey er doin' dis, ole Sis Cow, she tuck'n fetch
- a long breff, en den she call up 'er cud, en stood dar chawin' on it des
- lak she ain't had no tribalation dat day.
- "Bimeby one er de Guinnies step out fum de huddlement en make a bow en
- 'low dat dey all 'ud be mighty proud ef Sis Cow kin fix it some way so
- dey can't be seed so fur thoo de woods, 'kaze dey look blue in de sun,
- en dey look blue in de shade, en dey can't hide deyse'f nohow. Sis Cow,
- she chaw on 'er cud, en shet 'er eyes, en study. She chaw en chaw, en
- study en study. Bimeby she 'low:--
- "'Go fetch me a pail!' Guinny-hin laff!
- "'Law, Sis Cow! w'at de name er goodness you gwine do wid a pail?'
- "'Go fetch me a pail!'
- "Guinny-hin, she run'd off, she did, en atter w'ile yer she come
- trottin' back wid a pail. She sot dat pail down," continued Uncle Remus,
- in the tone of an eye-witness to the occurrence, "en Sis Cow, she tuck
- 'er stan' over it, en she let down 'er milk in dar twel she mighty nigh
- fill de pail full. Den she tuck'n make dem Guinny-hins git in a row, en
- she dip 'er tail in dat ar pail, en she switch it at de fust un en
- sprinkle 'er all over wid de milk; en eve'y time she switch 'er tail at
- um she 'low:--
- "'I loves dis un!' Den she 'ud sing:--
- "'_Oh, Blue, go 'way! you shill not stay!
- Oh, Guinny, be Gray, be Gray!_'
- "She tuck'n sprinkle de las' one un um, en de Guinnies, dey sot in de
- sun twel dey git dry, en fum dat time out dey got dem little speckles un
- um."
- "Dey wuz one time," said Uncle Remus one night, as they all sat around
- the wide hearth,--Daddy Jack, Aunt Tempy, and the little boy in their
- accustomed places,--"dey wuz one time w'en de t'er creeturs push Brer
- Rabbit so close dat he tuck up a kinder idee dat may be he wa'n't ez
- smart ez he mout be, en he study 'bout dis plum twel he git humble ez de
- nex' man. 'Las' he low ter hisse'f dat he better make inquirements--"
- "Ki!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, raising both hands and grinning excitedly,
- "wut tale dis? I bin yerry da tale wun I is bin wean't fum me mammy."
- "Well, den, Brer Jack," said Uncle Remus, with instinctive deference to
- the rules of hospitality, "I 'speck you des better whirl in yer en spin
- 'er out. Ef you git 'er mix up anywhars I ull des slip in front er you
- en ketch holt whar you lef' off."
- With that, Daddy Jack proceeded:--
- "One tam, B'er Rabbit is bin lub one noung leddy."
- "Miss Meadows, I 'speck," suggested Uncle Remus, as the old African
- paused to rub his chin.
- "'E no lub Miss Meadow nuttin' 't all!" exclaimed Daddy Jack,
- emphatically. "'E bin lub turrer noung leddy fum dat. 'E is bin lub
- werry nice noung leddy. 'E lub 'um hard, 'e lub 'um long, un 'e is gwan
- try fer mek dem noung leddy marry wit' 'im. Noung leddy seem lak 'e no
- look 'pon B'er Rabbit, un dis is bin-a mek B'er Rabbit feel werry bad
- all da day long. 'E moof 'way off by 'ese'f; 'e lose 'e fat, un 'e heer
- is bin-a come out. Bumbye, 'e see one ole Affiky mans wut is bin-a hunt
- in da fiel' fer root en yerrub fer mek 'e met'cine truck. 'E see um, un
- he go toze um. Affiky mans open 'e y-eye big; 'e 'stonish'. 'E say:--
- "'Ki, B'er Rabbit! you' he'lt' is bin-a gone; 'e bin-a gone un lef' you.
- Wut mekky you is look so puny lak dis? Who is bin hu't-a you' feelin'?'
- "B'er Rabbit larf wit' dry grins. 'E say:--
- "'Shoo! I bin got well. Ef you is see me wun I sick fer true, 't will
- mekky you heer stan' up, I skeer you so.'
- "Affiky mans, 'e mek B'er Rabbit stick out 'e tongue; 'e is count B'er
- Rabbit pulse. 'E shekky 'e head; 'e do say:--
- "'Hi, B'er Rabbit! Wut all dis? You is bin ketch-a da gal-fever, un 'e
- strak in 'pon you' gizzud.'
- "Den B'er Rabbit, 'e is tell-a da Affiky mans 'bout dem noung leddy wut
- no look toze 'im, un da Affiky mans, 'e do say 'e bin know gal sem lak
- dat, 'e is bin shum befo'. 'E say 'e kin fix all dem noung leddy lak
- dat. B'er Rabbit, 'e is feel so good, 'e jump up high; 'e is bin crack
- 'e heel; 'e shekky da Affiky mans by de han'.
- "Affiky mans, 'e say B'er Rabbit no kin git da gal 'cep' 'e is mek 'im
- one cha'm-bag. 'E say 'e mus' git one el'phan' tush, un 'e mus' git one
- 'gater toof, un 'e mus' git one rice-bud bill. B'er Rabbit werry glad
- 'bout dis, un 'e hop way fum dey-dey.
- "'E hop, 'e run, 'e jump all nex' day night, un bumbye 'e see one great
- big el'phan' come breakin' 'e way troo da woots. B'er Rabbit, 'e say:--
- "'Ki! Oona big fer true! I bin-a yeddy talk 'bout dis in me y-own
- countree. Oona big fer true; too big fer be strong.'
- "El'phan' say: 'See dis!'
- "'E tek pine tree in 'e snout; 'e pull um by da roots; 'e toss um way
- off. B'er Rabbit say:--
- "'Hi! dem tree come 'cause you bin high; 'e no come 'cause you bin
- strong.'
- "El'phan' say: 'See dis!'
- "'E rush troo da woots; 'e fair teer um down. B'er Rabbit say:--
- "'Hoo! dem is bin-a saplin' wey you 'stroy. See da big pine? Oona no kin
- 'stroy dem.'
- "El'phan' say: 'See dis!'
- "'E run 'pon da big pine; da big pine is bin too tough. El'phan' tush
- stick in deer fer true; da big pine hol' um fas'. B'er Rabbit git-a dem
- tush; 'e fetch um wey da Affiky mans lif. Affiky mans say el'phan' is
- bin too big fer be sma't. 'E say 'e mus' haf one 'gater toof fer go wit'
- el'phan' tush.
- "B'er Rabbit, 'e do crack 'e heel; 'e do fair fly fum dey-dey. 'E go
- 'long, 'e go 'long. Bumbye 'e come 'pon 'gater. Da sun shiün hot; da
- 'gater do 'joy 'ese'f. B'er Rabbit say:--
- "'Dis road, 'e werry bad; less we mek good one by da crickside.'
- "'Gater lak dat. 'E wek 'ese'f up fum 'e head to 'e tail. Dey sta't fer
- clean da road. 'Gater, 'e do teer da bush wit' 'e toof; 'e sweep-a da
- trash way wit' 'e tail. B'er Rabbit, 'e do beat-a da bush down wit' 'e
- cane. 'E hit lef', 'e hit right; 'e hit up, 'e hit down; 'e hit all
- 'roun'. 'E hit un 'e hit, tel bumbye 'e hit 'gater in 'e mout' un
- knock-a da toof out. 'E grab um up; 'e gone fum dey-dey. 'E fetch-a da
- 'gater toof wey da Affiky mans lif. Affiky mans say:--
- "''Gater is bin-a got sha'p toof fer true. Go fetch-a me one rice-bud
- bill.'
- "B'er Rabbit gone! 'E go 'long, 'e go 'long, tel 'e see rice-bud
- swingin' on bush. 'E ahx um kin 'e fly.
- "Rice-bud say: 'See dis!'
- "'E wissle, 'e sing, 'e shek 'e wing; 'e fly all 'roun' un 'roun'.
- "B'er Rabbit say rice-bud kin fly wey da win' is bin blow, but 'e no kin
- fly wey no win' blow.
- "Rice-bud say, 'Enty!'
- "'E wait fer win' stop blowin'; 'e wait, un 'e fly all 'roun' un 'roun'.
- "B'er Rabbit say rice-bud yent kin fly in house wey dey no win'.
- "Rice-bud say, 'Enty!'
- "'E fly in house, 'e fly all 'roun' un 'roun'. B'er Rabbit pull de do'
- shed; 'e look at dem rice-bud; 'e say, 'Enty!'
- "'E ketch dem rice-bud; 'e do git um bill, 'e fetch um wey da Affiky
- mans lif. Affiky mans says dem rice-bud bill slick fer true. 'E tekky da
- el'phan' tush, 'e tekky da 'gater toof, 'e tekky da rice-bud bill, he
- pit um in lil bag; 'e swing dem bag 'pon B'er Rabbit neck. Den B'er
- Rabbit kin marry dem noung gal. Enty!"
- Here Daddy Jack paused and flung a glance of feeble tenderness upon
- 'Tildy. Uncle Remus smiled contemptuously, seeing which 'Tildy
- straightened herself, tossed her head, and closed her eyes with an air
- of indescribable scorn.
- "I dunner what Brer Rabbit mout er done," she exclaimed; "but I lay ef
- dey's any ole nigger man totin' a cunjer-bag in dis neighborhood, he'll
- git mighty tired un it 'fo' it do 'im any good--I lay dat!"
- Daddy Jack chuckled heartily at this, and dropped off to sleep so
- suddenly that the little boy thought he was playing 'possum.
- "Uncle Remus," said the child, "do you reckon Brother Rabbit really
- married the young lady?"
- "Bless yo' soul, honey," responded the old man, with a sigh, "hit b'long
- ter Brer Jack fer ter tell you dat. 'T ain't none er my tale."
- "Was n't that the tale you started to tell?"
- "Who? Me? _Shoo!_ I ain't 'sputin' but w'at Brer Jack tale des ez purty
- ez dey er any needs fer, yit 't ain't none er my tale."
- At this, the little boy laid his head upon Uncle Remus's knee and
- waited.
- "Now, den," said the old man, with an air of considerable importance,
- "we er got ter go 'way back behime dish yer yallergater doin's w'at Brer
- Jack bin mixin' us up wid. Ef I makes no mistakes wid my 'membunce, de
- place wharbouts I lef' off wuz whar Brer Rabbit had so many 'p'intments
- fer ter keep out de way er de t'er creeturs dat he 'gun ter feel
- monst'us humblyfied. Let um be who dey will, you git folks in a close
- place ef you wanter see um shed der proudness. Dey beg mo' samer dan a
- nigger w'en de patter-rollers ketch 'im. Brer Rabbit ain't ko no
- beggin', 'kaze dey ain't kotch; yit dey come so nigh it, he 'gun ter
- feel he weakness.
- "W'en Brer Rabbit feel dis a-way, do he set down flat er de groun' en
- let de t'er creeturs rush up en grab 'im? He mought do it deze days,
- 'kaze times done change; but in dem days he des tuck'n sot up wid
- hisse'f en study 'bout w'at he gwine do. He study en study, en las' he
- up'n tell he ole 'oman, he did, dat he gwine on a journey. Wid dat, ole
- Miss Rabbit, she tuck'n fry 'im up a rasher er bacon, en bake 'im a pone
- er bread. Brer Rabbit tied dis up in a bag en tuck down he walkin' cane
- en put out."
- "Where was he going, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy.
- "Lemme 'lone, honey! Lemme sorter git hit up, like. De trail mighty cole
- 'long yer, sho'; 'kaze dish yer tale ain't come 'cross my min' not sence
- yo' gran'pa fotch us all out er Ferginny, en dat's a monst'us long time
- ago.
- "He put out, Brer Rabbit did, fer ter see ole Mammy-Bammy Big-Money."
- "Dat 'uz dat ole Witch-Rabbit," remarked Aunt Tempy, complacently.
- "Yasser," continued Uncle Remus, "de ve'y same ole creetur w'at I done
- tell you 'bout w'en Brer Rabbit los' he foot. He put out, he did, en
- atter so long a time he git dar. He take time fer ter ketch he win', en
- den he sorter shake hisse'f up en rustle 'roun' in de grass. Bimeby he
- holler:--
- "'Mammy-Bammy Big-Money! O Mammy-Bammy Big-Money! I journeyed fur, I
- journeyed fas'; I glad I foun' de place at las'.'
- "Great big black smoke rise up out er de groun', en ole Mammy-Bammy
- Big-Money 'low:--
- "'Wharfo', Son Riley Rabbit, Riley? Son Riley Rabbit, wharfo'?'
- "Wid dat," continued Uncle Remus, dropping the sing-song tone by means
- of which he managed to impart a curious dignity and stateliness to the
- dialogue between Brother Rabbit and Mammy-Bammy Big-Money,--"wid dat
- Brer Rabbit up'n tell 'er, he did, 'bout how he fear'd he losin' de use
- er he min', 'kaze he done come ter dat pass dat he ain't kin fool de
- yuther creeturs no mo', en dey push 'im so closte twel 't won't be long
- 'fo' dey'll git 'im. De ole Witch-Rabbit she sot dar, she did, en suck
- in black smoke en puff it out 'g'in, twel you can't see nothin' 't all
- but 'er great big eyeballs en 'er great big years. Atter w'ile she
- 'low:--
- "'Dar sets a squer'l in dat tree, Son Riley; go fetch dat squer'l
- straight ter me, Son Riley Rabbit, Riley.'
- "Brer Rabbit sorter study, en den he 'low, he did:--
- "'I ain't got much sense lef', yit ef I can't coax dat chap down from
- dar, den hit's 'kaze I done got some zeeze w'ich it make me fibble in de
- min',' sezee.
- "Wid dat, Brer Rabbit tuck'n empty de provender out'n he bag en got 'im
- two rocks, en put de bag over he head en sot down und' de tree whar he
- squer'l is. He wait little w'ile, en den he hit de rocks
- tergedder--_blip!_
- "Squer'l he holler, 'Hey!'
- "Brer Rabbit wait little, en den he tuck'n slap de rocks
- tergedder--_blap!_
- "Squer'l he run down de tree little bit en holler, 'Heyo!'
- "Brer Rabbit ain't sayin' nothin'. He des pop de rocks
- tergedder--_blop!_
- "Squer'l, he come down little furder, he did, en holler, 'Who dat?'
- "'Biggidy Dicky Big-Bag!'
- "'What you doin' in dar?'
- "'Crackin' hick'y nuts.'
- "'Kin I crack some?'
- "'Tooby sho', Miss Bunny Bushtail; come git in de bag.'
- "Miss Bunny Bushtail hang back," continued Uncle Remus, chuckling; "but
- de long en de short un it wuz dat she got in de bag, en Brer Rabbit he
- tuck'n kyar'd 'er ter ole Mammy-Bammy Big-Money. De ole Witch-Rabbit,
- she tuck'n tu'n de squer'l a-loose, en 'low:--
- "'Dar lies a snake in 'mungs' de grass, Son Riley; go fetch 'im yer, en
- be right fas', Son Riley Rabbit, Riley.'
- "Brer Rabbit look 'roun', en sho' nuff dar lay de bigges' kinder
- rattlesnake, all quile up ready fer business. Brer Rabbit scratch he
- year wid he behime leg, en study. Look lak he gwine git in trouble. Yit
- atter w'ile he go off in de bushes, he did, en cut 'im a young
- grape-vine, en he fix 'im a slip-knot. Den he come back. Snake
- 'periently look lak he sleep. Brer Rabbit ax 'im how he come on. Snake
- ain't say nothin', but he quile up a little tighter, en he tongue run
- out lak it bin had grease on it. Mouf shot, yit de tongue slick out en
- slick back 'fo' a sheep kin shake he tail. Brer Rabbit, he 'low, he
- did:--
- "'Law, Mr. Snake, I mighty glad I come 'cross you,' sezee. 'Me en ole
- Jedge B'ar bin havin' a turrible 'spute 'bout how long you is. We bofe
- 'gree dat you look mighty purty w'en youer layin' stretch out full lenk
- in de sun; but Jedge B'ar, he 'low you ain't but th'ee foot long, en I
- stood 'im down dat you 'uz four foot long ef not mo',' sezee. 'En de
- talk got so hot dat I come mighty nigh hittin' 'im a clip wid my
- walkin'-cane, en ef I had I boun' dey'd er bin some bellerin' done
- 'roun' dar,' sezee.
- "Snake ain't say nothin', but he look mo' complassy[34] dan w'at he bin
- lookin'.
- "'I up'n tole ole Jedge B'ar,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'dat de nex' time
- I run 'cross you I gwine take'n medjer you; en goodness knows I mighty
- glad I struck up wid you, 'kaze now dey won't be no mo' 'casion fer any
- 'sputin' 'twix' me en Jedge B'ar,' sezee.
- "Den Brer Rabbit ax Mr. Snake ef he won't be so good ez ter onquile
- hisse'f. Snake he feel mighty proud, he did, en he stretch out fer all
- he wuff. Brer Rabbit he medjer, he did, en 'low:--
- "'Dar one foot fer Jedge B'ar; dar th'ee foot fer Jedge B'ar; en, bless
- goodness, dar four foot fer Jedge B'ar, des lak I say!'
- "By dat time Brer Rabbit done got ter snake head, en des ez de las' wud
- drop out'n he mouf, he slip de loop 'roun' snake neck, en den he had 'im
- good en fas'. He tuck'n drag 'im, he did, up ter whar de ole
- Witch-Rabbit settin' at; but w'en he git dar, Mammy-Bammy Big-Money done
- make 'er disappearance, but he year sump'n' way off yander, en seem lak
- it say:--
- "'Ef you git any mo' sense, Son Riley, you'll be de ruination ev de
- whole settlement, Son Riley Rabbit, Riley.'
- "Den Brer Rabbit drag de snake 'long home, en stew 'im down en rub wid
- de grease fer ter make 'im mo' 'soopler in de lim's. Bless yo' soul,
- honey, Brer Rabbit mought er bin kinder fibble in de legs, but he wa'n't
- no ways cripple und' de hat."[35]
- [34] A mixture of "complacent" and "placid." Accent on the second
- syllable.
- [35] A version of this story makes Brother Rabbit capture a swarm of
- bees. Mr. W. O. Tuggle, of Georgia, who has made an exhaustive study of
- the Creek Indians, has discovered a variant of the legend. The Rabbit
- (Chufee) becomes alarmed because he has nothing but the nimbleness of
- his feet to take him out of harm's way. He goes to his Creator and begs
- that greater intelligence be bestowed upon him. Thereupon the snake test
- is applied, as in the negro story, and the Rabbit also catches a swarm
- of gnats. He is then told that he has as much intelligence as there is
- any need for, and he goes away satisfied.
- "Uncle Remus," said the little boy, one night, when he found the old man
- sitting alone in his cabin, "did you ever see Mammy-Bammy Big-Money?"
- Uncle Remus placed his elbows on his knees, rested his chin in the palms
- of his hands, and gazed steadily in the fire. Presently he said:--
- "Wen folks 'gin ter git ole en no 'count, hit look lak der 'membunce git
- slack. Some time hit seem lak I done seed sump'n' n'er mighty nigh de
- make en color er ole Mammy-Bammy Big-Money, en den ag'in seem lak I
- ain't. W'en dat de case, w'at does I do? Does I stan' tiptoe en tetch de
- rafters en make lak I done seed dat ole Witch-Rabbit, w'en, goodness
- knows, I ain't seed 'er? Dat I don't. No, bless you! I'd say de same in
- comp'ny, much less settin' in yer 'long side er you. De long en de short
- un it," exclaimed Uncle Remus, with emphasis, "is des dis. Ef I bin
- run 'crost ole Mammy-Bammy Big-Money in my day en time, den she tuck'n
- make 'er disappearance dat quick twel I ain't kotch a glimp' un 'er."
- The result of this good-humored explanation was that the child did n't
- know whether Uncle Remus had seen the Witch-Rabbit or not, but his
- sympathies led him to suspect that the old man was thoroughly familiar
- with all her movements.
- "Uncle Remus," the little boy said, after a while, "if there is another
- story about Mammy-Bammy Big-Money, I wish you would tell it to me all by
- my own-alone self."
- The idea seemed to please the old man wonderfully, and he chuckled over
- it for several minutes.
- "Now, den, honey," he said, after a while, "you hit me whar I'm
- weak--you mos' sho'ly does. Comp'ny mighty good fer some folks en I kin
- put up wid it long ez de nex' un, but you kin des take'n pile comp'ny
- 'pun top er comp'ny, en dey won't kyore de liver complaint. W'en you
- talk dat a-way you fetches me, sho', en I'll tell you a tale 'bout de
- ole Witch-Rabbit ef I hatter git down yer on my all-fours en grabble it
- out'n de ashes. Yit dey ain't no needs er dat, 'kaze de tale done come
- in my min' des ez fresh ez ef 't was day 'fo' yistiddy.
- "Hit seem lak dat one time atter Brer Wolf tuck'n steal Brer Rabbit
- foot, dey wuz a mighty long fallin'-out 'twix' um. Brer Rabbit, he
- tuck'n got ashy 'kaze Brer Wolf tuck'n tuck he foot; en Brer Wolf, he
- tuck'n got hot 'kaze Brer Rabbit wuk en wuk 'roun' en git he foot ag'in.
- Hit keep on dis a-way twel bimeby de ole Witch-Rabbit sorter git tired
- er Brer Wolf, en one day she tuck'n sont wud ter Brer Rabbit dat she lak
- mighty well fer ter see 'im.
- "Dey fix up der plans, dey did, en 't wa'n't so mighty long 'fo' Brer
- Rabbit run inter Brer Wolf house in a mighty big hurry, en he 'low, he
- did:--
- "'Brer Wolf! O Brer Wolf! I des now come fum de river, en des ez sho'
- ez youer settin' in dat cheer, ole Big-Money layin' dar stone dead.
- Less[36] we go eat 'er up.'
- "'Brer Rabbit, sho'ly youer jokin'!'
- "'Brer Wolf, I'm a-ginin'[37] un you de fatal fack. Come on, less go!'
- "'Brer Rabbit, is you sho' she dead?'
- "'Brer Wolf, she done dead; come on, less go!'
- "En go dey did. Dey went 'roun' en dey got all de yuther creeturs, en
- Brer Wolf, livin' so nigh, he let all he chilluns go, en 't wa'n't so
- mighty long 'fo' dey had a crowd dar des lak camp-meetin' times.
- "W'en dey git dar, sho' nuff, dar lay ole Big-Money all stretch out on
- de river bank. Dis make Brer Wolf feel mighty good, en he tuck'n stick
- he han's in he pocket en strut 'roun' dar en look monst'us biggity.
- Atter he done tuck'n 'zamine ole Big-Money much ez he wanter, he up'n
- 'low, he did, dat dey better sorter rustle 'roun' en make a fa'r
- dividjun. He ax Brer Mink, he ax Brer Coon, he ax Brer 'Possum, he ax
- Brer Tarrypin, he ax Brer Rabbit, w'ich part dey take, en dey all up'n
- 'low, dey did, dat bein' ez Brer Wolf de biggest en de heartiest in de
- neighborhoods er de appetite, dey 'speck he better take de fus'
- choosement.
- "Wid dat Brer Wolf, he sot down on a log, en hang he head ter one side,
- sorter lak he 'shame' er hisse'f. Bimeby, he up'n 'low:--
- "'Now, den, folks en fr'en's, sence you shove it on me, de shortes' way
- is de bes' way. Brer Coon, we bin good fr'en's a mighty long time; how
- much er dish yer meat ought a fibble[38] ole man lak me ter take?' sezee.
- "Brer Wolf talk mighty lovin'. Brer Coon snuff de a'r, en 'low:
- "'I 'speck you better take one er de fo'-quarters, Brer Wolf,' sezee.
- "Brer Wolf look lak he 'stonish'. He lif' up he han's, en 'low:
- "'Law, Brer Coon, I tuck you ter be my fr'en', dat I did. Man w'at talk
- lak dat ain't got no feelin' fer me. Hit make me feel mighty lonesome,'
- sezee.
- "Den Brer Wolf tu'n 'roun' en talk mighty lovin' ter Brer Mink:--
- "'Brer Mink, many's de day you bin a-knowin' me; how much er dish yer
- meat you 'speck oughter fall ter my sheer?' sezee.
- "Brer Mink sorter study, en den he 'low:--
- "'Bein' ez you er sech a nice man, Brer Wolf, I 'speck you oughter take
- one er de fo'-quarters, en a right smart hunk off'n de bulge er de
- neck,' sezee.
- "Brer Wolf holler out, he did:--
- "'Go 'way, Brer Mink! Go 'way! You ain't no 'quaintance er mine!'
- "Den ole Brer Wolf tu'n 'roun' ter Brer 'Possum en talk lovin':
- "'Brer 'Possum, I done bin tuck wid a likin' fer you long time 'fo' dis.
- Look at me, en den look at my fambly, en den tell me, ef you be so good,
- how much er dish yer meat gwine ter fall ter my sheer.'
- "Brer 'Possum, he look 'roun', he did, en grin, en he up'n 'low:
- "'Take half, Brer Wolf, take half!'
- "Den ole Brer Wolf holler out:--
- "'Shoo, Brer 'Possum! I like you no mo'.'
- "Den Brer Wolf tu'n to Brer Tarrypin, en Brer Tarrypin say Brer Wolf
- oughter take all 'cep' one er de behime quarters, en den Brer Wolf 'low
- dat Brer Tarrypin ain't no fr'en' ter him. Den he up'n ax Brer Rabbit,
- en Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n 'spon', he did:--
- "'Gentermuns all! you see Brer Wolf chillun? Well, dey er all monst'us
- hongry, en Brer Wolf hongry hisse'f. Now I puts dis plan straight at
- you: less we all let Brer Wolf have de fus' pass at Big-Money; less tie
- 'im on dar, en le'm eat much ez he wanter, en den we kin pick de bones,'
- sezee.
- "'Youer my pardner, Brer Rabbit!' sez Brer Wolf, sezee; 'youer my
- honey-pardner!'
- "Dey all 'gree ter dis plan, mo' 'speshually ole Brer Wolf, so den dey
- tuck'n tie 'im onter Big-Money. Dey tie 'im on dar, dey did, en den ole
- Brer Wolf look all 'roun' en wunk at de yuthers. Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n
- wunk back, en den Brer Wolf retch down en bite Big-Money on de back er
- de neck. Co'se, w'en he do dis, Big-Money bleedz ter flinch; let 'lone
- dat, she bleedz ter jump. Brer Wolf holler out:--
- "'Ow! Run yer somebody! Take me off! She ain't dead! O Lordy! I feel 'er
- move!'
- Brer Rabbit holler back:--
- "'Nummine de flinchin', Brer Wolf. She done dead; I done year 'er
- sesso[39] 'erse'f. She dead, sho'. Bite er ag'in, Brer Wolf, bite 'er
- ag'in!'
- "Brer Rabbit talk so stiff, hit sorter tuck de chill off'n Brer Wolf, en
- he dipt down en bit ole Big-Money ag'in. Wid dat, she 'gun ter move off,
- en Brer Wolf he holler des lak de woods done kotch a-fier:--
- "'Ow! O Lordy! Ontie me, Brer Rabbit, ontie me! She ain't dead! Ow! Run
- yer, Brer Rabbit, en ontie me!'
- "Brer Rabbit, he holler back:--
- "'She er sho'ly dead, Brer Wolf! Nail 'er, Brer Wolf! Bite 'er! gnyaw
- 'er!'
- "Brer Wolf keep on bitin', en Big-Money keep on movin' off. Bimeby, she
- git ter de bank er de river, en she fall in--_cumberjoom!_--en dat 'uz
- de las' er Brer Wolf."
- "What did Brother Rabbit do?" the little boy asked, after a while.
- "Well," responded Uncle Remus, in the tone of one anxious to dispose of
- a disagreeable matter as pleasantly as possible, "you know w'at kinder
- man Brer Rabbit is. He des went off some'rs by he own-alone se'f en tuck
- a big laugh."
- [36] Let us; let's; less.
- [37] G hard.
- [38] Feeble.
- [39] Say so.
- The next night Daddy Jack was still away when the little boy went to see
- Uncle Remus, and the child asked about him.
- "Bless yo' soul, honey! don't ax me 'bout Brer Jack. He look lak he
- mighty ole en trimbly, but he mighty peart nigger, mon. He look lak he
- shufflin' 'long, but dat ole nigger gits over groun', sho'. Forty year
- ergo, maybe I mought er kep' up wid 'im, but I let you know Brer Jack is
- away 'head er me. He mos' sho'ly is."
- "Why, he's older than you are, Uncle Remus!" the child exclaimed.
- "Dat w'at I year tell. Seem lak hit mighty kuse, but sho' ez youer bawn
- Brer Jack is a heap mo' pearter nigger dan w'at ole Remus is. He little,
- yit he mighty hard. Dat's Brer Jack, up en down."
- Uncle Remus paused and reflected a moment. Then he went on:--
- "Talkin' 'bout Brer Jack put me in min' 'bout a tale w'ich she sho'ly
- mus' er happen down dar in dat ar country whar Brer Jack come fum, en it
- sorter ketch me in de neighborhoods er de 'stonishment 'kaze he ain't
- done up'n tell it. I 'speck it done wuk loose fum Brer Jack 'membunce."
- "What tale was that, Uncle Remus?"
- "Seem lak dat one time w'en eve'ything en eve'ybody was runnin' 'long
- des lak dey bin had waggin grease 'pun um, ole Brer Wolf"--
- The little boy laughed incredulously and Uncle Remus paused and frowned
- heavily.
- "Why, Uncle Remus! how did Brother Wolf get away from Mammy-Bammy
- Big-Money?"
- The old man's frown deepened and his voice was full of anger as he
- replied:--
- "Now, den, is I'm de tale, er is de tale me? Tell me dat! Is I'm de
- tale, er is de tale me? Well, den, ef I ain't de tale en de tale ain't
- me, den how come you wanter take'n rake me over de coals fer?"
- "Well, Uncle Remus, you know what you said. You said that was the end of
- Brother Wolf."
- "I bleedz ter 'spute dat," exclaimed Uncle Remus, with the air of one
- performing a painful duty; "I bleedz ter 'spute it. Dat w'at de tale
- say. Ole Remus is one nigger en de tale, hit's a n'er nigger. Yit I
- ain't got no time fer ter set back yer en fetch out de oggyments."
- Here the old man paused, closed his eyes, leaned back in his chair, and
- sighed. After a while he said, in a gentle tone:--
- "So den, Brer Wolf done dead, en yer I wuz runnin' on des same lak he
- wuz done 'live. Well! well! well!"
- Uncle Remus stole a glance at the little boy, and immediately relented.
- "Yit," he went on, "ef I'm ain't de tale en de tale ain't me, hit ain't
- skacely make no diffunce whe'er Brer Wolf dead er whe'er he's a
- high-primin' 'roun' bodder'n 'longer de yuther creeturs. Dead er no
- dead, dey wuz one time w'en Brer Wolf live in de swamp down dar in dat
- ar country whar Brer Jack come fum, en, mo'n dat, he had a mighty likely
- gal. Look lak all de yuther creeturs wuz atter 'er. Dey 'ud go down dar
- ter Brer Wolf house, dey would, en dey 'ud set up en court de gal, en
- 'joy deyse'f.
- "Hit went on dis a-way twel atter w'ile de skeeters 'gun ter git
- monst'us bad. Brer Fox, he went flyin' 'roun' Miss Wolf, en he sot dar,
- he did, en run on wid 'er en fight skeeters des es big ez life en
- twice-t ez natchul. Las' Brer Wolf, he tuck'n kotch Brer Fox slappin' en
- fightin' at he skeeters. Wid dat he tuck'n tuck Brer Fox by de off year
- en led 'im out ter de front gate, en w'en he git dar, he 'low, he did,
- dat no man w'at can't put up wid skeeters ain't gwine ter come
- a-courtin' his gal.
- "Den Brer Coon, he come flyin' 'roun' de gal, but he ain't bin dar no
- time skacely 'fo' he 'gun ter knock at de skeeters; en no sooner is he
- done dis dan Brer Wolf show 'im de do'. Brer Mink, he come en try he
- han', yit he bleedz ter fight de skeeters, en Brer Wolf ax 'im out.
- "Hit went on dis a-way twel bimeby all de creeturs bin flyin' 'roun'
- Brer Wolf's gal 'ceppin' it's ole Brer Rabbit, en w'en he year w'at
- kinder treatments de yuther creeturs bin ketchin' he 'low ter hisse'f
- dat he b'leeve in he soul he mus' go down ter Brer Wolf house en set de
- gal out one whet ef it's de las' ack.
- "No sooner say, no sooner do. Off he put, en 't wa'n't long 'fo' he fine
- hisse'f knockin' at Brer Wolf front do'. Ole Sis Wolf, she tuck'n put
- down 'er knittin' en she up'n low, she did:--
- "'Who dat?'
- "De gal, she 'uz stannin' up 'fo' de lookin'-glass sorter primpin', en
- she choke back a giggle, she did, en 'low:--
- "'Sh-h-h! My goodness, mammy! dat's Mr. Rabbit. I year de gals say he's
- a mighty prop-en-tickler[40] gentermun, en I des hope you ain't gwine ter
- set dar en run on lak you mos' allers does w'en I got comp'ny 'bout how
- much soap-grease you done save up en how many kitten de ole cat got. I
- gits right 'shame' sometimes, dat I does!'"
- The little boy looked astonished.
- "Did she talk that way to her mamma?" he asked.
- "_Shoo_, chile! 'Mungs' all de creeturs dey ain't no mo' kuse creeturs
- dan de gals. Ole ez I is, ef I wuz ter start in dis minnit fer ter tell
- you how kuse de gals is, en de Lord wuz ter spar' me plum twel I git
- done, yo' head 'ud be gray, en Remus 'ud be des twice-t ez ole ez w'at
- he is right now."
- "Well, what did her mamma say, Uncle Remus?"
- "Ole Sis Wolf, she sot dar, she did, en settle 'er cap on 'er head, en
- snicker, en look at de gal lak she monst'us proud. De gal, she tuck'n
- shuck 'erse'f 'fo' de lookin'-glass a time er two, en den she tipt ter
- de do' en open' it little ways en peep out des lak she skeer'd some un
- gwine ter hit 'er a clip side de head. Dar stood ole Brer Rabbit lookin'
- des ez slick ez a race-hoss. De gal, she tuck'n laff, she did, en
- holler:--
- "'W'y law, maw! hit's Mr. Rabbit, en yer we bin 'fraid it 'uz some 'un
- w'at ain't got no business 'roun' yer!'
- "Ole Sis Wolf she look over 'er specks, en snicker, en den she up'n
- 'low:--
- "'Well, don't keep 'im stannin' out dar all night. Ax 'im in, fer
- goodness sake.'
- "Den de gal, she tuck'n drap 'er hankcher, en Brer Rabbit, he dipt down
- en grab it en pass it ter 'er wid a bow, en de gal say she much 'blige,
- 'kaze dat 'uz mo' den Mr. Fox 'ud er done, en den she ax Brer Rabbit how
- he come on, en Brer Rabbit 'low he right peart, en den he ax 'er
- wharbouts 'er daddy, en ole Sis Wolf 'low she go fine 'im.
- "'T wa'n't long 'fo' Brer Rabbit year Brer Wolf stompin' de mud off'n he
- foots in de back po'ch, en den bimeby in he come. Dey shuck han's, dey
- did, en Brer Rabbit say dat w'en he go callin' on he 'quaintunce, hit
- ain't feel natchul 'ceppin' de man er de house settin' 'roun' some'rs.
- "'Ef he don't talk none,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'he kin des set up
- ag'in' de chimbly-jam en keep time by noddin'.'
- "But ole Brer Wolf, he one er deze yer kinder mens w'at got de
- whimzies,[41] en he up'n 'low dat he don't let hisse'f git ter noddin'
- front er comp'ny. Dey run on dis a-way twel bimeby Brer Rabbit year de
- skeeters come zoonin' 'roun', en claimin' kin wid 'im."
- The little boy laughed; but Uncle Remus was very serious.
- "Co'se dey claim kin wid 'im. Dey claims kin wid folks yit, let 'lone
- Brer Rabbit. Manys en manys de time w'en I year um sailin' 'roun' en
- singin' out '_Cousin! Cousin!'_ en I let you know, honey, de skeeters is
- mighty close kin w'en dey gits ter be yo' cousin.
- "Brer Rabbit, he year um zoonin'," the old man continued, "en he know he
- got ter do some mighty nice talkin', so he up'n ax fer drink er water.
- De gal, she tuck'n fotch it.
- "'Mighty nice water, Brer Wolf.' (_De skeeters dey zoon._)[42]
- "'Some say it too full er wiggletails,[43] Brer Rabbit.' (_De skeeters,
- dey zoon en dey zoon._)
- "'Mighty nice place you got, Brer Wolf.' (_Skeeters dey zoon._)
- "'Some say it too low in de swamp, Brer Rabbit.' (_Skeeters dey zoon en
- dey zoon._)
- "Dey zoon so bad," said Uncle Remus, drawing a long breath, "dat Brer
- Rabbit 'gun ter git skeer'd, en w'en dat creetur git skeer'd, he min'
- wuk lak one er deze yer flutter-mills. Bimeby, he 'low:--
- "'Went ter town t'er day, en dar I seed a sight w'at I never 'speckted
- ter see.'
- "'W'at dat, Brer Rabbit?'
- "'Spotted hoss, Brer Wolf.'
- "'_No_, Brer Rabbit!'
- "'I mos' sho'ly seed 'im, Brer Wolf.'
- "Brer Wolf, he scratch he head, en de gal she hilt up 'er han's en make
- great 'miration 'bout de spotted hoss. (_De skeeters dey zoon, en dey
- keep on zoonin'._) Brer Rabbit, he talk on, he did:--
- "''T wa'n't des one spotted hoss, Brer Wolf, 't wuz a whole team er
- spotted hosses, en dey went gallin'-up[44] des lak de yuther hosses,'
- sezee. 'Let 'lone dat, Brer Wolf, my grandaddy wuz spotted,' sez Brer
- Rabbit, sezee.
- "Gal, she squeal en holler out:--
- "'W'y, Brer Rabbit! ain't you 'shame' yo'se'f fer ter be talkin' dat
- a-way, en 'bout yo' own-'lone blood kin too?'
- "'Hit's de naked trufe I'm a-ginin'[45] un you,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee.
- (_Skeeter zoon en come closeter._)
- "Brer Wolf 'low 'Well--well--well!' Ole Sis Wolf, she 'low 'Tooby
- sho'ly, tooby sho'ly!' (_Skeeter zoon en come nigher en nigher._) Brer
- Rabbit 'low:--
- "'Yasser! Des ez sho' ez youer settin' dar, my grandaddy wuz spotted.
- Spotted all over. (_Skeeter come zoonin' up en light on Brer Rabbit
- jaw._) He wuz dat. He had er great big spot right yer!'"
- Here Uncle Remus raised his hand and struck himself a resounding slap on
- the side of the face where the mosquito was supposed to be, and
- continued:--
- "No sooner is he do dis dan ne'r skeeter come zoonin' 'roun' en light on
- Brer Rabbit leg. Brer Rabbit, he talk, en he talk:--
- "'Po' ole grandaddy! I boun' he make you laff, he look so funny wid all
- dem spots en speckles. He had spot on de side er de head, whar I done
- show you, en den he had n'er big spot right yer on de leg,' sezee."
- Uncle Remus slapped himself on the leg below the knee, and was
- apparently so serious about it that the little boy laughed loudly. The
- old man went on:--
- "Skeeter zoon en light 'twix' Brer Rabbit shoulder-blades. Den he
- talk:--
- "'B'leeve me er not b'leeve me ef you min' to, but my grandaddy had a
- big black spot up yer on he back w'ich look lak saddle-mark.'
- "_Blip Brer Rabbit tuck hisse'f on de back!_
- "Skeeter sail 'roun' en zoon en light down yer beyan de hip-bone. He
- say he grandaddy got spot down dar.
- "_Blip he tuck hisse'f beyan de hip-bone._
- "Hit keep on dis a-way," continued Uncle Remus, who had given vigorous
- illustrations of Brer Rabbit's method of killing mosquitoes while
- pretending to tell a story, "twel bimeby ole Brer Wolf en ole Sis Wolf
- dey lissen at Brer Rabbit twel dey 'gun ter nod, en den ole Brer Rabbit
- en de gal dey sot up dar en kill skeeters right erlong."
- "Did he marry Brother Wolf's daughter?" asked the little boy.
- "I year talk," replied Uncle Remus, "dat Brer Wolf sont Brer Rabbit wud
- nex' day dat he kin git de gal by gwine atter 'er, but I ain't never
- year talk 'bout Brer Rabbit gwine. De day atterwuds wuz mighty long
- time, en by den Brer Rabbit moughter had some yuther projick on
- han'."[46]
- [40] Proper and particular.
- [41] In these latter days a man with the whimzies, or whimsies, is known
- simply as a crank.
- [42] The information in parentheses is imparted in a low, impressive,
- confidential tone.
- [43] Is it necessary to say that the wiggletail is the embryo mosquito?
- [44] Galloping.
- [45] G hard as in give.
- [46] This story, the funniest and most characteristic of all the negro
- legends, cannot be satisfactorily told on paper. It is full of action,
- and all the interest centres in the gestures and grimaces that must
- accompany an explanation of Brother Rabbit's method of disposing of the
- mosquitoes. The story was first called to my attention by Mr. Marion
- Erwin, of Savannah, and it is properly a coast legend, but I have heard
- it told by three Middle Georgia negroes.
- One night, when the little boy had grown tired of waiting for a story,
- he looked at Uncle Remus and said:--
- "I wonder what ever became of old Brother Tarrypin."
- Uncle Remus gave a sudden start, glanced all around the cabin, and then
- broke into a laugh that ended in a yell like a view-halloo.
