- Metamorphoses
- Ovid
- 1567
- Exported from Wikisource on 01/24/20
- For other versions of this work, see Metamorphoses.
- The. xv. Booke
- of P. Ouidius Naso, entytuled
- Metamorphosis, translated oute of
- Latin into English meeter, by Ar-
- thur Golding Gentleman,
- A worke very pleasaunt
- and delectable.
- With skill, heede, and iudgement, this worke must be read,
- For else to the Reader it standes in small stead.
- Imprynted at London, by
- Willyam Seres.
- Chapters(not individually listed)
- The Epistle
- Too the Reader
- Book 1
- Book 2
- Book 3
- Book 4
- Book 5
- Book 6
- Book 7
- Book 8
- Book 9
- Book 10
- Book 11
- Book 12
- Book 13
- Book 14
- Book 15
- To the ryght Honorable and his singu-
- lar good Lord, Robert Erle of Leycester,
- Baron of Denbygh, knyght of the
- most noble order of the Garter, &c. Arthur Gol-
- ding Gent, wisheth continuance of health,
- with prosperous estate and felicitie.
- T length my chariot wheele about the mark hath found the way,
- And at their weery races end, my breathlesse horses stay.
- The woork is brought to end by which the author did account
- (And rightly) with externall fame above the starres to mount.
- For whatsoever hath bene writ of auncient tyme in greeke
- By sundry men dispersedly, and in the latin eeke,
- Of this same dark Philosophie of turned shapes, the same
- Hath Ovid into one whole masse in this booke brought in frame.
- Fowre kynd of things in this his worke the Poet dooth conteyne.
- That nothing under heaven dooth ay in stedfast state remayne.
- And next that nothing perisheth: but that eche substance takes
- Another shape than that it had. Of theis twoo points he makes
- The proof by shewing through his woorke the wonderfull exchaunge
- Of Goddes, men, beasts, and elements, to sundry shapes right straunge,
- Beginning with creation of the world, and man of slyme,
- And so proceeding with the turnes that happened till his tyme.
- Then sheweth he the soule of man from dying to be free,
- By samples of the noblemen, who for their vertues bee
- Accounted and canonized for Goddes by heathen men,
- And by the peynes of Lymbo lake, and blysfull state agen
- Of spirits in th'Elysian feelds. And though that of theis three
- He make discourse dispersedly: yit specially they bee
- Discussed in the latter booke in that oration where
- He bringeth in Pythagoras disswading men from feare
- Of death, and preaching abstinence from flesh of living things.
- But as for that opinion which Pythagoras there brings
- Of soules removing out of beasts to men, and out of men
- Too birdes and beasts both wyld and tame, both to and fro agen:
- It is not to be understand of that same soule whereby
- Wee are endewd with reason and discretion from on hie:
- But of that soule or lyfe the which brute beasts as well as wee
- Enjoy. Three sortes of lyfe or soule (for so they termed bee)
- Are found in things. The first gives powre to thryve, encrease and grow,
- And this in senselesse herbes and trees and shrubs itself dooth show.
- The second giveth powre to move and use of senses fyve,
- And this remaynes in brutish beasts, and keepeth them alyve.
- Both theis are mortall, as the which receyved of the aire
- By force of Phebus, after death doo thither eft repayre.
- The third gives understanding, wit, and reason: and the same
- Is it alonly which with us of soule dooth beare the name.
- And as the second dooth conteine the first: even so the third
- Conteyneth both the other twaine. And neyther beast, nor bird,
- Nor fish, nor herb, nor tree, nor shrub, nor any earthly wyght
- (Save only man) can of the same partake the heavenly myght.
- I graunt that when our breath dooth from our bodies go away,
- It dooth eftsoones returne to ayre: and of that ayre there may
- Both bird and beast participate, and wee of theirs likewyse.
- For wbyle wee live, (the thing itself appeereth to our eyes)
- Bothe they and wee draw all one breath. But for to deeme or say
- Our noble soule (which is divine and permanent for ay)
- Is common to us with the beasts, I think it nothing lesse
- Than for to bee a poynt of him that wisdome dooth professe.
- Of this I am ryght well assurde, there is no Christen wyght
- That can by fondnesse be so farre seduced from the ryght.
- And finally hee dooth proceede in shewing that not all
- That beare the name of men (how strong, feerce, stout, bold, hardy, tall,
- How wyse, fayre, rych, or hyghly borne, how much renownd by fame,
- So ere they bee, although on earth of Goddes they beare the name)
- Are for to be accounted men: but such as under awe
- Of reasons rule continually doo live in vertues law:
- And that the rest doo differ nought from beasts, but rather bee
- Much woorse than beasts, bicause they doo, abace theyr owne degree.
- To naturall philosophye the formest three perteyne,
- The fowrth to morall: and in all are pitthye, apt and playne
- Instructions which import the prayse of vertues and the shame
- Of vices, with the due rewardes of eyther of the same.
- Out of the first bookeℂ As for example, in the tale of Daphnee turnd to Bay,
- A myrror of virginitie appeere unto us may,
- Which yeelding neyther unto feare, nor force, nor flatterye,
- Doth purchace everlasting fame and immortalitye.
- Out of the secondℂ In Phaetons fable unto syght the Poet dooth expresse
- The natures of ambition blynd, and youthfull wilfulnesse.
- The end whereof is miserie, and bringeth at the last
- Repentance when it is too late that all redresse is past.
- And how the weaknesse and the want of wit in magistrate
- Confoundeth both his common weale and eeke his owne estate.
- This fable also dooth advyse all parents and all such
- As bring up youth, to take good heede of cockering them too much.
- It further dooth commende the meane: and willeth to beware
- Of rash and hasty promises which most pernicious are,
- And not to bee performed: and in fine it playnly showes
- What sorrow to the parents and to all the kinred growes
- By disobedience of the chyld: and in the chyld is ment
- The disobedient subject that ageinst his prince is bent.
- The transformations of the Crow and Raven doo declare
- That Clawbacks and Colcariers ought wysely to beware
- Of whom, to whom, and what they speake. For sore against his will
- Can any freendly hart abyde to heare reported ill
- The partie whom he favoureth. This tale dooth eeke bewray
- The rage of wrath and jelozie to have no kynd of stay:
- And that lyght credit to reportes in no wyse should be given,
- For feare that men too late to just repentance should bee driven.
- The fable of Ocyroee by all such folk is told
- As are in serching things to come too curious and too bold.
- A very good example is describde in Battus tale
- For covetous people which for gayne doo set theyr toongs to sale.
- Out of the iij.ℂ All such as doo in flattring freaks, and hawks, and hownds delyght,
- And dyce, and cards, and for to spend the tyme both day and nyght
- In foule excesse of chamberworke, or too much meate and drink:
- Uppon the piteous storie of Acteon ought to think.
- For theis and theyr adherents usde excessive are in deede
- The dogs that dayly doo devour theyr followers on with speede.
- Tyresias willes inferior folk in any wyse to shun
- Too judge betweene their betters least in perill they doo run.
- Narcissus is of scornfulnesse and pryde a myrror cleere,
- Where beawties fading vanitie most playnly may appeere.
- And Echo in the selfsame tale dooth kyndly represent
- The lewd behaviour of a bawd, and his due punishment.
- Out of the iiij.ℂ The piteous tale of Pyramus and Thisbee doth conteine
- The headie force of frentick love whose end is wo and payne.
- The snares of Mars and Venus shew that tyme will bring to lyght
- The secret sinnes that folk commit in corners or by nyght.
- Hermaphrodite and Salmacis declare that idlenesse
- Is cheefest nurce and cherisher of all volupteousnesse,
- And that voluptuous lyfe breedes sin: which linking all toogither
- Make men to bee effeminate, unweeldy, weake and lither.
- Out of the v.ℂ Rich Piers daughters turnd to Pies doo openly declare
- That none so bold to vaunt themselves as blindest bayardes are.
- The Muses playnly doo declare ageine a toother syde,
- That whereas cheefest wisdom is, most meeldnesse dooth abyde.
- Out of the vj.ℂ Arachnee may example bee that folk should not contend
- Ageinst their betters, nor persist in error to the end.
- So dooth the tale of Niobee and of her children: and
- The transformation of the Carles that dwelt in Lycie land,
- Toogither with the fleaing of of piper Marsies skin.
- The first doo also show that long it is ere God begin
- Too pay us for our faults, and that he warnes us oft before
- Too leave our folly: but at length his vengeance striketh sore.
- And therfore that no wyght should strive with God in word nor thought
- Nor deede. But pryde and fond desyre of prayse have ever wrought
- Confusion to the parties which accompt of them do make.
- For some of such a nature bee that if they once doo take
- Opinion (be it ryght or wrong) they rather will agree
- To dye, than seeme to take a foyle: so obstinate they bee.
- The tale of Tereus, Philomele, and Prognee dooth conteyne
- That folke are blynd in thyngs that to their proper weale perteyne.
- And that the man in whom the fyre of furious lust dooth reigne
- Dooth run to mischeefe like a horse that getteth loose the reyne.
- It also shewes the cruell wreake of women in their wrath
- And that no hainous mischiefe long delay of vengeance hath.
- And lastly that distresse doth drive a man to looke about
- And seeke all corners of his wits, what way to wind him out.
- Out of the vij.ℂ The good successe of Jason in the land of Colchos, and
- The dooings of Medea since, doo give to understand
- That nothing is so hard but peyne and travell doo it win,
- For fortune ever favoreth such as boldly doo begin:
- That women both in helping and in hurting have no match
- When they to eyther bend their wits: and how that for to catch
- An honest meener under fayre pretence of frendship, is
- An easie matter. Also there is warning given of this,
- That men should never hastely give eare to fugitives,
- Nor into handes of sorcerers commit their state or lyves.
- It shewes in fine of stepmoothers the deadly hate in part,
- And vengeaunce most unnaturall that was in moothers hart.
- The deedes of Theseus are a spurre to prowesse, and a glasse
- How princes sonnes and noblemen their youthfull yeeres should passe.
- King Minos shewes that kings in hand no wrongfull wars should take,
- And what provision for the same they should before hand make.
- King Aeacus gives also there example how that kings
- Should keepe their promise and their leages above all other things.
- His grave description of the plage and end thereof, expresse
- The wrath of God on man for sin: and how that nerethelesse
- He dooth us spare and multiply ageine for goodmens sakes.
- The whole discourse of Cephalus and Procris mention makes
- That maried folke should warely shunne the vyce of jealozie
- And of suspicion should avoyd all causes utterly,
- Reproving by the way all such as causelesse doo misdeeme
- The chaste and giltlesse for the deedes of those that faultie seeme.
- Out of the viij.ℂ The storie of the daughter of king Nisus setteth out
- What wicked lust drives folk unto to bring their wills about.
- And of a rightuous judge is given example in the same,
- Who for no meede nor frendship will consent to any blame.
- Wee may perceyve in Dedalus how every man by kynd
- Desyres to bee at libertie, and with an earnest mynd
- Dooth seeke to see his native soyle, and how that streight distresse
- Dooth make men wyse, and sharpes their wits to fynd their own redresse.
- Wee also lerne by Icarus how good it is to bee
- In meane estate and not to clymb too hygh, but to agree
- Too wholsome counsell: for the hyre of disobedience is
- Repentance when it is too late forthinking things amisse.
- And Partrich telles that excellence in any thing procures
- Men envie, even among those frendes whom nature most assures.
- Philemon and his feere are rules of godly pacient lyfe,
- Of sparing thrift, and mutuall love betweene the man and wyfe,
- Of due obedience, of the feare of God, and of reward
- For good or evill usage shewd to wandring straungers ward.
- In Erisicthon dooth appeere a lyvely image both
- Of wickednesse and crueltie which any wyght may lothe,
- And of the hyre that longs thereto. He sheweth also playne
- That whereas prodigalitie and gluttony dooth reigne,
- A world of riches and of goods are ever with the least
- Too satisfye the appetite and eye of such a beast.
- Out of the ix.ℂ In Hercules and Acheloyes encounters is set out
- The nature and behaviour of two wooers that be stout.
- Wherein the Poet covertly taunts such as beeing bace
- Doo seeke by forged pedegrees to seeme of noble race.
- Who when they doo perceyve no truth uppon their syde to stand,
- In stead of reason and of ryght use force and myght of hand.
- This fable also signifies that valiantnesse of hart
- Consisteth not in woords, but deedes: and that all slyght and Art
- Give place to prowesse. Furthermore in Nessus wee may see
- What breach of promise commeth to, and how that such as bee
- Unable for to wreake theyr harmes by force, doo oft devyse
- Too wreake themselves by policie in farre more cruell wise.
- And Deyanira dooth declare the force of jealozie
- Deceyved through too lyght beleef and fond simplicitie.
- The processe following peinteth out true manlynesse of hart
- Which yeeldeth neyther unto death, to sorrow, greef, nor smart.
- And finally it shewes that such as live in true renowne
- Of vertue heere, have after death an everlasting crowne
- Of glorie. Cawne and Byblis are examples contrarie:
- The Mayd of most outrageous lust, the man of chastitie.
- Out of the x.ℂ The tenth booke cheefly dooth containe one kynd of argument
- Reproving most prodigious lusts of such as have bene bent
- To incest most unnaturall. And in the latter end
- It showeth in Hippomenes how greatly folk offend
- That are ingrate for benefits which God or man bestow
- Uppon them in the time of neede. Moreover it dooth show
- That beawty (will they nill they) aye dooth men in daunger throw:
- And that it is a foolyshnesse to stryve ageinst the thing
- Which God before determineth to passe in tyme to bring.
- And last of all Adonis death dooth shew that manhod strives
- Against forewarning though men see the perill of theyr lyves.
- Out of the xj.ℂ The death of Orphey sheweth Gods just vengeance on the vyle
- And wicked sort which horribly with incest them defyle.
- In Midas of a covetous wretch the image wee may see
- Whose riches justly to himself a hellish torment bee,
- And of a foole whom neyther proof nor warning can amend,
- Untill he feele the shame and smart that folly doth him send.
- His Barbour represents all blabs which seeme with chyld to bee
- Untill that they have blaazd abrode the things they heare or see.
- In Ceyx and Alcyone appeeres most constant love,
- Such as betweene the man and wyfe to bee it dooth behove.
- This Ceyx also is a lyght of princely courtesie
- And bountie toward such whom neede compelleth for too flie.
- His viage also dooth declare how vainly men are led
- To utter perill through fond toyes and fansies in their head.
- For Idols, doubtfull oracles and soothsayres prophecies
- Doo nothing else but make fooles fayne and blynd their bleared eyes.
- Dedalions daughter warnes to use the toong with modestee
- And not to vaunt with such as are their betters in degree.
- Out of the xij.ℂ The seege of Troy, the death of men, the razing of the citie,
- And slaughter of king Priams stock without remors of pitie,
- Which in the xii. and xiii. bookes bee written, doo declare
- How heynous wilfull perjurie and filthie whoredome are
- In syght of God. The frentick fray betweene the Lapithes and
- The Centaures is a note wherby is given to understand
- The beastly rage of drunkennesse.Out of the xij. ℂ Ulysses dooth expresse
- The image of discretion, wit, and great advisednesse.
- And Ajax on the other syde doth represent a man
- Stout, headie, irefull, hault of mynd, and such a one as can
- Abyde to suffer no repulse. And both of them declare
- How covetous of glorie and reward mens natures are.
- And finally it sheweth playne that wisdome dooth prevayle
- In all attempts and purposes when strength of hand dooth fayle.
- The death of fayre Polyxena dooth shew a princely mynd
- And firme regard of honor rare engraft in woman kynd.
- And Polymnestor, king of Thrace, dooth shew himself to bee
- A glasse for wretched covetous folke wherein themselves to see.
- This storie further witnesseth that murther crieth ay
- For vengeance, and itself one tyme or other dooth bewray.
- The tale of Gyant Polypheme doth evidently prove
- That nothing is so feerce and wyld, which yeeldeth not to love.
- And in the person of the selfsame Gyant is set out
- The rude and homely wooing of a country cloyne and lout.
- Out of the xiij.ℂ The tale of Apes reproves the vyce of wilfull perjurie,
- And willeth people to beware they use not for to lye.
- Aeneas going downe to hell dooth shew that vertue may
- In saufty travell where it will, and nothing can it stay.
- The length of lyfe in Sybill dooth declare it is but vayne
- Too wish long lyfe, syth length of lyfe is also length of payne.
- The Grecian Achemenides dooth lerne us how we ought
- Bee thankfull for the benefits that any man hath wrought.
- And in this Achemenides the Poet dooth expresse
- The image of exceeding feare in daunger and distresse.
- What else are Circes witchcrafts and enchauntments than the vyle
- And filthy pleasures of the flesh which doo our soules defyle?
- And what is else herbe Moly than the gift of stayednesse
- And temperance which dooth all fowle concupiscence represse?
- The tale of Anaxaretee willes dames of hygh degree
- To use their lovers courteously how meane so ere they bee.
- And Iphis lernes inferior folkes too fondly not to set
- Their love on such as are too hygh for their estate to get.
- Out of the xv.ℂ Alemons sonne declares that men should willingly obay
- What God commaundes, and not uppon exceptions seeme to stay.
- For he will find the meanes to bring the purpose well about,
- And in their most necessitie dispatch them saufly out
- Of daunger. The oration of Pithagoras implyes
- A sum of all the former woorke. What person can devyse
- A notabler example of true love and godlynesse
- To ones owne natyve countryward than Cippus dooth expresse?
- The turning to a blazing starre of Julius Cesar showes,
- That fame and immortalitie of vertuous dooing growes.
- And lastly by examples of Augustus and a few
- Of other noble princes sonnes the author there dooth shew
- That noblemen and gentlemen shoulde stryve to passe the fame
- And vertues of their aunceters, or else to match the same.
- Theis fables out of every booke I have interpreted,
- To shew how they and all the rest may stand a man in sted.
- Not adding over curiously the meaning of them all,
- For that were labor infinite, and tediousnesse not small
- Bothe unto your good Lordship and the rest that should them reede
- Who well myght think I did the boundes of modestie exceede,
- If I this one epistle should with matters overcharge
- Which scarce a booke of many quyres can well conteyne at large.
- And whereas in interpreting theis few I attribute
- The things to one, which heathen men to many Gods impute,
- Concerning mercy, wrath for sin, and other gifts of grace:
- Described for examples sake in proper tyme and place,
- Let no man marvell at the same. For though that they as blynd
- Through unbeleefe, and led astray through error even of kynd,
- Knew not the true eternall God., or if they did him know,
- Yit did they not acknowledge him, but vaynly did bestow
- The honor of the maker on the creature: yit it dooth
- Behove all us (who ryghtly are instructed in the sooth)
- To thinke and say that God alone is he that rules all things
- And worketh all in all, as lord of lords and king of kings,
- With whom there are none other Gods that any sway may beare,
- No fatall law to bynd him by, no fortune for to feare.
- For Gods, and fate, and fortune are the termes of heathennesse,
- If men usurp them in the sense that Paynims doo expresse.
- But if wee will reduce their sense to ryght of Christian law,
- To signifie three other things theis termes wee well may draw.
- By Gods wee understand all such as God hath plaast in cheef
- Estate to punish sin, and for the godly folkes releef:
- By fate the order which is set and stablished in things
- By Gods eternall will and word, which in due season brings
- All matters to their falling out. Which falling out or end
- (Bicause our curious reason is too weake to comprehend
- The cause and order of the same, and dooth behold it fall
- Unwares to us) by name of chaunce or fortune wee it call.
- If any man will say theis things may better lerned bee
- Out of divine philosophie or scripture, I agree
- That nothing may in worthinesse with holy writ compare.
- Howbeeit so farre foorth as things no whit impeachment are
- To vertue and to godlynesse but furtherers of the same,
- I trust wee may them saufly use without desert of blame.
- And yet there are (and those not of the rude and vulgar sort,
- But such as have of godlynesse and lerning good report)
- That thinke the Poets tooke their first occasion of theis things
- From holy writ as from the well from whence all wisdome springs.
- What man is he but would suppose the author of this booke
- The first foundation of his woorke from Moyses wryghtings tooke?
- Not only in effect he dooth with Genesis agree,
- But also in the order of creation, save that hee
- Makes no distinction of the dayes. For what is else at all
- That shapelesse, rude, and pestred heape which Chaos he dooth call,
- Than even that universall masse of things which God did make
- In one whole lump before that ech their proper place did take.
- Of which the Byble saith, that in the first beginning God
- Made heaven and earth: the earth was waste, and darkness yit abod
- Uppon the deepe: which holy woordes declare unto us playne
- That fyre, ayre, water, and the earth did undistinct remayne
- In one grosse bodie at the first. ℂ "For God the father that
- Made all things, framing out the world according to the plat,
- Conceyved everlastingly in mynd, made first of all
- Both heaven and earth uncorporall and such as could not fall
- As objects under sense of sight: and also aire lykewyse,
- And emptynesse: and for theis twaine apt termes he did devyse.
- He called ayer darknesse: for the ayre by kynd is darke.
- And emptynesse by name of depth full aptly he did marke:
- For emptynesse is deepe and waste by nature. Overmore
- He formed also bodylesse (as other things before)
- The natures both of water and of spirit. And in fyne
- The lyght: which beeing made to bee a patterne most divine
- Whereby to forme the fixed starres and wandring planets seven,
- With all the lyghts that afterward should beawtifie the heaven,
- Was made by God both bodylesse and of so pure a kynd,
- As that it could alonly bee perceyved by the mynd."
- To thys effect are Philos words. And certainly this same
- Is it that Poets in their worke confused Chaos name.
- Not that Gods woorkes at any tyme were pact confusedly
- Toogither: but bicause no place nor outward shape whereby
- To shew them to the feeble sense of mans deceytfull syght
- Was yit appointed unto things, untill that by his myght
- And wondrous wisdome God in tyme set open to the eye
- The things that he before all tyme had everlastingly
- Decreed by his providence. But let us further see
- How Ovids scantlings with the whole true patterne doo agree.
- The first day by his mighty word (sayth Moyses) God made lyght,
- The second day the firmament, which heaven or welkin hyght.
- The third day he did part the earth from sea and made it drie,
- Commaunding it to beare all kynd of frutes abundantly.
- The fowrth day he did make the lyghts of heaven to shyne from hye,
- And stablished a law in them to rule their courses by.
- The fifth day he did make the whales and fishes of the deepe,
- With all the birds and fethered fowles that in the aire doo keepe,
- The sixth day God made every beast both wyld and tame, and woormes
- That creept on ground according to their severall kynds and foormes.
- And in the image of himself he formed man of clay
- To bee the Lord of all his woorkes the very selfsame day.
- This is the sum of Moyses woords. And Ovid (whether it were
- By following of the text aright, or that his mynd did beare
- Him witnesse that there are no Gods but one) dooth playne uphold
- That God (although he knew him not) was he that did unfold
- The former Chaos, putting it in forme and facion new,
- As may appeere by theis his woordes which underneath ensew:
- "This stryfe did God and nature breake and set in order dew.
- The earth from heaven, the sea from earth he parted orderly,
- And from the thicke and foggie aire he tooke the lyghtsome skye."
- In theis few lynes he comprehends the whole effect of that
- Which God did woork the first three dayes about this noble plat.
- And then by distributions he entreateth by and by
- More largely of the selfsame things, and paynts them out to eye
- With all their bounds and furniture: and whereas wee doo fynd
- The terme of nature joynd with God: (according to the mynd
- Of lerned men) by joyning so, is ment none other thing,
- But God the Lord of nature who did all in order bring.
- The distributions beeing doone right lernedly, anon
- To shew the other three dayes workes he thus proceedeth on:
- "The heavenly soyle to Goddes and starres and planets first he gave
- The waters next both fresh and salt he let the fishes have.
- The suttle ayre to flickering fowles and birds he hath assignd,
- The earth to beasts both wyld and tame of sundry sorts and kynd."
- Thus partly in the outward phrase, but more in verie deede,
- He seemes according to the sense of scripture to proceede.
- And when he commes to speake of man, he dooth not vainly say
- (As sum have written) that he was before all tyme for ay,
- Ne mentioneth mo Gods than one in making him. But thus
- He both in sentence and in sense his meening dooth discusse.
- "Howbeeit yit of all this whyle the creature wanting was
- Farre more divine, of nobler mynd, which should the resdew passe
- In depth of knowledge, reason, wit and hygh capacitee,
- And which of all the resdew should the Lord and ruler bee.
- Then eyther he that made the world and things in order set,
- Of heavenly seede engendred man: or else the earth as yet
- Yoong, lusty, fresh, and in her flowre, and parted from the skye
- But late before, the seedes thereof as yit hild inwardly.
- The which Prometheus tempring streyght with water of the spring,
- Did make in likenesse to the Goddes that governe every thing."
- What other thing meenes Ovid heere by terme of heavenly seede,
- Than mans immortall sowle, which is divine, and commes in deede
- From heaven, and was inspyrde by God, as Moyses sheweth playne?
- And whereas of Prometheus he seemes to adde a vayne
- Devyce, as though he ment that he had formed man of clay,
- Although it bee a tale put in for pleasure by the way:
- Yit by th'interpretation of the name we well may gather,
- He did include a misterie and secret meening rather.
- This woord Prometheus signifies a person sage and wyse,
- Of great foresyght, who headily will nothing enterpryse.
- It was the name of one that first did images invent:
- Of whom the Poets doo report that hee to heaven up went,
- And there stole fyre, through which he made his images alyve:
- And therfore that he formed men the Paynims did contryve.
- Now when the Poet red perchaunce that God almyghty by
- His providence and by his woord (which everlastingly
- Is ay his wisdome) made the world, and also man to beare
- His image, and to bee the lord of all the things that were
- Erst made, and that he shaped him of earth or slymy clay:
- Hee tooke occasion in the way of fabling for to say
- That wyse Prometheus tempring earth with water of the spring,
- Did forme it lyke the Gods above that governe every thing.
- Thus may Prometheus seeme to bee th'eternall woord of God,
- His wisdom, and his providence which formed man of clod.
- "And where all other things behold the ground with groveling eye:
- He gave to man a stately looke replete with majesty:
- And willd him to behold the heaven with countnance cast on hye,
- To mark and understand what things are in the starrie skye."
- In theis same woordes, both parts of man the Poet dooth expresse
- As in a glasse, and giveth us instruction to addresse
- Our selves to know our owne estate: as that wee bee not borne
- To follow lust, or serve the paunch lyke brutish beasts forlorne,
- But for to lyft our eyes as well of body as of mynd
- To heaven as to our native soyle from whence wee have by kynd
- Our better part: and by the sight thereof to lerne to know
- And knowledge him that dwelleth there: and wholly to bestow
- Our care and travail to the prayse and glorie of his name
- Who for the sakes of mortall men created first the same.
- Moreover by the golden age what other thing is ment,
- Than Adams tyme in Paradyse, who beeing innocent
- Did lead a blist and happy lyfe untill that thurrough sin
- He fell from God? From which tyme foorth all sorrow did begin.
- The earth accursed for his sake, did never after more
- Yeeld foode without great toyle. Both heate and cold did vexe him sore.
- Disease of body, care of mynd, with hunger, thirst and neede,
- Feare, hope, joy, greefe, and trouble, fell on him and on his seede.
- And this is termd the silver age. Next which there did succeede
- The brazen age, when malice first in peoples harts did breede,
- Which never ceased growing till it did so farre outrage,
- That nothing but destruction could the heate thereof asswage
- For why mens stomackes wexing hard as steele ageinst their God,
- Provoked him from day to day to strike them with his rod.
- Prowd Gyants also did aryse that with presumptuous wills
- Heapt wrong on wrong, and sin on sin lyke huge and lofty hilles.
- Whereby they strove to clymb to heaven and God from thence to draw,
- In scorning of his holy woord and breaking natures law.
- For which anon ensewd the flood which overflowed all
- The whole round earth and drowned quyght all creatures great and smal,
- Excepting feaw that God did save as seede wherof should grow
- Another ofspring. All these things the Poet heere dooth show
- In colour, altring both the names of persons, tyme and place.
- For where according to the truth of scripture in this cace,
- The universall flood did fall but sixteene hundred yeeres
- And six and fifty after the creation (as appeeres
- By reckening of the ages of the fathers) under Noy,
- With whom seven other persons mo like saufgard did enjoy
- Within the arke, which at the end of one whole yeere did stay
- Uppon the hilles of Armenie: the Poet following ay
- The fables of the glorying Greekes (who shamelessely did take
- The prayse of all things to themselves) in fablying wyse dooth mak
- It happen in Deucalions tyme, who reignd inThessaly
- Eyght hundred winters since Noyes flood or thereupon well nye,
- Bicause that in the reigne of him a myghty flood did fall,
- That drownde the greater part of Greece, townes, cattell, folk, and all,
- Save feaw that by the help of boats atteyned unto him
- And to the highest of the forkt Parnasos top did swim.
- And forbycause that hee and his were driven a whyle to dwell
- Among the stonny hilles and rocks until the water fell,
- The Poets hereupon did take occasion for to feyne,
- That he and Pyrrha did repayre mankynd of stones ageyne.
- So in the sixth booke afterward Amphions harp is sayd
- The first foundation of the walles of Thebee to have layd,
- Bycause that by his eloquence and justice (which are ment
- By true accord of harmonie and musicall consent)
- He gathered into Thebee towne, and in due order knit
- The people that disperst and rude in hilles and rocks did sit.
- So Orphey in the tenth booke is reported to delyght
- The savage beasts, and for to hold the fleeting birds from flyght,
- To move the senselesse stones, and stay swift rivers, and to make
- The trees to follow after him and for his musick sake
- To yeeld him shadow where he went. By which is signifyde
- That in his doctrine such a force and sweetnesse was implyde,
- That such as were most wyld, stowre, feerce, hard, witlesse, rude, and bent
- Ageinst good order, were by him perswaded to relent,
- And for to bee conformable to live in reverent awe
- Like neybours in a common weale by justyce under law.
- Considring then of things before reherst the whole effect,
- I trust there is already shewd sufficient to detect
- That Poets tooke the ground of all their cheefest fables out
- Of scripture: which they shadowing with their gloses went about
- Too turn the truth to toyes and lyes. And of the selfsame rate
- Are also theis: their Phlegeton, their Styx, their blisfull state
- Of spirits in th'Elysian feelds. Of which the former twayne
- Seeme counterfetted of the place where damned soules remaine,
- Which wee call hell. The third dooth seeme to fetch his pedegree
- From Paradyse which scripture shewes a place of blisse to bee.
- If Poets then with leesings and with fables shadowed so
- The certeine truth, what letteth us to plucke those visers fro
- Their doings, and to bring ageine the darkened truth to lyght,
- That all men may behold thereof the cleernesse shining bryght?
- The readers therefore earnestly admonisht are to bee
- To seeke a further meening than the letter gives to see.
- The travail tane in that behalf although it have sum payne
- Yit makes it double recompence with pleasure and with gayne.
- With pleasure, for varietie and straungenesse of the things,
- With gaine, for good instruction which the understanding brings.
- And if they happening for to meete with any wanton woord
- Or matter lewd, according as the person dooth avoord
- In whom the evill is describde doo feele their myndes thereby
- Provokte to vyce and wantonnesse, (as nature commonly
- Is prone to evill) let them thus imagin in their mynd:
- Behold, by sent of reason and by perfect syght I fynd
- A Panther heere, whose peinted cote with yellow spots like gold
- And pleasant smell allure myne eyes and senses to behold.
- But well I know his face is grim and feerce, which he dooth hyde
- To this intent, that whyle I thus stand gazing on his hyde,
- He may devour mee unbewares. Ne let them more offend
- At vices in this present woork in lyvely colours pend,
- Than if that in a chrystall glasse fowle images they found,
- Resembling folkes fowle visages that stand about it round.
- For sure theis fables are not put in wryghting to th'entent
- To further or allure to vyce: but rather this is ment,
- That men beholding what they bee when vyce dooth reigne in stead
- Of vertue, should not let their lewd affections have the head.
- For as there is no creature more divine than man as long
- As reason hath the sovereintie and standeth firme and strong:
- So is there none more beastly, vyle, and develish, than is hee,
- If reason giving over, by affection mated bee.
- The use of this same booke therfore is this: that every man
- (Endevoring for to know himself as neerly as he can,
- As though he in a chariot sate well ordered,) should direct
- His mynd by reason in the way of vertue, and correct
- His feerce affections with the bit of temprance, lest perchaunce
- They taking bridle in the teeth lyke wilfull jades doo praunce
- Away, and headlong carie him to every filthy pit
- Of vyce, and drinking of the same defyle his soule with it:
- Or else doo headlong harrie him uppon the rockes of sin,
- And overthrowing forcibly the chariot he sits in,
- Doo teare him woorse than ever was Hippolytus the sonne
- Of Theseus when he went about his fathers wrath to shun.
- This worthie worke in which of good examples are so many,
- This Ortyard of Alcinous in which there wants not any
- Herb, tree, or frute that may mans use for health or pleasure serve,
- This plenteous horne of Acheloy which justly dooth deserve
- To beare the name of treasorie of knowledge, I present
- To your good Lordship once ageine not as a member rent
- Or parted from the resdew of the body any more:
- But fully now accomplished, desiring you therfore
- To let your noble courtesie and favor countervayle
- My faults where Art or eloquence on my behalf dooth fayle.
- For sure the marke whereat I shoote is neyther wreathes of bay,
- Nor name of Poet, no nor meede: but cheefly that it may
- Bee lyked well of you and all the wise and lerned sort,
- And next that every wyght that shall have pleasure for to sport
- Him in this gardeine, may as well beare wholsome frute away
- As only on the pleasant flowres his rechlesse senses stay.
- But why seeme I theis doubts to cast, as if that he who tooke
- With favor and with gentlenesse a parcell of the booke
- Would not likewyse accept the whole? Or even as if that they
- Who doo excell in wisdome and in learning, would not wey
- A wyse and lerned woorke aryght? Or else as if that I
- Ought ay to have a speciall care how all men doo apply
- My dooings to their owne behoof? As of the former twayne
- I have great hope and confidence: so would I also fayne
- The other should according to good meening find successe:
- If other wyse, the fault is theyrs not myne they must confesse.
- And therefore breefly to conclude, I turn ageine to thee,
- 0 noble Erle of Leycester, whose lyfe God graunt may bee
- As long in honor, helth and welth as auncient Nestors was,
- Or rather as Tithonussis: that all such students as
- Doo travell to enrich our toong with knowledge heretofore
- Not common to our vulgar speech, may dayly more and more
- Procede through thy good furtherance and favor in the same.
- Too all mens profit and delyght, and thy eternall fame.
- And that (which is a greater thing) our natyve country may
- Long tyme enjoy thy counsell and thy travail to her stay.
- At Barwicke the xx. of Aprill. 1567
- Your good L. most humbly too
- commaund Arthur Golding.
- Too the Reader.
- Would not wish the simple sort offended for to bee,
- When in this booke the heathen names of feyned Godds they see.
- The trewe and everliving God the Paynims did not knowe:
- Which caused them the name of Godds on creatures to bestow.
- For nature beeing once corrupt and knowledge blynded quyght
- By Adams fall, those little seedes and sparkes of heavenly lyght
- That did as yit remayne in man, endevering foorth to burst
- And wanting grace and powre to growe to that they were at furst,
- To superstition did decline: and drave the fearefull mynd,
- Straunge woorshippes of the living God in creatures for to fynd.
- The which by custome taking roote, and growing so to strength,
- Through Sathans help possest the hartes of all the world at length.
- Some woorshipt al the hoste of heaven: some deadmens ghostes & bones:
- Sum wicked feends: sum wormes and fowles, herbes, fishes, trees and stones.
- The fyre, the ayre, the sea, the land, and every roonning brooke,
- Eche queachie grove, eche cragged cliffe the name of Godhead tooke.
- The nyght and day, the fleeting howres, the seasons of the yeere,
- And every straunge and monstruous thing, for Godds mistaken weere.
- There was no vertue, no nor vice: there was no gift of mynd
- Or bodye, but some God therto or Goddesse was assignde.
- Of health and sicknesse, lyfe and death, of needinesse and wealth,
- Of peace and warre, of love and hate, of murder, craft and stealth,
- Of bread and wyne, of slouthfull sleepe, and of theyr solemne games,
- And every other tryfling toy theyr Goddes did beare the names.
- And looke, how every man was bent to goodnesse or to ill,
- He did surmyse his foolish Goddes enclyning to his will.
- For God perceyving mannes pervers and wicked will to sinne
- Did give him over to his lust to sinke or swim therin.
- By meanes wherof it came to passe (as in this booke yee see)
- That all theyr Goddes with whoordome, theft, or murder blotted bee.
- Which argues them to bee no Goddes, but woorser in effect
- Than they whoose open poonnishment theyr dooings dooth detect.
- Whoo seeing Jove whom heathen folke doo arme with triple fyre
- In shape of Eagle, bull or swan to winne his foule desyre,
- Or grysly Mars theyr God of warre intangled in a net
- By Venus husband purposely to trappe him warely set,
- Whoo seeing Saturne eating up the children he begate
- Or Venus dalying wantonly with every lustie mate,
- Whoo seeing Juno play the scold, or Phoebus moorne and rew
- For losse of her whom in his rage through jealous moode he slew,
- Or else the suttle Mercurie that beares the charmed rod
- Conveying neate and hyding them, would take him for a God?
- For if theis faultes in mortall men doo justly merit blame,
- What greater madnesse can there bee than to impute the same
- To Goddes, whose natures ought to bee most perfect, pure and bright,
- Most vertuous, holly, chaast, and wyse, most full of grace and lyght?
- But as there is no Christen man that can surmyse in mynd
- That theis or other such are Goddes which are no Goddes by kynd:
- So would to God there were not now of christen men profest,
- That worshipt in theyr deedes theis Godds whose names they doo detest.
- Whoose lawes wee keepe his thralles wee bee, and he our God indeede.
- So long is Christ our God as wee in christen lyfe proceede.
- But if wee yeeld to fleshlye lust, to lucre, or to wrath,
- Or if that Envy, Gluttony, or Pryde the maystry hath,
- Or any other kynd of sinne, the thing the which wee serve
- To bee accounted for our God most justly dooth deserve.
- Then must wee thinke the learned men that did theis names frequent,
- Some further things and purposes by those devises ment.
- By Jove and Juno understand all states of princely port:
- By Ops and Saturne auncient folke that are of elder sort:
- By Phoebus yoong and lusty brutes of hand and courage stout:
- By Mars the valeant men of warre that love to feight it out:
- By Pallas and the famous troupe of all the Muses nyne,
- Such folke as in the sciences and vertuous artes doo shyne.
- By Mercurie the suttle sort that use to filch and lye,
- With theeves, and Merchants whoo to gayne theyr travail doo applye.
- By Bacchus all the meaner trades and handycraftes are ment:
- By Venus such as of the fleshe to filthie lust are bent.
- By Neptune such as keepe the seas: by Phebe maydens chast,
- And Pilgrims such as wandringly theyr tyme in travell waste.
- By Pluto such as delve in mynes, and Ghostes of persones dead:
- By Vulcane smythes and such as woorke in yron, tynne or lead.
- By Hecat witches, Conjurers, and Necromancers reede:
- With all such vayne and devlish artes as superstition breede.
- By Satyres, Sylvanes, Nymphes and Faunes with other such besyde,
- The playne and simple country folke that every where abyde.
- I know theis names to other thinges, oft may and must agree
- In declaration of the which I will not tedious bee.
- But leave them to the Readers will to take in sundry wyse,
- As matter rysing giveth cause constructions to devyse.
- Now when thou readst of God or man, in stone, in beast, or tree
- It is a myrrour for thy self thyne owne estate to see.
- For under feyned names of Goddes it was the Poets guyse,
- The vice and faultes of all estates to taunt in covert wyse.
- And likewyse to extoll with prayse such things as doo deserve,
- Observing alwayes comlynesse from which they doo not swerve.
- And as the persone greater is of birth, renowne or fame,
- The greater ever is his laud, or fouler is his shame,
- For if the States that on the earth the roome of God supply,
- Declyne from vertue unto vice and live disorderly,
- To Eagles, Tygres, Bulles, and Beares, and other figures straunge
- Bothe to theyr people and themselves most hurtfull doo they chaunge,
- And when the people give themselves to filthie life and synne,
- What other kinde of shape thereby than filthie can they winne?
- So was Licaon made a Woolfe: and Jove became a Bull:
- The t'one for using crueltie, the tother for his trull.
- So was Elpenor and his mates transformed into swyne,
- For following of theyr filthie lust in women and in wyne.
- Not that they lost theyr manly shape as to the outward showe,
- But for that in their brutish brestes most beastly lustes did growe.
- For why this lumpe of flesh and bones, this bodie, is not wee.
- Wee are a thing which earthly eyes denyed are to see.
- Our soule is wee endewd by God with reason from above:
- Our bodie is but as our house, in which wee worke and move.
- T'one part is common to us all, with God of heaven himself:
- The tother common with the beastes, a vyle and stinking pelf.
- The t'one bedect with heavenly giftes and endlesse: tother grosse,
- Frayle, filthie, weake, and borne to dye as made of earthly drosse.
- Now looke how long this clod of clay to reason dooth obey,
- So long for men by just desert account our selves wee may.
- But if wee suffer fleshly lustes as lawlesse Lordes to reigne,
- Than are we beastes, wee are no men, wee have our name in vaine.
- And if wee be so drownd in vice that feeling once bee gone,
- Then may it well of us bee sayd, wee are a block or stone.
- This surely did the Poets meene when in such sundry wyse
- The pleasant tales of turned shapes they studyed to devyse.
- There purpose was to profite men, and also to delyght
- And so to handle every thing as best might like the sight.
- For as the Image portrayd out in simple whight and blacke
- (Though well proportiond, trew and faire) if comly colours lacke,
- Delyghteth not the eye so much, nor yet contentes the mynde
- So much as that that shadowed is with colours in his kynde:
- Even so a playne and naked tale or storie simply told
- (Although the matter bee in deede of valewe more than gold)
- Makes not the hearer so attent to print it in his hart,
- As when the thing is well declarde, with pleasant termes and art.
- All which the Poets knew right well: and for the greater grace,
- As Persian kings did never go abrode with open face,
- But with some lawne or silken skarf, for reverence of theyr state:
- Even so they following in their woorkes the selfsame trade and rate,
- Did under covert names and termes theyr doctrines so emplye,
- As that it is ryght darke and hard theyr meening to espye.
- But beeing found it is more sweete and makes the mynd more glad,
- Than if a man of tryed gold a treasure gayned had.
- For as the body hath his joy in pleasant smelles and syghts:
- Even so in knowledge and in artes the mynd as much delights.
- Wherof aboundant hoordes and heapes in Poets packed beene
- So hid that (saving unto fewe) they are not to bee seene.
- And therfore whooso dooth attempt the Poets woorkes to reede,
- Must bring with him a stayed head and judgement to proceede.
- For as there bee most wholsome hestes and precepts to bee found,
- So are theyr rockes and shallowe shelves to ronne the ship aground.
- Some naughtie persone seeing vyce shewd lyvely in his hew,
- These persons overshoote themselves, and other folkes deceyve:
- Dooth take occasion by and by like vices to ensew.
- Another beeing more severe than wisdome dooth requyre,
- Beeholding vice (to outward shewe) exalted in desyre,
- Condemnetb by and by the booke and him that did it make.
- And willes it to be burnd with fyre for lewd example sake.
- Not able of the authors mynd the meening to conceyve.
- The Authors purpose is to paint and set before our eyes
- The lyvely Image of the thoughts that in our stomackes ryse.
- Eche vice and vertue seems to speake and argue to our face,
- With such perswasions as they have theyr dooinges to embrace.
- And if a wicked persone seeme his vices to exalt,
- Esteeme not him that wrate the woorke in such defaultes to halt.
- But rather with an upryght eye consyder well thy thought:
- See if corrupted nature have the like within thee wrought.
- Marke what affection dooth perswade in every kynd of matter.
- Judge if that even in heynous crymes thy fancy doo not flatter.
- And were it not for dread of lawe or dread of God above,
- Most men (I feare) would doo the things that fond affections move.
- Then take theis woorkes as fragrant flowers most full of pleasant juce,
- The which the Bee conveying home may put to wholesome use:
- And which the spyder sucking on to poyson may convert,
- Through venym spred in all her limbes and native in her hart.
- For to the pure and Godly mynd are all things pure and cleene,
- And unto such as are corrupt the best corrupted beene:
- Lyke as the fynest meates and drinkes that can bee made by art
- In sickly folkes to nourishment of sicknesse doo convert.
- And therefore not regarding such whose dyet is so fyne
- That nothing can digest with them onlesse it bee devine,
- Nor such as to theyr proper harme doo wrest and wring awrye
- The thinges that to a good intent are written pleasantly,
- Through Ovids woorke of turned shapes I have with peinfull pace
- Past on untill I had atteyned the end of all my race.
- And now I have him made so well acquainted with our toong
- As that he may in English verse as in his owne bee soong.
- Wherein although for pleasant style, I cannot make account,
- To match myne author, who in that all other dooth surmount:
- Yit (gentle Reader) doo I trust my travail in this cace
- May purchace favour in thy sight my dooings to embrace:
- Considring what a sea of goodes and Jewelles thou shalt fynd,
- Not more delyghtfull to the eare than frutefull to the mynd.
- For this doo lerned persons deeme, of Ovids present woorke:
- That in no one of all his bookes the which he wrate, doo lurke
- Mo darke and secret misteries, mo counselles wyse and sage,
- Mo good ensamples, mo reprooves of vyce in youth and age,
- Mo fyne inventions to delight, mo matters clerkly knit,
- No, nor more straunge varietie to shew a lerned wit.
- The high, the lowe: the riche, the poore: the mayster, and the slave:
- The mayd, the wife: the man, the chyld: the simple and the brave:
- The yoong, the old: the good, the bad: the warriour strong and stout:
- The wyse, the foole: the countrie cloyne: the lerned and the lout:
- And every other living wight shall in this mirrour see
- His whole estate, thoughtes, woordes and deedes expresly shewd to bee.
- Whereof if more particular examples thou doo crave,
- In reading the Epistle through thou shalt thy longing have.
- Moreover thou mayst fynd herein descriptions of the tymes:
- With constellacions of the starres and planettes in theyr clymes:
- The Sites of Countries, Cities, hilles, seas, forestes, playnes and floods:
- The natures both of fowles, beastes, wormes, herbes, mettals, stones and woods,
- And finally what ever thing is straunge and delectable,
- The same conveyed shall you fynd most featly in some fable.
- And even as in a cheyne eche linke within another wynds,
- And both with that that went before and that that followes binds:
- So every tale within this booke dooth seeme to take his ground
- Of that that was reherst before, and enters in the bound
- Of that that folowes after it: and every one gives light
- To other: so that whoo so meenes to understand them ryght,
- Must have a care as well to know the thing that went before,
- As that the which he presently desyres to see so sore.
- Now to th'intent that none have cause heereafter to complaine
- Of mee as setter out of things that are but light and vaine,
- If any stomacke be so weake as that it cannot brooke,
- The lively setting forth of things described in this booke,
- I give him counsell to absteine untill he bee more strong,
- And for to use Vlysses feat ageinst the Meremayds song.
- Or if he needes will heere and see and wilfully agree
- (Through cause misconstrued) unto vice allured for to bee,
- Then let him also marke the peine that dooth therof ensue,
- And hold himself content with that that to his fault is due.
- ¶ The first booke of Ouids Metamor-
- phosis, translated into Eng-
- lyshe Meter.
- F shapes transformde to bodies straunge, I purpose to entreate,
- Ye gods vouchsafe (for you are they ywrought this wondrous feate)
- To further this mine enterprise. And from the world begunne,
- Graunt that my verse may to my time, his course directly runne.
- Before the Sea and Lande were made, and Heaven that all doth hide,
- In all the worlde one onely face of nature did abide,
- Which Chaos hight, a huge rude heape, and nothing else but even
- A heavie lump and clottred clod of seedes togither driven,
- Of things at strife among themselves, for want of order due.
- No sunne as yet with lightsome beames the shapelesse world did vew.
- No Moone in growing did repayre hir hornes with borowed light.
- Nor yet the earth amiddes the ayre did hang by wondrous slight
- Just peysed by hir proper weight. Nor winding in and out
- Did Amphitrytee with hir armes embrace the earth about.
- For where was earth, was sea and ayre, so was the earth unstable.
- The ayre all darke, the sea likewise to beare a ship unable.
- No kinde of thing had proper shape, but ech confounded other.
- For in one selfesame bodie strove the hote and colde togither,
- The moist with drie, the soft with hard, the light with things of weight.
- This strife did God and Nature breake, and set in order streight.
- The earth from heaven, the sea from earth, he parted orderly,
- And from the thicke and foggie ayre, he tooke the lightsome skie.
- Which when he once unfolded had, and severed from the blinde
- And clodded heape, he setting eche from other did them binde
- In endlesse friendship to agree. The fire most pure and bright,
- The substance of the heaven it selfe, bicause it was so light
- Did mount aloft, and set it selfe in highest place of all.
- The second roume of right to ayre, for lightnesse did befall.
- The earth more grosse drew down with it eche weighty kinde of matter,
- And set it selfe in lowest place. Againe, the waving water
- Did lastly chalenge for his place, the utmost coast and bound,
- Of all the compasse of the earth, to close the stedfast ground.
- Now when he in this foresaid wise (what God so ere he was)
- Had broke and into members put this rude confused masse,
- Then first bicause in every part, the earth should equall bee,
- He made it like a mighty ball, in compasse as we see.
- And here and there he cast in seas, to whome he gave a lawe:
- To swell with every blast of winde, and every stormie flawe.
- And with their waves continually to beate upon the shore,
- Of all the earth within their boundes enclosde by them afore.
- Moreover, Springs and mighty Meeres and Lakes he did augment,
- And flowing streames of crooked brookes in winding bankes he pent.
- Of which the earth doth drinke up some, and some with restlesse race
- Do seeke the sea: where finding scope of larger roume and space,
- In steade of bankes, they beate on shores. He did commaund the plaine
- And champion groundes to stretch out wide: and valleys to remaine
- Aye underneath: and eke the woods to hide them decently
- With tender leaves: and stonie hilles to lift themselves on hie.
- And as two Zones doe cut the Heaven upon the righter side,
- And other twaine upon the left likewise the same devide,
- The middle in outragious heat exceeding all the rest:
- Even so likewise through great foresight to God it seemed best,
- The earth encluded in the same should so devided bee,
- As with the number of the Heaven, hir Zones might full agree.
- Of which the middle Zone in heate, the utmost twaine in colde
- Exceede so farre, that there to dwell no creature dare be bolde.
- Betweene these two so great extremes, two other Zones are fixt,
- Where temprature of heate and colde indifferently is mixt.
- Now over this doth hang the Ayre, which as it is more fleightie
- Than earth or water: so againe than fire it is more weightie.
- There hath he placed mist and cloudes, and for to feare mens mindes,
- The thunder and the lightning eke, with colde and blustring windes.
- But yet the maker of the worlde permitteth not alway
- The windes to use the ayre at will. For at this present day,
- Though ech from other placed be in sundry coasts aside,
- The violence of their boystrous blasts, things scarsly can abide.
- They so turmoyle as though they would the world in pieces rende,
- So cruell is those brothers wrath when that they doe contende.
- And therefore to the morning graye, the Realme of Nabathie,
- To Persis and to other lands and countries that doe lie
- Farre underneath the Morning starre, did Eurus take his flight.
- Likewise the setting of the Sunne, and shutting in of night
- Belong to Zephyr. And the blasts of blustring Boreas raigne,
- in Scythia and in other landes set under Charles his waine.
- And unto Auster doth belong the coast of all the South,
- Who beareth shoures and rotten mistes, continuall in his mouth.
- Above all these he set aloft the cleare and lightsome skie,
- Without all dregs of earthly filth or grossenesse utterlie.
- The boundes of things were scarsly yet by him thus pointed out,
- But that appeared in the heaven, starres glistring all about,
- Which in the said confused heape had hidden bene before,
- And to th'intent with lively things eche Region for to store,
- The heavenly soyle, to Gods and Starres and Planets first he gave.
- The waters next both fresh and salt he let the fishes have.
- The suttle ayre to flickring fowles and birdes he hath assignde.
- The earth to beasts both wilde and tame of sundrie sort and kinde.
- Howbeit yet of all this while, the creature wanting was,
- Farre more devine, of nobler minde, which should the residue passe
- In depth of knowledge, reason, wit, and high capacitie,
- And which of all the residue should the Lord and ruler bee.
- Then eyther he that made the worlde, and things in order set,
- Of heavenly seede engendred Man: or else the earth as yet
- Yong, lustie, fresh, and in hir floures, and parted from the skie,
- But late before, the seede thereof as yet held inwardlie.
- The which Prometheus tempring straight with water of the spring,
- Did make in likenesse to the Gods that governe everie thing.
- And where all other beasts behold the ground with groveling eie,
- He gave to Man a stately looke replete with majestie.
- And willde him to behold the Heaven wyth countnance cast on hie,
- To marke and understand what things were in the starrie skie.
- And thus the earth which late before had neyther shape nor hew,
- Did take the noble shape of man, and was transformed new.
- Then sprang up first the golden age, which of it selfe maintainde
- The truth and right of every thing unforct and unconstrainde.
- There was no feare of punishment, there was no threatning lawe
- In brazen tables nayled up, to keepe the folke in awe.
- There was no man would crouch or creepe to Judge with cap in hand,
- They lived safe without a Judge, in everie Realme and lande.
- The loftie Pynetree was not hewen from mountaines where it stood,
- In seeking straunge and forren landes, to rove upon the flood.
- Men knew none other countries yet, than where themselves did keepe:
- There was no towne enclosed yet, with walles and diches deepe.
- No horne nor trumpet was in use, no sword nor helmet worne,
- The worlde was such, that souldiers helpe might easly be forborne.
- The fertile earth as yet was free, untoucht of spade or plough,
- And yet it yeelded of it selfe of every things inough.
- And men themselves contented well with plaine and simple foode,
- That on the earth of natures gift without their travail stoode,
- Did live by Raspis, heppes and hawes, by cornelles, plummes and cherries,
- By sloes and apples, nuttes and peares, and lothsome bramble berries,
- And by the acornes dropt on ground, from Joves brode tree in fielde.
- The Springtime lasted all the yeare, and Zephyr with his milde
- And gentle blast did cherish things that grew of owne accorde,
- The ground untilde, all kinde of fruits did plenteously afforde.
- No mucke nor tillage was bestowde on leane and barren land,
- To make the corne of better head, and ranker for to stand.
- Then streames ran milke, then streames ran wine, and yellow honny flowde
- From ech greene tree whereon the rayes of firie Phebus glowde.
- But when that into Lymbo once Saturnus being thrust,
- The rule and charge of all the worlde was under Jove unjust,
- And that the silver age came in, more somewhat base than golde,
- More precious yet than freckled brasse, immediatly the olde
- And auncient Spring did Jove abridge, and made therof anon,
- Foure seasons: Winter, Sommer, Spring, and Autumne off and on:
- Then first of all began the ayre with fervent heate to swelt.
- Then Isycles hung roping downe: then for the colde was felt
- Men gan to shroud themselves in house. Their houses were the thickes,
- And bushie queaches, hollow caves, or hardels made of stickes.
- Then first of all were furrowes drawne, and corne was cast in ground.
- The simple Oxe with sorie sighes, to heavie yoke was bound.
- Next after this succeded streight, the third and brazen age:
- More hard of nature, somewhat bent to cruell warres and rage.
- But yet not wholy past all grace. Of yron is the last
- In no part good and tractable as former ages past.
- For when that of this wicked Age once opened was the veyne
- Therein all mischief rushed forth: then Fayth and Truth were faine
- And honest shame to hide their heades: for whom crept stoutly in,
- Craft, Treason, Violence, Envie, Pride and wicked Lust to win.
- The shipman hoyst his sailes to wind, whose names he did not knowe:
- And shippes that erst in toppes of hilles and mountaines had ygrowe,
- Did leape and daunce on uncouth waves: and men began to bound
- With dowles and diches drawen in length the free and fertile ground,
- Which was as common as the Ayre and light of Sunne before.
- Not onely corne and other fruites, for sustnance and for store,
- Were now exacted of the Earth: but eft they gan to digge,
- And in the bowels of the ground unsaciably to rigge,
- For Riches coucht and hidden deepe, in places nere to Hell,
- The spurres and stirrers unto vice, and foes to doing well.
- Then hurtfull yron came abrode, then came forth yellow golde,
- More hurtfull than the yron farre, then came forth battle bolde,
- That feightes with bothe, and shakes his sword in cruell bloudy hand.
- Men live by ravine and by stelth: the wandring guest doth stand
- In daunger of his host: the host in daunger of his guest:
- And fathers of their sonne in lawes: yea seldome time doth rest,
- Betweene borne brothers such accord and love as ought to bee.
- The goodman seekes the goodwifes death, and his againe seeks shee.
- The stepdames fell their husbandes sonnes with poyson do assayle.
- To see their fathers live so long the children doe bewayle.
- All godlynesse lies under foote. And Ladie Astrey, last
- Of heavenly vertues, from this earth in slaughter drowned past.
- And to thintent the earth alone thus should not be opprest,
- And heaven above in slouthfull ease and carelesse quiet rest,
- ℂ Men say that Giantes went about the Realme of Heaven to win
- To place themselves to raigne as Gods and lawlesse Lordes therein.
- And hill on hill they heaped up aloft into the skie,
- Till God almighty from the Heaven did let his thunder flie,
- The dint whereof the ayrie tops of high Olympus brake,
- And pressed Pelion violently from under Ossa strake.
- When whelmed in their wicked worke those cursed Caitives lay,
- The Earth their mother tooke their bloud yet warme and (as they say)
- Did give it life. And for bicause some ympes should still remaine
- Of that same stocke, she gave it shape and limmes of men againe.
- This offspring eke against the Gods did beare a native spight,
- In slaughter and in doing wrong was all their whole delight.
- Their deedes declared them of bloud engendred for to bee.
- The which as soone as Saturns sonne from Heaven aloft did see,
- He fetcht a sigh, and therwithall revolving in his thought
- The shamefull act which at a feast Lycaon late had wrought,
- As yet unknowne or blowne abrode: He gan thereat to storme
- And stomacke like an angry Ioue. And therfore to reforme
- Such haynous actes, he sommonde streight his Court of Parliament,
- Whereto resorted all the Gods that had their sommons sent.
- Highe in the Welkin is a way apparant to the sight
- In starrie nights, which of his passing whitenesse Milkie hight:
- It is the streete that to the Court and Princely Pallace leades,
- Of mightie Jove whose thunderclaps eche living creature dreades.
- On both the sides of this same waye do stand in stately port
- The sumptuous houses of the Peeres. For all the common sort
- Dwell scattring here and there abrode: the face of all the skie
- The houses of the chiefe estates and Princes doe supplie.
- And sure and if I may be bolde to speake my fancie free
- I take this place of all the Heaven the Pallace for to bee.
- Now when the Goddes assembled were, and eche had tane his place,
- Ioue standing up aloft and leaning on his yvorie Mace,
- Right dreadfully his bushie lockes did thrise or four times shake,
- Wherewith he made both Sea and Land and Heaven it self to quake,
- And afterward in wrathfull wordes his angrie minde thus brake:
- I never was in greater care nor more perplexitie,
- How to maintaine my soveraigne state and Princelie royaltie,
- When with their hundreth handes apiece the Adderfooted rout,
- Did practise for to conquere Heaven and for to cast us out.
- For though it were a cruell foe: yet did that warre depende
- Upon one ground, and in one stocke it had his finall ende.
- But now as farre as any sea about the worlde doth winde,
- I must destroy both man and beast and all the mortall kinde.
- I sweare by Styxes hideous streames that run within the ground,
- All other meanes must first be sought: but when there can be found
- No helpe to heale a festred sore, it must away be cut,
- Lest that the partes that yet are sound, in daunger should be put.
- We have a number in the worlde that mans estate surmount,
- Of such whom for their private Gods the countrie folkes account,
- As Satyres, Faunes, and sundry Nymphes, with Silvanes eke beside,
- That in the woods and hillie grounds continually abide.
- Whome into Heaven since that as yet we vouch not safe to take,
- And of the honour of this place copartners for to make,
- Such landes as to inhabite in, we erst to them assignde,
- That they should still enjoye the same, it is my will and minde.
- But can you thinke that they in rest and safetie shall remaine
- When proud Lycaon laye in waite by secret meanes and traine
- To have confounded me your Lorde, who in my hand doe beare
- The dreadfull thunder, and of whom even you doe stand in feare?
- The house was moved at his words and earnestly requirde,
- The man that had so traiterously against their Lord conspirde.
- Even so when Rebels did arise to stroy the Romane name,
- By shedding of our Cesars bloud, the horror of the same
- Did pierce the heartes of all mankinde, and made the world to quake.
- Whose fervent zeale in thy behalfe (O August) thou did take,
- As thankfully as Jove doth heare the loving care of his,
- Who beckning to them with his hand, forbiddeth them to hisse.
- And therewithall through all the house attentive silence is.
- As soone as that his majestie all muttring had alayde,
- He brake the silence once againe, and thus unto them sayde:
- Let passe this carefull thought of yours: for he that did offende,
- Hath dearely bought the wicked Act, the which he did entende.
- Yet shall you heare what was his fault and vengeance for the same.
- A foule report and infamie unto our hearing came
- Of mischiefe used in those times: which wishing all untrew
- I did descend in shape of man, th'infamed Earth to vew.
- It were a processe overlong to tell you of the sinne,
- That did abound in every place where as I entred in.
- The bruit was lesser than the truth, and partiall in report.
- The dreadfull dennes of Menalus where savage beastes resort
- And Cyllen had I overpast, with all the Pynetrees hie
- Of cold Lyceus, and from thence I entred by and by
- The herbroughlesse and cruell house of late th'Arcadian King,
- Such time as twilight on the Earth dim darknesse gan to bring.
- I gave a signe that God was come, and streight the common sort
- Devoutly prayde, whereat Lycaon first did make a sport
- And after said: By open proufe, ere long I minde to see,
- If that this wight a mighty God or mortall creature bee.
- The truth shall trie it selfe: he ment (the sequele did declare)
- To steale upon me in the night, and kyll me unbeware.
- And yet he was not so content: but went and cut the throte,
- Of one that laye in hostage there, which was an Epyrote:
- And part of him he did to rost, and part he did to stewe.
- Which when it came upon the borde, forthwith I overthrew
- The house with just revenging fire upon the owners hed,
- Who seeing that, slipt out of doores amazde for feare, and fled
- Into the wilde and desert woods, where being all alone,
- As he endevorde (but in vaine) to speake and make his mone,
- He fell a howling: wherewithall for verie rage and moode
- He ran me quite out of his wits and waxed furious woode.
- Still practising his wonted lust of slaughter on the poore
- And sielie cattle, thirsting still for bloud as heretofore,
- His garments turnde to shackie haire, his armes to rugged pawes:
- So is he made a ravening Wolfe: whose shape expressely drawes
- To that the which he was before: his skinne is horie graye,
- His looke still grim with glaring eyes, and every kinde of waye
- His cruell heart in outward shape doth well it selfe bewraye.
- Thus was one house destroyed quite, but that one house alone
- Deserveth not to be destroyde: in all the Earth is none,
- But that such vice doth raigne therein, as that ye would beleve,
- That all had sworne and solde themselves to mischiefe us to greve.
- And therefore as they all offende: so am I fully bent,
- That all forthwith (as they deserve) shall have due punishment.
- These wordes of Jove some of the Gods did openly approve,
- And with their sayings more to wrath his angry courage move.
- And some did give assent by signes. Yet did it grieve them all
- That such destruction utterly on all mankinde should fall,
- Demaunding what he purposed with all the Earth to doe,
- When that he had all mortall men so cleane destroyde, and whoe
- On holie Altars afterward should offer frankinsence,
- And whother that he were in minde to leave the Earth fro thence
- To savage beastes to wast and spoyle, bicause of mans offence.
- The king of Gods bade cease their thought and questions in that case,
- And cast the care thereof on him. Within a little space
- He promist for to frame a newe, an other kinde of men
- By wondrous meanes, unlike the first to fill the world agen.
- And now his lightning had he thought on all the earth to throw,
- But that he feared lest the flames perhaps so hie should grow
- As for to set the Heaven on fire, and burne up all the skie.
- He did remember furthermore how that by destinie
- A certaine time should one day come, wherein both Sea and Lond
- And Heaven it selfe shoulde feele the force of Vulcans scorching brond,
- So that the huge and goodly worke of all the worlde so wide
- Should go to wrecke, for doubt whereof forthwith he laide aside
- His weapons that the Cyclops made, intending to correct
- Mans trespasse by a punishment contrary in effect.
- And namely with incessant showres from heaven ypoured downe,
- He did determine with himselfe the mortall kinde to drowne.
- In Aeolus prison by and by he fettred Boreas fast,
- With al such winds as chase the cloudes or breake them with their blast,
- And set at large the Southerne winde: who straight with watry wings
- And dreadfull face as blacke as pitch, forth out of prison flings.
- His beard hung full of hideous stormes, all dankish was his head,
- With water streaming downe his haire that on his shoulders shead.
- His ugly forehead wrinkled was with foggie mistes full thicke,
- And on his fethers and his breast a stilling dew did sticke.
- As soone as he betweene his hands the hanging cloudes had crusht,
- With ratling noyse adowne from heaven the raine full sadly gusht.
- The Rainbow, Junos messenger, bedect in sundrie hue,
- To maintaine moysture in the cloudes, great waters thither drue:
- The corne was beaten to the grounde, the Tilmans hope of gaine,
- For which he toyled all the yeare, lay drowned in the raine.
- Joves indignation and his wrath began to grow so hot
- That for to quench the rage thereof, his Heaven suffised not.
- His brother Neptune with his waves was faine to doe him ease:
- Who straight assembling all the streames that fall into the seas,
- Said to them standing in his house: Sirs get you home apace,
- (You must not looke to have me use long preaching in this case.)
- Poure out your force (for so is neede) your heads ech one unpende,
- And from your open springs, your streames with flowing waters sende.
- He had no sooner said the word, but that returning backe,
- Eche one of them unlosde his spring, and let his waters slacke.
- And to the Sea with flowing streames yswolne above their bankes,
- One rolling in anothers necke, they rushed forth by rankes.
- Himselfe with his threetyned Mace, did lend the earth a blow,
- That made it shake and open wayes for waters forth to flow.
- The flouds at randon where they list, through all the fields did stray,
- Men, beastes, trees, come, and with their gods were Churches washt away.
- If any house were built so strong, against their force to stonde
- Yet did the water hide the top: and turrets in that ponde
- Were overwhelmde: no difference was betweene the sea and ground,
- For all was sea: there was no shore nor landing to be found.
- Some climbed up to tops of hils, and some rowde to and fro
- In Botes, where they not long before, to plough and Cart did go,
- One over come and tops of townes, whome waves did overwhelme,
- Doth saile in ship, an other sittes a fishing in an Elme.
- In meddowes greene were Anchors cast (so fortune did provide)
- And crooked ships did shadow vynes, the which the floud did hide.
- And where but tother day before did feede the hungry Gote,
- The ugly Seales and Porkepisces now to and fro did flote.
- The Sea nymphes wondred under waves the townes and groves to see,
- And Dolphines playd among the tops and boughes of every tree.
- The grim and greedy Wolfe did swim among the siely sheepe,
- The Lion and the Tyger fierce were borne upon the deepe.
- It booted not the foming Boare his crooked tuskes to whet,
- The running Hart coulde in the streame by swiftnesse nothing get.
- The fleeting fowles long having sought for land to rest upon,
- Into the Sea with werie wings were driven to fall anon.
- Th'outragious swelling of the Sea the lesser hillockes drownde,
- Unwonted waves on highest tops of mountaines did rebownde.
- The greatest part of men were drownde, and such as scapte the floode,
- Forlorne with fasting overlong did die for want of foode.
- Against the fieldes of Aonie and Atticke lies a lande
- That Phocis hight, a fertile ground while that it was a lande:
- But at that time a part of Sea, and even a champion fielde
- Of sodaine waters which the floud by forced rage did yeelde,
- Where as a hill with forked top the which Parnasus hight,
- Doth pierce the cloudes and to the starres doth raise his head upright.
- When at this hill (for yet the Sea had whelmed all beside)
- Deucalion and his bedfellow, without all other guide,
- Arrived in a little Barke immediatly they went,
- And to the Nymphes of Corycus with full devout intent
- Did honor due, and to the Gods to whome that famous hill
- Was sacred, and to Themis eke in whose most holie will
- Consisted then the Oracles. In all the world so rounde
- A better nor more righteous man could never yet be founde
- Than was Deucalion, nor againe a woman, mayde nor wife,
- That feared God so much as shee, nor led so good a life.
- When Jove behelde how all the worlde stoode lyke a plash of raine,
- And of so many thousand men and women did remaine
- But one of eche, howbeit those both just and both devout,
- He brake the Cloudes, and did commaund that Boreas with his stout
- And sturdie blasts should chase the floud, that Earth might see the skie
- And Heaven the Earth: the Seas also began immediatly
- Their raging furie for to cease. Their ruler laide awaye
- His dreadfull Mace, and with his wordes their woodnesse did alaye.
- He called Tryton to him straight, his trumpetter, who stoode
- In purple robe on shoulder cast, aloft upon the floode,
- And bade him take his sounding Trumpe and out of hand to blow
- Retreat, that all the streames might heare, and cease from thence to flow.
- He tooke his Trumpet in his hand, hys Trumpet was a shell
- Of some great Whelke or other fishe, in facion like a Bell
- That gathered narrow to the mouth, and as it did descende
- Did waxe more wide and writhen still, downe to the nether ende:
- When that this Trumpe amid the Sea was set to Trytons mouth,
- He blew so loude that all the streames both East, West, North and South,
- Might easly heare him blow retreate, and all that heard the sounde
- Immediatly began to ebbe and draw within their bounde.
- Then gan the Sea to have a shore, and brookes to finde a banke,
- And swelling streames of flowing flouds within hir chanels sanke.
- Then hils did rise above the waves that had them overflow,
- And as the waters did decrease the ground did seeme to grow.
- And after long and tedious time the trees did shew their tops
- All bare, save that upon the boughes the mud did hang in knops.
- The worlde restored was againe, which though Deucalion joyde
- Then to beholde: yet forbicause he saw the earth was voyde
- And silent like a wildernesse, with sad and weeping eyes
- And ruthfull voyce he then did speake to Pyrrha in this wise:
- O sister, O my loving spouse, O sielie woman left,
- As onely remnant of thy sexe that water hath bereft,
- Whome Nature first by right of birth hath linked to me fast
- In that we brothers children bene: and secondly the chast
- And stedfast bond of lawfull bed: and lastly now of all,
- The present perils of the time that latelye did befall.
- On all the Earth from East to West where Phebus shewes his face
- There is no moe but thou and I of all the mortall race.
- The Sea hath swallowed all the rest: and scarsly are we sure,
- That our two lives from dreadfull death in safetie shall endure.
- For even as yet the duskie cloudes doe make my heart adrad.
- Alas poore wretched sielie soule, what heart wouldst thou have had
- To beare these heavie happes, if chaunce had let thee scape alone?
- Who should have bene thy consort then: who should have rewd thy mone?
- Now trust me truly, loving wife, had thou as now bene drownde,
- I would have followde after thee and in the sea bene fownde.
- Would God I could my fathers Arte, of claye to facion men
- And give them life that people might frequent the world agen.
- Mankinde (alas) doth onely now wythin us two consist,
- As mouldes whereby to facion men. For so the Gods doe lyst.
- And with these words the bitter teares did trickle down their cheeke,
- Untill at length betweene themselves they did agree to seeke
- To God by prayer for his grace, and to demaund his ayde
- By aunswere of his Oracle. Wherein they nothing stayde,
- But to Cephisus sadly went, whose streame as at that time
- Began to run within his bankes though thicke with muddie slime,
- Whose sacred liquor straight they tooke and sprinkled with the same
- Their heads and clothes: and afterward to Themis chappell came,
- The roofe whereof with cindrie mosse was almost overgrowne.
- For since the time the raging floud the worlde had overflowne,
- No creature came within the Churche: so that the Altars stood
- Without one sparke of holie fyre or any sticke of wood.
- As soon as that this couple came within the chappell doore,
- They fell downe flat upon the ground, and trembling kist the floore.
- And sayde: If prayer that proceedes from humble heart and minde
- May in the presence of the Gods, such grace and favor finde
- As to appease their worthie wrath, then vouch thou safe to tell
- (O gentle Themis) how the losse that on our kinde befell,
- May now eftsoones recovered be, and helpe us to repaire
- The world, which drowned under waves doth lie in great dispaire.
- The Goddesse moved with their sute, this answere did them make:
- Depart you hence: Go hille your heads, and let your garmentes slake,
- And both of you your Graundames bones behind your shoulders cast.
- They stoode amazed at these wordes, tyll Pyrrha at the last,
- Refusing to obey the hest the which the Goddesse gave,
- Brake silence, and with trembling cheere did meekely pardon crave.
- For sure she saide she was afraide hir Graundames ghost to hurt
- By taking up hir buried bones to throw them in the durt.
- And with the aunswere here upon eftsoones in hand they go,
- The doubtfull wordes wherof they scan and canvas to and fro.
- Which done, Prometheus sonne began by counsell wise and sage
- His cousin germanes fearfulnesse thus gently to asswage:
- Well, eyther in these doubtfull words is hid some misterie,
- Whereof the Gods permit us not the meaning to espie,
- Or questionlesse and if the sence of inward sentence deeme
- Like as the tenour of the words apparantly doe seeme,
- It is no breach of godlynesse to doe as God doth bid.
- I take our Graundame for the earth, the stones within hir hid
- I take for bones, these are the bones the which are meaned here.
- Though Titans daughter at this wise conjecture of hir fere
- Were somewhat movde, yet none of both did stedfast credit geve,
- So hardly could they in their heartes the heavenly hestes beleve.
- But what and if they made a proufe? what harme could come thereby?
- They went their wayes and heild their heades, and did their cotes untie.
- And at their backes did throw the stones by name of bones foretolde.
- The stones (who would beleve the thing, but that the time of olde
- Reportes it for a stedfast truth?) of nature tough and harde,
- Began to warre both soft and smothe: and shortly afterwarde
- To winne therwith a better shape: and as they did encrease,
- A mylder nature in them grew, and rudenesse gan to cease.
- For at the first their shape was such, as in a certaine sort
- Resembled man, but of the right and perfect shape came short.
- Even like to Marble ymages new drawne and roughly wrought,
- Before the Carver by his Arte to purpose hath them brought.
- Such partes of them where any juice or moysture did abound,
- Or else were earthie, turned to flesh: and such as were so sound,
- And harde as would not bow nor bende did turne to bones: againe
- The part that was a veyne before, doth still his name retaine.
- Thus by the mightie powre of God ere lenger time was past,
- The mankinde was restorde by stones, the which a man did cast.
- And likewise also by the stones the which a woman threw,
- The womankinde repayred was and made againe of new.
- Of these are we the crooked ympes, and stonie race in deede,
- Bewraying by our toyling life, from whence we doe proceede.
- The lustie earth of owne accorde soone after forth did bring
- According to their sundrie shapes eche other living thing,
- As soone as that the moysture once caught heate against the Sunne,
- And that the fat and slimie mud in moorish groundes begunne
- To swell through warmth of Phebus beames, and that the fruitfull seede
- Of things well cherisht in the fat and lively soyle in deede,
- As in their mothers wombe, began in length of time to grow,
- To one or other kinde of shape wherein themselves to show.
- Even so when that seven mouthed Nile the watrie fieldes forsooke,
- And to his auncient channel eft his bridled streames betooke,
- So that the Sunne did heate the mud, the which he left behinde,
- The husbandmen that tilde the ground, among the cloddes did finde
- Of sundrie creatures sundrie shapes: of which they spied some,
- Even in the instant of their birth but newly then begonne,
- And some unperfect, wanting brest or shoulders in such wise,
- That in one bodie oftentimes appeared to the eyes
- One halfe thereof alive to be, and all the rest beside
- Both voyde of life and seemely shape, starke earth to still abide.
- For when that moysture with the heate is tempred equally,
- They doe conceyve: and of them twaine engender by and by
- All kinde of things. For though that fire with water aye debateth
- Yet moysture mixt with equall heate all living things createth.
- And so those discordes in their kinde, one striving with the other,
- In generation doe agree and make one perfect mother.
- And therfore when the mirie earth bespred with slimie mud,
- Brought over all but late before by violence of the flud,
- Caught heate by warmnesse of the Sunne, and calmenesse of the skie,
- Things out of number in the worlde, forthwith it did applie.
- Whereof in part the like before in former times had bene,
- And some so straunge and ougly shapes as never erst were sene.
- In that she did such Monsters breede, was greatly to hir woe,
- But yet thou, ougly Python, wert engendred by hir thoe.
- This saide, with drift of fethered wings in broken ayre he flue,
- And to the forkt and shadie top of Mount Parnasus drue.
- There from hys quiver full of shafts two arrowes did he take
- Of sundrie workes: t'one causeth Love, the tother doth it slake.
- That causeth love, is all of golde with point full sharpe and bright,
- That chaseth love is blunt, whose stele with leaden head is dight.
- The God this fired in the Nymph Peneis for the nones:
- The tother perst Apollos heart and overraft his bones.
- Immediatly in smoldring heate of Love the t'one did swelt,
- Againe the tother in hir heart no sparke nor motion felt.
- In woods and forrests is hir joy, the savage beasts to chase,
- And as the price of all hir paine to take the skinne and case.
- Unwedded Phebe doth she haunt and follow as hir guide,
- Unordred doe hir tresses wave scarce in a fillet tide.
- Full many a wooer sought hir love, she lothing all the rout,
- Impacient and without a man walkes all the woods about.
- And as for Hymen, or for love, and wedlocke often sought
- She tooke no care, they were the furthest end of all hir thought.
- Hir father many a time and oft would saye: My daughter deere,
- Thow owest me a sonneinlaw to be thy lawfull feere.
- Hir father many a time and oft would say: My daughter deere,
- Of Nephewes thou my debtour art, their Graundsires heart to cheere.
- She hating as a haynous crime the bonde of bridely bed
- Demurely casting downe hir eyes, and blushing somwhat red,
- Did folde about hir fathers necke with fauning armes: and sed:
- Deare father, graunt me while I live my maidenhead for to have,
- As to Diana here tofore hir father freely gave.
- Thy father (Daphne) could consent to that thou doest require,
- But that thy beautie and thy forme impugne thy chaste desire:
- So that thy will and his consent are nothing in this case,
- By reason of the beautie bright that shineth in thy face.
- Apollo loves and longs to have this Daphne to his Feere,
- And as he longs he hopes, but his foredoomes doe fayle him there.
- And as light hame when corne is reapt, or hedges burne with brandes,
- That passers by when day drawes neere throwe loosely fro their handes,
- So into flames the God is gone and burneth in his brest
- And feedes his vaine and barraine love in hoping for the best.
- Hir haire unkembd about hir necke downe flaring did he see,
- O Lord and were they trimd (quoth he) how seemely would she bee?
- He sees hir eyes as bright as fire the starres to represent,
- He sees hir mouth which to have seene he holdes him not content.
- Hir lillie armes mid part and more above the elbow bare,
- Hir handes, hir fingers and hir wrystes, him thought of beautie rare.
- And sure he thought such other parts as garments then did hyde,
- Excelled greatly all the rest the which he had espyde.
- But swifter than the whyrling winde shee flees and will not stay,
- To give the hearing to these wordes the which he had to say:
- I pray thee Nymph Penaeis stay, I chase not as a fo:
- Stay Nymph: the Lambes so flee the Wolves, the Stags the Lions so.
- With flittring feathers sielie Doves so from the Gossehauke flie,
- And every creature from his foe. Love is the cause that I
- Do followe thee: alas alas how would it grieve my heart,
- To see thee fall among the briers, and that the bloud should start
- Out of thy tender legges, I, wretch, the causer of thy smart.
- The place is rough to which thou runst, take leysure I thee pray,
- Abate thy flight, and I my selfe my running pace will stay.
- Yet would I wishe thee take advise, and wisely for to viewe
- What one he is that for thy grace in humble wise doth sewe.
- I am not one that dwelles among the hilles and stonie rockes,
- I am no sheepehearde with a Curre, attending on the flockes:
- I am no Carle nor countrie Clowne, nor neathearde taking charge
- Of cattle grazing here and there within this Forrest large.
- Thou doest not know, poore simple soule, God wote thou dost not knowe,
- From whome thou fleest. For if thou knew, thou wouldste not flee me so.
- In Delphos is my chiefe abode, my Temples also stande
- At Glaros and at Patara within the Lycian lande.
- And in the Ile of Tenedos the people honour mee.
- The king of Gods himselfe is knowne my father for to bee.
- By me is knowne that was, that is, and that that shall ensue,
- By mee men learne to sundrie tunes to frame sweete ditties true.
- In shooting have I stedfast hand, but surer hand had hee
- That made this wound within my heart that heretofore was free.
- Of Phisicke and of surgerie I found the Artes for neede,
- The powre of everie herbe and plant doth of my gift proceede.
- Nowe wo is me that nere an herbe can heale the hurt of love
- And that the Artes that others helpe their Lord doth helpelesse prove.
- As Phoebus would have spoken more, away Penaeis stale
- With fearefull steppes, and left him in the midst of all his tale.
- And as she ran the meeting windes hir garments backewarde blue,
- So that hir naked skinne apearde behinde hir as she flue,
- Hir goodly yellowe golden haire that hanged loose and slacke,
- With every puffe of ayre did wave and tosse behinde hir backe.
- Hir running made hir seeme more fayre, the youthfull God therefore
- Coulde not abyde to waste his wordes in dalyance any more.
- But as his love advysed him he gan to mende his pace,
- And with the better foote before, the fleeing Nymph to chace.
- And even as when the greedie Grewnde doth course the sielie Hare,
- Amiddes the plaine and champion fielde without all covert bare,
- Both twaine of them doe straine themselves and lay on footemanship,
- Who may best runne with all his force the tother to outstrip,
- The t'one for safetie of his lyfe, the tother for his pray,
- The Grewnde aye prest with open mouth to beare the Hare away,
- Thrusts forth his snoute and gyrdeth out and at hir loynes doth snatch,
- As though he would at everie stride betweene his teeth hir latch:
- Againe in doubt of being caught the Hare aye shrinking slips
- Upon the sodaine from his Jawes, and from betweene his lips:
- So farde Apollo and the Mayde: hope made Apollo swift,
- And feare did make the Mayden fleete devising how to shift.
- Howebeit he that did pursue of both the swifter went,
- As furthred by the feathred wings that Cupid had him lent,
- So that he would not let hir rest, but preased at hir heele
- So neere that through hir scattred haire she might his breathing feele.
- But when she sawe hir breath was gone and strength began to fayle
- The colour faded in hir cheekes, and ginning for to quayle,
- Shee looked to Penaeus streame and sayde: Nowe Father dere,
- And if yon streames have powre of Gods then help your daughter here.
- O let the earth devour me quicke, on which I seeme too fayre,
- Or else this shape which is my harme by chaunging straight appayre.
- This piteous prayer scarsly sed: hir sinewes waxed starke,
- And therewithall about hir breast did grow a tender barke.
- Hir haire was turned into leaves, hir armes in boughes did growe,
- Hir feete that were ere while so swift, now rooted were as slowe.
- Hir crowne became the toppe, and thus of that she earst had beene,
- Remayned nothing in the worlde, but beautie fresh and greene.
- Which when that Phoebus did beholde (affection did so move)
- The tree to which his love was turnde he coulde no lesse but love,
- And as he softly layde his hande upon the tender plant,
- Within the barke newe overgrowne he felt hir heart yet pant.
- And in his armes embracing fast hir boughes and braunches lythe,
- He proferde kisses to the tree, the tree did from him writhe.
- Well (quoth Apollo) though my Feere and spouse thou can not bee,
- Assuredly from this tyme forth yet shalt thou be my tree.
- Thou shalt adorne my golden lockes, and eke my pleasant Harpe,
- Thou shalt adorne my Quyver full of shaftes and arrowes sharpe.
- Thou shalt adorne the valiant knyghts and royall Emperours:
- When for their noble feates of armes like mightie conquerours,
- Triumphantly with stately pompe up to the Capitoll,
- They shall ascende with solemne traine that doe their deedes extoll.
- Before Augustus Pallace doore full duely shalt thou warde,
- The Oke amid the Pallace yarde aye faythfully to garde,
- And as my heade is never poulde nor never more without
- A seemely bushe of youthfull haire that spreadeth rounde about,
- Even so this honour give I thee continually to have
- Thy braunches clad from time to tyme with leaves both fresh and brave.
- Now when that Pean of this talke had fully made an ende,
- The Lawrell to his just request did seeme to condescende,
- By bowing of hir newe made boughs and tender braunches downe,
- And wagging of hir seemely toppe, as if it were hir crowne.
- There is a lande in Thessalie enclosd on every syde
- With wooddie hilles, that Timpe hight, through mid whereof doth glide
- Penaeus gushing full of froth from foote of Pindus hye,
- Which with his headlong falling downe doth cast up violently
- A mistie streame lyke flakes of smoke, besprinckling all about
- The toppes of trees on eyther side, and makes a roaring out
- That may be heard a great way off. This is the fixed seate,
- This is the house and dwelling place and chamber of the greate
- And mightie Ryver: Here he sittes in Court of Peeble stone,
- And ministers justice to the waves and to the Nymphes eche one,
- That in the Brookes and waters dwell. Now hither did resorte
- (Not knowing if they might rejoyce and unto mirth exhort
- Or comfort him) his Countrie Brookes, Sperchius well beseene
- With sedgie heade and shadie bankes of Poplars fresh and greene,
- Enipeus restlesse, swift and quicke, olde father Apidane,
- Amphrisus with his gentle streame, and Aeas clad with cane:
- With dyvers other Ryvers moe, which having runne their race,
- Into the Sea their wearie waves doe lead with restlesse pace.
- From hence the carefull Inachus absentes him selfe alone,
- Who in a corner of his cave with doolefull teares and mone,
- Augments the waters of his streame, bewayling piteously
- His daughter Io lately lost. He knewe not certainly
- And if she were alive or deade. But for he had hir sought
- And coulde not finde hir any where, assuredly he thought
- She did not live above the molde, ne drewe the vitall breath:
- Misgiving worser in his minde, if ought be worse than death.
- It fortunde on a certaine day that Jove espide this Mayde
- Come running from hir fathers streame alone: to whome he sayde:
- O Damsell worthie Jove himselfe, like one day for to make
- Some happie person whome thou list unto thy bed to take,
- I pray thee let us shroude our selves in shadowe here togither,
- Of this or that (he poynted both) it makes no matter whither,
- Untill the hotest of the day and Noone be overpast.
- And if for feare of savage beastes perchaunce thou be agast
- To wander in the Woods alone, thou shalt not neede to feare,
- A God shall bee thy guide to save thee harmelesse every where.
- And not a God of meaner sort, but even the same that hath
- The heavenly scepter in his hande, who in my dreadfull wrath,
- Do dart downe thunder wandringly: and therefore make no hast
- To runne away. She ranne apace, and had alreadie past
- The Fen of Lerna and the field of Lincey set with trees:
- When Jove intending now in vaine no lenger tyme to leese,
- Upon the Countrie all about did bring a foggie mist,
- And caught the Mayden whome poore foole he used as he list.
- Queene Juno looking downe that while upon the open field,
- When in so fayre a day such mistes and darkenesse she behelde,
- Dyd marvell much, for well she knewe those mistes ascended not
- From any Ryver, moorishe ground, or other dankishe plot.
- She lookt about hir for hir Jove as one that was acquainted
- With such escapes and with the deede had often him attainted.
- Whome when she founde not in the heaven: Onlesse I gesse amisse,
- Some wrong agaynst me (quoth she) now my husbande working is.
- And with that worde she left the Heaven, and downe to earth shee came,
- Commaunding all the mistes away. But Jove foresees the same,
- And to a Cow as white as milke his Leman he convayes.
- She was a goodly Heifer sure: and Juno did hir prayse,
- Although (God wot) she thought it not, and curiously she sought,
- Where she was bred, whose Cow she was, who had hir thither broughte
- As though she had not knowne the truth. Hir husband by and by
- (Bycause she should not search too neare) devisde a cleanly lie,
- And tolde hir that the Cow was bred even nowe out of the grounde.
- Then Juno who hir husbands shift at fingers endes had founde,
- Desirde to have the Cow of gift. What should he doe as tho?
- Great cruelnesse it were to yeelde his Lover to hir so.
- And not to give would breede mistrust. As fast as shame provoked,
- So fast agayne a tother side his Love his minde revoked.
- So much that Love was at the poynt to put all shame to flight.
- But that he feared if he should denie a gift so light
- As was a Cowe to hir that was his sister and his wyfe,
- Might make hir thinke it was no Cow, and breede perchaunce some strife.
- Now when that Juno had by gift hir husbands Leman got,
- Yet altogether out of feare and carelesse was she not.
- She had him in a jelousie and thoughtfull was she still
- For doubt he should invent some meanes to steale hir from hir: till
- To Argus, olde Aristors sonne, she put hir for to keepe.
- This Argus had an hundreth eyes: of which by turne did sleepe
- Alwayes a couple, and the rest did duely watch and warde,
- And of the charge they tooke in hande had ever good regarde,
- What way so ever Argus stood with face, with backe, or side,
- To Io warde, before his eyes did lo still abide.
- All day he let hir graze abroade, the Sunne once under ground
- He shut hir up and by the necke with wrythen Withe hir bound.
- With croppes of trees and bitter weedes now was she dayly fed,
- And in the stead of costly couch and good soft featherbed,
- She sate a nightes upon the ground, and on such ground whereas
- Was not sometime so much as grasse: and oftentymes she was
- Compeld to drinke of muddie pittes: and when she did devise
- To Argus for to lift hir handes in meeke and humble wise,
- She sawe she had no handes at all: and when she did assay
- To make complaint, she lowed out, which did hir so affray,
- That oft she started at the noyse, and would have runne away.
- Unto hir father Inachs banckes she also did resorte,
- Where many a tyme and oft before she had beene wont to sporte.
- Now when she looked in the streame, and sawe hir horned hed,
- She was agast and from hir selfe would all in hast have fled.
- The Nymphes hir sisters knewe hir not nor yet hir owne deare father,
- Yet followed she both him and them, and suffred them the rather
- To touch and stroke hir where they list, as one that preaced still
- To set hir selfe to wonder at and gaze upon their fill.
- The good old Inach puls up grasse and to hir straight it beares.
- She as she kyst and lickt his handes did shed forth dreerie teares.
- And had she had hir speach at will to utter forth hir thought,
- She would have tolde hir name and chaunce and him of helpe besought.
- But for bicause she could not speake, she printed in the sande,
- Two letters with hir foote, whereby was given to understande
- The sorrowfull chaunging of hir shape.
- Which seene straight cryed out
- Hir father Inach, Wo is me, and clasping hir about
- Hir white and seemely Heifers necke and christal hornes both twaine,
- He shrieked out full piteously: Now wo is me, again.
- Alas art thou my daughter deare, whome through the worlde I sought
- And could not finde, and now by chaunce art to my presence brought?
- My sorrow certesse lesser farre a thousande folde had beene
- If never had I seene thee more, than thus to have thee seene.
- Thou standst as dombe and to my wordes no answere can thou give,
- But from the bottom of thy heart full sorie sighes dost drive
- As tokens of thine inwarde griefe, and doolefully dost mooe
- Unto my talke, the onely thing leaft in thy powre to dooe.
- But I mistrusting nothing lesse than this so great mischaunce,
- By some great mariage earnestly did seeke thee to advaunce,
- In hope some yssue to have seene betweene my sonne and thee.
- But now thou must a husband have among the Heirds I see,
- And eke thine issue must be such as other cattels bee.
- Oh that I were a mortall wight as other creatures are,
- For then might death in length of time quite rid mee of this care,
- But now bycause I am a God, and fate doth death denie,
- There is no helpe but that my griefe must last eternallie.
- As Inach made this piteous mone quicke sighted Argus drave
- His daughter into further fieldes to which he could not have
- Accesse, and he himselfe aloof did get him to a hill,
- From whence he sitting at his ease viewd everie way at will.
- Now could no lenger Jove abide his Lover so forlorne,
- And thereupon he cald his sonne that Maia had him borne,
- Commaunding Argus should be kild. He made no long abod,
- But tyde his feathers to his feete, and tooke his charmed rod.
- (With which he bringeth things asleepe, and fetcheth soules from Hell)
- And put his Hat upon his head: and when that all was well
- He leaped from his fathers towres, and downe to earth he flue
- And there both Hat and winges also he lightly from him thrue,
- Retayning nothing but his staffe, the which he closely helde
- Betweene his elbowe and his side, and through the common fielde
- Went plodding lyke some good plaine soule that had some flocke to feede.
- And as he went he pyped still upon an Oten Reede.
- Queene Junos Heirdman farre in love with this straunge melodie
- Bespake him thus: Good fellow mine, I pray thee heartely
- Come sitte downe by me on this hill, for better feede I knowe
- Thou shalt not finde in all these fieldes, and (as the thing doth showe)
- It is a coole and shadowie plot, for sheepeheirds verie fitte.
- Downe by his elbow by and by did Atlas nephew sit.
- And for to passe the tyme withall for seeming overlong,
- He helde him talke of this and that, and now and than among
- He playd upon his merrie Pipe to cause his watching eyes
- To fall asleepe. Poore Argus did the best he could devise
- To overcome the pleasant nappes: and though that some did sleepe,
- Yet of his eyes the greater part he made their watch to keepe.
- And after other talke he askt (for lately was it founde)
- Who was the founder of that Pype that did so sweetely sounde.
- Then sayde the God: There dwelt sometime a Nymph of noble fame
- Among the hilles of Arcadie, that Syrinx had to name.
- Of all the Nymphes of Nonacris and Fairie farre and neere,
- In beautie and in personage thys Ladie had no peere.
- Full often had she given the slippe both to the Satyrs quicke
- And other Gods that dwell in Woods, and in the Forrests thicke,
- Or in the fruitfull fieldes abrode: It was hir whole desire
- To follow chaste Dianas guise in Maydenhead and attire,
- Whome she did counterfaite so nighe, that such as did hir see
- Might at a blush have taken hir Diana for to bee,
- But that the Nymph did in hir hande a bowe of Cornell holde,
- Whereas Diana evermore did beare a bowe of golde.
- And yet she did deceyve folke so. Upon a certaine day
- God Pan with garland on his heade of Pinetree, sawe hir stray
- From Mount Lyceus all alone, and thus to hir did say:
- Unto a Gods request, O Nymph, voucesafe thou to agree
- That doth desire thy wedded spouse and husband for to bee.
- There was yet more behinde to tell: as how that Syrinx fled,
- Through waylesse woods and gave no eare to that that Pan had sed,
- Untill she to the gentle streame of sandie Ladon came,
- Where, for bicause it was so deepe, she could not passe the same,
- She piteously to chaunge hir shape the water Nymphes besought:
- And how when Pan betweene his armes, to catch the Nymph had thought,
- In steade of hir he caught the Reedes newe growne upon the brooke,
- And as he sighed, with his breath the Reedes he softly shooke
- Which made a still and mourning noyse, with straungnesse of the which
- And sweetenesse of the feeble sounde the God delighted mich,
- Saide: Certesse, Syrinx, for thy sake it is my full intent,
- To make my comfort of these Reedes wherein thou doest lament:
- And how that there of sundrie Reedes with wax together knit,
- He made the Pipe which of hir name the Greekes call Syrinx yet.
- But as Cyllenius would have tolde this tale, he cast his sight
- On Argus, and beholde his eyes had bid him all good night.
- There was not one that did not sleepe, and fast he gan to nodde,
- Immediately he ceast his talke, and with his charmed rodde,
- So stroked all his heavie eyes that earnestly they slept.
- Then with his Woodknife by and by he lightly to him stept,
- And lent him such a perlous blowe, where as the shoulders grue
- Unto the necke, that straight his heade quite from the bodie flue.
- Then tombling downe the headlong hill his bloudie coarse he sent,
- That all the way by which he rolde was stayned and besprent.
- There lyest thou Argus under foote, with all thy hundreth lights,
- And all the light is cleane extinct that was within those sights.
- One endelesse night thy hundred eyes hath nowe bereft for aye,
- Yet would not Juno suffer so hir Heirdmans eyes decay:
- But in hir painted Peacocks tayle and feathers did them set,
- Where they remayne lyke precious stones and glaring eyes as yet.
- She tooke his death in great dispight and as hir rage did move,
- Determinde for to wreeke hir wrath upon hir husbandes Love.
- Forthwith she cast before hir eyes right straunge and ugly sightes,
- Compelling hir to thinke she sawe some Fiendes or wicked sprightes.
- And in hir heart such secret prickes and piercing stings she gave hir,
- As through the worlde from place to place with restlesse sorrow drave hir.
- Thou Nylus wert assignd to stay hir paynes and travails past,
- To which as soone as Io came with much adoe at last,
- With wearie knockles on thy brim she kneeled sadly downe,
- And stretching foorth hir faire long necke and christall horned crowne,
- Such kinde of countnaunce as she had she lifted to the skie,
- And there with sighing sobbes and teares and lowing doolefully
- Did seeme to make hir mone to Jove, desiring him to make
- Some ende of those hir troublous stormes endured for his sake.
- He tooke his wife about the necke, and sweetely kissing prayde,
- That Ios penance yet at length might by hir graunt be stayde.
- Thou shalt not neede to feare (quoth he) that ever she shall grieve thee
- From this day forth. And in this case the better to beleve mee,
- The Stygian waters of my wordes unparciall witnesse beene.
- As soone as Juno was appeasde, immediately was seene
- That Io tooke hir native shape in which she first was borne,
- And eke became the selfesame thing the which she was beforne.
- For by and by she cast away hir rough and hairie hyde,
- Insteede whereof a soft smouth skinne with tender fleshe did byde.
- Hir hornes sank down, hir eies and mouth were brought in lesser roome,
- Hir handes, hir shoulders, and hir armes in place againe did come.
- Hir cloven Clees to fingers five againe reduced were,
- On which the nayles lyke pollisht Gemmes did shine full bright and clere.
- In fine, no likenesse of a Cow save whitenesse did remaine
- So pure and perfect as no snow was able it to staine.
- She vaunst hir selfe upon hir feete which then was brought to two.
- And though she gladly would have spoke: yet durst she not so do,
- Without good heede, for feare she should have lowed like a Cow.
- And therefore softly with hir selfe she gan to practise how
- Distinctly to pronounce hir wordes that intermitted were.
- Now, as a Goddesse, is she had in honour everie where
- Among the folke that dwell by Nyle yclad in linnen weede.
- Of her in tyme came Epaphus begotten of the seede
- Of myghtie Jove. This noble ympe nowe joyntly with his mother,
- Through all the Cities of that lande have temples t'one with toother.
- There was his match in heart and yeares, the lustie Phaeton,
- A stalworth stripling strong and stout, the golden Phoebus sonne.
- Whome making proude and stately vauntes of his so noble race,
- And unto him in that respect in nothing giving place,
- The sonne of Io coulde not beare: but sayde unto him thus:
- No marvell though thou be so proude and full of wordes ywus.
- For everie fonde and trifling tale the which thy mother makes,
- Thy gyddie wit and hairebrainde heade forthwith for gospell takes.
- Well, vaunt thy selfe of Phoebus still, for when the truth is seene,
- Thou shalt perceyve that fathers name a forged thing to beene.
- At this reproch did Phaeton wax as red as any fire:
- Howbeit for the present tyme did shame represse his ire.
- Unto his mother Clymen straight he goeth to detect
- The spitefull wordes that Epaphus against him did object.
- Yes mother (quoth he) and which ought your greater griefe to bee,
- I who at other tymes of talke was wont to be so free
- And stoute, had neere a worde to say, I was ashamde to take
- So fowle a foyle: the more because I could none answere make.
- But if I be of heavenly race exacted as ye say,
- Then shewe some token of that highe and noble byrth I pray.
- And vouche me for to be of heaven. With that he gently cast
- His armes about his mothers necke, and clasping hir full fast,
- Besought hir as she lovde his life, and as she lovde the lyfe
- Of Merops, and had kept hir selfe as undefiled wyfe,
- And as she wished welthily his sisters to bestowe,
- She would some token give whereby his rightfull Sire to knowe.
- It is a doubtful matter whither Clymen moved more
- With this hir Phaëtons earnest sute, exacting it so sore,
- Or with the slaunder of the bruit layde to hir charge before,
- Did holde up both hir handes to heaven, and looking on the Sunne,
- My right deare childe I safely sweare (quoth she to Phaëton)
- That of this starre the which so bright doth glister in thine eye:
- Of this same Sunne that cheares the world with light indifferently
- Wert thou begot: and if I fayne, then with my heart I pray,
- That never may I see him more unto my dying day.
- But if thou have so great desire thy father for to knowe,
- Thou shalt not neede in that behalfe much labour to bestowe.
- The place from whence he doth arise adjoyneth to our lande.
- And if thou thinke thy heart will serve, then go and understande
- The truth of him. When Phaëton heard his mother saying so,
- He gan to leape and skip for joye. He fed his fansie tho,
- Upon the Heaven and heavenly things: and so with willing minde,
- From Aethiop first his native home, and afterwarde through Inde
- Set underneath the morning starre he went so long, till as
- He founde me where his fathers house and dayly rising was.
- Finis primi Libri.
- of Ouids Metamorphosis
- He Princely Pallace of the Sunne stood gorgeous to beholde
- On stately Pillars builded high of yellow burnisht golde,
- Beset with sparckling Carbuncles that like to fire did shine.
- The roofe was framed curiously of Yvorie pure and fine.
- The two doore leaves of silver cleare a radiant light did cast:
- But yet the cunning workemanship of things therein farre past
- The stuffe wherof the doores were made. For there a perfect plat
- Had Vulcane drawne of all the worlde: Both of the sourges that
- Embrace the earth with winding waves, and of the stedfast ground,
- And of the heaven it selfe also that both encloseth round.
- And first and formest in the Sea the Gods thereof did stande:
- Loude sounding Tryton with his shirle and writhen Trumpe in hande:
- Unstable Protew chaunging aye his figure and his hue,
- From shape to shape a thousande sithes as list him to renue:
- Aëgeon leaning boystrously on backes of mightie Whales
- And Doris with hir daughters all: of which some cut the wales
- With splaied armes, some sate on rockes and dride their goodly haire,
- And some did ryde uppon the backes of fishes here and theare.
- Not one in all poyntes fully lyke an other coulde ye see,
- Nor verie farre unlike, but such as sisters ought to bee.
- The Earth had townes, men, beasts & Woods with sundrie trees and rods,
- And running Ryvers with their Nymphes and other countrie Gods.
- Directly over all these same the plat of heaven was pight,
- Upon the two doore leaves, the signes of all the Zodiak bright,
- Indifferently six on the left and six upon the right.
- When Clymens sonne had climbed up at length with weerie pace,
- And set his foote within his doubted fathers dwelling place,
- Immediately he preaced forth to put him selfe in sight,
- And stoode aloofe. For neere at hande he could not bide the light.
- In purple Robe and royall Throne of Emeraudes freshe and greene
- Did Phœbus sitte, and on eche hande stoode wayting well beseene,
- Dayes, Monthes, yeares, ages, seasons, times, & eke the equall houres.
- There stoode the springtime with a crowne of fresh and fragrant floures.
- There wayted Sommer naked starke all save a wheaten Hat:
- And Autumne smerde with treading grapes late at the pressing Vat.
- And lastly quaking for the colde, stood Winter all forlorne,
- With rugged heade as white as Dove, and garments all to torne,
- Forladen with the Isycles that dangled up and downe
- Uppon his gray and hoarie bearde and snowie frozen crowne.
- The Sunne thus sitting in the middes did cast his piercing eye,
- (With which full lightly when he list he all thinges doth espye)
- Upon his childe that stood aloofe, agast and trembling sore
- At sight of such unwonted things, and thus bespake him thore:
- O noble ympe, O Phaëton which art not such (I see)
- Of whome thy father should have cause ashamed for to bee:
- Why hast thou traveld to my court? what is thy will with mee?
- Then answerde he: Of all the worlde O onely perfect light,
- O Father Phœbus, (if I may usurpe that name of right,
- And that my mother for to save hir selfe from worldely shame,
- Hyde not hir fault with false pretence and colour of thy name)
- Some signe apparant graunt whereby I may be knowne thy Sonne,
- And let mee hang no more in doubt. He had no sooner donne,
- But that his father putting off the bright and fierie beames
- That glistred rounde about his heade like cleare and golden streames,
- Commaunded him to draw him neere, and him embracing sayde:
- To take mee for thy rightfull Sire thou neede not be afrayde.
- Thy mother Clymen of a truth from falshood standeth free.
- And for to put thee out of doubt aske what thou wilt of mee,
- And I will give thee thy desire, the Lake whereby of olde
- We Gods do sweare (the which mine eyes did never yet beeholde)
- Beare witnesse with thee of my graunt. He scarce this tale had tolde,
- But that the foolish Phaëton straight for a day did crave
- The guyding of his winged Steedes, and Chariot for to have.
- Then did his Father by and by forethinke him of his oth.
- And shaking twentie tymes his heade, as one that was full wroth,
- Bespake him thus: Thy wordes have made me rashly to consent
- To that which shortly both of us (I feare mee) shall repent.
- Oh that I might retract my graunt, my sonne I doe protest
- I would denie thee nothing else save this thy fond request.
- I may disswade, there lyes herein more perill than thou weene:
- The things the which thou doest desire of great importance beene:
- More than thy weakenesse well can wielde, a charge (as well appeares)
- Of greater weight, than may agree with these thy tender yeares.
- Thy state is mortall, weake and frayle, the thing thou doest desire
- Is such, whereto no mortall man is able to aspire.
- Yea, foolish boy, thou doest desire (and all for want of wit)
- A greater charge than any God coulde ever have as yet.
- For were there any of them all so overseene and blinde,
- To take upon him this my charge, full quickly should he finde
- That none but I could sit upon the fierie Axeltree.
- No not even he that rules this wast and endlesse space we see,
- Not he that darts with dreadfull hande the thunder from the Skie,
- Shall drive this chare. And yet what thing in all the world perdie
- Is able to compare with Jove? Now first the morning way
- Lyes steepe upright, so that the steedes in coolest of the day
- And beeing fresh have much adoe to climbe against the Hyll.
- Amiddes the heaven the gastly heigth augmenteth terror still.
- My heart doth waxe as colde as yse full many a tyme and oft
- For feare to see the Sea and land from that same place aloft.
- The Evening way doth fall plump downe requiring strength to guide,
- That Tethis who doth harbrowgh mee within hir sourges wide
- Doth stand in feare lest from the heaven I headlong down should slide.
- Besides all this the Heaven aye swimmes and wheeles about full swift
- And with his rolling dryves the starres their proper course to shift.
- Yet doe I keepe my native course against this brunt so stout,
- Not giving place as others doe: but boldely bearing out
- The force and swiftnesse of that heaven that whyrleth so about.
- Admit thou had my winged Steedes and Chariot in thine hande:
- What couldste thou doe? dost thinke thy selfe well able to withstande
- The swiftnesse of the whyrled Poles, but that their brunt and sway
- (Yea doe the best and worst thou can) shall beare thee quite away?
- Perchaunce thou dost imagine there some townes of Gods to finde,
- With groves and Temples richt with giftes as is among mankinde.
- Thou art deceyved utterly: thou shalt not finde it so.
- By blinde bywayes and ugly shapes of monsters must thou go.
- And though thou knewe the way so well as that thou could not stray,
- Betweene the dreadful bulles sharp hornes yet must thou make thy way.
- Agaynst the cruell Bowe the which the Aemonian archer drawes:
- Against the ramping Lyon armde with greedie teeth and pawes:
- Against the Scorpion stretching farre his fell and venymd clawes:
- And eke the Crab that casteth forth his crooked clees awrie
- Not in such sort as th'other doth, and yet as dreadfully.
