- Iesus præfigured, or, A poëme of the holy name of Iesus in five bookes. The first, and second booke
- Abbot, John, fl. 1623.
- 1623
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- Iesus præfigured, or, A poëme of the holy name of Iesus in five bookes. The first, and second booke
- Abbot, John, fl. 1623.
- [10], 110, [2] p.
- s.n.],
- [Antwerp? :
- 1623.
- Dedication signed: Iohn Abbot.
- Place of imprint suggested by STC (2nd ed.).
- "Permissu superiorum."
- Signatures: *⁴ [dagger][dagger]¹ A-E⁴ F² G-O⁴ P².
- Numerous errors in paging.
- Errata: p. [2] at end.
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- Permissu Superiorum, 1623.
- I
- Doe not thinke the Verse I write,
- VVorthy the honour of your Princely fight;
- (And should you read no lines, but worth your view,
- Men knew not what to dedicate to you)
- But hauing nothing els to shew my zeale,
- VVith VViddow, what I haue, I freelie deale: Marc. 12▪
- To giue rich Donatiues great Princes vse,
- T'is also greatnesse badge not to refuse
- Smal presents; els how should meane persons showe
- That duty, which to Potentates they owe?
- To you my PRINCE I consecrate my booke,
- Reward my Muse: with what? your gratious looke.
- Vouchsafe to read our Poëm, vvherein all
- Is written without malice, without gall:
- VVee are not bitter at the Present time,
- Onelie wee saie Rebellion is a Crime.
- Aud auntient sectaries our verse doth strike,
- VVho so shall doe your Highnesse needs must like.
- And though wee speake in rime, as Poets vse,
- Yet sacred veritie attends our Muse.
- Truth on our Poëm waits: (an vpright cause,
- To set it fourth needeth no lying clause:)
- In all our building there is not a stone,
- But wee dare justifie to be our owne.
- Certes now wee haue perfited our frame,
- Casting reflections eie vpon the same
- VVe doubt much vvhether vvee haue anie vaine
- In Poetrie, because wee doe not faine.
- Vouchsafe then Mighty CHARLES my Booke to view
- VVhich is all Innocent, all smooth, all true.
- Your Highnesse humble seruant
- Hemos edificado vna Yglesia, y en sufrontispicio pusimos el augustissimo nombre de IESVS, saluador nuestro, que todos han de adorar: en el nombre de V. A. se hizo esta fabrica, pues por los beneficios y el respeto de V. A. hemos alcançado de nuestro Artaxerxes la permission de boluer à ver la cara
- patria, paraque reparemos à Hierusalem, y restauremos los templos à V. A.
- Nuestro grande Assuero ofrece à V. A. susceptro de oro, como el ramo de oliuo, que es Esth. 5. symbolo de la paz, paraque V. A. qual otra Hester hermosissma conuierta esta benignidad en la salud de su pueblo, y assi buelua à florecer en Inglaterra la fè de nuestros mayores, la religion antigua, que es lo que V. A. desea y procura, paraque, segun esperamos, se buelua à recobrar por su dichoso casamiento lo que perdimos por las ilicitas bodas.
- Aun nos acordamos y gemimos por las miserias y trabajos que procedieron de aquel desastrado matrimonio entre Henrique el octauo y Ana Bolena; pero por V. A. se restauraràn nuestras perdidas y en lugar de la tristeza y llanto entrarà la alegria con el gozo, paraque quede V. A. aun auentajada à las antiguas Reynas, Theodolinda, Crotilda è Hingunde, à cuya piedad reconocieron los mayores bienes con la fè las valerosissimas naçiones de los Francos, Longobardos, y Godos.
- Dexemos à exemplos y cosas tan remotas
- quando tenemos à tantos en la Imperial casa de Austria, en la real de Espan̄a, en la de Bauiera; llenos estan los libros, à cada passo se veen las memorias de las Isabelas, Marias, Margaritas.
- Mucho deuen, Sen̄ora, los Ingleses desterrados a la Mag.d de la Sen̄ora Reyna Don̄a Margarita de Austria vuestra madre, porque fue mucha la piedad con que mādò assistirles.
- A V. A. deura aun mucho mas todo el Reyno, y la naciō entera. Que ofreceremos de nuestra parte? como se declararà nuestro reconocimiento? poreste voto. Hermosos sean tus passos en tu calçado, ô hija del Principe, y contu agrado y hermosura procedas y reynes felizmente; Cant. 7. Ps. 44. Ruth. 4.
- en nombre del Sen̄or te bendezimos y le rogamos que te haga como à Rachel y como à Lia, que edificaron la casa de Israel, paraque sea V. A. exemplo de virtud en Ephrata, y tenga vn nombre celebre en Bet lehem.
- Assimismo dedico à nuestro Serenissimo Carlos, Principe y esperança de la Britannia, esta nuestra Yglesia, que con Moysen leuantè en elmonte por el exemplo y la traça que se Exod. 25.
- me ensen̄ò.
- Recibid, Sen̄ora, este don, aunque pequen̄o que ofrezco à V. A. con mis humildes deseos, paraque se sirua de recibirme tambien en suproteccion, y entre sus minimos criados.
- Nuestro sen̄or guarde à V. A. como yo deseo y ha menester la Christiandad. Deste uento de S. Iuan Baptista de Anuers à 12. de Nouembre 1623.
- SOme vvill perchance object it is not fitt
- That verses should by such as I be vvrit:
- I ansvvere vvhen the subject holy is
- VVho e're make Verses shall not doe amisse,
- That Volume vvhich IOBS patience doth rehearse,
- For no small quantitie doth speake in verse.
- Of other Scriptures is not a great part
- Compos'd according to Poeticke Art?
- And if vve to the after times descend,
- The sacred Catologue shall neuer end.
- Hovv many auntient Fathers Hymnes haue vvrit,
- In one combining pietie and vvitt
- They erre vvho thinke a Poet hath no straine,
- Vnlesse the subject of his Muse be vaine.
- For vvhy hath Pegasus his vvings to flie?
- If he must still keepe earth, ne're mount on hight.
- Is it not pittie such a noble Horse
- In Boggs and durtie vvaie should spend his force,
- And manag'd by loose Venus vvanton Son
- In paths of obsceane loue, his vvhole course run?
- Recall your selues braue vvits: such vvaies to passe,
- Better becomes an Apuleian Asse.
- And though the Iades you ride on, do not tire
- Yet doe they vvant the true Poetike fire
- Fetcht from that Mount vvhere Virgins on a Hill
- VVrite loftie Odes vvith a Parthenian quill.
- There, there take horse: Nor are you streightned vvhen
- You make faire virtue object of your Pen.
- God, virtue, sins hate are a spatious field,
- And vvell-tild can abundant matter yeild.
- VVrite vvith a modest Pen such holy laies,
- That Phoebus may vvith ouerlasting baies
- Your tempells Crovvne: els knovv that chaster times,
- Shall sacrifice to Vulcan your loose rimes
- And thou my Pegasus vvhom I shall vse
- As Palfrie in this progresse of my Muse,
- VVhilst of great IESVS name thy Ladie sings,
- Mount vp aloft vse thy best paire of vvings,
- VVhen thou art forc'd to trampel here benea'th,
- Be it a moment onelie to take breath,
- And in the vvaie plaie not the Iade and tire,
- But as thy journey, so increase thy fire,
- VVe speake vvhat Ground, VValls, Painters vvorke
- Roofe, Pillars, Lampe, hath IESVS Kirke.
- GIVE me a Quill pul'd from that Eagles vving, Ezech. 1. 10. 13. Ion. 1.
- VVho soaring in the bosome of his King,
- Saw those deepe secrets, which his Books descrie,
- And vve admire, but cannot looke so high.
- Oh giue me such a Quill! and vvith the same
- I'le vvrite vvhat vvorth is in that glorious name,
- VVhich vvith the nevv yeare giu'n the vvounded Boye, Luc. 2.
- Did blesse the follovving times, vvith hopefull joye
- Of a release from Sinne, from Death, from Hell.
- (So many blessings in one IESVS dvvell.)
- Knovv Muse this Royall name is Oyle shed,
- And o're the vniuersall vvorld outspred. Cant. 1.
- Bee Oyle too, learne in a'sea to svvimme
- Aboue thy selfe; yea others, streatch each limme
- VVith courage out: this glorious titles praise,
- Like Oyle aboue all other titles raise,
- Thy subject is a Sea: behold thy selfe
- In the vast Maine, no shallovv feare, no shelfe.
- He vvho made all, and meanes novv all to saue
- To shevv his meaning, vvill this IESVS haue Lu. 2.
- For his ovvne name, and thinkes enough is done,
- To make the vvorld reflect some nevver Sun
- VVarming our hemisphëre, and giuing light,
- Shall driue avvaie vvith graces beames blacke night.
- VVho euer had this name, and vvas not high?
- VVhat IESVS euer vvas, and did not flie
- Aboue the common pitche of humane race?
- As if the name did bring a special grace:
- If vvee see IESVS forthvvith vvee shall see
- Captiued Man from seruitude set free:
- Victorious Tribes tryumphing ouer foes, Esd. 2. Ios. 3.
- VVith equall lots, diuide the landes of those
- VVhom they haue Conque'rd: hetherto hath stood
- Adjoyning to this name a common good.
- In fairest of-spring happie auntient Nun,
- Bring foorth thy valiant and thrice vvorthy Son, Ios. 1.
- (Our IESVS figure, honor'd vvith his name,
- For IOSVAH and IESVS are the same.)
- VVhose holie anger made Apollo staie,
- And baite his firie horses in the vvaie; Ios. 10.
- VVho but a IESVS such an act hath done?
- VVho but a IESVS could command the Sun?
- VVho but our IESVS, only hath the grace?
- To make the Sun of Iustice, keepe his place.
- That vvee not ouertaken by darke nighte,
- Discerne may, vvhen, and vvhere, our foes to smite?
- VVho can the promis'd land out-deale to his?
- But IESVS to vvhom Earth and Heauen is
- By Father giuen; vvho but IESVS shall
- By stratagem surprise, and make to fall Mat. 28.
- Proud Haie, of present vvorld the figure right?
- VVhich must be vanquisht, not by force, but flight:
- IESVS shall teach his Armie Haie to sacke, Ios. 8.
- By a strange stratagem of running backe.
- VVhen they lie hid vvithin a Cloister vvall,
- Then Haie by holy fire and svvord shall fall.
- Shall I relate hovv Iericho falls dovvne,
- VVhilest holy Israel about the tovvne Ios. 6.
- Goes in Procession: IESVS vvalkes this round,
- And bids the Priests their brazen trumpets sound.
- I should dilate my selfe vpon this feate,
- And largely explicate that povver great,
- VVhich IESVS giues to Priests absoluing vvordes Mat. 18.
- A greater force, then haue speares, lances, svvordes.
- They can and doe, vvith their sole voices sound, Io. 21.
- Cast battelments of Iericho to ground.
- VVhat are these vvals, these battlements dovvne cast,
- By sacred povvre of Priests forgiuing blast?
- The vvals are sin, the bulvvarkes sin, sins guilt,
- Hovvses, vvhereof proud Hiericho is built.
- But hovvses, bulvvarkes, vvals, yea the vvhole tovvne,
- As Priests doe blovv their trumpets, are cast dovvne.
- I should describe, cake hovv the seuen-fold foe,
- By IESVS conqu'red, doth in myst'rie shevv,
- Our deadly enemies: in number seau'n,
- VVhich must bee conquer'd, 'fore vve enter heau'n:
- Those kept the Israelites from promist land,
- In our pretences these against vs stand.
- VVhat artes, vvhat stratagems doth IESVS vse?
- As hee the vvarlike Chananites subdues?
- To fight against vice rooted in the hart,
- A speciall science is, a speciall art:
- VVhich IESVS doth, communicate to his,
- By vvhom the promist land obtained is.
- Then to describe the armie of our foe,
- In vvhat disord'red order he doth goe.
- Hovv against him great IESVS soldiers fight.
- Is subject for a holie Muse to vvrite,
- But vvee must leaue it to some happie vvitt,
- (Ours is not such) or to some time more fit:
- And speake of IESVS vvho the People lead, Agg. 1. Zach.
- 〈◊〉
- . Esdr. 3.
- VVhen they from Babilon did homevvards tread.
- And freeing them from proud Assyrias thrall,
- Repair'd the Temple, and built Sions VVall:
- For Records count, that the infernall King,
- His Troupes against Ierusalem did bring.
- And vvith the Cannon shot of deadly sinne 2. Paral. 36. 4. Reg 25
- Making a Breach, the Cittie entred in.
- Hovv many of the Tovvnesmen left he dead?
- The rest vvith him to Babilon he lead:
- VVhere vvretched soules, forgetting natiue house,
- Forgetting Sions God, they doe carouse
- In the VVhores Cuppe, and drunke vvith Babell vvine, Apoc. 1.
- To Babels Idols, honours giue diuine.
- The lusts of flesh, some doe adore; some Gold
- 〈◊〉
- . I
- •
- 2.
- VVith the Kings Picture fac'de, for their God hold.
- Others doe build their Churches in the ayre, The three enimies of the soule. 1. Io. 2.
- VVhere they place honors Idol, all their care
- Is to ascend, and vvith a bended knee
- Praie the false God propitious to bee;
- Each Man, as once in Salmanazars daies, 4. Reg. 17.
- A proper Idol hath, and to it praies.
- Our IESVS seeing this vvith holy zeale
- Of Fathers glorie, vvill procure the vveale
- Of these blinde vvretches: hee'le indure no more
- VVith Gods dishonour they such Gods adore.
- And first vvith cunning hand of heau'nly might
- He doth restore the blinde vnto their sight,
- And makes them see their Gods vveare made of stone,
- VVood, and like trump'rie, in them life had none
- Inraged vvith themselues their vvrath they vvreake
- Vpon the Idols, and their Puppets breake
- In peeces: this being done, they doe conspire
- To burne the Reliques vvith an Holy fire
- Of diuine Loue. Then doth our IESVS shevv
- The vvay to Sion, and before them goe:
- VVhere being come, and pittying to see
- Hovv the faire Cittie vvalls destroyed bee.
- The houses ruin'd, and the Church cast dovvne,
- Nothing but desolation in the Tovvne:
- He himself vesteth vvith apparrell base,
- And clothed so, beginns to vvorke apase,
- Exhorting his to doe in euerie thing,
- As they see him to doe, their Prince, their King;
- I cannot tell vvhat an effectuall force
- To moue mens harts is in the virtuous course
- Of Magistrates: each one thinkes it a grace
- To vvorke vvith IESVS, vvith him to be base
- Cloth'd as their leader is, they fall to vvorke,
- And helpe their IESVS to build vp his Kirke.
- My Pegasus is vvearie of his flight,
- VVherefore my Muse, for some short space alite, A description of the Catholike Church, beginning vvith the foundatiō thereof. VVhich is Faith. Mat. 16.
- And vvhilst the Iade doth rest his lazie bones,
- Let vs contemplate of vvhat VVood, vvhat Stones,
- VVhat forme, vvhat matter the nevv Church is built,
- VVhat Moyses vvorke it hath, hovv it is guilt:
- And first if vvee behold vvith curious Eye
- VVhat the foundation is, vvee shall descrie
- The same to be a mightie Rocke of Stone
- So great, and of such vveight that God alone
- Could bring it thither: no created might
- Can moue it thence: Gates of eternall might
- Can do't no harme, no force can make it shrinke,
- But vvho falls on this Rocke shall split and sinke,
- Asking a vvorkman of the name, he saith,
- This Rock icleped is Saint PETERS FAITH.
- On this foundation is built vp a VVall,
- Inuironing the Church, vvhich vvee vvill call The vvals Hope.
- Firme Hope: So strongly made on euery side,
- That it all injuries of Stormes shall bide.
- No blustring persecution can it shake,
- No tempting spirit, no rough vvinde can make
- 〈1 page duplicate〉
- 〈1 page duplicate〉
- This VVall to shrinke; nay eu'ry aduerse blast,
- (Ovvonderful!) doth make it stand more fast;
- And though this Hope seeme to be founded lovv
- Vpon the humble CROSSE; yet you must knovv
- The vvorkemen still vvill eleuate the vvall
- Till it doe aequall high IEHOVAS Hall.
- Looke vp my Muse, if thou canst looke so high, The roofe Charitie.
- And to the Temples cou'ring cast thy Eye
- VVhich thou shalt see made all of purest gold,
- Adorne the vvorke, and vvalls together hold.
- This Roofe is Charitie, vvho is a louer Iacob. 5.
- Others defects vvill guild, his ovvne faults couer
- Loue is amongst all Mineralls the best,
- The Ophir vvhere it grovves is a good brest.
- Humilitie the Earth in vvhich most lovv, 2. Parel. 9. Ierem. 10.
- As mines are vvont, this pretious Gold doth grovv.
- God hath ordain'd this Mettall should so deepe,
- Lye buryed in the Earth, that he may keepe
- It safe from Theeues: Vaine-glorie and selfe-loue
- Soone vvould it steale, laie it the ground aboue.
- The Marchants also must in digging svveat,
- Before they can so rich a treasure get.
- But that vvhich made my Muse astonisht more, The Sacrament of Baptisme, is the dore by vvhich vvee enter into the Church. Io. 19. The effects of Baptisme.
- VVas to behold a strange conceited Dore:
- This vvas forsooth an euer-running floud,
- A floud saie I? a mightie Sea of bloud
- VVhich vvhen our IESVS in Caluaria dide,
- Did issue foorth his vvith Launce perced side.
- As vve the vvaters of this Ocean vievv,
- Behold a stranger vvonder doth ensue:
- A Black-more borne, vvhere Phoebus too much vvarmes,
- full of diseases, hauing in his armes
- A leprous Infant, in this streame his limmes,
- And the Child vvasheth, then hee thorough svvimmes
- VVhen presently they both are cur'de both sound,
- No spot, no Vlcer in their flesh is found.
- Amaz'd vvee stand, vvhen see an Indian Foule,
- In blacker body, hauing a vvorse soule,
- Doth as the former through the Riuer passe,
- VVhen he is made more vvhite then Christall glasse.
- Good God saie I, are ELIZAeVS yeares
- Againe reuolu'd? Iordan againe appeares 4. Rog. 5.
- In vvhose faire streames vvhilest NAMAAN doth bath,
- Hee cured is, nevv flesh, nevv body hath:
- Or comes our IESVS to the Pond againe,
- VVhere for the Sacrifice much Sheepe vvas slaine, 10. 5.
- VVith vvaters motion virtue to bestovve,
- To make foule Lepers cleane, lame Crepels goe?
- This Church hath vvindovves, prudence, vvisdomes eie
- Discretion, vvhich our motions doth descrie, The intellectual virtues, are the vvindovves of the church
- VVhether from God, good Angel, or our selfe,
- They come, or from the vvorld, and Hellish Elfe.
- Discretion teaching vvhen vvee ought to goe,
- Into the field, vvhen to decline our foe.
- For some sins must be ouer-come by fight,
- Others must vanquisht be by prudent flight. 1. Cor. 6.
- So IOSVAH did thinke, flight the best vvay
- To get the victorie against proud Haie.
- Ios. 8.
- Nor thinke it shame to runne avvaie from sinne,
- VVee knovv the Parthians flie, yet the field vvinne.
- Though CAeSAR did from ALEXANDRIA svvim,
- Yet none of Covvardise dares censure him.
- Of Machabaeus it vvas the least grace,
- Against so manie troopes to keepe his place. 1. Math. 9.
- VVise men doe judge too hotspurlike that fire,
- VVhich scornes or knovves not sometimes to retire.
- VVho vvisely saues himselfe may fight againe,
- VVhat good can he doe more, vvho once is slaine.
- In this blest Church, neuer sad darkenesse came, Apoc. 21.
- For in the midst doth stand a Holy Lambe,
- VVho vvith his Raies giuing a constant light, A description of the Lampe.
- Chaseth avvaie the horror of darke night.
- Hee doth illustrate all vvith beames of grace;
- But chiefely, vvhen as many in this place
- Mat. 18. The good of a general counsaile, and the reasós vvhy it is assembled.
- In IESVS holy name assembled joyne,
- And all their strengths in Vnitie combine;
- Called together for some vrgent cause,
- As generall contempt of Holie Lavves,
- Orsome vile Beast departing from the rest,
- Doth seeke the flocke vvith Errors to inuest:
- Some rauenous Beare, some Foxe, some sensuall Svvine,
- Doth vvith his Tuskes vnder the Temple mine,
- That so (but t's impossible) vvith vvall
- The intire Fabrique might together fall.
- Such Arius vvas, Nestorius long since,
- Iouinian, VVitcliffe, and the like, frem vvhence The sects of this pre sent time are fragments of auncient Heresies.
- The svvinish broode of this our present Age,
- In their Sires vizardes plaie on the vvorlds stage,
- VVhere they doe acte, the digging parte so vvell
- That alvvaies the last Scene doth end in Hell.
- VVho doth together this graue Senate call,
- And sits as President aboue them all,
- On vvhose descision questions doe depend, Of the infallible authoritie of the Bishop of Rome. Mat. 16.
- In vvhose last sentence Controuersies end,
- Is the Lambes Viceroye, in the Romaine Chaire,
- Lavvfull successor, and Saint Peters heire.
- To vvhom our IESVS hath such povv'r giu'n,
- That vvhat hee here doth, is confir'md in heu'n:
- PETER rule thou for mee great IESVS saies,
- Of Sions Cittie I giue thee the Keies:
- (Fond Sectaries this common truth conceiue,
- VVho Keies accept, authoritie receiue,)
- Alvvaies by him the Holy Ghost doth stand,
- And euer as he vvrites, directs his hand.
- So that vvhate're in doubtfull points he saith,
- Must be embrac'd as Article of Faith:
- VVhat e'are he doth command is good, and ought
- To be perform'd, vvhat he forbids is naught:
- Hovv many Beasts, hovv many vvicked men
- Hath he destroyed only vvith his Pen?
- Therefore as heretofore vvhen; Syrias King, 3. Reg. 22. 2. Parel. 18
- His Army against Israel did bring,
- He did commaund his Soldiars to fight
- Against sole Achab, him alone to smite.
- Let the meane sorte, saith Benadad alone,
- Against the King of Israell each one,
- Direct his force, if he be kil'd or yeald,
- Ours is the day, vvee gotten haue the field.
- Sinne, Atheisme, Heresie, Infernall Ghoasts,
- Proclaiming vvarre against the God of Hoasts, The hate of heretikes and schismatikes to the sea of Rome. Mat. 16.
- To ruinate that Cittie, vvhich his hand
- Hath built, and mauger gates of Hell shall stand,
- Obseruing that their Troupes a daily harme,
- Receiue by PETERS heau'nly guided arme,
- Chiefly on him they doe their furie vvreake,
- At him they shoot, on him their Launces breake.
- Proud Herod, and the first begotten Son Act. 12.
- Of Satan, Simon Magus thus haue don:
- Neroes and Dioclesians shall tell,
- How odious Cephas is to feindes of Hell.
- In battaile raye, none against IESVS goe,
- But they proclaime themselues first PETERS foe,
- Knowing if struck vvith Errors darte he die,
- CHRISTS Army vvith his losse dismaid vvill flie.
- Your malice is in vaine Tartarean feindes,
- IESVS vvith loue his substitute defends;
- Firme-faith the sheild is, vvhich repells all blovves, Mat. 16.
- Gods promise is the svvord vvhich kils all foes:
- Hee is th'approued pretious corner stone, Ps. 117.
- VVhich Ievves and Gentiles doth conjoyne in one. Rom. 9. 1. Pet. 2.
- Proud scandals rocke, on vvhich vvhat shipps shall hit,
- They suffer shipvvrack, and in peeces split.
- Fairest Bizantium, Easterne Monarkes seat, The schysme of the Grecian Church from the Latins.
- Glorie of Britaines Constantine the great,
- VVho first in Eagles place, against proud foe,
- Our IESVS CROSSE in Labarum durst shoe;
- Let mee shed teares, vvhen I reuolue thy fate,
- VVhy vveart thou not contented vvith thy state?
- To sou'raingty vvhy doest thou so aspire?
- Then God would haue thee, why wouldst thou be higher?
- PETER, not thou must vveare the triple Crovvne, Mat. 18.
- VVho doe exalt themselues, shall tumble dovvne.
- The tribes beguil'd by HIEROBOAMS art,
- From IVDAS royall progeny doe part; 3. Rog. 12.
- And scorning to haue DAVIDS Sonne their King;
- Scepter and Crovvne to IEROBOAM bring:
- And though it vvas expresse IEHOVA'S vvill,
- That in no place but holy Sions hill. Io. 4.
- They should obserue their Neomenian Feasts,
- And sacrifice their Hecatombes of beasts:
- The tipick bloud of Paschal Lambe be spilt,
- In that sole Church vvhich SALOMON had built:
- In Salems streats so many times each yeare, Luc. 2.
- Dilated IACOBS of-spring must appeare.
- And none but those vvho are of Leuis race,
- Shall in the Temple haue a Church-mans place; Numb. 18.
- VVhen Israels sons amongst themselues contend,
- By AARONS verdict must the question end.
- Desire of sou'raigntie, and Empires cause,
- Makes Ieroboam breake these holy lavves,
- Hee'le haue high places, and inuent a God,
- VVhich hath free'd Israel from PHAROES rod; 3. Reg. 12.
- BETHEL and DAN, shall haue tvvo Calues of gold,
- And many Idols shall Bethauen hold: Ose. 4.
- His Pursiuants such passengers shall staie,
- VVho tovvards Ierusalem doe take their vvaie:
- For Tyrant thinkes his Crovvne not to sit fast,
- Should Ephraim and Iudas friendship last, 4. Reg.
- •
- 2.
