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Anonyme, Unbekannt (Antike Literatur)Gilgamesch
Anonymous, Unknown (Old English Period)WidsithDeor’s LamentWaldhereThe Fight of FinnsburgCharmsRiddlesExeter GnomesThe Fates of MenThe WandererThe SeafarerThe Wife’s LamentThe Husband’s messageThe RuinThe Offering of IsaakThe Crossing of the Red SeaThe Dream of the RoodJudith: The FeastJudith: The Slaying of the HolofernesJudith: The Return of BethuliaJudith: The BattleJudith: The PursuitJudith: The SpoilJudith: The PraiseThe PhoenixThe GraveThe Battle of BrunnanburgThe Battle of MaldonBeowulf, übersetzt von Hugo Gering
Anonyme, Unbekannt (Althochdeutsch Periode)HildebrandsliedMerseburger Zaubersprüche Anonymous, Unknown (Middle English Period)The Second Shepherds' PlayPearl (Middle English)Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Middle English)The Owl and the Nightingale (An Excerpt, Middle English)
Anonyme, Unbekannt (Mittelhochdeutsch Periode)Der Nibelunge lietKönig Rother. NiemeyerKönig Rother. BrockhausAnnoliedHerzog ErnstHerzog Ernst. DIE ÄLTESTE ÜBERARBEITUNG DES NIEDERRHEINISCHEN GEDICHTESHerzog Ernst. STROPHISCHE BEARBEITUNGOrendelDes Minnesangs FrühlingOrtnit und die WolfdietricheKudrunGudrun, translated by Mary Pickering NicholsAlpharts Tod; Dietrichs Flucht; Rabenschlacht
Anonymous, Unknown (Modern English Period)Pentateuch and the First New Testament, printed by William TyndaleThe prophete Ionas with an introduccion, translated by William TyndaleThe Coverdale BibleThe Great BibleThe Geneva BibleThe Bishops' BibleThe Douay–Rheims Bible, the Douay portionThe King James BibleThe Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer... And newly EnglishedQuran, Translation by G. SaleQuran, Translation by J. M RodwellQuran, Three Parallel Translations: Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Marmaduke Pickthall, Mohammad Habib ShakirThe Life of Tom ThumbEnglish Folklore Tales
Abbot, JohnJesus Praefigured Achilles TatiusThe loves of Clitophon and Leucippe A most elegant history, written in Greeke by Achilles Tatius: and now EnglishedTHE LOVES OF CLITOPHO AND LEUCIPPE translated by R. Smith Addison, LancelotThe present state of the Jews (more particularly relating to those in Barbary) Ælfric of EynshamThe Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church
Aist, Dietmar vonTexte Aldington, RichardFrom an Anthology, Some Imagist Poets, of 1915From an Anthology, Some Imagist Poets, of 1916 Andersen, Hans ChristianFairy Tales Told for Children (Eventyr, fortalt for Børn)
AristotleCategories Arnold, MatthewNarrative Poems Askew, AnneI am a Woman Poor and BlindThe Examinations of Anne Askew, with commentary of John Bale, publisher, and Ballad of Anne Askew Aue, Hartmann vonErecErec (Bodleian)GregoriousDer Arme HeinrichDer Arme Heinrich (Bodleian)IweinLyrik
AugustineDe civitate Dei Austen, JaneA Collection of Juvenile WritingsSense and SensibilityPride and PrejudiceMansfield ParkEmmaNorthanger AbbeyPersuasionLady SusanSanditon, a FragmentThe Letters of Jane Austen Bacon, FrancisEssays Baillie, JoannaPoems; wherein it is Attempted to Describe Certain Views of Nature
Barbatus, Josephus AbudacnusThe true history of the Jacobites of Egypt, Lybia, Nubia Barbauld, Anna LaetitiaPoemsEighteen Hundred and Eleven
Barrie, James MatthewPeter Pan Basile, GiambattistaPentamerone Baum, Lyman FrankDorothy and the Wizard in Oz
Beaumont, JohnAn Historical, Physiological and Theological Treatise of Spirits, Apparitions, Witchcrafts, and other Magical Practices Bede the VenerableBede’s Death Song Behn, AphraOroonoko; or the Royal Slave
Blake, WilliamTiriel, Prophetic BooksThe Book of Thel, Prophetic BooksVisions of the Daughters of Albion, Prophetic BooksAmerica a Prophecy, Prophetic BooksEurope a Prophecy, Prophetic BooksThe Song of Los, Prophetic BooksThe Book of Urizen, Prophetic BooksThe Book of Los, Prophetic BooksThe Book of Ahania, Prophetic BooksVala, or The Four Zoas, Prophetic BooksMilton, Preface, Prophetic BooksMilton, the 1st Book, Prophetic BooksMilton, the 2nd Book, Prophetic BooksMilton, extra pages, Prophetic BooksJerusalem, Prophetic BooksPoetical sketches by William Blake now first reprinted from the original edition of 1783An Island in the MoonThe French RevolutionThe Marriage of Heaven and HellSongs of Innocence and Songs of ExperienceThere Is No Natural ReligionAll Religions are One
