- Absalom and Achitophel
- John Dryden
- Exported from Wikisource on 02/18/20
- In pious times, ere priest-craft did begin,
- Before polygamy was made a sin;
- When man, on many, multipli'd his kind,
- Ere one to one was cursedly confin'd:
- When Nature prompted, and no Law deni'd
- Promiscuous use of concubine and bride;
- Then, Israel's monarch, after Heaven's own heart,
- His vigorous warmth did variously impart
- To wives and slaves: and, wide as his command,
- Scatter'd his Maker's image through the land.
- Michal, of royal blood, the crown did wear;
- A soil ungrateful to the tiller's care:
- Not so the rest; for several mothers bore
- To god-like David, several sons before.
- But since like slaves his bed they did ascend,
- No true succession could their seed attend.
- Of all this numerous progeny was none
- So beautiful, so brave, as Absalom:
- Whether, inspir'd by some diviner lust,
- His father got him with a greater gust;
- Or that his conscious destiny made way,
- By manly beauty to imperial sway.
- Early in foreign fields he won renown,
- With kings and states alli'd to Israel's crown:
- In peace the thoughts of war he could remove,
- And seem'd as he were only born for love.
- Whate'er he did, was done with so much ease,
- In him alone, 'twas natural to please:
- His motions all accompani'd with grace;
- And Paradise was open'd in his face.
- With secret joy, indulgent David view'd
- His youthful image in his son renew'd:
- To all his wishes nothing he deni'd;
- And made the charming Annabel his bride.
- What faults he had (for who from faults is free?)
- His father could not, or he would not see.
- Some warm excesses, which the Law forbore,
- Were constru'd youth that purged by boiling o'er:
- And Amnon's murther, by a specious name,
- Was call'd a just revenge for injur'd fame.
- Thus prais'd, and lov'd, the noble youth remain'd,
- While David, undisturb'd, in Sion reign'd.
- But life can never be sincerely blest:
- Heav'n punishes the bad, and proves the best.
- The Jews, a headstrong, moody, murm'ring race,
- As ever tri'd th'extent and stretch of grace;
- God's pamper'd people whom, debauch'd with ease,
- No king could govern, nor no God could please;
- (Gods they had tri'd of every shape and size,
- That god-smiths could produce, or priests devise:)
- These Adam-wits, too fortunately free,
- Began to dream they wanted liberty:
- And when no rule, no precedent, was found
- Of men, by laws less circumscrib'd and bound,
- They led their wild desires to woods and caves,
- And thought that all but savages were slaves.
- They who, when Saul was dead, without a blow,
- Made foolish Ishbosheth the crown forego;
- Who banisht David did from Hebron bring,
- And, with a general shout, proclaim'd him king:
- Those very Jews, who, at their very best,
- Their Humour more than loyalty exprest,
- Now, wonder'd why, so long, they had obey'd
- An idol-monarch which their hands had made:
- Thought they might ruin him they could create;
- Or melt him to that golden calf, a state.
- But these were random bolts: no form'd design,
- Nor interest made the factious crowd to join:
- The sober part of Israel, free from stain,
- Well knew the value of a peaceful reign:
- And, looking backward with a wise afright,
- Saw seams of wounds, dishonest to the sight:
- In contemplation of whose ugly scars,
- They curst the memory of civil wars.
- The moderate sort of men, thus qualifi'd,
- Inclin'd the balance to the better side:
- And, David's mildness manag'd it so well,
- The bad found no occasion to rebel.
- But, when to sin our bias'd nature leans,
- The careful Devil is still at hand with means;
- And providently pimps for ill desires:
- The good old cause reviv'd, a plot requires.
- Plots, true or false, are necessary things,
- To raise up common-wealths, and ruin kings.
- Th' inhabitants of old Jerusalem
- Were Jebusites: the town so call'd from them;
- And theirs the native right—
- But when the chosen people grew more strong,
- The rightful cause at length became the wrong:
- And every loss the men of Jebus bore,
- They still were thought God's enemies the more.
- Thus, worn and weaken'd, well or ill content,
- Submit they must to David's government:
- Impoverish'd and depriv'd of all command,
- Their taxes doubled as they lost their land;
- And, what was harder yet to flesh and blood,
- Their gods disgrac'd, and burnt like common wood.
- This set the heathen priesthood in a flame;
- For priests of all religions are the same:
- Of whatsoe'er descent their godhead be,
- Stock, stone, or other homely pedigree,
- In his defence his servants are as bold,
- As if he had been born of beaten gold.
- The Jewish Rabbins though their Enemies,
- In this conclude them honest men and wise:
- For 'twas their duty, all the learned think,
- T'espouse his cause by whom they eat and drink.
- From hence began that plot, the nation's curse,
- Bad in itself, but represented worse.
- Rais'd in extremes, and in extremes decri'd;
- With oaths affirm'd, with dying vows deni'd.
- Not weigh'd, or winnow'd by the multitude;
- But swallow'd in the mass, unchew'd and crude.
- Some truth there was, but dash'd and brew'd with lies;
- To please the fools, and puzzle all the wise.
- Succeeding times did equal folly call,
- Believing nothing, or believing all.
- Th' Egyptian rites the Jebusites embrac'd;
- Where gods were recommended by their taste.
- Such sav'ry deities must needs be good,
- As serv'd at once for worship and for food.
- By force they could not introduce these gods;
- For ten to one, in former days was odds.
- So fraud was us'd, (the sacrificers' trade,)
- Fools are more hard to conquer than persuade.