- Againe thou neyther hast the powre nor yet the skill I knowe
- My lustie coursers for to guide that from their nostrilles throwe
- And from their mouthes the fierie breath that breedeth in their brest.
- For scarcely will they suffer mee who knowes their nature best
- When that their cruell courages begin to catch a heate,
- That hardely should I deale with them, but that I know the feate.
- But lest my gift should to thy griefe and utter perill tend
- My Sonne beware and (whyle thou mayst) thy fonde request amend.
- Bycause thou woulde be knowne to bee my childe thou seemst to crave
- A certaine signe: what surer signe I pray thee canst thou have
- Than this my feare so fatherly the which I have of thee
- Which proveth me most certainly thy father for to bee?
- Beholde and marke my countenaunce. would to God thy sight
- Could pierce within my wofull brest, to see the heavie plight,
- And heapes of cares within my heart. Looke through the worlde so round
- Of all the wealth and goodes therein: if ought there may be found
- In Heaven or Earth or in the Sea, aske what thou lykest best,
- And sure it shall not be denide. This onely one request
- That thou hast made I heartely beseech thee to relent,
- Which for to tearme the thing aright is even a punishment,
- And not an honour as thou thinkest: my Phaeton thou dost crave
- In stead of honour even a scourge and punishment for to have.
- Thou fondling thou, what dost thou meane with fawning armes about
- My necke thus flattringly to hang? Thou needest not to dout.
- I have alreadie sworne by Styx, aske what thou wilt of mee
- And thou shalt have. Yet let thy next wish somewhat wiser bee
- Thus ended his advertisment: and yet the wilfull Lad
- Withstood his counsell urging still the promisse that he had,
- Desiring for to have the chare as if he had been mad.
- His father having made delay as long as he could shift,
- Did lead him where his Chariot stood, which was of Vulcans gift.
- The Axeltree was massie golde, the Bucke was massie golde,
- The utmost fellies of the wheeles, and where the tree was rolde.
- The spokes were all of sylver bright, the Chrysolites and Gemmes
- That stood uppon the Collars, Trace, and hounces in their hemmes
- Did cast a sheere and glimmering light, as Phoebus shone thereon.
- Now while the lustie Phaeton stood gazing here upon,
- And wondered at the workemanship of everie thing: beeholde
- The earely morning in the East beegan mee to unfolde
- Hir purple Gates, and shewde hir house bedeckt with Roses red.
- The twinckling starres withdrew which by the morning star are led:
- Who as the Captaine of that Host that hath no peere nor match,
- Dooth leave his standing last of all within that heavenly watch.
- Now when his Father sawe the worlde thus glister red and trim,
- And that his waning sisters hornes began to waxen dim,
- He had the fetherfooted howres go harnesse in his horse.
- The Goddesses with might and mayne themselves thereto enforce.
- His fierifoming Steedes full fed with juice of Ambrosie
- They take from Maunger trimly dight: and to their heades doe tie
- Strong reyned bits: and to the Charyot doe them well appoint.
- Then Phoebus did with heavenly salve his Phaetons heade annoint,
- That scorching fire coulde nothing hurt: which done, upon his haire
- He put the fresh and golden rayes himselfe was wont to weare.
- And then as one whose heart misgave the sorrowes drawing fast,
- With sorie sighes he thus bespake his retchlesse sonne at last:
- (And if thou canst) at least yet this thy fathers lore obay:
- Sonne, spare the whip, and reyne them hard, they run so swift away
- As that thou shalt have much adoe their fleeing course to stay.
- Directly through the Zones all five beware thou doe not ride,
- A brode byway cut out askew that bendeth on the side
- Contaynde within the bondes of three the midmost Zones doth lie:
- Which from the grisely Northren beare, and Southren Pole doth flie.
- Keepe on this way: my Charyot rakes thou plainely shalt espie
- And to th'intent that heaven and earth may well the heate endure,
- Drive neyther over high nor yet too lowe. For be thou sure,
- And if thou mount above thy boundes, the starres thou burnest cleane.
- Againe beneath thou burnst the Earth: most safetie is the meane.
- And least perchaunce thou overmuch the right hand way should take,
- And so misfortune should thee drive upon the writhen Snake,
- Or else by taking overmuche upon the lefter hand
- Unto the Aultar thou be driven that doth against it stand:
- Indifferently betweene them both I wish thee for to ride.
- The rest I put to fortunes will, who be thy friendly guide,
- And better for thee than thy selfe as in this case provide.
- Whiles that I prattle here with thee, behold the dankish night
- Beyond all Spaine hir utmost bound is passed out of sight.
- We may no lenger tariance make: my wonted light is cald,
- The Morning with hir countnance cleare the darknesse hath appald.
- Take raine in hand, or if thy minde by counsell altred bee,
- Refuse to meddle with my Wayne: and while thou yet art free,
- And doste at ease within my house in safegarde well remaine,
- Of this thine unadvised wish not feeling yet the paine,
- Let me alone with giving still the world his wonted light,
- And thou thereof as heretofore enjoy the harmelesse sight.
- Thus much in vaine: for Phaeton both yong in yeares and wit,
- Into the Chariot lightly lept, and vauncing him in it
- Was not a little proud that he the brydle gotten had.
- He thankt his father whom it grievde to see his childe so mad.
- While Phebus and his rechelesse sonne were entertalking this,
- Aeous, Aethon, Phlegon, and the firie Pyrois,
- The restlesse horses of the Sunne, began to ney so hie
- Wyth flaming breath, that all the heaven might heare them perfectly.
- And with their hoves they mainly beate upon the lattisde grate.
- The which when Tethis (knowing nought of this hir cousins fate)
- Had put aside, and given the steedes the free and open scope
- Of all the compasse of the Skie within the heavenly Cope:
- They girded forth, and cutting through the Cloudes that let their race,
- With splayed wings they overflew the Easterne winde apace.
- The burthen was so lyght as that the Genets felt it not.
- The wonted weight was from the Waine, the which they well did wot.
- For like as ships amids the Seas that scant of ballace have,
- Doe reele and totter with the wynde, and yeeld to every wave:
- Even so the Waine for want of weight it erst was wont to beare,
- Did hoyse aloft and scayle and reele, as though it empty were.
- Which when the Cartware did perceyve, they left the beaten way
- And taking bridle in the teeth began to run astray.
- The rider was so sore agast, he knew no use of Rayne,
- Nor yet his way: and though he had, yet had it ben in vayne,
- Because he wanted powre to rule the horses and the Wayne.
- Then first did sweat cold Charles his Wain through force of Phebus rayes
- And in the Sea forbidden him, to dive in vaine assayes.
- The Serpent at the frozen Pole both colde and slow by kinde,
- Through heat waxt wroth, and stird about a cooler place to finde.
- And thou Bootes though thou be but slow of footemanship,
- Yet wert thou faine (as Fame reports) about thy Waine to skip.
- Now when unhappy Phaeton from top of all the Skie
- Behelde the Earth that underneath a great way off did lie,
- He waxed pale for sodaine feare, his joynts and sinewes quooke,
- The greatnesse of the glistring light his eyesight from him tooke.
- Now wisht he that he never had his fathers horses see:
- It yrkt him that he thus had sought to learne his piedegre.
- It grievde him that he had prevailde in gaining his request.
- To have bene counted Merops sonne he thought it now the best.
- Thus thinking was he headlong driven, as when a ship is borne
- By blustring windes, hir saileclothes rent, hir sterne in pieces torne,
- And tacling brust, the which the Pilote trusting all to prayre
- Abandons wholy to the Sea and fortune of the ayre.
- What should he doe? much of the heaven he passed had behinde
- And more he saw before: both whiche he measurde in his minde,
- Eft looking forward to the West which to approch as then
- Might not betide, and to the East eft looking backe agen.
- He wist not what was best to doe, his wittes were ravisht so.
- For neither could he hold the Reynes, nor yet durst let them go.
- And of his horses names was none that he remembred tho.
- Straunge uncoth Monsters did he see dispersed here and there
- And dreadfull shapes of ugly beasts that in the Welkin were.
- There is a certaine place in which the hidious Scorpion throwes
- His armes in compasse far abrode, much like a couple of bowes,
- With writhen tayle and clasping cles, whose poyson limmes doe stretch
- On every side, that of two signes they full the roume doe retch,
- Whome when the Lad beheld all moyst with blacke and lothly swet,
- With sharpe and nedlepointed sting as though he seemde to thret,
- He was so sore astraught for feare, he let the bridels slacke,
- Which when the horses felt lie lose upon their sweating backe,
- At rovers straight throughout the Ayre by wayes unknowne they ran
- Whereas they never came before since that the worlde began.
- For looke what way their lawlesse rage by chaunce and fortune drue
- Without controlment or restraint that way they freely flue
- Among the starres that fixed are within the firmament
- They snatcht the Chariot here and there. One while they coursing went
- Upon the top of all the skie: anon againe full round
- They troll me downe to lower wayes and nearer to the ground,
- So that the Moone was in a Maze to see hir brothers Waine
- Run under hirs: the singed cloudes began to smoke amaine.
- Eche ground the higher that it was and nearer to the Skie
- The sooner was it set on fire, and made therewith so drie
- That every where it gan to chinke. The Medes and Pastures greene
- Did seare away: and with the leaves, the trees were burned cleene.
- The parched corne did yeelde wherewith to worke his owne decaie.
- Tushe, these are trifles. Mightie townes did perish that same daie.
- Whose countries with their folke were burnt: and forests ful of wood
- Were turnde to ashes with the rocks and mountains where they stood.
- Then Athe, Cilician, Taure and Tmole and Oeta flamed hie,
- And Ide erst full of flowing springs was then made utter drie.
- The learned virgins daily haunt, the sacred Helicon,
- And Thracian Hemus (not as yet surnamde Oeagrion,)
- Did smoke both twaine: and Aetna hote of nature aye before,
- Encreast by force of Phebus flame now raged ten times more.
- The forkt Parnasus, Eryx, Cynth, and Othrys then did swelt
- And all the snow of Rhodope did at that present melt.
- The like outrage Mount Dindymus, and Mime and Micale felt.
- Cytheron borne to sacred use with Osse, and Pindus hie
- And Olymp greater than them both did burne excessively.
- The passing colde that Scithie had defended not the same
- But that the barren Caucasus was partner of this flame.
- And so were eke the Airie Alpes and Appennyne beside,
- For all the Cloudes continually their snowie tops doe hide.
- Then wheresoever Phaeton did chaunce to cast his vew,
- The world was all on flaming fire. The breath the which he drew,
- Came smoking from his scalding mouth as from a seething pot.
- His Chariot also under him began to waxe red hot.
- He could no lenger dure the sparkes and cinder flyeng out,
- Againe the culme and smouldring smoke did wrap him round about,
- The pitchie darkenesse of the which so wholy had him hent
- As that he wist not where he was nor yet which way he went.
- The winged horses forcibly did draw him where they wolde.
- The Aethiopians at that time (as men for truth upholde)
- (The bloud by force of that same heate drawne to the outer part
- And there adust from that time forth) became so blacke and swart.
- The moysture was so dried up in Lybie land that time
- That altogither drie and scorcht continueth yet that Clyme.
- The Nymphes with haire about their eares bewayld their springs and lakes.
- Beotia for hir Dyrces losse great lamentation makes.
- For Amimone Argos wept, and Corinth for the spring
- Pyrene, at whose sacred streame the Muses usde to sing.
- The Rivers further from the place were not in better case,
- For Tanais in his deepest streame did boyle and steme apace,
- Old Penew and Caycus of the countrie Teuthranie,
- And swift Ismenos in their bankes by like misfortune frie.
- Then burnde the Psophian Erymanth: and (which should burne ageine)
- The Trojan Xanthus and Lycormas with his yellow veine,
- Meander playing in his bankes aye winding to and fro,
- Migdonian Melas with his waves as blacke as any slo.
- Eurotas running by the foote of Tenare boyled tho.
- Then sod Euphrates cutting through the middes of Babilon.
- Then sod Orontes, and the Scithian swift Thermodoon.
- Then Ganges, Colchian Phasis, and the noble Istre
- Alpheus and Sperchius bankes with flaming fire did glistre.
- The golde that Tagus streame did beare did in the chanell melt.
- Amid Cayster of this fire the raging heat was felt
- Among the quieres of singing Swannes that with their pleasant lay
- Along the bankes of Lidian brakes from place to place did stray.
- And Nyle for feare did run away into the furthest Clyme
- Of all the world, and hid his heade, which to this present tyme
- Is yet unfound: his mouthes all seven cleane voyde of water beene,
- Like seven great valleys where (save dust) could nothing else be seene.
- By like misfortune Thrace.
- The Westerne Rivers Rhine and Rhone and Po were in like case:
- And Tyber unto whome the Goddes a faithfull promise gave
- Of all the world the Monarchie and soveraigne state to have.
- The ground did cranie everie where and light did pierce to hell
- And made afraide the King and Queene that in that Realme doe dwell.
- The Sea did shrinke and where as waves did late before remaine,
- Became a Champion field of dust and even a sandy plaine.
- The hilles erst hid farre under waves like Ilelandes did appeare
- So that the scattred Cyclades for the time augmented were.
- The fishes drew them to the deepes: the Dolphines durst not play
- Above the water as before, the Seales and Porkpis lay
- With bellies upward on the waves starke dead: and fame doth go
- That Nereus with his wife and daughters all were faine as tho
- To dive within the scalding waves. Thrise Neptune did advaunce
- His armes above the scalding Sea with sturdy countenaunce:
- And thrise for hotenesse of the Ayre, was faine himselfe to hide.
- But yet the Earth the Nurce of things enclosde on every side
- (Betweene the waters of the Sea and Springs that now had hidden
- Themselves within their Mothers wombe) for all the paine abidden,
- Up to the necke put forth hir head and casting up hir hand,
- Betweene hir forehead and the sunne as panting she did stand
- With dreadfull quaking, all that was she fearfully did shake,
- And shrinking somewhat lower downe with sacred voyce thus spake:
- O king of Gods and if this be thy will and my desart,
- Why doste thou stay with deadly dint thy thunder downe to dart?
- And if that needes I perish must through force of firie flame,
- Let thy celestiall fire O God I pray thee doe the same.
- A comfort shall it be to have thee Author of my death.
- I scarce have powre to speak these words (the smoke had stopt hir breath).
- Behold my singed haire: behold my dim and bleared eye,
- See how about my scorched face the scalding embers flie.
- Is this the guerdon wherewithall ye quite my fruitfulnesse?
- Is this the honor that ye gave me for my plenteousnesse
- And dutie done with true intent? for suffring of the plough
- To draw deepe woundes upon my backe and rakes to rend me through?
- For that I over all the yeare continually am wrought?
- For giving foder to the beasts and cattell all for nought?
- For yeelding corne and other foode wherewith to keepe mankinde?
- And that to honor you withall sweete frankinsence I finde?
- But put the case that my desert destruction duely crave,
- What hath thy brother? what the Seas deserved for to have?
- Why doe the Seas, his lotted part, thus ebbe and fall so low,
- Withdrawing from thy Skie to which it ought most neare to grow?
- But if thou neyther doste regarde thy brother, neyther mee,
- At least have mercy on thy heaven, looke round about and see
- How both the Poles begin to smoke which if the fire appall
- To utter ruine (be thou sure) thy pallace needes must fall.
- Behold how Atlas ginnes to faint. His shoulders though full strong,
- Unneth are able to uphold the sparkling Extree long.
- If Sea and Land doe go to wrecke, and heaven it selfe doe burne
- To olde confused Chaos then of force we must returne.
- Put to thy helping hand therfore to save the little left
- If ought remaine before that all be quite and cleane bereft.
- When ended was this piteous plaint, the Earth did hold hir peace.
- She could no lenger dure the heate but was compelde to cease.
- Into hir bosome by and by she shrunke hir cinged heade
- More nearer to the Stygian caves, and ghostes of persones deade.
- The Sire of Heaven protesting all the Gods and him also
- That lent the Chariot to his child, that all of force must go
- To havocke if he helped not, went to the highest part
- And top of all the Heaven from whence his custome was to dart
- His thunder and his lightning downe. But neyther did remaine
- A Cloude wherewith to shade the Earth, nor yet a showre of raine.
- Then with a dreadfull thunderclap up to his eare he bent
- His fist, and at the Wagoner a flash of lightning sent,
- Which strake his bodie from the life and threw it over wheele
- And so with fire he quenched fire. The Steedes did also reele
- Upon their knees, and starting up sprang violently, one here,
- And there another, that they brast in pieces all their gere.
- They threw the Collars from their neckes, and breaking quite asunder
- The Trace and Harnesse flang away: here lay the bridles: yonder
- The Extree plucked from the Naves: and in another place
- The shevered spokes of broken wheeles: and so at every pace
- The pieces of the Chariot torne lay strowed here and there.
- But Phaeton (fire yet blasing stil among his yellow haire)
- Shot headlong downe, and glid along the Region of the Ayre
- Like to a starre in Winter nights (the wether cleare and fayre)
- Which though it doe not fall in deede, yet falleth to our sight,
- Whome almost in another world and from his countrie quite
- The River Padus did receyve, and quencht his burning head.
- The water Nymphes of Italie did take his carkasse dead
- And buried it yet smoking still, with Joves threeforked flame,
- And wrate this Epitaph in the stone that lay upon the same:
- Here lies the lusty Phaeton which tooke in hand to guide
- His fathers Chariot, from the which although he chaunst to slide:
- Yet that he gave a proud attempt it cannot be denide.
- Wyth ruthfull cheere and heavie heart his father made great mone
- And would not shew himselfe abrode, but mournd at home alone.
- And if it be to be beleved, as bruited is by fame
- A day did passe without the Sunne. The brightnesse of the flame
- Gave light: and so unto some kinde of use that mischiefe came.
- But Clymen having spoke, as much as mothers usually
- Are wonted in such wretched case, discomfortablely,
- And halfe beside hir selfe for wo, with torne and scratched brest,
- Sercht through the universall world, from East to furthest West,
- First seeking for hir sonnes dead coarse, and after for his bones.
- She found them by a forren streame, entumbled under stones.
- There fell she groveling on his grave, and reading there his name,
- Shed teares thereon, and layd hir breast all bare upon the same.
- The daughters also of the Sunne no lesse than did their mother,
- Bewaild in vaine with flouds of teares, the fortune of their brother:
- And beating piteously their breasts, incessantly did call
- The buried Phaeton day and night, who heard them not at all,
- About whose tumbe they prostrate lay. Foure times the Moone had filde
- The Circle of hir joyned hornes, and yet the sisters hilde
- Their custome of lamenting still: (for now continuall use
- Had made it custome.) Of the which the eldest, Phaetuse,
- About to kneele upon the ground, complaynde hir feete were nom.
- To whome as fayre Lampetie was rising for to com,
- Hir feete were held with sodaine rootes. The third about to teare
- Hir ruffled lockes, filde both hir handes with leaves in steade of heare.
- One wept to see hir legges made wood: another did repine
- To see hir armes become long boughes. And shortly to define,
- While thus they wondred at themselves, a tender barke began
- To grow about their thighes and loynes, which shortly overran
- Their bellies, brestes, and shoulders eke, and hands successively,
- That nothing (save their mouthes) remainde, aye calling piteously
- Upon the wofull mothers helpe. What could the mother doe
- But runne now here now there, as force of nature drue hir to
- And deale hir kisses while she might? She was not so content:
- But tare their tender braunches downe: and from the slivers went
- Red drops of bloud as from a wound. The daughter that was rent
- Cride: Spare us mother spare I pray, for in the shape of tree
- The bodies and the flesh of us your daughters wounded bee.
- And now farewell. That word once said, the barke grew over all.
- Now from these trees flow gummy teares that Amber men doe call,
- Which hardened with the heate of sunne as from the boughs they fal
- The trickling River doth receyve, and sendes as things of price
- To decke the daintie Dames of Rome and make them fine and nice.
- Now present at this monstruous hap was Cygnus, Stenels son,
- Who being by the mothers side akinne to Phaeton
- Was in condicion more akinne. He leaving up his charge
- (For in the land of Ligurie his Kingdome stretched large)
- Went mourning all along the bankes and pleasant streame of Po
- Among the trees encreased by the sisters late ago.
- Annon his voyce became more small and shrill than for a man.
- Gray fethers muffled in his face: his necke in length began
- Far from his shoulders for to stretche: and furthermore there goes
- A fine red string acrosse the joyntes in knitting of his toes:
- With fethers closed are his sides: and on his mouth there grew
- A brode blunt byll: and finally was Cygnus made a new
- And uncoth fowle that hight a Swan, who neither to the winde,
- The Ayre, nor Jove betakes himselfe, as one that bare in minde
- The wrongfull fire sent late against his cousin Phaeton.
- In Lakes and Rivers is his joy: the fire he aye doth shon,
- And chooseth him the contrary continually to won.
- Forlorne and altogether voyde of that same bodie shene
- Was Phaetons father in that while which erst had in him bene,
- Like as he looketh in Th'eclypse. He hates the yrkesome light,
- He hates him selfe, he hates the day, and settes his whole delight
- In making sorrow for his sonne, and in his griefe doth storme -
- And chaufe denying to the worlde his dutie to performe.
- My lot (quoth he) hath had inough of this unquiet state
- From first beginning of the worlde. It yrkes me (though too late)
- Of restlesse toyles and thankelesse paines. Let who so will for me
- Go drive the Chariot in the which the light should caried be.
- If none dare take the charge in hand, and all the Gods persist
- As insufficient, he himselfe go drive it if he list,
- That at the least by venturing our bridles for to guide
- His lightning making childlesse Sires he once may lay aside.
- By that time that he hath assayde the unappalled force
- That doth remaine and rest within my firiefooted horse,
- I trow he shall by tried proufe be able for to tell
- How that he did not merit death that could not rule them well.
- The Goddes stoode all about the Sunne thus storming in his rage
- Beseching him in humble wise his sorrow to asswage.
- And that he would not on the world continuall darkenesse bring,
- Jove eke excusde him of the fire the which he chaunst to sling,
- And with entreatance mingled threates as did become a King.
- Then Phebus gathered up his steedes that yet for feare did run
- Like flaighted fiendes, and in his moode without respect begun
- To beate his whipstocke on their pates and lash them on the sides.
- It was no neede to bid him chaufe; for ever as he rides
- He still upbraides them with his sonne, and layes them on the hides.
- And Jove almighty went about the walles of heaven to trie
- If ought were perisht with the fire, which when he did espie
- Continuing in their former state, all strong and safe and sound,
- He went to vew the workes of men, and things upon the ground.
- Yet for his land of Arcadie he tooke most care and charge.
- The Springs and streames that durst not run he set againe at large.
- He clad the earth with grasse, the trees with leaves both fresh and greene
- Commaunding woods to spring againe that erst had burned bene.
- Now as he often went and came it was his chaunce to light
- Upon a Nymph of Nonacris whose forme and beautie bright
- Did set his heart on flaming fire. She used not to spinne
- Nor yet to curle hir frisled haire with bodkin or with pinne.
- A garment with a buckled belt fast girded did she weare
- And in a white and slender Call slight trussed was hir heare.
- Sometimes a dart sometime a bow she used for to beare.
- She was a knight of Phebes troope. There came not at the mount
- Of Menalus of whome Diana made so great account.
- But favor never lasteth long. The Sunne had gone that day
- A good way past the poynt of Noone: when werie of hir way
- She drue to shadowe in a wood that never had bene cut.
- Here off hir shoulder by and by hir quiver did she put,
- And hung hir bow unbent aside, and coucht hir on the ground,
- Hir quiver underneth hir head. Whom when that Jove had found
- Alone and wearie: Sure (he said) my wife shall never know
- Of this escape, and if she do, I know the worst I trow.
- She can but chide, shall feare of chiding make me to forslow?
- He counterfeiteth Phebe streight in countnance and aray.
- And says: O virgine of my troope, where didst thou hunt to day?
- The Damsell started from the ground and said: Hayle Goddesse deare,
- Of greater worth than Jove (I thinke) though Jove himselfe did heare.
- Jove heard hir well and smylde thereat, it made his heart rejoyce
- To heare the Nymph preferre him thus before himselfe in choyce.
- He fell to kissing: which was such as out of square might seeme,
- And in such sort as that a mayde coulde nothing lesse beseeme.
- And as she would have told what woods she ranged had for game,
- He tooke hir fast betweene his armes, and not without his shame,
- Bewrayed plainly what he was and wherefore that he came.
- The wench against him strove as much as any woman could:
- I would that Juno had it seene. For then I know thou would
- Not take the deede so heynously: with all hir might she strove.
- But what poore wench or who alive could vanquish mighty Jove?
- Jove having sped flue straight to heaven. She hateth in hir hart
- The guiltlesse fields and wood where Jove had playd that naughty part,
- Alwaye she goes in such a griefe as that she had welnie
- Forgot hir quiver with hir shaftes and bow that hanged by.
- Dictynna, garded with hir traine and proude of killing Deere,
- In raunging over Menalus, espying, cald hir neere.
- The Damsell hearing Phebe call did run away amaine,
- She feared lest in Phebes shape that Jove had come againe,
- But when she saw the troope of Nymphes that garded hir about,
- She thought there was no more deceyt, and came among the rout.
- Oh Lord how hard a matter ist for guiltie hearts to shift
- And kepe their countnance? from the ground hir eyes scarce durst she lift.
- She prankes not by hir mistresse side, she preases not to bee
- The foremost of the companie, as when she erst was free.
- She standeth muet: and by chaunging of hir colour ay
- The treading of hir shooe awrie she plainely doth bewray,
- Diana might have founde the fault but that she was a May.
- A thousand tokens did appeare apparant to the eye,
- By which the Nymphes themselves (they say) hir fault did well espie.
- Nine times the Moone full to the worlde had shewde hir horned face
- When fainting through hir brothers flames and hunting in the chace.
- She found a coole and shadie lawnde through midst whereof she spide
- A shallow brooke with trickling streame on gravell bottom glide.
- And liking well the pleasant place, upon the upper brim
- She dipt hir foote, and finding there the water coole and trim,
- Away (she sayd) with standers by: and let us bath us here.
- Then Parrhasis cast downe hir head with sad and bashfull chere.
- The rest did strip them to their skinnes. She only sought delay,
- Untill that would or would she not hir clothes were pluckt away.
- Then with hir naked body straight hir crime was brought to light.
- Which yll ashamde as with hir hands she would have hid from sight,
- Fie beast (quoth Cynthia) get thee hence, thou shalt not here defile
- This sacred Spring, and from hir traine she did hir quite exile.
- The Matrone of the thundring Jove had inckling of the fact,
- Delaying till convenient time the punishment to exact.
- There is no cause of further stay. To spight hir heart withall,
- Hir husbands Leman bare a boy that Arcas men did call.
- On whome she casting lowring looke with fell and cruell minde
- Saide: Was there, arrant strumpet thou, none other shift to finde
- But that thou needes must be with barne? that all the world must see
- My husbandes open shame and thine in doing wrong to mee?
- But neyther unto heaven nor hell this trespasse shalt thou beare.
- I will bereve thee of thy shape through pride whereof thou were
- So hardy to entyce my Feere. Immediatly with that
- She raught hir by the foretop fast and fiercely threw hir flat
- Against the grounde. The wretched wench hir armes up mekely cast,
- Hir armes began with griesly haire to waxe all rugged fast.
- Hir handes gan warpe and into pawes ylfavordly to grow,
- And for to serve in stede of feete. The lippes that late ago
- Did like the mightie Jove so well, with side and flaring flaps
- Became a wide deformed mouth. And further lest perhaps
- Hir prayers and hir humble wordes might cause hir to relent:
- She did bereve hir of hir speach. In steade whereof there went
- An yreful, horce, and dreadfull voyce out from a threatning throte:
- But yet the selfesame minde that was before she turnde hir cote,
- Was in hir still in shape of Beare. The griefe whereof she showes
- By thrusting forth continuall sighes, and up she gastly throwes
- Such kinde of handes as then remainde unto the starrie Skie.
- And forbicause she could not speake she thought Jove inwardly
- To be unthankfull. Oh how oft she daring not abide
- Alone among the desert woods, full many a time and tide
- Would stalke before hir house in grounds that were hir owne erewhile?
- How oft oh did she in the hilles the barking houndes beguile
- And in the lawndes where she hir selfe had chased erst hir game,
- Now flie hirselfe to save hir life when hunters sought the same?
- Full oft at sight of other beastes she hid hir head for feare,
- Forgetting what she was hir selfe. For though she were a Beare,
- Yet when she spied other Beares she quooke for verie paine:
- And feared Wolves although hir Sire among them did remaine.
- Beholde Lycaons daughters sonne that Archas had to name
- About the age of fiftene yeares within the forrest came
- Of Erymanth, not knowing ought of this his mothers case.
- There after pitching of his toyles, as he the stagges did chase,
- Upon his mother sodenly it was his chaunce to light,
- Who for desire to see hir sonne did stay hirselfe from flight.
- And wistly on him cast hir looke as one that did him know.
- But he not knowing what she was began his heeles to show.
- And when he saw hir still persist in staring on his face,
- He was afrayde, and from hir sight withdrew himselfe apace,
- But when he coulde not so be rid, he tooke an armed pike,
- In full intent hir through the heart with deadly wound to strike.
- But God almighty held his hand, and lifting both away
- Did disapoint the wicked Act. For straight he did convay
- Them through the Ayre with whirling windes to top of all the skie,
- And there did make them neighbour starres about the Pole on hie.
- When Juno shining in the heaven hir husbands minion found,
- She swelde for spight: and downe she comes to watry Tethys round
- And unto olde Oceanus, whome even the Gods aloft
- Did reverence for their just deserts full many a time and oft,
- To whome demaunding hir the cause: And aske ye (quoth she) why
- That I which am the Queene of Goddes come hither from the sky?
- Good cause there is I warrant you. Another holdes my roome.
- For never trust me while I live, if when the night is coome,
- And overcasteth all the world with shadie darknesse whole,
- Ye see not in the heigth of heaven hard by the Northren Pole
- Whereas the utmost circle runnes about the Axeltree
- In shortest circuit, gloriously enstalled for to bee
- In shape of starres the stinging woundes that make me yll apayde.
- Now is there (trow ye) any cause why folke should be afrayde
- To do to Juno what they list, or dread hir wrathfull mood,
- Which only by my working harme doe turne my foes to good?
- O what a mightie act is done? How passing is my powre!
- I have bereft hir womans shape, and at this present howre
- She is become a Goddesse. Loe this is the scourge so sowre
- Wherewith I strike mine enimies. Loe here is all the spight
- That I can doe: this is the ende of all my wondrous might,
- No force. I would he should (for me) hir native shape restore,
- And take away hir brutish shape, like as he hath before
- Done by his other Paramour, that fine and proper piece
- Of Argos whom he made a Cow, I meane Phononeus Niece.
- Why makes he not a full devorce from me, and in my stead
- Straight take his Sweetheart to his wife, and coll hir in my bed?
- He can not doe a better deede (I thinke) than for to take
- Lycaon to his fatherinlaw. But if that you doe make
- Accompt of me your foster childe, then graunt that for my sake,
- The Oxen and the wicked Waine of starres in number seven,
- For whoredome sake but late ago receyved into heaven,
- May never dive within your waves. Ne let that strumpet vyle
- By bathing of hir filthie limmes your waters pure defile.
- The Gods did graunt hir hir request: and straight to heaven she flue,
- In handsome Chariot through the Ayre, which painted peacocks drue
- As well beset with blasing eyes late tane from Argus hed,
- As thou thou prating Raven white by nature being bred,
- Hadst on thy fethers justly late a coly colour spred.
- For this same birde in auncient time had fethers faire and whight
- As ever was the driven snow, or silver cleare and bright.
- He might have well comparde himself in beautie with the Doves
- That have no blemish, or the Swan that running water loves:
- Or with the Geese that afterward should with their gagling out
- Preserve the Romaine Capitoll beset with foes about.
- His tongue was cause of all his harme, his tatling tongue did make
- His colour which before was white, become so foule and blake.
- Coronis of Larissa was the fairest maide of face,
- In all the land of Phebus grace
- As long as that she kept hir chast, or at the least as long
- As that she scaped unespide in doing Phebus wrong.
- But at the last Apollos birde hir privie packing spide,
- Whome no entreatance could persuade but that he swiftly hide
- Him to his maister, to bewray the doings of his love.
- Now as he flue, the pratling Crow hir wings apace did move:
- And overtaking fell in talke and was inquisitive
- For what intent and to what place he did so swiftly drive.
- And when she heard the cause thereof, she said: Now trust me sure,
- This message on the whiche thou goste no goodnesse will procure.
- And therefore hearken what I say: disdaine thou not at all,
- To take some warning by thy friende in things that may befall.
- Consider what I erst have bene and what thou seest me now:
- And what hath bene the ground hereof. I boldly dare avow,
- That thou shalt finde my faithfulnesse imputed for a crime.
- For Pallas in a wicker chest had hid upon a time
- A childe calde Ericthonius, whome never woman bare,
- And tooke it unto Maidens three that Cecrops daughters were,
- Not telling them what was within, but gave them charge to keepe
- The Casket shut, and for no cause within the same to peepe.
- I standing close among the leaves upon an Elme on hie,
- Did marke their doings and their wordes, and there I did espie
- How Pandrosos and Herse kept their promise faithfully.
- Aglauros calles them Cowardes both, and makes no more adoe,
- But takes the Casket in hir hand and doth the knots undooe.
- And there they saw a childe whose partes beneath were like a snake.
- Straight to the Goddesse of this deede a just report I make.
- For which she gave me this reward that never might I more
- Accompt hir for my Lady and my Mistresse as before.
- And in my roume she put the fowle that flies not but by night,
- A warning unto other birdes my lucke should be of right
- To holde their tongues for being shent. But you will say perchaunce
- I came unsentfor of my selfe, she did me not advaunce.
- I dare well say though Pallas now my heavie Mistresse stand
- Yet if perhaps ye should demaund the question at hir hand,
- As sore displeased as she is, she would not this denie:
- But that she chose me first hir selfe to beare hir companie.
- For (well I know) my father was a Prince of noble fame,
- Of Phocis King by long discent, Coronew was his name:
- I was his darling and his joy, and many a welthie Piere
- (I would not have you thinke disdaine) did seeke me for their Fere.
- My forme and beautie did me hurt. For as I leysurely
- Went jetting up and downe the shore upon the gravell drie,
- As yet I customably doe, the God that rules the Seas
- Espying me fell straight in love. And when he saw none ease
- In sute, but losse of wordes and time, he offred violence,
- And after me he runnes apace. I skudde as fast fro thence,
- From sand to shore from shore to sand, still playing Foxe to hole,
- Untill I was so tirde that he had almost got the gole.
- Then cald I out on God and man. But (as it did appeare)
- There was no man so neare at hand that could my crying heare.
- A Virgin Goddesse pitied me bicause I was a mayde:
- And at the utter plunge and pinche did send me present ayde.
- I cast mine armes to heaven, mine armes waxt light with fethers black,
- I went about to cast in hast my garments from my back,
- And all was fethers. In my skinne the rooted fethers stack.
- I was about with violent hand to strike my naked breast,
- But nether had I hand nor breast that naked more did reast.
- I ran, but of my feete as erst remained not the print.
- Me thought I glided on the ground. Anon with sodaine dint,
- I rose and hovered in the Ayre. And from that instant time
- Did wait on Pallas faithfully without offence or crime.
- But what availes all this to me, and if that in my place
- The wicked wretch Nyctyminee (who late for lacke of grace
- Was turned to an odious birde) to honor called bee?
- I pray thee didst thou never heare how false Nyctyminee
- (A thing all over Lesbos knowne) defilde hir fathers couch?
- The beast is now become a birde, whose lewdnesse doth so touch
- And pricke hir guiltie conscience that she dares not come in sight,
- Nor shewe hirselfe abrode a dayes, but fleeteth in the night
- For shame lest folke should see hir fault: and every other birde
- Doth in the Ayre and Ivie toddes with wondring at hir girde.
- A mischiefe take thy tatling tongue, the Raven answerde tho.
- Thy vaine forspeaking moves me not. And so he forth did go
- And tels his Lorde Apollo how he saw Coronis lie
- Wyth Isthyis, a Gentleman that dwelt in Thessalie.
- When Phebus heard his lovers fault, he fiersly gan to frowne,
- And cast his garlond from his head, and threw his violl downe.
- His colour chaungde, his face lookt pale, and as the rage of yre
- That boyled in his belking breast had set his heart on fyre,
- He caught me up his wonted tooles, and bent his golden bow
- And by and by with deadly stripe of unavoyded blow
- Strake through the breast the which his owne had toucht so oft afore.
- She wounded gave a piteous shrike, and (drawing from the sore
- The deadly Dart the which the bloud pursuing after fast
- Upon hir white and tender limmes a scarlet colour cast)
- Saide: Phebus, well, thou might have wreakt this trespasse on my head
- And yet forborne me till the time I had bene brought abed.
- Now in one body by thy meanes a couple shall be dead.
- Thus muche she saide: and with the bloud hir life did fade away.
- The bodie being voyde of soule became as colde as clay.
- Than all too late, alas too late gan Phebus to repent
- That of his lover he had tane so cruell punishment.
- He blames himselfe for giving eare so unadvisedly.
- He blames himselfe in that he tooke it so outragiously.
- He hates and bannes his faithfull birde bicause he did enforme
- Him of his lovers naughtinesse that made him so to storme.
- He hates his bow, he hates his shaft that rashly from it went:
- And eke he hates his hasty hands by whom the bow was bent.
- He takes hir up betweene his armes endevoring all too late
- By plaister made of precious herbes to stay hir helplesse fate.
- But when he saw there was no shift: but that she needes must burne,
- And that the solemne sacred fire was prest to serve the turne,
- Then from the bottome of his heart full sorie sighes he fet,
- (For heavenly powres with watrie teares their cheekes may never wet)
- In case as when a Cow beholdes the cruell butcher stand
- With launching Axe embrewd with bloud and lifting up his hand
- Aloft to snatch hir sucking Calfe that hangeth by the heeles
- And of the Axe the deadly dint upon his forehead feeles.
- Howbeit after sweete perfumes bestowde upon hir corse
- And much embracing, having sore bewailde hir wrong divorse,
- He followed to the place assignde hir bodie for to burne.
- There coulde he not abide to see his seede to ashes turne.
- But tooke the baby from hir wombe and from the firie flame,
- And unto double Chyrons den conveyed straight the same.
- The Raven hoping for his truth to be rewarded well,
- He maketh blacke, forbidding him with whiter birdes to dwell.
- The Centaure Chyron in the while was glad of Phebus boy,
- And as the burthen brought some care the honor brought him joy.
- Upon a time with golden lockes about hir shoulders spread,
- A daughter of the Centaurs (whome a certaine Nymph had bred
- About the brooke Caycus bankes) that hight Ocyroe
- Came thither. This same fayre yong Nymph could not contented be
- To learne the craft of Surgerie as perfect as hir Sire,
- But that to learne the secret doomes of Fate she must aspire.
- And therfore when the furious rage of frenzie had hir cought,
- And that the spright of Prophecie enflamed had hir thought,
- She lookt upon the childe and saide: Sweete babe the Gods thee make
- A man. For all the world shall fare the better for thy sake.
- All sores and sicknesse shalt thou cure: thy powre shall eke be syche,
- To make the dead alive again. For doing of the whiche
- Against the pleasure of the Gods, thy Graundsire shall thee strike
- So with his fire, that never more thou shalt performe the like.
- And of a God a bludlesse corse, and of a corse (full straunge)
- Thou shalt become a God againe, and twice thy nature chaunge.
- And thou my father liefe and deare, who now by destinie,
- Art borne to live for evermore and never for to die,
- Shalt suffer such outragious paine throughout thy members all,
- By wounding of a venimde dart that on thy foote shall fall,
- That oft thou shalt desire to die, and in the latter end
- The fatall dames shall breake thy threede and thy desire thee send.
- There was yet more behinde to tell, when sodenly she fet
- A sore deepe sigh, and downe hir cheekes the teares did trickle wet.
- Mine owne misfortune (quoth she) now hath overtake me sure.
- I cannot utter any more, for words waxe out of ure.
- My cunning was not worth so much as that it should procure
- The wrath of God. I feele by proufe far better had it bene:
- If that the chaunce of things to come I never had foreseene.
- For now my native shape withdrawes. Me thinkes I have delight
- To feede on grasse and fling in fieldes: I feele my selfe so light.
- I am transformed to a Mare like other of my kinne.
- But wherfore should this brutish shape all over wholy winne?
- Considering that although both horse and man my father bee:
- Yet is his better part a man as plainly is to see.
- The latter ende of this complaint was fumbled in such wise,
- As what she meant the standers by could scarcely well devise.
- Anon she neyther semde to speake nor fully for to ney,
- But like to one that counterfeites in sport the Mare to play.
- Within a while she neyed plaine, and downe hir armes were pight
- Upon the ground all clad with haire, and bare hir bodie right.
- Hir fingers joyned all in one, at ende wherof did grow
- In stede of nayles a round tough hoofe of welked horne bylow.
- Hir head and necke shot forth in length, hir kirtle trayne became
- A faire long taile. Hir flaring haire was made a hanging Mane.
- And as hir native shape and voyce most monstrously did passe,
- So by the uncoth name of Mare she after termed was.
- The Centaure Chyron wept hereat: and piteously dismaide
- Did call on thee (although in vaine) thou Delphian God for ayde.
- For neyther lay it in thy hande to breake Joves mighty hest,
- And though it had, yet in thy state as then thou did not rest.
- In Elis did thou then abide and in Messene lande.
- It was the time when under shape of shepehierde with a wande
- Of Olyve and a pipe of reedes thou kept Admetus sheepe.
- Now in this time that (save of Love) thou tooke none other keepe,
- And madste thee merrie with thy pipe, the glistring Maias sonne
- By chaunce abrode the fields of Pyle spide certaine cattle runne
- Without a hierde, the which he stole and closely did them hide
- Among the woods. This pretie slight no earthly creature spide,
- Save one old churle that Battus hight. This Battus' had the charge
- Of welthie Neleus feeding groundes, and all his pastures large,
- And kept a race of goodly Mares. Of him he was afraide.
- And lest by him his privie theft should chaunce to be bewraide,
- He tooke a bribe to stop his mouth, and thus unto him saide:
- My friend I pray thee if perchaunce that any man enquire
- This cattell say thou saw them not. And take thou for thy hire
- This faire yong Bullocke. Tother tooke the Bullocke at his hand,
- And shewing him a certaine stone that lay upon the lande,
- Sayd, go thy way: Assoone this stone thy doings shall bewray,
- As I shall doe. So Mercurie did seeme to go his way.
- Annon he commes me backe againe, and altred both in speche
- And outward shape, saide: Countrieman Ich heartely bezeche,
- And if thou zawest any kie come royling through this grounde,
- Or driven away, tell what he was and where they may be vownde.
- And I chill gethee vor thy paine an Hecfar and hir match.
- The Carle perceyving double gaine, and greedy for to catch,
- Sayde: Under yon same hill they were, and under yon same hill
- Cham zure they are, and with his hand he poynted thereuntill.
- At that Mercurius laughing saide: False knave: and doste bewray
- Me to my selfe? doste thou bewray me to my selfe I say?
- And with that word strayt to a stone he turnde his double heart,
- In which the slaunder yet remaines without the stones desart.
- The Bearer of the charmed Rod, the suttle Mercurie,
- This done, arose with waving wings and from that place did flie.
- And as he hovered in the Ayre he viewde the fieldes bylow
- Of Atticke and the towne it selfe with all the trees that grow
- In Lycey where the learned Clarkes did wholsome preceptes show.
- By chaunce the verie selfesame day the virgins of the towne
- Of olde and auncient custome bare in baskets on their crowne
- Beset with garlands fresh and gay and strowde with flowres sweete
- To Pallas towre such sacrifice as was of custome meete.
- The winged God beholding them returning in a troupe
- Continued not directly forth, but gan me downe to stoupe,
- And fetch a wyndlasse round about. And as the hungry kite
- Beholding unto sacrifice a Bullocke redie dight,
- Doth sore about his wished pray desirous for to snatche
- But that he dareth not for such as stand about and watch:
- So Mercurie with nimble wings doth keepe a lower gate
- About Minervas loftie towres in round and wheeling rate.
- As far as doth the Morning starre in cleare and streaming light
- Excell all other starres in heaven: as far also as bright
- Dame Phebe dimmes the Morning starre, so far did Herses face
- Staine all the Ladies of hir troupe: she was the verie grace
- And beautie of that solemne pompe, and all that traine so fayre.
- Joves sonne was ravisht with the sight, and hanging in the ayre
- Began to swelt within himselfe, in case as when the poulder
- Hath driven the Pellet from the Gunne, the Pellet ginnes to smoulder:
- And in his flying waxe more hote. In smoking brest he shrowdes
- His flames not brought from heaven above but caught beneath the clouds.
- He leaves his jorney toward heaven and takes another race
- Not minding any lenger time to hide his present case.
- So great a trust and confidence his beautie to him gave
- Which though it seemed of it selfe sufficient force to have,
- Yet was he curious for to make himselfe more fine and brave.
- He kembd his head and strokt his beard, and pried on every side
- To see that in his furniture no wrinkle might be spide.
- And forbicause his Cloke was fringde and garded brode with golde,
- He cast it on his shoulder up most seemely to beholde.
- He takes in hand his charmed rod that bringeth things asleepe
- And wakes them when he list againe. And lastly taketh keepe
- That on his faire welformed feete his golden shooes sit cleene,
- And that all other things therto well correspondent beene.
- In Cecrops Court were Chambers three set far from all resort
- With yvorie beddes all furnished in far most royall sort.
- Of which Aglauros had the left and Pandrose had the right,
- And Herse had the middlemost. She that Aglauros hight
- First markt the comming of the God, and asking him his name
- Demaunded him for what entent and cause he thither came.
- Pleiones Nephew, Maias sonne, did make hir aunswere thus:
- I am my fathers messenger, his pleasure to discusse
- To mortall folke and hellish fiendes as list him to commaund.
- My father is the mightie Jove. To that thou doste demaund
- I will not feyne a false excuse. I aske no more but graunt
- To keepe thy sisters counsell close, and for to be the Aunt
- Of such the issue as on hir my chaunce shalbe to get.
- Thy sister Herse is the cause that hath me hither fet.
- I pray thee beare thou with my love that is so firmely set.
- Aglauros cast on Mercurie hir scornfull eyes aside,
- With which against Minervas will hir secretes late she spide,
- Demaunding him in recompence a mighty masse of Golde:
- And would not let him enter in until the same were tolde.
- The warlike Goddesse cast on hir a sterne and cruell looke,
- And fetched such a cutting sigh that forcibly it shooke
- Both brest and brestplate, wherewithall it came unto hir thought
- How that Aglauros late ago against hir will had wrought
- In looking on the Lemman childe contrarie to hir othe,
- The whiche she tooke hir in the chest, for which she waxed wrothe.
- Againe she saw hir cancred heart maliciously repine
- Against hir sister and the God. And furthermore in fine
- How that the golde which Mercurie had given hir for hir meede,
- Would make hir both in welth and pride all others to exceede.
- She goes me straight to Envies house, a foule and irksome cave,
- Replete with blacke and lothly filth and stinking like a grave.
- It standeth in a hollow dale where neyther light of Sunne
- Nor blast of any winde or Ayre may for the deepenesse come.
- A dreyrie sad and dolefull den ay full of slouthfull colde
- As which ay dimd with smoldring smoke doth never fire beholde,
- When Pallas, that same manly Maide, approched nere this plot,
- She staide without, for to the house in enter might she not,
- And with hir Javelin point did give a push against the doore.
- The doore flue open by and by and fell me in the floore.
- There saw she Envie sit within fast gnawing on the flesh
- Of Snakes and Todes, the filthie foode that keepes hir vices fresh.
- It lothde hir to beholde the sight. Anon the Elfe arose
- And left the gnawed Adders flesh, and slouthfully she goes
- With lumpish laysure like a Snayle, and when she saw the face
- Of Pallas and hir faire attire adournde with heavenly grace,
- She gave a sigh, a sorie sigh, from bottome of hir heart.
- Hir lippes were pale, hir cheekes were wan, and all hir face was swart:
- Hir bodie leane as any Rake. She looked eke askew.
- Hir teeth were furde with filth and drosse, hir gums were waryish blew.
- The working of hir festered gall had made hir stomacke greene.
- And all bevenimde was hir tongue. No sleepe hir eyes had seene.
- Continuall Carke and cankred care did keepe hir waking still:
- Of laughter (save at others harmes) the Helhound can no skill.
- It is against hir will that men have any good successe,
- And if they have, she frettes and fumes within hir minde no lesse
- Than if hir selfe had taken harme. In seeking to annoy
- And worke distresse to other folke, hir selfe she doth destroy.
- Thus is she torment to hir selfe. Though Pallas did hir hate,
- Yet spake she briefly these few wordes to hir without hir gate:
- Infect thou with thy venim one of Cecrops daughters three,
- It is Aglauros whome I meane, for so it needes must bee.
- This said, she pight hir speare in ground, and tooke hir rise thereon.
- And winding from that wicked wight did take hir flight anon.
- The Caitife cast hir eye aside, and seeing Pallas gon,
- Began to mumble with hir selfe the Divels Paternoster,
- And fretting at hir good successe, began to blow and bluster.
- She takes a crooked staffe in hand bewreathde with knubbed prickes,
- And covered with a coly cloude, where ever that she stickes
- Hir filthie feete, she tramples downe and seares both grasse and corne:
- That all the fresh and fragrant fieldes seeme utterly forlorne.
- And with hir staffe she tippeth off the highest poppie heades.
- Such poyson also every where ungraciously she sheades,
- That every Cottage where she comes and every Towne and Citie
- Doe take infection at hir breath. At length (the more is pitie)
- She found the faire Athenian towne that flowed freshly then
- In feastfull peace and joyfull welth and learned witts of men.
- And forbicause she nothing saw that might provoke to weepe,
- It was a corsie to hir heart hir hatefull teares to keepe.
- Now when she came within the Court, she went without delay
- Directly to the lodgings where King Cecrops daughters lay,
- There did she as Minerva bad. She laide hir scurvie fist
- Besmerde with venim and with filth upon Aglauros brist,
- The whiche she filde with hooked thornes: and breathing on hir face
- Did shead the poyson in hir bones: which spred it selfe apace,
- As blacke as ever virgin pitch through Lungs and Lights and all.
- And to th'intent that cause of griefe abundantly should fall,
- She placed ay before hir eyes hir sisters happie chaunce
- In being wedded to the God, and made the God to glaunce
- Continually in heavenly shape before hir wounded thought.
- And all these things she painted out, which in conclusion wrought
- Such corsies in Aglauros brest that sighing day and night
- She gnawde and fretted in hir selfe for very cancred spight.
- And like a wretche she wastes hir selfe with restlesse care and pine
- Like as the yse whereon the Sunne with glimering light doth shine.
- Hir sister Herses good successe doth make hir heart to yerne,
- In case as when that fire is put to greenefeld wood or fearne
- Whych giveth neyther light nor heate, but smulders quite away:
- Sometime she minded to hir Sire hir sister to bewray,
- Who (well she knew) would yll abide so lewde a part to play.
- And oft she thought with wilfull hande to brust hir fatall threede,
- Bicause she woulde not see the thing that made hir heart to bleede.
- At last she sate hir in the doore and leaned to a post
- To let the God from entring in. To whome now having lost
- Much talke and gentle wordes in vayne, she said: Sir, leave I pray
- For hence I will not (be you sure) onlesse you go away.
- I take thee at thy word (quoth he) and therewithall he pusht
- His rod against the barred doore, and wide it open rusht.
- She making proffer for to rise, did feele so great a waight
- Through all hir limmes, that for hir life she could not stretch hir straight.
- She strove to set hirself upright: but striving booted not.
- Hir hamstrings and hir knees were stiffe, a chilling colde had got
- In at hir nayles, through all hir limmes. And eke hir veynes began
- For want of bloud and lively heate, to waxe both pale and wan.
- And as the freting Fistula forgrowne and past all cure
- Runnes in the flesh from place to place, and makes the sound and pure
- As bad or worser than the rest, even so the cold of death
- Strake to hir heart, and closde hir veines, and lastly stopt hir breath:
- She made no profer for to speake, and though she had done so
- It had bene vaine. For way was none for language forth to go.
- Hir throte congealed into stone: hir mouth became hard stone,
- And like an image sate she still, hir bloud was clearely gone,
- The which the venim of hir heart so fowly did infect,
- That ever after all the stone with freckled spots was spect.
- When Mercurie had punisht thus Aglauros spightfull tung
- And cancred heart, immediatly from Pallas towne he flung.
- And flying up with flittering wings did pierce to heaven above.
- His father calde him straight aside (but shewing not his love)
- Said: Sonne, my trustie messenger and worker of my will,
- Make no delay but out of hand flie downe in hast untill
- The land that on the left side lookes upon thy mothers light,
- Yon same where standeth on the coast the towne that Sidon hight.
- The King hath there a heirde of Neate that on the Mountaines feede,
- Go take and drive them to the sea with all convenient speede.
- He had no sooner said the word but that the heirde begun
- Driven from the mountaine to the shore appointed for to run,
- Whereas the daughter of the King was wonted to resort
- With other Ladies of the Court there for to play and sport.
- Betweene the state of Majestie and love is set such oddes,
- As that they can not dwell in one. The Sire and King of Goddes
- Whose hand is armd with triplefire, who only with his frowne
- Makes Sea and Land and Heaven to quake, doth lay his scepter downe
- With all the grave and stately port belonging thereunto:
- And putting on the shape of Bull (as other cattell doe)
- Goes lowing gently up and downe among them in the field
- The fairest beast to looke upon that ever man beheld.
- For why? his colour was as white as any winters snow
- Before that eyther trampling feete or Southerne winde it thow.
- His necke was brawnd with rolles of flesh, and from his chest before
- A dangling dewlap hung me downe good halfe a foote and more.
- His hornes were small, but yet so fine as that ye would have thought
- They had bene made by cunning hand or out of waxe bene wrought.
- More cleare they were a hundreth fold than is the Christall stone,
- In all his forehead fearfull frowne or wrinkle there was none.
- No fierce, no grim, nor griesly looke as other cattle have,
- But altogether so demure as friendship seemde to crave.
- Agenors daughter marveld much so tame a beast to see,
- But yet to touche him at the first too bolde she durst not bee.
- Annon she reaches to his mouth hir hand with herbes and flowres.
- The loving beast was glad thereof and neither frownes nor lowres.
- But till the hoped joy might come with glad and fauning cheare
- He lickes hir hands and scarce ah scarce the resdue he forbeare.
- Sometime he friskes and skippes about and showes hir sport at hand
- Annon he layes his snowie side against the golden sand.
- So feare by little driven away, he offred eft his brest
- To stroke and coy, and eft his hornes with flowers to be drest.
- At last Europa knowing not (for so the Maide was calde)
- On whome she venturde for to ride, was nerawhit appalde
- To set hir selfe upon his backe. Then by and by the God
- From maine drie land to maine moyst Sea gan leysurly to plod.
- At first he did but dip his feete within the outmost wave,
- And backe againe, then further in another plunge he gave.
- And so still further till at the last he had his wished pray
- Amid the deepe where was no meanes to scape with life away.
- The Ladie quaking all for feare with rufull countnance cast
- Ay toward shore from whence she came, held with hir righthand fast
- One of his hornes: and with the left did stay upon his backe.
- The weather flaskt and whisked up hir garments being slacke.
- Finis secundi Libri.
- of Ouids Metamorphosis.
- he God now having laide aside his borrowed shape of Bull
- Had in his likenesse shewde himself: and with his pretie trull
- Tane landing in the Ile of Crete. When in that while hir Sire
- Not knowing where she was become, sent after to enquire
- Hir brother Cadmus, charging him his sister home to bring,
- Or never for to come againe: wherein he did a thing,
- For which he might both justly kinde and cruell called bee.
- When Cadmus over all the world had sought, (for who is hee
- That can detect the thefts of Jove?) and no where could hir see,
- Then as an outlaw (to avoyde his fathers wrongfull yre)
- He went to Phebus Oracle most humbly to desire
- His heavenly counsell, where he would assigne him place to dwell.
- An Heifer all alone in field (quoth Phebus) marke hir well,
- Which never bare the pinching yoke, nor drew the plough as yit,
- Shall meete thee. Follow after hir, and where thou seest hir sit,
- There builde a towne, and let thereof Beotia be the name.
- Downe from Parnasus stately top scarce fully Cadmus came,
- When royling softly in the vale before the herde alone
- He saw an Heifer on whose necke of servage print was none.
- He followde after leysurly as hir that was his guide,
- And thanked Phebus in his heart that did so well provide.
- Now had he past Cephisus forde, and eke the pleasant groundes
- About the Citie Panope conteinde within those boundes.
- The Heifer staide, and lifting up hir forehead to the skie
- Full seemely for to looke upon with homes like braunches hie
- Did with hir lowing fill the Ayre: and casting backe hir eie
- Upon the rest that came aloofe, as softly as she could
- Kneelde downe and laide hir hairie side against the grassie mould.
- Then Cadmus gave Apollo thankes, and falling flat bylow
- Did kisse the ground and haile the fields which yet he did not know.
- He was about to sacrifice to Ioue the Heavenly King,
- And bad his servants goe and fetch him water of the spring.
- An olde forgrowne unfelled wood stoode neare at hand thereby,
- And in the middes a queachie plot with Sedge and Osiers hie,
- Where courbde about with peble stone in likenesse of a bow
- There was a spring with silver streames that forth thereof did flow.
- Here lurked in his lowring den God Mars his griesly Snake
- With golden scales and firie eyes beswolne with poyson blake.
- Three spirting tongues, three rowes of teeth within his head did sticke.
- No sooner had the Tirian folke set foote within this thicke
- And queachie plot, and deped downe their bucket in the well,
- But that to buscle in his den began this Serpent fell,
- And peering with a marble head right horribly to hisse.
- The Tirians let their pitchers slip for sodaine feare of this,
- And waxing pale as any clay, like folke amazde and flaight,
- Stoode trembling like an Aspen leafe. The specled serpent straight
- Commes trailing out in waving linkes, and knottie rolles of scales,
- And bending into bunchie boughts his bodie forth he hales.
- And lifting up above the wast himselfe unto the Skie,
- He overlooketh all the wood, as huge and big welnie
- As is the Snake that in the Heaven about the Nordren Pole
- Devides the Beares. He makes no stay but deales his dreadfull dole
- Among the Tirians. Whether they did take them to their tooles,
- Or to their heeles, or that their feare did make them stand like fooles,
- And helpe themselves by none of both, he snapt up some alive,
- And swept in others with his taile, and some he did deprive
- Of life with rankenesse of his breath, and other some againe
- He stings and poysons unto death till all at last were slaine.
- Now when the Sunne was at his heigth and shadowes waxed short,
- And Cadmus saw his companie make tarience in that sort,
- He marveld what should be their let, and went to seeke them out.
- His harnesse was a Lions skin that wrapped him about.
- His weapons were a long strong speare with head of yron tride,
- And eke a light and piercing Dart. And thereunto beside
- Worth all the weapons in the world a stout and valiant hart.
- When Cadmus came within the wood and saw about that part
- His men lie slaine upon the ground, and eke their cruell fo
- Of bodie huge stand over them, and licking with his blo
- And blasting tongue their sorie woundes: Well trustie friendes (quoth he)
- I eyther of your piteous deathes will streight revenger be,
- Or else will die my selfe therefore. With that he raughting fast
- A mightie Milstone, at the Snake with all his might it cast.
- The stone with such exceding force and violence forth was driven,
- As of a fort the bulwarkes strong and walles it would have riven.
- And yet it did the Snake no harme: his scales as hard and tough
- As if they had bene plates of mayle did fence him well inough,
- So that the stone rebounded backe against his freckled slough.
- But yet his hardnesse savde him not against the piercing dart.
- For hitting right betweene the scales that yeelded in that part
- Whereas the joynts doe knit the backe, it thirled through the skin,
- And pierced to his filthy mawe and greedy guts within.
- He fierce with wrath wrings backe his head, and looking on the stripe,
- The Javeling steale that sticked out, betwene his teeth doth gripe.
- The which with wresting to and fro at length he forth did winde,
- Save that he left the head therof among his bones behinde.
- When of his courage through the wound more kindled was the ire,
- His throteboll swelde with puffed veines, his eyes gan sparkle fire.
- There stoode about his smeared chaps a lothly foming froth.
- His skaled brest ploughes up the ground, the stinking breath that goth
- Out from his blacke and hellish mouth infectes the herbes full fowle.
- Sometime he windes himselfe in knots as round as any Bowle.
- Sometime he stretcheth out in length as straight as any beame.
- Anon againe with violent brunt he rusheth like a streame
- Encreast by rage of latefalne raine, and with his mightie sway
- Beares downe the wood before his breast that standeth in his way.
- Agenors sonne retiring backe doth with his Lions spoyle
- Defend him from his fierce assaults, and makes him to recoyle
- Aye holding at the weapons point. The Serpent waxing wood
- Doth crashe the steele betwene his teeth, and bites it till the blood,
- Dropt mixt with poyson from his mouth, did die the greene grasse blacke,
- But yet the wound was verie light bicause he writhed backe
- And puld his head still from the stroke: and made the stripe to die
- By giving way, untill that Cadmus following irefully
- The stroke, with all his powre and might did through the throte him rive,
- And naylde him to an Oke behind the which he eke did clive.
- The Serpents waight did make the tree to bend. It grievde the tree
- His bodie of the Serpents taile thus scourged for to bee.
- While Cadmus wondred at the hugenesse of the vanquisht foe
- Upon the sodaine came a voyce: from whence he could not know,
- But sure he was he heard the voyce. Which said: Agenors sonne,
- What gazest thus upon this Snake? the time will one day come
- That thou thy selfe shalt be a Snake. He pale and wan for feare,
- Had lost his speach: and ruffled up stiffe staring stood his heare.
- Behold (mans helper at his neede) Dame Pallas gliding through
- The vacant Ayre was straight at hand, and bade him take a plough
- And cast the Serpents teeth in ground, as of the which should spring
- Another people out of hand. He did in every thing
- As Pallas bade, he tooke a plough, and earde a furrow low
- And sowde the Serpents teeth whereof the foresaid folke should grow.
- Anon (a wondrous thing to tell) the clods began to move,
- And from the furrow first of all the pikes appearde above,
- Next rose up helmes with fethered crests, and then the Poldrens bright,
- Successively the Curets whole, and all the armor right.
- Thus grew up men like corne in field in rankes of battle ray
- With shields and weapons in their hands to feight the field that day.
- Even so when stages are attirde against some solemne game,
- With clothes of Arras gorgeously, in drawing up the same
- The faces of the ymages doe first of all them showe,
- And then by peecemeale all the rest in order seemes to grow,
- Untill at last they stand out full upon their feete bylow.
- Afrighted at this new found foes gan Cadmus for to take
- Him to his weapons by and by resistance for to make.
- Stay, stay thy selfe (cride one of them that late before were bred
- Out of the ground) and meddle not with civill warres. This sed,
- One of the brothers of that brood with launcing sworde he slue.
- Another sent a dart at him, the which him overthrue.
- The third did straight as much for him and made him yeelde the breath,
- (The which he had receyvde but now) by stroke of forced death.
- Likewise outraged all the rest untill that one by one
- By mutuall stroke of civill warre dispatched everychone,
- This broode of brothers all behewen and weltred in their blood,
- Lay sprawling on their mothers womb, the ground where erst they stood,
- Save only five that did remaine. Of whom Echion led
- By Pallas counsell, threw away the helmet from his head,
- And with his brothers gan to treat attonement for to make.
- The which at length (by Pallas helpe) so good successe did take,
- That faithfull friendship was confirmd and hand in hand was plight.
- These afterward did well assist the noble Tyrian knight,
- In building of the famous towne that Phebus had behight.
- Now Thebes stoode in good estate, now Cadmus might thou say
- That when thy father banisht thee it was a luckie day.
- To joyne aliance both with Mars and Venus was thy chaunce,
- Whose daughter thou hadst tane to wife, who did thee much advaunce,
- Not only through hir high renowne, but through a noble race
- Of sonnes and daughters that she bare: whose children in like case
- It was thy fortune for to see all men and women growne.
- But ay the ende of every thing must marked be and knowne.
- For none the name of blessednesse deserveth for to have
- Onlesse the tenor of his life last blessed to his grave.
- Among so many prosprous happes that flowde with good successe,
- Thine eldest Nephew was a cause of care and sore distresse.
- Whose head was armde with palmed homes, whose own hounds in the wood
- Did pull their master to the ground and fill them with his bloud.
- But if you sift the matter well, ye shall not finde desart
- But cruell fortune to have bene the cause of this his smart.
- For who could doe with oversight? Great slaughter had bene made
- Of sundrie sortes of savage beastes one morning: and the shade
- Of things was waxed verie short. It was the time of day
- That mid betweene the East and West the Sunne doth seeme to stay.
- When as the Thebane stripling thus bespake his companie,
- Still raunging in the waylesse woods some further game to spie:
- Our weapons and our toyles are moist and staind with bloud of Deere:
- This day hath done inough as by our quarrie may appeare.
- As soone as with hir scarlet wheeles next morning bringeth light,
- We will about our worke againe. But now Hiperion bright
- Is in the middes of Heaven, and seares the fieldes with firie rayes.
- Take up your toyles, and cease your worke, and let us go our wayes.
- They did even so, and ceast their worke. There was a valley thicke
- With Pinaple and Cipresse trees that armed be with pricke.
- Gargaphie hight this shadie plot, it was a sacred place
- Tochast Diana and the Nymphes that wayted on hir grace.
- Within the furthest en ereof there was a pleasant Bowre
- So vaulted with the leavie trees the Sunne had there no powre:
- Not made by hand nor mans devise: and yet no man alive,
- A trimmer piece of worke than that could for his life contrive.
- With flint and Pommy was it wallde by nature halfe about,
- And on the right side of the same full freshly flowed out
- A lively spring with Christall streame: whereof the upper brim
- Was greneawith grasse and matted herbes that smelled verie trim.
- Whe hebe )elt hir selfe waxe faint, of following of hir game,
- It was oi-etrsfome for to come and bath hir in the same.
- That day she, having timely left hir hunting in the chace,
- Was entred with hir troupe of Nymphes within this pleasant place.
- She tooke hirrquiveLad hir bow the which she had unbent,
- And eke hir Javelin to a Nymph that served that intent.
- Another Nymph t ttaie hir clothes among hir traine she chose,
- Two losde hir buskins from hir legges and pulled off hir hose.
- The Thebane Ladie Crocale more cunnig than the rest
- Did trusse hir tresses handsomly which hung behind undrest.
- And yet hir owne hung waving still. Then Niphe nete and cleene
- With Hiale glistring like the grass in beautie fresh and sheene,
- And Rhanis clearer of hir skin than are the rainie drops,
- And little bibling Phyale, and Pseke that pretie Mops
- Powrde water into vessels large to washe their Ladie with.
- Now while she keepes this wont, behold, by wandring in the frith
- He wist not whither (having staid his pastime till the morrow)
- Comes Cadmus Nephew to this thicke: and entring in with sorrow
- (Such was his cursed cruell fate) saw Phebe where she washt.
- The Damsels at the sight of man quite out of countnance dasht,
- (Bicause they everichone were bare and naked to the quicke)
- Did beate their handes against their breasts, and cast out such a shricke,
- That all the wood did ring thereof: and clinging to their dame
- Did all they could to hide both hir and eke themselves fro shame.
- But Phebe was of personage so comly and so tall,
- That by the middle of hir necke she overpeerd them all.
- Such colour as appeares in Heaven by Phebus broken rayes
- Directly shining on the Cloudes, or such as is alwayes
- The colour of the Morning Cloudes before the Sunne doth show,
- Such sanguine colour in the face of Phoebe gan to glowe
- There standing naked in his sight. Who though she had hir gard
- Of Nymphes about hir: yet she turnde hir bodie from him ward.
- And casting back an angrie looke, like as she would have sent
- An arrow at him had she had hir bow there readie bent,
- So raught she water in hir hande and for to wreake the spight
- Besprinckled all the heade and face of this unluckie knight, r
- And thus forespake the heavie lot that should upon him light:
- Now make thy vaunt among thy Mates, thou sawste Diana bare.
- Tell if thou can: I give thee leave: tell hardily: doe not spare.
- This done she makes no further threates, but by and by doth spread
- A payre of lively olde Harts homes upon his sprinckled head.
- She sharpes his eares, she makes his necke both slender, long and lanke.
- She turnes his fingers into feete, his armes to spindle shanke.
- She wrappes him in a hairie hyde beset with speckled spottes,
- And planteth in him fearefulnesse. And so away he trottes,
- Full greatly wondring to him selfe what made him in that cace
- To be so wight and swift of foote. But when he saw his face
- And horned temples in the brooke, he would have cryde Alas,
- But as for then no kinde of speach out of his lippes could passe.
- He sighde and brayde: for that was then the speach that did remaine,
- And downe the eyes that were not his, his bitter teares did raine.
- No part remayned (save his minde) of that he earst had beene.
- What should he doe? turne home againe to Cadmus and the Queene?
- Or hyde himselfe among the Woods? Of this he was afrayd,
- And of the tother ill ashamde. While doubting thus he stayd.
- His houndes espyde him where he was, and Blackfoote first of all
- And Stalker speciall good of scent began aloud to call.
- This latter was a hounde of Crete, the other was of Spart.
- Then all the kenell fell in round, and everie for his part,
- Dyd follow freshly in the chase more swifter than the winde,
- Spy, Eateal, Scalecliffe, three good houndes comne all of Arcas kinde,
- Strong Bilbucke, currish Savage, Spring, and Hunter fresh of smell,
- And Lightfoote who to lead a chase did beare away the bell,
- Fierce Woodman hurte not long ago in hunting of a Bore,
- And Shepeheird woont to follow sheepe and neate to fielde afore.
- And Laund, a fell and eger bitch that had a Wolfe to Syre:
- Another brach callde Greedigut with two hir Puppies by her.
- And Ladon gant as any Greewnd, a hownd in Sycion bred,
- Blab, Fleetewood, Patch whose flecked skin with sundrie spots was spred:
- Wight, Bowman, Royster, Beautie faire and white as winters snow,
- And Tawnie full of duskie haires that over all did grow,
- With lustie Ruffler passing all the resdue there in strength,
- And Tempest best of footemanshipe in holding out at length.
- And Cole and Swift, and little Woolfe, as wight as any other,
- Accompanide with a Ciprian hound that was his native brother,
- And Snatch amid whose forehead stoode a starre as white as snowe,
- The resdue being all as blacke and slicke as any Crowe.
- And shaggie Crete,
- And Dam of Sparta: T'one of them callde Jollyboy, a great
- And large flewd hound: the tother Chorle who ever gnoorring went,
- And Kingwood with a shyrle loude mouth the which he freely spent,
- With divers mo whose names to tell it were but losse of tyme.
- This fellowes over hill and dale in hope of pray doe clyme.
- Through thicke and thin and craggie cliffes where was no way to go,
- He flyes through groundes where oftentymes he chased had ere tho.
- Even from his owne folke is he faine (alas) to flee away.
- He strayned oftentymes to speake, and was about to say:
- I am Acteon: know your Lorde and Mayster, sirs, I pray.
- But use of wordes and speach did want to utter forth his minde.
- Their crie did ring through all the Wood redoubled with the winde,
- First Slo did pinch him by the haunch, and next came Kildeere in,
- And Hylbred fastned on his shoulder, bote him through the skinne.
- These cam forth later than the rest, but coasting thwart a hill,
- They did gainecope him as he came, and helde their Master still
- Untill that all the rest came in, and fastned on him too.
- No part of him was free from wound. He could none other do
- But sigh, and in the shape of Hart with voyce as Hartes are woont,
- (For voyce of man was none now left to helpe him at the brunt)
- By braying shew his secret grief among the Mountaynes hie,
- And kneeling sadly on his knees with dreerie teares in eye,
- As one by humbling of himselfe that mercy seemde to crave,
- With piteous looke in stead of handes his head about to wave.
- Not knowing that it was their Lord, the huntsmen cheere their houndsi
- With wonted noyse and for Acteon looke about the grounds.
- They hallow who could lowdest crie still calling him by name,
- As though he were not there, and much his absence they do blame
- In that he came not to the fall, but slackt to see the game.
- As often as they named him he sadly shooke his head,
- And faine he would have beene away thence in some other stead.
- But there he was. And well he could have found in heart to see
- His dogges fell deedes, so that to feele in place he had not bee.
- They hem him in on everie side, and in the shape of Stagge,
- With greedie teeth and griping pawes their Lord in peeces dragge.
- So fierce was cruell Phoebes wrath, it could not be alayde,
- Till of his fault by bitter death the raunsome he had payde.
- Much muttring was upon this fact. Some thought there was extended
- A great deale more extremitie than neded. Some commended
- Dianas doing: saying that it was but worthely
- For safegarde of hir womanhod. Eche partie did applie
- Good reasons to defende their case. Alone the wife ofJe,
- Of lyking or misliking it not all so greatly strove,
- As secretly rejoyst in heart that such a plague was light
- On Cadmus linage: turning all the malice and the spight
- Conceyved earst against the wench that Jove had fet fro Tyre,
- Upon the kinred of the wench, and for to fierce hir ire,
- Another thing cleane overthwart there commeth in the nicke:
- The Ladie Semell great with childe by Jove as then was quicke.
- Hereat she gan to fret and fume, and for to ease hir heart,
- Which else would burst, she fell in hande with scolding out hir part:
- And what a goodyeare have I woon by scolding erst? (she sed)
- It is that arrant queane hir selfe, against whose wicked hed
- I must assay to give assault: and if (as men me call)
- I be that Juno who in heaven beare greatest swing of all,
- If in my hande I worthie bee to holde the royall Mace,
- And if I be the Queene of heaven and soveraigne of this place,
- Or wife and sister unto Jove, (his sister well I know:
- But as for wife that name is vayne, I serve but for a show,
- To cover other privie skapes) I will confound that Whore.
- Now (with a mischiefe) is she bagd and beareth out before
- Hir open shame to all the world, and shortly hopes to bee
- The mother of a sonne by Jove, the which hath hapt to mee
- Not passing once in all my time, so sore she doth presume
- Upon hir beautie. But I trowe hir hope shall soone consume.
- For never let me counted be for Saturns daughter more,
- If by hir owne deare darling Jove on whome she trustes so sore,
- I sende hir not to Styxes streame. This ended up she rose
- And covered in golden cloud to Semelles house she goes.
- And ere she sent away the cloud, she takes an olde wyves shape
- With hoarie haire and riveled skinne, with slow and crooked gate.
- As though she had the Palsey had, hir feeble limmes did shake,
- And eke she foltred in the mouth as often as she spake.
- She seemde olde Beldame Beroe of Epidaure to bee,
- This Ladie Semelles Nourse as right as though it had beene shee.
- So when that after mickle talke of purpose ministred
- Joves name was upned: by and by she gave a sigh and sed:
- I wish with all my heart that Jove bee cause to thee of this.
- But daughter deare I dreade the worst, I feare it be amisse.
- For manie Varlets under name of Gods to serve their lust,
- Have into undefiled beddes themselves full often thrust;
- And though it bene the mightie Jove yet doth not that suffise,
- Onlesse he also make the same apparant to our eyes.
- And if it be even verie hee, I say it doth behove,
- He prove it by some open signe and token of his love.
- And therefore pray him for to graunt that, looke, in what degree,
- What order, fashion, sort and state he use to companie
- With mightie Juno, in the same in everie poynt and cace,
- To all intents and purposes he thee likewise embrace,
- And that he also bring with him his bright threeforked Mace.
- With such instructions Juno had enformed Cadmus Neece:
- And she poore sielie simple soule immediately on this
- Requested Jove to graunt a boone the which she did not name.
- Aske what thou wilt sweete heart (quoth he) thou shalt not misse the same,
- And for to make thee sure hereof, the grisely Stygian Lake,
- Which is the feare and God of Gods beare witnesse for thy sake.
- She joying in hir owne mischaunce, not having any powre
- To rule hir selfe, but making speede to hast hir fatall howre,
- In which she through hir Lovers helpe should worke hir owne decay,
- Sayd: Such as Juno findeth you when you and she doe play
- The games of Venus, such I pray thee shew thy selfe to mee
- In everie case. The God would faine have stopt hir mouth. But shee
- Had made such hast that out it was. Which made him sigh full sore,
- For neyther she could then unwish the thing she wisht before,
- Nor he revoke his solemne oth. Wherefore with sorie heart
- And heavie countnance by and by to Heaven he doth depart,
- And makes to follow after him with looke full grim and stoure
- The flakie clouds all grisly blacke, as when they threat a shoure.
- To which he added mixt with winde a fierce and flashing flame,
- With drie and dreadfull thunderclaps and lightning to the same
- Of deadly unavoyded dynt. And yet as much as may
- He goes about his vehement force and fiercenesse to allay.
- He doth not arme him with the fire with which he did remove
- The Giant with the hundreth handes, Typhoeus, from above:
- It was too cruell and too sore to use against his Love.
- The Cyclops made an other kinde of lightning farre more light,
- Wherein they put much lesse of fire, lesse fierceness, lesser might.
- It hight in Heaven the seconde Mace. Jove armes himselfe with this
- And enters into Cadmus house where Semelles chamber is.
- She being mortall was too weake and feeble to withstande
- Such troublous tumultes of the Heavens: and therefore out of hande
- Was burned in hir Lovers armes. But yet he tooke away
- His infant from the mothers wombe unperfect as it lay,
- And (if a man may credit it) did in his thigh it sowe,
- Where byding out the mothers tyme it did to ripenesse growe.
- And when the time of birth was come his Aunt the Ladie Ine
- Did nourse him for a while by stealth and kept him trym and fine.
- The Nymphes of Nysa afterwarde did in their bowres him hide,
- And brought him up with Milke till tyme he might abrode be spyde.
- Now while these things were done on earth, and that by fatal doome
- The twice borne Bacchus had a tyme to mannes estate to come,
- They say that Jove disposde to myrth as he and Juno sate
- A drinking Nectar after meate in sport and pleasant rate,
- Did fall a jeasting with his wife, and saide: A greater pleasure
- In Venus games ye women have than men beyonde all measure.
- She answerde no. To trie the truth, they both of them agree
- The wise Tyresias in this case indifferent Judge to bee,
- Who both the man and womans joyes by tryall understood.
- For finding once two mightie Snakes engendring in a Wood,
- He strake them overthwart the backs, by meanes whereof beholde
- (As straunge a thing to be of truth as ever yet was tolde)
- He being made a woman straight, seven winter lived so.
- The eight he finding them againe did say unto them tho:
- And if to strike ye have such powre as for to turne their shape
- That are the givers of the stripe, before you hence escape,
- One stripe now will I lende you more. He strake them as beforne
- And straight returnd his former shape in which he first was borne.
- Tyresias therefore being tane to judge this jesting strife,
- Gave sentence on the side of Jove. The which the Queene his wife
- Did take a great deale more to heart than needed, and in spight
- To wreake hir teene upon hir Judge, bereft him of his sight.
- But Jove (for to the Gods it is unleefull to undoe
- The things which other of the Gods by any meanes have doe)
- Did give him sight in things to come for losse of sight of eye,
- And so his grievous punishment with honour did supplie.
- By meanes whereof within a while in Citie, fielde, and towne
- Through all the coast of Aony was bruited his renowne.
- And folke to have their fortunes read that dayly did resorte
- Were aunswerde so as none of them could give him misreporte.
- The first that of his soothfast wordes had proufe in all the Realme
- Was freckled Lyriop, whom sometime surprised in his streame
- The floud Cephisus did enforce. This Lady bare a sonne
- Whose beautie at his verie birth might justly love have wonne.
- -Narcissus did she call his name. Of whome the Prophet sage,
- -Demaunded if the childe should live to many yeares of age,
- Made aunswere: Yea full long, so that him selfe he doe not know.
- The Soothsayers wordes seemde long but vaine, untill the end did show
- His saying to be true in deede by straungenesse of the rage,
- And straungenesse of the kinde of death that did abridge his age.
- For when yeares three times five and one he fully lyved had,
- So that he seemde to stande beetwene the state of man and Lad,
- The hearts of dyvers trim yong men his beautie gan to move
- And many a Ladie fresh and faire was taken in his love.
- But in that grace of Natures gift such passing pride did raigne,
- That to be toucht of man or Mayde he wholy did disdaine.
- A babling Nymph that Echo hight, who hearing others talke,
- By no meanes can restraine hir tongue but that it needes must walke,
- Nor of hir selfe hath powre to ginne to speake to any wight,
- Espyde him dryving into toyles the fearefull stagges of flight.
- This Echo was a body then and not an onely voyce.
- Yet of hir speach she had that time no more than now the choyce,
- That is to say, of many wordes the latter to repeate.
- The cause thereof was Junos wrath. For when that with the feate
- She might have often taken Jove in daliance with his Dames,
- And that by stealth and unbewares in middes of all his games,
- This elfe would with hir tatling talke deteine hir by the way,
- Untill that Jove had wrought his will and they were fled away.
- The which when Juno did perceyve, she said with wrathfull mood:
- This tongue that hath deluded me shall doe thee little good,
- For of thy speach but simple use hereafter shalt thou have.
- The deede it selfe did straight confirme the threatnings that she gave.
- Yet Echo of the former talke doth double oft the ende
- And backe againe with just report the wordes earst spoken sende.
- Now when she sawe Narcissus stray about the Forrest wyde,
- She waxed warme and step for step fast after him she hyde.
- The more she followed after him and neerer that she came,
- The hoter ever did she waxe as neerer to hir flame.
- Lyke as the lively Brimstone doth which dipt about a match,
- And put but softly to the fire, the flame doth lightly catch.
- O Lord how often woulde she faine (if nature would have let)
- Entreated him with gentle wordes some favour for to get?
- But nature would not suffer hir nor give hir leave to ginne.
- Yet (so farre forth as she by graunt at natures hande could winne)
- As readie with attentive eare she harkens for some sounde,
- Whereto she might replie hir wordes, from which she is not bounde.
- By chaunce the stripling being strayde from all his companie,
- Sayde: Is there any body nie? Straight Echo answerde: I.
- Amazde he castes his eye aside, and looketh round about,
- And Come (that all the Forrest roong) aloud he calleth out.
- And Come (sayth she:) he looketh backe, and seeing no man followe,
- Why fliste, he cryeth once againe: and she the same doth hallowe.
- He still persistes and wondring much what kinde of thing it was
- From which that answering voyce by turne so duely seemde to passe,
- Said: Let us joyne. She (by hir will desirous to have said
- In fayth with none more willingly at any time or stead)
- Said: Let us joyne. And standing somewhat in hir owne conceit,
- Upon these wordes she left the Wood, and forth she yeedeth streit,
- To coll the lovely necke for which she longed had so much,
- He runnes his way and will not be imbraced of no such,
- And sayth: I first will die ere thou shalt take of me thy pleasure.
- She aunswerde nothing else thereto, but Take of me thy pleasure.
- Now when she saw hir selfe thus mockt, she gate hir to the Woods,
- And hid hir head for verie shame among the leaves and buddes.
- And ever sence she lyves alone in dennes and hollow Caves,
- Yet stacke hir love still to hir heart, through which she dayly raves
- The more for sorrowe of repulse. Through restlesse carke and care
- Hir bodie pynes to skinne and bone, and waxeth wonderous bare.
- The bloud doth vanish into ayre from out of all hir veynes,
- And nought is left but voyce and bones: the voyce yet still remaynes:
- Hir bones they say were turnde to stones. From thence she lurking still
- In Woods, will never shewe hir head in field nor yet on hill.
- Yet is she heard of every man: it is hir onely sound,
- And nothing else that doth remayne alive above the ground.
- Thus had he mockt this wretched Nymph and many mo beside,
- That in the waters, Woods and groves, or Mountaynes did abyde.
- Thus had he mocked many men. Of which one miscontent
- To see himselfe deluded so, his handes to Heaven up bent,
- And sayd: I pray to God he may once feele fierce Cupids fire
- As I doe now, and yet not joy the things he doth desire.
- The Goddesse Ramnuse (who doth wreake on wicked people take)
- Assented to his just request for ruth and pities sake.
- There was a spring withouten mudde as silver cleare and still,
- Which neyther sheepeheirds, nor the Goates that fed upon the hill,
- Nor other cattell troubled had, nor savage beast had styrd,
- Nor braunch nor sticke, nor leafe of tree, nor any soule nor byrd.
- The moysture fed and kept aye fresh the grasse that grew about,
- And with their leaves the trees did keepe the heate of Phoebus out.
- The stripling wearie with the heate and hunting in the chace,
- And much delighted with the spring and coolenesse of the place,
- Did lay him downe upon the brim: and as he stooped lowe
- To staunche his thurst, another thurst of worse effect did growe.
- For as he dranke, he chaunst to spie the Image of his face,
- The which he did immediately with fervent love embrace.
- He feedes a hope without cause why. For like a foolishe noddie
- He thinkes the shadow that he sees, to be a lively boddie.
- Astraughted like an ymage made of Marble stone he lyes,
- There gazing on his shadowe still with fixed staring eyes.
- Stretcht all along upon the ground, it doth him good to see
- His ardant eyes which like two starres full bright and shyning bee,
- And eke his fingars, fingars such as Bacchus might beseeme,
- And haire that one might worthely Apollos haire it deeme,
- His beardlesse chinne and yvorie necke, and eke the perfect grace
- Of white and red indifferently bepainted in his face.
- All these he woondreth to beholde, for which (as I doe gather)
- Himselfe was to be woondred at, or to be pitied rather.
- He is enamored of himselfe for want of taking heede,
- And where he lykes another thing, he lykes himselfe in deede.
- He is the partie whome he wooes, and suter that doth wooe,
- He is the flame that settes on fire, and thing that burneth tooe.
- O Lord how often did he kisse that false deceitfull thing?
- How often did he thrust his armes midway into the spring
- To have embraste the necke he saw and could not catch himselfe?
- He knowes not what it was he sawe. And yet the foolish elfe
- Doth burne in ardent love thereof. The verie selfsame thing
- That doth bewitch and blinde his eyes, encreaseth all his sting.
- Thou fondling thou, why doest thou raught the fickle image so?
- The thing thou seekest is not there. And if aside thou go,
- The thing thou lovest straight is gone. It is none other matter
- That thou doest see, than of thy selfe the shadow in the water.
- The thing is nothing of it selfe: with thee it doth abide,
- With thee it would departe if thou withdrew thy selfe aside.
- No care of meate could draw him thence, nor yet desire of rest.
- But lying flat against the ground, and leaning on his brest,
- With greedie eyes he gazeth still uppon the falced face,
- And through his sight is wrought his bane. Yet for a little space
- He turnes and settes himselfe upright, and holding up his hands
- With piteous voyce unto the wood that round about him stands,
- Cryes out and ses: Alas ye Woods, and was there ever any
- That loovde so cruelly as I? you know: for unto many
- A place of harbrough have you beene, and fort of refuge strong.
- Can you remember any one in all your tyme so long
- That hath so pinde away as I? I see and am full faine,
- Howbeit that I like and see I can not yet attaine:
- So great a blindnesse in my heart through doting love doth raigne.
- And for to spight me more withall, it is no journey farre,
- No drenching Sea, no Mountaine hie, no wall, no locke, no barre,
- It is but even a little droppe that keepes us two asunder.
- He would be had. For looke how oft I kisse the water under,
- So oft againe with upwarde mouth he riseth towarde mee.
- A man would thinke to touch at least I should yet able bee.
- It is a trifle in respect that lettes us of our love.
- What wight soever that thou art come hither up above.
- O pierlesse piece, why dost thou mee thy lover thus delude?
- Or whither fliste thou of thy friende thus earnestly pursude?
- Iwis I neyther am so fowle nor yet so growne in yeares
- That in this wise thou shouldst me shoon. To have me to their Feeres,
- The Nymphes themselves have sude ere this. And yet (as should appeere)
- Thou dost pretende some kinde of hope of friendship by thy cheere.
- For when I stretch mine armes to thee, thou stretchest thine likewise.
- And if I smile thou smilest too: and when that from mine eyes
- The teares doe drop, I well perceyve the water stands in thine.
- Like gesture also dost thou make to everie becke of mine.
- And as by moving of thy sweete and lovely lippes I weene,
- Thou speakest words although mine eares conceive not what they beene,
- It is my selfe I well perceyve, it is mine Image sure,
- That in this sort deluding me, this furie doth procure.
- I am inamored of my selfe, I doe both set on fire,
- And am the same that swelteth too, through impotent desire.
- What shall I doe? be woode or woo? whome shall I woo therefore?
- The thing I seeke is in my selfe, my plentie makes me poore.
- I would to God I for a while might from my bodie part.
- This wish is straunge to heare, a Lover wrapped all in smart
- To wish away the thing the which he loveth as his heart.
- My sorrowe takes away my strength. I have not long to live,
- But in the floure of youth must die. To die it doth not grieve.
- For that by death shall come the ende of all my griefe and paine
- I would this yongling whome I love might lenger life obtaine:
- For in one soule shall now decay we stedfast Lovers twaine.
- This saide in rage he turnes againe unto the forsaide shade,
- And rores the water with the teares and sloubring that he made,
- That through his troubling of the Well his ymage gan to fade.
- Which when he sawe to vanish so: Oh whither dost thou flie?
- Abide I pray thee heartely, aloud he gan to crie.
- Forsake me not so cruelly that loveth thee so deere,
- But give me leave a little while my dazled eyes to cheere
- With sight of that which for to touch is utterly denide,
- Thereby to feede my wretched rage and furie for a tide.
- As in this wise he made his mone, he stripped off his cote
- And with his fist outragiously his naked stomacke smote.
- A ruddie colour where he smote rose on his stomacke sheere,
- Lyke Apples which doe partly white and striped red appeere,
- Or as the clusters ere the grapes to ripenesse fully come:
- An Orient purple here and there beginnes to grow on some.
- Which things as soon as in the spring he did beholde againe,
- He could no longer beare it out. But fainting straight for paine,
- As lith and supple waxe doth melt against the burning flame,
- Or morning dewe against the Sunne that glareth on the same:
- Even so by piecemale being spent and wasted through desire,
- Did he consume and melt away with Cupids secret fire.
- His lively hue of white and red, his cheerefulnesse and strength
- And all the things that lyked him did wanze away at length.
- So that in fine remayned not the bodie which of late
- The wretched Echo loved so. Who when she sawe his state,
- Although in heart she angrie were, and mindefull of his pride,
- Yet ruing his unhappie case, as often as he cride
- Alas, she cride, Alas likewise with shirle redoubled sound.
- And when he beate his breast, or strake his feete against the ground,
- She made like noyse of clapping too. These are the woordes that last
- Out of his lippes beholding still his woonted ymage past:
- Alas sweete boy belovde in vaine, farewell. And by and by
- With sighing sound the selfesame wordes the Echo did reply.
- With that he layde his wearie head against the grassie place
- And death did doze his gazing eyes that woondred at the grace
- And beautie which did late adorne their Masters heavenly face.
- And afterward when into Hell receyved was his spright
- He goes me to the Well of Styx, and there both day and night
- Standes tooting on his shadow still as fondely as before.
- The water Nymphes, his sisters, wept and wayled for him sore
- And on his bodie strowde their haire clipt off and shorne therefore.
- The Wood nymphes also did lament. And Echo did rebound
- To every sorrowfull noyse of theirs with like lamenting sound.
- The fire was made to burne the corse, and waxen Tapers light.
- A Herce to lay the bodie on with solemne pompe was dight.
- But as for bodie none remaind: in stead thereof they found
- A yellow floure with milke white leaves new sprong upon the ground.
- This matter all Achaia through did spreade the Prophets fame:
- That every where of just desert renowned was his name.
- But Penthey, olde Echions sonne (who proudely did disdaine
- Both God and man) did laughe to scorne the Prophets words as vaine,
- Upbrading him most spitefully with loosing of his sight,
- And with the fact for which he lost fruition of this light.
- The good olde father (for these wordes his pacience much did move)
- Saide: how happie shouldest thou be and blessed from above,
- If thou wert blinde as well as I, so that thou might not see
- The sacred rytes of Bacchus band. For sure the time will bee,
- And that full shortely (as I gesse) that hither shall resort
- Another Bacchus, Semelles sonne, whome if thou not support
- With pompe and honour like a God, thy carcasse shall be tattred,
- And in a thousand places eke about the Woods be scattred.
- And for to reade thee what they are that shall perfourme the deede,
- It is thy mother and thine Auntes that thus shall make thee bleede.
- I know it shall so come to passe, for why thou shalt disdaine,
- To honour Bacchus as a God: and then thou shalt with paine
- Feele how that blinded as I am I sawe for thee too much.
- As olde Tiresias did pronounce these wordes and other such,
- Echions sonne did trouble him. His wordes prove true in deede,
- For as the Prophet did forespeake so fell it out with speede.
- Anon this newefound Bacchus commes: the woods and fieldes rebound
- With noyse of shouts and howling out, and such confused sound.
- The folke runne flocking out by heapes, men, Mayds and wives togither
- The noble men and rascall sorte ran gadding also thither,
- The Orgies of this unknowne God full fondely to performe,
- The which when Penthey did perceyve, he gan to rage and storme.
- And sayde unto them: O ye ympes of Mars his snake by kinde
- What ayleth you? what fiend of hell doth thus enrage your minde?
- Hath tinking sound of pottes and pannes, hath noyse of crooked home,
- Have fonde illusions such a force that them whome heretoforne
- No arming sworde, no bloudie trumpe, no men in battail ray
- Could cause to shrinke, no sheepish shriekes of simple women fray,
- And dronken woodnesse wrought by wine and roughts of filthie freakes
- And sound of toying timpanes dauntes, and quite their courage breakes?
- Shall I at you, yee auncient men which from the towne of Tyre
- To bring your housholde Gods by Sea, in safetie did aspyre,
- And setled*hem within this place the which ye nowe doe yeelde
- In bondage quite without all force and fighting in the fielde,
- Or woonder at you yonger sorte approching unto mee
- More neare in courage and in yeares? whome meete it were to see
- With speare and not with thirse in hande, with glittring helme on hed,
- And not with leaves. Now call to minde of whome ye all are bred,
- And take the stomackes of that Snake, which being one alone,
- Right stoutly in his owne defence confounded many one.
- He for his harbrough and his spring his lyfe did nobly spend.
- Doe you no more but take a heart your Countrie to defende.
- He put to death right valeant knightes. Your battaile is with such
- As are but Meicocks in effect: and yet ye doe so much
- In conquering them, that by the deede the olde renowne ye save,
- Which from your fathers by discent this present time ye have.
- If fatall destnies doe forbid that Thebae long shall stande,
- Would God that men with Canon shot might raze it out of hande.
- Would God the noyse of fire and sworde did in our hearing sound.
- For then in this our wretchednesse there could no fault be found.
- Then might we justly waile our case that all the world might see
- We should not neede of sheading teares ashamed for to bee.
- But now our towne is taken by a naked beardelesse boy,
- Who doth not in the feates of armes nor horse nor armour joy,
- But for to moyste his haire with Mirrhe, and put on garlands gay,
- And in soft Purple silke and golde his bodie to aray.
- But put to you your helping hand and straight without delay
- I will compell him poynt by poynt his lewdnesse to bewray,
- Both in usurping Joves high name in making him his sonne
- And forging of these Ceremonies lately now begonne.
- Hath King Atrisius heart inough this fondling for to hate
- That makes himselfe to be a God? and for to shut the gate
- Of Argus at his comming there? and shall this rover make
- King Penthey and the noble towne of Thebae thus to quake?
- Go quickly sirs (these wordes he spake unto his servaunts) go
- And bring the Captaine hither bound with speede. Why stay ye so?
- His Grandsire Cadmus, Athamas and others of his kinne
- Reproved him by gentle meanes but nothing could they winne:
- The more intreatance that they made the fiercer was he still:
- The more his friendes did go about to breake him of his will,
- The more they did provoke his wrath, and set his rage on fire:
- They made him worse in that they sought to bridle his desire.
- So have I seene a brooke ere this, where nothing let the streame,
- Runne smooth with little noyse or none, but where as any beame
- Or cragged stones did let his course, and make him for to stay:
- It went more fiercely from the stoppe with fomie wroth away.
- Beholde all bloudie come his men, and straight he them demaunded
- Where Bacchus was, and why they had not done as he commaunded.
- Sir (aunswerde they) we saw him not, but this same fellow heere
- A chiefe companion in his traine and worker in this geere,
- Wee tooke by force: and therewithall presented to their Lord
- A certaine man of Tirrhene lande, his handes fast bound with cord,
- Whome they, frequenting Bacchus rites had found but late before.
- A grim and cruell looke which yre did make to seeme more sore,
- Did Penthey cast upon the man. And though he scarcely stayd
- From putting him to tormentes strait, O wretched man (he sayde)
- Who by thy worthie death shalt be a sample unto other,
- Declare to me the names of thee, thy father and thy mother,
- And in what Countrie thou wert borne, and what hath caused thee,
- Of these straunge rites and sacrifice, a follower for to bee.
- He voyd of feare made aunswere thus: Acetis is my name:
- Of Parentes but of lowe degree in Lidy land I came.
- No ground for painfull Oxe to till, no sheepe to beare me wooll
- My father left me: no nor horse, nor Asse, nor Cow nor Booll.
- God wote he was but poore himselfe. With line and bayted hooke
- The frisking fishes in the pooles upon his Reede he tooke.
- His handes did serve in steade of landes, his substance was his craft.
- Nowe have I made you true accompt of all that he me laft,
- As well of ryches as of trades, in which I was his heire
- And successour. For when that death bereft him use of aire,
- Save water he me nothing left. It is the thing alone
- Which for my lawfull heritage I clayme, and other none.
- Soone after I (bicause that loth I was to ay abide
- In that poore state) did learne a ship by cunning hande to guide,
- And for to know the raynie signe, that hight th'Olenien Gote
- Which with hir milke did nourish Jove. And also I did note
- The Pleiads and the Hiads moyst, and eke the siely Plough
- With all the dwellings of the winds that make the Seas so rough.
- And eke such Havens as are meete to harbrough vessels in:
- With everie starre and heavenly signe that guides to shipmen bin.
- Now as by chaunce I late ago did toward Dilos sayle,
- I came on coast of Scios Ile, and seeing day to fayle,
- Tooke harbrough there and went alande. As soone as that the night
- Was spent, and morning gan to peere with ruddie glaring light,
- I rose and bad my companie fresh water fetch aboord.
- And pointing them the way that led directly to the foorde,
- I went me to a little hill, and viewed round about
- To see what weather we were lyke to have ere setting out.
- Which done, I cald my watermen and all my Mates togither,
- And willde them all to go aboord my selfe first going thither.
- Loe here we are (Opheltes sayd) (he was the Maysters Mate)
- And (as he thought) a bootie found in desert fields alate,
- He dragd a boy upon his hande that for his beautie sheene
- A mayden rather than a boy appeared for to beene.
- This childe, as one forelade with wine, and dreint with drousie sleepe
- Did reele, as though he scarcely coulde himselfe from falling keepe.
- I markt his countnance, weede and pace, no inckling could I see,
- By which I might conjecture him a mortall wight to bee.
- I thought, and to my fellowes sayd: What God I can not tell
- But in this bodie that we see some Godhead sure doth dwell.
- What God so ever that thou art, thy favour to us showe,
- And in our labours us assist, and pardone these also.
- Pray for thy selfe and not for us (quoth Dictys by and by).
- A nimbler fellow for to climbe upon the Mast on hie
- And by the Cable downe to slide, there was not in our keele.
- Swart Melanth patrone of the shippe did like his saying weele.
- So also did Alcimedon: and so did Libys too,
- And blacke Epopeus eke whose charge it did belong unto
- To see the Rowers at their tymes their dueties duely do.
- And so did all the rest of them: so sore mennes eyes were blinded
- Where covetousenesse of filthie gaine is more than reason minded.
- Well sirs (quoth I) but by your leave ye shall not have it so,
- I will not suffer sacriledge within this shippe to go.
- For I have here the most to doe. And with that worde I stept
- Uppon the Hatches, all the rest from entrance to have kept.
- The rankest Ruffian of the rout that Lycab had to name,
- (Who for a murder being late driven out of Tuscane came
- To me for succor) waxed woode, and with his sturdie fist
- Did give me such a churlish blow bycause I did resist,
- That over boord he had me sent, but that with much ado
- I caught the tackling in my hand and helde me fast thereto:
- The wicked Varlets had a sport to see me handled so.
- Then Bacchus (for it Bacchus was) as though he had but tho
- Bene waked with their noyse from sleepe, and that his drousie braine
- Discharged of the wine, begon to gather sence againe,
- Said: What adoe? what noyse is this? how came I here I pray?
- Sirs tell me whether you doe meane to carie me away.
- Feare not my boy (the Patrone sayd) no more but tell me where
- Thou doest desire to go alande, and we will set thee there.
- To Naxus ward (quoth Bacchus tho) set ship upon the fome.
- There would I have yow harbrough take, for Naxus is my home.
- Like perjurde Caitifs by the Sea and all the Gods thereof,
- They falsly sware it should be so, and therewithall in scoffe
- They bade me hoyse up saile and go. Upon the righter hand
- I cast about to fetch the winde, for so did Naxus stand.
- What meanst? art mad? Opheltes cride, and therewithall begun
- A feare of loosing of their pray through every man to run.
- The greater part with head and hand a signe did to me make,
- And some did whisper in mine eare the left hand way to take.
- I was amazde and said: Take charge henceforth who will for me:
- For of your craft and wickednesse I will no furthrer be.
- Then fell they to reviling me, and all the rout gan grudge:
- Of which Ethalion said in scorne: By like in you Sir snudge
- Consistes the savegard of us all. And wyth that word he takes
- My roume, and leaving Naxus quite to other countries makes.
- The God then dalying with these mates, as though he had at last
- Begon to smell their suttle craft, out of the foredecke cast
- His eye upon the Sea: and then as though he seemde to weepe,
- Sayd: Sirs, to bring me on this coast ye doe not promise keepe.
- I see that this is not the land the which I did request.
- For what occasion in this sort deserve I to be drest?
- What commendation can you win, or praise thereby receyve,
- If men a Lad, if many one ye compasse to deceyve?
- I wept and sobbed all this while, the wicked villaines laught,
- And rowed forth with might and maine, as though they had bene straught.
- Now even by him (for sure than he in all the worlde so wide
- There is no God more neare at hand at every time and tide)
- I sweare unto you that the things the which I shall declare,
- Like as they seeme incredible, even so most true they are.
- The ship stoode still amid the Sea as in a dustie docke.
- They wondring at this miracle, and making but a mocke,
- Persist in beating with their Ores, and on with all their sayles.
- To make their Galley to remove, no Art nor labor fayles.
- But Ivie troubled so their Ores that forth they could not row:
- And both with Beries and with leaves their sailes did overgrow.
- And he himselfe with clustred grapes about his temples round,
- Did shake a Javeling in his hand that round about was bound
- With leaves of Vines: and at his feete there seemed for to couch
- Of Tygers, Lynx, and Panthers shapes most ougly for to touch.
- I cannot tell you whether feare or woodnesse were the cause,
- But every person leapeth up and from his labor drawes.
- And there one Medon first of all began to waxen blacke,
- And having lost his former shape did take a courbed backe.
- What Monster shall we have of thee (quoth Licab) and with that
- This Licabs chappes did waxen wide, his nosetrils waxed flat,
- His skin waxt tough, and scales thereon began anon to grow.
- And Libis as he went about the Ores away to throw,
- Perceived how his hands did shrinke and were become so short,
- That now for finnes and not for hands he might them well report.
- Another as he would have claspt his arme about the corde:
- Had nere an arme, and so bemaimd in bodie, over boord
- He leapeth downe among the waves, and forked is his tayle
- As are the homes of Phebes face when halfe hir light doth fayle.
- They leape about and sprinkle up much water on the ship,
- One while they swim above, and downe againe anon they slip.
- They fetch their friskes as in a daunce, and wantonly they writhe
- Now here now there among the waves their bodies bane and lithe.
- And with their wide and hollow nose the water in they snuffe,
- And by their noses out againe as fast they doe it puffe.
- Of twentie persons (for our ship so many men did beare)
- I only did remaine nigh straught and trembling still for feare.
- The God could scarce recomfort me, and yet he said: Go too,
- Feare not but saile to Dia ward. His will I gladly doe.
- And so as soone as I came there with right devout intent,
- His Chaplaine I became. And thus his Orgies I frequent.
- Thou makste a processe verie long (quoth Penthey) to th'intent
- That (choler being coolde by time) mine anger might relent.
- But Sirs (he spake it to his men) go take him by and by,
- With cruell torments out of hand goe cause him for to die.
- Immediately they led away Acetes out of sight,
- And put him into prison strong from which there was no flight.
- But while the cruell instruments of death as sword and fire
- Were in preparing wherewithall t'accomplish Pentheys yre,
- It is reported that the doores did of their owne accorde
- Burst open and his chaines fall off. And yet this cruell Lorde
- Persisteth fiercer than before, not bidding others go
- But goes himselfe unto the hill Cytheron, which as tho
- To Bacchus being consecrate did ring of chaunted songs,
- And other loud confused sounds of Bacchus drunken throngs.
- And even as when the bloudie Trumpe doth to the battell sound,
- The lustie horse streight neying out bestirres him on the ground,
- And taketh courage thereupon t'assaile his emnie proud:
- Even so when Penthey heard afarre the noyse and howling loud
- That Bacchus franticke folke did make, it set his heart on fire,
- And kindled fiercer than before the sparks of settled ire.
- There is a goodly plaine about the middle of the hill,
- Environd in with Woods, where men may view eche way at will.
- Here looking on these holie rites with lewde prophaned eyes
- King Pentheys mother first of all hir foresaid sonne espies,
- And like a Bedlem first of all she doth upon him runne,
- And with hir Javeling furiously she first doth wound hir sonne.
- Come hither sisters come, she cries, here is that mighty Bore,
- Here is the Bore that stroyes our fieldes, him will I strike therefore.
- With that they fall upon him all as though they had bene mad,
- And clustring all upon a heape fast after him they gad.
- He quakes and shakes: his words are now become more meeke and colde:
- He now condemnes his owne default, and sayes he was too bolde.
- And wounded as he was he cries: Helpe, Aunt Autonoe,
- Now for Acteons blessed soule some mercie show to me.
- She wist not who Acteon was, but rent without delay
- His right hand off: and Ino tare his tother hand away.
- To lift unto his mother tho the wretch had nere an arme:
- But shewing hir his maimed corse, and woundes yet bleeding warme,
- O mother see, he sayes: with that Agauë howleth out:
- And writhed with hir necke awrie, and shooke hir haire about.
- And holding from his bodie tome his head in bloudie hands,
- She cries: fellowes in this deede our noble conquest stands.
- No sooner could the winde have blowen the rotten leaves from trees,
- When Winters frost hath bitten them, then did the hands of these
- Most wicked women Pentheys limmes from one another teare.
- The Thebanes being now by this example brought in feare,
- Frequent this newfound sacrifice, and with sweete frankinsence
- God Bacchus Altars lode with gifts in every place doe cense.
- Finis tertij Libri.
- of Ouids Metamorphosis
- et would not stout Alcithoë, Duke Mineus daughter, bow
- The Orgies of this newfound God in conscience to allow
- But still she stiffly doth denie that Bacchus is the sonne
- Of Ioue: and in this heresie hir sisters with hir runne.
- The Priest had bidden holiday, and that as well the Maide
- As Mistresse (for the time aside all other businesse layde)
- In Buckskin cotes, with tresses loose, and garlondes on their heare,
- Should in their hands the leavie speares (surnamed Thyrsis) beare,
- Foretelling them that if they did the Goddes commaundement breake,
- He would with sore and grievous plagues his wrath upon them wreake.
- The women straight both yong and olde doe thereunto obay.