BoccaccioLa caccia di DianaFilocolo (ed. 1938)Filocolo (ed. 1998)FilostratoTeseidaAmetoAmorosa visioneElegia di madonna Fiammetta, ed. 1939Fiammetta, an English translationNinfale fiesolanoDecameronDecameron, translated by John Florio (attributed), 1620Decameron, translated by J.M. RiggDecameron, translated by John PayneCorbaccioIl Comento alla Divina Commedia, e gli altri scritti intorno a Dante, vol. 1Il Comento alla Divina Commedia, e gli altri scritti intorno a Dante, vol. 2Il Comento alla Divina Commedia, e gli altri scritti intorno a Dante, vol. 3
Boswell, JamesLife Of Johnson, Vol. 1 (of 6)Life Of Johnson, Vol. 2 (of 6)Life Of Johnson, Vol. 3 (of 6)Life Of Johnson, Vol. 4 (of 6) Brant, SebastianNarrenschiff 1913 Brontë SistersPoems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell Brontë, AnneAgnes GreyThe Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Brontë, CharlotteJane EyreShirleyThe ProfessorVillette Brontë, EmilyWuthering Heights Brooke, Rupert1914 and Other Poems Browne, ThomasReligio MediciHydriotaphia and the Garden of Cyrus
Browning, ElizabethSonnets from the PortugueseAurora Leigh Browning, RobertThe Ring and the Book Bunyan, JohnThe Pilgrim's Progress Burnett, FrancesThe Secret Garden
Burton, RobertThe Anatomy of Melancholy
Byron, George GordonChilde Harold's PilgrimageDon JuanEarly PoemsPoemsThe GiaourThe Bride of AbydosThe CorsairOde to Napoleon BuonaparteLara: a TaleThe Siege of CorinthParisinaHebrew MelodiesThe Prisoner of Chillon and the Sonnet on ChillonManfredThe Lament of TassoBeppoOde on VeniceMazeppaThe Prophecy of DanteThe Morgante, the 1st CantoFrancesca of RiminiMarino FalieroThe Vision of JudgementThe BluesSardanapalusThe Two FoscariCain: a MysteryHeaven and EarthWernerThe Deformed TransformedThe Age of BronzeThe Island
CaedmonCaedmon's Hymn Campion, ThomasA Book of Airs (composed with Philip Rosseter)The Descrition of a Maske: Presented on Saint Stephens night and Airs made by Several AuthorsTwo Books of AirsThe Third and the Fourth Book of AirsThere is a Garden in Her FaceNever Weather-beaten Sail Cannan, May WedderburnIn War Time, Poems Carew, ThomasPoems, with a Maske
Carlyle, ThomasSartor Resartus Carroll, Lewis (Dodgson, Charles)Alice’s Adventures in WonderlandThrough the Looking-Glass Cavendish, MargaretThe Description of a New World, Called The Blazing-World
Cawein, Madison JuliusDays and DreamsThe Garden of DreamsA Voice on the WindPoems (Selected by the Author) Chatterton, ThomasMiscelanies in Prose and VerseA Supplement to Chatterton's Miscelanies Chaucer, GeoffreyTroilus and Criseyde (Middle English)The Canterbury Tales (Middle English)The Merchant's tale, an Imitation by PopeThe Wife of Bath, an Imitation by Pope
Chesterton, Gilbert KeithThe Victorian Age in Literature Clare, JohnPoems Chiefly From Manuscript Clough, Arthur HughAmours de Voyage
Coleridge, Samuel TaylorThe Rime of the Ancient MarinerKubla KhanChristabelDejection: an OdePoemsThe Fall of RobespierreOsorioThe Piccolomini, a Translation from SchillerThe Death of Wallenstein, a Translation from SchillerRemorseZapolyaMetrical Experiments
Collins, WilliamOdes on Several Descriptive and Allegoric Subjects Collins, William WilkieThe Moonstone Collodi (Lorenzini), CarloThe Adventures of Pinocchio
Congreve, WilliamThe Way of the World Conrad, JosephHeart of DarknessNostromoUnder Western Eyes
Cowley, AbrahamBathing in the RiverThe ConcealmentCounselThe DespairThe Given HeartThe Heart BreakingThe Innocent IllThe PartingResolved to be BelovedThe ResurrectionSleepThe SwallowThe UsurpationThe WelcomePoems
Cowper, WilliamPoemsThe TaskThe Negro's ComplaintThe Castaway Crabbe, GeorgeThe VillageThe Lover’s JourneyThe World of Dreams Crashaw, RichardMusick's DuellIn the Holy Nativity of Our Lord GodSome of the Steps to the Temple Cugoano, OttobahThoughts and Sentiments on the Evil and Wicked Traffic of the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species
Cummings, E. E.The Enormous Room CynewulfHymn to ChristJerusalemJoseph and MaryRune PassageThe Vision of the CrossThe Discovery of the Cross Daniel, SamuelTo DeliaCertaine Small Poems Lately Printed with the Tragedie of PhilotasThe Queenes Arcadia A pastorall trage-comedie presented to her Maiestie and her ladies, by the Vniuersitie of Oxford in Christs Church, in August last. 1605.