- Hee makes vnvvorthie vvights the incense burne,
- To plaie the Priest any shall serue the turne,
- Diuided thus sin, vpon sin they add,
- And though afflictions often make them sad:
- Yet no ELIAS, no Assyrian rod,
- Can make the stiffe-neck'd tribes returne to God:
- Vntill at last great Salmanazar came, 4. Reg. 17
- VVhip of Gods furie, guerdon of their shame,
- VVho vvith vvars-svvord, the Infants bloud doth spill,
- Defloures their Virgins, and their vvarriors kill:
- And vvhere his murth'ring furie doth not range,
- They death for greater miserie doe change:
- Hauing the markes of slaues, gyues on their hands,
- They are led captiue vnto forreine lands,
- VVherein eternall seruitude they spend
- Their vvofull daies: in seruitude they end
- Their vvretched liues. But Iuda shall be taught,
- VVith short captiuitie, to mend his fault. 4 Reg. vlt.
- Though Babels Monarcke lead to Memphis tovvne.
- Subjects and King, yet vvhen his Son fals dovvne,
- From Empires top, the Persian Kings shall giue, Dan 5. 1. Esd 1.
- Iudaea leaue, home to returne and liue
- In Sions tovvnes: but Ephraims vvicked race
- Shall ne're come backe vnto their dvvelling place.
- VVho did refuse to honour DAVIDS throne,
- Vnder Idolaters opprest shall grone.
- Isai. 14 The Grecian, and Easterne Church, fitly compared to Samaria, and the ten tribes reuolted, from the house of Dauid: vvhich carried into Captiuity, neuer returned back, according to the more receiued opinion of interpreters.
- Thinke Grecian Dame, my verse of thee hast spoke
- VVho from thy hautie necke hath cast the yoke
- Of diuine Order, and in Northern ayre,
- Exalted hast vvith Lucifer thy Chaire:
- Thinking to meane a Patriarchall seate
- Aboue thy merits graunted; yet more great
- Thou striu'st to bee: and casting PETER dovvne,
- On thy ambitious head, dar'st vveare his Crovvne, Psal. 10.
- Carried in emptie Clouds of a proud hart,
- Thou leau'st Christs sheepfold, & from Church dost part
- IESVS our humble God, doth from his throne,
- VVith angrie eyes behold tvvo made of one;
- Hee hateth schisme, and hath this sentence fixt,
- The proud shall drinke a Cup vvith much vvoe mixt.
- Thinke the incursions of the Sarzen King,
- VVeare gentle rods, thee back againe to bring.
- And knovv that as thy schisme and sin did grovv,
- So likevvise did increase thy plagues, thy vvoe. 2 Pet. 2. The Greek Church often reconciled, and againe relapsed in to schisme
- Hovv oft didst thou thy heresies forsvveare?
- Hovv oft didst thou returne to PETERS Chaire?
- Hovv oft didst thou againe vvith the foule Hog
- VVallovv in myre, hovv often vvith the Dog
- Returne to vomit? but Gods patient hand
- Can hold no longer: h'eele no longer stand
- VVaiting repentance, lenitie must cease,
- VVhen often vvrongs admit no speach of peace.
- Barbarians shall be scourges of thy sin,
- Fierce Mahomet shall proud Bizantium vvin,
- Thy Caesar murd'red in the streats shall die,
- VVhere heapes of vngrau'de Citizens shall lie.
- At a high price some vvretches buy their liues,
- VVith goods losse, and dishonour in their vviues.
- Thy Romane Eagles yealde to Turkish Moone,
- In Churches rights of Mahomet are done.
- In fine thou suff'rest vvhatsoeuer harmes
- Vse to attend a cruell conq'rours Armes,
- And vvho aloft vvith Lucifer vvould'st dvvell,
- VVith rebell Angel, tumblest dovvne to Hell, Isa.
- •
- 4.
- Thy shame confusion is, lavvlesse desires, The Greek Church since their schisme, haue suffered many miseries, and haue had none or very fevv learned men amongst them. Zach. 12.
- In practice put; are thy tormenting fires,
- Thy Conscience is the vvorme, the Diuels Turkes,
- The fires fuell is schisme and euill vvorkes:
- VVith enuie thy teeth gnash (part of thy paine)
- To see thy riuall in such glorie raigne:
- Darknesse, thy ignorance, and vvant of grace,
- Disordred Passions, horror of the place;
- Thoughts of despaire, thy miseries attend
- To thinke this seruitude shall neuer end:
- For vvho in schisme didst vvith Samaria fall,
- VVith her must suffer an eternall thrall.
- But Rome in DAVIDS house, the Goth, the Hun
- VVith Citties spoyle, shall punish faults, vvhich done,
- Adaulphus leading his fierce Goths to Spaine,
- CHRISTS Vice-roye, to his Rome shall come againe, Ps. 88.
- VVhere hee shall sit on DAVIDS promis'd seate,
- And giue just Lavves, vvhilst Sun giues vvonted heat.
- To decke the Church a cunning vvorkeman paints,
- The liuely Images of diuers Saincts. VVhat pictures are in the Catholike Church. Act. 9.
- But vvhat doth make most glorious shevv of all,
- Is IESVS name, vvritten on euerie vvall.
- There see vvee PAVLE, the name of IESVS hold,
- Diuinely stampt in characters of gold:
- VVhich flying through the vvorld vvith Cherubs vvings
- Hee carries before Potentates and Kings.
- I'le not vvith Silius goe to Maroes graue,
- And at his dust a holy fury craue,
- To praise this vessell; but Ile aske to share S. Iohn Chrysostom, extraordinarily deuoted to S. Paule.
- A part of CHRYSOSTOMES Caelestiall ayre.
- That svveetly guided by his serious sp'rite,
- As they require, I maie PAVLES praises vvrite.
- Pythagoras savv no Troie, yet vvish I,
- His vvittie transmigrations vveare no lie.
- That vvhil'st I treat of such renovvned men,
- Some Heroes spirit might direct my pen.
- Let his deuotes commend him for his zeale,
- Or that he hath spread IESVS common vveale,
- Throughout the vvorld, afflictions, sorrovves, bandes, 2. Cor. 11
- Yea vvhat not suffred, both on sea and landes,
- The loue and chiefest object of my muse,
- Shall be because our IESVS did PAVLE chuse,
- A speciall trumpet to sound out his fame, Act.
- 〈◊〉
- .
- And blazon through the vvorld great IESVS name,
- Exalting him vvith this peculiar grace,
- For IESVS name to suffer in each place.
- O three-times happie man vvhom IESVS chose!
- For IESVS royall name to suffer vvoes.
- As others praise him for his vvritings sake,
- A title of their eminence they take,
- Because proud Ievves and Gentiles he makes knovv, Ep. ad Rom.
- That vvho disguis'd in seruants shape did goe,
- VVas the MESSIAS their Creatours Son, Ep. ad Heb.
- VVho for transgression vvith mankinde had done,
- A ransome pai'd: strong reasons he doth frame,
- To shevv that nature, and the lavv are lame,
- Ep. ad Gal. The name of IESVS obserued to be aboue tvvo hundreh times in S. Paules Epistles. Apoc. 4. The Martirs are describde.
- And neuer can tovvards heau'nly Sion tread,
- If IESVS grace doe not them thether lead.
- But his Epistles, I aboue the rest,
- Commend and saie, that they are therefore best,
- Because in e'ury leafe, yea line is found,
- Of IESVS name, the eares vvell pleasing sound.
- Triumphant Martirs, are dravvne all in red,
- Each hauing a Baye Garland on his head,
- VVhich at the Lambes feete humblie casting dovvne,
- They him acknovvledge giuer of their Crovvne.
- In the first place as Captaine of the band,
- Doth glorious STEPHEN promartir stand.
- VVho vvhil'st the multitude stones at him throvves,
- Act. 7. S. Pauls conuersiō, vvas the effect of S. Stephās Prayer, according to S. Austin.
- Prayeth to IESVS for his cruell foes.
- No spiteful Ievv, more svviftly flings a stone,
- Then his loue-darts ascend to Heau'ns high Throne,
- VVhere falling lovv before the seate of grace,
- They humblie beg, that mercie may haue place,
- And hovv they speed, vv'eele aske of furious Saule,
- VVho shall hereafter be a Preaching PAVLE.
- SEBASTIAN eke, shot through vvith many Dart,
- Instructeth Gentlemen to plaie a part
- In true-loues stage, that others fall not dovvne, Act. 9.
- He labours, and so gets a Martyrs Crovvne.
- Neere to SEBASTIAN, seeing a voyde place,
- VVee aske vvho they are shall haue so much grace,
- To stand nigh IESVS champion, and are told,
- Our English Noble men, that roome shall hold.
- As no goods losse, no deaths feare could them quayle,
- No dangers make in IESVS faith to fayle,
- For though not equall vvith the Martyrs rovve,
- Yet as stout Squires of Martyr-Knights they goe.
- As vvee these Champions vievv vvith curious eye, The Martyrdome of MARIE Queene of Scotland, and Mother, to our Soueraigne K. Iames.
- Amongst them vvee a Ladie doe espie,
- VVhose Crovvnes proclayme, shee ruled sundry lands,
- But historie complaines, of sauage hands:
- The Armes of Scotland, and French Lilies teach,
- That o're these Kingdomes her commaund did reach.
- VVritten in bloudie Characters vvee read,
- (Heauens vveepe, vvhilst I recount so foule a deed)
- That shee, vvhose head vvee see on this sad stage,
- From body cut, to satisfie the rage
- Of barb'rous foes; vvhilst shee did liue had been,
- FRANCIS of France his vvife, and Scotlands Queene.
- And though her stile of Majestie vvas such,
- Yet prophane hands, durst Gods anoynted touch,
- As if no sacred Oyle had bene shed, 2. Reg. 2.
- By holy Prelate on her Princely head,
- Vnto the Scaffold brought, (ô cruell deed!)
- By the sharpe Axes blovv, shee there doth bleed,
- Heau'ns did yee shine, vvas there a vvicked Sun
- To lend a daie, vvhil'st such a deed vvas done?
- Surely all things as rul'd by a nevv force,
- Did goe retrogradate to Natures course.
- And as vvhen Man, Iehouah did offend,
- The vniuers for Mans offence did end Gen. 6.
- Againe so many Lavves in one foule fact,
- Being infring'de in pennance of the Act,
- All things are taught to goe an other vvaie,
- In the accustom'd order nought doth staie. The Maiestie of the Lacedemonian Kings, vvas so religiouslie reuerenced, that euen their enemies in the open field, declined frō fighting against their royall persons
- The pious Spartans euermore deni'de,
- In battaile Theopompus to haue di'de,
- They thought though millions of meane persons die,
- Yet death durst not approach great Monarchs nigh.
- And deem'd his Kingly Majestie a sheild,
- Able to saue his life in bloudie field;
- And can it bee a person of such state,
- Amongst her friends, should finde so hard a fate?
- Tiberius fearefull of his after fame,
- Hated Historians vvho vvould blase his name.
- And teach posteritie in this, and this,
- Tiberius vvhil'st he liu'd did doe amisse.
- That yeare vvhen this vvas done (ye learned Men)
- Forget to handle an Historians Pen.
- Doe not instruct the vvorld that England durst,
- Performe a Deed, of all bad Deeds the vvorst.
- Not, but I read that Monarchs haue bene kil'd,
- And the Majestike blood vnjustly spil'd
- But still the Murderers haue carefull been,
- That such impietie should not be seen,
- VVhen vvee in Counsell sit, and in cold bloud
- Deliberate, as if the Act vvere good.
- The sentence giu'n, vvee justifie the fact,
- By publike execution of the Act.
- But vvhats the cause for vvhich they shed her bloud?
- This one for-sooth, because shee vvas so good;
- And the vvorld knevv, vvhat right shee had to raigne,
- These are the reasons, vvherefore shee vvas slaine.
- Should Herod knovv, that IESVS is Gods Son, Mat. 2.
- VVould hee doe lesse thinke you then he hath done?
- Curst be ambition, vvhich vvill knovv no lavves,
- Curst be suspition in a Kingdomes cause.
- But as proud Iades shall trample vvith their feet,
- Good Seruius carcase, in the VVICKED STREET;
- And Tullia hasting to set on her head,
- Romes Diadem on Fathers corps dares tread:
- VVee vvill not vvonder vvhen for Kingdomes crovvne
- VVee see the Lavves of God and Man cast dovvne.
- That vvaters doe not ouer-vvhelme our land,
- And Neptune svvim, vvhere Englands Ile doth stand,
- That yet no greater vengeance hath bene seene:
- VV'eele thanke thy prayers, vntimely butcher'd Queene.
- Shall vvee vvith teares bedevv thy Royall Hearse,
- Blame the too-hastie fates vvith mournefull verse.
- The Sisters aske, hovv they durst vse a Knife
- So soone to cut thy golden thread of life?
- VVee vvould doe thus, but that faith makes vs knovv,
- Glories rich Crovvne, vvas giu'n thee by that blovv
- VVhich tooke thy life avvaie; so Ammons pride, Est. 6.
- Prepares a horse, for Mordechee to ride.
- Our teares vvhich els should alvvaies flovv, are done,
- VVhen vve behold our IAMES, thy glorious Son,
- VVho as just NOAH amongst mortalls best,
- Shall giue our sorrovves end, our labours rest.
- His Parent LAMECH did of him fore-tell,
- That in his blessed time, things should goe vvell. Gen. 5.
- Renovvned PRINCE, so vse thy Royall Pen,
- That vve may place thee 'mongst these learned Men punc;
- Our Churches Doctors, vvho next Martirs stand,
- A siluer Pen, each hauing in his hand. A short descriptiō of the Doctors of the Church.
- Aboue their heads, houers a holy Doue,
- VVhich dictates lessons full of vvitt and loue.
- If to thy Harpe vveare added one more string,
- Then thou, no Svvan could more diuinely sing.
- But vvee haue hope all numbers novv shall meet
- To make thy Musique absolutely svveet.
- Thou DELOS Oracle of thy life time,
- Thou Sun, thou starre of parched Afriques clime:
- Our Churches Pearle, bred in thy mothers eyes,
- Againe begotten by a sea of cries.
- Great AVSTEN, shall I vvith more vvondring eye, S. Austin conuerted by his mothers Teares.
- Behold thee vvhen thy Muse doth mount on high,
- Or loue thee more vvhen thou dost creepe so lovve,
- As doe thy humble Retractations shevv?
- To thinke amisse is fraile-Mans common case,
- To change for better, is a speciall grace.
- And can vve thinke more forcible, more good, VVe describe the Confessors
- The teares of loue, then a best Martyrs bloud.
- The Desert Citizens vveare also there,
- Some cloth'd vvith leaues, others vvith shirts of hayre:
- Their visages all pale, their bodies thin,
- Ps. 44. Edvvard the Confessour, a Prince deuoted to God, and the good of his countrie, selected the flovvet and best of all the constitutions & lavvs, established vnder the auntient Britaines, Romaines, Saxons, and Danes, and put them in one body or volume, vvhich he called Leges populares.
- Proclayme their greatest glorie is vvithin.
- Their simple out-sides giue aboundant shevves,
- That they to vvorld and flesh vveare alvvaies foes,
- Heere also vvee our English EDVVARD knovv,
- Mongst formest plac'de in the Confessors rovv.
- A scepter in his hand, o'ns head a Crovvne,
- Yee gentle Heau'ns, raine manie EDVVARDS dovvne;
- VVho to our Britaine, vpright lavves may giue,
- And teach their People, as they doe to liue.
- Great CHARLES the second Hope of Northern clime,
- Ordain'd by God, to blesse the present time,
- Of EDVVARD learne, that subjects best obey,
- VVhen they see Majestrates, first doe, then saie.
- Such Edicts moue Mens harts, though vvritten short,
- VVhich first are practi'zd in the Princes Court
- Of EDVVARD learne, that only hee's a King,
- VVho doth his Passions in subjection bring.
- Princes Dominions, may from Parents take,
- To be a Saint, virtue alone can make.
- In that strange statue, vvich great Babels King,
- In vision sees each lim, each part, each thing
- As they grovv higher, so in goodnesse grovv,
- VVhich Potentates, and greater men doth shevv, Dan.
- 〈◊〉
- .
- That vnto honour should be joynd this grace,
- To grovv in goodnesse, as they grovv in place.
- The head vvas best of mettals, purest gold,
- You the heads place, amongst your subjects hold
- Be gold in loue, be better then the rest,
- VVhat e're your people are, be you the best.
- But it may be a Patron of thy name,
- Allures thee rather, Fraunce shall giue the same.
- CHARLES surnam'd great, for his renovvned facts,
- Thou hast his name, haue thou his stile, his Acts.
- Let vs behold thee vvith thy conq'uring bands,
- Reuoke to IESVS, faith reuolting landes.
- VVith the fift CHARLES Achilles of our daies,
- Beyond Alcides Pillars, Tropheies raise,
- Plus vltra be thy motto, thy armes tend,
- And vvhere the vvorld, there let thy Empire end.
- Bee euermore victorious, euer great, Charlemaine cō
- strained the Saxons to embrace the Christian faith. Hee vvas made Emperour by Leo the third. Otho crovvned by Iohn the 12. The Electors ordained by Gregorie the fift. Henry the 8. honoured by Leo the 10. vvith the title of defender of the Faith. The title of Catholike vvas giuen, or rather hauing bene discontinued: vvas restored to Ferdinand, and Isabella, by Alexander the sixt. The kings of France, by concession of the Apostolike Sea, haue kept the title of most Christian, which vvas giuen to Carolus Martellus, vvhom Gregorie the third in one, and the same Epistle, tvvice so stileth.
- Euer obedient to Saint PETERS seate.
- May Romaine Prelate make our England glad,
- As to thy Lyons hee shall Eagles ad,
- And vvith high titles, thy braue house aduance,
- As he hath done to Charlemaine of Fraunce.
- Loose Matchiauels, and Atheists you mistake,
- Rome vseth to giue Realmes, and Kesars make,
- Not to abuse the povv'r of triple Crovvne,
- By foule injustice, casting Princes dovvne.
- By Romes authoritie, Otho the great,
- In Germanie did fixe the Empires seate.
- Henrie Aniou, Plantaginet his childe,
- By ADRIANS gift, is Lord of Ireland stild'e.
- Thy royall Ancestors, vvhat better name,
- Then Faiths defender haue? vvho gaue the same?
- The Cath'like title, vvhat a splendor brings,
- To the stil Conquering Hesperian Kings?
- So Capets race of Christian stile more brags,
- Then of the Lilies, in their royall flags.
- Faiths champion, Christian Catholike, these three,
- Most glorious titles be combind'e in thee.
- Besides my vvishes, O that I could giue,
- Then thou there should no greater Monarke liue.
- Momus found fault (and I vvould take his part,
- VVeart not against my God) that each mans hart,
- Had not a vvindovve, that the vvorld might see,
- VVhat realties therein inuolued bee.
- Then the slie hypocrite durst not speake faire,
- VVhen from smooth vvords, his thoughts dissenting are.
- Your Courtly Gallant, durst not your hands kisse,
- VVhen in his hart, all rancour lodged is.
- False Iudas durst not to his Maister bovv,
- VVith apish complements, protest, svveare, vovv,
- Heape on him blessings, vvish a vvorld of good,
- VVhen in his purse, the price is of his blood. Luc. 22.
- Heere I could vvish my breast vvere made of glasse,
- That so thy Royall sight (great Prince) might passe,
- Into my soule, and see that I vvould doe
- As I doe vvish, had I a povv'r thereto.
- But IESVS loue (I hope) hath made me poore,
- And hauing vvished, I can doe no more.
- BESELEEL Virgins carues of Iu'rie bone,
- Of such King SALOMON did make his throne 3. Reg.
- An Eliphant, then vvhich no beast doth liue The excellencie of Virgins, & Virginitie. Ps. 44.
- More temperate, more vvise, his tooth doth giue:
- If in Elections vvisdome hath chiefe place,
- By Virgins choise, vvee'le censure of their grace.
- They need not enuie PHAROES daughters lot,
- VVho for their Spouse, Gods vvisest Son haue got.
- VVho can sufficiently describe hovv chast
- These are, vvho as terrestiall Angels pla'st
- In our lovve Heau'n through contemplation see
- All things in Earth contemptible to be;
- In God they doe behold, as in a glasse,
- Hovv all delights doe like a shadovv passe:
- Shadovvs leaue nought behind: th'are black, th'are fowle
- Pleasures of flesh, hovv blacke make they the sovvle? An inuectiue against sin.
- They in one instant end, in one begin,
- Behind them nothing leaue, but guilt of sin.
- And tell me vvhat is sin? nothing at all. Io. 1.
- VVhat e're is extant in the ample Ball
- Of this large vvorld, God made, and God vvas glad, Gen. 3.
- That by his making hand it being had,
- Only thou misbegotten Monster sin,
- As Bastards vse to doe, cam'st stealing in,
- Ashamed of thy birth: God neuer put
- Least finger to thy being; Hell vvas shut,
- Thou vvert the Key to open it: Day-light
- Thy birth did turne into eternall night.
- Curst be thy birth-daie, neuer it appeare, Iob. 3.
- Nor be it reco'nd 'mongst daies of the yeare:
- Like Atreus feasts, doe thou Apollo scarre,
- Abhorring thee, let him turne backe his Carre.
- Thy hate make Titan hide himselfe, and staie,
- T'vvixt Thetis armes, more then his vvonted daie.
- Be thou expected, and as thou dost fayle, Iob ib.
- Of them be cursed, vvho doe chase the VVhale.
- Let Starres that daie borrovv no light of Sun,
- And the sad Moone forget her course to run.
- The vniuerse be on that blacke daie sad,
- That thou vve'rt borne, let only Hell be glad.
- O that our Curses, vvhich on thee doe lite,
- Could turne thee to a sempiternall night.
- VVee vvill be angrie vvith thee vvretched EVE, An Apostrophe to Eue. Gen. 3.
- The mother of this Childe, thou did'st conciue,
- The Monstrous Bastard, Satan vvas his fire,
- But yee adult'rous couple doe conspire,
- And vvith such slights contriue the matter, that
- ADAM must Father, the mis-gotten brat.
- Fond vvoman, God made thee of the Mans bone, Of the transgression of our first patents.
- To helpe him that he should not be alone:
- This vvas your end, and you performe it vvell,
- You helpe him; but in vvhat? to goe to Hell.
- No sooner vveare you made, but you must vvalke,
- To recreat your selfe, and enter talke. Gen. 3.
- VVith Satan: vvhen your bellies full of chat,
- You cast your eyes, novv on this fruit, novv that:
- The Diuell by the vvan dring of your eye,
- That your teeth vvater, presently doth spie,
- And vvith much kindnes doth an Apple pare,
- Praies you to taste it, and to giue a share
- To your Good-man (for so good manners vvill)
- It vvill suffice yea both to eat your fill.
- O foolish Man! VVhat dost thou meane? that bit
- Hath many poysons, many Hels in it.
- Trust not the lookes, although it please the Eye:
- Millions of Miseries, in it doe lye.
- Trust not thy Palate, though it doe tast vvell,
- It vvill not be digested, but in Hell.
- Hee scarse doth eat it, vvhen infernall Gates.
- VVith violence flye open, iron grates
- Of Hell are burst, anxieties, cares, feares, The effects of Originall sinne.
- Sorrovv vvith all her vveeping Children, teares:
- Suspition, jealousie, lavvles desire:
- Vnbridled lust: pretentions to aspire,
- Fond joyes, sad discontent at present state,
- Auersion from good, anger, enuie, hate,
- Darknesse of mind, peruersitie of vvill,
- And vvhat in both, can be suspected ill:
- These Monsters, vvith their pale Commander Death,
- (Kept hetherto as Prisoners beneath,
- And neuer should haue seene the light of Sun)
- Hearing vvhat Man against his God hath done,
- Scorne longer to obey grimme Plutoes Lavves,
- But they vvill forth, and vindicate Gods cause.
- VVhat hauock amongst Rebels doe they make,
- Hovv many soules send dovvne to stygian lake?
- By the effects judge ADAM of thy fault,
- These mischiefes are the purchase thou hast bought,
- Corruption is the house, the land large vvoes,
- In vvhich though vvith teares vvat'red, no good grovves
- At hovver of death, making thy latest vvill,
- Thou vs bequeth'st this legacie of ill:
- And for Executor Satan doest trust,
- VVho though a Banckrupt, yet in this is just,
- And takes such care, that joyntlie vvith our breath,
- VVee doe receaue thy legacie of death. Eph. 2.
- Hence doe proceed, if vvee reuolue out fate,
- The vvoes vvhich follovv Mans accursed state.
- Hence those afflictions that attend our vvaies,
- Those sad Catastroph's of our vvretched daies.
- Hence that vnequall share of joyes and paine,
- A drop of pleasure, but of vvoe a maine.
- O hadst thou lou'd God more! EVE not so vvell,
- Thou vvould'st haue left vs heires of Heau'n, not Hell.
- VVee see vvhen substances doe passe avvaie
- The emptie shaddovves, can no longer staie.
- But thou like to the Moth dost liue, foule sin
- Hauing destroy'd the soule, thou vveart borne in Iob. 27.
- Pleasures, vvhose shade thou art, long since are past,
- VVhen thy foule making Essence still doth last.
- Hence vgly Monster, vvhy staiest thou behind,
- To be the Hang-man of the spotted mind?
- To NAAMANS leprosie art thou a kin,
- And must still sticke to the defiled skin? 4. Reg. 5.
- Vnlesse vvith floudes of teares so oft as he
- In Iordans Riuer vvas, thou clensed be.
- Great God bring all men to the sacred floud,
- All Nations be baptiz'd in IESVS bloud. Gen. 6.