- Their yarne, their baskets, and their flax unsponne aside they lay,
- And burne to Bacchus frankinsence. Whome solemly they call
- By all the names and titles high that may to him befall:
- As Bromius, and Lyeus eke, begotten of the flame,
- Twice borne, the sole and only childe that of two mothers came,
- Unshorne Thyoney, Niseus, Leneus, and the setter
- Of Wines, whose pleasant liquor makes all tables fare the better,
- Nyctileus and th'Elelean Sire, Iacchus, Evan eke,
- With divers other glorious names that through the land of Greke
- To thee O Liber wonted are to attributed bee.
- Thy youthfull yeares can never wast: there dwelleth ay in thee
- A childhod tender, fresh and faire: in Heaven we doe thee see
- Surmounting every other thing in beautie and in grace
- And when thou standste without thy homes thou hast a Maidens face.
- To thee obeyeth all the East as far as Ganges goes,
- Which doth the scorched land of Inde with tawnie folke enclose.
- Lycurgus with his twibill sharpe, and Penthey who of pride
- Thy Godhead and thy mightie power rebelliously denide,
- Thou right redowted didst confounde: thou into Sea didst send
- The Tyrrhene shipmen. Thou with bittes the sturdy neckes doste bend
- Of spotted Lynxes: throngs of Frowes and Satyres on thee tend,
- And that olde Hag that with a staffe his staggering limmes doth stay
- Scarce able on his Asse to sit for reeling every way.
- Thou commest not in any place but that is hearde the noyse
- Of gagling womens tatling tongues and showting out of boyes,
- With sound of Timbrels, Tabors, Pipes, and Brazen pannes and pots
- Confusedly among the rout that in thine Orgies trots.
- The Thebane women for thy grace and favour humbly sue,
- And (as the Priest did bid) frequent thy rites with reverence due.
- Alonly Mineus daughters bent of wilfulnesse, with working
- Quite out of time to breake the feast, are in their houses lurking:
- And there doe fall to spinning yarne, or weaving in the frame,
- And kepe their maidens to their worke. Of which one pleasant dame
- As she with nimble hand did draw hir slender threede and fine,
- Said: Whyle that others idelly doe serve the God of wine,
- Let us that serve a better Sainct Minerva, finde some talke
- To ease our labor while our handes about our profite walke.
- And for to make the time seeme shorte, let eche of us recite,
- (As every bodies turne shall come) some tale that may delight.
- Hir saying likte the rest so well that all consent therein,
- And thereupon they pray that first the eldest would begin.
- She had such store and choyce of tales she wist not which to tell.
- She doubted if she might declare the fortune that befell
- To Dircetes of Babilon whome now with scaly hide
- In altred shape the Philistine beleveth to abide
- In watrie Pooles: or rather how hir daughter taking wings
- In shape of Dove on toppes of towres in age now sadly sings:
- Or how a certaine water Nymph by witchcraft and by charmes
- Converted into fishes dumbe of yongmen many swarmes,
- Untill that of the selfesame sauce hir selfe did tast at last:
- Or how the tree that usde to beare fruite white in ages past,
- Doth now beare fruite in manner blacke, by sprincling up of blood.
- This tale (bicause it was not stale nor common) seemed good
- To hir to tell: and thereupon she in this wise begun,
- Hir busie hand still drawing out the flaxen threede she spun:
- Within the towne (of whose huge walles so monstrous high and thicke
- The fame is given Semyramis for making them of bricke)
- Dwelt hard together two yong folke in houses joynde so nere
- That under all one roofe well nie both twaine conveyed were.
- The name of him was Pyramus, and Thisbe calde was she.
- So faire a man in all the East was none alive as he,
- Nor nere a woman, maide nor wife in beautie like to hir.
- This neighbrod bred acquaintance first, this neyghbrod first did stirre
- The secret sparkes, this neighbrod first an entrance in did showe,
- For love to come to that to which it afterward did growe.
- And if that right had taken place they had bene man and wife,
- But still their Parents went about to let which (for their life)
- They could not let. For both their heartes with equall flame did burne.
- No man was privie to their thoughts. And for to serve their turne
- In steade of talke they used signes. The closelier they supprest -
- The fire of love, the fiercer still it raged in their brest.
- The wall that parted house from house had riven therein a crany
- Which shronke at making of the wall. This fault not markt of any
- Of many hundred yeares before (what doth not love espie)
- These lovers first of all found out, and made a way whereby
- To talke togither secretly, and through the same did goe
- Their loving whisprings verie light and safely to and fro.
- Now as at one side Thisbe on the tother
- Stoode often drawing one of them the pleasant breath from other:
- O thou envious wall (they sayd) why letst thou lovers thus?
- What matter were it if that thou permitted both of us
- In armes eche other to embrace? Or if thou thinke that this
- Were overmuch, yet mightest thou at least make roume to kisse.
- And yet thou shalt not finde us churles: we thinke our selves in det
- For this same piece of courtesie, in vouching safe to let
- Our sayings to our friendly eares thus freely come and goe.
- Thus having where they stoode in vaine complayned of their woe,
- When night drew nere, they bade adew and eche gave kisses sweete
- Unto the parget on their side, the which did never meete.
- Next morning with hir cherefull light had driven the starres aside
- And Phebus with his burning beames the dewie grasse had dride.
- These lovers at their wonted place by foreappointment met.
- Where after much complaint and mone they covenanted to get
- Away from such as watched them and in the Evening late
- To steale out of their fathers house and eke the Citie gate.
- And to th'intent that in the fieldes they strayde not up and downe
- They did agree at Ninus Tumb to meete without the towne,
- And tarie underneath a tree that by the same did grow
- Which was a faire high Mulberie with fruite as white as snow,
- Hard by a coole and trickling spring. This bargaine pleasde them both
- And so daylight (which to their thought away but slowly goth)
- Did in the Ocean fall to rest, and night from thence doth rise.
- As soone as darkenesse once was come, straight Thisbe did devise
- A shift to wind hir out of doores, that none that were within
- Perceyved hir: and muffling hir with clothes about hir chin,
- That no man might discerne hir face, to Ninus Tumb she came
- Unto the tree, and sat hir downe there underneath the same.
- Love made hir bold. But see the chaunce, there comes besmerde with blood
- About the chappes a Lionesse all foming from the wood
- From slaughter lately made of kine to staunch hir bloudie thurst
- With water of the foresaid spring. Whome Thisbe spying furst,
- Afarre by moonelight, thereupon with fearfull steppes gan flie,
- And in a darke and yrkesome cave did hide hirselfe thereby.
- And as she fled away for hast she let hir mantle fall
- The whych for feare she left behind not looking backe at all.
- Now when the cruell Lionesse hir thurst had stanched well,
- In going to the Wood she found the slender weede that fell
- From Thisbe, which with bloudie teeth in pieces she did teare.
- The night was somewhat further spent ere Pyramus came there
- Who seeing in the suttle sande the print of Lions paw,
- Waxt pale for feare. But when also the bloudie cloke he saw
- All rent and tome: One night (he sayd) shall lovers two confounde,
- Of which long life deserved she of all that live on ground.
- My soule deserves of this mischaunce the perill for to beare.
- I, wretch, have bene the death of thee, which to this place of feare
- Did cause thee in the night to come, and came not here before.
- My wicked limmes and wretched guttes with cruell teeth therfore
- Devour ye, O ye Lions all that in this rocke doe dwell.
- But Cowardes use to wish for death. The slender weede that fell
- From Thisbe up he takes, and streight doth beare it to the tree,
- Which was appointed erst the place of meeting for to bee.
- And when he had bewept and kist the garment which he knew,
- Receyve thou my bloud too (quoth he) and therewithall he drew
- His sworde, the which among his guttes he thrust, and by and by
- Did draw it from the bleeding wound beginning for to die,
- And cast himselfe upon his backe, the bloud did spin on hie
- As when a Conduite pipe is crackt, the water bursting out
- Doth shote it selfe a great way off and pierce the Ayre about.
- The leaves that were upon the tree besprincled with his blood
- Were died blacke. The roote also bestained as it stoode,
- A deepe darke purple colour straight upon the Berries cast.
- Anon scarce ridded of hir feare with which she was agast,
- For doubt of disapointing him commes Thisbe forth in hast,
- And for hir lover lookes about, rejoycing for to tell
- How hardly she had scapt that night the daunger that befell.
- And as she knew right well the place and facion of the tree
- (As whych she saw so late before): even so when she did see
- The colour of the Berries turnde, she was uncertaine whither
- It were the tree at which they both agreed to meete togither.
- While in this doubtfull stounde she stoode, she cast hir eye aside
- And there beweltred in his bloud hir lover she espide
- Lie sprawling with his dying limmes: at which she started backe,
- And looked pale as any Box, a shuddring through hir stracke,
- Even like the Sea which sodenly with whissing noyse doth move,
- When with a little blast of winde it is but toucht above.
- But when approching nearer him she knew it was hir love,
- She beate hir brest, she shricked out, she tare hir golden heares,
- And taking him betweene hir armes did wash his wounds with teares,
- She meynt hir weeping with his bloud, and kissing all his face
- (Which now became as colde as yse) she cride in wofull case:
- Alas what chaunce, my Pyramus, hath parted thee and mee?
- Make aunswere O my Pyramus: it is thy Thisb', even shee
- Whome thou doste love most heartely, that speaketh unto thee.
- Give eare and rayse thy heavie heade. He hearing Thisbes name,
- Lift up his dying eyes and having seene hir closde the same.
- But when she knew hir mantle there and saw his scabberd lie
- Without the swoorde: Unhappy man thy love hath made thee die:
- Thy love (she said) hath made thee sley thy selfe. This hand of mine
- Is strong inough to doe the like. My love no lesse than thine
- Shall give me force to worke my wound. I will pursue the dead.
- And wretched woman as I am, it shall of me be sed
- That like as of thy death I was the only cause and blame,
- So am I thy companion eke and partner in the same,
- For death which only coulde alas asunder part us twaine,
- Shall never so dissever us but we will meete againe.
- And you the Parentes of us both, most wretched folke alyve,
- Let this request that I shall make in both our names bylive
- Entreate you to permit that we whome chaste and stedfast love
- And whome even death hath joynde in one, may as it doth behove
- In one grave be together layd. And thou unhappie tree
- Which shroudest now the corse of one, and shalt anon through mee
- Shroude two, of this same slaughter holde the sicker signes for ay,
- Blacke be the colour of thy fruite and mourning like alway,
- Such as the murder of us twaine may evermore bewray.
- This said, she tooke the sword yet warme with slaughter of hir love
- And setting it beneath hir brest, did to hir heart it shove.
- Hir prayer with the Gods and with their Parentes tooke effect.
- For when the frute is throughly ripe, the Berrie is bespect
- With colour tending to a blacke. And that which after fire
- Remained, rested in one Tumbe as Thisbe did desire.
- This tale thus tolde a little space of pawsing was betwist,
- And then began Leucothoe thus, hir sisters being whist:
- This Sunne that with his streaming light al worldly things doth cheare
- Was tane in love. Of Phebus loves now list and you shall heare.
- It is reported that this God did first of all espie,
- (For everie thing in Heaven and Earth is open to his eie)
- How Venus with the warlike Mars advoutrie did commit.
- It grieved him to see the fact and so discovered it,
- He shewed hir husband Junos sonne th'advoutrie and the place
- In which this privie scape was done. Who was in such a case
- That heart and hand and all did faile in working for a space.
- Anon he featly forgde a net of Wire so fine and slight,
- That neyther knot nor nooze therein apparant was to sight.
- This piece of worke was much more fine than any handwarpe oofe
- Or that whereby the Spider hanges in sliding from the roofe.
- And furthermore the suttlenesse and slight thereof was such,
- It followed every little pull and closde with every touch,
- And so he set it handsomly about the haunted couch.
- Now when that Venus and hir mate were met in bed togither
- Hir husband by his newfound snare before convayed thither
- Did snarle them both togither fast in middes of all theyr play
- And setting ope the Ivorie doores, callde all the Gods streight way
- To see them: they with shame inough fast lockt togither lay.
- A certaine God among the rest disposed for to sport
- Did wish that he himselfe also were shamed in that sort.
- The resdue laught and so in heaven there was no talke a while,
- But of this Pageant how the Smith the lovers did beguile.
- Dame Venus highly stomacking this great displeasure, thought
- To be revenged on the part by whome the spight was wrought.
- And like as he hir secret loves and meetings had bewrayd,
- So she with wound of raging love his guerdon to him payd.
- What now avayles (Hyperions sonne) thy forme and beautie bright?
- What now avayle thy glistring eyes with cleare and piercing sight?
- For thou that with thy gleames art wont all countries for to burne,
- Art burnt thy selfe with other gleames that serve not for thy turne.
- And thou that oughtst thy cherefull looke on all things for to shew
- Alonly on Leucothoe doste now the same bestow.
- Thou fastnest on that Maide alone the eyes that thou doste owe
- To all the worlde. Sometime more rathe thou risest in the East,
- Sometime againe thou makste it late before thou fall to reast.
- And for desire to looke on hir, thou often doste prolong
- Our winter nightes. And in thy light thou faylest eke among.
- The fancie of thy faultie minde infectes thy feeble sight,
- And so thou makste mens hearts afrayde by daunting of thy light,
- Thou looxte not pale bycause the globe of Phebe is betweene
- The Earth and thee: but love doth cause this colour to be seene.
- Thou lovest this Leucothoe so far above all other,
- That neyther now for Clymene, for Rhodos, nor the mother
- Of Circe, nor for Clytie (who at that present tyde
- Rejected from thy companie did for thy love abide
- Most grievous torments in hir heart) thou seemest for to care.
- Thou mindest hir so much that all the rest forgotten are.
- Hir mother was Eurynome of all the fragrant clime
- Of Arabie esteemde the flowre of beautie in hir time.
- But when hir daughter came to age the daughter past the mother
- As far in beautie, as before the mother past all other.
- Hir father was king Orchamus and rulde the publike weale
- Of Persey, counted by descent the seventh from auncient Bele.
- Far underneath the Westerne clyme of Hesperus doe runne
- The pastures of the firie steedes that draw the golden Sunne.
- There are they fed with Ambrosie in stead of grasse all night
- Which doth refresh their werie limmes and keepeth them in plight
- To beare their dailie labor out: now while the steedes there take
- Their heavenly foode and night by turne his timely course doth make,
- The God disguised in the shape of Queene Eurynome
- Doth prease within the chamber doore of faire Leucothoe
- His lover, whome amid twelve Maides he found by candlelight
- Yet spinning on hir little Rocke, and went me to hir right.
- And kissing hir as mothers use to kisse their daughters deare,
- Saide: Maydes, withdraw your selves a while and sit not listning here.
- I have a secret thing to talke. The Maides avoyde eche one,
- The God then being with his love in chamber all alone,
- Said: I am he that metes the yeare, that all things doe beholde,
- By whome the Earth doth all things see, the Eye of all the worlde.
- Trust me I am in love with thee. The Ladie was so nipt
- With sodaine feare that from hir hands both rocke and spindle slipt.
- Hir feare became hir wondrous well. He made no mo delayes,
- But turned to his proper shape and tooke hys glistring rayes.
- The damsell being sore abasht at this so straunge a sight,
- And overcome with sodaine feare to see the God so bright,
- Did make no outcrie nor no noyse, but helde hir pacience still,
- And suffred him by forced powre his pleasure to fulfill.
- Hereat did Clytie sore repine. For she beyond all measure
- Was then enamoured of the Sunne: and stung with this displeasure
- That he another Leman had, for verie spight and yre
- She playes the blab, and doth defame Leucothoe to hir Syre.
- He cruell and unmercifull would no excuse accept,
- But holding up hir handes to heaven when tenderly she wept,
- And said it was the Sunne that did the deede against hir will:
- Yet like a savage beast full bent his daughter for to spill,
- He put hir deepe in delved ground, and on hir bodie laide
- A huge great heape of heavie sand. The Sunne full yll appaide
- Did with his beames disperse the sand and made an open way
- To bring thy buried face to light, but such a weight there lay
- Upon thee, that thou couldst not raise thine hand aloft againe,
- And so a corse both voide of bloud and life thou didst remaine.
- There never chaunst since Phaetons fire a thing that grievde so sore
- The ruler of the winged steedes as this did. And therfore
- He did attempt if by the force and vertue of his ray
- He might againe to lively heate hir frozen limmes convay.
- But forasmuch as destenie so great attempts denies,
- He sprincles both the corse it selfe and place wherein it lyes
- With fragrant Nectar. And therewith bewayling much his chaunce
- Sayd: Yet above the starrie skie thou shalt thy selfe advaunce.
- Anon the body in this heavenly liquor steeped well
- Did melt, and moisted all the earth with sweete and pleasant smell.
- And by and by first taking roote among the cloddes within
- By little and by little did with growing top begin
- A pretie spirke of Frankinsence above the Tumbe to win.
- Although that Clytie might excuse hir sorrow by hir love
- And seeme that so to play the blab hir sorrow did hir move,
- Yet would the Author of the light resort to hir no more
- But did withholde the pleasant sportes of Venus usde before.
- The Nymph not able of hir selfe the franticke fume to stay,
- With restlesse care and pensivenesse did pine hir selfe away.
- Bareheaded on the bare cold ground with flaring haire unkempt
- She sate abrode both night and day: and clearly did exempt
- Hirselfe by space of thrise three dayes from sustnance and repast
- Save only dewe and save hir teares with which she brake hir fast.
- And in that while she never rose but stared on the Sunne
- And ever turnde hir face to his as he his corse did runne.
- Hir limmes stacke fast within the ground, and all hir upper part
- Did to a pale ashcolourd herbe cleane voyde of bloud convart.
- The floure whereof part red part white beshadowed with a blew
- Most like a Violet in the shape hir countnance overgrew.
- And now (though fastned with a roote) she turnes hir to the Sunne
- And keepes (in shape of herbe) the love with which she first begunne.
- She made an ende: and at hir tale all wondred: some denide
- Hir saying to be possible: and other some replide
- That such as are in deede true Gods may all things worke at will:
- But Bacchus is not any such. Thys arguing once made still,
- To tell hir tale as others had Alcithoes turne was come.
- Who with hir shettle shooting through hir web within the Loome,
- Said: Of the shepeheird Daphnyes love of Ida whom erewhile
- A jealouse Nymph (bicause he did with Lemans hir beguile)
- For anger turned to a stone (such furie love doth sende: )
- I will not speake: it is to knowe: ne yet I doe entende
- To tell how Scython variably digressing from his kinde,
- Was sometime woman, sometime man, as liked best his minde.
- And Celmus also wyll I passe, who for bicause he cloong
- Most faithfully to Jupiter was yoong,
- Is now become an Adamant. So will I passe this howre
- To shew you how the Curets were engendred of a showre:
- Or how that Crocus and his love faire Smylax turned were
- To little flowres. With pleasant newes your mindes now will I chere.
- Learne why the fountaine Salmacis diffamed is of yore,
- Why with his waters overstrong it weakeneth men so sore
- That whoso bathes him there commes thence a perfect man no more.
- The operation of this Well is knowne to every wight.
- But few can tell the cause thereof, the which I will recite.
- The waternymphes did nurce a sonne of Mercuries in Ide
- Begot on Venus, in whose face such beautie did abide,
- As well therein his father both and mother might be knowne,
- Of whome he also tooke his name. As soone as he was growne
- To fiftene yeares of age, he left the Countrie where he dwelt
- And Ida that had fostered him. The pleasure that he felt
- To travell Countries, and to see straunge rivers with the state
- Of forren landes, all painfulnesse of travell did abate.
- He travelde through the lande of Lycie to Carie that doth bound
- Next unto Lycia. There he saw a Poole which to the ground
- Was Christall cleare. No fennie sedge, no barren reeke, no reede
- Nor rush with pricking poynt was there, nor other moorish weede.
- The water was so pure and shere a man might well have seene
- And numbred all the gravell stones that in the bottome beene.
- The utmost borders from the brim environd were with clowres
- Beclad with herbes ay fresh and greene and pleasant smelling flowres.
- A Nymph did haunt this goodly Poole: but such a Nymph as neyther
- To hunt, to run, nor yet to shoote, had any kinde of pleasure.
- Of all the Waterfairies she alonly was unknowne
- To swift Diana. As the bruit of fame abrode hath blowne,
- Hir sisters oftentimes would say: take lightsome Dart or bow,
- And in some painefull exercise thine ydle time bestow.
- But never could they hir persuade to runne, to shoote or hunt,
- Or any other exercise as Phebes knightes are wont.
- Sometime hir faire welformed limbes she batheth in hir spring:
- Sometime she downe hir golden haire with Boxen combe doth bring.
- And at the water as a glasse she taketh counsell ay
- How every thing becommeth hir. Erewhile in fine aray
- On soft sweete hearbes or soft greene leaves hir selfe she nicely layes:
- Erewhile againe a gathering flowres from place to place she strayes.
- And (as it chaunst) the selfesame time she was a sorting gayes
- To make a Poisie, when she first the yongman did espie,
- And in beholding him desirde to have his companie.
- But though she thought she stoode on thornes untill she went to him:
- Yet went she not before she had bedect hir neat and trim,
- And pride and peerd upon hir clothes that nothing sat awrie,
- And framde hir countnance as might seeme most amrous to the eie.
- Which done she thus begon: O childe most worthie for to bee
- Estemde and taken for a God, if (as thou seemste to mee)
- Thou be a God, to Cupids name thy beautie doth agree.
- Or if thou be a mortall wight, right happie folke are they,
- By whome thou camste into this worlde, right happy is (I say)
- Thy mother and thy sister too (if any bee): good hap
- That woman had that was thy Nurce and gave thy mouth hir pap.
- But farre above all other, far more blist than these is shee
- Whome thou vouchsafest for thy wife and bedfellow for to bee.
- Now if thou have alredy one, let me by stelth obtaine
- That which shall pleasure both of us. Or if thou doe remaine
- A Maiden free from wedlocke bonde, let me then be thy spouse,
- And let us in the bridelie bed our selves togither rouse.
- This sed, the Nymph did hold hir peace, and therewithall the boy
- Waxt red: he wist not what love was: and sure it was a joy
- To see it how exceeding well his blushing him became.
- For in his face the colour fresh appeared like the same
- That is in Apples which doe hang upon the Sunnie side:
- Or Ivorie shadowed with a red: or such as is espide
- Of white and scarlet colours mixt appearing in the Moone
- When folke in vaine with sounding brasse would ease unto hir done.
- When at the last the Nymph desirde most instantly but this,
- As to his sister brotherly to give hir there a kisse,
- And therewithall was clasping him about the Ivorie necke:
- Leave off (quoth he) or I am gone and leave thee at a becke
- With all thy trickes. Then Salmacis began to be afraide,
- And, To your pleasure leave I free this place, my friend, she sayde.
- Wyth that she turnes hir backe as though she would have gone hir way:
- But evermore she looketh backe, and (closely as she may)
- She hides hir in a bushie queach, where kneeling on hir knee
- She alwayes hath hir eye on him. He as a childe and free,
- And thinking not that any wight had watched what he did
- Romes up and downe the pleasant Mede: and by and by amid
- The flattring waves he dippes his feete, no more but first the sole
- And to the ancles afterward both feete he plungeth whole.
- And for to make the matter short, he tooke so great delight
- In coolenesse of the pleasant spring, that streight he stripped quight
- His garments from his tender skin. When Salmacis behilde
- His naked beautie, such strong pangs so ardently hir hilde,
- That utterly she was astraught. And even as Phebus beames
- Against a myrrour pure and clere rebound with broken gleames:
- Even so hir eys did sparcle fire. Scarce could she tarience make:
- Scarce could she any time delay hir pleasure for to take:
- She wolde have run, and in hir armes embraced him streight way:
- She was so far beside hir selfe, that scarsly could she stay.
- He clapping with his hollow hands against his naked sides,
- Into the water lithe and baine with armes displayed glydes.
- And rowing with his hands and legges swimmes in the water cleare:
- Through which his bodie faire and white doth glistringly appeare,
- As if a man an Ivorie Image or a Lillie white
- Should overlay or close with glasse that were most pure and bright.
- The prize is won (cride Salmacis aloud) he is mine owne.
- And therewithall in all post hast she having lightly throwne
- Hir garments off, flew to the Poole and cast hir thereinto
- And caught him fast between hir armes, for ought that he could doe:
- Yea maugre all his wrestling and his struggling to and fro,
- She held him still, and kissed him a hundred times and mo.
- And willde he nillde he with hir handes she toucht his naked brest:
- And now on this side now on that (for all he did resist
- And strive to wrest him from hir gripes) she clung unto him fast:
- And wound about him like a Snake which snatched up in hast
- And being by the Prince of Birdes borne lightly up aloft,
- Doth writhe hir selfe about his necke and griping talants oft:
- And cast hir taile about his wings displayed in the winde:
- Or like as Ivie runnes on trees about the utter rinde:
- Or as the Crabfish having caught his enmy in the Seas,
- Doth claspe him in on every side with all his crooked cleas.
- But Atlas Nephew still persistes, and utterly denies
- The Nymph to have hir hoped sport: she urges him likewise.
- And pressing him with all hir weight, fast cleaving to him still,
- Strive, struggle, wrest and writhe (she said) thou froward boy thy fill:
- Doe what thou canst thou shalt not scape. Ye Goddes of Heaven agree
- That this same wilfull boy and I may never parted bee.
- The Gods were pliant to hir boone. The bodies of them twaine
- Were mixt and joyned both in one. To both them did remaine
- One countnance: like as if a man should in one barke beholde
- Two twigges both growing into one and still togither holde.
- Even so when through hir hugging and hir grasping of the tother
- The members of them mingled were and fastned both togither,
- They were not any lenger two: but (as it were) a toy
- Of double shape. Ye could not say it was a perfect boy
- Nor perfect wench: it seemed both and none of both to beene.
- Now when Hermaphroditus saw how in the water sheene
- To which he entred in a man, his limmes were weakened so
- That out fro thence but halfe a man he was compelde to go,
- He lifteth up his hands and said (but not with manly reere):
- O noble father Mercurie, and Venus mother deere,
- This one petition graunt your son which both your names doth beare,
- That whoso commes within this Well may so be weakened there,
- That of a man but halfe a man he may fro thence retire.
- Both Parentes moved with the chaunce did stablish this desire
- The which their doubleshaped sonne had made: and thereupon
- Infected with an unknowne strength the sacred spring anon.
- Their tales did ende and Mineus daughters still their businesse plie
- In spight of Bacchus whose high feast they breake contemptuously.
- When on the sodaine (seeing nought) they heard about them round
- Of tubbish Timbrels perfectly a hoarse and jarring sound,
- With shraming shalmes and gingling belles, and furthermore they felt
- A cent of Saffron and of Myrrhe that verie hotly smelt.
- And (which a man would ill beleve) the web they had begun
- Immediatly waxt fresh and greene, the flaxe the which they spun
- Did flourish full of Ivie leaves. And part thereof did run
- Abrode in Vines. The threede it selfe in braunches forth did spring.
- Yong burgeons full of clustred grapes their Distaves forth did bring.
- And as the web they wrought was dide a deepe darke purple hew,
- Even so upon the painted grapes the selfesame colour grew.
- The day was spent, and now was come the time which neyther night
- Nor day, but even the bound of both a man may terme of right.
- The house at sodaine seemde to shake, and all about it shine
- With burning lampes, and glittering fires to flash before their eyen,
- And Likenesses of ougly beastes with gastfull noyses yeld.
- For feare whereof in smokie holes the sisters were compeld
- To hide their heades, one here and there another, for to shun
- The glistring light. And while they thus in corners blindly run,
- Upon their little pretie limmes a fine crispe filme there goes,
- And slender finnes in stead of handes their shortned armes enclose.
- But how they lost their former shape of certaintie to know
- The darknesse would not suffer them. No feathers on them grow,
- And yet with shere and velume wings they hover from the ground
- And when they goe about to speake they make but little sound,
- According as their bodies give, bewayling their despight
- By chirping shirlly to themselves. In houses they delight
- And not in woods: detesting day they flitter towards night:
- Wherethrough they of the Evening late in Latin take their name,
- And we in English language Backes or Reermice call the same.
- Then Bacchus name was reverenced through all the Theban coast,
- And Ino of hir Nephewes powre made every where great boast.
- Of Cadmus daughters she alone no sorowes tasted had,
- Save only that hir sisters haps perchaunce had made hir sad.
- Now Juno noting how she waxt both proud and full of scorne,
- As well by reason of the sonnes and daughters she had borne,
- As also that she was advaunst by mariage in that towne
- To Athamas, King Aeolus sonne, a Prince of great renowne,
- But chiefly that hir sisters sonne who nourced was by hir
- Was then exalted for a God: began thereat to stir,
- And freating at it in hirselfe said: Coulde this harlots burd
- Transforme the Lydian watermen, and drowne them in the foord?
- And make the mother teare the guttes in pieces of hir sonne?
- And Mineus al three daughters clad with wings, bicause they sponne
- Whiles others howling up and down like frantick folke did ronne?
- And can I Juno nothing else save sundrie woes bewaile?
- Is that sufficient? can my powre no more than so availe?
- He teaches me what way to worke. A man may take (I see)
- Example at his enmies hand the wiser for to bee.
- He shewes inough and overmuch the force of furious wrath
- By Pentheys death: why should not Ine be taught to tread the path
- The which hir sisters heretofore and kinred troden hath?
- There is a steepe and irksome way obscure with shadow fell
- Of balefull yewgh, all sad and still, that leadeth downe to hell.
- The foggie Styx doth breath up mistes: and downe this way doe wave
- The ghostes of persons lately dead and buried in the grave.
- Continuall colde and gastly feare possesse this queachie plot
- On eyther side: the siely Ghost new parted knoweth not
- The way that doth directly leade him to the Stygian Citie
- Or where blacke Pluto keepes his Court that never sheweth pitie.
- A thousand wayes, a thousand gates that alwayes open stand,
- This Citie hath: and as the Sea the streames of all the lande
- Doth swallow in his gredie gulfe, and yet is never full:
- Even so that place devoureth still and hideth in his gull
- The soules and ghostes of all the world: and though that nere so many
- Come thither, yet the place is voyd as if there were not any.
- The ghostes without flesh, bloud, or bones, there wander to and fro,
- Of which some haunt the judgement place: and other come and go
- To Plutos Court: and some frequent the former trades and Artes
- The which they used in their life: and some abide the smartes
- And torments for their wickednesse and other yll desartes.
- So cruell hate and spightfull wrath did boyle in Junos brest,
- That in the high and noble Court of Heaven she coulde not rest:
- But that she needes must hither come: whose feet no sooner toucht
- The thresholde, but it gan to quake. And Cerberus erst coucht
- Start sternely up with three fell heades which barked all togither.
- She callde the daughters of the night, the cruell furies, thither:
- They sate a kembing foule blacke Snakes from off their filthie heare
- Before the dungeon doore, the place where Caitives punisht were,
- The which was made of Adamant. When in the darke in part
- They knew Queene Juno, by and by upon their feete they start.
- There Titius stretched out (at least) nine acres full in length,
- Did with his bowels feede a Grype that tare them out by strength.
- The water fled from Tantalus that toucht his neather lip,
- And Apples hanging over him did ever from him slip.
- There also laborde Sisyphus that drave against the hill
- A rolling stone that from the top came tumbling downeward still.
- Ixion on his restlesse wheele to which his limmes were bound
- Did flie and follow both at once in turning ever round.
- And Danaus daughters forbicause they did their cousins kill,
- Drew water into running tubbes which evermore did spill.
- When Juno with a louring looke had vewde them all through- out,
- And on Ixion specially before the other rout,
- She turnes from him to Sisyphus, and with an angry cheere
- Sayes: Wherefore should this man endure continuall penance here,
- And Athamas his brother reigne in welth and pleasure free
- Who through his pride hath ay disdainde my husband Jove and mee?
- And therewithall she poured out th'occasion of hir hate,
- And why she came and what she would. She would that Cadmus state
- Should with the ruine of his house be brought to swyft decay,
- And that to mischiefe Athamas the Fiendes should force some way.
- She biddes, she prayes, she promises, and all is with a breth,
- And moves the furies earnestly: and as these things she seth,
- The hatefull Hag Tisiphone with horie ruffled heare,
- Removing from hir face the Snakes that loosely dangled there,
- Sayd thus: Madame there is no neede long circumstance to make.
- Suppose your will already done. This lothsome place forsake,
- And to the holsome Ayre of heaven your selfe agayne retire.
- Queene Juno went right glad away with graunt of hir desire.
- And as she woulde have entred heaven, the Ladie Iris came
- And purged hir with streaming drops.
- Anon upon the same
- The furious Fiende Tisiphone doth cloth hir out of hand
- In garment streaming gorie bloud, and taketh in hir hand
- A burning Cresset steepte in bloud, and girdeth hir about
- With wreathed Snakes and so goes forth. And at hir going out,
- Feare, terror, grief and pensivenesse for companie she tooke,
- And also madnesse with his flaight, and gastly staring looke.
- Within the house of Athamas no sooner foote she set,
- But that the postes began to quake and doores looke blacke as Jet.
- The sonne withdrew him, Athamas and eke his wife were cast
- With ougly sightes in such a feare, that out of doores agast
- They would have fled. There stoode the Fiend, and stopt their passage out,
- And splaying forth hir filthie armes beknit with Snakes about,
- Did tosse and wave hir hatefull head. The swarme of scaled snakes
- Did make an irksome noyse to heare as she hir tresses shakes.
- About hir shoulders some did craule: some trayling downe hir brest
- Did hisse and spit out poyson greene, and spirt with tongues infest.
- Then from amyd hir haire two snakes with venymd hand she drew
- Of which shee one at Athamas and one at Ino threw.
- The snakes did craule about their breasts, inspiring in their heart
- Most grievous motions of the minde: the bodie had no smart
- Of any wound: it was the minde that felt the cruell stings.
- A poyson made in Syrup wise, shee also with hir brings.
- The filthie fome of Cerberus, the casting of the Snake
- Echidna, bred among the Fennes about the Stygian Lake:
- Desire of gadding foorth abroad: forgetfulnesse of minde:
- Delight in mischiefe: woodnesse: teares: and purpose whole inclinde
- To cruell murther: all the which shee did together grinde:
- And mingling them with new shed bloud had boyled them in brasse,
- And stird them with a Hemblock stalke. Now whyle that Athamas
- And Ino stood and quakte for feare, this poyson ranke and fell
- Shee tourned into both their breastes and made their heartes to swell.
- Then whisking often round about hir head hir balefull brand,
- She made it soone by gathering winde to kindle in hir hand.
- Thus as it were in triumph wise accomplishing hir hest,
- To Duskie Plutos emptie Realme shee gettes hir home to rest,
- And putteth off the snarled Snakes that girded in hir brest.
- Immediatly King Aeolus sonne starke madde comes crying out
- Through all the court: What meane yee Sirs? why go yee not about
- To pitch our toyles within this chace? I saw even nowe here ran
- A Lyon with hir two yong whelpes. And there withall he gan
- To chase his wyfe as if in deede shee had a Lyon beene
- And lyke a Bedlem boystouslie he snatcheth from betweene
- The mothers armes h's little babe Loearchus smyling on him
- And reaching foorth his preatie armes, and floong him fiercely from him
- A twice or thrice as from a slyng: and dasht his tender head
- Against a hard and rugged stone until he sawe him dead.
- The wretched mother (whither griefe did move hir thereunto
- Or that the poyson spred within did force hir so to doe)
- Howld out and frantikly with scattered haire about hir eares
- And with hir little Melicert whome hastely shee beares
- In naked armes she cryeth out, Hoe Bacchus. At the name
- Of Bacchus Juno gan to laugh and scorning sayde in game:
- This guerden loe thy foster child requiteth for the same.
- There hangs a rocke about the Sea the foote whereof is eate
- So hollow with the saltish waves which on the same doe beate,
- That like a house it keepeth off the moysting showers of rayne.
- The toppe is rough and shootes his front amiddes the open mayne.
- Dame Ino (madnesse made hir strong) did climb this cliffe anon
- And headlong downe (without regarde of hurt that hoong thereon)
- Did throwe hir burden and hir selfe, the water where shee dasht
- In sprincling upwarde glisterd red. But Venus sore abasht
- At this hir Neeces great mischaunce without offence or fault,
- Hir Uncle gently thus bespake: O ruler of the hault
- And swelling Seas, O noble Neptune whose dominion large
- Extendeth to the Heaven, whereof the mightie Jove hath charge,
- The thing is great for which I sue. But shewe thou for my sake
- Some mercie on my wretched friends whome in thine endlesse lake
- Thou seest tossed to and fro. Admit thou them among
- The Goddes. Of right even here to mee some favour doth belong
- At least wise if amid the Sea engendred erst I were
- Of Froth, as of the which yet still my pleasaunt name I beare.
- Neptunus graunted hir request, and by and by bereft them
- Of all that ever mortall was. Insted wherof he left them
- A hault and stately majestie: and altring them in hew
- With shape and names most meete for Goddes he did them both endew.
- Leucothoe was the mothers name, Palemon was the sonne.
- The Thebane Ladies following hir as fast as they could runne,
- Did of hir feete perceive the print upon the utter stone.
- And taking it for certaine signe that both were dead and gone,
- In making mone for Cadmus house, they wrang their hands and tare
- Their haire, and rent their clothes, and railde on Juno out of square,
- As nothing just, but more outragious farre than did behove
- In so revenging of hir selfe upon hir husbands love.
- The Goddesse Juno could not beare their railing. And in faith:
- You also will I make to be as witnesses (she sayth)
- Of my outragious crueltie. And so shee did in deede.
- For shee that loved Ino best was following hir with speede
- Into the Sea. But as shee would hir selfe have downeward cast,
- She could not stirre, but to the rock as nailed sticked fast.
- The second as shee knockt hir breast, did feele hir armes wax stiffe.
- Another as shee stretched out hir hands upon the cliffe,
- Was made a stone, and there stoode still ay stretching forth hir hands
- Into the water as before. And as an other standes
- A tearing of hir ruffled lockes, hir fingers hardened were
- And fastned to hir frisled toppe still tearing of hir heare,
- And looke what gesture eche of them was taken in that tide,
- Even in the same transformde to stones, they fastned did abide.
- And some were altered into birds which Cadmies called bee
- And in that goolfe with flittering wings still to and fro doe flee.
- Nought knoweth Cadmus that his daughter and hir little childe
- Admitted were among the Goddes that rule the surges wilde.
- Compellde with griefe and great mishappes that had ensewd togither,
- And straunge foretokens often seene since first his comming thither,
- He utterly forsakes his towne the which he builded had,
- As though the fortune of the place so hardly him bestad,
- And not his owne. And fleeting long like pilgrims, at the last
- Upon the coast of Illirie his wife and he were cast.
- Where ny forpind with cares and yeares, while of the chaunces past
- Upon their house, and of their toyles and former travails tane
- They sadly talkt betweene themselves: Was my speare head the bane
- Of that same ougly Snake of Cadmus) when I fled
- From Sidon? or did I his teeth in ploughed pasture spred?
- If for the death of him the Goddes so cruell vengeaunce take,
- Drawen out in length upon my wombe then traile I like a snake.
- He had no sooner sayde the worde but that he gan to glide
- Upon his belly like a Snake. And on his hardened side
- He felt the scales new budding out, the which was wholy fret
- With speccled droppes of blacke and gray as thicke as could be set.
- He falleth groveling on his breast, and both his shankes doe growe
- In one round spindle Bodkinwise with sharpned point below.
- His armes as yet remayned still: his armes that did remayne,
- He stretched out, and sayde with teares that plentuously did raine
- Adowne his face, which yet did keepe the native fashion sownd:
- Come hither wyfe, come hither wight most wretched on the ground,
- And whyle that ought of mee remaynes vouchsafe to touche the same.
- Come take mee by the hand as long as hand may have his name,
- Before this snakish shape doe whole my body over runne.
- He would have spoken more when sodainely his tongue begunne
- To split in two and speache did fayle: and as he did attempt
- To make his mone, he hist: for nature now had cleane exempt
- All other speach. His wretched wyfe hir naked stomack beete
- And cryde: What meaneth this? deare Cadmus, where are now thy feete?
- Where are thy shoulders and thy handes? thy hew and manly face?
- With all the other things that did thy princely person grace
- Which nowe I overpasse? But why yee Goddes doe you delay
- My bodie into lyke misshape of Serpent to convay?
- When this was spoken, Cadmus lickt his wyfe about the lippes:
- And (as a place with which he was acquaynted well) he slippes
- Into hir boosome, lovingly embracing hir, and cast
- Himselfe about hir necke, as oft he had in tyme forepast.
- Such as were there (their folke were there) were flaighted at the sight,
- For by and by they sawe their neckes did glister slicke and bright.
- And on their snakish heades grew crests: and finally they both
- Were into verie Dragons tournd, and foorth together goth
- T'one trayling by the tothers side, untill they gaynd a wood,
- The which direct against the place where as they were then stood.
- And now remembring what they were themselves in tymes forepast,
- They neyther shonne nor hurten men with stinging nor with blast.
- But yet a comfort to them both in this their altred hew
- Became that noble impe of theirs that Indie did subdew,
- Whom al Achaia worshipped with temples builded new.
- All only Acrise, Abas sonne, (though of the selfesame stocke)
- Remaind, who out of Argos walles unkindly did him locke,
- And moved wilfull warre against his Godhead: thinking that
- There was not any race of Goddes, for he beleved not
- That Persey was the sonne of Jove: or that he was conceyved
- By Danae of golden shower through which shee was deceived.
- But yet ere long (such present force hath truth) he doth repent
- As well his great impietie against God Bacchus meant,
- As also that he did disdaine his Nephew for to knowe.
- But Bacchus now full gloriously himselfe in Heaven doth showe.
- And Persey bearing in his hand the monster Gorgons head,
- That famous spoyle which here and there with snakish haire was spread,
- Doth beat the ayre with wavyng wings. And as he overflew
- The Lybicke sandes, the droppes of bloud that from the head did sew
- Of Gorgon being new cut off, upon the ground did fal.
- Which taking them (and as it were conceyving therwithall)
- Engendred sundrie Snakes and wormes: by meanes wherof that clyme
- Did swarme with Serpents ever since, even to this present tyme.
- From thence he lyke a watrie cloud was caried with the weather,
- Through all the heaven, now here, now there as light as any feather.
- And from aloft he viewes the earth that underneath doth lie,
- And swiftly over all the worlde doth in conclusion flie,
- Three times the chilling Beares, three times the Crabbes fel cleas he saw:
- Oft times to Weast, oftimes to East did drive him many a flaw.
- Now at such time as unto rest the sonne began to drawe,
- Bicause he did not thinke it good to be abroad all night,
- Within King Atlas western Realme he ceased from his flight,
- Requesting that a little space of rest enjoy he might,
- Untill such tyme as Lucifer should bring the morning gray,
- And morning bring the lightsome Sunne that guides the cherefull day.
- This Atlas, Japets Nephewe, was a man that did excell
- In stature everie other wight that in the worlde did dwell.
- The utmost coast of all the earth and all that Sea wherein
- The tyred steedes and wearied Wayne of Phoebus dived bin,
- Were in subjection to this King. A thousande flockes of sheepe,
- A thousand heirdes of Rother beastes he in his fields did keepe:
- And not a neighbor did anoy his ground by dwelling nie.
- To him the wandring Persey thus his language did applie:
- If high renowne of royall race thy noble heart may move,
- I am the sonne of Jove himselfe: or if thou more approve
- The valiant deedes and hault exploytes, thou shalt perceive in mee
- Such doings as deserve with prayse extolled for to bee.
- I pray thee of thy courtesie receive mee as thy guest,
- And let mee only for this night within thy palace rest.
- King Atlas called straight to minde an auncient prophesie
- Made by Parnassian Themys, which this sentence did implie:
- The time shall one day, Atlas, come in which thy golden tree
- Shall of hir fayre and precious fruite dispoyld and robbed bee.
- And he shall be the sonne of Jove that shall enjoy the pray.
- For feare hereof he did enclose his Orchard everie way
- With mightie hilles, and put an ougly Dragon in the same
- To keepe it. Further he forbad that any straunger came
- Within his Realme, and to this knight he sayde presumtuouslie:
- Avoyd my land, onlesse thou wilt by utter perill trie
- That all thy glorious actes whereof thou doest so loudly lie
- And Jove thy father be too farre to helpe thee at thy neede.
- To these his wordes he added force, and went about in deede
- To drive him out by strength of hand. To speake was losse of winde
- For neyther could intreating faire nor stoutnesse tourne his minde.
- Well then (quoth Persey) sith thou doest mine honour set so light,
- Take here a present: and with that he turnes away his sight,
- And from his left side drewe mee out Medusas lothly head.
- As huge and big as Atlas was he tourned in that stead
- Into a mountaine: into trees his beard and locks did passe:
- His hands and shoulders made the ridge: that part which lately was
- His head, became the highest top of all the hill: his bones
- Were turnd to stones: and therewithall he grew mee all at once
- Beyond all measure up in heighth (for so God thought it best)
- So farre that Heaven with all the starres did on his shoulders rest.
- In endlesse prison by that time had Aeolus lockt the wind
- And now the cheerely morning starre that putteth folke in mind
- To rise about their daylie worke shone brightly in the skie.
- Then Persey unto both his feete did streight his feathers tie
- And girt his Woodknife to his side, and from the earth did stie.
- And leaving nations nomberlesse beneath him everie way
- At last upon King Cepheyes fields in Aethiop did he stay.
- Where cleane against all right and law by Joves commaundement
- Andromad for hir mothers tongue did suffer punishment.
- Whome to a rocke by both the armes when fastned hee had seene,
- He would have thought of Marble stone shee had some image beene,
- But that hir tresses to and fro the whisking winde did blowe,
- And trickling teares warme from hir eyes adowne hir cheeks did flow,
- Unwares hereat gan secret sparkes within his breast to glow.
- His wits were straught at sight thereof and ravisht in such wise,
- That how to hover with his wings he scarsly could devise.
- As soone as he had stayd himselfe: O Ladie faire (quoth hee)
- Not worthie of such bands as these, but such wherewith we see
- Togither knit in lawfull bed the earnest lovers bee,
- I pray thee tell mee what thy selfe and what this lande is named
- And wherefore thou dost weare these Chains. The Ladie ill ashamed
- Was at the sodaine striken domb: and lyke a fearfull maid
- Shee durst not speake unto a man. Had not hir handes beene staid
- She would have hid hir bashfull face. Howbeit as she might
- With great abundance of hir teares shee stopped up hir sight
- But when that Persey oftentimes was earnestly in hand
- To learne this matter, for bicause shee would not seeme to stand
- In stubborne silence of hir faultes, shee tolde him what the land
- And what she hight: and how hir mother for hir beauties sake
- Through pride did unadvisedly too much upon hir take.
- And ere shee full had made an ende, the water gan to rore:
- An ougly monster from the deepe was making to the shore
- Which bare the Sea before his breast. The Virgin shrieked out.
- Hir father and hir mother both stood mourning thereabout,
- In wretched ease both twaine, but not so wretched as the maid
- Who wrongly for hir mothers fault the bitter raunsome paid.
- They brought not with them any help: but (as the time and cace
- Requird) they wept and wrang their hands, and streightly did embrace
- Hir bodie fastened to the rock. Then Persey them bespake,
- And sayde: The time may serve too long this sorrow for to make:
- But time of helpe must eyther now or never else be take.
- Now if I, Persey, sonne of hir whome in hir fathers towre
- The mightie Jove begat with childe in shape of golden showre,
- Who cut off ougly Gorgons head bespred with snakish heare,
- And in the ayre durst trust these winges my body for to beare,
- perchaunce should save your daughters life, I think ye should as then
- Accept mee for your sonne in lawe before all other men.
- To these great thewes (by the help of God) I purpose for to adde
- A just desert in helping hir that is so hard bestadde.
- I covenaunt with you by my force and manhod for to save hir,
- Conditionly that to my wife in recompence I have hir.
- Hir parents tooke his offer streight: for who would sticke thereat?
- And praid him faire, and promisde him that for performing that
- They would endow him with the ryght of al their Realme beeside.
- Like as a Gally with hir nose doth cut the waters wide,
- Enforced by the sweating armes of Rowers wyth the tide
- Even so the monster with his brest did beare the waves aside,
- And was now come as neere the rocke as well a man myght fling
- Amid the pure and vacant aire a pellet from a sling.
- When on the sodaine Persey pusht his foote against the ground,
- And stied upward to the clouds his shadow did rebound
- Upon the sea: the beast ran fierce upon the passing shade.
- And as an Egle when he sees a Dragon in a glade
- Lie beaking of his blewish backe against the sunnie rayes,
- Doth seize upon him unbeware, and with his talants layes
- Sure holde upon his scalie necke lest writhing back his head
- His cruell teeth might doe him harme: so Persey in that stead
- Discending downe the ayre amaine with all his force and might
- Did seize upon the monsters backe: and underneath the right
- Finne hard unto the verie hilt his hooked sworde did smight.
- The monster being wounded sore did sometime leape aloft,
- And sometime under water dive, bestirring him full oft
- As doth a chaufed Boare beset with barking Dogges about.
- But Persey with his lightsome wings still keeping him without
- The monsters reach, with hooked sword doth sometime hew his back
- Where as the hollow scales give way: and sometime he doth hacke
- The ribbes on both his maled sides: and sometime he doth wound
- His spindle tayle where into fish it growes most smal and round.
- The Whale at Persey from his mouth such waves of water cast,
- Bemixed with the purple bloud, that all bedreint at last
- His feathers verie heavie were: and doubting any more
- To trust his wings now waxing wet, he straight began to sore
- Up to a rocke which in the calme above the water stood:
- But in the tempest evermore was hidden with the flood.
- And leaning thereunto and with his left hand holding just
- The top thereof a dozen times his weapon he did thrust
- Among his guttes. The joyfull noyse and clapping of their hands
- The which were made for loosening of Andromad from hir bands,
- Filde all the coast and heaven it selfe. The parents of the Maide
- Cassiope and Cepheus were glad and well appayde:
- And calling him their sonne in law confessed him to bee
- The helpe and savegarde of their house. Andromade the fee
- And cause of Perseys enterprise from bondes now beyng free,
- He washed his victorious hands. And lest the Snakie heade
- With lying on the gravell hard should catch some harme, he spred
- Soft leaves and certaine tender twigs that in the water grew,
- And laid Medusas head thereon: the twigs yet being new
- And quicke and full of juicie pith full lightly to them drew
- The nature of this monstrous head. For both the leafe and bough
- Full straungely at the touch thereof became both hard and tough.
- The Sea nymphes tride this wondrous fact in divers other roddes
- And were full glad to see the chaunge, bicause there was no oddes
- Of leaves or twigs or of the seedes new shaken from the coddes.
- For still like nature ever since is in our Corall founde:
- That looke how soone it toucheth Ayre it waxeth hard and sounde,
- And that which under water was a sticke, above is stone.
- Three altars to as many Gods he makes of Turfe anon:
- Upon the left hand Mercuries: Minervas on the right:
- And in the middle Jupiters: to Pallas he did dight
- A Cow: a Calfe to Mercurie: a Bull to royall Jove.
- Forthwith he tooke Andromade the price for which he strove
- Endowed with hir fathers Realme. For now the God of Love
- And Hymen unto mariage his minde in hast did move.
- Great fires were made of sweete perfumes, and curious garlandes hung
- About the house, which every where of mirthful musicke rung
- The gladsome signe of merie mindes. The Pallace gates were set
- Wide open. None from comming in were by the Porters let.
- All Noblemen and Gentlemen that were of any port
- To this same great and royall feast of Cephey did resort.
- When having taken their repast as well of meate as wine
- Their hearts began to pleasant mirth by leysure to encline,
- The valiant Persey of the folke and facions of the land
- Began to be inquisitive. One Lincide out of hand
- The rites and manners of the folke did doe him t'understand.
- Which done he sayd: O worthie knight I pray thee tell us by
- What force or wile thou gotst the head with haires of Adders slie.
- Then Persey tolde how underneath colde Atlas lay a plaine
- So fenced in on every side with mountaines high, that vaine
- Were any force to win the same. In entrance of the which
- Two daughters of King Phorcis dwelt whose chaunce and hap was such
- That one eye served both their turnes: whereof by wilie slight
- And stealth in putting forth his hand he did bereve them quight,
- As they from t'one to tother were delivering of the same.
- From whence by long blind crooked wayes unhandsomly he came
- Through gastly groves by ragged cliffes unto the drerie place
- Whereas the Gorgons dwelt: and there he saw (a wretched case)
- The shapes as well of men as beasts lie scattered everie where
- In open fields and common wayes, the which transformed were
- From living things to stones at sight of foule Medusas heare,
- But yet that he through brightnesse of his monstrous brazen shield
- The which he in his left hand bare, Medusas face beheld.
- And while that in a sound dead sleepe were all hir Snakes and she,
- He softly pared off hir head: and how that he did see
- Swift Pegasus the winged horse and eke his brother grow
- Out of their mothers new shed bloud. Moreover he did show
- A long discourse of all his happes and not so long as trew:
- As namely of what Seas and landes the coasts he overflew,
- And eke what starres with stying wings he in the while did vew.
- But yet his tale was at an ende ere any lookt therefore.
- Upon occasion by and by of wordes reherst before
- There was a certaine noble man demaunded him wherefore
- Shee only of the sisters three haire mixt with Adders bore.
- Sir (aunswerde Persey) sith you aske a matter worth report
- I graunt to tell you your demaunde. She both in comly port
- And beautie, every other wight surmounted in such sort,
- That many suters unto hir did earnestly resort.
- And though that whole from top to toe most bewtifull she were,
- In all hir bodie was no part more goodly than hir heare.
- I know some parties yet alive, that say they did hir see.
- It is reported how she should abusde by Neptune bee
- In Pallas Church: from which fowle facte Joves daughter turnde hir eye,
- And with hir Target hid hir face from such a villanie.
- And lest it should unpunisht be, she turnde hir seemely heare
- To lothly Snakes: the which (the more to put hir foes in feare)
- Before hir brest continually she in her shield doth beare.
- Finis quarti Libri.
- of Ouids Metamorphosis
- ow while that Danaes noble sonne was telling of these things
- Amid a throng of Cepheys Lordes, through al the Pallace rings
- A noyse of people nothing like the sound of such as sing
- At wedding feastes, but like the rore of such as tidings bring
- Of cruell warre. This sodaine chaunge from feasting unto fray
- Might well be likened to the Sea: whych standing at a stay
- The woodnesse of the windes makes rough by raising of the wave.
- King Cepheys brother Phyney was the man that rashly gave
- The first occasion of this fray. Who shaking in hys hand
- A Dart of Ash with head of steele, sayd: Loe: loe here I stand
- To chalenge thee that wrongfully my ravisht spouse doste holde.
- Thy wings nor yet thy forged Dad in shape of feyned golde
- Shall now not save thee from my handes. As with that word he bent
- His arme aloft, the foresaid Dart at Persey to have sent,
- What doste thou brother (Cephey cride) what madnesse moves thy minde
- To doe so foule a deede? is this the friendship he shall finde
- Among us for his good deserts? And wilt thou needes requite
- The saving of thy Neeces life with such a foule despight?
- Whome Persey hath not from thee tane: but (if thou be advisde)
- But Neptunes heavie wrath bicause his Sea nymphes were despisde:
- But horned Hammon: but the beast which from the Sea arrived
- On my deare bowels for to feede. That time wert thou deprived
- Of thy betroothed, when hir life upon the losing stoode:
- Onlesse perchaunce to see hir lost it woulde have done thee good,
- And easde thy heart to see me sad. And may it not suffice
- That thou didst see hir to the rocke fast bound before thine eyes
- And didst not helpe hir beyng both hir husband and hir Eame?
- Onlesse thou grudge that any man should come within my Realme
- To save hir life, and seeke to rob him of his just rewarde?
- Which if thou thinke to be so great, thou shouldst have had regarde
- Before, to fetch it from the rocke to which thou sawste it bound.
- I pray thee, brother, seeing that by him the meanes is found
- That in mine age without my childe I go not to the grounde,
- Permit him to enjoy the price for which we did compounde,
- And which he hath by due desert of purchace deerely bought.
- For brother, let it never sinke nor enter in thy thought
- That I set more by him than thee: but this may well be sed
- I rather had to give hir him than see my daughter dead.
- He gave him not a worde againe: but looked eft on him,
- And eft on Persey irefully with countnance stoure and grim,
- Not knowing which were best to hit: and after little stay
- He shooke his Dart, and flung it forth with all the powre and sway
- That Anger gave at Perseys head. But harme it did him none,
- It sticked in the Bedsteddes head that Persey sate upon.
- Then Persey sternely starting up and pulling out the Dart
- Did throw it at his foe agayne, and therewithall his hart
- Had cliven asunder, had he not behinde an Altar start.
- The Altar (more the pitie was) did save the wicked wight.
- Yet threw he not the Dart in vaine: it hit one Rhetus right
- Amid the foreheade: who therewith sanke downe, and when the steele
- Was plucked out, he sprawlde about and spurned with his heele,
- And all berayd the boorde with bloud. Then all the other rout
- As fierce as fire flang Dartes: and some there were that cried out
- That Cephey with his sonne in lawe was worthy for to die.
- But he had wound him out of doores protesting solemly
- As he was just and faithfull Prince, and swearing eke by all
- The Gods of Hospitalitie, that that same broyle did fall
- Full sore against his will. At hand was warlie Pallas streight
- And shadowed Persey with hir shielde, and gave him heart in feight.
- There was one Atys borne in Inde, (of faire Lymniace
- The River Ganges daughter thought the issue for to be),
- Of passing beautie which with rich aray he did augment.
- He ware that day a scarlet Cloke, about the which there went
- A garde of golde: a cheyne of golde he ware about his necke:
- And eke his haire perfumde with Myrrhe a costly crowne did decke.
- Full sixtene yeares he was of age: such cunning skill he coulde
- In darting, as to hit his marke farre distant when he would.
- Yet how to handle Bow and shaftes much better did he know.
- Now as he was about that time to bende his horned Bowe,
- A firebrand Persey raught that did upon the Aultar smoke,
- And dasht him overtwhart the face with such a violent stroke,
- That all bebattred was his head, the bones asunder broke.
- When Lycabas of Assur lande, his moste assured friend
- And deare companion, being no dissembler of his miend,
- Which most entierly did him love, behelde him on the ground
- Lie weltring with disfigurde face, and through that grievous wound
- Now gasping out his parting ghost, his death he did lament,
- And taking hastly up the Bow that Atys erst had bent:
- Encounter thou with me (he saide) thou shalt not long enjoy
- Thy triumphing in braverie thus, for killing of this boy,
- By which thou getst more spight than praise. All this was scarsly sed,
- But that the arrow from the string went streyned to the head.
- Howbeit Persey (as it hapt) so warely did it shunne,
- As that it in his coteplights hung. Then to him did he runne
- With Harpe in his hand bestaind with grim Medusas blood,
- And thrust him through the brest therwith. He quothing as he stood
- Did looke about where Atys lay with dim and dazeling eyes,
- Now waving under endlesse night: and downe by him he lies,
- And for to comfort him withall togither with him dies.
- Behold through gredie haste to feight one Phorbas, Methions son,
- A Swevite: and of Lybie lande one callde Amphimedon
- By fortune sliding in the blood with which the ground was wet,
- Fell downe: and as they woulde have rose, Perseus fauchon met
- With both of them. Amphimedon upon the ribbes he smote,
- And with the like celeritie he cut me Phorbas throte.
- But unto Erith, Actors sonne, that in his hand did holde
- A brode browne Bill, with his short sword he durst not be too bolde
- To make approch. With both his handes a great and massie cup
- Embost with cunning portrayture aloft he taketh up,
- And sendes it at him. He spewes up red bloud: and falling downe o
- Upon his backe, against the ground doth knocke his dying crowne.
- Then downe he Polydemon throwes, extract of royall race,
- And Abaris the Scithian, and Clytus in like case,
- And Elice with his unshorne lockes, and also Phlegias,
- And Lycet, olde Sperchesies sonne, with divers other mo,
- That on the heapes of corses slaine he treades as he doth go.
- And Phyney daring not presume to meet his foe at hand,
- Did cast a Dart: which hapt to light on Idas who did stand
- Aloofe as neuter (though in vaine) not medling with the Fray.
- Who casting backe a frowning looke at Phyney, thus did say:
- Sith whether that I will or no compeld I am perforce
- To take a part, have Phyney here him whome thou doste enforce
- To be thy foe, and with this wound my wrongfull wound requite.
- But as he from his body pullde the Dart, with all his might
- To throw it at his foe againe, his limmes so feebled were
- With losse of bloud, that downe he fell and could not after steare.
- There also lay Odites slaine the chiefe in all the land
- Next to King Cephey, put to death by force of Clymens hand.
- Protenor was by Hypsey killde, and Lyncide did as much
- For Hypsey. In the throng there was an auncient man and such
- A one as loved righteousnesse and greatly feared God:
- Emathion called was his name: whome sith his yeares forbad
- To put on armes, he feights with tongue, inveying earnestly
- Against that wicked war the which he banned bitterly.
- As on the Altar he himselfe with quivering handes did stay,
- One Cromis tipped off his head: his head cut off streight way
- Upon the Altar fell, and there his tongue not fully dead
- Did bable still the banning wordes the which it erst had sed,
- And breathed forth his fainting ghost among the burning brandes.
- Then Brote and Hammon brothers, twins, stout champions of their hands
- In wrestling Pierlesse (if so be that wrestling could sustaine
- The furious force of slicing swordes) were both by Phyney slaine.
- And so was Alphit, Ceres Priest, that ware upon his crowne
- A stately Miter faire and white with Tables hanging downe.
- Thou also Japets sonne for such affaires as these unmeete
- But meete to tune thine instrument with voyce and Ditie sweete,
- The worke of peace, wert thither callde th'assemblie to rejoyce
- And for to set the mariage forth with pleasant singing voyce.
- As with his Violl in his hand he stoode a good way off,
- There commeth to him Petalus and sayes in way of scoffe:
- Go sing the resdue to the ghostes about the Stygian Lake,
- And in the left side of his heade his dagger poynt he strake.
- He sanke downe deade with fingers still yet warbling on the string
- And so mischaunce knit up with wo the song that he did sing.
- But fierce Lycormas could not beare to see him murdred so
- Without revengement. Up he caught a mightie Leaver tho
- That wonted was to barre the doore a right side of the house
- And therewithall to Petalus he lendeth such a souse
- Full in the noddle of the necke, that like a snetched Oxe
- Streight tumbling downe, against the ground his groveling face he knox.
- And Pelates, a Garamant, attempted to have caught
- The left doore barre: but as thereat with stretched hand he raught,
- One Coryt, sonne of Marmarus did with a Javelin stricke
- Him through the hand, that to the wood fast nayled did it sticke.
- As Pelates stoode fastned thus, one Abas goard his side:
- He could not fall, but hanging still upon the poste there dide
- Fast nayled by the hand. And there was overthrowne a Knight
- Of Perseyes band callde Melaney, and one that Dorill hight,
- A man of greatest landes in all the Realme of Nasamone.
- That occupide so large a grounde as Dorill was there none,
- ' Nor none that had such store of come. There came a Dart askew
- And lighted in his Coddes, the place where present death doth sew.
- When Alcion of Barcey, he that gave this deadly wound,
- Beheld him yesking forth his ghost and falling to the ground
- With watrie eyes the white turnde up: Content thy selfe, he said,
- With that same litle plot of grounde whereon thy corse is layde,
- In steade of all the large fat fieldes which late thou didst possesse.
- And with that word he left him dead. Perseus to redresse
- This slaughter and this spightfull taunt, streight snatched out the Dart
- That sticked in the fresh warme wound, and with an angrie hart
- Did send it at the throwers head: the Dart did split his nose
- Even in the middes, and at his necke againe the head out goes:
- So that it peered both the wayes. Whiles fortune doth support
- And further Persey thus, he killes (but yet in sundrie sort)
- Two brothers by the mother: t'one callde Clytie, tother Dane.
- For on a Dart through both his thighes did Clytie take his bane:
- And Danus with another Dart was striken in the mouth.
- There died also Celadon, a Gypsie of the South:
- And so did bastard Astrey too, whose mother was a Jew:
- And sage Ethion well foreseene in things that should ensew,
- But utterly beguilde as then by Birdes that aukly flew.
- King Cepheyes harnessebearer callde Thoactes lost his life,
- And Agyrt whom for murdring late his father with a knife
- The worlde spake shame of. Nathelesse much more remainde behinde
- Than was dispatched out of hand: for all were full in minde
- To murder one. The wicked throng had sworne to spend their blood
- Against the right, and such a man as had deserved good.
- A tother side (although in vaine) of mere affection stood
- The Father and the Motherinlaw, and eke the heavie bride,
- Who filled with their piteous playnt the Court on everie side.
- But now the clattring of the swordes and harnesse at that tide
- With grievous grones and sighes of such as wounded were or dide,
- Did raise up such a cruell rore that nothing could be heard.
- For fierce Bellona so renewde the battell afterward,
- That all the house did swim in blood. Duke Phyney with a rout
- Of moe than of a thousand men environd round about
- The valiant Persey all alone. The Dartes of Phyneys bande
- Came thicker than the Winters hayle doth fall upon the lande,
- By both his sides, his eyes and eares. He warely thereupon
- Withdrawes, and leanes his backe against a huge great arche of stone:
- And being safe behind, he settes his face against his foe
- Withstanding all their fierce assaultes. There did assaile him thoe
- Upon the left side Molpheus, a Prince of Choanie.
- And on the right Ethemon, borne hard by in Arabie.
- Like as the Tyger when he heares the lowing out of Neate
- In sundrie Medes, enforced sore through abstinence from meate,
- Would faine be doing with them both, and can not tell at which
- Were best to give adventure first: so Persey who did itch
- To be at host with both of them, and doubtfull whether side
- To turne him on, the right or left, upon advantage spide
- Did wound me Molphey on the leg, and from him quight him drave.
- He was contented with his flight: for why Ethemon gave
- No respite to him to pursue: but like a franticke man
- Through egernesse to wounde his necke, without regarding whan
- Or how to strike for haste, he burst his brittle sworde in twaine
- Against the Arche: the poynt whereof rebounding backe againe,
- Did hit himselfe upon the throte. Howbeit that same wound
- Was unsufficient for to sende Ethemon to the ground.
- He trembled holding up his handes for mercie, but in vaine,
- For Persey thrust him through the heart with Hermes hooked skaine.
- But when he saw that valiantnesse no lenger could avayle,
- By reason of the multitude that did him still assayle:
- Sith you your selves me force to call mine enmie to mine ayde,
- I will do so: if any friend of mine be here (he sayd)
- Sirs, turne your faces all away: and therewithall he drew
- Out Gorgons head. One Thessalus streight raging to him flew,
- And sayd: Go seeke some other man whome thou mayst make abasht
- With these thy foolish juggling toyes. And as he would have dasht
- His Javeling in him with that worde to kill him out of hand,
- With gesture throwing forth his Dart all Marble did he stand.
- His sworde through Lyncids noble heart had Amphix thought to shove:
- His hand was stone, and neyther one nor other way could move:
- But Niley who did vaunt himselfe to be the Rivers sonne
- That through the boundes of Aegypt land in channels seven doth runne,
- And in his shielde had graven part of silver, part of golde
- The said seven channels of the Persey here beholde
- From whence we fetch our piedegree: it may rejoyce thy hart
- To die of such a noble hand as mine. The latter part
- Of these his words could scarce be heard: the dint therof was drownde:
- Ye would have thought him speaking still with open mouth: but sound
- Did none forth passe: there was for speache no passage to be found.
- Rebuking them cries Eryx: Sirs, it is not Gorgons face,
- It is your owne faint heartes that make you stonie in this case.
- Come let us on this fellow run and to the ground him beare
- That feightes by witchcraft: as with that his feete forth stepping were,
- They stacke still fastened to the floore: he could not move aside,
- An armed image all of stone he speachlesse did abide.
- All these were justly punished. But one there was a knight
- Of Perseys band, in whose defence as Acont stoode to feight,
- He waxed overgrowne with stone at ugly Gorgons sight.
- Whome still as yet Astyages supposing for to live,
- Did with a long sharpe arming sworde a washing blow him give.
- The sword did clinke against the stone and out the sparcles drive.
- While all amazde Astyages stoode wondring at the thing,
- The selfesame nature on himselfe the Gorgons head did bring.
- And in his visage which was stone a countnance did remaine
- Of wondring still. A wearie worke it were to tell you plaine
- The names of all the common sort. Two hundred from that fray
- Did scape unslaine: but none of them did go alive away.
- The whole two hundred every one at sight of Gorgons heare
- Were turned into stockes of stone. Then at the length for feare
- Did Phyney of his wrongfull war forthinke himselfe full sore.
- But now (alas) what remedie? he saw there stand before
- His face, his men like Images in sundrie shapes all stone.
- He knew them well, and by their names did call them everychone:
- Desiring them to succor him: and trusting not his sight
- He feeles the bodies that were next, and all were Marble quight.
- He turnes himselfe from Persey ward and humbly as he standes
- He wries his armes behind his backe: and holding up his handes,
- O noble Persey, thou hast got the upper hand, he sed.
- Put up that monstruous shield of thine: put up that Gorgons head
- That into stones transformeth men: put up, I thee desire.
- Not hatred, nor bicause to reigne as King I did aspire,
- Have moved me to make this fray. The only force of love
- In seeking my betrothed spouse, did hereunto me move.
- The better title seemeth thine bicause of thy desert:
- And mine by former promise made. It irkes me at the heart
- In that I did not give the place. None other thing I crave
- O worthie knight, but that thou graunt this life of mine to save.
- Let all things else beside be thine. As he thus humbly spake
- Nor daring looke at him to whome he did entreatance make,
- The thing (quoth Persey) which to graunt both I can finde in heart,
- And is no little courtesie to shewe without desert
- Upon a Coward, I will graunt, O fearfull Duke, to thee.
- Set feare aside: thou shalt not hurt with any weapon bee.
- I will moreover so provide as thai thou shalt remaine
- An everlasting monument of this dayes toyle and paine.
- The pallace of my Fathrinlaw shall henceforth be thy shrine
- Where thou shalt stand continually before my spouses eyen,
- That of hir husband having ay the Image in hir sight,
- She may from time to time receyve some comfort and delight.
- He had no sooner sayd these wordes but that he turnde his shielde
- With Gorgons heade to that same part where Phyney with a mielde
- And fearfull countnance set his face. Then also as he wride
- His eyes away, his necke waxt stiffe, his teares to stone were dride.
- A countnance in the stonie stocke of feare did still appeare
- With humble looke and yeelding handes and gastly ruthfull cheare.
- With conquest and a noble wife doth Persey home repaire
- And in revengement of the right against the wrongfull heyre,
- As in his Graundsires just defence, he falles in hand with Prete
- Who like no brother but a foe did late before defeate
- King Acrise of his townes by warre and of his royall seate.
- But neyther could his men of warre nor fortresse won by wrong
- Defend him from the griesly looke of grim Medusa long.
- And yet thee, foolish Polydect of little Seriph King,
- Such rooted rancor inwardly continually did sting,
- That neyther Perseys prowesse tride in such a sort of broyles
- Nor yet the perils he endurde, nor all his troublous toyles
- Could cause thy stomacke to relent. Within thy stonie brest
- Workes such a kinde of festred hate as cannot be represt.
- Thy wrongfull malice hath none ende. Moreover thou of spite
- Repining at his worthy praise, his doings doste backbite:
- Upholding that Medusas death was but a forged lie:
- So long till Persey for to shewe the truth apparantly,
- Desiring such as were his friendes to turne away their eye,
- Drue out Medusas ougly head. At sight whereof anon
- The hatefull Tyran Polydect was turned to a stone.
- The Goddesse Pallas all this while did keepe continually
- Hir brother Persey companie, till now that she did stie
- From Seriph in a hollow cloud, and leaving on the right
- The Iles of Scyre and Gyaros, she made from thence hir flight
- Directly over that same Sea as neare as eye could ame
- To Thebe and Mount Helicon, and when she thither came,
- She stayde hir selfe, and thus bespake the learned sisters nine:
- A rumor of an uncouth spring did pierce these eares of mine
- The which the winged stede shouldmake by stamping with his hoofe.
- This is the cause of my repaire: I would for certaine proofe
- Be glad to see the wondrous thing. For present there I stoode
- And saw the selfesame Pegasus spring of his mothers blood.
- Dame Uranie did entertaine and aunswere Pallas thus:
- What cause so ever moves your grace to come and visit us,
- Most heartely you welcome are: and certaine is the fame
- Of this our Spring, that Pegasus was causer of the same.
- And with that worde she led hir forth to see the sacred spring.
- Who musing greatly with hir selfe at straungenesse of the thing,
- Surveyde the Woodes and groves about of auncient stately port.
- And when she saw the Bowres to which the Muses did resort,
- And pleasant fields beclad with herbes of sundrie hew and sort,
- She said that for their studies sake they were in happie cace
- And also that to serve their turne they had so trim a place.
- Then one of them replied thus: O noble Ladie who
- (But that your vertue greater workes than these are calles you to)
- Should else have bene of this our troupe, your saying is full true.
- To this our trade of life and place is commendation due.
- And sure we have a luckie lot and if the world were such
- As that we might in safetie live, but lewdnesse reignes so much
- That all things make us Maides afraide. Me thinkes I yet do see
- The wicked Tyran Pyren still: my heart is yet scarce free
- From that same feare with which it hapt us flighted for to bee.
- This cruell Pyren was of Thrace and with his men of war
- The land of Phocis had subdude, and from this place not far
- Within the Citie Dawlis reignde by force of wrongfull hand,
- One day to Phebus Temples warde that on Parnasus stand
- As we were going, in our way he met us courteously,
- And by the name of Goddesses saluting reverently
- Said: O ye Dames of Meonie (for why he knew us well)
- I pray you stay and take my hou.e untill this storme (there fell
- That time a tempest and a showre) be past: the Gods aloft
- Have entred smaller sheddes than mine full many a time and oft.
- The rainie wether and hys wordes so moved us, that wee
- To go into an outer house of his did all agree.
- As soone as that the showre was past and heaven was voyded cleare
- Of all the Cloudes which late before did every where appeare,
- Until that Boreas had subdude the rainie Southerne winde,
- We woulde have by and by bene gone. He shet the doores in minde
- To ravish us: but we with wings escaped from his hands.
- He purposing to follow us, upon a Turret stands,
- And sayth he needes will after us the same way we did flie.
- And with that worde full frantickly he leapeth downe from hie,
- And pitching evelong on his face the bones asunder crasht,
- And dying, all abrode the ground his wicked bloud bedasht.
- Now as the Muse was telling this, they heard a noyse of wings
- And from the leavie boughes aloft a sound of greeting rings.
- Minerva looking up thereat demaunded whence the sounde
- Of tongues that so distinctly spake did come so plaine and rounde?
- She thought some woman or some man had greeted hir that stounde.
- It was a flight of Birdes. Nyne Pies bewailing their mischaunce
- In counterfetting everie thing from bough to bough did daunce.
- As Pallas wondred at the sight, the Muse spake thus in summe:
- These also being late ago in chalenge overcome,
- Made one kinde more of Birdes than was of auncient time beforne.
- In Macedone they were about the Citie Pella borne
- Of Pierus, a great riche Chuffe, and Euip, who by ayde
- Of strong Lucina travailing nine times, nine times was laide
- Of daughters in hir childbed safe. This fond and foolish rout
- Of doltish sisters taking pride and waxing verie stout,
- Bicause they were in number nine came flocking all togither
- Through all the townes of Thessalie and all Achaia hither,
- And us with these or such like wordes to combate did provoke.
- Cease off, ye Thespian Goddesses, to mocke the simple folke
- With fondnesse of your Melodie. And if ye thinke in deede
- Ye can doe ought, contend with us and see how you shall speede.
- I warrant you ye passe us not in cunning nor in voyce.
- Ye are here nine, and so are we. We put you to the choyce,
- That eyther we will vanquish you and set you quight beside
- Your fountaine made by Pegasus which is your chiefest pride,
- And Aganippe too: or else confounde you us, and we
- Of all the woods of Macedone will dispossessed be
- As farre as snowie Peonie: and let the Nymphes be Judges.
- Now in good sooth it was a shame to cope with suchie Drudges,
- But yet more shame it was to yeeld. The chosen Nymphes did sweare
- By Styx, and sate them downe on seates of stone that growed there.
- Then streight without commission or election of the rest,
- The formost of them preasing forth undecently, profest
- The chalenge to performe: and song the battels of the Goddes.
- She gave the Giants all the praise, the honor and the oddes,
- Abasing sore the worthie deedes of all the Gods. She telles
- How Typhon issuing from the earth and from the deepest helles,
- Made all the Gods above afraide, so greatly that they fled
- And never staide till Aegypt land and Nile whose streame is shed
- In channels seven, received them forwearied all togither:
- And how the Helhound Typhon did pursue them also thither.
- By meanes wherof the Gods eche one were faine themselves to hide
- In forged shapes. She saide that Jove the Prince of Gods was wride
- In shape of Ram: which is the cause that at this present tide
- Joves ymage which the Lybian folke by name of Hammon serve,
- Is made with crooked welked homes that inward still doe terve:
- That Bacchus in a Geate,
- And Phebus sister in a Cat, and Juno in a Neate,
- And Venus in the shape of Fish, and how that last of all
- Mercurius hid him in a Bird which Ibis men doe call.
- This was the summe of all the tale which she with rolling tung
- And yelling throteboll to hir harpe before us rudely sung.
- Our turne is also come to speake, but that perchaunce your grace
- To give the hearing to our song hath now no time nor space.
- Yes yes (quoth Pallas) tell on forth in order all your tale:
- And downe she sate among the trees which gave a pleasant swale.
- The Muse made aunswere thus: To one Calliope here by name
- This chalenge we committed have and ordring of the same.
- Then rose up faire Calliope with goodly bush of heare
- Trim wreathed up with yvie leaves, and with hir thumbe gan steare
- The quivering strings, to trie them if they were in tune or no.
- Which done, she playde upon hir Lute and song hir Ditie so:
- Dame Ceres first to breake the Earth with plough the maner found,
- She first made come and stover soft to grow upon the ground,
- She first made lawes: for all these things we are to Ceres bound.
- Of hir must I as now intreate: would God I could resound
- Hir worthie laude: she doubtlesse is a Goddesse worthie praise.
- Bicause the Giant Typhon gave presumptuously assayes
- To conquer Heaven, the howgie Ile of Trinacris is layd
- Upon his limmes, by weight whereof perforce he downe is weyde.
- He strives and strugles for to rise full many a time and oft.
- But on his right hand toward Rome Pelorus standes aloft:
- Pachynnus standes upon his left: his legs with Lilybie
- Are pressed downe: his monstrous head doth under Aetna lie.
- From whence he lying bolt upright with wrathfull mouth doth spit
- Out flames of fire. He wrestleth oft and walloweth for to wit
- And if he can remove the weight of all that mightie land
- Or tumble downe the townes and hilles that on his bodie stand.
- By meanes whereof it commes to passe that oft the Earth doth shake:
- And even the King of Ghostes himselfe for verie feare doth quake,
- Misdoubting lest the Earth should clive so wide that light of day
- Might by the same pierce downe to Hell and there the Ghostes affray.
- Forecasting this, the Prince of Fiendes forsooke his darksome hole,
- And in a Chariot drawen with Steedes as blacke as any cole
- The whole foundation of the Ile of Sicill warely vewde.
- When throughly he had sercht eche place that harme had none ensewde,
- As carelessly he raungde abrode, he chaunced to be seene
- Of Venus sitting on hir hill: who taking streight betweene
- Hir armes hir winged Cupid, said: My sonne, mine only stay,
- My hand, mine honor and my might, go take without delay
- Those tooles which all wightes do subdue, and strike them in the hart
- Of that same God that of the world enjoyes the lowest part.
- The Gods of Heaven, and Jove himselfe, the powre of Sea and Land
- And he that rules the powres on Earth obey thy mightie hand:
- And wherefore then should only Hell still unsubdued stand?
- Thy mothers Empire and thine own why doste thou not advaunce?
- The third part of al the world now hangs in doubtful chaunce.
- And yet in heaven too now, their deedes thou seest me faine to beare.
- We are despisde: the strength of love with me away doth weare.
- Seeste not the Darter Diane and dame Pallas have already
- Exempted them from my behestes? and now of late so heady
- Is Ceres daughter too, that if we let hir have hir will,
- She will continue all hir life a Maid unwedded still.
- For that is all hir hope, and marke whereat she mindes to shoote.
- But thou (if ought this gracious turne our honor may promote,
- Or ought our Empire beautifie which joyntly we doe holde,)
- This Damsell to hir uncle joyne. No sooner had she tolde
- These wordes, but Cupid opening streight his quiver chose therefro
- One arrow (as his mother bade) among a thousand mo.
- But such a one it was, as none more sharper was than it,
- Nor none went streighter from the Bow the amed marke to hit.
- He set his knee against his Bow and bent it out of hande,
- And made his forked arrowes steale in Plutos heart to stande.
- Neare Enna walles there standes a Lake: Pergusa is the name.
- Cayster heareth not mo songs of Swannes than doth the same.
- A wood environs everie side the water round about,
- And with his leaves as with a veyle doth keepe the Sunne heate out.
- The boughes doe yeelde a coole fresh Ayre: the moystnesse of the grounde
- Yeeldes sundrie flowres: continuall spring is all the yeare there founde.
- While in this garden Proserpine was taking hir pastime,
- In gathering eyther Violets blew, or Lillies white as Lime,
- And while of Maidenly desire she fillde hir Maund and Lap,
- Endevoring to outgather hir companions there, by hap
- Dis spide hir: lovde hir: caught hir up: and all at once well nere,
- So hastie, hote, and swift a thing is Love as may appeare.
- The Ladie with a wailing voyce afright did often call
- Hir Mother and hir waiting Maides, but Mother most of all.
- And as she from the upper part hir garment would have rent,
- By chaunce she let hir lap slip downe, and out hir flowres went.
- And such a sillie simplenesse hir childish age yet beares,
- That even the verie losse of them did move hir more to teares.
- The Catcher drives his Chariot forth, and calling every horse
- By name, to make away apace he doth them still enforce:
- And shakes about their neckes and Manes their rustie bridle reynes
- And through the deepest of the Lake perforce he them constreynes.
- And through the Palik pooles, the which from broken ground doe boyle
- And smell of Brimstone verie ranke: and also by the soyle
- Where as the Bacchies, folke of Corinth with the double Seas,
- Betweene unequall Havons twaine did reere a towne for ease.
- Betweene the fountaines of Cyane and Arethuse of Pise
- An arme of Sea that meetes enclosde with narrow homes there lies.
- Of this the Poole callde Cyane which beareth greatest fame
- Among the Nymphes of Sicilie did algates take the name.
- Who vauncing hir unto the waste amid hir Poole did know
- Dame Proserpine, and said to Dis: Ye shall no further go:
- You cannot Ceres sonneinlawe be, will she so or no.
- You should have sought hir courteously and not enforst hir so.
- And if I may with great estates my simple things compare,
- Anapus was in love with me: but yet he did not fare
- As you doe now with Proserpine. He was content to woo
- And I unforst and unconstreind consented him untoo.
- This said, she spreaded forth hir armes and stopt him of his way.
- His hastie wrath Saturnus sonne no lenger then could stay.
- But chearing up his dreadfull Steedes did smight his royall mace
- With violence in the bottome of the Poole in that same place.
- The ground streight yeelded to his stroke and made him way to Hell,
- And downe the open gap both horse and Chariot headlong fell.
- Dame Cyan taking sore to heart as well the ravishment
- Of Proserpine against hir will, as also the contempt
- Against hir fountaines priviledge, did shrowde in secret hart
- An inward corsie comfortlesse, which never did depart
- Untill she melting into teares consumde away with smart.
- The selfesame waters of the which she was but late ago
- The mighty Goddesse, now she pines and wastes hirselfe into.
- Ye might have seene hir limmes wex lithe, ye might have bent hir bones.
- Hir nayles wext soft: and first of all did melt the smallest ones:
- As haire and fingars, legges and feete: for these same slender parts
- Doe quickly into water turne, and afterward converts
- To water, shoulder, backe, brest, side: and finally in stead
- Of lively bloud, within hir veynes corrupted there was spred
- Thinne water: so that nothing now remained whereupon
- Ye might take holde, to water all consumed was anon.
- The carefull mother in the while did seeke hir daughter deare
- Through all the world both Sea and Land, and yet was nere the neare.
- The Morning with hir deawy haire hir slugging never found,
- Nor yet the Evening star that brings the night upon the ground.
- Two seasoned Pynetrees at the mount of Aetna did she light
- And bare them restlesse in hir handes through all the dankish night.
- Againe as soone as chierfull day did dim the starres, she sought
- Hir daughter still from East to West. And being overwrought
- She caught a thirst: no liquor yet had come within hir throte.
- By chaunce she spied nere at hand a pelting thatched Cote
- Wyth peevish doores: she knockt thereat, and out there commes a trot.
- The Goddesse asked hir some drinke and she denide it not:
- But out she brought hir by and by a draught of merrie go downe
- And therewithall a Hotchpotch made of steeped Barlie browne
- And Flaxe and Coriander seede and other simples more
- The which she in an Earthen pot together sod before.
- While Ceres was a eating this, before hir gazing stood
- A hard faaste boy, a shrewde pert wag, that could no maners good:
- He laughed at hir and in scorne did call hir greedie gut.
- The Goddesse being wroth therewith, did on the Hotchpotch put
- The liquor ere that all was eate, and in his face it threw.
- Immediatly the skinne thereof became of speckled hew,
- And into legs his armes did turne: and in his altred hide
- A wrigling tayle streight to his limmes was added more beside.
- And to th'intent he should not have much powre to worken scathe,
- His bodie in a little roume togither knit she hathe.
- For as with pretie Lucerts he in facion doth agree:
- So than the Lucert somewhat lesse in every poynt is he.
- The poore old woman was amazde: and bitterly she wept:
- She durst not touche the uncouth worme, who into corners crept.
- And of the flecked spottes like starres that on his hide are set
- A name agreeing thereunto in Latine doth he get.
- It is our Swift whose skinne with gray and yellow specks is fret.
- What Lands and Seas the Goddesse sought it were too long to saine.
- The worlde did want. And so she went to Sicill backe againe.
- And as in going every where she serched busily,
- She also came to Cyane: who would assuredly
- Have tolde hir all things, had she not transformed bene before.
- But mouth and tongue for uttrance now would serve hir turne no more.
- Howbeit a token manifest she gave hir for to know
- What was become of Proserpine. Her girdle she did show
- Still hovering on hir holie poole, which slightly from hir fell
- As she that way did passe: and that hir mother knew too well.
- For when she saw it, by and by as though she had but than
- Bene new advertisde of hir chaunce, she piteously began
- To rend hir ruffled haire, and beate hir handes against hir brest.
- As yet she knew not where she was. But yet with rage opprest,
- She curst all landes, and said they were unthankfull everychone,
- Yea and unworthy of the fruites bestowed them upon.
- But bitterly above the rest she banned Sicilie,
- In which the mention of hir losse she plainely did espie.
- And therefore there with cruell hand the earing ploughes she brake,
- And man and beast that tilde the grounde to death in anger strake.
- She marrde the seede, and eke forbade the fieldes to yeelde their frute.
- The plenteousnesse of that same lie of which there went suche bruit
- Through all the world, lay dead: the come was killed in the blade:
- Now too much drought, now too much wet did make it for to fade.
- The starres and blasting windes did hurt, the hungry foules did eate
- The come in ground: the Tines and Briars did overgow the Wheate.
- And other wicked weedes the corne continually annoy,
- Which neyther tylth nor toyle of man was able to destroy.
- Then Arethuse, floud Alpheys love, lifts from hir Elean waves
- Hir head, and shedding to hir eares hir deawy haire that waves
- About hir foreheade sayde: O thou that art the mother deare
- Both of the Maiden sought through all the world both far and neare,
- And eke of all the earthly fruites, forbeare thine endlesse toyle,
- And be not wroth without a cause with this thy faithfull soyle:
- The Lande deserves no punishment. Unwillingly, God wote,
- She opened to the Ravisher that violently hir smote.
- It is not sure my native soyle for which I thus entreate.
- I am but here a sojourner, my native soyle and seate
- Is Pisa and from Ely towne I fetch my first discent.
- I dwell but as a straunger here: but sure to my intent
- This Countrie likes me better farre than any other land.
- Here now I Arethusa dwell: here am I setled: and
- I humbly you beseche extend your favour to the same.
- A time will one day come when you to mirth may better frame,
- And have your heart more free from care, which better serve me may
- To tell you why I from my place so great a space doe stray,
- And unto Ortygie am brought through so great Seas and waves.
- The ground doth give me passage free, and by the lowest caves
- Of all the Earth I make my way, and here I raise my heade,
- And looke upon the starres agayne neare out of knowledge fled.
- Now while I underneath the Earth the Lake of Styx did passe,
- I saw your daughter Proserpine with these same eyes. She was
- Not merrie, neyther rid of feare as seemed by hir cheere.
- But yet a Queene, but yet of great God Dis the stately Feere:
- But yet of that same droupie Realme the chiefe and sovereigne Peere.
- Hir mother stoode as starke as stone, when she these newes did heare,
- And long she was like one that in another worlde had beene.
- But when hir great amazednesse by greatnesse of hir teene
- Was put aside, she gettes hir to hir Chariot by and by
- And up to heaven in all post haste immediately doth stie.
- And there beslowbred all hir face: hir haire about hir eares,
- To royall Jove in way of plaint this spightfull tale she beares:
- As well for thy bloud as for mine a suter unto thee
- I hither come. If no regard may of the mother bee
- Yet let the childe hir father move, and have not lesser care
- Of hir (I pray) bicause that I hir in my bodie bare.
- Behold our daughter whome I sought so long is found at last:
- If finding you it terme, when of recoverie meanes is past.
- Or if you finding do it call to have a knowledge where
- She is become. Hir ravishment we might consent to beare,
- So restitution might be made. And though there were to me
- No interest in hir at all, yet forasmuche as she
- Is yours, it is unmeete she be bestowde upon a theefe.
- Jove aunswerde thus: My daughter is a Jewell deare and leefe:
- A collup of mine owne flesh cut as well as out of thine.
- But if we in our heartes can finde things rightly to define,
- This is not spight but love. And yet Madame in faith I see
- No cause of such a sonne in law ashamed for to bee,
- So you contented were therewith. For put the case that hee
- Were destitute of all things else, how greate a matter ist
- Joves brother for to be? but sure in him is nothing mist.
- Nor he inferior is to me save only that by lot
- The Heavens to me, the Helles to him the destnies did allot.
- But if you have so sore desire your daughter to divorce,
- Though she againe to Heaven repayre I doe not greatly force.
- But yet conditionly that she have tasted there no foode:
- For so the destnies have decreed. He ceaste: and Ceres stoode
- Full bent to fetch hir daughter out: but destnies hir withstoode,
- Bicause the Maide had broke hir fast. For as she hapt one day
- In Plutos Ortyard rechlessely from place to place to stray,
- She gathering from a bowing tree a ripe Pownegarnet, tooke
- Seven kernels out and sucked them. None chaunst hereon to looke,
- Save onely one Ascalaphus whome Orphne, erst a Dame
- Among the other Elves of Hell not of the basest fame,
- Bare to hir husbande Acheron within hir duskie den.
- He sawe it, and by blabbing it ungraciously as then,
- Did let hir from returning thence. A grievous sigh the Queene
- Of Hell did fetch, and of that wight that had a witnesse beene
- Against hir made a cursed Birde. Upon his face she shead
- The water of the Phlegeton: and by and by his head
- Was nothing else but Beake and Downe, and mightie glaring eyes.
- Quight altred from himselfe betweene two yellow wings he flies.
- He groweth chiefly into head and hooked talants long
- And much adoe he hath to flaske his lazie wings among.
- The messenger of Morning was he made, a filthie fowle,
- A signe of mischiefe unto men, the sluggish skreching Owle.
- This person for his lavish tongue and telling tales might seeme
- To have deserved punishment. But what should men esteeme
- To be the verie cause why you, Acheloes daughters, weare
- Both feete and feathers like to Birdes, considering that you beare
- The upper partes of Maidens still? And commes it so to passe
- Bicause when Ladie Proserpine a gathering flowers was,
- Ye Meremaides kept hir companie? Whome after you had sought
- Through all the Earth in vaine, anon of purpose that your thought
- Might also to the Seas be knowen, ye wished that ye might
- Upon the waves with hovering wings at pleasure rule your flight,
- And had the Goddes to your request so pliant, that ye found
- With yellow feathers out of hand your bodies clothed round:
- Yet lest that pleasant tune of yours ordeyned to delight
- The hearing, and so high a gift of Musicke perish might
- For want of uttrance, humaine voyce to utter things at will
- And countnance of virginitie remained to you still.
- But meane betweene his brother and his heavie sister goth
- God Jove, and parteth equally the yeare betweene them both.
- And now the Goddesse Proserpine indifferently doth reigne
- Above and underneath the Earth, and so doth she remaine
- One halfe yeare with hir mother and the resdue with hir Feere.
- Immediatly she altred is as well in outwarde cheere
- As inwarde minde. For where hir looke might late before appeere
- Sad even to Dis, hir countnance now is full of mirth and grace
- Even like as Phebus having put the watrie cloudes to chace,
- Doth shew himselfe a Conqueror with bright and shining face.
- Then fruitfull Ceres voide of care in that she did recover
- Hir daughter, prayde thee, Arethuse, the storie to discover,
- What caused thee to fleete so farre and wherefore thou became
- A sacred spring? The waters whist. The Goddesse of the same
- Did from the bottome of the Well hir goodly head up reare.
- And having dried with hir hand hir faire greene hanging heare,
- The River Alpheys auncient loves she thus began to tell.
- I was (quoth she) a Nymph of them that in Achaia dwell.
- There was not one that earnester the Lawndes and forests sought
- Or pitcht hir toyles more handsomly. And though that of my thought
- It was no part, to seeke the fame of beautie: though I were
- All courage: yet the pricke and prise of beautie I did beare.
- My overmuch commended face was unto me a spight.
- This gift of bodie in the which another would delight,
- I, rudesbye, was ashamed of: me thought it was a crime
- To be belikte. I beare it well in minde that on a time
- In comming wearie from the chase of Stymphalus, the heate
- Was fervent, and my traveling had made it twice as great.
- I founde a water neyther deepe nor shallow which did glide
- Without all noyse, so calme that scarce the moving might be spide.
- And throughly to the very ground it was so crispe and cleare,
- That every little stone therein did plaine aloft appeare.
- The horie Sallowes and the Poplars growing on the brim
- Unset, upon the shoring bankes did cast a shadow trim.
- I entred in, and first of all I deeped but my feete:
- And after to my knees. And not content to wade so fleete,
- I put off all my clothes, and hung them on a Sallow by
- And threw my selfe amid the streame, which as I dallyingly
- Did beate and draw, and with my selfe a thousand maistries trie,
- In casting of mine armes abrode and swimming wantonly:
- I felt a bubling in the streame I wist not how nor what,
- And on the Rivers nearest brim I stept for feare. With that,
- O Arethusa, whither runst? and whither runst thou, cride
- Floud Alphey from his waves againe with hollow voyce. I hide
- Away unclothed as I was. For on the further side
- My clothes hung still. So much more hote and eger then was he,
- And for I naked was, I seemde the readier for to be.
- My running and his fierce pursuite was like as when ye se
- The sillie Doves with quivering wings before the Gossehauke stie,
- The Gossehauke sweeping after them as fast as he can flie.
- To Orchomen, and Psophy land, and Cyllen I did holde
- Out well, and thence to Menalus and Erymanth the colde,
- And so to Ely. All this way no ground of me he wonne.
- But being not so strong as he, this restlesse race to runne
- I could not long endure, and he could hold it out at length.
- Yet over plaines and wooddie hilles (as long as lasted strength)
- And stones, and rockes, and desert groundes I still maintaind my race.
- The Sunne was full upon my backe. I saw before my face
- A lazie shadow: were it not that feare did make me see't.
- But certenly he feared me with trampling of his feete:
- And of his mouth the boystous breath upon my hairlace blew.
- Forwearied with the toyle of flight: Helpe, Diane, I thy true
- And trustie Squire (I said) who oft have caried after thee
- Thy bow and arrowes, now am like attached for to bee.
- The Goddesse moved, tooke a cloude of such as scattred were
- And cast upon me. Hidden thus in mistie darkenesse there
- The River poard upon me still and hunted round about
- The hollow cloude, for feare perchaunce I should have scaped out.
- And twice not knowing what to doe he stalkt about the cloude
- Where Diane had me hid, and twice he called out aloude:
- Hoe Arethuse. What heart had I poore wretch then?
- Even such as hath the sillie Lambe that dares not stirre nor quetch when
- He heares the howling of the Wolfe about or neare the foldes,
- Or such as hath the squatted Hare that in hir foorme beholdes
- The hunting houndes on every side, and dares not move a whit,
- He would not thence, for why he saw no footing out as yit.
- And therefore watcht he narrowly the cloud and eke the place.
- A chill colde sweat my sieged limmes opprest, and downe apace
- From all my bodie steaming drops did fall of watrie hew.
- Which way so ere I stird my foote the place was like a stew.
- The deaw ran trickling from my haire. In halfe the while I then
- Was turnde to water, that I now have tolde the tale agen.
- His loved waters Alphey knew, and putting off the shape
- Of man the which he tooke before bicause I should not scape,
- Returned to his proper shape of water by and by
- Of purpose for to joyne with me and have my companie.
- But Delia brake the ground, at which I sinking into blinde
- Bycorners, up againe my selfe at Ortigie doe winde,
- Right deare to me bicause it doth Dianas surname beare,
- And for bicause to light againe I first was raysed there.
- Thus far did Arethusa speake: and then the fruitfull Dame
- Two Dragons to hir Chariot put, and reyning hard the same,
- Midway beweene the Heaven and Earth she in the Ayer went,
- And unto Prince Triptolemus hir lightsome Chariot sent
- To Pallas Citie lode with come, commaunding him to sowe
- Some part in ground new broken up, and some thereof to strow
- In ground long tillde before. Anon the yong man up did stie
- And flying over Europe and the Realme of Asias hie,
- Alighted in the Scithian land. There reyned in that coast
- A King callde Lyncus, to whose house he entred for to host.
- And being there demaunded how and why he thither came,
- And also of his native soyle and of his proper name,
- I hight (quoth he) Triptolemus and borne was in the towne
- Of Athens in the land of Greece, that place of high renowne.
- I neyther came by Sea nor Lande, but through the open Aire
- I bring with me Dame Ceres giftes which being sowne in faire
- And fertile fields may fruitfull Harvests yeelde and finer fare.
- The savage King had spight, and to th'intent that of so rare
- And gracious gifts himselfe might seeme first founder for to be,
- He entertainde him in his house, and when asleepe was he,
- He came upon him with a sword: but as he would have killde him,
- Dame Ceres turnde him to a Lynx, and waking tother willde him
- His sacred Teemeware through the Ayre to drive abrode agen.
- The chiefe of us had ended this hir learned song, and then
- The Nymphes with one consent did judge that we the Goddesses
- Of Helicon had wonne the day. But when I sawe that these
- Unnurtred Damsels overcome began to fall a scolding,
- I sayd: so little sith to us you thinke your selves beholding,
- For bearing with your malapertnesse in making chalenge, that
- Besides your former fault, ye eke doe fall to rayling flat,
- Abusing thus our gentlenesse: we will from hence proceede
- The punishment, and of our wrath the rightfull humor feede.
- Euippyes daughters grinnd and jeerde and set our threatnings light.
- But as they were about to prate, and bent their fistes to smight
- Theyr wicked handes with hideous noyse, they saw the stumps of quilles
- New budding at their nayles, and how their armes soft feather hilles.
- Eche saw how others mouth did purse and harden into Bill,
- And so becomming uncouth Birdes to haunt the woods at will.
- For as they would have clapt their handes their wings did up them heave,
- And hanging in the Ayre the scoldes of woods did Pies them leave.
- Now also being turnde to Birdes they are as eloquent
- As ere they were, as chattring still, as much to babling bent.
- Finis quinti Libri.
- of Ovids Metamorphosis.
- Ritonia unto all these wordes attentive hearing bendes,
- And both the Muses learned song and rightfull wrath commendes.
- And thereupon within hir selfe this fancie did arise.
- It is no matter for to prayse: but let our selfe devise
- Some thing to be commended for: and let us not permit
- Our Majestie to be despisde without revenging it.
- And therewithall she purposed to put the Lydian Maide
- Arachne to hir neckeverse who (as had to hir bene saide)
- Presumed to prefer hir selfe before hir noble grace
- In making cloth. This Damsell was not famous for the place
- In which she dwelt, nor for hir stocke, but for hir Arte. Hir Sier
- Was Idmon, one of Colophon, a pelting Purple Dier.
- Hir mother was deceast: but she was of the baser sort,
- And egall to hir Make in birth, in living, and in port.
- But though this Maide were meanly borne, and dwelt but in a shed
- At little Hypep: yet hir trade hir fame abrode did spred
- Even all the Lydian Cities through. To see hir wondrous worke
- The Nymphes that underneath the Vines of shadie Tmolus lurke
- Their Vineyards oftentimes forsooke. So did the Nymphes also
- About Pactolus oftentimes their golden streames forgo.
- And evermore it did them good not only for to see
- Hir clothes already made, but while they eke a making bee
- Such grace was in hir workmanship. For were it so that shee
- The newshorne fleeces from the sheepe in bundels deftly makes,
- Or afterward doth kemb the same, and drawes it out in flakes
- Along like cloudes, or on the Rocke doth spinne the handwarpe woofe,
- Or else embroydreth, certenly ye might perceive by proofe
- She was of Pallas bringing up, which thing she nathelesse
- Denyeth, and disdaining such a Mistresse to confesse,
- Let hir contend with me, she saide: and if she me amend
- I will refuse no punishment the which she shall extend.
- Minerva tooke an olde wives shape and made hir haire seeme gray,
- And with a staffe hir febled limmes pretended for to stay.
- Which done, she thus began to speake: Not all that age doth bring
- We ought to shonne. Experience doth of long continuance spring.
- Despise not mine admonishment. Seeke fame and chiefe report
- For making cloth, and Arras worke, among the mortall sort.
- But humbly give the Goddesse place: and pardon of hir crave
- For these thine unadvised wordes. I warrant thou shalt have
- Forgivenesse, if thou aske it hir. Arachne bent hir brewes
- And lowring on hir, left hir worke: and hardly she eschewes
- From flying in the Ladies face. Hir countnance did bewray
- Hir moodie minde: which bursting forth in words she thus did say:
- Thou commest like a doting foole: thy wit is spent with yeares:
- Thy life hath lasted over long as by thy talke appeares.
- And if thou any daughter have, or any daughtrinlawe,
- I would she heard these wordes of mine: I am not such a Daw,
- But that without thy teaching I can well ynough advise
- My selfe. And lest thou shouldest thinke thy words in any wise
- Availe, the selfesame minde I keepe with which I first begonne.
- Why commes she not hirselfe I say? this matche why doth she shonne?
- Then said the Goddesse: Here she is. And therewithall she cast
- Hir oldewives riveled shape away, and shewde hir selfe at last
- Minerva like. The Nymphes did streight adore hir Majestie.
- So did the yong newmaried wives that were of Migdonie.
- The Maiden only unabasht woulde nought at all relent.
- But yet she blusht and sodenly a ruddynesse besprent
- Hir cheekes which wanzd away againe, even like as doth the Skie
- Looke sanguine at the breake of day, and turneth by and by
- To white at rising of the Sunne. As hote as any fire
- She sticketh to hir tackling still. And through a fond desire
- Of glorie, to hir owne decay all headlong forth she runnes.
- For Pallas now no lenger warnes, ne now no lenger shunnes
- Ne seekes the chalenge to delay. Immediatly they came
- And tooke their places severally, and in a severall frame
- Eche streynde a web, the warpe whereof was fine. The web was tide
- Upon a Beame. Betweene the warpe a stay of reede did slide.
- The woofe on sharpened pinnes was put betwixt the warp, and wrought
- With fingars. And as oft as they had through the warpe it brought,
- They strake it with a Boxen combe. Both twayne of them made hast:
- And girding close for handsomnesse their garments to their wast
- Bestirde their cunning handes apace. Their earnestnesse was such
- As made them never thinke of paine. They weaved verie much
- Fine Purple that was dide in Tyre, and colours set so trim
- That eche in shadowing other seemde the very same with him.
- Even like as after showres of raine when Phebus broken beames
- Doe strike upon the Cloudes, appeares a compast bow of gleames
- Which bendeth over all the Heaven: wherein although there shine
- A thousand sundry colours, yet the shadowing is so fine,
- That looke men nere so wistly, yet beguileth it their eyes:
- So like and even the selfsame thing eche colour seemes to rise
- Whereas they meete, which further off doe differ more and more.
- Of glittring golde with silken threede was weaved there good store.
- And stories put in portrayture of things done long afore.
- Minerva painted Athens towne and Marsis rocke therein,
- And all the strife betweene hirselfe and Neptune, who should win
- The honor for to give the name to that same noble towne.
- In loftie thrones on eyther side of Jove were settled downe
- Six Peeres of Heaven with countnance grave and full of Majestie,
- And every of them by his face discerned well might be.
- The Image of the mightie Jove was Kinglike. She had made
- Neptunus standing striking with his long thre tyned blade
- Upon the ragged Rocke: and from the middle of the clift
- She portrayd issuing out a horse, which was the noble gift
- For which he chalengde to himselfe the naming of the towne.
- She picturde out hirselfe with shielde and Morion on hir crowne
- With Curet on hir brest, and Speare in hand with sharpened ende.
- She makes the Earth (the which hir Speare doth seeme to strike) to sende
- An Olyf tree with fruite thereon: and that the Gods thereat
- Did wonder: and with victorie she finisht up that plat.
- Yet to th'intent examples olde might make it to be knowne
- To hir that for desire of praise so stoutly helde hir owne,
- What guerdon she shoulde hope to have for hir attempt so madde,
- Foure like contentions in the foure last corners she did adde.
- The Thracians Heme and Rodope the formost corner hadde:
- Who being sometime mortall folke usurpt to them the name
- Of Jove and Juno, and were turnde to mountaines for the same.
- A Pigmie womans piteous chaunce the second corner shewde,
- Whome Juno turned to a Crane (bicause she was so lewde
- As for to stand at strife with hir for beautie) charging hir
- Against hir native countriefolke continuall war to stir.
- The thirde had proude Antigone, who durst of pride contende
- In beautie with the wife of Jove: by whome she in the ende
- Was turned to a Storke. No whit availed hir the towne
- Of Troy, or that Laomedon hir father ware a crowne,
- But that she, clad in feathers white, hir lazie wings must flap.
- And with a bobbed Bill bewayle the cause of hir missehap.
- The last had chyldelesse Cinyras: who being turnde to stone,
- Was picturde prostrate on the grounde, and weeping all alone,
- And culling fast betweene his armes a Temples greeces fine
- To which his daughters bodies were transformde by wrath divine.
- The utmost borders had a wreath of Olyf round about,
- And this is all the worke the which Minerva portrayd out.
- For with the tree that she hirselfe had made but late afore
- She bounded in hir Arras cloth, and then did worke no more.
- The Lydian maiden in hir web did portray to the full
- How Europe was by royall Jove beguilde in shape of Bull.
- A swimming Bull, a swelling Sea, so lively had she wrought,
- That Bull and Sea in very deede ye might them well have thought.
- The Ladie seemed looking backe to landwarde and to crie
- Upon hir women, and to feare the water sprinkling hie,
- And shrinking up hir fearfull feete. She portrayd also there
- Asteriee struggling with an Erne which did away hir beare.
- And over Leda she had made a Swan his wings to splay.