Dante AlighieriDetto d'AmoreIl Fiore: 8, 9Il Fiore (excluding 8, 9)Vita Nova (Barbi)La Vita Nuova (Brockhaus)LA VITA NUOVA Translated by Dante Gabriel RossettiDe Vulgari Eloquentia LIBER PRIMUSDe Vulgari Eloquentia LIBER SECUNDUSIl Convivio - Trattato primoIl Convivio - Trattato secondoIl Convivio - Trattato terzoIl Convivio - Trattato quartoThe Banquet (Il Convito)De monarchiaEclogaeQuaestio de aqua et terraDivina CommediaDie Goettliche KomoedieDivina Commedia, Translated by LongfellowDivina Commedia, Translated by CaryLe RimeEpistulaeEpistola ad Cangrande
Darwin, Charles RobertThe Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals Defoe, DanielThe Life and Adventures of Robinson CrusoeCaptain SingletonMemoirs of a CavalierMoll FlandersRoxanaA Journal of the Plague YearThe Storm De Quincey, ThomasConfessions of an English Opium-EaterFrom Essays in Philosophy. On Donne's Biathanatos Levana and Our Ladies of SorrowThe Apparition of The BrockenSavannah-la-MarThe Dark InterpreterThe Solitude of ChildhoodWho is this Woman that Beckoneth...The Princess that Overlooked One Seed in a PomegranateNotes for Suspiria
Dickens, CharlesThe Pickwick PapersOliver TwistThe Life And Adventures Of Nicholas NicklebyThe Old Curiosity ShopBarnaby RudgeA Christmas Carol (Christmas Books)The Chimes (Christmas Books)The Cricket on the Hearth (Christmas Books)The Battle of Life (Christmas Books)The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain (Christmas Books)Dombey and SonDavid CopperfieldBleak HouseHard TimesLittle DorritA Tale of Two CitiesGreat ExpectationsOur Mutual FriendThe Mystery of Edwin Drood
Dickinson, EmilyPoems: Three Series, Complete
Donne, JohnHoly Sonnet 17BiathanatosThe Good-MorrowSongWoman's ConstancyThe UndertakingThe Sunne RisingThe IndifferentLoves UsuaryThe CanonizationThe Triple FooleLovers InfinitenesseThe LegacieA FeaverAire and AngelsBreake of DayThe AnniversarieA Valediction: of my Name, in the WindowTwicknam GardenA Valediction: of the BookeCommunitieLoves GrowthLoves ExchangeConfined LoveThe DreameA Valediction: of WeepingLoves AlchymieThe FleaThe CurseThe MessageA Nocturnall upon S. Lucies DayWitchcraft by a PictureThe BaiteThe ApparitionThe Broken HeartA Valediction: Forbidding MourningThe ExtasieLoves DeitieLoves DietThe WillThe FunerallThe BlossomeThe Primrose, Being at Montgomery Castle, upon the HillThe ReliqueThe DampeThe DissolutionA Ieat Ring SentNegative LoveThe ProhibitionThe ExpirationThe ComputationThe ParadoxFarewell to LoveA Lecture upon the ShadowSonnet. The TokenSelfe LoveHoly SonnetsThe StormeThe CalmeParadoxes and Problemes
Dowson, ErnestVitae summa brevis spem nos vetat incohare longamA CoronalNuns of the Perpetual AdorationVillanelle of SunsetMy Lady AprilAd Domnulam SuamAmor UmbratilisAmor ProfanusVillanelle of Marguerite'sBenedictio DominiGrowthAd Manus PuellaeFlos LunaeNon Sum Qualis Eram Bonae Sub Regno CynaraeVanitasExileSpleen
Doyle, Arthur ConanA Study In ScarletThe Sign of the FourThe Adventures of Sherlock HolmesThe Memoirs of Sherlock HolmesThe Hound of the BaskervillesThe Return of Sherlock HolmesThe Valley of FearHis Last BowThe Lost WorldThe Poison BeltThe White CompanySir Nigel
Drayton, MichaelIdeaThe Battaile of Agincourt, The Miseries of Queene Margarite, Nimphidia, The Quest of Cinthia, The Shepheards Sirena, The Moone-calfe, ElegiesPoly-OlbionThe Second Part, or a Continuance of Poly-Olbion Dryden, JohnTranslations from Virgil, PastoralsAbsalom and Achitophel Eliot, George (Evans, Mary Ann)Middlemarch
Eliot, T. S.Prufrock and Other ObservationsPoemsThe Waste Land Emerson, Ralph WaldoThe Conduct of Life Ems, Rudolf vonDer Gute GerhardBarlaam und JosaphatBarlaam und Josaphat (Bodleian) Eschenbach, Wolfram vonLyrikParcivalParcival translated by Jessie Weston, Part 1Parcival translated by Jessie Weston, Part 2Titurel