- In the first age, vvhen vvorld did nevv begin,
- VVith many raines thou did'st drovvne Man and sin The force of Contrition.
- Againe vnto the vvatry flouds giue scope,
- Againe the Cataracts of Heau'n set ope.
- VVee not of Abana and Pharphar dreame,
- VVee must bee curd'e in onely Iordans streame. 4. Reg. 5.
- Blest streame vvhich from thy mercies head doth rise
- And thence descending runneth through our eies:
- VVaters beginning from earthes slimie vaines,
- Not able are to purifie our staines.
- Such are those teares, vvhich from Hels feare do grovv,
- Such are those teares, vvhich from selfe-loue do flow.
- The raine vvhich this detested elfe must drovvne,
- Must from aboue, must from high heau'n come dovvne.
- VVherefore salt-teares, for sin send dovvne apace,
- (O happie dying in such streames of grace.)
- A sea of griefe in eu'ry place abound:
- And in the vvaues let vgly sin be drovvn'd.
- Each one of vs a sinners title beares,
- Let vs be MAGDALENS in shedding teares.
- Of Hesebon, large Fish-pondes be our eyes: Luc. 7.
- The vvaters vvofull plaintes, the fish sad cries.
- VVhat doest thou meane my Muse, vvhy gadst thou so? Cant. 7.
- Recall thy selfe, and let the Monster goe:
- A better object shall delight thy eyes,
- Behold Pulcheria, the faire, the vvise,
- Of vvhom to rule, shall Theodosius learne, Aristotle in his Politikes, prooueth a vvoman vnfit to gouerne.
- And vvhen he dyes, leaue her his Empires stearne.
- Had Aristotle liued in her Court,
- Hee vvould haue deem'd, his pollicies to short.
- Had hee beheld the actions of her life,
- Her sexe should haue resembled Delphos knife.
- VVhilst shee vvho did vvith such a grace obaye,
- Shall ample Scepters, vvith like justice svvaye,
- Hovv much to her our Christian vvorld doth ovve,
- Let Fathers gath'red by great LEO shovve,
- Shee doth on necke of proud Nestorius tread, Thefourth generall Councel of Calcedon, gathered chiefely by the zeale of this holy Empres. Gen. 3.
- And vvith his foyle bruiseth the Serpents head.
- All actes of vvorthie vveomen counted be,
- None for the Church hath done so much as shee.
- I heare you saie, vvas her desert so much,
- VVhy then as if there neuer had bene such,
- The vvorld so litle heareth of her name,
- No publike meetings solemnize her fame?
- Shall I imagine Easterne Empires losse,
- Hath added to our Christian vveale this crosse,
- Or thinke our God vnto some latter daies,
- The solemne honors of his Sainte delaies.
- Meane time I vvish such vertue to my Quill,
- That vvith her praise, I might all Countries fill.
- And teach the vvorld that in Pulcheria stood
- Tvvo rarely meeting graces, Great and Good:
- Tvvo other opposites vveare likevvise freinds,
- VVhilst priuate thoughts did ayme at publike ends.
- But since (great Queene) my forces are to vveake,
- A better vvorke-man shall thy glorie speake,
- And vvith a Pencill rul'de by heau'nly Arte,
- Delineate diuers Pictures, as thou vvearte:
- VVhich vvhen they are presented to our sight,
- VVee'le forth-vvith saie, here is Pulcheria right.
- Faire Austria seat of greatnesse, honors tree, A true cō
- mendation of the house of Austria.
- VVhose braunches through the vvorld dilated bee,
- VVhat Land, vvhat Kingdome doth not make great suite
- To haue a plant deriued from thy roote?
- Shall I an ample Roll of CAeSARS shovv,
- Or for great Monarkes to HESPERIA goe?
- Shall I recount hovv Hungarie and Beme
- Haue gouern'd bene, and kept good by this stem?
- Or shall I thinke Bauarias Duke so good,
- Because his vaines doe flovv vvith AVSTRIAN bloud?
- In large descentes of this illustrious line Cornelia a Romaine Matrō Mother of Tiberius and Caius Gracchus, a Lady of admirable endovvments.
- Hovv many rare Pulcherias doe shine?
- Shall vvee of MARGARETS and MARIES tell,
- In vvhom Pulcherias many virtues dvvell?
- The vvhich vvhen vvee in vaine begin to count,
- VVee'le judge hovv much the patterne did surmount.
- CORNELIA (Mother of that vvorthie paire,
- VVhose fates vnvvorthie of their virtues vveare)
- Thou scorn'st to haue a Crovvne come on thy head,
- VVhich must be bought vvith Ptolomeus bed,
- Iudging more honour in thy vviddovvs state, Rodulph the first surnamed Magnus, the beginner of the greatnesse of the house of Austria: blest for his rare deuotion to the B. Sacrament
- Then to be stil'd the King of Aegypts mate:
- Though in thy Noble sons consists thy grace,
- Yet giue vnto our Austrian Ladies place:
- Of vvhom hovv many Scepters shall refuse,
- And for a Husband svveetest IESVS choose?
- And those vvhom Heau'ns vvill haue a Paean sing,
- At Hymens tryumphs, shall great Rodulphs bring,
- VVho vvith a bended knee and vvarlike hand,
- Shall add nevv Kingdomes to their natiue land.
- But shall the vvorld be vvarm'd by Austrias son,
- And to our Britaine shall no good be done?
- Must vvee be ouer-past, as if vvee stood
- Vnder the Arctike Pole, vvhere comes no good? Elizabeth daughter of Edvvard the fourth being married to Henry Earle of Richmond, the deadly hate betvvixt the 2. families of Yorke and Lancaster ceased
- Yee gentle heau'ns forbid, novv is the time,
- VVhen Austria shall giue our Northerne Clime
- A MARIE, vvho like the fourth EDVVARDS heire,
- In vvhom combin'd the diff'rent Roses vveare,
- Shall make vvars Trumpet euermore to cease;
- And blesse our ENGLAND vvith eternall peace.
- Impious Hostilitie shall end: no more
- Shall Christian blades be sheat'hd in Christian gore,
- But Spaine and Albion joyn'd 'gainst IESVS foe,
- In Ievvrie land the bloudie CROSSE shall shoe,
- And once againe recou'ring Salems tovvne,
- From top of Mesquites cast their halfe moones dovvne.
- Take courage mightie PRINCESSE at thy birth, Iconoclasts or Image breakers, an. Dom. 786. in the time of Irene Empre Ile of Constantienopledid r
- •
- nounce t
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- eir heresi. The true vse of Ima ges is declared.
- 〈◊〉
- The adoration of them. Phil. 2.
- The Heau'ns vnto the Vniuersall Earth,
- Did promise many blessings: thou art shee,
- In vvhom the vvorld Irenes times shall see:
- Againe, Iconoclasts shall leaue their sect,
- And curse to Hell, their impious neglect
- Of these faire Pictures, better taught to knovv,
- That adoration doth further goe
- Then the bare Image; vvhich of vvood or stone,
- The vvorkman frames, and in it life hath none.
- Vnapt, to vvhom vvee should our Acts direct,
- Abstracting from all relatiue respect.
- But vvhen to Images vvee honour giue,
- Gods Saints are honour'd, vvho vvith him do liue,
- So vvhen each knee to name of IESVS bends.
- To IESVS glorious selfe, the honour tends.
- Themistocles, as hee vvalkes Athens streetes,
- In euery corner Marathonia meetes.
- As he beholds painted vpon each vvall,
- The Persians conque'rd by Athenians fall. 2. They excite vs to imitate the Saints vvhom they represent.
- He sees Miltiades, vvith plumie crest,
- Like Thracian Mauors, animate the rest.
- VVhose diuine virtue in that bloudie feild,
- Made numberlesse to a small number yeild.
- First hee's astonish't, casting then his eyes
- Backe to his youth, and vvanton daies, he cries.
- At last he speakes: O vvould I had no sight!
- That I might not behold Marathons fight?
- VVould I vveare deafe, that I might no more heare
- Of Trophies vvhich Miltiades did reare
- In Marathonian feildes. The children sing,
- The verie vvalles Miltiades doe ring.
- In eu'rie place sound Ecchoes of his fame,
- VVhilst I lie buried in the grane of shame.
- But ah! let mee more ponder, and not crie,
- VVhat vvas this Man so honour'd, more then I?
- Had not Miltiades (in each place nam'de)
- A bodie of the selfe-same substance framde.
- VVith my claie Carcase: haue not I a share,
- As-vvell as he, in a Caelestiall ayre?
- This soule vvhich in my house of durt doth dvvell,
- Doth aequall his; that it doth not so vvell
- Performe her functions, I my selfe must blame;
- VVho so vvith svveets, effeminate the same.
- Had hee as I, in Tauerns spent his daies,
- The vvorld had bene noe Eccho of his praise.
- Had he as I bene daily drovvn'de in vvine,
- His statues had no other bene then mine.
- His statues vvhich are objects of my eies,
- His statues vvhich are causes of these cries.
- Let me be good, and valiant as hee,
- The vvorld vvill statues consecrate to mee,
- As it hath done to him: heere, heere shall stand,
- My follies period, vvith a drunkards hand,
- I'le vvrite no more an ignominious booke,
- VVherein the after-times my shame shall looke.
- But vvith Heroike deedes, and vveapons dinte,
- My name on front of Athens foes i'le print.
- There, there, the vvorld, vvhi'lst lasteth the worlds frame
- In glorious Characters shall read my name.
- You my youths deities, I bid adievv,
- I meane no more to sacrifice to you:
- For drunken Bacchus cups I'le vse the speare,
- For Venus fauours in my helme I'le vveare
- Deaths grizly face. I'le goe the vvorld about,
- But I vvill finde a nevv Marathon out.
- (Novv is conceiu'd a Salaminian fight,
- So much mooues virtue, virtues painted sight.)
- The hauty CAIVS CAeSAR, cannot sleepe,
- Nay ALEXANDERS statue makes him vveepe.
- Quoth he (and sighs) at my yeares PHILIPS son,
- Conq'uerd the vvorld: and (beast) vvhat haue I done?
- Shall I at home alvvaies ignobly rest,
- And like a babe sucke milke at my Mam's breast,
- No no, as he my Monuments of fame,
- I'le raise: or die in persuite of a name.
- His son the Portratures of vvorthy Knights, Augustus Caesar adopted sonne of Iulius.
- Sets in his Pallace, that their very sights,
- May moue himselfe, and the succeeding Kings,
- To the attempting of heroicke things.
- As I behold my IESVS on the Rood,
- VVith armes extended, shed his pretious bloud:
- Hovv am I moou'd? and vvhen I knovv for me, Hovv pietie is fostered & furthered by holy pictures.
- My God vvas nayled thus vpon a tree.
- Doth he not Preach, although he make no noyse?
- (His only Picture is a Preaching voice.)
- The Sermon thus beginnes: behold Gods Son
- Hath so much suff'red, and hath so much done
- For thy soules health, that thou shouldst enter in
- Heau'ns gates, and freed be from hell and sin.
- That thou eternally shouldst vvith mee raigne:
- I for thy sins, am as a victime slaine.
- This Picture represents vnto thy sight,
- My loue to thee in Golgoth's bloudie fight:
- VVhere although in the battaile I did die,
- Yet made I sin vvith death and hell to flie.
- VVeare thou the spoiles of that tryumphant daie,
- (The spoyles are grace, and glories Crovvne for aye.)
- As I this vvofull spectacle doe vievv,
- VVhat actes must follovv, vvhat affects ensue?
- Doe not I IESVS loue, vvho shed his bloud,
- To take avvaie the lets vvhich 'gainst mee stòod.
- In my pretension to the promist land,
- And di'de to abrogate that vvriting hand, 2. Colos.
- Of Gods decree (and should haue had its course,
- Had not great IESVS disannull'd his force)
- Doe I not vveep? yes, yes, not cruell Ievves,
- But my transgressions IESVS did misuse.
- I, I, vyld vvretch, vvith vvickednesse and sin, Isa. 53
- His temples crovvn'd; and vvith faults tore his skin.
- As I see IESVS oft faint in the vvaie,
- And CYRENEVS helpe him, I thus saie, Mat. 27.
- No vvonder that our IESVS cannot goe,
- The vveight of my transgressions load him soe.
- Shall I not sin detest vvhen Gods sole son,
- Sin only to destroie so much hath done:
- And knovv hovv hatefull sin is in Gods eyes,
- VVhen to appease him no Host can suffice,
- No victime make him his dravvne vveapon sheath, Gen. 22.
- But his Sons sacrifice, and ISAACS death.
- Iulian deface that Portraiture vvhich shee
- Erects, vvhom IESVS from the fluxe set free, Mat. 9. Mar. 5. Luc. 8.
- That so the memorie might alvvaies stand,
- Of benefit receiu'd by IESVS hand:
- At foote against Iconoclasts shall preach This vvoman cured by our Sauiour, erected his statue in brasse, at the foote vvhereof grevv an hearb, vvhich vvhen it reached to the hemme of our Sauiours garment, cured all diseases, as vvitnesseth: vvho in his time see it. Euseb. lib. 7. Hist. c. 14. Iulian the Apostata broake it in peeces, and placed his ovvne in the place, but a fire comming from heauen and renting Iulians statue, casting also the head to the ground, reuenged the sacrilegious temerity of this Apostata Emperour. Soz. lib. 5. c. 20. Niceph. lib. 10. c. 30.
- An herbes rare virtue, vvho vvhen it shall reach
- To IESVS garments hemme, IESVS shall daine,
- VVith virtue of it to cure eu'rie paine.
- Cast dovvne this statue (renegate) and so,
- In IESVS picture shevv thy selfe his foe.
- And vvhen thou hast it broken in disgrace,
- Erect thine ovvne foule Picture in its place.
- That from heau'n comming dovvne a firie blast,
- May burne thy Portrature, and to earth cast.
- Shall vvee haue Iulians in our vvretched age,
- Shevv against IESVS Crucifixe their rage?
- These Pictures vvhich in such fayre order stand,
- Must they be vvith a sacrilegious hand
- Cast out our Church? Shall Gentle-men no more,
- Behold SEBASTIAN shed his manly goare,
- For IESVS cause? and vvith the Martyrs sight,
- Be animated manfully to fight.
- For IESVS faith? shall they not ALBAN see.
- Beheaded by sterne Emperours decree,
- For hiding in his house, 'gainst Kesars lavves,
- Iehouas Priest? and making here a pause.
- Incourage thus themselues, this is our case,
- Vilde Pursiuants haue IESVS Priests in chase:
- VVe vvill them intertaine, and if vvee die,
- VVith vvinges of blest eternitie vveele flie
- To highest heau'n, and there vvith ALBAN raigne,
- VVho for like cause, vvith ALBAN haue bene slaine
- Had thy great house (faire ESTHER) bene so good,
- If Leopoldus had not pictur'd stood? Leopold. Marquesse of Austna a Prince of vvonderfull sanctitie, 1. Reg. 10.
- Telling his Nephevves ti's a Princes grace,
- To be as high in Sanctitie as place.
- Each virtue in a Monarkes brest must dvvell,
- He must as SAVL the multitude excell.
- By shoulders then the rest, he must be higher,
- Carried aloft vvith a Caelestiall fier.
- Take Pictures hence, vvhere is the idiots booke?
- Our Faiths deepe Mysteries therein to looke.
- In Images, the vn-taught svvaine shall read,
- That CHRIST for him is borne, for him doth bleed.
- Hee shall as he sees IESVS borne so poore, 3. Pictures instructe the simple and ignorant people, and therefore Saint Gregcals them the idiots book. lib. 9. Ep. 9 Mat. 2.
- Conceiue that pouertie in it hath more,
- Then the vvorld thinkes; affection shall him make.
- Loue the svveete babe, borne poorely for his sake.
- VVhen Ianus double fac'de the nevv yeare brings,
- Hee shall behold the off'rings of the Kings:
- And learne those Kings vvho offer presents, are
- First fruits of Gentiles, guided by a starre.
- If God vvould not haue holy Pictures stand,
- To grace his Church; vvhy vvas the cut off hand
- of Damascene restor'd by MARIES praire?
- VVhose Pictures in his bookes defended are.
- If vvorshipping of Images be nought,
- I'le taxe thee (Angels Empresse) vvith a fault.
- VVhy didst thou giue him his hand backe againe,
- VVho Images Relligion did sustaine?
- Can such a one finde fauour in thy sight, Our Sauiour, as vvitnesseth, Euag. lib. 4. hist. c. 26. sent his picture to Abgarus king of Edessa by vvhich many famous miracles vveare done, and are related by the same author.
- VVho for Idolatries defence doth vvrite?
- If vvorshipping of Images be ill,
- Heau'ns Queene, let me aske thee vvhy dost thou fill
- The vvorld vvith miracles, and no vvhere more,
- Then vvhere thy statues Catholikes adore?
- Had not (vouchsafe to ansvveare mightie Queene)
- Aegyptian MARIE thy faire picture seene.
- And praid before it, should not her blest soule,
- Haue still remained, as a Blacke-more foule?
- From IESVS Mother, i'le goe to her son,
- And humbly aske of him vvhat he hath done,
- As he the Messenger made backe to beare,
- His holy picture to Edessas Pere:
- As he vvith Virtue vvonderfull did place
- In Berenices hand-kercher his face.
- Each follovving age vvill reuerence the same,
- And he for superstition must haue blame.
- Pictures, he saith are good, but they are nought,
- VVho haue their goodnesse into question brought. The finding of the Crosse, on vvhich our Sauiour suffered, by Helen. Mother of the Emperour Constantine. Cant. 3.
- Shall not our English Queenes see HELEN make
- A holy journey for deuotion sake
- To Salem tovvne? vvhere miracles forth-bring,
- The scepter of our vvith-thornes Crovvned King.
- (As on King SALOMON the daughters stand
- Of Sion gazing this vvas in his hand.)
- This scepter long time hid in holy ground,
- Is by deuotion of this Empresse found.
- Part of it she vnto Byzantium brings,
- (So much that age did esteeme holy things)
- Part vnto Rome, vvhere pietie doth build
- Marmorean Temples, and deuotion yeild
- Iust honours to those Reliques, vvhich did beare
- IESVS, as hee o're hell did Tropheies reare.
- Doth not this Queene of those foure nayles make much,
- VVho holied vveare by IESVS bodies touch?
- In her Sons Diadem she placeth one,
- (VVhich giues more grace, then any Iaspar stone.
- And teacheth CONSTANTINE although he raine,
- That hee's his substitute vvhom Nayles did paine)
- Tvvo shee doth in his bridle raines inclose,
- To keepe him safe from menaces of foes. Hovv S. Helen disposed of the nailes, vvhich pierced our Sauiours hands and feet, vvhen he
- 〈…〉
- vas Crucified for our sins.
- As IVSTINE on his head these raines vvill vveare,
- The Feindes of Hell him dare not once come neare.
- Hell as yet mindfull of Caluaria fight.
- Is daunted vvith these reliques only sight.
- VVho hath not hard of angrie ADRIAS vvaues,
- VVhere millions of ships haue found their graues?
- But novv that passage shall no more be so,
- For HELEN the fourth nayle vvill in it throe,
- And hee vvho vvith his death made all things eu'n,
- Firming a lasting peace t'vvixt earth and heau'n,
- VVill giue the sanctifyed Nayle a force
- To make the billovves leaue their vvonted course.
- Neptune appeaseth euery troubled vvaue,
- (So great a virtue holy Reliques haue:)
- On euery vvall vvhy should not Ladies see?
- Such stories and by them instructed be?
- VVhat vveare the actions of renovvned Dames
- In antient times, vvhere-vvith they made their names
- In catologue of Saints to be enro'lde:
- And by Fames trumpe in after-times extold. Manes first denied the vvorshipping of holy reliques, as vvitnesseth S. Austin lib. 20 conra
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- ust. ca. 21. & lib. 32. c. 11. After him Eunomius and Vigilantius taught this heresie: al many hundreth years since by the holy Church, and councels condēned for heretikes.
- VVhy should not euery vvall and corner Preach
- And vvhat religion HELEN vvas of teach?
- Oh vvicked daies of ours! vvhen Danaes rape,
- And naked Goddesses immodest shape,
- As for an Apple they contention had,
- To be descided by the Phrygian lad:
- VVhen vvorkes of Aretines lasciuious hand,
- Shall curiously in chambers painted stand.
- Casting lust darts through vvindovves of the eie,
- And vvith luxurious thoughts make the soule die.
- But Images of Christ, his Mother, Saints,
- VVhom pietie and true deuotion paintes,
- VVith sacrilegious hand shall be defa'st,
- In peeces broake, and out of Churches cast.
- In darkest shades let Manes euer bide,
- And his tvvo impious sons on either side,
- VVho vvorship due to Reliques first did blame,
- And pietie fond superstition name.
- Let them make Hell resound vvith vvofull plaints,
- For their impietie 'gainst God and Saints.
- It is enough that Infidels and Ievves,
- VVho Gods and his Saints Images abuse.
- Doe euerlasting pennance for their fault,
- But let our Christian vvorld be better taught.
- Let none vvho in our common vvealth doe dvvell,
- For such impietie goe dovvne to Hel.
- Let all vvho are vvasht in great IESVS name,
- VVith bended knee humblie adore the same.
- Let all vvho IESVS, and his friends affect,
- Act. 19. Diuers nations conuerted to Christianity, and reduced from heresies by their vertuous Queenes Iugunde Queene of Spaine.
- The Tabernacles of his Saincts respect.
- Surely blest Nymph errours detested night
- Thy happie times shall turne to faire daie light,
- Thy Hymenaean Torches are the Sun,
- By vvhich this good to Britaine shall be done.
- For Gods Eternall vvisdome by vvhose hand,
- The vvorld is gouern'd as it first did stand,
- By a proportion'd meanes vvill bring to passe,
- VVhat but in vaine by force attempted vvas.
- VVee joye to read as sacred stories count,
- That Clodoue vvas to the holy Font,
- By his Clotilda brought: the Lombards King,
- Doth Ledolinda to the true faith bring, Didymus of Alexandria vvas from the fift yeare of his age blind, yet most learned in all sciences, but infected vvith the errors of Origen, vvhich errors hee taught Ruf finus and Melania. 1. Pet. 5.
- Thy Auncestors the Gothes are likevvise seene,
- Reuok'd from Errors by their pious Queene.
- VVho vvounded vveare by great Achilles speare,
- By the same vveapon to be cured vveare.
- Against a Scipio vvho vvas Caesars foe.
- In Caesars armie doth a Scipio goe.
- VVhen as Melania by her blinde guide taught,
- Errors of Origen to great Rome brought,
- VVhere-vvith opinion of an holy name,
- Shee and Ruffinus did dilate the same.
- As Debora did not Marcella rise,
- And make the erring. Romaines ope their eies?
- Made shee not Barach to stretch out his hand,
- And put to flight the nevv-sprung errors bands?
- The Lyons vvhelpe of Iuda shall oppose
- His force against that Lyons force, vvho goes
- About the vvorld, seeking each vvhere to eate
- (The soules of men are this fierce Lyons meate.) Ge. 3.
- In Edens Garden the curs'd tree did grovv,
- VVhose fruit vvas death, leaues sicknesse, branches vvoe:
- In top of Golgotha must spring a tree, The marriage of Henry the 8. vvith Anne of Boleine, vvas theouerthrovv of Catholike religiō in England 2. Reg. 20.
- VVhich from these miseries shall set vs free.
- •
- nne vvas the EVE vvhich gaue vs our deaths vvound,
- MARIE the vvoman is, shall make vs sound.
- A lavvlesse Mariage ENGLAND did vndoe,
- Thy vvish't for Mariage ENGLAND shall renue.
- Against their King (vvhen ABSALON vvas slaine)
- Rebellious SEBA moues the Tribes againe;
- But a vvise vvoman in Abela tovvne,
- Doth SEBAS head from Cittie vvalles cast dovvne,
- And by the death of a seditious Knaue,
- From IOABS furie doth her people saue.
- Shall vvee be troubled vvith eternall jarres,
- VVill no ALCIDES giue end to the vvarrs,
- And Hollands many headed HYDRA kill, The character of the state, and commō vvealth of Hollād.
- VVhich doth vvith tumults our North-climate fill?
- This Monster hath a Cockatrices breath,
- Threatning to Monarkes, and all Kingdomes death:
- No DIONS novv, no BRVTI liue againe,
- Detesting lavvlesse tyrannie should raigne;
- But Athens thirtie tyrants, and Romes ten The Hollanders putting the Turkish halfe moones on the flags of their ships had this Motto: Pius Turcae quam Papislae.
- VVill change a Monarchy for diuerse men.
- Religion is too poore a Maske to hide,
- Their Treason that it should not be espide.
- The vvorld be taught that breach of Faith to Kings,
- First Heresie, then Atheisme, then Hell brings,
- VVho doe contremne the Church their Mothers lore,
- VVill at the last acknovvledge CHRIST no more;
- And vvee haue seene them count it a small losse,
- For Turkish Moones to change the Christian CROSSE
- My vvorthy Countrie-men, vvhy are you slaues
- To Brevvers, Coblers, Basket-making Knaues?
- VVhy doe you voluntarie your selues thrust
- To patronize a cause as Hell vn-just?
- You ansvvere that you part of Holland take,
- For the Lords vvord, and for his Gospell sake.
- The Gospell saies, let CAeSAR haue his due,
- Hovv for the Gospell fight you then, thinke you? Mat. 22.
- Thieues their Kings rob, and you against all lavv,
- That thieues may keep stolne goods, your vveapons draw
- But if you nearer to their Gospell looke,
- Youle finde it is a Matchiuilian booke:
- VVherein each leafe containeth damned things,
- Conspiracies, and treasons against Kings.