- "Well, well, well! How de name er goodness come you ter know w'at
- runnin' on in my min', honey? Mon, you skeer'd me; you sho'ly did; en
- w'en I git skeer'd I bleedz ter holler. Let 'lone dat, ef I keep on
- gittin' skeerder en skeerder, you better gimme room, 'kaze ef I can't
- git 'way fum dar somebody gwine ter git hurted, en deyer gwine ter git
- hurted bad. I tell you dat right pine-blank.[47]
- "Ole Brer Tarrypin!" continued Uncle Remus in a tone of exultation. "Ole
- Brer Tarrypin! Now, who bin year tell er de beat er dat? Dar you sets
- studyin' 'bout ole Brer Tarrypin, en yer I sets studyin' 'bout ole Brer
- Tarrypin. Hit make me feel so kuse dat little mo' en I'd 'a' draw'd my
- Rabbit-foot en shuck it at you."
- The little boy was delighted when Uncle Remus went off into these
- rhapsodies. However nonsensical they might seem to others, to the child
- they were positively thrilling, and he listened with rapt attention,
- scarcely daring to stir.
- "Ole Brer Tarrypin? Well, well, well!--
- "'_Wen in he prime
- He tuck he time!_'
- "Dat w'at make he hol' he age so good. Dey tells me dat somebody 'cross
- dar in Jasper county tuck'n kotch a Tarrypin w'ich he got marks cut in
- he back dat 'uz put dar 'fo' our folks went fer ter git revengeance in
- de Moccasin war. Dar whar yo' Unk' Jeems bin," Uncle Remus explained,
- noticing the little boy's look of astonishment.
- "Oh!" exclaimed the child, "that was the Mexican war."
- "Well," responded Uncle Remus, closing his eyes with a sigh, "I ain't
- one er deze yer kinder folks w'at choke deyse'f wid names. One name
- ain't got none de 'vantage er no yuther name. En ef de Tarrypin got de
- marks on 'im, hit don't make no diffunce whe'er yo' Unk' Jeems
- Abercrombie git his revengeance out'n de Moccasin folks, er whe'er he
- got it out'n de Mackersons."
- "Mexicans, Uncle Remus."
- "Tooby sho', honey; let it go at dat. But don't less pester ole Brer
- Tarrypin wid it, 'kaze he done b'long ter a tribe all by he own-'lone
- se'f.--I 'clar' ter gracious," exclaimed the old man after a pause, "ef
- hit don't seem periently lak 't wuz yistiddy!"
- "What, Uncle Remus?"
- "Oh, des ole Brer Tarrypin, honey; des ole Brer Tarrypin en a tale w'at
- I year 'bout 'im, how he done tuck'n do Brer Fox."
- "Did he scare him, Uncle Remus?" the little boy asked, as the old man
- paused.
- "No, my goodness! Wuss'n dat!"
- "Did he hurt him?"
- "No, my goodness! Wuss'n dat!"
- "Did he kill him?"
- "No, my goodness! Lots wuss'n dat!"
- "Now, Uncle Remus, what _did_ he do to Brother Fox?"
- "Honey!"--here the old man lowered his voice as if about to describe a
- great outrage--"Honey! he tuck'n make a fool out'n 'im!"
- The child laughed, but it was plain that he failed to appreciate the
- situation, and this fact caused Uncle Remus to brighten up and go on
- with the story.
- "One time w'en de sun shine down mighty hot, ole Brer Tarrypin wuz gwine
- 'long down de road. He 'uz gwine 'long down, en he feel mighty tired; he
- puff, en he blow, en he pant. He breff come lak he got de azmy 'way down
- in he win'-pipe; but, nummine! he de same ole Creep-um-crawl-um
- Have-some-fun-um. He 'uz gwine 'long down de big road, ole Brer Tarrypin
- wuz, en bimeby he come ter de branch. He tuck'n crawl in, he did, en got
- 'im a drink er water, en den he crawl out on t'er side en set down und'
- de shade un a tree. Atter he sorter ketch he win', he look up at de sun
- fer ter see w'at time er day is it, en, lo en beholes! he tuck'n skivver
- dat he settin' in de shade er de sycamo' tree. No sooner is he skivver
- dis dan he sing de ole song:--
- "'_Good luck ter dem w'at come and go,
- W'at set in de shade er de sycamo'._'
- "Brer Tarrypin he feel so good en de shade so cool, dat 't wa'n't long
- 'fo' he got ter noddin', en bimeby he drapt off en went soun' asleep.
- Co'se, Brer Tarrypin kyar he house wid 'im eve'ywhar he go, en w'en he
- fix fer ter go ter sleep, he des shet de do' en pull to de
- winder-shetters, en dar he is des ez snug ez de ole black cat und' de
- barn.
- "Brer Tarrypin lay dar, he did, en sleep, en sleep. He dunner how long
- he sleep, but bimeby he feel somebody foolin' 'long wid 'im. He keep de
- do' shet, en he lay dar en lissen. He feel somebody tu'nin' he house
- 'roun' en 'roun'. Dis sorter skeer Brer Tarrypin, 'kaze he know dat ef
- dey tu'n he house upside down he ull have all sorts er times gittin'
- back. Wid dat, he open de do' little ways, en he see Brer Fox projickin'
- wid 'im. He open de do' little furder, he did, en he break out in a
- great big hoss-laff, en holler:--
- "'Well! well, well! Who'd 'a' thunk it! Ole Brer Fox, cuter dan de
- common run, is done come en kotch me. En he come at sech a time, too! I
- feels dat full twel I can't see straight skacely. Ef dey wuz any
- jealousness proned inter me, I'd des lay yer en pout 'kaze Brer Fox done
- fine out whar I gits my Pimmerly Plum.'
- "In dem days," continued Uncle Remus, speaking to the child's look of
- inquiry, "de Pimmerly Plum wuz monst'us skace. Leavin' out Brer Rabbit
- en Brer Tarrypin dey wa'n't none er de yuther creeturs dat yuvver got a
- glimp' un it, let 'lone a tas'e. So den w'en Brer Fox year talk er de
- Pimmerly Plum, bless gracious! he h'ist up he head en let Brer Tarrypin
- 'lone. Brer Tarrypin keep on laffin' en Brer Fox 'low:--
- "'Hush, Brer Tarrypin! you makes my mouf water! Whar'bouts de Pimmerly
- Plum?'
- "Brer Tarrypin, he sorter cle'r up de ho'seness in he th'oat, en sing:--
- "'_Poun' er sugar, en a pint er rum,
- Ain't nigh so sweet ez de Pimmerly Plum!_'
- "Brer Fox, he lif' up he han's, he did, en holler:--
- "'Oh, hush, Brer Tarrypin! you makes me dribble! Whar'bouts dat Pimmerly
- Plum?'
- "'You stannin' right und' de tree, Brer Fox!'
- "'Brer Tarrypin, sho'ly not!'
- "'Yit dar you stan's, Brer Fox!'
- "Brer Fox look up in de tree dar, en he wuz 'stonish'."
- "What did he see in the sycamore tree, Uncle Remus?" inquired the little
- boy.
- There was a look of genuine disappointment on the old man's face, as he
- replied:--
- "De gracious en de goodness, honey! Ain't you nev' is see dem ar little
- bit er balls w'at grow on de sycamo' tree?"[48]
- The little boy laughed. There was a huge sycamore tree in the centre of
- the circle made by the carriage way in front of the "big house," and
- there were sycamore trees of various sizes all over the place. The
- little balls alluded to by Uncle Remus are very hard at certain stages
- of their growth, and cling to the tree with wonderful tenacity. Uncle
- Remus continued:--
- "Well, den, w'en ole Brer Tarrypin vouch dat dem ar sycamo' balls wuz de
- ginnywine Pimmerly Plum, ole Brer Fox, he feel mighty good, yit he
- dunner how he gwine git at um. Push 'im clos't, en maybe he mought beat
- Brer Tarrypin clammin' a tree, but dish yer sycamo' tree wuz too big fer
- Brer Fox fer ter git he arms 'roun'. Den he up'n 'low:--
- "'I sees um hangin' dar, Brer Tarrypin, but how I gwine git um?'
- "Brer Tarrypin open he do' little ways en holler out:--
- "'Ah-yi! Dar whar ole Slickum Slow-come got de 'vantage! Youer mighty
- peart, Brer Fox, yit somehow er nudder you ain't bin a-keepin' up wid
- ole Slickum Slow-come.'
- "'Brer Tarrypin, how de name er goodness does you git um?'
- "'Don't do no good fer ter tell you, Brer Fox. Nimble heel make restless
- min'. You ain't got time fer ter wait en git um, Brer Fox.'
- "'Brer Tarrypin, I got all de week befo' me.'
- "'Ef I tells you, you'll go en tell all de t'er creeturs, en den dat'll
- be de las' er de Pimmerly Plum, Brer Fox.'
- "'Brer Tarrypin, dat I won't. Des try me one time en see.'
- "Brer Tarrypin shet he eye lak he studyin', en den he 'low:--
- "'I tell you how I does, Brer Fox. Wen I wants a bait er de Pimmerly
- Plum right bad, I des takes my foot in my han' en comes down yer ter
- dish yer tree. I comes en I takes my stan'. I gits right und' de tree,
- en I r'ars my head back en opens my mouf. I opens my mouf, en w'en de
- Pimmerly Plum draps, I boun' you she draps right spang in dar. All you
- got ter do is ter set en wait, Brer Fox.'
- "Brer Fox ain't sayin' nothin'. He des sot down und' de tree, he did, en
- r'ar'd he head back, en open he mouf, en I wish ter goodness you mought
- er bin had er chance fer ter see 'im settin' dar. He look scan'lous,
- dat's de long en de short un it; he des look scan'lous."
- "Did he get the Pimmerly Plum, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy.
- "_Shoo!_ How he gwine git plum whar dey ain't no plum?"
- "Well, what did he do?"
- "He sot dar wid he mouf wide open, en eve'y time Brer Tarrypin look at
- 'im, much ez he kin do fer ter keep from bustin' aloose en laffin'. But
- bimeby he make he way todes home, Brer Tarrypin did, chucklin' en
- laffin', en 't wa'n't long 'fo' he meet Brer Rabbit tippin' 'long down
- de road. Brer Rabbit, he hail 'im.
- "'W'at 'muze you so mighty well, Brer Tarrypin?'
- "Brer Tarrypin kotch he breff atter so long a time, en he 'low:--
- "'Brer Rabbit, I'm dat tickle' twel I can't shuffle 'long, skacely, en
- I'm fear'd ef I up'n tell you de 'casion un it, I'll be tooken wid one
- er my spells whar folks hatter set up wid me 'kaze I laff so loud en
- laff so long.'
- "Yit atter so long a time, Brer Tarrypin up'n tell Brer Rabbit, en dey
- sot dar en chaw'd terbacker en kyar'd on des lak sho' 'nuff folks. Dat
- dey did!"
- Uncle Remus paused; but the little boy wanted to know what became of
- Brer Fox.
- "Hit's mighty kuse," said the old man, stirring around in the ashes as
- if in search of a potato, "but endurin' er all my days I ain't nev' year
- nobody tell 'bout how long Brer Fox sot dar waitin' fer de Pimmerly
- Plum."
- [47] Point-blank.
- [48] In another version of this story current among the negroes the
- sweet-gum tree takes the place of the sycamore.
- [Illustration: Brother Rabbit gets Provisions]
- The next time the little boy called on Uncle Remus a bright fire was
- blazing on the hearth. He could see the light shining under the door
- before he went into the cabin, and he knew by that sign that the old man
- had company. In fact, Daddy Jack had returned and was dozing in his
- accustomed corner, Aunt Tempy was sitting bolt upright, nursing her
- contempt, and Uncle Remus was making a curious-looking box. None of the
- negroes paid any attention to the little boy when he entered, but
- somehow he felt that they were waiting for him. After a while Uncle
- Remus finished his curious-looking box and laid it upon the floor. Then
- he lifted his spectacles from his nose to the top of his head, and
- remarked:--
- "Now, den, folks, dar she is, en hit's bin so long sence I uv made one
- un um dat she make me sweat. Yasser! She did dat. Howsumev', hit ain't
- make no diffunce wid me. Promise is a promise, dough you make it in de
- dark er de moon. Long time ago, I tuck'n promise one er my passin'
- 'quaintance dat some er deze lonesome days de ole nigger 'd whirl in en
- make 'im a rabbit-trap ef he'd des be so good ez to quit he devilment,
- en l'arn he behavishness."
- "Is that my rabbit-trap, Uncle Remus?" exclaimed the child. He would
- have picked it up for the purpose of examining it, but Uncle Remus waved
- him off with a dignified gesture.
- "Don't you dast ter tetch dat ar trap, honey, 'kaze ef you does, dat
- spiles all. I'll des hatter go ter wuk en make it bran-new, en de Lord
- knows I ain't got no time fer ter do dat."
- "Well, Uncle Remus, you've had your hands on it."
- "Tooby sho' I is--tooby sho' I is! En w'at's mo' dan dat, I bin had my
- han's in tar-water."
- "I year talk er dat," remarked Aunt Tempy, with an approving nod.
- "Yasser! in de nat'al tar-water," continued Uncle Remus. "You put yo'
- han' in a pa'tridge nes', en he'll quit dem premises dough he done got
- 'lev'm dozen aigs in dar. Same wid Rabbit. Dey ain't got sense lak de
- ole-time Rabbit, but I let you know dey ain't gwine in no trap whar dey
- smell folks' han's--dat dey ain't. Dat w'at make I say w'at I does.
- Don't put yo' han' on it; don't tetch it; don't look at it skacely."
- The little boy subsided, but he continued to cast longing looks at the
- trap, seeing which Uncle Remus sought to change the current of his
- thoughts.
- "She bin er mighty heap er trouble, mon, yet I mighty glad I tuck'n make
- dat ar trap. She's a solid un, sho', en ef dey wuz ter be any skaceness
- er vittles, I lay dat ar trap 'ud help us all out."
- "De Lord knows," exclaimed Aunt Tempy, rubbing her fat hands together,
- "I hope dey ain't gwine ter be no famishin' 'roun' yer 'mungs we all."
- "Likely not," said Uncle Remus, "yet de time mought come w'en a big
- swamp rabbit kotch in dat ar trap would go a mighty long ways in a
- fambly no bigger dan w'at mine is."
- "Mo' speshually," remarked Aunt Tempy, "ef you put dat wid w'at de
- neighbors mought sen' in."
- "Eh-eh!" Uncle Remus exclaimed, "don't you put no 'pennunce in dem
- neighbors--don't you do it. W'en famine time come one man ain't no
- better dan no yuther man 'ceppin' he be soopless; en he got ter be
- mighty soople at dat."
- The old man paused and glanced at the little boy. The child was still
- looking longingly at the trap, and Uncle Remus leaned forward and
- touched him lightly on the shoulder. It was a familiar gesture, gentle
- and yet rough, a token of affection, and yet a command to attention;
- for the venerable darkey could be imperious enough when surrendering to
- the whims of his little partner.
- "All dish yer talk 'bout folks pe'shin' out," Uncle Remus went on with
- an indifferent air, "put me in min' er de times w'en de creeturs tuck'n
- got up a famine 'mungs deyse'f. Hit come 'bout dat one time vittles wuz
- monst'us skace en high, en money mighty slack. Long ez dey wuz any
- vittles gwine 'roun', Brer Rabbit, he 'uz boun' ter git he sheer un um,
- but bimeby hit come ter dat pass dat Brer Rabbit stomach 'gun ter pinch
- 'im; en w'iles he gettin' hongry de yuther creeturs, dey 'uz gettin'
- hongry deyse'f. Hit went on dis a-way twel one day Brer Rabbit en Brer
- Wolf meet up wid one er n'er in de big road, en atter dey holler howdy
- dey sat down, dey did, en make a bargain.
- "Dey tuck'n 'gree wid one er n'er dat dey sell der mammy en take de
- money en git sump'n' n'er ter eat. Brer Wolf, he 'low, he did, dat bein'
- 's hit seem lak he de hongriest creetur on de face er de yeth, dat he
- sell his mammy fus', en den, atter de vittles gin out, Brer Rabbit he
- kin sell he own mammy en git some mo' grub.
- "Ole Brer Rabbit, he chipt in en 'greed, he did, en Brer Wolf, he tuck'n
- hitch up he team, en put he mammy in de waggin, en den him en Brer
- Rabbit druv off. Man come 'long:--
- "'Whar you gwine?'
- "'_Gwine 'long down ter town,
- Wid a bag er co'n fer ter sell;
- We ain't got time fer ter stop en talk,
- Yit we wish you mighty well!_'"
- "Did they talk poetry that way, Uncle Remus?" the little boy inquired.
- "Shoo! lot's wuss dan dat, honey. Dey wuz constant a-gwine on dat a-way,
- en ef I wa'n't gittin' so mighty weak-kneed in de membunce I'd bust
- aloose yer en I'd fair wake you up wid de gwines on er dem ar creeturs.
- "Now, den, dey tuck'n kyar Brer Wolf mammy ter town en sell 'er, en dey
- start back wid a waggin-load er vittles. De day wuz a-wanin' den de sun
- wuz a-settin'. De win' tuck'n blow up sorter stiff, en de sun look red
- when she settin'. Dey druv on, en druv on. De win' blow, en de sun shine
- red. Bimeby, Brer Wolf scrooch up en shiver, en 'low:--
- "'Brer Rabbit, I'm a-gittin' mighty cole.'
- "Brer Rabbit, he laugh en 'low:--
- "'I'm gittin' sorter creepy myself, Brer Wolf.'
- "Dey druv on en druv on. Win' blow keen, sun shine red. Brer Wolf
- scrooch up in little knot. Bimeby he sing out:--
- "'Brer Rabbit, I'm freezin'! I'm dat cole I dunner w'at ter do!'
- "Brer Rabbit, he p'int ter de settin' sun en say:--
- "'You see dat great big fier 'cross dar in de woods, Brer Wolf? Well,
- dey ain't nothin' ter hender you fum gwine dar en wommin' yo'se'f en
- I'll wait yer fer you. Gimme de lines, Brer Wolf, en you go wom yo'se'f
- all over.'
- "Wid dat Brer Wolf, he put out des ez hard ez he kin, fer ter see ef he
- can't fin' de fier; en w'iles he wuz gone, bless goodness, w'at should
- Brer Rabbit do but cut off de hosses' tails en stick um down deep in de
- mud--"
- "Le' 'im 'lone, now! Des le' 'im 'lone!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy in an
- ecstasy of admiration.
- "He stick de hosses' tails down in de mud," continued Uncle Remus, "en
- den he tuck'n druv de waggin 'way off in de swamp en hide it. Den he
- tuck'n come back, ole Brer Rabbit did, fer ter wait fer Brer Wolf.
- "Atter so long a time, sho' 'nuff, yer come Brer Wolf des a-gallin'-up
- back. Brer Rabbit he hail 'im.
- "'Is you wom yo'se'f, Brer Wolf?'
- "'Brer Rabbit, don't talk! Dat de mos' 'seetful fier w'at I had any
- speunce un. I run, en I run, en I run, en de mo' w'at I run de furder
- de fier git. De nigher you come ter dat fier de furder hit's off.'
- "Brer Rabbit, he sorter scratch hisse'f behime de shoulder-blade, en
- 'low:--
- "'Nummine 'bout de fier, Brer Wolf. I got sump'n' yer dat'll wom you up.
- Ef you ain't nev' bin wom befo', I lay you'll get wom dis time.'
- "Dis make Brer Wolf sorter look 'roun', en w'en he see Brer Rabbit
- hol'in' on ter de two hoss-tails, he up'n squall out, he did:--
- "'Lawdy mussy, Brer Rabbit! Whar my vittles? Whar my waggin? Whar my
- hosses?'
- "'Dey er all right yer, Brer Wolf; dey er all right yer. I stayed dar
- whar you lef' me twel de hosses gun ter git restless. Den I cluck at um,
- en, bless gracious, dey start off en lan' in a quicksan'. W'en dey gun
- ter mire, I des tuck'n tu'n eve'ything a-loose en grab de hosses by de
- tail, en I bin stan'in' yer wishin' fer you, Brer Wolf, twel I done gone
- gray in de min'. I 'low ter myse'f dat I'd hang on ter deze yer
- hoss-tails ef it killt eve'y cow in de islan'. Come he'p me, Brer Wolf,
- en I lay we'll des nat'ally pull de groun' out but w'at we'll git deze
- creeturs out.'
- "Wid dat, Brer Wolf, he kotch holt er one hoss-tail, en Brer Rabbit, he
- kotch holt er de yuther, en w'en dey pull, co'se de tails come out'n de
- mud. Dey stood dar, dey did, en dey look at de tails en den dey look at
- one n'er. Bimeby Brer Rabbit 'low:--
- "'Well, sir, Brer Wolf; we pull so hard twel we pull de tails plum out!'
- "Ole Brer Wolf, he dunner w'at ter do, but it 'gun ter git dark, en 't
- wa'n't long 'fo' he tell Brer Rabbit good-by, en off he put fer home.
- Dat ar Brer Rabbit," Uncle Remus went on, "he des tuck'n wait twel Brer
- Wolf git out'n yearin', en den he went into de swamp en druv de hosses
- home en git all de vittles, en he ain't hatter sell he ole mammy n'er.
- Dat he ain't."
- XL
- To all appearances Daddy Jack had taken no interest in Uncle Remus's
- story of the horses' tails, and yet, as soon as the little boy and Aunt
- Tempy were through laughing at a somewhat familiar climax, the old
- African began to twist and fidget in his chair, and mumble to himself in
- a lingo which might have been understood on the Guinea coast, but which
- sounded out of place in Uncle Remus's Middle Georgia cabin. Presently,
- however, his uneasiness took tangible shape. He turned around and
- exclaimed impatiently:--
- "Shuh-shuh! w'en you sta't fer tell-a dem tale, wey you no tell um lak
- dey stan'? 'E bery bad fer twis' dem tale 'roun' un 'roun'. Wey you no
- talk um stret?"
- "Well, Brer Jack," said Uncle Remus, smiling good-humoredly upon the
- queer little old man, "ef we done gone en got dat ar tale all twis' up,
- de way fer you ter do is ter whirl in en ontwis' it, en we-all folks 'll
- set up yer en he'p you out plum twel Mars John comes a-hollerin' en
- a-bawlin' atter dish yer baby; en atter he done gone ter bed, den me en
- Sis Tempy yer we ull set up wid you plum twel de chickens crow fer day.
- Dem's de kinder folk we all is up yer. We ain't got many swimps en crabs
- up yer in Putmon county, but w'en it come ter settin' up wid comp'ny en
- hangin' 'roun' atter dark fer ter make de time pass away, we er mighty
- rank. Now den, Brer Jack, I done call de roll wid my eye, en we er all
- yer 'ceppin' dat ar 'Tildy gal, en 't won't be long 'fo' she'll be
- a-drappin' in. Run over in yo' min', en whar my tale 'uz wrong, des
- whirl in en put 'er ter rights."
- "Shuh-shuh!" exclaimed the old African, "Oona no git dem tale stret. I
- yed dem wey me lif; 'e soun' lak dis: One tam dem bittle bin git bery
- skace. Da rice crop mek nuttin'; da fish swim low; da bud fly high.
- Hard times bin come dey-dey. 'E so hard, dem creeturs do git honkry fer
- true. B'er Rabbit un B'er Wolf dey come pit bote 'e head tergerrer; dey
- is mek talk how honkry dey is 'way down in da belly.
- "Bumbye, B'er Rabbit, 'e shed 'e y-eye, 'e say dey mus' kill dey
- gran'mammy. B'er Wolf say 'e mek 'e y-eye come wat'ry fer yeddy da talk
- lak dat. B'er Rabbit say:--
- "'Ki, B'er Wolf! da water come in you' y-eye wun you is bin honkry. Me
- y-eye done bin-a come wat'ry so long tam befo' I bin talky wit' you
- 'bout we gran'mammy.'
- "B'er Wolf, 'e der keep on cryin'; 'e wipe 'e y-eye 'pon 'e coat-sleef.
- B'er Rabbit, 'e bin say:--
- "'Ef you is bin tek it so ha'd lak dis, B'er Wolf, 'e bery good fer
- kill-a you' gran'mammy fus', so you is kin come glad ag'in.'
- "B'er Wolf, 'e go dry 'e y-eye un kill 'e gran'mammy, un dey is bin tek
- 'im gran'mammy off un sell um fer bittle. Dun dey is bin eat dis bittle
- day un night tell 'e all done gone. Wun-a tam come fer B'er Rabbit fer
- kill 'e gran'mammy, B'er Wolf, 'e go bisitin' 'im. 'E say:--
- "'B'er Rabbit, I is bin-a feel honkry troo un troo. Less we kill-a you'
- gran'mammy.'
- "B'er Rabbit lif' up 'e head high; 'e lahff. 'E shekky one year, 'e
- shed-a one eye. 'E say:--
- "'Eh-eh, B'er Wolf, you t'ink I gwan kill-a me gran'mammy? Oh, no, B'er
- Wolf! Me no kin do dat.'
- "Dis mek B'er Wolf wuss mad den 'e is bin befo'. 'E fair teer de yet'
- wit' 'e claw; 'e yowl sem lak Injun mans. 'E say 'e gwan make B'er
- Rabbit kill 'e gran'mammy nohow.
- "B'er Rabbit say 'e gwan see 'im 'bout dis. 'E tek 'e gran'mammy by da
- han'; 'e lead um way off in da woods; 'e hide um in da top one big
- cocoanut tree: 'e tell um fer stay deer."
- The mention of a cocoanut tree caused the little boy to glance
- incredulously at Uncle Remus, who made prompt and characteristic
- reply:--
- "Dat's it, honey; dat's it, sho'. In dem days en in dem countries dey
- wuz plenty er cocoanut trees. Less we all set back yer en give Brer Jack
- a livin' chance."
- "'E hide 'e gran'mammy in top cocoanut tree," continued Daddy Jack, "un
- 'e gi' um lilly bahskit wit' cord tie on um. In de day-mawnin', B'er
- Rabbit, 'e is bin go at da foot da tree. 'E make 'e v'ice fine: 'e
- holler:--
- "'_Granny!--Granny!--O Granny! Jutta cord-la!_'
- "Wun 'e granny yeddy dis, 'e let bahskit down wit' da cord, un B'er
- Rabbit 'e fill um wit' bittle un somet'ing t'eat. Ebry day dey is bin-a
- do dis t'ing; ebry day B'er Rabbit is come fer feed 'e granny.
- "B'er Wolf 'e watch, 'e lissun; 'e sneak up, 'e creep up, 'e do lissun.
- Bumbye, 'e do yeddy B'er Rabbit call; 'e see da bahskit swing down, 'e
- see um go back. Wun B'er Rabbit bin-a go 'way fum dey-dey, B'er Wolf, 'e
- come by da root da tree. 'E holler; 'e do say:--
- "'_Granny!--Granny!--O Granny! Shoot-a cord-la!_'
- "Da ole Granny Rabbit lissun; 'e bin lissun well. 'E say:--
- "'Ki! how come dis? Me son is no talky lak dis. 'E no shoot-a da cord
- lak dat.'
- "W'en B'er Rabbit come back da granny is bin-a tell um 'bout somet'ing
- come-a holler shoot-a da cord-la, un B'er Rabbit, 'e lahff tel 'e is kin
- lahff no mo'. B'er Wolf, 'e hidin' close; 'e yed B'er Rabbit crackin' 'e
- joke; 'e is git bery mad.
- "Wun B'er Rabbit is gone 'way, B'er Wolf bin-a come back. 'E stan' by da
- tree root; 'e holler:--
- "'_Granny!--Granny!--O Granny! Jutta cord-la!_'
- "Granny Rabbit hol' 'e head 'pon one side; 'e lissun good. 'E say:
- "'I bery sorry, me son, you bin hab so bad col'. You' v'ice bin-a soun'
- rough, me son.'
- "Dun Granny Rabbit is bin peep down; 'e bin say:--
- "'Hi! B'er Wolf! Go 'way fum dey-dey. You no is bin fool-a me lak dis.
- Go 'way, B'er Wolf!'
- "B'er Wolf, 'e come bery mad; 'e grin tell 'e tush bin shiün. 'E go in
- da swamp; 'e scratch 'e head; 'e t'ink. Bumbye, 'e go bisitin' one
- Blacksmit', un 'e ahx 'im how kin 'e do fer make 'e v'ce come fine lak
- B'er Rabbit v'ice. Da Blacksmit', 'e say:--
- "'Come, B'er Wolf; I run dis red-hot poker in you' t'roat, 'e mekky you
- talk easy.'
- "B'er Wolf say, 'Well, I lak you for mekky me v'ice fine.'
- "Dun da Blacksmit' run da red-hot poker in B'er Wolf t'roat, un 'e hu't
- um so bad, 'tiss-a bin long tam befo' B'er Wolf kin tekky da long walk
- by da cocoanut tree. Bumbye 'e git so 'e kin come by, un wun 'e git
- dey-dey, 'e holler:--
- "'_Granny!--Granny!--O Granny! Jutta cord-la!_'
- "Da v'ice soun' so nice un fine da' Granny Rabbit is bin t'ink 'e B'er
- Rabbit v'ice, un 'e is bin-a let da bahskit down. B'er Wolf, 'e shekky
- da cord lak 'e is put some bittle in da bahskit, un dun 'e is bin-a git
- in 'ese'f. B'er Wolf, 'e keep still. Da Granny Rabbit pull on da cord;
- 'e do say:--
- "'Ki! 'e come he'ffy; 'e he'ffy fer true. Me son, 'e love 'e Granny
- heap.'
- "B'er Wolf, 'e do grin; 'e grin, un 'e keep still. Da Granny Rabbit
- pull; 'e do pull ha'd. 'E pull tel 'e is git B'er Wolf mos' by da top,
- un dun 'e stop fer res'. B'er Wolf look-a down, 'e head swim; 'e look
- up, 'e mout' water; 'e look-a down 'g'in, 'e see B'er Rabbit. 'E git
- skeer, 'e juk on da rope. B'er Rabbit, 'e do holler:--
- "'_Granny!--Granny!--O Granny! Cutta cord-la!_'
- "Da Granny Rabbit cut da cord, un B'er Wolf is fall down un broke 'e
- neck."
- The little boy observed that Aunt Tempy was very much interested in
- Daddy Jack's story. She made no remarks while the old African was
- telling it, but she was busily engaged in measuring imaginary quilt
- patterns on her apron with her thumb and forefinger,--a sure sign that
- her interest had been aroused. When Daddy Jack had concluded--when, with
- a swift, sweeping gesture of his wrinkled hand, he cut the cord and
- allowed Brother Wolf to perish ignominiously--Aunt Tempy drew a long
- breath, and said:--
- "Dat ar tale come 'cross me des like a dream. Hit put me in mine er one
- w'at I year w'en I wuz little bit er gal. Look like I kin see myse'f
- right now, settin' flat down on de h'ath lis'nin' at ole Unk Monk. You
- know'd ole Unk Monk, Brer Remus. You bleeze ter know'd 'im. Up dar in
- Ferginny. I 'clar' ter goodness, it make me feel right foolish. Brer
- Remus, I des know you know'd Unk Monk."
- For the first time in many a day the little boy saw Uncle Remus in a
- serious mood. He leaned forward in his chair, shook his head sadly, as
- he gazed into the fire.
- "Ah, Lord, Sis Tempy!" he exclaimed sorrowfully, "don't less we all go
- foolin' 'roun' 'mungs' dem ole times. De bes' kinder bread gits sour.
- W'at's yistiddy wid us wuz 'fo' de worl' begun wid dish yer chile. Dat's
- de way I looks at it."
- "Dat's de Lord's trufe, Brer Remus," exclaimed Aunt Tempy with unction,
- "un I mighty glad you call me ter myse'f. Little mo' un I'd er sot right
- yer un 'a' gone 'way back to Ferginny, un all on 'count er dat ar tale
- w'at I year long time ago."
- "What tale was that, Aunt Tempy?" asked the little boy.
- "Eh-eh, honey!" replied Aunt Tempy, with a display of genuine
- bashfulness; "eh-eh, honey! I 'fraid you all 'll set up dar un laugh me
- outer de house. I ain't dast ter tell no tale 'long side er Brer Remus
- un Daddy Jack yer. I 'fraid I git it all mix up."
- The child manifested such genuine disappointment that Aunt Tempy
- relented a little.
- "Ef you all laugh, now," she said, with a threatening air, "I'm des
- gwine ter pick up en git right out er dish yer place. Dey ain't ter be
- no laughin', 'kaze de tale w'at I year in Ferginny ain't no laughin'
- tale."
- With this understanding Aunt Tempy adjusted her head-handkerchief,
- looked around rather sheepishly, as Uncle Remus declared afterwards in
- confidence to the little boy, and began:--
- "Well, den, in de times w'en Brer Rabbit un Brer Fox live in de same
- settlement wid one er 'n'er, de season's tuck'n come wrong. De wedder
- got hot un den a long dry drouth sot in, un it seem like dat de nat'al
- leaf on de trees wuz gwine ter tu'n ter powder."
- Aunt Tempy emphasized her statements by little backward and forward
- movements of her head, and the little boy would have laughed, but a
- warning glance from Uncle Remus prevented him.
- "De leaf on de trees look like dey gwine ter tu'n ter powder, un de
- groun' look like it done bin cookt. All de truck w'at de creeturs plant
- wuz all parched up, un dey wa'n't no crops made nowhars. Dey dunner w'at
- ter do. Dey run dis a-way, dey run dat a-way; yit w'en dey quit runnin'
- dey dunner whar dey bread comin' frun. Dis de way it look ter Brer Fox,
- un so one day w'en he got a mighty hankerin' atter sumpin' sorter joosy,
- he meet Brer Rabbit in de lane, un he ax um, sezee:--
- "'Brer Rabbit, whar'bouts our bread comin' frun?'
- "Brer Rabbit, he bow, he did, un answer, sezee:--
- "'Look like it mought be comin' frun nowhar,' sezee."
- "You see dat, honey!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, condescending to give the
- story the benefit of his patronage; "You see dat! Brer Rabbit wuz allus
- a-waitin' a chance fer ter crack he jokes."
- "Yas, Lord!" Aunt Tempy continued, with considerable more animation; "he
- joke, un joke, but bimeby, he ain't feel like no mo' jokin', un den he
- up'n say, sezee, dat him un Brer Fox better start out'n take der
- fammerlies wid um ter town un swap um off for some fresh-groun' meal; un
- Brer Fox say, sezee, dat dat look mighty fa'r un squar', un den dey
- tuck'n make dey 'greements.
- "Brer Fox wuz ter s'ply de waggin un team, un he promise dat he gwine
- ter ketch he fammerly un tie um hard un fast wid a red twine string.
- Brer Rabbit he say, sezee, dat he gwine ter ketch he fammerly un tie um
- all, un meet Brer Fox at de fork er de road.
- "Sho' 'nuff, soon in de mawnin', w'en Brer Fox draw up wid he waggin, he
- holler 'Wo!' un Brer Rabbit he tuck'n holler back, 'Wo yo'se'f!' un den
- Brer Fox know dey 'uz all dar. Brer Fox, he tuck'n sot up on de seat, un
- all er he fammerly, dey wuz a-layin' under de seat. Brer Rabbit, he
- tuck'n put all he fammerly in de behime een' er de waggin, un he say,
- sezee, dat he 'speck he better set back dar twel dey git sorter usen ter
- dey surrounderlings, un den Brer Fox crack he whip, un off dey wen' toze
- town. Brer Fox, he holler ev'y once in a w'ile, sezee:--
- "'No noddin' back dar, Brer Rabbit!'
- "Brer Rabbit he holler back, sezee:--
- "'Brer Fox, you miss de ruts en de rocks, un I'll miss de noddin'.'
- "But all dat time, bless yo' soul! Brer Rabbit wuz settin' dar ontyin'
- he ole 'oman un he childun, w'ich dey wuz sev'm uv um. W'en he git um
- all ontie, Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n h'ist hisse'f on de seat 'long er Brer
- Fox, un dey sot dar un talk un laugh 'bout de all-sorts er times dey
- gwine ter have w'en dey git de co'n meal. Brer Fox sez, sezee, he gwine
- ter bake hoecake; Brer Rabbit sez, sezee, he gwine ter make ashcake.
- "Des 'bout dis time one er Brer Rabbit's childun raise hisse'f up easy
- un hop out de waggin. Miss Fox, she sing out:--
- "'_One frun sev'm
- Don't leave 'lev'm._'
- "Brer Fox hunch he ole 'oman wid he foot fer ter make 'er keep still.
- Bimeby 'n'er little Rabbit pop up un hop out. Miss Fox say, se' she:--
- "'_One frun six
- Leaves me less kicks._'
- "Brer Fox go on talkin' ter Brer Rabbit, un Brer Rabbit go on talkin'
- ter Brer Fox, un 't wa'n't so mighty long 'fo' all Brer Rabbit fammerly
- done pop up un dive out de waggin, un ev'y time one 'ud go Miss Fox she
- 'ud fit it like she did de yuthers."
- "What did she say, Aunt Tempy?" asked the little boy, who was interested
- in the rhymes.
- "Des lemme see--
- "'_One frun five
- Leaves four alive_;
- "'_One frun four
- Leaves th'ee un no mo'_;
- "'_One frun th'ee
- Leaves two ter go free_;
- "'_One frun one,
- Un all done gone_.'"
- "What did Brother Rabbit do then?" inquired the little boy.
- "Better ax w'at Brer Fox do," replied Aunt Tempy, pleased with the
- effect of her rhymes. "Brer Fox look 'roun' atter w'ile, un w'en he see
- dat all Brer Rabbit fammerly done gone, he lean back un holler 'Wo!' un
- den he say, sezee:--
- "'In de name er goodness, Brer Rabbit! whar all yo' folks?'
- "Brer Rabbit look 'roun', un den he make like he cryin'. He des fa'rly
- boo-hoo'd, un he say, sezee:--
- "'Dar now, Brer Fox! I des know'd dat ef I put my po' little childuns
- in dar wid yo' folks dey'd git e't up. I des know'd it!'
- "Ole Miss Fox, she des vow she ain't totch Brer Rabbit fammerly. But
- Brer Fox, he bin wantin' a piece un um all de way, un he begrudge um so
- dat he git mighty mad wid he ole 'oman un de childuns, un he say,
- sezee:--
- "'You kin des make de most er dat, 'kaze I'm a-gwine ter bid you good
- riddance dis ve'y day'; un, sho' nuff, Brer Fox tuck'n tuck he whole
- fammerly ter town un trade um off fer co'n.
- "Brer Rabbit wuz wid 'em, des ez big ez life un twice ez natchul. Dey
- start back, dey did, un w'en dey git four er five mile out er town, hit
- come 'cross Brer Fox min' dat he done come away un lef' a plug er
- terbacker in de sto', en he say he bleeze ter go back atter it.
- "Brer Rabbit, he say, sezee, dat he'll stay en take keer er de waggin,
- w'ile Brer Fox kin run back un git he terbacker. Soon ez Brer Fox git
- out er sight, Brer Rabbit laid de hosses under line un lash un drove de
- waggin home, un put de hosses in he own stable, un de co'n in de
- smoke-house, un de waggin in de barn, un den he put some co'n in he
- pocket, un cut de hosses tails off, un went back up de road twel he come
- ter a quog-mire, un in dat he stick de tails un wait fer Brer Fox.
- "Atter w'ile yer he come, un den Brer Rabbit gun ter holler un pull at
- de tails. He say, sezee:--
- "'Run yer, Brer Fox! run yer! Youer des in time ef you ain't too late.
- Run yer, Brer Fox! run yer!'
- "Brer Fox, he run'd en juk Brer Rabbit away, un say, sezee:--
- "'Git out de way, Brer Rabbit! You too little! Git out de way, un let a
- man ketch holt.'
- "Brer Fox tuck holt," continued Aunt Tempy, endeavoring to keep from
- laughing, "un he fetch'd one big pull, un I let you know dat 'uz de
- onliest pull he make, 'kaze de tails come out un he tu'n a back
- summerset. He jump up, he did, en 'gun ter grabble in de quog-mire des
- ez hard ez he kin.
- "Brer Rabbit, he stan' by, un drop some co'n in onbeknowns' ter Brer
- Fox, un dis make 'im grabble wuss un wuss, un he grabble so hard un he
- grabble so long dat 't wa'n't long 'fo' he fall down dead, un so dat 'uz
- de las' er ole Brer Fox in dat day un time."
- As Aunt Tempy paused, Uncle Remus adjusted his spectacles and looked at
- her admiringly. Then he laughed heartily.
- "I declar', Sis Tempy," he said, after a while, "you gives tongue same
- ez a lawyer. You'll hatter jine in wid us some mo'."
- Aunt Tempy closed her eyes and dropped her head on one side.
- "Don't git me started, Brer Remus," she said, after a pause; "'kaze ef
- you does you'll hatter set up yer long pas' yo' bedtime."
- "I b'leeve you, Sis Tempy, dat I does!" exclaimed the old man, with the
- air of one who has made a pleasing discovery.
- "We er sorter bin a-waitin' fer Sis Tempy," Uncle Remus remarked when
- the little boy made his appearance the next night; "but somehow er n'er
- look lak she fear'd she hatter up en tell some mo' tales. En yit maybe
- she bin strucken down wid some kinder ailment. Dey ain't no countin' on
- deze yer fat folks. Dey er up one minnit en down de nex'; en w'at make
- it dat a-way I be bless ef I know, 'kaze w'en folks is big en fat look
- lak dey oughter be weller dan deze yer long hongry kinder folks.
- "Yit all de same, Brer Jack done come," continued Uncle Remus, "en we
- ull des slam de do' shet, en ef Sis Tempy come she'll des hatter hol'
- 'er han's 'fo' 'er face en holler out:--
- "'_Lucky de Linktum, chucky de chin,
- Open de do' en let me in!_'
- "Oh, you kin laugh ef you wanter, but I boun' you ef Sis Tempy wuz ter
- come dar en say de wuds w'at I say, de button on dat ar do' 'ud des
- nat'ally twis' hitse'f off but w'at 't would let 'er in. Now, I boun'
- you dat!"