Field, Michael (Katharine Bradley & Edith Cooper)Poems of Adoration Fielding, HenryThe History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
Fischart, JohannJohann Fischart's sämmtliche Dichtungen Fitzgerald, EdwardRubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Flaubert, GustaveMadame BovaryMadame Bovary, translated by Eleanor Marx-Aveling
Forster, E. M.A Passage to India Foxe, JohnFoxe's Book of Martyrs, Volume 2, Part 1 Frauenlob, Heinrich von MeissenLeiche, Sprüche, Streitgedichte und Lieder
Fraunce, AbrahamThe Arcadian rhetorike Gascoigne, GeorgeThe Divorce of a Lover Gaskell, ElizabethCranford
Gering, HugoBeowulf, übersetzt von Hugo Gering Gibbon, EdwardMemoirs of My Life and Writings Goethe, Johann WolfgangFaust. Eine Tragödie von Goethe, erster TeilFaust. Eine Tragödie von Goethe, zweiter TeilFaust. Part 1. Translated by Bayard Taylor Golding, ArthurMetamorphosis, Ovid, translated by A. Golding
Gosse, EdmundFather and SonAn Essay on the Life and Writings of Thomas Nash Graves, RobertCountry Sentiment Gray, ThomasElegy Written in a Country ChurchyardOde on the Death of a Favourite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold FishesThe Poetical Works Greene, RobertPlays
Grenfell, JulianInto Battle Grimm, Jacob und Wilhelm, die BrüderGrimms’ Fairy Tales, Märchen
Gummere, Francis BartonBeowulf, translated by Gummere Gurney, IvorSong of Pain and BeatyStrange ServiceTo the Poet before BattleTo Certain ComradesAfterwards H. D.From an Anthology, Some Imagist Poets, of 1915From an Anthology, Some Imagist Poets, of 1916 Hadlaub, JohannesTexte
Hagenau, Reinmar von (Reinmar der Alte)Texte
Hardy, ThomasThe Convergence of the TwainThe Ghost of the PastA Thunderstorm in TownMy Spirit Will Not Haunt the MoundGod's FuneralUnder the WaterfallThe WalkThe VoiceThe Abbey MasonMen Who March AwayWeathersThe WandererMeditations on a HolidayAfter the War
Harris, Joel ChandlerNights With Uncle Remus Hausen, Friedrich vonTexte Hawthorne, NathanielThe Scarlet Letter
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm FriedrichWissenschaft der Logik, Erster TeilWissenschaft der Logik, Zweiter TeilLesser Logic, Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences Part 1Phänomenologie des GeistesPhilosophy of Mind, Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences Part 3 Heine, HeinrichAlmansorDeutschland. Ein Wintermährchen Heinrich VI. (HRR)Texte
Henley, William ErnstInvictusThe Song of the Sword and Other VersesHawthorn and LavenderPoems
Herbert, GeorgeLove (I)Love (II)Love (III)EasterEaster WingsThe AltarThe SacrificeAffliction (I)Jordan (II)The ForerunnersThe Temple Sacred Poems
Herbert, Mary SidneyDe Mornay's Discourse of Life and DeathSidney Psalms Herrick, RobertThe Argument of His Book, HesperidesTo His Muse, HesperidesTo His Book, HesperidesWhen He Would Have His Verses Read, HesperidesThe Parliament of Roses to Julia, HesperidesThe Frozen Heart, HesperidesThe Song to the Maskers, HesperidesThe Wounded Heart, HesperidesUpon Julia's Fall, HesperidesUpon His Departure Hence, Noble Numbers, 475 Hilton, WalterA Devout Treatise compiled by Master Walter Hylton of the Song of Angels
Hobbes, ThomasLeviathan Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor WilhelmWeird Tales, Volume 1Weird Tales, Volume 2 Holmes, Oliver WendellThe Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Complete
Hopkins, Gerard ManleyPoems Housman, Alfred EdwardLast Poems Howard, HenryPoemsTottel's MiscellanyEcclesiastes
Hume, DavidA Treatise of Human NatureEssays 1-13Political DiscoursesAn Enquiry Concerning Human UnderstandingAn Enquiry Concerning the Principles of MoralsDialogues Concerning Natural ReligionThe History Of England From The Invasion Of Julius Cæsar To The End Of The Reign Of James The Second, (Part from Henry the 7th to Mary) Irving, WashingtonThe Legend of Sleepy Hollow