- Sovving sedition amongst other men,
- That they may sleepe safe in their Cacus den.
- Let vvartes destroie France, Germanie, and Beme,
- VVhat doe they care, so vvarres be far from them?
- VVhat Gospel can they haue, vvhere Turks, vvhere Ievvs
- Their Synagogues, and prophane Mesquits vse?
- Is not their Amsterdam the drugs, the fex,
- The sinke of all impuritie and sects?
- Could Hannibal more sundrie nations tell,
- Then sects contrarie in that Babell dvvell?
- But that no matter is, Ievv Atheist, Turke,
- So he defie the Pope, is of their Kirke.
- Moreouer can rebellions cause be just,
- VVhen thieues true Lords out of possession thrust?
- VVhat if a D'Alua bore a heauie hand,
- Must they forth-vvith vp in rebellion band
- Against their King, and take from him his ovvne▪
- If so: vvhat Prince can sit safe in his throne?
- Lets praie that Princes may doe vvhat is right,
- And not vvith trait'tous armes against them fight.
- But you doe not examine much their cause,
- Their friendship you into the action dravves.
- VVhy should you take such tyrants for your freinds,
- VVho affect none but for their priuare ends?
- Let Massacres in remote Indies shevv,
- If Holland be our ENGLANDS friend or no.
- Oh that our Seas could speake: vve soone should heare
- VVhat good-vvill Hollanders to ENGLAND beare:
- Let jestes, let scoffes, let mockes at King, and state
- Make knovvne their litle loue, if not great hate
- To Prince and vs: as helpes haue bene deni'de,
- To backe their Heresie, their theft, their pride.
- Ill-nurturde svvaines, not taught vvhat is a King,
- A God on earth, a Consecrated thing. Ps. 81. 1. Reg. 24.
- DAVID laments, that he cut his Kings coate,
- VVhen these vvith open mouth, vvith open throate,
- Gods Vice-roies bite, their royall actions blame,
- VVith frumpes, vvith quips Monarchs expose to shame.
- Let base Typhaeus brood, vvhose pride is such,
- That they the holie ones of God dare touch Ps. 104.
- VVith slandring libels, expiate such vvrongues,
- VVith losse of hands, and forfeiture of tongues.
- Yea let such Caitiues for blaspheming die,
- (VVho touch Kings, touch the apple of Gods eie.)
- Let eu'ry Simei, eu'ry slandring Knaue, Zach. 2. 2. Reg. 16.
- The saucy Eupolis misfortune haue.
- And here their often mention'd Tempel fayles,
- T'is Satans Ghost, vvhich against Princes rayles. Ier. 7.
- VVhen the vvhole vvorld is in combustuous fire,
- Subjects against their Kings each vvhere conspire: Iud. 9.
- Base-borne Abimelech his brethren kills,
- Mis-gotten Mansfield Realmes vvith rapine fills.
- And all these mischiefes fram'd, this vvorld of harmes
- In Hollands Aetna, vvhere Cyclops make armes.
- For Hells black Prince, 'gainst God himselfe to fling,
- And Sions Citie to destruction bring.
- Let none it contrarie to reason thinke,
- That I haue temper'd some gall vvith my incke?
- VVhen I doe heare base Eupolis so bold,
- To rayle at Kings, my splene I cannot hold.
- Though I at vices, not at persons ayme,
- I affect Holland, but rebellion blame:
- And let the Netherlanders once be good,
- Let them cashire this their rebellious mood,
- And as Religion teacheth againe bring
- VVonted obedience to Hesperias King.
- Reasons and thousand arguments i'le frame,
- To eternise industrious Hollands name.
- Meane vvhile vvill none inspir'd vvith heau'nly fire,
- Fore-tel hovv Spaines great King shall sacke proud Tyres
- VVill no Ioues seed once-more in Lerna lake, Ezech. 26.
- 〈◊〉
- .
- The many heads from this foule Hydra take?
- No Iohn de Austria their cities vvin,
- No Parma take reuolting Holland in?
- No demi-god (better then other men)
- Grapple vvith theiuish Cacus in his den?
- (Cacus vvho hath his Father Vulcans shape,
- Cacus vvho liues by Homicide and rape.)
- No, no: our God vvill not haue Iury land,
- Set free alone by valiant Barachs hand:
- But Iabins captaine pearced in the head Iudie, 6.
- By Iahels vvife, shall at her feete fall dead.
- Ambitious Ammon euer looking high,
- By Esters Prayers hanged aloft shall die. Est. 7.
- Great Princesse thou art Iudith, by vvhose hands,
- Proud Holofernes leader of Hells bands,
- Shall vanquisht be: thou art Abelas Dame, Iudit. 13. 2. Ro. 28.
- VVhose Nuptiall rites shall Holland Rebells tame,
- Seditious Sebas head shall buy a peace,
- And vvith the Tribes submission vvars shall cease.
- Thou hast Pulcherias birth, her state, her face
- In the attempt of great things haue her grace:
- So let thy Actions crovvne thy life vvith praise,
- That after-times thy Monuments may raise.
- And as thy Ancestors their Nephevv Kings,
- Excite to enterprise of vvorthie things;
- So be thy deeds thy royall issues booke,
- VVherein hovv they shall liue, they alvvaies looke.
- Antiquitie doth of an Atlas count,
- On his backe bearing vp Olympus mount, Of the Pillars of the Church.
- Our IESVS is vvise Atlas, by his hands,
- Sion vvas built, and on his backe it standes.
- Our Atlas dies, vvho shall supplie his place,
- Hath he left heires of this supporting grace?
- Firme-pillars of best marble compos'd all,
- Beare Sion on their backes, that it not fall.
- (VVho in Gods Church vvill haue a Pillars part,
- Must be vvell practiz'd in the bearing art.
- Hath not truths selfe his promise giu'n that those, Apoc. 3.
- VVho tryumph ouer their Infernall foes,
- Shall in his Church be Pillars; vvhilst no frovvne,
- No Hellish violence can cast them dovvne?
- VVhen vve see thee (Great CHARLES) vanquish each foe,
- VVhich doth in battaile against virtue goe:
- VVhen vvee behold in all thy actes such grace,
- Shall not vvee promise thee a Pillars place?
- Of IESVS Church a Pillar thou shalt be,
- VVhilest IESVS Church shall be borne vp by thee.
- VVith Hercules (vvhere Sol his steedes doth vvet)
- Thou shalt thy Monuments and Columnes set,
- And vvrite non vltra to the after-daies,
- Forbidding all to aequalize thy praise,
- VVhilest no great Monarke, nor great Monarkes Son.
- Shall doe so much for Church, as thou hast done.
- In first place vvrought by IESVS cunning hand,
- Most eminent doth SIMON PETER stand. Gal. 2.
- To PETER next vvhilst' he supporteth all,
- In IESVS Church a Pillars place hath PAVLE,
- A cruell death, vvhich did tvvo vvhole daies last, The 2. Apostles.
- Could not firme ANDREVV to the Earth dovvne cast.
- Great IAMES, IOHNS brother, and ZEBEDIES child,
- By HEROD kild, and Spains Apostle stil'd, Act 12.
- VVhether he vvent, and vvith victorious hand,
- To IESVS faith subu'de that noble land,
- IOHN of vvhite Marble made, though his out-side
- VVas gold in fyerie flames refin'd and tride.
- VVas not vvhite marble his Parthenian brest?
- Of Golden loue vvas not made all the rest?
- THOMAS eternall Monuments shall haue
- Amongst the Indians, vvhere he hath his graue.
- VVhose vvondrous virtue either knee proclaimes.
- Rough BARTHOLMEVV vvithout, though faire vvithin,
- (for IESVS name Tyrant pul'd off his skin.)
- For IPHIGENIA HIRTAOVS may frovvne,
- Yea kil blest MATTHEVV, but not cast him dovvne.
- MATTHIAS vvhom the holy Ghost did chose, Act. 1.
- For that place vvhich Iscariot did lose.
- Sermons of BBRNABE vvill teach vvhat can, Act. 11.
- Persvvasions vvhich proceed from a good man.
- Of the same matter, of vvhich other men,
- Th'Apostles vveare composde, yet knovv, that vvhen
- IESVS them Columnes in his Church did place:
- Hee so them temp'red vvith caelestiall grace,
- That mauger anie vvinde or aduerse blast,
- They keepe their place, yea rather stand more fast.
- The last perfection, and supremest forme,
- VVas giuen them, vvhen as the vvisht-for storme Act. 2.
- Of diuine grace, and clouen tongues of fire,
- Made the roome shake, vvhere Christs friends did retire,
- Before this storme, a silly vvenches frovvne, Mat 26, Mar. 14.
- Did cast the chiefest of the Pillars dovvne.
- CEPHAS as to him a poore Damzell calls,
- Denies his IESVS, miserably falls:
- But once confirmed by this devv of grace,
- No threats, no vvhips, can make him leaue his place.
- Nay hee esteemeth honours badge that shame, Act. 5.
- VVhich he endureth for great IESVS name.
- The thundring Cannon at vvhose Eccho quake
- Strong Citties, vvhilest his bullets their vvalls shake,
- Before the fire shall make him vse his voice,
- Is sport for children, ineriment for boies:
- They plaie vvith him, they roule him heare and there,
- And as vpon his backe they ride, not feare.
- But let once fire enflame the charged Gun,
- VVho doth not quake, and from his fury run?
- So haue I seene, the stoutest harts looke pale,
- And as they heard his thunder, their heads vaile:
- Before Gods Ghoast did IESVS friends inspire,
- PETER a Canon vvas but vvithout fire:
- No maruell then though at a vvomans sound,
- Hee daunted vveare, and fell dovvne to the ground.
- But after God had put an holy flame,
- Vnto this Canon, and discharg'de the same.
- VVhat Cittie vvas there, vvhat defensiue vvall,
- VVhich vvith his thunder-bolt he made not fall?
- I passe hovv ANANIA's and his vvife,
- VVith his breaths only foarce did loose their life.
- CAINE built a tovvne nam'de Rome, the vvals were sin,
- Errour and Paganisme did liue vvithin,
- Deriu'de by a long progenie from CAINE,
- In this same Citie did proud Nero raigne.
- IESVS decreeing in the tovvne to take,
- And in it his ovvne Empires seate to make.
- So beats the vvals vvith CEPHAS Cannon shot,
- That at the last the batt'red tovvne is got.
- Idolatrie and superstition flie,
- A thousand errors in the Cittie die.
- There IESVS makes his seate, and there vvill raigne,
- VVhilest Sun giues light, flouds run into the maine.
- Tis true the last time, that this peice did roare,
- Hee burst in tvvo that IESVS hoast no more
- As earst could vse him: so vvhen Spartans flie,
- EPAMINONDVS doth Victorious die.
- Did Philistims or SAMSON the field loose,
- VVhen at his death he kil'd three thousand foes?
- And vvhen in Golgotha Golias head, Iud. 16.
- By IESVS is strucke off, is IESVS dead,
- But potent God forth-vvith the broke-peece cast,
- And making sound againe in Sion plast'e
- Vpon the Battlements, vvhence he hurts more
- Our aduersaries, then he did before.
- Petitions are the bullets, vvhich he throvves,
- From vpper ground, and vvith them Kils our foes:
- Of IESVS flesh (AMBROSIAN meate,)
- Of Bell, of Architects vvee treate.
- THE hovvre did novv approach, in vvhich men dine,
- VVhen see a Table set vvith bread and vvine
- Besides these tvvo nothing at all vvas pla'st,
- No daintie dishes to content the tast.
- VVho vvould not judge such silly Cates vnfit,
- For Potentates, vvhom there vvee see to sit?
- But vvonder not though the fare simple seeme,
- The Maister of the Feast vvill haue vs deeme
- By the effects his banquets vvorth, and knovv,
- That best things make not alvvaies the best shovv.
- And surely CLEOPATRAS Royall feaste,
- VVherevvith shee entertain'd her Romaine guest.
- Nor ASSVERVS banquet to his states,
- VVhich sacred volume vvith such care relates:
- No not the Manna vvhich the Ievves did eate,
- Can be compar'd vvith this Caelestiall meate.
- VVhat dyet hath such virtue as this food: Exod. 16.
- Mortall to make immortall, vvicked good?
- Is your soule sicke? eat here and it no more
- Shall be diseas'd; heers Physicke for each sore.
- This bread makes strong this vvine our armes doth cheare
- The Royall banner of CHRISTS CROSSE to beare,
- VVhen as the fancy objects, vvhich are ill
- Conceiues, and represents them to the vvill, Of the ble
- •
- sed Sacrament vnder the forme of bread.
- That the short pleasure of an idle thought,
- May vvith the soules eternall losse be bought.
- Heers Bread (vvhich God the Holy Ghost did make,
- And in the vvombe of sacred Virgin bake,
- Heating the Ouen vvith Charities best fire,
- The fevvell vvas many a Chast desire:
- The Loaues vvith name of IESVS marked be,
- Hauing his hands and feet nayld to a tree.)
- In such occasions heer's that mistique bread,
- In vision seene, vvhich Madians bloud shall shed.
- And put the Easterne multitude to flight: The effects of the B. Sacramēt.
- Zeb and Zalmana their tvvo chieftaines smite;
- The svvord of Gedeon, vvhich loose Venus Boye
- Shall profligate, his Darts, his shafts destroye. Iud 8.
- Corne of the chosen, substance of the good,
- Expelling bad desires, breeding pure blood,
- This bread, proud Babylon, thy little ones Zach. 9.
- VVith holy vvrath shall dash against the stones.
- This eleuated bread 'boue top of hils, Ps. 135.
- (Priests heades I meane), our vvorld vvith plentie fils.
- ELIAS, as he fainteth, it makes strong, Ps 71. 3. Reg. 19.
- To take of fortie daies a journey long.
- Nay some vvho daily Guests are at this feast,
- Averre for truth that vvhat meate you like best: S
- ••
- . 16.
- VVhat your taste pleaseth, bee it flesh or fish,
- You shall haue here in this Caelestiall dish.
- Manna such vertue to haue had, vve read
- And much more tast it in this heau'nly bread.
- At Easter time you joye to see your Board,
- (As vvas the Israelites) vvith a Lambe stord
- Prepare vvith them your selues; take in your hand
- A vvalking-staffe, vvith your loynes guirded stand Exod. 12.
- As Pilgrims doe (yours is a Pilgrims case
- The vvorld your Inne is, heau'n your dvvelling place) Preparatiō to receiue the blessed Sacramēt.
- Gather vvilde Lettice, ouercome I meane
- Your imperfections, and extirpe them cleane.
- Make of such Lettice sauce a Lambe to eate;
- The Lambe is IESVS, hee shall be your meate.
- IESVS hath cloth'd himselfe vvith a Lambs skin,
- From Sheepe to take the heauy load of sin. Io. 1.
- Is it not strange a Lambe should on his backe
- Carrie a flocke of Sheep, and their sins pack?
- Had not our IESVS them supported so,
- Not one of all the flocke to heau'n should goe.
- The Eliphant by Nature hath this grace,
- That in his furies heate, yet if in place
- Hee shall a Lambe (milde peaces Embleme) see,
- His fury is assuag'd, his angers bee
- Forth-vvith made calme; perchance some fel aspes tounge
- VVith slanders poison hath your credit stunge:
- Or some ill-nurtur'd groome eu'n to your face
- Opprobrious speeches giues, vvordes of disgrace. 2. Reg.
- Your case is DAVIDS, ABSALON his hands
- Against you lifts, and the rebellious bands
- Are vvhich your chiefe friends fil'd, vvho earst did goe
- Next to your side is chiefe cause of your vvoe. Ps. 5
- •
- And vvhere you vveare vvith benefites most kind,
- There you discurtesies doe chiefly finde,
- By thieuish Pursuiuants your goods you loose,
- And yet the Thieues you dare not once accuse.
- Per chance vvith IACOBS sons, or DAVIDS Childe Gon. 34.
- You blush to see as Thamar is defilde
- Kick'de out of doores, after a deede so ill
- You vow you vvill incestuous AMMON Kill.
- You rage, you chafe, you storme, you svvell, you puffe, 2. Reg. 13
- The foming ADRIA is not halfe so rough.
- Come angrie Eliphant behold a lambe,
- Meeke IESVS vvho in Paschall season came;
- That by his death Man might enfranchis'd bee,
- And by his slaughter the bound Goate set free.
- MOYSES a brasen Serpent did erect, Leuit. 16. Num. 21. 103.
- VVhich cured Israel vvith his sole aspect.
- Behold this Lambe, meeke IESVS marke him vvell,
- In him let all your meditations dvvell.
- His only sight vvill cure your inflam'd blood,
- Chiefely if seene vpon the Crosses Rood.
- For knovv fierce Man, this Lambe is Gods sole Son,
- VVho vvhen vs sillie sheepe sin had vndone,
- And vvee by Tempters vvhistle led astraye
- Through vn-couth paths to Hell vvent the next vvay,
- To see our ruine grieuing at the hart,
- VVith Fathers leaue he plai'd the Shepheards part,
- Inuenting a proportion'd meanes to gaine
- The vvandring sheepe, and bring him backe againe.
- Hee cloths himselfe vvith shape, vvith flesh, vvith skin
- VVith all of Man, excepting only sin:
- And in this forme conuersing 'mongst the rest,
- Hee teacheth them vvhat feeding place is best.
- Sometimes in Vallies and lovv Dales he goes,
- As hovv vvee should our selues despise, he shoes,
- Auerring vvho to Sion mount vvill clyme,
- Must gaze in these lovv pastures for a time.
- Of Gelboe hils he bids his sheepe take heede,
- There is no faftie on those Cliffs to feed.
- The fruitfull shevvres, the Devv of heau'nly grace,
- Neuer refresh that miserable place.
- There vve see SAVL on his ovvne svvord to die,
- VVhilst he the Philistaean blades vvould flie 1. Reg 31. 2. Reg 1.
- The Hils vvith murdred VVarriors are fil'd,
- Thy valiant there, ô Israel are kil'd.
- VVhat are these Mountaines vvhere such vvorthies di'de,
- But eleuated hils of humaine pride?
- VVits, vvho doe lift themselues aboue the rest, S. Austen explicating that of the 67. Psal. increpa fe
- •
- as arundinis, saith that heretikes are, ferae calami beastes vvho vvith their quils dammage and molest the Church.
- And euer judge their ovvne opinion best.
- Such vvicked Arrius vvas, and after him
- Pelagius, of the Diuell each a limb.
- Vrsacius, Valens and the gelded sorte,
- VVho doe frequent (Constantius) thy Court.
- To IESVS all injurious: IESVS grace
- Pelagius doth denie: the Eunuchs race
- Auer that God no more then they haue done,
- In generation of his only Son:
- And Gods Son follovving Natures vvonted lavves,
- In his eternall being hath a cause.
- These and all Heretikes in Gelboe hils,
- Haue fallne on their ovvne swords, I meane their quils.
- Some times our Lambe on top of Thabor feedes
- The flocke instructing by Heroycke deeds
- Of diuine Counsails tis best there to graze,
- From vvhence tovvard heau'nly Sion they may gaze: Mat. 17
- Then he inform's them of his Royall birth,
- The reason vvhy he came vpon the earth.
- Hovv doth he make Celestiall Spirits mount,
- VVhen hee the Eight Beatitudes doth count?
- Beginning thus, the Kingdome of high heau'n
- To those vvho are in spirit poore, is geu'n. Of the first beatitude. Mat. 5.
- You aske vvho are spiritually poore,
- VVho looking on their nothing doe not soare
- VVith feath'red vvings of pride, but knovving vvell
- That their offences haue deserued Hell,
- They suffer injuries, that so his vvrath
- They may appease, vvhom sin offended hath.
- This pouertie had Israels forlorne King,
- VVhen rayling Simei at him stones did fling: 2. Keg. 16.
- Hee doth reflect as his rebellious son
- Against him vvarrs, vvhat he before had done
- To good VRIAS, and accepts this rod,
- As a deseru'd affliction, sent from God.
- Marke hovv our Lambe doth earths possession giue
- To those vvho on the earth doe meekely liue,
- O're their ovvne passions their command is great, Of the 2. Beatitude. Mat. 5.
- I'th land of others harts they haue a seate.
- Theirs is the land of euerlasting blisse,
- (The vvhich alone land of the liuing is)
- If poore haue heau'n, if meeke on earth doe dvvell,
- VVhat place is for the angrie left, but Hell?
- To Stygian pit, vvherefore doth Thubal goe,
- Let holy man by God inspired shovv.
- Because he had no Target to vvard blovves, Ezech. 32.
- But svvordes and Launces to offend his foes.
- IESVS vvho doest our hands vvith vveapons arme,
- VVhen heaped injuries sound the alarme;
- VVhen vve shall suffer opprobries, vvhen wronge,
- Bestovv on vs that armour of the strong
- Firme patience, vvho fight couer'd vvith this shield, Cant. 4.
- Alvvaies returne victorious out the field.
- VVhat vvas thy life but a continuall paine,
- A lasting labour to bring backe againe
- The vvandring sheepe, and put him in such place
- VVhere holsome pastures are, streames flovvvvith grace.
- VVhom did'st not thou instruct, to vvhom not Preach
- •
- VVhom virtue not by thy example teach?
- VVhen any vvith the rot infected vvare,
- VVith vvhat loue didst thou cure them, vvith vvhat care?
- Herafter Pastors thou doest teach to rule,
- Making thy life of eu'ry grace a Schoole.
- Thou bidst them oft remember Ioathans tale,
- Hovv vvhen supremacy vvas set to sale. Iud. 9.
- The Figge, the Vine, the Oliue vvould not buye
- VVith their ovvne detriment a place so highe:
- Only the Thorne accepteth to be great,
- (Thornes vvillingly doe sit in vpper seate)
- VVho follovv thee must choose the lovver end,
- Vntill thy heau'nly Father bid ascend. Luc. 14.
- Thou shevvst vvherein a Prelats place consists
- Not in good fare, or doing vvhat he lists,
- Not to haue complacence in being first,
- Rather to judge himselfe therefore the vvorst. Mat. 23.
- Not making the poore sheepe to carry much
- VVhen hee vvith his least finger vvill not touch
- The burthen others beare, nay the right vvaie
- To gouerne is, vvhen Prelates doe, then saie.
- Therefore still thou doest to thy precepts joyne
- This Rule, my seruants actions be like mine. Io. 13. Mat.
- 〈◊〉
- .
- Hee is a Monster in vvhose mouth doth stand
- A tongue, in greatnesse vvhich exceeds his hand.
- Hovv many such our Basan Pastures shovve?
- Hovv many such in vpper places goe?
- Of God and virtue they doe largely talke,
- But haue no hands to vvorke, no feete to vvalke
- After thy CROSSE, such carry on their backe
- A Pastors title, but the virtue lacke.
- VVho are in seate of supreame honour plac't
- Must keepe themselues from a cold Northren blast,
- Icleped pride, this had his birth on high,
- 〈◊〉
- . 14.
- And euer since contendeth vp to flie.
- VVhat industrie, vvhat labours doest thou spend
- In gaining Iudas? as if the vvhole end
- Of thy conuersing in the vvorld had bin
- To make this vvretch forsake his haunt of sin:
- And vvhat revvard? as Priests shall him out tell
- Poore thirtie pence, he vvill his Maister sell?
- And can a Lambe for such a price be sold,
- More vvorth then Iasons sheepe vvith fleece of gold?
- VVhen at this rate the Butchers had thee bought,
- They presently vnto the shambles brought,
- VVhere vvith thy death though they did meane to end,
- Thy vvisdome did beyond their malice tend.
- Then thou didst thinke vpon this mystique board,
- Hovv vvith thy sacred flesh it should be stor'd,
- Making theit furies, vvho did thirst thy bloud
- The instruments of our eternall good.
- And alt'ring the old rites of Pascall sheepe,,
- Ordain'st that vvee a better Easter Keepe.
- The hautie Pharisies full little thinke,
- They make a vvine shall be soule-sauing drinke
- For hated Gentiles, little doe they dreame,
- From IESVS vaines can flovv so rich a streame.
- Doe you thinke Scribes vvho sit on MOYSES Chaire,
- That vvhen in high Priests house you joyned are,
- Your consultation is, hovv you shall dresse
- Mat. 23. A relation of some passages of our Sauiours Passion.
- For Christian banquet a Caelestiall Messe?
- Speake sacred Muse, hovv this great Myst'rie came,
- That our foes dresse for vs our Paschall Lambe.
- The cruell Knife that cut our IESVS throate,
- In PILATES Hall vvas the base vulgars note.
- As they the Heau'ns astonish vvith their crie,
- Let Barrabas alone, let IESVS die. Mat. 27.
- I finde quoth PILATE of his death noe cause.
- They ansvveare let him dye (our vvils are lavves.)
- Bring vvater, from this crime ile vvash me free.
- His bloud on vs, and on our Children bee.
- Yee Impious levves, this vvas the sharpe edg'de Knife,
- VVhich did depriue meeke IESVS of his life.
- VVhen TITVS shall your Cittie vvals cast dovvne,
- VVhen fire your Temple, and destroye your Tovvne,
- VVhen to the vvorlds end your accursed race
- Shall vvander vagabonds in eu'ry place; The miserie of the Ievves: all vvhich S. Hierome Ep. 129. ad Dardanum doth attribute to Gods iust vengeance for their impious killing our Sauiour.
- Then knovv that ABELS bloud, vvhom you haue slaine
- For vengeance cries against his Brother CAINE.
- VVhen common vveales shall make you a signe vse
- To make the vvorld take notice you are levves,
- VVhen Boyes hoope after you, Dogs at you barke,
- Haue you not CAINE the homicide his marke?
- Before a LAMBE is for the Table fit
- They vse to fleye him, aftervvards to spit,
- And so by gentle fires all sides to heate,
- Till by degrees it be made holsome meate.