- Their busy teachers mingled with the Jews;
- And rak'd, for converts, even the court and stews:
- Which Hebrew priests the more unkindly took,
- Because the fleece accompanies the flock.
- Some thought they God's anointed meant to slay
- By guns, invented since full many a day:
- Our author swears it not; but who can know
- How far the Devil and Jebusites may go?
- This plot, which fail'd for want of common sense,
- Had yet a deep and dangerous consequence:
- For, as when raging fevers boil the blood,
- The standing lake soon floats into a flood;
- And ev'ry hostile humour, which before
- Slept quiet in its channels, bubbles o'er:
- So, several factions from this first ferment,
- Work up to foam, and threat the government.
- Some by their friends, more by themselves thought wise,
- Oppos'd the pow'r, to which they could not rise.
- Some had in courts been great, and thrown from thence,
- Like fiends, were harden'd in impenitence.
- Some by their monarch's fatal mercy grown,
- From pardon'd rebels, kinsmen to the throne;
- Were rais'd in pow'r and public office high;
- Strong bands, if bands ungrateful men could tie.
- Of these the false Achitophel was first:
- A name to all succeeding ages curst.
- For close designs, and crooked counsels fit;
- Sagacious, bold and turbulent of wit:
- Restless, unfixt in principles and place;
- In pow'r unpleas'd, impatient of disgrace.
- A fiery soul, which working out its way,
- Fretted the pigmy-body to decay:
- And o'er inform'd the tenement of clay.
- A daring pilot in extremity;
- Pleas'd with the danger, when the waves went high
- He sought the storms; but for a calm unfit,
- Would steer too nigh the sands, to boast his wit.
- Great wits are sure to madness near alli'd;
- And thin partitions do their bounds divide:
- Else, why should he, with wealth and honour blest,
- Refuse his age the needful hours of rest?
- Punish a body which he could not please;
- Bankrupt of life, yet prodigal of ease?
- And all to leave, what with his toil he won
- To that unfeather'd, two-legg'd thing, a son:
- Got, while his soul did huddled notions try;
- And born a shapeless lump, like anarchy.
- In friendship false, implacable in hate:
- Resolv'd to ruin or to rule the state.
- To compass this, the triple bond he broke;
- The pillars of the public safety shook:
- And fitted Israel for a foreign yoke.
- Then, seiz'd with fear, yet still affecting fame,
- Usurp'd a patriot's all-atoning name.
- So easy still it proves in factious times,
- With public zeal to cancel private crimes:
- How safe is treason, and how sacred ill,
- Where none can sin against the people's will:
- Where crowds can wink; and no offence be known,
- Since in another's guilt they find their own.
- Yet, fame deserv'd, no enemy can grudge;
- The statesman we abhor, but praise the judge.
- In Jewish courts ne'er sat an Abbethdin
- With more discerning eyes, or hands more clean:
- Unbrib'd, unsought, the wretched to redress;
- Swift of dispatch, and easy of access.
- Oh, had he been content to serve the crown,
- With virtues only proper to the gown;
- Or, had the rankness of the soil been freed
- From cockle, that opprest the noble seed:
- David, for him his tuneful harp had strung,
- And heav'n had wanted one immortal song.
- But wild ambition loves to slide, not stand;
- And fortune's ice prefers to virtue's land:
- Achitophel, grown weary to possess
- A lawful fame, and lazy happiness;
- Disdain'd the golden fruit to gather free,
- And lent the crowd his arm to shake the tree.
- Now, manifest of crimes, contriv'd long since,
- He stood at bold defiance with his prince:
- Held up the buckler of the people's cause,
- Against the crown; and skulk'd behind the laws.
- The wish'd occasion of the plot he takes;
- Some circumstances finds, but more he makes.
- By buzzing emissaries, fills the ears
- Of list'ning crowds, with jealousies and fears
- Of arbitrary counsels brought to light,
- And proves the king himself a Jebusite.
- Weak arguments! which yet he knew full well,
- Were strong with people easy to rebel.
- For, govern'd by the moon, the giddy Jews
- Tread the same track when she the prime renews:
- And once in twenty years, their scribes record,
- By natural instinct they change their lord.
- Achitophel still wants a chief, and none
- Was found so fit as warlike Absalom:
- Not, that he wish'd his greatness to create,
- (For politicians neither love nor hate:)
- But, for he knew, his title not allow'd,
- Would keep him still depending on the crowd:
- That kingly pow'r, thus ebbing out, might be
- Drawn to the dregs of a democracy.
- Him he attempts, with studied arts to please,
- And sheds his venom, in such words as these.
- Auspicious Prince! at whose nativity
- Some royal planet rul'd the southern sky;
- Thy longing country's darling and desire;
- Their cloudy pillar, and their guardian fire:
- Their second Moses, whose extended wand
- Divides the seas, and shows the promis'd land:
- Whose dawning day, in very distant age,
- Has exercis'd the sacred prophet's rage:
- The people's pray'r, the glad diviner's theme,
- The young men's vision, and the old men's dream!
- Thee, Saviour, thee, the nation's vows confess;
- And, never satisfi'd with seeing, bless:
- Swift, unbespoken pomps, thy steps proclaim,
- And stammering babes are taught to lisp thy name.
- How long wilt thou the general joy detain;
- Starve, and defraud the people of thy reign?
- Content ingloriously to pass thy days
- Like one of virtue's fools that feeds on praise;
- Till thy fresh glories, which now shine so bright,
- Grow stale and tarnish with our daily sight.
- Believe me, royal youth, thy fruit must be,
- Or gather'd ripe, or rot upon the tree.