- Whatever doubts the child may have had he kept to himself, for
- experience had taught him that it was useless to irritate the old man by
- disputing with him. What effect the child's silence may have had in this
- instance it is impossible to say, for just then Aunt Tempy came in
- laughing.
- "You all kin des say w'at you please," she exclaimed, as she took her
- seat, "but dat ar _Shucky Cordy_ in de tale w'at Daddy Jack done tole,
- bin runnin' 'roun' in my min' en zoonin 'in my years all de time."
- "Yer too!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, with emphasis. "Dat's me up en down.
- Look lak dat ar cricket over dar in de cornder done tuck it up, en now
- he gwine, '_Shucky-cordy! Shucky-cordy!_'"
- "Shuh-shuh!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, with vehement contempt, "'e _jutta
- cord-la!_ 'E no 'shucky-cordy' no'n 't all."
- "Well, well, Brer Jack," said Uncle Remus, soothingly, "in deze low
- groun's er sorrer, you des got ter lean back en make 'lowances fer all
- sorts er folks. You got ter 'low fer dem dat knows too much same ez dem
- w'at knows too little. A heap er sayin's en a heap er doin's in dis
- roun' worl' got ter be tuck on trus'. You got yo' sayin's, I got mine;
- you got yo' knowin's, en I got mine. Man come 'long en ax me how does de
- wum git in de scaly-bark.[49] I tell 'im right up en down, I dunno, sir.
- N'er man come 'long en ax me who raise de row 'twix' de buzzud en de
- bee-martin.[50] I tell 'im I dunno, sir. Yit, 'kaze I dunno," continued
- Uncle Remus, "dat don't hender um. Dar dey is, spite er dat,--wum in de
- scaly-bark, bee-martin atter de buzzud."
- "Dat's so," exclaimed Aunt Tempy, "dat's de Lord's trufe!"
- "Dat ar pullin' at de string," Uncle Remus went on, "en dat ar hollerin'
- 'bout shucky-cordy"--
- "_Jutta cord-la!_" said Daddy Jack, fiercely.
- "'Bout de watsizname," said Uncle Remus, with a lenient and forgiving
- smile,--"all dish yer hollerin' en gwine on 'bout de watsizname put me
- in min' er one time w'en Brer Rabbit wuz gwine off fum home fer ter git
- a mess er green truck.
- "W'en Brer Rabbit git ready fer ter go, he call all he chilluns up, en
- he tell um dat w'en he go out dey mus' fas'n de do' on de inside, en dey
- mus'n' tu'n nobody in, nohow, 'kaze Brer Fox en Brer Wolf bin layin'
- 'roun' waitin' chance fer ter nab um. En he tuck'n tole um dat w'en he
- come back, he'd rap at de do' en sing:
- "'_I'll stay w'en you away,
- 'Kaze no gol' will pay toll!_'
- "De little Rabs, dey hilt up der ban's en promise dat dey won't open de
- do' fer nobody 'ceppin' dey daddy, en wid dat, Brer Rabbit he tuck'n put
- out, he did, at a han'-gallop, huntin' sump'n' n'er ter eat. But all dis
- time, Brer Wolf bin hidin' out behime de house, en he year eve'y wud dat
- pass, en ole Brer Rabbit wa'n't mo'n out'n sight 'fo' Brer Wolf went ter
- de do', en he knock, he did,--_blip, blip, blip!_
- "Little Rab holler out, 'Who dat?'
- "Brer Wolf he sing:--
- "'_I'll stay w'en you away,
- 'Kaze no gol' will pay toll!_'
- "De little Rabs dey laugh fit ter kill deyse'f, en dey up'n 'low:--
- "'Go 'way, Mr. Wolf, go 'way! You ain't none er we-all daddy!'
- "Ole Brer Wolf he slunk off, he did, but eve'y time he thunk er dem
- plump little Rabs, he des git mo' hongry dan befo', en 't wa'n't long
- 'fo' he 'uz back at de do'--_blap, blap, blap!_
- "Little Rab holler: 'Who dat?'
- "Brer Wolf, he up'n sing:--
- "'_I'll stay w'en you away,
- 'Kaze no gol' will pay toll!_'
- "De little Rabs dey laugh en roll on de flo', en dey up'n 'low:--
- "'Go 'way, Mr. Wolf! We-all daddy ain't got no bad col' lak dat.'
- "Brer Wolf slunk off, but bimeby he come back, en dis time he try mighty
- hard fer ter talk fine. He knock at de do'--_blam, blam, blam!_
- "Little Rab holler: 'Who dat?'
- "Brer Wolf tu'n loose en sing:--
- "'_I'll stay w'en you away,
- 'Kaze no gol' will pay toll!_'
- "Little Rab holler back, he did:--
- "'Go 'way, Mr. Wolf! go 'way! We-all daddy kin sing lots puttier dan
- dat. Go 'way, Mr. Wolf! go 'way!'
- "Brer Wolf he slunk off, he did, en he go 'way out in de woods, en he
- sing, en sing, twel he kin sing fine ez de nex' man. Den he go back en
- knock at de do', en w'en de little Rabs ax who dat, he sing dem de song;
- en he sing so nice, en he sing so fine, dat dey ondo de do', en ole Brer
- Wolf walk in en gobble um all up, fum de fus' ter de las'.
- "W'en ole Brer Rabbit git back home, he fine de do' stannin' wide open
- en all de chilluns gone. Dey wa'n't no sign er no tussle; de h'a'th 'uz
- all swep' clean, en eve'ything wuz all ter rights, but right over in de
- cornder he see a pile er bones, en den he know in reason dat some er de
- yuther creeturs done bin dar en make hash outen he chilluns.
- "Den he go 'roun' en ax um 'bout it, but dey all 'ny it; dey all 'ny it
- ter de las', en Brer Wolf, he 'ny it wuss'n all un um. Den Brer Rabbit
- tuck'n lay de case 'fo' Brer Tarrypin. Ole Brer Tarrypin wuz a mighty
- man in dem days," continued Uncle Remus, with something like a
- sigh,--"a mighty man, en no sooner is he year de state er de condition
- dan he up'n call all de creeturs tergedder. He call um tergedder, he
- did, en den he up'n tell um 'bout how somebody done tuck'n 'stroy all er
- Brer Rabbit chillun, en he 'low dat de man w'at do dat bleedz ter be
- kotch, 'kaze ef he ain't, dey ain't no tellin' how long it'll be 'fo' de
- same somebody'll come 'long en 'stroy all de chillun in de settlement.
- "Brer B'ar, he up'n ax how dey gwine fine 'im, en Brer Tarrypin say dey
- er allers a way. Den he 'low:--
- "'Less dig a deep pit.'
- "'I'll dig de pit,' sez Brer Wolf, sezee.
- "Atter de pit done dug, Brer Tarrypin say:--
- "'Less fill de pit full er lighter'd knots en bresh.'
- "'I'll fill de pit,' sez Brer Wolf, sezee.
- "Atter de pit done fill up, Brer Tarrypin say:--
- "'Now, den, less set it a-fier.'
- "'I'll kindle de fier,' sez Brer Wolf, sezee.
- "W'en de fier 'gun ter blaze up, Brer Tarrypin 'low dat de creeturs mus'
- jump 'cross dat, en de man w'at 'stroy Brer Rabbit chilluns will drap in
- en git bu'nt up. Brer Wolf bin so uppity 'bout diggin', en fillin', en
- kindlin', dat dey all 'spected 'im fer ter make de fus' trial; but,
- bless yo' soul en body! Brer Wolf look lak he got some yuther business
- fer ter 'ten' ter.
- "De pit look so deep, en de fier bu'n so high, dat dey mos' all 'fear'd
- fer ter make de trial, but atter w'ile, Brer Mink 'low dat he ain't
- hunted none er Brer Rabbit chilluns, en wid dat, he tuck runnin' start,
- en lipt across. Den Brer Coon say he ain't hunted um, en over he sailed.
- Brer B'ar say he feel mo' heavy dan he ever is befo' in all he born
- days, but he ain't hurted none er Brer Rabbit po' little chilluns, en
- wid dat away he went 'cross de fier. Dey all jump, twel bimeby hit come
- Brer Wolf time. Den he 'gun ter git skeered, en he mighty sorry 'kaze he
- dig dat pit so deep en wide, en kindle dat fier so high. He tuck sech a
- long runnin' start, dat time he git ter de jumpin' place, he 'uz done
- wo' teetotally out, en he lipt up, he did, en fetch'd a squall en drapt
- right spang in de middle er de fier."
- "Uncle Remus," said the little boy, after a while, "did Brother Terrapin
- jump over the fire?"
- "Wat Brer Tarrypin gwine jump fer?" responded Uncle Remus, "w'en
- eve'ybody know Tarrypins ain't eat Rabbits."
- "Well, you know you said everything was different then," said the child.
- "Look yer, Brer Jack," exclaimed Uncle Remus, "ef you got any tale on
- yo' mine, des let 'er come. Dish yer youngster gittin' too long-headed
- fer me; dat he is."[51]
- [49] A species of hickory-nut. The tree sheds its bark every year, hence
- the name, which is applied to both tree and fruit.
- [50] The king-bird.
- [51] See _Uncle Remus: His Songs and his Sayings_, p. 79.
- Daddy Jack, thus appealed to, turned half round in his seat, winked his
- bright little eyes very rapidly, and said, with great animation:--
- "Hoo! me bin yeddy one sing-tale; me yeddy um so long tam 'go. One tam
- dere bin one ole Affiky ooman, 'e call 'im name Coomba. 'E go walky troo
- da woots, 'e walky troo da fiel. Bumbye 'e is bin come 'pon one
- snake-nes' fill wit' aig. Snake big snake, aig big aig. Affiky oomans is
- bin want-a dem aig so bahd; 'e 'fraid fer tek um. 'E gone home; 'e is
- see dem aig in 'e dream, 'e want um so bahd. Wun da nex' day mornin'
- come, da Affiky oomans say 'e bleeze fer hab dem aig. 'E go 'way, 'e
- bin-a see da snake-nes', 'e is git-a da aig; 'e fetch um at 'e own
- house; 'e cook um fer 'e brekwuss.
- "Bumbye da snake bin-a come by 'e nes'. Aig done gone. 'E pit 'e nose
- 'pon da groun', 'e is track da Affiky oomans by 'e own house. Snake
- come by da Affiky oomans house; 'e ahx 'bout 'e aig. Affiky oomans say
- 'e no hab bin see no aig. Snake see da skin wut bin 'pon 'e aig; 'e ahx
- wut is dis. Affiky oomans no say nuttin' 't all. Snake 'e say:--
- "'Wey fer you come brek up me nes' un tekky me aig?'
- "Affiky oomans 'e no say nuttin' 't all. 'E toss 'e head, 'e mek lak 'e
- no yeddy da snake v'ice, 'e go 'bout 'e wuk. Snake, 'e say:--
- "'Ooman! you is bin yed me v'ice wun me cry out. You bin tekky me aig;
- you is bin 'stroy me chillun. Tek keer you' own; tek keer you' own.'
- "Snake gone 'way; 'e slick out 'e tongue, 'e slide 'way. Bumbye de
- Affiky oomans, 'e hab one putty lil pickaninny; 'e lub um ha'd all over.
- 'E is mine wut da snake say; 'e tote da pickaninny 'roun' 'pon 'e bahck.
- 'E call um Noncy, 'e tote um fur, 'e lub um ha'd.
- "Snake, 'e bin-a stay in da bush-side; 'e watch all day, 'e wait all
- night; 'e git honkry fer da pickaninny, 'e want um so bahd. 'E bin slick
- out 'e tongue, 'e bin slide troo da grass, 'e bin hanker fer da
- pickaninny.
- "Bumbye da Affiky oomans tote-a da Noncy til 'e git tire; 'e puff, 'e
- blow, 'e wuk 'e gill sem lak cat-fish."
- Aunt Tempy burst into loud laughter at this remarkable statement.
- "Whoever is year de beat er dat!" she exclaimed. "Daddy Jack, you goes
- on owdashus 'bout de wimmen, dat you does!"
- "'E puff, 'e blow, 'e pant; 'e say:--
- "'Da pickaninny, 'e der git-a big lak one bag rice. 'E der git-a so
- heffy, me yent mos' know wut fer do. Me yent kin tote um no mo'.'
- "Da Affiky oomans is bin-a pit da pickaninny down 'pon da groun'. 'E mek
- up one sing[52] in 'e head, un 'e l'arn da lilly gal fer answer da sing.
- 'E do show um how fer pull out da peg in da do'. Snake, 'e is bin lay
- quile up in da bush; 'e say nuttin' 't all.
- "Affiky oomans is l'arn-a da pickaninny fer answer da sing, un wun he
- sta't fer go off, 'e say:--
- "Pit da peg in da do' un you no y-open um fer nobody 'cep' you is yeddy
- me sing.'
- "Lil gal, 'e say yassum, un da Affiky oomans gone off. Snake stay still.
- 'E quile up in 'e quile; 'e yent moof[53] 'e tail. Bumbye, toze
- night-time, da Affiky oomans come bahck wey 'e lif. 'E stan' by da do';
- 'e talk dis sing:--
- "'_Walla walla witto, me Noncy,
- Walla walla witto, me Noncy,
- Walla walla witto, me Noncy!_'
- "'E v'ice 'come finer toze da las' tel 'e do git loud fer true. Da lilly
- gal, 'e do mek answer lak dis:--
- "'_Andolee! Andoli! Andolo!_'
- "'E know 'e mammy v'ice, en 'e bin pull out da peg queek. 'E run to 'e
- mammy; 'e mammy der hung um up. Nex' day, 'e da sem t'ing; two, t'ree,
- sev'm day, 'e da sem t'ing. Affiky oomans holler da sing; da lilly gal
- mek answer 'pon turrer side da do'. Snake, 'e lay quile up in da bush.
- 'E watch da night, 'e lissun da day; 'e try fer l'arn-a da sing; 'e no
- say nuttin' 't all. Bumbye, one tam wun Affiky oomans bin gone 'way,
- snake, 'e wait 'til 'e mos' tam fer oomans fer come bahck. 'E gone by da
- do'; 'e y-open 'e mout'; 'e say:--
- "'_Wullo wullo widdo, me Noncy,
- Wullo wullo widdo, me Noncy,
- Wullo wullo widdo, me Noncy!_'
- "'E try fer mekky 'e v'ice come fine lak da lil gal mammy; 'e der hab
- one rough place in 'e t'roat, un 'e v'ice come big. Lilly gal no mek
- answer. 'E no y-open da do'. 'E say:--
- "'Go 'way fum dey-dey! Me mammy no holler da sing lak dat!'
- "Snake, 'e try one, two, t'ree time; 'e yent no use. Lilly gal no
- y-open da do', 'e no mek answer. Snake 'e slick out 'e tongue un slide
- 'way; 'e say 'e mus' l'arn-a da sing sho' 'nuff.
- "Bumbye, da Affiky oomans come bahck. 'E holler da sing:--
- "'_Walla walla witto, me Noncy,
- Walla walla witto, me Noncy,
- Walla walla witto, me Noncy!_'
- "Lilly gal say: 'Da' me mammy!' 'E answer da sing:--
- "'_Andolee! Andoli! Andolo!_'
- "Snake, 'e quile up in da chimmerly-corner; 'e hol' 'e bre't' fer
- lissun; 'e der l'arn-a da sing. Nex' day mornin' da Affiky oomans bin-a
- gone 'way un lef' da lilly gal all by 'ese'f. All de day long da snake
- 'e t'ink about da song; 'e say um in 'e min', 'e say um forwud, 'e say
- um backwud. Bumbye, mos' toze sundown, 'e come at da do'; 'e come, 'e
- holler da sing:--
- "'_Walla walla witto, me Noncy,
- Walla walla witto, me Noncy,
- Walla walla witto, me Noncy!_'
- "Da lil gal, 'e t'ink-a da snake bin 'e mammy; 'e is answer da sing:--
- "'Adolee! Andoli! Andolo!'
- "'E mek answer lak dat, un 'e y-open da do' queek. 'E run 'pon da snake
- 'fo' 'e is _shum_.[54] Snake, 'e bin-a hug da lilly gal mo' sem dun 'e
- mammy; 'e is twis' 'e tail 'roun' um; 'e is ketch um in 'e quile. Lilly
- gal 'e holler, 'e squall; 'e squall, 'e holler. Nobody bin-a come by fer
- yeddy um. Snake 'e 'quees'[55] um tight, 'e no l'em go; 'e 'quees' um
- tight, 'e swaller um whole; 'e bre'k-a no bone; 'e tekky da lilly gal
- lak 'e stan'.
- "Bumbye da lil mammy come home at 'e house. 'E holler da sing, 'e git-a
- no answer. 'E come skeer'; 'e v'ice shek, 'e body trimple. 'E lissun, 'e
- no yeddy no fuss. 'E push de do' y-open, 'e no see nuttin' 't all; da
- lilly gal gone! Da ooman 'e holler, 'e cry; 'e ahx way 'e lilly gal bin
- gone; 'e no git no answer. 'E look all 'roun', 'e see way da snake bin-a
- 'cross da road. 'E holler:--
- "'Ow, me Lard! da snake bin come swaller me lil Noncy gal. I gwan hunt
- 'im up; I gwan foller da snake pas' da een' da yet'.'[56]
- "'E go in da swamp, 'e cut 'im one cane; 'e come bahck, 'e fine da snake
- track, un 'e do foller 'long wey 'e lead. Snake 'e so full wit de lilly
- gal 'e no walk fas'; lil gal mammy, 'e bin mad, 'e go stret 'long. Snake
- 'e so full wit' da lilly gal, 'e come sleepy. 'E lay down, 'e shed-a 'e
- y-eye. 'E y-open um no mo'," continued Daddy Jack, moving his head
- slowly from side to side, and looking as solemn as he could. "Da ooman
- come 'pon de snake wun 'e bin lay dar 'sleep; 'e come 'pon 'im, un 'e
- tekky da cane un bre'k 'e head, 'e mash um flat. 'E cut da snake open,
- 'e fine da lilly gal sem lak 'e bin 'sleep. 'E tek um home, 'e wash um
- off. Bumbye da lilly gal y-open 'e y-eye, un soon 'e see 'e mammy, 'e
- answer da sing. 'E say:--
- "'_Andolee! Andoli! Andolo!_'"
- "Well, well, well!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy, sympathetically. "Un de po'
- little creetur wuz 'live?"
- "Enty!" exclaimed Daddy Jack. No reply could possibly have been more
- prompt, more emphatic, or more convincing.
- [52] "'E mek up one sing." She composed a song and taught the child the
- refrain.
- [53] Move; he ain't move he tail; he hasn't even moved his tail.
- [54] Before he see um.
- [55] Squeeze.
- [56] Earth. Uncle Remus would say "Yeth."
- "Uncle Remus," said the little boy, one night when he found the old man
- alone, "I don't like these stories where somebody has to stand at the
- door and sing, do you? They don't sound funny to me."
- Uncle Remus crossed his legs, took off his spectacles and laid them
- carefully on the floor under his chair, and made a great pretence of
- arguing the matter with the child.
- "Now, den, honey, w'ich tale is it w'at you ain't lak de mos'?"
- The little boy reflected a moment and then replied:--
- "About the snake swallowing the little girl. I don't see any fun in
- that. Papa says they have snakes in Africa as big around as his body;
- and, goodness knows, I hope they won't get after me."
- "How dey gwine git atter you, honey, w'en you settin' up yer 'long side
- er me en de snakes 'way 'cross dar in Affiky?"
- "Well, Daddy Jack, he came, and the snakes might come too."
- Uncle Remus laughed, more to reassure the child than to ridicule his
- argument.
- "Dem ar snakes ain't no water-moccasin, not ez I knows un. Brer Jack bin
- yer mighty long time, en dey ain't no snake foller atter 'im yit."
- "Now, Uncle Remus! papa says they have them in shows."
- "I 'speck dey is, honey, but who's afear'd er snake stufft wid
- meal-bran? Not none er ole Miss gran'chillun, sho'!"
- "Well, the stories don't sound funny to me."
- "Dat mought be, yit deyer funny ter Brer Jack, en dey do mighty well fer
- ter pass de time. Atter w'ile you'll be a-gwine 'roun' runnin' down
- ole-Brer Rabbit en de t'er creeturs, en somehow er n'er you'll take'n
- git ole Remus mix up wid um twel you won't know w'ich one un um you er
- runnin' down, en let 'lone dat, you won't keer needer. Shoo, honey! you
- ain't de fus' chap w'at I done tole deze yer tales ter."
- "Why, Uncle Remus," exclaimed the little boy, in a horrified tone, "I
- _would n't_; you _know_ I would n't!"
- "Don't tell me!" insisted the old man, "you er outgrowin' me, en you er
- outgrowin' de tales. Des lak Miss Sally change de lenk er yo' britches,
- des dat a-way I got ter do w'ence I whirl in en persoo atter de
- creeturs. Time wuz w'en you 'ud set down yer by dish yer h'a'th, en
- you'd take'n holler en laugh en clap yo' han's w'en ole Brer Rabbit 'ud
- kick outen all er he tanglements; but deze times you sets dar wid yo'
- eyes wide open, en you don't crack a smile. I say it!" Uncle Remus
- exclaimed, changing his tone and attitude, as if addressing some third
- person concealed in the room. "I say it! Stidder j'inin' in wid de fun,
- he'll take'n lean back dar en 'spute 'long wid you des lak grow'd up
- folks. I'll stick it out dis season, but w'en Chrismus come, I be bless
- ef I ain't gwine ter ax Miss Sally fer my remoovance papers, en I'm
- gwine ter hang my bundle on my walkin'-cane, en see w'at kinder dirt dey
- is at de fur een' er de big road."
- "Yes!" exclaimed the little boy, triumphantly, "and, if you do, the
- patter-rollers will get you."
- "Well," replied the old man, with a curious air of resignation, "ef dey
- does, I ain't gwine ter do lak Brer Fox did w'en Brer Rabbit showed him
- de tracks in de big road."
- "How did Brother Fox do, Uncle Remus?"
- "Watch out, now! Dish yer one er de tales w'at ain't got no fun in it."
- "Uncle Remus, please tell it."
- "Hol' on dar! Dey mought be a snake some'rs in it--one er deze yer
- meal-bran snakes."
- "_Please_, Uncle Remus, tell it."
- The old man never allowed himself to resist the artful pleadings of the
- little boy. So he recovered his specks from under the chair, looked up
- the chimney for luck, as he explained to his little partner, and
- proceeded:--
- "One day w'en Brer Fox went callin' on Miss Meadows en Miss Motts en de
- t'er gals, who should he fine settin' up dar but ole Brer Rabbit?
- Yasser! Dar he wuz, des ez sociable ez you please. He 'uz gwine on wid
- de gals, en w'en Brer Fox drapt in dey look lak dey wuz mighty tickled
- 'bout sump'n' n'er Brer Rabbit bin sayin'. Brer Fox, he look sorter
- jub'ous, he did, des lak folks does w'en dey walks up in a crowd whar
- de yuthers all a-gigglin'. He tuck'n kotch de dry grins terreckerly. But
- dey all howdied, en Miss Meadows, she up'n say:--
- "'You'll des hatter skuse us, Brer Fox, on de 'count er dish yer
- gigglement. Tooby sho', hit monst'us disperlite fer we-all fer to be
- gwine on dat a-way; but I mighty glad you come, en I sez ter de gals,
- s'I, "'Fo' de Lord, gals! dar come Brer Fox, en yer we is a-gigglin' en
- a-gwine on scan'lous; yit hit done come ter mighty funny pass," s'I, "ef
- you can't run on en laugh 'fo' home folks," s'I. Dat des 'zactly w'at I
- say, en I leave it ter ole Brer Rabbit en de gals yer ef 't ain't.'
- "De gals, dey tuck'n jine in, dey did, en dey make ole Brer Fox feel
- right splimmy-splammy, en dey all sot dar en run on 'bout dey neighbors
- des lak folks does deze days. Dey sot dar, dey did, twel atter w'ile
- Brer Rabbit look out todes sundown, en 'low:--
- "'Now, den, folks and fr'en's, I bleedz ter say goo' bye. Cloud comin'
- up out yan, en mos' 'fo' we know it de rain 'll be a-po'in' en de grass
- 'll be a-growin'.'"
- "Why, that's poetry, Uncle Remus!" interrupted the little boy.
- "Tooby sho' 't is, honey! tooby sho' 't is. I des let you know Brer
- Rabbit 'uz a mighty man in dem days. Brer Fox, he see de cloud comin'
- up, en he up'n 'low he 'speck he better be gittin' 'long hisse'f, 'kaze
- he ain't wanter git he Sunday-go-ter-meetin' cloze wet. Miss Meadows en
- Miss Motts, en de gals, dey want um ter stay, but bofe er dem ar
- creeturs 'uz mighty fear'd er gittin' der foots wet, en atter w'ile dey
- put out.
- "W'iles dey 'uz gwine down de big road, jawin' at one er 'n'er, Brer
- Fox, he tuck'n stop right quick, en 'low:--
- "'Run yer, Brer Rabbit! run yer! Ef my eye ain't 'ceive me yer de signs
- whar Mr. Dog bin 'long, en mo'n dat dey er right fresh.'
- "Brer Rabbit, he sidle up en look. Den he 'low:--
- "'Dat ar track ain't never fit Mr. Dog foot in de roun' worl'. W'at
- make it mo' bindin',' sezee, 'I done gone en bin 'quainted wid de man
- w'at make dat track, too long 'go ter talk 'bout,' sezee.
- "'Brer Rabbit, please, sir, tell me he name.'
- "Brer Rabbit, he laugh lak he makin' light er sump'n' 'n'er.
- "'Ef I ain't make no mistakes, Brer Fox, de po' creetur w'at make dat
- track is Cousin Wildcat; no mo' en no less.'
- "'How big is he, Brer Rabbit?'
- "'He des 'bout yo' heft, Brer Fox.' Den Brer Rabbit make lak he talkin'
- wid hisse'f. 'Tut, tut, tut! Hit mighty funny dat I should run up on
- Cousin Wildcat in dis part er de worl'. Tooby sho', tooby sho'! Many en
- manys de time I see my ole Grandaddy kick en cuff Cousin Wildcat, twel I
- git sorry 'bout 'im. Ef you want any fun, Brer Fox, right now de time
- ter git it.'
- "Brer Fox up'n ax, he did, how he gwine have any fun. Brer Rabbit, he
- 'low:--
- "'Easy 'nuff; des go en tackle ole Cousin Wildcat, en lam 'im 'roun'.'
- "Brer Fox, he sorter scratch he year, en 'low:--
- "'Eh-eh, Brer Rabbit, I fear'd. He track too much lak Mr. Dog.'
- "Brer Rabbit des set right flat down in de road, en holler en laugh. He
- 'low, sezee:--
- "'Shoo, Brer Fox! Who'd 'a' thunk you 'uz so skeery? Des come look at
- dish yer track right close. Is dey any sign er claw anywhar's?'
- "Brer Fox bleedz ter 'gree dat dey wa'n't no sign er no claw. Brer
- Rabbit say:--
- "'Well, den, ef he ain't got no claw, how he gwine ter hu't you, Brer
- Fox?'
- "'W'at gone wid he toofs, Brer Rabbit?'
- "'Shoo, Brer Fox! Creeturs w'at barks[57] de trees ain't gwine bite.'
- "Brer Fox tuck'n tuck 'n'er good look at de tracks, en den him en Brer
- Rabbit put out fer ter foller um up. Dey went up de road, en down de
- lane, en 'cross de turnip patch, en down a dreen,[58] en up a big gully.
- Brer Rabbit, he done de trackin', en eve'y time he fine one, he up'n
- holler:--
- "'Yer 'n'er track, en no claw dar! Yer 'n'er track, en no claw dar!'
- "Dey kep' on en kep' on, twel bimeby dey run up wid de creetur. Brer
- Rabbit, he holler out mighty biggity:--
- "'Heyo dar! W'at you doin'?'
- "De creetur look 'roun', but he ain't sayin' nothin'. Brer Rabbit
- 'low:--
- "'Oh, you nee'nter look so sullen! We ull make you talk 'fo' we er done
- 'long wid you! Come, now! W'at you doin' out dar?'
- "De creetur rub hisse'f 'gin' a tree des lak you see deze yer house cats
- rub 'gin' a cheer, but he ain't sayin' nothin'. Brer Rabbit holler:--
- "'W'at you come pesterin' 'long wid us fer, w'en we ain't bin
- a-pesterin' you? You got de consate dat I dunner who you is, but I does.
- Youer de same ole Cousin Wildcat w'at my gran'daddy use ter kick en cuff
- w'en you 'fuse ter 'spon'. I let you know I got a better man yer dan
- w'at my gran'daddy ever is bin, en I boun' you he ull make you talk. Dat
- w'at I boun' you.'
- "De creetur lean mo' harder 'gin' de tree, en sorter ruffle up he
- bristle, but he ain't sayin' nothin'. Brer Rabbit, he 'low:--
- "'Go up dar, Brer Fox, en ef he 'fuse ter 'spon' slap 'im down! Dat de
- way my gran'daddy done. You go up dar, Brer Fox, en ef he dast ter try
- ter run, I'll des whirl in en ketch 'im.'
- "Brer Fox, he sorter jub'ous, but he start todes de creetur. Ole Cousin
- Wildcat walk all 'roun' de tree, rubbin' hisse'f, but he ain't sayin'
- nothin'. Brer Rabbit, he holler:--
- "'Des walk right up en slap 'im down, Brer Fox--de owdashus vilyun! Des
- hit 'im a surbinder, en ef he dast ter run, I boun' you I'll ketch 'im.'
- "Brer Fox, he went up little nigher. Cousin Wildcat stop rubbin' on de
- tree, en sot up on he behime legs wid he front paws in de a'r, en he
- balance hisse'f by leanin' 'gin' de tree, but he ain't sayin' nothin'.
- Brer Rabbit, he squall out, he did:--
- "'Oh, you nee'nter put up yo' han's en try ter beg off. Dat de way you
- fool my ole gran'daddy; but you can't fool we-all. All yo' settin' up en
- beggin' ain't gwine ter he'p you. Ef youer so humble ez all dat, w'at
- make you come pesterin' longer we-all? Hit 'im a clip, Brer Fox! Ef he
- run, I'll ketch 'im!'
- "Brer Fox see de creetur look so mighty humble, settin' up dar lak he
- beggin' off, en he sorter take heart. He sidle up todes 'im, he did, en
- des ez he 'uz makin' ready fer ter slap 'im ole Cousin Wildcat draw'd
- back en fotch Brer Fox a wipe 'cross de stomach."
- Uncle Remus paused here a moment, as if to discover some term strong
- enough to do complete justice to the catastrophe. Presently he went
- on:--
- "Dat ar Cousin Wildcat creetur fotch Brer Fox a wipe 'cross de stomach,
- en you mought a yeard 'im squall fum yer ter Harmony Grove. Little mo'
- en de creetur would er to' Brer Fox in two. W'ence de creetur made a
- pass at 'im, Brer Rabbit knew w'at gwine ter happen, yit all de same he
- tuck'n holler:--
- "'Hit 'im ag'in, Brer Fox! Hit 'im ag'in! I'm a-backin' you, Brer Fox!
- Ef he dast ter run, I'll inabout cripple 'im--dat I will. Hit 'im
- ag'in!'
- "All dis time w'iles Brer Rabbit gwine on dis a-way, Brer Fox, he 'uz
- a-squattin' down, hol'in' he stomach wid bofe han's en des a-moanin':--
- "'I'm ruint, Brer Rabbit! I'm ruint! Run fetch de doctor! I'm teetotally
- ruint!'
- "'Bout dat time, Cousin Wildcat, he tuck'n tuck a walk. Brer Rabbit, he
- make lak he 'stonish' dat Brer Fox is hurted. He tuck'n 'zamin' de
- place, he did, en he up'n 'low:--
- "'Hit look lak ter me, Brer Fox, dat dat owdashus vilyun tuck'n struck
- you wid a reapin'-hook.'
- "Wid dat Brer Rabbit lit out fer home, en w'en he git out er sight, he
- tuck'n shuck he han's des lak cat does w'en she git water on 'er foots,
- en he tuck'n laugh en laugh twel it make 'im sick fer ter laugh."
- [57] Gnaws the bark from the trees.
- [58] Drain or ditch.
- The little boy thought that the story of how the wildcat scratched
- Brother Fox was one of the best stories he had ever heard, and he did
- n't hesitate to say so. His hearty endorsement increased Uncle Remus's
- good-humor; and the old man, with a broad grin upon his features and
- something of enthusiasm in his tone, continued to narrate the adventures
- of Brother Rabbit.
- "After Brer Fox git hurted so bad," said Uncle Remus, putting an edge
- upon his axe with a whetstone held in his hand, "hit wuz a mighty long
- time 'fo' he could ramble 'roun' en worry ole Brer Rabbit. Der time
- Cousin Wildcat fetch'd 'im dat wipe 'cross de stomach, he tuck'n lay de
- blame on Brer Rabbit, en w'en he git well, he des tuck'n juggle wid de
- yuther creeturs, en dey all 'gree dat dem en Brer Rabbit can't drink out
- er de same branch, ner walk de same road, ner live in de same
- settlement, ner go in washin' in de same wash-hole.
- "Tooby sho' Brer Rabbit bleedz ter take notice er all dish yer kinder
- jugglements en gwines on, en he des tuck'n strenken he house, in de
- neighborhoods er de winders, en den he put 'im up a steeple on top er
- dat. Yasser! A sho' 'nuff steeple, en he rise 'er up so high dat folks
- gwine 'long de big road stop en say, 'Hey! W'at kinder meetin'-house
- dat?'"
- The little boy laughed loudly at Uncle Remus's graphic delineation of
- the astonishment and admiration of the passers-by. The old man raised
- his head, stretched his eyes, and seemed to be looking over his
- spectacles right at Brother Rabbit's steeple.
- "Folks 'ud stop en ax, but Brer Rabbit ain't got time fer ter make no
- answer. _He_ hammer'd, _he_ nailed, _he_ knock'd, _he_ lamm'd! Folks go
- by, he ain't look up; creeturs come stan' en watch 'im, he ain't look
- 'roun'; wuk, wuk, wuk, from sun-up ter sun-down, twel dat er steeple git
- done. Den ole Brer Rabbit tuck'n draw long breff, en wipe he forrerd, en
- 'low dat ef dem t'er creeturs w'at bin atter 'im so long is got any de
- 'vantage er him, de time done come fer um fer ter show it.
- "Wid dat he went en got 'im a snack er sump'n' t' eat, en a long piece
- er plough-line, en he tole he ole 'oman fer ter put a kittle er water on
- de fire, en stan' 'roun' close by, en eve'yt'ing he tell 'er not ter do,
- dat de ve'y t'ing she sho'ly mus' do. Den ole Brer Rabbit sot down in he
- rockin'-cheer en lookt out fum de steeple fer ter see how de lan' lay.
- "'T wa'n't long 'fo' all de creeturs year talk dat Brer Rabbit done stop
- wuk, en dey 'gun ter come 'roun' fer ter see w'at he gwine do nex'. But
- Brer Rabbit, he got up dar, he did, en smoke he seegyar, en chaw he
- 'backer, en let he min' run on. Brer Wolf, he stan' en look up at de
- steeple, Brer Fox, he stan' en look up at it, en all de t'er creeturs
- dey done de same. Nex' time you see a crowd er folks lookin' at sump'n'
- right hard, you des watch um, honey. Dey'll walk 'roun' one er 'n'er en
- swap places, en dey'll be constant on de move. Dat des de way de
- creeturs done. Dey walk 'roun' en punch one er 'n'er en swap places, en
- look en look. Ole Brer Rabbit, he sot up dar, he did, en chaw he
- 'backer, en smoke he seegyar, en let he min' run on.
- "Bimeby ole Brer Tarrypin come 'long, en ole Brer Tarrypin bin in
- cohoots wid Brer Rabbit so long dat he des nat'ally know dey wuz gwine
- ter be fun er plenty 'roun' in dem neighborhoods 'fo' de sun go down.
- He laugh 'way down und' de roof er he house, ole Brer Tarrypin did, en
- den he hail Brer Rabbit:--
- "'Heyo, Brer Rabbit! W'at you doin' 'way up in de elements lak dat?'
- "'I'm a-sojourneyin' up yer fer ter res' myse'f, Brer Tarrypin. Drap up
- en see me.'
- "''Twix' you en me, Brer Rabbit, de drappin' 's all one way. S'posin'
- you tu'n loose en come. Man live dat high up bleedz ter have wings. I
- ain't no high-flyer myse'f. I fear'd ter shake han's wid you so fur off,
- Brer Rabbit.'
- "'Not so, Brer Tarrypin, not so. My sta'rcase is a mighty limbersome
- one, en I'll des let it down ter you.'
- "Wid dat, Brer Rabbit let down de plough-line.
- "'Des ketch holt er dat, Brer Tarrypin,' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'en up
- you comes, _linktum sinktum binktum boo!_' sezee."
- "What was that, Uncle Remus?" said the little boy, taking a serious view
- of the statement.
- "Creetur talk, honey--des creetur talk. Bless yo' soul, chile!" the old
- man went on, with a laughable assumption of dignity, "ef you think I got
- time fer ter stop right short off en stribbit[59] out all I knows, you er
- mighty much mistaken--mighty much mistaken.
- "Ole Brer Tarrypin know mighty well dat Brer Rabbit ain't got nothin'
- 'gin' 'im, yet he got sech a habit er lookin' out fer hisse'f dat he
- tuck'n ketch de plough-line in he mouf, he did, en try de strenk un it.
- Ole Brer Rabbit, he holler 'Swing on, Brer Tarrypin!' en Brer Tarrypin,
- he tuck'n swung on, en 't wa'n't long 'fo' he 'uz settin' up dar side er
- Brer Rabbit.
- "But I wish ter goodness you'd 'a' bin dar," continued Uncle Remus, very
- gracefully leaving it to be inferred that _he_ was there; "I wish ter
- goodness you'd 'a' bin dar so you could er seed ole Brer Tarrypin w'iles
- Brer Rabbit 'uz haulin' 'im up, wid he tail a-wigglin' en he legs all
- spraddled out, en him a-whirlin' 'roun' en 'roun' en lookin' skeer'd.
- "De t'er creeturs dey see Brer Tarrypin go up safe en soun', en dey see
- de vittles passin' 'roun', en dey 'gun ter feel lak dey wanter see de
- inside er Brer Rabbit steeple. Den Brer Wolf, he hail 'im:--
- "'Heyo dar, Brer Rabbit! Youer lookin' mighty scrumptious way up dar!
- How you come on?'
- "Brer Rabbit, he look down, he did, en he see who 't is hollerin', en he
- 'spon':--
- "'Po'ly, mighty po'ly, but I thank de Lord I'm able to eat my
- 'lowance.[60] Won't you drap up, Brer Wolf?'
- "'Hit's a mighty clumsy journey fer ter make, Brer Rabbit, yit I don't
- keer ef I does.'
- "Wid dat, Brer Rabbit let down de plough-line, en Brer Wolf kotch holt,
- en dey 'gun ter haul 'im up. Dey haul en dey haul, en w'en Brer Wolf git
- mos' ter de top he year Brer Rabbit holler out:--
- "'Stir 'roun', ole 'oman, en set de table; but 'fo' you do dat, fetch de
- kittle fer ter make de coffee.'
- "Dey haul en dey haul on de plough-line, en Brer Wolf year Brer Rabbit
- squall out:--
- "'Watch out dar, ole 'oman! You'll spill dat b'ilin' water on Brer
- Wolf!'
- "En, bless yo' soul!" continued Uncle Remus, turning half around in his
- chair to face his enthusiastic audience of one, "dat 'uz 'bout all Brer
- Wolf did year, 'kaze de nex' minit down come de scaldin' water, en Brer
- Wolf des fetch one squall en turn't hisse'f aloose, en w'en he strak de
- groun' he bounce des same ez one er deze yer injun-rubber balls w'at you
- use ter play wid 'long in dem times 'fo' you tuck'n broke yo' mammy
- lookin'-glass. Ole Brer Rabbit, he lean fum out de steeple en 'pollygize
- de bes' he kin, but no 'pollygy ain't gwine ter make ha'r come back
- whar de b'ilin' water hit."
- "Did they spill the hot water on purpose, Uncle Remus?" the little boy
- inquired.
- "Now, den, honey, youer crowdin' me. Dem ar creeturs wuz mighty
- kuse--mo' speshually Brer Rabbit. W'en it come down ter dat," said Uncle
- Remus, lowering his voice and looking very grave, "I 'speck ef youder
- s'arch de country fum hen-roost to river-bank,[61] you won't fine a no
- mo' kuser man dan Brer Rabbit. All I knows is dat Brer Rabbit en Brer
- Tarrypin had a mighty laughin' spell des 'bout de time Brer Wolf hit de
- groun'."
- [59] Distribute.
- [60] Allowance; ration.
- [61] Based on a characteristic negro saying. For instance: "Where's
- Jim?" "You can't keep up wid dat nigger. Des let night come, en he's
- runnin' fum hen-roost to river-bank." In other words, stealing chickens
- and robbing fish baskets.
- "En still we er by ourse'fs," exclaimed Uncle Remus, as the little boy
- ran into his cabin, the night after he had heard the story of how
- Brother Rabbit scalded Brother Wolf. "We er by ourse'fs en time's
- a-passin'. Dem ar folks dunner w'at dey er missin'. We er des gittin'
- ter dat p'int whar we kin keep de run er creeturs, en it keeps us dat
- busy we ain't got time fer ter bolt our vittles skacely.
- "I done tell you 'bout Brer Rabbit makin' 'im a steeple; but I ain't
- tell you 'bout how Brer Rabbit got ole Brer Wolf out'n er mighty bad
- fix."
- "No," said the little boy, "you have n't, and that's just what I have
- come for now."