- But not the most hard-harted Butcher flaies
- The silly LAMKIN, vvhilst life in it staies:
- Oh then are Butchers, more inhumaine Ievves!
- Hovv cruellie doe you meeke IESVS vse?
- As you doe make the Romaine Cohort strip,
- And vvhilest he liues, flaie him vvith tearing vvhip.
- From top to toe his skin they doe pull off,
- His vvoundes your sport are; at his paines you skoffe:
- Hovv else should his vvoes of all vvoes be chiefe:
- Hovv else should IESVS be a man of griefe? Thren. 1. Isai. 53.
- But can your malice as yet farther goe,
- Are you stil vvittie to increase his vvoe?
- Though you did stab him vvith your doubled noate,
- Of let him die, although pul'd off his coate
- VVith many lashes, yet nor Knife, nor Rod
- Quite kils the LAMBE, vvho is both Man and God.
- After a manie deaths life doth remaine,
- That hauing killed you may kill againe.
- You joye that he as yet not yeelds to fate,
- That so you longer may protract your hate.
- Hee joyes to liue, that vvee may see hovv much
- Hee loued vs, vvhose suffrings haue bene such,
- And all for vs; our sins strucke euery blovve Isa. 53.
- Our vvickednesse vvas cause of all his vvoe.
- VVittie Perillus and Mezentius sterne
- To torture shall of you inuentions learne.
- Proceeding in your malice you make fit,
- To rost this holy Lambe a vvodden spit,
- The CROSSE I meane, to vvhich his feete and hands
- Your barb'rous hangmen tie vvith iron bands.
- VVhat is defectiue novv? a flame to roast
- The victime, and so consummate the Hoast:
- Ith' altar of our IESVS breast doth burne
- A sacred fire, the vvhich shall serue the turne.
- Not thornie Crovvne, not vvhips, not bloudie svveat,
- Not Crosses vveight, but feruorous loues heate
- Consumes our Lambe, as Phoenix in his nest
- Our IESVS dies midst flames of fierie brest.
- For vvere he not consum'd bysuch a Sun,
- Hovv should an holocaust be rightly done?
- Vnder the CROSSE to haue a place, vveel'e sue Spirituall profit arising from meditating on our Sauionrs Passion.
- VVhere vvee vvill immolated IESVS vievv:
- And vvhilste on each sad passage vvee reflect,
- VVeele heale our sorrovves vvith his sole aspect
- VVhen vvee are angrie vvee vvill on him looke,
- His taunts, his griefes, his vvounds shall be our booke:
- And as he suffers, vvhilst vvee heare no noice,
- Not the least sound of a Complainctiue voice,
- VVeele set our spoonefull to his sea of vvoes,
- Our aduersaries to his sauage foes,
- And blush to fill each eare, each place vvith mone,
- VVhilst in respect of his our griefes are none.
- The Lambe by Ievves and Pharises thus drest,
- For IESVS friends makes a continuall feast.
- But vvith vvhat drinke is this great banquet stor'de,
- VVhat Massique vvine adornes this royall borde?
- My Muse declare in the ensuing verse,
- And the strange nature of that vvine rehearse,
- The properties of that Caelestiall vvine,
- VVhich IESVS vvorthy ghestes drinke as they dine.
- Of vvhich vvhen you shall heare prodigious things,
- Yet giue vs faith, and knovv this liquor springs
- From Vine tree, vvhich vvas set by Gods ovvne hand,
- And in the midst of Paradise doth stand.
- Bee not incredulous this vvine doth grovv
- In IESVS vaines, and from his vvoundes doth flovv,
- The Hart vvhom Dogs haue almost at a baye, Psal. 41.
- Peceiuing that his spirits doe decaye,
- Forthvvith vnto some Riuer hath recourse, Of the blessed Sacrament vnder the forme of VVine.
- VVhere svvimming through, he gathereth nevv force,
- VVith vvhich, as if he had but then begun,
- He svviftly flies, pursuing death to shun.
- The soule of Man cloth'd vvith this fleshly furre,
- Is this poore Hart, by many cruell Curr,
- Hunted to death, the houndes names vvill you heare?
- Sad griefe, fond joye, stearne vvrath, vaine hope, false feare The passiōs of the minde.
- These as Acteons Beagles obe'id Man,
- VVhilst Man vvas good, and reason vs'd, but vvhen
- Man in transgression vvas the Deuils Ape,
- And to a beast transformed, lost his shape.
- The Curs vvhich heretofore vvere kept in avve,
- VVill novv obey no longer reasons lavv,
- But as that Hunters Dogs their Maister chase,
- And oft bereaue him of his life of grace.
- Amongst the rest one vgly Curre is found,
- Icleped Mortall sin, this foule-mouth'd hound
- By nature hath such an enuenom'd tooth,
- That vvhere he bites, assured death ensu'th.
- The Nemrod or chiefe Maister of the sport,
- The Diuel is, vvho vvith a gracelesse sorte
- Of vvorldlings, sons of the accursed CAYNE,
- Pursue the silly HARTE, till hee be slaine.
- VVhen sin is done an Euge blovves the horne,
- Their Huntesman hola is faire vertues scorne.
- The vvoods resound vvith base detractions voice,
- Foule slanders Echo makes a hideous noyse.
- VVhen no temptation doth the soule assault,
- They storme and svveare the Doggs are at a fault,
- Getting the sent by customes tracke againe,
- They and their Curres follovv the Chace amayne.
- The Hart pursu'de by such malitious foes,
- Is tyred ofte, oft doth his forces lose.
- VVhen loe good God (vvho the stai'd course of things
- Svveetly contriues) our Beast thus toyled brings
- By secreet motions to a pretious floud,
- VVhich flovves vvith streames of vvounded IESVS bloud.
- Through this the chased Deer no sooner svvims,
- But vvith nevv strength he innouates his limbs:
- And thus refresht tovvards Heau'n he trippeth so,
- That vve him judge rather to flie then go:
- Nay sure he flies, (his vvings are loue and grace)
- VVhere-vvith tovvards Sion he mounts vp apace.
- Is this blest Riuer DAVIDS house of Armes
- To furnish vs vvith sheilds against all harmes? Cant 4.
- Or as in first creation great God brings Gen. 1.
- Out of the vvaters feth'red foule vvith vvings?
- Barke, barke yee Currs, ye cannot hurte vs more,
- Our soule hath vvings, and in the Ayre doth soare.
- VVho shall in Lethes streames his members bath
- (Is it a benefite?) Obliuion hath
- Of his past deedes, forgetting good and ill,
- (Else Poets vvith their lyes the vvorld doe fill.)
- On Alter table flovves a Lethes floud,
- Breeding obliuion of each thing, but good.
- VVho are vvash't heere forget their old desires,
- Earthly propensions, and accustom'd fires.
- VVhat vvonder then, if as Hart through here passe,
- He seeme to be far other then he vvas?
- Shall I describe this glorious Nilus head
- VVhen it began? As IESVS bloud is shed Io. 21.
- By impious Ievves on blest Caluarias Hill,
- And since through Edens Garden flovveth still:
- VVhen as the souldiar vvith his Launce did ope
- Our IESVS side, he gaue the streame full scope
- To issue foorth, vvhich hetherto hath run,
- And euer shall vntill the vvorld be done.
- On Aegipt fruits Nilus bestovves a birth,
- This Riuer fertill makes our Christian Earth.
- Once in a yeare seau'n-headed Nile or'e-flovves,
- And benedictions on the land bestovves.
- Each daye, each hovvre, as AARONS sons thinke good,
- VVee see the ouer-flovving of this floud.
- Fruitfull the Trees are, vvhich in ordred ranckes,
- VVith the streames vvatred grovv along the bankes.
- Among'st these flourisheth a vvell-spread Vine,
- The Grape vvhereof doth make a royall VVine,
- VVith vvhich our IESVS furnisheth his Feasts:
- None can it's vertue tell, but vvho are Guests.
- O happie vines vvhich in Engaddy grovv
- VVhere vvine is made, from vvhence chast virgins flow. Cant. 1. Zach 9. Cant. 5.
- VVith this vvine to be drunke, feare not this Cup
- Ingenders vvorthy thoughts, drinke it all vp.
- VVhen vvee (faire Nymph) thy Austrian house and tree,
- Throughout our Christian vvorld dilated see,
- All men the greatnesse of the Trunke admire,
- Great Kings such braunches as thy selfe desire.
- VVee doe reuolue old Oracles, and saie
- Therefore doth Austrias Sun like the Noone daie
- Shine in our Hemisphëre, and bright raies spred,
- Because Great RODVLPH to this mistique bread,
- By vs describ'de, such pietie did shovv,
- From his deuotion benedictions flovv
- Vppon thy house: my Muse vvhich here doth treat
- Of this rare MANNAH, and AMBROSIAN meate,
- Offers her selfe, vvhil'st shee doth Manna sing,
- To you (Great Princesse) vvho from Rodolph spring:
- And knovves, though nothing else her gratious make,
- Yet y'oule accept her for the Mannas sake.
- The sacrifice vvhereof our Church doth boast,
- VVherein for Peoples sins Gods Son is hoast, Of the Sacrifice dailie offered in the Catholike Church.
- Astonisht vvee vvith silence vvill passe o're,
- And humbly him vvho is in it adore.
- VVee anger IESVS vvhen vvee doe amisse,
- To make our peace IESVS the victime is.
- The Priest eake IESVS is: millions of times,
- And in as many places for our crimes
- Doth IESVS offer victimes eu'rie daie,
- As if he nothing else but Masse did saie.
- The Bell vvhich makes all people to repaire, The Bell.
- To IESVS Church, and telleth them that there,
- Gods seruice shall be done: is a straunge bell,
- And vvhen it rings, doth ring as strange a knell.
- It is made of the voices of all those Euen sectaries thē selues are compelled to saie there is the Catholike Church, such a man is a Catho like, as vvitnesseth S. Augustin. lib. contra ep. fund. c. 4. Ciryl. Cat. 18, Io. 1. The holy Fathers saie that the church began in Abel a Virgin & martyr. Simon Magus boasted much of faith vvith out good vvorkes. Clem. lib. 1. Recog. Mat. 7.
- VVho reason vse; both IESVS friends and foes
- Serue as a Bell, vvhich Christian people tels,
- That in our Church the true Religion dvvels:
- In Church describ'de by me, built by Gods Son,
- True seruice of eternall God is done.
- At such an houre, at such a time of daie,
- IESVS himselfe vvill vouchsafe Masse to saie.
- Great God himselfe in this Bell hath a share,
- As he doth in his testaments declare,
- That the Church, vvhose foundation I haue laid
- Is that vvhich he 'ith vvorlds beginning made;
- The same vvhich in the Patriarchall daies,
- And lavv of MOYSES he from earth did raise,
- But vvas vnto a full perfection brought,
- VVhen IESVS grace, and truth his Christians taught
- Nay God is angrie, and doth tell vs plaine,
- His Church did not begin vvith impious Caine,
- But founded in a righteous ABELS bloud,
- Hath since supported by his right hand stood.
- Haue I built vp my Church, IEHOVA saith,
- On Arrius, Hus, on Magus faithlesse faith?
- VVho so doe build their house, build on the sands,
- No longer then the builands.
- VVho not vvith mee on IESVS build; at once
- Their Church shall perish, vvith their rotten bones.
- But my Church stands on an immoued rocke,
- And shall endure each persecutions shocke.
- No Ievv, no Heretique, no Pagans arme
- Can doe the Church vvhich I haue builded harme.
- Nay euery blustring vvinde, each aduerse blast
- Make the foundation of my Church more fast.
- I built a neate, an ample statelie Kirke,
- And dare these saie, their hogsties are my vvorke?
- VVith virtues Tapestrie my Church is faire,
- Not vvith sins vgly, as their dunge cartes are,
- Perfumes of grace in my Church svvetly smell,
- Vice makes their Synagogues a second Hell.
- IESVS (the vvorth of vvhose braue name vvee tell)
- Giueth a voice to'th making of our bell, VVee describe the Bell of the Catholike Church.
- And speaketh thus, liuing it vvas my vvill
- To build my Church and Cittie on a Hill.
- I built my Tempel on a mountaine high,
- Conspicuous and expos'd to eu'rie eye:
- Had I made man inuisible to goe, Mat. 5.
- I vvould haue likevvise built my temple soe.
- I therefore spent a thirtie-three yeares time,
- That mine should high perfections mountaine clime.
- A three-fould mountaine then Olympus higher
- As Aetna burning vvith perpetuall fier:
- The poore, the chast, the virtue vvhich obeies,
- This mount more high then common earth doth raise. The three Euangelical counsailes.
- Good vvorkes, and almes bestovved in my name,
- Make this high hill vvith Charitie to flame:
- The smell is likevvise vvonderfully svveete,
- VVhilest Myrrhe and Frankinsence together meete.
- And that these alvvaies reeke must be the care
- Of mortifying actes, and mentall praire.
- Hovv then dare these blasphemers of my grace,
- Saie I haue chosen for my Church a place
- VVith the earth euen? those vvho neuer soare
- VVith counsailes vvings to heau'n, vvhat haue they more
- Then earth? in vallies and lovv dales they goe
- VVho then commandements, vvill no more knovv.
- Good vvorkes not onely make my Cittie faire,
- But eake behoofull for the dvvellers are.
- And shall such appertaine vnto my mount, Mat. 19.
- VVho of good vvorkes make none or little count?
- But carelesly set all at sixe and seau'n It vvas one of the herefies of Simō Magus, in the Apostles time, and aftervvard of Aetius surnamed Atheist, that faith alone vvas sufficient to saluatiō S. Hierome vvrit against Iouinian, who made marrimony aequall vvith virginitie. Mat. 8. Luc. 8. Cant. 4. 5. Io. 10. Io. 21.
- And saie bare faith enough is to get Heau'n.
- My Church is not a Kennell for foule Dogs,
- A nastie hogstie for all sensuall Hogs.
- Did not Iouinian a foule Hogstie make,
- VVhen from chaste life he did all merit take?
- All such doe Hogsties vvith Iouinian build,
- VVho to Virginitie no honour yeild.
- Hovv dare these Gerasines (feeders of svvine)
- Affirme their durtie village to be mine?
- I claime a Church vvhich on a mountaine stands
- Such, such is that vvhich I made vvith my handes.
- In this I giue remission of sin,
- And in none else, here (people) enter in.
- This is my garden, this my dvvelling house,
- Here vvith me dvvels my Loue, my Doue, my Spouse.
- This Church my sheepefold is: sheepefold and sheepe
- VVith my ovvne mouth I did bid PETER keepe.
- And shall I thinke my Church and sheepfold theare
- VVhere my chiefe Vicar PETER hath no care?
- Those Synagogues, vvhere Cephas hath no Keie
- Are shambles, vvherein butchers the sheepe slaie.
- I in my Church (vvhat nation can so boast?)
- For peoples sins offer my selfe an Hoast.
- I did die therefore, therefore I did bleed
- That I my friendes might vvith my ovvne flesh feed. Of the ve ritie of our Sauiours presence in the B. Sacrament of the Altar.
- And in my vvounded vaines a Vine might grovv
- From vvhence a Nectar (drinke of Gods) should flovv.
- VVhere you behold such Nectar and such fare
- Goe in; there is my feast, there my guests are.
- But be assur'de there is no feast of mine
- VVhere you no more haue then bare Bread and VVine.
- Not to a meale made vp of of Foule and Beastes,
- But to my Body I inuite my ghuests.
- Am not I able to performe my vvord, Mat. 26. Mar. Luc 22. 1. Cor. 11.
- And set my sacred flesh vpon the board?
- VVho say my diuine hand Almightie is,
- VVhy giue they limits to my povvre in this?
- For vvine I said my ghuests my bloud should drinke,
- If I not giue it them, they needes must thinke,
- I either doe delude, or els am vveake,
- Not able to effect, vvhat I doe speake
- Nor i'st enough if I should make them eate
- For my true body a phantastike meate,
- My bodies figure, and a tipike VVine,
- For I a substance promist' not a signe.
- The Architect of lies maketh such Feasts
- And vvith like fopperies deceiues his guests.
- Hee carries them to Castles of the aire,
- And makes them thinke they feede on daintie fare
- VVhen they eate nothing, all are trickes of his,
- Each thing a signe, each thing a shaddov is,
- They neither haue before them flesh nor fish,
- But idle faith composeth eu'ry dish.
- Call they not mee impostor vvith high Priests
- VVho saie that I so jugle vvith my ghests? Mat. 27.
- I bid them to a banquet, saie their meate Berengarius anno 1028. denied the reall presence in the blessed Sacramēt, and vvas condemned for an heretique by diuers holy coun cels.
- Shall be diuine, my bodie they shall eate;
- But vvhen they sit dovvne, an od fellovv saith,
- Take, eate this bread, and feed on Christ by faith.
- The putid Berengarius mumbled so,
- And long since for an Heretique did goe.
- And yet the people must persuaded be,
- That such a dinner vvas ordain'd by me.
- MARIE his Mother, vvho triumph'de or'e Hell,
- Giueth a voice to making of this Bell.
- And bids all people to this Temple goe,
- VVhich in the former lines my Muse doth shevv.
- And thus she speakes: This Church vnto my Son
- Belongs for in it are due honours done.
- To mee his Mother: IESVS Priests are heere,
- For pietie hath builded euerie vvhere,
- Many faire Altars, and to honour mee,
- The vvorld continuall sacrifice doth see:
- Each hart is made an holy Altar stone
- VVhereon due victimes vnto mee are done.
- Petitions are the Hoasts vvhich please mee vvell,
- As vvith deuotions Frankinsence they smell.
- VVhen as the vvorld its first beginning had,
- And sin had made the tvvo beginners sad; Gen. 3.
- Great God the serpent punishing, from vvhom
- Both sin and sadnesse came, pronounc'd this doome;
- That there should be an euerlasting vvarre
- T'vvixt mee, and Satan, betvvixt those vvho are Io. 21.
- His Sons, and such vvho from my bovvels spring
- (Such Children at the Crosse I forth did bring.
- That vvas the groning Bed I laie vpon,
- VVhen at my IESVS death I did beare IOHN
- And in him the vvhole Church: my eldest boie
- Borne vvithout paine, but not vvithout much joye
- Great IESVS vvas: the earth and heauen smilde,
- VVhen my vvombe blest the vvorld vvith this braue child.
- IESVS and IOHNS acknovvledge I my seed,
- (In sorrovv IOHNS as RACHEL I did breed.)
- IOHNS knovving I am theirs and IESVS Mother
- VVith filiall loue affect me 'fore all other.
- Knovv then that Tempel in the vvhich you see
- My progenie, IESVS true Church to bee.
- Novv by these markes you shall my children knovv
- A great respect and loue to me they shovve,
- They knovv vvhat grace on earth God to me gaue,
- They knovv vvhat glorie in the heau'ns I haue:
- (Such Chrysostome, such Anselme, Bernard vveare
- By God instructed in my visions share) Admirable
- 〈◊〉
- the sentences of these holy Fathers in the praise of our B Lad
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- e, ex tolling her aboue the Seraphins and all the Quires of Angels. 2. Reg. 3.
- They knovv vvhat int'rest I haue in my Son:
- He euer hath and vvill graunt mee each boone.
- Like Bersabee I sit at his right hand,
- And though I doe intreat, yet I commaund.
- Therefore to mee they doe direct their prairs,
- My Son heares my petitions, I heare theirs.
- A mothers title doth my IESVS moue,
- Mee to helpe them forceth a Mothers loue.
- VVhere you see Virgins deuoute, humble, lovv,
- Theres IESVS Church, into that Temple goe
- VVhere you see some vvith loues vvings mount on high,
- They are my seed (so vvhilst I liu'de did I.)
- Mine are those Children vvho make me their glasse,
- T'adorne themselues vvith virtues as I vvas.
- By such apparell you my seed shall knovv,
- But Satans sons in diff'rent habits goe.
- Yet learne their markes, that vvhen you shal them meet,
- You may discerne them by their clouen feete.
- God promised a vvoeman vvho should tread Gen. 3.
- On the old serpens necke, and bruise his head.
- Am I not shee vvho conceiu'd vvithout sin
- In Mothers vvombe to bruise him did begin?
- (VVhom sin taints not (sin is the serpents head)
- Such trample on him, yea such strike him dead)
- EVE vvas a cursed tree, on vvhich did grovv
- To ADAM, and his generation vvoe.
- I bore a fruit, IESVS my royall Son,
- VVho did restore vvhat ADAM had vndone.
- Grovving in Caluarie vpon a CROSSE,
- He did repaire terrestriall Edens losse.
- VVherefore 'gainst me, vvhom mightie God did chuse,
- And as a meanes in mans redemption vse,
- 'Gainst mee the Mother of the God of Hoafls,
- The Prince of Hell musters his damned Ghosts:
- 'Gainst mee each Goblin, each infernall sprite
- Proclaimeth vvarre, spitteth at mee his spite.
- But since my person they cannot come nigh
- (Glorie and grace haue lifted me so high.)
- That diu'lish malice vvhich to mee they ovve,
- In blasphemies and opprobries they shovv.
- So doth the Serpent and his vvicked race
- Diminish that all ouer-shadovving grace
- VVherevvith the holy Ghost my soule did fill,
- VVhen IESVS leauing high Olympus hill,
- Chose my parthenian vvombe, that flesh to make
- VVhich on himselfe the Deitie vvould take.) S. Anselme amongst other signs of Predestination, auerreth that deuotion to our B. Ladie is one: and surly vvho in the Catholike Church haue bene eminent for sanctitie & lear ning: yea for felicitie and happienesse in Ciuill affaires, as Constantine and Charles the great haue bene specially deuoted to the blessed Virgin, the glorious Mother of IESVS.
- VVhen they dare saie, offenders vvith sin foule
- As much grace beautifies as my pure soule.
- If God my ANSELME did inspire as hee
- Affirmes hovv those that are deuoute to me,
- May firmely hope, that their names helpe to fill
- That booke vvhich Gods predestinating vvill
- Hath vvrit; (this pietie and filiall loue
- My deuotes to enroll great God doth moue.)
- Shall not such justly feare, their names to finde
- In the blacke booke of death? vvhose canker'd minde
- Replenisht is vvith spight, vvith splene, vvith hate
- Against my person and my glorious state.
- Can such more spit their rancourd malice forth,
- Then in diminishing my graces vvorth?
- They saie, God me no gifts peculiar gaue
- So great a sanctitie as I all haue.
- Daies Festiuall ordain'd to honour mee
- By these my foes quite abrogated be.
- They striue that I Mother of such a Son,
- Should be forgot as if I nought had done.
- The Serpent labours in the Desert vvilde, Apoc. 12.
- First to deuoure the vvoman, then the childe.
- These Caitiues knovv, that honour vvhich I share
- Redounds to IESVS, vvhose my merits are.
- (For vvhat in mee is eminent is good Io
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- Is IESVS grace; That is the Ocean Floud
- From vvhence Saints merits flovv, and to the maine Apoc. 4.
- By gratitude must back returne againe..)
- And though they seeme at mee alone to ayme,
- Yet they vvell knovv vvhat dart hurtes me the same
- VVoundeth my IESVS, such relation is
- Tvvixt him and mee: my opprobries are his:
- Therefore vvhen mooued by their du'ilish sire
- They slander me; 'gainst IESVS they conspire.
- VVhen Antiochians vvill their hatred shovv
- Vnto their Kesars, they their statues throvv As the prototypō is honoured in the vvorsip of the Picture, so is it dishonoured in the contumelious abuse of it
- Contemptibly to ground: on Kings they vvreake
- Their fury, as their Portratures they breake.
- Could these Iconoclasts vvith impious hand
- My person touch, I should no more commaund
- As Angels Empresse: nor in highest heau'n,
- Injoye that glorie vvhich my Son hath giu'n.
- But since their malice cannot reach so high
- They in my holy Pictures me defie.
- They breake and despise these, out Churches thr
- 〈…〉
- And if they could they eake vvould vse mee soe.
- Nay vvorse then Saul, possest vvith an ill sp'right
- VVhat serpent could not doe, these sons of night 1. Reg.
- Attempted haue vvhilst their blaspheming tongue The Albigenses affirmed, our bles sed Ladie to haue bene agreat sin ner. S. Austen & The Coun cels of Claramoū, Basil Trēt. &c. alvvaies except the B. Virgin, vvhē they treat of sin. Lu. 1.
- Hath me defiled vvith transgressions dunge.
- Counsailes and Fathers haue religious bin,
- Mee to exempt vvhen as they treat of sin.
- And yet these foule-mouthd'e Cerberi dare houle
- That IESVS Mother is vvith blacke sin foule.
- So did not the Archangel GABRIEL sing
- VVhen he from heau'n his Embassie did bring.
- But thus began, Hayle of thy sexe the best
- Store-stouse of grace amongst all vvoemen blest.
- The Fathers svvimme in this Embassage streame,
- Making the Angels vvordes my praises theame.
- VVho dare a note hovvle contrarie to this,
- Sing not as Angel, but vvith Serpent hisse.
- But though Dogs barke, yet Cynthia keepes her course,
- These Curres may houle, but haue no further fource,
- Although these Deuils against mee conspire,
- Yet am I vvorshipped of Angels Quire.
- Mauger the Serpent, mauger errors pride,
- In glories Chariot, I triumphant ride. Gne. 4
- These are the Clothes vvhich Satans children vveare
- The markes of Cain vvhich on their fronts they beare
- A deadly hatred and malitious splene,
- Gainst IESVS Mother, and the Angels Queene.
- Such, such are Serpents of-spring, Satans seed,
- VVhen you incounter them, flie flie vvith speed.
- Knovv IESVS loue in such can neuer dvvell,
- VVho of his Mother knovv not to speake vvell, Tit. 3.