- Heav'n has to all allotted, soon or late,
- Some lucky revolution of their fate:
- Whose motions if we watch and guide with skill,
- (For human good depends on human will,)
- Our fortune rolls, as from a smooth descent,
- And, from the first impression, takes the bent:
- But, if unseiz'd, she glides away like wind;
- And leaves repenting folly far behind.
- Now, now she meets you, with a glorious prize,
- And spreads her locks before her as she flies.
- Had thus Old David, from whose loins you spring,
- Not dar'd, when fortune call'd him, to be king.
- At Gath an exile he might still remain;
- And Heaven's anointing oil had been in vain.
- Let his successful youth your hopes engage;
- But shun th'example of declining age:
- Behold him setting in his western skies,
- The shadows lengthening as the vapours rise.
- He is not now, as when on Jordan's sand
- The joyful people throng'd to see him land,
- Cov'ring the beach, and black'ning all the strand:
- But, like the Prince of Angels from his height,
- Comes tumbling downward with diminish'd light:
- Betray'd by one poor plot to public scorn:
- (Our only blessing since his curst return:)
- Those heaps of people which one sheaf did bind,
- Blown off, and scatter'd by a puff of wind.
- What strength can he to your designs oppose,
- Naked of friends and round beset with foes?
- If Pharaoh's doubtful succour he should use,
- A foreign aid would more incense the Jews:
- Proud Egypt would dissembled friendship bring;
- Foment the war, but not support the king:
- Nor would the royal party e'er unite
- With Pharaoh's arms, t'assist the Jebusite;
- Or if they should, their interest soon would break,
- And with such odious aid, make David weak.
- All sorts of men, by my successful arts,
- Abhorring kings, estrange their alter'd hearts
- From David's rule: And 'tis the general Cry,
- Religion, Common-wealth, and Liberty.
- If, you, as champion of the public good,
- Add to their arms a chief of royal blood;
- What may not Israel hope, and what applause
- Might such a general gain by such a cause?
- Not barren praise alone, that gaudy flow'r,
- Fair only to the sight, but solid pow'r:
- And nobler is a limited command,
- Giv'n by the love of all your native land,
- Than a successive title, long, and dark,
- Drawn from the mouldy rolls of Noah's Ark.
- What cannot praise effect in mighty minds,
- When flattery soothes, and when ambition blinds!
- Desire of pow'r, on earth a vicious weed,
- Yet, sprung from high, is of celestial seed:
- In God 'tis glory: And when men aspire,
- 'Tis but a spark too much of heavenly fire.
- Th' ambitious youth, too covetous of fame,
- Too full of angel's metal in his frame;
- Unwarily was led from virtue's ways;
- Made drunk with honour, and debauch'd with praise.
- Half loath, and half consenting to the ill,
- (For loyal blood within him struggled still)
- He thus repli'd.—And what pretence have I
- To take up arms for public liberty?
- My Father governs with unquestion'd right;
- The Faith's defender, and mankind's delight:
- Good, gracious, just, observant of the laws;
- And Heav'n by wonders has espous'd his cause.
- Whom has he wrong'd in all his peaceful reign?
- Who sues for justice to his throne in vain?
- What millions has he pardon'd of his foes,
- Whom just revenge did to his wrath expose?
- Mild, easy, humble, studious of our good;
- Inclin'd to mercy, and averse from blood.
- If mildness ill with stubborn Israel suit,
- His crime is God's beloved attribute.
- What could he gain, his people to betray,
- Or change his right, for arbitrary sway?
- Let haughty Pharaoh curse with such a reign,
- His fruitful Nile, and yoke a servile train.
- If David's rule Jerusalem displease,
- The Dog-star heats their brains to this disease.
- Why then should I, encouraging the bad,
- Turn rebel, and run popularly mad?
- Were he a tyrant who, by lawless might,
- Oppress'd the Jews, and rais'd the Jebusite,
- Well might I mourn; but nature's holy bands
- Would curb my spirits, and restrain my hands:
- The people might assert their liberty;
- But what was right in them, were crime in me.
- His favour leaves me nothing to require;
- Prevents my wishes, and out-runs desire.
- What more can I expect while David lives?
- All but his kingly diadem he gives:
- And that: but there he paus'd; then sighing, said,
- Is justly destin'd for a worthier head.
- For when my father from his toils shall rest,
- And late augment the number of the blest:
- His lawful issue shall the throne ascend;
- Or the collat'ral line where that shall end.
- His brother, though oppress'd with vulgar spite,
- Yet dauntless and secure of native right,
- Of every royal virtue stands possess'd;
- Still dear to all the bravest, and the best.
- His courage foes, his friends his truth proclaim;
- His loyalty the king, the world his fame.
- His mercy ev'n th'offending crowd will find:
- For sure he comes of a forgiving kind.
- Why should I then repine at Heaven's decree;
- Which gives me no pretence to royalty?
- Yet oh that Fate, propitiously inclin'd,
- Had rais'd my birth, or had debas'd my mind;
- To my large soul, not all her treasure lent,
- And then betray'd it to a mean descent.
- I find, I find my mounting spirits bold,
- And David's part disdains my mother's mold.
- Why am I scanted by a niggard-birth?
- My soul disclaims the kindred of her earth:
- And made for empire, whispers me within;
- Desire of greatness is a god-like sin.
- Him staggering so when Hell's dire agent found,
- While fainting virtue scarce maintain'd her ground,
- He pours fresh forces in, and thus replies:
- Th'eternal God, supremely good and wise,
- Imparts not these prodigious gifts in vain;
- What wonders are reserv'd to bless your reign?