- Uncle Remus looked at the rafters, then at the little boy, and finally
- broke into a loud laugh.
- "I 'clar' ter goodness," he exclaimed, addressing the imaginary third
- person to whom he related the most of his grievances, "I 'clar' ter
- goodness ef dat ar chile ain't gittin' so dat he's eve'y whit ez
- up-en-spoken ez w'at ole Miss ever bin. Dat he is!"
- The old man paused long enough to give the little boy some uneasiness,
- and then continued:--
- "Atter ole Brer Wolf git de nat'al hide tuck off'n 'im on de 'count er
- Brer Rabbit kittle, co'se he hatter go 'way off by hisse'f fer ter let
- de ha'r grow out. He 'uz gone so long dat Brer Rabbit sorter 'low ter
- hisse'f dat he 'speck he kin come down out'n he steeple, en sorter rack
- 'roun' mungs de t'er creeturs.
- "He sorter primp up, Brer Rabbit did, en den he start out 'pun he
- journeys hether en yan.[62] He tuck'n went ter de crossroads, en dar he
- stop en choose 'im a road. He choose 'im a road, he did, en den he put
- out des lak he bin sent fer in a hurry.
- "Brer Rabbit gallop on, he did, talkin' en laughin' wid hisse'f, en
- eve'y time he pass folks, he'd tu'n it off en make lak he singin'. He
- 'uz gwine on dis a-way, w'en fus' news you know he tuck'n year sump'n'.
- He stop talkin' en 'gun ter hum a chune, but he ain't meet nobody. Den
- he stop en lissen en he year sump'n' holler:--
- "'O Lordy! Lordy! Won't somebody come he'p me?'"
- The accent of grief and despair and suffering that Uncle Remus managed
- to throw into this supplication was really harrowing.
- "Brer Rabbit year dis, en he stop en lissen. 'T wa'n't long 'fo' sump'n'
- n'er holler out:--
- "'O Lordy, Lordy! Please, somebody, come en he'p me.'
- "Brer Rabbit, he h'ist up he years, he did, en make answer back:--
- "'Who is you, nohow, en w'at de name er goodness de marter?'
- "'Please, somebody, do run yer!'
- "Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n stan' on th'ee legs fer ter make sho' er gittin'
- a good start ef dey 'uz any needs un it, en he holler back:--
- "'Whar'bouts is you, en how come you dar?'
- "'Do please, somebody, run yer en he'p a po' mizerbul creetur. I'm down
- yer in de big gully und' dish yer great big rock.'
- "Ole Brer Rabbit bleedz ter be mighty 'tickler in dem days, en he crope
- down ter de big gully en look in, en who de name er goodness you 'speck
- he seed down dar?"
- Uncle Remus paused and gave the little boy a look of triumph, and then
- proceeded without waiting for a reply:--
- "Nobody in de roun' worl' but dat ar ole Brer Wolf w'at Brer Rabbit done
- bin scalted de week 'fo' dat. He 'uz layin' down dar in de big gully,
- en, bless gracious! 'pun top un 'im wuz a great big rock, en ef you want
- ter know de reason dat ar great big rock ain't teetotally kilt Brer
- Wolf, den you'll hatter ax some un w'at know mo' 'bout it dan w'at I
- does, 'kaze hit look lak ter me dat it des oughter mash 'im flat.
- "Yit dar he wuz, en let 'lone bein' kilt, he got strenk 'nuff lef' fer
- ter make folks year 'im holler a mile off, en he holler so lonesome dat
- it make Brer Rabbit feel mighty sorry, en no sooner is he feel sorry dan
- he hol' he coat-tails out de way en slid down de bank fer ter see w'at
- he kin do.
- "W'en he git down dar Brer Wolf ax 'im please, sir, kin he he'p 'im wid
- de removance er dat ar rock, en Brer Rabbit 'low he 'speck he kin; en
- wid dat Brer Wolf holler en tell 'im fer mussy sake won't he whirl in en
- do it, w'ich Brer Rabbit tuck'n ketch holt er de rock en hump hisse'f,
- en 't wa'n't long 'fo' he git a purchis on it, en, bless yo' soul, he
- lif' 'er up des lak nigger at de log-rollin'.
- "Hit tu'n out dat Brer Wolf ain't hurted much, en w'en he fine dis out,
- he tuck'n tuck a notion dat ef he ev' gwine git he revengeance out'n
- Brer Rabbit, right den wuz de time, en no sooner does dat come 'cross he
- min' dan he tuck'n grab Brer Rabbit by de nap er de neck en de small er
- de back.
- "Brer Rabbit he kick en squeal, but 't ain't do no manner er good,
- 'kaze de mo' w'at he kick de mo' tighter Brer Wolf clamp 'im, w'ich he
- squoze 'im so hard dat Brer Rabbit wuz fear'd he 'uz gwine ter cut off
- he breff. Brer Rabbit, he 'low:--
- "'Well, den, Brer Wolf! Is dish yer de way you thanks folks fer savin'
- yo' life?'
- "Brer Wolf grin big, en den he up'n 'low:--
- "'I'll thank you, Brer Rabbit, en den I'll make fresh meat out'n you.'
- "Brer Rabbit 'low, he did:--
- "'Ef you talk dat a-way, Brer Wolf, I never is to do yer 'n'er good turn
- w'iles I live.'
- "Brer Wolf, he grin some mo' en 'low:--
- "'Dat you won't, Brer Rabbit, dat you won't! You won't do me no mo' good
- turn tel you er done dead.'
- "Brer Rabbit, he sorter study ter hisse'f, he did, en den he 'low:
- "'Whar I come fum, Brer Wolf, hit's agin' de law fer folks fer to kill
- dem w'at done done um a good turn, en I 'speck hit's de law right 'roun'
- yer.'
- "Brer Wolf say he ain't so mighty sho' 'bout dat. Brer Rabbit say he
- willin' fer ter lef' de whole case wid Brer Tarrypin, en Brer Wolf say
- he 'gree'ble.
- "Wid dat, dey put out, dey did, en make der way ter whar ole Brer
- Tarrypin stay; en w'en dey git dar, Brer Wolf he tuck'n tell he side, en
- den Brer Rabbit he tuck'n tell he side. Ole Brer Tarrypin put on he
- specks en cle'r up he th'oat, en den he 'low:--
- "'Dey's a mighty heap er mixness in dish yer 'spute, en 'fo' I kin take
- any sides you'll des hatter kyar me fer ter see de place whar'bouts Brer
- Wolf wuz w'en Brer Rabbit foun' 'im,' sezee.
- "Sho' 'nuff, dey tuck'n kyar'd ole Brer Tarrypin down de big road twel
- dey come ter de big gully, en den dey tuck 'im ter whar Brer Wolf got
- kotch und' de big rock. Ole Brer Tarrypin, he walk 'roun', he did, en
- poke at de place wid de een' er he cane. Bimeby he shuck he head, he
- did, en 'low:
- "'I hates might'ly fer ter put you all gents ter so much trouble; yit,
- dey ain't no two ways, I'll hatter see des how Brer Wolf was kotch, en
- des how de rock wuz layin' 'pun top un 'im,' sezee. 'De older folks
- gits, de mo' trouble dey is,' sezee, 'en I ain't 'nyin' but w'at I'm
- a-ripenin' mo' samer dan a 'simmon w'at's bin strucken wid de fros','
- sezee.
- "Den Brer Wolf, he tuck'n lay down whar he wuz w'en Brer Rabbit foun'
- 'im, en de yuthers dey up'n roll de rock 'pun top un 'im. Dey roll de
- rock 'pun 'im," continued Uncle Remus, looking over his spectacles to
- see what effect the statement had on the little boy, "en dar he wuz.
- Brer Tarrypin, he walk all 'roun' en 'roun', en look at 'im. Den he sot
- down, he did, en make marks in de san' wid he cane lak he studyin' 'bout
- sump'n' n'er. Bimeby, Brer Wolf, he open up:--
- "'Ow, Brer Tarrypin! Dish yer rock gittin' mighty heavy!'
- "Brer Tarrypin, he mark in de san', en study, en study. Brer Wolf
- holler:--
- "'Ow, Brer Tarrypin! Dish yer rock mashin' de breff out'n me.'
- "Brer Tarrypin, he r'ar back, he did, en he 'low, sezee:--
- "'Brer Rabbit, you wuz in de wrong. You ain't had no business fer ter
- come bodderin' 'longer Brer Wolf w'en he ain't bodderin' 'longer you. He
- 'uz 'ten'in' ter he own business en you oughter bin 'ten'in' ter yone.'
- "Dis make Brer Rabbit look 'shame' er hisse'f, but Brer Tarrypin talk
- right erlong:--
- "'W'en you 'uz gwine down dish yer road dis mawnin', you sho'ly mus' bin
- a-gwine som'ers. Ef you _wuz_ gwine som'ers you better be gwine on. Brer
- Wolf, he wa'n't gwine nowhars den, en he ain't gwine nowhars now. You
- foun' 'im und' dat ar rock, en und' dat ar rock you lef 'im.'
- "En, bless gracious!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, "dem ar creeturs racked off
- fum dar en lef' ole Brer Wolf und' dat ar rock."
- [62] Hither and yon.
- "I wonder where Daddy Jack is," said the little boy, one night after he
- had been waiting for some time for Uncle Remus to get leisure to tell
- him a story.
- Uncle Remus, who was delightfully human in his hypocrisy, as well as in
- other directions, leaned back in his chair, looked at the little boy
- with an air of grieved resignation, and said:--
- "I boun' you does, honey, I boun' you does. Ole Brer Jack look mighty
- weazly ter de naked eye, but I lay he's a lots mo' likelier nigger dan
- w'at ole Remus is. De time done gone by w'en a po' ole no-'count nigger
- lak me kin hol' he han' wid a bran new nigger man lak Brer Jack."
- The child stared at Uncle Remus with open-eyed astonishment.
- "Now, Uncle Remus! I did n't mean that; you know I did n't," he
- exclaimed.
- "Bless yo' heart, honey! hit don't pester me. I done got de speunce un
- it. Dat I is. Plough-hoss don't squeal en kick w'en dey puts 'n'er hoss
- in he place. Brer Jack got de age on 'im but he new ter you. Ole er
- young, folks is folks, en no longer'n day 'fo' yistiddy, I year you
- braggin' 'bout how de vittles w'at dey feeds you on up at de big house
- ain't good ez de vittles w'at yuther childun gits. Nummine ole Remus,
- honey; you en Brer Jack des go right erlong en I'll be much 'blige ef
- you'll des lemme set in de cornder yer en chunk de fier. Sho'ly I ain't
- pas' doin' dat."
- The child was troubled to think that Uncle Remus should find it
- necessary to depreciate himself, and he made haste to explain his
- position.
- "I thought that if Daddy Jack was here he could tell me a story while
- you are working, so you would n't be bothered."
- A broad grin of appreciation spread over Uncle Remus's face. He
- adjusted his spectacles, looked around and behind him, and then, seeing
- no one but the child, addressed himself to the rafters and cobwebs:--
- "Well! well! well! ef dish yer don't beat all! Gentermens! dish yer
- little chap yer, he puny in de legs, yit he mighty strong in de head."
- He paused, as if reflecting over the whole matter, and then turned to
- the child:--
- "Is _dat_ w'at make you hone atter Daddy Jack, honey--des 'kaze you
- wanter set back dar en lissen at a tale? Now, den, ef you had n't 'a'
- got me off'n de track, you'd 'a' bin settin' yer lis'nen at one un um
- dis blessid minnit, 'kaze des time I year talk dat Mars John gwine ter
- have dat ar long-hornded steer kilt fer beef, hit come 'cross my min'
- 'bout de time w'ence Brer Rabbit en Brer Fox j'ined in wid one er 'n'er
- en kilt a cow."
- "Killed a cow, Uncle Remus?"
- "Des ez sho' ez youer settin' dar," replied the old man with emphasis.
- "Look lak dey wa'n't no kinder doin's w'at dem ar creeturs wa'n't up
- ter, mo' speshually ole Brer Rabbit. Day in en day out, fum mawnin' twel
- night en fum night twel mawnin', he 'uz constant a-studyin' up some bran
- new kinder contrapshun fer ter let de yuther creeturs know he 'uz
- some'rs in de neighborhoods.
- "Come down ter dat, you kin b'leeve me er not b'leeve me, des ez you er
- min' ter; you kin take yo' choosement; but ole Brer Rabbit en ole Brer
- Fox, spite er dey fallin' out, dey tuck'n go inter cahoots en kilt a
- cow. Seem lak I disremember who de cow b'long ter," continued the old
- man, frowning thoughtfully, and thus, by a single stroke, imparting an
- air of reality to the story; "but she sho'ly b'long'd ter some er de
- neighbors, 'kaze you kin des put it down, right pine-blank, dat Brer
- Rabbit ain't gwine ter kill he own cow, en needer is Brer Fox.
- "Well, den, dey tuck'n kilt a cow, en 't wa'n't dey own cow, en alter
- dey done skunt 'er Brer Rabbit, he up'n 'low, he did, dat ef Brer Fox
- wanter git de good er de game, he better run home en fetch a tray er
- sump'n fer put de jiblets in."
- "Jiblets, Uncle Remus?"
- "Tooby sho', honey. Dats w'at we-all calls de liver, de lights, de
- heart, en de melt. Some calls um jiblets en some calls um hasletts, but
- ef you'll lemme take um en kyar um home, you kin des up en call um mos'
- by any name w'at creep inter yo' min'. You do de namin'," the old man
- went on, smacking his lips suggestively, "en I'll do de eatin', en ef
- I'm de loser, I boun' you won't year no complaints fum me.
- "But, law bless me! w'at is I'm a-doin'? De time's a-passin', en I'm
- ain't skacely got start on de tale. Dey kilt de cow, dey did, en Brer
- Rabbit tell Brer Fox 'bout de jiblets, en w'iles Brer Fox gwine on home
- atter de bucket fer ter put um in, he say ter hisse'f dat Brer Rabbit
- ain't bad ez he crackt up ter be. But no sooner is Brer Fox outer sight
- dan Brer Rabbit cut out de jiblets, he did, en kyar'd um off en hide um.
- Den he come back en tuck a piece er de meat en drap blood 'way off de
- udder way.
- "Bimeby yer come Brer Fox wid he bucket, en w'en he git dar Brer Rabbit
- wuz settin' down cryin'. Mon, he 'uz des a-boohoo-in'. Brer Fox, he
- 'low:--
- "'Name er goodness, Brer Rabbit! w'at de marter?'
- "''Nuff de marter--'nuff de marter. I wish you'd 'a' stayed yer w'iles
- you wuz yer--dat I does, Brer Fox!'
- "'How come, Brer Rabbit,--how come?'
- "'Man come, Brer Fox, en stole all yo' nice jiblets. I bin a-runnin'
- atter 'im, Brer Fox, but he outrun me.'
- "'W'ich a-way he go, Brer Rabbit?'
- "'Yer de way he went, Brer Fox; yer whar he drap de blood. Ef you be
- right peart, Brer Fox, you'll ketch 'im.'
- "Brer Fox he drapt de bucket, he did, en put out atter de man w'at tuck
- de jiblets, en he wa'n't out'n sight good, 'fo' ole Brer Rabbit sail in
- en cut out all de fat en taller, en kyar' it off en hide it. Atter
- w'ile, yer come Brer Fox back des a-puffin' en a-pantin'. He ain't see
- no man. Brer Rabbit, he hail 'im:--
- "'You ain't come a minnit too soon, Brer Fox, dat you ain't. W'iles you
- bin gone 'n'er man come 'long en kyar'd off all de taller en fat. He
- went right off dat a-way, Brer Fox, en ef you'll be right peart, you'll
- ketch 'im.'
- "Brer Fox, he tuck'n put out, he did, en run, en run, yit he ain't see
- no man. Wiles he done gone Brer Rabbit kyar off one er de behime
- quarters. Brer Fox come back; he ain't see no man. Brer Rabbit holler en
- tell 'im dat 'ne'r man done come en got a behime quarter en run'd off
- wid it.
- "Brer Fox sorter study 'bout dis, 'kaze it look lak nobody yuver see de
- like er mens folks passin' by dat one lonesome cow. He make out he gwine
- ter run atter de man w'at steal de behime quarter, but he ain't git fur
- 'fo' he tuck'n tu'n 'roun' en crope back, en he 'uz des in time fer ter
- see Brer Rabbit makin' off wid de yuther behime quarter. Brer Fox mighty
- tired wid runnin' hether en yan, en backards en forrerds, but he git so
- mad w'en he see Brer Rabbit gwine off dat a-way, dat he dash up en ax
- 'im whar is he gwine wid dat ar beef.
- "Brer Rabbit lay de beef down, he did, en look lak he feelin's hurted.
- He look at Brer Fox lak he feel mighty sorry fer folks w'at kin ax
- foolish questions lak dat. He shake he head, he did, en 'low:--
- "'Well, well, well! Who'd 'a' thunk dat Brer Fox would 'a' come axin' me
- 'bout dish yer beef, w'ich anybody would er know'd I 'uz a-kyar'n off
- fer ter save fer 'im, so nobody could n't git it?'
- "But dish yer kinder talk don't suit Brer Fox, en he tuck'n make a
- motion 'zef[63] ter ketch Brer Rabbit, but Brer Rabbit he 'gun 'im leg
- bail, en dar dey had it thoo de woods twel Brer Rabbit come 'pon a
- holler tree, en inter dat he went, des lak one er deze streaked lizzuds
- goes inter a hole in de san'."
- "And then," said the little boy, as Uncle Remus paused, "along came
- Brother Buzzard, and Brother Fox set him to watch the hole, and Brother
- Rabbit said he had found a fat squirrel which he would run out on the
- other side; and then he came out and ran home."
- This was the climax of a story that Uncle Remus had told a long time
- before, and he looked at his little partner with astonishment not
- unmixed with admiration.
- "I 'clar' ter gracious, honey!" he exclaimed, "ef you hol's on ter yo'
- pra'rs lak you does ter deze yer tales youer doin' mighty well. But
- don't you try ter hol' Brer Rabbit down ter one trick, you won't never
- keep up wid 'im in de 'roun' worl'--dat you won't.
- "Ole Brer Buzzard wuz dar, en Brer Fox ax 'im fer ter watch de hole, but
- he ain't bin dar long 'fo' Brer Rabbit sing out:--
- "'I got de 'vantage un you, dis whet, Brer Buzzard, I sho'ly is.'
- "'How dat, Brer Rabbit?'
- "''Kaze I kin see you, en you can't see me.'
- "Wid dat Brer Buzzard stuck he head in de hole, en look up; en no sooner
- is he do dis dan Brer Rabbit fill he eyes full er san', en w'iles he
- gone ter de branch fer ter wash it out, Brer Rabbit he come down outer
- de holler, en went back ter whar de cow wuz; en mo' dan dat, Brer Rabbit
- got de ballunce un de beef."
- [63] As if.
- "Uncle Remus," said the little boy, after a pause, "where did Brother
- Rabbit go when he got out of the hollow tree?"
- "Well, sir," exclaimed Uncle Remus, "you ain't gwine ter b'leeve me,
- skacely, but dat owdashus creetur ain't no sooner git out er dat ar tree
- dan he go en git hisse'f mix up wid some mo' trouble, w'ich he git
- mighty nigh skeer'd out'n he skin.
- "W'en Brer Rabbit git out'n de holler tree, he tuck'n fling some sass
- back at ole Brer Buzzard, he did, en den he put out down de big road,
- stidder gwine 'long back home en see 'bout he fambly. He 'uz gwine
- 'long--_lickety-clickety, clickety-lickety_--w'en fus' news you know he
- feel sump'n' 'n'er drap down 'pun 'im, en dar he wuz. Bless yo' soul,
- w'en Brer Rabbit kin git he 'membunce terge'er, he feel ole Mr. Wildcat
- a-huggin' 'im fum behime, en w'ispun in he year."
- "What did he whisper, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy.
- "Dis, dat, en de udder, one thing en a nudder."
- "But what did he say?"
- "De way un it wuz dis," said Uncle Remus, ignoring the child's question,
- "Brer Rabbit, he 'uz gallin'-up down de road, en ole Mr. Wildcat, he 'uz
- layin' stretch' out takin' a nap on a tree-lim' hangin' 'crosst de road.
- He year Brer Rabbit come a-lickity-clickitin' down de road, en he des
- sorter fix hisse'f, en w'en Brer Rabbit come a-dancin' und' de lim', all
- Mr. Wildcat got ter do is ter drap right down on 'im, en dar he wuz. Mr.
- Wildcat hug 'im right up at 'im, en laugh en w'isper in he year."
- "Well, Uncle Remus, what did he _say_?" persisted the little boy.
- The old man made a sweeping gesture with his left hand that might mean
- everything or nothing, and proceeded to tell the story in his own way.
- "Ole Mr. Wildcat hug Brer Rabbit up close en w'isper in he year. Brer
- Rabbit, he kick, he squall. Bimeby he ketch he breff en 'low:--
- "'Ow! O Lordy-lordy! W'at I done gone en done now?'
- "Mr. Wildcat, he rub he wet nose on Brer Rabbit year, en make cole chill
- run up he back. Bimeby he say:--
- "'O Brer Rabbit, I des nat'ally loves you! You bin a-foolin' all er my
- cousins en all er my kinfolks, en 't ain't bin so mighty long sence you
- set Cousin Fox on me, en little mo' en I'd a-to' 'im in two. O Brer
- Rabbit! I des nat'ally loves you,' sezee.
- "Den he laugh, en he toofs strak terge'er right close ter Brer Rabbit
- year. Brer Rabbit, he 'low, he did:--
- "Law, Mr. Wildcat, I thunk maybe you mought lak ter have Brer Fox fer
- supper, en dat de reason I sent 'im up ter whar you is. Hit done come
- ter mighty purty pass w'en folks can't be fr'en's 'ceppin' sump'n' 'n'er
- step in 'twix' en 'tween um, en ef dat de case I ain't gwine ter be
- fr'en's no mo'--dat I ain't.'
- "Mr. Wildcat wipe he nose on Brer Rabbit year, en he do sorter lak he
- studyin'. Brer Rabbit he keep on talkin'. He 'low:--
- "'Endurin' er all dis time, is I ever pester 'long wid you, Mr.
- Wildcat?'
- "'No, Brer Rabbit, I can't say ez you is.'
- "'No, Mr. Wildcat, dat I ain't. Let 'lone dat, I done my level bes' fer
- ter he'p you out. En dough you done jump on me en skeer me scan'lous,
- yit I'm willin' ter do you 'n'er good tu'n. I year some wild turkeys
- yelpin' out yan', en ef you'll des lem me off dis time, I'll go out dar
- en call um up, en you kin make lak you dead, en dey'll come up en
- stretch dey neck over you, en you kin jump up en kill a whole passel un
- um 'fo' dey kin git out de way.'
- "Mr. Wildcat stop en study, 'kaze ef dey er one kinder meat w'at he lak
- dat meat is turkey meat. Den he tuck'n ax Brer Rabbit is he jokin'. Brer
- Rabbit say ef he 'uz settin' off some'rs by he own-'lone se'f he mought
- be jokin', but how de name er goodness is he kin joke w'en Mr. Wildcat
- got 'im hug up so tight? Dis look so pleezy-plozzy[64] dat 't wa'n't long
- 'fo' Mr. Wildcat 'low dat he 'uz mighty willin' ef Brer Rabbit mean w'at
- he say, en atter w'ile, bless yo' soul, ef you'd 'a' come 'long dar,
- you'd er seed ole Mr. Wildcat layin' stretch out on de groun' lookin'
- fer all de wul' des lak he done bin dead a mont', en you'd er yeard ole
- Brer Rabbit a-yelpin' out in de bushes des lak a sho' 'nuff tukky-hen."
- The little boy was always anxious for a practical demonstration, and he
- asked Uncle Remus how Brother Rabbit could yelp like a turkey-hen. For
- reply, Uncle Remus searched upon his rude mantel-piece until he found a
- reed, which he intended to use as a pipe-stem. One end of this he placed
- in his mouth, enclosing the other in his hands. By sucking the air
- through the reed with his mouth, and regulating the tone and volume by
- opening or closing his hands, the old man was able to produce a
- marvellous imitation of the call of the turkey-hen, much to the delight
- and astonishment of the little boy.
- "Ah, Lord!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, after he had repeated the call until
- the child was satisfied, "manys en manys de time is I gone out in de
- woods wid old marster 'fo' de crack er day en call de wile turkeys right
- spang up ter whar we could er kilt um wid a stick. W'en we fus' move yer
- fum Ferginny, dey use ter come right up ter whar de barn sets, en mo'n
- dat I done seed ole marster kill um right out dar by de front gate. But
- folks fum town been comin' 'roun' yer wid der p'inter dogs twel hit done
- got so dat ef you wanter see turkey track you gotter go down dar ter de
- Oconee, en dat's two mile off."
- "Did the Wildcat catch the turkeys?" the little boy inquired, when it
- seemed that Uncle Remus was about to give his entire attention to his
- own reminiscences.
- "De gracious en de goodness!" exclaimed the old man. "Yer I is runnin'
- on en dar lays Mr. Wildcat waitin' fer Brer Rabbit fer ter help dem
- turkeys up. En 't ain't take 'im long nudder, 'kaze, bless yo' soul, ole
- Brer Rabbit wuz a yelper, mon.
- "Sho' 'nuff, atter w'ile yer dey come, ole Brer Gibley Gobbler wukkin'
- in de lead. Brer Rabbit, he run'd en meet um en gun um de wink 'bout ole
- Mr. Wildcat, en by de time dey git up ter whar he layin', Brer Gibley
- Gobbler en all his folks wuz jined in a big 'spute. One 'low he dead,
- 'n'er one 'low he ain't, 'n'er one 'low he stiff, udder one 'low he
- ain't, en t'udder 'low he is. So dar dey had it. Dey stretch out dey
- neck en step high wid dey foot, yit dey ain't git too close ter Mr.
- Wildcat.
- "He lay dar, he did, en he ain't move. Win' ruffle up he ha'r, yit he
- ain't move; sun shine down 'pun 'im, yit he ain't move. De turkeys dey
- gobble en dey yelp, but dey ain't go no nigher; dey holler en dey
- 'spute, but dey ain't go no nigher; dey stretch dey neck en dey lif' dey
- foot high, yit dey ain't go no nigher.
- "Hit keep on dis a-way, twel bimeby Mr. Wildcat git tired er waitin', en
- he jump up, he did, en make a dash at de nighest turkey; but dat turkey
- done fix, on w'en Mr. Wildcat come at 'im, he des riz in de a'r, en Mr.
- Wildcat run und' 'im. Den he tuck'n run at 'n'er one, en dat un fly up;
- en dey keep on dat a-way twel 't wa'n't long 'fo' Mr. Wildcat wuz so
- stiff in de j'ints en so short in de win' dat he des hatter lay down on
- de groun' en res', en w'en he do dis, ole Brer Gibley Gobler en all er
- he folks went on 'bout dey own business; but sence dat day deyer
- constant a-'sputin' 'long wid deyse'f en eve'ybody w'at come by. Ef you
- don't b'leeve me," with an air of disposing of the whole matter
- judicially, "you kin des holler at de fus' Gobbler w'at you meets, en ef
- he 'fuse ter holler back atter you, you kin des use my head fer a hole
- in de wall; en w'at mo' kin you ax dan dat?"
- "What became of Brother Rabbit, Uncle Remus?"
- "Well, sir, Brer Rabbit tuck'n lef' dem low-groun's. W'iles de 'sputin'
- wuz gwine on, he tuck'n bowed his good-byes, en den he des put out fum
- dar. Nex' day ole Brer Gibley Gobbler tuck'n sent 'im a turkey wing fer
- ter make a fan out'n, en Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n sent it ter Miss Meadows
- en de gals. En I let you know," continued the old man, chuckling
- heartily to himself, "dey make great 'miration 'bout it."
- [64] No doubt this means that Brother Rabbit's proposition was pleasant
- and plausible.
- [Illustration: Mr. Benjamin Ram Defends Himself]
- "I 'speck we all dun gone en fergot ole Mr. Benjermun Ram off'n our
- min'," said Uncle Remus, one night, as the little boy went into the
- cabin with a large ram's horn hanging on his arm.
- "About his playing the fiddle and getting lost in the woods!" exclaimed
- the child. "Oh, no, I have n't forgotten him, Uncle Remus. I remember
- just how he tuned his fiddle in Brother Wolf's house."
- "Dat's me!" said Uncle Remus with enthusiasm; "dat's me up en down. Mr.
- Ram des ez fresh in my min' now ez he wuz de day I year de tale. Dat ole
- creetur wuz a sight, mon. He mos' sho'ly wuz. He wrinkly ole hawn en de
- shaggy ha'r on he neck make 'im look mighty servigous,[65] en w'ence he
- shake he head en snort, hit seem lak he gwine ter fair paw de yeth fum
- und' 'im.
- "Ole Brer Fox bin pickin' up ole Mr. Benjermun Ram chilluns w'en dey git
- too fur fum home, but look lak he ain't never bin git close ter de ole
- creetur.
- "So one time w'en he 'uz comin' on down de road, talkin' 'long wid Brer
- Wolf, he up'n 'low, ole Brer Fox did, dat he mighty hongry in de
- neighborhoods er de stomach. Dis make Brer Wolf look lak he 'stonish'd,
- en he ax Brer Fox how de name er goodness come he hongry w'en ole Mr.
- Benjermun Ram layin' up dar in de house des a-rollin' in fat.
- "Den Brer Fox tuck'n 'low, he did, dat he done bin in de habits er
- eatin' Mr. Benjermun Ram chillun, but he sorter fear'd er de ole
- creetur 'kaze he look so bad on de 'count er he red eye en he wrinkly
- hawn.
- "Brer Wolf des holler en laugh, en den he 'low:--
- "'Lordy, Brer Fox! I dunner w'at kinder man is you, nohow! W'y, dat ar
- ole creetur ain't never hurted a flea in all he born days--dat he
- ain't,' sezee.
- "Brer Fox, he look at Brer Wolf right hard, he did, en den he up'n
- 'low:--
- "'Heyo, Brer Wolf! manys de time dat you bin hongry 'roun' in deze
- diggin's en I ain't year talk er you makin' a meal off'n Mr. Benjermun
- Ram,' sezee.
- "Brer Fox talk so close ter de fatal trufe, dat Brer Wolf got tooken wid
- de dry grins, yit he up'n 'spon', sezee:--
- "'I des lak ter know who in de name er goodness wanter eat tough creetur
- lak dat ole Mr. Benjermun Ram--dat w'at I lak ter know,' sezee.
- "Brer Fox, he holler en laugh, he did, en den he up'n say:--
- "'Ah-yi, Brer Wolf! You ax me w'at I goes hongry fer, w'en ole Mr.
- Benjermun Ram up dar in he house, yit you done bin hongry manys en manys
- de time, en still ole Mr. Benjermun Ram up dar in he house. Now, den,
- how you gwine do in a case lak dat?' sez Brer Fox, sezee.
- "Brer Wolf, he strak de een' er he cane down 'pun de groun', en he say,
- sezee:--
- "'I done say all I got ter say, en w'at I say, dat I'll stick ter. Dat
- ole creetur lots too tough.'
- "Hongry ez he is, Brer Fox laugh way down in he stomach. Atter w'ile he
- 'low:--
- "'Well, den, Brer Wolf, stidder 'sputin' 'longer you, I'm gwine do w'at
- you say; I'm gwine ter go up dar en git a bait er ole Mr. Benjermun Ram,
- en I wish you be so good ez ter go 'long wid me fer comp'ny,' sezee.
- "Brer Wolf jaw sorter fall w'en he year dis, en he 'low:--
- "'Eh-eh, Brer Fox! I druther go by my own--'lone se'f,' sezee.
- "'Well, den,' sez Brer Fox, sezee, 'you better make 'as'e,' sezee,
- ''kaze 't ain't gwine ter take me so mighty long fer ter go up dar en
- make hash out'n ole Mr. Benjermun Ram,' sezee.
- "Brer Wolf know mighty well," said Uncle Remus, snapping his huge tongs
- in order to silence a persistent cricket in the chimney, "dat ef he dast
- ter back out fum a banter lak dat he never is ter year de las' un it fum
- Miss Meadows en Miss Motts en de gals, en he march off todes Mr.
- Benjermun Ram house.
- "Little puff er win' come en blow'd up some leafs, en Brer Wolf jump lak
- somebody shootin' at 'im, en he fly mighty mad w'en he year Brer Fox
- laugh. He men' he gait, he did, en 't wa'n't 'long 'fo' he 'uz knockin'
- at Mr. Benjermun Ram do'.
- "He knock at de do', he did, en co'se he 'speck somebody fer ter come
- open de do'; but stidder dat, lo' en beholes yer come Mr. Benjermun Ram
- 'roun' de house. Dar he wuz--red eye, wrinkly hawn en shaggy head. Now,
- den, in case lak dat, w'at a slim-legged man lak Brer Wolf gwine do? Dey
- ain't no two ways, he gwine ter git 'way fum dar, en he went back ter
- whar Brer Fox is mo' samer dan ef de patter-rollers wuz atter 'im.
- "Brer Fox, he laugh en he laugh, en ole Brer Wolf, he look mighty glum.
- Brer Fox ax 'im is he done kilt en e't Mr. Benjermun Ram, en ef so be,
- is he lef' any fer him. Brer Wolf say he ain't feelin' well, en he don't
- lak mutton nohow. Brer Fox 'low:--
- "'You may be puny in de min', Brer Wolf, but you ain't feelin' bad in de
- leg, 'kaze I done seed you wuk um.'
- "Brer Wolf 'low he des a-runnin' fer ter see ef 't won't mak 'im feel
- better. Brer Fox, he say, sezee, dat w'en he feelin' puny, he ain't ax
- no mo' dan fer somebody fer ter git out de way en let 'im lay down.
- "Dey went on in dis a-way, dey did, twel bimeby Brer Fox ax Brer Wolf ef
- he'll go wid 'im fer ter ketch Mr. Benjermun Ram. Brer Wolf, he 'low, he
- did:--
- "'Eh-eh, Brer Fox! I fear'd you'll run en lef' me dar fer ter do all de
- fightin'.'
- "Brer Fox, he 'low dat he'll fix dat, en he tuck'n got 'im a
- plough-line, en tied one een' ter Brer Wolf en t'er een' ter he own
- se'f. Wid dat dey put out fer Mr. Benjermun Ram house. Brer Wolf, he
- sorter hang back, but he 'shame' fer ter say he skeer'd, en dey went on
- en went on plum twel dey git right spang up ter Mr. Benjermun Ram house.
- "W'en dey git dar, de ole creetur wuz settin' out in de front po'ch
- sorter sunnin' hisse'f. He see um comin', en w'en dey git up in hailin'
- distance, he sorter cle'r up he th'oat, he did, en holler out:--
- "'I much 'blije to you, Brer Fox, fer ketchin' dat owdashus vilyun en
- fetchin' 'im back. My smoke-'ouse runnin' short, en I'll des chop 'im up
- en pickle 'im. Fetch 'im in, Brer Fox! fetch 'im in!'
- "Des 'bout dat time ole Miss Ram see dem creeturs a-comin', en
- gentermens! you mought er yeard er blate plum ter town. Mr. Benjermun
- Ram, he sorter skeer'd hisse'f, but he keep on talkin':--
- "'Fetch 'im in, Brer Fox! fetch 'im in! Don't you year my ole 'oman
- cryin' fer 'im? She ain't had no wolf meat now in gwine on mighty nigh a
- mont'. Fetch 'im in, Brer Fox! fetch 'im in!'
- "Fus' Brer Wolf try ter ontie hisse'f, den he tuck'n broke en run'd, en
- he drag ole Brer Fox atter 'im des lak he ain't weigh mo'n a poun', en I
- let you know hit 'uz many a long day 'fo' Brer Fox git well er de
- thumpin' he got."
- "Uncle Remus," said the little boy after a while, "I thought wolves
- always caught sheep when they had the chance."
- "Dey ketches lam's, honey, but bless yo' soul! dey ain't ketch deze yer
- ole-time Rams wid red eye en wrinkly hawn."
- "Where was Brother Rabbit all this time?"
- "Now, den, honey, don't less pester wid ole Brer Rabbit right now. Des
- less gin 'im one night rest, mo' speshually w'en I year de seven stares
- say yo' bed-time done come. Des take yo' foot in yo' han' en put right
- out 'fo' Miss Sally come a-callin' you, 'kaze den she'll say I'm
- a-settin' yer a-noddin' en not takin' keer un you."
- The child laughed and ran up the path to the big-house, stopping a
- moment on the way to mimic a bull-frog that was bellowing at a
- tremendous rate near the spring.
- [65] Wild; fierce; dangerous; courageous. The accent is on the second
- syllable, ser-_vi_-gous; or, ser-_vi_-gus, and the g is hard. Aunt Tempy
- would have said "vigrous."
- L
- Not many nights after the story of how Mr. Benjamin Ram frightened
- Brother Wolf and Brother Fox, the little boy found himself in Uncle
- Remus's cabin. It had occurred to him that Mr. Ram should have played on
- his fiddle somewhere in the tale, and Uncle Remus was called on to
- explain. He looked at the little boy with an air of grieved
- astonishment, and exclaimed:--
- "Well, I be bless if I ever year der beat er dat. Yer you bin
- a-persooin' on atter deze yer creeturs en makin' der 'quaintunce, en yit
- look lak ef you 'uz ter meet um right up dar in der paff you'd fergit
- all 'bout who dey is."
- "Oh, no, I would n't, Uncle Remus!" protested the child, glancing at the
- door and getting a little closer to the old man.
- "Yasser! you'd des nat'ally whirl in en fergit 'bout who dey is. 'T
- ain't so mighty long sence I done tole you 'bout ole Mr. Benjermun Ram
- playin' he fiddle at Brer Wolf house, en yer you come en ax me how come
- he don't take en play it at 'im 'g'in. W'at kinder lookin' sight 'ud dat
- ole creetur a-bin ef he'd jump up en grab he fiddle en go ter playin' on
- it eve'y time he year a fuss down de big road?"
- The little boy said nothing, but he thought the story would have been a
- great deal nicer if Mr. Benjamin Ram could have played one of the
- old-time tunes on his fiddle, and while he was thinking about it, the
- door opened and Aunt Tempy made her appearance. Her good-humor was
- infectious.
- "Name er goodness!" she exclaimed, "I lef' you all settin' yer way las'
- week; I goes off un I does my wuk, un I comes back, un I fines you
- settin' right whar I lef' you. Goodness knows, I dunner whar you gits
- yo' vittles. I dunner whar I ain't bin sence I lef' you all settin' yer.
- I let you know I bin a-usin' my feet un I been a-usin' my han's. Dat's
- me. No use ter ax how you all is, 'kaze you looks lots better'n me."
- "Yas, Sis Tempy, we er settin' yer whar you lef' us, en der Lord, he bin
- a-pervidin'. W'en de vittles don't come in at de do' hit come down de
- chimbly, en so w'at de odds? We er sorter po'ly, Sis Tempy, I'm 'blige
- ter you. You know w'at de jay-bird say ter der squinch owl! 'I'm sickly
- but sassy.'"
- Aunt Tempy laughed as she replied: "I 'speck you all bin a-havin' lots
- er fun. Goodness knows I wish many a time sence I bin gone dat I 'uz
- settin' down yer runnin' on wid you all. I ain't bin gone fur--dat's so,
- yit Mistiss put me ter cuttin'-out, un I tell you now dem w'at cuts out
- de duds fer all de niggers on dis place is got ter wuk fum soon in de
- mawnin' plum tel bed-time, dey ain't no two ways. 'T ain't no wuk youk'n
- kyar' 'bout wid you needer, 'kaze you got ter spread it right out on de
- flo' un git down on yo' knees. I mighty glad I done wid it, 'kaze my
- back feel like it done broke in a thous'n pieces. Honey, is Brer Remus
- bin a-tellin' you some mo' er dem ole-time tales?"
- Aunt Tempy's question gave the little boy an excuse for giving her brief
- outlines of some of the stories. One that he seemed to remember
- particularly well was the story of how Brother Rabbit and Brother Fox
- killed a cow, and how Brother Rabbit got the most and the best of the
- beef.
- "I done year talk uv a tale like dat," exclaimed Aunt Tempy, laughing
- heartily, "but 't ain't de same tale. I mos' 'shame' ter tell it."
- "You gittin' too ole ter be blushin', Sis Tempy," said Uncle Remus with
- dignity.
- "Well den," said Aunt Tempy, wiping her fat face with her apron: "One
- time Brer Rabbit un Brer Wolf tuck'n gone off som'ers un kilt a cow, un
- w'en dey come fer ter 'vide out de kyarkiss, Brer Wolf 'low dat bein's
- he de biggest he oughter have de mos', un he light in, he did, un do
- like he gwine ter take it all. Brer Rabbit do like he don't keer much,
- but he keer so bad hit make 'im right sick. He tuck'n walk all 'roun' de
- kyarkiss, he did, un snuff de air, un terreckly he say:--
- "'Brer Wolf!--O Brer Wolf!--is dis meat smell 'zuckly right ter you?'
- "Brer Wolf, he cuttin' un he kyarvin' un he ain't sayin' nothin'. Brer
- Rabbit, he walk all 'roun' un 'roun' de kyarkiss. He feel it un he kick
- it. Terreckly he say:--
- "'Brer Wolf!--O Brer Wolf!--Dis meat feel mighty flabby ter me; how it
- feel ter you?'
- "Brer Wolf, he year all dat's said, but he keep on a-cuttin' un a
- kyarvin'. Brer Rabbit say:--
- "'You kin talk er not talk, Brer Wolf, des ez youer min' ter, yit ef I
- ain't mistooken in de sign, you'll do some tall talkin' 'fo' youer done
- wid dis beef. Now you mark w'at I tell you!'
- "Brer Rabbit put out fum dar, en 't wa'n't long 'fo' yer he come back
- wid a chunk er fier, un a dish er salt. W'en Brer Wolf see dis, he
- say:--
- "'W'at you gwine do wid all dat, Brer Rabbit?'