James, HenryThe Art of FictionRoderick HudsonThe AmericanThe EuropeansDaisy MillerConfidenceWashington SquareThe Portrait of a Lady, Volume 1The Portrait of a Lady, Volume 2The Bostonians, Volume 1The Bostonians, Volume 2The ReverberatorThe Tragic MuseThe Spoils of PoyntonWhat Maisie KnewThe Awkward AgeThe Sacred FountThe Wings of the Dove, Volume 1The Wings of the Dove, Volume 2The AmbassadorsThe Golden Bowl
Johnson, SamuelThe Vanity of Human Wishes Jonson, BenVolponeThe AlchemistBartholomew Fair Joyce, JamesA Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManChamber MusicDublinersUlyssesPomes Penyeach
Keats, JohnPoems 1817LamiaIsabellaThe Eve of St. AgnesOde to a NightingaleOde on a Grecian UrnOde to PsycheFancyOde. Bards of Passion and of MirthLines on the Mermaid TavernRobin Hood. To a FriendTo AutumnOde on MelancholyHyperionOde on IndolenceAs from the Darkening Gloom a Silver DoveFill for me a Brimming BowlHymn to ApolloOde to ApolloOn DeathOn PeaceTo a Young Lady Who Sent Me a Laurel CrownWritten in Disgust of Vulgar Superstition
Keynes, John MaynardIndian Currency and FinanceThe Economic Consequences of the PeaceA Revision of the Treaty, Being a Sequel of The Economic Consequence of the PeaceKeynes's Introduction to Supply and Demand by H. D. Henderson Kipling, RudyardThe Jungle Book Konrad, PfaffeDas Rolandslied
Kürenberg, Der vonTexte Landor, Walter SavagePoems
Lawrence, D. H.Sons and LoversThe RainbowWomen in LoveKangarooAmoresTortoisesThe Prussian Officer and Other StoriesTwilight in ItalySea and SardiniaForeword to Lev Shestov's All Things are PossibleFantasia of the Unconscious
LayamonBrut (An Excerpt, Middle English) Ledwidge, FrancisSongs of... Lettsom, William NansonNibelungenlied Liechtenstein, Ulrich vonFrauendienst. Erster TeilFrauendienst. Zweiter Teil
Locke, JohnAn Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Volume 1An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Volume 2 Longfellow, Henry WadsworthThe Complete Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth LongfellowDivina Commedia, Dante Lovelace, RichardTo Lucasta. Going beoynd the SeaTo Lucasta. Going to the WarresA ParadoxThe GrassehopperTo Althea. From PrisonLucasta and Posthume Poems
Lowell, James RussellThe Complete Poetical Works MacDonald, GeorgeThe Princess and the Goblin Magdeburg, Mechthild vonDas fliessende Licht der Gottheit
Malory, ThomasLe Morte D’Arthur, Volume ILe Morte D’Arthur, Volume II Mansfield, KatherineThe Garden Party Marlowe, ChristopherThe Tragedy of Dido Queen of CarthageTamburlaine the Great, Part IThe Jew of MaltaThe Tragical History of Dr. FaustusEdward the SecondThe Massacre at ParisHero and Leander
Marryat, FrederickThe Children of the New Forest Marvell, AndrewThe CoronetTo His Coy MistressMiscellaneous PoemsMr. Smirke; or, The Divine in Mode Maugham, SomersetOf Human Bondage
Melville, HermanTypeeOmoo: Adventures in the South SeasMardi: and A Voyage Thither, Vol. I (of 2)Mardi: and A Voyage Thither, Vol. II (of 2)Redburn. His First VoyageWhite JacketMoby DickPierre; or The AmbiguitiesIsrael PotterThe Confidence-ManClarel, Part 1, Canto 1Clarel, Part 1, Canto 2Clarel, Part 1, Canto 3
Meredith, GeorgeModern LoveThe Lark AscendingPoems
Milton, JohnOn the Morning of Christ's NativityThe PassionOn TimeUpon The CircumcisionAt a Solemn MusickAn Epitaph on the Marchioness of WinchesterSong on May MorningOn ShakespeareHobson's EpitaphAnother on the SameL'AllegroIl PenserosoSonnets 1, 7, 8, 9, 10ArcadesLycidasComusOn the Death of a Fair Infant Dying of a CoughAt a Vacation Exercise in the ColledgeSonnets 11, 12, 13, 14Sonnet 15, On the Late Massacher in PiedmontSonnet 16, When I Consider how my Light is SpentSonnets 17, 18Sonnets 19, Methought I Saw my Late Espoused SaintPsalmsParadise LostParadise RegainedSamson Agonistes