- Auoyd their companies, their verie breath
- Is dangerous, and can ingender death;
- Hovv fatall vvas the serpents hissing noise
- VVhen he Eue murdred vvith his only voice?
- Vild Heretiques of vvorse site sons as ill
- Haue of their father learnd vvith vvords to kill.
- Hereticall assemblies are a schole,
- VVhere Satan sitting on his pest'lence stole
- False doctrine teacheth, and vvith forged tales Ps. 1.
- Gainst me, my Son, and his Saints daily railes.
- But vvhere are pious vvorshippers of me,
- Assure your selues there IESVS Church to be.
- VVhere IOHNS assemble, there the true Church is,
- If you finde one you cannot th'other misse.
- Angels vvho not pertake our speaking art The Angels.
- By signes vvill vtter their true meaning harte:
- And saie this is that Church, vvhich IESVS built,
- Those verie vvalls he made, the roofe he guilt.
- Into this Church all nations enter in
- VVhere truest Sacrifice is done for sin.
- Heere shed your teares, here IESVS vice-roies sitt,
- VVho can your sins vvashed vvith teares remit.
- Iudges, to vvhom IESVS such povvre hath giu'n Mat. 16. Io. 21.
- That vvhat they here doe is confirm'd in heau'n.
- In this Church vvee (attendants on our King,)
- As IESVS Prelates doe the High Masse sing,
- And eleuate our mightie Lord on High,
- In signe of Homage on the lovv earth lie.
- By Quires of Angels are song joyfull laies, Luc. 5.
- VVhen sinfull soules forsake their vvonted vvaies;
- In Penitents conuersion shares haue vvee Ps. 19.
- Our ruines by their risings filled bee.
- Of it and those vvho in this Tempell are,
- Are vvee protectours, and haue speciall care.
- VVhereas those Synagogues, vvhich schisme and pride
- Haue cobled vp, not Michael doth guide:
- But Lucifer vvith his blacke guarde attends,
- And brings at last vnto disastrous ends.
- Chiefe Senatours of IESVS Common vveale
- Th'Apostles in this manner ring a peale.
- That Church vvhich of th'Apostles taketh name,
- Is IESVS Church, vvee did erect the same.
- Against this Church Hell gates fight, but in vaine, The Apostles.
- VVee are the Pillars, vvho this Church sustaine.
- Firme Pillars, and strong firmament of Truth,
- Supporting it, mauger vvhat Satan doth.
- Those Synagogues on Pillars doe not stand
- VVhich vveare built vp by Magus impious hand,
- By Cerinth Marcion, but in Pillars' turne',
- Are rotten stickes, vvhich in Hell fire shall burne.
- The houses vvith them joyntlie shall decaie,
- The houses vvhich these vvorkemen make of Claie.
- Opinions Preaching nothing else but ease,
- Opinions vvhich (prone to ill) nature please.
- Are rotten stickes, vvhen Simon Magus said
- To gaine heau'n faith sufficient is, hee made
- Of rotten stickes a stie for sensual hogs,
- And like to him a Kennell for foule dogs
- Eunomius built, saying that Faith alone
- Can saue our soule, though good vvorks vve haue none.
- Did not Nouatians build a house of claie,
- VVhilst Priests authoritie they tooke avvaie?
- A house vvhere carnall libertines shall dvvell,
- A house vvhich is the Porters lodge of hell. Mat. 7.
- No vvonder though broad be perditions path,
- For Pilgrims tovvards Hell it alvvaies hath.
- No true Confession of sins in the vvay, Of the Sacrament of Confession.
- No good aduise the passengers to staie.
- But in that Church vvhich built by IESVS hands
- On vs Apostles as firme Pillars stands.
- IESVS appointed there should alvvaies sit
- His Viceroies, and the guilt of sin remit:
- And Christians teach vvhere feinds in ambush lie.
- Hovv they their treacheries and snares shall flie.
- Doctors of Physicke, vvho vvith vvine and oyle
- Diseases cure; vvhen Priests from sin assoile Luc. 10. Ps. 107. 144.
- They povvre in oyle: Gods mercie oyle must be,
- VVhich svvimming 'boue his attributes vvee see.
- Pennance by Priests injoyn'd hath the vvines place,
- VVhich though it smart, yet hath an healing grace.
- His Viceroies, vvho vvhen sinners goe next vvaie
- To Hell, them by good admonition staie;
- Teach Penitents that such and such a fault
- Their predecessours to perdition brought,
- That such actes are inordinate and fovvle,
- Such customes dangerous vnto the soule.
- Hovv by good customes they must o'rcome bad,
- In Ghostly vvarfare vvhat care must be had,
- So AARONS Priests judg'd of the Lepers skin:
- So IESVS Priests judge betvvixt sin and sin. Leuit. 14. Luc. 17.
- In Church vvhich IESVS vpon vs did raise,
- Such vvas the vse; This euen in our daies,
- The custome vvas; IESVS vs povver gaue
- To forgiue sins, and vvee it practiz'd haue:
- But vvhere of sins no true remission is,
- Bee sure you shall of IESVS tempel misse.
- Of that Church IESVS no foundation laid, Io. 20. Mat. 16.
- But schisme and pride haue the vvhole building made:
- That Church Apost'like is vvhere-vvith great care
- Traditions of Apostles obseru'd are. Of the traditions of the church
- Things vvhich great IESVS vs alone did teach
- To the vvhole vvorld vvee aftervvards did Preach,
- And though all circumstances are not vvrit,
- (The Majestie of God not thinking fit
- So to confine himselfe) yet they're as good
- As if they vvrit in sacred volume stood,
- And in Religious hartes finde as much faith
- VVho kovv it is as true vvhat IESVS saith,
- As vvhat he vvrites: so vve haue Christians taught, Baptizing of Infants is an Apostolike tra dition, as also the 40. daies fast of Lent and the vvorshipping of holy Images, according to the 2. General Coun cel of Nice The Martirs. The true Catholike Church increaseth by Persecutions.
- That Baptisme children frees from ADAMS fault.
- Inspir'd by God vvee ordaind Lenten fast,
- VVorship of Images in Tempels pla'st.
- These vvee as IESVS substitutes ordain'de
- And haue in Christs Church hetherto remaind.
- VVhere these are kept, that Church is IESVS spouse,
- Goe in all people, there keepes IESVS house.
- The Martyrs vvho vvith death their Crovvnes did vvin
- Ring such a peale and call all people in.
- That Church vvhich by sad persecution grovves,
- And more it is oppressed by her foes,
- The more increaseth, vvas by IESVS made,
- IESVS of it the vvhole foundation laid.
- The Parget vvhich this building makes so good,
- And joynes the stones is glorious Martyrs bloud:
- VVhen other sects by frovvning Caesars ire,
- Consumed are like drie vvood in the fire,
- VVee as true gold (such is Gods heaun'ly mighte)
- Are purifi'de, and made to shine more bright.
- VVho should of Sixtus and his Laurence tell
- If Valerianus had not bene so fell:
- VVho e're had heard of braue Sebastians praise? Three hun dreth thou sand Martirs, put to death in the Citie of Rome. And thir▪ Popes.
- Had hee not liu'de in Dioclesians daies.
- Great Rome three hundreth thousand Martyrs shovves
- Expos'd to beasts, burnt, rackt by cruell foes.
- And thirty glorious Popes in order stand,
- VVho lost their liues by Persecutors hand.
- (Can all the sectes vvhich haue bene since Christs daies
- Together joyned, such a number raise?
- If it be chiefest loue our liues to spend,
- (Iesus saith so) in seruice of our friend,
- VVas not the charitie of Romaines much? Ioh. 15.
- VVhose Massacres for Iesus sake vvere such.
- No vvonder eake though Romaine ground be good
- A Nilus vvatred it of Martyrs bloud. Dioclesi
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- an though they pretended satiecie of honours and imperial dignitie to be the cause of their resigning the regal state, yet they priuatly confessed to their nee, rest friends that the true reasō vvas the flourisshing and increasing of the Christiā church vvhich mage
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- their tyrannie more and more through out the vvorld dilated it selfe. Act. 8. 10.
- VVe lost our liues, and yet vvee vvon the field,
- And made our bloudie persecutors yeild,
- Tvvo Kesars vanquisht in these bearing fights
- To CONSTANTINE resigne their Kingly rights,
- And first a Christian killing hand doth vvant,
- E're martyrs readie to be ki
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- d are scant.
- IESVS ordaining that his friends shal gaine
- Not by resisting, but by being slaine.
- So he him selfe made Hell, and diuels flie,
- VVhen on the CROSSE on Golgoth he did die.
- No armour must vvee bring into the field
- But a sole Buckler, patience is this shield.
- This is enough to gaine the promist Crovvne,
- Sufficent eake to cast Hells povvers dovvne.
- The rising vvaues, vvhich drovvne each other barke,
- Lift only from the ground just NOAHS Arke.
- Though other Cocke-boates perish in the seas,
- VVhilst no milde Neptune makes the billovves cease,
- Yet vvhen the surges tosse Saint PETERS barge,
- IESVS himselfe (best Palinure) hath charge.
- IESVS himselfe great Neptune of the Sea,
- IESVS vvhom VVindes and AeOLVS obey.
- Hee calmes the vvaues vvith his all-potent hand,
- And brings our Pinnace to desired land.
- VVhere is Iouinians Hoie; vvhere Arrius Boate?
- Though furnished vvith seamen of such noate.
- Eusebij, and other learned men
- Rovved in Arrius Boate vvith tongue and pen:
- Rotten vvith time their Pinnace vvater drinkes,
- And to the bottome miserably sinckes.
- Nor anie ship can long 'gainst billovves stand,
- VVhich is not built and gouernd by Gods hand.
- Of Aibigenses vvhat doth novv remaine? It is a vvonderfull thing that the vvorkes of Arch heretik
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- s, though most learned after some years all perish. The Ar
- 〈…〉
- ās Donatists, Nestoriās Manicheās and other sects haue vvritten bookes for the establi shing of their here ticall opinions, and yet none of their vvorkes are extant, as if they vvere sub iect to that curse S
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- p. 4. Spu
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- a vitulamina non agent altas radices. And verily arch heretiks are the first begotten bastards of the Diuel, as Policarpus called Marciō.
- But that they vvere by Simon Montford slaine.
- VVho novv for vvicked Hus, and Arrius lookes,
- Must finde them in great IESVS Doctors bookes.
- But PETERS ship, vvherein did IESVS preach,
- As he the multitude on shore did teach,
- From IESVS daies vnto our present times
- Hath still made voyages to remote climes.
- And carried Marchants, vvho not for base gold,
- But death and blovves their pretious vvares haue sold.
- Their vvares vveare charitie, true-faith, firme-hope,
- VVhich they for sorrovves and contemptes did cope.
- Saint PETERS ship made voyages to Chine,
- To Iapons Ilands vvhich on Sinas joyne
- To the remote America vvhich shovves
- A flovvre, vvhereon the name of IESVS grovves.
- (Yee gentle heau'ns smile svveetly on that earth
- So dignifi'd vvith name of IESVS birth)
- (Thrice happie they, on vvhose vvell-vvatred ground
- The name of IESVS flourishing is found.)
- IESVS svveete odour our stout hattes did fill,
- VVhen Tyrants vs for IESVS sake did kill.
- To all these Regions PETERS Pinnace fraught
- VVith Merchandise, celestiall virtues brought,
- And though it labourd hath so many yeares,
- Yet svvist it sailes and as nevv made appeares.
- No dangerous syrts, no ship-deuouring sands,
- No billovves, no perfidious Pyrats bandes
- Conspiring vvith damnd Ghoasts to Hell cast dovvne,
- Are able Peters vvell-built Arke to drovvne.
- Her Pilote IESVS in no tempests fayles,
- The holy Ghost filleth vvith vvindes her sailes:
- That mauger Satan, and his stigian court
- Shee safe ariues at heau'ns desired porte.
- VVherefore that ship, vvhich through all ages hath
- Carried in her the Merchants of true Faith:
- That ship vvhich of spoiles from Hell-gained brags,
- And for her streamers hath blest Martyrs flags.
- Is Iesus Church (vvhich God like a ship formes
- For t'is exposde to Seas, to vvindes, to stormes.)
- Of this Boate Iesus himselfe hath the charge,
- (VVho seeke heau'ns Hauen come into this barge.)
- Virgins vvho Lavvrels vveare vpon their head,
- Adorn'de vvith Lilies vvhite, and Roses red. A description of Virgins, vvho to their crovvne of Virginitie, haue added the lavvrel of Martirdome. Apoc. 14
- (Virginitie the Lilie vvhite bestovves
- A glorious death brings forth the ruddie Rose)
- These Nymphs I saie Angelicallie sing,
- And in this sorte a holy peale doe ring.
- (A peale vvherein all numbers friendly meete,
- Virgins alone can sing a song so svveete.)
- These flovvres vvhich on our frontes make so faire shovv
- And smell so svveete in Iesus Garden grovv.
- Thence Barbara, thence Agnes, did them take,
- And a triumphant Garland of them make.
- Iesus Church stands in an Elizian ground,
- VVhere fragrant Roses are, and Lilies found,
- VVhere Vestal Virgins haue their deseru'd praise,
- And Martyrs fronts adorn'de are vvith greene Baies.
- VVhere good vvorkes euermore doe fragrant smell,
- Is Iesus Garden, Iesus there doth dvvell.
- There îs his bovver, there his Summer house, Can. 2.
- There Iesus sporteth vvith his louely spouse.
- Mongst these in English tone sings EBBA slaine
- For Chastities defence by the stearne Dane,
- VVith many Nuns, vvho vnder her charge vvere
- (For of a Monasterie shee had care)
- Offring their Laurels at feete of their King, Apoc. 4. Iud. 5.
- VVith Deboraeh of victories they sing.
- Relate my Muse the subject of their song,
- And speake their Crovvnes gaind by Barbarians vvrong.
- In Collingham eight hundreth yeares agoe, A relation of the glorious Martyrdome of S. Ebba. an. Dom. 870. burnt vvith her holy Virgins by the Danes for the defence of their Virginitie.
- Or there-abouts (as Chronicles doe shovv)
- A holy Cloister stood (is it not strange
- That after-times should cause so great a change)
- Then Fathers joyd, vvhen Cloistets had their sons,
- Mothers rejoyc'd to see their daughters Nuns.
- And thought their children bestovv'd vvondrous vvell,
- VVhen they serud' Iesus in a quiet Cell.
- They thought vvhen daughter chose a Cloister life,
- That shee vvas matcht vvith Iesus for his vvife.
- But after-daies doe better ope their eies,
- And then their Ancestors are grovvne more vvise:
- Our times instructed in a deeper schole,
- Haue learnde to call each age precedent foole,
- And put on their Dads backes a Motlie coate,
- Affirming superstition made them dote,
- But le'ts goe on: Ebba vvas Abbesse there
- Many faire Nymphs to her obedient vvere.
- Many faire Nymphs (though beautie vvas thought foule
- VVhich vvas not grast'e vvith beautie of the soule.)
- But vvhen our Fathers sin (for knovv that sin
- Oft changeth scepters, and brings strangers in.
- (So Roderigoes fault brought Mores to Spaine) Eccles. 10.
- Had made God send to punish Crimes the Dane.
- The Pagan soldier each vvhere spoyld the land,
- No place vvas free from his all-burning hand,
- No holy Church but vvas consum'de by fire
- No age, no sexe could pacifie his ire.
- Though no vvhere more the Deuill his part plaid,
- Then vvhereas pietie had houses made
- For holy Nuns, and consecrated vvights,
- To spend in diuine praier their daies and nights.
- Satan too conscious of the dailie maime,
- By these he suffreth, and hovv they proclaime
- VVarre 'gainst his Kingdome: vvith peculiar spite
- Makes his infernall feinds gainst these to fighte.
- (Speake Alberstate and Mansfield as you brag
- Of Monasteries spoiles, vnder vvhose flag
- Your vvarfare is? Satan vvill paie you vvell
- And vvhat vvants here you shall receaue in Hell.)
- To Collingham the Mansion of our Nuns
- A troupe of Pagans came: (Satan these sons
- On Gentilisme begat) The house they take
- (For vvhat resistance could poore vvomen make?)
- The Vestments, Chalices, the holy things,
- (Surely my Muse of nevv-done mischiefes sings.)
- They doe prophane: vvhen they are full of spoyle
- The Nuns (Gods liuing Temple) theile defile.
- The VVolfe vvho for long time no food hath eate
- VVith fiercer appetite seekes not his meate
- As leauing VVoods, vvhen night hath chas'de the daie,
- He to the Village comes to get his praie,
- And hauing found either by cries or smels,
- VVhere harmelesse flocke by care of shepheard dvvels.
- About the house he often vvalketh round,
- Espying vvhere an entrance may be found.
- Hee oft assaies to breake into the stall,
- And oft repeld is by the vvell made vvall.
- At last by force preuailing hee makes vvaie,
- And in midst rusheth of his vvisht-for praie.
- At sight of cruell foe the poore sheepe quake,
- And although manie yet no head dare make.
- (Shall vvee blame nature vvho makes stoutest Rams,
- In presence of the VVolfe, as meekest Lambs)
- No othervvise the soldiers runne about
- Each corner of the Cloister to finde out
- These Lambes of God: they burne vvith vvicked flames,
- And nought can quench their fire but sacred Dames.
- They each-vvhere raunge, no barres can stop their course
- They breake the strongest doores vvith deu'lish force.
- So see vve Humber passing his set bounds
- VVith vvaters drovvne the ouer-flovved grounds.
- Bridges, and houses vvhich oppose his vvaie
- He carries vvith him, nothing can him staie. Dan. 13.
- EBBA (novv compast vvith Susannas care
- Death or deflovvring the Elections are)
- VVas to the Church vvith all her daughters fled
- (VVith feare the holy Maides vvere almost dead)
- Daughters, quoth shee; and vvould haue spoken more
- VVhen furious Pagans rushing at the dore,
- Did make her leaue, before shee had begun,
- Vnto the dore some bolder Virgins runne,
- And firme it fast, at least it shall keepe out The Oratiō made by S. Ebba to her Nuns.
- For some short space the Danes intruding route.
- EBBA againe beginnes (daughters) quoth shee
- To free your selfe from Danes lust learne of mee;
- VVhat lavv forbids to vse a murdring hand,
- To keepe vovvd'e faith, the same lavv doth commaund
- For beauties sake Pagans haue vs in chase,
- In steed of beautie a disfigurd face.
- Our sights shall yeeld them: as you see me doe
- (vvith that shee dravves a Knife (Virgins) doe you.
- Our bodies hetherto haue bene kept chast,
- And vnto death shall not this purenesse last?
- Our bodies yet are free from foule lusts staine,
- And shall vve novv be rauisht by the Dane.
- Shall vve polluted be vvith Pagans rape?
- No no first perish this vvell-pleasing shape.
- VVith streames of bloud vv'eele quench vnlavvful fires,
- VVith vglie lookes vv'eele scarre vntam'de desires.
- Our spouse is IESVS, faith to him vvee gaue,
- Hee shall our bodies chaste, though mangled haue,
- And though vve be exteriorly foule,
- He more vvill loue the beautie of our soule.
- In speech of men Euphrasia alone
- Shall not hereafter liue: of vs each one
- Shall acte that Virgin, and not feare deaths blovv
- That to our spouse vnspotted vvee may goe.
- Empresse of Virgins, of our sexe the best,
- To thee vvee consecrate our snovvy brest.
- If any faint doe thou stout thoughts inspire,
- IESVS pure Mother, giue a noble fire.
- Hauing said thus, vvith knife shee slits her nose,
- Mangels her cheekes, cuts off her lips, yet shevves
- Not the least signe of sorrovv (IESVS loue
- In her chaste soule all sorrovv goes aboue.)
- The Nuns vvho in obedience vveare exact
- Follovv their Abbesse in this vvorthy fact.
- Their Vizages (ô nobly cruel deed!)
- VVith plenteous streames issuing from vvounds do bleed.
- Faces, vvhere beautie dvvelt, and eu'ry grace,
- Religious Amazons) themselues deface.
- Telling this act shall I a credit finde?
- VVill men beleeue such an heroicke minde
- Could in so manie dvvell? Could England breed
- So manie Actours of so so braue a deed?
- VVe see Zopirus daughters vvithout Nose
- VVith mangled Cheekes: the most inhumaine foes
- VVould pittie them, yet they all pittie hate,
- (So much they IESVS loue and Maiden state)
- Imagine novv vvhat a deformed sight
- These Virgins are: vvhom vvill not their vievv fright?
- Let vvanton Dane attempt a Nun to kisse,
- For lips a streame of bloud he shall not misse.
- VVhat Church of Sectaries a Virgin shovves,
- VVho slit for Chastities defence her nose?
- Nay they shall Canonize such for a Sainte,
- VVho doth not her selfe for an husband painte.
- If Teeth, if Nose, if Face haue the least fault,
- Nevv Teeth, nevv Nose, nevv Face, shal streight be bought.
- If Teeth, if Nose, if Face can be for gold,
- At Painters shop, or Poticaries sold.
- (So vnlike is, so different the fire
- Of Sions daughters, and the Gyrles of Tyre.
- The inra'gde soldiers bolted out so long
- Breaking the Dores into the Tempel throng,
- And euery one, not knovving vvhat vvas done,
- Run furiouslie to sease vpon a Nun:
- But as they see their mangled faces bleed,
- They stand amazed at the horrid deed.
- The Captaine of the sacrilegious band,
- Thinking this Acte vvas done by a strange hand,
- Despairing eake to coole his impure flames,
- By his Gods svveares, vvho had misus de the Dames
- Should die the Death, for Venus sportes vvere made
- (Quoth he) these faces: not by cruell blade
- To be disfigur'de. Then did EBBA speake.
- Tyrant on vs thy sauage fury vvreake.
- VVe haue offended, if offence it be,
- By bodies maime to set the body free.
- And in my Corps first sheth your naked blades,
- VVhose counsaile and example made these maydes
- Performe this deed, vvhich follovving times shal tell,
- And praise them to the heau'ns for doing vvell.
- Conuert your svvords on me, t'vvas I, t'vvas I,
- VVho counsaile gaue and courage; let me die,
- This leader had no Porsenas braue sp'rit,
- VVho vvhen the Romaine maides in dead of night
- Guided by Claelia dovvne Tiber svvamme,
- And safely to their sieged Cittie camme, Lucretia, so generally commended for killing her selfe is much reprehended by S. Austen in his first book de Ciuit. Dei.
- Astonished at the Heroike act
- Did praise, and Crovvne the Virgins for the fact.
- But these Barbarians, in vvhose sauage brest,
- Not the least true nobilitie did rest
- Inrag'de, that the attempt of these Chast Dames
- Had quenched quite their ignominious flames,
- VVith Hellish fury, and Erynnis fild,
- VVhome they did loth to violate, they kild:
- And turning vvicked lust to d'uilish ire
- They set the Cloister vvith the Nuns on fire.
- O happie Virgins, burning vvith your house
- You offer holocausts vnto your spouse
- Margarit Middleton Promartir of her sexe in the last reuolutiō. Cornelius
- 〈◊〉
- Lapide of the Societie of Iesus, a man famous for his profounde knovvledge in holy Scrip tures and languages makes honorable mention of her amongst the most glorious Martirs of the Primatiue Church in his Cō
- mentaries vpon Gen. cap. 1. I haue here also made mē
- tion of her at the vrgent request of a vvorthy personage in these partes, vvho though a stranger to our Countrie, yet is singularly deuoted to our coū trie vvomā this holy Martyr.
- To keepe your bodies incorrupt you die,
- And vvith pure soules to high Olympus flie,
- VVhere vvith your IESVS you in glorie raigne,
- VVho for your faith to IESVS haue bene slaine.
- Let not fame blazon more Lucretias name,
- VVho as shee suff'red had a deed of shame,
- VVith cruell blade her harmelesse selfe did kill,
- And on her corpes reveng'de anothers ill.
- Had she before the acte vvith vvhetted knife
- Sundred in tvvo the gold thread of her life,
- VVee vvould haue giu'n her a chaste Matrons praise.
- And vviser times her monuments should raise.
- As to the Doctors, I novv take my vvaie,
- Her sex and times first Martyr bids me staie,
- VVhose glorious death did ring so loud a knell,
- That it hath made eu'n learned strangers tell
- Hovv a rich MARCARIT in this our time,
- Adornes our (from the vvorld diuided) clime,
- VVhose Lavvrel vvith such fragrant flovvers grac'te
- Amongst the stoutest Champions hath her plac'te.
- If Vincent, Menas of the true Church bee
- Like cause, like virtue rings that so is shee.
- The holy Fathers vvho had vvitt at vvill,
- And vvith a Pen made of an Eagles Quill,
- Diuinely vvrit for IESVS common vveale,
- To Martyrs next ring in this sorte a peale.
- VVhere Doctors teach of admirable vvitt,
- In eu'ry science deepely learned, yet
- As vvas their Maister IESVS, humble, knovv,
- There IESVS dvvels: into that Temple goe.
- VVee of our Fathers mysteries did learne,
- And vvhen vvee vvould faiths Articles discerne,
- For feare of our great Maister to be shent,
- Like Children vvee vnto our Mother vvent
- And although vvee 'boue other men did soare
- Yet did vvee listen to the Churches lore,
- Knovving that truth vvas promist vnto it,
- But priuate men may erre for all their vvitt.
- Yea these vvise men in vvrangling fashion chime,
- And make complaints against some of our time,
- VVho pulling them from heau'n vvhere they do dvvel,
- Rancke them vvith Heretikes condem'd in hell,
- Saying that they did teach the same vvith those
- To vvhose opinions they vvere alvvaies foes.