- "Brer Rabbit laugh like he know mo' dan he gwine tell, un he say:--
- "'Bless yo' soul, Brer Wolf! I ain't gwine ter kyar er poun' er dis meat
- home tel I fin' out w'at de matter wid it. No I ain't--so dar now!'
- "Den Brer Rabbit built 'im a fier un cut 'im off a slishe er steak un
- br'ilte it good un done, un den he e't little uv it. Fus' he'd tas'e un
- den he'd nibble; den he'd nibble un den he'd tas'e. He keep on tel he
- e't right smart piece. Den he went'n sot off little ways like he waitin'
- fer sump'n'.
- "Brer Wolf, he kyarve un he cut, but he keep one eye on Brer Rabbit.
- Brer Rabbit sot up dar same ez Judge on de bench. Brer Wolf, he watch
- his motions. Terreckly Brer Rabbit fling bofe han's up ter he head un
- fetch a groan. Brer Wolf cut un kyarve un watch Brer Rabbit motions.
- Brer Rabbit sorter sway backerds un forrerds un fetch 'n'er groan. Den
- he sway fum side to side un holler 'O Lordy!' Brer Wolf, he sorter 'gun
- ter git skeer'd un he ax Brer Rabbit w'at de matter. Brer Rabbit, he
- roll on de groun' un holler:--
- "'O Lordy, Lordy! I'm pizen'd, I'm pizen'd! O Lordy! I'm pizen'd! Run
- yer, somebody, run yer! De meat done got pizen on it. Oh, do run yer!'
- "Brer Wolf git so skeer'd dat he put out fum dar, un he wa'n't out er
- sight skacely 'fo' Brer Rabbit jump up fum dar un cut de pidjin-wing, un
- 't wa'n't so mighty long atter dat 'fo' Brer Rabbit done put all er dat
- beef in his smoke-house."
- "What became of Brother Wolf?" the little boy inquired.
- "Brer Wolf went atter de doctor," continued Aunt Tempy, making little
- tucks in her apron, "un w'en he come back Brer Rabbit un de beef done
- gone; un, bless goodness, ef it had n't er bin fer de sign whar Brer
- Rabbit built de fier, Brer Wolf would er bin mightly pester'd fer ter
- fine der place whar de cow bin kilt."
- At this juncture, 'Tildy, the house-girl, came in to tell Aunt Tempy
- that one of the little negroes had been taken suddenly sick.
- "I bin huntin' fer you over de whole blessid place," said 'Tildy.
- "No, you ain't--no, you ain't. You ain't bin huntin' nowhar. You know'd
- mighty well whar I wuz."
- "Law, Mam' Tempy, I can't keep up wid you. How I know you down yer
- courtin' wid Unk Remus?"
- "Yo' head mighty full er courtin', you nas' stinkin' huzzy!" exclaimed
- Aunt Tempy.
- Uncle Remus, strange to say, was unmoved. He simply said:--
- "W'en you see dat ar 'Tildy gal pirootin' 'roun' I boun' you ole Brer
- Affikin Jack ain't fur off. 'T won't be so mighty long 'fo' de ole
- creetur'll show up."
- "How you know dat, Unk Remus?" exclaimed 'Tildy, showing her white teeth
- and stretching her eyes. "Hit's de Lord's trufe; Mass Jeems done writ a
- letter ter Miss Sally, en' he say in dat letter dat Daddy Jack ax 'im
- fer ter tell Miss Sally ter tell me dat he'll be up yer dis week. Dat
- ole Affikin ape got de impidence er de Ole Boy. He dunner who he foolin'
- 'longer!"
- LI
- The next night the little boy hardly waited to eat his supper before
- going to Uncle Remus's house; and when Aunt Tempy failed to put in an
- appearance as early as he thought necessary, he did not hesitate to go
- after her. He had an idea that there was a sequel to the story she had
- told the night before, and he was right. After protesting against being
- dragged around from post to pillar by children, Aunt Tempy said:--
- "Atter Brer Rabbit tuck'n make out he 'uz pizen'd un git all de beef, 't
- wa'n't long 'fo' he chance to meet ole Brer Wolf right spang in de
- middle uv de road. Brer Rabbit, he sorter shied off ter one side, but
- Brer Wolf hail 'im:--
- "'W'oa dar, my colty! don't be so gayly. You better be 'shame' yo'se'f
- 'bout de way you do me w'en we go inter cahoots wid dat beef.'
- "Brer Rabbit, he up'n ax Brer Wolf how all his folks. Brer Wolf say:--
- "'You'll fin' out how dey all is 'fo' dis day gone by. You took'n took
- de beef, en now I'm a-gwine ter take'n take you.'
- "Wid dis Brer Wolf make a dash at Brer Rabbit, but he des lack a little
- bit uv bein' quick 'nuff, en Brer Rabbit he des went a-sailin' thoo de
- woods. Brer Wolf, he tuck atter 'im, en yer dey had it--fus' Brer Rabbit
- en den Brer Wolf. Brer Rabbit mo' soopler dan Brer Wolf, but Brer Wolf
- got de 'vantage er de win', en terreckly he push Brer Rabbit so close
- dat he run in a holler log.
- "Brer Rabbit bin in dat log befo' en he know dey's a hole at de t'er
- een', en he des keep on a-gwine. He dart in one een' en he slip out de
- udder. He ain't stop ter say goo'-bye; bless you! he des keep on gwine.
- "Brer Wolf, he see Brer Rabbit run in de holler log, en he say ter
- hisse'f:--
- "'Heyo, dey bin callin' you so mighty cunnin' all dis time, en yer you
- done gone en shot yo'se'f up in my trap.'
- "Den Brer Wolf laugh en lay down by de een' whar Brer Rabbit went in, en
- pant en res' hisse'f. He see whar Brer B'ar burnin' off a new groun', en
- he holler en ax 'im fer ter fetch 'im a chunk er fier, en Brer B'ar he
- fotch it, en dey sot fier ter de holler log, en dey sot dar en watch it
- till it burn plum up. Den dey took'n shuck han's, en Brer Wolf say he
- hope dat atter dat dey'll have some peace in de neighborhoods."
- Uncle Remus smiled a knowing smile as he filled his pipe, but Aunt Tempy
- continued with great seriousness:--
- "One time atter dat, Brer Wolf, he took'n pay a call down ter Miss
- Meadows, en w'en he git dar en see Brer Rabbit settin' up side uv one er
- de gals, he like to 'a' fainted, dat he did. He 'uz dat 'stonish'd dat
- he look right down-hearted all endurin' uv de party.
- "Brer Rabbit, he bow'd his howdies ter Brer Wolf un shuck han's 'long
- wid 'im, des like nothin' ain't never happen 'twixt 'um, en he up'n
- say:--
- "'Ah-law, Brer Wolf! Youer much mo' my fr'en' dan you ever 'speckted ter
- be, en you kin des count on me right straight 'long.'
- "Brer Wolf say he feel sorter dat a-way hisse'f, en he ax Brer Rabbit
- w'at make 'im change his min' so quick.
- "'Bless you, Brer Wolf, I had needs ter change it,' sez Brer Rabbit,
- sezee.
- "Brer Wolf, he ax 'im how come.
- "'All about bein' burnt up in a holler log, Brer Wolf, en w'en you gits
- time I wish you be so good ez ter bu'n me up some mo',' sez Brer Rabbit,
- sezee.
- "Brer Wolf, he ax 'im how so. Brer Rabbit say:--
- "'I'm fear'd ter tell you, Brer Wolf, 'kaze I don't want de news ter git
- out.'
- "Brer Wolf vow he won't tell nobody on de top side er de worl'. Brer
- Rabbit say:--
- "I done fin' out, Brer Wolf, dat w'en you git in a holler tree en
- somebody sets it a-fier, dat de nat'al honey des oozles out uv it, en
- mor'n dat, atter you git de honey all over you, 't ain't no use ter try
- ter burn you up, 'kaze de honey will puzzuv you. Don't 'ny me dis favor,
- Brer Wolf, 'kaze I done pick me out a n'er holler tree,' sez Brer
- Rabbit, sezee.
- "Brer Wolf, he wanter put right out den en dar, en Brer Rabbit say dat
- des de kinder man w'at he bin huntin' fer. Dey took deyse'f off en 't
- wa'n't long 'fo' dey came ter de tree w'at Brer Rabbit say he done pick
- out. W'en dey git dar, Brer Wolf, he so greedy fer ter git a tas'e er de
- honey dat he beg en beg Brer Rabbit fer ter let 'im git in de holler.
- Brer Rabbit, he hol' back, but Brer Wolf beg so hard dat Brer Rabbit
- 'gree ter let 'im git in de holler.
- "Brer Wolf, he got in, he did, en Brer Rabbit stuff de hole full er dry
- leaves en trash, en den he got 'im a chunk er fier en totch 'er off. She
- smoked en smoked, en den she bust out in a blaze. Brer Rabbit, he pile
- up rocks, en brush, en sticks, so Brer Wolf can't git out. Terreckly
- Brer Wolf holler:--
- "'Gittin' mighty hot, Brer Rabbit! I ain't see no honey yit.'
- "Brer Rabbit he pile on mo' trash, en holler back:--
- "'Don't be in no hurry, Brer Wolf; you'll see it en tas'e it too.'
- "Fier burn en burn, wood pop like pistol. Brer Wolf, he holler:
- "'Gittin' hotter en hotter, Brer Rabbit. No honey come yit.'
- "'Hol' still, Brer Wolf, hit'll come.'
- "'Gimme a'r, Brer Rabbit; I'm a-chokin'.'
- "'Fresh a'r make honey sour. Des hol' still, Brer Wolf!'
- "'_Ow!_ she gittin' hotter en hotter, Brer Rabbit!'
- "'Des hol' right still, Brer Wolf; mos' time fer de honey!'
- "'_Ow! ow!_ I'm a-burnin', Brer Rabbit!'
- "'Wait fer de honey, Brer Wolf.'
- "'I can't stan' it, Brer Rabbit.'
- "'Stan' it like I did, Brer Wolf.'
- "Brer Rabbit he pile on de trash en de leaves. He say:--
- "'I'll gin you honey, Brer Wolf; de same kinder honey you wanted ter
- gimme.'
- "En it seem like ter me," said Aunt Tempy, pleased at the interest the
- little boy had shown, "dat it done Brer Wolf des right."
- The little boy had heard Uncle Remus lamenting that his candle was
- getting rather short, and he made it his business to go around the house
- and gather all the pieces he could find. He carried these to the old
- man, who received them with the liveliest satisfaction.
- "Now dish yer sorter look lak sump'n', honey. W'en ole Brer Jack come
- back, en Sis Tempy git in de habits er hangin' 'roun', we'll des light
- some er dese yer, en folks'll come by en see de shine, en dey'll go off
- en 'low dat hit's de night des 'fo' camp-meetin' at ole Remus house.
- "I got little piece dar in my chist w'at you brung me long time ergo, en
- I 'low ter myse'f dat ef shove ever git ter be push,[66] I'd des draw 'er
- out en light 'er up."
- "Mamma says Daddy Jack is coming back Sunday," said the little boy.
- "Dat w'at I year talk," replied the old man.
- "What did he go off for, Uncle Remus?"
- "Bless yo' soul, honey! Brer Jack bleedz ter go en see yo' Unk Jeems. He
- b'leeve de worl' go wrong ef he ain't do dat. Dat ole nigger b'leeve he
- white mon. He come up yer fum down de country whar de Lord done fersook
- um too long 'go ter talk 'bout,--he come up yer en he put on mo' a'rs
- dan w'at I dast ter do. Not dat I'm keerin', 'kaze goodness knows I
- ain't, yit I notices dat w'en I has ter go some'rs, dey's allers a great
- ter-do 'bout w'at is I'm a-gwine fer, en how long is I'm a-gwine ter
- stay; en ef I ain't back at de ve'y minit, dars Mars John a-growlin', en
- Miss Sally a-vowin' dat she gwine ter put me on de block."[67]
- Perhaps Uncle Remus's jealousy was more substantial than he was willing
- to admit; but he was talking merely to see what the little boy would
- say. The child, however, failed to appreciate the situation, seeing
- which the old man quickly changed the subject.
- "Times is mighty diffunt fum w'at dey use ter wuz, 'kaze de time has
- bin dat ef ole Brer Rabbit had er run'd up wid Brer Jack w'iles he
- comin' fum yo' Unk Jeems place, he'd outdone 'im des ez sho' ez de worl'
- stan's. Deze days de Rabbits has ter keep out de way er folks, but in
- dem days folks had ter keep out der way er ole Brer Rabbit. Ain't I
- never tell you 'bout how Brer Rabbit whirl in en outdo Mr. Man?"
- "About the meat tied to the string, Uncle Remus?"
- "_Shoo!_ Dat ain't a drap in de bucket, honey. Dish yer wuz de time w'en
- ole Brer Rabbit wuz gwine 'long de big road, en he meet Mr. Man drivin'
- 'long wid a waggin chock full er money."
- "Where did he get so much money, Uncle Remus?"
- "Bruisin' 'round en peddlin' 'bout. Mr. Man got w'at lots er folks ain't
- got,--good luck, long head, quick eye, en slick fingers. But no marter
- 'bout dat, he got de money; en w'en you sorter grow up so you kin knock
- 'roun', 't won't be long 'fo' some un'll take en take you off 'roun' de
- cornder en tell you dat 't ain't make no diffunce whar de money come fum
- so de man got it. Dey won't tell you dat in de meeting-house, but dey'll
- come mighty nigh it.
- "But dat ain't needer yer ner dar. Mr. Man, he come a-drivin' 'long de
- big road, en he got a waggin full er money. Brer Rabbit, he come
- a-lippity-clippitin' 'long de big road, en he ain't got no waggin full
- er money. Ole Brer Rabbit, he up'n tuck a notion dat dey's sump'n' wrong
- some'rs, 'kaze ef dey wa'n't, he 'ud have des ez much waggin en money ez
- Mr. Man. He study, en study, en he can't make out how dat is. Bimeby he
- up'n holler out:--
- "'Mr. Man, please, sir, lemme ride.'
- "Mr. Man, he tuck'n stop he waggin, en 'low:--
- "'Heyo, Brer Rabbit! how come dis? You comin' one way en I gwine nudder;
- how come you wanter ride?'
- "Brer Rabbit, he up'n scratch hisse'f on de back er de neck wid he
- behime foot, en holler out:--
- "'Mr. Man, yo' sho'ly can't be 'quainted 'long wid me. I'm one er dem
- ar ole-time kinder folks w'at ain't a-keerin' w'ich way deyer gwine long
- ez deyer ridin'.'"
- The little boy laughed a sympathetic laugh, showing that he heartily
- endorsed this feature of Brother Rabbit's programme.
- "Atter so long a time," Uncle Remus went on, "Mr. Man 'gree ter let Brer
- Rabbit ride a little piece. He try ter git Brer Rabbit fer ter ride upon
- de seat wid 'im so dey kin git ter 'sputin' 'n'er, but Brer Rabbit say
- he fear'd he fall off, en he des tuck'n sot right flat down in de bottom
- er de waggin, en make lak he fear'd ter move.
- "Bimeby, w'iles dey goin' down hill, en Mr. Man hatter keep he eye on de
- hosses, Brer Rabbit he tuck'n fling out a great big hunk er de money.
- Dez ez de money hit de groun' Brer Rabbit holler out:--
- "'_Ow_!'
- "Mr. Man look 'roun' en ax w'at de marter. Brer Rabbit 'low:--
- "'Nothin' 't all, Mr. Man, 'ceppin' you 'bout ter jolt my jaw-bone
- a-loose.'
- "Dey go on little furder, en Brer Rabbit fling out 'n'er hunk er de
- money. Wen she hit de groun', Brer Rabbit holler:--
- "'_Blam_!'
- "Mr. Man look 'roun' en ax w'at de marter. Brer Rabbit 'low:--
- "'Nothin' 't all, Mr. Man, 'ceppin' I seed a jaybird flyin' 'long, en I
- make lak I had a gun.'
- "Hit keep on dis a-way twel fus' news you know Mr. Man ain't got a sign
- er money in dat waggin. Seem lak Mr. Man ain't notice dis twel he git a
- mighty fur ways fum de place whar Brer Rabbit drap out de las' hunk;
- but, gentermens! w'en he do fine it out, you better b'leeve he sot up a
- howl.
- "'Whar my money? Whar my nice money? Whar my waggin full er purty
- money? O you long-year'd rascal! Whar my money? Oh, gimme my money!'
- "Brer Rabbit sot dar en lissen at 'im lak he 'stonish'd. Den he up'n
- 'low:--
- "'Look out, Mr. Man! folks'll come 'long en year you gwine on dat a-way,
- en dey'll go off en say you done gone ravin' 'stracted.'
- "Yit Mr. Man keep on holler'n en beggin' Brer Rabbit fer ter gin 'im de
- money, en bimeby Brer Rabbit, he git sorter skeer'd en he up'n 'low:--
- "'Sun gittin' low, Mr. Man, en I better be gittin' 'way fum yer. De
- sooner I goes de better, 'kaze ef you keep on lak you gwine, 't won't be
- long 'fo' you'll be excusin' me er takin' dat ar money. I'm 'blige' fer
- de ride, Mr. Man, en I wish you mighty well.'
- "Brer Rabbit got de money," continued Uncle Remus, gazing placidly into
- the fire, "en hit's mighty kuse ter me dat he ain't git de waggin en
- hosses. Dat 't is!"
- [66] A plantation saying. It means if hard times get harder. A briefer
- form is "w'en shove 'come push"--when the worst comes to the worst.
- [67] That is to say, put him on the block, and sell him.
- "Eve'y time I run over in my min' 'bout the pranks er Brer Rabbit,"
- Uncle Remus continued, without giving the little boy time to ask any
- more embarrassing questions about Mr. Man and his wagon full of money,
- "hit make me laugh mo' en mo'. He mos' allers come out on top, yit dey
- wuz times w'en he hatter be mighty spry."
- "When was that, Uncle Remus?" inquired the little boy.
- "I min' me er one time w'en de t'er creeturs all git de laugh on 'im,"
- responded the old man, "en dey make 'im feel sorter 'shame'. Hit seem
- lak dat dey 'uz some kinder bodderment 'mungs' de creeturs en wud went
- out dat dey all got ter meet terge'er some'rs en ontangle de
- tanglements.
- "W'en de time come, dey wuz all un um dar, en dey hilt der confab right
- 'long. All un um got sump'n' ter say, en dey talk dar, dey did, des lak
- dey 'uz paid fer talkin'. Dey all had der plans, en dey jabbered des lak
- folks does w'en dey call deyse'f terge'er. Hit come 'bout dat Mr. Dog
- git a seat right close by Brer Rabbit, en w'en he open he mouf fer ter
- say sump'n', he toofs look so long en so strong, en dey shine so w'ite,
- dat it feel mighty kuse.
- "Mr. Dog, he'd say sump'n', Brer Rabbit, he'd jump en dodge. Mr. Dog,
- he'd laugh, Brer Rabbit, he'd dodge en jump. Hit keep on dis a-way, twel
- eve'y time Brer Rabbit'd dodge en jump, de t'er creeturs dey'd slap der
- han's terge'er en break out in a laugh. Mr. Dog, he tuck'n tuck a notion
- dat dey 'uz laughin' at him, en dis make 'im so mad dat he 'gun ter
- growl en snap right smartually, en it come ter dat pass dat w'en Brer
- Rabbit'd see Mr. Dog make a motion fer ter say a speech, he'd des drap
- down en git und' de cheer.
- "Co'se dis make um laugh wuss en wuss, en de mo' dey laugh de madder it
- make Mr. Dog, twel bimeby he git so mad he fa'rly howl, en Brer Rabbit
- he sot dar, he did, en shuck lak he got er ager.
- "Atter w'ile Brer Rabbit git sorter on t'er side, en he make a speech en
- say dey oughter be a law fer ter make all de creeturs w'at got tushes
- ketch en eat der vittles wid der claws. All un um 'gree ter dis 'cep'
- hit's Mr. Dog, Brer Wolf, en Brer Fox.
- "In dem days," continued Uncle Remus, "ef all de creeturs ain't 'gree,
- dey put it off twel de nex' meetin' en talk it over some mo', en dat's
- de way dey done wid Brer Rabbit projick. Dey put it off twel de nex'
- time.
- "Brer Rabbit got a kinder sneakin' notion dat de creeturs ain't gwine do
- lak he want um ter do, en he 'low ter Brer Wolf dat he 'speck de bes'
- way fer ter do is ter git all de creeturs ter 'gree fer ter have Mr. Dog
- mouf sew'd up, 'kaze he toofs look so venomous; en Brer Wolf say dey ull
- all go in fer dat.
- "Sho' 'nuff, w'en de day done come, Brer Rabbit he git up en say dat de
- bes' way ter do is have Mr. Dog mouf sew'd up so he toofs won't look so
- venomous. Dey all 'gree, en den Mr. Lion, settin' up in de arm-cheer, he
- ax who gwine do de sewin'.
- "Den dey all up'n 'low dat de man w'at want de sewin' done, he de man
- fer ter do it, 'kaze den he ull know it done bin done right. Brer
- Rabbit, he sorter study, en den he 'low:--
- "'I ain't got no needle.'
- "Brer B'ar, he sorter feel in de flap er he coat collar, en he 'low:--
- "'Yer, Brer Rabbit; yer a great big one!'
- "Brer Rabbit, he sorter study 'g'in, en den he 'low:--
- "'I ain't got no th'ead.'
- "Brer B'ar, he tuck'n pull a rav'lin' fum de bottom er he wescut, en he
- 'low:--
- "'Yer, Brer Rabbit; yer a great long one!'
- "Ef it had er bin anybody in de roun' worl' he'd er 'gun ter feel sorter
- ticklish," Uncle Remus went on. "But ole Brer Rabbit, he des tuck'n lay
- he finger 'cross he nose, en 'low:--
- "'Des hol' um dar fer me, Brer B'ar, en I'll be much 'blige ter you.
- _Hit's des 'bout my time er day fer ter take a walk!_'"
- Uncle Remus laughed as heartily as the child, and added:--
- "Some folks say de creeturs had de grins on Brer Rabbit 'bout dat time;
- but I tell you right pine-blank dey ain't grin much w'en dey year Brer
- Rabbit say dat."
- At last Daddy Jack returned, and the fact that the little boy had missed
- him and inquired about him, seemed to give the old African particular
- pleasure. It was probably a new experience to Daddy Jack, and it vaguely
- stirred some dim instinct in his bosom that impelled him to greet the
- child with more genuine heartiness than he had ever displayed in all his
- life. He drew the little boy up to him, patted him gently on the cheek,
- and exclaimed:--
- "Ki! I bin want fer see you bery bahd. I bin-a tell you' nunk Jeem' how
- fine noung mà n you is. 'E ahx wey you no come fer shum. Fine b'y--fine
- b'y!"
- "Well, ef dat's de way youer gwine on, Brer Jack, you'll spile dat chap
- sho'. A whole sack er salt won't save 'im."
- "I dunno 'bout dat, Brer Remus," said Aunt Tempy, who had come in.
- "Don't seem like he bad like some yuther childun w'at I seen. Bless you,
- I know childun w'at'd keep dish yer whole place tarryfied--dat dey
- would!"
- "Well, sir," said Uncle Remus, shaking his head and groaning, "you all
- ain't wid dat young un dar much ez I is. Some days w'en dey ain't nobody
- lookin', en dey ain't nobody nowhar fer ter take keer un me, dat ar
- little chap dar 'll come down yer en chunk me wid rocks, en 'buze me en
- holler at me scan'lous."
- The little boy looked so shocked that Uncle Remus broke into a laugh
- that shook the cobwebs in the corners; then, suddenly relapsing into
- seriousness, he drew himself up with dignity and remarked:--
- "Good er bad, you can't git 'long wid 'im less'n you sets in ter tellin'
- tales, en, Brer Jack, I hope you got some 'long wid you."
- Daddy Jack rubbed his hands together, and said:--
- "Me bin yeddy one tale; 'e mekky me lahff tel I is 'come tire'."
- "Fer de Lord sake less have it den!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy, with
- unction. Whereupon, the small but appreciative audience disposed itself
- comfortably, and Daddy Jack, peering at each one in turn, his eyes
- shining between his half-closed lids as brightly as those of some wild
- animal, began:--
- "One tam B'er Rabbit is bin traffel 'roun' fer see 'e neighbor folks. 'E
- bin mahd wit' B'er Wolf fer so long tam; 'e mek no diffran, 'e come pas'
- 'e house 'e no see nuttin', 'e no yeddy nuttin'. 'E holler:--
- "'Hi, B'er Wolf! wey you no fer mek answer wun me ahx you howdy? Wey fer
- you is do dis 'fo' me werry face? Wut mekky you do dis?'
- "'E wait, 'e lissun; nuttin' no mek answer. B'er Rabbit, 'e holler:--
- "'Come-a show you'se'f, B'er Wolf! Come-a show you'se'f. Be 'shame' fer
- not show you'se'f wun you' 'quaintun' come bisitin' wey you lif!'
- "Nuttin' 't all no mek answer, un B'er Rabbit 'come berry mahd. 'E 'come
- so mahd 'e stomp 'e fut un bump 'e head 'pon da fence-side. Bumbye 'e
- tek heart, 'e y-opun da do', 'e is look inside da house. Fier bu'n in da
- chimbly, pot set 'pon da fier, ole ooman sed by da pot. Fier bu'n, pot,
- 'e bile, ole ooman, 'e tek 'e nap.
- "Da ole ooman, 'e ole Granny Wolf; 'e cripple in 'e leg, 'e bline in 'e
- y-eye, 'e mos' deaf in 'e year. 'E deaf, but 'e bin yeddy B'er Rabbit
- mek fuss at da do', un 'e is cry out:--
- "'Come-a see you' ole Granny, me gran'son--come-a see you' Granny! Da
- fier is bin bu'n, da pot is bin b'ile; come-a fix you' Granny some
- bittle,[68] me gran'son.'"
- Daddy Jack's representation of the speech and action of an old woman was
- worth seeing and hearing. The little boy laughed, and Uncle Remus smiled
- good-humoredly; but Aunt Tempy looked at the old African with
- open-mouthed astonishment. Daddy Jack, however, cared nothing for any
- effect he might produce. He told the story for the story's sake, and he
- made no pause for the purpose of gauging the appreciation of his
- audience.
- "B'er Rabbit, 'e is bin mek 'ese'f comfuts by da fier. Bumbye, 'e
- holler:--
- "'Hi, Granny! I bin cripple mese'f; me y-eye bin-a come bline. You mus'
- bile-a me in da water, Granny, so me leg is kin come well, en so me
- y-eye kin come see.'
- "B'er Rabbit, 'e mighty ha'd fer fool. 'E bin tek 'im one chunk woot, 'e
- drap da woot in da pot. 'E bin say:--
- "'I is bin feelin' well, me Granny. Me leg, 'e comin' strong, me y-eye
- 'e fix fer see.'
- "Granny Wolf, 'e shek 'e head; 'e cry:--
- "'Me one leg cripple, me turrer leg cripple; me one eye bline, me turrer
- y-eye bline. Wey you no fer pit me in da pot fer mek me well?'
- "B'er Rabbit laff in 'e belly; 'e say:--
- "'Hol' you'se'f still, me Granny; I fix you one place in da pot wey you
- is kin fetch-a back da strenk in you' leg en da sight in you' eye. Hol'
- still, me Granny!'
- "B'er Rabbit, 'e is bin tekky da chunk y-out da pot; 'e tekky da chunk,
- en 'e is bin pit Granny Wolf in dey place. 'E tetch da water, 'e
- holler:--
- "'Ow! tekky me way fum dis!'
- "B'er Rabbit say 'tiss not da soon 'nuff tam. Granny Wolf, 'e holler:--
- "'Ow! tekky me way fum dis! 'E bin too hot!'
- "B'er Rabbit, 'e no tekky da Mammy Wolf fum da pot, en bumbye 'e die in
- dey. B'er Rabbit 'e tek 'e bone en t'row um 'way; 'e leaf da meat. 'E
- tek Granny Wolf frock, 'e tu'n um 'roun', 'e pit um on; 'e tek Granny
- Wolf cap, 'e tu'n 'roun', 'e pit um on. 'E sed deer by da fier, 'e hol'
- 'e'se'f in 'e cheer sem lak Granny Wolf.
- "Bumbye B'er Wolf is bin-a come back. 'E walk in 'e house, 'e say:--
- "'Me honkry, Grinny-Granny! Me honkry, fer true!'
- "'You' dinner ready, Grin'son-Gran'son!'
- "B'er Wolf, 'e look in da pot, 'e smell in da pot, 'e stir in da pot. 'E
- eat 'e dinner, 'e smack 'e mout'."
- The little boy shuddered, and Aunt Tempy exclaimed, "In de name er de
- Lord!" The old African paid no attention to either.
- "B'er Wolf eat 'e dinner; 'e call 'e chilluns, 'e ahx um is dey no want
- nuttin' 't all fer eat. 'E holler back:--
- "'We no kin eat we Grinny-Granny!'
- "B'er Rabbit, 'e run 'way fum dey-dey; 'e holler back:--
- "'B'er Wolf, you is bin eat you' Grinny-Granny.'
- "B'er Wolf bin-a git so mad 'e yent mos' kin see. 'E yeddy B'er Rabbit
- holler, en 'e try fer ketch um. 'E feer teer up da grass wey 'e run
- 'long. Bumbye 'e come 'pon B'er Rabbit. 'E is bin push um ha'd. B'er
- Rabbit run un-a run tel 'e yent kin run no mo'; 'e hide 'neat' leanin'
- tree. B'er Wolf, 'e fine um; B'er Rabbit 'e holler:--
- "'Hi! B'er Wolf! mek 'as'e come hol' up da tree, 'fo' 'e is fall
- dey-dey; come-a hol' um, B'er Wolf, so I is kin prop um up.'
- "B'er Wolf, 'e hol' up da tree fer B'er Rabbit; 'e hol' um till 'e do
- come tire'. B'er Rabbit gone!"
- Daddy Jack paused. His story was ended. The little boy drew a long
- breath and said:--
- "I did n't think Brother Rabbit would burn anybody to death in a pot of
- boiling water."
- "Dat," said Uncle Remus, reassuringly, "wuz endurin' er de dog days. Dey
- er mighty wom times, mon, dem ar dog days is."
- This was intended to satisfy such scruples as the child might have, and
- it was no doubt successful, for the youngster said no more, but watched
- Uncle Remus as the latter leisurely proceeded to fill his pipe.
- [68] Victuals.
- LV
- Uncle Remus chipped the tobacco from the end of a plug, rubbed it
- between the palms of his hands, placed it in his pipe, dipped the pipe
- in the glowing embers, and leaned back in his chair, and seemed to be
- completely happy.
- "Hit mought not er bin endurin' er de dog days," said the old man,
- recurring to Daddy Jack's story, "'kaze dey wuz times dat w'en dey push
- ole Brer Rabbit so close he 'uz des bleedz ter git he revengeance out'n
- um. Dat mought er bin de marter 'twix' him en ole Grinny-Granny Wolf,
- 'kaze w'en ole Brer Rabbit git he dander up, he 'uz a monst'us bad man
- fer ter fool wid.
- "Dey tuck atter 'im," continued Uncle Remus, "en dey 'buzed 'im, en dey
- tried ter 'stroy 'im, but dey wuz times w'en de t'er creeturs bleedz ter
- call on 'im fer ter he'p 'em out dey trouble. I ain't nev' tell you
- 'bout little Wattle Weasel, is I?" asked the old man, suddenly turning
- to the little boy.
- The child laughed. The dogs on the plantation had killed a weasel a few
- nights before,--a very cunning-looking little animal,--and some of the
- negroes had sent it to the big house as a curiosity. He connected this
- fact with Uncle Remus's allusions to the weasel. Before he could make
- any reply, however, the old man went on:--
- "No, I boun' I ain't, en it come 'cross me right fresh en hot time I
- year talk er Brer Wolf eatin' he granny. Dey wuz one time w'en all de
- creeturs wuz livin' in de same settlement en usin' out'n de same spring,
- en it got so dat dey put all dey butter in de same piggin'. Dey put it
- in dar, dey did, en dey put it in de spring-house, en dey'd go off en
- 'ten' ter dey business. Den w'en dey come back dey'd fine whar some un
- been nibblin' at dey butter. Dey tuck'n hide dat butter all 'roun' in de
- spring-house; dey sot it on de rafters, en dey bury it in de san'; yit
- all de same de butter 'ud come up missin'.
- "Bimeby it got so dey dunner w'at ter do; dey zamin' de tracks, en dey
- fine out dat de man w'at nibble dey butter is little Wattle Weasel. He
- come in de night, he come in de day; dey can't ketch 'im. Las' de
- creeturs tuck'n helt er confab, en dey 'gree dat dey hatter set some un
- fer ter watch en ketch Wattle Weasel.
- "Brer Mink wuz de fus' man 'p'inted, 'kaze he wa'n't mo'n a half a
- han'[69] no way you kin fix it. De t'er creeturs dey tuck'n went off ter
- dey wuk, en Brer Mink he tuck'n sot up wid de butter. He watch en he
- lissen, he lissen en he watch; he ain't see nothin', he ain't year
- nothin'. Yit he watch, 'kaze der t'er creeturs done fix up a law dat ef
- Wattle Weasel come w'iles somebody watchin' en git off bidout gittin'
- kotch, de man w'at watchin' ain't kin eat no mo' butter endurin' er dat
- year.
- "Brer Mink, he watch en he wait. He set so still dat bimeby he git de
- cramps in de legs, en des 'bout dat time little Wattle Weasel pop he
- head und' de do'. He see Brer Mink, en he hail 'im:--
- "'Heyo, Brer Mink! you look sorter lonesome in dar. Come out yer en less
- take a game er hidin'-switch.'
- "Brer Mink, he wanter have some fun, he did, en he tuck'n jine Wattle
- Weasel in de game. Dey play en dey play twel, bimeby, Brer Mink git so
- wo' out dat he ain't kin run, skacely, en des soon ez dey sets down ter
- res', Brer Mink, he draps off ter sleep. Little Wattle Weasel, so mighty
- big en fine, he goes en nibbles up de butter, en pops out de way he come
- in.
- "De creeturs, dey come back, dey did, en dey fine de butter nibbled, en
- Wattle Weasel gone. Wid dat, dey marks Brer Mink down, en he ain't
- kin eat no mo' butter dat year. Den dey fix up 'n'er choosement en
- 'p'int Brer Possum fer ter watch de butter.
- "Brer Possum, he grin en watch, and bimeby, sho' 'nuff, in pop little
- Wattle Weasel. He come in, he did, en he sorter hunch Brer Possum in de
- short ribs, en ax 'im how he come on. Brer Possum mighty ticklish, en
- time Wattle Weasel totch 'im in de short ribs, he 'gun ter laugh. Wattle
- Weasel totch 'im ag'in en laugh wusser, en he keep on hunchin' 'im dat
- a-way twel bimeby Brer Possum laugh hisse'f plum outer win', en Wattle
- Weasel lef 'im dar en nibble up de butter.
- "De creeturs, dey tuck'n mark Brer Possum down, en 'p'int Brer Coon.
- Brer Coon, he tuck'n start in all so mighty fine; but w'iles he settin'
- dar, little Wattle Weasel banter 'im fer a race up de branch. No sooner
- say dan yer dey went! Brer Coon, he foller de tu'ns er de branch, en
- little Wattle Weasel he take'n take nigh cuts, en 't wa'n't no time 'fo'
- he done run Brer Coon plum down. Den dey run down de branch, and 'fo'
- Brer Coon kin ketch up wid 'im, dat little Wattle Weasel done got back
- ter de noggin er butter, en nibble it up.
- "Den de creeturs tuck'n mark Brer Coon down, dey did, en 'p'int Brer Fox
- fer ter watch de butter. Wattle Weasel sorter 'fear'd 'er Brer Fox. He
- study long time, en den he wait twel night. Den he tuck'n went 'roun' in
- de ole fiel' en woke up de Killdees[70] en druv 'roun' todes de
- spring-house. Brer Fox year um holler, en it make he mouf water. Bimeby,
- he 'low ter hisse'f dat 't ain't no harm ef he go out en slip up on
- one."
- "Dar now!" said Aunt Tempy.
- "Brer Fox tuck'n slip out, en Wattle Weasel he slicked in, en bless yo'
- soul! dar goes de butter!"
- "Enty!" exclaimed Daddy Jack.
- "Brer Fox he git marked down," continued Uncle Remus, "en den de
- creeturs tuck'n 'p'int Brer Wolf fer ter be dey watcher. Brer Wolf, he
- sot up dar, he did, en sorter nod, but bimeby he year some un talkin'
- outside de spring-house. He h'ist up he years en lissen. Look lak some
- er de creeturs wuz gwine by, en talkin' 'mungs' deysef'; but all Brer
- Wolf kin year is dish yer:--
- "'I wonder who put dat ar young sheep down dar by de chinkapin tree, en
- I like ter know wharbouts Brer Wolf is.'
- "Den it seem lak dey pass on, en ole Brer Wolf, he fergotted w'at he in
- dar fer, en he dash down ter de chinkapin tree, fer ter git de young
- sheep. But no sheep dar, en w'en he git back, he see signs whar Wattle
- Weasel done bin in dar en nibble de butter.
- "Den de creeturs tuck'n mark Brer Wolf down, en 'p'int Brer B'ar fer ter
- keep he eye 'pun de noggin er butter. Brer B'ar he tuck'n sot up dar, he
- did, en lick he paw, en feel good. Bimeby Wattle Weasel come dancin' in.
- He 'low:--
- "'Heyo, Brer B'ar, how you come on? I 'low'd I yeard you snortin' in
- yer, en I des drapt in fer ter see.'
- "Brer B'ar tell him howdy, but he sorter keep one eye on 'im. Little
- Wattle Weasel 'low:--
- "'En you got ticks on yo' back, Brer B'ar?'
- "Wid dat Wattle Weasel 'gun ter rub Brer B'ar on de back en scratch 'im
- on de sides, en 't wa'n't long 'fo' he 'uz stretch out fast asleep en
- sno'in' lak a saw-mill. Co'se Wattle Weasel git de butter. Brer B'ar he
- got marked down, and den de creeturs ain't know w'at dey gwine do
- skacely.
- "Some say sen' fer Brer Rabbit, some say sen' fer Brer Tarrypin; but
- las' dey sent fer Brer Rabbit. Brer Rabbit, he tuck a notion dat dey 'uz
- fixin' up some kinder trick on 'im, en dey hatter beg mightily, mon,
- 'fo' he 'ud come en set up 'longside er dey butter.
- "But bimeby he 'greed, en he went down ter de spring-house en look
- 'roun'. Den he tuck'n got 'im a twine string, en hide hisse'f whar he
- kin keep he eye on de noggin er butter. He ain't wait long 'fo' yer
- come Wattle Weasel. Des ez he 'bout ter nibble at de butter, Brer Rabbit
- holler out:--
- "'Let dat butter 'lone!'
- "Wattle Weasel jump back lak de butter bu'nt 'im. He jump back, he did,
- en say:--
- "'Sho'ly dat mus' be Brer Rabbit!'
- "'De same. I 'low'd you'd know me. Des let dat butter 'lone.'
- "'Des lemme git one little bit er tas'e, Brer Rabbit.'
- "'Des let dat butter 'lone.'
- "Den Wattle Weasel say he want er run a race. Brer Rabbit 'low he tired.
- Wattle Weasel 'low he want er play hidin'. Brer Rabbit 'low dat all he
- hidin' days is pas' en gone. Wattle Weasel banter'd en banter'd 'im, en
- bimeby Brer Rabbit come up wid a banter er he own.
- "'I'll take'n tie yo' tail,' sezee, 'en you'll take'n tie mine, en den
- we'll see w'ich tail de strongest.' Little Wattle Weasel know how weakly
- Brer Rabbit tail is, but he ain't know how strong Brer Rabbit bin wid he
- tricks. So dey tuck'n tie der tails wid Brer Rabbit twine string.
- "Wattle Weasel wuz ter stan' inside en Brer Rabbit wuz ter stan'
- outside, en dey wuz ter pull 'gin' one er n'er wid dey tails. Brer
- Rabbit, he tuck'n slip out'n de string, en tie de een' 'roun' a tree
- root, en den he went en peep at Wattle Weasel tuggin' en pullin'. Bimeby
- Wattle Weasel 'low:--
- "'Come en ontie me, Brer Rabbit, 'kaze you done outpull me.'
- "Brer Rabbit sot dar, he did, en chaw he cud, en look lak he feel sorry
- 'bout sump'n'. Bimeby all de creeturs come fer ter see 'bout dey butter,
- 'kaze dey fear'd Brer Rabbit done make way wid it. Yit w'en dey see
- little Wattle Weasel tie by de tail, dey make great 'miration 'bout Brer
- Rabbit, en dey 'low he de smartest one er de whole gang."
- [69] That is, could do no more than half the work of a man.
- [70] Killdeers--a species of plover.
- There was some comment and some questions were asked by the little boy
- in regard to Wattle Weasel and the other animals; to all of which Uncle
- Remus made characteristic response. Aunt Tempy sat with one elbow on her
- knee, her head resting in the palm of her fat hand. She gazed intently
- into the fire, and seemed to be lost in thought. Presently she
- exclaimed:--
- "Well, de Lord he'p my soul!"
- "Dat's de promise, Sis Tempy," said Uncle Remus, solemnly.
- Aunt Tempy laughed, as she straightened herself in her chair, and
- said:--
- "I des knowed dey wuz sump'n' 'n'er gwine 'cross my min' w'en I year
- talk 'bout dat ar sheep by de chinkapin tree."
- "Out wid it, Sis Tempy," said Uncle Remus, by way of encouragement; "out
- wid it; free yo' min', en des make yo'se'f welcome."