- Against your will your arguments have shown,
- Such virtue's only giv'n to guide a throne.
- Not that your father's mildness I contemn;
- But manly force becomes the diadem.
- 'Tis true, he grants the people all they crave;
- And more perhaps than subjects ought to have:
- For lavish grants suppose a monarch tame,
- And more his goodness than his wit proclaim.
- But when should people strive their bonds to break,
- If not when kings are negligent or weak?
- Let him give on till he can give no more,
- The thrifty Sanhedrin shall keep him poor:
- And every shekel which he can receive,
- Shall cost a limb of his prerogative.
- To ply him with new plots, shall be my care;
- Or plunge him deep in some expensive war;
- Which, when his treasure can no more supply,
- He must, with the remains of kingship, buy.
- His faithful friends, our jealousies and fears
- Call Jebusites; and Pharaoh's pensioners:
- Whom, when our fury from his aid has torn,
- He shall be naked left to public scorn.
- The next successor, whom I fear and hate,
- My arts have made obnoxious to the state;
- Turn'd all his virtues to his overthrow,
- And gain'd our elders to pronounce a foe.
- His right, for sums of necessary gold,
- Shall first be pawn'd, and afterwards be sold:
- Till time shall ever-wanting David draw,
- To pass your doubtful title into law:
- If not; the people have a right supreme
- To make their kings; for kings are made for them.
- All empire is no more than pow'r in trust:
- Which when resum'd, can be no longer just.
- Succession, for the general good design'd,
- In its own wrong a nation cannot bind:
- If altering that, the people can relieve,
- Better one suffer, than a nation grieve.
- The Jews well know their pow'r: ere Saul they chose,
- God was their king, and God they durst depose.
- Urge now your piety, your filial name,
- A father's right, and fear of future fame;
- The public good, the universal call,
- To which even Heav'n submitted, answers all.
- Nor let his love enchant your generous mind;
- 'Tis Nature's trick to propagate her kind.
- Our fond begetters, who would never die,
- Love but themselves in their posterity.
- Or let his kindness by th'effects be tri'd,
- Or let him lay his vain pretence aside.
- God said he lov'd your father; could he bring
- A better proof, than to anoint him king?
- It surely show'd he lov'd the shepherd well,
- Who gave so fair a flock as Israel.
- Would David have you thought his darling son?
- What means he then, to alienate the crown?
- The name of godly he may blush to bear:
- 'Tis after God's own heart to cheat his heir.
- He to his brother gives supreme command;
- To you a legacy of barren land:
- Perhaps th'old harp, on which he thrums his lays:
- Or some dull Hebrew ballad in your praise.
- Then the next heir, a prince, severe and wise
- Already looks on you with jealous eyes;
- Sees through the thin disguises of your arts,
- And marks your progress in the people's hearts.
- Though now his mighty soul in grief contains,
- He meditates revenge who least complains;
- And like a lion, slumb'ring in the way,
- Or sleep-dissembling, while he waits his prey,
- His fearless foes within his distance draws;
- Constrains his roaring and contracts his paws:
- Till at the last, his time for fury found,
- He shoots with sudden vengeance from the ground:
- The prostrate vulgar, passes o'er, and spares;
- But with a lordly rage, his hunters tears.
- Your case no tame expedients will afford;
- Resolve on death, or conquest by the sword,
- Which for no less a stake than life, you draw;
- And self-defence is Nature's eldest law.
- Leave the warm people no considering time;
- For then rebellion may be thought a crime.
- Prevail yourself of what occasion gives,
- But try your title while your father lives:
- And that your arms may have a fair pretence,
- Proclaim, you take them in the king's defence:
- Whose sacred life each minute would expose
- To plots from seeming friends and secret foes.
- And who can sound the depth of David's soul?
- Perhaps his fear, his kindness may control.
- He fears his brother, though he loves his son,
- For plighted vows too late to be undone.
- If so, by force he wishes to be gain'd;
- Like women's lechery, to seem constrain'd:
- Doubt not; but when he most affects the frown,
- Commit a pleasing rape upon the crown.
- Secure his person to secure your cause;
- They who possess the prince, possess the laws.
- He said, and this advice above the rest
- With Absalom's mild nature suited best;
- Unblam'd of life, (ambition set aside,)
- Not stain'd with cruelty, nor puff'd with pride.
- How happy had he been, if destiny
- Had higher plac'd his birth, or not so high!
- His kingly virtues might have claim'd a throne;
- And blest all other countries but his own:
- But charming greatness since so few refuse,
- 'Tis juster to lament him, than accuse.
- Strong were his hopes a rival to remove,
- With blandishments to gain the public love;
- To head the faction while their zeal was hot,
- And popularly prosecute the plot.
- To farther this Achitophel unites
- The malcontents of all the Israelites:
- Whose differing parties he could wisely join,
- For several ends, to serve the same design.
- The best, and of the princes some were such,
- Who thought the pow'r of monarchy too much:
- Mistaken men, and patriots in their hearts;
- Not wicked, but seduc'd by impious arts.
- By these the springs of property were bent,
- And wound so high, they crack'd the government.
- The next for interest sought t'embroil the state,
- To sell their duty at a dearer rate;
- And make their Jewish markets of the throne;
- Pretending public good, to serve their own.
- Others thought kings an useless heavy load,
- Who cost too much, and did too little good.
- These were for laying honest David by,
- On principles of pure good husbandry.
- With them join'd all th'haranguers of the throng,
- That thought to get preferment by the tongue.