- Saint IEROME yet is full of holy Gall,
- And vvho saie so, he Heretikes doth call. The Doctors and holy Fathere of the Catho lik church Humilitie a speciall signe of the Catholike Church: and it is vvorthy to be obserued, that the greatest Doctors, & most learned in the Catholike Church haue bene most humble.
- Haue I quoth he so labourd vvith my Quill,
- To fence a Cittie built vpon a Hill.
- Haue I so many Virgins taught to tread
- The Counsailes path, and to perfection lead,
- And must I novv bee reccond'e amongst svvine
- VVho nothing holy haue nothing Diuine?
- VVho more then I against Iouinian vvritt
- And must I novv'mongst his Disciples sit?
- By mee just honours vveare to Reliques giu'n
- And doe I novv contemne the same in heaun?
- Saint Austen vvonders men can so much straine S. Norbert an Apostolike mā sounder of the order of Praemonstratenses, by his holy labours, he freed Antvverp from the heresie of Tanchelinus. His vvhite order hath heretofore much flourished in our Countrie. Fiftie Orders in the Church of God, obserue the rule vvritten by
- 〈◊〉
- . Austen.
- His Orthodoxal sentences, and faine
- That hee vvhil'st in our Region hee did dvvell
- Held such opinions vvhich hee hates as hell.
- VVhat Church I vvas of, quoth hee vvho vvill knovv
- Vnto the Rule vvritt by mee lett him goe.
- In that I counsailes of perfection giue,
- And teach a life vvhich I my selfe did liue.
- This as to Greate Norbertus I appeare
- (Antvverpes Apostle) in my handes I beare
- And promise that my rule obserued vvell
- His Canons shall secure from feare of Hell
- VVhen IESVS shall to stricter iudgment come
- And as they haue deseru'de giue soules their dome.
- Noe lesse then fifty holy Orders stand
- Obseruant of this rule vvritt by my hand.
- Daily fresh vvreaths adorne my glories crovvne
- As I behold (from high heau'n looking dovvne
- My English Daughters keepe vvith holy care
- Those statutes vvhich by mee ordained vveare.
- They piously obserue vvhat I haue vvritt
- For Nuns and solitarie liuers fitt.
- These Virgins neuer call this or that mine
- But alvvaies vse this phrase, vvhats mine is thine
- (As longe agoe in the Apostles time,
- VVhen Christian feruour vvas in cheifest prime,)
- From Mothers knovvledge the least thing to hide,
- They thinke a trespas for vvhich Achan d'ide. Ios. 7.
- Each Virgin IESVS for her husband hath,
- To vvhome shee keepes infallibly her faith,
- Betvvixt Greate IESVS and each holy Nun Of the English Nuns of S. Monica, in-Louaine, liuing vnder the holy rule of S. Austē The three Vovves. 1. Pouertie. 2. Chastity 3. Obedience. The acts and exercise of a religious life.
- As shee is vested fiances are done
- The Matrimoniall knot is t'ide vvhen shee
- Vovveth obedient, chast and poore to bee.
- Heau'n is the chamber, vvheare in ioyful blisse
- This holy marriage consummated is.
- Then their superiors they doe knovv noe vvill,
- For they abjured haue their ovvne, as ill.
- They Angels vvings haue, vvhen they should obey,
- And forthvvith flie if Mother once doe saie:
- At midnight they (for sometime) leaue their Cell
- And come to Church cald thether by a Bell:
- VVhere they doe pray vvhilst vvorldly people sleepe,
- And Vigils vvith the vvatching Angels keepe.
- VVhen flesh against the spirit entreth field
- VVith prai'rs and fasting they make the flesh yeeld.
- They oft are guests at that Caelestiall board,
- VVhich IESVS hath vvith his ovvne bodie stord.
- There are they strengthened vvith heau'nly grace,
- Their ghostly enemies avvay to chase.
- If the least spot contaminate their soule,
- Confession doth expiate vvhat is foule,
- I taught these Maides to treade the milken path,
- Their Church is mine, as theirs so vvas my faith.
- Shall vve discend from heau'n to our earths frame,
- From earth to hell, and demaund of the same?
- VVhat tune it rings, vvhat battailes haue bene fought
- Tvvixt light and darkenesse, betvvixt good, and naught
- Ievves Pagans Turkes, our Region, lovv Hell
- And all the Damned ghoasts vvho therein dvvell,
- Shall ring that they 'gainst that Church spit their splene,
- VVhich in my verses is described seene.
- Gainst PETERS seate, against the Church of Rome
- Did Heresie in battaile arraie come.
- Great Behemoth that Monstrous oxe did dreame Iob.
- To svvallovv vp delightfull Iordans streame.
- But PETER (cunning Fisher-man) vvith hooke
- Out of the sea Leuiathan hath tooke.
- Chiefely by PETERS heau'nly guided arme Iob. 16.
- Ievves, Pagans, heretikes haue receiud harme.
- Still PETER doth in his successor fight,
- And triumph ouer gates of horrid night.
- Therefore of Stygian feindes the hate is great
- VVhich they to PETER beare, and PETERS seate.
- But IESVS doth make e'un Tipheus pride
- To shovv this Church so hated is his bride.
- Thus God, Christ, MARIE, Angels, Saints, Earth, Hell
- Ioyntly concurre to make our Church a Bell. Of the buil ders of the church
- It remaines only novv vvee should declare,
- Of this faire building vvho the vvorkemen are.
- The chiefest Architect vvho guides them all
- And giues directions hovv they labour shall
- Is IESVS selfe: he did deuise the frame,
- And learnes the Craftes-men hovv to vvorke the same.
- Best vvorkemaister, for hee vvhen ends the daie, Mat. 22.
- VVith glories penie doth the vvorkemen paie.
- Novv you must knovv there dvvels in IESVS hart Col. 2.
- The fulnesse of each science, and each art.
- VVith great election he his choise doth make
- And of a multitude some fevv stones take.
- And those of vvhich he meanes his Church to build,
- He vseth curiouslie vvith loue to guild.
- And by the vvay obserue there can be none
- Fit for the building, but a fowresquare stone.
- A figure richly gracd', no fortunes frovvne
- No Crosse, no miserie can cast it dovvne:
- And therefore NOAH fouresquare vvood did take,
- Thereof his all-containing Arke to make.
- And Sions Cittie as no Hellish storme Apoc. 21.
- Can it annoy, is built in this same forme.
- In eu'ry stone he doth foure virtues carue A description of the foure Cardinal virtues. Temperance.
- Assisting man least hee from reason svvarue:
- Hee maketh temp'rance sit in pleasures vvaine,
- Curbing the sensuall Iades vvith a strong raine.
- Teaching amidst a vvorld of sugred svveetes
- To take no more then vvhat vvith reason meetes.
- Next Fortitude vvhom dangers cannot quaile, Fortitude.
- Nor vnexpected casualties make pale.
- This virtue of meane men createth Kings,
- VVhilest it excites them to attempt great things.
- Iustice vvhose faire integritie is knovvne
- In dealing out to eu'ry man is ovvne. Iustice.
- Shee holds a ballaunce vvhich is alvvaies true,
- And vveighs to God, our selfe, our friend vvhats due.
- He lastly prudence carues, of the foure best Prudence.
- As being sole directrix of the rest.
- This Ladie rides by Fortitude her side
- And tels her, as tis follie and rash pride
- In deaths occasions vvilfully to run:
- So is it crauen covvardise to shun
- All dangers, vvhere renovvne and lasting fame
- May purchast be, though pale death buy the same.
- And you Svvash-bucklers of our English stage,
- Thinke you discretion is your valours page?
- Or vvell ey'd prudence doth your courage guide? The follie & vnlavvfulnesse of single com bates.
- VVhen for mere toyes you brable, quarrell, chide;
- Nay for just nothing, lesser then a stravv
- You'le challenge to the field, and vveapons dravv.
- Tell mee vvhat reasons more can you alledge?
- Then that such vvould not in the Tauerne pledge
- Your vvoemans health, or drunke gaue you the lie,
- Therefore God damme you if he doe not die:
- Forthvvith you send him the length of your svvord,
- And fight you vvill, vnlesse he eate his vvord.
- You challenge others, for they tooke the vvall?
- Such vvorthy motiues are for vvhich you braule:
- Saie you haue suff'red vvrong, right you it vvell?
- In going soule and body vnto Hell.
- VVho truly valiant are, vvill only fight
- VVhen as the cause, for vvhich they jarre is right,
- And also vveighty, then vvith them along
- They justice take, and so reuenge a vvrong:
- To fight for trifles, and vvith priuate hand
- To right himselfe: Can this vvith justice stand?
- Hovv odious are Duellums in Gods sight,
- Speake holy Church, vvhich to preuent this fight, The holy Councel of Trent. sess. 25. c. 19. Excō
- municateth both fighters in single com bats as also the beholders.
- And from such folly terrify fond man,
- Strikes it vvith all the thunder-bolts she can
- Denying to their bodies Christian graue
- VVhose soules in hell choose sepulchers to haue.
- But you a refuge haue by manhoods lavv
- To saue your credit you are forc'd to dravv:
- Men vvould deemeyou a dunghil Cocke, a Covv,
- Should you put vp such vvrong therefore you vovv
- Youle die a thousand deaths yea to hell goe
- Rather then you vvil blot your honour soe.
- VVhy you are challeng'd and the vvorle vvould thinke
- Should you not meete him that for feare you shrinke.
- Harke my vviseman, vvhat is the vvorld? a foole.
- Neuer read lesson in true vvisdomes schoole;
- God, Saints, yea vvisemen see vvith better sight,
- Tis Bedlam follie in this sort to fight.
- Novv take your spectacles, chose vvhich youle vveare,
- The true fooles coate, or haue fooles thinke you feare.
- Prudence instructeth tem'prance vvhen to vse
- Delights and pleasures, vvhen them to refuse.
- VVho knovves not that the Dogs vvho liue by Nile,
- Are taught by dangers to make hast the vvhile
- They drinke the streame, for Crocodiles doe lie
- Vnder the vvaters, vvherefore they must flie:
- Vrg'de by necessitie they needes must drinke,
- But Caution bids them only lap the brinke.
- Man is composed after such a sort
- That he must sometimes pleasures haue and sport,
- Our Constitution is of such a mould,
- That vvithout some delights vve cannot hold.
- But tis a truth that pleasures though they smile
- As dang'rous are as Crocodiles of Nile:
- VVho then vvill harmes shun be his prudence such,
- That he drinke not of pleasures vvaters much.
- Let him not long at delights fountaine staie,
- But hauing sipt, let him make hast avvaie.
- Imagine novv vvhat a most goodly shevv
- These stones do make plast'e in an ord'red rovve.
- Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Cloyster keepers, Nuns,
- And married folke, vvho fill the vvorld vvith sons.
- To all these doth our vvisest IESVS Preach,
- And hovv they should maintaine their puesto teach,
- He bids vvithall the vvorkemen to haue care,
- That they do place each stone in that ranke, vvhere
- It ought to stand: his calling must make fit
- For the rovv eu'ry stone vvhere they set it.
- Let not affection put stones here or there,
- VVhen the chiefe vvorkman vvould haue them els vvhere
- Oh vvhen the Architects obserue not this,
- Disastrous ends' crie something vvas amisse.
- A cruell Lion the poore Prophet slaies, 3. Reg. 13.
- VVhilest vvith fond tales him Bethels vvizard staies.
- Our IESVS is his Fathers vvisest Son, Sap. 8.
- And performes svveetly vvhat he vvill haue done.
- Hee eu'ry one aduiseth there to stand
- As he vvas plact' by the chiefe vvorkemans hand.
- If high keepe there, if on the Temples side
- Remaine he there, if lovv, there let him bide.
- Let not the eare, and hand desire to see
- Nor vvhere the head is the foote aske to bee:
- Oh hovv securely had Christs people slept;
- If euery man this order vvell had kept?
- Did not Bizantium set the Church on fier?
- VVhilest her proud Prelate labour'd to be higher
- Then God ordaind? And in our Northerne line
- A stone vvas plac'd vvhich as a starre did shine,
- But falling from that ranke vvherein he stood,
- He vvallovved vvith the Hog in sensuall Mud. Apoc. 12.
- Mee thinkes I see the Dragon once more fall,
- And vvith his beastly tayle from heau'ns high hall
- Many faire starre pull dovvne: Priests my Muse meanes
- VVhom he made Marry, nay for vviues take queanes:
- So he their Lucifer before had done,
- VVhen for his Paramour he tooke a Nun.
- IESVS such cunning his Apostles taught
- That vvith great praise their Maister-peece they vvrought:
- But amongst all vvho chiefly doth excell
- Is learned PAVLE, he beares avvay the Bell;
- VVhether vve count his labours vvhich are most 1. Cor. 15.
- Or curious vvorke, none like to him can boast.
- VVe talke of Sages vvho haue runne about
- The vvorld to finde a little knovvledge out.
- So Plato and Pythagoras haue done,
- VVho for Arts sake vvas burnt by Indian Sun.
- Plato vnto Gymnosophists durst goe
- That he their abstruse mysteries might knovv.
- VVas there a land in that age to vs knovvne,
- VVhether PAVLE vvent not to fetch vvood and stone?
- Arabia, Greekeland, Ilands, Asia, Rome
- Of his great industrie to vvitnesse come.
- VVhat arr, vvhat labour shevves he in his vvorke
- As he fits peeces for our IESVS Kirke,
- And for the stones vvhich in this Church haue place
- Are liuing stones, (the life is Faith and Grace.)
- Hee neuer thinkes that he hath done his part,
- If IESVS name be not vvrit in each hart.
- Ile trauel vvhere the Orientall Sun S. Xauerius conuerred aboue three hundreth thousand Infidels to the faith of Christ.
- VVith fierie jades doth his carreire first run,
- And fetching XAVER, place him vvith great PAVLE
- Since in so many things, yea almost all
- Alike they are: before Great states and Kings
- Great IESVS name this chosen vessel brings.
- Of conquer'd Sergius did PAVLE get his name?
- Let conquerd Iapon augment FRANCIS fame.
- VVhen in our vvorld, France, Portingal, Spaine, Rome
- He gath'red had of stones an endles some,
- He goes, vvhere first Aurora looketh red,
- (Blushing to thinke on her Tithonus bed)
- There he plaies PETER, and into the dores
- Of IESVS Church lets many thousand Mores.
- VVee vvill hereafter from that speach refraine
- VVho a More vvasheth laboureth in vaine.
- A parenetical apostrophe to the married and schismatik Churchmen of the greeke Church.
- Hovv augments he our building as for it,
- Three hundreth thousand stones he maketh fit?
- Yee pamp'red Chaplines, vvho in dovvnie beds,
- Betvvixt your Lemmans armes repose your heads:
- Darkenesse infernall Monarke doth not feare
- That you to Indies IESVS name shall beare.
- He knovves your Paramours, vvith vvhom you sleepe
- From such a vvarfare you at home vvill keepe:
- His Kingdome is secure these Syrens charmes
- From hurting him enfeeble shall your armes.
- You are vvith Hannibal in Capys tovvne,
- And Citrie Dames shall take your courage dovvne:
- Though heau'ns againe the Giaunts troups should dread
- Vulcan can make no bolts in Venus bed.
- 'Gainst God himselfe sin and hell a stirre keepe
- VVhilst you vvith your faire Cithereas sleepe.
- Vp, vp you sluggards from your slumber rise,
- Frame boltes on Virtues Anuil in such vvise,
- As may befitt Ioue from Olympus Hill
- To fling, and vvith them Tellus of-spring kill.
- Novv you make vvooden daggers, leaden svvords,
- VVhilst your life is not ansvv'ring to your vvords:
- The bullets vvhich you shoote are made of claie,
- VVhilst you your selues performe not vvhat you saie:
- Nor are they temp'red vvith that heau'nly heate
- VVhich in sole Sion hath his proper seate, Act. 2.
- And to one house alone by gift of heau'n
- In daies long since of Pentecost vvas geu'n.
- Thence vvith Prometheus fetch this diuine flame
- From priuate spirit such fire neuer came.
- Tesiphone or some more Hellish Ghoast
- Giues them vvilde fire, vvho of this spirit boast. Ierem. 16.
- God promist he vvould Fisher men prouide
- VVho should in PETERS boat each time and tide
- VVith Nets and Angles in fresh streames, and brookes
- In the salt sea, in armes, in creekes, in crookes
- A Fishing goe (mens soules the fishes bee
- Of these at once PETER caught fiftie three. Io. 21.
- God promist he vvould likevvise huntesmen giue
- VVho should the hills, the vales vvhere beasts doe liue:
- The Rockes, the holes, yea eu'ry vncouth nooke
- To finde their game vvith great industrie looke,
- Are you these Fishermen? then knovv much fish
- Is in VVest Indies: PETER could not vvish
- Genesareth more plenteous: thether goe,
- And make those Pagans IESVS beliefe knovv.
- Theres game enough; in eu'ry streame, each brooke
- You may take Fish either vvith net or hooke.
- Are you these huntsmen then goe seeke your game,
- In Mogor, Iaua you shall finde the same.
- Doe vvee beleeue amisse? then to vs come,
- Tell vs of CHRISTS faith vvhat is the true summe.
- Doe you feare death? tush that is nothing, knovv.
- That IESVS faith by Martyrdomes must grovv.
- Oh burnt your soules vvith Charities true zeale!
- You vvould dilate your IESVS common vveale:
- You'de not expect game should fall in your mouth
- But you vvould goe to East, VVest, North, and South
- As huntsmen after soules, and eu'ry vvhere
- To IESVS holy seruice Churches reare.
- But am I frantique? as I persvvade those
- Of the same Cittie to be mutuall foes.
- Schisme, errour, paganisme together dvvell
- They all are Cittizen of the same Hell. Mat. 12.
- Those Kingdomes ruinated soone vve see
- VVhere ciuil enmities and factions bee
- VVherefore that long hels common vvealth may stand,
- You vvill not budge a foote out of your land.
- Let those vvho vvill to farthest Indies goe
- You vvarmely sleepe, and meane to keepe you soe
- So did your Ancestors, and t'is a sin
- For you nevv fangled customes to begin. Neuer any conuersions of Nations haue bene performed by heretikes.
- Tell me in histories can it be shovvne
- That sects to IESVS Chutch haue brought a stone?
- O had you heau'nly fire vvithin your brest
- Surely it vvould not there confined rest.
- T'vvould make you leaue base earth and mount on high
- And vvith zeales vvings to distant regions flie.
- There to communicate this heaunly flame
- And burne all harts vvith loue of IESVS name.
- So did this aemulatour of great PAVLE
- Flie vvith seraphique vvings 'bout the vvorlds ball.
- And in each land his IESVS tropheis raise,
- Teaching all nations to sing IESVS praise.
- So before him many a zealous son
- Of Bennet, Francis, Dominick haue done.
- Men for such actions fit: of single liues
- Not cumbered vvith clokebags called VViues.
- In this faire building not the meanest hand,
- Hast thou deare youth, vvho by the CROSSE didst stand
- At IESVS death, and lou'd aboue all other,
- VVeart there Created Son of IESVS Mother. Io. 19.
- VVhen vvee see IESVS Church vvith gold so shine,
- VVeele saie th'Embroid'ry vvorke vvas chiefly thine.
- To loue thou doest the harts of mortalls moue
- Thy Edicts commaund nothing els but loue.
- In life loue is thy song, at hovvre of death
- VVith a loue song, thou yeeldest vp thy breath.
- VVith Charitie thou guildest eu'ry stone
- In golden vvordes persvvading eu'ry one,
- To plaie a IESVS in the louing art, Ep.
- And thinke each neighbour must be as thou vvert
- Chiefely belou'd, each man a IESVS bee,
- And loue his brother as CHRIST loued thee.
- Heere vvee behold a troupe of English men, Io. 13.
- VVho vvith their labours, and industrious Pen
- Build IESVS Church; so BONIFACIVS taught
- Germans our Faith, and to Christs Temple brought.
- And vvee vvill VVILLEBRORD vvho first of all
- Made Frisons Christians, their Apostle call
- Both appertaining to Cassinos Mount
- VVhose Catalogue such numberlesse can count.
- Cassinos Mount a second horse of Troie,
- Bringing foorth vvorthies Hels tovvne to destroie.
- Cassineos Mount a Trojan horse vvhere dvvel
- Heroes vvho sacke not Ilion but Hell.
- Saint BENNET vvas the Chiron vvho first taught
- And these Pelides to perfection brought.)
- Mongst these IOHN LIDGAT stands, of speciall note,
- Crovvnd vvith greene baies & cloth'd vvith the same coate
- As I see him vvith others our Church build,
- I am vvith joye and admiration fild.
- I vvill approach the Man, and of him aske,
- Hovv he came thether, vvho gaue him a taske
- Being a Poet, full of vvandring fires,
- To vvorke amongst these venerable fires
- For I (fond man) made hetherto a count
- That Poets vvent not past the forked Mount:
- But since they climbe vp Sions sacred Hill;
- I care not much if I make verses still.
- O yes quoth LIDGATE, for though novv a daies,
- The Crovvne of glorie, and Apolloes baies
- So seldome meet. vvhilst Poets suite their times,
- After the vvanton humour of the times,
- Yet former ages often-times haue seene
- Our Christian Prophets deckt vvith Lavvrel greene
- Ascend Olympus Mount: vvhere their chast laies
- Revvarded are vvith glories glitt'ring raies,
- And Poets brovves vvith Lavvrels Crovvned are,
- (King DAVID (Poets Phoebus) hath this care:
- So is Sidonius Crovvnd, Prudence vvho vvrit
- Things vvorthy of Apollo full of vvitt.
- Prosper, Sedulius, vvho the nine haue taught
- VVhen they sing hymnes to blush as Maidens ought.
- Leauing this vvorthy Man, and thousand more,
- Of the same Coate vvhom time makes vs passe o're.
- VVee come to Rochester, vvho lost his head
- For not allovving HENRIES lavvlesse bed.
- Arts treasurie, chiefe darling of the nine,
- Historian, Poet, Oratour, Diuine.
- Linguist Philosopher, Statesman to King:
- Best husband, Father, vvhat not? eu'ry thing. Sir Thomas More
- If thou art graue vvee see a Cato sit,
- If merry, flovves the Quintessence of vvit:
- Renovvned MORE, Collegue in FISHERS Crovvne,
- VVhom no aduersity, no HARRIES Frovvne
- Can make approue vvhat IESVS thinkes not good,
- VVhose Church thou buildest as thou shedst thy bloud.
- Graue POLE her child, vvhom true Relligions sake
- A MARGARITE in IESVS Church doth make.
- VVhom doth not BRISTOL vvith his vvritings moue?
- VVho doth not REIGNOLDS for his braue vvit loue?
- Industrious HARPSFEILD, vvhose laborious Quill
- Doth vvith Church Records our Musaeum fill.
- VVhat SANDERS merits in this building be,
- By his conspicuous Monarchie vve see.
- And shall vvee forget STAPILTON vvho goes
- Arm'd Capapea against IESVS foes,
- Hovv doth he rouse the Boare out of his den,
- And strike him dead vvith a vvell-guided Pen?
- VVee must beleue vvhen vvee his vvritings read,
- Saint HIEROME vvhilest hee liued vvas not dead.
- And thou my Londons CAMPION, vvho at once
- To our Foundation bringest thy ten stones,
- Neuer dost thinke thy reasons fully good,
- Till they be vvritten vvith a Martyrs bloud.
- Illustrous ALAN of more honourd note,
- For thy great labours, then the Purple Coate
- And Scarlet Hat, vvhich SIMON PETERS heire
- Did cause thee for thy vvorthy acts to vveare.
- Chiefe Architect, best vvorkman of thy daies,
- As thou thy Dovvay Monument dost raise,
- Thou found'st a quarry vvhich faire stones shall yeild,
- VVhereof our IESVS vvill his Temple build.
- And vvhen vvee see thy Children stones make fit,
- VVee saie that ALAN liues, and labours yet.
- GIFFORD first Peere of France: of speciall note
- VVas thy great virtue, vvhen Saint BENETS Coate,
- Thou didst put on: as thou the vvorld dost scorne
- VVith flying it, thou doest much more adorne Mat. 5.
- Thy vvorthy selfe: A candle must not bide
- Vnder a Bushell; Cloisters cannot hide
- Thy virtues luster: mightie Princes see
- Thy talents, and on Candlesticke place thee:
- VVhere like the glorious Sun thou giuest light,
- Expelling vvith bright raies the shade of night.
- VVell on thy head (BISHOP) doth Miter sit
- Thy labours for our Church haue made it fit.
- Happie thrice happie vvould our England be
- If all the Prelates vveare like vnto thee.
- But since vvee see our dearest Countrie blest
- VVith such a BISHOP, vvee vvill hope the rest.
- VVhilst KELLISON each builders vvorke doth vievv,
- Hee shevves vvho haue the false Church, vvho the true.
- Sound VVRITE in mans large volume deepely read,
- Preparing ghuests for IESVS mystike bread.
- Doth not our CHAMPNEY the true Prelate Crovvne,
- VVhilst he casts from their throne vsurpers dovvne?
- SMYTH a true Goldsmith ballaunces doth hold▪
- VVith vvhich hee vveigheth drosse, and vvaighty gold.
- (The gold makes my nevv builded Tempel fine
- VVith the Drosse Satans Synagogues doe shine,)
- His ballance eake all sorts of monie vveighs.
- The Counterfeit (such is rife novv a daies)
- Of Copper coyned is, vvhich verie lovv
- In an beretique mine cald Hell doth grovv,
- Satan chiefe coiner is, but he all naught
- Arch-heretikes this Cos'ning art hath taught.
- VVho hauing stampt Christs picture on their Coine,
- And vvith the scriptures making their brasse shine:
- They vovv and svveare (so impudently bold
- Are they) because it glisters tis true gold.