Montfort, Hugo vonTexte More, ThomasUtopia Morris, WilliamThe Defence of GueneverePoemsThe House of the WolfingsThe Wood Beyond the WorldThe Well at the World's EndThe Tale of Beowulf, translated by William Morris Morungen, Heinrich vonTexte
Nashe, ThomasThe Unfortunate Traveller Needler, George HenryNibelungenlied Norwich, Anchoress at, JulianRevelations of Divine Love
Owen, WilfredPoems Parr, CatherineThe Lamentation of a Sinner Perrault, CharlesThe Tales of Mother Goose Petrarca, FrancescoCanzoniere (Rerum vulgarium fragmenta)TrionfiThe Sonnets, Triumphs, and Other Poems, various translatorsThe triumphs of love: chastitie: death: translated out of Petrarch by Anna HumePhisicke against fortune. De remediis utriusque fortunaePetrarch's Secret or the Soul's Conflict with Passion
Philips, KatherineSongPoems by the Incomparable Mrs. K.P. Pizzi, ItaloNibelunghi Poe, Edgar AllanPoetical Works
Pope, AlexanderPastoralsMessiahAn Essay on CritisimThe Rape of the LockThe Windsor ForestAn Elegy To the Memory of an Unfortunate LadyEloisa to AbelardThe DunciadAn Essay on ManThe Iliad of Homer (Translation)The Merchant's tale from ChaucerThe Wife of Bath from Chaucer
Pound, EzraPraise of Ysolt Reuenthal, Neidhart vonTexte Richardson, SamuelClarissa, Volume 1 (of 9)Clarissa, Volume 2 (of 9)Clarissa, Volume 3 (of 9)Clarissa, Volume 4 (of 9)Clarissa, Volume 5 (of 9)Clarissa, Volume 6 (of 9)Clarissa, Volume 7 (of 9)Clarissa, Volume 8 (of 9)Clarissa, Volume 9 (of 9)
Robinson, MaryThe Poetical Works of Mary Robinson Rolle, RichardThe Form of Perfect Living Rosenberg, IsaacPoems from Camp and Trench, a Selection Rossetti, ChristinaGoblin Market
Rossetti, Dante GabrielDante's New Life, a TranslationThe House of LifePictures and Poems Ruskin, JohnThe Political Economy of ArtUnto this LastEssays on Political Economy (part of Munera Pulveris) Sassoon, SiegfriedThe War Poems
Scott, WalterThe Lady of the Lake Schiller, FriedrichDie RäuberThe RobbersDie Verschwörung des Fiesco zu GenuaFiesco or, The Genoese Conspiracy, A TragedyKabale und LiebeLove and Intrigue Sevelingen, Meinloh vonTexte
Skelton, JohnThe Bowge of CourtThe Tunning of Elinour RummingWith lullay, lullay, like a child
Shakespeare, WilliamSonnetsAll's Well That Ends WellAntony and CleopatraAs You Like ItThe Comedy of ErrorsCoriolanusCymbelineEdward the ThirdHamletHenry the Fourth, Part 1Henry the Fourth, Part 2Henry the FifthHenry the Sixth, Part 1Henry the Sixth, Part 2Henry the Sixth, Part 3Henry the EighthKing JohnJulius CaesarKing LearLove's Labour's LostMacbethMeasure for MeasureThe Merchant of VeniceThe Merry Wives of WindsorA Midsummer Night's DreamMuch Ado about NothingOthelloPericles, Prince of TyreRichard the SecondRichard the ThirdRomeo and JulietThe Taming of the ShrewThe TempestTimon of AthensTitus AndronicusTroilus and CressidaThe Twelfth NightThe Two Gentlemen of VeronaThe Two Noble KinsmenThe Winter's TaleA Lover's ComplaintThe Passionate PilgrimThe Phoenix and the TurtleThe Rape of LucreceVenus and Adonis
Shelley, Mary WollstonecraftFrankensteinMathilda and the Fields of FancyProsepineMidasThe Last ManTales and StoriesHistory of a Six Weeks' TourNotes to the Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shelley, Percy ByssheThe Daemon of the WorldAlastorThe Revolt of IslamOzymandiasThe CenciOde to the West WindPrometheus UnboundTo a SkylarkThe CloudAdonaisEpipsychidionHellasMusic When Soft Voices Die
Shumway, Daniel B.Nibelungenlied Sidney, PhilipAstrophel and StellaAstrophel and Stella, incl. the 11th SongThe Countesse of Pembrokes ArcadiaA Defence of Poesie and PoemsSidney Psalms Simrock, Karl JosephDas Nibelungenlied