- She added also how by Jove in shape of Satyr gaye
- The faire Antiope with a paire of children was besped:
- And how he tooke Amphitrios shape when in Alcmenas bed
- He gate the worthie Hercules: and how he also came
- To Danae like a shoure of golde, to Aegine like a flame,
- A sheepeherd to Mnemosyne, and like a Serpent sly
- To Proserpine. She also made Neptunus leaping by
- Upon a Maide of Aeolus race in likenesse of a Bull,
- And in the streame Enipeus shape begetting on a trull
- The Giants Othe and Ephialt, and in the shape of Ram
- Begetting one Theophane Bisalties ympe with Lam,
- And in a lustie Stalions shape she made him covering there
- Dame Ceres with the yellow lockes, and hir whose golden heare
- Was turnde to crawling Snakes: on whome he gate the winged horse.
- She made him in a Dolphins shape Melantho to enforce.
- Of all these things she missed not their proper shapes, nor yit
- The full and just resemblance of their places for to hit.
- In likenesse of a Countrie cloyne was Phebus picturde there,
- And how he now ware Gossehaukes wings, and now a Lions heare.
- And how he in a shepeherdes shape was practising a wile
- The daughter of one Macarie, dame Issa, to beguile.
- And how the faire Erygone by chaunce did suffer rape
- By Bacchus who deceyved hir in likenesse of a grape.
- And how that Saturne in the shape of Genet did beget
- The double Chiron. Round about the utmost Verdge was set
- A narrow Traile of pretie floures with leaves of Ivie fret.
- Not Pallas, no, nor spight it selfe could any quarrell picke
- To this hir worke: and that did touch Minerva to the quicke.
- Who thereupon did rende the cloth in pieces every whit,
- Bicause the lewdnesse of the Gods was biased so in it.
- And with an Arras weavers combe of Box she fiercely smit
- Arachne on the forehead full a dozen times and more.
- The Maide impacient in hir heart, did stomacke this so sore,
- That by and by she hung hirselfe. Howbeit as she hing,
- Dame Pallas pitying hir estate, did stay hir in the string
- From death, and said: Lewde Callet live: but hang thou still for mee.
- And lest hereafter from this curse that time may set thee free,
- I will that this same punishment enacted firmely bee,
- As well on thy posteritie for ever as on thee.
- And after when she should depart, with juice of Hecats flowre
- She sprinkled hir: and by and by the poyson had such powre,
- That with the touch thereof hir haire, hir eares, and nose did fade:
- And verie small it both hir heade and all hir bodie made.
- In steade of legs, to both hir sides sticke fingars long and fine:
- The rest is bellie. From the which she nerethelesse doth twine
- A slender threede, and practiseth in shape of Spider still
- The Spinners and the Websters crafts of which she erst had skill.
- All Lydia did repine hereat, and of this deede the fame
- Through Phrygie ran, and through the world was talking of the same.
- Before hir mariage Niobe had knowen hir verie well,
- When yet a Maide in Meonie and Sipyle she did dwell.
- And yet Arachnes punishment at home before hir eyes,
- To use discreter kinde of talke it could hir not advise,
- Nor (as behoveth) to the Gods to yeelde in humble wise.
- For many things did make hir proud. But neyther did the towne
- The which hir husband builded had, nor houses of renowne
- Of which they both descended were, nor yet the puissance
- Of that great Realme wherein they reignde so much hir minde enhaunce
- (Although the liking of them all did greatly hir delight)
- As did the offspring of hir selfe. And certenly she might
- Have bene of mothers counted well most happie, had she not
- So thought hir selfe. For she whome sage Tyresias had begot,
- The Prophet Manto, through instinct of heavenly powre, did say
- These kinde of wordes in open strete: Ye Thebanes go your way
- Apace, and unto Laton and to Latons children pray,
- And offer godly Frankinsence, and wreath your haire with Bay.
- Latona by the mouth of me commaundes you so to do.
- The Thebane women by and by obeying thereunto,
- Deckt all their heades with Laurell leaves as Manto did require,
- And praying with devout intent threw incense in the fire.
- Beholde out commeth Niobe environde with a garde
- Of servaunts and a solemne traine that followed afterward.
- She was hirselfe in raiment made of costly cloth of golde
- Of Phrygia facion verie brave and gorgeous to beholde.
- And of hir selfe she was right faire and beautifull of face,
- But that hir wrathfull stomake then did somewhat staine hir grace.
- She moving with hir portly heade hir haire the which as then
- Did hang on both hir shoulders loose, did pawse a while, and when
- Wyth loftie looke hir stately eyes she rolled had about:
- What madnesse is it (quoth she) to prefer the heavenly rout
- Of whome ye doe but heare, to such as daily are in sight?
- Or why should Laton honored be with Altars? Never wight
- To my most sacred Majestie did offer incense. Yit
- My Father was that Tantalus whome only as most fit
- The Gods among them at their boordes admitted for to sit.
- A sister of the Pleyades is my mother. Finally
- My Graundsire on the mothers side is that same Atlas hie
- That on his shoulders beareth up the heavenly Axeltree.
- Againe my other Graundfather is Jove, and (as you see)
- He also is my Fathrinlawe, wherein I glorie may.
- The Realme of Phrygia here at hand doth unto me obay.
- In Cadmus pallace I thereof the Ladie doe remaine
- And joyntly with my husbande I as peerlesse Princesse reigne
- Both over this same towne whose walles my husbands harpe did frame,
- And also over all the folke and people in the same.
- In what soever corner of my house I cast mine eye,
- A worlde of riches and of goods I everywhere espie.
- Moreover for the beautie, shape, and favor growen in me,
- Right well I know I doe deserve a Goddesse for to be.
- Besides all this, seven sonnes I have and daughters seven likewise,
- By whome shall shortly sonneinlawes and daughtrinlawes arise.
- Judge you now if that I have cause of statelynesse or no.
- How dare ye then prefer to me Latona that same fro
- The Titan Ceus ympe, to whome then readie downe to lie
- The hugy Earth a little plot to childe on did denie?
- From Heaven, from Earth, and from the Sea your Goddesse banisht was,
- And as an outcast through the world from place to place did passe,
- Untill that Delos pitying hir, sayde Thou doste fleete on land
- And I on Sea, and thereupon did lende hir out of hand
- A place unstable. Of two twinnes there brought abed was she:
- And this is but the seventh part of the issue borne by me.
- Right happie am I. Who can this denie? and shall so still I
- Continue. Who doth doubt of that? Abundance hath and will
- Preserve me. I am greater than that frowarde fortune may
- Empeache me. For although she should pull many things away,
- Yet should she leave me many more. My state is out of feare.
- Of thys my huge and populous race surmise you that it were
- Possible some of them should misse: yet can I never be
- So spoyled that no mo than two shall tarie styll with me.
- Leave quickly thys lewde sacrifice, and put me off this Bay
- That on your heads is wreathed thus. They laide it streight away
- And left their holie rites undone, and closely as they may
- With secret whispring to themselves to Laton they dyd pray.
- How much from utter barrennesse the Goddesse was: so much
- Disdeind she more: and in the top of Cynthus framed such
- Complaint as this to both hir twinnes. Lo I your mother deare,
- Who in my bodie once you twaine with painefull travail beare,
- Loe I whose courage is so stout as for to yeelde to none
- Of all the other Goddesses except Joves wife alone,
- Am lately doubted whether I a Goddesse be or no.
- And if you helpe not, children mine, the case now standeth so
- That I the honor must from hence of Altars quight forgo.
- But this is not mine only griefe. Besides hir wicked fact
- Most railing words hath Niobe to my defacing rackt.
- She durst prefer hir Barnes to you. And as for me, she naamde
- Me barren in respect of hir, and was no whit ashaamde
- To shewe hir fathers wicked tongue which she by birth doth take.
- This said: Latona was about entreatance for to make.
- Cease off (quoth Phebus) long complaint is nothing but delay
- Of punishment, and the selfesame wordes did Phebe also say.
- And by and by they through the Ayre both gliding swiftly downe,
- On Cadmus pallace hid in cloudes did light in Thebe towne.
- A fielde was underneath the wall both levell, large and wide,
- Betrampled every day with horse that men therin did ride,
- Where store of Carres and Horses hoves the cloddes to dust had trode.
- A couple of Amphions sonnes on lustie coursers rode
- In this same place. Their horses faire Coperisons did weare
- Of scarlet: and their bridles brave with golde bedecked were.
- Of whome as Niobs eldest sonne Ismenos hapt to bring
- His horse about, and reynde him in to make him keepe the ring,
- He cride alas: and in his brest with that an arrow stacke
- And by and by hys dying hand did let the bridle slacke.
- And on the right side of the horse he slipped to the ground.
- The second brother Sipylus did chaunce to heare the sound
- Of Quivers clattring in the Ayre, and giving streight the reyne
- And spur togither to his horse, began to flie amayne:
- As doth the master of a ship: who when he sees a shoure
- Approching, by some mistie cloud that ginnes to gloume and loure
- Doth clap on all his sayles bicause no winde should scape him by
- Though nere so small. Howbeit as he turned for to flie,
- He was not able for to scape the Arrow which did stricke
- Him through the necke. The nocke thereof did shaking upward sticke,
- The head appeared at his throte. And as he forward gave
- Himselfe in flying: so to ground he groveling also drave,
- And toppled by the horses mane and feete amid his race,
- And with his warme newshedded bloud berayed all the place.
- But Phedimus, and Tantalus, the heir of the name
- Of Tantalus, his Graundfather, who customably came
- From other dailie exercise to wrestling, had begun
- To close, and eache at other now with brest to brest to run,
- When Phebus Arrow being sent with force from streyned string
- Did strike through both of them as they did fast togither cling.
- And so they sighed both at once, and both at once for paine
- Fell downe to ground, and both of them at once their eyes did streine
- To see their latest light, and both at once their ghostes did yeelde.
- Alphenor this mischaunce of theirs with heavie heart behelde,
- And scratcht and beate his wofull brest: and therewith flying out
- To take them up betweene his armes, was as he went about
- This worke of kindly pitie, killde. For Phebus with a Dart
- Of deadly dint did rive him through the Bulke and brake his hart.
- And when the steale was plucked out, a percell of his liver
- Did hang upon the hooked heade: and so he did deliver
- His life and bloud into the Ayre departing both togither.
- But Damasicthon (on whose heade came never scissor) felt
- Mo woundes than one. It was his chaunce to have a grievous pelt
- Upon the verie place at which the leg is first begun
- And where the hamstrings by the joynt with supple sinewes run
- And while to draw this arrow out he with his hand assaide,
- Another through his wezant went, and at the feathers staide.
- The bloud did drive out this againe, and spinning high did spout
- A great way off, and pierst the Ayre with sprinkling all about.
- The last of all Ilionie with streched handes, and speche
- Most humble (but in vaine) did say: O Gods I you beseche
- Of mercie all in generall. He wist not what he saide
- Ne how that unto all of them he ought not to have praide.
- The God that helde the Bow in hande was moved: but as then
- The Arrow was alredie gone so farre, that backe agen
- He could not call it. Neerthelesse the wound was verie small
- Of which he dide, for why his heart it did but lightly gall.
- The rumor of the mischiefe selfe, and mone of people, and
- The weeping of hir servants gave the mother t'understand
- The sodaine stroke of this mischaunce. She wondred verie much
- And stormed also that the Gods were able to doe such
- A deede, or durst attempt it, yea she thought it more than right
- That any of them over hir should have so mickle might.
- Amphion had fordone himselfe alreadie with a knife,
- And ended all his sorrowes quite togither with his life.
- Alas, alas how greatly doth this Niobe differ here
- From tother Niobe who alate disdaining any Pere
- Did from Latonas Altars drive hir folke, and through the towne
- With haultie looke and stately gate went pranking up and downe,
- Then spighted at among hir owne, but piteous now to those:
- That heretofore for hir deserts had bene hir greatest foes.
- She falleth on the corses colde, and taking no regard,
- Bestowde hir kysses on hir sonnes as whome she afterwarde
- Did know she never more shoulde kisse. From whome she lifting thoe
- Hir blew and broosed armes to heaven sayd: O thou cruell foe
- Latona, feede, yea feede thy selfe I say upon my woe
- And overgorge thy stomacke, yea and glut thy cruell hart
- With these my present painefull pangs of bitter griping smart.
- In corses seven I seven times deade am caried to my grave.
- Rejoyce thou foe and triumph now in that thou seemste to have
- The upper hande. What? upper hand? no no it is not so.
- As wretched as my case doth seeme, yet have I left me mo
- Than thou for all thy happinesse canst of thine owne account.
- Even after all these corses yet I still doe thee surmount.
- Upon the ende of these same wordes the twanging of the string
- In letting of the Arrow flie was clearly heard: which thing
- Made every one save Niobe afraide. Hir heart was so
- With sorrowe hardned, that she grew more bolde. Hir daughters tho
- Were standing all with mourning weede and hanging haire before
- Their brothers coffins. One of them in pulling from the sore
- An Arrow sticking in his heart, sanke downe upon hir brother
- With mouth to mouth, and so did yeelde hir fleeting ghost. Another
- In comforting the wretched case and sorrow of hir mother
- Upon the sodaine helde hir peace. She stricken was within
- With double wound: which caused hir hir talking for to blin
- And shut hir mouth: but first hir ghost was gone. One all in vaine
- Attempting for to scape by flight was in hir flying slaine.
- Another on hir sisters corse doth tumble downe starke dead.
- This quakes and trembles piteously, and she doth hide hir head.
- And when that sixe with sundrye woundes dispatched were and gone,
- At last as yet remained one: and for to save that one,
- Hir mother with hir bodie whole did cling about hir fast,
- And wrying hir did over hir hir garments wholy cast:
- And cried out: O leave me one: this little one yet save:
- Of many but this only one the least of all I crave.
- But while she prayd, for whome she prayd was kild. Then down she sate
- Bereft of all hir children quite, and drawing to hir fate,
- Among hir daughters and hir sonnes and husband newly dead.
- Hir cheekes waxt hard, the Ayre could stirre no haire upon hir head.
- The colour of hir face was dim and clearly voide of blood,
- And sadly under open lids hir eyes unmoved stood.
- In all hir bodie was no life. For even hir verie tung
- And palat of hir mouth was hard, and eche to other clung.
- Hir Pulses ceased for to beate, hir necke did cease to bow,
- Hir armes to stir, hir feete to go, all powre forwent as now.
- And into stone hir verie wombe and bowels also bind.
- But yet she wept: and being hoyst by force of whirling wind
- Was caried into Phrygie. There upon a mountaines top
- She weepeth still in stone. From stone the drerie teares do drop.
- Then all both men and women fearde Latonas open ire I
- And far with greater sumptuousnesse and earnester desire
- Did worship the great majestie of this their Goddesse who
- Did beare at once both Phebus and his sister Phebe too.
- And through occasion of this chaunce, (as men are wont to do
- In cases like) the people fell to telling things of old
- Of whome a man among the rest this tale ensuing told.
- The auncient folke that in the fieldes of fruitfull Lycia dwelt
- Due penance also for their spight to this same Goddesse felt.
- The basenesse of the parties makes the thing it selfe obscure.
- Yet is the matter wonderfull. My selfe I you assure
- Did presently beholde the Pond, and saw the very place
- In which this wondrous thing was done. My father then in case,
- Not able for to travell well by reason of his age,
- To fetch home certaine Oxen thence made me to be his page,
- Appointing me a countryman of Lycia to my guide.
- With whome as I went plodding in the pasture groundes, I spide
- Amids a certaine Pond an olde square Aultar colourd blacke
- With cinder of the sacrifice that still upon it stacke.
- About it round grew wavering Reedes. My guide anon did stay:
- And softly, O be good to me, he in himselfe did say.
- And I with like soft whispering did say, Be good to mee.
- And then I askt him whether that the Altar wee did see
- Belonged to the Waternymphes, or Faunes or other God
- Peculiar to the place it selfe upon the which we yod.
- He made me aunswere thus: My guest, no God of countrie race
- Is in this Altar worshipped. That Goddesse claymes this place,
- From whome the wife of mightie Jove did all the world forfend:
- When wandring restlesse here and there full hardly in the end
- Unsetled Delos did receyve then floting on the wave,
- As tide and weather to and fro the swimming Iland drave.
- There maugre Latona staying by a Date and Olyf tree that sted
- In travail, of a paire of twinnes was safely brought abed.
- And after hir delivrance folke report that she for feare
- Of Junos wrath did flie from hence, and in hir armes did beare
- Hir babes which afterwarde became two Gods. In which hir travell
- In Sommer when the scorching Sunne is wont to burne the gravell
- Of Lycie countrie where the fell Chymera hath his place,
- The Goddesse wearie with the long continuance of hir race,
- Waxt thirstie by the meanes of drought with going in the Sunne.
- Hir babes had also suckt hir brestes as long as milke wold runne.
- By chaunce she spide this little Pond of water here bylow.
- And countrie Carles were gathering there these Osier twigs that grow
- So thicke upon a shrubbie stalke: and of these rushes greene:
- And flags that in these moorish plots so rife of growing beene.
- She comming hither kneeled downe the water up to take
- To coole hir thirst. The churlish cloynes forfended hir the Lake.
- Then gently said the Goddesse: Sirs, why doe you me forfend
- The water? Nature doth to all in common water send.
- For neither Sunne, nor Ayre, nor yet the Water private bee,
- I seeke but that which natures gift hath made to all things free.
- And yet I humbly crave of you to graunt it unto mee.
- I did not go about to wash my werie limmes and skin,
- I would but only quench my thirst. My throte is scalt within
- For want of moysture: and my chappes and lippes are parching drie:
- And scarsly is there way for wordes to issue out thereby.
- A draught of water will to me be heavenly Nectar now.
- And sure I will confesse I have received life of you.
- Yea in your giving of a drop of water unto mee,
- The case so standeth as you shall preserve the lives of three.
- Alas let these same sillie soules that in my bosome stretch
- Their little armes (by chaunce hir babes their pretie dolles did retch)
- To pitie move you. What is he so hard that would not yeeld
- To this the gentle Goddesses entreatance meeke and meeld?
- Yet they for all the humble wordes she could devise to say,
- Continued in their willfull moode of churlish saying nay,
- And threatned for to sende hir thence onlesse she went away,
- Reviling hir most spightfully. And not contented so,
- With handes and feete the standing Poole they troubled to and fro,
- Until with trampling up and downe maliciously, the soft
- And slimie mud that lay beneath was raised up aloft.
- With that the Goddesse was so wroth that thirst was quight forgot.
- And unto such unworthie Carles hirselfe she humbleth not:
- Ne speaketh meaner wordes than might beseeme a Goddesse well.
- But holding up hir handes to heaven: For ever mought you dwell
- In this same Pond, she said: hir wish did take effect with speede.
- For underneath the water they delight to be in deede.
- Now dive they to the bottome downe, now up their heades they pop,
- Another while with sprawling legs they swim upon the top.
- And oftentimes upon the bankes they have a minde to stond,
- And oftentimes from thence againe to leape into the Pond.
- And there they now doe practise still their filthy tongues to scold
- And shamelessely (though underneath the water) they doe hold
- Their former wont of brawling still amid the water cold.
- Their voices stil are hoarse and harsh, their throtes have puffed goles,
- Their chappes with brawling widened are, their hammer headed Jowls
- Are joyned to their shoulders just, the neckes of them doe seeme
- Cut off, the ridgebone of their backe stickes up of colour greene.
- Their paunch which is the greatest part of all their trunck is gray,
- And so they up and downe the Pond made newly Frogges doe play.
- When one of Lyce (I wote not who) had spoken in this sort,
- Another of a Satyr streight began to make report,
- Whome Phebus overcomming on a pipe (made late ago
- By Pallas) put to punishment. Why flayest thou me so,
- Alas, he cride, it irketh me. Alas a sorie pipe
- Deserveth not so cruelly my skin from me to stripe.
- For all his crying ore his eares quight pulled was his skin.
- Nought else he was than one whole wounde. The griesly bloud did spin
- From every part, the sinewes lay discovered to the eye,
- The quivering veynes without a skin lay beating nakedly.
- The panting bowels in his bulke ye might have numbred well,
- And in his brest the shere small strings a man might easly tell.
- The Countrie Faunes, the Gods of Woods, the Satyrs of his kin,
- The Mount Olympus whose renowne did ere that time begin,
- And all the Nymphes, and all that in those mountaines kept their sheepe,
- Or grazed cattell thereabouts, did for this Satyr weepe.
- The fruitfull earth waxt moyst therewith, and moysted did receyve
- Their teares, and in hir bowels deepe did of the same conceyve.
- And when that she had turned them to water, by and by
- She sent them forth againe aloft to see the open Skie.
- The River that doth rise thereof beginning there his race,
- In verie deepe and shoring bankes to Seaward runnes apace
- Through Phrygie, and according as the Satyr, so the streame
- Is called Marsias, of the brookes the clearest in that Realme.
- With such examples as these same the common folke returnde
- To present things, and every man through all the Citie moornde
- For that Amphion was destroyde with all his issue so.
- But all the fault and blame was laide upon the mother tho.
- For hir alonly Pelops mournde (as men report) and hee
- In opening of his clothes did shewe that everie man might see
- His shoulder on the left side bare of Ivorie for to bee.
- This shoulder at his birth was like his tother both in hue
- And flesh, untill his fathers handes most wickedly him slue,
- And that the Gods when they his limmes againe togither drue,
- To joyne them in their proper place and forme by nature due,
- Did finde out all the other partes, save only that which grue
- Betwene the throteboll and the arme, which when they could not get
- This other made of Ivorie white in place therof they set
- And by that meanes was Pelops made againe both whole and sound.
- The neyghbor Princes thither came, and all the Cities round
- About besought their Kings to go and comfort Thebe: as Arge
- And Sparta, and Mycene which was under Pelops charge,
- And Calydon unhated of the frowning Phebe yit,
- The welthie towne Orchomenos, and Corinth which in it
- Had famous men for workmanship in mettals: and the stout
- Messene which full twentie yeares did hold besiegers out.
- And Patre, and the lowly towne Cleona, Nelies Pyle,
- And Troyzen not surnamed yet Pittheia for a while.
- And all the other Borough townes and Cities which doe stand
- Within the narrow balke at which two Seas doe meete at hand,
- Or which do bound upon the balke without in maine firme land.
- Alonly Athens (who would thinke?) did neither come nor send.
- Warre barred them from courtesie the which they did entend.
- The King of Pontus with an host of savage people lay
- In siege before their famous waHes and curstly did them fray.
- Untill that Tereus, King of Thrace, approching to their ayde,
- Did vanquish him, and with renowne was for his labor payde.
- And sith he was so puissant in men and ready coyne,
- And came of mightie Marsis race, Pandion sought to joyne
- Aliance with him by and by, and gave him to his Feere
- His daughter Progne. At this match (as after will appeare)
- Was neyther Juno, President of mariage wont to bee,
- Nor Hymen, no nor any one of all the graces three.
- The Furies snatching Tapers up that on some Herce did stande
- Did light them, and before the Bride did beare them in their hande.
- The Furies made the Bridegroomes bed. And on the house did rucke
- A cursed Owle the messenger of yll successe and lucke.
- And all the night time while that they were lying in their beds,
- She sate upon the bedsteds top right over both their heds.
- Such handsell Progne had the day that Tereus did hir wed.
- Such handsell had they when that she was brought of childe abed.
- All Thracia did rejoyce at them, and thankt their Gods, and willd
- That both the day of Prognes match with Tereus should be hild
- For feastfull, and the day likewise that Itys first was borne:
- So little know we what behoves. The Sunne had now outworne
- Five Harvests, and by course five times had run his yearly race,
- When Progne flattring Tereus saide: If any love or grace
- Betweene us be, send eyther me my sister for to see,
- Or finde the meanes that hither she may come to visit mee.
- You may assure your Fathrinlaw she shall againe returne
- Within a while. Ye doe to me the highest great good turne
- That can be, if you bring to passe I may my sister see.
- Immediatly the King commaundes his shippes aflote to bee.
- And shortly after, what with sayle and what with force of Ores,
- In Athens haven he arrives and landes at Pyrey shores.
- As soone as of his fathrinlaw the presence he obtainde,
- And had of him bene courteously and friendly entertainde,
- Unhappie handsell entred with their talking first togither.
- The errandes of his wife, the cause of his then comming thither,
- He had but new begon to tell, and promised that when
- She had hir sister seene, she should with speede be sent agen:
- When (see the chaunce) came Philomele in raiment very rich,
- And yet in beautie farre more rich, even like the Fairies which
- Reported are the pleasant woods and water springs to haunt,
- So that the like apparell and attire to them you graunt.
- King Tereus at the sight of hir did burne in his desire,
- As if a man should chaunce to set a gulfe of come on fire,
- Or burne a stacke of hay. Hir face in deede deserved love.
- But as for him, to fleshly lust even nature did him move.
- For of those countries commonly the people are above
- All measure prone to lecherie. And therefore both by kinde
- His flame encreast, and by his owne default of vicious minde.
- He purposde fully to corrupt hir servants with reward:
- Or for to bribe hir Nurce, that she should slenderly regarde
- Hir dutie to hir mistresseward. And rather than to fayle,
- The Ladie even hirselfe with gifts he minded to assayle,
- And all his kingdome for to spend, or else by force of hand
- To take hir, and in maintenance thereof by sword to stand.
- There was not under heaven the thing but that he durst it prove,
- So far unable was he now to stay his lawlesse love.
- Delay was deadly. Backe againe with greedie minde he came
- Of Prognes errands for to talke: and underneath the same
- He workes his owne ungraciousnesse. Love gave him power to frame
- His talke at will. As oft as he demaunded out of square,
- Upon his wives importunate desire himselfe he bare.
- He also wept: as though his wife had willed that likewise.
- O God, what blindnesse doth the heartes of mortall men disguise?
- By working mischiefe Tereus gets him credit for to seeme
- A loving man, and winneth praise by wickednesse extreeme.
- Yea and the foolish Philomele the selfesame thing desires.
- Who hanging on hir fathers necke with flattring armes, requires
- Against hir life and for hir life his licence for to go
- To see hir sister. Tereus beholdes hir wistly tho,
- And in beholding handles hir with heart. For when he saw
- Hir kisse hir father, and about his necke hir armes to draw,
- They all were spurres to pricke him forth, and wood to feede his fire,
- And foode of forcing nourishment to further his desire.
- As oft as she hir father did betweene hir armes embrace,
- So often wished he himselfe hir father in that case.
- For nought at all should that in him have wrought the greater grace.
- Hir father could not say them nay, they lay at him so sore.
- Right glad thereof was Philomele and thanked him therefore.
- And wretched wench she thinkes she had obtained such a thing,
- As both to Progne and hir selfe should joy and comfort bring,
- When both of them in verie deede should afterward it rew.
- To endward of his daily race and travell Phebus drew,
- And on the shoring side of Heaven his horses downeward flew.
- A princely supper was prepaarde, and wine in golde was set:
- And after meate to take their rest the Princes did them get.
- But though the King of Thrace that while were absent from hir sight,
- Yet swelted he: and in his minde revolving all the night
- Hir face, hir gesture, and hir hands, imaginde all the rest
- (The which as yet he had not seene) as likte his fancie best.
- He feedes his flames himselfe. No winke could come within his eyes,
- For thinking ay on hir. As soone as day was in the skies,
- Pandion holding in his hand the hand of Tereus prest
- To go his way, and sheading teares betooke him thus his guest:
- Deare sonneinlaw I give thee here (sith godly cause constraines)
- This Damsell. By the faith that in thy Princely heart remaines,
- And for our late aliance sake, and by the Gods above,
- I humbly thee beseche that as a Father thou doe love
- And maintaine hir, and that as soone as may be (all delay
- Will unto me seeme over long) thou let hir come away,
- The comfort of my carefull age on whome my life doth stay.
- And thou my daughter Philomele (it is inough ywis
- That from hir father set so farre thy sister Progne is)
- If any sparke of nature doe within thy heart remayne,
- With all the haaste and speede thou canst returne to me againe.
- In giving charge he kissed hir: and downe his cheekes did raine
- The tender teares, and as a pledge of faith he tooke the right
- Handes of them both, and joyning them did eche to other plight,
- Desiring them to beare in minde his commendations to
- His daughter and hir little sonne. And then with much adoe
- For sobbing, at the last he bad adew as one dismaid.
- The foremisgiving of his minde did make him sore afraid.
- As soone as Tereus and the Maide togither were aboord,
- And that their ship from land with Ores was haled on the foord,
- The fielde is ours, he cride aloude, I have the thing I sought
- And up he skipt, so barbrous and so beastly was his thought,
- That scarce even there he could forbeare his pleasure to have wrought.
- His eye went never off of hir: as when the scarefull Erne
- With hooked talants trussing up a Hare among the Ferne,
- Hath laid hir in his nest, from whence the prisoner can not scape,
- The ravening fowle with greedie eyes upon his pray doth gape.
- Now was their journey come to ende: now were they gone aland
- In Thracia, when that Tereus tooke the Ladie by the hand,
- And led hir to a pelting graunge that peakishly did stand
- In woods forgrowen. There waxing pale and trembling sore for feare,
- And dreading all things, and with teares demaunding sadly where
- Hir sister was, he shet hir up: and therewithall bewraide
- His wicked lust, and so by force bicause she was a Maide
- And all alone he vanquisht hir. It booted nought at all
- That she on sister, or on Sire, or on the Gods did call.
- She quaketh like the wounded Lambe which from the Wolves hore teeth
- New shaken thinkes hir selfe not safe: or as the Dove that seeth
- Hir fethers with hir owne bloud staynde, who shuddring still doth feare
- The greedie Hauke that did hir late with griping talants teare.
- Anon when that this mazednesse was somewhat overpast,
- She rent hir haire, and beate hir brest, and up to heavenward cast
- Hir hands in mourningwise, and said: O cankerd Carle, O fell
- And cruell Tyrant, neyther could the godly teares that fell
- Adowne my fathers cheekes when he did give thee charge of mee,
- Ne of my sister that regarde that ought to be in thee,
- Nor yet my chaaste virginitie, nor conscience of the lawe
- Of wedlocke, from this villanie thy barbrous heart withdraw?
- Is made a Cucqueane: and thy selfe through this offence of thee
- Art made a husband to us both, and unto me a foe,
- Behold thou hast confounded all. My sister thorough mee
- A just deserved punishment for lewdly doing so.
- But to th'intent, O perjurde wretch, no mischiefe may remaine
- Unwrought by thee, why doest thou from murdring me refraine?
- Would God thou had it done before this wicked rape. From hence
- Then should my soule most blessedly have gone without offence.
- But if the Gods doe see this deede, and if the Gods, I say,
- Be ought, and in this wicked worlde beare any kinde of sway
- And if with me all other things decay not, sure the day
- Will come that for this wickednesse full dearly thou shalt pay.
- Yea I my selfe rejecting shame thy doings will bewray.
- And if I may have power to come abrode, them blase I will
- In open face of all the world. Or if thou keepe me still
- As prisoner in these woods, my voyce the verie woods shall fill,
- And make the stones to understand. Let Heaven to this give care
- And all the Gods and powers therein if any God be there.
- The cruell tyrant being chaaft and also put in feare
- With these and other such hir wordes, both causes so him stung,
- That drawing out his naked sworde that at his girdle hung,
- He tooke hir rudely by the haire, and wrung hir hands behind hir,
- Compelling hir to holde them there while he himselfe did bind hir.
- When Philomela sawe the sworde, she hoapt she should have dide,
- And for the same hir naked throte she gladly did provide.
- But as she yirnde and called ay upon hir fathers name,
- And strived to have spoken still, the cruell tyrant came
- And with a paire of pinsons fast did catch hir by the tung,
- And with his sword did cut it off. The stumpe whereon it hung
- Did patter still. The tip fell downe and quivering on the ground
- As though that it had murmured it made a certaine sound.
- And as an Adders tayle cut off doth skip a while: even so
- The tip of Philomelaas tongue did wriggle to and fro,
- And nearer to hir mistresseward in dying still did go.
- And after this most cruell act, for certaine men report
- That he (I scarcely dare beleve) did oftentimes resort
- To maymed Philomela and abusde hir at his will:
- Yet after all this wickednesse he keeping countnance still,
- Durst unto Progne home repaire. And she immediatly
- Demaunded where hir sister was. He sighing feynedly
- Did tell hir falsly she was dead: and with his suttle teares
- He maketh all his tale to seeme of credit in hir eares.
- Hir garments glittring all with golde she from hir shoulders teares
- And puts on blacke, and setteth up an emptie Herce, and keepes
- A solemne obite for hir soule, and piteously she weepes
- And waileth for hir sisters fate who was not in such wise
- As that was, for to be bewailde. The Sunne had in the Skies
- Past through the twelve celestiall signes, and finisht full a yeare.
- But what should Philomela doe? She watched was so neare
- That start she could not for hir life. The walles of that same graunge
- Were made so high of maine hard stone, that out she could not raunge.
- Againe hir tunglesse mouth did want the utterance of the fact.
- Great is the wit of pensivenesse, and when the head is rakt
- With hard misfortune, sharpe forecast of practise entereth in.
- A warpe of white upon a frame of Thracia she did pin,
- And weaved purple letters in betweene it, which bewraide
- The wicked deede of Tereus. And having done, she praide
- A certaine woman by hir signes to beare them to hir mistresse.
- She bare them and deliverde them not knowing nerethelesse
- What was in them. The Tyrants wife unfolded all the clout,
- And of hir wretched fortune red the processe whole throughout.
- She held hir peace (a wondrous thing it is she should so doe)
- But sorrow tide hir tongue, and wordes agreeable unto
- Hir great displeasure were not at commaundment at that stound.
- And weepe she could not. Ryght and wrong she reckeneth to confound,
- And on revengement of the deede hir heart doth wholy ground.
- It was the time that wives of Thrace were wont to celebrate
- The three yeare rites of Bacchus which were done a nighttimes late.
- A nighttimes soundeth Rhodope of tincling pannes and pots:
- A nighttimes giving up hir house abrode Queene Progne trots
- Disguisde like Bacchus other froes and armed to the proofe
- With all the frenticke furniture that serves for that behoofe.
- Hir head was covered with a vine. About hir loose was tuckt
- A Reddeeres skin, a lightsome Launce upon hir shoulder ruckt.
- In post gaddes terrible Progne through the woods, and at hir heeles
- A flocke of froes. And where the sting of sorrow which she feeles
- Enforceth hir to furiousnesse, she feynes it to proceede
- Of Bacchus motion. At the length she finding out in deede
- The outset Graunge howlde out, and cride, Now well, and open brake
- The gates, and streight hir sister thence by force of hand did take,
- And veyling hir in like attire of Bacchus, hid hir head
- With Ivie leaves, and home to Court hir sore amazed led.
- As soone as Philomela wist she set hir foote within
- That cursed house, the wretched soule to shudther did begin,
- And all hir face waxt pale. Anon hir sister getting place
- Did pull off Bacchus mad attire, and making bare hir face
- Embraced hir betweene hir armes. But she considering that
- Queene Progne was a Cucqueane made by meanes of hir, durst nat
- Once raise hir eyes: but on the ground fast fixed helde the same.
- And where she woulde have taken God to witnesse that the shame
- And villanie was wrought to hir by violence, she was fayne
- To use hir hand in stead of speache. Then Progne chaaft amaine,
- And was not able in hir selfe hir choler to restraine.
- But blaming Philomela for hir weeping, said these wordes:
- Thou must not deale in this behalfe with weeping, but with swordes:
- Or with some thing of greater force than swords. For my part, I
- Am readie, yea and fully bent all mischiefe for to trie.
- This pallace will I eyther set on fire, and in the same
- Bestow the cursed Tereus the worker of our shame:
- Or pull away his tongue: or put out both his eyes: or cut
- Away those members which have thee to such dishonor put:
- Or with a thousand woundes expulse that sinfull soule of his.
- The thing that I doe purpose on is great, what ere it is.
- I know not what it may be yet. While Progne hereunto
- Did set hir minde, came Itys in, who taught hir what to doe.
- She staring on him cruelly, said: Ah, how like thou art
- Thy wicked father, and without moe wordes a sorowfull part
- She purposed, such inward ire was boyling in hir heart.
- But notwithstanding when hir sonne approched to hir neare,
- And lovingly had greeted hir by name of mother deare,
- And with his pretie armes about the necke had hugde hir fast,
- And flattring wordes with childish toyes in kissing forth had cast,
- The mothers heart of hirs was then constreyned to relent,
- Asswaged wholy was the rage to which she erst was bent,
- And from hir eyes against hir will the teares enforced went.
- But when she saw how pitie did compell hir heart to yeelde,
- She turned to hir sisters face from Itys, and behelde
- Now t'one, now tother earnestly and said: Why tattles he
- And she sittes dumbe bereft of tongue? as well why calles not she
- Me sister, as this boy doth call me mother? Seest thou not,
- Thou daughter of Pandion, what a husband thou hast got?
- Thou growest wholy out of kinde. To such a husband as
- Is Tereus, pitie is a sinne. No more delay there was.
- She dragged Itys after hir, as when it happes in Inde
- A Tyger gets a little Calfe that suckes upon a Hynde
- And drags him through the shadie woods. And when that they had found
- A place within the house far off and far above the ground,
- Then Progne strake him with a sword now plainly seeing whother
- He should, and holding up his handes, and crying mother, mother,
- And flying to hir necke: even where the brest and side doe bounde,
- And never turnde away hir face. Inough had bene that wound
- Alone to bring him to his ende. The tother sister slit
- His throte. And while some life and soule was in his members yit,
- In gobbits they them rent: whereof were some in Pipkins boyld,
- And other some on hissing spits against the fire were broyld,
- And with the gellied bloud of him was all the chamber foyld.
- To this same banquet Progne bade hir husband knowing nought
- Nor nought mistrusting of the harme and lewdnesse she had wrought.
- And feyning a solemnitie according to the guise
- Of Athens, at the which there might be none in any wise
- Besides hir husband and hir selfe, she banisht from the same
- Hir householde folke and sojourners, and such as guestwise came.
- King Tereus sitting in the throne of his forefathers, fed
- And swallowed downe the selfesame flesh that of his bowels bred.
- And he (so blinded was his heart) Fetch Itys hither, sed.
- No lenger hir most cruell joy dissemble could the Queene.
- But of hir murther coveting the messenger to beene,
- She said: The thing thou askest for, thou hast within. About
- He looked round, and asked where? To put him out of dout,
- As he was yet demaunding where, and calling for him: out
- Lept Philomele with scattred haire aflaight like one that fled
- Had from some fray where slaughter was, and threw the bloudy head
- Of Itys in his fathers face. And never more was shee
- Desirous to have had hir speache, that able she might be
- Hir inward joy with worthie wordes to witnesse franke and free.
- The tyrant with a hideous noyse away the table shoves:
- And reeres the fiends from Hell. One while with yawning mouth he proves
- To perbrake up his meate againe, and cast his bowels out.
- Another while with wringing handes he weeping goes about.
- And of his sonne he termes himselfe the wretched grave. Anon
- With naked sword and furious heart he followeth fierce upon
- Pandions daughters. He that had bene present would have deemde
- Their bodies to have hovered up with fethers. As they seemde,
- So hovered they with wings in deede. Of whome the one away
- To woodward flies, the other still about the house doth stay.
- And of their murther from their brestes not yet the token goth,
- For even still yet are stainde with bloud the fethers of them both.
- And he through sorrow and desire of vengeance waxing wight,
- Became a Bird upon whose top a tuft of feathers light
- In likenesse of a Helmets crest doth trimly stand upright.
- In stead of his long sword, his bill shootes out a passing space:
- A Lapwing named is this Bird, all armed seemes his face.
- The sorrow of this great mischaunce did stop Pandions breath
- Before his time, and long ere age determinde had his death.
- Erecthey reigning after him the government did take:
- A Prince of such a worthinesse as no man well can make
- Resolution, if he more in armes or justice did excell.
- Foure sonnes, and daughters foure he had. Of which a couple well
- Did eche in beautie other match. The one of these whose name
- Was Procris unto Cephalus, King Aeolus sonne, became
- A happie wife. The Thracians and King Tereus were a let
- To Boreas: so that long it was before the God could gt
- His dearbeloved Orithya, while trifling he did stand
- With faire entreatance rather than did use the force of hand.
- But when he saw he no reliefe by gentle meanes could finde,
- Then turning unto boystous wrath (which unto that same winde
- Is too familiar and too much accustomed by kinde)
- He said: I served am but well: for whylaid I apart
- My proper weapons, fiercenesse, force, and ire, and cruell hart?
- And fell to fauning like a foole, which did me but disgrace?
- For me is violence meete. Through this the pestred cloudes I chace.
- Through this I tosse the Seas. Through this I turne up knottie Okes,
- And harden Snow, and beate the ground in hayle with sturdie strokes,
- When I my brothers chaunce to get in open Ayre and Skie.
- (For that is my fielde in the which my maisteries I doe trie)
- I charge upon them with such brunt, that of our meeting smart
- The Heaven betweene us soundes, and from the hollow Cloudes doth start
- Enforced fire. And when I come in holes of hollow ground,
- And fiersly in those emptie caves doe rouse my backe up round,
- I trouble even the ghostes, and make the verie world to quake.
- This helpe in wooing of my wife (to speede) I should have take.
- Erecthey should not have bene prayde my Fatherinlaw to bee:
- He should have bene compelde thereto by stout extremitie.
- In speaking these or other wordes as sturdie, Boreas gan
- To flaske his wings. With waving of the which he raysed than
- So great a gale, that all the earth was blasted therewithall,
- And troubled was the maine brode Sea. And as he traylde his pall
- Bedusted over highest tops of things, he swept the ground.
- And having now in smokie cloudes himselfe enclosed round,
- Betweene his duskie wings he caught Orithya straught for feare,
- And like a lover, verie soft and easly did hir beare.
- And as he flew, the flames of love enkindled more and more
- By meanes of stirring. Neither did he stay his flight before
- He came within the land and towne of Cicons with his pray.
- And there soone after being made his wife she hapt to lay
- Hir belly, and a paire of boyes she at a burthen brings,
- Who else in all resembled full their mother, save in wings
- The which they of their father tooke. Howbeit (by report)
- They were not borne with wings upon their bodies in this sort.
- While Calais and Zetes had no beard upon their chin,
- They both were callow. But as soone as haire did once begin
- In likenesse of a yellow Downe upon their cheekes to sprout,
- Then (even as comes to passe in Birdes) the feathers budded out
- Togither on their pinyons too, and spreaded round about
- On both their sides. And finally when childhod once was spent
- And youth come on, togither they with other Minyes went
- To Colchos in the Galley that was first devisde in Greece,
- Upon a sea as then unknowen, to fetch the golden fleece.
- Finis sexti Libri.
- of Ouids Metamorphosis.
- nd now in ship of Pagasa the Mynies cut the seas.
- And leading under endlesse night his age in great disease
- Of scarcitie was Phiney seene, and Boreas sonnes had chaste
- Away the Maidenfaced foules that did his victels waste.
- And after suffring many things in noble Jasons band,
- In muddie Phasis gushing streame at last they went aland.
- There while they going to the King demaund the golden fleece
- Brought thither certaine yeares before by Phryxus out of Greece,
- And of their dreadfull labors wait an answere to receive:
- Aeëtas daughter in hir heart doth mightie flames conceyve.
- And after strugling verie long, when reason could not win
- The upper hand of rage: she thus did in hir selfe begin:
- In vaine, Medea, doste thou strive: some God what ere he is
- Against thee bendes his force. For what a wondrous thing is this?
- Is any thing like this which men doe terme by name of Love?
- For why should I my fathers hestes esteeme so hard above
- All measure? sure in very deede they are too hard and sore.
- Why feare I lest yon straunger whome I never saw before
- Should perish? what should be the cause of this my feare so great?
- Unhappie wench (and if thou canst) suppresse this uncouth heat
- That burneth in thy tender brest: and if so be I coulde,
- A happie turne it were, and more at ease then be I shoulde.
- But now an uncouth maladie perforce against my will
- Doth hale me. Love persuades me one, another thing my skill.
- The best I see and like: the worst I follow headlong still.
- Why being of the royall bloud so fondly doste thou rave,
- Upon a straunger thus to dote, desiring for to have
- An husband of another world? at home thou mightest finde
- A lover meete for thine estate on whome to set thy minde.
- And yet it is but even a chaunce if he shall live or no:
- God graunt him for to live. I may without offence pray so,
- Although I lovde him not: for what hath Jason trespast me?
- Who woulde not pitie Jasons youth onlesse they cruell be?
- What creature is there but his birth and prowesse might him move?
- And setting all the rest asyde, who woulde not be in love
- With Jasons goodlie personage? my heart assuredly
- Is toucht therewith. But if that I provide not remedie,
- With burning breath of blasting Bulles needes sindged must he bee.
- Of seedes that he himselfe must sow a harvest shall he see
- Of armed men in battell ray upon the ground up grow
- Against the which it hoveth him his manhode for to show.
- And as a pray he must be set against the Dragon fell.
- If I these things let come to passe, I may confesse right well
- That of a Tyger I was bred: and that within my brest
- A heart more harde than any steele or stonie rocke doth rest.
- Why rather doe I not his death with wrathfull eyes beholde?
- And joy with others seeing him to utter perill solde?
- Why doe I not enforce the Bulles against him? Why, I say,
- Exhort I not the cruell men which shall in battell ray
- Arise against him from the ground? and that same Dragon too
- Within whose eyes came never sleepe? God shield I so should doo.
- But prayer smally bootes, except I put to helping hand.
- And shall I like a Caytife then betray my fathers land?
- Shall I a straunger save whome we nor none of ours doth know?
- That he by me preserved may without me homeward row?
- And take another to his wife, and leave me, wretched wight,
- To torments? If I wist that he coulde worke me such a spight,
- Or could in any others love than only mine delight,
- The Churle should die for me. But sure he beareth not the face
- Like one that wold doe so. His birth, his courage, and his grace
- Doe put me clearly out of doubt he will not me deceyve,
- No nor forget the great good turnes he shall by me receyve.
- Yet shall he to me first his faith for more assurance plight
- And solemly he shall be sworne to keepe the covenant right.
- Why fearste thou now without a cause? step to it out of hand:
- And doe not any lenger time thus lingring fondly stand.
- For ay shall Jason thinke himselfe beholding unto thee:
- And shall thee marrie solemly: yea honored shalt thou bee
- Of all the Mothers great and small throughout the townes of Greece
- For saving of their sonnes that come to fetch the golden fleece.
- And shall I then leave brother, sister, father, kith and kin?
- And household Gods, and native soyle, and all that is therein?
- And saile I know not whither with a straunger? Yea: why not?
- My father surely cruell is, my Countrie rude God wot:
- My brother yet a verie babe: my sister I dare say
- Contented is with all hir heart that I should go away:
- The greatest God is in my selfe: the things I doe forsake
- Are trifles in comparison of those that I shall take.
- For saving of the Greekish ship renoumed shall I bee.
- A better place I shall enjoy with Cities riche and free,
- Whose fame doth florish fresh even here, and people that excell
- In civill life and all good Artes: and whome I would not sell
- For all the goods within the worlde, Duke Aesons noble sonne.
- Whome had I to my lawfull Feere assuredly once wonne,
- Most happie yea and blest of God I might my selfe account,
- And with my head above the starres to heaven I should surmount.
- But men report that certaine rockes (I know not what) doe meete
- Amid the waves, and monstrously againe asunder fleete:
- And how Charybdis, utter foe to ships that passe thereby,
- Now sowpeth in, now speweth out the Sea incessantly:
- And ravening Scylla being hemde with cruell dogs about,
- Amids the gulfe of Sicilie doth make a barking out.
- What skilleth that? As long as I enjoy the thing I love,
- And hang about my Jasons necke, it shall no whit me move
- To saile the daungerous Seas: as long as him I may embrace
- I cannot surely be afraide in any kinde of case.
- Or if I chaunce to be afraide, my feare shall only tende
- But for my husband. Callste thou him thy husband? Doste pretende
- Gay titles to thy foule offence, Medea? nay not so:
- But rather looke about how great a lewdnesse thou doste go,
- And shun the mischiefe while thou mayst. She had no sooner said
- These wordes, but right and godlinesse and shamefastnesse were staid
- Before hir eyes, and frantick love did flie away dismaid.
- She went me to an Altar that was dedicate of olde
- To Perseys daughter Hecate (of whome the witches holde
- As of their Goddesse) standing in a thicke and secrete wood
- So close it coulde not well be spide: and now the raging mood
- Of furious love was well alaide and clearely put to flight:
- When spying Aesons sonne, the flame that seemed quenched quight
- Did kindle out of hand againe. Hir cheekes began to glowe,
- And flushing over all hir face the scarlet bloud did flowe.
- And even as when a little sparke that was in ashes hid,
- Uncovered with the whisking windes is from the ashes rid,
- Eftsoones it taketh nourishment and kindleth in such wise,
- That to his former strength againe and flaming it doth rise:
- Even so hir quailed love which late ye would have thought had quight
- Bene vanisht out of minde, as soone as Jason came in sight
- Did kindle to his former force in vewing of the grace
- With which he did avaunce himselfe then comming there in place.
- And (as it chaunced) farre more faire and beautifull of face
- She thought him then than ever erst, but sure it doth behove
- Hir judgement should be borne withall bicause she was in love.
- She gapte and gazed in his face with fixed staring eyen
- As though she never had him seene before that instant time.
- So farre she was beside hir selfe she thought it should not bee
- The face of any worldly wight the which she then did see.
- She was not able for hir life to turne hir eyes away,
- But when he tooke hir by the hand and speaking gan to pray
- Hir softly for to succor him, and promisde faithfully
- To take hir to his wedded wife, she falling by and by
- A weeping, said: Sir, what I doe I see apparantly.
- Not want of knowledge of the truth but love shall me deceive.
- You shalbe saved by my meanes. And now I must receive
- A faithfull promise at your hand for saving of your life.
- He made a solemne vow, and sware to take hir to his wife,
- By triple Hecates holie rites, and by what other power
- So ever else had residence within that secret bower,
- And by the Sire of him that should his Fathrinlaw become
- Who all things doth behold, and as he hopte to overcome
- The dreadfull daungers which he had soone after to assay.
- Duke Jason being credited receivde of hir streight way
- Enchaunted herbes: and having learnde the usage of the same,
- Departed thence with merrie heart, and to his lodging came.
- Next Morne had chaste the streaming stars: and folke by heapes did flocke
- To Marsis sacred field, and there stoode thronging in a shocke,
- To see the straunge pastimes. The King most stately to beholde
- With yvorie Mace above them all did sit in throne of golde.
- Anon the brazenhoved Bulles from stonie nostrils cast
- Out flakes of fire: their scalding breath the growing grasse did blast.
- And looke what noise a chimney full of burning fewell makes,
- Or Flint in softning in the Kell when first the fire it takes
- By sprincling water thereupon: such noyse their boyling brests
- Turmoyling with the firie flames enclosed in their chests,
- Such noise their scorched throtebolles make. Yet stoutly Jason went
- To meete them. They their dreadfull eyes against him grimly bent, '
- And eke their homes with yron tipt: and strake the dust about
- In stamping with their cloven clees: and with their belowing out
- Set all the fielde upon a smoke. The Mynies seeing that
- Were past their wits with sodaine feare, but Jason feeled nat
- So much as any breath of theirs: such strength hath sorcerie.
- Their dangling Dewlaps with his hand he coyd unfearfully.
- And putting yokes upon their neckes he forced them to draw
- The heavie burthen of the plough which erst they never saw,
- And for to breake the fielde which erst had never felt the share.
- The men of Colchos seeing this, like men amazed fare.
- The Mynies with their shouting out their mazednesse augment,
- And unto Jason therewithall give more encouragement.
- Then in a souldiers cap of steele a Vipers teeth he takes,
- And sowes them in the new plowde fielde. The ground then soking makes
- The seede foresteepte in poyson strong, both supple lithe and soft,
- And of these teeth a right straunge graine there growes anon aloft.
- For even as in the mothers wombe an infant doth begin
- To take the lively shape of man, and formed is within
- To due proportion piece by piece in every limme, and when
- Full ripe he is, he takes the use of Aire with other men:
- So when that of the Vipers teeth the perfect shape of man
- Within the bowels of the earth was formed, they began
- To rise togither orderly upon the fruitefull fielde:
- And (which a greater wonder is) immediatly they wielde
- Their weapons growing up with them, whom when the Greekes behilde
- Preparing for to push their Pikes (which sharply headed were)
- In Jasons face, downe went their heades, their heartes did faint for feare:
- And also she that made him safe began abasht to bee.
- For when against one naked man so huge an armie shee
- Beheld of armed enmies bent, hir colour did abate
- And sodainly both voyd of bloud and livelie heate she sate.
- And lest the chaunted weedes the which she had him given before
- Should faile at neede, a helping charme she whispred overmore,
- And practisde other secret Artes the which she kept in store.
- He casting streight a mightie stone amid his thickest foes,
- Doth voyde the battell from him selfe and turnes it unto those.
- These earthbred brothers by and by did one another wound
- And never ceased till that all lay dead upon the ground.
- The Greekes were glad, and in their armes did clasp their Champion stout,
- And clinging to him earnestly embraced him about.
- And thou fond Medea too couldst well have found in hart
- The Champion for to have embraste, but that withheld thou wart
- By shamefastnesse, and yet thou hadst embraced him, if dread
- Of stayning of thine honor had not staid thee in that stead.
- But yet as far forth as thou maist, thou doste in heart rejoyce,
- And secretly (although without expressing it in voyce)
- Doste thanke thy charmes and eke the Gods as Authors of the same.
- Now was remaining as the last conclusion of this game,
- By force of chaunted herbes to make the watchfull Dragon sleepe
- Within whose eyes came never winke: who had in charge to keepe
- The goodly tree upon the which the golden fleeces hung.
- With crested head, and hooked pawes, and triple spirting tung,
- Right ougly was he to beholde. When Jason had besprent
- Him with the juice of certaine herbes from Lethey River sent,
- And thrice had mumbled certaine wordes which are of force to cast
- So sound a sleepe on things that even as dead a time they last,
- Which make the raging surges calme and flowing Rivers stay,
- The dreadfull Dragon by and by (whose eyes before that day
- Wist never erst what sleeping ment) did fall so fast asleepe
- That Jason safely tooke the fleece of golde that he did keepe.
- Of which his bootie being proud, he led with him away
- The Author of his good successe another fairer pray:
- And so with conquest and a wife he loosde from Colchos strand,
- And in Larissa haven safe did go againe aland.
- The auncient men of Thessalie togither with their wives
- To Church with offrings gone for saving of their childrens lives.
- Great heapes of fuming frankincense were fryed in the flame
- And vowed Bulles to sacrifice with homes faire gilded came.
- But from this great solemnitie Duke Aeson was away,
- Now at deathes door and spent with yeares. Then Jason thus gan say:
- O wife to whome I doe confesse I owe my life in deede,
- Though al things thou to me hast given, and thy deserts exceede
- Beleife: yet if enchauntment can, (for what so hard appeares
- Which strong enchauntment can not doe?) abate thou from my yeares,
- And add them to my fathers life. As he these wordes did speake,
- The teares were standing in his eyes. His godly sute did breake
- Medeas heart: who therewithall bethought hir of hir Sire
- In leaving whome she had exprest a far unlike desire.
- But yet bewraying not hir thoughts, she said: O Husband fie,
- What wickednesse hath scapt your mouth? Suppose you then that I
- Am able of your life the terme where I will to bestow?
- Let Hecat never suffer that. Your sute (as well you know)
- Against all right and reason is. But I will put in proofe
- A greater gift than you require and more for your behoofe.
- I will assay your father's life by cunning to prolong,
- And not with your yeares for to make him yong againe and strong:
- So our threeformed Goddesse graunt with present helpe to stand
- A furthrer of the great attempt the which I take in hand.
- Before the Moone should circlewise close both hir homes in one
- Three nightes were yet as then to come. As soon as that she shone
- Most full of light, and did behold the earth with fulsome face,
- Medea with hir haire not trust so much as in a lace,
- But flaring on hir shoulders twaine, and barefoote, with hir gowne
- Ungirded, gate hir out of doores and wandred up and downe
- Alone the dead time of the night. Both Man, and Beast, and Bird
- Were fast asleepe: the Serpents slie in trayling forward stird
- So softly as ye would have thought they still asleepe had bene.
- The moysting Ayre was whist. No leafe ye could have moving sene.
- The starres alonly faire and bright did in the welkin shine
- To which she lifting up hir handes did thrise hirselfe encline:
- And thrice with water of the brooke hir haire besprincled shee:
- And gasping thrise she opte hir mouth: and bowing downe hir knee
- Upon the bare hard ground, she said: O trustie time of night
- Most faithfull unto privities, O golden starres whose light
- Doth jointly with the Moone succeede the beames that blaze by day
- And thou three headed Hecate who knowest best the way
- To compasse this our great attempt and art our chiefest stay:
- Ye Charmes and Witchcrafts, and thou Earth which both with herbe and weed
- Of mightie working furnishest the Wizardes at their neede:
- Ye Ayres and windes: ye Elves of Hilles, of Brookes, of Woods alone,
- Of standing Lakes, and of the Night approche ye everychone.
- Through helpe of whom (the crooked bankes much wondring at the thing)
- I have compelled streames to run cleane backward to their spring.
- By charmes I make the calme Seas rough, and make the rough Seas plaine,
- And cover all the Skie with Cloudes and chase them thence againe.
- By charmes I raise and lay the windes, and burst the Vipers jaw.
- And from the bowels of the Earth both stones and trees doe draw.
- Whole woods and Forestes I remove: I make the Mountaines shake,
- And even the Earth it selfe to grone and fearfully to quake.
- I call up dead men from their graves: and thee lightsome Moone
- I darken oft, though beaten brasse abate thy perill soone.
- Our Sorcerie dimmes the Morning faire, and darkes the Sun at Noone.
- The flaming breath of firie Bulles ye quenched for my sake
- And caused their unwieldie neckes the bended yoke to take.
- Among the Earthbred brothers you a mortall war did set
- And brought asleepe the Dragon fell whose eyes were never shet.
- By meanes whereof deceiving him that had the golden fleece
- In charge to keepe, you sent it thence by Jason into Greece.
- Now have I neede of herbes that can by vertue of their juice
- To flowring prime of lustie youth old withred age reduce.
- I am assurde ye will it graunt. For not in vaine have shone
- These twincling starres, ne yet in vaine this Chariot all alone
- By drought of Dragons hither comes. With that was fro the Skie
- A Chariot softly glaunced downe, and stayed hard thereby.
- As soone as she had gotten up, and with hir hand had coyd
- The Dragons reined neckes, and with their bridles somewhat toyd,
- They mounted with hir in the Ayre, whence looking downe she saw
- The pleasant Temp of Thessalie, and made hir Dragons draw
- To places further from resort: and there she tooke the view
- What herbes on high mount Pelion, and what on Ossa grew,
- And what on mountaine Othris and on Pyndus growing were,
- And what Olympus (greater than mount Pyndus far) did beare.
- Such herbes of them as liked hir she pullde up roote and rinde
- Or cropt them with a hooked knife. And many she did finde
- Upon the bankes of Apidane agreeing to hir minde:
- And many at Amphrisus foords: and thou Enipeus eke
- Didst yeelde hir many pretie weedes of which she well did like.
- Peneus and Sperchius streames contributarie were,
- And so were Boebes rushie bankes of such as growed there.
- About Anthedon which against the Ile Euboea standes,
- A certaine kind of lively grasse she gathered with her handes,
- The name whereof was scarsly knowen or what the herbe could doe
- Untill that Glaucus afterward was chaunged thereinto.
- Nine dayes with winged Dragons drawen, nine nights in Chariot swift
- She searching everie field and frith from place to place did shift.
- She was no sooner home returnde but that the Dragons fell
- Which lightly of hir gathered herbes had taken but the smell,
- Did cast their sloughes and with their sloughes their riveled age forgo.
- She would none other house than heaven to hide hir head as tho:
- But kept hir still without the doores: and as for man was none
- That once might touch hir. Altars twayne of Turfe she builded: one
- Upon hir left hand unto Youth, another on the right
- To tryple Hecat. Both the which as soone as she had dight
- With Vervain and with other shrubbes that on the fieldes doe rise,
- Not farre from thence she digde two pits: and making sacrifice
- Did cut a couple of blacke Rams throtes and filled with their blood
- The open pits, on which she pourde of warme milke pure and good
- A boll full, and another boll of honie clarifide.
- And babling to hir selfe therewith full bitterly she cride
- On Pluto and his ravisht wife the sovereigne states of Hell,
- And all the Elves and Gods that on or in the Earth doe dwell,
- To spare olde Aesons life a while, and not in hast deprive
- His limmes of that same aged soule which kept them yet alive.
- Whome when she had sufficiently with mumbling long besought,
- She bade that Aesons feebled corse should out of doores be brought
- Before the Altars. Then with charmes she cast him in so deepe
- A slumber, that upon the herbes he lay for dead asleepe.
- Which done she willed Jason thence a great way off to go
- And likewise all the Ministers that served hir as tho:
- And not presume those secretes with unhallowed eyes to see.
- They did as she commaunded them. When all were voyded, shee
- With scattred haire about hir eares like one of Bacchus froes
- Devoutly by and by about the burning Altars goes:
- And dipping in the pits of bloud a sort of clifted brandes
- Upon the Altars kindled them that were on both hir handes.
- And thrise with brimstone, thrise with fire, and thrise with water pure
- She purged Aesons aged corse that slept and slumbred sure.
- The medicine seething all the while a wallop in a pan
- Of brasse, to spirt and leape aloft and gather froth began.
- There boyled she the rootes, seedes, flowres, leaves, stalkes and juice togither
- Which from the fieldes of Thessalie she late had gathered thither.
- She cast in also precious stones fetcht from the furthest East
- And, which the ebbing Ocean washt, fine gravell from the West.
- She put thereto the deaw that fell upon a Monday night:
- And flesh and feathers of a Witch, a cursed odious wight
- Which in the likenesse of an Owle abrode a nightes did flie,
- And Infants in their cradels chaunge or sucke them that they die.
- The singles also of a Wolfe which when he list could take
- The shape of man, and when he list the same againe forsake.
- And from the River Cyniphis which is in Lybie lande
- She had the fine sheere scaled filmes of water snayles at hand.
- And of an endlesselived hart the liver had she got,
- To which she added of a Crowe that then had lived not
- So little as nine hundred yeares the head and Bill also.
- Now when Medea had with these and with a thousand mo
- Such other kinde of namelesse things bestead hir purpose through
- For lengthning of the old mans life, she tooke a withered bough
- Cut lately from an Olyf tree, and jumbling all togither
- Did raise the bottome to the brim: and as she stirred hither
- And thither with the withered sticke, behold it waxed greene.
- Anon the leaves came budding out: and sodenly were seene
- As many berries dangling downe as well the bough could beare.
- And where the fire had from the pan the scumming cast, or where
- The scalding drops did fall, the ground did springlike florish there,
- And flowres with fodder fine and soft immediatly arose.
- Which when Medea did behold, with naked knife she goes
- And cuttes the olde mans throte: and letting all his old bloud go
- Supplies it with the boyled juice: the which when Aeson tho
- Had at his mouth or at his wounde receyved in, his heare
- As well of head as beard from gray to coleblacke turned were.
- His leane, pale, hore, and withered corse grew fulsome, faire and fresh:
- His furrowed wrincles were fulfilde with yong and lustie flesh.
- His limmes waxt frolicke, baine and lithe: at which he wondring much,
- Remembred that at fortie yeares he was the same or such.
- And as from dull unwieldsome age to youth he backward drew:
- Even so a lively youthfull spright did in his heart renew.
- The wonder of this monstrous act had Bacchus seene from hie,
- And finding that to youthfull yeares his Nurses might thereby
- Restored bee, did at hir hand receive it as a gift.
- And lest deceitfull guile should cease, Medea found a shift
- To feyne that Jason and hir selfe were falne at oddes in wroth:
- And thereupon in humble wise to Pelias Court she goth.
- Where forbicause the King himselfe was feebled sore with age,
- His daughters entertainde hir, whome Medea, being sage,
- Within a while through false pretence of feyned friendship brought
- To take hir baite. For as she tolde what pleasures she had wrought
- For Jason, and among the rest as greatest sadly tolde
- How she had made his father yong that withred was and olde,
- And taried long upon that point: they hoped glad and faine
- That their olde father might likewise his youthful yeares regaine.
- And this they craving instantly did proffer for hir paine
- What recompence she would desire. She helde hir peace a while
- As though she doubted what to doe: and with hir suttle guile
- Of counterfetted gravitie more eger did them make.
- As soone as she had promisde them to doe it for their sake,
- For more assurance of my graunt, your selves (quoth she) shall see
- The oldest Ram in all your flocke a Lambe streight made to bee
- By force of my confections strong. Immediatly a Ram
- So olde that no man thereabouts remembred him a Lam
- Was thither by his warped homes which turned inward to
- His hollow Temples, drawne: whose withred throte she slit in two.
- And when she cleane had drayned out that little bloud that was,
- Upon the fire with herbes of strength she set a pan of brasse,
- And cast his carcasse thereinto. The Medcine did abate
- The largenesse of his limmes and seard his dossers from his pate,
- And with his homes abridgde his yeares. Anon was plainly heard
- The bleating of a new yeand Lambe from mid the Ketleward.
- And as they wondred for to heare the bleating, streight the Lam
- Leapt out, and frisking ran to seeke the udder of some Dam.
- King Pelias daughters were amazde. And when they did beholde
- Hir promise come to such effect, they were a thousand folde
- More earnest at hir than before. Thrise Phoebus having pluckt
- The Collars from his horses neckes, in Iber had them duckt.
- And now in Heaven the streaming starres the fourth night shined cleare:
- When false Medea on the fire had hanged water shere,
- With herbes that had no powre at all. The King and all his garde
- Which had the charge that night about his person for to warde
- Were through hir nightspels and hir charmes in deadly sleepe all cast.
- And Pelias daughters with the Witch which eggde them forward, past
- Into his chamber by the watch, and compast in his bed.
- Then: Wherefore stand ye doubting thus like fooles, Medea sed.
- On: draw your swordes: and let ye out his old bloud, that I may
- Fill up his emptie veynes againe with youthfull bloud streight way.
- Your fathers life is in your handes: it lieth now in you
- To have him olde and withred still or yong and lustie. Now
- If any nature in ye be, and that ye doe not feede
- A fruitelesse hope, your dutie to your father doe with speede.
- Expulse his age by sword, and let the filthy matter out.
- Through these persuasions which of them so ever went about
- To shewe hirselfe most naturall, became the first that wrought
- Against all nature: and for feare she should be wicked thought,
- She executes the wickednesse which most to shun she sought.
- Yet was not any one of them so bolde that durst abide
- To looke upon their father when she strake, but wride aside
- Hir eyes: and so their cruell handes not marking where they hit
- With faces turnde another way at all aventure smit.
- He all beweltred in his bloud awaked with the smart,
- And maimde and mangled as he was did give a sodeyne start
- Endevoring to have risen up. But when he did beholde
- Himselfe among so many swordes, he lifting up his olde
- Pale waryish armes, said: Daughters mine what doe ye? who hath put
- These wicked weapons in your hands your fathers throte to cut?
- With that their heartes and handes did faint. And as he talked yet,
- Medea breaking off his wordes, his windpipe quickly slit,
- And in the scalding liquor torne did drowne him by and by.
- But had she not with winged wormes streight mounted in the skie
- She had not scaped punishment, but stying up on hie
- She over shadie Pelion flew where Chyron erst did dwell,
- And over Othrys and the grounds renoumde for that befell
- To auncient Ceramb: who such time as old Deucalions flood
- Upon the face of all the Earth like one maine water stood,
- By helpe of Nymphes with fethered wings was in the Ayer lift,
- And so escaped from the floud undrowned by the shift.
- She left Aeolian Pytanie upon hir left hand: and
- The Serpent that became a stone upon the Lesbian sand.
- And Ida woods where Bacchus hid a Bullocke (as is sayd)
- In shape of Stag the which his sonne had theevishly convayde.
- And where the Sire of Corytus lies buried in the dust.
- The fieldes which Meras (when he first did into barking brust)
- Affraide with straungenesse of the noyse. And eke Eurypils towne
- In which the wives of Cos had homes like Oxen on their crowne
- Such time as Hercles with his hoste departed from the Ile,
- And Rhodes to Phoebus consecrate: and Ialyse where ere while
- The Telchines with their noysome sight did every thing bewitch.
- At which their hainous wickednesse Jove taking rightfull pritch,
- Did drowne them in his brothers waves. Moreover she did passe
- By Ceos and olde Carthey walles where Sir Alcidamas
- Did wonder how his daughter should be turned to a Dove.
- The Swannie Temp and Hyries Poole she viewed from above,
- The which a sodeine Swan did haunt. For Phyllie there for love
- Of Hyries sonne did at his bidding Birdes and Lions tame,
- And being willde to breake a Bull performed streight the same:
- Till wrothfull that his love so oft so streightly should him use,
- When for his last reward he askt the Bull, he did refuse
- To give it him. The boy displeasde, said: Well: thou wilt anon
- Repent thou gave it not: and leapt downe headlong from a stone.
- They all supposde he had bene falne: but being made a Swan
- With snowie feathers in the Ayre to flacker he began.
- His mother Hyrie knowing not he was preserved so,
- Resolved into melting teares for pensivenesse and wo,
- And made the Poole that beares hir name. Not far from hence doth stand
- The Citie Brauron, where sometime by mounting from the land
- With waving pinions Ophyes ympe, dame Combe, did eschue
- Hir children which with naked swordes to slea hir did pursue.
- Anon she kend Calaurie fieldes which did sometime pertaine
- To chast Diana where a King and eke his wife both twaine
- Were turnde to Birdes. Cyllene hill upon hir right hand stood,
- In which Menephron like a beast of wilde and savage moode
- To force his mother did attempt. Far thence she spide where sad
- Cephisus mourned for his Neece whome Phebus turned had
- To ugly shape of swelling Seale: and Eumelles pallace faire
- Lamenting for his sonnes mischaunce with whewling in the Aire.
- At Corinth with hir winged Snakes at length she did arrive.
- Here men (so auncient fathers said that were as then alive)
- Did breede of deawie Mushrommes. But after that hir teene
- With burning of hir husbands bride by witchcraft wreakt had beene
- And that King Creons pallace she on blasing fire had seene,
- And in hir owne deare childrens bloud had bathde hir wicked knife
- Not like a mother but a beast bereving them of life:
- Lest Jason should have punisht hir she tooke hir winged Snakes,
- And flying thence againe in haste to Pallas Citie makes,
- Which saw the auncient Periphas and rightuous Phiney too
- Togither flying, and the Neece of Polypemon who
- Was fastened to a paire of wings as well as t'other two.
- Aegeus enterteined hir wherein he was to blame
- Although he had no further gone but staid upon the same.
- He thought it not to be inough to use hir as his guest
- Onlesse he tooke hir to his wife.
- And now was Thesey prest,
- Unknowne unto his father yet, who by his knightly force
- Had set from robbers cleare the balke that makes the streight divorce
- Betweene the seas Ionian and Aegean. To have killde
- This worthie knight, Medea had a Goblet readie fillde
- With juice of Flintwoort venemous the which she long ago
- Had out of Scythie with hir brought. The common bruit is so
- That of the teeth of Cerberus this Flintwoort first did grow.
- There is a cave that gapeth wide with darksome entrie low,
- There goes a way slope downe by which with triple cheyne made new
- Of strong and sturdie Adamant the valiant Hercle drew
- The currish Helhounde Cerberus: who dragging arsward still
- And writhing backe his scowling eyes bicause he had no skill
- To see the Sunne and open day, for verie moodie wroth
- Three barkings yelled out at once, and spit his slavering froth
- Upon the greenish grasse. This froth (as men suppose) tooke roote
- And thriving in the batling soyle in burgeons forth did shoote,
- To bane and mischiefe men withall: and forbicause the same
- Did grow upon the bare hard Flints, folke gave the foresaid name
- Of Flintwoort thereunto. The King by egging of his Queene
- Did reach his sonne this bane as if he had his enmie beene.
- And Thesey of this treason wrought not knowing ought had tane
- The Goblet at his fathers hand which helde his deadly bane:
- When sodenly by the Ivorie hilts that were upon his sword
- Aegeus knew he was his sonne: and rising from the borde
- Did strike the mischiefe from his mouth. Medea with a charme
- Did cast a mist and so scapte death deserved for the harme
- Entended. Now albeit that Aegeus were right glad
- That in the saving of his sonne so happy chaunce he had,
- Yet grieved it his heart full sore that such a wicked wight
- With treason wrought against his sonne should scape so cleare and quight.
- Then fell he unto kindling fire on Altars everie where
- And glutted all the Gods with gifts. The thicke neckt Oxen were
- With garlands wreathd about their homes knockt downe for sacrifice.
- A day of more solemnitie than this did never rise
- Before on Athens (by report). The auncients of the Towne
- Made feastes: so did the meaner sort, and every common clowne.
- And as the wine did sharpe their wits, they sung this song: O knight
- Of peerlesse prowesse Theseus, thy manhod and thy might
- Through all the coast of Marathon with worthie honor soundes,
- For killing of the Cretish Bull that wasted those same groundes.
- The folke of Cremyon thinke themselves beholden unto thee.
- For that without disquieting their fieldes may tilled be.
- By thee the land of Epidaure behelde the clubbish sonne
- Of Vulcane dead. By thee likewise the countrie that doth runne
- Along Cephisus bankes behelde the fell Procrustes slaine.
- The dwelling place of Ceres, our Eleusis glad and faine,
- Beheld the death of Cercyon. That orpid Sinis who
- Abusde his strength in bending trees and tying folke thereto,
- Their limmes asunder for to teare when loosened from the stops
- The trees unto their proper place did trice their streyned tops,
- Was killde by thee. Thou made the way that leadeth to the towne
- Alcathoe in Beotia cleare by putting Scyron downe.
- To this same outlawes scattred bones the land denied rest,
- And likewise did the Sea refuse to harbrough such a guest:
- Till after floting to and fro long while as men doe say
- At length they hardened into stones: and at this present day
- The stones are called Scyrons cliffes. Now if we should account
- Thy deedes togither with thy yeares, thy deedes would far surmount
- Thy yeares. For thee, most valiant Prince, these publike vowes we keepe
- For thee with cherefull heartes we quaffe these bolles of wine so deepe.
- The Pallace also of the noyse and shouting did resounde
- The which the people made for joy. There was not to be founde
- In all the Citie any place of sadnesse.
- Nathelesse
- (So hard it is of perfect joy to find so great excesse,
- But that some sorrow therewithall is medled more or lesse),
- Aegeus had not in his sonnes recoverie such delight,
- But that there followed in the necke a piece of fortunes spight.
- King Minos was preparing war, who though he had great store
- Of ships and souldiers yet the wrath the which he had before
- Conceyved in his fathers brest for murthring of his sonne
- Androgeus made him farre more strong and fiercer for to ronne
- To rightfull battell to revenge the great displeasure donne.
- Howbeit he thought it best ere he his warfare did begin
- To finde the meanes of forreine aides some friendship for to win.
- And thereupon with flying fleete where passage did permit
- He went to visit all the Iles that in those seas doe sit.
- Anon the Iles Astypaley and Anaphey both twaine
- The first constreynde for feare of war, the last in hope of gaine,
- Tooke part with him. Low Myconey did also with him hold
- So did the chalkie Cymoley, and Syphney which of olde
- Was verie riche with veynes of golde, and Scyros full of bolde
- And valiant men, and Seryphey the smooth or rather fell,
- And Parey which for Marblestone doth beare away the bell.
- And Sythney which a wicked wench callde Arne did betray
- For mony: who upon receit thereof without delay
- Was turned to a birde which yet of golde is gripple still,
- And is as blacke as any cole, both fethers, feete and bill.
- A Cadowe is the name of hir. But yet Olyarey,
- And Didymey, and Andrey eke, and Tene, and Gyarey,
- And Pepareth where Olive trees most plenteously doe grow,
- In no wise would agree their helpe on Minos to bestow.
- Then Minos turning lefthandwise did sayle to Oenope
- Where reignde that time King Aeacus. This Ile had called be
- Of old by name of Oenope: but Aeacus turnde the name
- And after of his mothers name Aegina callde the same.
- The common folke ran out by heapes desirous for to see
- A man of such renowne as Minos bruited was to bee.
- The Kings three sonnes Duke Telamon, Duke Peley, and the yong
- Duke Phocus went to meete with him. Old Aeacus also clung
- With age, came after leysurely, and asked him the cause
- Of his repaire. The ruler of the hundred Shires gan pause:
- And musing on the inward griefe that nipt him at the hart,
- Did shape him aunswere thus: O Prince vouchsafe to take my part
- In this same godly warre of mine: assist me in the just
- Revengement of my murthred sonne that sleepeth in the dust.
- I crave your comfort for his death. Aeginas sonne replide:
- Thy suite is vaine: and of my Realme perforce must be denide.
- For unto Athens is no lande more sure than this alide:
- Such leagues betweene us are which shall infringde for me abide.
- Away went Minos sad: and said: full dearly shalt thou bie
- Thy leagues. He thought it for to be a better pollicie
- To threaten war than war to make, and there to spend his store
- And strength which in his other needes might much availe him more.
- As yet might from Oenopia walles the Cretish fleete be kend.
- When thitherward with puffed sayles and wind at will did tend
- A ship from Athens, which anon arriving at the strand
- Set Cephal with Ambassade from his Countrimen aland.
- The Kings three sonnes though long it were since last they had him seene,
- Yet knew they him. And after olde acquaintance eft had beene
- Renewde by shaking hands, to Court they did him streight convay.
- This Prince which did allure the eyes of all men by the way,
- As in whose stately person still remained to be seene
- The markes of beautie which in flowre of former yeares had beene,
- Went holding out an Olife braunch that grew in Atticke lande
- And for the reverence of his age there went on eyther hand
- A Nobleman of yonger yeares. Sir Clytus on the right
- And Butes on the left, the sonnes of one that Pallas hight.
- When greeting first had past betweene these Nobles and the King,
- Then Cephal setting streight abroche the message he did bring,
- Desired aide: and shewde what leagues stoode then in force betweene
- His countrie and the Aeginites, and also what had beene
- Decreed betwixt their aunceters, concluding in the ende
- That under colour of this war which Minos did pretende
- To only Athens, he in deede the conquest did intende
- Of all Achaia. When he thus by helpe of learned skill
- His countrie message furthred had, King Aeacus leaning still
- His left hand on his scepter, saide: My Lordes, I would not have
- Your state of Athens seeme so straunge as succor here to crave.
- I pray commaund. For be ye sure that what this Ile can make
- Is yours. Yea all that ere I have shall hazard for your sake.
- I want no strength. I have such store of souldiers, that I may
- Both vex my foes and also keepe my Realme in quiet stay.
- And now I thinke me blest of God that time doth serve to showe
- Without excuse the great good will that I to Athens owe.
- God holde it sir (quoth Cephalus) God make the number grow
- Of people in this towne of yours: it did me good alate
- When such a goodly sort of youth of all one age and rate
- Did meete me in the streete. But yet me thinkes that many misse
- Which at my former being here I have beheld ere this.
- At that the King did sigh, and thus with plaintfull voice did say:
- A sad beginning afterward in better lucke did stay.
- I would I plainly could the same before your faces lay.
- Howbeit I will disorderly repeate it as I may.
- And lest I seeme to wearie you with overlong delay,
- The men that you so mindefully enquire for lie in ground
- And nought of them save bones and dust remayneth to be found.
- But as it hapt what losse thereby did unto me redound?
- A cruell plague through Junos wrath who dreadfully did hate
- This Land that of hir husbands Love did take the name alate,
- Upon my people fell: as long as that the maladie
- None other seemde than such as haunts mans nature usually,
- And of so great mortalitie the hurtfull cause was hid,
- We strove by Phisicke of the same the Pacients for to rid.
- The mischief overmaistred Art: yea Phisick was to seeke
- To doe it selfe good. First the Aire with foggie stinking reeke
- Did daily overdreepe the earth: and close culme Clouds did make
- The wether faint: and while the Moone foure times hir light did take
- And fillde hir emptie homes therewith, and did as often slake:
- The warme South windes with deadly heate continually did blow.
- Infected were the Springs, and Ponds, and streames that ebbe and flow.
- And swarmes of Serpents crawld about the fieldes that lay untillde
- Which with their poison even the brookes and running water fillde.
- In sodaine dropping downe of Dogs, of Horses, Sheepe and Kine,
- Of Birds and Beasts both wild and tame as Oxen, Wolves, and Swine,
- The mischiefe of this secret sore first outwardly appeeres.
- The wretched Plowman was amazde to see his sturdie Steeres
- Amid the furrow sinking downe ere halfe his worke was donne.
- Whole flocks of sheepe did faintly bleate, and therewithall begonne
- Their fleeces for to fall away and leave the naked skin,
- And all their bodies with the rot attainted were within.
- The lustie Horse that erst was fierce in field renowne to win
- Against his kinde grew cowardly: and now forgetting quight
- The auncient honor which he preast so oft to get in fight,
- Stoode sighing sadly at the Racke as wayting for to yeelde
- His wearie life without renowne of combat in the fielde.
- The Boare to chafe, the Hinde to runne, the cruell Beare to fall
- Upon the herdes of Rother beastes had now no lust at all.
- A languishing was falne on all. In wayes, in woods, in plaines,
- The filthie carions lay, whose stinche, the Ayre it selfe distaines.
- (A wondrous thing to tell) not Dogges, not ravening Foules, nor yit
- Horecoted Wolves would once attempt to tast of them a bit.
- Looke, where they fell, there rotted they: and with their savor bred
- More harme, and further still abrode the foule infection spred.
- With losse that touched yet more nere, on Husbandmen it crept,
- And ragingly within the walles of this great Citie stept.
- It tooke men first with swelting heate that scalt their guts within:
- The signes whereof were steaming breath and firie colourde skin.
- The tongue was harsh and swolne, the mouth through drought of burning veines
- Lay gaping up to hale in breath, and as the pacient streines
- To draw it in, he suckes therewith corrupted Aire beside.
- No bed, no clothes though nere so thinne the pacients could abide.
- But laide their hardened stomackes flat against the bare colde ground
- Yet no abatement of the heate therein their bodies found:
- But het the earth, and as for Leache was none that helpe could hight.
- The Surgians and Phisitions too were in the selfesame plight.
- Their curelesse cunning hurt themselves. The nerer any man
- Approcheth his diseased friend, and doth the best he can
- To succor him most faithfully, the sooner did he catch
- His bane. All hope of health was gone. No easment nor dispatch
- Of this disease except in death and buriall did they finde.
- Looke, whereunto that eche mans minde and fancie was enclinde,
- That followed he. He never past what was for his behoofe.
- For why? that nought could doe them good was felt too much by proofe.
- In everie place without respect of shame or honestie
- At Wels, at brookes, at ponds, at pits, by swarmes they thronging lie:
- But sooner might they quench their life than staunch their thirst thereby.
- And therewithall so heavie and unwieldie they become,
- That wanting power to rise againe, they died there. Yet some
- The selfesame waters guzled still without regard of feare,
- So weary of their lothsome beds the wretched people were,
- That out they lept: or if to stand their feeble force denide,
- They wallowed downe and out of doores immediatly them hide:
- It was a death to every man his owne house to abide.
- And for they did not know the cause whereof the sicknesse came,
- The place (bicause they did it know) was blamed for the same.
- Ye should have seene some halfe fordead go plundring here and there
- By highways sides while that their legges were able them to beare.
- And some lie weeping on the ground or rolling piteously
- Their wearie eyes which afterwards should never see the Skie:
- Or stretching out their limmes to Heaven that overhangs on hie,
- Some here, some there, and yonder some, in what so ever coste
- Death finding them enforced them to yeelde their fainting Ghoste.
- What heart had I, suppose you, then, or ought I then to have?
- In faith I might have lothde my life, and wisht me in my grave
- As other of my people were. I could not cast mine eie
- In any place, but that dead folke there strowed I did spie
- Even like as from a shaken twig when rotten Apples drop,
- Or Mast from Beches, Holmes or Okes when Poales doe scare their top.
- Yon stately Church with greeces long against our Court you see:
- It is the shrine of Jupiter. What Wight was he or shee
- That on those Altars burned not their frankincense in vaine?
- How oft, yet even with Frankincense that partly did remaine
- Still unconsumed in their hands, did die both man and wife,
- As ech of them with mutuall care did pray for others life?
- How often dyde the mother there in suing for hir sonne,
- Unheard upon the Altarstone, hir prayer scarce begonne?
- How often at the Temple doore even while the Priest did bid
- His Beades, and poure pure wine betwene their homes, at sodaine slid
- The Oxen downe without stroke given? Yea once when I had thought
- My selfe by offring sacrifice Joves favor to have sought,
- For me, my Realme, and these three ymps, the Oxe with grievous grone
- Upon the sodaine sunke me downe: and little bloud or none
- Did issue scarce to staine the knife with which they slit his throte.
- The sickly inwardes eke had lost the signes whereby we note
- What things the Gods for certaintie would warne us of before:
- For even the verie bowels were attainted with the sore.
- Before the holie Temple doores, and (that the death might bee
- The more dispitefull) even before the Altars did I see
- The stinking corses scattred. Some with haltars stopt their winde,
- By death expulsing feare of death: and of a wilfull minde
- Did haste their ende, which of it selfe was coming on apace.
- The bodies which the plague had slaine were (O most wretched case)
- Not caried forth to buriall now. For why such store there was
- That scarce the gates were wyde inough for Coffins forth to passe.
- So eyther lothly on the ground unburied did they lie,
- Or else without solemnitie were burnt in bonfires hie.
- No reverence nor regard was had. Men fell togither by
- The eares for firing. In the fire that was prepared for one
- Another straungers corse was burnt. And lastly few or none
- Were left to mourne. The sillie soules of Mothers with their small
- And tender babes, and age with youth as Fortune did befall
- Went wandring gastly up and downe unmourned for at all.
- In fine so farre outrageously this helpelesse Murren raves,
- There was not wood inough for fire, nor ground inough for graves.
- Astonied at the stourenesse of so stout a storme of ills
- I said: O father Jupiter whose mightie power fulfills
- Both Heaven and Earth, if flying fame report thee not amisse
- In vouching that thou didst embrace in way of Love ere this
- The River Asops daughter, faire Aegina even by name,
- And that to take me for thy sonne thou count it not a shame:
- Restore thou me my folke againe, or kill thou me likewise.
- He gave a signe by sodaine flash of lightning from the Skies,
- And double peale of Thundercracks. I take this same (quoth I)
- And as I take it for a true and certaine signe whereby
- Thou doest confirme me for thy sonne: so also let it be
- A hansell of some happie lucke thou mindest unto me.
- Hard by us as it hapt that time, there was an Oken tree
- With spreaded armes as bare of boughes as lightly one shall see.
- This tree (as all the rest of Okes) was sacred unto Jove
- And sprouted of an Acorne which was fet from Dodon grove.
- Here markt we how the pretie Ants, the gatherers up of graine,
- One following other all along in order of a traine,
- Great burthens in their little mouthes did painfully sustaine:
- And nimbly up the rugged barke their beaten path maintaine.
- As wondring at the swarme I stoode, I said: O father deere
- As many people give thou me, as Ants are creeping heere.
- And fill mine empty walles againe. Anon the Oke did quake,
- And unconstreynde of any blast, his loftie braunches shake,
- The which did yeeld a certaine sound. With that for dreadfull feare
- A shuddring through my bodie strake and up stoode stiffe my heare.
- But yet I kissed reverently the ground and eke the tree.
- Howbeit I durst not be so bolde of hope acknowne to bee.
- Yet hoped I: and in my heart did shroude my secret hope.
- Anon came night: and sleepe upon my carefull carcasse crope.
- Me thought I saw the selfesame Oke with all his boughes and twigs,
- And all the Pismeres creeping still upon his tawnts and sprigs,
- Which trembling with a sodaine brayd these Harvest folke off threw
- And shed them on the ground about, who on the sodaine grew
- In bignesse more and more, and from the earth themselves did lift:
- And stoode upright against the tree: and therewithall did shift
- Their maygernesse, and coleblacke hue, and number of their feete:
- And clad their limmes with shape of man. Away my sleepe did fleete.
- And when I wooke, misliking of my dreame I made my mone
- That in the Gods I did perceive but slender helpe or none.
- But straight much trampling up and downe and shuffling did I heare,
- And (which to me that present time did verie straunge appeare)
- Of people talking in my house me thought I heard the reare.
- Now while I musing on the same supposde it to have been
- Some fancie of the foolish dreame which lately I had seen,
- Behold, in comes me Telamon in hast, and thrusting ope
- My Chamber doore, said: Sir, a sight of things surmounting hope
- And credit shall you have: come forth. Forth came I by and by
- And even such men for all the world there standing did I spie
- As in my sleepe I dreamed of, and knew them for the same.
- They comming to me greeted me, their sovereigne Lord, by name.
- And I (my vowes to Jove performde) my Citie did devide
- Among my new inhabiters: and gave them land beside
- Which by decease of such as were late owners of the same
- Lay wast. And in remembrance of the race whereof they came,
- The name of Emets I them gave. Their persons you have seen:
- Their disposition is the same that erst in them hath been.
- They are a sparing kinde of folke, on labor wholy set,
- A gatherer, and a hoorder up of such as they doe get.
- These fellowes being like in yeares and courage of the minde,
- Shall go a warfare ny as soone as that the Easterne winde
- Which brought you hither luckely, (the Easterne winde was it
- That brought them thither) turning, to the Southerne coast doe flit.
- With this and other such like talke they brought the day to ende.
- The Even in feasting, and the night in sleeping they did spende.
- The Sunne next Morrow in the heaven with golden beames did burne,
- And still the Easterne winde did blow and hold them from returne.
- Sir Pallas sonnes to Cephal came (for he their elder was)
- And he and they to Aeacus Court togither forth did passe.
- The King as yet was fast asleepe. Duke Phocus at the gate
- Did meete them, and receyved them according to their state.
- For Telamon and Peleus alreadie forth were gone,
- To muster Souldiers for the warres. So Phocus all alone
- Did leade them to an inner roume, where goodly Parlours were,
- And caused them to sit them downe. As he was also there
- Now sitting with them, he beheld a Dart in Cephals hand
- With golden head, the stele whereof he well might understand
- Was of some straunge and unknowne tree. When certain talke had past
- A while of other matters there, I am (quoth he) at last
- A man that hath delight in woods and loves to follow game
- And yet I am not able sure by any meanes to ame
- What wood your Javeling stele is of. Of Ash it can not bee.
- For then the colour should be browne. And if of Cornell tree,
- It would be full of knubbed knots. I know not what it is:
- But sure mine eies did never see a fairer Dart than this.
- The one of those same brethren twaine replying to him said:
- Nay then the speciall propertie will make you more dismaid,
- Than doth the beautie of this Dart. It hitteth whatsoever
- He throwes it at. The stroke thereof by Chaunce is ruled never.
- For having done his feate, it flies all bloudie backe agen
- Without the helpe of any hand. The Prince was earnest then
- To know the truth of all: as whence so riche a present came,
- Who gave it him, and whereupon the partie gave the same.
- Duke Cephal answerde his demaund in all points (one except)
- The which (as knowne apparantly) for shame he overlept:
- His beautie namely, for the which he did receive the Dart.
- And for the losse of his deare wife right pensive at the hart,
- He thus began with weeping eies: This Dart, O Goddesse sonne,
- (Ye ill would thinke it) makes me yirne, and long shall make me donne,
- If long the Gods doe give me life. This weapon hath undonne
- My deare beloved wife and me. O would to God this same
- Had never unto me bene given. There was a noble Dame
- That Procris hight (but you perchaunce have oftner heard the name
- Of great Orythia whose renowne was bruited so by fame,
- That blustring Boreas ravisht hir.) To this Orythia shee
- Was sister. If a bodie should compare in ech degree
- The face and natures of them both, he could none other deeme
- But Procris worthier of the twaine of ravishment should seeme.
- Hir father and our mutuall love did make us man and wife.
- Men said I had (and so I had in deede) a happie life.
- Howbeit Gods will was otherwise, for had it pleased him
- Of all this while, and even still yet in pleasure should I swim.
- The second Month that she and I by band of lawfull bed
- Had joynde togither bene, as I my masking Toyles did spred,
- To overthrow the horned Stags, the early Morning gray
- Then newly having chased night and gun to breake the day,
- From Mount Hymettus highest tops that freshly flourish ay,
- Espide me, and against my will conveyde me quight away.
- I trust the Goddesse will not be offended that I say
- The troth of hir. Although it would delight one to beholde
- Hir ruddie cheekes: although of day and night the bounds she holde:
- Although on juice of Ambrosie continually she feede:
- Yet Procris was the only Wight that I did love in deede.
- On Procris only was my heart: none other word had I
- But Procris only in my mouth: still Procris did I crie.
- I upned what a holy thing was wedlocke: and how late
- It was ago since she and I were coupled in that state.
- Which band (and specially so soone) it were a shame to breake.
- The Goddesse being moved at the words that I did speake,
- Said: Cease thy plaint, thou Carle, and keepe thy Procris still for me.
- But (if my minde deceyve me not) the time will shortly be
- That wish thou wilt thou had hir not. And so in anger she
- To Procris sent me backe againe. In going homeward as
- Upon the Goddesse sayings with my selfe I musing was,
- I gan to dreade bad measures lest my wife had made some scape.
- Hir youthfull yeares begarnished with beautie, grace and shape,
- In maner made me to beleve the deede already done.
- Againe hir maners did forbid mistrusting over soone.
- But I had bene away: but even the same from whom I came
- A shrewde example gave how lightly wives doe run in blame:
- But we poore Lovers are afraide of all things. Hereupon
- I thought to practise feates: which thing repented me anon:
- And shall repent me while I live. The purpose of my drifts
- Was for t'assault hir honestie with great rewards and gifts.
- The Morning fooding this my feare, to further my device,
- My shape (which thing me thought I felt) had altered with a trice.
- By meanes whereof anon unknowne to Pallas towne I came,
- And entred so my house: the house was clearely voide of blame:
- And shewed signes of chastitie in mourning ever sith
- Their maister had bene rapt away. A thousand meanes wherewith
- To come to Procris speach had I devisde: and scarce at last
- Obteinde I it. As soone as I mine eie upon hir cast,
- My wits were ravisht in such wise that nigh I had forgot
- The purposde triall of hir troth. Right much adoe God wot
- I had to holde mine owne that I the truth bewrayed not.
- To keepe my selfe from kissing hir full much adoe I had
- As reason was I should have done. She looked verie sad.
- And yet as sadly as she lookte, no Wight alive can show
- A better countenance than did she. Hir heart did inward glow
- In longing for hir absent spouse. How beautifull a face
- Thinke you, Sir Phocus, was in hir whome sorrow so did grace?
- What should I make report how oft hir chast behaviour strave
- And overcame most constantly the great assaults I gave?
- Or tell how oft she shet me up with these same words? To one
- (Where ere he is) I keepe my selfe, and none but he alone
- Shall sure enjoy the use of me. What creature having his
- Wits perfect would not be content with such a proofe as this
- Of hir most stedfast chastitie? I could not be content:
- But still to purchase to my selfe more wo I further went.
- At last by profering endlesse welth, and heaping gifts on gifts,
- In overlading hir with wordes I drave hir to hir shifts.
- Then cride I out: Thine evill heart my selfe I tardie take.
- Where of a straunge advouterer the countenance I did make,
- I am in deede thy husband. O unfaithfull woman thou,
- Even I my selfe can testifie thy lewde behavior now.
- She made none answere to my words, but being stricken dum
- And with the sorrow of hir heart alonly overcum,
- Forsaketh hir entangling house, and naughtie husband quight:
- And hating all the sort of men by reason of the spight
- That I had wrought hir, straide abrode among the Mountaines hie,
- And exercisde Dianas feates. Then kindled by and by
- A fiercer fire within my bones than ever was before,
- When she had thus forsaken me by whome I set such store.
- I prayde hir she woulde pardon me, and did confesse my fault.
- Affirming that my selfe likewise with such a great assault
- Of richesse might right well have bene enforst to yeelde to blame,
- The rather if performance had ensewed of the same.
- When I had this submission made, and she sufficiently
- Revengde hir wronged chastitie, she then immediatly
- Was reconcilde: and afterward we lived many a yeare
- In joy and never any jarre betweene us did appeare.
- Besides all this (as though hir love had bene too small a gift)
- She gave me eke a goodly Grewnd which was of foote so swift,
- That when Diana gave him hir, she said he should outgo
- All others, and with this same Grewnd she gave this Dart also
- The which you see I hold in hand. Perchaunce ye faine would know
- What fortune to the Grewnd befell. I will unto you show
- A wondrous case. The straungenesse of the matter will you move.
- The krinkes of certaine Prophesies surmounting farre above
- The reach of auncient wits to read, the Brookenymphes did expound:
- And mindlesse of hir owne darke doubts Dame Themis being found,
- Was as a rechelesse Prophetisse throwne flat against the ground.
- For which presumptuous deede of theirs she tooke just punishment.
- To Thebes in Baeotia streight a cruell beast she sent,
- Which wrought the bane of many a Wight. The countryfolk did feed
- Him with their cattell and themselves, untill (as was agreed)
- That all we youthfull Gentlemen that dwelled there about
- Assembling pitcht our corded toyles the champion fields throughout.
- But Net ne toyle was none so hie that could his wightnesse stop,
- He mounted over at his ease the highest of the top.
- Then everie man let slip their Grewnds, but he them all outstript
- And even as nimbly as a birde in daliance from them whipt.
- Then all the field desired me to let my Laelaps go:
- (The Grewnd that Procris unto me did give was named so)
- Who strugling for to wrest his necke already from the band
- Did stretch his collar. Scarsly had we let him off of hand
- But that where Laelaps was become we could not understand.
- The print remained of his feete upon the parched sand,
- But he was clearly out of sight. Was never Dart I trow,
- Nor Pellet from enforced Sling, nor shaft from Cretish bow,
- That flew more swift than he did runne. There was not farre fro thence
- About the middle of the Laund a rising ground, from whence
- A man might overlooke the fieldes. I gate me to the knap
- Of this same hill, and there beheld of this straunge course the hap
- In which the beast seemes one while caught, and ere a man would think,
- Doth quickly give the Grewnd the slip, and from his bighting shrink:
- And like a wilie Foxe he runnes not forth directly out,
- Nor makes a windlasse over all the champion fieldes about,
- But doubling and indenting still avoydes his enmies lips,
- And turning short, as swift about as spinning wheele he whips,
- To disapoint the snatch. The Grewnd pursuing at an inch
- Doth cote him, never losing ground: but likely still to pinch
- Is at the sodaine shifted off. Continually he snatches
- In vaine: for nothing in his mouth save only Aire he latches.
- Then thought I for to trie what helpe my Dart at neede could show.
- Which as I charged in my hand by levell aime to throw,
- And set my fingars to the thongs, I lifting from bylow
- Mine eies, did looke right forth againe, and straight amids the field
- (A wondrous thing) two Images of Marble I beheld:
- Of which ye would have thought the t'one had fled on still apace
- And that with open barking mouth the tother did him chase.
- In faith it was the will of God (at least if any Goddes
- Had care of them) that in their pace there should be found none oddes.
- Thus farre: and then he held his peace. But tell us ere we part
- (Quoth Phocus) what offence or fault committed hath your Dart?
- His Darts offence he thus declarde: My Lorde, the ground of all
- My grief was joy. Those joyes of mine remember first I shall.
- It doth me good even yet to thinke upon that blissfull time
- ( meane the fresh and lustie yeares of pleasant youthfull Prime)
- When I a happie man enjoyde so faire and good a wife,
- And she with such a loving make did lead a happie life.
- The care was like of both of us, the mutuall love all one.
- She would not to have line with Jove my presence have forgone.
- Ne was there any Wight that could of me have wonne the love,
- No though Dame Venus had hir selfe descended from above.
- The glowing brands of love did burne in both our brests alike.
- Such time as first with crased beames the Sunne is wont to strike
- The tops of Towres and mountaines high, according to the wont
- Of youthfull men, in woodie Parkes I went abrode to hunt.
- But neither horse nor Hounds to make pursuit upon the scent.
- Nor Servingman, nor knottie toyle before or after went,
- For I was safe with this same Dart. When wearie waxt mine arme
- With striking Deere, and that the day did make me somewhat warme,
- Withdrawing for to coole my selfe I sought among the shades
- For Aire that from the valleyes colde came breathing in at glades.
- The more excessive was my heate the more for Aire I sought.
- I waited for the gentle Aire: the Aire was that that brought
- Refreshing to my wearie limmes. And (well I bear't in thought)
- Come Aire I wonted was to sing, come ease the paine of me
- Within my bosom lodge thy selfe most welcome unto me,
- And as thou heretofore art wont abate my burning heate.
- By chaunce (such was my destinie) proceeding to repeate
- Mo words of daliance like to these, I used for to say
- Great pleasure doe I take in thee: for thou from day to day
- Doste both refresh and nourish me. Thou makest me delight
- In woods and solitarie grounds. Now would to God I might
- Receive continuall at my mouth this pleasant breath of thine.
- Some man (I wote not who) did heare these doubtfull words of mine,
- And taking them amisse supposde that this same name of Aire
- The which I callde so oft upon, had bene some Ladie faire:
- He thought that I had lovde some Nymph. And thereupon streight way
- He runnes me like a Harebrainde blab to Procris, to bewray
- This fault as he surmised it: and there with lavish tung
- Reported all the wanton words that he had heard me sung.
- A thing of light beliefe is love. She (as I since have harde)
- For sodeine sorrow swounded downe: and when long afterwarde
- She came againe unto hir selfe, she said she was accurst
- And borne to cruell destinie: and me she blamed wurst
- For breaking faith: and freating at a vaine surmised shame
- She dreaded that which nothing was: she fearde a headlesse name.
- She wist not what to say or thinke. The wretch did greatly feare
- Deceit: yet could she not beleve the tales that talked were.
- Onlesse she saw hir husbands fault apparant to hir eie,
- She thought she would not him condemne of any villanie.
- Next day as soone as Morning light had driven the night away,
- I went abrode to hunt againe: and speeding, as I lay
- Upon the grasse, I said: Come, Aire, and ease my painfull heate.
- And on the sodaine as I spake there seemed for to beate
- A certaine sighing in mine eares of what I could not gesse.
- But ceasing not for that I still proceeded nathelesse:
- And said, O come, most pleasant Aire. With that I heard a sound
- Of russling softly in the leaves that lay upon the ground.
- And thinking it had bene some beast I threw my flying Dart.
- It was my wife. Who being now sore wounded at the hart,
- Cride out, Alas. As soone as I perceyved by the shrieke
- It was my faithfull spouse, I ran me to the voiceward lieke
- A madman that had lost his wits. There found I hir halfe dead,
- Hir scattred garments staining in the bloud that she had bled,
- And (wretched creature as I am) yet drawing from the wound
- The gift that she hir selfe had given. Then softly from the ground
- I lifted up that bodie of hirs of which I was more chare
- Than of mine owne, and from hir brest hir clothes in hast I tare.
- And binding up hir cruell wound I strived for to stay
- The bloud, and prayd she would not thus by passing so away
- Forsake me as a murtherer: she waxing weake at length
- And drawing to hir death apace, enforced all hir strength
- To utter these few wordes at last: I pray thee humbly by
- Our bond of wedlocke, by the Gods as well above the Skie
- As those to whome I now must passe, as ever I have ought
- Deserved well by thee, and by the Love which having brought
- Me to my death doth even in death unfaded still remaine,
- To nestle in thy bed and mine let never Aire obtaine.
- This sed, she held hir peace, and I perceyved by the same
- And tolde hir also how she was beguiled in the name.
- But what avayled telling then? she quoathde: and with hir bloud
- Hir little strength did fade. Howbeit as long as that she coud
- See ought, she stared in my face and gasping still on me
- Even in my mouth she breathed forth hir wretched ghost. But she
- Did seeme with better cheare to die for that hir conscience was
- Discharged quight and cleare of doubtes. Now in conclusion as
- Duke Cephal weeping told this tale to Phocus and the rest
- Whose eyes were also moyst with teares to heare the pitious gest,
- Behold King Aeacus and with him his eldest sonnes both twaine
- Did enter in and after them there followed in a traine
- Of well appointed men of warre new levied: which the King
- Delivered unto Cephalus to Athens towne to bring.
- Finis septimi Libri.
- of Ouids Metamorphosis.
- he day starre now beginning to disclose the Morning bright
- And for to dense the droupie Skie from darkenesse of the night,
- The Easterne wind went downe and flakes of foggie Clouds gan show,
- And from the South a merrie gale on Cephals sayles did blow.
- The which did hold so fresh and large, that he and all his men
- Before that he was looked for arrived safe agen
- In wished Haven. In that while King Minos with his fleete
- Did waste the cost of Megara. And first he thought it meete
- To make a triall of the force and courage of his men
- Against the towne Alcathoe where Nisus reigned then.
- Among whose honorable haire that was of colour gray,
- One scarlet haire did grow upon his crowne, whereon the stay
- Of all his Kingdome did depende. Sixe times did Phoebe fill
- Hir homes with borrowed light, and yet the warre hung wavering still
- In fickle fortunes doubtfull scaales: and long with fleeting wings
- Betwene them both flew victorie. A Turret of the Kings
- Stood hard adjoyning to the Wall which being touched rings,
- For Phoebus (so men say) did lay his golden Violl there,
- And so the stones the sound thereof did ever after beare.
- King Nisus daughter oftentimes resorted to this Wall
- And strake it with a little stone to raise the sound withall,
- In time of peace. And in the warre she many a time and oft
- Behelde the sturdie stormes of Mars from that same place aloft.
- And by continuance of the siege the Captaines names she knew,
- Their armes, horse, armor and aray in everie band and crew.
- Bit specially above the rest she noted Minos face.
- She knew inough and more than was inough as stoode the case.
- For were it that he hid his head in Helme with fethered crest,
- To hir opinion in his Helme he stayned all the rest.
- Or were it that he tooke in hand of steele his target bright,
- She thought in weelding of his shielde he was a comly Knight.
- Or were it that he raisde his arme to throw the piercing Dart,
- The Ladie did commend his force and manhode joynde with Art.
- Or drew he with his arrow nockt his bended Bow in hand
- She sware that so in all respectes was Phoebus wont to stand.
- But when he shewde his visage bare, his Helmet laid aside,
- And on a Milke white Steede brave trapt, in Purple Robe did ride,
- She scarce was Mistresse of hir selfe, hir wits were almost straught.
- A happie Dart she thought it was that he in fingars caught,
- And happie called she those reynes that he in hand had raught.
- And if she might have had hir will, she could have founde in hart,
- Among the enmies to have gone. She could have found in hart,
- From downe the highest Turret there hir bodie to have throwne,
- Among the thickest of the Tents of Gnossus to have flowne,
- Or for to ope the brazen gates and let the enmie in,
- Or whatsoever else she thought might Minos favor win.
- And as she sate beholding still the King of Candies tent,
- She said: I doubt me whether that I rather may lament
- Or of this wofull warre be glad. It grieves me at the hart
- That thou O Minos unto me thy Lover enmie art.
- But had not this same warfare bene, I never had him knowne.
- Yet might he leave this cruell warre, and take me as his owne.
- A wife, a feere, a pledge for peace he might receive of me.
- O flowre of beautie, O thou Prince most pearlesse: if that she
- That bare thee in hir wombe were like in beautie unto thee,
- A right good cause had Jove on hir enamored for to bee.
- Oh happie were I if with wings I through the Aire might glide
- And safely to King Minos Tent from this same Turret slide.
- Then would I utter who I am, and how the firie flame
- Of Cupid burned in my brest, desiring him to name
- What dowrie he would aske with me in loan of his love,
- Save only of my Fathers Realme no question he should move.
- For rather than by traitrous meanes my purpose should take place,
- Adue, desire of hoped Love. Yet oftentimes such grace
- Hath from the gentle Conqueror proceeded erst, that they
- Which tooke the foyle have found the same their profit and their stay.