- Who follow next, a double danger bring,
- Not only hating David, but the king;
- The Solymaean rout; well vers'd of old
- In godly faction, and in treason bold;
- Cow'ring and quaking at a conqu'ror's sword,
- But lofty to a lawful prince restor'd;
- Saw with disdain an Ethnic plot begun,
- And scorn'd by Jebusites to be out-done.
- Hot Levites headed these; who pull'd before
- From th'Ark, which in the Judges' days they bore,
- Resum'd their Cant, and with a zealous cry,
- Pursu'd their old belov'd Theocracy.
- Where Sanhedrin and Priest enslav'd the nation,
- And justifi'd their spoils by inspiration:
- For who so fit for reign as Aaron's race,
- If once dominion they could found in Grace?
- These led the pack; though not of surest scent,
- Yet deepest mouth'd against the government.
- A numerous host of dreaming saints succeed;
- Of the true old enthusiastic breed:
- 'Gainst form and order they their pow'r employ;
- Nothing to build, and all things to destroy.
- But far more numerous was the herd of such,
- Who think too little, and who talk too much.
- These, out of mere instinct, they knew not why,
- Ador'd their father's God, and property:
- And by the same blind benefit of fate,
- The Devil and the Jebusite did hate:
- Born to be saved even in their own despite;
- Because they could not help believing right.
- Such were the tools; but a whole Hydra more
- Remains, of sprouting heads too long, to score.
- Some of their chiefs were princes of the land:
- In the first rank of these did Zimri stand:
- A man so various, that he seem'd to be
- Not one, but all Mankind's Epitome.
- Stiff in opinions, always in the wrong;
- Was everything by starts, and nothing long:
- But in the course of one revolving moon,
- Was chemist, fiddler, statesman, and buffoon:
- Then all for women, painting, rhyming, drinking;
- Besides ten thousand freaks that died in thinking.
- Blest madman, who could every hour employ,
- With something new to wish, or to enjoy!
- Railing and praising were his usual themes;
- And both (to show his judgment) in extremes:
- So over violent, or over civil,
- That every man, with him, was god or devil.
- In squandering wealth was his peculiar art:
- Nothing went unrewarded, but desert.
- Beggar'd by fools, whom still he found too late:
- He had his jest, and they had his estate.
- He laugh'd himself from court; then sought relief
- By forming parties, but could ne'er be chief:
- For, spite of him, the weight of business fell
- On Absalom and wise Achitophel:
- Thus, wicked but in will, of means bereft,
- He left not faction, but of that was left.
- Titles and names 'twere tedious to rehearse
- Of lords, below the dignity of verse.
- Wits, warriors, commonwealths-men, were the best:
- Kind husbands and mere nobles all the rest.
- And, therefore in the name of dullness, be
- The well-hung Balaam and cold Caleb free.
- And canting Nadab let oblivion damn,
- Who made new porridge for the Paschal Lamb.
- Let friendship's holy band some names assure:
- Some their own worth, and some let scorn secure.
- Nor shall the rascal rabble here have place,
- Whom kings no titles gave, and God no grace:
- Not bull-faced Jonas, who could statutes draw
- To mean rebellion, and make treason law.
- But he, though bad, is follow'd by a worse,
- The wretch, who Heav'n's Anointed dar'd to curse.
- Shimei, whose youth did early promise bring
- Of zeal to God, and hatred to his king;
- Did wisely from expensive sins refrain,
- And never broke the Sabbath, but for gain:
- Nor ever was he known an oath to vent,
- Or curse, unless against the government.
- Thus, heaping wealth, by the most ready way
- Among the Jews, which was to cheat and pray;
- The city, to reward his pious hate
- Against his master, chose him magistrate:
- His hand a vare of justice did uphold;
- His neck was loaded with a chain of gold.
- During his office, treason was no crime.
- The sons of Belial had a glorious time:
- For Shimei, though not prodigal of pelf,
- Yet lov'd his wicked neighbour as himself:
- When two or three were gather'd to declaim
- Against the monarch of Jerusalem,
- Shimei was always in the midst of them.
- And, if they curst the king when he was by,
- Would rather curse, than break good company.
- If any durst his factious friends accuse,
- He pack'd a jury of dissenting Jews:
- Whose fellow-feeling, in the godly cause,
- Would free the suff'ring saint from human laws.
- For laws are only made to punish those
- Who serve the king, and to protect his foes.
- If any leisure time he had from pow'r,
- (Because 'tis sin to mis-employ an hour;)
- His bus'ness was, by writing, to persuade,
- That kings were useless, and a clog to trade:
- And, that his noble style he might refine,
- No Rechabite more shunn'd the fumes of wine.
- Chaste were his cellars; and his shrieval board
- The grossness of a city feast abhorr'd:
- His cooks, with long disuse, their trade forgot;
- Cool was his kitchen, though his brains were hot.
- Such frugal virtue malice may accuse;
- But sure 'twas necessary to the Jews:
- For towns once burnt, such magistrates require
- As dare not tempt God's providence by fire.
- With spiritual food he fed his servants well,
- But free from flesh, that made the Jews rebel:
- And Moses' laws he held in more account
- For forty days of fasting in the mount.
- To speak the rest, who better are forgot,
- Would tire a well-breath'd witness of the plot:
- Yet, Corah, thou shalt from oblivion pass;
- Erect thyself thou monumental brass:
- High as the serpent of thy metal made,
- While nations stand secure beneath thy shade.
- What though his birth were base, yet comets rise
- From earthy vapours e'er they shine in skies.
- Prodigious actions may as well be done
- By weaver's issue, as by prince's son.