- "No longer'n Sunday 'fo' las', I 'uz 'cross dar at de Spivey place en I
- tuck'n year'd a nigger man tellin' de same tale, en I 'low ter myse'f
- dat I'd take'n take it en kyar' it home en gin it out w'en I come ter
- pass de time wid Brer Remus en all uv um. I 'low ter myse'f I'll take it
- en kyar' it dar, en I'll des tell it my own way."
- "Well, den," said Uncle Remus, approvingly, "me en dish yer chap, we er
- willin' en a-waitin', en ez fer Brer Jack over dar, we kin say de same
- fer him, 'kaze I up en year 'im draw mighty long breff des now lak he
- fixin' fer ter snort. But you neenter min' dat ole creetur, Sis Tempy.
- Des push right ahead."
- "Ah-h-h-e-e!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, snapping his bright little eyes at
- Uncle Remus with some display of irritation; "you tek-a me fer be sleep
- ebry tam I shed-a me y-eye, you is mek fool-a you'se'f. _Warrah yarrah
- garrah tarrah!_"[71]
- "Brer Remus!" said Aunt Tempy, in an awed whisper, "maybe he's a-cunju'n
- un you."
- "No-no!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, snappishly, "me no cuncher no'n' 't all.
- Wun me cuncher you all you yeddy bone crack. Enty!"
- "Well, in de name er de Lord, don't come a-cunju'n wid me, 'kaze I'm des
- as peaceable ez de day's long," said Aunt Tempy.
- Uncle Remus smiled and closed his eyes with an air of disdain, caught
- from his old Mistress, the little boy's grandmother, long since dead.
- "Tell yo' tale, Sis Tempy," he said pleasantly, "en leave de talk er
- cunju'n ter de little nigger childun. We er done got too ole fer dat
- kinder foolishness."
- This was for the ear of the little boy. In his heart Uncle Remus was
- convinced that Daddy Jack was capable of changing himself into the
- blackest of black cats, with swollen tail, arched back, fiery eyes, and
- protruding fangs. But the old man's attitude reassured Aunt Tempy, as
- well as the child, and forthwith she proceeded with her story:--
- "Hit seem like dat one time w'en Brer Rabbit fine hisse'f way off in de
- middle er de woods, de win' strike up un 'gun ter blow. Hit blow down on
- de groun' en it blow up in de top er de timber, en it blow so hard twel
- terreckerly Brer Rabbit tuck a notion dat he better git out fum dar 'fo'
- de timber 'gun ter fall.
- "Brer Rabbit, he broke en run, en, Man--Sir![72] w'en dat creetur run'd
- he run'd, now you year w'at I tell yer! He broke en run, he did, en he
- fa'rly flew 'way fum dar. W'iles he gwine 'long full tilt, he run'd
- ag'in' ole Mr. Lion. Mr. Lion, he hail 'im:--
- "'Heyo, Brer Rabbit! Wat yo' hurry?'
- "'Run, Mr. Lion, run! Dey's a harrycane comin' back dar in de timbers.
- You better run!'
- "Dis make Mr. Lion sorter skeer'd. He 'low:--
- "'I mos' too heavy fer ter run fur, Brer Rabbit. W'at I gwine do?'
- "'Lay down, Mr. Lion, lay down! Git close ter de groun'!'
- "Mr. Lion shake his head. He 'low:--
- "'Ef win' lierbul fer ter pick up little man like you is, Brer Rabbit,
- w'at it gwine do wid big man like me?'
- "'Hug a tree, Mr. Lion, hug a tree!'
- "Mr. Lion lash hisse'f wid his tail. He 'low:--
- "'Wat I gwine do ef de win' blow all day en a good part er de night,
- Brer Rabbit?'
- "'Lemme tie you ter de tree, Mr. Lion! lemme tie you ter de tree!'
- "Mr. Lion, he tuk'n 'gree ter dis, en Brer Rabbit, he got 'im a hick'ry
- split[73] en tie 'im hard en fast ter de tree. Den he tuck'n sot down,
- ole Brer Rabbit did, en wash his face en han's des same ez you see de
- cats doin'. Terreckerly Mr. Lion git tired er stan'in' dar huggin' de
- tree, en he ax Brer Rabbit w'at de reason he ain't keep on runnin', en
- Brer Rabbit, he up'n 'low dat he gwine ter stay der en take keer Mr.
- Lion.
- "Terreckerly Mr. Lion say he ain't year no harrycane. Brer Rabbit say he
- ain't needer. Mr. Lion say he ain't year no win' a-blowin'. Brer Rabbit
- say he ain't needer. Mr. Lion say he ain't so much ez year a leaf
- a-stirrin'. Brer Rabbit say he ain't needer. Mr. Lion sorter study, en
- Brer Rabbit sot dar, he did, en wash his face en lick his paws.
- "Terreckerly Mr. Lion ax Brer Rabbit fer ter onloose 'im.
- Brer Rabbit say he fear'd. Den Mr. Lion git mighty mad, en he 'gun ter
- beller wuss'n one er deze yer bull-yearlin's. He beller so long en he
- beller so loud twel present'y de t'er creeturs dey 'gun ter come up fer
- ter see w'at de matter.
- "Des soon ez dey come up, Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n 'gun ter talk biggity
- en strut 'roun', en, Man--Sir! w'en dem yuthers see dat Brer Rabbit done
- got Mr. Lion tied up, I let you know dey tuck'n walked way 'roun' 'im,
- en 't wuz many a long day 'fo' dey tuck'n pestered ole Brer Rabbit."
- Here Aunt Tempy paused. The little boy asked what Brother Rabbit tied
- Mr. Lion for; but she did n't know; Uncle Remus, however, came to the
- rescue.
- "One time long 'fo' dat, honey, Brer Rabbit went ter de branch fer ter
- git a drink er water, en ole Mr. Lion tuck'n druv 'im off, en fum dat
- time out Brer Rabbit bin huntin' a chance fer ter ketch up wid 'im."
- "Dat's so," said Aunt Tempy, and then she added:--
- "I 'clare I ain't gwine tell you all not na'er n'er tale, dat I ain't.
- 'Kaze you des set dar en you ain't crack a smile fum de time I begin. Ef
- dat'd 'a' bin Brer Remus, now, dey'd 'a' bin mo' gigglin' gwine on dan
- you kin shake a stick at. I'm right down mad, dat I is."
- "Well, I tell you dis, Sis Tempy," said Uncle Remus, with unusual
- emphasis, "ef deze yer tales wuz des fun, fun, fun, en giggle, giggle,
- giggle, I let you know I'd a-done drapt um long ago. Yasser, w'en it
- come down ter gigglin' you kin des count ole Remus out."
- [71] This is simply "gullah" negro talk intended to be unintelligible,
- and therefore impressive. It means "One or the other is as good as
- t'other."
- [72] An expression used to give emphasis and to attract attention; used
- in the sense that Uncle Remus uses "Gentermens!"
- [73] Hickory withe.
- The discussion over Aunt Tempy's fragmentary story having exhausted
- itself, Daddy Jack turned up his coat collar until it was as high as the
- top of his head, and then tried to button it under his chin. If this
- attempt had been successful, the old African would have presented a
- diabolical appearance; but the coat refused to be buttoned in that
- style. After several attempts, which created no end of amusement for the
- little boy, Daddy Jack said:--
- "Da Lion, 'e no hab bin sma't lak B'er Rabbit. 'E strong wit' 'e fut, 'e
- strong wit' 'e tush, but 'e no strong wit' 'e head. 'E bery foolish,
- 'cep' 'e is bin hab chance ter jump 'pon dem creetur.
- "One tam 'e bin come by B'er Rabbit in da road; 'e ahx um howdy; 'e ahx
- um wey 'e gwan. B'er Rabbit say 'e gwan git fum front de Buckra MÃ n wut
- bin comin' 'long da road. B'er Rabbit say:--
- "'Hide you'se'f, B'er Lion; da Buckra ketch-a you fer true; 'e is bin
- ketch-a you tam he pit 'e y-eye 'pon you; 'e mekky you sick wit' sorry.
- Hide fum da Buckra, B'er Lion!'
- "Da Lion, 'e shekky 'e head; 'e say:--
- "'Ki! Me no skeer da Buckra MÃ n. I glad fer shum. I ketch um en I kyar
- um wey I lif; me hab da Buckra MÃ n fer me bittle. How come you bein'
- skeer da Buckra MÃ n, B'er Rabbit?'
- "B'er Rabbit look all 'bout fer see ef da Buckra bin comin'. 'E say:--
- "'Me hab plenty reason, B'er Lion. Da Buckra MÃ n shoot-a wit' one gun.
- 'E r'ise um too 'e y-eye, 'e p'int um stret toze you; 'e say _bang!_ one
- tam, 'e say _bang!_ two tam: dun you is bin git hu't troo da head en
- cripple in da leg.'
- "Lion, 'e shek 'e head; 'e say:--
- "'Me no skeer da Buckra MÃ n. I grab-a da gun. I ketch um fer me
- brekwus.'
- "B'er Rabbit, 'e lahff; 'e say:--
- "'Him quare fer true. Me skeer da Buckra, me no skeer you; but you no
- skeer da Buckra. How come dis?'
- "Da Lion lash 'e tail; 'e say:--
- "'Me no skeer da Buckra, but me skeer da Pa'tridge; me berry skeer da
- Pa'tridge.'
- "B'er Rabbit, 'e lahff tel 'e kin lahff no mo'. 'E say:--
- "'How come you skeer da Pa'tridge? 'E fly wun you wink-a you' eye; 'e
- run en 'e fly. Hoo! me no skeer 'bout dem Pa'tridge. Me skeer da
- Buckra.'
- "Da Lion, 'e look all 'bout fer see ef da Pa'tridge bin comin'. 'E
- say:--
- "'I skeer da Pa'tridge. Wun me bin walk in da bushside, da Pa'tridge 'e
- hol' right still 'pon da groun' tel me come dey-dey, en dun 'e fly
- up--_fud-d-d-d-d-d-e-e!_ Wun 'e is bin do dat me is git-a skeer berry
- bahd.'"
- No typographical device could adequately describe Daddy Jack's imitation
- of the flushing of a covey of partridges, or quail; but it is needless
- to say that it made its impression upon the little boy. The old African
- went on:--
- "B'er Rabbit, 'e holler un lahff; 'e say:--
- "'Me no skeer da Pa'tridge. I bin run dem up ebry day. Da no hu't-a you,
- B'er Lion. You hol' you' eye 'pon da Buckra MÃ n. Da Pa'tridge, 'e no hab
- no gun fer shoot-a you wit'; da Buckra, 'e is bin hab one gun two
- tam.[74] Let da Pa'tridge fly, B'er Lion; but wun da Buckra Man come you
- bes' keep in de shady side. I tell you dis, B'er Lion.'
- "Da Lion, 'e stan' um down 'e no skeer da Buckra MÃ n, en bimeby 'e say
- goo'-bye; 'e say 'e gwan look fer da Buckra MÃ n fer true.
- "So long tam, B'er Rabbit is bin yeddy one big fuss in da timber; 'e
- yeddy da Lion v'ice. B'er Rabbit foller da fuss tel 'e is bin come 'pon
- da Lion wey 'e layin' 'pon da groun'. Da Lion, 'e is moan; 'e is groan;
- 'e is cry. 'E hab hole in 'e head, one, two, t'ree hole in 'e side; 'e
- holler, 'e groan. B'er Rabbit, 'e ahx um howdy. 'E say:--
- "'Ki, B'er Lion, wey you hab fine so much trouble?'
- "Da Lion, 'e moan, 'e groan, 'e cry; 'e say:--
- "'Ow, ma Lord! I hab one hole in me head, one, two, t'ree hole in me
- side, me leg bin bruk!'
- "B'er Rabbit bin hol' 'e head 'pon one side; 'e look skeer. 'E say:--
- "'Ki, B'er Lion! I no know da Pa'tridge is so bahd lak dat. I t'ink 'e
- fly 'way un no hu't-a you. Shuh-shuh! wun I see dem Pa'tridge I mus' git
- 'pon turrer side fer keep me hide whole.'
- "Da Lion, 'e groan, 'e moan, 'e cry. B'er Rabbit, 'e say:--
- "'Da Pa'tridge, 'e berry bahd; 'e mus' bin borry da Buckra MÃ n gun.'
- "Da Lion, 'e groan, 'e cry:--
- "''E no da Pa'tridge no'n 'tall. Da Buckra MÃ n is bin stan' way off un
- shoot-a me wit' 'e gun. Ow, ma Lord!'
- "B'er Rabbit, 'e h'ist 'e han'; 'e say:--
- "'Wut I bin tell-a you, B'er Lion? Wut I bin tell you 'bout da Buckra
- MÃ n? Da Pa'tridge no hu't-a you lak dis. 'E mek-a da big fuss, but 'e no
- hu't-a you lak dis. Da Buckra MÃ n, 'e no mek no fuss 'cep' 'e p'int 'e
- gun at you--_bang!_'"
- "And what then?" the little boy asked, as Daddy Jack collapsed in his
- seat, seemingly forgetful of all his surroundings.
- "No'n 't all," replied the old African, somewhat curtly.
- "De p'ints er dat tale, honey," said Uncle Remus, covering the
- brusqueness of Daddy Jack with his own amiability, "is des 'bout lak
- dis, dat dey ain't no use er dodgin' w'iles dey's a big fuss gwine on,
- but you better take'n hide out w'en dey ain't no racket; mo' speshually
- w'en you see Miss Sally lookin' behine de lookin'-glass fer dat ar
- peach-lim' w'at she tuck'n make me kyar up dar day 'fo' yistiddy; yit
- w'en she fine it don't you git too skeer'd, 'kaze I tuck'n make some
- weak places in dat ar switch, en Miss Sally won't mo'n strak you wid it
- 'fo' hit'll all come onjinted."
- Parts of this moral the little boy understood thoroughly, for he
- laughed, and ran to the big house, and not long afterwards the light
- went out in Uncle Remus's cabin; but the two old negroes sat and nodded
- by the glowing embers for hours afterwards, dreaming dreams they never
- told of.
- [74] One gun two times is a double-barrelled gun.
- "Uncle Remus," said the little boy, one night shortly after Daddy Jack's
- story of the lion's sad predicament, "mamma says there are no lions in
- Georgia, nor anywhere in the whole country."
- "Tooby sho'ly not, honey; tooby sho'ly not!" exclaimed Uncle Remus. "I
- dunner who de name er goodness bin a-puttin' dat kinder idee in yo'
- head, en dey better not lemme fine um out, needer, 'kaze I'll take en
- put Mars John atter um right raw en rank, dat I will."
- "Well, you know Daddy Jack said that Brother Rabbit met the Lion coming
- down the road."
- "Bless yo' soul, honey! dat's 'way 'cross de water whar ole man Jack
- tuck'n come fum, en a mighty long time ergo at dat. Hit's away off yan,
- lots furder dan Ferginny yit. We-all er on one side de water, en de
- lions en mos' all de yuther servigous creeturs, dey er on t'er side.
- Ain't I never tell you how come dat?"
- The little boy shook his head.
- "Well, _sir_! I dunner w'at I bin doin' all dis time dat I ain't tell
- you dat, 'kaze dat's whar de wussest kinder doin's tuck'n happen.
- Yasser! de wussest kinder doin's; en I'll des whirl in en gin it out
- right now 'fo' ole man Jack come wobblin' in.
- "One time way back yander, 'fo' dey wuz any folks a-foolin' 'roun', Mr.
- Lion, he tuck'n tuck a notion dat he'd go huntin', en nothin' 'ud do 'im
- but Brer Rabbit must go wid 'im. Brer Rabbit, he 'low dat he up fer any
- kinder fun on top side er de groun'. Wid dat dey put out, dey did, en
- dey hunt en hunt clean 'cross de country.
- "Mr. Lion, he'd lam aloose en miss de game, en den Brer Rabbit, he'd lam
- aloose en fetch it down. No sooner is he do dis dan Mr. Lion, he'd
- squall out:--
- "'Hit's mine! hit's mine! I kilt it!'
- "Mr. Lion sech a big man dat Brer Rabbit skeer'd ter 'spute 'long wid
- 'im, but he lay it up in he min' fer to git even wid 'im. Dey went on en
- dey went on. Mr. Lion, he'd lam aloose en miss de game, en ole Brer
- Rabbit, he'd lam aloose en hit it, en Mr. Lion, he'd take'n whirl in en
- claim it.
- "Dey hunt all day long, en w'en night come, dey 'uz sech a fur ways fum
- home dat dey hatter camp out. Dey went on, dey did, twel dey come ter a
- creek, en w'en dey come ter dat, dey tuck'n scrape away de trash en
- built um a fire on de bank, en cook dey supper.
- "Atter supper dey sot up dar en tole tales, dey did, en Brer Rabbit, he
- tuck'n brag 'bout w'at a good hunter Mr. Lion is, en Mr. Lion, he leant
- back on he yelbow, en feel mighty biggity. Bimeby, w'en dey eyeleds git
- sorter heavy, Brer Rabbit, he up'n 'low:--
- "'I'm a monst'us heavy sleeper, Mr. Lion, w'en I gits ter nappin', en I
- hope en trus' I ain't gwine 'sturb you dis night, yit I got my doubts.'
- "Mr. Lion, he roach he ha'r back outen he eyes, en 'low:--
- "'I'm a monst'us heavy sleeper myse'f, Brer Rabbit, en I'll feel mighty
- glad ef I don't roust you up in de co'se er de night.'
- "Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n change his terbacker fum one side he mouf ter de
- yuther, he did, en he up'n 'low:--
- "'Mr. Lion, I wish you be so good ez ter show me how you sno' des' fo'
- you git soun' asleep.'
- "Mr. Lion, he tuck'n draw in he breff sorter hard, en show Brer Rabbit;
- den Brer Rabbit 'low:--
- "'Mr. Lion, I wish you be so good ez ter show me how you sno' atter yo
- done git soun' asleep.'
- "Mr. Lion, he tuck'n suck in he breff, en eve'y time he suck in he breff
- it soun' des lak a whole passel er mules w'en dey whinney atter fodder.
- Brer Rabbit look 'stonish'. He roll he eye en 'low:--
- "'I year tell youer mighty big man, Mr. Lion, en you sho'ly is.'
- "Mr. Lion, he hol' he head one side en try ter look 'shame', but all de
- same he ain't feel 'shame'. Bimeby, he shot he eye en 'gun ter nod, den
- he lay down en stretch hisse'f out, en 't wa'n't long 'fo' he 'gun ter
- sno' lak he sno' w'en he ain't sleepin' soun'.
- "Brer Rabbit, he lay dar. He ain't sayin' nothin'. He lay dar wid one
- year h'ist up en one eye open. He lay dar, he did, en bimeby Mr. Lion
- 'gun ter sno' lak he sno' w'en he done gone fas' ter sleep.
- "W'en ole Brer Rabbit year dis, he git up fum dar, en sprinkle hisse'f
- wid de cole ashes 'roun' de fier, en den he tuck'n fling er whole passel
- der hot embers on Mr. Lion. Mr. Lion, he jump up, he did, en ax who done
- dat, en Brer Rabbit, he lay dar en kick at he year wid he behime foot,
- en holler '_Ow!_'
- "Mr. Lion see de ashes on Brer Rabbit, en he dunner w'at ter t'ink. He
- look all 'roun', but he ain't see nothin'. He drap he head en lissen,
- but he ain't year nothin'. Den he lay down 'g'in en drap off ter sleep.
- Atter w'ile, w'en he 'gun ter sno' lak he done befo', Brer Rabbit, he
- jump up en sprinkle some mo' cole ashes on hisse'f, en fling de hot
- embers on Mr. Lion. Mr. Lion jump up, he did, en holler:--
- "'Dar yo is 'g'in!'
- "Brer Rabbit, he kick en squall, en 'low:--
- "'You oughter be 'shame' yo'se'f, Mr. Lion, fer ter be tryin' ter bu'n
- me up.'
- "Mr. Lion hol' up he han's en des vow 't ain't him. Brer Rabbit, he look
- sorter jubous, but he ain't say nothin'. Bimeby he holler out:--
- "'Phewee! I smells rags a-bu'nin'!'
- "Mr. Lion, he sorter flinch, he did, en 'low:--
- "''T ain't no rags, Brer Rabbit; hit's my ha'r a-sinjin'.'
- "Dey look all 'roun', dey did, but dey ain't see nothin' ner nobody.
- Brer Rabbit, he say he gwine do some tall watchin' nex' time, 'kaze he
- boun' ter ketch de somebody w'at bin playin' dem kinder pranks on um.
- Wid dat, Mr. Lion lay down 'g'in, en 't wa'n't long 'fo' he drap ter
- sleep.
- "Well, den," continued Uncle Remus, taking a long breath, "de ve'y same
- kinder doin's tuck'n happen. De cole ashes fall on Brer Rabbit, en de
- hot embers fall on Mr. Lion. But by de time Mr. Lion jump up, Brer
- Rabbit, he holler out:--
- "'I seed um, Mr. Lion! I seed um! I seed de way dey come fum 'cross de
- creek! Dey mos' sho'ly did!'
- "Wid dat Mr. Lion, he fetch'd a beller en he jumped 'cross de creek. No
- sooner is he do dis," Uncle Remus went on in a tone at once impressive
- and confidential, "no sooner is he do dis dan Brer Rabbit cut de string
- w'at hol' de banks togedder, en, lo en beholes, dar dey wuz!"
- "What was, Uncle Remus?" the little boy asked, more amazed than he had
- been in many a day.
- "Bless yo' soul, honey, de banks! Co'se w'en Brer Rabbit tuck'n cut de
- string, de banks er de creek, de banks, dey fall back, dey did, en Mr.
- Lion can't jump back. De banks dey keep on fallin' back, en de creek
- keep on gittin' wider en wider, twel bimeby Brer Rabbit en Mr. Lion
- ain't in sight er one er n'er, en fum dat day to dis de big waters bin
- rollin' 'twix' um."
- "But, Uncle Remus, how could the banks of a creek be tied with a
- string?"
- "I ain't ax um dat, honey, en darfo' yo'll hatter take um ez you git um.
- Nex' time de tale-teller come 'roun' I'll up'n ax 'im, en ef you ain't
- too fur off, I'll whirl in en sen' you wud, en den you kin go en see fer
- yo'se'f. But 't ain't skacely wuth yo' w'ile fer ter blame me, honey,
- 'bout de creek banks bein' tied wid a string. Who put um dar, I be bless
- ef _I_ knows, but I knows who onloose um, dat w'at I knows!"
- It is very doubtful if this copious explanation was satisfactory to the
- child, but just as Uncle Remus concluded, Daddy Jack came shuffling in,
- and shortly afterwards both Aunt Tempy and 'Tildy put in an appearance,
- and the mind of the youngster was diverted to other matters.
- After the new-comers had settled themselves in their accustomed places,
- and 'Tildy had cast an unusual number of scornful glances at Daddy Jack,
- who made quite a pantomime of his courtship, Uncle Remus startled them
- all somewhat by breaking into a loud laugh.
- "I boun' you," exclaimed Aunt Tempy, grinning with enthusiastic
- sympathy, "I boun' you Brer Remus done fine out some mo' er Brer Rabbit
- funny doin's; now I boun' you dat."
- "You hit it de fus' clip, Sis Tempy, I 'clar' ter gracious ef you
- ain't. You nailed it! You nailed it," Uncle Remus went on, laughing as
- boisterously as before, "des lak ole Brer Rabbit done."
- The little boy was very prompt with what Uncle Remus called his
- "inquirements," and the old man, after the usual "hems" and "haws,"
- began.
- "Hit run'd 'cross my min' des lak a rat 'long a rafter, de way ole Brer
- Rabbit tuk'n done Brer Fox. 'Periently, atter Brer Rabbit done went en
- put a steeple on top er he house, all de yuther creeturs wanter fix up
- dey house. Some put new cellars und' um, some slapped on new
- winder-blines, some one thing and some er n'er, but ole Brer Fox, he
- tuck a notion dat he'd put some new shingles on de roof.
- "Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n year tell er dis, en nothin'd do but he mus'
- rack 'roun' en see how ole Brer Fox gittin' on. W'en he git whar Brer
- Fox house is, he year a mighty lammin' en a blammin' en lo en beholes,
- dar 'uz Brer Fox settin' straddle er de comb er de roof nailin' on
- shingles des hard ez he kin.
- "Brer Rabbit cut he eye 'roun' en he see Brer Fox dinner settin' in de
- fence-cornder. Hit 'uz kivered up in a bran new tin pail, en it look so
- nice dat Brer Rabbit mouf 'gun ter water time he see it, en he 'low ter
- hisse'f dat he bleedz ter eat dat dinner 'fo' he go 'way fum dar.
- "Den Brer Rabbit tuck'n hail Brer Fox, en ax 'im how he come on. Brer
- Fox 'low he too busy to hol' any confab. Brer Rabbit up en ax 'im w'at
- is he doin 'up dar. Brer Fox 'low dat he puttin' roof on he house 'g'in
- de rainy season sot in. Den Brer Rabbit up en ax Brer Fox w'at time is
- it, en Brer Fox, he 'low dat hit's wukkin time wid him. Brer Rabbit, he
- up en ax Brer Fox ef he ain't stan' in needs er some he'p. Brer Fox, he
- 'low he did, dat ef he does stan' in needs er any he'p, he dunner whar
- in de name er goodness he gwine to git it at.
- "Wid dat, Brer Rabbit sorter pull he mustarsh, en 'low dat de time wuz
- w'en he 'uz a mighty handy man wid a hammer, en he ain't too proud fer
- to whirl in en he'p Brer Fox out'n de ruts.
- "Brer Fox 'low he be mighty much erblige, en no sooner is he say dat dan
- Brer Rabbit snatched off he coat en lipt up de ladder, en sot in dar en
- put on mo' shingles in one hour dan Brer Fox kin put on in two.
- "Oh, he 'uz a rattler--ole Brer Rabbit wuz," Uncle Remus exclaimed,
- noticing a questioning look in the child's face. "He 'uz a rattler, mon,
- des ez sho' ez youer settin' dar. Dey wa'n't no kinder wuk dat Brer
- Rabbit can't put he han' at, en do it better dan de nex' man.
- "He nailed on shingles plum twel he git tired, Brer Rabbit did, en all
- de time he nailin', he study how he gwine git dat dinner. He nailed en
- he nailed. He 'ud nail one row, en Brer Fox 'ud nail 'n'er row. He
- nailed en he nailed. He kotch Brer Fox en pass 'im--kotch 'im en pass
- 'im, twel bimeby w'iles he nailin' 'long Brer Fox tail git in he way.
- "Brer Rabbit 'low ter hisse'f, he did, dat he dunner w'at de name er
- goodness make folks have such long tails fer, en he push it out de way.
- He ain't no mo'n push it out'n de way, 'fo' yer it come back in de way.
- Co'se," continued Uncle Remus, beginning to look serious, "w'en dat's de
- case dat a soon man lak Brer Rabbit git pester'd in he min', he bleedz
- ter make some kinder accidents some'rs.
- "Dey nailed en dey nailed, en, bless yo' soul! 't wa'n't long 'fo' Brer
- Fox drap eve'yt'ing en squall out:--
- "'Laws 'a' massy, Brer Rabbit! You done nail my tail. He'p me, Brer
- Rabbit, he'p me! You done nail my tail!'"
- Uncle Remus waved his arms, clasped and unclasped his hands, stamped
- first one foot and then the other, and made various other demonstrations
- of grief and suffering.
- "Brer Rabbit, he shot fus' one eye en den de yuther en rub hisse'f on
- de forrerd, en 'low:--
- "'Sho'ly I ain't nail yo' tail, Brer Fox; sho'ly not. Look right close,
- Brer Fox, be keerful. Fer goodness sake don' fool me, Brer Fox!'
- "Brer Fox, _he_ holler, _he_ squall, _he_ kick, _he_ squeal.
- "'Laws 'a' massy, Brer Rabbit! You done nailed my tail. Onnail me, Brer
- Rabbit, onnail me!'
- "Brer Rabbit, he make fer de ladder, en w'en he start down, he look at
- Brer Fox lak he right down sorry, en he up'n 'low, he did:--
- "'Well, well, well! Des ter t'ink dat I should er lamm'd aloose en nail
- Brer Fox tail. I dunner w'en I year tell er anyt'ing dat make me feel so
- mighty bad; en ef I had n't er seed it wid my own eyes I would n't er
- bleev'd it skacely--dat I would n't!'
- "Brer Fox holler, Brer Fox howl, yit 't ain't do no good. Dar he wuz wid
- he tail nail hard en fas'. Brer Rabbit, he keep on talkin' w'iles he
- gwine down de ladder.
- "'Hit make me feel so mighty bad,' sezee, 'dat I dunner w'at ter do.
- Time I year tell un it, hit make a empty place come in my stomach,' sez
- Brer Rabbit, sezee.
- "By dis time Brer Rabbit done git down on de groun', en w'iles Brer Fox
- holler'n, he des keep on a-talkin'.
- "'Dey's a mighty empty place in my stomach,' sezee, 'en ef I ain't run'd
- inter no mistakes dey's a tin-pail full er vittles in dish yer
- fence-cornder dat'll des 'bout fit it,' sez ole Brer Rabbit, sezee.
- "He open de pail, he did, en he eat de greens, en sop up de 'lasses, en
- drink de pot-liquor, en w'en he wipe he mouf 'pun he coat-tail, he up'n
- 'low:--
- "'I dunner w'en I bin so sorry 'bout anything, ez I is 'bout Brer Fox
- nice long tail. Sho'ly, sho'ly my head mus' er bin wool-getherin' w'en I
- tuck'n nail Brer Fox fine long tail,' sez ole Brer Rabbit, sezee.
- "Wid dat, he tuck'n skip out, Brer Rabbit did, en 't wa'n't long 'fo'
- he 'uz playin' he pranks in some yuther parts er de settlement."
- "How did Brother Fox get loose?" the little boy asked.
- "Oh, you let Brer Fox 'lone fer dat," responded Uncle Remus. "Nex' ter
- Brer Rabbit, ole Brer Fox wuz mos' de shiftiest creetur gwine. I boun'
- you he tuck'n tuck keer hisse'f soon ez Brer Rabbit git outer sight en
- year'n."
- [Illustration: How the Bear nursed the Little Alligator]
- LX
- While the negroes were talking of matters which the little boy took
- little or no interest in, he climbed into Uncle Remus's lap, as he had
- done a thousand times before. Presently the old man groaned, and said:--
- "I be bless ef I know w'at de marter, honey. I dunner whe'er I'm
- a-gittin' fibble in de lim's, er whe'er youer outgrowin' me. I lay I'll
- hatter sen' out en git you a nuss w'at got mo' strenk in dey lim's dan
- w'at I is."
- The child protested that he was n't very heavy, and that he would n't
- have any nurse, and the old man was about to forget that he had said
- anything about nurses, when Daddy Jack, who seemed to be desirous of
- appearing good-humored in the presence of 'Tildy, suddenly exclaimed:--
- "Me bin yeddy one tale 'bout da tam w'en da lil Bear is bin nuss da
- 'Gator chilluns. 'E bin mek fine nuss fer true. 'E stan' by dem lilly
- 'Gator tel dey no mo' fer stan' by."
- Seeing that Daddy Jack manifested symptoms of going to sleep, the little
- boy asked if he would n't tell the story, and, thus appealed to, the old
- African began:--
- "One tam dey is bin one ole Bear; 'e big un 'e strong. 'E lif way in da
- swamp; 'e hab nes' in da holler tree. 'E hab one, two lilly Bear in da
- nes'; 'e bin lub dem chillun berry ha'd. One day, 'e git honkry; 'e tell
- 'e chillun 'e gwan 'way off fer git-a some bittle fer eat; 'e tell dem
- dey mus' be good chillun un stay wey dey lif. 'E say 'e gwan fer fetch
- dem one fish fer dey brekwus. Dun 'e gone off.
- "Da lil Bear chillun hab bin 'sleep till dey kin sleep no mo'. Da sun,
- 'e der shine wom, 'e mekky lilly Bear feel wom. Da lil boy Bear, 'e rub
- 'e y-eye, 'e say 'e gwan off fer hab some fun. Da lil gal Bear, 'e
- say:--
- "'Wut will we mammy say?'
- "Lil boy Bear, 'e der lahff. 'E say:--
- "'Me gwan down by da crik side fer ketch some fish 'fo' we mammy come.'
- "Lil gal Bear, 'e look skeer; 'e say:--
- "'We mammy say somet'ing gwan git-a you. Min' wut 'e tell you.'
- "Lil boy Bear, 'e keep on lahff. 'E say:--
- "'Shuh-shuh! 'E yent nebber know less you tell um. You no tell um, me
- fetch-a you one big fish.'
- "Lil boy Bear, 'e gone! 'E gone by da crik side, 'e tek 'e hook, 'e tek
- 'e line, 'e is go by da crik side fer ketch one fish. Wun 'e come
- dey-dey, 'e see somet'ing lay dey in de mud. 'E t'ink it bin one big
- log. 'E lahff by 'ese'f; 'e say:--
- "''E one fine log fer true. Me 'tan' 'pon da log fer ketch-a da fish fer
- me lil titty.'[75]
- "Lil boy Bear, 'e der jump down; 'e git 'pon da log; 'e fix fer fish; 'e
- fix 'e hook, 'e fix 'e line. Bumbye da log moof. Da lil boy Bear
- holler:--
- "'Ow ma Lordy!'
- "'E look down; 'e skeer mos' dead. Da log bin one big 'Gator. Da 'Gator
- 'e swim 'way wit' da lil boy Bear 'pon 'e bahck. 'E flut 'e tail, 'e
- knock da lil boy Bear spang in 'e two han'. 'E grin _wide_, 'e feel da
- lil boy Bear wit' 'e nose; 'e say:--
- "'I tekky you wey me lif; me chillun is hab you fer dey brekwus.'
- "Da 'Gator, 'e bin swim toze da hole in da bank wey 'e lif. 'E come by
- da hole, 'e ca' da lil boy Bear in dey. 'E is call up 'e chillun; 'e
- say:--
- "'Come see how fine brekwus me bin brung you.'
- "Da ole 'Gator, 'e hab seben chillun in 'e bed. Da lil boy Bear git
- skeer; 'e holler, 'e cry, 'e beg. 'E say:--
- "'_Please_, Missy 'Gator, gib me chance fer show you how fine nuss me
- is--_please_, Missy 'Gator. Wun you gone 'way, me min' dem chillun, me
- min' um well.'
- "Da 'Gator flut 'e tail; 'e say:--
- "'I try you dis one day; you min' dem lil one well, me luf you be.'
- "Da ole 'Gator gone 'way; 'e luf da lil boy Bear fer min' 'e chillun. 'E
- gone git somet'ing fer dey brekwus. Da lil boy Bear, 'e set down
- dey-dey; 'e min' dem chillun; 'e wait en 'e wait. Bumbye, 'e is git
- honkry. 'E wait en 'e wait. 'E min' dem chillun. 'E wait en 'e wait. 'E
- 'come so honkry 'e yent mos' kin hol' up 'e head. 'E suck 'e paw. 'E
- wait en 'e wait. Da 'Gator no come. 'E wait en 'e wait. Da 'Gator no
- come some mo'. 'E say:--
- "'Ow! me no gwan starf mese'f wun da planty bittle by side er me!'
- "Da lil boy Bear grab one da lil 'Gator by 'e neck; 'e tek um off in da
- bush side; 'e der eat um up. 'E no leaf 'e head, 'e no leaf 'e tail; 'e
- yent leaf nuttin' 't all. 'E go bahck wey da turrer lil 'Gator bin
- huddle up in da bed. 'E rub 'ese'f 'pon da 'tomach; 'e say:--
- "'Hoo! me feel-a too good fer tahlk 'bout. I no know wut me gwan fer
- tell da ole 'Gator wun 'e is come bahck. Ki! me no keer. Me feel too
- good fer t'ink 'bout dem t'ing. Me t'ink 'bout dem wun da 'Gator is bin
- come; me t'ink 'bout dem bumbye wun da time come fer t'ink.'
- "Da lil boy Bear lay down; 'e quile up in da 'Gator bed; 'e shed 'e
- y-eye; 'e sleep ha'd lak bear do wun ef full up. Bumbye, mos' toze
- night, da 'Gator come; 'e holler:--
- "'Hey! lil boy Bear! How you is kin min' me chillun wun you is gone fer
- sleep by um?'
- "Da lil boy Bear, 'e set up 'pon 'e ha'nch; 'e say:--
- "'Me y-eye gone fer sleep, but me year wide 'wake.'
- "Da 'Gator flut 'e tail; 'e say:--
- "'Wey me chillun wut me leaf you wit'?'
- "Da lil boy Bear 'come skeer; 'e say:--
- "'Dey all dey-dey, Missy 'Gator. Wait! lemme count dem, Missy 'Gator.
- "'_Yarrah one, yarrah narrah,
- Yarrah two 'pon top er tarrah,
- Yarrah t'ree pile up tergarrah!_'[76]
- "Da 'Gator y-open 'e mout', 'e grin wide; 'e say:--
- "'Oona nuss dem well, lil boy Bear; come, fetch-a me one fer wash en git
- 'e supper.'
- "Da lil boy Bear, 'e ca' one, 'e ca' nurrer, 'e ca' turrer, 'e ca' um
- all tel 'e ca' six, den 'e come skeer. 'E t'ink da 'Gator gwan fine um
- out fer true. 'E stop, 'e yent know wut fer do. Da 'Gator holler:--
- "'Fetch-a me turrer!'
- "Da lil boy Bear, 'e grab da fus' one, 'e wullup um in da mud, 'e ca' um
- bahck. Da 'Gator bin wash un feed um fresh; 'e yent know da diffran.
- "Bumbye, nex' day mornin', da 'Gator gone 'way. Da lil boy Bear stay fer
- nuss dem lil 'Gator. 'E come honkry; 'e wait, but 'e come mo' honkry. 'E
- grab nurrer lil 'Gator, 'e eat um fer 'e dinner. Mos' toze night, da
- 'Gator come. It sem t'ing:--
- "'Wey me chillun wut me leaf you fer nuss?'
- "'Dey all dey-dey, Missy 'Gator. Me count um out:--
- "'_Yarrah one, yarrah narrah,
- Yarrah two 'pon top er tarrah,
- Yarrah t'ree pile up tergarrah!_'
- "'E ca' um one by one fer wash en git dey supper. 'E ca' two bahck two
- tam. Ebry day 'e do dis way tel 'e come at de las'. 'E eat dis one, en
- 'e gone luf da place wey da 'Gator lif. 'E gone down da crik side tel 'e
- is come by da foot-log, en 'e is run 'cross _queek_. 'E git in da bush,
- 'e fair fly tel 'e is come by da place wey 'e lil titty bin lif. 'E come
- dey-dey, en 'e yent go 'way no mo'."
- [75] Sissy.
- [76] Here is one, here's another; here are two on top of t'other; here
- are three piled up together.
- The little boy was not particularly pleased at the summary manner in
- which the young Alligators were disposed of; but he was very much amused
- at the somewhat novel method employed by the Bear to deceive the old
- Alligator. The negroes, however, enjoyed Daddy Jack's story immensely,
- and even 'Tildy condescended to give it her approval; but she qualified
- this by saying, as soon as she had ceased laughing:--
- "I 'clar' ter goodness you all got mighty little ter do fer ter be
- settin' down yer night atter night lis'nin' at dat nigger man."
- Daddy Jack nodded, smiled, and rubbed his withered hands together
- apparently in a perfect ecstasy of good-humor, and finally said:--
- "Oona come set-a by me, lil gal. 'E berry nice tale wut me tell-a you.
- Come sit-a by me, lil gal;'e berry nice tale. Ef you no want me fer
- tell-a you one tale, dun you is kin tell-a me one tale."
- "Humph!" exclaimed 'Tildy, contemptuously, "you'll set over dar in dat
- cornder en dribble many's de long day 'fo' I tell you any tale."
- "Look yer, gal!" said Uncle Remus, pretending to ignore the queer
- courtship that seemed to be progressing between Daddy Jack and 'Tildy,
- "you gittin' too ole fer ter be sawin' de a'r wid yo 'head en squealin'
- lak a filly. Ef you gwine ter set wid folks, you better do lak folks
- does. Sis Tempy dar ain't gwine on dat a-way, en she ain't think 'erse'f
- too big fer ter set up dar en jine in wid us en tell a tale, needer."
- This was the first time that Uncle Remus had ever condescended to accord
- 'Tildy a place at his hearth on an equality with the rest of his
- company, and she seemed to be immensely tickled. A broad grin spread
- over her comely face as she exclaimed:--
- "_Oh!_ I 'clar' ter goodness, Unk Remus, I thought dat ole nigger man
- wuz des a-projickin' 'long wid me. Ef it come down ter settin' up yer
- 'long wid you all en tellin' a tale, I ain't 'nyin' but w'at I got one
- dat you all ain't never year tell un, 'kaze dat ar Slim Jim w'at Mars
- Ellick Akin got out'n de speckerlater waggin,[77] he up'n tell it dar at
- Riah's des 'fo' de patter-rollers tuck'n slipt up on um."
- "Dar now!" remarked Aunt Tempy. 'Tildy laughed boisterously.
- "W'at de patter-rollers do wid dat ar Slim Jim?" Uncle Remus inquired.
- "Done nothin'!" exclaimed 'Tildy, with an air of humorous scorn. "Time
- dey got in dar Slim Jim 'uz up de chimbly, en Riah 'uz noddin' in one
- cornder en me in de udder. Nobody never is ter know how dat ar long-leg
- nigger slick'd up dat chimbly--dat dey ain't. He put one foot on de
- pot-rack,[78] en whar he put de t'er foot _I_ can't tell you."
- "What was the story?" asked the little boy.
- "I boun' fer you, honey!" exclaimed Uncle Remus.