- Assuredly the warre is just that Minos takes in hand,
- As in revengement of his sonne late murthered in this land.
- And as his quarrell seemeth just, even so it cannot faile,
- But rightfull warre against the wrong must (I beleve) prevaile.
- Now if this Citie in the ende must needes be taken, why
- Should his owne sworde and not my Love be meanes to win it by?
- It were yet better he should speede by gentle meanes without
- The slaughter of his people, yea and (as it may fall out)
- With spending of his owne bloud too. For sure I have a care
- O Minos lest some Souldier wound thee ere he be aware.
- For who is he in all the world that hath so hard a hart
- That wittingly against thy head would aime his cruell Dart?
- I like well this devise, and on this purpose will I stand:
- To yeelde my selfe endowed with this Citie to the hand
- Of Minos: and in doing so to bring this warre to ende.
- But smally it availeth me the matter to intende.
- The gates and yssues of this towne are kept with watch and warde,
- And of the Keyes continually my Father hath the garde.
- My Father only is the man of whome I stand in dreede,
- My Father only hindreth me of my desired speede.
- Would God that I were Fatherlesse. Tush, everie Wight may bee
- A God as in their owne behalfe, and if their hearts be free
- From fearefulnesse. For fortune works against the fond desire
- Of such as through faint heartednesse attempt not to aspire.
- Some other feeling in hir heart such flames of Cupids fire
- Already would have put in proofe some practise to destroy
- What thing so ever of hir Love the furtherance might anoy
- And why should any woman have a bolder heart than I?
- Through fire and sword I boldly durst adventure for to flie.
- And yet in this behalfe at all there needes no sword nor fire,
- There needeth but my fathers haire to accomplish my desire. I
- That Purple haire of his to me more precious were than golde:
- That Purple haire of his would make me blest a thousand folde:
- That haire would compasse my desire and set my heart at rest.
- Night (chiefest Nurce of thoughts to such as are with care opprest)
- Approched while she spake these words, and darknesse did encrease
- Hir boldnesse. At such time as folke are wont to finde release
- Of cares that all the day before were working in their heds,
- By sleepe which falleth first of all upon them in their beds,
- Hir fathers chamber secretly she entered: where (alasse
- That ever Maiden should so farre the bounds of Nature passe)
- She robde hir Father of the haire upon the which the fate
- Depended both of life and death and of his royall state.
- And joying in hir wicked prey, she beares it with hir so
- As if it were some lawfull spoyle acquired of the fo.
- And passing through a posterne gate she marched through the mid
- Of all hir enmies (such a trust she had in that she did)
- Untill she came before the King, whom troubled with the sight
- She thus bespake: Enforst, O King, by love against all right
- I Scylla, Nisus daughter, doe present unto thee heere
- My native soyle, my household Gods, and all that else is deere
- For this my gift none other thing in recompence I crave
- Than of thy person which I love, fruition for to have.
- And in assurance of my love receyve thou here of mee
- My fathers Purple haire: and thinke I give not unto thee
- A haire but even my fathers head. And as these words she spake,
- The cursed gift with wicked hand she profered him to take.
- But Minos did abhorre hir gift: and troubled in his minde
- With straungenesse of the heynous act so sore against hir kinde,
- He aunswerde: O thou slaunder of our age, the Gods expell
- Thee out of all this world of theirs and let thee no where dwell.
- Let rest on neither Sea nor Land be graunted unto thee.
- Assure thy selfe that as for me I never will agree
- That Candie, Joves owne foster place (as long as I there raigne),
- Shall unto such a monstruous Wight a Harbrow place remaine.
- This said, he like a righteous Judge among his vanquisht foes
- Set order under paine of death. Which done he willed those
- That served him to go aboorde and Anchors up to wey.
- When Scylla saw the Candian fleete aflote to go away,
- And that the Captaine yeelded not so good reward as shee
- Had for hir lewdnesse looked for: and when in fine she see
- That no entreatance could prevaile, then bursting out in ire
- With stretched hands and scattred haire, as furious as the fire
- She shraming cryed out aloud: And whither doste thou flie
- Rejecting me, the only meanes that thou hast conquerde by?
- O cankerde Churle preferde before my native soyle, preferd
- Before my father, whither flyste, O Carle of heart most hard?
- Whose conquest as it is my sinne, so doth it well deserve
- Reward of thee, for that my fault so well thy turne did serve.
- Doth neither thee the gift I gave, nor yet my faithfull love,
- Nor yet that all my hope on thee alonly rested, move?
- For whither shall I now resort forsaken thus of thee?
- To Megara the wretched soyle of my nativitie?
- Behold it lieth vanquished and troden under foote.
- But put the case it flourisht still: yet could it nothing boote.
- I have foreclosde it to my selfe through treason when I gave
- My fathers head to thee. Whereby my countriefolke I drave
- To hate me justly for my crime. And all the Realmes about
- My lewde example doe abhorre. Thus have I shet me out
- Of all the world that only Crete might take me in, which if
- Thou like a Churle denie, and cast me up without relief,
- The Ladie Europ surely was not mother unto thee:
- But one of Affricke Sirts where none but Serpents fostred bee,
- But even some cruell Tiger bred in Armen or in Inde,
- Or else the Gulfe Charybdis raisde with rage of Southerne winde.
- Thou wert not got by Jove: ne yet thy mother was beguilde
- In shape of Bull: of this thy birth the tale is false compilde.
- But rather some unwieldie Bull even altogither wilde
- That never lowed after Cow was out of doubt thy Sire.
- O father Nisus, put thou me to penance for my hire.
- Rejoyce thou in my punishment, thou towne by me betrayd.
- I have deserved (I confesse) most justly to be payd
- With death. But let some one of them that through my lewdnesse smart
- Destroy me, why doste thou that by my crime a gainer art,
- Commit like crime thy selfe? Admit this wicked act of me
- As to my land and Fatherward in deede most hainous be.
- Yet oughtest thou to take it as a friendship unto thee.
- But she was meete to be thy wife, that in a Cow of tree
- Could play the Harlot with a Bull, and in hir wombe could beare
- A Barne, in whome the shapes of man and beasts confounded were.
- How sayst thou, Carle? compell not these my words thine eares to glow?
- Or doe the windes that drive thy shyps, in vaine my sayings blow?
- In faith it is no wonder though thy wife Pasiphae
- Preferrde a Bull to thee, for thou more cruell wert than he.
- Now wo is me. To make more hast it standeth me in hand.
- The water sounds with Ores, and hales from me and from my land.
- In vaine thou striveth, O thou Churle, forgetfull quight of my
- Desertes: for even in spight of thee pursue thee still will I.
- Upon thy courbed Keele will I take holde: and hanging so
- Be drawen along the Sea with thee where ever thou do go.
- She scarce had said these words, but that she leaped on the wave
- And getting to the ships by force of strength that Love hir gave
- Upon the King of Candies Keele in spight of him she clave.
- Whome when hir father spide (for now he hovered in the aire,
- And being made a Hobby Hauke did soare between a paire
- Of nimble wings of yron Mayle) he soused downe amaine
- To seaze upon hir as she hung, and would have tome hir faine
- With bowing Beake. But she for feare did let the Caricke go:
- And as she was about to fall, the lightsome Aire did so
- Uphold hir that she could not touch the Sea as seemed tho.
- Anon all fethers she became, and forth away did flie
- Transformed to a pretie Bird that stieth to the Skie.
- And for bicause like clipped haire hir head doth beare a marke,
- The Greekes it Cyris call, and we doe name the same a Larke.
- As soone as Minos came aland in Crete, he by and by
- Performde his vowes to Jupiter in causing for to die
- A hundred Bulles for sacrifice. And then he did adorne
- His Pallace with the enmies spoyles by conquest wonne beforne.
- The slaunder of his house encreast: and now appeared more
- The mothers filthie whoredome by the monster that she bore
- Of double shape, an ugly thing. This shamefull infamie,
- This monster borne him by his wife he mindes by pollicie
- To put away, and in a house with many nookes and krinks
- From all mens sights and speach of folke to shet it up he thinks.
- Immediatly one Daedalus renowmed in that lande
- For fine devise and workmanship in building, went in hand
- To make it. He confounds his worke with sodaine stops and stayes,
- And with the great uncertaintie of sundrie winding wayes
- Leades in and out, and to and fro, at divers doores astray.
- And as with trickling streame the Brooke Maeander seemes to play
- In Phrygia, and with doubtfull race runnes counter to and fro,
- And meeting with himselfe doth looke if all his streame or no
- Come after, and retiring eft cleane backward to his spring
- And marching eft to open Sea as streight as any string,
- Indenteth with reversed streame: even so of winding wayes
- Unnumerable Daedalus within his worke convayes.
- Yea scarce himselfe could find the meanes to winde himselfe well out:
- So busie and so intricate the house was all about.
- Within this Maze did Minos shet the Monster that did beare
- The shape of man and Bull. And when he twise had fed him there
- With bloud of Atticke Princes sonnes that given for tribute were,
- The third time at the ninth yeares end the lot did chaunce to light
- On Theseus, King Aegaeus sonne: who like a valiant Knight
- Did overcome the Minotaur: and by the pollicie
- Of Minos eldest daughter (who had taught him for to tie
- A clew of Linnen at the doore to guide himselfe thereby)
- As busie as the turnings were, his way he out did finde,
- Which never man had done before. And streight he having winde,
- With Minos daughter sailde away to Dia: where (unkinde
- And cruell creature that he was) he left hir post alone
- Upon the shore. Thus desolate and making dolefull mone
- God Bacchus did both comfort hir and take hir to his bed.
- And with an everlasting starre the more hir fame to spred,
- He tooke the Chaplet from hir head, and up to Heaven it threw.
- The Chaplet thirled through the Aire: and as it gliding flew,
- The precious stones were turnd to starres which biased cleare and bright,
- And tooke their place (continuing like a Chaplet still to sight)
- Amid betweene the Kneeler Downe and him that gripes the Snake.
- Now in this while gan Daedalus a wearinesse to take
- Of living like a banisht man and prisoner such a time
- In Crete, and longed in his heart to see his native Clime.
- But Seas enclosed him as if he had in prison be.
- Then thought he: though both Sea and Land King Minos stop fro me,
- I am assurde he cannot stop the Aire and open Skie.
- To make my passage that way then my cunning will I trie.
- Although that Minos like a Lord held all the world beside:
- Yet doth the Aire from Minos yoke for all men free abide.
- This sed: to uncoth Arts he bent the force of all his wits
- To alter natures course by craft. And orderly he knits
- A rowe of fethers one by one, beginning with the short,
- And overmatching still eche quill with one of longer sort,
- That on the shoring of a hill a man would thinke them grow.
- Even so the countrie Organpipes of Oten reedes ir row
- Ech higher than another rise. Then fastned he with Flax
- The middle quilles, and joyned in the lowest sort with Wax.
- And when he thus had finisht them, a little he them bent
- In compasse, that the verie Birdes they full might represent.
- There stoode me by him Icarus, his sonne, a pretie Lad.
- Who knowing not that he in handes his owne destruction had,
- With smiling mouth did one while blow the fethers to and fro
- Which in the Aire on wings of Birds did flask not long ago:
- And with his thumbes another while he chafes the yelow Wax
- And lets his fathers wondrous worke with childish toyes and knacks.
- As soon as that the worke was done, the workman by and by
- Did peyse his bodie on his wings, and in the Aire on hie
- Hung wavering: and did teach his sonne how he should also flie.
- I warne thee (quoth he), Icarus, a middle race to keepe.
- For if thou hold too low a gate, the dankenesse of the deepe
- Will overlade thy wings with wet. And if thou mount too hie,
- The Sunne will sindge them. Therfore see betweene them both thou flie.
- I bid thee not behold the Starre Bootes in the Skie.
- Nor looke upon the bigger Beare to make thy course thereby,
- Nor yet on Orions naked sword. But ever have an eie
- To keepe the race that I doe keepe, and I will guide thee right.
- In giving counsell to his sonne to order well his flight,
- He fastned to his shoulders twaine a paire of uncoth wings.
- And as he was in doing it and warning him of things,
- His aged cheekes were wet, his hands did quake, in fine he gave
- His sonne a kisse the last that he alive should ever have.
- And then he mounting up aloft before him tooke his way
- Right fearfull for his followers sake: as is the Bird the day
- That first she tolleth from hir nest among the braunches hie
- Hir tender yong ones in the Aire to teach them for to flie.
- So heartens he his little sonne to follow teaching him
- A hurtfull Art. His owne two wings he waveth verie trim,
- And looketh backward still upon his sonnes. The fishermen
- Then standing angling by the Sea, and shepeherdes leaning then
- On sheepehookes, and the Ploughmen on the handles of their Plough,
- Beholding them, amazed were: and thought that they that through
- The Aire could flie were Gods. And now did on their left side stand
- The Iles of Samos, Junos land:
- And on their right, Lebinthos and the faire Calydna fraught
- With store of honie: when the Boy a frolicke courage caught
- To flie at randon. Whereupon forsaking quight his guide,
- Of fond desire to flie to Heaven, above his boundes he stide.
- And there the nerenesse of the Sunne which burnd more hote aloft,
- Did make the Wax (with which his wings were glewed) lithe and soft.
- As soone as that the Wax was molt, his naked armes he shakes,
- And wanting wherewithall to wave no helpe of Aire he takes.
- But calling on his father loud he drowned in the wave:
- And by this chaunce of his those Seas his name for ever have.
- His wretched Father (but as then no father) cride in feare:
- O Icarus, O Icarus, where art thou? tell me where
- That I may finde thee, Icarus. He saw the fethers swim
- Upon the waves, and curst his Art that so had spighted him.
- At last he tooke his bodie up and laid it in a grave,
- And to the Ile the name of him then buried in it gave.
- And as he of his wretched sonne the corse in ground did hide,
- The cackling Partrich from a thicke and leavie thorne him spide,
- And clapping with his wings for joy aloud to call began.
- There was of that same kinde of Birde no mo but he as than.
- In times forepast had none bene seene. It was but late anew
- Since he was made a bird: and that thou, Daedalus, mayst rew:
- For whyle the world doth last thy shame shall thereupon ensew.
- For why thy sister, ignorant of that which after hapt,
- Did put him to thee to be taught full twelve yeares old and apt
- To take instruction. He did marke the middle bone that goes
- Through fishes, and according to the paterne tane of those
- He filed teeth upon a piece of yron one by one
- And so devised first the Saw where erst was never none.
- Moreover he two yron shankes so joynde in one round head,
- That opening an indifferent space, the one point downe shall tread,
- And tother draw a circle round. The finding of these things,
- The spightfull heart of Daedalus with such a m lice stings,
- That headlong from the holy towre of Pallas downe he thrue
- His Nephew, feyning him to fall by chaunce, which was not true.
- But Pallas (who doth favour wits) did stay him in his fall
- And chaunging him into a Bird did clad him over all
- With fethers soft amid the Aire. The quicknesse of his wit
- (Which erst was swift) did shed it selfe among his wings and feete.
- And as he Partrich hight before, so hights he Partrich still.
- Yet mounteth not this Bird aloft ne seemes to have a will
- To build hir nest in tops of trees among the boughes on hie
- But flecketh nere the ground and layes hir egges in hedges drie.
- And forbicause hir former fall she ay in minde doth beare,
- She ever since all lofty things doth warely shun for feare.
- And now forwearied Daedalus alighted in the land
- Within the which the burning hilles of firie Aetna stand.
- To save whose life King Cocalus did weapon take in hand,
- For which men thought him merciful. And now with high renowne
- Had Theseus ceast the wofull pay of tribute in the towne
- Of Athens. Temples decked were with garlands every where,
- And supplications made to Jove and warlicke Pallas were,
- And all the other Gods, to whome more honor for to show,
- Gifts, blud of beasts, and frankincense the people did bestow
- As in performance of their vowes. The right redoubted name
- Of Theseus through the lande of Greece was spred by flying fame.
- And now the folke that in the land of rich Achaia dwelt,
- Praid him of succor in the harmes and perils that they felt.
- Although the land of Calydon had then Meleager:
- Yet was it faine in humble wise to Theseus to prefer
- A supplication for the aide of him. The cause wherfore
- They made such humble suit to him was this. There was a Bore
- The which Diana for to wreake hir wrath conceyvde before
- Had thither as hir servant sent the countrie for to waast.
- For men report that Oenie when he had in storehouse plaast
- The full encrease of former yeare, to Ceres did assigne
- The firstlings of his corne and fruits: to Bacchus, of the Wine:
- And unto Pallas Olife oyle. This honoring of the Gods
- Of graine and fruits who put their help to toyling in the clods,
- Ambitiously to all, even those that dwell in heaven did clime.
- Dianas Altars (as it hapt) alonly at that time
- Without reward of Frankincense were overskipt (they say).
- Even Gods are subject unto wrath. He shall not scape away
- Unpunisht, though unworshipped he passed me wyth spight:
- He shall not make his vaunt he scapt me unrevenged quight,
- Quoth Phoebe. And anon she sent a Bore to Oenies ground
- Of such a hugenesse as no Bull could ever yet be found,
- In Epyre: but in Sicilie are Bulles much lesse than hee.
- His eies did glister blud and fire: right dreadfull was to see
- His brawned necke, right dredfull was his haire which grew as thicke
- With pricking points as one of them could well by other sticke.
- And like a front of armed Pikes set close in battell ray
- The sturdie bristles on his back stoode staring up alway.
- The scalding fome with gnashing hoarse which he did cast aside,
- Upon his large and brawned shield did white as Curdes abide.
- Among the greatest Oliphants in all the land of Inde,
- A greater tush than had this Boare, ye shall not lightly finde.
- Such lightning flashed from his chappes, as seared up the grasse.
- Now trampled he the spindling come to ground where he did passe,
- Now ramping up their riped hope he made the Plowmen weepe.
- And chankt the kernell in the eare. In vaine their floores they sweepe:
- In vaine their Barnes for Harvest long, the likely store they keepe.
- The spreaded Vines with clustred Grapes to ground he rudely sent,
- And full of Berries loden boughes from Olife trees he rent.
- On cattell also did he rage. The shepeherd nor his dog,
- Nor yet the Bulles could save the herdes from outrage of this Hog.
- The folke themselves were faine to flie. And yet they thought them not
- In safetie when they had themselves within the Citie got.
- Untill their Prince Meleager, and with their Prince a knot
- Of Lords and lustie gentlemen of hand and courage stout,
- With chosen fellowes for the nonce of all the Lands about,
- Inflamed were to win renowne. The chiefe that thither came
- Were both the twinnes of Tyndarus of great renowne and fame,
- The one in all activitie of manhode, strength and force,
- The other for his cunning skill in handling of a horse.
- And Jason he that first of all the Gallie did invent:
- And Theseus with Pirithous betwene which two there went
- A happie leage of amitie: And two of Thesties race:
- And Lynce, the sonne of Apharie and Idas, swift of pace.
- And fierce Leucyppus and the brave Acastus with his Dart
- In handling of the which he had the perfect skill and Art.
- And Caeny who by birth a wench, the shape of man had wonne
- And Drias and Hippothous: and Phoenix eke the sonne
- Of olde Amyntor: and a paire of Actors ympes: and Phyle
- Who came from Elis. Telamon was also there that while:
- And so was also Peleus, the great Achilles Sire:
- And Pherets sonne: and Iolay, the Thebane who with fire
- Helpt Hercules the monstruous heades of Hydra off to seare.
- The lively Lad Eurytion and Echion who did beare
- The pricke and prise for footemanship, were present also there.
- And Lelex of Narytium too. And Panopie beside:
- And Hyle: and cruell Hippasus: and Naestor who that tide
- Was in the Prime of lustie youth: moreover thither went
- Three children of Hippocoon from old Amicle sent.
- And he that of Penelope the fathrinlaw became.
- And eke the sonne of Parrhasus, Ancaeus cald by name.
- There was the sonne of Ampycus of great forecasting wit:
- And Oeclies sonne who of his wife was unbetrayed yit.
- And from the Citie Tegea there came the Paragone
- Of Lycey forrest, Atalant, a goodly Ladie, one
- Of Schoenyes daughters, then a Maide. The garment she did weare
- A brayded button fastned at hir gorget. All hir heare
- Untrimmed in one only knot was trussed. From hir left
- Side hanging on hir shoulder was an Ivorie quiver deft:
- Which being full of arrowes, made a clattring as she went.
- And in hir right hand she did beare a Bow already bent.
- Hir furniture was such as this. Hir countnance and hir grace
- Was such as in a Boy might well be cald a Wenches face,
- And in a Wench be cald a Boyes. The Prince of Calydon
- No sooner cast his eie on hir, but being caught anon
- In love, he wisht hir to his wife. But unto this desire
- God Cupid gave not his consent. The secret flames of fire
- He haling inward still did say: O happy man is he
- Whom this same Ladie shall vouchsave hir Husband for to be.
- The shortnesse of the time and shame would give him leave to say
- No more: a worke of greater weight did draw him then away.
- A wood thick growen with trees which stoode unfelled to that day
- Beginning from a plaine, had thence a large prospect throughout
- The falling grounds that every way did muster round about.
- As soone as that the men came there, some pitched up the toyles,
- Some tooke the couples from the Dogs, and some pursude the foyles
- In places where the Swine had tract: desiring for to spie
- Their owne destruction. Now there was a hollow bottom by,
- To which the watershots of raine from all the high grounds drew.
- Within the compasse of this pond great store of Osiers grew:
- And Sallowes lithe, and flackring Flags, and moorish Rushes eke,
- And lazie Reedes on little shankes, and other baggage like.
- From hence the Bore was rowzed out, and fiersly forth he flies
- Among the thickest of his foes like thunder from the Skies,
- When Clouds in meeting force the fire to burst by violence out.
- He beares the trees before him downe, and all the wood about
- Doth sound of crashing. All the youth with hideous noyse and shout
- Against him bend their Boarspeare points with hand and courage stout.
- He rushes forth among the Dogs that held him at a bay,
- And now on this side now on that, as any come in way,
- He rippes their skinnes and splitteth them, and chaseth them away,
- Echion first of all the rout a Dart at him did throw,
- Which mist and in a Maple tree did give a little blow.
- The next (if he that threw the same had used lesser might),
- The backe at which he aimed it was likely for to smight.
- It overflew him. Jason was the man that cast the Dart.
- With that the sonne of Ampycus sayd: Phoebus (if with hart
- I have and still doe worship thee) now graunt me for to hit
- The thing that I doe levell at. Apollo graunts him it
- As much as lay in him to graunt. He hit the Swine in deede.
- But neyther entred he his hide nor caused him to bleede.
- For why Diana (as the Dart was flying) tooke away
- The head of it: and so the Dart could headlesse beare no sway.
- But yet the moodie beast thereby was set the more on fire
- And chafing like the lightning swift he uttreth forth his ire.
- The fire did sparkle from his eyes: and from his boyling brest
- He breathed flaming flakes of fire conceyved in his chest.
- And looke with what a violent brunt a mightie Bullet goes
- From engines bent against a wall, or bulwarks full of foes:
- With even such violence rusht the Swine among the Hunts amayne,
- And overthrew Eupalamon and Pelagon both twaine
- That in the right wing placed were. Their fellowes stepping to
- And drawing them away, did save their lives with much ado.
- But as for poore Enesimus, Hippocoons sonne had not
- The lucke to scape the deadly dint. He would away have got,
- And trembling turnde his backe for feare. The Swine him overtooke,
- And cut his hamstrings, so that streight his going him forsooke.
- And Naestor to have lost his life was like by fortune ere
- The siege of Troie, but that he tooke his rist upon his speare:
- And leaping quickly up upon a tree that stoode hard by,
- Did safely from the place behold his foe whome he did flie.
- The Boare then whetting sharpe his tuskes against the Oken wood
- To mischiefe did prepare himselfe with fierce and cruell mood.
- And trusting to his weapons which he sharpened had anew,
- In great Orithyas thigh a wound with hooked groyne he drew.
- The valiant brothers, those same twinnes of Tyndarus (not yet
- Celestiall signes), did both of them on goodly coursers sit
- As white as snow: and ech of them had shaking in his fist
- A lightsome Dart with head of steele to throw it where he lyst.
- And for to wound the bristled Bore they surely had not mist
- But that he still recovered so the coverts of the wood,
- That neyther horse could follow him, nor Dart doe any good.
- Still after followed Telamon, whom taking to his feete
- No heede at all for egernesse, a Maple roote did meete,
- Which tripped up his heeles, and flat against the ground him laid.
- And while his brother Peleus relieved him, the Maid
- Of Tegea tooke an arrow swift, and shot it from hir bow.
- The arrow lighting underneath the havers eare bylow,
- And somewhat rasing of the skin, did make the bloud to show.
- The Maid hirselfe not gladder was to see that luckie blow,
- Than was the Prince Meleager. He was the first that saw,
- And first that shewed to his Mates the blud that she did draw:
- And said: For this thy valiant act due honor shalt thou have.
- The men did blush, and chearing up ech other courage gave
- With shouting, and disorderly their Darts by heaps they threw.
- The number of them hindred them, not suffring to ensew
- That any lighted on the marke at which they all did ame.
- Behold, enragde against his ende the hardie Knight that came
- From Arcadie, rusht rashly with a Pollax in his fist
- And said: You yonglings learne of me what difference is betwist
- A wenches weapons and a mans: and all of you give place
- To my redoubted force. For though Diana in this chase
- Should with hir owne shield him defend, yet should this hand of mine
- Even maugre Dame Dianas heart confound this orped Swine.
- Such boasting words as these through pride presumptuously he crakes:
- And streyning out himselfe upon his tiptoes streight he takes
- His Pollax up with both his hands. But as this bragger ment
- To fetch his blow, the cruell beast his malice did prevent:
- And in his coddes (the speeding place of death) his tusshes puts,
- And rippeth up his paunche. Downe falles Ancaeus and his guts
- Come tumbling out besmearde with bloud, and foyled all the plot.
- Pirithous, Ixions sonne, at that abashed not:
- But shaking in his valiant hand his hunting staffe did goe
- Still stoutly forward face to face t'encounter with his foe
- To whome Duke Theseus cride afarre: O dearer unto mee
- Than is my selfe, my soule I say, stay: lawfull we it see
- For valiant men to keepe aloofe. The over hardie hart
- In rash adventring of him selfe hath made Ancaeus smart.
- This sed, he threw a weightie Dart of Cornell with a head
- Of brasse: which being leveld well was likely to have sped,
- But that a bough of Chestnut tree thick leaved by the way
- Did latch it, and by meanes therof the dint of it did stay.
- Another Dart that Jason threw, by fortune mist the Bore,
- And light betwene a Mastifes chaps, and through his guts did gore,
- And naild him to the earth. The hand of Prince Meleager
- Plaid hittymissie. Of two Darts his first did flie too far,
- And lighted in the ground: the next amid his backe stickt fast.
- And while the Bore did play the fiend and turned round agast,
- And grunting flang his fome about togither mixt with blood,
- The giver of the wound (the more to stirre his enmies mood,)
- Stept in, and underneath the shield did thrust his Boarspeare through.
- Then all the Hunters shouting out demeaned joy inough.
- And glad was he that first might come to take him by the hand.
- About the ugly beast they all with gladnesse gazing stand
- And wondring what a field of ground his carcasse did possesse,
- There durst not any be so bolde to touch him. Nerethelesse,
- They every of them with his bloud their hunting staves made red.
- Then stepped forth Meleager, and treading on his hed
- Said thus: O Ladie Atalant, receive thou here my fee,
- And of my glorie vouch thou safe partaker for to bee.
- Immediatly the ugly head with both the tusshes brave
- And eke the skin with bristles stur right griesly, he hir gave.
- The Ladie for the givers sake, was in hir heart as glad
- As for the gift. The rest repinde that she such honor had.
- Through all the rout was murmuring. Of whom with roring reare
- And armes displayd that all the field might easly see and heare,
- The Thesties cried: Dame, come off and lay us downe this geare.
- And thou a woman offer not us men so great a shame,
- As we to toyle and thou to take the honor of our game.
- Ne let that faire smooth face of thine beguile thee, lest that hee
- That being doted in thy love did give thee this our fee,
- Be over farre to rescow thee. And with that word they tooke
- The gift from hir, and right of gift from him. He could not brooke
- This wrong: but gnashing with his teeth for anger that did boyle
- Within, said fiersly: learne ye you that other folkes dispoyle
- Of honor given, what diffrence is betweene your threats, and deedes.
- And therewithall Plexippus brest (who no such matter dreedes)
- With wicked weapon he did pierce. As Toxey doubting stood
- What way to take, desiring both t'advenge his brothers blood,
- And fearing to be murthered as his brother was before,
- Meleager (to dispatch all doubts of musing any more)
- Did heate his sword for companie in bloud of him againe,
- Before Plexippus bloud was cold that did thereon remaine.
- Althaea going toward Church with presents for to yild
- Due thankes and worship to the Gods that for hir sonne had kild
- The Boare, beheld hir brothers brought home dead: and by and by
- She beate hir brest, and filde the towne with shrieking piteously,
- And shifting all hir rich aray, did put on mourning weede
- But when she understoode what man was doer of the deede,
- She left all mourning, and from teares to vengeance did proceede.
- There was a certaine firebrand which when Oenies wife did lie
- In childebed of Meleager, she chaunced to espie
- The Destnies putting in the fire: and in the putting in,
- She heard them speake these words, as they his fatall threede did spin:
- O lately borne, like time we give to thee and to this brand.
- And when they so had spoken, they departed out of hand.
- Immediatly the mother caught the blazing bough away,
- And quenched it. This bough she kept full charely many a day:
- And in the keeping of the same she kept hir sonne alive.
- But now intending of his life him clearly to deprive,
- She brought it forth, and causing all the coales and shivers to
- Be layed by, she like a foe did kindle fire thereto.
- Fowre times she was about to cast the firebrand in the flame:
- Fowre times she pulled backe hir hand from doing of the same.
- As mother and as sister both she strove what way to go:
- The divers names drew diversly hir stomacke to and fro.
- Hir face waxt often pale for feare of mischiefe to ensue:
- And often red about the eies through heate of ire she grew.
- One while hir looke resembled one that threatned cruelnesse:
- Another while ye would have thought she minded pitiousnesse.
- And though the cruell burning of hir heart did drie hir teares,
- Yet burst out some. And as a Boate which tide contrarie beares
- Against the winde, feeles double force, and is compeld to yeelde
- To both, so Thesties daughter now unable for to weelde
- Hir doubtful passions, diversly is caried off and on,
- And chaungeably she waxes calme, and stormes againe anon.
- But better sister ginneth she than mother for to be.
- And to th'intent hir brothers ghostes with bloud to honor, she
- In meaning to be one way kinde, doth worke another way
- Against kinde. When the plagie fire waxt strong she thus did say:
- Let this same fire my bowels burne. And as in cursed hands
- The fatall wood she holding at the Hellish Altar stands:
- She said: Ye triple Goddesses of wreake, ye Helhounds three
- Beholde ye all this furious fact and sacrifice of mee.
- I wreake, and do against all right: with death must death be payde:
- In mischiefe mischiefe must be heapt: on corse must corse be laide.
- Confounded let this wicked house with heaped sorrowes bee.
- Shall Oenie joy his happy sonne in honor for to see
- And Thestie mourne bereft of his? Nay: better yet it were,
- That eche with other companie in mourning you should beare.
- Ye brothers Ghostes and soules new dead I wish no more, but you
- To feele the solemne obsequies which I prepare as now:
- And that mine offring you accept, which dearly I have bought
- The yssue of my wretched wombe. Alas, alas what thought
- I for to doe? O brothers, I besech you beare with me.
- I am his mother: so to doe my hands unable be.
- His trespasse I confesse deserves the stopping of his breath:
- But yet I doe not like that I be Author of his death.
- And shall he then with life and limme, and honor too, scape free?
- And vaunting in his good successe the King of Calidon bee?
- And you deare soules lie raked up but in a little dust?
- I will not surely suffer it. But let the villaine trust
- That he shall die, and draw with him to ruine and decay
- His Kingdome, Countrie and his Sire that doth upon him stay.
- Why where is now the mothers heart and pitie that should raigne
- In Parents? and the ten Monthes paines that once I did sustaine?
- O would to God thou burned had a babie in this brand,
- And that I had not tane it out and quencht it with my hand.
- That all this while thou lived hast, my goodnesse is the cause.
- And now most justly unto death thine owne desert thee drawes.
- Receive the guerdon of thy deede: and render thou agen
- Thy twice given life, by bearing first, and secondarly when
- I caught this firebrand from the flame: or else come deale with me
- As with my brothers, and with them let me entumbed be.
- I would, and cannot. What then shall I stand to in this case?
- One while my brothers corses seeme to prease before my face
- With lively Image of their deaths. Another while my minde
- Doth yeelde to pitie, and the name of mother doth me blinde.
- Now wo is me. To let you have the upper hand is sinne:
- But nerethelesse the upper hand O brothers doe you win.
- Condicionly that when that I to comfort you withall
- Have wrought this feate, my selfe to you resort in person shall.
- This sed, she turnde away hir face, and with a trembling hand
- Did cast the deathfull brand amid the burning fire. The brand
- Did eyther sigh, or seeme to sigh in burning in the flame,
- Which sorie and unwilling was to fasten on the same.
- Meleager being absent and not knowing ought at all
- Was burned with this flame: and felt his bowels to appall
- With secret fire. He bare out long the paine with courage stout.
- But yet it grieved him to die so cowardly without
- The shedding of his bloud. He thought Anceus for to be
- A happie man that dide of wound. With sighing called he
- Upon his aged father, and his sisters, and his brother,
- And lastly on his wife too, and by chaunce upon his mother.
- His paine encreased with the fire, and fell therewith againe:
- And at the selfe same instant quight extinguisht were both twaine.
- And as the ashes soft and hore by leysure overgrew
- The glowing coales: so leysurly his spirit from him drew.
- Then drouped stately Calydon. Both yong and olde did mourne,
- The Lords and Commons did lament, and maried wives with tome
- And tattred haire did crie alas. His father did beray
- His horie head and face with dust, and on the earth flat lay,
- Lamenting that he lived had to see that wofull day
- For now his mothers giltie hand had for that cursed crime
- Done execution on hir selfe by sword before hir time.
- If God to me a hundred mouthes with sounding tongues should send,
- And reason able to conceyve, and thereunto should lend
- Me all the grace of eloquence that ere the Muses had,
- I could not shew the wo wherewith his sisters were bestad.
- Unmindfull of their high estate, their naked brests they smit,
- Untill they made them blacke and blew. And while his bodie yit
- Remained, they did cherish it, and cherish it againe.
- They kist his bodie: yea they kist the chist that did containe
- His corse. And after that the corse was burnt to ashes, they
- Did presse his ashes with their brests: and downe along they lay
- Upon his tumb, and there embraste his name upon the stone,
- And filde the letters of the same with teares that from them gone.
- At length Diana satisfide with slaughter brought upon
- The house of Oenie, lifts them up with fethers everichone,
- (Save Gorgee and the daughtrinlaw of noble Alcmene) and
- Makes wings to stretch along their sides, and horned nebs to stand
- Upon their mouthes. And finally she altring quight their faire
- And native shape, in shape of Birds dooth sent them through the Aire.
- The noble Theseus in this while with others having donne
- His part in killing of the Boare, to Athens ward begonne
- To take his way. But Acheloy then being swolne with raine
- Did stay him of his journey, and from passage him restraine.
- Of Athens valiant knight (quoth he) come underneath my roofe,
- And for to passe my raging streame as yet attempt no proofe.
- This brooke is wont whole trees to beare and evelong stones to carry
- With hideous roring down his streame. I oft have seene him harry
- Whole Shepcotes standing nere his banks, with flocks of sheepe therin.
- Nought booted buls their strength: nought steedes by swiftnes there could win.
- Yea many lustie men this brooke hath swallowed, when the snow
- From mountaines molten, caused him his banks to overflow.
- i The best is for you for to rest untill the River fall
- Within his boundes: and runne ageine within his chanell small.
- Content (quoth Theseus): Acheloy, I will not sure refuse
- Thy counsell nor thy house. And so he both of them did use.
- Of Pommy hollowed diversly and ragged Pebble stone
- The walles were made. The floore with Mosse was soft to tread upon.
- The roofe thereof was checkerwise with shelles of Purple wrought
- And Perle. The Sunne then full two parts of day to end had brought,
- And Theseus downe to table sate with such as late before
- Had friendly borne him companie at killing of the Bore.
- At one side sate Ixions sonne, and on the other sate
- The Prince of Troyzen, Lelex, with a thin hearde horie pate.
- And then such other as the brooke of Acarnania did
- Vouchsafe the honor to his boord and table for to bid,
- Who was right glad of such a guest. Immediatly there came
- Barefooted Nymphes who brought in meate. And when that of the same
- The Lords had taken their repast, the meate away they tooke,
- And set downe wine in precious stones. Then Theseus who did looke
- Upon the Sea that underneath did lie within their sight,
- Said: tell us what is yon same place, (and with his fingar right
- Hee poynted thereunto) I pray, and what that Iland hight,
- Although it seemeth mo than one. The River answerd thus,
- It is not one mayne land alone that kenned is of us.
- There are uppon a fyve of them. The distaunce of the place,
- Dooth hinder to discerne betweene eche Ile the perfect space.
- And that the lesse yee woonder may at Phoebees act alate,
- To such as had neglected her uppon contempt or hate,
- Theis Iles were sumtyme Waternimphes: who having killed Neate,
- Twyce fyve, and called to theyr feast the Country Gods to eate,
- Forgetting mee kept frolicke cheere. At that gan I to swell,
- And ran more large than ever erst, and being over fell
- In stomacke and in streame, I rent the wood from wood, and feeld
- From feeld, and with the ground the Nymphes as then with stomacks meeld
- Remembring mee, I tumbled to the Sea. The waves of mee
- And of the sea the ground that erst all whole was woont to bee
- Did rend asunder into all the Iles you yonder see,
- And made a way for waters now to passe betweene them free.
- They now of Urchins have theyr name. But of theis Ilands, one
- A great way off (behold yee) stands a great way off alone,
- As you may see. The Mariners doo call it Perimell.
- With her (shee was as then a Nymph) so farre in love I fell,
- That of her maydenhod I her spoyld: which thing displeasd so sore
- Her father Sir Hippodamas, that from the craggy shore
- He threw her headlong downe to drowne her in the sea. But I
- Did latch her streight, and bearing her aflote did lowd thus crie:
- O Neptune with thy threetynde Mace who hast by lot the charge
- Of all the waters wylde that bound uppon the earth at large,
- To whom wee holy streames doo runne, in whome wee take our end,
- Draw neere, and gently to my boone effectually attend.
- This Ladie whome I beare aflote myselfe hath hurt. Bee meeke
- And upright. If Hippodamas perchaunce were fatherleeke,
- Or if that he extremitie through outrage did not secke,
- He oughted to have pitied her and for to beare with mee.
- Now help us Neptune, I thee pray, and condescend that shee
- Whom from the land her fathers wrath and cruelnesse dooth chace
- Who through her fathers cruelnesse is drownd: may find the grace
- To have a place: or rather let hirselfe become a place.
- And I will still embrace the same. The King of Seas did move
- His head, and as a token that he did my sute approve,
- He made his surges all to shake. The Nymph was sore afrayd.
- Howbee't shee swam, and as she swam, my hand I softly layd
- Upon her brest which quivered still. And whyle I toucht the same,
- I sensibly did feele how all her body hard became:
- And how the earth did overgrow her bulk. And as I spake,
- New earth enclosde hir swimming limbes, which by and by did take
- Another shape, and grew into a mighty Ile.
- With thatThe River ceast and all men there did woonder much thereat.
- Pirithous being over hault of mynde and such a one
- As did despyse bothe God and man, did laugh them everychone
- To scorne for giving credit, and sayd thus: The woords thou spaakst
- Are feyned fancies, Acheloy: and overstrong thou maakst
- The Gods: to say that they can give and take way shapes. This scoffe
- Did make the heerers all amazde, for none did like thereof.
- And Lelex of them all the man most rype in yeeres and wit,
- Sayd thus: Unmeasurable is the powre of heaven, and it
- Can have none end. And looke what God dooth mynd to bring about,
- Must take effect. And in this case to put yee out of dout,
- Upon the hilles of Phrygie neere a Teyle there stands a tree
- Of Oke enclosed with a wall. Myself the place did see.
- For Pithey untoo Pelops feelds did send mee where his father
- Did sumtyme reigne. Not farre fro thence there is a poole which rather
- Had bene dry ground inhabited. But now it is a meare
- And Moorecocks, Cootes, and Cormorants doo breede and nestle there.
- The mightie Jove and Mercurie his sonne in shape of men
- Resorted thither on a tyme. A thousand houses when
- For roome to lodge in they had sought, a thousand houses bard
- Theyr doores against them. Nerethelesse one Cotage afterward
- Receyved them, and that was but a pelting one in deede.
- The roofe therof was thatched all with straw and fennish reede.
- Howbee't two honest auncient folke, (of whom she Baucis hight
- And he Philemon) in that Cote theyr fayth in youth had plight:
- And in that Cote had spent theyr age. And for they paciently
- Did beare theyr simple povertie, they made it light thereby,
- And shewed it no thing to bee repyned at at all.
- It skilles not whether there for Hyndes or Maister you doo call,
- For all the houshold were but two: and both of them obeyde,
- And both commaunded. When the Gods at this same Cotage staid,
- And ducking downe their heads, within the low made Wicket came,
- Philemon bringing ech a stoole, bade rest upon the same
- Their limmes: and busie Baucis brought them cuishons homely geere.
- ihich done, the embers on the harth she gan abrode to steere,
- And laid the coales togither that were raakt up over night,
- And with the brands and dried leaves did make them gather might,
- And with the blowing of hir mouth did make them kindle bright.
- Then from an inner house she fetcht seare sticks and clifted brands,
- And put them broken underneath a Skillet with hir hands.
- Hir Husband from their Gardenplot fetcht Coleworts. Of the which
- She shreaded small the leaves, and with a Forke tooke downe a flitch
- Of restie Bacon from the Balke made blacke with smoke, and cut
- A peece thereof, and in the pan to boyling did it put.
- And while this meate a seething was, the time in talke they spent,
- By meanes whereof away without much tedousnesse it went.
- There hung a Boawle of Beeche upon a spirget by a ring.
- The same with warmed water filld the two old folke did bring
- To bathe their guests foule feete therein. Amid the house there stood
- A Couch whose bottom sides and feete were all of Sallow wood,
- And on the same a Mat of Sedge. They cast upon this bed
- A covering which was never wont upon it to be spred
- Except it were at solemne feastes: and yet the same was olde
- And of the coursest, with a bed of sallow meete to holde.
- The Gods sate downe. The aged wife right chare and busie as
- A Bee, set out a table, of the which the thirde foote was
- A little shorter than the rest. A tylesherd made it even
- And tooke away the shoringnesse: and when they had it driven
- To stand up levell, with greene Mintes they by and by it wipte.
- Then set they on it Pallas fruite with double colour stripte.
- And Cornels kept in pickle moyst, and Endive, and a roote
- Of Radish, and a jolly lump of Butter fresh and soote,
- And Egges reare rosted. All these Cates in earthen dishes came.
- Then set they downe a graven cup made also of the same
- Selfe kinde of Plate, and Mazers made of Beech whose inner syde
- Was rubd with yellow wax. And when they pawsed had a tyde,
- Hot meate came pyping from the fyre. And shortly thereupon
- A cup of greene hedg wyne was brought. This tane away, anon
- Came in the latter course, which was of Nuts, Dates, dryed figges,
- Sweete smelling Apples in a Mawnd made flat of Osier twigges,
- And Prunes and Plums and Purple grapes cut newly from the tree,
- And in the middes a honnycomb new taken from the Bee.
- Besydes all this there did ensew good countnance overmore,
- With will not poore nor nigardly. Now all the whyle before,
- As ofen as Philemon and Dame Baucis did perceyve
- The emptie Cup to fill alone, and wyne to still receyve,
- Amazed at the straungenesse of the thing, they gan streyght way
- With fearfull harts and hands hilld up to frame themselves to pray.
- Desyring for theyr slender cheere and fare to pardoned bee.
- They had but one poore Goose which kept theyr little Tennantree,
- And this to offer to the Gods theyr guestes they did intend.
- The Gander wyght of wing did make the slow old folke to spend
- Theyr paynes in vayne, and mokt them long. At length he seemd to flye
- For succor to the Gods themselves, who bade he should not dye.
- For wee bee Gods (quoth they) and all this wicked towneship shall
- Abye their gylt. On you alone this mischeef shall not fall.
- No more but give you up your house, and follow up this hill
- Togither, and upon the top therof abyde our will.
- They bothe obeyd. And as the Gods did lead the way before,
- They lagged slowly after with theyr staves, and labored sore
- Ageinst the rysing of the hill. They were not mickle more
- Than full a flyghtshot from the top, when looking backe they saw
- How all the towne was drowned save their lyttle shed of straw.
- And as they wondred at the thing and did bewayle the case
- Of those that had theyr neyghbours beene, the old poore Cote so base
- Whereof they had beene owners erst, became a Church. The proppes
- Were turned into pillars huge. The straw uppon the toppes
- Was yellow, so that all the roof did seeme of burnisht gold:
- The floore with Marble paved was. The doores on eyther fold
- Were graven. At the sight hereof Philemon and his make
- Began to pray in feare. Then Jove thus gently them bespake:
- Declare thou ryghtuowse man, and thou woman meete to have
- A ryghtuowse howsband, what yee would most cheefly wish or crave.
- Philemon taking conference a little with his wyfe,
- Declared bothe theyr meenings thus: We covet during lyfe,
- Your Chapleynes for to bee to keepe your Temple. And bycause
- Our yeeres in concord wee have spent, I pray when death neere drawes,
- Let bothe of us togither leave our lives: that neyther I
- Behold my wyves deceace, nor shee see myne when I doo dye.
- Theyr wish had sequele to theyr will. As long as lyfe did last,
- They kept the Church. And beeing spent with age of yeares forepast,
- By chaunce as standing on a tyme without the Temple doore
- They told the fortune of the place, Philemon old and poore
- Saw Baucis floorish greene with leaves, and Baucis saw likewyse
- Philemon braunching out in boughes and twigs before hir eyes.
- And as the Bark did overgrow the heades of both, eche spake
- To other whyle they myght. At last they eche of them did take
- Theyr leave of other bothe at once, and therewithall the bark
- Did hyde theyr faces both at once. The Phrygians in that park
- Doo at this present day still shew the trees that shaped were
- Of theyr two bodies, growing yit togither joyntly there.
- Theis things did auncient men report of credit verie good.
- For why there was no cause why they should lye. As I there stood
- I saw the garlands hanging on the boughes, and adding new
- I sayd: Let them whom God dooth love be Gods, and honor dew
- Bee given to such as honor him with feare and reverence trew.
- He hilld his peace, and bothe the thing and he that did it tell
- Did move them all, but Theseus most. Whom being mynded well
- To heere of woondrous things, the brooke of Calydon thus bespake:
- There are, O valiant knyght, sum folke that had the powre to take
- Straunge shape for once, and all their lyves continewed in the same.
- And other sum to sundrie shapes have power themselves to frame,
- As thou, O Protew, dwelling in the sea that cleepes the land.
- For now a yoonker, now a boare, anon a Lyon, and
- Streyght way thou didst become a Snake, and by and by a Bull
- That people were afrayd of thee to see thy horned skull.
- And oftentymes thou seemde a stone, and now and then a tree,
- And counterfetting water sheere thou seemedst oft to bee
- A River: and another whyle contrarie thereunto
- Thou wart a fyre. No lesser power than also thus to doo
- Had Erisicthons daughter whom Awtolychus tooke to wyfe.
- Her father was a person that despysed all his lyfe
- The powre of Gods, and never did vouchsauf them sacrifyse.
- He also is reported to have heawen in wicked wyse
- The grove of Ceres, and to fell her holy woods which ay
- Had undiminisht and unhackt continewed to that day.
- There stood in it a warrie Oke which was a wood alone.
- Uppon it round hung fillets, crownes, and tables, many one,
- The vowes of such as had obteynd theyr hearts desyre. Full oft
- The Woodnymphes underneath this tree did fetch theyr frisks aloft
- And oftentymes with hand in hand they daunced in a round
- About the Trunk, whose bignesse was of timber good and sound
- Full fifteene fadom. All the trees within the wood besyde,
- Were unto this, as weedes to them: so farre it did them hyde.
- Yit could not this move Triops sonne his axe therefro to hold,
- But bade his servants cut it downe. And when he did behold
- Them stunting at his hest, he snatcht an axe with furious mood
- From one of them, and wickedly sayd thus: Although thys wood
- Not only were the derling of the Goddesse, but also
- The Goddesse even herself: yet would I make it ere I go
- To kisse the clowers with her top that pranks with braunches so.
- This spoken, as he sweakt his axe asyde to fetch his blow,
- The manast Oke did quake and sygh, the Acornes that did grow
- Thereon togither with the leaves to wex full pale began,
- And shrinking in for feare the boughes and braunches looked wan.
- As soone as that his cursed hand had wounded once the tree,
- The blood came spinning from the carf, as freshly as yee see
- It issue from a Bullocks necke whose throte is newly cut
- Before the Altar, when his flesh to sacrifyse is put.
- They were amazed everychone. And one among them all
- To let the wicked act, durst from the tree his hatchet call.
- The lewd Thessalian facing him sayd: Take thou heere to thee
- The guerdon of thy godlynesse, and turning from the tree,
- He chopped off the fellowes head. Which done, he went agen
- And heawed on the Oke. Streight from amid the tree as then
- There issued such a sound as this: Within this tree dwell I
- A Nymph to Ceres very deere, who now before I dye
- In comfort of my death doo give thee warning thou shalt bye
- Thy dooing deere within a whyle. He goeth wilfully
- Still thorrough with his wickednesse, untill at length the Oke
- Pulld partly by the force of ropes, and cut with axis stroke,
- Did fall, and with his weyght bare downe of under wood great store.
- The Wood nymphes with the losses of the woods and theyrs ryght sore
- Amazed, gathered on a knot, and all in mourning weede
- Went sad to Ceres, praying her to wreake that wicked deede
- Of Erisicthons. Ceres was content it should bee so.
- And with the moving of her head in nodding to and fro,
- Shee shooke the feeldes which laden were with frutefull Harvest tho,
- And therewithall a punishment most piteous shee proceedes
- To put in practyse: were it not that his most heynous deedes
- No pitie did deserve to have at any bodies hand.
- With helpelesse hungar him to pyne, in purpose shee did stand.
- And forasmuch as shee herself and Famin myght not meete
- (For fate forbiddeth Famin to abyde within the leete
- Where plentie is) shee thus bespake a fayrie of the hill:
- There lyeth in the utmost bounds of Tartarie the chill
- A Dreerie place, a wretched soyle, a barreine plot: no grayne,
- No frute, no tree, is growing there: but there dooth ay remayne
- Unweeldsome cold, with trembling feare, and palenesse white as clowt,
- And foodlesse Famin. Will thou her immediatly withowt
- Delay to shed herself into the stomacke of the wretch,
- And let no plentie staunch her force but let her working stretch
- Above the powre of mee. And lest the longnesse of the way
- May make thee wearie, take thou heere my charyot: take I say
- My draggons for to beare thee through the aire.
- In saving so
- She gave hir them. The Nymph mounts up, and flying thence as tho
- Alyghts in Scythy land, and up the cragged top of hye
- Mount Caucasus did cause hir Snakes with much adoo to stye.
- Where seeking long for Famin, shee the gaptoothd elfe did spye
- Amid a barreine stony feeld a ramping up the grasse
- With ougly nayles and chanking it. Her face pale colourd was.
- Hir heare was harsh and shirle, her eyes were sunken in her head.
- Her lyppes were hore with filth, her teeth were furd and rusty red.
- Her skinne was starched, and so sheere a man myght well espye
- The verie bowels in her bulk how every one did lye.
- And eke above her courbed loynes her withered hippes were seene.
- In stead of belly was a space where belly should have beene.
- Her brest did hang so sagging downe as that a man would weene
- That scarcely to her ridgebone had hir ribbes beene fastened well.
- Her leannesse made her joynts bolne big, and kneepannes for to swell.
- And with exceeding mighty knubs her heeles behynd boynd out.
- Now when the Nymph behild this elfe afarre, (she was in dout
- To come too neere her:) shee declarde her Ladies message. And
- In that same little whyle although the Nymph aloof did stand,
- And though shee were but newly come, yit seemed shee to feele
- The force of Famin. Wheruppon shee turning backe her wheele
- Did reyne her dragons up aloft: who streyght with courage free
- Conveyd her into Thessaly. Although that Famin bee
- Ay contrarye to Ceres woork, yit did shee then agree
- To do her will and glyding through the Ayre supported by
- The wynd, she found th'appoynted house: and entring by and by
- The caytifs chamber where he slept (it was in tyme of nyght)
- Shee hugged him betweene her armes there snorting bolt upryght,
- And breathing her into him, blew uppon his face and brest,
- That hungar in his emptie veynes myght woorke as hee did rest.
- And when she had accomplished her charge, shee then forsooke
- The frutefull Clymates of the world, and home ageine betooke
- Herself untoo her frutelesse feeldes and former dwelling place.
- The gentle sleepe did all this whyle with fethers soft embrace
- The wretched Erisicthons corse. Who dreaming streight of meate
- Did stirre his hungry jawes in vayne as though he had to eate
- And chanking tooth on tooth apace he gryndes them in his head,
- And occupies his emptie throte with swallowing, and in stead
- Of food devoures the lither ayre. But when that sleepe with nyght
- Was shaken off, immediatly a furious appetite
- Of feeding gan to rage in him, which in his greedy gummes
- And in his meatlesse maw dooth reigne unstauncht. Anon there cummes
- Before him whatsoever lives on sea, in aire or land:
- And yit he crieth still for more. And though the platters stand
- Before his face full furnished, yit dooth he still complayne
- Of hungar, craving meate at meale. The food that would susteine
- Whole householdes, Towneships, Shyres and Realmes suffyce not him alone.
- The more his pampred paunch consumes, the more it maketh mone
- And as the sea receyves the brookes of all the worldly Realmes,
- And yit is never satisfyde for all the forreine streames,
- And as the fell and ravening fyre refuseth never wood,
- But burneth faggots numberlesse, and with a furious mood
- The more it hath, the more it still desyreth evermore,
- Encreacing in devouring through encreasement of the store:
- So wicked Erisicthons mouth in swallowing of his meate
- Was ever hungry more and more, and longed ay to eate.
- Meate tolld in meate: and as he ate the place was empty still.
- The hungar of his brinklesse Maw, the gulf that nowght might fill,
- Had brought his fathers goods to nowght. But yit continewed ay
- His cursed hungar unappeasd: and nothing could alay I
- The flaming of his starved throte. At length when all was spent,
- And into his unfilled Maw bothe goods and lands were sent,
- An only daughter did remayne unworthy to have had
- So lewd a father. Hir he sold, so hard he was bestad.
- But shee of gentle courage could no bondage well abyde.
- And therfore stretching out her hands to seaward there besyde,
- Now save mee, quoth shee, from the yoke of bondage I thee pray,
- O thou that my virginitie enjoyest as a pray.
- Neptunus had it. Who to this her prayer did consent.
- And though her maister looking backe (for after him shee went)
- Had newly seene her: yit he turnd hir shape and made hir man,
- And gave her looke of fisherman. Her mayster looking than
- Upon her, sayd: Good fellow, thou that on the shore doost stand
- With angling rod and bayted hooke and hanging lyne in hand,
- I pray thee as thou doost desyre the Sea ay calme to thee,
- And fishes for to byght thy bayt, and striken still to bee,
- Tell where the frizzletopped wench in course and sluttish geere
- That stoode right now uppon this shore (for well I wote that heere
- I saw her standing) is become. For further than this place
- No footestep is appeering. Shee perceyving by the cace
- That Neptunes gift made well with her, and beeing glad to see
- Herself enquyrd for of herself, sayd thus: Who ere you bee
- I pray you for to pardon mee. I turned not myne eye
- A t'one syde ne a toother from this place, but did apply
- My labor hard. And that you may the lesser stand in dowt,
- So Neptune further still the Art and craft I go abowt,
- As now a whyle no living Wyght uppon this levell sand
- (Myself excepted) neyther man nor woman heere did stand.
- Her maister did beleeve her words: and turning backward went
- His way beguyld: and streight to her her native shape was sent.
- But when her father did perceyve his daughter for to have
- A bodye so transformable, he oftentymes her gave
- For monny. But the damzell still escaped, now a Mare
- And now a Cow, and now a Bird, a Hart, a Hynd, or Hare,
- And ever fed her hungry Syre with undeserved fare.
- But after that the maladie had wasted all the meates
- As well of store as that which shee had purchast by her feates:
- Most cursed keytife as he was, with bighting hee did rend
- His flesh, and by diminishing his bodye did intend
- To feede his bodye, till that death did speede his fatall end.
- But what meene I to busye mee in forreine matters thus?
- To alter shapes within precinct is lawfull even to us,
- My Lords. For sumtime I am such as you do now mee see,
- Sumtyme I wynd mee in a Snake: and oft I seeme to bee
- A Capteine of the herd with homes. For taking homes on mee
- I lost a tyne which heeretofore did arme mee as the print
- Dooth playnly shew. With that same word he syghed and did stint.
- Finis octaui Libri.
- of Ouids Metamorphosis
- hat ayleth thee (quoth Theseus) to sygh so sore? and how
- Befell it thee to get this mayme that is uppon thy brow?
- The noble streame of Calydon made answer, who did weare
- A Garland made of reedes and flags upon his sedgie heare:
- A greeveus pennance you enjoyne. For who would gladly show
- The combats in the which himself did take the overthrow?
- Yit will I make a just report in order of the same.
- For why? to have the woorser hand was not so great a shame,
- As was the honor such a match to undertake. And much
- It comforts mee that he who did mee overcome, was such
- A valiant champion. If perchaunce you erst have heard the name
- Of Deyanyre, the fayrest Mayd that ever God did frame
- Shee was in myne opinion. And the hope to win her love
- Did mickle envy and debate among hir wooers move.
- With whome I entring to the house of him that should have bee
- My fathrilaw: Parthaons sonne (I sayd) accept thou mee
- Thy Sonnylaw. And Hercules in selfsame sort did woo.
- And all the other suters streight gave place unto us two.
- He vaunted of his father Ioue, and of his famous deedes,
- And how ageinst his stepdames spyght his prowesse still proceedes.
- And I ageine a toother syde sayd thus: It is a shame
- That God should yeeld to man. (This stryfe was long ere he became
- A God). Thou seeist mee a Lord of waters in thy Realme
- Where I in wyde and wynding banks doo beare my flowing streame.
- No straunger shalt thou have of mee sent farre from forreine land:
- But one of household, or at least a neyghbour heere at hand.
- Alonly let it bee to mee no hindrance that the wyfe
- Of Jove abhorres mee not, ne that upon the paine of lyfe
- Shee sets mee not to talk. For where thou bostest thee to bee
- Alcmenas sonne, Ioue eyther is not father unto thee:
- Or if he bee it is by sin. In making Ioue thy father,
- Thou maakst thy mother but a whore. Now choose thee whither rather
- Thou had to graunt this tale of Ioue surmised for to bee,
- Or else thy selfe begot in shame and borne in bastardee.
- At that he grimly bendes his browes, and much adoo he hath
- To hold his hands, so sore his hart inflamed is with wrath.
- He said no more but thus: My hand dooth serve mee better than
- My toong. Content I am (so I in feighting vanquish can)
- That thou shalt overcome in wordes. And therewithall he gan
- Mee feercely to assaile. Mee thought it was a shame for mee
- That had even now so stoutly talkt, in dooings faint to bee.
- I casting off my greenish cloke thrust stifly out at length
- Mine armes and streynd my pawing armes to hold him out by strength,
- And framed every limme to cope. With both his hollow hands
- He caught up dust and sprincked mee: and I likewise with sands
- Made him all yelow too. One whyle hee at my necke dooth snatch
- Another whyle my cleere crisp legges he striveth for to catch,
- Or trippes at mee: and everywhere the vauntage he dooth watch.
- My weightinesse defended mee, and cleerly did disfeate
- His stoute assaults as when a wave with hideous noyse dooth beate
- Against a Rocke, the Rocke dooth still both sauf and sound abyde
- By reason of his massinesse. Wee drew a whyle asyde.
- And then incountring fresh ageine, wee kept our places stowt
- Full minded not to yeeld an inch, but for to hold it owt.
- Now were wee stonding foote to foote. And I with all my brest
- Was leaning forward, and with head ageinst his head did rest,
- And with my gryping fingars I ageinst his fingars thrust.
- So have I seene two myghtie Bulles togither feercely just
- In seeking as their pryse to have the fayrest Cow in all
- The feeld to bee their make, and all the herd bothe greate and small
- Stand gazing on them fearfully not knowing unto which
- The conquest of so greate a gayne shall fall. Three tymes a twich
- Gave Hercules and could not wrinch my leaning brest him fro
- But at the fourth he shooke mee off and made mee to let go
- My hold: and with a push (I will tell truthe) he had a knacke
- To turne me off, and heavily he hung upon my backe.
- And if I may beleeved bee (as sure I meene not I
- To vaunt my selfe vayngloriusly by telling of a lye,)
- Mee thought a mountaine whelmed me. But yit with much adoo
- I wrested in my sweating armes, and hardly did undoo
- His griping hands. He following still his vauntage, suffred not
- Mee once to breath or gather strength, but by and by he got
- Mee by the necke. Then was I fayne to sinke with knee to ground,
- And kisse the dust. Now when in strength too weake myself I found,
- I tooke mee to my slights, and slipt in shape of Snake away
- Of wondrous length. And when that I of purpose him to fray
- Did bend myself in swelling rolles, and made a hideous noyse
- Of hissing with my forked toong, he smyling at my toyes,
- And laughing them to scorne sayd thus: It is my Cradle game
- To vanquish Snakes, O Acheloy. Admit thou overcame
- All other Snakes, yet what art thou compared to the Snake
- Of Lerna, who by cutting off did still encreasement take?
- For of a hundred heades not one so soone was paarde away,
- But that uppon the stump therof there budded other tway.
- This sprouting Snake whose braunching heads by slaughter did revive
- And grow by cropping, I subdewd, and made it could not thryve.
- And thinkest thou (who being none wouldst seeme a Snake) to scape?
- Who doost with foorged weapons feyght and under borowed shape?
- This sayd, his fingars of my necke he fastned in the nape.
- Mee thought he graand my throte as though he did with pinsons nip.
- I struggled from his churlish thumbes my pinched chappes to slip
- But doo the best and worst I could he overcame mee so.
- Then thirdly did remayne the shape of Bull, and quickly tho
- I turning to the shape of Bull rebelld ageinst my fo.
- He stepping to my left syde cloce, did fold his armes about
- My wattled necke, and following mee then running maynely out
- Did drag mee backe, and made mee pitch my hornes against the ground,
- And in the deepest of the sand he overthrew mee round.
- And yit not so content, such hold his cruell hand did take
- Uppon my welked horne, that he asunder quight it brake,
- And pulld it from my maymed brew. The waterfayries came
- And filling it with frute and flowres did consecrate the same,
- And so my horne the Tresory of plenteousnesse became.
- As soone as Acheloy had told this tale a wayting Mayd
- With flaring heare that lay on both hir shoulders and arrayd
- Like one of Dame Dianas Nymphes with solemne grace forth came
- And brought that rich and precious horne, and heaped in the same
- All kynd of frutes that Harvest sendes, and specially such frute
- As serves for latter course at meales of every sort and sute.
- As soone as daylight came ageine, and that the Sunny rayes
- Did shyne upon the tops of things, the Princes went their wayes.
- They would not tarry till the floud were altogither falne
- And that the River in his banks ran low ageine and calme.
- Then Acheloy amid his waves his Crabtree face did hyde
- And head disarmed of a home.
- And though he did abyde
- In all parts else bothe sauf and sound, yit this deformitye
- Did cut his comb: and for to hyde this blemish from the eye
- He hydes his hurt with Sallow leaves, or else with sedge and reede.
- But of the selfsame Mayd the love killd thee, feerce Nesse, in deede,
- When percing swiftly through thy back an arrow made thee bleede.
- For as Joves issue with his wyfe was onward on his way
- In going to his countryward, enforst he was to stay
- At swift Euenus bank, bycause the streame was risen sore
- Above his bounds through rage of rayne that fell but late before.
- Agein so full of whoorlpooles and of gulles the channell was,
- That scarce a man could any where fynd place of passage. As
- Not caring for himself but for his wyfe he there did stand,
- This Nessus came unto him (who was strong of body and
- Knew well the foordes), and sayd: Use thou thy strength, O Hercules,
- In swimming. I will fynd the meanes this Ladie shall with ease
- Bee set uppon the further bank. So Hercules betooke
- His wyfe to Nessus. Shee for feare of him and of the brooke
- Lookte pale. Her husband as he had his quiver by his syde
- Of arrowes full, and on his backe his heavy Lyons hyde,
- (For to the further bank he erst his club and bow had cast)
- Said: Sith I have begonne, this brooke bothe must and shalbee past.
- He never casteth further doubts, nor seekes the calmest place,
- But through the roughest of the streame he cuts his way apace.
- Now as he on the furthersyde was taking up his bow,
- His heard his wedlocke shreeking out, and did hir calling know:
- And cryde to Nesse (who went about to deale unfaythfully
- In running with his charge away): Whoa, whither doost thou fly,
- Thou Royster thou, uppon vaine hope by swiftnesse to escape
- My hands? I say give eare thou Nesse for all thy double shape,
- And meddle not with that thats myne. Though no regard of mee
- Might move thee to refrayne from rape, thy father yit might bee
- A warning, who for offring shame to Juno now dooth feele
- Continuall torment in his limbes by turning on a wheele.
- For all that thou hast horses feete which doo so bolde thee make,
- Yit shalt thou not escape my hands. I will thee overtake
- With wound and not with feete. He did according as he spake.
- For with an arrow as he fled he strake him through the backe,
- And out before his brist ageine the hooked iron stacke.
- And when the same was pulled out, the blood amayne ensewd
- At both the holes with poyson foule of Lerna Snake embrewd:
- This blood did Nessus take, and said within himselfe: Well: sith
- I needes must dye, yet will I not dye unrevendgd. And with
- The same he staynd a shirt, and gave it unto Dyanyre,
- Assuring hir it had the powre to kindle Cupids fyre.
- A greate whyle after when the deedes of worthy Hercules
- Were such as filled all the world, and also did appease
- The hatred of his stepmother, as he uppon a day
- With conquest from Oechalia came, and was abowt to pay
- His vowes to Jove uppon the Mount of Cenye, tatling fame
- (Who in reporting things of truth delyghts to sauce the same
- With tales, and of a thing of nowght dooth ever greater grow
- Through false and newly forged lyes that shee hirself dooth sow)
- Told Dyanyre that Hercules did cast a liking to
- A Ladie called Iolee. And Dyanyra (whoo
- Was jealous over Hercules,) gave credit to the same.
- And when that of a Leman first the tidings to hir came,
- She being striken to the hart, did fall to teares alone,
- And in a lamentable wise did make most wofull mone.
- Anon she said: what meene theis teares thus gushing from myne eyen?
- My husbands Leman will rejoyce at theis same teares of myne.
- Nay, sith she is to come, the best it were to shonne delay,
- And for to woork sum new devyce and practyse whyle I may,
- Before that in my bed her limbes the filthy strumpet lay.
- And shall I then complayne? or shall I hold my toong with skill?
- Shall I returne to Calydon? or shall I tarry still?
- Or shall I get me out of doores, and let them have their will?
- What if that I (Meleager) remembring mee to bee
- Thy suster, to attempt sum act notorious did agree?
- And in a harlots death did shew (that all the world myght see)
- What greef can cause the womankynd to enterpryse among?
- And specially when thereunto they forced are by wrong.
- With wavering thoughts ryght violently her mynd was tossed long.
- At last shee did preferre before all others, for to send
- The shirt bestayned with the blood of Nessus to the end
- To quicken up the quayling love. And so not knowing what
- She gave, she gave her owne remorse and greef to Lychas that
- Did know as little as herself: and wretched woman, shee
- Desyrd him gently to her Lord presented it to see.
- The noble Prince receyving it without mistrust therein,
- Did weare the poyson of the Snake of Lerna next his skin.
- To offer incense and to pray to Jove he did begin,
- And on the Marble Altar he full boawles of wyne did shed,
- When as the poyson with the heate resolving, largely spred
- Through all the limbes of Hercules. As long as ere he could,
- The stoutnesse of his hart was such, that sygh no whit he would.
- But when the mischeef grew so great all pacience to surmount,
- He thrust the altar from him streight, and filled all the mount
- Of Oeta with his roring out. He went about to teare
- The deathfull garment from his backe, but where he pulled, there
- He pulld away the skin: and (which is lothsum to report)
- It eyther cleaved to his limbes and members in such sort
- As that he could not pull it off, or else it tare away
- The flesh, that bare his myghty bones and grisly sinewes lay.
- The scalding venim boyling in his blood, did make it hisse,
- As when a gad of steel red hot in water quenched is.
- There was no measure of his paine. The frying venim hent
- His inwards, and a purple swet from all his body went.
- His sindged sinewes shrinking crakt, and with a secret strength
- The povson even within his bones the Maree melts at length.
- And holding up his hands to heaven, he sayd, with hideous reere:
- O Saturnes daughter, feede thy selfe on my distresses heere.
- Yea feede, and, cruell wyght, this plage behold thou from above
- And glut thy savage hart therewith. Or if thy fo may move
- Thee unto pitie, (for to thee I am an utter fo)
- Bereeve mee of my hatefull soule distrest with helplesse wo,
- And borne to endlesse toyle. For death shall unto mee bee sweete,
- And for a cruell stepmother is death a gift most meetc.
- And is it I that did destroy Busiris, who did foyle
- His temple floores with straungers blood? Ist I that did dispoyle
- Antaeus of his mothers help? Ist I that could not bee
- Abashed at the Spanyard who in one had bodies three?
- Nor at the trypleheaded shape, O Cerberus, of thee?
- Are you the hands that by the homes the Bull of Candie drew?
- Did you king Augies stable clenze whom afterward yee slew?
- Are you the same by whom the fowles were scaard from Stymphaly?
- Caught you the Stag in Maydenwood which did not runne but fly?
- Are you the hands whose puissance receyved for your pay
- The golden belt of Thermodon? Did you convey away
- The Apples from the Dragon fell that waked nyght and day?
- Ageinst the force of mee, defence the Centaures could not make,
- Nor yit the Boare of Arcadie: nor yit the ougly Snake
- Of Lerna, who by losse did grow and dooble force still take.
- What? is it I that did behold the pampyred Jades of Thrace
- With Maungers full of flesh of men on which they fed apace?
- Ist I that downe at syght thereof theyr greazy Maungers threw,
- And bothe the fatted Jades themselves and eke their mayster slew?
- The Nemean Lyon by theis armes lyes dead uppon the ground.
- Theis armes the monstruous Giant Cake by Tyber did confound.
- Uppon theis shoulders have I borne the weyght of all the skie.
- Joves cruell wyfe is weerye of commaunding mee. Yit I
- Unweerie am of dooing still. But now on mee is lyght
- An uncoth plage, which neyther force of hand, nor vertues myght,
- Nor Arte is able to resist. Like wasting fyre it spreedes
- Among myne inwards, and through out on all my body feedes.
- But all this whyle Eurysthye lives in health. And sum men may
- Beeleve there bee sum Goddes in deede. Thus much did Hercule say.
- And wounded over Oeta hygh, he stalking gan to stray,
- As when a Bull in maymed bulk a deadly dart dooth beare,
- And that the dooer of the deede is shrunke asyde for feare.
- Oft syghing myght you him have seene, oft trembling, oft about
- To teare the garment with his hands from top to toe throughout,
- And throwing downe the myghtye trees, and chaufing with the hilles,
- Or casting up his handes to heaven where Jove his father dwelles.
- Behold as Lychas trembling in a hollow rock did lurk,
- He spyed him. And as his greef did all in furie woork,
- He sayd: Art thou, syr Lychas, he that broughtest unto mee
- This plagye present? of my death must thou the woorker bee?
- Hee quaakt and shaakt, and looked pale, and fearfully gan make
- Excuse. But as with humbled hands hee kneeling to him spake,
- The furious Hercule caught him up, and swindging him about
- His head a halfe a doozen tymes or more, he floong him out
- Into th'Euboyan sea with force surmounting any sling.
- He hardened into peble stone as in the ayre he hing.
- And even as rayne conjeald by wynd is sayd to turne to snowe,
- And of the snow round rolled up a thicker masse to growe,
- Which falleth downe in hayle: so men in auncient tyme report,
- That Lychas beeing swindgd about by violence in that sort,
- (His blood then beeing drayned out, and having left at all
- No moysture,) into peble stone was turned in his fall.
- Now also in th'Euboyan sea appeeres a hygh short rocke
- In shape of man ageinst the which the shipmen shun to knocke,
- As though it could them feele, and they doo call it by the name
- Of Lychas still. But thou Joves imp of great renowme and fame,
- Didst fell the trees of Oeta high, and making of the same
- A pyle, didst give to Poeans sonne thy quiver and thy bow,
- And arrowes which should help agein Troy towne to overthrow.
- He put to fyre, and as the same was kindling in the pyle,
- Thy selfe didst spred thy Lyons skin upon the wood the whyle,
- And leaning with thy head ageinst thy Club, thou laydst thee downe
- As cheerfully, as if with flowres and garlonds on thy crowne
- Thou hadst beene set a banquetting among full cups of wyne.
- Anon on every syde about those carelesse limbes of thyne
- The fyre began to gather strength, and crackling noyse did make,
- Assayling him whose noble hart for daliance did it take.
- The Goddes for this defender of the earth were sore afrayd
- To whom with cheerefull countnance Jove perceyving it thus sayd:
- This feare of yours is my delyght, and gladly even with all
- My hart I doo rejoyce, O Gods, that mortall folk mee call
- Their king and father, thinking mee ay myndfull of their weale,
- And that myne offspring should doo well your selves doo show such zeale.
- For though that you doo attribute your favor to desert,
- Considring his most woondrous acts: yit I too for my part
- Am bound unto you. Nerethelesse, for that I would not have
- Your faythfull harts without just cause in fearfull passions wave,
- I would not have you of the flames in Oeta make account.
- For as he hath all other things, so shall he them surmount.
- Save only on that part that he hath taken of his mother,
- The fyre shall have no power at all. Eternall is the tother,
- The which he takes of mee, and cannot dye, ne yeeld to fyre.
- When this is rid of earthly drosse, then will I lift it hygher,
- And take it unto heaven: and I beleeve this deede of myne
- Will gladsome bee to all the Gods. If any doo repyne,
- If any doo repyne, I say, that Hercule should become
- A God, repyne he still for mee, and looke he sowre and glum.
- But let him know that Hercules deserveth this reward,
- And that he shall ageinst his will alow it afterward.
- The Gods assented everychone. And Juno seemd to make
- No evill countnance to the rest, untill hir husband spake
- The last. For then her looke was such as well they might perceyve,
- Shee did her husbands noting her in evil part conceyve.
- Whyle Jove was talking with the Gods, as much as fyre could waste
- So much had fyre consumde. And now, O Hercules, thou haste
- No carkesse for to know thee by. That part is quyght bereft
- Which of thy mother thou didst take. Alonly now is left
- The likenesse that thou tookst of Jove. And as the Serpent slye
- In casting of his withered slough, renewes his yeeres thereby,
- And wexeth lustyer than before, and looketh crisp and bryght
- With scoured scales: so Hercules as soone as that his spryght
- Had left his mortall limbes, gan in his better part to thryve,
- And for to seeme a greater thing than when he was alyve,
- And with a stately majestie ryght reverend to appeere.
- His myghty father tooke him up above the cloudy spheere,
- And in a charyot placed him among the streaming starres.
- Huge Atlas felt the weyght thereof. But nothing this disbarres
- Eurysthyes malice. Cruelly he prosecutes the hate
- Uppon the offspring, which he bare ageinst the father late.
- But yit to make her mone unto and wayle her miserie
- And tell her sonnes great woorkes, which all the world could testifie,
- Old Alcmen had Dame Iolee. By Hercules last will
- In wedlocke and in hartie love shee joyned was to Hill,
- By whome shee then was big with chyld: when thus Alcmena sayd:
- The Gods at least bee mercifull and send thee then theyr ayd,
- And short thy labor, when the fruite the which thou goste withall
- Now beeing rype enforceth thee wyth fearfull voyce to call
- Uppon Ilithya, president of chyldbirthes, whom the ire
- Of Juno at my travailing made deaf to my desire.
- For when the Sun through twyce fyve signes his course had fully run,
- And that the paynfull day of birth approched of my sonne,
- My burthen strayned out my wombe, and that that I did beare
- Became so greate, that of so huge a masse yee well myght sweare
- That Jove was father. Neyther was I able to endure
- The travail any lenger tyme. Even now I you assure
- In telling it a shuddring cold through all my limbes dooth strike,
- And partly it renewes my peynes to thinke uppon the like.
- I beeing in most cruell throwes nyghts seven and dayes eke seven,
- And tyred with continuall pangs, did lift my hands to heaven,
- And crying out aloud did call Lucina to myne ayd,
- To loose the burthen from my wombe. Shee came as I had prayd:
- But so corrupted long before by Juno my most fo,
- That for to martir mee to death with peyne she purposde tho.
- For when shee heard my piteous plaints and gronings, downe shee sate
- On yon same altar which you see there standing at my gate.
- Upon her left knee shee had pitcht her right ham, and besyde
- Shee stayd the birth with fingars one within another tyde
- In lattiswyse. And secretly she whisperde witching spells
- Which hindred my deliverance more than all her dooings ells.
- I labord still: and forst by payne and torments of my Fitts,
- I rayld on Jove (although in vayne) as one besyde her witts.
- And av I wished for to dye. The woords that I did speake,
- Were such as even the hardest stones of very flint myght breake.
- The wyves of Thebee beeing there, for sauf deliverance prayd
- And giving cheerfull woords, did bid I should not bee dismayd.
- Among the other women there that to my labor came,
- There was an honest yeomans wyfe, Galantis was her name.
- Her heare was yellow as the gold, she was a jolly Dame.
- And stoutly served mee, and I did love her for the same.
- This wyfe (I know not how) did smell some packing gone about
- On Junos part. And as she oft was passing in and out,
- Shee spyde Lucina set uppon the altar holding fast
- Her armes togither on her knees, and with her fingars cast
- Within ech other on a knot, and sayd unto her thus:
- I pray you who so ere you bee, rejoyce you now with us,
- My Lady Alcmen hath her wish, and sauf is brought abed.
- Lucina leaped up amazde at that that shee had sed,
- And let her hands asunder slip. And I immediatly
- With loosening of the knot, had sauf deliverance by and by.
- They say that in deceyving Dame Lucina Galant laught.
- And therfore by the yellow locks the Goddesse wroth hir caught,
- And dragged her. And as she would have risen from the ground,
- She kept her downe, and into legges her armes shee did confound.
- Her former stoutnesse still remaynes: her backe dooth keepe the hew
- That erst was in her heare: her shape is only altered new.
- And for with lying mouth shee helpt a woman laboring, shee
- Dooth kindle also at her mouth. And now she haunteth free
- Our houses as shee did before, a Weasle as wee see.
- With that shee syghes to think uppon her servants hap, and then
- Her daughtrinlaw immediatly replied thus agen:
- But mother, shee whose altred shape dooth move your hart so sore,
- Was neyther kith nor kin to you. What will you say therefore,
- If of myne owne deere suster I the woondrous fortune show,
- Although my sorrow and the teares that from myne eyes doo flow,
- Doo hinder mee, and stop my speeche? Her mother (you must know
- My father by another wyfe had mee) bare never mo
- But this same Ladie Dryopee, the fayrest Ladye tho
- In all the land of Oechalye. Whom beeing then no mayd
- (For why the God of Delos and of Delphos had her frayd)
- Andraemon taketh to hys wyfe, and thinkes him well apayd.
- There is a certaine leaning Lake whose bowing banks doo show
- A likenesse of the salt sea shore. Uppon the brim doo grow
- All round about it Mirtletrees. My suster thither goes
- Unwares what was her destinie, and (which you may suppose
- Was more to bee disdeyned at) the cause of comming there
- Was to the fayries of the Lake fresh garlonds for to beare.
- And in her armes a babye her sweete burthen shee did hold.
- Who sucking on her brest was yit not full a twelvemoonth old.
- Not farre from this same pond did grow a Lote tree florisht gay
- With purple flowres and beries sweete, and leaves as greene as Bay.
- Of theis same flowres to please her boy my suster gathered sum,
- And I had thought to doo so too, for I was thither cum.
- I saw how from the slivered flowres red drops of blood did fall,
- And how that shuddring horribly the braunches quaakt withall.
- You must perceyve that (as too late the Countryfolk declare)
- A Nymph cald Lotos flying from fowle Pryaps filthy ware,
- Was turned into this same tree reserving still her name.
- My suster did not know so much, who when shee backward came
- Afrayd at that that shee had seene, and having sadly prayd
- The Nymphes of pardon, to have gone her way agen assayd:
- Her feete were fastned downe with rootes. Shee stryved all she myght
- To plucke them up, but they so sure within the earth were pyght,
- That nothing save her upper partes shee could that present move.
- A tender barke growes from beneath up leysurly above,
- And softly overspreddes her loynes, which when shee saw, shee went
- About to teare her heare, and full of leaves her hand shee hent.
- Her head was overgrowen with leaves. And little Amphise (so
- Had Eurytus his Graundsyre naamd her sonne not long ago)
- Did feele his mothers dugges wex hard. And as he still them drew
- In sucking, not a whit of milke nor moysture did ensew.
- I standing by thee did behold thy cruell chaunce: but nought
- I could releeve thee, suster myne. Yit to my powre I wrought
- To stay the growing of thy trunk and of thy braunches by
- Embracing thee. Yea I protest I would ryght willingly
- Have in the selfesame barke with thee bene closed up. Behold,
- Her husband, good Andraemon, and her wretched father, old
- Sir Eurytus came thither and enquyrd for Dryopee.
- And as they askt for Dryopee, I shewd them Lote the tree.
- They kist the wood which yit was warme, and falling downe bylow,
- Did hug the rootes of that their tree. My suster now could show
- No part which was not wood except her face. A deawe of teares
- Did stand uppon the wretched leaves late formed of her heares.
- And whyle she might, and whyle her mouth did give her way to speake,
- With such complaynt as this, her mynd shee last or all did breake:
- If credit may bee given to such as are in wretchednesse,
- I sweare by God I never yit deserved this distresse.
- I suffer peyne without desert. My lyfe hath guiltlesse beene.
- And if I lye, I would theis boughes of mine which now are greene,
- Myght withered bee, and I heawen downe and burned in the fyre.
- This infant from his mothers wombe remove you I desyre:
- And put him forth to nurce, and cause him underneath my tree
- Oft tymes to sucke, and oftentymes to play. And when that hee
- Is able for to speake I pray you let him greete mee heere,
- And sadly say: in this same trunk is hid my mother deere.
- But lerne him for to shun all ponds and pulling flowres from trees,
- And let him in his heart beleeve that all the shrubs he sees,
- Are bodyes of the Goddesses. Adew deere husband now,
- Adew deere father, and adew deere suster. And in yow
- If any love of mee remayne, defend my boughes I pray
- From wound of cutting hooke and ax, and bite of beast for ay.
- And for I cannot stoope to you, rayse you yourselves to mee,
- And come and kisse mee whyle I may yit toucht and kissed bee.
- And lift mee up my little boy. I can no lenger talke, ^
- For now about my lillye necke as if it were a stalke
- The tender rynd beginnes to creepe, and overgrowes my top.
- Remove your fingars from my face. The spreading barke dooth stop
- My dying eyes without your help. Shee had no sooner left
- Her talking, but her lyfe therewith togither was bereft.
- But yit a goodwhyle after that her native shape did fade,
- Her newmade boughes continewed warme. Now whyle that Iole made
- Report of this same woondrous tale, and whyle Alcmena (who
- Did weepe) was drying up the teares of Iole weeping too,
- By putting to her thomb: there hapt a sodeine thing so straunge,
- That unto mirth from heavinesse theyr harts it streight did chaunge.
- For at the doore in manner even a very boy as then
- With short soft Downe about his chin, revoked backe agen
- To youthfull yeares, stood Iolay with countnance smooth and trim.
- Dame Hebee, Junos daughter, had bestowde this gift on him,
- Entreated at his earnest sute. Whom mynding fully there
- The giving of like gift ageine to any to forsweare,
- Dame Themis would not suffer. For (quoth shee) this present howre
- Is cruell warre in Thebee towne, and none but Jove hath powre
- To vanquish stately Canapey. The brothers shall alike
- Wound eyther other. And alyve a Prophet shall go seeke
- His owne quicke ghoste among the dead, the earth him swallowing in.
- The sonne by taking vengeance for his fathers death shall win
- The name of kynd and wicked man, in one and selfsame cace.
- And flayght with mischeefes, from his wits and from his native place
- The furies and his mothers ghoste shall restlessely him chace,
- Untill his wyfe demaund of him the fatall gold for meede,
- And that his cousin Phegies swoord doo make his sydes to bleede.
- Then shall the fayre Callirrhoee, Achelous daughter, pray
- The myghty Jove in humble wyse to graunt her children may
- Retyre ageine to youthfull yeeres, and that he will not see
- The death of him that did revenge unvenged for to bee.
- Jove moved at her sute shall cause his daughtrinlaw to give
- Like gift, and backe from age to youth Callirrhoes children drive.
- When Themis through foresyght had spoke theis woords of prophesie,
- The Gods began among themselves vayne talke to multiplie,
- They mooyld why others myght not give like gift as well as shee.
- First Pallants daughter grudged that her husband old should bee.
- The gentle Ceres murmurde that her Iasions heare was hore.
- And Vulcane would have calld ageine the yeeres long spent before
- By Ericthonius. And the nyce Dame Venus having care
- Of tyme to come, the making yong of old Anchises sware.
- So every God had one to whom he speciall favor bare.
- And through this partiall love of theyrs seditiously increast
- A hurlyburly, till the time that Jove among them preast,
- And sayd: So smally doo you stand in awe of mee this howre,
- As thus too rage? Thinkes any of you himself to have such powre,
- As for to alter destinye? I tell you Iolay
- Recovered hath by destinye his yeeres erst past away,
- Callirrhoes children must returne to youth by destiny,
- And not by force of armes, or sute susteynd ambitiously.
- And to th'entent with meelder myndes yee may this matter beare,
- Even I myself by destinyes am rulde. Which if I were
- Of power to alter, thinke you that our Aeacus should stoope
- By reason of his feeble age? or Radamanth should droope?
- Or Minos, who by reason of his age is now disdeynd,
- And lives not in so sure a state as heretofore he reygnd?
- The woords of Jove so movd the Gods that none of them complaynd,
- Sith Radamanth and Aeacus were both with age constreynd:
- And Minos also: who (as long as lusty youth did last,)
- Did even with terror of his name make myghty Realmes agast.
- But then was Minos weakened sore, and greatly stood in feare
- Of Milet, one of Deyons race: who proudly did him beare
- Uppon his father Phoebus and the stoutnesse of his youth.
- And though he feard he would rebell: yit durst he not his mouth
- Once open for to banish him his Realme: untill at last
- Departing of his owne accord, Miletus swiftly past
- The Gotesea and did build a towne uppon the Asian ground,
- Which still reteynes the name of him that first the same did found.
- And there the daughter of the brooke Maeander which dooth go
- So often backward, Cyane, a Nymph of body so
- Exceeding comly as the lyke was seldome heard of, as
- Shee by her fathers wynding bankes for pleasure walking was,
- Was knowen by Milet: unto whom a payre of twinnes shee brought,
- And of the twinnes the names were Caune and Byblis. Byblis ought
- To bee a mirror unto Maydes in lawfull wyse to love.
- This Byblis cast a mynd to Caune, but not as did behove
- A suster to her brotherward. When first of all the fyre
- Did kindle, shee perceyvd it not. Shee thought in her desyre
- Of kissing him so oftentymes no sin, ne yit no harme
- In cleeping him about the necke so often with her arme.
- The glittering glosse of godlynesse beguyld her long. Her love
- Began from evill unto woorse by little too remove.
- Shee commes to see her brother deckt in brave and trim attyre,
- And for to seeme exceeding fayre it was her whole desyre.
- And if that any fayrer were in all the flocke than shee,
- It spyghts her. In what case she was as yit shee did not see.
- Her heate exceeded not so farre as for to vow: and yit
- Shee suffred in her troubled brist full many a burning fit.
- Now calleth shee him mayster, now shee utter hateth all
- The names of kin. Shee rather had he should her Byblis call
- Than suster. Yit no filthy hope shee durst permit to creepe
- Within her mynd awake. But as shee lay in quiet sleepe,
- Shee oft behild her love: and oft she thought her brother came
- And lay with her, and (though asleepe) shee blushed at the same.
- When sleepe was gone, she long lay dumb still musing on the syght,
- And said with wavering mynd: Now wo is mee, most wretched wyght.
- What meenes the image of this dreame that I have seene this nyght?
- I would not wish it should bee trew. Why dreamed I then so?
- Sure hee is fayre although hee should bee judged by his fo.
- He likes mee well, and were he not my brother, I myght set
- My love on him, and he were mee ryght woorthy for to get,
- But unto this same match the name of kinred is a let.
- Well, so that I awake doo still mee undefylde keepe,
- Let come as often as they will such dreamings in my sleepe.
- In sleepe there is no witnesse by. In sleepe yit may I take
- As greate a pleasure (in a sort) as if I were awake.
- Oh Venus and thy tender sonne, Sir Cupid, what delyght,
- How present feeling of your sport hath touched mee this nyght.
- How lay I as it were resolvd both maree, flesh, and bone.
- How gladdes it mee to thinke thereon. Alas too soone was gone
- That pleasure, and too hastye and despyghtfull was the nyght
- In breaking of my joyes. O Lord, if name of kinred myght
- Betweene us two removed bee, how well it would agree,
- O Caune, that of thy father I the daughtrinlaw should bee.
- How fitly myght my father have a sonneinlaw of thee.
- Would God that all save auncesters were common to us twayne.
- I would thou were of nobler stocke than I. I cannot sayne,
- O perle of beautie, what shee is whom thou shalt make a mother.
- Alas how ill befalles it mee that I could have none other
- Than those same parents which are thyne. So only still my brother
- And not my husband mayst thou bee. The thing that hurts us bothe
- Is one, and that betweene us ay inseparably gothe.
- What meene my dreames then? what effect have dreames? and may there bee
- Effect in dreames? The Gods are farre in better case than wee.
- For why? the Gods have matched with theyr susters as wee see.
- So Saturne did alie with Ops, the neerest of his blood.
- So Tethys with Oceanus: So Jove did think it good
- To take his suster Juno to his wyfe. What then? the Goddes
- Have lawes and charters by themselves. And sith there is such oddes
- Betweene the state of us and them, why should I sample take,
- Our worldly matters equall with the heavenly things to make?
- This wicked love shall eyther from my hart be driven away,
- Or if it can not bee expulst, God graunt I perish may,
- And that my brother kisse me, layd on Herce to go to grave.
- But my desyre the full consent of both of us dooth crave.
- Admit the matter liketh me. He will for sin it take.
- But yit the sonnes of Aeolus no scrupulousnesse did make
- In going to theyr susters beds. And how come I to know
- The feates of them? To what intent theis samples doo I show?
- Ah whither am I headlong driven? avaunt foule filthy fyre:
- And let mee not in otherwyse than susterlyke desyre
- My brothers love. Yit if that he were first in love with mee,
- His fondnesse to inclyne unto perchaunce I could agree.
- Shall I therefore who would not have rejected him if hee
- Had sude to mee, go sue to him? and canst thou speake in deede?
- And canst thou utter forth thy mynd? and tell him of thy neede?
- My love will make mee speake. I can. Or if that shame doo stay
- My toong, a sealed letter shall my secret love bewray.
- This likes her best. Uppon this poynt now restes her doubtful mynd.
- So raysing up herself uppon her leftsyde shee enclynd,
- And leaning on her elbow sayd: Let him advyse him what
- To doo, for I my franticke love will utter playne and flat.
- Alas to what ungraciousnesse intend I for to fall?
- What furie raging in my hart my senses dooth appall?
- In thinking so, with trembling hand shee framed her to wryght
- The matter that her troubled mynd in musing did indyght.
- Her ryght hand holdes the pen, her left dooth hold the empty wax.
- She ginnes. Shee doutes, shee wryghtes: shee in the tables findeth lacks.
- She notes, she blurres, dislikes, and likes: and chaungeth this for that.
- Shee layes away the booke, and takes it up. Shee wotes not what
- She would herself. What ever thing shee myndeth for to doo
- Misliketh her. A shamefastnesse with boldenesse mixt thereto
- Was in her countnance. Shee had once writ Suster: Out agen
- The name of Suster for to raze shee thought it best. And then
- She snatcht the tables up, and did theis following woords ingrave:
- The health which if thou give her not shee is not like to have
- Thy lover wisheth unto thee. I dare not ah for shame
- I dare not tell thee who I am, nor let thee heare my name.
- And if thou doo demaund of mee what thing I doo desyre,
- Would God that namelesse I myght pleade the matter I requyre,
- And that I were unknowen to thee by name of Byblis, till
- Assurance of my sute were wrought according to my will.
- As tokens of my wounded hart myght theis to thee appeere:
- My colour pale, my body leane, my heavy mirthlesse cheere,
- My watry eyes, my sighes without apparent causes why,
- My oft embracing of thee: and such kisses (if perdye
- Thou marked them) as very well thou might have felt and found
- Not for to have beene Susterlike. But though with greevous wound
- I then were striken to the hart, although the raging flame
- Did burne within: yit take I God to witnesse of the same,
- I did as much as lay in mee this outrage for to tame.
- And long I stryved (wretched wench) to scape the violent Dart
- Of Cupid. More I have endurde of hardnesse and of smart,
- Than any wench (a man would think) were able to abyde.
- Force forceth mee to shew my case which faine I still would hyde,
- And mercy at thy gentle hand in fearfull wyse to crave.
- Thou only mayst the lyfe of mee thy lover spill or save.
- Choose which thou wilt. No enmy craves this thing: but such a one
- As though shee bee alyde so sure as surer can bee none,
- Yit covets shee more surely yit alyed for to bee,
- And with a neerer kynd of band to link her selfe to thee.
- Let aged folkes have skill in law: to age it dooth belong
- To keepe the rigor of the lawes and search out ryght from wrong.
- Such youthfull yeeres as ours are yit rash folly dooth beseeme.
- Wee know not what is lawfull yit. And therefore wee may deeme
- That all is lawfull that wee list: ensewing in the same
- The dooings of the myghtye Goddes. Not dread of worldly shame
- Nor yit our fathers roughnesse, no nor fearfulnesse should let
- Our purpose. Only let all feare asyde be wholy set.
- ~Wee underneath the name of kin our pleasant scapes may hyde.
- Thou knowest I have libertie to talke with thee asyde,
- And openly wee kysse and cull. And what is all the rest
- That wants? Have mercy on mee now, who playnly have exprest
- My case: which thing I had not done, but that the utter rage
- Of love constreynes mee thereunto the which I cannot swage.
- Deserve not on my tumb thy name subscribed for to have,
- That thou art he whose cruelnesse did bring mee to my grave.
- Thus much shee wrate in vayne, and wax did want her to indyght,
- And in the margent she was fayne the latter verse to wryght.
- Immediatly to seale her shame shee takes a precious stone,
- The which shee moystes with teares: from tung the moysture quight was gone.
- She calld a servant shamefastly, and after certaine fayre
- And gentle woords: My trusty man, I pray thee beare this payre
- Of tables (quoth shee) to my (and a great whyle afterward
- Shee added) brother. Now through chaunce or want of good regard
- The table slipped downe to ground in reaching to him ward.
- The handsell troubled sore her mynd. But yit shee sent them. And
- Her servant spying tyme did put them into Caunyes hand.
- Maeanders nephew sodeinly in anger floong away
- The tables ere he half had red, (scarce able for to stay
- His fistocke from the servants face who quaakt) and thus did say:
- Avaunt, thou baudye ribawd, whyle thou mayst. For were it not
- For shame I should have killed thee. Away afrayd he got,
- And told his mistresse of the feerce and cruell answer made
- By Caunye. By and by the hew of Byblis gan to fade,
- And all her body was benumd with Icie colde for feare
- To heere of this repulse. Assoone as that her senses were
- Returnd ageine, her furious flames returned with her witts.
- And thus shee sayd so soft that scarce hir toong the ayer hitts:
- And woorthely. For why was I so rash as to discover
- By hasty wryghting this my wound which most I ought to cover?
- I should with dowtfull glauncing woords have felt his humor furst,
- And made a trayne to trye him if pursue or no he durst.
- I should have vewed first the coast, to see the weather cleere,
- And then I myght have launched sauf and boldly from the peere.
- But now I hoyst up all my sayles before I tryde the wynd:
- And therfore am I driven uppon the rockes against my mynd,
- And all the sea dooth overwhelme mee. Neyther may I fynd
- The meanes to get to harbrough, or from daunger to retyre.
- Why did not open tokens warne to bridle my desyre,
- Then when the tables falling in delivering them declaard
- My hope was vaine? And ought not I then eyther to have spaard
- From sending them as that day? or have chaunged whole my mynd?
- Nay rather shifted of the day? For had I not beene blynd
- Even God himself by soothfast signes the sequele seemd to hit.
- Yea rather than to wryghting thus my secrets to commit,
- I should have gone and spoke myself, and presently have showde
- My fervent love. He should have seene how teares had from mee flowde.
- Hee should have seene my piteous looke ryght loverlike. I could
- Have spoken more than into those my tables enter would.
- About his necke against his will, myne armes I myght have wound
- And had he shaakt me off, I myght have seemed for to swound.
- I humbly myght have kist his feete, and kneeling on the ground
- Besought him for to save my lyfe. All theis I myght have proved,
- Wherof although no one alone his stomacke could have moved,
- Yit all togither myght have made his hardened hart relent.
- Perchaunce there was some fault in him that was of message sent.
- He stept unto him bluntly (I beleeve) and did not watch
- Convenient tyme, in merrie kew at leysure him to catch.
- Theis are the things that hindred mee. For certeinly I knowe
- No sturdy stone nor massy steele dooth in his stomacke grow.
- He is not made of Adamant. He is no Tygers whelp.
- He never sucked Lyonesse. He myght with little help
- Bee vanquisht. Let us give fresh charge uppon him. Whyle I live
- Without obteyning victorie I will not over give.
- For firstly (if it lay in mee my dooings to revoke)
- I should not have begonne at all. But seeing that the stroke
- Is given, the second poynt is now to give the push to win.
- For neyther he (although that I myne enterpryse should blin)
- Can ever whyle he lives forget my deede. And sith I shrink,
- My love was lyght, or else I meant to trap him, he shall think.
- Or at the least he may suppose that this my rage of love
- Which broyleth so within my brest, proceedes not from above
- By Cupids stroke, but of some foule and filthy lust. In fyne
- I cannot but to wickednesse now more and more inclyne.
- By wryghting is my sute commenst: my meening dooth appeere:
- And though I cease: yit can I not accounted bee for cleere.
- Now that that dooth remayne behynd is much as in respect
- My fond desyre to satisfy: and little in effect
- To aggravate my fault withall.
- Thus much shee sayd. And so
- Unconstant was her wavering mynd still floting to and fro,
- That though it irkt her for to have attempted, yit proceedes
- Shee in the selfsame purpose of attempting, and exceedes
- All measure, and, unhappy wench, shee takes from day to day
- Repulse upon repulse, and yit shee hath not grace to stay.
- Soone after when her brother saw there was with her no end,
- He fled his countrie forbycause he would not so offend,
- And in a forreine land did buyld a Citie. Then men say
- That Byblis through despayre and thought all wholy did dismay.
- Shee tare her garments from her brest, and furiously shee wroong
- Her hands, and beete her armes, and like a bedlem with her toong
- Confessed her unlawfull love. But beeing of the same
- Dispoynted, shee forsooke her land and hatefull house for shame,
- And followed after flying Caune. And as the Froes of Thrace
- In dooing of the three yeere rites of Bacchus: in lyke cace
- The maryed wyves of Bubasie saw Byblis howling out
- Through all theyr champion feeldes, the which shee leaving, ran about
- In Caria to the Lelegs who are men in battell stout,
- And so to Lycia. Shee had past Crag, Limyre, and the brooke
- Of Xanthus, and the countrie where Chymaera that same pooke
- Hath Goatish body, Lions head and brist, and Dragons tayle,
- When woods did want: and Byblis now beginning for to quayle
- Through weerynesse in following Caune, sank down and layd her hed
- Ageinst the ground, and kist the leaves that wynd from trees had shed.
- The Nymphes of Caria went about in tender armes to take
- Her often up. They oftentymes perswaded her to slake
- Her love. And woords of comfort to her deafe eard mynd they spake.
- Shee still lay dumbe: and with her nayles the greenish herbes shee hild,
- And moysted with a streame of teares the grasse upon the feeld.
- The waternymphes (so folk report) put under her a spring,
- Whych never myght be dryde: and could they give a greater thing?
- Immediatly even like as when yee wound a pitchtree rynd,
- The gum dooth issue out in droppes: or as the westerne wynd
- With gentle blast toogither with the warmth of Sunne, unbynd
- The yee: or as the clammy kynd of cement which they call
- Bitumen issueth from the ground full fraughted therewithall:
- So Phoebus neece, Dame Byblis, then consuming with her teares,
- Was turned to a fountaine, which in those same vallyes beares
- The tytle of the founder still, and gusheth freshly out
- From underneath a Sugarchest as if it were a spowt.
- The fame of this same wondrous thing perhappes had filled all
- The hundred Townes of Candye had a greater not befall
- More neerer home by Iphys meanes transformed late before.
- For in the shyre of Phestos hard by Gnossus dwelt of yore
- A yeoman of the meaner sort that Lyctus had to name.
- His stocke was simple, and his welth according to the same.
- Howbee't his lyfe so upryght was, as no man could it blame.
- He came unto his wyfe then big and ready downe to lye,
- And sayd: Two things I wish thee. T'one, that when thou out shalt crye,
- Thou mayst dispatch with little payne: the other that thou have
- A Boay. For Gyrles to bring them up a greater cost doo crave.
- And I have no abilitie. And therefore if thou bring
- A wench (it goes ageinst my heart to thinke uppon the thing)
- Although ageinst my will, I charge it streyght destroyed bee.
- The bond of nature needes must beare in this behalf with mee
- This sed, both wept exceedingly, as well the husband who
- Did give commaundement, as the wyfe that was commaunded too.
- Yit Telethusa earnestly at Lyct her husband lay,
- (Although in vayne) to have good hope, and of himselfe more stay.
- But he was full determined. Within a whyle, the day
- Approched that the frute was rype, and shee did looke to lay
- Her belly every mynute: when at midnyght in her rest
- Stood by her (or did seeme to stand) the Goddesse Isis, drest
- And trayned with the solemne pomp of all her rytes. Two homes
- Uppon her forehead lyke the moone, with eares of rypened comes
- Stood glistring as the burnisht gold. Moreover shee did weare
- A rich and stately diademe. Attendant on her were
- The barking bug Anubis, and the saint of Bubast, and
- The pydecote Apis, and the God that gives to understand
- By fingar holden to his lippes that men should silence keepe,
- And Lybian wormes whose strnging dooth enforce continuall sleepe,
- And thou, Osyris, whom the folk of Aegypt ever seeke,
- And never can have sought inough, and Rittlerattles eke.
- Then even as though that Telethuse had fully beene awake,
- And seene theis things with open eyes, thus Isis to her spake:
- My servant Telethusa, cease this care, and breake the charge
- Of Lyct. And when Lucina shall have let thy frute at large,
- Bring up the same what ere it bee. I am a Goddesse who
- Delyghts in helping folke at neede. I hither come to doo
- Thee good. Thou shalt not have a cause hereafter to complayne
- Of serving of a Goddesse that is thanklesse for thy payne.
- When Isis had this comfort given, shee went her way agayne.
- A joyfull wyght rose Telethuse, and lifting to the sky
- Her hardened hands, did pray hir dreame myght woorke effectually.
- Her throwes increast, and forth alone anon the burthen came,
- A wench was borne to Lyctus who knew nothing of the same.
- The mother making him beleeve it was a boay, did bring
- It up, and none but shee and nurce were privie to the thing.
- The father thanking God did give the chyld the Graundsyres name,
- The which was Iphys. Joyfull was the moother of the same,
- Bycause the name did serve alike to man and woman bothe,
- And so the lye through godly guile forth unperceyved gothe.
- The garments of it were a boayes. The face of it was such
- As eyther in a boay or gyrle of beawtie uttered much.
- When Iphys was of thirteene yeeres, her father did insure
- The browne Ianthee unto her, a wench of looke demure,
- Commended for her favor and her person more than all
- The Maydes of Phestos: Telest, men her fathers name did call.
- He dwelt in Dyctis. They were bothe of age and favor leeke,
- And under both one schoolemayster they did for nurture seeke.
- And hereupon the hartes of both, the dart of Love did streeke,
- And wounded both of them aleeke. But unlike was theyr hope.
- Both longed for the wedding day togither for to cope.
- For whom Ianthee thinkes to bee a man, shee hopes to see
- Her husband. Iphys loves whereof shee thinkes shee may not bee
- Partaker, and the selfesame thing augmenteth still her flame.
- Herself a Mayden with a Mayd (ryght straunge) in love became.
- Shee scarce could stay her teares. What end remaynes for mee (quoth shee)
- How straunge a love? how uncoth? how prodigious reygnes in mee?
- If that the Gods did favor mee, they should destroy mee quyght.
- Of if they would not mee destroy, at least wyse yit they myght
- Have given mee such a maladie as myght with nature stond,
- Or nature were acquainted with. A Cow is never fond
- Uppon a Cow, nor Mare on Mare. The Ram delyghts the Eawe,
- The Stag the Hynde, the Cocke the Hen. But never men could shew,
- That female yit was tane in love with female kynd. O would
- To God I never had beene borne. Yit least that Candy should
- Not bring foorth all that monstruous were, the daughter of the Sonne
- Did love a Bull. Howbee't there was a Male to dote uppon.
- My love is furiouser than hers, if truthe confessed bee.
- For shee was fond of such a lust as myght bee compast. Shee
- Was served by a Bull beguyld by Art in Cow of tree.
- And one there was for her with whom advowtrie to commit.
- If all the conning in the worlde and slyghts of suttle wit
- Were heere, or if that Daedalus himselfe with uncowth wing
- Of Wax should hither fly againe, what comfort should he bring?
- Could he with all his conning crafts now make a boay of mee?
- Or could he, O Ianthee, chaunge the native shape of thee?
- Nay rather, Iphys, settle thou thy mynd and call thy witts
- Abowt thee: shake thou off theis flames that foolishly by fitts
- Without all reason reigne. Thou seest what Nature hathe thee made
- (Onlesse thow wilt deceyve thy selfe.) So farre foorth wysely wade,
- As ryght and reason may support, and love as women ought.
- Hope is the thing that breedes desyre, hope feedes the amorous thought.
- This hope thy sex denieth thee. Not watching doth restreyne
- Thee from embracing of the thing wherof thou art so fayne.
- Nor yit the Husbands jealowsie, nor rowghnesse of her Syre,
- Nor yit the coynesse of the Wench dooth hinder thy desyre.
- And yit thou canst not her enjoy. No, though that God and man
- Should labor to their uttermost and doo the best they can
- In thy behalfe, they could not make a happy wyght of thee.
- I cannot wish the thing but that I have it. Frank and free
- The Goddes have given mee what they could. As I will, so will bee
- That must become my fathrinlaw. So willes my father, too.
- But nature stronger than them all consenteth not thereto.