- This arch-attestor, for the public good,
- By that one deed ennobles all his blood.
- Who ever ask'd the witnesses' high race,
- Whose oath with martyrdom did Stephen grace?
- Ours was a Levite, and as times went then,
- His tribe were God-almighty's gentlemen.
- Sunk were his eyes, his voice was harsh and loud,
- Sure signs he neither choleric was, nor proud:
- His long chin prov'd his wit; his saint-like grace
- A church vermilion, and a Moses' face.
- His memory, miraculously great,
- Could plots exceeding man's belief, repeat;
- Which therefore cannot be accounted lies,
- For human wit could never such devise.
- Some future truths are mingled in his book;
- But, where the witness fail'd, the Prophet spoke:
- Some things like visionary flights appear;
- The spirit caught him up, the Lord knows where:
- And gave him his rabbinical degree,
- Unknown to foreign university.
- His judgment yet his mem'ry did excel:
- Which piec'd his wondrous evidence so well:
- And suited to the temper of the times;
- Then groaning under Jebusitic crimes.
- Let Israel's foes suspect his Heav'nly call,
- And rashly judge his writ apocryphal;
- Our laws for such affronts have forfeits made:
- He takes his life, who takes away his trade.
- Were I myself in witness Corah's place,
- The wretch who did me such a dire disgrace,
- Should whet my memory, though once forgot,
- To make him an appendix of my plot.
- His zeal to Heav'n made him his prince despise,
- And load his person with indignities:
- But Zeal peculiar privilege affords,
- Indulging latitude to deeds and words.
- And Corah might for Agag's murther call,
- In terms as coarse as Samuel us'd to Saul.
- What others in his evidence did join,
- (The best that could be had for love or coin,)
- In Corah's own predicament will fall:
- For Witness is a common name to all.
- Surrounded thus with friends of every sort,
- Deluded Absalom forsakes the court:
- Impatient of high hopes, urg'd with renown,
- And fir'd with near possession of a crown:
- Th' admiring crowd are dazzled with surprise,
- And on his goodly person feed their eyes:
- His joy conceal'd, he sets himself to show;
- On each side bowing popularly low:
- His looks, his gestures, and his words he frames,
- And with familiar ease repeats their names.
- Thus, form'd by Nature, furnish'd out with arts,
- He glides unfelt into their secret hearts:
- Then, with a kind compassionating look,
- And sighs, bespeaking pity e'er he spoke:
- Few words he said; but easy those and fit:
- More slow than Hybla drops, and far more sweet.
- I mourn, my country-men, your lost estate;
- Though far unable to prevent your fate:
- Behold a banish'd man, for your dear cause
- Expos'd a prey to arbitrary laws!
- Yet oh! that I alone could be undone,
- Cut off from empire, and no more a son!
- Now all your liberties a spoil are made;
- Egypt and Tyrus intercept your trade,
- And Jebusites your sacred rites invade.
- My father, whom with reverence yet I name,
- Charm'd into ease, is careless of his fame:
- And, brib'd with petty sums of foreign gold,
- Is grown in Bathsheba's embraces old:
- Exalts his enemies, his friends destroys:
- And all his pow'r against himself employs.
- He gives, and let him give my right away:
- But why should he his own, and yours betray?
- He, only he can make the nation bleed,
- And he alone from my revenge is freed.
- Take then my tears (with that he wip'd his eyes)
- 'Tis all the aid my present pow'r supplies:
- No court-informer can these arms accuse;
- These arms may sons against their fathers use;
- And, 'tis my wish, the next successor's reign
- May make no other Israelite complain.
- Youth, beauty, graceful action, seldom fail:
- But common interest always will prevail:
- And pity never ceases to be shown
- To him, who makes the people's wrongs his own.
- The crowd, (that still believe their kings oppress,)
- With lifted hands their young Messiah bless:
- Who now begins his progress to ordain;
- With chariots, horsemen, and a num'rous train:
- From East to West his glories he displays:
- And, like the sun, the Promis'd Land surveys.
- Fame runs before him, as the Morning-Star;
- And shouts of joy salute him from afar:
- Each house receives him as a guardian God;
- And consecrates the place of his abode:
- But hospitable treats did most commend
- Wise Issachar, his wealthy western friend.
- This moving court, that caught the people's eyes,
- And seem'd but pomp, did other ends disguise:
- Achitophel had form'd it, with intent
- To sound the depths, and fathom where it went,
- The people's hearts; distinguish friends from foes;
- And try their strength, before they came to blows.
- Yet all was colour'd with a smooth pretence
- Of specious love, and duty to their prince.
- Religion, and redress of grievances,
- Two names, that always cheat and always please,
- Are often urg'd; and good King David's life
- Endanger'd by a brother and a wife.
- Thus, in a pageant show, a plot is made;
- And peace itself is war in masquerade.
- Oh foolish Israel! never warn'd by ill:
- Still the same bait, and circumvented still!
- Did ever men forsake their present ease,
- In midst of health imagine a disease;
- Take pains contingent mischiefs to foresee,
- Make heirs for monarchs, and for God decree?
- What shall we think! Can people give away
- Both for themselves and sons, their native sway?
- Then they are left defenceless to the sword
- Of each unbounded arbitrary lord:
- And laws are vain, by which we right enjoy,
- If kings unquestion'd can those laws destroy.
- Yet, if the crowd be judge of fit and just,
- And kings are only officers in trust,
- Then this resuming cov'nant was declar'd
- When Kings were made, or is for ever bar'd:
- If those who gave the sceptre could not tie
- By their own deed their own posterity,
- How then could Adam bind his future race?
