- Anne Askew, intituled, I am a vvoman poor and blind
- 1670
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- Anne Askew, intituled, I am a vvoman poor and blind
- 1 broadside.
- s.n.,
- [London :
- 167-?]
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- eng
- Askew, Anne, 1521-1546.
- Ballads, English.
- 2008-06
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- Anne Askew, intituled, I am a VVoman Poor and Blind.
- I Am a woman poor and blind,
- and little knowledge remains in me;
- Long have I ſought, but fain would I find,
- what herb in my Garden were beſt to be.
- A garden I have which is unknown,
- which God of his goodneſs gave to me,
- I mean my body, where I ſhould have ſown,
- the ſeed of Chriſts true verity.
- My ſpirit within me is vered ſore;
- my ſpirit ſtriveth againſt the ſame:
- My ſorrows do encreaſe daily more and more,
- my conſcience ſuffereth moſt bitter pain.
- I with my ſelf being thus at ſtrife,
- would fain have been at reſt:
- Muſing and ſtudying in mortal life,
- what things I might do to pleaſe God beſt.
- With whole intent and one accord,
- unto a Gardiner that I did know;
- I went and deſired him for the love of the Lord
- true ſeeds in my garden for to ſow.
- Then this proud Gardiner ſeeing me ſo blind,
- he thought on me to work his will,
- And flattered me with words ſo kind,
- to have me continue in blindneſs ſtill.
- He fed me then with lies and mocks,
- for venial ſins he bad me go:
- To give my money to ſtones and ſtocks,
- which was ſtark lies and nothing ſo.
- With ſtinking meat then was I fed,
- for to keep me from my ſalvation:
- I had Trentals of Maſs, and Balls of Lead,
- not one word ſpoke of Chriſts paſſion.
- In me was ſown all kind of fained ſeed,
- with Popiſh Ceremonies many a one:
- Maſſes of Requiem, with other juggling deeds
- ſtill Gods ſpirit out of my garden was gone.
- Then was I commanded moſt ſtrictly,
- if of my ſalvation I would be ſure,
- To build ſome Chappel or ſome Chauntry,
- to be pray'd for whilſt the world doth endure.
- Beware of a new learning (ſaith he) it is lies,
- which is the thing I moſt abhor:
- Meddle not with it in any manner of wiſe,
- but do as your fathers have done before.
- My truſt I did put in the devils works,
- thinking them ſuff
- •
- cient my ſoul to ſave:
- Being worſe then either Jews or Turks,
- thus Chriſt of his merits I did deprave.
- I might liken my ſelf with a woful heart,
- unto the dumb man in Luke the eleven:
- From whence Chriſt cauſed the devil to depart
- but ſhortly after he took the other ſeven.
- My time thus good Lord ſo quickly I ſpent,
- alas ſhall I dye the ſooner therefore?
- O Lord I find it written in thy Teſtament,
- that thou haſt mercy enough in ſtore.
- For ſuch ſinners as the Scripture ſaith,
- that will gladly repent and follow thy word,
- Which I will not deny whilſt I have breath,
- for priſon, fire, faggot, nor fierce ſword.
- ſtrengthen me good Lord in thy truth to ſtand,
- for the bloody butchers have me at their will,
- With their ſlaughter-knives ready drawn in their hand,
- my ſimple carcaſs to devour and kill.
- O Lord forgive me mine offence,
- for I have offended thee very ſore,
- Take therefore my ſinful body from hence,
- then ſhall I vile creature offend thee no more.
- I would wiſh all creatures and faithful friends
- for to keep from this Gardners hands,
- For he will bring them ſoon unto their ends,
- with cruel torments of fierce fire-brands.
- I dare not preſume for him to pray,
- becauſe the truth of him it was well known,
- But ſince that time he hath gone aſtray,
- & much peſtilent ſeed abroad he hath ſown.
- Becauſe that now I have no ſpace,
- the cauſe of my death truly to ſhow,
- I truſt hereafter that by Gods holy grace,
- that all faithful men ſhall plainly it know.
- To thee, O Lord, I bequeath my ſpirit,
- that art the work-maſter of the ſame,
- It is thine Lord, therefore take it of right,
- my carcaſs on earth I leave, from whence it came.
- Although to aſhes it be now burned,
- I know thou canſt raiſe it again:
- In the ſame likeneſs that thou it formed,
- in Heaven with thee evermore to remain.