- Manie they doe deceiue, and vvould doe more
- As Smyth is, vveare there not of goldsmiths store.
- VVhen they discouerd are by IESVS Lavv,
- (Some punishing others to keepe in avv)
- On Pillaries as Cosoners they stand,
- VVhere vvhilst ignoble shame their fronts doth brand
- They loose their eares, for lost they not each eare,
- It is impossible but they should heare
- An Oecumenick Councill, vvhere all vvise,
- And learned of the vvorld make lovvdest cries.
- Aemonian Boreas vvhen as he doth rage
- And vvarre against Neptunes vast Kingdome vvage
- Making the vvaues one 'gainst another fight,
- And vvith contention foaming turne all vvhite,
- No, not great Ioue, vvhen vvith his thundring noyce
- Hee shakes our Machin, hath a louder voice.
- Then Fathers thus assembled vvhen they smite
- VVith their Anathemas these sons of night.
- Yet i'st not vvonderfull? more deafe are they
- Then Fish vvhich svvimme in bottome of the sea.
- (VVaues of this vvorld, of Pride, of Schisme, of Sinne,
- Stop close their eares, and let no noyce come in.
- More deafe then Fusius vvas, vvhom vvhen he plaide
- Afflicted Hecuba the vvofull Maide
- Polyxena ordained for an hoast,
- To satisfie Achillis angrie Ghost.
- VVith hollovves, clamours, scrickings, loudest cries
- Could not make him from his deepe slumber rise.
- Doctors, Church, Fathers hollovv eu'ry vvhere,
- Arch-heretikes are deafe, and vvill not heare.
- Ingenious FLOVD, vvhose brest the nine did hire
- Long since; thereof to make their Muses quire:
- Thy brest, the mansion of each grace, each art,
- Thy brest th'attractiue gainer of each hart,
- True Israelite vvithout vnfaithfull guiles
- VVithout Pelasgian artes, and Sinons vviles.
- In virtue thou art first, though some may goe
- In policies beyond thee, so vvee knovv
- The children of this vvorld haue quicker sight
- In the supplanting art, then Sons of light.
- Thou art Achilles, and at Babel tovvne
- Able to kill Thersites vvith thy frovvne.
- Art thou the Man, vvhose Pen againe made right,
- That stone vvhich from his due place fell dovvne quite
- Spalatoes Prelate? vvhen high Cedars fayle,
- Shal not their ruine make lesse shrubs looke pale.
- None eake dispaire, mercy for sins to finde
- VVhen IESVS is to such a trespasse kinde.
- Goe forvvard vvorthy man, and vvith thy quill,
- The Boare vvhich rooteth IESVS garden, kill:
- Goe forvvards vvorthy man and vvith thy vvit
- VVrite such braue vvorkes, as haue not yet bene vvrit.
- VVho see this Poeme, joyntly let them see
- That I doe loue, yea ovve my selfe to thee.
- Into the greater Floud so lesse Brookes run
- From vvhence at first their Origen begun. An Apostrophe to the clergie labouring in England.
- Yee learned Esdrae, vvho from Forraine lands,
- Returning build Christs Church vvith pious hands,
- Prosper in this your vvorke, againe repaire
- Decaied Sion, aed make it more faire
- Then t'vvas before, let true faith sustaine all,
- The roofe be Charitie; firme Hope the vvall,
- As IVDAS clense our Church; and in the same Agge. 2.
- 〈◊〉
- . Mac. 4. 2. Paral. 36.
- Each vvhere aduance great IESVS Crosse and name.
- VVith CYRVS Gods annoynted you haue grace,
- Your ATTAXERXES graunts a breathing space,
- Giuing out Edicts in his royall name,
- That none dare let the inchoated frame. 2. Esd. 2.
- The pleased heau'ns promise a lasting peace,
- And Sanaballats from molesting cease.
- Esteeme this gracious fauour therefore such,
- Because your Queene can do vvith King so much.
- There founders of Relligious orders svveat,
- Their diligence is much, their labour great:
- For IESVS them commaunds vvith cunning hand
- To fit those pieces vvhich in chiefe place stand.
- The stones they hevve vvhen as they are too rough,
- They plaine the vvood, vvhen tis not smooth enough.
- VVe Christian Candor may the plane vvell call
- VVith vvhich they make vvhat is vneuen fall.
- The Hammer vvhich the rugged stones doth smite,
- Is a sharpe toole of abnegation hight.
- And first my Muse of glorious BENET count,
- VVho climing vp Cassinos loftie mount, Of some principall Orders of Religion.
- Hevv'de many stones by IESVS so much grac'de,
- That they in Temples very top vvere plac'de.
- Religious schollers of great Benets schole
- For many hvndreth yeares the Church did rule.
- Hovv many thousands of the selfe-same coate,
- In Sions Quire chaunt Alleluias note?
- And blessed FRANCIS vvho aboue the rest,
- In that grace shinest vvhich of all is best,
- Humilitie: vvhen I doe thinke of thee,
- I must recall vvhat IESVS hath for mee.
- And my sins suffred: thy mark'd body shovves
- IESVS fiue vvoundes causd by so many blovves.
- VVast not enough that thou didst dravv so neare
- To IESVS in thy soule, but thou must beare
- His likenesse in thy limms? in feete handes side
- Must IESVS holy characters be spide?
- Because thy hart vvith IESVS loue aboundes,
- Therefore in thy blest flesh are IESVS vvoundes,
- And not alone from plenty of the hart.
- Thy mouth speakes IESVS, but eke eu'ry part. Luc. 6.
- Some as they see the vvorke vvhich thou hast vvrought
- And vievv; the stones, vvhich by thy labour brought
- Increase the building, make a jest, and saie
- VVithout a foole there cannot be a plaie.
- They thinke thee foolish, vvho thy ritches store
- Didst giue avvaie, and aftervvards liue poore.
- And it is true a foole blest man thou vvert,
- And novv thy holy sons plaie the fooles part.
- But he vvho vvhat is folly knovveth best
- VVhat vvisdome, as he preacheth doth not jest.
- That vvho are fooles in the vvorlds purblinde eies, 1. Cor. 3.
- In Gods best seeing sight are truly vvise.
- And if vve rightly censure he's a sott
- VVho judgeth that for good vvhich good is not.
- Hovv many doe vvee see, vvho are all ill
- Haue riches, honours, pleasures at their vvill?
- VVhen good are poore (if there can good men be
- In this vilde vvorld vvhere most men bad vve see,
- Therefore Antiquitie makes Plutus blinde,
- Because he seldome honest men can finde
- To pleasure vvith his drosse: the very same
- As to the good Ioue sendeth him falls lame.
- But vvhen hee's bid to vvicked men repaire,
- He puts on vvings, and flieth in the aire.
- In our great IESVS vvas all vvisdomes store,
- Yet did he liue contemned here and poore.
- VVhat pleasures had he? vvhom he loued best
- His Mother and Apostles nere could rest
- Alvvaies in troubles; of all men thought vvorst
- Despis'de, neglected, suffring hunger, thirst,
- Cloth'd poorely, entertaind vvith scoffes, vvith quips.
- Esteemd seducers, dang'rous; beate vvhith vvhips.
- Surely if vvorldly men the right vvay goe
- IESVS vvould not haue let his friends liue soe.
- Further great Saint, though thy sons appeare base, Innocentins the 3. savv in vision, S Frā cis holding vp the Laterane Church, by vvhich vision God vvould de monstrat, the benefite vvhich the Catho lik church by the pious labours of this holy man, and his of spring in aftertimes receiued.
- This verie basenesse doth the temple grace.
- The stones are rough, vvhich vndermost of all
- Support the building that it doe not fall.
- Such stones in vision that great Prelate savv
- VVho gaue allovvance to thy stricter lavv.
- In the vvorld is varietie of things,
- All cannot Kesars be and mightie Kings.
- All are not persons fit for Princes court.
- There must be some vvho are of meaner sort:
- Some must to Indies goe, some in shops stand
- There must be contriemen to plough the land.
- Yet this so much varietie of place
- Not only must be, but eke giues a grace.
- Neither are riches equally to all
- Out dealt; some are vvhom vvealthy men vve call.
- Others are poore, vvhat then? thers no lesse art
- In representing vvell the poore mans part.
- Then in the acting of a King or Duke
- VVisemen vvhat part is plaid not so much looke,
- As hovv t'is done: you vvill graunt IESVS vvise
- Yet he plaid Codrus in a poore mans guise.
- Codrus he acted and in beggers vveed
- To saue his people vvillingly did bleed.
- (Happy vvho chose vvith IESVS to be poore,
- And vvith their Maister beg from doore to doore.
- Happy thrice happy such: this is my note;
- Though the vvorld laugh, and forth vvith saie I dote)
- Our IESVS knevv if he should keepe his state,
- No malice vvould praeoccupate his fate.
- No Priests vvould for him thirtie pence out tell
- No Iudas vvould his sou'raigne so cheape sell.
- VVherefore he makes himselfe vvith Codrus poore
- And by his death doth man to life restore.
- FRANCIS exprest the poore mans person to
- VVhich he of IESVS learned so to doe,
- That vvhen the dramme vvith his life did expire
- A clap vvas giu'n by God and Angels quire.
- And thou, though last, yet not LOIOLA least
- As daintie junkets at end of a feast,
- So novv the vvorld is old and almost past,
- Thou dost invite and please our Christian tast:
- VVhen vvith thee in thy banner thou dost bring
- The name of IESVS our all conq'ring King.
- Blest such true Sons, vvho in their hart and flag
- Haue IESVS vvrit, and vvith their Father brag
- Not in fames shaddovv, sumptuous buildings, drosse,
- But only in their IESVS name and CROSSE.
- VVhat hath Semiramis obtaind the Crovvne, Of Orders of Religious vvoemen in the Catholik Church.
- And shevves Magnificence in Babels tovvne?
- Or doe the Amazons for ILIONS sake
- By Argiues ransaked a nevv Troie make?
- Hath Dido as shee sees Sichaeus dead
- Into hott Afrique from Pigmalion fled.
- VVhere shee imploies the treasure of her Purse,
- In the erecting of a stately burse.
- Our chiefe Preist IESVS through false treason dies,
- From second Nuptials his Eliza flies.
- MARTHA the vveeping MARIES sister fled
- First in this maner a Pigmalions bed.
- And vvith her folke comming to Marsiles shore,
- Of liuing stones gath'red a royall store
- To build a Church, vvhere rightly should be done,
- Best victimes to her Gods eternal son.
- These stones vvere Virgins, Chrysolithes them name,
- For they refined vvere in true loues flame.
- A troope of royall dames to labour fall,
- Some the foundation, some build vp the vvall:
- Most of the Companie ascend aboue,
- And deck the highest roofe vvith golden loue.
- As in a summer month vvee often see
- The hiues frequented by the busie Bee,
- Some goe from home, some come backe to the Hiue,
- Each pritty soule as Emulous doth striue
- VVho shall doe most? the drones and vvho are slacke
- As they approach, are from the hiue beat backe:
- Some to bring vp the young ones haue a care,
- Some to vnburden those vvho loaden are
- VVhilst none are idle, none spend ill their time,
- The honied house smels redolent vvith thyme.
- In this Parthenian troupe none idle stand,
- But to the labour each one puts her hand,
- And bring vvell-tasting honie to the hiues,
- (Their actions honie are suck'd from Saints liues)
- On flovv'res of Saints braue deedes these Virgins rest,
- And by praire. feeding suck out, vvhat is best.
- They learne of DOMINICK and KATRINE zeale
- To praie and labour for their neighbours vveale.
- Of FRANCIS they humilitie doe learne,
- Of CLARE hovv to themselues they shalbe stearne,
- And full of svveete they come backe to their home
- VVhere they the honie make and honie combe.
- All full of louely svveet, amongst them all
- Not one conuerseth vvho hath the least gall.
- That IESVS Church neuer hath shades of night,
- But a perpetuall and constant light,
- Thereof vvee must ascribe not the least part
- To these Bees and their honie making art.
- These Maiden Bees a Virgin vvaxe doe vvorke
- Of vvhich are Candles made for IESVS Kirke.
- Their liues are Torches, from vvhence light is gi'un,
- VVhich as men see they praise the God of heau'n, Mat 5.
- MARCELLA, FABIA, PAVLA and her childe
- EVSTOCHIVM in such vvorke vvere neuer toild.
- (EVSTOCHIVM natures vvonder in vvhose brest,
- Most arts, all virtues, chiefest tongues did rest)
- VVe thee (SCHOLASTICA) amongst the first
- Behold a Romaine CLAeLIA, vvho durst
- Be author to thy high descended Dames,
- Hovv they shall eternize their royall names.
- VVhen thy Eduina sprung of English Kings
- Vnto our Temple a ritch Saphyr brings, Of the relligions vveomen of Saint Benets order.
- VVee'le say by her oblation may be seene
- Although she spurn'da Crovvne, shee vvas a Queene.
- Of many Hildas, Rictruds could vvee tell,
- By thee instructed in religious Cell
- To offer amethysts vvhose virtues rare
- Against intemperance approoued are.
- Of vvell tun'de voices to make vp a Quire,
- VVe vvill not goe vvith IEREMIE, and hire The Quire of our Church.
- Lamenting vvoemen, vvho shall NENIAS sing,
- For good IOSIAS death their slaughtred King.
- Thy English Nymphes (Great Saint) shall neuer fayle Ierem. 9.
- By daie, by night their IESVS death to vvaile.
- They shall in streetes of Adradremon mone, Zach. 12.
- And in the blacke fieldes of Mageddo grone.
- They shall fill Adadremmon vvith said cries,
- Because IOSIAS in Mageddo dies. S. Gregorie a Monk of S. Bennets order and aftervvardes Pope for his great zeale and labours in the cō
- uersion of our countrie stiled the Apostle of Enland, hee ordained the manner of sing ing, which is stil retained in the Church, & of him cal led Cantus Gregorianus.
- Great GREGORIE procurer of our blisse
- The Quires chiefe Maister, and directour is.
- Though Pope, yet for his Father BENETS sake
- He for his sisters holy songs vvill make,
- And though the ditties vvith their tunes are plaine,
- Yet there is Majestie in en'ry straine:
- Yea though deaths songs resound in eu'ry place,
- Yet shall this sorrovv giue the Musike grace.
- And men shal argue as their rauisht eare,
- Such pleasant straines of Melodie doth heare:
- VVhether on Organs once more Angels plaie,
- VVhilest manie Cecilies together praie.
- Or els the Nine leauing their forked hill,
- Our lovver Orbe vvith Harmonie doe fill.
- Here also vve behold bare-footed CLARE.
- Her Damsels eake though noble bare-foote are:
- I dispute vvith my selfe vvhat shall be done,
- By these so royal Ladies vvithout shoone.
- Doth it by IESVS vvill to their lot fall,
- To prepare Morter for the Churches vvall?
- Yes sure, CLARE vvas a Morter treading Dame,
- The Morter vvas riches, base pleasures, fame,
- To trample on such Morter CLARE did vse,
- This vvas the reason vvhy shee vvore no shoes:
- And that trash vvith vvhose loue the vvorld doth burne,
- Her chaster of-spring vvith their feete doe spurne.
- Doe vve not see vvhilst these such Morter tread, Gen. 3.
- The vvoeman brusing the old serpents head.
- IESVS to FRANCIS, he to CLARE did Preach,
- And all of pouertie a lesson teach.
- She learnes her Nuns in spirit to be poore
- And then vvhat nature askes to vse no more.
- Nay the strict lavves of pouertie are such
- That often-times it must not haue so much.
- For vvhere sufficient is, nothing doth vvant,
- Tis certaine that there Pouertie is scant.
- VVhere transitorie things abundant are,
- There vve doe vvant true daughters of poore CLARE.
- Each Nun must be familiar vvith these foure
- Daughters of pouertie all Christned poore.
- Poore fare, poore Clothes, poore lodging, and poore Cell.
- Let her not thinke her selfe in health, not vvell,
- Vnlesse to these foure sisters vvhom her God
- So much esteemes, shee joyne her selfe the od.
- TERESA glorie of novv-dearest Spaine
- Top of Carmelus, smoothing vvith thy Plane,
- VVhat rugged is: each sexe thou makest nevv
- VVhilst thou dost both vvith abnegation hevv,
- Surely blest Nymph, ELIAS vvill not grieue,
- If in his order vve a share thee giue.
- Nor can his children justly make complainte,
- As IESVS giues a Canonized Sainte:
- So vvhen the troopes of IABIN conqu'red are
- BARACH and IAHELS vvife the glorie share.
- Tis true, foyld Sisara from BARACH fled,
- Yet IAHELS vvife the nayle strucke on the head.
- The great ELIAS put selfe-loue to flight, Iud. 5.
- Thou vvith thy perfect rule dost kill him quite.
- In MOYSES lavv vvhat only vvas in chase,
- Is fully vanquish't in the lavv of grace.
- Sure ZEVXIS had much choise, vvho vvhen he vvas,
- To paint Ioues sister as a beauteous las,
- A thousand Virgins had of feature rare,
- Lims equally compacted, faces faire
- Presented to his vievv, that euery part
- VVhich vvas most eminent by his great art
- He might expresse; one Virgin gold thread vveares
- In tresses place: he dravves her golden heires.
- He paints anothers forehead high yet plaine
- There Venus might make sport, and Iuno raigne:
- And curiouflie obserueth all theit eyes
- As vvanton Cupid vp and dovvne them flies;
- And vvhere the Boye is vvaggish, yet in avve
- Of Mothers presence, he that eye doth dravv.
- He makes a nose rise like a marble tovvre,
- Hee eies too lips in vvhich as in a bovvre
- Fragrant vvith Roses delight lou'de to dvvell
- (Roses they vvere for colour and for smell)
- Hee dravves the Colour vvith his pensil right,
- To giue the smell exceeds his Pensils might.
- Eares as Bee-hiues he makes; though no Bee there
- (For Bees vvith stings might the beholders feare)
- (But in the patterne may be there vvare some,
- For hovv should honie els in the hiues come?)
- Yet tvvo rich perles (and they shevvd vvondrous vvel)
- Did hang as Clappers at each siluer Bell.
- A dimple graced much a Ladies chin
- Dravving that part he put the dimple in
- A Nymph as her the painter much doth vievv,
- Dieth her cheekes vvith a Vermilion hevv,
- Those cheekes vvhich by that blushing got much grace,
- Hee blushing paintes, and so makes vp his face.
- Like to the face all parts dovvne to the feet,
- In handsomnes and just proportion meete.
- To vvhich he could no more perfection giue,
- Vnlesse his cunning had made all to liue.
- But had Prometheus giu'n heatc to this Dame',
- VVe should againe haue hear of Paris flame,
- And once more Phrigians through Sicilians ire,
- Should haue done penance vvith their Citties fire.
- Surely vvhen blest TERESA did deuise
- The model of her vvorke, before her eies
- God set each order, as a beauteous Dame
- That vvhat in each vvas perfect, in her frame
- Shee might expresse, vvith eu'ry order stands
- IESVS great selfe, the vvorke of vvhose blest hands
- Each order is. TERESA on him lookes
- His vvordes her lessons are, his deedes her bookes.
- Shee markes that he doth doe far more then saie
- VVhen he commands, he leads himselfe the vvaie.
- Therefore to Nuns shee Preacheth vvith her actes,
- And teacheth not so much by vvordes as facts.
- As she her life in vvritings forth doth bring,
- VVith Xenophon she faineth not a King,
- But in her selfe trulie expresseth hovv,
- A votarie is bound to keepe her vovv.
- If Virtues fulnesse anie vvhere doth vvant,
- Tis vvhere the humble virtue made her scant.
- As she each order vievves, a graue svveete Quire,
- From one she learnes, though charities best fire
- Descend from heau'n: yet she obserues the care
- Another hath by meanes of mentall praier
- To keepe it in: This praier must serue the turne,
- And in her Virgins breasts make loues fire burne.
- And vvithout this Relligion is nighte,
- This must to each act giue a cheerefull lighte.
- Her Nuns must oft retire vnto their Cell,
- And there reflect, hovv idly or hovv vvell
- They haue spent precious time: hovv that or this
- They may amend: vvhen it is done amisse.
- VVhen in obeying they are slovv, vvhen halt,
- VVhat motiues, and vvhat meanes to mend this fault.
- Terrene propensions doe keepe dovvne their soule,
- Some blemishes their purity make foule.
- Here meditation makes them mount on highe
- And to the top of all perfection flie,
- To vvash their sins in IESVS clensing bloud
- And bath their errours in a vveeping floud.
- Of him vvhose rare discretion is seene
- In invvard motions, the foure virtues Queene
- Prudence she learnes, this doth direct her Quill,
- VVhilest she her Papers doth vvith precepts fill:
- She teacheth hers to meditate on sins,
- And Heli; as complacence of good begins
- To puffe them vp; againe vvhen feares cast dovvne Purity of
- •
- intention.
- To ponder Gods great mercy, and heau'ns crovvne.
- She hamm'reth much on this, doth this much Preach,
- Hovv vnto God alone their loue must reach.
- They feare loue, honour must, and serue their God
- For himselfe onely, not for feare of rod,
- VVhich punisheth transgressours, not for lust
- Of those svveete meates, vvherevvith he feedes the just.
- She teacheth them, although on earth they dvvell
- To build vvithin their soules an heau'nly Cell.
- (The Saints their God in the heau'ns alvvaies finde,
- God dvvelleth in a recollected minde.)
- Mans body is not made of iron or stone
- As our soule is not flesh, so t'is not bone.
- Fond dissolution doth the spirit spill
- Too much attention doth the vvhole man kill.
- VVherefore of approou'de Orders she doth take
- Each best thing, and a temp'red medly make.
- In MOYSES lavv Gods people shevv'd their loue, Leuit. 5. Luc. 2. Ierem. 8.
- In sacrifizing of a Turtle Doue.
- A bird vvhich doth due hovvres and seasons knovv,
- And at fit times vnto her home doth goe.
- Her daughters offer Turtles vvhen they spend
- In pious mirth the hovvre, vvhich for that end
- Their rule appoints, nor is their vvonted fier
- VVith this made lesse, but rather flieth higher.
- As sacred birds they mutually doe moue
- Each other by such conference to loue.
- They offer Turtles vvhen they leaue to speake,
- For feare they should commanded silence breake.
- Then they goe home, I meane vnto their Cell
- VVhere in reflection of past talke they dvvell.
- She vvas instructed in great IESVS schole
- In such a sort to mitigate her rule.
- That the most tender may i'ts rigour bide,
- And yet the strong complexion may be tride.
- The flesh vvith too much pampring is too bold,
- VVith too much curbing long it cannot hold:
- Shee doth not vnto this or that side leane
- But euer treadeth in the golden meane.
- No vvonder then, though IESVS mother vvill
- Make her chiefe mansion in vvhite Carmel hill:
- No vvonder eke though in our IESVS time
- So many Nymphs the top of Carmel climbe.
- Thus (mighty Princes) vvee a Church haue built
- Eu'n from the ground our vvals reard, the roofe guilt▪
- VVith lampe enlight'ned it, vvith Pictures grac'te
- (Your ancestors) firme Pillars in it plac'te.
- And set on top thereof a loud voic'de Bell
- VVhich shall hereafter times and ages tell
- VVhose Church it is: the Priest, the Hoast (Gods Son)
- VVhat Sacramentall rites in it are done)
- VVe haue describde, and added a svveete Quire,
- Giu'n eake vnto our vvorkemen their due hire
- A grateful memorie:) all vvhich at first
- VVe for your royall sakes begun, and durst
- Goe forvvardes in the inchoated frame,
- Till vvee had fully perfited the same:
- VVherefore in justice giuing all their due,
- Our Church and Architect belongs to you.
- To you belongs the vvhole, to you each stone,
- Accept then, and protect vvhat is your ovvne.
- God Kings for fathers to his Church vvill giue
- For Nurces Queenes: our Church beginnes to liue, Esai. 49.
- It is a Babe, in England nevvlie borne
- You roiall couple shall not thinke it scorne
- To plaie the Nurces: Mighty CHARLES make fit
- Such nutriment, vvhich shall giue strength to it:
- Be thou our DAVID, vvho vvhen a Beare came 1. Reg. 16.
- And from the flocke did beare avvaie a Lambe
- VVith Monsters death redeem'de the sheepe let Beare:
- Let rau'nous Boare thy Princely povver feare,
- Yea let the Dragon in the Desert vvilde
- Not dare for feare of thee approach our Child. Apoc. 12.
- Faire Nymph may our Babe in thy bosome rest,
- May it suck milke, yea Nectar from thy brest,
- If Agags race dare threat the Infant harme,
- Sheild and support it vvith thy Princely arme.
- And you good times make hast, yee moments run:
- If euer, novv t'is requisit the sun
- Should take Post-horse, and gallop to that signe
- In vvhose conjuncture ALBION shall joyne
- VVith Hesperie, and in perpetual bands
- Of Amitie vnite tvvo glorious lands.
- Our CHARLES like vnto vvhom the vvorld hath none,
- Shall take a MARIE the vvorlds onely one,
- And joyntly vvith their Hymenaean bed
- England and Spaine eternally shall vved.
- Faults escaped in the Printing.
- Pag. 5. for Gates of eternal might. Read Gates of eternal night. pag. 8. for vvith errours to inuest. Read vvith errours to infest. pag. 18. Best Martyrs bloud, Read blest martyrs bloud. pag. 37. in the Margent for Pius Turcae quam Papistae. Read Prius Turcae quam Papistae. Pag. 47. for Are vvhich your chiefe friends filde, read are vvith your chiese friends fild. pag. 49. for must gaze read must graze. pag. 80. for Promartyr. read Protomartyr.