- How could his forfeit on mankind take place?
- Or how could heavenly justice damn us all,
- Who ne'er consented to our father's fall?
- Then kings are slaves to those whom they command,
- And tenants to their people's pleasure stand.
- Add, that the pow'r for property allow'd,
- Is mischievously seated in the crowd:
- For who can be secure of private right,
- If sovereign sway may be dissolv'd by might?
- Nor is the people's judgment always true:
- The most may err as grossly as the few.
- And faultless kings run down, by common cry,
- For vice, oppression and for tyranny.
- What standard is there in a fickle rout,
- Which, flowing to the mark, runs faster out?
- Nor only crowds, but Sanhedrins may be
- Infected with this public lunacy:
- And share the madness of rebellious times,
- To murther monarchs for imagin'd crimes.
- If they may give and take whene'er they please,
- Not kings alone, (the godhead's images,)
- But government itself at length must fall
- To nature's state, where all have right to all.
- Yet, grant our lords the people kings can make,
- What prudent men a settled throne would shake?
- For whatsoe'er their sufferings were before,
- That change they covet makes them suffer more.
- All other errors but disturb a state;
- But innovation is the blow of fate.
- If ancient fabrics nod, and threat to fall,
- To patch the flaws, and buttress up the wall,
- Thus far 'tis duty; but here fix the mark:
- For all beyond it is to touch our Ark.
- To change foundations, cast the frame anew,
- Is work for rebels who base ends pursue:
- At once divine and human laws control;
- And mend the parts by ruin of the whole.
- The tamp'ring world is subject to this curse,
- To physic their disease into a worse.
- Now what relief can righteous David bring?
- How fatal 'tis to be too good a king!
- Friends he has few, so high the madness grows;
- Who dare be such, must be the people's foes:
- Yet some there were, ev'n in the worst of days;
- Some let me name, and naming is to praise.
- In this short file Barzillai first appears;
- Barzillai crown'd with honour and with years:
- Long since, the rising rebels he withstood
- In regions waste, beyond the Jordan's flood:
- Unfortunately brave to buoy the state;
- But sinking underneath his master's fate:
- In exile with his god-like prince he mourn'd:
- For him he suffer'd, and with him return'd.
- The court he practis'd, not the courtier's art:
- Large was his wealth, but larger was his heart:
- Which well the noblest objects knew to choose,
- The fighting warrior, and recording Muse.
- His bed could once a fruitful issue boast:
- Now more than half a father's name is lost.
- His eldest hope, with every grace adorn'd,
- By me (so Heav'n will have it) always mourn'd,
- And always honour'd, snatch'd in manhood's prime
- B' unequal Fates, and Providence's crime:
- Yet not before the goal of honour won,
- All parts fulfill'd, of subject and of son;
- Swift was the race, but short the time to run.
- Oh narrow circle, but of pow'r divine,
- Scanted in space, but perfect in thy line!
- By sea, by land, thy matchless worth was known;
- Arms thy delight, and war was all thy own:
- Thy force infus'd, the fainting Tyrians propp'd:
- And haughty Pharaoh found his fortune stopp'd.
- Oh ancient honour, Oh unconquer'd Hand,
- Whom foes unpunish'd never could withstand!
- But Israel was unworthy of thy name:
- Short is the date of all immoderate fame.
- It looks as Heav'n our ruin had design'd,
- And durst not trust thy fortune and thy mind.
- Now, free from earth, thy disencumber'd Soul
- Mounts up, and leaves behind the clouds and starry pole:
- From thence thy kindred legions may'st thou bring,
- To aid the Guardian Angel of thy king.
- Here stop my Muse, here cease thy painful flight;
- No pinions can pursue immortal height:
- Tell good Barzillai thou canst sing no more,
- And tell thy soul she should have fled before;
- Or fled she with his life, and left this verse
- To hang on her departed patron's hearse?
- Now take thy steepy flight from Heav'n, and see
- If thou canst find on earth another he;
- Another he would be too hard to find,
- See then whom thou canst see not far behind.
- Zadoc the priest whom, shunning, pow'r and place,
- His lowly mind advanc'd to David's grace:
- With him the Sagan of Jerusalem,
- Of hospitable soul and noble stem;
- Him of the western dome, whose weighty sense
- Flows in fit words and heavenly eloquence.
- The Prophet's sons by such example led,
- To learning and to loyalty were bred:
- For colleges on bounteous kings depend,
- And never rebel was to arts a friend.
- To these succeed the pillars of the laws,
- Who best could plead, and best can judge a cause.
- Next them a train of loyal peers ascend:
- Sharp judging Adriel, the Muse's friend,
- Himself a Muse:—in Sanhedrin's debate
- True to his prince; but not a slave of state.
- Whom David's love with honours did adorn,
- That from his disobedient son were torn.
- Jotham of piercing wit and pregnant thought,
- Endow'd by Nature, and by learning taught
- To move assemblies, who but only tri'd
- The worse awhile, then chose the better side;
- Nor chose alone, but turn'd the balance too;
- So much the weight of one brave man can do.
- Hushai, the friend of David in distress,
- In public storms of manly steadfastness;
- By foreign treaties he inform'd his youth;
- And join'd experience to his native truth.
- His frugal care suppli'd the wanting throne;
- Frugal for that, but bounteous of his own:
- 'Tis easy conduct when exchequers flow;
- But hard the task to manage well the low:
- For sovereign power is too depress'd or high,
- When kings are forc'd to sell, or crowds to buy.