- This hindreth mee, and nothing else. Behold the blisfull tyme,
- The day of Mariage is at hand. Ianthee shalbee myne,
- And yit I shall not her enjoy. Amid the water wee
- Shall thirst. O Juno, president of mariage, why with thee
- Comes Hymen to this wedding where no brydegroome you shall see,
- But bothe are Brydes that must that day togither coupled bee?
- This spoken, shee did hold hir peace. And now the tother mayd
- Did burne as hote in love as shee. And earnestly shee prayd
- The brydale day myght come with speede. The thing for which shee longd
- Dame Telethusa fearing sore, from day to day prolongd
- The tyme, oft feyning siknesse, oft pretending shee had seene
- Ill tokens of successe. At length all shifts consumed beene.
- The wedding day so oft delayd was now at hand. The day
- Before it, taking from her head the kercheef quyght away,
- And from her daughters head likewyse, with scattred heare she layd
- Her handes upon the Altar, and with humble voyce thus prayd:
- O Isis, who doost haunt the towne of Paretonie, and
- The feeldes by Maraeotis lake, and Pharos which dooth stand
- By Alexandria, and the Nyle divided into seven
- Great channels, comfort thou my feare, and send mee help from heaven,
- Thyself, O Goddesse, even thyself, and theis thy relikes I
- Did once behold and knew them all: as well thy company
- As eke thy sounding rattles, and thy cressets burning by,
- And myndfully I marked what commaundement thou didst give.
- That I escape unpunished, that this same wench dooth live,
- Thy counsell and thy hest it is. Have mercy now on twayne,
- And help us. With that word the teares ran downe her cheekes amayne.
- The Goddesse seemed for to move her Altar: and in deede
- She moved it. The temple doores did tremble like a reede.
- And homes in likenesse to the Moone about the Church did shyne.
- And Rattles made a raughtish noyse. At this same luckie signe,
- Although not wholy carelesse, yit ryght glad shee went away.
- And Iphys followed after her with larger pace than ay
- Shee was accustomd. And her face continued not so whyght.
- Her strength encreased, and her looke more sharper was to syght.
- Her heare grew shorter, and shee had a much more lively spryght,
- Than when shee was a wench. For thou, O Iphys, who ryght now
- A modther wert, art now a boay. With offrings both of yow
- To Church retyre, and there rejoyce with fayth unfearfull. They
- With offrings went to Church ageine, and there theyr vowes did pay.
- They also set a table up, which this breef meeter had:
- The vowes that Iphys vowd a wench he hath performd a Lad.
- Next morrow over all the world did shine with lightsome flame,
- When Iuno, and Dame Venus, and Sir Hymen joyntly came
- To Iphys mariage, who as then transformed to a boay
- Did take Ianthee to his wyfe, and so her love enjoy.
- Finis noni Libri.
- of Ouids Metamorphosis
- Rom thence in saffron colourd robe flew Hymen through the ayre,
- And into Thracia beeing called by Orphy did repayre.
- He came in deede at Orphyes call: but neyther did he sing
- The woordes of that solemnitie, nor merry countnance bring,
- Nor any handsell of good lucke. His torch with drizling smoke
- Was dim: the same to burne out cleere, no stirring could provoke.
- The end was woorser than the signe. For as the Bryde did rome
- Abrode accompanyde with a trayne of Nymphes to bring her home,
- A serpent lurking in the grasse did sting her in the ancle:
- Whereof shee dyde incontinent, so swift the bane did rancle.
- Whom when the Thracian Poet had bewayld sufficiently
- On earth, the Ghostes departed hence he minding for to trie,
- Downe at the gate of Taenarus did go to Limbo lake.
- And thence by gastly folk and soules late buried he did take
- His journey to Persephonee and to the king of Ghosts
- That like a Lordly tyran reignes in those unpleasant coasts.
- And playing on his tuned harp he thus began to sound:
- O you, the Sovereines of the world set underneath the ground,
- To whome wee all (what ever thing is made of mortall kynd)
- Repayre, if by your leave I now may freely speake my mynd,
- I come not hither as a spye the shady Hell to see:
- Nor yet the foule three headed Curre whose heares all Adders bee
- To tye in cheynes. The cause of this my vyage is my wyfe
- Whose foote a Viper stinging did abridge her youthfull lyfe.
- I would have borne it paciently: and so to doo I strave,
- But Love surmounted powre. This God is knowen great force to have
- Above on earth. And whether he reigne heere or no I dowt.
- But I beleeve hee reignes heere too. If fame that flies abowt
- Of former rape report not wrong, Love coupled also yow.
- By theis same places full of feare: by this huge Chaos now,
- And by the stilnesse of this waste and emptye Kingdome, I
- Beseech yee of Eurydicee unreele the destinye
- That was so swiftly reeled up. All things to you belong.
- And though wee lingring for a whyle our pageants do prolong,
- Yit soone or late wee all to one abyding place doo rome:
- Wee haste us hither all: this place becomes our latest home:
- And you doo over humaine kynd reigne longest tyme. Now when
- This woman shall have lived full her tyme, shee shall agen
- Become your owne. The use of her but for a whyle I crave.
- And if the Destnyes for my wyfe denye mee for to have
- Releace, I fully am resolvd for ever heere to dwell.
- Rejoyce you in the death of both. As he this tale did tell,
- And played on his instrument, the bloodlesse ghostes shed teares:
- To tyre on Titius growing hart the greedy Grype forbeares:
- The shunning water Tantalus endevereth not to drink:
- And Danaus daughters ceast to fill theyr tubbes that have no brink.
- Ixions wheele stood still: and downe sate Sisyphus uppon
- His rolling stone. Then first of all (so fame for truth hath gone)
- The Furies beeing striken there with pitie at his song
- Did weepe. And neyther Pluto nor his Ladie were so strong
- And hard of stomacke to withhold his just petition long.
- They called foorth Eurydicee who was as yit among
- The newcome Ghosts, and limped of her wound. Her husband tooke
- Her with condicion that he should not backe uppon her looke,
- Untill the tyme that hee were past the bounds of Limbo quyght:
- Or else to lose his gyft. They tooke a path that steepe upryght
- Rose darke and full of foggye mist. And now they were within
- A kenning of the upper earth, when Orphye did begin
- To dowt him lest shee followed not, and through an eager love
- Desyrous for to see her he his eyes did backward move.
- Immediatly shee slipped backe. He retching out his hands,
- Desyrous to bee caught and for to ketch her grasping stands.
- But nothing save the slippry aire (unhappy man) he caught.
- Shee dying now the second tyme complaynd of Orphye naught.
- For why what had shee to complayne, onlesse it were of love
- Which made her husband backe agen his eyes uppon her move?
- Her last farewell shee spake so soft, that scarce he heard the sound,
- And then revolted to the place in which he had her found.
- This double dying of his wife set Orphye in a stound,
- No lesse than him who at the syght of Plutos dreadfull Hound
- That on the middle necke of three dooth beare an iron cheyne,
- Was striken in a sodein feare and could it not restreyne,
- Untill the tyme his former shape and nature beeing gone,
- His body quyght was overgrowne, and turned into stone.
- Or than the foolish Olenus, who on himself did take
- Anothers fault, and giltlesse needes himself would giltie make,
- Togither with his wretched wyfe Lethaea, for whose pryde
- They both becomming stones, doo stand even yit on watry Ide.
- He would have gone to Hell ageine, and earnest sute did make:
- But Charon would not suffer him to passe the Stygian lake.
- Seven dayes he sate forlorne uppon the bank and never eate
- A bit of bread. Care, teares, and thought, and sorrow were his meate
- And crying out uppon the Gods of Hell as cruell, hee
- Withdrew to lofty Rhodopee and Heme which beaten bee
- With Northern wynds. Three tymes the Sunne had passed through the sheere
- And watry signe of Pisces and had finisht full the yeere,
- And Orphye (were it that his ill successe hee still did rew,
- Or that he vowed so to doo) did utterly eschew
- The womankynd. Yit many a one desyrous were to match
- With him, but he them with repulse did all alike dispatch.
- He also taught the Thracian folke a stewes of Males to make
- And of the flowring pryme of boayes the pleasure for to take.
- There was a hyll, and on the hyll a verie levell plot,
- Fayre greene with grasse. But as for shade or covert was there not.
- As soone as that this Poet borne of Goddes, in that same place
- Sate downe and toucht his tuned strings, a shadow came apace.
- There wanted neyther Chaons tree, nor yit the trees to which
- Fresh Phaetons susters turned were, nor Beeche, nor Holme, nor Wich,
- Nor gentle Asp, nor wyvelesse Bay, nor lofty Chestnuttree.
- Nor Hazle spalt, nor Ash wherof the shafts of speares made bee.
- Nor knotlesse Firre, nor cheerfull Plane, nor Maple flecked grayne.
- Nor Lote, nor Sallow which delights by waters to remayne.
- Nor slender twigged Tamarisk, nor Box ay greene of hew.
- Nor Figtrees loden with theyr frute of colours browne and blew.
- Nor double colourd Myrtletrees. Moreover thither came
- The wrything Ivye, and the Vyne that runnes uppon a frame,
- Elmes clad with Vynes, and Ashes wyld and Pitchtrees blacke as cole,
- And full of trees with goodly frute red stryped, Ortyards whole.
- And Palmetrees lythe which in reward of conquest men doo beare,
- And Pynapple with tufted top and harsh and prickling heare,
- The tree to Cybele, mother of the Goddes, most deere. For why?
- Her minion Atys putting off the shape of man, did dye,
- And hardened into this same tree. Among this companee
- Was present with a pyked top the Cypresse, now a tree,
- Sumtime a boay beloved of the God that with a string
- Dooth arme his bow, and with a string in tune his Violl bring.
- For hallowed to the Nymphes that in the feeldes of Carthye were
- There was a goodly myghty Stag whose homes such bredth did beare,
- As that they shadowed all his head. His homes of gold did shyne,
- And downe his brest hung from his necke, a cheyne with jewels fyne.
- Amid his frunt with prettie strings a tablet beeing tyde,
- Did waver as he went: and from his eares on eyther syde
- Hung perles of all one growth about his hollow temples bryght.
- This goodly Spitter beeing voyd of dread, as having quyght
- Forgot his native fearefulnesse, did haunt mens houses, and
- Would suffer folk (yea though unknowen) to coy him with theyr hand.
- But more than unto all folke else he deerer was to thee
- O Cyparisse, the fayrest Wyght that ever man did see
- In Coea. Thou to pastures, thou to water springs him led,
- Thou wreathedst sundry flowres betweene his homes uppon his hed.
- Sumtyme a horsman thou his backe for pleasure didst bestryde,
- And haltring him with silken bit from place to place didst ryde.
- In summer tyme about hygh noone when Titan with his heate
- Did make the hollow crabbed cleas of Cancer for to sweate,
- Unweeting Cyparissus with a Dart did strike this Hart
- Quyght through. And when that of the wound he saw he must depart,
- He purposd for to die himself. What woords of comfort spake
- Not Phoebus to him? willing him the matter lyght to take
- And not more sorrow for it than was requisite to make.
- But still the Lad did sygh and sob, and as his last request
- Desyred God he myght thenceforth from moorning never rest.
- Anon through weeping overmuch his blood was drayned quyght:
- His limbes wext greene: his heare which hung upon his forehead whyght
- Began to bee a bristled bush: and taking by and by
- A stiffnesse, with a sharpened top did face the starrie skye.
- The God did sigh, and sadly sayd: Myselfe shall moorne for thee,
- And thou for others: and ay one in moorning thou shalt bee.
- Such wood as this had Orphye drawen about him as among
- The herdes of beasts, and flocks of Birds he sate amyds the throng.
- And when his thumbe sufficiently had tryed every string,
- And found that though they severally in sundry sounds did ring,
- Yit made they all one Harmonie, he thus began to sing:
- O Muse my mother, frame my song of Jove, for every thing
- Is subject unto royall Jove. Of Jove the heavenly King
- I oft have shewed the glorious power. I erst in graver verse
- The Gyants slayne in Phlaegra feeldes with thunder, did reherse.
- But now I neede a meelder style to tell of prettie boyes
- That were the derlings of the Gods: and of unlawfull joyes
- That burned in the brests of Girles, who for theyr wicked lust
- According as they did deserve, receyved penance just.
- The King of Goddes did burne erewhyle in love of Ganymed
- The Phrygian and the thing was found which Jupiter that sted
- Had rather bee than that he was. Yit could he not beteeme
- The shape of any other Bird than Aegle for to seeme
- And so he soring in the ayre with borrowed wings trust up
- The Trojane boay who still in heaven even yit dooth beare his cup,
- And brings him Nectar though against Dame Junos will it bee.
- And thou Amyclys sonne (had not thy heavy destinee
- Abridged thee before thy tyme) hadst also placed beene
- By Phoebus in the firmament. How bee it (as is seene)
- Thou art eternall so farre forth as may bee. For as oft
- As watrie Piscis giveth place to Aries that the soft
- And gentle springtyde dooth succeede the winter sharp and stowre:
- So often thou renewest thyself, and on the fayre greene clowre
- Doost shoote out flowres. My father bare a speciall love to thee
- Above all others. So that whyle the God went oft to see
- Eurotas and unwalled Spart, he left his noble towne
- Of Delphos (which amid the world is situate in renowne)
- Without a sovereigne. Neyther Harp nor Bow regarded were.
- Unmyndfull of his Godhead he refused not to beare
- The nets, nor for to hold the hounds, nor as a peynfull mate
- To travell over cragged hilles, through which continuall gate
- His flames augmented more and more. And now the sunne did stand
- Well neere midway beetweene the nyghts last past and next at hand.
- They stript themselves and noynted them with oyle of Olyfe fat.
- And fell to throwing of a Sledge that was ryght huge and flat.
- Fyrst Phoebus peysing it did throw it from him with such strength,
- As that the weyght drave downe the clouds in flying. And at length
- It fell upon substantiall ground, where plainly it did show
- As well the cunning as the force of him that did it throw.
- Immediatly upon desyre himself the sport to trie,
- The Spartane lad made haste to take up unadvisedly
- The Sledge before it still did lye. But as he was in hand
- To catch it, it rebounding up ageinst the hardened land,
- Did hit him full upon the face. The God himselfe did looke
- As pale as did the lad, and up his swounding body tooke.
- Now culles he him, now wypes he from the wound the blood away,
- Anotherwhyle his fading lyfe he stryves with herbes to stay.
- Nought booted Leechcraft. Helplesse was the wound. And like as one
- Broosd violet stalkes or Poppie stalkes or Lillies growing on
- Browne spindles, streight they withering droope with heavy heads and are
- Not able for to hold them up, but with their tops doo stare
- Uppon the ground, so Hyacinth in yeelding of his breath
- Chopt downe his head. His necke bereft of strength by meanes of death
- Was even a burthen to itself, and downe did loosely wrythe
- On both his shoulders, now a t'one and now a toother lythe.
- Thou faadst away, my Hyacinth, defrauded of the pryme
- Of youth (quoth Phoebus) and I see thy wound my heynous cryme.
- Thou art my sorrow and my fault: this hand of myne hath wrought
- Thy death: I like a murtherer have to thy grave thee brought.
- But what have I offended thow? onlesse that to have playd,
- Or if that to have loved, an offence it may be sayd.
- Would God I render myght my lyfe with and instead of thee.
- To which syth fatall destinee denyeth to agree,
- Both in my mynd and in my mouth thou evermore shalt bee.
- My Violl striken with my hand, my songs shall sound of thee,
- And in a newmade flowre thou shalt with letters represent
- Our syghings. And the tyme shall come ere many yeeres bee spent,
- That in thy flowre a valeant Prince shall joyne himself with thee,
- And leave his name uppon the leaves for men to reede and see.
- Whyle Phoebus thus did prophesie, behold the blood of him
- Which dyde the grasse, ceast blood to bee, and up there sprang a trim
- And goodly flowre, more orient than the Purple cloth ingrayne,
- In shape a Lillye, were it not that Lillyes doo remayne
- Of sylver colour, whereas theis of purple hew are seene.
- Although that Phoebus had the cause of this greate honor beene,
- Yit thought he not the same ynough. And therfore did he wryght
- His syghes uppon the leaves thereof: and so in colour bryght
- The flowre hath a writ theron, which letters are of greef.
- So small the Spartanes thought the birth of Hyacinth repreef
- Unto them, that they woorship him from that day unto this.
- And as their fathers did before, so they doe never misse
- With solemne pomp to celebrate his feast from yeere to yeere.
- But if perchaunce that Amathus the rich in mettals, weere
- Demaunded if it would have bred the Propets it would sweare,
- Yea even as gladly as the folke whose brewes sumtyme did beare
- A payre of welked homes: whereof they Cerastes named are.
- Before theyr doore an Altar stood of Jove that takes the care
- Of alyents and of travellers, which lothsome was to see,
- For lewdnesse wrought theron. If one that had a straunger bee
- Had lookt thereon, he would have thought there had on it beene killd
- Sum sucking calves or lambes. The blood of straungers there was spilld.
- Dame Venus sore offended at this wicked sacrifyse,
- To leave her Cities and the land of Cyprus did devyse.
- But then bethinking her, shee sayd: What hath my pleasant ground,
- What have my Cities trespassed? what fault in them is found?
- Nay rather let this wicked race by exyle punnisht beene,
- Or death, or by sum other thing that is a meane betweene
- Both death and exyle. What is that? save only for to chaunge
- Theyr shape. In musing with herself what figure were most straunge,
- Shee cast her eye uppon a home. And therewithall shee thought
- The same to bee a shape ryght meete uppon them to bee brought:
- And so shee from theyr myghty limbes theyr native figure tooke,
- And turnd them into boystous Bulles with grim and cruell looke.
- Yit durst the filthy Propets stand in stiffe opinion that
- Dame Venus was no Goddesse till shee beeing wroth thereat,
- To make theyr bodies common first compelld them everychone
- And after chaungd theyr former kynd. For when that shame was gone,
- And that they wexed brazen faast, shee turned them to stone,
- In which betweene their former shape was diffrence small or none.
- Whom forbycause Pygmalion saw to leade theyr lyfe in sin
- Offended with the vice whereof greate store is packt within
- The nature of the womankynd, he led a single lyfe.
- And long it was ere he could fynd in hart to take a wyfe.
- Now in the whyle by wondrous Art an image he did grave
- Of such proportion, shape, and grace as nature never gave
- Nor can to any woman give. In this his worke he tooke
- A certaine love. The looke of it was ryght a Maydens looke,
- And such a one as that yee would beleeve had lyfe, and that
- Would moved bee, if womanhod and reverence letted not:
- So artificiall was the work. He woondreth at his Art
- And of his counterfetted corse conceyveth love in hart.
- He often toucht it, feeling if the woork that he had made
- Were verie flesh or Ivorye still. Yit could he not perswade
- Himself to think it Ivory, for he oftentymes it kist
- And thought it kissed him ageine. He hild it by the fist,
- And talked to it. He beleeved his fingars made a dint
- Uppon her flesh, and feared lest sum blacke or broosed print
- Should come by touching over hard. Sumtyme with pleasant boords
- And wanton toyes he dalyingly dooth cast foorth amorous woords.
- Sumtime (the giftes wherein yong Maydes are wonted to delyght)
- He brought her owches, fyne round stones, and Lillyes fayre and whyght,
- And pretie singing birds, and flowres of thousand sorts and hew,
- In gorgeous garments furthermore he did her also decke,
- And peynted balles, and Amber from the tree distilled new.
- And on her fingars put me rings, and cheynes about her necke.
- Riche perles were hanging at her eares, and tablets at her brest.
- All kynd of things became her well. And when she was undrest,
- She seemed not lesse beawtifull. He layd her in a bed
- The which with scarlet dyde in Tyre was richly overspred,
- And terming her his bedfellow, he couched downe hir head
- Uppon a pillow soft, as though shee could have felt the same.
- The feast of Venus hallowed through the Ile of Cyprus, came
- And Bullocks whyght with gilden homes were slayne for sacrifyse,
- And up to heaven of frankincence the smoky fume did ryse.
- When as Pygmalion having doone his dutye that same day,
- Before the altar standing, thus with fearefull hart did say:
- If that you Goddes can all things give, then let my wife (I pray)
- (He durst not say bee yoon same wench of Ivory, but) bee leeke
- My wench of Ivory. Venus (who was nought at all to seeke
- What such a wish as that did meene) then present at her feast,
- For handsell of her freendly helpe did cause three tymes at least
- The fyre to kindle and to spyre thryse upward in the ayre.
- As soone as he came home, streyghtway Pygmalion did repayre
- Unto the Image of his wench, and leaning on the bed,
- Did kisse hir. In her body streyght a warmenesse seemd to spred.
- He put his mouth againe to hers, and on her brest did lay
- His hand. The Ivory wexed soft: and putting quyght away
- All hardnesse, yeelded underneathe his fingars, as wee see
- A peece of wax made soft ageinst the Sunne, or drawen to bee
- In divers shapes by chaufing it betweene ones handes, and so
- To serve to uses. He amazde stood wavering to and fro
- Tweene joy, and feare to be beeguyld, ageine he burnt in love,
- Ageine with feeling he began his wished hope to prove.
- He felt it verrye flesh in deede. By laying on his thumb,
- He felt her pulses beating. Then he stood no longer dumb
- But thanked Venus with his hart, and at the length he layd
- His mouth to hers who was as then become a perfect mayd.
- Shee felt the kisse, and blusht therat: and lifting fearefully
- Hir eyelidds up, hir Lover and the light at once did spye.
- The mariage that her selfe had made the Goddesse blessed so,
- That when the Moone with fulsum lyght nyne tymes her course had go,
- This Ladye was delivered of a Sun that Paphus hyght,
- Of whom the Iland takes that name.
- < part=f>Of him was borne a knyght
- Calld Cinyras who (had he had none issue) surely myght
- Of all men underneathe the sun beene thought the happyest wyght.
- Of wicked and most cursed things to speake I now commence.
- Yee daughters and yee parents all go get yee farre from hence.
- Or if yee mynded bee to heere my tale, beleeve mee nought
- In this beehalfe: ne think that such a thing was ever wrought.
- Or if yee will beeleeve the deede, beleeve the vengeance too
- Which lyghted on the partye that the wicked act did doo.
- But if that it be possible that any wyght so much
- From nature should degenerate, as for to fall to such
- A heynous cryme as this is, I am glad for Thracia, I
- Am glad for this same world of ours, yea glad exceedingly
- I am for this my native soyle, for that there is such space
- Betweene it and the land that bred a chyld so voyd of grace.
- I would the land Panchaya should of Amomie be rich,
- And Cinnamom, and Costus sweete, and Incence also which
- Dooth issue largely out of trees, and other flowers straunge,
- As long as that it beareth Myrrhe: not woorth it was the chaunge,
- Newe trees to have of such a pryce. The God of love denyes
- His weapons to have hurted thee, O Myrrha, and he tryes
- Himselfe ungiltie by thy fault. One of the Furies three
- With poysonde Snakes and hellish brands hath rather blasted thee.
- To hate ones father is a cryme as heynous as may bee,
- But yit more wicked is this love of thine than any hate.
- The youthfull Lordes of all the East and Peeres of cheef estate
- Desyre to have thee to their wyfe, and earnest sute doo make.
- Of all (excepting onely one) thy choyce, O Myrrha, take.
- Shee feeles her filthye love, and stryves ageinst it, and within
- Herself sayd: Whither roonnes my mynd? what thinke I to begin?
- Yee Gods (I pray) and godlynesse, yee holy rites and awe
- Of parents, from this heynous cryme my vicious mynd withdrawe,
- And disappoynt my wickednesse. At leastwyse if it bee
- A wickednesse that I intend. As farre as I can see,
- This love infrindgeth not the bondes of godlynesse a whit.
- For every other living wyght dame nature dooth permit
- To match without offence of sin. The Heifer thinkes no shame
- To beare her father on her backe: the horse bestrydes the same
- Of whom he is the syre: the Gote dooth bucke the kid that hee
- Himself begate: and birdes doo tread the selfsame birdes wee see
- Of whom they hatched were before. In happye cace they are
- That may doo so without offence. But mans malicious care
- Hath made a brydle for it self, and spyghtfull lawes restreyne
- The things that nature setteth free. Yit are their Realmes (men sayne)
- In which the moother with the sonne, and daughter with the father
- Doo match, wherethrough of godlynesse the bond augments the rather
- With doubled love. Now wo is mee it had not beene my lot
- In that same countrie to bee borne. And that this lucklesse plot
- Should hinder mee. Why thinke I thus? Avaunt, unlawfull love.
- I ought to love him, I confesse: but so as dooth behove
- His daughter: were not Cinyras my father than, Iwis
- I myght obtaine to lye with him. But now bycause he is
- Myne owne, he cannot bee myne owne. The neerenesse of our kin
- Dooth hurt me. Were I further off perchaunce I more myght win.
- And if I wist that I therby this wickednesse myght shunne,
- I would forsake my native soyle and farre from Cyprus runne.
- This evill heate dooth hold mee backe, that beeing present still
- I may but talke with Cinyras and looke on him my fill,
- And touch, and kisse him, if no more may further graunted bee.
- Why wicked wench, and canst thou hope for further? doost not see
- How by thy fault thou doost confound the ryghts of name and kin?
- And wilt thou make thy mother bee a Cucqueane by thy sin?
- Wilt thou thy fathers leman bee? wilt thou bee both the moother
- And suster of thy chyld? shall he bee both thy sonne and brother?
- And standst thou not in feare at all of those same susters three
- Whose heads with crawling snakes in stead of heare bematted bee?
- Which pushing with theyr cruell bronds folks eyes and mouthes, doo see
- Theyr sinfull harts? but thou now whyle thy body yit is free,
- Let never such a wickednesse once enter in thy mynd.
- Defyle not myghtye natures hest by lust ageinst thy kynd.
- What though thy will were fully bent? yit even the very thing
- Is such as will not suffer thee the same to end to bring.
- For why he beeing well disposde and godly, myndeth ay
- So much his dewtye that from ryght and truth he will not stray.
- Would Godlyke furie were in him as is in mee this day.
- This sayd, her father Cinyras (who dowted what to doo
- By reason of the worthy store of suters which did woo
- His daughter,) bringing all theyr names did will her for to show
- On which of them shee had herself most fancie to bestow.
- At first shee hild her peace a whyle, and looking wistly on
- Her fathers face, did boyle within: and scalding teares anon
- Ran downe her visage. Cyniras, (who thought them to proceede
- Of tender harted shamefastnesse) did say there was no neede
- Of teares, and dryed her cheekes, and kist her. Myrrha tooke of it
- Exceeding pleasure in her selfe: and when that he did wit
- What husband shee did wish to have, shee sayd: One like to yow.
- He undertanding not hir thought, did well her woordes allow,
- And sayd: In this thy godly mynd continew. At the name
- Of godlynesse, shee cast mee downe her looke for very shame.
- For why her giltie hart did knowe shee well deserved blame.
- Hygh mydnight came, and sleepe bothe care and carkesses opprest.
- But Myrrha lying brode awake could neyther sleepe nor rest.
- Shee fryes in Cupids flames, and woorkes continewally uppon
- Her furious love. One while shee sinkes in deepe despayre. Anon
- Shee fully myndes to give attempt, but shame doth hold her in.
- Shee wishes and shee wotes not what to doo, nor how to gin.
- And like as when a mightye tree with axes heawed rownd,
- Now redy with a strype or twaine to lye uppon the grownd,
- Uncerteine is which way to fall and tottreth every way:
- Even so her mynd with dowtfull wound effeebled then did stray
- Now heere now there uncerteinely, and tooke of bothe encreace.
- No measure of her love was found, no rest, nor yit releace,
- Save only death. Death likes her best. Shee ryseth, full in mynd
- To hang herself. About a post her girdle she doth bynd,
- And sayd: Farewell deere Cinyras, and understand the cause
- Of this my death. And with that woord about her necke shee drawes
- The nooze. Her trustye nurce that in another Chamber lay
- By fortune heard the whispring sound of theis her woordes (folk say).
- The aged woman rysing up unboltes the doore. And whan
- Shee saw her in that plyght of death, shee shreeking out began
- To smyght her self, and scratcht her brest, and quickly to her ran
- And rent the girdle from her necke. Then weeping bitterly
- And holding her betweene her armes, shee askt the question why
- Shee went about to hang her self so unadvisedly.
- The Lady hilld her peace as dumb, and looking on the ground
- Unmovably, was sorye in her hart for beeing found
- Before shee had dispatcht herself. Her nurce still at her lay,
- And shewing her her emptie dugges and naked head all gray,
- Besought her for the paynes shee tooke with her both night and day
- In rocking and in feeding her, shee would vouchsafe to say
- What ere it were that greeved her. The Ladye turnd away
- Displeasde and fetcht a sygh. The nurce was fully bent in mynd
- To bowlt the matter out: for which not onely shee did bynd
- Her fayth, in secret things to keepe: but also sayd, put mee
- In truth to fynd a remedye. I am not (thou shalt see)
- Yit altogither dulld by age. If furiousenesse it bee,
- I have bothe charmes and chaunted herbes to help. If any wyght
- Bewitcheth thee, by witchcraft I will purge and set thee quyght.
- Or if it bee the wrath of God, we shall with sacrifyse
- Appease the wrath of God right well. What may I more surmyse?
- No theeves have broken in uppon this house and spoyld the welth.
- Thy mother and thy father bothe are living and in helth.
- When Myrrha heard her father naamd, a greevous sygh she fet
- Even from the bottom of her hart. Howbee't the nurce as yet
- Misdeemd not any wickednesse. But nerethelesse shee gest
- There was some love: and standing in one purpose made request
- To breake her mynd unto her, and shee set her tenderly
- Uppon her lappe. The Ladye wept and sobbed bitterly.
- Then culling her in feeble armes, shee sayd: I well espye
- Thou art in love. My diligence in this behalf I sweare
- Shall servisable to thee bee. Thou shalt not neede to feare
- That ere thy father shall it knowe. At that same woord shee lept
- From nurces lappe like one that had beene past her witts, and stept
- With fury to her bed. At which shee leaning downe hir face
- Sayd: Hence I pray thee: force mee not to shewe my shamefull cace.
- And when the nurce did urge her still, shee answered eyther: Get
- Thee hence, or ceace to aske mee why myself I thus doo fret.
- The thing that thou desyrste to knowe is wickednesse. The old
- Poore nurce gan quake, and trembling both for age and feare did hold
- Her handes to her. And kneeling downe right humbly at her feete,
- One whyle shee fayre intreated her with gentle woordes and sweete.
- Another whyle (onlesse shee made her privie of her sorrow)
- Shee threatned her, and put her in a feare shee would next morrow
- Bewray her how shee went about to hang herself. But if
- Shee told her, shee did plyght her fayth and help to her releef.
- Shee lifted up her head, and then with teares fast gushing out
- Beesloobered all her nurces brest: and going oft about
- To speake, shee often stayd: and with her garments hid her face
- For shame, and lastly sayd: O happye is my moothers cace
- That such a husband hath. With that a greevous sygh shee gave,
- And hilld her peace. Theis woordes of hers a trembling chilnesse drave
- In nurcis limbes, which perst her bones: (for now shee understood
- The cace) and all her horye heare up stiffly staring stood
- And many things she talkt to put away her cursed love,
- If that it had beene possible the madnesse to remove.
- The Mayd herself to be full trew the councell dooth espye:
- Yit if shee may not have her love shee fully myndes to dye.
- Live still (quoth nurce) thou shalt obteine (shee durst not say thy father,
- But stayd at that). And forbycause that Myrrha should the rather
- Beleeve her, shee confirmd her woordes by othe. The yeerely feast
- Of gentle Ceres came, in which the wyves bothe moste and least
- Appareld all in whyght are woont the firstlings of the feeld,
- Fyne garlonds made of eares of come, to Ceres for to yeeld.
- And for the space of thryce three nyghts they counted it a sin
- To have the use of any man, or once to towche his skin.
- Among theis women did the Queene freequent the secret rites.
- Now whyle that of his lawfull wyfe his bed was voyd a nightes,
- The nurce was dooble diligent: and fynding Cinyras
- Well washt with wyne, shee did surmyse there was a pretye lasse
- In love with him. And hyghly shee her beawty setteth out.
- And beeing asked of her yeeres, she sayd shee was about
- The age of Myrrha. Well (quoth he) then bring her to my bed.
- Returning home she sayd: bee glad my nurcechilde: we have sped.
- Not all so wholly in her hart was wretched Myrrha glad,
- But that her fore misgiving mynd did also make her sad.
- Howbee't shee also did rejoyce as in a certaine kynd,
- Such discord of affections was within her combred mynd.
- It was the tyme that all things rest. And now Bootes bryght,
- The driver of the Oxen seven, about the northpole pyght
- Had sumwhat turnd his wayne asyde, when wicked Myrrha sped
- About her buysnesse. Out of heaven the golden Phoebee fled.
- With clowds more black than any pitch the starres did hyde their hed.
- The nyght beecommeth utter voyd of all her woonted lyght.
- And first before all other hid their faces out of syght
- Good Icar and Erigonee, his daughter, who for love
- Most vertuous to her fatherward, was taken up above
- And made a starre in heaven. Three tymes had Myrrha warning given
- By stumbling, to retyre. Three tymes the deathfull Owle that eeven
- With doolefull noyse prognosticates unhappie lucke. Yet came
- Shee forward still: the darknesse of the nyght abated shame.
- Her left hand held her nurce, her right the darke blynd way did grope.
- Anon shee to the chamber came: anon the doore was ope:
- Anon she entred in. With that her foltring hammes did quake:
- Her colour dyde: her blood and hart did cleerly her forsake.
- The neerer shee approched to her wickednesse, the more
- She trembled: of her enterpryse it irked her full sore:
- And fayne shee would shee might unknowen have turned back. Nurce led
- Her pawsing forward by the hand: and putting her to bed,
- Heere, take this Damzell, Cinyras, shee is thine owne, shee sed.
- And so shee layd them brest to brest. The wicked father takes
- His bowelles into filthy bed, and there with wordes asslakes
- The maydens feare, and cheeres her up. And lest this cryme of theyres
- Myght want the ryghtfull termes, by chaunce as in respect of yeeres
- He daughter did hir call, and shee him father. Beeing sped
- With cursed seede in wicked womb, shee left her fathers bed,
- Of which soone after shee became greate bagged with her shame.
- Next night the lewdnesse doubled. And no end was of the same,
- Untill at length that Cinyras desyrous for to knowe
- His lover that so many nyghts uppon him did bestowe,
- Did fetch a light: by which he sawe his owne most heynous cryme,
- And eeke his daughter. Nathelesse, his sorrow at that time
- Represt his speeche. Then hanging by he drew a Rapier bryght.
- Away ran Myrrha, and by meanes of darknesse of the nyght
- Shee was delivered from the death: and straying in the broade
- Datebearing feeldes of Arabye, shee through Panchaya yode,
- And wandring full nyne moonethes at length shee rested beeing tyrde
- In Saba land. And when the tyme was neere at hand expyrde,
- And that uneath the burthen of her womb shee well could beare,
- Not knowing what she might desyre, distrest betweene the feare
- Of death, and tediousnesse of lyfe, this prayer shee did make:
- O Goddes, if of repentant folk you any mercye take,
- Sharpe vengeance I confesse I have deserved, and content
- I am to take it paciently. How bee it to th'entent
- That neyther with my lyfe the quick, nor with my death the dead
- Anoyed bee, from both of them exempt mee this same sted,
- And altring mee, deny to mee both lyfe and death. We see
- To such as doo confesse theyr faults sum mercy shewd to bee.
- The Goddes did graunt her this request, the last that she should make.
- The ground did overgrow hir feete, and ancles as she spake.
- And from her bursten toes went rootes, which wrything heere and there
- Did fasten so the trunk within the ground shee could not steare.
- Her bones did into timber turne, whereof the marie was
- The pith, and into watrish sappe the blood of her did passe.
- Her armes were turnd to greater boughes, her fingars into twig,
- Her skin was hardned into bark. And now her belly big
- The eatching tree had overgrowen, and overtane her brest,
- And hasted for to win her neck, and hyde it with the rest.
- Shee made no taryence nor delay, but met the comming tree,
- And shroonk her face within the barke therof. Although that shee
- Togither with her former shape her senses all did loose,
- Yit weepeth shee, and from her tree warme droppes doo softly woose.
- The which her teares are had in pryce and honour. And the Myrrhe
- That issueth from her gummy bark dooth beare the name of her,
- And shall doo whyle the world dooth last. The misbegotten chyld
- Grew still within the tree, and from his mothers womb defyld
- Sought meanes to bee delyvered. Her burthende womb did swell
- Amid the tree, and stretcht her out. But woordes wherwith to tell
- And utter foorth her greef did want. She had no use of speech
- With which Lucina in her throwes shee might of help beseech.
- Yit like a woman labring was the tree, and bowwing downe
- Gave often sighes, and shed foorth teares as though shee there should drowne.
- Lucina to this wofull tree came gently downe, and layd
- Her hand theron, and speaking woordes of ease the midwife playd.
- The tree did cranye, and the barke deviding made away,
- And yeelded out the chyld alyve, which cryde and wayld streyght way.
- The waternymphes uppon the soft sweete hearbes the chyld did lay,
- And bathde him with his mothers teares. His face was such as spyght
- Must needes have praysd. For such he was in all condicions right,
- As are the naked Cupids that in tables picturde bee.
- But to th'entent he may with them in every poynt agree,
- Let eyther him bee furnisshed with wings and quiver light,
- Or from the Cupids take theyr wings and bowes and arrowes quight.
- Away slippes fleeting tyme unspyde and mocks us to our face,
- And nothing may compare with yeares in swiftnesse of theyr pace.
- That wretched imp whom wickedly his graundfather begate,
- And whom his cursed suster bare, who hidden was alate
- Within the tree, and lately borne, became immediatly
- The beawtyfullyst babe on whom man ever set his eye.
- Anon a stripling hee became, and by and by a man,
- And every day more beawtifull than other he becam,
- That in the end Dame Venus fell in love with him: wherby
- He did revenge the outrage of his mothers villanye.
- For as the armed Cupid kist Dame Venus, unbeware
- An arrow sticking out did raze hir brest uppon the bare.
- The Goddesse being wounded, thrust away her sonne. The wound
- Appeered not to bee so deepe as afterward was found.
- It did deceyve her at the first. The beawty of the lad
- Nor unto Paphos where the sea beats round about the shore,
- Inflaamd her. To Cythera Ile no mynd at all shee had.
- Nor fisshy Gnyde, nor Amathus that hath of metalls store.
- Yea even from heaven shee did absteyne. Shee lovd Adonis more
- Than heaven. To him shee clinged ay, and bare him companye.
- And in the shadowe woont shee was to rest continually,
- And for to set her beawtye out most seemely to the eye
- By trimly decking of her self. Through bushy grounds and groves,
- And over Hills and Dales, and Lawnds and stony rocks shee roves,
- Bare kneed with garment tucked up according to the woont
- Of Phebe, and shee cheerd the hounds with hallowing like a hunt,
- Pursewing game of hurtlesse sort, as Hares made lowe before,
- Or stagges with loftye heades, or bucks. But with the sturdy Boare
- And ravening woolf, and Bearewhelpes armd with ugly pawes, and eeke
- The cruell Lyons which delyght in blood, and slaughter seeke,
- Shee meddled not. And of theis same shee warned also thee,
- Adonis, for to shoonne them, if thou wooldst have warned bee.
- Bee bold on cowards (Venus sayd) for whoso dooth advaunce
- Himselfe against the bold, may hap to meete with sum mischaunce.
- Wherfore I pray thee, my sweete boy, forbeare too bold to bee.
- For feare thy rashnesse hurt thy self and woork the wo of me
- Encounter not the kynd of beastes whom nature armed hath,
- For dowt thou buy thy prayse too deere procuring thee sum scath.
- Thy tender youth, thy beawty bryght, thy countnance fayre and brave
- Although they had the force to win the hart of Venus, have
- No powre ageinst the Lyons, nor ageinst the bristled swyne.
- The eyes and harts of savage beasts doo nought to theis inclyne.
- The cruell Boares beare thunder in theyr hooked tushes, and
- Exceeding force and feercenesse is in Lyons to withstand.
- And sure I hate them at my hart. To him demaunding why,
- A monstrous chaunce (quoth Venus) I will tell thee by and by,
- That hapned for a fault. But now unwoonted toyle hath made
- Mee weerye: and beholde, in tyme this Poplar with his shade
- Allureth, and the ground for cowch dooth serve to rest uppon.
- I prey thee let us rest us here. They sate them downe anon.
- And lying upward with her head uppon his lappe along,
- Shee thus began, and in her tale shee bussed him among:
- Perchaunce thou hast or this tyme heard of one that overcame
- The swiftest men in footemanshippe. No fable was that fame.
- She overcame them out of dowt. And hard it is to tell
- Thee whither she did in footemanshippe or beawty more excell.
- Uppon a season as she askt of Phebus, what he was
- That should her husband bee, he sayd: For husband doo not passe,
- O Atalanta, thou at all of husband hast no neede.
- Shonne husbanding. But yit thou canst not shonne it, I thee reede.
- Alyve thou shalt not be thy self. Shee being sore afrayd
- Of this Apollos Oracle, did keepe herself a mayd,
- And lived in the shady woodes. When wooers to her came,
- And were of her importunate, shee drave away the same
- With boystous woordes, and with the sore condition of the game.
- I am not to be had (quoth shee) onlesse yee able bee
- In ronning for to vanquish mee. Yee must contend with mee
- In footemanshippe. And who so winnes the wager, I agree
- To bee his wife. But if that he bee found too slowe, then hee
- Shall lose his head. This of your game the verrye law shall bee.
- Shee was in deede unmercifull. But such is beawties powre,
- That though the sayd condition were extreme and over sowre,
- Yit many suters were so rash to undertake the same.
- Hippomenes as a looker on of this uncurteous game,
- Sate by, and sayd: Is any man so mad to seeke a wyfe
- With such apparant perill and the hazard of his lyfe?
- And utterly he did condemne the yongmens love. But when
- He saw her face and bodye bare, (for why the Lady then
- Did strippe her to her naked skin) the which was like to myne,
- Or rather (if that thou wert made a woman) like to thyne:
- He was amazde. And holding up his hands to heaven, he sayth:
- Forgive mee you with whom I found such fault even now: in fayth
- I did not know the wager that yee ran for. As hee prayseth
- The beawty of her, in himselfe the fyre of love he rayseth.
- And through an envy fearing lest shee should away be woonne,
- He wisht that nere a one of them so swift as shee might roonne.
- And wherfore (quoth hee) put not I myself in preace to trye
- The fortune of this wager? God himself continually
- Dooth help the bold and hardye sort. Now whyle Hippomenes
- Debates theis things within himselfe and other like to these,
- The Damzell ronnes as if her feete were wings. And though that shee
- Did fly as swift as arrow from a Turkye bowe: yit hee
- More woondred at her beawtye than at swiftnesse of her pace.
- Her ronning greatly did augment her beawtye and her grace.
- The wynd ay whisking from her feete the labells of her socks
- Uppon her back as whyght as snowe did tosse her golden locks,
- And eeke th'embroydred garters that were tyde beneathe her ham.
- A rednesse mixt with whyght uppon her tender bodye cam,
- As when a scarlet curtaine streynd ageinst a playstred wall
- Dooth cast like shadowe, making it seeme ruddye therwithall.
- Now whyle he straunger noted this, the race was fully ronne,
- And Atalant (as shee that had the wager cleerely wonne)
- Was crowned with a garlond brave. The vanquisht sighing sore,
- Did lose theyr lyves according to agreement made before.
- Howbeeit nought at all dismayd with theis mennes lucklesse cace
- He stepped foorth, and looking full uppon the maydens face,
- Sayd: Wherfore doost thou seeke renowne in vanquisshing of such
- As were but dastards? Cope with mee. If fortune bee so much
- My freend to give mee victorie, thou needest not hold scorne
- To yeeld to such a noble man as I am. I am borne
- The sonne of noble Megaree, Onchestyes sonne, and hee
- Was sonne to Neptune. Thus am I great graundchyld by degree
- In ryght descent, of him that rules the waters. Neyther doo
- I out of kynd degenerate from vertue meete therto,
- Or if my fortune bee so hard as vanquisht for to bee,
- Thou shalt obteine a famous name by overcomming mee.
- In saying thus, Atlanta cast a gentle looke on him:
- And dowting whither shee rather had to lose the day or win,
- Sayd thus: What God, an enmy to the beawtyfull, is bent
- To bring this person to his end, and therefore hath him sent
- To seeke a wyfe with hazard of his lyfe? If I should bee
- Myselfe the judge in this behalfe, there is not sure in mee
- That dooth deserve so deerely to bee earned. Neyther dooth
- His beawty moove my hart at all. Yit is it such in sooth
- As well might moove mee. But bycause as yit a chyld he is,
- His person mooves mee not so much as dooth his age Iwis.
- Beesydes that manhod is in him, and mynd unfrayd of death:
- Beesydes that of the watrye race from Neptune as he seth
- He is the fowrth: beesydes that he dooth love mee, and dooth make
- So great accompt to win mee to his wyfe, that for my sake
- He is contented for to dye, if fortune bee so sore
- Ageinst him to denye him mee. Thou straunger hence therfore.
- Away, I say, now whyle thou mayst, and shonne my bloody bed.
- My mariage cruell is, and craves the losing of thy hed.
- There is no wench but that would such a husband gladly catch.
- And shee that wyse were myght desyre to meete with such a match.
- But why now after heading of so many, doo I care
- For thee? Looke thou to that. For sith so many men as are
- Alreadye put to slawghter can not warne thee to beeware,
- But that thou wilt bee weerye of thy lyfe, dye: doo not spare.
- And shall he perrish then bycause he sought to live with mee?
- And for his love unwoorthely wvith death rewarded bee?
- All men of such a victory will speake too foule a shame.
- But all the world can testifye that I am not to blame.
- Would God thou wouldst desist. Or else bycause thou are so mad,
- I would to God a little more thy feete of swiftnesse had.
- Ah what a maydens countenance is in this chyldish face.
- Ah, foolish boy Hippomenes, how wretched is thy cace.
- I would thou never hadst mee seene. Thou woorthy art of lyfe.
- And if so bee I happy were, and that to bee a wyfe
- The cruell destnyes had not mee forbidden, sure thou art
- The onely wyght with whom I would bee matcht with all my hart.
- This spoken: shee yit rawe and but new striken with the dart
- Of Cupid, beeing ignorant, did love and knew it nat.
- Anon her father and the folk assembled, willed that
- They should begin theyr woonted race. Then Neptunes issue prayd
- With carefull hart and voyce to mee, and thus devoutly sayd:
- O Venus, favour myne attempt, and send mee downe thyne ayd
- To compasse my desyred love which thou hast on mee layd.
- His prayer movd mee (I confesse,) and long I not delayd
- Before I helpt him. Now there is a certaine feeld the which
- The Cyprian folk call Damasene, most fertile and most rich
- Of all the Cyprian feelds: the same was consecrate to mee
- In auncient tyme, and of my Church the glebland woont to bee.
- Amid this feeld, with golden leaves there growes a goodly tree
- The crackling boughes whereof are all of yellew gold. I came
- And gathered golden Apples three: and bearing thence the same
- Within my hand, immediatly to Hippomen I gat
- Invisible to all wyghts else save him and taught him what
- To doo with them.
- The Trumpets blew: and girding forward, both
- Set foorth, and on the hovering dust with nimble feete eche goth.
- A man would think they able were uppon the Sea to go
- And never wet theyr feete, and on the ayles of come also
- That still is growing in the feeld, and never downe them tread.
- The man tooke courage at the showt and woordes of them that sed:
- Now, now is tyme, Hippomenes, to ply it, hye apace:
- Enforce thyself with all thy strength: lag not in any cace:
- Thou shalt obteine. It is a thing ryght dowtfull whither hee
- At theis well willing woordes of theyrs rejoysed more, or shee.
- For old religion, not unlike a cave: wher priests of yore
- Bestowed had of Images of wooden Goddes good store.
- Hippomenes entring herinto defyld the holy place,
- With his unlawfull lust: from which the Idolls turnd theyr face.
- And Cybell with the towred toppes disdeyning, dowted whither
- Shee in the lake of Styx might drowne the wicked folk togither.
- The pennance seemed over lyght. And therefore shee did cawse
- Thinne yellow manes to growe uppon theyr necks: and hooked pawes
- In stead of fingars to succeede. Theyr shoulders were the same
- They were before: with woondrous force deepe brested they became.
- Theyr looke beecame feerce, cruell, grim, and sowre: a tufted tayle
- Stretcht out in length farre after them upon the ground dooth trayle.
- In stead of speech they rore: in stead of bed they haunt the wood:
- And dreadful unto others they for all theyr cruell moode
- With tamed teeth chank Cybells bitts in shape of Lyons. Shonne
- Theis beastes deere hart: and not from theis alonely see thou ronne,
- But also from eche other beast that turnes not backe to flight
- But offreth with his boystows brest to try the chaunce of fyght:
- Lest that thyne overhardinesse bee hurtfull to us both.
- This warning given, with yoked swannes away through aire she goth.
- But manhod by admonishment restreyned could not bee.
- By chaunce his hounds in following of the tracke, a Boare did see,
- And rowsed him. And as the swyne was comming from the wood,
- Adonis hit him with a dart askew, and drew the blood.
- The Boare streyght with his hooked groyne the hunting staffe out drew
- Bestayned with his blood, and on Adonis did pursew.
- Who trembling and retyring back, to place of refuge drew.
- And hyding in his codds his tuskes as farre as he could thrust
- He layd him all along for dead uppon the yellow dust.
- Dame Venus in her chariot drawen with swannes was scarce arrived
- At Cyprus, when shee knew afarre the sygh of him depryved
- Of lyfe. Shee turnd her Cygnets backe and when shee from the skye
- Beehilld him dead, and in his blood beweltred for to lye:
- Shee leaped downe, and tare at once hir garments from her brist,
- And rent her heare, and beate upon her stomack with her fist,
- And blaming sore the destnyes, sayd: Yit shall they not obteine
- Their will in all things. Of my greefe remembrance shall remayne
- (Adonis) whyle the world doth last. From yeere to yeere shall growe
- A thing that of my heavinesse and of thy death shall showe
- The lively likenesse. In a flowre thy blood I will bestowe.
- Hadst thou the powre, Persephonee, rank sented Mints to make
- Of womens limbes? and may not I lyke powre upon mee take
- Without disdeine and spyght, to turne Adonis to a flowre?
- This sed, shee sprinckled Nectar on the blood, which through the powre
- Therof did swell like bubbles sheere that ryse in weather cleere
- On water. And before that full an howre expyred weere,
- Of all one colour with the blood a flowre she there did fynd
- Even like the flowre of that same tree whose frute in tender rynde
- Have pleasant graynes inclosde. Howbee't the use of them is short.
- For why the leaves do hang so looce through lightnesse in such sort,
- As that the windes that all things perce, with every little blast
- Doo shake them off and shed them so as that they cannot last.
- Finis decimi Libri.
- of Ouids Metamorphosis
- Ow whyle the Thracian Poet with this song delyghts the mynds
- Of savage beastes, and drawes both stones and trees ageynst their kynds,
- Behold the wyves of Ciconie with red deer skinnes about
- Their furious brists as in the feeld they gadded on a rout,
- Espyde him from a hillocks toppe still singing to his harp.
- Of whom one shooke her head at him, and thus began to carp:
- Behold (sayes shee) behold yoon same is he that doth disdeine
- Us women. And with that same woord shee sent her lawnce amayne
- At Orphyes singing mouth. The Lawnce armd round about with leaves,
- Did hit him, and without a wound a marke behynd it leaves.
- ' Another threw a stone at him, which vanquisht with his sweete
- And most melodius harmonye, fell humbly at his feete
- As sorye for the furious act it purposed. But rash
- And heady ryot out of frame all reason now did dash,
- And frantik outrage reigned. Yit had the sweetenesse of his song
- Appeasd all weapons, saving that the noyse now growing strong
- With blowing shalmes, and beating drummes, and bedlem howling out,
- And clapping hands on every syde by Bacchus drunken rout,
- Did drowne the sownd of Orphyes harp. Then first of all stones were
- Made ruddy with the prophets blood, and could not give him eare.
- And first the flocke of Bacchus froes by violence brake the ring
- Of Serpents, birds, and savage beastes that for to heere him sing
- Sate gazing round about him there. And then with bluddy hands
- They ran uppon the prophet who among them singing stands.
- They flockt about him like as when a sort of birds have found
- An Owle a daytymes in a tod: and hem him in full round,
- As when a Stag by hungrye hownds is in a morning found,
- The which forestall him round about and pull him to the ground.
- Even so the prophet they assayle, and throwe their Thyrses greene
- At him, which for another use than that invented beene.
- Sum cast mee clods, sum boughes of trees, and sum threw stones. And lest
- That weapons wherwithall to wreake theyr woodnesse which increast
- Should want, it chaunst that Oxen by were tilling of the ground
- And labring men with brawned armes not farre fro thence were found
- A digging of the hardned earth, and earning of theyr food,
- With sweating browes. They seeing this same rout, no longer stood,
- But ran away and left theyr tooles behynd them. Every where
- Through all the feeld theyr mattocks, rakes, and shovells scattred were.
- Which when the cruell feends had caught, and had asunder rent
- The horned Oxen, backe ageine to Orphy ward they went,
- And (wicked wights) they murthred him, who never till that howre
- Did utter woordes in vaine, nor sing without effectuall powre.
- And through that mouth of his (oh lord) which even the stones had heard,
- And unto which the witlesse beastes had often given regard,
- His ghost then breathing into aire, departed. Even the fowles
- Were sad for Orphye, and the beast with sorye syghing howles:
- The rugged stones did moorne for him, the woods which many a tyme
- Had followed him to heere him sing, bewayled this same cryme.
- Yea even the trees lamenting him did cast theyr leavy heare.
- The rivers also with theyr teares (men say) encreased were.
- Yea and the Nymphes of brookes and woods uppon theyr streames did sayle
- With scattred heare about theyr eares, in boats with sable sayle.
- His members lay in sundrie steds. His head and harp both cam
- To Hebrus, and (a woondrous thing) as downe the streame they swam,
- His Harp did yeeld a moorning sound: his livelesse toong did make
- A certeine lamentable noyse as though it still yit spake,
- And bothe the banks in moorning wyse made answer to the same.
- At length adowne theyr country streame to open sea they came,
- And lyghted on Methymnye shore in Lesbos land. And there
- No sooner on the forreine coast now cast aland they were,
- But that a cruell naturde Snake did streyght uppon them fly,
- And licking on his ruffled heare the which was dropping drye,
- Did gape to tyre uppon those lippes that had beene woont to sing
- Most heavenly hymnes. But Phebus streyght preventing that same thins,
- Dispoynts the Serpent of his bit, and turnes him into stone
- With gaping chappes. Already was the Ghost of Orphye gone
- To Plutos realme, and there he all the places eft beehild
- The which he heretofore had seene. And as he sought the feeld
- Of fayre Elysion (where the soules of godly folk doo woonne,)
- He found his wyfe Eurydicee, to whom he streyght did roonne,
- And hilld her in imbracing armes. There now he one while walks
- Togither with hir cheeke by cheeke: another while he stalks
- Before her, and another whyle he followeth her. And now
- Without all kinde of forfeyture he saufly myght avow
- His looking backward at his wyfe. But Bacchus greeved at
- The murther of the Chapleine of his Orgies, suffred not
- The mischeef unrevengd to bee. For by and by he bound
- The Thracian women by the feete with writhen roote in ground,
- As many as consenting to this wicked act were found.
- And looke how much that eche of them the prophet did pursew,
- So much he sharpening of their toes, within the ground them drew.
- And as the bird that fynds her legs besnarled in the net
- The which the fowlers suttletye hathe clocely for her set,
- And feeles shee cannot get away, stands flickering with her wings,
- And with her fearefull leaping up drawes clocer still the strings:
- So eche of theis when in the ground they fastned were, assayd
- Aflayghted for to fly away. But every one was stayd
- With winding roote which hilld her downe. Her frisking could not boote.
- And whyle she lookte what was become of Toe, of nayle, and foote,
- Shee sawe her leggs growe round in one, and turning into woode.
- And as her thyghes with violent hand shee sadly striking stoode,
- Shee felt them tree: her brest was tree: her shoulders eeke were tree.
- Her armes long boughes yee myght have thought, and not deceyved bee.
- But Bacchus was not so content: he quyght forsooke their land:
- And with a better companye removed out of hand
- Unto the Vyneyarde of his owne mount Tmolus, and the river
- Pactolus though as yit no streames of gold it did deliver,
- Ne spyghted was for precious sands. His olde accustomd rout
- Of woodwards and of franticke froes envyrond him about.
- But old Silenus was away. The Phrygian ploughmen found
- Him reeling bothe for droonkennesse and age, and brought him bound
- With garlands unto Midas, king of Phrygia, unto whom
- The Thracian Orphye and the preest Eumolphus comming from
- The towne of Athens erst had taught the Orgies. When he knew
- His fellowe and companion of the selfesame badge and crew,
- Uppon the comming of this guest, he kept a feast the space
- Of twyce fyve dayes and twyce fyve nyghts togither in that place.
- And now th'eleventh tyme Lucifer had mustred in the sky
- The heavenly host, when Midas commes to Lydia jocundly
- And yeeldes the old Silenus to his fosterchyld. He, glad
- That he his fosterfather had eftsoones recovered, bad
- King Midas ask him what he would. Right glad of that was hee,
- But not a whit at latter end the better should he bee.
- He minding to misuse his giftes, sayd: Graunt that all and some
- The which my body towcheth bare may yellow gold become.
- God Bacchus graunting his request, his hurtfull gift performd,
- And that he had not better wisht he in his stomacke stormd.
- Rejoycing in his harme away full merye goes the king:
- And for to try his promis true he towcheth every thing.
- Scarce giving credit to himself, he pulled yoong greene twiggs
- From off an Holmetree: by and by all golden were the spriggs.
- He tooke a flintstone from the ground, the stone likewyse became
- Pure gold. He towched next a clod of earth, and streight the same
- By force of towching did become a wedge of yellow gold.
- He gathered eares of rypened come: immediatly beholde
- The come was gold. An Apple then he pulled from a tree:
- Yee would have thought the Hesperids had given it him. If hee
- On Pillars high his fingars layd, they glistred like the sonne.
- The water where he washt his hands did from his hands so ronne,
- As Danae might have beene therwith beguyld. He scarce could hold
- His passing joyes within his harr, for making all things gold.
- Whyle he thus joyd, his officers did spred the boord anon,
- And set downe sundry sorts of meate and mancheate theruppon.
- Then whither his hand did towch the bread, the bread was massy gold:
- Or whither he chawde with hungry teeth his meate, yee might behold
- The peece of meate betweene his jawes a plat of gold to bee.
- In drinking wine and water mixt, yee myght discerne and see
- The liquid gold ronne downe his throte. Amazed at the straunge
- Mischaunce, and being both a wretch and rich, he wisht to chaunge
- His riches for his former state, and now he did abhorre
- The thing which even but late before he cheefly longed for.
- No meate his hunger slakes: his throte is shrunken up with thurst:
- And justly dooth his hatefull gold torment him as accurst.
- Then lifting up his sory armes and handes to heaven, he cryde:
- O father Bacchus, pardon mee. My sinne I will not hyde.
- Have mercy, I beseech thee, and vouchsauf to rid mee quyght
- From this same harme that seemes so good and glorious unto syght.
- The gentle Bacchus streight uppon confession of his cryme
- Restored Midas to the state hee had in former tyme.
- And having made performance of his promis, hee beereft him
- The gift that he had graunted him. And lest he should have left him
- Beedawbed with the dregges of that same gold which wickedly
- Hee wished had, he willed him to get him by and by
- To that great ryver which dooth ronne by Sardis towne, and there
- Along the chanell up the streame his open armes to beare
- Untill he commeth to the spring: and then his head to put
- Full underneathe the foming spowt where greatest was the gut,
- And so in washing of his limbes to wash away his cryme.
- The king (as was commaunded him) ageinst the streame did clyme.
- And streyght the powre of making gold departing quyght from him,
- Infects the ryver, making it with golden streame to swim.
- The force whereof the bankes about so soked in theyr veynes,
- That even as yit the yellow gold uppon the cloddes remaynes.
- Then Midas, hating riches, haunts the pasturegrounds and groves,
- And up and down with Pan among the Lawnds and mountaines roves.
- But still a head more fat than wyse, and doltish wit he hath,
- The which as erst, yit once againe must woork theyr mayster scath.
- The mountayne Tmole from loftye toppe to seaward looketh downe,
- And spreading farre his boorely sydes, extendeth to the towne
- Of Sardis with the t'one syde and to Hypep with the tother.
- There Pan among the fayrye elves that dawnced round togither
- In setting of his conning out for singing and for play
- Uppon his pype of reedes and wax, presuming for to say
- Apollos musick was not like to his, did take in hand
- A farre unequall match, wherof the Tmole for judge should stand.
- The auncient judge sitts downe uppon his hill, and ridds his eares
- From trees, and onely on his head an Oken garlond weares,
- Wherof the Acornes dangled downe about his hollow brow.
- And looking on the God of neate he sayd: Yee neede not now
- To tarry longer for your judge. Then Pan blew lowd and strong
- His country pype of reedes, and with his rude and homely song
- Delighted Midas eares, for he by chaunce was in the throng.
- When Pan had doone, the sacred Tmole to Phebus turnd his looke,
- And with the turning of his head his busshye heare he shooke.
- Then Phebus with a crowne of Bay uppon his golden heare
- Did sweepe the ground with scarlet robe. In left hand he did beare
- His viol made of precious stones and Ivorye intermixt.
- And in his right hand for to strike, his bowe was redy fixt.
- He was the verrye paterne of a good Musician ryght
- Anon he gan with conning hand the tuned strings to smyght.
- The sweetenesse of the which did so the judge of them delyght,
- That Pan was willed for to put his Reedepype in his cace,
- And not to fiddle nor to sing where viols were in place.
- The judgement of the holy hill was lyked well of all,
- Save Midas, who found fault therwith and wrongfull did it call. '
- Apollo could not suffer well his foolish eares to keepe
- Theyr humaine shape, but drew them wyde, and made them long and deepe.
- And filld them full of whytish heares, and made them downe to sag,
- And through too much unstablenesse continually to wag.
- His body keeping in the rest his manly figure still,
- Was ponnisht in the part that did offend for want of skill.
- And so a slowe paaste Asses eares his heade did after beare.
- This shame endevereth he to hyde. And therefore he did weare
- A purple nyghtcappe ever since. But yit his Barber who
- Was woont to notte him spyed it: and beeing eager to
- Disclose it, when he neyther durst to utter it, nor could
- It keepe in secret still, he went and digged up the mowld,
- And whispring softly in the pit, declaard what eares hee spyde
- His mayster have, and turning downe the clowre ageine, did hyde
- His blabbed woordes within the ground, and closing up the pit
- Departed thence and never made mo woordes at all of it.
- Soone after, there began a tuft of quivering reedes to growe
- Which beeing rype bewrayd theyr seede and him that did them sowe.
- For when the gentle sowtherne wynd did lyghtly on them blowe,
- They uttred foorth the woordes that had beene buried in the ground
- And so reprovde the Asses eares of Midas with theyr sound.
- Apollo after this revenge from Tmolus tooke his flyght:
- And sweeping through the ayre, did on the selfsame syde alvght
- Of Hellespontus, in the Realme of king Laomedon.
- There stoode uppon the right syde of Sigaeum, and uppon
- The left of Rhetye cliffe that tyme, an Altar buylt of old
- To Jove that heereth all mennes woordes. Heere Phebus did behold
- The foresayd king Laomedon beginning for to lay
- Foundation of the walles of Troy: which woork from day to day
- Went hard and slowly forward, and requyrd no little charge,
- Then he togither with the God that rules the surges large,
- Did put themselves in shape of men, and bargaynd with the king
- Of Phrygia for a summe of gold his woork to end to bring.
- Now when the woork was done, the king theyr wages them denayd,
- And falsly faaste them downe with othes it was not as they sayd.
- Thou shalt not mock us unrevendgd (quoth Neptune). And anon
- He caused all the surges of the sea to rush uppon
- The shore of covetous Troy, and made the countrye like the deepe.
- The goodes of all the husbandmen away he quight did sweepe,
- And overwhelmd theyr feeldes with waves. And thinking this too small
- A pennance for the falsehod, he demaunded therwithall
- His daughter for a monster of the Sea. Whom beeing bound
- Untoo a rocke, stout Hercules delivering saufe and sound,
- Requyrd his steeds which were the hyre for which he did compound.
- And when that of so great desert the king denyde the hyre.
- The twyce forsworne false towne of Troy he sacked in his ire.
- And Telamon in honour of his service did enjoy.
- The Lady Hesion, daughter of the covetous king of Troy.
- For Peleus had already got a Goddesse to his wife,
- And lived unto both theyr joyes a right renowmed lyfe.
- And sure he was not prowder of his graundsyre, than of thee
- That wert become his fathrinlaw. For many mo than hee
- Have had the hap of mighty Jove the nephewes for to bee.
- But never was it heeretofore the chaunce of any one
- To have a Goddesse to his wyfe, save only his alone.
- For unto watry Thetis thus old Protew did foretell:
- Go marry: thou shalt beare a sonne whose dooings shall excell
- His fathers farre in feates of armes, and greater he shall bee
- In honour, high renowme, and fame, than ever erst was hee.
- This caused Jove the watry bed of Thetis to forbeare
- Although his hart were more than warme with love of her, for feare
- The world sum other greater thing than Jove himself should breede,
- And willd the sonne of Aeacus this Peleus to succeede
- In that which he himself would faine have done, and for to take
- The Lady of the sea in armes a mother her to make.
- There is a bay of Thessaly that bendeth lyke a boawe.
- The sydes shoote foorth, where if the sea of any depth did flowe
- It were a haven. Scarcely dooth the water hyde the sand.
- It hath a shore so firme, that if a man theron doo stand,
- No print of foote remaynes behynd: it hindreth not ones pace,
- Ne covered is with hovering reeke. Adjoyning to this place,
- There is a grove of Myrtletrees with frute of dowle colour,
- And in the midds thereof a Cave. I can not tell you whither
- That nature or the art of man were maker of the same.
- It seemed rather made by arte. Oft Thetis hither came
- Starke naked, ryding bravely on a brydled Dolphins backe.
- There Peleus as shee lay asleepe uppon her often bracke.
- And forbycause that at her handes entreatance nothing winnes,
- He folding her about the necke with both his armes, beginnes
- To offer force. And surely if shee had not falne to wyles
- And shifted oftentymes her shape, he had obteind erewhyles.
- But shee became sumtymes a bird: he hilld her like a bird.
- Anon shee was a massye log: but Peleus never stird
- A whit for that. Then thirdly shee of speckled Tyger tooke
- The ugly shape: for feare of whose most feerce and cruell looke,
- His armes he from her body twicht. And at his going thence,
- In honour of the watry Goddes he burned frankincence,
- And powred wyne uppon the sea, with fat of neate and sheepe:
- Untill the prophet that dooth dwell within Carpathian deepe,
- Sayd thus: Thou sonne of Aeacus, thy wish thou sure shalt have
- Alonely when shee lyes asleepe within her pleasant Cave,
- Cast grinnes to trappe her unbewares: hold fast with snarling knot:
- And though shee fayne a hundreth shapes, deceyve thee let her not.
- But sticke unto't what ere it bee, untill the tyme that shee
- Returneth to the native shape shee erst was woont to bee.
- When Protew thus had sed, within the sea he duckt his head,
- And suffred on his latter woordes the water for to spred.
- The lyghtsum Titan downeward drew, and with declyning chayre
- Approched to the westerne sea, when Neryes daughter fayre
- Returning from the sea, resorts to her accustomd cowch.
- And Peleus scarcely had begon hir naked limbes to towch,
- But that shee chaungd from shape to shape, untill at length shee found
- Herself surprysd. Then stretching out her armes with sighes profound,
- She sayd: Thou overcommest mee, and not without the ayd
- Of God. And then she, Thetis like, appeerd in shape of mayd.
- The noble prince imbracing her obteynd her at his will,
- To both theyr joyes, and with the great Achylles did her fill.
- A happye wyght was Peleus in his wyfe: a happy wyght
- Was Peleus also in his sonne. And if yee him acquight
- Of murthring Phocus, happy him in all things count yee myght.
- But giltye of his brothers blood, and bannisht for the same
- From bothe his fathers house and Realme, to Trachin sad he came.
- The sonne of lyghtsum Lucifer, king Ceyx (who in face
- Exprest the lively beawtye of his fathers heavenly grace,)
- Without all violent rigor and sharpe executions reignd
- In Trachin. He right sad that tyme unlike himself, remaynd
- Yit moorning for his brothers chaunce transformed late before.
- When Peleus thither came, with care and travayle tyred sore,
- He left his cattell and his sheepe (whereof he brought great store)
- Behynd him in a shady vale not farre from Trachin towne,
- And with a little companye himself went thither downe.
- Assoone as leave to come to Court was graunted him, he bare
- A braunche of Olyf in his hand, and humbly did declare
- His name and lynage. Onely of his crime no woord hee spake,
- But of his flyght another cause pretensedly did make:
- Desyring leave within his towne or countrye to abyde.
- The king of Trachin gently thus to him ageine replyde:
- Our bownty to the meanest sort (O Peleus) dooth extend:
- Wee are not woont the desolate our countrye to forfend.
- And though I bee of nature most inclyned good to doo:
- Thyne owne renowme, thy graundsyre Jove are forcements thereunto.
- Misspend no longer tyme in sute. I gladly doo agree
- To graunt thee what thou wilt desyre. Theis things that thou doost see
- I would thou should account them as thyne owne, such as they bee
- I would they better were. With that he weeped. Peleus and
- His freends desyred of his greef the cause to understand.
- He answerd thus: Perchaunce yee think this bird that lives by pray
- And putts all other birds in feare had wings and fethers ay.
- He was a man. And as he was right feerce in feats of armes,
- And stout and readye bothe to wreake and also offer harmes:
- So was he of a constant mynd. Daedalion men him hyght.
- Our father was that noble starre that brings the morning bryght,
- And in the welkin last of all gives place to Phebus lyght.
- My study was to maynteine peace, in peace was my delyght,
- And for to keepe mee true to her to whom my fayth is plyght.
- My brother had felicite in warre and bloody fyght.
- His prowesse and his force which now dooth chase in cruell flyght
- The Dooves of Thisbye since his shape was altred thus anew,
- Ryght puyssant Princes and theyr Realmes did heeretofore subdew.
- He had a chyld calld Chyone, whom nature did endew
- With beawtye so, that when to age of fowreteene yeeres shee grew,
- A thousand Princes liking her did for hir favour sew.
- By fortune as bryght Phebus and the sonne of Lady May
- Came t'one from Delphos, toother from mount Cyllen, by the way
- They saw her bothe at once, and bothe at once were tane in love.
- Apollo till the tyme of nyght differd his sute to move.
- But Hermes could not beare delay. He stroked on the face
- The mayden with his charmed rod which hath the powre to chace
- And bring in sleepe: the touch whereof did cast her in so dead
- A sleepe, that Hermes by and by his purpose of her sped.
- As soone as nyght with twinckling starres the welkin had beesprent,
- Apollo in an old wyves shape to Chyon clocely went,
- And tooke the pleasure which the sonne of Maya had forehent.
- Now when shee full her tyme had gone, shee bare by Mercurye
- A sonne that hyght Awtolychus, who provde a wyly pye,
- And such a fellow as in theft and filching had no peere.
- He was his fathers owne sonne right: he could mennes eyes so bleere,
- As for to make the black things whyghlt, and whyght things black appeere.
- And by Apollo (for shee bare a payre) was borne his brother
- Philammon, who in musick arte excelled farre all other,
- As well in singing as in play. But what avayled it
- To beare such twinnes, and of two Goddes in favour to have sit?
- And that shee to her father had a stowt and valeant knight,
- Or that her graundsyre was the sonne of Jove that God of might?
- Dooth glorie hurt to any folk? It surely hurted her.
- For standing in her owne conceyt shee did herself prefer
- Before Diana, and dispraysd her face, who there with all
- Inflaamd with wrath, sayd: Well, with deedes we better please her shall.
- Immediatly shee bent her bowe, and let an arrow go,
- Which strake her through the toong, whose spight deserved
- wounding so.
- Her toong wext dumb, her speech gan fayle that erst was over ryfe,
- And as shee stryved for to speake, away went blood and lyfe.
- How wretched was I then, O God? how strake it to my hart?
- What woordes of comfort did I speake to ease my brothers smart?
- To which he gave his eare as much as dooth the stony rocke
- To hideous roring of the waves that doo against it knocke.
- There was no measure nor none ende in making of his mone,
- Nor in bewayling comfortlesse his daughter that was gone.
- But when he sawe her bodye burne, fowre tymes with all his myght
- He russhed foorth to thrust himself amid the fyre in spyght.
- Fowre tymes hee beeing thence repulst, did put himself to flyght.
- And ran mee wheras was no way, as dooth a Bullocke when
- A hornet stings him in the necke. Mee thought hee was as then
- More wyghter farre than any man. Yee would have thought his feete
- Had had sum wings. So fled he quyght from all, and being fleete
- Through eagernesse to dye, he gat to mount Parnasos knappe
- And there Apollo pitying him and rewing his missehappe,
- When as Daedalion from the cliffe himself had headlong floong,
- Transformd him to a bird, and on the soodaine as hee hung
- Did give him wings, and bowwing beake, and hooked talants keene,
- And eeke a courage full as feerce as ever it had beene.
- And furthermore a greater strength he lent him therwithall,
- Than one would thinke conveyd myght bee within a roome so small.
- And now in shape of Gossehawke hee to none indifferent is,
- But wreakes his teene on all birds. And bycause him selfe ere this
- Did feele the force of sorrowes sting within his wounded hart,
- Hee maketh others oftentymes to sorrow and to smart.
- As Caeyx of his brothers chaunce this wondrous story seth,
- Commes ronning thither all in haste and almost out of breth
- Anaetor the Phocayan who was Pelyes herdman. Hee
- Sayd: Pelye Pelye, I doo bring sad tydings unto thee.
- Declare it man (quoth Peleus) what ever that it bee.
- King Ceyx at his fearefull woordes did stand in dowtfull stowne.
- This noonetyde (quoth the herdman) Iche did drive your cattell downe
- To zea, and zum a them did zit uppon the yellow zand
- And looked on the large mayne poole of water neere at hand.
- Zum roayled zoftly up and downe, and zum a them did zwim
- And bare their jolly horned heades aboove the water trim.
- A Church stondes neere the zea not deckt with gold nor marble stone
- But made of wood, and hid with trees that dreeping hang theron.
- A visherman that zat and dryde hiz netts uppo the zhore
- Did tell'z that Nereus and his Nymphes did haunt the place of yore,
- And how that thay beene Goddes a zea. There butts a plot vorgrowne
- With zallow trees uppon the zame, the which is overblowne
- With tydes, and is a marsh. From thence a woolf, an orped wyght,
- With hideous noyse of rustling made the groundes neere hand afryght.
- Anon he commes mee buskling out bezmeared all his chappes
- With blood daubaken and with vome as veerce as thunder clappes.
- Hiz eyen did glaster red as vyre, and though he raged zore
- Vor vamin and vor madnesse bothe, yit raged he much more
- In madnesse. Vor hee cared not his hunger vor to zlake,
- Or i'the death of oxen twoo or three an end to make.
- But wounded all the herd and made a havocke of them all,
- And zum of us too, in devence did happen vor to vail,
- In daunger of his deadly chappes, and lost our lyves. The zhore
- And zea is staynd with blood, and all the ven is on a rore.
- Delay breedes losse. The cace denyes now dowting vor to stond,
- Whyle owght remaynes let all of us take weapon in our hond.
- Let's arme our zelves, and let uz altogither on him vall.
- The herdman hilld his peace. The losse movde Peleus not at all.
- But calling his offence to mynde, he thought that Neryes daughter,
- The chyldlesse Ladye Psamathe, determynd with that slaughter
- To keepe an Obit to her sonne whom hee before had killd.
- Immediatly uppon this newes the king of Trachin willd
- His men to arme them, and to take their weapons in theyr hand,
- And he addrest himself to bee the leader of the band.
- His wyfe, Alcyone, by the noyse admonisht of the same,
- In dressing of her head, before shee had it brought in frame,
- Cast downe her heare, and ronning foorth caught Ceyx fast about
- The necke, desyring him with teares to send his folk without
- Himself, and in the lyfe of him to save the lyves of twayne.
- O Princesse, cease your godly feare (quoth Peleus then agayne).
- Your offer dooth deserve great thanks. I mynd not warre to make
- Ageinst straunge monsters. I as now another way must take.
- The seagods must bee pacifyde. There was a Castle hye,
- And in the same a lofty towre whose toppe dooth face the skye,
- A joyfull mark for maryners to guyde theyr vessells by.
- To this same Turret up they went, and there with syghes behilld
- The Oxen lying every where stark dead uppon the feelde
- And eeke the cruell stroygood with his bluddy mouth and heare.
- Then Peleus stretching foorth his handes to Seaward, prayd in feare
- To watrish Psamath that she would her sore displeasure stay,
- And help him. She no whit relents to that that he did pray.
- But Thetis for hir husband made such earnest sute, that shee
- Obteynd his pardon. For anon the woolfe (who would not bee
- Revoked from the slaughter for the sweetenesse of the blood)
- Persisted sharpe and eager still, untill that as he stood
- Fast byghting on a Bullocks necke, shee turnd him intoo stone
- As well in substance as in hew, the name of woolf alone
- Reserved. For although in shape hee seemed still yit one,
- The verry colour of the stone beewrayd him to bee none,
- And that he was not to bee feard. How be it froward fate
- Permitts not Peleus in that land to have a setled state.
- He wandreth like an outlaw to the Magnets. There at last
- Acastus the Thessalien purgd him of his murther past.
- In this meane tyme the Trachine king sore vexed in his thought
- With signes that both before and since his brothers death were wrought,
- For counsell at the sacret Spelles (which are but toyes to foode
- Fond fancyes, and not counsellers in perill to doo goode)
- Did make him reedy to the God of Claros for to go.
- For heathenish Phorbas and the folk of Phlegia had as tho
- The way to Delphos stopt, that none could travell to or fro.
- But ere he on his journey went, he made his faythfull make
- Alcyone preevye to the thing. Immediatly theyr strake
- A chilnesse to her verry bones, and pale was all her face
- Like box and downe her heavy cheekes the teares did gush apace.
- Three times about to speake, three times shee washt her face with teares,
- And stinting oft with sobbes, shee thus complayned in his eares:
- What fault of myne, husband deere, hath turnd thy hart fro mee?
- Where is that care of mee that erst was woont to bee in thee?
- And canst thou having left thy deere Alcyone merrye bee?
- Doo journeyes long delyght thee now? dooth now myne absence please
- Thee better then my presence dooth? Think I that thou at ease
- Shalt go by land? Shall I have cause but onely for to moorne?
- And not to bee afrayd? And shall my care of thy returne
- Bee voyd of feare? No no. The sea mee sore afrayd dooth make.
- To think uppon the sea dooth cause my flesh for feare to quake.
- I sawe the broken ribbes of shippes alate uppon the shore.
- And oft on Tumbes I reade theyr names whose bodyes long before
- The sea had swallowed. Let not fond vayne hope seduce thy mynd,
- That Aeolus is thy fathrinlaw who holdes the boystous wynd
- In prison, and can calme the seas at pleasure. When the wynds
- Are once let looce uppon the sea, no order then them bynds.
- Then neyther land hathe priviledge, nor sea exemption fynds.
- Yea even the clowdes of heaven they vex, and with theyr meeting stout
- Enforce the fyre with hideous noyse to brust in flashes out.
- The more that I doo know them, (for ryght well I know theyr powre,
- And saw them oft a little wench within my fathers bowre)
- So much the more I think them to bee feard. But if thy will
- By no intreatance may bee turnd at home to tarry still,
- But that thou needes wilt go: then mee, deere husband, with thee take.
- So shall the sea us equally togither tosse and shake.
- So woorser than I feele I shall bee certeine not to feare.
- So shall we whatsoever happes togitherjoyntly beare.
- So shall wee on the broad mayne sea togither joyntly sayle.
- Theis woordes and teares wherewith the imp of Aeolus did assayle
- Her husbond borne of heavenly race, did make his hart relent.
- (For he lovd her no lesse than shee lovd him.) But fully bent
- He seemed, neyther for to leave the journey which he ment
- To take by sea, nor yit to give Alcyone leave as tho
- Companion of his perlous course by water for to go.
- He many woordes of comfort spake her feare away to chace.
- But nought hee could perswade therein to make her like the cace.
- This last asswagement of her greef he added in the end,
- Which was the onely thing that made her loving hart to bend:
- All taryance will assuredly seeme over long to mee.
- And by my fathers blasing beames I make my vow to thee
- That at the furthest ere the tyme (if God therto agree)
- The moone doo fill her circle twyce, ageine I will heere bee.
- When in sum hope of his returne this promis had her set,
- He willd a shippe immediatly from harbrough to bee fet,
- And throughly rigged for to bee, that neyther maast, nor sayle,
- Nor tackling, no nor other thing should apperteyning fayle.
- Which when Alcyone did behold, as one whoose hart misgave
- The happes at hand, shee quaakt ageine, and teares out gusshing drave.
- And streyning Ceyx in her armes with pale and piteous looke,
- Poore wretched soule, her last farewell at length shee sadly tooke,
- And swounded flat uppon the ground. Anon the watermen
- (As Ceyx sought delayes and was in dowt to turne agen)
- Set hand to Ores, of which there were two rowes on eyther syde,
- And all at once with equall stroke the swelling sea devyde.
- Shee lifting up her watrye eyes behilld her husband stand
- Uppon the hatches making signes by beckening with his hand:
- And shee made signes to him ageine. And after that the land
- Was farre removed from the shippe, and that the sight began
- To bee unable to discerne the face of any man,
- As long as ere shee could shee lookt uppon the rowing keele.
- And when shee could no longer tyme for distance ken it weele,
- Shee looked still uppon the sayles that flasked with the wynd
- Uppon the maast. And when shee could the sayles no longer fynd,
- She gate her to her empty bed with sad and sorye hart,
- And layd her downe. The chamber did renew afresh her smart,
- And of her bed did bring to mynd the deere departed part.
- From harbrough now they quyght were gone: and now a plasant gale
- Did blowe. The mayster made his men theyr Ores asyde to hale,
- And hoysed up the toppesayle on the hyghest of the maast,
- And clapt on all his other sayles bycause no wind should waast.
- Scarce full t'one half, (or sure not much above) the shippe had ronne
- Uppon the sea and every way the land did farre them shonne,
- When toward night the wallowing waves began to waxen whyght,
- And eeke the heady easterne wynd did blow with greater myght,
- Anon the Mayster cryed: Strike the toppesayle, let the mayne
- Sheate flye and fardle it to the yard. Thus spake he, but in vayne,
- For why so hideous was the storme uppon the soodeine brayd,
- That not a man was able there to heere what other sayd.
- And lowd the sea with meeting waves extreemely raging rores.
- Yit fell they to it of them selves. Sum haalde asyde the Ores:
- Sum fensed in the Gallyes sydes, sum downe the sayleclothes rend:
- Sum pump the water out, and sea to sea ageine doo send.
- Another hales the sayleyards downe. And whyle they did eche thing
- Disorderly, the storme increast, and from eche quarter fling
- The wyndes with deadly foode, and bownce the raging waves togither.
- The Pilot being sore dismayd sayth playne, he knowes not whither
- To wend himself, nor what to doo or bid, nor in what state
- Things stood. So huge the mischeef was, and did so overmate
- All arte. For why of ratling ropes, of crying men and boyes,
- Of flusshing waves and thundring ayre, confused was the noyse.
- The surges mounting up aloft did seeme to mate the skye,
- And with theyr sprinckling for to wet the clowdes that hang on hye.
- One whyle the sea, when iirom the brink it raysd the yellow sand,
- Was like in colour to the same. Another whyle did stand
- A colour on it blacker than the Lake of Styx. Anon
- It lyeth playne and loomethwhyght with seething froth thereon.
- And with the sea the Trachin shippe ay alteration tooke.
- One whyle as from a mountaynes toppe it seemed downe to looke
- To vallyes and the depth of hell. Another whyle beset
- With swelling surges round about which neere above it met,
- It looked from the bottom of the whoorlepoole up aloft
- As if it were from hell to heaven. A hideous flusshing oft
- The waves did make in beating full against the Gallyes syde.
- The Gallye being striken gave as great a sownd that tyde
- As did sumtyme the Battellramb of steele, or now the Gonne
- In making battrye to a towre. And as feerce Lyons ronne
- Full brist with all theyr force ageinst the armed men that stand
- In order bent to keepe them off with weapons in theyr hand,
- Even so as often as the waves by force of wynd did rave,
- So oft uppon the netting of the shippe they maynely drave,
- And mounted farre above the same. Anon off fell the hoopes:
- And having washt the pitch away, the sea made open loopes
- To let the deadly water in. Behold the clowdes did melt,
- And showers large came pooring downe. The seamen that them felt
- Myght thinke that all the heaven had falne uppon them that same tyme,
- And that the swelling sea likewyse above the heaven would clyme.
- The sayles were throughly wet with showers, and with the heavenly raine
- Was mixt the waters of the sea. No lyghts at all remayne
- Of sunne, or moone, or starres in heaven. The darknesse of the nyght
- Augmented with the dreadfull storme, takes dowble powre and myght.
- Howbee't the flasshing lyghtnings oft doo put the same to flyght,
- And with theyr glauncing now and then do give a soodeine lyght.
- The lightnings setts the waves on fyre. Above the netting skippe
- The waves, and with a violent force doo lyght within the shippe.
- And as a souldyer stowter than the rest of all his band
- That oft assayles a citie walles defended well by hand,
- At length atteines his hope, and for to purchace prayse withall
- Alone among a thousand men getts up uppon the wall:
- So when the loftye waves had long the Gallyes sydes assayd,
- At length the tenth wave rysing up with huger force and brayd,
- Did never cease assaulting of the weery shippe, till that
- Uppon the hatches lyke a fo victoriously it gat.
- A part thereof did still as yit assault the shippe without,
- And part had gotten in. The men all trembling ran about,
- As in a Citie commes to passe, when of the enmyes sum
- Dig downe the walles without, and sum already in are come.
- All arte and conning was to seeke. Theyr harts and stomacks fayle:
- And looke, how many surges came theyr vessell to assayle,
- So many deathes did seeme to charge and breake uppon them all.
- One weepes: another stands amazde: the third them blist dooth call
- Whom buryall dooth remayne. To God another makes his vow,
- And holding up his handes to heaven the which hee sees not now,
- Dooth pray in vayne for help. The thought of this man is uppon
- His brother and his parents whom he cleerely hath forgone.
- Another calles his house and wyfe and children unto mynd,
- And every man in generall the things he left behynd.
- Alcyone moveth Ceyx hart. In Ceyx mouth is none
- But onely one Alcyone. And though shee were alone
- The wyght that he desyred most, yit was he verry glad
- Shee was not there. To Trachin ward to looke desyre he had,
- And homeward fayne he would have turnd his eyes which never more
- Should see the land. But then he knew not which way was the shore,
- Nor where he was. The raging sea did rowle about so fast:
- And all the heaven with clowds as black as pitch was over cast,
- That never nyght was halfe so dark. There came a flaw at last,
- That with his violence brake the maste, and strake the sterne away.
- A billowe proudly pranking up as vaunting of his pray
- By conquest gotten, walloweth hole and breaketh not asunder,
- Beholding with a lofty looke the waters woorking under.
- And looke, as if a man should from the places where they growe
- Rend downe the mountaynes, Athe and Pind, and whole them overthrowe
- Into the open sea: so soft the Billowe tumbling downe,
- With weyght and violent stroke did sink and in the bottom drowne
- The Gallye. And the moste of them that were within the same
- Went downe therwith and never up to open aier came,
- But dyed strangled in the gulf. Another sort againe
- Caught peeces of the broken shippe. The king himself was fayne
- A shiver of the sunken shippe in that same hand to hold,
- In which hee erst a royall mace had hilld of yellow gold.
- His father and his fathrinlawe he calles uppon (alas
- In vayne.) But cheefly in his mouth his wife Alcyone was.
- In hart was shee: in toong was shee: he wisshed that his corse
- To land where shee myght take it up the surges myght enforce:
- And that by her most loving handes he might be layd in grave.
- In swimming still (as often as the surges leave him gave
- To ope his lippes) he harped still upon Alcyones name,
- And when he drowned in the waves he muttred still the same.
- Behold, even full uppon the wave a flake of water blacke
- Did breake, and underneathe the sea the head of Ceyx stracke.
- That nyght the lyghtsum Lucifer for sorrowe was so dim,
- As scarcely could a man discerne or thinke it to bee him.
- And forasmuch as out of heaven he might not steppe asyde,
- With thick and darksum clowds that nyght his countnance he did hyde.
- Alcyone of so great mischaunce not knowing aught as yit,
- Did keepe a reckening of the nyghts that in the whyle did flit,
- And hasted garments both for him and for herself likewyse,
- To weare at his homecomming which shee vaynely did surmyse.
- To all the Goddes devoutly shee did offer frankincence:
- But most above them all the Church of Juno shee did sence.
- And for her husband (who as then was none) shee kneeld before
- The Altar, wisshing health and soone arrivall at the shore,
- And that none other woman myght before her be preferd.
- Of all her prayers this one peece effectually was heard.
- For Juno could not fynd in hart intreated for to bee
- For him that was already dead. But to th'entent that shee
- From dame Alcyones deadly hands might keepe her Altars free,
- Shee sayd: Most faythfull messenger of my commaundments, O
- Thou Raynebowe, to the slugguish house of Slomber swiftly go.
- And bid him send a Dreame in shape of Ceyx to his wyfe
- Alcyone, for to shew her playne the losing of his lyfe.
- Dame Iris takes her pall wherein a thousand colours were
- And bowwing lyke a stringed bow upon the dowdy sphere,
- Immediatly descended to the drowzye house of Sleepe
- Whose Court the clowdes continually doo clocely overdreepe.
- Among the darke Cimmerians is a hollow mountaine found
- And in the hill a Cave that farre dooth ronne within the ground,
- The Chamber and the dwelling place where slouthfull sleepe dooth cowch.
- The lyght of Phebus golden beames this place can never towch.
- A foggye mist with dimnesse mixt streames upwarde from the ground,
- And glimmering twylyght evermore within the same is found.
- No watchfull bird with barbed bill, and combed crowne dooth call
- The morning foorth with crowing out. There is no noyse at all
- Of waking dogge, nor gagling goose more waker than the hound
- To hinder sleepe. Of beast ne wyld ne tame there is no sound.
- No bowghes are stird with blastes of wynd, no noyse of tatling toong
- Of man or woman ever yit within that bower roong.
- Dumb quiet dwelleth there. Yit from the Roches foote dooth go
- The ryver of forgetfulnesse, which ronneth trickling so
- Uppon the little pebble stones which in the channell lye,
- That unto sleepe a great deale more it dooth provoke thereby.
- Before the entry of the Cave, there growes of Poppye store,
- With seeded heades, and other weedes innumerable more,
- Out of the milkye jewce of which the night dooth gather sleepes,
- And over all the shadowed earth with dankish deawe them dreepes.
- Bycause the craking hindges of the doore no noyse should make,
- There is no doore in all the house, nor porter at the gate.
- Amid the Cave, of Ebonye a bedsted standeth hye,
- And on the same a bed of downe with keeverings blacke dooth lye:
- In which the drowzye God of sleepe his lither limbes dooth rest.
- About him, forging sundrye shapes as many dreames lye prest
- As eares of come doo stand in feeldes in harvest tyme, or leaves
- Doo grow on trees, or sea to shore of sandye cinder heaves.
- As soone as Iris came within this house, and with her hand
- Had put asyde the dazeling dreames that in her way did stand,
- The brightnesse of her robe through all the sacred house did shine.
- The God of sleepe scarce able for to rayse his heavy eyen,
- A three or fowre tymes at the least did fall ageine to rest,
- And with his nodding head did knocke his chinne ageinst his brest.
- At length he shaking of himselfe, uppon his elbowe leande.
- And though he knew for what shee came: he askt her what shee meand.
- O sleepe (quoth shee,) the rest of things, O gentlest of the Goddes,
- Sweete sleepe, the peace of mynd, with whom crookt care is aye at oddes:
- Which cherrishest mennes weery limbes appalld with toling sore,
- And makest them as fresh to woork and lustye as beefore,
- Commaund a dreame that in theyr kyndes can every thing expresse,
- To Trachine, Hercles towne, himself this instant to addresse.
- And let him lively counterfet to Queene Alcyonea
- The image of her husband who is drowned in the sea
- By shipwrecke. Juno willeth so. Her message beeing told,
- Dame Iris went her way. Shee could her eyes no longer hold
- From sleepe. But when shee felt it come shee fled that instant tyme,
- And by the boawe that brought her downe to heaven ageine did clyme.
- Among a thousand sonnes and mo that father slomber had
- He calld up Morph, the feyner of mannes shape, a craftye lad.
- None other could so conningly expresse mans verrye face,
- His gesture and his sound of voyce, and manner of his pace,
- Togither with his woonted weede, and woonted phrase of talk.
- But this same Morphye onely in the shape of man dooth walk.
- There is another who the shapes of beast or bird dooth take,
- Or else appeereth unto men in likenesse of a snake.
- The Goddes doo call him Icilos, and mortall folke him name
- Phobetor. There is also yit a third who from theis same
- Woorkes diversly, and Phantasos he highteth. Into streames
- This turnes himself, and into stones, and earth, and timber beames,
- And into every other thing that wanteth life. Theis three,
- Great kings and Capteines in the night are woonted for to see.
- The meaner and inferiour sort of others haunted bee.
- Sir Slomber overpast the rest, and of the brothers all
- To doo dame Iris message he did only Morphye call.
- Which doone he waxing luskish, streyght layd downe his drowzy head
- And softly shroonk his layzye limbes within his sluggish bed.
- Away flew Morphye through the aire: no flickring made his wings:
- And came anon to Trachine. There his fethers off he flings,
- And in the shape of Ceyx standes before Alcyones bed,
- Pale, wan, stark naakt, and like a man that was but lately deade.
- His berde seemd wet, and of his head the heare was dropping drye,
- And leaning on her bed, with teares he seemed thus to cry:
- Most wretched woman, knowest thou thy loving Ceyx now
- Or is my face by death disformd? behold mee well, and thow
- Shalt know mee. For thy husband, thou thy husbandes Ghost shalt see.
- No good thy prayers and thy vowes have done at all to mee.
- For I am dead. In vayne of my returne no reckning make.
- The dowdy sowth amid the sea our shippe did tardy take,
- And tossing it with violent blastes asunder did it shake.
- And floodes have filld my mouth which calld in vayne uppon thy name.
- No persone whom thou mayst misdeeme brings tydings of the same.
- Thou hearest not thereof by false report of flying fame.
- But I myself: I presently my shipwrecke to thee showe.
- Aryse therefore and wofull teares uppon thy spouse bestowe.
- Put moorning rayment on, and let mee not to Limbo go
- Unmoorned for. In shewing of this shipwrecke Morphye so
- Did feyne the voyce of Ceyx, that shee could none other deeme,
- But that it should bee his in deede. Moreover he did seeme
- To weepe in earnest: and his handes the verry gesture had
- Of Ceyx. Queene Alcyone did grone, and beeing sad
- Did stirre her armes, and thrust them foorth his body to embrace.
- In stead whereof shee caught but ayre. The teares ran downe her face.
- Shee cryed, Tarry: whither flyste? togither let us go.
- And all this whyle she was asleepe. Both with her crying so,
- And flayghted with the image of her husbands gastly spryght,
- She started up: and sought about if fynd him there shee myght.
- (For why her Groomes awaking with the shreeke had brought a light.)
- And when shee no where could him fynd, shee gan her face to smyght,
- And tare her nyghtclothes from her brest, and strake it feercely, and
- Not passing to unty her heare shee rent it with her hand.
- And when her nurce of this her greef desyrde to understand
- The cause: Alcyone is undoone, undoone and cast away
- With Ceyx her deare spouse (shee sayd). Leave comforting I pray.
- By shipwrecke he is perrisht: I have seene him: and I knew
- His handes. When in departing I to hold him did pursew
- I caught a Ghost: but such a Ghost as well discerne I myght
- To bee my husbands. Nathelesse he had not to my syght
- His woonted countenance, neyther did his visage shyne so bryght,
- As heeretofore it had beene woont. I saw him, wretched wyght,
- Starke naked, pale, and with his heare still wet: even verry heere
- I saw him stand. With that shee lookes if any print appeere
- Of footing where as he did stand uppon the floore behynd.
- This this is it that I did feare in farre forecasting mynd,
- When flying mee I thee desyrde thou shouldst not trust the wynd.
- But syth thou wentest to thy death, I would that I had gone
- With thee. Ah meete, it meete had beene thou shouldst not go alone
- Without mee. So it should have come to passe that neyther I
- Had overlived thee, nor yit beene forced twice to dye.
- Already, absent in the waves now tossed have I bee.
- Already have I perrished. And yit the sea hath thee
- Without mee. But the cruelnesse were greater farre of mee
- Than of the sea, if after thy decease I still would strive
- In sorrow and in anguish still to pyne away alive.
- But neyther will I strive in care to lengthen still my lyfe,
- Nor (wretched wyght) abandon thee: but like a faythfull wyfe
- At leastwyse now will come as thy companion. And the herse
- Shall joyne us, though not in the selfsame coffin: yit in verse.
- Although in tumb the bones of us togither may not couch,
- Yit in a graven Epitaph my name thy name shall touch.
- Her sorrow would not suffer her to utter any more.
- Shee sobd and syghde at every woord, untill her hart was sore.
- The morning came, and out shee went ryght pensif to the shore
- To that same place in which shee tooke her leave of him before.
- Whyle there shee musing stood, and sayd: He kissed mee even heere,
- Heere weyed hee his Anchors up, heere loosd he from the peere.
- And whyle shee calld to mynd the things there marked with her eyes:
- In looking on the open sea, a great way off shee spyes
- A certaine thing much like a corse come hovering on the wave.
- At first shee dowted what it was. As tyde it neerer drave,
- Although it were a good way off, yit did it plainely showe
- To bee a corce. And though that whose it was shee did not knowe,
- Yit forbycause it seemd a wrecke, her hart therat did ryse:
- And as it had sum straunger beene, with water in her eyes
- She sayd: Alas poore wretch who ere thou art, alas for her
- That is thy wyfe, if any bee. And as the waves did stirre,
- The body floted neerer land: the which the more that shee
- Behilld, the lesse began in her of stayed wit to bee.
- Anon it did arrive on shore. Then plainely shee did see
- And know it, that it was her feere. Shee shreeked, It is hee.
- And therewithall her face, her heare, and garments shee did teare,
- And unto Ceyx stretching out her trembling handes with feare,
- Sayd: cumst thou home in such a plyght to mee, O husband deere?
- Returnst in such a wretched plyght? There was a certeine peere
- That buylded was by hand, of waves the first assaults to breake,
- And at the havons mouth to cause the tyde to enter weake.
- Shee lept thereon. (A wonder sure it was shee could doo so)
- Shee flew, and with her newgrowen winges did beate the ayre as tho.
- And on the waves a wretched bird shee whisked to and fro.
- And with her crocking neb then growen to slender bill and round,
- Like one that wayld and moorned still shee made a moaning sound.
- Howbee't as soone as she did touch his dumb and bloodlesse flesh,
- And had embraast his loved limbes with winges made new and fresh,
- And with her hardened neb had kist him coldly, though in vayne,
- Folk dowt if Ceyx feeling it to rayse his head did strayne,
- Or whither that the waves did lift it up. But surely hee
- It felt: and through compassion of the Goddes both hee and shee
- Were turnd to birdes. The love of them eeke subject to their fate,
- Continued after: neyther did the faythfull bond abate
- Of wedlocke in them beeing birdes: but standes in stedfast state.
- They treade, and lay, and bring foorth yoong and now the Alcyon sitts
- In wintertime uppon her nest, which on the water flitts
- A sevennyght. During all which tyme the sea is calme and still,
- And every man may to and fro sayle saufly at his will,
- For Aeolus for his offsprings sake the windes at home dooth keepe,
- And will not let them go abroade for troubling of the deepe.
- An auncient father seeing them aabout the brode sea fly,
- Did prayse theyr love for lasting to the end so stedfastly.
- His neyghbour or the selfsame man made answer (such is chaunce):
- Even this fowle also whom thou seest uppon the surges glaunce
- With spindle shanks, (he poynted to the wydegoawld Cormorant)
- Before that he became a bird, of royall race might vaunt.
- And if thou covet lineally his pedegree to seeke,
- His Auncetors were Ilus, and Assaracus, and eeke
- Fayre Ganymed who Jupiter did ravish as his joy,
- Laomedon and Priamus the last that reygnd in Troy.
- Stout Hectors brother was this man. And had he not in pryme
- Of lusty youth beene tane away, his deedes perchaunce in tyme
- Had purchaast him as great a name as Hector, though that hee
- Of Dymants daughter Hecuba had fortune borne to bee.
- For Aesacus reported is begotten to have beene
- By scape, in shady Ida on a mayden fayre and sheene
- Whose name was Alyxothoe, a poore mans daughter that
- With spade and mattocke for himselfe and his a living gat.
- This Aesacus the Citie hates, and gorgious Court dooth shonne,
- And in the unambicious feeldes and woods alone dooth wonne.
- He seeldoom haunts the towne of Troy, yit having not a rude
- And blockish wit, nor such a hart as could not be subdewd
- By love, he spyde Eperie (whom oft he had pursewd
- Through all the woodes) then sitting on her father Cebrius brim
- A drying of her heare ageinst the sonne, which hanged trim
- Uppon her back. As soone as that the Nymph was ware of him,
- She fled as when the grisild woolf dooth scare the fearefull hynd
- Or when the Fawcon farre from brookes a Mallard happes to fynd.
- The Trojane knyght ronnes after her, and beeing swift through love,
- Purseweth her whom feare dooth force apace her feete to move.
- Behold an Adder lurking in the grasse there as shee fled,
- Did byght her foote with hooked tooth, and in her bodye spred
- His venim. Shee did cease her flyght and soodein fell downe dead.
- Her lover being past his witts her carkesse did embrace,
- And cryde: Alas it irketh mee, it irkes mee of this chace.
- But this I feard not. Neyther was the gaine of that I willd
- Woorth halfe so much. Now two of us thee (wretched soule) have killd.
- The wound was given thee by the snake, the cause was given by mee.
- The wickedder of both am I: who for to comfort thee
- Will make thee satisfaction with my death. With that at last
- Downe from a rocke (the which the waves had undermynde) he cast
- Himself into the sea. Howbee't dame Tethys pitying him,
- Receyvd him softly, and as he uppon the waves did swim,
- Shee covered him with fethers. And though fayne he would have dyde,
- Shee would not let him. Wroth was he that death was him denyde,
- And that his soule compelld should bee ageinst his will to byde
- Within his wretched body still, from which it would depart,
- And that he was constreynd to live perforce ageinst his hart.
- And as he on his shoulders now had newly taken wings,
- He mounted up, and downe uppon the sea his boddye dings.
- His fethers would not let him sinke. In rage he dyveth downe,
- And despratly he strives himself continually to drowne.
- His love did make him leane, long leggs: long neck dooth still remayne.
- His head is from his shoulders farre: of Sea he is most fayne.
- And for he underneath the waves delyghteth for to drive
- A name according thereunto the Latins doo him give.
- Finis vndecimi Libri.
- of Ouids Metamorphosis
- Ing Priam beeing ignorant that Aesacus his sonne
- Did live in shape of bird, did moorne: and at a tumb wheron
- His name was written, Hector and his brother solemly
- Did keepe an Obit. Paris was not at this obsequye.
- Within a whyle with ravisht wyfe he brought a lasting warre
- Home unto Troy. There followed him a thowsand shippes not farre
- Conspyrd togither, with the ayde that all the Greekes could fynd:
- And vengeance had beene tane foorthwith but that the cruell wynd
- Did make the seas unsaylable, so that theyr shippes were fayne
- At rode at fisshye Awlys in B'aeotia to remayne.
- Heere as the Greekes according to theyr woont made sacrifyse
- To Jove, and on the Altar old the flame aloft did ryse,
- They spyde a speckled Snake creepe up uppon a planetree bye
- Uppon the toppe whereof there was among the braunches hye
- A nest, and in the nest eyght birdes, all which and eeke theyr dam
- That flickering flew about her losse, the hungry snake did cram
- Within his mawe. The standers by were all amazde therat.
- But Calchas, Thestors sonne, who knew what meening was in that,
- Sayd: We shall win. Rejoyce, yee Greekes, by us shall perish Troy,
- But long the tyme will bee before wee may our will enjoy.
- And then he told them how the birds nyne yeeres did signifie
- Which they before the towne of Troy not taking it should lye.
- The Serpent as he wound about the boughes and braunches greene,
- Became a stone, and still in stone his snakish shape is seene.
- The seas continewed verry rough and suffred not theyr hoste
- Imbarked for to passe from thence to take the further coast.
- Sum thought that Neptune favored Troy bycause himself did buyld
- The walles therof. But Calchas (who both knew, and never hilld
- His peace in tyme) declared that the Goddesse Phebe must
- Appeased bee with virgins blood for wrath conceyved just.
- As soone as pitie yeelded had to cace of publicke weale,
- And reason got the upper hand of fathers loving zeale,
- So that the Ladye Iphigen before the altar stood
- Among the weeping ministers, to give her maydens blood:
- The Goddesse taking pitie, cast a mist before theyr eyes,
- And as they prayd and stird about to make the sacrifyse,
- Conveyes her quight away, and with a Hynd her roome supplyes.
- Thus with a slaughter meete for her Diana beeing pleasd,
- The raging surges with her wrath togither were appeasd,
- The thousand shippes had wynd at poope. And when they had abode
- Much trouble, at the length all safe they gat the Phrygian rode.
- Amid the world tweene heaven, and earth, and sea, there is a place,
- Set from the bounds of eche of them indifferently in space,
- From whence is seene what ever thing is practisd any where,
- Although the Realme bee nere so farre, and roundly to the eare
- Commes whatsoever spoken is. Fame hath his dwelling there.
- Who in the toppe of all the house is lodged in a towre.
- A thousand entryes, glades, and holes are framed in this bowre.
- There are no doores to shet. The doores stand open nyght and day.
- The house is all of sounding brasse, and roreth every way,
- Reporting dowble every woord it heareth people say.
- There is no rest within, there is no silence any where.
- Yit is there not a yelling out: but humming, as it were
- The sound of surges beeing heard farre off, or like the sound
- That at the end of thunderclappes long after dooth redound,
- When Jove dooth make the clowdes to crack. Within the courts is preace
- Of common people, which to come and go doo never ceace.
- And millions both of trothes and lyes ronne gadding every where,
- And woordes confusely flye in heapes. Of which, sum fill the eare
- That heard not of them erst, and sum Colcaryers part doo play
- To spread abrode the things they heard. And ever by the way
- The thing that was invented growes much greater than before,
- And every one that getts it by the end addes sumwhat more.
- Lyght credit dwelleth there. There dwells rash error: there dooth dwell
- Vayne joy: there dwelleth hartlesse feare, and Bruit that loves to tell
- Uncertayne newes uppon report, whereof he dooth not knowe
- The author, and Sedition who fresh rumors loves to sowe.
- This Fame beholdeth what is doone in heaven, on sea, and land,
- And what is wrought in all the world he layes to understand.
- He gave the Trojans warning that the Greekes with valeant men
- And shippes approched, that unwares they could not take them then.
- For Hector and the Trojan folk well armed were at hand
- To keepe the coast and bid them bace before they came aland.
- Protesilay by fatall doome was first that dyde in feeld
- Of Hectors speare: and after him great numbers mo were killd
- Of valeant men. That battell did the Greeks full deerly cost.