Smart, ChristopherPoems on Several OccasionsA Song to David Smith, AdamAn Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations Smith, CharlotteElegiac sonnetsThe Emigrants Spenser, EdmundThe Shepheardes CalendarThe Faerie Queene, Book 1 (Modernised Spelling)The Faerie QueeneComplaintsAmorettiEpithalamionProthalamion
Sterne, LaurenceThe Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
Stevenson, Robert LouisOn Falling in LoveA Humble RemonstranceMemories and Portraits, excl. A Humble RemonstranceAn Inland VoyageTravels with a Donkey in the CevennesThe Silverado SquattersAcross the Plains, with other Memories and EssaysEight Years of Trouble in SamoaIn the South SeasThrawn JanetNew Arabian NightsMore New Arabian Nights, co-written with Fanny Van De Grift StevensonTreasure IslandMarkeimPrince OttoThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. HydeKidnappedThe Black ArrowThe Wrong Box, co-written with Lloyd OsbourneThe Master of BallantraeCatriona, or David BalfourSt. IvesWeir of HermistonFablesA Child's Garden of Verses, a Child Alone, Garden DaysA Child's Garden of Verses (Chicago)Underwoods Part 1, EnglishUnderwoods Part 2, ScotsTiconderogaThe Song of RaheroThe Feast of FamineChristmas at SeaSongs of Travel
Stoker, BramDracula Strassburg, Gottfried vonLyrikTristan Stricker, DerDaniel von dem blühenden Tal
Suckling, JohnFragmenta Aurea; Letters; An Account of Religion by Reason; Aglaura; The Goblins; Brennoralt Swift, JonathanGulliver's Travels Swinburne, Algernon CharlesAtalanta in CalydonPoems & Ballads (First Series)
Symonds, John AddingtonA Christmas Lullaby Symons, ArthurMaquillage, SilhouettesPerfume, SilhouettesSilhouettesStella Maris (The Yellow Book Volume 1) TannhäuserTexte Tennyson, AlfredUlyssesMaudIdylls of the King
Tepl, Johannes vonDer Ackermann aus Böhmen Thackeray, William MakepeaceVanity Fair Thomas, EdwardPoemsI Built Myself a House of GlassA DreamUnder the WoodsRoadsOut in the Dark
Thompson, FrancisThe Hound of Heaven Thomson, JamesThe Four Seasons and Other PoemsThe Castle of Indolence Thoreau, Henry DavidOn the Duty of Civil Disobedience
Thwaites, Reuben GoldVol. I. ACADIA: 1610-1613 FrenchVol. I. ACADIA: 1610-1613 English translation of the FrenchVol. I. ACADIA: 1610-1613 LatinVol. I. ACADIA: 1610-1613 English translation of the LatinVol. II: Acadia, 1612-1614 FrenchVol. II: Acadia, 1612-1614 English translation of the FrenchVol. II: Acadia, 1612-1614 LatinVol. II: Acadia, 1612-1614 English translation of the LatinVol. III: Acadia, 1611-1616 LatinVol. III: Acadia, 1611-1616 English translation of the LatinVol. III: Acadia, 1611-1616 FrenchVol. III: Acadia, 1611-1616 English translation of the FrenchVol. IV Acadia and Quebec: 1616-1629 FrenchVol. IV Acadia and Quebec: 1616-1629 English translation of the FrenchVol. IV Acadia and Quebec: 1616-1629 LatinVol. IV Acadia and Quebec: 1616-1629 English translation of the Latin
Traherne, ThomasCenturies of MeditationsPoemsPoems from Christian Ethics Twain, MarkThe Adventures of Tom SawyerAdventures of Huckleberry Finn
Vaughan, HenryPeaceLes AmoursThe SighSongWalking in a Starry EveningTo Amoret Gone from HimA RhapsodisTo Amoret, of the Difference 'twixt Him and Other Lovers, and What True Love IsTo Amoret WeepingUpon the Priory Grove, His Usual RetirmentPoems, with the Tenth Satyre of IuvenalOlor IscaniusSilex Scintillans
Veldeke, Heinrich vonLyrikEneide Vogelweide, Walther von derTexte Walpole, HoraceThe Castle of Otranto
Weamys, AnnaA continuation of Sir Philip Sydney's Arcadia Webster, JohnThe White DevilThe Duchess of Malfi