- "Well, den," said 'Tildy, settling herself comfortably, and bridling a
- little as Daddy Jack manifested a desire to give her his undivided
- attention,--"well, den, dey wuz one time w'en ole Brer Rabbit 'uz bleedz
- ter go ter town atter sump'n' 'n'er fer his famerly, en he mos' 'shame'
- ter go 'kaze his shoes done wo' tetotally out. Yit he bleedz ter go, en
- he put des ez good face on it ez he kin, en he take down he walkin'-cane
- en sot out des ez big ez de next un.
- "Well, den, ole Brer Rabbit go on down de big road twel he come ter de
- place whar some folks bin camp out de night befo', en he sot down by de
- fier, he did, fer ter wom his foots, 'kaze dem mawnin's 'uz sorter cole,
- like deze yer mawnin's. He sot dar en look at his toes, en he feel
- mighty sorry fer hisse'f.
- "Well, den, he sot dar, he did, en 't wa'n't long 'fo' he year sump'n'
- 'n'er trottin' down de road, en he tuck'n look up en yer come Mr. Dog
- a-smellin' en a-snuffin' 'roun' fer ter see ef de folks lef' any scraps
- by der camp-fier. Mr. Dog 'uz all dress up in his Sunday-go-ter-meetin'
- cloze, en mo'n dat, he had on a pa'r er bran new shoes.
- "Well, den, w'en Brer Rabbit see dem ar shoes he feel mighty bad, but he
- ain't let on. He bow ter Mr. Dog mighty perlite, en Mr. Dog bow back, he
- did, en dey pass de time er day, 'kaze dey 'uz ole 'quaintance. Brer
- Rabbit, he say:--
- "'Mr. Dog, whar you gwine all fix up like dis?'
- "'I gwine ter town, Brer Rabbit; whar you gwine?'
- "'I thought I go ter town myse'f fer ter git me new pa'r shoes, 'kaze my
- ole uns done wo' out en dey hu'ts my foots so bad I can't w'ar um. Dem
- mighty nice shoes w'at you got on, Mr. Dog; whar you git um?'
- "'Down in town, Brer Rabbit, down in town.'
- "'Dey fits you mighty slick, Mr. Dog, en I wish you be so good ez ter
- lemme try one un um on.'
- "Brer Rabbit talk so mighty sweet dat Mr. Dog sot right flat on de
- groun' en tuck off one er de behime shoes, en loant it ter Brer Rabbit.
- Brer Rabbit, he lope off down de road en den he come back. He tell Mr.
- Dog dat de shoe fit mighty nice, but wid des one un um on, hit make 'im
- trot crank-sided.
- "Well, den, Mr. Dog, he pull off de yuther behime shoe, en Brer Rabbit
- trot off en try it. He come back, he did, en he say:--
- "'Dey mighty nice, Mr. Dog, but dey sorter r'ars me up behime, en I
- dunner 'zackly how dey feels.'
- "Dis make Mr. Dog feel like he wanter be perlite, en he take off de
- befo' shoes, en Brer Rabbit put um on en stomp his foots, en 'low:--
- "'Now dat sorter feel like shoes;' en he rack off down de road, en w'en
- he git whar he oughter tu'n 'roun', he des lay back he years en keep on
- gwine; en 't wa'n't long 'fo' he git outer sight.
- "Mr. Dog, he holler, en tell 'im fer ter come back, but Brer Rabbit keep
- on gwine; Mr. Dog, he holler, Mr. Rabbit, he keep on gwine. En down ter
- dis day," continued 'Tildy, smacking her lips, and showing her white
- teeth, "Mr. Dog bin a-runnin' Brer Rabbit, en ef you'll des go out in de
- woods wid any Dog on dis place, des time he smell de Rabbit track he'll
- holler en tell 'im fer ter come back."
- "Dat's de Lord's trufe!" said Aunt Tempy.
- [77] Speculator's wagon.
- [78] A bar of iron across the fireplace, with hooks to hold the pots and
- kettles. The original form of the crane.
- Daddy Jack appeared to enjoy 'Tildy's story as thoroughly as the little
- boy.
- "'E one fine tale. 'E mekky me lahff tell tear is come in me y-eye," the
- old African said. And somehow or other 'Tildy seemed to forget her
- pretended animosity to Daddy Jack, and smiled on him as pleasantly as
- she did on the others. Uncle Remus himself beamed upon each and every
- one, especially upon Aunt Tempy; and the little boy thought he had never
- seen everybody in such good-humor.
- "Sis Tempy," said Uncle Remus, "I 'speck it's yo' time fer ter put in."
- "I des bin rackin' my min'," said Aunt Tempy, thoughtfully. "I see you
- fixin' dat ar hawn, en terreckerly hit make me think 'bout a tale w'at I
- ain't year none en you tell yit."
- Uncle Remus was polishing a long cow's-horn, for the purpose of making a
- hunting-horn for his master.
- "Hit come 'bout one time dat all de creeturs w'at got hawns tuck a
- notion dat dey got ter meet terge'er en have a confab fer ter see how
- dey gwine take ker deyse'f, 'kaze dem t'er creeturs w'at got tush en
- claw, dey uz des a-snatchin' um fum 'roun' eve'y cornder."
- "Tooby sho'!" said Uncle Remus, approvingly.
- "Dey sont out wud, de hawn creeturs did, en dey tuck'n meet terge'er
- 'way off in de woods. Man--Sir!--dey wuz a big gang un um, en de muster
- dey had out dar 't wa'n't b'ar tellin' skacely. Mr. Bull, he 'uz dar, en
- Mr. Steer, en Miss Cow"--
- "And Mr. Benjamin Ram, with his fiddle," suggested the little boy.
- --"Yes, 'n Mr. Billy Goat, en Mr. Unicorn"--
- "En ole man Rinossyhoss," said Uncle Remus.
- --"Yes, 'n lots mo' w'at I ain't know de names un. Man--Sir!--dey had a
- mighty muster out dar. Ole Brer Wolf, he tuck'n year 'bout de muster, en
- he sech a smarty dat nothin' ain't gwine do but he mus' go en see w'at
- dey doin'.
- "He study 'bout it long time, en den he went out in de timber en cut 'im
- two crooked sticks, en tie um on his head, en start off ter whar de hawn
- creeturs meet at. W'en he git dar Mr. Bull ax 'im who is he, w'at he
- want, whar he come frum, en whar he gwine. Brer Wolf, he 'low:--
- "'Ba-a-a! I'm name little Sook Calf!'"
- "Eh-eh! Look out, now!" exclaimed 'Tildy, enthusiastically.
- "Mr. Bull look at Brer Wolf mighty hard over his specks, but atter a
- w'ile he go off some'rs else, en Brer Wolf take his place in de muster.
- "Well, den, bimeby, terreckerly, dey got ter talkin' en tellin' der
- 'sperence des like de w'ite folks does at class-meetin'. W'iles dey 'uz
- gwine on dis a-way, a great big hoss-fly come sailin' 'roun', en Brer
- Wolf tuck'n fergit hisse'f, en snap at 'im.
- "All dis time Brer Rabbit bin hidin' out in de bushes watchin' Brer
- Wolf, en w'en he see dis he tuck'n break out in a laugh. Brer Bull, he
- tuck'n holler out, he did:--
- "'Who dat laughin' en showin' der manners?'
- "Nobody ain't make no answer, en terreckerly Brer Rabbit holler out:--
- "'_O kittle-cattle, kittle-cattle, whar yo' eyes?
- Who ever see a Sook Calf snappin' at flies?_'
- "De hawn creeturs dey all look 'roun' en wonder w'at dat mean, but
- bimeby dey go on wid dey confab. 'T wa'n't long 'fo' a flea tuck'n bite
- Brer Wolf 'way up on de back er de neck, en 'fo' he know what he doin',
- he tuck'n squat right down en scratch hisse'f wid his behime foot."
- "Enty!" exclaimed Daddy Jack.
- "Dar you is!" said 'Tildy.
- "Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n broke out in 'n'er big laugh en 'sturb um all,
- en den he holler out:--
- "'_Scritchum-scratchum, lawsy, my laws!
- Look at dat Sook Calf scratchin' wid claws!_'
- "Brer Wolf git mighty skeer'd, but none er de hawn creeturs ain't take
- no notice un 'im, en 't wa'n't long 'fo' Brer Rabbit holler out ag'in:--
- "'_Rinktum-tinktum, ride 'im on a rail!
- Dat Sook Calf got a long bushy tail!_'
- "De hawn creeturs, dey go on wid der confab, but Brer Wolf git skeerder
- en skeerder, 'kaze he notice dat Mr. Bull got his eye on 'im. Brer
- Rabbit, he ain't gin 'im no rest. He holler out:--
- "'_One en one never kin make six,
- Sticks ain't hawns, en hawns ain't sticks!_'
- "Wid dat Brer Wolf make ez ef he gwine 'way fum dar, en he wa'n't none
- too soon, needer, 'kaze ole Mr. Bull splunge at 'im, en little mo' en
- he'd er nat'ally to' 'im in two."
- "Did Brother Wolf get away?" the little boy asked.
- "Yas, Lord!" said Aunt Tempy, with unction; "he des scooted 'way fum
- dar, en he got so mad wid Brer Rabbit, dat he tuck'n play dead, en wud
- went 'roun' dat dey want all de creeturs fer ter go set up wid 'im. Brer
- Rabbit, he went down dar fer ter look at 'im, en time he see 'im, he
- ex:--
- "'Is he grin yit?'
- "All de creeturs dey up'n say he ain't grin, not ez dey knows un. Den
- Brer Rabbit, he 'low, he did:--
- "'Well, den, gentermuns all, ef he ain't grin, den he ain't dead good.
- In all my 'speunce folks ain't git dead good tel dey grins.'[79]
- "W'en Brer Wolf year Brer Rabbit talk dat a-way, he tuck'n grin fum year
- ter year, en Brer Rabbit, he picked up his hat en walkin'-cane en put
- out fer home, en w'en he got 'way off in de woods he sot down en laugh
- fit ter kill hisse'f."
- Uncle Remus had paid Aunt Tempy the extraordinary tribute of pausing in
- his work to listen to her story, and when she had concluded it, he
- looked at her in undisguised admiration, and exclaimed:--
- "I be bless, Sis Tempy, ef you ain't wuss'n w'at I is, en I'm bad
- 'nuff', de Lord knows I is!"
- [79] See _Uncle Remus: His Songs and his Sayings_, p. 60.
- Aunty Tempy did not attempt to conceal the pleasure which Uncle Remus's
- praise gave her. She laughed somewhat shyly, and said:--
- "Bless you, Brer Remus! I des bin a-settin' yer l'arnin'. 'Sides dat,
- Chris'mus ain't fur off en I 'speck we er all a-feelin' a sight mo'
- humorsome dan common."
- "Dat's so, Sis Tempy. I 'uz comin' thoo de lot des 'fo' supper, en I
- seed de pigs runnin' en playin' in de win', en I 'low ter myse'f, sez I,
- 'Sholy dey's a-gwine ter be a harrycane,' en den all at once hit come in
- my min' dat Chris'mus mighty close at han', en den on ter dat yer come
- de chickens a-crowin' des now en 't ain't nine er'clock. I dunner how de
- creeturs know Chris'mus comin', but dat des de way it stan's."
- The little boy thought it was time enough to think about Christmas when
- the night came for hanging up his stockings, and he asked Uncle Remus if
- it was n't his turn to tell a story. The old man laid down the piece of
- glass with which he had been scraping the cow's horn, and hunted around
- among his tools for a piece of sandpaper before he replied. But his
- reply was sufficient. He said:--
- "One time w'iles Brer Rabbit wuz gwine thoo de woods he tuck'n strak up
- wid ole Brer Fox, en Brer Fox 'low, he did, dat he mighty hongry. Brer
- Rabbit 'low dat he ain't feelin' dat a-way hisse'f, 'kaze he des bin en
- had er bait er w'ite muscadimes, en den he tuck'n smack he mouf en lick
- he chops right front er Brer Fox. Brer Fox, he ax, sezee:--
- "'Brer Rabbit, whar de name er goodness is deze yer w'ite muscadimes, en
- how come I'm ain't never run 'crosst um?' sezee.
- "'I dunner w'at de reason you ain't never come up wid um,' sez Brer
- Rabbit, sezee; 'some folks sees straight, some sees crooked, some sees
- one thing, some sees 'n'er. I done seed dem ar w'ite muscadimes, en let
- 'lone dat, I done wipe um up. I done e't all dey wuz on one tree, but I
- lay dey's lots mo' un um 'roun' in dem neighborhoods,' sezee.
- "Ole Brer Fox mouf 'gun to water, en he git mighty restless.
- "'Come on, Brer Rabbit; come on! Come show me whar dem ar w'ite
- muscadimes grows at,' sezee.
- "Brer Rabbit, he sorter hang back. Brer Fox, he 'low:--
- "'Come on, Brer Rabbit, come on!'
- "Brer Rabbit, he hang back, en bimeby he 'low:--
- "'Uh-uh, Brer Fox! You wanter git me out dar in de timber by myse'f en
- do sump'n' ter me. You wanter git me out dar en skeer me.'
- "Ole Brer Fox, he hol' up he han's, he do, en he 'low:--
- "'I des 'clar' 'fo' gracious, Brer Rabbit, I ain't gwine do no sech uv a
- thing. I dunner w'at kinder 'pinion you got 'bout me fer ter have sech
- idee in yo' head. Come on, Brer Rabbit, en less we go git dem ar w'ite
- muscadimes. Come on, Brer Rabbit.'
- "'Uh-uh, Brer Fox! I done year talk er you playin' so many prank wid
- folks dat I fear'd fer ter go 'way off dar wid you.'
- "Dey went on dat a-way," continued Uncle Remus, endeavoring to look at
- the little boy through the crooked cow's horn, "twel bimeby Brer Fox
- promise he ain't gwine ter bodder 'long er Brer Rabbit, en den dey
- tuck'n put out. En whar you 'speck dat ar muscheevous Brer Rabbit tuck'n
- kyar' Brer Fox?"
- Uncle Remus paused and gazed around upon his audience with uplifted
- eyebrows, as if to warn them to be properly astonished. Nobody made any
- reply, but all looked expectant, and Uncle Remus went on:--
- "He ain't kyar 'im nowhars in de roun' worl' but ter one er deze yer
- great big scaly-bark trees. De tree wuz des loaded down wid
- scaly-barks, but dey wa'n't ripe, en de green hulls shined in de sun des
- lak dey ben whitewash'. Brer Fox look 'stonish'. Atter w'ile he up'n
- 'low:--
- "'Is dem ar de w'ite muscadimes? Mighty funny I ain't fine it out 'fo'
- dis.'
- "Ole Brer Rabbit, he scratch hisse'f en 'low:--
- "'Dems um. Dey may n't be ripe ez dem w'at I had fer my brekkus, but
- dems de w'ite muscadimes sho' ez youer bawn. Dey er red bullaces[80] en
- dey er black bullaces, but deze yer, dey er de w'ite bullaces.'
- "Brer Fox, sezee, 'How I gwine git um?'
- "Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'You'll des hatter do lak I done.'
- "Brer Fox, sezee, 'How wuz dat?'
- "Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'You'll hatter clam fer 'm.'
- "Brer Fox, sezee, 'How I gwine clam?'
- "Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'Grab wid yo' han's, clam wid yo' legs, en I'll
- push behime!'"
- "Man--Sir!--he's a-talkin' now!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy, enthusiastically.
- "Brer Fox, he clum, en Brer Rabbit, he push, twel, sho' 'nuff, Brer Fox
- got whar he kin grab de lowmos' lim's, en dar he wuz! He crope on up, he
- did, twel he come ter whar he kin retch de green scaly-bark, en den he
- tuck'n pull one en bite it, en, gentermens! hit uz dat rough en dat
- bitter twel little mo' en he'd 'a' drapt spang out'n de tree.
- "He holler '_Ow!_' en spit it out'n he mouf des same ez ef 't wuz rank
- pizen, en he make sech a face dat you would n't b'leeve it skacely
- less'n you seed it. Brer Rabbit, he hatter cough fer ter keep fum
- laughin', but he make out ter holler, sezee:--
- "'Come down, Brer Fox! Dey ain't ripe. Come down en less go some'rs
- else.'
- "Brer Fox start down, en he git 'long mighty well twel he come ter de
- lowmos' lim's, en den w'en he git dar he can't come down no furder,
- 'kaze he ain't got no claw fer cling by, en not much leg fer clamp.
- "Brer Rabbit keep on hollerin', 'Come down!' en Brer Fox keep on
- studyin' how he gwine ter come down. Brer Rabbit, he 'low, sezee:--
- "'Come on, Brer Fox! I tuck'n push you up, en ef I 'uz dar whar you is,
- I'd take'n push you down.'
- "Brer Fox sat dar on de lowmos' lim's en look lak he skeer'd. Bimeby
- Brer Rabbit tuck he stan' 'way off fum de tree, en he holler, sezee:--
- "'Ef you'll take'n jump out dis way, Brer Fox, I'll ketch you.'
- "Brer Fox look up, he look down, he look all 'roun'. Brer Rabbit come
- little closer, en 'low, sezee:--
- "'Hop right down yer, Brer Fox, en I'll ketch you.'
- "Hit keep on dis a-way, twel, bimeby, Brer Fox tuck a notion to jump, en
- des ez he jump Brer Rabbit hop out de way en holler, sezee:--
- "'_Ow!_ Scuze me, Brer Fox! I stuck a brier in my foot! Scuze me, Brer
- Fox! I stuck a brier in my foot!'
- "En dat ole Brer Fox," continued Uncle Remus, dropping his voice a
- little, "dat ole Brer Fox, gentermens! you oughter bin dar! He hit de
- groun' like a sack er taters, en it des nat'ally knock de breff out'n
- 'im. W'en he git up en count hisse'f fer ter see ef he all dar, he ain't
- kin walk skacely, en he sat dar en lick de so' places a mighty long time
- 'fo' he feel lak he kin make he way todes home."
- When the little boy wanted to know what became of Brother Rabbit Uncle
- Remus said:--
- "Shoo! don't you pester 'bout Brer Rabbit. He kick up he heels en put
- out fum dar." Then he added: "Dem ar chick'ns crowin' 'g'in, honey. Done
- gone by nine er'clock. Scoot out fum dis. Miss Sally'll be a-rakin' me
- over de coals."
- [80] Another name for muscadines.
- One night the little boy ran into Uncle Remus's cabin singing:--
- "_T-u Turkey, t-u Ti,
- T-u Turkey Buzzard's eye!_"
- Uncle Remus, Daddy Jack, Aunt Tempy, and 'Tildy were all sitting around
- the fire, for the Christmas weather was beginning to make itself rather
- severely felt. As they made room for the child, Daddy Jack flung his
- head back, and took up the song, beating time with his foot:--
- "'_T-u Tukry, t-u Ti,
- T-u Tukry-Buzzud y-eye!
- T-u Tukry, t-u Ting,
- T-u Tukry-Buzzud wing!_"
- "Deyer mighty kuse creeturs," said 'Tildy, who was sitting rather nearer
- to Daddy Jack than had been her custom,--a fact to which Aunt Tempy had
- already called the attention of Uncle Remus by a motion of her head,
- causing the old man to smile a smile as broad as it was wise. "Deyer
- mighty kuse, an' I'm fear'd un um," 'Tildy went on. "Dey looks so
- lonesome hit makes me have de creeps fer ter look at um."
- "Dey no hu't-a you," said Daddy Jack, soothingly. "You flut you' han'
- toze um dey fly 'way fum dey-dey."
- "I dunno 'bout dat," said 'Tildy. "Deyer bal'-headed, en dat w'at make
- me 'spize um."
- Daddy Jack rubbed the bald place on his head with such a comical air
- that even 'Tildy laughed. The old African retained his good-humor.
- "You watch dem Buzzud," he said after awhile, addressing himself
- particularly to the little boy. "'E fly high, 'e fly low, 'e fly 'way
- 'roun'. Rain come, 'e flup 'e wings, 'e light 'pon dead pine. Rain
- fall, 'e hug 'ese'f wit' 'e wing, 'e scrooge 'e neck up. Rain come, win'
- blow, da Buzzud bin-a look ragged. Da Buzzud bin-a wink 'e y-eye, 'e
- say:--
- "'Wun da win' fer stop blow en da rain fer stop drip, me go mek me one
- house. Me mek um tight fer keep da rain out; me pit top on strong fer
- keep da win' out.'
- "Dun da rain dry up en da win' stop. Da Buzzud, 'e stan' 'pon top da
- dead pine. Wun da sun bin-a shine, 'e no mek um no house no'n 't all. 'E
- stay 'pon da dead pine; 'e 'tretch 'e wing wide open; 'e bin dry hisse'f
- in da sun. 'E hab mek no house sence 'e bin born. 'E one fool bud."
- "En yit," said Uncle Remus, with a grave, judicial air, "I year tell er
- one time w'en ole Brer Buzzard wa'n't so mighty fur outer de way wid he
- notions."
- "Me yent yeddy tahlk 'bout dis," Daddy Jack explained.
- "I 'speck not," responded Uncle Remus. "Hit seem lak dat dey wuz one
- time w'en Mr. Hawk come sailin' 'roun' huntin' fer sump'n' 'n'er t' eat,
- en he see Brer Buzzard settin' on a dead lim', lookin' mighty lazy en
- lonesome.
- "Mr. Hawk, sezee, 'How you come on, Brer Buzzard?'
- "Brer Buzzard, sezee, 'I'm mighty po'ly, Brer Hawk; po'ly en hongry.'
- "Mr. Hawk, sezee, 'W'at you waitin' yer fer ef you hongry, Brer
- Buzzard?'
- "Brer Buzzard, sezee, 'I'm a-waitin' on de Lord.'
- "Mr. Hawk, sezee, 'Better run en git yo' brekkus, Brer Buzzard, en den
- come back en wait.'
- "Brer Buzzard, sezee, 'No, Brer Hawk, I'll go bidout my brekkus druther
- den be biggity 'bout it.'
- "Mr. Hawk, he 'low, sezee, 'Well, den, Brer Buzzard, you got yo' way en
- I got mine. You see dem ar chick'ns, down dar in Mr. Man hoss-lot? I'm
- a-gwine down dar en git one un um, en den I'll come back yer en wait
- 'long wid you.'
- "Wid dat, Mr. Hawk tuck'n sail off, en Brer Buzzard drop he wings down
- on de lim' en look mighty lonesome. He sot dar en look mighty lonesome,
- he did, but he keep one eye on Mr. Hawk.
- "Mr. Hawk, he sail 'roun' en 'roun', en he look mighty purty. He sail
- 'roun' en 'roun' 'bove de hoss-lot--'roun' en 'roun'--en bimeby he dart
- down at chick'ns. He shot up he wings en dart down, he did, des same ef
- he 'uz fired out'n a gun."
- "Watch out, pullets!" exclaimed 'Tildy, in a tone of warning.
- "He dart down, he did," continued Uncle Remus, rubbing his hand
- thoughtfully across the top of his head, "but stidder he hittin' de
- chick'ns, he tuck'n hit 'pon de sharp een' un a fence-rail. He hit dar,
- he did, en dar he stuck."
- "Ah-yi-ee!" exclaimed Daddy Jack.
- "Dar he stuck. Brer Buzzard sot en watch 'im. Mr. Hawk ain't move. Brer
- Buzzard sot en watch 'im some mo'. Mr. Hawk ain't move. He done stone
- dead. De mo' Brer Buzzard watch 'im de mo' hongrier he git, en bimeby he
- gedder up he wings, en sorter clean out he year wid he claw, en 'low,
- sezee:--
- "'I know'd de Lord 'uz gwineter pervide.'"
- "Trufe too!" exclaimed Aunt Tempy. "'T ain't bin in my min' dat Buzzard
- got sense lak dat!"
- "Dar's whar you missed it, Sis Tempy," said Uncle Remus gravely. "Brer
- Buzzard, he tuck'n drap down fum de dead lim', en he lit on Mr. Hawk, en
- had 'im fer brekkus. Hit's a mighty 'roun' about way fer ter git
- chick'n-pie, yit hit's lots better dan no way."
- "I 'speck Hawk do tas'e like chicken," remarked 'Tildy.
- "Dey mos' sho'ly does," said Uncle Remus, with emphasis.
- "I year tell er one time," said 'Tildy, "w'en ole Mr. Hawk tuck'n kotch
- Brer Rabbit, but 't ain't no tale like dem you all bin tellin'."
- "Tell it, anyhow, 'Tildy," said the little boy.
- "Well, 't ain't no tale, I tell you dat now. One time Brer Rabbit wuz
- gwine 'long thoo de bushes singin' ter hisse'f, en he see a shadder pass
- befo' 'im. He look up, en dar 'uz Mr. Hawk sailin' 'roun' en 'roun'.
- Time he see 'im, Brer Rabbit 'gun ter kick up en sassy 'im.
- "Mr. Hawk ain't pay no 'tention ter dis. He des sail all 'roun' en
- 'roun'. Eve'y time he sail 'roun', he git little closer, but Brer Rabbit
- ain't notice dis. He too busy wid his devilment. He shuck his fis' at
- Mr. Hawk, en chunk'd at 'im wid sticks;[81] en atter w'ile he tuck'n make
- out he got a gun, en he tuck aim at Mr. Hawk, en 'low'd, 'Pow!' en den
- he holler en laugh.
- "All dis time Mr. Hawk keep on sailin' 'roun' en 'roun' en gittin'
- nigher en nigher, en bimeby down he drapt right slambang on Brer Rabbit,
- en dar he had 'im. Brer Rabbit fix fer ter say his pra'rs, but 'fo' he
- do dat, he talk to Mr. Hawk, en he talk mighty fergivin'. He 'low he
- did:--
- "'I 'uz des playin', Mr. Hawk; I 'uz dez a-playin'. You oughtn' ter fly
- up en git mad wid a little bit er man like me.'
- "Mr. Hawk ruffle up de fedders on his neck en say:--
- "'I ain't flyin' up, I'm a-flyin' down, en w'en I fly up, I'm a-gwine
- ter fly 'way wid you. You bin a-playin' de imp 'roun' in dis settlement
- long 'nuff, en now ef you got any will ter make, you better make it
- quick, 'kaze you ain't got much time.'
- "Brer Rabbit cry. He say:--
- "'I mighty sorry, Mr. Hawk, dat I is. I got some gol' buried right over
- dar in fence cornder, en I wish in my soul my po' little childuns know
- whar 't wuz, 'kaze den dey could git long widout me fer a mont' er two.'
- "Mr. Hawk 'low, 'Whar'bouts is all dis gol'?'
- "Brer Rabbit low, 'Right over dar in de fence-cornder.'
- "Mr. Hawk say show it ter 'im. Brer Rabbit say he don't keer ef he do,
- en he say:--
- "'I'd 'a' done show'd it ter you long 'fo' dis, but you hol' me so
- tight, I can't wink my eye skacely, much less walk ter whar de gol' is.'
- "Mr. Hawk say he fear'd he gwineter try ter git 'way. Brer Rabbit say
- dey ain't no danger er dat, 'kaze he one er deze yer kinder mens w'en
- dey er kotch once deyer kotch fer good.
- "Mr. Hawk sorter let Brer Rabbit loose, en dey went todes de
- fence-cornder. Brer Rabbit, he went 'long so good dat dis sorter ease
- Mr. Hawk min' 'bout he gittin' 'way. Dey got ter de place en Brer Rabbit
- look all 'roun', en den he frown up like he got some mighty bad
- disap'intment, en he say:--
- "'You may b'lieve me er not, Mr. Hawk, but we er on de wrong side er de
- fence. I hid dat gol' some'rs right in dat cornder dar. You fly over en
- I'll go thoo.'
- "Tooby sho' dis look fa'r, en Brer Rabbit, he crope thoo' de fence, en
- Mr. Hawk flew'd 'cross. Time he lit on t'er side, Mr. Hawk year Brer
- Rabbit laugh."
- The little boy asked what Brother Rabbit laughed for, as 'Tildy paused
- to adjust a flaming red ribbon-bow pinned in her hair.
- "'Kaze dey wuz a brier-patch on t'er side de fence," said 'Tildy, "en
- Brer Rabbit wuz in dar."
- "I boun' you!" Aunt Tempy exclaimed. "He 'uz in dar, en dar he stayed
- tel Mr. Hawk got tired er hangin' 'roun' dar."
- "Ah, Lord, chile!" said Uncle Remus, with the candor of an expert, "some
- er dat tale you got right, en some you got wrong."
- "Oh, I know'd 't wa'n't no tale like you all bin tellin'," replied
- 'Tildy, modestly.
- "Tooby sho' 't is," continued Uncle Remus, by way of encouragement; "but
- w'iles we gwine 'long we better straighten out all de kinks dat'll b'ar
- straightenin'."
- "Goodness knows I ain't fittin' ter tell no tale," persisted 'Tildy.
- "Don't run yo'se'f down, gal," said Uncle Remus, encouragingly; "ef
- dey's to be any runnin' down let yuther folks do it; en, bless yo' soul,
- dey'll do 'nuff un it bidout waitin' fer yo' lettin'.
- "Now, den, old man Hawk,--w'ich dey call 'im Billy Blue-tail in my day
- en time,--ole man Hawk, he tuck'n kotch Brer Rabbit des lak you done
- said. He kotch 'im en he hilt 'im in a mighty tight grip, let 'lone dat
- he hilt 'im so tight dat it make Brer Rabbit breff come short lak he des
- come off'n a long jurney.
- "He holler en he beg, but dat ain't do no good; he squall en he cry, but
- dat ain't do no good; he kick en he groan, but dat ain't do no good. Den
- Brer Rabbit lay still en study 'bout w'at de name er goodness he gwine
- do. Bimeby he up'n 'low:--
- "'I dunner w'at you want wid me, Mr. Hawk, w'en I ain't a mouf full fer
- you, skacely!'
- "Mr. Hawk, sezee, 'I'll make way wid you, en den I'll go ketch me a
- couple er Jaybirds.'
- "Dis make Brer Rabbit shake wid de allovers, 'kaze ef dey's any kinder
- creetur w'at he nat'ally 'spize on de topside er de yeth, hit's a
- Jaybird.
- "Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'Do, pray, Mr. Hawk, go ketch dem Jaybirds fus',
- 'kaze I can't stan' um bein' on top er me. I'll stay right yer, plum
- twel you come back,' sezee.
- "Mr. Hawk, sezee, 'Oh-oh, Brer Rabbit, you done bin fool too many folks.
- You ain't fool me,' sezee.
- "Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'Ef you can't do dat, Mr. Hawk, den de bes' way
- fer you ter do is ter wait en lemme git tame, 'kaze I'm dat wil' now dat
- I don't tas'e good.'
- "Mr. Hawk, sezee, 'Oh-oh!'
- "Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'Well, den, ef dat won't do, you better wait en
- lemme grow big so I'll be a full meal er vittles.'
- "Mr. Hawk, sezee, 'Now youer talkin' sense!'
- "Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'En I'll rush 'roun' 'mungs' de bushes, en drive
- out Pa'tridges fer you, en we'll have mo' fun dan w'at you kin shake a
- stick at.'
- "Mr. Hawk sorter study 'bout dis, en Brer Rabbit, he beg en he 'splain,
- en de long en de short un it wuz," said Uncle Remus, embracing his knee
- with his hands, "dat Brer Rabbit tuck'n git loose, en he ain't git no
- bigger, en needer is he druv no Pa'tridges fer Mr. Hawk."
- "De Lord he'p my soul!" exclaimed 'Tildy, and this was the only comment
- made upon this extraordinary story.
- [81] That is to say, threw sticks at Mr. Hawk.
- All this talk about Hawks and Buzzards evidently reminded Daddy Jack of
- another story. He began to shake his head and mumble to himself; and,
- finally, when he looked around and found that he had attracted the
- attention of the little company, he rubbed his chin and grinned until
- his yellow teeth shone in the firelight like those of some wild animal,
- while his small eyes glistened under their heavy lids with a suggestion
- of cunning not unmixed with ferocity.
- "Talk it out, Brer Jack," said Uncle Remus; "talk it out. All nex' week
- we'll be a-fixin' up 'bout Chris'mus. Mars Jeems, he's a-comin' up, en
- Miss Sally'll have lots er yuther comp'ny. 'Tildy yer, she'll be busy,
- en dish yer little chap, he won't have no time fer ter be settin' up
- wid de ole niggers, en Sis Tempy, she'll have 'er han's full, en ole
- Remus, he'll be a-pirootin' 'roun' huntin' fer dat w'at he kin pick up.
- Time's a-passin', Brer Jack, en we all er passin' wid it. Des whirl in
- en gin us de upshot er w'at you got in yo' min'."
- "Enty!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, by way of approval. "One time dey bin two
- bud. One bin sma't bud; da turrer, 'e bin fool bud. Dey bin lif in da
- sem countree; da bin use in da sem swamp. Da sma't bud, 'e is bin come
- 'pon da fool bud; 'e bin tahlk. 'E bin say:--
- "'Ki! you long in da leg, you deep in da craw. You bin 'tan' well; you
- bin las' long tam.'
- "Fool bud, 'e look proud, 'e toss 'e head; 'e say:--
- "'Me no mekky no brag.'
- "Sma't bud, 'e say:--
- "'Less we try see fer how long tam we is kin go 'dout bittle un drink.'
- "Fool bud, 'e 'tretch 'e neck, 'e toss 'e head; 'e say:--
- "'All-a right; me beat-a you all day ebry day. Me beat-a you all da
- tam.'
- "Sma't bud, 'e say:--
- "'Ef you bin 'gree wit' dis, less we tek we place. You git 'pon da
- crik-side en tekky one ho'n, I git 'pon da tree y-up dey, en tekky
- nurrer ho'n. Less we 'tan' dey-dey tel we see how long tam we is kin do
- 'dout bittle en drink. Wun I blow 'pon me ho'n dun you blow 'pon you'
- ho'n fer answer me; me blow, you blow, dun we bote blow.'
- "Fool bud walk 'bout big; 'e say:--
- "'Me will do um!'
- "Nex' day mornin' come. Da sma't bud bin tekky one ho'n un fly 'pon da
- tree. De fool bud bin tekky one nurrer ho'n en set by da crik-side. Dey
- bin sta't in fer starf deyse'f. Da fool bud, 'e stay by da crik-side wey
- dey bin no'n 't all fer eat; 'e no kin fin' no bittle dey-dey. Sma't
- bud git in da tree da y-ant en da bug swa'm in da bark plenty. 'E pick
- dem ant, 'e y-eat dem ant; 'e pick dem bug, 'e y-eat dem bug. 'E pick
- tel 'e craw come full; he feel berry good.
- "Fool bud, 'e down by da crik-side. 'E set down, 'e come tire'; 'e 'tan'
- up, 'e come tire'; 'e walk 'bout, 'e come tire'. 'E 'tan' 'pon one leg,
- he 'tan' 'pon turrer; 'e pit 'e head need 'e wing; still he come tire'.
- Sma't bud shed 'e y-eye; 'e feel berry good. Wun 'e come hongry, 'e pick
- ant, 'e pick bug, tel 'e hab plenty, toze dinner-time 'e pick up 'e
- ho'n, 'e toot um strong--
- "'_Tay-tay, tenando wanzando waneanzo!_'
- "Fool bud craw bin empty, but 'e hab win'. 'E tekky da ho'n, 'e blow
- berry well; he mek um say:--
- "'_Tay-tay tenando wanzando olando!_'
- "Sma't bud pick ant plenty; 'e git full up. 'E wait tel mos' toze
- sundown; 'e blow 'pon da ho'n--
- "'_Tay-tay tenando wanzando waneanzo!_'
- "Fool bud mek answer, but 'e come weak; 'e yent hab eat nuttin' 't all.
- Soon nex' day mornin' sma't bud tek 'e ho'n en toot um. 'E done bin eat,
- 'e done bin drink dew on da leaf. Fool bud, 'e toot um ho'n, 'e toot um
- slow.
- "Dinner-time, sma't bud bin tek 'e ho'n en blow; 'e yent bin honkry no'n
- 't all; 'e hab good feelin'. Fool bud toot um ho'n; 'e toot um slow.
- Night tam come, 'e no toot um no mo'. Sma't bud come down, 'e fin' um
- done gone dead.
- "Watch dem 'ceitful folks; 'e bin do you bad."[82]
- [82] Mrs. H. S. Barclay, of Darien, who sends this story, says it was
- told by a native African woman, of good intelligence, who claimed to be
- a princess. She had an eagle tattoed on her bosom--a sign of royalty.
- "Dat tale," said Uncle Remus, "puts me in min' er de time w'en ole Brer
- Tarrypin had a tussel wid Brer Mink. Hit seem lak," he went on, in
- response to inquiries from the little boy, "dat dey bofe live 'roun' de
- water so much en so long dat dey git kinder stuck up long wid it.
- Leasways dat 'uz de trouble wid Brer Mink. He jump in de water en swim
- en dive twel he 'gun ter b'leeve dey wa'n't nobody kin hol' der han'
- long wid 'im.
- "One day Brer Mink 'uz gwine long down de creek wid a nice string er
- fish swingin' on he walkin'-cane, w'en who should he meet up wid but ole
- Brer Tarrypin. De creeturs 'uz all hail feller wid ole Brer Tarrypin, en
- no sooner is he seed Brer Mink dan he bow 'im howdy. Ole Brer Tarrypin
- talk 'way down in he th'oat lak he got bad col'. He 'low:--
- "'Heyo, Brer Mink! Whar you git all dem nice string er fish?'
- "Brer Mink 'uz mighty up-en-spoken in dem days. He 'low, he did:--
- "'Down dar in de creek, Brer Tarrypin.'
- "Brer Tarrypin look 'stonish'. He say, sezee:--
- "'Well, well, well! In de creek! Who'd er b'leev'd it?'
- "Brer Mink, sezee: 'Whar I gwine ketch um, Brer Tarrypin, ef I ain't
- ketch um in de creek?'
- "Ole Brer Tarrypin, sezee: 'Dat's so, Brer Mink; but a highlan' man lak
- you gwine in de creek atter fish! Hit looks turrible, Brer Mink--dat
- w'at it do; hit des looks turrible!'
- "Brer Mink, sezee: 'Looks er no looks, dar whar I got um.'
- "Brer Tarrypin sorter sway he head fum side ter side, en 'low:--
- "'Ef dat de case, Brer Mink, den sho'ly you mus' be one er dem ar kinder
- creeturs w'at usen ter de water.'
- "'Dat's me,' sez Brer Mink, sezee.
- "'Well, den,' sez Brer Tarrypin, sezee, 'I'm a highlan' man myse'f, en
- it's bin a mighty long time sence I got my foots wet, but I don't min'
- goin' in washin' 'long wid you. Ef youer de man you sez you is, you kin
- outdo me,' sezee.
- "Brer Mink, sezee: 'How we gwine do, Brer Tarrypin?'
- "Ole Brer Tarrypin, sezee: 'We 'ull go down dar ter de creek, en de man
- w'at kin stay und' de water de longest, let dat man walk off wid dat
- string er fish.'
- "Brer Mink, sezee: 'I'm de ve'y man you bin lookin' fer.'
- "Brer Mink say he don't wanter put it off a minnit. Go he would, en go
- he did. Dey went down ter creek en make der 'rangerments. Brer Mink lay
- he fish down on der bank, en 'im en ole Brer Tarrypin wade in. Brer
- Tarrypin he make great 'miration 'bout how col' he water is. He flinch,
- he did, en 'low:--
- "'Ow, Brer Mink! Dish yer water feel mighty col' and 't ain't no mo'n up
- ter my wais'. Goodness knows how she gwine feel w'en she git up und' my
- chin.'
- "Dey wade in, dey did, en Brer Tarrypin say, sezee:--
- "'Now, den, Brer Mink, we'll make a dive, en de man w'at stay und' de
- water de longest dat man gits de fish.'
- "Brer Mink 'low dat's de way he look at it, en den Brer Tarrypin gun de
- wud, en und' dey went. Co'se," said Uncle Remus, after a little pause,
- "Brer Tarrypin kin stay down in de water longer'n Brer Mink, en Brer
- Mink mought er know'd it. Dey stay en dey stay, twel bimeby Brer Mink
- bleedz ter come up, en he tuck'n kotch he breff, he did, lak he mighty
- glad fer ter git back ag'in. Den atter w'ile Brer Tarrypin stuck he nose
- out er de water, en den Brer Mink say Brer Tarrypin kin beat 'im. Brer
- Tarrypin 'low:--
- "'No, Brer Mink; hit's de bes' two out er th'ee. Ef I beats you dis time
- den de fish, deyer mine; ef I gits beated, den we kin take 'n'er trial.'
- "Wid dat, down dey went, but Brer Tarrypin ain't mo'n dove 'fo' up he
- come, en w'iles Brer Mink 'uz down dar honin' fer fresh a'r, he tuck'n
- gobble up de las' one er de fish, ole Brer Tarrypin did. He gobble up de
- fish, en he 'uz fixin' fer ter pick he toof, but by dis time Brer Mink
- bleedz ter come up, en ole Brer Tarrypin, he tuck'n slid down in de
- water. He slid so slick," said Uncle Remus, with a chuckle, "dat he
- ain't lef' a bubble. He ain't stay down long, n'er, 'fo' he come up en
- he make lak he teetotally out er win'.
- "Ole Brer Tarrypin come up, he did, en look 'roun', en 'fo' Brer Mink
- kin say a wud, he holler out:--
- "'Youer nice man, Brer Mink! Youer mighty nice man!'
- "'Wat I done now, Brer Tarrypin?'
- "'Don't ax me. Look up dar whar you bin eatin' dem fish en den ax
- yo'se'f. Youer mighty nice man!'
- "Brer Mink look 'roun' en, sho' 'nuff, de fish done gone. Ole Brer
- Tarrypin keep on talkin':--
- "'You tuck'n come up fust, en w'iles I bin down dar in de water,
- nat'ally achin' fer lack er win', yer you settin' up chawin' on de fish
- w'ich dey oughter bin mine!'