- And Hector with his Phrygian folk of blood no little lost,
- In trying what the Greekes could doo. The shore was red with blood.
- And now king Cygnet, Neptunes sonne, had killed where he stood
- A thousand Greekes. And now the stout Achilles causd to stay
- His Charyot: and his lawnce did slea whole bandes of men that day.
- And seeking Hector, he did stray.
- At last with Hector had delay
- Untill the tenth yeare afterward. Then hasting foorth his horses
- With flaxen manes, ageinst his fo his Chariot he enforces.
- And brandishing his shaking dart, he sayd: O noble wyght,
- A comfort let it bee to thee that such a valeant knyght
- As is Achilles killeth thee. In saying so he threw
- A myghty dart, which though it hit the mark at which it flew,
- Yit perst it not the skinne at all. Now when this blunted blowe
- Had hit on Cygnets brest, and did no print of hitting showe,
- Thou, Goddesse sonne (quoth Cygnet), for by fame we doo thee knowe.
- Why woondrest at mee for to see I can not wounded bee?
- (Achilles woondred much thereat.) This helmet which yee see
- Bedect with horses yellow manes, this sheeld that I doo beare,
- Defend mee not. For ornaments alonly I them weare.
- For this same cause armes Mars himself likewyse. I will disarme
- Myself, and yit unrazed will I passe without all harme.
- It is to sum effect, not borne to bee of Neryes race,
- So that a man be borne of him that with threeforked mace :
- Rules Nereus and his daughters too, and all the sea besyde.
- This sayd, he at Achilles sent a dart that should abyde
- Uppon his sheeld. It perced through the steele and through nyne fold
- Of Oxen hydes, and stayd uppon the tenth. Achilles bold
- Did wrest it out, and forcybly did throwe the same agayne.
- His bodye beeing hit ageine, unwounded did remayne,
- And cleere from any print of wound. The third went eeke in vayne.
- And yit did Cygnet to the same give full his naked brist.
- Achilles chafed like a Bull that in the open list
- With dreadfull homes dooth push ageinst the scarlet clothes that there
- Are hanged up to make him feerce, and when he would them teare
- Dooth fynd his wounds deluded. Then Achilles lookt uppon
- His Javelings socket, if the head thereof were looce or gone.
- The head stacke fast. My hand byleeke is weakened then (quoth lice),
- And all the force it had before is spent on one I see.
- For sure I am it was of strength, both when I first downe threw
- Lyrnessus walles, and when I did Ile Tenedos subdew,
- And eeke Aetions Thebe with her proper blood embrew.
- And when so many of the folke of Tewthranie I slew,
- That with theyr blood Caycus streame became of purple hew.
- And when the noble Telephus did of my Dart of steele
- The dowble force, of wounding and of healing also feele.
- Yea even the heapes of men slayne heere by mee, that on this strond
- Are lying still to looke uppon, doo give to understond
- That this same hand of myne both had and still hath strength. This sed,
- (As though he had distrusted all his dooings ere that sted,)
- He threw a Dart ageinst a man of Lycia land that hyght
- Menetes, through whose Curets and his brest he strake him quyght.
- And when he saw with dying limbes him sprawling on the ground,
- He stepped to him streyght, and pulld the Javeling from the wound,
- And sayd alowd: This is the hand, this is the selfsame dart
- With which my hand did strike even now Menetes to the hart.
- Ageinst my tother Copemate will I use the same: I pray
- To God it may have like successe. This sed, without delay
- He sent it toward Cygnet, and the weapon did not stray,
- Nor was not shunned. Insomuch it lighted full uppon
- His shoulder: and it gave a rappe as if uppon sum ston
- It lyghted had, rebownding backe. Howbeeit where it hit,
- Achilles sawe it bloodye, and was vaynly glad of it.
- For why there was no wound. It was Menetes blood. Then lept
- He hastly from his Charyot downe, and like a madman stept
- To carelesse Cygnet with his swoord. He sawe his swoord did pare
- His Target and his morion bothe. But when it toucht the bare,
- His bodye was so hard, it did the edge thereof abate.
- He could no lengar suffer him to tryumph in that rate,
- But with the pommell of his swoord did thump him on the pate,
- And bobd him well about the brewes a doozen tymes and more,
- And preacing on him as he still gave backe amaazd him sore,
- And troubled him with buffetting, not respetting a whit.
- Then Cygnet gan to bee afrayd, and mistes beegan to flit
- Before his eyes, and dimd his syght. And as he still did yeeld,
- In giving back, by chaunce he met a stone amid the feeld,
- Ageinst the which Achilles thrust him back with all his myght,
- And throwing him ageinst the ground, did cast him bolt upryght.
- Then bearing bostowsely with both his knees ageinst his chest,
- And leaning with his elbowes and his target on his brest,
- He shet his headpeece cloce and just, and underneathe his chin
- So hard it straynd, that way for breath was neyther out nor in,
- And closed up the vent of lyfe. And having gotten so
- The upper hand, he went about to spoyle his vanquisht fo.
- But nought he in his armour found. For Neptune had as tho
- Transformd him to the fowle whose name he bare but late ago.
- This labour, this encounter brought the rest of many dayes,
- And eyther partye in theyr strength a whyle from battell stayes.
- Now whyle the Phrygians watch and ward uppon the walles of Troy,
- And Greekes likewyse within theyr trench, there came a day of joy,
- In which Achilles for his luck in Cygnets overthrow,
- A Cow in way of sacrifyse on Pallas did bestowe,
- Whose inwards when he had uppon the burning altar cast
- And that the acceptable fume had through the ayer past
- To Godward, and the holy rytes had had theyr dewes, the rest
- Was set on boords for men to eate in disshes fynely drest.
- The princes sitting downe, did feede uppon the rosted flesh,
- And both theyr thirst and present cares with wyne they did refresh.
- Not Harpes, nor songs, nor hollowe flutes to heere did them delyght.
- They talked till they nye had spent the greatest part of nyght.
- And all theyr communication was of feates of armes in fyght
- That had beene doone by them or by theyr foes. And every wyght
- Delyghts to uppen oftentymes by turne as came about
- The perills and the narrow brunts himself had shifted out.
- For what thing should bee talkt beefore Achilles rather? Or
- What kynd of things than such as theis could seeme more meeter for
- Achilles to bee talking of? But in theyr talk most breeme
- Was then Achilles victory of Cygnet. It did seeme
- A woonder that the flesh of him should bee so hard and tough
- As that no weapon myght have powre to raze or perce it through,
- But that it did abate the edge of steele: it was a thing
- That both Achilles and the Greekes in woondrous maze did bring.
- Then Nestor sayd: This Cygnet is the person now alone
- Of your tyme that defyed steele, and could bee perst of none.
- But I have seene now long ago one Cene of Perrhebye,
- I sawe one Cene of Perrhebye a thousand woundes defye
- With unatteynted bodye. In mount Othris he did dwell:
- And was renowmed for his deedes: (and which in him ryght well
- A greater woonder did appeere) he was a woman borne.
- This uncouth made them all much more amazed than beforne,
- And every man desyred him to tell it. And among
- The rest, Achilles sayd: Declare, I pray thee (for wee long
- To heare it every one of us), O eloquent old man,
- The wisedome of our age: what was that Cene and how he wan
- Another than his native shape, and in what rode, or in
- What fyght or skirmish, tweene you first acquaintance did beegin,
- And who in fyne did vanquish him if any vanquisht him.
- Then Nestor: Though the length of tyme have made my senses dim,
- And dyvers things erst seene in youth now out of mynd be gone:
- Yit beare I still mo things in mynd: and df them all is none
- Among so many both of peace and warre, that yit dooth take
- More stedfast roote in memorye. And if that tyme may make
- A man great store of things through long continuance for to see,
- Two hundred yeeres already of my lyfe full passed bee,
- And now I go uppon the third. This foresayd Ceny was
- The daughter of one Elatey. In beawty shee did passe
- The maydens all of Thessaly. From all the Cities bye
- And from thy Cities also, O Achilles, came (for why
- Shee was thy countrywoman) store of wooers who in vayne
- In hope to win her love did take great travail, suit and payne.
- Thy father also had perchaunce attempted heere to matcht
- But that thy moothers maryage was alreadye then dispatcht,
- Or shee at least affyanced. But Ceny matcht with none,
- Howbeeit as shee on the shore was walking all alone,
- The God of sea did ravish her. (So fame dooth make report.)
- And Neptune for the great delight he had in Venus sport,
- Sayd: Ceny, aske mee what thou wilt, and I will give it thee.
- (This also bruited is by fame.) The wrong heere doone to mee
- (Quoth Ceny) makes mee wish great things. And therfore to th'entent
- I may no more constreyned bee to such a thing, consent
- I may no more a woman bee. And if thou graunt thereto,
- It is even all that I desyre, or wish thee for to doo.
- In bacer tune theis latter woordes were uttred, and her voyce
- Did seeme a mannes voyce as it was in deede. For to her choyce
- The God of sea had given consent. He graunted him besyde
- That free from wounding and from hurt he should from thence abyde,
- And that he should not dye of steele. Right glad of this same graunt
- Away went Ceny, and the feeldes of Thessaly did haunt,
- And in the feates of Chevalrye from that tyme spent his lyfe.
- The over bold Ixions sonne had taken to his wyfe
- Hippodame. And kevering boordes in bowres of boughes of trees
- His Clowdbred brothers one by one he placed in degrees.
- There were the Lordes of Thessaly. I also was among
- The rest: a cheerefull noyse of feast through all the Pallace roong.
- Sum made the altars smoke, and sum the brydale carrolls soong.
- Anon commes in the mayden bryde, a goodly wench of face,
- With wyves and maydens following her with comly gate and grace.
- Wee sayd that sir Pirithous was happy in his wyfe:
- Which handsell had deceyved us wellneere through soodeine stryfe.
- For of the cruell Centawres thou most cruell Ewryt, tho
- Like as thy stomacke was with wyne farre over charged: so
- As soone as thou behilldst the bryde, thy hart began to frayne,
- And doubled with thy droonkennesse thy raging lust did reigne.
- The feast was troubled by and by with tables overthrowen.
- The bryde was hayled by the head, so farre was furye growen.
- Feerce Ewryt caught Hippodame, and every of the rest
- Caught such as commed next to hand, or such as likte him best.
- It was the lively image of a Citie tane by foes.
- The house did ring of womens shreekes. We all up quickly rose.
- And first sayd Theseus thus: What aylst? art mad, O Ewrytus?
- That darest (seeing mee alive) misuse Pirithous?
- Not knowing that in one thou doost abuse us both? And least
- He myght have seemd to speake in vayne, he thrust way such as preast
- About the bryde, and tooke her from them freating sore thereat.
- No answere made him Ewrytus: (for such a deede as that
- Defended could not bee with woordes) but with his sawcye fist
- He flew at gentle Theseus face, and bobd him on the brist.
- By chaunce hard by, an auncient cuppe of image woork did stand,
- Which being huge, himself more huge sir Theseus tooke in hand,
- And threw't at Ewryts head. He spewd as well at mouth as wound
- Mixt cloddes of blood, and brayne and wyne, and on the soyled ground
- Lay sprawling bolt upryght. The death of him did set the rest,
- His dowblelimbed brothers, so on fyre, that all the quest
- With one voyce cryed out, Kill, kill. The wyne had given them hart.
- Theyr first encounter was with cuppes and cannes throwen overthwart,
- And brittle tankerds, and with boawles, pannes, dishes, potts, and trayes,
- Things serving late for meate and drinke, and then for bluddy frayes.
- First Amycus, Ophions sonne, without remorse began
- To reeve and rob the brydehouse of his furniture. He ran
- And pulled downe a Lampbeame full of lyghtes, and lifting it
- Aloft like one that with an Ax dooth fetch his blowe to slit
- An Oxis necke in sacrifyse, he on the forehead hit
- A Lapith named Celadon, and crusshed so his bones
- That none could know him by the face: both eyes flew out at ones.
- His nose was beaten backe and to hispallat battred flat.
- One Pelates, a Macedone, exceeding wroth therat,
- Pulld out a maple tressles foote, and napt him in the necks,
- That bobbing with his chin ageinst his brest to ground he becks.
- And as he spitted out his teeth with blackish blood, he lent
- Another blowe to Amycus, which streyght to hell him sent.
- Gryne standing by and lowring with a fell grim visage at
- The smoking Altars, sayd: Why use we not theis same? with that
- He caught a myghty altar up with burning fyre thereon,
- And it among the thickest of the Lapithes threw anon.
- And twoo he over whelmd therewith calld Brote and Orion.
- This Orions moother, Mycale, is knowne of certeintye
- The Moone resisting to have drawne by witchcraft from the skye.
- Full dearely shalt thou by it (quoth Exadius) may I get
- A weapon: and with that in stead of weapon, he did set
- His hand uppon a vowd harts horne that on a Pynetree hye
- Was nayld, and with two tynes therof he strake out eyther eye
- Of Gryne: whereof sum stacke uppon the home, and sum did flye
- Uppon his beard, and there with blood like jelly mixt did lye.
- A flaming fyrebrand from amids an Altar Rhaetus snatcht,
- With which uppon the leftsyde of his head Charaxus latcht
- A blow that crackt his skull. The blaze among his yellow heare
- Ran sindging up, as if dry come with lightning blasted were.
- And in his wound the seared blood did make a greevous sound,
- As when a peece of steele red hot tane up with tongs is drownd
- In water by the smith, it spirts and hisseth in the trowgh.
- Charaxus from his curled heare did shake the fyre, and thowgh
- He wounded were, yit caught he up uppon his shoulders twayne
- A stone, the Jawme of eyther doore that well would loade a wayne.
- The masse theof was such as that it would not let him hit
- His fo. It lighted short: and with the falling downe of it
- A mate of his that Comet hyght, it all in peeces smit.
- Then Rhaete restreyning not his joy, sayd thus: I would the rowt
- Of all thy mates myght in the selfsame maner prove them stowt.
- And with his halfeburnt brond the wound he searched new agayne,
- Not ceasing for to lay on loade uppon his pate amayne,
- Untill his head was crusht, and of his scalp the bones did swim
- Among his braynes. In jolly ruffe he passed streyght from him
- To Coryt, and Euagrus, and to Dryant on a rowe.
- Of whom when Coryt (on whose cheekes yoong mossy downe gan grow)
- Was slayne, What prayse or honour (quoth Euagrus) hast thou got
- By killing of a boy? mo woordes him Rhetus suffred not
- To speake, but in his open mouth did thrust his burning brand,
- And downe his throteboll to his chest. Then whisking in his hand
- His fyrebrand round about his head he feercely did assayle
- The valyant Dryant. But with him he could not so prevayle.
- For as he triumpht in his lucke, proceeding for to make
- Continuall slaughter of his foes, sir Dryant with a stake
- (Whose poynt was hardned in the fyre) did cast at him a foyne
- And thrust him through the place in which the neck and shoulders joyne.
- He groand and from his cannell bone could scarcely pull the stake.
- And beeing foyled with his blood to flyght he did him take.
- Arnaeus also ran away, and Lycidas likewyse.
- And Medon (whose ryght shoulderplate was also wounded) flyes.
- So did Pisenor, so did Cawne, and so did Mermeros
- Who late outronning every man, now wounded slower goes:
- And so did Phole, and Menelas, and Abas who was woont
- To make a spoyle among wylde Boares as oft as he did hunt:
- And eeke the wyzarde Astylos who counselled his mates
- To leave that fray: but he to them in vayne of leaving prates.
- He eeke to Nessus (who for feare of wounding seemed shye)
- Sayd: Fly not, thou shalt scape this fray of Hercles bowe to dye.
- But Lycid and Ewrinomos, and Imbreus, and Are
- Escapte not death. Sir Dryants hand did all alike them spare.
- Cayneius also (though that he in flying were not slacke,)
- Yit was he wounded on the face: for as he looked backe,
- A weapons poynt did hit him full midway betweene the eyes,
- Wheras the noze and forehead meete. For all this deane, yit lyes
- Aphipnas snorting fast asleepe not mynding for to wake,
- Wrapt in a cloke of Bearskinnes which in Ossa mount were take.
- And in his lither hand he hilld a potte of wyne. Whom when
- That Phorbas saw (although in vayne) not medling with them, then
- He set his fingars to the thong: and saying: Thou shalt drink
- Thy wyne with water taken from the Stygian fountaynes brink,
- He threw his dart at him. The dart (as he that tyme by chaunce
- Lay bolt upright uppon his backe) did through his throteboll glaunce.
- He dyde and felt no payne at all. The blacke swart blood gusht out,
- And on the bed and in the potte fell flushing lyke a spout.
- I saw Petreius go about to pull out of the ground
- An Oken tree. But as he had his armes about it round,
- And shaakt it too and fro to make it looce, Pirithous cast
- A Dart which nayled to the tree his wrything stomacke fast.
- Through prowesse of Pirithous (men say) was Lycus slayne.
- Through prowesse of Pirithous dyde Crome. But they both twayne
- Lesse honour to theyr conquerour were, than Dyctis was, or than
- Was Helops. Helops with a dart was striken, which through ran
- His head, and entring at the ryght eare to the left eare went.
- And Dyctis from a slipprye knappe downe slyding, as he ment
- To shonne Perithous preacing on, fell headlong downe, and with
- His hugenesse brake the greatest Ash that was in all the frith,
- And goard his gutts uppon the stump. To wreake his death comes Phare:
- And from the mount a mighty rocke with bothe his handes he tare:
- Which as he was about to throwe, Duke Theseus did prevent,
- And with an Oken plant uppon his mighty elbowe lent
- Him such a blowe, as that he brake the bones, and past no further.
- For leysure would not serve him then his maymed corce to murther.
- He lept on hygh Bianors backe, who none was woont to beare
- Besydes himself. Ageinst his sydes his knees fast nipping were,
- And with his left hand taking hold uppon his foretoppe heare
- He cuft him with his knubbed plant about the frowning face,
- And made his wattled browes to breake. And with his Oken mace
- He overthrew Nedimnus: and Lycespes with his dart,
- And Hippasus whose beard did hyde his brest the greater part:
- And Riphey tallar than the trees, and Therey who was woont
- Among the hilles of Thessaly for cruell Beares to hunt,
- And beare them angry home alyve. It did Demoleon spyght
- That Theseus had so good successe and fortune in his fyght.
- An old long Pynetree rooted fast he strave with all his myght
- To pluck up whole bothe trunk and roote, which when he could not bring
- To passe, he brake it off, and at his emnye did it fling.
- But Theseus by admonishment of heavenly Pallas (so
- He would have folke beleve it were) start backe a great way fro
- The weapon as it came. Yit fell it not without some harme.
- It cut from Crantors left syde bulke, his shoulder, brest, and arme.
- This Grantor was thy fathers Squyre (Achilles) and was given
- Him by Amyntor ruler of the Dolops, who was driven
- By battell for to give him as an hostage for the peace
- To bee observed faythfully. When Peleus in the preace
- A great way off behilld him thus falne dead of this same wound,
- O Grantor, deerest man to mee of all above the ground,
- Hold heere an obitgift hee sayd: and both with force of hart
- And hand, at stout Demoleons head he threw an asshen dart,
- Which brake the watling of his ribbes, and sticking in the bone,
- Did shake. He pulled out the steale with much adoo alone.
- The head therof stacke still behynd among his lungs and lyghts.
- Enforst to courage with his payne, he ryseth streight uprights,
- And pawing at his emny with his horsish feete, he smyghts
- Uppon him. Peleus bare his strokes uppon his burganet,
- And fenst his shoulders with his sheeld, and evermore did set
- His weapon upward with the poynt, which by his shoulders perst
- Through both his brestes at one full blowe. Howbee't your father erst
- Had killed Hyle and Phlegrye, and Hiphinous aloof
- And Danes who boldly durst at hand his manhod put in proof.
- To theis was added Dorylas, who ware uppon his head
- A cap of woolves skinne. And the homes of Oxen dyed red
- With blood were then his weapon. I (for then my courage gave
- Mee strength) sayd: See how much thy homes lesse force than Iron have.
- And therewithall with manly might a dart at him I drave.
- Which when he could not shonne, he clapt his right hand flat uppon
- His forehead where the wound should bee. For why his hand anon
- Was nayled to his forehead fast. Hee roared out amayne.
- And as he stood amazed and began to faynt for payne,
- Your father Peleus (for he stood hard by him) strake him under
- The middle belly with his swoord, and ript his womb asunder.
- Out girdes mee Dorill streyght, and trayles his guttes uppon the ground
- And trampling underneath his feete did breake them, and they wound
- About his leggs so snarling, that he could no further go,
- But fell downe dead with empty womb. Nought booted Cyllar tho
- His beawtye in that frentick fray, (at leastwyse if wee graunt
- That any myght in that straunge shape, of natures beawtye vaunt.)
- His beard began but then to bud: his beard was like the gold:
- So also were his yellowe lokes, which goodly to behold
- Midway beneath his shoulders hung. There rested in his face
- A sharpe and lively cheerfulnesse with sweete and pleasant grace.
- His necke, brest, shoulders, armes, and hands, as farre as he was man,
- Were such as never carvers woork yit stayne them could or can.
- His neather part likewyse (which was a horse) was every whit
- Full equall with his upper part, or little woorse than it.
- For had yee given him horses necke, and head, he was a beast
- For Castor to have ridden on. So bourly was his brest:
- So handsome was his backe to beare a saddle: and his heare
- Was blacke as jeate, but that his tayle and feete milk whyghtish were.
- Full many Females of his race did wish him to theyr make.
- But only dame Hylonome for lover he did take.
- Of all the halfbrutes in the woodes there did not any dwell
- More comly than Hylonome. She usde herself so well
- In dalyance, and in loving, and in uttring of her love,
- That shee alone hilld Cyllarus. As much as did behove
- In suchye limbes, shee trimmed them as most the eye might move.
- With combing, smoothe shee made her heare: shee wallowed her full oft
- In Roses and in Rosemarye, or Violets sweete and soft:
- Sumtyme shee caryed Lillyes whyght: and twyce a day shee washt
- Her visage in the spring that from the toppe of Pagase past:
- And in the streame shee twyce a day did bath her limbes: and on
- Her left syde or her shoulders came the comlyest things, and none
- But fynest skinnes of choycest beasts. Alike eche loved other:
- Togither they among the hilles roamd up and downe: togither
- They went to covert: and that tyme togither they did enter
- The Lapithes house, and there the fray togither did adventer.
- A dart on Cyllars left syde came, (I know not who it sent)
- Which sumwhat underneathe his necke his brest asunder splent.
- As lyghtly as his hart was raazd, no sooner was the dart
- Pluckt out, but all his bodye wext stark cold and dyed swart.
- Immediatly Hylonome his dying limbes up stayd,
- And put her hand uppon the wound to stoppe the blood, and layd
- Her mouth to his, and labored sore to stay his passing spryght.
- But when shee sawe him throughly dead, then speaking woordes which might
- Not to my hearing come for noyse, shee stikt herself uppon
- The weapon that had gored him, and dyde with him anon
- Embracing him beetweene her armes.
- There also stood before
- Myne eyes the grim Pheocomes both man and horse who wore
- A Lyons skinne uppon his backe fast knit with knotts afore.
- He snatching up a timber log (which scarcely two good teeme
- Of Oxen could have stird) did throwe the same with force extreeme
- At Phonolenyes sonne. The logge him all in fitters strake,
- And of his head the braynepan in a thousand peeces brake,
- That at his mouth, his eares, and eyes, and at his nosethrills too,
- His crusshed brayne came roping out as creame is woont to doo
- From sives or riddles made of wood, or as a Cullace out
- From streyner or from Colender. But as he went about
- To strippe him from his harnesse as he lay uppon the ground,
- (Your father knoweth this full well) my sword his gutts did wound,
- Teleboas and Cthonius bothe, were also slaine by mee.
- Sir Cthonius for his weapon had a forked bough of tree.
- The tother had a dart. His dart did wound mee. You may see
- The scarre therof remayning yit. Then was the tyme that I
- Should sent have beene to conquer Troy. Then was the tyme that I
- Myght through my force and prowesse, if not vanquish Hector stout,
- Yit at the least have hilld him wag, I put you out of Dout.
- But then was Hector no body: or but a babe. And now
- Am I forspent and worne with yeeres. What should I tell you how
- Piretus dyde by Periphas? Or wherefore should I make
- Long processe for to tell you of sir Ampycus that strake
- The fowrefoote Oecle on the face with dart of Cornell tree,
- The which had neyther head nor poynt? Or how that Macaree
- Of Mountaine Pelithronye with a leaver lent a blowe
- To Erigdupus on the brest which did him overthrowe?
- Full well I doo remember that Cymelius threw a dart
- Which lyghted full in Nesseyes flank about his privie part.
- And think not you that Mops, the sonne of Ampycus, could doo
- No good but onely prophesye. This stout Odites whoo
- Had bothe the shapes of man and horse, by Mopsis dart was slayne,
- And labouring for to speake his last he did but strive in vayne.
- For Mopsis dart togither nayld his toong and neather chappe,
- And percing through his throte did make a wyde and deadly gappe.
- Fyve men had Cene already slayne: theyr wounds I cannot say:
- The names and nomber of them all ryght well I beare away.
- The names of them were Stiphelus, and Brome, and Helimus,
- Pyracmon with his forest bill, and stout Antimachus.
- Out steppes the biggest Centawre there, huge Latreus, armed in
- Alesus of Aemathias spoyle slayne late before by him.
- His yeeres were mid tweene youth and age, his courage still was yoong,
- And on his abrun head hore heares peerd heere and there amoong.
- His furniture was then a swoord, a target and a lawnce
- Aemathian like. To bothe the parts he did his face advaunce,
- And brandishing his weapon brave, in circlewyse did prawnce
- About, and stoutly spake theis woordes: And must I beare with yow,
- Dame Cenye? for none other than a moother (I avow)
- No better than a moother will I count thee whyle I live.
- Remembrest not what shape by birth dame nature did thee give?
- Forgettst thou how thou purchasedst this counterfetted shape
- Of man? Consyderest what thou art by birth? and how for rape
- Thou art become the thing thou art? Go take thy distaffe, and
- Thy spindle, and in spinning yarne go exercyse thy hand.
- Let men alone with feates of armes. As Latreus made this stout
- And scornefull taunting in a ring still turning him about,
- This Cenye with a dart did hit him full uppon the syde
- Where as the horse and man were joyned togither in a hyde.
- The strype made Latreus mad: and with his lawnce in rage he stracke
- Uppon sir Cenyes naked ribbes. The lawnce rebounded backe
- Like haylestones from a tyled house, or as a man should pat
- Small stones uppon a dromslets head. He came more neere with that,
- And in his brawned syde did stryve to thrust his swoord. There was
- No way for swoord to enter in. Yit shalt thou not so passe
- My handes (sayd he.) Well sith the poynt is blunted thou shalt dye
- Uppon the edge: and with that woord he fetcht his blow awrye,
- And sydling with a sweeping stroke along his belly smit.
- The strype did give a clinke as if it had on marble hit.
- And therewithall the swoord did breake, and on his necke did lyght.
- When Ceny had sufficiently given Latreus leave to smyght
- His flesh which was unmaymeable, Well now (quoth he) lets see,
- If my swoord able bee or no to byght the flesh of thee.
- In saying so, his dreadfull swoord as farre as it would go
- He underneathe his shoulder thrust, and wrinching to and fro
- Among his gutts, made wound in wound. Behold with hydeous crye
- The dowblemembred Centawres sore abasht uppon him flye,
- And throwe theyr weapons all at him. Theyr weapons downe did fall
- As if they had rebated beene, and Cenye for them all
- Abydes unstriken through. Yea none was able blood to drawe.
- The straungenesse of the cace made all amazed that it sawe.
- Fy, fy for shame (quoth Monychus) that such a rable can
- Not overcome one wyght alone, who scarcely is a man.
- Although (to say the very truthe) he is the man, and wee
- Through fayntnesse that that he was borne by nature for to bee.
- What profits theis huge limbes of ours? what helpes our dowble force?
- Or what avayles our dowble shape of man as well as horse
- By puissant nature joynd in one? I can not thinke that wee
- Of sovereigne Goddesse Juno were begot, or that wee bee
- Ixions sonnes, who was so stout of courage and so hault,
- As that he durst on Junos love attempt to give assault.
- The emny that dooth vanquish us is scarcely half a man
- Whelme blocks, and stones, and mountaynes whole uppon his hard brayne pan:
- And presse yee out his lively ghoste with trees. Let timber choke
- His chappes, let weyght enforce his death in stead of wounding stroke.
- This sayd: by chaunce he gets a tree blowne downe by blustring blasts
- Of Southerne wynds, and on his fo with all his myght it casts,
- And gave example to the rest to doo the like. Within
- A whyle the shadowes which did hyde mount Pelion waxed thin:
- And not a tree was left uppon mount Othris ere they went.
- Sir Cenye underneathe this greate huge pyle of timber pent,
- Did chauf and on his shoulders hard the heavy logges did beare.
- But when above his face and head the trees up stacked were,
- So that he had no venting place to drawe his breth: One whyle
- He faynted: and another whyle he heaved at the pyle,
- To tumble downe the loggs that lay so heavy on his backe,
- And for to winne the open ayre ageine above the stacke:
- As if the mountayne Ida (lo) which yoonder we doo see
- So hygh, by earthquake at a tyme should chaunce to shaken bee.
- Men dowt what did become of him. Sum hold opinion that
- The burthen of the woodes had driven his soule to Limbo flat.
- But Mopsus sayd it was not so. For he did see a browne
- Bird flying from amid the stacke and towring up and downe.
- It was the first tyme and the last that ever I behild
- That fowle. When Mopsus softly saw him soring in the feeld,
- He looked wistly after him, and cryed out on hye:
- Hayle peerlesse perle of Lapith race, hayle Ceny, late ago
- A valeant knyght, and now a bird of whom there is no mo.
- The author caused men beleeve the matter to bee so.
- Our sorrow set us in a rage. It was too us a greef
- That by so many foes one knyght was killd without releef.
- Then ceast wee not to wreake our teene till most was slaine in fyght,
- And that the rest discomfited were fled away by nyght.
- As Nestor all the processe of this battell did reherce
- Betweene the valeant Lapithes and misshapen Centawres ferce,
- Tlepolemus displeased sore that Hercules was past
- With silence, could not hold his peace, but out theis woordes did cast:
- My Lord, I muse you should forget my fathers prayse so quyght.
- For often unto mee himself was woonted to recite,
- How that the clowdbred folk by him were cheefly put to flyght.
- Ryght sadly Nestor answerd thus: Why should you mee constreyne
- To call to mynd forgotten greefs? and for to reere ageine
- The sorrowes now outworne by tyme? or force mee to declare
- The hatred and displeasure which I to your father bare?
- In sooth his dooings greater were than myght bee well beleeved.
- He fild the world with high renowme which nobly he atcheeved.
- Which thing I would I could denye. For neyther set wee out
- Deiphobus, Polydamas, nor Hector that most stout
- And valeant knyght, the strength of Troy. For whoo will prayse his fo?
- Your father overthrew the walles of Messen long ago,
- And razed Pyle, and Ely townes unwoorthye serving so.
- And feerce ageinst my fathers house hee usde bothe swoord and fyre.
- And (not to speake of others whom he killed in his ire)
- Twyce six wee were the sonnes of Nele all lusty gentlemen.
- Twyce six of us (excepting mee) by him were murthred then.
- The death of all the rest myght seeme a matter not so straunge:
- But straunge was Periclymens death whoo had the powre to chaunge
- And leave and take what shape he list (by Neptune to him given,
- The founder of the house of Nele). For when he had beene driven
- To try all shapes, and none could help: he last of all became
- The fowle that in his hooked feete dooth beare the flasshing flame
- Sent downe from heaven by Jupiter. He practising those birds,
- With flapping wings, and bowwing beake, and hooked talants girds
- At Hercle, and beescratcht his face. Too certeine (I may say)
- Thy father amde his shaft at him. For as he towring lay
- Among the clowdes, he hit him underneath the wing. The stroke
- Was small: howbee't bycause therwith the sinewes being broke,
- He wanted strength to maynteine flyght, he fell me to the ground,
- Through weakenesse of his wing. The shaft that sticked in the wound,
- By reason of the burthen of his bodye perst his syde,
- And at the leftsyde of his necke all bloodye foorth did glyde.
- Now tell mee, O thou beawtyfull Lord Amirall of the fleete
- Of Rhodes, if mee to speake the prayse of Hercle it bee meete.
- But lest that of my brothers deathes men think I doo desyre
- A further vendge than silence of the prowesse of thy syre,
- I love thee even with all my hart, and take thee for my freend.
- When Nestor of his pleasant tales had made this freendly end,
- They called for a boll of wyne, and from the table went,
- And all the resdew of the nyght in sleeping soundly spent.
- But Neptune like a father tooke the matter sore to hart
- That Cygnet to a Swan he was constreyned to convert.
- And hating feerce Achilles, he did wreake his cruell teene
- Uppon him more uncourteously than had beseeming beene.
- For when the warres well neere full twyce fyve yeeres had lasted, hee
- Unshorne Apollo thus bespake: O nevew, unto mee
- Most deere of all my brothers impes, who helpedst mee to lay
- Foundation of the walles of Troy for which we had no pay,
- And canst thou syghes forbeare to see the Asian Empyre fall?
- And dooth it not lament thy hart when thou to mynd doost call
- So many thousand people slayne in keeping Ilion wall?
- Or (too th'entent particlerly I doo not speake of all)
- Remembrest thou not Hectors Ghost whoo harryed was about
- His towne of Troy? where nerethelesse Achilles that same stout
- And farre in fyght more butcherly, whoo stryves with all his myght
- To stroy the woorke of mee and thee, lives still in healthfull plyght?
- If ever hee doo come within my daunger he shall feele
- What force is in my tryple mace. But sith with swoord of steele
- I may not meete him as my fo, I pray thee unbeeware
- Go kill him with a sodeine shaft and rid mee of my care.
- Apollo did consent: as well his uncle for to please,
- As also for a pryvate grudge himself had for to ease.
- And in a clowd he downe among the host of Troy did slyde,
- Where Paris dribbling out his shaftes among the Greekes hee spyde:
- And telling him what God he was, sayd: Wherfore doost thou waast
- Thyne arrowes on the simple sort? If any care thou haste
- Of those that are thy freendes, go turne ageinst Achilles head,
- And like a man revendge on him thy brothers that are dead.
- In saying this, he brought him where Achilles with his brond
- Was beating downe the Trojane folk, and leveld so his hond
- As that Achilles tumbled downe starke dead uppon the lond.
- This was the onely thing wherof the old king Priam myght
- Take comfort after Hectors death. That stout and valeant knyght
- Achilles whoo had overthrowen so many men in fyght,
- Was by that coward carpet knyght beereeved of his lyfe,
- Whoo like a caytif stale away the Spartane princes wyfe.
- But if of weapon womanish he had foreknowen it had
- His destnye beene to lose his lyfe, he would have beene more glad
- That Queene Penthesileas bill had slaine him out of hand.
- Now was the feare of Phrygian folk, the onely glory, and
- Defence of Greekes, that peerelesse prince in armes, Achilles turnd
- To asshes. That same God that had him armd, him also burnd.
- Now is he dust: and of that great Achilles bydeth still
- A thing of nought, that scarcely can a little coffin fill.
- Howbee't his woorthy fame dooth lyve, and spreadeth over all
- The world, a measure meete for such a persone to beefall.
- This matcheth thee, Achilles, full. And this can never dye.
- His target also (too th'entent that men myght playnly spye
- What wyghts it was) did move debate, and for his armour burst
- Out deadly foode. Not Diomed, nor Ajax Oylye durst
- Make clayme or chalendge to the same, nor Atreus yoonger sonne,
- Nor yit his elder, though in armes much honour they had wonne.
- Alone the sonnes of Telamon and Laert did assay
- Which of them two of that great pryse should beare the bell away.
- But Agamemnon from himself the hurthen putts, and cleeres
- His handes of envye, causing all the Capteines and the Peeres
- Of Greece to meete amid the camp togither in a place,
- To whom he put the heering and the judgement of the cace.
- Finis duodecimi Libri.
- of Ouids Metamorphosis
- He Lordes and Capteynes being set toogither with the King,
- And all the souldiers standing round about them in a ring,
- The owner of the sevenfold sheeld, to theis did Ajax ryse.
- And (as he could not brydle wrath) he cast his frowning eyes
- Uppon the shore and on the fleete that there at Anchor lyes
- And throwing up his handes: God and must wee plead (quoth hee)
- Our case before our shippes? and must Vlysses stand with mee?
- But like a wretch he ran his way when Hector came with fyre,
- Which I defending from theis shippes did force him to retyre.
- It easyer is therefore with woordes in print to maynteine stryfe,
- Than for to fyght it out with fists. But neyther I am ryfe
- In woordes, nor hee in deedes. For looke how farre I him excell
- In battell and in feates of armes: so farre beares hee the bell
- From mee in talking. Neyther think I requisite to tell
- My actes among you. You your selves have seene them verry well.
- But let Vlysses tell you his doone all in hudther mudther,
- And wherunto the only nyght is privy and none other.
- The pryse is great (I doo confesse) for which wee stryve. But yit
- It is dishonour unto mee, for that in clayming it
- So bace a persone standeth in contention for the same.
- To think it myne already, ought to counted bee no shame
- Nor pryde in mee: although the thing of ryght great valew bee
- Of which Vlysses standes in hope. For now alreadye hee
- Hath wonne the honour of this pryse, in that when he shall sit
- Besydes the cuishon, he may brag he strave with mee for it.
- And though I wanted valiantnesse, yit should nobilitee
- Make with mee. I of Telamon am knowne the sonne to bee
- Who under valeant Hercules the walles of Troy did scale,
- And in the shippe of Pagasa to Colchos land did sayle.
- His father was that Aeacus whoo executeth ryght
- Among the ghostes where Sisyphus heaves up with all his myght
- The massye stone ay tumbling downe. The hyghest Jove of all
- Acknowledgeth this Aeäcus, and dooth his sonne him call.
- Thus am I Ajax third from Ioue. Yit let this Pedegree,
- O Achyves, in this case of myne avaylable not bee,
- Onlesse I proove it fully with Achylles to agree.
- He was my brother, and I clayme that was my brothers. Why
- Shouldst thou that art of Sisyphs blood, and for to filch and lye
- Expressest him in every poynt, by foorged pedegree
- Aly thee to the Aeacyds, as though we did not see
- Thee to the house of Aeacus a straunger for to bee?
- And is it reason that you should this armour mee denye
- Bycause I former was in armes, and needed not a spye
- To fetch mee foorth? Or think you him more woorthye it to have,
- That came to warrefare hindermost, and feynd himself to rave,
- Bycause he would have shund the warre? untill a suttler head
- And more unprofitable for himself, sir Palamed,
- Escryde the crafty fetches of his fearefull hart, and drew
- Him foorth a warfare which he sought so cowardly to eschew?
- Must he now needes enjoy the best and richest armour, whoo
- Would none at all have worne onlesse he forced were thertoo?
- And I with shame bee put besyde my cousin germanes gifts
- Bycause to shun the formest brunt of warres I sought no shifts?
- Would God this mischeef mayster had in verrye deede beene mad,
- Or else beleeved so to bee: and that wee never had
- Brought such a panion unto Troy. Then should not Paeans sonne
- In Lemnos like an outlawe to the shame of all us wonne.
- Who lurking now (as men report) in woodes and caves, dooth move
- The verry flints with syghes and grones, and prayers to God above
- To send Ulysses his desert. Which prayer (if there bee
- A God) must one day take effect. And now beehold how hee
- By othe a Souldier of our Camp, yea and as well as wee
- A Capteine too, alas, (who was by Hercules assignde
- To have the keeping of his shafts,) with payne and hungar pynde,
- Is clad and fed with fowles, and dribs his arrowes up and downe
- At birds, which were by destinye preparde to stroy Troy towne.
- Yit liveth hee bycause hee is not still in companie
- With sly Ulysses. Palamed that wretched knyght perdie,
- Would eeke he had abandond beene. For then should still the same
- Have beene alyve: or at the least have dyde without our shame.
- But this companion bearing (ah) too well in wicked mynd
- His madnesse which sir Palamed by wisdome out did fynd,
- Appeached him of treason that he practysde to betray
- The Greekish hoste. And for to vouch the fact, he shewd streyght way
- A masse of goold that he himself had hidden in his tent,
- And forged Letters which he feynd from Priam to bee sent.
- Thus eyther by his murthring men or else by banishment
- Abateth hee the Greekish strength. This is Ulysses fyght.
- This is the feare he puttes men in. But though he had more might
- Than Nestor hath, in eloquence he shal not compasse mee
- To think his leawd abandoning of Nestor for to bee
- No fault: who beeing cast behynd by wounding of his horse,
- And slowe with age, with calling on Ulysses waxing hoarce,
- Was nerethelesse betrayd by him. Sir Diomed knowes this cryme
- Is unsurmysde. For he himselfe did at that present tyme
- Rebuke him oftentymes by name, and feercely him upbrayd
- With flying from his fellowe so who stood in neede of ayd.
- With ryghtfull eyes dooth God behold the deedes of mortall men.
- Lo, he that helped not his freend wants help himself agen.
- And as he did forsake his freend in tyme of neede: so hee
- Did in the selfsame perrill fall forsaken for to bee.
- He made a rod to beat himself. He calld and cryed out
- Uppon his fellowes. Streight I came: and there I saw the lout
- Bothe quake and shake for feare of death, and looke as pale as clout.
- I set my sheeld betweene him and his foes, and him bestrid:
- And savde the dastards lyfe. Small prayse redoundes of that I did.
- But if thou wilt contend with mee, lets to the selfesame place
- Agein: bee wounded as thou wart: and in the foresayd case
- Of feare, beset about with foes: cowch underneath my sheeld:
- And then contend thou with mee there amid the open feeld.
- Howbee't, I had no sooner rid this champion of his foes,
- But where for woundes he scarce before could totter on his toes,
- He ran away apace, as though he nought at all did ayle.
- Anon commes Hector to the feeld and bringeth at his tayle
- The Goddes. Not only thy hart there (Ulysses) did thee fayle,
- But even the stowtest courages and stomacks gan to quayle.
- So great a terrour brought he in. Yit in the midds of all
- His bloody ruffe, I coapt with him, and with a foyling fall
- Did overthrowe him to the ground. Another tyme, when hee
- Did make a chalendge, you my Lordes by lot did choose out mee,
- And I did match him hand to hand. Your wisshes were not vayne.
- For if you aske mee what successe our combate did obteine,
- I came away unvanquished. Behold the men of Troy
- Brought fyre and swoord, and all the feendes our navye to destroy.
- And where was slye Ulysses then with all his talk so smooth?
- This brest of myne was fayne to fence your thousand shippes forsooth,
- The hope of your returning home. For saving that same day
- So many shippes, this armour give. But (if that I shall say
- The truth) the greater honour now this armour beares away.
- And our renownes togither link. For (as of reason ought)
- An Ajax for this armour, not an armour now is sought
- For Ajax.
- Let Dulychius match with theis, the horses whyght
- Of Rhesus, dastard Dolon, and the coward carpetknyght
- King Priams Helen, and the stelth of Palladye by nyght.
- Of all theis things was nothing doone by day nor nothing wrought
- Without the helpe of Diomed. And therefore if yee thought
- To give them to so small deserts, devyde the same, and let
- Sir Diomed have the greater part. But what should Ithacus get
- And if he had them, who dooth all his matters in the dark,
- Who never weareth armour, who shootes ay at his owne mark
- To trappe his fo by stelth unwares? The very headpeece may
- With brightnesse of the glistring gold his privie feates bewray
- And shew him lurking. Neyther well of force Dulychius were
- The weyght of great Achilles helme uppon his pate to weare.
- It cannot but a burthen bee (and that ryght great) to beare
- (With those same shrimpish armes of his) Achilles myghty speare.
- Agen his target graven with the whole huge world theron
- Agrees not with a fearefull hand, and cheefly such a one
- As taketh filching even by kynd. Thou Lozell, thou doost seeke
- A gift that will but weaken thee, which if the folk of Greeke
- Shall give thee through theyr oversyght, it will be unto thee
- Occasion, of thyne emnyes spoyld not feared for to bee,
- And flyght (wherein thou, coward, thou all others mayst outbrag)
- Will hindred bee when after thee such masses thou shalt drag.
- Moreover this thy sheeld that feeles so seeld the force of fyght
- Is sound. But myne is gasht and hakt and stricken thurrough quyght
- A thousand tymes, with bearing blowes. And therfore myne must walk
- And put another in his stead. But what needes all this talk?
- Lets now bee seene another whyle what eche of us can doo.
- The thickest of our armed foes this armour throwe into,
- And bid us fetch the same fro thence. And which of us dooth fetch
- The same away, reward yee him therewith. Thus farre did stretch
- The woordes of Aiax. At the ende whereof there did ensew
- A muttring of the souldiers, till Laertis sonne the prew
- Stood up, and raysed soberly his eyliddes from the ground
- (On which he had a little whyle them pitched in a stound)
- And looking on the noblemen who longd his woordes to heere
- He thus began with comly grace and sober pleasant cheere:
- My Lordes, if my desyre and yours myght erst have taken place,
- It should not at this present tyme have beene a dowtfull cace,
- What person hath most ryght to this great pryse for which wee stryve.
- Achilles should his armour have, and wee still him alyve.
- Whom sith that cruell destinie to both of us denyes,
- (With that same woord as though he wept, he wypte his watry eyes)
- What wyght of reason rather ought to bee Achilles heyre,
- Than he through whom to this your camp Achilles did repayre?
- Alonly let it not avayle sir Aiax heere, that hee
- Is such a dolt and grossehead, as he shewes himself to bee
- Ne let my wit (which ay hath done you good, O Greekes) hurt mee.
- But suffer this mine eloquence (such as it is) which now
- Dooth for his mayster speake, and oft ere this hath spoke for yow,
- Bee undisdeynd. Let none refuse his owne good gifts he brings.
- For as for stocke and auncetors, and other such like things
- Wherof our selves no fownders are, I scarcely dare them graunt
- To bee our owne. But forasmuch as Aiax makes his vaunt
- To bee the fowrth from Ioue: even Ioue the founder is also
- Of my house: and than fowre descents I am from him no mo.
- Laërtes is my father, and Arcesius his, and hee
- Begotten was of Iupiter. And in this pedegree
- Is neyther any damned soule, nor outlaw as yee see.
- Moreover by my moothers syde I come of Mercuree,
- Another honor to my house. Thus both by fathers syde
- And moothers (as you may perceyve) I am to Goddes alyde.
- But neyther for bycause I am a better gentleman
- Then Ajax by the moothers syde, nor that my father can
- Avouch himself ungiltye of his brothers blood, doo I
- This armour clayme. Wey you the case by merits uprightly,
- Provyded no prerogatyve of birthryght Ajax beare,
- For that his father Telamon, and Peleus brothers were.
- Let only prowesse in this pryse the honour beare away.
- Or if the case on kinrid or on birthryght seeme to stay,
- His father Peleus is alive, and Pyrrhus eeke his sonne.
- What tytle then can Ajax make? This geere of ryght should woone
- To Phthya, or to Scyros Ile. And Tewcer is as well
- Achilles uncle as is hee. Yit dooth not Tewcer mell.
- And if he did, should hee obteyne? Well, sith the cace dooth rest
- On tryall which of us can prove his dooings to bee best,
- I needes must say my deedes are mo than well I can expresse:
- Yit will I shew them orderly as neere as I can gesse.
- Foreknowing that her sonne should dye, the Lady Thetis hid
- Achilles in a maydes attyre. By which fyne slyght shee did
- All men deceyve, and Ajax too. This armour in a packe
- With other womens tryflyng toyes I caryed on my backe,
- A bayte to treyne a manly hart. Appareld like a mayd
- Achilles tooke the speare and sheeld in hand, and with them playd.
- Then sayd I: O thou Goddesse sonne, why shouldst thou bee afrayd
- To raze great Troy, whoose overthrowe for thee is onely stayd?
- And laying hand uppon him I did send him (as you see)
- To valeant dooings meete for such a valeant man as hee.
- And therfore all the deedes of him are my deedes. I did wound
- King Teleph with his speare, and when he lay uppon the ground,
- I was intreated with the speare to heale him safe and sound.
- That Thebe lyeth overthrowne, is my deede. You must think
- I made the folk of Lesbos for to shrink.
- Both Chryse and Cillas, Phebus townes, and Scyros I did take.
- And my ryght hand Lyrnessus walles to ground did levell make.
- I gave you him that should confound (besydes a number mo)
- The valeant Hector. Hector, that our most renowmed fo,
- Is slayne by mee. This armour heere I sue agein to have
- This armour by the which I found Achilles. I it gave
- Achilles whyle he was alive: and now that he is gone
- I clayme it as myne owne agein. What tyme the greefe of one
- Had perst the harts of all the Greekes, and that our thousand sayle
- At Awlis by Ewboya stayd, bycause the wyndes did fayle,
- Continewing eyther none at all or cleene ageinst us long,
- And that our Agamemnon was by destnyes overstrong
- Commaunded for to sacrifyse his giltlesse daughter to
- Diana, which her father then refusing for to doo
- Was angry with the Godds themselves, and though he were a king
- Continued also fatherlyke: by reason, I did bring
- His gentle nature to relent for publike profits sake.
- I must confesse (whereat his grace shall no displeasure take)
- Before a parciall judge I undertooke a ryght hard cace.
- Howbeeit for his brothers sake, and for the royall mace
- Committed, and his peoples weale, at length he was content
- To purchace prayse wyth blood. Then was I to the moother sent,
- Who not perswaded was to bee, but compast with sum guyle.
- Had Ajax on this errand gone, our shippes had all this whyle
- Lyne still there yit for want of wynd. Moreover I was sent
- To Ilion as ambassadour. I boldly thither went,
- And entred and behilld the Court, wherin there was as then
- Great store of princes, Dukes, Lords, knyghts, and other valeant men.
- And yit I boldly nerethelesse my message did at large
- The which the whole estate of Greece had given mee erst in charge.
- I made complaint of Paris, and accusde him to his head.
- Demaunding restitution of Queene Helen that same sted
- And of the bootye with her tane. Both Priamus the king
- And eeke Antenor his alye the woordes of mee did sting.
- And Paris and his brothers, and the resdew of his trayne
- That under him had made the spoyle, could hard and scarce refrayne
- There wicked hands. You, Menelay, doo know I doo not feyne.
- And that day was the first in which wee joyntly gan susteyne
- A tast of perrills, store whereof did then behind remayne.
- It would bee overlong to tell eche profitable thing
- That during this long lasting warre I well to passe did bring,
- By force as well as pollycie. For after that the furst
- Encounter once was overpast, our emnyes never durst
- Give battell in the open feeld, but hild themselves within
- Theyr walles and bulwarks till the tyme the tenth yeere did begin,
- Now what didst thou of all that whyle, that canst doo nought but streeke?
- Or to what purpose servedst thou? For if thou my deedes seeke,
- I practysd sundry pollycies to trappe our foes unware:
- I fortifyde our Camp with trench which heretofore lay bare:
- I hartned our companions with a quiet mynd to beare
- The longnesse of the weery warre: I taught us how wee were
- Bothe to bee fed and furnished: and to and fro I went
- To places where the Counsell thought most meete I should bee sent.
- Behold the king deceyved in his dreame by false pretence
- Of Joves commaundement, bade us rayse our seedge and get us hence.
- The author of his dooing so may well bee his defence.
- Now Ajax should have letted this, and calld them backe ageine
- To sacke the towne of Troy. He should have fought with myght and maine.
- Why did he not restreyne them when they ready were to go?
- Why tooke he not his swoord in hand? why gave he not as tho
- Sum counsell for the fleeting folk to follow at the brunt?
- In fayth it had a tryfle beene to him that ay is woont
- Such vaunting in his mouth to have. But he himself did fly
- As well as others. I did see, and was ashamed, I,
- To see thee when thou fledst, and didst prepare so cowardly
- To sayle away. And thereuppon I thus aloud did cry:
- What meene yee, sirs? what madnesse dooth you move to go to shippe
- And suffer Troy as good as tane, thus out of hand to slippe?
- What else this tenth yeere beare yee home than shame? with such like woord
- And other, (which the eloquence of sorrowe did avoord,)
- I brought them from theyr flying shippes. Then Agamemnon calld
- Toogither all the capteines who with feare were yit appalld.
- But Ajax durst not then once creake. Yit durst Thersites bee
- So bold as rayle uppon the kings, and he was payd by mee
- For playing so the sawcye Jacke. Then stood I on my toes
- And to my fearefull countrymen gave hart ageinst theyr foes.
- And shed new courage in theyr mynds through talk that fro mee goes.
- From that tyme foorth what ever thing hath valeantly atcheeved
- By this good fellow beene, is myne, whoo him from flyght repreeved.
- And now to touche thee: which of all the Greekes commendeth thee?
- Or seeketh thee? But Diomed communicates with mee
- His dooings, and alloweth mee, and thinkes him well apayd
- To have Ulysses ever as companion at the brayd.
- And sumwhat woorth you will it graunt (I trow) alone for mee
- Out of so many thousand Greekes by Diomed pikt to bee.
- No lot compelled mee to go, and yit I setting lyght
- As well the perrill of my foes as daunger of the nyght,
- Killd Dolon who about the selfsame feate that nyght did stray,
- That wee went out for. But I first compelld him to bewray
- All things concerning faythlesse Troy, and what it went about.
- When all was learnd, and nothing left behynd to harken out,
- I myght have then come home with prayse. I was not so content.
- Proceeding further to the Camp of Rhesus streyght I went,
- And killed bothe himself and all his men about his tent.
- And taking bothe his chariot and his horses which were whyght,
- Returned home in tryumph like a conquerour from fyght.
- Denye you mee the armour of the man whoose steedes the fo
- Requyred for his playing of the spye a nyght, and so
- May Ajax bee more kynd to mee than you are. What should I
- Declare unto you how my sword did waste ryght valeantly
- Sarpedons hoste of Lycia? I by force did overthrowe
- Alastor, Crome, and Ceranos, and Haly on a rowe.
- Alcander, and Noemon too, and Prytanis besyde,
- And Thoon and Theridamas, and Charops also dyde
- By mee, and so did Ewnomos enforst by cruell fate.
- And many mo in syght of Troy I slew of bacer state.
- There also are (O countrymen) about mee woundings, which
- The place of them make beawtyfull. See heere (his hand did twich
- His shirt asyde) and credit not vayne woordes. Lo heere the brist
- That alwayes to bee one in your affayres hath never mist.
- And yit of all this whyle no droppe of blood hath Ajax spent
- Uppon his fellowes. Woundlesse is his body and unrent.
- But what skills that, as long as he is able for to vaunt
- He fought against bothe Troy and Jove to save our fleete? I graunt
- He did so. For I am not of such nature as of spyght
- Well dooings to deface: so that he chalendge not the ryght
- Of all men to himself alone, and that he yeeld to mee
- Sum share, whoo of the honour looke a partener for to bee.
- Patroclus also having on Achilles armour, sent
- The Trojans and theyr leader hence, to burne our navye bent.
- And yit thinks hee that none durst meete with Hector saving hee,
- Forgetting bothe the king, and eeke his brother, yea and mee.
- Where hee himself was but the nyneth, appoynted by the king,
- And by the fortune of his lot preferd to doo the thing.
- But now for all your valeantnesse, what Issue had I pray
- Your combate? Shall I tell? Forsoothe, that Hector went his way
- And had no harme. Now wo is mee how greeveth it my hart
- To think uppon that season when the bulwark of our part
- Achilles dyde. When neyther teares, nor greef, nor feare could make
- Mee for to stay, but that uppon theis shoulders I did take,
- I say uppon theis shoulders I Achilles body tooke,
- And this same armour claspt theron, which now to weare I looke.
- Sufficient strength I have to beare as great a weyght as this,
- And eeke a hart wherein regard of honour rooted is.
- Think you that Thetis for her sonne so instantly besought
- Sir Vulcane this same heavenly gift to give her, which is wrought
- With such exceeding cunning, to th'entent a souldier that
- Hath neyther wit nor knowledge should it weare? He knowes not what
- The things ingraven on the sheeld doo meene. Of Ocean se,
- Of land, of heaven, and of the starres no skill at all hath he.
- The Beare that never dyves in sea he dooth not understand,
- The Pleyads, nor the Hyads, nor the cities that doo stand
- Uppon the earth, nor yit the swoord that Orion holdes in hand.
- He seekes to have an armour of the which he hath no skill.
- And yit in fynding fault with mee bycause I had no will
- To follow this same paynfull warre and sought to shonne the same,
- And made it sumwhat longer tyme before I thither came,
- He sees not how hee speakes reproch to stout Achilles name.
- For if to have dissembled in this case, yee count a cryme,
- Wee both offenders bee. Or if protracting of the tyme
- Yee count blame woorthye, yit was I the tymelyer of us twayne.
- Achilles loving moother him, my wyfe did mee deteyne.
- The former tyme was given to them, the rest was given to yow.
- And therefore doo I little passe although I could not now
- Defend my fault, sith such a man of prowesse, birth and fame
- As was Achilles, was with mee offender in the same.
- But yit was he espyed by Ulysses wit, but nat
- Ulysses by sir Ajax wit. And lest yee woonder at
- The rayling of this foolish dolt at mee, hee dooth object
- Reproche to you. For if that I offended to detect
- Sir Palamed of forged fault, could you without your shame
- Arreyne him, and condemne him eeke to suffer for the same?
- But neyther could sir Palamed excuse him of the cryme
- So heynous and so manifest: and you your selves that tyme
- Not onely his indytement heard, but also did behold
- His deed avowched to his face by bringing in the gold.
- And as for Philoctetes, that he is in Lemnos, I
- Deserve not to bee toucht therwith. Defend your cryme: for why
- You all consented therunto. Yit doo I not denye,
- But that I gave the counsell to convey him out of way
- From toyle of warre and travell that by rest he myght assay
- To ease the greatnesse of his peynes. He did thereto obey
- And by so dooing is alyve. Not only faythfull was
- This counsell that I gave the man, but also happye, as
- The good successe hath shewed since. Whom sith the destnyes doo
- Requyre in overthrowing Troy, appoynt not mee thertoo:
- But let sir Ajax rather go. For he with eloquence
- Or by some suttle pollycie, shall bring the man fro thence
- And pacyfie him raging through disease, and wrathfull ire.
- Nay, first the river Simois shall to his spring retyre,
- And mountaine Ida shall theron have stonding never a tree,
- Yea and the faythlesse towne of Troy by Greekes shall reskewd bee,
- Before that Ajax blockish wit shall aught at all avayle,
- When my attempts and practyses in your affayres doo fayle.
- For though thou, Philoctetes, with the king offended bee,
- And with thy fellowes everychone, and most of all with mee,
- Although thou cursse and ban mee to the hellish pit for ay,
- And wisshest in thy payne that I by chaunce myght crosse thy way,
- Of purpose for to draw my blood: yit will I give assay
- To fetch thee hither once ageine. And (if that fortune say
- Amen,) I will as well have thee and eeke thyne arrowes, as
- I have the Trojane prophet whoo by mee surprysed was,
- Or as I did the Oracles and Trojane fates disclose,
- Or as I from her chappell through the thickest of her foes
- The Phrygian Pallads image fetcht: and yit dooth Ajax still
- Compare himself with mee. Yee knowe it was the destinyes will
- That Troy should never taken bee by any force, untill
- This Image first were got. And where was then our valeant knight
- Sir Ajax? Where the stately woordes of such a hardy wyght?
- Why feareth hee? Why dares Ulysses ventring through the watch
- Commit his persone to the nyght his buysnesse to dispatch?
- And through the pykes not only for to passe the garded wall
- But also for to enter to the strongest towre of all
- And for to take the Idoll from her Chappell and her shryne
- And beare her thence amid his foes? For had this deede of myne
- Beene left undoone, in vayne his sheeld of Oxen hydes seven fold
- Should yit the Sonne of Telamon have in his left hand hold.
- That nyght subdewed I Troy towne. That nyght did I it win,
- And opened it for you likewyse with ease to enter in.
- Cease to upbrayd mee by theis lookes and mumbling woordes of thyne
- With Diomed: his prayse is in this fact as well as myne.
- And thou thy selfe when for our shippes thou diddest in reskew stand,
- Wart not alone: the multitude were helping thee at hand.
- I had but only one with mee. Whoo (if he had not thought
- A wyseman better than a strong, and that preferment ought
- Not alway followe force of hand) would now himself have sought
- This Armour. So would toother Ajax better stayed doo,
- And feerce Ewrypyle, and the sonne of hault Andremon too.
- No lesse myght eeke Idominey, and eeke Meriones,
- His countryman, and Menelay. For every one of these
- Are valeant men of hand, and not inferior unto thee
- In martiall feates. And yit they are contented rulde to bee
- By myne advyce. Thou hast a hand that serveth well in fyght.
- Thou hast a wit that stands in neede of my direction ryght.
- Thy force is witlesse. I have care of that that may ensew.
- Thou well canst fyght: the king dooth choose the tymes for fyghting dew
- By myne advyce. Thou only with thy body canst avayle.
- But I with bodye and with mynd to profite doo not fayle,
- And looke how much the mayster dooth excell the gally slave,
- Or looke how much preheminence the Capteine ought to have
- Above his souldyer: even so much excell I also thee.
- A wit farre passing strength of hand inclosed is in mee.
- In wit rests cheefly all my force. My Lordes, I pray bestowe
- This gift on him who ay hath beene your watchman as yee knowe.
- And for my tenne yeeres cark and care endured for your sake
- Full recompence for my deserts with this same honour make.
- Our labour draweth to an end, all lets are now by mee
- Dispatched. And by bringing Troy in cace to taken bee
- I have already taken it. Now by the hope that yee
- Conceyve, within a whyle of Troy the mine for to see,
- And by the Goddes of whom alate our emnyes I bereft,
- And as by wisedome to bee doone yit any thing is left,
- If any bold aventrous deede, or any perlous thing,
- That asketh hazard both of lyfe and limb to passe to bring,
- Or if yee think of Trojane fates there yit dooth ought remayne,
- Remember mee. Or if from mee this armour you restrayne,
- Bestowe it on this same. With that he shewed with his hand
- Minervas fatall image, which hard by in syght did stand.
- The Lords were moved with his woordes, and then appeared playne
- The force that is in eloquence. The lerned man did gayne
- The armour of the valeant. He that did so oft susteine
- Alone both fyre, and swoord, and Jove, and Hector could not byde
- One brunt of wrath. And whom no force could vanquish ere that tyde,
- Now only anguish overcommes. He drawes his swoord and sayes:
- Well: this is myne yit. Unto this no clayme Ulysses layes.
- This must I use ageinst myself: this blade that heretofore
- Hath bathed beene in Trojane blood, must now his mayster gore
- That none may Ajax overcome save Ajax. With that woord
- Into his brest (not wounded erst) he thrust his deathfull swoord.
- His hand to pull it out ageine unable was. The blood
- Did spout it out. Anon the ground bestayned where he stood,
- Did breede the pretye purple flowre uppon a clowre of greene,
- Which of the wound of Hyacinth had erst engendred beene.
- The selfsame letters eeke that for the chyld were written than,
- Were now againe amid the flowre new written for the man.
- The former tyme complaynt, the last a name did represent.
- Ulysses, having wonne the pryse, within a whyle was sent
- To Thoants and Hysiphiles realme, the land defamde of old
- For murthering all the men therin by women over bold.
- At length attayning land and lucke according to his mynd,
- To carry Hercles arrowes backe he set his sayles to wynd.
- Which when he with the lord of them among the Greekes had brought,
- And of the cruell warre at length the utmost feate had wrought,
- At once both Troy and Priam fell. And Priams wretched wife
- Lost (after all) her womans shape, and barked all her lyfe
- In forreine countrye. In the place that bringeth to a streight
- The long spred sea of Ilion burne in height.
- The kindled fyre with blazing flame continewed unalayd,
- And Priam with his aged blood Joves Altar had berayd.
- And Phebus preestesse casting up her handes to heaven on hye,
- Was dragd and haled by the heare. The Grayes most spyghtfully
- (As eche of them had prisoners tane in meede of victorye)
- Did drawe the Trojane wyves away, who lingring whyle they mought
- Among the burning temples of theyr Goddes, did hang about
- Theyr sacred shrynes and images. Astyanax downe was cast
- From that same turret from the which his moother in tyme past
- Had shewed him his father stand oft fyghting to defend
- Himself and that same famous realme of Troy that did descend
- From many noble auncetors. And now the northerne wynd
- With prosperous blasts, to get them thence did put the Greekes in mynd.
- The shipmen went aboord, and hoyst up sayles, and made fro thence.
- Adeew deere Troy (the women cryde), wee haled are from hence.
- And therwithall they kist the ground, and left yit smoking still
- Theyr native houses. Last of all tooke shippe ageinst her will
- Queene Hecub: who (a piteous cace to see) was found amid
- The tumbes in which her sonnes were layd. And there as Hecub did
- Embrace theyr chists and kisse theyr bones, Ulysses voyd of care
- Did pull her thence. Yit raught shee up, and in her boosom bare
- Away a crum of Hectors dust, and left on Hectors grave
- Her hory heares and teares, which for poore offrings shee him gave.
- Ageinst the place where Ilion was, there is another land
- Manured by the Biston men. In this same Realme did stand
- King Polemnestors palace riche, to whom king Priam sent
- His little infant Polydore to foster, to th'entent
- He might bee out of daunger from the warres: wherin he ment
- Ryght wysely, had he not with him great riches sent, a bayt
- To stirre a wicked covetous mynd to treason and deceyt.
- For when the state of Thrace
- Did cut his nurcechylds weazant, and (as though the sinfull cace
- Toogither with the body could have quyght beene put away)
- He threw him also in the sea. It happened by the way,
- That Agamemnon was compeld with all his fleete to stay
- Uppon the coast of Thrace, untill the sea were wexen calme,
- And till the hideous stormes did cease, and furious wynds were falne.
- Heere rysing gastly from the ground which farre about him brake,
- Achilles with a threatning looke did like resemblance make
- As when at Agamemnon he his wrongfull swoord did shake,
- And sayd: Unmyndfull part yee hence of mee, O Greekes, and must
- My merits thanklesse thus with mee be buryed in the dust?
- Nay, doo not so. But to th'entent my death dew honour have,
- Let Polyxene in sacrifyse bee slayne uppon my grave.
- Thus much he sayd: and shortly his companions dooing as
- By vision of his cruell ghost commaundment given them was,
- Did fetch her from her mothers lappe, whom at that tyme, well neere,
- In that most great adversitie alonly shee did cheere.
- The haultye and unhappye mayd, and rather to bee thought
- A man than woman, to the tumb with cruell hands was brought,
- To make a cursed sacrifyse. Whoo mynding constantly
- Her honour, when shee standing at the Altar prest to dye,
- Perceyvd the savage ceremonies in making ready, and
- The cruell Neoptolemus with naked swoord in hand
- Stand staring with ungentle eyes uppon her gentle face,
- She sayd: Now use thou when thou wilt my gentle blood. The cace
- Requyres no more delay. Bestow thy weapon in my chest,
- Or in my throte: (in saying so shee proferred bare her brest,
- And eeke her throte). Assure your selves it never shalbee seene,
- That any wyght shall (by my will) have slave of Polyxeene.
- Howbee't with such a sacrifyse no God yee can delyght.
- I would desyre no more but that my wretched moother myght
- Bee ignorant of this my death. My moother hindreth mee,
- And makes the pleasure of my death much lesser for to bee.
- Howbeeit not the death of mee should justly greeve her hart:
- But her owne lyfe. Now to th'entent I freely may depart
- To Limbo, stand yee men aloof: and sith I aske but ryght
- Forebeare to touch mee. So my blood unsteyned in his syght
- Shall farre more acceptable been what ever wyght he bee
- Whom you prepare to pacifye by sacrifysing mee.
- Yit (if that these last woordes of myne may purchace any grace),
- I, daughter of king Priam erst, and now in prisoners cace,
- Beeseeche you all unraunsomed to render to my moother
- My bodye: and for buriall of the same to take none other
- Reward than teares: for whyle shee could shee did redeeme with gold.
- This sayd: the teares that shee forbare the people could not hold.
- And even the verry preest himself full sore ageinst his will
- And weeping, thrust her through the brest which she hild stoutly still.
- Shee sinking softly to the ground with faynting legges, did beare
- Even to the verry latter gasp a countnance voyd of feare.
- And when shee fell, shee had a care such parts of her to hyde,
- As womanhod and chastitie forbiddeth to be spyde.
- The Trojane women tooke her up, and moorning reckened
- King Priams children, and what blood that house alone had shed.
- They syghde for fayer Polyxeene: they syghed eeke for thee
- Who late wart Priams wyfe, whoo late wart counted for to bee
- The flowre of Asia in his flowre, and Queene of moothers all:
- But now the bootye of the fo as evill lot did fall,
- And such a bootye as the sly Ulysses did not passe
- Uppon her, saving that erewhyle shee Hectors moother was.
- So hardly for his moother could a mayster Hector fynd.
- Embracing in her aged armes the bodye of the mynd
- That was so stout, shee powrd theron with sobbing syghes unsoft
- The teares that for her husband and her children had so oft
- And for her countrye sheaded beene. Shee weeped in her wound
- And kist her pretye mouth, and made her brist with shrekes to sound,
- According to her woonted guyse, and in the jellyed blood
- Beerayed all her grisild heare, and in a sorrowfull mood
- Sayd theis and many other woordes with brest bescratcht and rent:
- O daughter myne, the last for whom thy moother may lament,
- (For what remaynes?) O daughter, thou art dead and gone. I see
- Thy wound which at the verry hart strikes mee as well as thee.
- And lest that any one of myne unwounded should depart,
- Thou also gotten hast a wound. Howbee't bycause thou wart
- A woman, I beleeved thee from weapon to bee free.
- But notwithstanding that thou art a woman, I doo see
- Thee slayne by swoord. Even he that kild thy brothers killeth thee,
- Achilles, the decay of Troy and maker bare of mee.
- What tyme that he of Paris shaft by Phebus meanes was slayne,
- I sayd of feerce Achilles now no feare dooth more remayne.
- But then, even then he most of all was feared for to bee.
- The asshes of him rageth still ageinst our race I see.
- Wee feele an emny of him dead and buryed in his grave.
- To feede Achilles furie, I a frutefull issue gave.
- Great Troy lyes under foote, and with a ryght great greevous fall
- The mischeeves of the common weale are fully ended all.
- But though to others Troy be gone, yit standes it still to mee:
- My sorrowes ronne as fresh a race as ever and as free.
- I late ago a sovereine state, advaunced with such store
- Of daughters, sonnes, and sonneinlawes, and husband over more
- And daughtrinlawes, am caryed like an outlawe bare and poore,
- By force and violence haled from my childrens tumbes, to bee
- Presented to Penelope a gift, who shewing mee
- In spinning my appoynted taske, shall say: This same is shee
- That was sumtyme king Priams wyfe, this was the famous moother
- Of Hector. And now after losse of such a sort of other,
- Thou (whoo alonly in my greefe my comfort didst remayne,)
- To pacifye our emnyes wrath uppon his tumb art slayne.
- Thus bare I deathgyfts for my foes. To what intent am I
- Most wretched wyght remayning still? Why doo I linger? Why
- Dooth hurtfull age preserve mee still alive? To what intent,
- Yee cruell Goddes, reserve yee mee that hath already spent
- Too manye yeeres, onlesse it bee new buryalls for to see?
- And whoo would think that Priamus myght happy counted bee
- Sith Troy is razed? Happy man is hee in being dead.
- His lyfe and kingdoome he forwent toogither: and this stead
- He sees not thee, his daughter, slaine. But peradventure thou
- Shall like the daughter of a king have sumptuous buryall now,
- And with thy noble auncetors thy bodye layd shall bee.
- Our linage hath not so good lucke. The most that shall to thee
- Bee yeelded are thy moothers teares, and in this forreine land
- To hyde thy murthered corce withall a little heape of sand.
- For all is lost. Nay yit remaynes (for whome I well can fynd
- In hart to live a little whyle) an imp unto my mynd
- Most deere, now only left alone, sumtyme of many mo
- The yoongest, little Polydore, delivered late ago
- To Polemnestor, king of Thrace, whoo dwelles within theis bounds.
- But wherefore doo I stay so long in wasshing of her wounds,
- And face berayd with gory blood? In saying thus, shee went
- To seaward with an aged pace and hory heare beerent.
- And (wretched woman) as shee calld for pitchers for to drawe
- Up water, shee of Polydore on shore the carkesse sawe,
- And eeke the myghty wounds at which the Tyrants swoord went thurrow.
- The Trojane Ladyes shreeked out. But shee was dumb for sorrow.
- The anguish of her hart forclosde as well her speech as eeke
- Her teares devowring them within. Shee stood astonyed leeke
- As if shee had beene stone. One whyle the ground shee staard uppon.
- Another whyle a gastly looke shee kest to heaven. Anon
- Shee looked on the face of him that lay before her killd.
- Sumtymes his woundes, (his woundes I say) shee specially behilld.
- And therwithall shee armd her selfe and furnisht her with ire:
- Wherethrough as soone as that her hart was fully set on fyre,
- As though shee still had beene a Queene, to vengeance shee her bent
- Enforcing all her witts to fynd some kynd of ponnishment.
- And as a Lyon robbed of her whelpes becommeth wood,
- And taking on the footing of her emnye where hee stood,
- Purseweth him though out of syght: even so Queene Hecubee
- (Now having meynt her teares with wrath) forgetting quyght that shee
- Was old, but not her princely hart, to Polemnestor went
- The cursed murtherer, and desyrde his presence to th'entent
- To shew to him a masse of gold (so made shee her pretence)
- Which for her lyttle Polydore was hid not farre from thence.
- The Thracian king beleeving her, as eager of the pray,
- Went with her to a secret place. And as they there did stay,
- With flattring and deceytfull toong he thus to her did say:
- Make speede I prey thee, Hecuba, and give thy sonne this gold.
- I sweare by God it shall bee his, as well that I doo hold
- Already, as that thou shalt give. Uppon him speaking so,
- And swearing and forswearing too, shee looked sternely tho,
- And beeing sore inflaamd with wrath, caught hold uppon him, and
- Streyght calling out for succor to the wyves of Troy at hand
- Did in the traytors face bestowe her nayles, and scratched out
- His eyes, her anger gave her hart and made her strong and stout.
- Shee thrust her fingars in as farre as could bee, and did bore
- Not now his eyes (for why his eyes were pulled out before)
- But bothe the places of the eyes berayd with wicked blood.
- The Thracians at theyr Tyrannes harme for anger wexing wood,
- Began to scare the Trojane wyves with darts and stones. Anon
- Queene Hecub ronning at a stone, with gnarring seazd theron,
- And wirryed it beetweene her teeth. And as shee opte her chappe
- To speake, in stead of speeche shee barkt. The place of this missehappe
- Remayneth still, and of the thing there done beares yit the name.
- Long myndfull of her former illes, shee sadly for the same
- Went howling in the feeldes of Thrace. Her fortune moved not
- Her Trojans only, but the Greekes her foes to ruthe: her lot
- Did move even all the Goddes to ruthe: and so effectually,
- That Hecub to deserve such end even Juno did denye.
- Although the Morning of the selfsame warres had favorer beene:
- Shee had no leysure to lament the fortune of the Queene,
- Nor on the slaughters and the fall of Ilion for to think.
- A household care more neerer home did in her stomacke sink,
- For Memnon her beloved sonne, whom dying shee behild
- Uppon the feerce Achilles speare amid the Phrygian feeld.
- She saw it, and her ruddy hew with which shee woonted was
- To dye the breaking of the day, did into palenesse passe:
- And all the skye was hid with clowdes. But when his corce was gone
- To burningward, shee could not fynd in hart to looke theron:
- But with her heare about her eares shee kneeled downe before
- The myghtye Jove, and thus gan speake unto him weeping sore:
- Of al that have theyr dwelling place uppon the golden skye
- The lowest (for through all the world the feawest shrynes have I)
- But yit a Goddesse, I doo come, not that thou shouldst decree
- That Altars, shrynes, and holydayes bee made to honour mee.
- Yit if thou marke how much that I a woman doo for thee,
- In keeping nyght within her boundes, by bringing in the light,
- Thou well mayst thinke mee worthy sum reward to clayme of ryght.
- But neyther now is that the thing the Morning cares to have,
- Ne yit her state is such as now dew honour for to crave.
- Bereft of my deere Memnon who in fyghting valeantly
- To help his uncle, (so it was your will, O Goddes) did dye
- Of stout Achilles sturdye speare even in his flowring pryme,
- I sue to thee, O king of Goddes, to doo him at this tyme
- Sum honour as a comfort of his death, and ease this hart
- Of myne which greatly greeved is with wound of percing smart.
- No sooner Jove hadgraunted dame Aurora her desyre
- But that the flame of Memnons corce that burned in the fyre
- Did fall: and flaky rolles of smoke did dark the day, as when
- A foggy mist steames upward from a River or a fen,
- And suffreth not the Sonne to shyne within it. Blacke as cole
- The cinder rose: and into one round lump assembling whole
- Grew grosse, and tooke bothe shape and hew. The fyre did lyfe it send,
- The lyghtnesse of the substance self did wings unto it lend.
- And at the first it flittred like a bird: and by and by
- It flew a fethered bird in deede. And with that one gan fly
- Innumerable mo of selfsame brood: whoo once or twyce
- Did sore about the fyre, and made a piteous shreeking thryce.
- The fowrth tyme in theyr flying round, themselves they all withdrew
- In battells twayne, and feercely foorth of eyther syde one flew
- To fyght a combate. With theyr billes and hooked talants keene
- And with theyr wings couragiously they wreakt theyr wrathfull teene.
- And myndfull of the valeant man of whom they issued beene,
- They never ceased jobbing eche uppon the others brest,
- Untill they falling both downe dead with fyghting overprest,
- Had offred up theyr bodyes as a woorthy sacrifyse
- Unto theyr cousin Memnon who to Asshes burned lyes.
- Theis soodeine birds were named of the founder of theyr stocke:
- For men doo call them Memnons birds. And every yeere a flocke
- Repayre to Memnons tumb, where twoo doo in the foresayd wyse
- In manner of a yeeremynd slea themselves in sacrifyse.
- Thus where as others did lament that Dymants daughter barkt,
- Auroras owne greef busyed her, that smally shee it markt
- Which thing shee to this present tyme with piteous teares dooth shewe:
- For through the universall world shee sheadeth moysting deawe.
- Yit suffred not the destinyes all hope to perrish quyght
- Togither with the towne of Troy. That good and godly knyght
- The sonne of Venus bare away by nyght uppon his backe
- His aged father and his Goddes, an honorable packe.
- Of all the riches of the towne that only pray he chose,
- So godly was his mynd: and like a bannisht man he goes
- By water with his owne yoong sonne Ascanius from the Ile
- Antandros, and he shonnes the shore of Thracia which ere whyle
- The wicked Tyrants treason did with Polydores blood defyle.
- And having wynd and tyde at will, he saufly wyth his trayne
- Arryved at Apollos towne where Anius then did reigne.
- Whoo being both Apollos preest and of that place the king,
- Did enterteyne him in his house and unto church him bring,
- And shewd him bothe the Citie and the temples knowen of old,
- And eeke the sacred trees by which Latona once tooke hold
- When shee of chyldbirth travailed. As soone as sacrifyse
- Was doone with Oxens inwards burnt according to the guyse,
- And casting incence in the fyre, and sheading wyne thereon,
- They joyfull to the court returnd, and there they took anon
- Repaste of meate and drink. Then sayd the good Anchyses this:
- O Phebus, sovereine preest, onlesse I take my markes amisse,
- (As I remember) when I first of all this towne did see,
- Fowre daughters and a sonne of thyne thou haddest heere with thee.
- King Anius shooke his head wheron he ware a myter whyght,
- And answerd thus: O noble prince, in fayth thou gessest ryght.
- Of children fyve a father then, thou diddest mee behold,
- Whoo now (with such unconstancie are mortall matters rolld)
- Am in a manner chyldlesse quyght. For what avayles my sonne
- Who in the Ile of Anderland a great way hence dooth wonne?
- Which country takes his name of him, and in the selfsayd place,
- In stead of father, like a king he holdes the royall mace.
- Apollo gave his lot to him: and Bacchus for to showe
- His love, a greater gift uppon his susters did bestowe
- Then could bee wisht or credited. For whatsoever they
- Did towche, was turned into come, and wyne, and oyle streyghtway.
- And so theyr was riche use in them. As soone as that the fame
- Hereof to Agamemnons eares, the scourge of Trojans, came,
- Lest you myght tast your stormes alone and wee not feele the same
- In part, an hoste he hither sent, and whither I would or no
- Did take them from mee, forcing them among the Greekes to go
- To feede the Greekish army with theyr heavenly gift. But they
- Escapde whither they could by flyght. A couple tooke theyr way
- To Ile Ewboya: tother two to Anderland did fly,
- Theyr brothers Realme. An host of men pursewd them by and by,
- And threatened warre onlesse they were deliverde. Force of feare
- Subdewing nature, did constreyne the brother (men must beare
- With fearfulnesse) to render up his susters to theyr fo.
- For neyther was Aenaeas there, nor valeant Hector (who
- Did make your warre last ten yeeres long) the countrye to defend.
- Now when they should like prisoners have beene fettred, in the end
- They casting up theyr handes (which yit were free) to heaven, did cry
- To Bacchus for to succour them, who helpt them by and by,
- At leastwyse if it may bee termd a help, in woondrous wyse
- To alter folke. For never could I lerne ne can surmyse
- The manner how they lost theyr shape. The thing it selfe is knowen.
- With fethered wings as whyght as snow they quyght away are flowen
- Transformed into doovehouse dooves, thy wyfe dame Venus burdes.
- When that the time of meate was spent with theis and such like woordes,
- The table was removed streyght, and then they went to sleepe.
- Next morrow rysing up as soone as day began to peepe,
- They went to Phebus Oracle, which willed them to go
- Unto theyr moother countrey and the coastes theyr stocke came fro.
- King Anius bare them companie. And when away they shoold,
- He gave them gifts. Anchises had a scepter all of goold.
- Ascanius had a quiver and a Cloke right brave and trim.
- Aenaeas had a standing Cup presented unto him.
- The Thebane Therses whoo had been king Anius guest erewhyle
- Did send it out of Thessaly: but Alcon one of Myle
- Did make the cuppe. And hee theron a story portrayd out.
- It was a Citie with seven gates in circuit round about,
- Which men myght easly all discerne. The gates did represent
- The Cities name, and showed playne what towne thereby was ment.
- Without the towne were funeralls a dooing for the dead,
- With herces, tapers, fyres, and tumbes. The wyves with ruffled head
- And stomacks bare pretended greef. The nymphes seemd teares to shead,
- And wayle the drying of theyr welles. The leavelesse trees did seare.
- And licking on the parched stones Goats romed heere and there.
- Behold amid this Thebane towne was lyvely portrayd out
- Echions daughters twayne, of which the one with courage stout
- Did prefer bothe her naked throte and stomacke to the knyfe:
- And tother with a manly hart did also spend her lyfe,
- For saufgard of her countryfolk: and how that theruppon
- They both were caryed solemly on herces, and anon
- Were burned in the cheefest place of all the Thebane towne.
- Then (least theyr linage should decay whoo dyde with such renowne,)
- Out of the Asshes of the maydes there issued twoo yong men,
- And they unto theyr moothers dust did obsequies agen.
- Thus much was graved curiously in auncient precious brasse,
- And on the brim a trayle of flowres of bearbrich gilded was.
- The Trojans also gave to him as costly giftes agen.
- Bycause he was Apollos preest they gave to him as then
- A Chist to keepe in frankincence. They gave him furthermore
- A Crowne of gold wherin were set of precious stones great store.
- Then calling to remembrance that the Trojans issued were
- Of Tewcers blood, they sayld to Crete. But long they could not there
- Abyde th'infection of the aire: and so they did forsake
- The hundred Cities, and with speede to Itayleward did make.
- The winter wexed hard and rough, and tost them verry sore.
- And when theyr shippes arrived were uppon the perlous shore
- Among the Strophad Iles, the bird Aello did them feare.
- The costes of Dulich, Ithaca, and Same they passed were,
- And eeke the Court of Neritus where wyse Ulysses reignd,
- And came to Ambrace for the which the Gods strong stryfe maynteind.
- There sawe they turned into stone the judge whoose image yit
- At Actium in Appollos Church in signe therof dooth sit.
- They vewed also Dodon grove where Okes spake: and the coast
- Of Chaon where the sonnes of king Molossus scapt a most
- Ungracious fyre by taking wings. From thence they coasted by
- The countrye of the Pheaks fraught with frute abundantly.
- Then tooke they land in Epyre, and to Buthrotos they went
- Wheras the Trojane prophet dwelt, whoose reigne did represent
- An image of theyr auncient Troy. There being certifyde
- Of things to come by Helen (whoo whyle there they did abyde
- Informed them ryght faythfully of all that should betyde)
- They passed into Sicilie. With corners three this land
- Shootes out into the Sea: of which Pachinnus front dooth stand
- Ageinst the southcoast: Lilibye dooth face the gentle west,
- And Pelore unto Charlsis wayne dooth northward beare his brest.
- The Trojanes under Pelore gat with ores and prosprous tydes
- And in the even by Zanclye shore theyr fleete at anchor rydes.
- Uppon the left syde restlessely Charybdis ay dooth beate them,
- And swalloweth shippes and spewes them up as fast as it dooth eate them.
- And Scylla beateth on theyr ryght: which from the navell downe
- Is patched up with cruell curres: and upward to the crowne
- Dooth keepe the countnance of a mayd, and (if that all bee trew
- That Poets fayne) shee was sumtyme a mayd ryght fayre of hew.
- To her made many wooers sute: all which shee did eschew.
- And going to the salt Sea nymphes (to whom shee was ryght deere)
- She vaunted, to how many men shee gave the slippe that yeere.
- To whom the Lady Galate in kembing of her heare
- Sayd thus with syghes: But they that sought to thee (O Lady) were
- None other than of humane kynd, to whom without all feare
- Of harme, thou myghtest (as thou doost) give nay. But as for mee
- Although that I of Nereus and gray Doris daughter bee,
- And of my susters have with mee continually a gard,
- I could not scape the Cyclops love, but to my greef full hard.
- (With that her teares did stoppe her speeche.) As soone as that the mayd
- Had dryde them with her marble thomb, and moande the nymph, she sayd:
- Deere Goddesse, tell mee all your greef, and hyde it not from mee:
- For trust mee, I will unto you bothe true and secret bee.
- Then unto Cratyes daughter thus the nymph her playnt did frame:
- Of Fawne and nymph Simethis borne was Acis, whoo became
- A joy to bothe his parents, but to mee the greater joy.
- For being but a sixteene yeeres of age, this fayre sweete boy
- Did take mee to his love, what tyme about his chyldish chin
- The tender heare like mossy downe to sprowt did first begin.
- I loved him beyond all Goddes forbod, and likewyse mee
- The Giant Cyclops. Neyther (if demaunded it should bee)
- I well were able for to tell you whither that the love
- Of Cyclops hate did more my stomacke move.
- There was no oddes betweene them. Oh deere Goddesse Venus, what
- A powre haste thou? Behold how even this owgly Giant that
- No sparke of meekenesse in him hath, whoo is a terrour to
- The verrye woodes, whom never guest nor straunger came unto
- Without displeasure, whoo the heavens and all the Goddes despyseth,
- Dooth feele what thing is love. The love of mee him so surpryseth,
- That Polypheme regarding not his sheepe and hollowe Cave,
- And having care to please dooth go about to make him brave.
- His sturre stiffe heare he kembeth nowe with strong and sturdy rakes,
- And with a sythe dooth marcussotte his bristled berd: and takes
- Delyght to looke uppon himself in waters, and to frame
- His countnance. Of his murtherous hart the wyldnesse wexeth tame.
- His unastaunched thyrst of blood is quenched: shippes may passe
- And repasse saufly. In the whyle that he in love thus was,
- One Telemus, Ewrymeds sonne, a man of passing skill
- In birdflyght, taking land that tyme in Sicill, went untill
- The orped Gyant Polypheme, and sayd: This one round eye
- That now amid thy forehead stands shall one day ere thou dye
- By sly Ulysses blinded bee. The Gyant laught therat,
- And sayd: O foolish soothsayre, thou deceyved art in that.
- For why another (even a wench) already hathe it blynded.
- Thus skorning him that told him truthe bycause he was hygh mynded,
- He eyther made the ground to shake in walking on the shore,
- Or rowzd him in his shadye Cave. With wedged poynt before
- There shoots a hill into the Sea: whereof the sea dooth beate
- On eyther syde. The one eyd feend came up and made his seate
- Theron, and after came his sheepe undriven. As soone as hee
- Had at his foote layd downe his staffe which was a whole Pyne tree
- Well able for to bee a maast to any shippe, he takes
- His pype compact of fyvescore reedes, and therwithall he makes
- So loud a noyse that all the hilles and waters therabout
- Myght easly heere the shirlnesse of the shepeherds whistling out.
- I lying underneathe the rocke, and leaning in the lappe
- Of Acis markt theis woordes of his which farre I heard by happe:
- More whyght thou art then Primrose leaf, my Lady Galatee.
- More fresh than meade, more tall and streyght than lofty Aldertree.
- More bright than glasse, more wanton than the tender kid forsooth.
- Than Cockleshelles continually with water worne, more smoothe.
- More cheerefull than the winters Sun, or Sommers shadowe cold,
- More seemely and more comly than the Planetree to behold,
- Of valew more than Apples bee although they were of gold.
- More cleere than frozen yce, more sweete than Grape through rype ywis,
- More soft than butter newly made, or downe of Cygnet is.
- And much more fayre and beawtyfull than gardein to myne eye,
- But that thou from my companye continually doost flye.
- And thou the selfsame Galate art more tettish for to frame
- Than Oxen of the wildernesse whom never wyght did tame.
- More fleeting than the waves, more hard than warryed Oke to twyne,
- More tough than willow twiggs, more lyth than is the wyld whyght vyne.
- More than this rocke unmovable, more violent than a streame.
- More prowd than Peacocke praysd, more feerce than fyre and more extreeme.
- More rough than Breers, more cruell than the new delivered Beare,
- More mercilesse than troden snake, than sea more deafe of eare.
- And which (and if it lay in mee I cheefly would restrayne)
- Not only swifter paced than the stag in chace on playne,
- But also swifter than the wynd and flyghtfull ayre. But if
- Thou knew me well, it would thee irke to flye and bee a greef
- To tarrye from mee. Yea thou wouldst endeavour all thy powre
- To keepe mee wholly to thy self. The Quarry is my bowre
- Heawen out of whole mayne stone. No Sun in sommer there can swelt.
- No nipping cold in wintertyme within the same is felt.
- Gay Apples weying downe the boughes have I, and Grapes like gold,
- And purple Grapes on spreaded Vynes as many as can hold.
- Bothe which I doo reserve for thee. Thyself shalt with thy hand
- The soft sweete strawbryes gather, which in wooddy shadowe stand.
- The Cornell berryes also from the tree thy self shall pull:
- And pleasant plommes, sum yellow lyke new wax, sum blew, sum full
- Of ruddy jewce. Of Chestnutts eeke (if my wyfe thou wilt bee)
- Thou shalt have store: and frutes all sortes: all trees shall serve for thee.
- This Cattell heere is all myne owne. And many mo besyde
- Doo eyther in the bottoms feede, or in the woodes them hyde,
- And many standing at theyr stalles doo in my Cave abyde.
- The number of them (if a man should ask) I cannot showe.
- Tush, beggars of theyr Cattell use the number for to knowe.
- And for the goodnesse of the same, no whit beleeve thou mee.
- But come thyself (and if thou wilt) the truth therof to see.
- See how theyr udders full doo make them straddle. Lesser ware
- Shet up at home in cloce warme peends, are Lambes. There also are
- In other pinfolds Kidds of selfsame yeaning tyme. Thus have
- I alwayes mylke as whyte as snow. Wherof I sum doo save
- To drink, and of the rest is made good cheese. And furthermore
- Not only stale and common gifts and pleasures wherof store
- Is to bee had at eche mannes hand, (as Leverets, Kidds, and Does,
- A payre of pigeons, or a nest of birds new found, or Roes,)
- Shall unto thee presented bee. I found this tother day
- A payre of Bearewhelpes, eche so lyke the other as they lay
- Uppon a hill, that scarce yee eche discerne from other may.
- And when that I did fynd them I did take them up, and say
- Theis will I for my Lady keepe for her therwith to play.
- Now put thou up thy fayre bryght head, good Galat, I thee pray,
- Above the greenish waves: now come my Galat, come away.
- And of my present take no scorne. I know my selfe to bee
- A jollye fellow. For even now I did behold and see
- Myne image in the water sheere, and sure mee thought I tooke
- Delyght to see my goodly shape, and favor in the brooke.
- Behold how big I am: not Jove in heaven (for so you men
- Report one Jove to reigne, of whom I passe not for to ken)
- Is huger than this doughty corce of myne. A bush of heare
- Dooth overdreepe my visage grim, and shadowes as it were
- A grove uppon my shoulders twayne. And think it not to bee
- A shame for that with bristled heare my body rough yee see.
- A fowle ilfavored syght it is to see a leavelesse tree.
- A lothely thing it is, a horse without a mane to keepe.
- As fethers doo become the birdes, and wooll becommeth sheepe,
- Even so a beard and bristled skin becommeth also men.
- I have but one eye, which dooth stand amid my frunt. What then?
- This one round eye of myne is lyke a myghty target. Why?
- Vewes not the Sun all things from heaven? Yit but one only eye
- Hath hee. Moreover in your Seas my father beares the sway.
- Him will I make thy fathrinlaw. Have mercy I thee pray,
- And harken to myne humble sute. For only unto thee
- Yeeld I. Even I of whom bothe heaven and Jove despysed bee
- And eeke the percing thunderbolt, doo stand in awe and feare
- Of thee, O Nerye. Thyne ill will is greevouser to beare
- Than is the deadly Thunderclappe. Yit could I better fynd
- In hart to suffer this contempt of thyne with pacient mynd
- If thou didst shonne all other folk as well as mee. But why
- Rejecting Acis? Why say I
- Preferst thou Acis unto mee? Well, let him liked bee
- Both of himself, and also (which I would be lothe) of thee.
- And if I catch him he shall feele that in my body is
- The force that should bee. I shall paunch him quicke. Those limbes of his
- I will in peeces teare, and strew them in the feeldes, and in
- Thy waters, if he doo thee haunt. For I doo swelt within.
- And being chaafte the flame dooth burne more feerce to my unrest.
- Mee thinks mount Aetna with his force is closed in my brest.
- And yit it nothing moveth thee. As soone as he had talkt
- Thus much in vayne, (I sawe well all) he rose: and fuming stalkt
- Among his woodes and woonted Lawndes, as dooth a Bulchin, when
- The Cow is from him tane. He could him no where rest as then.
- Anon the feend espyed mee and Acis where wee lay,
- Before wee wist or feared it: and crying out gan say:
- I see yee. And confounded myght I bee with endlesse shame,
- But if I make this day the last agreement of your game.
- Theis woordes were spoke with such a reere as verry well became
- An angry Giant. Aetna shooke with lowdnesse of the same.
- I scaard therwith dopt underneathe the water, and the knyght
- Simethus turning streyght his backe, did give himself to flyght,
- And cryed: Help mee Galate, help parents I you pray,
- And in your kingdome mee receyve whoo perrish must streyghtway.
- The roundeyd devill made pursewt: and rending up a fleece
- Of Aetna Rocke, threw after him: of which a little peece
- Did Acis overtake. And yit as little as it was,
- It overwhelmed Acis whole. I wretched wyght (alas)
- Did that which destnyes would permit. Foorthwith I brought to passe
- That Acis should receyve the force his father had before.
- His scarlet blood did issue from the lump, and more and more
- Within a whyle the rednesse gan to vannish: and the hew
- Resembled at the first a brooke with rayne distroubled new,
- Which wexeth cleere by length of tyme. Anon the lump did clyve,
- And from the hollow cliffe therof hygh reedes sprang up alyve.
- And at the hollow issue of the stone the bubling water
- Came trickling out. And by and by (which is a woondrous matter)
- The stripling with a wreath of reede about his horned head
- Avaunst his body to the waste. Whoo (save he was that stead
- Much biggar than he erst had beene, and altogither gray)
- Was Acis still. And being turnd to water, at this day
- In shape of river still he beares his former name away.
- The Lady Galat ceast her talk and streyght the companye brake.
- And Neryes daughters parting thence, swam in the gentle lake.
- Dame Scylla home ageine returnd. (Shee durst not her betake
- To open sea) and eyther roamd uppon the sandy shore
- Stark naakt, or when for weerinesse shee could not walk no more,
- Shee then withdrew her out of syght and gate her to a poole,
- And in the water of the same, her heated limbes did coole.
- Behold the fortune. Glaucus (whoo then being late before
- Transformed in Ewboya Ile uppon Anthedon shore,
- Was new becomme a dweller in the sea) as he did swim
- Along the coast was tane in love at syght of Scylla trim,
- And spake such woordes as he did think myght make her tarry still.
- Yit fled shee still, and swift for feare shee gate her to a hill
- That butted on the Sea. Ryght steepe and upward sharp did shoote
- A loftye toppe with trees, beneathe was hollowe at the foote.
- Heere Scylla stayd and being sauf by strongnesse of the place,
- (Not knowing if he monster were, or God, that did her chace,)
- Shee looked backe. And woondring at his colour and his heare
- With which his shoulders and his backe all wholly covered were,
- Shee saw his neather parts were like a fish with tayle wrythde round
- Who leaning to the neerest Rocke, sayd thus with lowd cleere sound:
- Fayre mayd, I neyther monster am nor cruell savage beast:
- But of the sea a God, whoose powre and favour is not least.
- For neyther Protew in the sea nor Triton have more myght
- Nor yit the sonne of Athamas that now Palaemon hyght.
- Yit once I was a mortall man. But you must know that I
- Was given to seawoorkes, and in them mee only did apply.
- For sumtyme I did draw the drag in which the fishes were,
- And sumtyme sitting on the cliffes I angled heere and there.
- There butteth on a fayre greene mede a bank wherof t'one half
- Is cloasd with sea, the rest is clad with herbes which never calf,
- Nor horned Ox, nor seely sheepe, nor shakheard Goate did feede.
- The busye Bee did never there of flowres sweet smelling speede.
- No gladsum garlonds ever there were gathered for the head.
- No hand those flowers ever yit with hooked sythe did shred.
- I was the first that ever set my foote uppon that plot.
- Now as I dryde my dropping netts, and layd abrode my lotte,
- To tell how many fishes had bychaunce to net beene sent,
- Or through theyr owne too lyght beeleefe on bayted hooke beene hent:
- (The matter seemeth like a lye, but what avayles to lye?)
- As soone as that my pray had towcht the grasse, it by and by
- Began to move, and flask theyr finnes, and swim uppon the drye,
- As in the Sea. And as I pawsd and woondred at the syght,
- My draught of fishes everychone to seaward tooke theyr flyght,
- And leaping from the shore, forsooke theyr newfound mayster quyght.
- I was amazed at the thing: and standing long in dowt,
- I sought the cause if any God had brought this same abowt,
- Or else sum jewce of herb. And as I so did musing stand,
- What herb (quoth I) hath such a powre? And gathering with my hand
- The grasse, I bote it with my toothe. My throte had scarcely yit
- Well swallowed downe the uncouth jewce, when like an agew fit
- I felt myne inwards soodeinly to shake, and with the same,
- A love of other nature in my brest with violence came.
- And long I could it not resist, but sayd: Deere land, adeew,
- For never shall I haunt thee more. And with that woord I threw
- My bodye in the sea. The Goddes thereof receyving mee,
- Vouchsaved in theyr order mee installed for to bee,
- Desyring old Oceänus and Thetis for theyr sake,
- The rest of my mortalitie away from mee to take.
- They hallowed mee, and having sayd nyne tymes the holy ryme
- That purgeth all prophanednesse, they charged mee that tyme
- To put my brestbulk underneathe a hundred streames. Anon
- The brookes from sundry coastes and all the Seas did ryde uppon
- My head. From whence as soone as I returned, by and by
- I felt my self farre otherwyse through all my limbes, than I
- Had beene before. And in my mynd I was another man.
- Thus farre of all that mee befell make just report I can.
- Thus farre I beare in mynd. The rest my mynd perceyved not.
- Then first of all this hory greene gray grisild beard I got,
- And this same bush of heare which all along the seas I sweepe,
- And theis same myghty shoulders, and theis grayish armes, and feete
- Confounded into finned fish. But what avayleth mee
- This goodly shape, and of the Goddes of sea to loved bee?
- Or for to be a God my self, if they delyght not thee?
- As he was speaking this, and still about to utter more,
- Dame Scylla him forsooke: wherat he wexing angry sore,
- And beeing quickened with repulse, in rage he tooke his way
- To Circes, Titans daughters, Court which full of monsters lay.
- Finis Libri decimi tertij.
- of Ouids Metamorphosis
- Ow had th'Ewboyan fisherman (whoo lately was becomme
- A God of sea to dwell in sea for ay,) alreadye swomme
- Past Aetna which uppon the face of Giant Typho lyes,
- Toogither with the pasture of the Cyclops which defyes
- Both Plough and harrowe, and by teemes of Oxen sets no store:
- And Zancle, and crackt Rhegion which stands a tother shore:
- And eeke the rough and shipwrecke sea which being hemmed in
- With two mayne landes on eyther syde, is as a bound betwin
- The frutefull Realmes of Italy and Sicill. From that place
- He cutting through the Tyrrhene sea with both his armes apace,
- Arryved at the grassye hilles and at the Palace hye
- Of Circe, Phoebus imp, which full of sundry beastes did lye.
- When Glaucus in her presence came, and had her greeted, and
- Receyved freendly welcomming and greeting at her hand,
- He sayd: O Goddesse, pitie mee a God, I thee desyre.
- Thou only (if at least thou think mee woorthy so great hyre)
- Canst ease this love of myne. No wyght dooth better know than I
- The powre of herbes, whoo late ago transformed was therby.
- And now to open unto thee of this my greef the ground,
- Uppon th'Italyan shore ageinst Messene walls I found
- Fayre Scylla. Shame it is to tell how scornfull shee did take
- The gentle woordes and promises and sute that I did make.
- But if that any powre at all consist in charmes, then let
- That sacret mouth of thyne cast charmes: or if more force bee set
- In herbes to compasse things withall, then use the herbes that have
- Most strength in woorking. Neyther think, I hither come to crave
- A medcine for to heale myself and cure my wounded hart:
- I force no end. I would have her bee partener of my smart.
- But Circe (for no natures are more lyghtly set on fyre
- Than such as shee is) (whither that the cause of this desyre
- Were only in herself, or that Dame Venus bearing ay
- In mynd her fathers deede in once disclosing of her play,
- Did stirre her heereunto) sayd thus: It were a better way
- For thee to fancye such a one whoose will and whole desyre
- Is bent to thine, and whoo is sindgd with selfsame kynd of fyre.
- Thou woorthye art of sute to thee. And (credit mee) thou shouldst
- Bee woode in deede, if any hope of speeding give thou wouldst.
- And therefore dowt not. Only of thy beawtye lyking have.
- Lo, I whoo am a Goddesse and the imp of Phoebus brave,
- Whoo can so much by charmes, whoo can so much by herbes, doo vow
- My self to thee. If I disdeine, disdeine mee also thow.
- And if I yeeld, yeeld thou likewyse: and in one only deede
- Avenge thy self of twayne. To her intreating thus to speede,
- First trees shall grow (quoth Glaucus) in the sea, and reeke shall thryve
- In toppes of hilles, ere I (as long as Scylla is alyve)
- Doo chaunge my love. The Goddesse wext ryght wroth: and sith she could
- Not hurt his persone beeing falne in love with him, ne would:
- Shee spyghted her that was preferd before her. And uppon
- Displeasure tane of this repulse, shee went her way anon.
- And wicked weedes of grisly jewce toogither shee did bray,
- And in the braying, witching charmes shee over them did say.
- And putting on a russet cloke, shee passed through the rowt
- Of savage beastes that in her court came fawning round abowt,
- And going unto Rhegion cliffe which standes ageinst the shore
- Of Zancle, entred by and by the waters that doo rore
- With violent tydes, uppon the which shee stood as on firme land,
- And ran and never wet her feete a whit. There was at hand
- A little plash that bowwed like a bowe that standeth bent,
- Where Scylla woonted was to rest herself, and thither went
- From rage of sea and ayre, what tyme the sonne amid the skye
- Is hotest making shadowes short by mounting up on hye.
- This plash did Circe then infect ageinst that Scylla came,
- And with her poysons which had powre most monstrous shapes to frame
- Defyled it. Shee sprincled there the jewce of venymd weedes,
- And thryce nyne tymes with witching mouth shee softly mumbling, reedes
- A charme ryght darke of uncouth woordes. No sooner Scylla came
- Within this plash, and to the waast had waded in the same,
- But that shee sawe her hinderloynes with barking buggs atteint.
- And at the first, not thinking with her body they were meynt
- As parts therof, shee started back, and rated them. And sore
- Shee was afrayd the eager curres should byght her. But the more
- Shee shonned them, the surer still shee was to have them there.
- In seeking where her loynes, and thyghes, and feet and ancles were,
- Chappes like the chappes of Cerberus in stead of them shee found.
- Nought else was there than cruell curres from belly downe to ground.
- So underneathe misshaped loynes and womb remayning sound,
- Her mannish mastyes backes were ay within the water drownd.
- Her lover Glaucus wept therat, and Circes bed refusde
- That had so passing cruelly her herbes on Scylla usde.
- But Scylla in that place abode. And for the hate shee bore
- To Circeward, (assoone as meete occasion servde therfore)
- Shee spoyld Ulysses of his mates. And shortly after, shee
- Had also drownd the Trojane fleete, but that (as yit wee see)
- Shee was transformd to rock of stone, which shipmen warely shonne.
- When from this Rocke the Trojane fleete by force of Ores had wonne,
- And from Charybdis greedye gulf, and were in manner readye
- To have arryvde in Italy, the wynd did ryse so heady,
- And that it drave them backe uppon the coast of Affricke. There
- The Tyrian Queene (whoo afterward unpaciently should beare
- The going of this Trojane prince away) did enterteine
- Aenaeas in her house, and was ryght glad of him and fayne.
- Uppon a Pyle made underneathe pretence of sacrifyse
- Shee goard herself upon a swoord, and in most wofull wyse
- As shee herself had beene beguyld: so shee beguyled all.
- Eftsoone Aenaeas flying from the newly reered wall
- Of Carthage in that sandy land, retyred backe agen
- To Sicill, where his faythfull freend Acestes reignd. And when
- He there had doone his sacrifyse, and kept an Obit at
- His fathers tumb, he out of hand did mend his Gallyes that
- Dame Iris, Junos messenger, had burned up almost.
- And sayling thence he kept his course aloof along the coast
- Of Aeolye and of Vulcanes lies the which of brimston smol
- And passing by the Meremayds rocks, (His Pilot by a stroke
- Of tempest being drownd in sea) he sayld by Prochite, and
- Inarime, and (which uppon a barreine hill dooth stand)
- The land of Ape Ile, which dooth take that name of people s'ie
- There dwelling. For the Syre of Goddes abhorring utterly
- The leawdnesse of the Cercops, and theyr wilfull perjurye,
- And eeke theyr guylefull dealing did transforme them everyclone
- Into an evillfavored kynd of beast: that beeing none
- They myght yit still resemble men. He knit in lesser space
- Theyr members, and he beate mee flat theyr noses to theyr face,
- The which he filled furrowlike with wrinckles every where.
- He clad theyr bodyes over all with fallow coulourd heare,
- And put them into this same Ile to dwell forever there.
- But first he did bereeve them of the use of speeche and toong,
- Which they to cursed perjurye did use bothe old and yoong.