- Indulge one labour more, my weary Muse,
- For Amiel, who can Amiel's praise refuse?
- Of ancient race by birth, but nobler yet
- In his own worth, and without title great:
- The Sanhedrin long time as chief he rul'd,
- Their reason guided, and their passion cool'd;
- So dext'rous was he in the crown's defence,
- So form'd to speak a loyal nation's sense,
- That as their band was Israel's tribes in small,
- So fit was he to represent them all.
- Now rasher charioteers the seat ascend,
- Whose loose careers his steady skill commend:
- They, like th'unequal ruler of the day,
- Misguide the seasons and mistake the way;
- While he withdrawn at their mad labour smiles,
- And safe enjoys the sabbath of his toils.
- These were the chief; a small but faithful band
- Of worthies, in the breach who dar'd to stand,
- And tempt th'united fury of the land.
- With grief they view'd such powerful engines bent,
- To batter down the lawful government.
- A numerous faction with pretended frights,
- In Sanhedrins to plume the regal rights.
- The true successor from the court remov'd:
- The plot, by hireling witnesses, improv'd.
- These ills they saw, and as their duty bound,
- They show'd the king the danger of the wound:
- That no concessions from the throne would please;
- But lenitives fomented the disease:
- That Absalom, ambitious of the crown,
- Was made the lure to draw the people down:
- That false Achitophel's pernicious hate,
- Had turn'd the plot to ruin church and state:
- The Council violent, the rabble worse:
- That Shimei taught Jerusalem to curse.
- With all these loads of injuries opprest,
- And long revolving in his careful breast
- Th'event of things; at last his patience tir'd,
- Thus from his royal throne, by Heav'n inspir'd,
- The god-like David spoke; and awful fear
- His train their Maker in their Master hear.
- Thus long have I by native mercy sway'd,
- My wrongs dissembl'd, my revenge delay'd:
- So willing to forgive th'offending age;
- So much the father did the king assuage.
- But now so far my clemency they slight,
- Th' offenders question my forgiving right.
- That one was made for many, they contend:
- But 'tis to rule, for that's a monarch's end.
- They call my tenderness of blood, my fear:
- Though manly tempers can the longest bear.
- Yet, since they will divert my native course,
- 'Tis time to shew I am not good by force.
- Those heap'd affronts that haughty subjects bring,
- Are burdens for a camel, not a king:
- Kings are the public pillars of the state,
- Born to sustain and prop the nation's weight:
- If my young Sampson will pretend a call
- To shake the column, let him share the fall:
- But oh that yet he would repent and live!
- How easy 'tis for parents to forgive!
- With how few tears a pardon might be won
- From Nature, pleading for a darling son!
- Poor pitied youth, by my paternal care,
- Rais'd up to all the heights his frame could bear:
- Had God ordain'd his fate for empire born,
- He would have giv'n his soul another turn:
- Gull'd with a patriot's name, whose modern sense
- Is one that would by law supplant his prince:
- The people's brave, the politician's tool;
- Never was patriot yet, but was a fool.
- Whence comes it that religion and the laws
- Should more be Absalom's than David's cause?
- His old instructor, e'er he lost his place,
- Was never thought endued with so much grace.
- Good heav'ns, how faction can a patriot paint!
- My rebel ever proves my people's saint;
- Would they impose an heir upon the throne?
- Let Sanhedrins be taught to give their own.
- A king's at least a part of government;
- And mine as requisite as their consent:
- Without my leave a future king to choose,
- Infers a right the present to depose;
- True, they petition me t'approve their choice:
- But Esau's hands suit ill with Jacob's voice.
- My pious subjects for my safety pray,
- Which to secure they take my pow'r away.
- From plots and treasons Heav'n preserve my years
- But save me most from my petitioners.
- Unsatiate as the barren womb or grave;
- God cannot grant so much as they can crave.
- What then is left but with a jealous eye
- To guard the small remains of royalty?
- The law shall still direct my peaceful sway,
- And the same law teach rebels to obey:
- Votes shall no more establish'd pow'r control,
- Such votes as make a part exceed the whole:
- No groundless clamours shall my friends remove,
- Nor crowds have pow'r to punish ere they prove:
- For gods, and god-like kings their care express,
- Still to defend their servants in distress.
- Oh that my pow'r to saving were confin'd:
- Why am I forc'd, like Heav'n, against my mind,
- To make examples of another kind?
- Must I at length the sword of justice draw?
- Oh curst effects of necessary law!
- How ill my fear they by my mercy scan,
- Beware the fury of a patient man.
- Law they require, let law then show her face;
- They could not be content to look on grace,
- Her hinder parts, but with a daring eye
- To tempt the terror of her front, and die.
- By their own arts 'tis righteously decreed,
- Those dire artificers of death shall bleed.
- Against themselves their witnesses will swear,
- Till viper-like their mother plot they tear:
- And suck for nutriment that bloody gore
- Which was their principle of life before.
- Their Belial with the Belzebub will fight;
- Thus on my foes, my foes shall do me right:
- Nor doubt th'event: for factious crowds engage
- In their first onset, all their brutal rage;
- Then, let 'em take an unresisted course:
- Retire and traverse, and delude their force:
- But when they stand all breathless, urge the fight,
- And rise upon 'em with redoubled might:
- For lawful pow'r is still superior found,
- When long driv'n back, at length it stands the ground.
- He said. Th' Almighty, nodding, gave consent;
- And peals of thunder shook the firmament.
- Henceforth a series of new time began,
- The mighty years in long procession ran:
- Once more the god-like David was restor'd,
- And willing nations knew their lawful lord.
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