- "Brer Mink stan' 'im down dat he ain't eat dem fish; he 'ny it ter de
- las', but ole Brer Tarrypin make out he don't b'leeve 'im. He say,
- sezee:--
- "'You'll keep gwine on dis a-way, twel atter w'ile you'll be wuss'n Brer
- Rabbit. Don't tell me you ain't git dem fish, Brer Mink, 'kaze you know
- you is.'
- "Hit sorter make Brer Mink feel proud 'kaze ole Brer Tarrypin mix 'im up
- wid Brer Rabbit, 'kaze Brer Rabbit wuz a mighty man in dem days, en he
- sorter laugh, Brer Mink did, lak he know mo' dan he gwine tell. Ole Brer
- Tarrypin keep on grumblin'.
- "'I ain't gwine ter git mad long wid you, Brer Mink, 'kaze hit's a
- mighty keen trick, but you oughter be 'shame' yo'se'f fer ter be playin'
- tricks on a ole man lak me--dat you ought!'
- "Wid dat ole Brer Tarrypin went shufflin' off, en atter he git outer
- sight he draw'd back in he house en shot de do' en laugh en laugh twel
- dey wa'n't no fun in laughin'."
- The next time the little boy had an opportunity to visit Uncle Remus the
- old man was alone, but he appeared to be in good spirits. He was
- cobbling away upon what the youngster recognized as 'Tildy's Sunday
- shoes, and singing snatches of a song something like this:--
- "_O Mr. Rabbit! yo' eye mighty big--
- Yes, my Lord! dey er made fer ter see;
- O Mr. Rabbit! yo' tail mighty short--
- Yes, my Lord! hit des fits me!_"
- The child waited to hear more, but the song was the same thing over and
- over again--always about Brother Rabbit's big eyes and his short tail.
- After a while Uncle Remus acknowledged the presence of his little
- partner by remarking:--
- "Well, sir, we er all yer. Brer Jack and Sis Tempy en dat ar 'Tildy
- nigger may be a-pacin' 'roun' lookin' in de fence-cornders fer
- Chris'mus, but me en you en ole Brer Rabbit, we er all yer, en ef we
- ain't right on de spot, we er mighty close erroun'. Yasser, we is dat;
- mo' speshually ole Brer Rabbit, wid he big eye and he short tail. Don't
- tell me 'bout Brer Rabbit!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, with a great apparent
- enthusiasm, "'kaze dey ain't no use er talkin' 'bout dat creetur."
- The little boy was very anxious to know why.
- "Well, I tell you," said the old man. "One time dey wuz a monst'us dry
- season in de settlement whar all de creeturs live at, en drinkin'-water
- got mighty skace. De creeks got low, en de branches went dry, en all de
- springs make der disappearance 'cep'n one great big un whar all de
- creeturs drunk at. Dey'd all meet dar, dey would, en de bigges' 'ud
- drink fus', en by de time de big uns all done swaje der thuss[83] dey
- wa'n't a drap lef' fer de little uns skacely.
- "Co'se Brer Rabbit 'uz on de happy side. Ef anybody gwine git water Brer
- Rabbit de man. De creeturs 'ud see he track 'roun' de spring, but dey
- ain't nev' ketch 'im. Hit got so atter w'ile dat de big creeturs 'ud
- crowd Brer Fox out, en den 't wa'n't long 'fo' he hunt up Brer Rabbit en
- ax 'im w'at he gwine do.
- "Brer Rabbit, he sorter study, en den he up 'n tell Brer Fox fer ter go
- home en rub some 'lasses all on hisse'f en den go out en waller in de
- leafs. Brer Fox ax w'at he mus' do den, en Brer Rabbit say he mus' go
- down by de spring, en w'en de creeturs come ter de spring fer ter git
- dey water, he mus' jump out at um, en den atter dat he mus' waller lak
- he one er dem ar kinder varment w'at got bugs on um.
- "Brer Fox, he put out fer home, he did, en w'en he git dar he run ter de
- cubbud[84] en des gawm hisse'f wid 'lasses, en den he went out in de
- bushes, he did, en waller in de leafs en trash twel he look mos' bad ez
- Brer Rabbit look w'en he play Wull-er-de-Wust on de creeturs.
- "W'en Brer Fox git hisse'f all fix up, he went down ter de spring en
- hide hisse'f. Bimeby all de creeturs come atter der water, en w'iles dey
- 'uz a-scuffin' en a-hunchin', en a-pushin' en a-scrougin', Brer Fox he
- jump out'n de bushes, en sorter switch hisse'f 'roun', en, bless yo'
- soul, he look lak de Ole Boy.
- "Brer Wolf tuck'n see 'im fus', en he jump spang over Brer B'ar head.
- Brer B'ar, he lip back, en ax who dat, en des time he do dis de t'er
- creeturs dey tuck'n make a break, dey did, lak punkins rollin' down
- hill, en mos' 'fo' youk'n wink yo' eye-ball, Brer Fox had de range er de
- spring all by hisse'f.
- "Yit 't wa'n't fur long, 'kaze 'fo' de creeturs mov'd fur, dey tuck'n
- tu'n 'roun', dey did, en crope back fer ter see w'at dat ar skeery
- lookin' varment doin'. W'en dey git back in seein' distuns dar 'uz Brer
- Fox walkin' up en down switchin' hisse'f.
- "De creeturs dunner w'at ter make un 'im. Dey watch, en Brer Fox march;
- dey watch, en he march. Hit keep on dis a-way twel bimeby Brer Fox 'gun
- ter waller in de water, en right dar," continued Uncle Remus, leaning
- back to laugh, "right dar 'uz whar Brer Rabbit had 'im. Time he 'gun ter
- waller in de water de 'lasses 'gun ter melt, en 't wa'n't no time
- skacely 'fo' de 'lasses en de leafs done all wash off, en dar 'uz ole
- Brer Fox des ez natchul ez life.
- "De fus' Brer Fox know 'bout de leafs comin' off, he year Brer B'ar
- holler on top er de hill:--
- "'You head 'im off down dar, Brer Wolf, en I'll head 'im off 'roun'
- yer!'
- "Brer Fox look 'roun' en he see all de leafs done come off, en wid dat
- he make a break, en he wa'n't none too soon, n'er, 'kaze little mo' en
- de creeturs 'ud 'a' kotch 'im."
- Without giving the little boy time to ask any questions, Uncle Remus
- added another verse to his Rabbit song, and harped on it for several
- minutes:--
- "_O Mr. Rabbit! yo' year mighty long--
- Yes, my Lord! dey made fer ter las';
- O Mr. Rabbit! yo' toof mighty sharp--
- Yes, my Lord! dey cuts down grass!_"
- [83] Assuaged their thirst.
- [84] Cupboard.
- The little boy wanted Uncle Remus to sing some more; but before the old
- man could either consent or refuse, the notes of a horn were heard in
- the distance. Uncle Remus lifted his hand to command silence, and bent
- his head in an attitude of attention.
- "Des listen at dat!" he exclaimed, with some show of indignation. "Dat
- ain't nothin' in de roun' worl' but ole man Plato wid dat tin hawn er
- his'n, en I boun' you he's a-drivin' de six mule waggin, en de waggin
- full er niggers fum de River place, en let 'lone dat, I boun' you deyer
- niggers strung out behime de waggin fer mo'n a mile, en deyer all er
- comin' yer fer ter eat us all out'n house en home, des 'kaze dey year
- folks say Chris'mus mos' yer. Hit's mighty kuse unter me dat ole man
- Plato ain't done toot dat hawn full er holes long 'fo' dis.
- "Yit I ain't blamin' um," Uncle Remus went on, with a sigh, after a
- little pause. "Dem ar niggers bin livin' 'way off dar on de River place
- whar dey ain't no w'ite folks twel dey er done in about run'd wil'. I
- ain't a-blamin' um, dat I ain't."
- Plato's horn--a long tin bugle--was by no means unmusical. Its range was
- limited, but in Plato's hands its few notes were both powerful and
- sweet. Presently the wagon arrived, and for a few minutes all was
- confusion, the negroes on the Home place running to greet the
- new-comers, who were mostly their relatives. A stranger hearing the
- shouts and outcries of these people would have been at a loss to account
- for the commotion.
- Even Uncle Remus went to his cabin door, and, with the little boy by his
- side, looked out upon the scene,--a tumult lit up by torches of resinous
- pine. The old man and the child were recognized, and for a few moments
- the air was filled with cries of:--
- "Howdy, Unk Remus! Howdy, little Marster!"
- After a while Uncle Remus closed his door, laid away his tools, and
- drew his chair in front of the wide hearth. The child went and stood
- beside him, leaning his head against the old negro's shoulder, and the
- two--old age and youth, one living in the Past and the other looking
- forward only to the Future--gazed into the bed of glowing embers
- illuminated by a thin, flickering flame. Probably they saw nothing
- there, each being busy with his own simple thoughts; but their shadows,
- enlarged out of all proportion, and looking over their shoulders from
- the wall behind them, must have seen something, for, clinging together,
- they kept up a most incessant pantomime; and Plato's horn, which sounded
- again to call the negroes to supper after their journey, though it
- aroused Uncle Remus and the child from the contemplation of the fire,
- had no perceptible effect upon the Shadows.
- "Dar go de vittles!" said Uncle Remus, straightening himself. "Dey tells
- me dat dem ar niggers on de River place got appetite same ez a mule. Let
- 'lone de vittles w'at dey gits from Mars John, dey eats oodles en oodles
- er fish. Ole man Plato say dat de nigger on de River place w'at ain't
- got a fish-baskit in de river er some intruss[85] in a fish-trap ain't no
- 'count w'atsomever."
- Here Uncle Remus suddenly slapped himself upon the leg, and laughed
- uproariously; and when the little boy asked him what the matter was, he
- cried out:--
- "Well, sir! Ef I ain't de fergittenest ole nigger twix' dis en
- Phillimerdelphy! Yer 't is mos' Chris'mus en I ain't tell you 'bout how
- Brer Rabbit do Brer Fox w'ence dey bofe un um live on de river. I dunner
- w'at de name er sense gittin' de marter 'long wid me."
- Of course the little boy wanted to know all about it, and Uncle Remus
- proceeded:--
- "One time Brer Fox en Brer Rabbit live de on river. Atter dey bin livin'
- dar so long a time, Brer Fox 'low dat he got a mighty hankerin' atter
- sump'n' 'sides fresh meat, en he say he b'leeve he make 'im a fish-trap.
- Brer Rabbit say he wish Brer Fox mighty well, but he ain't honin' atter
- fish hisse'f, en ef he is he ain't got no time fer ter make no
- fish-trap.
- "No marter fer dat, Brer Fox, he tuck'n got 'im out some timber, he did,
- en he wuk nights fer ter make dat trap. Den w'en he git it done, he
- tuck'n hunt 'im a good place fer ter set it, en de way he sweat over dat
- ar trap wuz a sin--dat 't wuz.
- "Yit atter so long a time, he got 'er sot, en den he tuck'n wash he face
- en han's en go home. All de time he 'uz fixin' un it up, Brer Rabbit 'uz
- settin' on de bank watchin' 'im. He sot dar, he did, en play in de
- water, en cut switches fer ter w'ip at de snake-doctors,[86] en all dat
- time Brer Fox, he pull en haul en tote rocks fer ter hol' dat trap
- endurin' a freshet.
- "Brer Fox went home en res' hisse'f, en bimeby he go down fer ter see ef
- dey any fish in he trap. He sorter fear'd er snakes, but he feel 'roun'
- en he feel 'roun', yit he ain't feel no fish. Den he go off.
- "Bimeby, 'long todes de las' er de week, he go down en feel 'roun'
- 'g'in, yit he ain't feel no fish. Hit keep on dis a-way twel Brer Fox
- git sorter fag out. He go en he feel, but dey ain't no fish dar. Atter
- w'ile, one day, he see de signs whar somebody bin robbin' he trap, en he
- 'low ter hisse'f dat he'll des in 'bout watch en fine out who de
- somebody is.
- "Den he tuck'n got in he boat en paddle und' de bushes on de bank en
- watch he fish-trap. He watch all de mornin'; nobody ain't come. He watch
- all endurin' er atter dinner; nobody ain't come. 'Long todes night, w'en
- he des 'bout makin' ready fer ter paddle off home, he year fuss on t'er
- side de river, en lo en beholes, yer come Brer Rabbit polin' a boat
- right todes Brer Fox fish-trap.
- "Look lak he dunner how to use a paddle, en he des had 'im a long pole,
- en he'd stan' up in de behime part er he boat, en put de een' er de pole
- 'gin' de bottom, en shove 'er right ahead.
- "Brer Fox git mighty mad w'en he see dis, but he watch en wait. He 'low
- ter hisse'f, he did, dat he kin paddle a boat pearter dan anybody kin
- pole um, en he say he sho'ly gwine ketch Brer Rabbit dis time.
- "Brer Rabbit pole up ter de fish-trap, en feel 'roun' en pull out a
- great big mud-cat; den he retch in en pull out 'n'er big mud-cat; den he
- pull out a big blue cat, en it keep on dis a-way twel he git de finest
- mess er fish you mos' ever laid yo' eyes on.
- "Des 'bout dat time, Brer Fox paddle out fum und' de bushes, en make
- todes Brer Rabbit, en he holler out:--
- "'Ah-yi! Youer de man w'at bin robbin' my fish-trap dis long time! I got
- you dis time! Oh, you nee'nter try ter run! I got you dis time sho'!'
- "No sooner said dan no sooner done. Brer Rabbit fling he fish in he boat
- en grab up de pole en push off, en he had mo' fun gittin' 'way fum dar
- dan he y-ever had befo' in all he born days put terge'er."
- "Why did n't Brother Fox catch him, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy.
- "_Shoo!_ Honey, you sho'ly done lose yo' min' 'bout Brer Rabbit."
- "Well, I don't see how he could get away."
- "Ef you'd er bin dar you'd er seed it, dat you would. Brer Fox, he wuz
- dar, en he seed it, en Brer Rabbit, he seed it, en e'en down ter ole
- Brer Bull-frog, a-settin' on de bank, he seed it. Now, den," continued
- Uncle Remus, spreading out the palm of his left hand like a map and
- pointing at it with the forefinger of his right, "w'en Brer Rabbit pole
- he boat, he bleedz ter set in de behime een', en w'en Brer Fox paddle he
- boat, _he_ bleedz ter set in de behime een'. Dat bein' de state er de
- condition, how Brer Fox gwine ketch 'im? I ain't 'sputin' but w'at he
- kin paddle pearter dan Brer Rabbit, but de long en de shorts un it
- is, de pearter Brer Fox paddle de pearter Brer Rabbit go."
- The little boy looked puzzled. "Well, I don't see how," he exclaimed.
- "Well, sir!" continued Uncle Remus, "w'en de nose er Brer Fox boat git
- close ter Brer Rabbit boat all Brer Rabbit got ter do in de roun' worl'
- is ter take he pole en put it 'gin' Brer Fox boat en push hisse'f out de
- way. De harder he push Brer Fox boat back, de pearter he push he own
- boat forrerd. Hit look mighty easy ter ole Brer Bull-frog settin' on de
- bank, en all Brer Fox kin do is ter shake he fist en grit he toof,
- w'iles Brer Rabbit sail off wid de fish."
- [85] Interest.
- [86] Dragon-flies.
- The arrival of the negroes from the River place added greatly to the
- enthusiasm with which the Christmas holidays were anticipated on the
- Home place, and the air was filled with laughter day and night. Uncle
- Remus appeared to be very busy, though there was really nothing to be
- done except to walk around and scold at everybody and everything, in a
- good-humored way, and this the old man could do to perfection.
- The night before Christmas eve, however, the little boy saw a light in
- Uncle Remus's cabin, and he interpreted it as in some sort a signal of
- invitation. He found the old man sitting by the fire and talking to
- himself:--
- "Ef Mars John and Miss Sally 'specks me fer ter keep all deze yer
- niggers straight deyer gwine ter be diserp'inted,--dat dey is. Ef dey
- wuz 'lev'm Remuses 't would n't make no diffunce, let 'long one po' ole
- cripple creetur lak me. Dey ain't done no damage yit, but I boun' you by
- termorrer night dey'll tu'n loose en tu'n de whole place upside down, en
- t'ar it up by de roots, en den atter hit's all done gone en done,
- yer'll come Miss Sally a-layin' it all at ole Remus do'. Nigger ain't
- got much chance in deze yer low-groun's, mo' speshually w'en dey gits
- ole en cripple lak I is."
- "What are they going to do to-morrow night, Uncle Remus?" the little boy
- inquired.
- "Now w'at make you ax dat, honey?" exclaimed the old man, in a grieved
- tone. "You knows mighty well how dey done las' year en de year 'fo' dat.
- Dey tuck'n cut up 'roun' yer wuss'n ef dey 'uz wil' creeturs, en
- termorrer night dey'll be a-hollin' en whoopin' en singin' en dancin'
- 'fo' it git dark good. I wish w'en you go up ter de big house you be so
- good ez ter tell Miss Sally dat ef she want any peace er min' she better
- git off'n de place en stay off twel atter deze yer niggers git dey fill
- er Chris'mus. Goodness knows, she can't 'speck a ole cripple nigger lak
- me fer ter ketch holt en keep all deze yer niggers straight."
- Uncle Remus would have kept up his vague complaints, but right in the
- midst of them Daddy Jack stuck his head in at the door, and said:--
- "Oona bin fix da' 'Tildy gal shoe. Me come fer git dem shoe; me come fer
- pay you fer fix dem shoe."
- Uncle Remus looked at the grinning old African in astonishment. Then
- suddenly the truth dawned upon him and he broke into a loud laugh.
- Finally he said:--
- "Come in, Brer Jack! Come right 'long in. I'm sorter po'ly myse'f, yit
- I'll make out ter make you welcome. Dey wuz a quarter dollar gwine inter
- my britches-pocket on de 'count er dem ar shoes, but ef youer gwine ter
- pay fer um 't won't be but a sev'mpunce."
- Somehow or other Daddy Jack failed to relish Uncle Remus's tone and
- manner, and he replied, with some display of irritation:
- "Shuh-shuh! Me no come in no'n 't all. Me no pay you se'mpunce. Me come
- fer pay you fer dem shoe; me come fer tek um 'way fum dey-dey."
- "I dunno 'bout dat, Brer Jack, I dunno 'bout dat. De las' time I year
- you en 'Tildy gwine on, she wuz 'pun de p'ints er knockin' yo' brains
- out. Now den, s'pozen I whirls in en gins you de shoes, en den 'Tildy
- come 'long en ax me 'bout um, w'at I gwine say ter 'Tildy?"
- "Me pay you fer dem shoe," said Daddy Jack, seeing the necessity of
- argument, "un me tek um wey da lil 'Tildy gal bin stay. She tell me fer
- come git-a dem shoe."
- "Well, den, yer dey is," said Uncle Remus, sighing deeply as he handed
- Daddy Jack the shoes. "Yer dey is, en youer mo' dan welcome, dat you is.
- But spite er dat, dis yer quarter you flingin' 'way on um would er done
- you a sight mo' good dan w'at dem shoes is."
- This philosophy was altogether lost upon Daddy Jack, who took the shoes
- and shuffled out with a grunt of satisfaction. He had scarcely got out
- of hearing before 'Tildy pushed the door open and came in. She hesitated
- a moment, and then, seeing that Uncle Remus paid no attention to her,
- she sat down and picked at her fingers with an air quite in contrast to
- her usual "uppishness," as Uncle Remus called it.
- "Unk Remus," she said, after awhile, in a subdued tone, "is dat old
- Affikin nigger bin yer atter dem ar shoes?"
- "Yas, chile," replied Uncle Remus, with a long-drawn sigh, "he done bin
- yer en got um en gone. Yas, honey, he done got um en gone; done come en
- pay fer 'm, en got um en gone. I sez, sez I, dat I wish you all mighty
- well, en he tuck'n tuck de shoes en put. Yas, chile, he done got um en
- gone."
- Something in Uncle Remus's sympathetic and soothing tone seemed to
- exasperate 'Tildy. She dropped her hands in her lap, straightened
- herself up and exclaimed:--
- "Yas, I'm is gwine ter marry dat ole nigger an' I don't keer who knows
- it. Miss Sally say she don't keer, en t'er folks may keer ef dey wanter,
- en much good der keerin' 'll do um."
- 'Tildy evidently expected Uncle Remus to make some characteristic
- comment, for she sat and watched him with her lips firmly pressed
- together and her eyelids half-closed,--an attitude of defiance
- significant enough when seen, but difficult to describe. But the old man
- made no response to the challenge. He seemed to be very busy. Presently
- 'Tildy went on:--
- "Somebody bleedz to take keer er dat ole nigger, en I dunner who gwine
- ter do it ef I don't. Somebody bleedz ter look atter 'im. Good win' come
- 'long hit 'ud in about blow 'im 'way ef dey wa'n't somebody close 'roun'
- fer ter take keer un 'im. Let 'lone dat, I ain't gwineter have dat ole
- nigger man f'ever 'n 'ternally trottin' atter me. I tell you de Lord's
- trufe, Unk Remus," continued 'Tildy, growing confidential, "I ain't had
- no peace er min' sence dat ole nigger man come on dis place. He des bin
- a-pacin' at my heels de whole blessed time, en I bleedz ter marry 'im
- fer git rid un 'im."
- "Well," said Uncle Remus, "hit don't s'prize me. You marry en den youer
- des lak Brer Fox wid he bag. You know w'at you put in it, but you dunner
- w'at you got in it."
- 'Tildy flounced out without waiting for an explanation, but the mention
- of Brother Fox attracted the attention of the little boy, and he wanted
- to know what was in the bag, how it came to be there, and all about it.
- "Now, den," said Uncle Remus, "hit's a tale, en a mighty long tale at
- dat, but I'll des hatter cut it short, 'kaze termorrer night you'll
- wanter be a-settin' up lis'nen at de kyar'n's on er dem ar niggers,
- w'ich I b'leeve in my soul dey done los' all de sense dey ever bin
- bornded wid.
- "One time Brer Fox wuz gwine on down de big road, en he look ahead en he
- see ole Brer Tarrypin makin' he way on todes home. Brer Fox 'low dis a
- mighty good time fer ter nab ole Brer Tarrypin, en no sooner is he thunk
- it dan he put out back home, w'ich 't wa'n't but a little ways, en he
- git 'im a bag. He come back, he did, en he run up behime ole Brer
- Tarrypin en flip 'im in de bag en sling de bag 'cross he back en go
- gallin'-up back home.
- "Brer Tarrypin, he holler, but 't ain't do no good, he rip en he r'ar,
- but 't ain't do no good. Brer Fox des keep on a-gwine, en 't wa'n't long
- 'fo' he had ole Brer Tarrypin slung up in de cornder in de bag, en de
- bag tied un hard en fas'.
- "But w'iles all dis gwine on," exclaimed Uncle Remus, employing the tone
- and manner of some country preacher he had heard, "whar wuz ole Brer
- Rabbit? Yasser--dats it, whar wuz he? En mo'n dat, w'at you 'speck he
- 'uz doin' en whar you reckon he wer' gwine? Dat's de way ter talk it;
- whar'bouts wuz he?"
- The old man brought his right hand down upon his knee with a thump that
- jarred the tin-plate and cups on the mantel-shelf, and then looked
- around with a severe frown to see what the chairs and the work-bench,
- and the walls and the rafters, had to say in response to his remarkable
- argument. He sat thus in a waiting attitude a moment, and then, finding
- that no response came from anything or anybody, his brow gradually
- cleared, and a smile of mingled pride and satisfaction spread over his
- face, as he continued in a more natural tone:--
- "Youk'n b'leeve me er not b'leeve des ez youer min' ter, but dat ar
- long-year creetur--dat ar hoppity-skippity--dat ar
- up-en-down-en-sailin'-'roun' Brer Rabbit, w'ich you bin year me call he
- name 'fo' dis, he wa'n't so mighty fur off w'iles Brer Fox gwine 'long
- wid dat ar bag slung 'cross he back. Let 'lone dat, Brer Rabbit 'uz
- settin' right dar in de bushes by de side er de road, en w'ence he see
- Brer Fox go trottin' by, he ax hisse'f w'at is it dat creetur got in dat
- ar bag.
- "He ax hisse'f, he did, but he dunno. He wunder en he wunder, yit de mo'
- he wunder de mo' he dunno. Brer Fox, he go trottin' by, en Brer Rabbit,
- he sot in de bushes en wunder. Bimeby he 'low ter hisse'f, he did, dat
- Brer Fox ain't got no business fer ter be trottin' 'long down de road,
- totin' doin's w'ich yuther folks dunner w'at dey is, en he 'low dat dey
- won't be no great harm done ef he take atter Brer Fox en fine out w'at
- he got in dat ar bag.
- "Wid dat, Brer Rabbit, he put out. He ain't got no bag fer ter tote, en
- he pick up he foots mighty peart. Mo'n dat, he tuck'n tuck a nigh-cut,
- en by de time Brer Fox git home, Brer Rabbit done had time fer ter go
- 'roun' by de watermillion-patch en do some er he devilment, en den atter
- dat he tuck'n sot down in de bushes whar he kin see Brer Fox w'en he
- come home.
- "Bimeby yer come Brer Fox wid de bag slung 'cross he back. He onlatch de
- do', he did, en he go in en sling Brer Tarrypin down in de cornder, en
- set down front er de h'ath fer ter res' hisse'f."
- Here Uncle Remus paused to laugh in anticipation of what was to follow.
- "Brer Fox ain't mo'n lit he pipe," the old man continued, after a
- tantalizing pause, "'fo' Brer Rabbit stick he head in de do' en
- holler:--
- "Brer Fox! O Brer Fox! You better take yo' walkin'-cane en run down yan.
- Comin' 'long des now I year a mighty fuss, en I look 'roun' en dar wuz a
- whole passel er folks in yo' watermillion-patch des a-tromplin' 'roun'
- en a-t'arin' down. I holler'd at um, but dey ain't pay no 'tention ter
- little man lak I is. Make 'a'se, Brer Fox! make 'a'se! Git yo' cane en
- run down dar. I'd go wid you myse'f, but my ole 'oman ailin' en I bleedz
- ter be makin' my way todes home. You better make 'a'se, Brer Fox, ef you
- wanter git de good er yo' watermillions. Run, Brer Fox! run!'
- "Wid dat Brer Rabbit dart back in de bushes, en Brer Fox drap he pipe en
- grab he walkin'-cane en put out fer he watermillion-patch, w'ich 't wer'
- down on de branch; en no sooner is he gone dan ole Brer Rabbit come out
- de bushes en make he way in de house.
- "He go so easy dat he ain't make no fuss; he look 'roun' en dar wuz de
- bag in de cornder. He kotch holt er de bag en sorter feel un it, en time
- he do dis, he year sump'n' holler:--
- "'Ow! Go 'way! Lem me 'lone! Tu'n me loose! Ow!'
- "Brer Rabbit jump back 'stonish'd. Den 'fo' you kin wink yo' eye-ball,
- Brer Rabbit slap hisse'f on de leg en break out in a laugh. Den he up'n
- 'low:--
- "'Ef I ain't make no mistakes, dat ar kinder fuss kin come fum nobody in
- de roun' worl' but ole Brer Tarrypin.'
- "Brer Tarrypin, he holler, sezee: 'Ain't dat Brer Rabbit?'
- "'De same,' sezee.
- "'Den whirl in en tu'n me out. Meal dus' in my th'oat, grit in my eye,
- en I ain't kin git my breff, skacely. Tu'n me out, Brer Rabbit.'
- "Brer Tarrypin talk lak somebody down in a well. Brer Rabbit, he holler
- back:--
- "'Youer lots smarter dan w'at I is, Brer Tarrypin--lots smarter. Youer
- smarter en pearter. Peart ez I come yer, you is ahead er me. I know how
- you git in de bag, but I dunner how de name er goodness you tie yo'se'f
- up in dar, dat I don't.'
- "Brer Tarrypin try ter splain, but Brer Rabbit keep on laughin', en he
- laugh twel he git he fill er laughin'; en den he tuck'n ontie de bag en
- take Brer Tarrypin out en tote 'im 'way off in de woods. Den, w'en he
- done dis, Brer Rabbit tuck'n run off en git a great big hornet-nes' w'at
- he see w'en he comin' long--"
- "A hornet's nest, Uncle Remus?" exclaimed the little boy, in amazement.
- "Tooby sho', honey. 'T ain't bin a mont' sence I brung you a great big
- hornet-nes', en yer you is axin' dat. Brer Rabbit tuck'n slap he han'
- 'cross de little hole whar de hornets goes in at, en dar he had um. Den
- he tuck'n tuck it ter Brer Fox house, en put it in de bag whar Brer
- Tarrypin bin.
- "He put de hornet-nes' in dar," continued Uncle Remus, lowering his
- voice, and becoming very grave, "en den he tie up de bag des lak he
- fine it. Yit 'fo' he put de bag back in de cornder, w'at do dat creetur
- do? I ain't settin' yer," said the old man, seizing his chair with both
- hands, as if by that means to emphasize the illustration, "I ain't
- settin' yer ef dat ar creetur ain't grab dat bag en slam it down 'g'in
- de flo', en hit it 'g'in de side er de house twel he git dem ar hornets
- all stirred up, en den he put de bag back in de cornder, en go out in de
- bushes ter whar Brer Tarrypin waitin', en den bofe un um sot out dar en
- wait fer ter see w'at de upshot gwine ter be.
- "Bimeby, yer come Brer Fox back fum he watermillion-patch en he look lak
- he mighty mad. He strak he cane down 'pun de groun', en do lak he gwine
- take he revengeance out'n po' ole Brer Tarrypin. He went in de do', Brer
- Fox did, en shot it atter 'im. Brer Rabbit en Brer Tarrypin lissen', but
- dey ain't year nothin'.
- "But bimeby, fus' news you know, dey year de mos' owdashus racket, tooby
- sho'. Seem lak, fum whar Brer Rabbit en Brer Tarrypin settin' dat dey
- 'uz a whole passel er cows runnin' 'roun' in Brer Fox house. Dey year de
- cheers a-fallin', en de table turnin' over, en de crock'ry breakin', en
- den de do' flew'd open, en out come Brer Fox, a-squallin' lak de Ole Boy
- wuz atter 'im. En sech a sight ez dem t'er creeturs seed den en dar
- ain't never bin seed befo' ner sence.
- "Dem ar hornets des swarmed on top er Brer Fox. 'Lev'm dozen un um 'ud
- hit at one time, en look lak dat ar creetur bleedz ter fine out fer
- hisse'f w'at pain en suffin' is. Dey bit 'im en dey stung 'im, en fur ez
- Brer Rabbit en Brer Tarrypin kin year 'im, dem hornets 'uz des a-nailin'
- 'im. Gentermens! dey gun 'im binjer!
- "Brer Rabbit en Brer Tarrypin, dey sot dar, dey did, en dey laugh en
- laugh, twel bimeby, Brer Rabbit roll over en grab he stomach, en
- holler:--
- "'Don't, Brer Tarrypin! don't! One giggle mo' en you'll hatter tote me.'
- "En dat ain't all," said Uncle Remus, raising his voice. "I know a
- little chap w'ich ef he set up yer 'sputin' 'longer me en de t'er
- creeturs, he won't have much fun termorrer night."
- The hint was sufficient, and the little boy ran out laughing.
- The day and the night before Christmas were full of pleasure for the
- little boy. There was pleasure in the big house, and pleasure in the
- humble cabins in the quarters. The peculiar manner in which the negroes
- celebrated the beginning of the holidays was familiar to the child's
- experience, but strange to his appreciation, and he enjoyed everything
- he saw and heard with the ready delight of his years,--a delight, which,
- in this instance, had been trained and sharpened, if the expression may
- be used, in the small world over which Uncle Remus presided.
- The little boy had a special invitation to be present at the marriage of
- Daddy Jack and 'Tildy, and he went, accompanied by Uncle Remus and Aunt
- Tempy. It seemed to be a very curious affair, but its incongruities made
- small impression upon the mind of the child.
- 'Tildy wore a white dress and had a wreath of artificial flowers in her
- hair. Daddy Jack wore a high hat, which he persisted in keeping on his
- head during the ceremony, and a coat the tails of which nearly dragged
- the floor. His bright little eyes glistened triumphantly, and he grinned
- and bowed to everybody again and again. After it was all over, the
- guests partook of cake baked by Aunt Tempy, and persimmon beer brewed by
- Uncle Remus.
- It seemed, however, that 'Tildy was not perfectly happy; for, in
- response to a question asked by Aunt Tempy, she said:--
- "Yes'm, I'm gwine down de country 'long wid my ole man, an' I lay ef
- eve'ything don't go right, I'm gwineter pick up en come right back."
- "No-no!" exclaimed Daddy Jack, "'e no come bahck no'n 't all. 'E bin
- stay dey-dey wit' 'e nice ole-a mà n."
- "You put yo' pennunce in dat!" said 'Tildy, scornfully. "Dey ain't
- nobody kin hol' me w'en I takes a notion, 'cep'n hit's Miss Sally; en,
- goodness knows, Miss Sally ain't gwine ter be down dar."
- "Who Miss Sally gwine put in de house?" Aunt Tempy asked.
- "Humph!" exclaimed 'Tildy, scornfully, "Miss Sally say she gwine take
- dat ar Darkess[87] nigger en put 'er in my place. En a mighty nice mess
- Darkess gwine ter make un it! Much she know 'bout waitin' on w'ite
- folks! Many's en many's de time Miss Sally'll set down in 'er
- rockin'-cheer en wish fer 'Tildy--many's de time."
- This was 'Tildy's grievance,--the idea that some one could be found to
- fill her place; and it is a grievance with which people of greater
- importance than the humble negro house-girl are more or less familiar.
- But the preparations for the holidays went on in spite of 'Tildy's
- grievance. A large platform, used for sunning wheat and seed cotton, was
- arranged by the negroes for their dance, and several wagon-loads of
- resinous pine--known as lightwood--were placed around about it in little
- heaps, so that the occasion might lack no element of brilliancy.
- At nightfall the heaps of lightwood were set on fire, and the little
- boy, who was waiting impatiently for Uncle Remus to come for him, could
- hear the negroes singing, dancing, and laughing. He was just ready to
- cry when he heard the voice of his venerable partner.
- "Is dey a'er passenger anywhar's 'roun' yer fer Thumptown? De stage done
- ready en de hosses a-prancin'. Ef dey's a'er passenger 'roun' yer, I lay
- he des better be makin' ready fer ter go."
- The old man walked up to the back piazza as he spoke, held out his
- strong arms, and the little boy jumped into them with an exclamation of
- delight. The child's mother gave Uncle Remus a shawl to wrap around the
- child, and this shawl was the cause of considerable trouble, for the
- youngster persisted in wrapping it around the old man's head, and so
- blinding him that there was danger of his falling. Finally, he put the
- little boy down, took off his hat, raised his right hand, and said:--
- "Now, den, I bin a-beggin' un you fer ter quit yo' 'haveishness des long
- ez I'm a-gwinter, en I ain't gwine beg you no mo', 'kaze I'm des
- teetotally wo' out wid beggin', en de mo' I begs de wuss you gits. Now
- I'm done! You des go yo' ways en I'll go mine, en my way lays right
- spang back ter de big house whar Miss Sally is. Dat's whar I'm a-gwine!"
- Uncle Remus started to the house with an exaggerated vigor of movement
- comical to behold; but, however comical it may have been, it had its
- effect. The little boy ran after him, caught him by the hand, and made
- him stop.
- "Now, Uncle Remus, _please_ don't go back. I was just playing."
- Uncle Remus's anger was all pretence, but he managed to make it very
- impressive.
- "My playin' days done gone too long ter talk 'bout. When I plays, I
- plays wid wuk, dat w'at I plays wid."
- "Well," said the child, who had tactics of his own, "if I can't play
- with you, I don't know who I am to play with."
- This touched Uncle Remus in a very tender spot. He stopped in the path,
- took off his spectacles, wiped the glasses on his coat-tail, and said
- very emphatically:--
- "Now den, honey, des lissen at me. How de name er goodness kin you call
- dat playin', w'ich er little mo' en I'd er fell down on top er my head,
- en broke my neck en yone too?"
- The child promised that he would be very good, and Uncle Remus picked
- him up, and the two made their way to where the negroes had congregated.
- They were greeted with cries of "Dar's Unk Remus!" "Howdy, Unk Remus!"
- "Yer dey is!" "Ole man Remus don't sing; but w'en he do
- sing--gentermens! des go 'way!"
- All this and much more, so that when Uncle Remus had placed the little
- boy upon a corner of the platform, and made him comfortable, he
- straightened himself with a laugh and cried out:--
- "Howdy, boys! howdy all! I des come up fer ter jine in wid you fer one
- 'roun' fer de sakes er ole times, ef no mo'."
- "I boun' fer Unk Remus!" some one said. "Now des hush en let Unk Remus
- 'lone!" exclaimed another.
- The figure of the old man, as he stood smiling upon the crowd of
- negroes, was picturesque in the extreme. He seemed to be taller than all
- the rest; and, notwithstanding his venerable appearance, he moved and
- spoke with all the vigor of youth. He had always exercised authority
- over his fellow-servants. He had been the captain of the corn-pile, the
- stoutest at the log-rolling, the swiftest with the hoe, the neatest with
- the plough, and the plantation hands still looked upon him as their
- leader.
- Some negro from the River place had brought a fiddle, and, though it was
- a very feeble one, its screeching seemed to annoy Uncle Remus.
- "Put up dat ar fiddle!" he exclaimed, waving his hand. "Des put 'er up;
- she sets my toof on aidje. Put 'er up en les go back ter ole times. Dey
- ain't no room fer no fiddle 'roun' yer, 'kaze w'en you gits me started
- dat ar fiddle won't be nowhars."
- "Dat's so," said the man with the fiddle, and the irritating instrument
- was laid aside.
- "Now, den," Uncle Remus went on, "dey's a little chap yer dat you'll all
- come ter know mighty well one er deze odd-come-shorts, en dish yer
- little chap ain't got so mighty long fer ter set up 'long wid us. Dat
- bein' de case we oughter take 'n put de bes' foot fo'mus' fer ter
- commence wid."
- "You lead, Unk Remus! You des lead en we'll foller."
- Thereupon the old man called to the best singers among the negroes and
- made them stand near him. Then he raised his right hand to his ear and
- stood perfectly still. The little boy thought he was listening for
- something, but presently Uncle Remus began to slap himself gently with
- his left hand, first upon the leg and then upon the breast. The other
- negroes kept time to this by a gentle motion of their feet, and finally,
- when the thump--thump--thump of this movement had regulated itself to
- suit the old man's fancy, he broke out with what may be called a
- Christmas dance song.
- His voice was strong, and powerful, and sweet, and its range was as
- astonishing as its volume. More than this, the melody to which he tuned
- it, and which was caught up by a hundred voices almost as sweet and as
- powerful as his own, was charged with a mysterious and pathetic
- tenderness.
- The fine company of men and women at the big house--men and women who
- had made the tour of all the capitals of Europe--listened with swelling
- hearts and with tears in their eyes as the song rose and fell upon the
- air--at one moment a tempest of melody, at another a heart-breaking
- strain breathed softly and sweetly to the gentle winds. The song that
- the little boy and the fine company heard was something like
- this--ridiculous enough when put in cold type, but powerful and
- thrilling when joined to the melody with which the negroes had invested
- it:--
- _Hit's a mighty fur ways up de Far'well Lane,
- My honey, my love!
- You may ax Mister Crow, you may ax Mr. Crane,
- My honey, my love!
- Dey'll make you a bow, en dey'll tell you de same,
- My honey, my love!
- Hit's a mighty fur ways fer to go in de night,
- My honey, my love!
- My honey, my love, my heart's delight--
- My honey, my love!_
- _Mister Mink, he creep twel he wake up de snipe,
- My honey, my love!
- Mister Bull-Frog holler,_ Come-a-light my pipe _,
- My honey, my love!
- En de Pa'tridge ax,_ Ain't yo' peas ripe?
- My honey, my love!
- Better not walk erlong dar much atter night,
- My honey, my love!
- My honey, my love, my heart's delight--
- My honey, my love!_
- _De Bully-Bat fly mighty close ter de groun',
- My honey, my love!
- Mister Fox, he coax 'er,_ Do come down!
- My honey, my love!
- Mister Coon, he rack all 'roun' en 'roun',
- My honey, my love!
- In de darkes' night, oh, de nigger, he's a sight!
- My honey, my love!
- My honey, my love, my heart's delight--
- My honey, my love!_
- _Oh, flee, Miss Nancy, flee ter my knee,
- My honey, my love!
- 'Lev'm big fat coons lives in one tree,
- My honey, my love!
- Oh, ladies all, won't you marry me?
- My honey, my love!
- Tu'n lef', tu'n right, we 'ull dance all night,
- My honey, my love!
- My honey, my love, my heart's delight--
- My honey, my love!_
- _De big Owl holler en cry fer his mate,
- My honey, my love!
- Oh, don't stay long! Oh, don't stay late!
- My honey, my love!
- Hit ain't so mighty fur ter de Good-by Gate,
- My honey, my love!
- Whar we all got ter go w'en we sing out de night,
- My honey, my love!
- My honey, my love, my heart's delight--
- My honey, my love!_
- After a while the song was done, and other songs were sung; but it was
- not long before Uncle Remus discovered that the little boy was fast
- asleep. The old man took the child in his arms and carried him to the
- big house, singing softly in his ear all the way; and somehow or other
- the song seemed to melt and mingle in the youngster's dreams. He thought
- he was floating in the air, while somewhere near all the negroes were
- singing, Uncle Remus's voice above all the rest; and then, after he had
- found a resting-place upon a soft warm bank of clouds, he thought he
- heard the songs renewed. They grew fainter and fainter in his dreams
- until at last (it seemed) Uncle Remus leaned over him and sang
- [87] Dorcas.
- +-------------------------------------------+
- |Transcriber's Note: |
- | |
- |Punctuation and inconsistencies in language|
- |and dialect found in the original book have|
- |been retained. |
- +-------------------------------------------+
- End of Project Gutenberg's Nights With Uncle Remus, by Joel Chandler Harris
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