- To chatter hoarcely, and to shreeke, to jabber, and to squeake,
- He hath them left, and for to moppe and mowe, but not to speake.
- Aenaeas having past this Ile, and on his ryght hand left
- The towne of Naples, and the tumb of Mysen on his left,
- Toogither with the fenny grounds: at Cumye landed, and
- Went unto longlyvde Sybills house, with whom he went in hand
- That he to see his fathers ghoste myght go by Averne deepe.
- Shee long uppon the earth in stownd her eyes did fixed keepe,
- And at the length as soone as that the spryght of prophesye
- Was entred her, shee raysing them did thus ageine reply:
- O most renowmed wyght, of whom the godlynesse by fyre
- And valeantnesse is tryde by swoord, great things thou doost requyre.
- But feare not, Trojane: for thou shalt bee lord of thy desyre.
- To see the reverend image of thy deerebeeloved syre,
- Among the fayre Elysian feeldes where godly folke abyde,
- And all the lowest kingdoomes of the world I will thee guyde.
- No way to vertue is restreynd. This spoken, shee did showe
- A golden bowgh that in the wood of Proserpine did growe,
- And willed him to pull it from the tree. He did obey:
- And sawe the powre of dreadfull hell, and where his graundsyres lay
- And eeke the aged Ghost of stowt Anchises. Furthermore
- He lernd the customes of the land arryvd at late before,
- And what adventures should by warre betyde him in that place.
- From thence retyring up ageine a slow and weery pace,
- He did asswage the tediousnesse by talking with his guyde.
- For as he in the twylyght dim this dreadfui way did ryde,
- He sayed: Whither present thou thyself a Goddesse bee,
- Or such a one as God dooth love most dearly, I will thee
- For ever as a Goddesse take, and will acknowledge mee
- Thy servant, for saufguyding mee the place of death to see,
- And for thou from the place of death hast brought me sauf and free.
- For which desert, what tyme I shall atteyne to open ayre,
- I will a temple to thee buyld ryght sumptuous, large, and fayre,
- And honour thee with frankincence. The prophetisse did cast
- Her eye uppon Aenaeas backe, and syghing sayd at last:
- I am no Goddesse. Neyther think thou canst with conscience ryght,
- With holy incence honour give to any mortall wyght.
- But to th'entent through ignorance thou erre not, I had beene
- Eternall and of worldly lyfe I should none end have seene,
- If that I would my maydenhod on Phebus have bestowde.
- Howbeeit whyle he stood in hope to have the same, and trowde
- To overcome mee with his gifts: Thou mayd of Cumes (quoth he)
- Choose what thou wilt, and of thy wish the owner thou shalt bee.
- I taking full my hand of dust, and shewing it him there,
- Desyred like a foole to live as many yeeres as were
- Small graynes of cinder in that heape. I quight forgot to crave
- Immediately, the race of all those yeeres in youth to have.
- Yit did he graunt mee also that, uppon condicion I
- Would let him have my maydenhod, which thing I did denye.
- And so rejecting Phebus gift a single lyfe I led.
- But now the blessefull tyme of youth is altogither fled,
- And irksome age with trembling pace is stolne uppon my head,
- Which long I must endure. For now already as you see
- Seven hundred yeares are come and gone and that the number bee
- Full matched of the granes of dust, three hundred harvestes mo,
- I must three hundred vintages see more before I go.
- The day will come that length of tyme shall make my body small,
- And little of my withered limbes shall leave or naught at all.
- And none shall think that ever God was tane in love with mee.
- Even out of Phebus knowledge then perchaunce I growen shall bee,
- Or at the least that ever he mee lovde he shall denye,
- So sore I shall be altered. And then shall no mannes eye
- Discerne mee. Only by my voyce I shall bee knowen. For why
- The fates shall leave mee still my voyce for folke to know mee by.
- As Sybill in the vaulted way such talk as this did frame,
- The Trojane knyght Aenaeas up at Cumes fro Limbo came.
- And having doone the sacrifyse accustomd for the same,
- He tooke his journey to the coast which had not yit the name
- Receyved of his nurce. In this same place he found a mate
- Of wyse Ulysses, Macare of Neritus, whoo late
- Before, had after all his long and tediouse toyles, there stayd.
- He spying Achemenides (whom late ago afrayd
- They had among mount Aetnas Cliffs abandond when they fled
- From Polypheme): and woondring for to see he was not dead,
- Sayd thus: O Achemenides, what chaunce, or rather what
- Good God hathe savde the lyfe of thee? What is the reason that
- A barbrous shippe beares thee a Greeke? Or whither saylest thou?
- To him thus, Achemenides, his owne man freely now
- And not forgrowen as one forlorne, nor clad in bristled hyde,
- Made answer: Yit ageine I would I should in perrill byde
- Of Polypheme, and that I myght those chappes of his behold
- Beesmeared with the blood of men, but if that I doo hold
- This shippe more deere than all the Realme of wyse Ulysses, or
- If lesser of Aenaeas I doo make account than for
- My father, neyther (though I did as much as doone myght bee,)
- I could ynough bee thankfull for his goodnesse towards mee.
- That I still speake and breathe, that I the Sun and heaven doo see,
- Is his gift. Can I thanklesse then or myndlesse of him bee,
- That downe the round eyed gyants throte this soule of myne went not?
- And that from hencefoorth when to dye it ever be my lot
- I may be layd in grave, or sure not in the Gyants mawe?
- What hart had I that tyme (at least if feare did not withdrawe
- Both hart and sence) when left behynd, you taking shippe I sawe?
- I would have called after you but that I was afrayd
- By making outcrye to my fo myself to have beewrayd.
- For even the noyse that you did make did put Ulysses shippe
- In daunger. I did see him from a cragged mountaine strippe
- A myghty rocke, and into sea it throwe midway and more.
- Ageine I sawe his giants pawe throwe huge big stones great store
- As if it were a sling. And sore I feared lest your shippe
- Should drowned by the water bee that from the stones did skippe,
- Or by the stones themselves, as if my self had beene therin.
- But when that flyght had saved you from death, he did begin
- On Aetna syghing up and downe to walke: and with his pawes
- Went groping of the trees among the woodes. And forbycause
- He could not see, he knockt his shinnes ageinst the rocks eche where.
- And stretching out his grisly armes (which all beegrymed were
- With baken blood) to seaward, he the Greekish nation band,
- And sayd: O if that sum good chaunce myght bring unto my hand
- Ulysses or sum mate of his, on whom to wreake myne ire,
- Uppon whose bowells with my teeth I like a Hawke myght tyre:
- Whose living members myght with theis my talants teared beene:
- Whoose blood myght bubble down my throte: whose flesh myght pant between
- My jawes: how lyght or none at all this losing of myne eye
- Would seeme. Theis woordes and many mo the cruell feend did cry.
- A shuddring horror perced mee to see his smudged face,
- And cruell handes, and in his frunt the fowle round eyelesse place,
- And monstrous members, and his beard beslowbered with the blood
- Of man. Before myne eyes then death the smallest sorrow stood.
- I loked every minute to bee seased in his pawe.
- I looked ever when he should have cramd mee in his mawe.
- And in my mynd I of that tyme mee thought the image sawe
- When having dingd a doozen of our fellowes to the ground
- And lying lyke a Lyon feerce or hunger sterved hownd
- Uppon them, very eagerly he downe his greedy gut
- Theyr bowwels and theyr limbes yit more than half alive did put,
- And with theyr flesh toogither crasht the bones and maree whyght.
- I trembling like an aspen leaf stood sad and bloodlesse quyght.
- And in beholding how he fed and belked up againe
- His bloody vittells at his mouth, and uttred out amayne
- The clottred gobbets mixt with wyne, I thus surmysde: Like lot
- Hangs over my head now, and I must also go to pot.
- And hyding mee for many dayes, and quaking horribly
- At every noyse, and dreading death, and wisshing for to dye,
- Appeasing hunger with the leaves of trees, and herbes and mast,
- Alone, and poore, and footelesse, and to death and pennance cast,
- A long tyme after I espyde this shippe afarre at last,
- And ronning downeward to the sea by signes did succour seeke.
- Where fynding grace, this Trojane shippe receyved mee, a Greeke.
- But now I prey thee, gentle freend, declare thou unto mee
- Thy Capteines and thy fellowes lucke that tooke the sea with thee.
- He told him how that Aeolus, the sonne of Hippot, he
- That keepes the wyndes in pryson cloce did reigne in Tuskane sea.
- And how Ulysses having at his hand a noble gift,
- The wynd enclosde in leather bagges, did sayle with prosperous drift
- Nyne dayes toogither: insomuch they came within the syght
- Of home: but on the tenth day when the morning gan give lyght,
- His fellowes being somewhat toucht with covetousenesse and spyght,
- Supposing that it had beene gold, did let the wyndes out quyght.
- The which returning whence they came, did drive them backe amayne
- That in the Realme of Aeolus they went aland agayne.
- From thence (quoth he) we came unto the auncient Lamyes towne
- Of which the feerce Antiphates that season ware the crowne.
- A cowple of my mates and I were sent unto him: and
- A mate of myne and I could scarce by flyght escape his hand.
- The third of us did with his blood embrew the wicked face
- Of leawd Antiphate, whoo with swoord us flying thence did chace,
- And following after with a rowt threw stones and loggs which drownd
- Both men and shippes. Howbeeit one by chaunce escaped sound,
- Which bare Ulysses and my self. So having lost most part
- Of all our deare companions, we with sad and sory hart
- And much complayning, did arryve at yoonder coast which yow
- May ken farre hence. A great way hence (I say) wee see it now
- But trust mee truly over neere I saw it once. And thow
- Aenaeas, Goddesse Venus sonne, the justest knight of all
- The Trojane race (for sith the warre is doone, I can not call
- Thee fo) I warne thee get thee farre from Circes dwelling place.
- For when our shippes arryved there, remembring eft the cace
- Of cruell king Antiphates, and of that hellish wyght
- The round eyed gyant Polypheme, wee had so small delyght
- To visit uncowth places, that wee sayd wee would not go.
- Then cast we lotts. The lot fell out uppon myself as tho,
- And Polyte, and Eurylocus, and on Elpenor who
- Delyghted too too much in wyne, and eyghteene other mo.
- All wee did go to Circes houses. As soone as wee came thither,
- And in the portall of the Hall had set our feete toogither,
- A thousand Lyons, wolves and beares did put us in a feare
- By meeting us. But none of them was to bee feared there.
- For none of them could doo us harme: but with a gentle looke
- And following us with fawning feete theyr wanton tayles they shooke.
- Anon did Damzells welcome us and led us through the hall
- (The which was made of marble stone, floore, arches, roof, and wall)
- To Circe. Shee sate underneathe a traverse in a chayre
- Aloft ryght rich and stately, in a chamber large and fayre.
- Shee ware a goodly longtreynd gowne: and all her rest attyre
- Was every whit of goldsmithes woork. There sate mee also by her
- The Sea nymphes and her Ladyes whoose fyne fingers never knew
- What toozing wooll did meene, nor threede from whorled spindle drew.
- They sorted herbes, and picking out the flowers that were mixt,
- Did put them into mawnds, and with indifferent space betwixt
- Did lay the leaves and stalks on heapes according to theyr hew,
- And shee herself the woork of them did oversee and vew.
- The vertue and the use of them ryght perfectly shee knew,
- And in what leaf it lay, and which in mixture would agree.
- And so perusing every herb by good advysement, shee
- Did wey them out. Assoone as shee us entring in did see,
- And greeting had bothe given and tane, shee looked cheerefully,
- And graunting all that we desyrde, commaunded by and by
- A certeine potion to bee made of barly parched drye
- And wyne and hony mixt with cheese. And with the same shee slye
- Had meynt the jewce of certeine herbes which unespyde did lye
- By reason of the sweetenesse of the drink. Wee tooke the cup
- Delivered by her wicked hand, and quaft it cleerely up
- With thirstye throtes. Which doone, and that the cursed witch had smit
- Our highest heare tippes with her wand, (it is a shame, but yit
- I will declare the truth) I wext all rough with bristled heare,
- And could not make complaint with woordes. In stead of speech I there
- Did make a rawghtish grunting, and with groveling face gan beare
- My visage downeward to the ground. I felt a hooked groyne
- To wexen hard uppon my mouth, and brawned neck to joyne
- My head and shoulders. And the handes with which I late ago
- Had taken up the charmed cup, were turnd to feete as tho.
- Such force there is in Sorcerie. In fyne wyth other mo
- That tasted of the selfsame sawce, they shet mee in a Stye.
- From this missehappe Eurilochus alonly scapte. For why
- He only would not taste the cup, which had he not fled fro,
- He should have beene a bristled beast as well as we. And so
- Should none have borne Ulysses woorde of our mischaunce, nor hee
- Have come to Circe to revenge our harmes and set us free.
- The peaceprocurer Mercurie had given to him a whyght
- Fayre flowre whoose roote is black, and of the Goddes it Moly hyght
- Assurde by this and heavenly hestes, he entred Circes bowre.
- And beeing bidden for to drink the cup of baleful powre,
- As Circe was about to stroke her wand uppon his heare,
- He thrust her backe, and put her with his naked swoord in feare.
- Then fell they to agreement streyght, and fayth in hand was plyght.
- And beeing made her bedfellowe, he claymed as in ryght
- Of dowrye, for to have his men ageine in perfect plyght.
- Shee sprincled us with better jewce of uncowth herbes, and strake
- The awk end of her charmed rod uppon our heades, and spake
- Woordes to the former contrarie. The more shee charmd, the more
- Arose wee upward from the ground on which wee daarde before.
- Our bristles fell away, the clift our cloven clees forsooke.
- Our shoulders did returne agein: and next our elbowes tooke
- Our armes and handes theyr former place. Then weeping wee enbrace
- Our Lord, and hing about his necke whoo also wept apace.
- And not a woord wee rather spake than such as myght appeere
- From harts most thankfull to proceede. Wee taryed theyr a yeere.
- I in that whyle sawe many things, and many things did heere.
- I marked also this one thing with store of other geere
- Which one of Circes fowre cheef maydes (whoose office was alway
- Uppon such hallowes to attend) did secretly bewray
- To mee. For in the whyle my Lord with Circe kept alone,
- This mayd a yoongmannes image sheawd of fayre whyght marble stone
- Within a Chauncell. On the head therof were garlonds store
- And eeke a woodspecke. And as I demaunded her wherfore
- And whoo it was they honord so in holy Church, and why
- He bare that bird uppon his head: shee answeering by and by
- Sayd: Lerne hereby, sir Macare, to understand the powre
- My lady hathe, and marke thou well what I shall say this howre.
- There reignd erewhyle in Italy one Picus, Saturnes sonne,
- Whoo loved warlike horse and had delyght to see them ronne.
- He was of feature as yee see. And by this image heere
- The verry beawtye of the man dooth lyvelely appeere.
- His courage matcht his personage. And scarcely had he well
- Seene twentye yeeres. His countnance did allure the nymphes that dwell
- Among the Latian hilles. The nymphes of fountaines and of brookes,
- As those that haunted Albula were ravisht with his lookes
- And so were they that Numicke beares, and Anio too, and Alme
- That ronneth short, and heady Nar, and Farfar coole and calme.
- And all the nymphes that usde to haunt Dianas shadye poole,
- Or any lakes or meeres neere hand, or other waters coole.
- But he disdeyning all the rest did set his love uppon
- A lady whom Venilia bare (so fame reporteth) on
- The stately mountayne Palatine by Janus that dooth beare
- The dowble face. Assoone as that her yeeres for maryage were
- Thought able, shee preferring him before all other men,
- Was wedded to this Picus whoo was king of Lawrents then.
- Shee was in beawtve excellent, but yit in singing, much
- More excellent: and theruppon they naamd her Singer. Such
- The sweetenesse of her musicke was, that shee therwith delyghts
- The savage beastes, and caused birdes to cease theyr wandring flyghts,
- And moved stones and trees, and made the ronning streames to stay.
- Now whyle that shee in womans tune recordes her pleasant lay
- At home, her husband rode abrode uppon a lustye horse
- To hunt the Boare, and bare in hand twoo hunting staves of force.
- His cloke was crymzen butned with a golden button fast.
- Into the selfsame forest eeke was Phebus daughter past
- From those same feeldes that of herself the name of Circe beare,
- To gather uncowth herbes among the fruteful hillocks there.
- As soone as lurking in the shrubbes shee did the king espye,
- Shee was astrawght. Downe fell her herbes to ground. And by and by
- Through all her bones the flame of love the maree gan to frye.
- And when shee from this forced heate had cald her witts agen,
- Shee purposde to bewray her mynd. But unto him as then
- Shee could not come for swiftnesse of his horse and for his men
- That garded him on every syde. Yit shalt thou not (quoth shee)
- So shift thee fro my handes although the wynd should carrye thee,
- If I doo knowe myself, if all the strength of herbes fayle not,
- Or if I have not quyght and cleene my charmes and spelles forgotte.
- In saying theis same wordes, shee made the likenesse of a Boare
- Without a body, causing it to swiftly passe before
- King Picus eyes, and for to seeme to get him to the woode,
- Where for the thickenesse of the trees a horse myght do no good.
- Immediatly the king unwares a hote pursute did make
- Uppon the shadowe of his pray, and quikly did forsake
- His foming horses sweating backe: and following vayne wan hope,
- Did runne afoote among the woodes, and through the bushes crope.
- Then Circe fell a mumbling spelles, and praying like a witch
- Did honour straunge and uncowth Goddes with uncowth charmes, by which
- Shee usde to make the moone looke dark, and wrappe her fathers head
- In watry clowdes. And then likewyse the heaven was overspred
- With darknesse, and a foggye mist steamd upward from the ground.
- And nere a man about the king to gard him could bee found,
- But every man in blynd bywayes ran scattring in the chace,
- Through her inchauntments. At the length shee getting tyme and place,
- Sayd: By those lyghtsum eyes of thyne which late have ravisht myne,
- And by that goodly personage and lovely face of thyne,
- The which compelleth mee that am a Goddesse to enclyne
- To make this humble sute to thee that art a mortall wyght,
- Asswage my flame, and make this sonne (whoo by his heavenly syght
- Foresees all things) thy fathrinlawe: and hardly hold not scorne
- Of Circe whoo by long discent of Titans stocke am borne.
- Thus much sayd Circe. He ryght feerce rejecting her request,
- And her, sayd: Whooso ere thou art, go set thy hart at rest.
- I am not thyne, nor will not bee. Another holdes my hart:
- And long God graunt shee may it hold, that I may never start
- To leawdnesse of a forreigne lust from bond of lawfull bed,
- As long as Janus daughter, my sweete Singer, is not dead.
- Dame Circe having oft renewd her sute in vayne beefore,
- Sayd: Dearely shalt thou bye thy scorne. For never shalt thou more
- Returne to Singer. Thou shalt lerne by proof what one can doo
- That is provoked, and in love, yea and a woman too.
- But Circe is bothe stird to wrath, and also tane in love,
- Yea and a woman. Twyce her face to westward she did move,
- And twyce to Eastward. Thryce shee layd her rod uppon his head.
- And therwithall three charmes shee cast. Away king Picus fled.
- And woondring that he fled more swift than earst he had beene woont,
- He saw the fethers on his skin, and at the sodein brunt
- Became a bird that haunts the wooddes. Wherat he taking spyght,
- With angrye bill did job uppon hard Okes with all his myght,
- And in his moode made hollowe holes uppon theyr boughes. The hew
- Of Crimzen which was in his cloke, uppon his fethers grew.
- The gold that was a clasp and did his cloke toogither hold,
- Is fethers, and about his necke goes circlewyse like gold.
- His servants luring in that whyle oft over all the ground
- In vayne, and fynding no where of theyr kyng no inkling, found
- Dame Circe. (For by that tyme shee had made the ayer sheere,
- And suffred both the sonne and wyndes the mistye steames to cleere)
- And charging her with matter trew, demaunded for theyr kyng,
- And offring force, began theyr darts and Javelings for to fling.
- Shee sprincling noysom venim streyght and jewce of poysoning myght,
- Did call togither Eribus and Chaos, and the nyght,
- And all the feendes of darknesse, and with howling out along
- Made prayers unto Hecate. Scarce ended was her song,
- But that (a woondrous thing to tell) the woodes lept from theyr place.
- The ground did grone: the trees neere hand lookt pale in all the chace:
- The grasse besprent with droppes of blood lookt red: the stones did seem
- To roare and bellow horce: and doggs to howle and raze extreeme:
- And all the ground to crawle with snakes blacke scaalde: and gastly spryghts
- Fly whisking up and downe. The folke were flayghted at theis syghts.
- And as they woondring stood amaazd, shee strokte her witching wand
- Uppon theyr faces. At the touche wherof, there out of hand
- Came woondrous shapes of savage beastes uppon them all. Not one
- Reteyned still his native shape. The setting sonne was gone
- Beyond the utmost coast of Spaine, and Singer longd in vayne
- To see her husband. Bothe her folke and people ran agayne
- Through all the woodes. And ever as they went, they sent theyr eyes
- Before them for to fynd him out, but no man him espyes.
- Then Singer thought it not ynough to weepe and teare her heare,
- And beat herself (all which shee did). Shee gate abrode, and there
- Raundgd over all the broade wyld feelds like one besyds her witts.
- Six nyghts and full as many dayes (as fortune led by fitts)
- She strayd mee over hilles and dales, and never tasted rest,
- Nor meate, nor drink of all the whyle. The seventh day, sore opprest
- And tyred bothe with travell and with sorrowe, downe shee sate
- Uppon cold Tybers bank, and there with teares in moorning rate
- Shee warbling on her greef in tune not shirle nor over hye,
- Did make her moane, as dooth the swan: whoo ready for to dye
- Dooth sing his buriall song before. Her maree molt at last
- With moorning, and shee pynde away: and finally shee past
- To lither ayre. But yit her fame remayned in the place.
- For why the auncient husbandmen according to the cace,
- Did name it Singer of the nymph that dyed in the same.
- Of such as these are, many things that yeere by fortune came
- Bothe to my heering and my sight. Wee wexing resty then
- And sluggs by discontinuance, were commaunded yit agen
- To go aboord and hoyse up sayles. And Circe told us all
- That long and dowtfull passage and rowgh seas should us befall.
- I promis thee those woordes of hers mee throughly made afrayd:
- And therfore hither I mee gate, and heere I have mee stayd.
- This was the end of Macars tale. And ere long tyme was gone,
- Aenaeas Nurce was buryed in a tumb of marble stone,
- And this short verse was set theron: In this same verry place
- My Nurcechyld whom the world dooth know to bee a chyld of grace
- Delivering mee, Caieta, quicke from burning by the Grayes,
- Hathe burnt mee dead with such a fyre as justly winnes him prayse.
- Theyr Cables from the grassye strond were loosde, and by and by
- From Circes slaunderous house and from her treasons farre they fly.
- And making to the thickgrowen groves where through the yellow dust
- The shady Tyber into sea his gusshing streame dooth thrust,
- Aenaeas got the Realme of king Latinus, Fawnus sonne,
- And eeke his daughter, whom in feyght by force of armes he wonne.
- He enterprysed warre ageinst a Nation feerce and strong.
- And Turne was wrothe for holding of his wyfe away by wrong.
- Ageinst the Shyre of Latium met all Tyrrhene, and long
- With busye care hawlt victorie by force of armes was sought.
- Eche partie to augment theyr force by forreine succour wrought.
- And many sent the Rutills help, and many came to ayd
- The Trojanes: neyther was the good Aenaeas ill apayd
- Of going to Evanders towne. But Venulus in vayne
- To outcast Diomeds citie went his succour to obteine.
- This Diomed under Dawnus, king of Calabrye, did found
- A myghtye towne, and with his wyfe in dowrye hild the ground.
- Now when from Turnus, Venulus his message had declaard,
- Desyring help: th'Aetolian knyght sayd none could well bee spaard.
- And in excuce, he told him how he neyther durst be bold
- To prest his fathers folk to warre of whom he had no hold,
- Nor any of his countrymen had left as then alyve
- To arme. And lest yee think (quoth hee) I doo a shift contryve,
- Although by uppening of the thing my bitter greef revyve
- I will abyde to make a new rehersall. After that
- The Greekes had burned Troy and on the ground had layd it flat,
- And that the Prince of Narix by his ravishing the mayd
- In Pallas temple, on us all the pennance had displayd
- Which he himself deservd alone: then scattred heere and there
- And harryed over all the seas, wee Greekes were fayne to beare
- Nyght, thunder, tempest, wrath of heaven and sea, and last of all
- Sore shipwrecke at mount Capharey to mend our harmes withall.
- And lest that mee to make too long a processe yee myght deeme
- In setting forth our heavy happes, the Greekes myght that tyme seeme
- Ryght rewfull even to Priamus. Howbee't Minerva, shee
- That weareth armour, tooke mee from the waves and saved mee.
- But from my fathers Realme ageine by violence I was driven.
- For Venus bearing still in mynd the wound I had her given
- Long tyme before, did woork revendge. By meanes wherof such toyle
- Did tosse mee on the sea, and on the land I found such broyle
- By warres, that in my hart I thought them blist of God whom erst
- The violence of the raging sea and hideous wynds had perst,
- And whom the wrathfull Capharey by shipwrecke did confound:
- Oft wisshing also I had there among the rest beene drownd.
- My company now having felt the woorst that sea or warre
- Could woorke, did faynt, and wisht an end of straying out so farre.
- But Agmon hot of nature and too feerce through slaughters made
- Sayd: What remayneth, sirs, through which our pacience cannot wade?
- What further spyght hath Venus yit to woork ageinst us more?
- When woorse misfortunes may be feard than have beene felt before,
- Then prayer may advauntadge men, and vowwing may then boote.
- But when the woorst is past of things, then feare is under foote.
- And when that bale is hyghest growne, then boote must next ensew.
- Although shee heere mee, and doo hate us all (which thing is trew)
- That serve heere under Diomed: Yit set wee lyght her hate.
- And deerely it should stand us on to purchase hygh estate.
- With such stowt woordes did Agmon stirre dame Venus unto ire
- And raysd ageine her settled grudge. Not many had desyre
- To heere him talk thus out of square. The moste of us that are
- His freendes rebukte him for his woordes. And as he did prepare
- To answere, bothe his voyce and throte by which his voyce should go,
- Were small: his heare to feathers turnd: his necke was clad as tho
- With feathers: so was brist and backe. The greater fethers stacke
- Uppon his armes: and into wings his elbowes bowwed backe.
- The greatest portion of his feete was turned into toes.
- A hardened bill of horne did growe uppon his mouth and noze,
- And sharpened at the neather end. His fellowes, Lycus, Ide,
- Rethenor, Nyct, and Abas all stood woondring by his syde.
- And as they woondred, they receyvd the selfsame shape and hew.
- And finally the greater part of all my band up flew,
- And clapping with theyr newmade wings, about the ores did gird.
- And if yee doo demaund the shape of this same dowtfull bird,
- Even as they bee not verry Swannnes: so drawe they verry neere
- The shape of Cygnets whyght. With much adoo I settled heere,
- And with a little remnant of my people doo obteyne
- The dry grownds of my fathrinlaw, king Dawnus, whoo did reigne
- In Calabry. Thus much the sonne of Oenye sayd. Anon
- Sir Venulus returning from the king of Calydon,
- Forsooke the coast of Puteoll and the feeldes of Messapie,
- In which hee saw a darksome denne forgrowne with busshes hye,
- And watred with a little spring. The halfegoate Pan that howre
- Possessed it: but heertofore it was the fayryes bowre.
- A shepeherd of Appulia from that countrye scaard them furst.
- But afterward recovering hart and hardynesse they durst
- Despyse him when he chaced them, and with theyr nimble feete
- Continewed on theyr dawncing still in tyme and measure meete.
- The shepeherd fownd mee fault with them: and with his lowtlike leapes
- Did counterfette theyr minyon dawnce, and rapped out by heapes
- A rabble of unsavery taunts even like a country cloyne,
- To which, most leawd and filthy termes of purpose he did joyne.
- And after he had once begon, he could not hold his toong,
- Untill that in the timber of a tree his throte was cloong.
- For now he is a tree, and by his jewce discerne yee may
- His manners. For the Olyf wyld dooth sensibly bewray
- By berryes full of bitternesse his rayling toong. For ay
- The harshnesse of his bitter woordes the berryes beare away.
- Now when the kings Ambassadour returned home without
- The succour of th'Aetolian prince, the Rutills being stout
- Made luckelesse warre without theyr help: and much on eyther syde
- Was shed of blood. Behold king Turne made burning bronds to glyde
- Uppon theyr shippes, and they that had escaped water, stoode
- In feare of fyre. The flame had sindgd the pitch, the wax, and wood,
- And other things that nourish fyre, and ronning up the maste
- Caught hold uppon the sayles, and all the takling gan to waste,
- The Rowers seates did also smoke: when calling to her mynd
- That theis same shippes were pynetrees erst and shaken with the wynd
- On Ida mount, the moother of the Goddes, dame Cybel, filld
- The ayre with sound of belles, and noyse of shalmes. And as shee hilld
- The reynes that rulde the Lyons tame which drew her charyot, shee
- Sayd thus: O Turnus, all in vayne theis wicked hands of thee
- Doo cast this fyre. For by myself dispoynted it shall bee.
- I wilnot let the wasting fyre consume theis shippes which are
- A parcell of my forest Ide of which I am most chare.
- It thundred as the Goddesse spake, and with the thunder came
- A storme of rayne and skipping hayle, and soodeyne with the same
- The sonnes of Astrey meeting feerce and feyghting verry sore,
- Did trouble bothe the sea and ayre and set them on a rore.
- Dame Cybel using one of them to serve her turne that tyde,
- Did breake the Cables at the which the Trojane shippes did ryde,
- And bare them prone, and underneathe the water did them dryve.
- The Timber of them softning turnd to bodyes streyght alyve.
- The stemmes were turnd to heades, the ores to swimming feete and toes,
- The sydes to ribbes, the keele that through the middle gaily goes
- Became the ridgebone of the backe, the sayles and tackling, heare:
- And into armes on eyther syde the sayleyards turned were.
- Theyr hew is duskye as before, and now in shape of mayd
- They play among the waves of which even now they were afrayd.
- And beeing Sea nymphes, wheras they were bred in mountaynes hard,
- They haunt for ay the water soft, and never afterward
- Had mynd to see theyr natyve soyle. But yit forgetting not
- How many perills they had felt on sea by lucklesse lot,
- They often put theyr helping hand to shippes distrest by wynd,
- Onlesse that any caryed Greekes. For bearing still in mynd
- The burning of the towne of Troy, they hate the Greekes by kynd.
- And therfore of Ulysses shippes ryght glad they were to see
- The shivers, and as glad they were as any glad myght bee,
- To see Alcinous shippes wex hard and turned into stone.
- Theis shippes thus having gotten lyfe and beeing turnd each one
- To nymphes, a body would have thought the miracle so greate
- Should into Turnus wicked hart sum godly feare have beate,
- And made him cease his wilfull warre. But he did still persist.
- And eyther partye had theyr Goddes theyr quarrell to assist,
- And courage also: which as good as Goddes myght well be thought.
- In fyne they neyther for the Realme nor for the scepter sought,
- Nor for the Lady Lavine: but for conquest. And for shame
- To seeme to shrinke in leaving warre, they still prolongd the same.
- At length dame Venus sawe her sonne obteyne the upper hand.
- King Turnus fell, and eeke the towne of Ardea which did stand
- Ryght strong in hygh estate as long as Turnus lived. But
- Assoone as that Aenaeas swoord to death had Turnus put,
- The towne was set on fyre: and from amid the embers flew
- A fowle which till that present tyme no persone ever knew,
- And beete the ashes feercely up with flapping of his wing.
- The leanenesse, palenesse, dolefull sound, and every other thing
- That may expresse a Citie sakt, yea and the Cities name
- Remayned still unto the bird. And now the verrye same
- With Hernesewes fethers dooth bewayle the towne wherof it came.
- And now Aenaeas prowesse had compelled all the Goddes
- And Juno also (whoo with him was most of all at oddes)
- To cease theyr old displeasure quyght. And now he having layd
- Good ground wheron the growing welth of July myght be stayd,
- Was rype for heaven. And Venus had great sute already made
- To all the Goddes, and cleeping Jove did thus with him perswade:
- Deere father, whoo hast never beene uncurtuous unto mee,
- Now shewe the greatest courtesie (I pray thee) that may bee.
- And on my sonne Aenaeas (whoo a graundchyld unto thee
- Hath got of my blood) if thou wilt vouchsafe him awght at all)
- Vouchsafe sum Godhead to bestowe, although it bee but small.
- It is ynough that once he hathe alreadye seene the Realme
- Of Pluto utter pleasurelesse, and passed Styxis streame.
- The Goddes assented: neyther did Queene Juno then appeere
- In countnance straunge, but did consent with glad and merry cheere.
- Then Jove: Aenaeas woorthy is a saynct in heaven to bee.
- Thy wish for whom thou doost it wish I graunt thee frank and free.
- This graunt of his made Venus glad. Shee thankt him for the same.
- And glyding through the aire uppon her yoked doves, shee came
- To Lawrent shore, where clad with reede the river Numicke deepe
- To seaward (which is neere at hand) with stealing pace dooth creepe.
- Shee bade this river wash away what ever mortall were
- In good Aenaeas bodye, and them under sea to beare.
- The horned brooke fulfilld her hest, and with his water sheere
- Did purge and clenze Aenaeas from his mortall body cleere.
- The better porcion of him did remayne unto him sownd.
- His moother having hallowed him did noynt his bodye rownd
- With heavenly odours, and did touch his mouth with Ambrosie
- The which was mixt with Nectar sweete, and made him by and by
- A God to whom the Romanes give the name of Indiges,
- Endevering with theyr temples and theyr altars him to please.
- Ascanius with the dowble name from thence began to reigne,
- In whom the rule of Alba and of Latium did remayne.
- Next him succeeded Silvius, whoose sonne Latinus hild
- The auncient name and scepter which his graundsyre erst did weeld.
- The famous Epit after this Latinus did succeede.
- Then Capys and king Capetus. But Capys was indeede
- The formest of the two. From this the scepter of the Realme
- Descended unto Tyberine, whoo drowning in the streame
- Of Tyber left that name thereto. This Tyberine begat
- Feerce Remulus and Acrota. By chaunce it hapned that
- The elder brother Remulus for counterfetting oft
- The thunder, with a thunderbolt was killed from aloft.
- From Acrota whoose stayednesse did passe his brothers skill,
- The crowne did come to Aventine, whoo in the selfsame hill
- In which he reygned buryed lyes, and left therto his name.
- The rule of nation Palatine at length to Proca came.
- In this Kings reigne Pomona livd. There was not to bee found
- Among the woodnymphes any one in all the Latian ground
- That was so conning for to keepe an Ortyard as was shee,
- Nor none so paynefull to preserve the frute of every tree.
- And theruppon shee had her name. Shee past not for the woodes
- Nor rivers, but the villages and boughes that bare bothe buddes
- And plentuous frute. In sted of dart a shredding hooke shee bare,
- With which the overlusty boughes shee eft away did pare
- That spreaded out too farre, and eft did make therwith a rift
- To greffe another imp uppon the stocke within the clift.
- And lest her trees should die through drought, with water of the springs
- Shee moysteth of theyr sucking roots the little crumpled strings.
- This was her love and whole delyght. And as for Venus deedes,
- Shee had no mynd at all of them. And forbycause shee dreedes
- Enforcement by the countrye folke, shee walld her yards about,
- Not suffring any man at all to enter in or out.
- What have not those same nimble laddes so apt to frisk and daunce
- The Satyrs doone? Or what the Pannes that wantonly doo praunce
- With horned forheads? And the old Silenus whoo is ay
- More youthfull than his yeeres? And eeke the feend that scares away
- The theeves and robbers with his hooke, or with his privy part
- To winne her love? But yit than theis a farre more constant hart
- Had sly Vertumnus, though he sped no better than the rest.
- O Lord, how often being in a moawers garment drest,
- Bare he in bundells sheaves of come? And when he so was dyght,
- He was the verry patterne of a harvest moawer ryght.
- Oft bynding newmade hay about his temples he myght seeme
- A haymaker. Oft tymes in hand made hard with woork extreeme
- He bare a goade, that men would sweere he had but newly then
- Unyoakt his weerye Oxen. Had he tane in hand agen
- A shredding hooke, yee would have thought hee had a gardener beene,
- Or proyner of sum vynes. Or had you him with ladder seene
- Uppon his necke, a gatherer of frute yee would him deeme.
- With swoord a souldier, with his rod an Angler he did seeme.
- And finally in many shapes he sought to fynd accesse
- To joy the beawty but by syght, that did his hart oppresse.
- Moreover, putting on his head a womans wimple gay,
- And staying by a staffe, graye heares he foorth to syght did lay
- Uppon his forehead, and did feyne a beldame for to bee,
- By meanes wherof he came within her goodly ortyards free.
- And woondring at the frute, sayd: Much more skill hast thou I see
- Than all the Nymphes of Albula. Hayle, Lady myne, the flowre
- Unspotted of pure maydenhod in all the world this howre.
- And with that woord he kissed her a little: but his kisse
- Was such as trew old women would have never given ywis.
- Then sitting downe uppon a bank, he looked upward at
- The braunches bent with harvests weyght. Ageinst him where he sat
- A goodly Elme with glistring grapes did growe: which after hee
- Had praysed, and the vyne likewyse that ran uppon the tree:
- But if (quoth hee) this Elme without the vyne did single stand,
- It should have nothing (saving leaves) to bee desyred: and
- Ageine if that the vyne which ronnes uppon the Elme had nat
- The tree to leane unto, it should uppon the ground ly flat.
- Yit art not thou admonisht by example of this tree
- To take a husband, neyther doost thou passe to maryed bee.
- But would to God thou wouldest. Sure Queene Helen never had
- Mo suters, nor the Lady that did cause the battell mad
- Betweene the halfbrute Centawres and the Lapythes, nor the wyfe
- Of bold Ulysses whoo was eeke ay fearefull of his lyfe,
- Than thou shouldst have. For thousands now (even now most cheefly when
- Thou seemest suters to abhorre) desyre thee, both of men,
- And Goddes and halfgoddes, yea and all the fayryes that doo dwell
- In Albane hilles. But if thou wilt bee wyse, and myndest well
- To match thy self, and wilt give eare to this old woman heere,
- (To whom thou more than to them all art (trust mee) leef and deere,
- And more than thou thyself beleevst) the common matches flee,
- And choose Vertumnus to thy make. And take thou mee to bee
- His pledge. For more he to himself not knowen is, than to mee.
- He roves not like a ronneagate through all the world abrode,
- This countrye heerabout (the which is large) is his abode.
- He dooth not (like a number of theis common wooers) cast
- His love to every one he sees. Thou art the first and last
- That ever he set mynd uppon. Alonly unto thee
- Hee vowes himself as long as lyfe dooth last. Moreover hee
- Is youthfull, and with beawtye sheene endewd by natures gift,
- And aptly into any shape his persone he can shift.
- Thou canst not bid him bee the thing, (though al things thou shouldst name)
- But that he fitly and with ease will streyght becomme the same.
- Besydes all this, in all one thing bothe twayne of you delyght,
- And of the frutes that you love best the firstlings are his ryght:
- And gladly he receyves thy gifts. But neyther covets hee
- Thy Apples, Plommes, nor other frutes new gathered from the tree,
- Nor yit the herbes of pleasant sent that in thy gardynes bee:
- Nor any other kynd of thing in all the world, but thee.
- Have mercy on his fervent love, and think himself to crave
- Heere present by the mouth of mee, the thing that he would have.
- And feare the God that may revenge: as Venus whoo dooth hate
- Hard harted folkes, and Rhamnuse whoo dooth eyther soone or late
- Expresse her wrath with myndfull wreake. And to th'entent thou may
- The more beware, of many things which tyme by long delay
- Hathe taught mee, I will shewe thee one which over all the land
- Of Cyprus blazed is abrode, which being ryghtly skand
- May easly bow thy hardned hart and make it for to yild.
- One Iphis borne of lowe degree by fortune had behild
- The Ladye Anaxarete descended of the race
- Of Tewcer, and in vewwing her the fyre of love apace
- Did spred it self through all his bones. With which he stryving long,
- When reason could not conquer rage bycause it was too strong,
- Came humbly to the Ladyes house: and one whyle laying ope
- His wretched love before her nurce, besought her by the hope
- Of Lady Anaxarete her nurcechylds good successe,
- Shee would not bee ageinst him in that cace of his distresse.
- Another whyle entreating fayre sum freend of hers, he prayd
- Him earnestly with carefull voyce, of furthrance and of ayd.
- Oftymes he did preferre his sute by gentle letters sent.
- Oft garlonds moysted with the deawe of teares that from him went
- He hanged on her postes. Oft tymes his tender sydes he layd
- Ageinst the threshold hard, and oft in sadnesse did upbrayd
- The locke with much ungentlenesse. The Lady crueller
- Than are the rysing narrowe seas, or falling Kiddes, and farre
- More hard than steele of Noricum, and than the stonny rocke
- That in the quarrye hath his roote, did him despyse and mock.
- Besyde her dooings mercylesse, of statelynesse and spyght
- Shee adding prowd and skornefull woordes, defrauds the wretched wyght
- Of verry hope. But Iphis now unable any more
- To beare the torment of his greef, still standing there before
- Her gate, spake theis his latest woordes: Well, Anaxarete,
- Thou hast the upper hand. Hencefoorth thou shalt not neede to bee
- Agreeved any more with mee. Go tryumph hardely:
- Go vaunt thy self with joy: go sing the song of victorye:
- Go put a crowne of glittring bay uppon thy cruell head.
- For why thou hast the upper hand, and I am gladly dead.
- Well, steely harted, well: rejoyce. Compeld yit shalt thou bee
- Of sumwhat in mee for to have a lyking. Thou shalt see
- A poynt wherein thou mayst mee deeme most thankfull unto thee,
- And in the end thou shalt confesse the great desert of mee.
- But yit remember that as long as lyfe in mee dooth last,
- The care of thee shall never from this hart of myne be cast.
- For bothe the lyfe that I doo live in hope of thee, and tother
- Which nature giveth, shall have end and passe away toogither.
- The tydings neyther of my death shall come to thee by fame.
- Myself (I doo assure thee) will bee bringer of the same.
- Myself (I say) will present bee that those same cruell eyen
- Of thyne may feede themselves uppon this livelesse corce of myne.
- But yit, O Goddes, (if you behold mennes deedes) remember mee.
- (My toong will serve to pray no more) and cause that I may bee
- Longtyme heerafter spoken of: and length the lyfe by fame
- The which yee have abridgd in yeeres. In saying of this same
- He lifted up his watrye eyes and armes that wexed wan
- To those same stulpes which oft he had with garlondes deckt ere than,
- And fastning on the topps therof a halter thus did say:
- Thou cruell and ungodly wyght, theis are the wreathes that may
- Most pleasure thee. And with that woord he thrusting in his head,
- Even then did turne him towards her as good as being dead,
- And wretchedly did totter on the poste with strangled throte.
- The wicket which his feerefull feete in sprawling maynely smote,
- Did make a noyse: and flying ope bewrayd his dooing playne.
- The servants shreekt, and lifting up his bodye, but in vayne,
- Conveyd him to his moothers house, his father erst was slayne.
- His moother layd him in her lappe, and cleeping in her armes
- Her sonnes cold bodye, after that shee had bewayld her harmes
- With woordes and dooings mootherlyke, the corce with moorning cheere
- To buryall sadly through the towne was borne uppon a beere.
- The house of Anaxarete by chaunce was neere the way
- By which this piteous pomp did passe. And of the doolefull lay
- The sound came to the eares of her, whom God alreadye gan
- To strike. Yit let us see (quoth shee) the buryall of this man.
- And up the hygh wyde windowde house in saying so, shee ran.
- Scarce had shee well on Iphis lookt that on the beere did lye,
- But that her eyes wext stark: and from her limbes the blood gan flye.
- In stead therof came palenesse in. And as shee backeward was
- In mynd to go, her feete stacke fast and could not stirre. And as
- Shee would have cast her countnance backe, shee could not doo it. And
- The stonny hardnesse which alate did in her stomacke stand,
- Within a whyle did overgrow her whole from sole to crowne.
- And lest you think this geere surmysde, even yit in Salamin towne
- Of Lady Anaxarete the image standeth playne.
- The temple also in the which the image dooth remayne,
- Is unto Venus consecrate by name of Looker Out.
- And therfore weying well theis things, I prey thee looke about
- Good Lady, and away with pryde: and be content to frame
- Thy self to him that loveth thee and cannot quench his flame.
- So neyther may the Lentons cold thy budding frutetrees kill
- Nor yit the sharp and boystous wyndes thy flowring Gardynes spill.
- The God that can uppon him take what kynd of shape he list
- Now having sayd thus much in vayne, omitted to persist
- In beldames shape, and shewde himself a lusty gentleman,
- Appeering to her cheerefully, even like as Phebus whan
- Hee having overcomme the clowdes that did withstand his myght,
- Dooth blaze his brightsum beames agein with fuller heate and lyght.
- He offred force, but now no force was needfull in the cace.
- For why shee beeing caught in love with beawty of his face,
- Was wounded then as well as hee, and gan to yeeld apace.
- Next Proca, reignd Amulius in Awsonye by wrong,
- Till Numitor, the ryghtfull heyre, deposed verry long,
- Was by his daughters sonnes restorde. And on the feastfull day
- Of Pale, foundation of the walles of Rome they gan to lay.
- Soone after Tacye, and the Lordes of Sabine stird debate:
- And Tarpey for her traytrous deede in opening of the gate
- Of Tarpey towre was prest to death according to desert
- With armour heapt uppon her head. Then feerce and stowt of hart
- The Sabines like to toonglesse woolves without all noyse of talke
- Assayld the Romanes in theyr sleepe, and to the gates gan stalke
- Which Ilias sonne had closed fast with lockes and barres. But yit
- Dame Juno had set open one, and as shee opened it
- Had made no noyse of craking with the hindges, so that none
- Perceyvd the opening of the gate but Venus all alone.
- And shee had shet it up, but that it is not lawfull to
- One God to undoo any thing another God hath doo.
- The water nymphes of Awsonie hild all the groundes about
- The Church of Janus where was store of springs fresh flowing out.
- Dame Venus prayd theis nymphes of help. And they considering that
- The Goddesse did request no more but ryght, denyde it nat.
- They opened all theyr fountayne veynes and made them flowe apace.
- Howbee't the passage was not yit to Janus open face
- Forclosed: neyther had as yit the water stopt the way.
- They put rank brimstone underneathe the flowing spring that day,
- And eeke with smokye rozen set theyr veynes on fyre for ay.
- Through force of theis and other things, the vapour perced lowe
- Even downe unto the verry rootes on which the springs did growe.
- So that the waters which alate in coldnesse myght compare
- Even with the frozen Alpes, now hot as burning furnace are.
- The two gate posts with sprinkling of the fyry water smoakt.
- Wherby the gate beehyghted to the Sabines quyght was choakt
- With rysing of this fountaine straunge, untill that Marsis knyght
- Had armed him. Then Romulus did boldly offer fyght.
- The Romane ground with Sabines and with Romanes bothe were spred.
- And with the blood of fathrinlawes which wicked swoord had shed
- Flowde mixt the blood of sonneinlawes. Howbee't it seemed best
- To bothe the partyes at the length from battell for to rest,
- And not to fyght to uttrance: and that Tacye should becoome
- Copartner with king Rome.
- Within a whyle king Tacye dyde: and bothe the Sabines and
- The Romanes under Romulus in equall ryght did stand.
- The God of battell putting off his glittring helmet then,
- With such like woordes as theis bespake the syre of Goddes and men:
- The tyme, father (in as much as now the Romane state
- Is wexen strong uppon the good foundation layd alate,
- Depending on the stay of one) is comme for thee to make
- Thy promis good which thou of mee and of thy graundchyld spake:
- Which was to take him from the earth and in the heaven him stay.
- Thou once (I markt thy gracious woordes and bare them well away)
- Before a great assembly of the Goddes didst to mee say
- There shalbee one whom thou shalt rayse above the starry skye.
- Now let thy saying take effect. Jove graunting by and by
- The ayre was hid with darksom clowdes, and thunder foorth did fly,
- And lyghtning made the world agast. Which Mars perceyving to
- Bee luckye tokens for himself his enterpryse to do,
- Did take his rist uppon his speare and boldly lept into
- His bloodye charyot. And he lent his horses with his whippe
- A yirking lash, and through the ayre full smoothely downe did slippe.
- And staying on the woody toppe of mountayne Palatine,
- He tooke away king Romulus whoo there did then defyne
- The pryvate caces of his folk unseemly for a king.
- And as a leaden pellet broade enforced from a sling
- Is woont to dye amid the skye: even so his mortall flesh
- Sank from him downe the suttle ayre. In sted wherof a fresh
- And goodly shape more stately and more meete for sacred shryne
- Succeeded, like our Quirin that in stately robe dooth shyne.
- Hersilia for her feere as lost, of moorning made none end,
- Untill Queene Juno did commaund dame Iris to discend
- Uppon the Raynebowe downe, and thus her message for to doo:
- O of the Latian country and the Sabine nacion too
- Thou peerlesse perle of womanhod, most woorthy for to bee
- The wyfe of such a noble prince as heertofore was hee,
- And still to bee the wyfe of him canonized by name,
- Of Quirin: cease thy teares. And if thou have desyre the same
- Thy holy husband for to see, ensew mee to the queache
- That groweth greene on Quirins hill, whoose shadowes overreache
- The temple of the Romane king. Dame Iris did obey.
- And slyding by her paynted bowe, in former woordes did say
- Her errand to Hersilia. Shee scarce lifting up her eyes
- With sober countnance answerd: O thou Goddesse (for surmyse
- I cannot whoo thou art, but yit I well may understand
- Thou art a Goddesse) leede mee, O deere Goddesse, leede mee, and
- My husband to mee shewe. Whom if the fatall susters three
- Will of theyr gracious goodnesse graunt mee leave but once to see,
- I shall account mee into heaven receyved for to bee.
- Immediatly with Thawmants imp to Quirins hill shee went.
- There glyding from the sky a starre streyght downe to ground was sent,
- The sparkes of whoose bryght blazing beames did burne Hersilias heare.
- And with the starre the ayre did up her heare to heavenward beare.
- The buylder of the towne of Rome receyving streyght the same
- Betweene his old acquaynted handes, did alter both her name
- And eeke her bodye, calling her dame Ora. And by this
- Shee joyntly with her husband for a Goddesse woorshipt is.
- Finis Libri decimim quarti.
- of Ouids Metamorphosis
- Persone in the whyle was sought sufficient to susteine
- The burthen of so great a charge, and woorthy for to reigne
- In stead of such a mighty prince. The noble Nume by fame
- (Whoo harped then uppon the truthe before to passe it came)
- Appoynted to the Empyre was. This Numa thought it not
- Inough that he the knowledge of the Sabine rites had got.
- The deepenesse of the noble wit to greater things was bent,
- To serch of things the natures out. The care of this intent
- Did cause that he from Curie and his native Countrye went
- With peynfull travell, to the towne where Hercules did hoste.
- And asking who it was of Greece that in th'Italian coast
- Had buylt that towne, an aged man well seene in storyes old,
- To satisfye his mynd therin the processe thus him told:
- As Hercules enriched with the Spannish kyne did hold
- His voyage from the Ocean sea, men say with lucky cut
- He came aland on Lacine coast. And whyle he there did put
- His beace to grazing, he himself in Crotons house did rest,
- The greatest man in all those parts and unto straungers best:
- And that he there refresht him of his tedious travell, and
- That when he should depart, he sayd: Where now thy house dooth stand,
- Shall in thy childers childrens tyme a Citie buylded bee.
- Which woordes of his have proved trew as playnly now wee see.
- For why there was one Myscelus, a Greeke, Alemons sonne,
- A persone more in favour of the Goddes than any one
- In those dayes was. The God that beares the boystous club did stay
- Uppon him being fast asleepe, and sayd: Go seeke streyght way
- The stonny streame of Aeserie. Thy native soyle for ay
- Forsake. And sore he threatned him onlesse he did obey.
- The God and sleepe departed both togither. Up did ryse
- Alemons sonne, and in himself did secretly devyse
- Uppon this vision. Long his mynd strove dowtfull to and fro.
- The God bad go. His country lawes did say he should not go,
- And death was made the penaltie for him that would doo so.
- Cleere Titan in the Ocean sea had hid his lyghtsomme head,
- And duskye nyght had put up hers most thick with starres bespred.
- The selfsame God by Myscelus did seeme to stand eftsoone,
- Commaunding him the selfsame thing that he before had doone,
- And threatning mo and greater plages onlesse he did obey.
- Then being stricken sore in feare he went about streyghtway
- His household from his natyve land to forreine to convey.
- A rumor heereuppon did ryse through all the towne of Arge
- And disobedience of the lawe was layed to his charge.
- Assoone as that the cace had first beene pleaded and the deede
- Apparantly perceyved, so that witnesse did not neede,
- Arreyned and forlorne to heaven he cast his handes and eyes,
- And sayd: O God whoose labours twelve have purchaste thee the skyes,
- Assist mee, I thee pray. For thou art author of my cryme.
- When judgement should bee given it was the guyse in auncient tyme
- With whyght stones to acquit the cleere, and eeke with blacke to cast
- The giltye. That tyme also so the heavy sentence past.
- The stones were cast unmercifull all blacke into the pot.
- But when the stones were powred out to number, there was not
- A blacke among them. All were whyght. And so through Hercles powre
- A gentle judgement did proceede, and he was quit that howre.
- Then gave he thankes to Hercules, and having prosprous blast,
- Cut over the Ionian sea, and so by Tarent past
- Which Spartanes buylt, and Cybaris, and Neaeth Salentine,
- And Thurine bay, and Emese, and eeke the pastures fyne
- Of Calabrye. And having scarce well sought the coastes that lye
- Uppon the sea, he found the mouth of fatall Aeserye.
- Not farre from thence, he also found the tumb in which the ground
- Did kiver Crotons holy bones, and in that place did found
- The Citie that was willed him, and gave thereto the name
- Of him that there lay buryed. Such originall as this same
- This Citie in th'Italian coast is sayd to have by fame.
- Heere dwelt a man of Samos Ile, who for the hate he had
- To Lordlynesse and Tyranny, though unconstreynd was glad
- To make himself a bannisht man. And though this persone weere
- Farre distant from the Goddes by site of heaven: yit came he neere
- To them in mynd. And he by syght of soule and reason cleere
- Behild the things which nature dooth to fleshly eyes denye.
- And when with care most vigilant he had assuredly
- Imprinted all things in his hart, he set them openly
- Abroade for other folk to lerne. He taught his silent sort
- (Which woondred at the heavenly woordes theyr mayster did report)
- The first foundation of the world: the cause of every thing:
- What nature was: and what was God: whence snow and lyghtning spring:
- And whither Jove or else the wynds in breaking clowdes doo thunder:
- What shakes the earth: what law the starres doo keepe theyr courses under:
- And what soever other thing is hid from common sence.
- He also is the first that did injoyne an abstinence
- To feede of any lyving thing. He also first of all
- Spake thus: although ryght lernedly, yit to effect but small:
- Yee mortall men, forbeare to frank your flesh with wicked foode.
- Yee have both come and frutes of trees and grapes and herbes right good.
- And though that sum bee harsh and hard: yit fyre may make them well
- Both soft and sweete. Yee may have milk, and honny which dooth smell
- Of flowres of tyme. The lavish earth dooth yeeld you plentiously
- Most gentle foode, and riches to content bothe mynd and eye.
- There needes no slaughter nor no blood to get your living by.
- The beastes do breake theyr fast with flesh: and yit not all beastes neyther.
- For horses, sheepe, and Rotherbeastes to live by grasse had lever.
- The nature of the beast that dooth delyght in bloody foode,
- Is cruell and unmercifull. As Lyons feerce of moode,
- Armenian Tigers, Beares, and Woolves. Oh, what a wickednesse
- It is to cram the mawe with mawe, and frank up flesh with flesh,
- And for one living thing to live by killing of another:
- As whoo should say, that of so great abundance which our moother
- The earth dooth yeeld most bountuously, none other myght delyght
- Thy cruell teethe to chawe uppon, than grisly woundes that myght
- Expresse the Cyclops guyse? or else as if thou could not stawnche
- The hunger of thy greedye gut and evill mannerd pawnche,
- Onlesse thou stroyd sum other wyght. But that same auncient age
- Which wee have naamd the golden world, cleene voyd of all such rage,
- Livd blessedly by frute of trees and herbes that grow on ground,
- And stayned not their mouthes with blood. Then birds might safe and sound
- Fly where they listed in the ayre. The hare unscaard of hound
- Went pricking over all the feeldes. No angling hooke with bayt
- Did hang the seely fish that bote mistrusting no deceyt.
- All things were voyd of guylefulnesse: no treason was in trust:
- But all was freendshippe, love and peace. But after that the lust
- Of one (what God so ere he was) disdeyning former fare,
- To cram that cruell croppe of his with fleshmeate did not spare,
- He made a way for wickednesse. And first of all the knyfe
- Was staynd with blood of savage beastes in ridding them of lyfe.
- And that had nothing beene amisse, if there had beene the stay.
- For why wee graunt, without the breach of godlynesse wee may
- By death confound the things that seeke to take our lyves away.
- But as to kill them reason was: even so agein theyr was
- No reason why to eate theyr flesh. This leawdnesse thence did passe
- On further still. Wheras there was no sacrifyse beforne,
- The Swyne (bycause with hoked groyne he rooted up the come,
- And did deceyve the tillmen of theyr hope next yeere thereby)
- Was deemed woorthy by desert in sacrifyse to dye.
- The Goate for byghting vynes was slayne at Bacchus altar whoo
- Wreakes such misdeedes. Theyr owne offence was hurtful to theis two.
- But what have you poore sheepe misdoone, a cattell meeke and meeld,
- Created for to maynteine man, whoose fulsomme duggs doo yeeld
- Sweete Nectar, whoo dooth clothe us with your wooll in soft aray?
- Whoose lyfe dooth more us benefite than dooth your death farreway?
- What trespasse have the Oxen doone, a beast without all guyle
- Or craft, unhurtfull, simple, borne to labour every whyle?
- In fayth he is unmyndfull and unwoorthy of increace
- Of come, that in his hart can fynd his tilman to releace
- From plowgh, to cut his throte: that in his hart can fynde (I say)
- Those neckes with hatchets off to strike, whoose skinne is worne away
- With labring ay for him: whoo turnd so oft his land most tough,
- Whoo brought so many harvestes home. Yit is it not ynough
- That such a great outrageousenesse committed is. They father
- Theyr wickednesse uppon the Goddes. And falsly they doo gather
- That in the death of peynfull Ox the Hyghest dooth delyght.
- A sacrifyse unblemished and fayrest unto syght,
- (For beawtye woorketh them theyr bane) adornd with garlonds, and
- With glittring gold, is cyted at the altar for to stand.
- There heeres he woordes (he wotes not what) the which the preest dooth pray,
- And on his forehead suffereth him betweene his homes to lay
- The eares of come that he himself hath wrought for in the clay,
- And stayneth with his blood the knyfe that he himself perchaunce
- Hathe in the water sheere ere then behild by soodein glaunce.
- Immediatly they haling out his hartstrings still alive,
- And poring on them, seeke therein Goddes secrets to retryve.
- Whence commes so greedy appetyte in men, of wicked meate?
- And dare yee, O yee mortall men, adventure thus to eate?
- Nay doo not (I beseeche yee) so. But give good eare and heede
- To that that I shall warne you of, and trust it as your creede,
- That whensoever you doo eate your Oxen, you devowre
- Your husbandmen. And forasmuch as God this instant howre
- Dooth move my toong to speake, I will obey his heavenly powre.
- My God Apollos temple I will set you open, and
- Disclose the woondrous heavens themselves, and make you understand
- The Oracles and secrets of the Godly majestye.
- Greate things, and such as wit of man could never yit espye,
- And such as have beene hidden long, I purpose to descrye.
- I mynd to leave the earth, and up among the starres to stye.
- I mynd to leave this grosser place, and in the clowdes to flye,
- And on stowt Atlas shoulders strong to rest my self on hye,
- And looking downe from heaven on men that wander heere and there
- In dreadfull feare of death as though they voyd of reason were,
- To give them exhortation thus: and playnely to unwynd
- The whole discourse of destinie as nature hath assignd.
- O men amaazd with dread of death, why feare yee Limbo Styx,
- And other names of vanitie, which are but Poets tricks?
- And perrills of another world, all false surmysed geere?
- For whether fyre or length of tyme consume the bodyes heere,
- Yee well may thinke that further harmes they cannot suffer more.
- For soules are free from death. Howbee't, they leaving evermore
- Theyr former dwellings, are receyvd and live ageine in new.
- For I myself (ryght well in mynd I beare it to be trew)
- Was in the tyme of Trojan warre Euphorbus, Panthewes sonne,
- Quyght through whoose hart the deathfull speare of Menelay did ronne.
- I late ago in Junos Church at Argos did behold
- And knew the target which I in my left hand there did hold.
- Al things doo chaunge. But nothing sure dooth perrish. This same spright
- Dooth fleete, and fisking heere and there dooth swiftly take his flyght
- From one place to another place, and entreth every wyght,
- Removing out of man to beast, and out of beast to man.
- But yit it never perrisheth nor never perrish can.
- And even as supple wax with ease receyveth fygures straunge,
- And keepes not ay one shape, ne bydes assured ay from chaunge,
- And yit continueth alwayes wax in substaunce: so I say
- The soule is ay the selfsame thing it was and yit astray
- It fleeteth into sundry shapes. Therfore lest Godlynesse
- Bee vanquisht by outragious lust of belly beastlynesse,
- Forbeare (I speake by prophesie) your kinsfolkes ghostes to chace
- By slaughter: neyther nourish blood with blood in any cace.
- And sith on open sea the wynds doo blow my sayles apace,
- In all the world there is not that that standeth at a stay.
- Things eb and flow: and every shape is made to passe away.
- The tyme itself continually is fleeting like a brooke.
- For neyther brooke nor lyghtsomme tyme can tarrye still. But looke
- As every wave dryves other foorth, and that that commes behynd
- Bothe thrusteth and is thrust itself: even so the tymes by kynd
- Doo fly and follow bothe at once, and evermore renew.
- For that that was before is left, and streyght there dooth ensew
- Anoother that was never erst. Eche twincling of an eye
- Dooth chaunge. Wee see that after day commes nyght and darks the sky,
- And after nyght the lyghtsum Sunne succeedeth orderly.
- Like colour is not in the heaven when all things weery lye
- At midnyght sound asleepe, as when the daystarre cleere and bryght
- Commes foorth uppon his milkwhyght steede. Ageine in other plyght
- The Morning, Pallants daughter fayre, the messenger of lyght
- Delivereth into Phebus handes the world of cleerer hew.
- The circle also of the sonne what tyme it ryseth new
- And when it setteth, looketh red, but when it mounts most hye,
- Then lookes it whyght, bycause that there the nature of the skye
- Is better, and from filthye drosse of earth dooth further flye.
- The image also of the Moone that shyneth ay by nyght,
- Is never of one quantitie. For that that giveth lyght
- Today, is lesser than the next that followeth, till the full.
- And then contrarywyse eche day her lyght away dooth pull.
- What? Seest thou not how that the yeere as representing playne
- The age of man, departes itself in quarters fowre? First bayne
- And tender in the spring it is, even like a sucking babe.
- Then greene, and voyd of strength, and lush, and foggye, is the blade,
- And cheeres the husbandman with hope. Then all things florish gay.
- The earth with flowres of sundry hew then seemeth for to play,
- And vertue small or none to herbes there dooth as yit belong.
- The yeere from springtyde passing foorth to sommer, wexeth strong,
- Becommeth lyke a lusty youth. For in our lyfe through out
- There is no tyme more plentifull, more lusty, hote and stout.
- Then followeth Harvest when the heate of youth growes sumwhat cold,
- Rype, meeld, disposed meane betwixt a yoongman and an old,
- And sumwhat sprent with grayish heare. Then ugly winter last
- Like age steales on with trembling steppes, all bald, or overcast
- With shirle thinne heare as whyght as snowe. Our bodies also ay
- Doo alter still from tyme to tyme, and never stand at stay.
- Wee shall not bee the same wee were today or yisterday.
- The day hath beene wee were but seede and only hope of men,
- And in our moothers womb wee had our dwelling place as then:
- Dame Nature put to conning hand and suffred not that wee
- Within our moothers streyned womb should ay distressed bee,
- But brought us out to aire, and from our prison set us free.
- The chyld newborne lyes voyd of strength. Within a season tho
- He wexing fowerfooted lernes like savage beastes to go.
- Then sumwhat foltring, and as yit not firme of foote, he standes
- By getting sumwhat for to helpe his sinewes in his handes.
- From that tyme growing strong and swift, he passeth foorth the space
- Of youth: and also wearing out his middle age apace,
- Through drooping ages steepye path he ronneth out his race.
- This age dooth undermyne the strength of former yeares, and throwes
- It downe. Which thing old Milo by example playnely showes.
- For when he sawe those armes of his (which heeretofore had beene
- As strong as ever Hercules in woorking deadly teene
- Of biggest beastes) hang flapping downe, and nought but empty skin,
- He wept. And Helen when shee saw her aged wrincles in
- A glasse wept also: musing in herself what men had seene,
- That by two noble princes sonnes shee twyce had ravisht beene.
- Thou tyme the eater up of things, and age of spyghtfull teene,
- Destroy all things. And when that long continuance hath them bit,
- You leysurely by lingring death consume them every whit.
- And theis that wee call Elements doo never stand at stay.
- The enterchaunging course of them I will before yee lay.
- Give heede therto. This endlesse world conteynes therin I say
- Fowre substances of which all things are gendred. Of theis fower
- The Earth and Water for theyr masse and weyght are sunken lower.
- The other cowple Aire and Fyre, the purer of the twayne,
- Mount up, and nought can keepe them downe. And though there doo remayne
- A space betweene eche one of them: yit every thing is made
- Of themsame fowre, and into them at length ageine doo fade.
- The earth resolving leysurely dooth melt to water sheere.
- The water fyned turnes to aire. The aire eeke purged cleere
- From grossenesse, spyreth up aloft, and there becommeth fyre.
- From thence in order contrary they backe ageine retyre.
- Fyre thickening passeth into Aire, and Ayer wexing grosse,
- Returnes to water: Water eeke congealing into drosse,
- Becommeth earth.
- No kind of thing keepes ay his shape and hew.
- For nature loving ever chaunge repayres one shape anew
- Uppon another. Neyther dooth there perrish aught (trust mee)
- In all the world, but altring takes new shape. For that which wee
- Doo terme by name of being borne, is for to gin to bee
- Another thing than that it was: and likewise for to dye,
- To cease to bee the thing it was. And though that varyably
- Things passe perchaunce from place to place: yit all from whence they came
- Returning, do unperrisshed continew still the same.
- But as for in one shape, bee sure that nothing long can last.
- Even so the ages of the world from gold to Iron past.
- Even so have places oftentymes exchaunged theyr estate.
- For I have seene it sea which was substanciall ground alate,
- Ageine where sea was, I have seene the same become dry lond,
- And shelles and scales of Seafish farre have lyen from any strond,
- And in the toppes of mountaynes hygh old Anchors have beene found.
- Deepe valleyes have by watershotte beene made of levell ground,
- And hilles by force of gulling oft have into sea beene worne.
- Hard gravell ground is sumtyme seene where marris was beforne,
- And that that erst did suffer drowght, becommeth standing lakes.
- Heere nature sendeth new springs out, and there the old in takes.
- Full many rivers in the world through earthquakes heretofore
- Have eyther chaundgd theyr former course, or dryde and ronne no more.
- Soo Lycus beeing swallowed up by gaping of the ground,
- A greatway off fro thence is in another channell found.
- Even so the river Erasine among the feeldes of Arge
- Sinkes one whyle, and another whyle ronnes greate ageine at large.
- Caycus also of the land of Mysia (as men say)
- Misliking of his former head, ronnes now another way.
- In Sicill also Amasene ronnes sumtyme full and hye,
- And sumtyme stopping up his spring, he makes his chanell drye.
- Men drank the waters of the brooke Anigrus heretofore,
- Which now is such that men abhorre to towche them any more.
- Which commes to passe, (onlesse wee will discredit Poets quyght)
- Bycause the Centaures vanquisshed by Hercules in fyght
- Did wash theyr woundes in that same brooke. But dooth not Hypanis
- That springeth in the Scythian hilles, which at his fountaine is
- Ryght pleasant, afterward becomme of brackish bitter taste?
- Antissa, and Phenycian Tyre, and Pharos in tyme past
- Were compast all about with waves: but none of all theis three
- Is now an Ile. Ageine the towne of Lewcas once was free
- From sea, and in the auncient tyme was joyned to the land.
- But now environd round about with water it dooth stand.
- Men say that Sicill also hath beene joynd to Italy
- Untill the sea consumde the bounds beetweene, and did supply
- The roome with water. If yee go to seeke for Helicee
- And Burye which were Cities of Achaia, you shall see
- Them hidden under water, and the shipmen yit doo showe
- The walles and steeples of the townes drownd under as they rowe.
- Not farre from Pitthey Troyzen is a certeine high ground found
- All voyd of trees, which heeretofore was playne and levell ground,
- But now a mountayne. For the wyndes (a woondrous thing to say)
- Inclosed in the hollow caves of ground, and seeking way
- To passe therefro, in struggling long to get the open skye
- In vayne, (bycause in all the cave there was no vent wherby
- To issue out,) did stretch the ground and make it swell on hye,
- As dooth a bladder that is blowen by mouth, or as the skinne
- Of horned Goate in bottlewyse when wynd is gotten in.
- The swelling of the foresayd place remaynes at this day still,
- And by continuance waxing hard is growen a pretye hill.
- Of many things that come to mynd by heersay, and by skill
- Of good experience, I a fewe will utter to you mo.
- What? Dooth not water in his shapes chaunge straungely to and fro?
- The well of horned Hammon is at noonetyde passing cold.
- At morne and even it wexeth warme. At midnyght none can hold
- His hand therin for passing heate. The well of Athamane,
- Is sayd to kindle woode what tyme the moone is in the wane.
- The Cicons have a certeine streame which beeing droonk dooth bring
- Mennes bowwelles into Marble hard: and whatsoever thing
- Is towcht therwith, it turnes to stone. And by your bounds behold
- The rivers Crathe and Sybaris make yellow heare like gold
- And Amber. There are also springs (which thing is farre more straunge)
- Which not the bodye only, but the mynd doo also chaunge.
- Whoo hath not heard of Salmacis, that fowle and filthye sink?
- Or of the lake of Aethyop, which if a man doo drink,
- He eyther ronneth mad, or else with woondrous drowzinesse
- Forgoeth quyght his memorie? Whoo ever dooth represse
- His thirst with drawght of Clitor well, hates wyne, and dooth delyght
- In only water: eyther for bycause there is a myght
- Contrary unto warming wyne by nature in the well,
- Or else bycause (for so the folk of Arcadye doo tell)
- Melampus, Amythaons sonne (when he delivered had
- King Praetus daughters by his charmes and herbes from being mad),
- Cast into that same water all the baggage wherewithall
- He purdgd the madnesse of theyr mynds. And so it did befall,
- That lothsomnesse of wyne did in those waters ay remayne.
- Ageine in Lyncest contrarie effect to this dooth reigne.
- For whoo so drinkes too much therof, he reeleth heere and there
- As if by quaffing wyne no whyt alayd he droonken were.
- There is a Lake in Arcadye which Pheney men did name
- In auncient tyme, whoose dowtfulnesse deserveth justly blame.
- A nyght tymes take thou heede of it, for if thou taste the same
- A nyghttymes, it will hurt. But if thou drink it in the day
- It hurteth not.
- Thus lakes and streames (as well perceyve yee may)
- Have divers powres and diversly. Even so the tyme hathe beene
- That Delos which stands stedfast now, on waves was floting seene.
- And Galyes have beene sore afrayd of frusshing by the Iles
- Symplegads which togither dasht uppon the sea erewhyles,
- But now doo stand unmovable ageinst bothe wynde and tyde.
- Mount Aetna with his burning Oovens of brimstone shall not byde
- Ay fyrye: neyther was it so for ever erst. For whither
- The earth a living creature bee, and that to breathe out hither
- And thither flame, great store of vents it have in sundry places,
- And that it have the powre to shift those vents in divers caces,
- Now damming theis, now opening those, in moving to and fro:
- Or that the whisking wynds restreynd within the earth bylowe,
- Doo beate the stones ageinst the stones, and other kynd of stuffe
- Of fyrye nature, which doo fall on fyre with every puffe:
- Assoone as those same wynds doo cease, the caves shall streight bee cold.
- Or if it bee a Rozen mowld that soone of fyre takes hold,
- Or brimstone mixt with clayish soyle on fyre dooth lyghtly fall:
- Undowtedly assoone as that same soyle consumed shall
- No longer yeeld the fatty foode to feede the fyre withall,
- And ravening nature shall forgo her woonted nourishment,
- Then being able to abyde no longer famishment,
- For want of sustenance it shall cease his burning. I doo fynd
- By fame, that under Charlsis wayne in Pallene are a kynd
- Of people which by dyving thryce three tymes in Triton lake
- Becomme all fethred, and the shape of birdes uppon them take.
- The Scythian witches also are reported for to doo
- The selfsame thing (but hardly I give credit therunto)
- By smearing poyson over all theyr bodyes. But (and if
- A man to matters tryde by proof may saufly give beleef,)
- Wee see how flesh by lying still a whyle and ketching heate
- Dooth turne to little living beastes. And yit a further feate,
- Go kill an Ox and burye him, (the thing by proof man sees)
- And of his rotten flesh will breede the flowergathering Bees,
- Which as theyr father did before, love feeldes exceedingly,
- And unto woork in hope of gayne theyr busye limbes apply.
- The Hornet is engendred of a lustye buryed Steede.
- Go pull away the cleas from Crabbes that in the sea doo breede,
- And burye all the rest in mowld, and of the same will spring
- A Scorpion which with writhen tayle will threaten for to sting.
- The Caterpillers of the feelde the which are woont to weave
- Hore filmes uppon the leaves of trees, theyr former nature leave,
- (Which thing is knowen to husbandmen) and turne to Butterflyes.
- The mud hath in it certeine seede wherof greene frosshes ryse.
- And first it brings them footelesse foorth. Then after, it dooth frame
- Legges apt to swim: and furthermore of purpose that the same
- May serve them for to leape afarre, theyr hinder part is mych
- More longer than theyr forepart is. The Bearwhelp also which
- The Beare hath newly littred, is no whelp immediatly.
- But like an evill favored lump of flesh alyve dooth lye.
- The dam by licking shapeth out his members orderly
- Of such a syse, as such a peece is able to conceyve.
- Or marke yee not the Bees of whom our hony wee receyve,
- How that theyr yoong ones which doo lye within the sixsquare wax
- Are limblesse bodyes at the first, and after as they wex
- In processe take bothe feete and wings? What man would think it trew
- That Ladye Venus simple birdes, the Dooves of silver hew,
- Or Junos bird that in his tayle beares starres, or Joves stowt knyght
- The Earne, and every other fowle of whatsoever flyght,
- Could all bee hatched out of egges, onlesse he did it knowe?
- Sum folk doo hold opinion when the backebone which dooth growe
- In man, is rotten in the grave, the pith becommes a snake.
- Howbee't of other things all theis theyr first beginning take.
- One bird there is that dooth renew itself and as it were
- Beget it self continually. The Syrians name it there
- A Phoenix. Neyther come nor herbes this Phoenix liveth by,
- But by the jewce of frankincence and gum of Amomye.
- And when that of his lyfe well full fyve hundred yeeres are past,
- Uppon a Holmetree or uppon a Date tree at the last
- He makes him with his talants and his hardened bill a nest.
- Which when that he with Casia sweete and Nardus soft hathe drest,
- And strowed it with Cynnamom and Myrrha of the best,
- He rucketh downe uppon the same, and in the spyces dyes.
- Soone after, of the fathers corce men say there dooth aryse
- Another little Phoenix which as many yeeres must live
- As did his father. He (assoone as age dooth strength him give
- To beare the burthen) from the tree the weyghty nest dooth lift,
- And godlyly his cradle thence and fathers herce dooth shift.
- And flying through the suttle aire he gettes to Phebus towne,
- And there before the temple doore dooth lay his burthen downe.
- But if that any noveltye woorth woondring bee in theis,
- Much rather may we woonder at the Hyen if we please.
- To see how interchaungeably it one whyle dooth remayne
- A female, and another whyle becommeth male againe.
- The creature also which dooth live by only aire and wynd,
- All colours that it leaneth to dooth counterfet by kynd.
- The Grapegod Bacchus, when he had subdewd the land of Inde,
- Did fynd a spotted beast cald Lynx, whoose urine (by report)
- By towching of the open aire congealeth in such sort,
- As that it dooth becomme a stone. So Corall (which as long
- As water hydes it is a shrub and soft) becommeth strong
- And hard assoone as it dooth towch the ayre. The day would end,
- And Phebus panting steedes should in the Ocean deepe descend,
- Before all alterations I in woordes could comprehend.
- So see wee all things chaungeable. One nation gathereth strength:
- Another wexeth weake: and bothe doo make exchaunge at length.
- So Troy which once was great and strong as well in welth as men,
- And able tenne yeeres space to spare such store of blood as then,
- Now beeing bace hath nothing left of all her welth to showe,
- Save ruines of the auncient woorkes which grasse dooth overgrowe,
- And tumbes wherin theyr auncetours lye buryed on a rowe.
- Once Sparta was a famous towne: Great Mycene florisht trim:
- Bothe Athens and Amphions towres in honor once did swim.
- A pelting plot is Sparta now: great Mycene lyes on ground.
- Of Theab the towne of Oedipus what have we more than sound?
- Of Athens, king Pandions towne, what resteth more than name?
- Now also of the race of Troy is rysing (so sayth fame)
- The Citie Rome, which at the bank of Tyber that dooth ronne
- Downe from the hill of Appennyne) already hath begonne
- With great advysement for to lay foundation of her state.
- This towne then chaungeth by increase the forme it had alate,
- And of the universall world in tyme to comme shall hold
- The sovereintye, so prophesies and lotts (men say) have told.
- And as (I doo remember mee) what tyme that Troy decayd,
- The prophet Helen, Priams sonne, theis woordes ensewing sayd
- Before Aenaeas dowting of his lyfe in weeping plyght:
- O Goddesse sonne, beleeve mee (if thou think I have foresyght
- Of things to comme) Troy shalnot quyght decay whyle thou doost live.
- Bothe fyre and swoord shall unto thee thy passage freely give.
- Thou must from hence: and Troy with thee convey away in haste,
- Untill that bothe thyself and Troy in forreine land bee plaast
- More freendly than thy native soyle. Moreover I foresee,
- A Citie by the offspring of the Trojans buylt shall bee,
- So great as never in the world the lyke was seene before
- Nor is this present, neyther shall be seene for evermore.
- A number of most noble peeres for manye yeeres afore
- Shall make it strong and puyssant: but hee that shall it make
- The sovereine Ladye of the world, by ryght descent shall take
- His first beginning from thy sonne the little Jule. And when
- The earth hathe had her tyme of him, the sky and welkin then
- Shall have him up for evermore, and heaven shall bee his end.
- Thus farre (I well remember mee) did Helens woordes extend
- To good Aenaeas. And it is a pleasure unto mee
- The Citie of my countrymen increasing thus to see:
- And that the Grecians victorie becommes the Trojans weale.
- But lest forgetting quyght themselves our horses happe to steale
- Beyond the mark: the heaven and all that under heaven is found,
- Dooth alter shape. So dooth the ground and all that is in ground.
- And wee that of the world are part (considring how wee bee
- Not only flesh, but also sowles, which may with passage free
- Remove them into every kynd of beast both tame and wyld)
- Let live in saufty honestly with slaughter undefyld,
- The bodyes which perchaunce may have the spirits of our brothers,
- Our sisters, or our parents, or the spirits of sum others
- Alyed to us eyther by sum freendshippe or sum kin,
- Or at the least the soules of men abyding them within.
- And let us not Thyesteslyke thus furnish up our boordes
- With bloodye bowells. Oh how leawd example he afoordes.
- How wickedly prepareth he himself to murther man
- That with a cruell knyfe dooth cut the throte of Calf, and can
- Unmovably give heering to the lowing of the dam
- Or sticke the kid that wayleth lyke the little babe, or eate
- The fowle that he himself before had often fed with meate.
- What wants of utter wickednesse in woorking such a feate?
- What may he after passe to doo? well eyther let your steeres
- Weare out themselves with woork, or else impute theyr death to yeeres.
- Ageinst the wynd and weather cold let Wethers yeeld yee cotes,
- And udders full of batling milk receyve yee of the Goates.
- Away with sprindges, snares, and grinnes, away with Risp and net.
- Away with guylefull feates: for fowles no lymetwiggs see yee set.
- No feared fethers pitche yee up to keepe the Red deere in,
- Ne with deceytfull bayted hooke seeke fishes for to win.
- If awght doo harme, destroy it, but destroy't and doo no more.
- Forbeare the flesh: and feede your mouthes with fitter foode therfore.
- Men say that Numa furnisshed with such philosophye
- As this and like, returned to his native soyle, and by
- Entreatance was content of Rome to take the sovereintye.
- Ryght happy in his wyfe which was a nymph, ryght happy in
- His guydes which were the Muses nyne, this Numa did begin
- To teach Religion, by the meanes whereof hee shortly drew
- That people unto peace whoo erst of nought but battell knew.
- And when through age he ended had his reigne and eeke his lyfe,
- Through Latium he was moorned for of man and chyld and wyfe
- As well of hygh as low degree. His wyfe forsaking quyght
- The Citie, in vale Aricine did hyde her out of syght,
- Among the thickest groves, and there with syghes and playnts did let
- The sacrifyse of Diane whom Orestes erst had fet
- From Taurica in Chersonese, and in that place had set.
- How oft ah did the woodnymphes and the waternymphes perswade
- Egeria for to cease her mone. What meanes of comfort made
- They. Ah how often Theseus sonne her weeping thus bespake.
- O Nymph, thy moorning moderate: thy sorrow sumwhat slake: '
- Not only thou hast cause to heart thy fortune for to take.
- Behold like happes of other folkes, and this mischaunce of thyne
- Shall greeve thee lesse. Would God examples (so they were not myne)
- Myght comfort thee. But myne perchaunce may comfort thee. If thou
- In talk by hap hast heard of one Hippolytus ere now,
- That through his fathers lyght beleefe, and stepdames craft was slayne,
- It will a woonder seeme to thee, and I shall have much payne
- To make thee to beleeve the thing. But I am very hee.
- The daughter of Pasyphae in vayne oft tempting mee
- My fathers chamber to defyle, surmysde mee to have sought
- The thing that shee with al her hart would fayne I should have wrought.
- And whither it were for feare I should her wickednesse bewray,
- Or else for spyght bycause I had so often sayd her nay,
- Shee chardgd mee with hir owne offence. My father by and by
- Condemning mee, did banish mee his Realme without cause whye.
- And at my going like a fo did ban me bitterly.
- To Pitthey Troyzen outlawelike my chariot streight tooke I.
- My way lay hard uppon the shore of Corinth. Soodeinly
- The sea did ryse, and like a mount the wave did swell on hye,
- And seemed huger for to growe in drawing ever nye,
- And roring clyved in the toppe. Up starts immediatly
- A horned bullocke from amid the broken wave, and by
- The brest did rayse him in the ayre, and at his nostrills and
- His platter mouth did puffe out part of sea uppon the land.
- My servants harts were sore afrayd. But my hart musing ay
- Uppon my wrongfull banishment, did nought at all dismay.
- My horses setting up theyr eares and snorting wexed shye,
- And beeing greatly flayghted with the monster in theyr eye,
- Turnd downe to sea: and on the rockes my wagon drew. In vayne
- I stryving for to hold them backe, layd hand uppon the reyne
- All whyght with fome, and haling backe lay almost bolt upryght.
- And sure the feercenesse of the steedes had yeelded to my might,
- But that the wheele that ronneth ay about the Extree round,
- Did breake by dashing on a stub, and overthrew to ground.
- Then from the Charyot I was snatcht the brydles beeing cast
- About my limbes. Yee myght have seene my sinewes sticking fast
- Uppon the stub: my gutts drawen out alyve: my members, part
- Still left uppon the stump, and part foorth harryed with the cart:
- The crasshing of my broken bones: and with what passing peyne
- I breathed out my weery ghoste. There did not whole remayne
- One peece of all my corce by which yee myght discerne as tho
- What lump or part it was. For all was wound from toppe to toe.
- Now canst thou, nymph, or darest thou compare thy harmes with myne?
- Moreover I the lightlesse Realme behild with theis same eyne,
- And bathde my tattred bodye in the river Phlegeton,
- And had not bright Apollos sonne his cunning shewde uppon
- My bodye by his surgery, my lyfe had quyght bee gone.
- Which after I by force of herbes and leechecraft had ageine
- Receyvd by Aesculapius meanes, though Pluto did disdeine,
- Then Cynthia (lest this gift of hers myght woorke mee greater spyght)
- Thicke clowds did round about mee cast. And to th'entent I myght
- Bee saufe myself, and harmelessely appeere to others syght:
- Shee made mee old. And for my face, shee left it in such plyght,
- That none can knowe mee by my looke. And long shee dowted whither
- To give mee Dele or Crete. At length refusing bothe togither,
- Shee plaast mee heere. And therwithall shee bade me give up quyght
- The name that of my horses in remembrance put mee myght.
- For whereas erst Hippolytus hath beene thy name (quoth shee)
- I will that Virbie afterward thy name for ever bee.
- From that tyme foorth within this wood I keepe my residence,
- As of the meaner Goddes, a God of small magnificence,
- And heere I hyde mee underneathe my sovereine Ladyes wing
- Obeying humbly to her hest in every kynd of thing.
- But yit the harmes of other folk could nothing help nor boote
- Aegerias sorrowes to asswage. Downe at a mountaines foote
- Shee lying melted into teares, till Phebus sister sheene
- For pitie of her greate distresse in which shee had her seene,
- Did turne her to a fountaine cleere, and melted quyght away
- Her members into water thinne that never should decay.
- The straungenesse of the thing did make the nymphes astonyed: and
- The Ladye of Amazons sonne amaazd therat did stand,
- As when the Tyrrhene Tilman sawe in earing of his land
- The fatall clod first stirre alone without the help of hand,
- And by and by forgoing quyght the earthly shape of clod,
- To take the seemely shape of man, and shortly like a God
- To tell of things as then to comme. The Tyrrhenes did him call
- By name of Tages. He did teach the Tuskanes first of all
- To gesse by searching bulks of beastes what after should befall.
- Or like as did king Romulus when soodeinly he found
- His lawnce on mountayne Palatine fast rooted in the ground,
- And bearing leaves, no longer now a weapon but a tree,
- Which shadowed such as woondringly came thither for to see.
- Or else as Cippus when he in the ronning brooke had seene
- His homes. For why he saw them, and supposing there had beene
- No credit to bee given unto the glauncing image, hee
- Put oft his fingers to his head, and felt it so to bee.
- And blaming now no more his eyes, in comming from the chase
- With conquest of his foes, he stayd. And lifting up his face
- And with his face, his homes to heaven, he sayd: What ever thing
- Is by this woonder meant, O Goddes, if joyfull newes it bring
- I pray yee let it joyfull to my folk and countrye bee:
- But if it threaten evill, let the evill light on mee.
- In saying so, an altar greene of clowwers he did frame,
- And offred fuming frankincence in fyre uppon the same,
- And powred boawles of wyne theron, and searched therwithall
- The quivering inwards of a sheepe to know what should befall.
- A Tyrrhene wizard having sought the bowelles, saw therin
- Great chaunges and attempts of things then readye to begin,
- Which were not playnly manifest. But when that he at last
- His eyes from inwards of the beast on Cippus homes had cast,
- Hayle king (he sayd). For untoo thee, O Cippus, unto thee,
- And to thy homes shall this same place and Rome obedyent bee.
- Abridge delay: and make thou haste to enter at the gates
- Which tarrye open for thee. So commaund the soothfast fates.
- Thou shalt bee king assoone as thou hast entred once the towne,
- And thou and thyne for evermore shalt weare the royall crowne.
- With that he stepping back his foote, did turne his frowning face
- From Romeward, saying: Farre, O farre, the Goddes such handsel chace.
- More ryght it were I all my lyfe a bannisht man should bee,
- Than that the holy Capitoll mee reigning there should see.
- Thus much he sayd: and by and by toogither he did call
- The people and the Senators. But yit he first of all
- Did hyde his homes with Lawrell leaves: and then without the wall
- He standing on a mount the which his men had made of soddes,
- And having after auncient guyse made prayer to the Goddes
- Sayd: Heere is one that shall (onlesse yee bannish him your townc
- Immediatly) bee king of Rome and weare a royall crowne.
- What man it is, I will by signe, but not by name bewray.
- He hath uppon his brow two homes. The wizard heere dooth say,
- That if he enter Rome, you shall lyke servants him obey.
- He myght have entred at your gates which open for him lay,
- But I did stay him thence. And yit there is not unto mee
- A neerer freend in all the world. Howbee't forbid him yee
- O Romanes, that he comme not once within your walles. Or if
- He have deserved, bynd him fast in fetters like a theef.
- Or in this fatall Tyrants death, of feare dispatch your mynd.
- Such noyse as Pynetrees make what tyme the heady easterne wynde
- Dooth whiz amongst them, or as from the sea dooth farre rebound:
- Even such among the folk of Rome that present was the sound.
- Howbee't in that confused roare of fearefull folk, did fall
- Out one voyce asking, Whoo is hee? And staring therewithall
- Uppon theyr foreheads, they did seeke the foresayd homes. Agen
- (Quoth Cippus) Lo, yee have the man for whom yee seeke. And then
- He pulld (ageinst his peoples will) his garlond from his head,
- And shewed them the two fayre homes that on his browes were spred.
- At that the people dassheth downe theyr lookes and syghing is
- Ryght sorye (whoo would think it trew?) to see that head of his,
- Most famous for his good deserts. Yit did they not forget
- The honour of his personage, but willingly did set
- The Lawrell garlond on his head ageine. And by and by
- The Senate sayd: Well Cippus, sith untill the tyme thou dye
- Thou mayst not come within theis walles, wee give thee as much ground
- In honour of thee, as a teeme of steeres can plough thee round,
- Betweene the dawning of the day, and shetting in of nyght.
- Moreover on the brazen gate at which this Cippus myght
- Have entred Rome, a payre of homes were gravde to represent
- His woondrous shape, as of his deede an endlesse monument.
- Yee Muses whoo to Poets are the present springs of grace,
- Now shewe (for you knowe, neyther are you dulld by tyme or space)
- How Aesculapius in the Ile that is in Tyber deepe
- Among the sacred sayncts of Rome had fortune for to creepe.
- A cruell plage did heertofore infect the Latian aire,
- And peoples bodyes pyning pale the murreine did appayre.
- When tyred with the buriall of theyr freends, they did perceyve
- Themselves no helpe at mannes hand nor by Phisicke to receyve.
- Then seeking help from heaven, they sent to Delphos (which dooth stand
- Amid the world) for counsell to bee had at Phebus hand.
- Beseeching him with helthfull ayd to succour theyr distresse,
- And of the myghtye Citie Rome the mischeef to redresse.
- The quivers which Apollo bryght himself was woont to beare,
- The Baytrees, and the place itself togither shaken were.
- And by and by the table from the furthest part of all
- The Chauncell spake theis woords, which did theyr harts with feare appal:
- The thing yee Romanes seeke for heere, yee should have sought more ny
- Your countrye. Yea and neerer home go seeke it now. Not I,
- Apollo, but Apollos sonne is hee that must redresse
- Your sorrowes. Take your journey with good handsell of successe,
- And fetch my sonne among you. When Apollos hest was told
- Among the prudent Senators, they sercht what towne did hold
- His sonne, and unto Epidawre a Gallye for him sent.
- Assoone as that th'Ambassadours arryved there they went
- Unto the counsell and the Lordes of Greekland: whom they pray
- To have the God the present plages of Romanes for to stay,
- And for themselves the Oracle of Phebus foorth they lay.
- The Counsell were of sundry mynds and could not well agree.
- Sum thought that succour in such neede denyed should not bee.
- And divers did perswade to keepe theyr helpe, and not to send
- Theyr Goddes away sith they themselves myght neede them in the end.
- Whyle dowtfully they off and on debate this curious cace,
- The evening twylyght utterly the day away did chace,
- And on the world the shadowe of the earth had darknesse brought.
- That nyght the Lord Ambassadour as sleepe uppon him wrought,
- Did dreame he saw before him stand the God whose help he sought,
- In shape as in his chappell he was woonted for to stand,
- With ryght hand stroking downe his herd, and staffe in tother hand,
- And meekely saying: Feare not, I will comme and leave my shryne.
- This serpent which dooth wreath with knottes about this staffe of mine
- Mark well, and take good heede therof: that when thou shalt it see,
- Thou mayst it knowe. For into it transformed will I bee.
- But bigger I will bee, for I will seeme of such a syse,
- As may celestiall bodyes well to turne into suffise.
- Streyght with the voyce, the God, and with the voyce and God, away
- Went sleepe: and after sleepe was gone ensewed cheerfull day.
- Next morning having cleerely put the fyrye starres to flyght,
- The Lordes not knowing what to doo, assembled all foorthryght
- Within the sumptuous temple of the God that was requyrde,
- And of his mynd by heavenly signe sum knowledge they desyrde.
- They scarce had doone theyr prayers, when the God in shape of snake
- With loftye crest of gold, began a hissing for to make,
- Which was a warning given. And with his presence he did shake
- The Altar, shryne, doores, marble floore, and roofe all layd with gold,
- And vauncing up his brest he stayd ryght stately to behold
- Amid the Church, and round about his fyrye eyes he rold.
- The syght did fray the people. But the wyvelesse preest (whoose heare
- Was trussed in a fayre whyght Call) did know the God was there.
- And sayd: Behold, tiz God, tiz God. As many as bee heere
- Pray both with mouth and mynd. O thou our glorious God, appeere
- To our beehoofe, and helpe thy folke that keepe thy hallowes ryght.
- The people present woorshipped his Godhead there in syght,
- Repeating dowble that the preest did say. The Romaynes eeke
- Devoutly did with Godly voyce and hart his favour seeke.
- The God by nodding did consent, and gave assured signe
- By shaking of his golden crest that on his head did shyne,
- And hissed twyce with spirting toong. Then trayld he downe the fyne
- And glistring greeces of his church. And turning backe his eyen,
- He looked to his altarward and to his former shryne
- And temple, as to take his leave and bid them all fare well.
- From thence ryght huge uppon the ground (which sweete of flowres did smell
- That people strewed in his way), he passed stately downe,
- And bending into bowghts went through the hart of all the towne,
- Untill that hee the bowwing wharf besyde the haven tooke.
- Where staying, when he had (as seemd) dismist with gentle looke
- His trayne of Chapleynes and the folke that wayted on him thither,
- Hee layd him in the Romane shippe to sayle away toogither.
- The shippe did feele the burthen of his Godhed to the full,
- And for the heavye weyght of him did after passe more dull.
- The Romanes being glad of him, and having killd a steere
- Uppon the shore, untyde theyr ropes and cables from the peere.
- The lyghtsum wynd did dryve the shippe. The God avauncing hye,
- And leaning with his necke uppon the Gallyes syde, did lye
- And looke uppon the greenish waves, and cutting easly through
- Th'Ionian sea with little gales of westerne wynd not rough,
- The sixt day morning came uppon the coast of Italy.
- And passing foorth by Junos Church that mustreth to the eye
- Uppon the head of Lacine he was caryed also by
- The rocke of Scylley. Then he left the land of Calabrye
- And rowing softly by the rocke Zephyrion, he did draw
- To Celen cliffs the which uppon the ryght syde have a flawe.
- By Romeche and by Cawlon, and by Narice thence he past,
- And from the streyghtes of Sicily gate quyght and cleere at last.
- Then ran he by th'Aeolian Iles and by the metall myne
- Of Tempsa, and by Lewcosye, and temprate Pest where fyne
- And pleasant Roses florish ay. From thence by Capreas
- And Atheney the headlond of Minerva he did passe
- To Surrent, where with gentle vynes the hilles bee overclad,
- And by the towne of Hercules and Stabye ill bestad
- And Naples borne to Idlenesse, and Cumes where Sybell had
- Hir temples, and the scalding bathes, and Linterne where growes store
- Of masticke trees, and Vulturne which beares sand apace from shore,
- And Sinuesse where as Adders are as whyght as any snowe,
- And Minturne of infected ayre bycause it stands so lowe,
- And Caiete where Aeneas did his nurce in tumbe bestowe,
- And Formy where Antiphates the Lestrigon did keepe,
- And Trache envyrond with a fen, and Circes mountayne steepe:
- To Ancon with the boystous shore. Assoone as that the shippe
- Arryved heere, (for now the sea was rough,) the God let slippe
- His circles, and in bending bowghts and wallowing waves did glyde
- Into his fathers temple which was buylded there besyde
- Uppon the shore, and when the sea was calme and pacifyde,
- The foresayd God of Epidawre, his fathers Church forsooke,
- (The lodging of his neerest freend which for a tyme hee tooke,)
- And with his crackling scales did in the sand a furrowe cut,
- And taking hold uppon the sterne did in the Galy put
- His head, and rested till he came past Camp and Lavine sands,
- And entred Tybers mouth at which the Citie Ostia stands.
- The folke of Rome came hither all by heapes bothe men and wyves
- And eeke the Nunnes that keepe the fyre of Vesta as theyr lyves,
- To meete the God, and welcomd him with joyfull noyse. And as
- The Gally rowed up the streame, greate store of incence was
- On altars burnt on bothe the banks, so that on eyther syde
- The fuming of the frankincence the very aire did hyde,
- And also slaine in sacrifyse full many cattell dyde.
- Anon he came to Rome, the head of all the world: and there
- The serpent lifting up himself, began his head to beare
- Ryght up along the maast, uppon the toppe whereof on hye
- He looked round about, a meete abyding place to spye.
- The Tyber dooth devyde itself in twaine, and dooth embrace
- A little pretye Iland (so the people terme the place)
- From eyther syde whereof the bankes are distant equall space.
- Apollos Snake descending from the maast conveyd him thither,
- And taking eft his heavenly shape, as one repayring hither
- To bring our Citie healthfulnesse, did end our sorrowes quyght.
- Although to bee a God with us admitted were this wyght,
- Yit was he borne a forreiner. But Caesar hathe obteynd
- His Godhead in his native soyle and Citie where he reignd.
- Whom peerelesse both in peace and warre, not more his warres up knit
- With triumph, nor his great exployts atcheeved by his wit,
- Nor yit the great renowme that he obteynd so speedely,
- Have turned to a blazing starre, than did his progenie.
- For of the actes of Caesar, none is greater than that hee
- Left such a sonne behynd him as Augustus is, to bee
- His heyre. For are they things more hard: to overcomme thy Realme
- Of Britaine standing in the sea, or up the sevenfold streame
- Of Nyle that beareth Paperreede victorious shippes to rowe,
- Or to rebelliouse Numidye to give an overthrowe,
- Or Pons (which proudely did it beare
- Uppon the name of Mythridate) to force by swoord and speare
- To yeeld them subjects unto Rome, or by his just desert
- To merit many triumphes, and of sum to have his part,
- Than such an heyre to leave beehynd, in whom the Goddes doo showe
- Exceeding favour unto men for that they doo bestowe
- So great a prince uppon the world? Now to th'entent that hee
- Should not bee borne of mortall seede, the other was too bee
- Canonyzde for a God. Which thing when golden Venus see,
- (Shee also sawe how dreadfull death was for the bisshop then
- Prepaard, and how conspiracye was wrought by wicked men)
- Shee looked pale. And as the Goddes came any in her way,
- Shee sayd unto them one by one: Behold and see, I pray,
- With how exceeding eagernesse they seeke mee to betray,
- And with what woondrous craft they stryve to take my lyfe away,
- I meene the thing that only now remayneth unto mee
- Of Jule the Trojans race. Must I then only ever bee
- Thus vext with undeserved cares? How seemeth now the payne
- Of Diomeds speare of Calydon to wound my hand ageyne?
- How seemes it mee that Troy ageine is lost through ill defence?
- How seemes my sonne Aenaeas like a bannisht man, from thence
- To wander farre ageine, and on the sea to tossed bee,
- And warre with Turnus for to make? or rather (truth to say)
- With Juno? What meene I about harmes passed many a day
- Ageinst myne ofspring, thus to stand? This present feare and wo
- Permit mee not to think on things now past so long ago.
- Yee see how wicked swoordes ageinst my head are whetted. I
- Beseeche yee keepe them from my throte, and set the traytors by
- Theyr purpose. Neyther suffer you dame Vestas fyre to dye
- By murthering of her bisshop. Thus went Venus wofully
- Complayning over all the heaven, and moovde the Goddes therby.
- And for they could not breake the strong decrees of destinye,
- They shewed signes most manifest of sorrowe to ensew.
- For battells feyghting in the clowdes with crasshing armour flew.
- And dreadfull trumpets sownded in the aire, and homes eeke blew,
- As warning men before hand of the mischeef that did brew.
- And Phebus also looking dim did cast a drowzy lyght
- Uppon the earth, which seemd lykewyse to bee in sorrve plyght.
- From underneathe amid the starres brands oft seemd burning bryght.
- It often rayned droppes of blood. The morning starre lookt blew,
- And was bespotted heere and there with specks of rusty hew.
- The moone had also spottes of blood. The Screeche owle sent from hell
- Did with her tune unfortunate in every corner yell.
- Salt teares from Ivory images in sundry places fell.
- And in the Chappells of the Goddes was singing heard, and woordes
- Of threatning. Not a sacrifyse one signe of good afoordes.
- But greate turmoyle to bee at hand theyr hartstrings doo declare.
- And when the beast is ripped up the inwards headlesse are.
- About the Court, and every house, and Churches in the nyghts
- The doggs did howle, and every where appeered gastly spryghts.
- And with an earthquake shaken was the towne. Yit could not all
- Theis warnings of the Goddes dispoynt the treason that should fall,
- Nor overcomme the destinies. The naked swoordes were brought
- Into the temple. For no place in all the towne was thought
- So meete to woork the mischeef in, or for them to commit
- The heynous murder, as the Court in which they usde to sit
- In counsell. Venus then with both her hands her stomacke smit,
- And was about to hyde him with the clowd in which shee hid
- Aenaeas, when shee from the swoord of Diomed did him rid,
- Or Paris, when from Menelay shee did him saufe convey.
- But Jove her father staying her did thus unto hir say:
- Why, daughter myne, wilt thou alone bee stryving to prevent
- Unvanquishable destinie? In fayth and if thou went
- Thy self into the house in which the fatall susters three
- Doo dwell, thou shouldest there of brasse and steele substantiall see
- The registers of things so strong and massye made to bee,
- That sauf and everlasting, they doo neyther stand in feare
- Of thunder, nor of lyghtning, nor of any ruine there.
- The destnyes of thyne offspring thou shalt there fynd graven deepe
- In Adamant. I red them: and in mynd I doo them keepe.
- And forbycause thou shalt not bee quyght ignorant of all,
- I will declare what things I markt herafter to befall.
- The man for whom thou makest sute, hath lived full his tyme
- And having ronne his race on earth must now to heaven up clyme.
- Where thou shalt make a God of him ay honord for to bee
- With temples and with Altars on the earth. Moreover hee
- That is his heyre and beares his name, shall all alone susteyne
- The burthen layd uppon his backe, and shall our help obteyne
- His fathers murther to revenge. The towne of Mutinye
- Beseedged by his powre, shall yeeld. The feelds of Pharsaly
- Shall feele him, and Philippos in the Realme of Macedonne
- Shall once ageine bee staynd with blood. The greate Pompeius sonne
- Shall vanquisht be by him uppon the sea of Sicilye.
- The Romane Capteynes wyfe, the Queene of Aegypt, through her hye
- Presumption trusting to her match too much, shall threate in vayne
- To make her Canop over our hygh Capitoll to reigne.
- What should I tell thee of the wyld and barbrous nacions that
- At bothe the Oceans dwelling bee? The universall plat
- Of all the earth inhabited, shall all be his. The sea
- Shall unto him obedient bee likewyse. And when that he
- Hathe stablisht peace in all the world, then shall he set his mynd
- To civill matters, upryght lawes by justice for to fynd,
- And by example of himself all others he shall bynd.
- Then having care of tyme to comme, and of posteritye,
- A holy wyfe shall beare to him a sonne that may supply
- His carefull charge and beare his name. And lastly in the end
- He shall to heaven among the starres, his auncetors, ascend,
- But not before his lyfe by length to drooping age doo tend.
- And therfore from the murthred corce of Julius Caesar take
- His sowle with speede, and of the same a burning cresset make,
- That from our heavenly pallace he may evermore looke downe
- Uppon our royall Capitoll and Court within Rome towne.
- He scarcely ended had theis woordes, but Venus out of hand
- Amid the Senate house of Rome invisible did stand,
- And from her Caesars bodye tooke his new expulsed spryght
- The which shee not permitting to resolve to ayer quyght,
- Did place it in the skye among the starres that glister bryght
- And as shee bare it, shee did feele it gather heavenly myght,
- And for to wexen fyrye. Shee no sooner let it flye,
- But that a goodly shyning starre it up aloft did stye
- And drew a greate way after it bryght beames like burning heare.
- Whoo looking on his sonnes good deedes confessed that they were
- Farre greater than his owne, and glad he was to see that hee
- Excelled him. Although his sonne in no wyse would agree
- To have his deedes preferd before his fathers: yit dooth fame,
- (Whoo ay is free, and bound to no commaund) withstand the same
- And stryving in that one behalf ageinst his hest and will,
- Proceedeth to preferre his deedes before his fathers still.
- Even so to Agamemnons great renowne gives Atreus place,
- Even so Achilles deedes, the deedes of Peleus doo abace.
- Even so beyond Aegaeus, farre dooth Theseyes prowesse go.
- And (that I may examples use full matching theis) even so
- Is Saturne lesse in fame than Jove. Jove rules the heavenly spheres,
- And all the tryple shaped world. And our Augustus beares
- Dominion over all the earth. They bothe are fathers: they
- Are rulers both. Yee Goddes to whom both fyre and swoord gave way,
- What tyme yee with Aenaeas came from Troy: yee Goddes that were
- Of mortall men canonyzed: thou Quirin whoo didst reere
- The walles of Rome: and Mars who wart the valeant Quirins syre
- And Vesta of the household Goddes of Caesar with thy fyre
- Most holy: and thou Vesta also art
- Of household: and thou Jupiter whoo in the hyghest part
- Of mountayne Tarpey hast thy Church: and all yee Goddes that may
- With conscience sauf by Poets bee appealed to: I pray
- Let that same day bee slowe to comme and after I am dead,
- In which Augustus (whoo as now of all the world is head)
- Quyght giving up the care therof ascend to heaven for ay,
- There (absent hence) to favour such as unto him shall pray.
- Now have I brought a woork to end which neither Joves feerce wrath,
- Nor swoord, nor fyre, nor freating age with all the force it hath
- Are able to abolish quyght. Let comme that fatall howre
- Which (saving of this brittle flesh) hath over mee no powre,
- And at his pleasure make an end of myne uncerteyne tyme.
- Yit shall the better part of mee assured bee to clyme
- Aloft above the starry skye. And all the world shall never
- Be able for to quench my name. For looke how farre so ever
- The Romane Empyre by the ryght of conquest shall extend,
- So farre shall all folke reade this woork. And tyme without all end
- (If Poets as by prophesie about the truth may ame)
- My lyfe shall everlastingly bee lengthened still by fame.
- Finis Libri decimi quinti.
- Laus & honor soli Deo.
- don by Willyam Seres dwelling at the west
- end of Paules church, at the
- signe of the Hedgehogge.
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