Wells, Herbert GeorgeThe Time MachineThe Wonderful VisitThe Island of Doctor MoreauThe Wheels of ChanceThe Invisible ManThe War of the WorldsThe Sleeper AwakesLove and Mr. LewishamThe First Men in the MoonThe Sea LadyThe Food of the Gods and How It Came to EarthKippsA Modern Utopia and Scepticism of the InstrumentIn the Days of the CometThe War in the AirTono BungayAnn VeronicaThe History of Mr. PollyThe New MachiavelliMarriageThe Passionate FriendsThe Wife of Sir Isaac HarmanThe World Set FreeBealby; A HolidayBoonThe Research MagnificentMr. Britling Sees It ThroughSoul of a BishopJoan and PeterThe Undying FireThe Secret Places of the Heart
Westmorland, Mildmay FaneOtia Sacra
Wharton, EdithThe Valley of DecisionHouse of MirthThe Fruit of the TreeThe ReefThe Custom of the CountryThe Triumph Of NightSummerThe MarneThe Age of InnocenceThe Glimpses of the MoonThe Decoration of HousesEthan Frome
Whitman, WaltLeaves of GrassComplete Prose WorksThe Wound DresserPoems By Walt Whitman, W. M. Rossetti's EditionThe Letters of Anne Gilchrist and Walt Whitman
Wilde, OscarThe Picture of Dorian GrayVera; or, The NihilistsThe Duchess of PaduaLady Windermere's FanA Woman of No ImportanceSaloméAn Ideal HusbandThe Importance of Being EarnestLa Sainte CourtisaneA Florentine TragedyThe Happy Prince and Other TalesA House of PomegranatesLord Arthur Savile's CrimeRavennaPoemsSphinxPoems in ProseDe ProfundisThe Ballad of Reading GaolThe Soul of Man
Wilmot, JohnA Satire against MankindTunbridge Wells. A SatireA Letter from Artemisa to CloeA Maimed DebaucheeUpon NothingThe AdviceThe DicoveryTo Love. Ovid's AmoursThe MistressA SongA Song. Love and LifeUpon Drinking in a BowlThe AnswerConstancy
Wilson, EpiphaniusSelections from the Sacred Books of the East Winchilsea, Anna FinchMiscellany Poems, on Several Occasions
Wodehouse, P. G.The PothuntersA Prefect's UncleThe Gold BatWilliam Tell Told AgainThe Head of Kay'sLove Among the ChickensThe White FeatherNot George WashingtonThe Swoop! or How Clarence Saved EnglandMikePsmith in the CityThe Prince and BettyThe Little NuggetPsmith, JournalistSomething NewUneasy MoneyPiccadilly JimA Damsel in DistressThe Coming of BillJill the RecklessThe Girl on the BoatThe Adventures of SallyLeave it to PsmithTales of St. Austin'sThe Man UpstairsA Man of MeansThe Man with Two Left FeetMy Man JeevesIndiscretions of ArchieThe Clicking of CuthbertThe Inimitable JeevesUkridge
Wollstonecraft, MaryA Vindication of the Rights of Woman Woolf, ViginiaMonday or TuesdayJacob's Room Wordsworth, DorothyDays Spent at Hamburg in September and October 1798Extracts from Dorothy Wordsworth's Tour on the Continent, 1820
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Yeats, William ButlerMosadaThe Wanderings of OisinInto the Twilight (from The Celtic Twilight)The Rose. A CollectionEarly Poems. Ballads and LyricsThe Secret RoseTo the Secret Rose (from The Secret Rose and The Wind among the Reeds)The Wind among the Reeds. A CollectionThe Song of Wandering Aengus (from The Wind among the Reeds)He Gives his Beloved Certain Rhymes (from The Wind among the Reeds)The Cap and Bells (from The Wind among the Reeds)To Lady Gregory (The Shadowy Waters)The Shadowy WatersCathleen Ni HoulihanIn the Seven WoodsThe Hour GlassThe King's ThresholdOn Baile's StrandThe Tables of the LawThe Adoration of the MagiMagicStories of Red Hanrahan (re-written from The Secret Rose)DeirdreThe Green Helmet and Other PoemsThe Countess CathleenEaster, 1916The Wild Swans at CooleThe Second ComingA Prayer for my DaughterMichael Robartes and the DancerSeven Poems and a Fragment
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Достое́вский, Ф. М. Fyodor DostoevskyБратья Карамазовы Пушкин, А. С. Pushkin, A. S.ОнегинOnegin, translated by Spalding
Сковорода, Григорий Саввич Hryhorii SkovorodaСОЧИНЕНІЯ Толстой, Л. Н. Leo TolstoyВойна и мирWar and PeaceАнна КаренинаAnna KareninaВоскресениеResurrection